#i could talk about these two for hours it's not funny
twistedmir · 1 day
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⇀ summary : your partner talks too much, and what better way to make them shut up by kissing them?. (Malleus, Ace, Riddle, Vil.)
⇀ write's note : i have a favorite and its showing.
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This man, it has already been two hours since he started talking about gargoyles. On any other day, you wouldn't have minded his rambling. But today you were particularly exhausted from babysitting the ADeuce duo, so you could only bear so much.
“ they were originally created as a means of disposing of water, but with time..—” there he goes again, this cute little dragon fae ranting about some random fact about gargoyles. Your head was starting to hurt, you just wanted to cuddle him and let this awful day pass. Despite the growing headache, you didn't have the heart to cut him off.
However, a bulb light up in your head.
You grabbed the fae from his necktie earning a surprise noise from him. You brought him down to your level and kissed his lips. It was a light peck, but you lingered a little bit too long. “ can we go inside now? I want to cuddle? ” Malleus was frozen in place, his lips could still feel yours. He didn't know what to do so he simply nodded, letting you guide him toward the house, your hand in his. Humans were rather bold.
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It was during lunch, your boyfriend's neck was decorated with his housewarden's magic. Ace was complaining—yet again— about how ridiculous the rules are. (something about not eating leftovers that had a green sticker on top of the containers, he swears he didn't know it was someone's else.) His lips were pouting, arms crossed over his chest he looked so cute. Until he opened his mouth to complain this time about Deuce. You sighed, this man always finds something to complain about.
And there he goes again, talking his head off about sevens knows what. This man would not for the sake of it be quiet. You wished to eat in peace, maybe talk with your boyfriend. But he kept going on and on, it was starting to get on your nerve. You love the guy, but he talks too much. Finally, as if the sevens heard your pleas, Ace quieted down. A sigh of relief left you. At last, you could eat—
“ and then Deuce just—” And there we go again. A bulb light up, it'll be funny to see him match with the collar on his neck. Moving closer to Ace, the boy not noticing your approaching figure still going on about how much of an idiot the blueberry boy is (his words.) your hands cupped his cheeks, ceasing his chatter. You lightly pecked the soft lips, pulling away after a short time. The boy was stuck speechless, his mouth closing and opening like a fish, face as red as the Heartslabyul's warden. A chuckle slipped past you, how cute.
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In your defense, Ace payed you. He knew how soft the warden goes on you whenever a rule is broken by you. Which is why, the first year though it was better for you to paint the flowers in his place. Riddle was unaware it was Ace's turn—for the first time— so, imagine his surprise when he saw how wrongly you painted the roses. It wasn't such a deal, but it bothered him how dangerously close you were to falling from the ladder. Riddle walked up to you, keen on lecturing you all about safety. Until you wondered if his face can match his hair.
“ How many time have I told you to be careful? You know this ladder is not in the best shape, I wouldn't want you to match it's state. ” The housewarden was scolding you for being careless. While your eyes were focused on his, your mind was wandering somewhere else. Thinking back on Ace's words, you were curious just how far was Riddle lenient on you. A smirk formed in your face.
The Housewarden wasn't aware of the Adeuce level of mischief stirring up in your mind. Closing the distance between you, relishing in the small stutters in his words, you placed your lips on his owns.
It was quiet. Maybe he did let you go with anything—
“ OFF WITH YOUR HEA—”. nevermind.
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Vil was lecturing some first year about the proper use of skin care. The poor first years were so frightened by his harsh scold and cold voice that when they saw you they pleaded you with their eyes to help them escape from this hell. You took pity on them, Vil, even after his overbolt, still couldn't get rid of some of his habits. Mainly his harsh scolds, but he made progress. The first years looks frightened yet still listen to him. Before, some even cried while others were crushed by his words. So you saw this as a progress of some kind.
Walking up to them, you taped the beauty on his shoulder, making him cease his talk and turn to look at you. He quirked an eyebrow at you, his hands unconsciously finding yours. He was waiting for you to speak, you always taped him when you wanted to talk.
Your heart swell at his small yet meaningful gesture. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time for you. Even when he was scolding his juniors, you clearly saw how his eyes soften at the sight of you. (you made a mental note to pamper him later today in his room).
You signalled him to lean down, which he did despite the obvious confusion. Hands finding their place on his cheeks, cradling Vil's face. You laid your lips on top of his, eyes widening at you actions. The first years took this as a sign and quickly left.
After the initial shock, Vil grumpily returned your kiss. His clean hands pinching your cheeks. “ Honestly, just what am I going to do with you... ”. Even though he was complaining, you didn't miss the pinkish colour at the tip of his ears.
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silken-moonlight · 2 days
Older Alpha x Human Waitress Part 6
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A/N: Hi there! Finally here with part six, i hope you guys like it! Part 7 will drop tomorrow 😊 also here you find my Masterlist!
Desmonds POV
Suddenly, the dogs began to bark and run toward his hiding spot. They must have smelled him. Were those dogs insane, running toward a large predator that could easily rip them apart?
His mate immediately followed them. "Pumpkin! Spice! Stop yelling at the raccoons!" she said to them angrily, running over to them and picking them up, one dog under each arm. To be honest, that looked utterly funny: two megalomaniac dogs being picked up like nothing. She brought them back inside, seemingly bringing them upstairs since he could see the light there. Desmond crept a little closer, wanting to look into her house through the glass doors.
He heard her steps, coming closer and the back door opened again. By now the alpha was glad that he had stayed in his spot, otherwise she would have seen him. There was a little bowl in her hand and she walked until she almost reached the tree line.
