#i can't wait to do the other Requests for the flower crowns
roseboysstuff · 3 months
(Same person who requested the pent up leon & ftm reader with a baby :3)
i NEED more zuko content , uhh so how about zuko and (ftm) male reader have two kids already (twins) and they're really young, even them both already having kids zuko atleast wanted one more, and as soon as the twins started asking for a baby sibling he went wild that night
"You heard them? One more can't hurt, and they'd be so so happy.."
You can choose the kinks ! Have a good day ♡
I'm always happy to provide Zuko content hehe, and breeding is one of my faves AH FUCK i POSTED IT TOO SOON
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Zuko loved seeing you with your kids. The two girls that you had given him, cute little identical twins. The cold darkness of the palace, now filled with the cute shrieks and giggles of his daughters. Meetings with his advisors interrupted by the pitter patter of tiny feet coming into the throne room, so he just continues the meeting with both of them snuggled onto his lap. And the way you took care of them, made him fall even more in love with you. The praise and care, the way you carried them on your hips. He was so proud of you, and of his girls. They were both firebenders, not that he cared. He'd love them either way. But tonight, as the four of you lay there, the girls making flower crowns in the meadow outside the capital volcano, the topic of siblings came up. "Papa? Can we have another sibling?" One of your girls, asked, in the her innocent voice. Which caused the other one to chime in. "Yeah! I want a brother too!" Both you and Zuko exchanged a look, your faces clearly flustered. You changed the subject for now, and you after a few hours, you carried them back to the palace, and tucked them into bed. As soon as you left their room, you felt a hand on your hip. Squeezing. Grabbing. And then you were pushed up against a wall, with Zuko's lips pressing hot, open mouthed kisses against the sensitive skin on your neck. "What do you say, my firefly? Shall we give them another sibling?" His voice is deeper, laced with lust. You remember how he got you pregnant the first time, how he went almost feral at the idea of seeing you all swollen with his kid. You're pretty sure that his incessant pounding of your hole, and the amount of cum that he poured into your hole, was the reason why you had twins. And you were probably gonna get the same treatment tonight. He didn't even wait until you got into your shared chambers, he just pushed you against the wall of the hallway. Despite your soft protests that somebody might see you, he pulled your clothes off. "No one's gonna see us, and even if they do, I'm the FireLord. What can they do? I'm the leader, and I need to fuck another heir into my prince consort. You'll let me, won't you, baby boy?" Well you did let him. His cock was in you before long, and you stopped caring about whether or not it felt good. You just moan and whimpered and cried out his name. "Such a tight hot pussy, all for me. Gonna get your pregnant again, my love. Shall we try for triplets this time?" You didn't argue. His cock felt too good, the veiny surface stimulating the sensitive spots inside you. And you squeezed him so good, your pussy needing to be filled with his hot cum, to be pumped full of his heirs again. You cried out his name, needing him to fuck you harder. Which he happily obliged. Slamming into your pussy, the sound of skin slapping echoing in the hallway, as he didn't let up. He was determined to get you pregnant again, to fill your womb up with so much cum that you had no choice but to carry his babies again. He loved your first pregnancy. Watching your belly grow, from the small little bump, barely noticeable. To the swollen belly in the last trimester. He loved it all. And he was desperate to see it again, which was obvious in the thrusts. He was thrusting like a man starved, revelling in the mewls and whimpers leaving your lips. His cum poured into you, spurting seed into your womb. But he wasn't done. Keeping his cock in you, he carried you the rest of the way to your chambers, leaving the small amount of cum that had leaked out of you for the servants to clean up. He lowered you down onto your shared bed, and kissed your neck, rolling his hips inside you again. It's clear you weren't going to leave his arms until you were stuffed with enough cum, that he was satisfied that you were definitely knocked up again.
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photogirl894 · 2 months
Hello, bestie!! I want to congratulate you on 1300 followers. You deserve every one of them for your wonderful personality, writing, and vibes. And I'm also incredibly happy and honored to be among those 1300, thank you for being my friend ❤️
Now, for the ask! I love all of your prompts and I'm going to go with something fluffy with - surprise surprise - Crosshair!! With a female reader, if you please, could you maybe write 27. "You look so handsome" from the fluff prompts and 32. A kiss on the wrist from the physical affection prompts?
Can't wait to see what you write, and congrats again!
Thank you so much, Moon, for not only your request and congratulations, but for also being my friend, as well 💜I treasure our friendship very much!
Oh wow, Crosshair! I'm so surprised 😜 I expected nothing less and I am more than delighted to do this for you! I think you're really gonna like this 😉😏
We're gonna live a bit in denial with this one (while we can...) and just say Tech is alive and safe with the Batch, along with, well, a few other things😅
**Spoiler alert for the newest TBB episode, season 3 episode 11**
"A Wish in the Stars"
27. "You look so handsome."
32. A kiss on the wrist
Pairing: Crosshair x fem reader
It had been a year since you and the Bad Batch had settled down for good on Pabu.
A year since you all had successfully thwarted the Empire's operations on Mount Tantiss and ensured that you would never be found by them again by faking your deaths on Tantiss. With the Empire thinking all of you were dead, they would never come looking for you again, which left you and the Clones to live your lives in peace.
You all had returned to Pabu and helped rebuild everything that the Empire had destroyed. Within months, things on the island began to return to normal and all of you felt like you were truly home.
Truly free.
With this newfound freedom, Crosshair did the one thing you had always dreamed he would do; something you thought would only ever remain a wish in the stars for the longest time:
He asked you to marry him.
Naturally, you said "yes"...or rather, you cried out the word with joy over a dozen times.
The following months of wedding planning were both stressful and joyous at the same time. Omega was ecstatic at the thought of seeing you in a lovely white gown. Wrecker was more excited about all the delicious food that would be at the reception. Tech and Echo took it upon themselves to essentially be your "wedding planners" to ensure everything got done and taken care of. Hunter acted as more emotional support for you through it all and you had also asked him to be the one to walk you down the aisle at your wedding, which he was more than honored to do for you. You just knew your wedding day was going to be more than perfect.
The day arrived and you had just finished putting on your gown: a lovely floor-length, white dress with lacey sleeves and shoulders that had silk flowers sewn into the skirts. You wore a flower crown in your curled hair that Omega and Lyanna had both so lovingly created for you. You looked at yourself in front of a mirror, taking in the image of yourself in that moment. Seeing yourself looking like a bride was almost too good to be true. You had dreamt of this day for forever and now, it was finally happening...you were finally going to marry Crosshair, the love of your life.
Just then, you heard the voice of your beloved behind you and you saw him appear in the reflection of the mirror. He was gazing at you with eyes wide with amazement and love and you couldn't help but smile.
You whipped around and playfully scolded him, "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? You need to go!"
He grinned and strode towards you. "Haven't you learned by now that I'm not good at following orders?" he asked you.
You chuckled back, choosing to throw tradition out the window. "I suppose that's true."
Then you looked him over once, taking in the rare sight before you. Crosshair was in much more formal attire that you weren't used to seeing him in: a nice, dark green shirt with a cream-colored, button-up vest, dark pants and boots. You had a feeling Shep and probably Hunter had played a part in figuring out his wedding wear and you were more than pleased with what you saw.
"You look so handsome," you complimented him.
He got a slightly uncomfortable look, not liking the attention, but he still grinned shyly and said, "Thanks." Then his gaze softened once he looked back at you, taking in your radiance in the Pabu sunlight coming in through the window, and he remarked in awe, "And you...you look...I...I can't even find the words to describe how breathtaking you are."
"Thank you," you said with a huge smile as he gently pulled you to him by the waist. You placed a hand on his cheek and gazed up into his entrancing brown eyes. "With everything we went through, everything we fought against...I never thought this day would come."
"I know," he said, nuzzling your hand.
"I always thought us getting married and finally settling down somewhere would just be a wish in the stars, forever floating through time and space, never to be granted," you admitted.
Crosshair then reached up to caress your cheek. "Well...at least one star must have fallen then because that wish will come true today." Then he took your hand that was on his cheek and pressed his lips reverently to your wrist, letting them linger for a moment against your warm skin. His sweet, intimate gesture sent a pleasant shock down your arm and through your whole body. Then he turned his gaze back to you and asked with a tiny, teasing grin, "Are you sure you don't want to rethink this? You know I am severe and unyielding, as Tech says."
"You being severe and unyielding is what got us to this point to begin with," you told him. "You refused to give up. Not on fighting the Empire, on our squad, on yourself...and not on us." You raised your other hand to his other cheek and smiled lovingly at him. "Therefore, I will never stop fighting for the man who fought so hard for me. I'm not letting go of you for anything in this galaxy."
Having given that affirmation that you weren't rethinking anything about being with him, you kissed Crosshair sweetly and he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you as close to him as you could possibly get.
When you pulled away, he breathed out in a whisper, "I love you so much."
That brought a happy tear to your eye. Crosshair would say he loved you, but he seldom said it first. This day truly was a day for new beginnings.
"I love you, too," you said back.
"I don't know how or why you ever chose me...but I thank whatever entity brought me to you every day," he said. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I promise to make you happy for the rest of--"
Your finger over his lips silenced him as you told him, still smiling, "Save that for the altar, darling."
In reply, he said nothing and simply smiled back at you.
Then you gave him a light nudge. "Now, you'd better go. The ceremony will start soon and Hunter will be coming to make sure I'm ready. You need to leave before he catches you."
