#i did reload in the end but if he does die in combat
sky-scribbles · 1 year
Today I found out what happens if Gale dies (temporarily), and I... have some feelings.
I'm snooping around the area surrounding the Adamantine Forge, and my gal Fern leads the way across the lake of lava. The party, who clearly have separation anxiety, immediately decide they cannot bear to be parted from her and would rather run straight into the lava to get to the next jumping-point than find a safer route. (Should've thought to split the party but, y'know. Hindsight.)
By the time I realise what's happening, Gale's frail little wizard hit points have been long since lost. I decide to reload because a) I don't have time to go to camp and ask Withers to fix my mess because I'm on a time limit to get to Nere and save the gnomes and b) Gale is still in the lava, so no one can Revivify him. Leaving him to marinate while we go kill Nere would just make me feel bad.
But as I'm reaching for the Esc key to return to my last save, I am launched into a dialogue with a projection of Gale, which pops up to inform Fern that hello, he is Gale of Waterdeep, and if she's seeing this, he has unfortunately perished. By the way, it is of dire importance that she bring him back before the hungry orb in his chest detonates and kills everything. He hopes that he's made everything clear. All very businesslike and very well-spoken and very Gale.
And yes, I reloaded, but - not before I got the mental image of Fern standing screaming at the edge of the lava. Fern, who trusts Gale as she hasn't trusted anyone in a decade, Fern who's been falling for him, staring and helpess and knowing that for all her fire-resistance she can't get him out. And Gale's proejction pops up and talks to her like she's a stranger, being so professional and 'here's why it's important that I don't stay dead.' While Fern's on her knees with tears evaporating on her face from the heat, choked and furious and screaming.
Gale 'my tressym is my only friend' Dekarios. You never imagined for a moment that your 'in case of my death' message might be delivered to someone who loved you, did you? You never thought that whoever saw it wouldn't need to be convinced.
I wonder if, for all he left a message arguing how logical and important it was that he be resurrected, he was surprised to be brought back.
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sol-consort · 8 months
Fun fact: if everyone dies at the final mission Mass Effect 2, Shepard will as well so the ending talk with Illusive Man is done by Joker instead and the final cutscene plays out the same but with Joker. You’re not able to use that save for Mass Effect 3.
Also yeah I’m pretty sure a lot of people feel the same way about Mass Effect 3 as you it wasn’t well received initially. I wouldn’t look up anything about that yet in case you get spoiled though.
I liked picking who to take what role, it made me feel like an actual commander who directs people since you usually only get the authority to tell them to stand behind a crate.
And omfg Joker really? That's really cool actually I might reload a save and try it for fun. The Illusive man acted really out of character at the end, I didn't expect Miranda to leave him either.
I wish at least we got the chance to walk around and look at Earth before ME3 threw us into combat tutorials or cutscenes. Like it's earth! Home! Lemme look around and see how we progressed. It would've made it even more impactfull to see it destroyed after.
I like James, he calls Shepard Lola, I heard it's Loco if you're maleshep. He flirts a lot too it's refreshing after the sexual harrasser simulator in Mass effect 2.
I wish I had him instead of Jacob, he is genuinely very fun to be around and that dance fight scene was so impactful. I like that we actually get to press the triggers.
Kaidan is in the hospital, does he come back soon? I keep checking. I did one mission but he hasn't woken up yet.
Also where is Thane :( did he die from his illness?
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fancytrinkets · 3 years
Difficulty Settings Adjusted (Trevelyan/Dorian)
Part 2 of a silly fic in which the act of reloading the game at an early save point gets incorporated into the narrative. Part 1 is Save Point Reload.
With each step he takes and every spell he casts, Trevelyan revels in how good he feels. For the first time in months, he's no longer suffering from constant, debilitating pain. It's delightful enough that he laughs to himself, his joy overflowing despite that he and Dorian are going to have a difficult time explaining all this to the rest of the Inquisition.
It may seem as though we've both just met, but in fact we've been married for decades. And it turns out we can't actually die. But don't worry, I promise we aren't maleficars.
That doesn't sound good — specifically, it might not go over well with Cassandra. Or Cullen. Or anyone else, actually. Perhaps if they had a solid, working theory, they could explain it in a way that makes sense. Dorian must be thinking the same, because he's talking it through — thinking out loud as he posits a reason.
"Alexius must have done something daringly experimental to the amulet. I can only assume he managed to add a magical failsafe."
"What sort of failsafe?" Trevelyan asks as he rifles through a desk drawer in search of Venatori letters and snippets of diaries — (he'd forgotten how much fun it is to do this!)
"I believe," Dorian says, "that in the event of his untimely death while trying to change the past, the experimental magic would have returned him to the moment the amulet was first activated — or thereabouts," Dorian says. "He would have designed the spell to keep his memories intact, thus giving him a better chance of saving Felix on his next attempt."
He pauses in his explanation as both he and Trevelyan approach a closed door. Faint, muffled voices can be heard on the other side. Dorian steps closer to listen, and then makes a swift set of hand signals. Still tucking a stolen letter in his pocket, Trevelyan nods. Four Venatori, possibly more. The plan is to hit them fast with chain lightning.
Trevelyan turns the latch and then kicks the door open. At the same time, Dorian's lightning spell arcs through all four enemies. Only one remains standing, but Trevelyan finishes him off with a quick second hit.
"I remember this being more of a challenge," he says, surveying the smoking corpses of their foes. "I'd even go so far as to call it a nightmare the first time through. A real trial."
"Well," Dorian says, "we may look young and beautiful, but at heart we're still wily old men, and we've honed our skills for decades. No surprise this is casual combat at best."
"Fair point," Trevelyan says.
He takes a ring from one of the dead men. It's nice — gold, with a fancy gem. Not enchanted yet, but that can remedied.
"I missed all the theft," he says.
He's aware that he's being flippant, but it hardly seems important. This is Redcliffe in 9:42 — the terrible, alternate future that will all be erased when they defeat Alexius and return safely to 9:41 — just like they did the last time.
"Explain the amulet further, will you?" Trevelyan says. "If this failsafe feature was intended for Alexius, then why did it happen to us instead?"
"Perhaps we unwittingly hijacked the spell when Alexius first used the amulet against us," Dorian says. "I suspect it wouldn't have mattered which of us died — either way, we'd both end up here together. And I also suspect it will occur time and again until the spell is finally broken."
"You think there's a way to break it?" Trevelyan asks.
"There's always a way," Dorian says.
He opens a door and then points to indicate the stairs. He's found a way up, away from the dungeons.
"There, you see," he says. "My point exactly."
"And what if we choose not to break this spell?" Trevelyan asks. "Would we truly never die?"
"A fascinating question," Dorian says, as he leads the way upstairs. "We could live lifetime after lifetime, accruing knowledge and power."
He's briefly interrupted by sound of Venatori guards shouting from the top of the stairs. But they pose no threat — a single burst of fire from Trevelyan's staff does them in. They barely have time to scream before the flame consumes them.
"You make it sound almost god-like," Trevelyan says.
"It would be, yes," Dorian says. "And I fear we'd become more terrible than all the elder magisters and the Old Gods combined. That's how a power like this always works."
"Must it though?"
"In truth I'm not sure," Dorian says, "but let's hope not. I'm irritable towards everyone when I haven't had lunch, that much I do know. But I've never much wanted to be the villain."
"You'd make such a handsome one," Trevelyan says, joking as he steps over the charred bodies of their most recent victims.
Dorian grins. "You're right about that. I would."
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hungrydolphin91 · 4 years
My thoughts on Xillia 2 (a somewhat peeved rant)
So I just beat Xillia 2 for the first time and got... an ending.
(* even though I beat the game I still don’t know the other endings so if you want to interact with this post please avoid spoilers)
The ending I got was where Elle dies, the fractured dimensions are destroyed, and Ludger is implied to go on to follow Victor’s footsteps by meeting Elle’s mother. This was the ending I willingly chose, though since I was playing it blind I didn’t know the exact outcome. Unfortunately, the game portrays this ending as kinda neutral, which is part of why I dislike this game: what the games wants me to want or care about rarely line up with what I actually want or care about, and as a result, I don’t get to make choices that matter to me.
The best example of this is with fractured Milla, Julius, and Elle. I held onto fractured Milla’s hand as long as I could because I liked her and wanted to save her (as I’m sure many other players did too), but the game decided she had to die to bring back the other Milla. I’m not mad at the game for that, as right from the beginning it was clear this Milla couldn’t stick around. Despite my efforts to help, I had to sacrifice her and move on, with the game telling me this was noble and necessary.
Near the end came Julius’s time... I really like Julius and so when I saw the game foreshadowing his death I literally stopped playing for a month because I didn’t want that to happen. Once I finally did, I had Ludger protect and protest Julius’s death to the point where he freaks out and starts fighting his friends, and despite my best efforts they repeatedly kicked his ass and I had to reload the save (*is that an alternate bad ending? I wanted to see what happens if you win but I didn’t want to grind for hours so I’m saving it for later). Bitterly I fought and killed Julius and kinda cried because that was Ludger’s brother and I didn’t care if he was already dying and Elle and the world were at stake, I wanted him to live. But the game said that his death was inevitable, noble, and necessary.
You see what I’m getting at? When I beat the last boss and was given a choice to save Elle, who would otherwise turn into a catalyst and fade away, or destroy the fractured dimensions like she wanted and save the world, I chose to save the world because I thought this was noble and necessary. Then the game gave this “oh that’s your choice... :/” kinda attitude and I was indignant. Up until now my choice to protest a character’s death had been either ineffective or actually punished, so why should I expect it to work now? And the characters I had lost before were ones I personally cared about more than Elle. I never really liked Elle the way in-game Ludger does, though I certainly didn’t want her to die.
And that’s my biggest problem with this game, that the story that offered choices not only didn’t let my choices matter in a way I wanted but even punished me when I finally chose to follow the themes it had been setting up. There were other forced choices in the game I never wanted, like destroying the Ark or working for Spirius at all, but I do understand that that was central to the game at least. The thing is, I feel like I wouldn’t have minded these deaths or decisions if I never had the illusion of choice in the matter. If this had been a normal Tales game story where Ludger the character loved Elle and chose to protect her, I wouldn’t have questioned it at all.
I don’t mean for this to come across as a hate rant; I actually did enjoy this game quite a lot. The combat is incredibly complex but also extremely satisfying, the return and development of Xillia’s cast was great, and overall I appreciate the risks Tales took in making this game unique. I just wish that the game and I didn’t butt heads so much.
TLDR: I’m upset at how the game framed choices, continually making my decisions to try to save people ineffectual then punishing me for not saving Elle.
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platinummice · 4 years
Fallout OC seven day S.P.E.C.I.A.L
I’m putting these all on one post for easy viewing :)
Day 1 - Strength
Archer’s Score: 4
Archer isn’t a very strong guy. He travels light, carrying as few things as physically possible to avoid slowing himself down. It wasn’t something he really had to worry about when he was in the Brotherhood, his power armor did all the heavy lifting. With that being said, he is strong enough to lift and carry a fallen comrade away from danger. He has been trained in hand to hand combat, but if it can be avoided Archer will stay very far away from the actual combat. That's not to say he isn’t good at it, he’s very knowledgeable about pressure points, pinning people, and making sure people are otherwise unable to fight. Archer also doesn’t like big guns. He doesn't like carrying them, reloading them, or getting into fights and having to use them. He carries his longbow (which only has a draw weight of 30 pounds), a whole lot of arrows, a knife, and a Colt .45 Outlaw.
Day 2 - Perception
Archer’s Score: 8
Archer knows his eyesight is very good, which is a big reason he stays back during fights. He can snipe from far distances, and at the same time keep an eye out for any other potential threats. He is also very quick to notice anything out of the ordinary. Tripwires and mines have to be very well hidden to escape his notice. The big problem he has with his perception is noticing when he’s hallucinating. Picking out the visions from the real world around him is damn near impossible. In non hostile situations he can usually tell if he is having a schizophrenic episode, but when enemies are bearing down on him the increased heart rate, and sweaty/shaky hands are hard to distinguish from a normal reaction. The lack of safe spaces doesn’t help. Moving from that Archer’s aim is very good. Arrows are almost impossible to come by, so he has to make his own and that can take a while. So he got good at not wasting them.
Day 3 - Endurance
Archer’s Score: 6
Archer doesn't have the worst endurance, but it's not the best either. When it comes to traveling he usually prefers to take it slow, but he can manage a light jog for a little bit. He doesn’t manage well in hurried situations, and having to run for any extended period of time can be detrimental. However, Archer loves to swim even when most, if not all, the water around him is severely irradiated, he’ll pop some rad-x and go have a splash. He is also pretty good at climbing, if only so he can get high enough to scope out his surroundings. I would say under normal circumstances he is good at adapting to his surroundings. He tries his hardest to stay calm, because he knows “Calm people live and panicked people die.”
Day 4 - Charisma
Archer’s Score: 10
Archer's charisma is where he excels most. He might not actually be strong, but damn if he can't convince someone he fist fought a deathclaw and won. He won’t like it, but if he needs information or an item from someone, he can become “friends” in minutes. Picking up on social clues and catching even the smallest eye twitches, Archer reads people like they are children's books. It wakes it a bit harder when people wear masks, but he can usually pick at how they talk about things and get on their good side that way. Confirmed Bachelor all the way with this one, Archer can flirt a man's pants off. He’s a bit, uh, less good at flirting with ladies, but chances are high he’d still manage pretty well.
Day 5 - Intelligence
Archer’s Score: 3
My low INT child. He doesn’t know what's going on. He is trying his best though. He can count to 500 before he gets confused, a little bit of addition and subtraction is fine. Very Very basic multiplication. Can’t divide to save his life. Most of his brain power goes into animals, how to care for them and how to train them. He’s learned a lot of first aid and medical skills from helping wounded animals, but if you have other options you might want to consider those before going to him.
Day 6 - Agility
Archer’s Score: 1
Someone help this poor man. Any sudden change has the ability to make his head spin, and he’ll be stuck to the spot he was standing in, trying to take in what happened. As was said on day 3, Archer has a really hard time keeping his head when he’s constantly on the move. All the running and quick movements don’t give him enough time to process, leaving him confused and panicked. This can also trigger a schizophrenic episode, which will make things a lot worse. If he doesn’t have someone to pull him through a situation like this, he will most likely end up severely injured. Whether it be from enemies, or himself.
