#i don't know i think my ultimate goal is to sell them the house
hag-o-hags · 7 months
confession time lads I am officially a Landlord I will turn in my shoelaces and be gay do crime stickers on my way out
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I absolutely love your AU where Nikei and Tsurugi become friends post SDRA2, they are such disasters. Do you think that had they figured out their shared goals of looking for Yuki/Utsuro before SDRA2 that Nikei could’ve defected from void in an attempt to ruin Mikado’s plan? Tsurugi was willing to work with Syobai so I could see him working with Nikei too.
And what would he be like facing Emma, Hajime, and Iroha after betraying them?
I love them too, they are my favourite little fucked up guys.
Now, on Tsurugi's end, I do not believe that he'd have any problems working with Nikei at all, actually- the CoU was never a criminal organization as far as we are aware, we don't know if Nikei has a criminal background but that is extremely doubtful, and in an hypothetical where Nikei immediately went to him to become a traitor of Void, Tsurugi would have accepted him with open arms, pretty much. As you said, he was willing to work with Syobai because he was useful- Nikei is not only more useful in this context (since he is trusted by most of Void), but he doesn't come with NEARLY as much problematic past actions.
And let's be honest- working with the Kisaragi Foundation would have been the easiest option for Nikei. If all Nikei truly cared about was ruining Mikado's plan, he could have worked with Tsurugi to plan a stake out and get Iroha, Hajime and Emma (and Syobai, probably) captured by the Foundation and thrown in prison for ya know. Kidnapping and all that stuff. It'd be actually insanely easy for Nikei to have done that- it would be the most efficient way to ruin Mikado's plan and make it effectively impossible for him to recreate it again, since he'd have run out of lucky pawns on his chessboard.
Thing is... Nikei just would never do it. He came up with an honestly absurd plan that was needlessly complicated and insanely expensive to pull off (I kinda headcanon that Nikei had to sell literally everything, his house included, to pay Syobai. Bro really gave all his earthly possessions to the old man), but the one positive of it is that the rest of the CoU is largely unaffected by it. Sure, in the game he states that he was okay with dying in the case that they got the vote wrong and that would mean he would be okay with killing Emma, Iroha and Hajime off, but 1. His mentality in chapter 4 is very different from the one he would have before the game, and 2. In the case his plan worked, he literally would already know who did it, so of course he would lead the class trial to the correct solution.
(As an aside, the reason why Nikei would actively try to shoot everyone, Iroha included, in the chapter 4 post trial is that he is literally desperate and, at that point, he does not care for Iroha anymore- Emma and Hajime are already dead, Iroha has demonstrated that she does not care for him and has no intention to be on his side, his plan clearly failed and he has no opportunity to pull a plan like that again- all he has to attach himself onto so he doesn't implode is his hatred for Mikado. Early game Nikei would not have considered shooting Iroha.)
This plan makes sure that, ultimately, the rest of the CoU doesn't have to face any consequences- Nikei probably will, because there was no way that Mikado wasn't going to take his revenge on Nikei, but as long as the others were okay, Nikei was willing to be executed. Working with Tsurugi would ultimately mean that he would have to hurt them- throwing them in prison and being forced to face whatever crimes 'planning a killing game' entails. And since he doesn't know yet that Mikado is planning to kill them all, this is the choice that actively harms them the most.
And as much as Nikei loathes Mikado, his care for Emma, Hajime and Iroha outweighs it. Every. Single. Time. So he simply wouldn't work with the Foundation with the knowledge he would have at the beginning of the game.
For him to consider it, he would have to know more about Mikado's plan- for example, if he knew that the shitty wizard wanted to kill them all, he would be significantly more willing to work with Tsurugi since it's the option that doesn't end up with them dead. Even that, it would only happen in the case that straight up confronting the gang (slowly running out of ways to call them) with the information wouldn't convince them to jump ship immediately. Choosing to put them all in harm's way is gonna be EXTREMELY hard on Nikei, but he is willing to do it if the other option is worse.
As for how he would be after betraying them... honestly, I just don't see it lasting long? Sure, he would have gotten them thrown in prison, but it wouldn't take him long at all to try and break them all out (which would succeed since. Luck and all). It's all very funny, actually.
"Nikei what the actual FUCK you got us incarcerated!?!?!?"
"And I will do it again, now shut the fuck up and follow me."
All in all, I just can't see him fully betraying them in ways that would harm them in the long run. The only reason Nikei even agreed to working with Tsurugi in my au is that he still has that chapter 4 character derailment thing going on (unhealthy way of dealing with his grief causing him to become more hateful and spiteful), Iroha betrayed him not once, but TWICE, and then she abandoned him in prison while she escaped with Syobai (technically a third betrayal). You'd have to do something absolutely terrible to him for him to consider betraying you.
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papirouge · 6 months
Make no mistake Candace will embrace zionism again if Palestine falls and Palestinians are forgotten. She is by nature simply a contrarian - she will ALWAYS take the other side regardless of what that side is. If Tate suddenly becomes mainstream and accepted, she will inevitably speak out against him. If feminism goes underground, she will be a feminist. Her grift is to be loud and go against the popular for views and attention. Her husband from what I’ve seen is pretty submissive (very funny how ALL of the married “trad” girls I know of that pander to the right and claim they only love aggressive masculine and traditionally dominant men never marry them, they always find the quiet submissive men that are house husbands that don’t really work) so nothing he will say will matter to her either. Her running back or trying to run back to black spaces is because she doesn’t want to be attacked now for being a black woman now that she’s vulnerable. Yet she still wants to bring white peoples feelings in those spaces too so she can stay on racist white people’s good graces because that’s her nature - to always to be the opposite. Black spaces are for black feelings, she knows this yet she will do the opposite anyway. All for attention. Just a pathetic person
She reminds me of an old friend I had. My friends and I started a gaming group for just ourselves, just black girls gaming and having fun without any worries. It was so much fun except when my ex friend tried to invite and get her white male friend involved. We told her no, this space was for black women only. She called us racist and sexist while her white friend just moved on He never cared about joining since he wasn’t even a gamer, it was all her idea. We had to block her and move on too 💀
Wait a minute- are you talking about the black gamer girl discord group drama ? Are you aware this drama came over tiktok?? 👀 Why am i only half surprised that a fellow black girl shoved this white dude there though ? 💀 Not that white men trying to invade black (female) space is unprecedented, but as I always said, Black women are EXTREMELY male identified (probably more than any other race) so I'm not shocked this black woman did the most for her White male friend.. TRAGIC.
It's so confusing to see her talk about her husband and how she chose him because he was her match intellectually speaking when he doesn't strike as such 💀 He's definitely not stupid, but I feel like there's a major dissonance between how she "sells" him, and reality. Their dynamic is very loopsided : he only talks about her, while she's -very publicly- taking all the attention. Sorry but there's nothing less submissive or traditional in this marriage dynamic. Even the way her own camp talks about her doesn't reflect any idea of feminity - they talk about her like an attack dog. A smart, eloquent one, but still a dog. When Shapiro and his Daily Wire clique turned against then dumped her, nobody felt sorry for her. Even those who defended her knew she was the Strong Black Woman™️ and would ultimately get back on her feet. Candace herself is so energyetically masculine she didn't remotely think about leveraging her femininity to grasp some sympathy (emotions) by saying how she felt betrayed or left out. Nope. Like a soldier, she got back on her feet and started campaigning to fund her next venture.... If anything, Candace is the posterchild of feminism. Nothing about her screams traditional or feminine.
And it makes sense bc Candace is so bigger than life that she would hardly be able to find someone to match her level - especially among conservative men who absolutely don't come off as the intellectual type.... To reach that goal, she would've had more chance with Asian men since she said before her boyfriend all her earlier boyfriends were Asians (Korean and Japanese) lol
And yeah, that's exactly it : she's a contrarian. That's why her opinions have no consistency whatsoever. Like, you can't blame feminism and try to reinforce traditional gender roles onto society......while defending a lover boy/pimp/porn producer/fornicator aka Andrew Tate.
That's why contrarian are so politically stupid btw. They're often lumped with the right, but rightoids at least have a set of value tenants that won't change depending on whether they're popular or not. But contrarians? They'll hate things to the point of cognitive dissonance. We witnessed it A LOT these last few years. For example, tpeople who were against the c0vid shot and (rightfully) called out the msm propaganda and lies to push it, often used the fact of being against the "popular opinion" (=getting the vaccine) as a proof they were right. Well it was pretty shocking to see a lot of them turned out to be big supporters of Israel/Zionism, and sided with the very same msm they bitched against non stop a few years before. Their primitive contrarian mindset made them believe that because they were against Palestine (= the popular opinion) they were right once again..... And they have the same pattern with Musk, Trump, Take and every problematic/controversial figure they think unabashedly supporting means they're doing right against the MatRix - or whatever it is.
And this issue isn't only with right leaning people : it was extremely disappointing and disgraceful to see people support the TikTok ban in some wack intellectual superiority move, and (indirectly) campaign for the same US government they were shitting on FOR MONTHS over what it's been doing in Palestine. Mind you, they are the same crowd saying shit like "yOu aRe nOt iMmuNe tO prOpagAndA uwu" when anyone with a IQ higher than room temperature would grasp that this ban was a way to CONTROL TikTok which is the least biased media platform when it comes to social commentary or news coverage (especially with what's going on Palestine right now). But nooooo, those idiots refuse to look at the bigger picture and want it shut down because of a handful of dumb tradwives and pro ana mentally ill girls. PLEASE.
I've said it and I'll say it again : nothing you see on TikTok is unique to TikTok or happens because of TikTok. I'm a millennial, I'm old enough to remember that social contagion/reproduction the most destructive trends always happened since the drawn of the internet. In 2002 it was on message board, forum, etc...in 2024 it happens on social media - not only TikTok. If anything, those big SNS corporation centralizing the lot of internet communication help having a better outlook on social trends. Instead of having to patrol gazillions of obscure group chat with no mail adresssed required to post shit, the special services only have to lurk on social media 🤷🏾‍♀️
Oh and one last thing: 99% of the shit ppl complain about TikTok I never see it on my dash. TikTok algorithm is INSANE and manages to spoon fed you what you like 9 times out of 10. So there's 2 possibilities : either 1) they're the problem and should stop entertaining content that harms their peace 2) they're lying and just rehash the stuff other people say without checking by themselves if that content is *that* pervasive on that app.
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danielleverboski4e · 6 months
Danielle Verboski
The closing date for the property is getting closer, even if there have been a few obstacles during the past three weeks. For the ultimate pleasure, spend a day at the spa renewing and resting before your treatment. This real estate agent's acquisition of this seaside property in Connecticut might have been a turning point in his life. With this current information, you may move forward with confidence when looking at East Lyme, Connecticut, homes for sale. Among our many services is building management. Their initial meeting in a public place, like a plaza or mall, was probably a huge success. If people lived on a planet, in an ideal world, there would be a means to silence the entire planet. We can fully appreciate the ride because we're not in a rush.
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The vast majority of people live in one of the many tiny seaside or suburban villages.
People are motivated to take on more when they see the impact that others are making for causes that are important to them.
I had a sacred duty to support the disadvantaged. My insecurity makes me repress my emotions. Helping someone who is not as lucky as you could have unintended consequences for you. Precise accuracy and quick thinking are essential for success.
The brokers and agents in real estate could provide you with a plethora of information. Use this knowledge when the time is appropriate. Because of everything we have experienced together, I am positive that they are unique. Upon depleting every alternative, we need to start thinking outside the box. This was never emphasized to us. As soon as a takeover occurs, the ship must immediately begin a new round.
Having spent my early years here, I know this place like the back of my hand. It felt as though my eleven years of labor had been for nothing. Instead of communicating with your current customers in an impersonal or chilly manner, concentrate on developing a rapport with them. The cornerstone of our company's success is our unwavering dedication to comprehending and fulfilling our clients' goals.
Is it hard for you to get over your fear of public speaking? I would suggest Remax to anyone looking for a real estate agent. There is absurdity in every single one of them. If you should happen to be in the area, don't be afraid to drop by as soon as possible. We really appreciate your steadfast support over the years, and we will always be grateful. We respect your thoughts regarding our team very much.
Our total trust is based on the superb reputations of Heritage and Remax. Our clients are the first to learn about newly listed properties in Connecticut thanks to our wide-ranging real estate network. At RE/MAX®, you can reach reputable real estate brokers whenever you need to. The house won't be unlocked until every showing and sale has taken place. The peace with which they seem is simply astounding. Now everyone may relax. It makes no difference what happens. Purchasing and selling real estate does not require a plan. Everyone has put up a tremendous amount of effort. Use it with extreme caution. If the real estate deal hadn't fallen through, then perhaps things would have happened differently. To stay ahead of the curve, we must generate fresh concepts. You can easily get this information anytime you need it.
My investigation into recent transactions in the neighborhood has led me to an approximate estimate of your home's potential value. What do you estimate the house's worth? To obtain an unbiased evaluation of a home, it is advisable to seek suggestions from people you know. They are happy with the result, as are their bosses. As soon as we receive confirmation of the sale, we will promptly remove the "SOLD" notice.