Crosshair snickered. "I'd like to see him try," he said, tightening his grip around your waist. Then he gave you a tender kiss on the forehead, released his hold on you and went to walk away. However, he stopped just short of the door and looked back at you once more with the most adoring smile you'd ever seen on him. Then he stated before he left, "I'll see you at the altar...my bride."
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
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Flowers | The Series | Chapter Three | The Garden
Summary | You come to find it's hard to avoid someone when the one person they want to talk to just so happens to be you. especially when that someone just so happens to be the prince this whole event is for.
Pairing | Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!reader
Warning’s | Rose (flower) slander ? not proofread
Word count | 2.5k
Series Masterlist
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The gardens of the keep are gorgeous but you can barely notice that now as there's so many people. many ladies standing around looking bored waiting for the prince to show up. Other lords scattered around, some entertaining the other ladies, others conversing amongst themselves.
you feel overwhelmed. especially with the glares of some of the ladies, still anger about the events occurring earlier in the day and this older lord breathing down your neck as he rambles about something about horses, you're barely paying him any attention just mindlessly nodding along and adding a curious hum every once and awhile.
You notice a large group of gasps and many people turn and towards one of the entrances, the prince has arrived, his brothers in tow. The prince looks around with a smile on his face and his eyes lock with yours, you swear you see his smile grow before he turns away.
You must not engage with him, you already have enough if the ladies hate you with the amount of glares you get you turn to now face the older lord as he drones on and on.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice him moving his way through the crowd, gradually making his way towards you.
"Ser''" His face perks lights up, "would you mind if we walked around a little? I feel the need to stretch my legs?" you give the man whose name you can't remember a smile as he nods and offers you his arm and you take it and walk away before jacaerys is able to come near you and hope he doesn't notice this. He does.
While you two continue to walk around you skillfully avoid jacaerys as he is walking around the garden place, you swear you could see the irritation growing on his face every time you lead this old man around. The old negative is that the old man was still. talking.
"I'm sorry , ser, do you mind if I borrow her for a while?" the old man nods before bidding you farewell and you sigh in relief at your savior.
"Thank you I don't know much longer I could have to hear about horses-" you start, surely it had been your father who had come to your rescue while your mother conversed with other lords trying to get you some suitors. Yet when you turn your eyes widen in shock, "Prince Lucerys!"
He laughs as you bow, "I'm happy to have saved you, my lady." you notice joffrey is also next to him and greet him as well and he gives you a grin. "Did you need something from me, my prince?" Lucerys grin grows, you notice a hint of mischief behind his eyes, "I'd like to show you around the garden, if you are yet to see it my lady."
He was also royalty, you shouldn't be conversing with him either, it would only make your reputation worse. People would assume you were desperate to get into the royal family even though the boy was already betrothed.
"I was actually just shown around though i appreciate-" "No no i insist, that lord doesn't know the keep like i do." he was insistent. it would be rude to deny the request of a prince so you nod your head reluctantly and take his arm.
He is leading you now to a different era of the garden and you gasp. Roses. Many many rose bushes line the garden in a beautiful display. Of course they would grow roses in the keep. One of the most standard and beautiful flowers, don't they give a rose crown during tournaments?
You can't remember and right now you can't be bothered to remember as you walk down the rows and rows of rose bushes. "They're beautiful."
"Yes they are aren't they?" Roses weren't your favorite, sure they were beautiful and you loved the meaning, the symbol of love but there were others you enjoyed more. You run your hand along the wall, feeling the petals with your fingertips. Lost in your thoughts you barely notice he's leading you to somewhere, no more like someone but by the time you notice it's too late and lucerys arm has disconnected from yours.
"Ah dear brother there you are. Oh hello my lady." you freeze and turn to see jacaerys standing with two other ladies, he gives you a smile as the ladies next to him frown. "My prince." His smile only grows as you finally address him. He turns back to the ladies and says goodbye as he now moves towards you. The nasty glare they give you reminds you exactly why you need to not be talking to him.
you aren't worried, he'll say his proper hellos then he'll leave just like he did for everyone else- "You wouldn't mind if i joined you three?" "Of course not brother." Based on the grins on all three of their faces you notice something.
They planned this. Of course they did but why? Why did they want you to speak to jacaerys so badly? "My lady." Prince charming offered you his arm, it would be rude to decline of course but you're already thinking of the ways you could get yourself out of this situation.
As we begin to walk around lucerys stops, "Oh i think i see something come on joffrey." He definitely planned this with a smirk on his face. Now you two are alone, well not really alone but it's as alone as you can get. "Are you enjoying the garden my lady?"
He's smiling at you, it suits his face. "I am my prince, it's very beautiful." "I'm glad you are enjoying it." for a moment you allow yourself to bask in his presence, forgetful of your place as you take glances of him.
As you two continue to walk he clearly is about to ask you something else before another lady comes over, "Prince Jacaerys, do you have a moment?" Cassandra baratheon. A lady from a great house. A pit forms in your stomach as you remember who you are. You're embarrassing him, a lower lady walking around with a prince on her arm. He must feel ashamed knowing Cassandra saw the sight because you know you're feeling it for him.
you release yourself from him and he gives you a look you cannot recognize, "I shall be off your grace." He opens his mouth to say something but you rush away before he has a chance. It's embarrassing, for the first time in your life you are wishing you were someone else, you wish you were a lady born to a great house so you won't feel shame for wanting to know him, maybe if you were a lady from a great house he wouldn't feel shame for being around you.
You rush through the garden passing by many lords and ladies who give you odd looks but you can't be bothered to care. You end up in a more secluded place and look around aimlessly, you're lost.
You can't even be bothered to care, you're defeated, so you lay on the ground and stare at the sky. Yes, your dress is getting ruined but the view is worth it. The sky is so clear, blue and bright and the smell of flowers reminds you of home and how you could spend just laying on the grassy hills and admire the clouds as they go by.
Your father would join sometimes and you two would point out what the clouds looked like for hours just laughing and chatting together. You'd pack a picnic the morning of and would stay out there until your mother yelled at you two to come inside for the day. You miss home.
Your mind is filled with thoughts and your eyes are cloudy with tears. You don't register someone calling out your name from behind you until his worried face is blocking your view. "My prince!" you sat up quickly. "Are you alright? did you faint?" "No. I mean yes I'm alright…. im sorry." he offers you his hand and you stare at it, you shouldn't you know you shouldn't but you take it anyway. It feels nice, it's warm, it must be true, the blood of the dragon runs hot. You notice it's slightly coarse must be from all the training he does.
Once you're up you quickly let go and look down, "I'm glad you're alright i was- i mean your mother was very worried about you when she saw you were no longer roaming around the main area, i decided i would come looking for you." Ah your mother of course she was worried, she knew you were failing the one reason you were supposed to be here.
And now you've ended up inconveniencing the prince. "I'm so sorry, there's just so many people and I just-" "There's no need to apologize to me, I'm just glad you're feeling okay." He sounds so genuine that you look up and he smiles, when you finally look him in the eyes you swear his smile grows, "I didn't get to finish showing you around, i'd like to finish showing you if you do not mind."
You should tell him no, you should run and stay away from him until this whole ordeal is over and you can venture home and forget all about the beautiful dark haired prince. "Of course my prince." but you cannot.
You notice your dress is surprisingly not ruined, only some grass and rocks that easily come off with a quick brush of your hand. You mumble another quick apology before turning back to him and you notice he's watching you with a smile, your face burns as he offers you his arm.
The two of you begin to walk back the way he had come from, "I didn't get to ask you this earlier my lady," You turn towards him curiously you note he's already looking at you, "You seem rather knowledgeable about flowers, am i correct?" "Yes my prince." "Do all flowers have meanings?" You're shocked by his question, apparently it shows on your face, "Is there something wrong with my question?" you shake your head, "no no no my prince it's just, men aren't usually interested in flowers." he turns his head back forward with a thoughtful look on his face, "i've always admired flowers."
He admits this to you like it's a dirty secret he just shared "I've always enjoyed coming out here and admiring the roses, they're very beautiful. Yet i have no clue of their meaning or if they even have one." He refuses to look at you, like he feels you would be disgusted of his words. "I'm glad you enjoy flowers." He stiffens up slightly at your words, "Flowers are very beautiful, many men don't appreciate them only ever caring to grab a pretty bunch and present it to a lady. I find it very honorable you wish to know the meanings, I always found it funny when a man is confessing his love to a woman when giving her a bunch of yellow carnations. You giggle slightly as you recite the memory in your mind.
"Yellow carnations?" "Yes, most flowers mean good things but some can be interpreted negatively. Yellow carnations for example can mean disdain and are usually given to those you do not wish to be with anymore. Once when I was walking around one of the local towns I saw a man professing his love to the town's local seamstress. ended up even asking her to many of her in the same speech. The woman looked overjoyed and said yes." You laugh before continuing "The two did not last, broke off their engagement right before the wedding."
He turns to you before he begins to laugh as well. "That is ridiculous." "I know!" you two laugh as you continue walking through the rows and rows of bushes. Once you two stop laughing he looks at rose bushes. "What do roses mean?" You look over to the beautiful red roses on your side.
"Roses mean a different thing depending on this color. Red roses mean new love or love at first sight. When you give someone a singular red rose it resembles giving them your heart. It's a rather beautiful sentiment." You don't notice he is staring at you while you are staring at the roses until you turn back to him with your two locked eyes.
