#i daydream all day to escape my problems and have done since i was a small child
ericcarrsworshipper · 8 months
Tbh my little imagination maladaptive daydreaming world of me and Eric may make me delulu but idc bc it is my only source of happiness. And it means. Even if its just in my mind. For a little while. He's still alive and happy.
Idk maybe no one else relates. Maybe it's only me. But I can be happy in my own world. Away from my life.
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lehguru · 1 month
getting a part-time job at your local gym during the summer sounded like a good idea. the guy you've been eyeing for months thought the same thing.
info: my submission to the help wanted! collab hosted by the @interstellar-inn!! its been sum time since i last wrote sum this big sob. wc 1.5k — warnings: gym talk, a gym goer is a bit of an weirdo towards reader, swearing || ko-fi
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if you focused enough, you could see the heat waves coming from the asphalt outside. the sun seemed unbearable—you felt bad for the people that left their cars in the parking lot—, but the air conditioner hitting you right in the back of your neck ensured you were comfortable. as you were typing away in the reception computer, pretending to do the spreadsheet the manager asked you to fill (before she simply left, the surfboard on top of her car a good clue to where she went), you lost yourself in the song playing on the loud speakers.
fortunately, you managed to put your playlist on that day. All the songs playing not only were the ones you listened to while working out, but also were your favorites to daydream with too. while you were softly dancing and shaking your head to the beats, you didn’t notice one of your coworkers approaching you.
the burly man rested his forearms against the counter, his gray eyes started to watch your movements and one of his eyebrows raised. you finally turned around, you wanted to get some documents to actually submit something to the spreadsheet, and jumped back, one of your hands coming to rest against your chest. your eyes locked into his cold ones, your cheeks immediately heating up. his eyes narrowed for a split second; if you weren’t staring at his face, that would’ve escaped you.
“dude! you scared me!” you took a deep breath, trying to ignore the heavy gaze staring at you.
“sorry,” he muttered, his deep voice making it sound almost like a growl. he placed a clipboard in front of you, the title ‘storage’ making you hum softly. “the inventory and stuff we need to buy.”
you nodded, thanking him quietly and smiling at him. the man didn’t smile back. he never did, anyway. he nodded and turned around, walking back inside the gym and leaving you with your inner turmoil. as you sighed loudly and turned to the computer again, you tried to focus on the work.
getting a summer job wasn’t a bad idea. as a college student, you could use some extra money for emergencies—even if you knew you would end up spending it anyway, it was still extra money. your local gym had some job openings and you, someone who went there everyday, thought it was a good idea to send an application. it was indeed a good idea, the job was easy, you could stay in a cool environment while the heat outside seemed to cook you alive, plus it paid you enough. the only problem was that he had the same idea.
roronoa zoro was your gym crush for a while. you were convinced he was everyone’s gym crush, though. throughout the couple of months since the first time you saw him—you still remember how your eyes widened seeing his broad back flexing during pull ups—, you noticed that you both went to the gym at the same time and, fortunately, sometimes your workout would match his. the longest interaction you two had, before starting to work together, was him asking if you were done with using a specific bench. you murmured a quick and embarrassed ‘yes’, almost tripping over your own feet in the process, and he just nodded, taking your place in the bench as you walked to your next exercise.
you thought that having to see you almost everyday would make him open up, but the green haired man always kept you at arms length, never letting you past the ‘we are coworkers’ wall. you sighed once again, frowning slightly and erasing another random line of letters you typed to look busy. a small cough and an ‘excuse me’ took your attention from the screen, from your thoughts as well, and you turned around, hoping to see zoro standing there. unfortunately, it was one of the guys that always caused some kind of trouble around the gym—your manager didn’t really care enough to kick him out or even give him a warning.
you put on your best customer service smile and blinked sweetly at him. “yes, sir? how may i help you?” you said, trying to not sound like you wanted him gone… which you did.
“can you change the music or something?” he said, placing his hands on the counter and leaning towards you, almost as if he was trying to intimidate you. you raised your eyebrows at his behavior and he carried on, not caring about your reaction. “i forgot my headphones, so i have to listen to what you guys play.”
the smile on your face faltered for a second. the urge to just tell him off, say that him forgetting his headphone wasn't your problem, overwhelmed you quickly; biting your tongue, you answered:
“unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. the playlist is selected by the staff and—”
“you're staff, you can change it then.” he cut you off and smirked, making you almost roll your eyes. “c'mon, this playlist fucking sucks. anything will be better.”
before any other word could escape his crusty lips, a voice you grew used to interjected into the conversation. “i like this playlist.”
you both turned to look at zoro and you bit your lower lip to hide a smile. your coworker was looking terrifying; his arms were crossed, his biceps and shoulders seemed like they were about to burst open the black sleeve of his shirt, and the absolute angry gaze he shot at the man—who was now cowering a little—made you almost feel bad for him.
“is there any problem, sir?” you placed a hand over your mouth, trying to hide your giggle in a subtle way. if you looked at zoro, you would see how the corner of his lips curve up for a moment.
the guy shook his head and put his hands up, slowly backing away from the counter and leaving through the front door. as soon as he left, you allowed a soft chuckle to escape your lips. before you could thank zoro, or call the other guy an asshole, the man in front of you murmured loud enough for you to hear:
“fuckin’ asshole.” he turned to look at you. a deep breath made his chest wave up and down, your eyes flicking from that movement back to his eyes. “you good?”
you nodded. the muscles on his jaw flexed and roronoa opened his lips slightly, as if he was about to say something, but he closed them again. you wish you could be inside his mind, the curiosity of what he wanted to say made you lean forward; you hoped it would make him want to say.
instead, he uncrossed his arms and rubbed the back of his head. “i will be in the back.”
you felt a little bit…disappointed. you hoped he would stay there and talk to you a little more. the situation you just went through was shitty, but it made him stand up for you. you wanted him to stay there, to use the situation as an excuse to be with you for the rest of your shift, but you just nodded.
“i— your buzz cut looks nice.” you blurted out of nowhere, making you want to slap yourself in the face. you prayed he wouldn't notice your embarrassment.
if he did, he didn't mention it. he just chuckled, a deep and husky sound that almost made you giggle again, and growled a ‘thanks’.
as you tried to settle back into your work, you couldn't shake off the small feeling that settled in the pit of your stomach. it wasn't necessarily bad, it just…annoyed you. having the man as your gym crush was already annoying, how would you work with him if you had a real crush? you felt your face heating up even more, but you were pulled away from your thoughts by zoro himself; not even five minutes after he left, he came back to the reception.
“actually…” he started, his eyebrows furrowing. “do you want to work out with me tomorrow?”
the way your eyes widened gave out your surprise, but you quickly answered. “su— sure!” you licked your lips—you were obvious to the way he followed the movement with his eyes and licked his own lips—and sighed. “but the manager did say that thing about ‘no workplace relationships’... not that this would be a relationship, i mean—”
“fuck the manager.” he growled, shutting you instantly. you smiled with joy at his audacity, you wanted to say the same out loud for a while. “see you at the same hour tomorrow, then?”
you nodded. “yeah. same hour.”
he nodded too and walked away, this time a big smirk—it was your first time seeing anything like that—stamped on his face. you scoffed. did you seriously let him defend you and be the one to take the first step?
well…at least that gave you a push to be the one to initiate a kiss.
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2024 © content belongs to lehguru, do not repost, translate or feed it into ai without permission
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sillycyan · 3 months
Hi! Hope u have a good day! Saw you were doing an ask game & thought I'd shoot u one ^^
How about 1 & 24?
hi hi !! I've been wanting to answer all of this ask game stuff for so long, I almost just posted it all myself... so thank youuu aaa YAP TIME WITH TDLR BC DAMN I CAN TALKK..
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
If I'm completely honest, I've been daydreaming and then just roleplaying everything since I was a little lad. I used to have a paracosm of myself as a teacher, and I would act it out with all of my stuffed animals and such. At some point (the entire time), I got a little too into it and was wasting paper because I would go all in and make work, tests, schedules, and nametags for my "students". It was the only thing I did and thought about for a A GOOD FEW YEARS.. But I never wanted to be a teacher ?? it was the first kind of escapism I found in being someone else. And trist me, I was extremely serious about being this teacher. This was not usual kid play. Moving on, all of my current more serious and problem-causing daydreaming began a goooood few years ago, when I was still in early ish elementary and was bullied by actual randoms throughout my entire experience there and in other schools right through middle school as well. It got really bad because at one point I wasn't talking to anyone at school and was left alone with my thoughts. I was already struggling with other issues, so I was able to escape at school and home by returning to what I had done as a child. I used to daydream for hours, almost the entire day, but they were never specific daydreams like my current ones. It seemed to be more scenarios in which I was able to do things that normal people did. I'd sit in class alone, imagining myself talking to people, walking home with someone, or participating in literally anything. Then one thing led to another, and my current main paracosm began officially, and the forever main three, Meil, Reign, and Donis, were formed!! hoorayyyyy igg?? Throughout EVERYTHING, I didn't tell a soul about how much I got lost in my head and was able to hide it fairly well by going on a sort of autopilot.
TLDR : My whole life lowkey HIGHKEYYY..
24. do you have any two paras that are polar opposites to one another? (they don't even have to exist in the same universe, just in general) JUST TWO?!? Actually.. I have the perfect pair for this. There may be a better example of polar opposites, but none can compare to Yasmin and Khoson. They are Lanto family twins and Reign's older siblings by about four years. Their only similarity, I swear, is that they share the same birthday. They are currently doing completely different things. As kids, Yasmin and Khoson often disagreed on everything. If Yasmin loved something, Khoson would likely hate it. Their contrasting behaviors made it seem like they weren't even related. Khoson was always full of energy, running around and being active, while Yasmin was much calmer and preferred quieter activities. When Reign was born, things got even more challenging. They had to learn to share not just their toys but the love and attention of their parents. Yasmin quickly adapted to the new family dynamic, while Khoson found it harder to adjust. This difference between them continued as they grew older. Yasmin always seemed to be a step ahead of Khoson, whether it was in school, making friends, or trying new things. As teens, Yasmin and Khoson found a common ground in music and even started a little band together. Even then, they often fought over what kind of music to play. This "one loves, one hates" problem pushed to everyday things like breakfast, chores, and plans. Although they managed to work things out in the moment, their differences were still clear. At some point, they decided they wanted to be completely different from each other and went out of their way to do so. As adults, Yasmin and Khoson pursued completely different paths. Yasmin excelled in school and decided to pursue a career in medicine like their parents. She is currently a nurse practitioner. Khoson, on the other hand, went after various careers with the encouragement of his parents, attended trade school, and is now a roofer. Their jobs could not be more different. Yasmin is married, has one child with another on the way, and lives in a nice house in their hometown, enjoying a fulfilling life. Khoson, on the other hand, is very single. Though he's had girlfriends, he prefers to focus on his work. He lives alone in a small house and has created his own "found family" in a different town.
TDLR : Yasmin & Khoson. How are they twins BUT NOT TWINS?? Wdym one is a NURSE and the other is a ROOFER?? Make it make sense..
I suppose another example would be "GarfieldGirl" and any other para..
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hiii im the 👾🌙🫒 ask could i have another classpect analysis (assuming i can)? will be more clear this time since i wasnt rly clear in the previous ask
What are your interests/hobbies?
i have a variety of interests, with them being music (especially atmospheric, slightly obscure music that i can vibe w well), escapism of all kinds(?), cats, daydreaming, the internet n technology aesthetics, space aesthetics, thinking/being in my mind all day, and dark rooms(they are the best tbh)
How do you see yourself?
introverted, silent, skeptical, detached, irritable, sarcastic, indirect, ambivalent as hell and self critical. im pretty lonely (voluntarily and involuntarily somehow 💀. also in the sense of friends) but idrc ab it like theres bigger things to worry ab
kinda multifaceted, secretive and VERY private
prone to overthinking and probably a maladaptive daydreamer with social anxiety
VERY commitment avoidant (bc relationship conflict/endings overwhelm me) and disorganized/fearful-avoidanr attachment style
always hungry
How do you think others see you?
well, since im VERY image oriented im very concerned ab that
people can perceive me as anything depending on what personality im showing (ifykwim), i tend to act much differently around different people
for example im more bold and loud around my siblings n parents, more silent and meek around strangers and friendly and sarcastic around close ppl
but overall i think people see me as introverted, loner and creative
How do you interact with your friends?
well, i dont really consider people as friends or anything due to commitment issues (see semi-final part in "How do you see yourself?") but anyways, im basically the weird silent friend that surprises everyone when they speak + sarcastic remarks. i love lurking gcs/discord channels n watch shit go down
What’s important to you? (Specific people, ideas, morals, objects, ect.)
i have this weird thing that makes me believe that if something bad happens to me, i must have done something. anyways i consider my family, considering both morals/emotions and logic, and my phone(💀💀) important.
i dont really have much to say here
Describe the ideal you, what kind of person do you strive to be?
fuck thats kinda personal but ill try not to get too personal here
someone more friendly, direct, calm, logical and independent. everything else is kinda personal but in short someone that isnt me 🤷🏾 aaand everything else in my previous ask
Hello! That's no problem :)
For classes I'm feeling Mage or Knight and possibly Maid
For aspects I got Breath and Mind, and maybe Heart and Space
Out of these I'd say the most likely for you is Mage of Breath, followed by Mage of Mind, Knight of Breath, and Knight of Mind
Sorry for the wait, Let me know if you have any questions!
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kafkaoftherubble · 11 months
Other than the stuff we are already keeping an eye on, like Jujutsu Kaisen (both anime and manga) and the Killing Vote and To Your Eternity and Loki Season 2, I now also have
Pluto (anime) - Sci-fi with good-ass philosophical questions will always be my jam! Plus, I find robots' struggle with humanity usually compelling and useful to extend to real-world ideas. Wondering when will the Three Bodies Problem finally come around—or should I watch the Chinese version? It's a bit of a slog though, I heard.
Lupin Season 3! - Past Lyndises loved confidence people and shows about them to bits—even the me now still remember their sheer delight and love for these stuff!
The Apothecary Diaries - Again, past Lyndises would probably love Maomao either as a best friend material or a kin material. Using poison and medicines to help navigate through politics was one of our daydreams!
One of these days I really should start watching The Bureau. Statecraft is our passion.
I've begun picking Tears of the Kingdom up again after a long hiatus. I still have a lot of stuff I haven't done here!
I can't believe my muscle memory for Monster Hunter Sunbreak is still there. In fact, it overpowered my muscle memory for Tears of the Kingdom...
One of these days I might replay Astral Chain again. I think the Legions are really good-looking, but I kinda just like how much the Legions seem to represent ghosts in a cyberpunk setting. Only a few people can see them, and they seem like mindless creatures who don't speak, but they are actually very subtly human. Also, the game is crazy fun.
However! I really want to play both Super Mario Wonder and...
World of Horror!!! I really, really, really wanna play World of Horror!
Ya know, I know this is a controversial take, but I always think my—and a few more recent versions of us—are quite the hypocrites sometimes. We always try to stop ourselves from indulging in escapism, either out of worry that it will worsen our condition, make us look away from reality too much, or just make us inattentive/unperceptive/unmindful of the very real people and things in the world out here. And yet, dissociation is such an ingrained feature of our brain that it's one of the things we've inherited since childhood. We used to dissociate without warning. When things became overwhelming, the brain themself forcibly dissociated, and we started to sing and laugh and daydream in the wreckage! It's a feature of us, and honestly, isn't all of that really just another kind of escapism?
We wouldn't be functional or well-adjusted without being a little loose in our screws, guys. And honestly, aren't we at our best when we mix the real and the unreal together? When we have one foot in both?
But what do you think? You who inherited us... and the others.
Also, how were the shows and the games?! Did we like it?!
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iwantapidgeon · 1 year
My friend wanted me to write a story based on the prompt:
“Jimmy Neutron opened the door of his house to find a 23 year old monkey with type II diabetes and parkinsons to jump out of a light buld and eat his face.”
I have never watched Jimmy neutron, so with the help of fandom.com and my overactive imagination, I created;
Jimmy‘s New Neighbor Must Suffer
By @ayaayeposts
Dead dove don’t eat, experimentation, animal cruelty, unethical experiments, animal death, slight torture, needles, narcissism, violence onto children, animal attack, mauling, heavy descriptions of gore.
..And all that Jazz
When Jimmy Neutron’s dad told him they were getting a new neighbor, Jimmy didn’t know how to feel. On one hand, a new person to impress with his genius was always a bonus, but on the other hand, what if his new neighbor was some kind of freak?
“Jimmy, if your neighbor’s a freak, you can just turn him into a llama or something, right?” Carl Wheezer, one of Jimmy’s best friends, stated, stuffing his mouth full of goldfish as he walked through the halls of their school.
“Theoretically, it should be possible, using the basic mechanics of theoretical molecular biology, but the ethics science board would never let me get away with it! Those people are watching hawks when it comes to possibly unethical experiments. Trust me, I’m already on two warnings and three Geneva violations!”
Johnny took a long breath. “In simple terms, no.” Carl blinked. “You broke ethical laws-?”
“Anyway- my Mom is making us invite him over.” Jimmy said, completely ignoring the question of his morality by one of his best friends. “Any advice?”
“Uh- Don’t eat anything with dairy? It makes my stomach hurt..” Carl’s weak immune system was clearly the result of years of inbreeding and horrible genetics. Of course, Jimmy would never say this. To his face at least.
“Right- my genes don’t allow for problems such as those- but I’ll keep it in mind Carl.” With that, Jimmy Neutron zoned out for the rest of the school day, until he was finally home.
——— =+=————
That afternoon, Jimmy waited anxiously for the arrival of his neighbor- and low and behold; at exactly 5:30, a short, hairy man knocked on the door. Jimmy’s Mom let him in and Jimmy daydreamed of finally escaping the watchful eye of the government and having the freedom to create a real life saw game.
Through the tidbits of conversation that Jimmy couldn’t block out, he learned the man was twenty-three years of age, had type two diabetes, and that his short boney body contained Parkinson’s disease.
Everything was going fine, until at exactly 6:38 pm, when Jimmy’s new neighbor, Macbeth, who even names their child Macbeth, excused himself to the bathroom. Jimmy followed, grabbing a baseball bat in the hallway, in case this absolute stranger decided to rob the place.
Jimmy looked down in horror as he watched this complete fucking idiot not watch his step, and crush his robo-dog Godard to peices in a single step.
He’s done did it now…
Holding back his tears, Jimmy raised his baseball bat above his head, and swung down onto the back of Macbeth’s head.
——— =+=————
Three hours later, Macbeth finally, much to Jimmy’s excitement, awoke, strapped to a chair in Jimmy’s room.
“Oh, you’re awake! Lovely.” Jimmy said with a smile, putting on his goggles in the dimly lit bedroom. His lab coat flowed in the wind as his room fan spun, making a loud droning noise, making the room all the more eerie.
“Mmfgh- mmfgh? Mffffgh-!” Panicked muffled noises escaped Macbeth’s mouth, as he struggled with his restraints, the gag around his mouth muffling every noise he could have made.
“Frankly, you don’t deserve to have closure, so I won’t tell you why I’m doing this. But I will tell you this, since you were so fucking stupid, enough to do what you did, I figured you should look just as you are.” Jimmy pulled up his surgical mask.
His face was covered completely now, the dim lights in the room creating a shine on his goggles, enough to cover his eyes, making the lack of visible emotion in this child all the more disturbing.
“Honestly, you’re as stupid as an animal, so why don’t I turn you into one? Enjoy life as an ape, won’t you?” Jimmy raised a large needle, filled with a radioactive purple substance, and without hesitation, plunged it into Macbeth’s thigh.
If he screamed, there was no one to hear it.
