#feel motivation for writing coming back a teensy bit
chryblossomjjk · 1 year
12 notes · View notes
ktrivia · 2 years
A Sniper’s Competition (Crosshair x Reader)
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The Republic had many humanized weapons in this war but all of them were well known by the Separatist forces. All of them but me, that is. The Republic brought me in at the beginning of this war to be one of their secret weapons. A sniper who could go undercover and stay unknown to the enemy. As the war grows closer to a close, the Republic is sending me on a new mission, one that includes four experimental clones. Which another sniper, who was known for his disdain for others, already in the squad, things were sure to get interesting.
Author’s note:
Hi everyone! You’re welcome in advance because this chapter is almost pure fluff! There is a teensy bit of spice and smutty discussion, but not too much! Please let me know what you think because it really does motivate me to keep writing this story and I have so many ideas for it!
Also I am officially writing Fives x Reader oneshots and drabbles as a prequel to this series! There is now a section on my master list for and I would love to write more for one of our favorite ARC Troopers so please PLEASE send in some requests!
Enjoy the chapter!
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Chapter 12
“She’ll wake up soon,” a familiar voice reassured. I could feel a hand caress over my cheek, holding my face gently.
“You’re sure?” A harsher voice asked. Even though the tone was cruel, the voice itself made me comfortable. Safe.
“I know you don’t think highly of me, but I do know what I’m talking about when it comes to the force. She’ll be fine,” The familiar voice chided, not rising to meet the simmering anger in the man touching me.
“I’m holding you to that,” the comforting voice snarled as his other hand stroked over my hair. It wasn’t long until the voices faded and only silence filled the void again.
When my eyes opened, they ignited a piercing headache. A groan left me and I squeezed them shut immediately, not wanting to see the light around me.
“What hurts?” Rex asked, his steady voice nearby.
“Head,” I grunted out. “Too much light.”
I heard purposeful footsteps move away and then a switch flipped. Even through my lids, I could tell the lights had been dimmed. I cracked open one eye and saw the only light in the bunk room now came from one of the top bunks across from me. It allowed for enough light to see, but wasn’t enough to trigger another piercing headache.
As I normally did after an injury, I mentally checked in with my body, making sure there weren’t significant issues like severed limb or something equally as traumatic. I noted that my upper armor had been removed, tight blacks all that remained. No wonder I was so comfortable.
I thanked Rex and moved to sit up once I realized I was physically ok, but he pressed his hand to my shoulder and pushed me back down.
“You overdid it with the force and you need to rest. General’s orders,” He reported, eyes scanning me for any other signs of injury.
“Tell Skywalker I don’t like being told what to do,” I muttered, but conceded, relaxing into the bunk. A warm comforting smell wrapped around me from the sheets. It smelled earthen, with a hint of manly soap.
“I’ve heard you and Cody going at it enough times to know that’s not true at all,” Rex muttered. I gasped in faux shock.
“Did you just make a joke about my sex life, Rex?”
“Only because you’re injured,” he answered with a small smirk. “Never again.”
I reached over and grabbed his hand, both of our faces softened as the laughter between us died down.
“Echo told us you collapsed,” Rex said, terror clear in his voice. “We came out and saw you just lying there, dead to the world as he tried to wake you up. Thankfully, the General figured out what was wrong with you pretty quickly. I thought Crosshair was going to throttle poor Echo.”
“He what?” I questioned in shock.
“Oh yeah. Crosshair had murder in his eyes when he saw you like that. Carried you back in here himself. Wouldn’t let Anakin keep an eye on you in the cockpit. Walked right on back here and put you in his bunk. He told us we could help you from back here where you’d be more comfortable.”
I was in Crosshair’s bunk. The enticing smell that encompassed me was his scent. I inhaled deeply, filling my senses with it.
“I don’t know how I feel about you two doing whatever it is you’re doing,” Rex said, drawing my attention back to him. “But that man cares about you.”
“Don’t go all big brother on me now, Rex,” I joked. He cracked a smile before conceding. He filled me in on the events of the last few hours and told me we still had a ways to go in hyperspace. He got up to leave and I quickly made a request.
“Can you tell Crosshair I’m awake and send him back here. That is if Hunter hasn’t told him already.”
Rex agreed and left the back area, door shutting behind him. The room was quiet and only soft voices could be heard from the cockpit. If I had to guess, most of the men were probably asleep, the mission having had taken a physical toll on them.
The door whooshed open and Crosshair crossed the threshold, but he didn’t move any further into the room as it closed behind him.
“You wanted to see me?” He asked, voice monotone. I wanted to reach out with the force, to see what exact emotions were swirling around him, but even thinking of it made the splitting pain in my skull return. Scooting over in the bunk towards the wall, I took a chance and patted the now empty space next to me.
“Get your ass over here and hold me.”
My demand held little force, more a request than anything, and his amber eyes met mine. Watching. Waiting. Assessing.
I thought I had misread the situation after he didn’t move for a moment. Maybe he’d turn around and leave. Without the force, I was blind to his true feelings.
He took one step forward before stopping and looking down at his feet. A massive sigh left him and his shoulders slumped slightly before he marched over to the edge of the bed. In full armor, he laid down next to me. He reached over to pull me to him, but he paused, a question in his eyes.
“I’m ok. Just a bad headache.” I assured. His arms circled around me and pulled me against his chest as his face buried into my hair, breathing me in. I tried to pull back some to see his face, but he only held me tighter.
“I’m ok Crosshair,” I mumbled into his armored chest. “But I won’t be if you suffocate me against this plastoid.”
He let out an annoyed sigh before easing his grip. I backed up just enough to be able to look into his eyes. My hand found its way to his cheek, holding his face in my hand as his lids drifted shut at the sensation. Emotions swirled through me as I watched him. I had known him for such a short time, but I felt something for this man. Maybe it was a connection or maybe it was just the war raging throughout the galaxy, but I felt an urgency to know him. To bond and connect.
My grip tightened a bit on his face as I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. This wasn’t like our previous kisses. This was unhurried and gentle. There were no clashing teeth or fights for dominance, just a never seen before softness.
When I pulled away, it wasn’t far. Our breath mingled as we held each other.
“I was… worried,” Crosshair said slowly.
“That took a lot for you to say didn’t it?” I questioned seriously. I hadn’t realized how much I depended on the force to read the world around me, but it felt like I was missing a limb at the moment.
“Yes,” Crosshair ground out. I massaged the tension between his eyebrows until it relaxed, the small wrinkle smoothing.
“I’m here and I’ll be fine,” I reassured. “But I’d be even better if you took off that chest plate.”
Even in the dim lighting, I could see his eyes roll.
“Just trying to get me out of my clothes now,” He muttered before letting me go, rolling onto his back, and undoing the clips. The second he had the armor off of his upper half, I scooched closer again. I laid my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. His lips pressed against my forehead gently. The feel of his warmth encompassing me relaxed me so much I began to doze as his fingers trailed patterns across my back.
“Go to sleep Crosshair,” I mumbled before I fell asleep fully.
“I will Mesh’la.”
I don’t know how long I stayed asleep, but I woke up sweating. Crosshair was a damned furnace and his arms held me tightly to his chest. I assumed the ship was still in hyperspace. The heat was uncomfortable and stifling, plus I really had to pee.
I attempted to disentangle myself from Cross’s grasp, but he held firm. I was considering waking up when the door quietly whooshed open and Hunter walked into the bunk room. He took one look at me and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
“I swear to the maker Hunter, I will take that Bandana and choke you with it,” I threatened.
“I can feel you sweating from here,” he said, trying to school his features. “Need some help?”
“Please,” I groaned quietly. Without warning, Hunter smacked a hand against the back of Crosshair’s head, startling him awake.
“Kriff,” Crosshair cursed, glaring at Hunter once he realized there wasn’t an immediate threat.
“Well, I could have done that,” I grumbled as I darted out of Crosshair’s now lax grip. Thankfully, only a minor headache occurred as I moved, but the inability to sense the force still lingered. I could hear Crosshair asking what was going on to which I only called back;
After getting some much needed relief, I padded back into the bunks to see Cross sitting upright on the edge of his bunk talking to Hunter who sat on the one across from him. They went quiet as I approached and Crosshair held out his hand to me. I thought I hid my surprise at the gesture well, but Hunter gave me a knowing look. Man might as well have had the force with the effects those enhanced senses had.
I slid my hand into Crosshair’s and let him pull me down next to him, his arm sliding around my waist and holding me close.
“You look better,” Hunter offered. “Looked a bit like death when we found you.”
The arm around me squeezed a bit at Hunter’s words, clearly uncomfortable with the memory.
“I feel better. Just a little bit of a headache,” I replied. Hunter’s expression changed.
“That’s not all though is it? It feels like there’s a lack of something coming from you. You normally send out a vibration like the General’s, just not as strong. But I don’t even feel that right now.”
“I know,” I conceded. “I need to talk to Anakin about it.”
Glancing up at Crosshair, I could see his jaw had clenched when he realized we were talking about the force. I still didn’t understand what about the Jedi gave him such a visceral reaction at the mere mention of them.
“Do you want me to go get him for you?” Hunter offered. I considered it, but didn’t want to deal with another explosion from Crosshair over Anakin being around. I’d deal with his possessive bullshit another time when things weren’t as tense.
“I’ll come out in a few and check in with him, but thank you.”
Hunter stood with a nod and left. Cross was still tense next to me and I tried to distract him by poking him in the side. He grunted and turned a grumpy glare to me.
“I bet you I shot more droids than you,” I bragged. He quickly caught on that I was referencing our bet from earlier.
“How many?” He questioned.
“47,” I answered with a severe lack of humility. He lips moved into a full blown smirk.
“There’s no way,” I argued, standing quickly. “And even if you did get one more than me it doesn’t matter. I took out a super droid. That counts for bonus points.”
His laugh filled the room and it made my heart lighter.
“That’s not how this works and you know it,” he said before his tone lowered and turned a bit husky. “Now about that favor…”
“Did you want something from me, Crosshair?” I asked, stepping between his knees and looking down at him from where I stood. He grabbed me and pulled as close as he could before twining his fingers into my hair and pulling my face down to his. Our lips crashed together and there was none of the sweetness from earlier there. Only need.
When I was gasping for breath and eager for more, he pulled away.
“You want to know my favor, doll?” He asked as his lips moved to my ear, teeth nipped against the lobe. I shivered as his breath brushed against my neck. All I could do was nod in response.
“You gotta use your words,” he taunted.
“Please tell me the favor, Cross,” I groaned as his tongue licked across my neck.
“I want you on your knees with those gorgeous lips around my cock,” he whispered. Without question, I began lowering myself, but he stopped me. There was a softness in his gaze that I hadn’t been expecting.
“But not now,” he said, the earlier heat mostly gone from his voice. “Right now you need to go talk to the jetii about what’s wrong with you. I don’t like the idea of you being in pain.”
“Oh come on Cross,” I whined, eager to get back to what we had been doing. “I’m not in pain, just uncomfortable.”
He leveled me with a serious look.
“The next time I’m in bed with you, I want you thinking about nothing but what I’m doing to you. I don’t want you worrying and I don’t want you remotely ‘uncomfortable.’ Just moaning my name without reservation.”
I balked at him. My mind was sorting between the warring heat and also consideration in his words.
“Yeah, ok.” I conceded with a gulp. “I can definitely agree to that.”
I turned away from him and began moving to the door, knowing if I stayed, I’d try and jump him again. He called my name when I was about to press the button to open the door.
“I want to try this,” he blurted out.
“Try what?” I prompted. I had a feeling I knew what he meant, but I had no way to confirm it.
“Us. I want to try us being an us. You know, together.”
I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face.
“I’d like that, Cross. I’d like that a lot,” I told him. “We’d need to talk about it more though. You know that, right?”
He nodded.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to talk about it now. I want you to figure out what’s wrong with you so you can get better.”
My heart tightened and I couldn’t help it as I made my way over to him and tilted his face back up to me. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, lingering there for a moment as I cherished the feel of his skin under my lips.
Without another word, I turned and left the room.
“She’ll wake up soon,” a familiar voice reassured. I could feel a hand caress over my cheek, holding my face gently.
“You’re sure?” A harsher voice asked. Even though the tone was cruel, the voice itself made me comfortable. Safe.
“I know you don’t think highly of me, but I do know what I’m talking about when it comes to the force. She’ll be fine,” The familiar voice chided, not rising to meet the simmering anger in the man touching me.
“I’m holding you to that,” the comforting voice snarled as his other hand stroked over my hair. It wasn’t long until the voices faded and only silence filled the void again.
When my eyes opened, they ignited a piercing headache. A groan left me and I squeezed them shut immediately, not wanting to see the light around me.
“What hurts?” Rex asked, his steady voice nearby.
“Head,” I grunted out. “Too much light.”
I heard purposeful footsteps move away and then a switch flipped. Even through my lids, I could tell the lights had been dimmed. I cracked open one eye and saw the only light in the bunk room now came from one of the top bunks across from me. It allowed for enough light to see, but wasn’t enough to trigger another piercing headache.
As I normally did after an injury, I mentally checked in with my body, making sure there weren’t significant issues like severed limb or something equally as traumatic. I noted that my upper armor had been removed, tight blacks all that remained. No wonder I was so comfortable.
I thanked Rex and moved to sit up once I realized I was physically ok, but he pressed his hand to my shoulder and pushed me back down.
“You overdid it with the force and you need to rest. General’s orders,” He reported, eyes scanning me for any other signs of injury.
“Tell Skywalker I don’t like being told what to do,” I muttered, but conceded, relaxing into the bunk. A warm comforting smell wrapped around me from the sheets. It smelled earthen, with a hint of manly soap.
“I’ve heard you and Cody going at it enough times to know that’s not true at all,” Rex muttered. I gasped in faux shock.
“Did you just make a joke about my sex life, Rex?”
“Only because you’re injured,” he answered with a small smirk. “Never again.”
I reached over and grabbed his hand, both of our faces softened as the laughter between us died down.
“Echo told us you collapsed,” Rex said, terror clear in his voice. “We came out and saw you just lying there, dead to the world as he tried to wake you up. Thankfully, the General figured out what was wrong with you pretty quickly. I thought Crosshair was going to throttle poor Echo.”
“He what?” I questioned in shock.
“Oh yeah. Crosshair had murder in his eyes when he saw you like that. Carried you back in here himself. Wouldn’t let Anakin keep an eye on you in the cockpit. Walked right on back here and put you in his bunk. He told us we could help you from back here where you’d be more comfortable.”
I was in Crosshair’s bunk. The enticing smell that encompassed me was his scent. I inhaled deeply, filling my senses with it.
“I don’t know how I feel about you two doing whatever it is you’re doing,” Rex said, drawing my attention back to him. “But that man cares about you.”
“Don’t go all big brother on me now, Rex,” I joked. He cracked a smile before conceding. He filled me in on the events of the last few hours and told me we still had a ways to go in hyperspace. He got up to leave and I quickly made a request.
“Can you tell Crosshair I’m awake and send him back here. That is if Hunter hasn’t told him already.”
Rex agreed and left the back area, door shutting behind him. The room was quiet and only soft voices could be heard from the cockpit. If I had to guess, most of the men were probably asleep, the mission having had taken a physical toll on them.
The door whooshed open and Crosshair crossed the threshold, but he didn’t move any further into the room as it closed behind him.
“You wanted to see me?” He asked, voice monotone. I wanted to reach out with the force, to see what exact emotions were swirling around him, but even thinking of it made the splitting pain in my skull return. Scooting over in the bunk towards the wall, I took a chance and patted the now empty space next to me.
“Get your ass over here and hold me.”
My demand held little force, more a request than anything, and his amber eyes met mine. Watching. Waiting. Assessing.
I thought I had misread the situation after he didn’t move for a moment. Maybe he’d turn around and leave. Without the force, I was blind to his true feelings.
He took one step forward before stopping and looking down at his feet. A massive sigh left him and his shoulders slumped slightly before he marched over to the edge of the bed. In full armor, he laid down next to me. He reached over to pull me to him, but he paused, a question in his eyes.
“I’m ok. Just a bad headache.” I assured. His arms circled around me and pulled me against his chest as his face buried into my hair, breathing me in. I tried to pull back some to see his face, but he only held me tighter.
“I’m ok Crosshair,” I mumbled into his armored chest. “But I won’t be if you suffocate me against this plastoid.”
He let out an annoyed sigh before easing his grip. I backed up just enough to be able to look into his eyes. My hand found its way to his cheek, holding his face in my hand as his lids drifted shut at the sensation. Emotions swirled through me as I watched him. I had known him for such a short time, but I felt something for this man. Maybe it was a connection or maybe it was just the war raging throughout the galaxy, but I felt an urgency to know him. To bond and connect.
My grip tightened a bit on his face as I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. This wasn’t like our previous kisses. This was unhurried and gentle. There were no clashing teeth or fights for dominance, just a never seen before softness.
When I pulled away, it wasn’t far. Our breath mingled as we held each other.
“I was… worried,” Crosshair said slowly.
“That took a lot for you to say didn’t it?” I questioned seriously. I hadn’t realized how much I depended on the force to read the world around me, but it felt like I was missing a limb at the moment.
“Yes,” Crosshair ground out. I massaged the tension between his eyebrows until it relaxed, the small wrinkle smoothing.
“I’m here and I’ll be fine,” I reassured. “But I’d be even better if you took off that chest plate.”
Even in the dim lighting, I could see his eyes roll.
“Just trying to get me out of my clothes now,” He muttered before letting me go, rolling onto his back, and undoing the clips. The second he had the armor off of his upper half, I scooched closer again. I laid my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso. His lips pressed against my forehead gently. The feel of his warmth encompassing me relaxed me so much I began to doze as his fingers trailed patterns across my back.
“Go to sleep Crosshair,” I mumbled before I fell asleep fully.
