#i don't read or watch much ya but i also don't feel like i. can't? i'm just very picky with fiction in general
aflawedfashion · 9 months
I don't think some wot book fans understand that I just wouldn't be interested in the show if it did a lot of the things they want. No value judgement (everyone likes different things), but some book fans want to change how show fans perceive the show. They want us to perceive it exactly as they do, and that's just not how it would work for me. I either just wouldn't be watching the show or I'd be wishing it explored the aes sedai and their warders more because that's the kind of thing I'm interested in. You can't make everyone think the same way you do.
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sturngirly · 1 month
–‘Paper stars’– Chris sturniolo.
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in which... your boyfriend chris finds out you've got a praise kink.
warnings: none, suggestive at the end!!
‘hi lol, this is based on this meme chris reposted on instagram stories’
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– ... you think is weird? – i ask in fear of freaking out my boyfriend chris, we haven't been dating for too long, we've been together for 3 weeks but we've been friends for about a year and a half, we haven't done anything beyond making out and now we are playing a game of questions, his question being if i have something i haven't told him yet.
– that you have a praise kink? no, i don't think it's weird, why would i? – he says looking at me with an expression i can't quite read.
– I don't know you're looking at me funny – i say honestly, chris is a really expressive guy and i can tell almost every time how he feels just by looking at his face but now he looks like he is deep in thought.
– it's your turn now, dude –
– oh yeah, what is something YOU haven't told me yet? – i question pointing at chris and a little louder when I say ‘you’ tilting my head when i see the same boy scratching his neck bringing his eyes at the ceiling looking like he's searching for an answer.
– ... i also have a praise kink – he says bringing his face to the side almost like trying to hide it.
– ... you do? – you question, you always thought chris looked like the type of guy to be more into degrading which makes you surprised by his answer.
– yeah, ya seem surprised by that... y'know what? I could show you right now – you didn't know what chris had under his sleeve, he was always full of random ass scenarios that no one would've guessed was on his mind.
i watched as the blue eyed boy got up from his position on the floor and started walking towards his bedside table opening the first drawer and grabbing something from it, i couldn't see what it was until chris turned around facing me... it was a paper full of bright yellow stars.
– what are you implying?... – i said completely confused about what chris was thinking.
– imma start giving ya paper stars for every thing you do good – he replies giggling at himself and the face that i give him after he answers.
– ... i swear you're not real, you are a complete idiot – i say as chris begins laughing non stop at his stupid joke making me start laughing with him, repeatedly hitting the floor with my fist while chris has to support himself with his bed to not fall to the ground in tears by how much he's laughing.
– oh my god... that was funny... okay – i say as i try to catch my breath.
– HELL YEAH, as soon as you confessed that I was thinking about doing it – chris says making me feel more calm knowing that it wasn't that he thought i was weird and that he was just trying to think something funny to say.
we start to get quiet and before i can say anything chris slowly gets on top of me beginning to caress the left side of my face with one of his hands while the other one holds my waist.
– seriously tho, i could start doing it... but you'll have to be a good girl, yeah? – he says giving me a smirk and sleepy eyes making my cheeks get the reddest they've ever been while i mumble something unable to get words out because of how flustered i got.
– cat got ya tongue kid? –
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WHAT DO WE THINK? this is my first time ever posting a fanfic on tumblr and i actually don't love this but I really hope y'all do!!
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tyrannuspitch · 2 years
there are a lot of people talking about growing out of YA on my dash today and it's making me think of that one quote - "i hope one day i might be old enough to start reading fairytales again".
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Hearts in Sync, Tires on Track
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I'm sorry I have hit the deleted button 😢 and so I have to repost this one. This was based on a request of a reader @pear-1206, so sorry that your request message was also being deleted.
But yeah, here it is. Hope that you guys will enjoy reading it as much as I did. Also, if you have any requests please feel free to hit my dm, I appreciate it very much. If not then send me some of your love and support through that reblog and like button. Love ya alllll!  🫶🏻
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Toto Wolff's wife and son, Y/n and Jack were in the garage, watching the race with bated breath. The atmosphere was tense, as nothing seemed to be working for George and Lewis. Toto's wife watched her husband's face, noticing the way his jaw was clenched, the deep furrow between his brows. She knew how much he was struggling, trying to figure out a way to turn things around for the team. Her heart ached for him, wanting nothing more than to ease his worries.
As the race continued, the tension in the garage grew thicker. She and Jack glued to his side, watching him anxiously. Toto's eyes flicked back and forth between the monitors, his fingers flying across his laptop as he tried to find a solution, anything that could help the team's chances. Toto's mind was a maelstrom of thoughts and strategies. His eyes scanned the monitors, searching for any glimpse of improvement from his drivers. As he pondered the various scenarios, his hand subconsciously went to his own wedding band, his fingers toying with it gently. Meanwhile, in the garage, Y/n sat with Jack, trying to keep a brave face despite her worry. She was struggling to keep her own anxiety in check, her mind constantly going back to her husband. Every now and then, she found herself twisting her wedding band around her finger, a silent prayer for his wellbeing.
The race was over, but the results had not been what he had hoped for. His heart was heavy with disappointment, and his mind raced with thoughts of what he could have done differently. Suddenly, there was a soft knock on his door, and he looked up to see his wife standing in the doorway. Her face was filled with concern, her eyes filled with a mixture of worry and love.
Toto's heart skipped a beat as he saw her. In that moment, all his worries and stress seemed to melt away, at least for a moment. He held out his hand, a silent invitation for her to come closer. She walked over to him, taking his hand and sitting down on the edge of his desk. For a moment, they were silent, simply taking comfort in each other's presence. Finally, Toto broke the silence. "It didn't go well," he said quietly, his voice low and strained.
Y/n nodded, her fingers gently rubbing small circles on the back of his hand. "I know," she murmured softly. "But you did everything you could. You always do." Toto let out a weary sigh, his shoulders slumping. "It wasn't enough," he replied. "I should have done more, I should have thought of something..." His wife reached up, gently cupping his face in her hands. "Stop," she said firmly. "You shouldn't blame yourself. You work too hard, you worry too much. You need to let go sometimes." Toto looked up at her, his expression a mix of exhaustion and guilt. "I can't," he said quietly. "I'm responsible for this team, for everyone who is now working at Brackley also. If I don't worry, who will?"
His wife chuckled softly, her thumbs stroking his cheeks fondly. "That's exactly what I mean," she said with a smile. "You're too dedicated, too determined. You forget to take care of yourself." Toto let out a huff of breath, his lips twitching into a small smile. "And who's going to take care of me, hm?" he teased, a hint of the old spark returning to his eyes.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, an amused grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Who do you think? Me," she replied, her tone playful. "Someone has to keep you from working yourself into the ground." Toto chuckled, the sound low and heartfelt. "You did a good job of it," he admitted.
As they were all laughing at his words, Toto's door creaked open, and they both looked up to see their son, Jack, standing in the doorway. The young boy's face was pinched with worry, his eyes taking in the sombre atmosphere of the room. "Papa?" he asked tentatively, his small voice breaking the silence. Toto's heart clenched at the sight of his son. "Hey, buddy," he said, mustering a smile. "Come here."
Jack hesitantly stepped into the room, his eyes flicking between his parents. Toto reached out a hand, gesturing for him to come closer. "Don't worry, everything's alright," Toto said, trying to keep his voice steady for his son's sake. "Just having a bit of a tough day, that's all." Jack slowly made his way over to them, stopping beside his father. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. "We'll figure things out," he assured him, his voice gentle.
Y/n nodded in agreement, her fingers once again toying with her wedding band. "Papa's right," she said firmly. "We always figure things out. We're a team, remember?" Jack looked up at his dad, his eyes wide. "Us?" he asked, his voice small. Toto chuckled softly, reaching out to ruffle his son's hair. "Yeah, me, mama and you. We've been a team for a long time, haven't we?"
Jack seemed to accept this, his expression relaxing slightly. He leaned into his mother's side, resting his head against her shoulder. For a moment, they sat in silence, the weight of everything that had happened that day hanging heavily in the air. Toto could feel the presence of his family, their love and support grounding him, reminding him that he wasn't alone.
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Hi! I was wondering if i could request some angst for hazbin, I was thinking like alastor, angel, husk, etc yelled at you, but as soon as they realized they did it they became all lovey dovey? I hope you can understand that.😭 Also take your time if you do it, thank u!!
I love angst. i don't love reading it, but i love writing it. so i can definitely do this! thank you so so much for your request too.
"you can't do that alastor." you say, following his walking by running after him.
"i can do anything i want to do." he replied back easily, walking to his radio room.
"no, alastor, you can't. not while you're here." you tell him and as he stops, you catch your breath and say something you knew would get him to stop. "you know what the details of your contract are."
time stops as the very air around you seems prickly and the static that was normally comforting grows to be suffocating.
"what did you say?" alastor says quietly, not looking at you.
"you know what i said, and you know i'm right." you say, standing your ground. he turns to you, his demonic form becoming more prominent. you look at him and watch him apprehensively.
"how dare you?" he yells, the ground shaking. "i should send you where the rest of the disrespectful, distasteful wretches who have questioned me before are." you close your eyes, trying to stop the shaking in your hands, anxiety and fear coursing through your body as your mind screamed at you to run. you knew that if he did this though, he would be done for.
you reach up to him, your hand caressing his cheek as he snarled at you. "i know you don't like being reminded. i'm sorry. but you weren't listening. you know what you're about to do ends with you not being with me, it ends with you dead." he snarls again and you watch as his form returns to normal. you close your eyes in relief, they shoot open though when you feel his hand grasp yours.
"i know that you are right. i just-" alastor stops, not able to continue or voice what he was feeling.
"i know. i know. you don't have to say anything." you say walking closer and wrapping your arm around his waist. knowing that he was feeling trapped and weak. he didn't have to say anything for you to know that. he sighed and opened the door to his room instead of the radio room.
