#i constantly commit the sin of having a good time in this fandom
fairydares · 9 months
i can't express to you how fun it is to write a character who doesn't know Natsu is her dad while she's getting to know him and having her think/say stuff like "this dude is a fucking dork" and "don't you know ninjas are supposed to be quiet" and "this is a grown-ass man" and "how the hell is he so strong?!" and "don't you know who biggie is???" ngl to u this will be hard to give this up when the time comes.
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purplemninja · 1 year
A depressing revelation about Six's ending
2 months ago on the LN subreddit, I made a theory post where I say how Six may have had powers all along and didn't use them until the end, similar to Mono, and this wasn't the main focus of the post but in it I also mentioned a new way to interpret Six's ending and I compared it to a scene in Avatar: The last Airbender where Iroh teaches Zuko how to redirect lightning, the important thing being that lightning is a metaphor for abuse.
A person named Skrappo made a fandom wiki blog that goes into full detail on this new way to interpret the ending of LN1 (crediting me) and I will copy and paste it here for more people to see (I'll divide it between his blog and my comment with "---------" as a border, so to avoid people being confused between his info and mine)
Credit goes to PurpleMNinja for the original idea.
In an interview, Little Nightmares' "Senior Narrative Designer" Dave Mervik said that he believes that both Six and Mono got equally bleak and hopeless endings. This has confused many fans ever since LN2's release. How could Six's fate be just as bad as Mono's? Mono is trapped forever in an infinite times-loop of betrayal, torture, and depression; while Six has become extremely powerful and has escaped the Maw, taking out anyone who stood in her path. I think I have realised why he believes this.
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Let's take a look at Mono's story. He is a small child who has a bag over his head to hide from the world, to try to forget that it hates him. Throughout LN2, he continues to lie to himself, pretending that the world doesn't hate him, he is constantly hiding. But when Six is taken and he is confronted by Thin Man, he has had enough. He accepts that the world he lives in hates him and accepts who he truly is, using his newfound powers to defeat Thin Man and take control of the Pale City. I think we can all agree that this is his most badass moment. But it all amounts to nothing, as he is betrayed and left to sit and rot for the rest of his life in that little room. Until he is stripped of his humanity and turned into the Signal Tower's slave.
Now let's look at Six's story. Like Mono, she is a small child who is in a world that hates her and wants her dead. Unlike Mono however, she doesn't try to pretend that it doesn't. Instead she chooses to be a survivor. Her greatest fear is death, and she will do anything to avoid it (and really, can you blame a 9-year old child for wanting to live?). However, despite living in a world that is kill or be killed, Six still tries to cling on to her childish innocence, she tries not to give in to darkness. Throughout the series, we see her doing many good things; trying to save Raincoat Girl, befriending Mono, hugging the Nomes, etc. But every time she tries to show kindness it backfires. She fails to save Raincoat Girl, she is betrayed by Mono (from her perspective), and she is forced to choose between committing cannibalism by eating a sausage or eating a little Nome like all the other ones she had befriended previously. She ultimately decided that eating the Nome was a better alternative to cannibalism (not realising that the Nome was another child). However the eating of the Nome pushed Six close to her breaking point. She has tried so hard to remain pure, to stay innocent, but every time she is given nothing but heartbreak and guilt in return. I believe that Dark Six is a representation of her inner darkness, her shadow, the animalistic sinful part of her that will do as many immoral actions as it needs (and maybe more for fun) to survive. When Six has her final hunger bout, she realises that truth. She realises that if she wants to live, she has to give in to her shadow, she has no other choice. She eats the Lady, and gives up the last bit of innocence she had left. And now, with the Lady's power, she can finally take revenge and fight back against the horrible monsters that had been treating her like an animal. She walks down the dining halls, massacres the Guests along the way, she is finally able to fight back against the world, to rise above the world. She walks up into the sunlight, finally out of the Maw... and she is met with an endless ocean. We hear a boat horn in the distance, but it is likely nothing more than the Guests' ship leaving. She has spent her whole life being ruthlessly attacked by the world around her, and now that she has finally gained the ability to fight back, it holds back... it leaves her alone. After going through living hell, being forced to do things she didn't want to, and giving up her innocence, she is met with a dead end. It has all been for nothing. She is still stranded, and all she can do is stand there, and look out into the sea, knowing that there is no way for her to escape...
This is why I think that Dave Mervik believes both endings to be equally bleak. Both characters go through so much trauma, leading up to them finally breaking and rising above the world that hates them, becoming able to fight back, and then they are both met with a dead end. In reality, Raincoat Girl and Runaway Kid had it the best. They both died and were able to escape the nightmare, but Six and Mono are forever trapped, alone and hopeless...
TL;DR - I compare Six's ending to Zuko being taught how to redirect lightning because both characters have been most notoriously abused by the worlds they live in, and after much struggle they eventually are able to fight back, but their worlds leave them there with nothing to fight (Six gets a few guests, but that's it). Making them suffer so much and not grant them any sort of payoff when they're finally able to dish it back out. (I know how the rest of ATLA goes)
I slightly imagine the world wanted Six to either die, or suffer so much but be left stranded when she's able to fight back so that her struggles, sacrifices and losses don't end up with some sort of payoff or reward, making her go through so much to avoid death just to be met with a dead end when she manages to plow through it all. Either way, the cruel world wins.
If that's not a massive middle finger, I don't know what is.
And this new realisation on the ending of LN1 only adds to the tragedy of Six's story, which I've gone into full detail here.
And since I've probably made you very sad, here's some music I think is best when thinking about this interpretation of Six's ending:
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mdhwrites · 9 months
Do you find it rather funny that some (not all) of the people who wanted Amphibia's third season to be filled with angst, panic attacks, tears, grief and parental drama, also wanted a perfectly happy ending to the story rather than the bittersweet one we got? Like, ironic much?
There's a reason why I frame fandom desires for angst to be about shipping and prestige. That they want the high emotions and the claims they can make because of those elements but not what actually comes from it. In other words: Fandoms want Yesterday's Lie's ending from The Owl House.
For those unfamiliar, this is EXACTLY at the half series mark for TOH. Luz's, the main character, mom has just found out that her daughter ran away for the Summer to a different world and when she had to choose between going home or staying there, she chose to stay there. She immediately starts blaming herself and pleading with her daughter that she'll do better but next time, she promises to return, please!
And, Luz, to her credit, is a good daughter and says yes. The sequence is powerful, real, human and tragic. A real acknowledgement of how awful Luz's original choice was while keeping Camila in character of being as caring as she is. A moment that will theoretically solidify the two's bond but to undo will take a LOT of work as Camila will now be forced to stew with this pain as in the moment of the promise, her daughter is ripped away from her again.
It was also a moment I knew COULDN'T matter.
The show simply didn't allow for it. This isn't Amphibia where the girls had to adapt to their surroundings and still had elements about the human realm they liked. Luz isn't surrounded by creatures who are entirely unlike her and thus will always have to deal with some slight element of isolation. The Boiling of Isles of TOH is Luz's home. The show CONSTANTLY reinforces that this is where she belongs. That this isn't just where she can be happy but potentially the ONLY place she can be happy. Her social anxiety vanishes. She can find like minded people. She can live out the fantasies that she always chooses over reality. By the time of Yesterday's Lie, she has not just a found family but also the first friends she's implied to have had in a long time and her first girlfriend. Her life is on the Isles.
