#i don't wanna lose them. and i feel like i'm not connecting with the friends that i *am* Going To Do Things With properly
trashpremiium · 8 months
i miss parallel play, when will parallel play return from war
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bi-writes · 3 months
mmmm i have thoughts about being threatened because you're simon riley's girl and them realizing that you're not the lady in distress they thought you would be (18+)
it is late when you get to your car. your shoulders sag from a long night at work, and you can't wait to curl up on the couch with something warm to eat and something strong to drink to lull you into a peaceful sleep tonight.
you're alone. he should be home any day now, but you aren't fortunate enough to know when that is. that is how this works, and you accepted that a long time ago. if anything, it made you appreciate the times when he is close, when he is at home. it makes your connection special, and you are comforted by the fact that your bond is more than physical.
your eyes droop, and you don't pay attention to the vehicle three cars behind you that's been tailing you since you left. you press the brake and toe the accelerator on autopilot and memory alone, and you zone out as you cross familiar streets. you think you saw a new movie to watch last night, and you think about how nice it'll be to play it as you cook dinner.
you park in your usual spot, getting out and shutting the door behind you. you open the backseat, grabbing your bag and closing the door. in the reflection of the mirror, you see someone behind you, just standing there.
you react first. you toss your head back and smack him with the back of your skull, and you're satisfied when you hear the telltale crunch of a nose breaking. when you spin around to face him, he's shouting, cradling his nose, but he flicks a blade out quickly, pressing you up against your car and putting the sharp edge to your neck.
"fuck!" he cries. "fuck! what did you fucking do?!"
you raise a brow, "you sneak up on a lady like that, and you wanna start complaining?"
"shut the fuck up," he snapped. you don't flinch, even as he digs the blade a little more into your neck. you tighten your jaw at the feeling of the edge pricking you a little. you narrow your eyes, tilting your head to the side.
"this isn't random...is it?" you ask. he stands tall, taller than you at least. he's a scrawny thing, but he's still bigger than you, and he has a weapon. his pupils are a little dilated, telling you he have taken something for the edge, and he fidgets. he's wearing a black bandana to cover the lower half of his face, but you can see the peek of brunette curls and the wild green of his eyes. you memorize the eyes, the accent--ukranian, georgian, russian? you try to place it as he speaks again.
"mm..." he shakes his head, "you're smart girl, i'll give you that."
you click your tongue, "then i don't have to tell you what a bad idea this is, do i?"
"it's because of that, that's why i'm doing this--" he comes closer, and his breath stinks, even through the mask. "they fucked with me, so i'll fuck with them. starting with their whores."
you tilt your head to the side, "oh...you really..." you smile a little, and it is off-putting. he frowns a bit momentarily. the smile you wear startles him. "you really don't get it."
"no, this is--"
"they won't just come for you," you whisper. "they're going to come for your family. mom. dad. sisters. brothers. cousins, friends--" you grit your teeth, "anyone that even so much as opens a fucking door for you or shines your goddamn shoes is going to lose a limb, are you ready for that?" you snarl a bit. "and when they find you, which they will, believe me--" you laugh, "it will be slow. it will be painful. you think you're the first?"
"you aren't," you snap. "you're not the first, and you won't be the last." you glare at him, meeting his crazed eyes, and you take a deep, shaking breath. "so i want you to think again about what you're doing. i want you think about what it is you're going to do. because for every scratch they find on me...they are going to give it back to you." you blink, "so think. i'll wait."
you lean back against your car, your posture relaxed, your feet steady. it unnerves him, how calm you are. how you don't flinch, how nothing scares you, not even with his blade right against your soft skin. it doesn't phase you, and it's terrifying.
"they stole from me," he says finally. "eye for an eye. you'll just have to accept that."
you sigh, pouting a little.
"god, i...i really wish...i really wish you hadn't said that."
you bang on your car with one hand, drawing his attention away from you for just a moment. with your other, you slip your keys into your fist and you swing. you block his knife-wielding arm, sinking the pointed end of the key into his face, and you go for the vulnerable spots. back to his bleeding, broken nose, against his mouth, and the finishing blow, right into his eye.
he screams, the knife clattering to the floor, and he drops to his knees, cradling his bloody face. his hands shake, and you put your foot to his chest and kick, knocking him onto his back on the pavement.
you pick up the blade, holding it steady before you step on his neck, making him wheeze. he thrashes, preoccupied with wondering if he'll go blind in one eye.
"i told you," you spit. "you're not the first."
for a moment, your resolve breaks. your lip trembles, and you squeeze the handle of the blade tight for stability. this is the price you pay for loving someone. this is what you must do to keep a ghost, and although you feel strong and resilient and capable, you feel fear, too.
"he'll have to be the last, then."
your head snaps to the side when you hear it. he stands on the sidewalk, duffel bag at his feet. he's still wearing his gear--and fuck, he looks so big when he wears it. he looks so broad, the boots make him just that much taller, and it seems as if he hasn't had time to unload the artillery he normally wears. there's a gun holstered to his thigh and magazines stuffed into their pockets in his vest. he still wears his mask, eye-black smeared messily across his pale face.
it means he came here immediately--it means he didn't have time to undress. it means he wanted to come home, and come home fast.
you breathe easier when you see him there. when you step aside and the man beneath you gets a look at him with his good eye, he starts to cry. he sputters, starts to beg, but it falls on deaf ears.
the gravel on the pavement crunches under his boots as he comes near. like a magnet, a gloved hand comes up and grips you firmly on the back of the neck, and you lean up on your toes, tilting your head back just enough to kiss him through the mask.
it's soft, sweet, a little hungry after the time apart. you pull away slowly, smiling up at him. he narrows his eyes, angry, but it isn't at you.
"missed you," you whisper, and he grips your jaw with one big hand, tilting your head to the side. he grunts when he sees the thin line left behind from the blade, tiny droplets of blood beginning to peek out from it. "missed you so much--"
you gasp when his hand falls and gropes you. cupping one side of your ass, squeezing the fat of it in his paw and drawing you near. he pressed the front of you against him, despite the layers that separate you, and he hisses.
"are you olright?"
you nod. "just fine. he's new at this, i think."
you hum as he squeezes your ass again, patting it gently before nodding back towards home.
"get inside," he leans down and presses his covered mouth to yours again, and you can feel the rumble of his growl deep in his chest. "gonna rid y'of the rubbish, sweetheart."
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
Your dream spouse vs. the real one ❤️‍🔥
You & your Destined fs 🌙
Take a deep breathe and pick a picture you feel most drawn to.
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Disclaimer : tarot is not 100% accurate, this reading is just for fun. Tarot does not substitute professional treatment of any kind. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings. This may not resonate with everyone. Please be mindful of your own actions and thoughts ♡
I'll be very straightforward with whatever comes through and if you're not comfortable with that, please don't read this post.
Pile 1
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
TW ⚠️ : tr*uma bonding.
You want the bad boy/girl type husband/wife. Someone who is impulsive, daring and savage. You may want someone who is your perfect match, and very compatible with you. You desire to bond over trauma with someone. You know those couples who've seen each other's most vulnerable sides. You want a very romantic and caring connection which goes till soul level. You may also want someone who is famous or well known or even who has power and command in the society. You like big surprises. You want to take care of someone who has been emotionally broken down or sad. You want to comfort a sad person. You want a spouse who has old money. You know that trope when there is a powerful person in the society, who's famous and all that, but they have love missing in their lives. You want to be that love to your spouse. You want a deep and intimate spouse who's cold to others but warm snd loving to you only.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
33 and 66 can be significant. Your real life spouse is someone very hardworking and honest. They may like to socialize or be with family and friends. This is a very cute and homely energy. Your fs can be someone well known in their field for what they do. They are a family person, someone who's purpose is their family. They believe in long term commitments. They don't joke around, they want serious commitment or else don't enter their life. They may like to meditate or they are calm and composed, they don't seem to lose their cool easily. They are energetic and quick to make changes. They can be an engineer or in business. They are funny and cool. Their personality is very easy going and smooth. They may have emotional outburts a lot of times, but they don't vent it out on you. They may sometimes unknowingly disturb people and then get sad snd walk away when someone tells them something. Despite all of this, they can be of a very giving nature. They donate and do charity work a lot. They sometimes may have limiting beliefs that stresses them out.