“I will Mesh’la.”
I don’t know how long I stayed asleep, but I woke up sweating. Crosshair was a damned furnace and his arms held me tightly to his chest. I assumed the ship was still in hyperspace. The heat was uncomfortable and stifling, plus I really had to pee.
I attempted to disentangle myself from Cross’s grasp, but he held firm. I was considering waking up when the door quietly whooshed open and Hunter walked into the bunk room. He took one look at me and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
“I swear to the maker Hunter, I will take that Bandana and choke you with it,” I threatened.
“I can feel you sweating from here,” he said, trying to school his features. “Need some help?”
“Please,” I groaned quietly. Without warning, Hunter smacked a hand against the back of Crosshair’s head, startling him awake.
“Kriff,” Crosshair cursed, glaring at Hunter once he realized there wasn’t an immediate threat.
“Well, I could have done that,” I grumbled as I darted out of Crosshair’s now lax grip. Thankfully, only a minor headache occurred as I moved, but the inability to sense the force still lingered. I could hear Crosshair asking what was going on to which I only called back;
After getting some much needed relief, I padded back into the bunks to see Cross sitting upright on the edge of his bunk talking to Hunter who sat on the one across from him. They went quiet as I approached and Crosshair held out his hand to me. I thought I hid my surprise at the gesture well, but Hunter gave me a knowing look. Man might as well have had the force with the effects those enhanced senses had.
I slid my hand into Crosshair’s and let him pull me down next to him, his arm sliding around my waist and holding me close.
“You look better,” Hunter offered. “Looked a bit like death when we found you.”
The arm around me squeezed a bit at Hunter’s words, clearly uncomfortable with the memory.
“I feel better. Just a little bit of a headache,” I replied. Hunter’s expression changed.
“That’s not all though is it? It feels like there’s a lack of something coming from you. You normally send out a vibration like the General’s, just not as strong. But I don’t even feel that right now.”
“I know,” I conceded. “I need to talk to Anakin about it.”
Glancing up at Crosshair, I could see his jaw had clenched when he realized we were talking about the force. I still didn’t understand what about the Jedi gave him such a visceral reaction at the mere mention of them.
“Do you want me to go get him for you?” Hunter offered. I considered it, but didn’t want to deal with another explosion from Crosshair over Anakin being around. I’d deal with his possessive bullshit another time when things weren’t as tense.
“I’ll come out in a few and check in with him, but thank you.”
Hunter stood with a nod and left. Cross was still tense next to me and I tried to distract him by poking him in the side. He grunted and turned a grumpy glare to me.
“I bet you I shot more droids than you,” I bragged. He quickly caught on that I was referencing our bet from earlier.
“How many?” He questioned.
“47,” I answered with a severe lack of humility. He lips moved into a full blown smirk.
“There’s no way,” I argued, standing quickly. “And even if you did get one more than me it doesn’t matter. I took out a super droid. That counts for bonus points.”
His laugh filled the room and it made my heart lighter.
“That’s not how this works and you know it,” he said before his tone lowered and turned a bit husky. “Now about that favor…”
“Did you want something from me, Crosshair?” I asked, stepping between his knees and looking down at him from where I stood. He grabbed me and pulled as close as he could before twining his fingers into my hair and pulling my face down to his. Our lips crashed together and there was none of the sweetness from earlier there. Only need.
When I was gasping for breath and eager for more, he pulled away.
“You want to know my favor, doll?” He asked as his lips moved to my ear, teeth nipped against the lobe. I shivered as his breath brushed against my neck. All I could do was nod in response.
“You gotta use your words,” he taunted.
“Please tell me the favor, Cross,” I groaned as his tongue licked across my neck.
“I want you on your knees with those gorgeous lips around my cock,” he whispered. Without question, I began lowering myself, but he stopped me. There was a softness in his gaze that I hadn’t been expecting.
“But not now,” he said, the earlier heat mostly gone from his voice. “Right now you need to go talk to the jetii about what’s wrong with you. I don’t like the idea of you being in pain.”
“Oh come on Cross,” I whined, eager to get back to what we had been doing. “I’m not in pain, just uncomfortable.”
He leveled me with a serious look.
“The next time I’m in bed with you, I want you thinking about nothing but what I’m doing to you. I don’t want you worrying and I don’t want you remotely ‘uncomfortable.’ Just moaning my name without reservation.”
I balked at him. My mind was sorting between the warring heat and also consideration in his words.
“Yeah, ok.” I conceded with a gulp. “I can definitely agree to that.”
I turned away from him and began moving to the door, knowing if I stayed, I’d try and jump him again. He called my name when I was about to press the button to open the door.
“I want to try this,” he blurted out.
“Try what?” I prompted. I had a feeling I knew what he meant, but I had no way to confirm it.
“Us. I want to try us being an us. You know, together.”
I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face.
“I’d like that, Cross. I’d like that a lot,” I told him. “We’d need to talk about it more though. You know that, right?”
He nodded.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to talk about it now. I want you to figure out what’s wrong with you so you can get better.”
My heart tightened and I couldn’t help it as I made my way over to him and tilted his face back up to me. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, lingering there for a moment as I cherished the feel of his skin under my lips.
Without another word, I turned and left the room.
Taglist (still open):
@1fineslytherin @buddee @possiblyexisting @ttzamara @angstforce99 @crosshairscyare @rndmpeep @whore4rex @twinkofthedink @clone-whore-99 @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @sweetsunflowerkisses @amyroswell @mellowstatesmanhandsempath
@ben-is-a-hoe @scioness-7 @eternalwaffle
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Could you write some smut for a soft daddy dom Aizawa? Something with a lot of praise! (I have a major praise and daddy kink lmao)
*Cue maniacal laughter* I like the way you think, nonny. I wrote for a female reader btw.
Warnings for: Smut, daddy kink, praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, a teensy bit of begging, Shouta is a bit of a tease, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare
Author's Note: I'm sorry this took a while, Sweets. But here it is! Ngl I'm kinda proud of this one...And I was so tempeted to throw in a praise+degradation line but I RESISTED. I am powerful and you should fear me. This is kinda soft and I kinda love it.
Anyway, enjoy~
Shouta is so good to you.
To most he seems unapproachable, cranky, in a constant state of fatigue and antisocial at best. But you know him, know he'll collapse into your arms after a rough night on patrol, holding you so close you can't tell where he ends and you start. You know how to get him to wake up, help him find the motivation to move his aching body when he needs you to. You take care of him.
And he takes such good care of you, too.
So you listen and obey when he comes up behind you as you're washing the last of the dishes, gently wraps a hand around your throat at tips your head back to press a soft kiss to your lips, whispering in your ear to-
"Strip and wait for Daddy on the bed, baby girl."
You're doing exactly as he asked, sitting pretty on your knees in the middle of the bed, patiently waiting. When he finally does walk in he visibly relaxes, his eyes are glued to your form immediately. Not a second later and he's all over you, hands caressing your skin, smoothing down your shoulders and up from your hips to palm at your breasts.
You can't help but mewl as he tweaks a nipple in his fingers, leaving butterfly kisses on your neck and shoulders as you feel heat pool in your belly.
You love when he gets like this, when he's completely in control and you can lay back and let him tug at you like harp strings, pulling melodies from you like it's what he was made to do.
"So responsive. Such a good girl for me, aren't you?" You nod fervently, you are his good girl. He hums into your skin, always pleased to see you melt beneath him.
"Lie down for me, baby." You settle on your back, head nestled in the soft pillows as he leans back and drags his hands down your body, his eyes following their path.
"Beautiful." It's soft, when he says it. Reverent, filled with awe. Every time he marvels at you like this it makes you squirm. Those hands find their way between your legs, where you both know you're already dripping for him. Rough calloused fingers trace down to the apex of your thigh, skirting around the edge of your heat, teasing you. You know what he wants.
"Please, Daddy. Please touch me." He chuckles, a low sound deep in his chest.
"Hmm but I am touching you, baby doll. What do you want?" Oh god he's gonna make you say it. But it's not like you won't, he knows you will, you're his good little girl after all.
"I...I want your fingers Daddy...I want your fingers in my pussy, please." Your face is hot with embarassment, it's always made you shy saying such lewd words. He lifts one leg up onto his shoulder, pressing a kiss to your thigh.
"That's my good girl." Then he's plunging two fingers into you, curling and stretching them and all you can do is lie there and take it. He loves watching you unravel like this, chest heaving and fingers clawing at the sheets beneath you, eyes bleary and fluttering closed only to snap open again with a gasp when he presses into that spongy spot inside you extra hard.
You're so so close to blissful release, riding on that edge. He can feel it, feel your walls starting to squeeze down on his fingers and he leans down and licks at your clit to toss you over. Your back arches beautifully for him, pussy clamping down hard and creaming around his fingers, breathless little moans and squeals pouring from your lips. He doesn't stop until you're shaking, swatting at his hand and pushing at his head to escape the stimulation.
"There you go baby. So good, cumming on my fingers like that. You gonna cum on my cock too?" You nod, mewl out a 'yes Daddy' as he gets up and strips himself. You can't help but stare as he reveals planes of scarred skin and sinewed muscle. He's so handsome, so hot and when he finally drops his underwear you're licking your lips at the sight of his dick.
He's thick, veins running down his length and the head is flushed deep red. When he climbs back in you have to resist the urge to lean up and take him in your mouth. He throws your leg over his shoulder again as he lines up his cock with your slicked pussy, sinking the head in just barely before pulling back out.
"Daddy please! Please fuck me, I want it so bad." He groans at your pleading, you always know just what he wants and you never fail to deliver.
"Aw baby, are you feeling empty? Is that it? You want me to stuff you full?" The whine you give is high-pitched, nodding fervently because yes, you want him to stuff you so full you can't breathe. But he's a tease, loves leaving you on the edge just a little too long.
"Maybe I should go get you a toy to play with, huh? How about that?" You nearly sob as he keeps pumping his hips in shallow little thrusts.
"No! Want Daddy's cock, only want your cock." Fuck you don't even know what you do to him.
"You beg so pretty, baby. Such a good little doll." He groans as he sinks into you, gripping your hips just to keep his composure. It feels like an eternity before he's finally bottomed out, cockhead just pressed against your cervix and his heavy balls sitting against the curve of your ass.
He leans down to kiss you, the angle change making you gasp and he slips his tongue into your mouth as he pulls his hips back and snaps into you. Your squeals are muffled, swallowed up in his mouth as he fucks into you. The tuft of hair at his base is grinding deliciously against your clit, and his cock catches your g-spot perfectly, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body with every well-aimed thrust.
You're thrown head-first into another orgasm, legs trembling and breath knocked from your lungs from how sudden it is. You love and hate how he can do that, make you cum so hard and quick your head spins and you can't think straight.
He pulls away and hooks your other leg up on his shoulder, leaning down and folding you in half as you're still writhing and gasping from your high. You don't get a break, he just keeps pumping into you, little praises spilling from his lips.
"You're taking me so well."
"You feel so good, squeezing my cock like that."
"So pretty under me, my pretty baby."
But you can barely register the words, overstimulated with another orgasm quickly building. The knot in your belly is pulled impossibly tight, every muscle in your body anticipating the snap. He leans back just enough to get a hand between you, rubbing tight circles over your clit and spewing more praises for how well you're doing, how good you are for taking him, how you're gonna be a good little baby and cum on his cock again.
"Cum, baby doll. Cum for Daddy." That's all it takes for your third orgasm to wash over you, toes curling and fingers digging into your palms hard enough to leave little red crescents in your flesh, eyes rolling back into your skull almost painfully. Shouta groans at the sight of you as you clamp down on him, slowing his pace as he shoots ropes of cum, filling you up.
You're both sweaty and panting, Shouta's weight still folding you up. After a minute he pushes himself off of you, carefully taking your legs one by one and stretching them out. When he's done he cups your cheek, thumb swiping at the skin beneath your eye as he gazes down at you.
"You're so beautiful. You did so well, baby girl." You nuzzle into his palm, relishing in his touch. It isn't long before you're soaking in the tub, Shouta's hands running over your body and easing the aches in your muscles.
Your Daddy takes such good care of you.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
The Spidey Suit
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Everyone has wanted to try on the iconic suit of Queens’ superhero, but when you have an opportunity to actually do it, you land yourself in a bit of a sticky situation…
Warnings: Suggestiveness, but nothing too bad. A couple of bad words and a ton of flustered Peter.
Word Count: 1.2k
Here is my Masterlist, as well as the request it is based on! Thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoy it :)
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“Hey Ms Parker”, you exclaimed, walking into Peter’s apartment. May smiled, quickly hugging you as she ruffled your hair.
“It’s May, Y/N. Ms Parker makes me feel old!” she says jokingly as you laugh.
“Well, can’t have that”, you say, laughing along with her. “How are you?”
May shrugs, her eyes getting a far-off look. “Oh, it’s fine...with Peter having Spider duties in the night and work starting late, I have a ton of time on my hand.”
You smile coyly, remembering what Peter told you before he came to pick you up on a date last week. “Oh, so you have enough time for a relationship? With a certain jolly man? Or was it Happy?”
You giggle, watching May’s face turn red, as she waved you off. “Oh shush! It’s nothing. Who told you?”
“Peter did. You should’ve seen his face!”
“Oh no!” May says, groaning. “Happy and I are not in any way dating!”
Sure”, you say, extending the word as you take off your jacket. “Also, speaking of Peter, where is he? Still out?”
May nodded, gesturing to his room. “Yeah, he is, but you can stay as long as you want...he should be back in about 30 minutes anyway.”
You smile, nodding. “Thanks, May. Any plans for the evening?” you ask, looking over your shoulder.
“A dat- Uh, nothing. Just-uh hanging out with friends. Yeah, yep, that's what I’m going to be doing”, she says, and you understand where Peter gets his nervous stuttering from. You stifle a laugh as you nod at her, heading into Peter’s room.
Opening the door, you jumped into his bed, marvelling at how the room was so much more cleaner tonight. After getting the superhero gig with the Avengers, Peter had a ton of new gizmos and tech. Not only was his room always littered with new tech toys from the tower, but it was just usually messy. With college and his Spider-Man duties, there wasn’t a ton of time to pick up dirty clothes from the floor. At least, that’s what he says.
So it was a pleasant surprise when everything was spick and span, well...except for his closet. It was an utter mess, with the door overflowing with jumbled up pieces of clothing. Scrunching your eyebrows, you walked over, eyes widening when a mountain of shirts and jumpers fell out.
“What the hell?”, you muttered, noticing how they were just thrown in. Peter must’ve been in a hurry to find something, but what would it be in his closet-? “Aha”, you said, seeing something hanging off his bed.
The old Spiderman suit. Well...wasn’t really a suit, more like a hoodie made by Peter months ago. You picked up the red hoodie, smiling at the hastily drawn spider logo in the middle. You knew Peter was Spiderman soon after he had started fighting crime...being his best friend and all. But you only saw him when he had the “Mr Stark suit”, so you had never seen Peter in action with his old one.
But looking at it now, you felt a magnetic pull to it. Walking over, you hesitantly picked it up, fingers smoothening over the soft fabric, the tears and cuts, the stains still leftover from fights. Biting your lip, you look around, staring out the window as you brought up the suit to your body, wanting to see how it would look on you.
Having a superhero boyfriend was great since he saved people and all...but it was even better when you saw him in action wearing a skin-tight suit. You weren’t half as strong as Peter, but you desperately wanted to try it on, just to get a feel of what it would be like. Plus, it looked sooooo comfortable, despite the wear and tear of it.
Quickly looking around, and closing the door, you shed your shirt and shorts, pulling on the red and blue garment. “Holy shit”, you whispered, peering at yourself in the mirror. “This is awesome” Turning sideways, you pulled your wrist up, trying to figure out what was pressing into your skin, but as your fingers brushed against a small button, thick white liquid shot out of the compartment.
You gasped as you were pulled through air, landing smack in the middle of Peter’s bed. “Oh no”, you whispered, trying to pull yourself free but failing in doing so. The web. You didn’t realize it was still in there, but now you were in a sticky position. Literally.
May could easily walk through the door and see you in Peter’s old suit, which would thoroughly embarrass you. Or even worse, Peter comes in and sees you fidgeting with his belongings. Although he was the sweetest, most caring person on the planet, he had a strict rule about not letting his personal life interfere with his superhero life. And you might have just bent that rule a little… The best thing was that you just waited it out. This was probably the old web, which dissolves in an hour or so, which would be an awful lot of time, but it was better than anything else.
Sadly, the universe didn’t want to agree with you tonight, because, in less than 20 minutes, you heard the familiar THWAP of the web as Peter came swinging in through the window.
“Karen, I am so exhausted toda- What?”, Peter said, looking shocked at you sprawled across his bed, a familiar blue and red suit loosely covering you.
“Hey Peter”, you said weakly, “I’m really sorry about the sui-”
“You look so hot”, he whispered out loud, blushing bright red at his statement. “I-I mean-um...uh hi Y/N”
All your worries melted away as you saw Peter’s face, your heart squeezing as you stared at his stuttering, pink face. Ridiculously handsome face. “H-hey Pete. I just came in a while back and saw th-this and I just wanted to try it….”, you said, trying to gauge his reaction before continuing. “So I might have worn it, and mistakenly shoot out a web that was still in there, which is a terrible idea by the way!”
Peter laughed as his eyes roamed your body, walking over to get some dissolvent, but stopping halfway. “So, in conclusion, I might have gotten a teensy tiny bit stuck”, you said, smirking lightly. “Care to unravel me?”
