#i don't believe the enemy noticed me there until they accidentally got me on the backswing
floralquafloral · 1 year
A strategic tip: Most players, when they're searching for enemies, will almost never think to look upwards. Our terrestrial primate brains naturally expect everyone to be at ground level. Take advantage of this! When you only have a moment to hide, hiding above plain sight can be a great idea. Just look at the amazing results that can be achieved when this technique is applied in battle:
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
summary : charles has a panic attack and you come and help him but don't you hate eachother?
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : panik attack mentioned, badly translated french, curse words
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You were at the Bahrain grand prix, watching the race with your friends. Lily, Carmen and you were standing in the Mercedes garage watching the race, as charles car stopped. 
You three looked at each other worried. Charles 2023 season didn't start good. It continues as it did in the end of the 2022 season. 
You three talked a bit, charles was driven off the grid and you tree continued watching the race, supporting Alex and george. All of a sudden, you saw Isa, Carlos girlfriend, approaching you.
"Y/n?", she asked, her face pale and eyes wide. A worried look on her face as she came near you. You immediately knew something was wrong. 
"He needs you, y/n. Charles needs you," Isa said, as she told you breathlessly. You looked back at her, not understanding who or what she meant.
"What? " You wanted to know, as you almost yelled at her, because it was loud around you, instantly walked up to her. "Where is he?" you asked her as it clicked in you hear, and you knew she was talking about charles.
"In his driver's room," Isa answered, as she grabbed your hand, pulling you with her to the Ferrari garage and to charles driver's room, until you both stood in front of the room.
"I-i think he's having a panic attack, y/n."
"He won't talk to anyone. You're our last hope.," she said, hoping you would help.
"He literally hates my guts", you argued, but Isa shook her head. You once accidentally spilled coffee on charles race suit, as you passed him and didn't see him, since that day, Charles hates you. So you think.
"He doesn't," she answers, as she shoves you to the door, so you stand directly in front of his driver's room. "No go!" she said, going back to watch the rest of the race. Before she does, she screams, "good luck!"
"Charles..." you say, opening the door and as you looked around the room, which was completely dark. You click the light on as you heard whimpers. It didn't take long for you to notice him, huddling on the floor. 
His breathing was labored and as time unfolded you heard him sob. Your heart breaking at the view and the sounds in front of you.
"Charles," you say under your breath, approaching him and kneeling down in front of him.
He looked up at you, his eyes swollen and red, tears coating his cheeks. His whole body was shaking, he looked so damn helpless. You have never seen him like this.
"Y/n", he mutters, his eyes displaying panic and disappointment. "I-i can't do this anymore. This is so exhausting." he could barely talk.
"It's going to be okay, charles. The next race will better." you say to him and brush his sweaty hair out of his face, trying to comfort him.
"Breath. Take a deep breath. Calm down. Everything will be alright."
He shook his head, to signal you that he couldn't do it anymore. His breathing started getting faster again." Je peux pas.  C’est trop. Si j’échoue, je-je... La pression est ... " He chokes out in between sobs. His voice breaking in to process. I can't do it.  It's too much. If I fail, I-i'm... The pressure is …
"Breath.," you repeat, your hand grabbing his shaky once. "Pour moi" you say with your broken French, to calm him down. For me
Much to your surprise. charles squeezed his eyes shut and toke one deep breath. Then another one. Until his breath got calmer, and he looked at you, the both of you locking eyes.
" Je ferais n’importe quoi pour toi. Rien.," charles said quietly, wiping his tears away and giving you a soft smile.  I would do fucking anything for you. Anything.
You let out a small laugh and shook your head in disbelief. "You'e confused". You argued and helped him up. "Come on, they are all worried outside"
"You don't believe me?" charles wanted to know. "No, not really," you answered him and shrugged, trying to drag him out of his driver's room and into the garage to the others.
But he didn't move one bit. "Y/n", he mumbles, tears welling up in his eyes again. His hands shaking again, and his breathing started getting faster.
"I- I told Isa to come and g-get you."
"Wanna k-know why I did that?" He asked you, now standing unusually close to you. Hi breathing, still very fast but getting calmer by the second.
"B-but you hate me.," you told him, still not quite believing what he's saying.
"Come on, amour," he answered, his eyes piercing yours. Your breathing hitched because of the nickname. He never called you that.
"You know I could never fucking hate you"
"And trust me, I have tried.," he adds, before he took your hand is his and walked out of the driver's room to the garage, where, Carlos, Isa, his family, pierre and Fred were waiting.
He let go of you, letting you stand there looking at him confused nor knowing where your thoughts were. Everyone in the garage looked at him, asking if everything was alright and if he was okay. 
He gave a quick nod, hugging his family and thanking Isa for getting you to him. He looked behind him, at you, giving you a smile and a wink, then looking back at his friends and family. 
While you left the garage to gather your thoughts. Walking through the paddock to the exit, wondering what was now between you and charles.
here are the other parts : (2) , (3) /masterlist
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lovelyiida · 1 year
making mha guys jealous~
WARNINGS: implied gender neutral reader, sexual themes, vulgar language, sexual language
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just for one single day he’d let it slide, he thought.
One fucking day.
It was currently a calm Sunday afternoon at the UA dorms, everyone at peace as they settled themselves for another long week of rigorous training and classes.
and here you fucking are, sitting next to Midoriya on the couch laughing at whatever he was showing you on his phone.
Bakugo knows that you know he despises the fucker, so why are you basically insulting him to his face at the moment?
Bakugo grumbles as he stares down at the text you sent to him nearly 30 minutes ago, "on my way up babe” he reads.
a damn liar you were
you and him were supposed to watch a move earlier before curfew hit, checking the clock he grows hotter by the second.
almost 3 hours before the 8PM curfew, that may be a lot of time to some. but on this glorious sunday, the day was gone before it even started.
your boyfriend watched as you giggled with your friend, knees huddled into your chest as your face shined bright with a smile.
why were you smiling so hard?
only he gets to see you smile that way.
and here goes this fuckwad.
round, sprinkle faced, curly-topped bastard.
Bakugo couldn't stand the looks of Midoriya sometimes, he just looked so punchable. he can't believe that he has the audacity to take you from him, knowing that the both of you were gong to be doing something at this exact time.
he may seem like this ball of sunshine to you, but he sees his true intentions.
watching the both of you even harder, he noticed how he was showing you pictures of something, eye lids pulling close together as he tries to make out the images on the phone and the words you were saying at the same time.
As midoriya scoots closer towards you. Bakugo feels a pang in his chest, it almost felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. bodies bumping into each other as his head accidentally bumps yours.
Today he thought he was gonna let it slide, he really did think that.
pulling away from each other, the both of you laugh, and thats when he saw it…
Midoriya was blushing.
"oh, piss off!" Bakugo darkly grumbled, hastily marching over to the both of you. he got madder with each step, fists growing hot and smoke fuming out.
as the both of you continued to laugh, you feel a heavy dip in the couch. you also see your friends expression, a laid back happy smile to quiver-lipped state of fear.
before you could ask whats wrong, you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist and pull you in tight.
"so this is what you've been doing, conspiring with the enemy?" Bakugos deep voice mumbled into your ear, making you jump. "w-what?" you stuttered.
"you texted me almost—40 minutes ago, that you're on your way, what the fuck?" Bakugo whined. you rolled your eyes, "bakugo, I was coming until I saw Midoriya! I haven't spoken to him in a while and decided to catch up."
looking over to the man of the hour himself, he lets out a shaky nod. "yeah! w-we were talking I was just showing them some pictures and–"
"what pictures?" Bakugo looks at you for an answer.
"nothing really!" Midoriya barks, earning a scowl from Bakugo.
"I wasn't fuckin' talkin' to you dumbass!" he yelled.
"now like I asked you, what pictures?" he says, his voice scarily calm.
"they were...pictures of you and Midoriya when you were kids," you admitted, Bakugos eyes widen as his face becomes warm.
"dude, what the fuck!" his free hand fling towards his face, poorly hiding his embarrassment. "I know, I'm sorry Kachaan! but your mom found them, and then she sent them to my mom…and she sent them to me!" he explained to the blonde.
"I don't give a fuck how you got them! just delete 'em!" He rubs his brows with his free hand to try and cope with the embarrassment. Finally having enough of this torment, he pulls you off the couch with ease and hurried to to the elevator.
stepping in, he lets out a breath.
"and stop fucking calling me that!" Bakugo yells, the vision of the green haired boy nodding in fear was the last thing you saw as the doors slide shut.
You sit in the elevator awkwardly as the sounds of the the elevator moving from floor to floor fill the void.
after a long moment of awkward silence in the elevator, you both finally make it to his dorm. Shutting the door, you plop on the bed, a smug smile not fading for a second.
You watch the blonde roam around his room, cutting on the tv and picking some random action movie he wanted the both of you to watch that you’ll most likely fall asleep to. Hearing him curse to himself as he trips on his shoes on his way to turn off the lights.
Crawling into the bed, you make room for Bakugo to lay in. Bakugo crawls in and throws the blankets over you and pulls you in tight.
As the movie begins to play, you couldn’t help but you let out a chuckle, “what now?” He groans. Smiling you look at him with hooded eyes, "you're so cute when you're jealous,~" you purr.
"i wasn't jealous!" he protested, making you luagh.
Bakugo pulls you in closer into his chest, which you kindly melt into. Burring your face into his chest, you let out a sigh.
"Midoriya misses you, y'know that?", you mumbled into his broad chest. The faint smell of sweet smoke fills your nostrils.
"I don't care" he spits.
You scoff at his reply, lightly hitting him on the chest. "oh come on! just for one day, hang out with the poor guy. you're always hanging out with me!" you complained, pushing his shoulder with your fist. Bakugo lets out a light chuckle, a smile barely present shown on his lips, nuzzling into your neck, he sighs.
"you're different."
“Hey honey, are you ready for our study session?” Iida smiles brightly towards you, chest broad and stature straight.
You're currently outside the UA dorms, sitting out on the bench enjoying the sunlight after a week of rain with your favorite book.
“Oh baby, I promised I would study with you didn’t I?” You frowned at him. Interested to hear your response, Iida tilts his head. “I don’t understand,” he says.
Closing the book you were holding, you straightened your back. “Well…I forgot to let you know that I’ll be studying with someone else this weekend, please don’t be upset!” You pleaded.
Iida softly smiled at you, “I could never be upset at you, as long as you’re still learning I don’t care who it’s with.” His strong hand reached for your face, causing you to melt into iida as he caresses your face.
And it was true, as long as you stayed successful in classes. Studying with someone else is the least of his problems.
He looked into your eyes, your deep loving eyes. The both of you chuckle at the display of affection.
That was until he heard the door open. Sharply pulling away from your face he automatically shot his hand straight into the air.
Even though the both of you are in a relationship, the both of you tried to make it seem you weren’t together. In other words, intimate moments like these are only shown in private.
“Are you ready to leave?" a calm voice asks.
“Todoroki!” You jump up with a smile. Grabbing your book bag, you throw it over your shoulder and walk towards him.
Iida didn’t care who you were studying with…
Until he found out it was Todoroki.
Recently, Iida has been seeing him eye you more than the rest. It didn’t bother him until this moment. He also overheard a particular conversation the other day as well.
“Dude, if you had to pick one girl from 1-A to marry, who would you choose?” Kirishima asked.
Currently in the locker room, changing out of their hero suits. Iida was tying his shoe laces, not really interested in the conversation.
“I’m not sure,” Todoroki said.
“Okay, who was the first person that came to mind?” Kirishima says, his sharp toothy grin beaming bright from ear to ear.
Iida perks up at this, not turning towards them. He simply stands straight up and walks out.
Today, Iida stares at Todoroki, his lips slightly twitch as he sees him chivalrously grab your book bag. Watching the both of you leave he cursed under his breath.
There’s no way Todoroki has a thing for you right?
It’s simply not possible, even though no one really knows that the both of you are together, it should be a given.
He hoped today would be the only time it would happen. However, later in the weekend, he realized that both of you got to know each other way more intensely than he thought.
When he’d wake up and go to the kitchen, he'd see both of you sitting down next to each other, eating breakfast, talking about whatever happened the day before. talking about likes and dislikes, the two of you even had secret inside jokes that no one else knew of.
It irritated him, knowing that the special bond that he had with you was slowly deteriorating over the span of the weekend.
It hurts Iida that you spent almost your whole weekend with Todoroki.
Holding on tight to the short moments that the both of you would have, whether it be sitting down on the couch talking, or in his room cuddling.
Either you'd see Todoroki or he'd send you a text (he didn’t even know that he had your number). If it was true that you were going out with him, you would quickly apologize by kissing him on the cheek and saying your goodbyes.
and that’s what happened over and over and over again.
It was safe to say that he missed you dearly, even though you don’t really take you out on dates too often. he considers the study time the both of you have as a date. Even though there are no roses or chocolates or fancy dinners, he loves the time he spends with you.
He doesn’t want it to be taken by someone else.
That following Monday, the two of you were currently in the lunchroom. Iida didn’t sit next to you, but he was close enough to where he was able to see you within eyesight. Everything was fine until he saw Todoroki with lunch tray in hand, sitting next to you and began to converse with you.
He watched how you giggled at his words, whatever the both you were talking about. It must have been very funny. He's never even seen you laugh that hard at his jokes. Swallowing his food, he let out a deep sigh.
Staring the both of you down, he noticed that Todoroki had a light pink blush on his cheeks in a soft, faint smile that only his eyes caught.
You were so busy laughing you didn’t even notice that your knees were pressed up against each other. Throwing your head back in laughter, a thick strand of hair cascades over your face.
Don’t do it he thought don’t even try it
Todoroki reached out towards your face and softly tucked your hair back behind your ear. Eyes widening, you shyly thank him with a bow.
Iida didn’t even realize that his feet were moving by the time he got close to you. Grabbing your arm with such force it shocked you, as you were dragged out of the lunch room. It even shocked him that he was doing this.
Taking you to a classroom that is empty, he shuts the door.
"Honey, what's wrong?" you asked, slightly shaken up by Iida’s performance. “I don’t want you to hang around him anymore. He obviously has feelings for you.” he spit, his tone was sharp as you could tell that he was angry.
Your eyes widen for a moment until you frown, “is that what this is about? I assure you, Todoroki has no feelings for me.”
Your arms crossed against your chest as you huff out of breath. Iida scoffs at your words. "You may not see it, but I do! I know for a fact that he has feelings for you. He even said it in the locker room the other day!” he exclaims.
You let out a light gasp at his words. After a brief moment of silence, you giggle.
this makes him frown even deeper. “I don’t understand what you’re laughing about," he says.
You laugh, "I can't believe you're jealous right now," you say. Iida gross hot at your words.
“I mean, I have every right to be, don’t I? Todoroki has taken you away from me and it seems like you don’t even notice!” he exclaims.
Playfully poking your lip out, you walk towards Iida, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you pull him into your embrace.
“y'know all of this could’ve been avoided if you just let everyone know that we’re in a relationship.”
He blushed as you spoke softly to him.
“And what happens if I do? What if you get made fun of because of me? Because they find out you’re dating such a loser…” His words trail off as you can tell that he’s visibly upset.
Your brows furrowed after hearing his words.
“you? A loser? Iida, you are the president of class 1-A at UA high school. I’m basically dating the top student in the entire school! You are definitely no loser in my book” you reassured him.
A soft smile appears on his lips as his hands slide around your waist. “you mean that?” he says.
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it” you mumbled.
Pulling in close to you, your lips press against each other softly. You breathe into the kiss, your hand racing from his shoulders to the back of his neck as you push him in for a deeper kiss.
Before this steamy make-out session could go further, you hear the door slam open. Gasping, you pull yourself away from your boyfriend.
Todoroki doesn't see himself as a jealous type. He has no reason to be jealous not to make him sound cocky, but he has a good personality. He knows he has good looks and he's just a good person. What more could a person want?
You always thought the opposite about yourself, you never really understood why Todoroki chose you out of all the other people that desperately wanted him, but you never saw how Todoroki saw you.
You are a kind, caring, witty, and so funny a lot of people would die for a person like you, but you never saw that.
Or at least you never noticed, until today.
Today in class one a you were all sparring and training your quirks to the maximum ability. Todoroki stares at you from across the classroom. She noticed you were talking to someone in particular Denki Kaminari.
And bright yellow hair, a lean muscular build, a pretty face with a golden eyes, he's known to meet people on the school as a very attractive guy, and also a known heartbreaker.
He's no good, Todoroki thought.
He stares at the both of you, he noticed the way dinky I do his bright eyes gliding over, figure ever so carefully so that he wouldn't catch you because it be caught.
Denki knew you were already in a relationship with him with Todoroki, of course. But he could really care less. He still wanted to shoot his shot and maybe give you a little test of loyalty.
