#i did write the intro as the first thing i wrote for this fic and um. i wrote that like at least a year ago i think lawl. oops…
noriakicatkyoin · 2 years
hmmmm kakyoin wip at 12k
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September Creator of the Month: Tveitertotwrites
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Please welcome this month’s Creator of the Month: @tveitertotwrites
Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists. The writer or artist is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTMs can be found here.
Tumblr Blog Name: Tveitertotwrites
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Megan
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing in 2019, and my first book was Rules of Engagement.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom in January 2022. I had taken a break from Choices for a while but went back in November/December 2021 and started trying to look for fanfiction for Open Heart as I wanted to see if there was more Open Heart content, so I turned to Tumblr and AO3 and decided to join.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It was the first thing I could think of. I’m not creative with naming things (if anyone remembers my original blog name, it was openheartfanfiction because I only wrote for OH and couldn’t think of anything else). So I was like, “I’m a fan of Aaron Tveit. His fans are called Tveiter Tots, so why not?”  I then added writing because most of the content I make is fanfiction.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it! 
It was actually a little intro to my account, but I had deleted it a while back so now it’s this. It is not my favorite. I would definitely redo it now that I have had more experience with text fics. 
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
While I would love to make fan art, currently, I only write fanfiction.
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I have been writing/creating Choices content since 2022. But I have been writing for Star Wars and Adam Driver Characters since 2020 (even though I am on hiatus from it, and I don’t know if/when I will pick it back up). I also wrote some Marvel fanfiction with a friend in 2021. More recently, I have started writing stuff for Aaron Tveit and Cillian Murphy characters on my non-Choices blog.
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Right now, I would say either Red Carpet Diaries or America’s Most Eligible is my favorite. But I also like Open Heart, High School Story, and others. I want to create more for RCD and AME, but I think I like creating content for OH.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
Since I already mentioned the text fic, I chose the next fic I did. It was for my Open Heart MC’s (Claire Evans) Birthday. And I would 100 percent go back and rewrite it. I like the idea of what I wrote, but I don’t like its execution, and I need to go back and rewrite it.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
Right now, I have these two favorites. While I like writing angst, I enjoy writing fluffy stuff like these two fics. Plus, it’s my MC and OC who are besties (Claire and Adelaide), so I had to choose one from both of them.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
This was a fic that I wasn't expecting to get notes on. I was still very new to the fandom at the time and hadn’t really interacted with anyone at that point, so seeing people like it was a shock.
Something that I wish I could do better is the content I make for my RCD and AME MCs (Brooklyn Moore and Charlie Howard). I love that people like my OH content, but I don’t see many people liking content from those books (which is fine if you don’t like it).
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Fluff. While writing Angst and Smut can be fun, writing fluff is a nice escape from real life.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Yes, I have put some things from myself into my MCs and OCs, like some personality traits, some physical traits, and some hobbies/things they enjoy. So, I do see myself sometimes, but not always.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Either coming up with titles or writing bits in between the big parts. Usually, one of the last things I do is come up with a title because I can never think of one. Also, writing the “less important” parts in between the parts I want to write is what gets me sometimes and is why I have unfinished fics that I have abandoned.
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I have some fics that I had done some previews for (last year or the year before) that I would like to finish at some point. Right now, I am trying to finish a Dancing with the Stars AU for Adelaide and Tobias, so that is my writing priority.
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
Maybe it depends on who it is. While I don’t think anyone would be too judgemental, I would still be very nervous to show them in fear of them hating it or something like that. I wouldn't show them the smut or some of my earlier fics but the fluff I would.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Not really. I have liked a lot of people’s work, but I don’t think that it really influences my writing at all though.
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I think my fic “Coming to You” would be fun to see as a movie. Seeing how Ethan and Claire’s relationship grows on screen when they’re in two different worlds would interest me.
19- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I have thought about trying to write an original fiction book, but right now I don’t. I do currently write some original screenplays as I am in college for screenwriting.
20-  What other hobbies do you have?
I like to paint and listen to music. I like to take drives in the morning to get coffee and relax or at night with my dogs. I like to watch movies and musicals (like Moulin Rouge and Six). 
21: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to)
Thank you to anyone who has read any of my fics or enjoyed the content I create. It means a lot, and I hope to continue writing content that both you and I can enjoy.
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dandelionflowery · 6 months
Intro post!
(breast cancer awareness post here/the legends of tumblr here, variations here and here , alt link for number 7/arch nemesis Cynthia here) [the two topics are wholly unrelated]
My name on the internet is Dandelion, but you can call me whatever you like honestly. It's so hard to find a good name around here, the fae keep stealing them
I use any pronouns, online people default to they/them, IRL people default to she/her, you can use whatever you feel like!
I'm aroace 🧡💛🤍🩵💙 and my gender is up to interpretation lol
I'm 16 and I live in France but I have both French and American citizenship (so i do speak both french and english)
I have both scoliosis (diagnosed, 45°) and probably dyslexia (not officially diagnosed but all the internet tests I did were screaming at me to go get an official diagnosis- as has life lol) and those two really hate each other who deCIDED SCOLISOIS SHOULD BE SPELLED THE WAY IT IS (if i spell it correctly be aware that either I copied it from somewhere, or i thought about it for WAY too long, or it was a monkeys on keyboards thing)
I created a blog just for reblogging shit (aptly named @dandelionflowery-reblogs) but even with that I can't promise to tag stuff correctly on either blog...
I'm not often super active on here, at least not regularly, mostly because I have way too many classes but sometimes I go absolutely insane and spend like an entire day on here (oops)
actually i'm most active on here I think now lol
I like:
- Harry Potter (Drarry, Deamus, Romione, Linny are my main ships but there's a decent chance you could get me to like a specific portrayal of just about any pairing lol) [also fuck jkr]
- The Marauders (WOLFSTARRR! Also Jily and aroace Peter and maybe Remadora. Same thing as before: open to other pairings [I know of and appreciate the ships with the girls but usually I'll lean towards the first ones mentioned actually I'll lean towards wolfstar with background Jily and aa battery Peter)
- Reading and books in general
- Fanfics, fanart!! (Both writing/drawing them and reading/simping for them)
Speaking of which, I have a side blog that's actually technically marauders themed! @mybrain-fanficedition
- Interactions on here!!
