#i did a very poor job rip
celestialprincesse · 7 months
More Simon X Single mom!Reader💕🌙
Based on this drabble😚
wc: 1.1k
You're so, painfully reluctant to ask Simon for help. He offers, frequently, to help you get bedded in to your small flat, which only now, finally free from the clutches of your desperation, do you understand why it was so cheap. The first time he comes over for dinner he notes the way your kitchen faucet takes ages to put out hot water, and honestly, it took a fair bit of blindly tapping (smacking) random pipes to get any water at all. He seems to take issue with not only the lack of amenities that could help you get settled, but also the fact that the few basics that you do have access to don't work. You're a single mom, with a three year old daughter, and his sense of justice has always been at war with his longing search for peace and isolation.
Simon doesn't have much to do when he's not deployed, Price putting him on some kind of mandatory break after the last mission went south, as did his mental health. Because of said lack of hobbies, work and education, Simon finds himself doing literally whatever he can think of to occupy his mind, to forget about what happened in October - if that means helping you string a wreath on the front of your apartment door and lugging a christmas tree up the stairs for you, that's what he'll do. You'll be the first to admit that you're cash poor - buying this house ate up the majority of your savings, and the rest you're currently blowing through supporting your daughter whilst also trying to get a job, very contradictory to the fact that you're also trying to lay low.
The man that lives next door to you is no fool, not as blind and imperceptive as you wish he'd be. You see the way his eyes occaionally shoot to the fading tan line on your left ring finger and the small, raised scar on your bicep. Occasionally, he himself wishes that he wouldn't see the bags under your eyes or the way you clutch onto your daughter like she'll be ripped away from you - maybe then he wouldn't feel such a sense of duty to you. Maybe he wouldn't lie awake at night thinking of the fact that he's spent his life plagued by gunfire to protect innocent women and children, and now faced with the people he vowed to lay down his life for, all he can do is offer to fix your blocked hot water pipe.
So, when you stand on his doorstep, sniffling down fat tears threatening to spill, apologising profusley when you look up to see his confused expression, he can't help but to engulf you, and your wailing daughter at your hip, into what he can only hope is a comforting embrace. "Y' a'right? Whats goin' on?" He murmurs, a hint of panic in his voice. Simon knows the feeling of your past coming back to haunt you all too well.
"I'm sorry I just - the oven is broken, and I need to make her dinner and bath her and put her down to bed -" Is all you can manage before you're hiccuping into the hand not supporting your equally as distraught baby girl.
For a second he just stops, his brain short circuits as he struggles to comprehend the fact that you're coming to him for help. He can't understand the way you lay your soul bare before him, not when he's so distant, so intimidating, and you're oh so soft, lovely as a morning songbird and as warm as sun soaked sand.
"Would you mind looking at it?" Even you recognise how pathetic you sound, standing here practically grovelling at your neighbours door, but apparently it works when he's guiding you back to the front door you stupidly left open in your panic, pulling out a kitchen chair and easing you down as you sit between utter misery and the panic which filled your lungs like a puncture in a life raft when one little part of your routine you'd become so reliant on fell out of place.
"Gas's out." He tells you softly, like any more bad news might make you shatter completely, and the thought of delivering that blow makes him feel physically sick. "Right - Right, no gas." You murmur, brain whirring at a million miles a second in order to work out what to do next.
"You could use my oven? I'll call the gas company in the morning and have them install a new bottle."
His words make you stop, processing his offer, his generosity, the generosity of a man who's never once been cruel or rough or mean to you, and you give a little grateful nod, cooing to your daughter about how you're going on an adventure to Simon's place. The way he scoops her up so that you can stuff a bag with all of the things you need to make dinner, bouncing her on his hip to stop her wailing makes your insides warm in an unfamiliar way, one that you promptly shake off as you follow him across the threshold of his undecorated apartment, trying not to stare at your surroundings as you're guided to a kitchen that you're sure is far more functional than your own.
The way Simon doesn't have any cartoon channels on his TV, so he grabs his laptop instead, plopping your daughter down on the couch with a blanket around her shoulders and some kind of kids show playing on the screen makes you ache, and you can't imagine how a man with no kids of his own could be so good with yours. There's a softness to him despite his physical body being comprised of muscle and sinew and scars, his soul is gentle. He's gentle with you, and he's gentle with your daughter, and that's all that you can ask for.
You make enough dinner for the three of you, mostly to thank Simon for his hospitality, but also because you're starving and the meat needs eating. When you ask where the cutlery is, he gives a little chuckle, grabbing out two sets for you and him, as well as your daughter's little blue Peter Rabbit spoon and tray. He helps you dish up dinner, and when you go to sit at the table, he steers you into the lounge.
"You're not worried about food on the couch?" You squeak in utter confusion, to which he gives a laugh and plops down on one end, placing your daughters tray before her where she sits in the middle of the two of you, happily scarfing down her dinner and watching whatever Simon could find on such short notice.
When you inevitably fall asleep on his couch, your daughter doing the same, Simon sets a blanket over the two of you before going into the kitchen to call the gas company, putting down his card details to pay for the new bottle. He's happy to cough up fifty quid that he's sure you don't have if it means not seeing his girls cry again.
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euovennia · 2 years
oh oh - and if it’s not too much trouble to ask, an addition to mom/dad friend simon, maybe another hc where reader takes a bullet for him and he’s like "why would you do that" and she’s all like "because your my friend" and he’s like "🥹" rubbing my hands together deviously
so for anyone new, this post is a continuation of this request, but it can be read as a stand alone if you so choose! i will say simon may be a bit ooc but you've already been besties forever so it's fine. thank you to the anon who requested this, i hope i did it justice. now please, enjoy <3
so by this point it's become well established that you and simon are pretty much a package deal
one can never be seen without the other trailing too far behind
unless of course one of you (usually simon) is actually trying to do their job
but even then you both have a tendency to hover
the hovering is usually done by simon who will take it upon himself to sit somewhere in the same room as you while you work
but you're more direct in your approach
which basically means you have no hesitation in pulling up a chair and talking his ear off
depending on his mood/what he's working on he'll either slide something your way in hopes of distracting you into silence or he'll take part in your mindless chatter
it's usually the latter much to the annoyance of price whose come to notice that simon tends to submit his mission reports just a tad later than normal when you're around
but he doesn't dare say anything because he's just happy simon finally has someone to keep him company
even if it does mean him missing a deadline here and there
now with the amount of time you two spend around one another, there was the small concern that you two may become a bit more reckless on missions together
but honestly?
that couldn't have been farther from the truth
as much as you like messing around with simon, you're very aware that your line of work requires your full attention
so, despite how hard it can be at times, you limit your jokes and general shenanigans to the bare minimum so you can get the job done
and obviously it goes without saying that he does the same by shedding the name simon riley and becoming the infamous ghost
it was a bit startling for the team to witness this change at first
they honestly thought you two were mad at each other
but after the mission was said and done, you and simon started hanging out again and it just kinda clicked
simon probably uses you as an example to soap to be honest
anyway, point is
you both know how to keep your friendship out of the way in the field, you've practically mastered the art of it
but the moment you see him get into a knife fight with an enemy soldier on a mission, you can't help but worry
and you can't help the way your worry morphs into panic as you see a tiny red dot plant itself on his body as he finally drives his knife into the neck of the rival soldier
and you certainly can't help the way your feet seemingly begin to move on their own as you sprint toward ghost and practically ram him into the ground
and you most definitely can't help the yelp of pain that drops from your lips as you feel a searing hot pain rip through your lower abdomen
so much for those bullet proof vests
simon looks up from his position on the ground, knife in hand and ready to stab it into the poor soul dumb enough to tackle him like this
but then he sees you
he sees your face, eyes wide with shock and mouth agape
his eyes trail down your body and he swears his world nearly crashes as he stares at the dark red spot currently staining your shirt
he can only fear the faint sound of yet another gun going off before you're tumbling onto the ground
he snaps out of his daze to catch you and he can't help but feel horrified upon seeing another bullet wound lodged into your thigh
he can hold in his cry of agony and heartbreak as your breathing soon becomes labored and your eyes fill with tears
he gives your struggling form a once over before sucking in a sharp breath and dragging you to a nearby hill that was littered with enough rocks and boulders to offer shelter from the incoming storm of bullets
he settles your head onto his lap as he harshly barks out words you can't even begin to understand through the comms
you can barely register the way his hand gives your face a small smack
your eyes connect as he pulls a roll of gauze from his tactical backpack, "come on, kid. don't do this to me. just a bit longer."
even with the searing hot pain that was overruling all your other senses, you can't help but smile
you grab onto his inked forearm and he stops as he looks back at you, eyes wild and frantic
"hey simon?"
"thanks for putting up with me."
your eyes begin to flutter open, a small hiss of discomfort escaping your mouth as you cringe at the bright overhead lights
you make a move to bring a hand up in front of your eyes to shield yourself form the harsh fluorescents, but stop your movements when the lights suddenly begin to dim
confused, you begin to look around the room only to see simon standing by a wooden door with his hand on what you assumed to be a light dimmer
he stares at you through the eye holes of his balaclava, "better?"
you offer him a nod paired with a small smile and open your mouth to offer your thanks but stop when he puts the lights back up to their full brightness causing you to let out a groan
you open your mouth once more to vocalize your complaints and throw a half-hearted insult his way, but stop when you hear the heavy footfall of simon's boots making their way over to your hospital bed
he comes to a stop by your bedside as he glares down at you, a swirl of emotions darkening his already hardened gaze
after giving your eyes a few moments to adjust he speaks, "you're the stupidest person i've ever fuckin' met."
your eyes widen as your jaw goes slack, "excuse me?"
he leans down and stops just a few inches short of your face, "i said you're stupid and i'd yank you off the field myself if i could."
you can feel your heart drop at his harsh tone but decide to soldier on, "you're in a good mood today, aren't ya?"
his eyes narrow and a growl of anger and frustration escape the lips hidden by his mask, "don't give me any of that shit, you know what you did."
you sigh, "i'm in a hospital bed, simon. i don't think i could've done any–"
you don't even get to finish your sentence before he's interrupting you, "why'd you do it?"
you stare up at him, confusion and annoyance evident on your face
"simon, what are y–"
he scoffs, "the fucking bullet! you took the fucking bullet! why'd you do that? what made you think that was a bloody good idea? do you have any fucking clue what you put this team – what you put me through?"
your expression melts into one of sheepishness as you attempt to get in a word, but stop when simon decides to continue
"i had the situation handled, i could've taken care of myself! i'm smart, i'm capable, and i have years more experience than you do so tell me, i can handle myself! i don't need you steppin' in and throwin' yourself in front of bullets! you coulda fuckin' died!"
he points a finger in your face as he continues on with his rant, "no, you don't get to call me that, not anymore. from here on out, you either address me as ghost or lieutenant, nothing else until you can learn how to handle yourself on the field. we need soldiers, not daredevils. do you understand?"
you exhale, "no."
before he can continue with his angry tangent you sit up with a painful grimace and grab the pillow the pillow your head once rested upon and fling it at him
he narrowly dodges it and stares at you with a mix of rage and pure disbelief with a glare that practically screamed, "what the fuck."
hit block limit again. i'm afraid this may become a habit. anyway.
taking his silence as your cue to speak, you do just that, "okay fine, you're right. i probably shouldn't have tackled you down like that and taken a bullet for you, i probably should've remembered that you're a fully capable man with more experience than me, and i probably should've remembered that the field is no place to be playing favorites. you're right, i should've kept that all in mind but–"
you let out a small sigh as you avert your eyes to the think blanket draped over your body, "when i saw that gun pointed right at you i...i couldn't bring myself to care about any of that. at that moment, all i saw was you in danger and i couldn't have that so i did what i did. you can reprimand and punish me all you want for doing it, but i don't care. i stand by my actions."
simon eyes you for a few moments longer before grabbing onto a chair nearby and settling it beside your bed
you watch as he sits down with a small sigh, his eyes never leaving yours
your brows knit together in confusion
"why what?"
"why'd you take a bullet–no, why'd you take two bullets for me? you and everyone else on this team know i could've handled it, so why?"
you frown, "because you're my friend, simon. why else?"
once those words leave your mouth, you're greeted with his blank ghost stare
again, he's just 👁️👁️
and you feel a small wave of concern wash over you
this is the same man who was torturing you with the bright fluorescent lights and lecturing you to hell just a few minutes ago and now he's just staring at you
still and silent as ever
you almost ask if he's okay, but stop yourself when he brings his large hand up to the edge of your hospital bed and begins inching it closer to yours before eventually resting it over yours
it's quiet for a few moments longer before he speaks in one of the quietest voices you've ever heard from him, "you took that bullet cause i'm your friend?"
you can't help but soften your own voice as you respond, "my best friend."
upon hearing you say that, simon can just feel the small well of tears that begin building up in his eyes
and as much as he wants to fight them off, he just can't
you, already being able to sense the internal war he's got going on inside his head, simply turn your hand so you can grip onto his and give it a firm squeeze
and by god he hates you for that
because now he can't help but disconnect your hands in favor of surging forward and wrapping his arms around you
you swear you can feel the small rumble of his shoulders as he tries and fails to conceal his quiet sniffles but you decide to overlook it because oh my god simon 'ghost' riley is crying in your arms and it's all your fault
so you decide it's best to just hold onto him as tight as you possibly can
he notices this and he just melts
what did he do to deserve you?
what overpowering force of life felt that he was good enough for the sunshine that is you?
who gave him the honor of being blessed with you?
he's not sure but quite frankly, he doesn't really care
not when you're holding onto him like your life depends on it
not when you pull back from the hug, look into his eyes, and offer him the brightest smile he's ever seen
and certainly not when you grab onto his hands and speak in that sweet honey voice of yours, "i'll always take a bullet for you. i can't lose you, simon."
jesus christ you're going to make his heart burst
he sucks in a small breath and squeezes onto your hands, "i can't lose you either, kid."
you only smile, "you won't, i'm always gonna be here with you."
words that once would've annoyed him to no end now set his cold heart alight
"you fuckin' better."
your smile widens and you lean forward to capture him in yet another hug
with his arms wrapped tightly around your body and you pressed up against him, he can't help but smile
it's definitely nice to have a friend
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celestial-grls · 1 month
Party 4 You - Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
summary: you decide to go out with the women's basketball team and a certain member has always confused you - before now word count: 2.9k a/n: fav concept ever is #partypaige...title inspired by the best Charli XCX song ever. please leave comments / reblog if you liked this ok mwah <33
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"It's my job that you come out with us tonight." A very out-of-breath KK Arnold informed you on the phone about her new job. 
"KK, did you just finish practice? Why are you out of breath?" You'd started an internship about two weeks ago, and when you agreed to take it, no one warned you that interning meant piling on a ton of work that no one else wanted to do. It'd felt awful to be holed up inside, spending nights hunched over a computer when everyone else was only getting their summer started. 
"Was just playing pick up with Paige and Ice," KK sighed, "So, did you make up your mind yet?" 
"Ugh, I don't know. There's a ton of stuff missing in some of these documents they want me to edit. I still haven't even thought about what I'd wear if I did go out tonight—" You rambled on, pacing around your desk before KK interrupted. 
"I already know you got something in that never-ending closet of yours. Does that mean you'll come out tonight?" An air of hope in KK's voice made you pause to consider it. 
You mindlessly wandered all the way to your closet while you were on the phone with KK. Maybe it was a sign that your brand-new skirt was hanging on the door handle, begging to be taken out for a spin. You told KK, "Okay, I'll be there. But please, promise we will keep it contained, nothing crazy?" 
KK let out a scream that made you rip the phone away from your ear before she started laughing and said, "Come by later to pregame! Bye, Pookie!" 
You laughed at her excitement, "Bye, KK!" 
The going-out section of your closet only served as a reminder of how crazy going out with some women's basketball team members can get. Between their boundless energy, how they seem to know everyone (including bartenders), and how they attract a crowd everywhere they go, there is no telling where the night can go once you join them. 
You met KK when you partnered up in your communications class and immediately found her hilarious. Plus, it didn't hurt that she always got you better seats than the student section during basketball games. You knew that going out tonight meant you were going to see Paige, so it was crucial to keep yourself in check. 
Paige and Ice took a water break while KK finished her phone call with you. 
"So Y/N's coming tonight?" Paige asked in confirmation. 
KK teased, "Why? So you can stare at her from a corner all night?" 
Ice added, "No, for real. Poor girl probably thinks you hate her." 
Paige interjects, "Alright, alright. We've talked to each other before. Y'all just don't wanna remember it." 
KK scoffs, "Girl, boo. Asking what her major is doesn't count. Especially because I already told you what it was before." 
They all gathered their things while Paige advocated for herself, "Y'all really have no faith in me, huh? Trust, it'll be a different story when I come by later." 
KK and Ice mumbled a combination of 'Yeah, sure' and 'Uh huh' before heading toward their building while Paige walked alone to hers. The truth was that she was a nervous wreck around you and always has been ever since KK and you became friends. 
It was one of those things that no one but Paige understood. She was her confident, relaxed self around her friends, in a stadium full of fans, even at events she would've never believed she'd find herself in. She got it in her head that maybe you didn't like her very much. Not because you were standoffish, you were actually the opposite. Paige never felt that you liked her enough to be around her alone. They were always in groups with their respective friends.
At first, none of her friends caught on to her little crush; she tried to keep it discreet. It was going well until you came over to watch movies and see them fight over the Xbox controller in a pair of striped sleep shorts and a UConn hoodie, and she officially became a goner. Sitting four feet away from you while you looked like that and periodically pushing your glasses up made her sweat from her palms and make her think up an excuse for leaving movie night early. 
Ice's apartment was filled with chatter, and Paige's pregame playlist came from the speakers. Everyone's shot glasses were haphazardly crowded on the table while some girls mixed drinks. 
You adjusted the bottle of Tito's in the crook of your arm before knocking on the door. When Ice answered the door, you could already tell you needed to catch up with everyone. She immediately wrapped you up in a hug and excitedly screamed, "We missed you, Pookie! And you came prepared." 
"I always do," You told her as she took the vodka from you so that you could adequately say hi to everyone. 
It was a natural relief to finally have a night out with friends, and any thoughts about work or deadlines didn't even cross my mind when I got to Ice's. 
KK must've been just as relieved to see you because she said, "Y/N, finally, someone who can make a mixed drink. I can't drink any of Paige's mid-ass drinks anymore." 
Paige looked offended and told her, "Call them mid, but they get it done." 
It's not like you received any formal mixologist training or bartending experience, but making drinks became your specialty whenever you went out. You got straight to work making KK her favorite drink and handing it to her. 
KK graciously sipped it and said it tasted "Perfect, as always." 
You turned around to see Paige standing empty-handed and decided to ask, "Want me to make you something?" 
Your pretenses were completely innocent, but how you softly smiled and batted your eyelashes made Paige's heart jump. Plus, she'd only heard five-star reviews about your drinks, so she couldn't refuse anyway. Once she gave you the okay, she was gearing up to ask you where you learned to make drinks like that until KK interjected, already half her drink downed. 
"Don't worry, Y/N. She's not picky."
You were done with the drink and ran to the fridge, your little heels clacking on the wooden floor, to grab the jar of maraschino cherries. When you topped off Paige's drink and handed it to her, you shrugged, "I have a feeling she'll like it." 
There it was again—your self-assuredness and complete ease in any situation made Paige feel weak and wobbly around you. The shiny red cherry on top, matching the shiny coat of lip gloss you were sporting, didn't make it any easier for her. 
She usually hates anything that tastes like alcohol, so whatever you made her was incredible. "This is fire. What is it?"
"A dirty Shirley. You like?" You stood looking up at her, hoping the drink could be a peace offering or a way to make Paige like you a little more. You never knew why she seemed more reserved or conscious around you, but you knew it always drove you crazy. 
"These are dangerous." Paige concluded with approval, and KK said, "Told you." 
After everyone was tipsy enough and you caught up with what some girls had been up to in the last couple of weeks, it was time to get into the Uber to start your night. Time collapsed into a whizz of final lip touch-ups, shuffling clumsy bodies into one car and waiting in anticipation to let loose. 
There was a corner of the bar with a karaoke machine that KK and Paige excitedly ran over to like it was a toy. Everyone downed the shots you bought and got ready to hear their performance. They did their best rendition of 'Kiss Me More' and sounded nothing like SZA or Doja Cat, but since everyone was tipsy, they danced anyway. Paige and KK looked right at home, singing with their arms wrapped around each other and sassily dancing whenever they caught Ice or Azzi filming them. 
When they finished, your little group applauded their effort, and Paige unexpectedly took her place next to you and Azzi. She looked a little smug, sipping the drink in her cup with her other hand resting in her pocket. 
Azzi piped up, "Tone deaf and singing Doja Cat is crazy." 
Paige scoffed, "Alright, Azzi, I don't remember asking." Azzi and Ice got up to sing next, and Paige shifted closer to you. 
Emboldened by the drinks, she nods at you and says, "I like this skirt on you." 
You feel it in your face first, flushing from having her eyes on you. You played it cool and told her, "Thank you, the skirt likes you, too." As you said it, you didn't exactly know what it meant, but it made sense in your drunk brain. 
She laughs and nervously twists the bracelet on her wrist. "So what'd you think of my singing?"
You pretend to think about it, "You ball better than you sing." 
Azzi and Ice are making an Usher song into a duo. You sip on your drink while taking a video of them that they'll definitely be humiliated by tomorrow. 
Paige looks at you and asks, "Oh, so you've noticed?" 
You don't know where this confidence came from. Usually, Paige avoids you whenever you're out. You figure it's because she's been drinking and having fun after an intense season. You're suspicious of it, but you like this version of her. "You know I come to games." 
"Haven't seen you in a minute, though. You been busy?" 
You repeat what she said right back to her, "Oh, so you've noticed?" 
Paige laughs, touching your arm and lingering near your elbow. "I'm being for real. What you been up to?" 
Her touch makes you feel dizzy, going straight to your distracted brain while you try to find an answer for her. "Got an internship, and they're already overworking me." Before Paige can respond, you shift closer to her to ask, "Can I ask you something, Paige?" 
She steadies her eyes on you and says, "Sure, what's on your mind?" 
You start, "I don't know…Normally, you don't talk to me much." You kept it lighthearted, teasingly asking, "Am I that scary?" 
Paige looks down at her sneakers, "Nah, not too scary." She added, "M'glad you came, though." 
You looked up at her as she wet her lips and said, "I'm glad I came, too." 
When Ice and Azzi finished singing, they were exhausted from exerting so much effort. You rounded everyone up and announced, "Everyone's gotta do a shot, I'm buying!" 
After another round of green tea shots, all hopes for a contained and calm night went out the window. Some girls broke off into different groups inside the bar as they ran into different acquaintances and friends. There was even more karaoke, only getting slightly sloppier and more tone-deaf with time. Sometime between you dancing behind the DJ table and your third drink, your exchange with Paige from earlier caught up to you. 
You couldn't even precisely identify what you were feeling at the moment. You thought Paige was indifferent toward you, or at least not keen on getting to know you beyond being KK's friend. But when you remembered the feeling of her fingers grazing your arm, you felt confused by it. Suddenly, an emotional wobbliness started to creep up on you, and your next instinct was telling you to duck outside for a minute. You handed your drink to Azzi and told her you needed some air and would be right back. 
It was cool enough outside to wrap your arms around yourself comfortably as you stood with your back against the wall. When you leaned your head back to close your eyes and take a breath, you tried to collect your thoughts. It was bouncing around a few things: deciding what to doordash later when you got home, mentally writing a small to-do list of internship work, and Paige. 
You thought about how her hands looked around the drink you made her at the pregame, her long legs in a pair of cargos you liked on her, how she sounded so sincere when she told you she was glad you came. It was a lot, and your brain would overheat if you didn't duck out when you did. You were so startled when all you heard was, "Hey," coming from somewhere on your left. 
It was just Paige, who currently had her hands on your shoulders after you almost jumped out of your skin at someone coming up to you. She apologized profusely before she said, "Wanted to see if you were good." 
Your eyes soften at this. You forget that you were concentrating so hard on your shoes that you were about to burn a hole in them. It was replaced by Paige's presence, comforted automatically by her taller frame blocking out the view of the street at night. 
You straightened up, adjusting the purse she was touching on your shoulder, and evening your voice enough to say, "I'm good; I just needed a second." 
Paige looked down and nodded, "Good, good. DJ booth looked empty without you dancing." 
You shook your head and laughed, "Been a minute since I could dance until my feet hurt." 
"You think you'll feel it tomorrow?" With how Paige looked at you, you thought she was much more sober than you probably were. 
You shrug, eyes feeling heavy as you lean into the wall, "Think we all will." 
Right as you say that, all the rest of your friends start shuffling out. They were clearly tired. You remember they all decided to play an entire pick-up game earlier and announced they were ready to call it a night. No one disagreed. All of you had fun, but it was time for the drunk food and pajamas part of the night. 
Paige urgently needed to spend more time with you. One of those game-time decisions seemed to come out of nowhere when she said, "Y/N and I should take a separate one since our buildings are close together and everything." 
Thankfully, all your friends were gone enough to not question it and felt safe in knowing it was best everyone went home in a group instead of alone this late. It sounded sensical to you, even though you hadn't remembered that you and Paige lived in neighboring apartment buildings. But then again, you haven't been anywhere but work or home, which felt like forever, so maybe you hadn't noticed. 
Something about being in this car in the backseat with Paige felt right. She spread out in the back while you crossed your leg, shifting your weight so the tip of your shoe would brush against her leg whenever the car stopped. 
It was a short ride from the last bar your friends hit to your apartment building. There were hardly any red lights, but you wished for at least one or two more. 
You turned to question Paige, "I didn't know you lived close to my building." 
She pressed her lips together, "KK didn't mention it?" 
You shook your head, more wide-eyed now that you sobered up.
Paige added, "I got a bigger place after the last semester ended." 
You nodded and teased, "Okay, big baller, I see you." 
Paige snickered and thanked the driver while you guys got out. She walked you into your building and even rode the elevator with you. When you asked what she had planned for the night, she mentioned some Advil and a big glass of water. When she asked you the same question, you told her about door-dashing some Taco Bell and taking your makeup off. 
She felt like you guys made it to your door too soon. You each stopped before it as you fished for your keys inside your purse. When you turned to tell her, "Thanks for walking with me. Text me when you get to your building."
Paige got that look again as if she was about to say something to you, the same one she made when you plopped the maraschino cherry into her pregame drink. She scratched the back of her neck, "S'no problem. And I will." 
You said, "Night, Paige." as you leaned against the door frame and kicked your heels off into a corner, shrinking in height and making Paige even taller than you for a moment. 
She paused to tell you, "Night, Y/N."
When you changed into your pajamas and got your cotton pads out to remove your makeup, your phone chimed with a text from Paige that read: Home. Remember to take that makeup off
You loved the message and wrote back: Doing it right now. Drink a glass of water for me!
You knew Paige had to go through group chats with all the girls in it to select your contact and text you personally since you guys had never texted each other before. It felt like too much to process in your state, and you thought it best to deal with it tomorrow. When you went to hang up your skirt, you ran your fingers over the fabric and silently thanked it for whatever magic it might've done for you tonight. 
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cemeteryspider · 4 months
The Shadow's Redemption
Platonic! X-Men x New X-Men! Reader
Eventual Nightcrawler! Kurt Wagner x Necromancer! Reader
Summary: When you arrive at the X-Mansion, you are forced to open up about past trauma to grow and become the person you were meant to be.
Trigger Warnings: Trauma, Abuse, Violence, Emotional Distress, and Loss
Word Count: 2570
When you arrived at the academy after years of fighting the X-Men, let's just say that not everyone was very welcoming. However, the Professor welcomed you with open arms after Mister Sinister's control over you was severed.
Cyclops, Scott Summers as you would come to know him as, was maybe the biggest obstacle of your transition from mind control survivor to X-Men in training.
"I refuse to work with them! They've tried to kill me and the team on multiple occasions. They are dangerous, and don't know how their powers work! That's only scratching the surface Professor!," You could hear Scott yelling behind the thick door to the Professor's office.
Your eyes were trained on the floor, and your knees instinctively curled up into your chest. You knew the abuse that Sinister put you through and you would never willingly go back, but in the back of your mind you could only think, 'At least he wanted me'.
Once the thought entered your mind, the yelling stopped and the door burst open. Scott stormed off past you giving you the dirtiest look as he passed.
"Come in, dear, we have much to discuss," The Professor welcomed you into his office with his voice, knowing how much you feared telepathic communication after Mister Sinister. "I have decided that you will have a team of mutants to mentor you, Storm, Wolverine, and Jubilee. They will each help you with different aspects of your powers, Storm will help you keep total control over your powers, Wolverine will assist with hand to hand combat, and Jubilee will assist you in self-defense and social integration at the academy"
You spoke quietly, "I don't need you to assign me friends".
He gave a hearty chuckle at your comment, "I'm not assigning you friends, it will be your job to make friends with the team, I'm just setting you up for success, my dear," He looked down at a stack of papers on his desk, "Wolverine will see you in the Danger Room now, have a good first day"
With that you looked up at him confused, "My apologies, I will show you to the room"
Easily you could've figured the layout of the building using your powers to take knowledge from the dead, but instead you silently followed the Professor's chair across the building.
Your fists hit the punching bag, barely making it sway from side to side.
"Come on, you've hit me harder than that, Bub," That comment made you give him a little glare.
"If I could use my powers, this punching bag would be ripped to shreds in seconds," The quiet but powerful statement made Wolverine grumble.
"Sometimes you can't count on your abilities to get you out of a situation," He grasped your wrist in his hand and showed you how to move your arm. You shook him off and tried again.
"Bit better," He circled you and the punching bag for what felt like an eternity, "Punch the bag like your angry at it"
Your eyebrows creased and you tried to feel your anger. As hard as you tried you remembered the telepathic calm Mister Sinister would inject into your mind whenever you started to revolt against him. Just like you did back then you fell to your knees, tears falling from your eyes.
“I’m going to take you down. I will escape, and you will pay,” You snarled from your place on the cold metal chair, twisting the rough rope tying your wrists to the arms of the chair.
“Oh you poor thing, I give you a new life, a fulfilling one, and you threaten me? Tsk tsk,” He grabbed your face in his hands, “Tell me what do you feel now?”
The artificial calm entered your mind. It infected your anger with a stillness, a complacency that made you regret yelling at Mister Sinister in the first place. You could feel the pit in your stomach grow, and your breathing quickened but the power suppressant collar he had on you kept you hyperventilating.