"shall we retire tonight my darling?" he asks. you nod with a smile as you enter the room and he shuts the door.
walking into the hotel, you knew it had been a tough day for angel. the way his shoulders sat, the way even his hair fell, they were all indicators that angel was not doing good. he walked past you, not acknowledging your presence and started to make his way up to his room. you looked at his back as he ascended the stairs shocked. normally he would say hello, or at least wave.
now, you were concerned. you set the blanket covering you aside as you got up and followed the same path angel took. leading to his room you listened closely to see if you could hear anything, like crying, before getting to his room. hoping that something would help you understand why your friend was acting the way he was.
the silence in the hall was truly deafening as you knocked on his door. silence continued and you knocked again. then suddenly, the door flung open and there stood a distraught angel. his form much taller, as you could actually see all of his eyes, that seemingly glowed in the dim light of his room.
"what?" he growled at you.
"i just wanted to check on you." your voice quiet, in hopes to calm him down.
"well, ya checked. good fer ya." he says, trying to shut his door, when you put your foot between the doorway and the door itself, stopping it.
"what's goin' on angel?" you ask.
"let me shut my own fuckin' door bitch!" he yells, his eyes narrowing at you.
"not until you calm down and talk to me angel." you reply as he goes and tries to shut the door harder, your foot taking the brunt of the assault on the door. you wince as he does it three more times, screaming and leaving the door. you walk in, thankful you had some sort of regenerative properties as your foot started to heal as you walked in his room. you sat on his bed and waited in silence. knowing that patience was the best thing for angel when this happened. you weren't sure how much time passed when you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his head buried into your side. you quickly placed your hand in his hair, gently brushing it back.
"there was just some shit val said, that hit a little too close to home." angel murmured, tightening his grip on you as if remembering the words from the overlord.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask, still brushing angel's hair back. you feel him shake his head against you. "okay, you don't have to. can you tell me what you need right now?" you ask.
"just... can you hold me?" his voice small.
"of course i can sweetie." you say, laying yourself down and angel curling into you. "you know today, charlie made husk participate in the trust falls again. you know what homeboy confessed as his truth? that he secretly watches my little pony." you smile and wait, feeling angel starting to laugh as he gently shook you. his laughs grow and you start laughing along with him.
"holy shit, did he really?" angel asks, tears in his eyes from how much he was laughing.
"no, but i knew that would getcha." you smiled and rubbed his back. he sighed and laid back down, a smile on his face.
everyone could tell that husk was in a horrible mood. he was literally grumbling under his breath, growling at requests made and even insulting the drinks that were asked to be made. you watched off to the side, still not asking for a refill on your drink because you weren't sure you were ready to deal with the husk you were faced with currently.
angel seemed to be either oblivious or just ready to rile him up even more as he sauntered up to the bar and asked for a double shot vodka twist with lemon and lime topped with a cherry and to only use decaf vodka. you looked at angel incredulously and saw a shit-eating grin on his face as husk looked stunned at the bullshit order he just had heard.
"you want what?" husk asked, almost like giving angel a second chance to correct himself.
"i want a double shot vodka twist with lemon and lime topped with a cherry and i'd like for you to only use decaf vodka... husky." angel said, his voice dropping as he said husk's name. husk growled, quickly made something and slammed it on the bar.
"there's your fuckin' drink, you prick. take it and you'll like it. don't fuckin' come over here askin' for stupid shit like that again either. idiot." husk said turning around. everyone's eyebrows shot up and angel smiled even wider.
"this is my regular though. i wanted a-" angel started.
"don't finish that sentence, angel." husk warned, the glass he was gripping looking like it was close to cracking.
"angel, stop fucking with husk." you intervened.
"oh, you think i need you to swoop in like some savior huh?" he turned to you, the glass being crushed in his hand as blood quickly started coming from the wound. your eyes widened as you got up, trying to get to husk to help him. "stop." he screams, walking from behind the bar. "i don't need yer fuckin' help. i'm not helpless nor hapless." he yelled, walking up the stairs grumbling under his breath, clutching his hand. you look at angel, who at least had the decency to look apologetic as you took off after husk.
his door was open and you gently opened it and heard the curses from his bathroom, along with the clinks of the glass falling into the sink.
"husk, can i come help?" he turns to you livid. "i'm not saying you're not capable. i care about you, and would like to be there for you. the way that i am showing that is by helping you take glass out of your hand. will you allow me to do that." you say and watch as his shoulders relax. he looks at his hand and then you, sitting on the tub and nodding. you sigh and start taking out the glass, then quickly wrap up his hand. once finished you clean out the sink and then kneel in front of him.
"what caused this?" you ask, he was silent though not saying anything. you sigh. "darling, i'm not a mind reader." a beat of silence followed and then husk grumbled.
"alastor." he said looking off to the side. you sighed and nodded.
"i know he says some horrible shit to you husk, but if it's any consolation, i do think he views you as the closest thing to a peer as he might." you tell him. husk scoffs.
"not a consolation by any means." husk looks at you. "a peer? more like his fuckin' pet."
"he has to say that. can't have you thinking any different, but i know you talked to him about mimzy. and he listened, he got her out. you know that." you say and husk rolls his eyes. "i know, you know, i'm right." you smile.
"you're very smart husk. and very capable. i know it. the whole hotel does. you're not just the bartender." you hold his unhurt hand. he looks at you and smiles.
"thank you."
"any time."
you hadn't seen lucifer in days. you were sometimes a bit dramatic, so sometimes saying days meant hours, but this was literally days. maybe even a week. and you were beginning to get worried. you knew that he had a tendency to shut people out when in his deep depressive episodes. he had never shut you out for that long. he always called you or at least texted. you stood outside his workshop door, the dark and silence feeling more and more opressive as you stood there, but something almost froze you as you stood there.
what if he was hurt, or dead? what were you going to find when you opened the door? you knew it could be bad, but he needed you, at least you thought he did. so you took a deep breath and opened the door. the dim lighting in the room feeling almost blinding as you walked in and saw lucifer working away at his desk. he froze hearing the door open.
"get out." was all that was said, he didn't resume his work.
"luce, i just wanted to check on you." you say slowly, walking closer.
"do not come closer." he says, his voice cold and almost disgusted. something you had never heard from him pointed at you. "i told you to leave, so do so, before i take you out where you stand."
"luce it's me." you say, his reaction making you think he thought someone broke in.
"i know who it is. as i said, leave now." he says and you see the horns of his demonic form growing.
"lucifer, what is going on? i'm not leaving. i want to make sure you're okay." you say, brazenly taking another step toward him. he whips around and you are frozen, seeing his bright red eyes, pouring with tears as he yells at you.
"and i told you to get the fuck out! leave. i don't want to see you!" he screams pointing toward the door.
"fine you asshole!" you yell. "see if next time you don't talk to me for almost a week, i come here to make sure you aren't fucking hurt or worse, dead!" you say, storming off. you run past the kitchen grabbing your bag, but leaving the dinner you had brought for the both of you. you were about to reach the door when a portal opened right as you were about to step through the door, causing you to tumble back into the workshop. you look around and whirl on lucifer, who returned back to his normal form.
"what? you didn't get enough before of yelling at me?" you ask, crossing your arms in front of you.
"i-no. i'm sorry." lucifer says, approaching you.
"you're what?" your voice in disbelief.
"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have taken everything out on you. i just, you were the first person to check on me and i was just really upset. i shouldn't have-i'm sorry. the way i acted was inexcusable. if you would like to leave i understand." lucifer said and the door to his workshop opened for you with a gesture of his hand. you look at him and roll your eyes, walking up to him and drawing him into a hug.
"i don't want to leave. i didn't want to leave before either." you say as he wraps his arms around you, his figure relaxing against you.
"i'm so sorry." he whispers again.
"no need to apologize. it's okay. just, talk to me, okay?" you say, drawing his face to look at you. "i brought dinner. lets go eat and you can tell me what's been going on. then you get a bath." you say, smiling slightly and wiping a tear escaping from his eye. he nods as you both walk out, his arm not letting go of you as you walk to the kitchen to eat dinner.
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witheringwidgetwrites · 11 months
MC has a secret admirer!
Request goes; They're already dating but it's new so most of the lesser demons don't know about it. MC then starts getting love letters from an anonymous person and the Dateables/Brothers get the need to show off that MC is theirs?
I'm gonna do the brothers first! Hope that's cool! If yall wanna see more pls request it! (Also pretend that this is near the beginning of yalls relationship)
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"Wow, look babe, I got a love letter! Guess I'm more popular than I thought, you might have some competition." You chuckle, kissing his cheek. It was a very flattering letter, laying out all your strengths, compliments sprinkled generously throughout the writing. It was... surprising to say the least. But you were excited to tell him about it!
If he's already on edge, he might just yank it and rip it in half. Today, however, he's in a good mood.
"Let me read it." You hand him the paper, watching him closely as he grimaces and scoffs. He's not nervous, but he is baffled that someone had the nerve to send you such a... bold letter.
A little prideful, in the sense that he has something that no one else can. He know's you wont leave him for some lower demon, but he can't help but feel slightly threatened.
Walks a litter closer to you around town and RAD. He'll hold your hand when the hallways start to filter out and there's less students around.
Puts in the effort to take you on more public dates, Restorante Six, most likely. kissing your hand and giving you roses at the table. He's not flashy, but it's enough for rumors to spread quickly.
He rips it from your hand, immediately turning his back so he can read it. "Is this the kinda lame sappy stuff you're into? Even I'd do better than this! It don't even mention ya eyes!"
He hands it back to you, mumbling something about, "i'll show 'em" before he stomps off, shaking his head.
He struts the RAD halls with his arm around you, glaring unnecessary at anyone who walks by. He's certainly on edge for the first couple days after. He starts passing you small silly notes during class, little drawings and pickup lines. You watch him as he turns away, hand trying to cover his flushed cheeks.
Also takes you out more. Carnivals, amusement parks, more casual things! Posts 1 post, with a few photos of you together, captioned 'almost as good as grimm.' If you get another letter, you might end up having your first kiss in front of the school!