Peter scoffed, walking over to you. “First you touch my stuff, and then get yourself in a sticky situation on my bed...and now you expect me to just let you out love?” He came closer to you, whispering hotly in your ear, “I think not Ms Spider, in fact, I’m going to let you be there for the next two hours as it dissolves”
You looked up at him, challenging him. “Two hours huh? Didn’t think it would take that long...I would think Spiderman’s web would come off much quicker”
Peter simply chuckled, “Oh sweetheart, Spiderman’s web won’t come off for a long time...might as well get ready for a long night”
Wow, got kinda spicy at the end...but yeah. This took so long to write, purely because of my lack of motivation, but I hope you enjoyed this! Hopefully, I’ll have another ff out in the next couple of days :) Please send me a message or comment on this post if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme @a–1–1–3 @hayhays
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Writing/Art Update 3/4/2022
So, I think I am going to stop doing word counts for a bit. My lizard brain gets extremely motivated by numbers going up, so when I am in nose-to-the-grindstone mode, they are very helpful, but when I’m not, they are actually counterproductive. A fun story about me is that when I was pregnant the second time, I tried to use a food tracker app to make sure I was getting enough vegetables and iron and stuff. It also tracked calories. I never really gained enough weight with my first pregnancy so I knew, logically, that calories were good and important, but if I had to look at how many calories I had eaten each day, I could not stop trying to make that number as small as possible, and anyway, I had to delete the app.
I was trying to explain this last week, and I didn’t do a very good job because I was also depressed, but I saw this diagram once (I googled, but I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for), that said that an actual and real part of the creative process is, for lack of a better word, feeding yourself-- reading, watching movies, getting inspired. I have been working so hard at just ever having any time to get anything down on the page for maybe the last two years that I gotten out of the habit of doing any of this. 
I really rebelled against the idea of saying I am taking a break from writing, because I’m not. a) of all, any time I want to write, I am going to write, I’m just not going to prioritize writing as something I make myself do when I don’t feel inspired to. b) “Taking a break” implies I am relaxing, and I’m not, I am intentionally trying to do things to get my creativity flowing. I am also just trying to get back on making writing a side thing I do and not, like, my job that I work at 40 hours a week and don’t get paid for, so I am trying to do more household stuff. I always get sort of torpid in the winter, so it would be good to do a little more cleaning and then yard work when the weather permits. (also taxes)
I actually feel like I had a pretty good week in this regard, in that I was actually able to think about some of my stories this week and come up with a few scenes I am excited about, and I even did an outline for the last two acts of a little in love (I hate outlining, so this was An Achievement). I did a teensy bit of writing, because I felt like it, and as soon as I counted it up (it was like 450 words) and I immediately felt guilty for not writing more which was not the point, so I am just not doing word counts for now. I do wish my brain would settle on one story to work on instead of bopping between three different ones (not counting the one that is 95% done that I would really like to just finish and get off my plate, except that I don’t particularly feel like thinking about it) but maybe that’s too much to ask at the moment.
I did read two volumes of Battle Angel Alita, which one of the first manga I ever read. (Mr. P loaned them to me when we were first dating) It is incredibly violent and gory, but the story is also very thoughtful and introspective, and I can see a lot of themes in it that I still incorporate into my writing today. The way I write Rukia has a non-zero amount of Alita in her, and I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the Scrapyard/Tiphares (I think the elite city is Zalem in later translations, but mine are so old that they’re printed left to right) and how it relates to Rukongai/the Seireitei. It’s also kind of fun because we’ve been rewatching Trigun, which has a lot of the same ideas, but comes at them from a very different angle.
I had also kinda got into a place with our tv watching where we had gotten kinda bored-- we both hate season 2 of the Witcher after loving season 1, which was disappointing, and we were stuck in the absolutely interminable Dark Tournament arc of Yu Yu Hakushou. We picked up a few new things, and I am now looking forward to tv time again. Here’s our current lineup:
Touch Your Heart - this is a kdrama about a scandal-marked kdrama actress who takes a job as a secretary at a law firm in the hopes that it will land her the role that will get back into acting, except that she has to work for an extremely straight-laced defense attorney. It stars the actors who played the Grim Reaper and Sunny in Goblin, and it is delightful. I also really enjoy dissecting the way the romance is set up and whether or not the characters are good for one another-- kdramas are really good for romance writers if you enjoy thinking about the mechanics of stuff. Also words cannot describe how much I am in love with Kwon Jung-rok, the lawyer character, he is extremely My Type. (Oh Soon-yeo is fine, she’s extremely cute and the fact that she cares for Jung-rok says a lot for her, but I am just trash for a hard-working autistic lawyer man who everyone says is cold but actually feels too much)
Trigun, as mentioned, we are about halfway thru, it’s time to get into the part where it Gets Weird.
Fruits Basket. Neither of us has seen any version of this show before; we are extremely mystified by everything about it. The sad guy who turns into a seahorse is my favorite.
Revolutionary Girl Utena. I watched part of this about twenty years ago and definitely did not get it at the time. My husband had never even heard of it, but he loves Weird Shit like prog rock and French animation. I mostly wanted to watch it because I am sure, in my bones, that The Locked Tomb was influenced by this show, and I am trying to build my case. Anyway, this show is so weird, we are having a fabulous time with it.
Anyway, so that’s what I’m into this week. I am trying to finish up another illustration for the last chapter of What We Do with Our Hearts (I meant to do more, but it looks like it’s just gonna be the two... I can always do more later if I feel like it, I suppose). It’s been ages since I did a tutorial, and doing straight-up learning stuff is still really important for me with my art, so I will probably try to do that next. I am toying with the idea of maybe taking some sketch requests? I do nearly all finished pieces these days, which are so much work, and I think it might be good for my brain to do some things quickly, like as an exercise. I dunno. I am trying to weigh in my mind whether that would be Fun or just Stressful.
Oh, and the last thing I did this week was make a fish pie, which was good for me, mentally, I think. I have not done much baking lately, and it was nice to have a success.
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magireco · 3 years
out of curiosity what do you think of the characterization of homura in rebellion? i hugely dislike it but get the impression you enjoy it which i think is interesting cuz we seem to have very similar thoughts on homura pre-rebellion (CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG)
THIS IS INTERESTING BECAUSE IT DEPENDS ON WHAT FLAVOR OF REBELLION HOMURA YOU MEAN. i really really like the way she was done in the first half of the movie but as for the twist at the end...? mmm...
...okay, so... i've been thinking about saying this at some point but i keep avoiding it in fear of causing discourse and such bc... this is a really unpopular opinion apparently, but I really do not think devil homura was done properly. read under the cut if you wanna know why i feel this way!
the first issue i'm going to address is that there wasn't NEARLY enough buildup for it. i'm going to explain this from the perspective of a first-time viewer: what would you have thought would happen after the very last scene of rebellion leading up to them breaking homura out of her soul gem? when homulilly got purified and the flowers on her head turned to sakura flowers (y'know, the flowers that symbolize life and rebirth, homura being reborn from her witch)? did you think homura was suddenly gonna undermine madoka's godliness? because, uh, first-view me did not think that at all. and neither did almost anyone i know who watched it for the first time. not only is that poor setup but it's just so sudden and it feels so out of character compared to what we'd seen in the entire series as a whole, especially considering that the entire last part of the movie leading up until that was about purifying her... and saving her... there wasn't enough buildup. most people are like "but the flower scene happened!" but that's still way too vague...? it's hard to tell what conclusion homura comes to at the end, because we don't get to see any of her internal monologue... there is no other buildup after the flower scene... it just skips to homura realizing she's a witch. wouldn't that bring the viewer to think the flower scene was something that made homura realize she was a witch rather than her suddenly starting to form her plan? it always felt like to me the conclusion homura came to at the end of the flower scene was that she was validating madoka's bravery and telling her that if it ever came to that, she'd have the ability to make that hard decision. which is... so... weird? because i always interpreted that as homura coming to terms with what happened? i could just be interpreting it wrong though, but isn't that supposed to be our proof scene? our buildup scene? why would they make it so hard to understand? we need to know such important buildup points just as blatantly as the natural buildup to homura becoming a witch was. that's just from a moviemaking & writing perspective though.
secondly, i'm gonna discuss homura's motive. i actually ended up understanding were she was coming from after a while of being like "what the hell that makes zero sense!!!!". madoka is a 14-year-old girl who, in order to save the fate of every magical girl, literally had to sacrifice herself and erase herself from the world, and in the end, madoka just ended up saving homura again, and that must've made homura feel like her promise with madoka was never fulfilled. it's unfair what happened when you think about it and the law of cycles should not have been run by madoka herself because she, as any other 14 year old, deserves to be happy on earth. although it was said in magireco that madoka felt happy with what she was doing (and she felt like it truly gave her a purpose), she did admit to feeling lonely and homura probably made that assumption big time. but the way the writers went about it just made her seem so sinister... so out-of-character-ly sinister. what with the evil smirking and the deepened, almost... uh, sensual-seeming voice, and homura completely ignoring madoka's fear. it feels like they twisted her character extremely suddenly and it throws the viewer on a loop. they could've gone with that ending without making such drastic and sudden changes to homura's character, and if they were planning on doing that, why did they not give us more buildup? buildup that wasn't extremely cryptic that you have to scan and search every detail to get a clue? something i love about rebellion is that every time you watch you find something new, but how come some of the only clues illuding to devil homura's existence are in the op? it's odd. why didn't they go with something like making the incubators run the law of cycles? they were the ones at fault for causing it to be created. but honestly, the incubators cannot be trusted with anything, which is why it'd make sense for a magical girl to run the law of cycles, but if homura and madoka had the combined power to do so, what if they just remade the law of cycles so it was less unfair to madoka...? i don't know. either of those possibilites would make more sense than what happened.
something else that kind of irks me about it is that they demonized(literally, lol) homura's love for madoka. homura is very much a canon lesbian, and it's incredibly discomforting to me that they made her seem, outwardly to the viewer, so selfish...? please don't get me wrong, i'm not ACTUALLY calling homura selfish -- i know the entire akumura facade is a mask she put on, but like, it's so much more blatantly sinister than she is in the series when she's putting on the coolmura facade. it's going to really confuse the viewer and see every single one of her actions from the entire series in a completely different light, INCLUDING stuff that happened in rebellion itself. like the genuine sadness homura felt, the way we saw into her soul and felt her pain, that genuinely made a lot of people i've seen think that it was ingenuine upon first inspection... they made homura turn "evil" out of her love for madoka, as if it's a bad thing to fall in love, and as if love for another girl was what corrupted her soul gem... i understand that gen urobuchi probably wanted to explore that kind of path where love leads to obsession or whatever, but homura was selfless to a fault, constantly trying to force herself away from the others in order to not get attached, and deeply afraid of seeming creepy and predatory and scaring(she said this herself), which is exactly what she ends up doing at the end, and i feel so awful that they did that to her... how is the viewer supposed to know what her true motives are at that point? it gets all scrambled up after they did that huge plot twist. i'm going to address another thing super quick before people jump in my ask box over this, i understand also that it would make sense for homura to be obsessed with madoka, but in the series, it was never shown in this light, and like i said, if they were going to do this, why'd they even have the purification scene at the end at all? the buildup is all wrong . it also just made me upset that this ending caused SO many people to start literally believing homura is evil because of her actions at the end, and it made people become even more vehement on their beliefs that homura is obsessive and ps*cho...
i was really confused when i watched it for the first time (and also sobbing hysterically, literally, my funniest rebellion story as someone who has genuinely watched the movie 40-ish times, i remember vividly the first time i watched it i started sobbing on my hands and knees on a yoga mat in my mom's room). also like, just to prove my point a teensy bit more, the ending was so ambiguous and out of nowhere that one of the first google results to "madoka magica rebellion" is "madoka magica rebellion ending explained" because it shocked people so much that that was the first thing they needed to google. also, the fact they left us on such a vague cliffhanger and then abandoned the movie series for a total of 8 whole years only to make a sudden comeback in god's holy year of 2021 was almost cruel. LIKE GUYS I JUST FINISHED UP MY DEVIL HOMURA HEADCANONS IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!!!
...anyways, um, i really have to address the sexualization. madoka magica, previously, was a series that avoided fanservice in the show, at least, but why did they make akumura's design look like that...? it shows an unsettling amount of skin and like, every three seconds in the end they're focusing intensely on her lips and her eyes and... it's almost like the writers forgot she was 14, but they never seemed to forget that in the series? what happened????? in the transformation scene, we get closeup views of homura's thighs and back and stuff and it's all open everywhere... they made her tights into thigh-highs... in the whole series, even when she went to school, she always wore tights, and she was wearing tights in her magical girl outfit too... they absolutely deliberately did that to sexualize her further so they could make official art with her thighs out. speaking of official art that unsettles me, why does so much of the official art make the whole outfit just glued to her body and you can see all the shading on her features... it's just. ugh. anyways.
i went off a LITTLE too much on this and i know this is probably gonna get me some weird glances in the fandom and i am open to hearing other people's opinions but i don't think i'll ever stop disliking the effect this plot twist had on the fandom's interpretation of homura and although i'm like UNDENIABLY incredibly hyper excited for the next movie, i'm kind of...nervous for what this is going to bring? i don't want this next movie to cause the same amount of discourse the ending of rebellion did and i legit just want to see homura happy. another one of my main issues with the ending is just that homura is SO unhappy when she literally deserves to be happy SOOOOOOO BAD and just take a break from all the loops ... i'm Praying to madokami out there that that's what happens.
i know this is all really funny coming from someone who draws devil homura on a regular basis and literally writes her, but like... i'm a lesbian i'm allowed to<3
ANYWAYS thanks for listening this was a fun ask!!!
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Some time seems to have passed between the end of the last lesson and the beginning of this one. Levi’s tired after pulling an all-nighter with Diavolo to finish a game and Mammon’s laughing at all the pictures Luke is sending him of all the desserts his making and the step by step process he’s following. Beel happily notes that Mammon & Luke have been chatting a lot lately. Mammon red in the face but smiling happily says it’s like he’s got a new minion who’s also fun to mess with, Asmo says it looks more like Mammon’s got a tiny little brother with the way Mammon’s being fawning over him (my heart this is so cute I need to write more fics with them interacting), Mammon denies it but Asmo says it holds no ground when Mammon can’t seem to stop smiling so happily. Lucifer has found an art book that Satan’s being looking everywhere desperately for and invites Satan to come take a look at it together, Satan postures a bit but agrees. Belphie says there’s a lot of strange friendships popping up lately, though Beel’s happy that Satan & Lucifer have been getting along better, Asmo thinks the way Satan’s being acting around Lucifer recently is strange and Belphie says it’s a sign of Armageddon. Asmo asks MC if they knew any reason behind the sudden change and they just say the two discovered new sides of each other which makes the other 3 more confused, with Asmo particularly lusting for the gossip. Belphie wonders if this means the anti-lucifer league would disband and Satan who hears this says that’s dumb cause he can take the chance to pull a prank of Lucifer when he goes to his room to check out the book. MC says they thought him and Lucifer were finally friends but satan says even the thought makes him sick, Asmo asks if he’s sure since the two seem like the best of friends recently. Satan quotes Sun Tzu saying “If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”. A door bell rings and Lucifer tells MC to go get it. It’s Solomon & Barbatos and MC asks them what they’re doing here together. Solomon reveal’s it’s time for their sorcerer’s preliminary exams. (Did MC get all 7 stars already? Or 6 I guess if this exam gives the last star)
Ok so MC has 4 stars the preliminary is for the 5th star and final is for the 7th. Asmo has apparently filled the others on what’s gonna happen. Mammon asks for compensation, Beel wishes MC good luck, Lucifer tells them they should actually fill MC in, Asmo says Solomon had contacted him asking the brothers to help with the exam, MC says “cool what do I gotta do”, Solomon says they have to win a game of Tail Thieves and gets Barbatos to explain, Barbatos complains how Solomon always makes him explain things to people and I completely forgot that Solomon has a pact with Barbatos meaning they must be pretty close, meaning Asmo & Barbatos must be pretty close too and I need to see the dynamic between these 3 more. Solomon is going to use magic to give everyone animal tails and MC has to be the last one standing, if they lose their tail they fail the exam. (AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’d love to see the animal event costumes being used in the main storyline and MC getting a tail? It’s have to be a sheep right?) To motivate the brothers to steal MC’s tail, stealing someone’s tail means they’re cursed to obey one command from you and sure that’s not gonna end in disaster. MC’S A SHEEP!!!!!! I’ve had this idea of what their costume would look like for a while ahhhh Also Barbatos is a bat? Do bat’s have tails? I feel like I should know this… (it apparently depends on the species of bat, given his colour lets just say Barbatos is a devildom bat). MC goes hey so this is 1 vs 8???? And Solomon says he’s giving them Asmo & Barbatos. Mammon brings up the fact that MC can just command them and Solomon says that’ll be against the rules. Barbatos asks if MC can use his or Asmo’s powers and Solomon says it’s fine as long as it’s a direct order from MC meaning they can’t use their powers themselves. MC brings up the fact that since they don’t have a pact with Barbatos they can’t use his powers and to make up for it Solomon gives MC Barbatos’ grimoire which will give the bearer full control over the demon who it belongs to even without a pact. MC has a flashback to the tomb under the HoL and the brothers’ grimoire, remembering that a command powered through a grimoire can overpower a command from a pact & that everything about a demon rides on their grimoire meaning they can never let it be stolen. Levi is absolutely stunned that Solomon has something so personal and precious and Barbatos reveals that he entrusted it to Solomon on his own free will and holy shit Barbatos & Solomon must be way closer than I realised… which even Levi says. Lucifer says if they steal MC’s tail and command them to hand over the grimoire they would be able to read it and Barbatos laughs and says that they’d find out everything about him and suddenly the whole game has become about reading Barbatos’ grimoire (even Asmo seems interested), which Solomon seems pleased about since it’s given all the brothers a more solid goal. Solomon starts the game.