His face is slightly red and he has a look on his face you cannot place. Your face burns as well, you want to lock this moment in a locket and wear it around your neck so it's close to your heart forever. you two enter a more crowded part of the garden and he turns away from you.
You are once again reminded of who you are and where you are, you always seem to get lost in the moment with him. you move to remove your arm from his but his arm tightens, keeping you in place. "I'd like to know more about flowers ' meanings." you turn to look at him once more, "like what?"
he's at a loss for words, he tries to come up with something but he is too late as someone already comes up to him, yet another great house lady though you do not know her name. "I have not been able to greet you yet my prince."
the lady is glaring at you, you rip your arm away from jacaerys and turn to leave once more. "Goodbye my prince." and just like earlier you slip away before he can speak.
You meet up with your mother who fuses over you before you tell her you aren't not feeling well and wish to return to your room. She walks you there as if sensing your negative mood she does not question you. As you walk through the halls of the keep you think to yourself, You failed this afternoon.
You were supposed to avoid him but instead spent way too much time with him. you would do much better next time you have too. This cannot continue; you cannot allow yourself to be deluded with impossible thoughts and scenarios.
as you arrive at your room your mother turns to you, "Remember tonight is the opening feast i shall come collect you from your room when it is time." she gives you a kiss on the forehead before she leaves.
The opening feast. Yet another place where you shall have to see the prince. Dread filled you as you entered the room, maybe you could play sick and miss it but your mother would never allow it. You attempt to come up with any other ideas while you get undressed but none would work.
You decide to take a nap before the events of later tonight. You cannot allow what happened today to happen again and this time you're sure you will succeed.
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madame-fear · 2 years
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hello all !! 💖 so, since requests are open, i had to make 90+ (might edit and make more) prompts and scenarios in case you'd like to use them when requesting c: if you're going to use them when requesting, i'd highly appreciate if you also gave me a small insight on what plot you'd like/had in mind for the request/prompt/scenario.
i believe there are some that might not be fully original because i'm not entirely sure if i imagined them, or read them somewhere and it stuck to my mind and i don't remember where & when i read it; so if you see a non-original prompt/scenario, feel free to tell me so and i'll delete it!
💖 requesting rules + characters/fandoms i write for // suggested reading !! 💖
💖 — last updated : 06 / 12 / 22
anyways! on to the prompts and scenarios :
1. “you have no idea how badly i need you.”
2. “jealous? who, me? impossible” *is actually seething with rage & jealousy*
3. catching [character] staring at you, and they immediatly look away blushing when you notice them.
4. “hold your breath, we'll be just fine.”
5. “you're so, so stupid, and so incredibly blind to not see it.” “see what?” “that i'm so in love with you, for gods sake!”
6. “would you fancy to sleep with me tonight, in my bed?” “only if we cuddle.”
7. [character] wakes up breathing heavily from a nightmare, and you soothe them by bringing them to your chest, and whispering sweet things to their ear while your hand caresses their hair.
8. “i saw this and i thought of you.”
9. “what would i do without you?”
10. “shut up and love me.”
11. “i love you so so much, you're my sun and stars, but if you don't reciprocate i understa–” “i love you too” you reply. “well, i hope we can at least be frie– wait, WHAT??? You love me back??? oh my–”
12. “i wish i could gift you the sun, the stars, the moon, and all the planets that exist.”
13. “what are you doing in my room?” “oh, you mean, our room?”
14. tracing [character]'s features while they sleep, and vice versa.
15. “you look lovely today. May i have this dance with you?”
16. “i am head over heels for you, and you deserve to know... i can't hide it anymore. I. Love. You.”
17. intense kissing session while cuddling, and getting caught by someone.
18. “your eyes shine when you smile. I love it.”
19. “gods, your lips are so sweet. Please kiss me again?”
20. goofily smiling in between kisses.
21. goofily smiling in your very first kiss.
22. “are you certain you want to do this? i mean, i don't want to make you uncomfortable.”
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
24. [character] slightly tilting your chin to make you look up at them when you lower your gaze out of shyness.
25. doing flower crowns for each other.
26. “you look pretty when you blush. Do it more often.”
27. “if only you knew the effect you have on me.”
28. “please, don't ever leave me alone. I could never stand being far away from you, my love.”
29. “i could smooch all your pretty little face right now.”
30. playfully wiping away their kiss, and getting tackled with more kisses by them.
31. “if only you saw yourself the way i see you... such a pretty angel on earth.”
32. “you occupy every single thought in my head, and every single dream.”
33. “i know this sounds strange, but you smell really good. You smell of... raspberry and citrus.”
34. taking care of [character] when sick, but they're so touch starved for you end up cuddling on bed together, but you end up sick as well.
35. Same as prompt 34, but vice versa: [character] takes care of you when sick, but since you end up cuddling and kissing on bed together they become sick as well.
36. “kiss me again. I dare you.”
37. teasing looks with each other in public. As soon as you're all by yourselves, you both fall into an intense, loving makeout session.
38. “is that... my shirt that you're wearing?”
39. “stay in bed a little bit more with me, please...”
40. “you're so distracting... i love that.”
41. “i don't think i'll ever let go of you.” *while cuddling*
42. “your hair is so silky. Can i braid it?”
43. “i will always be by your side, no matter what.”
44. [character] playing with your hair, occasionally twirling a strand around their finger.
45. [character] warming you up with a cloth of theirs when they notice you're cold.
46. “you're cold! i can see you shivering – here, have this. You'll feel warmer.”
47. “as long as i am by your side, nothing nor no one will possibly hurt you. I'll fight for you till my last day, i promise.”
48. singing/humming/reading to each other before sleeping. [ a/n : if you'll request something for this, specify whether you want the reader or character to sing, hum, or read. ]
49. “you're voice is like honey to me. Please, don't stop.”
50. “i don't recall asking you to stop. Keep kissing me.”
51. [character] get jealous because they think someone is flirting with you, but it's actually a relative they didn't know about and the two of you have re-encountered with each other after a long time.
52. “gods, you're such an idiot.” “and yet, you still love me that way.”
53. “the different shades of colours in your eyes are hypnotising.”
54. “have i told you how perfect you look?”
55. “you deserve the world.”
56. being reassured by [character] that they love you just the way you are when you show signs/tell them about your insecurities.
57. “you're perfect just the way you are, my princess, and you'll always be.”
58. “who told you that? I'll fight them.”
59. “you don't need to change nothing for no one. I love every small thing about you, and every inch of your precious being.”
60. “i will vow my life to you, my Queen.”
61. “let's run away together: leave all of this behind, and make a new life where it's only the two of us.”
62. “the sun is getting jealous about you, by the way you so brightly shine.”
63. “have i told you to stop? no. Keep going.”
64. “oh, no! your hands are so cold! here, let me warm you.” *[character] warms your hands with theirs*
65. “oh, thank god– my family likes you!”
66. “i know i make you nervous. Don't try to hide it. Say it.”
67. [character] accidentally calls you a dearly nickname (love, sweetheart, princess, etc) and realises what they've done when you blush and giggle at it. Ends in a love confession.
68. “come dance with me under the rain!”
69. desperate, needy and forgiving kisses with [character] after a bad argument/fighting.
70. “who hurt you? i'll fight the hell out of them.”
71. hugs from behind when you're distracted. Ends with makeout and cuddling session.
72. “you live in my head, and heart! yet you can't see that?”
73. friends to lovers situation. Getting hit with realisation that they're enamoured with you when [character] sees you laughing at someone else's joke, or flirting. Ends in love confession, too.
74. “oh my god– are you... jealous?”
75. “jealous? no, just curious.” *with clenching jaw, in between teeth*
76. “you're my first, and last. Thank you for all the love, i appreciate it, my sweetling.”
77. “don't cry, please. I hate seeing you this way– i'm here for you, and i'll always be.”
78. “you're so... breathtaking.”
79. “are you comfortable with this? i mean– i'd hate making you feel uncomfortable, or forcing you to do something you don't want.”
80. [character] giving you knuckle, hand, and palm kissing.
81. [character]'s family/friends/relatives notice the mutual crushing you have going on, but since you're too scared of doing anything, they set the two of you until you confess.
82. “i've realised, i'm slowly falling for you... and it's painful. So, so painful.”
83. “you should've said it earlier, idiot. I love you too, can't you see?”
84. star gazing with [character]
85. “the stars are pretty tonight... but you're prettier.”
86. “you're stunning. I'm so lucky to have you.”
87. “show me, then.” “show you what?” “you just said you loved me, didn't you? Prove it, and come kiss me.”
88. “did you really just buy me... [insert gift] (specify when requesting)? Oh my– thank you! You shouldn't have.”
89. “gods, you're going to be the death of my with all this... love smothering.”
90. “but they like you, [name]!” “oh, they like me? Too bad, i am so in love with you, and no one can compare to you.”
91. “please...” “please what, love? tell me what you want, angel.” [ for smut ]
92. “tonight, i'm yours... i'll be at your mercy.” [ for smut ]
93. “sometimes i can't help but wonder, if being so pretty hurts?”
94. “oh, fuck me.” “ok, when?”
95. “promise me you'll be more careful next time, alright?” [ please specify scenario for request ]
96. “you drive me so fucking crazy. i want you... now.” [ for smut ]
97. “i would kill, and get killed for you, my love.”