“See, you like it here, I care about you, and we make a great team,” You tried to shove the thoughts out of your mind, but nothing worked. So you cried, the tears reminded you of how you’ve lost something, something that may never return.
Wolverine's eyes widened and you heard him talking to someone, "Xavier, I think I made a mistake... uh huh, they're umm cryin'... why me?... fine"
You placed your head in your hands and continued to cry, you felt the ground shake a little as he sat next to you.
"You know, I was taken too," After a moment your shaking settled and you looked up at him your eyes filled with hurt, "I was turned into a weapon, experimented on, tortured, locked up, I don't wanna talk about that, but I escaped"
You wiped the tears from your eyes, and looked him over for once you noticed the scars marring his skin.
"I changed for the better. It took a while, well maybe still, but I'm finding myself. The academy is a good place to start lookin, Bub"
Your eyes locked onto Wolverine's, "Thank you for believing in me, Wolverine"
His eyes rolled, "Don't call me that, Logan's just fine," He quickly got up from the ground and extended his hand to you.
You stood outside with Storm, and the wind she controlled blew your hair around. You were mesmerized by Storm's control over the skies making clouds appear and disappear, small thunderstorms flying overhead, even tiny tornado's spinning in the palm of her hand.
"You too can use your powers with such precision, with practice," She assured you.
You started with mediating, controlled breathing, and even visualization to manage your emotions. Allow you to feel them and understand how to understand your powers.
"Think of your happiest memory, now" You scanned your memories looking for that moment. Everything beyond your captivity by Mister Sinister seemed to have vanished, your neutral face turned into a frown.
"I don't have any I can remember," You opened your eyes to see Storm staring back at you. You could've sworn you could see sympathy in the eyes staring back. Her neutral expression finally broke into one of realization.
"What do you feel then," You pondered her question for a moment. You thought of everything he had taken from you, your parents, your normal life, your home, your youth...
"I'm angry," You whispered.
"What was that?" You knew full well she heard you.
"I feel angry," You looked at her with a scared look in your eyes. She just smiled at you.
"Show me how that feels," She stood up alongside you as you walked a little further away from the mansion.
Your breathing quickened, you could feel your eyes glaze over black, and you screamed. You let yourself feel your anger. Your fists clenched, and you could feel the darkness escape from your enclosed palms. You could feel the angry spirits within you scream with you.
The X-Men basketball game stopped and looked towards you. Darkness emitting in tendrils from your body, and spirits appearing around you screaming in unison. They all looked shocked.
Once a wave of relief washed over you and the darkness was pulled back inside, and the spirits disappeared either satisfied for the moment or put to rest eternally. A smile crossed your face for the first time in a long time.
"I can work with that" Storm was smirking at you, looking at you not with fear but a sweet sort of admiration. It made you smile wider.
That night you didn't take dinner back to your room. Instead you sat with the team Charles Xavier so badly wanted you to be a part of. You weren't nervous around him or Jean after your training with Logan and Storm. You felt confident in your abilities to feel your own emotions, and possibly the influence of a telepath. The Professor assured that when you were ready he could help you with that aspect, and after seeing your powers while on the basketball court Jean offered as well.
People were still afraid of confronting you about your powers, knowing what it felt like to be on the receiving end of your army of undead spirits. However, someone did not have those same qualms.
Kurt unapologetically appeared across from you at the table as you were sat between Storm and Logan protectively, "Hello, schön, saw your display the other day, it was simply amazing"
Your eyes flicked up from your plate and to Logan who simply huffed at the fuzzy blue man across from you.
"Thanks," you tersely responded.
"Ah! So silly of me, I am Kurt Wagner," Quickly he disappeared and reappeared in front of your eyes holding a flower across the table to you, "the Nightcrawler"
You felt your cheeks heat up looking up at him from your meal. You couldn't remember the last time someone introduced themself to you of their own volition.
"I'm Styx," You slowly plucked the beautiful golden marigold from between his fingers, "Thank you, Kurt"
His smile was infectious, and a smile turned one side of your mouth upwards.
"Kurt, sit down we have much to discuss," Still as the Professor spoke to the group about upcoming missions, and successful past ones he would steal glances at you.
One time he made a funny face at you while Scott was busy speaking, which caused you to laugh out loud. Everyone turned to look at you, and Logan simply started laughing too. Storm had a smile on her face because she knew it was the first time you laughed at the mansion.
You were at the mall with Jubilee and Jean who were helping you pick out some new clothes to make you feel more comfortable. While meandering the racks at Hot Topic Jubilee snuck up next to you.
"You know Kurt totally has a crush on you, right?" The same heat rushed to your cheeks, as you speedily turned back to the clothes to bring out a lacy black top with bell sleeves.
"What about this?" You held it up to your chest and turned back to Jubilee.
"Cute," She snatched it from your hands and put it in the basket, "but you can't avoid this, do you think you like him?"
You opened your mouth to say no, but you closed it because you did find him frustratingly adorable.
"Ah! You didn't say no!" Jubilee put her hand out for you to take which you reluctantly did, "He has never gotten so smitten with a new person this quickly, you two would be so cute together! Golden retriever and black cat relationship type thing ya know!"
You kept walking down the aisle, "Come on! Get excited with me! You two would so be a match," her fingers snapped and a small bright firework lit up your face.
You chuckled but something held you back, "I'm not sure I'm ready. For years the only person who I talked to was Sinister. I'm not exactly sure I'm dating material"
Jubilee exaggeratedly rolled her eyes at you, "You are a total catch, I mean the chic funeral attire, creepy spirits you have at your whim, the cold tendril thingys, who wouldn't want to date you," You gave her a sharp glare and she put her hands up defensively,
"I'm just joking, obvi, seriously you're so cool and anyone would be lucky to have you. If you're not ready I won't pressure you, but I don't know if Kurt's giving up anytime soon"
You focused on raising a singular spirit from the dead. Placing your hands in the grass behind the mansion. A blue spirit emerged from the Earth and sat with her legs crossed next to you.
'Hello, what's your name?' She was just a child, and yet she felt peace in death, you could feel it.
"People call me Styx, how 'bout you?"
'It doesn't matter, why have you brought me here?'
"I'm trying to learn more about summoning, my power"
'I had powers too'
"Tell me about them"
A smile crossed the young child's face and her eyes lit up, 'I could see the future, but a bad man took me away. Injected me with something. My body couldn't heal it like the others,' Her smile vanished, 'I dreamed of being an X-Men'
"I'm sorry that happened to you, no one deserves that. I'm an X-Men in training, you know," That was the first time you said that out loud.
'Really?! So you know Jean Grey! and Storm! Do you know Charles Xavier?!,'
You smiled at the young girl, "Yes I know them. Storm is like my best friend you know"
A gasp escaped the young girl's lips, 'That's so cool! You know maybe if you took my power, it would be like I'm part of the X-Men too'
"If only I could do that, I only can take knowledge from others," You chuckled.
She giggled at you, 'You can, silly, I can see the future, so I would know. Just take my hands'
You turned to face the young girl, and you held her hands in yours.
'Just focus," And you did, 'Think about my clairvoyance, think about the future'
And you did. There was a tingling sensation in your palms, and in a moment she was gone just an echo of a sentence, 'Call me Claire.'
You had two new powers to train, and you closed yourself off in your room working on honing in on looking into the future. Sometimes you would see centuries in the future, and sometimes seconds. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to this, just guesses.
While focusing you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" You yelled, and in a moment Kurt appeared in your room.
"Hallo! How are you Liebe!" He joyfully appeared next to you on the bed.
"Oh, hey Kurt. I'm doing well, how are you?" You carefully placed your hands on your lap, not wanting to try to see the future with Kurt in the room.
"Good, now that I'm with you," He gently shifted on the bed to look at you better, "Liebe, I have a question, but I don't want to scare you off"
"Ask me," You looked into his eyes, and a dark blush crossed his face.
'Hold his hand, see the future,' Sometimes Claire would speak to you. Usually to help you understand how to use her powers, and so you took his hand in yours.
Surprise crossed his face, but he quickly cleared his throat and used his confidence while it lasted, "Will you, do me the honor, of going on a date with me"
You saw yourself saying yes. You dress up, Kurt taking you to a fancy restaurant, and a dance at the end of the night. You saw another date where you shared your first kiss with him.
You could've seen more but you blinked away the visions. It didn't take you more than a second to respond this time.
"Yes, I would like that very much"
"Gut, sehr gut, how is Saturday?," You smiled at him and nodded, "unglaublich, I will see you then!"
With that he poofed out of the room and outside you could hear him cheering and Wolverine giving him the most big brother chat you've ever heard.
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mchlgayser · 23 days
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 [tokyo revengers various]
⸻ cw: hurt/no comfort, triggering events and poor writing skills.
qeena's brief note: i'm here after nearly a month went MIA
໒꒰ྀི o̴̶̷̤ ̯o̴̶̷̤ ꒱ྀ১ first of all, thank you so much for 1.13k followers on tumblr (i honestly still can't believe it lol) you guys did a lot for me throughout my years here in this platform like bro i love you guys sm andddd thank uuuu! ik lots of my ole mutuals are no longer active but still, thank you so much to you guys for your continuous support 💙 and thanks to my readers (from jude girlies readers to anime girlies readers), thank you so much. last to wrap things up, here a small sorry gift from me after went missing, a tokyo revengers drabble! happy (sad) reading xoxo!! i love you <33
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𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎: too preoccupied with his work.
The sun disappears behind the horizon and the daylight soon fades. The once cheerful home, turn out dingy and dejected. Tears spew down your cheeks to your chin as you examine one single paper lay before your eyes. The saying above appear clear "Divorce Paper" with your signature on the very right and below.
"So, this is it?" You sneer, teeth grinding against each other "Don't 'so, this is it' me right now, you know well none of this would've have to happen if you could be a bit more considerate." He did not say a word, look down on the floor as if it could've been the most entertaining object in the world.
"I'm busy, there's too much works I need to tend-"
"You said that last week, and the other month and even months before that! How come you're always busy with your job that you can't loiter around with me even for a minute. You left at early mornings, before the sun pops out, you're gone, out of sight and when you came back, you're tired, hot and needed rest. I'm sick of it, Manjiro. I can't do this anymore, ...so yeah, this is it."
He didn't notice the luggage you had beside you until you pull it forward "I'll have my lawyer pick the paper tomorrow morning. Please have is sign by then." A last drop of tear fall cascade down your cheek, like a stray until you wipe it off.
"Goodbye, Manjiro."
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𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐉𝐈: cheated on you.
He said- No, he promised the last will be the last time. The last time you had to pick up the last shattering pieces of your dignity. The last time you had to faced the brutally honest reality of your marriage. He promised...
And yet, he broke it again. Today is supposed to be a good day. A happy day as it's a 'happy' birthday for a reason, right? But no, the happy day turned out to be your most saddening, fucked up moment in life. You left home to pick up a dress you custom made for yourself, to go buy your favorite cake at your favorite cafe. You didn't expect to come home, seeing him with your maid on the bed. She was half-naked, bra straps off her shoulder and his clothes thrash on the side.
It's a mess. The splat noise of the cake make a noisy sound and both of their ears perked up "Thought both of you had gone deaf that you both didn't hear me knock for five fucking minutes!" She frantically hid herself beside the bed, where you can't see her but you practically lunge at her, ripping strands after strands of her fake blonde hair "You fucking bitch. I picked you up at the gutter and this is how you fucking repayed me?!" Hanma tries to block into your attack but you punches him making him stumbled.
"And you, rot in hell with your fucking promises! I trusted you, not once, not twice but fucking three times!" He hold you by your shoulder but you slap his face away.
"Dont touch me! Don't you fucking dare..." Your punches ended weak and helpless. Tears pool beneath your eyes but no, they're not sad tears. It's resent, anger and betrayed tears.
"I'll file a divorce, fuck you and that bitch." You push him off, slapping him on the face one last time. The stone on the ring slash through his cheek and he bleed slightly "I'l fucking take half of your fortune, lustful bitch."
You turn to the woman "And you..." You peel the ring off of your ring finger aggressively and throw it to her chest "Keep that shit. I'm outta here." Hanma didn't try to say anything, just mumbling an apology before you walk out that door.
You turn back and look at him, he didn't look remorseful - he did, but it could never be enough to make you crawl to him once more "Shove your apology up your ass, Hanma."
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𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐊𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐈: can't move on from his past.
At first, it was okay. You can even claim it to be perfect. But that was at first, soon everything gradually becoming worse. He started to get busy with works or as he claimed it. He told you he won't be coming home at a day but sometimes, he remained unresponsive for days. You don't know where he go until you heard from his close friend, Inupi that Kokonoi had been sleeping over at his house.
That means he was not so busy after all. You confronted him about it and as you thought he'll get angry, he remained calm and apologised. He just said that he wanted some time for himself. Of course, that's foreign coming from him as he's always been the type to want to stay close to you.
He still bought you monthly gifts just as he promised he would when you both first got married but they are just not the same anymore. He started giving you tulips when your favorite flower is gerberas. He started giving you white flavored chocolate, and that's weird. You always like the original flavor with nuts in it. Kokonoi just started making unusual mistakes.
Then, one day, he did it. The mistake he can't never undo. You both had Inupi over to your house because Kokonoi wanted to discuss something with him regarding business and when he left for the bathroom, Inupi unlock his phone revealing whom seem like a teenage girl with a peach blonde hair like Inupi and she's holding a bouquet of pink tulips "Sei, who's this?"
He turn to look at you, wondering who you were asking about "...Oh, this is Akane. My older sister. She passed away when she was 16." You nod your head, sadden to hear that.
"I'm sorry for your loss." You look at Inupi then to the ground "But, can't I know if she had any sort of relation with Kokonoi before I met him?" Inupi is confused as to why you'd ask that but he nodded his head.
"Koko used to like my sister."
And he came into the living room. You turn to look at him, almost livid "Is that so..." Both Kokonoi and Inupi look at you, confused.
"What is it?"
"Can't you move on?" Your question caught both of them by surprise, especially Kokonoi "You've been buying me stuff recently but they're never what I like. You got me pink tulips, cute hairbands and books when you should know damn well I like none of those."
"Did you think of her when you got me all of those? Or was it Sei's sister you're trying to give that gifts to?" He tried to explain himself but you kept cutting him, not wanting to hear none of his excuses.
"Please, just listen Akane!" The silence defeaned and the occasional sound of the wind whisper in the background as it soon faded. You look at him, wide eyes "Wow. You are incredible, Hajime. So. Fucking. Incredible." You tried to walk past him but he kept you back, trying his best to talk it out.
Inupi just sat there, dumbfounded. He only back in his trance when he heard a crash and the vase on the table smash to the ground with puddle of water and the pink tulips scatter on the wet carpet.
You stare down at the tulips, scoffing to yourself "This is enough. I'm not nobody's rebound, I have respect for myself... I can't do this, I won't." You push him off and tread to your bedroom, slamming the door shut leaving Kokonoi alone in the living room as Inupi too, got up and left, disappointed by his friend's behavior.
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𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐈: constant jealousy and overprotective.
You know what you put yourself into when you started dating the Ran Haitani. Ran can be obsessive with you, overly jealous with whom you befriends with, and got really protective over it. But you'd never imagine even in your wildest dream would he start to oppressed your freedom away from you - objecting your idea to meet anyone other than him, that includes your family members as well.
You put up with it, begrudgingly until today, it's an important date for you to attend and besides, it's been a while since you meet your family members so you went ahead, not bothering to tell him because you know well he will say no, no matter how hard you. You are having a great time with your family, chatting together after a while and leaving Ran texts from time to time but you certainly did not expect him to burst his way inside the venue, all rigid and mad.
How rude of him. He pull your hand and immediately get you out of there "Ran, stop. Ran, stop it!" You smack his back and he halt in his steps. He look back at you, glaring down at you with his jaw clenched.
"Just what the hell are you doing, Y/n? Going out behind my back like this and for what? To flirt and whoring around─" Smack, blood trickles from the corner of his lips when you slapped him across the face.
"You had no respect for my family, and for me, Ran Haitani. You failed us." He tried to put his hands around you shoulder but you pry his hands away "Don't. I put up with your ridiculous acts for years. I obeyed like a goddamn dog for you to disrespect me like this? You are fucking insane, Ran..."
"Love, I just don't want you to mixed along with that kind of people─"
"What kind of people, Ran? They're my family. I may have not like most of them but they're my family and the least you should do is respect them as I do. You barged in, acting like you're the main event, embarrassing me, and disrespected them. You may think you're above others but you're not. My family, we may not be as rich and lavish as you - if we're talking about lifestyle, we're alien to each other but I always expect you to be kind, Ran Haitani."
"You can't go around acting like the world revolve around you. I can't, and I'm sorry for that." You look up at him with pitiful eyes "I'm going now, good bye." You turn around and enters the same room he barged into a couple of minutes ago.
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 is open ✦ all rights reserved goes to @mchlgayser on tumblr.
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livelaughlovesubs · 3 months
His senses are like super heightened riight? SO THOUGHT HE'LL GET OVERWHELMED SO EASILY BY A FEW TOUCHES
Whats that word ag ain
(I barely see ppl writing sub saigiku :(()
Ahhh, he’s so cute though, him with his ketchup Mayo hair ^^
Dom!reader x sub!jouno - reader is gender neutral (like always)
Warning: teasing, hand job?, tongue kiss, nipple play, sensory deprivation (cuz he blind-), overstimulation, spanking (thighs), hickeys, bites, scratching, a little manhandling
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At first it was just kisses, gently brushing your lips against each other, like a couples first kiss. Your hands wandered around his body, taking the lead with suggestive touches. You cupped his face, after that your hands wandered to his waist to hold him as you two made out. The light touches made him feel fuzzy, it was as if you were teasing him with a feather. Fingers dancing across his chest, making short stops around his nipples to play with them properly. All of that was done with one finger, running up and down his torso or circling the area around his pink buds, you wanted to stimulate him with as little touches as possible.
It was to test the water, to see how much he’s enjoy it. Surprisingly, or as planned, he was already shaking. Jouno was just so sensitive whenever it came to you, and you utilised your advantage to the fullest. “Ughhmm~ y-y/nmHhm..!” He tried to call out to you, hoping that you’d stop with the games. In truth he was embarrassed about getting hard over something like this. Instead of responding as he wanted, you bit his bottom lip and pulled. The bit was harsh enough for it to become bruised and he yelped in surprise. “Ah-ahh..!?” You took the chance and shoved your tongue into his mouth, causing him to gag for a moment.
Then everything gradually became more aggressive, the once innocent pecks turning rougher. No longer were you only kissing him all shyly, instead, you grabbed his hair and locked your lips with his, causing him to be trapped in your arms. “Mhmm…guuhHgh!” He groaned, unable to hide the growing excitement he felt. That’s when one of your hands left his waist and moved up to his chest again, flicking his nipple before pinching it. You rolled it around between your fingers, watching it become harder the longer you play with it. Jouno immediately tried to move away, but your hand was still yanking on his hair. Poor boy couldn’t do anything but scratch your back while whining desperately.
“NghHH..~ mHHMhg!!” He tried to pull away again, a pathetic try to escape all those overwhelming sensations. The anticipation and fear was eating him from the inside, he had no idea what you would do to him next and it excited him. Not to mention how his senses were heightened compared to regular people, which did not help his current situation. His nails were digging into your skin, and it hurt, at least it would have hurt if you weren’t so focused on the male in front of you. You didn’t even noticed the new wounds he was inflicting upon your body at this point.
The other hand has been teasing his pelvis the entire time, now you finally went further than that and poked his tip. That action alone was enough to draw another moan out of the male, he was literally melting in your affection. It became even more noticeable after you began rubbing the head, running your thumb over his slit. Gosh, he was so sensitive there it was driving him insane~
After much consideration, you decided to be nice to him and released his locks. Some of his strands were ripped off by you and dropped to the mattress below you two. “GaaAhh..! Ughh, wah-ngHghh… y/n, yo-you..!” Saigiku pulled back the moment he noticed you loosening up your grip, face all blush and red while tears decorated his cheeks. Then he started trembling like crazy, all while complaining, “to-too much!! Ah, I-i can’t take… anymo-moreee!! ♡♥︎~”
How adorable, he’s like this already when you don’t even consider this the beginning? You couldn’t hold back a cheeky smile, the hand around his crotch moved even lower, this time slapping his thighs softly. The fingertips were covered in precum, so now there were strings connecting his inner thighs with your hand. Your other hand was groping his toned pecs now, while you leaned down and lined your lips up to his ear. “Your tits are like a girls~ aren’t they cute?” Then you licked his earlobes, coating them with saliva as they reddened. “No-Noo… stop, nghh, don’t tease me y-y/n! Tis’ too much.. ♡ ah-aAAhNHgg”
Not long after you trailed off and sucked on his neck, leaving behind as many hickeys as you pleased. You even took special care to place them there where others would see! Then you’d also mark and bite him, ravaging him like his body was a canvas for you to paint. He sobbed so sweetly, hiccuping and whimpering whenever you’d touch him a tad too much. His dick twitched around, sometimes even hitting his own tummy. The tip was a dark crimson due to all the relentless teasing, it was leaking precum uncontrollably. All this overstimulation was driving him into a corner, he was so close to begging you to let him cum.
Suddenly you pulled back entirely, ripping him of any stimulus he previously had. “Ah! Hu-hUghnn..!? Wait- why did you..Nhh, s-stop..?” He asked you, the expression he wore one of confusing and despair. Don’t stop, you can’t, this wasn’t nearly enough for him! You smirked, he could guess you did just from experience. Then you gave him an halfhearted explanation, chuckling as you said, “I thought I was doing you a favour since someone looked like they were about to die from how good it felt.” Like a curse his lips were sealed tightly after that, he had to pause for a few minutes to get his act together. After returning to his senses he bawled his hands, which were still wrapped around your back, into fists before pleading sweetly, “do-don’t stop…please.”
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solaarbeeam · 2 months
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HIGHER — midoriya i. x black fem reader
syn — reader is a hair stylist, how does this play into your relationship with midoriya?
type — headcanons
a/n:: aaaaaaa curly hair midoriya brainrot thoughts have struck once more. for small context, mido has 3c/4a hair
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He will never wash his hair again unless you’re the one who’s doing it.
Your hands just feel a certain type of way, that makes his scalp feel good and makes him feel better about his hair in general.
Now, if we’re going to be honest, this boy doesn’t know how to properly take care of his hair. Not even just because of hero course stress, but because he never really learned.
He meets you, and is immediately embarrassed about his lack of hair care. How has he never paid attention?
His hair is absolutely dehydrated, his shit is DRY I’m sorry.
Now, let it be known that you attend the Business Course at UA, so you see him quite often with his class after training.
He’s enamored by your hair. It looks so beautiful, he wants to touch it sometimes but he knows you’d be upset if he did and that’s the very last thing he wants.
Shared wash days!! Wash Days are annoying but when the two of you are together, it’s not that bad. It’s enjoyable even.
Poor boy almost rips out his hair with the wide tooth comb, please help him :(
You do teach him how to properly take care of his hair though. He brings out his notebook and starts taking notes and everything, he’s so cute.
You try your best to find products with scents that fit him and ones with scents that he likes. Trust and believe he has bottles of oils, conditioners, shampoo, hair masks, you name it? He’s got it, most are from you.
Likes to help out with styles you do with your hair, but he’s often scared to do it because his hands aren’t as steady as yours and he doesn’t want to mess it up.
Mina is absolutely jealous by the way. She wants good products like that too!
At this point, you’re an honorary member of Class 1-A with how much he talks about you and how much you’re around. You’re in the groupchat and everything.
He teaches you hand to hand combat sometimes as a way to repay you for helping him with his hair.
You two are like, that one couple that people think are just made for each other.
When I tell you, the both of you smell so good together. Of course, you both smell good individually, but together? It’s almost heavenly.
Wears matching bonnets with you.
Pays for your hair when you want to get it done if he has the cash.
When he becomes the #1 hero, he absolutely models for your hair care lines. He did it when the two of you were UA students as well.
Kisses your hands after you finish helping him wash his hair.
Please tell him he did a good job when he kept up with the routine when you were gone for a while. He was so proud of himself.
All in all, this greenie loves you with everything he has in him, and thanks you all the time with tears for all you do for him.
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© solaarbeeam 2024.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Oh Baby, Baby! 4
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It’s been a very long time but 🤭🤭🤭 here we go! Oh baby, part 4!
Check out our Patreon for early access and exclusive writing!
Warnings: pregnancy
WC: 3.6k
Harry was absolutely insane.
Y/N was positive about that. She sat on the couch as she watched him bob about the kitchen, installing baby locks. Baby locks- and her bump was still little. Despite all of this, though, she found it stupidly attractive. His desire to be a dad, his dedication to the baby that was just a tiny little seed inside of her stomach, his already overprotective soul, it made her fall just a bit deeper.
The shift had been evident and obvious and neither of them had any awkwardness about it. It was no longer two best friends making a child- they were in it together. Harry was just as dedicated to Y/N as he was to their child. She had found that out relatively quickly. When they’d gone to the bar to meet up with their friends, Y/N and Harry both sipping on plain sodas as they caught up with people. He had gone to the bar to get her a bowl of cherries that she had been obviously craving since he had caught her looking at longingly in Sarah’s drink. He’d been approached by a very pretty girl that had her stomach twisting, seeing her place her hand on his arm which she had wanted to rip off violently. He had taken the slip of paper from her and nodded before heading back with the cherries he had paid a stupid amount for.
She had been quiet with his return, his heavy arm sloping around her shoulder like nothing had happened. He sunk back into his comfortable space, kissing the side of her head as she took one of the cherries to pop in her mouth. It felt bit hard to swallow when she did, the burning in her gut outweighing the sweetness of the cherry. Y/N hadn’t been able to hold back, turning to him after staying quiet for a bit.
“Are y’gonna go for it?” She asked,, trying to feign nonchalance. She had done a very poor job of it, though. Y/N was never one with believable poker faces. Harry could read her like a book.
“Who? Girl at the bar?” He asked with a quirked brow, shaking his head at her irritation when she nodded. Her slight pout and her irritated brows made him want to coo at her. She was so cute. “Why the hell would I do that when you’re right next to me? You’re the mother of my child. I dont need to look elsewhere. I adore you.” He turned her face, pinching her chin and pressing his lips to hers firmly for a chaste but loaded kiss. “Threw it in the trash on the way back. Told her I was an expecting father. Don’t need to go searching anywhere else.”
And that was that.
Now, doting dad and committed… boyfriend? Partner? Whatever their label was, he was exceedingly good at it. Phenomenal, really. He kept the fridge stocked with jars of the sweetened cherries and switched his cologne to a less spicy one because as much as she liked the other one, her pregnancy hormones absolutely could not stand it. He made sure to set up tea for her and get coffee if out because mournfully she was also sick whenever she smelled it. She was just hormonal and unhappy that someone else had hit on him.
Y/N had been grumpy lately. She didn’t mean to be, but with bouts of morning sickness and her breasts feeling a bit tender, a weird craving for fried chicken tenders with peanut butter, she felt irritated all the time. There wasn’t much anyone could do for that. That didn’t mean Harry deserved to be on the receiving end of her grumpiness, though. She felt a bit bad as she watched him walk back over to test out the locks, not seeming to be bothered by it visibly but… she knew he valued her a lot and the last thing she wanted was for him to think she was being mean in purpose.
Tears grew in her eyes, the sting making her even more upset. She kept fucking crying and she had been lucky to keep it from him this far, but it had only been a matter of time. A quiet sniffle was accompanied by rubbing over her eyes, not wanting tears to fall before she spoke. “I’m sorry, H.” She said, trying her best to keep her voice steady. Harry had quickly turned to look at her, concern etching over his features as he returned back to her side. “I shouldn’t have tried to start a fight. It’s not fair and you’re s-so lovely to me and I get scared you’re going to find someone who isn’t pregnant and whiny and eats weird things-“ she hiccuped, glassy eyes looking at his beautiful hands. It was hard to face him.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Y/N was full of emotion lately but Harry had thought he made it clear that he wasn’t ever going to leave. “Sweet girl… hey.” He grabbed her chin with his thumb, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. “I’m not upset. I didn’t even know you had seen that. I’d never do that. I don’t want to. What I want is right here.” He moved to cup her cheek, wiping away a tear that had fallen down her cheek. Her stuttered breathing had him squatting in front of her, getting them eye level. This needed to be cleared up.
As much as he had been thorough in telling her that she was his, he hadn’t been proper in his declaration of need for her. “Look at me.” His instruction got her to look right at his eyes, a harsh swallow taken as she held her breath. “There is no one else. Maybe it’s my fault for not being clear, but I’m yours. Your partner in all of this, if you’ll have me.” Gentle strokes of the damp skin and the shaky breath exhaled as she took another second to absorb his words. “We made a sweet little baby inside of you, we’ve bonded but… m’not just here for the baby. I’m here for you. You’re what I want, and I’m sorry that I haven’t outright said it yet. I thought you knew how much I utterly adore you.” He got on his knees between her legs, still able to look at her face on as he brought her face towards him.
Delicately, he kissed over her skin. Feather light, soft and breezy, he kissed her forehead, her nose, her eyelids as she closed them to feel his affection. He was so serious about her that it grounded her a bit. Finally letting her body unclench, leaning her face into the pecks when he finished off with her lips. “I adore you too.” She mumbled back, holding on to his wrists. “I’m sorry. I- I kind of knew but we never spoke about it and when I saw you talking to her my mind panicked a little bit.” It was silly of her. Harry was right in saying he had made it clear she was his- her still slightly over sensitive cunt was proof of that alone- but the lack of clarification had gotten to her.
“Don’t need an apology from you. I know that if I saw a man talking to you, flirting… handing you his number? I’d be very annoyed. Not at you, but.. the idea. It pisses me off and probably wasn’t fun for you to watch.” He sighed, pulling back slightly to stare at her. “M’here for you and little baby inside of you. You both are my world. And I don’t want you questioning it again. Alright?” He squeezed her cheeks slightly with his hands, making her laugh through the last of her emotional tears.
“Got it.” She sniffed, welcoming the kiss he paired it with. “I- I still don’t think we need baby locks yet.”
“S’called being proactive, my darling.” He chuckled against her mouth. “Keep up.”
Harry’s hand was threaded through hers as they left the appointment. Y/N was happy that as she was in her second trimester, but even more so, she was amused at her boyfriends antics.
