#i don't throw shit like this around without proof
taesanluv3r · 19 days
youthful rebellion
han taesan x reader
reader and secret bf!taesan rebel against their strict parents :3 inspired by the dangerous mv! stealing a car, driving without a license, making-out (sort of, it's implied) gets pretty silly at the end...as expected from a fic by me LMAO lowercase intended. pls excuse any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors! enjoyyyy
wc: 2,279
"wanna do something crazy?"
han taesan and yn ln. two chaotic teens tied by the ropes of their suburban neighbourhood. born to be living and loving their youth- staying out till sunrise with their best-friends, going to parties and getting shit-faced- but forced to be home by their early curfews set by their strictly rule-driven parents. the list of dos and don'ts go beyond anyone's field of vision.
DO: study hard, get good grades, eat healthy foods and sleep early. DON'T: date, sleep around, drink, get home after 8pm...and definitely DO NOT even think about stealing your parents' car.
"depends what 'crazy' is..." yn replies to the boy on the other line of the phone-call. it was almost midnight, all the lights in the neighbourhood had been turned off and everyone was asleep. well, everyone except the two teenagers who, unlike everyone else, refused to retire into their beds. "like...sneak out and steal a car kind of crazy?" taesan's rebellious suggestion shocks her, a silent gasp escaping her mouth. she can hear him laugh, "what? too risky?"
yn moves from her bed to sit on her desk in front of her window. the window that was directly adjacent to his own one. "open your curtain, i wanna see you" she whispers, just in case her parents weren't as deaf as she thought. "mhm" taesan responds quickly before his face comes into view from the house across hers.
they share a smile, stupidly waving at each other. yn blushes when the boy blows her a flying kiss- something both their parents would yell at them for...but mom and dad never had to know, they could go about their secret relationship the way they have been for the past few months since they started dating. behind their backs, staying on the phone all night, and communicating from the window. they don't mind it in the slightest- i mean, how else were they supposed to do it? if they were out together in the day, it'd only be a matter of time before their strict parents figured it out and forbid them from ever seeing each other again. the pair won't lie though, sometimes they wish they could just...rebel.
"what's a pretty girl like you thinking so hard about right now, hm?'' yn could see his mouth move, but the sound only came from out her phone's speaker. "um...nothing" but taesan doesn't believe her for a second. "you can't seriously be considering the sneaking out thing i was talking about...can you?" she doesn't even need to answer. in fact, the fact that she didn't was proof alone that she was indeed thinking about it. the girl looks up to see her boyfriend, only to find him shuffling around his bedroom. her eyebrows furrowed, "what're you doing?" it's silent for a second, but she can see him throw on his sweater.
"come meet me by my garage, we'll take my dad's car"
the girl can't believe her ears, too stunned that she had accidentally zoned out for a moment, only to regain consciousness when she caught a glimpse of the boy waving his hand around at her from his window. "hello? darling, if you're not up for it we don't have-" he was cut off, "no! meet you in 5?" his toothy grin shined brightly, her own one just as pearly white.
it didn't take long for yn to successfully sneak out of her house. she had taken out the battery on the automatic lock about a year ago without her parents knowing, and as it turned out they were much deeper sleepers than she had thought. if she had known sneaking out were this easy, she probably would've done it way before this.
according to plan, the girl quietly walks over to the neighbouring home. she waits by the opened garage, the lights were still off and there was no sign of her boyfriend. 'hope he didn't get caught...' just as the thought crossed her mind, the squeak of a door, followed by soft footsteps enter her ears- and before long, appears her tall and pale, handsome boyfriend.
"hey" he says excitedly, though his voice is hushed and his breathing was heavy. "hi" she mumbles when he engulfs her into his arms. "sorry i took so long, my dad kept the keys on his bed-side table and i had to tip-toe around him...think his snores were loud enough to drown out the noise though" he laughs coming to the end of the sentence, as does she. "c'mon, we better go before it's too late"
as quiet as humanly possible, the pair made it into the car without creating a ruckus. "damn...okay" yn sighs, letting out the breath she didn't even know she was holding. "right...so..." it was silent all of a sudden, the teens staring blankly at the dashboard in front of them. taesan in the driver's seat just as clueless as yn in the passenger's. "so like...are you gonna drive or...?" the girl asks, her gaze moving from the inert wheel to the boy who had his hands wrapped around it. "um...well, i don't really have a license...but...it shouldn't be that hard right?"
normally, the girl would freak out and maybe start a fight but, for whatever reason, all she could bring herself to do right now was...laugh. he did as well, their hysterics muted by the walls of the car, hiding them from the ears of the neighbourhood. "i believe in you" yn says, pressing a motivational kiss to his cheek. taesan finds it ticklish, scrunching his nose at the feeling. "alright..." he begins, sticking in the key to start the car. the engine makes a roaring sound that the pair swears the whole world could probably hear. it gets their hearts racing, the adrenaline rush finally kicking in. "you ready?" he asks, looking for one last bit of reassurance from his girlfriend and his foot over the pedal as he adjusts his posture. she nods at him,
"let's get outta here"
with that, the boy begins to drive, silently making their way out of the garage and onto the road, headed out to the main street. he gets the hang of the steering wheel rather quickly, all their doubts and worries flying straight out the window as they accelerated out of their sleepy neighbourhood.
"oh my god...can't believe we did that" taesan says, looking back at the houses that got smaller and smaller behind them. yn laughs, "eyes on the road, babe" she reminds him, beginning to snoop through the glove compartment for something to put into the CD slot of the radio. "mj...more mj...nirvana...and...'dangerous youth'? what's that?" his girlfriend's question grabs taesan's attention as the car came to a halt at a red-light. "let me see" he says, grabbing the unfamiliar disc from her. "looks like one of my dad's old mixtapes...looks older than me!" the boy hands the thing back over to the girl, moving the car from parking mode as the light turned green.
"should we put it on?"
it takes a minute for the radio to read the disc, a slight buzzing sound entering their ears at it spun within the machine. it's silent for a moment, the orange-ish light of the music-player blinking the words: track 01. a sense of familiarity hit their spines as the first beat of the song played, followed by infamous lyrics that just about anyone could recognize.
'we don't need no education...'
"oh, pink floyd!" as expected from the boy's music-loving father, the band's hit song of the late 70s, Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2. the rebellious teens bounced their heads to an anthem that fit all too well with their actions right now, the boy's fingers tapping against the wheel and the girl playing an imaginary set of drums while they sang along to the tune.
"hey teacher! leave them kids alone!"
the pair drove for about an hour, not a clue where they were even headed. "there's a cliff around the edge of the street, wanna stop there?" taesan asked, turning to look at yn who was staring out the window. "mhm, we could watch the sunrise"
before long they had arrived by the cliff. the car parked beside the road, and the two of them sitting right beside each other on a small patch of grass. it was well into one o' clock in the morning at that point, the skies still dark and the stars bright as ever, decorating the space around the moon.
"the moon is so pretty, isn't it?" yn says, suddenly moved by the atmosphere. it was quiet and cold outside, the only other sound apart from the pair that stayed awake, was the wispy winds against the crispy leaves. "and it'll never lose it's beauty" her eyes turn away from the shining orb of light and over to his, who had been looking at her the whole time. their breaths are heavy, the beating of their hearts loud enough for the both of them to hear. "yn...can i kiss you?" his simple inquiry of consent was enough to melt all her insides. she looks at him with eyes that shined just as the moon did.
taesan wasted no time in pulling her close. her hands in his hair as his own travelled down to her waist. their lips found place in each other's just as quickly, leaving no room for air as their tongues danced a pas de deux within the caves of their mouths. yn tumbles forward, pushing his body down onto the grass, never separating from each other, like they've been starved for years before this.
"yn..." he says, his mouth free to speak when she moves over to his neck. the girl stops for a moment, sitting up straight to look him in the eyes again. the boy's mouth opens to continue, "i love you" she smiles, pulling him close again. "i..." she breathes heavily, kissing him more, "love..." their noses hit each other, and the thin hairs on their bodies create fiction; a ticklish feeling rumbling up in her belly.
"...love you too"
"you think they've noticed we're gone by now?" yn asks, fingers swirling around atop his abdomen, her head on his chest as they laid on the grass. "probably" taesan replies, yawning softly as his hands run through his girlfriend's hair. "think they'll never let us see each other again?" this time he giggles, the vibrations of which go straight to the side of her face. "totally"
yn pouts as she sits up, looking down at the smiling boy with a look of sadness. "aw, baby..." he teases, grabbing her hand to pull her back down towards him. "if they do that to us we'll just have to sneak out again, right?" she sighs, "i guess so...'' the couple falls silent as the pale sky turns orange. the bright sun began to rise, signaling the pair that just as the traces of last night started to disappear, so must their youthful rebellion.
"c'mon" the boy says, helping the girl up. the teens entered the car, a deja-vu sort of feeling coursing through their veins as memories of their midnight adventures flashed over their brains. yn yawns this time, reaching forward to grab her phone from the compartment below the radio. "ah!" she winces when the brightness of the screen shocks her sensitive eyes, taesan laughs at her before reaching for his own phone.
"yikes...thirty missed calls and a hundred and two messages..." she sighs, scrolling through the thousands of notifications from her parents last night. the boy beside her scoffs, "only thirty?" he asked exaggeratedly, earning a worried look in return. "try sixty missed calls and two hundred texts...!"
the couple shares a fit of laughter as they came up with about a million different scenarios for their parents' reaction to them returning home. "no, no! my mom would definitely cry!" she'd say, and he'd shake his head. "not as badly as my dad would!"
han taesan and yn ln quieted down, staring out the main window of the vehicle. "think we'll be grounded?" he asked, as if it weren't obvious. "probably" she replied. the pair turned to face each other, identical smiles placed against their lips. the girl leaned in, pulling him by the collar of his sweater to kiss him- and they continued to kiss for another fifteen or so minutes, until they both desperately needed to breathe again. she giggled, as did he, looking at each other happily as they spoke the same two words.
"worth it"
"you know, i thought when they said 'you two will pay for this!' they meant something a lot worse..." yn said, squeezing out the excess soap from her sponge. "yeah...thought they were gonna cage us in our rooms for the rest of our lives and board up our windows or something...but this? this isn't bad at all!" taesan follows, wiping a bit of sweat that dripped down his face. "in fact..." he says, moving to wrap his arms around the girl. "i quite like washing cars with you"
she giggles at his words, closing her eyes when he presses a kiss to her nose. "i quite like it too..." this time they kissed on the lips, the sponges dropped onto the floor, not at all phased by the foam-y soap that got all over their clothes.
"HEY! I SAID CLEAN THE CAR NOT KISS! THAT'S RIGHT, GET BACK TO WORK!" the boy's dad yells from the front door of their home, shocking the teens for a second before they broke out into laughter.
"tsk...those blasted kids"
the end.