98. [character] randomly picking you up from the floor, carrying you bridal style to their room, and throwing you to their bed just because they're needy for your cuddles.
99. “you're such a needy, good girl, aren't you?” [ for smut ]
100. [character] sees you crying, and holds you in their arms as you cry on their chest and they whisper sweet things until you calm down. Ends in cuddling, and lots of fluff.
101. “you're such a dork.” “yeah, but i'm your dork.”
102. talking with [character] about dreams, and they accidentally confess they dream about you often. Ends in love confession.
103. [character] sees you being nice to little children and how much they adore you, and they can't help but daydream about those kids being your own. Ends with both of you talking about starting a family together.
104. “oh, fuck- we should be quieter, otherwise they're going to hear us!” “let them hear, love. i want them to know you're mine, and only mine.” [ for smut ]
105. “i shouldn't have touched you in such inappropiate way, i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-” “shut up, and keep going. i've been waiting for this for a long time.” [ for smut + fluff ]
106. “you look so pretty when you're wet.” [ for smut ]
107. “please, sing me a song, love. i can't sleep.”
108. “you're doomed to be my pillow now, for the rest of my living days.”
109. “did you... cancel all your plans just to be with me???”
110. you call [character] – your life time best friend – an endearing nickname for the first time, and then they realise they're slowly falling in love with you.
111. “i think... i love you. I love you like i never loved anyone else before in my life.”
112. “has anybody ever told you how pretty your eyes are?” [ specify who says this to whom if possible ]
113. “i think it's getting hot in here.” “you think?”
114. flashing teasing winks and smiles once you find out [character] has a crush on you.
115. a relative of [character] confesses that [character] loves you because they're too shy to do so... while [character] is witnessing the moment.
916 notes · View notes
apollodrider · 7 months
Hello sunshine.☀️ could you do apollo headcanons with a female human reader? Thank you, have a good day.🌻
Thank you for the request!
I tried my best <33
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Apollo x (Fem) Human! Reader
____• MAYBE gods and mortals interacting wasn't so ideal. You sometimes get nervous when interacting with him because of that. Apollo doesn't mind, he waits patiently for you to open up to him.
• Apollo does pursue you, he's not the demanding type, he instead works to win you over.
• Apollo likes to go through what we call 'courting', he finds the idea cute. He'd bring back silly gifts to you just to see you smile. He would write poems and dedicate to you. He'd sing you songs and play the lyre for you.
• He always make sure to treat you gently.
• “What's your love language?“ You ask him, curiously. “All five, darling. You deserve to experience all five.“
• I believe Apollo likes to show all the love languages to prove his love for you.
• Physical touch : Apollo lets you lay your head on his lap and rest as he caresses your hair. Whenever he sees you, he gives you a kiss on the back of your hand. He makes sure to give you lots of hugs and kisses. Sometimes, just to tease you, he'd give you a kiss on the lips before leaving. Like a goodbye kiss. He loves to hold your hand, your wrist, your waist, and all of that. It feels like heaven to him, you're just so beautiful.
• Quality time : Apollo would always visit you at completely unique and unexpected times. Sometimes early in the morning and sometimes around the afternoon. He'd drag you and take you to places, taking you out on dates, like picnic dates under the sun or under a tree. Other times, he's just there to keep you company and listen to you speak.
• Words of affirmation : Apollo loves to praise you a lot. In his eyes, you're gorgeous. He constantly compliments you, whether your appearance or your personality. He gives you reassurance whenever you're down.
• “I'm not very beautiful-“ You tell Apollo and he immediately looks at you, a frown on his face.“{Y/n}, you're as gorgeous as a star.“ Apollo said, complimenting you wholeheartedly. You raise a brow at that. “What is that supposed to mean?“
“Your beauty is shining, blinding, infact. You're a star, special and unique.“
• Acts of service : When you go out together and you have stuff to hold, Apollo carries them for you. Whenever your legs hurt from walking, he carries you. Whenever you're sick, he's there to take care of you. He's always worried about you, not wanting to see that you have even a single scratch on your skin.
• Gift giving : He loves giving you gifts. Apollo draws you often, making sketches, and paintings about you. He'd give one to you and keep some for himself, to admire you when he can't see you. When he sees something that reminds him of you/thinks you would like that, he gets it and gives it to you. Most of his gifts are cute, like stuffed toys, clothes, flowers, or food.
• Apollo always make sure to make you feel special. If he ever finds out someone hurt you, he'd have a talk with them and force them to apologize.
• You smiled at Apollo, holding back your laughter before you suddenly burst out into laughter. Apollo froze at that, surprised. He admired you. With glistening eyes, he watches you laugh and finds you adorably pretty when you do. “You're funny, Apollo.“ You comment, finally calming down.
From that day on, Apollo always made sure to crack jokes just to see you laugh.
• Apollo would take you to gardens, or flower fields. You'd both make flower crowns for eachother and wear it. He loves doing that a lot, it makes you happy, and it makes him happy too.
• You and Apollo have a sun and moon relationship in your eyes. But in Apollo's eyes, you are the sun to him. His sunshine. That may sound odd, but sometimes... the sun needs it's own sun, it's own sunshine that brightens his world since he makes other's day, but who will make his? Well, you of course.
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violetduchess · 1 year
A flower For Death
¤ Death x reader
Note: I'm sorry to the lovely a anon who requested this. Tumblr ate your ask and my writing.😞
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The sun was setting behind the mountains, casting a warm, golden glow over the peaceful meadow where Lobo and you sat. The soft grass tickled your legs as you both looked out at the endless expanse of greenery before them. Lobo, as always, was dressed in his usual black robes, his face hidden behind his hood. You, on the other hand, wore a simple white dress, your hair flowing in the gentle breeze.
For a moment, there was silence between you as you both took in the serene atmosphere. Then, you spoke up.
"I have something for you," you said, pulling a handful of colorful wildflowers from beside you. With deft fingers, you began to weave the stems together, creating a delicate flower crown.
Lobo watched you work, his clawed fingers resting on his knees. He had never seen someone make something like this for him before. Lobo was used to being feared and avoided, not cherished ( not that he minded it much.)
You finished your creation, and with a gentle smile, you reached up and placed the flower crown on Lobo's head.
"There," you said, admiring your handiwork. "You look beautiful."
Lobo was stunned. He had never been called beautiful before. He tentatively reached up and touched the flowers, feeling the soft petals between his fingers.
You noticed Lobo's hesitation and took his hand, guiding it to the crown. "You deserve something beautiful," you said softly. "Just because you're Death doesn't mean you can't enjoy the simple things in life."
Lobo looked at you, his hood falling back slightly to reveal his wolfish face. "Thank you," he said, his voice barely a whisper.
The two of you sat in silence once again, Lobo still wearing the flower crown. As the night grew darker, the stars began to twinkle above you. You pointed up at the sky, identifying constellations and telling stories of ancient myths.
Lobo listened intently, his usual stoic expression softening. He had never spent time with a human like this before. It was almost... nice.
As the night drew on, you grew tired. Lobo stood up and offered his furred hand to help you up. You accepted, and as you walked back to your home, Lobo kept the flower crown on, feeling a sense of peace he had never experienced before.
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The next day, you returned to the meadow, bringing with you a picnic basket filled with sandwiches and lemonade. Lobo was waiting for you, sitting cross-legged in the grass with his flower crown still on his head.
You spent the day talking and laughing, sharing stories and getting to know each other better. Lobo found himself enjoying your company more than he ever thought possible.
As the sun began to set once again, you pulled out a small camera and asked if you could take a picture of him wearing the flower crown. Lobo was hesitant, but eventually agreed.
You snapped a few pictures, the flash illuminating the darkening sky. Turning around the camera, you showed Lobo the pictures on the small screen, and he was surprised to see that he looked... happy. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
Eventually, you had to leave, but before you did, you leaned in and gave Lobo a soft kiss on the cheek. Lobo was taken aback, but as you walked away, he found himself reaching up and touching the spot where your lips had met his cheek.
As Lobo sat alone in the meadow, his flower crown still on his head, he realized that he didn't want to be alone anymore. He wanted to spend more time with you, to feel the happiness and peace that came with your presence.
"See you soon, Y/N."
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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cricketnationrise · 2 months
time: 1.31am (the time my dog woke me up today by jumping in my bed😅), location: Kensington palace , character: David and Alex please 🙏🏾 🐶, song lyric for vibes, discard if you don't like: "feels so good to be alive" 🌅 (from Beyonce's Be Alive Oscar performance 🎾💚🌻)
my ao3 is this same name but with underscores (the_marathon_continues )
no pressure if you can't get to this I'm sure you're inundated with requests!
*mushu voice* I LIVE hello i am in a two week lull of normal work hours so i have both time and brain space after a freaking month to write more and your prompt was the next at bat! i hadn't seen the oscars performance so that was cool to look up and see. i hope you love this little moment with my favorite boy. and alex.
read the rest of the ficlets here
1:31am, kensington
Henry’s stuck at some royal event, one that Alex wasn’t invited to attend, and Alex is fucking bored. He can’t sit still enough to watch something, there’s no chores to do since he’s stuck in Kensington waiting for Henry to come back, and he doesn’t have any schoolwork for once. And yes, it’s after one in the morning, but he certainly isn’t sleeping. It’s only when David pads into the monstrosity that is Henry’s gilded bedroom, that Alex’s brain lights up with glee.