Day 7 - Luck
Archer’s Score: 8
Archer’s pretty lucky, believe it or not! He says he’s lucky about finding materials and what have you, but the truth is his dogs are trained to sniff stuff like that out. His luck comes into play more when it comes to being wounded on incapacitated and still somehow surviving? Man fist fought a deathclaw, lost, and is still around to tell the tale. He does happen to find a lot of bottle caps and cool masks to wear.
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inkedsoldier · 4 years
Chew the Bullet - Chapter One
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A Modern Warfare series
Casey Vos is a liaison officer for the Dutch Special Forces. She has been stationed in Afghanistan and Syria, but now works everywhere they need her assistance. Specialized in counterterrorism and intelligence, she is unmistakably a great asset for the upcoming Taskforce 1-4-1, under the command of Captain John Price. 
A/N: Here it is – the official chapter one of Chew the Bullet. I’m going to slowly introduce all the characters while (sort of) following the storyline of the gaming series, starting with the most recent campaign of Modern Warfare (2019). English is not my first language, but I’m getting better at it. Please, if you see any errors, let me know so I can fix it. It’s much appreciated. Well, I hope you enjoy! And please leave a note, vote or message with your thoughts! Bravo team out.
Warnings: guns.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
War is not just a three letter word. It is something worse. Something that can obliterate everything. War tears humans apart, even those who were once so close. Victims of war are over and over drowned in waves of guilt, pain and regret. In war no one is safe. Nowhere.
 Returning to a place she once called home was just a foolish thought in Casey´s brain. Everybody moved on in her absence. No one to return to for a warm embrace or innocent chatter. Home was a gaping hole and had long since healed and scarred up. She thought that with growing up in a place full of violence, tears and poverty she had seen everything. But nothing could have prepared her for the life as a soldier. She had seen friends, allies and blood brothers die. The moment you enlist, no matter what age, you either die in combat or live with the guilt of what your hands caused.
 At twenty-seven years old she had seen it all. Done it all. First Afghanistan, then Syria - and now everywhere they needed her assistance. As a liaison officer for the Dutch Special Forces she could be in London one day, and in Moscow the next.
 It has been twenty-six months since the last time she set foot in the cosy coffee shop in her hometown of Rotterdam. The air is thick with the scent of the dark liquid. Before she makes her way to the table in the corner of the place she orders a cappuccino at the counter. The first thing she does before sitting down is grabbing the laptop out of her backpack. She would never leave without the device. You could never know when another terrorist cell would pop up with the most horrific intentions. The laptop didn’t look as new as a few months back, but it saved a lot of lives in the meantime. Collecting information and analysing data were the main tasks on the computer to provide guidance and direction in modern warfare. Since Casey came back from the special operation in Istanbul there has been a lot of chatter about Al-Qatala. Unfortunately, the rules of engagement kept her from acting on it.
 The moment the barista turns up with her drink a notification appears on the screen of the laptop – a new email from Kyle. “Casey- We need to talk.” A short, but clear message. She winced as she took a quick sip from the overly bitter drink. The lack of cream made it just another caffeine shot. Not what she expected, but something she needed. She met Sergeant Kyle Garrick a couple of months back when working on a case at the Metropolitan Police Service. It was then that he crossed paths with allies of Omar Sulaman, also known as the Wolf, for the first time. “Call you in twenty,” was all she replied before sliding the laptop back in her bag and walking over to the barista to pay for the coffee.
 Back in the hotel room near central station she immediately sets up a secured connection to contact the British sergeant. Within seconds after calling in, Kyle appeared on the screen in front of her. “Casey, where are you?” Kyle asked. “Hey Gaz, how are you doing? Nice to see you, too” Casey chuckled watching the intense look on Kyle’s face. “Sorry, Case… but we got trouble incoming. Another one of the Wolf’s safe houses got onto our radar,” he explained. Casey couldn’t believe her ears. “Where?” was all she replied. “South London. Near Sutton. How fast can you get here?” From Rotterdam to London by train would take five hours with a stop in Paris. Taking the train of one o’clock would give her one hour to pack everything and check out of the hotel. “I can be at Saint Pancras at five. Can you send me the intel you got so far?” Kyle leaned towards the camera and nodded, “Great. I’ll pick you up at the lower level of the station, near the taxi rank. We don’t have much, but I’ll send you everything through the server. See you soon!” Casey waved her hand, “Copy that”.
 During the train ride to London, Casey poured herself into the data she had received from Kyle. He had send her a map of the safe house and all the intel they managed to collect in the last couple of days. The Wolf was back on the grit with a desire to make the west suffer to gain advantage and power. Sulaman is the leader of the terrorist organization responsible for plotting terror attacks, inspiring sleeper cells and lone followers to ban against world power. He was once a freedom fighter, a leader and a hero in the eyes of the west, but he turned. A lack of will made him intolerant. His knowledge of the western strategic limitations moulded him a kingpin of mass destruction. Both the man, and his movement gained mass support in the last years. Casey rested her head in her hands as memories flooded her mind. She had the chance to kill him a few years back, but a bullet… one freaking bullet stopped her from ending it all. The voice over the speakers yanked her out of the trance. The train arrived at its final destination, London Saint Pancras International.
 As promised, Kyle was waiting a the taxi rank on the lower level of the huge station. The area was a seething of mass of humanity – people on their way back home from a nine to five office job, tourists on the move to platform nine and three quarters, and teenagers meeting up with friends for a unforgettable night out. “Sergeant,” she said as she walked up to the six foot tall Afro-British SAS soldier. His brown eyes sparkled as he saw the brunette approach him. “Lieutenant,” he replied before embracing her in a tight hug. “Glad to see you, gal.”
 The ride to the Yard was filled with chatter between the two, but as soon as they arrived at the headquarters the talk got more serious. “Did you check the intel?” Kyle asked as they stepped into the elevator. “I did. Got some strategies on how to handle the raid and clean house. There are multiple ways to enter the property, and we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario. We both know how the Wolf likes to set up his security,” Casey answered. “Good. I got a team waiting for us to go through the plan. We don’t have much time, but it should be enough to get in prepared,” he replied. Upon entering the briefing room she already spotted a few men waiting in front of the screen. “Lads, meet Casey Vos. Lieutenant and liaison officer from the Dutch Special Forces. She is going to assist us at tonight’s clean up,” Kyle kicked off. A member of the team walks towards Casey and holds out his hand, “Welcome, Lieutenant. I’m Brooks and this here are Crowley and Fowler.” It was a simple welcome, but greatly appreciated. Meetings like this weren’t always easy, especially not when you were the only woman operating in a team of dudes.  “Thank you. Nice to meet you. I would like to start the briefing in five. Kyle, are we expecting more men?” she smiled while shaking Brooks’ hand. “Yes, we do actually. Let me get them, so you can set everything up.”
  8:45 PM Sutton, South London
The twilight quickly faded to blackness in the small alleys in Sutton, a southern borough in London.  Thick clouds blotted out the stars and the moon in the still air. In the distance you could hear the cry of dogs. “Okay, guys. Be advised. There may be non-combatants on target. Check your shots. Watch those corners,” Casey instructed making way to the residence. Before entering the courtyard behind the house, they met up with another team. Casey, Kyle, Brooks, Crowley and Fowler would enter the premises from the back. The second team consisting of three officers would enter from the side, and a third team would enter from the front. “Ready? Good. Alpha-One moving in on the rear.”
 “Alpha-One, this is Alpha-Two. About to enter the eastern alley,” one of the officers stated on the comms.  “Copy that, Alpha-Two.” Entering through the back door was easy and the kitchen area was empty, but two deep voices could be heard from the living area of the house. Kyle slowly opened the door and dropped the two men, who were both armed. “Secure.” Casey moved up to the hallway when Alpha-Three entered through the front door. Footsteps could be heard from the upper level of the townhouse. “Alpha-One moving to the first floor,” Casey said tapping Brooks shoulder. Quietly they moved in formation and cleared the second floor. “Casey, on me” Kyle spoke pointing to the last floor. Frantic movement could be heard from upstairs. The Al-Qatala members definitely knew something was going on below them. “ I hear two. I got your six, Gaz” Casey said after checking her weapon if it was in need of a reload. The two steadily moved up and ceased in front of the wooden door at the end of the small corridor. They looked at each other and nodded before entering the last room. A woman and a little boy where hiding in a corner of the dark space. “Hold your fire,” Kyle said when he saw they were unarmed.  The sergeant restraint the mother and her child, and guided them downstairs. “Case, see what you can find!”
 The house wasn’t big, but it was a ginormous mess. Papers spread everywhere – on the floor, in cabinets, pinned on the wall. And not to mention the devices that were present that had to be examined. Phones and laptops scattered all over the place. “Alpha-Two for Alpha-One, we need you on the first floor,” she heard in her earpiece. “Copy, Alpha-Two.” Grabbing everything she already found, she made her way to the other team. “What do you got for me?” she asked the officer. “You’re not going to like this,” he said while turning the screen of the black laptop so she had a clear view of the data. Her eyes combed the display from side to side rapidly. She held her breath to concentrate as if her life depended on it. She started to violently beat her fingers against the keyboard in search for more while the glittering beads of sweat trickled down her forehead. All the fragments clogged her mind and she tried to connect them all together. “Shit,” was all she could say after opening one of the encrypted files. “Get Sergeant Garrick. Now!” she spat to the officer. It wasn’t long before Kyle got to Casey. “We’re in deep shit, Kyle. Check this out. Apparently the Wolf has his eyes on chlorine gas from Barkov. A group of mercs are prepping the convoy as we speak. This is really bad. You know what happens when he gets his hands on chemicals like this.” The Brit was stunned by the info he just consumed. His mind was going haywire. “We need to do something,” he affirmed. Casey knew what she had to do. It was her only option to try to prevent any close encounters with chemicals like this.
Want to get tagged in upcoming chapters? Let me know!
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Twisted Fate the Card Master build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Never lost a fair game, or played one.
Twisted Fate is one of the oldest champions in the game and despite never being extensively changed he’s always found his way in and out of the meta. A very simple kit makes him a great champion for skill expression among pros.
There isn’t much reason for this build other than “I thought it would be cool.” Twisted Fate has always been a champ that I wanted to learn and while doing some brainstorming I felt it would be fun to try to make him in 5e!
It's all in the cards - Throwing cards aren’t the most practical choice of weapon, but they’re Tobias’ weapon of choice. By the way did you know that Twisted Fate’s real name is Tobias?
Shinin' gold - Twisted Fate’s iconic ability is to pick a card for either more damage, an AoE burst, or a stun. We’ll be taking all of them.
No fightin' destiny - It wouldn’t be Twisted Fate without the ability to teleport behind you. Nothing personnel, kid.
The people of the Serpentine River are human, and henceforth Twisted Fate’s a Variant Human with some card skills. You can increase two skills by 1: choose Dexterity and Intelligence for card reading and slight of hand. And for your skill you have to persuade people to sit at the table after all, so take Persuasion.
As for your Feat take the Observant feat to watch the cards: increase your Intelligence further and watch for any cheats at the table. And for your language there are no doubt a lot of sea creatures that speak Aquan in Bilgewater, so pick Primordial to speak to them and any other elementals.
15; DEXTERITY - Jack be nimble and Jack be quick, since you need mobility to survive in Bilgewater.
14; INTELLIGENCE - Poker is a game of smarts as well as luck, and while lady luck is smiling you also need your own skills.
13; CHARISMA - Not as high as I’d like but we need other skills more, and 13 is still more than enough to charm I’m sure.
12; WISDOM - Wisdom is tied to both Perception and Insight which you need to watch the cards.
10; CONSTITUTION - A little lower than I’d like (feel free to swap the 12 in WIS for this) but Twisted Fate’s hardly a tank.
8; STRENGTH - Again: Twisted Fate’s hardly a tank and it’s up to Malcolm to do the heavy lifting. (Oh god now I need to do a Graves build...)
Fun fact: Twisted Fate is a Gambler, which is a background in Acquisitions Incorporated. You get proficiency in Deception and Insight (not Slight of Hand, for some reason?!), one language (pick your poison), and one gaming set (which will of course be a Playing Card Set.)
Your feature is Never Tell Me the Odds, letting you scout out tables to swindle or more rough pirates who won’t take kindly to being scammed.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as an Artificer because I really like this class and we need both their saving throw proficiencies and their skill proficiencies for Slight of Hand and Perception at the table. You also get an Artisan’s Tool of your choice and I’d pick whatever since it really doesn’t matter.
As an Artificer you have Magical Tinkering which lets you do a bunch of fancy tricks to your cards. You touch a tiny non-magical object and can make it shine light, play a message, let out a smell or a sound, or change in visual appearance. Read over the ability to see everything you can do but the effect lasts indefinitely but you can only have a number of these active equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can touch an object you Tinkered with to end the property early but if you try to make a new one the oldest effect ends.
You also get access to Spellcasting as an Artificer. You get two cantrips from the Artificer list: Guidance will give you some luck with the cards and Acid Splash will let you throw out a red card for some AoE damage.
Artificer’s are a prepared spellcaster, meaning you can swap out your spells for others on the Artificer list at the end of a Long Rest. Regardless these spells will be suggestions for the most in-character spells to take: Detect Magic and Identify are both good to make sure no one’s cheating at the table, and Disguise Self is useful to hide in a crowd if needed.
Second level Artificers can Infuse Items to create a variety of magic items. As I say whenever I make an Artificer build I’d suggest picking Artificer Infusions that help your party but with only two levels we won’t be getting many.
The Returning Weapon infusion is the main one we’re here for. It lets you turn a thrown weapon magical and will cause it to return to your hand immediately after throwing it. Playing cards aren’t a “weapon” but a Dagger is pretty close, and it’s the only Finesse Thrown weapon you can take.
An Enhanced Arcane Focus is better if you want to go straight for spells. You don’t have any spell attacks yet but...
Is Graves asking you to look over his gun? Well pass him a Repeating Shot weapon so he doesn’t have to waste as much time reloading.
