#i can easily see it being not just my favorite taylor album but one of my 2-3 favorite albums ever
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
#i think one of the things that i really enjoy being on here is the majority of us stuck around tumblr and didnt migrate#because we genuinely just love shooting the shit about her and her songs and her mythology#creating content and engaging in (sometimes) good hearted debates#and the one good thing is most people on here are at least 8/10+ year fans of hers so you're talking to people who#deeply appreciate her as an artist and a public figure#and aren't looking for attention really and in fact would loathe her return to the platform because#this atmosphere is really nice when it's this and it's mostly nice cuz she's not here#(for the most part like OBVIOUSLY some brain diseases never leave people just cuz she left and we all avoid you people)#but i think my favorite part is that this environment allows me to easily find people who are the true two feet on the ground people like m#who are ok talking about her as the business woman that she is. shrewd and calculating and#how that's not a value judgement or a character judgement. this is her JOB and it requires certain mental and emotional relationships#that she doesn't want fans to be aware of but they are the reality and duh they're hidden BECAUSE that would ruin the way the#entire machine functions like i know i know#but i didn't realize how far and few swifites who can enjoy her and see her for what she is and appreciate WHY that is are and not be#personally offended like thank god she's not here cuz idk how i would have found those people#also i'm over the moon she's (temporarily at least) done with the M&G shit cuz the wars that would have broken out between the#new tiktok fans and the tumblr old guard...... i would have perhaps left this platform entirely#i couldn't take it during rep and that was just about whether or not you deserved to be a FAN because of an album concept#swifties at their worst and most cult like loyalty that never turned me off swiftie fandom faster#and now that there is a HUGE divide.... i already know who taylor would choose for m&gs and i know WHY and it's not like evil#but the effect it would have on legacy fans....... there would be never a worse time in swiftie history so thank GOD for this#so i can keep blogging about my hot wife and her top tier songwriting and my love of pattern recognition#IN PEACE#idk what this was all about but i just like had to brain dump i guess anyway love all of you my smart normal grown up friends on here
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poge-life · 1 year
𝟚𝟘 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕋𝕍
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So, this is a little bit different than the other interview fics I’ve done. Drew isn’t in this one, it’s more of how someone playing the character I created would answer the questions asked. But I did have it to where they are dating so he is mentioned quite a bit. This is based off the interview Drew did for MTV, so go on and check that out!
“Hi, guys. I’m (y/n) (l/n) and I’m doing 20 questions for 2023 MTV.”
‘Hardest Outer Banks spoiler you’ve had to keep?’
“Either that Big John is still alive or that Rafe and Avery break up this season.” You spoke
‘If you were to make a fan page for someone, who would it be?’
“Madelyn Cline. I am her biggest fan and love her with all my whole heart,” you laughed, leaning back in the chair, “my username would be ‘maddyclinemarryme’.”
‘Favorite line from the show?’
“Keep running that mouth and see if don’t come knockin’ that J-Crew lookin’ ass out’
You let out a laugh, covering your mouth with your hand before taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry but that whole scene between Rafe and Barry is on repeat in my head all the time. Just the dynamic between them is amazing and cracks me up.”
‘What was your first impression of Drew when you two met?’
You couldn’t help but smile at the mention of your boyfriend. It seemed like a lifetime ago when you two met. You were blown away by him at the table read and how well he could just easily switch over to a character like Rafe.
“It’s cheesy but I fell for him at the table read. I was just so blown away by him and how he could get so into a character like Rafe without being anything like him,” You smiled, “We were both kind of shy around each other but we sucked it up and spent a lot of time together considering we had most of our scenes together.”
“By the end of filming, we felt like we had known each other for years.”
‘Have you ever had a crush on an animated character?’
There was absolutely no hesitation from you as soon as you answered, “Danny Phantom. He was the first character I had seen that set the tone of what kind of guys I would have a thing for.”
‘Drew hesitated with his answer.’
You looked over to one of the producers as you raised your eyebrows, “Who’d he say?”
‘Lola Bunny’
You rolled your eyes as you tapped the microphone against your lips, “Him and any other guy his age. I will say, Lola was like the cultural reset for cartoon women.”
‘Who is an artist you’ve had on repeat?’
“T-Swift. Or Adele. My first ever CD was Taylor’s debut album and I was in love with her. Adele just knows how to write music that knows just where to hit you and gets me all emotional.”
This next one was a voice message they had chosen. They had asked fans to send in any kind of questions they wanted and they would pick the best ones.
‘You recently said in an interview that your guilty pleasure was ‘America’s Next Top Model’, who was your favorite winner?’
“Ugh, I know there’s so much controversy about ANTM but I can't help but love the show. My sisters and I would sit there and watch it all the time. We lived for the drama. My favorite winner would probably be… Whitney from season 10. She was the first ever plus size girl to ever make it to the end. She’s also the only plus size model to ever win the show and that kind of gave me a sense of…security, I guess? That you don’t have to be a stick or have the same body type as everyone to be a model.”
‘What did you think of Rafe’s buzz cut?’
You excitedly sat up in your seat as you held out your hand, “Can I just point out the fact that Rafe hasn’t had the same hair cut in any season?”
“But I was surprised at how well that played out for Drew because he was practically shitting himself because he thought Jonas, our showrunner, was gonna get upset with him but he actually wanted Rafe to have buzzed hair this season. I was actually a major fan of the buzzed look.”
“Then again, I’m a little biased because he’s my boyfriend but he always looks good.” You shrugged, leaning back in the chair as the producers laughed at your words, “He’s sex on legs.”
‘What’s your favorite line from season 3?’
“ ‘What do you need from me to bring down Rafe?’ I think that says enough.”
‘What would be your ‘most likely’
“Most likely to be napping. It doesn’t matter where I am or what we’re doing. I will find somewhere to take a nap.”
They had pulled up some clips from the premiere of season 3 from some of the questions they asked and it was Madison, “ (Y/N), who has the best music taste out of our friend group and why is it me?”
You let out a laugh as you looked back over at the camera, agreeing with her, “Madison does have the best. Only because she and I have the same music taste so I’m always vibin’ when I’m with her.”
‘What is your go-to karaoke song?’
“Drew always makes me sing ‘Tequila’ with him. He says it’s because it’s only one word throughout the whole thing,” You explained, “Drew likes to commit to things but finds the easiest way to do it.”
‘What is your irrational fear?’
You shuddered as you spoke, “Spiders. I am terrified of them. Drew kills all the spiders in our house. It’s ironic because I have a spider-web tattooed on my shoulder. But do not ask me to do anything with a spider or else I will cry.”
‘If Avery had a theme song, what would it be?’
You thought about it for a second, tilting your head in thought, “Happier than ever by Billie Eilish. Especially for this season. This season really shows that Avery is struggling to hold onto her relationship with Rafe and starts to realize he isn’t the same guy he was when they first got together.”
‘If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?’
You let out a puff of air as you leaned back in the chair, “Jesus, I don’t even know what I’m getting when I set up my appointment. I’d probably get something that has to do with my dog. He’s been my best friend since I’ve had him.”
‘What’s your favorite book?’
“ ‘The Way I used to be.’ It’s the first book I ever finished in one sitting. It was a lot darker than what I was used to reading but it easily became one of my favorites. I highly recommend it but it does cover very sensitive topics, so please look into them before you read it.”
‘What is your dream theater role?’
“Oo, Satine from ‘Moulin Rouge'.’ I fell in love with her and the show the first time I watched it. Or Christine Daae from ‘Phantom’ but I cannot sing for the life of me.”
‘What would the internet be surprised to learn about you?’
“I’m a homebody. I prefer staying in over going out. Probably watching ‘Degrassi’ or ‘Lord of the rings.”
‘Favorite TV show you’ve recently watched?’
“The walking dead,” you answered, “I stopped watching it after Rick left because I was tired of getting my feelings hurt by that show every 5 minutes. But I got back into it after the last season came out.”
“I have the game on my iPad and I’m constantly playing it.”
‘What do you think of everyone shipping Rafe and Barry?’
You let out a laugh, throwing your head back before looking back at the camera, “Oh, lord. I find it hilarious. Drew and Nick are a dynamic duo and everyone loves them. They’re constantly sending each other fan edits people make. They love it.”
“Rafe and Barry have more chemistry than Rafe and Avery do, I think.”
“And there you have it. That was 20 questions with MTV and you guys got to know me a little bit better. Be sure to check out season 3 on Netflix and go watch some other interviews we’ve done.”
Are there any specific interviews you guys want me to do? I honestly love doing them!
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tiktaalic · 2 months
tortured poets review. by song
fortnight: fine. sounds like a song. one of the lana drag ones. the actual lyrical content is nothing special. i would not have made this track one. 6/10
tortured poets department: kind of exactly what you would expect from a taylor swift album called tortured poets department. it's silly. it's got references. it makes you go. girl? already less distinct musically. 3/10
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: the consequence of doing lana drag is that you listen to songs and go this would be a lot better if lana got her chords on it. fundamentally not a song that i can enjoy from taylor allison swift. a song i would respect in lana of video games fame catalogue once she strips it down. not like head turningly strange like tpd just plain and simple middle of the road. 4/10
down bad: this one is unlistenable for me. cant explain why. probably the chorus of down bad. i think it's tooooooo silly too silly by far when taylor swift does how do you do fellow teens vocabulary. 2/10
so long london: i can see the place that this takes on my spotify wrapped. lyrics are fine. good even. this + backing + doing something even the littlest bit different from soft monotone talk singing makes it one of the most memorable on this album by miles. probably not near the top of most memorable in her hundreds deep bench though. can't think of anything to dock it for but it's no belter. 8/10.
but daddy i love him: yeah okay. i love when she does a silly one. i think the instrumentals are nice. i'm having his baby. no i'm not! but you should see your face. easily i would listen to an album that was full of songs to this theme / musicality. points docked because i dont think she knows it's as silly as it is. 7/10.