Since Desmond was in his full werewolf form, he appeared as an excessively large wolf. She stood nearly right next to him and called out, "Sweethearts, I have something for you!" She set the bowl down, which contained nuts and fruits. He presumed it was for the raccoons she had mentioned. Her scent wafted toward him on the gentle breeze. Oh, how he yearned to emerge from the darkness and enter her field of vision. Although he understood that it was not a wise decision, she would be frightened. Therefore, he remained concealed as she returned to her house.
His wolf whined, so desperate to be close to her that it physically hurt.
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Your POV
The following morning came quickly; the morning sun filled your room, and you got up immediately. You were so happy to see your only friend again that you picked out an outfit and did your makeup quickly. When you were pleased with your reflection in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and said goodbye to your parents.
The café where Will and you met was a twenty-minute walk away; you made it in 15 minutes. Will had already waited for you, waving when he saw you. “It's so good to see you!” He yelled over the parking area and jogged over to you, immediately pulling you into a tight hug. You chuckled: “Good to see you too!” You said excitedly. In a matter of minutes, the two of you went inside and sat down, immediately beginning to talk. “Tell me about your latest travels,” you said to Will, who smiled and showed you so many pictures and videos of him and his girlfriend. Most of them were unpublished and unedited clips for their social media. They had been in the Carpathian Mountains, and the view you were seeing on his phone was absolutely breathtaking. You listened eagerly to every word that left his mouth, listened to every story and every detail. You loved listening to other people's stories. After half an hour, he stopped, since you two also needed to order, and looked at you.
“And what about you, tell me what happens in your life.” He said while sipping from his cold brew coffee. “Well nothing has really changed for me, mom and dad are still the same, Pumpkin and Spice get crazier by the day…” You thought for a moment: “Oh I do have something semi-exciting to tell. So we have this incredibly hot guest, he has been coming every evening for a week or more. We always make small talk, he is here for some kind of business. I think he has a crush on Mandy, and he tips at least 20% each time. I met him the other day in our bookstore and had to leave because of an emergency. A few days later he showed up at my work and gave me the books that I left behind.” You told him as he listened, being silent for a moment. “Okay, kind of weird.” He added and you nodded: “I think he’s like in the mafia. He gave me his card with his name and number on it, in case anybody gives me trouble.” Will’s eyebrows were raised: “That sounds like some of the smut books you told me about. Though yeah it really sounds like he is in something not good. So, what's his name then?”
“Desmond, I’ve forgotten his last name, though.” You said and fumbled for your phone to get out the card. You had put it in your phone case so you wouldn’t lose it. Will slammed his cup down harshly on the table, causing you to look up at him. “That's my brother,” he growled. You looked at Will, thunderstruck. “I smell him on you,” Will continued, still growling. “What…?” You asked, a little confused. Will had told you about his brother. Desmond had been the golden child, who could do no wrong and had been just like Will’s father. He had looked down on Will like the rest of his family.
“I…I’m sorry…I didn’t know.” You apologized. Will looked distressed and said, “It’s okay, really. Would you show me the card?” He asked, and you did. He quickly photographed it.
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Desmonds POV
Desmond had a slow day; the meeting took longer than anticipated and was even more boring than the day before. He longed to see his mate; he physically ached. When he was finally finished and went to his hotel to freshen up, somebody banged on his door.
Desmond sighed and opened the door. What he had not thought would happen was that his brother, William, would be standing before him. Desmond stared at him, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. For years, he had tried to contact him. His little brother looked so diffrent, so adult, so...changed. A thousand emotions rushed through Desmond, things he wanted to say, he wanted to apologize, everything
“William.” He said softly, not knowing what to say. Will pressed his way inside: “Listen up asshole, I don’t know how you found me, I don’t care. But if you do not let my only friend in peace and stop trying to take her away from me…I will rip out your throat.” Desmond was absolutely confused.
“What are you talking about?” Desmond asked. “Oh don’t play innocent. My best friend ,Y/N L/N, waitress at the Sailor Boy. Ringing any bells?” The alpha was now even more confused but wanted to explain. “William, hear me out. I did not know that the two of you even know each other. I have been trying to find you for years, why don’t we sit down and talk?” William growled at him. “No, if you show up at her restaurant again I will find you and kill you.” Desmond sighed. “It's not that easy, she is my mate.”
William stared at him.”You fucking bastard, don’t think you can fool me!” Desmond answered: “I am not, she is my mate.”
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Accidental Confession- Thorin x Reader
Summary: Thorin overhears you confess your feelings about him to his nephews
Word count: 1, 478
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Mixing yourself, two dwarf princes and a full barrel of mead was bound to create some chaos. Honestly after an hour of drinking with them you’re surprised that the worst thing you’d done was a failed handstand and a terrible improvised song. Unfortunately however things were going too smooth for too long, and your luck of only slightly embarrassing yourself was running out.
You and the princes were sat in the woods outside of Erebor, all three of you needing an escape from castle that could sometimes feel suffocating. Though you were only visiting your friends, you could tell they needed a break from their uncle, especially Fili as he was next in line and his list of duties were piling up every day. Needing the biggest break out of all three of you, it was no wonder that the embarrassing question came from him.
“Y/N, I have a question.” The blonde dwarf asked, sat upon a rock with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Well fortunately for you, Fili dear, I might just have the answer.” You reply with a cheeky smile of your own as Kili refills your cup.
“Why do you dislike our uncle?” Came Filis oddly sobering question.