"Hey, is that skirt new? It looks Hella good on you." Denki says, sly smirk plastered on his lips as he spoke to you with ease. He noticed the way you blushed his comment you awkwardly laugh it off.
"no, this is the same skirt I've been wearing since the beginning of the school year. Thanks for the compliment, though." you give him a slight bow, somewhat thankful for his compliment.
"y'know, somehow I think it would look better if it was a tad bit, shorter...or maybe even off, your legs are so pretty! I wonder how they look thrown over my shoulders" Denki purrs, letting out a dark chuckles at his own words. he fawns over the way you tightly grip your skirt with your balled fists.
"you can't talk to me that way Denki! you know that Todoroki is my boyfriend. What if he hears you?" you whispered. Denki rolls his eyes at your words. leaning into your ear, he whispers.
"and if he did? what would you do princess?" Denki whispers, earning a shiver down your spine. pulling away, he notices Todoroki's sharp colorful eyes looking straight towards him.
Denki smiles brightly and even waves at him, he watched Todoroki smack his lips at his fake act. He chuckles at this, watching Todoroki stomp his way sighs.
reaching for a strand of you hair, he sighs as it slips from his fingers. "playtimes' over, gotta go beautiful!" Denki chuckles. Walking away before Todoroki could get to him.
Soon you felt a tight embrace on your back, "Todoroki!" turning towards him, you hug him tightly.
"what did he say to you?" his voice deep and filled with anger.
"nothing different, casual Denki being a pervert" you laugh, Todoroki only holds you tighter.
Todoroki isn't a jealous person.
But this time, he was.
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hey guys!! almost at 200 followers, thanks sm guys!
— lovelyiida ❤︎︎
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inactivewattpadauthor · 7 months
Fujin x Reader (Semi-Lemon)
Warning: Includes Fujin eating you out. Nothing more.
It was about an hour until midnight, yet you were busy playing a middle school game that involved drinking with a certain handsome wind god that was supposed to be back at the sky temple.
"Never have I ever... 'accidentally' hit and enemy in the crotch with my weapon." You squinted as you read the hand-written card.
You then peeked at Fujin to see if he was going to take a shot to that one, in which, he actually does.
"I have done that on several occasions." He smirks, chuckling low.
You giggled before taking your shot down as well. "I won't lie to myself, I be doing it on purpose. Now you, on the other head, is it by accident or have you just been around Mr. Cage a lot?"
Fujin lets out a small laugh at your question. "Perhaps both. Now hand me a card."
You listened to the wind lord and handed him a new card without turning it over.
Fujin reads it quietly at first but then smirks and looks back at you.
"Never have I ever slept with a co-worker."
'Damn, I forgot I wrote that card.' You thought.
"I have done that." Fujin informed, before taking another shot.
"Really?! With who?" You were a bit shocked.
Fujin would give me a friendly wink. "You don't need to know that."
"Ughhhh, fineeeee." You pouted.
Fujin notices you didn't take a drink. He assumed you got a bit side tracked.
"Y/N, aren't you going to take a drink?" Fujin gestures to your next shot glass.
"Oh... I never slept with a co-worker." You admitted, hiding down the embarrassment.
"Are you lying?" Fujin teased.
"Fujin, please, I'm not lying!" You defensively cried out, being flustered.
"Alright, alright, I'll believe you. Next card."
You got myself together before pulling another card from the deck. "Never have I ever..."
You trailed off as your eyes widened at the new card. 'Was it really a good idea to read such a thing in front of a god? It seems more personal than the last. He didn't seem to have problems reading that one though.'
Fujin notices your blush and how you were hesitant on reading out the card. "Come on, don't be shy. What does the card say, Miss Y/N?"
"Never have I ever r-recieved oral." You said the last part out quietly, before covering your face with your hands.
Fujin raised an eyebrow at me before taking his numerous shot in a row and setting the glass down to focus on you.
"I... take it you haven't?" He tilted his head and asked our of curiosity.
"No. I never have." Your response was muffled by your hands.
The demigod would think for a moment before leaning towards you, gently taking your hands away from your face. His glowing, white eyes looked at you with kindness and perhaps something else. Maybe it must be all the shots he took.
And then he spoke...
"Well, my friend, I think it is time for a change, don't you?" How straightforward this man is... so hot.
"Come on, Fujin, don't play with me like that!" You chuckled nervously, beginning to sweat. "You've certainly had quite a lot to drink..."
Fujin chuckles softly. For a moment, he thought of what to say. You looked to the side, thinking about his proposal, if he was just playing around.
"Do you really think I'm playing with you?" He asked.
Again, nothing was said at first. Maybe he wasn't tricking me or joking around at all. You still had your suspensions.
"Well... I don't know! Would... you actually... like... eat me out?" You fiddled your fingers with each other and asked. You really wanted to know if he was being genuine.
Fujin gave you a smirk before leaning into your ear. "That isn't a question that should be answered by words."
Just like that, most of those nerves went straight down to your crotch.
You looked at Fujin and looked around for a bit, pondering on what to do or say. You got it together, though.
"My room is upstairs."
You stood up with little difficulty since you weren't entirely too drunk. Lord Fujin stood too, seemingly as if he didn't take like more shots than you.
He picked you up bridal style, proceeding to carry you upstairs and locating your room.
"How experienced are you?" You asked him, holding onto him.
"Enough to know what I'm doing." Fujin quickly responded with a smile.
After stepping into your room, he gently places you on your bed, placing his hands on your hips to pull you closer to him.
You only laid back with your lips slightly parted, separating your legs a little for him. You could feel that heat burning in your lower stomach from him. Your mind was drawing blank from it.
Fujin got on top of you, kissing the base on you neck softly. After lifting your shirt up to kiss between your chest and down to your stomach he looked back up at you. You felt a tug at the rim of your shorts.
"Are you ready?" He looked into your eyes for permission.
"Yes, please." You almost immediately consented, ready to just have a tongue in you for the first time.
Your shorts were then removed along with your panties underneath it, leaving you already exposed, and the cold air hitting your wet sensitive.
Now if your mind wasn't so clouded with the eagerness, you'd probably feel a lot more self-conscious, but you found yourself already placing a hand in Fujin's, white hair as his head was between your thighs, passionately kissing them before his mouth goes closer to the more precious spot.
By instinct, you bucked your hips slightly forward when Fujin softly kissed your lips, and no, I'm not talking about your mouth. You let out a gasp as another response to the kiss as well, placing your other hand onto his hair and tugging.
Your lord didn't keep you waiting. His hands held onto your inner thighs as he licked around your tight hole, soon enough, he stuck his tongue inside, driving you crazy.
"Mmm~ Lord Fujin! ...Please..." It was hard for you to even beg, and he just only began... but he found it arousing.
His tongue worked its magic in you, touching all the correct spots, making you tense up and breathe heavily.
At some point, you even removed a hand from his now messy hair and placed it over your mouth to muffle those noises you were making. Fujin looked up at you and chuckled, finding you adorable.
You felt that building pressure inside your belly, as it intensified, your grip on his hair tightened. Fujin would pay attention to this and pace his tongue faster and maybe sloppier, making sure to get as much of your arousal fluid onto his tongue as possible. His grip on your thighs also increased. He enjoyed your taste and the reaction he was getting from you.
It took a small amount of time for you to have an orgasm. You were trembling even afterwards. Fujin sat up from between your legs and licked his lips. He lays right next to you, you could see the warm blush he had on his face from what he just did for you. Gods, this man is too gorgeous to be real. Even if his hair was messy because of you.
He wrapped his arms around your resting body, pulling you close. "Was I good?" He asks.
You took a breath before responding. "Y-Your tongue was so amazing..."
"I am pleased to hear that, Y/N. I suppose you could take that shot now." Fujin joked with a wink.
I smiled at him, messing with his braid a bit. "When we play again, just remind me to take an extra shot. Also, I'll certainly add more new cards to the deck." There was a hint to that.
A/N: I don't know how to write a good ending so I'll just end it here-
I first wrote this on my phone, but the app was still flopping on me so I switched to pc, which is why majority of the oneshot is in italics.
And update on the Nightwolf x reader p2 lemon, it is no longer promised, clearly, bc I'm a liar, and I kinda now feel iffy on writing lemons. Character ai gave me the idea to write this, sooo (I had to change the pov from 1st to 2nd so many times, god.)
I hope you guys like this :)
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
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1st one is definitely has to be sharing a bed. Because they actually do. But that sort of repeated and forced contact of being really tight roommates means a lot of 'playing nice' that we don't see on camera. I have like 5 different scenarios in my head surrounding that - but all of them still have the same element of Fang Duobing being either talkative just because he has company. Or being a sleep octopus. I 100% strongly believe he moves around in bed and will latch onto whatever is nearby so that's been a big consistent point in my headcanons. But dfs' reactions are where things become varied. On one hand, I like the idea where he's accepting of it because a) he honestly doesn't mind because his ego goes to very specific places and that damn upper floor does not have walls and he's cold b) Accepts it because of peculiarities surrounding his concept of physical boundaries - like maybe he's ok with it because he used to sleep in piles with the 3 kings and wuyan cuz they were poor as shit and it got cold at night and he just sees this as being part of the same. OR maybe he's touch starved and this is a bit of stolen affection that he can privately keep for himself. OR maybe he sleeps like a log and just doesn't notice because he either trusts fdb that much or just doesn't see him as a threat at all, even subconciously. c) he doesn't accept it but can't figure out how to get fdb to stop since he's asleep. And it creates continued shenanigans until he finally gives up and lets it happen Whether this ends up in a case of aggressive "Competitive sleep" where he ends up kicked onto the floor -- that's another matter LMAO but I tend to find these sorts of accidental/harmlessly forced intimacy pretty fun. You can't stay emotionally distant from someone if you're cuddling every night.
But that leads me to TROPE 2:
Enemies to lovers - but this would be strictly from FDB's pov bc I don't believe DFS ever sees FDB as an enemy. Even early on, he was fairly careful with him (for dfs' level of care which is still rough lbr) -- and he just got more and more bro-y as time went on until he started exhibiting that care more obviously. FDB however has this whole built up mental narrative in his head where he sees himself cast as the hero, and DFS is the big evil demon guy - even to the end, he still buys into the narrative because LLH keeps so much information from him. All the things we discover about dfs is filtered through LLH's silence. FDB hears none of it. Like take the scene where dfs shows up to give llh the styx flower? And fdb says to llh - hey he's giving up his dream for you. Because as far as he knows, dfs hasn't broken through to the next level of his martial arts yet. He doesn't know that dfs was caught/almost-or-temporarily died, tortured, etc. He doesn't even know that DFS was searching for the flower for llh. The situation I like to think about are when he's finally pushed into a situation where he has to apply his natural protective instincts -- but onto dfs instead of llh. Who... is prone towards getting in over his head due to narrative-karma being shit-tier. (I have a whole meta about that I've been stewing over) But basically dfs getting into trouble is a given. lmao. The issue is his tendency to not talk about things. Fdb, unlike llh, can't read dfs' mind and requires actual verbal communication. DFS doesn't really communicate like regular people do. But honestly, that's all technicalities. I like playing with gender roles and DFS being cast as the damsel in distress or the female-narrative-role is really fantastic. So having that played out with fdb in his self-cast hero role, falls naturally into that. Especially as llh's successor.
Which then brings me to TROPE 3:
FDB as llh's successor where he inherits the house, the dog, the sparkly underwear, and the wife nemesis. I mean. The first thing FDB tries to do is get dfs to call him shifu. And later, the first thing llh does to a-fei is to get him to call him 主人. Like master, like disciple, amirite? But it's like their immediate instinct is to try to keep him. And in his letter at the end, llh was telling dfs he can go to fdb if he wants. I took that as an indirect message from llh to fdb with a giant arrow pointing at dfs saying "KEEP AN EYE ON HIM, HE'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOW"
Something time travel or timeloop related because I like the idea of FDB being forced to truly learn the real stories of the people and events around him and not the story-version he taught himself. He truly understands llh -- because llh was his special interest, but he drastically lacks understanding of everyone else. Which is especially interesting regarding dfs because he's painted as the main nemesis to llh? You'd think that fdb's hyperfixation would partially extend to him bc he's llh's big enemy. But that never happened. I think it's no mistake that fdb's conversation with a-fei in the zombie village uses such broad terms like "You don't have to chose evil you can be righteous" -- all meaningless words because he has zero knowledge or understanding of dfs as a real person existing in real society. He only knows of him as this storybook figure of great 'evil'. Without him even thinking too hard about what that evil could be. It's just the word 'evil' flying around in his head with no real weight. I feel like time shenanigans forcing him to address that lack of knowledge or understanding would open up some interesting story potential. Also I really like the whole gaining knowledge thing. It's one of the reasons I like thrillers and mysteries -- finding out and understanding a person is like a personal version of puzzle solving.
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi Skye!! How are you feeling today??
I wanted to ask if you could please do some headcanons with Sabo, Zoro and Marco (and why not whoever you like most if you want 😉) on how they would confess their feelings for a f!reader who is a little shy and doesn’t believe them at first because “it’s too good to be true”, but has the same romantic feelings for them.
Thank you so much for reading and have a great week!!!!
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Sabo, Zoro, Marco & Ace confessing to Fem! S/O
Summary: They like you A LOT. Why can't you just believe them?
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Sabo the Revolutionary:
- Sabo's a calculative man so he'll do his calculations first before confessing to you.
- He knows you're a shy person so he'll do it privately
- Man's have the most beautiful handwriting in the New World and Grandline, no joke
- Must be because of his stupid noble genes...
- Anyway-
- Sabo will definitely take advantage of his beautiful penmanship and write you a cheesy af letter
- "L(ove you)
O(nly you)
V(ery, very much)
U(ntil the end of time)"
- I got this from Google btw, don't know who's the author tho (I added the U because I felt like it)
- Once you got his letter, you almost fainted in shock and embarrassment. Thankfully Koala was there to catch you :3
- You went to Sabo to confirm his confession and he did, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead when you arrived at his office
- And you successfully fainted this time :D
- Gosh, you lucky bastard (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)<3
Roronoa Zoro:
- Zoro is a very straightforward person and he'll definitely do it on the most random time ever
- You and your crew would probably be fighting some enemy pirates.
- You didn't notice someone sneaking up to you and when you did, Zoro already beaten them up.
- Mossy would look at you worriedly before accidentally blurting out his feelings
- Must definitely be the adrenaline XD
- "I like you."
- OMG! Girl, you'll definitely be stunned for the next few minutes, not believing what he had just said. You would gape at him like, "Bish, wut?"
- Zoro will smirk at you smugly until he gets kicked on the head by Sanji for "distracting you with his mossiness" or something XD
- Later after the battle, he'll pull you to somewhere and tells you that his feelings were real
- Let's just say Zoro kissed you to make you believe him ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
Marco the Phoenix:
- You were one of Marco's division members on this scenario bestie
- Probably one of the doctors too
- Since you were pretty shy and oblivious towards his flirty advances, Marco knew you're pretty serious whenever someone got hurt
- So he pretended to be hurt
- Yep, you heard me right
- Birb here would feign a fever when it's just the two of you in the infirmary
- As a caring person in general, you immediately told him to lay down on a cot to treat him
- When you fawn over him, he'll immediately blurt out a stupid medical pickup line with a serious face
- "I don't want an apple a day because I don't you to go away." And then he smirk
- With that, your face turned so red that it looks like you have a fever XD
- You asked him if what he said was true and motherfucker told you another stupid line
- "My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you." *winks*
- Yep, he definitely loves you
(Got those from Google, credits to the Author/s!)
Portgas D. Ace:
- Ace is nervous. Like REALLY nervous
- He would pace around the room to think about ways on confessing his long time feelings to you
- "Oh, how about-! Nah, that's too lame. Or I could- Pfft, sounds stupid. What if I- GAH! I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!" Man's so frustrated with himself he sulks all day long
- His older brothers took noticed of it so they pulled him away to know what's up with him
- Marco, Thatch & Izo probably laughed at him first before helping him to think of a plan
- Once they anchored at a new island, Ace would ran off, leaving a huge trail of dust at his wake. He would find the nearest flower shop to buy your favorite flowers. And then he finds you, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
- Ace will take you to a cliff that overlook the sea. You were confused at first until he confesses, it'll be with the bouquet of your favorite flowers literally shoved in front of you with his bashful smile.
- Ace will blush 50 shades of red before blurting out his love for you
- "I LOVE YOU!" His voice probably cracked at the end due to extreme nervousness XD
- At first, you were in disbelief, looks around to search for Ace's possible accomplices because you think it's a prank. And when you didn't find anyone, you'll look back at Ace, gaping
- Flame boi finally regained his cocky confidence and repeated his confession to you
- In the end, you ended up with a clingy and very affectionate Ace by your side when you guys returned to the Moby Dick
- Thatch, Marco & Izo would clap at him, giving him thumbs-up's of approval
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Hello, Anon! So sorry for the late answer! I'm doing fine, thanks for asking! Also, I hope you like this one XO!