The brothers all scatter to hide leaving MC, Asmo and Barbatos in the living room. Barbatos says the brother’s have probably left to find a place they can use to their advantage and that if they are able to figure out what that place would be for each brother they could make strategies to counteract them. Asmo swoons about how Barbatos is the whole package by being handsome and intelligent. Asmo says this makes him more interested in finding out more about Barbatos and he asks MC if he can take a teensy peek at the grimoire and they immediately shut him down. Barbatos thanks them for being a decent person (honestly the lowest bar to clear) and says because Solomon thought it was the best decision to give MC the grimoire he won’t object but also “we don’t really know each other at all so pls don’t use that it literally contains a record of my entire past” MC readily agrees because “the only conversations we’ve ever had is about tea we’re definitely not ready for any deep therapy sessions”. He’s grateful but emphasizes on it again and MC promises they won’t use it. Asmo complains about this, saying it’ll be impossible to beat the others while only using Asmo’s powers. Mammon hears that MC won’t be using the grimoire and reveals himself, Asmo says he was stupid for not finding a place where he’d have the advantage and MC says maybe this is that place for him, Asmo says that maybe cause this is where Lucifer always ties him up he thinks of this as his home turf. Mammon gets ready to fight Asmo & MC, Barbatos says “lol lemme take care of this and prove to you that I’m dangerous even without my powers”.
Barbatos manages to defeat Mammon and hang him from the ceiling using only hand to hand combat. Asmo tells Mammon if he can’t beat someone using only hand-to-hand combat MC might end up firing him, Mammon gets freaked out MC nods along and asks if they’re serious and they tell him not to worry cause they aren’t, he’s happy and calls MC the best, Asmo just sadly calls MC a simp. Asmo says that Barbatos has tied the ropes looser and that Lucifer ties them in a tight artful style. Whether MC pulls the tale off in one swift movement or gently it’ll tickle. He returns to normal and immediately starts yelling at MC to hurry up an give him an order and Asmo realises how scary Solomon’s curse really is. Asmo says even when Mammon is not cursed MC can get him to do pretty much anything by asking the right way cause Mammon’s whipped, so really they won’t be getting anything new or special. Barbatos provides a solution for this by telling them they can get him to admit something he usually wouldn’t. MC asks him; 1.) who his favourite brother is –  he says, “That’s easy! It’s Lucifer, of course. I’ve always loved him and I always will.” I like to think MC knew exactly what he was going to say and took out their phone to record it to later show Lucifer. 2.) If there’s a brother he’s keeping a secret from – He took clothes and shoes from Asmo’s cupboard and sold them. Asmo swears to kill Mammon once all this is over. 3.) If there’s anything he loves more than money – MC. He says there’s nothing and no one more important to him. He says he loves them and that he’d take them over money any day. Asmo who’s honestly MC and Mammon’s #1 shipper (remember the beach event, and the parfait devilgram and the chat where he got excited when MC smelt like Mammon) laughs and says “I knew it!”. For all 3 Mammon realises what he’s said and tries to take it back. They are later unable to find Lucifer – who would be the hardest to beat according to Barbatos - in the music room, Barbatos recalls Simeon telling him how Satan and Lucifer have started getting along and Asmo says he’s suddenly got a bad feeling.
they don’t find anyone in either Satan or Lucifer’s rooms, Asmo suggests MC using the grimoire to locate Lucifer, MC shuts it down and Barbatos thanks them and tells Asmo to drop it. Asmo asks MC why they have to be so serious despite him loving that part of them. Asmo asks MC if they know what Barbatos can do, how powerful he really is, they say he can see through time and Barbatos agrees with it but Asmo asks him to give MC a more detailed description of his powers since he anyway made them promise not to use his grimoire. He then says he has the power to create a portal to anywhere, including through time but creating portals through time has much more limitations than creating a normal portal to just a different place and that his control also becomes less stable. Asmo asks if that’s why Barbatos doesn’t let him go to the past or future no matter how much he begs. Barbatos says, “no that’s cause ik if I did you’d either fuck some powerful historical figure and mess up the entire timeline or you’d try to fuck yourself and the entire universe would implode”. Asmo calls him mean and Barbatos laughs but does say that since his control through time is not the best a person may end up skipping either backwards or forwards through time each time they pass through a doorway after they travel through his portal to the new time. He says that’s all he’s willing to tell MC. Asmo asks MC where they would go if they could go anywhere. If they say past Barbatos asks if there’s something they want to change or if there’s someone who’s past they want to spy on. If they say future Asmo says he’d love to go to the future to see how much more beautiful he’s become and to see how his and MC’s relationship has progressed. MC asks Barbatos where he’d like to go and he says nowhere, cause his place is by Diavolo’s side. MC asks him why he serves Diavolo and what he did before it – he says he’s not gonna answer cause he isn’t sure if it’s a good idea to trust MC the same way he trusts Solomon. Asmo giggles about how cold Barbatos is but says that’s one of the things he loves about him. Barbatos asks Asmo if he might know where Satan is and he says he has an idea.
They go to the home theatre where one of Satan’s favourite movies – about a deadly monster shark – is playing until suddenly everything goes dark. Someone wraps their arms around Asmo and he squeals telling MC they’re so naughty for wanting to do something here in the dark when Barbatos was with them, Satan tells him that he’s restraining Asmo not embracing him. The lights are off cause despite being brothers Asmo could charm them by looking into their eyes. Asmo complains but also loves the “roleplay” they’re doing and how Satan snuck up behind him and restrained him and now he needs a moment to get his boner down, Satan’s understandably very upset by this. Lucifer ends up sneaking behind MC and restraining them (despite it being dark Barbatos is able to see him coming and tries to warm MC), he’s impressed that they were able to recognise him but says they shouldn’t have left their back open. Barbatos asks why they left him free and Lucifer says he knows MC won’t use the grimoire, even if it’s their last option, cause it would upset Barbatos. Lucifer goes to remove MC’s tail but MC signals Barbatos with their eyes and he sees the remote next to him and grabs it & throws it to MC (so I guess this establishes that Barbatos can see in the dark). MC catches it and presses a quick combination of buttons that plays a movie about three cats going on a journey together. Satan obviously starts gushing about the cats and lets Asmo go, Lucifer calls him an idiot and MC commands Asmo. Satan initially doesn’t even notice Asmo cause of the cats which pisses him off but in the end the roleplay made him excited which made his charm more appealing. Lucifer had used every ounce of his willpower and just managed to escape but they take Satan’s tail.
In the twins’ room Asmo laughs about the face Satan made at whatever his order was and Barbatos says Satan making such a face could signify the end times and Asmo says it’s no joke if Barbatos is saying that. Belphie’s fast asleep in his bed and MC leaves him for later cause it wouldn’t be fair to take the tail now. Asmo wonders why Solomon made this MC’s exam when their final exam won’t give a shit if they’re good at tail thieves or not. MC says maybe he thought it’d be funny to see Barbatos disagrees with thar but Asmo says it’s natural to jump to their own conclusions when Solomon never answers questions and that Solomon hasn’t changed in that way since they first made their pact. MC asks for the story behind it Asmo says Solomon knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted from Asmo but could also dodge questions without making it obvious he was doing so. On the first night he’d met Solomon Asmo had been really depressed cause he’d spotted a cute human but the other people who were hanging around her had stated calling him “evil and wicked and other horrible things” and he couldn’t get close to her (so last yr someone told me the actual biblical story behind this and it’s FUCKED UP and I like to imagine that’s what actually happened in OM! too but Asmo is heavily censoring it for MC. Remember the pretty graphic description Asmo gave to MC about how he’d kill them in S1? Yeah I 100% believe he’s lying to MC about how things went down here). He’d been sitting in a tavern sulking when Solomon had started talking to him. He had listened to Asmo and had been so warm and caring Asmo had accidentally let it slip that he was Lucifer’s brother, they’d drunk the night away and when Asmo woke up the next day he had somehow made a pact with Solomon and HOLY SHIT this is so shady Solomon wtf. Barbatos says it probably wasn’t a coincidence he ran into Solomon and Solomon would have known who he was from the beginning (imagine how pissed off Lucifer must have been when Asmo came back with a pact). Asmo says Solomon and Barbatos meeting wasn’t a coincidence either and Barbatos agrees but says it happened long before Solomon and Asmo made a pact. Solomon had summoned Barbatos using a special incantation that he’d created himself and Asmo’s shocked that doing all that and summoning a demon as powerful as Barbatos hadn’t killed him. Barbatos said that Solomon had actually been on the verge of death when Barbatos arrived. MC asked why he’d risk it to summon Barbatos, Barbatos said that even back then there was something Solomon wanted even more than his own life and that the encounter made Barbatos curious and he wanted to learn more about Solomon and eventually this would lead to him forming a pact with Solomon (given how Barbatos is I’d imagine it took time for Solomon to form a pact with him because Barbatos would need to be able to trust him first). He says that though it’s hard to say what Solomon’s plans are he thinks highly of him enough to trust him with his grimoire. He says whether his decision is good or bad is up to them to judge but that their teacher is a genius unlike anyone else in the 3 worlds. Saying their break’s being long enough they head to the kitchen.
They find Beel eating and Asmo scolds him for using the ice cream maker without permission after Lucifer banned him cause last time he ate so much he got sick. Asmo uses this to blackmail Beel into giving up his tail. Removing it tickles a lot and as he’s handing it over Beel blushes and apologises for “the weird little shriek” he made at the end. Barbatos wonders why the fuck the seven of them are considered to be among the mot powerful demons in the Devildom when this is what they’re actually alike and Asmo says Barbatos should be disappointed in Beel and not the both of them. Asmo says that this whole exam seems pointless when this is what it’s like but when Beel starts begging for orders he tells MC to give one. They ask him what they would like for their final meal ever (the other two options are ‘let’s get romantic’ and for him to feed something to Barbatos) He says one of Simeon’s BLTs but then starts listing food from both the human world and Devildom before ending with apple pie….and isn’t apple pie the answer Beel’s VA gave for this same question? That’s really sweet that they added it.  Asmo says by the time he finished all that he’d have passed his death. Beel’s still begging for orders and they realise the curse is to follow the orders of the person who pulled the tail off and not MC. Asmo gets waaay to excited for this and Beel freaks out and uses puppy dog eyes to start pleading with MC for help, MC tells Asmo to cool it but Asmo says he’ll never get a chance like this again and Beel despairs. And that’s it. Beel’s doomed to his fate and we have no idea what happens.
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soulwillower · 4 years
helping hand • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader smut) 
 requested: How about some Richie x Reader fluff and smut where Richie breaks his right arm protecting the reader from someone or something so they end up taking care of Rich and doing things for him until he's better. But one day they see he's frustrated and acting weird until he confesses he can't jerk off so the reader helps him out ;) also I forgot what emoji I was so I'll just be this lol - 🐜
warnings: swearing, smut, switch! richie, oral sex (male receiving), a teensy bit of dirty talk, unedited
[losers + reader are 18+]
2.7k words
you keep your cool until richie sighs for the fifth time. "okay, what's wrong?" you ask, putting down your book and looking at richie, who's laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. so dramatic.
"oh, nothing." he says nonchalantly, but you quirk a brow. "do you need something? does your arm hurt?" you ask, starting to get up and find his painkillers. he shakes his head, using his good arm to prop himself up on his mattress as he tells you not to get up. your eyes catch the pink arm cast on his right hand and your lips quirk up at the messy writing all over it : in fancy writing, the name "dick" (courtesy of stan) glints under the light of richie's bedside lamp.
you'd written your name with a small heart because normally, had it been a different case, you would've drawn as many penises as you could fit - just like eddie and bill had done. but you had a little more sympathy for your friend because, after all, richie had broken his arm trying to help you.
as much as you're sure richie fantasized about being the 'knight in shining armor' that comes to the rescue with swords blazing, what he really did is break his arm by running his mouth. but honestly, he still was your knight in shining armor no matter what because you were unfortunately head over ass for the boy.
henry bowers is who you could blame for all this; its almost as if he had a knack for snapping kid's arms in two like he'd done to eddie when you were all thirteen. he'd been alone (for what might have been the first time ever), waiting outside keene's drug store when you, richie, stan and ben had come out, slushies in hand. he'd come to get a 'revenge' of sorts because you'd given him a slight embarrassment when you dumped your food tray on him earlier that day in the cafeteria.
he'd pushed you towards the wall (and yes, you had dropped your slushie) and wound back like he was about to really give one to you right in the gut, but richie had immediately grabbed his skateboard and smacked bowers in the head with the deck hard enough that you could slip away when he recoiled.
unfortunately for the rest of you, especially richie, bowers tossed him right to the ground and landed a solid punch to his cheekbone before stan, ben and you could rip him off. but it got worse, because richie called him something along the lines of "daddy's boy" and that struck quite a nerve, prompting henry to stomp down so hard on richie's forearm that it broke skin and you could hear the sickening snap.
so after a slight concussion, a round of minor surgery and a pink arm cast fastened around and up the crook of his elbow, richie was unable to go to school for a week and you felt the need to help him in any way you saw fit. you were concerned, but more than anything you just wanted to be around him, because he made you happy and made you laugh and turn red in a way that nobody else does.
"well then what's bothering you?" you ask, walking over so you're sitting sideways on his bed next to him. you swear his cheeks turn a little red and he grins small, "oh, nothing, sweet thing. it's all your imagination, i'm doing swell!" he insists, winking at you. it doesn't work though, and you roll your eyes. "if you don't tell me, i can’t do it for you and you’ll have to suffer in silence." you reason.
richie makes an odd expression and mutters, "you have no idea."
you're thouroughly frustrated now, "i promise, whatever it is i will do my best to do it for you or help you, i just need to know what it is!" you insist, annoyed that he's being so stingy.
he shakes his head, mimicking a zipper motion and he tosses the invisible key into his overloaded trash bin in the corner of his room. you huff and roll your eyes, deciding to pick up and fold some of the blankets on his floor.
if you wiggle your hips more than necessary when you bend over, that’s your own business and not richie’s. and if he stares openly at your ass with his bottom lip punctured under his canines, that’s his own business and not yours.
"no, doll." he says, but his cheeks are bright pink, his lip caught between his teeth as his eyes avoid yours. "you - no." he insists, chuckling to himself awkwardly. despite how weird he was acting, your stomach flutters and sways around because of how goddamn cute he was, how attractive it was when he bit his lip. jesus, you're so fucked for him.
you tilt your head, feeling annoyed that he's being difficult, "just tell me!" you insist, looking at him bewildered. what isn't he telling you?
"well i can't, like, just tell my best friend that i'm frustrated because i can't rub one out without giving my dick cast-burn. that shit hurts, by the way." he adds, groaning as he rubs his forehead in exasperation.
you feel yourself burn red at the words he says and you roll your eyes, "well you just did and i'm horrified." and that's very, very far from the truth.
in all honesty, right now as you look at richie you can't help but imagine him, lips parted and cheeks warm as he pants, the sweet moans and groans that would leave his lips as he touches himself. in fact, it makes you clench your thighs together.
"can't you use your other hand?" you ask tentatively, unsure if you're crossing a boundary that you don't want to cross. because richie is, as you and the losers very well know, very open about his sex life, and you're afraid he will tell you things that will make you see green in jealousy.  
"it just doesn't feel as good, y/n." he mumbles, falling back and sighing. tentatively, you lay your hand on his thigh as you pull yourself up closer to his body. "i'm weak. and injured." he adds in a whine.
"i'm not." you say, lifting a brow. your stomach starts to burn as you realize what you're going for right now - what if richie gets disgusted?
you snap out of it as richie sits up, propping himself so he can look up at you with raised eyebrows. "well lucky you, that doesn't help me, though." he says with a lifted brow.
you shrug, deciding to just fuck it and shoot your shot. "it could." you say boldly, your hand still on his sweats. he gapes at you, slowly licking his lips as an awkward laugh escapes his mouth. the huff of his laugh isn't one of mockery; more one of disbelief as he already feels himself twitch under his sweats as you look down at him.
you clear your throat softly, "i could."
"oh, shit." he mutters, eyes wide and a smirk on his face. "y-you're for real?"
you nod as he sits up slightly so he's even with you, his breath hot as it hits your face. you shrug, hand gliding up slightly to reach his waistband. his breath hitches as your fingertips run over the band. "only if you want it."
the way he nods and pulls you directly to him would be pathetic if you didn't feel the exact same (if not more) desperation in your body for him. his lips are shockingly soft and you smile against his lips as you realize he's wearing bev's strawberry flavored chapstick. as his tongue slides into your mouth, your hand slides over to palm his hardening dick, smiling a bit as he moans at the touch.
a few minutes later you've lost both your shirts, hickies splattered throughout richie’s chest and neck, and you climb between his legs, knees on the ground as his legs fall to the ground from his bed. 
you slide his sweats off and he lets out a whine. "think you can handle it?" you mutter with a smirk. his red cheeks puff a bit as he rolls his eyes.
you press your thighs together at the sight of his dick straining against the fabric of his boxers. “y/n. you’re.. fuck.” he mutters as you mouth over his fully hard cock. your hands come up to the waistband of his boxers and you slide them down as he watches you with intense eyes.
his cock is hard and long and you grip his base, your hand coming to steady yourself on his thigh, trying not to show your shock at how big he actually is.