Pile 2
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
You want your spouse to choose you over any other girl/guy. You wanna be their top priority over anything. You want a mysterious spouse who only opens up to you. You want someone closed off from the world. You want a romantic person who is just like a gentleman/woman. Very caring towards you. You want an happily ever after with your fs. You want to have a rich and happy married life afterwards. Your fs may have a other women's eyes too on them. And they would choose you. You want a rich and wealthy fs.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
Your fs may have many expectations of others on their shoulders which constantly makes them fight for themselves. Alright, this person is unhappy with their family or something. They get really sad about this. They somehow gather courage to do what others want from them. But they don't like it. And this is taking a toll on their mental health and making them hate everyone and everything. This thing came through so i told you. Let's get some more cards about their personality.
They want a stable and committed partner with a long term vision. They can be a hardworking person. They are undergoing a transformation right now with the death card. They are pretty emotional and romantic. They have the ability to give lots of love to you.
Pile 3
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
You want to meet your spouse by destiny or fate just like kdramas. You want someone romantic, caring and loving to you. You may want someone who is like a reward to you. You want someone emotional, you wanna share an emotional and deep connection with your fs. You want a lawyer by profession? You want someone dominating, loyal and family oriented. Someone who works on a high position and offers you stability. You dream of a happily ever after marriage life with your fs. You want someone to heal or fix your broken heart. You want someone who listens to you without telling anything. You want someone rational as well as emotional, a balance of everything. That's good, actually. You secretly desire a soulmate for yourself.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
Your fs may have two sisters. Your real life fs is someone who has a lot of options and choices in love but still, somewhere their heart says that no, there is someone else meant for them, that can be you. They're waiting for you. They are someone with a strong will and determination. They always act fast and logically. Whatever They're doing right now, they are starting someone new and afresh, can be a new start in life or work related. Their feminine energy can be a bit imbalanced right now. There is something which stops them from being expressive of their emotional side. This may be due to some childhood issues by a female figure i see. They are facing this blovk right now. But they're working on it.
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vixeneptune · 6 months
Askfirmations ♡
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♡ Why am I so amazing? I'm naturally the best and never compete or compare myself to anyone
♡ Why am I so powerful? My aura naturally radiates immense power , is that why I keep getting everything I want? Or why nobody ever messes with me?
♡ Why do I feel so confident all the time like its my permanent state of being? I believe in myself so much that my confidence is literally unshakable.
♡ how do I keep getting everything I want? It's like the universe conspires in my favor and the world has my back 24/7
♡ omg why am I so freaking gorgeous?! Seriously I'm always stunned when I see my reflection like wow how am I so pretty i look unreal?
♡ Why am I such a money magnet? Attracting money is literally the easiest thing, why is it so effortless for me? Like I never worry about money bc it comes to me abundantly from multiple sources.
♡ Why am I so damn lucky? Why do I keep winning everytime at EVERYTHING? the word failure doesn't exist in my dictionary.
♡ ugh why is everyone so obsessed with me? Like I'm easily the most popular person everywhere I go. How come everyone knows my name and treats me like their fav person ? Idk why but I'm always the one who gets most attention and people literally chase me and desperately wanna be with me and I don't even try ?!? Why do I have so many secret admirers and so many people confessing their feelings for me ? Is it bc im so charming and magnetic that people can't help but fall in love with me instantly?
♡ Why am I always invited to events and hangouts like my presence is a must? People love being around me and talking to me so much. Why does everyone say I have an amazing vibe and they love my energy ? Honestly one of my fav compliments but its also like just being seen with me and being around me is a privilege
♡ Why are my eyes so big and feline? Why does everyone compliment my eyes? Why are they so mesmerizing and gorgeous? 😍
♡ Why is my skin so clear and hydrated? Like its so smooth and lifted and perfect I'm so amazed!
♡ Why are my lips so plump and perfect? I love how kissable and full they look!
♡ Why does my hair grow soo fast?? Its crazy like my hair is so long now. Why is it so thick and soft and perfect? Everyone compliments my hair
♡ Why are my eyebrows always on fleek? Like they look naturally perfect
♡ Why is my face so pretty like its sculpted by the angels? Why is my face so symmetrical and harmonious? I look naturally stunning like I don't need makeup or filters.
♡ Why does my face look EXACTLY like my desired face now? It's uncanny how much I resemble Megan fox and Adriana Lima
♡ why is it so easy for me to lose weight? I always lose weight so fast bc I have such a fast metabolism. Why does my body look so snatched? I don't even need to work out and I have the body of a model! Why does my butt look so good? Why are my arms and legs fit and toned and why is stomach so flat?
♡ Why is my face so slim? I have the most sculpted defined gorgeous face 😍 why does everyone stare at me like they're mesmerised by my beauty?
♡ Why is my nose so tiny and small and perfect? I literally have the cutest nose and I love it!
♡ Why does everyone say I remind them of tomie with how captivating , alluring and mysteriously beautiful I am ? Why do people say I remind them of a Siren ? So magnetic with high sex appeal
♡ Why does everyone love spoiling me so much and giving me princess/royalty treatment? Is it bc i have pretty privilege? Why do men open doors for me and gift me expensive things and they keep pursuing me and trying to impress me? Why am I always desired and wanted by everyone ? My energy inspires men to spoil and please me. There's something about me that naturally pulls people in like a magnet, maybe it's my energy or my personality or my beauty.
♡ why is it so easy for me to make friends and attract lovers and people like a magnet? I don't even try but somehow I always end up having so many great genuine connections with others and I have so many loyal friends.
♡ ugh why am I so freaking sexy? Like I have that dangerous sex appeal that fuels everyone around me with desire and lust for me (I'm always safe tho) but srsly I'm so hot it should be illegal 🥵
♡ Why do I keep looking younger and prettier as I age ? am I a vampire or something cuz i never age😂 people always think I'm 18 years old
♡ Why is my life so amazing? Why do good things keep happening to me? Why is it that everyday something wonderful happens? Why is life so easy and fun for me? It's like a game rigged in my favor. Why does my life keep getting better and better? Every aspect in my life is going so well! I feel so fulfilled and so grateful. I mean I'm literally living my dream life right now!
♡ why am i so blessed in every way? I'm rich, pretty, in the best relationship with the love of my life, I have amazing friends and family, I'm so successful and recognised for it, I'm such a catch and an honor to be associated with, I have so many admirers and I'm a great influencer, I'm so sexy and drop dead gorgeous, i have a fun addictive personality, im healthy and fit with the sexiest toned body, I'm constantly surrounded by love and support, im lucky, a powerful manifestor, I'm literally perfect, such a flawless beauty. I have it all
♡ Why do I have such amazing privileges? All I be doing is exist and I get everything I want , everything is handed to me. Why do I get things for free? I don't even have to try, why is it so easy for me to get my way? I think I'm just so charismatic and charming and pretty it's impossible to deny me
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mariii1 · 7 months
(These piles are hella long, a lot came thru, this is open to everyone including ace/aro peeps 🤗 got this idea from FairySagMother on yt <3)
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☆ Piles start from top left with pile 1 ☆
YALL messages came throughh, I made a good choice buying this new oracle deck. ALSO the theme card of this reading is the waterfall card because it was in FIVE of the six piles 😭. The oracke deck is Herbiary by Maia Toll if you wanna buy it 😜. I definitely won't be super active in the next 6 months tbh because I'm incredibly stressed out and a lot is happening especially with my physical health, just a heads up...ALSO THANK YOU FOR 777 FOLLOWERS 😘 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸
1. If you felt like people in the past were very selfish in relationships including your parents, this person is the opposite. They don't have you around just cause they want your attention, they genuinely care about your feelings and interests. You'll actually be able to connect with this person without feeling like things need to be transactional. If you feel you struggle with this concept especially if you have a low self esteem, working it out will bring this relationship in much faster. There's also no rush, no lovebombing and then ghosting, or trying to get you to commit quickly. This person seems very reassured within themselves and they expect you to not abruptly ghost/leave them without communicating why. I'm listening to Sociopathic Dance Queen and Feel Complete (by Pink Panthress); this person is the opposite of the antagonists in these songs. I hate being really woo woo but everything will happen as it should within this relationship. Your lives might be a mess but this relationship might be the only stable/secure thing when you get into it. I'm mostly getting romantic vibes but this could be platonic as well, although it will most likely start as a friendship and progress.