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fertilize-my-eggs · 11 days
Send to the mha omegaverse ch.2
Finding tomura shigaraki ch.1 ch.3 A03
A/N: I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! It's a bit short but I hope y'all enjoy this ☺️ every chapter will be posted on Thursday. 18+ NO minor, antis and ageless blogs interact with my blog thanks you (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) y/n= your name, l/n= last name
✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。 ♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *
Great just great… not only that I'm in my hero academia but also as an omega. I look at izuku’s feet, I can't make eye contact because of this stupid quirk.
“ So are you an alpha or a beta? ” I ask him as he is still hold his nose, he nervously scratch his neck.
“ y-yeah, I'm an alpha… ” ahh that makes sense, I slowly look at his neck to notice he has a mark… huh? I read some fanfic where alpha doesn't get marks. Does that mean…
“ I don’t have anything to get patches.. ” I sigh heavily, where am I supposed to go in this world? I don't have anything nor a place to stay. This is gonna be a problem.
I put my thumb on my lips as I think, if I don't exist in my world does that mean I'm… dead? No, my family is probably worried about me and wondering where I went. Yeah that could be it.
“ don't worry miss, I got patches for you. ” I see his hand in my view as I grab it from him.
“ uhh this is an odd question but what do I smell like? "Izuku start to blush as he look away.
“ you smell lovely like…. Strawberry cheesecake.. sweet scent." Okay now it makes sense why he is holding his nose, it's because I smell good to him.
I put the patch on my neck as I saw his hand out. “ There's some extra, I gotta get going…” I grab some and put it in my pocket.
As soon as he leaves, we hear loud commotion nearby as we watch the scene unfold.
I looked at Izuku as he was in shock as he screamed out.” THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!! ” I watch him run straight to the crowd of people as I look straight ahead to realize… Bakugou was covered by the slime villain as I watched izuku run towards it saving his boyfriend? So it's not canon mha in my world where they're enemies but in this universe they're boyfriends. Now it makes sense why izuku has a mark on his neck.
I-… maybe I shouldn't be around, I'll probably affect this world but this doesn't make any sense, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be in this universe at all.
I walk away from the crowd feeling like deja vu as I look at myself in the window. It feels odd that I look the same but in an anime style version of myself. 
I blink a few times as I begin to walk away, I pause as I thought to myself.
Maybe I can look for the villains.. Tomura shigaraki in this world, I gotta find him, I can finally have my moments with him and be with my favorite character… well I can't say character anymore since I exist in their world.
But in a city like this, there is no way I can find him as I sighed in defeat.
Well at least I gotta try, I started to look everywhere. In alleyways and to suspicious shady areas. No luck.
I sighed heavily as I sat down on the streets, there was no way I'd be able to find him. I looked up to accidentally make eye contact with a stranger as I felt fear run down my spine as I immediately stood up.
The man smirks wide as he walks towards me.” well well well what a pretty lil omega doing here all by herself? You should come with me, you're mine. ” oh god no, my quirk is affecting him as I begin to run away as fast as possible.
I heard him screaming behind me as I started to panic and feel tears coming out, I've never felt like this. Never been chased by someone and I feel like I could die any minute in this world.
As I ran away forward not knowing where to go as I saw twice?? He ran past me as he started to fight the man who was chasing after me.
I couldn't believe Jin was helping me out, he was not wearing his mask. Maybe this is before he joined the League, I watch them fight each other for a good three minute until the man says.” this is pointless you can have the dumb omega, I’m leaving…” I put my hand on my chest feeling out of breath as I collapsed into the floor, tears running down my cheeks as I held myself as I began to sob.
I hear footsteps coming near as he spoke softly.” hey omega, I saw you getting chased from my window.. are you okay? No she ain’t, should have left her to him. ” I smile hearing him speak, I look at his shoulder a bit.
“ thank you…. I can't make eye contact because of my quirk. ” I see him moving his head to the side in confusion. 
“.... is that how you got chased? ”
“ mhmm.. my quirk is called lovestruck if I look you in the eyes, you'll be like that man. ” I hold myself tight feeling scared for my life.. you would think this world is easy but you get chased by strangers and not to mention you don't know what their true intention will lead if he caught me.
I see his hand in front of me as he said.” lemme help you up, I'm Jin Bubaigawara.. ” I smile softly as I shake his hand.
“ I'm… y/n...   y/n l/n.'' He has a mark on his forehead so did it happen before? It looks a bit fresh but I won't question it as I stand up. Jesus Christ how is he taller than me, he looks like he can easily carry me around with no issues as I started to blush.
Well I'm 5’4 so he gotta be around five something…
“ you can live with me for now, I don't have much… don't be a messy pig. Crap I'm sorry about that I-.. ” I shake my head as I giggle.
“ It's okay, I understand.. is it your quirk that is costing it? "Wait, wouldn't he be confused by me saying that, would he get suspicious of me asking him that.
He turned his head away as he scratched his neck.” yeah my quirk… it's hard to talk about it.”
“  I understand, I won't ask you anything about it if it makes you uncomfortable. ” I pat his shoulder lightly as he smile a bit.
“ thank you y/n. ” I follow behind him as we head to his apartment.
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silvfyre-writings · 11 months
Craving the Silence (BSD Fanfic)
I bring to you a much darker fic than I normally do because the plot bunnies slapped me in the face with this idea, soooo, enjoy? Cry? I don't know what to tell you people I guess, but yeah, new Fukudad fic~
CW: Self-Harm and mental health issues, please proceed with caution.
Ranpo’s mind was his greatest asset.
But it was also his greatest enemy.
He had quite the love-hate relationship with his mind, because on one hand, Ranpo could use it to solve crimes in an instant, no matter how hard they appeared to be to everyone else. When he’d believed himself to be gifted, it had been different in a way he couldn’t really explain. He’d been aware of his mind working, but there’d been a layer of… something over the top of it; the gift he’d believed he’d had, protecting him and his mind, up until he’d been forced into accepting that it didn’t exist in the first place. Now there was nothing but his mind that solved all the cases that were brought before him, something he had struggled to accept at first until he’d been praised for his geniusness, and then like a switch, he’d realized that while not gifted like his coworkers, he was gifted in his own way, a way that let him be equal to them.
On the other hand, he also hated this same mind, because he was always thinking. For as long as he could remember, there had never been a moment where his mind had been silent—sure, it’d quietened once or twice when he’d been focused intensely on something, but it had never been silent. As a child, his mind had been filled with thoughts and theories and deductions about everyone he had ever met, had ever crossed paths with, and not all of those had been good. There’d been the young mother going behind her husbands back to pursue a relationship with the town doctor, the store keeper that had accidentally murdered his brother and successfully put the blame on his nephew, all things that Ranpo had noticed, but never brought up because no one else in town had, so it must’ve been fine.
Those things Ranpo had noticed, hadn’t been fine. The mother had been found out, and the argument had been so bad that Ranpo’s father had been asked to step in before someone got hurt. He’d been confused after that, because why had the mother’s husband gotten so mad in the first place? Why had the entire town gotten angry and shunned the doctor until he’d been forced to move away from town? Surely, all the adults had noticed what Ranpo had, because it wasn’t like the mother and the doctor had been secretive, what with the way they were always staring at each other, and making excuses for some privacy every time they crossed paths. Ranpo had asked his mother about it that night before bed.
“Why is everyone mad at her and the doctor?” Ranpo asked, frowning.
“Because she made a promise to her husband, and broke it.” His mother explained gently, her hand gently running through his hair as she stared down at him with love in her eyes.
“But everyone knew about it already.” Ranpo’s frown deepened. “It wasn’t a secret.”
His mother had hummed, a look on her face, and changed the subject entirely. “Don’t you worry about it, Ranpo. How about I read you a story instead?”
As a teenager, the amount of noise his mind made only grew, and it only got worse when his parents passed away in an accident that no one had seen coming, not even him. The immediate aftermath of their deaths, when the doctor—a new one—had sat Ranpo down and explained that his parents weren’t coming home, was the first time that his mind went completely silent. Not a single thought ran through his mind, and the deductions he’d been subconsciously making about the man in front of him, halted in their tracks.
For the first time in Ranpo’s world, things were quiet, and even though he should be sad because his parents were dead, all he could think about was how he could achieve that silence again. The silence, something that Ranpo had never experienced before was a new sensation entirely, and one that he was keen to obtain again; he’d never realized just how noisy his mind was until that moment, how much the external and internal stimuli fought to gain Ranpo’s attention. And with his mind quiet, all he could focus on was the doctor telling him how his parents had passed away, and that because he had no living relatives to take care of him, Ranpo was now on his own at the ripe old age of thirteen.
“I’m sorry, Ranpo, I really am, that there isn’t anything we can do for you.” Despite the look of care on the doctors face, Ranpo could tell that he didn’t really care all that much about him—there was the smell of alcohol on the man’s breath; he’d been out drinking with friends before he’d had to come here.
Ranpo stretched his mouth into a smile. “It’s fine. Dad has a friend I can go to in Yokohama. I’ll go there.”
It wasn’t fine, but it was all Ranpo could do in a town that had never accepted him; another thing he’d noticed that no one spoke up about, so he elected not to either.
It took only a few hours for the silence to fade, and his mind started to work again, whispering in that way it always did about everything he looked at, supplying information he knew about it, or theories if he didn’t know.  He hated it. He wanted the silence back. But until he could figure out how to achieve that again, he’d just have to deal with the noise.
It only got worse when he arrived in Yokohama.
The city was easily a hundred times bigger than his hometown, with more people, more buildings, and more noise. He’d stepped off the train, only to be assaulted by everything around him; there was too much noise, too many people, and way too many things for his mind to whisper at him about. Ranpo had hurried away from the train, hands clapped over his ears as he followed the crowd with his eyes squeezed shut, desperate for the world to go quiet just long enough for him to figure out where it was he was supposed to go.
But it didn’t, it only got noisier.
Eventually though, not that Ranpo remembered how he’d even managed to find his way there in the first place, he arrived at the police academy, where the man his father had said was his closest friend, resided. He’d felt like he could relax then, knowing that there was at least one other adult in this world that would care about him, and even though the pain from losing his parents was still fresh, he was excited.
Only… it hadn’t been that simple. The headmaster of the academy had been nice enough, polite, and more than happy to give Ranpo a roof over his head, but… it was all a lie. The moment Ranpo laid eyes on the man, he saw straight through him; disbelief, anger, and discontent towards him of all things. The headmaster didn’t care for Ranpo at all, in fact he hated him, all because he saw Ranpo’s father as a know-it-all that always stuck his nose into business that wasn’t his in the first place, and came to the conclusion that Ranpo was the same just because he was his father’s son. Yet despite that, the headmaster smiled at him, shook his hand, and with a warm hand on his back, guided Ranpo to an empty dorm room that would be his new home.
Only… it wasn’t meant to be. Ranpo managed to ignore his mind for six months by focusing on everything else at the academy; loud and rambunctious students that didn’t like the fact there was a thirteen year old boy in their class, the never ending city sounds that did nothing but grate on Ranpo’s ears until he was hunched over in his bed, crying alone and quietly until he passed out and the next day would begin. And then it would repeat, over and over again. But the moment that six months passed, Ranpo couldn’t stop ignoring his mind anymore, and he simply let it tell him everything it wanted him to know.
Which was a lot.
“I took you in because of your father and this is how you repay me? By spreading lies?” Ranpo glared up at the headmaster, angry and hurt, because he’d gotten mad at all the stupid rules of the academy, and rather than suck it up and keep quiet, he’d spoken his mind; he’d dragged the headmaster’s affairs into light, unintentionally, because this was a police academy, and the people here should’ve already known what their headmaster was doing.
Apparently, Ranpo was wrong. Again.
Only he had known the truth, so when he’d spoken, the headmaster had lashed out, his fist colliding with Ranpo’s cheek and sending him to the ground. Ranpo had wanted to yell, because he’d just been punched by someone who was supposed to help him, and he was hurt and confused.
He hated adults.
Ranpo found himself on the streets after that, left to fend for himself with nothing but a satchel and the clothes on his back, and while that was terrifying, and he should’ve been worried, all he could focus on was the silence. The moment he’d been punched, and the pain had registered in his mind, Ranpo’s mind had gone silent, and now, just a few hours afterwards, it was still silent, and it was wonderful.. For the first time in his life, all he had to deal with were the sounds of the environment around him, and even then, they became easier to deal with when he wasn’t having to contend with his mind.
By morning though, the silence had disappeared, and his mind became vocal again.
He’d figured it to be a one time thing, just something that had happened because of the events that had led up to it, but when he’d joined the garrison and then been kicked out of that, he’d hit the ground in a way that it had torn the skin on his hands, and just like the time at the police academy, Ranpo’s mind went silent once again. And just like that, he figured it out.
Pain brought silence.
And so, whenever Ranpo’s mind became too much to handle, when it spat knowledge he didn’t want to hear at him, or when it tried to drag his attention somewhere else, all Ranpo had to do was hurt himself and it would all go silent. The first time he’d done it, he’d ripped out a chunk of his hair, only because he’d found himself in a situation where everything was so loud that he couldn’t do anything but curl up into a ball, and it had purely been accidental. But it had brought pain, and his mind drifted towards the silence, giving Ranpo enough relief to find sanctuary for himself.
The second time had been after he’d been fired from the post office; he hadn’t enough money to feed himself, and he’d panicked and stressed because he really didn’t want to starve but it didn’t look like there was any choice, and was just so over not having any kind of stability in his life; he subconsciously scratched at the bare skin of his arms until his nails had broken the skin, and blood began to run down his arms. Ranpo froze and stared at the blood with wide eyes, arms stinging as he continued to scratch and spread the blood around, before he’d realized exactly what it was he’d done and thrown up onto the street, disgusted with himself.
Pain may have brought silence, but it wasn’t like he enjoyed the pain.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself from looking forward to the pain, if only because it would grant him temporary solace.
The third, the fourth, and even the fifth time, had all been done in the same way, scratching away and whatever skin he could get his hands on until the skin was red raw, or broken and bleeding. Ranpo usually tried to stop himself before it got to that point, but similar to the way that the drug addicts he met had to take more and more of their chosen drug each time, he found himself needing to scratch, to hurt. Even when he wasn’t chasing after the silence—a rare occurrence these days—he was scratching, craving the sting, craving the burn, but most of all, craving the pain. It was like he had become a drug addict, but instead of an actual drug, he was addicted to the pain he inflicted upon himself and the blissful silence that followed.
And then he met Fukuzawa.
Fukuzawa, who had seen almost all of Ranpo in less than twelve hours and still decided to give him a home. Fukuzawa, who was an adult, but not like all the other adults in Ranpo’s life who hated him just for existing, who had caused his mind to scream until he’d inevitably self destructed and wreaked havoc upon his skin until the world went silent. Fukuzawa, who was scared of his past coming to light, yet telling it to Ranpo in order to help him, despite not needing to do so.
Fukuzawa, who had told him he was gifted, that he wasn’t hated by the world, and that the reason for his mind never stopping, was because he was different to others in a good way.
There was a reason why his mind screamed.
He could’ve cried then and there, but there was a murder to solve.
After that night in the theatre, things got easier, but also harder for Ranpo. Easier, because he had a roof over his head, food whenever he was hungry and wanted it, but most of all, he had an adult that understood him; sort of at least, because Fukuzawa had been a loner for years now, and suddenly having a child to care for took some adjusting to. The hard part was when Ranpo needed silence, because there was now someone else in the apartment that he had to consider, and he wasn’t stupid; he knew exactly what other people thought of those that did what he did. They thought them disgusting, broken, disturbed.
Ranpo may have been one of those things, but the silence was just something he needed.
Because over the time since he’d arrived in Yokohama, his mind had grown more brutal, grown louder and crueller, not towards the people he spoke to and passed by, but towards himself. Ranpo didn’t understand when the change had taken place, nor where the cruelty was coming from, but there was no denying that the moment his mind started to go down that path, his need to scratch intensified, and often wouldn’t cease until he gave in.
He really shouldn’t have been surprised when Fukuzawa figured him out almost immediately.
“Come to me the next time you feel this way.” Fukuzawa was quiet as he wrapped Ranpo’s arms with bandages, but his touch was gentle, and there was no judgement on his face, even as Ranpo sobbed into the man’s yukata.
“I always feel this way.” It felt awful to say it, but it was the truth, proven by the fact that he and Fukuzawa were sat on the kitchen floor with a bloodied knife far out of reach. He’d discovered that a blade brought the silence quicker than his nails did, so after a particularly bad day, where external and internal noise had worked together against him, he’d been desperate.