This question caused even Kilis face to become serious as both princes stared at you. Although their faces were filled with worry, you couldn’t help the girlish grin that came to your face. At seeing your grin, both princes grew matching grins of their own.
“I don’t dislike your uncle.” You answer, trying hard and failing to hide your smirk.
“Oh really? When he speaks you seem to always walk away and just last night he asked you to dance and you denied him.” Kili now interrogates, a quizzical smile growing on his face.
“It’s not because I don’t like him.” You try to defend yourself sheepishly.
“Is it because you do like him then?” Fili asked you smirking.
“No! Maybe… Look it’s not fair! When he talks that dwarf language…”
“Khuzdul.” Kili quickly corrects.
“Yeh! It’s just really hot… I know he’s your uncle but it’s so hot! And and! The dancing! If I dance with your uncle my tits would be in his face! Which if that happened I’d get so turned on I’d die.” You confessed to your friends, babbling foolishly.
Fili and Kili exchange a look at hearing your confession, before promptly bursting out in laughter. Their laughter so loud that you’re sure people in Erebor could hear it.
“It’s not funny!” You half-laugh and half-shout, trying hard to stay serious and defend yourself, but unfortunately failing.
It wasn’t long until you too joined their laughter, all three of your laughs sounding loudly through the forest.
If any of you had been sober, you might have realised that such laughter had drawn the king under the mountain himself to find your little hiding spot. Seeing you all so intoxicated and in the forest he had half a mind to storm over and tell you all off, but was abruptly stopped at the conversation at hand.
“You should tell uncle how you feel!” Kili announced excitedly.
“No!” You shout.
“Why not?!” Both of your friends seemed to yell in unison.
“Oh yeh what would I say? ‘Hey Thorin, I know you’re the super duper important and serious king, but I think your voice is really sexy and the reason I don’t dance with you is because if your face was in my tits I’d get so horny I’d die! Also you’re really sweet to me and I’d like to hold your hand and bake you nice things and maybe kiss you a little’…” Your confession suddenly turning more sweet and serious.
Realising just how you felt about Thorin, your head fell as you played with your fingers, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and embarrassed.
“Maybe we should head back. It’s getting cold and I think it’s time we all went to bed. We’ll get you something nice to eat and some nice warm furs.” Fili suggests as he takes your hand, knowing your confession was a lot more than just a silly girl being attracted to their uncle.
As both boys held your hand to help you walk, Thorin hid himself behind a tree, not wanting to be noticed. Though he hid, he couldn’t help but stare at you as you left with his nephews. Knowing his feelings were reciprocated suddenly filled him with both relief and fear.
You were surprised to wake up the next morning with only a mild hangover after your night of drinking with your friends. Getting dressed you decided it was a day for comfortable clothes, topped with a big warm cardigan knitted for you by Ori.
As you went to leave your room in search of food you literally ran into the last person you expected.
“Oh! Hello Thorin.” You sheepishly greeted him, slightly stepping back into your room.
“Good morning, y/n. How did you sleep?”
“Fine, thank you. Is there something I can help you with, Thorin?” You nervously ask him, trying hard to keep eye contact with him as you wrap the cardigan around yourself.
“Yes, um- may- may I come in? I’d like to speak with you in private.” He asked as his voice suddenly became more serious.
“Ye-yes, sorry, um, come in.” You anxiously step aside and quickly pull out a chair from your vanity for him to sit on while you sit on the edge of your bed.
Thorin manoeuvres the chair to sit directly in front of you, your knees barely grazing each other. Looking from your hands, to your barely touching knees and into his beautiful blue eyes, your gaze quickly falls back to your hands.
“I-I need to speak with you about last night.” Thorin stutters out.
Looking back into his eyes, you meet him with a quizzical look. The king under the mountain is never nervous and you had not spoken with him at all last night.
“I-I heard what you said to Kili and Fili last night.” He confesses.
Suddenly your eyes go wide as realisation hits you. At hearing this, your blood turns cold, both fear and embarrassment filling both your body and your face.
“Oh no.” You quietly mumble as you anxiously hide your face in your hands.
You were mortified and scrabbling your brain to think of anything to get him away, so you could wallow in shame and embarrassment alone. However before you could think of the words to save you, you felt large warm hands around yours, as Thorin pulled them away from your face.
“Please do not hide from me.” He gently soothes you, as his thumb runs across your fingers.
Your head shoots up at his comforting touch and words. Your eyes filled with panic, dart between your now joined hands and his kind eyes. Trying to look for pity in them but you did not find it.
“This was not how I had imagined telling you this but I suppose after last night I could not ignore my feelings anymore. Y/N, I care for you so deeply and think you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my many years. I feared you would not feel the same as I am not of the race of man and am quite older than you, but from what I heard last night I’m guessing the feeling is some what mutual.” He smiles as he gazes lovingly into your eyes.
You were stuck, too many emotions holding you in place. Confusion, fear, embarrassment and maybe a little bit of love forcing you still and your eyes to never leave Thorins.
“Amrâlimê?” Thorin speaks, worry now in his eyes as he places his large warm hand on your cheek.
You can’t help but close your eyes and hum at the feel of his skin finally against yours. Placing your hand over his, you rub your face further into his hand.
“I suppose you were right about your reaction to me speaking in my native tongue.” Thorin teases you as his face comes closer to yours.
Your eyes fling open as you realise he truly did hear everything you said. Letting out a defiant chuckle, you decide to show him just how much you meant the words you said last night. Grabbing a hold of his coat with both hands, you forcefully pull him into you, as you press your lips passionately against his own.