Fun fact: as an Artificer you can recreate common magic items from Xanathar’s Guide. Feel free to craft yourself some Loaded Dice with the Charlatan’s Die.
You can only make two of your infusions, and since one will be more-or-less permanently locked into Returning Weapon I’d choose your other option wisely.
You also get another spell: the Sanctuary spell will force any enemies that attack you to make a Wisdom save or be forced to attack someone else, which can be good in case they get pissed off when you swindle them. The effect does go away as soon as you attack though.
Now that we’ve got our cards it’s time to stack the deck. Level 1 Fighters can choose a Fighting Style and the Thrown Weapon Fighting style from the Class Feature Variants UA is perfect for a card-slinger. 
IF UA ISN’T ALLOWED see if they count Archery for thrown weapons. If not I’d probably opt for Dueling so if you get into a melee fight you won’t be completely defenseless.
You also get a Refillable Potion with Second Wind, letting you regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level once per short or long rest.
Level 2 Fighters can use their Stacked Deck to Action Surge, letting them take one additional action on their turn once per short or long rest. The cool thing about Action Surge as a spellcaster is that you can use the extra action to cast a spell and then attack or do something else, but you can only cast one leveled spell per turn. Why am I telling you this when most of your spells are utility-based? No particular reason.
Level 3 Fighters can choose their Martial Archetype and Battle Masters are great at card tricks. I assume because you’re throwing a knife not a playing card. Regardless Battle Masters are Students of War, letting them gain proficiency in one Artisan’s Tool of their choice. Again pick whatever or see if your DM can let you take a Gaming Set instead.
But more notably you Combat Superiority die. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s and regain any expended dice when you finish a short or long rest. You can use your Superiority die to do a variety of Maneuvers:
Trip Attack will be your golden ace in the hole. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier btw.) On a failed save, you knock the target prone. Note that knocking a target prone will make it harder to hit them with ranged attacks but it will make it easier for melee characters to hit them, and also slow them down for a moment.
If you’re fine with your stunned target moving then Distracting Strike will give your allies an opening to attack with Advantage, and also let you add the Superiority die to the damage.
Disarming Strike isn’t something TF can do in the Fields of Justice but it’s very in-flavor to knock the weapon out of an enemy’s hand (with a Strength save) and do some more damage.
That uneven Charisma score is annoying me, and you can’t be a silver-tongued swindler without the Silver-Tongued Feat from the Feats for Skills UA. Your Charisma score increases by 1 and you get Expertise in the Deception skill since you already had proficiency in it to begin with.
IF UA ISN’T ALLOWED feel free to grab the Prodigy Feat instead for Expertise in Deception (or Slight of Hand) and some more skills. This won’t increase your Charisma however so you’ll have to find another way to even out your ability scores.
In addition when you take the Attack action you can replace one attack with an attempt to deceive a humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you as long as they can also see and hear you. Make a Deception check contested by the target’s Insight: if you succeed your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from the target and your attack rolls against it have advantage; both benefits last until the end of your next turn or until you use this ability on a different target. If your check fails, the target can’t be deceived by you in this way for 1 hour.
You do only have one attack currently but with Action Surge this will let you have Advantage on that attack and any attack on your next turn. And speaking of extra attacks...
5th level Fighters can get value out of that silver tongue with an Extra Attack. This means that by replacing one attack with a Deception check you can get Advantage on three attacks over two turns, or up to five attacks if you Action Surge.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Now that we’ve got our deck it’s time to du-du-du-du-du for a date with Destiny. As a level 1 Wizard you get access to Spellcasting with 3 cantrips and 6 spells known. For your cantrips Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion will allow you to do some more card tricks and Friends will let you con your way through life with ease. As for your spells...
Color Spray will let you toss out a whole deck of cards, blinding your opponents with blues and reds.
Distort Value is good for any con, allowing you to make an item seem more valuble.
Ice Knife can be red, since it’ll explode in an AoE and chill your opponents. (But not slow them.)
Jim’s Magic Missile will let you throw out three cards that do considerably more Force damage than a regular Magic Missile.
Protection from Evil and Good can be good help for your partner in crime.
And Tenser’s Floating Disk will be helpful to haul all that loot.
You also get Arcane Recovery, letting you recover spell slots equal to half your Wizard level rounded up.
Now you’re probably wondering what Wizard Twisted Fate would be right? You’re thinking obviously Divination, or maybe Illusion? Perhaps even Enchantment to further the con?
Nope; Conjuration baby! Put bluntly Twisted Fate conjures cards into his hand, which you can do with Minor Conjuration. You spend an action to conjure up an inanimate object that’s no more than 3 feet cubed and weighs no more than 10 pounds. The object must look like a non-magical object you’ve seen before and is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet, and it lasts for 1 hour unless it takes damage or you use this feature again, so you can only have one fake card at a time. There’s a lot of really funky stuff you can do with this and it’s up to your creativity to make it shine!
For your spells of choice Magic Missile is a far more accurate blue card, and Feather Fall can help you make sure you don’t lose your hat.
3rd level Wizards can learn second level spells like Jim’s Glowing Card Coin to distract the table while you make your getaway and Darkvision, to help with the fact that your pitiful human eyes can’t see in the dark.
At 4th level you get an Ability Score Improvement: increase your Dexterity for more precise card throws and an easier time avoiding damage.
You also learn another Cantrip: seeing as we’re still a pitiful human who can’t see in the dark the Light spell will let you light up a golden card to illuminate the path ahead.
You also learn two spells: Hold Person will let you Paralyze (not stun!) a target for your teammates to beat them down and Misty Step to pickup Flash.
5th level Wizards can prepare third level spells like Melf’s Minute Meteors for a whole pack of red cards! As an action you create six floating red cards around your person and as a bonus action you can shoot one or two of them up to 120 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of the point where the card explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw or 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Alternatively if Malcom is looking for you grab the Nondectection spell to make hiding just a little bit easier when he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.
6th level Conjuration Wizards get Benign Transposition, allowing them to use an action to Flash up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. You can also instead choose a space within range that is occupied by a Small or Medium creature and swap places with them if they’re willing. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest or you cast a conjuration spell of 1st level or higher. Remember that this does take your action, meaning that you most likely can’t cast spells or attack after using this, but it’s still an insanely good utility.
You also learn more spells and I think everyone knows what Fireball is; full-AP red card go boom. If you’re looking for someone to give a date with Destiny then Clairvoyance will let you create a sensor in a familiar location to either see or hear what’s going on within.
7th level Wizards get access to 4th level spells, which is what we were looking for with Dimension Door. As an action you teleport up to 500 feet away to a location you can either visualize or describe. You can bring objects that you can carry and also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. This spell actually pairs very well with Clairvoyance that we got last level because you can use that spell to peek into an area so you can visualize it for Dimension Door.
For your second spell? Eh; how about you jump back to third level for Counterspell? You’ve gotta protect the gang after all. And remember that as a Wizard your spell list is only restricted by what spell scrolls you can find.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Now that we’ve finally made out date with Destiny it’s time to learn some more card tricks. 6th level Fighters get another Ability Score Improvement and we’re going to want to cap our Dexterity for sharper cards and thicker leather chaps.
7th level Battle Masters get one more Superiority Die and two more Maneuvers: Maneuvering Attack is great to set up an ambush, letting your jungler use their reaction to speed up at your command. Precision Attack helps if your opponent is building armor, letting you add your Superiority Die to your accuracy.
You can also spend one minute to Know Your Enemy. For every minute your study your enemy you can learn if any of the creature’s following stats are equal, superior, or inferior to you:
Strength score
Dexterity score
Constitution score
Armor Class
Current hit points
Total class levels (if any)
Fighter class levels (if any)
Considering that you have levels in Wizard this can be very useful to determine what saving throws to go for when you start the fight! Is their Dexterity equal to yours? Maybe don’t hit them with the DEX save. Is their AC high? Maybe do hit them with the DEX save.
8th level Fighter? Lady luck is smiling! Take the Lucky feat for an Ace up your sleeve when the going gets tough.
9th level Fighters get Indomitable, letting them reroll a failed Saving Throw once per Long Rest. Consider it a bit of Serpentine luck helping you when you really need it, so use it wisely; preferably on something you actually have a chance of rolling well on your save for?
10th level Battle Masters get Improved Combat Superiority dice, turning them into d10s. You also get two more Manuevers and we’ll be jumping over to the Class Feature Variants UA for Silver Tongue, letting you add your Superiority die to any Deception or Persuasion check you make. The Snipe meanwhile will let you sneak a card into your combo, allowing you to spend your Bonus Action to make a ranged weapon attack with the Superiority die, adding the dice to the damage if you hit. This can be a good way to sneak a bit more damage in if you teleport behind a squishy carry.
Our capstone is the 11th level of Fighter for a third Extra Attack, letting you attack three times per round or six times with Action Surge. If you activated Silver Tongued this equals a total of 5 attacks with Advantage over the course of two turns, or 8 attacks with Advantage if you use Action Surge! With that many cards in the deck someone’s going to have to fold.
Lady luck is smilin' - You have an immense amount of utility with magic and maneuvers to help you both in and out of combat; tons of mobility with Conjuration spells and a good bit of roleplay utility with some strong skills, a great passive perception, and Roguish proficiencies.
Cheater's just a fancy word for winner - If your DM allows you to use the Silver-Tongued feat then you’ll be making almost all your attacks with Advantage, allowing you to maximize your maneuvers. And +14 Deception is great for RP in its own right.
I never bluff - Despite having several abilities that only come back after a Long Rest you’re quite capable of surviving on just Short Rests and Refillable Potions. With Arcane Recovery giving you back up to 4 levels worth in spell slots, Benign Transposition coming back whenever you use a Conjuration spell, and all your Fighter abilities coming back on a Short rest you can keep trucking on even after a bad teamfight.
Nobody touches the hat - Wizard levels plus a 0 in Constitution results in about a hundred health. Invest in some Ruby Crystals (Amulet of Health) when you can or else you’re just a Power Word: Kill away from death.
All or nothin' - Throwing knives honestly aren’t that practical as a ranged weapon. If you don’t mind not having a melee backup try making a Repeating (Cross)bow instead.
Only a fool plays the hand he's dealt - The biggest truth however is that the 2 levels in Artificer really doesn’t do much for you. All you get is a bunch of spells you could’ve gotten from Wizard and the Returning Dagger. If you have a reliable way to get some throwing cards (either from a DM or an allied Artificer giving you a more reliable ranged weapon) I’d suggest splitting those two Artificer levels among Fighter and Wizard for more Ability Score Improvements and a 20 in Intelligence.
But you can work well alone and with a crew. You’re the ace in the hole for any party, even a party of 1. Keep your cards close to your chest and play what you need at the right time. Just be sure to know when to put down your cards and pull out the big guns.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New Written Review from Mike Crowley on You’ll Probably Agree: 10 Reasons Why ‘Blade Runner 2049’ is better than ‘Blade Runner’
If you haven’t’ seen the movie, see it then read this. No intro, let’s jump right in.
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1. K is a replicant
The reveal of K’s genetic code, or lack thereof, flips everything we assume the movie will be on its head. We are learning along with K what it means to exist. Do we as humans, live like replicants? Do we obey a society that treats us like trash but breath anyways out of the fear of death? Where we viewed “Blade Runner” mostly through Deckard’s eyes who didn’t have much of a personality, K’s lack of a character is his entire purpose for existing. For K to emote is to face death.
Where Harrison Ford’s Deckard entire arc was us questioning if he’s human or not (despite what Ridley Scott unequivocally says), there’s nothing much of substance to Officer Deckard. He gets drunk, retires replicants, that’s it. Name one thing that makes Deckard standout? I’ll wait. Ryan Gosling’s Officer K goes from a machine that is dying spiritually on the inside to someone wanting to have a purpose in life. All while maintaining his composure, if perhaps too much poise for the film. Anything with a conscious can feel. Whether or not how it was made is as relevant as where you were born or what skin color you are. The importance is that you’re here.
K doesn’t seek gratitude nor affirmation. He doesn’t suffer from a narcissistic personality. All he wants is not just to be another useless piece of metal.
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2. Deckard has depth this time
Being a daddy changes you a lot. Rick isn’t just a slouchy drunk who likes to shoot robots out of legal obligation. He’s a man who’s principles and love for forbidden things cost him his life. What kind of soul did Deckard have in the first film? Who did he care for? Please don’t say, Rachel, we all know why he was attracted to Rachel. Like Winston in 1984, Deckard rejects Big Brother for a life of pain to gain a glimmer of happiness. 
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3. It’s horrifyingly relevant
Denis Villeneuve based the imagery in 2049 on a planet that has become degraded with pollution. The buildings are extrapolating enormous amounts of water into the atmosphere, the sea wall at the end of the picture will be our new Mount Rushmore, the orange Vegas is happening now. Denis Villeneuve didn’t predict the earth looking like this, but his production team was still spot on. A picture that transcends its very style, developing a look that will be discussed on its merits separate from the ubiquitous original, is a stunning achievement.
Everything isn’t dystopian because that’s the way it was in the book. It’s what will happen to us in real life, why we’d look for colonies to live on if we had the technology or funding towards NASA to do so. God help us all.
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4. The love story questions the essence of relationships
The story between K and Joi further examines the meaning of love, sex, and mortality, with the two being different versions of artificiality. When the default sexed-up version of a naked Joy pops up on the screen, we are emotionally mortified. Some of us may be repulsed to observe a character we care for utilized like a thirsty Godzilla.
The towering ad tries to seduce K tempting him to buy it, rendering everything Joi said to K throughout the picture questionable. Its manipulation solidifies his final decision in life to help another man. We’re not sure if she loved him or said what it thought it wanted him to hear throughout the narrative. Possibly Joi herself didn’t know her intentions. An unusual amount of nuance and uncertainty rests in the love story. Who do we love? Why do we love? Do we love by the heart or the heart of our designers whom we don’t know?
Meanwhile, Deckard was just drunk and horny when he bashed Rachel up against the wall. Sorry, that really was all there was to their passion despite what Wallace says.