2. The cards were flying out so you either have a lot happening in your life rn and I'm getting for most of you, several healthy relationships will come in at the same time. If you're monogamous, you'll have several healthy options to choose from; if not, get ready to be to busy. You'll at least have a really good friend. I'm getting that with all of these people you are able to be vulnerable and specifically you're able to share interests especially if they're niche. Many or most of these relationships will last for a long time even if you do walk away from them at some point. If you're spiritual or religious your either going to meet someone who challenges your religious beliefs, particularly those that are restrictive or oppressive. They are not an atheist, they could actually be in the same religion as you but the are more self-assured and self-sufficient. If you're someone who often relies on the universe or a higher power to do things for you or to make them come your way, this person is going to force you out of that mindset. I'm specifically getting this will happen because you don't want to lose them and you'll see this mindset isn't actually working for you. They let you know it's ok to chase sometimes, especially when it comes to your own personal goals. This is specifically coming from that longterm friend I was getting at the beginning. I'm not really getting romance still, so love might be on the backburner for awhile.
3. I'm strongly getting this is a healthy s€xua1 relationship. It's not even a situationship tbh; you could be learning from a dominatrix or shibari master or maybe you pay to have that experience one day. I'm getting this might sound outlandish for some of you but a few of you are from pile 2 and this might come randomly or you might decide to do it on a whim. This person is very attractive and they take their job or interest seriously. They genuinely want you to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself. Especially if you are a s£x worker, this is someone you go out of your way to see orrr it's a new romantic partner. The emphasis may still be on s€x especially if you do OF, they'll probably help out, but they actually still have a personality and you can get along with them. I'm specifically getting a femme woman, or someone just who's afab but not super masculine. They are very sweet and attentive during play and have good aftercare. If this person does something you don't like, they'll listen to you without complaint. Even if this is a man, they are genuinely experienced and not weirdly misogynistic or abusive in any way. Boundaries are realllyy important to this person. They're just really good at creating a safe space.
4. Money, Money, Money by ABBA came up; this person will most definitely take care of you financially even if they are just a friend. I'm actually getting for some you, your get to get someone from a species that almost extinct: a man who treats you and is perfectly fine with just being friends NO S£X OR NUN in return🤯 this might make you attracted romantically to this person but I'm getting they could actually be married (they could be gay or queer in some way too) or they're just not interested in your romantically/sexually and just want to be besties. If you have anyyy health issues including paying medical bills they will help you out without a second thought. Some of you might unfortunately be in a situation where you get very hurt, like a car accident or sum, and this person is the first to visit you. They view as someone self-sufficient and extremely independent so they never get scared that you'll start to rely on them or leech off of them. Both of your goals and morals align especially if you have alternative politics (not conservative but extreme left, marxism, socialism, anarchism, etc.) and you'll be able to talk and debate without feeling like your friendship will fall apart. If this is someone that is romantically attracted to your gender, I really don't think they'll entertain the idea of dating you and even dating in general until much later in your friendship.
5. Right off the bat your most probably going tobget married if not, you'll be roommates for a very long time. This could honestly be a QPP for few of you, the rest I'll think you'll have a family with this person if you're interested. Even if you know for sure you don't want to get married, you will treat this person as if they are your spouse. You might've felt drained at the idea of a family or maybe yours and other ppl's was very chaotic to be in, but you'll genuinely feel like you can do it with this person without it being a risk for getting retraumatized. You might travel a lot with this person or live in a very nature filled area. I'm not getting much so I guess you don't really need to know more and I'm really getting this will be a surprise anyway, even at each stage of the relationship, you never expected to feel so emotionally secure with someone else constantly on your mind.
6. You might be connected to pile 4 or drawn to it. This is someone very new, as in you've never met anyone like them before. They either have a very unique appearance they put effort in or they really surpsie you with how deep they're personality and thoughts are. I'm getting for a lot of you, you might think this person is probably just annoying middle-aged person (😭) specifically man but then your talk and you're like woahh I was not expecting that. Their voice might not fit they're appearance either; they could have an extremely deep voice but be average height in whichever country they're from or their voices are quite animated even though their appearance might make them look gloomly or uninteresting (damn you guys are flaming this person during your first impression of them 😭😭) They point out a lot of things you don't notice or just know random facts that are helpful. They could even be a polyglot and travel a lot. However, this person is very stable in they're life, they feel ok at they're job or have a very specific idea of what they want to do with their career. If you end up working together, they are much more helpful than you anticipated. I'm getting for a lot you they aren't nice or super polite but they are very kind and generous. Like they don't smile much but ask them a question and you'll get a succinct answer. (Ughh this is my type 😩) They're very real and I love people like this cause they are genuine in wanting to help you and you don't have to constantly decipher they're words especially in a corporate context. There will definitely be an age gap and possible height gap. They could be almost 10 yrs older than you but you somehow have a lot in common although they are definitely not immature. I don't think they dated a lot or they had one really long relationship that they got out of when they met you.
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bhpop · 6 months
For @rose-tea-and-strawberries
{Concept art for a spider-girl Yuu someone brought up, but since I don't wanna fully put my own image of spider Yuu in case others imagined them differently, this is heavily based more on astv instead of just a general spider-man/woman Yuu}
TW: Mention of death {Yuu's Canon Event}
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{In case you can't tell I added a bit of spider-Gwen [ghost-spider] to this Yuu [with the slight colored hair, losing their best friend and soon father, also this Yuu has a more Micky inspired suit since their old one got torn from their canon event and Micky felt bad so he made one for them that goes with the waiter outfits.}
I can honestly see the staff at House of Mouse along with the guest {mainly the great seven} being pretty concerned and curious of this Yuu's world/dimension since I'd be pretty understandable this Yuu has trust issues not because their villains/magical people but because they don't want to possibly lose them like how they lost their Peter/Gwen/father.
And to go deeper on the topic of spider-Yuu {mainly with canon events and more connected to the atsv plot} I like to image that before arriving at Twisted Wonderland and working at House of Mouse they just went through their canon event of losing their dimensions Peter/Gwen or father.
Along with that, since this Yuu is from another dimension and arrived in a different world {twst} they'd technically be an anomaly, since it's theorized/hinted that the spider society can only go to dimensions/worlds WITH a spider-man/woman in them. So they may tend to glitch a lot {which is canonically very painful} due to their body's genes not being from that place unless the more powerful/magical guest or staff at NRC and House Of Mouse placed a spell that prevents them from glitching.
Bonus: I believe maybe the NRC boys {especially the dorm leaders and our boy Jamil} would be a little jealous of Yuu's Peter/Gwen since they were the first ones to get close to/love Yuu, but feel bad for being jealous since you know, Yuu's first friend/lover is dead {rip Peter/Gwen but I prefer to make Peter's death this Yuu's canon event since Gwen already went through it in most other worlds}. Idia would most definitely be jealous of Yuu's Ganke though lol.