- there's probably some other stuff I like but I can't think of anything rn
I don't like:
- Following from above, I said I was open to pretty much any pairing, ... I lied lol
Idk what jegulus did to me but i just don't like it for some reason (jegulily? lovely. jily? fantastic. jegulus? less.)
- Also the usual list of if you're pro-genocide, homophobic transphobic uh racist, pedophile or just a generally mean person
I like talking to people even if you don't know what to say just say hi!
Also I have other social media, come find me if you want!
@/flowerydandelion, @/dandelionfloweryart and @/wands.swords.and.books on Instagram!
On Ao3 I'm like 90% sure it's DandelionFlowery and uh probably similar usernames on Discord and Reddit [though I'm not often active on there]
Wait if I link my ao3 that means i need to actually post my fics lol
Leave comments if you read my fics, I love feedback!! (or just leave kudos, it makes me irrationally happy lol)
tags about my current wips featuring really bad summaries:
#third time's the charm- Lily
(not going to be the actual title i think but first i have to write it, we'll worry about titles later)
Lily decides canon sucks and she's going to do something about it
#our broken hearts- an ode to wolfstar (this one is subject to change bc that title is way too sappy for me)
Sirius dated Peter. And Marlene. And Lily. And James. And then Remus?
totally normal link trust me :)
if you still trust me (and why shouldn't you?), here's the ULTIMATE PRIDE FLAG lol)
let's see how trustworthy you think i am
wanna see some stuff i wrote? (warning, a friend said it took them half an hour to read just the main bit lmao)
an apology 1 | 2
useful tumblr post about hobbies
side blogs: @x-lovegood @xenophilius-quibbler (Xenophilius Lovegood rp) @sybilances (Sybill Trelawney rp)
@antheia-anthousai (nymph oc)
@mybrain-fanficedition (as mentioned above)
@am-i-a-crab (crab army!!)
+ another gimmick blog but i'm not saying which one >:)
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absurdumsid · 7 months
Sid's AUs/OCs/Series Masterlist !!
intro post was starting to look long (<- guy who noticed too late) so i decided to make this !
ill be updating this every now and then because i um i love lists teehee
Bar Sanses/BS AU - It's based off of an ancient fanfic I wrote where a deserted Dusttale Grillby's becomes Nightmare's hideout. Dust is the bartender, Horror got kidnapped, Saejun is an accomplice, and the only really "bad" sanses are Nightmare and Killer lmao
@dustbar is the askblog for this !! unfortunately it's a bit inactive right now because i'm.... playing minecraft...
lore: main "lore" post second lore-ish post old outfits lore-ish posts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 vaguely bs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 fic snippets: 1 2 3
Jacketswap Saga - My most favourite thing ever, I switch my ships' jackets, that's it. You can interpret this as part of BS AU if you'd like ! (So far I've done MTTPoly, HorrorDust, and ColourKiller !)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
III Classic - Fell finds out he has three boyfriends (idk where I was going with this one ngl) never mind fell gets ALL the boyfriends (not updatin the name though because um. im lazy ?)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sanses Stage AU/ALNST AU - basically alien stage but i force sanses into it <3
1 2 3 4
KeeperTale - An AU where the Justice and Perseverance humans were childhood friends with the First Human. Upon learning about their death, the two set out on an adventure to Mt. Ebott. Unfortunately, while one of them sought reason, the other wanted vengeance... and thus the monsters are forced into another war.
main lore post 1 2 3
UnderPills - An AU where after Asriel and Chara's deaths, the Underground grieved and monsters started turning into dust unprovoked. The Royal Scientist created a CURE that would preserve monsters' life, but… they grew too dependent on the drug.
lore: part 1 doodles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 text: 1 2 3
UnderAngel - An AU where Asgore and the monsters did not fight the humans and surrendered themselves to be sealed in Mt. Ebott. Patiently waiting for the angel from the prophecy, they live peacefully underground. (There isn't exactly a full lore post, as this is my biggest work in progress, so feel free to speculate about it !)
main "lore" post 1 2
Copyverse - A story that happens in-between and after the events of KeeperTale, UnderPills, and UnderAngel ! I'd like to make a comic for it after I properly write the lore and canon events for the AUs involved in it. (So far, KeeperTale has been finished !)
characters: sanses skeleton families lore-ish: 1 2 3 4 5 6 in universe-ish: 1 2 3
Outcode Counselling - Basically a tiny corner of the void that belongs to Angel! Gaster, where he counsels Outcodes. Currently, his patients are Pills! Gaster, HorrorPills! Sans, Keeper! Grillby, and Recover! Sans (@grinn1ng-ma5k's sans)
1 2 3 4 5
Steamverse [Express] - a train that runs through the entire multiverse, the conductors are Grillby and Gaster ! They are friends with Replica, an Outcode !
1 2
last update: 4/20/2024
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
nice to meet you.
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gender neutral reader | genre / tropes: strangers to ??? (potentially lovers but not yet), meet cute, fluff, drabble | word count: 393 | warnings: mentions of water / swimming i guess?
summary: while relaxing at the hotel pool, you have a chance encounter with a handsome stranger
author's notes: wrote this as an intro for what could be a longer fic (that is, if i manage to finish it), but i'm impatient and haven't posted anything in a while! posting this first bc i do think it turned out okay. maybe i will turn this into a longer fic if i have the time and energy and patience to write it aaaaa
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the first thing you noticed about him was his hair.
his hair was a faded rose color, matching perfectly with the sunset behind him. droplets of water shone off the back of his head before he dove back into the pool for a few more rounds of leisurely swimming. there were a few other people at the pool that afternoon 一 a family playing on the other side, a middle-aged couple lounging nearby 一 but none of them caught your attention the way the rose-haired stranger did. 
you leaned back on one corner of the pool watching him. the afternoon-turned-evening stilled to a calm; cool water lapped against you as the sounds of faint splashes and pieces of conversation filled through the air. for a moment you closed your eyes to let yourself savor the peace of the moment.