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5. The movie was an honest commentary about how the world views woman
Here’s a controversial one. A lot of women were disgusted by the way they were depicted in the film. Outwardly watching the movie, I can’t blame them. I’ll let Mr. Villeneuve speak for himself. “I am very sensitive to how I portray women in movies. This is my ninth feature film and six of them have women in the lead role. The first Blade Runner was quite rough on the women, something about the film noir aesthetic. But I tried to bring depth to all the characters. For Joi, the holographic character, you see how she evolves. It’s interesting, I think. What is cinema? Cinema is a mirror on society. Blade Runner is not about tomorrow; it’s about today. And I’m sorry, but the world is not kind on women.”
Villeneuve is right. Women today are still sexualized. Even with the Me Too movement, women are continually seen as sex objects or subservient slaves in a male-dominated society. Villeneuve isn’t interested in painting a rosy picture that Hollywood does for female roles to make the audiences feel comfortable. It’s an honest reflection on who we are. What we see is what we don’t want to see, but that’s part of the honesty of cinema.
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6. The score is mesmerizing
Another point in which I may face some contention. Yes, Vangelis’ score is iconic, but it only works for the era it was composed in. Much of its mixture of bleeps, blops, and wind chimes are a product of its time. A lot of emotion is missing from the score other than the opening theme and “Tears In Rain.” Hearing much of the soundtrack while on the road, I sometimes thought I was listening to something from a porno. Take a listen to “Wait For Me” in the soundtrack and tell me otherwise. Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Walfisch’s score is timeless while also paying respect to Vangelis’ synthetic use in the original. It dives into the character’s mind providing a replication of something more human than what Vangelis composed.
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7. It thematically ties more directly to “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” than “Blade Runner” does.
“Blade Runner” got the overall gist of Phillip K Dick’s novel. Replicants are scared, trying to find a way to survive as Deckard hunts them down. However, the Andies in the movie almost deserve to die. In their quest for more life, they torture and kill multiple civilians. What did the guy making the eyes do to deserve being frozen to death? What about J.R. Sebastian? He was nothing but pleasant to Roy and Pris. Did Roy eye gauge him when he was done with Tyrell?
Aside from Luv (Sylvia Hoeks), our replicants are fully rounded people. Sapper Morton is a watchful protector who was meant to be a NEXUS 8 combat medic; Joi’s true intentions come into question for herself and us. K’s inner conflict is the central core of the story. All of this revolves around the meaning of existence within a world that has forgotten about you. The introduction of Robo procreation is an evolution of Dick’s ideas, widening his notion of why life exists in the first place.
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8. It doesn’t get lost in the scale
Many sequels love scope over characters. Remember “The Matrix”? Remember how they talked about Zion and all these other things we didn’t see? When the sequels brought in Zion, the focus got lost in the spectacle. “The Matrix Reloaded” was a bumbling CGI mess of Agent Smith Clones and cave orgies. “The Matrix Revolutions” was a glorified “Space Invaders” game. Shoot as many sentinels as you can before becoming overwhelmed. Amidst the sequels bumbling chaos, I missed the smaller scale of the Nebuchadnezzar crew.
The story of “2049” could have focused on the replicant uprising with thousands of robots slamming into humans. We could have gone off-world to finally see what all these other colonies we’ve heard about are like. Some have argued that the movie could have borrowed some of its source material from the later novels about replicants creating humans, so on and so forth. All of that sounds incredible in theory. In execution, you would likely get “The Matrix” sequels.
A movie that overreaches in scope, attempting to please fans by showing everything. What we got was an incredibly meaningful story that further explores the themes of the original while building upon its world without going too far. We see what’s beyond L.A. on the dilapidated west coast. The answer is not much. The film aims at minimalism over extravaganza.
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9. We’re still talking about it
After being MIA for decades, “Blade Runner 2049” isn’t forgotten. I can’t say the same for “Superman Returns,” “Monsters University,” “The Incredibles 2,” “Live Free or Die Hard,” and “Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull.” In fairness, people do talk about Indy 4, but not in a positive fashion. “Blade Runner 2049” returned to the limelight with disastrous box office results yet high accolades, even gaining the Academy’s attention. Ironically it seemed destined to live the life of its predecessor.
“2049” may have tanked because it was a multimillion-dollar art film that respected its audience’s intelligence. Maybe “Blade Runner” was too far gone amongst the public to gain an interest geared almost entirely towards comic books and Disney. I think the trailers after the reveal teaser looked too generic for my own two cents, turning me off from the film for a short while.
Here we are with Honest Trailers in 2020, making a video about a film that came out in 2017. Bloodsoaked orange skies from the headlines mention the atmosphere of this film. Somewhere, about 100 other people are writing their analysis of “Blade Runner 2049” as I type right now. Seven years from now, we’ll be talking about why the world is still like “Blade Runner 2049.” Villeneuve made a timeless sequel to be remembered.
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10. It’s better than the first film and one of the best films in the last ten years
Here’s why you’ll probably agree with this one when you put your pitchfork down. Remove your nostalgia goggles. I know it’s hard to do, please, trust me. Look at the points I made above. Think about how ironic the love story is to our lives. The layers of meaning behind K’s existence is lightyears beyond the featureless Rick Deckard. The picture isn’t flawless. Niander Wallace is spectacularly corny in his scenery-chewing grim monologues. Dr. Eldon Tyrell had some ambiguity regarding the morale of his intentions. For that, I’ll give the original the benefit of my doubt. I understand Ryan Gosling was cast to be intentionally deadpan, but it’s okay to emote once. His distant stare in all of his other performances made it difficult for me to discern myself from the actor’s rather dull persona.
With this said, “Blade Runner 2049” understands cinema. Its atmosphere is why we venture into a dark room that takes us to a different place. Denis Villeneuve’s masterful follow up is one of the most orgasmic cinematic experiences I have witnessed in the last ten years that demands a re-screening in 2022 when theatres reopen at an entirely safe capacity. The style doesn’t overshadow its substance, which is far richer in detail than the original without grasping at blatant metaphors. “Blade Runner 2049” is slow cinema at its finest, letting us into the character’s heads, knowing when to be quiet and when to be loud.
Like “The Empire Strikes Back,” not everyone appreciated the movie at first. Time has been incredibly kind to it, though. I wish the Academy recognized “Blade Runner 2049” beyond its technical marvels in 2018. I suppose it wasn’t the type of picture that catches Oscar voter’s eyes. But it has acquired the audience’s to this day. Now, if you could just look up and to the left for me?
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ranger-report · 4 years
Review: THE WITCHER (2007)
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With the recent popularity of The Witcher across mass media thanks to the Netflix series starring Henry Cavill and his arms, I finally began what I consider an epic quest to play through all three of the Witcher games and their DLC. This is, by no means, a small task, but you know I might as well sacrifice myself in the name of entertainment. So I began to play The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, a PC game released in 2007 based on the books of the same name written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Now that I’ve beaten it I have quite a few things to say about it. But, first thing’s first, and that is easily the most obvious aspect of this game:
It has not aged well. Not at all.
To begin with, the graphics of the game are very 2007. A product of seventh generation graphical technology to be sure, it doesn’t help that it’s running on BioWare’s Aurora engine, which was notoriously difficult to use outside BioWare’s own house. There’s all kinds of graphical glitches, people pass through objects, character models and textures are fuzzy and sometimes plasticine, facial animations are sometimes downright frightening. There’s also the fact that the game reuses the same character model for multiple characters, both important and unimportant, leading me to confusion sometimes as I swore I just saw that goddamn priest I just killed wandering around the city. Except now there’s two of him. And all the merchants look the same, too! This being the enhanced edition there’s a number of upgrades and clarity that’s been added in to the experience, but it’s still dated for better or worse. What has aged well is the use of impressionistic paintings for the purpose of certain cutscenes, adding an extra dose of epic quality to some of the goings-ons. This also includes more “intimate endeavors” Geralt can engage in. Long story short, there’s a lot of women in this game who are willing to throw themselves at Geralt, and if you play the cards right you can get down to business pretty quickly. Sometimes too quickly; one time I brought a woman a loaf of bread and she had sex with Geralt. It was confusing and out of left field. But each encounter comes with a brief piece of tasteful nude artwork of the lady in question as blurred models bump and grind in the background. And, to be completely honest, the artwork is really well done. Although it is very jarring to play a game where sex workers are clearly labeled “whores” and “hookers,” most of the women have a good amount of agency in the proceedings, particularly the two primary romance options, Triss and Shani. Geralt can actually romance these two women to the point of committed relationship, which is refreshing to see that sex is not just a reward for “romancing” a character in a game, but something the characters enjoy, while the romance comes from genuinely caring about someone.
Despite the graphical despondency, main characters fare slightly better, as anyone who needs to be easily recognizable is, and are crafted with much more detail and fine tuning than regular NPCs. While this is fine, sometimes finding these characters is a chore and a half. The Witcher has a day/night cycle, and characters follow this, but when my map is telling me I need to be in one place to meet up with someone, I can’t count that they will actually be there depending on the time of day. And I can’t artificially move the time of day forward unless I have a campfire to meditate at. Meditation is an interesting mechanic, btw, as it basically acts as Geralt “sleeping” and also functions as your chance to level up and distribute talents. On paper, I’m okay with that. In reality, campfires and places to sleep are few and far between, unless you’re close to an inn or someone who doesn’t mind you crashing at their place. And oftentimes you’re running back and forth in linear paths across deceptively open areas, back and forth and back and forth in what can only best be described as tedium when you’ll approach the quest marker on your map, only to find no one there, and need to hoof it back to a fireplace to change the time again. This can also lead to extra consternation if the game crashes, which it did a handful of times during my fifty hours of gametime. Save often.
And, finally, there’s the combat. For better or worse, it’s an exercise in clicking on people to attack them, then clicking again at the right time when your icon changes in order to string together combos. That’s fine. Combat is also divided into three styles between two swords: strong, fast, and group style, with steel blade and silver blade. Strong and fast styles speak for themselves; group style is for when you’re surrounded and need to attack everyone around you. Steel blade is for humans, silver blade for monsters. Sounds simple right? It is -- too simple. Clicking on people is as easy as that, with little interaction otherwise. Sure, you have to figure out which style to use on which enemies, and you can couple in Signs (magic spells) to make your life easier, but repeatedly clicking on people to whack away is bland at best, frustrating at worst. Later on when you can level up your sword styles to include more powerful/deadly moves it becomes more challenging, but even then it remains a strange exercise in an odd hybrid of real time/tactical combat.  Finding oneself surrounded can lead to death quickly, so if you’re not paying attention, you can go from overpowered madman to witcher meat in seconds. Literally seconds: enemies I would have no problem with one-on-one, or even two-on-one, suddenly escalate to an unstoppable force the moment that three or more come in for an attack. The game has a way of forcing Geralt into combat situations without warning as well, making it easy to be thoroughly unprepared for a deadly gangbang around a corner and a cutscene. The game also doesn’t have much of an autosave system, meaning that if you haven’t been hitting that quicksave button very often, there’s a deep chance you could get your ass handed to you and reload a ways back from where you were. Easily the biggest frustration for me in terms of playing the game. Enemies will stack status effects to clobber you; Geralt will attack and get hit; sometimes you can stagger enemies and one-hit kill them, but enemies can still attack while Geralt goes through the slow kill animation. I don’t know how many times I cursed the game in anguish as I was forced to reload yet again after a fourth monster swept in out of nowhere, or the one monster I was fighting decided to get in a Stun attack, then proceed to own my ass. Pausing the game at any time using the space bar can help to get bearings, but you can’t execute commands while paused. Saving in combat isn’t allowed either, so if a big fight starts and you realize you haven’t saved in a while, you’re screwed. Couple this frustration with the intensely boring act of clicking on monsters over and over again to fight them, and here we have the biggest weakness of the whole product.
That being said -- is the game worth playing in 2020? Despite being 13 years of age and regarded as the least accessible game in the franchise, what it brings to the table is a surprisingly effective storyline that involves subject matter which is shockingly relevant. Racial tension. Class war. Plague. Quarantine. Riots. Gray morals. Strange creatures. Frustration. Difficulty spikes. Blurred lines between human and monster. If that sounds hauntingly familiar, it’s probably because that sums up the first half of the year 2020. To say that I was expecting a 13-year-old game to reflect the state of current events would be a massive lie; in fact, at the outset of the game, I was struggling to maintain interest at all. However, as time goes, the story and the choices made are what end up being the game’s biggest strength, and ultimately its salvation.
The story opens up simply enough: Geralt of Rivia, our titular witcher, has been found in a near-death state and nursed back to health by his fellow witchers and former lover, the sorceress Triss Merigold. Coming back from the dead has cost him his memories, however, and the amnesiac Geralt is quickly plunged into conflict as a group of mercenaries called Salamandra attack the witchers’s base to steal the secrets of their mutations. Swords clash, magic flies back and forth, and Geralt is tasked with giving chase in order to retrieve the mutagenic formulae so they can’t be used for harm.
A great conceit in this is that Geralt having no memory of his past allows anyone unfamiliar with the world to gently ease in and learn about the world as he does. The game is set after the events of the books, so this gives an added bonus to readers already knowledgable of events. And as the player learns more about Geralt and his world, a variety of choices come into play. Most RPGs have this option to allow player freedom in telling a story, but unforseen consequences follow every decision; whether they come into play immediately or further down the road remains to be seen, but there’s a ripple effect that goes above and beyond the usual Choose Your Own Adventure details which essentially craft your character into a good guy or a bad guy. What’s brilliant about this is that the game never hints at this; it isn’t until the game breaks away into a cutscene with monologue does Geralt realize how his choices crafted this specific moment. For example, in the Salamandra attack, Geralt can choose to fight off a horrific monster or help Triss defend the witcher laboratory. Depending on that choice, some characters may live or die, and the game will let you know that when it wants to....usually to hammer home a point.