So you have literally spent HALF of your runtime reinforcing this. That maybe Luz needs to learn some lessons but her life is with the weirdos. On the Isles. You can't just pivot from that thematically. Not without shifting the show HARD. You have to take a show where Luz's every action has either been shown as positive or able to be fixed and now acknowledge this very real act of monstrousness on her part and the lengths one has to go to fix such a break in trust, let alone when the very next episode wants to portray it as something that is actually really messing with Luz's head.
Of course... That episode also includes Luz lying. And not just that episode. In fact, she will CONSTANTLY lie and break the trust of her girlfriend, and her friends, for literally the rest of the series. This cardinal sin of Luz's, lying to her mother, suddenly becomes a defining trait of hers to an extent never present beforehand. And mind you, it's not universal. To Luz and Eda, she is willing to tell them literally ANYTHING. Her girlfriend though? Fuck her.
It does make the show darker to constantly have your main character be a fucking asshole who whines about the consequences of their actions more than they actually learn from them but does it make it better? Does it make it more mature? Does it make enjoyable? No. Because it's a thematic and tonal betrayal of EVERYTHING that came before. Not that Luz ever managed to really learn anything before but they weren't nearly so blatant about her REFUSING to learn. Worse yet, this isn't a character flaw thing. Lying is one of those things we can all agree is bad but there are NEVER consequences for it because, well, the show still commits to Luz not just being the protagonist but also the hero.
And so this big moment, Yesterday's Lie's ending, is eventually just dropped. Something I could have told you was going to happen the day after the episode came out. It couldn't fit what the show had said about its main character so far and NO ONE would be happy with an ending where she actually keeps to the promise. Undoing the promise also would have cheated the moment, which dropping it does too, not without truly proper build up and reasoning, something the show struggled with in general.
So like many a fanfic, it does this big, super angsty moment... And then never continues it. Those most affected never actually show growth or change from it. It's almost episodic levels of bad how much people just keep forgiving Luz's actions and seem to forget about these really important statements, or how Luz blatantly keeps ignoring everyone around her, and eventually her own words in S3, to keep angsting about this but not actually dealing with it.
And Amphibia, to finally loop back around, did this itself. It took Marcy out of the story in order to have its big break in tone but not have to really deal with the fact that that moment should have had a big impact... On Marcy. Yes, it's brutal for Anne and Sasha but for them, it's just a complicated friend getting potentially killed. For Marcy, it is a betrayal, near death AND she has been pushed away by her friends for her actions. She as a character just isn't compatible with the show, not without the tone of a finale or her being effectively high/drunk to keep her from actually properly acknowledging anything.
It is a narrative tightrope, let alone for kid's media, but Marcy IS a much more expendable character than your main character. Even then, S3 of Amphibia is genuinely about many of the things that the fandom wanted. Her parents are TERRIFIED about what might happen to Anne. Anne can barely keep it together for the first few episodes and makes mistakes she might know better about if not for how she is trying to make her life any less complicated and scary than it already is. The Plantars are really the only ones who don't follow this stuff but even then, episodes like Spider-Sprig still let us see that being outsiders here, when Anne is accepted back in their home, digs at their brains. They also help even out things and keep the tone consistent with the rest of the work, even while it does deal with some of the ramifications of its choices.
It's not perfect but it is what AMPHIBIA can do. Without a future series, it was never going to go as far as these fans wanted.
Though... If you are looking for an Amphibia that might even be tiptoeing up to the line of being for Adult Swim rather than a main kid's programming block, definitely more teen rated with the amount of damage it has, while keeping spot on with the tone of the original and genuinely trying to be mature with its storytelling, I recommend checking out Dr. Neque's Amphibia vol. 2. I jumped in once the trio got back to Amphibia and have been loving it so far.
Even that version of Amphibia knows that it can't be doom and gloom all the time though. That the charm of Amphibia is partially from how absurd and fun it is. How over the top it can be with its silliness and fun. We admittedly just had a fight that was... ROUGH but for similar reasons as to why True Colors was so brutal in its ending but in a state that I think is better narratively by not quite going so far. That's all I will spoil though.
All of this to say that fandom likes the emotions of angst but not its consequences or how it can damage a narrative overall. How you do need to actually be ready to tackle that properly if you want to tackle it at all or else a small trickle of angst can quickly spoil the pot, let alone an entire, rancid apple like what would happen if most fandoms even got a single episode of what they wanted.
After all, TOH fans got what they wanted from the end of Yesterday's Lie and that is the episode that turned my heart on the show. I am SO happy that there is no equivalent for Amphibia.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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peskellence · 4 months
Tag games-Ask a fic writer
Thank you @sunwarmed-ash for the tag! 💖
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
13 on my current account, so not a massive amount 🫣 I'll level with you fine people, I have been guilty of committing the sin of deleting fics (or entire accounts) when I decide I'm no longer proud of them... I've never done it with any of my DBH stuff, but I have done it for basically all other fandoms I've been involved in. I have since learned the error of my ways and to orphan rather than delete after losing some of my all time faves to other writers doing the same 💔
2. What fandoms do you write for?
Active - Detroit: Become Human (also toying with the idea of writing some BG3 fics... 👀 I blame my Neil Newbon fixation)
Former (may return to) - Ace Attorney (AA)
Former (will not be returning to) - MHA, Death Note, Hetalia, Teen Titans.
3. Top five fics by kudos:
With Love, Signal Red - AA
More Than Our Parts - DBH
With Love, Miles Edgeworth - AA
With Love, Phoenix Wright - AA
Part Of You - DBH
4. What's your total ao3 word count?
234,659 (almost half of that consists of a single story 🙈)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my very best! Someone it takes me a while though 🙏
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's probably a toss up between stay with me. (DBH) or With Love, Phoenix Wright (AA) - although I'd argue that the latter doesn't count because it's a prologue to a longer story, so not really an 'ending'
I also wrote a DBH flavoured retelling of Carrie once—a fic request called GAVIN. For anyone familiar with the story of Carrie...yeah, you already know that doesn't end well. 😬
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
You see I love me some 'angst with a happy ending', so a lot of fics I commit to follow that formula. I'll say that More Than Our Parts has the happiest ending, just because of the sheer scale of Hell everyone went through in order to get there 🥲
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have received criticism on my works before, but nothing I'd say was intentionally hateful.
(Unless you're counting some of the reviews on my ancient FF.net account—but I was 14-15 when I wrote most of those stories, and I'm going to put up my hands and say the hate is 100% valid 🙃)
9. Do you write smut?
Is it even one of my fics if I don't shoehorn some smut into it? 🤷
10. Craziest crossover?
That would be the only (technical?) crossover of Detroit Become Human x Carrie
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not 😭
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not—if that ever happened I would probably be so flattered that I'd just keel over and die 💖 (affectionately)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, although I imagine that would be fun! I'm open to offers if any fellow authors are interested 🫣
14. All time favourite ship?
Ughhh, do not make me choose just one...I'm going to bend the rules and give three different answers according to slightly different criteria 🤏
First Ship I Ever Wrote For/Got Invested In-
Beast Boy / Raven (DC/Teen Titans)
Ship That Got Me Through A Difficult Time/Ultimate Comfort Ship-
Phoenix Wright / Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Current Favourite-
Gavin Reed / RK900 (DBH)
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
That knowledge stays between me and the unhinged notes app I keep on my phone
16. What are your writing strengths?
(Self promotion makes me uncomfortable one sec—) I would say my characterisation/dialogue and vocabulary? I have also been informed that I am good at 'setting the scene', creating for immersive backdrops.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Awkward sentence structure, spelling and grammar (I use a checker for that) and both over describing with lots of fluff and under describing with flat descriptions. I can never get the balance right 😭😭😭
I also have a nasty habit of reworking things constantly, as well as being overly ambitious with my ideas and then worrying the pay off is disappointing 🥲 meaning it takes several decades to publish anything.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
When I tell you I was balls deep in the Hetalia fandom during the latter half of my teens— I am extremely familiar with language switches in dialogue, does not bother me in the slightest.