"think you can handle it, toots?" he says cockily, recalling what you'd said earlier and making you roll your eyes. "shut up." you mutter and slowly you start to move your hand, darting your tongue out and flattening it to lick from the base all the way up to his tip, staring into his eyes as you take in his tip.
he’s muttering swears, eyes wide as he watches you suck lightly. as you take a breath and sink lower onto his cock, your tongue flattening on the bottom of his shaft as you push further, he tightens his grip.
he lets out a low moan which might be the hottest noise you’ve ever heard, his hands flying to the back of your head in pleasure. the rest of him that you can’t fit you pump with your hand, your head bobbing and making obscene sounds in his empty bedroom. you have to clench your thighs because you're so incredibly turned on, enthusiastically moving your head as he groans. the action makes you moan around him and he moans your name, motivating you further.
you shiver when his good hand comes to gather your hair back behind your head as well as he can, muttering "fuck, doll, been wanting this for forever." you’re breathing through your nose, swallowing around him and you moan at his words because god, you've waited forever too. he feels so good, so big as he stretches your throat and you do your best to swallow around him. "good, right there. 'm close, y/n/n."
he pushes your head down on him slightly and you choke, pulling back. he looks regretful, even though his cherry lip is caught between his pearly white teeth and his hair is disheveled and his cheeks are rosy. “that- that was hot. you can do that again.” you gasp, voice broken as you suck in breaths. you feel a string of spit from your lips to his dick and he smirks, eyeing the sight. he shuts his eyes, clenching his jaw, “fuck-” he mutters before he guides you down to his cock again, thrusting slowly.
his hands forcing your head down lightly. “yeah, toots. just like that.” he says lowly as you try to relax your throat, gagging as he pushes you further down on him. you feel him hit the back of your throat and he moans loudly.
you try to pull back to breathe, but he holds you for a few more moments before he quickly pulls you off. you gasp and sputter, knowing you’re fucked because that was about the hottest thing to ever happen to you. you just stick your tongue out again, opening your mouth eagerly. you want him back in your mouth. "please, rich." you say and his jaw almost drops, eyes dark as he pushes you back onto him and guides your head up and down, hitting your throat.
spit is streaming from your mouth and the room is filled with the sound of his cock in your mouth and your moans. you can tell he’s getting close and you hollow your cheeks as well as you can. “shit, doll, i’m-i’m gonna cum.” he mutters, trying to pull you off, but you stay, bobbing and sucking, wanting to taste him for as long as you can.
and he spills into your mouth, your hand slowing to a stop as you slowly slide your mouth up and down, tongue lapping up all the cum from his cock. you swallow it, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and gasping. his cheeks are bright red, his chest heaving as he tugs your hands so you fall onto the bed with him, his casted arm resting against his chest, you during up on his side. it's quiet for a few moments as he tugs his boxers up.
he turns his head on the mattress and you do too, eyes meeting. "how can i get you to do that even when the cast comes off, babe?" he asks - his voice is teasing but soft. you grin softly and roll your eyes. "i think you just need to ask, rich." you say with a short chuckle. he boops your nose with his non casted arm and it releases an embarrassing amount of butterflies in your stomach.
"right. hey, y/n, can i go down on you?" he asks with a smile. your face feels hot as you gape at him, shocked at his bluntness. "rich, i-"
he laughs, "nah, doll. but for real, will you go out with me sometime? i promise i'm a gentleman. i'll buy you dinner, and then go down on you."
you roll your eyes, smushing his face with your hand as you laugh, leaning in to kiss him sweetly. "yeah, sure. i'm doing it for the food, though." he laughs loudly at this. "sure." he mutters, pulling you to his chest.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings​ @stenbrozier​ @simplesammyx​ @dickology64​ @clownsloveyou​ @baby-yoda-a​ @moon-shine-baby​ @daughter-of-the-stars11 @lets-vibe-bro @trashedfortozier​ @oceandog13​ @finnskindofwoman​  @kait-tozier​ @upamongthestarss​ @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs
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0risha · 4 years
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» CHAPTER SUMMARY : As an aspiring author in New York, life hasn’t been the easiest. To your surprise, things start to look brighter when you're met with an unexpected offer.
» TAGS : a few curse words, mentions of insecurity
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⤻ series m.list  | series playlist | ⤻ the next month
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“Take as much time as you need,” Draena drawls. Your brows furrow as you note that she was, indeed, being sarcastic. 
“A-are you gaslighting me,” you scoff over the line. You wait to hear a bubble of laughter from your editor/best friend but it never comes.
“Shut it.” You gulp as her tone turns hard. “What you turned in last night.” You shut your eyes in hopes of drowning out her next line. 
“Was complete shit.” 
“Gosh, you’re so rude.” You turn in your seat, propping up your glasses as your attention moves from your computer screen to your slumbering cat. “What happened to my happy, enthusiastic Rae rae?” you boast, clutching the phone closer to your ear. 
“Well, this so-called final draft made my mood go sour.” 
“Fuck, Rae- I’m trying here.” You coax, internally wincing when you catch the crawling desperation in your voice. Draena must’ve heard it too.
“I know you are babe but when you send me videos of you dancing with Yuka while Erykah Badu’s singing her heart out in the background—” her voice cuts off when you let out a snicker. 
“It’s not funny Y/N!” Draena proclaims but you hear the low laugh she lets out. “Okay, but when you send me videos of that it makes me think otherwise.” 
You hum in feigned contemplation. “But you know…. those are like my interim periods.”
“I’m hanging up on you.”
“Wait, no! Rae rae please- I was kidding,” you plead, frantically.
“Give me a better draft by the 12th an—"
“Rae rae!” Your cat turns to you, telepathically telling you to shut up with her green, narrowed eyes.
“And have a goodnight Y/N, I love you.” 
You heave out a sigh. “She definitely doesn’t love me,” you confess to the air. “Yuka baby,” you sing, patting your lap; a signal for her to jump on.
“But you do…. I just know you do.” You coo, rubbing the scruff of Yuka’s white-haired neck as she curls into you.
“Yuka…. why does the world hate me so much?” You take your pair of glasses from your face and throw them on your desk. 
“And my head hurts…..” you whine. “And m’ so hungry.” 
You hear Yuka purr in agreement.
“Ugh, Yuka, back home they had such good ramen.” You sigh wistfully, turning to glare at the microwaveable ramen cup that sat in your trash.
“I miss it.” You divert your gaze from the trash to your office window to watch a trail of rain pellets zig-zag across the glass. Dark, heavy clouds farther up in the background. 
New York’s current weather didn’t help with your somber mood. 
“M’ gonna take you there one day, I promise.” You sniffle, unwanted emotions welling up in your chest. 
“You know who I want you to meet!” You raise an index finger idly in the air. “Want you to meet my brother, he loves cats. Have I told you that, Yuka?” Your mood instantly flips as you remember your older sibling. Though, it drops just the same when you get no response. It wasn’t like you were gonna get one anyway. 
With the piercing silence in your apartment, your mind starts to wander to forbidden thoughts. To straggly blonde hair, dark amber e—
“No!” Yuka jerks up when you do. “I’m not doing this tonight.” You push up from your chair, Yuka mewling in rejection. “Sorry, baby, come cuddle with me in bed.” You take one last guilty glance at your computer before walking to your bedroom. Groaning when your body hits your not so soft mattress. You pat the sheets for signs of Yuka’s body but to no avail. With a roll to the side of your bed, you see her glued to the floor. “You’re so spoiled,” you grunt, taking her in your arms and plopping her next to you. 
“Goodnight Yuka.” You get a nuzzle in response. 
When your eyes close and the rest of the world fades, you end up dreaming of him.
Well, it’s not just him. It’s more of an uncatchable blur of moments together. 
Your entry at the local girl’s volleyball workshop that you had eventually begged your mother to quit because you were terrible at it. 
The teasing words he would throw at you because of your non-ability to even set a ball. How his brother would force him to apologize after seeing the tears that stained your brown, pudgy cheeks.
Unsurprisingly, Aran was too caught up in his little world to even care but they were glee-full memories, nonetheless. 
Although, as if your subconscious was in tune with your wants, your dreams didn’t stray too far, cutting right off before that summer. 
The next morning, you’re pulled out of your sleep by Yuka’s insistent scratching against your chest.
“Damn it, Yuka, don’t scratch my nipple off,” you grunt. When you open your eyes, you’re forced to squint due to the harshness of the sun that filters through your bedroom blinds. 
With a sigh, you roll over to grab your phone, groaning when the bright light hits your sensitive eyes. You didn’t have any texts from Draena, which made you happy and sad at the same time. Usually, if Draena sent texts, they were pleas for a new draft or implied words of motivation that were sometimes laced with venom; the absence of emoticons always a telltale sign. 
However, Draena was the only person that bothered to text you, so it did brighten your day a teensy bit when she did. Aran didn’t text, at all, and if you didn’t know better you would think that he physically couldn’t, but he just took joy in speaking on the phone.
“She’s really mad at me huh, Yuka.” You throw your phone on the pile of sheets when you rise from your bed. Body craning to relieve itself when you elongate it to an upwards stretch. Yuka does the same, her white tail thumping on the wood-like tile floor. 
“Don’t have anything to do today,” you whisper, rubbing your eyes as you drag your body to your cramped bathroom. 
When you reach for your toothbrush, you glance at your reflection in the mirror. A simple glance turns into a long, attentive stare as you try to mentally pick and prod at your appearance. You blink, silently shocked that you weren’t falling into an ether of insecurities. 
While furiously brushing your teeth, careful to avoid harsh circles on your sensitive gums, you stare vacantly at your mirrored face. As if observing for long enough would finally uprise the emotions you had grown accustomed to. 
Droopy eyes, too full lips, not the prettiest nose. 
But they never came.
And as uncanny as it sounded, you didn’t like it. You didn’t like the unfamiliarity of losing such a dear friend. One, that you had carried by your side for years on end.
After placing your toothbrush back in its rightful place, you swished a small amount of evergreen mouthwash in your mouth, letting out a wince after following it down with a swish of cold water. 
You turn to leave, but not before glancing once more at your mirror.
It’d be back soon, it had to.
After feeding Yuka a reasonable amount of catnip and changing her litter box, you plop down on your couch (which was to your dismay, missing a few springs), grab your remote, and flip to a random channel. 
After a couple of minutes into a series about fire emergencies, you found it hard to concentrate, the colors that were supposed to solidify into suitable entertainment only blurred by. You squint, but the effect only works for a second. 
Things were so bad that you couldn’t even watch television?
Though, you weren’t sure what exactly these things were. Yeah, living in this place wasn’t exactly ideal but you were gonna make it big in due time. The heavy-paged outline you’d sent in last month had been placed on the top of the Greatest Upcoming list by your publishing company. 
Perhaps, that was the case; the heavy expectations that had been placed on your already frail shoulders, albeit, you knew exactly what you were signing up for when you’d hit the submit button. You couldn’t help but think that your conflicted emotions were for an entirely different reason. 
It was frustrating not knowing what was going on with yourself. The little things that were supposed to make you happy; eating snacks, listening to your mother’s voicemails, playing with Yuka, all felt like a toll. 
However, this train of thought introduced a new one. 
A rush of impelling air flits through your apartment, before it could find the means to disappear you clamber up to your office. Well, it was more a corner of your apartment that could fit a desk than an office, but it was enough. 
Grabbing your glasses from the desk drawer and placing them right on the bridge of your nose, your fingers fly. They’re set in rhythm, thoughts that fly to your fingertips and transfer. It goes on like this for nearly two hours, your eyes burn and your joints ache but something tells you that if you were to stop now, a feeling like this wouldn’t be so easy to attain again. Rare moments like these felt like euphoria. But it always came with a price; a hook of fear that settled in your skin. The fear of writing something that wasn’t up to par. 
To your utmost dismay, your writing is interrupted by the ringing of your phone, and just like that your impel disappears. With an annoyance-filled groan, you grab the source of the noise. 
“What! Rae rae... I can’t believe you, I had the best feeling of motivation, and my fucking fingers wer—”
“Come. Now.” Your eyebrows shoot up as Draena cuts off your impending rant, her voice low and demanding.
“Huh- to NPC, why?” Going to your publishing company was a rare occurrence, you basically worked from home. 
“Urgent news.” Draena clips.
“Why the short answers? Just tell me…” your voice trails off. As much as you hated to admit, you were terrified. What if they booted up your deadline? Or worse… 
“No, they’re not kicking you off the list because of your terrible drafts.” You release a long breath in relief. 
“So what is it?” You gnawed the bottom of your lip in trepidation. 
“You’ll see.” The line cuts.
You roll your eyes. Draena hanging up on you was starting to become an annoying habit.
With a glance at your computer screen, your eyes widen in shock. 
68,000 words.
A new record.
Everyone knew about New York, the melting pot of all types of people, food, festivities, and yadda yadda. 
But no one seemed to know how dampening it was. To you at least. 
The difference between being in one of the most active places in the states and having nothing going for you was very...depressing. Though the thoughts of impending success snuck into your gloomy thoughts, it was driven away by impatience. 
When? When were you going to finally catch a break? When were you going to be shrouded by contentment and feel as though moving to the states was the right choice? 
These thoughts compiled onto your mind as you stared at the back of a stranger’s brown and very ugly loafers.
The metro was loud and bustling with life. Though, it didn’t hold much surprise. 
You made sure to keep your head downcast and avoid eye contact with anybody. You were lucky enough to get a seat on the train, but the regret finally started to set in when you felt another person pushing against the left of you. 
With an inaudible sigh, you close your eyes in hopes of getting a few moments of peace before you had to go to your publishing company. Draena did tell you that it wasn’t a serious matter but a gut feeling told you that it was. 
When your stop comes, you squeeze through a plethora of bodies to get out of the doors. 
The walk to your publishing company is short, your gray sweatpants and sweatshirt made it an easier trek. With your heart in your throat, you elongate your neck to stare at the company. It was nothing special, a five-storied building that looked slightly crappy on the inside. However, it was seemingly special to you. It’d housed dozens of authors esteemed with the title of best-seller and you’d be damned if you weren’t one. 
After giving yourself a speech of confidence, you enter the building. The first thing that hits you is the overbearing stench of coffee. The sweet smell of donuts, next. Which leaves you to salivate due to the absence of breakfast. 
“You can have mine if you want to.” A figure towers over yours. Michael. Your eyes flit to his face, then to the donut, he offers on a folded napkin. Your nose scrunches up in distaste. A cruller.
When you see the way his face slightly falls, you smile at him. “Thank you, Michael. I’ll make sure to eat this since I didn’t have any breakfast this morning.” As you grab the donut from his hand and your fingers brush ever so slightly, you catch the way his cheeks flush red. 
Now, you weren’t an egotistical fool but there was no way that Michael didn’t have a thing for you. But there was no way you were going to entertain him. Yeah, he was cute; short-cropped black hair, sharp cheekbones, and nice jade eyes to go with it, he wasn’t your type. It didn’t help that he was only eighteen, four years your junior. The gap wasn’t huge but it just… wasn’t your thing. 
“H-have a nice day.” He chokes out, a nervous smile adorning his pasty cheeks. 
“I will, thanks again.” With a small smile, you turn away to trudge up the stairwell. 
The stairs are rickety and downright scary. Every step you take causes a flash of childish vision in which you end up falling through. The quality of the rails didn’t help either. Renovations, maybe?
You’re pulled from your thoughts as you finally make your way through to the fifth floor. Surprisingly, this floor was tidier than the rest. More expensive printers, offices, and equipment in general. 
“Finally.” Draena cruises towards you, her expression is neutral, conveying no signs of what’s about to come. 
“Hi Rae rae,” you smile, handing her your cruller. “You look nice.” You observe her pencil skirt that fits just right on her curves, and her white button-up that makes her chest look really, really nice.
“Stop ogling my tits, you perv.” You roll your eyes at her crude language as she stuffs her face with the donut. “You look….” She ducks her head to study your attire. “Comfortable.” 
“Putting your rudeness aside.” You wave your arms. “Uh… what am I here for?” You scratch the back of your neck as a source of relief. 
Sensing your nervousness, Draena places her hands on your shoulders. “Everything’s fine, I promise. Just follow me.” She turns.
You blink out of your stupor to follow behind. Your eyes stay downcast. “Stop looking at my ass—”
Your eyes widen in shock as everyone turns to give you a perturbed stare. “W-what! Draena— I was not.” You scramble up to stand side by side with your friend, sending her an icy glare.
She gives you a low chuckle in response. “I know, I know. Just tryna get you to lighten up.” She pats your mass of curls. “Well, I hope ya did, cause we’re here.” She stops in front of the main conference room. 
She pulls your sweaty hands into her own. “You got this! Just don’t say too much because you don’t nee—”
“Huh- you’re not coming with me!” you whisper-yell, eyes moving sporadically in disbelief.
“Nope!” She springs, letting go of your hand and turning you towards the door. “Good luck, babes, call me when you’re done, I can’t wait to see your reaction.” And with that, Draena pushes a very terrified you into the conference room. 
“Uh, Miya!” Atsumu turns to the loud reporter. “Any ladies in your life?” 
“Nah and yer crazy if you think there’s gonna be.” He gives an upturning grin as the conference room bursts into a muttering mess.
Next to him, Sakusa grunts, “you’re so damn arrogant.” Atsumu gives him a shrug in return.
“So, any past ladies you’re still willing to pine over?” Atsumu blinks once, twice. The room falls into an eerie silence as his teammates turn to peer at him. 
“Nah,” he clips. “Let’s talk about the game now.” Atsumu coughs. “We should be talking about Mr. Shoyo here, no?” The orange-haired boy flushes in embarrassment as the attention of the room shifts to him. 
When the team heads back to the locker room, the air is filled with exhaustion. The adrenaline finally slithering away as they grab their belongings. 
Meian, their team captain clambers up to Atsumu’s figure and clasps him on the shoulder. “What was that about, Miya?” 
Slowly, Atsumu turns to give him a confused look. “What was what about?” He lies, slinging his bag on his other shoulder. His eyes flicker across the locker room as everyone tries, but fails miserably, to hide their interest in the conversation. 
“Whatever, I know you’re not gonna tell me,” Meian sighs, already used to the boy's nonchalant façade.
With a huff and a series of goodbyes, Atsumu slides out of the locker room and pulls the hood of his jacket on his head. He fishes his phone out of his pocket, thumbs ready to send a pleading text to his Osamu. 