He was diligent and doting on her, more than he had ever been before. The friend she had before had erupted from his cocoon, showing her a new side to him that she hadn’t anticipated. Protective, present, and so damn affectionate. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her. It wasn’t just sexually, either. The man always had his hand on her, lips pressing against some part of her body, fingers tangled with hers. It was very new, but very welcomed.
“So… soon they’ll be able to hear.” Harry mumbled as they walked towards the car. “So we’re going to have to play them some good music. Got to be careful what my child consumes because I will not have a kid with bad music taste.” He gave Y/N a look. “No radio for right now. I’ve got playlists, going to get the family plan for Spotify or something and then y’can use that.”
Y/N laughed under her breath, approaching his black SUV with a shake of the head. “Harry, I adore you, but please.” She gave him a look. “They’re going to be perfect. With a father like you, there’s no damn way our child isn’t going to know the ups and downs of rock n’ roll history.” Harry was quick to open up the passenger side door, holding on to her hand as he helped her get into the seat. “Besides, it’s mainly my heartbeat they’ll hear. They won’t start hearing a lot of external noise until the end of this trimester.” He had been on the baby websites.
“I know that. But we have to be safe, don’t we?” He was deadly serious, too. “We don’t know the exact time they’ll be able to hear it so…” he shrugged, making sure she was buckled before closing the door. Harry was already an active parent and Y/N couldn't fault him for that.
When he was in his seat and buckled, his hand moved the car into gear before finding its new favorite spot on her thigh. It still gave her little butterflies to feel him touch her so intimately, so casually. These adjustments had made her exceptionally happier in the last few weeks.
“What did you want for lunch, petal?” He asked softly, the music playing lowly after Harry adjusted the playlist. “Is it still chicken tenders? Or are you wanting something else?” The cravings had varied lately. Harry was never sure what exactly to get her so he waited for explicit instructions so they didn’t waste time or money.
“Can I have Taco Bell?” She asked, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. “Want one of the freeze things and.. maybe we get the taco box? With all the tacos so we can have it for later too?” Her stomach was growling, in desperate need of some food. “Want some of the chips and cheese too. Maybe 2. Your child is making me stupidly hungry.” The grumble made him laugh. It was very much his fault, and he wouldn’t change it.
“Course we can. Tomorrow I’m going to the grocery so I can get us some good food at home. Strawberries and greens for your smoothies.” While Harry was never one to dictate how she ate, he did encourage her to eat healthy when possible. He would cook for them since they’d basically moved in together, but Y/N was feeling too lazy to cook most of the time.
“Hm. Yeah, I think that’s good. I’d like some crisps and stuff to make dip… maybe some rice. I’ve been craving baby carrots with ranch a few times but we didn’t have it.” It hadn’t been so much that she would ask him to go out and get it. She was still able to go but Harry did like to take care of her so far. It had been a bit of an adjustment but she was learning to love it. “Y’know, you’re spoiling me. Going to make a monster out of me. I’m liking this ‘having Harry go to the shops’ thing.” Her grin was wide as she looked over to him in time to see him fondly roll his eyes.
“Well… I’m going to take care of you. You’re my girl, you’re carrying my baby. I’ve always liked spoiling you. Just didn’t do it as much because it would have been a bit weird.” He admitted. The sun was high in the sky and the clouds fluffy and white. The air was warm enough for them to have the windows down a bit as they drove, and Harry really felt like his heart was full. Just getting to experience this and spoil Y/N the way he had always had a weird itch to do? It was fulfilling a spot in his chest that had been vacant for a while.
“That’s good then. I like being spoiled so I think this could work out.”
The call of his name from across the house had him jolting, running from the kitchen where he had been preparing their meal, up the steps and down the hall to their bedroom. You never yelled for him like that. His brain had been on auto pilot, running over as fast as he could in his socks- dangerous- to find Y/N standing with wide eyes as their folded laundry sat in sorted piles on the bed.
Her hands were over her bump, visible in the cornflower blue dress that hung over her form. Her eyes were wide as she turned to look at him, mouth open as he approached. His hands immediately grabbed her face, looking her over. “What? What’s wrong?” He pressed. “Baby- y’cant yell for me like that and not tell me. Is there something wrong?”
“No! I don’t- I don’t think so?” She squeaked. “I felt them move! Like… s’not a kick or anything but it felt real this time! Not just the flutters. It’s like… squirming?” Her eyes were wide as she looked down at her belly, the shock of truly feeling their baby moving around inside of her taking her for a ride. “I didn’t mean to worry you but I just- I panicked and was excited. I’m sorry.” The woman hadn’t meant to worry him too much.
Harry felt himself melt in both relief and happiness at the clarification. His heart rate could finally slow down. Perching himself on the end of the bed, he was mindful of the laundry piles as he pulled her body in between his legs. “I’m not angry, Angel. Not in the slightest. You just scared me. Thought something was wrong. M’much happier with this result.” Hands moved from her hips to over her forming bump, stroking over it tenderly.
She had told him about flutters recently, how they’d made her excited- but this was a very new and exciting development. “I didn’t want you to miss out.” She peeped, looking down at him. “In case you could feel something. I know you love them a lot already and I didn’t want to keep the first couple times.”
Harry was in love. He knew that before, but her little moment now had solidified it even more. His lips pressed over the clothed belly, tilting his head up to look at her with his eyes full of fondness. “Thank you. I researched it and I don’t think I’ll be able to feel much until the end of this trimester, but I love that you wanted to tell me.” The moment had been more than enough for him. “What did it feel like to you, though? Tell me.” Holding her body to him and his chin against the bump, he listened intently.
“It was like… I don’t know exactly. They were squirming and bumped into the side of the wall? It’s hard to explain. It freaked me out at first.” A breathy left slightly moved his face as it rested on the belly. “Because I sometimes forget that there’s a real human in there growing. It’s incredible, isn’t it?” She placed her hands over his. “Like a little flower. Planted the seed and now the sprout is growing a flower.”
“Hm. Little sprout? I like that.” He turned to whisper into her belly. “Do you like that, Sprout? S’a cute little name your Mumma and I can call you. We’re going to find out if you’re a girl or boy later on but… it’s better than calling you ‘baby’, hm?” Harry more than liked that. “Can choose to be whatever you’d like, but think you’re going to be stuck with the Sprout nickname forever. S’already stuck. You’re going to be married with children and I’ll be calling you it.” He joked, rubbing her hips as he looked back up at Y/N.
She was so beautiful. Sometimes it struck him in the chest, like right now, how lucky he was to have been given her by chance. She had suggested this and they hadn’t anticipated this sort of thing happening, but it was the best thing to ever happen to him. She had that pregnancy glow, the beam of her smile. No more morning sickness and instead getting to enjoy her bump for a while. The leg cramps hurt a bit, but she and Harry worked on it with the massagers and vitamins. She was truly thriving, and he was elated.
“You’re so lucky, Sprout. Me and you. We get your Mumma, and she’s the most perfect woman. You will be grateful when you come out to meet her.” He felt her gentle hands stroke through his messy hair as he continued to speak. “Hope you’re nice to her the rest of the time you’re sprouting. She’s giving you some good genetics to work with here. M’gonna have the prettiest babies with her.”
“Babies?” Y/N rose a brow. “Who said we are having more than this one?” Her heart beat a bit faster as it did sink in. He meant it. He wanted the long haul. It was so exciting, so comforting to know. Harry reminded her often how how much he adored her, how he was proud to be hers, but that confirmation made it feel way more real.
“Well.. s’your body, so you. But I’d like to be the one who gives you more babies if you decide that I can.” He blinked up at her. “I’m more than okay with one, if that’s all you’d like. But… I would definitely like some more if that’s something you’d offer.” Obviously he would never pressure her into anything she didn’t want, but it was something he had been envisioning.
A full house. A dog or two. A set dining room table and sports practices, plays, dance recitals. Siblings spats and groans when Harry would kiss her. Picnics and beach days where he would remind the children to walk, do not run to the water. Applying sunscreen to grumbling kids and holding Y/N’s hand through all of their firsts. Perhaps it was a big dream to ask to follow through, but it was something he desperately wanted.
“You’d really want that? We haven’t even had this one yet.” She asked softly, surprise evident in her tone. “You like them that much?”
“Love them. And you.” He looked up at her again, pulling his lips from her stomach, letting the words sit in the silence for a second. “Love you a lot, Y/N. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Want to build a family with you, a home. Not just a house or a flat. Want to do it all with you. You’ve been my best friend for a long time but I love you a lot more than that. You’re the person I’ve always wanted to be with but didn’t particularly know it. Didn’t allow myself to think of it. Now that I have a chance, I’m taking it. Keeping it.” And her.
Eventually he would propose, but he didn’t want her to think it was just from the baby fever. He loved her wholly before this but it had grown and changed shape and color. She felt like gold. Bright, shiny, priceless. Better than anything else he had ever seen and she had him wrapped around her finger.
“I’d like that.” She caressed the tops of his cheeks with her knuckles. “You’re my best friend too… and- and I think that there’s no one better suited for the job as the father of my children than you. I’ve loved you for a long time and it’s changed the meaning, like you said but.. I like that idea.” Building a home and family with him. Something so perfect to them. It wouldn’t always be, but they’d love it despite the imperfections and hiccups. She knew his heart, and it was pure.
“But to be honest? To me, you’ve always felt like home.”
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kopilot-pop · 1 year
[New Jeans x Bodyguard!Fem!Reader]
- imagine.
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Summary: You have been a bodyguard for several celebrities for some time now. Due to your job being quite dangerous, it’s easy for your girlfriend to worry from time to time. So, what will happen when one day she gets a call from the hospital saying you were taken to the ER after a crazy fan attacked you…
Warnings: blood/injuries, hospital(?), slight angst, fluff, crazy fans, stronk y/n, Danielle kinda cries, etc.
a/n: This is mostly a fluff imagine so don’t get scared by the tags, lmao. You’re not a personal bodyguard for NJ, just a normal, for-hire person working with a security team. Oh, and for Hyein I wrote it as like an ‘best friend’ reader.
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She got the call during dance practice, so everybody learned what was going on.
Due to a very nosey Hanni (and the fact that you were friends with everybody) she told them you were in the ER and that she had to leave early.
Probably the calmest out of everybody.
“Calm down Dani! It’s MY girlfriend, why are YOU crying???”
But she was probably the most panicked on the inside.
The moment her manager dropped her off, she quite literally zoomed to find you.
Stayed with you the whole time until you woke up.
Thankfully no serious damage, but she was probably really concerned after you were cleared to go home.
“You should stay a few days more… y’know… just in case…” >> says this like every minute you were packing things up to go home
Begged the company to let her stay at your house for a while… (she did contemplate bringing you to the dorm, but the first scenario that popped into her head was the girls pouncing on you with questions and your stitches ripping open so..)
so fucking gentle
cleaned your stitched wound (crazy fan threw something at you- turned out it was a broken shard of something, you have no idea why the bitch even had that) and changed your gauze every day.
she’s very strict about your care tho
that apprently means you can’t hug your girlfriend until you take the stitches out :D
Don’t worry tho. You’re still stronger even when injured, so you just trapped her in a cuddle. (c’mon, you’re a guard for a reason)
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Pham Hanni
She was just lying around at your house when she got a call from one of your friends.
Poor girl was so confused because your friend was rambling, but the moment she understood that you were in the ER, she ran to the hospital.
Apparently some crazy man was trying to get close to the actress you were assigned to protect, and threw boiling hot coffee at you for blocking his view.
Your whole (bodyguard)team of grown men struggled to stop Hanni from going to the police station to beat the psychopath’s ass.
They struggled until you finally woke up and told her to calm down.
Poor girl’s never leaving your side again.
several- and i mean SEVERAL kisses to the left side of your face (your right side is like.. blistering.. and shit…)
Very soft with you. I mean she was already an absolute sweetheart before you got burnt like a chicken nugget, but now she’s so SOFT.
Kissing your scars, helping you put ointment on them… just the sweetest… goddammit this girl has your heart in a chokehold :(
“I look like shit.” “You look very pretty baby, so shut up.” (we love aggressive affection)
She also tried to put the ‘coffee man’ in a chokehold, but thankfully you caught her before she left for the police station.
Oh, and also she’s a great cook. That means she’s making meals for you everyday after work.
“Hanni… Sweetheart… Nobody chopped my arms off, I can cook..”
“Nope! You’re not allowed in the kitchen from now on!”
“…It’s my house…?”
She freaked out one time because you made coffee for her in the morning.
“Sweetheart… it’s was an electric pot… I’m not gonna die..”
She’s still unhappy about it, so expect her staring into your soul while sipping her latte.
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An absolute mess - I can say that for sure.
You were supposed to be visiting Dani after escorting a popular solo artist to their company building. That meant it was an easy job, involving just you, another guard and the artist.
It was supposed to be a 20 minute walk
But apparently a crazed fan had different ideas..
mf ran up to the three of you, and managed to smash you against a brick wall.
You passed out immediately and the other guard managed to call the ambulance and take care of the situation.
Meanwhile, after hours of waiting Dani finally decided to call you. Only to have a nurse pick up the phone.
She ran toward the hospital ignoring her members worried looks.
Cries the moment she sees you on the hospital bed.
and like, I mean SOB-
She already has a soft heart, and thanks to you it was shattered :D (technically it’s the fan’s fault but whatever)
Doesn’t want to hurt you so she quietly holds your hand until you wake up.
Listens to the nurse explaining that you have a concussion with wide, teary eyes. (The nurse almost fell in love with your gf ngl)
She cries again when you wake up, and even with the concussion you automatically pull her into a hug.
“Wh…what… where am I… huh… DANI?! WHY ARE YOU CRYING-”
Please remind her that you’re okay like a 100 times - that’s the only way to calm her down.
Even weeks after being cleared to go, Dani still gently holds your head from time to time and checks if you’re alright.
She always knew your job had the dangers.
You were pushed around alot, and had bruises from time to time (Dani sees them whenever you’re getting changed)
But this was the first time (after dating) that you were taken to the hospital
So please reassure her everyday :(
Kisses are very effective too fyi
“I was just so worried… you had bandages on your head.. and.. and… there was blood.. and…”
“I know, I know. I’m so sorry baby..”
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A very threatening (and worried) cat.
She was just practicing in the dance room when Minji barged in to tell her you were in the hospital
You were tasked to escort a problematic celebrity to a show (you had no choice) when a pissed off man decided to attack.
That resulted in you having a full on wrestling match with a dude. You won ofc, but because you were bleeding everywhere your captain took you to the ER just in case.
“You should call your girlfriend.”
“Call your girlfriend.”
“I’m fine, sir…”
“Fine then. Since she’s in your emergency contacts I’ll be calling to let her know you were taken to the emergency roo-”
“FINE, fine…”
You’re probably kind of scared of her lmao
She doesn’t hate your job (she actually thinks it’s cool), but she always has this stare whenever you come home with a bruise or two.
She doesn’t say anything, but just… stares..
It makes you sweat so you always keep non-serious injuries a secret
So rather than Haerin, you decided to call your friend Minji
“Are you calling me because you’re scared Haerin’s gonna be pissed?”
“Glad you know.”
Haerin barges into your hospital booth after a few minutes.
She doesn’t saying anything but grabs your face and scrunches up when she sees all the cuts.
“I.. I can explain.”
“I was just doing my job! And… and this dude just… Please look at me..?”
She turns away and gives you the silent treatment for the whole week :D
Haerin is very protective over people she cares about (family, members, friends.. you…) so she absolutely hated seeing you all battered up like that.
So it’s you sweating for a whole week until Haerin finally decides to talk to you.
Just pops up randomly at night and snuggles into you as soon as you open the front door.
You just hold her until she starts silently crying into your chest.
“I was so worried….”
Please hold her like that for the rest of your life, thank you.
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(you’re the same age as her btw)
You guys were neighbors, and since your parents were friends y’all became friends too.
She left to train in her company, but the two of you still kept in contact.
Anyways, fast forward to 2023
You are her best friend since childhood, so she knew how much training you did for your dream- she knew you were terrifyingly strong for your age.
You even send her pics of you at the gym (to brag)
So imagine her surprise when she gets a text from you saying you were in the hospital.
You were at school when a bunch of boys in your class were talking shit about Hyein’s group, and you just lost your cool.
You don’t tell her that ofc
“Aren’t you supposed to protect people?”
“I was actually.”
“You broke one of their bones Y/n.”
“Shh… Nobody has to know…”
You did confess why you fought like months after though.
You guys were hanging out during one of her breaks, and you just randomly blurted out that you beat up people for her
She felt touched of course, but found it funnier than sweet LMAO
She has a habit of slapping you when laughing so you were probably more injured by her laughing her ass off.
Even though she does laugh at you, she was still worried
You’re one of the most important people to her, so her heart did stop for a second when she saw your text the first time
Even after a few years, and you start working with an actual security team she does get worried from time to time
Helps you deal with bruises and muscle pain by just buying you a bunch of medicine
Just calling her every month like:
“Hyein, is this from you again..?”
“What is this..? Bruise cream?”
“Oh yeah, I saw a video of you getting pushed on the internet. It’s my phone wallpaper now btw, luv u byeee~”
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
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Dating the HL Boys!
(Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth)
Sebastian :
I feel like he definitely has insomnia. He is not able to go to sleep easily and hates it. Help the poor guy to calm down & give him cuddles. If you pamper him he will go to sleep easier. 
He’s very thoughtful and remembers important dates and anything you look at. You kept staring at that book in the window? It’s on your desk. Your coat ripped? You suddenly have a new one. He doesn’t care how hard he has to work to spoil you - he will do it.
He’s very protective of you towards anyone - even Ominis. He knows you can handle yourself but he just wants to make sure you feel safe and nobody is pushing your buttons. That’s his job after all <3
You had turned in bed adjusting your position when a light woke you up. You begrudgingly opened your eyes, adjusting to the shine that was right next to you. Unsurprisingly it was your dearest boyfriend using lumos in an attempt to read instead of sleeping.
“Seb?” Your voice croaked and the freckled man looked down.
“Hey baby. Did I wake you? I’m sorry.” His hand danced over your cheek and a soft kiss was placed upon your forehead. 
“You should be asleep.” 
“I tried. Thought I’d read until I got tired..” You only sighed and pushed yourself up. 
“What time is it?” You looked for the clock and noticed how late, or more so early it was.
“Sebastian, it's 4 am. Merlin’s beard.. I’ll be back.”
“Darling it’s okay-“
“Be quiet and sit.” You grunted and made your way to the kitchen. You were quick to make him a warm cup of tea and flutter back to the safety of your bed. Sebastian’s face was red and he gave you a thankful smile as he took a sip.
“Thank you my love. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He leaned in to give you a quick smooch as you laid back down.
“You’re lucky you’re cute. Finish that and cuddle with me, you oaf.”
Ominis :
Once you truly get to know Ominis he is CHATTY. He doesn’t stop talking and asks you the most random questions. He would be the type of boyfriend to ask you if you would love him as a worm.
He makes very cute dates to take you on. Picnics and sitting outdoors kind of stuff! If you don’t like that then he will of course take that into consideration.. He wouldn’t mind sitting in a secluded spot just enjoying time together.
Ominis doesn’t show it as much but I feel like he gets jealous. He will admit it to you if you question him. He gets in fits of not feeling adequate for you. Just tell him you love him and it’s all fine!!
“Y/N?” Ominis’ voice pierced through the silence of your bedroom. You turned in the sheets to face him, hand coming to rest on his chest. 
“Yes?” You questioned. He had a small grin on his face that you could make out from the dim moonlight. You knew it would be another one of your silly nights.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” You automatically cackled at the question, expecting anything other than that.
“You’re just a worm?”
“Yes. Just a worm.” 
Ominis snorted again at the ridiculous question and you rolled your eyes. You pressed a kiss against his shoulder and hummed.
“I suppose. I think I’d take you everywhere in a nice cage. We would eat breakfast together while you squirmed in your dirt and you would enjoy your life. Then one day I would take us on vacation to the beach. Maybe even do some fishing..” You held back a giant laugh as he gasped.
“And I am not the bait surely?!” The boy's arm smacked against you and you couldn’t hold your breath. 
“I am not the bait, right?!” He repeated the question and you felt lightheaded. 
“Uhuh sure my love..” You mustered up a sarcastic response and watched as he bobbed his head in annoyance.
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“You’re the one who asked!”
Garreth :
He ALWAYS brings you homemade stuff. Some of it is mildly concerning but he just shrugs it off. After all it is “made with love” as he puts it.
Garreth always brings you on little adventures to collect supplies or sits with you on your hobbies. He thinks it’s the best to just be in your presence. 
He’s very attentive and handsy. Physical touch is definitely a high contender for his love language. I feel like it makes him more calm to always have a hand on you. You’re like a little safety blanket <3
I feel like Garreth has ADHD.. If he gets busy with potions he won’t notice ten hours have passed until you forcibly pull him away. You constantly have to remind him to eat or take a break.
“Garreth?” Your voice filtered into the empty potions room where your boyfriend stood hard at work. You had not seen him all day and was starting to worry that one of his potions had finally taken him out. Walking up behind the boy you let out a cough and rubbed your hand up his back.
Garreth jumped and turned to face you. His eyes were bloodshot and his grin was wavering on a questionable line of sanity.
“Have you slept? How long have you been down here?” You brought your hand to his forcing him to drop the feathers onto the counter. His forehead came to rest on your shoulder and he let out a deep sigh.
“It hasn’t been that long has it?”
“Baby it’s Saturday morning.” You whispered as your fingers skimmed through his ginger locks. He only grunted in response and dug deeper into your shoulder.
“Well I need to finish-“ The boy started but you cut him off quickly.
“You can finish this another day. Your brewing pot is not going anywhere. We are going to put you to bed. Understand?” Garreth only snorted and moved so you could lead the way.
“You’re cute when you’re bossy.”
“Don’t even start Weasley.”
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piracytheorist · 9 months
Season Finale, woe is me T_T
Where did time go. It feels like yesterday that the first trailer for the season dropped.
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How dare they. Did I ask to be emotionally destroyed like this Yes I did
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Bond is so happy to go for a walk with Loid! And Loid isn't exactly reserved with petting his huge dog is he.
I love how heartbroken Bond was over Anya saying she wasn't coming. He even looked back at her as Loid walked him to the exit.
It actually impresses me that Loid is training Bond right out in public, talking to him about where to bite and how much to make sure the target doesn't get too injured. I guess he doesn't expect the SSS to frequent a dog park?
I love the little pat Loid did on his leg to call Bond back. And then of course pet his head :)
Poor Franky's putting up with so much from Twilight, and he doesn't have to. I hope Twilight appreciates that at some point. I'm sure he hasn't developed feelings just for his family.
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Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Franky talks about how Bond may have associated training with his trauma from getting experimented on, and it sounds like brand new info to Twilight. I guess, despite how much his spy training has scarred him, Twilight has a hard time connecting "having bad memories about something" with "not wanting to engage with that something". After all, he'd spent who knows how long telling himself that he hated children because they're incomprehensible to him, and not because children crying reminded him of his own desperate times. After all, it's easier to do his job and keep training hard if he refuses to accept how soul-crushing that job is, right?
Damn, I got sad again. Because I imagine post-reveal Loid and Yor asking Anya why she chose them, and she says that she thought they were cool, and Loid has a RealizationTM that no he's actually very messed up and it's very sad that this little girl imagined that this devastating way of life could actually look cool to someone from the outside.
Not to worry, there's more angst I'll pull out of nowhere down the road!
Franky calling Loid out for not knowing how to relax and have fun >>>>
I love how after Franky left, Loid and Bond looked at each other like idiots. Old habits die hard, and an entire cruise of Loid trying to relax and have fun wouldn't be enough to break them, I guess XD
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She's like "If I can't get real stars might as well fake some" Poor Yor continuing to clap happily even while Anya's origami star fell from her chest XD it taught her how to properly apply tape I guess, for later...
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Pretty much everyone around them is wearing winter clothes, even Loid is wearing a turtleneck and a heavy coat. Why are those children in such light clothes eating ice cream? The boy on the left we even see later is wearing shorts
Guess an ice cream was an easy kind of snack for a kid to feel bad about dropping XD
Sweet Bond! He's imagining Loid praising him and telling him he's glad they adopted him, and all while Bond is wagging his tail 😭😭
This family is just four lonely creatures desperate to be wanted (even if Twilight is very far from accepting that) aren't they ;_;
Ice cream goes RIP and Bond has his (probably) first experience of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at him he's so 🥺
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Later in the episode, Twilight goes all strict with himself for a laugh. Here though, he actually expresses distress and guilt for Bond ruining the kid's ice cream. He could have gone for a simple "I'll buy you a new one" without showing that much emotion in his expression and voice. In the manga he even has a typical "cold sweat lines" expression.
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Or however you call that.
I don't know, maybe it circles back to any "starving war orphan" trauma he may be trying to tell himself he doesn't have...
I'm just saying, he was very expressive here, and he didn't have to. It wasn't a conscious choice.
Bond is really such a good boy. Every time he acts on his visions is to help someone else. From something as trivial as dropping a snack to something as important as saving someone's life, whether they're a kid, an old man, or a puppy, Bond is truly a very empathetic and caring creature.
However, the silly music playing over the vision of the old man getting hit was... a choice XD
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Yet another example of the anime putting details to help the narrative: the old man is hunched, making him short enough that the corner of the wall/fence to his side is actually covering him. Which makes the biker not seeing him make sense, since he was behind the fence and appeared at the last second.
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I actually felt shivers with the tone Twilight used here. Bond's behaviour is making no sense and is actually a first.
But also, Bond is probably only now realizing that unlike Anya, Loid cannot read his mind and cannot see his good intentions. He knows Anya would jump for joy for what he did, but since two of his efforts to help were met with reprimands, he's hesitant to try again because his trauma rears its ugly head and he fears he'll get kicked out. He probably doesn't understand that Loid doesn't know anything about his special powers, and so he can't let Loid's reprimands pass by him unaffected.
It's a bit similar to how he probably connects bad food with bad intentions, and thus fears that Yor will be mean to him, since she makes such horrible meals.
And so he allows the woman to get bird poop on her, but he jumps to action when he realizes someone's life may be in danger of the fire.
And first, I know we talk about how strong Yor is, but can we for a moment talk about how Loid held back this absolute beast of a dog?
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Like, Loid allowed him to carry him around twice, but when he felt things got serious, he actually had no issue holding him back. It was only when Bond looked legitimately scary that he let go.
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And that was... a shock. Have we ever seen Twilight like that before? Cause he genuinely looks like he hesitated out of fear... and maybe realizing that no, this time Bond is actually dead serious.
Bond probably didn't know what he would be looking for once he stepped inside the burning building. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who thought that that "Daisy" was a child... but maybe Bond is more attuned to scents of other dogs, especially little ones that need help, so he could find the puppy amidst all the burning smells.
Badass Loid saving his doggo!
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Loid doesn't hesitate to run in after him, either. Even the idea that Bond could be rescuing someone is enough for him to take that risk. I love how, after two attempts of what Loid thought was Bond attacking innocent people, he still believes Bond would have a good reason to run into a burning building and runs after him to help.
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I mean, you also ran into that building to save your - for all you know, disobedient - dog, so maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black XD
How sweet is he, though. He really doesn't believe in reprimanding someone after the fact - Bond running into fire was dangerous, but it helped save an innocent life... and Twilight's priorities are very clearly shown in that reaction!
I love how man saves dog, dog saves man, and then Twilight is like "Wow your nose is incredible" because of course he can't think of another explanation, and Bond's affirmative borf there sounds like "Yeah sure, buddy. It's my "nose" alright."
Even though it's only Bond with him, Twilight uses "Twilight voice" as he assesses the situation, and "Loid voice" when he talks to Bond. Is this him putting on a mask... or feeling a little more comfortable around Bond?
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That was so badass! But then!
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Miserable creature
Exactly how much water was in that bucket to make Bond's entire massive fur soaking wet XD
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This is both so wholesome and, me being me, so fucking heartbreaking at the same time. Like, the other guy let himself laugh his heart out at how Bond looked, but Twilight barely allowed a single sound out of his mouth that he couldn't control. And again, angst is my wont, so it really ruins me that he's not even letting himself laugh over something ridiculous, because he can't let his emotions show... even if it would be totally understandable for him to laugh at that moment.
I mean, as I said, he showed genuine distress when Bond caused the boy to drop his ice cream, but he stopped himself from laughing even when the other guy next to him was laughing too. As in, he allows negative expressions when it's appropriate, but not positive even when it's appropriate and understandable.
I mean, he has been smiling at his family and looking at Yor like the besotted simp he is... but he doesn't realize just how much of his real feelings pour through his face, exactly because he hasn't realized said feelings. Wet Bond was a much clearer example of something funny, so he knew that laughing would be a loss of control...
Anyway what I'm saying is it's sad. He shouldn't feel he has to repress his own laugh like that.
Kinda sad the anime omitted this still-trying-not-to-laugh expression Loid has as he sees Bond sniff around.
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Bond's voice adafhgdsfdgfdgd
Arsonist guy is watching sneakily from a corner while wearing a hat that has "Fire" written on it.
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Dude couldn't have been more suspicious if he tried.
Pretty sick how he got even more excited at the idea of someone dying from the fire, when he heard the woman say how Daisy was still trapped inside.
Vigilante Bond! Arsonist guy takes out his knife and tells Bond to not be disrespectful of humans and my dude you're the one setting people's lives at risk and having a blast about it
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We haven't seen Twilight in such action in a while, have we! Ngl it was kinda, uhm... 😳😳
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LOOK AT HIM! So proud of his doggo 😭😭
He then says how it would be bad if either of them were in the news... and you're reminded that this is fictional but still pretty accurate 60s-70s so Twilight has really avoided getting any picture of him published. But also Bond could indeed be recognized by any of the scientists... and it's actually sweet how Twilight cares for Bond's secret not getting out. He helped Bond with his "revenge" and now he's acting to protect him from getting targeted again.
I love how Bond fears he'll get reprimanded for biting the arsonist's leg and not arm... when in the beginning Twilight very clearly said he can bite either a leg or an arm XD
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He tells Bond how "someone" will be sad if anything happens to him (Bond), (and we get a sweet af montage of Anya and Bond having fun together), how Bond is first and foremost a part of the family, how his working duties should come second and he should look after himself...
Oh it's gonna hit him like a brick wall when he realizes the exact same things apply to him 😭
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He's not gonna tell anyone, promise 🥺
And he ends with a promise to go to the dog park the next day so that Bond can have some long overdue fun. Yeah definitely a very detached, cool-headed spy who only cares about the mission not destabilizing. Sure.