——— =+=————
The next day Jimmy woke up refreshed. He brushed his teeth, got ready for school, and ate breakfast.
After Macbeth had made his marvelous transformation last night, Jimmy threw him onto the street, hoping he’d get picked up by a zoo.
Jimmy opened his door, backpack slung against his shoulder- and wait…
Was that a giant bud light can in front of his house? Jimmy squinted and took a step closer. Then-
Something sprung out of the can, at rapid speeds, tackling Jimmy to the ground.
He groaned as his head hit the floor, but before he could take a breath, a searing pain tore through his chest, as something- or someone landed on top of him, digging what felt like sharp claws into his body.
Suddenly, before Jimmy could even register what was happening, a finger dug into his mouth, pulling painfully on the skin around his mouth - until suddenly, a chunk of his own cheek came off with a horrible tearing sound.
Jimmy screamed, as white-hot searing pain burst across his face, the squelch of his cheek landing a few feet away giving him an absolute sick feeling.
Warm, sticky blood poured to the ground in what seemed like record amounts, feeling devastatingly sweaty and terribly cold all at the same moment. Drenched in the horrible weight of blood-soaked skin and clothing, Jimmy would have thrown up if he could focus on anything other than the repeated sensations of skin being torn from his body.
Jimmy struggled in vain- panicking, growing more and more desperate to escape by the second, writhing and wrestling around on the ground with the creature on top of him.
His breath came out in deep, fast breaths, as his throat struggled to get ahold of the oxygen in the air. Blood poured out of his mouth and noise, turning his breaths into pitiful wheezes- it felt like he was suffocating on his own blood.
Oh god- he couldn’t breathe-
Every gaspful of air brought a blinding burst of pain into Jimmy’s body, and the air was struggling to get to his lungs, obstructed by the sheer amounts of blood he was coughing up. His vision went blurry, and he could see black spots all around him.
Through all of this, the creature had never stopped attacking, ripping this boy apart from inside out.
It was the most brutal attack reported on the news for a very long time.
Rumors still go around to this day about the malformed chimpanzee who sent a promising young boy into life support for the rest of his life. And who knows? Maybe it’s still out there?
Macbeth the chimp.
Thanks for reading?
Idk why I said yes…
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ruminate88 · 1 year
School Trauma
Whenever I got to the third grade, it was the hardest grade I had to go through. The work itself was so difficult for me, that I struggled to understand, or to even want to try. I was struggling so terribly with the schoolwork, I would spend countless days at recess, trying to finish papers that I never even started. my mother would come to sit with me at recess, and help me do my schoolwork! It was then, that my mother and the school began to have meetings about me, and what should be done to help me. I had one best friend in school, named Lori, who also was labeled with a learning disability and she was deciding to return to the second grade, for she was also struggling like me. I was offered the opportunity to also go back to the second grade with Lori and of course I said yes, as Lori was my only friend and I felt very alone and unwanted. By returning to the second grade, I was now the older of my class. I continue to feel different than others I felt rejected. I felt stupid. I was embarrassed of myself. I was afraid of so many things. I never tried to do things on my own without an adult.
by the seventh grade, I am now conditioned to only lean on adults for help. I was a daydreamer, the only thing I ever felt confident in my whole life, was playing the piano. Both sides of my family are very musical and talented, I have uncles who have written many songs, I, too, was a songwriter however, not feeling, very smart, I didn’t always display my talent for people I kept it to myself. I wrote my first musical piece on the piano. At age 9 I then began to perform it at school. I got some positive feedback in the fifth grade, and then began to have the dream to become a famous musician. In middle school, I also perform songs I wrote on the piano for the school talent shows, however, the feedback was no longer positive, it was negative as other kids did not understand Classical Music. I was not popular, I wasn’t even accepted by other kids with learning disabilities! Lori, was the only one who tried to understand me, and except me!!
I was failing the seventh grade! I was giving up on myself. I had nothing but doubts of myself, I had zero confidence in my abilities to learn, and to do schoolwork. All I wanted to do was daydream. I believe the reason I was daydreaming so much was to escape my reality. Also, in fifth grade, I began to become extremely hormonal and sexual. I consistently daydreamed about the opposite sex and questioned what sex is, and what it is to me. That was all I had! I also was very embarrassed, and did not feel smart, my mother being such a Christian woman, my fear was to have the sex talk with her…
so I avoided sex ed, I avoided the sex talk, I knew I had touched myself privately multiple, multiple times, and I was just too embarrassed. I kept all of my feelings, fears, doubts and insecurities all to me. I assume my mother knew just how bad I was struggling and there was no reason to say anything.
because I was failing the seventh grade, my teachers aid, had a soft spot for me, because I was a good child, I never was a behavior problem in school so she began to give me all the answers so that I could finish and pass the seventh grade! Although this aid meant well, she was doing me a disservice by letting me cheat and making me feel as if I didn’t have to do any schoolwork, or even try on my own. I was taking the easy way out, I was not learning or growing. This teacher was stunting my growth and at some point, I began to feel so much guilt for cheating. I came clean to my mother and she was furious so that started the school meetings up again! That was the moment my mother made the very easy choice to homeschool me. Since I felt so rejected in school, and unpopular, I did not feel comfortable with any teachers, I only had one friend, so I was very much on board with homeschool. I did not like getting up early, I did not like riding the bus, I always got motion sickness, riding the bus or I would get headaches a lot. I believe that comes from ADHD. Homeschool was the perfect fit for me, however, I had to completely reprogram myself, and my brain. I started on a journey that was not only scary, full of change, Self growing, self healing, but but also I entered a whole new world of isolation. Being homeschooled meant that I would spend many, many, moments and seconds to myself. It was then, I learnt to talk to myself, I continue to daydream to escape reality, plus I had plenty of time to touch myself…
Although being to myself so much, was lonely and dark, I was so afraid to go back to school, I was willing to do anything to stay out, and to stay home. A year after homeschooling my mom’s mom was diagnosed with dementia. My grandmother was no longer capable to live alone so my mother being the baby of her family, she was the one my grandmother wanted to live with her we then had to move in with my grandma, my brother being so much older than me was already married and having kids I was the only child at that point still home. After we move in with my grandmother, I am the one home during the day doing school work, but I’m also the one there to help take care of my grandmother. This was the moment I took on the “Care Taker” role of the family….
My brother also needed a babysitter, I was the only free option available. I was actually on board with the idea, as it took away from having to focus on school work, which by the way, I still did not feel confident to do by myself, even though my mom was pushing for me to do things on my own, reprogramming my belief system about myself.
Being homeschooled also meant that I had no way of meeting people my age. I had no way of talking to the opposite sex yet I was very very sexual within myself, but couldn’t explain it or understand it I would daydream about celebrity boy bands and how I wanted to be sexual towards them but yet I knew nothing about how to have sex. I was in a fantasy land mindset. I was never in reality as my reality was so difficult to navigate feeling weak, vulnerable and not smart enough. Also feeling not excepted or wanted I felt like an outcast. The only confidence I ever had was playing the piano! Therefore, I wanted to be a famous musician, and I idolized many, many other musical artists.
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jamie-leah · 3 years
Bucky x Reader
Summary: Everyone thinks you're a traitor but Bucky isn't convinced.
Word: 2592
Warnings: Swearing, action stuff, hints at abuse and violence at the end.
A/N: I had a half formed daydream that turned into this. Starts strong, ends weak, enjoy!
Oneshot Masterlist Series Masterlist
Steve throws your file on the desk in front of Bucky. Bucky just stares at your face on the front of the folder, pinned by a silver paper clip.
Silver was your favourite type of jewellery. Bucky remembered storing the information away for when he bought you a silver necklace for your birthday not long ago.
“I’m sorry, Buck, but we had an operative confirm everything I just told you. Y/N is a contract killer, an assassin and she was sent here to infiltrate and kill. Namely, all of us.”
Bucky hears the words coming from Steve’s mouth, but he can’t understand them. Images of you flash in his mind. You laughing at one of his lame jokes, you crying in his arms from a nightmare, you underneath him moaning his name as he kisses a trail down your neck.
Bucky shakes his head, “I don’t believe that Steve, I can’t. Who’s the source? How do you know they’re legit?”
Steve picks up a remote and points it at a screen in the room. It blinks to life on a still image of you in a restaurant, kissing the cheek of one of the most prominent mob bosses in the city and known Hydra agent.
Bucky stands so fast his chair cracks on the floor as he tears out of the office at full speed. He skips passed the elevator and takes the stairs, missing steps in his rush.
He keeps going and going until he hits the lowest level underneath the tower and storms passed all the guards. None of them challenge him, too afraid of the former Winter Soldier to get in his way.
As Bucky gets to the cells, he grabs an agent by the scruff and grinds out, “which cell?”
They all knew who he was talking about. Everyone would be talking about this for a while to come. The agent points into the open space of cells and stutters, “its, c-cell 203”.
Bucky drops the agent and stalks through the cells until he finally comes to 203. He steps into view with clenched fists and doesn’t pause before he asks, “why?”
You sit on the edge of the cot, elbows on knees, staring at the grey wall opposite. It takes you a moment to build up the courage to look at him. You never intended for this to happen. You never wanted to get feelings involved, but as you look at Bucky, you know it’s far too late for that now. Now you have a mess on your hands.
You debate how to play this. Do you keep up the contract killer façade or do you confess, tell him everything you’ve ever wanted to tell another human being before?
“Barnes, I should have known you would pay me a visit sooner rather than later.”
Bucky felt like you had struck him in the face with the way you addressed him, but he holds firm, “why?”
“Why what? I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific”, you reply coolly as you stand to face him.
Bucky changes his question, “is it true? Are you a contract killer?”
It takes you a few moments to keep the mask in place, “yes”.
You watch the pain flash across his features for the briefest of moments before he locks it away to be felt in private. It breaks your heart, but you’re so used to the feeling it never shows on your face.
Bucky goes to turn from you, wanting to get away, the sight of you too much to bear. You throw a question out into the void between you before he can retreat, “are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
Bucky never turns back to look at you, but he whispers, “was any of it ever real?”
Despite knowing this was the question, despite hearing it from a few people across your lifetime, it was the first time it ever hit you in the gut with such force you had to take a silent gulp of air before choking out, “no”.
He leaves without another word.
You wait a few days. Working out the routine of the place before you wait for your next move.
You wait with your back to a small portion of the concrete wall next to the cell door. A blind spot. And when the guard brings your food and slides it under the metal bars, he looks up to find you missing.
Just as he steps closer to look, you strike. You shoot your arms between the bars and pull so hard his head bangs into the metal and he crumples, out cold.
You drag is body parallel to the door and you sweep his body for keys. You start to lose hope when your hand flits over cool metal and a little jingle rings out.
You wait fifteen minutes until lights out and the use the keys. You drag the guard into the cell, swapping your uniforms before closing the door and locking him in. You check all your hair is tucked until the cap before heading for the locked door between freedom and your prison.
You rap on the metal with your heart beating furiously against your ribcage. But the door opens without a problem and you have to stop yourself from sprinting down the hall and up the stairwell.
Once you make it up one flight of stairs with no alarms raised you start to sprint. Before you leave, you have to make it back to your room for your go bag. You can’t leave it when it has all the information you need for what started this all off.
You run and run and run. You run until your lungs burn with a fire that’s been flowing in your veins since you were born. You run until your legs scream at you to stop and just when you don’t think you can take any more flights of stairs, you make it to the top.
You stop. Your hand on the handle, taking a moment to get your breathing under control. You push the handle down slowly and open the door a crack to find the hallway in darkness.
You slip through and creep on the tiles without a sound as you make it to the first spare room in the hall.
You get into the room no problem and let out a breath when you realise no one knows you used this room to stash your information.
You waste no time in grabbing your go back from the closet, checking everything you need is in there before heading for the door again. Three steps from the exit and alarms scream out, waking everyone from their slumber. The alarm is followed by a female robotic voice, “alert, alert, prisoner escape. Alert, alert, prisoner escape.”
You swear under your breath as you rush out the door to see Bucky, Natasha and Sam at the end of the hall, near the stairway. Your only exit.
They spot you seconds after you spot them, and you take off running in the opposite direction. You can’t afford a hand to hand with all three of them. As confident as you are in your abilities they have just as much, and you don’t want to hurt them.
They shout in your direction, but you ignore them as you unzip your bag and rummage around for a miracle. You get to the living space when you finally feel it and a flimsy plan comes to mind.
You turn, gun in both hands as you drop the go bag. Bucky, Natasha and Sam all creep into the room, guns pointed in your direction as yours is in theirs.
“There’s nowhere else to go now, Y/N,” Sam says in his calm way.
You hold firm, the sofas keeping the four of you apart. You look in Bucky’s direction as you talk, “things are more complicated than they seem. And I’m sorry you were caught up in it. I’m not a good person and I’ll get what I deserve, but I have something I need to do first.”
“And what’s that? Kills us?”, Nat asks.
You shake your head, still looking at Bucky, “If I wanted to kill you, I could have done it three times over. You’re not my mission.”
“Then give yourself up and explain.” Sam tries to reason.
You lower your gun slowly, “it would take too long, and you may never believe me. I can’t afford that, and I’ll never get a chance like this again.”
Bucky remains silent throughout the whole exchange, but you study each other the entire time. You try to convey that you lied earlier before reaching up your arm with lightning speed.
Two shots and the chandelier that Stark insisted on installing for the living room crashes in front of the three as you turn and shoot the glass window. As the glass spiderwebs, you drop the gun and run at full speed. You have a moment to acknowledge that throwing yourself from the top of the tower is the dumbest move you’ve ever made as the air rushes to greet you.
You twist with a hand in your pocket and throw upwards, watching and praying for your miracle to work as the rope and hook catches and you plummet.
You fall down the building on the rope watching the ground and unclip at the last second, rolling with the momentum as the impact jars through your bones.
Bucky couldn’t believe you threw yourself out the window. He was the first to recover, leaping over the lights and the sofa to dive head first after you. He digs his metal hand into the concrete and slides down after you.
He sees you roll and run immediately like the pro that you are and wastes no time pursuing you.
You dart between traffic and glance behind to see him behind you. You growl in frustration at the stubborn solider, having to change your plans once again as you head for the roads.
You instinctively feel Bucky gaining on you with the serum pumping through his veins so when you spot a cargo truck coming on the road below. You don’t hesitate to jump off the road you’re on and slam into the truck underneath.
Your lungs scream for the third time that night as all the air leaves them, but you pay no attention as you look up to find Bucky staring after you.
You walk in the quiet of the night, looking down at the folded piece of paper. You check you have the right address when the empty warehouse finally comes into view. You slip in without any problems and head over to the machine where you stashed more stuff.
Just as you go to reach for the bag you hear the click of a gun. You freeze. You turn slowly, with your hands visible and find yourself staring into the face of Bucky and the barrel of his gun.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes and sigh, “how did you find me?”
“Please, do you really think I don’t know you after all this time? After our talk in the cells, I checked all the spare rooms. Found your go bag and the addresses. This was the closest one to the tower”, Bucky replies with an easy shrug.
You nod your head, “but if you found them, why did you leave them there? Why didn’t you tell anyone else?”.
“Tell me what’s going on, Y/N”, Bucky dodges the question.
You knew there was no other way out of this now. You had to tell him if you ever had a hope of getting this done tonight.
“Look, can you put the gun down-“
“Not until you tell me what’s going on. I can’t trust you.”
You pretend like his words don’t hurt, though they’re warranted, “okay, okay. Look, most of it is true. I am a contract killer. Long story short, I was born into a mob family. Mum died giving birth to me and left me and my older sister with my piece of shit father, the “use you as an ashtray type father”. At least he did with my sister. She took the brunt of his shit…anyway, when I turned 13 and had my first period, he sold me to a man. That man? Was the mob boss I know you saw me with, Joe Selene. I’ll skip passed all the torture and right to the part where he trained me as a contract killer for him and bided my time. My father had gone underground and with my limited access to resources I couldn’t find him.”
Bucky lowers the gun as you go through your story, his features softening at your tale of tragedy.
“I swore to my sister that I would come for her but I needed to gain the trust of Selene so I could get the resources to find my father. That was when he got involved with Hydra and they asked him to take you out. I agreed, knowing that you would have all the resources I needed to find my father and my sister.”
Bucky shakes his head, “why didn’t you tell me, us, any of this? We could have helped you.”
You look away from him, “because about a week after I got to the tower, I read my sisters name in the obituary. All the people I had killed to get to my sister was for nothing. She died alone, waiting for a rescue that never came and I knew…I knew that I was going to kill that bastard for everything that happened. I also knew that none of you would let me. You would reason about justice and doing things the right way. But I know what’s right and that’s that bastard six feet under and in hell.”
You look back up at Bucky to find him already watching you. You square your shoulders and jut your chin as you say, “so, you’re either with me or against me and so help me God, if you try to stop me from leaving this building and killing that piece of shit, I will not hesitate to put you down. I told you that you’re not my mission, but I will damn make sure nothing gets in the way.”
Bucky nods, “I’m in.”
You turn back to your bag and pull out the knives to strap around your body. You hand a few to Bucky and he takes them without a word.
As he turns to head back out of the warehouse you throw the question out again, “are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
Bucky turns to look at you this time. He captures your eyes with his as he stares into your soul and whispers, “was any of it real?”
You reply without hesitation, “yes. Every single word.”
Bucky takes a few long strides before grabbing your face with his hands and crashing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. You return with the same ferocity, gripping his shirt in your fists to try and bring his body closer to yours.
When you can no longer breathe, you break the kiss. You both pant as Bucky brings his forehead down to meet yours. He whispers, “after we go drop a few bodies, what do you say we go take a trip. Just you and me?”
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zeldas-cigarrette · 3 years
⊱┊𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬. ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃
— pairing; ⚢donna sheridan x fem!reader
— word count; 3.3k
— summary; Sophie organised an afternoon of speed dating for her mother. You happened to be a customer at the certain restaurant it took place, and it seemed as if Donna was more interested in you than in all the guys that came for her. (lots of fluff because I can’t bring myself to write smut atm. ) xx
— fluff 🍰₊˚.༄ ೃ -
—❥ author’s note; My obsession with Meryl Streep keeps me sane during all those exams I have atm… Again, I’m so sorry for not posting my requests but I tried finishing them all but when I read them again they were so insanely bad, I can’t upload them… I will rewrite them probably next weekend (if I have enough time). But thanks for sticking around although I’m not as active (which will change in a few weeks, when I’ve finished my finals).
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈ ꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ✧˖*°࿐
🏷 tag list; @paulawand , @pearplate
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The sun was already burning down when Donna found out about her daughter's plans for the afternoon. Apparently, Sophie decided to host a speed dating for her mother in some restaurant on the island. She wasn’t interested in the first place but for the sake of her daughter, Donna decided to give it a try - maybe she’ll find the love of her life? It wasn’t until both mother and daughter arrived at the chosen restaurant when the older woman started worrying about what’s to come behind those doors. The few birds that gathered on the windowsill started chirping as if they were trying to warn her, „don’t go in!” but it seemed too late for that. „I don’t know if this is the right thing Soph,” Donna lurked through the window, seeing a couple of older guys waiting eagerly for someone to entertain them. „It’s gonna be fun Mum, just let it happen,” and with the huge smile spread over the young girl's face, she pushed the door open. Quickly the smell of food surrounded both women.
Only a couple of women were interested in dating as well, everyone was already sat on separate tables only waiting for the main host to start the thing. On the first look, none of these men caught her eye, none of them looked attractive. However, who was she to judge? Said and done, Donna took a seat opposite of a man with full fair hair and glasses. The two minutes started in which they were supposed to get to know each other.