Thorin moaned into your mouth as your hands desperately pulled at his hair and his squeezed at your hips. You couldn’t get enough of each others touch as you both pulled the other closer.
Finally breaking away, your foreheads rested against each other as you stared into each others eyes.
“Maybe we should try the dancing next.” Thorin teased you with a smirk and a wink.
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hwere · 3 days
like violets | SydCarmy | T | 1.5k words.
Summary: There’s two flights of stairs between her new place and Carmen’s car, so of course Sydney takes her sweet time moving the lighter boxes first, allowing Carmen to put his solid wall of muscles to good use.
Sydney sits in silence in Carmen’s car. He offered to help her move out of her dad’s house and she agreed to. Things haven’t been good between them lately, due to Carmen’s erratic, obsessive and self-destructive behavior and all of the endless problems regarding the restaurant, but he offered with his pleading blue eyes and she said yes. She said yes because she needed the help and didn’t want to bother her dad.
So far, the only words exchanged between them have been “hey,” “yo,” “wait, there’s more boxes inside,” and “let me type in the address.” So, Sydney sits in silence in Carmen’s car, paying attention to the passing world outside the passenger window, feeling and seeing through her peripheral vision his gaze ever so often drifting in her direction, his mouth opening to say something, only for him to click it shut, his eyes back to the road ahead.
It’s awkward, but it’s fine. Awkward is better than arguing for the umpteenth time about the restaurant. It’s fine. They don’t have to talk. It’s not like they have anything to talk about besides the restaurant. They aren’t friends. Just partners. Partners, what a funny word.
Fortunately, it doesn’t take long for them to reach what’s going to be her new home. It’s a bit distant from the restaurant, but that’s another thing that is fine. She is, once again, out of her childhood bedroom, no roommate and the rent is payable. She’s an adult, she can absolutely manage whatever life throws her way. Having to wake up an hour earlier than usual to be able to get to the restaurant and work alongside her maniac of a partner? A piece of cake.
There’s two flights of stairs between her new place and Carmen’s car, so of course Sydney takes her sweet time moving the lighter boxes first, allowing Carmen to put his solid wall of muscles to good use. It also doesn’t take long for her plan to backfire.
She’s in the middle of the second flight of stairs when Carmen walks out of her place without his coat. Over the top of a heavier box, Sydney notices his too tight white tee clinging to his chest due to sweat. The sight makes her lose balance momentarily and Carmen, ever the attentive, notices and rushes to help her.
“Yo, lemme take this one,” he’s trying to pry the box out of her hands, but Sydney clings to it, using the box as a protective barrier between them.
“No, I can handle it. It’s fine,” she shakes her head, tightening her grip. “I think there’s only two or three more left. You, uhh, you can take care of those.” Carmen stares at her for a second too long before nodding and backing into the railing, giving her space to pass.
Sydney drops the box on the side of the others, heaving a sigh. She fills two glasses of water and sits on the floor, waiting for Carmen to finish bringing her stuff inside. There ended up being four more boxes left, but nothing that he couldn’t handle. He sits down beside her when it’s done and she pushes one glass in his direction.
“Thanks.” Carmen downs the glass in two big gulps and Sydney allows herself to watch his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, the sweat running down the side of his face. When he’s done, she averts her gaze to the boxes.
“Thanks again for offering to help me out.” Sydney says, still staring at the boxes.
“Oh. It’s nothing, really. The least I could do.”
Then, they’re sitting in silence again. She couldn’t say for how long they sat there, shoulders almost touching, in absolute silence. Carmen’s the one to cave in first.
“I’m sorry.” That makes her look at him and she’s expecting to see him drawing circles in his chest, another meaningless apology to a perpetually buried conversation, but he isn’t. He doesn’t. “Talk to me, please.”
“Why?” Sydney crosses her arms over her chest.
“Why? ‘cause that’s what we do. We’re partners,” he says matter of factly.
She chuckles humorlessly, “Actually, we don’t, Carmy, and that’s the problem.”
“Well, I’m asking you right now to, Syd. So, can you please talk to me?”
Sydney doesn’t know if it’s due to the change in scenario—not being in the confines of the restaurant—or due to Carmen’s earnest eyes, but she gives in to her months-long tiredness.
“Why, Carmy? I’m sorry, but—there’s no point in wasting my breath talking when I already know you’re not gonna listen to me,” she doesn’t hide anything, doesn’t hold back any punch. “Honestly? I am… tired. Tired of the arguing, tired of you doing whatever the fuck you want and then rubbing in my face that you’re doing it for me, that you’re ‘giving me what I want.’ I’m tired of you behaving like a piece of shit with everyone in the kitchen, tired of your apologies, of the back and forth… So why even bother?”
Carmen stays silent for a minute, digesting her words; eyes on her all the while. “I’m trying, Syd.”
“Oh, I know. That’s another problem,” a rueful chuckle. “I need you to stop trying, Carmy, and to start listening,” she uncrosses her arms, pointing a finger to his chest. “That day that I came back? I came back for my last check. You offered me that,” she motions to the open window, meaning the restaurant, “and I agreed ‘cause I trusted you. I’ve been trusting you since my very first day there, hence applying for the sous position in the first place. But it was the same thing with the loan, with you running the menu by whoever, with every decision regarding the renovation… and even after all that, I kept trusting you. I still do. We were supposed to be doing this, all of this, together.