He just hadn’t counted on Fukuzawa coming home from the store early.
Fukuzawa hummed, and tied the bandage off before he moved to wrap Ranpo’s other arm. “If you can, explain to me how you feel. There might be something we can do to help you.”
“There’s no helping me, Fukuzawa-san.”
“There’s always a way to help.”
And there had been. A lengthy conversation that had brought forth more tears than Ranpo had ever cried in his life, and a bone deep exhaustion that allowed him to sleep the rest of the day away, but in the end, it’d helped. For the first time in his life, Ranpo had talked about the noise in his mind that never left him alone and how the only time it ever went silent was when he was in pain; Fukuzawa had looked pained when he’d said that, and gently held Ranpo’s hands in his own, but he hadn’t interrupted, only encouraged him with a look to go on. Ranpo continued to tell him how he clawed at himself until he bled— he even showed Fukuzawa the few fading scars on his arms, his stomach, and the one along his collarbone—and then cried afterwards because he was ashamed of himself.
But he couldn’t help it.
He needed the silence.
All the while, Fukuzawa listened, and when Ranpo cried himself into unconsciousness, the older man stayed with him until he’d woken up, dutifully sitting beside his futon, working away on the laptop at something that Ranpo had been too tired to figure out. Once he’d been awake, Fukuzawa forced him from his bed and sat him down at the dining table to eat something small, and whilst Ranpo ate, Fukuzawa sat down beside him and showed him just what it was that he’d been working on.
Apparently his issues with external noise was called sensory overload, and it was actually quite common. But the important part was that it could be managed with things like headphones and blankets; things that were easy to obtain, and honestly, Ranpo was skeptical. Surely, it wasn’t that easy to solve one of his problems, not when it was something he’d been dealing with for years without any kind of help.
It was.
That easy he meant.
Fukuzawa hadn’t wanted to leave Ranpo on his own to go and buy the things that would help him, not the Ranpo blamed him for that decision; the look on Fukuzawa’s face when he’d come and seen him on the kitchen floor, bleeding, wasn’t one that Ranpo particularly wanted to see again. And since he also didn’t want to take Ranpo out into public and make him feel even worse, Fukuzawa had settled for online shopping, sitting beside Ranpo, and allowing him to pick out what he wanted. It was nice—fun even—and he and Fukuzawa stayed inside until everything had arrived; Ranpo spent most of those days sleeping or watching something quietly on the television, and Fukuzawa spent most of his time reading and checking in on Ranpo.
“Thank you.” Ranpo murmured from underneath the weighted blanket a couple of weeks after the kitchen incident. They two of them had been called out to help solve a crime, and whilst Ranpo had solved it in an instant, the person responsible hadn’t hesitated to try and take Ranpo with him. Try being the key word, because before the criminal could even touch him, one of the officers had shot the guy.
Guns were rather loud when they went off right beside your ear, and Ranpo had immediately needed the silence in the aftermath. He was just grateful that Fukuzawa and recognized the look on his face, and hurried to get them home.
Fukuzawa didn’t say anything at first, just ran a hand through his hair where Ranpo’s head rested on his lap. “What are you thanking me for?”
“Everything, I guess.” Ranpo shrugged and closed his eyes. “I still need the silence, but… with you and what you bought, it’s easier to ignore.”
“Over time, it will grow easier. You’ll grow older and learn new ways to cope.” Fukuzawa said. “That doesn’t mean there won’t be days where it’s hard, but I hope that you’ll learn to come to me when you have those days.”
Ranpo’s mind was finally quiet.
After everything that had happened between the Agency and the Guild, Ranpo felt stretched both physically and mentally; aside from being the one to have to come up with all the plans that the Agency has used in the war with their overseas enemies—with a little help from Dazai of course—he’d also had to deal with the most precious part of him being ripped away, torn from him like a band aid and thrown into the trash.
His gift.
He’d suspected for a while that he hadn’t actually been gifted; there had been several events over the years since he’d first been told he was gifted that had accumulated, waiting for Ranpo to notice their existence. But he’d refused to acknowledge them, because it had been easier to pretend, easier to use his gift as its own kind of weighted blanket to protect himself against the internal noise his mind threw at him. Because his mind had never stopped screaming at him, not even twelve years later, but it had grown easier to deal with, just as Fukuzawa had promised. Somehow he’d managed to make it so that his mind only screamed whenever he wore his glasses, and since it wasn’t often that he actually wore them—outside of solving cases of course, but he always had someone with him in that case—he was able to ignore it for the most part.
Only… now he couldn’t.
The safety layer that his gift had provided had been torn away from him, so of course, his mind decided it was the perfect time to unleash almost a decade’s worth of screaming at him, despite not even wearing his glasses. It was awful, it was overwhelming, and it had come at the worst possible time. Yosano had asked him if he was alright, and Ranpo knew he should’ve said something then, but instead, he’d played it off and run away the moment they’d returned to the Agency so that he could have a breakdown in private.
His coworkers didn’t need to see that side of him.
Ranpo had hidden in Yosano’s office, knowing that his oldest friend would know to keep people away until he was ready to emerge again; it would only be a couple of minutes, because they were in the midst of war and time was of the essence. Inside the office though, the screaming grew stronger, even more so when Ranpo’s eyes fell upon the drawer that Yosano knew held her scalpels for her work. He’d tried, honestly tried, to not give in to the temptation that was right in front of him. It’d been years since he’d last the need for the silence in this way, and he knew that he should’ve gone to Fukuzawa the moment he noticed it, but he didn’t.
Because they were at war, and Fukuzawa had other things to worry about than Ranpo’s rapidly declining mental state.
The knowledge that they were still at war with the Guild was the only reason that Ranpo didn’t give in to temptation right then and there. But he did pocket one of the scalpel blades, and almost as if it knew what was coming, his mind quietened down; not much, but enough that he could focus.
“Ranpo-san, are you alright?” Dazai asked after they’d finalized the plan to bring down the Moby Dick. The former mafia member had a look on his face that could only be concern, and if Ranpo had been more aware of things, he would’ve realized and played it off because if Dazai became suspicious, it wouldn’t take him long to figure things out.
Ranpo shoved a hand into his pocket and fiddled with the scalpel hidden there as he hummed. “Just ready for this war to be over, that’s all.
“Shouldn’t you be prepping Atsushi and Tanizaki for their part in the plan?” Ranpo interrupted and opened his eyes, levelling Dazai with a look that had the other man frown before he finally gave in.
“Yes, of course.”
They’d won the war, but the screaming had become impossible to ignore, and the scalpel burned in his pocket, but Ranpo managed to ignore it just a little longer, because after the fighting was done, Fukuzawa wanted to treat them all to a quiet celebration of their victory and Ranpo refused to ruin it, not when it was so sorely needed. It wasn’t like he was the only one that was exhausted after all that had occurred; in the direct aftermath, most of his coworkers had taken up residence on the couches—Atsushi and Kenji had chosen to curl up on the floor together—and slept.
Ranpo wanted to join them, but when he closed his eyes, all that did was make the screaming worse.
Three days after the celebration, Ranpo couldn’t ignore it any longer. Because just like that time twelve years ago, he was desperate for a silence that he hadn’t experienced in so long, and so desperately needed. It was just too much, the internal noise louder than it had ever been before, and Ranpo knew it was because of everything that had happened in such a short time; he hadn’t had the time to try his usual ways of coping, and he was desperate.
So, he’d done the one thing he knew would help, the one thing that would guarantee him that silence he needed.
He made himself bleed.
Fukuzawa would be disappointed in him, but Ranpo couldn’t bring himself to care as he dragged the scalpel across his skin, chasing after that precious silence that would save him. Unlike his nails, or the kitchen knife he’d once used, the scalpel tore his skin easily—because that’s what they specialized in doing—and within seconds, the pain was there and blood spilled from the wounds, over his hands and over the bathroom floor.
Was he a fool for doing this in the Agency bathroom? Probably, but Ranpo wasn’t logical when he was desperate.
He slid the scalpel across his skin a few more times, being careful because the last thing he wanted to do was make himself bleed out. The noise of his mind might have been too much to deal with at times, but Ranpo had no intention of dying. Not now, not ever. All he wanted was the silence and he had finally achieved that. The world went quiet around him, both his mind and the outside world falling silent before him, and it was wonderful.
Why couldn’t it always be this quiet?
Ranpo was drawn from his quiet world by a gentle touch to his face, and he blinked open eyes he hadn’t realized were shut and found Atsushi crouched before him, a look of sheer panic on his face. Ah… This was why Ranpo had tried to hold off on obtaining the silence, because all the Agency members had hearts that were far too big for their own good, and Atsushi had the biggest one of all, despite the worlds best attempts at breaking it.
Apparently, now it was Ranpo’s turn to try and do that.
He could see Atsushi’s mouth move, but the silence had such a hold over him that he couldn’t hear what was being said. The panic on Atsushi’s face grew, and the boy looked over his shoulder, and Ranpo didn’t realize just what it was that Atsushi had done until the bathroom door opened and Dazai stepped inside. The boy must’ve called for his mentor, unsure of how to handle what it was he’d stumbled across, but knowing someone that could. Ranpo wanted to tell them to leave, to go away and just leave him alone with the silence, but all he could do was stare and blink at them.
A hand gently slapped his cheek, and Ranpo lifted his eyes to look at Dazai, but still, he said nothing, and he watched as Dazai frowned, hands falling to close around his forearms where he’d torn into the skin. He watched as Dazai said something to Atsushi, the boy dashing from the bathroom immediately after, and the former mafioso returned his attention to Ranpo. There was hidden worry on Dazai’s face, and Ranpo felt guilty for putting that look there in the first place. But really, he would be fine after a moment. He’d just really needed the silence.
“—po, I need you to talk to me.” Ranpo’s mind chose that moment to let the external noise return to him, and already, he missed the quiet.
He grunted. “Go away…”
“No.” Dazai’s voice was firm and his grip on Ranpo’s eyes tightened, drawing a wince from him. “Just keep your eyes open for me, okay? Don’t close them.”
“I’m fine.” He wasn’t dying, so he didn’t understand why Dazai was so worried. But then again, Dazai’s coping mechanisms were similar to Ranpo’s own, so perhaps the worry was valid. Ranpo glanced down at his arms to see there was more blood than he’d ever drawn from himself. “Oh… maybe I’m not.”
Dazai snorted despite the situation. “No, you aren’t fine. Why the hell would you even use a scalpel in the first place?”
Now that wasn’t something Ranpo was willing to discuss with Dazai, no matter how similar they were. The silence he so often craved was something that only he and Fukuzawa would ever talk about, because Fukuzawa was Fukuzawa, and had never judged Ranpo whenever he’d fallen apart from the noise and tried to take his skin with him. And while he was certain that Dazai wouldn’t judge him, Ranpo had been judged by enough people in his life that he wasn’t willing to take that chance.
He turned away.
Dazai sucked in a breath, but before he could say anything, the door to the bathroom opened, and footsteps hurried over towards where Ranpo lay on the floor. A hand that Ranpo would never fail at recognizing dropped to rest on his head, and he turned just enough to see Fukuzawa looking at him worriedly. Ranpo’s eyes stung and he looked away, not wanting Dazai and Atsushi to see him cry. He heard Fukuzawa sigh from above him.
“Have either of you called Yosano?” Fukuzawa asked.
“I sent her a message. She was downstairs in the café so she’s coming back up now.” Dazai explained, moving away to let Fukuzawa take over.
“Thank you. If you are able to, can you clean up in here? Otherwise, I will do so later. Just keep everyone out until then.”
“We can handle it, sir!” Atsushi stood up straight as he always did when given an order, even though it wasn’t really an order but more of a request. What was more surprising was when Dazai also agreed to help, although how much cleaning he’d actually do remained to be seen.
Just leave me alone. Ranpo thought as he felt Fukuzawa lift him up from the floor, subconsciously curling into the warmth and security that the older had always provided. There were no words said as they left the bathroom behind, although Ranpo wanted nothing more than to tell Fukuzawa to stop, to leave him alone, and that he’d be fine. Because he knew the moment he was patched up, the noise would come back and—and—
He didn’t want the noise to come back.
“You’re supposed to tell me when it gets bad again.” Fukuzawa sat on the edge of the bed that Ranpo was tucked into. His guardian still had that furrowed brow he always gained when he was worried, but it had lessened in the time that Ranpo had been asleep. Well… it wasn’t really sleep when he’d passed out from blood loss.
As it turned out, using a scalpel to hurt himself hadn’t been the smartest decision he’d ever made; the blade so fine that when Ranpo had thought he hadn’t been cutting deep, he had in fact, been cutting deep. That was what Fukuzawa had said anyway, explaining that while the wounds themselves were deep, they hadn’t been life threatening—well unless he’d continued to remain undiscovered in the bathroom—so rather than use her ability, simply stitched the wounds, and bandaged them. Apparently, she too had wanted to stay with Ranpo, but Fukuzawa had asked her to leave, and Ranpo was grateful for it; Yosano had once stumbled across him when they were younger, and the look on her face had made Ranpo determined to never have her experience such a thing again. Which he had failed at.
Ranpo rolled over in the bed to curl up against Fukuzawa. “I was desperate.”
A calloused hand found its way into his hair, running through it over and over again to soothe him. “I know. I’m sorry that I didn’t check on you.”
“It’s not your fault.” Ranpo refused to let Fukuzawa blame himself for his own actions. “I should’ve come to you before it got this bad.”
“Why didn’t you?”
The answer came easy, because it was the excuse he’d used to justify stealing the scalpel in the first place. “You were busy with the war against the Guild and trying to keep us all alive and safe. If your attention had been diverted because of my own problems, we wouldn’t have won as easily.”
“Ranpo.” Fukuzawa gently tugged at his hair until he looked up into gentle eyes. “Your wellbeing will always be my top priority. Sure, it may have been harder for us to win, but we still would’ve won, because we would’ve supported you better so you didn’t struggle as much. I’m aware the other members place a weight on your shoulders that can be hard to bear at times, but even pillars need support when they start to crumble.”
“Oh…” Tears burned Ranpo’s eyes at the other man’s words, and Fukuzawa didn’t hesitate to drag him upright, arms encasing him in a firm embrace. The warmth that it provided was more than enough for the tears to begin to fall, because Ranpo was nothing if not emotional when it came to the most important adult in his life telling him that it was okay if he wasn’t okay. Ranpo clung to Fukuzawa’s yukata and sobbed into it. “I’m struggling. I found out I wasn’t gifted, and that was how I coped with the noise before. Now I can’t and it’s too much.”
“Okay.” Fukuzawa rested his cheek on top of Ranpo’s head, one of his hands running up and down Ranpo’s back slowly—gently, until the tears began to slow, and then stopped entirely. “We’re not fighting anymore, and the other Agency staff have a handle on things here, so I think it will be alright if you take some time off to try and find a new coping mechanism. And I’ll be there to help.”
“You’ll be there to monitor me, you mean?” Ranpo wasn’t looking forward to that part, where he wasn’t allowed to be alone, nor was he allowed to handle sharp objects for a period of time. It was reasonable of course, because self-harm was an addiction that Ranpo had never been able to beat on his own, and there’d been a few times where Fukuzawa had left him on his own after an episode, and come back to an even worse sight.
“Yes, but I’ll mostly be there to support you as I have done so since I took you in.” Fukuzawa reassured, knowing exactly what it was that Ranpo was thinking about. “How’s the noise now?”
“Faint. Ignorable.” Ranpo murmured, tired now after crying. “I’m tired.”
Fukuzawa hummed and shifted Ranpo so that he was lying back down on the bed, and drew the covers up to his chin. “Rest then. I’ll be here when you wake and we can talk more about it then.”
Ranpo nodded snuggled into the blankets. There was no doubt that by the time he awoke again, the noise would have returned, but he wouldn’t be left alone with it this time, not until they found a way to deal with it—perhaps even silence it forever.
He may have hated his mind for all the pain it had caused him over the years, but his mind was what made him, him, so maybe it was time for him to learn how to handle it.
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jestedatoy · 4 months
"From Past Shadows to Present Sunshine: A Journey about my Life"
Hi, I'm Jestelouie P. Datoy, but just call me "jeste" because, honestly, I don't really like "Louie" in my name because it sounds like a boy name. I always ask my mom why she named me like that. As my mom said, my name comes from my aunt; she gave me that name. But anyway, it's not a big deal because it's acceptable to be who I am. I mean, I already accepted the name I have, BWHAHAHAHAHA. Honestly, it's a unique name, and I don't have a similar name. I'm 16 years old. Ayy, joke, I'm already 18! BWHHAHAHA! Omg, I can't believe that I'm already of legal age. I live in Pusok, Ibabao Lapu-Lapu City, and my mother said that I don't really have a specific birthplace because I was born at home and not in a hospital. We have five siblings, and I'm the youngest. Of course, being the youngest is necessary to be treated like a Disney princess.