(please add translations at the end though 🙏🙏)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
The OG Teen Titans cartoon from the 2000's 🫡 I embrace my heritage, but also will not be directing anyone to my ancient FF.net account as it makes me want to peel off my skin and jump out the nearest window.
(I have long since forgotten the log in details, so it will exist as an enduring time capsule to the time I was a moody teenager blasting MCR on the playground and complaining that no one understood me.)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Perhaps it's recency bias, but I am going to say More Than Our Parts. I poured my heart and soul into that story and I'm (mostly) very proud of it.
Tagging my beloved @wedonthaveawhile as I imagine most of my DBH friends have probably already been tagged 💖
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taylortruther · 1 year
sorry to vent but i honestly am just so damn tired atp of having to desperately cover everything in disclaimers and constantly perform outrage just to be allowed to exist in fandom spaces now as a black fan. like my original mindset was just that it’s disappointing but i don’t and can’t expect celebrities to perfectly mirror my values, and with all the actual problems in my life and the world - including racism that actually affects my real life AND things i have the ability to potentially do something about - i wasn’t going to spend my time and energy being furious that a pop star i’ll never meet is fucking an edgelord i’ll never meet either. like i’m sorry but i already compartmentalized all this YEARS ago and have zero expectations of celebrities so it’s just whatever to me. if taylor herself was spewing racist comments or if matty was actually some white supremacist nazi and not just an intentionally provocative edgy douchebag it would be different, but TO ME PERSONALLY the actual situation as it is is just not that serious and not worth my outrage.
but am i, one of those ‘poc fans’ everyone is constantly falling all over themselves to declare themselves supportive of and ‘safe’ for, allowed to feel that way as one of the people actually targeted by that idiot’s dumbass comments? NOPE! you best believe people were FURIOUS that i thought i could get away with not performing Angry Black Woman Rage for them every single time i want to simply engage in my hobby and discuss fun things, or analyze surprise songs, or express empathy for taylor in any circumstance, or just do anything that isn’t ranting 24/7 that she’s terrible and racist and irredeemable. so now every time i want to do any of those things i have to write 6000 disclaimers that yes taylor is awful and no i don’t like matty just so overwhelmingly white fans won’t yell at me that i’m not really black (an accusation i’ve now gotten three separate times), or that i’m hurting other poc by “condoning racism” (which i have not done), or that i’m so far up taylor’s ass i would still stan her even if she personally called me the n-word (the final straw that made me turn anon off probably for good) and idk it’s just…not fun being here anymore now that everyone is just going to treat me like a doll who’s only here for them to virtue signal with (and ‘virtue signaling’ is a terrible term but like that is truly, genuinely what a huge chunk of this fandom is doing rn), claiming to obsessively care about my feelings and fandom experience so they’ll look good but then berating and scolding me every single time i step a toe out of line and try to express my own opinion or commit the grave sin of Enjoying Taylor Swift On My Taylor Swift Blog. like sure taylor disappointed me but it’s other (again, overwhelmingly white) fans who have completely ruined being here and made it a miserable chore to be a black fan, not her. atp I just want her to drop him and everyone to forget not bc he sucks but bc i just want to be allowed to exist peacefully on my own blog again, without having to constantly walk on eggshells so the people who ~care about marginalized fans~ won’t come call me a stupid brainless bitch who lets taylor manipulate me because i’m a self-hating racist. i’m just so tired.
i am tired too and i am really grateful to you for writing all this out (i hope it felt a little cathartic) because i 100% AGREEEEEEEEEE. the way this fandom acts anytime they start talking about uplifting poc will never not be weird to me and i think you explained why perfectly.
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about my story, "ryan: sins of the father"!
this is a story about a boy named ryan, finally facing the crimes of his father. for so long he idolized his father, saw him as perfection, but slowly that image will unravel. along the way, he'll unravel himself, as well. can ryan ever forgive himself? can ryan ever be a good person? can ryan be a good brother? can ryan be a good lover? let's find out!
note: this is a multi-fandom fic, where characters will be from and travel to various movies/shows/games. the main characters are undertale aus/headcanons; ryan himself and his brother are sans and papyrus aus respectively, and their father is gaster. they're not meant to be entirely accurate (i mean, for one, it's unlikely that canon sans and papyrus are fallen humans at all.), they've always just been my own interpretations of the characters. with heavy projection. with that in mind, i should also state that this has been in the works since 2015-2016 or so, so it's pretty self-indulgent and cringe but i like it that way!!! i've projected too heavily onto this and i'm constantly brainrotting it so i can't just abandon it!!!
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the star of the show, my behated /neg, it's ryan gallagher! the 23 year old manfailure, whose personality i would describe but it's almost 7,000 words long what the fuck ryan!!!! (writing him was a pain holy shit) but to sum it up he's a little messed up lying bitchface (explodes him with my mind) i will insult him a lot but i also projected onto him extremely heavily so idk if that says a lot about me or not. um. it's a semi-joke and it's been long-running that i hate him (i have extremely strong feelings about him /neg) but it's (mostly) not really serious. this guy needs therapy but he's terribly in denial and he is committed to destroying himself and all of his relationships before that happens 🙄 like just stop lying lmao (i am a hypocrite) his backstory is not written yet because. i'm fucking terrified of how long that's going to take and how long it's going to be because i'm planning for all of the stuff that felix and wiley's backstories missed (they're kind of written from their perspective but also not because third person??? idk man) and holy shit. if you thought his personality was bad. or if you thought it wasn't as bad as the trigger warnings made it seem. they're mostly for the backstory. as a sans au he fucking lost it and killed frisk, but that exploded his timeline so he panicked and absorbed the souls, and he's here now ig do not go to his toyhouse i am begging
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aaaaa it's him!!!!! felix gallagher!!!! the bestest ever <333 i love him sm /p this is ryan's younger brother, 22 years old and loving life!!! he's optimistic, loves to help, and totally doesn't have any sort of anxieties rooted from his brother manipulating his life!!! (he does) he seems quite confident and independent, but he feels like ryan's babying can undermine his individuality. at the same time, he doesn't like to think such things of his brother, surely ryan knows what's best for him? as a papyrus au, he befriended flowey and gained the courage to fight back against frisk and absorb the seven souls to fix his glitched timeline, but that backfired, so here he is now! felix toyhouse :]
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aislinn gallagher, felix and ryan's mother, dearly missed ;-; she may be gone, but her absence has left a void in many a heart, and her short-lived presence in the gallaghers' lives has affected them deeply. visit her in the garden?
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this is wiley gallagher, he's 43 years old and i might joke about how much ryan is a terrible person but i'm serious when i say this man is literally AWFUL. like. i'm not kidding. he has not a single redeeming quality and not in the "haha silly" kind of way i mean. i hope literally nobody likes him because actually. what the fuck. i wrote him to be an irredeemable disgusting piece of shit and he's staying that way. there are sympathetic aspects to his story because otherwise it'd be a bit boring y'know but like. straight up. he's not a good person. he's the villain for a reason lmao uhhhh ramble aside he's a scientist who hates his sons and wants to reach the edge of scientific possibility, whether or not that destroys the universe he doesn't really care (great guy). he just wants to be the smartest dick to have ever lived, and hold all of the scientific knowledge ever or something like that. egotistical with an overinflated sense of what he's capable of. writing his backstory actually made me sick like /srs i took "gaster is associated with the devil" and ran with it i'd advise only to go to his toyhouse to send him hate.