“You’re not alone, Carm. And I’m tired of waiting for you to realize this; that you can trust us—me. You don’t have to carry the restaurant on your back all by yourself. I’m right here, giving just as much blood, sweat and tears as you. I don’t need you to assume what I want; I need you to listen to me. ‘cause when you self-destruct, you’re not only hurting or making yourself miserable. You take everybody else with you, and that includes me.”
Only when she’s done, does she realize how many different and conflicting emotions she had been bottling up inside of her. She feels her body grow warmer with embarrassment due to her rant, but she can’t take it back now and even if she could, she wouldn’t. More than anything else, she was tired of keeping everything to herself, of burying conversations with a fist to her chest.
“I trust you, Syd. I trust you more than I trust myself.”
“You’ve got a funny way of showing it, man,” she snorts.
“I’m serious, Syd,” he runs a hand down his face. “I trust you and I didn’t lie when I said that I couldn’t and didn’t even want to do this without you. I’m just… I’m just trying to make it all work, y’know? I fucked up during F&F, things haven’t been great since the opening and you said you wanted a star—”
“Fuck the star, Carmy,” she interrupts him, saying with so much force that both of them are taken aback. “Not… literally. Yeah, I do want one of those bullshit stars, but above all else, I want the restaurant to be different from all of the other places we’ve been at, remember?”
So much has happened between her first month at The Beef and now, that their conversation at the alley feels like it happened a lifetime ago. It may as well have been.
“I’m gonna do better, Syd,” Carmen nods, circling his fist on his chest, looking at Sydney in the same way he always does; she still doesn’t know what to make of it—and by it she means her feelings regarding her partner that have nothing to do with their professional partnership.
“Heard, Chef.” She mimics his action, offering him her first smile of the day.
For both theirs and everybody else’s sake? She hopes so.
“It’s getting late. I’m gonna let you—” he motions to the boxes a few feet away from them. “Yeah.” They get up on their feets at the same time.
Sydney bends down to grab their empty glasses from the floor.
“I know I already said that, but thanks again.”
Then, they’re awkwardly standing there for a few seconds, with Sydney holding their empty glasses in hand and Carmen pinching his bottom lip between two fingers, watching her through his eyelashes, nodding his head like one of those bobbing head toys that people put in their car’s dashboard. Carmen abruptly stops nodding his head, drops his hand and straightens his back, hooking a thumb over his shoulder.
“See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
His body is halfway out the door when he stops and turns around.
“Yo, congrats on moving out. That’s huge, Chef,” he says smirking.
“Dude, shut the fuck up.”
Carmen finally leaves, laughing.
Sydney doesn’t know what awaits them tomorrow and the days after, but she hopes for the best; hopes that her rant doesn’t go in vain and that Carmen keeps this one promise. On top of everything she has already been doing, that’s all she can do, honestly.
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angstywaifu · 2 days
The Lost Sister - Part 29
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Ophelia Riorson)
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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The flight back to Basgiath was long and quiet. Not even Mealladh spoke in my mind as we flew back. I could tell by the look on Xaden’s face as he flew off to my right that something was bothering him. I knew enough to know he was in league with Gryphon riders, but it didn’t mean all of them. Was this a group he knew? Did he know about the attack? Or had he been blindsided? As much as I wanted to reach out in his mind and ask, I felt like he needed the flight back to think things over.
As we descend into the flight field, two figures make their way up from the quadrant. Two figures I instantly recognise as Garrick and Bodhi. Either word of the attack had made it back before us, or Xaden had gotten Sgaeyl to inform their dragons of our arrival back. Judging by their faces and how confused they looked, it was easy to tell they had no idea of the attack and what had happened.
Our squad is quick to make their way out of the flight field after we land. Due to when the attack had happened, we hadn’t gotten any sleep in over a day. We we’re all exhausted and in need of shower, food and bed. Something I had a feeling I would have to wait that little bit longer for as Garrick and Bodhi walk over and join Xaden and I. Bodhi goes to talk but goes silent as Xaden shakes his head and motions for us to follow him out of the flight field. Being so early in the morning and a weekend, the quadrant is empty. No one else to see Xaden lead us up to the tower where I had approached the three boys about what they we’re hiding from me.
”So you going to explain why you disrupted us trying to go to sleep?” Bodhi complains as he leans up against a pillar, rubbings his eyes.
It was very apparent Bodhi and Garrick had not gotten much sleep, if any judging by the flight leathers they still wore. Probably only just getting back a few hours ago from a supply run they had done while we we’re gone.
”Monsteratt was attacked by Gryphon Riders.” Xaden says bluntly as he leans on the ledge, looking out across the quadrant.
Garrick’s eyes instantly snap to me. I’m ok, we got out before they actually attacked. I tell him as I reach out and place a hand on his arm.
His eyes still flicker over me, assessing for an injuries. But after a few seconds he relaxes and nods, content that we had actually made it out without getting involved. His hand reaching out and grabbing mine, pulling me into him as he leans up against the pillar between Bodhi and Xaden.
”I’m going to assume by these two being in flight leathers and your facial expressions on the way back you aren’t invovled with the group that attacked?” I ask Xaden,
His eyes snap to mine. “No we aren’t. And what facial expressions?”
”You get this look when you’re trying to figure something out or somethings bothering you.” I tell him with a shrug.
”I do not.” Xaden’s eyebrows furrowing.
I feel Garrick shake with laughter behind me. “I hate to tell you, but she’s right. You do.”
Xaden narrows his eyes at his best friend before shaking his head and looking back out over the quadrant.
”No one was missing from you’re supply run meet up?” Xaden asks, his question directed at Garrick and Bodhi.
”No, everyone was there.” Garrick informs him.