"Wha? Who?" He can feel his heart beating faster, anxiety rising in his chest. "Just kidding Levi, you're the only demon for me!" You giggle at him. "Could I read it?" You hand it to him, watching him plop down in his gaming chair. He gets very expressive while he reads. Before long, his tail is swishing behind him, "they don't even know you! There's no mention o-of any of your favorite videos games in here! You love games." He frowns, throwing his hands up dramatically. "I know Levi, I don't even know who sent it. Don't worry, they don't know me as well as you do." He pretends to lose control of his tail, that pulls you into him for a hug.
He sulks for a few days, but after some reassurance, he has a plan. You're going to the aquarium and he'll hold your hand! That'll really show 'em. Might even go to physical school a few days more than usual to walk with you.
He writes you a little in-game dialog sappy note, telling you a few things he loves about you. Might make a singular Devilgram post with you, hugging his Ruri-chan body pillow, captioned ''my #1 and my #2'
"Ohh! Of course you're popular MC! Everyone loves you, and me of course. We're the top power couple! Now let me take a look." He smiles at you, smile faltering slightly as he reads the letter. Eyes blinking a little stiffly, he hands it back to you. "That's so superficial, you're much better off with me." And with that, he walks away.
He shows the world exactly who's you are immediately. You're tagged in maybe 10 posts in a row. Pictures of you and him, some of just you, all captioned things like, 'my love' and 'my number one always' and 'remembering the moment I fell for you' and it's unmistakable.
Becomes even more affectionate in the RAD hallways, snuggling up to you, sitting in your lap/having you sit in his during lunch.
He frowns, putting his hand out for the paper. He glances over it, brow furrowing as he reads. "This is amateur writing. You deserve much better." He hands it back to you, walking past you quickly with a scowl on this face. He turns back halfway down the hall, "be ready at 6:30." You decide to leave him be.
First order of business, he writes you a beautiful letter. It's long winded, many poetry references, and references to stories you've read together. Even compares you to a cat, somehow. He does not give it to you yet.
He dresses nice for your date, electing to take you to dinner, and then a stroll through the royal gardens. As you approach the doors to the House of Lamentation, he turns to you, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a wax sealed letter, your name written neatly on the other side.
Sits a little closer to you at lunch time, and in the library. Hoping someones will see and rumors will spread.
He doesn't read the letter. He's a little jealous, but he thinks reading it will upset him, so he stays away.
He makes the small effort to hold your hand more. He's not normally one for PDA, but for you, he can make a small exception. You can see how flushed his face is when you look up at him.
On game days, he lets you wear his jersey until he needs it. Might post a picture on his Devilgram of you in it. Captioned, '#1 fan'
After one of his games, he sees you talking to a lower demon, they seem to be standing awfully close. He sees them throw their arm around you, and so he calls for you, pretending he didn't see them. He waves at you, jogging over and cupping your face with his hands before placing his lips on yours.
He's half asleep when you tell him. Isn't really bothered until you make the comment about competition. Now he's awake, and looking around like there's a present threat. Yanks the letter from you, holding it close to his face while he scowls. He scans the paper, before rolling his eyes and rolling back over onto his side, taking the letter with him.
Pretends he's not bothered. Asmo brings it up at the dinner table, Belphie calls it a "stupid letter" and crosses his arms, slouching.
Doesn't bring it up again, but you notice he's a little more cuddly in public than he was before. One day after class, he finds you in the library studying, he saunters over, kissing you brashly, tongue tracing the edge of your bottom lip,and loudly, before wiping his lip with his thumb, and sitting next to you, "what're you studying today, MC?"
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milkyst4rs · 1 year
BF headcannons
Diluc, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Xiao, Zhongli x GN reader
Fluffy floof☁️
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Though some might think otherwise, dating Diluc is SO FUN.
I feel like Diluc would like to tease his s/o a little? He wants to see you all smitten and flustered ya know?
Will get you tiny trinkets that reminds him of you. Bro doesn't care about the price ofc, he loves your reactions to his tiny gifts.
Diluc prefers to be the big spoon but won't mind if you wanna hug him too.
When y'all are in bed, he is the type to sling his large leg over yours so you can't go anywhere while y'all sleep.
Gets SOOOO happy when you come visit him at the tavern (he doesn't show his excitement tho cause he though like that💯🔥)
Is the biggest softie for you behind closed doors. He's just a little shy outside, don't worry.
SUCH a tease oml. He always does his "oh?~😏" whenever you speak.
He doesn't care if you both are in public or not, he will always try to make you flustered somehow.
Loves kissing you. Your soft lips on his just makes his heart go KDNDHDKWKHDISOW
Like Diluc, he also prefers to hold you while you both are sleeping. But he won't argue if you want to be the big spoon.
I feel like Kaeya is a light sleeper, so if he has trouble falling asleep he'll just admire your pretty face till he does close his eyes.
He loves tracing your features leaving small pecks afterward.
He knows he can trust you so he seeks you out for comfort when he is feeling down :(
Immediately feels 100% better after being in your embrace tho.
Mega-tsundere 1000. Boss level.
Absolutely loves holding your hand. (Secretly though ofc)
Scaramouche is a big mean guy so he doesn't have time for romance!😡 (Except, he is extremely touch-starved so please PLEASE hug him)
Both of you are honestly shocked that you are still in the relationship and are loyal to him.
He slowly realises that you genuinely love him and are not trying to betray him or hurt him in anyway, so he warms up to you.
Likes kissing your forehead. Whenever he sees you, you are going to have a peck on the forehead 100%.
He finally can feel some form of happiness with you.
Mega-tsundere 1000 boss level #2.
He probably has never gotten intimate with anyone ever before so he is a nervous wreck. Which leads to him panicking and resorting to throwing insults at you.
Obviously he doesn't mean it, he just doesn't know what to say when you kiss his cheek! You know he means well, so the "you have no respect for the adepti" insult goes in one ear and out the other.
Eventually warms up to you and tries to be romantic by bringing you flowers and such,(with the help of hu tao and friends^^).
Likes to watch the sunset with you on the roof of Wangshu Inn. His hand always finds its way to intertwine with yours.
He probably doesn't sleep so he keeps watch and makes sure you are safe irl and in dreamland.
Zhongli...what a gentleman.
Boyfriend material ON PAPER‼️
Helps carry your bags, showers with you, reads with you. He just loves being by your side.
He can sense that you truly love him so he lets himself go and his walls crumble for you.
Most people would be bored of Zhonglis constant talking, but not you no sir. He appreciates that you genuinely listen and add in your own sentences in his story telling.
Loves to pamper you!!!!! Making you delicious tea, date nights, skin care routines, you name it.
Both of you are probably named 'Liyue's #1 power couple' by locals who often see the two of you hand in hand walking by the pier.
His kisses are always soft and gentle, each one reminding you of how much he adores you and loves you <3
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
spring fever! — tf141 men
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mw2 men helping catgirl!reader through her heat! (simon riley, john mactavish, kyle garrick, john price)
✎ tags: mdni! nsft, catgirl!reader, breeding kink, edging, overstimulation, oral, thigh-riding, praise kink, degradation, abuse of pet names, cockwarming, size kink, size difference, fluff mixed in <3
✎ word count: 2.3k words (not proofread)
✎ author's note: this is purely 100% self-indulgent because i can write whatever i want teehee :] ever since i realized i can just write the smut i want to read myself my life has improved significantly, also i am working on another one of these with phillip, alejandro and könig is anyone would wanna read that (o・ω・o)
masterlist | requests are open!
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♡ simon riley — "don't act all shy now, love. weren't y'just begging me for this?" — simon isn't sure if you know what you're getting yourself into while you grind yourself down against his thigh, your juices already soaking through your underwear and quickly making a dark spot on his jeans. his resolve only lasts until you cum just from humping his leg. he has you folded into a mating press before long, your legs hooked over his elbows. — outside of your shared home, simon isn't much of a talker, but the sight of you absolutely brainless under him draws out the filthiest words from his mouth. "makin' such a fuckin' mess on my cock, y'gonna clean it up for me sweetheart? i know how much y'love when i fuck your mouth. or do you only want my cum stuffed into this little cunt? want me to put a baby in y'love? yeah? that's all you can think about right now, isn't it? all y'need is my cock inside you, such a good little whore f'me." — you should have known before you asked for his help that he would abuse the living hell out of your tail; how could he not when it's makes you cum nearly instantly? it doesn't take you long to learn that once he flips you over, you'll soon be an overstimulated mess. simon can't get enough of how you react when he pushes you to that point, clawing at the sheets to try to leverage yourself away from his onslaught and pushing your hips back against him to take more of his thick cock at the same time. your words get jumbled up and incoherent, broken little pleas choked out between moans and cries. eventually he'll slow down to shallow, drawn out rolls of his hips, laying his titan-sized body over yours and asking you what you want. when you keen and press up against him, whimpering his name and trying to push your hips into him again, he'll tell you that you're such a good girl for him and pick up the pace. — he won't edge you as much as he overstimulates you. simon edges you more as a "break", both for himself and for you. even with your heat making you able to take a lot more than what you usually can, he still knows not to push the limits of your body too far. so he'll make sure to tie your hands to the headboard and bury his fingers in your sopping wet pussy in a slow, languid rhythm and lave circles over your clit with his tongue, drawing away each time he feels you tightening up until you're sobbing. you beg him to fuck you and let you cum, trying as much as you can to move against the weight of his hand pressed against your stomach. once he's sure that just touching your clit would probably make you cum, simon finally relents. he'll graze his hands over your thighs, watching as your body twitches just from that. "'s alright love, i'll make you cum. so fuckin' sensitive, wish i could keep ya like this, all needy and sweet f'me," he says quietly, lining the head of his cock up with your dripping hole and bullying his cock in slow. he'll grip your waist tight enough to leave yet another set of bruises when you cum around him, fighting to not cum himself as he fucks you through your mind-shattering orgasm. — despite his roughness, simon will take care of you through all of it without a single (wholehearted) complaint. he'll grumble here and there, chastising you when you'd rather ride him than eat the food he's holding in front of you, but there's a hint of concern to it; simon loves you too much to hurt you or to see you get hurt, so he makes overly sure that all your needs (besides being fucked) are constantly met.