My life was simple before. I was the type of child who didn't play with other children because I was too shy. I would only play alone; I was the only one who played paper dolls, so I didn't really like to socialize with others. Until I got used to it when I grew up. But honestly, because I'm too shy, I don't really talk to anyone except my family. My mom always said, "You can play with your friends or neighbors," but I really don't want to. My mom always boosts my confidence because I don't really have confidence in myself. So when I was in fourth grade, my mother forced me to join Princess and Princess, and then I started to gain a little confidence. I loved my mom even when I was young; she always guided and supported me.
When I was a child, I didn't really know how to fight, even though my classmates bullied me. I don't want to have an enemy, even though they always bully me, but it's not a big deal to me. I know that taking revenge is not a good way, but I'm still nice to them. My mind before was immature. I didn't know how to value money. I was too spoiled by my parents. I wanted to buy everything I wanted, even though we were poor. I didn't know how to appreciate small things. I have many opportunities that I wasted.
When I was in elementary school, I loved to read on Wattpad, so I also loved to make a story and put it in my notebook. Until one day I make my own story because, since I love reading books and Wattpad, it gives me inspiration to make my own story. Besides this, I was also inspired to make a story because, in elementary school, I never forgot that I had a crush. He is a very smart person, and I think we're not level with him, but since I'm trying hard with him, I try to express myself for him to notice me so that I need to be smart, but how?? So since I'm not smart, I'm working hard, and I always study to increase my grades until I'm in the top two in our class. When I came to grade 5, I was so shocked because my crush is my classmate. Omg, I'm so shy, and I never expected this to happen. On the first day of school, I felt a little nervous but was still motivated because my crush is my classmate. Fast-forward: we know each other, but as a classmate, one day he accidentally touched my hands, and I'm really blushing like, "Omg!" Bwhahahah, then we have eye-to-eye contact, and I can see in his eyes that he is ashamed of me. Until grade 6, we weren't classmates with him, but we still saw him in the school since we're schoolmates. Then, in grade 6, I never expected that when I was in grade 4, I was obsessed with him, but when we were in grade 6, he was obsessed with me; he would always pay attention to me like I felt something fishy with him. I think he's in love with me, Charizzz. I'm just assuming. Until we graduated from elementary school and I became the top student in our class, I could see from him that he was proud of me.
Fast-forward to adulthood. Now that I have grown up, there are many changes in myself. I like to socialize with others. I have many friends, and I like to talk and play games with others. I really want to hang out with my friends because I feel comfortable with them and safe with them. I'm so thankful to those of my friends who are true to me because they are the ones who destroy my lonely, independent person. Now I have confidence, and there are many opportunities that I did not waste. I have improved a lot in myself. I like to join organizations such as volunteers, church youth, and school activities. I am no longer afraid to socialize with other people. I also have many things that I am interested in, such as rehearsing instruments because I love music. I read a lot of books. The person I love the most is my family, especially my mom, who always boosts my confidence. I'm really proud and thankful for her. I love my mom, and my dad is always here by my side. To my beloved siblings, they always cheer me on and support me. I'm so lucky to have siblings like them, and now I'm growing and making changes and improvements to myself. Now I know how to value money and how important it is, especially in today's time when the price of food is expensive, so I am saving my money. I know how to appreciate small things. What my family can give me is a big thing for me because I know they worked hard for it. I'm not shy anymore; I'm so proud of myself, and I have confidence and a strong heart. I'm not scared of anyone; I can fight for myself.
My life goals are to achieve success and provide support for my family. One of my dreams is to travel with my family. I aspire for a stable and peaceful life for us in the future. I also have a desire to become a teacher one day, to contribute to the education of the younger generation, who are in need of learning and knowledge. 
Currently, in college, I'm exploring various courses and facing the challenges that come with them. It's a battle I'm not certain I'll win, but I know I need to stay strong for my family. I have many responsibilities towards them, and I understand that my success is their success too.
We experience various things in our lives, and no matter what challenges come our way, we need to be strong within ourselves. Our success in the future lies in our own hands, and we need to be responsible for ourselves.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoy it!!!
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hey!!!! I love ur blog!! please would I be able to have some enemies-to-lovers headcanons for Felix, Sylvain, dimitri and Ingrid? Post time skip. Thank you
{Hello! Uhm, so...I was going through my unfinished drafts and saw that I had begun this but never finished it. I completed Felix's but never got past! It's a l s o more of an imagine than a headcannon. Apparently younger me saw an opportunity and went ham. I don't know when i'll ever get around to sylvain/dimitri/ingrid...but I hope this little Felix offering is something you'll like!}
Prompt: Enemies to Lovers
Master List: Here
"A Lack of Feeling" {Felix x Reader}
Everyone is this man's enemy. End of story.
Alright, maybe not everyone but there are more on the list than not. If Felix was an NPC in an RPG, then his affection meter towards anyone he meets beyond childhood begins at -50 points. No exceptions. (at least this is what he wants people to believe)
Normally if someone spends enough time with him they can earn his good graces, you know? At the very least get him on neutral ground, it's only natural after all that time investment
This applies to most cases with Felix
"Most" being a key word here
There are three special cases: the Prince of Fargeus, his loyal pet, and one other emotionally constipated hindrance
Deep down Felix knew that he truly did not detest the first two. The situation involving them was more complicated than his mind could handle during his youth, so until he aged and saw proof of Dimitri's willpower his feelings remained sour. Throughout it all he still had a definite idea of how to view them both and could predict their moves like a book.
The third? Not so much. It seemed like the more time Felix spent observing them, the more he grew unsettled. Nothing they did let any insight to their own emotions or thoughts. All he could learn through the grape vine were blatant facts: their birthday, hometown, etc. Nothing personal. Everything felt…fake? Staged? As if their personality was being written up off the top of someone's head in a book.
Felix couldn't trust them, no matter how much the professor, Sylvain, or anyone else tried to convince him. Rather than antagonize them like he did with Dimitri, Felix chose to flat out ignore their presence.
"My name is Felix, and if you're wise then you won't ever need to use it"- he spoke upon meeting, and that was it.
What he found the most odd was that they simply ignored his hostility. Not in a way to challenge him, or in disinterest, but with acceptance. Any attempt on being friends was made by others on their behalf.
They weren't pushy, he'd give them that. He didn't feel guilty since they clearly had no interest in him either.
Until one late evening a few dawns after Edelgard's betrayal, he had found flowers on every grave within the monestary. It was a chance sight since he'd accidentally spend too long in the sauna, but walking through the Cemetery showed even the most ancient stones with offerings. With dates older than any person in the castle, they likely hadn't been visited in years.
And at the end of it all sat his one-sided enemy. The supposedly empty shell laid a bouquet on another grave and for the first time he saw them cry.
"I didn't know you had the ability to cry," He approached them cautiously and against his better judgement. He instantly regretted too.
"I didn’t know you had the ability to care," they said back, much more brash than he'd ever heard before
Felix said nothing else in response…what do you say to someone after openly despising them for months on end? Did he even want to apologize?
"I don't, but you look more suspicious than usual" he gestured to the graves surrounding them
"It's unlikely they'll be getting any visitors anytime soon…they deserve at least one last honoring,"
That night was when Felix first felt their personality, and it was scarily similar to his own
Perhaps he would have noticed it sooner if he'd tried
Perhaps the similarity is why he never did. One of him was enough
Or…was it? The drop in his chest as they began to become acquainted implied that he may have been missing out on something he'd hadn't planned to ever find
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big-brainrot-hours · 3 years
Wait, who are the characters that will recognize reader? So we already know it's Xiao, the Fatui. But will the others like Albedo, Kaeya, Dainsleif, Kazuha or such recognize reader? I think Kazuha would've notice because not obly the wind tells him, but he has a good sense of smell. Which he might ba able to know or rather smell that the reader is the actual creator.
Okay so these are who I have at the moment, so if anyone wants clarification on any of these or wants to know about a specific character then let me know lol
Characters under the cut
Xiao, as we all know 😌
The fatui don't recognize them immediately, but thanks to Childe's Foul Legacy they realize who the creator is very quickly
Okay so, I know I said the Fatui don't recognize them immediately but Scaramouche does. His reason for being able to recognize them is different from the others tho lol
Albedo, Kaeya, Dain, and all the Khaenri'ah folks will be able to recognize them
Kazuha would not know immediately, but he's not one to jump to conclusions. He would be able to sense how nature changes around them and would be able to piece it together over time
All the enemies in the game including the weekly bosses will recognize them ofc
Fischl does. And by that I mean Oz does and tells her and she quickly realizes that even though it's not obvious, you definitely have an otherworldly aura
Benny doesn't but he's still nice to you. Everyone keeps saying you're impersonating the creator and he's like ????? They've been actively denying being the creator what are yall talking about?? He thinks you looking like the creator is just you being unlucky like him and he lets you join his adventure team when you come across eachother
RAZOR. MY BOY. MY FIRST BOY. I was a razor main my entire genshin experience until I got xiao so in my au Razor knows the creator best out of the mortal characters bc he knows what you feel like. And even if he doesn't, he can tell that you smell different.
Qiqi knows. I love big brother Xiao hc especially when it's him atoning for accidentally killing her, so he taught her about the creator and through both his lessons and being exposed to the creators light through him, she's able to recognize you right away
Hu Tao knows but only because literally every single ghost yells it at her the moment she says anything about you being an imposter lol
Rosaria has a brain. She doesn't really believe you're a god but also she's like, bro is it illegal to be born with a face now?? Huh?? Like, she doesn't think you're impersonating the creator since you're not actively going around telling people you're the creator or taking advantage of anything. But also she just really doesn't give a shit. Even when she does find out you're the real deal she's just like,, Cool.
Beidou and the whole crew. Kazuha tells her before they depart, but also, if xiao hasn't saved you in this au, then she's on the seas vibing when she finds you floating and she's quick to connect that you're the creator because how the fuck would anyone survive that
Mona. She doesn't realize immediately but she gets mad and checks ur stars to find out a way to take you down and realizes from there
Itto. If ur a hot demon man thing then you recognize the creator that's my rule
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alwaysfangirlingish · 2 years
Chapter 9: “Half step forward, five steps back”
“Is this always and forever?” Masterlist
I want to apologise for any mistake in grammar or vocabulary ✨💕
I hope you enjoy this and, if you do, please consider reblog, comment, and a like!!
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A/N: Hey, guys! It's been a long time since I last posted stuff on this blog. I 'm sorry, but I had THE BIGGEST WRITER BLOCK in the world, but today I came back to post this new chapter <3 Thank you so much for waiting! Hope you like it~
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It would've been naive of me to believe nothing would ruin Christmas day, especially in NOLA, while being involved with the Mikaelsons. It was about 4 a.m when Elijah called me and told me to go meet him at the compound since he wanted to tell me something important. His voice didn't make me feel calm at all, since he sounded a bit worried. I knew it was something critical, so I ran immediately to the Abattoir.
It felt awkward, being outside the house, waiting for Elijah to show up, while knowing Klaus and Camille were inside, perhaps sleeping together. It shouldn't feel this way, I knew since I got here that he loved her, that he moved on, then why was it so hard for my heart to completely accept it?
A few minutes passed when I heard growls and screams coming from the compound, I easily recognized they were Klaus's. I made my way inside the house, looking for the hybrid, feeling more and more worried with each step I took upstairs. I could smell the blood coming from Klaus's bedroom, and I could hear all the things he was throwing and tearing down.
My hands went to my mouth immediately after I saw why Klaus was making all this scandal: Camille was dead. She was laying on the bed, all covered in blood, with a big and deep cut on her throat. It took me a second to process all the information I just got. But how was this possible? I mean, how did Klaus allow this to happen? I was outside and saw no one entering the house. Unless… No, he would've never hurt her, right? 
The hybrid hadn't noticed me until he accidentally threw a vase in my direction, and I stopped it with my right hand, carefully setting it down. He looked at me with eyes full of sadness, before letting himself fall to the ground, leaning his back against the wall, crying silently as he looked at Camille's lifeless body.
“Niklaus, I'm so sorry, ” I said carefully, not knowing if that was the right thing to say to him. Since he stayed silent, I grabbed my phone and quickly called Elijah, telling him to come as fast as possible, not knowing how to handle this situation by myself.
Klaus suddenly got up and walked towards Camille's body. He sat on the bed, and hugged her, gently caressing her face with his fingers, “She was fine, ” he said, “I don't know what happened, I heard nothing…” His tone of voice went from sad to angry in a millisecond.
I was about to say something when Camille opened her eyes, suddenly sitting on the bed. Niklaus and I, both gasped in surprise. Her eyes were all over the place, trying to recognise her surroundings, then she touched her neck, looking down just to see herself covered in her blood.
“Klaus…” She said, now looking at him in the eyes with fear.
I quickly ran to the bathroom, looking for some towels to clean her up a bit. Someone must've given her vampire blood before killing her, and by someone I mean one of our enemies, possibly the Martel siblings, it was so obvious. 
When I went to the room again, I handed the towels to Camille, while Klaus interrogated her to find out who did this to her. It turned out it was Aurora's fault, like I suspected. That woman was definitely crazy, and I felt so sorry Camille got involved in all this, she seemed like a really good person.
“I died, ” She sobbed, as I sat next to her, and placed a hand on her back, as a gesture of support. She looked at me before saying, “I’m dead” The disbelief in her voice made my heart ache, remembering when I went through the same shock many years ago.
“Well, you will not stay dead,” Niklaus said in a bitter tone of voice, looking at her, “She will pay for her actions, I swear to you!” He yelled in anger, making Camille look at him.
“Klaus, I don’t think this is the moment for reven…” I tried to say, but Camille let out some painful moans as she grabbed her belly. I tried to explain to her that she was in the middle of the transformation, so her body was asking her to feed, but Klaus interrupted me.
“You need to feed on blood soon,” He said, “Or you will die again, this time for good,” He said, and Camille’s eyes widened in horror.
“Don't you want to take a shower first? I think being covered in blood isn't helping,” I said to her, getting up from the bed. She nodded and walked slowly to the bathroom, where I left her a new towel and some clothes at vamp speed.
I sighed, getting my phone out of my pocket, texting Elijah again, asking him to hurry. I walked out of that bedroom, and Klaus followed me, mumbling things about his revenge.
Camille must be so confused about what to do. I don't think she has ever considered becoming a vampire in her life, and now she's been forced to choose...
“I’m going to rip her head off,” He said behind me, “She's going to pay for this!”
“Could you stop?” I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest, “Camille is upstairs, and she’s still in shock,” I took a few steps towards him, placing my phone inside my pocket, “She’s scared, Klaus, she needs you now….”
“I’m not having this conversation about her with you,” He said, interrupting me and walking past me, “Where is Elijah?” He asked, looking around, ignoring me.
“Of course you're not, you hate being told how unconsidered you can be,” I mumbled without thinking, not expecting him to hear me. But he did, and he looked at me with even more anger.
“Oh, stop projecting your own problems with me onto her already!” He snapped, looking at me with an annoyed expression.
“I'm not— I'm just trying to help, Klaus,” I exclaimed, frowning.
“Right, because you care so much about me and Camille?” He said with a sarcastic smile.
“I don't hate you, and I sure don't hate Camille,” I said, “I really thought we were past this after last night discussion,”
“Well, maybe if you didn't ruin every progress we make...,” He said, making me clench my jaw and fists.
“How exactly am I the one ruining everything?” I asked, feeling offended.
“You say you want to stay but you run away every time, Nikole,” He said, and I knew exactly what he was talking about.
“And you're the one who make me run away, Klaus,” I said, swallowing hard before taking a deep breath, “I'm not Aurora, I'm not going to hurt you” I said after a few seconds of silence, “I know you care about her now, and I'm...”
What was I supposed to say? That I was fine with it? That would be the best thing to say, but it would be a lie. When I saw them kissing, he followed me, but I ran away before he could talk to me. Why? Because even though I know he loves her, I wasn't ready to hear it from him. It makes me so mad that I can't let him go, that my heart doesn't want to let him go… 
His eyes were on me, waiting for me to finish that sentence. I couldn't tell if he wanted me to say I was okay though, perhaps he wanted to tell him I was not okay at all, but that would be extremely awkward and risky to say right now, or ever.
I was about to say something else about Camille, to change the subject, but Elijah appeared, and Klaus hurried to tell him what happened.
“These attacks need to be answered! Our retribution must be swift, and it must be brutal!” Klaus said, angrily pouring himself a bourbon when we entered the living room.
“Agreed,” Elijah said calmly, “After the Serratura has been recovered.” He added, taking off his coat, throwing it onto a chair, “Oh, and Freya's pendant is also missing,”
“Wasn't Finn inside that pendant?” I asked, speaking for the first time since the oldest arrived.