fresh out the slammer: bored. i just looked at the lyrics and they're passable but they're performed in the most boring possible manner. stupidest name imaginable. i actually might bump it a point or two if the name was different. 4/10
florida: makes me go yaaaaaay florence every time i hear it. taylor's part halsey 2014 core. could have been worse! if i was in charge of cutting tracks i would keep this one. 6/10
guilty as sin: started it went oh i'm docking this one for boring. read the first quarter of lyrics and went oh this is fine? got to second half and went oh i don't care for this. can imagine a world where it's a better song with different backing and emphasis. 5/10
whose afraid of little old me: i dont think it's good necessarily but i love every song where shes like im craaaazy im insane. i think for the concept it's going for it could have been put together differently. 6/10
i can fix him: i like the way it sounds. but could use more oomph. it's so nice to hear guitars though. don't care for the subject matter. 5/10
loml: snooze. boring lyrics. boring performance. 4/10
i can do it with a broken heart: BAFFLING. easily the me / karma of the album. the tonal mismatch is the point but . well. it is what it is. i would like this more if it WAS a barbie soundtrack release i think. then it would have an extra layer of silly. i think this might make my wrapped. unfortunately. 5/10.
smallest man who ever lived: who gives a shit about matty healy. 4/10
the alchemy: head in my hands. head in my hands. football song. it's so over. and we are never going to be so back. 3/10
clara bow: i like the intro. i can't see myself ever doing more than half humming this. lyrics are whatever. fine, passable. 6/10
the black dog: yeah it's fine. no complaints. guitar 👍. 6/10
getyouback: why would you EVER tee yourself up perfectly to be compared to a better song. 3/10
albatross: oh i liked this one on first listen. 7/10.
chloe sam sophia marcus: outing song ‼️‼️‼️divorce music‼️‼️‼️. nothing too exciting or groundbreaking musically. 5.5?
how did it end: um. it gets points for being #real but not much else. 5/10.
so high school: i think i would like it if it was even a TOUCH less heterosexual. i would cut 3 lines that would turn it into a 6. i can see this song in someone else's hands dominating the radio and me loving that. in taylor's hands i'm giving it a 5/10.
i hate it here: not interesting. next. 4/10
thank you aimee: out of respect for taylor swift's struggles i will withhold comment and rating. -_-
look in people's windows: lyrics aren't bad but it's another one that's not really. doing anything. 4/10
the prophecy: yeah i'll give this one a 7/10. i would have one (1) greige complaint if this was on folkevermore but that's pretty damn solid.
cassandra: passing it and moving on. that's as much as it deserves. 5/10
peter: lyrics get a thumbs up. another 5.5? i could be talked into a six.
the bolter: yes girl commitment issues. 6/10. actually. 7/10.
robin: jesus god this album is too long. i have listened to too much taylor swift tpd to give this any kind of rating.
the manuscript: 5/10. like if woulda coulda shoulda had no beat
thank you for sharing this journey. with me and also taylor swift
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brainrot-goes-brrrrrr · 7 months
More Random SBG headcanons
Taylor loves any form of photo opportunity, but her favorite would be photo booths. If she sees one she will drag anyone, mainly Tyler, into one to take pictures. She has an album somewhere full of these photos, and the first photo in the book is of her, Tyler, her mom, and her dad when they were little at an aquarium.
Aiden is great at video games. Since he was left home alone often, he probably turned to video games for entertainment. Considering Aiden’s tendency to seek out thrills, he would probably turn to horror or timed games.
It is 2016 I’m allowed to say this, Aiden was a FNAF kid, and I feel like the twins might have been as well. Taylor watched a lot of playthroughs as a kid and got Tyler into it so they would watch it together. Tyler was freaked out by it and refused to watch it in full screen, he probably went to the comments to look for a jump scare list. Aiden is a lore freak, if given an opportunity he would give a several-hour-long spiel about the entire timeline.
Firm believer that Logan’s glasses have Coke bottle lenses. This is probably not true, I just think it would be funny if his lenses went out of the frames.
Baron is terrified of Tyler. Not in the way that Tyler would beat him in a fight, but because the baseball coach would be fond of him. Tyler already puts a lot of his effort toward his sport, so he probably has a closer relationship with the coach than the other players. So if Tyler were to tell the coach the shit this guy does, I feel like he could do some damage to Barron. The only reason Tyler hasn’t told the coach about everything that Barron has done is because Barron is a valuable player for him. After all, if the team looks good, then he’ll look good for scholarships.
Ashlyn gets cold pretty easily. In the winter she has to look like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man so she can be somewhat comfortable. I thought that the it was called the State-Puff Marshmallow Man my life is a lie
Ashlyn is also pretty muscular because she does ballet— lean muscle. Ballet requires so much control and strength to pull off, so it would only make sense. Have you seen how buff ballerinas are?
Both Aiden and Taylor were scary movie and scary game fans. Aiden loves the thrill of the stories, and Taylor loves creepy/eerie things as we saw with her enthusiasm in a haunted tour of the Sorrel Weed House. When they hang out, they either watch a recent horror movie that came out or a new game that Aiden had gotten.
Ben, Logan, and Tyler, however, can not handle horror and they get jumpy around it. Ben and Logan openly express that they don’t care for the genre, but Tyler just kind of avoids it/does not want to admit he is scared by it. If they have to watch a horror movie, Logan will be curled up in a blanket near Ashlyn covering his eyes to avoid the jump scares(he fails miserably), and Ben is huddled up around Taylor and Aiden because their presence comforts him. Tyler is either sitting somewhat apart from the group or on the other side of Ashlyn trying to act tough, he is failing miserably, resulting in Aiden, Taylor, and Ashlyn teasing him.
Mike and Emma treat all of the kids as if they were their own. At first, I think they were mainly fond of them because they were Ashlyn’s first and only friends as well as them always being at their house. I think it also has something to do with the fact that they spent at least a month teaching them self-defense to protect themselves and each other. Finding out about everyone’s situation, I think they just want to protect them.
Speaking of the previous headcanon, Tyler sees Mike as a father figure, and it kind of just eats at him/leaves him with some conflicting feelings. He is a bit envious of Ashlyn for having such caring parents, and it comes with a bit of guilt when he looks at her for a while. I think Mike realizes this and tries to be there for him. I don’t think it is the same for Taylor because Tyler stepped up to that role, similar to the relationship between Katara and Sokka in Avatar the Last Airbender.
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alphinias · 2 months
I’ve been a Taylor fan since I was a CHILD and especially the last projects have made me incredibly emotional, one of the things I’ve always admired the most about her is her pen and her way with words…BUT SOME OF THE LYRICS IN THIS ALBUM 🥶🥶
I swear she has pulled certain phrases out of a random generator, it’s like she’s doing a social experiment to see “can I write wubba lubba dub dub and they just buy it?” ‘CAUSE WHATS UP WITH THAT CHARLIE PUTH THING? And the “1830s without the racists”? GURL!!
I liked the album overall but certain things make me go “is she trolling just to see how much of a cult she’s becoming?” 👀
I don’t know, I feel like she’s kind of always been this way with certain quirky little phrases and I’ve been a big fan since I was a kid too. The Charlie Puth thing just screams inside joke/random personal detail; I don’t think it’s all that odd or different to throw in references for a song and other artists have mentioned others many times in songs. And for Taylor specifically there are often certain lyrics that make me go HUH? on first listen. I would definitely say this one is wordier than usual in general, but I kinda expected that.
I always take a while to even begin to fully digest a Taylor album, so I have no real concept of where I’d place it among the others or even what my favorite songs off of it really are. Especially since there are so many this time. But right now at this moment I’d say I think it’s more consistent quality for me than midnights for example, and I really really love midnights. That could change easily but we’ll see.
Of course no artist or album are without criticisms and everyone has their albums ranked totally differently! Which is so valid. They all speak differently to different people. If it’s not one of your favorites of hers, also totally valid.
Funnily enough I’d say my biggest problem on first listen with this one was being way too distracted trying to figure out who each song was about. I don’t usually do this and it’s not personally ever been a big part of my listening to her music, but it’s definitely been influenced by how much personal stuff I keep seeing about her on tiktok. I enjoyed it a whole lot more on my second listen when I could actually get more into the feelings of the song and I know I’ll just keep liking them more.
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messymindpalace · 5 months
so weird doing this after been on tumblr for almost 15 years (i don't even remember when i first log in here it's just been part of my life since forever) but here we go:
hi, I'm the queen of this messy mind palace and as it's possible to imagine from the message above I'm old but not so old, let's just say my reign here knows no beginning.
my username it's inspired by Sherlock (BBC) but his mind palace is a far more organized and well coordinated than my, thus the "messy" 😅
I'm a protestant christian but not interested in online discord so if you have any doubts, feel more than welcome to talk, otherwise I'll simply ignore any hateful or harmful message (: (yes, i'll expose my opinions on matters, i just don't want to debate them)
I'm also a Swiftie (easily assessed by my reblogs but whatever 😅) and please don't ask which album is my favorite because I'll say evermore and folklore but I'm also a reputation girlie but I'm also a Speak Now girlie but Lover is like my dream album but Red is such an autumn girl vibe which is totally me but i first listened to Taylor when she released Fearless (stolen version) but...(do you see where I'm going with this?).
also, i'm kind into MTBI and my personality is INTP - T but this is more of a fun way to look at my personality's traits rather than something i lead my life by.