AHHH dangerous is so so good and i love tht mv so so much :3!!! also i actually asked my dad on advice for song choices for tht part when they discover ts' dad's mixtape LMAOO he suggested pink floyd's song and then added tht if it were HIM stealing a car w his gf as a teen it'd be 21+ love songs 😭😭 dad PLS! anyways hope u enjoyed!! reblogs n feedback r so appreciated <3 love, kona.
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luveline · 1 year
Omg jade hii <3 I know it's not shy friday yet but can I request maybe eddie with a shy best friend who's secretly in love with him? 👉👈 up to you wether he notices or is oblivious. I love your fics sm thank u any way❤️
omg hii thank u for ur request, I guess it is shy friday now!! i hope u enjoy! fem!reader, 1k
Eddie grabs your hand as soon as he gets close enough, his delight to see you completely unshielded. "Holy shit!" he says, forgetting your hand to throw his arms over your shoulders. "I missed you so fucking much, never ever go on vacation again." 
"Eddie," you murmur reproachfully, though your arms have a mind of their own, wrapping around his back. 
"You're not allowed to leave me. I hate everybody who isn't you the longer you're gone, it makes me a bad person." 
Eddie steps back but keeps your shoulders in his hands. His eyes are soft and brown, but his excitement to see you has his pupils like pinpricks. His cheeks are quickly chapped in the cold wind blowing in through the doorway. 
"I bet it was warmer there, we're knee deep in winter now," he says. "You look like you had a good time." 
"It was good," you agree, sliding the bag of presents from your elbow to your wrist, assuming he'll want to see them most. 
He begged for gifts, in person before you went and down the phone while you were gone, landline calls he insisted on. I worry about you, I wanna make sure you're okay when I’m not there.
You got him everything you could afford, a magnet, a bottle opener, a key chain, a teddy bear with a flag around his neck. Basically a bag load of candy on top. 
"I really missed you, sweetheart," he says. "Not to be sincere or anything, but I fucking love you. Next time you go away I'm gonna have to come with you." 
You laugh nervously. "I love you too," you say, averting your gaze to his collar, black double stitching against his neck. 
"Are you hungry?" he asks. 
"No," you lie. You hate being an imposition on him, even knowing that Eddie will tell anyone willing to listen that you're his best friend. 
"Seriously? You were on a plane for hours, and you came straight to see me, let me buy you pizza or something, yeah?" 
You lick your lips and nod. Eddie lifts your face to his, and it genuinely feels like a heart attack, that sudden realisation he could kiss you if he wanted to, the proximity of his face to yours. Instantly, you're wondering if your breath is okay, if you have eye crusties, if you smell good. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, concerned.
"I'm alright, I'm just tired," you say. 
"You don't look tired, you look cagey. Sorry, I forget that you get all shy again when we don't see each other." He talks brazenly but not without sympathy, patting your shoulder. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
"Can we order something? I'm sick of being in motion."
Eddie throws his car keys like a longshot into the bowl on the sideboard by his front door. "Yes. Absolutely. I'm sick of moving too, and this is the first time I've stood up today." 
"I brushed my teeth before you came over," he says, bearing them garishly as proof. He talks through gritted teeth, "Pearly white, no?" 
"Looking good." 
He beams. Eddie wraps a hand around your wrist like the touch means nothing and tugs you along to the living room. He pushes you down into the seat you always take, tosses your usual blanket at you, and whizzes off to the kitchen for coke and popcorn. He has the sweet stuff in a bucket that he eats a handful at a time, the lid sealed. 
"New one?" you ask. 
"Waiting for my best girl to get home," he says easily, collapsing down into the seat next to you, dropping the remote on your chest. "Shit, I missed this." 
"You didn't watch TV while I was gone?" you ask, confused. 
"I watched TV, it just wasn't good without you in my ear judging people." 
"I don't judge people… much." 
"Everybody judges people. I love when you judge people 'cos you say what I'm thinking." Eddie drops his head into your shoulder, his curls brushing your cheek. "I missed you so much." 
"You said that," you say quietly, a little breathless. 
Eddie looks up at you, something playful about him as he says, "I know. It's fucking true as all hell, too. What do you want from Marino's? I'll get you two if you promise not to go away again." 
"What am I gonna do with two pizzas?" you ask, the warmth of him seeping down into your shirt. 
Eddie digs a nail into the popcorn lid, face turned to you but gaze on the bucket. "Uh, eat them. Eat one tonight, take one with you tomorrow for breakfast." 
"I don't want two pizzas, just one is good. I'm gonna eat all your popcorn anyway, I won't have room." 
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, eyes flying to your face. "You think so, huh?" 
Your heart in your mouth, a shudder coursing down your chest, you have a moment where you think for sure he knows, he's found out, and he doesn't care —he looks like he wants you to confess. 
What a fantastically dangerous idea. You avert your gaze and thrust your bag of gifts and candy into his arms. "You'll be too full for popcorn after those." 
You can feel his gaze on your cheek for a little while longer, but eventually he moves from your shoulders, laughing quietly as he digs through his new things. 
"You're so awesome," he says, pulling out the keychain you got him. It's an electric guitar with an enamel body the same colours as the flag. "I'm putting this on my keys right now." 
Eddie kisses your cheek. "Thank you," he adds.
He stands and rounds the couch to go get his keys. You feel your cheek with a trembling hand. Eddie kisses you, he hugs you, he has a thousand affections and all of them set you aflame. Sighing, you let your cheek drop into your hand. It's hopeless. 
He watches from the doorway as you sigh. His smile can't be described any other way —he's infatuated. The sooner you realise, the better, but for now he's really enjoying the run up. 
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midnightcinderella · 10 months
People who would suffer at NRC
Each dorm has at least one of these students and god help them. This is very self-indulgent and each trait applies to me. If you relate, then rip to the both of us.
No proof-reading, we rawdog this shit. Word count: ~1300 Notes: no gendered pronouns for reader. mentions of ADHD, depression, and anxiety. mentions of illness. no romantic relationships
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People with ADHD. Rip to us fr.
You'd forget at least a handful of rules a day, but it's really not your fault. Riddle better get off your case istg.
The ones who are more devoted to remaining productive make big colorful signs all over the damn place.
In their own rooms would be stuff like a box that says "keys and wallet go here" or a sign by the door with a checklist of what they need before they go, like homework or textbooks.
There are signs in common areas, too. They'll say stuff like curfew times or reminders of jobs that need to be done around the dorm.
There's always backlash if Riddle tries to take them down for being an eyesore because not only do they help ADHD students remember what needs to be done but students without ADHD, too. No sane person is gonna be thinking about feeding flamingos 24/7.
People with asthma. Place is dusty as shit. And hot. And humid at times.
I'm surprised the beastman students haven't taken any measure to seal off the inside of the dorm to prevent and from getting in. Guess everyone doesn't mind inhaling dust straight into their lungs.
Not to mention regular exercise is a dorm-wide tradition. Shoutout to my fellow mile walkers <3
If you have asthma and a dander/dust allergy, I'd just drop out tbh.
People who easily overheat/sweat. Double rip to us.
Get ready to go back and forth with your dormmates about smelling bad after sweating. It's a common occurrence. Someone sasses you, you sass back, and you're friends again 3 minutes later.
Everyone will think you're dying when you're dripping sweat after some stretches outside. No, you're not tired, you're just hot.
People who are bad at math/bad with money. Listen.
The dorm isn't full of people who are as business minded as Azul, but there are students that offer accounting help for a fee. Negotiate that fee for the love of god.
Thankfully, you won't be scammed out of house and home because:
(1) it's generally frowned upon to scam people within Octavinelle; you don't hurt one of your own. It's about loyalty.
(2) someone is likely to take pity on you and will throw you a bone, telling you about a huge sale or where to find good job opportunities.
People who are gullible. Once again, double rip.
And once again, thank the lucky stars that loyalty is such a big thing here so you might be tricked into doing someone's job for them like mopping the Lounge, but nothing that would hurt you too badly.
If a study partner tries to feed you false information for shiggles, that'll get shut down real quick by another student. If your grades go down, then the whole dorm goes with you.
Good thing that doesn't happen often, and Azul offers his study guides for a highly discounted price to his own.
People who don't do well with sudden changes in temperature. Man, listen.
Hellishly hot during the day and even more hellishly cold at night. Dante would be thrilled.
God forbid you have any athletic activities close to sunset because you'll have to shower off that sweat quick before you freeze to death.
If anyone has a problem with the sound of the hairdryer after sundown, they're just gonna have to deal with it or risk catching your inevitable cold.
Speaking of, if sudden changes in temperature make you sick, double rip. I know your pain.
Kalim may not be able to come see you in person, but if he finds out you're sick, he'll send meds and some warm food. If that food was made by Jamil, then you owe him one.
You don't wanna owe him one.
If you need to leave your room after sundown, you're going to do it wrapped up with a blanket over your head. If someone mistakes you for a ghoul, that's their own problem.
People with depression. Listen. Someone without depression could find it hard to keep such a strict regimen day in and day out; do not expect too much out of us.
If you think that means you're getting out of it, though, you'd be wrong.
Group accountability is a thing here. If you need help sticking to your routine, you're getting it. You can't refuse.
You're all going to be beautiful together, goddammit.
If that chronic fatigue be hittin ya, you might get a pass for a few steps of your routine. But if a particularly caring dormmate decides you have to do the full routine and straight up does it for you, lol.
Depending on how you view that sort of help, it might be really nice. Or maybe a little humiliating.
The dorm kitchen is only going to have healthy ready-made snacks. So if it's a day where you can't cook or go all the way to the cafeteria, that is what you're working with. Either that or you crawl your way over the the Shop for a candy bar.
People who struggle with technology. Yes there are young people who aren't great with technology. We exist. Mind your business.
No matter how many classes you take teaching you how to use MagExcel, it never sticks for long. Even if you pass the exams, all your knowledge leaves to go buy milk by the time the week is over.
You're gonna need to interrupt people's gaming sessions to ask for help. It may annoy them, but you're doing it anyway because you refuse the reinvent the wheel 12 times.
People who prefer paper over screens. Call me old fashioned but staring at screens all day Hurts My Eyes.
You'd get physical copies of your textbooks if you could, but those free pdfs your classmates pass around are too tempting to pass up. They're free, for god's sake.
You also might be limited to board games on game nights. They're not bad, but there's not a whole lot you can do with them. You're a wiz at Cards Against Reality tho.
Every so often Ignihyde has a dorm-wide game night where everyone sits around in the common room with their headphones in, playing their own games. Together.
Though the board game players are in the next room. Oddly enough, they're the rowdiest of the bunch, and it sounds like they have the most fun by the way they're yelling and cheering.
You have seen some nerd fights start over a game of Ichi.
People who have anxiety. One, Lilia is a menace. Two, your housewarden is the Malleus Draconia. Meep.
Whether it's Lilia or Malleus you run into, it feels like your heart will explode at any time.
Not to mention it's so dark in and outside of the building for no good reason. What's a fella gotta do to get some fucking sunlight in here? You're sick of worrying about what could be behind every corner.
