#i cannot wait to share this fic
chryblossomjjk · 1 year
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
Here is how this story will end: Superball will stand outside of the state capitol. There he will give a speech about redemption, and forgiveness, and offering mercy to your enemies. It is the first time he has willingly appeared on the news. Inside, they are deciding the fate of villains after one stood at the front of a terrible disaster. Here is how this story will start: since Jack isn’t paid to be Superball, he gets his money to live by working at Barney’s Coffee downtown. One of his new regulars is a cute Outsider named Que, and Jack’s beginning to think maybe he’ll have time to flirt with someone and maybe even date for once. Here’s what this story is about: there is a Dragon. However, Superball has only ever wanted to help people.
here's something that's unusual from me: i have written an original work! this is 42k of original superhero fic, featuring a superhero who just wants to help people, a setting that i tried to make feel like a comic book story, a slightly doomed hero/villain romance, a villain who maybe doesn't want to hurt people either, people from an alternate dimension, and bowling. not that much bowling, but i feel like i should mention it's there. it's a story about an unreliable narrator! it's a story about trying to figure out how to stick to your principles! it's a story about living in a shitty apartment with a shitty job! and i am VERY PROUD OF IT. i have been so excited to share this for MONTHS, and i hope everyone enjoys it.
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chewchuck · 3 months
can’t believe i truly went into like a state of insanity and feverishly wrote 11k super self indulgent freak porn while staying awake for 36 hours straight. and also continued to just go about my life. who am i.
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hergrandplan · 13 days
It's neither sunday nor monday nor wednesday, but: here's a snippet from Chapter 10 of Suburban Legends
The slam of the kitchen door opening pulled Simon out of his thoughts. Wille entered with a triumphant “Dinner is served!”, carrying two deep plates filled with rice and some sort of yellow sauce. For all Simon’s doubts about Wille’s cooking abilities, it smelled absolutely delicious.
After setting the plates down Wille disappeared into the kitchen again, only to come back carrying flatbread and various dips. 
“What are we having?” Simon asked, eyeing the colorful spreads. He pulled out a chair to sit down across from Wille. 
“Curry,” Wille said, while slathering a piece of flatbread with aioli. “I uh… I make this whenever I feel down. Cause it’s… easy, but good. I hope at least.” Wille gave Simon an unsure smile. “But I figured, with the weekend you had… you could probably use a pick me up, and I don’t know any better way than this curry.”
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undying-lilies · 4 days
happy one month anniversary to the creation of the survivor fic, which was supposed to be happy fun times bounty hunting shenanigans until it turned into everyone (but mostly Cal) processing the insane amount of trauma that they all just went through
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kevaaronday · 11 months
Currently writing some very indulgent Jegulily raising Harry slice of life fics! Not what I thought would get me back to writing but I’m not at all complaining!
Excited to put them out into the world!
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sighonaraa · 7 months
All of your wips sound AMAZING. If you are up to sharing anything about it, perhaps you could share something about the ‘jamie gets hugged several ways to sunday’ fic?
you are the SWEETEST TO MEEEE. the thing about me is i love talking on and on about my fics and i am particularly excited about the 'jamie gets hugged several ways to sunday' fic SO.
post-wembley, jamie's grappling with the aftermath, and he's grappling with it alone. at the same time, he's beginning to realize that perhaps he is Just A Tad touch-starved. these two things coincide during the worst possible period of his life and as a result he has some breakdowns in front of his friends and then gets HUGGED and CUDDLED and LOVED about it. FOREVER!!!!!!
but first! here! have a Sad!
“…No,” Jamie says, again, though on repeat it sounds more like a question. He’s not sure where this conversation is going, and that frightens him. Makes the back of his neck prickle. His fingers close into fists unbidden, the dullness of his nails pressing against the rough, calloused stretch of his palms. An ache shoots up his arm, his right arm; the same arm he’d pulled back and then allowed to hurtle forward, arcing in an unwavering line, making impact with his Da’s cheek in a white-hot flare of magnificent pain. The punch itself hadn’t hurt, honestly. But the fear of what would happen next had surged through Jamie’s entire body like he’d touched an electrical socket; like he’d been standing out in the middle of an open field and lightning had cleaved down his spine and split him in half. That’s how it had felt. Like he’d been split in half. A before to which he could never return, and an after in which he was now trapped. Animal in a cage. He’s been rattling at the bars for weeks and he can’t find a way out, and he’s stuck in a lightless room and he knows there’s someone in the next room over, he knows because he can hear them sharpening their knives, and he also knows it’s only a matter of time till they return to carve him to pieces. He blinks, casting a veil across the image. The air sears his lungs. It ain’t cold, but he’s breathing kinda funny, and his chest is refusing to open up enough to let the air in properly. Roy’s frowning. “Jamie?” “Yeah?” Jamie manages, faint. Spots dance at the corners of his vision. “M’fine.”