When he does, he sighs wistfully. Silently hoping that his brother would give him at least a dozen of onigiris of his choice, for free. When his phone ringer goes off, he immediately slides accept. A wide smile on his face as he speaks to what he thinks is his brother.
“Sumu! If you’re calling to ask, I’d really like some with grilled salm-”
“Nah, It’s not Osamu.” Atsumu comes to a stop in the MSBY parking lot. 
“A-aran?” His dark amber eyes go wide. It’d been so long, but there was no he’d forget his best friend’s voice. 
“Yeah.” Though his voice is much deeper and gruff, a sense of nostalgia washes over Atsumu.
“What’d you call for? We haven’t talk-”
As Aran’s next words filter through Atsumu's right ear, the setter’s spine grows rigid. A plethora of thoughts enter his mind to merge into a red, blaring question mark. 
“Y/N’s coming back to Japan.”
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a/n: yayy, i know this is kinda short and should probably be a prologue instead of chapter one but.... idk. also, i’m really excited to dive more into atsumu’s character. okay, okay other than that. I hope you enjoyed this! I feel as though the header is downright ugly but whatevs ┐( ˘_˘)┌
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
The Golden Apple Incident but-
(Honestly writing this felt like writing a glorified shitpost, so-)
Olympus’ garden was breath-taking; bioluminescent flowers blooming under Selene’s far-reaching gaze as the immortals were having the time of their lives, drunkenly singing under the serene night sky.
Hermes couldn’t help but subtly gaze back at Apollo every now and then, who was talking with one of the muses, when someone caught him off guard by wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He instantly knew who it was the second he smelled the wine in his breath.
“Jealous?~” Dionysus wiggled his eyebrows.
Hermes scoffed. “Jealous of what?”
Dionysus motioned back to the nine sisters. Calliope had her arms wrapped around Apollo’s neck while the god had just given her a small kiss. Hermes rolled his eyes, but, oh little did he know, he was faintly blushing.
The younger brother sighed.
“Look man, if you’re going to keep this up, then you‘re absolutely hopeless. I mean, at this point literally everyone except the distracted blonde you haven’t confessed to knows that you want a piece of that-”
“Hahahaha, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, have you seen Eris? I heard she wasn’t-”
“Hey, don’t change the subject!”
“It’s not what you think! I swear I was just slightly… concerned? I don’t know, he seems a lil off and Cal can prolly sense it too-”
“Pft, excuses excuses-”
Then it happened.
The festivities were suddenly interrupted by their father’s voice thundering across the garden.
“AH-” “What’s this?!”
On his hand he held out an apple as if it was made of pure solid gold. The fruit had struck him on the nose while he was chatting with his siblings. It glimmered and sparkled under the ambient moonlight as if it was enticing all of the immortals to come and have a closer look.
“It… has something engraved onto it? Hold on-” He cleared his throat, and now all eyes were on the king.
“‘It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.’”
Whispers echoed throughout the venue, jumping from ear to ear. Now, of course, Zeus would’ve gladly declared himself ownership of the gift as it was thrown at his face. However, barely had a minute passed when the apple was already gone; snatched out of Zeus’ hands by the god of love whose wings immediately threw him up into air as he curiously stared at the prize he was about to award to himself.
“Still the same old insolent piece of shit, huh?”
A golden arrow whizzed out of nowhere, fired from a silver bow and carried by the evening breeze. It narrowly missed Eros’ head and pinned the fruit against one of the trees.
Eros flew after the apple as fast as he could, but by the time he managed to grab a hold of it, there was already another hand, from the archer god himself, and neither party seemed willing to let go.
He hissed. “You arrogant bastard.”
Apollo replied with a shit-eating grin. “Oh please, look whose talking.”
There was one single thought in Hermes’ head. ‘Oh boy.’ He tried to get even closer, running to where Ares and Aphrodite were. He just had to see this.
“Wait!” Athena interrupted, as she was a teensy bit worried that those two were about to murder each other. “This all feels a little… off. We don’t even know where that apple came from-”
“Don’t know; don’t care Misses killjoy!” Eros rolled his eyes. “I can assure you that I sense no malicious auras or weird obscure magic so, perhaps this really is just a gift from some fanatic, at which I am extremely flattered-”
Apollo laughed. “Really, you?? Why on earth would anyone give this to a saucy twink who’s barely taller than Hermes?”
The messenger frowned at the mentioned of his height. Ares gave him a few pats on the back while Dionysus, Artemis and a few other gods snickered. Athena just sighed like she gave up and doesn’t want to involve herself any further. On the other hand, Zeus had stopped trying to come up with a scheme to take back the fruit the second he saw his son want it too. Still though, the way Eros’ and Apollo’s fingers twitched, almost like they wanted to break each other’s necks, was starting to get kind of concerning.
“Okay okay please calm down, both of you.” The last thing Zeus wants is someone’s ichor to be spilled in the middle of a goddamn wedding. “How about-”
“Since you’re the king of the gods, that you be the judge of whoever is deserving to have this apple?” Apollo smiled. “What a wonderful idea father!”
Eros took advantage of that brief distraction of Apollo addressing his father to take the apple and throw it towards his dear mother. “Look, I know he’s usually the one who calls all the final shots, but don’t you think it’d be more fitting to let the literal goddess of beauty decide?”
Zeus thought about it, but decided that choosing between his favorite son and the bastard that could make his libido act up again was a terrible idea. Even Aphrodite herself seemed hesitant to choose and handed the fruit over to Ares because he and Hermes wanted a closer look.
“Uhm, no. I think my very obvious biases would make me one of the least fitting judges for that matter; same goes for Aphrodite. How about… let a mortal who is not part of any of your cults decide, and to please swear not to endanger their life over this.”
 The two gods gave each other a brief death glare before reluctantly agreeing to Zeus’ suggestion.
“Good. Now, where did that apple go?”
They all turned towards Ares, who didn’t have the golden fruit in his hands.
“Dad.” Eros stared. “Where’s the apple?”
“Let’s just say… I got hungry.”
There was a long pause before Eros continued.
“C-Come again?”
“I said what I said; I got hungry and that apple was right there and I got curious so, yeah. Surprisingly tasty-”
“I’m sorry,” Athena just had to interject. “But did you just admit to eating a lump of gold?!”
“Bold of you to assume that would stop the god that broke a chicken’s femur when he bit into its thigh.”
The goddess couldn’t tell if he was faking it and therefore hiding something or if he was actually very serious. Now she really did give up listening in to this conversation and proceeded to walk off to wherever Persephone and Artemis were. It was probably for the best, as it almost looked like she was losing more and more brain cells the longer this situation went on.
Apollo raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, Eros was struggling to process what the fuck just happened. He flew over to Hermes who was trying his best not to laugh his ass off.
“Hermes, do you have something to do with this? Did you steal it??”
“Huh? No, why the hell would I want to steal it?? I may be cocky, but not that kind of self-aggrandizing cocky. I don’t have the golden apple with me.”
Eros narrowed his eyes. “How do I know you’re not-”
“Because he isn’t, all of what Hermes just said is true.” Despite the contents of what he said being perfectly harmless, Apollo sounded like he was about to brake Eros’ back the moment he saw the god of love reach into his quiver.
Eros backed off. “Okay okay, but then what? Is that it?!”
The blonde shrugged. “It appears so.”
“Why do you suddenly act like you don’t care??”
“I mean, of course having a pretty golden apple say you’re the best is great, but in my case it’s kind of unnecessary, isn’t it? Like, duh.” There it was again, that shit-eating grin. “Honestly, it was mostly because I didn’t want YOU to have it and gods fucking forbid you use it to constantly annoy me for the rest of eternity.”
Despite the incident that had killed the mood a few minutes ago, the party seemed to be back in full swing now that Aphrodite took Eros back to wherever Psyche was. It was almost like nothing had ever happened.
Hermes, however, was interested in separating himself from everyone else as far as he possibly could, and he had dragged Apollo along with him until they were deep in some obscure part of the garden.
The messenger let out a nervous laugh. “Okay I have something I need to tell you.”
“That what Ares said, even though I can definitely see him doing it just to piss me off, was a red herring and that he hid the apple somewhere before giving it back to you once Aphrodite got Eros to go away?”
“Damn, you know me too well huh?” He took off his hat, revealing the luster of gold resting on his brown chestnut hair.
The archer laughed. “I’m surprised you got him to cooperate.”
“Guess I’m just that likeable! Plus, he owed me one after distracting you for… something.”
“You what-”
The messenger grabbed the apple and placed his cap back on his head. “I didn’t steal it for myself though.” He smiled, “It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.” and then offered up the prize to the surprised blonde.
Apollo accepted, mildly flustered. “Is… Is there some sort of ulterior motive to this?”
“I… suppose you could call it that.”
He sighed. “What do you want, Herms?”
“W-Well… it’s nothing big.” There was a sudden faint flush on Hermes’ cheeks. “What about… a kiss?”
The archer stared and the messenger almost started backtracking on his request but, well, the blonde cut him off before he could, with a soft peck on his lips.
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snoifcika · 3 years
A romance story because yes
            Walking into the small café on the corner 3 blocks away from your house, you scan the area for an empty spot. You see a small 2 seat table at the edge of the café on those tall chairs that you like. And it’s near a charging port. Perfect.
            You walk towards the small table and place your computer and charger there. Taking a few seconds to plug the charger into the port, as you forgot to charge your computer overnight, you look around the café again to see if any of your friends are there. Of course, they aren’t. 
            You open your computer and continue the romance novel you were working on. Brushing the hair out of your face, you look again to see if any of your friends have arrived since last you checked, 5 seconds ago. 
            You see something better.
            Your face immediately goes red and you bury your face back into your computer. You don’t have any motivation to write, and how could you? She’s just… overwhelming.
            A waitress spots you and walks over to your table to take your order. Seeing that you can’t deny social interaction anymore, you quickly look around for something to bury your furiously strawberry face in. You grab the menu that you pushed out of the way to fit your computer on the small table that you’re sitting on, and shove it in front of your face. You’ve already memorized the entire menu, and order the same thing every day. You don’t even look at it until the waitress comes over.
            “Anything for you ma’am? Do you need more time to think?” The waitress asks. You shake your head the most you can without toppling over in how friggin cute she i-
            “Ma’am?” The waitress asks again. You snap back to reality and put the menu a little bit lower than it already was.
            “I’d… uh… like the..,” You can’t speak. “the cappuccino with milk and a little sugar, with a lemon pound cake on the side.” You finally get the words out and sigh with relief. The waitress nods and walks away to prepare your order. You attempt to shake away the feeling you’ve had ever since you’ve seen her and fail, trying to focus back on the novel you were writing. 
            Eventually, you put a little more focus into what you were writing and start your routine procedure of taking long breaks to regain motivation, drinking the coffee and eating the pound cake which arrived at your side at some point, having random spurs of motivation, looking for synonyms to make your writing more interesting, and cutting off run-on sentences before they go on too long. All the while sneaking peeks at her and her gorgeous hair and mystical face. You wonder how someone so beautiful finds their way at a small town coffee shop in the middle of nowhere. 
            While scanning her amazing features, you also sneak looks at her items. Her backpack, the pins on the shoulder straps of her backpack, and the stickers on her computer. They all have rainbows on them.
            Maybe she just likes rainbows.
            Doesn’t mean anything. 
            Rainbows are cool. Rainbows are fun. Rainbows are also very ga-
            Nope, it doesn’t mean anything,
            You keep your cycle of motivation, nonmotivation, coffee and snacks, and synonyms until eventually an event throws the cycle off track. You’re out of the coffee, and you have barely any bites of the lemon pound cake left.
            There’s a lot of movement going around in the cafe, as you look over it once more. People exiting, entering, moving places, walking away from you, walking towards you, she’s walking towards you, oh my hecking god she’s walKING TOWARDS YOU.
            She relocated all her stuff and moved seats. Just one teensy, tiny, non impactful thing.
            She relocated to the seat. Right. In front of you.
            You stare the hardest you’ve ever stared into the blue light machine holding the precious writing you’ve been working on for the past year.
            “Uh… hey? Hello? Are you there?” You look up at her and fail to relax your face. She’s so much more beautiful close up. “I was… going to ask if I could use your port, but if you’re too busy I can just mo-”
            “NO-” You say just a little too loudly. Don’t you dare go losing this opportunity. She looks at you weirdly and you start sweating all over. “Uh, you can g-go ahead and use it, yeah. I charged my computer overnight anyways I don’t know why I’m using it now. What I’m saying is you can go ahead and use it.” You blurt out. She nods and takes your charger out of the port and puts her own in. 
            She touched an item of yours.
            You will treasure this moment for eternity.
            You continue writing for a bit, until someone speaks up. 
            “Sooo… what are you working on?”
            Raising your head to see where the voice came from, you realize it came from her. 
            Holy heck, she’s interested in what you do.
            “Oh, nothing big, haha. I’m just writing a little romance thing. It’s a hobby of mine. What… uh… what are you working on?” You ask her, returning the question as a miniscule attempt to get small talk going.
            “Oh, just writing a song. It’s going pretty well so far.” She says. You nod, and try to think of conversation topics to continue the conversation until she speaks again.
            “Wanna hear it?”
            You can’t believe it. You nod vigorously, but not too vigorously so as to not scare her or make her think you’re weird. She pulls up her tablet and switches the tab to the song lyrics.
            You’re mesmerized by her voice. You don’t even pay attention to the song, just her. Everything else seems to disappear, it’s just you and her.
            It seems before it even started, it’s finished, and the crowd, atmosphere and noise of the café sinks in again.
            “Soooo… what do you think? I’m not that good at singing, I’m just the songwriter, but-”
            “It was amazing. So good. I LOVED it.” 
            “Hah, thanks! Oh, I never got your name. What was it?”
            “Oh, right, sorry- My name’s Elizabeth. What’s yours?”
            “Madeline! Glad you asked. Oh, do you wanna keep in touch?”
            “I-I mean, i-if you want to, only if y-you-”
            “Pfft, you’re so funny. Here’s my number.”
            “Oh, th-thanks. Here’s mine.”
            “Thanks! I’ll call you when I get home!”
            “I’ll make sure to have my phone on me, then.”
            “Haha! Bye! Have a great day!”
            “Y-You too!”
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love-sapphirerose · 4 years
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 23
For me, a key part of writing these weekly reviews is breaking down the plot and themes of each episode. Now, I'm trying my best, dear readers, but more so than even the worst of the episodes that preceded it, “The Princesses Strike Back” really does feel like a bunch of random scenes that were haphazardly slapped together with no rhyme or reason to speak of. I'd be lying if I told you that I fully understood what was even going on, by the end of things, but I guess I'll give it a shot?
We open in the present, with Mr. Kirin bumping into Sota and his little family to ominously inquire about Towa's whereabouts. Here is where I will be as fair as I can possibly be and highlight the one moment of the episode I liked, where Sota blames Towa's extended absence on a medley of random illnesses, just like Kagome's folks did back in the day for her. That was a cute callback, and what I wouldn't give for a version of Yashahime where we got more connections to the original series like it. Mr. Kirin also takes a moment to point out the spooky demon comet in the sky to Sota, but Sota can't even see it, so the only reason this scene exists is to establish that Kirinmaru has some kind of cross-temporal connection with his…what? His doppelganger? Descendant? Time clone?
Who cares! The show definitely doesn't, since it immediately transitions to Kirinmaru meeting up with none other than Sesshomaru's Mother, whose name is…”Sesshomaru's Mother”. Very creative. Anyways, here is where Kirinmaru and Sesshomaru engage in some incredibly vague conversation that nearly explains what our villain's motivations are beyond simply murdering SesshMoMaru's grandkids, but nope. That would make too much sense, so the show decides to skip all of that and introduce the Windmill of Time, which as best as I can tell is a completely new thing that is not a holdover from InuYasha, and all of my Googling of “time windmill” only turned up some obscure non-fiction books. What is the Windmill of Time? I don't know! All that Kirinmaru mentions is that Sesshomaru has been seeking something called Akuru's Pinwheel. What is that? I don't know! Later on, we see a kid named Akuru with a pinwheel that Sesshomaru completely ignores so…yeah, no, I've got nothing.
Now, here's where we need to double back a bit; this episode is titled “The Three Princesses Strike Back”, right? What are they striking back against? That one, at least, is simple enough to track: The girls are taking the fight back to Zero, and Setsuna even has the mysterious “Blood Blade” to add to her fighting repertoire. The last fight with Zero was a relative highlight of the series' back half, so at this point I was still wondering if the show could manage the same trick of being sort-of decent twice in a row. It turns out the exact opposite happened, instead; once the girls arrive at the burnt-out ruins of the old Grampyasha manor, the episode takes a full nosedive in quality and basically devolves into utter nonsense.
Here's the shakedown: After a bunch of lame banter between the girls, Zero, and Riku, the pirate boy eventually reveals that, now that Moroha and Setsuna have arrived with their Red and Gold Rainbow Pearls, he's gathered every one of the lost gems to return to Zero. She was apparently unaware that this plot was even in place, and reacts very angrily, though she ends up taking the Rainbow Pearls back anyways. Now, the show has repeatedly claimed that the Pearls are the source of her demon powers, except she's had demon powers this whole time, and when she finally does reunite the collection of off-brand Infinity Stones that Yashahime has been building up for twenty-three weeks now, the grand result is…Setsuna killing her in less than a minute, with a single blow from her Blood Blade.
I'm not kidding. After all of the hullabaloo Yashahime raised over “Rainbow Pearl, this” and “Rainbow Pearl, that”, Zero ends up getting one-shotted by Setsuna and dying in Riku's arms. Does…does Yashahime realize how inconceivably stupid this looks from the audience's perspective? It gets worse, too: When she dies, Zero's spirit is whisked off to the underworld, where she gets into a very long back-and-forth with SessMoMaru about the respective pain they suffered over Grampyasha's stepping around over the years. The conversation doesn't go anywhere at all except for Zero freaking out when SeshMoMaru accuses her of indulging in petty “human” emotions. Oh, I guess there's the teensy detail that we learn of how, when Zero dies, Rin also must die, so Sesshomaru pops in to use the Tenseiga's life-giving powers on Zero's corpse.