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Your successes have made everyone in Mystic, Connecticut very happy. I find encouragement in your unwavering dedication to personal improvement. It includes people like Danielle Verbleski. The real estate markets in Waterford and Stonington have grown significantly during the past few decades. Danielle Verboski, the agent, is dependable. You can examine Danielle's schedule by clicking on the link we provided. She will only pay attention to you when money is tight. The towns of Stonington and Waterford, Connecticut, hold Danielle in the highest regard. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Realtor Danielle if you would want more specific market information and are interested in purchasing or selling a property. She'll reply right now. Just by begging for help, she can be persuaded. It appeared as though the "American Dream" may come true—at least for the wealthy. She felt better after reading your analysis of the real estate market. Deals in real estate are laborious and time-consuming, so don't rush them. Think about every possible result before making a decision. Our diplomatic efforts have yielded little fruit thus far. I would be extremely thankful if anyone knew of a real estate agent in the Connecticut towns of Waterford or Stonington. The request is for your assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any extra assistance. Please get in touch with Danielle Verboski if you'd like to talk to her. No matter how small, every encounter gives us insight into the people we encounter.
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danielleverboski4d · 7 months
Homes for sale in east lyme ct
The closing date for the property is getting closer, even if there have been a few obstacles during the past three weeks. For the ultimate pleasure, spend a day at the spa renewing and resting before your treatment. This real estate agent's acquisition of this seaside property in Connecticut might have been a turning point in his life. With this current information, you may move forward with confidence when looking at East Lyme, Connecticut, homes for sale. Among our many services is building management. Their initial meeting in a public place, like a plaza or mall, was probably a huge success. If people lived on a planet, in an ideal world, there would be a means to silence the entire planet. We can fully appreciate the ride because we're not in a rush.
Homes for sale in east lyme ct
People are motivated to take on more when they see the impact that others are making for causes that are important to them.
I had a sacred duty to support the disadvantaged. My insecurity makes me repress my emotions. Helping someone who is not as lucky as you could have unintended consequences for you. Precise accuracy and quick thinking are essential for success.
The brokers and agents in real estate could provide you with a plethora of information. Use this knowledge when the time is appropriate. Because of everything we have experienced together, I am positive that they are unique. Upon depleting every alternative, we need to start thinking outside the box. This was never emphasized to us. As soon as a takeover occurs, the ship must immediately begin a new round.
Having spent my early years here, I know this place like the back of my hand. It felt as though my eleven years of labor had been for nothing. Instead of communicating with your current customers in an impersonal or chilly manner, concentrate on developing a rapport with them. The cornerstone of our company's success is our unwavering dedication to comprehending and fulfilling our clients' goals.
Is it hard for you to get over your fear of public speaking? I would suggest Remax to anyone looking for a real estate agent. There is absurdity in every single one of them. If you should happen to be in the area, don't be afraid to drop by as soon as possible. We really appreciate your steadfast support over the years, and we will always be grateful. We respect your thoughts regarding our team very much.
Our total trust is based on the superb reputations of Heritage and Remax. Our clients are the first to learn about newly listed properties in Connecticut thanks to our wide-ranging real estate network. At RE/MAX®, you can reach reputable real estate brokers whenever you need to. The house won't be unlocked until every showing and sale has taken place. The peace with which they seem is simply astounding. Now everyone may relax. It makes no difference what happens. Purchasing and selling real estate does not require a plan. Everyone has put up a tremendous amount of effort. Use it with extreme caution. If the real estate deal hadn't fallen through, then perhaps things would have happened differently. To stay ahead of the curve, we must generate fresh concepts. You can easily get this information anytime you need it.
My investigation into recent transactions in the neighborhood has led me to an approximate estimate of your home's potential value. What do you estimate the house's worth? To obtain an unbiased evaluation of a home, it is advisable to seek suggestions from people you know. They are happy with the result, as are their bosses. As soon as we receive confirmation of the sale, we will promptly remove the "SOLD" notice.
Your successes have made everyone in Mystic, Connecticut very happy. I find encouragement in your unwavering dedication to personal improvement. It includes people like Danielle Verbleski. The real estate markets in Waterford and Stonington have grown significantly during the past few decades. Danielle Verboski, the agent, is dependable. You can examine Danielle's schedule by clicking on the link we provided. She will only pay attention to you when money is tight. The towns of Stonington and Waterford, Connecticut, hold Danielle in the highest regard. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Realtor Danielle if you would want more specific market information and are interested in purchasing or selling a property. She'll reply right now. Just by begging for help, she can be persuaded. It appeared as though the "American Dream" may come true—at least for the wealthy. She felt better after reading your analysis of the real estate market. Deals in real estate are laborious and time-consuming, so don't rush them. Think about every possible result before making a decision. Our diplomatic efforts have yielded little fruit thus far. I would be extremely thankful if anyone knew of a real estate agent in the Connecticut towns of Waterford or Stonington. The request is for your assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any extra assistance. Please get in touch with Danielle Verboski if you'd like to talk to her. No matter how small, every encounter gives us insight into the people we encounter.
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danielleverboski2b · 8 months
Danielle verboski
The closing date for the property is getting closer, even if there have been a few obstacles during the past three weeks. For the ultimate pleasure, spend a day at the spa renewing and resting before your treatment. The real estate agent's life might have changed drastically after she came upon a home on the Connecticut coast. You can move forward with confidence now that you have access to these updated details. We provide building management as one of our many services. Their initial meeting in a public place, like a plaza or mall, was probably a huge success. Hoarding is quite improbable, unless the thing is extremely rare or expensive. We can fully appreciate the ride because we're not in a rush.
Many people reside in rural settings, especially in smaller, more isolated seaside towns and other comparable locations.
People are motivated to take on more when they see the impact that others are making for causes that are important to them.
I had a sacred duty to support the disadvantaged. Because of my extreme shyness, I still find it difficult to be open and honest with people about my feelings, opinions, and experiences. Helping someone who is not as lucky as you could have unintended consequences for you. Precise accuracy and quick thinking are essential for success.
It's perfectly OK to ask a real estate professional for their advice. Use this knowledge when the time is appropriate. We have experienced so much together that I can say with certainty that they are the people. Danielle verboski Upon depleting every alternative, we need to start thinking outside the box. We don't know exactly how the data will be used. As soon as a takeover occurs, the ship must immediately begin a new round.
Having grown up here my entire youth, I consider myself rather familiar with this community. It felt as though my eleven years of labor had been for nothing. Rather than cold calling, put more time and effort into building relationships with your current clientele. The cornerstone of our company's success is our unwavering dedication to comprehending and fulfilling our clients' goals.
To what extent has your phobia of public speaking been overcome? Remax is the real estate company I would suggest to anyone in need of one. They are all completely nonsensical. If you should happen to be in the area, don't be afraid to drop by as soon as possible. We sincerely appreciate your support of our company and will be eternally thankful to you.
Our clients can utilize our vast network within the real estate sector to find out about newly listed properties in Connecticut. We have total faith in Heritage and Remax since they have consistently been dependable. You may get in touch with a trustworthy real estate agent at any time by using RE/MAX®. We will not allow you to enter until the sales and showings are finished. The peace with which they seem is simply astounding. Now everyone may relax. It makes no difference what happens. Purchasing and selling real estate does not require a plan. Everyone seemed to be really dedicated. Take careful note of this. If the real estate deal hadn't fallen through, then perhaps things would have happened differently. To stay ahead of the curve, we must generate fresh concepts. This information is available to you at any time.
By looking into the recent sales of comparable homes in your neighborhood, I can provide you with a reasonable estimate of the potential sale price of your house. What do you estimate the house's worth? To obtain an unbiased evaluation of a home, it is advisable to seek suggestions from people you know. They are happy with the result, as are their bosses. We will promptly remove the "SOLD" message as soon as we get confirmation of the sale.
Your successes have made everyone in Mystic, Connecticut very happy. I find encouragement in your unwavering dedication to personal improvement. Its members include Danielle Verbleski and similar individuals. The real estate markets in Waterford and Stonington have grown significantly during the past few decades. You can depend on Agent Danielle Verboski in every scenario. Kindly click the given link to see Danielle's itinerary. She will come to your rescue no matter how dire things get financially. The towns of Stonington and Waterford, Connecticut, hold Danielle in the highest regard. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Realtor Danielle if you would want more specific market information and are interested in purchasing or selling a property. She'll reply right now. Just by begging for help, she can be persuaded. Her large family and wealthy parents allowed her to enjoy what is sometimes called the "American Dream" when she was a child. She felt better after reading your analysis of the real estate market. You shouldn't rush real estate deals because they take a long time and require meticulous attention to detail. Consider every possible outcome before making a final decision. Our diplomatic efforts have yielded little fruit thus far. I would be extremely thankful if anyone knew of a real estate agent in the Connecticut towns of Waterford or Stonington. The request is for your assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any extra assistance. Please get in touch with Danielle Verboski if you'd like to talk to her. No matter how small, every encounter gives us insight into the people we encounter.
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hybridhadal · 8 months
Hey, how you doin’n, bitch? My name’s Hadal Ai Douglass, but you can just call me Hadal (or HD). 
I’m just your everyday twenty-something year old black and nerdy queer.  I'm 5'6" with brown eyes and black locs. I love gaming, travelling, martial arts, anime, music, cussing (so be warned), and getting into trouble with friends. I know this reads like some corny Tinder profile but bare with me. I'm actually a pretty interesting guy once you get to know me…
I come from the Murx (which is short for Murkstone, VA) and my pronouns are ‘he/him’ as well as ‘they/them’. I resonate more with the ladder though.  Coming from the Murx though, people tend to pretty much call you whatever the fuck they want.  While not as popular as NYC or as hood as Detroit, the people here are characters nonetheless. It can get pretty busy and even crowded on certain occasions too.  It has this sort of Gothic and old time aesthetic which attracts tourists for sure.  But it also still keeps the allure of a regular modern city with the tall buildings, the traffic, burger joints on every corner, and neighborhoods you probably wouldn't want to get caught in at night.
Speaking of which, the nightlife is pretty cool here too.  There’s lots to do. We got clubs, we got bars, we got strip joints, and other stuff. But after you've done it all, it can get a little repetitive. I’ve also lived here since I was a kid.  So, perhaps I’m not the best person to talk to about it.  One of the best things about the city though is that we also have these yearly music festivals that a bunch of outsiders attend.  It’s called the "Deep Flow Festival" and it can get pretty big.  I typically DJ at these events and the like.  So, I’m a little known in the community here. Still, one of my bigger goals in life is to see the world.
One of my biggest dreams is to become a big presence in the music industry; to work with bigger names and make crazy loot.  I know, it's a little cliché but I'm a creative at heart. I already make and sell my beats to some of the rappers and singers in my area (and a little beyond). On top of DJing at some of the spots around here, it pays the bills. It's also better than working some 9 - 5 that drains my life. So, although what I'm doing is barely getting me by, I'm not complaining. But again, I want to be bigger. I wanna be heard around the world. I wanna make big money, and ultimately move out of my little kitchen pantry of a pad. Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the place that I have. But it'd be cool if I could live in better place or maybe even in my own house. In today's economy though, you probably have to be making 1% money to buy and keep a house (especially the kind that I want). But I also want to get into other avenues too. Well, either that or find a sugar daddy to take care of me. I mean, shit, it is what it is.
I’ve been told I can be a bit boy-crazy at times though. On of the reasons I'm really into martial arts is that I love a man who can throw some hands.  But if you're reading this and you're anything like my folks, you'd probably think that I still have a lot of life lessons to learn in that area (and you'd probably be right).  I wouldn't call myself a spring chicken though. I can be a bit paranoid when it comes to men but not in the way you might think.  Like I’m not afraid to get out and get to know people.  That’s pretty much my job to a degree.  I just know some of these men out here can be crazy as all hell sometimes.  So, I do what I can when I can to keep any contingency that I can. 
Growing up, my step-dad pretty much forced me to partake in survival school as well as self-defense training.  He’s one of those Pan-African Hotep types on top of being an ex-marine.  So, he made sure to raise me to be as militant and as hard ass as he could. I'd even go so far as to say that I picked up a few of his qualities (both good and bad). I mean, I never really met my real father or anything like that. So, I normally refer to him as just my dad despite not really getting along with him like that to this day. But, yeah, survival school taught me a lot though.  I kinda had a rough time adjusting to it but I did eventually.  Shit, I even made friends.  Some of which even came up with me from middle school all the way to high school.  
Before all that though, it was just my mom and me.  She and I were practically inseparable.  Then, she got her dream macho man and became the mayor.  Pretty much everything changed after that.  It all became about keeping an image, which pretty much meant keeping any sort of affiliations between her and I secret. I'm not exactly the most exemplary child (or so she constantly leads me to believe).  It also meant spending significantly less time with the person who I at one point spent all my time with.  I can’t blame her though.  My biological father skipped town on us before I could really form any decent memories of him.  So, for a small portion of my formative years, it was just the two of us.  Once my step dad stepped into the picture, I pretty much became that little block of wood that he whittled into a shank.  I don’t know... 