when you opened your eyes again the stranger had re-emerged from the water, this time facing you 一 and he was beautiful. perhaps it was just the good mood you were in, or the last rays of sunlight making the scene look like something out of a movie, but you swore to yourself that this stranger was the most gorgeous man you had ever seen. his bright eyes sparkled, his bare shoulders were relaxed, and his plush lips were pulled into a smile.
then you realized: the stranger was smiling at you.
your cheeks began to heat up, and in your embarrassment you dunked your head into the water.
when you resurfaced a few moments later, pushing your soaked hair away from your face, the stranger was still looking at you and let out a soft laugh. normally you’d be angry over someone you don’t know laughing at you, but there was no cruelty in the sound. if you could translate it into words you would hear: you seem happy. nice to meet you.
somehow you felt even warmer than before despite the pool water cooling you down, but this warmth felt good, like taking the first step indoors after coming home. you met the stranger’s eyes and you couldn’t help but smile back. he held your gaze for a moment, his ears turning pink, before his own shyness got the better of him and he turned back for another swim.
this time, it was your turn to laugh.
nice to meet you too.
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pastself · 12 days
17, 25 and 29 for the writer asks game!
29/ how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
Sometimes, super easy. Want for Nothing, Everything is Legal in Jersey and Bare just... arrived with their names! Other times, it is literally the last thing I decide. Called on the Devil & Groupie Love were so fucking hard to name.
25/ besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
I'm first and foremost a reader! In a previous online life, I managed to turn that hobby into a side hustle as a reviewer. (And subsequently learned that monetizing my hobbies was v v bad for me lol.)
17/ talk about your writing and editing process
*cracks knuckles* (mild spoilers for Want for Nothing below, as well as way more detail than asked for :)
This year, I finally diagnosed my writing style: I'm 95% a "methodological pantser". (Highly recommend this youtube series on writer types, icymi. Tell me what kind of plotter you are, ursa!)
In practice, this means I intermix writing and editing, and really struggle to know if something will work unless I actually write it. (For the record, after learning this about myself, I did *try* techniques for other writer types in order to test the diagnosis. It was ±okay but I clearly have a preference.)
When I start a story from scratch, I usually only have one situation/vibe in mind. I write outwards from that and see where it goes. Sometimes, this means I have to loop back and imagine background that got me to that moment. But other times, it is just a case of constantly building forwards. (And course correcting when I lead myself in the wrong direction.)
E.g. I started Want for Nothing writing the prologue and the first Peter/Steve and Pepper/Peter scenes -- and then worked backwards to get them to that moment. I repeated that back and forth a million times to establish the first 50%. Harry cheating, for instance, was only something I worked out once I wrote the Gwen intro -- and I only wrote that because I had just written a scene where Gwen called Tony a creep and where did she come from?
The struggle with writing this way is that I can get myself to a problem with no solution. For example, I knew the Ned/MJ/Tony games night would be the catalyst for breaking Peter out of his "hide from the world" stasis. But then what? I literally had to write out like 5 versions of that scene to find out.
Sometimes that "then what?" material can be reused in other contexts (as I recently did with a good 3k of scenes I just wrote for Bare), but it's often thrown away. Life would be much easier if I could "feel" what works via outline, but bon.
Where the "methodological" part of my pantsing comes in is in my endings and establishing plot beats. I write my outlines *after* I've written ±50% of a fic, to get an overview of where things stand, where things are missing, what needs to go. Once I realise "oh that scene is the midpoint", I can usually sketch out the ending without needing to write a million drafts of it. (That said, the last 25% is often when my brain stops having ideas :)
In terms of final edits: while I am a fast "write the bones" type, adding on the details takes me forever. I usually rework a section ~10 times, sometimes even tweaking plot points. My last step is to listen to the text read aloud ~2 times (using disability functionality) for final read through and to spot typos. 
thanks for indulging me with the asks! <33
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by-glass-and-waves · 8 months
Intro post time :o
Hi I'm Glass, 29F (she/her). I spend way too much time with worldbuilding or story ideas or exploring themes SIGH. I'd enjoy building/upgrading my computers if I had the money and space for it >:( I also find driving (without traffic or a ton of stoplights) while listening to music super relaxing (eg my story playlists)
I really like to draw/write about Narinder/The One Who Waits 🙃
I've got four Cult of the Lamb AUs/storylines on a sliding scale of dark to lighthearted:
Depression Quest (fic, cw: abuse, self harm, depression)
The Courtship of the God of Death (fic, cw: unhealthy/toxic relationship, obsession, jealousy, manipulation, violence, gore, emotional/psychological abuse)
Restart (cw: violence, gore)
19th Century AU
More on the AUs below the cut
Interests: Dragon's Dogma, Cult of the Lamb, Final Fantasy IX, Neon Genesis Evangelion, No Man's Sky, Rune Factory 4/5, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas/4, Nier Replicant/Automata, pre-Destiny Bungie lore + Destiny's Book of Sorrows and a few other bits + Halo's Forerunner Trilogy
My name comes from something I wrote for my oc worldbuilding project:
He pressed against the glass of time, feeling it crack beneath his fingers. He stepped into the tides of space, seeing the water part for his feet. … He broke through the glass, looked down at them again. … He swam through the rising tides to a new world.
Depression Quest:
My very First Idea™ for Cult of the Lamb. It follows the canon ending of Lamb conquering The One Who Waits. Essentially, the Lamb turns Narinder into a trophy husband, and Narinder does not have a good time.
This is my darkest au and includes things such as abuse, self harm, depression, etc. My favorite thing is the fact that Ratoo and Narinder eventually become friends. I've written a chapter but the fic won't be updated often. Tag: #cotl depression quest
The Courtship of the God of Death:
This is the fic I've published on AO3. Follows the alternate ending of The One Who Waits regaining the Red Crown and his freedom, but instead of sacrificing the Lamb, he accepts their proposal to become his Consort and rule over the Cult by his side. He enjoys his victory, deals with the Lamb's affection for him, and processes what happened between he and his siblings.