What works to this being the strength of the game even further is the deep narrative, which is often times complex to the point of frustration. But the story develops at a natural pace, and never presents any choice as being right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. The main gist is that the human city of Vizima is under quarantine, fighting off a vicious plague, but also defending itself from the rise of nonhuman freedom fighters comprised of elves and dwarves. The city is divided on this, particularly in class division, with any nonhuman residents living in the slum quarter, while the affluent humans live exclusively in the market quarter. There are humans in the slums too, make no mistake, but it’s very apparent who is allowed to live where. However, the game makes no stance on this whatsoever; Geralt is presented with a series of choices based on the information at hand, and as the game goes on, comes closer and closer to choosing a side between the freedom fighters or the humans as tensions comes to a head with violence. Every action has a consequence, positive or negative, but also depending on who the consequences affect. Questions of moral arise; what truly defines a monster? Is it appearance, or is it action? It’s difficult to really spell it out further without diving into spoilers, as the story should be experienced first hand without any warning. That being said, it’s refreshing to play through a game in which the character is clearly defined as being the hero, but then forces the player to ask if their actions are truly heroic or actually damaging in the quest to destroy the greater evil.
In closing, The Witcher is a mixed bag. Narratively, it’s a stellar effort that swings for the fences and sticks the landing. From a gameplay perspective, it’s a dated game that’s sometimes a chore to play through, even to the point of dire frustration. But it’s one that I can cautiously recommend. While it certainly took me six or so hours to finally believe that I had the hang of it -- I didn’t -- struggling through the first quarter of the game can yield beautiful results, especially once it rolls into the final, jaw-dropping conclusion. What I will say is that it really beats you over the head with your choices, even the ones you didn’t know you were making, and holds up a mirror to ask if your decisions were really for the greater good or not. Outstanding work in that regard. I’m looking forward to playing The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings now that I’ve beaten this, and someday I’ll even come back to see the paths I could have taken. Just with tempered expectations this time around.
Final score: 7/10
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argentdandelion · 5 years
How to Add Angst to the Pacifist Route
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Warning: Mentions some very dark angst indeed.
While comparing and contrasting music videos for Undertale Genocide and Pacifist Routes, the author noticed something: the Genocide Route music videos are often better. This could be because the Pacifist Route videos, unlike the Genocide Route ones, are often devoid of emotional weight, complexity, and stakes, ending up less tonally nuanced than the game itself.
One should pay a little more attention to canon details (Frisk actually dies! A lot!) or make reasonable extrapolations to how it would feel in-universe.
(While this article was originally designed for music videos, it is also useful for fanfictions and fan comics.)
1. Frisk is basically an unstoppable, time-warping deity on a rampage of mercy.
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Flowey: Why are you being so nice to me? Art by Golzy Blade Dee/Golzy
Frisk never stays dead for long because of their (possibly single-minded) determination to survive and achieve their goals. Frisk can take a direct hit from a god's super-powerful blast, and hold on by a fraction of a point of health. Even if said god outright shatters Frisk's soul, Frisk simply refuses to die. Frisk’s determination apparently can warp fate itself and break all barriers, including, well, the barrier. In essence, Frisk is an unstoppable, unkillable abomination. This would all be terrifying if Frisk weren’t a loving goody two-shoes pacifist....as it is in the Genocide Route. However, even a goody two-shoes Frisk who has never killed anyone, ever, can be frightening. Undyne could easily feel scared when a human child with no known combat experience effortlessly blocks all her attacks.
Then there’s Frisk’s rampage of mercy. Frisk can forgive and befriend anyone, even people who tried to kill them, even those who tried to kill them repeatedly. Why? What does Frisk know that others don’t? Is Frisk on some other level of morality entirely?
It’s not that far-fetched to feel suspicious of people who are too good: after all, some people find the utterly wholesome and compassionate Mr. Rogers unnerving. What would it feel to face off against Frisk, a person one was trying to kill all of ten seconds ago, only to be spared over and over? Flowey himself seems terrified by Frisk’s incomprehensible mercy, as it’s so against the worldview he’s built and his own lack of compassion. He cries, and says: “Why are you being so nice to me?”
One way to make this even more terrifying is to keep Frisk’s face completely neutral at all times, giving a sense of detachment between them and others. (see sample image, where their face is obscured) It makes one wonder: is Frisk truly good, or is it all an act they’re compelled to perform?
2. Frisk endures a lot of pain (and death) when, sometimes, it would be so much easier to kill their foes.
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Even when played by an exceptionally skilled player, Frisk will die many times. (due to the inevitable deaths in the Omega Flowey battle) An easy way to add angst to the Pacifist Route is to linger on this gruesome fact. Just because Frisk can come back as many times as they want doesn’t mean it’s easy and painless. How does it feel to die? To hear one’s very SOUL snap in half?
The attacks, too, are surely painful. One could add some realism through attacks having physical effects. For example, when fighting Toriel, Frisk’s clothing and eyebrows could get singed, and they could sweat from either nervousness or the room gradually heating up from all the fire. Or, for more intensity, Frisk’s clothes could catch fire and they’d have to put it out, or Frisk could suffer minor burns just from getting too close to fireballs. The most angsty option of all, for really dark works, is for Frisk to know what it’s like to burn to death, with all its gruesome details.
This angst isn’t completely out of the blue: Flowey expects Frisk to feel terror and agony as he traps them and kills them over and over. One could also make Frisk feel shocked or baffled when returning to life, with phantom pains and injuries even through their HP is fine. Perhaps rewinding time would even make them feel disoriented, or nauseous, or even fill them with existential wrongness.
All throughout this, Frisk would have to wonder: is it worth it to die over and over? Is it worth reviving Undyne, someone so openly out for their blood who has, in fact, killed them multiple times? Wouldn’t it be easier, and so much less painful, to kill rather be killed? Perhaps Frisk can make an exception, just this once, for a particularly aggressive or unforgivable monster. How much do they have to turn the other cheek for people who want them dead?
3. Frisk feels a crushing sense of responsibility to do the right thing for everyone, to give everyone’s story a happy ending.
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YES       ❤ NO
As anyone vaguely familiar with Spider-Man would know, with great power comes great responsibility. To do the Pacifist Route, Frisk would have to care about the monsters and feel dissatisfied with their fate, to the point of trapping themselves underground and risking getting hurt (and dying) repeatedly. For maximum angst, one can make it one of the worst Neutral endings, all the way to the near-Genocide Queen Alphys ending.
What if, out of a sense of responsibility for monsters’ happiness and security, Frisk resets/reloads repeatedly? What if “good” isn’t good enough?
Some players, hoping to save Asriel, play the game many times. In some works, Frisk does the same, even breaking the rules of the universe for it. For the sake of angst, one could easily make Frisk motivated by guilt: they can’t stand to leave Asriel behind or let him turn back into a soulless flower. That just brings up another guilty angle: why is Frisk so kind? Why did Frisk climb a mountain it’s said no one ever returns from?
In a Post-Pacifist work, Frisk might become a control freak who requires perfect relations between humans and monsters. After a mild diplomatic gaffe (e.g., a monster spilling punch on a human diplomat), Frisk might reload and relive several hours’ worth of a diplomatic event just to prevent that from happening. One could easily make Frisk a secretly lonely, anxiety-prone hero because of the immense responsibility. Perhaps, after seeing the same predictable responses, Frisk would become like Flowey, and reduce everyone to roles to play. Yet, Frisk would still do good, though more by reflex than actual compassion.
4. Frisk is alone in their power and knowledge.
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Frisk is the only one who can rewind time. That’s a lot of power and responsibility for anyone, and certainly for a child who didn’t even choose to have that ability.
With no possible mentors (if they don’t ask Flowey), how will they learn how and when to use their power effectively? In-game, the player goes back to a previous point either by closing the game and opening it up again or when Frisk’s HP goes to zero. However, as there’s not really an in-game explanation for closing and re-opening the game window, Frisk may only know how to reload by dying.
This could be played for morbid humor, such as Frisk wondering what a Tide Pod tastes like, or massive angst. For maximum angst (risking over-the-top grimdark status, which I don't recommend), Frisk feeling the need to painfully reload every time something goes even slightly wrong could, over time, reduce their will to live—the very determination that enables that power. Frisk's very sense of self-preservation might erode: for example, they might idly wonder how many lethal food allergies and how to test them all. If one wants to get really, really dark, someone could catch Frisk trying to reload in some horrible way, and Frisk would have to explain themselves.
The only one who can understand what it’s like to control the timeline, to die over and over, and potentially to feel an existence estranged from others is Flowey. Depending on how much Frisk knows about Flowey and Frisk’s understanding of morality, Frisk may simply consider Flowey ‘evil’. If Flowey has this power and is evil, or got this power and then became evil, what if Frisk feels doomed to become evil someday, too?
For extra angst, Frisk may come to be more like Flowey in worldview or behavior and not even know, because they’ve never done a Genocide Route/never so far into the route. More sympathetically, Flowey became a lonely wreck partly because he spent so much time exhausting the possibilities of the Underground. At first, Frisk might reload only when something bad happens. But what if Frisk gets curious about alternate paths, and what would happen if they said something else instead? That would be a step towards Flowey.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Washington: Muslim who shot six women, killing 1 at Seattle Jewish center is now a prison imam
Palestinian Muslim immigrant Naveed Haq shot six women, leaving one dead and five seriously injured, including one who was 17 weeks pregnant. Now he’s an imam.
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What could go wrong? And how does the prison allow a terrorist who killed for Islam to become the prison imam?
G. Jeffrey MacDonald writing for Religion News Service makes every attempt, on his own or on behalf of the Jew-killing Naveed Haq, to rationalize Haq’s jihad on a Seattle Jewish center.
AIRWAY HEIGHTS, Wash. (RNS) — Naveed Haq remembers July 28, 2006, well, even if he doesn’t want to.
He packed two handguns, ammunition and a combat knife into a laptop case and drove to McDonald’s for what he thought would be his last meal: Hotcakes, a cheese McMuffin and a Coke.
Then, filled with fury, Haq began his three-and-a-half-hour drive to Seattle from central Washington to open fire on the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, where later that day he shot six women, leaving one dead and five seriously injured, including one who was 17 weeks pregnant.
He was convicted of murder, attempted murder and a hate crime. Now 11 years into his imprisonment, Haq is the new imam for the Airway Heights Correctional Main Facility in Airway Heights, Wash. In his new role, he’s trying to lead by example in conveying remorse to those he hurt.
“I have to make some right out of my terrible wrongs,” Haq said via email after an in-person visit from Religion News Service. “I have deep regrets for killing and maiming innocent people. I will spend the rest of my life trying to rectify my misdeed as much as possible.”
Despite a no-contact order that prevents Haq from contacting his victims, he wrote eight “accountability letters” to his victims last year. Over 37 pages, he apologized to individual victims and to the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Victims can be notified when an inmate leaves a letter, according to the prison system’s victim services program. None of Haq’s victims have asked to be notified, however, and none have asked to read the letters he’s submitted.
“To really make amends I have to be innovative,” he said. “For me, it is the right thing to do.”
Shooting victim Cheryl Stumbo declined to comment. Others either could not be located or did not respond. The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle did not respond to RNS queries.
Forgiveness might not be forthcoming. Rabbi Joshua Stanton, founding co-editor of the Journal of Interreligious Studies and rabbi at East End Temple in Manhattan, said when it comes to forgiveness, Judaism focuses on actions rather than words.
“The burden is on Mr. Haq to demonstrate a genuine and profound change of being through his deeds in an ongoing way,” Stanton said. “Even when a perpetrator genuinely does change, the burden is not placed on victims or their families to forgive.”
Haq told his story recently in a two-hour interview with RNS while prison guards stood watch and other inmates visited nearby with parents, girlfriends and children. What he recalled was a troubled man’s journey into hate-filled terrorism.
When Haq opened fire on the Jewish Federation in 2006, it was at the height of  the Lebanon War. He had grown up feeling isolated, he said, as his family was one of the few Muslim families in the Tri-Cities area of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland. He said he only understood Jews in the context of a cultural rivalry.
“I didn’t understand that Jews were people too,” he said.
Perusing the internet one day, he learned that the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle had sponsored a Walk for Israel.
“I thought, ‘Women and children are being killed by the Israeli military in Lebanon and Palestine and this group is sponsoring a ‘Walk for Israel,’” he said.
Haq was eager to kill, he said. And with mounting debt, a failed marriage, a collapsing career and severe mental health issues, he was also eager to die.
“I had completely failed at society,” he said. “I had given society my best shot.”
On his way to Seattle that day, he pulled over and hiked down an embankment to practice shooting the .40- and .45-caliber handguns he had loaded the night before. Then he reloaded his weapons and continued his journey, praying for forgiveness as he drove.
When he got there, the doors to the Jewish Federation were locked. He hit the buzzer, ducked out of sight from the surveillance camera and with his .40 Ruger in hand, and waited. Within minutes, a 13-year-old girl walked to the buzzer. Haq pointed the gun at her.
“This is a holdup,” he said. “Let me in.” She obeyed. Haq made her lead him up the stairs to the federation’s newspaper office. He asked to see the manager, then began shooting. After the rampage and trial, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole, plus 120 years.
L. Gregory Jones, professor of theology and Christian ministry at Duke Divinity School, said it’s common in most religions for someone to eventually become motivated to seek forgiveness and acknowledge their wrongdoings.
“After enough time, the pangs of the conscience begin to work on someone to repent,” he explained. “Most commonly they seek forgiveness from those wronged and from their relatives. It’s understandable that he (Haq) would seek it. I think the yearning for reconciliation is a natural human desire.”
Haq said he wasn’t truly ready to seek forgiveness until now because he had to “unlearn the hate” he had in his heart.
He became the facility’s imam in April when his fellow Muslim inmates agreed he was the most qualified. Among his peers, he had the most Arabic memorized, showed good character and demonstrated remorse for his crimes.
“I have interacted with Jewish prisoners and I learned about their community,” he said. “I now understand that my thinking was deeply flawed. I no longer feel the desperation and hopelessness that I felt, which led to my crime. I am no longer the same ignorant man I was 11 years ago.”
He spent the first six years behind bars sleeping his life away, he said, before a prison psychiatrist adjusted his medication and diagnosed him with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. Since then Haq has earned 35 prison educational certificates as well as a paralegal certificate.
“After wasting so many years, I became a man in a hurry,” he said.
However, Jones said Haq’s victims may not be ready to forgive. He noted the passage from C.S. Lewis’ “Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer,” which reads, “Last week while at prayer, I suddenly discovered — or felt as if I did — that I had really forgiven someone I had been trying to forgive for over 30 years.”
“It took 30 years for someone as good of a person as C.S Lewis to forgive,” Jones said. “There’s a timefulness that people need to reach that … but there shouldn’t be pressure put on the victim to do it on anybody’s timetable other than their own.”