Main book fandoms:
• The Folk of The Air
• Alice In Wonderland / Heartless
• The Hunger Games
● Pride and Prejudice
(i still have so much more to read of Jane Austen but i already know i'll love it)
i did read ACOTAR and do have a few posts about it but my knowledge stops at the novella and i have no interest in continuing it (: (that being said, Lucien and Amren are the only characters i love <3)
IMPORTANT: these are only the main ones but if you scroll through my page you can easily find my newest obsession (if i have one) (:
● Star Wars
● Harry Potter (still need to read the books. I know...I really know)
● Fantastic Beasts
● Pirates of The Caribbean
● Pride and Prejudice
● Ready or Not
● and a bunch more (:
TV Shows / Series:
• Friends
• New Girl
• House
• The Chosen
• Only Murders In The Building
• The Artful Dodger
• Loki
• Wandavision
• The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
• Sherlock (BBC) - unfinished
Spoilers are expected both for tv shows, books and movies (new releases will have a warning tag in its first week) (:
(i will be updating this forever because as funny as it seems i do forget about the things i love)
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userparamore · 8 months
I think Paramore becoming political is a good thing cause they have a massive influence and so far the stuff that they supported has been good but every time white celebs do these things, they need to do more extensive research cause how did they promote maxwell frost without finding out how much of a liar and zionist he is in 2023. The way that man was very vocal about his support for Palestine before he got elected but then changed and abandoned his support and proceed to make fun of the movement and like tweets about being pro of the opposing country was so fucked up. There will never be a perfect politician, the band sees a gen z congress person who is very anti white supremacy in Florida but white people always stop at the bare minimum with this type of stuff cause supporting maxwell can also be seen as supporting a country that is pro genocide
I hope they don’t bring out any more politicians on stage or massively support someone because you know that they want to do good things in this one area only. Maybe it’s why it’s hard for me to listen to “the news” cause I know that the message is coming from a good place but the first verse especially feels so reductive to me. That “war on the other side of the planet” line has the same energy as Taylor swift’s “shade never made anybody less gay” 💀 this is not only paramore cause phoebe bridges and muna were also seen with Maxwell and it's so disappointing to watch
as a non-american i'm gonna air my ignorance and be completely honest and say that i know nothing about who maxwell frost is. so just to clarify that, and if i seem ignorant on this topic, then you know the reason.
i do agree with you tho. there is a difficult line to balance when it comes to being political as a band/celeb. i think it was a good decision for them to go down this route, but like you said there has to be done in the right way after doing the right research. again as a non-american the idea of endorsing politicians is just a weird concept to me. american politics and politicians are so celebritized (if that's even a word). it's like we're watching a reality show and voting for who we want to stay on the show for another week. i would rather paramore focused on shining a light on or raising awareness on a topic than endoring politicians like you said. and i think hayley and her "abort the supreme court" t-shirts on stage, or them encouraging people to go vote are a good way to do it. (again this is the perspective of a non-american so please excuse my ignorance <- pmore reference intended)
i share your feelings about "the news" tho. i think it's my least favorite song on the album bc the message of the song is so easily twisted. acknowledging the war in ukraine while sitting halfway across the world, and then turning it back on herself in the form of a headache is... unfortunate. i understand what she's trying to say with the "turn on / turn off the news". that you can't disappear into the doom scroll. that you need to protect yourself sometimes. but i really don't like the encouraging to turning off the news- especially in a post-trump world and his "fake" news. it is almost like what the right wing does. they turn off the "fake" news. i don't want to be encouraged to not be informed. to not ask questions. to not check the sources. it's how you end up in an echo chamber, and i don't want that.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
guys, i think it's time to talk about the elephant in the room. i know i have a bunch of you in my ask box talking about it, and i figured i would just make a big post about it here just to address everything. this is gonna be a bit all over the place so bear with me.
also this might be long so i'm just gonna put it under a keep reading, that way the ppl that don't want to read it don't have to lol
. . . .
the jonas brothers' best album, imo, is "lines, vines, and trying times". i know, it's not their most successful, and especially comparatively to the previous album "a little bit longer" but hear me out !
that album, as a whole, shows growth and that the jonas brothers can make an 'experimental'-ish album and have it still be good. they could have easily did what most of the fans and general consumers wanted, making another ALBL album but only slightly changed, but they didn't. they took their overall great pop sound and added even more power to it by adding in horns and strings, which gave the album an almost cinematic feel. and with a title inspired by the trials and tribulations they were going thru as young men, it matches so well.
plus, it was a good progression lyrically. while they were still signed to disney and in the middle of even doing a tv show while writing this album (and when it came out), they were growing men. joe and kevin were already in their 20s, and nick was 16/17. lyrical, a more adult approach, especially on topics like love and betrayal, needed to happen in their music. it couldn't sound as sweet and airy, or even juvenal, like their previous record. and nick's vocals…. some even better than the previous album. which is insane since he is a crazy good singer. joe also showed crazy range, and proved that being a more rock singer is something he could easily accomplish if he tried.
AND, there's ~drama~ on this record too. after being in a tumultuous three month relationship with taylor swift, joe moved on quickly to camilla belle, who had been in their lovebug music video (and joe had said in interviews before that she was his celeb crush). taylor told the world he broke up with her in 27 second phone call (and also that he may or may not have cheated), joe said on myspace (yes, bc we are that far back in the past) that basically she hung up first before he could explain himself and that he has never cheated on any of his significant others. taylor writes forever and always (such a good song). joe ends up writing 'much better' which was basically saying that camilla was a better gf (even tho in a livestream he claimed the song was about the fans but okay joe lol). there was probably so more back and forth with taylor (bc she was messy back in those days and we love to see it) and then eventually joe changed the lyric of "now i'm done with superstars" to "now i'm done with country stars" at a single show in tulsa, i believe.
AND ON TOP OF THAT, you have 'before the storm' with nick and miley singing about their first love and it falling apart…. omg the DRAMA.
nonetheless, i would fight to say that every. single. song. on. this. album. SLAPS. seriously. this album has no low points. literally the only song that isn't good is the song from their tv show but even that one's fun.
top three songs (which is so hard to choose honestly) would have to be much better, hey baby, and poison ivy. in any order. those three are my gold standard favorite.
i think this album also holds a special place in my heart bc i remember going to see them in concert when they went on tour for this album. it was my first ever concert and seeing them live, performing these songs... it just sticks with you, you know?
so yeah. i know everyone was dying to hear my opinion about this. sorry for the long wait :)
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comeontaylorspeaknow · 11 months
Hello, Mae!
I shall dub myself "🌔 anon" for ease of future requests.
It would fill me with joy if you could find any live performance of any of the songs off of Fearless and make icons related to it. Fearless is my favorite Taylor Swift album- it holds a special place in my heart. I simply haven't gotten around to finding any of the live shows on video.
If you can't find any older Fearless related tours or concerts, anything related to it in the recent Eras tour would make me very happy.
I want to make an edits blog, you see, but I'm just not quite there yet and it would be a great honor to see you make some icons for me. You are quite an amazing person, I must say!
(PS. If you find any cool videos of any Fearless songs being performed live, could you link them please?)
Much regards,
Ok so hopefully this makes sense the first row of icons will be her performances (not fearless tour) then the next row will be fearless tour concert icons and the last row will be eras tour fearless era icons. I've linked videos so you can find these performances. If I couldn't find the performances I found the next best thing like with the fearless tour I couldn't find videos of August 27, New York City, New York of Fearless Tour performances. So instead I linked the full tour. Perhaps if I did more research or deep dived on YouTube I maybe would find something but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer 🙈. Also click here for the icons! Let me know if you have any questions sorry if this was confusing!
https://youtu.be/5entjD8ZKb8 (I couldn't find very good videos of this one I'm sorry!)
https://youtu.be/7Rw8ywR83AI (This is one of the higher quality versions I could fine but it isn't all the performances.)
Fearless Tour concert (all from the same show)
https://youtu.be/-iJUXIYdAZs (this is a video of the fearless tour or journey to fearless dvd. This isn't the specific pictures I used but Its what I could find. I used fearless tour new york city sadly I couldn't find any videos of this specific show! That does not mean they're isn't videos of this specific show date I just couldn't find it easily.)
The Eras Tour (Fearless)
The Eras Tour March 17 - Glendale, Arizona (found 2 videos of this show they both of most of the show but may not be all. The third link is Taylor performing you belong with me.)
The Eras Tour May 6 - Nashville, Tennessee (clip of Taylor singing fearless.)
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twototwotoo · 1 year
Research: ALBUM and SINGLE covers and other forms of musical media
Album art is unique in the idea that it needs minor to no changes when moved into other musical mediums, unlike other forms of media like games. Vinyl album and Single sleeves and even CD and phone displays all adhere to the same sizes, the same ration all the way up and down. This means that a publisher who prints the product can make one one design and copy and paste it onto another product saving time and resources. 
Most digital covers can fit a 3000x3000px measured square, as all album art, except a few outsiders, is square in nature, but it can easily be changed to any equal variable of height and length as the product can be downsized to a smaller size later on, and by working on a larger canvas you are able to include more details even if they could become blurred when made to fit. Other measurements are 8x8, 4.7x4.7In, 10x10, 12x12 and even 4000x4000px, anything is allowed if it is to a 1:1 ratio In real life though, the standard size of a vinyl cover ranges around 12.375x12.375 inches. In my project I have worked on a 3000x3000px canvas that can be fitted into this size, but I picked this size as their art is not going to be printed due to their garageband nature.
As you may be aware, Vinyls are now a form of collectable media, they are rarely kept for the sole reason of playing music due to the decline of physical media that is being seen in nearly all forms of art as we move towards a far more technologically advanced future. Vinyl was overcome by the CD, as much smaller, one could say, compact disc, that could hold tenfold what any vinyl could keep, and to boot they were cheaper to produce, took less space and were portable ulike a record player. The writing was on the wall at that point, and this was a Huge blow to vinyl sales, and eventually the were basically put out of production around 1989 when they were no longer mass produced, being overtook by CD around 1988, only a year prior. But even now, CD’s have also suffered a similar fate to their bigger brothers as streaming music became the next big thing with their digital predecessor, the MP3 players, being released during 2001.
Welcomingly, Vinyls had made a resurgence in recent years, with people becoming sentimental with the past and trying to retrieve what they sold off. Not only are vinyls being sold again, with some stores opening specifically top sell them and other having them in stock, such as His Masters Voice and record stands down back alley streets, but new vinyls are also getting printed, and not only be larger companies but also by indie labels due to the profitability. Records are being reprinted while others are being printed for the first time, like Jamiroquai’s discography that came out after the first vinyl release of his most influential album, Travelling Without Moving, for its 25th anniversary in 2021, a personal favorite of mine. 
This uprising began all the way back in 2007 and has been steadily increasing ever since, just this year, Taylor Swift's most recent album, Midnight, had reached over one million presses on vinyl in the U.S, outpacing it’s CD brethren in sales. In the UK, it was determined that at a time ¼ albums brought where in the vinyl format, an oddly frightening scale.
It is clear to see that the vinyl has returned to a nice position of relevance, while the format is not the best way to indulge in the music it plays, its size allowing for a nice sized art piece, it slight, homely imperfections, and the bonuses that are usually found with them make them a great buy for nostalgia and to support artists work, what with streaming has become a cause of concern for smaller indie artists that could have been harmed in the transition.