A quick rummage through Henry’s closet (oh, the irony) and a text conference with Bea, Nora, and June, and Alex has a plan. David’s a good sport through all of the outfits Alex puts him in, placidly allowing the infringement upon his dignity and obligingly staying still for the camera. 
He starts with a black bow tie collar Henry had lying around and fashions two shirt cuffs out of an old white shirt of Henry’s to go around David’s front legs. A strategically placed pistol emoji on the most debonair picture of David and the tribute to Arthur as James Bond is sent off to the group chat. That one’s just for the family's eyes.
Alex finds giant sparkly sunglasses shaped like flowers (left behind by Pez, surely) and slaps a super bright filter on top. He posts it to Instagram with the caption Elton Paws. He spends way too long making a black vest, white shirt, and black belt for David, wanting to get as close to the iconic look as possible. David’s unimpressed face looks out from the photo with the caption I’ve got a bad feeling about this. A cardigan from one of Bea’s old dolls and David’s own booties for cold days sitting next to him complete the Mr. Rogers costume. Please won’t you be my neighbor? With a fit of giggles, he removes the booties from the shot, adds the tiny crown Henry pretends he didn’t buy for his dog and takes another photo. He adds a photo of Henry in a similar cardigan as the second photo. The third photo on the post is just the meme from The Office where Pam says ‘they’re the same picture.’” Alex spends another ten minutes color washing a normal picture of David with bright purple, solely so he can make a Courage the Cowardly Dog joke.
He doesn’t bother checking any of the comments, fuck if people think he’s being ridiculous. Alex built this life; he’s found his person (and his dog). He managed to create something beautiful for himself all on his own, despite being thrust into the public eye. He and Henry came out the other side of the leak with their relationship and futures intact and shining brighter than ever. They’ve spent long enough putting on their best faces in public—it’s about time people remembered that he’s twenty-fucking-three. If he can’t dress his dog up in ridiculous costumes and post them on the internet like everyone else on the fucking planet, then what is the world coming to?
And alex is so fucking proud of his life, both separate and intertwined with Henry’s. They can weather any storm and forget anyone who says their relationship isn’t what love looks like. Someday, they won’t have to split their lives over two continents. Someday, it’ll be a given, an if/then statement: If Henry, then Alex. They’ve been fighting for something resembling normalcy since way before the emails leaked. They’ve dealt with depression and being outed, with a long-awaited ADHD diagnosis and the pressures of their families and countries. They’ve hustled and worked and bent over backwards for the public for years. If the general population has a problem with them occasionally being ridiculous about their pet? Fuck ‘em.
It feels amazing to be goofy, to act like the young adult he is, to not run every single tidbit by a publicist or handler, to do something dumb with his dog because he misses his boyfriend. So Alex will keep on dressing David up in whatever strikes his fancy and posting the results. If nothing else, Henry will love the results.
an instagram post: 
[pic of david in a ridiculous costume, alex beaming with tongue out and peace signs while he holds david up for a selfie]  when dad is away, we will play.
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deadbydad-writes · 10 months
Character(s) x Fem! Reader Prompts I Will Write For: Week 1
Takahashi Takeda (Mortal Kombat)
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Childhood Friends to Lovers
Flirting while sparring
Enemies to Lovers (Lin Kuei Fem! Reader x Shirai Ryu Takeda)
First kiss
You fall asleep on Takeda after a hard and long mission
You spend the night with Takeda (You can add an idea you have for this if you want in the request)
Date night (You can put in what the date is going to be if you want in the request)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
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You meet Cassie's parents
Movie night (You get to choose movie in request)
Cassie explains to you what her green energy power is
Bodyguard! Cassie (Fem! Reader can be an actress or singer)
You get dared to kiss Cassie by Jacqui
You comfort Cassie after she comes back from a tough mission
You and Cassie go to the beach
Ellie Williams (The Last of Us)
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You treat Ellies wounds
You and Ellie go out on patrol
Ellie tells you she's immune
You and Ellie smoke some weed together
You give Ellie a tattoo of your own (You can add what the tattoo can be and where in the request)
You and Ellie go swimming together
You cut Ellies hair
Jesse (The Last of Us)
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You and Jesse have to wait out a snowstorm
You save Jesse from getting attacked by a Clicker (You can add on to it if you want to in the request)
You and Jesse spend a quiet morning together
You and Jesse flirt on patrol
Donna and Ellie get you and Jesse together
You and Jesse go get a drink together after patrol
Jesse patches up your wounds
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
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You meet at Tifa's bar and Cloud buys you a drink
You play with Clouds hair while he sleeps
You tease Cloud about hair being so damn spikey
You and Cloud take a walk through the Slums
You watch Cloud dance at the HoneyBee Inn
You're a bartender and close friend of Tifa's and Cloud decides to flirt with you
Cloud sees you in a dress for the first time *Kind of like when Cloud sees Aerith in the red dress* (You can add the details of the dress if you want in the request)
Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
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Aerith teaches you how to make a flower crown
Aerith teaches you about the language of flowers (You can add what flowers you want but only up to 6 or 7 in the request)
Cuddling in a field of flowers
You spend the night with Aerith during a thunderstorm
You help Aerith pick flowers
You accompany Aerith home
You meet Aeriths mother
Cayde-6 (Destiny)
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Spicy ramen date with Cayde
Cayde takes you on a tour around the tower
You save Cayde from trouble
You and Cayde go 1v1 in Crucible
You and Cayde go watch the sunset outside
Target practice date or Who Can Get The Most Headshots Winner Gets All Of The Glimmer and A Make-Out Session
Sparrow Racing
Mara Sov (Destiny)
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Mara Sov teaches you the ways of the Awoken
First time meeting Mara
Stargazing from the highest balcony of the Queens castle with Mara Sov
You are Mara Sov's Royal Awoken Guard and lover (You can send me a request for a small plot for this if you want it just can't be angst or smut)
You become Mara's favorite Guardian (You can add any ideas you have in the request)
Forbidden Lovers
Mara shows you a little bit of her magic
I will make more of these but with other characters, so stay tuned for those I guess.
But it will take me some time with any requests because I am on vacation with my mom and little sister but I will do them just not as fast or quick.
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can't be chained to a dream that fools the heart
Word: Dreams. Pairing: Luka/Ahim. Request: @ginkashino
Together we can make this dream come true, So let's break all the rules (Your heartbeat is a dance)
Ahim had just gotten under the covers when her door opened, a windswept Luka coming in, her usual jacket over her pajamas. 
“Saw all your stars, Luka-san?” Ahim asked, scooting over to make room for her fellow pirate. 
“Saw twelve today,” Luka boasted, putting her jacket in a heap on the desk chair and making her way towards Ahim. 
“Luka-san, please either fold your jacket or hang it up,” Ahim said sternly in her best princess voice. 
“Oh come on, Doc’ll iron it tomorrow if it bugs him so much.” 
Luka sighed dramatically, but hung the jacket up over the back of the chair.
“Thank you, Luka-san,” Ahim said as Luka got into bed with her. 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Ahim smiled, shaking her head a little. She reached over to turn off the main lights, leaving a night light glowing orange and the glow-in-the-dark stickers Gai had bought as the light sources. 
She was tempted to ask what brought Luka in, but knew that it would just make Luka shut down. After all, if she waited, Luka usually answered anyway. It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Luka to come in, but every so often it meant something was bothering her. And while she had seemed to be in a good mood when she came in, Ahim had gotten very good at discerning Luka’s moods. Something was bothering the thief, and hopefully Ahim would get to know exactly what. 
“Do you ever think we’ll get the greatest treasure?” Luka asked after a few minutes. 
“Marvelous-san won’t let us not get it,” Ahim pointed out, amused. “That’s why we’re here on Earth, after all.” 
Luka was quiet for a while, and while Ahim couldn’t quite see Luka (night vision not being one of the characteristics of the people of her planet), she knew that she was deep in thought, probably frowning a little as she figured out what she wanted to say. 
“...do you ever think about what we’ll do after?” Luka asked finally. 
Ahim considered the question. They had discussed it a bit, as a crew, but the unknown, especially to Luka, still loomed. With the Zangyack trying to commandeer the whole universe, it was a bit daunting sometimes. But it wasn’t like it was going to stop the Gokaigers, either way. 
“I really…just really want to make sure the kids have enough to eat, y’know? But you’re gonna want to go back to Famille, right?” 
“Luka-san, part of being a princess is diplomatic reach, don’t forget.” 
Ahim felt Luka startle, like she hadn’t considered that option. Ahim gave a little sigh, kissing Luka on the forehead. 
“We wouldn’t let you do that all on your own, Luka-san.” 
“No, I know, but…” 
Ahim didn’t say anything, stroking Luka’s hair as Luka settled in. It didn’t take long for Luka’s breaths to even out and deepen. Clearly this had reassured her, although now Ahim was the one who was slightly troubled. Not too troubled, for she knew her place on the crew, but it was daunting, knowing the greatest treasure was out there, out for the taking, if only the Gokaigers would come and grab it.
Still, it wasn’t very long at all for her to slip into sleep, the knowledge and trust she had in the crew comforting her as she snuggled into Luka. 