You once wondered if Malleus needed a UV/heat lamp, but knew better than to ask. That doesn't mean you're not curious, though.
People who dislike loud sounds. I don't think I have to explain this one.
At first you thought that staying near Silver meant that you'd be staying away from Sebek, but that wasn't the case and you were at a loss as to what to do.
Then you tried going in the other direction whenever you saw Malleus, but all that did was send Sebek after you personally, asking very loudly why you did not want to be around Lord Malleus.
At one point, you got sick of his shit and muzzled him via magic. Then Malleus showed up and you were all oh shit. But then all he did was chuckle about how you were getting along so well. You took that to mean he wouldn't ever stop you from muzzling Sebek.
You were right.
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puck-bunnies · 6 months
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vampire love
jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw 18+, basically pure word porn, oral sex (m and f receiving), throat fucking, unprotected sex (p in v), praising, dirty talk, not proof read
“i fuck her like a god, that’s without a doubt. that bitch gon give me top, that’s with out a doubt.”
word count: 3k
♪ - vampire love, yung bruh
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we sit around the burning logs of the campfire, the sun recently just setting as the waves crash along the shore. the bright sun and foggy clouds washing away to leave the stars scattered along the dark sky.
i sit on jack's lap, my head resting against his chest and his hands comb through my hair. it feels like old times, the summers we would come here as kids and spend endless hours outside together.
jack’s family had previously retreated back to the house, falling asleep as me and jack stay under the beaming stars. my eyes are lost in the fire, head gone into a fuzzy state.
i finally snap out of it once i see the fire die down, the amber light not flooding the area around us. i get up from jack's lap, grabbing another log of wood from the pile and throwing it on top of the dying flames. i repeat the action, grabbing another two logs and perfectly laying them on the pit.
once the logs are placed well for the fire to come back to life, i rest back on jack's lap. i'm stunned once i feel something hard underneath me. "jack." i mumble, feeling his hard cock against my leg.
"i'm sorry baby. you were bending over, and this things got a mind of it's own." he chuckles, not ashamed of the boner making the crotch of his jeans tighten. i let my hand travel from his chest down to graze his abs, his jeans tightening even more with my teasing fingers.
my fingers don't stop, going lower getting a groan from jack's lips. "don't start something you can't finish y/n."
"i can deal with it." i whisper, letting my fingers rub just above the waistband of his jeans. jack's jaw tightens, clenching as i move to his belt. i climb off of his lap, setting one of the yard pillows on the ground before kneeling on it between his legs. my fingers undo his belt, button and zipper.
jack raises his hips, helping me maneuver his jeans and boxers down his legs to pool at his ankles. my one hand rests on his thigh, the other wrapping around the base of jack's thick cock. finger traces up the one prominent vein on his length, squeezing lightly at his almost pulsating hardness, getting a soft groan from his lips.
my thumb rises to his tip, swirling around the pre-cum that soaks his needy tip. jack sucks in a breath as i continue to tease him, he resists the urge to buck his hips up into my hands, begging to feel the friction against him.
i form my hand in a circle, slowly running my hand down him. jack lets out a long harsh breath, "oh shit baby." he groans.
"you like that?" i smirk, swirling my thumb around his tip again, pumping back down his base.
my other hand squeezes his thigh, "oh fuck yes." he submissively whimpers out. a hum passes my lips as i replace my thumb with my tongue, circling around his salty tip. my eyes stay on jack's as his start to roll back in his head, thighs tightening beneath my grasp.
i can feel the heat in my core burning, wetness starting to ruin my panties. all my body wishes for is to be filled by the very cock that my tongue is swirling around. but my mind wants to please jack, to have my throat to his desire.
that's why i don't mind when his hands push through my hair, forming a makeshift ponytail to keep the hair out of my face. slowly pushing down my head to fill my mouth with him.
his tip hits the back of my throat, i fight the urge to gag, wanting to be able to last for jack. my tongue acts like a cushion for his cock, letting it slide against his veiny cock with every push down of my head.
because of the way jack's fucking my throat, i somehow take his whole length inside my mouth. leaving both of my hands to steady myself on his thighs, squeezing his muscles causing him to softly groan. his head slowly rolls back, closing his eyes while taking in the blissful moment.
usually i would prefer for jack to keep his eyes on me whenever we're having sex, wanting to feel the love surging between us with the eye contact. but this feels different, the neediness of his groans and my openness to whatever jack wants, i don't care as much. this feels like pure lust, not a loving moment.
i hallow my cheeks out more, letting jack fill me up more, earning a deep groan to leave his mouth as it is continued to roll back. "oh fuck y/n, just like that." he praises, pushing and pulling my head down faster. he starts to buck his hips with his pace, needing more from me then he can get. "al, almost there." he moans out.
jack's cock twitches in my mouth, quickly followed with ropes of cum spilling down my throat. his grip shortly tightens around my hair before completely falling down, letting me take back control over my head.
i slowly bob my head a few more times, letting jack chase his long awaited high. i let his cock pop out of my mouth, letting the softened cock lay down. jack's cum spills down my throat as i swallow it, letting the warm sticky substance run down me.
it takes a moment for jack to come back to normal, his chest heaving up and down as he gains his breath back from his orgasm. "shit baby, that was.. amazing." jack compliments on the new way i sucked him off. "but i'm not going to let go unrewarded." he smirks.
he stands up, towering over me as he collects his boxers and jeans from his ankles. he looks down at me with almost a degrading manner, his stare makes me feel small, like i could be damaged by a pin dropping. jack's hand cups my jaw, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"lets get you inside." he coos at me, taking my hand and helping me rise to my feet. he practically drags me in the house, his mouth craving the taste of me that he misses. we slide the glass door open, trying to be quiet and not wake the entire hughes family.
he stops me in the darkened living room right before the couch, a prominent smirk growing on his face. he softly pushes me down on the couch, stunning me as my ass hits the soft cushions. "what're you doing jack?" he doesn't answer me, dropping to his knees between my legs like i once was to him.
jack guides my legs apart, looking up my short tennis skirt to my mess of my panties. a proud smirk resting on his face as he sees what he does to me, how even just having his cock in my mouth can have me soaked. he reaches his fingers out, softy stroking up my wet folds.
"jack, what're you doing? someone could catch us."
he hungrily licks his lips, "i'm willing to take that risk." he hooks his fingers in the waistband of my panties. "do you trust me?"
that's all it takes for jack to slide my panties down my soft legs, pushing my skirt up to show off my core. i can hear his breath hitch, looking at my gleaming folds as their coated in my wetness.
“such a pretty pussy baby. so wet for me, from only sucking my cock?” he husks at me, pressing a soft teasing kiss to my inner thigh, slowly getting rougher with ever inch closer to where i need him the most.
i bite my lip, nodding to his degrading words. his kisses finally get to my core, pressing a soft kiss to my swollen clit. my lungs suck in a harsh breath, my jaw clenching as jack works slowly.
he finally sticks his tongue out, swirling around my bud of nerves. my hands find their way to his hair, pulling at his roots as i try to steady myself. i can feel a smirk spread on jack’s face, looking up into my eyes as i stare down into his.
jack’s tongue darts out of his mouth, kitty licking my aching clit. “please baby.” i beg out loud for jack. his hands go to my mouth, covering my mouth as i speak too loudly.
“shh, you gotta be quiet if you want his to happen.” he hushes me. i nod against his hand, my eyes softening. i’ll do anything for jack’s touch, beg embarrassingly just for him to get a taste of me. “good girl.”
he keeps his hand against my mouth, he knows me well enough to know that i won’t stay quiet enough without his hand there. his other hand takes one of my ankles, putting my foot up on the couch to let him have a better angle of myself. i mirror his action with my other leg, folding my knees almost up to my chest.
once i’m in the perfect position, jack starts. instead of working on my clit, he goes to my folds. running his tongue down to my needy hole as it was previously clenched around nothing. he’s quick to start slurping on me, fitting my whole slit in his mouth.
i try not to make a peep, jack trusting me enough to remove his hand from my mouth, pressing his thumb to my clit. he rubs circles around my puffy and needy bud, i have to bite down harshly on my bottom lip.
“taste so good baby.” jack hums into pussy.
curses flow out of my mouth softly, trying not to wake his sleeping family through the thin walls. the overstimulation of his tongue plunging deep into me and his thumb rubbing quickly on my slit making it almost impossible to keep myself quiet.
jack’s eyes stay on mine, watching as i struggle to stay quiet on how good he makes me feel. “doing such a good job.” his words make my walls vibrate again.
my thighs start to gravitate towards each other, almost crushing jack’s head between them. his large hand has to guide them back open, his skin harshly gripping me.
it’s not long before i can feel my stomach tightening, the overstimulation making my whole body shutter. my orgasm almost coming over me, “i’m so close jack.” i rush out in a hushed moan.
his tongue is fast, exploring deep inside me as his thumb is quicker then ever. “it’s okay.. let it out.” i can’t take it anymore, relaxing my body as the knot that was unbearably tight loosens all over jack’s tongue.
my head rolls back on the couch, chest heaving as jack helps me chase my high, hushed moans rippling through the air. curses leave my lips mixing with gasps of jack’s name.
once i feel my orgasm completely wash over me, jack works slowly to clean my folds up. getting rid of the remains of my orgasm littering my centre. jack presses a kiss on my inner thigh once again.
“you did such a good job.” he whispers.
he climbs up my body, pressing a kiss to my collarbone then to my jaw. he finishes it by pressing another one onto my lips, the faint taste of each other in our mouths as jack slips his tongue into my mouth.
my chest still tries to catch up to my lungs, trying to regulate my breath as my orgasm still lingers in my veins.
jack backs off of me, standing up above me once again. that’s when i see it, “how are you hard.. again?” i softly giggle, my eyes staying on his strained jeans as they contain his growing size.
“the sound, sight and taste of you was too much.” he whispers. “i need you so bad y/n.”
a smile appears on my face, i fold down my skirt off of my stomach as it was piled up. standing up to level my height with jack, quickly bending down to grab my discarded panties, not wanting to leave any evidence of our actions in the living room. i stuff them into jack’s jean pocket, lacing my hand into his.