It starts out lighthearted, then becomes a descent into darker themes such as obsession, jealousy, manipulation, emotional/psychological abuse, and the toxic relationship between the Lamb and Narinder. It also includes some violence and gore. It borrows some stuff from Depression Quest, and involves the majority of my headcanons/worldbuilding. Tags: #cotl courtship, #cotl the courtship of the god of death, #the courtship of the god of death, #cult of the lamb the courtship of the god of death
Follows the alternate ending of The One Who Waits sacrificing the Lamb and regaining the Red Crown. He gets bored and decides to time/worldjump to another version of The Lands of the Old Faith, replacing Ratau/the Lamb as the crusader against the Bishops. Too bad he's a thousand years out of practice.
This is more slice of life and includes Narinder and Lamb arguing like a married couple but there's some drama in there. It does include violence and gore since Narinder does have to go on his Crusades and fight his siblings. This one does not have a fic written, it's more ideas I've doodled. Well, I did have a chapter written, but it may be posted as a separate piece instead.
tl;dr Narinder goes New Game+ and becomes the player character (but he really sucks at it). Tag: #cotl restart
19th Century AU:
Created after watching of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Emma. It follows Prince Narinder of the Kingdom of the Old Faith Amenthes, investor of Ratau and Ratoo Trading Company, who has just moved into Acheron Estate. He bumps into the Lamb by chance while meeting with Ratau, and hires her as his servant after being intrigued by her fiery personality.
It's a slice of life and is a silly, self-indulgent AU written as if it was a screenplay. Maybe I'll post the scenes on AO3 even though they're out of order. Tag: #cotl 19th century AU
Also made a concept playlist (ask box post with song list, WIP) on the AUs because I'm absolutely nuts
I've also written mad ideas and wrote a few bits on an OC worldbuilding thing I've had since like 2010 or something no idea if people might be interested in it and it's as convoluted as the Kingdom Hearts series soooo Tag: #three kids and their pet ghost
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robintherobiner · 5 months
Thoughts, explanations, and all that shit i had while writing my latest oneshot
Stand up comedians do NOT make good kidnappers - Robin_The_Robiner - Batman - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
SO first up the name. Where did it come from? God knows. I started this fic like ages ago, wrote Steph's first section, and then promptly forgot about it for three months only to come back and scribble the rest out. I dont remember how i came up with the name, but i still think its hilarious so,,
Who is Cassowary? This universes Robin, duh! Since Damian was the first, i thought he'd go for a more intimidating bird. These birds have really sharp claws, and leave wounds similar to those of a blade. Huh. Who do we know who is really good with a sword? Exactly 😎
Writing Steph was hard because I don't know her very well, so I may have projected onto her a little bit (hence the excessive death jokes 😅). I hope it came across that Steph is a detective, like Bruce, but that she's doesn't lazer-focus on that stuff like him. Thats why she focuses on describing Junior at first, not the room she's in or the fact she's chained up. She knows these things, but she only brings them up when relevant. What good is wallowing over being chained up when you could be making fun of your kidnapper, huh?
I'm a bit worried that i didn't make it obvious enough that there is time between Steph's and Bruce's sections. Thats why when we finish Steph's third bit, she's shitting on Junior for dressing like the Joker, but then in the final bit, she's aware that it's Tim. The parts aren't happening at the same time, or right after the other. I hope that was obvious, but im not sure.
BRUCE'S BIT!!! I saw a post once saying that Bruce separates his personas very hard, and i really liked that. When he's talking about Batman, it's only referred to as Batman. When he's having more emotional thoughts, it's Bruce. And, of course, when he's dealing with Crystal (who i don't know very well so probably wasn't well written MY BAD YALL), he's Brucie. The guilt is in all of them, though. Fun stuff!
A big part of Stephanie and Bruce's relationship in canon is, from what i can tell, tense because of the way he treated her when he first met her. BUT in this fic, it's a bit lessened because Steph chalks his shittyness to the fact that he recently lost a son. Also, i think in canon a big part of why Bruce refused to get close to Steph was because of how she reminded him of Jason, which obviously isn't a problem in this universe. Bruce and Steph are still tense, but this time she has the eldest kid on her side pretty easily, cuz Damian feels guilt over Tim LOL
The death!! It's not overly explained, but I do have Tim's death all planned out and shit. It's a mix of the Joker Junior scene from Batman Beyond : Return of The Joker, and then also a little bit of canon. Instead of Bruce being out of Gotham, like in the film, it's that they have an argument. Similar to Jason and Garzonas situation, in how Bruce is angry at the thought of his partner killing, but more so using the Boomerang arc from canon (Tim wanting to kill his Dad's murderer)
Junior's mental state is wild. I'm not writing him with any particular mental illness, mostly because I'm not at all knowledgeable enough to portray something correctly. Instead I'm basing him off of Joker Junior's intro scene, and also me during some of my darkest moments! It's not Pit Rage (i don't lie how much the fandom pushes that onto Jason, similar to the Tim-Doesn't-Sleep idea in which it wasn't canon but then it got popular and was made so, i think) and instead just a extremely traumatised 17 year old!
The teaparty scene was put in there because I wanted Tim to have a hobby that he could share with his mom (because god knows everyone hates Janet because they mess up her character and only look at fanon) and that also can be used to show his mental state. Hence, collecting figurines, and playing with them! Yippee! Thanks to my pal Leo over on discord for suggesting this hobby!! (it was originally stuffed animals but I thought Batburger toys would work better)
Damian and Duke both were the first kids, instead of Dick and Barbara. Instead of Batgirl, we have Batkid, and then instead of Oracle, we have Signal. Damian is Shrike, because that is the most common hero name I see for him and I couldn't think of another. I may go back and change it to Nightwing, because I like the meaning of the name, but it would come from Superboy (Jon) instead of Superman in this universe, so maybe it comes later on? Not sure. need to think on that!!
Drake Manor was, in canon, only bought after Jack woke up from the coma. But, i decided to take the fandom route in which the Drakes always lived there, simply because timeline wise it works better for me. Also in canon, Jack doesn't need the wheelchair by the end, but for my fic, he's not out of the coma long enough for that. I also added a fun basement which defo doesn't exist in canon, so just turn a blind eye to that!