She was at a church, similar to the one she had fake-married Gai in. Her dress was a light pink, in a bridal cut, and there was a flower crown with a veil on her head. Gai and Doc were next to her, in suits of silver and green, while Joe was on the other side, all of them holding bouquets of pink and yellow. They were waiting for someone, Gai whispering it was usually the other way around on Earth while Doc hushed him. 
The church doors opened, revealing Luka, arm in arm with Marvelous, and while everyone else was in suits--including Luka, in a suit of pale yellow--he was in his finest pirate gear. The music started playing, a song she remembered from weddings she had attended on Famille. 
Marvelous dropped Luka off, giving her a squeeze on the shoulder before joining Joe. A priest-type person was saying…something, but Ahim was watching Luka, who looked uncharacteristically nervous. 
There was something about if they agreed to take each other, and something about absolutely and then Luka’s lips were on hers, and Gai was cheering, and Luka was being bridal carried out by her (since she had grown stronger, after all) and…
“Ahim, Luka, you have to wake up, otherwise Marvelous will have eaten all the breakfast,” Doc’s voice warned, cutting through her dream. 
“Mmmph,” mumbled Luka, who had an arm and leg thrown over Ahim. 
“Don’t blame me if you’re not there in time!” Doc said before leaving. 
“Come on, Luka-san,” Ahim said, stretching a bit once Luka got off her. “We need breakfast to chase our dream, after all.” 
“Definitely,” Luka agreed. “But what were you dreaming about? You were humming in your sleep.” 
“Mmm…something that could come true after we make our real life dream come true, perhaps?” 
Luka pouted, clearly unhappy with the vagueness. Ahim smiled, pressing her lips against Luka’s before taking her hand. 
“Is that part of being a princess too? Being vague?” 
“No, I would simply like to tell you after breakfast. But we have to hurry, with Marvelous-san.” 
“Ugh, you’d think he’d learn to leave some food for the rest of us!” 
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
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I posted 7,680 times in 2022
That's 7,051 more posts than 2021!
879 posts created (11%)
6,801 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,501 of my posts in 2022
#from my other blog - 152 posts
#assassins creed x reader - 116 posts
#assassins creed - 93 posts
#q: gardening in the shire - 87 posts
#assassins creed fanfiction - 87 posts
#assassins creed fanfic - 81 posts
#ezio auditore x reader - 52 posts
#q: resting in the café theatre - 52 posts
#jacob frye x reader - 50 posts
#arno dorian x reader - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#this took me sooooooo long to finish and that’s because after each line i read i would scream into my hands and go insane for a little bit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello! Hope you're staying hydrated ♡ Can I request a fluffy scenario of Howl and reader in a flower garden? Reader decides to make different flower accessories to give to Howl (flower crown, bracelet, rings, etc.) Hope you have a great timezone and stay safe!!
Thank you for the kind words! I've had a headache since 6AM (now 9PM:( ) so I've been drinking plenty today! And this is such a sweet scenario, I couldn't wait to write it! Also if picking flowers with Howl had a soundtrack, it would be Strawberry Blonde on repeat and I can't elaborate, it just makes sense in my head.
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The sun beat down on your back, warming you through your white summer dress but not unpleasantly so. The dress had been chosen for you by Howl and was covered in a micro-floral print of dusty pink roses, violet forget-me-nots and their little green leaves. It hugged your chest and became loose below your breasts. The neckline was square and the sleeves puffed around your upper arms, stopping just shy of your elbows.
Your fingers were wrapping oxeye daisies, Queen Anne's lace and bachelor's buttons into a crown which you reached over to set upon Howl's dark, braided hair. You smiled proudly at your work, little violets woven into his small braids that you had woven yourself.
He turned around to face you with a smile tugging at his lips.
"How do I look?" He teased, leaning forwards so that your noses brushed against each other, breath fanning gently against your lips.
"Like a flower prince." You replied with a grin, closing the distance between the two of you as you sweetly pressed your lips to his, feeling his fingers come to rest beneath your skin you pulled back and began plucking up more flowers with your fingers, picking out some buttercups and beginning to weave them into a simple ring.
Meanwhile, Howl laid down with his head resting on your lap, making you smile down at him and he held his hand up to block the sun from his eyes so that he could look up at you, his other hand coming up so that the backs of his fingers could gently graze against the softness of your cheek.
You didn't miss the adoration in his eyes as he looked upon you and you returned the look in full, taking his hand from your cheek to try and slide the floral ring onto his finger. However, Howl stopped you and took the little ring from your hand, sliding it onto your finger instead.
"Perhaps I can get you a real one, one day." He mused and you felt your breath catch in your throat, heart fluttering in your chest like the wings of the butterflies in your stomach, "Gold or silver... Y/n Pendragon..." You felt your fingertips tremble in excitement, unable to hide the wide smile that rested upon your lips.
"Do you mean it?" You asked in a whisper and his face softened, assuring you of his love with a single look.
"Of course I do..." And he chuckled lightly at the force which you used to dive down and cup his cheeks, lips crashing onto his passionately with the smell of the sweet wildflowers surrounding the two of you.
780 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My favourite part of Hadestown is straight up how Orpheus, being told to leave, just goes “I’ll sing a song so good, it’ll fix your marriage”
844 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
hello!! would i be able to request a howl x reader smut with comfort sex + howl being a soft dom? ty!!
Of course you can! I also got your other message about making this headcanons, don't worry xx
NSFW below cut
You didn't handle stress well. At all. As your lover, Howl knew this well.
So, during these times, he made sure to be extra attentive to you.
Touches against your waist, lower back, hands petting your head, doing more of the chores for you until whatever task that was stressing you out had been completed.
He took careful care to pamper you: bringing you meals as you worked, encouraging you (sometimes quite firmly) to drink enough water, when you woke, he would pick out your outfit for you while you got out of bed, he'd pull you away from your work at mealtimes and then make sure that you took a break after eating.
And you adored the care that he showered you with, it make you feel truly loved and loved and looked after.
He was successful in helping to relieve you of some of your stress, making it much easier for you to manage.
And he never let you stay up late into the night working, insisting that a poor night's sleep would only make your next day feel so much worse.
Oh and when you're finding it hard to fall asleep with how stressed you are?
He's coaxing you to stop tossing and turning with his body pinning yours down, ringed fingers skimming down your sides
He leaves little room for you to argue with how convincing he is
He's shushing you gently, holding you down into whatever position he's lifted you in "Let me do all the work... You're doing great... Being so good for me..."
And really when he's sweet-talking you like that, you can't find it in you to argue, especially not when it feels like a reward after your day of working
And when your tense muscles simply won't relax, you don't fail to notice the little wave of what feels like electricity flowing through your blood and then causing you to unwind with a relieved sigh.
No, he was not opposed to using magic to make sure that his lover could get the relaxation they deserve
Howl strikes me as the type to want to bury his head between your thighs, ESPECIALLY if you're holding his hair back for him: pull it, stroke it, hold it back into a ponytail, whatever you do with it, he'll reward your touch
When he's leaning over you, you curl your fingers around the golden chain of his necklace and tug ever so softly on it in a silent plead for him to lean down and kiss you
Praise, praise, praise!
He wants you to really feel the rewards of your hard work (there's nothing worse than stressing and working and stressing and feeling like you're getting nothing in return) so he makes sure that you know how proud he is of you, how much he admires your hard work and your drive to succeed
He'll start soft and gentle but really the aim here is to please you and wear you out simultaneously so he only gets harsher in pace as the night carries on
Telling you more sweet things such as "You're taking me so well", "Taking your reward so well", "Let me look after you"
He wants to make sure that you never feel that your efforts go unnoticed because he knows that you would never allow him to feel such a way
1,023 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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notes: a request from @redeemer46 'some down and dirty Alucard smut would be equally appreciated. One shot if you have the time.' My love for fangs really jumped out in this one AHAHA and I'm glad to have the chance to write a chase scene with him - who would pass up the opportunity to be disadvantaged in a chase with a vampire? Not me &lt;3
pairing: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes x Reader
word count: 5.7k
warnings: NSFW content, smut, fang kink, hand kink, praise kink, riding, missionary
A chase through the castle
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1,053 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello, it's me again 💀
Can I have something NSFW with Thranduil x Human!Reader + “Does it make you nervous when I stare?”?
Thank you!
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1,221 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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seaofashes · 3 years
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Hardcase x Happiness is my favorite Clone Wars ship
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twstedtales · 2 years
Athy I really love your love language hcs!! Could I request the same for the Diasomnia quartet? Stay safe and remember your writings are not cheap💖
❝...keep your eyes on me.❞
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge × gender neutral reader.
𝐭𝐰 | a bit of angst? but that's it.
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 | Phew, this took me a long time to write because I'm not entirely convince what would be sebek and silver's love language so they will arrive later on 😂💦 if you're interested in reading some stuff I wrote before with a similar prompt like this, you can find it here (riddle & leona) and here (trey, jack, jamil & idia)!
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Giving | Giving Gifts
As a dragon fae and a crown prince of a country, Malleus has so much stuff in his possession and he had no qualms of giving them to you as presents, or offerings. He had no shame in telling you over and over again that you deserve the whole world, everything of him and all he could offer. You just need to ask and he would hoard everything you desire like a dragon that he is.
When he sees something that reminds him of you, Malleus won't hesitate to purchase them, or get them no matter how impossible it may seem. Even if it's just a small jewelry in the colour of your eyes or hair, he will get them for you. You might have to tell him to stop eventually, because you won't certainly need them all anyway.