0 notes
bybdolan · 2 years
would love to see you rank taylor’s album covers and maybe explain what you like/dislike about each of them one day. :) i’m not creative in the slightest and have almost no preferences about that sort of thing, so it’s interesting to hear what more artistic people have to say about them. but even as someone who’s not creative like that, i have always thought the rep cover was trash. like normally i never notice that kind of thing but it feels like that “graphic design is my passion” meme lol
Disclaimer: I am NOT a trained graphic designer, so this list and all my opinions are based on my personal taste and my “eye” for things, not any actual knowledge on what makes a cover good – though I have taken the recognizability of each cover and how it represents the album into account. Making this list has also instilled a deep loathing of the design of the Taylor’s Version packaging in me – the complete and utter lack of care put into any of it genuinely pisses me off. I wanted to say this before showing you my actual ranking, because cover-wise the albums rank higher than Taylor’s earlier work, however, I really have to say that I think all of her albums up to reputation have a spark in the album packaging design that simply was not there afterwards. I think we can blame the streaming era for this, and it makes me sad.
You can find the ranking under the cut!
1. 1989 – This is the shining star of Taylor album covers to me. I don’t think anybody can deny how easily recognizable and iconic this cover is. The polaroid adds the 80s vibe (and I LOVE how those photos defined the album packaging as a whole), the omitted eyes are mysterious and intriguing, and the handwriting makes this album cover so tactile in the sense that it feels like an actual object. I love when album covers have a sense of physicality to them, for example when the title is written on a surface somewhere in the cover photo (check out HAIMs Women In Music Pt. III), and 1989 really delivers on that. I would go as far as saying that this is one of the most iconic album covers of the 2010s.
2. RED – Going from 1989 to RED feels like a pretty significant drop in quality already, even though the original RED album cover isn’t bad by any means. There is a sense of sensuality and mystique about it and it sells the Blue homage it is attempting. My biggest qualm with this cover is the font; I don’t love Bebas Neue as it feels heavy and clunky to me, more advertisement than album cover. I think a different, more subtle font would have done wonders for this. However, it is worth recognizing that the RED cover is an established image in pop culture as well, and I think the overall design with the diagonal stripes is quite nice; it feels vintage-y and sophisticated and I love how cohesive the booklet is.
3. Folklore – I mean. Yea. This is kind of boring but it fits the album in its subduedness and I do like the imagery of Taylor disappearing in the woods/the world she has created. The folklorecover does what it needs to do and it does it well. Anything more would probably have been too much for this album. I have my complaints about the back cover and the booklet though (yes, I understand it had to be made last minute, but still… could have been better!)
4. RED TV – I actually preferred this over the og RED cover when it first came out, and I still love the photograph, but idk how much I love it as an album cover. The RED ring is absolutely FANTASTIC (see my notes on album titles being part of the cover photograph in the 1989 section), and I think this could have been my second favorite Taylor cover, had they just zoomed in on the face and the ring a little bit. I simply don’t like the framing of this photo, and it kind of ruins the whole thing for me. I am intrigued to see what she does for the rest of the recordings, but so far, I have been incredibly underwhelmed at the lack of cohesion and graphic design care put into a project that would be fantastic for collectible editions and is meant as a tribute to Taylor’s legacy. Even though most of her early covers rank below the newer stuff, I do have a soft spot for them because I cannot help but feel like Taylor’s album designs have gotten lazier and lazier over time. If I were to judge the album packaging as a whole, I think this list would look a little different.
5. Speak Now – This was spot 7 on this list but then I typed the last sentence of my RED TV review and was like !!! You know what! Speak Now is very cute and at least she isn’t lazy! This is obviously a rather cheesy album cover, and idk if I like the pretty big section that is just. White. But as I said: This isn’t lazy. The hazy fairy tale vibes are there, the painting effect is a nice touch, and I can’t help but think about how whimsy and cute the back cover and the booklet are. Yes this is not wonderful graphic design, but at least it has heart and ambition, which you cannot really say for Taylor’s album packaging from reputation onwards.
6. Evermore – Again: It does what it needs to do. It’s fine. I cannot complain about it by any means, but I also don’t love it in the slightest.
7. Fearless TV – This should be bottom of the list simply for the abomination that is the back cover, but Taylor looks super pretty in the photo and the whole thing works as an homage to the original Fearless cover. I even have a soft spot for the sepia filter until I discovered that apparently not all rerecordings would have that feature. So now it’s kind of weird. Again, you cannot tell from the cover alone, but the whole packaging just is so boring to me and just feels so churned out. Where is the fucking spark?
8. Fearless – This has spark! I kept swapping og Fearless and Fearless TV around because at least the packaging of og Fearless feels like people had fun making it, but I cannot get over my dislike for the fonts used here (which is why I prefer the European version!) Whyy is the “Fearless” so big and has a shadow around it. I don’t like it, I am sorry. I do LOVE the booklet though, it radiates joy.
9. Taylor Swift – This is a country album released by a teenager from Nashville in 2006. I think I shouldn’t have high expectations. Debut is fine. She is cute! That photo of Taylor kneeling in the pond was part of my bi awakening when I was 14/15, so I have to give it that. The notebook vibes of the booklet are a nice touch. Now that I think about it I do have love for the design of this, but I think it’s mainly nostalgia. I applaud the cohesion of the color scheme and I like the little notebook details :)
10. Reputation – I think this is terribly ugly and the only reason it is not at the bottom of this list is that I can appreciate the idea behind it. She is speaking her truth after the media has tainted her, whatever. I get it. I just think the execution is awfully lackluster (stop with the fucking white backgrounds!) and the most basic take on the “album about the media” idea (I may direct you to Faber’s I Fucking Love My Lifeas an album cover that did it better). Taylor’s face and neck also look a little strange to me. It does have a sense of recognizability, I’ll admit that. But I cannot believe this is the cover one chooses for their “taking back the narrative” album. Have a little fun! But, with all of reputation, we didn’t get what we could have gotten.
11. Lover – I HATE this. The diary theme in the booklet is cute and I don’t hate the back cover at all, but maaan I find the actual album cover to be awful. It’s a shame, really, because the album cover shoot is fantastic, but the coloring of Taylor’s face on the cover is super dull and strange, the weird sky background feels so lazily photoshopped and the font is just. Bleh. Cheesy and ugly. The CD is super super nice though, and, again, the rest of the packaging is honestly fine, but I cannot get over how actually unprofessional the album cover looks. The aforementioned weird color of Taylor’s face is honestly my biggest issue. This is just. Bad. It doesn’t make me as angry as the booklet or back covers of the TVs, but I just think it’s sooo… How does the biggest pop star in the world end up with this album cover?
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
do you think there is any significance that alex's colour scheme is green and pink? or do you think rr went "u know what this character needs? to look like a watermelon"
((Prefacing this by saying that I'm giving RR way too much credit here, but you shouldn't take anything an author does for granted— even a serial author who often makes blunders and mistakes.))
A while ago I saw a (pretty unfair) assumption that RR made it green and pink because blue and pink would be too obvious, but that his intention was obviously to reinforce the gender binary by using two distinctly gendered colors for a character with two distinct genders. Of course, they did not phrase it so delicately. No offense to whoever made that post, but I disagree.
Although that may have had to do with it, there's other things to consider. One of them is color symbolism. And oh. OH. I ADORE symbolism— especially flower/plant symbolism (Language of the Flowers and all that jazz), seasonal symbolism (there's a reason that evermore is my second favorite Taylor Swift album), and color symbolism.
Let's talk about green first. Green can symbolize a lot of different things, and there are a few that can be applied to Alex's character. The most obvious thing that green often represents is jealousy— hence the expression "green with envy." But envy is not really one of Alex's character traits. Feel free to argue with me if you think that Alex is significantly envious. Just because I couldn't think of substantial textual evidence for it does not mean that there isn't any.
One of the traits that Alex does have is wealth. Green is the color of American currency, and since both RR and Alex are American, it's safe to take an American lens while looking at this color. Alex's socioeconomic background effects her in a big way. I mentioned in a previous post that I think that Alex's fatal flaw is her sense of entitlement. That kind of entitlement is a quality not exclusive to but common among the upper class. However, her distance from her wealthy background enhances the sense of irony in the story, which is a VERY big thing that we NEVER talk about within the fandom.
This is kind of a little thing, but it's worth noting that when it comes to Valhalla and everything, Alex is "green"— as in new and inexperienced.
The color green also emphasizes Alex's connection with nature. This is one of the parts of Alex's character that the fandom consistently underplays, which is an absolute shame. I don't think I have to explain why the color green is associated with all things natural. Alex's association with nature provides a few key things to her character:
It makes her a more well-rounded character. Another criticism of Alex I believe is totally unfounded is that "being genderfluid is her only personality trait because it influences her philosophy on pottery, which is her only hobby." I'm probably going to make another post in, like, a few minutes about why I find that argument a little silly, but the primary problem is that pottery is not Alex's only hobby. She also loves camping, hiking, and ice wall climbing (I bet y'all forgot about that last one!)
It gives her a connection with Magnus. I mentioned in a previous post that Magnus and Alex are foils, but I neglected to bring up why that also makes for very good chemistry between them. Of course, yes, they have different goals and philosophy, which is what makes them foils in the first place. But foil relationships function best when the characters also share some traits. As it turns out, Alex and Magnus share several hobbies, and one of them is a mutual love for nature. This is a very unexplored thing in fics. Start doing it more plz.
Finally, and this one's kind of minor, but the Alex's green gives her a connection to Natalie. I know, whenever Alex and Natalie are compared, either in canon or in fandom, everybody kind goes "eww. Oedipus complex." Which is very fair and true. But they really do have a lot of similarites. The green of Alex's hair and clothes connects her to the green of Natalie's eyes. It's worth saying, too, that Alex has one amber eye— and amber is pretty close to dirty blonde, like Natalie's hair.
If I had more faith in RR, I might bring up the concept of intextuality and how Alex wearing green is an allusion to The Great Gatsby and how Alex is elusive to Magnus, just like Daisy is to Gatsby. But I don't.