You were sat in the corner of the restaurant, observing the show you were offered from afar. The people, including the owner, were making a fuss about the speed dating someone had arranged. You had moved to the island just a couple of months ago and though such things as speed dating were a pretty common thing in England, it seemed to be hardly a thing around here. Chewing on a shrimp, you wanted to hold back the laughter when you saw the angelic-looking woman’s face when one of the guys seemingly told her an interesting fact about him. She didn’t look very happy with the selection of men. Luckily you had an amazing view of the ocean and you could watch the sun gleaming on the water.
For every passing minute, Donna regretted the decision she made. The first guy was as dull as his name, Tom had 15 cats. He told her a story of when a few of his cats got sick and vomited in his flat. It was a full-on ramble for two minutes not letting his opponent get to word for once. Donna wasn’t sure if she had control of her face, but if she wasn’t at least the guy knew how horrible he was. The next one - didn’t even introduce himself - was shy. So shy that he only stared down on his fingers. Therefore when Donna made the first move and told him a little about her life, he could only nod and blankly stare a hole into the hotel owner.
Sunken in a daydream, you scribbled something in your notebook hoping the words would turn into poems. When you first came to the island you had hoped to overcome the ongoing writer's block, but until now not even the alluring landscape could change that. It ever so often occurred that your eyes landed on the woman with the golden locks not sure if it’s because of how dissatisfied she looked or if it’s her that captured you. Often you came to this restaurant to get the words flowing or to talk to the owners. They have been welcoming from the first moment, so you decided to go there again and again until it became the only restaurant you’d go to.
Meanwhile, Donna was meeting the fourth guy that wanted to meet her. It seemed to be a better start than the rest of the guys, he wasn’t perfect but neither was he as self-centered as the ones before. Their conversation was good until he dropped the 'women belong in the kitchen’ bomb. It ruined everything for her. „Alright people, we’re gonna take a short break so everyone can let the impressions sink in,” Sophie quickly interrupted when she saw how uncomfortable her mother felt. Each of the participants got up and walked out on the terrace or ordered drinks from the bar. Donna scoffed and buried her head in her hands. „This is awful,” it was only a whisper but audible to her daughter. „I’m sorry, I really thought that you’re gonna have fun,” the girl replied. Without another word the woman got up and wanted to walk a few steps to stretch the tense muscles in her leg when she spotted you sitting in the corner of the room.
She took small steps to reach your table, she was curious about what you were doing there all alone scribbling in your notebook. At first, you didn’t notice her coming towards you, but when you did she seemed as if a halo would enlighten her. The notebook was closed in an instant when you realized that you were the aim she was about to reach. „Hi” you greeted her with a wide smile. „Hello, I noticed you sitting all alone,” it was obvious that Donna searched for an opportunity to escape the dating hell her daughter had organised. You saw in how deep of misery the woman was. „Would you like to sit with me for a while?” you requested and pointed at the chair opposite of you. The noise in the overfilled restaurant was deafening so the blonde woman didn’t bother using words and just pulled out a chair. „You don’t know in how many ways you just saved me,” she smirked and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. You blushed but tried to hide it while leaning your face in both of your hands.
„I saw you’ve been busy over there, isn’t speed dating fun?” you teased not knowing if it was alright to overstep this line. „They’re all abhorrently boring and irritating,” the woman huffed and throws a disapproving look at the crowd of men. You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, you’ve never had the problem with weird men. „I’m Y/n by the way,” you reached out your hand which she gladly shook. „Nice to meet you, my name’s Donna.” Even her name sounded angelic. The woman’s company brought you joy and even ideas for new poems came to your mind. „You could stay here until it’s over, I don’t mind,” you suggested avoiding eye contact, fearing rejection. „I’d love to,” it sounded like heaven to you. Therefore she stayed and every time you looked at her, you hated to avert your gaze the next second. Although Donna seemed to enjoy herself, the men on the other side of the room looked as if they were disappointed that she left. „One of their cats vomited in their flat,” she told you rolling her eyes. „Aww, I love cats but without the vomiting,” you giggled and tried to find out who it was by just scanning them. „It’s the blond one,” she pointed at a tall, skinny guy. „Oh yes, he absolutely looks like a cat guy,” you remarked dryly not averting your gaze from the giraffe-like man.
Sophie saw her mother sitting with you, smiling and giggling sometimes. She didn’t dare to make her comeback and go through another round.
„Would you like something to eat while you’re waiting for this to be over?” you asked shyly. „Actually, yes! I’ve been starving since we’ve come here and the conversations I’ve had didn’t make it go away,” Donna explained and bit down her lip. You waved for Elias, a waiter, for her to order. You’ve been exploring the island with him a couple of times and learned that he would rather like to work on the mainland as a teacher than work at his parent's restaurant. The food was served in less than ten minutes and she hummed while eating. „This has to be the best one I’ve eaten yet,” Donna declared while putting the cutlery on her plate.
Donna admired you for your kindness of letting her stay with you, she was lost in the eyes of yours and how your y/h/c hair was blown from the wind from time to time. The opened window offered her a marvellous view on the deep blue ocean. She felt safe in your company and the stories you’d told her about your future plans captured her. „Then why have you decided to come to Kalokairi when you plan on becoming a writer?” the older woman curiously asked. „Well, I had a very severe writers block and wanted to be surrounded by nature and I’ve a lot about this place in tourist guides so I decided to come here to get my writing flowing,” you explained. „Oh I’m sorry, I hope you’ve overcome it by now.” „I think I just did,” you cheekily replied. Unknowingly that your time was up by now, Sophie strutted over to the both of you.
„Mum, I’m sorry to interrupt but we’re done,” the young girl smiled while looking at you. „I’d really like to do this again,” Donna circled with her finger on the table, „I’ll just give you my address and you can come over some time.” Donna scribbled something on a napkin and handed it to you. You tried to hide the huge smile that was about to form on your lips. „Thanks, I’d also love to repeat this,” your whisper was barely audible. Donna just winked before leaving with her daughter, she was gone and left you with butterflies in your stomach. That day you’re writers block seemed to be gone and you were finally able to bring some words on paper.
»As I sat and looked at her and the rolling hills she sat upon I thought, what amazing luck I have that the world had created such beautiful things and given me the eyes to see them.« *
At first, you’ve been too afraid to drop that little poem off at her house, but when you gathered enough courage you just went for it. It was only when you arrived that you realised she was managing a hotel. You quickly dropped it off with your phone number written on it, not brave enough to give it to her in person. The following hours consisted of you having almost a nervous breakdown not wanting to receive rejection again. You had enough of that for a lifetime. Was she even interested in that way or was she just being nice? It took her until the next morning to get back to you, but when she did, it brought your heart to quiver.
She invited you over for a walk along the coastline by sunset. Whenever Donna laughed, it felt as if the world was changing for the better, and she smiled like a goddess. When the sun was almost gone and barely visible, it made the whole island shimmer in a shade of magenta. The older woman seemed as if she took a liking to you, that’s when you realised the arm sneaked around you. It was that day when you never wanted to leave Kalokairi or the high you’ve been on since you first saw her.
Over the weeks you two had somehow developed an unspoken romantic relationship, none of you were brave enough to talk about the strong feelings in between. When Donna wasn’t busy working in the Hotel, you did almost everything together, sat by the beach while you used her as your muse for writing or you two cuddled on the couch.
You had sent your work to a publisher in New York when you had gathered a few more poems and one night you received an email. They actually wanted you in New York, the head of the company wanted to meet you first and if everything goes well he wanted to offer you a contract and an apartment in which you could get your words flowing. Although that sounded like a dream to you, so surreal and perfect to be true, your true new home was the island and the mere thought about leaving was too much. That’s why you didn’t tell Donna. You weren’t sure if this was the right time or if she’d even care.
„Why did they have to leave her out, just because she couldn’t pay for the country club?” the thing you loved about her, was that she always commented on the movies you watched. „It seems unfair to me,” you added and snuggled closer. You were partly on your laptop to check your mails for a confirmation on an order you placed. She was holding you close while her head was resting on yours. It was the smell of the ocean that comforted you and made your eyelids heavy. You had never stayed overnight at her house because you didn’t know if that was alright for her, so you fought against tiredness. Few strands of her hair slightly covered your eyes which only caused you to give in to your exhaustion more.
The steady sound of the movie and her beating heart made you even more tired until you couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. A comforting wave of sleep hit you and soon you were comforted in a dream. It wasn’t until the woman you’d fallen asleep on moved abruptly, that you woke up. „Ouch,” you murmured and your head jolted in an upward direction. „I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” Donna sounded weird but you brushed it off due to the late hour. „Don’t worry, is everything alright?” you then asked while straightening your back. Only a light hum was a response to your question, she then focused on the movie again. Minutes passed and your eyelids started to feel like cement. „Okay, you know what? It’s not okay. I know going through your things wasn’t right, but your laptop was open and I’ve seen the email from the publisher and internally I’m going mad and-“
„Stop,” it was a short but loud enough interruption of her rambling. Donna's eyes grew wide. „I don’t mind if you’re going through my things, but before you assume something you could’ve asked me, because I wasn’t planning on going,” you didn’t want to snap in that way. Only a regretful „Oh..” broke the uncomfortable silence. You felt bad for speaking to her in that tone. „I’m sorry but I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, I just found you.” A small but proud smile formed on your lips, maybe the feelings were mutual. „I’m not going anywhere,” you quietly replied. Both of you started staring at the screen of the tv again, wordlessly. „Y/n?”
You hummed in response. „I think I love you.” „You think?” you laughed, „because I might love you too.” Her hands quickly found your face and pulled you in her direction, „Is that alright?” A slight nod confirmed and Donna’s lips found yours. They moved against yours in sync and that’s when you first noticed how soft they were, she tasted like peach and lavender. „Your hair’s so soft,” she mumbled when she stopped for air, after that Donna quickly found your lips again. „And your cute when you’re all worried,” you added when you gasped for air.
That night you stayed with Donna and fell asleep cuddling her. She wore a blue pyjama with puppies all over it, you were gushing over how adorable she looked.
„Come on we’re going to be late for the ferry if you don’t hurry up,” Donna rushed past you to turn off the kitchen lights. „Yeah yeah don’t rush me or I’m never gonna finish,” you replied and closed your suitcase. You were going home for your father's birthday and they wanted to meet the woman that you couldn’t stop talking about. „Ready?” „Yes.” Donna stretched out her hand for you and pulled you after her. „I hope they’ll like me,” she pondered while loading the suitcases in the trunk. „They will absolutely love you, trust me,” you said and helped her closing up.
The ferry was crowded as usual and you two barely had enough space so Donna demanded you to sit on her lap. „I hope we’re gonna catch our flight,” the woman mumbled and nervously checked her wristwatch. „Don’t sweat it, we’re gonna make it on time it’s still early,” you cackled, knowing that she was nervous. The ferry sailed over the water just as gracefully as a bull in a china shop. When the ferry reached the mainland, Donna and you quickly rushed to a cab and drove to the nearest airport. The sky was flawlessly blue, not a cloud could be seen.
Not a lot of people decided to fly to England on that day, you could count 17 people at the checkpoint. In the meantime Donna was a nervous wreck, the woman constantly fidgeted with the keychains. „Ew your hands are sweaty,” you joked when you took hers in yours, „don’t be afraid, I’m with you the whole time.” Donna forced a smile on her face then followed you on the airplane. It wasn’t a long flight, maybe four or five hours. The start was a rough patch, Donna’s anxiety of flying was at its highest and she was seemingly about to throw up. Luckily you could talk her down and she soon fell asleep.
Arriving in London Southend, which was close to your parent's house, your girlfriend's nerves seemed to be calmed and you almost thought she’d taken something. „Let’s get out of here, my brother’s gonna pick us up,” you declared as both of you got your luggage. „He’s very much into cars and all that stuff, so if he’s annoying you just tell him to shut up, I do this every time.” „Oh I hope it’s not getting too complicated so that I can keep up,” she stifled a laugh and cheerily followed you along to the exit. As usual, your brother couldn’t shut up about the new cars he is about to tune, but luckily the ride was only about 40 minutes.
Your father was fascinated by Donna, the two of them got along quite well and even your mother seemed to approve of your choice this time. There have been a few women she wasn’t fond of, almost hated them and in retrospect, she was right about them. As it got darker outside, your father's guests said their goodbyes and left one by one until only the five of you were left at the table. „We’re gonna go to bed, it’s getting late and I’ve got work tomorrow,” your father declared and clapped his hands on both of his legs before getting up. „Yeah me too,” your brother said.
„Wanna sit in front of the fireplace for a while?” you asked as all of them were gone. „Absolutely.” „Thanks for coming, I was afraid you wouldn’t like my family because of how crazy they are sometimes,” you whispered when you draped a blanket over the both of you. „They’re all lovely people, I’m happy they don’t seem to hate me,” Donna joked. „They don’t, they love you but maybe not as much as I do,” you sweet-talked. Her finger booped your nose before she planted a quick kiss on your forehead. „Can I hold your hand?” she quietly asked. You nodded, feeling her soft palms against yours was enough to make you feel safe. While you sat there watching the fire die out, the grip around Donna got tighter, fearing she’d be gone as soon as the sun rises. But she wasn’t, she was still there in the morning and the morning after and so on. You were happy with her, happier than you would’ve imagined.
* used a poem from atticus
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hford0311 · 3 years
He's Back
*Where the reader is also from the 1940s, and is now a part of the Avengers. Now, she has learned to deal with her displacement in time and moved on from the idea of love, especially after the death of her love, Bucky. Until, one day Steve calls for an emergency meeting where her world is turned around. Word Count: 2.2k*
Whispers were indistinctive around the Avengers Tower that you could never end up being a part of. When you made your entrances in different rooms, people would instantly stop talking, even if you were nearly silent coming in the room.
"Okay!" You exclaimed and threw a glass cup in the sink when it happened once again. "Do I need to set up a meeting, so I can be told what's being whispered around or something?" You yelled at Nat, Tony, and Bruce. They were shocked by your response. "I'm tired of this stupid silent treatment." You added, almost panting in anger. "Y/n," Bruce started to speak before the other pair in the room shot him disapproving looks. "No, tell me, Bruce. I can handle it." You stated. "Yeah, the cup can really tell that you can handle something," Tony dully remarked. "So you're going to stop everything to make sure that I do not know the stupid secret that everyone else in the tower gets to know but me. Cool, thanks, Tony," you stomped out of the room.
Steve was gone, the only person from your time, and he was the only person that you could confide in at times. You were also from the 1940s. You were friends with Steve and actually Bucky's girl up until his death in 1945. You were a nurse during the war. They shipped you off to Germany. There, you were one of the captured nurses that were forced to treat the German soldiers, and HYDRA decided that you were useful enough to keep around for decades. On and off ice for decades.
You kept messaging Steve to know when he was going to be back and where he had gone. It took hours for him for him to respond Emergency Meeting at 8. You tried knowing the content of the meeting, but he did not give you a response. You huffed and stayed put in your room until 7:55. That's when you walked into the main living area, where everyone was surrounded, including Steve. There was chatter, they obviously have not noticed you yet, this time. Steve asked everyone to back up and give them room. Them? You mentally questioned, who else is here?
The mini crowd back up and dispersed more in the living room. That's when you saw him. You were slightly embarrassed yourself when you noticed how you had pinched yourself. When you met his eyes, you felt time slow. He was not paying attention to anyone else either. You walked a few steps closer, "Hey, Sarge," you gently said. Bucky's body and face softened at your voice. "Long time, no see," you gave him a small smile. You could tell he wanted to reach out to you, but something was holding him back. Suddenly, you felt your stomach drop and a large amount of feelings suddenly attack you. For over half a century, you've known of his death, and it took you so long to accept that he was dead. Now, everything had backfired. All of that had now changed. You felt yourself beginning to sob. Bucky, your Bucky is alive. "This can't be real," you whispered and ran to your room.
The nightmares came back to you. There were incredibly recurring and were from your, what you call, main past being the 1940s and 1950s. However, they did not just include the horrible reliving the past like they used to be when you experienced them before. They included the screams and cries from Bucky to you. Your name and cries for help kept repeating, but you could never find where they were coming from until it was all dead silent, and you awoke panting and sweating. A few of the times included you crying out for him too and patting over the bed until you realized it was a dream.
This time after waking from the nightmare, you grabbed your throw blanket, quietly escaped your room, and went out to one of the patios. It did not matter how many times you did this, the view was always something that distracted you from the nightmares that occurred. The lights from all the apartments and other buildings were something that you always appreciated about living in the city. It did not matter that you were awake because you were not the only one. Sometimes, you would people watch and make up stories of the shapes of people that you go in and out of their lit living areas. It was all comforting. The opening of the sliding door made you jump in your seat a little, but you were fine when you saw it was Steve.
"Another one," he questioned and sat in the chair next to you. You nodded and wrapped the blanket around you tighter. "You know you can talk to whenever about them." Steve reminded you like he always does. Sometimes you debated making up a fake one to tell him about, so he could leave you alone about it. But like always, you pursed your lips and shook your head, "I'm fine," you quietly spoke. Steve sighed and looked out into the city. "It makes you wonder why their all up sometimes." He changed the subject that he knew he could get you to talk about. You gave a silent, second longing laugh before answering, "That's when you make up people stories. Like that building," you pointed at one about the height of where the patio was, the third closest building on the right, "on the third floor down from the top and fourth one to the right that couple are planning their wedding, it's going horribly, but they keep having fun along the way." You had a comfortable smile.
"Ever wonder what's that like anymore?" Steve asked while he looked at the window you exposed to him. You audibly scoffed, "Maybe almost a century ago, but I haven't ever since." Steve gave you a sad but understanding look. "Dedicate myself to fighting with the Avengers, I don't think any dreamboat could handle it. Just a single dame till the day I die...whenever that will finally be," you finished by rolling your eyes. You watched Steve looked at you with shock. "Well, Y/n, I'm surprised by you," he stated and leaned back in his chair, "I thought you would think differently with Bucky here. I know I have." You gave him a sad smile, "Steve, you and I both know that that person is not the Bucky we know and..." You faded into silence and looked back out. "Y/n, you haven't even-" "I know!" You paused after hearing yourself echo slightly, "I know, I haven't." You added much quieter. "The thought terrifies me, especially after coming to acceptance that my....was no longer, and being kidnapped with no hope in sight, I turned into a cold person. I saw him, a-and I-I..." you paused again, "I wasn't--fuck, I still don't know how to react to it, and I...am very mixed emotion about everything with him. On one hand, there's....what we had," your hands really helped you do the talking, "and now...I'm sure he has gone through worse than me. I'm sure he doesn't want to add anything to my plate of trauma, and I don't want to add to his." You finished.
"Y/n, you can't even get yourself to say Bucky's name." Steve pointed out to you. That's when emotions started. "Steve," you heavily exhaled, "that's the problem. Some nights, I wake up screaming for him. I pat my bed looking for him! I haven't done that since his mother told me about the soldiers coming up to her about his KIA in the '40s, Steve! I have nightmares of him screaming for me to help him, and I can never find him!" You took a large breath. "I am in an internal battle of wanting to run and jump in his arms like I wanted to do so badly when I daydreamed about the war being over and becoming a wife of an American hero while also wanting to stay the hell away from him because...well, everything after that to now!" You rubbed your forehead. "Y/n, he's here. Try something. Do you think he doesn't have the same feeling?" You looked up at the sky and shook your head. "It's terrifying." You breathed. "So is waking up from the ice, but we survived that." Steve said before getting up and going back in the tower.
Right on time again, up and terrified. You repeated your routine of going outside. You hummed old, familiar songs as you did. One of your favorite couples were dancing by their window. "You really have it all figured out, don't you?" You whispered, even though you knew you would never get an answer back. They were comfort characters in your world. You were so entranced by them that you did not noticed the other human walk out onto the patio as well, until he spoke. "Old habits never die." Your neck swiftly changed directions in shock at the voice. You tightened the blanket from a nervous habit. "Somethings never do," you simply added before turning away. However, your eyes kept glancing towards him. You noticed the recent haircut compared to when you saw him the other day at shoulder's length or a little beyond. "But so many things often do." He responded. "Can't ever go back even if we truly desired to." You added back to him.