“how about this time, we go somewhere we won’t get caught.” my words are soft and suggestive, leading him out of the living room towards his bedroom.
the unmade bedcovers scrunch at the bottom of the mattress, the darkness of the room concealing our bodies as jack seels the door with a lock. before jack can turn back around, i strip my shirt off of me, throwing them on the ground to soon be forgotten.
the soft glow of the moonlight peaks through the window, illuminating me and jack’s bodies as we lower on the mattress. our bodies are quick to entangle each other. i lay on my back, being engulfed by the soft mattress as jack lays between my legs.
our clothes were somehow discarded onto the ground leaving only our naked bodies to be met by the cold air.
our demeanour stays the same, venturing away from our usual love making to a rougher style. i can't complain, the way jack is acting it turning me on more then ever, the cocky and sex drawn jack has the heat in between my legs pooling again.
he's quick to rub his tip up and down my aching folds, teasing my entrance before finally slowly lining up with my hole and pushing in. his hips push in slowly at first, letting me adjust to his almost painful size as he bottoms me out.
stretching a leg over his broad shoulders, he presses down farther somehow, filling me completely. a silent moan falls from my open mouth as my chest doesn’t have enough hair to let a real one out, my lungs grave oxygen but my nerves are too weak to grant it.
jack’s strong hands grip the flesh of my thighs, adding a soft slap to them as he rocks his hips back. when he thrusts in this time it’s harsh, snapping his hips to mine with a soft sound of skin slapping. a quiet, “oh shit.” falls from my lips as my hands bunch up the covers in my palms.
with my words jack’s smile grows, he leans down, pressing a kiss to my lips to silence me. his hips quicken with rhythmic thrusts, his skin hitting against my thighs with each buck of his hips. jack’s tongue slips into my mouth, the still faint taste of each other lingers between our mouths.
my grip on the balls of material between my fingers losen, the pads of my fingertips lingering up jack’s arms to his hair. i gently pull his roots receiving a muffled groan from his throat that feeds into mine with our heated kiss.
with this being the second round of my orgasms, it doesn’t take long for another one to come. my back starts to lift off the mattress, arching into his chest. the reoccurring knot forms in my stomach, the familiar tightening of my joints and heaving of my chest.
“i’m so close baby.”
jack’s hips keep their pace, but with every thrust they become sloppier. my muscles clench around the long cock continuing to pump in me, it’s gets another groan from jack’s plump lips.
“let it out pretty girl. make a mess.” he degrades once again in my ear.
it only takes three or four more snaps of his hips for me to undo underneath his warmth. moans litter out of my mouth, echoing around the room and feeding into jack’s ears. the back of my head grinds into the pillow underneath me, riding my high as i feel his cock twitch in me following with his soft and warm ropes of cum.
only a couple more strokes of his cock and we both run off of our orgasms, my leg falling off of his shoulder. jack softly collapsing on me, his head falling onto our chests as we catch our breaths.
after a few moments, jack props himself up again, swiftly pulling himself out of me. his hands run underneath my back, helping me to sit up on the bed. “let’s get you in the shower.”
jack helps me into the bathroom, letting me on the counter as he starts the shower, letting it warm up before he helps me stand in the shower. before he joins me in the shower, he grabs a washcloth, running it under the warm water to wash me off.
once the insides of me are clean from the remains of my orgasm, he wipes over his length. “you did just a good job baby.” jack presses his lips up to my temple, giving me a soft kiss before letting us underneath the hot streaming water.
my mind is still a mess, i can only mumble to his words. i let him shower me, washing all over my body to remove the sweat from our actions.
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menlove · 9 months
man the other thing that drives me crazy abt the whole "claiming judaism is an ethnicity and religion is race science just like the NAZIS" is that like....
what the nazis believed in was a mythical race of white europeans who were stronger and better than everyone else. they had 0 scientific, historic, or archeological proof of this. it was just a crackpot theory proposed to explain why white europeans were "better" than everyone else and provided an ideal for them to strive back to bc they thought that "pure" race had been tainted by racial "interbreeding"
jews saying judaism is an ethnicity is not bc it's in the fucking tanakh that they came from judea. it's bc there's MOUNTAINS of historical and archeological proof that jews came from that area. there's historical proof of people encountering jews in the middle east. there's firsthand accounts from jews themselves that survived diaspora that lived in that area. jewish DNA, regardless of other race, has a great deal of similarity w arabic DNA. there's MOUNTAINS of historical and archeological evidence that traces the movement of jews OUT of the area and into the rest of the world and the subsequent movement of jews for the next few thousand years as they kept getting kicked out or murdered
does any of that mean that israel should have displaced the people already living there and subjected them to decades of inequality and atrocity? fucking obviously not. but 1) denying historical and archeological fact to throw around your pet antisemitic conspiracy theory makes you sound like a qanon fuckass and 2) comparing that to white supremacists making up a mythical pure white race is just fucking insane and incredibly deeply antisemitic
like you don't have to make shit up to condemn what israel is doing, I promise you. you can acknowledge the nuance and hardship of history without condoning what israel does. israel doesn't need to be made up of pure europeans for you to criticize it. bc believe it or not, europeans are not the only people on earth capable of committing atrocities or having enough autonomy to do so.
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Imagine teaming up with Shanks to pull a prank on Rayleigh
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The crew has stopped off at the Sabaody archipelago for a few weeks
Shanks: *talking with Benn* I can't think of a good prank.
You: *the resident prankster* need help
Benn: has anyone ever told you eavesdropping is rude?
You: repeatedly, but who are we pranking?
Shanks: *makes eye contact with Benn*
Benn: *shrugs* they do know what they're doing.
Shanks: Alright, but you can't tell anyone what we're planning. So it'll be you, me, Benn, Yassop, and Lucky Roux pranking Rayleigh.
You: *hisses* you want to prank Dark King Rayleigh! Have you lost your mind!
Shanks: we'll be fine as long as we don't piss off Shakky, which having you on board makes things a lot easier she likes you after all, and we don't break anything. Also, Rayleigh raised me on Roger's ship, and it's tradition that I prank him when I come to visit.
You: if you say so... I may have an idea then.
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Two days later
Shanks: this is the stupidest prank I've ever heard of. He likes this grandpa candy.
Benn: *throw a bag of hard caramels at him,* it's funny, now keep working.
You: now remember, we're going to do this slowly at first a few candies here and there, then we'll pull out all the stops.
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A week later
Rayleigh: Alright, which one of you motherfuckers filled my dresser with candy?
Shanks: Oh you must be getting to that age.
Rayleigh: you don't fool me for a second you little shit, and what age?
Benn: That age where the old people candy just sort of spawns near you.
Rayleigh: What? That's not a thing.
Benn: You can believe whatever you want, my father did the same thing when it started to happen to him. But he was eventually buried in it, and his neighbors spent two days digging him out.
Rayleigh: *starting to lose it* Just tell me who it is, and I promise I won't be mad.
Shanks: don't look at me, you know I hate that shit.
Benn: It hurts my teeth.
Yassop: I wouldn't dare.
Rayleigh: *locks eyes with you*
You: *hides behind Shakky* I am innocent, I promise.
Shakky: *pats you on the back, while pickpocketing you of the candy in your pockets* You're scaring the children dear.
Rayleigh: The promise of a pirate when they're being accused means very little. *Looks to Lucky Roux*
Lucky Roux: *shakes his head * I swear upon my tongue.
Rayleigh: That's it! All of you empty your pockets right this instant!
Shakky: *wraps her arms around Rayleigh, sliding her hands and the candy into his back pockets* Calm down my love, you shouldn't accuse them of anything without proof.
Rayleigh: *deflates and his anger leave him* You're right I'm sorry.
Shakky: * pulls her hands out of his back pockets and shows him the candy* especially when they may be right.
Rayleigh: God damn it! *Storms out of the room*
Shakky: I'm going to keep this little prank going even after you all have left, it's quite fun to see him so worked up.
Shanks: when did you figure it out?
Shakky: oh please, this is my house, nothing comes in or out without me knowing. Plus none of you are slick, I could hear the crinkling from the bags all night.
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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mal3vol3nt · 2 months
Are people like these even really Katara stans?
"Katara continues to be the manager of everyone else's emotions while simultaneously punching down her own. The scales finally seem to tip when Zuko joins the group. With Zuko, we see someone working alongside Katara doing the same tasks she is doing around camp for the first time."
bruh what? the way zutaras will literally make shit up and try to pass it off as canon is laughable
first off, katara canonically is not made to do the work around camp alone. there is literally an entire episode after toph joins the group where katara gets onto her because she isn't carrying her weight like everyone else does. she utters these words in book 2 episode 8 "the chase":
Katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.
Toph: [Shrugging casually.] Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.
Katara: Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, [Holds arms out in gesture.] some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit, or put up the tent. [Momo flies over to her, dropping several berries he had collected into her hands.] Even Momo does his fair share.
this whole "katara is forced to do all the work around camp like the woman she is" argument that zks have been throwing around is so stupid because it is entirely untrue. i'm assuming this comes from the few times where we see katara cook food, which in the minds of zks is proof that sokka, aang, and even toph all bully katara into being their mommy who feeds them and that katara is in need of a big strong feminist man like a fire nation colonizer prince to rescue her. but what about all the times where we see aang and sokka fend for themselves or even provide the food? in the episode where we meet haru, sokka is the one who went hunting for the food. aang frequently has to find food for himself considering his diet is different from all his friends ("the headband" where aang says he'll find some lettuce in the garbage while his friends head into a meat shop). katara is not the only one who performs manual labor in the gaang i can promise you that
secondly, when are y'all going to let the "katara does all the emotional labor in the gaang" argument die. it is actually such a comically stupid argument considering it is birthed out of the instances where katara makes the conscious decision to console aang while he's in the avatar state. the first instance being where he stumbles upon the decayed body of his mentor and best friend, gyatso, thus proving that the fire nation was in fact there at the temples and did in fact kill his people. this sends aang into an emotionally triggered avatar state. do y'all realize how much he must have been hurting for the avatar state to be forced upon him? it is stated multiple times in the show that the avatar state is a defense mechanism, so imagine how badly he must have been in pain for his body and spirit to go into defense mode. katara made the decision to console him instead of running for her life because she is a kind-hearted person who can relate to the loss of a loved one. in front of her was another genocide survivor finding out that he is completely alone in this world without his people. she was being kind-hearted by telling him that he still has a family with her and sokka and that despite his loss he is not alone. i would not consider that emotional labor considering aang was quite literally experiencing one of the worst things a person can experience: finding out your entire race of people have been exterminated and you are the sole survivor
the second instance of katara reaching out to aang while he's in the avatar state is when he comes face to face with the sandbenders who stole appa. this is the one most zks latch onto because they think it's ridiculous that aang went into a rage over "the loss of a pet", forcing katara to act as his emotional support system once again. you guys lack so much empathy it is insane. appa is not just "a pet" to aang. in fact, he's not even a pet to him. appa is his best and longest friend, the one other being who was alive to see the air nation at its most beautiful and the only other being who possessed the ability to airbend. in the earth kingdom chronicles, aang says it himself that he doesn't feel like the last airbender with appa around. so appa is not just a friend but a literal connection to his lost people and culture. not only that, but appa is aang's animal guide. they have a spiritual connection, so i bet you anything that when appa was lost it felt like a piece of aang's very spirit had gone with him. aang lost so much the moment appa was taken from him that i'm genuinely surprised so many people use "the desert" episode as something against him. again, how much pain do you think he was in to have the avatar state forced upon him? a lot of people seem to forget that aang doesn't purposefully go into the avatar state, something he isn't even capable of doing considering he has yet to master it. he is literally being triggered into it in every single instance before the finale. katara reaching out to him isn't aang being manipulative by forcing her to take care of him. it is literally just her recognizing that her friend has been pushed beyond his limits and deciding to be there for him rather than run from him
aang tries doing this for her in "the southern raiders" when her pain and rage pushes her into behaving a certain way that is unlike her, but y'all brush this off as him not accepting the "real her" so you can keep living in this delusion that katara is only truly understood by zuko and all her friends and her literal brother just don't get her. "Zuko is the only person who never expects anything of her" WRONG. he literally asks her what is wrong with her when she isn't behaving friendly towards him like everyone else, expecting her to do so because all the others have already forgiven him. rewatch this episode again since it's y'alls favorite but try actually paying attention this time
"...and whose emotions she never has to manage because he's actually more emotionally stable and mature than she is by that point."