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lady-harrowhark · 11 months
putting your fist through a thick sheet of glass (i know you don't want to)
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Releasing 7.26.23. Presented by the Big Resurrection Event.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus and Gideon Nav have always been at each other’s throats, and the animosity has only intensified since the death of Harrow’s parents. But when a car accident leaves Gideon without any memories of her past, Harrow sees a chance at the clean slate she’s wanted for years. Becoming involved in Gideon’s recovery assuages some of the guilt, but as she and Gideon become closer and increasingly involved in each other's lives, Harrow worries that some of her secrets may be more than she can atone for.
Get the playlist here
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wolfpants · 1 year
wip snip from the fic about the ship!*
I was tagged by the lovely @sweet-s0rr0w who gave us a taste (pun intended) of a gorgeous Christmas Drarry fic that I'm desperate to get my grubby mits on. Check it out here! Sadly my own snip isn't as festive themed (nor does it have any laced mince pies), it's from my gay cruise* Drarry fic that I'm hoping to start posting very soon once I crank the gears up on my productivity bus. Because er, I spent most of tonight eating cheese and drinking wine. Oops! Tis the season. Anyway, enjoy this slice of Harry-Pansy-best-buds action:
Harry swallows. “I never liked Draco. From the start. I never liked him.”
Pansy picks up her glass and points it at him. “But he liked you.”
Harry blinks rapidly, trying to catch his breath under the cold bucket of water she’s just chucked over his head, but the waiter stops by their table then, asking about more drinks, whether they’re enjoying their meals, something like that. 
Harry stares at him, hapless. 
“It’s all very lovely, thank you—and no, we’re fine on drinks,” Pansy says, and he totters off with a bow, hands crossed behind his back.
“Harry, darling, you have got to stop gazing at him from across the damn room,” she says, leaning forward. “If you think Draco is ever going to take the initiative on this, you’re wrong. He can’t remember.” 
Harry drags a hand over his face. He tries for a trademark bright smile, but it wobbles, lopsided. He sits back heavily. “I’m pathetic. I’m fucking pathetic. It’s been—fuck, it’s been twenty years, Pans. I need to—”
“Shit or get off the pot?”
“I was going to say move on.”
Pansy gazes at him from over the rim of her glass. “I hate to break it to you, lovely, but sometimes it looks like you have moved on. Or, rather, that there was never anything to move on from. Your exploits are quite literally, legendary. We’re just about to run the pictures from your evening with dear Charles.”
Harry groans, and says, without bite or meaning, “Fuck you.”
“I’m just doing my job.”
“I hate Witch Weekly.”
“No you don’t,” Pansy says. “And stop changing the topic. Look. I know you’re going on this cruise, and that you’re going to have fun, and honestly you deserve that. But perhaps use it as an exercise in self-preservation? In reflection? Realise how good you could have it back home?”
Harry pulls in a shaky breath. “Pansy, what if you’re wrong? What if he’s never actually liked me either? What if he has nothing to remember?”
She shrugs and sets her glass down again, smoothing out the napkin by her plate. “I’m not wrong. I’m never wrong, especially when it comes to him.”
No pressure tagging @tackytigerfic @skeptiquewrites @kbrick @lettersbyelise @phoebe-delia @phd-mama @wheezykat @m0srael @basicallyahedgehog and anyone who wants to play! If you see this consider yourself tagged!
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verdantglow · 2 months
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@insomnya777 Oh yes, smallidarity is 100% a thing that happen(s/ed) in the retail hell au!
I can’t share too many details (including when on the timeline it is), tragically, because of ~*~plot relevance~*~ but I can confirm that it’s important enough that it will be a tag on this fic on AO3. ^^
Like, this fic is still smalletho focused, but Joel & Jimmy…. Yeah, they’ve got something going on for sure.