There was silence. Eye contact never fully met. Under different circumstances of no history involved, some would say it resembled high school crushes. He finally gave in first and turned around to face you, hands on the railing of the patio. You noticed then that the left one was vibranium. You sighed and looked back at the couple near the window while humming songs from the '40s. Then, after a short while, you heard Bucky add to your humming. You stopped and shyly smiled back at him. "Music is nothing like it used to be," you mentioned. He lightly laughed and nodded. What came from your mouth next, you didn't really have control over, maybe it was an instinct like when you talk to Steve, maybe it was something you did not know you truly desired now.
"Want to head to my room and listen to it?" You couldn't avoid eye contact when he looked back at you now. You said it loud and clear enough that he looked over at you with a hint of shock. "That'd be nice," Bucky responded with a hint of a smile.
At first, it did start as simply that, listening to the records while sitting on your set of velvet wide wingback chairs. The occasional glances and small smiles shared. Then, Bucky made a move. He stood from his chair and stood in front of yours, offering you a dance. "Oh, Bucky, I haven't danced since-" "1943?" You nodded at him finishing your sentence. "I haven't either," he added and as gentle as he could be, he grabbed your hand to pull you up to dance with him. You allowed it to happen, resistance did not feel right to you in that situation.
The dancing started stiff and cautious like neither of wanted to frighten the other. However, it grew into a more fluid dancing, the pair of you getting more comfortable with each other. After a couple hours, you felt comfortable enough to rest your head on his chest. "Don't fall asleep on me, Y/n doll." He quietly said, which made you look up at him with curiosity at the old nickname. "I'm sorry," he admittedly said. "I shouldn't have-" "Don't apologize," you deeply whispered and leaned up, kissing Bucky's cheek. Then, his lips, after so many decades, had reconnected with yours, quick and short turned into long as well as passionate.
The world around you both felt like it turned back to 1943. The room was now Bucky's apartment, his clothing turned into his sergeant uniform, yours into the red shirtwaist dress, and time didn't hurt the pair of you like the present. "Never leave me again, James Buchanan Barnes." Your lips drew together and bodies grew closer. "Wouldn't dream of it, Y/n doll," Bucky would mutter against your lips and pulled your closer by the waist.
As your back landed on the bed, you physically felt your breath being caught. "Bucky," you exhaled in a tone that was no longer flirtatious or excited, rather it was a sad realization. The dimly lit apartment, the uniform, the red dress, all of it turned back into reality of your room in the Avengers Tower. You can see that the dream ideal world had broke from his eyes as well. "Bucky," you breathed as you stood and softly grabbed both sides of his face, "you were gone. You were gone for so long." You lightly cried. He embraced you, holding you close to his chest. "I know, doll." Bucky lightly kissed the top of your head. You gripped the back of his shirt. "Don't ever do that again." You whispered into him. "Why would I ever do such a thing?" Bucky held you tighter.
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fangirlfics · 3 years
Trouble Sleeping (Loki x reader)
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I swear if this deletes for a third time Im gonna cry 
also I didn’t finish reading it over for mistakes bc I’m lazy 
summary: y/n and Loki used to be very close friends and sometimes when she had bad nightmares he’d use his magic to calm her mind, a few years have passed and they’ve grown apart. Her nightmares come back and hesitantly she seeks Loki’s help again 
word count: 3,592 wahahahaha
y/n leaned over one of the balconies that overlooked the kingdom’s private garden. The weather was perfect, the temperature ideal, sky blue, and the plants were all thriving feet below her. Despite the scenery however y/n’s attention was fixated elsewhere. 
Down in the depths of the garden, propped up on one of the fancy golden benches was the youngest Asgardian prince-Loki. His dark raven hair was combed back as he turned to the next page in his novel, the cover matching the shade of green displayed on his clothes. y/n couldn’t help but sigh as she watched the handsome prince, they had once had an unbreakable bond. It was always Loki and y/n-best friends, one wouldn’t be seen without the other. But somewhere among their late teenage years, Loki had become more cold and distant towards y/n-leaving her alone in the giant halls of the castle to wander alone. That’s when her and Thor’s relationship grew stronger-she had always been friends with the God of Thunder but after her and Loki’s relationship crumbled to pieces he was there to cheer her up. 
“Oh there you are!” Thor’s voice boomed-pulling y/n from her daydream. y/n glanced once more at Loki before turning her attention to her tall friend. “I was looking for you!” He beamed. 
“What can I do for you, your highness?” y/n asked with a playful voice.
Thor smiled, putting his hands together before continuing, “I was hoping that you would join me and-” his words faded as he glanced down to the gardens and caught sight of Loki. y/n’s attention soon turned to the railing in front of her as she traced her fingers along it’s smooth surface. “You still watch him.” Thor told her, his normally enthusiastic voice was now dry and serious. “How long have you been thinking of him?”
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, playing with her fingers. “I never stopped.” She confessed, “I know it’s foolish but I can’t help it, I..miss him more than I can even begin to explain.”
Thor was silent as he watched the girl glance back down at the gardens then to the sky. “Let’s go...horseback riding.” He suggested, getting y/n attention. “To lift your spirits, we can go with Sif a-”
“No.“ y/n blurted out, “nobody else-I don’t want to embarrass myself again by falling off my horse.“
Thor chuckled, “nobody is going to think low of you-” he looked at y/n once more sensing her silent plea ”very well then, just us.” He agreed, making her smile.
“Thank you.” She laughed, giving him a hug. It caught Thor by surprise but he then loosely wrapped his arms around y/n in return. “Thank you for everything,” y/n whispered, “really, I don’t know what’d I’d do without you. I’m blessed to have a friend like you.”
“Of course.” 
Neither of the two friends noticed that down in the gardens Loki clenched his jaw, snapping his book shut and silently retreated to his room-they also didn’t notice the pair of blue eyes staring through the window at them, when they returned laughing on horseback. 
 There was fire everywhere, thick black smoke made it impossible for her to breath. She was choking-desperate for air. She fell to the ground as the fire closed in quickly-it’s heat trapping her in the room. There was no hope, no help was coming and it was impossible to escape, with a loud crack the ceiling caved in leaving her trapped screaming out as the furious flames burned her alive. 
y/n woke up with a start, beads of sweat lined her forehead although her room was cool and she found that her hands were shaking. Realizing it was just a dream she lied back down, covering her face with her hands as she tried desperately to fall back asleep. She got no more sleep that night.
The same thing happened again in the coming days and three days later while in training, y/n who was running on less than four hours of sleep was doing rather well. In one quick movement she jumped up-kicking the sword right out of Fandral’s grip. 
“Very good!” Volstagg commented from across the room.
“Yes.” Fandral agreed, “show me that move and I’ll show you some of mine.” He winked.
“Just give me a time and place.” y/n responded playfully, earning a laugh. 
“Impressive.” Fandral commented at her response. (she normally responded to his joke flirting with an eye roll) 
“Yes impressive.” Loki commented from behind Fandral. “That y/n can apparently chase after two men at once.” He said this while staring casually at Thor. Sif went stiff inder the tension and Thor opened his mouth but y/n spoke first.
“I’m sorry?” 
“Well by the looks of it, you can’t seem to decide between Thor and-” 
“Brother that’s enough.” Thor warned, taking a step forward.
“I’m just putting out a warning, you do know what they say about these sort of things.” Loki remarked, not meeting her eyes.
“You know full well that I am not chasing after anyone.” y/n said, growing aggravated. 
“It sure seems that way.”He then opened the door to the room and left.
“You know what?” y/n responded, dropping her sword to the ground with a loud clang “I am tired of this.”
 “y/n I think it best if you ignore him.” Sif spoke up, “nobody is accusing you of anything, we all know you aren’t that sort of person-”
“Thank you Sif, but I am not taking this.“ y/n exited the room in pursuit of Loki, who was a few paces ahead of her walking calmly. 
“I don’t like being followed.“ He simply called out to her, because his room was only about a minute walk away from the training room he reached it fairly quickly.
“What is your problem?“ y/n asked him, putting her foot in between the door and it’s frame as Loki was about to shut it.
“I don’t have a problem, now if you’d excuse me I’d like you to leave me alone.“ 
 “Then leave me alone.” She huffed, “hold your silvertongue and stop acting as if you’re above me because you’re not.”
“Is that all?“ He asked her calmly, “you’re done with your childish tantrum?” 
“Oh you are so-“ y/n narrowed her eyes.
“So what?“ Loki asked with an eye roll.
“Terrible.“ y/n blurted, earning a cold laugh from the God of Mischief.
“So I’ve been told.“ He stated bored.
“No, I mean you’re really terrible and for so many reasons.”
“Such as?“  
“You want a list?“ y/n asked with a bitter laugh, “ok well you think you’re better than everyone and you’re not, you poke fun at other people because it’s amusing to you and-and everyone-I mean everyone thinks that you’re a snake, ever since we were younger, and I can’t believe I’m just now realizing that..they’re probably right.“ He swallowed hard furrowing his eyebrows, “you used to be my best friend Loki, I’d defend you from people’s accusations when you weren’t around and..I wasted my time because you are everything people say you are and worst.“ She saw the look in his eye, she hurt him-good now he understood how it felt. 
Loki glanced away-looking down at the girl again. “Is that all?” He asked, trying desperately to remain collected. y/n scoffed. “You may think you know me but I know you much more, don’t forget, I’ve been inside your head. People may think I’m a bad person but I can live with that, you on the other hand can’t stand the fact that someone might not like you, so much so that you’ll break down about it. You’re a weak fighter, you’re not as clever or as witty as you seem to think, and frankly I don’t understand the fascination Thor seems to have with you, you’re nothing special.”  
y/n pulled her foot from the doorway. What happened to us? She was about to cry and she did not want him seeing that. “Is that all?” She asked, reciting his previous question.
“Yes.“ He spat coldly. 
“Good.“ She turned to walk away as Loki stayed in his place trying to keep the impression that he didn’t care.
Late at night y/n tossed and turned in her bed, trying to fall asleep after waking up from a particularly realistic dream-she had thought that by laying still she’d trick her body into falling asleep but that didn’t happen. She knew that she had been able to power through the last few days with almost no sleep-but she’d certainly crash if she didn’t get any sleep soon. The thought of making a visit to Loki for help came to her mind, but she really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted/needed his help. Screw it. She thought after another couple of hours, her clock read 2:35 as she swung her legs over her bed and slipped on her slippers and robe. 
The halls were dark and empty except for the occasional guards, which she was careful to avoid (she didn’t want to raise any suspicion). Thank God her room was only a three minute walk from Loki’s. It was once she was already in front of Loki’s door that she started getting second thoughts, but she was there already and the worst that could happen was getting the door slammed in her face or no answer. She raised her cold knuckle, letting it hover over the door’s fine wood before knocking. “It’s y/n..” She announced barely above a whisper, “trust me I really don’t want to ask for your help but I see no other option an-”
The door opened a small crack. “you do realize what time it is, right?” Loki’s annoyed voice asked-he didn’t sound like he had just woken up, maybe he was having trouble sleeping also.
“I know.” At her response Loki opened the door wider, revealing himself in a pair of emerald colored pajamas. “Look I know-” at the sound of approaching footsteps (guards) Loki stepped aside, giving her a cue to get in. She did, turning to face him one he closed the door again-his back facing the door he put his hands on his hips.
“What do you want?”
“I can’t sleep.” She said sheepishly, “I just-I’m getting the same nightmares again and I thought that maybe just this once you could, you know..” She put hands up, wiggling her fingers to imitate magic.
Loki rolled his eyes, “first off that’s not at all how magic looks, second why should I help you?”
“Just this once!“ y/n practically begged, “please. I’ve have not been sleeping at all I just need one hour. I won’t make you sleep on my couch like I did when we were younger, you can just...alter my thoughts or something and I’ll leave and-” 
“Fine.“ Loki agreed, grumpily. He walked back over to his bed, getting in between the covers on the left side. “Well?“ He asked when she stared blankly at him. He rolled his eyes again, “Obviously if you go back to your room I won’t be able to sense when I have to alter your thoughts and you’ll just come back to make a racket when you have another nightmare.“ y/n nodded slowly, making her way to the right side of the bed. “Besides it’s a big bed, just stay on that side-away from me.” She laid down, hesitant at first as she tightened her robe around herself. Loki leaned over, placing a finger and thumb over her temples to enter her mind. 
When she woke up she was in the same exact position that she was in when she went to bed and Loki was standing directly above her looking annoyed once again. It was still dark outside as he looked down at her from where he stood. “It’s about time, I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last two minutes.”
“What time is it?“
“6:05..the castles about to start waking up, you should leave before more people get uo to avoid being seen.“ y/n nodded in agreement. 
“Ok“ she walked to his door, turning to watch as he laid back down in his bed. “And Loki..“
“What?“ He sighed.
“Thank you.“ She said softly, leaving the room right after. Loki was left surprised.
“Look I know I said just once-” y/n whispered that night outside of Loki’s door, it was past 2 a.m. again, but surprisingly Loki let her in again.
“The faster you stop pestering me, the better.“ Loki told her harshly. He had woken her up at 6 a.m. again like he had done the the last time. The time after that Loki woke her up at 7 and the time after that she had woken up past 8 to see Loki sitting in a chair some feet from her sharpening his knives-when she had asked him why he hadn’t woken her up he had simply reminded that he could just teleport her back to her room, that way nobody would know she had spent the night there.
Flash forward a month later, y/n tiptoed to Loki’s room in her nightgown again, the nights were getting hotter which had led to her to leave her robe behind. When she had reached Loki’s room she didn’t need to knock, since he now left it unlocked for her. 
Once she laid down on the right side of the bed (more towards the middle now rather than all the way on the edge) Loki laid down about a foot from her. They didn’t go to bed right then however, since they had formed a habit of talking before falling asleep. “Have you been sleeping better?” Loki asked the girl beside him.
y/n rolled onto her side to face Loki, “Thank you again.” He nodded. “You know for someone who hates me, you’re actually quite kind to me.” The corner of Loki’s mouth folded up slightly,
“I don’t hate you...” He rolled over onto his side to face her, “but what I do hate-“ he then had explained the entire plot of a book just to express his hatred for one detail in it. 
y/n woke up in the middle of the night with a start, her nightmares had came back. As it turned out Loki wasn’t in the room but when he got back with a glass of water he noticed she was off right away. “I’m sorry.” He quickly apologized, sitting beside her, “I was just-I didn’t think-”   
“I know, it’s fine.“ y/n told him, but his hand was still on her shoulder and his blue eyes still held worry in them. “I’m just-I’m going back to bed...“ Loki nodded, watching as she laid down again. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?“ She nodded.
As she began drifting off she felt Loki take her hand in his. Later on in the night y/n woke up randomly, but she wasn’t facing Loki anymore-instead she was facing his dim window, she felt warm but not from the covers and to her surprise she realized that the prince’s arm was around her waist, keeping her close. Their legs were tangled mess at the bottom of the bed and she could hear his slow breathing as he slept peacefully. She looked around slowly, trying to figure out a way to move away to avoid the embarrassment when he wakes up-but just as she began to shift around she heard him speak up. “What time is it?” up. 
“Sorry...” She apologized growing red, “I don’t know how-“  
“It’s fine.“ She heard Loki whisper. 
“It is?“
“This is quite comfortable.“ He whispered again, then he moved slightly closer-resting his head on her shoulder and he fell asleep again-she assumed that he was half awake and didn’t fully process what had happened. She decided it didn’t matter and fell asleep again, after all he wasn’t wrong-it was comfortable.  
There was a loud noise that woke y/n right up, making her jump. Now she realized that she was facing Loki again, her arms were wrapped around his neck like in a hug, his head was nuzzled in the crook of her neck-their legs still a tangled mess. Bang! Bang! There it was again, she lifted her head, looking towards the door as it came again-bang! Bang! 
“Loki” She whispered, gently shaking his sleeping form. He ignored it, pulling her closer in response instead. “Loki, someone’s at the door.” She whispered, trying not to laugh. He sighed looking up towards his door.
“Just ignore it, they’ll go away it’s probably a servant or-”
“Loki!” Thor’s voice came from the other side of the door, “Loki, I know you’re in there! Open the door.” Loki rolled his eyes, standing up to make his way towards the door. 
He opened the door a few inches, “what do you want?” He hissed.
“I-” Thor paused, “are wearing your nightwear?”
“Why is that of any importance-what do you want?”
“er, Loki is there someone in there with you?“ Thor asked. 
y/n held her breath, afraid that somehow Thor would hear her from the doorway. “I-no!” Loki snapped, “What are you talking about?”
“Alright, alright I apologize. I’m here to ask if you have seen y/n? I’ve been searching for her, she’s normally turned up somewhere at this time it’s past 10.” 
“No I don’t know where she is, I haven’t seen her. Check the garden, she’s most likely wandering around there.“ He shut the door, turning back to y/n. 
“Past 10?“ y/n asked, covering her mouth, “I should’ve been awake two hours ago.” Loki shrugged. “Can you teleport me back to my room, I should go to the gardens since Thor’s looking for me.” Loki looked at the ground with an unfamiliar look in his eyes before nodding. “Thank you.”
The girl had spent more time with Thor training than she had expected that day, leading her to take an extra long shower at night to get clean. She hadn’t realized until she looked at her clock that it was past 10-normally she’d already be at Loki’s room by now. Quickly she dried her hair and changed into her nightwear. 
She was about to leave and opened her door and unexpectedly Loki was there with his hand raised looking like he was about to knock. They stared at each other for a moment before she spoke up, “Loki? What are you doing here?” 
He glanced to the side, not wanting to meet here eyes as she awaited his response, “I thought..” he said glancing at the ground before back to her, regaining his composure “that you-“
“Weren’t coming?“ She finished for him, he nodded.
“So I came to see if you were ok, I’ll leave.“
“Wait, no.“ She told him, grabbing his wrist and taking him by surprise, “I was just coming it was just taking me longer, but you can sleep here if you want since you’re already here...?” He nodded in agreement, stepping into her room.
He settled himself into the bed, opening his arms for her to crawl into which she quickly did. The two laid there for a moment, listening to the quietness as Loki slowly brushed through her hair with his fingers.      
“remember the other day when I said that you were terrible?“ y/n suddenly asked, getting Loki’s attention. He stopped running his fingers through her hair. 
“Yes, why do you ask?“ He responded cautiously. 
“I was just mad at you. I’m sorry.“
He took a moment to think to himself, “I didn’t mean what I said either."
“Can I ask you something?” y/n asked after a while later.
“Why did you push me away?” She asked, shifting herself to meet his eyes.
Loki sighed-only it wasn’t from being aggravated this time. He backed up a few inches from y/n-staring straight up at the ceiling. “It’s because..”
“Because what?”
“I had noticed that you and Thor were becoming closer and decided to..abandon you before you did me. I thought it’d hurt less that way.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, everyone always seems to choose Thor over me, I just assumed you would, in time, do the same.“ He confessed, still not meeting her gaze. 
“Loki...“ she set her hand on his shoulder waiting for him to look at her. “I would never abandon you for Thor, sure Thor is my friend but so is Fandral, so is Volstagg, so is Sif and I’m not abandoning anyone for them.“
He nodded.
“And tonight..“ y/n spoke up again, “when you thought I wasn’t coming-“
“I assumed you wouldn’t need me anymore, especially after you had spent so much time with Thor.“
“Don’t be like that!“ y/n told him, sitting up, “I do need you! I’ll always need you, I need you don’ t doubt that, and not just because of stupid nightmares, because I care for you and I love you, ok?”