{Anyway here's Yuu's Canon event, similar to spider-Gwen's canon event since I'd just get sadder thinking of more brutal ideas for Yuu's Peter}
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{So to explain this in short, Yuu's Peter was similar to Gwen's Peter and turned himself into a giant lizard, so they fight without Yuu knowing it's him and then the giant rubble crushes him and turns him back into his human form, Yuu hears his slow breaths {since he's literally dieing from being crushed} and realizes it's him but got trapped in rubble as well so they had to cut their hair off with the sharpest rock/shard of glass they could find so that's why their hair looks so messy and choppy at the bottom due to the panic and want to find and save her friend Peter, but he dies in their arms obviously. So in memory of him they keep their hair the same and never let it grow longer since they feel like they'd lose him again in a different way {+they dyed their hair his favorite color at the end, or just your favorite color in general}. Tragic.}
I'm feeling angsty 🥀💔😏.
{Honestly bonus points if Yuu was destined to die like Gwen in other dimension versions of them, everyone is going to freak out.}
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thecherrytarot · 8 months
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲.
pick a line to read a channeled message from your person.
listen to : like crazy by park jimin
pile 1 "I think we could last forever"
pile 2 "I'm afraid that everything will disappear"
pile 3 "Just trust me"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏 "𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐 "𝐈'𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫"
if you felt drawn to pile 3 make sure to check it out as well!
"hey there! don't you know it? I'm the one for you, your lover, your other half, your reflection, your king. I will come to save you, I know this sounds so filmy and cheesy but I will come and save you from that locked tower that feels like is always on fire, don't worry I won't let those flames hurt you ever again. I'll help you with every single thing you worry about and fix them for you, oh wait you don't want me do to that? Alright, I understand that you need to grow on your own but I will help you cause that's what friends and lovers do. They help the people that they care about. Don't feel afraid that you might fall back down through this journey, I'm right behind you, I'll catch you. Let's go ride bicycles and don't worry I'll teach you how to do that properly. My friends call me a simp and say that I am down bad for you they are correct about that no lie but they are wrong about how 'cold' you are towards them. They do not know you as I do, they do not know that you just have your guard up but because you have doubts about trusting your gut instinct, they don't know about your anxiety or how shaky your hands get when talking to strangers but fear not I am here, I'll rub your hands when they shiver, ill do the talking and encourage you to do that, I know you don't feel confident about the language that I speak but dont worry ill help you with that too and im good at correcting peoples grammar lol. Something about our connection makes me feel that this was meant to be, the decisions we made were made for us to meet that day or in your words 'god brought us together as a blessing and an apology for the things that we went through.'"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑 "𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞"
i feel like many of you thought of your crush/ partner instead of your future spouse, then take however it resonates.
"I have so much to say, you are my favourite topic and also cause I have ADHD and I get hyperactive very easily. Anyway, I feel like you doubt our connection, you doubt if I am the one for you or are you the one for me and heck I even think you were doubting if this pile was for you aha got you, sorry I love teasing you and bothering you, you are just so cute and I love it when your eyes get big when you are surprised because of me, are they big now hehe let me take a picture fake clicking noises see? this is what happens when you date an introvert lol anyway back to the message I have so many doubts, they are filling my head and I can't sleep because of them no no don't worry they aren't always negative they are random but not the point sorry I keep getting distracted but what is the rating of this cause sometimes my thoughts get wild iykwim. I love the way you care for me, ask me in your sweet voice if I slept well or not and when I say no, I love how you let me rest my head on your chest and play with my hair cause you know that relaxes me. I had the best naps of my life in your arms. Please don't leave me, I am afraid that you will someday and I won't get to marry you as I have planned and no i don't wanna marry my games i want to marry you (not my games lol) sometimes i wonder if you feel like this too, these doubts of overthinking and our possible marriage. i feel like you do, so let's hopefully meet and talk about this topic and get it out of our system cause a little birdie told me that it helps."
" 'Just trust me' what a beautiful line, that's me saying that to you just trust me also look for pile 1, there are also messages for us there. I am a mess. I am losing my courage please come find me. I don't know what to do, I thought I would be fine but I am not. I have everything I wanted but this emptiness…it doesn't go away. I have been lonely for so long that I thought I would get used to it but I am not. I don't mind being alone but I mind not having someone to share my happiness, my sadness, my random fun facts, or just anything. I want to have my own family with you and maybe even kids but at the same time, I am afraid. I am so scared that our kids will end up like me and I don't want that to happen, I want our kids to love me and I want them to talk to me about their lives too, I had to cut off contact with my folks and I will never be able to live myself if our kids do the same with me. I am sorry I know I'm only talking about myself when this is supposed to be about you but what can I do? now that I have a chance to talk I'll say what I want to say in real life but am too scared to do so. When I am with you, you are all I can think of. I forget about my worries, my problems and these thoughts and just focus on you explaining something new that you learned today, it is so cute that you get so eager to tell me about it and I love it so much when you say things like 'oh i thought of you when i read/saw this and couldn't wait to tell you about it' it makes me feel so many things and i have never felt so happy. But when you leave those dark thoughts come back to me and haunt me. I feel scared to show you this part of me, you have an image of me being stable in your head and I don't want to taint it by showing you signs of weakness, I was never allowed to do that was i was young. I am sure you are aware that i struggle with my own shit, and i love that you don't force me to open up and patiently wait for me to do so cause you don't like it either when people force you to talk about your problems. Don't worry that day will come sooner than you think and our love will only grow stronger just trust me"
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alexxncl · 2 months
masterlist | all lessons | lesson 32 | lesson 34
slight og lesson 16 spoilers
normal and hard spoilers
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see i knew he wouldn't rat them out completely. he completely left out the details of the pacts and feeling used and would've taken the blame if mc and solomon hadn't stepped in to fully explain the situation
(i made a whole post about time soup here)
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omg in-game name drop the devs remember the lore
i hate mephisto. have i mentioned how much i hate mephisto? bc i hate him /j
in all seriousness, we love a petty bitch. but why is it his WHOLE personality. that, and ass kissing. like we get it, you love diavolo and wanna date him and kiss him and hug him blah blah blah STAND UP
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satan :((((
i wonder if he feels remnants of homesickness that he can't recognize as homesickness bc of the way he was formed. what if he's feeling homesickness right now in the timeline mc is from and is now able to understand how his brothers felt after the fall?
what if this is the first time the boys in the og timeline have felt homesick since the fall? yes, mc has left before, but there was always a guarantee that they'd return, or at least a possibility that mc could summon them. but now? there's no guarantee, and there's a time crunch
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ASMO 😭 they're so unserious i love them
levi thinking he was gonna die trying to apologize and dia standing there like 🧍🏾
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oh they definitely know. and if both dia and barbatos don't know, barbatos obviously knows. bc why else wouldn't barbatos suggest portaling mc to the human world himself? and i bet lucifer's wondering the same thing given his confusion on how fast the conversation came and went
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got to see my wife, i can die happily now
or the other side characters ig but i care about her more
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SEE SEE I TOLD YOU!!! nightbringer you sneaky bitch
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oh that's scary...real scary. if belphie's got lucifer this fucked up, how strong are his powers ??