The anime did offer us some extra stuff, though!
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I love one (1) gremlin
I actually saw it as a knife, too XD
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I love her.
I fully expected to see the paper puppets (or whatever you call those) fall apart like Yor's victims' bodies do XD I was not disappointed XD
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Anya is still working on accepting that her mother is not very capable of not sprinkling "murder" on anything in her life XD
Loid isn't wearing his coat when they return...
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I am amazed that they've had Bond for, how many months has it been now? And yet neither Loid nor Anya had ever seen him wet.
Anyway, Loid appeared back without his coat because his excuse was that someone had sprayed water all over them, so he took it off XD
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But where is his coat even XD
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Her heroes!
And of course Loid doesn't know Anya knows about the puppy rescue, so he's not that affected by the "Stella" and is instead going like "Yo but could you get going with earning those stars already". He's not used to getting recognition for his hard work and he's not about to start... yet...
The closing montage was so sweet! Especially with the holidays around the corner, it was very fitting to see the children having fun and relaxing, Yuri being very NormalTM, Nightfall and Franky having dreams for the future, and the Forger family having their celebrating dinner!
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I love them so much.
And thus, the season has ended, and this anime only will start wondering how her Saturdays will pass from now on :')
I am thinking of doing more crack recaps, finishing my character screen time project, and probably starting on some fics... but for a very specific reason, the completion of those will have to wait until the next season ;)
This was a wonderful season! I may have rewatched every episode almost three times, but I do wanna do a "recap" full rewatch of the season at some point, and share my overall thoughts. I certainly have a lot of time on my hands for that XD
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rraaaannnn · 5 months
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summary-After one of the most powerful villains known for stealing comes out, the government appoints a detective capable of solving their encrypted messages. While the two do their work and the spark of challenge and admiration grows, the government retreats for several reasons.
CONTENTS-Strong language, little suggestion, dark jokes, flirtations, flirtatious enemies to flirtatious partners to lovers (I swear in my mind it was better) more.
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You don't know why you're sitting in your pajamas on your apartment's sofa, and there's a guest in her leather suit sitting leg-on-leg next to you.
It's been a strange couple of weeks for you
Let's say it's been a very boring couple of weeks, because you got fired from your job as an investigator, working for the government
And now you are facing this guest ''So, do you want to talk to each other?'' you say while staring at the black knife your guest is holding.
''Actually, why is there no electricity in your apartment?'' She waves her knife questioningly
''Well, my guest, you did not come until the end of the month, and I was fired from my job two weeks before they paid me.'' You are relaxed as you talk.
The woman in front of you changes, she sits, placing one hand on her knee, and the hand holding the knife on her knee, and moves with her back forward. The features of her body make it clear that she is a woman, and the similar, soft voice tells me that she is a woman. I am already thinking of a person in my mind, but I have yet to recognize the woman sitting in front of me. She looks kind of hot in this position
“You poor thing,” she says in a mocking voice, making me smile
''So you're not going to take the helmet off?'' I say as I fold my hands and lean back
Even though there is not enough light and I can barely see her in front of me, I see her standing and pointing the knife at me. “I will check the window. Don’t do anything stupid. The knife is not my only weapon.” She says in a threatening tone, but you can still hear the softness in it.
She looks through the panoramic window, checking what's on the street and whether there are still police or detectives chasing her.
''It looks like they're going to sleep in this street,'' says the woman with the helmet. The moonlight shows me that there is dust on her suit
Now the woman is standing behind my couch. “Do you have a first aid kit?” she asks me while bending her back, and I am trapped between her and her knife. “In the kitchen behind the door.” You tell her while relaxing as if no one is pointing a knife near your face.
''You're not waiting for me to take it myself, are you?''
You are both very calm in this situation. You are not planning to oppose her in what she is doing, and she is not planning to attack you with her knife.
''Make yourself at home''
After she told you to stand up and you did as she said, you could feel the sharp knife near your back in case you were going to do something stupid as she said before, that was you and her sitting opposite each other, at the window for the moonlight.
''So you didn't tell me, why are you running from the police?'' You ask as you see that she is having difficulty treating herself, and it seems that she has a wound, not just on her hand. ''Why should I tell you? You are a self-detective, you should know.'' She tells you as she opens. Wound plaster
You laughed out loud, causing the woman to stop opening the sticker and her helmet move, meaning she was supposed to be looking at you. “What’s so funny?”
You move your head, which means nothing, just continue what you are doing, and this makes the woman complete her work
You look carefully at the suit that the woman in front of you is wearing. Although there are some light rips and dust, it is still elegant. You see that she is having some trouble applying the adhesive and looking from behind the helmet. She is now taking off her leather pants.
The woman remains in her underpants, but they are of the stretch type, rather short. A bloodstain appears on the thigh. Seeing her wound seems to make her feel more pain from the wound. She sighs and then struggles again to take care of herself.
It's the right time to attack her, but I don't really want to, it's not my priority anymore to catch the villains.
''You and your big head.'' Then I put my hand closer to her wound to help her, but with unimaginable speed. A knife approaches my neck and a hand grabs my collar. I stare at the helmet and see the reflection of my face, shocked by this speed. ''Calm down woman, I'm trying to help.'' You smiled sideways at her
You slowly move your hand away from the place of her wound and bring it closer to the knife more slowly to prove to her that you do not intend to take the knife to attack her, and it is clear that you cannot, because a strong grip on a knife is impossible for someone like you to be able to remove. You slowly place your hand on the hand of the woman’s fist, while the woman calms down and looks closely. Concerned about what you will do, you move the knife and bring it closer to your neck until the sharp knife reaches the skin of your neck and very little blood comes out of your neck. “Keep your knife this close and I will help you with your wound. It is an easier way to get rid of me if you see any threat from me.” ''Your eyes contain great confidence and at the same time a tone of indifference that you will be killed
Step by step, the woman begins to remove her hand from your collar and move the knife away from you, and as you begins to sterilize the wound, you feel her hand stop you after you let out a small cry of pain. “It hurts.” You look at her. “Only a little remains, as your wound is superficial.” You look at her. And all you sees is your reflection in the helmet. “Grab my wrist if I press hard and hold it and pull it.” You sees the helmet moving, which means she is nodding in understanding. She actually puts her hands on your wrists while making your hands move to help her. After you done, you wraps the thigh with gauze. You started cleaning the blood
''I can feel your eyes on me under the helmet, miss.'' You look at her and you barely smile, waiting for her to respond.
''Who said you can move now?'' she asks while waving her black knife in the air again. ''So what's today's theft?'' you ask after leaving the items in your hand. ''Why do you think I stole?'' She asks you curiously. ''Tell me why you are running from the police if you didn't steal?'' You asks while that look on your eyes does not leave her, the look of curiosity.
The woman is silent and does not respond to your questions because she is now looking at the window, after noticing that there are police cars moving away from the neighborhood. “Will you stay in my apartment tonight?” You ask. “When will you take off your helmet?” Don’t stop asking. “You don’t.” Shut up!” She seems to be losing patience. When she looks at you, she sees you smiling and approaching her. The woman knows that she has the right, so she makes you approach her. You look closely at your reflection. “What did you steal this time, cheetah woman?” You whisper.
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flash back YN POV :
You are sitting in the meeting room of the senior investigators. You were not actually one of those tasked with arresting her this time, because the government always considers you a reckless person and that you are always the reason why the woman Sheta escapes from their hands.
I don't really like them, they're no fun for me and they're also ungrateful for my favor, being one of the rival investigators who's cracking the cheetah woman code.
''Now I will present the evidence…'' says the chief investigator into the microphone
What appears in the projector light is an image of a message
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After I read the letter, which seemed to be devoid of information, I looked at my ex-boyfriend sitting next to me. “What do you think about the letter?” I asked him.
''I don't know, it seems like a normal letter.'' Then he looked back at me
''I'm sure you'll crack the code.'' He smiles at me. ''Don't let me kiss you, boy.'''I've always joked with my ex like this. This doesn't mean I want to get back in a relationship with him. I know Mike understands me.
The meeting of senior investigators has ended, and now it is time for me to meet with my team in our department
''So this time she didn't use anything difficult, she just told us that she was going to steal a treasure.'' Ryujin says while fidgeting in her chair boredly.
''And you mentioned something with wings…is it possible that it would be stolen using a helicopter?'' Mike asks while placing his hand on his chin. ''Y/N didn't you come up with something?''
''It's not my issue anymore''
''Are you upset that he scolded you?'' Ryujin stops her chair towards you
''How I wish that the woman cheetah steals his money because she only steals the money of bad people.”I say that and I feel happy about the situation if it were true
''Since the cheetah Woman did not specify what building she would rob, the chief investigator put together a statistic of the most well-known wealthy buildings she could possibly rob.'' I can see my ex arranging the papers on the table as he speaks.
''Since you're serious about your job…read the statistics out loud'' I tell him as I put my feet on the table and put my back against the chair and look at the sky light from the window in the roof.
''First place is the iron factory, second place is the rare diamond center, and third place is the international noodles manufacturing company. They all have treasuries of money.''
''Chief investigator put us in the noodle building, Y/N if you're not interested in the case let's go eat!'' I can see my friend Ryujin's face light up
You sit, folding your arms, while looking boredly at the decor of the small branch inside the building that is one of the possibilities for being robbed now. You hear sounds of satisfaction coming out from Ryujin next to you at the taste of the noodles, while in front of you sits Mike, looking disappointed with both of you. “You know that We're supposed to be monitoring the parking lots like we're told, right?' Mike says with a sigh
''You know I'll enjoy these noodles more if you keep your mouth shut.'' Ryujin wipes her mouth with a napkin ''You don't have to stay here Mike, go watch alone, there are already a lot of detectives waiting to arrest her.'' She looks at him boredly.
''I'm sure if we were assigned to go to the Diamond Building,you would have happily eaten at the chicken wings branch inside the building.'' Ryujin says after filling her mouth again, Mike is now looking disgusted at her. ''I'll go there.''
Two minutes after Mike left, “Is there a chicken wings branch in the Diamond Building?” You ask, “Yes, it is one of the best restaurants in serving chicken wings.” You are looking at it now. “Then let’s go before she run away.” You stand up and You throws the car keys in front of Ryujin while she looks on in confusion. “Who are you running away from?” “Although Ryujin is confused by what you are saying, she is used to it, and now she is following you.” “Explain to me!” While you two are walking fast “She didn't put any effort into the letter, I wasn't interested in finding out it was stolen, but now I can't help but chase her”
Ryujin drives at top speed, while still listening to you. ''I still don't know if I'm right, but it says you're stealing a treasure, then it's better to send detectives who have wings.'' The car turns right to park in an empty parking lot in front of the Diamond Building. ''Then… "She wanted to use something simple because in the previous robbery she used Morse code." Ryujin took off the front belt, while you were walking quickly to the building. "Yes, after she destroyed our minds with the previous robbery, she is putting something easier than before to play with our minds."
The first thing you encounter at the entrance to the building are guards telling you that entry is forbidden, even after Ryujin shows them your business card. They seem to be emphatic about preventing anyone else from entering. You and Ryujin exited the building and are now looking for a way to enter. “At least we should inform them of the possibility.” Ryujin looks at you as you stand and stare at the building. "Don't tell them! I'm not standing outside this building to help them and they always scold me because I'm the only one who can compete with the Leopard Woman but I can't save their money. I'm here because I'm interested in the Leopard Woman.I'll meet her and talk to her again," you say while looking at your watch to check the time
''Don't tell me something I know.'' Ryujin rolls her eyes
''Ryujin let's do it again'' Ryujin looks at you in shock ''No not again!''
Now Ryujin enters alone and the two guards approach her again. “Look, I don’t have time for this shit. I showed you my business card, but you insist on not letting me in.” She looks at the two guards with strong eyes. “We are sorry, miss, but these are orders issued by the chief investigator, even if you work with them,” one of the guards told her
The moment Ryujin starts screaming, drawing attention to herself, and causing trouble with the guards, I enter quietly, avoiding the noise, to enter safely.
As expected, there are no investigators around or inside the chicken wings place. Of course, you will choose the place far from suspicion. I am more interested.
I went into the kitchen and looked at the contents of the refrigerator, which contained nothing but seasonings and sauces to flavor chicken.
After I ordered the cooks and the cashier to enter the warehouse, convincing them that it was an order from the investigators’ department, I heard a soft voice calling, “Excuse me, is there anyone serving here?”
I look for a second at the emergency door that is next to the warehouse door. I think I recognize the owner of the voice and I know the reason for choosing the place. I smile lightly and whoever sees me will think I am crazy. “Of course, just one minute.”
I put on a restaurant apron and a chef's hat and approached the cash register. Although she was wearing a black mask and a black hat covering her hair and eyebrows, I could see her eyes looking intently at the menu.
''Hello customer, how may I serve you?'' I look right into her eyes as she slowly looks away from the menu. ''Hello, can I-'' Hearing her sentence cut off and seeing her eyes widen a little is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
''Oh wow, I expected you to appear early to prevent me from stealing, but now you appear a few seconds before I escape.'' She moves her shoulder slightly to show me in a bragging tone that she stole the safe's money. I smile as I say sincerely, ''Actually, I wasn't planning to stop you today, as The government stopped me from investigating you, but look now, cheetah woman, you're making me break the rules.'
I hear her laugh lightly while I'm still looking at her. "Look at how beautiful you look in the new suit." I notice that she's wearing a black suit whose design is different from the previous one. "You're a good observer."
''Just to let you know, I'm a fan. I love what you're doing and I'm waiting for what you do next.'' A sideways smile never leaves my mouth. It's always been fun talking to her.
''I'm flattered, and I'm looking forward to how my future codes will be solved.'' Her eyes are smiling, I want to speak more, but a stick is about to hit me if I don't avoid it at the last moment. I put my hands above my head. ''Damn, it was fast.'' I say my sentence, but it's preceded by the woman's body.over the table. I quickly stand up and follow her to see her cursing the locked emergency door. “Dear customer, you could have just asked me to give you the key as a favor.” I twist the key on my finger while winking in the direction.
She laughed loudly, then turned around and looked at the key I had on my finger. “I don’t understand why a smart person like you is prevented from investigating me.” She puts her hands in her back pockets. “Right?” I'm wondering too." She takes her hands out of her pocket. "You're smart, but there's a long way to get to me." You hear a final laugh from her, then the sound of an explosion and smoke blinding your eyes. Then you feel a light hand holding your waist without you seeing or moving. Then you don't feel the key. On your finger anymore
You hear the emergency door open, and you realize that the sound of the explosion was not bombs, it was smoke crackers. Now you smile quietly towards the door, until you saw the investigators running towards the restaurant branch.
''I told you to stop investigating the cheetah woman! I ordered your team to go to the Noodle Building. You went to the Diamond Building, and you and your team caused the guards to obstruct it. Then, as usual, the cheetah woman escaped and you were the last one in the place.''
For the thousandth time, or the millionth time, I don't know, I lost count, I am being reprimanded in front of the entire investigation department by the chief investigator.
“I'm done with you and I don't know what to do with you anymore!” As Head of investigators shouted, I'm thinking about what to have for lunch.
After the Head of investigators motioned for Mike to come over, Mike politely stood by while I looked at them bored and knew he was going to compliment Mike and tell me why I wasn't like him. “Why can't you be like Mike regularly?” You are pushing your team to create problems in order to… It violates the plan you have drawn up to succeed in protecting the country's money! Ryujin looks bored out of the corner of her eyes and scratches the side of her eyebrow, knowing he means it. “I will suspend you from work for three weeks, because what you are doing is contrary to what I told you, and it is like the work of villain.”
''I'm the villain because I care about catching Cheetah, and you're the hero because you only care about saving the money. The fact is that you don't really care about catching her. You're angry now about the fact that you didn't save the money, not because you couldn't catch her.'' I say while I stand quietly in front of him
''How dare you?'' He didn't finish what he was saying. ''If you keep me away and stop me from doing my job, you will never know what the villain is up to. Since the beginning of my appointment to investigate her, I have been able to get close to reaching her, so keeping me away from her will be…Down for your job." He smiled weakly in front of my face, and next to him I could see Mike's shocked face, who knew that my words would make a wrong decision.
''yn…you're fired, I don't want to see you here again''
He is the loser after all. I did not lose my investigative skills after I was fired
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The woman carefully removes her helmet, and your heart can't help but beat hard
It's the first time she sees her full face, after the strands of hair stuck to her skin and a little bit of sweat. Despite all this, she looks amazing.
During robbery missions, she covered her mouth and nose with a mask. Only her eyes were visible, which attracted you every time you met her. Now the head of her entire face makes you stand frozen. She looks a little tired, but why are you so strongly attracted to her?
''Your hard work deserves to see this reward'' What makes your head spin, is that she is beautiful and she knows it, and confidence is of course one of the qualities that you love
''Worth it'' Now you should take your flirting skills seriously
A soft laugh brings you back to reality. “Do I have to kill you because I showed you my whole face?” the cheetah woman pretends as she places her finger on her lips and looks up as if to ask.
''Then let me know your name before I get killed.'' You haven't blinked since she took off the helmet.
''Cheetah women''
''You don't want to tell me…I'm Lee Yn anyway ''You smile at her and extend your hand to shake her hand ''You don't have to tell me, I know'' She smiles back at you
''You know who I am, am I special or just your work habits?'' you ask curiously
''I know everything…about you.''
''Does this mean I'm special?''
A phone rings inside the suit and the woman in front of you answers it. It seems that she is talking to another unknown person. She is telling him her situation now. Then she hung up the phone and looked at me. Her face is still beautiful. Look at it carefully. “It seems that I will spend the night with you.”
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I wake up and feel a headache in my head and as if my eyes are dry. My hands hurt in the armpit and wrist, because they are tied to my bed. All of this is because next to me is a villain who wears one of my pajamas and sleeps next to me very comfortably.
Indeed, the Cheetah woman slept in my house
After she made sure that there was no way for me to report her, she took all my devices, locked the door to the room, took the key, and slept next to me on the bed after tying me up.
''Enough sleep, wake up!'' you shout to wake up the sleeping woman
''Hmm, five more minutes,'' she answers you in her sleepy voice
''Five more minutes and my armpit will be cut off. Get up!''
You try to kick her with your leg on her back. Now her beautiful face, which you started to hate, is facing you. You can’t believe that in this state you see her so beautiful. “You should thank me because I didn’t make you sleep on the floor while you were tied.” She says while stretching.
You see her standing up from the bed and starting to do her routine with your own things. “Can you untie me before doing all this? I won’t fight you over using my things. Just let my armpits go.” You say tiredly. “What’s wrong with my poor armpits?” you say while Your wrists moved, making the pain worse
''So…my beauty is complete, what were you talking about?'' The woman smiles refreshingly at you. ''My armpits…''you says while looking at her desperately.
''Oh, I didn't choose what to wear today.'' She leaves you there disabled while you choose from your closet, after she insulted your taste and clothes and then dressed them.
She looks at you. “What do you want?” She asks you for the second time. “The armpit…” you says and you have no energy. “What? Do you want me to put deodorant on it?” she asks while looking at you and you give her an exhausted look. “Okay, okay.” "I will untie you."
After the woman approaches you, she unties you, you are not able to lower your hands from the pain, as you have been hanging for many hours.
''I'm done telling you, don't do stupid things, I'll keep my eyes on you.'' The woman walked away after saying her sentence and took out the key to the room to get out of it and it seemed that she turned on the light in the corridor. ''Hey, how is there electricity in my apartment?'' you ask in a voice. Loud, which makes you hear the woman’s voice as she answers you from another room as if it were her home
''You owe me breakfast, I paid your bills.'' she says in an indifferent voice. You follow her into the kitchen. ''You owe me an armpit.'' The woman turns to you and laughs at your appearance, because your hands are hanging in the air as you walk towards her.
''Stop, you're making me feel bad for you. Are you going to stay like the all day?'' she asks, and there is laughter in her voice. ''The question is, are you going to stay here all day?''
“I paid your bills,” she says braggingly while sitting on the dining chair. “It was really expensive. You put all your money into renting the apartment, so you look like a homeless person outside the apartment.” She continues while resting her chin on her hand.
''Is this your impression of me the whole time?'' you ask her, as you finally manage to fold your arms
''A dirty detective, they don't take care of their apartment or what it looks like, they look like bums…they have adult taste, you look like the detectives who get drunk a lot on American shows.''
''Wow…I didn't know I was this bad in your opinion.'' You look at her in amazement
''Kind of…'' she smirks at you
You stay silent for a while, but the silence does not last because you break it
''So…what are your plans?'' you ask ''Why are you asking me on a date?'' she replies with a question
''You're literally in my house, my love.'' You wink at her
''I literally paid your bills'' she says the same way you said it
''How long are you going to keep reminding me of this?'' Your eyes roll
''According to the information I received, your apartment has a wonderful camera system that is almost everywhere…except the bathroom.'' she says as she opens her mobile phone and all the rooms are shown to her on a screen and she sees herself and you.
''How could you hack the camera system so quickly?'' She was surprised as she looked at her phone after turning the screen to make you see
''You know this means you're being watched,'' she says to you after turning off her phone
''I think you have a great team!'' you start applauding her
''A team?'' Chaewon raises an eyebrow. ''What makes you think I have a team?''
“Yesterday's call while you were looking out the window and then you told me you were going to stay the night, and of course we had a good time.”
''I seem to be taking it easy on you…I keep forgetting that you are a detective.''
''Let's say I expected it when I used to work,'' you say as you stare at her
The woman takes out your phone, which she took from you yesterday, to make sure that you have no way to communicate with anyone.
And she put it on your face so that she can enter your facial ID
''You don't have anyone in your contact…just Ryujin and Mike…and Domino's Pizza'' she says as she starts typing a message on your phone.
''Would you like to add your number?'' you say while the slight annoying smile does not leave your face
Chaewon ignores your words and shows you the message she sent, “I tried as much as possible to make this message sound like you.”
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''Your hero! Do I look like this to you…I can't believe it, I'm not that goofy.''
''Believe me, you're worse.''
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''You can stay as long as you want, if you'll keep paying my bills and ordering pizza.'' The cheetah woman could barely understand you with your full mouth, as she placed a handkerchief hanging around her collar and held the handkerchief with her fingertips to wipe around her mouth.
Another day passed and your guest was still in your apartment, and she also ordered pizza for both of you
''I didn't expect this pizza to taste this delicious!'' The Cheetah woman's facial expressions light up.
''Domino's Pizza, nothing's better…'' you say as you take another bite of your pepperoni pizza.
Whoever sees your scene does not believe that the Cheetah Woman is the villain, you are the Detective and who was always trying to arrest her
You eat Domino's Pizza in peace
You eat like you're two normal people, and the cheetah doesn't remember that she kidnapped you in your apartment until you hear the apartment bell ring.
Everything you see in front of you is a knife pointed at your face. “If you want to preserve your life and the life of your visitors, do not show them that I am here! You know that I can hurt you very quickly. I am just making it easier for you. Go and open the door and sit on that couch and "Pretend it's normal," the cheetah woman says as her demeanor changes to savage
You are lenient, as if she was pointing a lollipop at you, not a knife
''What happened my love? We were having a nice dinner.''
''It will be your last dinner if you keep doing this.'' After the woman finished talking, you laughed lightly as she did what she told you to do.
She slowly opened the door to see the blond boy, “Mike, hello, are you okay? Or do you miss me!”
You expected it would be Mike, you were right in expecting that, because he hasn't gotten over you yet and you know that ''Hey…I was worried about you and I chose the second thing you said.''
''Oh…come in.''
You move away from the door and the blond boy enters behind you. You do not see the cheetah woman anywhere, she is quick to hide.
''We haven't seen you in two weeks. I miss you - I mean we all do.'' Mike starts playing with his fingers, a habit he picked up when he was confessing something.
You laugh a little at your cute ex-boyfriend, “I know that you miss me the most, there is no need to hide it.” You smile at him, “Well, if you know, why don’t you let me meet you?” He looks at you with his innocent eyes.
''We're ex-lovers, Mike, you should get used to not seeing me.'' You cross your arms. ''I know, I know…we agreed to take a break, but I still see a chance of getting back together.''
All you're thinking about now is, where is the Cheetah woman hiding?
So you are silent and absent-minded in Mike's face, thinking about where she is, while Mike thinks that you are thinking about returning to him
''Cheetah woman, did she come back with a new theft?'' She looked curiously at him
Which makes Mike think that you are uncomfortable and want to change the conversation
Poor boy
He doesn't know that the only thing you're thinking about is the Cheetah woman
You feel a strange feeling on your leg, a little sharp. You are surprised, then you realize that the cheetah woman is threatening you from under the table where she is hiding, so you smiles lightly and then puts one foot on the other, while the expression of the woman under the table appears angry and her lips puff out because she knows that you want to tease her.
“Exactly two days ago, she committed a new theft. We were able to reach and recover the theft. She was able to escape as usual. The theft was close to the neighborhood where you live, but we were not able to catch her.” He describes what is happening to you.
''good job Cheetah''
You look down at the table and say it triumphantly. You can feel a tingling sensation in the sole of your bare leg, which makes you calm yourself down.It's another threat from her
''You know I'm around. If you need any help, I tried to tell the head of the detective department to bring you back-''
''I would rather be a homeless person than work with him, thanks for trying.''
You waved your hand from behind the door after you hugged Mike and he left your house. You returned to the sofa to see the woman looking at you.
''Who talks and hugs their ex like that?'' she says as she puts her knife in its place and sits on the sofa. ''Mike is a nice guy, I'm not trying to hurt him.'' you say as you sit next to her, making her look at you from the blink of an eye.
''You even say former lovers, it seems like you're still together'' You turn your face towards her, a dangerous distance, and you're so close to each other 'It seems like someone is interested in my relationship…'
''You're coming with me'' the woman's voice deepens in front of you ''and I'm interested in going with you…''
You wanted to ask her what this means? Why this? Where to? But you're really interested in coming with her wherever she goes, out of curiosity, boredom, emptiness, and finally staying with her.
You're a reckless person by nature, if she's planning to kill you in a faraway place, you want to see how she'll do it, so here's you holding her from behind with a helmet on your head.
You feel the motorcycle stop in a place where it makes noise, the woman takes off her helmet, while you are having difficulty getting off the motorcycle.
''Follow me…'' You hear the woman's voice as she walks, and what stops the woman is the sound of a strong crash in the underground parking lot.
The woman sees you lying on the ground while cursing. It appears that she collided with one of the parked cars.
The moment the woman realizes, her eyes widen that she forgot, “I forgot that I put a blindfold over your eyes,” she says as she comes down to you and helps you stand up and take off the helmet and blindfold.
You see that the underground parking lots are full of black and colored cars
''Well I thought you had a team, but it looks like you had an entire headquarters.''
''You still haven't seen anything''
You look at the place with great amazement
You move from one elevator to another, and you see a woman greeting many people
There are villains you know and you have a crack at arresting them
“Oh, Mingyu, hello.” The cheetah woman jumps slightly, making a high five for the tall, good-looking man in front of her. “I have a mission now. Let’s have lunch soon.” The big man says. Then he glances at me. “Wait, isn’t that?” he points his finger at me in disbelief. “You don’t.” “You want to be late for your mission, Mingyu, I’ll tell you about tea later.” She winks at him and then pulls me away.
The woman takes you into a room full of screens, and there is a meeting table where some women are sitting
When they noticed the woman next to you, they started hugging her and screaming as if they were high school girls
None of them noticed you, until your eyes came to a blonde's and the blonde started in shock at seeing you, "What is this! Why is Detective Yn here!"
After the blonde girl noticed you, the rest of them noticed you while there while they all had wide eyes. “Oh hey, it seems I get mentioned a lot among you,” you looked side at the cheetah woman.
''Don't worry, she doesn't know the location of the headquarters. I covered her eyes, and she accompanied me of her own accord.''
''Yes, as if you had not tied me to my bed for two days.''
''Tied to her bed!'' The orange-haired girl seems to be misunderstanding the situation, and you like to add, ''She's wearing my pajamas then.'' The woman kicks you with an angry expression after the group of women began to unite with chaos and loud noises.
''Are you sure we can talk comfortably in front of her?'' The girl talking points towards you
''Yes Sakura, trust me, she can't do anything and she was fired from her job a long time ago.'' the woman replied.
''Should we introduce ourselves then…?'' the orange-haired woman says unsurely. ''If you want that, no problem.'' The Cheetah Woman crosses her arms.
They all introduced themselves to you. “It is an honor to know the great team behind the Cheetah Woman,” you say while politely clasping your hand on your chest. But politeness is not complete until you quickly move your chair towards the woman. “Come on, they all said their names. What’s yours?”
''Didn't you tell her before?'' asks the girl called Eunchae, making the Cheetah woman put her full attention on her.
''No, not yet.'' she says as she looks at you and pushes your chair with his foot, making you move backwards. ''How can you trust someone who doesn't tell you their name?'' The Japanese girl who seems calmer than the rest asks you.
''It's not a matter of trust…I consider myself kidnapped by her.'' Words made the woman respond to you in defense of herself, ''Someone said they were interested in coming with me!''
“I think that after the huge amount of this information, it is risky to leave me even for a second.” You say indifferently, as if you are not in danger. “In fact, I will not leave you for even a second.” The Cheetah woman replies to you.
''I have an idea that will benefit both parties'' says the eldest girl, Sakura. ''An idea?'' The cheetah woman seems to be focused on the eldest's conversation.
''You're a former detective, you work for us.''
Silence all around
''This can't be happening,'' the Cheetah woman says while waving her hands dismissively. ''Why not?'' the younger Eunchae asks, ''It's just…it can't be.'' She refuses, shaking her head.
''Excuse me, she's talking to me, not you. I'm the one who has to decide that.'' You're talking to the Shita woman. ''I think it's a win-win deal for everyone, since you're fired from your job and since you know about us.'' Kazuha, the Japanese woman, says. ''I agree.'' She agrees. yunjin
''What if she messes it up!'' says the Cheetah woman, doubting your abilities. ''You should have asked yourself before bringing her here.'' says the younger Eunchae. ''That's right, tell her, kid.'' You're trying to turn the situation against her.
''I said no, the discussion is over, as the leader,'' she says while clasping her hands and looking sternly.