If you saw the original post, you'd know that Bruce was supposed to find Steph through a series of taunting clues. I changed my mind though, because I'm not good at clues, mysteries, or cases. So, a gift with the address is sort of dissapointing, but who cares?
Steph's feelings about Tim are sort of iffy. A really popular headcanon is that Jason was Tim's robin, and thats not true. I'm pretty sure Tim just,, didn't care about Jason? Idk exactly how he felt, but whatever. Steph doesn't hate Tim, in this fic, she just sort of hates how he was as Cassowary. Bruce is full of guilt and won't say a bad word about him, but has plenty of criticism for Steph, which leads to a sort of resentment. He was Cassowary though, so there is also some adoration in her heart. Basically, she switches how she feels about him depending on the situation.
Jack and Robin. In this universe, Jack doesn't know Tim is a superhero. Tim does still take a break, but it's to spend time with his dad after he awakens, not because he's threatened. Dana also (unfortunately) isn't around in this fic, so Jack has more time to spend with Tim. It's sort of a win-lose situation though. More time with Tim so they get closer, but without Dana to calm him, Jack's little bouts of fury are stronger (remember how he fucking ripped out a TV??) so their relationship is more strained, which is why Tim does go back to being Cassowary, just for a bit, before his dad dies.
Hints are sprinkled in Steph's bits that tell on Tim's identity. Not many, because I'm really bad at hints and subtlety, but there are a few. Mentions of shock burns (the electrocution duh), Zesti instead of tea (which is Tim's canon favourite drink, not coffee!!), and his wish that Steph stops being a hero.
Tims motivations are a reverse of Jasons canon ones. Jason forgives Bruce for not saving him, but is mad he wasn't avenged. Tim forgives Bruce for not avenging him, but is mad he wasn't saved. Aint that fun? Thats why instead of beating her up, Tim kidnaps Steph for three days to resemble the three weeks he was held captive before he died. Yippee, allegories! (i think that word isn't right, but i can't think of the right one??!! english is HARD)
WOW i had a lot of thoughts and explanations and shit for that oneshot, huh? 🤭
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genericwizard · 4 months
Heyo! Director's commentary on the start of The Last Cold Week in November? Especially the way it starts in medias res. Also this section specifically:
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because a) I love the past/future line, you nail Venti's sort of learned helplessness when it comes to time, and b) I love the way he then goes through multiple senses to ground himself in the present without you spelling out what he's doing.
I still need to leave comments on your fics and read Believe in Love's Harbour- huge apologies for procrastinating that- but I've revisited the first two KVCU fics more than once. They're good shit.
Before the ramble- thank you so much, I love hearing that. Honestly just interacting with my socials and talking to me about kvcu is kind enough, though I'd be delighted to read your comments. BILH is kinda my baby at the moment, so I hope you enjoy it when you do read! I worry it has a bit of a slow start, but I think what it builds to is ultimately worth it. Thinking about kvcu part 1 over a year later is so weird. I think it holds up just fine, I reread it myself recently (I reread my works from time to time to refresh myself on stuff I established before when writing newer stuff), but this fic is probably the laziest with the actual writing since it was my return to writing after years of not writing anything. I think before this fic the last thing I had written was a ghost chapter of my partner's taz balance x ndrv3 rewrite. There are echoes of things in this fic I had intended to spell out in future installments that I ended up not going through with (my opinion/perspective on Kaeya ended up changing) and now those things are just In There, but they're probably things only I would notice.
I tend to start a lot of fics in media res because I like to begin stories with a scene that will be setting up the themes. The intro of November was written later (the sequence where Albedo shows up to the party I believe was the first scene I wrote for this fic) but I knew with Venti as my POV character I needed to check in with him first. A quiet, introspective moment of what could possibly be going through his mind would ask the reader the question of why is the chipper Anemo Archon so downcast? Well keep reading and he'll tell you! That said the themes in part 1 were less established than later stories I wrote, but I did manage to bring it back around for the conclusion!
As for the focus on his senses, I'm 90% I wrote that because I've been in CBT and practiced mindfulness for my own mental health. I get the impression that Venti detaches from reality easily since he doesn't experience time the way a normal person does, but doing tactile things like touching surfaces + focusing on smells and sounds keep him checked in with everyone else.
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partyanimal167 · 5 months
Greatness in the Making Intro- Crocodile x GN!Reader
Hi!!! This is going to be my year to write a One Piece multi-chap fic! I wrote something a little while ago that kind of explored Crocodile's past, and I really enjoyed it. It'll probably be a bit similar, but this fic will go more in depth. I enjoy the mysteries and angst around all of One Piece's older pirates--that in between generation after Gol D. Roger's death and before the Worst Generation. A lot of them had passion and desires, but things went wrong along the way.
I wanted to introduce the idea and tropes here before I start writing it. Hopefully, you all are interested in it! The pov will probably vary between reader and Crocodile.
Reader will be gender neutral for now (I'm not sure if I'm gonna go any nsfw route)
Definitely have cameos and first encounters from other warlords and other characters
Canon typical violence, angst, slightly older reader, younger Crocodile so not so serious and dark, possibly details hinted at ftm Crocodile too
Probably have some time skips and allusions to One Piece lore
I wanna push myself a bit with this writing. I'm definitely down to answer some questions about this fic and some ideas n feedback! Here's a snippet below. Thanks fo reading~
You yawned as you caught the knife that was aimed for your head. "What's got you so stressed out, lizard-boy? It's not even 8 in the mornin'?" you went over and took a seat at the kitchen table.
The man sent daggers your way, but you didn't care to feel threatened. He turned away and continued to scrub at the dishes in the sink. "Tch, why are you up? It's not your turn to make breakfast." he grunted out.
You leaned back in your chair and shrugged as the morning light started to pour in. "Someone's gotta make sure you're not snaking around tryna steal. Cap'n might've let you on board, but that doesn't mean you're part of the crew." Crocodile cussed to himself when another dish fell and shattered on the floor. "Tch, how about you find yerself a better prosthetic? No point walking around with that damn hook if you can't even use it."