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also this means he didn't lose control of his powers, he's choosing to only subdue his brothers, which is even scarier imo. like there's no way mc doesn't have some kind of ptsd from what happened in lesson 16 of the og game
imagine seeing your best friends, your found family, your partner(s) sobbing over your dead body while someone you thought you trusted is maniacally laughing at the scene, proud of murdering you
and then imagine the same person lunging for you to try and kill you after he already killed another version of you
and then imagine this
what if he wants to hurt them again? what if he wants to lock them in the attic he claimed to know nothing about in the earlier lessons? what if he feels some strange connection and sense of familarity related to it, some strange invisible force pulling him towards it and making him do the very thing that happens to him in the future?
and then BAM, they get dragged into his mindscape against their will, unsure if they'll make it back out alive, if they make it out at all
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as a certified mammon lover ofc i had to put my 2 cents in
i really, really wish we got more moments of him in big brother mode. we know he cares about his brothers and will do any and everything to protect them and give them what they need, even if it means being the butt of every, and i mean every, joke
but i'm also scared that the devs are gonna use this as a way to paint belphie's breakdown on him like they did with levi's, and like they do with literally every other inconvenience or negative incident that happens in the game. every time mammon does something good, every time he tries to help, he still ends up being the butt of the joke. i just hope we can move past that with the end of belphie's breakdown
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
I love pecharunt soo much..could u do headcanons for a poison type trainer caring for Pecharunt and Pecharunt loving his new trainer? (Reader gives Pecharunt a new loving home!) 🥺 Maybe some thoughts on the Paldea squad still not trusting Pecharunt (maybe sum jealous Arven bc reader is paying more attention to the pokemon instead of him.?)
Obviously, Pecharunt tried to stay closed-off after what happened between him and his original caretakers.
His quest to satisfy their ever-growing wishes soon led to tragedy..and he didn't wanna suffer through that again.
So after waking up he turns the whole town of Mossui against you and your friends, not wanting to let anyone in.
But in his eyes you seemed determined to make him feel as miserable as possible..especially as you sent Okidogi, Fezandpiti, and/or Munkidori against him after defeating Nemona.
The betrayal stung, seeing his former friends who died to protect him from Ogerpon now siding with humans and attacking him.
After being caught and lifting the town's "curse", he feels humbled, hiding away in his shell even as you introduce him to the rest of your team:
One made of poison types.
Although most of them looked scary and seemed difficult to care for, you learned how to tend to their needs without getting yourself hurt by their toxins, and that made your bonds with them grow stronger by the day.
You hoped to achieve something similar with Pecharunt, knowing it'll be a challenge but willing to try.
He was reclusive around your party members, but not you.
In fact, he quickly grew to love having you as his trainer, yet he was convinced that making mochi was the only way to secure that connection with you--and that if he couldn't win every battle, you'd think he was weak and abandon him.
But you knew that 8x weakness of his would be a problem, and even with an impressive defense..losses were inevitable, and you'd have to calm him down whenever he throws a fit over losing or if you refuse to send him into a fight you knew he won't win.
You eventually learn his story (and why the Loyal Three meant so much to him) through some old texts Kieran's grandparents lent you, and after reading them you just give him a hug and say "I'm sorry."
That's all you said.
It was so simple, yet enough to make Pecharunt cry and realize you would unconditionally love him and give him a permanent home. No mochi necessary. He had nothing to fear.
Of course, though, even after you share all of this and his growth with your Paldean friends, they still warn you to be careful around him.
Arven was more upset about being forced to do a stupid dance than being forced to battle you, still giving the mythical 'mon the cold shoulder every time he sees you two hanging around.
"You embarrassed me in front of my best friend..don't think I'll forget that." He always remarks while Mabosstiff gives him the side eye(tm).
You, however, know he's just getting jealous of you giving more attention to some Pokémon (like a certain legendary dragon) than him and tease him about it.
Of course, Pecharunt is still up to his mischievous ways: he'll mess around with Arven by snuggling up to you, sneaking mochi into his sandwiches, and just being a little shit in general.
Are you fully aware of this? Yes.
Will you stop it? Probably not. It's amusing.
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emeritusemeritus · 10 months
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt4.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Slight dominant behaviour.
Freddie fluff coming your way 🤍
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You and George crept back into the house after extinguishing the tea lights on the balcony and successfully managed to make it back down to the second floor without disturbing anyone. George assured you that he'd clean up the mess on the balcony in the morning as he wanted to go straight to bed, which you agreed with.
You opened the door to the twins' room and squinted through the darkness to find Fred asleep in bed, tucked into his regular side, allowing room for you and George to climb in.
You hesitated just for a second, feeling instantaneous conflict. Who would you cuddle up to tonight? You'd spent so much time with George today and so little with Fred whilst he was ill that you suddenly felt overwhelmed with guilt. But after your little adventures with George and your conversation of futures and plans, you felt intricately connected with the younger brother, at least for right now.
George moved to the little rickety wardrobe to slip into some pyjamas, pulling them out from the bottom drawer in the dresser.
You slipped out of George's sweater and neatly folded it on the desk at the side of the room before taking off the rest of your clothes, leaving you completely bare, having taken off your bra once you got back from the village and savagely losing your panties to George back on the balcony. You then reached onto the desk and grabbed an oversized T-shirt you'd left out ready for bed. It was one of Fred's old quidditch undertops which no longer fit him. You'd 'borrowed' it nearly two years ago one night that you'd had an impromptu sleepover with the twins and not had anything suitable to wear to bed. It completely drowned you and acted like a nightdress, hanging at least mid thigh with the softest material you'd ever felt, no doubt from years and years of constant washing.
"I missed the show?" George jokes, moving to stand behind you as he places his hands on your hips, running them down your thoughts to where the T-shirt ends.
"I could say the same," you whispered, trying to stay quiet so that you didn't disturb Fred.
"Didn't you get enough earlier dirty girl?" He chuckles breathily into your ear, the hottest thing you'd ever heard.
"Says the man who's been inside me twice today," you teased, turning to face him and give him a little smirk. He huffed out a laugh again and pulled your hips into his, leaning down to kiss you.
"Never enough," he mumbles into your lips before giving you one last kiss. "Right, straight to bed missy," he jokes, lightly spanking your bum as he ushers you into bed.
"Sure you don't want to cuddle up to Fred?" You ask sarcastically, causing George to shoot you a mock glare. You giggle quietly as you climb in, feeling the bed dip behind you as George climbs in behind you, immediately lifting the covers for you both.
Fred stirs only briefly at the movement in the bed before he rolls over in his sleep, turning his back to you.
"Looks like I'm not getting Freddie cuddles then," you whispered with a smile to George who huffs out a little breath of laughter, immediately opening his arms up to you, beckoning you back into his embrace.
"Georgie cuddles are better anyway," he smirks as he wraps his arms around you tightly, completely encasing you in his body. His pyjama top blocked the smooth, soothing feel of his chest but you enjoyed it regardless.
It didn't take long before you drifted off to sleep in George's arms, surrounded by your boyfriends after a perfect day.
When you woke up the next morning you were immediately aware of being warm, very warm. As your consciousness came back to you and the fuzz of sleep began to dissipate, you realised the cause of the heat was the two hot bodies entwined with yours.
You peeked your eyes open, immediately squinting at the sun that shone in through the worn, voile curtains but after mere seconds of adjustment, you were able to look around the room. George lay to your left, his arm still firmly placed over your waist and your head was tucked into the little dip between his neck and shoulder. Fred was tucked tightly behind you, your body pressed closely to his as his arm lay over your middle, his large hand cupping your breast even in his sleep. Your legs were entangled with the twins', so much so that you couldn't determine who's limbs were who's.
You had no idea what time it was but as you couldn't hear any other commotion in the house, you assumed it must still be early.
You knew two things fit certain: you needed to pee and you desperately wanted a warm cup of tea, both of which would mean extracting yourself from the two men beside you, hopefully without disturbing them, especially George as you hadn't had a lot of sleep after crawling into bed so late.
You somehow managed, with great difficulty, to detach yourself from the vine like limbs of your boyfriends without disturbing them too much. George omitted a snore before rolling over to face the other side whilst Fred never flinched.