Loki smiled to himself, “you love me?“
“Yes you stupid-“ she stopped talking because Loki had leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss, taking no time to hesitate she leaned into him further deepening the kiss. After about a minute they pulled apart-resting their foreheads together. 
“I love you too.“
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 2: Let the Game begin
summary: You had always thought you knew exactly what kind of boys Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton were - but did you actually?
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.5k
a/n: no one is asking for this but here it is anyways lmao enjoy (not canon Rafe)
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You make it back to your room and take a deep breath. Boys. You were living with boys. Not just any boys - Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton. Whatever, you thought, shaking yourself back to reality. It didn’t matter anyways. You weren’t about to let them get in the way of having the time of your life these next few months and you definitely weren’t going to let them keep your mind tied to OBX. That was a tie you desperately wanted to cut. Besides, if you knew Rafe and Topper like you thought you did, they’d be too caught up with playing both the field and the girls of Westheath before you knew it, effectively keeping them occupied and out of your way. 
You decided to go about your day as you usually would. Your Have a Great Day playlist was queued up and playing as you slipped on your favorite jeans and top. You let yourself get absentmindedly lost in your actions as you did your hair and makeup - enough to make you feel put together and regain some control after the way this morning had left you feeling vulnerable. Looking good made you feel good - and if anyone else thought you looked good too, then hey, that was just an added bonus. 
You hadn’t noticed how lost in the process of getting ready you had gotten until you looked down at your phone and saw that an hour had flown by. You were half way down the hall to the kitchen when the door of your flat flew open, bringing you face to face with two new people for the second time that day. 
“Oh my gosh hiiii!” a girl turned to you, pausing her laughter from the conversation she was having with the girl next to her. “I’m Olivia! It’s so nice to meet you!!” the bubbly girl exclaimed, immediately embracing you in a hug. The other girl laughed at her friend’s excitement and forwardness which had clearly startled you. 
“I’m Millie - you must be one of our flatmates,” the other girl smiled, introducing herself to you as well. 
“Hi, I’m Y/n,” you smiled softly. 
“Oh my gosh Mills! I knew it! I told you we’d get roomed with the Americans! Ugh this is so exciting, there’s so much I need to know I don’t even know where to start!” Olivia squealed with a little hop. 
“Alright don’t scare the poor girl, she’s gonna think they’ve stuck her with a couple of psychos,” laughed Millie, pulling her friend’s arm to lead her down the hall. “Come on Liv let’s let y/n breathe for a second while we go put our bags down,” she said, giving you an apologetic smile.
You laughed and continued on to the kitchen to get some water as you had originally set out to do. You were honestly relieved. Thank god your other two roommates were girls who weren’t remotely associated with OBX. You didn’t even mind their intensity, it was endearing really, and you’d take a couple of loud but genuine girls who seemed like they were a bunch of fun to hang out with over the bitchiness and cattiness you were used to with the girls back home at Kildare. 
“Alright Y/n, I forgot sheets and Mills didn’t bring a towel so we’re going to Primark and you’re coming with. I want to hear all the American gossip,” Olivia reappeared and then slipped back down the hallway with a wink. You laughed and went to go grab your bag, just then realizing Rafe and Topper were no longer at the flat. You wondered where they had gone, not hearing them slip out over the music you were playing earlier. Not that you cared, it was a relief to have them out of sight and out of mind for now. 
“Hmm Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, does sound rather posh,” mused Millie as you had begun providing some intel to your friends on the two flatmates they had yet to meet. 
“Two American ladies men, sign me up!” cackled Olivia. 
“Hey watch yourself missy, you’re taken,” Millie scolded. 
You had only known these girls for maybe an hour and somehow you had been comfortable enough with them to open up about your entire life’s backstory as you walked with them through the home section of Primark. It felt like they had been your friends for years, the three of you gelling together effortlessly. 
“Oo you have a boyfriend?” you asked as your eyes scanned over the shelf of fluffy blankets in front of you. You simply couldn’t leave without the light grey one, daydreaming about how cozy napping with it would be. 
“I do. His name is Jake,” Olivia beamed, “he’s kind of an idiot, but I love him.”
“And he’s got a whole squad of idiot friends too, but you’ll see for yourself,” Millie laughed. 
“Oh shit that reminds me! I invited them all over to pregame tonight before freshers,” chimed Olivia. 
“What’s freshers?” you asked, raising your brows in confusion. 
Millie and Olivia shared a quick laugh at how clueless you were to everything in their world. 
“So freshers is like this huge club event at the beginning of the school year. It’s really meant for uni freshers but since half of us are 18 and we can easily sneak in the other half it’s kind of tradition for Westheath kids to go their last year. Me and Mills went last year too though, one of the guys we knew the year above us was cousins with the bouncer,” Olivia grinned proudly. “But literally everyone is going and that means you’re coming too and- oh shit I’m such a bloody idiot aren’t I! I’m sorry Y/n I literally didn’t think at all to ask anyone from our flat if it was okay to host a pregame,” she bit her thumb with guilt-ridden eyes. 
“Looks like you and your idiot boyfriend are actually a match made in heaven,” joked Millie as Olivia gave her the finger, trying to suppress the smile tugging at her lips. 
“Oh no that’s totally fine! I’ve had like barely any human interaction these last few days and it’ll be nice to meet some more people from Westheath. It’ll be fun,” you reassured Olivia with a genuine smile. “I just uh- I’ve never been clubbing. Like what do I even wear, I don’t think I brought anything like that. And I’m not 18 for another month, would I even get in?”
“Well it’s a good thing we’re here isn’t it!” exclaimed Olivia, grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to the clothes section. “Mills this would be PERFECT don’t you think,” she said as she held up a sheer black top in front of you. 
“Oh my gosh yes. With a black bra underneath and mini skirt,” Millie grinned, nodding in excitement with Olivia. 
“Guys I don’t know if I can wear this. Like I don’t think I can pull this off,” you said meekly. 
“Oh my god shut up this would look so good on you. Your body is killer and you can 1000% pull this off,” Olivia insisted, shoving the garment toward you. “And we’ll get you in the club no problem,” she added firmly, shutting down any possibility of you talking your way out of tonight. 
“Wait shit do you think Rafe and Topper will be cool with the pregame? We haven’t even properly met them yet and I’ve already invited a bunch of strangers to our place,” groaned Olivia as the three of you headed toward the register. 
“Trust me, if there’s two things those boys definitely don’t mind it’s a party and a reason to drink,” you laughed. 
As the three of you unlocked the door to your flat you could hear Rafe and Topper’s voices from the kitchen. Ugh, back already. 
“Hellooo boys,” called Olivia with zero hesitation, walking straight into the kitchen. “Name’s Olivia, pleasure to meet you,” she smiled extending her hand. 
“Pleasure is all ours,” Rafe smiled back. It took every ounce of your will power not to roll your eyes at his smugness. 
“Indeed it is,” grinned Topper giving her a hand shake. “And you are,” Topper immediately drew his attention to Millie entering the kitchen right behind Olivia. You didn’t miss how his eyes ran her up and down. 
“Millie, your fifth and final roommate,” she smirked, not having missed his wandering eyes either. 
“So listen boys,” Olivia clapped her hands together, drawing everyone’s attention. “I may have invited my boyfriend and some of our friends over to pregame tonight before we all go out to the club. You guys are obviously welcome to join but if you’re not cool with us having people over just say the word and-“
“Done deal. What time should we be ready?” Topper cut her off
“9. See you then,” she grinned from ear to ear sauntering off to her room. 
“Alright I need to go unpack, but it was lovely to meet you boys, see you soon,” Millie smiled, eyes locking with Topper’s for a second too long before she too slipped away. You wanted nothing more than to escape to your room as well but you were starving, and since you were now living with Rafe and Topper you’d have to learn to go about your life around your new home despite their presence. You sighed as you made your way to the fridge, trying to decide what you were gonna scrap together for dinner. 
“So how long have you been here already?” asked Rafe, grabbing some Pringles and taking a seat at the table, Topper already spreading out comfortably on the couch. 
“Uh, few days,” you replied, not bothering to turn around. 
“See anything cool yet,” Topper chimed in as he scrolled on his phone. The way they were asking you questions was oddly normal. You were trying hard to detect any hint of cockiness in their voice but you couldn’t find any. You weren’t ready to let your guard down fully, not entirely trusting the pair, but you decided to soften a bit and give them a chance. 
“Yeah actually, I walked around Hyde Park the other day and the day before I watched the sunset from Millennium Bridge. It was beautiful,” you replied, finally turning toward the boys, a jar of pasta sauce in hand. 
“Crazy being in a city like this huh. Definitely not the Outer Banks,” Rafe chuckled lightly, gaze settling on the window. 
“Definitely not the Outer Banks,” you smiled. 
“What do you mean you haven’t watched Friends!?” you let out an exasperated cry as you twirled more spaghetti on your fork. 
“It’s stupid,” said Topper, making a face. 
“It’s a classic,” you retorted. 
“No. The Office though. Now that’s a classic.”
“Should’ve know you were an Office guy,” you shook your head, Rafe laughing from his seat across from you. 
“Listen, I can’t help you if you don’t know how to appreciate true comedy,” Topper shrugged. 
“Yeah okay,” you rolled your eyes, turning now to face the dirty blonde seated across from you, absent mindedly shuffling a deck of cards for no reason, the golden ring on his finer catching your eye as his hands moved in a repetitive motion. “And what about you Mr. Dealer,” you asked Rafe, eyes motioning to the cards in his hand before going back up to meet his gaze. Rafe knew how to keep good eye contact with a person, confident yet not overpowering, and as the evening progressed and you become more comfortable you welcomed the challenge of his piercing blue eyes. 
“I’m more of a How I Met Your Mother guy,” he answered nonchalantly. 
“Huh, I wouldn’t’ve pegged you as that.”
“And what would you have pegged me as, Y/n,” he asked, still holding your gaze to which you just shrugged playfully, letting him wonder. 
“Okay, forget about comedies. Game of Thrones. Hands down best thing I’ve ever watched,” Topper stated, throwing his palms down on the table. 
“I mean I do hear good things, but I don’t know, seems kind of intense,” you said before shoving another forkful of spaghetti in your mouth. 
“No no no Y/n you literally don’t know what you’re missing out on, it’s pure genius,” Topper continued passionately. 
Rafe gave you a knowing glance as you two made eye contact again, trying not to laugh, “He’s been on my ass for years to watch it.”
“And now you have no excuse! It’s senior man, classes will be light work, just give it a chance,” Topper pleaded. 
“You know what Topper, just because you’re practically jumping out of your seat right now, I’ll check it out just for you,” you laughed as Toppers face pulled into a wide grin. 
“Good enough for me,” he said victoriously. 
“Lemme one up that Topps, I’ll also give it a chance, so it better be worth it,” Rafe added, Topper’s eyes growing wide in simultaneous glee and disbelief. Topper quickly got up from his seat, puffing his chest, “woooo! Winter is coming to London baby!” he exclaimed, pumping his fist before heading down the hall to his room. 
Two hours had passed by with you hanging out in the kitchen with Rafe and Topper, and to your surprise… you were actually enjoying yourself. You guys had talked about the things you wanted to do in London, the music you all listened to, favorite movies, and tv shows of course. You almost didn’t know how to process it. How could two guys who seemed like such kook douchebags actually be - cool? You had always regarded the two at face value, but perhaps there was more to these boys than what meets the eye. 
“Oh god how is it already 8, I’m so behind,” you groaned, getting up to wash your dishes. 
“Once Topper is full speed ahead, there’s no stopping that man,” Rafe laughed. 
“Hey,” you turned your head around from the sink, soapy dish in hand. “I was actually serious about giving Game of Thrones a try. Damn Topper if he didn’t make me curious now,” you laughed, “but I was thinking, if you’re actually gonna watch too, that we should time it so we both watch on the same days. Because then if we’re on the same schedule, whenever we see each other in the kitchen or something we can discuss and we’ll be on the same episodes so no spoilers.”
“So you mean we’d both watch on our own but at the same time?” Rafe asked. 
“Yeah,” you replied, as if it was obvious. That’s what you literally just described. 
“Well if we’re gonna watch it at the same time, we might as well just watch it together Y/n,” he calmly stated, walking right up next to you to put his Pringles away. 
“Uh yeah I mean that works too,” you replied, looking up at the boy now next to you, getting slightly flustered by his presence once again. His blue eyes were piercing right through you, and this time it was a losing a battle. 
“Cool,” he smiled, turning around and walking out of the kitchen to his room. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in, the water still running in front of you as you stood their holding the sponge like an idiot. What the fuck just happened?
Part 3
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
Kind of late, but I had an idea for a fic that’s been in my drafts for a while and I wanted to post it for Kise’s birthday but it wasn’t quite done yet. But it is now, so here it is, hope you like it!
Scenario: New kid, Kise Ryouta ends up falling for the reader
gender neutral reader
It’s not particularly easy being the new kid at school. Especially if you were Kise Ryouta. Being a well known athlete and model, it was difficult for him to be able to find friends in a new place that didn’t have ulterior motives. However, Kise learned to deal with it. He was cold to people until he himself learned to respect them and understand their motives.
But the problem with him was not in the friendship category, but rather the romance one.
Kise had a tendency to fall for the first person that was nice to him in a new place, and that almost always ended in the other person using him. So this time, he promised himself that he was not going to hurt himself yet again.
On his first day, Kise stood at the front of the class and introduced himself. “Um, hi, nice to meet you, I’m Kise Ryouta. I look forward to getting to know you all and well, I don’t really know what else to say,” he said, turning to the teacher for some help. The class filled with a small chatter once he stopped talking, and he could already faintly hear comments about how ‘cute’ he looks.
“It’s alright Kise. You can take that empty seat next to Y/N over there,” the teacher said, pointing.
Your head snapped back to the front of the class from gazing out the window at the sound of your name. Of course the new kid got stuck in the seat next to you. He was cute, you couldn’t disagree. However, that only meant that everyone else was going to be swarming around your desk for a while.
The teacher went on with the regular announcements until the bell for first period rang. “Oh right, before I forget, Y/N, can I trust you to show Kise around the school during your break?” she added.
You held back a sigh as you nodded. “Sure,” you replied curtly, glancing over at Kise and giving him an awkward smile.
As expected, once the teacher left, he was soon surrounded by girls asking him questions that were borderline invasive. How do they do it? How do they simply have the courage to speak to people like that? In a way, you envied them for their confidence, but it was also quite pathetic.
Eventually, the break came around and Kise approached your desk with a polite smile. Why did he get stuck with you out of all people? You were the first one that caught his eye and Kise could already see himself catching feelings for you. But he made a promise to himself and he was going to keep it. He wasn’t going to get played with again.
“Hey, um, Y/N, right?” who was he kidding? He knew your name. It was stuck in his head ever since the teacher instructed him to sit next to you.
“Yeah, just give me a second, I just have to organise this mess and we’ll be on our way,” you said, fumbling with the stationery that was cluttering your desk.
“Oh, you don’t really have to give me that tour if you don’t want to. I don’t want to be a burden— I can probably figure things out myself,” Kise said.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind helping out. If you end up getting lost at some point I’ll feel bad,” you insisted, finally putting the last of your things away and standing up. “Okay, we’re all good. Shall we?”
Kise hesitated for a moment. He really didn’t want to do this, but he didn’t have any more excuses so he simply walked by your side.
You showed him all the classes that he would regularly be attending, adding a few tips that you learned through the years whenever you could. This was the most you’d ever spoken to someone who wasn’t a close friend and yet Kise remained rather silent. Did he think you were boring? Were you talking too much? God, why did you have to be assigned this task?
“Oh right, I almost forgot. Are you joining any clubs?” you asked him as you walked through the halls.
“Yeah, I’ll be joining the basketball club,” Kise nodded.
“Right, I figured,” you mumbled, making Kise let out a small chuckle.
“Hey, you might have made the right judgement this time, but don’t judge a book by its cover,” Kise joked.
“It was more of an intuition thing rather than judging you, I swear,” you replied defensively, holding back a giggle.
“Mhmm I’m sure it was,” he said sarcastically. He hated how bright your smile was. It was so warm and gentle, he could look at it all day. He barely even knew you, but he was already obsessed with your smile. Just his luck.
“Well, unfortunately for you, I’m the manager for the basketball team so you’ll be seeing a lot more of me.”
This had to be some sort of cruel joke. “Really? That’s great. So I could probably just tail behind you and not get lost by the looks of it.”
“Maybe,” you shrugged. You hoped he was joking. The last thing you needed was a bunch of fangirls trailing you around campus. “Let me show you the way to the basketball gym though, just in case I manage to escape you.”
“Escape me? Tired of me already huh?” Kise teased, dramatically pretending to be offended.
“Absolutely,” you joked.
Kise clasped a hand over his heart as though he got shot in the chest. “I am hurt, Y/N. What did I ever do to deserve this?” he recited.
“You know, the drama club is probably also looking for new members— I should show you their club room instead,” you retorted.
“Ha ha very funny,” Kise rolled his eyes. How were you two already joking around like this? He tried not to speak to you much, but it was like his charisma was forced out of him. Maybe he was overthinking it. You seemed nice. Maybe the two of you could be good friends.
And well, that’s pretty much exactly what happened. With the sheer amount of times you two see each other, it was no surprise that you’d become friends. It started with witty banter and random comments but soon, the two of you became close. After about three months, you were hanging out with each other every other day, going out for a bite after practice, going to the movies, walking to school together— the list goes on. And somehow, you never got tired of each other.
“Hey, Y/N-cchi, are you going for the field trip?” Kise asked you in between classes, referring to the yearly trip your school organises to a selected place in the country with a rich history.
“I’ll go if you do. But to be honest, I’d rather stay at home,” you replied.
“Well, we’re going then. It’ll be fun. There’s probably cute places to take pictures for Instagram,” Kise said.
“So I’m basically going to be your photographer?” you sighed.
“Sounds like a blast,” you groaned.
“I’m kidding, I will find a way to make this worthwhile. I heard that there’s a nice restaurant near the hotel we’re staying at, so we should pay that a visit,” Kise said.
“I’m exhausted just thinking about it,” you replied, resting your head on your palm.
“Shhh it’ll be fun, trust me,” Kise said, eyes softening up when he noticed how the sunlight that shone through the window landed on you like some sort of natural spotlight. His mind was about to wander off into a daydream when the teacher walked into the classroom, snapping his attention away from you.
The field trip finally rolled around and you found yourself in a fresh hotel room with a gorgeous view of the beach. Unfortunately, you didn’t get assigned to room with Kise, but it was alright since he was just a few doors down. As promised, Kise did his best to make sure you were having fun. You did have to take an awful lot of pictures of him, and sometimes he’d force you to take pictures with him, but Kise was always good company so you didn’t mind too much.
On the last night, Kise took you to that restaurant for dinner. “It’s kind of a fancy restaurant so we should dress up,” Kise informed you that afternoon.
“But that’s so tiring. Let’s just go to McDonalds instead,” you suggested.
“We are not going to McDonalds. I will dress you up myself if I have to,” Kise said firmly.
So in the end, you did end up dressing up, but you didn’t pack any nice shoes so you had to go with your sneakers. Of course, Kise patronised you for it, but you just replied with the wittiest comment you could think of, like always.
“Hi, I made a reservation here, for Kise Ryouta,” Kise said to the hostess.
The place was nicer than you expected it to be. It was a strange feeling being here with a reservation. It felt less like a hang out with your friend and more like a date. And for some reason, you were now nervous.
“Ah yes, right this way Mr Kise,” she said with a polite smile as she led you two to your table. “A window seat, just as you requested.”
“Perfect, thank you,” Kise said, glancing at the view of the night sky and the twinkling city lights below.