♡ john mactavish — "c'mon bonnie, if ya want my help then y'gotta ask nicely." — johnny loves you, every part of you, but one of the things that he especially loves is your heats. he relishes in the few days it lasts (rejoices on the rare occasion it lasts almost a week). your neediness, your dependency on him, the adoration and near-worship that you finally weren't too shy to show. he loved taking care of you, from bending you over every surface in your home and tugging on your overly-sensitive tail to make you cum fast to spoon-feeding you while you were semi-lucid. — he shows you the same love and worship as always, of course, but he can't help being a near-sadist most of the time. you're just so adorable like this, so pliant and always wanting more from him, anything and everything he would give you. it pulled out a different side of him. john was always a tease, almost always in control, but it was like your greed and lust became his too. "oh, i know bonnie, i know, i'll make ya cum, i promise." he, of course, breaks this promise until you're crying, choking out jumbled pleas for him to make you cum. every few times he pulls away just before you fall over the edge (which doesn't take long at all) he comes back up to be face-to-face with you and scratch and pet the ears sticking out from the top of your head. it just melts you, makes you so cooperative, so brainless and compliant. — when you're nearing your limit, about to pass out, johnny finally gets sweet. he'll give you whatever you ask for, smooth his hands over your overstimulated skin and fuck you slow. he sings you praises for how well you did and talks you through it before you slip into unconsciousness for a few hours, until your body wakes you up again (or his). "sweet lass, just one more for me- fuck, know you can do it. hah- doin' so good. you can, just a little more, i'll make it feel so- so good, bonnie. love y'so much like this, so cute, all f'me. ya gonna cum, sweetheart? fuck! ah, so tight around me, y'want my cum? yeah, good lass." — johnny doesn't leave your side until you're well past recovered; he'll take such good care of you, makes sure you drink excessive amounts of water, makes sure you eat plenty and washes your hair for you in the shower (he fucks you before he cleans you off). when you start waking up more sore than horny, he massages just about every muscle in your body, drags you into a hot bath, and swaddles you in a nest of his clothes and blankets and pillows to rest some more.
♡ kyle garrick — "fuck, slow down, pretty. gonna help you, swear it." — kyle is so sweet with you, kissing you softly and guiding you up and down on his cock after he makes you cum several times with his mouth and fingers. he's so gentle; he'll do his best to calm your frayed nerves, kissing you all over and rubbing his hands over every inch of your skin, whispering choked praises to you as he lets you use him. kyle indulges in your every desire, happily doing whatever you ask him for; he just can't say no to you when you're looking at him with teary, pleading eyes. — once he really gets going, kyle gets more rough with you, manhandling you into different positions so he can fuck his thick cock even deeper into your sopping pussy. he's still sweet with you, groaning out how good you are for him and how much he loves you like this, so needy for him while you're cumming for the umpteenth time that night. once he finally placates you for the time being, he hugs you tight against him as you're both passing out. — he doesn't have much need to make you more content by scratching at your fuzzy ears, but he still loves doing it just to see you melt, just to see your pretty lips spread into a dopey smile and feel you nudge into his hand. kyle doesn't abuse your tail much either; he'll only tug on it when you're being bratty, trying to sink your little fangs in too deep or trying to claw yourself away from the overstimulation before he's done with you. "c'mon baby, just one more for me, you're doin' so- fuck, so good- ahh, that's it pretty, you can take it, know y'can. i know, i- i know, 's okay baby, fuck- y'gonna cum? cum for me, c'mon-" you're both coming together, bodies locking up against each other as he fucks into you a few more times before he collapses next to you, cupping your face with his hands and kissing you all over. — kyle's so good at taking care of you, he loves that you trust him enough to let him be with you for your heat, and he doesn't take that for granted. he'll basically treat you like a goddess the entire time (as if he already didn't the rest of the time). he'll carry you everywhere, chuckling when you cling onto him and nuzzle your face into his neck. he cooks or orders whatever you want, puts your favorite salts and scents in the baths he eases you into (despite your many protests), gives you however much of his wardrobe you need for your makeshift nest. kyle is just so whipped for you, his smile always stretching wide every time he sees your tail curl up in joy because of something he does or says.
♡ john price — "it hurts, sweetheart? can't have that now, can we?" — john swears up and down that he tries his damndest to be gentle and slow and sweet with you. and he is... at first. when you clamber into his lap, pleading for his help while you kiss and nip at his neck, he'll pick you up effortlessly and take you to your shared bed within seconds. after that, it's only moments before he's stripped you down and is worshipping your body- partially because he loves every inch of you and never goes a day without showing you that affection, and partially because of how much more sensitive your entire body becomes during your heat. — it's something he becomes obsessed with pretty rapidly; john will practically study the effects your heat has on you. he won't admit it, but it's obvious how much he gets off on it. how you're so desperate for him, his touch and voice and anything and everything he'll give you. how upset you get when he tries to get you to stay in bed while he goes to a different room of the house. how you need him. it's what slowly drives him to his breaking point where he just can't hold back with you any longer. — you can feel his touch getting heavier, fingers digging into your hips deeper and tongue pressing harder against your clit. when you're coming down from your second high and already being pushed towards your third of the night, your grip on his cropped hair gets tighter and the only sentences you can form are various versions of "mmnh- ple-ease! john- ah, please, need you!". that's when he can feel the last of his self-control slipping from his hands. in record time he'll be throwing your legs over his shoulders, smashing his lips into yours and easily pushing into your drenched cunt. — john always finds it incredibly difficult to say "no" to you, but it won't stop him from being a horrendous tease. he'll tie your hands together behind your back or to the headboard or to your ankles and edges you until fat tears roll down your cheeks (which doesn't take very long). when he gets you to that point he'll wipe away your tears and kiss you sweetly. "shh, i know sweetheart, i'm sorry- just love hearin' you beg. y'did so well for me. think you deserve a reward, yeah?" john will always act sorry after he edges you or doesn't let you touch him or ignores your pussy for more than ten seconds, but with each broken whine and sobbed plea his cock grows impossibly harder. — it's a given that john will exploit the hell out of the effects of playing with your ears and tail. each time he edges you, the number of times he takes a minute to scratch at your ears and coo honeyed words down at you increases. it becomes a routine that after those sessions, when he's fucked you slow enough that you've calmed down a bit, he'll start up with your tail. and when he's gotten his fill of your begging for him to give it a break, he'll act sorry about that too. — as each stretch of your sex marathon comes to an end before you both pass out, he'll wind you both down by sitting you on his lap and having you cockwarming him while he smokes a cigar. you'll bury your face in his chest and start dozing off, worn out for the time being. john will use his free hand to trace his fingers up and down the curves and lines of your back, grinning to himself when you let you little whimpers whenever you move. "finally getting tired, hm? gonna wake us both back up if you keep moving like that, sweetheart."
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117luv · 10 months
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my captain
synopsis: as jake smelled the amortentia, he was hit by a familiar scent of strawberry and vanilla, which awfully resembles the perfume of his best friend, yn.
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, oneshot
warnings: nothing except profanities
pairing: hufflepuff!jake x ravenclaw!reader (fem)
word count: 1.8k
a/n: hi darlings! its been almost three weeks since my last update for my hee smau but honestly i have no creative juice atm to update so i'm releasing this one! i been reading and watching hp again so i wrote this one in a whim and i hope you enjoy this! love ya <3 !!!
Jake walked through his potions class. Professor Slughorn started to discuss how to create Amortentia, a potion that was said to be the most powerful love potion. You could also know the person to whom you are most attracted by taking a whiff.
One thing he did know was that he wished for this class to end. His quidditch team had been practicing for weeks for the upcoming match against Slytherin, and as captain, he exerted himself to the fullest. As his eyes tried to keep themselves awake, he told himself that a short nap sounded so much better than being in this class, and Potions is his favorite class, which tells something.
He finished making the potion, and now it's time to finally take a sniff of it. As he placed his nose near the potion, he got the scent of strawberry and vanilla. He hadn't processed the scent yet, but it smelled familiar, which greatly confused him. Professor Slughorn dismissed the class, and he walked to the library as he processed the scent he got from the potion.
He bumped into someone as he walked towards the library, and it was Yn. She had her hair in a braid, which he found very pretty. She apologized and quickly saw that it was Jake she bumped into. "Oh, it's you. Nice to see you, Jake. I apologize for bumping into you. Although it seems you're in a trance, how's the quidditch practice going?," she said. "Hi, it's going well. Thank you for asking," he said while scratching his neck. "Well, that's good to hear, but also don't forget to rest and take proper meals. You won't be at your full potential once the match comes," she said while waving goodbye to the captain.
This is when it hit him that the familiar scent was from his best friend, Yn. It was her favorite vanilla and strawberry perfume, which she had used since her first year. This newly found discovery led him to realize that he is utterly in love with her and doesn't know how to approach this situation. One thing is for sure, and that's he's fucked.
Jay noticed that Jake had been staring off into space rather than studying. He quickly snapped his fingers in front of Jake, which made the boy come back to his senses. "Something is up; you rarely stare off cause that's more of Sunghoon's thing," which earned the boy a smack in the arm from his other friend who was sitting beside Jay. "Jay is right, you've been like this after Potions class. What happened during that class?," Sunghoon said. "I just realized that I'm in love with Yn," he said to his best friends, who were looking at each other as if this revelation was nothing new. "Okay, tell us something that isn't obvious," Jay said. This left the boy surprised that his friends weren't shocked by his infatuation with the girl. "How come you know it? Am I that obvious?," he asked them. "It doesn't take a genius to know you are in love with her," Sunghoon said, while Jay continued, "The way your eyes lit up while talking to her or how jealous you get when a student tries to make any move toward her. Jake, we can read you like a book," he told the boy in front of him.