You quickly threw on a pair of pyjama shorts and grabbed George's sweater on your way out the door, careful to avoid it creaking as you crept out to go to the toilet.
Walking down to the kitchen, you noticed that no one was up yet and so you quietly made yourself a cup of tea, slipped on George's sweater and headed out the door to sit in the garden. You'd pulled a throw from the back of the sofa with you to shield your bare legs from the cold morning air and chose to sit on the little wooden bench at the side of the house, overlooking the garden and the surrounding fields.
Your mug steamed in the cold air and you couldn't help but smile at the inner peace you felt. Molly's garden was beautiful, especially at this time of year as everything bloomed. Her little vegetable patch was flourishing and you absentmindedly watched as various insects buzzed around it.
It was nice here, everything felt right.
You had to hide your relationship from nearly everyone for obvious reasons but being here at the Burrow made it infinitely easier, shielded away from prying eyes. You'd always been close with the Weasleys, the twins specifically, so there was nothing suspicious in you spending all your time with them. You did feel a little guilty that you didn't spend much time with Ginny this weekend, maybe next weekend you could all have the sleepover she'd hoped for.
"There you are," a voice said, breaking you out of your trance. You turned and looked to see a very dishevelled Fred standing in the doorway with a sleepy smile on his face, pyjamas crumpled and a half drunken bottle of dandelion and burdock in his hand. You had no idea how he made regular pyjamas look sexy but somehow he managed it. His pyjama pants were hung low on his hips, most likely so that they were actually closer to the correct length he needed with his long legs. His pyjama top fit a little snugly around the broadest part of his shoulders which seemed to display and showcase his wide shoulders and arms perfectly.
"Here I am," you replied, scooting over on the bench so that he could join you.
"Wondered where you'd snook off to," he smirked, immediately pulling the little blanket over both of your laps as he took a seat beside you.
"You're looking better," you say, taking a good look at his face. His complexion had returned to normal, his eyes sparkling and no longer looking gaunt and sallow. You reached up to smooth some of his long hair back away from his face, trying to tame it even a little as if flicked out wildly around his ears.
"I'm feeling better," he says cheekily, attempting to playfully bite your hand in front of his face. He laughed as you gasped and then took a long swig of his drink. "This helps," he grins. You simply shake your head at his silliness before he leans in to kiss you.
The taste of dandelion and burdock bursts onto your tongue as his lips capture yours. When you pull apart, Fred looks uncharacteristically sheepish.
"I'm sorry about yesterday princess," he says quietly. You're fairly certain you'd never heard him apologise like this, not even to you. "It was stupid to eat the pie not having a reverse, I just got a little too excited about it. I didn't mean to spoil the things we had planned, I just didn't really think ahead and I should have."
"It's okay Fred, I get it," you said in complete understanding. "Your inventions are always exciting and so clever, I'd be eager to try it too. You didn't spoil anything, but it would have been nice to have you there."
"How did I get so lucky with you?" He says, looking up at you with such intensity that it makes a fire rumble in your belly. His free hand came up to cradle your jaw as he pulled you in to another kiss, your eyes fluttering closed as you got lost in the kiss, all your senses muting as you focused entirely on Fred.
You both pulled apart quickly when you heard a sudden rattle of pots from inside the burrow, realising that someone was awake. You gave each other a shy little smile and shared a laugh at how the situation had transpired, suddenly reminded that you still couldn't openly show off your relationship until you'd chosen one of the brothers.
"Oh," Molly says as she steps out into the garden, the front of her hair still up in rollers, "I didn't think any of you would be awake yet," she smiles, messing with her hair, showing that she was a little embarrassed at being caught with her rollers in.
"We didn't want to wake Fred," Fred said. You couldn't help but shoot a look at him in a mixture of amusement and confusion at his words. He'd apparently made a miraculous recovery from yesterday and was already up to mischief. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing or smiling and giving the game away.
"That's nice of you dear," she smiles as she flicks her wand and water sprays out, allowing her to water the garden. "I do hope he's feeling better today," she says as she wanders back into the house, busying herself once again.
Once she had fully entered the kitchen, you turned to Fred with mockingly wide eyes and an open mouth at his actions as if you were surprised by his prank and he shot you a gorgeously smug smirk that you wanted to kiss off of his face straight away.
"I think we should be getting back to Fred," you sarcastically quipped, drinking the last of your tea and moving to stand from the bench. Fred suddenly reached out for your wrist, effectively stopping you as you turned to look at him questioningly. His eyes suddenly flickered around you both, checking that the coast was clear, before he launched himself at you, kissing you passionately one last time.
"George stop it!" You giggled, still playing along with his little game though you could anticipate his displeasure at you calling him by the wrong name. He let out a low growl at your words and attempted to pull you back towards him but you held your ground, managing to swerve his grabbing hand and winked at him as you walked through to the kitchen.
"Can I help with anything Molly?" You asked, placing your used mug in front of the kettle to make another brew. "You don't mind if I make another do you?"
"Of course not dear, I can do it," she says from the sink, immediately going into full mum mode.
"No, really it's okay, I can make it, would you like one?" You asked as you reached for the little canister of teabags.
She looked shocked for a moment and then briefly flustered as she admitted, "I don't think any of my children have ever offered to make me a cup of tea!"
You chuckle slightly as she enthusiastically nods, telling you that she takes two sugars, which you place into the mug you'd seen her use before with 'best mum' written on in bold pink letters.
"Can I adopt you?" She jokes, "or replace one of my lot, you'd make a lovely Weasley," she grins.
"Wouldn't she just," Fred suddenly says, smirking as he leans on the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest, watching your exchange with his mum. He has a wicked glint in his eye as he looks you up and down. Butterflies involuntarily erupted in your tummy at his words and his pointed expression, making you feel fluttery and giggly at the implication.
"Who'd make a lovely Weasley?" Ron says tiredly as he wanders into the kitchen, still yawning and looking like he'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.
"Y/n, she's making me a cup of tea!"
"Which one of us are you marrying then?" Ron jokes, barely even looking up at he walks directly over to the food, earning a scoff from you.
"Not you that's for sure," you joke earning a little scoff from the youngest male Weasley. "Bill probably."
You immediately cast your gaze over to Fred who looks instantly affronted by the notion, his eye twitching dangerously as you bat your eyelashes at him, feigning innocence.
"It's always bloody Bill," Ron mutters as he pours himself the biggest bowl of cereal you'd ever seen.
"Ronald!" Molly yells, reprimanding him for his language earning a mumbled, haphazard apology.
Your eyes never leave Fred who looks at you with a thunderous look in his eye. He nods his head towards the stairs, silently commanding you to meet him in his room and takes off up the stairs with no other words. If you didn't know Fred so well, you'd think that you had crossed a line and upset him, but the truth was that you'd only fuelled a constantly burning fire under his possessiveness and had taunted the dragon, as it were.
You quickly thanked Molly, handing her the cup of tea you'd made for her and quickly bolted up the stairs, taking your tea with you.
As you reached the top step of the second floor, your tea was magically lifted out of your hands and placed into the wooden banister. You frowned and spun around to see George sat on the bed, wand pointed in the direction of your tea. He manages to shoot you a wink before you're dragged into their bedroom by a ruffled Fred who slams the door behind you and pushes you back into it, towering over you.
"Bill eh?" He snarls, though it's more dominant than dangerous. "Two Weasley's aren't enough for you?" He immediately moves his lips to your neck and begins sucking marks into your skin, his teeth catching on your throat as he makes his point.
"You already have me and George, are you never satisfied, dirty girl?"
When you don't verbally reply, he suddenly pulls his mouth away and looks at you with the most intense gaze you'd ever seen him give.
"You need anyone else?" He asks, quirking one eyebrow at you.
You shake your head quickly, "no, no, just you and George."