''Boo, she's using this card, tomato, tomato.'' Act like you're throwing an imaginary tomato at her.''Believe me, her presence will help us steal the auction,'' Yunjin says''Enough information!'' The Cheetah woman says ''My love, I already expected that you would be at the auction, and the investigators are putting all possibilities to prevent your theft, and they have also begun to place equipment.'' You say comfortably.''I see, this is how we can use her presence.'' Sakura said with a smile
''If you insist on that, fine,'' the woman says, a little convinced, but she doesn't want to. She continues, ''but I will put you under the microscope. I will keep you under my eyes. If you even think about cheating, I will end you.'' the woman says seriously, Also, the rest of the group is silent. Their leader was always scary in situations like this. You move your chair closer to her and whisper next to her, “Don’t be afraid, my love, I will be yours all the time.” You smile with your smug smile.
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Eunchae puts dark glasses on you. “Oh, you look like a bodyguard now.” The girl smiles cheerfully.
As Sakura approaches and puts on a headset, she carefully places it on your ear, “Don’t forget, you can communicate with us with this headset. If you lose it, it will be difficult for us to reach you.” She says while taking a final look to make sure it won’t fall out of your ear.''Where's the cheetah woman?'' you ask while adjusting the collar of your black jacket with your tie. ''Kazuha and Yunjin help her disguise herself.'' Eunchae answers you while taking a picture of you with a camera.A month passed. The Cheetah Woman was testing and training you since you were working for them. Despite that, she told you her name, but do not call her anyone but the Cheetah Woman.The Cheetah woman enters with long wigs and elegant clothes. “Tada, this is MissMichelle , who will be protected by Yn.” Yunjin says while putting her hands in the air as if it were a show and her kazoo imitates what she is doing. “Long hair suits you.” You say while The glasses come down in a dramatic way
“Everything suits me, baby.” Cheeta says while flipping her hair arrogantly. “But the name, I don’t think so.” You say, making her give you an angry look.''Okay, let's get serious, my name is Michelle, a wealthy business woman, Yn's is my bodyguard, I sneak into the place of expensive goods and take the diamond necklace.'' The Cheetah woman thought about what would be done according to the plan and the planning that lasted for a month.''It's a difficult task, because the police and guards are tight on the place, especially since they expect your presence. All that can be provided is an earpiece. The Cheetah Woman's bag.'' Sakura says while giving her the bag. ''The Cheetah Woman? You're starting to look like her.'' The Cheetah Woman says annoyed while looking at you. For a moment, “What’s wrong? Isn’t that your nickname from the beginning? Why do you get upset every time I call you by it?” You ask while exchanging glances at her.
''My family called me for a reason,'' she says while crossing her arms, preparing for the usual argument with you, ''but I knew you before as the Cheetah Woman.'' You say, but your argument will not last long.
''Okay that's enough, getting Yn to say your real name isn't important today, we just have to focus on stealing the diamond necklace.'' Sakura calms down your ridiculous argument.
''You must prove your loyalty to us,'' Kazuha tells you while winking
You get out of a black car, go to the other door and open the door to the Cheetah woman
The most famous auction in the world will be held in the huge building in front of you. All the merchants who are known for their wealth and affluence are waiting for it. The first thing a Cheetah woman notices when getting out of a car is the large number of guards.
You and the cheetah woman pass by a god that you only see at airports, after you enter safely. ''Yn, can you hear me?'' Sakura's voice comes out of the earpiece. ''Yes.''
After making sure that everything was fine, you entered the hall full of chairs and tables with my names on them.
After you and her sat on the chairs next to each other. It wasn't just you and her. There were also chairs for other people, but you shared the same table. The Cheetah woman, disguised as Michael, began to have a friendly conversation with the man next to her. They seemed to be enjoying the conversation, as was the woman. Cheeta began to speak more softly. “How long have you been this soft?” you say while looking at her with your eyebrows raised.
She kicked you from under the table and you felt it in your leg, so here you whispered next to her, “Are you trying to attract him?”
''Yes, do you mind that?'' she whispered too
''Well, if you're enjoying your time here, you're not the only one who can have fun.'' You stand up and there's a burning feeling in your stomach. Did she really have to answer yes?''Yn, sit-''''Allow me to leave you for a moment, my woman. There are friends I want to say hello to.'' You raise your voice to make the Next to her, he hears you
You had seen a table with your old friends at work, including Mike and Ryujin
''Isn't your investigation department destroyed yet?'' You say as you lean in between Mike and Ryujin. ''Oh, Yn, what are you doing here?'' Ryujin asks, surprised.
''It's rude of you to ask this question, I'm rich too, I can buy at auctio too'' you say with fake bragging.
''You're barely paying your bills.'' Mike says as he turns his attention to you. ''Okay Mikey, I can see how much time you've been spending with Ryujin!''
''Okay, seriously, how did you manage to get an invitation?'' Mike asks you as he points to an empty chair next to him for you to sit on. ''I'm sorry, I can't sit here, I work for a woman as a bodyguard, so I have to go guard her.'' You say while You adjust your suit as you remember how the Cheetah woman used to talk to the man''You work for a rich woman…Are you deceiving her?'' Ryujin asks, questioning you as if it were a habit of yours.''No she's an annoying woman, I have to go anyway, see you later''
You returned to your chair while the two next to you looked at each other. When the Cheetah woman senses you sitting next to her, her attention immediately turns to you, “Where did you go?”
''Say hello to Ryujin and Mike'' you say while looking at the man next to her
''Stop looking at him like that. You'll scare him…fire will come out of your eyes.'' Your attention turned to the stage after someone climbed onto it. It seemed like the auction had begun.
'There's no need for jealousy, Babe,' whispers the Cheetah woman next to you
The auction started and people started putting a price for antiques. It was time to present a diamond-studded necklace, and the presenter began describing its contents and what distinguishes it.You know that at the same time, many investigators are making predictions about where the Cheetah Woman will appear when she is sitting right next to you.You hear the woman in front of you whispering, “The target is in front of me now.” You place your finger on the earpiece to make sure that Sakura hears her.
You look towards the table of your old work friends. They are looking everywhere, including Mike and Ryujin.
Chaewon looks at you and you nod in understanding so you and her can go to the bathrooms, but the real reason is to enter the room where they will keep the diamond necklace later.
Fortunately, the guards were absent from the spot where you and the Cheetah woman were standing, trying to open the door of a dark room to hide in.The sound of footsteps approaching you both. ''Hurry, someone is coming!'' You look at the place where the sound of feet is coming from. ''Shut up, I'm trying!'' the Cheetah woman says, putting her full attention toward the door.
It seems that the door does not open and the person's steps are approaching you. You quickly grab the Cheetah woman's wrist and pull her closer to you. "Pretend to kiss me."
''Huh…?''The Cheetah woman is more confused than she was, but she quickly implements what I told her.
She pulls you by the collar of your suit and kisses you hard as she pushes herself against you
Kissing hurts a lot because the Cheetah woman kisses you forcefully and pushes you back until your back is against the wall.
''Oh, my bad!'' a familiar voice says as she quickly steps back
The cheetah woman releases you while you are in pain and covers your mouth. ''FUCK, you broke the bones in my face!'' You speaks. You cover your mouth and catch up with the cheetah woman. ''Do you want a French kiss?'' she walks in, removing a hairpin from her hair to open the door to a room.
“I told you to pretend to kiss me, but it seems like you've been waiting a long time to do this.”you say with a smirk and an amused tone.
''No babe, I'm not the type of person who waits for approval from the person I want to kiss. If I want to kiss you, I will kiss you without waiting for you to tell me to do it, but I just don't want to kiss you.'' She looks at you as you enter the room and smiles at you, not as if you were in the middle of the mission
You put your hand on your waist. “Do you think I’m a bad kisser?” You tilt your head slightly. The cheetah woman starts examining the place. “Is it because I said I don’t want to kiss you, are you dying for a kiss from me?” A teasing, playful smile appears on her face.
''Seriously, you two, stop playing and focus on the mission!'' You almost screamed in fear because you forgot about the headphones. Sakura's voice seemed to complain about you.
''Yunjin managed to hack into the security camera system. I think the situation is starting to get difficult. You should hurry.'' Sakura warns both of you. ''I told you it was a bad idea to have her work with us.'' The Cheetah woman speaks without paying attention to you.
''It's hard to make a living.'' You stand while looking at the Cheetah woman doing her work. ''Awesome, now all you're doing is standing and watching.'' The Cheetah says, annoyed at you, while placing random boxes in the room on top of each other. She goes up and opens the ceiling to the room.
''Yunjin says that the guards are returning the diamond necklace to the storage room until the auction is over and whoever bought it can take it…you need to hurry.'' Sakura says, warning you.''How many items are left for the auction?'' you ask while pressing the earpiece to hear clearly.''Just a minute, let Kazuha look into the matter.'' It seems that the matter is getting tense. ''The necklace is the penultimate item. You both must reach the room before the auction ends.'' Kazuha heard from the other side.
''This is bad. It seems that the auction's surveillance cameras system is starting to detect the hacking error. I can no longer control the system for more than fifty seconds.'' Yunjin increases the warning.
''Sheeta, you only have fifty seconds.'' You shout as you notice that Sheeta's woman has already managed to enter through the hole in the ceiling.
''I have a hearing aid too. Stop acting like you're helping!'' the Cheetah woman says, annoyed by the chaos that is happening.
Eunchae tells Chaewon about the routes she should take, while you have nothing to do and stand tensely in the room.
''There is a person and four guards heading to the room where the necklace is kept. We don't have much more time!'' Yunjin tells you in a tense voice. ''I'm trying.'' the cheetah woman says more annoyed.
In these moments, you are doing nothing, and this in itself bothers you. An idea comes to your mind, but I wish you were ready for the sacrifice.
''Sakura, has the last item been sold out?'' you ask while looking at the watch in your hand. ''Not yet, they are still competing with the price, but it seems that it will be sold out soon.'' Sakura answers while looking puzzled by your question.
''Shit…'You quickly open the door to the room and then run out. ''Where are you going?'' Sakura asks confused.
''I'm trying to distract people.'' You're running, trying to get there, doing anything so you can buy time. ''Stop being foolish…'' You hear the voice of a woman, Sheeta, warning you.You arrive at the auction hall where the rich are still vying for the last item. “We only have 30 seconds to wrap this up,” Yunjin says over the speaker.If there's one thing you absolutely hate: a timed mission, what can you do? How can you save the team? How can you attract the attention of the wealthy? Think, think, think
This is what's happening in your mind. ''Two million dollars!'' you shout as you stand at the hall's large door
Everyone is turning to you, including your former investigation team
This is the second most expensive price transferred today after the price of a diamond contract
''Two million, is there more?'' the host shouts excitedly,You definitely don't have that money.''The man and the four guards are returning to the hall,'' Sakura said in amazement''Is there more than two million?'' the host asks again as he is about to announce that the last item is about to be sold and the buyer is me.Pray with all your might that someone will raise the price and own the commodity and you will get out of this situation
''Ok, this means that the item has been sold to the lady standing-''
''Two million and one hundred thousand dollars'' says the same man who bought the contract after he and his guards entered the hall again, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth.
''Great, two hundred million. Should we sell or is there someone who will pay more?'' You calm down after you heard the guest's sentence. ''I finished the target in my bag.'' The Cheetah woman's voice through the earphone comforts you more.
''Okay, get out as soon as possible.'' You can see the Cheetah or Michael woman leaving the toilet calmly, avoiding suspicion. She quickly completes her task.
The lights go out and a loud alarm begins to fill the place
''It's an alarm bell. I think they knew the diamond necklace was missing. Get out now!'' Yunjin says through her earpiece.
The cheetah woman is about five meters away
You can also see a team of investigators circulating around the place, knowing that the Cheetah woman skillfully stole the necklace.
''Well we have to make a mess of the place.'' You say and then you see the red fire alarm button. You break it and then add to the safety bell with a loud noise.
Then you quickly run to the Cheetah woman while screaming, “I think it’s a fire!” so that you can make the ladies and men panic a little and add chaos to the place. Indeed, this has succeeded.
Even the water sensors began to fall on people's elegance
You see that the man before that the Cheetah woman was talking to is approaching her and wants to help her, not while you are there. You go ahead of him to push him away from her and then you pretend that you just want to do your job, which is to protect her. The presence of this man really bothers you. You can see the Cheetah woman laughing at What you doBefore leaving the building, you stop while leaning back, “Go before me to the car, I will come in a little while…”
''Hey, where are you?'' The Cheetah woman cannot finish her question. You are entering through the door of the building again.
You're meeting Ryujin while she's calming down the wealthy people. ''Were you able to protect the diamond necklace?'' you ask, pretending you don't know.
''I don't know. They assigned me to stay here.'' Ryujin tried to gesture with her hand. ''You should just resign and work with me.'' You say with a sarcasm of her attitude. ''Okay, tell me the details later.'' You winked at her, Ryujin is your friend from high school. She knows very well. And she know that there will be no theft of the Cheetah woman without you asking about it, so you do this to remove suspicions.
You walk quickly while drops of water soak your suit, and you see a woman having trouble crossing between men. She takes off your suit and then puts it on her head to protect her from the rain. The woman looks at you with a smile of thanks.
You go out and she is now standing in front of one of the cars while you are trying to dry yourself and the woman you helped is in front of you. “Thank you for helping me,” the woman says while giving you the suit. You smile in response.
The woman approaches you suspiciously. You just smile, waiting impatiently to go to the Cheetah woman, and you know that she is angry about your delay.
The woman grabs your chin and gives you a kiss on the cheek to express her gratitude, and you stand a little surprised. “My number is in your suit pocket.” An annoying bright light stops the woman from smiling at you. You look at the sports car that you are standing in front of and you see a cheetah woman look aggressively at the woman and then you leave.you compliments with a smile until she turns around and then sighs
You walk in while a smirk appears on your face due to the Cheetah woman's expression. “Excuse me, I am loved by women.” You say while looking out the window and the Cheetah woman begins to move the car out of the parking lot aggressively and quickly.
You see the Cheetah woman's grip on the steering wheel getting stronger and the car's speed increases. "There's no need to rush. No one knows we stole the necklace. Slow down." You say to the Cheetah woman and she responds, glaring at you, then returning her attention to the road.
''What a gentle woman,You help the ladies and they kiss you in gratitude.'’’
This is what the Cheetah woman says after she turns to the right with such force that she hits the car window, causing pain. “You are also a nice person who likes to talk to handsome men and behave towards them friendly!” You say angrily at the way she drives.
''She literally kissed you!'' She turns her entire face towards you ''Woah, okay, don't get angry and focus on the path, please. I want to reach it in one piece.'' You are giving up the argument because of the seriousness of the place in which you are arguing.
After the Cheetah woman returns her head to the road, you say in an amused tone, “I smell…I smell a jealous person.” You cross your arms, there is no response. The Cheetah woman just speeds up. “Stop being childish. We are adults. We do what adults do.” She says While you keep your eyes on her and the perpetrator’s face and how beautiful it is even though she is angry
After the cheetah woman returns her head to the road, you says in an amused tone: “I smell…I smell a jealous person.” You crossed your arms, no response. The cheetah woman just speeds up. “Stop being childish. We are adults. We do what adults do.” You says while looking at her and her side face, and how beautiful it is, even though she is angry.
The Cheetah woman keeps ignoring you all the way. You don't stop talking about random things, but she doesn't respond to you as if you were talking to yourself. But you continue and it's not like it's anything. You've gotten used to her moodiness.
You look at the road. The plan was for the Cheetah woman to keep the diamond necklace in her apartment until the second day and then move it to the headquarters. In case someone was following her, the headquarters was a very private place that they were careful to hide. And throughout your stay with the Cheetah woman, you would cover your eyes whenever You went to the hidden headquarters, but she doesn't seem to care that you know where her apartment is and the directions. The Cheetah woman enters her sports car into the garage of her luxurious apartment.
The Cheetah woman opens the door for you and you enter first. You can see the Cheetah woman hanging up her bag with the diamond necklace inside it as if it were nothing and the Cheetah woman removing her hair extensions while you look at the place with admiration.
''Wow, this apartment is on another level! How can you live alone?'' You were about to talk non-stop as usual, but the Cheetah woman's lip prevented you from doing so.
She puts her hands on your cheeks, moving her lips aggressively but slowly. You are surprised, but you will not refuse an offer like this.
The Cheetah woman steps away a little to gather herself again, and you do not have a second to remain silent. “Sheeta….” You smile slightly, but look into her eyes with clear feelings.
''What? Are you afraid? You said we act like adults so this is me acting like one.'' she says with a shaky breath as she pushes you seductively so that your back touches the wall.
You open your mouth to speak, but the Cheetah woman sees that it is the right time to kiss you again. It is very tempting. She is sexy and she knows it, and this is what makes you go crazy and feel even hotter.
You kiss her at the same pace she kisses you, now the Cheetah woman stops, left eye, lips, right eye, she gives you the triangle look.
Then she drags you to the bedroom. The night was tempting for both of you. The feelings that you carried throughout the competition period and throughout the period that you stayed with her take their rights tonight.
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''HELP, I'm suffering alone!'' Yunjin shouts while carrying a lot of boxes ''It's coming…'' Kazuha drops what she was doing to help Yunjin
''Will HELP, I'm suffering alone here too!'' you say in an audible voice as you carry the Cheetah woman to hang an ornament on the wall. ''Shut up, I know you like holding my waist, don't pretend you don't like it.'' The Cheetah woman says in her usual confident tone.
''Remind me why they invented the ladder?'' you ask while tightening your grip on her waist so that she does not lose her balance from the mattress she is standing on.
“We are just making sure that you are useful to us in the work.” She replies to you as she sees the decorations that you have placed beautifully. “Look at this, it is very beautiful.” The Cheetah woman says it in a different tone than before, a more sincere and happy tone. She turns towards you while smiling femininely.
''Isn't it?'' she asks you while placing her hands on your shoulder now. ''Of course.'' You reply, completely lost in whatever she's doing. She scratches her nose and gives you a quick squeeze on your nose. Then she pushes you back to go and finish her work as if she didn't do anything and you… A lost puppy is tracked down
''Aren't we too late? What if Sakura and Eunchae arrive before we clean up the mess?'' Kazuha asked after dropping off the boxes she was helping Yunjin with. ''It takes a long time to get from the nearest supermarket to the headquarters. Maybe she'll get here in a while. 12 minutes if you leave the supermarket now.” You say while looking at your watch
''How do you know how long it takes to get to the headquarters when you've never seen it once?'' Yunjin asks, ''You're just covering my eyes, not stopping time, I can calculate the time to get from my apartment to the headquarters.'' You reply, ''Awesome, Yn, sometimes I forget You're a detective," Yunjin says in amazement
''Their were a waste of your talent.'' Kazuha compliments you too. ''Oh, it's not a big deal. Hhaaha-'' You were laughing, bragging and being deceived by their comments, but your first critic has a different opinion. ''Anyone can think of that'' She goes to get the cake from the kitchen. ''Won't I get your praise even once?'' you whine like a little child
You follow her while leaning on the kitchen table with your elbows. “Have you forgotten who is the person who was able to decipher all your codes and puzzles? This was all on my shoulders.” You raise your eyebrows arrogantly. “And at the end of the day, you are reprimanded in your work department because you did not preserve the stolen items.” You leave. The Cheetah woman comes out of the kitchen after making her comment and she is holding the cake so you follow her
“That's because the investigation department boss's goal was just to protect the money, while my goal was to catch you.” “Everything you remember, the boss makes you feel bad.” “I miss this area, it was your prime, Yn.” Yunjin confesses as she picks up the dirt to put in a basket. Trash
''I also miss the area of ​​Detective Yn and Villain, the Cheetah Woman, but now the villain, the Cheetah Woman, and her assistant Yn,'' Kazuha says while shaking her head dramatically.
''Who said I was an assistant? I still consider myself kidnapped by her! ''Cheetah Woman hits a pile of bags on your chest.''Stop yapping and clean up!''
When Sakura and Eunchae enter, the lights are off. “Why is it dark?” Eunchae asks the older girl. “That’s because…” The lights turn on and the girls scream and start singing the birthday song.
''Happy birthday, Eunchae!'' Your annoying, hurried voice breaks the rhythm of the song. ''YAAA, you ruined the harmony!'' Cheetah Woman angrily shouts at you, ''It's not my fault, I'm Excited for this baby to grow. ''You goes and places the celebration fez on Eunchae's head, who laughs excitedly, hugs her from the side, and walks with her to the Cheetah Woman holding the cake.
''I also brought snacks from the supermarket below my apartment…'' Sakura says as she lifts the bags.
The sounds of laughter and singing fill this place, and songs and dances and happy jumping. You are deep in this happy chaos, looking at their faces and finally looking at this woman who was the reason you were here, the woman who you always chased to find out who she was, jumping in front of you with joy, one of the most famous villain in the city
You see her as very evil, because she made you see that she is not
She changed your vision without doing so
She's a villain who made you fall in love with her
You know that makes you a betrayer
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''Sakura, I want an explanation now!'' You enter one of the headquarters rooms where Sakura spends most of her time. You see the Japanese girl quietly knitting wool. ''Hmm?'' Sakura replies to you while not taking her eyes off what she is doing, and this is the other Japanese girl, Kazuha, leaning back. At the door, she crossed her arms
''Kazuha told me that I will not participate in the next robbery mission. What does this mean?'' You place your hands on the table while looking with mild anger at the Japanese girl who is now looking at you without leaving her knitting. ''Yes, you will not participate in the mission.''
''Why?'' You cut your arms and Sakura left her sewing. ''We just needed your help once.'' she says.
''It wasn't you who asked me not to participate in the mission, it was the Cheetah, wasn't it?'' You say while narrowing your eyes at her. ''Well it's-'' Sakura is interrupted by the voice of the woman who does not accept you as a member of the team, the voice of the woman who accepts you whenever she wants. And if you kiss her, she pushes you away, the voice of a woman who always makes you confused by her movements''Yes, I am the one who asked that you not participate in the task.'' She answers as she enters the door with a walk that rivals the walk of the highest-paid models in the world, two pizza cartons in her hand, heading to the table."this is not fair!" You say while looking at her. She unbothered just opens the pizza and starts eating. “Is that pepperoni, I want some.” Kazuha says and then also sits down to eat after seeing Sakura sharing the food.
''I'm talking here…'' You knock on the table to get their attention. ''Hurry up and eat some pizza, we won't wait for you.''
As usual, you take the chair and approach her until you feel your knee touching her knee and your legs intertwining. “I did well in the auction mission. Why don’t you let me participate in this mission as well?”
''What are you knitting with wool this time, Sakura?'' She keeps ignoring you, so you move her chair so hard that the pizza in her hand almost falls. ''YN this pizza almost fell, you start pess me off, stop…''
''Then just answer me, what did I do wrong to exclude me from this mission!'' You look determinedly into her angry eyes. It seems that there is something that the Cheetah woman wants to say to you, but she shakes her head and begins to move away from you with her chair until she picks up some sauce to put the pizza in, but you are determined to know it. The reason is that you takes the sauce and throws it away somewhere on the table, which makes the Cheetah woman unable to control her anger.
''What the hell, YN!''
The two Japanese girls leave their pieces of pizza. “Yn, I think it's enough for today, stop,” Sakura says
''Who do you think you are? Are you so foolish that you think you're on the same team with us? I used you once for one mission. That doesn't mean you're important. What your little mind doesn't understand is that I used you once and your validity expired after that. That's why I'm not leaving you. You walk around at your ease and I continue to detain you and monitor you.” The Cheetah woman explodes after trying to contain her anger.
''You were used once? It wasn't just once. You continue to exploit me not only for your missions but even for your own psychological and physical benefit. Why don't you make me free then? Why don't you release me without hacking the security cameras of my apartment and my phone?'' You ask while turning your back. on the chair
''You know what, I'm done with you, take me back to my apartment now!'' After directing your words to the Cheetah woman, you are now pointing at her kazoo with your finger. ''You're not going anywhere…'' The Cheetah woman tries to say it calmly, despite her tone of anger. Control the sentence
''What now? Don't I have the right to go to my apartment?''
''Yn, I'm sorry, but it's too risky to make you go to your apartment and leave you there.'' Kazuha tries to explain to you. ''Let me guess too, because your leader thinks that I will report you to the government to throw you in prison. For your information, I could have done this a long time ago, but I didn't. And I will not do it, so I ask you, as a human being with rights, I want to go and sleep in my apartment… I am tired of the problems at work. I thought you were different, but you look exactly like my previous boss.”
''I already told Yunjin to drop you off at your apartment, don't forget to cover your eyes, and don't forget that you're being watched…so don't do anything stupid.'' The cheetah woman tells you as she sits on her chair and looks at the pizza instead of eating it. ''Awesome, you already planned it…I'll wait in the meeting room.''You leave the room, making the Cheetah woman throw her head back on the chair and curse.
You sit on your couch boredly. Not even 24 hours have passed since Yunjin dropped you off at your apartment. You hear a knock on the door before your legs touch the floor. You hear the sound of the door being logged in and opened. You know who came, because basically the people visiting you in the apartment are not that many. If it's Ryujin, she'll knock on the door and call your name annoyed, then open the door. If it's Mike, he'll knock on the door without opening it because he will politely wait until you open the door so as not to interfere with your privacy. It's her.
You return to the same position as before and keep your attention on the television. “Are you here to remind me that I am not on your team?” you ask while not paying attention to her.
You can see it in your sights as she sits on the sofa like the first time you saw her in your apartment and she was still wearing her helmet. ''Are you here for our anniversary of our first meeting at my apartment?''You are now looking at her curiously as you raise your eyebrow.
She takes off her helmet and fixes her bangs. “Did you forget that I pay your bills?” is the first thing she says.
Of course, the Cheetah woman will not apologize to you. Throughout the period of your confinement with her, you see her making mistakes and getting angry with the team members, but when she feels that she has wronged them, she apologizes gently and softly, then holds them with tenderness and warmth. But she will not do this to you.
''Did you forget that I didn't force you to pay?'' you say in an indifferent tone. ''You told me that I could stay as long as I pay your bills and order you pizza.'' the Cheetah woman says in the same indifferent tone. This is how you have treated each other since the first day you met
You are silent for a moment while you have the remote in your hand while you look at her. The Cheetah woman takes it as an opportunity to speak again. “Listen, let’s not fight. I shouldn’t have said that to you.” She steps forward while looking at her hand and then looking at your face. You remain silent, waiting for her to continue her speech. The silence lasts for a long time.''Continue?''You raise an eyebrow questioningly.''That's just what I wanted to say…''She also raises her eyebrow asking, 'What are you waiting for from her?'
''Why is it impossible for you to apologize to me?'' You point at her with the remote control
''I'm not apologizing to you, I'm just telling you that I regret this-''
''So you're not sorry for taking advantage of me, not even saying hurtful things, not even excluding me from the mission, or belittling my skills. You're not even sorry for sleeping with me that night as part of your plan?'' You say after getting a little emotional. ''Sleeping with It wasn't part of the plan-''
''So you were just the fuck and run type!'' After you finished your sentence, there was a knock on the door, making you both stop arguing.
You and she remain silent for a while until he knocks on the door again so you know who is knocking. “You hid under a table, then I will go into the bedroom with him so you can go out the door. It doesn’t take much time.” You say, standing up to go to the door. Him? Did you invite anyone now? Who is he?'' she asked while holding her helmet''I think it's Mike. I didn't invite him, but he checks on me from time to time. Just do what I tell you, don't do anything stupid.'' The last sentence she says, imitating her sarcastically.
You open the door. 'Mickey…' You relax a little to see him. 'Hey, it's been a long time…' says the blond boy in front of you while wearing his best suit. 'That's right, I remember this day is the anniversary of the detective building. So what are you doing here?' ''You ask as you move away from the door and he follows you into the bedroom.''Yes, you remember well, I came to see you. It's been a long time, and I also sent you a message several days ago that I was able to secure an invitation for you to come to the party because I know how much you love steak at those parties… ''He says as he politely stops at the bedroom doorstep
You act like you're busy in the closet. ''Mike, you never disappoint me.''
You smile at him warmly. It comforts you that there is still someone who cares about you and remembers your details. “But I’m sorry for making you come all this way. I won’t go with you.” You say as you close.
The sound of something hitting makes Mike turn around. Your eyes widen for a moment. You also forgot that you are hiding the cheetah woman in your house. She is always professional in her work. Why did she have to make this mistake in your house with Mike? Mike was about to turn around and go to the sound after giving you a smile. It reassures you, you have to do something about it
With a quick movement before Mike can do anything, she quickly goes towards holding her hand. It has been a long time since she touched him. And because of the force, the bedroom door closes. “What-” “The closest thing to the hairstyle is perfume. She quickly takes it and sprinkles light sprays on his suit.” “I” I remember you liked that perfume on me, so why don't you put some on?' You approach him to distract him so he can forget about the sound and it seems to work. ‘’You remember…’’A voice of hope comes out of him.
''I didn't forget to remember,it’s on my mind all the time.'' You stroke his suit and move away a little, but he holds your waist and pulls you closer. ''Yn, I can't stand this anymore. I miss you…so much.''
''Mike, you don't want to miss the party. I know how much you love it. You're going to be late.''
''I'd rather be late to the party if it means staying with you…'' How could you say no to her sparkling eyes?
He is perfect, too perfect for you. He deserves the best from you. You don't want to make him sad anymore. But the sweet way he treats you makes you want to kiss him even if you no longer see him as a lover. But you are frustrated with many things, most of which is the Cheetah woman, so you… She wants to forget about her, at least for tonight
He approaches you more cautiously, giving you the right to push him if you are uncomfortable. But you don't do anything, so he hesitantly kisses your lip. You kiss him back, there is no turning back.
It is also a solution to make the Cheetah woman buy time to leave your apartment through the same door she entered from
His hand remains on your waist as you pull his suit to your bed. When you approach the bed, May stands and gently pushes you onto the bed. “Let me handle it…” You smile at him. It seems that during the period of separation, he was trying to do what he could to appear stronger than before.
But he is a nice person by nature. His hand is shaking as he tries to grab your shirt. He is always hesitant, and this is one of his negatives, unlike the Cheetah woman. This is what she thinks about. But didn’t you say that you want to forget her tonight? Why are you thinking about her now?
A sigh escapes you because it seems that you will not forget it even today. Mike kisses you once more and you hold his hand that rests on your cheek. The sound of a storming comes from the door so you both look towards the door like two shocked hamsters.
The Cheetah Woman is wearing a helmet to hide her face from you, or rather to hide her face from Mike, because you know her identity, and what she is planning now.