"It's how I protect myself." Crocodile argued back. You rolled your eyes before standing up to sweep the mess. "I don't need your help!"
"Never said you did, kid. But if you're going to be staying around then someone's gotta make sure you don't go making a mess."
"I can take care of myself."
You flicked the other's forehead. "Yeah, but you're on a crew now, so it's not just about yourself! There's other to look after, and they'll look after you. If you're just gonna be a selfish brat, then I'll haul you off this damn boat myself!" you barked before dumping the glass away.
Crocodile didn't say anything and turned back to continue cleaning.
"You talked a lot of shit about wanting to be a great pirate, but you got a long way to go, kid." you started washing the dishes so the man could start drying.
"Oh, and you're gonna show me?"
You looked up at him with a mischievous grin and winked. "Well maybe if you shut up and just watch you'll learn a thing of two."
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notsogreatpotoo · 6 months
1, 7, 13 and 17 for your ask game!
hello!! thank you for the ask friendo :]
ask game link for reference
1: favorite or funniest nicknames you've gotten
I haven't gotten a ton of nicknames that I've liked, bc usually nicknames are based off of your 'real' name and I'm closeted to most people I know irl, but one of my friends nicknamed me Emsy, and some of my friends used to call me Mouse in middle school bc I was a very wide-eyed and confused child. but I do really like nicknames when I get them :]
7: an excerpt from your funniest, weirdest, or worst essay from middle school or high school
okay so freshman year of high school, we read romeo and juliet, and i had read it before but not in an academic context and so when my teacher said we were going to write an argumentative essay on which character was to blame for the whole... situation, i was like. no. that's not the point. so i very spitefully wrote an essay that i ended up getting an A on, which was cool because it very much did not fit the prompt. here's the intro:
Placing the blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet has been debated for centuries. Their tragic fate leaves the audience wondering: who was most at fault? Can the blame even be fairly shifted onto only one person? In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two people become infatuated with each other, but their families have an ongoing feud that limits their relationship. Many characters have expectations set for the two, whether those expectations be that they should be enemies or that their love will fix the feud. They eventually take their lives as the result of a misunderstanding. However, it is clear that Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are ultimately caused by the toxic society and surroundings their own families helped create, and the arbitrary laws of society that their families enforced.
idk, i just think it's funny that younger me was like, i don't want to do this. i'm not gonna blame one character, that's not the point of the story. fuck society.
13: something you really want someone to ask you about
i could literally talk at you forever about my oc insert hunger games fic, the first part and the second part (wip) (i have three parts planned) are currently almost 46000 words and the main character is the closest thing i will ever have to a child. i've decided i'm gonna post the first chapter of it on ao3 in a few days and then figure out a regular update schedule after stuff gets straightened out (i'm moving), but if you ever want to get distracted send me an ask about literally any of it
17: government assigned ao3 tag (choose one you really like, one that seems accurate to your life, or find a generator)
one i really like: Mutual Pining
if i'm in the mood to read fics with ships, i'll find one of my fandoms and sort by mutual pining. i love these fics bc usually the complications are internal emotional complications instead of things like cheating. (note: i do not support censorship. just because i don't like reading about cheating does not mean i support censorship of that sort of reading material. curate your own experience, do not attempt to control others'.) i also like fics that have a little bit of emotional build up through pining or smthn bc it helps me get more invested :]
one that seems accurate to my life: Alternate Universe - College/University
mostly self explanatory (i'm in college and it feels like a different universe)
generator assigned tag: Historical Inaccuracy
as a History major that's hilarious
thank you again for the ask!!! :]
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: what inspired you to create your OCs? Was there a specific moment or inspiration that drove you to creating them, or was it something more indistinct?
How many revisions do your OCs go through before they're ready to post? Have any of your OCs gone through significant edits since you first created them? (and bonus, what are those edits?)
Who's your favorite OC to write? Which OC is the most difficult for you to write?
Love these questions so much, thank you 🥰
Ooh the answer varies for each OC. For Morgan, it was me thinking "hmm wouldn't it be cool if Jesse had an E1 doppelgänger raised by Eowells?" (I say that Jesse is instrumental to Morgan existing and I very much mean it—Morgan wouldn't exist without Jesse).
For Lucy, it was seeing Obi-Wan and Leia's dynamic in the Kenobi show and wanting Obi-Wan to raise a Skywalker kid for all the years he's on Tatooine (I'd thought of writing a Skywalker triplet fic for years, but only then did it finally click).
For Amelia, it was in watching NWH and thinking two things: "wow Otto Octavius is so dad-shaped" and "if Peter had a sister who lived through the Snap and who found out his identity via Mysterio, that would introduce sooo much fun tension...and give me the opportunity to really dig into the Snap and its implications" (I always love "post-blip meta" fic 💞)
And for Reyna, it was moreso me just wanting to give Nora a girlfriend 😂 I ship Nora with Lia and Mia anyway, but...I wanted to make my own OC girlfriend for Nora.
My OCs usually don't go through many revisions, they moreso just get details added to them and get fleshed out...though none have had major edit. The exceptions to this are Morgan and technically Lucy.
Morgan went through a few revisions—she initially had super strength, and she initially wasn't as close to Barry and Iris in s1. But the former changed when I wrote the intro fic (the super strength would cause rapid aging that I had no cure for), and the latter changed as I wrote the s1 arc and got attached to Barry & Morgan and Morgan & Iris 💞
Lucy is technically an exception too because as mentioned before, I tried to make a Skywalker triplet idea work back in 2015-16. Liana Naberrie Skywalker was her name...but I never could quite come up with a way to fit her in. But the Kenobi show finally made the idea click...and I changed the name to Lucy, since it seemed more fitting (and ofc her surname was Kenobi, not Skywalker)
Morgan is my favorite to write 💞 Amelia is usually the most difficult, but only because the MCU muse is elusive. When it clicks though, that's when the magic happens!
Reyna can be quite tricky to write too, to be fair. A lot of her story is full of question marks because there's a lot I haven't quite figured out yet (she's a pretty new OC)...which makes it a challenge to write for her. Though for both her and Amelia, it's always satisfying when I manage to write something 💞
talk shop tuesday!