There is one fear that Jake had if he were to confess his feelings towards her, and that would be ruining the five years of friendship between them. He can't imagine how he will cope with losing a best friend like her over his feelings. He just can't risk losing her. He expressed this concern to the two boys in front of him: "I don't know if I want to hex you right now or not because I will lose my hair over how oblivious you are to her actions whenever you two are together. It's clear that she likes you back," Jay said while looking visibly defeated by his friend. "Also, it's only two years before we leave Hogwarts, so if I were you, confess now or hurt yourself by seeing her with another man," Sunghoon added as Jake ruffled his hair in frustration. He has decided that today will be the day that he confesses his true feelings.
At the same time, Yn went back to her common room to ease her mind. She had been studying all weekend for her Defense Against the Dark Arts test, which will make up half of her grade this semester. Her mind went back to the talk she had with her friend, Violet. It was about love, most specifically the person they fancied. It was clear to her that she liked Jake — for five years, to be exact.
This goes back to their first years, when they were boarding the train, and she didn't find any empty cabins except for one that already had a black-haired boy sitting in it. "May I sit here? Every cabin is full already," she asked as the boy nodded. The train ride was silent, but she was determined to make friends at her new school. She quickly learned his name was Jake, and he was half-blood. Going off the train, the first years were sorted, in which she was sorted in Ravenclaw while her new friend was sorted in Hufflepuff. Despite being in different houses, their friendship only grew stronger as the years passed. It then hit her that she was in love with the smart, funny, and kind Hufflepuff boy whom she met on the train.
Her owl flew into the room as she dropped a letter with a seal that had "JK" on it. It was from Jake, and he had written her a letter to meet him at Hogsmeade as he wanted to talk to her. She quickly got changed and headed towards the meet-up place with a nervous heart.
Jake was 5 minutes earlier than Yn, and the air felt different the moment he saw her. She was so beautiful that he could get lost in her eyes. "Jake, what is the thing you wanted to talk about?," she said, which broke his trance. "Oh, about that. I want to tell you something." As he spoke while trying to avoid eye contact with her. She felt nervous as she waited for the words that would come out of his mouth; he had never asked her to talk with him alone. If she learns that her best friend is utterly in love with someone, she would rather turn into a water droplet than hear that come out of his mouth. "The thing is, I like you. No, that's not it. I'm utterly in love with you, Yn. I've wanted to tell you about this but I wasn't too sure with my feelings, but Jay and Sunghoon pushed me to tell you my true feelings before it will eat me alive," he spoke while finally looking at her directly.
She was left speechless. The boy with whom she is in love just confessed to her. Many things are running through her mind now that she hasn't spoken to the boy for 3 minutes straight. He started to feel that confessing his feelings wasn't the right choice, and now he will lose his best friend. "I will go now. I don't need to know what your answer is cause it's obvious by your reaction," he said as he stood up. But he was quickly pulled by her, and she kissed him, after which he kissed her back. The kiss was full of love, and Jake was the first to pull away. He looked at her flushed face as she tried to look at him. "You didn't gave me a chance to reply. I was speechless, you idiot. To answer you back, I like you too. No, I'm in love with you and have always been. I love you, Jake," she said while lovingly caressing his cheeks. He connected their foreheads as the biggest grin appeared in his face.
Jake came back to the dorm smiling from ear to ear, which made Sunghoon ask him about what happened between them. "She likes me back. The girl I love, loves me back. She will also cheer for me during our match against Slytherin," he said as he rambles about you, which earned an annoyed face from Sunghoon, but deep down, he is happy that Jake is happy and with the woman he loves. Unbeknownst to Jake, she was also gushing towards Violet about everything that went down in Hogsmeade. This is the happiest day for the both of them.
Jake was nervous, but it all dissolved when he saw his girlfriend in the Ravenclaw stands. This was his year as captain, so he felt a great responsibility to win the house cup for their team. As the team went to their places, Madam Hooch gave a blast from her whistle. Soon after, the brooms went off in different directions. The Slytherin team scored the first point as their chaser, Heeseung, shot a fast ball. The game was intense, as the teams scores were 90 to 80, with Hufflepuff leading by 10 points. It was Jake's turn to catch the golden snitch, which would grant them the house cup. As the Slytherin's seeker was approaching the snitch, he quickly passed through him and caught the snitch. Loud cheers from the Hufflepuff stands erupted as Madam Hooch announced the Hufflepuff team's victory.
As he looked through the stands, he saw Yn with the widest smile on her face. He quickly made his way towards her and went down to her stand. "Congratulations, My Captain; I'm proud of you," she said as she gave him a kiss in front of everyone. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students cheered loudly as you two shared an intimate moment. "I would not have done it without my lucky charm, aka you," he said while hugging her tightly by the waist.
As they returned to the hall, he stopped in his tracks and made her face him as she tried to read his expression. "You wanna know what I smelled when we made the Amortentia?," he finally spoke as he continued, "I smell your vanilla and strawberry perfume, which you've been using since our first year," as she smiled while looking at him. She held his face and smothered it with kisses.
"I love you, My Captain," she said while looking at him. She quietly sneaked him to the Ravenclaw's common room, where she quickly pulled him towards her room. They lay down on her bed, and he snaked his arms around her waist while nuzzling into her neck, which smells like her perfume. The two dozed off into dreamland while holding each other. The captain with his lucky charm.
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absolutebl · 4 months
This Week in BL - It's 2024 & I'm talking about TayNew... really?
(They pretty much told us all to sit down and shut tf up, 'cause they got this. AND THEY DO.)
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2024 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 9 of 12 - I broke. In my defense, it was Monday, I needed comfort, and TayNew were right tf there. Ya know what? They are great in this show. It's a great adaptation. I might like it more than the JBL live action. You know why? Really, honestly WHY...?
That was a PHENOMENAL KISS. Those boys did Thailand fucking proud. They did fandom a solid. Thank you OGs for reminding us how it's done. I was getting used to SloppyHot. And SloppyHot has its place, but that TayNew rooftop kiss was a top tear class act. It was tender and sweet and respectful and joyful. It was eye work and breath work and years of practice. How very far BL has come while still staying so much the same. TayNew - I salute you!
(Read all about distribution issues here.)
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 12fin - we waiting, I guess? Bah.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 11 of 12 - The recipe book thing was so damn cute and I love a claiming. YOU KNOW I LOVE A CLAIMING!
In fact, I love OffGun.
I love food based BL.
I adored seeing a reboot of "the infamous dragging". 
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But I don’t love anything else about this show. Sigh.
1000 Years Old ep 1 of 12 - Finally we get our gay vampire BL from Feel Good Bangkok. Stars Shane (My Engineer) and fresh face Opal, directed by Champ (2gether). It’s kind of odd but enjoyable. A group of teen UFO seekers find a vampire instead. Opal looks a bit like a mix between Newnu + Leo (VIXX) - so cute + edge. Also, nice to see Shane again on our screens after so long. 
Finally, I like the subtle (and sometimes not subtle) presence of ghosts permeating this show. Do the friends know she's there? Do they know she's dead? Is the existence of paranormal accepted but not that of aliens? Or are the two combined? Is this lazy writing or just fun world building? Who cares! It's enjoyable.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 12fin - the nail painting bit was very cutie queers and I've not seen it done in BL before, so that was nice. For some reason captions never dropped for me on this last episode, but it didn’t really matter. Not much happened and I understood everything anyway.
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Quick pitch?
From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night based on a y-novel, about a young man nursing a heartbreak who has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. This turned out to be a pulp that wasn’t half as good as it should have been and even less memorable, but not terrible. 5/10 DON'T BOTHER unless you're v bored
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 12 - Oh it is such a pulp: the acting is not good and the script is terrible. Of course, I’m mildly enjoying it. Very good dream kissing. There's something appealing about these main characters - I think it's the moot crushes. We rarely get to see that. These days everything feels very one sided, this... isn't.
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A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV) - Khonprot, a third-year hazer of the engineering faculty, has a secret crush on Pluem, a tsundere fourth-year head hazer. Over the years, he's seen Pluem cycle through girlfriends. Recently, after a public breakup, however, Khonprot thinks maybe a boy has a chance.
I tried but I can't get into my WeTV account anymore and I'm way too lazy to figure it out. I'll catch it grey if I can, since I've rebooted the bootlegging side of my BL life for Cherry Magic anyway.
So this show may stay in this section, or I may bump it down to "it's airing but..."
If anyone is watching it, let me know if it's good?
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love For Love's Sake (Korea Weds iQIYI) 7-8fin - Ugh it was GREAT, despite some pretty telling flaws. I ended up feeling like some of the filming was amateurish (very overworked low angles - director's first feature, I assume), and the narrative is a little disjoined and on the nose, AND the subs are clumsy (which I don't expect from KBL) BUT I still loved it. (FYI - I wouldn't be so harsh on a BL for this kinda thing except one from Korea.)
Quick pitch:
This isekai-based KBL is about a man who must win a game by convincing a reserved teen outcast to fall in love with him. Of course, that teen represents himself and his own unhappiness. Like many queer narratives, this show is actually about self worth, trust, and found family, and it is VERY on the nose. But I don’t expect subtlety from my BL and I enjoyed it's truly lovely redemption arc and earnest performances. While I found the narrative a touch disjointed with overworked filming angles and poorer than average captions, this is certainly much better than early KBL in terms of consistency of tone, script, and immersion. Highly rewatchable and charming, which counts for a lot. 9/10
Trigger warning for suicide depicted.
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Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 6 - Gosh, it’s so lovely. But I do just constantly want to give them both hugs. 
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - Oh look, Taiwan has created yet another BL where I spend most of the time watching it grinning like an idiot. Surprise surprise. The pet name thing was fucking adorable. Also Taiwan once more proving they come by their "kings of kissing" title honestly. I mean to say. In a week of good kisses this one was just... WOW.
On the other hand, some of the underpinning themes are starting to v worry me (ownership, consent, age), and we only just got started, and I don't trust this production company so... I have concerns.
But also... YAY KISSES!
(I'm made of weak moral fiber.)