''Who is this - this moment looks familiar - YN!'' While Mike is confused, you and Mike maintain your positions, but your heads look at the woman with the helmet. ''Who are you and what are you doing here?'' you also ask. Wondering why she exists and not who she i”''Yn, the investigator who is obsessed with me, you are acting as if we have never met before. Excuse me, am I interrupting your moment together? I was expecting you to be ex-lovers.'' the Cheetah woman says as she approaches with a gait in which her thin waist sways.
Mike slowly moves his hands away, but he is still in shock. “Are you going to rob my apartment?” you ask, still pretending that you don’t know why she is here. “No, my dear, all your apartment has cans and homeless people’s clothes….” The cheetah woman is getting closer to you both. ''I'm here to steal you, my love…'' the Cheetah woman says in a low tone
If Mike wasn't in shock, he would have noticed the smirk on your face. With your experience regarding the Cheetah woman, she's jealous now. It seems you were so busy kissing Mike that you didn't notice the fire that was eavesdropping from behind the door.
“Let me tell you, Cheetah, a simple definition about me. I am useless. I was fired from two jobs. I am stubborn with my bosses, but I will not deny that my bosses were a foolish ass and I was stubborn with them, so I do not think that I will be a useful person.”You cross your arms while smiling
The way it was always fun to talk is now feeling it again.''If I think you're the only thing that would be hard to steal.'' As if you were the only ones in the room, Mike's voice brought you back to reality. ''What's going on here!''
''Listen, blond boy, tell your boss that there is another theft. Do not be afraid. You will receive a message on the investigation office's email, but I will not tell you what its address is, so you have to reveal it yourself… The timing is right for you to go now. It is the investigation office's anniversary as I heard it. It will be a wonderful shot.'' 'This is what the Cheetah woman says after she moves her helmet towards Mike, which means she is looking at him
''What does all this mean! How do you know the location of Yn's apartment? What are you planning, Cheetah Woman?'' Mike is trying to gather as much information as possible. ''Also, I won't let you steal YN.'' Mike's voice rose as he said his second sentence.
Mike approaches you in case the Cheetah Woman will do anything dangerous to you. “As if I will put your hands on her again, you don’t even know how to kiss her, right.” The Cheetah Woman says with a slight anger in her voice.
''Mike…'' You shake your head meaning it should stop. ''Don't bring it up, it's between you and me… Have you forgotten who your enemy is?'' You say as you approach her, always crossing your arms. This helmet is the only thing that separates you.
You do not forget the fact that you were hiding the Cheetah woman in your apartment so that she would not be identified or arrested. But it seems that the war alarm is ringing.
''Get out Mike…'' you say, Mike looks at you in surprise ''What do you mean? I'm not going to do that. What if she's planning-'' Mike widens his eyes even more when he realizes the look in your eyes ''OH GOD-yn please hear me…'' 'He knows you'll never back down
''Mike, go to the anniversary party. If you want to report her, that's no problem. Do it. It's the first time I haven't stopped you since I was assigned to arrest her. Go now!'' You move closer to her until your face is reflected in her helmet. ''It's our last dance. This will determine who is the greatest of all time, me, you, or the government.”The look that has always been on you, the reckless confidence, the courage that made the Cheetah woman distinguish you and always find herself interested
Mike witnesses a scene that he did not expect would be the only person to see it. News channels, journalists, and viewers who have always heard about Detective Yn and the evil Cheetah Woman,Outsmart With plans, one against the other . People would be happy with the scene if it were shown on a live broadcast.
Silence for a second that passed as if it were an hour, due to the tension and determination at this moment
Mike comes running out. Then you watch the cheetah woman walk to your bedroom window, turn her head for a moment to see you one last time, and you watch her back disappear.
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Two days have passed since the last statement you made about the last dance between you and the Cheetah woman. You did not sleep well. It was only a few hours. You cannot sleep because it is the last time you have to prove to the government and the Cheetah woman who abandoned you that you are the greatest.
You will not lie if you say that it is difficult, but there is no one who matches your determination, so you will try even if it costs you your life
Your phone is on the table and you are sitting while shaking your leg trying to get an idea to start in your mind. Your phone was on silent but it vibrates from messages from Ryujin and Mike.
“Think, think, think,” you repeat
Your leg stops shaking, and you look at a camera in the corner. You can't plan because you're being watched by the Cheetah woman. She will find out your plans and ruin them, that's what you remember.
And you can't even use your phone because you're being watched. You ask yourself sarcastically, should you plan in a supermarket or what?
Whatever it is, you should leave your apartment now, so you decide to go to the bathroom before going out because it seems like it will be a long day. You wash your face with cold water to look at yourself in the mirror. If you don't start now, you will be even more late because it has been two days, but the government has the message that is most likely there. A mystery about the theft of the Cheetah woman
You see on the bathroom sink a lipstick from Dior. You hold it. It is definitely not yours. You only wear lipstick once. You put it on for your first date with Mike and it was definitely not an expensive lipstick from Dior. It belonged to the Cheetah woman. She definitely forgot it when she was there. She visits you in your apartment from time to time
She would visit you at your apartment from time to time, sometimes she would say because she wanted to make sure you wouldn't run away or betray her, sometimes she would say because she paid your bills, sometimes just to tease you, sometimes to flirt with you and most of the time to be close to you, but she would never admit it.
And here you are, thinking of nothing else but her
You opens her lipstick and smiles without realizing it. You apply a little to your lip to look at yourself in the mirror again. You may never have been her target, but she has subtly stolen your heart.
While you are applying lipstick with your eyes closed, when you open your eyes you are thinking about something, an idea that illuminates your mind, your smirk looks like you are a psychopath.
The bathroom is the only unattended place in your apartment. A devilish smile appears on your face. You start writing with lipstick on the mirror to plan…
The first thing you must know is the letter that the Cheetah woman sent to the investigators’ department
Secondly, if you get it, you must solve the puzzle in it to find out what you plan to steal and where
All of this must be done without using your phone. What your mind comes up with is that you use the card that the Cheetah woman offers, which is to become a thief like her.
You quickly get out of the bathroom to change your clothes and get started
You stand now while looking at the woman in front of you. “It's been a long time, miss. I apologize for disturbing you, but I really need your help and the only thing that comes to mind is you…” She stands politely in a luxurious living room.
''Although I expected that you would call me sooner, you are very late, gentleman…'' says the rich woman in front of you, but continues, ''but you can take me on a date later.'' she winks at you, ''thank you, miss…'' 'You smile too
You smile as you exit the rich woman's garage while waving goodbye to her. There was no way but to use the woman you helped in the auction incident and put her number in your pocket.Fortunately, she still finds you attractive
Eunchae sits next to Sakura as she frowns, "I can't believe this. I feel like I'm going to cry…" Eunchae says sadly, "What can we say, it's life." Sakura says while she also doesn't like the situation, but she understands it.
''What do you mean we have to give up on YN? I'm really used to having her around!'' Eunchae covers her face in frustration. ''Eunchae we've talked about this before, we're all frustrated. Stop…'' Sakura says as she covers the keyboard and tries Skip topic thinking about it.
''All we hope for now is that Chaewon won't get hurt because I heard that the detective department is going to be a little violent.'' Kazuha says while also busy with her work. ''I really hate him-I don't understand why we have to agree-'' Yunjin leaves her place for a moment. 'Yunjin is enough, we should focus on the mission. We should be worried about Chaewon right now.' Sakura says while not taking her focus away from the screen.
You stop on the side of the road in the car after something comes to your mind. The supermarket was a great idea from the beginning. You click on the map location on the car screen.
You tries her best to remember the name of the supermarket bag that Sakura brought for Eunchae's birthday and said it was close to her apartment.
You are trying to remember the letters, until the map shows the correct name of the supermarket. Unfortunately, there is more than one branch. There are three branches, and it will be a waste of time to go to all of these far apart branches.And you remember again that she said the supermarket is below her apartment. She opens the pictures to see that there is really an apartment building and underneath it is a supermarket branch. ''YES!'' She moves in the car quickly to the location.You park your car in the parking lot, an apartment building that looks nice. Sure, Sakura takes a good share of the stolen items. They are a team, after all.
A truck from a maintenance company is parked next to your car in the parking lot. Your next goal is to find out the floor and room number of the apartment where Sakura lives.
You enter the supermarket and there is a board with the number for delivery and processing of orders written. There is a corner that sells wool. It appears to be a type of wool that Sakura buys from to knit her wool, and since you know Sakura’s personality, she is of course one of the people who will order from the number even. Even if the supermarket is in her residential building, she takes various types of wool and goes to the cashier
Fortunately, the cashier is nice and starts a conversation with you. “Are you someone new to live here?” he asks you after he tells you the price, and that’s when you take out your money. “Not really, I’m here to visit my friend. Of course, she calls you a lot. Her name is Sakura.” You say. While putting the wool in the bag ''Oh that's right, she also buys a lot of wool'' The cashier gives you the remaining money ''Of course I know her, my lazy friend she didn't even tell me the floor and her apartment number before my phone ran out of charge…''You Act like a movie that rolls your eyes
''Floor 4, room 17… She is a customer'' He tells you and your plan succeeds' 'Thank you, you saved my time and effort' The cashier smiles at you and you go to implement the plan. I come next.You enter and see maintenance men filling the reception. Fortunately, it is difficult for security to notice you entering. You take the elevator to the floor.
When you reach her apartment number, you take out two cards from your pocket to try to enter through the smart door. It is a trick I learned from one of the bad guys you arrested, and after many attempts, you succeed in opening it and locking it behind you.
You search the room for something that can help you uncover their plan, but nothing seems to help. There is a MacBook on a table. You claim that there is no secret code. You open it and in fact there is no secret code. “OH GOD, HAVE YOU MADE ME ALL MY LIFE AN UNLUCKY PERSON TO SPEND ALL MY LUCK ON THIS MOMENT, THANK YOU!''
There is nothing unusual. 'I will not stop here. After all I have done, there is nothing on this laptop. She will not bring her work into her personal life. I do not think she will put information or evidence on her laptop so that the government does not hack it and arrest her unless there is. A flash memory that you can take out whenever you want and put it back as well…' she thinks out loud
You start searching in drawers everywhere, until you finally find a flash drive in one of the drawers. You put it in a laptop and the laptop actually changes from a hello kitty background to a black background with files on it. “What a change…” you scoff.
There are hundreds of files, so you open the most recently updated file and you actually see a picture of the largest bank in the city. “Cheetah Woman, the heavy gold bullion will slow you down…” she smiles, leaving the wool with a note on Sakura’s table to move towards the fastest
You arrive after you have parked your car far away, or rather the rich lady's car. Fortunately, after looking in the trunk of the car, there is also a helmet, and it appears to be a helmet from one of the luxurious motorcycles that the lady owns. You look from afar while wearing the helmet and see how the police… And the investigators' cars are blocking the roads. It seems that for the first time, the Investigators Department is really preparing to arrest her. "Isn't the director of the Investigators Department supposed to spoil her arrest and just keep the stolen items to gain the satisfaction of the wealthy and make them reward him? Will he do it or what?" You ask yourself. And you look from afar
You also hear the sound of a plane taking off and see a helicopter heading towards the bank building. “A helicopter? Something strange is happening.” You decide that you cannot wait any longer because you are already late. You approach one of the police cars blocking the road. You try as much as possible not to be noticed by the two policemen who are looking at The helicopter is. you getting closer until you hear the radio. ''Unit B. You must move a little closer to the main door in case you need support. Do not forget your access card or you will never be able to enter. I repeat…'' Fortunately, the card of one of the police men is in the car. All you need to do is steal it.Fast and move around comfortably
Despite the guard's look, which is clear that he is suspicious of you and is judging you because you are wearing a helmet that he cannot see your face with, he cannot prevent you because he orders that anyone who owns the card that you stole be allowed to enter, so you decided to enter through a back door, fortunately. This door is not guarded by many except one, and he allowed you to pass because you have the card. Only a minute and a half had passed since you entered before an explosion was heard and the fire bell went off. “FUCK has already started!” You open the door and start running up the stairs.
You run, panting, and climb the stairs. You open one of the doors and an investigator comes out of it. You stop while thinking. The investigator looks at you from the bottom to the top, then comes back through the door as if he had not seen anything. There is something really strange, but now all you have to do is go to the floor on which The helicopter flies around him. The sound of explosives increases. “This is the first time they have been violent!” You scream as you run until you reach the largest square inside the building, and there was fire around. You pant hard as you try to open your eyes, and you see the figure of someone far away from you, close to you. The large broken window. You take two steps closer and you hear a broken voice calling. You see a suspicious earphone broken on the ground. Like the one you used in the auction robbery mission.
''CHAE-Ther-Drone will reveal your identity to the press. Hide your face-Chae-'' Yunjin's intermittent voice comes through the speaker and you see through the panoramic window that there really is a drone outside that will reveal the face of the Cheetah Woman. ''SHIT!'' You approach as you walk carefully from The fire, and you can even see her body being revealed with every step, you see that her suit is torn and there is blood on it, and also her mask that is supposed to hide her face is completely torn and she can barely breathe until she finally notices you, your face is not visible either, but this is what a woman hopes for. Cheetah at least seeing you for the last time
''KIM CHAEWON!'' You shout her name, while the Cheetah woman looks at you because it is the first time you have called her by her real name.
''Yn…'' the Cheetah woman says calmly because she is tired and bleeding. You take off your helmet and look at her. ''There are no investigators here except me…'' You move closer while looking directly into her eyes. ''Excuse me, let me correct myself. There is no former investigator here except me. “There is no one who can keep up with you in your missions except me. No one can even be this close to you except me.” The Cheetah woman is listening to you and also looks into your eyes. She is tired, but she does not interrupt you. You look at the bag thrown to the side, so you take it to see the gold bars. ''Chaewon, you are no different from my previous boss, both of you did not acknowledge my existence and my abilities, and you both told me that I was of no use even though without me you would never have been able to do anything…'' A group of gold bullion falls on the floor and clogs the bag.
You pick up the bag on your shoulder and the other side picks up your helmet and approaches the Cheetah woman until your knee touches her thigh from the side while she lies on the window and her tired eyes are red. You get so close that you can feel her painful breathing. It is the first time you have seen the Cheetah woman this weak.
You smile weakly as you look at her face, which is full of black dust and blood. “You and your big head…” Your eyes also fill with tears without falling. You actually regret it. You regret what you did and what you will do, and you regret falling in love with her. She wears the bag that has reduced her weight so that her small and injured body can carry it, while the cheetah woman does not take her eyes off you, and now you wear it as your helmet.” “Yn…” the cheetah woman says, her voice becoming weaker and shaking, “You look like a stray cat instead of a cheetah.”you let out a last laugh But out of pride, you try to make fun instead of being sad''So when our days end, remember that the one who loves you in this world… is me.'' You say your last sentence and move away from her.
You look at her and look at the rope that was thrown from the helicopter and two masked men descended from it to take the injured Cheetah woman and the gold. While the drone films everything that is happening and you know that your face is on all the live news channels.You began to look at the scene, blaming how things ended in you’r sad days
Journalists, police officers, and your former boss surround you while your hands are tied in handcuffs
''YN!'' Mike stands in front of them ''Mike get out of the way…'' The detective director says ''YN why did you do this?'' Mike asks you as he almost loses his temper and puts his hands on his head ''YN! Answer me!''You You don't reply, keep your eyes on your dirty shoes. "Mike, get out of the way!" says the director of investigators. "Mike, let's go ahead of them to the investigation room. Come on…" Ryujin says while she can barely control her nerves. You can't see in their eyes. Not now.''Everyone has seen the truth. Just tell the truth!" shouts the director of the investigation in the middle of the investigation, as you look at him with a smirk on your face. "Believe me, you are the one who doesn't want to hear the truth the most.” Even when you are broken and about to lose your life, you don't want to You lose any moment you provoke your enemies with your smirk. Everything is already over. This is what you told yourself since you fell in love with the Cheetah woman, so it is not difficult to keep your old self.''Stop making this hard, just admit that you were there to help the vallin'' he slams his hand on the table, ''if you admit first that I am greater than you,'' you smile while tilting your head.
''Your case is hopeless. You will rot in prison… Your face has been broadcast. This is conclusive evidence that you are an accomplice to the crime. It's only a few days away and you will be imprisoned for more than a year.'' He tells you while arranging his papers to put them in a file. Your interrogation is interrupted by the entry of a policeman next to him. A man wearing a suit: “Here your interrogation stops, sir. I am the lawyer assigned to Ms. Lee Yn’s case…” says the man.
''Hiring the best lawyer in town will not save you from trouble.'' Your former boss says, ''Excuse me, sir, leave without talking further. There is work that my client and I have to do…'' The man politely stands in front of him until he is sure that he has come out and sat down. In front of you: “Hello, Mrs. Lee, I am Attorney Hwang in Yeop. I am responsible for resolving your case. Firstly, I hope you will be honest with me from the beginning-”
''I didn't ask for a lawyer?'' You say while trying to scratch your hair with your clasped hands. ''Yes…there's no need to ask me, Mr. Michelle did that.'' Your expression changes to doubt. '’Michelle?''
He clears his throat and interlocks his fingers"Michelle, the woman you used to work for as a bodyguard"True, no one of the best lawyers will handle your case without Michelle, who is a Cheetah woman herself
''Shall we get to the heart of the matter?'' He suggests to you. ''There is no need to get to the heart of the matter. I have thrown away my heart since I was in the bank building, my friend.'' He looks at you, wanting you to explain more. ''I don't want you as a lawyer, thank you.'' You say while looking at your clasped hand
“Excuse me, what does this mean? Do you want to go to prison?” He asked you because he did not expect a rejection. “Quick question, Mr. Lawyer… Have you ever worked with Michel?” “You want to know if he works for her and knows her real identity.” “Yes, we work in "The same company." The nomad understands what you are hinting at, so he gives you the answer, "That's enough. I don't want anything from you, and I don't want anything from it. I'm good on my own." You stand, "Even if you don't want me as a lawyer, a lawyer from the government will come to you and defend you, so It's better-" You hit your hand lightly on a table to make a sound "You can call the policeman to pick me up" That's the last thing you say.
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The next day, you sit while waiting for the other investigator to come to investigate you. The door opens and the two people closest to you enter, Ryujin and Mike. They have your case files in hand. They sit, Mike interlacing his fingers and looking at you while Ryujin does not bother to look at you, but rather opens the file while flipping through its pages. It's a habit she does when she's upset. “So Yn… I don't even know what to say.” Mike sighs as he looks at his ex-girlfriend, whose hands are handcuffed. “Just say what you usually say when you're interrogating someone, do your job.” You said it as if you weren't about to go to prison.
The blond boy takes a deep breath, "What happened to you?" Mike himself doesn't know how to question you, he feels like words are difficult to come out of his mouth.
“Nothing happened…” Yn looks bored. “Please don’t make it hard. Come on, tell me what happened.” You laughs sarcastically“Please? Haha, do you beg the accused to confess? This is a stupid way. I don’t think I taught you this before.” You say as you lean back into the chair and lean back. Your boredom says, “I think I need interrogators to do their job right.”
You can't admit to anything, so it's better to act like a criminal, even that means pushing your two friends and the two people you love most away from you.
Ryujin angrily stands up from her chair and heads towards you. You don't feel anything until you find yourself falling to the ground from a punch Ryujin threw at you. Your eyes widen but the look of shock fades from your face. Ryujin grabs you by the collar and then pushes you back onto the chair and holds your chin tightly"A motherfucker like you won't give us instructions on how to work!" Ryujin grits her teeth angrily. "Ryu-" Ryujin doesn't care if Mike is trying to calm her down. "What were you doing in the bank building? SPEAK UP, or I'll break your teeth." Ryujin squeezes your chin more. "I was doing…nothing." you say, interrupted by Ryujin’s pressure on your chin and the blood on the side of your lip
“The truth! You were there to help the villain escape, that's what your disgusting mouth has to admit. What is a police card doing in your pocket then?SPEAK!”
You push her hand away, shaking your head forcefully, “Damn it, I spoke throughout the years I worked, but no one listened to me!”
“Speak again, come on, we want to hear everything again from beginning to end, which is your interrogation here,” Mike says from behind.
You look at him, then look at your friend, “FUCK.” You scream in frustration, then cover your face with your spanked body and say in a shaky voice, “I want a lawyer.” I understand, and this is the first time that Mike and Ryujin have defeated you.
You weren't thinking until he made you realize Ryujin's punch. Your two friends were confused when they heard you rejected the lawyer. Even though you were accused of a crime, your two friends were trying to help you out of the predicament. But they knew you were stubborn, so they were harsh on you.
Your lawyer, Inyeop, sits in front of you, shaking his head, meaning you should start talking. “I was fired from my job. Then, two weeks later, one random night, without knowing it, I found myself in the hands of a woman holding a knife to my neck. The Cheetah woman was threatening to kill me. Then after that, I was kidnapped in my own apartment and Being constantly threatened by her, so I thought that this was a threat to my life, so I had to comply with what she said to keep me safe, so I was forced to obey her orders.” You are bored and lie about some parts of the story, but you know that he knows the truth and knows the parts that you lied about,He works with a Cheetah woman
“This is what you want me to say to the judge?” In fact, you told him everything you know, about your former boss’s plan and the Cheetah woman’s plan. But the job that the Cheetah woman assigned him to do was to get you out of prison.“Yes, this will be your story. Defending you is my job.” The lawyer smiles with satisfaction. You look at him coldly and bored. You have fed up with everything and can no longer do anything, so you no longer care about anything, whether you get out of this case or get imprisoned. You don’t care
The lawyer stopped smiling, “Listen, you're really smart. I understand why the Cheetah woman doesn't want you to get involved. And I understand why your former boss wants to surround you. I was truly amazed by your ability to keep up with the toughest of villains, but it's your intelligence that's getting you into trouble now. I really hope that You get out of this case," the lawyer in front of you says with sincere feelings. You also find him right in what he says. Only if you had not cared about the Cheetah woman, you would not be here now. "Whatever, man."You puff your lips boredly
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You stand while you wait while listening to the public prosecutor talking about your case and you do not actually give importance to what he is saying. “Finally, Your Honor, I hope that you do not deprive people who cooperate with evil people. The minimum sentence that can be given to someone who spreads corruption like her is ten years.” The public prosecutor says while Looking at the judge, Inyuop stood up to object to what he said, but he opened his mouth and then the sound of the judge’s gavel stopped him. “After this case continues for three weeks and listening to the honor of the jury, the prosecutor, the defendant, and the lawyers, a decision will be issued, which I will announce shortly to the defendant. Lee Yn”
It is the first time that you give your attention to the judge, because it is the moment to determine your fate. Even though you have lost hope a long time ago, at least you tell yourself that you deserve to hear the reason for your imprisonment. “Given the evidence presented, I decide that the defendant, Lee Yn, participated in a crime, but she was under A threat, but the truth remains that it is your accomplice. It is a crime, so Lee Yn, I sentence you to three years in prison.” The judge issues his decision and you look at your lawyer, who seems to be more shocked by the decision than you. You even turn around a little to see that Mike is holding his head and Ryujin’s eyes are filled with fear and Tears
“Lee Yn, is there something you want to say for the last time?” The judge asks as he tightens his grip. You look at your standing lawyer in shock. “Your Honor, how is this?-”the ask lawyer in shock .The judge taps his gavel. “The defendant deserved to be imprisoned, as the prosecutor said, for ten years.” But it was only because she was under threat that the sentence was reduced.” The judge says sternly, “Lee Yn, is there something you want to say?” The judge asks again.
“Everyone is dump” you say loudly to make everyone hear you without fear of anyone, until the press starts writing your statement.
After you were transported by truck to the prison, you were searched by the guards and now you are walking next to a policeman so he can show you your cell. “Here you put your things. You should change clothes now because your lawyer wants to see you. Now I will wait for you outside the cell.” The policeman leaves you alone in the cell. What intensity you see in your absent-mindedness, as you stare at a small thing
You enter again to meet your lawyer. “You miss me. It hasn’t been long.” You wink while smiling. “He looks at the uniform you are wearing, like a prisoner’s uniform.” “You were not supposed to be here wearing this uniform.” He says he is disappointed in what happened. “Are you saying that Doesn't it suit me? I thought I would look attractive in it,” you say with a frown
“It seems that we underestimated your former manager. It is a rare thing that happens that I lose a case like this, especially if the Cheetah woman is handling your matter.” He explains to you, “Why are you talking so comfortably, no one can hear us in this room?” You ask while scratching your hair this time without the handcuffs restricting you. “Yes, just you and I can talk about everything here…the important thing is that I can ask you to reconsider your case, so don’t lose hope.”
“Don’t I lose hope that the government is against me? It’s easy, believe me,” you say sarcastically.“We can still fight Yn until we win the case.” He tries to cheer you up, “WE! What do you mean by we? I am the only one fighting in this battle, and I am done with this. I do not want them to look into my case because they are blind in insight, not the eyes.” You sigh after you finish speaking. “The Cheetah Woman almost killed me while she was in her bed, despite her fatigue, because I could not prevent you from being imprisoned. Do you think I will let you lose the case?” The lawyer says while remembering how mad the Cheetah Woman was at the time. “Fuck her… I deliver my message to her.” She straightens up and then goes to the door. You knocked and the policeman came out and took you back to your cell
The policeman leaves you, so you are left alone in the inner courtyard. When you decide to enter your cell, you see that there is a woman playing with a small ball in the cell. You stand in confusion, “Did I make a mistake in the cell?” You ask yourself in an audible voice as you were about to go out to check the cell number, “You are not.” The woman says after placing the ball on the bed. Her face looks familiar as she approaches you. She smiles silly in front of you. “Are you here on a secret mission?” she asks you as she approaches closer and her eyes widen with curiosity. “No, I am imprisoned… Thank you for your concern.” You respond suspiciously.
“Congratulations! We will make the best couple I think. Let me just settle some things between us.” She smiles and claps her hand happily. “A couple? Whoa, slow down, girl. Is this how you get into a relationship in a prison?” You ask while raising your eyebrow confidently. The girl grabs your collar tightly, laughing. “You're funny…I'll be light with my punches because I want you to be my friend.” She says with a smile. “I know- wait, what?”
“You don't seem to remember me, Choi Yina…the girl you captured a year ago.” You remember her now. She's one of the previous villains you captured. “Oh, yes, yes, I remember now. It seems like you've gained a little weight. Your cheeks look a little puffy.” You say your mind while forgetting that she's about to take… Her revenge and hitting you, while you gently press your finger on her cheeks
"Just knock on the door when you're done, no more than ten minutes." The guard tells you before he uncuffs you, and by his look he judges the effects of the punches on your face. You walk in to see Ryujin and Mike sitting down. "Hey…” you say calmly, moving to sit in front of them. "First day, and this is you." You're making a fight," Mike says with a worried look on his face. "It's just a simple hello from old colleagues, don't worry…” you tell him while lightly pressing your face. "It's better not to do anything illegal. Stay polite so you don't make things difficult." Ryujin says, not bothered by the… Your bruised face
“Three years, I can't guarantee that I'll still be well-behaved.” You lean your chin on your hands in a position that shows how tired you are of it. “What brings you here, anyway?”
Mike also steps forward a little to say, “Was showing that you are the greatest to the Cheetah woman really worth it?” His question made you snort while you were still in your position that showed that you were bored. “At least prove to her that I am not stupid like everyone else, not only to her but also to your damned boss.And yes, it is worth the effort… because I enjoyed looking at his damned, terrified face as he sat while watching me in court, very afraid of revealing his secret.”
"Wake up to reality YN! You're imprisoned now. It's not them. What makes you feel so great?" Mike says, almost losing his temper.
“A secret?” Ryujin looks confused. “Do you remember when I told you that he’s not really a hero in this city?” You tilt your head while still resting your chin on your hand. “Yes, but what makes him different from you? You’re not a hero either.” She crosses her arms.
“It is true that not every investigator is a good person, but the difference between me and him is that I did not deceive people and pretend that I am an angel who seeks justice like he does. I admit and come to terms with the point that I am a piece of shit. At least I am honest with myself.” You She says making Mike speak "Come on Yn we are your friends at least we have the right to know your involvement in all this, tell us everything please" he looks at you with his innocent eyes
You sigh and lean your back on the chair. “I previously told you about his plan to stop me from arresting the Shita Woman because he is benefiting from it. Over time, I understood his reason for stopping me, which is… if the Shita Woman disappears from stealing…” Ryujin steps forward, focused and impulsive. The rich will stop giving him rewards from their money that he managed to save!” Ryujin interrupts your conversation and continues with understanding, “Exactly! That is why he keeps stopping me, hoping that the cheetah woman will continue what she is doing and take the money. But it does not stop here…” you say while looking at Vacuum “The bank incident was… a setup for me.”
Mike and Ryujin look at each other and then at you to continue, “Weeks after I was fired from my job, one random night while I was sitting quietly in my apartment without electricity, the Cheetah woman sneaked into my apartment to escape the police, then detained me in my apartment for three days.Then she took me with her to her headquarters, which seemed larger than we expected…I stayed with her and her team, but she knew that you and Mike would notice my disappearance, so she decided to watch my apartment and sometimes let me stay there and sometimes she would even visit me. I found myself more interested in her. Even. “There was a mission that I participated in a theft with.” You shook your head when you remembered your memories with her. “Until she and I quarreled over some matters, so I decided to leave her and go back to my apartment, even though I knew that I would remain watched by her. This is not important. What is important is that after she stayed in my apartment, she followed me.” "To talk about some things. Until there was a knock on the door, which was Mike."
“Yes, that was the night you challenged each other.” Mike says quietly. “What happened there?” Ryujin asks
“I had to hide it from Mike so he wouldn't see it…” you say in a tone that makes you feel a little bad for Mike. “Does this mean you were distracting me from her… when we entered the room?” Mike looks at you with his sad eyes. “I'm sorry…” you say sorry, feeling a little bad for her. Poor boy
“You were fucking each other? I thought you guys really moved on, I mean Yn moved on but you still haven't.” Ryujin looks on with a smirk, ready to annoy her two friends, fitting the story perfectly. “What happened next?” Mike is determined to find out the whole story.
"I went determined to prove that I was the best. There were strange things that were happening when I succeeded in entering the building. The investigators were going away from the place of the explosions, which was most likely because the Cheetah woman was there. There was even an investigator who saw me, but he closed the door and went away, which means that he was ignoring me." “I went to the site of the explosion, and when I saw the helicopter, it belonged to the Cheetah Woman team. The moment of realization hit my face… The director of investigators had agreed with the Cheetah Woman to set a trap for me and stop me from interfering in their work.” You stop talking as you look at them. You feel yourself becoming affected.