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so r:sotf was originally not even a multifandom story, it was just an undertale multiverse story, which is why there's such a focus on undertale characters. so here's chara, flowey/asriel, and frisk dreemurr, and the other fallen children (noah, icarus, and madeline)!!! i've never liked how the fandom interprets chara personally, like the whole "chara is an evil demon child" or "chara is abusive and hateful" like. this is a ten year old. what the fuck. like yeah most of the ut fandom especially back then were children but why do children hate children lmao anyway. chara and flowey have issues to work out but they're getting through it!!! i believe in them. read more about my interpretations of chara, flowey/asriel, and frisk on deviantart (since i can't upload them to toyhouse)!!!
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meet ginger clair and jacinta bardales, two rivals who are some of the first people that ryan meets once his (dead) timeline kicks him out!! the girlypop and gamer goth girl hate each other oh no :[ the 19 and 20 year olds have a bit of a history with each other and ryan's getting caught between the crossfire ginger is glittery pink mr beast and jacinta is matpat if he was a goth lesbian (i'm so sorry) i'm very normal about women here's pink toyhouse and purple toyhouse yeah
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this isn't hello kitty, it's oisin kelly, silly!!! i saw hello kitty goth fashion once and knew that i needed to make an oc that was just. that. and here he is!! ryan meets the 22 year old in the world after ginger and jacinta's, where he also finds felix and flowey. oisin is hiding them from the government!!! yippee! oisin likes baking and cake decorating, and sees a lot of potential in ryan (i don't see it but you do you) and bow's trying to support him which is nice :] not worth it though me when hello kitty on toyhouse????
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yes that is the ok ko character base, because edward chen is an ok ko oc!!!! (ok ko is such a silly show you should watch it NOW!!!!) his hero name is multi-magician and this 23 year old is very chill, maybe even stoned. (you know those characters where they're ambiguously high. yeah) yes ryan and felix go to the ok ko universe and there they meet edward who is very cool and just wants to make sure these two sillies don't hurt themselves. (particularly ryan because he's very concerning holy shit) the scar on his face he got from climbing a fence and subsequently falling. he tells a different story every time and he thinks it's cool and funny edward toyhouse be upon ye
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last but not least!!! here we have elara samson, from the world of the spectacular spider-man. she's the 18 year old vigilante, who thinks spidey is immature and naive, and they're quite jaded and vengeful in general. sometimes they're on the same side as spidey, sometimes she's against him! just depends on the job. elara toyhouse moment
that's all, folks!! as i said in the beginning of this post, this has been in the works for like. what. 8 years now??? time is such a fucked concept wtf :[ and it's still being worked on!!! can you believe it??? but this is definitely the story i'm most passionate about, and i'm excited to finally be posting about it!! i'd love to see what you guys think :0
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kinkymagnus · 2 years
Hi again. Don't feel pressured to respond to this, as it sadly has nothing to do with Magnus (and I feel like a traitor even writing something that doesn't have Magnus in it at all). But it's pretty much impossible to raise this point with any other members of the fandom as many of those also seem to be book stans and it's like committing a cardinal sin to even raise this point with book stans. But, from a purely tv-show input, the parabatai bond doesn't seem all that great. It didn't keep Valentine from throwing his parabatai to the wolves (literally). It didn't keep Jace from going behind Alec's back about things. The two times they used the bond in the show for Alec to track Jace it put both of them in great danger, and if pain is shared through the bond, it would be debilitating in a fight. (Think about how Alec pretty much collapsed when he felt Jace die). This is a HUGE disadvantage. I just don't get why everyone seems so hopped up about it. It doesn't seem at all great to me, but I might be biased because I'm so very in love with Magnus and Malec as a ship, that maybe I'm just unfairly pre-disposed to dislike any other "meaningful" bonds Alec is supposed to have with other characters? So I thought I should get a second opinion on the matter. But, again, don't feel the need to answer this, if the topic doesn't appeal to you.
Hope you are doing well with classes and everything. Remember to stay hydrated!
LITERALLY im not going to have a lot to say but literally i hate parabatai and everything about it. it just feels like a) another excuse for incest/pseudo-incest b) another excuse for look at these white guys, c) COMPLETELY INCONVENIENT AND MAKES NO SENSE
as far as i can tell it literally didn't give them that good a boost in like. synchronicity or in general battle skills like it's supposed to make them better warriors who are super in sync with each other but like bitch where all it does is hurt them both lmao??? also remember when jace died and alec was lal like "OWWWW" for like a minute and then was like "oh no! anyway" iconic of him
and for me like. while i do love malec as a ship, i'm all for alec and izzy's meaningful relationship! it's just that jace specifically sucks both as a person and like especially in how he treats alec. and i'm not just saying this because i despise people shipping them (they're BROTHERS and jace is THE WORST and magnus is RIGHT THERE y'all KNOW it's only this popular cos jace is white and magnus isn't) but because jace literally does constantly treat him like absolute dogshit for no good reason and no one seems to care
both the parabatai bond as a concept and even more so particularly alec's parabatai bond is just. bad <33
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viscerax · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if you had any general Vance headcanons? Like what his favourite subject is, what aftershave he uses (if he uses any??) and just general things like that? Thanks 🤍
Vance Hopper HC's
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His favorite subject is math. He won't let people know but he's a total fucking math nerd. Specifically, Algebra. He hates Geometry tho
No clue about the aftershave thing but uhm, he's one of those guys who likes a clean shaven face. He doesn't care if people give him shit for it, he cannot stand having any stubble. Its more of a texture thing then anything, but he says "the chicks dig it"
I'm sorry guys but he would be one of those guys that spray whole cans of Axe body spray. You can smell him the moment he enters a room.
We've all established he hates getting his hair wet. He's like an angry cat. I also think his mom does his hair/is a hairdresser so she's very particular and strict after he gets his perm done.
He used to play basketball but got kicked off the team for fighting one of the other team members cuz they tripped one of his teammates on purpose.
We've already established within the fandom that hes autistic, and to expand on that, I think he often gets nonverbal. He doesn't like speaking a whole lot, and words just don't really process in his brain sometimes. People just think he's just a brooding and silent guy, but really his brain is running 500 mph and he's not focused on talking at that moment.
He stims with his feet a lot. Kicking things, kicking his feet into the dirt. He does the tappy feet thing when he is alone or with people he really trusts. Also makes little huffs and squeaks when he's nonverbal and excited.
Secretly likes wearing eyeliner.
I think if he was born in modern times, he would listen to so much ICP. Like my man would be obsessed with that shit. His favorite song would either be Imma Kill You or To Catch A Predator
He believes in ghosts and is secretly scared shitless of them
Another modern music thing, but he would lose his shit over Ghost, specifically Cirice.
His favorite candy is warheads probably. Anything that normal people would have a pained expression while eating. He loves sour candies, and he carries them around for when he's feeling overstimulated, because they help to ground him.
Chews gum constantly. Never mint gum. Its always some kind of fruity gum.
My man will absolutely tear up a bomb ass street taco. Absolutely fucks it up.
Loves unholy combinations of food. Will dip his oreos in nacho cheese (its really good yall should try it) and also gets like all the flavors of sodas from fountains. Like all of them and then drinks it like he didn't just commit the unholy sin of mixing sweet tea and powerade and Pepsi and mountain dew in one cup.
Secretly likes being acknowledged as pretty. Whether someone calls him a pretty boy or just compliments him the way they would a feminine person, he really likes it.