"That's what I thought princess," he smirks before kissing you with all the force he could muster. The kiss leaves you breathless and a little shaky, thankful that his hand had never left your hip otherwise you'd have crumpled at his feet in a pile of mush.
"Whatd'ya say Georgie, think she's sorry?" He asks, turning his head just slightly in George's direction, though his eyes never leave yours.
"I'd say so Fred," George says.
"Hmmm," Fred smirks, before suddenly lurching forward and grabbing you, lifting you in his strong arms and then proceeds to throw you unceremoniously on the bed. You let out a little yelp at the sudden contact and once again when Fred jumps ontop of you, slowly crushing you.
"Say you're sorry sweetheart," he says with a laugh as his hands begin tickling your sides. You gasp for breath, giggles spilling out of you as you fight to pull away from his hands, desperate for him to stop.
"I'm sorry!" You shout whilst involuntarily laughing.
"What was that angel? Couldn't hear you," George says as he pins you down.
"Ahh I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You shout louder, gasping and flailing wildly in both of their holds.
They immediately stop and chuckle at you, looking down at you with wicked grins.
Fred leans down and kisses you in way of a truce and you immediately deepen the kiss, hands raising up to his hair to pull him down closer on you as the kiss turns incredibly sensual. You're suddenly overwhelmed with desire for him and never want the kiss to end as he slips his tongue along your bottom lip before meeting with yours, your tongues dancing together in a sensual play.
He eventually pulls away with a little surprised look in his eye at your sudden move but you simply smile sweetly and reach for George. He smiles, realising what you want and shuffles forward to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. This time, you reach for his hand and entwine them as you kiss, feeling a strong desire to have them both around you.
"Why would I want anyone else?" You say dreamily, suddenly feeling like you'd drank a whole bottle of felix Felicis as you look at your two boyfriends.
A sombre mood shifts over you suddenly as you realise you have to go back to school later, having to hide your relationships even more. You loved being at the burrow because it meant you could at least pretend that you could be normal behind the closed door of their shared bedroom. There was no Lee blocking you, no school rules or restrictions on your time, just pure time to do whatever you pleased.
"Sickle for your thoughts?" George says, picking up on your little absentmindedness.
"Just don't want to go back that's all," you say with a little shrug. George offers a nod and a little sympathetic smile, knowing exactly how you feel whereas Fred sighs and reaches for a strand of your hair over your shoulder.
"We'll be back next week princess, got the whole week to ourselves, wonder what we can do with the time," he smirks as he moves the strand of hair and kissed the little sensitive patch of skin behind your ear.
"Keep it in your pants Fred," you warn jokingly, sensing a shift in his mood.
"Easy for you to say, I know you two fucked last night," he mumbles into your shoulder, pressing little kisses to your skin. His tone is even with a little hint of teasing but not jealous or angry as you expect it to be; he's merely pointing out the facts and the blatant inequality.
"George wasn't stupid enough to make himself ill," you retort earning a sarcastic glare from Fred.
He pouts for only a second before launching himself to lean over you again, "just means I get you all to myself next weekend," he smirks, "better be ready princess."
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writesforfun · 1 year
childhood friends, a Mark Lee Fiction.
angst, fluff, mark is sooo mark-coded here(?), you and mark are friends since birth, neighbor mark, 2k words
Being Mark Lee's bestfriend at the mere age of 0 was a blessing— some people would say now.
He's handsome, that you admit. He's been this guy that's just popular for no reason at all. He's handsome, good in everything he sets his mind at, and don't forget the fact that Mark, although shy and doesn't really have that much of a close friend, is just simply very kind to everyone he meets.
You thought you would lose him when you two were in elementary and middle school— cause he was that popular. Everyone wanted to play and be friends with him, and you thought he would forget you. Which Mark definetely prooved it to be nonsense, cause he sat and stayed with you every day without failure. When you asked why, Mark just simply shrugged it off by saying, "What do you mean why? We're friends!"
So here you are. Both of you are grown-ups, you will be turning 24 at December and Mark had already hit that age in August.
It's now September.
"Y/N! What you thinking?" He holds your hand tight, smiling— nah, come to think of it, he didn't smile. It's a grin. The Mark Lee™ signature grin.
You come to your senses. Today, you're gonna go to an ice cream shop with Mark and then you two are gonna make some popcorn and watch movies at your house.
"Sorry. I was thinking of us during elementary school."
He puts on a shock expression. "Daaaaamn dude. That was such a looong time agooooo!"
You laugh and shake your head, grabbing his hands so that you can pull him to his Tesla so that he would start driving.
"What? Yo I'm serious! When you said that I felt it in my stomach that like.. yooo that was a long ass time ago," He said. You ruffle his hair, ignoring his sound of protest. "You're saying things that doesn't need any further explanations. As a friend, I'm helping you so that both of us wouldn't waste time and hurry up."
Mark rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, opening up his car door for you first and then for him. You felt your heart skip four beats or something and then ignore them for the nth time.
Don't care about your feelings, Y/N. You said to yourself. Yes, you do have an immense crush— no, no. Yes, you do love him since middle school, but that doesn't matter. What matters the most is your friendship. And you would never want to ruin that.
Seeing Mark spend Valentine's Day with someone else at college hurted you like crazy. He always used to spend it together with you, but at college, he spent it with his now ex-girlfriend. They broke up after a year of dating, and a year of your suffering basically. You try to distance yourself then, but Mark just quite simply won't accept distancing as friendship. He visited your house basically everytime, and he picks you up although you gotta third wheel him and his girlfriend.
There was no drama between you and his ex though. His ex have always been nice, and you two still talk via DM sometimes. You know, replying stories and stuff.
"Y/N! I was asking a question, dude," He said, putting his hand your thighs and squeezing them gently. Things he did as a simple caring gesture since you know him.
"Sorry. I was thinking of my homework. What did you ask?" You lied, gritting your teeth before looking at his gawkingly handsome face. You just wanna kiss that smile off his— nevermind.
"I was thinking, maybe instead of rewatching Mean Girls we could just watch Doctor Strange? I've been dying to watch the Multiverse of Madness thingy, I haven't watch that."
You nod. "I haven't too. We're so lame! That's a disrespect to Marvel,"
He laughs, turning the bluetooth volume to a solid 38, making you both hear Taylor Swift's Labyrinth clearly. The bluetooth is connected to your phone, and Taylor Swift is your favorite singer. You introduce her to Mark and he basically just listen to it with you like the good person he is. You brag to Karina and Ningning all the time that he's a trained Swiftie.
But this song.. this song, you relate to a lot. It's about a realization of being in love, and considering your situation, you relate to it a lot.
You don't really believe in good man and love until you realize you love him. Your dad.. he failed to set example of a man when your family caught him cheating during your elementary school years and even going as far as marriage with the person he's cheating with. Your mom forgived him and they're still together— but the trauma you went through was unexplainable. Since then, your relationship with your dad has been different. His voice sounds annoying as hell and every thing he do, you nitpick and hate. Mark has always been there for you though, he even spent all his savings during elementary school to buy you new toys and ice cream.
You know and believe that Mark is a good guy. Every thing he does have always been positive and his mind never fails to make you fascinated.
"Oh God, why are the Halloween decorations have already been put up?" You ask when you both arrive at the ice cream shop you always go together with. It's a 17 minute drive from both of your house, which is in front of each other.
"Better late than never, Y/N. Let's go," He says, opening his door before opening up yours and opening the door for you.
He ordered a watermelon and vanilla ice cream, which you hated and teased him with since forever. You think that's a weird combination and his love for watermelon should never be brought to an ice cream flavor. You ordered a Lotus Biscoff ice cream, and he have a lot of protests for that as well but whatever. Biscoff for life.
"Do you wanna eat it here or in the car?" He ask. "I don't know. How are you gonna eat it if we're gonna eat in the car?" You ask him again instead of answering his question.