But enough about my mom and dad.  This next fact about me might seem like a bit of a stretch. But the craziest part of my life by far is the fact that I’m actually a practitioner of cosmic sorcery.  Now, I know you’re probably thinking…
“What in the fuck is cosmic sorcery?”
Well, it’s pretty hard to sum up in just a few words but I will do my best.  Cosmic sorcery is the study and manifestation of the universe's darkest secrets.  Think of all that lies in the spaces between universes being summoned to our plane of existence; like being able to call on beings from the heavens and beyond to grant you whatever you desire. Cosmic sorcery can grant its user knowledge, physical enhancement, or sometimes even the complete annihilation of something.  But also, it is an overall teaching of this universe's many elements.  With enough knowledge, I could probably terraform (or flat out destroy) whole cities if not the whole planet. Now, mind you, I'm not on some OP anime character type shit but I know a lot. But yeah, there’s a LOT you can do with cosmic sorcery. 
Ultimately cosmic sorcery preaches the oneness of the individual self and the universe.  It is as powerful as one who practices it puts into it is. That and its incredibly ancient and mysterious. So, you can expect a lot of shit to go unexplained by me. I may practice the bitch but I'm no historian. The way I try to think of it is that it’s basically mankind's biggest kept secret (sorta, I guess).  I mean, of course I’m not the only one that knows it.  That’s also not the only form of sorcery out there.  But it’s the one my grandfather blessed me with before he passed.  I strive to know more and more but there isn’t much on it.  I have to consult beings from beyond time and my own reality for guidance, and that's a whole box of chocolates in itself. A lot of the time, it feels like I'm just winging it.  
But that's about it when it comes to me… 
I feel like I've experienced quite a bit of life while not really experiencing life outside my own little bubble. But I mean, shit, I'm still young. Anything can change at any time. In fact, my dad says that's the only constant. I'm just a simple guy with big dreams and a lot on the mind. The following entries are pretty much a look into all of my highs, lows, and everything in between.  Every dream that I’ve dreamt, every hard time I’ve overcome (or am still overcoming), every boy I’ve ever had a thing with / for, every embarrassing moment I’ve endured, and every triumph I’ve earned will all be here for the world to see.  I hope you find it all as interesting as I do because believe me. It's some crazy shit.
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Danielle Verboski Realtor
Despite several setbacks over the last three weeks, the closing date for the property is drawing near. Before your treatment, spend a day relaxing and rejuvenating at the spa for the ultimate indulgence. The purchase of this Connecticut beachfront property by this real estate agent may have been a watershed moment in his life danielle verboski real estate agent Now that you have these updated details, you can proceed with confidence. One of our numerous offerings is building management. Their first encounter in a public setting, such as a plaza or mall, was likely a smashing success. In an ideal world, there would be a way to silence the entire planet if humans lived there. Since we are not in a hurry, we can enjoy the ride to its fullest.
The majority of the population resides in one of the numerous small suburban or coastal communities.
When people witness the difference that other people are making for causes they care about, it inspires them to do more.
It was my sacred responsibility to help the oppressed. Being timid causes me to repress my feelings. There may be unforeseen repercussions for you if you assist somebody less fortunate than you. The key to your success is lightning-fast thinking and pinpoint accuracy.
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You could find a wealth of information from real estate brokers and agents. When the moment is right, apply this information. I know for sure that they are special because of what we've been through together. After we've exhausted all other options, we must begin to think creatively. Nobody ever stressed this to us. Following a takeover, the ship is required to initiate a new round without delay.
I know my way around this town like the back of my hand since I spent my childhood here. It seemed like all eleven years of my hard work had been in vain. Refrain from sending cold, impersonal messages to your present consumers and instead focus on building relationships with them. Our unwavering commitment to understanding and achieving our clients' goals is the bedrock of our firm's success.
Do you find it difficult to overcome your phobia of public speaking? Remax is the real estate agency that I would recommend to anyone. Each and every one of them is filled with irrationality. Please don't hesitate to stop by at your earliest convenience if you should find yourself in the vicinity. Your unwavering support throughout the years is greatly appreciated, and we will be forever thankful. We greatly value your opinion about our team.
Heritage and Remax have earned our complete confidence because of their stellar reputations. Our extensive network in the realty sector ensures that our clients are the first to hear about freshly listed properties in Connecticut. You can get in touch with trustworthy real estate agents whenever you need to at RE/MAX®. The property will remain locked until all showings and sales have concluded. It is truly astonishing how calm they appear. Everyone can finally unwind. It doesn't matter what occurs. Buying and selling property does not necessitate a plan. There has been an enormous amount of effort from everyone. Be very careful with it. Things may have turned out differently if the real estate deal hadn't fallen through. We need to come up with new ideas if we want to stay ahead of the curve. This info is at your fingertips whenever you need it.
Based on my research into recent sales in the area, I have arrived at a ballpark figure for the possible value of your home. How much do you think the house is worth? The best way to get an objective assessment of a property is to ask individuals you know for recommendations. They and their superiors are pleased with the outcome. We will swiftly remove the "SOLD" notification once we get confirmation of the sale.
Your accomplishments have brought immense joy to everyone in Mystic, Connecticut. Your commitment to bettering yourself is an inspiration to me.  People like Danielle Verbleski are a component of it. Over the last several decades, the housing markets in Waterford and Stonington have experienced tremendous growth. Agent Danielle Verboski is reliable. We provided a link where you may view Danielle's schedule. When money is tight, she will focus solely on you. Danielle is highly esteemed by the Connecticut municipalities of Stonington and Waterford. If you would want more detailed market information and are interested in buying or selling a property, don't hesitate to contact Realtor Danielle. She will respond quickly. She can be convinced simply by pleading for assistance. It felt like the "American Dream" could be attainable, at least for the rich. After reading your assessment on the real estate market, she felt better. Real estate deals are tedious and time-consuming, so you shouldn't rush through them. Before choosing a choice, consider all of the outcomes that could occur. So far, our diplomatic efforts have had no results. If anyone knows of a real estate agent in the Waterford or Stonington areas of Connecticut, I would be very grateful. Your help is being asked for.  Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need any additional help. If you would like to speak with Danielle Verboski, please contact her. Every interaction, no matter how insignificant, teaches us something about the individuals we meet.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I'd rather GT Bradley what it means is the max and our people that's supposed to get hurt in them that's what Dave was saying and you guys don't get the code but Bradley the one who punched our son in the nose and it also means like Brad and Lee in other words to nail the rebels but only with little brads. And that's what it means and it means something different to the max no they don't really like the car but we like it cuz we use it backwards and people want to see us do it
Frank Castle Hardcastle
It's unreal your own brother did it you kind of knew about it then we get that but he says ultimately he was after us with his robotics in the ships and was starting to see that it's amazing so I might start producing my own version with the Volkswagen bug we have a ton of them Australia
Brad I do see how the original one was and it makes more sense it's very fast in that format but the windows horrendous it's like a hatchback and this way to do it and it looks really cool and make a little window and it stretches back it's intense and it molded a little I said it wouldn't hurt a little bit you going faster than the speed of sound it keeps the line. They might do that too and they're looking at it and it works and the inlet is going to be small and yeah you got a depressurize it and the wheel wells and the size has to be recommended and the offset and so forth strength I don't like it going with a solid top and is reinforcing for the VW so I got almost all of it I'm going to go ahead and try and make one and there's so many Volkswagens here and certain colors go with it yeah yellow does not go with the color that they had it goes with some blue note red goes with red and it goes with dark green and it goes with nothing else
Nothing Brad and okay talking to myself here said no you're trying to look prettier and prettier and everybody's noticing and Brad's could probably get beat up that's very funny
Becka oops
Oh yeah and no I'm not playing Queen Elizabeth I don't have to look like her that's very fun. I think I like this car and they're trying to get Cannon Ken potato and they're trying to get the big guys and they need some funding they say and they're right there so they'll probably do it this might work yeah he only makes 20% because they're funding it so they like the way he's doing it real cheapo Depot but very high tech and very well done and all aftermarket parts you can order it online this is great these things are really cool but you know what this is going to be a supercar according to modern standard and if they don't let you in the club they're going to lose the race and that's what we're up to you
and we shall call her a Queen Sarah
What the hell yeah it's kind of funny so I'm kind of yelling at him he's going could you stop yelling at me I can't hear a damn thing in this coconut. So we can have a lot of fun but I want to try and get this going I've got his idea and I can get Ken to do stuff and my husband says Ken has to try the seat of the VW bug that's the first goal because his character has a special butt and it has to be treated correctly and we don't want to mess with the goods so I'm going to check it and have security team looking at it
My security team will look into it and yeah they're watching my ass and someone before it's nice it's cushy and doesn't squish down I'm pretty sure it's a winner it's not like the Porsche when you sat in the Porsche said I can't feel my ass I sat in the VW and I said this is nice it's a good thing to leave the seats
Go ahead with this idea and it's so cool I have to start now
Joe I'm going to work on your pancake House idea in the big cup of joe these are all things that would sell liquidy split fast as hell and this guy needs tons of money and sitting here looking at him wondering what to do he has put a lumberjack cap on you'll figure it out so we have an investor over there
Literally we are in trouble and we need to do stuff and this is when I did and this is one idea it's really good one this car would fly and then he would make a bigger one for the chassis I was talking about but he has to start with the Volkswagen cuz some sort of psychological Fandango I'm going to start talking like him if we keep doing this but really his brother was talking some real smack and his brother was talking some smack back I can't believe how awful it is but they're both telling their people about it for Christ's sake. So I'd like to move on this car and Ken has the idea and we do talk it's kind of a go ahead permission slip to make money off it because you kind of telling him without saying it and we're moving on it
It says you can buy a Volkswagen and change it if it gets any money so we buy a Volkswagen for five grand drive around and said I can't stand it people call me German I had to turn it into the sports car that's kind of funny
Yeah the old stigmatism stigma and we can do it too but really we're going to have a lot of fun this sounds like fun and he wants us on board he's been saying it and it looks like it'll work even during the chaos and speaking of which the huge fleet is moving off and heading towards Tommy f to get the stupid s*** out of here
Black God and Black Goddess
You may think it's funny but we need a purple one we'd like to get it going and you say you need help those Volkswagens would do very nicely out here even the kit with the Hummer it is better because it would be rear wheel drive and works in the dirt all the time and the tires get out of most stuff or you can pull it out I'm going to look into it and into making the kit and he says terrific make the kit over there and sell it over here too we'll set up a factory and it'll be built and you'll be making the profits a lot of it because you'll be the first one to do it I'm going to get going on it now it's great for the sand
Gu Oya we have a crap load of them they are all say this racist stuff and the Humvee is also kind of a racist thing so we're going to go ahead and we're going to put this together we have people over here and Shaquille O'Neal wants to do it and I doesn't know he's already on the code it's been on it for a long time what's out in that western movie with Garth oops Garth he went the wrong way
0 notes
danielleverboski3d · 7 months
Danielle Verboski
The closing date for the property is getting closer, even if there have been a few obstacles during the past three weeks. For the ultimate pleasure, spend a day at the spa renewing and resting before your treatment. After buying a seaside house in Connecticut, this real estate agent's life may have taken a drastic turn. You can move forward with confidence now that you have access to these updated details. Among our many offerings is building management real estate agent near me Their initial meeting in a public place, like a plaza or mall, was probably a huge success. If things weren't so strange, I don't think anyone would say or do anything. We can fully appreciate the ride because we're not in a rush.
Real estate agent near me
People are motivated to do more when they see the impact that other people are making for causes that are important to them.
I had a sacred duty to support the disadvantaged. Because of my extreme shyness, I find it difficult to share my deepest thoughts, emotions, and life stories. Helping someone who is not as lucky as you could have unintended consequences for you. Precise accuracy and quick thinking are essential for success.
You might get a lot of good information by consulting a real estate broker or agent. Use this knowledge when the time is appropriate. Because of everything we have experienced together, I am positive that they are unique. Upon depleting every alternative, we need to start thinking outside the box. We do not understand the data's intended usage. As soon as a takeover occurs, the ship must immediately begin a new round.
Being a native of this town, I am familiar with its layout from my early years. It felt as though my eleven years of labor had been for nothing. Instead of cold contacting, you should work on improving your relationships with your present customers. The cornerstone of our company's success is our unwavering dedication to comprehending and fulfilling our clients' goals.
Danielle verboski real estate agent
Is it difficult for you to get over your phobia of public speaking? I would heartily recommend Remax to you as a real estate broker. There is absurdity in every single one of them. If you should happen to be in the area, don't be afraid to drop by as soon as possible. For all the years of unwavering support, we are eternally thankful. We highly respect your input about our team.