Bodhi nods his head in agreement. “And before you ask, no they didn’t seem on edge or like something was up. I doubt they had anything to do with this.”
Xaden hums and nods in agreement. But despite the information he’s still tense and on edge. As if he doesn’t fully believe what Bodhi and Garrick have told him.
“So which Gryphon riders are you guys involved with?” I ask them.
Bodhi and Garrick laugh, while Xaden stiffens at my words.
“What’s so funny?” I ask, looking between them all.
“Do you remember Xaden’s betrothed?” Bodhi asks, a smirk on his face.
“Ex-betrothed.” Xaden says gruffly as he narrows his eyes at our cousin.
I roll my eyes at Xaden before nodding at Bodhi.
“We’re in league with her sister Syrena’s drift. It’s not overly big but she’s slowly gathering more drifts and fliers to be on our side when the time comes.” Garrick finishes off, the smirk in his tone evident.
I can’t help but laugh. I hadn’t had much to do with Catriona when I was younger, we hadn’t really gotten along. Something about her never sat quite right with me. As I hadn’t been introduced as Xaden’s sister to her at first, she had been jealous and rude towards me. Saw me as a threat to her future engagement with Xaden. Upon Xaden finally snapping and telling her who I was, she had become embarrassed and even more angry towards me. Garrick had found the situation hilarious. I remember his booming laugh echoing around the room as Xaden had told her who I was.
“I’m assuming by ex-betrothed you called off the engagement? I’m sure she was so pleased with that.” I muse, Xaden’s face hardening at my words as Garrick and Bodhi snicker.
Xaden looks up and meets my eyes, finally laughing and shaking his head. “No she was not. She definitely had some choice words to give me.”
“I can imagine. Can’t wait to see what she says when she finds out about Violet.” I tease.
“What do you mean finds out about Violet?” Xaden’s eyes narrowing at me.
“Well you’ve got mated dragons. Both tied together for the rest of your lives. Cat is going to love that. She’s going to have it out for Violet once she finds out, because I can already tell by your confusion that you haven’t told her. And I think we all remember how she treated me before she knew I was your sister.” I state.
Xaden purses his lips as he slowly nods his head. “Hasn’t exactly come up in conversation and I’d like to keep it that way.”
I walk over and pat Xaden on the shoulder. “I’ll be sure to say some nice words at your funeral.” I tease before walking back down the stairs of the tower for a much needed shower and sleep as Bodhi and Garrick burst into laughter as Xaden grumbles at them.
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko @krowiathemythologynerd @callsign-blue @1islessthan3books @side-angel
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My Broppy Head Cannons!!!
1. Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter is a Broppy Song from Poppy's perspective on how in love Branch is for her and she is flattered by him.
2. Poppy really wants to get married to Branch and start a family with him but she feels every since they started dating everyone has been pressuring her. She decided that she doesn't want to give in to what they want her to do. (It's giving But Daddy I Love Him Vibes)
3. Viva is secretly jealous of her and Branch's relationship due to the fact that he knows everything about Poppy and is very happy with him. But she keeps quiet and supports them.
4. Poppy's a top and Branch is a bottom but they like to switch.
5. Ttbgo/TrollsTopia Poppy and Branch were totally a situationship.
6. Their first time happened because Poppy wore his oversized sweater and one thing lead to another for them. She wanted to wait until marriage he wanted her any day.
7. Whenever Poppy's jealous she stays by his side the entire time. Whenever Branch is jealous he takes her somewhere private just to mark her body up with hickeys.
8. Poppy purposely wears short dresses only for Branch to see and take off.
9. Remember that one time the that they had a war for a pillow? The moment another pillow choses them both they immediately go home and devour each other in the bedroom and not come out for hours.
10. They totally get engaged on Christmas.
11. Brozone tried to give Branch flirting advice once. Branch tried to flirt with her she told him that he sounded desperate.
12. Poppy is most likely to call someone out, politely insult someone, and get what she wants but Viva is more of a doormat with little confidence.
13. Poppy and Branch love baking together.
14. Poppy's love language is physical touch but she hates being touched due to how good being touched by Branch feels. Her other love language is quality time. Branch's love language is Acts of service.
15. Viva accidentally walked In on them several times without them noticing. She could never look at her sister the same way. They've done it on her bed and she assumed that she sweats in her sleep.
16. There was a small rumor that Poppy was carrying Branch's egg and Floyd believed it happily telling his brothers as they waited for Poppy and Branch to tell them the news. Poppy played along with it for a while until she publicly announced that she wasn't making Floyd feel embarrassed. Branch was confused while Poppy thought it was funny.
17. Poppy and Branch are that couple who arrive late because they're busy making out. They also do that in public.
18. They get engaged on Christmas but he doesn't have a ring. They just take one look at each other and decide that now was the time because it felt right.
19. King Peppy was annoyed at first whenever Poppy brought Branch everywhere with them but he loves how happy he makes her.
20. Poppy and Branch slow down every morning or night whenever they get the chance.
21. They move in together but not in Poppy's pod or Branch's bunker. They wanted their own place to call home and start a family.
22. Viva once tried to give Poppy the talk but she wasn't a virgin. Viva was disappointed that she didn't wait until marriage.
And that's all I have!! Broppy Week starts in two days so be prepared!!!!
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ashfordlabs · 4 months
1, 7, and 8 for Theo and Eli? <3
hello hello!! thank you for the ask!! this was extremely fun.