There would also be times when you would wake up in the morning and you'd see a bouquet of your favourite flowers on your doorstep, freshly picked and you were sure that Malleus had blessed them with enough longevity so you could enjoy it until he gave you another bouquet the next week afterwards. 
There was a handwritten letter with his beautiful cursive carefully attached to it, saying that he can't wait to see you tonight for your nightly adventures and how he looked forward to seeing you under the light of a thousand stars.
Receiving | Quality Time
Malleus' life span exceeds yours, and no matter how much he hates thinking about it, he was aware how fleeting your life was compared to his. And thus, he appreciates all the time in the world with you, treasures them and guards them in his memories where you could stay forevermore.
Spending time with him with nothing to worry about is the best day for you and him. No Overblots, no troublemaking friends on the loose, no responsibilities passed onto you by the irresponsible headmageーjust you and him taking your sweet time getting to know each other more.
Malleus doesn't have any qualms in talking to you doing the most mundane of things. You might think that he will grow bored, because he's a prince who has a lot of things to do other than listening to you wasting his time. But the simple stuff he does with you makes his lonely heart soar. He simply enjoys listening to you rambles on about your day, watching you smile at him as you narrate the stupid things you had done with your friends.
Those simple, mundane everyday life is what he treasures the most. And if he could, he would want to preserve them in a place where he could safeguard your memories for centuries to come.
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Giving | Physical Touch
Physical touch with Lilia involves a lot of pinching your cheeks together, hugging you to death, kissing you while he's hanging upside down the ceiling, and probably even cuddling in public. No, he was a shameless old man and I stand by this headcanon. Lilia absolutely have no shame in displaying in public how much he adores you (one reason is that its because of the different reactions of your schoolmates, to his unending amusement).
If you voiced out loud that you're uncomfortable with it, he would stop. Though the 'show' of affection in public was averse, that doesn't mean he would cease his ultimate ways of showing his adoration in private. He was still a little shit, but he was your little shit. You were stucked with him and his undying love, he said in a rather dramatic fashion and you would never know if he was serious or not.
Though Lilia seems rather playful, carefree and open to you with his love, physically touching you is also his way of grounding himself in the present. Touching you is his way of telling himself that you were still with him, that you were still alive and next to him, that he could still enjoy the limited time he has with you...
Receiving | Quality Time
Similar to Malleus' case, Lilia had lived his life surpassing yours so it's not entirely weird for him to want you to spend lots of time with him. But unlike Malleus, Lilia does not fear the day you would have to leave him. Though it's not because he does not care for you, no, goodness. But it's because he believed that all things will come to an end one day, and accepted it as dreadfully as it may seem.
But as much as that separation will pain him, even if seeing you go will finally make his heart stop beating, Lilia believed wholeheartedly that you will find your way to him again. Plus, he doesn't like thinking of possible "what ifs" in the future if he could just enjoy the present moment with you, no?
Spending time with him involves lots of games, be it the ones online with Gloomy Samurai (it doesn't matter if you don't know because Lilia will teach you anyway) or in terms of pranking his own dorm mates (poor Sebek and Silver, respectively) and he would drag you along with his shenanigans, whether you like it or not.
You may want to keep him away from the kitchen if you still value your life /hj or if you have a patience of a saint, you both could bond over cooking with you on the lead, teaching him the proper ways to prepare edible food that wouldn't result to others who consume having a stomachache. Though you have to watch over him very carefully, because he was a mischevious shit, you wouldn't know what he will put in the pot the moment you take your eyes away from him.
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softfantasies · 2 years
general warnings : technically sagau but its not a main point of the fic; reader is called pretty, but no mention of gender ! (princess is used but not referring to reader) i think of pretty as a gender neutral term but if it makes u uncomfy pls don't read ! /nm
character warnings : klee, qiqi, sayu; mentions of albedo, and nana kano
a/n : request from baizhu anon !! <3
w/c : 647
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A slight breeze blew over you and your small companions as you all made your way up to Starsnatch Cliff. The ever energetic Klee bounded ahead of you as Qiqi and Sayu lazily held onto your hands.
"Hurry up [Y/N]! Klee wants to play with you already!!"
You giggle at her excitement, "We're coming, we're coming hang on! Don't get too close to edge though ok?"
"Don't worry I won't!" she replies with a mini salute before she runs on ahead.
With a soft sigh and shake of your head, you urge Qiqi and Sayu ahead. "Let's go, yeah? We can make some flower crowns together."
Qiqi looks up at you, "What are... flower crowns? Qiqi cannot remember anything like that."
"Nana helped me make some before, it's very fun but it makes me a little sleepy..." Sayu interjects.
You smile fondly, "Yep! Basically we take any pretty flowers we find and weave them together to make a pretty crown. It's very relaxing and fun to do, I'll show you how to do it don't worry!"
"Thank you [Y/N], Qiqi thinks that sounds fun."
You all finally reach the top, where Klee was waiting patiently. She spots you and runs up to give you a big hug, "You're here now! What game are we gonna play today? We can't go fish blasting because there's not any fish but that's ok. I like playing any game with you like-"
You cut her off before she begins rambling, "We're going to be making flower crowns today! Doesn't that sound fun?"
"Klee thinks so! How do we do it though?" She tilts her head in confusion and you ruffle her hair. "Let's all gather some cecilias and sit down first ok?"
With a nod, the three scamper off to find the prettiest cecilias for you. Before long they come back, arms full of flowers.
"Are these enough [Y/N]? Qiqi looked for as many as she could..." the said girl looks up at you, hoping to be praised.
"Yes thank you very much Qiqi, they'll be very nice for our flower crowns." Taking all of the gathered cecilias and putting them in a pile as the four of you sit down, the children facing you, eager to learn.
"Alright, so! First we're gonna take this flower and loop it here with another to create a knot like this...." You begin to show them how to create a flower crown step by step, and before long, a sweet silence settles as you all focus on making the crowns.
A tiny finger pokes your arm, "uhm, [Y/N]? Does this look right?" Sayu hands you her slightly misshapen flower crown and you take it with a smile.
"It looks great Sayu, let me put it on you!" You move to place it on her head and she gives you a sweet smile. Soon Klee and Qiqi also finish up and request that you crown them all like princesses.
"Look at us we're all princesses! Klee can't wait to show Mister Albedo!!" Klee exclaims excitedly as Qiqi smiles softly to herself.
They prance around, happy with their flower crowns and you place yours on top of your head. "Look, doesn't [Y/N] look pretty too? [Y/N] is the prettiest out of all of us I think" Sayu points out and the other children chime in.
"Yeah! [Y/N] is soooo pretty, I like them lots."
"Qiqi agrees, [Y/N] is pretty and nice."
You lightly blush at their sincere compliments before grabbing them all in a hug. "Wahhh you guys are the sweetest, c'mere-" And then proceed to tickle them, "WAHAHAHHA [Y/N] NOOOOO-"
Their laughing cries for help were carried into the wind as you all collapsed in a heap together.
"Thank you for playing with us today [Y/N], we had lots of fun!" They all chirped, content.
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©softfantasies ; do not repost or plagiarize pls ! translations + inspiration is ok w tag !!
» likes nd reblogs appreciated <33
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jojohotel · 3 years
can i request a platonic bucciarati adopting a child reader who has a trouble speaking? and maybe the gang's reaction if you don't mind
Of course! I absolutely loved this idea and really enjoyed writing this.
This is not specific for Bruno, although he is the reader's father, there are a lot of headcanons that are about the gang members and their interactions with you.
Bruno adopting child!Reader that has trouble speaking + the gang.
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I do believe that Bruno really wants kids. Besides that, he would probably want to adopt since he knows how many kids are out there in adoptions houses, waiting for years and years for a caregiver.
Bruno would be protective of you and would try to not talk about his work with you as much as he can. Besides that, you will see the gang members, but your father will say they are good friends of his.
Bruno would try his absolute best for you and give you the best life.
If you get in trouble in the school Bruno's first thing to do would be to talk with the principal, if the problem is still not solved, he will talk with the children's parents.
When showing you to the gang, everyone would love you so much. (i mean, if they didn't they would be messing with the capo's child, and no one wants that)
Abbacchio pretends he doesn't care that much but likes to have you around. He pretends to be tough outside and that he doesn't care that much, but he loves you. He wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on you.
Giorno isn't good with kids but tries his best to make you entertained. He likes to give you flowers. He also enjoys going out during the evening on fields with you and spending some time with you while you catch some pretty flowers. In those evenings, he teaches you how to make flowers crowns (He always makes one for you)
Mista and Garantia are the silliest ones. They are always playing and joking with you, constantly giving you attention, and messing with the other members while playing with you.
"Why don't you go ask uncle Giorno to make a dragon for you Y/N?"
Fugo likes you. He isn't like Abbacchio but also isn't like Mista and Narantia. Whenever you have some problems understanding a subject in school, Fugo tries his best to help, even if after explaining it to you 2/3 times, he has to take a break for some period so that he doesn't get angry at you, and can calm down his emotions.
Bruno isn't the one to cook, so to have dinners at Libeccio's with the rest of the gang isn't something completely unusual, even if sometimes your father likes to cook your food.
Your birthdays are truly something else. If you'd like to invite some friends over, Bruno would make a small party, ordering some candies and snacks for you and your friends.