Our clients can utilize our vast network within the real estate sector to find out about newly listed properties in Connecticut. We have total faith in Heritage and Remax since they have consistently been dependable. At RE/MAX®, reputable real estate brokers are on hand for your needs. The house won't be unlocked until every showing and sale has taken place. The absolute peace with which they seem to exist is astounding. Now everyone may relax. It makes no difference what happens. Purchasing and selling real estate does not require a plan. Everyone has put up a tremendous amount of effort. Treat it with the utmost care. If the real estate deal hadn't fallen through, then perhaps things would have happened differently. To stay ahead of the curve, we must generate fresh concepts. You can easily access this information at any moment.
To obtain a sense of what your house could sell for in the market, I will research recent sales in the area. What do you estimate the house's worth? To obtain an unbiased evaluation of a home, it is advisable to seek suggestions from people you know. They are happy with the result, as are their bosses. We will promptly take down the "SOLD" sign as soon as we have confirmation of the transaction.
Your successes have made everyone in Mystic, Connecticut very happy. Your dedication to improving oneself inspires me. Its members include Danielle Verbleski and similar individuals. The real estate markets in Waterford and Stonington have grown significantly during the past few decades. Danielle Verboski, the agent, is dependable. You can examine Danielle's schedule by clicking on the link we provided. She will be there for you if you ever get into a financial jam. The towns of Stonington and Waterford, Connecticut, hold Danielle in the highest regard. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Realtor Danielle if you would want more specific market information and are interested in purchasing or selling a property. She'll reply right now. Just by begging for help, she can be persuaded. Thanks to her wealthy parents and big family, she had the opportunity to experience the "American Dream" from an early age. She felt better after reading your analysis of the real estate market. There's no need to speed through real estate transactions because they are laborious and time-consuming. Think through all the outcomes before choosing a choice. Our diplomatic efforts have yielded little fruit thus far. I would be extremely thankful if anyone knew of a real estate agent in the Connecticut towns of Waterford or Stonington. The request is for your assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any extra assistance. Please get in touch with Danielle Verboski if you'd like to talk to her. No matter how small, every encounter gives us insight into the people we encounter.
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netherworldpost · 3 years
Hey if you don't mind me asking, how do you manage to reduce your workload so much that you only work 1 or 2 shifts a month and still afford to live? Genuine question, I'm fresh out of uni in my first 9-5 and I don't think I want to work that much long term, but I don't see how I can afford to buy groceries and rent and stuff without it ):
I'm only busy 1-2 shifts a month. The rest of the time is spent at a more relaxed pace.
The short answer: I'm have a ton of experience in a ton of weird fields.
My path isn't reproducible easily, and possibly not at all in today's age, as it started in the 90s when I was a teenager. I hacked apart websites when this was far easier than it is today, learned how to code, and started freelancing for local businesses.
I went to design school, grad school, freelancing all the way for ad agencies, marketing firms, packaging firms, in-house agencies -- a huge swath of the creative industry for print and web and branding.
Started a design firm, sold off pieces of the design firm, became a consultant, sold all of that, got a job in a giant firm That Does Giant Firm Things. They leave me alone until someone needs me and then it's very much "someone go bother the cave gnome, we need cave gnome stuff" and then I grumble and do cave gnome stuff then return to my cave.
The above is backgrounds and credentials, the following is advice.
Your peers are more important to network with than your boss's boss. Don't be a doormat to anyone (your peer group, above, or below) but don't be short on offering up opportunities that don't fit your needs/goals. I've helped a lot of people get hired a lot of places over the years because a client (or a client's client, or a client's client's client... you get the picture) is looking for someone.
Everyone wants to meet the folks on the top tiers and pitch their ideas on how to improve. The folks sitting next to you are far more likely to help you find your next project.
Learn how to do a lot. Use company resources (does your job offer a learning platform, does it give you a subscription to Lynda.com or whatever, etc.) before you use yours, but realistically, try to learn as much STUFF as you can. In my years where web programming got lean because it made more sense to hire someone else, I could design logos and print pieces, etc.
Make stuff. Learn stuff. Don't do free work for your company, do free work for yourself. Until you're good enough to sell your work, barter it with other people. I used to do logos for meals until I had experience. Never work for free -- always trade for something.
Keep notes and reference. Weekly. Someone sends you an email saying you did a good job? File it. Project you did make a bunch of money? Write it down. At some point you'll get a performance review and this is your opportunity to remind them what you've brought to the table this past year.
Be honest with yourself about what you want. I'm not a suit and tie kinda person. Some folks are, so they learn the rules and play by them and try to climb up the ladder. Both equally valid. Figure out what kind of person you are and be open and honest with your boss about it. When they asked "why do you want to work here?" I went on a 15 minute ramble about bridge building (the company does not build and has nothing to do with bridges) and ended it with "because you do [redacted] and that's so big and weird and I know NOTHING about it. But I do know how to do [job] really, really well."
Negotiate everything. When someone is offering you a job, negotiate. "We are going to offer you X" -- "Thank you! Can you do $Y?" Sometimes they say yes, sometimes no, sometimes they'll meet you in the middle. They aren't going to rescind an offer because you asked for more.
Ultimately: Be a person. If you're not satisfied with your job (too much work, too little money, your boss sucks, etc.) then prepare your departure. It may take months, a year, two. Your handy portfolio of accomplishments (see above point) will help you prepare for interviews. Being aware of what you want (see above point) will help guide where you apply.
Or find ways to make yourself happy outside of work. Make things, read things, build things, whatever.
None of this is easy or short or simple -- nor is life short. Take it a step at a time and a day at a time until you have a portfolio of options.
Enjoy the small things.
Today I saw a cat sunning itself in a window. I watched it and watched me for a good five minutes. Wonderful.
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Hogwarts Houses
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(Ayy Slytherin gang!! Thats my house)
Faust: Self explanatory. This man is the epitome of Slytherin. Evil mad scientist who doesn't care what methods he uses to achieve his goal? Y e s. I’m proud to have this absolute full course meal of a man in my house. (Honestly I think I'm very similar to him but THATS a discussion for my therapist.)
Vlad: Again, self explanatory. He has big ambitions (wanting to turn humans into purebloods) and will do whatever it takes to get there.
Theo: Originally I was thinking of putting him in Gryffindor but after reading his route and seeing how he’s actually very cunning and willing to sacrifice everything, including hsi humanity, for the sake his goals, i think he's definitely Slytherin. Also have you SEEN that man sell stuff to people? Thats pure Slytherin.
Mozart: Another one I was on the fence about. I see Ravenclaw tendencies in him but ultimately I think he’s a Slytherin. His amazing passion for music and his ambitions led him to becoming a vampire. His ability to change his whole personality in order to charm the people he would need as patrons is peak Slytherin. And I did his route a while ago but I remember him saying he came back to life to basically make the most amazing, emotional musical composition ever. That’s very Slytherin of him. 
Shakespeare: I don't know too much about him but his yonder tendenices + manipulating people for the sake of his plays gives me major Slytherin vibes. If anyone thinks he should be in a different house tho let me know why!
Comte: Another one thats debatable I think. However, he keeps a lot of secrets, revives famous historical figures for an unknown (at least to me right now) reason. I think it is safe to say he’s a Slytherin.
(Whew thats a lot of Slytherins) 
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Napoleon: This man SCREAMS Gryffindor. Gryffindor poster boy. He literally reminds me of Harry Potter. He reprsents almost every trait of this house (Chivalry, Courage, Loyalty...) 
Leonardo: Okay he’s a special one because I’ve thought about it and absolutely can't decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for him (like 50/50). You guys need to help me decide. I’m gonna talk about his Gryffindor side here. He’s another one that represents so of the traits of this house. He’s extremely loyal and so protective of those that he loves (to a point where its self sarificing but thats a discusion for HIS therapist). He also sometimes does stupid things for the sake of his own curiosity (and because its fun. Source: 12 Flavors of Love event. I stg this man would never turn down a dare.) And he uses his talents to help others rather than for his own ambitions because helping others and making others feel comfortable and happy is what gives him a sense of purpose/satisfaction (Now I’m gonna go cry I love him so much). His general attitude about life is very Gryffindor to me (Similar to Masamune from Ikesen). 
Jean: Another one just like Napoleon. Based on what I know about him, he’s always there to help whenever you need him (Mozart and Theo’s route). He is overflowing with Chivalry (literally one of the sweetest guys in that mansion ily baby). He’s just a socially awkward Gryffindor. Please give him a hug.
Arthur: I was debating whether he’d be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but ultimately I think he’s Gryffindor. The fact that he started writing books to make the children in the hospitals happy because he couldn't save them by being a doctor is just so Hufflepuff (my HEART omfg. Someone give him a hug pt. 2), but he also isn't afraid of putting himself in danger to save others (the nun kidnapping thing). Hero behavior. He deserves the world.
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Isaac: He’s very inquisitive about how the world works and values those who can show him a new perspective to what he's thinking (probably the reason he gets along with Leo so well). He’s socially awkward but if he’s comfortable with someone he’d love to teach them various scientific subjects.
Leonardo: Okay so this is the other side of Leo that tbh his route didn't display that much, but its still a huge part of who he is. His room is FULL of just books and other material about every subject imaginable He just has this unstoppable thirst for knowledge. Inquisitivity is in his nature, and it doesn't matter if that subject will be “useful” in the sense of like, making money, he’s curious about it regardless. He has this amazing love for learning, no matter what subject it is. He’s a genius polymath for a REASON (Cybird I will forever be mad that his route barely showcased this side of him. Let. me. be. a. nerd. with. him.) But i mean, thats the most ravenclaw thing ever. So I guess his attitude is very much Gryffindor but his personality (ENTP) traits are Ravenclaw. He’s a Gryffinclaw. 
Sebastian: Self Explanatory. He literally gave up his whole time period just to study famous historical figures. He gets nothing material in return but the knowledge is reward enough to him.
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Vincent: POSTER BOY. SWEET ANGEL BOY. He is so caring and considerate of everyone around him. He literally got killed by Gaugin but instead of holding a grudge like most people would, he’s more worried about Theo and how that will impact him. He is such a hard worker and never gave up on his art even if it wasn't successful in his time period. Best Boy.
Dazai: I don't know much about him but again, based off what I’ve seen he tries his best to make other people happy. and it works. He does the weirdest things and they WORK. He tries to make people laugh and hes always kind (probably because life wasnt too kind to him and he doesn't want people to feel as hopeless as he does sometimes).
Charles: I know the least about him so this might change once I find out more. He reminds me a lot of Loki from Ikerev, like chaotic yandere hufflepuff energy (it exists. I said so.) Also his relationship with Faust literally mirrors a typical Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. (I know because I have those friendships)
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randomnameless · 4 years
I don't know if this has been asked before, but I was wondering what your thoughts on Rhea are.
Oh, I don't think someone asked it, but I remember a character meme.
Rhea's in the Julia tier : you're expecting things and the game doesn't give you any.
you asked for thoughts so this is long and rather unorganised even if i tried a bit and i feel like i repeated myself a lot so meh
If Edel and Rhea have one thing in common, it's being shafted by the need to make Billy the most special being every with the monstrous "I was lonely before you player-chan uwu".
Seteth'n'Flayn ? In the same trashcan Hubert went in.
Catherine, Shamir, the randoms living in the monastery? Dgaf but still she's willing to die for them so does she really gaf or not? Rhea's willing to give her blood and crest stone shards (to this day I still don't understand what those are) to trusted randoms who would become cardinals? "uwu player-chan". I know I've written a bit about it with the seirelm anon, but with the Canon-ish info? Post Zanado Rhea told a random dude she could turn in a dragon, gave her blood to the same dude and remained in his empire/fighting by his side for at least 30 years. Still “lonely without U Billy <3″
I've written this in the meme entry, but Rhea has her own net of relationships. They're not as important as Dimitri and his childhood friends, but erasing them for the sake of "player-chan" feels wrong.
Role and goals
Rhea's in an interesting place, being a former "legendary hero" like Athos, Sephiran etc.
Still her fight isn't over, she only defeated Nemesis and couldn't end the mastermind behind (a bit like Seliph if you only kill Arvis or Roy when you forget to pick up every legendary weapon). Also, if Seiros killed Nemesis, she hasn't won. In the current Fodlan, she still has to pretend to be a human, the Nabateans as a culture/population are dead. They're still 5 (ish? I think the apostles are lizards), she's still afraid humans will dice them if they learn the truth. Has she won? Idk. Could she win and make a Fodlan were lizards and humans could live together? I don't think so.
Her role as the Archbishop? Well, the game really liked Rhea as a red herring during white clouds and the way FE16 is built, around the monastery, reinforces it. Rhea's the head of the monastery, so she's the head of your world. Everything wrong with the world is automatically linked to Rhea.
So, when Marianne complains about people wanting to kill/ostracise her because of her crest, thinking it's a curse, we of course wonder "why Rhea can't tell to the randoms that no Marianne shouldn't be killed/shunned because of her crest?". Completely forgetting that, hey, Marianne's from the Alliance and heiress of Edmund, so if some people should intervene, it should be her dad "why the fuck are you trying to kill my daughter" or the Alliance council "Duke Riegan, could you please make a public statement about my daughter and how she isn't some sort of demonic beast so stop throwing rocks at her?".