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thejadecount · 3 years
Me: *pulls out a chalkboard from nowhere, covered in notes and red string, eye bags the size of Mount Olympus*
The MarcNath Hexagon
So we all know how Ladybug/Marinette and Cat Noir/Adrien have a lovesquare.
Well because these fuckers have akumas and superhero identities, they have a love hexagon.
Rooster Bold x Caprikid: They’re the most strange and shy with each other, but also very blunt and honest with each other. If that doesn’t make sense, basically they don’t talk that much because they’re always so busy with akumas and such, but when they do, their conversations are about them being heroes and the stress it causes and such. They strangely have the best communication skills out of all of them when it comes to actual emotions.
Rooster Bold x Nath: Rooster Bold is confident with Nath like how Reverser is, except he isn’t shameless and morbid and can get flustered at times, which Nath enjoys. Imagine, a superhero getting flustered over him.
Rooster Bold x Evillustrator: Ah yes, the classic enemies-to-lovers trope. Whenever Rooster Bold shows up to help the heroes defeat Evillustrator, the Akuma instantly puts on his gentleman mode and starts complimenting and flirting with Rooster Bold like his life depends on it, while Rooster Bold is just sick and tired of his shit and tries to defeat him (but he secretly enjoys it).
Marc x Caprikid: Caprikid treats Marc like a prince, and always knows what to say and do with him. Marc always gets flustered and giggly and such when Caprikid’s with him, because the hero treats him so well. Caprikid just likes to make him happy.
Marc x Nath: The classic best-friends-to-lovers, the MarcNath fandoms original ride-or-die ship. You know the drill and so do I. The two work on a comic book, get stuck together in a bunch of life-or-death situations because of akumas, and sin crushes on each other, but try to hide it the best they can. Luckily, Alix is there to stop them from being dumbasses.
Marc x Evillustrator: Oh, Evillustrator is definitely a yandere and will beat anyone’s ass if they even look at his sweet, precious, innocent Marc. At this point, everyone has learned not to come near Marc if Nath’s akumatized or else they’re dead, most likely quite literally. Marc gets easily flustered and surprised by him, and tries to prevent him from hurting anyone or destroying anything the best he can. And even though he is a little crazy, the dates he makes for them are pretty good, so…..
Reverser x Caprikid: They’re just constantly bantering back and forth, flirting, arguing and insulting each other while still fighting. But neither can manage to make the other flustered or angry and catch them by surprise, so they’re just stuck in a constant state of saying the most embarrassing, shameless things out loud while fighting. Ladybug has learned that if she needs a distraction for when Reverser is out, she gets Caprikid.
Reverser x Nath: It’s just Reverser being a tsudere and Nath enjoying all of it. Context:
That’s all you need.
And finally
Reverse x Evillustrator: Crazy ass evil duo. Will commit crime and murder for each other. Most shameless, violent, morbid and flirtatious of the pairings. Utter psychopaths. The only wait to possibly defeat them is corner one of them and threaten the other. They care more about each other than the Miraculous any day. That, or just let them have their fun with Chloe and Lila and stop them right before they get killed, which works just fine for Ladybug. Everyone hates it when they get akumatized together because it means they have to deal with all their shit.
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Looking at your thoughts on ShadowWeaver, whilst I like the character, personally I'm glad how the story ended with her. I've seen other series with similar characters to ShadowWeaver, whom did get forcibly redeemed and it just didn't it feel right, especially the ones where younger and more sympathetic villains got no redemption.
First thing I want to say: I bear no ill will toward anyone who enjoyed Shadow Weaver’s ending. I know I’m in the minority when I’m critical of it, and I have no intent on ruining the show for others. Hence why I don’t harass people or hang out in the anti-weaver tags.
That said, I will say that Shadow Weaver’s redemption would have been tricky and required very skilled writing to pull off. There are two sides to this issue. On the one hand, I personally feel that she was definitely sympathetic but that the show was fighting with itself about what this meant for her. Aka, does it mean she’s human like everyone else or not? Season 5 kept flipflopping CONSTANTLY and eventually settled on the latter, dehumanizing her to the point of forcefully regressing her back to her blinded-by-selfishness S1 self (which is not consistent with what we got in later seasons).
However, on the other hand, Shadow Weaver had been evil for a long time and did horrific things. And the older, less gay, and less conventionally attractive a character is, the less people are going to like her in spite of those things the way they did with Catra. I don’t think those things should matter one iota, and the former argument is pretty ageist, but they apparently do. Personally, because I have a similar mental health background and a somewhat similar past to Shadow Weaver, I always sympathized with her more, but I recognize that isn’t the case for a lot of others.
My question is: are our personal feelings grounds for taking away someone’s agency and free will just to turn them into a laughingstock/scapegoat for the story? Please do not misunderstand, I’m not saying her actions were right or that they didn’t hurt people. But even if she was completely unsympathetic or crossed the arbitrary line of morality the writers and fandom set up, I think in a show like She-Ra, showing that even people we don’t like are capable of redemption and change is SO IMPORTANT.
I think Shadow Weaver was more than just a symbol. So seeing her killed off because (and these are reasons according to Noelle in interviews):
1. She needed to be out of Catra and Adora’s life and committing suicide was her “gift” to them
2. She wasn’t “capable or deserving of redemption”
3. She’d “burned every bridge she had”
4. She’d “gone out smugly and cruelly to stick it to the girls”
Are the most horrible excuses to glorify her suicide. Ever. Selfish suicides are wrong. And if one calls it a gift as she has (look through my posts and you’ll find links), you are glorifying it. Not to mention that the show never condemns it the way they should. Toussaint’s line delivery, the music, the actual events in the show point to Shadow Weaver dying and burning herself alive as the only moral and good thing she ever did.
It’s sickening.
And if one’s response is “It’s not a suicide, it’s a sacrifice,” go play Undertale’s Pacifist route and get back to me on that. They are NOT mutually exclusive.
Anyway. I may have sounded bitter in this post, and that’s because I still am. She was my comfort character and as a suicidal person with many sins on her back as well, it hurts me deeply to remember how they threw her life away. I felt like they were giving the middle finger to those who related to her. But I bear no ill will toward those who see it differently.
TL:DR: Anyone can be redeemed. The writers just have to actually do their job.
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bonsai-babies · 2 years
In s3, first episode, when Sam hides at Miyagi-Do, her grandpa's old house, she and Daniel have a conversation about what's happening at that time and there's a detail in it I would like to discuss.
At some point, Sam, frustrated and defeated, says "I thought we were the good guys". And this is very telling of how she and honestly most of the fandom see heroes: incapable of having or dealing with mistakes. Because the moment you make a mistake, you are unworthy of being thought of as a good person.
Not only is this notion stupid, but dangerous. Mistakes do not take away your worth, the way you feel and choose to deal with those mistakes will just reinforce the kind of person you are.
Sam and Daniel are harshly judged for doing an effort to do good in a scenario against them and failing to do so. While other characters do no effort at all and are praised for punishing the ones who try and fail sometimes.
We are constantly told by the script to do that. To estimate a mediocre person for accidentally succeeding than to wish these mediocre or evil people would at least try and grow, because we are too angry at the good ones for committing mistakes.
I'm glad that Daniel answers his daughter reassuring her that they are still the good guys. "At least we try to be". And that's very telling of who these two characters are. And it's true. They try. They might do shit but do honestly try.
Following that, he encourages her to face the UNFAIR consequences of what happened. Which is also great. I love this father-daughter connection. Daniel is a good unperfect father, and Sam is his good unperfect daughter. They exist in a world where they are allowed to deal with their imperfections -- even if in bad light -- and having fallible hero figures matters, mostly in times like ours. No one is an unproblematic fairy. Our idols will fail and we better start accepting it.