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - Like many other shows on this list. I just enjoy it the most when the two leads are on screen together. So this episode was kind of lacking because they were apart for most of it. I also am starting to agree with the tone of the plot, that maybe they ARE better off as friends not lovers. (And I'm sure I'm not supposed to want that.) Oh Japan, must you?
My Strawberry Film (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 8 - Oh it’s good. In the arthouse lane so don’t expect sweetness & light or an HEA. If there’s no cartoon aspect to a JBL, there’s usually no joy. But it is certainly good. Teens uncover some old film and a mystery around a pretty girl. The background music is wildly annoying (and rarely in the background). 
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It's Done
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam, it's on YouTube. I will give it a try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) - Gave me Luminous Solution vibes have decided not to watch.
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It's Airing But...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - rumors are it's interesting. I'm waiting to know how it ends.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2/24 Unknown (Taiwan Youku) 12 eps - Older brother tough guy breadwinner looks after his sister and defacto adopted little brother. Little bother falls in love with him and is sent away after a stolen kiss. But when he comes back…
Sam Lin has a cameo so even if I wasn't already excited, I'm in. We should be on our guard though, Taiwan will occasionally go edgy, dark, and sad... this could go there.
One assumes GMMTV is filling in the BL time slot with something queer on their YT Channel after Cooking Crush ends, they gonna lose subs if they don't. But I've not been paying attention to the chatter so I don't know which of their line-up it will be. I think G4 are filming/off radar now, and Earth is in that het noona thing? Plus they gotta sort out the IP for MIx-Up and Ossen. So it won't be one of the announced adaptations. They'll hold My Golden Blood for the high season, so I think it'll be one of the lesser known lead-outs. Wandee or Only Boo maybe? But they only just started filming those. Are we getting our long awaited GL? Anything else left from 2023 that I forgot about?
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Two crawling kisses from Thailand this week. Now this is a fetish I didn't know I had. Turns out, we love this one! (*waves hand in air* I speak for all of us now.)
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Cooking Crush
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City of Stars
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Possibly the best tsundere to cinnamon roll pivot we've had in a long time.
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Also the best asshole to KING pivot. Could we have a whole drama staring this character now? Please?
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And finally our sunshine learning to love himself.
SIGH. what a lovely show.
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And a good SMILEY kiss from a KBL.
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And then some cute cuddles? Korea is spoiling me these days. I'm catching expectations now. What's next? Japan learns to kiss in their light BLs? Ha! I kill me.
(All Love for Love's Sake).
(Last week)
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lumibuns-blog · 11 months
Gojo is my life
Same bed trope with Gojo (fluffy)
I don't proof read anything so I apologize for my terrible spelling
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Gojo didn't know wether he wanted kiss or kill Ijichi for screwing up the hotel booking and booking only one room with one bed in a sold out hotel.
He was standing there next to you, both of you were speechless, just standing in place as you realize there was no backing out of this situation.
"Taking me to hotel? Wouldn't your house been a bit nicer?" He joked trying to cover up his nerves.
"Very funny" you respond "but seriously what are we going to do about this?"
"Well I obviously did the most work on the mission so far, so there for I deserve the-"
"Alright yeah you can take the bed just give me a blanket for the floor" you say cutting him off
Your friend was disheartened, he had hoped he would try and coax you into sharing the bed, but you were to nice to go against his attitude.
He sat disappointed on the bed while you changed and washed your face (he faced the opposite way to make sure he didn't see anything that would fluster him)
When you both got settled in, you could barely sleep, it was obviously uncomfortable on the floor and Gojo's tossing and turning was helping
'Is he trying to rub it in?' you think
Little did you know Gojo couldn't sleep either because he was too worried about you being uncomfortable to relax.
About an hour passed before he couldn't take it anymore and he turned to lean his head off the bed down towards you.
"Psssst hey are you asleep?" He whisper yells
You begin to sit up "well I'm trying to but-"
You suddenly realize you are face to face with him, you lips so close they could almost be touching, his eyes seemed to glow even in the dark with that mischievous twinkle.
"Oh-I um sorry" you stuttered, turning away
"It's ok, um...don't worry about it" he responded trying to play it off. "if you can't sleep the bed is big enough for the both of us and some room so you can join if ya want, I promise I wont try anything funny" he chuckles
You were half asleep and in a stupor from your last interaction with him already so surprisingly you agreed and he scooted over to make room for you.
"Night" you whisper facing away from him
"Yeah night" he sighs wishing he didn't have to sleep back to back
Within minutes Gojo finally passes out, letting himself go spread eagle with one arm and one leg flopped haphazardly on top of you. You're annoyed but also a little amused he fell asleep so quickly.
You turn over to face him and are met with the most peaceful version of your friend you've ever seen, his pretty eye lashes gently closed and his mouth open with just a bit of drool on his chin. With that image firmly burned into your memory you finally go to sleep.
Gojo wakes up at about 5:00 AM because of a certain weight on his chest. His eyes open to see that in your sleep you had grabbed onto his shirt and pulled your face right into the crook of his neck while snuggling the rest of your body on his side.
The man who always has so much to say is left speechless, he didn't ever realize his arm was curling to protectively hold you against him, he had never felt so at peace, never been held into like he was the only thing in the world. He never wanted to let you go, wanted this feeling to last forever. He relaxed into the best sleep he's had in his whole life.
You woke up in the same position Gojo had found you in, completely flustered you try to move but his arms keep you in place. All you can do is helplessly look at that handsome face
You feel him stir and watch as his eyes flutter open, for what feels like an eternity you just look at each other, blushing.
"I guess I'll need to thank Ijichi" he smirks before grabbing both sides of your face to pull you in for a long awaited kiss.
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1-ker0sene-1 · 5 months
❤️❤️ah, I didn't want to dump requests into your inbox in case it came off as "cater more to ME" but if you do take requests.. I've been struggling with serious fatigue and migraines lately (Dr and I have no idea what's causing it) so I've had a hard time dragging myself out of bed and taking care of myself. Which of the cod boys do you think would find ways to help? I think Simon would be gentle but absolute in his caretaking. I bet he would hold me upright in the shower, whereas Gaz would share a bubble bath and order takeout :')
{I hope you get some answers soon anon! And don't be worried about sending requests! I love getting them ♥️}
Personally, I think each of the 141 would have similar yet subtly different approaches.
John is a worrier. Always has been. The man exudes stress when it comes to the ones he loves, especially when they're in pain. He'll bundle you up in some blankets, carry you to the couch and turn down the lights. Letting you rest comfortably.
Without taking his eyes off you, he's probably in the kitchen talking to your doctor on the phone. He wants to know how to help you, not having answers frustrates him.
The rest of the time is about you. He'll get you some migraine medication. He's definitely making you eat a lot of fruit because he read somewhere it helps with headaches. He doesn't want to toss you around, just trying to keep you comfortable.
He also will not tolerate if you feel guilty about being so exhausted.
"You just don't feel good love.. don't you worry about a thing. Just let me take care of you. It's what you deserve."
Kyle, dear Lord, will take such good care of you. Like it's second nature. From the moment you wake up, you're held close in his arms. As soon as you stir in pain he'll ask what's going on, pressing kisses to your skin.
You're gonna be pampered the entire day. The room is only lit by some candles, he'll carry you from bed to a warm bath. Stripping down and joining you as well. You won't have to lift a finger, not that he'll let you anyways- definitely not an excuse to wash and play with your hair.
He'll wave you off anytime you say that you feel like you're burdening him.
"You know I like takin' care of you anyways"
He might leave to go get you medicine real quick, probably sits in the tea aisle as well- trying to find something that helps with migraines.
Johnny, the sweet bastard, kinda takes this to have a lazy day with you. If anyone, he's the one ordering take out with you. Arms wrapped around your waist, kissing on your stomach and snuggling into you.
"my poor wee lass.."
Cooing and doting after you. You aren't getting up even if you want to. He's pulling you right back in bed, whining to not over exert yourself.
"You tell me what you need hen."
And you somewhat have to, he doesn't really know exactly what to do. But he'll do anything you ask of him. Get your medication, get you some water, practically spoon feeds you. Opens the windows to get you some fresh air. If you're cold, well he's right there to warm you up.
Simon is more of a watch dog. At your side constantly. If you want up and around, he won't stop you. But the moment you look too exhausted, or wince from your migraine? You're getting scooped up and taken back to bed. He just wants what's best for you.
Anon is right about the shower. He'll hold you up against him, lips pressed to your forehead. Supporting you against his body, mumbling sweet words into your skin as he washes you up. Swaying the both of you slightly together with a deep rumbling hum.
"I'm right here doll.. I'm not leaving ya.."
He mutters. Simon can sometimes be a hard ass, even in your relationship. But when you're hurting like this? He can't have a mean bone in his body. Every little thing you do, you're getting so much praise for it. He knows how tired you are, you're doing so well.
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ddollfface · 5 months
God, I love golden retriever men so much.
*Intensely staring at my fav athlete*
Now, that I have a brainrot~
1. Our lovely Athlete with a nerd darling.
- This would be funny. It is giving black cat × golden retriever. So hard.
- Darling has anemia? She's used to sitting around and reading? Can't walk too long to save her life? He's fucking carrying her everywhere.
- Can you imagine darling bringing a book about his sport (I don't know if you've mentioned what he plays) to the game and reading as they watch him play cuz they don't know crap about sports? He'd be so, "But you're supposed to be watching me." :Insert puppy eyes:
- He's isolating darling? Eh, Darling needs a 4 hour nap after every social gathering anyway.
Ok but-
2. Him with a nerd darling who's a childhood best friend, where darling has a childhood filled with emotional and physical abuse. (I'm finna design a whole ass character to ship him with. If you don't mind, of course.)
- This.
- Don't let me get started on this.
- They would be so power couple coded fr. (Darling knows Athlete is trying to manipulate her. Doesn't care as long as she's getting taken care of.)
- Darling is snarky with a S.
- Darling: "The cheerleader was flirting with you."
Athlete: "I know. :3"
Darling: "Go marry her."
Athlete: "But you're the love of my life. :("
Darling: "Oh, really? I could've sworn it was Cindy instead. Go to her, shoo."