If you'd like to invite some members of the gang, then it would be absolute chaos. Do you know that picture of a dog sitting in a chair while the house is on fire? Yeah, that's Abbacchio during your birthday parties.
Mista is always playing and trying to make you laugh along with Narancia. When it's late and everyone is tired, Mista tells you that "uncle Abbacchio" has a lot of energy and wants to play with you.
Which is clearly not true, since Abbacchio had already chugged on 3 bottles of wine.
When Bruno has to go away for some time and can't leave you alone, he usually asks for Mista or Giorno to take care of you while you are gone.
Giorno because he believes he won't do anything wrong and can take care of you while he is gone.
Mista because even though his chaotic side, Mista likes you very much and would protect you with his life.
Calls himself uncle Mista.
When you get older Abbacchio offers you wine without Bruno knowing.
Honestly, I don't think they would mind your speaking problems. They wouldn't by any means make fun of you because of it, or make you uncomfortable.
I think most of them would straight up ask you to just repeat what you had said.
Mista would say that he is getting old (even if he is 18) and that his hearing isn't as good as it was a time ago, so that's why you would have to repeat yourself.
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thunderslumbers · 2 years
Youth || Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira
Warnings: Injuries
Word Count: 599 words
Summary: small moments sometimes turn out to be the most meaningful.
Author's Note: felt nostalgic today, listened to how to be a human being again and this happened.
"Boy, I want you to be happy, Free to run, get dizzy on caffeine, Funny friends that make you laugh, and maybe you're just a little bit dappy." youth, glass animals
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Tanjiro Kamado
Night fell upon the wisteria house you two were residing in, the sunset marked a time where everything slowed down.
You could tell Tanjiro was bored, sitting up in his futon and staring at the wall. Nezuko was surprisingly asleep, her energy sapped from a fight.
"Hey, Tanjiro" You had taken out a deck of cards in your haori folded at the end of your futon. Shuffling them with a precision Tanjiro had never seen before. "Wanna play something?"
Before he knew it Tanjiro was playing a game with you, blankets offset from the futon, you laughing when you absolutely swindled him at a pretend-gambling game. He was extremely proud of himself when he beat you (even though you went easy on him)
A playful shine in his eyes and a sly smile when you two settled down. It was during the nth round of go fish when he yawned
As he passed the cards back and went to sleep Tanjiro felt grateful that you had invited him to play. Falling asleep with the same feeling of playful camaraderie he once felt long ago.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
He landed himself in the butterfly mansion again, he'd always manage to get injured during missions.
As he was stuck inside the medical ward you went to pick a multitude of flowers; red, yellow, pink, orange, purple and many more. Unknown to Zenitsu.
To his surprise you returned to him with an armful of flowers, ready to twist them into little rings and crowns. As you finished one up he had asked you to teach him to make one, Of course you obliged.
His first flower crown was kinda wonky, but you wore it with pride, bending down so he could place it on your head. You had placed a few on his head too, making it look more like a wreath of colorful flowers rather than a singular link.
Most of the flowers were gone by the time you two finished up, only stray leaves and pollen on the sterile blanket Zenitsu was under.
You reached for his hand and dragged him out the bed, you two were passing around flower crowns to the other people in the butterfly mansion with giggles and giddy expressions.
Inosuke Hashibira
This time you had to spend time recovering from an injury, turns out landing wrong on one foot can do a lot of damage.
Inosuke waited impatiently, dropping by between his solo missions and pushing you to get better.
Aoi had filled your request for some colored thread, and while on bed rest you made a pair of friendship bracelets, hoping to give one to Inosuke the next time he visited.
"I can't wait to beat you into the dirt (Y/n)!" Inosuke looked excited to see you almost recovered. As he shook his fists you had told him to keep one out, and he did.
He looked at you curiously when you tied the bracelet around his wrist, the ends bobbing up and down with his slight movements. "I made you something, 'nosuke" You had hoped he liked it, because he was oddly quiet
"It makes my wrist feel weird." You could almost see his confused expression under the boar mask. He kept shaking his fist and seeing the threaded bracelet move around "Do you not like it? I can take it off you if you want."
"Hell no! I'm keeping this on forever!" He pumped his fist in the air, and you giggled. Even though it hurt you raised a sore arm up to match him. Inosuke snorted before running off, probably to brag about the bracelet.
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marveloushunter · 3 years
I read the hcs where the reader proposes to the boys- could you do the reaction of the reader when the boys propose to them?🥺
Everybody me calm down because this is my first ever request. And I just got so excited.
Of course, I can do it! This also turned out a little bit as how the boys would propose but I hope it meets your expectation! 🥰💜
Here it is: 
- Hunter takes you to the beach for a picnic. He talks more than usual, smiles like an idiot. He is so excited but so nervous at the same time.
- He already prepared everything, he went there before and bought a wine, snacks and flowers, and music in the background, of course.
- There’s nobody but two of you. The sun about to set.
- He gets you up for a slow dance.
- As you dance, he tells how much you mean to him.
- He stops and holds one of your hands, he gets on his knee.
- You know what’s about to come up.
- Your heart goes brrrrrrrr !!!!
- ‘‘It has been always you and will forever be you, Cyare. Will you marry me?’’
- You’re about to cry, is this real?
- ‘‘Forever?’’
-  ‘‘Forever.’’
- ‘‘Promise?’’
- ‘‘I Promise.’’
- ‘‘YES!’’
- You scream so loud that luckily nobody around you.
- Tech knows what to do, he always does.
- He takes you out to the dinner. He says let’s wear something fancy this time as though we’re just normal couples.
- His jaw drops when he sees you in a dress that you looking all stunning and he once again realizes, you are what he wants.
- While you eat your dessert, he takes out the ring and puts right next to your hand.
- Tech’s like :)
- And you’re ????
- ‘‘Will you marry me?’’
- ‘‘You made that ring?!’’
- ‘‘Uhm, that doesn’t answer my question.’’ He starts sweating.
- ‘‘Tech, this looks awesome!’’
- He coughs,  ‘‘I’m glad you love it, I made it thinking about you.’’
- You can't take your eyes off the ring because it is awesome. ‘‘Can I wear it?’’ you say excitedly.
- He sweats more, ‘‘Of course, Cyare, you can.’’
- You put the ring on your finger,  ‘‘Oh, sorry. What did you say?’’
- ‘‘I said, will you marry me?’’
- Your eyes wide open, you can’t say anything for a while.
- Tech dies more inside waiting for you to answer.
- You smile, ‘‘Yes, Tech. I will marry you.’’
- He relaxes, you both get up from chairs to kiss. He holds by your waist and pull you closer to himself. ‘‘Finally.’’
- Wrecker knows only way to propose to you and he’s sure that you’ll love it.
- He is right.
- You both are carving pumpkins in the garden of your house.
- He insistently doesn’t show you what he is doing. He says it’s a surprise.
- It really is btw.
- Wrecker finishes it before you and he orders you to close your eyes.  
- You wait for him to allow you to open them again.
- When you do, you rub your eyes to make sure if what you’re reading is true, that pumpkin says, ‘‘Will you marry me?’’
- ‘‘So, what do you say?’’ he says with a proud grin on his face.
- ‘‘I say, YES!’’
- You come home only to see rose leaves all over the floor, candles and some silly photos you and Echo take.
- He waits for you in the living room. He holds a bouquet of flowers.
- He gets up to greet you, kisses your cheeks and hands you the flowers.
- You wonder what’s this all of this for, it not your dating anniversary or anything.
- ‘‘What’s happening, Echo?’’
- He wears you a crown made of daisies on your head.
- He doesn’t answer your question, he take off the ring from his pocket.
- ‘‘I’ll make it short, will you marry me?’’
- You can’t believe your eyes, you love Echo so much, you both has always been for each other, you always dreamed about this but...but you can't see that coming. It catches you off guard.
- ‘‘It’s okay if you don’t want to.’’
- ‘‘Echo, are you kidding me? I love you so much, I always wanted this!’’
- ‘‘So?’’
- You throw your arms around his neck, ‘‘Yes! Of course, yes!’’
- Crosshair does not exactly sure how to propose to you, it gets on his nerves.
- He doesn’t even sure if you’d say yes or not. Normally, he’d be very good at observing people but you’re the only one he can’t exactly figures it out and to him, this makes you even hotter.
- He thought about putting the ring on your finger when you’re asleep.
- Then he thought how silly this is.  
- He wants to do it when he’s alone with you.
- He kicks his brothers out of the house.
- He decided to do it on the tub. Having a bath together is a thing you do it once in a while, so you wouldn’t notice anything.
- He brings a wine with himself and doesn’t care to pour it to the glass, he drinks it from the bottle.
- You are shocked because he usually doesn’t drink that much. You ask if something’s wrong.
- Crosshair says nothing but kiss your lips.
- Then he says, ‘‘I will tell you something but don’t freak out.’’
- ‘‘You don’t freak out.’’
- He sighs and reaches for the ring.
- He gives you the ring and asks, ‘‘Will you marry me?’’
- You definitely don’t expect this from him. You cup his face and look at his eyes for any doubt.
- You can’t help but say,  ‘‘I’ll almost think you love me.’’ jokingly.
- He rolls his eyes, ‘‘Well, I just proposed to you.’’
- You kiss his lips this time.
- ‘‘I will consider this as yes.’’
- You nod, ‘‘Yes.’’
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