y'all do not actually like katara. because someone who actually likes katara would not say that a man who literally became physically sick after he did ONE (1) good thing is more emotionally stable and mature than her. zuko's redemption arc is not complete by the end of the story and i need yall to get that through your heads. by the end of the show, he is still racially unaware and insensitive (his comments toward aang) and in order for a former colonizer to be fully redeemed, he has to become aware of his racial insensitivity/prejudices and fix that. just because he switched sides and helped end the war doesn't mean his work is done. he still has a long way to go, and if you consider the comics canon then he actually MAJORLY backtracks on his path to redemption by asking his genocidal maniac of a father for political advice. give me a fucking break. never speak on katara if you genuinely think zuko has a leg up on her in terms of maturity of any sort. this is the same boy who decided to start spitting balls of fire at aang instead of using his big boy voice to communicate the urgency of them continuing to train. and to be fair, no one in the gaang is really all that mature, katara included, but zuko is 100% at the end of the line. the only reason y'all think he is super mature is because he had his worldview changed whereas all the other characters didn't have to go through that to become good people
"For reasons that are never explained or justified, Katara rewards the hero by giving into his romantic advances even though he has invalidated her emotions, violated her boundaries, lashed out at her for slights against him she never committed, idealized a false idol of her then browbeat her when she deviated from his narrative, and forced her to carry his emotions and put herself in danger when he willingly fails to control himself—even though he never apologizes, never learns his lesson, and never shows any inclination to do better." 
the utter delusion
katara does not just "give in" to aang's advances. she returns them herself and we see that throughout the show. aang is the only one she is physically affectionate with (cheek kisses, hand stroking his cheek, holding him against herself, etc.) and the only one who she doesn't have a teasing banter with. he is the only character, other than jet, who makes her blush multiple times. him leaving in "the awakening" left her so upset that the trauma of her dad leaving was of equal levels of hurt. she got jealous of him dancing with another girl in "the headband" which would only make sense if she had feelings for him. zutaras have convinced their selves that katara never had any actual feelings for aang and that is just canonically untrue
the whole "aang sexually assaulted katara" argument needs to die. in atla/tlok, spontaneous kisses are not meant to depict sexual violence/violations. now this is 100% the mistake of the writers for not choosing to go about creating romantic drama in a way that is healthier and more acceptable in the real world, but it is clear that in these universes those kisses are not meant to be actual violations of the characters' autonomy. especially considering that many of the spontaneous kisses we get between characters are well-received with only the few being used to spike drama. this is much the same with aang and katara. aang kissing her before the invasion was spontaneous but well-received as she kissed him back and blushed. the kiss during the play intermission was not well-received and was a mistake on his part. the atla/tlok writers should not have used these kisses to create romantic drama/tension in the shows and should have portrayed better communication between couples to firmly establish consent. now after the ember island play, aang and katara's relationship is put on the backburner as they must focus on ending the war, and when their relationship is picked back up once the war is over it is katara who initiates contact. she follows him outside, hugs him, and then leans in to kiss him. she takes the lead here and he follows her cues
i don't know what this person means when they say aang lashes out at her for slights she never committed because aang rarely ever lashes out at any of his friends. the one instance that immediately comes to mind is, of course, "the desert" where everyone becomes his opp lmao. but i have to ask the question, why are characters like zuko allowed to lash out when they're emotionally suffering but aang isn't? zuko lashes out at iroh so many times during season 3 alone that i'm surprised zuko stans even feel comfortable holding other characters' moments of aggression against them. now if this person is maybe referring to "the southern raiders" where aang tries to keep katara from murdering someone, then i'm still confused. because aang doesn't ever get angry with her during that episode. he isn't happy, obviously, but he's never angry with her nor does he talk down at her or accuse her of committing any kind of act that isn't truthful to the situation. at most, he tells her that she sounds like jet which isn't entirely wrong. jet's trauma turned into rage that overwhelmed his character and became the driving force of his behavior. it led to him not caring if people died, as long as he was able to hurt the people who hurt him in the process. and while the comparison isn't perfect and hearing it didn't help katara, it isn't entirely unsupported. again, not sure what op was getting at here but i'll take a wild guess and assume it's not even based on canon in the first place
aang never idealizes her as a false idol and then browbeats her when she strays from his idea of her. that's just stupid. now i know this is referring to "the southern raiders". aang loves katara's fire. he cheers for her when she fights pakku. he calls her a hero when he finds out she's been lying to help the village in "the painted lady". he even jumps at the opportunity to help her and has the biggest smile on his face while doing so. he absolutely does not think katara is this perfect saint who isn't capable of destruction. if anything, he knows katara has a fire within her and he loves it when it comes out because it usually ends with her helping others in need and changing their environment for the better. the only thing is, he wants to see this fierceness be expressed in healthy ways because he cares about her. when katara wants to murder yon rha, she's in a blind rage. her emotions are haywire and all she can focus on is what she believes will alleviate her of this pain and guilt she feels surrounding her mother's death. it is much similar to what aang went through in "the desert" when he had the chance to get back at the sandbenders. but katara reached out to him, allowing him to let his anger out--to express himself--before calming down. and she didn't do this because she thought aang's rage was wrong but because she knows aang. he'd be so angry with himself if he came out of his rage and saw what he did. "the southern raiders" was katara's "the desert". she had the opportunity to confront yon rha but wanted to kill him. aang (and sokka!!! her literal brother!! the person who has known her her whole life!! and can share a piece of the actual tragedy she's mourning!!!!) tries talking her down from killing the man because he knows she'll regret it when she comes out of her rage. aang isn't against her rage, in fact he tells her to let her anger out. he just doesn't want her to get her hands bloody at 14-years-old. i don't know why this is so controversial, but not wanting your friend to commit murder in cold blood shouldn't make you the devil reincarnated
"and forced her to carry his emotions and put herself in danger when he willingly fails to control himself" you zutaras lack so much empathy it's actually pathetic to witness. "willingly"?? it is stated over and over again how aang does NOT have control of the avatar state and it is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. it is his instinct as the avatar. he can't suppress it nor get out of it until he masters control. katara did not have to reach out to him during those moments. she could have ran away like sokka and toph did. she chose not to though because even when he's in the avatar state she sees him as a human 12-year-old who has literally gone through so much tragedy, has pushed down so much, that it all comes to a head when confronted with his pain full on. she reaches out to him because she cares and wants to keep him from making a mistake. it is not her responsibility to do that, and aang never forces that on her. if anything, it is being forced on him considering he literally cannot control the power of the avatar state yet
and he DOES learn. his mistakes are always addressed by him beating himself up for them, repressing his emotions, and accepting the consequences. in "bato of the water tribe", aang owns up to his mistake and then accepts the consequences. he doesn't try begging sokka and katara for forgiveness or try making them stay. after "the desert", aang feels so bad about his blow up that he literally represses his emotions. he becomes a walking blank slate because he doesn't want to hurt anyone else. in "the serpent's pass", he realizes that it's important for him to still hold onto hope and to not suppress everything he feels. and he literally TALKS TO KATARA AND ADMITS HE WAS WRONG. he tells her that his pain got in the way of his ability to function, but that he has been reminded of the importance of letting yourself have hope and to love. in "the ember island players" he berates himself by saying he was so stupid and banging his head on the banister. he literally always owns up to a mistake and internalizes it by suppressing his actual feelings, accepting the consequences, and berating himself. again, why are characters like zuko allowed to make mistakes, take episodes upon seasons long to realize those mistakes, and then make up for them in the form of "i'm sorry i colonized a part of the world and called you a disgraceful old man" apologies but aang isn't?
"Throughout the comics, Katara makes herself smaller and smaller and forfeits all rights to personal actualization and satisfaction in her relationship. She punches her feelings down when her partner neglects her and cries alone as he shows more affection and concern for literally every other girl’s feelings than hers."
literally huh? are they referring to aang meeting his fanclub and the beginnings of the air acolytes? cause aang doesn't neglect her—is she a puppy or a human girl?
also, katara never suffers in silence and allows aang to do as he pleases even in the shitty comics. she vocalizes herself when she disagrees with him on the harmony movement thing and is the one who gets him to start thinking differently. she doesn't make herself smaller to allow him to be the big and strong man. you zutaras are just stupid as all fuck and want her to become a lesser character so you feel justified in saying that kataang ruined her character
"She becomes cowed by his outbursts and threats of violence. Instead of rising with the moon or resting in the warmth of the sun, she learns to stay in his shadow."
literally pulling shit out your ass. when does aang ever get violent? this is aang we are talking about. the pacifist monk? also, katara is the one who encourages him to accept zuko's promise of killing him if he becomes like ozai. so yeah, sure buddy, aang is the one with the knack for vengeance and katara is his little abused puppy forced to follow his orders or else she won't get her scooby snacks
"She gives up her silly childish dreams of rebuilding her own dying culture’s traditions and advocating for other oppressed groups so that she can fulfill his wishes to rebuild his culture instead—by being his babymaker."
in the comics she helps fight and suppress the budding civil war between the north and southern water tribes. it is canon that she spent a lot of her time going from the water tribes to areas in the earth kingdom that needed her help after the war. her and aang didn't go everywhere together despite their relationship. also, calling her a babymaker is misogynistic. she had 3 children and there is literally nothing to suggest that she did that unwillingly. in fact, we know that katara was excited to have children considering she pestered aunt wu with question after question about who she was gonna marry and how many kids/grandkids she was gonna have. there is nothing to suggest that she never wanted to be a mom. also, becoming a mom doesn't wipe a woman clean of her accomplishments nor does it prohibit her from accumulating more of them. her life did not end when she became a mother and i need y'all to never speak on her if this is your attitude towards motherhood. this girlboss feminism that you zutara stans have is so fucking ridiculous. introduce yourself to intersectionality
"Katara gave up everything she cared about and everything she fought to become for the whims of a man-child who never saw her as a person, only a possession."