“Here are your menus, a waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy your date,” she smiled.
“Oh, uh, it’s not a—” you began, but she walked off before you could correct her.
“Well that’s awkward,” Kise chuckled.
You simply sighed in defeat as you took a moment to admire your surroundings. There was a clean white cloth spread across your table with a candle and flowers as a centrepiece. It was a bit too romantic for your comfort, but you tried to shake it off. “Someone went all out for a simple dinner. You even requested a table by the window. How picky can you get?” You said teasingly.
“I just made a reservation in case this place would be busy. You wouldn’t want to wait in line would you?” Kise explained and you shook your head in response. “Exactly. And I got the window seat because I know you like to stare out sometimes. I figured you wouldn’t wanna stare at me all night long, so I got you a better view.”
You felt your stomach turn as your mind’s immediate thought was how Kise was enough of a view on his own. You had to admit, he looked fantastic that night— when he said he was going to dress up, he wasn’t kidding. It was a simple white button up shirt with a red tie, but he still looked dashing. Perhaps it was the fact that he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, showcasing his toned forearms that pulled the look together. Either way, you didn’t like the fact that you were viewing your friend in such a way.
“Oh my, what is this self deprecation? I thought I was hanging out with model and Generation of Miracles member, Kise Ryouta, not some emo teenager,” you said, your tone resembling Kise’s dramatic one that you’ve heard a thousand times before.
“Well, if you’re not going to appreciate my effort of getting us these seats, I can just ask them to move us away from the window,” Kise huffed.
“No, no,” you tracked back almost immediately. “I like the window. Thank you.”
“That’s what I thought,” Kise grinned triumphantly.
That night was absolutely lovely. But no matter now hard he tried, Kise couldn’t take his eyes off you. As expected, you’d rest your chin on your palm and gaze out the window with a faraway look in your eyes, and Kise could do nothing but admire how beautiful you looked. He couldn’t believe that he knew someone as amazing as you were. Moreover, he couldn’t believe that he told himself that he wouldn’t fall for you. What a dumb decision. But he was already this far in, maybe it was just that fact that he can’t have you that made him want you more. These feelings will pass, right?
As the two of you walked back to the hotel that night, a cool salty breeze flowed through the air. Kise had made you laugh yet again, and his heart filled with joy as the bright smile returned to your face. He could stay in this moment forever.
“I can’t believe this is our last night here,” Kise sighed once you simmered down.
“Yeah, this trip was actually kinda fun. I wish it didn’t end so soon,” you said, gazing up at the bright full moon.
“You think we can squeeze in one final adventure tomorrow morning?” Kise questioned.
“Where to?”
Kise shrugged, “I don’t know.”
“Well then, I’d rather stay in and sleep thank you very much,” you said.
“Are you tired yet?”
“Not really.”
“Then let’s go walk along the beach,” Kise suggested.
“But the sand gets everywhere, it’s so annoying,” you frowned.
“It’s our last night. Come on,” Kise said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the empty beach.
The two of you walked by the water where the sand was firmer so that it less tedious. It was quite peaceful hearing the waves crash against the shore as the water glimmered under the moonlight.
“You know, when I first met you, I really didn’t wanna be your friend,” Kise said out of the blue.
“How rude,” you faked a gasp as you playfully whacked his arm, making him chuckle. “But to be honest, me neither.”
Kise looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. “Seriously, Y/N-cchi? But why?” he whined, seeming much more offended than you were.
“Because you always had people following you around and I didn’t want to be caught up in that,” you explained, kicking a pebble around as you walked.
“Oh,” Kise said, realising he probably shouldn’t have said anything because he couldn’t explain his reason as rationally as you did. “That’s fair, I guess.”
“Why didn’t you wanna be friends with me? Was I annoying?”
“What do you mean, you still are annoying,” Kise joked, earning himself another whack on the arm. “I’m kidding, no you weren’t annoying.”
“Then what was it?”
“Okay, this might sound really stupid, but I told myself that I wouldn’t go after the first person that’s nice to me, because that always ended up with people using me for something or the other,” Kise explained, stopping in his tracks to pick up a smooth pebble.
“That’s fair,” you said, trying not to overthink what he meant by ‘go after’ as you watched him skip the pebble over the waves.
Kise looked out at the horizon, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before turning back to face you. “You know, you caught my eye almost immediately and that was a red flag to me for the longest time, but you actually turned out to be pretty cool.”
It was strange seeing Kise like this. It was like he was possessed. He never speaks in such a serious manner with you. “Well duh, because I’m awesome like that,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
A gentle smile spread across Kise’s face. “I told myself I wouldn’t fall for the first person I had a crush on, but here I am,” Kise let out a heavy sigh, glancing back out at the ocean for a moment.
“Crush? You had a crush on me?” you asked, your stomach doing twists and turns that made you feel as though you were going to throw up all the delicious food you had earlier.
“Yeah,” Kise muttered. What was he saying? Why was he complicating things? “I hate myself for it.”
“Oh. Um, it’s okay,” you said, unsure what to say. He clearly didn’t want to like you, so you didn’t want to bring up how you felt about him. “We can stay friends if you want, nothing has to change.”
Kise looked back at you, finding comfort in the warmth of your eyes. There was no dramatic outburst like he expected. You seemed to be considerate of his feelings. You genuinely did care for him. “I don’t mind staying friends. But is it okay if I do this?”
Before you could think twice about it, Kise had his soft lips pressed against yours. Even though your mind hadn’t fully wrapped itself around the situation, you found yourself kissing him back. Kise felt you melt into his touch as his heart skipped like pebbles on the water. God knows how much Kise had been longing for this moment. To have his arms around your waist, your body pressed against his, and his lips on yours. He could finally get a taste of you and it was better than any meal he could imagine. This just felt right.
After a few moments, Kise pulled back to catch his breath, his mind racing with thoughts that he couldn’t even keep up with. “I’m sorry,” was the only thing he could muster.
“Don’t apologise,” you shook your head, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it tightly. “I am absolutely okay with that.”
A wide smile spread across Kise’s face as his mind slowly began to clear up. Maybe his instincts were right this time. You were perfect to him the moment he laid his eyes on you, even though he tried to deny it. And as you stood in front of Kise with the moonlight glittering in your eyes, you were just as perfect as the day he met you.
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All flavours of wrong (part 2)
Masterlist   Part 1
Pairing: Loki x Reader (gender neutral)
Summary: After falling for the wrong prince, you have to make the biggest and most difficult decision you’ve ever had. Would you let down thousands of people for the sake of just one?
Word count: 4.4K
Warnings: Implied sex, angst, death, fire.
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“Oh, dear Gods”, he groaned in your neck, holding your whole body against his. You grabbed his hair gently, yet with a strong grip. Sinking his nose in your collarbones, he left a trace of kisses that left your skin burning red.
It was nearly six in the morning, and the Sun was about to welcome a new day. You and your lover did nothing but intoxicate in each other’s bodies the entirety of the night, in the hopes that nobody would hear you. He said he put a silence spell, but you were sure he didn’t. He, as much as he wanted you to have an assured future, couldn’t help but try to sabotage your upcoming marriage.
You’d get married to Thor in twenty four hours, and there you were. Holding back moans in his brother’s ear. That thought brought you back to reality and you pushed him away. He took a step back and looked at you with concern.
“Is everything alright? You didn’t like that?”. His voice was still in that same seductive and half groaning tone he got you easily naked with, but he sensed something was wrong.
“No. I mean. Yes, but no”.
“You’ll have to be more specific, darling”.
“I’m… I’m sorry. We can’t. I can’t”, you stuttered, and walked away while quickly finishing getting dressed and fixing your hair. He put a hand in your back, as if asking you to stay.
“Dear, talk to me”. You didn’t turn your back to him, not just yet. “Please”.
“Tomorrow’s wedding day. And after that, coronation. We can’t keep on doing this”.
He stayed silent, and put away the hand from your back. That made you finally turn and watch his expressions. He was hurt. But blinked fast, swallowed hard and drew a tiny smile.
“I understand”, he said, after a while. “You don’t want to see me again”, and before you could answer, he added “not like this, anyways”. You sighed. The last thing you wanted was to lose him. He felt like the right thing to do.
But he wasn’t.
“No, not like this”.
He nodded in agreement and lowered his gaze. You tried to reach for his hands, but he moved them away.
“You should leave”.
“Before your future husband awakes and you’re not there”.
“Loki, please, don’t get…”.
“Upset? Mad?”.
“You know why I’m doing this”.
“Yes. I know why. I just don’t get how you can actually get it done. I thought… I thought you would finally make the right decision”.
You lowered your head and inhaled a deep breath. You couldn’t look him in the eye and say that. But you had to say it. It was the best, for both of you. Actually, only for you.
“I am making the right decision. That’s the point”.
He would’ve scoffed if a stinging pain in his chest wouldn’t have stopped him to do so. Heartbroken, what a cliché, he thought.
Of course his brother would win him over everything. He got even angrier at himself; for falling for you. For allowing himself to think for even a fraction of a second that he could have possibly had a chance with you. That you would be different from everything he ever lost to his brother. But you were no different from everything else.
He wanted to fight for you, but he saw the look in your eyes. The fight was lost. You made a decision, and it was the right one for you.
His thoughts started to eat him alive. What if you didn’t actually love him? What if you merely desired his touch, since his brother was uninterested in you? Or worse, what if you just wanted one last wrong thing to do, the mischievous spark that needed to be lit off, having a fling with the useless brother? Why did he think you would be any different from everyone else?
You noticed his mind was going to dark places, and tried to reach for his hands once again. He was so immersed in his head he didn’t pull them away again. You held them tight and reassured him with a loving look that it was not what he thought.
“I love you, Loki”. You said. He tried to run away from his own head, but the thoughts were still there. He tried to respond sweetly, but he knew it would only come off as harshly. Because that’s just how he was; mean. Evil. Unworthy of your love and everything he would’ve ever wanted.
“Why would you say that just now? And why would you say it while you leave me?”.
“Because I want you to know, I truly love you. I’m not leaving because you’re wrong for me. I’m leaving because…”.
“Because, given the circumstances, I am, in fact, wrong for you”.
You sighed.
“Yes, but it’s not…”.
“If you’re gonna leave, then leave. Don’t make this act to pretend like you care”.
He immediately regretted saying this, and you sensed it. You stepped closer and slowly raised your hands. He didn’t flinch, nor moved away, so you allowed yourself to cup his face in your hands. He was cold, in every sense of the word. His eyes showed how hurt he actually was, but a poker face tried to hide it away, building the typical wall of stone he built around his heart. Your chest hurt; you didn’t think you’d be yet another person he’d have to be like that to. You hurt him and that was going to haunt you for the rest of your life.
“I care”.
“Not enough”.
“I care, Loki”.
“I care, I really do”.
“Sure, you do”.
“I care for you. I care. I love you, and I care. I wish I had a better choice, but I don’t”.
“You have a better choice”.
“This is the best. We will be better off like this”.
He raised a finger and corrected you:
“You’ll be better off”.
You stayed in silence, and finally let his face go. You allowed the tears to run down your face.
“Yes, I will. I’m sorry”.
“Farewell. And congratulations on your wedding”, he said coldly, and smiled sadly before disappearing behind a halo of green lights.
“Loki, wait!”.
What did you even want him to stop leaving for? It didn’t matter, for he was gone.
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“You look stunning”, said Sif, entering your room. The maids were helping you get ready with all the ceremonial things you had to take care of. Too many of them focused on your looks. Apparently, it mattered so much for the Asgardian citizens for his next King to be married to, basically, a mannequin. Gods, you were barely able to move.
“I look idiotic”.
“It’s the makeup, maybe too much”.
“Too much of everything, I’m so tired of this. Can’t it be a little… less? Of everything”.
“I’m sorry, friend. But you’re marrying the prince, that’s just how things are in the Palace”.
“Can’t I marry in my warrior clothes? You’ll be dressed the same!”, you joked. Sif laughed sadly. She knew how little you wanted to do this. She has known you your whole life, fought with you every battle. Except this last one.
“The point is you’re not dressed the same as someone else”.
You started taking off your makeup, and Sif immediately stopped you.
“Hey, remember why you’re doing this”.
You sighed and tears formed in the corner of your eyes. She pulled you out of your chair and hugged you tightly. I definitely needed a hug, you though.
“Yes, I… think I’m just stressed. My head is everywhere”, you lied. Sif knew exactly what troubled you.
“I think your head is only in one place, and that’s the problem”.
You looked at her with a sad smile. A smile that showed her just how much you wanted to throw everything away and go with your lover. But you needed this, and so did the thousands of people that counted on you becoming the King’s companion.
“Is it truly a problem?”.
“It is. You need to get your life together, and out of him. He’s only gonna bring you more worries in your life”.
You were sure Sif was not seeing in him what you did, but you couldn’t say anything. And maybe… maybe she was right. Maybe it was a troubled life you would be expecting if you ran away with the wrong prince.
“You’re right. I’m… I’m gonna suck it up for once. And not do what I please. I’m marrying Thor and wearing the Crown, that’s the plan. The best plan”.
“The perfect plan, dear”, added Sif.
“What plan?”, asked Queen Frigga, getting into your room. You got startled and laughed nervously.
“No plan, I mean, the only plan. The marriage”, you stuttered. Sif laughed obnoxiously, trying to cover your doubts.
“They’s just nervous about the wedding, don’t worry about it”.
“I worry about everything, my darlings”, said Frigga with her usual grace. She put a strand of your hair away from your face and asked one of the maids to fix your corset. “That’s why everything turns out alright at the end”.
“And in the meantime, is it chaos?”.
“A controlled chaos”, she said without blinking.
“How do you control chaos, my Queen?”.
“You expect it, and then you overcome it”. You sat on her words a little, and then she added “how much from yours are we expecting in the next hours?”.
You faked a smile.
“I love your Son very much”.
“I have no doubts about it”.
Sif gulped. The double meaning of the conversation was suffocating you three. You were sure Queen Frigga knew, but she had you in the palm of her hand. Being the master manipulator she was, deceiving her was not the easiest. And Loki did nothing to hide his feelings around you; at least not until you put an end to it that same morning.
You haven't seen him all day. He wasn't in his room, nor in the places he frequented. You looked for him, but finding him was a lost cause.
"Sif dear, would you help me out with the designs of the bouquet?", said Queen Frigga with a suggestive glance to the door. Sif patted your back and whispered "be strong" before leaving with your mother-in-law.
You had a fraction of a second for yourself, which was enough time to look for a thousand ways you could escape. But it was only daydreams. You wouldn't. You knew better. You asked yourself if it was actually for the better. What about Loki? You haven't seen him all day long and it was starting to worry you. What if he wasn't actually just ignoring you? What if he was getting in trouble?
You shook away the thoughts as soon as you realized. Whatever he did, it was not your fault. You did what both of you knew you'd do from the beginning. Whatever he did now, it was on him.
"May I come in?".
You turned around. Lingering in the door, Thor's back was greeting you.
"You're not supposed to see me".
"Yeah, that's why I'm turned around". You laughed and walked to him as he turned around to face you. "You look gorgeous".
"Thank you", you said as if accepting the compliment of a stranger. Wasn't it, after all?
"I can't help but think about how you'd react if my little brother said those words".
"He's not that little, you know".
"You keep defending him, but he doesn't need you to".
"You're right. You're right, he doesn't need me to", you nodded, thinking about your last conversation.
Thor entered the room and walked around, passing a finger through the paintings and the covers of the books.
"He's hurt", he said after a while. You knitted your eyebrows.
"Why are you telling me this?".
"Because we all need what we don't have".
"What do you mean?".
He closed the door after checking nobody was out there. Your anxiety started to grow bigger as he delayed explanations.
"Because you need him, he needs you, I need to get out of this position and you need the benefits a Crown would give you".
You gulped and waited for him to elaborate. He didn't.
"What are you trying to say?".
"I have a plan".
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The best plan. The perfect plan. The only plan.
Sif was going to walk you. She grabbed your arm before the big doors opened, and gave you a reassuring smile.
To say hundreds were in that room was not an exaggeration. You couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to any of you if they realized what was going on. Sif knew. Thor knew. The Warriors Three knew. Hell, even Heimdall knew. But Loki didn’t, not just yet. Him knowing would compromise the entire operation.
The doors opened. The Nuptial March started playing vigorously. You walked slowly, looking for the right eyes to meet. Thor looked unsuspiciously happy, waiting at the end of the hall. The Allfather and Allmother were wearing a flaming smile of pride from ear to ear; seeing their firstborn being finally able to inherit the Throne and ruling the Realms.
You held your bouquet tight once your gaze stopped for longer than it should have in certain sky-like eyes. He was sitting in the front row, way closer than you’d wanted, on Queen Frigga’s side. His mother was resting her hand on the back of his, caressing gently his knuckles. He looked at you like a stranger. Like you were nothing more than an arranged sibling-in-law to him. Like you weren’t just crumbling on his arms that same morning. Like his word wouldn’t shatter your heart to pieces if he wanted to. Like you weren’t just risking your entire life for him, in that same moment.
You kept walking, greeting the citizens for the looks. It was all a big show, and your performance was going well. Once you made it to Thor’s side, you both grabbed each other’s hands and smiled. The guests cheered. The young couple, such a beautiful wedding, such a nice evening; you were all so happy.
Before the actual ceremony started -the exchange of rings, the speeches, the standing claps-, Thor put a strand of hair behind your ear -such an intimate act, who would even suspect?-, and got closer to kiss your cheek. Loki flinched. Once there, he whispered, making sure nobody would read his lips.
“Never been readier in my life”.
“Farewell, my friend”.
Loki must have been using his magic to hear; his face stopped hiding his pain behind the usual indifference, to reveal a confused expression. When you stole a glance from him, he subtly raised an eyebrow, as to ask you what in the Heavens is going on, and you smirked.
“Help! Help!”, screamed a young woman from one of the last rows -who would’ve known it was Sif changing her voice tone?- “Fire! The curtains are on fire!”.
Everyone in the room started to bustle around and, before coming to the realization of just how quickly the fire was extending, moved far from the entrance as to avoid the smoke. Odin ran towards it and tried to put it off, but it seemed like it wasn’t fire. It was… enchanted?
“It doesn’t go off!”, he announced. “We need to move everyone out, quickly”.
The flames moved from the big curtains to the wooden ceiling beams, moving towards Thor and you. Everyone started running out of the room, and Thor, Loki, Frigga and you were helping everyone out meanwhile Odin tried to put off the fire -a lost cause, worth trying-.
“You had to want your whole ceremony in a wooden room, didn’t you?”, spat Loki to his brother while lifting people out through the windows. His mind was full, yet his silvertongue had always found a way to snark.
“Yeah!”, answered Thor, biting back a smirk. Loki changed his annoyed expressions to one of realization. Was he…?, but he deleted that intrusive thought rather quickly. “I’ve always been one for the aesthetics, brother!”.
The smoke started growing bigger and bigger and Loki casted wet towels for him and his brother to breathe through, while helping the few last people out. He looked around to make sure nobody was still in the fire, which was now eating the whole room. Everything was getting destroyed, and the flames were specially embracing. Anyone left in there would definitely not get out alive.
“Where’s they?”, asked Loki with a tremble in his voice. He lost you from your sight. Just one second ago you were helping the children of the room to get out as fast as possible, and just as he turned around, you weren’t there anymore. “Thor, where’s they?!”.
Thor looked around, equally confused.
“I… I don’t know”, he muttered, and they both started yelling your name, until a faint voice, a broken scream came out of your throat.
“I’m… here”.
“They’s on the fire”, Loki said with his heart on his throat, before jumping through the windows and getting in to take you out. Before he could get in the flames, Thor pushed him away.