Athlete: "No."
Darling: "Who's bestie are you?"
Athlete: "Yours."
Darling: "Exactly."
- Don't let this fool you, tho. He's def the dominant one in the relationship.
Athlete: "You're my baby :D."
Darling: "Mhmm. Don't say that infront of anyone else."
Athlete: "Why not?"
Darling: "I'll bite your head off, that's why."
(spoiler, he says it in front of everyone and darling does nothing but get shy.)
Darling: "Why would you say that?"
Athlete: "Becuz you're my baby?"
Darling: *cuddles closer to him.* *Whispering* "I'm his baby."
- 💗 anon (if I may) (also, he's my baby now, thank you. I'm keeping him in my head and heart.) (It's so late at night. I just keep thinking about this 😭 and I can't put my thoughts into proper words rn, bear with me on this)
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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Trigger Warnings; yandere behaviors, possessive behavior, talk about trauma bonding (both reader and yandere or mentally ill), yandere masking, bad writing, and me rambling (I'm so sorry 💗Nonny lol) If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ I offically declare you 💗Nonny!! And I don't mind you coming up with your own interpertations of reader and LoveSick!Athlete! Just share 'em! Also, I may or may not have gone on a tiny, just tiny, tangent, so sorry 💗Nonny... Feel free to submit more asks if 'ya want
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LoveSick!Athlete can really mold and mend well with most personalities and darlings, this is due to his manipulative personality. A little off-topic, but he really has a hard time understanding who he is because he's always pretending to be what others deem "acceptable". This causes him to have a multitude of identity crises, but when his darling, you, comes into the picture, it makes it easier for him to find himself. He feels like he's the real him whenever he's with you. You just feel so natural, he feels natural, too. It's just right.
And for that reason, I think LoveSick!Athlete would go really well with a childhood!reader, seeing as she's been with him since they were young. And, I'm not too sure if you've read my Yan!Alphabet for him, but I mention LoveSick!Athlete's childhood; let's just say it wasn't the best situation for a kid.
LoveSick!Athlete would feel a special bond with his darling now, seeing as they've been together threw thick and thin. He's trama bounded to you, and you to him. We'll run off the assumption that reader has also had a bad childhood, whether it be an absent parent, abusive sibling/family member/or parent, whatever it is allows you to feel a connection to LoveSick!Athlete, seeing as you have a mutual situation. You both have something to bond over, something that locks you together.
He has a bad home environment, you have a bad home environment. He doesn't feel at home, so you become his home, and he to you.
And I like to run on the assumption that reader is all talk, no bite. And if you've read any of my writing where the reader talks, you'll see that I prefer to write reader as more "real" (to me anyway) because I'm personally not the hugest fan of the "helpless" reader. I like to write a darling who has a mouth, someone who's bratty (but that's 'cause I'm a brat lol).
Anyway, I'm getting off-topic, back to LoveSick!Athlete.
To your idea about a snarky reader, I totally agree. Honestly, LoveSick!Athlete would eat that shit up, no joke. He would love it, as he enjoys the back-and-forth between you two. He loves to press your buttons, wanting to see what sarcastic reply you have ready for him.
The thing is, he knows your just talking shit, never willing to actually do anything. You just run your mouth, and he lets you, but whenever you step outta line, sometimes, he's gotta put you back. Though, you'll never think of it like that. No, no, he's too sweet for that. He's gotta keep that golden retriever vibe going, y'know?
He just swat you on the ass, telling you that you got such a dirty mouth, mamas? I thought you were my little princess, no? Girls with a face like yours shouldn't be speakin' that like-
He'll just move on, as if he didn't just grope your butt, nope, not at all. And you'll be standing there awestruck, face red, and biting your tongue as you try to not overheat in embarrassment!!
It never ceases to entertain him, watching your face widen with surprise whenever he refers to you as his girl, his cute little girlfriend. The way your face heats up when he wraps his strong arm around your waist, putting his cap on your head (a silent sign of possession over you, trying to get the guy in the back to keep his eyes to himself, but you don't need to know that ;)).
In your little monologue, you go over some cheerleader girl (named Cindy??). Though I would agree that chicks (and some dudes) practically flock around LoveSick!Athlete, I would say that he doesn't even pay them any mind, not even entertaining the thought. Don't get me wrong, he'll talk to them, but make it painstakingly clear that he's only got one girl on his mind, you.
Most of the time, the girl will just find it endearing, slapping his shoulder, and telling him that he'd make a great husband or some shit like that. Of course, the chicks joking, making some nice comments to leave the, now awkward, conversation, but LoveSick!Athlete will take it to heart. Now, he's imagining a pretty ring on your finger, something he paid for, he got you. Because he'd be such a good provider for you, don't you know?
Another thought, 'cause I'm on a role, but I'm not sure if I've directly said this or not, but LoveSick!Athlete is a hockey player. I've tried putting strickly hockey photos on all my posts (you should see my Pinterest feed, it's filled with hot guys lolol).
Hockey is an aggressive sport, I would know. I used to ice skate every day for an hour or two. And, trust me, I got to see a lot of hot guys, though I was always too nervous to say anything, that's beside the point.
I can imagine that reader would be the same, intimidated by these testastrone-filled, young men who just wanna get all sweaty and gross. And I prefer to think that reader also doesn't know how to skate, much to LoveSick!Athlete's enjoyment.
Just to torture you, he'll take you to his ice rink, partly wanting to show you off, and also wanting you to rely on him to move around. He won't even let you hold onto the side, nope, all you got is him, babes.
And anyone who's been to a rink before knows that if you're not on the wall, or smack in the middle of the rink, you're in traffic, especially if it's busy. And this means that you gotta go fast, keeping pace with everyone else. And there's always a handful of assholes (usually hockey players) who will purposefully do a hockey stop, flinging a shit tone of ice at newbies.
I imagine that this shit would happen all the time and LoveSick!Athete is enjoying it sm. He gets a rush every time you flinch, clinging onto him tighter, especially when the really fast skaters zoom by you, scaring the crap outta you.
And he won't let you go at your own pace, forcing you to follow his lead. This means you're going far too fast for comfort, leaning on him for support. You're arms wrapped around his bicep, which isn't recommended btw. Your cheek pressed against his arm, holding on for dear life.
You'll snap at him, telling him to shut up and stop enjoying this, you dork. I'm only clinging to 'cause I gotta!
And he'll just take it, giving you a lopsided smirk.
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peachesofteal · 10 months
oh the image of Simon holding Darling while Johnny holds Bee in the latest baby trap installment 🥹 I just want so much more of them just being there trying to support Darling while repenting for their mistakes, even when she fights them the whole way
Beautiful mushroom anon is referencing this.
The guys are so... annoying. Concerned. Loving. Doting. I hate them. I love them. I could write an entire fic of this angst/pining/let us help you mess. I want them showing up at every beck and call, every whim. Groveling. Crying. I want it all. (I will also probably write it all for disco baby because that's the one that's going to be a full fic.)
18+ MDNI / baby trap au / dark and mature themes
"I'm here, I've got ya." You murmur, patting Bee's back while you hold her over your shoulder, trying to bounce her just a bit, enough to get her to burp. The movements work fairly quickly, and then you're leaning back again, foot rest coming rising under your feet and tucking your giant fleece blanket up around your waist with one hand.
"Need help?" Johnny asks, and you shake your head.
"No." Be nicer, they're being super helpful. You can't help but eye him with suspicion while he smiles shyly at you, perched on the opposite end of the other couch in your living room, fingers tapping together with nervous energy.
"Do you want to try to eat some lunch?" Simon sits a tray down on the cushion beside you, a plate with a sandwich and your favorite fruits already sliced up, along with a peanut butter smoothie. He's deposited your water bottle, refilled, on the side table next to you, within arm's reach if you need it.
Bee coos with a sleepy smile, pressing her face to your chest and you blow out a breath. She's going to fall asleep on you, again.
You could give her to one of the guys...
No. Just because they come over here, and take care of you, and wait on you hand and foot, doesn't mean you forgive them.
You do not forgive them.
The peanut butter smoothie calls to you, it's perfect consistency, perfect taste something you haven't had in so long, since before you left them. You want a sip, or to just down the whole thing, you want-
A cough scrapes across the bottom of your lungs.
You turn your face away from Bee instinctively, but you're not strong enough right now to really hold her from your body, and your shoulders tense as you try to draw a breath. Fucking pneumonia. Fuck.
"Take-" you croak, and Simon reads it, scooping the baby from your arms before you start to shake with the effort of your wheezing. It makes you lightheaded, and dizzy, and your eyes blink slowly after the fit is over, trying to get your equilibrium right.
Suddenly, you're exhausted. All over again. It's frustrating, increasingly so, and your patience has run thin. It's overwhelming, and frightening, how you could have gotten this ill, and now- now you're crying.
"Oh, darling." Johnny whispers, and you shake your head.
"'m fine." you sob out a protest. Jesus Christ. You are pathetic. This is so embarrassing.
"I know ye are, I know." Neither of them move, waiting, holding their breath. They don't want to push you, don't want to encroach on your very established boundaries, so they'll wait, which is even more frustrating at times, because it feels like they're trying to draw you out, push you to your limit even if that's not what's happening. "Please, can... can I help? Do ye want to go lay down?" Johnny's inched closer now, close enough you can see the sparkling blue of his eyes, his sweet and concerned face that watches every movement you make.
The dark of your room sounds so nice, so much easier, and you nod miserably.
"Alright, come on. I've got ye." He coos, and then wraps an arm around you, plucking you from the couch like Simon plucked the baby from your arms. "Bee's right behind us." He assures, because he knows you'll flip out, and sure enough, you hear her sleepy babbles over his shoulder. "We're all just gon' have a bit of a rest, yeah?" Simon situates her in the bassinet in your room, while Johnny places you slowly onto your bed. He hovers, watching while you peel back the covers and snuggle yourself down into them, turning on your side until you can't see either of them.
The baby monitor is deposited on the pillow next to you, while Simon murmurs something about being just outside if you need them.