He looked at me and nodded, but I noticed something weird about him. He seemed uncomfortable, maybe it was because of that thing he wanted to talk to me before all this happened.
“What does he matter?  Let the imbecile stay lost!” Klaus exclaimed, frowning at me, “Our business for today is to finish off the de Martels.”
“I need you to think, brother, think,” Elijah said, trying to calm him down, “Tristan needs the most powerful witch in the city to activate that weapon…”
“He'll need Vincent,” I said. He was the only powerful witch in the city, besides Freya.
“Who used to be possessed by Finn,” Klaus concluded, and started walking towards the door to leave.
“You stay here,” Elijah grabbed him by his shoulder, trying to stop him.
“You can take care of Aurora later,” I said, “Right now, she needs to be your priority,” those words felt like swallowing sharp glass.
“Nikole is right,” Elijah said, “While you take care of her, we are going to find out more about Tristan's plan and see if we can get Vincent to be on our side,” He said, grabbing his coat again, and walking towards me to offer me his arm. When I intertwined mine with his, we left the compound at great speed.
Looking for the Regent wasn't as easy as I expected. Elijah and I had to talk to at least six people to finally find out where he may be. While we were walking around the quarter, looking for more information about Vincent or Tristan's location, Elijah decided to talk to me about why he called me before.
“My younger sister told me to keep this as a secret, but I don't think it would be fair to hide it from you,” He said, walking next to me, “Rebekah did not leave town last night,” He looked at me.
I frowned confused after hearing his confession, “What do you mean? I saw her getting inside the cap, Elijah”.
“She asked me to put her down,” He said, as my eyes widened in surprise, “She thought it would be better if we got rid of the ‘family’ part of the prophecy. I couldn't bring myself to hide this information from you, but I'm going to have to ask you not to share it with anyone else.” 
“I won't tell anybody, Elijah,” I promised, but I was still surprised. “It must've been so hard for you to put her down, thank you for telling me,” I said, caressing his arm as we crossed the street.
“I'm sorry I didn't explain why I called you before, Nikole,” He apologized, but I shook my head, letting him know that I understood the situation.
“Klaus and Camille needed our attention earlier, it's fine,” I said, “Now I just hope all this ends soon, and we can bring Bex back, that's all I have to say,” I looked at him with a tiny smile.
The sun had already come out when we finally got the information we required and immediately headed to the Lafayette Cemetery. In order to enter the place, we had to kill four vampires, luckily I was already getting a bit too comfortable fighting.
“This is for your ancestors!” I heard Vincent's voice, followed by painful screams, “May they judge you harshly” He said to the witch before she died from the hex he cast.
Elijah and I looked at each other, knowing exactly what to do before we walked in opposite ways. That was one of my favourite things about our dynamic: We were easily on the same page. It was mostly because we were excellent at making plans.
I saw Vincent trying to run away, but as soon as he turned, one of the Strix grabbed him. The vampire broke Vincent's arm, just when he grabbed a pike to try to stab him. Kits before that vampire killed the witch, Elijah appeared and ripped the vampire's heart out from behind.
“Vincent, we should chat,” I heard Elijah say, as I made sure no more witches or vampires were around the cemetery. Once the ground was clear, I went back to where Elijah and Vincent were.
I saw the witch trying to grab Freya's pendant while Elijah was cleaning his hands with his handkerchief. Vincent groaned, trying to crawl over to grab it first, but I was faster.
“No!” Vincent let out a groan when he saw I placed the pendant in my pocket. I felt bad for him, so I offered my blood to him, “I don't want your damn blood!” He said, tired.
I could understand his hatred towards vampires and his tiredness after all he'd been through, it must be horrible to be used and threatened this way… Right now, we needed him too, so I needed to think a bit colder.
“You should be grateful she's kind, offering you to heal your broken arm,” Elijah said, shaking his head with disappointment. “I will ask you now, Vincent, where is the Serratura?”
“Look, I don't know what to tell you, man,” Vincent said to him, shrugging, “If you want your big, bad Serratura, you're gonna have to go after Tristan because he took it with him after he forced me to activate it,”
“Can't you deactivate it?” I genuinely asked.
“I couldn't even if I wanted to, and just for the record, I'm all done with vampire demands for the day,” Vincent said, looking at both of us with a frown, “Push me and see what happens” He threatened, trying to get up.
“You don't want to see what happens,” Elijah said, walking towards him, “My family's in jeopardy, you're responsible,”
“That's on you, man,” Vincent said, “If Tristan didn't have the pendant, then he wouldn't have any leverage over me,” He said.
I looked at the pendant in my hands and waved it in front of him. Elijah couldn't help but smirk when Vincent saw me and instantly sighed, knowing we were going to use the pendant again to make him do whatever we needed to stop Tristan and Aurora.
Elijah kept chatting with Vincent, explaining to him how we're going to work together unless he wanted us to put Finn inside him again, but the sound of my phone ringing interrupted the conversation.
“We need to go back to the compound,” I said after I hung up the call, “It was Freya, and she didn't sound any good,” I said, looking at Elijah, who quickly fed Vincent with his blood, so he could heal faster and get up to go with us.
Once we got to the Abattoir, Elijah immediately ran towards his sister, “Freya? What's happening?” He asked, seeing her in that state.
The Mikaelson witch was standing in front of a table with a small box on top. She was crying silently, while her eyes looked at the box with horror. I approached her and caressed her arm, she looked at me and then at Elijah and Vincent before speaking.
“A messenger came,” She said, tears still falling down her face, “Some compelled tourist. He left this…” She pointed to the mysterious box.
Elijah gently lifted the corner of the lid to the box. I couldn't help but let out a gasp when I saw what was inside the box: It was a bloody heart. He immediately closed the lid and took a deep breath before asking Freya who did that heart belong. The answer left all of us, the three of us, completely shocked.
“Who did this? Does Hayley know about this?” I asked, but Freya didn't say anything, she just held me a note that came with the box.
“Courtesy of the Strix, obviously,” Elijah said after reading the note at the same time as me.
“So, unless we do what they want, Hayley will be next?” I said, looking at Elijah with concern.
While I was consoling Freya, we all heard Klaus and Camille having a big discussion upstairs. I wonder why, since I didn't really payed attention to the words they were saying. A few moments later, Klaus came downstairs and asked what was happening.
We needed to do something, plan something real quick. We couldn't let them hurt Hayley anymore. Klaus got worried about Hope, so I offered going to the bayou and see if she was ok.
It turned out Hope was with Mary all this time, I didn't have the hear to tell her about Jackson, so I just tried to not to talk to anybody and watch Hope from far. Once I got sure she was ok, I went back to the compound and found everyone in he living room, discussing the plan.
“Two Original vampires, a regular vampire, and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants? I'm rather looking forward to it,” Klaus said, with a smirk.
Vincent and I both gave him an annoyed, “Just keep in mind that I'm mortal, and, as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing,” He said, walking around the sofa in front of us, “So, let me go to the covens,” He proposed an alliance, “They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on…”
“There's no time,” Elijah said, sitting on a chair, looking at his watch.
“Before we rush into battle, I think we should keep in mind that Tristan may be the very foe to lead you to your doom,” Said Freya, approaching his brother, “Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold? Rebekah's on the run, and I will not lose the two of you, as well.”
“Rebekah's safe” Elijah said, glancing at me. I clearly noticed he felt uncomfortable when Freya mentioned their sister, but he quickly covered it up, before looking at Klaus, “Brother, perhaps you should stay…” He said, hesitating.
“And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child?” He scoffed, “I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan de Martel, of all people.”
“Intention's got nothing to do with it,” Vincent said, “As long as Tristan de Martel has the Serratura and your baby's mama, the advantage is all his,”
“Well, then we should take that advantage from him,” I said, making them look at me intrigued, “I may have an idea to win this.” I said, looking at Freya.
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do-ray-mi · 2 years
Food Chain(Park Jisung x m!reader) pt. 1
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Pairing: NCT Dream Jisung x male reader
Genre: high school AU! angst, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers
Warnings: this fic contains bullying, use of the f slur, cruel acts that I strongly advise to not mimic aswell as toxic behaviour. Viewers discretion is advised.
Description: in a patriotic school social system. Two students from complete opposites of the food chain, the higher making the lower's life miserable. However, an incident happens gives them a chance to fix everything.
This was requested by my good friend @nobodyeverasked who makes the BEST male reader fanfics.
*uh my baby said she wanna dance with a ghost, she want's to leave me ah-*
Y/n grabbed his phone to turn off his alarm, only to accidentally knock it off the bed. He stays still for a few seconds only listening to "okaaayyy" over and over again before sighing and lifting his head off his pillow to reach down to grab his phone. Silently praying for the demon under his bed to snatch him and drag him to Hell.
Would be a better paradise than the Hell he has to deal with at School.
Before entering High School, he would watch a lot of high school related movies and TV shows where they would display an almost patriotic system, a social status food chain. The popular students at the top who are usually the most evil teens to walk the planet, the bottom of the chain would be the nerds and/or the students who don't fit society's beauty standards. Y/n's mom told him that it's not real, it's only a stereotype they use for entertainment.
He believed her..! Until he entered Highschool. The first year was fine... until a boy named Park Jisung made it up the ranks and became campus king. The title got to his head very quickly.
Y/n was acquainted with Jisung before High School, he used to be a sweetheart. He was extremely talented and didn't have an ounce of malice in any body part. It was very easy to develop a crush on him.
Halfway through second year, Jisung became a menace. Bullying the students who are on the bottom of the so called "food chain", Y/n being his number one victim and punching bag.
Now, why was Y/n at the bottom of the food chain?
... honestly, he wasn't until Jisung started messing with him.
You know the saying "Monkey see, Monkey do"? Yeah, once students starting noticing the bullying, they started doing the same hoping to either get to Jisung's status or save themselves from being future victims.
One of the most traumatizing events for Y/n was when Jisung made a deal with a boy who wanted to be popular, Sungchan.
"If you can make Y/n fall for you, you get to hang with us." Jisung told the boy who stood taller than him.
Sungchan looked confused, "I... don't think I understand."
Jisung chuckled at the expression.
"You have two weeks to make him fall for you, you make him feel the happiest with you and once the two weeks are up, you publicly dump and humiliate him. Simple right?" Sungchan looked hesitant, he really liked Y/n. He was so kind to him.
But he really needed the popularity...
The following 2 weeks, Sungchan did exactly what he was told and Y/n fell right into his hands. Once the two weeks were up, Sungchan publicly dumped him during lunch at the cafeteria, making sure to grab everyone's attention. Outing Y/n to the entire school and talking him something along the lines of "you actually thought someone would like a f*g like you?!?". The laugh booming in the cafeteria and the phones that were out recording taunted Yn even now along with the smug look on Jisung's face that day.
The bullying after that took a worst turn, so bad that Y/n needed to start taking therapy.
He even begged his parents to move but they couldn't or they'd lose their jobs.
Jisung pulled a lot of cruel pranks on him. Dumping a bucket full of dildos on him from the second floor, had his posies scratch death threats and slurs onto his locker with pocket knifes so that you could see the words even after they get painted over, as well as other horrible things.
However, the worst thing that happened to Y/n after Sungchan's little stunt wasn't even from Jisung but from his main posie/best friend Chenle.
Chenle had Jeno and Jaemin hold down Y/n as he took a lighter and a butter knife to burn the words "cock sucker" onto his arm.
Back to the present now, Y/n was currently making his way to school. He listened to music using only one earplug just in case. Looking behind him every so often to make sure no comes up from behind him.
Once he made it to school he sped over to the bottom of the food chain's safe space.
The main secretary's office. She was the light in the darkness for him and others in the same situation as him, she was the only adult in this god forsaken school who was actually doing something about the bullying.
Once he entered and greeted the lovely lady, he walked over to his best friend, Huening Kai. Kai was bullied for being mixed but he was the sweetest boy to wall the planet.
"Hi!" Y/n greeted sitting next to him.
"Hey! You didn't have any issues on your way here right?" Kai asked scanning his friend for any injuries.
"Surprinsly no, a first in a while." Y/n responded putting his bookbag on the ground next to his chair.
Kai sighed in relief but his expression soon turned confused, "it's a good thing but also worrying. Either something happened or they're planning something."
"I know, I was thinking the same. I'll keep and extra eye out." Y/n reassured his friend.
Another person entered the room, and judging by the way Kai's eyes lit up. It was Soobin, Kai's best friend.
Soobin came up to them and sat with them.
"It's surprisingly calm today, I can't help but be suspicious." Soobin voiced his concern to the other two.
Soobin and Kai had three other close friends who dropped the two for school popularity. Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Taehyun were slowly getting popular while Soobin and Kai were slowly being left behind only to end up being their old friends' victims.
It really made Y/n both sad and mad, he remembers during the first year. Those five boys were inseparable, had the best chemistry ever...
... then again, guess it wasn't as great as it seemed. However, sometimes he does see Beomgyu looking the the two longingly, so there might be a little hope for this group.
"Class is gonna start in five minutes boys, I think it would be a good idea to get there early to avoid student traffic. It would be easier to slip past those gremlins." The secretary told them with a sad smile.
The three nodded in agreement before grabbing their things and making their way to class.
Y/n shared his first class with Jisung...
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najatheangel · 3 years
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genre: fluff, drama, and comedy. high school au!
pairing: Choi San x Reader
author's note: apart of the Ateez Summer Collab hosted by @bangchan-fairy My first official posted collab please let me know what you guys think. Enjoy your summer! ✨
word count: 5.3k
summary: After slacking off junior year and struggling to juggle responsibilities, you're stuck retaking your math course in the summer. With your future on the line, you were stuck with San to work together with you so you both can pass this summer course as seniors. You two seem to have a hard time focusing on your studies. Is it because you don't understand the work or a certain someone that's distracting you
taglist: @purplepsycho03 @melonmochimoon @neptunehobi @soleilsuhh @dundun-baby @kpopsnowball (Send me a message if you want to be added or removed from the tag list.)
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Your stepmom Maria seemed to be very disappointed in you once again for letting her down this year. She had planned so many family trips, vacations, and hangouts for the whole family to enjoy this summer, but thanks to my failing this dumb math class, I have to be stuck in this school until July.
“You better be lucky I can afford for you to retake this class. Your reckless behavior has gone on long enough.” Your mom walks beside you upstairs inside Walnut Hills Highschool making sure you don’t skip out on the first day of summer school.
“Mom, you know you don’t have to walk me to class. I know what I’m doing!” You groan at her as she links her arms with you in the hallway.
“Clearly you don’t! If you did you wouldn’t be stuck here retaking this class. Now we’re almost there so keep your head high and lose the tude.”
There it was class 2A once again. This class was an absolute nightmare. I took a deep breath and slid the door open slowly with my eyes halfway open anxious to see who was sitting in the classroom.
“Welcome back miss Y/LN! Good seeing you again.” Mr. Harris said with a smile. This sucker, you had a love-hate relationship with Mr. Harris. You loved the fact that he was super nice and helpful when he was your English tutor freshman year, but you hated how he had a crush on your mom and how weird teacher-parent conference meetings would get when they would sneak off with each other in his office.
“Good morning Mr. Harris. Good seeing you again.” Your mom blushed to try to contain her excitement, but it was too obvious. “Anyways I’ll be heading my way out. She’s all yours for the summer.” Your mom gave you one last hug and kiss on the cheek before she left.
You sighed, rolling your eyes, fanning yourself already sweating from the classroom’s lack of cold air blowing. You complained again by saying.“Mr. Harris, are we staying in this room all summer? I’m sweating like a fat pig.”
“Unfortunately, yes. The PCs in the computer lab have been shut down and the school plans on replacing them with apple PCs by august. So these are the cards we’ve been dealt with. Let’s get started shall we.”
All the students in the classroom sighed, taking sips of their water bottles as Mr. Harris took attendance.
“Let’s see...We have Angela, Oliver, Chris, Yui, Y/N...Who’s missing? Choi San?”
“Here.” San slams the door open, arriving 20 minutes late with his chocolate milk in one hand and a glazed donut in the other. “Sorry Mr. Harris, I’ve overslept.”
Mr. Harris sighs, shaking his head, chuckling to calm himself down. “As expected. Just glad that you’re here, please have a seat.”
There was only one seat left which was in the front next to you and that would of course be his assigned seat for the rest of the summer.
You never heard much of San except everyone saying that he dropped out sophomore year.
You remember having a crush on him during freshman orientation when you both were shadowed by this kid named Lee Know. The whole time you were quiet, but you remembered staring at the handsome devil strutting in his uniform the whole time.
So to see him once again took you and everyone by surprise.
“Class, make sure you remember your partner’s name sitting next to you for this summer because you will work together in order to pass this class.”