We also better start paying attention to what kind of mistakes we choose as unforgivable because we might punish a small sin too harshly and accept a much bigger and messy sin like nothing had happened.
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htmlerror · 3 years
☕ + wfa
i do not like wfa with ham, i do not like it, sam i am.
I have a lot of problems with Wayne Family Adventures. The idea for it is solid enough, but the execution is. bad. I've put my thoughts below the cut because this got long, so I hope you don't mind me going in depth on my feelings.
Duke Thomas as a POV character - I'm plagerizing heavily from my convo with @phamtai about this. Def check them out for more info and better insights than mine into the character. Duke is extremely well established in canon despite only having been around for a decade or so. Remarkably, it's taken until WFA to butcher his character. Duke in this series is too polite. He's too clueless. He's been presented as the Relatable Kid archetype that he doesn't fit. In canon, Duke has never not been self-assured. He's a relatable character, yes, but not because he doesn't know what's going on. He has experience as a hero long before the batfam became involved. And since then, he's bonded with them. WFA doesn't show his connection with Cass, his dynamic with Bruce or Jason, and completely ignores his conflicts with the family. In a supposedly family-focused product, those are damn near cardinal sins. He may as well be a totally new character. Duke has been watered down so much for the sake of this series. WFA could be a vessel to explore so many things about him that we don't see a lot of on the regular page. We could see a dive into the parallels between him and Bruce, the full psychological impact of losing his parents, epecially in contrast to Jason, how his world view and morals differ from Batman's, the daily consequences of his powers, or the fallout of his mourning independently for the friends he's lost. But those would be interesting angles WFA doesn't seem eager to explore. If you can't imagine a version Duke punching a cop just because they're a fucking cop, you're doing it wrong. Another issue is, unfortunately, Duke's role as the only Black batman member. I shouldn't need to explain why it's problematic to be showing his as constantly less knowledgeable and presumably skilled as the other bats. (No, it doesn't matter that Dick and Damian are drawn with dark skin. Dick has been written as a white man for nearly his entire existence. The person who retconned that is notoriously racist and has spent years defending her inclusion of sexual assault in her writing. I have no issue with Dick being Romani, but just changing the color of his skin is not the way to do it.) DC has recently had a push towards inclusion, on the page an behind the scenes. This is good, of course. Though if they really are committed to representation and inclusion, it needs to be an effort seen across the board. Faux pas like this paint a pretty obvious picture.
The Webtoon format is shit - Webtoon is a great platform for indie writers and artists. It's not my style of content, but I get the appeal. IMO, it's ridiculous to accept a professional comic publisher shitting out 12 page fluff pieces. Yes, the weekly comic format has been phased out for a reason. Yes, halving the workload is a possible way around that restriction. But there just isn't a good enough reason to do it. It's a pretty obvious ploy to seem "hip" and "get in with kids these days." It's lazy and frankly kind of embarrassing. For anyone who doesn't know, a standard comic book is usually 24-28 pages. This isn't an arbitrary number, it's part of the format for the art form. That length allows for necessary plot developments in a serial story line while also giving the characters, themes, and artwork time to breathe. Furthermore, it's what most comic readers have come to expect over the decades. Halving that wouldn't necessarily be a problem, there are plenty of examples of well made shorts out there, but coupling that WFA's love affair with single panels and splash pages is a major issue. Say you make a 12 page comic with 4-6 panels per page. You have 48-72 panels to work with. You can sit a compelling story into that, with or without heavy dialogue. But bring that down to 12-24 panels, and you have one of two options: either 1) ultra-compress your narrative or 2) reduce the plot to compensate. Ignoring the formatting choices, WFA is a convenient reason for DC to keep the worst of the status quo in the bat titles. There's no need to acknowledge criticism of Bruce's treatment of his family when they can simply point and say "Jason's throat hasn't been sliced open here! And look, Damian hasn't been left with the crushing guilt of his grandfather's death! We even let Tim exist as his own character!" WFA doesn't change anything, it shows that DC is aware of its problems but would rather outsource them than put in the work to fix it. There's a special kind of rejected feeling that comes with being told "I hear you, I just don't care.
Fandom isn't bad, but - Everyone is familiar with the incorrect quotes format by now. Sometimes they're funny, most of the time they tend to over-saturate. WFA is like if a incorrect batfam quotes blog was a comic. It's a steady supply of one-liners and references, sure, but it lacks any real substance. If that's what you like, I can't fault you for it, but it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. The way the batfandom has piled onto the "this is the best thing ever" bandwagon is concerning to me. There has been good batfam content in canon, you just need to know where to look for it. The lack of critical analysis of the project and dismissal of critiques is always an alarming pattern, but the way WFA has come to be the odd face of the fandom is just bizarre. It's everywhere, as you know if you've ever tried avoiding it. Thinking about WFA being the default interpretation of these characters makes me nervous. They lack the depth their canon counterparts. I don't care if you enjoy WFA, I do understand the appeal of it, but for the love of the gods, take it down from it's pedestal.
WFA is... fine. It's yet to commit any sins too egregious, but, like all DC properties, it's a ticking timebomb. I won't be surprised when it goes off, and I can't say I'll be sad to see it go. Ao3 has better content, anyway
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Hello, dearest Nemo. Inspired by a matter you're probably aware of, here I come, to ask you for certain opinion, although perhaps in form of HeadCanons... Let's say we have Ghibli Movies and the Warlords. Which movie would be each warlord's favourite? What do you think?
Ooooh, lil'Lorei remembers my obsession with Studio Ghibli movies, I see. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku 
Characters: All - Kanetsugu because idk I can’t find shit on him only that he is a tsun.
Prompt: The warlords and studio Ghibli movies. Disclaimer: I only listed the movies I have watched, which is a fair amount but by no means all. 
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To sit on the couch with a Sengoku warlord felt strange. No, it was definitely weird! All the more so when you put up a Studio Ghibli movie. Just any, because you felt like it. Little did you know that the warlord would take so well to it. He had been rather apprehensive at first, after all, moving pictures and that strange sound? But after a while the movies won him over. After all, who could resist the peaceful charm of Studio Ghibli, dreaming away at the romance of everyday life set in a beautiful landscape far away from all worry and chaos?
Nobunaga Oda: Spirited away
“The soot sprites have good taste,” the Oda leader pronounced, a proud smile etched on his face as he enjoyed the movie playing. On the screen the little black balls could be seen carrying off the konpeito, dancing around the little girl that had just lost her name to Yubaba, a move that Nobunaga had heartily laughed at. “I should consider doing this myself,” he had exclaimed, eyes glistening in mischief, “but I would rename them,” and to this remark you could only feel yourself sweatdrop, recalling the animal-inspired nicknames he tended to give his vassals.
Ieyasu Tokugawa: When Marnie was there
Something about the movie triggered something within him. The themes of loneliness, and constantly being moved around, but most of all, the trope of a found family and the concept of home. They resonated with his own childhood that he had resented so much. The past in which he was treated kindly, but also at times cruelly. All of these stories consolidated into one movie and two girls. “Marnie was weak,” he would later say, “good for Anna,” was his end review, but you could see the tears in the corner of his eyes. The movie had touched him.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Tales from Earthsea
A story of guilt and servitude? Prince Arren and the shadow that chases him? An inner fear, but yet a strong resolve to sacrifice all to reach ones goal? Hideyoshi is sold. The promise in the end is what gives that extra edge needed as Hideyoshi is weeping at the end of it all. “I will return to you, lord Nobunaga. I will repay all of my sins!” he wails and you know that he means it. Strangely enough, you have a feeling that Nobunaga would like the concept of ‘True Name’
Masamune Date: The wind rises
The story of a young boy whose dreams are shattered because of his weaknesses and then overcoming them? That’s his boy! Masamune has been cheering Jiro on since the opening of the movie and never stopped. Not until halfway through the movie and a frown settles on his face until the man has to gulp audibly to keep himself in check. All that chasing after a dream and the sacrifices made. It definitely hits a snare with the man who is quiet after the movie. He will need a cuddle or two.