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1: what’s their love languages? / theo's is very much someone who's love language is gift giving. the kind of person who will see you eye up something in a store that for a moment, you consider buying but then decided against it and he'll end up buying it for you. theo's far too rich for his liking that he'd rather spend his money on other people than himself. but with eli it's very different, like yes, he'll get expensive rings and fancy clothes for social events, but theo will also buy him a lot of flower seeds for the garden as well as hand knit him jumpers and he's the only person who gets those from theo.
whereas eli has two. physical touch is just his general love language is physical touch. he always loves hugging people and will drape himself over the twins whenever he's bored and wants attention. with theo, eli is generally touching him in any way that he can, lots of hand holding, pressed up against theo's back where he'll either tuck his head in the crook of theo's neck or rest his chin on top of theo's head. eli will also just randomly run his hand through theo's hair because he's obsessed with his curls (there's also a reason as to why eli is more touchy with theo thanks to shit that happens in cursed bodies).
but on top of that, due to theo just never really having anyone in his life who actually loved him that eli also has words of affirmation as a love language with theo only.
7: who is the more romantic one? / oh gosh, i honestly don't know??? like, there's an answer in the back of my head but i can't further explain it without throw a massive plot point in your face. so instead, i'm just going to say eli even though i could also say theo. like because theo is someone who's had never been in a proper relationship before eli, that eli is very much determined to make sure that theo gets the best experience even if eli can be a little cliche.
8: do they have any favorite activities to do together? / they do!! because eli has a massive green thumb, they'll garden together, and by together i mean theo will just watch because he doesn't like getting his hands dirty, but he'll also keep darcy (theo's cat) distracted while eli works. sometimes they'll stargaze if theo is having a rough night and can't sleep, something i like to imagine ends with theo falling asleep as eli would just ramble to him.
and similar to gardening, eli will join theo whenever he goes book shopping for no other reason than he just really loves how theo completely lights up when surrounded by books. same can also be said with museums which has the added bonus of theo spouting out random facts he knows and eli listening to every word with a goofy lovestruck grin on his face.
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ship ask game.
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averlym · 9 months
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miscellany (again),, tags in the last image by @pyrotechnicarus
#adamandi#vincent aurelius lin#quincy cynthius martin#ambrose wellington bassford#portia elizabeth harper#beatrix valeria campbell#bit of nonsense bit of sillies (ohhh she thinks she's so funny huh.. anyways the brainrot. out out out)#please don't ask me about them take them at face value laugh and move on or smth i keep worrying i've read them Wrong#these have been living in my head rent free for a week and i'm now evicting them politely#anyway i drew all these as scribbles in my sketchbook in-between exam week and today i wanted them out of my head. so digital it is#i've spent two hours on this haha as a. would you even guess. a break from the beatrix thingy i've been planning because that one's rendery#quiet little notes on this... um.. i have started drawing quincy (idk how!!!)#yknow after the last ambrose literal study. i'm kind of mad about the fact that doing an unintentional study Worked???#like. he's the ONE character i have a grasp of how to draw. everyone else is 'randomly whack until you get the vibes and vague structural#integrity'. can we talk about shape language real quick though because ambrose is oval beatrix is circle quincy is rectangle#vincent is square and portia is triangle. that's how it is in my head.#texture wise. vincent is charcoal and graphite. ambrose is traditional painting blended. beatrix is crosshatching and ink.#quincy is like... marker? and watercolour. portia is digital and cell shading. i can't explain any of the correlations they just Are#for the. oddly detailed quincent i Wasn't intending to draw i had to pull up the musical and re-reference them. could draw one then not the#other?? so i struggled with quincy until i Got them and then i couldn't for the life of me get vincent right.... is it something about like#drawing one character at a time? like there's only room in my mind to understand one set of proportions at any given moment???#a fun little fact was just that i began photo refs as always from hahnji jang's page (which has been? saved in my search autofill now??) an#i didn't even have to get a specific image of quincy being in angst. but for smiling vincent i had to purposefully find oh ms reporter#well! consider this yet another part in the trying to figure out how everyone looks like/vibes as/gets drawn as Characters#a secret little code i keep for the stuff i make now is that i need to have something about the drawn medium that makes it unique to itself#as like opposed to a gif or screenshot or photoedit. it has to have extra meaning. and this appears two ways: one is through Implications i#the more Finished stuff. (aka poster series?) and the other one is by engaging in Ideas (generally posts. or memes/incorrect quotes/etc.)#had a really really interesting convo with a friend irl about fanart and fandoms. they were really active for genshin and stuff and so the#experiences between large and small fandoms were fascinating to compare.. i think i prefer the .. intimacy(?) of just doing what i obsess#over instead of looking for the statistics and clout and notes now. the art i make feels more meaningful and intentional that way.