In all of this chaos, Rin wakes up with the goofiest look on her face for all of five seconds or so, and then immediately dozes off without a single word when Zero comes back to life. Rin isn't the only victim of the episode's truly terrible artistic gaffes, though; there's one shot of Zero's dead body that literally looks as if someone cropped a JPEG of the character from a different scene into the frame, and then flipped it on its side to make it look dead. It has to be seen to be believed:
Look, I know it's COVID times, and I know that animation is one of the most difficult and underpaid jobs pretty much anywhere, but for real. Yashahime. What the heck are we doing here? And then, when Zero wakes up and angrily demands the Rainbow Pearls from Riku, despite them being just a couple of feet away on the ground, only to have the about-face interrupted by Kirinmaru descending from heaven like some kind of Hot Topic Emo Demon Jesus? I ask again: Just what in the heck are we doing, Yashahime?
The preview for “Sesshomaru's Daughter” has an ominous mood that goes so far as to foreshadow that Setsuna is going to die, and it bills itself as “The final episode”. On the one hand, please God, yes, let this finally be over! On the other hand, there is no universe wherein Yashahime can satisfactorily wrap up its story in a mere 22 minutes. We're one week away from the finale, and I'm not even sure that the story has started, yet. I don't know what I fear more: The possibility that Yashahime might truly attempt to conclude this terrible, terrible story for good in just one week, or the possibility that there might be more weeks, months, or even years of Yashahime yet to come…
Odds and Ends
• I damn near forgot to mention that, when Zero is revived and raging at Sesshomaru, Towa's inner-monologue pops in, and she muses, “Living in the world is hard. If you don't follow the set rules, you're treated as an outcast. I was so tired of it when I was in the other world. What Zero is feeling now is probably like how I felt back then.” This is, generously, one of the most inane and incompetent bits of writing I've seen in, God, I don't know how long. It's even worse than that wretched non-sequitur about Towa being too addicted to her cellphone from Episode 14, and that's really saying something. I'm far more accustomed to Yashahime's flagrant, spiteful disregard for “making sense” and “letting its characters sound like functional human beings”, so I guess it didn't hit me quite as hard.
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mutalune · 4 years
Hey! I hope November is treating you better than October! (Other than the first tuesday. It lasted like a whole week! Crazy!) Do you have any branching stories of your AU? Like would Izuku’s birthday phone call have happened in the original universe? What if Aizawa had a password from Nedzu so he could approach him early? That the time travel aspect of your fic was so ... ill-prepared? is absolutely fascinating. Finally, yours is so good that I’m even recounting it to Datemate! Ihopethismakesit!
first off plz tell your datemate that i said hi because that’s so fucking cute and i hope they’re enjoying the recounting
second off november is going MILES better than october thank you so much for the well-wishes <3
third off thank you??? for your kind words???? seriously appreciate it so much <3
okay onto the fun stuff - i don’t have anything written that’s branching off from the AU, but i have Ideas if you’re interested in hearing them!! (i’m gonna try not to spoil future things in my fic and not give too much away but i’m also Dumb so read at your own risk lmao)
izuku and his dad - AU vs OU
in general, the way i view a lot of the stuff with izuku’s dad is that if izuku had been even a teensy-bit more genuine with his dad in the Original Universe, his relationship with his dad would be way different than the Original Universe. i see the OU relationship between them as unmatured - Hisashi cared about izuku in the OU as well, but he never looked deeper into izuku’s life other than a cursory “oh he’s doing well, his grades are good, he’s healthy, he made it into the high school he wanted.”
and that’s because in the OU, izuku only had all might and his mom as role models. Inko gave him kindness and strength and determination. all might gave him hope and something to aspire towards.
all of that makes the wonderful being that is Canon Deku and i do adore that boy, but Hisashi does Not Like All Might and he wouldn’t be able to handle a tiny deku’s gushing over the hero that destroyed his quality of life. and deku hadn’t been socialized enough to talk about anything EXCEPT all might or heroes - a consequence of having no friends except your busy working mom.
so even if izuku had been open in the OU to a relationship with hisashi (which i don’t think he was, because i think without aizawa there to help him be confident, he would default to protecting himself and hiding and he wouldn’t have the safety of aizawa’s love/support to shield him from if hisashi had rejected him in any way - better to stay away than risk getting hurt and rejected by the only other adult that was semi-obligated to give a damn about him) - i don’t think hisashi would’ve been open to it himself
(i think i said this in an A/N somewhere but i have literally no idea of when AFO and all might had their Big Blowout Fight in canon, so for my purposes, it happened pre-fic when izuku was 6 lmao)
Hisashi has some amount of trauma from that fight - who wouldn’t after losing their sight and most of their face? - the same that all might does, even if we don’t see all might explore that very much. and as someone who has her own trauma, i know i go into “AVOID!!!! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!” mode when i come across any kind of trigger.
multiply that by 100x because it’s Your Son who You Adore More Than Anything Even If You Don’t Know Him That Well Because You Also Have Family Trauma - yeah, i can’t imagine hisashi being comfortable with more than the bare minimum kind of relationship with his all might fanboy son.
SO THAT WAS A REALLY LONG WAY OF SAYING: yes, the phone call would’ve happened, but it would have been:
“hey happy birthday”
“how’s school”
“it’s fine. how’s america”
“it’s fine. americans, ya know.”
*awkward silence*
“okay talk to you next year.”
regarding nedzu and aizawa
honestly that’s one of those things i hadn’t even considered when writing this fic if i’m being honest. like the whole reason i started thinking about writing this fic was “how can i give aizawa a tiny izuku to protect and care for without killing inko or making her a Terrible Mother” because that was most of the fics i was seeing (which are all still fun to read don’t get me wrong but i like inko and i like writing women and i am a lesbian who Loves Women!!!!) and i just started writing and THEN made the plot and actual details fit with the first 5 chapters i wrote lmao
i think, though, that nedzu is such a wildcard. like i haven’t read the manga so maybe he’s more understandable in that, but it seems to me like his motivations aren’t very clear. he’s not really a dumbledore-type figure in my eyes - he’s not the general of the battle against the LOV, even if he has authority and has a position and has the intelligence, ya know?
he’s very inscrutable to me, and he has his own bias and own motivations that are intriguing to consider - but i can’t imagine aizawa trusting a past-version of nedzu to work towards the same goals he’s working towards.
like, aizawa thinks he’s logical. but at the end of the day, i write him as a “loved ones comes first, the world comes second” character. and whether he can admit it to himself or not, he knows that nedzu would put the world first.
and it would scare him that nedzu might see izuku (or any of his students, or hizashi, or nemuri) as expendable if that means avoiding the future aizawa came from. with nedzu being as smart as he is and as inscrutable as he is, aizawa could end up as his pawn towards whatever *nedzu* thinks is the best course of action, even if he was completely honest with nedzu.
this is something that i don’t think has come up yet, but aizawa *knows* he’s not the smartest guy. like he knows he’s not an idiot, but he knows that hizashi is WAY smarter than him, and he knows that he wouldn’t be able to beat nedzu in a game of checkers, let alone a life-size game of war.
i could see a version where aizawa gets all might’s help and has some sort of “i know this thing that you never told anyone else, i’m from the future, help” type of password, or i could see him doing it with just about any other pro-hero or any of his students, but i really can’t see a version where he would enlist nedzu first. i think he would want to set some of his plans in motion that even with all of his intelligence, nedzu wouldn’t be able to stop.
(does aizawa even have plans? no he doesn’t, which means he would wait to involve nedzu until he came up with a plan, but he can’t come up with a plan b/c he is Not a Strategic Thinker, so he keeps fixing small problems and saying that when he comes up with a plan he’ll call nedzu, and then he’s fighting the LOV singlehandedly because he’s a moron.)
aizawa isn’t a big picture guy, to me. he’s the best and worst person to send back in time because of it lmao - he’s the best because he is smart and sneaky and (if he had all of the right information) he would find the easiest, quickest solution. he’s the worst because he would be the guy who, given the chance to go back in time and stop someone from destroying the world, he would go “okay i’ll just kill that guy before he becomes a Big Huge Villain” and then not realize “oh wait that just means someone else will step in a fill the void and now i don’t know who that guy is so that’ll be harder and all of my future knowledge is For Nothing” (cough CHISAKI cough)
WOW THIS IS SO LONG i hope if you read it all the way to the end you enjoyed my babbling or at least didn’t hate it enough that you won’t ever open my fic ever again~
in all seriousness, thank you for your ask and thank you for giving me a chance to babble about some of this stuff because i have BIG OPINIONS and a lot of thought has gone into this AU and what the OU of my AU (that is in and of itself a canon divergence/AU of canon lmao) would look like. it was really fun to dive into this onto a medium that isn’t just another document on my google drive~
i hope you’re having a lovely november and if you do anything for the holiday season, you have fun with it~! (also plz feel free to stop in and chat more/ask more if you want to!!! i’m trying to be better about being on tumblr more often lol)
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adamrevi3ws · 3 years
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
As some may know, I managed to stumble upon the world premiere for Shang-Chi and the Legend of The Ten Rings when visiting Hollywood Boulevard for the first time. A month later, I can finally confirm that the movie, while deeply flawed, is still a lot of good fun!
~~Mild plot spoilers entail ~~
Shang-Chi is yet another origin story, centering around a highly trained heir (and escapee) of the Ten Rings, the very same Chinese terrorist organization/criminal empire/ancient cult that inspired the terrorists that captured Iron Man. What entails is the title character’s journey to escape his father’s machinations while exploring his mysterious mother’s family history, all the while beating up (or getting beaten up by) nearly everyone along the way.
Like all the superhero films made by the house of mouse, Shang-Chi is just as formulaic as you’d expect. While I saw it in 2D, Disney’s generic structure for its MCU line sure as hell popped out of the screen. There are multiple scenes that feel directly ripped off from Black Widow and Black Panther, if not other MCU movies that haven’t come to mind. Car chase that alludes to the main villain? Check. Slowed down second act where more backstory and pathos is unraveled? Check. Final battle that overdoes it with ugly CGI? Check. It really feels like Disney just chooses between the same 2 or 3 storyboard plot structures for all of the 25 films they’ve released.
With that in mind, I think the fact that this film is just pure fun heavily distracts from its formulaic nature. The main highlight is its action, where, unlike Black Widow, Shang-Chi actually fulfills my hopes for this area. Much of this is due to its phenomenal kung-fu fight choreography and wuxia stylings, which really raise the bar for action and fight choreography in the MCU. As my fellow theatergoer put it: “They could’ve had fights like this in Black Panther but didn’t??” and I agree, the rest of the MCU pales in comparison. Shang-Chi in general feels like a MCU movie able to embrace the fun and comic booky nature of its source material, something that Iron Fist, the previous MCU kung fu adaptation completely failed the mark on. When it touches on MCU synergy it feels original and believable, rather than the “Tony Stark is singlehandedly involved in every villain’s backstory” formula. Additionally, Shang-Chi distinguishes itself from other Disney Marvel products in that its humor actually feels organic rather than tacked on, not disrupting any important moments. While leads Simu Liu and Awkwafina aren’t the most charismatic or convincing actors at times, they make up for it by absolutely nailing every punchline that comes up.
Speaking of acting, one of the biggest pulls to this film was the casting of acclaimed Hong Kong actor Tony Leung as its villain. While he delivers a solid performance as the main villain, Wenwu, I couldn’t help but notice how strange and contradictory his characterization felt, which kind of messed with the tone for me. In the early exposition, he’s set up as a devious thousand-year warlord, but when he finally appears in the present the film immediately starts portraying him as a very laid back albeit manipulative goofy dad that literally wears dad sandals to his evil schemes. While fleshing out a villain and giving him pathos is generally admirable, I think doing so heavily disrupted the stakes, tension, and comic book-y fun of the film. It’s always possible for a villain to have some type of compelling motivation while still being dastardly evil, or at the very least acting like a real antagonist. Instead, we get someone that fully sounds evil on paper but in practice is more of an important side character that the protagonist happens to disagree with. While this can easily be attributed to Disney’s poor writing and handling of its characters, they’ve already managed to solve this problem and do a far better job of balancing “evil” and “compelling” with villains such as The Vulture and Killmonger. I’m sure a good amount of people are fine with this, especially since Wenwu is in fact a combination of multiple racial stereotype villains and this could be seen as a complete reworking of the characters, but with this in mind I’d still prefer someone who’s a teensy bit more war criminal than wife guy.
As previously mentioned, the costume design was another disappointing point of this film and one of the few parts (other than Wenwu’s character) of the movie that didn’t fully indulge in comic book-y excess. Wenwu is a combination of a Bond villain and an evil wizard but sure as hell doesn’t dress like one, instead wearing hilariously drab suits or just a button up, and even his outfit in the final battle is an ugly and subdued black leather getup that looks more like he’s leading a swat team than an ancient organization composed of the greatest martial artists on earth. This lack of vision extends to the rest of the costumes too, as before the final battle the main characters are presented with “clothes were made out of dragon scales for special protection” like no dude they look like they were made out of plastic and rubber. Aside from the Disney+ shows, costume design has always been the MCU’s weakest link but I will continue to roast them until they decide to make something that doesn’t look like trash.
Shang-Chi feels like a far better return of the MCU to the big screen, but still has a few things that drag it down for me. I’m thinking I’ll give it a 7.2/10
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make-me-imagine · 5 years
🕸13 Days of Halloween - Day 8
Prompts: “Don’t touch me!” (changed a little) + “I didn’t”
Pairing: Eddie Brock x Gn!Reader + Venom
Requested by: Anon          
Triggers: Mention of fighting, gross monster guy (detailed description)
Genre: Humor, a teensy bit of fluff, a little spookiness/angst
A/n: This is the first time I’ve written for Eddie/Venom so I am excited, but also nervous because I’m not sure if I will do the characters justice. Also, I had a hard time trying to decide if I wanted this to be fluff/humor or spooky/angst, but I finally decided on this - Also, I am loosing my motivation to write again, so I feel like these are slowly getting worse. So, sorry about that. 
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“I can’t believe you dragged me into this” you sighed as the three two of you crouched behind the old broken down shed.
“You didn’t have to come” Eddie murmured as he stared into the darkness of the field, near by.
“Oh please, there is no way you wouldn’t have let me stay at home watching Halloween movies like I wanted to, we just HAD to come to this creepy ass old broken down farm to track down your crazy ass sounding story” you felt a slight shiver go through your body. The cold night air sinking into your bones.
Eddie sighed “Yeah I know, I’m sorry, but you know I can’t do this without you” he nudged your shoulder with his, trying to get a smile from you.
You looked at him and rolled your eyes, disappointed in yourself for smiling slightly “If we find whatever the hell this thing is supposed to be, I’ll make you dinner every night for a week” you saw his interest peek as he turned his head to you “But. If we find nothing, or we get in trouble with the police, you have to cook for me for a week. Deal?” You stuck out your hand for him to take.
’Do it Eddie, we love Y/n’s cooking’ Eddie smiled as the voice filled his head.
Taking your hand in his he pressed a quick kiss to the back, “Deal” standing quickly he looked around “Now come on.” He quickly moved closer to the barn house nearby looking around.
You sighed before whispering to yourself “This is gonna end badly, I know it.” 
Quickly moving to catch up with him your eyes darted around the property for any signs of a living being. You made your way into the old barn, the two of you turning on your flashlights. Looking around you saw old rusted chains, horse bridles, and sharp tools hanging on every wall.
“Yeah ‘cause this isn’t creepy at all” you murmured as your eyes crossed over a large hunting knife on a table. 
‘I cannot sense anything but Y/’s fear’ Venom’s comment made Eddie look over at you, seeing how nervous you were.
Catching your eye he reached out his hand for you to take, “It’ll be alright, I promise”
Taking his hand you walked closer to him, deciding he was right, nothing you could find here could be more dangerous than Venom. You felt a sense of comfort come over you as you removed your hand from Eddies, instead wrapping your arm around his. Eddie leaned over and kissed the top of your head as he continued to look around.
 “So remind me again of why we’re here?”
“Well” Eddie began “Apparently the family that used to live here around fifty years ago were slaughtered by the father. When the police came to search the property for him three of them were killed, and the ones that survived said that the farmer appeared possessed. He was stronger than any human, his eyes were red, and his skin appeared as though it was rotting. They fired a shit ton of buckshot into him but apparently he just ran off into the corn field” 
The two of you were standing at the doors again facing the old overgrown field, Eddie shown his flashlight into the field.
“They sent out a search party for him but no one ever found him. Eventually they gave up, assumed he had died. But about fifteen years ago a bunch of teens that came out here ended up going missing. And now, about three weeks ago, two more teens disappeared”
“And what, you think it’s the possessed old farmer?” You asked skeptically.
“We’ve seen weirder” Eddie looked down at you, knowing he was referring to the alien parasite that was possessing him.
“Fair enough” you admitted looking towards the field “Let me guess...we’re going into the field?”
“Awesome” sarcasm dripped from your voice as Eddie chuckled, taking your hand in his once again and more or less dragging you along.
You looked back at the old decrepit house “Shouldn’t we look in the house first?”
“Nah, field first” he said as you stopped right outside it.
“I don’t want too Eddie, I don’t like how this place feels”
He pulled you to him looking at you, cupping your face with his hands “You know just as much as I do, that if something is out here taking kids, it needs to be stopped. And look, okay, I promise that once this is over I wont ask you do anything like this again, unless you want to go.” 
You squinted your eyes at him, unconvinced, he chuckled before quickly kissing you, his hands moving down your back before resting comfortably on your butt.