“Say what?” You look over at San, who was making origami at his desk. “Good seeing again kid.” He smirks at you leaving you speechless. “Want a donut?” He reached out, handing a piece to you.
You were slamming your head on the desk thinking to yourself. “Mom, I know I promised I would finish this class, but I don’t know if I can...”
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Mr. Harris had you paired up in groups of two to complete a series of word problems and online on this website called Pearson. On the bright side, walnut hills provided MacBooks for students that didn’t have their laptop, but of course, if they tried to watch Netflix, facetime with their friends, or search for something inappropriate, their laptop will be shut down for 24 hours until further notice.
The first two weeks were pretty quiet between you and San because both of you aren’t necessarily the best conversation starters and whenever San would ask you something it would only just help him cheat on an assignment or help him make up an excuse to skip class. Up until the third week hit you had enough of his excuses trying to avoid doing the work.
The third week you were assigned to work on three hours of pre-cal on the computer and you had the option to locate to a different classroom of course if you couldn’t focus in a cramped room full of sweaty students. So you and san decided to work in the math lab across from class 2A and try to work out a plan.
“Listen San I know this class is our worst enemy, but I promised my mom I would graduate next year and If I have to restart my junior year again I would die of embarrassment. So please try a little harder.” San sighs nodding to your proposal looking deeply into your eyes.
“Fine. I guess I’m in the same boat. I figured retaking junior year would make my mom mad too.” He reaches his hand shaking it with yours smiling.
Your heart starts pounding pretty fast as you're exchanging the agreement with San and you gaze your eyes back at the computer again clearing your throat.
“So, all we have to do is remember the methods Mr. Harris taught us and we'll be alright. What section are we on?” San scrolls through his laptop trying to login into his Pearson account. “I believe it's section 3.A. 20 questions which are due this Friday?! Man, Mr. Harris won’t give us a break.”
You giggled at his surprised reaction. Sometimes he can be soft which makes you melt inside even more. It made you wonder why he was always hanging around with the rebels with no future at school. Maybe life at home was rough and he didn’t have a lot of friends. All these questions were running through your head, which made you not realize that San suddenly moved closer to you.
“You need help with that problem? You were staring blankly at the screen for the past 10 minutes. Here let me show you how to do this.” San wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer to writing the answer problem step by step to help you understand it better, but that wasn’t exactly helping.
All you were doing was admiring his beautiful face to face. It made you remember the first time you saw him with his glowing melon skin, sharp jawline, the way he can pull off a white collar and a striped tie it just seemed impossible.
On top of that his knowledge in math made him 10x more attractive, but you couldn’t understand why someone as brilliant and essential as him set himself up in the wrong crowd and stuck in this situation that cost him his high school diploma.
“So that’s how you get y= 18 + 15x. Any questions?” “Yeah, why the hell are you so fine. Forget Mr. Harris, you can be my tutor.” Would’ve sounded better in your head, but you accidentally said it out loud.
San looked at you with his eyes flashing open and then he burst out laughing. “Well Ms. Y/LN if I knew you were having this much fun, I would’ve signed up for this a long time ago.”
“Same here. You know I didn’t think math was your thing. How come you're so good at it?” He sighs, leaning looking up at the ceiling as his mood changes very quickly. “My dad is an entrepreneur and a CEO of his own company.
He’s very good at math so he taught me at an early age so someday I can take over his company someday. He’s never home at times either so I’m pretty much always helping my friends with their math homework as a side hustle.”
“That must be tiring. I know that must be a lot of pressure for a 17-year-old.” San nods his head in agreement and says “It is, but hey that’s what I’ve been dealing with all my life. We got to finish these questions so we can go home early.” With the both of you panicking you turn back to your computers finishing the last set of problems.
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You were having so much fun at school with San that you forgot you had to make it to dinner on time with your wicked stepmother. Ever since you’ve started your sophomore year at Walnut Hills your father was keeping his dating life a secret until he unexpectedly announced that he wanted to marry Maria. Your dad was always the playboy so it always would irritate you whenever he brings another woman into the picture.
Your father planned on marrying Maria by the time you’ve graduated high school, but that all ended in tragedy when your father one day died in a car accident on the way to your volleyball game. This is why you quitted sports, fell out with your best friends, and flunked almost all your classes. Maria has always shown tough love even when your dad was around, but that’s because she never knew what it was like to raise children and she wanted to learn to become closer to your family, but your relationship with her was always rocky.
Arriving late at night you’ve run to your house sweating and panting to your angry stepmom in the kitchen tapping her foot.
“Y/N, do you know what time it is? School ended at 5. Why are you late for dinner? This better is good missy.” You caught your last breath and then rolled your eyes at Maria’s snarky comment. “Me and my partner in my class took longer than expected to finish our assignment. Sorry, okay?”
You’ve slammed your backpack on the back of your chair and grabbed a plate of yong chow rice to eat with your family. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me? I just asked a simple question. Don’t tell me your working with that Choi San guy?”
You shook your head as you started to feel yourself explode at the dinner table, but you let her finish. “I know that because Mr. Harris told me. Look all I’m saying is you better stay concentrated on getting out of summer school and don’t fool around with these boys. Got it?”
You’ve finally snapped and stood up slamming the table with your fists. “You know what, I don’t understand why you're nagging me about every little thing going on in my life. You can’t just be proud that I finished my assignments for this week. But, no you keep finding ways to complain to me about me not working hard enough or messing around. I’m getting really tired of it. That’s why I hate it here!”
“Y/N! Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” She followed you all the way upstairs until you closed the door and locked it in her face. You were too tired and frustrated to be dealing with her constant ranting so you’ve just sat in your room, put your AirPods on, and blocked her yelling from the background. “We’ll talk about this another day. Psh teenagers.”
For the rest of the night, you smush your face in your pillow crying yourself to sleep. You look back on the polaroids of your dad around your room and through your phone missing his presence in your home. “Dad, why did you leave me alone with her? If it was just the three of us, things would be so different. I miss you.”
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Your partnership with San seemed to improve drastically which was surprising, to say the least. All the other kids in the class however didn’t seem to improve. Some were either cheating or missing the deadlines. Mr. Harris was not pleased by the results so he found other alternatives.
“You know what class, here’s what we’re about to do. To make this a lot more fun, how about we do class activities for extra credit. Since some of you are glued to your devices nowadays we can play games like Kahoot, Jenga, and Tetris to answer questions. I can even narrow down the questions on the assignments. How does that sound?” Everyone in class chants and cheers loving the idea which keeps them even more motivated to continue working.
“Alright everyone the games won’t start today, but next week. This is the last week of June and summer school so that means we’re halfway there from finishing. You cannot screw this up. Try acing this week’s quiz with 90% everyone or no games for those with below 70%. Got it?” “Yes, Mr. Harris!” You’ve become closer to the class since it was only nine of you, but your best friends are Angela, San, and Chris. The four of you stopped for ice cream after school to study for this week’s big math test that covered five sections.
“Gosh, Mr. Harris put 40 questions on the test! What the hell is he on crack?”
Everyone laughed at Chris complaining. He would always try to find shortcuts just so he can finish playing PubG, but he always ends up getting in trouble because he procrastinates too much. The only reason he’s somewhat doing well is because of his girlfriend Angela.
She was always a straight-A student and a bit of a geek at school, but outside of school, she was a baddie. She ended up having to retake pre-cal because she wanted to offer to help Chris with homework but ended up failing with him. “Oh hush it’s not even that bad. If you would’ve done those practice problems like you were told, you wouldn’t be complaining so much.” She slaps the back of Chris' head making him spat out his dip cone.
San looks at them admiring their silly dysfunctional relationship and then looks at you mesmerized. He leans in whispering in your ear saying “Why can’t we be more like them. They’re cute together.” You turned to him, slapping his shoulder softly giggling. “We shouldn’t. We agreed to only focus on school, remember?” He looks at you pouting “Does it have to be strictly about work? Like Mr. Harris said, we can have fun with it. We are partners after all.”
You look to the side trying to avoid his gaze as you take another spoonful of mint cocoa. With your sloppy spoonful of ice cream leftover on your face, San quickly grabbed a napkin from the table and whipped your face. “Be careful, you had a little mint chocolate on your face.” He kissed the side of your lips and smirked at you right afterward leaving everyone shocked.
“You guys are hot together.”
Chris with no filter shouted out leaving you a blushing mess. You quickly grabbed your ice cream and backpack as you heard your stepmom pulling up at the dairy parking lot. “You know what duty calls. I’ll meet you guys at the same time tomorrow at San’s place just like we planned. I gotta shave my legs. Later!” San wanted to grab your arm real quick to give you a proper goodbye, but you already beat him to it by sprinting to the car.
“Honey, why did you run in the car so fast? You would have finished your ice cream-”
“No time for that, just drive Mom.” Maria laughs looking at you covering your face with your cardigan and looking at San’s pouting face playing with his spoon he just ate from his ice cream. “Reminds me of the good old days when I was in high school.” Your stepmom cranked the engine and drove all the way home.
When you arrived home you flopped your body on your bed trying to focus on finishing studying for your test by yourself, but all your thinking about San’s kiss replaying in your head over and over again. “Ugh that San man, why did his lips have to be so soft? I'm supposed to be finding the formula for x, not the formula to get into San’s heart.” You’ve pulled out your laptop attempting to send an email to Mr. Harris said that you wanted to switch partners, but you prevent yourself from pressing send through your mouse.
“There’s no point. We only have four more weeks plus he would be upset if I do that. I just need to calm down.” You’ve closed out of your email tab and finished your homework sinking in your thoughts.
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“Dad, hey it’s me again, I just wanted to leave a voicemail letting you know that later on today I’ll be bringing my friends over to work on studying for our big test. It would be nice for you to meet them, but of course, I know work is more important. Anyways please come visit again sometime soon. Love you, peace.” San sighs, hanging up the phone as he sets the table up getting ready for you, Angela, and Chris to come over. San has always learned to live basically on his own growing up.
His father is always running off on business trips, his mother left him at a young age to marry a wealthy man and his older brother was already out of the country to join the Navy. His brother was the only person he can count on for family events when it came to birthdays, Christmas, and even father’s day. At least his brother could attend and catch up with his crazy high school life.
Snapping out of his train of thoughts he opens the door as soon as he hears the doorbell ring. “Coming!” He fixed his Pikachu long sleeve and parted his hair before he opened the door. He was smiling so wide after seeing it was you, Angela and Chris.
“C'mon in you guys. Welcome to mi palacio. Let’s study in the living room.”
Everyone ran to the living room pleased with the smell of pina colada candles filling the house. You were shocked that San got to live in this huge nicely decorated home yet you seem to notice that his family is not present.
You see picture frames of him when he was younger in a monster inc sitting on the fountain at Disneyland.
There was also another cute family photo of San’s best friend named Wooyoung that he met since kindergarten, but sadly they ended up cutting ties since they went to different schools.
A picture that stood out from all of them was one of him sitting on his mom’s lap when he was five smiling super hard with his pretty white smile. You’ve never seen him smile that hard and you were always curious more about his past so the family photos have shown a nice glimpse into his past “Hey y/n cmon I made some ramen. We have to pull out the flashcards so we can study.” “W-wait, but your baby pictures I want!” “No time we can look at them later.”
He winks and gently holds your hand and walks downstairs with you.
“Here goes the love birds. We have to try San’s famous spicy ramen dish before it gets too cold.” Everyone sits down at the dinner table clasping their hands together ready to dig in until the door opens.
“Surprise brother! Sorry I’m late. Did I miss dinner?” San’s brother Jinhyuk walks in with veggie wraps and steak bulgogi in his hand. San runs up to his brother hugging him super tight happier to see that he finally made it home. “Guys this is my brother Jinhyuk. Jinhyuk this is Chris, Angela, and Y/N.”
Jinhyuk smiles at everyone greeting everyone. “So what’s been going on with you guys? I know you have been stuck in school together, but what have you guys been doing outside of school?” Angela started by saying “Well so far me and Chris have been seeing each other every day. We always go to the park or the carnival when we get the chance for dates. We have also been hanging out with these two right here.”
Chris joined in saying “Exactly right. You can say we’re like the Scooby-Doo gang of course without scooby.” San laughs adding on “No way you’re definitely Scooby. Angela is Velma, I’m Freddy, and Y/N is Daphne.” Everyone at the table laughed as they enjoyed San’s ramen catching up with each other.
Jinhyuk elbows you as he chats with you in the kitchen. “Hey, I noticed that you were sitting there staring at my brother. What’s going on with you two.” Your eyes flashed wide open as you were surprised by Jinhyk’s sudden question. You faced him scratching the back of your head not knowing how to answer his question. “Well, I honestly don’t know. I think he just likes teasing me. One minute he flirts with me, the next minute he treats me like one of the guys. My mom also doesn’t want me getting distracted so I’m trying to keep my distance.”
Jinhyuk laughs and then pets your head. “Well, you both already failed at keeping your distance. I think he likes you, but since you keep running away or avoiding him too much, he feels like he’s making you uncomfortable and that you strictly want to stay as friends. I wouldn’t give him the wrong idea to be upfront about how you feel about him. You got this kid.” He grabs your empty bowl for you and washes the dishes giving you that boost of confidence. “You know what you're right. Mama didn’t raise no punk. I’ll tell him after we finish studying. Thanks, Jinhyuk I owe you the next time you visit.” You give him a thumbs up and skip happily out the kitchen looking forward to seeing your friends.
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After hours of studying flashcards, everyone finally studied feeling confident in themselves about the final test of the semester. Everyone packed their things and was ready to head home since their parents were outside. You were the only one that still felt confident about your process throughout the class so you’ve decided to stay an extra hour to study with San.
“Are you sure this is right?” You put the pencil down crossing your fingers as San checks your work. “Wow yes, that is correct. See you’re doing just fine. You only got 7 wrong out of the 40 questions. Just keep using that method I taught you and you’ll be just fine.” San smiles at you pinching your cheeks. “It’s 10:30 pm. Your mom is going to be worried about you. You should start heading home. I'll drop you off.” San started putting his notebook and laptop back on his desk getting ready to leave his room, but you pull on his sleeve bringing him back down on the couch with you.
“Wait, um why don’t we watch a movie or something. My mom is out with Mr. Harris anyways they won’t be back until the morning. I kind of told her I was spending the night at my cousin’s house.”
San smiles, shaking his head gulping, sitting back down next to you. “That sounds nice and all, but I don’t want to get you in trouble. Plus you do realize you’re staying over at a boy’s house at night.” You lean your head on his shoulder holding his hand yawning. “I know I trust you. You wouldn’t do anything unless I told you I wanted to. Just for tonight please San?” San sighs, lifting your chin patting the back of your head. “Fine, but next time let me meet your mom. I want to know everything there is about you okay?” You nod linking pinkies with him. “Deal. Now let’s watch Money Heist Shall we?”
The next morning you wake up in San’s arms as you share a blanket on the living room couch. You woke up fixing his messy black hair struck by his sleeping face. “Gosh you're even more dreamy when you're sleeping.” You checked the time on your phone and realized what time it was.
Pre-cal normally starts around 10, it was 11:20. “San gets up, we're late for class! We can’t miss this one Mr. Harris is giving us get extra credit today.” San woke right up alert as he wiped the drool from the side of his mouth.
“Dang, we gotta go. Here brush your teeth real fast, brush your hair and let’s roll.”
The two of you got ready as fast you could and hopped right on his motorcycle speeding through the traffic throughout the city.
You wrapped your arms around San the whole time scared you’ll fall on the motorcycle. San felt so happy whenever you depended on him for anything. “God I love this girl. I know they say I’m too young or going too fast, but I can’t help it.” He mumbled under his breath as he arrived at the school.
“Well well if it isn’t San and Y/N. You better be lucky you didn’t miss the test. We just got done playing Kahoot.” The two of you poured with your heads looking down feeling ashamed as you walked to your seats. The two of you took one last glimpse of each before Mr. Harris handed out the test.
This was it after everything you’ve been through this past month with San and your friends. The hard work was going to determine if you actually made it through or not. Mr. Harris gave you a whisper of encouragement you never heard in a long time except for your dad. “Y/N no matter what happens I’ll always be proud of you. Finish this strong.”
Mr. Harris' words almost moved you to tears as you smiled and nodded your head right back at him. Now you understand why Maria loved him so much he was always passionate about teaching and cared about your well-being.
You grabbed your pencil and your laptop as you started getting to work. The whole time you were nervous and a few questions caused you to slip up, but in the end, you remembered how to do most of the work. San seemed to be holding up just fine so you weren’t too worried about him, Angela would always double-check her work before turning it in and Chris was surprisingly focused the whole time.
As everyone finished their tests Mr. Harris checked everyone’s grades one by one slowly seeing their process.