again, making shit up and insulting aang for no reason. just because aang, at 12-years-old, behaved childishly doesn't mean that aang, as a grown man, will behave the same exact way. and if you can't see the huge jump in maturity he had from the beginning of the show to the end, then that's you being purposefully obtuse. also, no canon proof that aang ever saw her as a possession considering he fell in love with all aspects of her character and was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to protect her and help her thrive ("why would i choose cosmic energy over katara" and "you're like a secret hero" and the biggest fucking smile a person has ever worn while committing ecoterrorism with his best friend)
"The story’s theme was destiny, remember? But this story’s target audience was little boys. Zuko gets to determine his own destiny as long as he works hard and earns it. Aang gets his destiny no matter what he does or doesn’t do to earn it. And Katara cannot change the destiny she was assigned by gender at birth, no matter how hard she fights for it or how many times over she earns it."
are we forgetting that katara only became a waterbending master, her literal dream, because of HER efforts? pakku turned her away because of her gender but she didn't take that. she made that man fight her. she wasn't going to just sit there and let someone refuse her because she's a girl, and she didn't! she became one of his students and through her OWN hard work became a master. she shaped her future as a waterbending master because she worked hard to ensure it was possible for her. and her talent at waterbending opened her up to new possibilities like healing and bloodbending. her experience with bloodbending was forced upon her and she addressed that by later outlawing bloodbending. she outlawed it. yakone literally namedrops her. but you zutara dumbasses will sit there with your thumb up your ass blabbing about how she was never involved in politics and just became a barefoot housewife for her abusive husband who'd get home and make her give him another baby
"I will never get over it. Because I am Katara. And so are my friends, sisters, daughters, and nieces. But I am not content to live in Bryke's world."
so you admit it? katara is your self insert? you project onto katara and think that because you had a crush on the colonizer that katara should too?
also the white feminism here is insane. again, introduce yourself to intersectionality sometime. it'll radicalize you
"I will never turn my back on people who need me. Including me."
how you felt after saying that
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
📮DITCH THE WHOLE SCENE- send me a character and any option from my request guidelines and I'll write a baby blurb/dialogue for it
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word count: 0.9k
warnings: pairings in the tags, little suggestive comment at the end
summary: after getting a little carried away at the after-party, you wake up in your brother's best friend's bed, which is not the best situation to be in on the morning of a meet and greet
"My brother is going to kill me," you were searching for your socks, you didn't need them as much as your search made it seem but it was better than losing your mind while doing nothing. "My brother is going to kill you," you found one, groaning lightly as you kneeled down beside the bed to pick it up, looking up when Sirius sat up on the bed, throwing his legs over the side in the process.
"Good morning," he hummed and you wanted to throw him with the sock, be damned if it got lost again, because how very well dare he be so calm. Sitting there shirtless looking as unfairly sexy as ever giving you that same little smirk that convinced you that sharing a bed instead of booking another room wasn't as bad an idea as you knew it was. "Did you sleep well?" he was kidding, he had to be. Did you sleep well all cuddled up in his strong tattooed arms? Yes. Have you been dreaming about doing that since your first show together? Also yes, but none of that would matter once your brother found out and killed the two of you.
"Sirius, are you aware of our current situation?" he didn't seem like he was, gentle hand reaching out to help you up and sliding right down to your waist to keep you in front of him. He was showing you no mercy, allowing his thumb to slip past the hem of your shirt, brushing over your skin a few times, only satisfied when you shivered lightly under the soft, forbidden touch.
"Everything is going to be fine," he promised and you rolled your eyes, clearly not on the same page. "Love, we didn't do anything wrong, yeah, there's no reason to freak out."
"We cuddled," you began, allowing him to pull you closer, knees against his, your hand settling around his wrist. "And we kissed, a lot," you looked down shyly, there hadn't been much time to process that part just yet.
"The scandal," he mused, admittedly satisfied with your reaction as he laughed lightly, stealing a quick glance at his pillow stained with your makeup before looking back to you with a smile. "We didn't do anything wrong," his smirk deepened, eyes practically laced with mischieve as he shrugged. "Not yet, anyway."
"You don't get it, trouble," your body moved without your permission, his lap seeming to be the perfect seat as you settled on his thigh, dragging a hand through his hair with a little shake of your head. "He made me promise, once I stepped onto that stage with you guys, you were off-limits."
"You were off-limits too," he agreed and it was sort of pathetic how he became putty in your hands so quickly, the simple touch of your fingers threading the paths in his hair had him close to purring, eyes nearly closing. "Shit, maybe we really are screwed," he breathed and the grip on your hips was enough proof, his head lulling forward against your shoulder, kisses breathed over your skin.
"What are we going to do?" he wasn't all that eager to answer, a faint smile finding your lips as his kisses spread to your neck, a feeling you'd never thought you'd be lucky enough to be familiar with, but as guilty as you felt, you weren't sure you'd be able to stay away again. "Do we go back to just being friends?" you were nervous for the answer, your heart knew that whatever happened the night before was right, it felt right, too perfect to be wrong, but your head knew that things would be complicated if you continued to act on what your heart wanted.
"Could you do that?" he peeked up at you with big curious eyes, up through his lashes and it made your heart do leaps in your chest, your fingers moving gently to reach up and smooth the frown from his lips- you shook your head. "Then we take it slow, yeah, see if it works- we don't have to tell anyone anything just yet, not until we're sure."
"And if I'm sure now?" he smirked, any sense of seriousness gone in a second as he tightened his hold and threw you onto the bed beside him, crushing you under his weight but you didn't mind, anything but.
"Then we just get to enjoy our little secret for a while," you didn't know where to put your hands, sliding them up his chest and eventually stopping to cup his cheeks, not even daring to bite back your happy smile. "You like the sound of that, sunshine?"
"Maybe," you lied, he noticed, and the way he leaned down to kiss you was an excruciatingly long wait, so when his lips finally met yours you couldn't even help but melt, humming against him and the sound vibrated right through his body. "Didn't think I'd ever get to do that in real life."
"Is it better than in your dreams?'
"So much," he was pleased with that, making sure the next kiss lasted even longer, savouring every second, because he knew that for as long as you had to hide whatever you had going on, moments were going to be fleeting, special and he didn't want to take for granted the time he had with you now.
"Good, now what I'm wondering is what other dreams we could put to the test..." your cheeks were burning, skin tingling at his tone and you knew he wasn't one to tease without following through which is why the groan that left his mouth following the knock at the door was anything but exaggerated.
"Pads, you better not still be in bed," your brother's voice was like a cruel hand dragging you right back to reality, a finger on your lips reminding you to keep quiet when you tried to push Sirius off you. "You've got ten minutes before we're leaving, mate, I need to go find my bloody sister," and then he was gone, the last thing you expected to hear in return was the soft laugh of the rockstar on top of you.
"You're not going to make this easy on me, are you, trouble?" he shook his head and you were gone, there'd be no return to friends if that look, that torturous little look, was anything to go by.
"You know the answer to that, sunshine."
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nozunhinged · 1 month
Okay so I wanted to play it cool and summarize the second tonklash in just one sentence:
this is how youre supposed to get fucked by your sugar daddy
But more and more thoughts about it left me with no other choice than write way too much about Pretty Men Smashing Artistically On Screen™️ again🤦
If you still didn't understand that sex is a fundamental part of tonklas coping mechanisms (and I don't mean it's a good one) then I don't know what to tell you.
Wintonkla may have fucked like in a 10/10 porn movie, but we need that level of graphicness to understand tonkla. Btw, we neither saw kornfah nor nancreepyguy fuck, only tonkla.
We already start with a very emotionally distressed tonkla throwing his stuff around because his beloved Korn still won't answer his calls. We clearly see hes unable to deal with that rejection although he's apparently aware of his position and how he shouldn't let Korn treat him like that. I think he ran so fast to the door because he thought it was Korn — he didn't look disappointed but I think that's because he smelled his chance with the detective the second they met.
Tonkla getting straight to business without any care what mister detective trying to tell him proves that furthermore imho. Wins timing (yaknow) couldn't have been better.
When they start making out, the contrast between them and korntonkla almost gives you whiplash. Tonklas room is dark and gloomy and the whole scene continues to stay dark and blurry, the complete opposite to the warm oranges korntonkla were drenched in. And that's only the beginning.
To match the moods room, tonklas face is cold and distant the whole time and only touches win when he absolutely has to.
He's demanding and completely selfish with the pleasure he seeks and poor win looks very pleased to follow. Its now crystal clear Tonkla is trying to recreate the illusion of intimacy he craves from Korn while simultaneously keeping the necessary distance. Not in the "imagining his face" type of way but more of a "if I can't have him then this has to make do" way.
(Honestly I think this time the fuck me raw question is 60% durex product placement and 40% tonkla manifesting said illusion 🤓)
The position they fuck in is also as distant as it can get. No touching, no kissing, no tonkla clinging to win like it's his last lifeline like he did with korn.
And the irony of it all makes me wanna rip my hair out honestly I—
Look, we saw Korn do nothing but chase his own pleasure and tonkla ate it up like candy and now someone actually cares about his pleasure and he may have not hammered it in like 4-second-korn but he 1. jerks him off while fucking him and 2. lasts until tonkla cums and all mister detective gets for that is a pat on the chest AND to finish by himself.
And now think about how Tonkla was absolutely over the moon with Korns 4 Second Show™️ and didn't even care if he got to finish or not, he just wanted his sugar daddy happy and bask with him in the afterglow. BRUH.
You see, this is why how win fucked him is how a proper sugar daddy fuck looks like and not the messy shit Korn pulled him into. But win is the one with the feelings I— this is just so damn good. FUCK ME.
Love makes you so dumb and that goes for win AND Tonkla. They are gonna destroy each other and it's gonna be so good.
Their post coital talk brings the point home. Tonkla now has proof that he can use win for what he can't get from Korn and asks him if he can come by more often. Win of course agrees and caresses him with the most heartfelt kiss one can imagine. Tonkla on the other hand doesn't even move a finger. Insanity. Absolute insanity.
I don't think it's calculating or planned from Tonkla to use win like this, he just wants to be loved and can't get it from the person he wants. He's so fragile and lonely he even turns to drugs to cope. And this is again why the graphic sex scenes are necessary for his character arc, sex is his way of filling the void he doesn't know how to fill otherwise. I'm soooo so so excited how it's all gonna play out and who's gonna die because of it lol.
One smart Tumblr fella said greattymes scenes will serve as the loving contrast to this fucked up dynamics tonkla is messing with and now that we have this ending I'm really really looking forward to how that's gonna play out ooooopppppp
Read my words on the first tonklash here
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You are the youngest sibling and they are INSANELY OVERPROTECTIVE of you 
They won't micro chip you and all that shit, but... for your safety, they will insert bugs in almost ALL of your electronics for your safety, of course. They don't want their youngest sibling/child to be in any danger now, do they?