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wattemeer · 2 years
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quinns-art-box · 11 months
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AND ONE LAST THING a redraw of a silly doodle i did a year ago that i felt the need to revisit, kaito jacket-sharing is important to me
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freebooter4ever · 2 months
holy shit for the first time in ten years i forgot nicks birthday
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britneyshakespeare · 1 month
Man is saying weird things to me again
#help mom he's oversharing about drinking scotch every evening#that's very on brand for Man#tales from diana#i literally did Nothing to reach out to him i don't know what he wants#i was just thinking in the shower literally not even half an hour ago about how you know it's strange#he used to always have this way of talking to me like he was trying to impress me which is just kinda silly honestly#like i was a 20-21-year-old in awe of him and he was a retired male model eight years older than me w more life experience#and some rather exotic and interesting experiences at that#i think he somewhat envies that i seem (at least to him) like a self-possessed 'intellectual'#thats how he talks to me at least. it's funny tho#not that im not. like. smart. i think the both of us know i'm better-read than he'll be in 3 lifetimes#and i'm not quite self-possessed but i certainly don't have the open-wounded insecurity he does#while also being rather more confident than most ppl in some areas (and it's not ALL unearned)#he's got much more ambition than i do though. more ambition than i'll have in 10 lifetimes#and he seems to do everything with a motivation of external validation and approval.#so i think he has a chip on his shoulder. poor little Man#the two of us could not be more opposite. but i don't really strive to be like him in the ways he strives to be like me#he chases this dream of what he thinks the perfect man is and it's quite inhuman so of course he falls short.#i on the other hand am if anything much TOO accepting of my own faults and shortcomings. ahem#these are all things i will never say to Man. he's too silly to hear it#besides. im rather sure he likes me (? in some way) and i am these days just very ambivalent to him#i can't NOT say i find him attractive bc i do but he's just. sooooo not the one lol#he's a fascinating creature all flaws aside but i never find myself studying him at my own volition#Man just comes outta the woods sometimes to tell me about his travels or women or whiskey. he's odd#he's very eccentric but between the two of us i think i'm the better eccentric. no wonder he visits me sometimes#but he brings gifts and prayers like he's coming to a devotional shrine or something. i'm like sir this is not a temple#he'll never be normal but he is so strange in the ways i'm too good for. if i do say so myself#(and that's saying something bc i'm not too good for ANYTHING)
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shoutsindwarvish · 1 year
some people binge-drink after a loss. i have played over 30 hours of the sims 4 in less than a week (while working full-time) because whenever i stop i remember all my problems instead of focusing on this adorable family of four whose virtual dreams and relationships i care about so deeply and who i have watched blossom. we all cope in different ways.
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autopsytableromance · 8 months
hey why did my manager unprompted tell me and like 3 other coworkers a story about how he had his dog terrorize her girlfriend for three hours while he took a nap and she hid in the car afraid like it was a funny story to tell.
#i said i would never run after a guest. i dont run and he said i could make you run. i have a rottweiler.#and then launched into this story.#also once we were alone he stated talking about how he used to be a personal trainer and how once girls lost weight they had way too much#confidence and would tell men to leave them alone which he made sound like a crime of the highest order. and asked me again if i was a mom.#which would be like whatever if he hadnt mentioned multiple times how many times he had made specifically moms obsessed with him.#like to the point it was concerning to their mental state. and he just openly admitted this to me as if it were a funny thing that happens#to everyone.#i hate having to work with him when its just the two of us. unfortunately he makes the schedule so i cant even be like hey can we avoid tha#none of this on its own is really that deep its just all of it together... i get such a weird vibe from this guy.#and he keeps trying to set up outside of work events and im just like. i dont know how to tell you that i would rather kms.#like he wants us to fucking roadtrip to san antonio which is like. fucking 7 hours or something? i cant stand a fucking 6 hour shift#and youre not even there for half of that! i would end up trying to physically fight the guy if we were stuck in a car for that long#he is literally my only problem with this job at this point. like customers piss me off sometimes but theyll do that anywhere#he just. makes me deeply uncomfortable anytime were alone
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orcelito · 1 year
Really is a coping kinda night huh lmao
#speculation nation#negative/#im not going to sit outside. im not going to do anything productive.#bc if i do i might just [redacted]#im going to go home. im going to eat. and then im going to do whatever my cursed little heart desires.#be it video game or drink myself stupid#ykno it's kinda funny that i have therapy tomorrow morning. i almost want to cancel.#it's supposed to be just general problems discussion. i dont even know this woman yet.#but im having. erm. secondhand response i guess#probably also having to do with personal stress with dnd group problems and imminent project due AND having to take on Even More hours#but im also like. it's a secondhand horror kind of thing. hearing about it and seeing people i know deal with it#and working to take on some of the burden for them bc theyre fucking traumatized like hell im going to make them work#and just... hearing about it in general. the knowledge that it happened. the aching empathy for what theyre going through.#it's got me all kinds of fucked up lmfaooo#im being bombarded on multiple sides rn and this really fucking sucks#couldnt have been a worse time for this to happen. bc i STILL have my fucking project & presentation due next week#i know drinking in this kind of mood isnt great. but listen lmfao it's better than me [redacted]. lesser of two evils and all.#sorry i keep talking about this here but it's kinda genuinely life disrupting. & very thoroughly disturbing.#and i cleaned the fucking fryer filter today. worst day for me to do that too. but it needed done.#too much stress not enough release. i really wish i could cry about it.#but nooo i have tear ducts of the desert. no emotional release for me lmfaoooo#at least i have food. im gonna eat plenty and take care of myself. it's the least i can do to try to make things okay.#alcohol ment/#continuing being vague about what happened but it's something that's wormed its way into my brain#dont have to experience it myself for the knowledge of it to negatively affect me. such is the reality of someone with Bad Brain.#wild to hate someone so much who ive never met and is already dead. you total piece of shit. i hope you rot in hell.
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earthytzipi · 1 year
there's this thing that I do since turning 19 where I'm like. hmm. perhaps I am experiencing x thing (it has been autism, alexithymia, alcoholism (triple a lol), low empathy, and insomnia). but probably not, or it's probably mild. just in case, let's take some of those internet diagnostic quizzes to help try and see.
Without Fail I Always Get The Answer: oh yes Definitely and Also It's Moderate to Severe, This Problem You Definitely Have
lmao???? am I really so unself-aware??
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