He stands up taking off his glasses and says. “Class...congratulations on becoming seniors! Everyone has passed summer school. See you in the fall.”
Everyone screamed cheering as the paper was flying and everyone in the classroom cheered. “Yeah, you guys hang out at the carnival!” Chris screamed and everyone followed him out.
Before catching up with everyone you called your stepmom to tell her the good news with Mr. Harris next to you.
“Mom, I finally passed. Dad’s face right now you know he’s probably crying. It was all thanks to Mr. Harris too, he's the best teacher ever.”
You can hear your mom’s voice on the other end as she gets teary-eyed. “Your dad would definitely be so happy that you passed, but also pissed because he never wants you in summer school ever again.” The three of you laugh together as you share the happy news.
“I’m so sorry I doubted you and was super harsh y/n. I love you and just want you to succeed. Your my only banana muffin I got in this world so don’t pull off any dumb crap like this ever again.”
“Yes mom, you know I will. I made a promise to dad after all. I will graduate and stay close to you if it’s the last thing I do. Love you, I'm going to the carnival with my friends.”
Maria makes kissy noises back and says “I love you too. Don’t stay out too late. Matter of fact I’ll meet you there since me and Harris have a date anyways. See you there.” You hang up feeling emotional as you hug Mr. Harris.
Mr. Harris pats you on the back saying “Didn’t I tell you she’s very proud. Now I think you need to catch up with your friends before he leaves without you. I’ll meet you at the carnival.” Mr. Harris leaves the classroom giving you one last smile and heading out.
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You walked in the hallway looking all around the school for San, luckily you found him in the science lab where he’s sitting by the window with a sad look on his face.
“San. We’ve gotta meet up with everyone at the carnival. Why are you here by yourself?”
San sighs, crossing his arms.
“There’s no point in celebrating. I tried reaching out to both of my parents to tell them about one of the biggest accomplishments in my life and as usual, they didn’t answer.” You sat right next to him at the window petting his head. “You know what, how dare they? Forget them.
You have a supportive big brother, an amazing group of friends, and the best teacher a school could ever ask for. You have a family right here and we’re proud of you.”
San lifts his head up as he sees your bright smile that always makes him helpless.
“You always know exactly what to say. What would I do without you?”
He links pinkies with you. “I really can’t wait for you to meet my stepmom. She gets on my nerves sometimes and we always tend to bump heads, but we always come right back together. Dad would’ve also loved you. He was always straight to the point and never held back. I loved that confidence he always had.”
“Oh yeah he did get into that accident last year, I’m so sorry about that.”
You shake your head “It’s alright, I’m still holding up just fine. I’m just happy to have you here with me plus I get to be seniors with you and everyone else.” San looks up at you one last time slowly leaning his face close to yours until your noses touch.
“Gosh, I wonder what would happen if I made out with Y/N in the science lab? The janitor would for sure catch us in the act.” You giggle flirting with him back.
“The only thing he would have to worry about cleaning up is the kiss marks that are going to be on your neck.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you were this playful. I love seeing this side of you.”
The two of you finally exchange a short yet sweet kiss in the orange sunset peeking against the window. It was going to last longer until Angela and Chris crashed the party with a loud knock on the door.
“Hurry up Freddy and Daphne the Scooby gang has to pull up at the carnival together. You guys can finish eating each other's faces off in the car. We can’t miss the flight of fear!”
The two of you looked at each other shrugging and walked together hand in hand out the classroom. “Well, I guess we will have to finish this on the carousel.” “Indeed, that sounds more romantic than making out while being surrounded by jars of disinfected frogs in the science lab.”
The two of you catch up with the rest of the seniors of class 2021 as you look forward to your last summer as juniors together. Today was going to be the day where you go all out and live like you're gonna die young.
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tamhrayis · 3 years
Jeff Buckley Anon here again-
I'm do glad you enjoyed the recs and will explore more. If you don't mind, and don't feel like you have to answer this quickly b/c I know you must be busy, but I was wondering... why do you think fate chose Eren? He said himself he didn't know why he wanted to destroy the world and start clean. Do you think it was Ymir? It reminds me of the scene with Kruger and Grisha when he says that he isn't sure what was guiding him either. You know...after he said something about saving Mikasa and Armin? It makes it all so much more tragic and Idk...im tearing up thinking about it. Beautiful isn't the word I'm looking for. But for some reason I like that Eren didn't know either because it let me know that even though he had the worst ultimatum (sort of like making a deal with the devil) this wasn't his will. He never wanted to kill all these people.
But why was he chosen? He couldn't have known his father said he was free as a baby. Not until that last panel (oh excuse me memory shard) was shown to him. It might be easier to understand if there was a time loop but there wasn't. So did Ymir start his path from birth knowing there was something about his nature, his tenacity that she could use?
Eren accidentally lead Dina to his mother, so that couldn't be the thing that started this. This is really the only thing going around in my head! Sorry if this sounds jumbled.
PS "Black" by Pearl Jam is Eremika all the way. Except the part about finding someone else. I just don't think she has a mind to and never will. I COULD BE WRONG but from my pov, being married...I just don't want anyone else and don't think I need to move on to someone else in order to be fulfilled. You never know, but their love was so tragic I just don't see Mikasa having anyone else. She will have a beautiful fulfilling life and pass on to be with Eren I again. But that's just my inflated two cents!
And thank you for the post connecting the lyrics to the song. You're awesome!
Hello, again! 
I think it’s time to touch this topic, because I really wanted to write what Eren’s motivation was after all and I’ve waited to see Eren’s POV on the things happened around him. 
From my personal observations that I’ve made during rereading and writing analysis on Eren’s character, I noticed that he has never stated why exactly he is doing everything. I mean, yes, at first Eren was motivated by revenge, but the fire of his revenge calmed down after he found out that he is also a titan and he generally became more focused on his dream with Armin about seeing the outside world. Then, of course, this whole “the world is our enemy” thing kicked in and everything slowly resulted in rumbling. 
However, I would like to say...Many people forgot that Eren was never a rational person. Eren always acted as he feels like and he is highly emotional. Undoubtedly, he came to controlling his emotions, which I actually tricked many people (*cough* dudebros/AnR enthusiasts *cough*), but as Eren himself said in ch.121, he was always the same. The only thing that has changed in him was his approach of reaching goals, because Eren understood that in order to make people believe in his “big bad” persona, he has to become who he was this whole arc, a cold and “serious” person. 
If we look back, Eren activated the coordinate simply because he wanted to protect Mikasa. He drank the spinal fluid (?) that gave him crystallization/hardening, because he wanted to save his friends in the crystal cave. Eren has turned himself into a titan, because he didn’t want to die in Trost without accomplishing his goal (this hits very hard right now). There are many examples of Eren acting simply based on his feelings, but I think you got what I am talking about. 
As for why did Ymir choose Eren...She knew that he is the best option to carry out this mission that followed every Attack Titan’s holder (Grisha and Kruger). I believe that the Attack Titan was the embodiment of Ymir’s desperation for freedom and this spirit followed each of the users. 
Eren was the person she was looking for, because he is very determined and selfless. I believe that Ymir can see when the new Eldians are born, because the coordinate looks like a tree and she can see the new branches being added (since they are her subjects and each of them is related to her). She knew that Eren doesn’t necessarily need a rational reason for the mission as long as it gives him the right emotions to keep moving forward (for example, anger). 
I don’t think that Eren actually intended to kill Carla, but it was the result of the (unconscious) choice he or Ymir did. If Bertholdt wasn’t saved on that day, Armin would die in the future and the conversation between him and Zeke wouldn't happen etc. Ymir needed Eren to continue guiding Mikasa to him and keep her making choices until they meet. 
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So was Ymir’s goal = Eren’s goal? I don’t think it was solely because Ymir wanted him to do these things. Eren’s feelings were also included into the mixture. He wanted to erase the world, because he saw the “enemies” as an obstacle of reaching his nonexistent concept of “freedom”. But...again, Eren didn’t exactly knew why he needs this freedom. Maybe it was because the thought about the outside world inspired him, but then gave the sense of unfairness and anger. Perhaps, he was scared for his friends and their future. Maybe that was simply what he wanted, but that didn't really matter to Ymir, because no matter what he did, it still would depend on Mikasa’s choice. 
P.S. “Black” is so nice. A perfect song to listen in chill summer evenings. 
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itseivwhore · 4 years
|°Ezio Auditore x reader°|
"Girl ho bisogno di Ezio che mi consoli, sto passando una giornata di merda e sono ancora le 10:20 di mattina, quindi bless me with your writing please♡ " - @fuckinherondale
First of all,translation,as always,for my non Italian buddies: "Girl I need Ezio to console/comfort me,I'm going through a shitty day and it's still 10:20 am,so bless me with your writing please"
Now.I don't know when you sent me this (most likely this morning,for the hour you have written there) but I swear I didn't see it until now that I uh...woke up from the sacrilegious and holy afternoon nap.Plus,Tumblr didn't send me any kind of notification (to be honest I am having trubles with tumblr lately,it's being a little shit,it doesn't send me even one notification :/). So I humbly beg your pardon if I am writing it just now,a bit late.
Warnings: well,no one?It's a bit emotional and way too philosophical but come on,it's Ezio,I can't always write flirty things when it's about him.
So there you go,an Ezio small,short one-shot.
Now,let's start,shall we?
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"Alzati" his high,deep and authoritative tone seemed to linger for endless moments in the cold hair of that late autumn afternoon: his voice,icy as the breeze that silently moved the branches of the tall oak tree in front of them; his gaze,sharp as the blade of the sword that was pointing at it; his eyes,burning as the sun that,behind him,set the sky on fire.
The young woman slowly lifted her gaze from his hands,which held her sword's hilt weakly,to Ezio's serious and severe face; not finding the usual warm,welcoming and affectionate brown eyes in which she abandoned herself,drowning very often and willingly in those two deep wells,she set her gaze elsewhere.
Behind the tall,proud and imposing figure of the Assassin,numerous hills jagged the view,looking for the most part like green waves of a sea formed by orange leaves: finally,her tired glance lay on the village of Monteriggioni,a small glimpse of life in the midst of nature. The sun,on the edge of sunset,seemed to be a fiery sphere,painting the sky with vivid colours,clouds stained with blood.
A faint and silent sigh left the girl's lips,her e/c eyes,which were fixed on the leaves that covered the ground,now rose slowly until they met her brown eyes. The sunlight,although weak and dim,didn't allow her to see the young Auditore's face well;so she raised her hand in front of her eyes,blocking the sun's rays that blinded her.
Through her fingers,creating bundles of shadow,she was finally able to see Ezio's face: his thick eyebrows were wrinkled in an austere expression to say the least,but the invisible and gentle smile that raised his lips shamelessly betrayed the serious atmosphere that hovered around him. A few rays of sunshine fell on his tanned skin,a couple of drops of sweat slowly,almost lazily,ran down his forehead on which a couple of strands of his dark hair were stuck.
Stretching out his arm,he stretched out the weapon he was still holding and,placing the tip of his sword under the woman's chin,he gently lifted her face,the cold metal of the blade in contact with her warm skin making her shiver slightly. The Assassin leaned down over her,now permanently blocking the light,finally showing himself to her confused gaze: a small smirk formed on his scarred lips at the sight before him.
It was more than five hours that Y/n and Ezio,on top of that isolated hill,under the giant branches of that oak tree,were practicing: fighting against them with only their swords,fists and kicks. Nothing new for the young woman...but she had to believe herself again,when after a while Ezio started to be serious and to say the least ruthless with all his moves. Soon,Y/n realised that this wasn't their usual training: the young Auditore didn't utter a word,he didn't start to tease as to distract her as he always used to do.no tempting wink,no gracious touches,no phrases and malicious looks.
And,after what seemed endless hours,she threw herself on the ground,falling on her knees,her weak arms,her heavy breathing,her mind clouded,exhausted. While he watched her carefully,Y/n tried to understand the reason for such serious and solemn atmosphere on his part.
It was...unusual. And this only made her darker.
A lively spark flashed in his big eyes when,making his curious gaze wander over the body of the woman he loved,he saw that,despite all the effort,despite all the pain and all the tiredness,she still held her sword firmly in her fist in a firm and strong grip. The admiration and pride that Ezio felt for that strong woman was overwhelming.
He laid his eyes again on the woman's face,the smile that had appeared on his lips had disappeared immediately,continuing to look at her with a mixture of hidden and veiled concern,which she was partially able to recognize and grasp.
"I don't appreciate the stern look in your gaze" Y/n spoke suddenly,the words that left her mouth and that the wind quickly carried to his ears.
Ezio raised an eyebrow,perplexity and amazement that took possession of him as soon as he heard the girl uttering that phrase with what the Assassin distinguished as being... disappointment and anger.
"Rise up and fight" he answered authoritatively,still holding his weapon under her chin,his deep gaze that did nothing but observe her intensely,gazing into her very soul,making her feel almost naked: there was no armor around and inside her that Ezio couldn't bring down.
"Your enemy won't show any mercy" the Assassin continued with a thread of voice,slowly moving the sword and starting to drag it down her neck,looking at her from above.
A religious silence,to say the least,reigned supreme for a few endless moments among them,if it hadn't been for the joyful chirping of the birds and the feeble crawling of the oak leaves,which now cast strange and playful shadows on the carpet of leaves where they stood.
Ezio sighed and,with a quick gesture,he withdrew his sword in front of her,only to plant it firmly in the ground. Bringing one arm up,he wiped away the sweat with the back of his hand and,looking over his shoulder,took a quick look at what was his home: what had become his home and which he had to call that.
Sorrow and worry clouded,for a moment,his longing gaze as he walked and distractedly observed the fortified walls of Monteriggioni. Once again the whole village,including Villa Auditore,had been attacked by an unexpected and violent attack by the soldiers and mercenaries loyal to the Borgia family. Even if taken by surprise,they were able to defend the village with courage and ardour,but which had cost them many deaths.
And the harshness,seriousness with which Ezio was addressing Y/n wasn't,in fact,accidental. That endless battle between Assassins and Templars was involving,as has always happened in previous years,innocent and unsuspecting people of all that eternal and bloody struggle. Ezio saw the consequences:he saw how entire families were destroyed,falling and perishing helplessly under a single sword blow in front of his eyes.
And he feared when,on the same day of the attack in Monteriggioni,he found Y/n struggling in the arms of an enemy soldier who was holding her hostage, fear that completely attenuated her:totally defenceless if it had not been for a small but lethal dagger she had hidden under the long sleeve of her dress,sticking the weapon in the soldier's leg,running immediately,instead,between the strong and welcoming arms of Ezio.
The Assassin could not afford to risk losing a loved one...not another one. And for that very reason,he decided to train the young woman personally.
"I can't..." a faint murmur left her lips,discouragement and anguish that scratched her voice,turning her gaze away from his form for the umpteenth time,not wanting to be weak in front of her inquisitors' eyes.
Ezio didn't doubt,as he had never done before,of her strong and courageous spirit,but he had never before heard her utter such words,full of discouragement and pessimism: it was not like her,they were not sentences that he expected her to say,it was not a voice that belonged to her.
"I'm not..." before another desperate whisper could leave her lips,the young Auditore interrupted her.
"No one will help you in your hardest times,but..." he began softly,slowly taking some steps forwards towards her body; and,once he got closer,she was able to see the tears that,slowly and almost with bitter spit,were scratching her cheeks,tracing her face,bending under her chin and falling on the leaves on the ground.
"I will always be there. Per te" the Assassin continued with a low and serious voice,but full of affection,his eyes fullfilled of sincere and pure promises when she finally raised her gaze and met his one.
Stretching an arm,he opened the palm of his hand,offering it to her,at the same time giving her an inviting, erene and warm smile. Y/n looked for a few moments at his outstretched hand tiwards her direction,her sad look constantly moving from his face to his hand.
"Rise up,mia Signora" Ezio whispered in an encouraging tone,his imperceptible smile widening as soon as she placed her little hand in his; and,holding it tight,he lifted her off the ground from her knees,now standing before each other.
Continuing to smile at her,his other hand went up and,cupping her cheek,she leaned on his soft,velvety and feather-like touch,closing her eyes as he leaned in,sweetly kissing away her tears that were born from her insecurities and fears.
She opened her eyes once she felt him deteaching from her face,watching him with a gaze full of gratitude.Looking down,she noticed how their hands were still joined,him holding them in his firm grip,making her feel safe,protected and utterly loved.
"I prefer one strong and trustworthy woman,instead of thousand soldiers" Ezio murmured in a barely audible whisper that only her was able to hear. And,bringing her hands up towards his mouth and bending slightly,he left a small and chaste kiss on the back of them,still pressing his lips on her skin as he looked up at her shiny e/c eyes.
"The woman I admire and love"
"Alzati" = rise up;
"Per te" = for you;
"mia Signora" = my Lady.
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