Rei likes braiding your hair and Fuyumi likes dressing you up which by the way, she thinks looks ADORABLE on you 
Natsuo sometimes gives you shoulder massages while eating and Dabi/Touya likes feeding his youngest sibling. The brothers think that you're a delicate precious little angel that needs constant attention or they'd get themselves injured
The whole family loves to SPOIL you to death 
Shoto would be breathing down your neck every second of the day he can; sitting close to you or holding your hand whenever he can
If you're angry about something, say, you didn't win something though you've worked really hard for it? Surprise, surprise! You're now the winner of whatever contest you've recently entered. Someone making fun of you constantly? Bones will be broken and NONE of them will be from YOUR family 
Believe it or not, Endeavor actually has a soft spot for you. He NEVER yelled at you, nor did he ever raise his voice at you, like AT ALL (Lol, I can't believe I'm writing this since I know this ain't gonna be true but put up with me peeps)
When Enji's not around, and you're throwing one of your tantrums, big brother Touya will come to calm you down. And you do. At the sight of his music playlist (Which btw the ENTIRE family has composed ESPECIALLY for you WITHOUT any cuss words. They don't want their baby cussing)
No one cusses while you're around 
However 2 things are off the table for you. One, no hanging out with boys other than your brothers. If you are spotted hanging around them, well... they can say goodbye to a couple of bones and you'll get your favorite things taken away from you by Enji and Rei though it breaks everyone's heart to see you pout and sulk and cry, they have no choice to do it. It's for your OWN good you know and two, NO going ANYWHERE without one of them being there to supervise you. Who knows what sort of trouble you'll get yourself into and after all, the outside world isn't safe for an innocent precious naive angel like you 
One day, you and Touya had gone to a concert since your favorite band had come to town. You guys had left in the morning and returned just before dinner. Enji and Rei were getting anxious about where your brother had taken you for so long. Fuyumi and Natsuo were texting Shotou back and forth about you, but he only told them that they will be returning soon and Shoto was repeatedly calling you but you didn't answer since you put your phone on silent. Since that day, Enji and Rei didn't let you go out for concerts IF you didn't place your phone on silent AND ANOTHER sibling of yours had to be around you the next time you were alone with Touya
Natsuo once saw you cut yourself accidentally while cutting some vegetables. After that you weren't allowed to be in the kitchen while Rei was cooking and BOOM, what a shocker, the ENTIRE FREAKING house was baby proofed as well (good luck)
They might ''accidentally'' hurt you just to keep you 'safe' at home. Why go out where there are SO MANY dangers when your family can protect you from them? Besides, it doesn't matter if you ran to Enji to escape them. Sure he could keep them away from you for some time, but he's a pro hero that's needed in the country every day. So once Enji's out of the house, they'll have to lecture how how being a tattletale isn't good for you
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rosiehrs · 11 months
YOU DON'T KNOW MY NAME # 29. pent up (written)
word count ; 1.2k
a/n ; hehe happy november and i didnt proof read this
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“aeri! no! you can’t do this to me!” you exclaimed as the older girl dragged you towards the café. the both of you were getting stares from people in the area, but all you cared about was not seeing irene and all aeri cared about was seeing jimin. 
“y/n, no take backs. you said you’d do this with me.” she replied, nonchalantly. “yeah, that was before i found out i was gonna see irene. unnie, think about me, please.” aeri rolled her eyes at you, shaking her head. “you’re so dramatic.” 
she had successfully dragged you in front of the café, stopping. she stared at you like you were an idiot before shoving you, “go!” you whined as you entered the café, the door chiming in the process. your eyes anxiously darted across the whole café, looking for the people you were hoping to avoid. just as you were about to breathe in relief, you saw her face - irene’s face. she was sitting on the same side as jennie, nayeon and yeri, the other three sitting away from you. irene laughed at something wendy said, looking up nonchalantly and freezing when she saw you. yeri followed along, wondering where irene’s eyes had travelled to. her eyes widened when she saw you and felt herself tense up. she turned to irene and back to you, distress clearly written on her face. you looked away quickly, turning to aeri who was looking for someone else. “damn, she’s not here yet.”
“bro, i hate you so fucking much right now. irene unnie and i just made eye contact.” that seemed to catch aeri’s attention as she finally faced you. “oh, shit.. no, she didn’t. pretend she didn’t. come on.” she dragged you away to order, but irene’s eyes hadn’t let your figure. yeri nudged the older girl, finally causing her to look away. 
you and aeri had finished ordering and stood around waiting for your orders. nayeon looked up at the sudden movement from the corner of her eye and lit up at the two of you. “hey, isn’t that y/n and aeri?”
immediately, everyone's heads turned towards the both of you - freezing once you realised they had seen you. irene cursed under her breath as her friends called out for you . 
“oh my god! y/n! aeri!” joy cheered. “come here, come here!” 
you smiled awkwardly as you held onto aeri’s arm and walked towards the group. “uh, hi, unnies.” you greeted sheepishly, aeri repeating your words. “oh my god, y/n. finally, in the flesh!” jennie politely said, throwing you a smile. “you too, unnies. it’s great to finally meet you guys. i’m a huge fan.”
“sit, sit!” they insisted, moving in to make space for the both of you. you ended up sitting next to nayeon, with aeri opposite you, sitting next to wendy. 
“your posts don’t do you justice, y/n.” nayeon slyly commented, taking a sip from her drink. you smiled sheepishly, failing to hide the flustered look on your face. “thank you, unnie. you, too.” you awkwardly replied, completely missing the way irene’s eye twitched. you looked up to see irene staring intently at you, feeling frozen under her gaze. “nayeon unnie, be careful - y/n’s girlfriend is sitting right in front of her.” yeri instigated, causing the both of you to quickly turn to her with a look of shock. she grinned in response, as the reactions of the other girls started to kick in. 
“wait, what?” wendy asked, clearly confused. “aeri, you- you’re dating y/n?”
“i- uh,” she began, not knowing how to explain it to them without embarrassing herself. “well, not ex-” with that, the café’s front door chimed, drawing everyone’s attention. you looked up to see karina who politely greeted the cashier and looked around to find her usual seat. you kicked aeri under the table causing her to stop and look back. the both of you immediately stood up and excused yourselves. 
“we’re so sorry, unnies. we’d love to catch up another day! it’s just we have to meet a friend right now, but it was really nice seeing you all!” she grabbed your hand and laced her fingers through yours, turning the other way and walking towards karina. “fuck my life, let’s just get this over with.”
you and giselle pretend to nonchalantly walk towards the counter to collect your orders, catching the attention of the korean girl. “oh, gigi!..” she took a second to glance at you, the smile slightly dropping from her face. “..and y/n. um, good to see you! what are you two doing here?” 
“oh! hi, rina! i was just taking y/n/n out on a date since she’s been so stressed with volleyball lately, isn’t that right, babe?” 
“i- uh, yeah. riri’s so thoughtful, i’ve been exhausted all week but i’m always looking forward to spending more time with her.” you replied, throwing her a smile which karina returned bitterly. “ha.. right. well.. i hope you guys have a good one!” 
“you, too! it was nice seeing you!” you grabbed your drinks and left the café eagerly. once you were finally out of sight, you dropped her hand, shoving her as hard as you could. “what the fuck, unnie! that couldn’t have gone any worse!”
“stop, stop, i know. did you see her? rina didn’t even give a shit-”
you scoffed at her, not believing how that’s her only concern. “don’t be stupid, she was jealous. she was so evidently jealous, it’s working, unnie. but my problem is seeing the person i emphasised i didn’t want to see. i told you i didn’t want to and you didn’t give a shit. sure, call me dramatic but i seriously didn’t need that, unnie. i didn’t need to see her, i didn’t need to be near her. you know how i felt about this whole thing and you still couldn’t even think about how i felt. all you care about is whatever it is you have going on with karina. so for your sake and mine, just give in and tell her how you feel. she likes you too, but you’re just too blind to see it. i’m leaving, get home safe.” you stormed off, ignoring aeri’s calls of your name. when you got far enough, you took a taxi home with a million different emotions swimming in your chest.
frustration, embarrassment, anger. throughout the long course of your friendship with aeri, you had never snapped at her before - you’ve never even raised your voice at her. perhaps it was years worth of pent up frustration from previous occurrences, but it didn’t matter. it was done and you didn’t regret a single word. 
the sound of your phone dinging snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to feel more frustrated with the thought of aeri texting you. you reached into your pocket to check your notifications and flinched harshly when you saw the words written on your phone.
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SUMMARY ⤻ irene was a private influencer and y/n was an avid follower. you were extremely open about your admiration for the older girl. like every other fangirl, you want her to notice you – but she doesn't know your name. (and you don't know hers)
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sweetjazzygirl · 6 months
Because of people like Ultimatehater, every single fan will never try and take critical blogs seriously. (Even if people who criticizing the show happens to be fans themselves)
Not to mention how difficult already is for the actual victims to be believed.
This blog explains all the info about them.
Like, i agree that the show may be shit due its writing and Viv being a shit person even because she doesn't know how to handle the situation well and would rather not to because it doesn't affect her much.
But to ACCUSE HER of 🍇 without proof is just stupid, just because there's evidences of her mistreating her own employees doesn't mean you gotta make a FALSE accusation against her, this goes for the fans as well, don't just throw around like "THEY'RE ALL 🍇PISTS", not to mention majority of them can be minors who can get access to the series and yet, you have the nerve to say that "we" should kill them all while knowing most of them can be KIDS and then claim to someone and use the "it's just meh anxiety speaking" excuse just to justify your wrongdoing.
It's not funny, you're just disgusting who wants to seek for attention just because you're so blinded by hate that you would even go out of your way to attack EVERY SINGLE FAN and don't think about accusing me as a "Viv stan who supports 🍇" either just because i also disagree with what you're doing.
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xokxzuha · 2 years
Xiao - Jealousy ~♡
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Cw: F!reader, Degrading, size kink, tit play, rough sex, public sex, creampie, mentions of breeding, overstimulation, (reader is smaller than xiao btw ) No proof read Word count: 910
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Xiao couldn't believe what was fucking happening at this moment. Right now he was at the top of Wangshu inn staring at you and Aether from afar. Aether had come to Wangshu inn to ask Xiao for some help with something but apparently he was ‘unavailable’ so Aether decided to get the next best person who could help, and that person was you.
But instead of talking about important things related to the topic that you and Aether were discussing about he instead was flirting with you! “Oh Y/N you’re so cute!” your face then started to heat up “O-oh really Aether?” Xiao then saw the sight of your face getting red and flustered so he decided to go down and eavesdrop on you and Aethers conversation. “Aw c'mon Y/N don't be so shy around me now~” “e-eh sorry Aether” your eyes then look away from Aethers and to your surprise your eyes then meet with Xiaos who was looking at you and Aether getting all flirty with each other. At that moment you then saw Xiaos extremely pissed off face so you decided to flirt back with Aether to see how he would react. “Oh Aether, has anyone ever told you how cute you look?” Before he was about to flirt back with you he then notices a very mad and jealous Xiao glaring at him to death. Aether was pretty sure if he was gonna continue on with his response to you he would be put 6 feet under in no time by Xiao.