“Then you were betrayed from all sides,” Ryujin says, also affected by what you were going through. “The judge is still looking into your case. Your lawyer is one of the best lawyers in town. It’s still-”
“Inyeop works for the Cheetah Woman Company,” she says quietly
“How is this! Michelle, the woman you worked with previously paid for the lawyer,” Mike says, getting more confused with every word. “Michelle is the same Cheetah woman.” You said, calmer than before, while your friends were worried, confused, and afraid instead of you.“Then why was the lawyer so intent on proving your innocence?” Ryujin asks you, more tired than every answer you give about your situation that you are suffering from. “I think she is… obsessed with me.” You roll your eyes and smile sarcastically.You left your friends in their painful silence, and it hurt you too because you knew they were feeling desperate and wanted to get you out. Mike and Ryujin were prostrating to your repressed feelings. Anger, sadness, despair, regret,Let down, everything.
“Do you hear me, as you can see my case has become somewhat suspended. You too must stop looking into the matter or you will end up like me… I know I made a mistake and if there are people I owe an apology to, it will be both of you, so I’m sorry, just don’t forget to visit me here.seeing you for me will be tantamount to reducing my sentence.”
And the last slap that made your two friends look in shock and even more sadness is that you apologized, confessed, and expressed your feelings. The guard knocks on the door to warn you that the time for the visit is almost over. You stand up after that, and they stand while they do not look sadly at the table and the ceiling, unable to look into your eyes. Don't worry, I'm not mature yet. I'm still thinking about revenge, but not now." You smile weakly and still have the energy to be sarcastic. "Goodbye…” you wave your hand lightly and then turn your back to leave. But you stop.
This is not the way to say goodbye to your friends. It seems that you have reached the highest point of weakness. You close your eyes tightly and turn to your friends as you run. You wrap your arms around them even though their chairs fall down. They share a hug with you while they hold you tightly as well. You let out some annoying cries. It's a hug. Random but full of warmth
You cry louder as you pull tighter into the hug. Ryujin's tears fall with you, and Mike pats the back of your head and Ryujin's back.
You’r problem is that it does not come apart thus Come with great haste Give you’r feelings at once Give something more than its size And when you fall You do not fall apart You fall with all you’r weight!
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You scream in the middle of the game, causing the girl in front of you to blow her lip and say, “Will, I’m saving the secret weapon for last.” She simply shrugs her shoulders, “YENA,This is cheating!” You say in annoyance at the girl in front of you.“Oh, it seems that the detective hates it when he loses,” says one of the prisoners playing the game. “Come on villctive, draw,” says the other prisoner.You pull the four of you angrily, until one of them speaks, “Did you know that Soyeon will be released today?”
“Great, that means we'll have a farewell party!” Yena jumps with joy, until a pile of Uno falls down. “YENA!” The prisoner declares, “It's impossible to win without cheating,” and the other says.
“Of course you should hide the cards in your ass,” you say boredly after throwing your cards on the table, making Yena laugh stupidly while scratching her forehead.
It has been three months since you were in prison. Three months were enough to make you get used to the place and adapt to it. The prisoners even felt like one family.You look around to remember the last session held in court, which was two months ago, after which your case was closed, which is your imprisonment.
“Lee Yn, you have visitors.” The guard comes from far away to tell you, “Okay,” you say as you leave the girls behind and follow him.
You walk into the room to see Ryujin sitting, “Ryu, hello…weird, aren’t you supposed to have work at this time?” you say while sitting in front of her, “I miss my best friend, what should I do?” Ryujin shakes her head dramatically.
“So…what's new?” you ask, resting your chin on one of your hands, ready for Ryujin's updates on the two weeks that were after the last day of visits. This is what she was doing to you after you became one of the prisoners allowed to have visitors.
Ryujin was talking about what happened to her and complaining about the stupid manager until she reached a point
“I will be transferred from work to another place.” This is what your friend tells you, which makes you adjust your position. “Well… to which investigation branch?” you ask with interest. “I will stay in the same investigation branch… but it will be in another city.” Ryujin says while… She plays with her sleeve, “Oh…this is cool, this means an increase in your salary.” You say positively while feeling a little sad.
“Of course, you silly materialist,” she laughed a little, then said, “I’m sorry, your visit will be a little difficult.”
“It's okay, you always promised me that when I leave here, you'll buy me food.” You wink while looking at your friend
Of course everyone will be moved by life. Life goes on. Someone else's feelings will not stop because you are your own life. Your life is limited to four walls.
You walk quietly down the corridor with the guard next to you until Yena runs to you and shouts, "YN, come on, let's celebrate Soyeon's release!" Yena comes to your side, intertwines her arm with yours, and starts running.
Until you arrived and saw all the prisoners, mothers and girls, and some of the guards, laughing and clapping with the girls
To see that there is someone whose situation is worse than yours, but they celebrate even the worst situations
You also don't like your situation, you don't like obsessiveness and sitting isolated, turning your back on life and living in endless misery, wasting the years of your life in vain in darkness without achieving anything, not trying and surrendering in complete silence, sitting alone in tragedy and not… You are alienated from it. You avoid talking about you, but you ignore it and do not stop thinking about it
You realize that you are tired, but you do not know what is making you tired, its flood of your pent up feelings
This is you, a single woman. You thought that at least you would stay with the one you love, but not everyone is so lucky
You begin to engage in a farewell celebration. Perhaps this will also be a farewell party for your changed self
You smile as you remember that you were one of the greatest investigators. Yes, this is your true self
She starts dancing with Yena. Maybe the three years she will spend in prison won't be so bad
In another place, there is a woman leaning on her balcony, keeping her feeling inside her without trying to tell anyone about it.
“I think I can't help but miss her.” She looks at the bright moon with her eyes. She thinks of you
This is where your story stops
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Note : I'm pointing my finger at someone who thinks it's a HAPPY ENDING🫵🏽😝If you have made it this far in reading, thank you for your support. Please forgive the mistakes because I made this while I was tired🫦
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cherubispunk · 9 months
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BARK! BITE! BLEED! (PART I) - FWB!Frankie Morales x AFAB!Reader
summary: being without is always easier when you don't know what it is to be 'with'.
a note from Lucy: heyyyy! hows it going? yes...im back with another series. Those of you waiting for cherub, its coming. I promise. hand over my heart and the other on the bible. but words have a funny habit of not wording so...tale please take the humble peace offering of slutty fwb!frankie and please dont bite my fingers off.
playlist | moodboard
wc: 5742 Warnings: 18+ MDNI! no use of y/n, slight noncon voyeurism, thin appartment walls, mentions of cheating, obsessive behaviour, frankie is obsessed and it is very unhealthy, toxic relationships, heavy religious imagry (come on, is this even a surpise when it comes to my writing?), age gap but not bombastic sorry chloe (reader is 21, Frankie is 27) - though not mentioned in this part, graphic smut, could be considered dubcon, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex (do i need to spell it out to you not to do this?), creampie, biting, its not vore!!!! but there is something inherrently sexual in the themes of metaphorical consumption, softdom!frankie, scratching, gore imagry in the sense of a hunter prey type of thing? More of lu being dell, batshit insane, blurting words onto a google doc and praying ot makes ense when being blasted out into the void.
series m.list | m.list
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“At the end of the day, a dog that’s all bark and no bite is merely a bitch. True power lies in those who don't just bare their teeth, but make you bleed when they sink in.”
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Frankie was a quiet man. He would always keep to himself. Never usually stuck his nose in anyone's business unless it was for their own good. Stayed in the four walls of his own apartment he rented close to the barracks. He’d made one friend in the entire complex. You. His next-door neighbour. The only thing he knew before prying was your last name on the buzzer out front. From there it was waiting. And watching. Frankie had an obsession with observing you from his kitchen window every time you came home from work at the bar. Stood in the shroud of shadow and sheer curtain. He dug his claws in and clung to each passing conversation in the hallway, or the laundromat down the street whenever coincidence let you pop up there too. Stored each part of you that you trusted him with in his mind for safekeeping. Often caught himself staring at a particular pair of red lace panties whenever you did your laundry. 
There was one small, tiny little problem in all of this, however. Lisa. He supposed he should thank her really, because without her, he would have never moved out of the barracks in the hope of starting a life for them. He would have never met you. It was convenient, reasonably priced and he could excuse poor plumbing and heating for the fact it was close enough to his work that he didn't have to wake up any earlier than 5:30. But Lisa…oh, Lisa was Machiavelian. A conniving woman, with her heart set in thick ice, and a cold, unforgiving grip over what was hers. It made him wonder what he saw in her in the first place. Maybe he was blinded to everything but the curve of her face, or the pout of her mouth and the pant of his name as it passed her parted lips. Or there was some morbid fascination he had with her teeth as they bared to his skin and bit down. Tearing him to shreds. Either way, there was something to live for when being ripped apart by her. Something to distract from the sounds of pleasure that seeped through paper thin walls at night. Your pleasure. At the hands of a man he felt nothing compared to and knew nothing about. So he’d roll over and fuck out his frustration on the woman he hated but chose to stay with until she left him for another.  
Another day, another ache. Another pain cramping in his lower back as Frankie inched closer to thirty and still no happier. Twenty-seven, a stable-ish job…and what else in life to show for it? He was bitter. In no place to want the company of another unless only for the night. Except tonight he was alone again, pressing his key into the lock, twisting it open, closing the door behind him. And then waiting…listening. Anticipating the drag of his hand south over the plane of his abdomen to under his boxers where he’d tease himself to the sound of you with another man. The pretty whimpers you’d let slip under the weight of another man's skin and bone, and the pleasure flooding the gaps of your synapses. 
Only this time there were no cries for more. No whimpers, or moans. No. These sounds were shouts. And anger ignited you as you rampaged through your apartment on the other side of the wall, getting dressed as Mark, the man you’d wasted months on, chased after you in pursuit of your forgiveness. 
“Who do you think I am?’ Frankie heard through the wall, pressing his ear to cold plaster with bated breath. Your voice was shrill, seething with the intent to carve into Mark’s skin with an onslaught of verbal mutilation. Have the words mark him with bleeding, weeping shame. “No, really? You think I’d never figure it out, Mark? Am I naïve to you?” 
He slipped out of bed with careful stealth: Followed the sound of your voice through the wall, walking with his ear pressed to it before the sound of your front door opening made him jump, stepping back for a second. He blinked, once, twice…then raised his hands to plaster again and leaned closer, ears straining to hear what was now distance shrieking from the hallway outside. Which he followed to his front door. Listening intently behind the wood.
As he held his breath until his lungs burned in his chest, something flared up in Frankie. A desperate, wanting, starving need to swoop in. Be your knight in shining armour. The words were stuck in his throat, and if he wasn’t careful, they would choke him blue. But if he knew even a shred about you, it was that you’d hate that just as much as whatever it was Mark had done to you to have you tossing him out in the early evening. You were a private person. A woman who never appreciated prying ears or eyes. You avoided all his questions about your past whenever he asked. Swerved him off topic and into the hedgerow before he had a chance to blink and realise he had the backhand of whiplash. And if he let it slip once that the walls were thin, there was no telling where your quick mind would jump to next. Frankie never knew why or what made you so guarded. But he imagined one day you bit the hand of god and he stopped feeding you. 
Frankie’s heart was thumping to the beat of his anxiety in his throat, making it harder to swallow the lump it formed, clammy palms pressed to the cool wood with the rest of him. 
“You’re a sick man!” He heard, followed by a thumping of something being thrown, then a yelp out of Mark as Frankie guessed he was dodging whatever it was you threw his way. Shoes, maybe? Something else? “A coward! So get out. Don't call. Don’t come knocking. And tell your fucking wife!” 
A shuffling of ashamed feet. A slam of your front door. Clattering around behind shared walls. Then silence. 
It was five minutes of silence. But it felt like the seconds within those intervals were put on the rack and stretched in torture. Five minutes that he should have used to step back from his door but didn't. He just prayed there was more of you to have to himself for a second. 
Then the descent of knuckles came beating down on his door. Causing his heart to jolt out in his chest then plummet into his stomach. Twisting his insides into knots that made him sick with intrigue. He took a step back. And a breath. Then waited a second before opening the door to find you stood there in a silly little lace hemmed tank top and sleep shorts. Your hair dishevelled and cheeks flushed. He opened his mouth to speak, but found the words stuck to the backs of his teeth and the roof of his mouth like soggy, claggy toffee. So he shut up, grateful you cut him off first. 
“We’re having a bonfire. So whatever shit Lisa left here, bring it with you. My door will be open. I’ll be on my balcony.” And you left him with nothing but that. Stomping back down the hall in a flurry of your anger. 
Frankie stood there, feet practically glued to the floor, fingers curling in on his palms as his blunt nails pressed into already calloused flesh. And an image of you, teeth bared to him like Lisa’s once were, appeared in his mind. An apparition of hurt, torment and his own vulnerability. But it was too late. His feet moved before his mind could and he was already collecting the things of his ex-girlfriend who had wronged him time and time again, stuffing them into his arms in a bundle of broken memory, anguish and lingering hurt. 
He found you standing by a metal bin of a man's belongings. The odd t-shirt, pictures of your face next to his, smiles happy and bright with the joy of a relationship you never expected to cave in. In your hand was a packet of cigarettes you'd told him in the passing of a hallway’s conversation that you’d quit, but evidently not. And a crumpled, misshapen box of matches. In the other was a bottle of Whiskey. The brand Mark insisted on liking and you’d bought him for a birthday present. A present he’d never receive because he was as dead to you as the day was long. 
“I thought you quit.” He said, trying to start a conversation that hit a dead end pitifully quickly. 
“Toss it on.” You mumbled dismissively with a jerk of your head to the pile, eyes glued to Mark’s belongings, washing down your bitter words with an even more bitter swig of drink. 
Frankie complied wordlessly from there, dumping the contents of his arms on top of the photos and clothes, stepping back while you poured a generous amount of the liquor on top. A seasoning of fuck you not farewell to the people you’d shared your life with and would thankfully never cross paths with again. He took the bottle from you when you pressed it into his chest, taking a drink and grimacing at the taste. It wasn't smooth. It was almost sour, with a kickback that burned too much to be pleasurable as it passed down the column of his throat in a thick swallow. His thoughts trickled in from there as he read the label and glanced at you. He wanted to get you drunk. Get you to slip up. Let yourself be taken for once.
You both watched, deadfaced, as you struck a match, used it to light a cigarette and then tossed it in the bin as memories curled up under heat. The alcohol setting the blaze up in a satisfying roar of good riddance. 
He thought it was a little strange. How you’d come to him. Yes, you were friends. But the type of friend that only ever conversed between life events. In the empty limbo of hallways and laundromats. Not burning things on your balcony in the hope the heat will melt your heart back together, It was a little late for that. Stone doesn’t melt. And the two of you had hearts of set concrete from the turn of events you’d experienced. Encased in the cage of bone that would no longer open to another unless broken in two and forced apart. So you slid down the brick wall, knees bent to your chest while you smoked. The flame flickering a violent xanthous, ochre and scarlet. 
He joined you on the floor, passing back the bottle. The two of you side by side, and it only just occurred to Frankie how lonely he was now. But how terrified of intimacy he was. Intimacy of a level deeper than skin/ The both of you wordless, silent as the decaying dead of night. Only the crackle of fire between you and a sniff for your nose as the evening air nipped it and made it run. So to distract yourself, you condemned your tongue to bad liquor, chasing it with a drag of your cigarette and a grimace,
“God, this is shit.” You scoffed. 
“Not a hard liquor gal?” He chuckled, turning his head to glance at you out the corner of his eyes before the flame had his eyes attention again. 
“More of a wine person, really. But even I can tell this is shit.” And you gestured to the bottle in your hand, reading over the label and sighing. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, inflicting another taste upon himself when he took it out of your grasp. “It is.”
Silence again. Not awkward for you who preferred your own company to others, but for him, who had been watching you begging for an in, it was clawing at his insides like a starved animal would at the walls of its enclosure. 
“So…” He drew out, and you had to bite back an amused smile. 
Frankie found himself staring in trance at your side profile, with the same fascination you honed in on the flickering flame. He thought in silence for a second. Asking himself the same question. 
"How long did you date Mark for?" He asked. The name made him grimace as if it tasted sour in his mouth. Like he had to spit it out with disgust in every syllable for fear of it burning.
"Six months." Another awkward, off beat pause followed as he nodded. Then asked again. 
“Did you love him?”
"No." You said flat out. But your words were honest and brutal to the man you let in then kicked out. 
Frankie found himself suffocating a sigh of relief in his own ribs. They pinched slightly with an attempt of something profound to be felt. Like a child who had stumbled upon a strangely twisted shell at the beach. "Have you ever loved anyone?"
You turned to him, tilting your head. But Frankie couldn't tell if it was annoyance or respect for the bravery he had on asking you such personal questions. "What is this? Keeping Up With The Kardashians?"He held up his hands in quick defence, backing down. 
“I’m just trying to get to know you.”
"There isn't anything to know except for the fact I'm pissed off." You muttered. “And I figured you would be too, considering the argument I heard a couple nights ago through the wall of my kitchen."
Frankie felt his face go pale, then heat up in the apples of his cheeks. "Oh. So you heard that?" The way your cigarette smouldered as you spoke was the only movement on the narrow balcony. So you did know the walls were thin. It made him wonder what else you knew. If you knew how he strained to listen through plaster and drywall each night. 
"Oh, I heard it alright.” You smirked, finding sick pleasure in the way he seemed to squirm. “Something about Lisa finding you...'dull behind the eyes'." Frankie watched as you rolled your eyes and doubled back on your standing in the argument, "If you're going to insult someone, at least be creative about it. ``Give them a good reason to cut it loose." You were like a pendulum to him. But one that spun in clockwise, then anticlockwise circles, instead of oscillating back and forth. Unpredictable in a way that both horrified and intrigued him. 
"Dull?" He had to laugh in disbelief, "I am not dull."
You smiled to yourself at that, leaning your head back against the brickwork. Ready to shatter his lie with a flick of your sharp tongue. "You are dull, Frankie. You get up. Go to work. Come back. You do your laundry every Sunday— and I know that because so do I. Your car is always in the exact same spot next to mine. Without fail. Now, you can put all down to ‘strict military regime’, but the bitter truth is," You looked him in the eye, your cig hanging from your lips as you showed him the satisfied grin pulling at your mouth, "you are dull. We all are. We work, we grind, we cry because we work. You ache to the marrow and you get stabbed in the back. And you're begging on your damn knees to bite the hand that feeds you. But if you do, then you starve.”
Frankie had never had his own fear served to him by such a beautiful devil before. And he wished, with all he had left in him that Lisa hadn’t taken or ruined, that you were wrong. It made him want to cave into himself to protect what little he had left. Snarl like a wounded bitch as he held back from others to lick his wounds. Maybe offer it to you and beg you to take it off his hands. But how could he argue when you were practically holding up a mirror to his own eyes? "I hate that you're right." He said in solemn downcast bereavement. And watched the cloud of smoke float silently in front of your face to obscure the very mouth that let him have it in such careful, exact slicing words. The blade of your knife was sharpened to a paper thin point. Now stained with his body’s red. 
"There are very few things I'm wrong about. Regardless of that, it's a simple formula and easy to understand.”
“And what is it?” He asked, but regretted it for he knew his heart might not be able to take much more. Not that he showed it. This whole exchange his brow hadn’t folded into a single crease. 
“Two things in life are certain: Death. And taxes. You work to pay your taxes, and you die from working."
"That's a pretty pessimistic way of looking at things."
"Life is pessimistic." You shot back with amusement, intently staring in a fixed trance at the pile of burning memories. The last warmth it offered was metaphorically and literally its own destruction. Irony, as Frankie pointed out to himself in his crawling mind. "It crucifies you, and burns you...until you curl in on yourself at the corners and turn to ash." 
The conversation had reached a level of solemnity he hadn’t expected, but he’d be a liar if he didn't admit to sinking his claws in yet again. His teeth might come next if you gave him the sweet chance. 
You were quiet after that. Both of you were. The remnants of a fire that symbolised how Mark was no longer relevant in your life, and neither Lisa in his. If he thought Lisa was machiavellian, the word had new meaning now. But like with her, it drew him in and snared him into blissful trance. It was the type of blind faith you pin to a deity in the sky. The type that you never see but are forced and gaslit into believing because it's shoved down your throat from a young age. You were not his savour. He knew that in the pit of his very existence, the eye of the storm in his gut.
He would be crucified by you. 
“You’re a real ray of sunshine, you know that?”
"Aw." You pouted in mock appreciation, pressing a hand to your chest. "Thank you." 
Frankie afforded himself the pleasure of laughing at that. As cynical as it all was, it was real. You had just dared to say the quiet hushed parts out loud for him to digest. Though he felt like he was choking on it more than swallowing it. Regardless, he pushed it down to find confidence in himself and prod further. 
“You keep doing that.” 
“What?” “That.” Frankie pointed to all of you with a gesture absent of any direction, as if it was obvious. He watched as you tilted your head and scrunched your face a little. That crease in your brow…how it would haunt him in future. He felt like the prey. He was torn between wanting you to hunt him slowly so he could feel something at your hand, agony or not. Or asking you to do it quickly so he doesn't have to pursue through the bitter aftertaste. 
“I’m not following.” 
“You do this thing…where you turn conversations on their head. I feel like I'm getting whiplash.” He forced out a chuckle to make it seem like he was playing through with humour. But his words were genuine under the lace disguise of jest. You really did confuse him. You had his string of thought in knots. Complicated ones. “Why?” 
Your eyes narrowed at the question. “You’re trying to figure me out.” 
“Why shouldn’t i?”
"Because I'm not the distraction you need." You bit, almost like a warning. And Frankie would have listened if he wasn't so hellbent on breaking in. No matter how hostile, how feral, he'd take the time to tame the caged, battered, abused animal. 
“Maybe not.” He agreed, twisting his upper body to face you. It’s important to understand that what Frankie felt wasn’t love. At least, not how he’d experienced it in the past. This was an infatuation birthed by the fruit of lust forbidden to act upon until now. “But you’re the one I want.” With those words came a darkness in his eyes. The kind that reminded you of floods and tempests in biblical art. You were that tempest, with swollen grey clouds and a hammering of thunder ringing in his ears. Laughing as you crashed him onto rocks while he swam helplessly with little energy to the shore. Only to be shoved back with another crushing wave that cut through flesh and met bone with a chill like ice. “Just because we’re sad and miserable, doesn’t mean we have to give up a good time.” His instincts were buried before. Rolling in their grave at the chance to touch you. So he pressed his palms to the lid of the coffin and pushed. Reaching out to trace a delicate line along the angle of your jaw. His eyes were drawn to the soft plush of your lips and how they parted ever so slightly. “I want a distraction, baby.” 
He had you where he wanted you. And the liquor mixing thick with your blood had inhibition slipping through your fingers. His breath was hot on your lips. Needy to be paid attention to.
“Would it be worth my while?” You challenged, ignoring eye contact for now. Instead looking to his lips for the lies. 
“You don’t think I could satisfy you?” He smirked, lifting your chin with a single thick finger curled underneath and the pad of his thumb swiping slowly over your bottom lip. “I’ll do better than anyone else could.”
“Sounds like an awful lot of confidence you have there. At the end of the day, a dog that’s all bark and no bite is just a bitch.” 
Frankie chuckled at that. A deep rumble that rattled the bones that protect the hollow hole in his chest. “Come on…let me have a taste.” 
He didn’t wait for a reply. He took the silence and the glimmer of ‘i dare you’ in your eyes, pressing his lips to yours to consume you. Devour you whole. They took their time in sinking together and suctioning your lower lip into his mouth. Then his tongue dared to venture forward past parted lips to lick into your mouth and taste the backs of your teeth.
First, you let go of trepidation to take a hold of him. The roots of his hair and the back of his neck, fingers curled like talons. After, you let go of all else. The thoughts scratching the back of your skull, the headache that blistered before by the inferno calmed down and you were forced to focus on him alone as he took a handful of your hips and lifted you up to his lap to roll into him like a steady tide. 
You pulled him by the collar of his shirt to your room, clothes left in a scattered flurry along the way. Breadcrumbs to pick up later and either regret or laugh at. He unhinged your jaw to let slip your airy moan as his hands travelled south to meet the seam of your cunt. All else fell into place when he circled your clit with two fingers to start the first loop of the knot in your belly. A warmup for the act of sin, and need, and wanting. Whatever god there was should have never been prayed to in the first place. And Frankie knew it now that he was damned to hell from the first parting of your thighs for his wandering hand. His teeth were ready for sinking as he gathered your legs and hooked them over his shoulders to walk open mouthed, spit decorated kisses down the trunk of your navel. Pressing his nose into your mound. The must of your cunt making his eyes light up as he stared at the bob of your throat when you swallowed sharply. Head rolled back to the pillow. His tongue glided into your folds for the first lick. Making a hot wet stripe of a path from your asshole to your clit. He used the tip of his tongue to circle it and glide lover to curl into your quivering hole. Drawing out the taste. The beckoning gesture of his tongue gathering your taste in his senses. A thumb following suit to roll the bud of your clit under it, his nose clumsy as it bumped into it too. Obsessing over the tang of your arousal, thick in shine over his lips the scruff of his chin.
Your thighs clamped over his ears that were red. The heat made your own skin burn. Dark curls of his hair whispering against their insides as he continued to devour you from the seam. And your orgasm– it burned bright after the first fizzle. Made your eyes scrunch closed as he pulled it from you with hand and tongue. What was used for his words had yours spilling from parted lips like a puppet. A vessel for him to carry pleasure through. It had you toppling over into oblivion. The abyss. 
With bones brittle and hollowed like a bird you were fine to be dead weight as he ascended your body again. Folding you in half with your legs still bent over his shoulders. He traced the jut of your collarbone with the blunt edges of his teeth. How he wished they’d be sharp to sink deeper. But you were grateful as it would be easier for him to not draw blood and see the inside of you ran red like all the others. It was easy to not be human. It was easy to not show emotion and weakness. 
“Feel that?’ he panted against your goosebump pebbled skin, and you nodded. You did. It was the promise to feel desired and not broken. And not maimed beyond repair by another person you let in. Another person you built yourself up to prepare to love, to only have the rug pulled from under your feet and the brickwork clatter to the ground. It was the same promise to him. And the desire that ran thick in his blood made his pulse thrum heavy under its weight. Its intrusion hot under his lust scorched skin.  
“Imma make it go away for you, baby.” he promised with a kiss to the hollow of your throat below its column, between your clavicle. And it was anything but empty. It was full. And round, and swollen with something deeper in his ribs that ached to be let loose. Breathed to fill you too. “I’ll make it all go away.”
His hips pressed flush to yours and the drag of neatly groomed hair sent a shockwave through your clit and up your rattling spine. Vertebrae by vertebrae. Setting off blazing fireworks in your mind for just a second before he started a slow drag. It was a stretch that stung. But pain was comfort if it had pleasure hot on its heels like an obedient dog. Ironic how you feared men like him, who seemed so eager to please and let themselves in uninvited. But you took it willingly this time because you needed to forget for a single second about the heart that bled under flesh and bone in the cage of your ribs. 
His cock was thick, full and curved up into the part of you that you couldn't have reached even if you tried. He slotted into your heat like he was meant to stay there. And that alone made you want to scream for him to give in and not relent so you could be ignorant to the way it seemed divine. The roll of his hips kicked up in pace and soon he was hunched over you. Strong arms rippled with muscle from brutal training since the age of eighteen bracing himself on either side of your head. The feeling of him curling his hips into you made you burn. It sent a tumble of a moan from your lips through the breathless pant of his name. A name he never thought you'd call in the tangle of your sheets. But the burning need to give you what he had wanted all this time ate at him. It ripped the flesh fresh off his bone and left him bleeding into you. 
Frankie’s eyes misted over when the chain that hung from his neck slipped over your chin and you bought the metal of his dog tags between your teeth. Biting down. It feels better biting down anyway. And the cool of the metal on your hot tongue made your head swim. Looking him in his eyes and daring him deeper. So his lips pressed into a firm line, and your nails raked down his back to leave raised red lines in their wake. Tracing new paths over the old map of scar tissue. Marking new land and territory. The air between you hung heavy with the heat of exhales. And blew with the shared moan you indulged in when it coiled in your belly. The cradle of your hips accommodated his cock as it stretched the tightness of your walls. Your slick arousal giving way to fluidity of otherwise rabid motion. Starving.  
When on his tongue, you were alive. Inside you he breathed again with the clutch of your cunt around him. Warm and beating, and thrumming quickly like a hummingbird's wings. A squatter temporarily camped up in the crack between two ribs. Where thick muscle shuddered with breath. You believed something in you was worth loving. But you also knew for it to be found you'd have to be flayed alive. 
The crash of his hips into yours aided in the symphony of sex, and filled the four walls painted but void of personal belongings. If he were on the other side of them he'd be jealous. But now he was here, he was alive. Beating hearted and thriving. And any god, saint, angel or divinity could watch and weep as he finally had what he wanted. What he might have needed in order to restore his humanity that lay dormant for so long. He was trying to crack you open so he could lick up what lay inside you. Gather it up in his arms like the greedy wolf, lambs gore, blood and flesh, between fangs of his lower jaw. Have the muscle pulsing between his teeth. But he wouldn't. So for now he'd settle for the flesh on show. The mound of your panting breast that he pressed into his open mouth. The flat of his tongue pressing greedily to your nipple. Before his lips pinched together and pulled the left pert. Switching to do the same for the right. Not leaving an inch of you untouched. Because he had his chance now. And who knew when he'd get another. So he relished in what he was spared and he would take it with him to the grave. Dream of it on his deathbed if this killed him. Or if something else did. Regardless. This would run through his mind until his last heavy and troubled breath. 
“That's it.” he murmured into your breast. “Take it. Take it, baby. Take me..” 
Your back arched, strung tight like a bow ready to fire. Spine curled up into the heat of his mouth and he bit down again on the swell of your breast. Wanting to take its entire weight into his mouth and have it rot and smear into his tongue. The fizzle of nerve endings reached the tips of your curling toes. The heels of your feet digging into the planes of his scapula to press him closer in the burning of your young orgasm. 