If he were really repentant, wouldn’t he leave Islam rather than become an imam who is commanded to bring others to Islam and repeatedly pray curses on non-Muslims?
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epickendall · 5 years
The Summer of Del'goxoth part 20
Sam didn't know how to feel for the moment right now, of course, she is happy that Danny is back at home safe and sound and he's ready to help to deal with the ghosts that have been running loose in Amity Park. On the other hand, Danny brought a girl from Gravity Falls that no clue who she is. Sam knew that there something between Danny and Wendy that they were becoming more than friends when she looked at the two looked at each other but for her sake and Danny Sam going to put this feeling aside which can be hard for her.
"So Wendy how did you and Danny met?" said Maddie
"Well Mrs. Fenton me and Danny first met where he had a whole identity for his disguised," said Wendy
"Which is?" said Tucker
"I wore a blonde wig, red hoodie, and the identity was River Robertson," said Danny
"You in a blonde wig I got to see that,"
"Anyway after we met I offer the tour of my town he accepted, and I showed him around," said Wendy
"After that we became friends," said Danny
"Then, how did you know that River was actually Danny," said Sam.
"After the tour, I chase after a ghost when that got away I change back to my human form, and my wig falls off, and Wendy saw the whole thing,"
"I was kinda pissed at for lying to me, but the next day he explains the whole situation about the cult and the FBI I forgive him and understanding the situation,"
"So what is it like in Gravity Falls Wendy?" said Valerie
"It's peaceful and has its quirks it can be weird at times,"
"I think we save the question for Wendy later after we deal with this ghost mess," said Jack
"Dad right we need to capture all the ghosts before they destroy the town," said Danny
"So do you guys have any thermos left to use," said Wendy
"We do, but Jack and I have a better idea before you, Val and Danny show up," said Maddie
Jack then shows everyone a large silver rectangular device with a green line straight in the middle.
"What is it?" said Valerie
"It's the Fenton Grabber," Jack said Proudly.
"The Fenton Grabber grabs any ghost near it and chains them together then drag them into it," said Maddie
"Isn't a bit big to carry around?" said Danny
"No worries this thing is going on top of the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle it'll take a few minutes to attach The Fenton Grabber on it," said Jack
"Alright then,"
While Jack and Maddie put The Fenton Grabber on the Fenton Family, Ghost Assault Vehicle in the garage Danny talked to Tucker, and Valerie Sam approaches Wendy.
"Hey Wendy got a sec," said Sam
"Yeah sure what you need Sam," said Wendy
"I got question do you have any feelings for Danny?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you like-like Danny?"
Wendy blushed at Sam question she knew that Sam is both his Ex and best friend so decide at least be truthful to Sam "Yeah I kinda like-like Danny not because he's a superhero and famous I think he's a great guy to hang around with like how sweet and caring he is,"
Sam sighs "just do me a favor Wendy if guys do to start dating just be a better girlfriend then I was when we were dating promise me that,"
"I promise Sam,"
"Alright everyone the Fenton Grabber is attached to the Rv let's get rolling!" Jack shouted from the garage
The teens go to the garage to see the Fenton Grabber on the Rv Wendy was blown away of the Rv.
"Danny, your parents, are the coolest," said Wendy
"I know," said Danny
Everyone gets in the Rv Maddie hit the garage door opener in the Rv, and the Rv drove out of the garage onto the streets ready to combat the ghosts.
Elsewhere in Amity Park Washington looked for any clues on where The Leader might be at then Washington see in an alleyway a white limo with the limo driver wearing all blue suit looking through binoculars on top of the limo.
"Bingo," Washington thought.
Washington walks over to the Limo driver he put on a shit-eating grin and approaches the limo driver.
"Hello my brother," said Washington
The Limo driver put his binoculars and looked at Washington, "Brother?"
"Yeah, I'm in the Del'goxoth,"
The Limo driver raises an eyebrow "if you are then where is blue clothes and your tattoo?"
"One all my blue clothes are in the cleaners, and I'm new to the cult, so I didn't get my tattoo yet,"
"If you really are in Del'goxoth, what is our purpose?"
"To find a god to this new world and get rid of the greed and waste of this earth," then Washington shoots a smile.
Limo driver seem convinced "alright brother I know you are telling the truth,"
"Hey, can you tell me where are Leader is I didn't get the information I dropped my phone in the toilet?"
"The Leader is at Lake Eerie waiting for us to capture Danny Phantom,"
"Thank you, my brother,"
Washington was about to knock the Limo driver out, but large ghost hawk grabs the Limo driver and lifts him in the air.
"I guess that takes care of him,"
Back to the Rv rolling down the streets finding a load of ghosts in the city streets and they turn their attention to the Rv.
"So how do we turn on the Fenton Grabbers?" said Tucker
"Easy we press this blue button," Maddie points at it.
"Who would like to push it?" said Jack
"I will," said Wendy
She pushed the button, and the Fenton Grabber turns on it's open up, and chains come out of the device they start to grab ghost near the Rv the device chain the ghost together and pull them inside of it.
"Hm didn't explode," said Jack
"Wait the Fenton Grabber could have blown us up," said Sam
"No about a small percent it could have,"
The Fenton Grabber works excellent as it grabbed any ghost from above it or far away as the Rv drive all over town capturing ghosts it could.
"Wow, it looks like we're going capture most ghost," said Tucker.
Then a missile explodes near the Rv everyone looked up to see Skulker fired the missiles while trying to avoid the Fenton Grabber.
"Seriously does he ever give up," said Danny
"Don't worry Danny I got this," said Wendy
Wendy gets out of the Rv quick as she aims her crossbow at Skulker, who laughs at Wendy.
"Please you think that would do damage to my su-" Skulker gets cut off when Wendy fires an arrow in Skulker eye hole paralyzing him to let the Fenton Grabber chain him as well with the other ghost Wendy get back into the Rv.
"Nice shot Wendy," said Valerie
"Thanks, Valerie," said Wendy
After two hours of driving all over the streets and letting the Fenton Grabber does it work all of the ghosts has been captured ending the city nightmare Jack drove everyone back to the Fenton Works that still guard by Cujo. Danny, Jack, Wendy, Maddie, and Valerie get the Fenton Grabber off of the Rv, and they took to the lab, and they release all of the ghosts into the ghost portal.
"We did it the city is ghost-free," said Jack
"So what's going to happen now?" said Sam
Then Danny received a text from Washington about where the cult is and that he's going to get the FBI backup and Danny tells everyone.
"We're going to end Del'goxoth,"
Everyone decides that Danny, Wendy, Sam, and Danny parents go to the lake put a stop to the cult for once for all. While Tucker goes to the town hall to tell everyone the good news while Valerie watches his back if the cult comes after him, they head to Lake Eerie in the Rv once they got there they see a giant circus blue tent has taken over the run-down camp.
"Everybody be ready we don't know what to expect if we enter the tent," said Danny
Maddie and Jack grab their ghost weapon as well handing Sam a ghost weapon and Wendy reload her crossbow they all enter the tent it was dark with no light until heavy ropes fly from above the tent and tie Danny parents, Sam and Wendy. The light turns and twenty cult member aiming their weapons at Danny and his group there was a stage at the back of the tent with a strapped chair and the Leader on the stage with a microphone.
"Hello Danny Phantom, at last, we finally meet," the Leader says into the microphone.
"It's over the FBI is coming here to put a stop to this madness,"
"Oh really then are they fast to get here when you become the god of this world,"
"I'll never be your god you nut-job,"
"You tell her, Danny!" Wendy shout
"Hm is either that or this," said the Leader who snapped her fingers the rope around Wendy, Sam, Jack, and Maddie started to tighten up. "Do you want to see them crushed from that rope and die right before your eyes?"
"Are seriously going harm my family and friends just to make me god," said Danny getting angry
"Whatever it takes to make you see that you have a greater purpose than being this world hero you could do more good to be god,"
Wendy then notices her Ax is slowly getting the rope she tries to reach for it, but she couldn't; however, she sees Sam next to it.
"Psst Sam, my Ax," Wendy whispered.
Sam notices what Wendy whispered about, "she caring Ax this whole time. What is this girl?" Sam thought she grabs the Ax from Wendy Ax holder and begins to cut it with no one looking.
"You better decide now hero," the Leader pulls out the Voxinir and points at Danny.
Then suddenly, an unknown force grabbed the knife from the Leader, and it flies above the stage. Danny ghost sense appears realizing a ghost taken the knife.
"Spirit that has taken my knife to give it back brother and sister," the Leader shouted and the cult member aim their weapon on the unknown ghost.
"Is this how you treat your new god," then the spirit reveals itself to be Logan Hall.
"Logan!" shouted Danny and Wendy
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operationrainfall · 5 years
Title My Friend Pedro Developer Deadtoast Publisher Devolver Digital Release Date June 20th, 2019 Genre Bullet Ballet Platform Steam, Nintendo Switch Age Rating T for Teen – Blood, Violence, Language Official Website
I’ve been looking forward to My Friend Pedro since I demoed it last year at PAX West. It’s not often you see a concept so wacky nor a control scheme so ambitious. In many ways, this is the closest we’ll probably get to a true Deadpool videogame, and that’s something developer Deadtoast seems to be very aware of. They play with reality as you progress, as well as poke fun at gamers and the industry at large. The simple question then is this: was My Friend Pedro worth the wait? Or was this banana not quite ripe yet?
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You start by waking up in an industrial facility next to a talking banana named Pedro. Don’t expect how that’s possible to get explained, cause this isn’t that sort of game. Since you’re understandably confused, Pedro explains why you’re there and what your goal is. Turns out there’s a butcher that isn’t very particular about the meat he uses, and your goal is to put him down permanently. As the game continues, other events transpire that require your skillful execution of other bad people. Thankfully, despite your amnesia, you still have incredible muscle memory. Whoever you are, you’re a killing machine, and you quickly find a pair of pistols to prove how adept you are. Over the course of the game you’ll find many other weapons, such as a pair of uzis, an assault rifle and even a sniper rifle, but your pistols are the only weapons with infinite ammo. Everything else you’ll need to find more ammo for by taking out goons. Additionally, you will find healing kits as you progress, though thankfully you have a healing factor, and will recover health so long as you aren’t taking damage. You have three bars of health, so if you are cautious, you can stay at full health for a very long time. But if you’re not so careful, the game has plenty of helpful checkpoints where you can respawn after you’re slagged.
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The combat is the main draw of the game, other than the zany premise, and it asks a lot of you. I played on the lowest difficulty and still found it very challenging. That was mostly because of how many actions are mapped to the left Joy-Con. Not only does that joystick control your movement, pressing it activates your Focus mode, where you can momentarily slow down time. Also, the L button controls your dodge and the ZL allows you to split your aim and shoot in two directions at once. Meanwhile, ZR fires your bullets and the right joystick lets you aim your guns. If you think that sounds like a bit much to keep straight, you’d be right, especially when you factor in you can also kick enemies with X and will have sections where you’re riding a skateboard or a motorcycle. My Friend Pedro is an utter delight when you reach that zen moment and everything is working, but don’t expect that to last forever; this is a truly challenging game that expects you to do your absolute best.
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In fact, the game does score you at the end of each level. I got a couple of coveted S scores, but many more Bs and Cs. To get an S, you have to get through a stage pretty much without dying once and keep your combo going by continuously murdering everything in sight and avoiding most damage. While that is possible, it’s also quite rare, or it was for me. Thankfully, I found that by being stubborn and persisting I could beat every level. But if you’re one of those hardcore gamers that has to get a perfect score for every stage, be ready to spend a long time replaying each one.
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Despite my complaints, I did enjoy the combat. I felt like I was cast in some John Woo movie, flipping around, surprising foes and dodging goons armed to the teeth. For most of the game, I stuck with my trusty pistols, since I love infinite ammo, but the later parts required me to equip my heavy artillery. Mostly this was because the foes in those sections have body armor and rapid-firing guns, so you’ll be mincemeat if you stand there trading bullets with slow firing pistols. And while you can use your Focus to slow down time, it doesn’t make you bulletproof in the slightest. Your only way of avoiding bullets is using L to dodge, which makes you do a fancy spin. It also changes where your guns are aiming, so it’s a bit of a trade off. My favorite portions in the game were when I was swinging from a zip line spraying lead, or using metal signs and frying pans to deflect bullets in crazy directions. You’ll also occasionally be able to use explosives found around the levels to great effect, but only if you can shoot them before you get discovered. Oh and quick pro tip: if you need to reload and are surrounded, use the kick attack. It’s just as fatal as your bullets, just a bit slower. The only real downsides are that the range is shitty and kicking doesn’t seem to contribute to your combo meter.
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Besides the combat, there are also puzzle and platforming sections in the game. Oddly, these were perhaps my favorite parts, though that’s likely because I’ve played far too many platformers in my life. It was just nice to bounce around and wall jump without worrying about bullets coming my way. It was fun rolling through narrow ducts and shooting switches to trigger them from afar. I also really liked a few sections late in the game that are pure platforming terror, with lasers chasing you and proximity mines flinging themselves at your head. Frankly, I felt these sections were more intuitive and clear-cut than the combat-oriented ones, which is a bit of a shame, especially given how much the game is focused on the over-the-top combat.
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It wouldn’t be an over-the-top game without over-the-top bosses, and thankfully My Friend Pedro delivers on that front. Each and every boss is totally different, and blisteringly difficult. The first boss you fight while riding a motorcycle. Another memorable one chases you in a helicopter as you run screaming. There’s even one fight where it’s just you versus another incredibly nimble and dangerous armed gunman. I really thought all the boss fights brought a lot to the game, and my only real complaint is that there weren’t more of them. Having said that, the final boss fight in the game redeemed the game in many ways, and was an utter joy.
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Visually, My Friend Pedro is attractive and runs at a fast clip. I never encountered any slowdown, other than when I was using Focus to literally slow things down. While I do wish there was a bit more variety for the backgrounds and even enemy types, what was on display was well animated. Get ready to see a lot of human goons, robots and various deathtraps. There’s also some good use of unconventional colors like yellows, grays and reds. The one section that completely impressed me visually is when you go to Pedro’s World for a few very strange levels, which have colorful pastels and background pieces that would be right at home in a Runner game. Musically, the best I can say is that it’s inoffensive. I just really didn’t notice the music much while I was playing, and can’t even recall any standout songs. There were lots of great sound effects though, especially the weird whistle that plays at the end of each level.