Same thing with the Empire, why should you blame the church and the crests instead of the people doing shit? Hanneman's brother in law? Like is marriage so absolute that a husband can force multiple pregnancies on his wife to the point of literally killing her? The von Essar aren't as important as the Bergliez, but Hanneman's sister dying like that should have rang some bells? Hanneman's dad didn't care? No one wanted to appeal to the Emperor or something? If Jane the random or Karen the peasant died this way, it’d be usual class nonsense. But a noble woman??
Rhea should have done more to prevent crest abuse. She wrote tenets in her Bible and apparently doesn't discriminate in her monastery. But in the other countries? Idk. Her tenets are interpreted like your shopping list by Gloucester Sr "and add a part where interacting with foreigners goes against Seiros's teachings what yes I know better than those dunces from the eastern/central church".
It's not because Riegan Sr and Ionius aren't doing shit that she should do nothing too, but ultimately it falls on the usual landmine about Rhea's influence and power over Fodlan and if we consider Fodlan isn't just the Monastery we see but a continent made up of 4 autonomous states...
The so-called status quo isn't upheld by the church alone (if it is upheld in the first place!), but also by the empire and the Alliance... Lambert was toasted before making any changes, the Alliance is that weird thing where money is anything and crests/old nobility doesn't matter anymore, and the Empire is... Well. The Empire.
Regarding this, I find it really strange that Rhea went to Goneril and rescued one of their slaves, with how much she cares about protecting her monastery and not antagonising anyone, picking Cyril up, risking the ire of house Goneril, feels really risky from her perspective.
Imo WC doesn't sell me the "church rules over the continent" take.
Ultimately it doesn't matter because Rhea thinks she should have done more, and abused her position as the archbishop to rez her mom - I understand the "abused her position" as regretting her various omissions, like helping more people around etc etc.
I also feel like Rhea’s got a big survivor complex, and tries to fulfill impossible tasks. "leading/guiding the world?" she won't take an active role in it, but still resents the state of current Fodlan and wishes Sothis could restore some order (crest abuse? Or relics popping up right and left meaning more sibs dying). She wants to :
1/ guide the world and make it a better place (why complaining about the wayward Fodlan otherwise?)
2/ protect randoms who live under her protection
3/ make sure no one learns the truth about her appearance and relics at the same time.
I don't think it's possible given her current role and especially not possible on her own.
About 3/, call back to FE9 or not, but Rhea's paranoia is... Actually, not proven to be exaggerated in the game.
Ranulf was lynched in Crimea when he was discovered to be a laguz? In a certain route, Rhea's called a cruel beast due to her appearance, accused of not having "human" feelings and is depicted as a creature masquerading as a human. Hate and attack the woman all you want for things she did or might have done, but getting rid of her because she's not human? Rhea's right about not revealing her true nature, because, relics notwithstanding, humans will try to kill her for being a nabatean. Relic wise, in the DLC, we learn Aubin was recently turned in a relic, so that's even more reason to hide.
On 1/, wanting to promote peace in the land? National bias at play with rewriting history “to promote peace” issue. Rhea also built the officer's academy (if nobles from different states can live and study together surely they won't try to kill each other when they return home because they might have become friends?) and with help from the everyone in Fodlan (even the empire iirc?) built the locket to fend off Almyrian invasions. Not saying this is the best way to protect your borders but at least she tried to help instead of staying holed in her monastery.
Imo if Rhea didn't care about Fodlan, she'd have followed her bros and fortified herself in her monastery without accepting random humans to live with her, wouldn't have written a book about how everyone had to get along "unless it goes against the goddess" and wouldn't basically run what seems to be the biggest orphanage/place for the needy/and whatever is the abyss in the continent.
Not saying she doesn't have a priority, but Rhea tries to care, on her scale, about Fodlan's randoms.
About said randoms (and 2/)...
Well there's this bout with Lonato's rebellion and another herring where Rhea's all "I will destroy anyone who takes arms against the church and its believers" and it's extreme, I can’t deny. But if Lonato took arms and mounted a militia to attack Ositia's castle and its randoms? Hector'd have Armads'd Lonato without a second thought. Elincia had qualms about taking her weapons against her own countrymen who were used by Ludveck, but in the end, she took up her weapons to defend her castle, even if it meant she had to kill militiamen. Rhea's line seemed random and cold in the context, but it's the same general idea, attack her people and she will kill you. Still, if you don't take weapons against her, she won't react violently. Duke Gerth is apparently dick waving with Aubin's relic, but Shamir wasn't sent to recover the thing or to get rid of Gerth.
Ultimately Rhea blows her cover and abandons her dream to reunite with her mother to protect the monastery and its inhabitants in 3 routes (arguably in CF too). Someone once made a post about the differences between Seiros's and Edel's crowns and the symbolism of wings - the IO's wings are meant to protect. The IO is the guardian/protector. Rhea tanks missiles and buys time for the students to escape at the cost of her life.
Rhea and Sothis? someone made a post summarizing my thoughts about their relationship, or lack of, and if we can argue Sothis was shafted by the devs like Rhea and Edel, ultimately the only important person to Sothis is Billy.
Billy doesn't warp Sothis's preexisting net of relationships, Sothis doesn't have relationships with anyone save for Billy. Rhea wants to meet her mom more than anything else (save for protecting randoms) but Sothis will never address that plot point. She only does in SS and off screen, and it ends up with Rhea wondering if she should live... so take it as you want, but to me it mustn't have been the "hug and pat on the head" kind of reunion.
Ultimately we see Rhea is able to let go of her dream (rez mom) in several routes, she understands and acknowledges Sothis will never return and Billy has her powers now, so either she dies more or less at peace knowing she can trust Billy with Fodlan's future, or she can return to Zanado and live peacefully with Catherine.
Which leads me to the Billy relationship,
As much as I hate player pandering, it makes some sense that Rhea would support Billy and not, let's say, Caspar. I still hate it though because Billy exclusive support means we were robbed of Rhea's other supports with, idk, her fam, Cyril, Catherine, Shamir, Alois, Hanneman, Manu etc etc.
In the beginning of WC, Rhea's pretty sure Billy's Sothis but without memories. Then in the non-cf chapter 12, she tells Billy they know what they are and thus must guide Fodlan, also telling Seteth Billy's a vector for sothis's powers, but not Sothis herself. In SS's finale she calls them "mother" but in her S-support finally acknowledges Billy's their own thing.
In CF Rhea's vicious in her trash talk but immediately jumps to the conclusion that Billy cannot be or hear Sothis, because, to her, logically, Sothis wouldn't side with Edel and her Agarthian allies (stealing the crest stones, Flayn, etc etc). Billy is something that stole Sothis's crest stone and sword and wants to finish what Nemesis started. I don't think CF Rhea snaps because Billy isn't Sothis, CF Rhea snaps because, again, someone is using her mother to kill her.
Rhea's also supposed to have been fond of Citrus to the point of talking to her remains (something she does with her mom) which could explain her sympathy for Billy regardless of the Sothis project.
Jeralt's a different issue, apparently they worked together for more than 100 years but Rhea never told him the truth about her nature, only about how he was saved. Still, Jeralt betrays when his baby is "weird" and unlike regular human babies so... Would he have ran away if he learnt what rhea was? Dumped Citrus if he knew she was an artificial being? Idk.
Catherine Shamir cyril and pals (Alois)? We don't know bcs the game dgaf about anyone not named Billy. As I said above, It’d have been nice to get more interactions with randoms she is working with, or at least showed some care, but nope. “Player-chan uwu” strikes again.
Seteth'n'Flayn? Rhea's close to them, she gets out of her room to look for Flayn and Cyril and Catherine note how she seems close to Seteth (who's totally her bro), but again, the game hates us. FFS don't think she has a line with Flayn!
Secrets and explosions
Tied to 3/ and 1/ from earlier, Rhea keeps a lot of secrets which could justify her lack of relationships/supports with the others... but this argument falls flat, because she’s not the only one with a secret and if Flayn doesn’t seem to care that much about hers, Seteth does and is still able to support students and staff members. Which leads to tragedies.
The Christophe incident is not well documented, and while we learn Rhea was the target of Christophe’s attempt because Western peeps told him so, it is not very well explained why she didn’t execute him on those grounds instead of falsifying charges about involvement with the Regicide. We are told it was to stabilise the Kingdom, but I still don’t know how the Kingdom would have suffered backlash if Rhea told the truth (maybe it would have led to open conflict between the western church and the central church in the kingdom, when the kingdom needed stability at that point? idk).
Still, Lonato wants revenge for Christophe, not because he was executed on false charges, but because he died ; imo, if Lonato learnt the truth, he’d still be out for Catherine and Rhea’s head.
Aelfie’s gambit is more of a direct result of Rhea’s secrecy, because she had “no words” for him about why Citrus was still in pristine condition, he gave up and tried to rez her. Would it had been different if she told him what Citrus was (and by extent, what she was)? Idk. Maybe, maybe not.
Still, Rhea doesn’t keep secrets from everyone every time - she once trusted Willy and told him about her alternate form and it exploded 1k years later, when Willy’s descendants are out for her head because she’s a creature masquerading as a human (I know mole people also played a part, but I guess it sticked more with Edel and the gang who already knew Rhea was a dragon ; trying to convince a random that “hey, this woman is a dragon !” would be more difficult). CF-wise again, Rhea trusts Billy with the SoC and, again, it explodes. In CF Rhea feels betrayed, she trusted some people and now the very same people (or their descendant in Edel’s case) are trying to kill her.
So it’s not a case of someone never trusting anyone, it’s someone trusting some people and regretting it afterwards (in both routes + CF at least, even if I firmly believe the “evil lizards ruling over the world” spiel doesn’t come from Willy, but from later emperors influenced by mole people).
There can also be a point made for Aelfie, who might have been able to merge with Citrus to create an umbral beast because he had Rhea’s blood and a crest stone shard - Citrus being a fake Nabatean and Aelfie having a crest stone + blood might have produced CS’s final boss? Rhea trusted Aelfie with a crest stone shard and her blood, and he became an umbral beast.
Interestingly, Rhea is hell bent on keeping her secrets regarding her identity, in SS Seteth has to beg her to reveal everything to Billy when Billy is the most important person in the world “uwu” or at least, the only person Rhea supposedly opened to. Even the “uwu” factor isn’t enough, on its own, to make her reveal the truth about her identity.
She gives Claude half-truths, and has to be on death’s door to tell him everything - still occulting Seteth’n’Flayn, to the point where Claude later wonders if there are other children of the goddess around.
Vengeful Rhea?
Rhea isn't a stale piece of bread like Julia. She says mean words to Nemesis but also brutally kills him. Rhea cannot forgive the Elites. I know it's very different, but Julia "dad is the kindest man I ever knew" making a 180° “i must atone for what dad did eff him” will always make me throw up - she doesn’t have to be vengeful or try to stab Seliph with a butter knife, but no acknowledgement of “dad’s the bestest” after his death, or even, of his death is meh.
To Rhea, Nemesis and the Elites are a trigger point, and everything related to Zanado. CF!Billy using her mom’s powers is like Nemesis, CF!Billy + Edel pillaging what remains of her siblings in Nemesis’n’Dudes. Flamey doing his shit with Flayn also parallels that. There’s the usual “vengeance sucks” speech to be given, but also the Tellius verse where Laguz aren’t depicted in a bad light when they want to destroy Izuka or when Tibarn learns Lekain was responsible for Serenes’s massacre.
Still, unlike Tibarn’n’pals, Rhea, unlike Macuil, doesn't seem to hold a grudge against descendants of the Elites. Maybe she had faith in them when she told them not to abuse the power of their crests, but then their descendants forgot or didn’t care and we’re in the so-called crest system.
In SS, Seteth asks the BE students if they want to return home to the Empire and how he won’t hold it against them. Seteth’s being Rhea’s right hand bro in this situation, I doubt he’d have proposed this solution without her approval.
She is vengeful and ready to pursue for more 90 years someone to kill them, but she won’t target that someone’s descendants or potential allies. I’ve read some takes about the Western Church being razed to the ground after Catherine’s paralogue, but iirc, Rhea’s only going to execute the Bishop there ; they appoint a new bishop in hopes to ease the relationships between the central and western church. There’d be no point to appoint someone to rule over a body that doesn’t exist...
Grey waves
Wave 1 : Another parallel with Edel is the will to sink in troubled waters to reach their goals.
However, Rhea stays on the surface.
Aelfie thinks Seiros failed to rez Sothis with the chalice because she didn't take more blood from the apostles. Blood rituals are creepy and gave an umbral beast. Seiros didn't pursue and sought another mean to rez Sothis without killing her bros. Rhea makes homunculi to host Sothis's soul? It fails but the homunculi isn't destroyed asap to make another one, hell, Rhea cares about them (which is all kinds of fucked up on its own).