To give credit to the person who wrote the post I mentioned at the beginning of this spiel, I do believe that part of the reason pink was used was to support femininity. Please keep in mind that Alex dresses in an androgynous way— not that there is an actually "gendered" way to dress, since gender as we perceive it is mostly made up. But Alex's existence as a transfemme person (which I will maintain until my dying day) means that pink has a certain significance to her. A lot of AMAB people embrace traditionally feminine things because if they don't, they will not be accepted as genuine women or genuine nonbinary folks, since masculine dress is unisex and kind of the default. So Alex wearing pink probably had something to do with her gender, yes. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, and it's certainly not an unrealistic thing.
Speaking of Alex's gender in relation to the color pink, let's talk about pink's use as a queer rights symbol. Alex was RR's first character to be introduced as a queer character from the start. This was not an insignificant thing, especially in the year of our Lord 2016 (which, despite popular belief, seriously had an entirely different landscape of queer rep. Though it's commonplace now to include genderqueer characters, it was exceptional at the time— especially by such an accomplished and mainstream children's author.).
Let's go back in time to Nazi Germany. Some of you might know this, but for those of you don't this transition must seem jarring. I swear there's a point. In addition to Jews, Romani individuals, people with disabilities, and Poles (among others), gay men were victimized by the Nazis. If you're wondering why lesbians weren't persecuted, it's because the Nazis didn't see them as a serious political threat, or as a threat to the perpetuation of the Aryan race since they assumed gay women could be forcefully impregnated if need be. Yeah, ew. Anyway, much like the Star of David being used to mark Jewish people, gay men were forced into concentration camps and forced to wear a pink triangle. Years later, after the gay population somewhat recovered, the pink triangle was reclaimed and used as a symbol for gay men. Some people who were not gay men used it, too, but that's somewhat controversial since it wasn't their symbol to reclaim. When the first pride flag was created, it had a pink stripe at the top to signify sex (this was later dropped so flags could be more easily produced). The pink triangle (inverted) was used during the AIDs epidemic with the caption "Silence=Death."
My point is that this is a very important color to queer folks. Having one of the first genderfluid characters in kid's lit wear pink...... I mean, it makes sense.
The last and final thing that pink represents, in this context and in general, is innocence. Granted, this kind of connects to feminitity since women (especially white women) are often infantalized and seen as innocent— which is another issue. In any case, the use of pink to represent innocence in Alex's dress is ironic. Alex has been robbed of her childhood innocence, first by her abusive parents, then by her life on the streets, and then by her eventual death at age sixteen. But then she actually regains her innocence. At the beginning of the—
Hold on. I just had a revelation. I'll make a post about it soon.
At the beginning of SotD, Alex is acting a little childish. The most obvious example is him jumping on Randolph's bed to "make noise." Alex's life is stable and relatively healthy for the first time in the years, and she experiences something that a lot of queer folks experience: a re-emergence of childhood at a late stage.
I imagine you didn't expect a post this long. I either make essay responses to asks or I add on one sentence and post it. Oops. Anyway, I believe the mcga fandom can be more creative than calling Alex a watermelon. Here are some other (kinda romantic) pink-and-green alternatives:
Cherry blossom trees
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Watermelon Sugar pt 1
wc: 2.3k
warnings: minor sexual content, swearing
Jenna doesn't know how her life came to be like this.
She was a good person; she had partied hard in uni, yes, but she studied hard enough to make up for it. She's nice enough to leave at least a twenty percent tip every time she gets the check, and certainly nice enough to drop coins in the tip jars of the baristas who make her coffee. She calls her mum a lot and she loves her sisters and she takes good care of her plant, a cactus she'd named Steve. She’s hilarious and witty, her friends love her, and she makes a decent enough living.
So it doesn't explain why she's lying on the floor, with Harry Styles, of all people, planking on top of her.
As in, seventeenth most influential person in London, pop-star-turned-rock-star Harry Styles. The same Harry Styles who has had countless model girlfriends, left, right and centre. One right now, in fact: Camille Rowe.  Also  the same Harry Styles who has been the subject of Jenna’s sex dreams since she was about eighteen.
(What can she say, she's consistent. The kid might change her look every few years but the libido wants what it wants. Or something.)
Anyway, the point is that, currently, Jenna is looking straight into Harry's gorgeous green eyes and she can feel the heat of Harry's body radiating onto hers. She can also feel one of Harry's soft curls brushing against her forehead, and she knows that if she looked down, she'd see Harry's pink lips, quirked amusedly, like Jenna is something of a particularly endearing animal.
In summary, Harry looks like something straight out of Jenna’s masterbating vault, and Jenna is especially thankful at this moment that she does not have a cock because it would be hard as a rod at this very moment. 
"Do you, uh, work out a lot?" She blurts out, her mouth temporarily disconnecting from her brain, and she watches as Harry blinks, his long lashes brushing the tops of her cheekbones.
There's a pause, and then she hears a snort.
"Is this a dating show, mate?" Nick Grimshaw, the twat, says, half-laughing from his seat at the radio console. He raises his voice in a poor imitation of Jenna, stuttering out a ‘do you, uh, work out a lot’ in between his giggles.
Jenna turns her head to look at him and scowls. "Shut up," she says, trying to ignore the cute way Harry is giggling on top of her. It doesn't really work, but at least she tried.
Nick raises his hands defensively. "Hey, I'm bringing us back on track. You're supposed to be asking him questions about his new album, not asking him if he works out. You're tiring out the little pop star there."
"Nah," Jenna hears Harry's low voice drawl from above her, and she turns her attention back to the hot boy on top of him. "`m not tired yet. Besides, I'm kind of enjoying the view." He shoots Jenna a cheeky wink, and Jenna feels her face flush.
"Okay," she says loudly, mostly for the benefit of herself. She vaguely wonders how red she looks on camera, and whether or not she can get the ground to swallow her whole right about now. Maybe she should retire after this. Radio 1 would just have to look for another person who won't choke in the vicinity of Nick's hairspray fumes.
Every day at one to four pm, Nick and Jenna host "The Future is Now", a radio programme where they play music, talk about celebrity gossip and tease each other. It's supposedly nothing special, just two childhood friends making fun of each other and making fun of celebrities and their drama and occasionally talking about football, but apparently their banter has made it the most popular rated programme on BBC Radio 1. So popular that a few months ago, their producer sat them down and told them to "come up with more shenanigans", an order Jenna was happy to comply with. Her and Nick have then proceeded to do almost everything, from innuendo bingo with a twist to organizing a huge water fight in Radio 1.
Their latest shenanigan is interviewing their celebrity guests in the weirdest way they can, and last time Nick had interviewed Taylor Swift through trying to interpret her answers through drawing. It was massively funny, a huge failure, and also very exhausting, according to Nick, because who knew that Taylor was such a terrible artist?
Which is also why it's Jenna’s turn to do the interviewing this time.
However, she's ninety-nine point nine percent sure that Nick did this on purpose. Drunk Jenna might have let it slip a few weeks back that she has a not-so-small crush on a certain very famous Harry Styles, and Nick, because he was apparently close friends with Harry, invited him to plank over Jenna.
Jenna’s going to light a match near his hair and watch his twatty quiff burn down.
"Okay," Jenna says again, because no matter how much she wants to go back in time and ensure Nick was never born, Harry Styles with his hair and his dimples is still above her, smiling like it takes no effort to plank like this at all. He's the most attractive man Jenna has ever seen in her entire life. "We're going to have a quickie--" and she resolutely ignores Nick's sniggers from the console and the way his face heats up, "--which is like a lightning round of questions, until you feel you need to lower yourself down or until the timer runs out. Alright?"
Harry nods at her, grinning even wider, and Jenna decides to pin her focus on Harry's left dimple so as not to be distracted by the rest of his face.
"Nachos or Tacos?" She asks, starting the game immediately.
"Red or Blue?"
"Favorite emoji to use in a text message?"
"The tongue and the peach." Jenna ignores the almost-obscene way Harry says it. She also ignores Nick's snorts from the table. She can do this. She just needs to ignore the way she’s wet from this small interaction and get this done like the professional she is, before she can go home and masterbate herself away to oblivion.
 "Favorite song from your new album?"
"Um," Harry says, and Jenna feels his forearms shift from where it's beside her head. "Watermelon Sugar?"
"Are you asking me or telling me?" Jenna asks Harry's left dimple. See, she can be normal.
"Watermelon Sugar." Harry repeats, much firmer. "It's about oral sex."
Jenna’s eyes fly off Harry's left dimple and into his eyes. "I don't think you can say that on radio."
Harry just shrugs, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Sorry."
"Cheeky," Jenna mutters, before plunging on. "Most important feature of your ideal girlfriend?"
"I don't know if I can say it on radio," Harry shoots back almost immediately, his smile widening.
Somewhere from his place on the radio console, Nick cackles. Jenna hopes he chokes on his own saliva.
"Something radio friendly, then," Jenna answers, keeping her voice level.
"Well," Harry drawls out, seemingly lost in thought, "I'm much more of a bum kind of guy," and Nick's cackles get louder and louder. "I like a nice, firm, handful of bum. But if it has to be radio friendly, maybe the smile."
"I'm going to get suspended because of you," Jenna deadpans.
"`s the truth." Harry smiles innocently. He shifts on his forearms again, and his long curl brushes over Jenna’s eye. His cross necklace also falls out of his shirt, brushing against the hollow of Jenna’s throat.  "Do you like bums, Jenna?"
"I like mums? I like my mum," Jenna says absently, half blinded by Harry's curl. She feels more than hears Harry laugh from above her, his abs quivering from above her body. Which, hey. Why is Harry laughing at her? She’s just trying to keep this show together, for the sake of her job and her listeners and because Nick is a useless idiot.
She clears her throat. "Ideal date?" She asks, blinking her eye against Harry's rogue curl. She focuses on it, tries to get it off her eye with just the power of her blinks and her eye lid muscles. It doesn't really work.
Harry wiggles his eyebrows above her, and Jenna feels a slight sense of dread settle against him.
"A walk on the beach, then a candlelit dinner, then back to my place--"
"Favorite hobby?" Jenna interrupts, because she cannot do this. She can't. She’s two innuendos away from being soaked through her pants, and she’s positive there will be a wet spot if Harry continues to imply vaguely sexual things.