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Though I mostly enjoyed my time with My Friend Pedro, there are a couple of problems that I need to mention. One was what I already mentioned about the complexity of the controls. While it’s true you can remap them, I’m not sure that would help much given the sheer amount of things you need to do. More problematic was that many times when I would use ZL to split aim, my Focus would abruptly end, and time would speed back up. This happened on multiple occasions, and each time my Focus meter wasn’t depleted. As a result, I mostly stopped using split aim, and just got more aggressive to compensate for it. Another issue was that in the skateboard sections, it was way too easy to flip off the damned thing, and very difficult to flip it back upright. Lastly, I just felt there were some sections that needed better signposting. I got stuck a handful of times as I played the various puzzle sections, and often had to die and restart to figure out what I was doing wrong. Other than these issues, the game was enjoyable.
Who is that masked man?
Overall though, I did rather enjoy My Friend Pedro. It’s far from perfect, but there’s lots of ingenuity and ambition on display here from the folks at Deadtoast. Though the plot was a bit psychotic and hard to parse at times, the humor kept me invested. For $19.99 I got about 10 hours of gameplay out of it, and had a good time. If nothing else, this is another worthy game that Devolver Digital has in their stable. Now I just hope we get a sequel that smooths over the issues I mentioned and explains the ending of the game…
[easyreview cat1title=”Overall” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”4″]
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REVIEW: My Friend Pedro Title My Friend Pedro
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iamchrissi · 6 years
Don’t you die alone
For the Batfam Week2018, prompt; Hurt/Comfort
I hurt Jason, because of course I do. But he gets better, I promise!
Also on Ao3
A gun is pointed right in Jason's face.
He sighs, swipes it away and punches the idiot. Don't they know guns only worked in reasonably ranged combat? Close combat is for sticks and staff, ranged for guns and batarangs, and seriously ranged for arrows and rifles. Seriously, it's as though those goons never even passed the basic streets training.
But then again, apparently Bruce thinks he never passed that training either. Or any sort of training, really. Whenever he thinks of their argument, Jason wants to punch things. 'You need to keep tighter control of your explosives'. As if it's Jason's fault that some idiot drug dealers went up with their own poorly cooked meth. His explosion didn't even cause that bigger one. 'You can't just fire into a gang meeting.' It's not like he actually got anyone. Or wanted to get anyone. All he wanted was a bit confusion. If the gang members are stupid enough to start going after each other, that's not on Jason.
And then the idiot goes on about how Red Robin, who'd come to help and hadn't even said anything because Tim is actually surprisingly nice sometimes, could have been hurt. Does he ask after Jason? No, because Bruce doesn't actually care.
Not that that's new information, but Jason had thought that their reconciliation in the past months had actually meant something. But apparently not.
A lucky thug actually manages to land a punch on his shoulder, right in the bullet hole. Jason's sight goes white for a moment before he gets himself back in control and uses his gun to hit the idiot over the head with. The thug collapses immediately, and Jason turns to the next one.
Soon enough, all goons are one the floor, knocked out or pretending to be, and Jason stands in the middle, breathing heavily. He's kind of feeling better, though. One should never underestimate the therapeutic value of beating the shit out of some goons who do shit like running a human trafficking ring. Right in Jason's territory. It's like they were asking to be beat up, really.
He goes to work downloading all their info from their servers and then destroying their equipment. They have a shipment of people hidden somewhere in Gotham, and he needs to know where. So while his nifty little computer program combs through all the data his data stick is sending to the home computer, he can make sure these idiots will not be able to start up again any time soon.
Blowing shit up. Also extremely therapeutic.
About halfway through the warehouse, he notices something wet trickling down his arm. He looks down on it and grimaces. The stitches he put in his shoulder wound must have opened. That'll be a bitch to take care of later, but right now he has other things to do.
The data stick beeps, signalling both that all data has been transmitted and that there is a probably location for the kidnapped people. Jason takes the stick and then destroys the computer. If Oracle wants some of the information, she can ask him, and if the police wants it... well, then they should have taken care of these human traffickers before he had to get involved.
He checks the location. Batman's territory. He thinks about it for a moment, wonders whether he should call it in over family com, or ask for Bruce's permission or anything, but there's no way he's talking to the old man in the next week and those people kind of need to be freed right now. So he just packs his stuff and starts driving.
When he arrives at the warehouse, there seems to already be a fight going on inside. Jason hides in the shadows for a moment, checking the situation. He can see the bright costume of Robin twirling around between at least a dozen goons. If Batman or Nightwing already have this, then he's going home to bury himself in a nice book.
But he can't see Batman or Nightwing, or anybody really, just Robin. Even as another ten men show up from the backdoor, nobody intervenes. Robin doesn't call for help, either.
Which means that Robin is here on his own. Jason snorts. Looks like he's not the only one to be pissed at the family tonight.
But he can't let Robin fight all of those goons on his own. The kid might insist he's a superior fighter and can easily take on a hundred men or whatever, but at the end of the day Damian's a thirteen year old kid. He has limits.
Jason reloads his gun and shoots the weapon out of the guy next to Damian. Kid's good, he'll give him that, he uses the shock of the other thugs to take a few of them down, apparently not the slightest bit surprised at the arrival of gun slinging help.
Jason grins and dives into the fight. Between them, they finish of the thugs soon enough.
“How did you find this place?” He asks Damian when the last of the goons is down. Robin looks okay, out of breath, but there's no suspicious stiffness in his moves or anything. Which is good, because Jason's shoulder is starting to hurt something terrible, and he's not sure he could carry Damian if anything had happened.
“There were suspiciously many lowlifes here. I decided to investigate.” Damian says, looking at Jason curiously. “Why are you here? I did not require help, you imbecile, and this is not your territory.” Jason snorts. That is downright nice coming from Damian.
“I took down the command center of this operation in the Narrows before coming here. Figured I'd finish the job.” He explains, and Damian nods. He also sneers, but Jason almost completely tunes that out as he searches for any suspicious rooms or doors.
Finding one, he uses some acid to crack the lock and throws the door open. Inside of a tiny room, there are about eight terrified looking teenagers. When they see him, though, they're eyes go right to the bat on his chest.
“Get out, stay together. Walk down the street, go right at 11th, and you'll see the police station. Go there, ask for Maggie Sawyer, tell her Red Hood send you. She'll take care of you.” Jason orders. Kate mentioned that her girlfriend has the late shift this whole week, so Maggie should be there. And though Jason has only met Maggie like, three times, Kate wouldn't date her if she wasn't okay.
All the teens nod, and the oldest one looks Jason straight in the eyes. She's not afraid, he notes with growing respect. Gotham kids know who to trust.
“Thank you.” She says, and the other kids nod again, and then they're running. The girl makes sure they stay together. Jason smiles. They'll be fine.
Then he turns to Damian. The kid is going through the left over equipment, systematically destroying it. Jason shakes his head and joins him.
“So, does B know you're here?” He asks conversationally. Of course B doesn't know. Otherwise he'd have send someone to look after Damian, but he's got to make conversation somehow. Also, riling Damian up is fun.
“Father is unaware of my location. If you tell him, I will slice open your neck.” Damian says, with a surprising amount of vitriol, but Jason just shrugs. That's Damian.
Then he sees movement on the end of the hall, where the goons are still lying. A man is sitting up, he's aiming for Robin, no time to get his gun out and shoot him, so Jason jumps on Damian...
He feels the impact, like getting hit by a truck, right as he goes down. Then there's pain. Nasty pain. Jason can't breathe. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the glint of a batarang, and he hears something that might be the goon going down, but he can't be sure. His senses are kind of out of whack.
He brings a hand to his chest and is kind of surprised when it comes back wet. He shouldn't be surprised, he got shot, but somehow his brain is not up to speed.
That's bad, he realizes distantly. His thoughts should be quicker. He knows they usually are.
Then Robin is leaning over him. The kid is pale as hell, which is bad, too. He'd thought the kid was okay. Has Damian gotten hurt fighting that last goon? Jason wants to ask, but his mouth is not cooperating with him.
Damian's lips are moving, he's saying something, but it seems to be so far away, Jason can't understand it. He tries to tell Damian that, but he can't even move a single muscle. Darkness creeps into his vision, and Jason wants to tell Damian to run, leave him here, save himself...
The last image he sees is Robin's terrified face, then his thoughts go dark.
When Jason wakes up, there's a weight on his side. A warm weight. And his chest hurts. And his shoulder. And something is on his hand, too. And there aren't any of the Gotham typical sounds, so he's not in any of his safe houses.
He carefully opens his eyes. No need to inform any hostiles that he is awake, though, considering he's pretty sure that he was shot the last time he was awake, anyone who wanted him harm could have just let him bleed out right there.
He sees … the manor. What is he doing in the manor, he had a huge fight with Bruce, what...
He looks to his side. Right. Damian. The kid had been there when he got shot, right? It comes back to Jason, and he kind of wants to curse. But Damian is sleeping curled up right next to him, and the kid looks both exhausted and kind of adorable, so he figures it would be best not to wake him.
He looks to his other side, and blinks. Bruce is sitting on a chair, sleeping in what cannot be a comfortable position, holding his hand. B looks exhausted, too. Jason... does not really know what to do with that. Because he just had a huge fight with Bruce yesterday (it should be yesterday, right? He wasn't unconcious for that long. Right?)
But he's not going to claim that Bruce here at his sick bed isn't something he's... opposed to. The man is his dad, after all. He might not get along with him most of the time, but... Bruce is his father, and that still means something. At least to Jason.
He wasn't sure it still meant something to Bruce.
Unless Bruce is only here for Damian? To reassure the kid? Damian is his biological son after all, and there's never been a question he loves the kid. But would Bruce hold Jason's hand if he was only here for Damian?
Jason feels like sinking, like disappearing. He doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want disappointment. He wants to wallow in his safe house.
He tries to move his hand a bit, but that only has Bruce waking up. The man blinks once, then his eyes sharpen and turn to Jason. Jason wants to shrink away under his father's intense eyes.
“Jay.” Bruce breathes, like he was really worried, and then he's hugging him. Jason closes his eyes. Maybe Bruce isn't there for Damian after all. For a few seconds, he can just melt into his father's embrace.
Then Bruce let's go a bit, and Jason reluctantly moves back. Not to far, though. Bruce's hands are still on his shoulders, and Bruce is staring at him intensely. There's worry in his eyes, and relief. It almost makes Jason smile. Good to know he does still mean something to the old man.
“Are you in pain?” Bruce asks, looking him in the eyes as though he never wants Jason to leave his side ever again. Which is so not how this is going to go, Jason is definitively getting out here as soon as he can on general principle, but the sentiment is still appreciated.
“A bit. You got me on the good stuff, don't you?” Jason whispers back, not wanting to wake Damian. Looking around, he notices that Dick, Cass and Tim are also in the room, sleeping on various couches and chairs. He bite his lip. He didn't think he'd gotten that close to dying.
“How bad is it?” He whispers, because a simple bullet wound does not warrant the whole family to sleep in one's room, at least not in their family. He must be much worse than he'd thought.
Bruce swallows, which is a bad sign. Jason braces himself.
“The bullet to your chest led to a collapsed lung. You lost a lot of blood too, both from the chest wound and the shoulder wound. And there was a small infection, but Lesley got that under control pretty quickly. You've been out for almost 24 hours.” Bruce rattles off, and wow, that does explain the worry. Collapsed lungs aren't fun.
“I...” Bruce starts, then he licks his lips and looks Jason in the eyes again with that intense look. Jason wonders if there's more bad news coming. He kind of feels like he's already got his fill of those for the day.
“I'm sorry for how our fight ended the other day.” Bruce says finally, and Jason almost gasps, because Bruce never apologizes. For anything. “I shouldn't have yelled at you. I don't... approve of your methods, but... you are my son, Jason. I should have made sure you were okay first and foremost, and even after that... well, yelling's not exactly helping with anything between us, is it?”
For a moment, Jason is speechless. That was... completely unexpected. Not unwelcome, but... he must have scared Bruce something bad to get him to be this emotionally open. He almost thinks he should do it more often, if it gets Bruce to be more open. But only almost. Now that he's somewhat awake, he starts to feel his chest worse.
“Shouldn't have yelled either.” He says finally, and if anyone asks him tomorrow, he'll claim it was the pain meds, but the smile on Bruce's lips makes him feel all warm and loved. He smiles back.
Damian moves in his sleep, just a little bit, but enough to make both Jason and Bruce look at him. He looks young like that, more like the thirteen year old he is. It's cute. But it also reminds Jason.
“He okay?” He whispers to Bruce. He remembers Damian being pretty pale and terrified before he lost consciousness. If the kid was seriously hurt, he'd probably not have been allowed to sleep on Jason's bed, but still... best make sure.
“Couple scraps, nothing unusual. He was worried about you. Said it was his fault, that you took the bullet for him.” Bruce says, voice quiet and... guilty? Worried? Sad? Proud? Jason's too tired to figure it out.
“Couldn't let him die, y'know?” He whispers back, and Bruce smiles, but this time there's definitively some sort of sadness there, too.
“You are important too, you know that, right?” Bruce tells him. Jason just blinks. Feelings talk with Bruce is nice, but he can feel sleep pull him back. Bruce just leans over and kisses his forehead. Which is pretty nice, Jason will admit to that in the privacy of his own head.
“He feels pretty guilty about it. Says it was his duty to look after the criminals while you freed the prisoners, who, by the way, all made it to safety. Maggie sends her love. I talked to Damian, but he's convinced that you being hurt is on him.” Bruce says.
“Talk to him tomorrow.” Jason whispers. He knows how Damian is, but this is totally not on the kid. Jason was the grown one, he should have made sure all the bad guys were actually knocked out. Now way he's having that discussion now, though.
“Sleep, Jaylad.” Bruce whispers, and as Jason's eyes fall shut, he feels Bruce's hand going through his hair. It feels nice. The other hand is still clasped around Jason's own hand. That's nice too.