AM wise, iirc, Seteth and Catherine say Rhea'd never forgive them if they run to save her instead of saving randoms first.
Still, making homunculus to create a vessel for her mom - making artificial lives - is problematic, she’s ashamed of it “i did questionable things” and Seteth berates her on her “questionable” experiments.
CF!Rhea eats babies during the final map. She burns the city to make her last stronghold and refuses to run away. CF!Rhea, at the end of this route, completely abandoned goal 1 2 and 3. She wants to survive, yes, but to recover Sothis, no matter how. She still seems to care about humanity, but takes everything too literally and is persuaded humanity and humans are after her to hurt her and her mother (i’m pretty sure uncle Arry was waiting with his Agarthan tech suitcase for Edel to deal with the beast in the background). Contrary to CF’s chapter 12, Endgame!Rhea doesn’t have lines when Catherine and Cyril fall. She’s still siding with humans, but she’s in this for herself now.
Of course, CF!Rhea is special, because CF!Rhea lives again through her trauma, CF!Rhea lost her home, her bro and niece a few chapters ago, she lost her human allies, apparently some peons from her church are deserting and Uncle is waiting with his portable electric saw to turn her in a shiny sword, because she trusted a corpse with Sothis’s heart and spine and trusted a human 1000 years ago with her secret. And now said corpse follows someone who rings at her door with an army, wishes to obliterate her unless she surrenders (?) and works with Uncle and his dubstep pals.
In the other routes, Billy doesn’t want to killer her with her mother’s spine and tries to defend her home, Seteth’n’Flayn aren’t forced into exile or dead and depending on the route she gets to see Uncle and his dubstep friends being buried under rubble.
Troubled waters to reach her goals also include slowing Fodlan’s technological advancements (but was it really slowing down Fodlan’s R&D’s department or cliking “no” when Mole People offer a free (for now) new technology that makes you advance from bronze age to the industrial era in one go?)
Wave 2 : Rhea’s anchored in the past, she wants to return to happier days with her mom and her family, but also wants to help randoms in Fodlan
She doesn’t seem to mind the present where humans do whatever they want, and yet will protect her people and tries (or tried since it’s history) to keep Fodlan safe.
I think the game wanted to tell us Rhea’s stuck in the past, but she also manages to form bonds (albeit fickle) in the present with Catherine, Shamir and, arguably, Cyril. Seteth’n’Flayn accept the past and try to move forward, Rhea cannot and yet is making baby steps forward, or at least to live in the present. “uwu factor” is supposed to mean Rhea’s stuck in the past and can only see Billy for what they are once she accepts to live in the present, but Rhea’s already fond of Catherine, calls Aelfie her child, was fond of Citrus and Jeralt, makes time for Cyril, etc etc. It’s not as clear cut as drinking tea with them but it’s still something that quashes the “lonely B4 U player-chan uwu”.
Rhea thinks her biggest grey wave is how she didn’t do enough for Fodlan and feels inadequate to walk in Sothis’s shoes as the guardian/protector of Fodlan - she could have done more, but she’s busy juggling with three goals, rez mom, protect fodlan, protect the fam.
I think one of her main issue (but the game was also made this way so) is to try to reach those goals alone, save for the “rez mom” goal, everyone in Fodlan, especially the heads of the three states should be concerned with keeping peace in the continent!
Lambert was BBQ’s, Riegan’s busy shitting on Gloucester and Ionius is... well, Ionius. Add to that Mole People starting up shit all around the continent and you have the recipe for a disaster. I’m not saying Lambert and Ionius should have participated to the “protect her family” goal, but at least not trying to eradicate them to turn them in relics would have been nice, sadly Ionius’s bro in law was an Agarthan.
Even if she is nearly immortal compared to a human, Rhea can’t do everything on her own. That’s why I ultimately think a SS ending is doomed to fail, Billy will try to be Rhea 2.0. and in 1000 years it will fall apart again.
AM ending? Billy will become like Rhea was post War of Heroes, but when Dimitri’s descendants start to do shit, his Kingdom disappears and humans start to return to their usual shitty selves, what will Billy do?
VW ending is kind of the same, Claude wants to open the borders and make everyone able to live regardless of their differences, but what if 940 years later an Almyrian president decides to build a wall between Fodlan and Almyra and make Fodlaneses pay for it? What is immortal Billy, who knew Claude and his ideals, going to do?
Wave 3 (lol i nearly forgot but remembered when i was rambling in the tags) : Rhea and technology !
The DLC book and Word of God said she slowed advance of technology in Fodlan to protect peace etc etc. But there’s a book where a cardinal said “eff to autopsies else people won’t rely on us with faith magic” which is... kind of weird. There’s a reason why Rhea might have approved that ban (Why does Freikugel look like a hip bone?) but it still deprived Fodlan’s randoms from the scientifical advance of autopsies... and made people reliant on faith magic.
Actually, the book goes
“Though it is widely believed that this is medically relevant, such actions upon a corpse are considered desecration of the dead. Since white magic can be used to a similar end, autopsies were deemed taboo. A notable cardinal asserted that if medical science were to excel over faith-based white magic, it would destabilize the foundation of the church “
I already pointed out the WTF between faith and white magic (Seteth doesn’t believe his mom is real so he has no faith boon) but interesting to note “desecrating the dead” is still something of an argument nowadays, not regarding autopsies but other practices like anatomical theaters etc etc. Maybe White Magic isn’t intrusive and yields the same results? idk.
Interesting to note, it’s a cardinal who edicted/justified that ban (Rhea as the head of the Church would have given her approval oc). As pointed out with the Freikugel example, Rhea’d have a personal interest in preventing humans to know more about anatomy (goal 3/). Would people stop looking to the church to be healed if “medical science” progresses too much? Maybe. From what we see in the curren Fodlan, it doesn’t.
Also, French version translated the “foundation of the church” as “stability” of the church - would the church become unstable or challenged if people could heal without using white magic? Again, we ultimately know that it doesn’t, magical science and medical science coexist, Manuela gives a short summary of the two - they have different effects.
As for things Rhea herself banned : Telescopes, Oil exploitation and Printed Press.
Telescopes were banned because Rhea thought it would increase violence during wartimes and would make it too easy to snipe from afar (TFW mages with bolting can do the same without telescopes, but they’re limited by their range and if they have a gloucester’s crest by Rhea’s sister’s femur’s range or whatever is Thyrsus). We know the mole people use (and most likely used before during the Sothis war) this technology. The “lessening the mystery of the goddess” thing is noted by Edel herself who wonders if the Goddess could really have come from space since it’s super far away. Edel doesn’t know the Goddess is an alien dragon-thing though.
Oil exploitation : “Misuse could result in accidental death” tfw random Faerghus countryman thought it was water and died :’(
Used tactically by those lacking magical abilities - like gambits? Was Rhea thinking that a random human cannot set fire to an entire city (lol) on his own with his limited spell pool/uses, but if he uses oil then he would only be limited by the quatity of oil? So it’d be easier to cause mass fires? Or whatever Robin did in FE13 with the ships and the Valmese army? Also, if Rhea thought oil could replace humans with magic, does it mean humans with magic were supposed to do everything oil can do? Like making a lamp or they still used something else as fuel? “Competition for it could cause strife” Rhea acknowledged that if humans discovered this ressource they’d deem it as essential and try to get their hands on it, even if they had to wage war?
Metal molding Printing Machine : “after careful consideration” Rhea banned it because it’d be useless for illiterate randoms - well yes, but why should this be an argument? You don’t ban something because it’s useless, look, no one banned airpods - risk of mass circulation of false information or rumors : rhea wanted to prevent redshit from existing This is a way to control information, but funnily enough in the game, we see the results or someone deliberately using manifestos spreading misinformation - risk of “increasing disparity between church branches” (fr version has “rivalry” instead of disparity) what does it mean? The central church would have more means to print books than the eastern church so the eastern church would be jealous? Or the Western Church could mass print its doctrine and have more zealots than the central or the easter church?
Ultimately, all those bans were lifted with time, Manuela performs Jeralt’s autopsy, Edel’s imperial science division managed to guess the distance between the Blue sea star and Fodlan, Oil is apparently used in several gambits, Edel’s able to send manifestos around the continent and Seteth can write children books and sell them without difficulties. Hilda can also lose books which would be a big no-no even if you are a noble if books weren’t, kind of, mass printed.
So why those bans? To protect Fodlan and the fam, but since they were lifted with time, I don’t think Rhea abandonned her goals, most likely, she thought humans were making small steps to discover those technologies, slowly learning about them so they won’t have them when they’re not “ready enough” to use them.
The “ready enough” thing sounds paternalistic or what can be expected from a more technologically advanced alien, but technically Rhea’s part alien and she lived through (or not?) an episode where humans received technology and did shit with it (mole people) so maybe she won’t hand them the car with the keys this time, and instead let them figure out how to build the car.
Still, this is HC because, as usual, the game doesn’t let us talk or question Rhea about those things, so we can only infer, read between the lines or between pixels.
TBH, I didn’t care a lot about her when I played, but when she had to eat babies in CF I grew more interested. Other bloggers already pointed it out, but Rhea’s a Tiki, but also a “traditional FE lord” in the sense she avenged her mom who was killed by the king of another kingdom, lived in exile and raised an army to fight against the King.
Still, Rhea didn’t end up as the leader of the world, or as the first Empress of United Fodlan, or something like that. She let Willy do his thing. Why? How? Why didn’t she became an integral part of the Empire, if she had been politically important, or a kind of seer/oracle, it would have been difficult for the Empire to go against her!
But nope, Rhea figged away in her mountains to rez her mom, sprout some “doctrine” (she could have done the same as an Emperor/Seer/Oracle) and watched over randoms who made up her “church”. She sometimes tries to intervene in Fodlan’s best interests, but it failed. Because Rhea doesn’t want to rule. She feels like she has to be a guide, but when humans don’t follow her? Well, what can she do? FE16 doesn’t show us Rhea sending her knights against the Empire when the Empire kicked out her Church and basically said “fig” to her face. FE16 doesn’t show us Rhea being angry and punching Gloucester in the face because he doesn’t show “real piety” and sprouts doctrine out of his rear.
Still, when she has to take a more hands-on approach and cannot be a distant figure/guide, she complains about maintaining a certain image as the Archbishop and how she cannot socialise with students or even walk around without Seteth randoms guarding her. She feels her mother would do a better job and tries to act as a proxy. Imo, Rhea’s bound by duty to her mom, to her sibs dead and living, and to Fodlan. She doesn’t reject her role, she accepts it, she doesn’t like it yes, but if going Gandalf in non-CF chapter 12 shows, she will fulfill it.
What’s most saddening though, is how her duty is a self-imposed one. Rez her mom? She personally took the challenge, because she misses Sothis the most and feels ashamed of this feeling to the point of not telling Seteth about it (interesting enough, Indech seems to be aware Billy’s Sothis incarnation and didn’t jump to the “Billy must be one of Nemesis’s kids with the crest of flames” conclusion, as if he knew Sothis could “incarnate” one day, but was he thinking Sothis would incarnate on her own or Rhea would trigger it? Flayn also suspects a thing about Billy being related to them because of Rhea). Rhea personally thinks she has to lead/guide Fodlan and make it a better place, ignoring the heads of the 3 states who should also be concerned with this goal. Rhea will create a false history to protect her living siblings when Macuil and Indech won’t give a fuck and live in their bestial forms somewhere, and when Seteth hides, but made it clear his only wish is to protect Flayn and the apostles, if they were really lizards, disappeared in random villages.
FE16 isn’t interested by Rhea’s story though.
That’s why I’m desperately waiting for a War of Heroes DLC or prequel of BSFE or whatever because I don’t really care about Fodlan in 1180 and who can have a perfect tea time with Billy or not.
I’d like to know why Birdie and Indech figged away, why Rhea thought letting Willy control the entire continent when he knows she’s a dragon was a good idea, why the Apostles didn’t take part in the Nemesis fight, why Fodlan’s humans decided to side with Willy in his brand new Empire instead of staying with King Nemesis, did Sothis have a previous faithful and what happened when she disappeared, were the Nabateans tyrannical rulers over humans which made some with Nemesis’n’pals, what were they supposed to do when they left Zanado, etc, etc.
So just like Julia and the baijilions AU ideas I came up with, Rhea’s a fuel for AUs because her base game dgaf about her.
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disfordevineaux · 4 years
I don't know if you've done this before. But, do you have any Chase headcanons about his childhood or early teens? I'm kinda curious about how my favorite disaster boi could've been like back then 🤔
Chase childhood/teen/early 20s headcanons
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I actually answered an ask I will link HERE with a little bit into what I think about his whole ‘growing up’ situation, if you can even call it that. I’ll delve a bit deeper into my hcs but I recommend you read that post I linked. It establishes my thoughts on his childhood to where a lot of these hcs will spawn from. So essentially this is a Part 2 of my Chase childhood headcanons. Going to focus on his late teens and early 20s.