Mitsuhide Akechi: Kiki’s delivery service
“There is just something about watching a little mouse grow up, isn’t there?” Mitsuhide teases with that lilting smile of his ever-present. But between the affectionate nickname and watching the movie there is something wistful about the man who sees the peaceful coming-of-age and finding identity and inspiration for live and passion within the little girl on her broom. He doesn’t say it, but he hopes that children in the future can grow up in such peace as Kiki does, able to adventure and a home to return to.
Kyubei: Whisper of the heart
Two kids chasing after their dreams, one set and the other just learning about it and a very capable cat that guides them. Kyubei enjoys the relationship that develops and the romance that comes with it, finding the fantasy element adorable. “I have a favourite person as well,” he tells you later with a mystifying smile, referring to the poster advertising the movie. A favourite person and a dream, he realises, which he hadn’t before.
Mitsunari Ishida: The secret world of Arrietty
“How very inventive!” the man constantly exclaims as he watches the little Arrietty move around in the garden. When she is fighting off bugs her own size Mitsunari clasps his hands together, as he rattles off on the many efficiencies they can make use of the bugs and employ the garden and the doll house. In the end Mitsunari feels only a little sad about Arrietty’s departure, though he has all faith that the friends will meet again, “is there a sequel,” he asks you for that, eager and beaming.
Keiji Maeda: Howl’s moving castle
Of course Howl’s theatrical ways are what enraptured the man at first, accompanied with Sophie’s determination and go-getters attitude. “That is no dull woman!” he exclaims happily as he watches the older sister fall to the curse cast by the witch. And though it is only vaguely implied Keiji comes to understand that it was something about the heart, just as Howl transforms because of his own heart. ‘A heart is a heavy burden.’ Sophie’s line catches him and Keiji agrees that Sophie’s hair is like starlight. He turns to you, however and tells you that you’re his starlight.
Ranmaru Mori: The cat returns
The cats, Baron the gentleman cat that just looks super cook and a whole slew of shenanigans about to happen. Secretly Ranmaru sees Kennyo in Baron, dreaming away watching his master be the cool hero that he was always meant to be. A little mysterious, totally awesome and can kick ass. Yes, that’s his favourite person!
Kennyo: My neighbour Totoro
There is something homely about the strange giant figure with its creepy smile and silent gestures. In fact, the whole movie endears the man. Two girls surrounded by the beauty of nature, growing up in peace and afraid of soot, catbus riding them to their mother. Kennyo can’t help but smile at the outrageousness of it all, finding it all very endearing. Secretly he thinks himself as Totoro, hiding in the forests and watching over the innocents.
Kenshin Uesugi: Princess Mononoke
A story about rulership, about how humanity ruins life eventually, about destruction and a lot of fighting. Kenshin loves it, especially for the last part. But as a former monk himself with a good appreciation for the gods and nature Kenshin relates to lady Eboshi who is willing to fight all if it means keeping her people safe and San, who fights to protect what she holds dear. He understands that and he relates to that.
Shingen Takeda: The tale of the princess Kaguya
A classic he is familiar with turned into an animation he has never experienced! Shingen loves it. Though he has to admit that he likes the story versions better he has a good appreciation for the artistry and the interpretation of the story, along with the pain of forgetting and leaving.
Yukimura Sanada: Porco Rosso
His favourite nickname turned into a character! Yukimura was flabbergasted at first, but then he came to understand that this was a spell of sorts, just as the movie itself was a trick of magic called science. But alas, that’s not why Yukimura was so in awe with the movie, it was the cool zeal in which the main character flies for his convictions. And somewhere deep down, though he will never admit such, the main character reminds him of Shingen.
Sasuke Sarutobi: Grave of the fireflies
Ah, the classic on which a whole generation was cruelly introduced to Studio Ghibli’s magic, the movie that started it all and above all: made everyone cry. Some may find him a bit of a weirdo to choose this as his favourite movie, after all it is such a sad movie. But it is the history, the message behind it, the themes dealt with and at last the pain and love of the siblings bereft by war. Sasuke’s heart is beaming just at the thought of the entire movie as his eyes start to tear up, dryly.
Kichou: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
There is no movie that quite agrees with him that the world is set out for doom than Nausicaä. The world is destroyed by humanity in a war, humans are still at war, but not only amongst each other for their greed but also with nature. Nature is trying to kill them for the sins committed by man. It all comes together and shows how the blight of this world truly is men and how the future that you come from is just an illusionary peace.
Yoshimoto Imagawa: Ocean Waves
Modern life poured into an artistic expression of young love. There is nothing quite more artistic than that in Yoshimoto’s opinion. The art is pretty, the story is enjoyable and not too riddled with all ugly traits and reminders of chaos and war and he gets to observe the modern world and its beauty a little more. Yes, Yoshimoto is indeed trying to forget about all the ugliness back in the Sengoku.
Motonari Mouri: Castle in the sky
Sky pirates, raiding a precious city, chaos overall and a booming ending? Sign him up. Motonari doesn’t really care for the main characters, finding them too sweet and innocent, but he has noticed that this is an overall trend within Studio Ghibli movies. Do, tell him more about the sky pirates, however and he definitely needs one of those flying machines.
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officersnickers · 3 years
For the ask game: how about FMA?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
FullMetal Alchemist got sooo many awesome, strong, funny, conventional good looking characters adored wildly by the fandom – and I decided to stan Scar from all people. Yeah, that‘s right, the big, always fiercy looking genocide survivour got to me the more I was learning about him. At first, I couldn‘t stand him at all (especially his religious talk) and thought he would be a lame, annyoing side-villian. Well, how the tables have turned. Arakawa knew how to write him and oh Lord, Scar‘s whole character arc and development is just the best. He‘s just the best ❤️❤️❤️
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Baby Ed and Al. They are just too adorable for this wolrd. The perfect baby shapes™
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Hohenheim. He‘s an idiot, a moron, a complete failure as human being – but oh boi, he‘s also so damn interesting! Characters with this obscure aura around them, hiding their true intentions/ power/ personality and then fuck you up are always favourites of mine. If we could get more of Hohenheim, wheter it be his backstory from several hundred years ago or just the time he spent with Trisha and and the boys, I would gladly consume it 😅
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Scar‘s brother. He deserved the world he helped to save, and every single second he‘s on screen or paper, my eyes linger over him.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Scar, again. He‘s capable of living through an ambush of three state alchemists as well as several soldiers, survived the genocide of his people, gruesome injuries and Kimblee‘s madness – and still, he‘s my poor little meow meow. Good thing he was adopted by May and Miles. His life can only become better now.
(and if this picture alone doesn't scream poor little meow meow I don't know either)
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Envy and Kimblee. They both suck for different reasons, and I wouldn‘t even care if they are tormented for all the sins (hehe) they commited.