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Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara x Lee
Prompt: Bruises
WC: 500
TWs: mentions of ab*se, self-h*rm, bruises, etc.
Ever since she had gotten back from New Caprica Lee could tell Kara was different. He didn't know what had happened to her there but he knew something had at least, something that had changed her.
She never talked about it and while he couldn't blame her, he wished she would. That she would open up about it because maybe it would lessen the pain. But he knew that wasn't how Kara worked. She faced her problems and pain alone, she always did her best to make sure to not put them on others, or make them anyone else's problem too.
The first week after she had come back had been the worst. She had been the most different and far off, hard to reach. And he couldn't ignore the bruises.
Someone had hurt her. Abused her. And it pissed him off. He knew it hadn't been Sam but sometimes a part of him had wished it was so she'd have an excuse to leave him and Lee could finally have her, since she had chosen to run instead when he had offered her the idea to finally be together.
There weren't a lot, but it was enough, especially if you looked closely. Especially if you knew Kara like he did. She never let people hurt her, if she could help it. So seeing her as beat up as she was was concerning, to know someone had worn her down enough to the point where she just took the abuse rather than tried to fight it. Where that was the easier option.
And while the injuries were clearly from abuse of some sort he couldn't help but to wonder if any were self inflicted. If she had tried to escape whatever hell she had faced there by attempting to die. If it had been bad enough he knew she probably had. If her spirit had gotten broken beyond repair.
He knew it had because otherwise she would have been making jokes about it after day one. To make light of it, to cope, because that's what she typically did.
But she instead stayed quiet about it and Kara never stayed quiet. She was brash and loud and hated keeping to herself. She always spoke her mind.
She wasn't just staying silent. She was hiding too, and that was even more concerning. She was locking herself away, refusing to talk to anyone and almost seeming scared whenever someone tried to approach her. That was the biggest difference. Kara Thrace never showed fear, but now it seemed to be the only emotion she had left.
Lee knew the physical bruises would go away sooner or later, but the internal ones wouldn't. Those were the ones he was most concerned about.
And while she was avoiding everyone he knew he would have to be the one person to try and heal her wounds. And maybe, if he was lucky, she'd let him.
Maybe he could fix her bruises, once and for all.
A little ficlet/quintuple drabble I wrote. Inspired by the word bruises. I feel like this could be a good intro to a longer fic or oneshot. Maybe one day I will add to it. For now though it'll just remain as this as I'm challenging myself to write more drabbles/ficlets because even my one shots usually end up being at least 2k words. I have been physically incapable of writing anything short for Kara and Lee thus far and I'm wanting to change that so this is one of my first attempts. I have another I posted in a Tumblr community and another that is in my Google docs. But that's only 3 (around 1500 words) out of around the total 170,000 words I have written for this pair/fandom. That says a lot haha. I have a tendency to overcomplicate things or at least struggle to write any simple and more vague one shots so I am forcing myself to do exactly that at least a little bit more. So far I like the results and hope I can keep coming up with good ones. I will be posting this on AO3 as well within the next day or so just y'all are aware haha. Feel free to let me know your thoughts too :)
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municiberg · 1 month
📌intro post
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Hey, welcome to my blog! My name is Cameron, but I've also gone as Sam in the past.
🦸‍♂️ 25 🦸‍♂️ they/them 🦸‍♂️ previous urls: screensllaver, deav0rs, shelectra 🦸‍♂️ main: @princeproteus 🦸‍♂️ personal carrd 🦸‍♂️ ao3
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I've ran this Incredibles blog since 2018, but I've loved the franchise since 2004! With Incredibles 3 just announced, I thought now was the right time to write a new intro post, since I'll (hopefully) be getting more active.
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I like to post about theories, headcanons, and any and all general Incredibles-related thoughts. I also love getting asks with your thoughts and headcanons about the series. I'd love to talk about the Incredibles with you!
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I have a soft spot for all the characters, but my most beloveds are Voyd and the rest of the wannabes, Mirage, and especially the Deavors! I also love the glory days supers, especially Gazerbeam. I'm definitely a multishipper and Hevelyn, Wingazer/Winsterbeam, and Evelage are some of my faves. I don't have a problem with most ships unless they're incest or adult/minor - Winlet, Synlet, Elastigale, etc.
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I haven't written Incredibles fanfic in a hot minute, but the fics I'm most proud of are:
🦸‍♂️ The Soaring Six & the Queen of Hearts: 130k words, T-rated, general (no pairings), focused on Voyd and the other wannabes as they adjust to life as supers in New Urbem. I wrote this in a fevered haze powered by the strongest hyperfixation I've ever gone through, and it's still the longest thing I've ever written and the only novel-length work I've ever finished! I know it's long and the lack of romance can be a turn-off, but if you decide to give it a shot, please let me know what you think - I'd love to hear it! 🦸‍♂️ Five times Gazerbeam didn't get the joke (plus one time he did): 12k words, T-rated, oneshot, Gazerbeam/Winston Deavor. This pairing only has a flimsy basis in canon, but I love it so so much, and this fic basically encapsulates all the reasons I'm obsessed with them. Winsterbeam you will always be famous.
I've also written several others, so feel free to check them out!
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Since 2018, I've owned Incredibles Antics, a small and tight-knit community server by and for people who love the Incredibles. If you're a fan, please feel free to join us!
I've also tried to keep a tradition of hosting yearly streams to celebrate the anniversaries of I1 and I2, so please keep a lookout for links around the time of the films' release anniversaries. We typically watch the first and second movies along with assorted special features and other related fun videos. All are welcome to join!
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I think that's it for now. Thanks so much for reading!
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prince-liest · 8 months
Heya! I really appreciate how manage to get each fanfic you write to really carry the voice of the character youre writing about! Like how in the lucifer/angel fic a lot of the text is packed with lucis inner monologue compared to how much dialogue goes on, really gets to how lucifer is really in his own head, and just from the words you use and how you write a reader can see a lot of that inner monologue consists of overthinking and all his other little quirks hes gained from so much isolation and rejection over the years.