As stated in my previous hcs Chase was an ‘orphan’ until his uncle (his mothers older brother) who magically showed up to adopt him for the government checks. His uncle was a long haul fisherman or something along those lines. This is where he officially received his last name of Devineaux once again.
I have a feeling his name wasn’t originally Chase. That being most likely his middle name or one he came up with which he changed to be his first, either shortened from something or just as is. He seems like an Alexandre to me. He would have negative connotations towards that name and preferred to decide a name a for himself rather than keeping the given name from a mother or family who didn’t really want him. He would have changed it once he left home.
No matter the living situation he was in, there wasn’t a lot of money around and if there was it wasn’t shared with him.
The majority of his teen years or the years that sculpted him into who he is now were in a town North-West of Paris along the coast. Somewhere like Dieppe, a fishing-port town.
You’d think by looking at him as an adult he was a bully or one of those ass hats at school who tried to be cool by being a dipstick or forcing a ‘class clown’ motif. In reality, he did everything in his power to blend into the shadows as he hated school, especially the social aspect of it.
Still, he was a sarcastic little shit when needed.
Spent a lot of his time outside or working dead-end jobs. Sometimes couldn’t return home or had to get into his house through a window instead of the front door.
Didn’t have many valuable possessions but had many crazy experiences like witnessing a flock of birds attack a drunk man, and won.
Was strangely optimistic about his future. Couldn’t get any worse than this, yeah? Yeah, it can and it will buddy.
Did watch Footloose religiously and intensely enjoyed it. *Wink*
He was reasonably good at school and tried to fast track it and graduate a year early. His application was accepted even with the few blemishes on his school academic report thanks to a few fights he partook in.
He was best at literature, English studies and writing in general. He was the top English and writing student and once even tried joining the drama club but the second he walked in the door he was instantly annoyed with everyone inside and did a full 180 out of that hellscape.
He then tried out for the sports clubs and teams but didn’t have time between work after school.
Chase actually made a friend during his last few years at school who managed to be the school’s main weed dealer (Chase draws chaos to him enough said). They actually were a good duo and Chase developed a serious attachment to him. His friend had a lot of money thanks to his business and often would get Chase to be his ‘bodyguard’ when selling to older clients.
They were both weird guys with different levels of intensity over random things. Both had that ‘dudebro’ vibe who would listen to Abba but in reality, the type of dudes who sit right next to each other in a hot tub, no need for 5 feet apart.
Somehow both comfortable with their sexuality which is refreshing. But, that won’t last long :(
They never got to really developed their relationship further before Chase left but it was a silent agreement between them that they liked one another on a physical and emotional level. They rekindled and I guess, ‘officially’ date when in the Air Force when training together. (Lovers in the military trope don’t @ me it fits him PERFECTLY.)
He and his friend were actually going to join the Air Force together. And they did. Chase first and his friend later.
Dude did some stupidly impulsive shit. Especially once he had a friend. Antics? Yes, many. Young, bored lonely boys with repressed feelings do stupid shit to fill the long hours. Jumping off things at high speed? Yes. Buring stuff? Yes. Smashing stuff? Yes. Listening to Green Day? Unironically, Yes.
No doubt they once burned down an abandoned house while trying to hotbox in one of the rooms. Nearly replicated the incident with the school DURING CLASS in the janitors closet. Boys just wanna get high and kiss okay?
Chase was born strong physically but mentally? Nar. Could fight a bear but would crumble under an anxious moment.
Never wanted to appear weak. It was what everyone expected but he never backed down from a fight or rivalry to his detriment. Stood up for himself no matter the circumstance. He always stood up for his boyfrie- SORRY I MEAN FRIEND.
He was an angry guy, mostly because people constantly tested his patience and intelligence and his home life was always a tense situation where there was no time to be soft or delicate.
Did get into many fights with one particular guy during school and out of school hours.
He was an attractive teenager. I like to think (like is a strong word) he was targeted by this one particular asshole because of their pent up feeling towards Chase. Chase either rejected his advances which set it all off or you just got that vibe from all their exchanges. Either way, at one point the tormentor made his feelings cryptically clear and Chase made sure they weren’t reciprocated.
One particular final fight between them, Chase wound up with a bat to the face which broke his nose badly.
The nose never really healed the best or back to how it was originally. This was something that scared him forever, becoming more resentful and unable to let things go. A lot more guarded from then on.
Chase used to be the pretty buff tall boy but the nose downgraded him to just a tall buff boy who has hints of a pretty boy in him.
Worked a few jobs during most nights. Needed money, mostly supported himself financially. Worked as a dish boy in a local restaurant and at the cinema as a cleaner. He always seemed to get the cleaning jobs.
Chase used to skateboard. He was pretty good at it too.
He started smoking young, around 15-16. And thanks to his companion, would often smoke weed supplied to him by his friend.
Loved going to the dentist when he could. He started eating those strong cheap dusty mints when he smoked as it was a cheap form of keeping his breath fresh after he smoked. Also, he thought it made him look cool and ended up getting addicted.
He wasn’t a joyless kid or teen, He just wasn’t one who smiled a lot.
Chase never really trained for his driving license. He just went for his test at the police station. They made him drive around the block once and they just gave it to him.
Chase: the aspiring pilot.
Chase wanted to be a pilot ever since he was young, specifically the French Air Force. No real trigger set that dream in motion, he just liked the idea of piloting a high-speed plane and seeing the world from up above. Moving fast is his ultimate goal.
He studied and prepared early to join the École Militaire de l'air (Military Air Force before it folded into the Air School). But you have to be over 18 and with his plans to complete school early, he would spend the year until then in basic military training, then would transfer over. All of this was to increase his chances of being accepted along with the examination, which he passed thanks to his passion for it.
Of course, things don’t always go to plan and even though he was on a path to graduating early a huge final brawl broke between him and a longtime bully halted this.
He had always fought with him specifically and this time, after years of building it all up, it hit the fan.  The incident put a hold on his plans and wasn’t able to graduate a whole year early.
Fast track forward and due to home pressures and school weighing him down he decided to just leave school and home and when he left, as one last ‘fuck you’ to his tormentor, his friend helped him break into his house and stole his car and drove it straight to Paris, abandoning it in the countryside just before. No one ever knew it was him and it is by far his greatest victory, as he knew how much he loved that car. Major mood. Chase was tempted to push it off a cliff in spite but couldn’t find one.
Chase still went into the general military before transferring to the Air Force once over 18 and acing his entrance evaluations.
Chase and his ‘friend’ managed to get in at the same time. Que, LLLLLLLL LOVERS!
They made sure they were in the same dorms, ‘classes’ and that their schedules lined up. They even swapped around so they had the same duties.
Chase thrived and was a great pilot. He achieved his pilots’ license and began working his way to completing the 2 years here then moving on to a higher position. His friend focused more on the engineering courses.
For someone spontaneous in an impulsive way, he liked the regimented schedule. It gave him purpose and meaning
Chase ended up getting kicked out after a massive brawl incited by an argument with another cadet about the particular notion of his relationship with his ‘friend’.
It was made clear to him such behaviour receives no second chances and was forced to leave, meaning he never officially completed his 2 years and was never allowed back in the foreseeable future.
Chase was desolated and once again hardened by this turn of events.
His 20s in a nutshell
Chase sought employment in the police force thanks to his military origins. He did, in fact, complete the basic military training aspect so he was a front runner for the police force.
He needed a job as all his money was wasted on a fruitless dream.
Spent the first few years of his police force employment as a ‘beat cop’ until his arrest numbers/success and work availability sought his promotion to a detective quite early in his 20s.
Chase was used to working full time and all the time at odd hours from very early on. He started his work career young.
They say you have 10 years in the prime of your career and Chase used that up instantly, shooting up the police then detective ranks fast due to how hard he worked, non-stop. His obsession and dedication with keeping busy and solving cases made him unmatchable.
Chase was physically skilled despite his smoking habits and mentally quick too, even if he acted dangerously without foresight sometimes.
He was very successful as a detective. It was his true calling
Chase has seen some nasty things and is a very good shot with a handgun.
Has he killed anyone? You decide. Personally? Yes, obviously. This has never and will never phase him.
He has been through so many police issued cars he now gets the second-hand cars due to how reckless he is.
Perused criminals with crazy car chases even when he was just a lowly beat cop. It got worse when he became a detective.
No doubt he kept and took home case files (sometimes even evidence) and didn’t give them back even when he became an Interpol liaison. He worked on those cases, he solved them, they are his. He keeps them all either at his apartment or in a storage unit.
Work became his life. His only vice.
Opted out for a partner as it wasn’t a department regulation just a personal option if wanted. Don’t need someone wasting his time, slowing him down or possibly taking away his shine.
Developed obsessive tendencies.
Detective work is competitive. You end up running around trying and fighting to get the best brutal murder homicide case as it will look great to your superiors. It was all a race to see who was the best. Chase was one of the best thanks to having no outsider life to distract him.
Somehow Chase wasn’t a suck-up his those above him. You would think he would be but Chase just enjoyed working and solving, completing things.
You are measured by your achievements and you have to be sure of yourself and your capabilities to survive in the race.
For work that was on the outside very heroic and selfless. Most detectives he worked around and ‘with’ were selfish, heartless and egotistical. The successful ones were anyway. Chase one of them.
He hated them all just as much as they hated him.
Ended up not caring for normal citizens and fellow employees disdain for his abrupt nature. Developed a superiority complex as a result.
But he remained composed and well mannered when dealing with victims and witnesses.
He was very susceptible to the alluring nature of the egotistic know it all.
All of this aged him rapidly. I have no doubt he is only in his early to mid-30s (in the show) but has aged himself visibly with unhealthy working hours and lifestyles.
(I’m not going to go too deep here as at this point I might as well insert my dam fanfiction. I have a whole story planned for what I think his detective days were like. I’ll give you a hint, it’s dark.)
Final relationships.
In regards to his love life? Don’t have one. One night stands? Eh, maybe very occasionally but he isn’t the sort of person to get wrapped up in such things. He is very professional and despite being touch starved he can live without physical relationships easily. They also make him uncomfortable now due to certain events.
His ‘friend’ asked for Chase to wait for him, that once he was finished in the Air Force his partner would come find him. Chase did for the entirety of his 20s and pretty much would for his entire life. First loves are hard to forget.
They only met up again once when Chase was in his late 20s and his friend no longer felt that way towards him or that kind of way anymore. He had a family. Chase sort of understood that his lover realistically would have moved on and blamed himself for not looking for him instead. He became obsessed with his success with work after all.
He couldn’t comprehend why his friend would finally contact him after all these years just to tell him he didn’t love him anymore. He always assumed it was to tie up loose ends or to make fun of him for waiting. To hurt him.
Chase was physically and mentally devastated to say the least. Especially when the last interaction they ever had was his old friend handing him a goddam conversion camp pamphlet.
This really dragged on and I’m sorry I really went off there. I hope it was at least relatively what you were after.
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
Anyways. I don't care what the rest of you all have been doing during this but I have been trying to listen better and pray more.
For those of you who don't think that's "enough"... Sorry but I don't owe public opinion shit. The only person I owe an explanation to is God. I don't owe anyone information on what I'm doing in private. I don't owe anyone information on what I am/am not supporting financially or otherwise. If your personal opinion is that I'm not making adequate use of my voice or platform then that's rough buddy, but my voice is not the one that needs to be heard right now and also what platform? As a society hyperfocused on social media ESPECIALLY NOW DURING THIS PANDEMIC we have to come to terms that we all have lives outside of it and we don't "owe" each other ANY information about that in spite of what our culture tells us. Like if this is what "community-based policing" means, I can already tell you I hate it and it's oppressive.
For those of you who think this is a political power play, I would say those concerns are valid but there IS a REAL problem that will still be there when all the political pandering and posturing is done. And we need to fix it. Part of the reason I haven't been hyping what everyone has been telling me to hype in the name of activism is pretty much this:
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Do I think it honestly matters which political party is in charge for changes to happen? No, because I do not trust the SAME GOVERNMENT BACKING THE POLICE to take the money THAT IS STILL TECHNICALLY IN THEIR POSSESSION and funnel it into the communities that need it in any way that will actually address the racism inherent in the system. HOWEVER, that doesn't stop me from listening to what my brothers and sisters in Christ are telling me are their experiences not just in a society that is supposed to have progressed past racism but in the BODY OF CHRIST itself. Because it's there, everyone. Yes, it's not overt. Yes, not everyone is actively engaging in it but if we are truly One Body then we owe it to each other to make reparations for sins that aren't ours. It's what we've been doing for the child abuse scandals, is it not? The majority of us were not involved but do we not still carry the burden of that sin simply because we're Catholic, because one part of the One Body committed this massive hurt?