"I like to bake," Harry answers easily, as if he wasn't on the verge of saying obscene things a few seconds before. Jenna hates him. Jenna also kind of wants to suck his dick.
"Last thing that made you cry?"
"Um," Harry furrows his brow and bites at his bottom lip. Jenna can't stop staring. "I...fell?"
"Fell where?" Jenna asks.
"I was getting out of the shower," Harry answers slowly, still seeming deep in thought. Jenna tries not to imagine a naked Harry, with little droplets sliding down his skin. She mostly fails. "Then I, like, slipped and fell. There were a few tears."
Jenna makes a noise of sympathy, her eyes glued to Harry's lips. "What did you hurt?"
"My bum."
That makes Jenna tear her eyes away from Harry's lips and into his green eyes, which are already shining with mirth. "What is it with you and bums?"
"I told you, I'm a bum man." Harry winks. He shifts on his forearms, and Jenna realizes that the planking must already be taking a toll on him. He doesn't seem close to giving up though, and Jenna admires his determination. Her sex drive admires the rippling of the muscles in Harry's forearms and the strength of his core.
"You seem to be a little bum crazy to me."
"Heyyy," Harry says, a cute little pout making its way onto his face. "Only for certain bums. The nice ones."
Jenna doesn't answer. "Favorite app on your phone?"
"Last photo you took?"
"It was, like, a photo of my sister's dog in, um, space buns."
"Space bums, nice," Jenna says, because she can. She might get suspended from radio for a few days, but she's already aroused on camera and they've been talking bums since a while ago, so.
"Yep," Harry says, playing along. "They were out of this world."
Jenna opens her mouth to ask another question when her phone starts ringing, signalling the end of their quickie. Harry unceremoniously drops himself down, his entire body now in contact with Jenna’s own. Jenna can feel her skin heat up from where Harry's touching her, their entire lower half aligned. She shifts in surprise, discovering Harry’s (not so) little problem, so Jenna just. Speaks.
“Did you know the average whale penis is ten feet long?” 
She wonders if she can probably retire gracefully and run away to Guam.
Nick is still cackling like a madman but ten times harder. Jenna doesn't think he's even stopped to take a breath since he started.
Good, she thinks viciously. Maybe he'll run out of oxygen.
"I did not," she hears Harry whisper to her, his voice almost drowned out by Nick's laughter.
"Fuck," Jenna whispers, without opening her eyes. "Leave me here to die." She can't believe she ended up here, embarrassed and horny in front of the guy she's been wanking to since she was eighteen. She doesn't think life can get much worse than this.
"It's okay, you know, I blurt out things all the time" Harry whispers, his breath ghosting over Jenna’s face. "Also, you're not allowed to say ‘cock’ on radio."
Oh, so now he's concerned about radio content. What is Harry Styles.
"Please do not try to make me feel better about this," Jenna says through her teeth, ignoring his second statement. They're going to get taken off air because of this interview, anyway. She raises an arm to cover her eyes. "Just....ignore it. Please."
Harry, because he's nice, doesn't say anything anymore, instead pulls himself off of Jenna, so that he's sitting on his knees beside Jenna on the carpeted floor. Jenna takes three deep breaths before she opens her eyes, sits up, and runs to the radio console, where Nick is still cackling obnoxiously. She lets Nick take care of the goodbyes, shakes Harry's hand once and refuses to meet his eyes, and doesn't say anything until Harry has left the room and Watermelon Sugar is playing on air.
"So?" Nick hedges, nudging Louis with an elbow. "That was fun right?"
"I'm going to murder you in your sleep," Jenna answers, glaring. "That was fucking humiliating."
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad," Nick says, dismissively, wrapping an arm around Jenna’s shoulder. Jenna wants to saw it off his arm.
"You're not the one who started talking about whale cock in front of like, three cameras," Jenna hisses back at him.
"You could barely hear it anyway," Nick says, rolling his eyes.  He pinches Jenna’s shoulder, waggling his eyebrows . "But Harry, eh? That was some intense flirting you had going on there."
"Nick," Jenna says, deadpan. "He's not single. You should know this, he's one of your best friends."
Nick frowns, but before he can open his mouth to say something, Jenna beats him to it. "Never mind him. He's probably going to get us suspended anyway, with all his obscene answers and talk about bums."
Nick cackles again, with his head thrown back. "That was pretty funny."
"Yeah, well let's see how funny it is when we get taken off air for a week straight," Jenna answers, rolling her eyes, before reaching over to queue up the next song.
Nick, the twat, just keeps laughing.
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havokangel · 3 years
come back...be here (bucky barnes x reader)
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a summer romance au, with an inevitable ending.
a/n; this is part 2/3 of my bucky series, inspired by taylor swift’s album “red,” link to part one is here. please leave some love on ao3, as well :)
link to ao3
If I had known what I'd known now
I never would've played so nonchalant
I’ll be coming to see you tonight. Usual time, yeah?
It’s strange how a handwritten note can distract you from your responsibilities all day. Your co-worker gave you shit when Bucky left it for you, at his usual table. She kept commenting on your rosy cheeks, knowing how this boy affects you. Even when you retort back, protecting your real feelings from her, she knows how hard you’ve fallen for him.
(Ever since the start of the Summer, when he got comfortable with you, he’d start leaving you notes on napkins. You haven’t told him that you have them all; tucked away in a box, memories from this Summer with him.)
It’s late August now, and things in your small, oceanside town are slowing down. Tourists are leaving their expensive rentals, beaches are clearing out by the day, kids are going back to school, and the traffic in the diner that you work at has slowed exponentially. Normally, you’d be looking forward to work slowing down; that means less work for you, as the usual elderly people who reside here all year begin being regulars again.
But this has not been a normal Summer, all thanks to him.
James. Or, Bucky, as he prefers. You learned that the first time he introduced himself to you, with that easy smirk he always wears.
His family came to stay here for the Summer; their first real vacation, after working their asses off to get to be where they are today. He’s your age, 19; still looking for his place in the world, being reckless when he can because hey, now’s the time to do it, when people expect you to make mistakes. You on the other hand? You’re 19 and stuck in a small town, taking care of a younger sibling as your father drinks his days away, mourning the loss of a wife, the mother to his children.
She passed a year ago, and ever since then, you’ve bared the weight of the family’s responsibilities, the family’s reputation, everything to keep things running smoothly. When you’re the responsible one, there’s no time for fun, for recklessness, and certainly not for boys. So back in June, when a boy with gleaming blue eyes and an air of easiness sat in your section, you fell hard and you fell fast.
Being with Bucky is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. It’s like coming home, after being on a sunny beach all day; a burn blossoming on your cheeks, sand still between your fingernails, and hair damp from the water. It’s like driving through an empty road in the countryside, wind whipping through your hair as you think to yourself, it can’t get better than this.
June and July had passed quicker than the sand in an hourglass falls. Every day was spent with him, regardless if you had work or not. He’d pick you up on his motorcycle, every day being a new adventure. It was hard, in the beginning; allowing yourself fun seemed impossible and wrong on so many levels - who would take care of dinner? Who would take care of your sister? Your dad? It all seemed insane, but Bucky made it better. He always knows how to make you feel better.
You swam, you hiked, you laughed, you kissed...every day felt like a dream that could be so easily altering the way you think. Within a few weeks, he turned your gray and dreary outlook on life colorful, almost reviving the life that you lived before everything snowballed into treachery.
But as the amazing, tiring days with him passed, you knew the end was coming. It was inevitable, really.
He’s a Brooklyn boy. Born and raised, through and through. He was going back home in August, and not just back home; he was planning on enlisting.
Army, he had said. Got shit else happening in my life. Might as well.
He told you nonchalantly, in the beginning, when all you would do is talk at the diner, on your slow days. You didn’t think much of it, and he didn’t bring it up again; even when you’d be wrapped up in your sheets together, the easy pillow talk escaping his lips.
But the note he leaves you today doesn’t give you the normal butterflies and rosy cheeks. It leaves you with a sinking gut feeling that you’ve been shoving down down down ever since he kissed you for the first time. So, as you scrub the counters while watching the clock, anxiously awaiting the end of your shift, you prepare yourself for the end; the end of the best thing you’ve ever had, and arguably… the best thing you ever will have.
12 A.M., sharp.
Plunk, plunk.
The small rocks that hit your window make you shoot out of your bed, practically tossing the book you had been reading to distract yourself.
(More like rereading the same page, too anxious to think of anything else.)
Pushing up on your window, you chuckle quietly to yourself as Bucky looks up at you, grinning that stupid grin he always has. His hair looks damp as he rakes a hand through it.
“Watch out princess, m’comin’ up.” He calls out, as quiet as he can be in the situation.
“Don’t break any bones, please.”
“You know I won’t.”
He jumps up to the tree adjacent to your house, legs swinging to support himself as he easily scales the tree. He’s pretty adept at this, with nights and nights of practice to ensure that he doesn’t fall. As if it was nothing, you move aside for Bucky to reach the window sill and easily swing himself in. You can’t help but bite back a smile as he shuts the window quietly, and turns to face you.
“There’s my best girl,” he says, stepping towards you. His hands cup your cheeks as he presses his lips against yours. “I missed you.”
Like it always is, you melt like butter as he touches you and kisses you like that. How could you not, with someone like him?
“I missed you too.” You answer, but your voice is muffled by his lips. Pulling away from you, he tucks your hair behind your ears.
The look he gives you now is different than he normally looks at you. His thumb runs against your lower lip, his eyes slowly tracing the features on your face. Neither of you says anything for a long time, afraid to shatter the delicate silence as he memorizes the way you look in this moment.
You know what he’s doing, and you start to do the same. Neither of you wants to say it, but, you want to remember this, you want to remember each other.
Leaning up on your tiptoes to kiss him, after a long silence, his brow furrows and his hands slide to hold your waist; fingers gripping your skin there.
“Touch me,” you sigh against his mouth, hand gripping the hair at the back of his neck. Something in your voice tells Bucky that tonight is going to be different, from all the other times you’ve slept together. “Please-just-please, Bucky.”