Who am I to deny canon when it so helpfully supplies me with things like best friends kissing & calling each other babe & telling each other they’re handsome & that they love each other????
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andmakeithome · 1 year
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finally posting my spotlight/preview for @topgunzine !! I have an art piece too that I'll share on my art blog in the next few days, but for now you get the fic :]
so happy I've been part of bringing this project to life! hope y'all enjoy!! ✈️💜
live text for the fic below the cut, and image IDs in the alt:
Mav’s watching the two of them, something indescribable lurking on his face, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. Ice feels his own fingers twitch with the unbidden urge to grab his hand, but he shoves them into his pockets.
Bradley squirms out of Carole’s arms then, mouth running a mile a minute. Ice misses most of it, but he catches the way Carole leans forward to whisper in Bradley’s ear, the ways his eyes go wide before whirling back towards Mav.
When Bradley has his back turned, when Mav is distracted by Bradley begging for ice cream, Carole stands and presses the photo into Ice's hands.
"For his collection," she says by way of explanation, eyes tight at the corners, smile strained. Ice recognizes the comment for the plea that it is and slips the photo into his pocket.
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kat-xox · 6 months
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a snippet just for you @kwiwrites
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bobwess · 5 months
You wanna see a sneak peek of my Endverse fic?
They've been floating the idea of finding a place where they can gather hunters together. Safety in numbers. Bobby, Dean, Rufus, Jo, Ellen. -
“Chitaqua.” Rufus announced as he walked in through Bobby’s back door and made a beeline directly for the coffee. 
“Gesundheit.” Dean responded. 
“Camp Chitaqua, jackass.” He claimed his cardboard cup before choosing a doughnut and shoving enough things off the table to make a place for himself. 
Bobby rolled his eyes. “What about it?” 
“I made some calls last night, and the ones that went through kicked up an old camp ground, been empty for a couple years now.” 
“How many is a couple?” 
“Have some faith, Bobby. A couple, as in two…” He took a bite of his doughnut. “To ten. It’s not clear.” he admitted. 
“And this… Camp Chitaqua is somewhere you think we should be interested in?”
“You got another thousand acre fully zoned retreat center lined up just waiting for you?”
Dean looked up from his own doughnut. “A thousand?”
“You wanted remote.” 
Bobby leaned forward, a little more interested than before. “Already developed?”
Rufus spoke with his mouth full. “Most of it is woods, keeps it away from nosy neighbors. Working plumbing and electricity. Two lodges, fifteen cabins and a flat area big enough for a couple dozen tents. Mess hall, rec room, chapel.” 
Bobby shook his head. “What’s the catch?”
“I can’t believe you don’t trust me.” 
“What’s the catch.” He repeated, flatly. 
Rufus lowered his voice, looking slightly guilty. “Five hundred thousand dollars.” 
Dean choked. “Oh yeah, just half a million dollars, let me get my wallet.” 
“Hey that is pennies on the dollar, far better price than you’re ever gonna get.” 
“Something that big ain’t going that cheap without a downside.” Ellen pointed out, ignoring Dean’s incredulous look at the word ‘cheap’. 
Bobby leaned back. “You saved him from a poltergeist, and now he is gonna cut you a deal?”
“No, There is still a poltergeist. The grounds are heavily haunted.” 
Dean stared at him. “And that didn’t count as part of the catch?” 
Rufus scowled at him. “If five hunters can’t take care of a little ghost problem, do you really think we got a chance at kickin’ the devil’s ass?” 
“Alright.” Jo said, cutting through the ratcheting tension. “Let’s take the ghosts out of the equation, where is this camp?”
“Fifty miles outside of Kansas City.” Rufus dug into his pocket, pulling out a map of the state with a hastily scribbled X. 
Dean stood to get a closer look. “Anything special about the location?”
“You mean other than it’s not north?” Rufus said incredulously. “Which in case you haven’t noticed is not doing so hot right now.” 
“Yeah, yeah. But nothing else?”
“Just everything you wanted on a plate.” 
Ellen waited until Bobby passed her the map. “Assuming we scrounge up the change, how many people can it shelter? I don’t want to undershoot if we get more hunters joining us than we expect.” 