But in the end, I guess Kimblee would find it even funny to be put in the plinko, the sicko he is.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Again, Envy. Kimblee was literally already in superhell (while being devoured by Pride), but at least the bastard had one last genuine action and that‘s fine by me. Envy on the other hand sucked till the end. And that‘s even worse than constantly getting on my nerves and killing as well as hurting my favourites
Thanks for the ask, @the-silliest-idiot! And sorry for the low quality pictures and the long wait 😅
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paragonrobits · 3 years
some random facts about my mom that probably would tell you a lot about what she was like and thus the influence she had on me, since I deliberately took after her more often than not:
1. she was a HUGE rose quartz stan, she would always go ‘YEAH THAT’S MAH GIRL’ when she was doing funny or cute things
2. she would routinely go online and yell at people who were committing fandom sins, in her point of view. you know those people who make REALLY bad takes that are inexplicably taken as canon by fandom? she would yell at those kinda people. personally i felt it was a case of preferring to stay in my own lane but everyone has different fandom experiences i suppose
3. she wrote gay porn (since her preferred fandoms were generally pairings like that). she was vaguely aware that I also wrote smut, sometimes for friends, and we had a tacit understanding that we would carefully go out of our way to avoid reading each other’s ‘work’, in that respect. she was also REALLY intense and particular about characterization and getting them Right
4. when I was young, she used to refer to particularly awesome, cheer-worthy moments in shows as ‘Mel moments’, for the actor Mel Gibson prior to the reveal that he was antisemitic, racist garbage. After we started watching the live action Transformer movies, she instead started referring to these as Optimus moments, because Optimus Prime is so goddamn awesome that he inspired a LOT of these scenes and moments (and we retroactively considered Optimus Primal in Beast Wars to be a walking talking personification of these as well).
5. I’m PRETTY sure she broadly considered Keith David’s two most beloved roles in our book, Goliath from Gargoyles and Anderson from Mass Effect, to be essentially the same character. like, an AU version, at least
6. she happily maintained an extremely petty hatred towards my dad, and loved constantly insulting him and spread the word of his continous fuck-ups and terrible life choices to everyone she possibly could. one time my dad suggested having a big family dinner and inviting her to play nice with his girlfriend and she said, basically: “No. fuck you”. she did this every time he got a new girlfriend.
7. She would read my SFW shipping fics, and she would start shipping the pairings in them, even for characters she actively disliked or did not ship,. she would also get mad about this. ‘WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO GOOD AT THIS’ she would complain.
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aparticularbandit · 4 years
so - saw that episode again (and also started jtv again because...want to go through the first fourteen episodes again for soulmate au purposes) and here are the things i gleaned!
1) jane thought rose was 38 instead of 51. like - i know we harp on the 51 bit but this time it’s the 38 bit that stuck out to me.  not because there’s an age difference there of thirteen years (yikes) but more because of the age difference that would be between lu and rose.  at the end of the series, lu is roughly 45.  in fandom, we usually put rose at three years younger than lu (because bridget is roughly 3 years younger than yara), but jane is here making rose seven years younger than lu. and here is why that is important (and also indicating a missed opportunity that i would have liked them to delve into more): jane is seven years younger than rafael.  jane is mentally putting the age gap between rose and lu as the exact same as the age gap between her and raf, where lu stands in for raf and rose stands in for her.  this is just another bit of that mental paralleling that we see jane do between herself and rose - or the writers do between jane and rose - that we see coming up again in the episode: rose making the claim that this isn’t jane’s love story, it’s hers (when we, as the viewers, know it is the other way around); jane setting them up as good vs. evil in that final confrontation (and the parallel of rafael coming to save her vs. luisa coming to kill rose)--
even before this, there are instances of rose/lu meaning to be a parallel of jane/raf.  rose constantly saying that she and lu are the greatest love story ever told (as compared with jane’s preoccupation with telenovelas and her love story turning out to be one); rose and lu having literal fireworks over their first kiss as opposed to the dramatics that we see happening with jane’s “first” kisses with her respective love interests (the fake snow falling with michael; the blossoms with rafael (not her technical first kiss, but in context, i think you understand what i mean).  both love stories are shown with that telenovela flair to them so that there is a contrast between them.  you can even bring up jane and her different janes (critic!jane, drunk!jane, etc.) and compare them with the different masks that rose wears as sin rostro.
(you can make a fandom argument here.  i don’t feel like making it, but you can, technically, make it.)
to an extent, rose is a negative version of jane where her love - and her obsession with her love interest - destorys her, changing her life for the worse instead of changing it for the better the way it does with jane.  (and you can make the argument that jane tries to make the appeal that lu should be her michael and that rose should move on to find her actual raf, but idk how much water that holds).
we can also look at jane making rose and lu’s age gap similar to her age gap with raf as a way of her trying to connect to their love story as she writes her novel.  for most of her writing time, jane’s relationship with luisa is...rocky, at best, if it’s actually there at all.  you could make the argument that she didn’t actually really start understanding writing luisa until the flashback chapter in s4 and used that as her basis for writing her, but the point is that most of what jane wrote about luisa and rose would be built from what little she knew.  those parallels would be her insertion.
i’m just surprised that she put rose in her place instead of lu.  but that may be due to rose was emilio’s trophy wife, so she has to be the younger one, which - says a lot about what jane thought of emilio (from the little time she spent with him and the stories she likely heard from raf) that he would be married to a woman she thought was seven years younger than his oldest daughter.
(there is also the potential thought that jane thought rose was 38 at the beginning of the series and that rose was 51 at the beginning of the series - which, you know, would make more sense in terms of where authors would talk about their character’s ages, which would make rose, what, 59? at the end of the series?  (a year a season with a three year time gap would be eight years - s1 isn’t really a full year, but there’s a time jump in s2 re: petra’s pregnancy, so i’m evening it out - so 59?  almost 60?  idk.  jtv, maybe make things a little clearer here.  actually, don’t.  it’s more fun to speculate.)
2) where rose was stabbed through by the statue (which probably wouldn’t have happened anyway, that thing was probably made of styrofoam or some other lightweight material that would more likely have broken under her weight, but i digress), she probably still could have survived.  with some immediate medical attention and a lot of constraints, probably.
or faked it, to be fair, but let’s not go there.
the statue stabbed through the lower half of her torso, approximately cutting her in half.  but not entirely.  idk, in a telenovela sort of way, she could have survived that.  i just think i originally thought the statue stabbed, you know, her heart, not her lower regions.  so maybe she couldn’t have actually survived that.  it just feels like it’s more likely there than otherwise.
idk i have less proof for this, just a general feeling.
3) xo is really good at keeping secrets to the benefit of other people.
this is less a that episode thing and more of a starting jtv over again thing but like!  she spent all of jane’s first twenty-four years letting jane believe that she had wanted an abortion and alba convinced her to keep her instead of the other way around so that she could protect jane!  and she kept the secret about rogelio for just as long and let alba think she didn’t know who the dad was and was just a random hook-up (because she didn’t want to be with rogelio then) because that was the better option!  like xo is a determined woman who is actually very good about protecting her people and that’s something i hadn’t noticed before and like, yeah, i might have a higher appreciation for xo now.
4) luisa is definitely wearing the same dress when she goes to jump off the bridge that she is when she explains to jane and raf and petra and xo that she artificially inseminated the wrong woman.
it’s the same blue dress.  she literally went immediately afterward to try and commit suicide and rose talked her out of it, like, i’m wondering - i know that lu was supposed to die when roman apparently did (but aaron actually did), but i’m wondering if the bridge jumping thing was a callback to the original plan (and if in that universe, luisa’s death was a suicide and not a murder by sin rostro.  not that aaron/roman’s murder was.  but you know).
5) also luisa and no patient confidentiality why are you telling rafael that jane works at the hotel where is your privacy woman
there are probably more but, uh, gonna stop there for now.  maybe will bring up more later with further episodes!  will see!
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