So he does. He lifts you like you weigh absolutely nothing, lips never leaving yours. With each touch, each kiss, each gasp; you pathetically attempt to stop your brain from thinking about what’s bound to come.
Afterward, as you lay in the humid, hot air in your room, you’re in his arms. You’ve grown accustomed to this; his sweaty skin against your equally sweaty skin, the window propped open, relishing in the air that hits you. But unlike those nights, no one has said a word yet. And no one does, until he clears his throat, kissing your cheek.
“My flight leaves early tomorrow.”
The words cut through you harder than you thought they would.
“Oh.” That’s all that you can manage to stay. It’s all you can say. The pounding in your head starts then, and you feel as if a rug is being pulled from beneath you.
“Would you want to… see me off? I know Rebecca would want to say goodbye, too.” He says it carefully; his voice an octave higher than normal. He’s nervous.
You don’t look at him, because if you do, your dream-like state that you’ve been living in will leave you and you’ll be left alone with the reality that you started in. So you just nod slowly, burying yourself in his arms, and reply,
“Yeah, I can do that.”
The last time you were in an airport, you were just a girl, saying goodbye to your grandparents. You hadn’t thought of the next time you’d ever be back here; it was so far away from where you resided.
But here you are, with Bucky, a boy who’s changed every fiber of who you are. He’s leaving you to go back to his life in Brooklyn, his new life that he’s going to be making for himself. Your heart is practically breaking already as his parents and sister leave you two to say your goodbyes.
Bag in hand, and a baseball cap on his head, Bucky just grabs you in his arms. He’s strong, and he knows it - you certainly know it - but you don’t care that you feel like he’s breaking you. You’d gladly let him break you, a thousand times over if it meant you never would have to leave his arms again.
He kisses your head, and that’s when your first tear falls. He pulls away after a moment, the sadness in his eyes apparent.
“Hey-hey. Don’t cry, princess.” His thumb comes to swipe under your eye, and you just hiccup. This is pathetic, you think, berating yourself. “I had a lot of fun this Summer.”
“I did too. I just-I don’t want to go back to reality, I guess.” You manage to answer, wondering how he can be so calm when he clearly wants to just...stay. With you.
“It’ll be okay. I have your number and address. I promise I’ll call and text, and hey, maybe even send you a napkin note.” He reassures, chuckling a little, which makes you smile slightly. “There’s my favorite smile.”
Your rosy cheeks return, and he kisses you again. His family calls his name, and he sighs in annoyance, turning to make a face, a face that reads yeah yeah, I got it. I’m coming. Turning back to you, he regains his focus. He’s doing it again -- memorizing you.
“You changed my life, you know that?” Bucky all but whispers.
Regardless if he knows it or not, he’s making this harder for you. You can’t really blame him, though.
“You changed mine too, Buck.” You reply, voice shaking.
With another call from his dad, all he can do now is kiss you; and boy, does he kiss you. He grabs you and it nearly makes you gasp, but it’s quickly swallowed by his mouth on yours; no cares in the world -- which is classic for him. You don’t care how much of a mess you look as he pulls away, and he says,
“I’ll see you later, ok?”
And as he brought color and life back into your life, the world around you feels as if it fades to black and white, returning to the state he found you in, as he walks away to the terminal. In another life, another time, you’ll find him again.
But for now, you mourn. You mourn what you could have had with him, and you drive home, radio on silent. Allowing yourself to be sad is the only way you can remind yourself that what you had with him was real and that something like that for you is possible.
This is when the feeling s i n k s i n,
I don't wanna miss you l i k e t h i s.
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i don't know what to be without you around
Fandom: Supergirl Rating: K Pairings: None A/N: I fully intended for this to just be a goofy headcanon and then WHOOPS it turned into Danvers Sisters feelings. (Not k*lex. If I see it tagged as such, ya get BLOCKED.) Short. 99% fluff. Probably contains spelling errors. You’ve been warned. 
Occasionally, Alex would regret all the time and effort she'd wasted focusing on the downsides of having been thrust into elder sibling-dom. Because while, yes, a lot of the changes that occurred in the Danvers household upon Kara's arrival were...not great...there were definitely some perks to having a sister.
Like the simple satisfaction of a perfectly timed, “Shotgun!” victory.
“What?” Kara protested, her yawn undercutting her indignation. “You can't call shotgun yet, we don't leave for another hour.”
“You snooze you lose,” Alex told her, giving her a pointed look as she yawned again. “Literally.”
Kara rolled her eyes and returned to stuffing pairs of t-shirts and shorts into her duffle bag. Alex did the same, surveying her own bag to see if she'd missed anything. Bug spray, maybe?
She turned to head out into the hall, but Kara stood in her path, wearing a sly smile.
Alex didn't like the look of it. Not one bit.
“What's with the face?” she asked, attempting to sidestep around her younger sister. Kara easily blocked her, and crossed her arms.
“Okay, you get shotgun,” she said. Alex blinked.
“Uh, yeah. I know. I called it.”
“Which means,” Kara continued, complete with dramatic pause for full effect, but Alex already knew what was coming. The second half of the rule...how could she have forgotten. How could she have been so foolish. “I get to pick the music.”
Alex groaned in dismay.
“Kara, no.”
It would take them four hours to get to the Tuolumne Meadows campground. Alex sighed, and rested her head against the passenger-side window. That meant four rounds of Fearless, though it was more likely that Kara would just play the same five or six songs she'd been listening to on repeat ever since she bought the album.
“Can't we listen to something else? Please?” Alex begged.
Kara smirked, and turned the volume up.
But of course, her mom immediately turned it back down, giving Kara a stern look in the rearview mirror.
“Kara,” she said in a tone that suggested, knock it off.
Kara quickly cowed, retreating further into the safety of the backseat. “Sorry, Eliza.”
“Great,” Alex said, sitting up straighter in her seat. “Now get her to play something else.”
“Alex, just listen to your iPod, if you don't like Kara's music,” her mom suggested. Alex sank back into the seat.
“...It's not charged.” There was a snort from the backseat. Alex glared into the rearview mirror. “Because someone lost their chord and was hogging mine this morning.”
Kara shrugged, and smirked that same insufferable smirk.
“You snooze you lose.”
Four hours and what felt like a billion playthroughs of “Forever and Always” later, they arrived at the campsite, the interminable car ride almost instantly forgotten as the rocky banks of the river came into view. Alex had been here before, years ago on a father-daughter camping trip, but it was Kara's first time. As they filed out of the car and began to pull duffle bags and ice chests from the trunk, she turned to gaze out at the trees, taking a deep, calming breath.
Alex joined her, and gave her shoulder a good natured nudge. “It's nice, huh?”
“Yeah,” Kara agreed. “It's...a softer kind of noisy, than Midvale,” she explained with a happy sigh. And then, after a moment, she said, “...Sorry for being a jerk, in the car.”
“It's fine,” Alex shrugged. “Here, grab the tent.” Kara lifted the gear with ease, and followed Alex over to a level patch of dirt. “I just don't get how you can listen to the same, like, five songs.” She gestured for Kara to dump out the contents of the tent.
“No super speed, Kara!” Eliza called from the car. “You'll kick up too much dust!”
“Okay!” Kara called back as Alex began sorting the pieces. Kara stooped to help her. “They're good songs. You listen to your favorites a lot.” And Alex had to pause and silently admit, that was true. 
“Yeah, but not over and over,” Alex finally said. “I'd get tired of them.” Which was also true. She remembered liking that Fray song, once upon a time, but now, it just annoyed her, any time it played on the radio.
Kara shook her head at Alex’s remark. “I don’t. There's something new, every time.”
Alex glanced over at her, ready with a retort—how could there be anything new in Taylor Swift songs? Weren't they all just...basically the same thing? First dates at fifteen, feeling fearless in the rain at 2AM?
But Kara's eyes were bright behind her glasses as she enthusiastically went on. “Like, sometimes, I'll just listen to the rhythm, or the vocals, or I'll pick out my favorite sounds, and it makes the whole song brand new again.”
Alex narrowed her eyes. “So...it's an alien ears thing, or...?”
Kara considered the question as they continued to put the tent together—they'd located all the poles and stakes, and were maneuvering the tarps into place. “...Maybe?” She said.
Alex kept working on the tent, waiting for Kara to continue, perhaps offer some sort of additional explanation. When she didn’t, Alex looked up to see that Kara’s eyes were on the tree canopy overhead. Her expression was neutral, but Alex had come to recognize that particular look.
She was listening.
To what, Alex didn't know.
“Yeah,” she said after a time. “Yeah, I think it is an alien ears thing.” She smiled. “I like the way guitars sound.”
Alex might've teased her about that, if Kara hadn't sounded so achingly sincere. Did they have guitars, on Krypton? Alex couldn’t remember Kara saying anything about music from her home world. Alex knew it probably wasn’t the case, but she imagined it being a lot of...synth-y sci-fi stuff.
She considered asking Kara about it, but decided against it--sometimes, Kara would get...weird, about such topics, and they were having a nice time. Alex didn’t want to ruin it. 
So instead, she feigned offense. “Well, if you like guitars, I don't see why you don't like my music.”
Kara emphatically shook her head.
“Your music is loud.”
Alex started feeding one of the poles through the tent material. “Um, yes? That's the best part?”
“Yeah, no thanks,” Kara chuckled as she hammered a stake in place. The repeated the process at each corner, and soon enough, the tent was upright, and ready for them to store their gear inside. “It's loud and it's so emo.” 
Alex snorted, heading for their pile of backpacks and duffle bags.
“Okay, Miss 'Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone'.”
A sleeping bag collided with Alex's right arm.
“That song is great!” Kara insisted, already reaching for more ammo with a wide smile.
“That's not even how the play goes!” Alex teased her. “Right? Aren't you like, the Romeo and Juliet expert?”
FWUMP. The second sleeping bag hit home, but Alex didn't care. She was having fun.
“That's not the point, and you know it!”
“See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns, see you make your way through the crowd--” Alex thought she was safe, as there were no more sleeping bags.
But Kara had found their pillows.
She laughed again, careful not to let the pillows fall in the dirt. And she was just about ready to give Kara a taste of her own medicine, when she saw that sly smile once more.
Oh, no.