So anyway. The goal of this post is not to make anyone feel bad and it is not an invitation for people to pile on me because I haven't vocally supported x, y, z. This is an invitation to listen and to pray... which should always be the first step, EVEN WHEN THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE NEED FOR ACTION. (Maybe ESPECIALLY when there's an immediate need for action.) And holy shit are we not good at that or what? 😂
1) Fr. Mike Schmitz' homily this week was an invitation for us to listen to God and let Him tell us who He is because only by doing that can we see the image and likeness of God in each other. We've lost that in our wishy-washy prayer lives that inevitably end up with us trying to force God into an earthly construction in which He doesn't belong. We try to tell God who He is because the world is too noisy for us to hear Him tell us about Himself. And that inevitably trickles down into us trying to force each other into boxes before recognizing the human dignity instilled by God in all of us. The internet feeds into that by making us faceless virtual entities, thus making it that much more difficult to recognize our humanity. I can read faceless stats for days but if I don't have ANY CONTEXTUAL IDEA where those numbers are coming from, they're empty. They're easily manipulated into whatever whoever is selling me them wants me to think of them if I don't have someone LIVING THOSE STATISTICS giving me context. Right now the media wants us to feed on the controversy surrounding BLM movement without telling us that these communities have been MARCHING IN THEIR COMMUNITIES FOR YEARS AGAINST THE VIOLENCE THEY INFLICT ON THEMSELVES and it is the same media blackout as any March for Life. The media doesn't care unless they have drama they can use to stoke more division and that's the tea.
2) Fr. Josh Johnson is on fire right now, everyone. Like him and Chika Anyanwu are two voices I wasn't listening to before that I'm thankful to be hearing now. If you're wondering how God can be good even in the midst of chaos, turmoil, and pain, this is it. If you're struggling to separate the Black Lives Matter Organization from the heart of the issue, this is how God is doing that. The Church needs to hear these voices. They have real experiences to share. They are part of the Body of Christ, and they are really hurting through these thousands of small cuts.
I would recommend listening to the Jeff Cavins Show episode Distance Amplifies Difference where he has a conversation with Fr. Josh. They both have tremendously unique WORDLY perspectives to bring to the table on the issue (Jeff Cavins is a white man but has children who are black and they live in Minnesota and are literally witnessing the heart of this first hand in the trenches, and Fr. Josh is the son of a black former chief of police) but ultimately discuss how we as a Church can work towards fixing it.
Fr. Josh and Fr. Mike's dialogue on Ascension Presents is also really top notch. I still have to finish watching it, though. 😅
I can't believe I wasn't following Chika before because as another single Catholic woman, I feel like I've found a sister in Christ experiencing the same ups and downs of Catholic singlehood (her Instagram Highlight was like HILARIOUS and also a truth 😂). Her family's small business got looted during the rioting but I believe they've since been able to shut down their Go Fund Me since people gave them enough support to get it back up and running. Anyways, I'm glad this amplification of black voices brought me to hers.
3) Fransican Friars of the Renewal Fr. Agostino and Fr. Pierre Toussaint discuss their hopes for the movement from their perspective as people of color and as servants of one of the poorest neighborhoods in NYC, the South Bronx. Their dynamic is great because Fr. Agostino is like a Gryffindor on fire and Fr. PT is like a soft-spoken, phlegmetic Ravenclaw. I understand that energy. 😂 (I'm also a phlegmetic Ravenclaw) One of my takeaways was Fr. Agostino's opinion that we can't just posture and leave it up to the government or orgs with ulterior political motives to make things right because he's seen firsthand how well THAT goes. However, all that means is that we as people of God have to dig in and do the work our own dang selves. They're also hopeful that this discussion of the police force being built on a foundation of racism will eventually lead to the discussion of Planned Parenthood being built on the same. They said that 42% of the pregnancies of the predominantly black and Latino population in the South Bronx end in abortion. 42%!!!!!!!!!!! If that is not a wake-up call that systemic racism is alive and well and we are abjectly failing women of color as a society Idk what is. But also their analogy that society is a MESS of a dilapidated house and we have to pick ONE place to start and stick with it if we really want to fix it up is also the truth.
4) Did y'all know about Our Lady of Kibohe? This is a Vatican-approved Marian apparition that appeared to three teenaged girls in Rwanda a little more than a decade before the genocide (which she warned them about). There is no one in Creation demons and Satan hate more than Our Lady, and there's no better weapon against them than the rosary. There has been a call from our brothers and sisters to rend our hearts and even if you don't see, think, or believe there is still racism within the Church, will you not pray for Mary and St. Michael to help continue keeping it that way, then?
Our Lady of Kibohe encouraged us to take up the practice of praying the Seven Sorrows Rosary. I tried it for the first time last week and I have to say, even with my super basic limited knowledge of black history in the United States, it was not hard to see how their suffering could easily be united to the sufferings of Christ and Our Lady.
I guess my conclusion is this: I have my own misgivings about blindly supporting any ol' cause that happens to be trending on whatever. The Black Lives Matter ORGANIZATION has a manifesto touting things that are contrary to the Catechism for SURE, but when my brothers and sisters in the Church are telling me they are in pain RIGHT NOW and saying, "Hey, listen... They're right about some things... These are the things and we've experienced it IN the Church..." then they deserve to be heard. We owe it to them to listen because they are a part of us. We need to expose these sins to the light instead of denying they exist or claiming to be past it. We ALSO need to be charitable to those in different parts of their journey. Is it FAIR to bear the burden of others' sins and make reparations for them? Heck no! But we do it. Jesus did it for us. We do it for our brothers and sisters in Purgatory. What's the difference for bearing it for our hard-hearted brothers and sisters on earth? Nobody is perfect but we all are made in the image and likeness of God and thus inherently carry human dignity.
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The Secret Formula Behind Hallmark's Christmas Movie Empire
Hallmark's holiday lineup has gone from guilty pleasure to appointment television. How? Glamour's Jessica Radloff explores.
Decorating for the holidays is serious business for many—but if you're CEO of Crown Media Networks (aka the Hallmark Channel) the bar is on a different level. "Oh, I'm a Christmas nut," William J. Abbott, Crown Media's CEO and president, tells Glamour.com. "We actually built [an addition] in our house so we could accommodate a 12-foot tree in the middle of our den, so, yeah, we just love the holidays." The same goes for Michelle Vicary, the network's executive VP of programming and publicity. "Christmas decorations go up the day after Halloween," she jokes. "I'm a little [like the] Griswolds."
Tinsel and trees aside, Abbott, Vicary, and the entire team at Crown Media actually live the business they're selling. And they're selling it well. Vicary says nearly 85 million people lay eyes on the network between Halloween and New Years. If that sounds more like a Christmas miracle than reality, you haven't been paying attention to the Hallmark Channel—or its sister property, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries—the last few years. When the network says it is "cable's biggest success story," it's true.
This year Hallmark is in the midst of airing 37 original holiday movies for its Countdown to Christmas programming (and planning the 2019 holiday slate). And watching these movies is no longer a guilty pleasure—it's appointment television. From unofficial drinking games to a user-friendly app, it's become cool to stay home and watch two people in sweaters fall in love in a town named like a Bath & Body Works lotion.
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(PHOTO: HALLMARK 'Christmas at Pemberley Manor,' starring Jessica Lowndes and Michael Rady.)
Abbott says Netflix is partially to thank for changing viewer habits, particularly among millennials. "They have a formula that certainly has worked for them in terms of driving people toward watching on their smart TVs," he says. "Ultimately the more people that consume entertainment, the better off we all are."
But Netflix is only a small part of Hallmark's success. Vicary cites the constant, and often depressing, 24/7 news cycle as another factor. "I think people can only take so much," she says. "We purposely look to be an escape. We try not to be issues-oriented in terms of creating polarizing conversations, because there are places to get that. We are a place that is a haven from that. We're just a different conversation."
Abbott agrees. "I think it’s not only the political landscape, but the entertainment landscape to a degree too. There are just very few options that are not shocking, looking to shock, or looking to be over-the-top in terms of violence or salacious for salacious sake. I think people tire of that." Abbott admits that's not the only reason people tune into the channel, it is a big one—and something that Hallmark has included in its strategy. "It's tapping into emotion in a positive way and making you feel a little better about relationships and how people interact," he explains. "The Hallmark brand is all about people connecting. The secret, I think, to our success is that we focus on that relentlessly."
This secret to success doesn't come without detractors, though. Abbott and Vicary know there are plenty of people who think the content is cheesy, but to them, that doesn't have to be a negative. "I have to be honest, I don't always think predictable is a bad word," Vicary says. "I think of every Nora Ephron comedy I ever watched—the first time I saw Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan on screen, I knew they were going to end up together. But it was the journey! So I don’t mind when you tune in that you know our characters—who are on two separate journeys—are going to end up together by the end. It's about how they get there."
OK, so how did Hallmark get here? How did it go from a brand-new network in the early aughts to a holiday empire? For one, consistency. Hallmark premieres most of its original movies on Saturdays and Sundays, a time when other networks air sports or reruns. "It's the perfect time to unwind and get away from reality," Abbott says. "We appeal to people wanting that escape over the weekend."
Second, it's investment. "Our movies are so much better because our production value, our stars, our music, our scriptwriting, our development, and our production are so much better than they’ve ever been," Abbott says. "Success snowballs. The more you do right, the more people notice; the more people notice, the more you invest; the more you invest, the more you pay attention, and the better it gets."
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(PHOTO: HALLMARK CHANNEL LeAnn Rimes in 'It's Christmas, Eve'.)
And finally, as Vicary points out, it's about creating an experience. "We’re an emotionally driven brand. We’re about enhancing relationships and enhancing life." She says in the last decade the network has tapped into viewers' love of celebration. "The Hallmark brand already lives in that space, so it really is about delivering on the experience of the brand."
And then there's the wish-fulfillment aspect, those picturesque, snow-capped towns and leads in color-coordinated holiday attire. "We’re not embarrassed to say, ‘Let’s make it sound even more holiday oriented,'" Vicary says with a laugh. "We are not shy about creating an environment that compliments and enhances that great story."
Still, that "environment" has come under more scrutiny in the past few years for being predominantly white, straight, and without much diversity. The network needs to do more to reflect America today—and Abbott says the Hallmark Channel team is aware and working on it. "Absolutely, no question about it," Abbott says. "We've worked really hard at it. It's the type of thing we should have been doing all along, but we're pleased at where we are."
Where they are is a more diverse slate of programming than years past. It's not perfect yet, but one example of progress is a recent full-page ad Crown Media took out in The Hollywood Reporter to showcase its holiday slate. Of the 14 actors in the ad, nine were women, seven were people of color, and five were women of color.
"Our goal is to do everything we can to represent the public faces on television and represent the United States as it really looks on our air," Vicary says. "I think we have some terrific casting this year with Tatyana Ali, Dondre T. Whitfield, Patti LaBelle, Christina Milian, Jerrika Hinton, Tia Mowry, and more. We have our most diverse slate ever."
In addition to what viewers see on air, Vicary notes that "more than 50 percent of the scripts that were written this year were written by women." She also said they're consciously trying to hire more female directors and behind-the-scenes crew. "I think in the last year we have added three more women to our roster of directors," Vicary says. "We are very conscious of it."
But Abbott or Vicary know that's not enough. The executives are discussing a possible Hanukkah movie to join their holiday lineup ("One of my development execs brought me one this week that they were really excited about," Vicary says. "I said, 'Great, let's meet and talk about it for 2019.'") According to Abbott, he's even open to a Hallmark movie where the main couple doesn't end up together. "As we delve into our content and [look for] a more authentic way, we’ll progress," he says. "Everything is on the table."
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(PHOTO: HALLMARK Danielle Panabaker and Matt Long in Christmas Joy.)
That progress is important to Abbott and Vicary, who want Hallmark to stay current and evolving. "It's particularly important that we represent the reality of the 21st century in that everybody is different and unique," Abbott says. "It's a pet peeve of mine when I read a story and kids are portrayed a certain way. The reality is girls can play baseball or be into science or play with dolls."
Abbott even acknowledges that the network's older movies were guilty of playing into stereotypes."You look back at some of old, old movies, and it's kind of the stereotypical situation of the woman at home," he says. "We work very hard to stay out of that stereotypical dialogue and situational behavior because it’s just not reality, and it’s not authentic. We really try to empower women. We really work hard to ensure that our women are strong—while they don’t need a man, they’d love to fall in love. But at the end of the day, that is not what they need to be successful or happy or fulfilled or have a good career. That is something that is very important to all of us to portray."
That awareness is one of the reasons Abbott credits the Hallmark Channel's growth in markets like Chicago, New York, Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, and D.C. "I think there’s this feeling that we’re 'flyover country' and that it’s all red-state people," he says. "That’s just completely not true. Everybody likes to feel good. I don’t care what political party you’re part of or where you live, people like to feel positive." Yes, Hallmark's content isn't edgy—"and never will be"—but it's certainly smarter than it's ever been, he says. "And that wins."
It's been a stressful year, but at least you can count on Hallmark, Lifetime, and Netflix to come through with the holiday cheer. After all, what's more relaxing than watching an overworked woman fall in love with a Christmas tree farmer? So decompress with all of our delightful holiday content right here.
Source: glamour.com
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