“The sooner we get out of there the sooner we can go back home and stay in bed” he smirked.
“Then we should go now” you said before moving away, trying to walk back towards your car.
He chuckled again “No no no” he grabbed your hand as you pouted “The sooner we go in there” he pointed towards the field “The sooner we can go home. Now come on”
You groaned as you followed him into the field, making your own paths through the brush. Little sticks tugged at your hair and scratched your arms and legs, you stomped through the brush, trying to make a path you could follow back through. 
“Shit!” Eddie cursed as his flashlight went out “Great “ he murmured.
“I thought you put in new batteries?” you questioned as you shown your light at his hands so he could work on the flashlight.
“I did” He stated.
‘Then why did the light go out Eddie? Hmmm?’ 
“Shut up” Eddie exclaimed, quickly raising his hand at you and pointing to his head so you knew he was talking to Venom.
You heard a quiet rustle behind you making you snap your head back to look. The moon wasn’t bright enough that you could see everything, but you could see some of the near by brush swaying. Looking to the trees you saw the branches moving in the wind. Trying to convince yourself that’s what it was, you looked back to Eddie as he put the batteries back in and tried the switch sighing when it refused to turn on. 
“Here” you tried to hand him your flashlight
“No, you lead the way” you saw Eddie glancing behind you, looking in the same direction you shown the light back out of the field, seeing nothing. 
Looking back at Eddie he motioned for you to go on, passing him, you continue through the brush, making sure that you could hear Eddie right behind you. A few moments passed before you felt a hand brush your arm, assuming it was Eddie letting you know he was still there, or maybe trying to push away some tall grass. 
You stopped when you found an old post in the ground, shining the light at it, Eddie came up next to you. “I think it was for a scarecrow”
You hummed in agreement before shining the light around, out of the corner of your eye you thought you saw something, quickly shining the light at it.
“What?” Eddie questioned, seeing nothing.
“I don’t know, just thought I saw something”
Eddie listened closely, as Venom spoke. ‘I can sense something...unusual, nearby’ 
“What do you mean?” you looked at Eddie, seeing him staring off into the field, it became easy for you to tell when he was talking to you or to Venom. You waited. 
‘I do not know, I can feel another presence, but I cannot tell where’
“What is he saying Eddie?”
“He feels something, another presence, but he can’t tell where”
Your heart began to beat faster than before “Where should we go?”
Eddie looked back towards the barn, only able to see the faint outline of the roof. He pointed the direction the two of you were facing. 
“We’ll go here, and then if we come out the other side we’ll check out the house”
You nodded, moving in front of him, going first, though hesitantly, as you were headed in the same direction you thought you saw something. Feeling a hand grip yours again, you thought nothing of it, though you were getting kind of annoyed by it. Why did he keep grabbing your hand. As you stepped over a large bush you felt fingers brush through your hair. 
“Okay!” you kind of scoffed as you turned back to him seeing him stand straighter, startled “Would you please stop touching me?!” you were amused and annoyed at the same time, but your smiled faded as you saw the confusion on his face.
“I didn’t touch you” he saw your expression turn to fear.
“What?” just as you questioned him your flashlight flickered, before going out “Eddie-” suddenly you heard a yell come from your left before Eddie was thrown into the brush. “Eddie!” 
Suddenly, something large smashed into you, throwing you onto the ground before you felt yourself being dragged from your shoulder out of the field. As you tried to look around you saw a large grey, almost skeletal hand wrapped around your arm.
“Y/n!” you heard Eddies voice call, your name becoming much deeper in tone halfway through, you could tell Venom was taking over.
As you were pulled out of the field, you were suddenly thrown, you felt your body leave the ground before you slammed violently into the barn wall, the wood cracked and splintered from the force of your body. Your head spun as you looked up, seeing the large decaying figure in front of you, his face was sunken, and you could see part of his skull, the rest of his covered face was wrinkled and dry. His eyes were empty pits. He yelled, his voice guttural and inhuman as he launched himself towards you.
You moved to cover yourself with your arms but stopped when Venom suddenly appeared grabbing what used to be the farmer. Black good dripped from Venoms mouth as he yelled, before easily tearing the monster in half. You covered your face prepared to be disgusted by the sight of blood, but looking down you see the figure almost disintegrate, as though he was full of sand. 
“What the-” you couldn’t finish as pain pulsed through your body.
“Are you alright?” Venom leaned in checking you. You looked at him before nodding numbly.
The black parasite began to shrink as it melded back into Eddies body, as soon as Eddie had control again he threw himself down next to you quickly checking you. 
“Hey, Y/n, look at me”
Making eye contact he could tell you were in pain “Okay, come on” he scooped you up into his arms, as he carried you back to your car.
Setting you in the passengers seat he looked at you again, checking the back of your head, he felt a large welt but no blood.
“We’ll that escalated quickly didn’t it?” you chuckled out, before wincing as you adjusted yourself.
Eddie chuckled, “I’m sorry. I told you I wouldn’t let you get hurt”
You gently touched the side of his face “It’s alright Eddie, you know that all three of us knew that was bullshit” 
“Ouch” he chuckled, feigning offence.
You smiled at him ”Just take me home please”
He nodded before quickly getting into the car, sparing on last glance at the old barn hoping that he Venom actually stopped whatever the hell the farmer had become. Looking over at you he chuckled.
“What?” you questioned.
“Nothing, I just thought about how good I’m gonna be eating for the next week”
You reached over and hit him, causing him to laugh again “I’m gonna poison your food” you joked as you began driving home.
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arysafics · 5 years
Running Into You
Summary:  Clarke’s new year resolution of picking up running is made a LOT easier by her constantly running into this really hot runner who always greets her with a smile when they meet. Because she’s awkward, she has to come up with contrived circumstances to introduce herself.
Rated T, ~2.6k words
for @ragingserenity and @bellarkebingo (for the strangers to lovers trope)
Clarke doesn’t normally make New Year’s resolutions. She thinks they’re stupid. If she wanted to make some dramatic change in her life, she could just do it any time of the year. The fact that people wait until New Year to do these things only proves to Clarke that they really have no intention of seeing them through, and she can’t roll her eyes enough at all the Instagram posts tagged #newyearnewme.
She only made a resolution this year because Monty was having a New Year’s Eve party where he forced everyone to write down a resolution and put it in a jar, which he’s now keeping on the bookshelf in his living room, where it glares at anyone who goes to visit him, reminding them of the promise they made but probably won’t keep. He says anyone who keeps their resolution by next year’s New Year’s Eve party will get free alcohol from him at said party.
Truthfully, Clarke had a million things she could write down, things she wants to achieve, not necessarily this year, but just in general. She even considered writing find someone to date me, but that just felt pathetic, and also a little too out of her control.
In the end, with Monty rushing her, and all rational thought leaving her brain, Clarke had scribbled down take up running. A decision she’d sincerely regretted on New Year’s Day when she woke up with a raging hangover, her head pounding.
Still, she kept her promise, if only for two reasons – the promise of free alcohol, and all her friends telling her that she would absolutely fail to keep her resolution. She’s nothing if not stubborn, and she’s going to make it to Monty’s New Year’s Eve party at the end of the year as somebody who runs.
Except it’s day three, and she’s already ready to give up. She’s up at the crack of dawn, because she actually has to go back to work today, and she knows she absolutely will not do it if she doesn’t do it now.
She grumbles to herself as she pulls on her workout pants, and pulls a large t-shirt and a hoodie over her sports bra. There are people who actually do this for fun. People who like running are definitely psychopaths.
She’d run in the afternoon yesterday and the day before, when the park near her house had been full of people, and dogs, and children. At this time of day, there aren’t many other people around, and there’s this kind of soothing silence, the only sounds she can hear are birds and a distant hum of traffic. It’s also nice that there are less people to see her looking like a sweating, panting, mess. She’s far from in shape.
She does a lap of the lake, which is more like a pond, actually, and isn’t really that far, but Clarke already feels like she’s dying. She pulls her hoodie off as she approaches the drinking fountain, where a man is filling up his water bottle, and she’s not so fatigued not to notice how attractive he is. She notices his ass first, and it’s probably the nicest ass she’s seen in a while, maybe even ever. The kind of firm, round, ass she’d like to sink her teeth into. Which is not a thought she’s had before.
She finds herself turning red as she realises she’s ogling the stranger’s ass, and quickly raises her eyes, only to set her sights on his massive biceps that his shirt does nothing to hide. She’d been parched before, but now her mouth is watering.
He switches off the water, and turns around, putting the lid back on his bottle. He must notice her staring, or perhaps he’s just being polite, because he gives her a smile as he passes her, and Clarke feels like she might faint. She feels like one of those girls in Beauty and the Beast who fawn over Gaston.
Face still burning, she steps up to the drinking fountain and splashes water over her cheeks, though it’s absolutely freezing. It does the job though, and she feels a little less flushed as she gears up for her second lap around the pond. She’s half hoping she’ll see him again as she runs, but he must have left already. It’s probably for the best. Knowing her, she’d just manage to make a fool of herself in front of him.
 She gets up even earlier the next day, and it’s not even a chore. She also maybe puts just a teensy bit of make-up on, just in case hot water fountain guy happens to be there again. She’s not going specifically because she’s hoping to run into him again, but it is an extra motivator.
She looks around as she stretches by a park bench, her imagination conjuring up a scenario where he shows up and joins her and they run together, and then he asks her on a date. That doesn’t happen, obviously, because when have things ever worked out the way Clarke wants them to?
She assumes yesterday was a one off for him, or maybe she’s missed him, or maybe he’s coming later. So she starts her run, and she doesn’t exactly forget about him, but neither is she actively looking out for him. Which is why she doesn’t notice him running towards her until he’s right in front of her face, and he smiles at her, and she almost trips over her own feet.
She doesn’t think he notices her stumble, since he’s already passed her by then, but she stops and turns to watch him go, checking out his ass again in the process.
He smiled at her. Does that he means he remembers her from yesterday? But he smiled at her yesterday too. So maybe he thinks she’s hot. Or maybe he’s just polite and smiles at everyone he passes. Or maybe he thinks she runs funny, or he’s laughing at the way her hair sticks to her sweat-covered forehead.
She takes a deep breath, and starts running again. She’s overthinking this.
She passes him again on her second lap, and he smiles again, wider this time, and Clarke doesn’t smile back, mostly because she’s puffing too hard, and running is the worst, and she couldn’t smile about this god-awful experience if her life depended on it. But she does like seeing his smile, so she does another lap, even though she’s dying, and sure enough, she’s treated to another of his breathtaking smiles.
She’s still thinking about it as she trudges home, wishing she brought her car so she didn’t have to walk the three blocks back to her apartment.
 The logical thing would be to just walk up to him and introduce herself. Even if he’s not into her the way she’s into him, she could at least make a friend out of it. She’s fairly confident he recognises her by now, after five days in a row of casually running past him, or standing near him, or watching him pet an old man’s dog. And he always smiles when he sees her. Still possible it’s just because he thinks she’s weird, or he’s noticed her staring at him every chance he gets, but she’s done enough staring to know he doesn’t smile for everyone. For the old man and his dog, yes, but not for every random person running through the park at six in the morning. Just Clarke. And the old man and his dog.
But somehow, in Clarke’s mind, it’s past the acceptable point where she can just introduce herself out of nowhere. It would have been fine on the second day, or third day. But the sixth day? That’s out of the question.
“You’re being ridiculous,” Monty tells her, after she’s explained to him her current predicament, and informed him she’s in dire need of his help. “Why is there a time limit on when you can introduce yourself to a hot runner in the park?”
“There just is.”
“You’ve never had trouble introducing yourself to people before,” Monty points out. “He’s not going to think it’s weird.”
“Monty, you haven’t seen this guy. He’s so hot, okay? He’s so hot I want to die, and I just know he probably has girls fawning over him all the time, introducing themselves to him out of nowhere and trying to flirt with him. He’s probably sick of it. And if I just walk up to him and go hey, I’m Clarke, he’ll know that I’m just another one of those mindless bimbos who wants to get into his pants.”
“So much for feminism,” Monty mutters. Clarke ignores him.
“And that’s why I need your help, because I need to look like I don’t want to lick his balls, okay? Or at least look like it’s not the first thing I want to do.”
“Gross, Clarke.”
“This is what I’m reduced to.”
Monty sighs. “So you want me to what? Write you a list of conversation topics?”
“No,” Clarke says. She looks to the fat, golden Labrador laying at their feet, who immediately starts wagging his tail as soon as he realises Clarke’s attention is on him. “I want to borrow your dog.”
 The plan is simple. Hot running guy clearly likes dogs, right? Clarke had watched him as he’d literally changed course as soon as he spotted that old man and his dog. And then he spent like five minutes gushing over the mutt. Not that Clarke can blame him, it was a pretty cute dog. But Monty’s dog, Einstein, is even cuter. And the Labrador could do with a workout just as much as Clarke.
She starts her run around the pond, which is even slower than usual because Einstein isn’t really capable of keeping up with her usual pace. She hasn’t seen the hot runner yet, but she’s still hopeful.
She makes it a lap and a half before Einstein has had enough. The Labrador stops mid run, almost pulling Clarke’s arm off as she tries to keep running, still holding the leash. She stops, panting, tilting her head at the dog.
“You’re worse than me,” she mutters. Einstein ignores her, and instead starts making his way towards the pond. “You’re thirsty, okay, fair enough.” Clarke follows him to the edge of the pond, but instead of taking a drink like she expected him to, Einstein keeps walking, straight into the pond.
“Einstein, no!” Clarke yells, but the dog keeps going, pulling on the leash, which Clarke hastily lets go of, lest she be pulled into the freezing water too. “Great, just great,” she huffs, watching Einstein wade through the water, gathering mud and reeds on his fur. “Einstein!” she calls. “Here, Einstein!” He continues to ignore her.
“Need some help?”
Clarke whips her head to the left, heart pounding, because she already knows it’s him, because his voice happens to be just as hot as the rest of him.
“Oh,” is Clarke’s intelligent response.
“Is that a yes or a no?” He looks vaguely amused by her situation. He’s obviously paused mid-run to help her, because he’s covered in sweat, and Clarke has never found sweat so attractive. Licking the sweat off a stranger’s body is a normal thought to have, right?
“I’m not sure you can help,” Clarke says, finally managing to find her voice. “Unless you want jump into a freezing pond to pull out my friend’s dog.”
He grins. “I don’t think we know each other well enough for that yet,” he says. “And it’s not even your dog?”
“I was borrowing him,” Clarke says. The hot stranger raises an eyebrow, and Clarke realises her mistake. “I mean, I was looking after him. As a favour to my friend.”
“His name is Einstein?” Clarke nods. “And yours is…?”
Clarke almost laughs. She ducks her head to hide her smile. So maybe her plan hadn’t worked out exactly like she rehearsed it, but he’s talking to her, and asking her name, so it kind of worked, right?
“I’m Clarke,” she says.
“Bellamy,” he returns, and then she knows his name.
“Pretty name,” she says. He laughs, and her heart squeezes. God, he’s adorable and hot. She’s so screwed.
“Yours too,” he says. “Glad I finally know it. I’ve seen you around a bit here recently.”
“Why’d it take you so long to introduce yourself then?” Clarke teases, as if she hasn’t just manufactured an excuse to talk to him so she wouldn’t have to do the same thing she’s admonishing him for not doing.
Bellamy shrugs. “Thought it might be weird. I didn’t know if you’d taken any notice of me.”
Clarke’s eyes bulge. Is he serious? “You literally smile at me every day,” she points out. “How could I not notice you?”
“You never smile back!” Bellamy says defensively. Oh. Is it possible she’s accidentally been putting out please don’t talk to me vibes?
“That’s because running is the worst,” Clarke says. “I promise if I had the ability to smile while running, I would have smiled back.”
Bellamy beams, and true to her word, Clarke smiles back.
“Okay,” he says.
“Okay,” Clarke agrees, and she feels like she may have accidentally let on that she likes him. But seeing as he seems like he might like her too, it’s not the worst thing in the world. She’s just not sure what happens next.
Einstein makes his way back towards them then, clumsily dragging himself out of the pond, wet and muddy. Monty is going to kill her. Einstein looks very pleased with himself, tail wagging, dripping with water. And then he gives himself a good shake, sending water droplets and mud splattering all over Clarke, and to her dismay, Bellamy as well.
She grimaces. “Oh god,” she says. “I’m really sorry.” She quickly picks up Einstein’s soggy leash before he can run off on her again.
“It’s okay,” Bellamy laughs. “I have to shower anyway.”
“Me too,” Clarke agrees. “We should probably do that.” They meet eyes for a moment, and she realises she’s inadvertently implied that they should shower together. Which she does want to do, but it might be a bit much to admit to him when she doesn’t even know his last name. “Oh my god,” she says hurriedly. “I didn’t mean, you know—together.”
“I mean, we should probably at least have coffee together or something first, you know?” Bellamy says, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.
“Like a date?”
“Exactly like a date.”
“Okay,” Clarke says, not caring anymore if she sounds too eager.
“Maybe not today though,” Bellamy says, looking down at his mud-stained shirt.
“Agreed,” Clarke says. “I have to get Einstein home to Monty anyway… he’s going to be so annoyed I let his dog get all muddy.”
“Tell him it was my fault.”
“He already knows it’s your fault. I may have—borrowed this dog so I could get you to come and talk to me,” Clarke admits. To her relief, Bellamy is amused by her confession, rather than scared off.
He hands her his phone and she puts her number in, and Clarke tries to tone down her giddy happiness when he immediately texts her that he’ll see her at the park tomorrow.
One year later, Clarke is wishing she had written find someone to date me as her New Year’s Resolution—even Bellamy couldn’t motivate her to keep running for an entire year. He does, however help her write her new resolution, something a little more realistic – get a dog of their own.
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