“Hey, Alex, if you hate the song so much,” Kara said with a knowing look, “how come you know all the words?”
Well, shoot.
“...Cause...you play it all the time. Obviously.”
“And you’ve listened close enough each time to learn all the lyrics?”
Alex scowled. “...I mean. It’s...it’s kind of catchy, I guess.”
Kara beamed.
“Ha! I knew—”
Alex hurled both pillows at her.
Alex lets out a relieved sigh.
Kara is back.
Kara is safe.
Kara appears to be whole and...mostly healthy. Her sodium levels are low enough to give Alex some pause, and her right leg shows signs of muscle strain, but otherwise...
“Can I go home now?” Kara's voice is raspy from fatigue. Alex shakes her head.
“Not yet,” she says. “Sodium has to be administered slowly. It's gonna take a while.”
Alex expects some sort of pushback, or protest, but Kara just offers a small hum of understanding. She really is tired, Alex realizes.
“But hey, good news,” Alex adds with forced brightness, “you do get to eat in about,” she consults her watch, “fifteen minutes, or so. Anything you want. Me and Kelly are buying.”
This earns a groggy grin from Kara, and Alex stores the image in her mind, filed under 'reassurances that Kara is still Kara, even after...everything.'
“A dangerous offer,” Kara jokes. 
“Well. It...would not be the first time we bought a mountain of food, to welcome you home,” she admits. Kara shoots her a sad, questioning look, but Alex pointedly ignores it. “So. What'll it be? Pick your poison.”
Her sister's brow furrows in thought. “Um. I guess...whatever will get here fastest?” she suggests. “I'm starving.”
“Ah. We all had a feeling you might be, so,” Alex scoots her stool across the room and extracts a plastic bag from under one of the lab tables. “Snack run,” she says, revealing the spoils with a flourish. Kara laughs outright. It's soft, but it's the strongest she's sounded since returning from the Phantom Zone.
“Thank you,” she says. But Alex taps her watch.
“Still have eight minutes to go,” she reminds her. Kara nods obediently, though she's already sifting through the bag.
“I assume the apples and olives are from Brainy,” she says.
“He swears by that combo,” Alex tells her. “Don't worry, I'm pretty sure J'onn put some actual sustenance in there. You know. Red Vines. Pretzels. The good stuff.”
“...What's this?” Kara asks, and Alex wonders if Brainy perhaps added other questionable food combinations, but the item Kara pulls from the bag isn't one of the snacks.
“Oh.” Alex rubs her arm, a little self consciously. She forgot she left that in there. “That's just...” She pauses. “...I saw that. While you were...” Alex tries to think of a good word for it, but there isn’t one. “...away. I guess I thought...that if I got it. It...was like a promise. That we'd find you. And I'd give it to you.”
The logic doesn't seem quite as sound, as she says it out loud. Regardless, it dredges up memories of awful days marked only by failure, frustration, and fear that they'd never find Kara.
She shakes her head, clearing the thoughts away, and continues in a lighter tone. “Because obviously, pot stickers would go bad, so. This seemed...less wasteful.”
Kara nods, still staring at the shrink-wrapped copy of Fearless (Taylor's Version). A wistful sort of look tugs at her features.
“I haven't listened to these songs in years,” she says.
And Alex can't pass up the opportunity to tease her. “Yes. It's been nice.”
Kara rolls her eyes, but she's still smiling. “It's a good album and you know it,” she says. She sets it aside and yawns. Alex notices that she's looking a little worn out, and she doesn't appear interested in the food anymore.
“You want to rest, while I order the food?”
“...Yeah,” Kara decides. Alex stands to collect the snacks and put them back on the lab table. Kara inclines her heard towards the CD. “Did J'onn put a stereo down here?” Alex gives her a look. “Wait. Of course he did.”
Alex takes the hint and grabs the CD, pulling off the wrapper before heading out onto the main floor. The mismatched selection of furniture is currently off to the side, having been cleared away for one of Nia's training sessions. Alex finds the stereo next to one of the lamps.
When Alex returns to the med bay, Kara's already nearly asleep, her breathing slow and steady.
Alex checks on one of the computers—everything is holding steady, and Kara's responding well to the sodium. She should be able to go home tonight.
It makes Alex sigh in relief once more.
Kara's safe.
Kara's healthy.
Kara's home.
Alex places the CD into the open tray. Checks the track list, turns it to one of the softer songs, and lets it play.
Kara smiles as the opening chords drift through the speakers.
“I like the guitar,” she says quietly.
NOTES: - Brought to you by the release of Fearless (Taylor’s Version) and the realization that the original album would’ve dropped at the perfect time for young, impressionable Kara to become a huge fan. - Title pulled from “Breathe” because WATCH ME repurpose select lyrics from love songs for platonic/familial relationships. - I want to say that Kara and Alex went to a MCR concert together...or maybe mentioned MCR? In the tie-in comic? I forget. This isn’t really crucial to the story, I just think it’s a fun aside.  - Apparently it’s National Siblings Day so...yay for good timing? XD 
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
Hey Cam! It's the roommate anon from Nat's blog. I was really freaking out for the whole of yesterday for reasons, but I've relaxed a bit now, and I remembered that I didn't answer your question about the songs on my roomie and I's cooking playlist lol 
We have a 10 song limit for each artist, so I switch some of the Taylor songs up every so often just because there are so many different songs that I like, but at the moment, the songs on there are: 
— State of Grace — I think this is one of the best songs on Red 
— Shake It Off — My roomie doesn't like this song lol. I can always tell when she doesn't like a song because she'll grimace when it starts playing lmao. But I love it. I can relate to it a lot 
— Cardigan — I can tell that she actually secretly really likes this. She even asked me what it was called  
— No Body, No Crime — I think she likes this one too. We make jokes about it 
— Dorothea — This is one of my faves from Evermore 
— Tell Me Why — I don't think she likes this one, but I love it. I think it's so fun 
— Fearless — Just because it's so nostalgic 
— Everything Has Changed — This song always kinda makes me think of her. I don't know why 
— Red — This song always kinda reminds me of her too. Again, I don't really know why because the lyrics don't even fit her. I think it's more the sound  
— All Too Well — I mainly only keep this one on because I can tell she likes it 
— This Love — I don't really like this one, but I keep it on because she loves it. I think she finds it calming 
— Cowboy Like Me — We both love this one. It's another one of my favorites 
— Cornelia Street — I can't tell if she likes this one or not, but I like it. She has mixed reactions to it. Sometimes she listens, and sometimes she talks over it a lot
It turns out that I broke the limit without realizing because when I counted, I realized I actually had 13 songs on there. But I mean, technically I only keep 3 of those songs on there because she likes them, so it's not really cheating imo lol 
She drags me for being a Taylor fan sometimes, and she'll make jokes like "I can't believe I live with a Swiftie", but I can tell that she actually really likes some of Taylor's songs. She'll never admit that she likes a song, but I can usually tell by the way she reacts. She'll stay pretty much silent for the entire song and will seem a little distracted from what she's doing, so you can tell she's listening intently. Also, she'll sometimes replay them, and if I ever tease her about it, she just smiles and tell me to shut up lol 
I think I can see what most of the Taylor songs that she seems to like have in common. She likes songs like Cowboy Like Me, Lover, Cardigan, This Love, Willow. Like they're all more calm and chilled out sounding songs 
There were some songs that I used to have on there that were just making me feel really awkward for some reason, so I took them off 
I also had to take off some songs because I realized they were taking her back to a bad place. She had a pretty rough childhood, so it's usually songs that mention childhood or parents or any really difficult emotional situations 
Like she HATED Hoax. I think it was too sad for her 
I put Never Grow Up and The Best Day on the playlist for Mother's Day last year because I'm an ✨idiot✨ and didn't use my brain first. They both nearly made her cry, even though she doesn't cry easily at all. She skipped both of them halfway through 
She also asked me to take Tolerate It off because she was finding it really difficult to listen to. She told me it reminds me too much of her mom 
And Look What You Made Me Do actually made her kinda freak out. She was like, "Take this one off please, I don't like this one" in this kinda anxious voice 
I do think she likes Clean because she'd always listen to it so intently, but she'd also start looking a bit stressed, so I got rid of that one
I'm trying to be more careful with the songs that I put on now. I double-check the lyrics first  
That's the reason why I haven't recommended her any Taylor albums yet. I know some songs might bring back bad memories for her. Instead, I think I might make her a playlist of Taylor songs that I think she'll like instead. I haven't got around to it yet though 
But then there are some songs that she just hates lmao 
Like she hates ME! She would grimace every time it came on lol, and sometimes she'd put her hand down in her face or pretend to hit herself in the head with the chopping board. Or she'd groan and be like "Put me out of my misery"
She didn't like This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things either 
She told me that London Boy was "one of the worst songs she's ever heard", but then she was humming it a lot for the next few days, so 💀
She also told me that she didn't really like 22 and that it was "a little annoying", but then she was humming that later as well 
She has strange opinions on some songs though. Like she told me that she hates Welcome to New York because "it's so depressing", but to me, it's a really optimistic and hopeful song about new beginnings 
I don't think she knows about Swiftgron. I actually don't know that much about Swiftgron myself because I only ended up on this side of Tumblr recently. It sounds interesting though, but I wouldn't even know where to start with learning more about it. It seems like there's so much content 
I remember that I did mention that people think Taylor is closeted to her once in passing. She actually sounded interested. She was like "Is she?" Except I didn't really know much about the reasons why people think that back then, so I think I just said something like, "I don't know, but a lot of people think that", and that was where the conversation ended, and the topic hasn't really come up since
hey babe! so glad you’re here w me!
love these song choices it sounds like you guys have a lot of fun cooking together and it sounds like she totally wants to be a gaylor
here’s the whole story of swiftgron and here’s a more condensed list of proof if you’re interested!  if you read my pinned post there’s a lot of resource links in there.  
oh and if she doesn’t like London boy but she does like the music of it PLEASE play her cold war by cautious clay it’s the song taylor sampled for London boy and it’s veryyyyy vibey :) 
maybe you ought to make her a playlist of songs that help you express how you feel about her like everything has changed (which btw is a swiftgron song!)
come back and chat whenever you like! i love your story.
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