Whatever. You roll your eyes but something, something very small, very far away in your heart, echoes with a ping of gratitude, and you and Bee drift off for an afternoon nap.
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divinelolita · 7 months
i hate katy perry
lemme get theeeee biskit. chickon.(gonna need that bill headcanons or full fic baby i do not carreeeee)
sooooo imagine bill usually is on the bottom right?(weird to imagine ik) and at one point he asks reader if he can try topping for once like jus to give it a try for the next time and i can imagine he’s a lil nervous abt it ykyk😔
not stuttering much or anything he’s jus like ‘ay can i do wat u do🥹🙏🏾’ and readers prolly like ‘ion gaf’ and bill is prolly so happy n shi and when it’s time to get freaky asl bill is a tinyyy bit nervous but he jus does what reader does to him for like touching n shi(feelin his hips and waist up, marking him, whispering praise when they whimper etc etc) and i can imagine it’s also reader first time on the bottom too so he’s all sensitive n shit bro😇
and when it’s time for bill to do the thrust thrust 3000😈😈😈 reader is moaning whining and whimpering ALL over the place and so is bill like this is different bill is adoring how he’s never heard these sounds n shi from his bf and like the way he’s reacting with his body bru and bill probably can’t fucking stop💀💀 like maybe 4 or 5 rounds in he’s like ‘wait no no no one more time i promise it’s the last time this time’ like he’s ADDICTED. and prolly by the end he prolly gonna top for a whileeeee
i wanna listen to kesha bro
anyways this long ASF I LOVE YOU HONEY🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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contains nsfw themes; don't like don't read.
・He's fantasized about..topping you before.
・Really- he can’t stop thinking about it. He often finds himself daydreaming about all the different things he would do, the things he would say..
・He's tried to ask you before about the thought, but he'd get nervous and brush it off.
・Eventually he found the courage to ask you, gulping audibly as you sat infront of him with an almost concerned look.
"So uhm...so about uhm..I was wondering if I could...you know..top sometime? Just to try it out and.. "
・He trails off, sheepishly looking at you. He watches your eyebrow quirk up slightly and he exhales slowly, he's scared for what you'll say and how you'll react and-
"I don't care."
・When the time comes he feels a bit nervous and slightly worried but just decides to go with what his mind tells him to do..which is almost everything you'd do to him.
・He'd be gentle at first, kissing down your jawline as his hands trail down to grab your waist, listening to the breathy moans you make as you lean your head back into the pillow.
・His hands would lightly grab your legs as he peppered kisses all over your inner thighs, savouring the whimpers you'd let out.
・He'd whisper sweet nothings while slowly pushing in (ew) , shushing you lightly as you hissed in pain, eyes squeezed shut as tears threatened to overflow.
・He'd stay put, waiting for you to adjust to the new sensation. He gently nibbled your neck and wiped your tears with the back of his thumb.
・Whatever headspace he's in, there's no backing out now.
・As soon as you say he can move, he moves in and out, going at a steady pace that has you whimpering, desperately clinging to the bedsheets and occasionally scratching his back.
・Listening to your noises you make, he feels so zealous.
・He's never heard you make these kinds of noises before; the fact HE can make YOU sound like this??? He's over the moon.
"See? You're doing so well, so good.."
・Can't help but let out a few soft groans and moans as he continues, you just feel so good.
・He doesn't wanna stop, he wants to take advantage of this situation.
"Wait..just one more yeah? Last time I promise.."
"..you said that two rounds ago."
・Two rounds turns into three, three turns into four, four turns into five....
・You've never felt so sore yet complete in your life.
"Can I stay on top for now?"
"...sure. Why not?"
・He's actually so happy like wtf 😭
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Hang Up Raphael, I'm gonna get to know him better ♱♡‿♡♰ (Christmas Miracle L-Card PROLOGUE Spoilers I)
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Hi hi once again lovelies, it is I your admin <;3 (i really need a name for you all to call me huh) Anyways, We're on to Raphael and I took way too many screencaps for this so I had to like pick and choose which ones I'm gonna use lol there were SO many good moments not to highlight. So just so you know, the beginning of it literally starts the same way as Michael's prologue with Minhyeok making a wish, us seeing his brother yadda ya (hmmm and here I thought it would be slightly different I guess not) And after that we're gonna dive right the fuck in. As per usual this is a two-parter, get yourself a snack and let's gooo ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨
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So our MC was invited to Avisos in this story to celebrate x-mas but it's very different from what they're used to. Samba, festival clothing, parades, etc. Avisos be gettin' down I swear. But MC is over here like "the samba has nothing to do with-" Let them party. It's fine. Everyone celebrates differently and the Avisos citizens wanna shake their ass to some feel good music.
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Naberius coming in to call them out on their thoughts, here is when I find out he can technically read minds so I'm gonna have to be careful around him...cause does that happen automatically or does he just do that when he feels like it?
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I think it's cute he's feeding MC btw, but MC being guilty about what they said makes sense because it's like telling someone when you go over their house you don't like how they do something. Because you could...just wait until you get home or something don't tell me that while you're here lmao
So in this scene Naberius explains that he had the turkey cooked and made just because he knew humans ate two types of meat (really three if you feel) during christmas and wanted to make MC comfortable. It also sounds good as fuck because sauce was dripping down MC's chin.
But Naberius was treating it more like a chore than what a lover would, so this has me headcanon that Naberius is possibly part of the ace (asexual) family! now I'm unsure if he'd be demi, gray, or just full on ace but regardless, he's being cute feeding MC like this.
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Our troublesome two...it's literally like watching two brothers fight and it's funny to me. Like Amon please don't take Stolas' juice T^T it was literally in his hand when he took it lmao
Also that sounds good too because it was fresh from a fruit bowl....my diet would be terrible in Avisos they eat so much and so many good foods ;.; (my ibs would probably kick my ass too)
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So while Amon and Stolas are squabbling, Naberius is just like chiding them as per usual and MC asks where Bael is. He's working (poor bby let him REST) and this is when Naberius says that Amon and Stolas should be working too and only he was asked to look over MC during the festivities and that they usually have to patrol around because things get crazy lol
Stolas ofc is like yeah who the fuck cares we don't get to celebrate anyway so I'm taking this time to do so xD
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He also adds that he's usually not outside during this time anyway because ppl annoy him with their happiness. (omfg Stolas is me on most days like why are all you outside? There's too many fucking ppl outside, go back to your own houses while I do grocery shopping then you can come back out)
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Amon chimes in that Stolas likes staying in his dark room and how mature that is despite how he looks. Stolas gets really offended and threatens to kill him (that's on brand for our bird bby, he's so adorable)
ANYWAYS what Amon really does like to bring up that Stolas looks so young and honestly it's just like...I can see why he would be irriated about that coming up each time.
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Amon ignores him of course and says he wants to make memories with MC (he's so fucking cute omfg) and Naberius whacks him on the head to remind him that he has work to do and he can't just be doing whatever.
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AMON YOU CUTIE LOVE YOU <3333333 He's adorable, like I'd hang out with him all day if he wanted me to. (I also can imagine that since he gets flirty in the beel event, he'd probably feel comfortable enough to do a l o t more flirting when it's MC/you with him)
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So Naberius brings in some lore about Avisos, bascially stating that they always need to celebrate something and there's no real reason for them to do so. As I stated before, this country loves to fucking party like I swear there was always something going on. He did bring up that he's slightly glad it's chilled out since the war (must of been that bad if a war makes him happy they stopped)
And MC is just like oh do you guys believe in Santa then or no?
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And then our sexy sexy Beel boo enters the chat
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He's so hot for this, thank you for bringing me gifts bby <3
So naturally all of his nobles are happy to see him, Amon especially and he brought them gifts!!!
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He basically brought everyone back souvenirs from the places he's been. That's so thoughtful because he took time to think about what each person would like. This is also something I do when getting gifts for ppl and every day they reveal more about Beel it makes me be like "yup that's why I was paired with him"
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Now we get to see what he got MC and oh.....
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MC was just saying they were happy that they got to experience some adult items from Hell so they were grateful and would use it well, and while I love that response....
I would be creaming my pants already because I KNOW he bought that with the intention of MC using it with him and you know what....
I have immediate needs that need to be addressed and I'd let that be known.
But the topic of a christmas miracle starts being brought up again and Beel explains that there's always weird things happening in Hell around this time and well...he thinks it's best that you don't question it and just go with the flow
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See? Don't think about trivial things, just let your mind be free. Don't stress about the things you don't know for now.
While that goes against every fiber of my nuerospicy brain to not know what the fuck is going on and not freak out about the things I don't know....i'll just let him distract me with that d*ck
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And he's so cute he put his face all up in MCs and was like yeah we're going on a date later btw. After he was done delivering presents to the other citizens (he's getting the best bj known to man for this because what he got something for everyone?????)
BUT we are interrupted by some loud sounds...
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So it seems once again Raphael, just like Michael just fucking crashed into shit without any warning only the funniest thing about Raph is that he was fucking eating the food at the stalls LMAO
Mans got priorities.
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So we get some repeat lore about Raph, we got a little bit from the halloween event where it was Ppyong that explained how dangerous he was. And well from reading his comic he's literally as bloodthirsty as his seraph comrades...once he likes to play around and torment folks a bit. And if you're another angel that he does not like for any fucking reason yeah you're in the crossfire too. Raph's hands are rated E for everyone.
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Naberius is over here growling and challenging him and Raph with those big balls of his (hehehe) is basically being like yeah you sent for me so don't trip. But that's the thing I don't think anyone particularly called for him...though it does seem like there's a specific angel that likes bothering a specific country. Raph-Avisos, Gabe-Gehenna, and Mike-Tartaros.
And then from here he starts giving critiques on the fucking meat and the customer service of the stalls and I'm like Raph bby.....why are you doing this lmao He's such a true villian because totally coming in and taking the local's food and still not satisfied with it tracks.
But....it seems my lovely peeps that tumblr has alerted me that's all the photos I can add here so we'll end it! Meet me in the next post <3
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