When I thought about it, compared to the vox/alastor fic you wrote, its much more dialogue, and a lot of the internal thoughts and text is more observations about vox (some of them sarcastic, others analyzing things like vox's body language) and amusing descriptions of the situation.
Im just wondering, do you plot all these details in your head, or do you jot them down on paper? IMO it seems like in general some fanfics struggle with keeping the character's voice when describing things outside of the dialogue ,and tend to sound like its being narrated/observed by the writer, rather than a look inside how the character thinks/talks. It can be a tricky thing to really get a characters voice down TBH
Thank you VERY much! You've basically just gone and told me, "Hey, you know that thing that you really enjoy doing and is important to you? Yeah, that's great!" hahaha, so please know that this message is greatly appreciated. I LOVE.
I am a huge outliner for every single fic I write, except the occasional single-scene NSFW oneshots that kinda write themselves! But character voice is usually actually not heavily involved in that outline, haha.
I think for my first Proper Fic (TM) on AO3, The Sword of Damocles is Swinging, which was a 60k word character study of Hawks from My Hero Academia, I did do a lot of outlining regarding his characterization and how I wanted to portray that because I felt like if I didn't write all of it down then I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around him. But this type of thing has very quickly become a matter of "code-switching" into a character's head for me, basically. Characterization has always been really important to me, and I remember back when I was in my "1k words is an accomplishment I'm genuinely very proud of" stage of writing, it was the thing that made me the most nervous, because I was afraid of not being able to write characters that felt like themselves.
What actually really helped with this is that I spent like 4 years doing Homestuck fantroll OC roleplay, haha. It was the perfect combination of "these are my characters so I automatically know all there is about them" + "but they are their own distinct characters with different personalities and inner voices, so it's still great practice," and then ofc roleplay being a very rewarding, collaborative, and social activity as well that gets posted in smaller, easier-to-write chunks than an entire fanfic.
For the Hazbin characters, I mostly rewatched some of their big scenes (like most of the Angel episode, or Lucifer's intro) for a reminder and a point of reference, paying particular attention to their body language, the intended vibe of how they're portrayed, and the way they talk, but it's less note-taking and more like that moment before a choir starts singing where the teacher blows a whistle to remind them where that note is, haha.
Anyway, basically, we're all reaping the rewards of me being a long-term roleplayer who's really into writing in third-person limited rather than omniscient. 🤭
An example of one of my actual outlines below the cut if you're still interested! It's chapter one from Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy because I am Not sharing my nsfw outlines, HAH:
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As you can see, some moments are quoted almost directly bc I thought of neat lines while outlining, while others are fairly loosely outlined because I know it's going to be easy to write once I get there and I'm not accidentally already writing it in my brain. Sometimes large chunks of scenes write themselves, like the entire ending to this fic:
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bellaleighwrites · 4 months
Writeblr Intro
General Info
Hello! My name is Isabella. I'm in my 40s (a sentence that I'm going to have to change in 13.5 months, but leaving it for now). I've been writing for as long as I can remember. We won't talk about most of my early attempts. I could probably recreate the story I wrote in 7th grade word for word if I wanted to. But, the only reason to do that would be to torture somebody with it. And I don't have anybody I dislike enough to make them read that thing. Same as any of the poetry I wrote during my poetry phase in junior high and high school.
Currently, I work at the service desk in a grocery store. It's great for people watching. Of course, it's also good for making me want to never leave my house and not have to deal with people ever again. If I could get my ADHD brain to work long enough to look into classes, I really want to go into accounting or bookkeeping. The morning bookwork is my favorite part of my job honestly (other than most of my coworkers. I DO like them). I'm the oldest of 4 girls (though, technically one of them is actually a sister from another mister. But, her kids call me and my other sisters "aunt" and my parents "grandma and grandpa" so she still counts.) and have TEN niblings ranging in age from 19 down to almost 8. I think. I tend to lose track of the younger ones.
Anyway! On to my writing! Which is honestly the most interesting thing about me, anyway.
I am in the process of revising my first novel. It's an Urban Fantasy about a vampire who is trying to protect his girlfriend in a world going increasingly mad. He has reason to believe that his Sire is in town and gunning for his friends. He's been informed by the local seer that he will somehow be instrumental in preventing the end of the world. There is apparently a Necromancer loose in the city - and when you and most of your friends are dead, that is a bit concerning. And the firestarting abilities he thought he lost when he was turned have returned, and after 275 years of being dormant they're out of control. This is the first in a series. The book doesn't have a title yet, but the series is called The Vampires of Sangue Collina. Any posts about it will be tagged with #Sangue Collina.
I am also writing the first draft of a Historical Romance. a Regency-era second chance romance. Four years ago, Evelyn and Lucas fell in love. But, her stepfather intended to marry her to the son of an associate of his, using her dowry to pay off a gambling debt. Evelyn takes one night for herself and sleeps with Lucas before running away. Four years later, Lucas has a bad riding accident and in his moments of semi-lucidity the only coherent thing he can say is Evelyn’s name. So, his older brother tracks her down. When he finds her, he also discovers that she has had Lucas’s baby. He drags them both back to London. When Lucas finally actually wakes up and finds out about their child - and about the fact that her stepfather is still looking for her - he realizes the only way to protect them is to marry her. Of course he kind of hates her for what she did, and never mind her reasons. I'm 12 scenes in and really like most of what I have, even though I know that it DOES need a lot of work. I'm probably going to have to add in some flashbacks or something. Because the 12th scene is literally the first time Evelyn and Lucas see each other, and they don't have a proper conversation until the next scene. I need to do something about that. But, that is future me's problem. The tags for that are #You're still the one and #ysto.
And then there's my fanfiction. I write Bridgerton. Mostly Kate and Anthony. And it would take way too long to talk about all of my fics on here. I'll be posting later to talk about all of them. And with links to everything.
Anyway! I intend to post writing updates and snippets on here. I'll also be reblogging writing advice and I want to get better about reblogging other people's writing.
I am especially looking for fellow romance writers. Bonus if you also write historical romance. Much as I love my mutuals, it would be great to find people I can talk to about the specifics of my genre.
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