“I’ll go, fire will do nothing to me”.
“You don’t know that, Thor, Father can’t put it down, you’ll get equally hurt”, but meanwhile Loki tried to make his way through him, Thor was already inside the fire, nowhere to be found. Frigga had to hold Loki from jumping in too, and she truly had to make an incredible effort, for he was fighting with all the strength he allowed himself to fight against his own mother.
After six too many minutes of silence of everyone safely outside waiting for Thor to come out with you in his arms, of Loki choking on his own tears and sobs, of Odin not giving up on trying to put the fire out, Sif stated;
“He’s not coming out. We have to go get them”.
“It’s too dangerous, the fire’s unknown”, said Queen Frigga. But after seeing his youngest son tear his heart apart at the only thought of losing you, she added. “Be careful”.
As soon as the approval words came out of her mouth, Loki ran inside the flames, followed by Odin.
Silence spread through the crowd during the couple of long minutes the young Prince and Allfather were inside the burning room of the Palace, looking for their family. Mothers were hugging tight their children, and fathers were embracing their crying wives. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three still tried to put off the fire, unsuccessfully. A young lady was crying louder than the rest, calling for a name. Queen Frigga put her own worries aside to offer her help.
“Who are you looking for?”.
“My daughter, my Queen. She was with the rest of the children. She’s nowhere to be found, please help me. You must know where she is”, cried desperately. Frigga put both her hands on her shoulders, and held her tightly to contain her.
“It’s alright, we’ll find her. Do not worry. Let me see”, she scanned around the place, and started talking to herself to put the case together. “The kids were all together in the front row, far from where the fire started. My sons and their companion were helping people out in that place. The children were assisted by…” and the pause made her fall in realization. She couldn’t tell the woman. It was evident you’d do that, given your nature.
Frigga muttered some curses to herself. How could you be so imprudent? How could you be risking your safety to save a kid, when you could’ve asked for her magic to teleport him? Very noble of you, to jump on the fire. But also very reckless, and careless about the consequences. Because now Frigga’s entire family was in the fire, trying to get you both out.
A rough cough took Frigga out of her angered thoughts. In between the smoke, two large silhouettes carrying another two figures made everyone hold their breaths.
First, Loki came out with you in his arms. He was no longer shivering, trembling, sobbing. He was firm and merely focused on you, holding a wet towel around you and blowing your face to take away the smoke that you’d breathe. Frigga and the young woman ran towards you two, as Loki kneeled on the floor, now far from the danger, and opened his arms, still holding you, to show you were alright. You choked a cough and lifted out of your arms a little kid, around two or three years old. The young woman cried out of relief as she hugged her daughter as tight as anyone has ever hugged someone.
“I cannot thank you enough”.
You smiled gently and went back to Loki’s gaze. The anger, the hurt in his eyes he had that same morning, was nowhere to be found now. With crystalized eyes, he cupped your face and put his forehead against yours.
“You reckless idiot”, he whispered, and you both left out a laugh. You pulled him in for a hug, and he sank his hands in your hair and back, letting out a sigh.
“Thank you for getting me out. It wasn’t part of the plan”, you whispered in his chest, feeling his raised heartbeat.
“You… what?”.
“I was supposed to get out, but… a kid”.
“You were supposed to...? Oh my Gods, did you…?”.
“Thor!”, yelled Queen Frigga, as Odin left a limp body on the floor. You felt Loki’s heartbeat rising even more than before, and you held his hand tight, trying to tell him. You had to warn him it wasn’t what he thought, but at this point you weren’t so sure. He stopped in his tracks, and looked at you with the question lingering its way out. You slowly nodded, and directed your look towards Thor’s body.
Odin sat by his side, and Frigga stood close. There wasn’t a single sound. You looked to Sif, and she stepped closer to you, putting a hand on your back. You were afraid of getting closer to Thor. But you needed to see it was part of the plan. Something already went wrong. What if this whole thing was not how it was supposed to go, either? What if you screwed up?
“Everyone, go back to your houses. We have no groom”, announced Odin, while Frigga caressed his dead son’s hair.
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You bounced your leg impatiently. You had asked Loki to come with you, too. Far from the Palace, even far from the city. A place where only trees would listen. Only birds would interrupt you. Only wind would try to take you away.
“Darling, what are we doing? What are you not telling me?”, he asked after at least half an hour of waiting.
“What about her?”.
“There she is”.
Sif and the Warriors Three walked towards you with a fast pace.
“Apologies about the delay”.
“Don’t worry”.
“Very sorry about your loss, your Highness”, said Fandral with a smirk. Loki frowned.
“Not a very good time for your mockery”.
“Why? I think it’s the perfect time”.
“Would anyone care to tell me what I’m so clearly missing out of?”.
Volstagg opened a map and handed it to you, ignoring Loki, who was already losing his patience.
“The plan went well. You have nothing to worry about”, he said, and you sighed out of relief. Your legs stopped shaking and you felt the crushing weight of guilt fall off your shoulders.
“You couldn’t have told me this sooner? I nearly passed out!”.
“The important thing is that everyone’s safe, and everyone’s fine”.
“Beg your pardon? What on the Nine Realms do you all mean with everyone’s safe?”, jumped Loki. His face was red out of anger, grief, and resentment. “Thor’s dead. You’re basically Kingless, since Odin has already decided to give up the Throne. You’re not getting your position on royalty -which was the point of all this mess, the point of you even being here-. One of the most important parts of the Palace has burned along with the citizen’s trust in us, because we couldn’t put off a damn fire. Have I mentioned Thor’s dead? Have I mentioned you almost die out of smoke intoxication? What would I have done if you died there?! Ah, and Thor’s dead, by the way”.
He took a deep breath, and turned even more red as he realized the volume of his voice and the tears running down his face. But as much as he was embarrassed about it, he didn’t regret it. Because he was right; everything was chaos, and they, so nonchalant, were talking as if none of these things were real. As if…
And just as he even got to consider they weren’t, he was confirmed with memories. Your plan. A map. Everyone’s safe. Sif’s voice being the first one to notice the magic fire.
You all gave him space to think about it, to go through it without you saying a word. He quickly connected the dots.
“It wasn’t a fallen candle that started the fire, wasn’t it?”.
Sif smiled awkwardly, and squeezed your hand.
“The rest of the plan’s up to us. He did everything on his hands, but he can’t help now, even from the distance”.
“Where is he?”, you asked as you gently wiped away the tears off his cheeks. His eyes, burning red, embraced you lovingly. He was still confused, though. But calmer.
“Midgard, with that Jane Foster he always drooled over”.
“Oh dear”, Loki rolled his eyes. “So, he’s not dead?”.
“He’s not”.
“Good. Okay”, he nodded. He sat on the grass, contemplating the views. Feeling the soft breeze graze his pale skin. “What are you going to do now? You needed this. Why did you break it?”.
“I needed this even more”, you pointed at him.
He looked at you with surprise. As if he wasn’t expecting your feelings to be still there. As if he would’ve already convinced himself you didn’t actually love him, despite all the things you said.
“And he had to fake his death in order to break up the marriage?”.
“Oh, prince Loki, you’re so blind to the truth sometimes”, scoffed Sif.
“No wonders he’s the God of Lies, and not of Truths”, added Volstagg ironically.
“Quit the sarcasm, already, you four”, he hissed. “Darling, tell me what I so clearly cannot see”.
You sat by his side, and put a hand around his waist. He did the same, grabbing gently the back of your neck.
You laughed. He still didn’t get it, didn’t he?
“You’re next on the inheritance line, love”.
“Oh... Oh”.
“This is the moment where you ask me to be your companion, my King”.
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yourtamaki · 4 years
a kind dream, a cold reality
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keigo x f!reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: angst, hurt no comfort, neglect
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there was peace in stability. when exciting beginnings morphed into routine, safe knowing exactly how your days would pan out.
there was also distance. when love declarations became monotone, more habit then heartfelt and kisses become another chore to check off a list.
when did domesticity become purgatory, doomed to repeat actions until all sparks of life had been drained away?
you stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner nearly on autopilot. you didn’t have to look at the time anymore, you’re own internal clock telling you there was 30 minutes until it was done, perfectly timed for when keigo came home from work.
for when he’s supposed to come home at least.
you tried to not think of how many meals had gone cold while waiting for him to return from wherever it was he decided was important to be then with you. at least the neighbours loved you, accepting the countless dishes that would otherwise have gone to waste. you wondered what lie you should tell them today. that you had made too much? that you were trying out a new recipe? you had plenty of time to decide.
setting the table was now a mindless activity, each plate and piece of cutlery placed just so across the dining table. when everything was in its rightful place, you brought out the pasta dish, setting it in the middle in a large bowl with tongs propped up inside. you could never guess how much keigo would eat on any given day so it was always best to let him serve himself. with nothing left to do, you took your seat before the empty plate, staring blankly ahead at where keigo was supposed to be.
you used to love this table. it had been the first thing you and keigo had bought together when you first moved in together. not a bed or a couch. a dining room table from a second hand store he insisted you had to go to because, “we need something alive with memories, songbird.”
you remember how you had both spotted it at the same time. tucked away in the corner, legs scuffed to hell but with the most beautiful dark oak surface you’d ever seen. you hadn’t realized how small it was either until you both sat down for the first time with shitty takeout because neither of you had thought to buy cookware. it was impossible for your knees not to bump into keigo’s, for his thigh not to end up between yours. you both loved the table too much to return it so you had to learn to adjust. now, it was your favourite aspect about the table, the added feeling of closeness as you shared a meal with the love of your life. it set the tone for the rest of your house, turning it from somewhere to live to a shared home.
these days, you had more space then you knew what to do with, your legs could swing under the table unobstructed. you hated it.
your stomach growled, the sound quickly swallowed up by the vast silence. you didn’t want to eat. not yet, not while there was a chance he showed up and you wouldn’t ruin your first meal together in who knows how long just because you got a little peckish. you could wait.
and wait you did.
you plated up a portion for yourself as the setting sun darkened the house, eating mechanically until your fork had nothing left to pick up. the next part was almost a ritual at this point. storing the food away in tupperware, cleaning the dishes, wiping down the kitchen so come morning you could start the cycle once more. you had perfected the routine down to every last detail. there was nothing left to do but get ready to sleep and lay in bed, idly playing with the crimson feather that hung around your neck.
you could refrain from touching it throughout the day but you couldn’t stand not holding it when you were alone in the too wide bed. you were supposed to be surrounded by hundreds of these feathers. you missed the way his wings would wrap around you during the night, pulling you into keigo’s chest. sleep wasn’t the same without them but you had no choice but to make do with the lone feather.
was this going to be the rest of your life? cooking meals no one would eat, cleaning an already spotless house, sleeping cold and alone? this isn’t the future keigo promised you when he got down on one knee, tears already streaming down his face. you weren’t naive, you knew there would be hard times in your marriage. it couldn’t be sunshine and roses all the time. you just thought he would be by your side when those times came.
a tapping at the window had you shooting up in bed in fear, head whipping towards the sound. an all too familiar outline was hovering outside, waving for you to open the window. you carefully made your way across the dark room. you’d unlatched the large window so many times it had become muscle memory and soon enough, your husband was flying through, landing lightly on his feet.
for a brief moment, a warm burst of love filled you. he was home, just an arm’s length away. you knew you’d forgive everything, everything, if he wrapped you up in a tight hug. the one that hurt your ribs and left your feet dangling in the air as he swung you around. the one where you felt his laugh more than heard it, you were pressed so close to his chest. that’s all you needed to remind yourself what you were fighting for. just one hug.
keigo walked past you without a word and the moment died. you think a piece of you died with it. an important piece. it would remind you of the better times, when you weren’t a wife but a girlfriend. when you were a priority in his life, when you could count on him dropping everything if you needed him. the piece that kept you together, kept you whole was gone and in its place was not emptiness but indifference.
“you’re really not going to say anything?” you didn’t understand why your voice came out so hoarse until you realized it was the first time you’ve used it all day. keigo didn’t pause as you broke the silence, continuing to undress with his back to you.
“‘m tired, songbird. can we do this later?” can’t he feel it? the precipice your relationship is on the edge of, threatening to fall and shatter into a thousand pieces at any moment? it dawns on you, watching him yawn and stretch, shaking out his feathers, that no. he doesn’t.
“keigo.” he turned to face you, blinking at the use of his name. always kei, never keigo. “i think i need a break. ”
he huffed out a confused laugh. “break from what?”
“a break from us.” you never knew silence could be so cold. so cold it left you shivering in its grasp. that’s the only explanation of why you were shaking so hard you had to clench your teeth to stop them from chattering.
“that’s not funny, dove.”
“i’m not joking.”
“why?” it was your turn to laugh, a broken, shrill thing that hurt your ears.
“you can’t think of one reason? one reason i’d have to be unhappy in this relationship?”
“look, i know i’m not around much these days but-“
“days? try months.” you felt nauseous at the sight of him, pale faced and eyes that darted around like a cornered animal looking for an escape. distantly, you realized this was unfair to him. you had ambushed him, gave him no preparation for what was quickly turning into a fight. but the hurt that had been growing inside you, gnarled and twisted with thorns that wrapped around your heart and shredded it with every beat demanded to be heard. you could flood your home with all the pain you housed.
“i’m sorry, songbird but i’m a hero. i work the hours commission tells me to. i can’t be here all day with you and you knew that when we first got together.”
“don’t try to make me sound unreasonable for wanting to spend time with my husband. i’m alone, keigo.”
“i know.”
“no you don’t! i am alone. i don’t have friends cause they all used me to get close to the number two hero. i had to sign a contract that said i wasn’t allowed to tell anyone where we lived. i don’t leave the house cause i’m terrified of someone recognizing me and using me against you. i am alone, keigo. with not even myself for company cause i don’t know who i am anymore outside of being your wife.”
he bowed his head, shoulders shaking though you didn’t know from what, his wings curling in as if to protect himself from your rant. “do you still love me?”
you sighed, your mouth opening and closing trying to think of how best to phrase what you felt towards him, “if i didn’t love you, i wouldn’t be telling you all this. i would’ve just left.”
“then stay. please. we can work through this. i'll be better, i’ll cut my hours. please, y/n. i can’t lose you.”
“i love you, kei. but i don’t think i was ever meant to be your wife.”
he was openly crying now, teary eyes meeting your dry ones. you didn’t know when you’d moved past that stage of grief but you were beyond grateful. it gave you the strength to power through this for the both of you. you owed him at least that kindness.
“that’s all you wanted once.” he whispered.
“the dream was kinder to me than the reality.” the truth of your statement was a punch to the gut. you’d wanted nothing more then to marry him, had daydreamed about it long before he popped the question. it felt like an inevitability. an intrinsic truth. the sky was blue. grass is green. you would be keigo’s wife someday. but love alone wasn’t enough to keep you two afloat. not when you’d been left alone to man a sinking ship. “i’ll take the couch and pack in the morning.”
“no! please if… if this is the last time…”
“it’s not forever, kei. just until i remember who i am outside of these walls.”
“still, can i hold you? please? just for tonight.”
you never could refuse him.
your bodies fit back together as though no time had passed since they’ve last held each other. despite the air still tense with emotion, you felt your body relax in his grasp, conditioned to associating the warmth of his chest against your back with safety. you knew in the morning, you’d wake up happy. the memories from tonight would be slow to trickle back in. but that was a problem for the future. tonight, you would savour the bliss of falling asleep with the person you loved most in the world. and you did love him. loved him so much it hurt. loved him enough to take this step back so he wouldn’t blame himself when he woke up one day and realized his wife had become a shell of herself.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Amortentia | Draco x Reader
Prompt: After having a large crush on Draco for two years, you decide to move on for your own sake. But what happens when you are in potions class and what you smell is not that of your current boyfriend, but of an old flame?
Warnings: angst, a lil fluff at the end
Requests status: Open and ready for some requests
A/N: New fandom, same old writer hehe. I thought I’d come back after a long hiatus and write a little something. Quarantine/the pandemic has me back in my teenage self. In this, we go through year 4 to year 6, so GoF to HBP :)
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The bellows of the professor at the front of the classroom fall into muffled murmurs as you go in and out of daydreams, fiddling with the quill in your writing hand. As you draw nonsense pictures in the margins in your notebook, you fantasize scenarios in your head of the boy you’ve had your eye on since the beginning of year four at Hogwarts. In your head, it all made sense. The two of you were pure blood Slytherins, competitive and ballsy, ready to fight at a moment’s notice. That’s what you adored so much about the blonde boy. He may have his moments, but he always seemed to be ready for whatever. 
The corners of your mouth twirl upwards into a smile as you think about being able to wear his jumper, smelling his cologne on the collar. You think about his hands on your hip bones, squeezing them lightly as he peppers small, soft kisses on your neck and collarbones. Yearning to lace your fingers with his as he dips down his head to place a tender kiss to your l-
“Miss (Y/L/N), do you have anything to add?” Professor Moody snaps you from your daydream as you sit straight up, feet planted on the foot, picking your quill up back in writing position. You clear your throat and shake your head back and forth. “If you have nothing to add, I’d recommend you quit daydreaming and focus on what is going on at the front of the classroom.”
You breathe out a small, “Yessir,” before returning your attention back to your work. Small giggles are let out across the classroom, relishing in your embarrassment. Heat rises to your cheeks and you try to make yourself smaller by sinking into your chair a little and ducking your head downward. Peering up through your eyelashes, you try to sneak a look a Draco who is seated only two tables ahead and to the left of you. As you do so, you see that he was looking at you the whole time, him chuckling with Blaise Zabini before returning their focus to the blackboard. Embarrassment washes over you yet again, caught in the act of looking at the boy you fancied. 
Within the hour, Moody dismisses class and you gather your things swiftly, trying to leave class without Moody stopping you to ask why your mind was elsewhere today. As you fling your satchel across your body and tuck your notebook under your arm, you scurry out the door only to be stopped by Blaise. 
“Would you move it, Zabini? I have to get to astronomy,” you push Blaises large chest with your hand, before booking it in the opposite direction. You can’t escape him, or so it seems, because he walks beside you now down the corridor to your next class. “Are you obsessed with me or something? What’s your deal?”
Blaise laughs, “I didn’t know that you get so distracted during class, doodling and dreaming, (Y/N). What’s more interesting than a class with Moody?” He nudges his shoulder into you, making you stumble a little bit as you walk.
Now getting really annoyed since he brought up what happened in class, you stop in your tracks and hit him with your notebook. “Leave. Me. Alone. You. Arse,” you speak in between slaps and Blaise just laughs as you swat him. Before you can walk away from him, he quickly snatches your notebook from your hands and your eyes grow wide. If he flipped through the pages just right, he could see all of your Draco doodles. “Hey, give that back! That’s private!”
You jump for your notebook, but with no avail since Blaise was significantly taller than you. He carelessly flips through pages, “Now what does Miss (Y/L/N) write about in class? Taking diligent notes?” With one final shove, your notebook falls onto the ground, wide open to the page where you have written Draco Malfoy in script in the margins of your notebook, so much so that it creates a border around your note in the center of the page. Blaise lets out a deep chuckle, “Ho-ho! That’s where little Miss (Y/L/N)’s thoughts have been! The Slytherin Prince!” 
Before Blaise can torment you anymore, you grab your notebook off the floor and slam it shut. Your heart is racing, Blaise is in Draco’s inner circle and if Blaise knew about your crush, that meant Draco was bound to find out. Your anxiety swells and your chest tightens. Your grip becomes iron on your notebook now, unwilling to surrender it if someone dares to snatch it away from you again. You look up at Blaise and if you look up any longer at the shit-eating grin he has on his face, you’ll start crying. As if this day could not get any worse. Blaise immediately recognizes your facial expression as a girl who has just been hurt and he instantly retaliates, regretting what he just did. “I told you that was private,” you manage to speak out before walking away briskly.