He can deal with everything else tomorrow, he thinks, and let's himself fall asleep.
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gungambled · 6 years
drabble: separation
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     thick tendrils of smoke fill the air -- that smell to MASK the death in the room, the death that has invaded the underworld in a far more prominent manner in the time since she left it. UNPREDICTABLE, if it were not for the gun in her hand and the fact that it REFUSES to go off when pale finger pulls the trigger, she would not BELIEVE she was still capable of her title. celestia passes the gun around to the person beside her -- inherently SHIVERING at the look of madness in her eyes. the SANE and those steeped in despair, it seems they co-mingle here more than in other places, where people come to have everything taken or everything gained. beside her the gun goes off and she feels WARM liquid on her cheek. she does not need to see it to know what it is -- nor is there any DOUBT what the thudding sound beside her is.
       situated in her seat, she LOUNGES as if she has no worries in the world. taeko yasuhiro in the gambling underworld once again, there was no need to keep her identity hidden. they all KNEW. and if she were to lower herself to these games again, she knew she needed to use it to get her emotions out in the best way she knows HOW: that faceless aggression of the plain. arms cross before her chest a look of indifference upon her features as her arms untangle to swipe away that blood on her cheek with a swift motion.
       time has not TREATED her well in her loneliness. drawn in again, when she IS on the island she does her rounds with a certain lack of care -- unwilling to talk to anyone for long because she knows the questions that bubble beneath the surface. she has REFUSED to talk about what happened to cause this, to stay in place and talk for long even with her OWN classmates. she has no DOUBT that the whispers of taeko yasuhiro have reached their ears even in the fact that media is near non existent. or maybe she just WANTS them to know, a vindictive part of her hoping that words of his recklessness might cause them to MAKE her stop. maybe she NEEDS them to stop her because she ends up dead.
        because as she sits here, scarlet hues watching as the gun is reloaded -- a hole in her chest, celestia KNOWS she needs someone to stop her. addiction born anew, there are new games these days. far more DANGEROUS than russian roulette. without a doubt her odds were not good, and she often finds herself WONDERING once again if the only way it will stop is if the odds fall unfavorably on her side. she NEVER expected to break so spectacularly, to need THIS again to feel whole, or at least to convince herself as such.
     another gunshot rings out and suddenly it is only she and one of the FEW people here she had been familiar with before this all went to hell. an old rival she had continually destroyed. she watches as he fills the chamber -- a smirk on his lips that she DOES NOT like. celestia has seen it on him, the despair that clings to his skin. in a WAY is she not doing the world a SERVICE? helping to remove these people that taint the world even with enoshima gone. legs move from where they are propped up on the table and she leans in with her OWN grin -- a twisted thing of confidence on black lips, when she feels NONE of it.
      and then she feels SOMETHING unexpected -- a smoking barrel aimed at her instead of him followed by a FLASH of pain in her arm. she can feel the blood running before it completely registers what has happened. a gasp of pain leaves her lips as the other man throws the gun to the side and steps around the table a fist aimed to her face. another blinding pain and she falls out of the chair pale hand lifting to cover place where she has felt her lip split with the strike. seeing stars it takes a moment for her to pick herself up. a bloody scowl directed him to combat the MALICE in his gaze.
            “ fuck you, yasuhiro -- you don’t control this world anymore. you and your pretty rules and dresses and acting like you OWN us all. you’re done. “
        growled with unrestrained hatred she reaches downward to try to get her knife before another fist is thrown at her -- and she finds herself suddenly held against the wall. a reminder of her weakness, of the FACT that this was how she was always supposed to end. always something she had expected -- she spits in his FACE, blood upon his skin as she tries to IGNORE the feeling of tightness upon her cheek and lips -- the burning pain of the bullet wound. his hand finds her throat and that defiant expression DIES on her face, that expression of porcelain turning more into something of panic. is she ready to die?
       one hand reaches up to try to CLAW his hand away from her throat to no avail. his body crushing her own she finds herself giving into the feeling of breathlessness that takes over -- almost resigned to her silent fate: to die as NOTHING as she had expected so long ago. tears fill her eyes -- and the man takes no heed. there is a TWISTED pleasure in watching her crumble in his hands. his grip TIGHTENS. it is as her vision swims that her fighting spirit ignites again -- the ANGER filling her at the thought of going like this. she always wanted it to be by her own hand. not some DESPAIR infused freak. flight or fight instincts kick in and suddenly a KNEE is brought up to his groin and his grip loosens just enough for her to drop to the ground with a GASP.
      she manages to bring a hand down to grasp that trusty knife flashing out to CUT the achilles tendon without a second thought. her gaze is BLANK as he falls before her. hand lifts to bring the knife down upon him again before there is ANOTHER flash of pain that makes her cry out -- she pushes through it and slams it down upon him again and AGAIN. she has no idea of the extent of her own injuries but she can feel each slice of his flesh and the precise moment he stops moving but she doesn’t STOP -- feeling that swirl of despair flickering before she finds herself PUSHING herself away, eyes wide. she does not get far, a pain in her leg drawing her gaze to reveal that a knife had been lodged in her thigh.
      everything seems too CLEAR. she knows she is losing blood, that she might have a concussion. but at least she is ALONE in this room now. she was ALIVE. trembling hands grab her phone and send a message to naegi requesting immediate help -- knowing if she did not receive it she would never make it back, even if she did not KNOW if she wanted to make it back. the deed done she curls in on herself, trembling and in SHOCK. fingers find their way to her hair despite the pain in her arm in the reach. she is tempted to SCREAM but she does not because she knows the people in the other room. survival of the fittest.
      how lucky ( or unlucky ) it is that the pain manages to keep her conscious despite a swimming mind. knife is lifted as she hears approaches footsteps and an opening door. she only drops it into her lap when she recognizes who it is. she sees naegi’s expression and she KNOWS what she probably looks like. covered in blood, a split lip -- a black eye forming. but at least he doesn’t overreact. instead he comes up to her, kneeling in the blood that pools around her. instinctively she dips her gaze away, expecting him to reprimand her -- to tell her how DUMB her actions were. there were other people there too but she isn’t paying attention to them.
    “ celeste… we thought this might be what you were doing. but why? everyone has been so worried.“
     maybe he shouldn’t be asking these things when she’s bleeding in front of him, but she doesn’t mind. it’s better than him lecturing her for her stupidity. she feels vulnerable and she HATES it but after all of this it is what she deserves. she shakes her head, so light in the absence of her extensions and she still refuses to look up at him.
“ they didn’t need me there -- you know it as well as i. i had to find SOMETHING, somewhere i could feel whole. guess i chose wrong. it is… my bad. “
       unbidden, a tear falls from her eye and she leans forward to hide it. she WONDERS if gundham has been doing such dangerous things like her. if anyone has heard anything new since she had been gone left. everyone MUST know her reason for aimlessness -- as silly as it may seem. one person should never define a person that much and yet he did. suddenly she finds gentle arms around her and she leans into the touch -- the MOST open thing she has done with naegi outside of the very thing that started this all. the moment everything shattered. he remains silent and she takes a deep breath. finally she mumbles a question:
           “ any news on him… any a-at all? “
       a sigh from naegi before she feels him shake his head.
  “ no, but they’re looking for him. everyone’s been worried about you two and your disappearing acts. you’d think you thought no one liked you, even after all this time. “
       celestia knows this is PRECISELY how she has been feeling, no matter how illogical a thought it was. there were certain bonds formed even when things are strained. her classmates would always defend each other. it was simply difficult to comprehend sometimes. she winces in the pain and naegi moves away from her. finally she lifts her head to him. everything is so PAINFUL.
           “  i should have thought th-this through… my… apologies. “
      she can feel herself growing weaker in the moment her thoughts fluttering more as she looks at neagi with those tear streaks on her cheek, cutting through the blood. they need to get out of her and FAST. she watches as naegi gestures for one of the men with him to step forward, and she feels his arms beneath her. so she is to be CARRIED? nothing too difficult given her slight stature and lack of grandeur. still, as she is lifted naegi gives her a sad smile.
“ apology accepted. just stop scaring us. that’s really all we ask. “
       a small nod from celestia before she speaks again, softer than before -- as if it is a secret, even if the whole world KNOWS the truth already.
      “ …. i miss him. “
                                                            “ i know. “
     and then the world fades into a weird GRAYNESS, where she is aware of being carried but not much else. she was going HOME.
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tempexiii · 7 years
Subsequent Minds pt.4 (Explicit gore warning!)
Temperance huffed as she was yet again, surrounded by Garlean soldiers and centurions. How it kept ending up like this she would not know, but at least it was fun. For her. The soldiers moved cautiously around her as three of their comrades lay dead or bleeding out at her feet, inflicted with wounds beyond normal measure. Her breathing was slow. Deliberate. Anticipating what next would come, as she joyfully awaited for any one of her enemies to draw steel close enough for her to cut down.
“You know this will only lead to you being hunted, savage. Be in this land, or in your cave-dwelling shite-hole Eorzea.” A snide remark from a centurion made her gaze snap to him. Her eyes burning a deep, dark crimson glow, which harbored no mercy for the man. Not that she would give any to begin with.
~Thine knows what will come of this. Or does our need for blood be sated with this meager offering?~
Growling, she ignored her darkside and yet in the back of her mind she knew it was right. The urges to go and kill were growing worse by the month. And with Utai now gone to Yanxia, there was maybe two who would be able to stop her. But yet...the fresh scent of the kill, the splendor of ripping her sword from one’s body, and the screams her wounds made real were all near worth it. Although these men seemed to think it could be stopped. That they had the power to end her rampages. As did one fool who tired of idling near, rushing forward with a slash to her side. The soldier was parried, the harsh ring of steel on steel beautifully deafening. With little effort, she could see him struggle to push into her, but her greatsword versus his gunblade was a joke. Her face came close, a sneer of predetermined victory. With realization of what he had done, he attempted to pull back but she slid her leg behind his foot and sweeped him off. With a flash of movement, she turned her head to the next faceless soldier while impaling the man through the ribs, blood splattering her blade once more and even some getting on her neck and face.
"So tell me mine dear. How quickly does thine wish to die?” A wicked, evil grin crossed her face. Void of any remorse or code of honour for the combatants. Her words were more sinister, as Temperance knew not when her darkside took hold, but it was now in control. Infuriated, the nearest centurion yelled in vengeance and came to rid the land of this blighted knight. But yet he was shoved and burned away by her blast of aether. The dark black and red energy carving incisions and a hole right through the man’s skull as she snarled angrily.
"Thine wish to make it immediate? Bah, hardly any fun. Come then, come meet thine gods.” Ripping her sword from the first man, she spun and threw it with a hefty swing of her arm. It threw the next soldier with it a full couple yalms before imbedding itself in the ground. Now that she was weaponless, the rest of the squad came to bring her down. Katanas, bullets and the cries of enraged imperials rained down on her. The swords and bullets met naught but a shield of dark aether, the blackened sigils forming a protective orb around her body.
Oh how perfect, she thought to herself. With an almost animalistic roar, the orb shattered and she felt the swords clang onto her armor and she used her armored gauntlet to catch one in her hand. She was bent over, as swords were stopped by her armor, yet some dug into the seams and got dangerously close. It dug into her skin, the blood seeping down the blade but unable to go further as her iron grip removed any chance of that. Using her legs, she stood quickly and threw back her attackers, not caring about the bullet holes in her arm or leg or her side. What pain she incurred only made her want to deface these men more, and show them their demise.
Her hand would glow black and red, swirls of aether engulfing her own gauntlet as she sent out a sickening crackle of aether that tore through the body of one of the soldiers getting up. The odd angle made it expose his spine, and take out his shoulder, a scream echoing through the air while mingling with her sadistic laughter. His bones were jutting out as seared flesh created a pungent and revolting smell, one akin to burning rotten eggs. One of the remaining two centurions fumbled as he tried to reload his gun, dropping the bullets and scrambling to pick them up. As he reached for one, the heavy boot on her foot crushed his hand. His cry of raw agony only made her smirk.
“Such pitiful men. Is this what doth others say thine should be afraid of? Sniveling, worthless -purebloods- of the Garlean empire. More like dogs who lived a high life and expect others to bow down to their proclaimed superiority.” Grinding her boot into his hand to break his fingers and bones, she quickly reared that same leg back to kick the man’s head and break his neck. Dark aether flitted about he in wisps, and she was enjoying every single vile second of her kills. The other soldiers were backing away, and she whirled on them, making them cower in fear and attempt to run. Yet one lost his footing, backing up on his hands and rear, as she sauntered over with a sickly sweet smile.  
“Are thine afraid? Are thine...fearful? Good. Thine kind tortured mine people, burned mine village. Now tis our turn to give back what revenge be needed. Blood for blood, an eye for an eye as they say.” The voice was almost sing-song, the bloodied dark knight grabbing the lone soldier by the throat. He flailed and gasped for air, despite her small five foot frame being unable to lift him completely off the ground.
“Let this be a lesson t’ thine. NEVER shall you and your’s go unpunished.” Her free hand had aether sharpen into talons on her hand, and it was plunged into his gut. A silent scream was on his face behind his helm, but she wanted to see it. Ripping her claws out he grunted and pleaded mentally for her to stop. His body hit the ground as she dropped him and gently removed his helm. With face now exposed to her, she tutted at him and made no expression of sympathy.
“Don’t worry. Thine will suffer as I intend.” That same taloned hand shot into his rib cage, blood spurting from the wound and his mouth. The pain was excruciating and he couldn’t figure out why had not blacked out yet. Searching were her fingers for the right things to grab, and upon feeling it, Temperance crushed it in her hand. The wound only got bigger as she reversed her movement and tore out his lung, blood splattering her face and body. The man’s eyes grew wide as even if she were still choking him, he couldn’t breathe. Small pathetic attempts to get air came from him and she just dropped his organ onto his own face and stood. Anyone looking would see a dying man in almost indiscernible armor choking on air, and a black armored Raen covered in the crimson life-liquid.
Such was the result of many recent fights, and Temperance’s darkside knew the body would pay for the bullet wounds and minor cuts it endured. But she was getting good progress from her other half-soul. It was letting her out more and soon...it would take over to fulfill its rightful duty.
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