“Come on. Let me see you come.” Frankie demanded in a breathless growl as he stared you down with his eyes.  The hue of his irises almost devoured by black of pupil. Your jaw unhinged to let rip a silent scream. Feeling that sharp coil snap, and a numbness fill your aching core before your toes curl in pleasure. He helped you ride it out with his cock fucking into your tight weeping cunt while you sang out his name in a chorus of moans, whimpers and cries. Letting go utterly as a rush filled you, lighting you up like dry kindling under your skin. The pulsating of your walls around his length had his hips faltering for just a moment, twitching within your sopping cunt. His head fell into the crook of your neck as he let out a deep guttural groan, closing in on skin with teeth again. Spilling inside you, the mix of your slick with his cum painting you white like the searing heat of pleasure between you. He leaves the last of his load with you by fucking it deeper. Three, sharp, punctuated thrusts. 
He lay flat above you while he awaited the comedown from his catharsis. The tingle down his spine sputtered out in a haze of slowburn afterglow. Eyes closed and face buried into the crook of your perspiring neck. Panting together. Hit tongue forgot for a second to shape your name the way it sounded, but with a sharp inhale, the air surged his mind. 
“I suppose this is the part where I leave?” He mumbled, pulling back from your skin. His time had come and ended. The two of you now sat back to the world of hallway and laundromat limbo. He sighed through his nose when you nodded. And he did the same, pressing his lips into a thin line. 
Frankie gathered his clothes up, putting them on slowly one by one. Drawing out the ache of being alone again by lingering in your presence. 
“Come back tomorrow.” You said. Not asked. He nodded, still facing the door. Then twisted the handle and left an empty space in your apartment where he had once been. 
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cattyb2 · 2 years
Take a Break
Summary: As news breaks of an assassin targeting Senators in Coruscant, each Senator is assigned a Jedi for protection detail. Anakin Skywalker, a young Jedi knight has been taking his job protecting you very seriously. He grew on you, and finally let you convince him to take a break.
Warnings: flirty Anakin, then protective and serious Anakin, blood, guilt - gif not mine
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A meeting of the senators had just come to a close, the heavily armed room now leaving. Anakin Skywalker stood behind you the whole time, he didn’t make any commentary, not even a face as you argued endlessly with another senator. You couldn’t understand why anyone would want to prolong this war any longer. And you were mad.
You stood up quickly from your seat, your long evergreen colored dress swaying with your movements. The dress was nothing short of bothersome. It was exceptionally long, having a train, the sleeves fell so low around your hands, and the open back made a chill constantly run down your spine. You’re sure Anakin could sense how angry you were, and he learned in the past months of being with you to not ask. You’d come to him when you’re ready to explode, and he would sit down and listen to everything you had to say. He never disagreed, and often offered his own input.
“I cannot believe this is what we’ve come to!” You almost shouted while reentering your apartment. Chancellor Palpatine had each senator moved when these assassination attempts came to light. You left your small, homely apartment to get moved into a bigger one higher up. It had another room, as Anakin also stayed in this apartment to monitor you around the clock. It didn’t bother you, and he insisted it didn’t bother him. Of course, it was his job, but you’re sure the poor guy wanted alone time.
“I’m surprised you didn’t combust on the spot, Senator Y/L/N.” He joked lightly, though this was not the right time for it. You shot him a glare, which caused his smile to go into a smirk. He knew when he struck a nerve, he became very good at doing in these long months. “Alright, alright. I agree with you, you just need to get others to agree.”
“I cannot get others to agree when everyone’s head is so far up their own ass!” You shouted, forcefully ripping pins out of your hair, letting in fall down your back, finally providing  much needed warmth. 
“Senator,” Anakin said. 
“We’ve been over this. No senator talk when it’s just the two of us, please Anakin. I need one person to treat me normally.” 
“Your wish is my command, Y/N.” 
He was resting against the back of the couch, his arms crossed. His mechanical fingers moved with the utmost precision. 
“Does it ever, hurt?” You asked lightly, not wanting to offend. 
“My arm?” He questions, although he already knew that was what you were talking about. You nodded, staying silent. 
“Sometimes, other times I barley notice I’m without a limb. Depends on how busy you keep me.” He spoke calmly, another signature smirk on his face. You pursed your lips at the comment, but then again, what else did you expect to hear from him?  His laugh rang out clear as day, his arms moving to grip the edges of the couch. 
“You’re almost as infuriating as them.” You accused, trying to balance as you unlaced the summer styled wedges that adorned your tired feet. 
“You wound me.” 
“Maker, you look like a baby trying to take its first steps.” 
You huffed, getting more irritated. You didn't want to bend over, not with him in front of you, and not with the low cut bodice dress you had on. So balancing on one foot while bringing the other up was the best solution in this current state. He knelt down in front of you, looking as if he was about to propose and confess his undying love for you. But his mouth stayed shut, lips still twisted into a light smirk. His mechanical arm reached out for your ankle, taking it softly, and resting your shoe clad foot on his thigh. 
Your dress slid, exposing your entire leg and pretty high up on your thigh. Although it was a beautiful dress, the low cut front, exposed back, and high cut slit made you question if you were ever going to wear it again. A common dress back home, wasn’t so common on Coruscant. 
You wanted to look away as he unlaced your shoes, if he looked up and saw the blush on your cheeks you knew it was over. He’d never let you live this down. But you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. Not as he gently placed your foot back down, reaching for the other. 
“Do this often?” You asked, trying to split the tension with some humor. 
“Would you be surprised to hear that you’re the first?” His breath tickled your leg, and you were sure he saw the goosebumps that it caused crawl across your skin. 
“Yes, actually. I would.” 
“Well I’m sorry darling,” He started, the name catching you off guard. “But with all my watching out for you, I haven’t much time to myself.” He dropped your foot back down to the ground, grabbing your shoes and stood back up. 
“Trust me, Anakin. If I had my way you’d be out fighting on who knows what planet. Not here, wasting away day after day.”
“I don’t consider protecting you wasting away.” 
“I know, which I’m extremely grateful for. But still, you’re a Jedi Knight, not a guard. They shouldn’t treat you as such. You should be off on the front lines somewhere, actually doing something for us.” 
“I’ve been gone for a long time, it’s good to be back home. Plus I needed a break, I haven’t been able to relax since I was living on Tatooine.” 
“Relax? I didn't even know you knew such a word.” 
“Oh please, despite all you’ve heard about me I can relax.” 
“Would you like to know how I relax?” You asked, not even caring if he didn't. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. “I get out of this stuffy apartment.” 
Anakin rolled his eyes, chuckling. “I’m afraid that is a non negotiable activity. We haven’t found who is behind these attacks, and until we do you are not going anywhere.” 
“Well, I’ve heard there are some beautiful gardens the Jedi-” 
“No. Absolutely not.” 
“I’ve got you. What can happen?” You asked him. “Plus, only a Jedi can access these gardens I’ve heard about.” 
“Those gardens are used for meditation. And I don’t believe Master Yoda or Master Windu would view kindly any sort of distraction.”
“Oh, so I’m a distraction?” 
You couldn't imitate the look on his face if you tried, the eye roll and tight smirk. 
“Take a break, Anakin. You’ve been at this for so long, nothing is going to happen in...” you thought for a minute. “20 minutes.” 
“20 minutes?” 
“In and out.” You say, getting excited he was considering it. “I just need something other than meetings, angry senators, and this stuffy apartment. So, I’m going somewhere tonight, with or without you.” 
His eyes ran you up and down. Your dress perfectly hugged your figure, you were shorter than him, not by much. Your tan long legs made up for a lot of your height, although he never understood how you always managed to look so sun kissed. It’s not like you had much time to lounge around, especially not since the war started. 
“In and out, and I mean it. I get one inkling of a feeling, and we’re done.” 
“As you command, general.” You whispered, walking towards your room to change.
“Isn’t it me that is supposed to convince you to break the rules? This doesn’t seem like you, Senator.” The title rolled off his lips like honey, and your spine tingled. 
“It does seem to be backwards.” You admitted, realizing that ever since you were appointed this position, you seemed to become a different person. “But where’s your sense of adventure, Skywalker?” 
He watched you walk, you could feel his eyes boring into your back. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but your ‘bodyguard’ was starting to feel a little bit more like a crush than he should. 
Within a flash you slipped the dress from your shoulders and stepped out of it. It felt nice to put on a pair of pants, felt like such a mundane thing, but one you cherished. Although you would agree you had quite the knack for being a part of the senate, it wasn’t where you wanted to live forever. Traveling to all the planets, touching the stars. That’s what sounded like a life, not arguing with opposing sides. 
You glanced at yourself before leaving the bedroom, you looked normal. Pants, a black jacket, pair of old working boots. You didn’t recognize the reflection staring back at you. 
“Are you ready?” Anakin’s voice ripped you out of your headspace. You didn’t even hear the knock, but his knuckles where resting against your door. 
“Yes.” You say with a smile, slipping past him in the doorframe and heading out of the apartment. 
Little did you know, he did cherish spending all his time with you. He had learned a lot, seen a lot, met a lot of important people. But most importantly he gained a friend, someone who understood him, who listened to every feeling he had. Someone he had grown to admire, someone he had grown attached too. One of the first important rules of the Jedi, and he broke it. Broke it trying to do a job given to him by the Jedi. He spent long nights gazing out into the distance of Coruscant, telling himself, convincing himself that this wasn’t right. He was given a job, an order, and he was starting to let this job personally affect him. He never wanted to let you out of his sight, whether it be his job, or not. 
But, little did Anakin Skywalker know, that you felt the same. 
In the beginning it was a tad tedious in your mind to have a 24/7 bodyguard. The constant communication every second, the constant shadow following you to meetings. But over these looming months, he had been a constant. You knew he was there, and always would be. No matter the Chancellor, no matter the outer rim, it was just him and you. 
As he escorted you to the gardens, it was hard to miss the lack of people around. Although yes, this was secluded, there was no one. No stray Jedi wandering about. It was silent, eerily so. By the look that homed in on Anakin’s face, you could guess he was feeling the same. His brows furrowed together, and his fists clenched tightly to his sides. 
“Is everything alright?” You almost whispered it, as if you weren’t supposed to talk. 
“Something about this isn't right.” He commented, eyes scanning the gardens. We hadn’t even entered them,  only standing in the doorway. The sight of green was overwhelming, it filled your heart with some hope. 
“It looks like home.” You whispered, this time not because you were worried if anyone would overhear, but because emotions clouded all your senses. You ignored Anakin’s voice, not purposely, but you couldn’t help just staring at what’s in front of you. 
“Y/N, we need to go.” 
You turned your head toward him, but everything happened before you could even move a finger. He moved, rushing in front of you, reaching for the lightsaber hooked to his belt. A blaster fired, the hit meant for you. There was a wind as Anakin hit the ground. The assassin fled, but that was the last thing you had on your mind. The only thing you could wrap your head around was the man laying on the ground in front of you, a blaster shot through his chest.
You started to scream, you screamed for help, hoping someone would round that corner. Hoping someone needed a late night meditation session.
“Y/N,” Anakin said softly, face scrunching with pain. You looked at him, you didn’t know when you crouched down but you held a type grip on his hand.
“We have to get you up, we need to find someone.” You started saying, but your words were getting stuck in your throat. “Please, please Anakin. I have to get you up.”
“I’m sorry, Senator Y/L/N. But you need to go, that assassin could still be around. I will not take the risk of him finding you alone. You need to leave.”
“I am not leaving without you.”
This groans intensified, and a light layer of sweat started to appear at his forehead. You knew this wasn’t good, you knew he needed help, and he needed it now. His Jedi robes were burned through, but the smell of flesh was fresh enough to make your nose crinkle. You wiped his longer hair out of his eyes, and stood up. Legs shaking, and breathing heavy you went to reach for his arms.
“Y/N. You need to leave. Go. Now. That’s an order.”
“Last time I checked, General. You cannot order me around. We are getting you up and we are getting out of here.”
He groaned loudly again as you tried to pull him up, you got him to a sitting position, but he wasn’t budging any further than that.
You kneeled in front of him, exposing your back to whoever just had tried to kill you. But you didn’t care about that, the only possible thing you could think of was Anakin Skywalker.
“Anakin. Get up. NOW. We don’t have time, I need to get you up and get you help. I can drag you the whole way once you’re standing, but I need you to help me.” You pleaded, one of your hands resting against the back of his shoulder, helping keeping him propped up, the other rubbing soft circles on his cheek with your thumb. “If you do not get up,” you started to say. “I will be forced to stay here with you, assassin nearby or not. I will not leave you alone, and if you die, then i’ll die out here with you.”
Trying to convince a stubborn man to listen to you was not the easiest task. But the threat of staying here was enough to panic him into helping you get him to stand. By whatever power you possessed, you managed to get him standing. He screamed in pain, his jaw clamped down tight, and his nostrils flared.
“Y/N.” He whispered as you linked your arm around his back, throwing his left arm over your shoulder. “Y/N.” He said again, his tone more urgent.
“I’m not leaving you behind so I’d just drop that if I were you.” You snapped, focusing on starting to drag him out of the gardens.
“They’re back. I can feel them.”
“The assassin?” You asked, your heart beat starting to race as you already knew that was the answer.
Before he could answer you, a familiar voice came from Anakin’s wrist. The com link. How could you forget about that?
“Anakin, Anakin.” It was Obi-wan.
You grabbed his wrist, ready to quickly tell him where you guys were, and that you needed help, and fast.
“Obi-wan, we are at the gardens. Anakin is hurt badly, we need -“
“Say another word and I’ll kill you both.” It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling, having a blaster pressed to your back. But it wasn’t one that you ever wanted to deal with again.
The assassin stood tall behind both you and Anakin. You let go of the com link, hearing Obi-wan’s panicked voice still coming in.
“Senator Y/L/N? Senator? Can you hear me?”
“Turn around slowly Senator, and drop the Jedi.”
Anakin’s spine snapped up straight. His eyes going cold, and his breathing even more intense than it previously was. Whatever pain he was feeling, the burning wound on his right peck was no longer existent in his mind.
“Run, Y/N.” He whispered, unhooking his arm from around your shoulders. Anakin turned, shoving both his hands in front of him as the assassin flew backwards. “GO.” As Anakin drew his lightsaber, stumbling slightly, you turned and ran towards the council room. Someone had to be there, Obi-wan had to be coming once he heard about Anakin.
Your body came to a screeching halt as the sounds of blaster fire rang from behind you. Anakin.
You turned back around, determined to do something. What, you didn’t know. You weren’t a Jedi, you didn’t have the force, a lightsaber, you didn’t even have a blaster on you. You were utterly defenseless. Yet, still you ran in his direction. You shouldn’t have left him, why did you leave him?
“Senator!” It was Obi-wan’s voice. You turned towards him, tears prickling in your eyes. He wasn’t alone, Mace Windu and Yoda trailed behind him. Lightsabers drawn except for Yoda. You couldn’t pull your body away from where Anakin was. Your feet were frozen, but your mind was running wild. Obi-wan and Windu ran past you.
“Senator Y/L/N, with me you must come.” You knew he could tell you weren’t psychically hurt, but mentally you were battling yourself. You wanted to go to him, needed to see him. “Taken care of, he will be. Protect you, we must.” You knew he was right, and as the blaster fire finally ceased, you turned towards Yoda.
“Master Yoda,” You started saying. He just nodded, and motioned for you to walk. Your feet stayed planted, all your weight leaning forward, still ready to run in the direction of Anakin. But it was eerily silent again, and you were struck with the overwhelming feeling that you could have lost him.
“Come, meet them in medical bay we shall.” You knew there was no point in arguing with him, he’s far too wise to argue with. You silently nodded, ripping your head from Anakin’s direction and walking with Yoda.
You sat in the same chair for hours. Although to you, it felt as though days have passed. Yoda sat you down and stayed with you for a while, which you assured him was unnecessary. The threat was eliminated, which means not only are you in any harm, but also that there would no longer be a need for Anakin being with you.
“Alone right now, I do not think you should be.”
“With all due respect Master Yoda, alone is all I want to be right now.”
“Fine he will be. Guilt, you have. Very troubling indeed, but not your fault, this was.”
“He’s been with me every day, every minute, for the past couple months. Knowing his reputation I thought he’d get bored and break the orders he was given. But he never did. This was my fault, I asked him to take me there. I wasn’t listening when he said there was a threat. I did this.”
“You did nothing, Senator.” Obi-Wan spoke, although you didn’t even notice when he walked in. “This is no one’s fault. He followed orders, he protected you, also allowing us to catch this assassin.”
You sighed, running your hands through your hair.
“Maybe you should get some rest, Senator.” Obi-wan suggested.
“I want to see him.” You said, ignoring his comment completely. You weren’t trying to be rude, and all three of you knew that. But you couldn’t erase the rush of terror that filled your body when the events of the night unfolded before you.
“One must be mindful of their feelings.” Yoda said, studying me.
“I’m no Jedi, Master Yoda. I respect you, I respect all the Jedi for what they do. Anakin and I were pushed together by the councils doing. And in these long months he became my friend. So I mean no offense when I say tonight, I don’t have to mindful of a damn thing. I want to see him, I need to see my friend.”
You’ve heard about Yoda’s extraordinary wisdom and ability to read people. So he could probably read right through you now. Something about the young General made your heart skip a beat, yes, he was your friend, one of your best friends. But he was something more, a bit of happiness, and he reminded you of home.
You could sense Obi-wan and Yoda gazing at each other, a silent conversation over what to do.
“I’ll take you to him.” Obi-wan finally spoke, offering a soft smile. You only nodded, no longer trusting your voice.
The walk was silent, but quick. You had been ushered to change earlier, Anakin’s blood on your other set of clothes. The blue dress was simple, but elegant. More acceptable to see a senator in versus pants. As you came to the door Obi-wan stopped in front of it.
“He’s a little out of it, but shouldn’t cause an issue.”
“This is Anakin Skywalker, when has he not caused an issue?” You quipped.
“Right as always, Senator Y/L/N.” Over the months Obi-wan had also become more present in your life. Of course, not as much as Anakin, but you noticed him around more. You tried to get him to just call you by your first name, no formalities, but it never worked. Obi-wan was a rule follower, a senator you’d always be to him. As Master Kenobi walked away, you stood in the doorway and stared at him. He was sitting up right, and not bandaged like you thought. The wound looked more healed, like it happened weeks ago. It was still an angry shade of red, but it looked … old.
“Force healing.” He said calmly. You looked up towards him, peeling your eyes away from his chest.
“Ani- I.” You started your apology to him.
“Don’t. I don’t need an apology, and I don’t want to hear one.”
“You could have died. You could have died because I pushed you to do something. I pushed you when all you wanted to do was keep me safe.”
“I did my job, and even if it wasn’t my job, I would still do the exact same thing. If you haven’t picked up on that already, I’m afraid you aren’t using your head Senator.”
“You’re never allowed to do that again. Do you hear me?”
He chuckled, his normal, sassy, Anakin chuckle.
“Come here, Y/N.”
You sat down on the bed, slightly facing him. You didn’t want to stare at his chest, but it was right in front of you. His skin tanned, and his muscles rippled around with each breath he took. But you also didn’t want to stare at the wound.
“Thank you.” You whispered, looking down to your fingers. “Thank you for saving my life.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for. I did it today, and I would do it all over again tomorrow. If that’s what it takes to know you’re protected. That’s the price I’d pay, because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure you’re safe.”
“So stay with me. Don’t go, just live with me, be with me.” He was silent for a moment, taking in the words you effortlessly spoke.
“You know for a Senator you sure wear your feelings on your sleeve.”
“You know for a Jedi you have formed an attachment.” He laughed, a wince of pain flashed across his face but he barely let it show.
“Will you always fight me, Senator?”
“Until my last breath.” You confessed. He smiled, motioning you towards him.
“You sure you could keep this a secret?” He questioned, causing you to scoff.
“Yes.” You responded. “But only if you could keep this secret.” Before giving him the chance to respond, you turned his face towards yours and pressed your lips against his. They were softer than you’d think for a man who was just shot, and you smiled. You could feel him smile too, pulling back ever so slightly to gaze at your face.
“I don’t know if I can keep this secret, I must find a way to keep my mouth occupied so I won’t spill.”
“That was the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” You say, holding back a laugh.
“Kiss me, darling.”
This was Anakin Skywalker. The man, the myth, the legend. A name known in every corner of the galaxy. And you couldn’t be any happier to have his lips pressed against yours.
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ozzgin · 10 months
WORST Characters x Reader
Featuring Tsukishima Hana, Kawachi Tesshou, Hisashi Amachi, the Muroto Brothers, Tsukimoto Mitsumasa and a reader in her senior year of high school.
If you’re not familiar with the characters and want to give it a try: it’s high school delinquents, the leader of a biker gang and a pair of hired thugs that got out of juvie. (Once again I’m begging y’all to read the manga so I can share my delinquent daydreams with other people ;-;)
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Tsukishima Hana
Hana is such a sweet and honest boyfriend. At first he can’t even tell he’s in love with you. He really enjoys spending time with you, just like he does with his other friends, like Sakota, Renji, Tora, Takumi…Which can only mean you’re also part of the group. Right? It takes a whole intervention for him to understand it’s an entirely different feeling. The rest of the Umehoshi household members are gathered around the table and offer him examples to make it clear: he wouldn’t hold Sakota’s hand and Tora would probably be dead if he tried to kiss him on the cheek (not that he’d ever want to, anyways). So no, whatever he has with poor (Y/N) is not just friendship. It finally clicks.
He will be very shy initially. He’s barely interacted with girls before and has no idea how to handle you. Before he would just treat you like any of his friends, but as a girlfriend? He’s a fumbling mess. Once he becomes comfortable with the idea, he’s extremely affectionate. He’ll insist on holding your hand everywhere and loudly introduce you as his girlfriend to everyone. Often he’ll get an incredulous reaction of “How the hell did you pull someone like her?” and he’ll scratch the back of his head, goofy and proud. He has no idea either.
Hana can’t wait to introduce you to his grandma. You know once things get serious he’ll insist on bringing you to his village in the middle of nowhere. Unlike the time Tora accompanied him, though, he’ll be hovering all over you making sure you’re not tired or uncomfortable. The moment your breathing becomes audible from the effort he’ll pick you up and carry you the remaining way. He lives to serve you.
Kawachi Tesshou
Similar to Hana, Tesshou is incredibly awkward and wary of you at first. He’s head over heels the instant he meets you, but the idea of dating you is just too ridiculous to him. He might be the leader of a fearsome biker gang, but when it comes to you he feels like a scoundrel that has no business being around a pretty girl. So there’s two possibilities: either the other members will eventually let him know he’s an idiot and should just ask you out already, or you’ll have to confess first. He’ll stare at you in disbelief and ask you to repeat yourself several times, wondering if you’re joking or just teasing him, his blush gradually turning into a deep red.
Let us assume that no tragedy happens in this scenario. Tesshou is extra careful on his bike and he frequently takes you on rides, so he can’t afford any accidents. Now that you’re dating, he might as well be a cool boyfriend for you, eh? He likes to wait for you outside the school or part time job, resting against his motorcycle as people pass by whispering and glancing over. He wants everyone to know you’re his.
Naturally you’re now a package deal, so you often hang out with him at the junkyard belonging to TFOA. If you sneeze or mention it’s getting cold, he’ll instantly rip his jacket off and carefully place it over your shoulders. He’s thought of getting you your own custom leather jacket, but if he’s being honest, he just loves having you wear his instead. It emphasizes your small frame compared to his, and afterwards it will smell just like you. The other guys may or may not be planning his assassination, having to deal with his constant cocky grin and offhanded comments about having a cute girlfriend. Sometimes they will tease him by approaching you with “Hey (Y/N), if Tesshou’s ever being an asshole, you can always date me instead.”
Hisashi Amachi
In a way, Amachi acts a lot like a spoiled child. Things must go his way and rejection only challenges him to press further. So if he sets his eyes on you, in his mind, you either accept it now or after some convincing, but at the end of the day it will be a yes. He has money and authority, what else could you possibly want? So his initial approach will be rather cocky, mainly focusing on impressing you with his plans of ruling the city. Once his army crumbles and he loses to Hana, he finally begins to accept that you’re not with him for money or influence. He will be terribly frustrated and ashamed for losing, although this motivates him to try harder for your sake. He’s not like his father. You’re his reason to continue living no matter what.
I feel like he has the biggest potential as a yandere. He probably has significant trauma around abandonment and would immediately cling to you once in love, but in a not so obvious way. He doesn’t want you to see him as weak or needy, so instead he’ll act jealous and possessive towards anyone that could pose a threat. Hell, he might even doubt his own subordinates. He needs the occasional reassurance and secretly adores being praised by you. He wants to be the kind of man you trust with your life.
Amachi is more of a stoic boyfriend and prefers to listen to you talking, quietly going along with whatever you’re doing. While he has dropped his arrogant act, he still has some leftover tendencies, mostly in the shape of gift giving. Every now and then he’ll show up with some ridiculously expensive item he thought you’d like. Old habits die hard. Especially when they involve spoiling his Princess. I suspect he might be into slightly kinky jewelry, like dainty necklaces that need a key to be opened. He enjoys the visible, tangible proof of owning you.
Muroto Zenmei & Koumei
Now, the Arson brothers were paid for a very specific task. That doesn’t mean, however, they can’t take their time and have some fun while at it. The town has plenty of cute girls, but you really caught their attention. And they’re not very fond of sharing, but they can always figure it out as they go. What’s certain is that they won’t give up easily in their almost predatory pursuit.
Koumei is the more reserved sibling. He’s a bit cautious about parading you around, because he doesn’t want to put you in any danger. He has a lot of enemies and he worries about you becoming a potential target. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be able to protect you, he does have quite the reputation after all. He’s a bit clumsy when it comes to romance, but he does his best to spoil you. He’s always been preoccupied with fighting, so he hasn’t really considered the scenario of having a girlfriend. If he’s completely honest, he didn’t even expect you to actually accept his confession given he’s…well…the worst of the worst. Worry not, you won’t regret it. He’ll prove to you no other guy compares.
Zenmei is the cockier sibling. If he had patience or self-control, he wouldn’t have landed in juvie. He wants you and he won’t make it a secret. In fact, he’s a big fan of PDA and loves letting everyone know you’re his. Your designated seat whenever you’re with him is his lap. He’s not too worried about others harming you because either him or his twin lackeys will always have you under their watch. Additionally, who would be mad enough to mess with the girlfriend of Muroto Zenmei? Most small fries will cross to the other side of the street if they see you. And you can’t blame them, really. Zenmei can be very territorial and dominant. He can’t help it. You’re his pretty little thing.
Tsukimoto Mitsumasa
Mitsumasa has two younger sisters, so he’s probably the most relaxed when it comes to approaching you. He can be very charismatic if he wants to, and what better motivation than the girl of his dreams? I also feel like he’d be so easygoing in general. He’s one of the strongest students in Housen, yet one wouldn’t know it when he’s with you. He’s all smiles as you brush and braid his hair, occasionally blushing at your compliments. God forbid anyone messes with you, though.
His biggest hurdle are his brothers. It’s an inside joke that in terms of looks, he’s the least threatening. They didn’t expect the statement to come bite them in the ass once the blonde brings you home for dinner, introducing you as his girlfriend. His mom is over the moon and immediately begins to call you “daughter in law” (to Mitsumasa’s great embarrassment), occasionally asking you if her son didn’t somehow coerce you to date him. You reassure her awkwardly while simultaneously avoiding the burning stare of the other boys. “This bastard, landing a cute girlfriend out of nowhere” is the unified inner monologue at the table. You don’t know it yet, but poor Mitsumasa will be harshly interrogated after your departure.
Bonus points if you like playing video games or have nerdy interests. Mitsumasa spends most of his time playing, so he would absolutely love to share this hobby with you. Then he could spend his lazy days with you in his arms as he finishes quests or levels up, and you could do your own thing, whether reading, watching something or also playing a video game. As long as you’re cuddling him. He’ll be giddy all day in anticipation and can’t wait to hang out with you. Even better, he gets to brag about it the next day. He’ll yawn dramatically and apologize with a cheeky grin: “Sorry guys, I was up all night with (Y/N). Time sure flies when you’re having fun, you know~?”
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dragonpastels · 8 months
Master post time!🐢
since I seem to have lost all control, I thought I'd put together this post to organize everything for you peeps!
Cracked Conscience
After Donnie has some rough few nights fighting the purple dragons him and the others are greeted by... A quite interesting version of Donnie's future self? What could this mean?
Main Comic
Chapter 1. Drama and Dragons
Chapter 2. A Different Shade of Purple
CC Ref Sheets
Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Colored) Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Linework) Tech Maintenance Fit Ref Sheet Evil Donnie Early Fit Ref Sheet
Future Leo Ref Sheet
Outdated: Evil Donnie Ref Sheets
Q&A With the Hidden City's Most Wanted!
Do you have a burning question to ask our wonderful host? Like their favorite color? What did they do today? Or deep philosophical questions? Or do you just want to give them unwarranted gifts? Well, here is your chance to ask until the feed drops!
⚠️Warning by submitting a question you accept the risk of the following: kidnapping, experimentation, dismemberment, collection, emotional damage, death. Any or all of these may occur per the host's discretion. This contract is legally binding and cannot be broken or altered.⚠️
4th wall breaks (Jack Horner Animatic Related) You're all on my list You Heathen Brother Opinions
Shiny Rock Bribe
Can I Pet him? (Bad Ending)
The Poke/Jupiter Jim Marathon Time!
Snack time with Insults for dessert!
What if I got in a Sparring Match?
Does he like plushies?
How many times have you set a building on fire?
A gift of flowers
GMF: Genetically Modified Furbies
How much sleep have you gotten? (why are you gray pt. 2)
IT'S 15 Rip Bozo (why are you gray pt. 3)
has he always looked this way?
the universe decides
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Color Reveal Saga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
about the color thing
jobs for hire
Still not kidnapping
Can I dig in your walls?
I wanna study him like a bug
music tastes
CC Year 1 Anniversary Mini Masterpost 🎈
CC Animatic Corner🎞️
Year 1 Anniversary Animatic (villain/character voice line compilation)
A very important message
Jack Horner Animatic (read disclaimer) Disclaimer: I recommend reading through Chapter 2 of CC. Although a few things have changed/are no longer canon. There are still a few scenes that are relevant to the comic. Therefore I recommend reading through Chpt 2 first to be surprised
How to Train Your Turtle
You like How to Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Well, you're in luck! Because these boys are now dragons and poor April is stuck with them after crashing on their island.
Chapter 1. Stranded
Ask Shenanigans
Dragon Logs
Dragon Shenanigans
Pre-Besties April/Donnie dynamic
Mikey the cuddle gremlin
A shiny rock for Donnie, tasty book snack
Have they heard music/do they like it?
will they have mutant forms/can Raph change his size?
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