“Depends how cozy people want to get.” Rufus shrugged. “Lodges have 72 bunks each. Cabins are mostly one room.”
And tents if we got desperate.” Ellen mused.
“So a lot.” Jo crossed her arms. Hopefully way more than they needed. “Besides the ghosts, what has to be done?”
“What do I look like, a carpenter?” Rufus shook his head. “If you want a tour you gotta evict the old residents.”
Dean pushed back from the table slightly. “Are we actually talking about this?” 
Jo shrugged. “I vote we go take a look. Worst thing that happens is we kick a ghost’s ass.” She looked at Ellen. 
“Fine.” She relented. “But I got some stuff I gotta settle before we head off to go camping. Meet here again to leave first thing tomorrow?” 
“Fine by me.” Rufus said, reaching for another doughnut. “Bobby, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna borrow your tools and give my truck a bit of the love she deserves.” 
“Don’t lose anything.” Bobby said, sternly. “And put it all back where you found it.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Rufus grumbled, holding the door open for Jo before following her out. 
Ellen hung back. Once they were alone she lowered her voice a little. She nodded back towards the stairs. “How is he?” 
Dean sighed. “Not up to this.” 
“And you?” She asked, looking Dean over critically. “You in fighting shape? I’d rather push it a few days than get you killed.” 
“I’m fine.” Dean said. He tested a few rolls of his shoulder, pleased at the flexibility he had. “Let’s get it over with.” 
“Okay.” She said. She squeezed his shoulder before turning and heading after Jo. 
Bobby closed the box on the last couple doughnuts, pushing aside. “Cas’ll be okay here for a couple days.” He settled back with his coffee. 
“Yeah.” Dean said absently. “Thanks, Bobby.” He frowned. “We really owe you.” 
“That’s what family is for.”
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leedee013 · 9 months
for wip wednesday, Etienne!! i wanna see jean with a doooog <33
Thankfully, Jeremy had gone through this exact process with his brother a few years earlier and was there to help once again.
"They said there are a few dogs they'd like you to meet," Jeremy said once they finished handing over Jean's paperwork and the adoption fee. "Shall we?"
Jean nodded, mostly to himself, and took a deep breath. "Yeah. Let's go," he said, a soft smile on his lips.
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queenofbaws · 6 months
angsty, huh? oh, i think i can manage that... ;)c here's a little peek of something coming (wayyy) down the line in like wringing blood from a stone.
“I’M KAYLEE JEAN MOTHERFUCKING HACKETT, YOU RANCID OLD BITCH!” she screamed out into the yard. “THESE ARE MY WOODS! I’M THE BIG BAD WOLF HERE! FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR STUPID GODDAMN SON, YOU MISERABLE FUCKING CORPSE!” The sound of her voice dropped then, not tapering or trailing off but stopping on a dime in much the same way the hymn had when Chris’d lifted the needle off the vinyl. She stood in front of the broken window, her body silhouetted by the setting sun, her shoulders rising and falling and rising and falling as she huffed and puffed. Somehow, she managed to be the smallest and the biggest of them at once. Then, almost too subtle to see, one of her breaths caught. Her shoulders hitched with it. Her hyperventilating gave way to great, wracking sobs, and before any of them could so much as figure out what was happening, Caleb’d rushed forward to grab her under the arms and gather her up just before her knees buckled. They both went sliding to the floor, but Caleb softened the fall, his arms tight around her as she bawled and screamed into the night. “FUCK YOU!” she kept on shouting, her breathing reduced to gasps and hiccups. “WE WERE HELPING! WE WERE HELPING!” One by one, Jack felt the other three turn to him, searching his face for answers he simply did not have. He scented the question on the air long before it was asked, but he was too caught up in not looking at Kaylee and Caleb curled up there on the floor, tired and scared and young above all else, to come up with a response. “The fuck do we do now?” asked one of the brothers, though which he couldn’t say. Jack shook his head. His throat had gone painfully tight. “Hell if I know. But whatever it is…we better get on it soon.”
sure hope they figure that out...
ask me about my upcoming projects! ;P
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wintaerbaer · 3 months
twds taehyung did you ever had feelings for maya?
"Maya? No, never. I care for her deeply, but she's always been like a sister to me."
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