“Oh why thank you Y/N but uhhh I just remembered I have to go now bye” Aether then ran off as fast as he could and before you could turn around and walk back to Wangshu inn Xiao was standing right behind you. “Oh Xiao I didn't see you there”. Xiao was taller and bigger than you were so most of the time you had to look up at him just to be able to talk to him. Suddenly Xiao grabs you and picks you up bridal style without saying anything, and takes you back to you guys' shared room in Wangshu inn.
Xiao then suddenly throws you onto the bed then locks the door. “H-HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” Xiao then sighs and then suddenly you are below Xiao with your wrists pinned above your head. “Oh Y/N would you please stop being such a fucking slut for once.. I saw how you talked to Aether, whoring yourself out to him like that..” you gave him a shocked look “H-huh what do you mean Xiao?” “Stop acting like a fucking bitch you know what the fuck im talking about.” he then slaps you across the face. “You know what Y/N since you clearly like to spread your legs for the whole of Teyvat like the slut you are how about I show the whole of Teyvat who you truly belong to” Xiao then strips you and himself completely naked and brings you outside to the balcony so he can fuck you from behind.
“X-Xiao people can see me!” Xiao then grabs your tit from behind earning a moan from you. “Did I say you can fucking speak slut?” you then moan in response and then nod your head.”hm good… Now i want you to scream my fucking name out so the whole of Teyvat knows that you. Are. mine.” Xiao then started playing around with your tits, grabbing them harshly and pinching your nipples. “N-ngh o-oh Xiao please more!~” Xiao's movements then suddenly stop and he goes close to your ear “hm what was that sorry I couldnt hear you- say it louder right now”
“AGH XIAO PLEASE MORE MORE N-NGH~” “mhm good now princess who do you belong to?” “YOU XIAO- YOU I BELONG TO YOU AND ONLY YOU- A-AH~” suddenly you felt Xiao's cock enter your dripping pussy. His rough muscular hands that were much bigger than yours went to your hips while he thrusted harshly into you and holy shit were you enjoying this. He was thrusting into you at an inhuman speed and honestly you could just cum right there and then.
Xiao loves the fact that he is so much bigger than you- why because it makes you look so submissive and breedable. “X-Xiao im close a-ah” you were a moaning and panting mess, your face was bright red and flushed not to mention some people passing were staring at you getting fucked but you couldnt care less of what the thought of you because right now you were getting fucked so fucking good. “Cum on my cock bitch” even though Xiao's words were harsh though you loved that he degraded you and the thing is he knows you love it that's why he does it so often to you! Poor bb is just trying to show that he cares and loves you :(
After you came on his cock his thrusting didn't stop at all instead he increased the speed of each thrust. “A-Ah Xiao - I-I can't-too much” you started to feel overstimulated “it's fine you can handle it”.
A few final thrusts later Xiao finally felt the knot in his stomach about to snap. Xiao finally cums inside of you, filling you up to the brim. “Oh sweetheart you thought I was done with you, this is just the beginning of this..” oh archons you are in for a wild ride!
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hiiragi7 · 1 year
Repeating it again for anyone new around here. I am transsexual, genderfuck, intergender, bigender, genderqueer in every sense of the word. Not just intersex. I also use neopronouns. I was kicked out when I was 17 by my stepmother for starting HRT and being trans. I have been involved in queer advocacy in both quiet and loud ways for a long time. Way too many of y'all seem to think I'm cis just because intersex is the identity I talk about most.
Y'all genuinely need to take some time to think if an intersex person speaking out about the ways intersexism is casually tossed around in trans spaces is transphobia or terf rhetoric to you and why, because holy fuck I have never been called a terf until after speaking out about intersexist shit and suddenly everyone wants to throw the word terf around at me without really understanding a single word I've said.
Having issues with the term transintersex is not terf rhetoric. Saying you cannot transition to intersex because that is a word which specifically refers to someone born with a sex variation is not terf rhetoric. Speaking out about ways specifically trans perisex people perpetuate intersexism in spaces meant to be safe for us is not terf rhetoric. Asking people to not use us as "living proof" for an argument because it's dehumanizing and performative is not terf rhetoric.
Can y'all please learn to listen to intersex people instead of throwing buzzwords around at things you don't like. It really fucking sucks to be called a terf for talking openly about intersexism, because god forbid I want my community to be safer in shared spaces with perisex people.
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bahja-blix · 7 months
😐💀Longish Post regarding Vivziepops Stans (POC Woman Speaks up)
TW: The following post mentions serious topics: S*icide, bullying, racism, and other topics, viewer discretion is advised (and No I do not know whom originally sat here and typed this post I don't want to know)
So I saw this image floating around and I as a Bisexual biracial Woman of color wanted to speak up about this because if y'all think it's hilarious or cool to say dumb shit on the Internet and not expect to get called out for your crap by reasonable people that you yourself put yourself out there for then your dead wrong.
Let's take a look amigos
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Let's start from the beginning
This person who's an obvious biased boot licker who deliberately put themselves out there on the Internet ON PURPOSE said all of This!
Here's some things I completely disagree with because in their own words:
"You probably heard over and over again that Viv is a terrible person who's toxic that made all kinds of terrible things in the past but I assure you, (even if it's true) these stories are all "completely fake" and "made up" and that Viv is "flawed" and makes mistakes like all of us and that she "doesn't deserve" the "hate" and "bad faith" comments"
"I have decided to "fund" the "StopVivziepophate" train because poor ol Viv is sweet and innocent and we as fandom must stick it to these "critics" and express to vivziepop our eternal love and "actively convince" people (without any proof btw) that Vivziepop has done absolutely "nothing wrong" at all and we must defend her to the ends of the Earth because I said so and thats the Truth. You guys are liars and bigots and racist and are anti progressive"
Vivziepop has proved Time and Time again that she's a deliberately toxic shitty ass dumbass of person and has gotten much WORSE over the years! That is a FACT! She HAS made shitty, questionable, nasty things in her past artworks depicting minors, Nazi shit, racist shit and other stuff! This is a FACT and can be proven!
These Critical people on the Internet are All people who Used to LOOK UP to Viv because she was inspirational, saw right through her bullshit, and decided to call her out For said bullshit that she inflicted on herself especially nowadays seemingly on the daily. These Critical people who used to look up to Viv often back up their claims using pictures and evidence to Prove what they say! Vivziepop is a person who has proven that she is ass backwards on an absolute altitude of ways through thick and thin.
Viv refuses to back up her claims, do basic research on complicated topics regarding many things, weaponizes her fanbase to silence Anyone and Everyone regardless of who they are or what they identify as who speaks up or validly critiques her foolishness, never improves on herself as a person and chooses to carry herself in a negative way that affects her overall character and the people around her, bullies or judges anyone who chooses a different path, didn't call out her cult of a fanbase out for bullying Shay into suicide, and the list goes on.
What are you Stans going to prove huh? That we as a critical are right? There's an abundance of evidence against Viv yet your going to sit here and make a post like this?
Please tell me what you said is Bait!
Viv absolutely deserves EVERYTHING that people throw at her ESPECIALLY regarding the fact that Shay is no longer with us because Vivziepops cult of a fanbase brutally bullied Shay into s*icide over a fictional ship that these hypocritical Stans supported Before their new ship with Alastor came out with a different character
And Viv also absolutely deserves to be criticized for hiring a disgusting person with a r*pe fetish who's NOT a s*xual assault victim at All who also fetishizes r*pe and let this person illustrate and write their own sick fantasies into HER SHOW which she actively supported and still supports!
She's Shit All Around!
"Most" of the "hate" comes from the "fact" that she's both *Checks notes* 🧐 "inserts identity politics here"
"Woman and Hispanic" ahh yes who Could've thought that poor ol Viv was being targeted simply because of her identity! Why as if I didn't hear that BS before as a fucking POC woman myself
People are "totally not" validly criticizing her for actual shit she does to herself on purpose
We critics are "totally" all just "making up" shit regardless of clear as day evidence, articles, or any picture evidence we have and are "totally jealous" over her success
We critics totally dunk on Viv because we're magically all racist, bigots, or istaphobes even though we're of varying backgrounds and identities and don't dunk on her for the bullshit you pulled out your ass because you decided to do what some far left thinking people would do. Blame the entire world for X, Y, Z using their identity as a shield even though vivziepop herself got caught! BY HER OWN POLITICAL PARTY which is the left.
Let me bring up a successful Black YouTuber who's indie for Black History Month whom I support and followed for years and bought his comics! Since you wanna blame the world for people criticizing Viv for her identity, I've decided to use an excellent example! He may not be a woman but he's Black so... :D let's begin
You wanna know who's Black and made millions of dollars because of his comics and is successful? Youngrippa59! Yes the Black Libertarian himself who made the Rippaverse, ISOM, and ALPHA CORE and made millions of dollars in short periods of time who also helped successfully dominated the comic book industry when it was dying! He's Not a conservative btw!
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Heres one of his most recent successful projects ALPHACORE
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Look at this! A Black person made this! He's successful! He didn't use his race as a shield. He ain't Viv but doesn't have to be! That's the beauty of him because he doesn't have to be the richest, or the most popular!
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His message to everyone! Mr. Rippa also known as Eric July is one of my biggest inspirations to this day and this is why! People who were on the far left decided to attack him (it's been proven btw) but y'all say your for "diversity" and "inclusion" but when a black person becomes successful now it's an issue???
I Can't imagine what will fly outta your mouths when I become successful with my own shows behind the scenes... As diverse as I am as a biracial, bisexual, goth, God damn X, Y, Z, I Don't pander, I observe what everyone wants through multiple people!
Vivziepop is a woman who's a biracial Hispanic! I am ALSO a woman who's a biracial Hispanic
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As a biracial Hispanic I'm more Puerto Rican looking IRL. Viv is a biracial Salvadoran Hispanic but looks more "white" because maybe she has more European family members. My family is made up of mainly Puerto Ricans on both sides of the family some European. I have dark eyes and dark naturally curly hair too. Few have said I can pass as "Indigenous" because of my features and tanned skin. Regardless my point still stands! I don't actively use my identity as a shield and neither should you!
I don't want to know who sat here and typed up that post! I as a woman of color of the brown community am still sick of this! Like who's saying they hate Viv because she's Hispanic? Huh? Who? Who's dunking on her for simply being a woman too???
Prove to me by providing solid concrete evidence by pictures or tweets or something else actually showing me people are dunking on Viv because she's both "Woman/Hispanic"! Well I tell you now that that shit Doesn't happen and if it does, it's a VERY SMALL minority that are saying shit for bait reasons or to be an asshole on purpose to get a reaction. The fact this person decided to say "Most hate comes from her race and being a woman" is BS because they cant even take the time to dig up evidence of this to prove it!
Show don't tell not TELL DONT SHOW goddamnit!
Legit you wanna play the race x woman card so badly then BACK IT UP with actual evidence or someone like me with more than two functioning brain cells will call you out.
I'm sorry but I agree with the critics on this one because they're not wrong for calling Viv out!
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