The sound of quickened footsteps follow you and Blaise voice says, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just thought we were having fun, that’s all!” he attempts to rationalize. You ignore his feeble attempt at an apology. “I won’t tell Malfoy. It’ll just inflate his ego,” he attempts to humor you.
“I would hope not. That would be the most human thing to do,” you spit at him. “Just leave me alone, okay? I think you’ve done enough damage for today.”
“(Y/N)!” Blaise calls out before you turn around to enter your next class. “Please. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean it.”
You look at him and by the look on his face, you can tell he means it, which is surprising. You sigh, “I believe you. Just...don’t do it again. And please, don’t tell...” you don’t want to say his name in fear if you say it, he’ll come right around the corner. “...him.”
Blaise offers you a warm smile. “Your secret is safe with me.” You let go of your held breath, some tension releasing from your shoulders. “Can I just ask? What is the fascination of him? Is it his hair?” he asks, making you laugh lightly. There were many reasons you liked Draco; his personality, his smile, his drive, the cool blue gray color of his eyes, the way his nose scrunched up when he laughed. There was so much to like. Blaise notices your pregnant pause and smiles, “Never mind me asking. I have a feeling it will take too long to get your response.”
“Goodbye, Zabini,” you trail off, trying to slip into your class before he stops you yet again.
“Wait! Um,” Blaise stutters. “So, the Yule Ball is coming up soon. And I know maybe you were hoping to get asked by a certain...someone else,” he winks as you roll your eyes, “but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” he delivers the last part confidently, like he was giving you a sales pitch. 
You quickly thought about it. Although the chances of Draco asking you were slim to none, you still were holding out that maybe he noticed you and wanted to take you to the Yule Ball. But the proposition with Blaise sounded like fun. Blaise knew how to have a good time and you rather go with another Slytherin than with some half-blood from another house. And as selfish as it was to say, you would probably be invited to get ready with the other Slytherin girls like Pansy which meant more time to see Draco. Offering him a sweet smile you reply, “I’d like that. Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to go to class, Zabini.”
Blaise smiles and lightly blushes, but turns away, hoping you would not catch it. But you did before you slipped into your astronomy class before the professor started.
Soon enough, the Yule Ball rolled around and like you had previously thought, you found yourself in Pansy’s room, getting ready for the ball. You lightly tugged the rollers out of Pansy’s hair, helping her finish getting ready as she rambles on and on to Daphne Greengrass about their magical creatures class. A small smile tugs on your lips as you remain bystander to the conversation, enjoying the ridiculousness of the conversation. Your thoughts are disturbed when Pansy says, “Oh, wow, (Y/N). When you said you could do hair, you meant it!” She shakes her head side to side, causing her loose curls to shimmy across her shoulders. You had to admit she looked beautiful. 
You shrug, “Don’t mention it. Could you zip up the back of my dress?” You turn around, feeling the zipper close, the dress fitting around your figure tighter. When you turn around, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. Iridescent green fabric clung to your body fabulously, a deep v plunging down to your chest, your dècolletage shimmering in the light. It was a stunning dress; your mom had sent it over from London. It was her dress when she went to the Yule Ball at your age. 
“You look radiant,” Daphne tells you, placing her hands on your shoulders. “Blaise is going to be drooling.” Pansy and Daphne giggle, hoping you would join in. But you just offer them a small smile in return, secretly wishing there was another boy who would be gawking over how radiant you looked. “Something wrong?” Daphne asks.
Pansy looks at your face, “Do you not wanna go to the ball anymore?”
“No!” you exclaim. “I do! I do want to go!” You calm down both the girls as they dramatically sigh. “I just did not picture myself going to the ball with Blaise,” you confess. 
The girls exchange confused expressions before looking back at you. “What do you mean? Do you not fancy Blaise?” Pansy asks.
“No! I like Blaise! He’s a charming boy, don’t get me wrong. And he’s very handsome.”
“So, what’s the problem?” Pansy asks. 
He’s not Draco, you think to yourself. But instead of that you say, “I just fancy someone else.” That was probably too much information to give to the girls, you know they would take and spread some sort of rumor, but you give them the benefit of the doubt. “This does not leave this room,” you say sternly. You extend both of your pinky fingers to Daphne and Pansy, making them pinky promise and kiss their thumbs: your ritual for making promises. 
“So...” Daphne starts. “Can we know who you do fancy then?”
Your anxiety peaks again. If you even murmured that you liked Draco, Pansy would probably loose her mind. Pansy basically called dibs on Draco when you stepped foot at Hogwarts. In all seriousness, Pansy has fancied Draco longer than you, so it just seemed inconsiderate and rude to tell her that you had feelings for the same platinum haired boy. “You’ll find out later. Besides, we should get going now,” you change the subject.
You make your way down the stairs and the winding halls of Hogwarts before arriving at a tall staircase leading to the Ball’s entrance. Your arms are linked with both Daphne and Pansy’s as you descend the staircase. Your eyes roam the floor, looking for a certain blonde haired Slytherin and you almost immediately find him. And to your surprise, his eyes have found you. Your pair of eyes burns into his, creating a tunnel vision. The orchestra that plays in the other room becomes white noise and everyone else seems to disappear. It is just you and him now. He look absolutely dashing. His suit fits him excellently and his hair is perfectly swept back. His eyes are open in wonder as he watches you descent the staircase, looking absolutely regal. This moment feels like forever and you never wanted it to end. But it sadly does when you both realize you haven’t looked at either of your actual dates to the ball. Your eyes drift away from his blue ones and they meet Blaise’s brown ones instead. He is smiling big at you which makes you laugh. When you make it down the stairs, he meets you at the bottom and grabs your hand like an absolute gentleman. “You are unearthly, (Y/L/N),” he whispers before kissing the back of your hand. 
Smiling at the compliment, you thank him. “You are not too bad yourself, Zabini.” He did look great. His suit was tailored perfectly to his tall, muscular figure and his shoes were shined so bright that you could practically see your reflection in them. 
“Shall we head in there?” he asks, offering his arm to you to hold. You smile and take his arm. But not before taking one look at Draco. He kisses Pansy’s hand gently, but as he does this, his gaze is on you the whole time and only breaks when he comes back up to look at Pansy and give her a smile.
This was going to be a long night. 
Since that night, your relationship with Blaise grew. You went from friends, to something more than friends, to boyfriend and girlfriend. You didn’t expect to end up dating Zabini after the Yule Ball, but you decided that maybe pursing something with him was more realistic than chasing after Draco. He obviously had a thing for Pansy and Pansy for him and who were you to ruin that? So you let yourself use Blaise as a distraction or someone else to focus on rather than pining over Draco. However, it did drive you mad when you would all be in Slytherin common room and you sat on the floor next to Blaise and Pansy would sit on Draco’s lap when there was plenty of room on the couch. You also did not feel bad when Blaise would make fun on Pansy having an obvious crush on him. You would hide your laugh as Blaise pulled you closer to him. 
That being said, as you got closer with Blaise, you got closer with his friends. Which meant having to face Draco and swallow your feelings. You always felt like such a poser when you were with Blaise. You knew it was wrong to date someone who genuinely liked you and you liked someone else. But you just crossed your fingers and hoped that your feelings for Malfoy would melt away and your feelings for Blaise would grow. Of course, with your luck, nothing happened. Your feelings for Draco were just solidified if anything. He was cheeky and smart mouthed, which you just loved. He kept you on your toes. Blaise wasn’t like that; he was predictable. Draco would make jokes that only you two would hear and you would laugh until your ribs shook. Blaise has never done that. But it wasn’t right to compare Blaise to Draco; it was an unfair competition. 
Regardless, you stayed with Blaise. Too afraid to break up with him and too afraid to tell Draco how you felt, you stayed in a relationship where you lied not only to yourself but to another person every day. A good person at that. Blaise was a great guy and every day you held his hand, shared a kiss, cuddled up together, you felt guilty. You were hurting him more and more with everyday. And you were hurting yourself by being in this relationship for so long. But you stayed. 
Back in a classroom, this time Slughorn’s potions class, you stood next to Pansy waiting for the class to begin. You looked across the room to see your boyfriend toss you a wink as you lightly smiled. “I love you,” he mouthed as you sighed. 
You did love Blaise. So much. But not in the way he wanted. And yet, here you were, mouthing an “I love you too” back to him, causing him to smile wide. You turn to Pansy, “So what are we supposed to be doing today? If it’s boring, I’m going to use the washroom.” Using the washroom was always code for going back to your room. 
Pansy giggled, “Today’s class should be good. I heard Slughorn has Amortentia today.” Your heart sank. Amortentia: the most powerful love potion in the world. People say that it smells different for everyone according to what they are most attracted to. “Your should be easy. Smells just like Zabini I bet,” she nudges your side as you offer a convincing smile and girlish giggle. “I’m sure I know what mine smells of...” she trails off before looking over to Draco who was too involved talking to Zabini to notice her gaze. 
Slughorn starts class, reciting off lists of potions to which Granger completes his every question without fail. You roll your eyes, “Some people are just such show offs,” you whisper to Pansy, making her laugh. You join her, causing Draco to look your way, more interested in what you were laughing at rather than the lesson Slughorn was giving. You look away from Draco and focus back on the lesson, hoping it would distract you from those familiar gray eyes. 
Hermoine talks more about Amortentia before prompting Slughorn to ask your classmates to come up at random and speak what they smell. Granger goes first and describes a horrific combination of mowed grass and spearmint toothpaste. Others go after and then Blaise volunteers to go next. “Mr. Zabini, please, go head,” Slughorn says before Blaise steps up to the small caldron and take a whiff.
“I smell...morning rain...vanilla...and jasmine,” he smiles as he finishes his sentence, looking right at you. Your heart sinks. Blaise had smelt your perfume and everyone in the class knew it. Those who were friends with him laughed as Pansy let out an ooooh. You told her to shut up with a jab to the side as she continued to tease you. 
“Miss (Y/L/N), you’ve been awfully quiet this class. How about you come up and smell?” Slughorn proposes.
You freeze. Absolutely not. There was no way you were going to get up there and smell the Amortentia. You knew exactly what you were going to smell and you were not prepared to tell the class and your boyfriend that what you were smelling was Draco Malfoy. 
“I’m fine, actually.”
“That was less of a question and more of a demand, Miss (Y/L/N),” Slughorn rephrases, earning a few laughs from Gryffindors to which you shoot them a dirty look, causing them to stop. “Well?”
You look at Slughorn and gulp. He offers you a gentle smile and you can’t deny the man any further. You sigh and slowly walk up to the caldron. You are a foot away and already the scent slaps you in the face. It almost makes you cough from how strong it is. Right next to the pot, you look down at the bubbling liquid with pink fumes evaporating from it. Closing your eyes and iInhaling deeply, you get chills. The scent makes you forget where you are. What time it is. Who is watching. It’s euphoric. It’s perfect. It’s him. The smell of musky cologne, leather polish, and green apples dance around your nose and your stomach erupts with butterflies. 
“What do you smell?” Slughorn asks, snapping you out of your daydream.
“I’m sorry?” you ask.
“What do you smell?” he repeats. 
Suddenly, you remember that you have to tell the class what you are smelling. Or who you are smelling. Once you said what you smelled, everyone would know who you were talking about. Pansy would know. Blaise would know. Draco would know. You try to think. What in the world does Blaise smell like? Can you lie about this stuff? For Merlin’s sake, what does Blaise smell like?! “Um...” you try to concoct your way out of this situation. You try to think of what your boyfriend smells like, but the scent of Malfoy is clogging every single sense. 
“Say it then,” Slughorn urges you.
“Cologne, leather polish, and green apples,” you blurt, confessing what you were most afraid of to the class. You slowly open your eyes and see the smile that was once on Blaise face quickly fall. His eyes pang with hurt and pain and your heart drops into your stomach. You wanna run over to him and tell him how sorry you were and how much you loved him, but this thing with the Slytherin prince was unshakeable. Too hurt to look at Blaise anymore, you glance at Pansy, who is just enraged. Her ears are bright red, eye locked onto you, unwavering. Her eyes dig into your soul and you can hear her saying in your head, “You’re bloody joking, right?” You don’t dare look at Draco, but in the periphery you see him just staring at you, lips parted, breathing softly, eyes burning into the back of your head. 
Slughorn notices the tension and attempts to diffuse the situation. “Alright, everyone take your seats,” he dismisses. You walk quickly to Pansy who swiftly moves away to you and toward Blaise who sits with Draco, taking up a whole table with no room for you like usual. Instead, you find yourself sitting with random Ravenclaws for the rest of class, unable to think straight about what just happened. The look on Blaise’s face was enough to have you in tears and the look of betrayal on Pansy’s face drove you mad. You spent the whole class thinking, what have I done? 
As soon as class is dismissed, you watch Blaise’s movements, wanting to catch him or Pansy after class. Pansy leaps off her chair and to the door and you quickly follow suit. “Pansy!” you call after her. “Pans, please! Please can we talk about this? Please do not shut me out!”
“Why not?” she yells back. “You lied to me! You could have told me how you felt! You knew how i felt and yet you still lied to me!” 
“I know, but I thought what you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you. But I just ended up hurting you anyway and I am sorry, Pansy. I am so sorry,” you attempt to reconcile with your best friend as she fumes. 
Pansy shakes her head. “I just need space. Away from you. Can you at least respect that?” she sarcastically says. “There’s someone else you owe a bigger apology to,” she tells you before trotting away down the hall back to the Slytherin common room. 
You turn around and there stands Blaise, stoic and tall. His eyes are soft and full of so much pain. You could cry. You start to cry. “Blaise,” you croak out. “I didn't mean to hurt you. Please know that is the last thing I wanted to do. When you asked me to the Yule Ball, I thought that it would be a good way to get over Draco, but I-I don’t know what happened? Nothing happened, I guess. I value you and your friendship so much. Blaise, I love you, I’m so sorry. I thought not tell you how I really, truly felt would protect you.”
Blaise sighs, “(Y/N), I know you didn’t mean to. For Merlin’s sake, I’m not a git. I knew you still liked Malfoy.” Your eyes widen. Huh? Before you could ask every single question that flurried into your brain, Blaise stops you and says, “From that moment in the hallway during year four until now, I knew. I thought that the longer I stayed with you, I could convince you that I could love you more than he could. But I don’t think that’s true...(Y/N), I love you. What either of us did was not right and I think we just need space from each other right now.”
You shake your head. You couldn’t lose Pansy and Blaise. That would be too much. “No, I can’t lose you, Blaise. I need you,” you beg, holding onto his forearms. 
“It isn’t for forever, darling. Just for a little. I think we both a need a little space from each other right now,” he holds your face in one of his hands and you lean into his touch, soothing you almost instantly like it has done so many times before. “I’ll see you soon, okay?” You nod, him wiping away your tears before replacing it with a gentle kiss on the apple of your cheek. “Besides, I think you have to talk to someone else,” he whispers in your ear, before walking away, revealing Draco standing behind him.
Your breath hitches in your throat. His eyes burn into yours just like that night at the Yule Ball. A small smile on his lips dances as a last tear strolls down your cheek. He takes a few steps towards you and you instinctively take a few steps back. Draco looks a little hurt that you moved away from him so quickly. You gulp, not knowing what to say, what to do. Who would in a situation like this? Lightly sniffling, you wipe away your tears with the sleeve of your robe, not breaking eye contact with him. Draco opens up his mouth to say something, but then chooses not to. He closes his mouth, pressing his lips into a line, thinking of what to say. You watch him think, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he finds the right words to say. 
“Uh,” he starts. “How lo-”
“Year four,” you answer, knowing exactly what he was going to say.
He lightly laughs at how prepared you were to answer him. He nods. “I thought,” he lightly speaks, looking at you with a small smile. He is trying so hard to get you to open up to him. Or even crack a small smile at him. But that seemed really impossible right now. The two people who you cared about more than anything just told you they needed time away from you. You felt like an awful person. Although you should be in Draco’s arm right now, stroking his hair, kissing his lips, telling him how happy you were, you were standing four feet away from him, a shaking mess, tears still flowing from your eyes. “Here,” he reaches into his pocket and offers you a handkerchief. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, accepting his token, blotting your eyes with the green silky cloth. You blow your nose into it, loudly. You look at him, watching his reaction, wondering if you should return a snotty handkerchief. “I...I can wash it for you.”
He chuckles, “Don’t worry about it. Keep it if you need it.” You smile and tug it away in your bag. Silence falls over you two again. “Can I stand next to you?” he asks permission, knowing how fragile you are right now. You nod and he slowly makes his way towards you, stopping about three inches away from you. Your breath hitches in your throat when you look up and see the proximity of your faces from each other. “May I hold you hand?” he asks, you shaking your head yes slowly. With that, he grabs your left hand in his large hand, pressing yours flat against his before intertwining the fingers. It makes you smile softly which makes his heart flutter at your excitement. Draco so desperately wants to hug you, squeeze you, kiss you. But he knows he needs tread lightly. “I wanted to take you to the Yule Ball,” he confesses as he looks at your hands intertwined.
Your head shoots up and your eyebrows furrow. “You did?” you ask, not believing him. He shakes his head yes. You pause. This made no sense. “Then why didn’t you ask me?” you ask.
Draco sighs. “I didn’t know you well. Zabini said he wanted to ask you. I stepped back.” So much has happened today you cannot wrap your brain around what has just been said. “But now...I know you better. And now that you and Zabini are no longer...” he trails off, looking up at you with those chilling blue eyes that make your knees weak and heart putty. 
You want to scream yes. Wrap your arms around him. Kiss him. Hard. Breath in his scent that has haunted you for nights on end. Finally, he was yours. You were his. But that would not be right. It wouldn’t be fair to Blaise. Or Pansy. Or you. Or Draco. You needed time. “Draco...” you say, breathily.
“Yes?” he asks, eyes so bright and shimmering with so much hope and longing. Merlin’s beard, he wanted to kiss your tear stained cheeks and hold you close, bodies becoming one. “Is something wrong?” he asks, worry creeping into his words, his free hand that isn’t holding your hand, cups your cheek. “Please tell me. I don’t want to wait any longer. I can’t wait any longer.” 
His words make your heart break, knowing that you needed to wait longer. Just a little bit longer. “Draco...” you repeat, the tears welling back up in your eyes, slowly dripping own your cheek, but Draco is quick to wipe them away. “I...” you start, but your voice fails you. 
“Take your time,” he breathes. Oh, how he was so right. 
“I need time,” you repeat after him. 
“Yes, take your time. Breathe,” he says, thinking that what you are saying is applying to just now. 
“No, Draco,” you tell him, reaching up to his wrist, pushing his hand away from your face. “I need time. To process this. Blaise, Pansy...us...I need time.”
His eyes fall and the once happy expression on his face is fading fast. But he knows that you were right. It would be too fast. Too much for the both of you. You both needed time to think, recover, and come back to each other.
“And I will wait for you,” he reassures you, both of his hands cupping your small ones. “If I waited this long already, I can wait a little while longer.”
It’s like he knew exactly what to say. His words make you smile softly and you feel just a little bit better. Your smile makes me him smile. So you just stand there, your hand in his two large ones, smiling at each other. He places a tender kiss on your knuckles and then another to your forehead. His actions make your heart flutter, knowing that if this is what a relationship with Draco was like right now, you were in for a treat. You whisper a weak thank you and he shakes his head, laughing that you would thank him for something like this.
“Now go get some rest, darling,” he presses his forehead against yours and you flutter your eyes closed, loving the feeling of him being so close to you. It felt so good to finally have him next to you. You pull away, give him a gentle smile, and start to walk back to the Slytherin common room. 
Draco watches you walk away, down the hall. In his head, he thought to himself, I can wait a little longer. Because you are worth waiting for.  
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