"You can just feed me, I guess." He answers nonchalantly, like it's something normal in a friendship. The blur of lines are making you wanna die, and sometimes you just think to yourself whether or not distancing yourself from Mark is a better option.
"Alright then. Let's eat in the car, whatever," You say. As much as you hate to admit it, you wouldn't really pass on feeding him. Both of you had feed each other since middle school anyway.
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Coming home from watching Doctor Strange with Mark, you realize that your feelings for Mark is just growing bigger every day, and you finally decide that you can't do this anymore.
Come on, Mark Lee simply would never look at you more than friends, right?
So you decide to ignore his presence. You ignore all his texts, and even when Mark came to your house and ask for your presence, you had already ask your Mom who knows your crush towards him to tell him that you're not in the house.
You usually go to your work place with Mark cause you and him work only 2,4km away from each other. So whenever he picks you up, you were already gone. It's for the best. You miss him a lot but you realize you'd rather lose him now than losing him to a girl he'll marry later. You can't imagine being her bridesmaid and be happy for them though you're dying.
His nth phone call of the day you ignore without failure today as well. It's been a month of ignoring him and you're kind of used to the feeling of a scratch in your heart whenever you hear his dissapointed and sad voice downstairs. Your phone vibrates, and you see his third message for you today.
markie 🐆🦁
Y/N it's been a month. i don't know what i did to you but i know you're ignoring me. whats uppp? please answer me. please. i can't afford to lose you.
And there it is again. Your heart hurts like crazy. But whatever. Just sleep through it like always. It's for the best.
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It's your first day of period today and you're hurting like crazy. Usually, Mark would be here to comfort you and massage you and all that stuff, but now, you actually think you're gonna spend your birthday tomorrow without him. For the first time ever in your life.
The day you were born, baby Mark had come with his lovely family to visit your family in the hospital. From his and your parents, you heard that you slept next to Mark and he hugged you both as you sleep. Baby Mark even caressed your hair with his small hands, and you have a video that captured that moment. You watched it again, smiling though your eyes are red and teary. You miss him. The thought of not having him around for your birthday hurt you.
You saw that there are no pads left and let out a long sigh. You put on your hat that Mark gave you as a birthday present and put on your slippers. You then go out your door and decided to buy some pads.
Usually, Mark would buy it for you but— ugh! Stop it with the Mark thing.
"Here's your order. Have a nice day," The lovely lady working the cashier register say to you. You smile through the pain you're going through, wanting to step out before a oh-so familiar voice register.
It's no doubt it's Mark Lee's voice. You can see through the side of your eye that he's currently looking right at you with his worried sad eye with his right hand holding a cola.
You don't know what to do. So you run through the door, ignoring Mark's shout of your name as he chases you. It's like the game of chase you two used to play back in elementary school. You cry, you really don't know why but you cry. Passing your house, you run to the park and decided to catch your breath by sitting at one of the slides. You and Mark used to play at that slide all the time until you both grew up.
You look everywhere, and close your eyes when Mark isn't in your sight anymore. You stay in that position for 3 minutes, and when you open your eyes. You almost jump from your seat as you see Mark squatting in front of you sitting in the slide with teary eyes.
"Why— why are you avoiding me?" His voice breaks as he turns away from you, and you can clearly see him wiping away his tears before looking at you with eyes that you swear can make anybody cry. So you become teary eyed as well.
"I'm not." You reply shortly, before standing up to go back to your house. He snorts out of disbelief. "Sit down, Y/N. We're not done talking and if this is the last— if this is— if this is the— if this is the last time we're talking, I don't want it to be an open ending."
You really can't believe that word. You want to just cry your eyes out for 100 years after hearing that word, so you sit down. You want closure as well.
"I know damn well that you're avoiding me. And I really don't know what I did to make you piss off like that. Heck, Y/N, I was jokingly strangling you as we watch Doctor Strange and we were laughing like crazy as well. At some point you even drank a portion of my iced americano. I don't know what I could've done to make you ignore me after all that fun. And I'm honestly so.. I don't know anymore. I'm so sad, Y/N. Mom said she never saw me cry this much. I can't even dare to say that you're ignoring me just because I don't believe that word. Just tell me why are you avoiding me? Am I not good enough as a friend? What am I lacking so much that you decide to ignore me? Why do you do all that while you're here looking as hurt as I am and—"
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" There. You say it. You blurt it out loud. Whatever. You don't care anymore. You are in your most vulnerable and raw feeling and you don't even care anymore.
He closes his mouth. He looks at you with some expression you don't even know what it means. But you continue your words as tears flow from your eyes, "I love you, Mark. I love you since forever. I know you don't feel the same, so I'm taking a step back. I don't wanna be your friend anymore. I don't think I physically and mentally can. It's for the both of us. That way, whenever you have another girl it'll be easy for me, for you, and for your girlfriend. Just please let me be. I'm gonna go home. I don't want you to follow me. Let's just pretend we don't know each other and let me enjoy this heartbreak in peace for God's sake. Please just— please," You stop talking as tears and emotions just stream through your whole body.
"Y/N.." He says. And you just can't anymore. You walk away.
You walk for 11 seconds before his hands reaches you. You shout. You literally shout. You told him not to follow you anymore, what is he trying to do? Stop fixing a friendship that literally cannot be fixed anymore!
"STOP IT!" You screamed. You looked at his eyes with anger until you catch his sad, teary glares.
"Y/N, hear me out. Please?" He says. And after a few thoughts, you decides that he can have a few say in this situation.
"I love you too," He says, smiling through his tears as he hugs you. You're puzzled— standing there and doing nothing as he hugs you close, brushing your hair with his hand, kissing the top of your head as he takes a breath of your scent he missed.
He laughed, eyes still in tears as he let go of the hug but still intertwining both your hands together. "I love you too. I loved you since elementary school or something like that. Then you had a crush for stupid Choi Hyunsuk in college and I found another girl in college. But even then I realise that my number one, my Mom excluded— has always been you. So then I love you again, up until this moment. You should've just communicated this and not cut me off. That's not nice, baby."
The nickname rings through your head, all the way to your heart because it starts beating unrealistically fast.
He laughs again. "Just... I love you. Do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend then?"
You never say yes so fast.
And there it was.
Your birthday.
"Are you really going to spend it without me this year?" He ask as you two eats your favorite cake; a Lotus Biscoff Cookie Cake.
"Yep. That was my plan, until.."
"Until?" He asks with a teeth-showing smile and one eyebrow up. "Well.. until this." You reply, kissing him as you hug him tight.
You can't believe it, but he's all yours.
author's note: HELLOOOO EVERYONEEE! TvT THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING!! Please do tell me your opinions and thought and whether or not you like a second part where it shows more of Mark and Y/N's relationship 🥺 have a good year wherever you are!! stay healthy and eat well peeps!
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Would I (early 20s nb) be the asshole for "rushing"/taking over the responsibility my partner(early to mid 20s f) took to rehome a cat we adopted together?
🐉🐱 <- so I notice myself
Tw for cat death
I know this sounds terrible just from the title but please read the whole thing. I'm just so emotionally done at this point and it's getting dangerous for us. This is also long lmao and please don't post this to YouTube or TikTok, I don't wanna deal with it, even if I changed names and a few ages.
So I've been living with my partner and her family for almost 3 years. I moved 10 hrs away from my home state to live with her because my parents were abusive. We dated for about 2 years prior to me moving. My partners family are equally abusive just in different ways. My family had some verbal and emotional/mental abuse while her family has constantly threatened physical abuse and lots of mental and verbal abuse.
Either way, I was screwed but I'd rather at least be able to come home to the love of my life instead of only being able to text her. I should mention here that my partner works full time while I'm working to get on disability for mobility issues so I am with our cats every day. I bring a little income with commissions on my crafts but it's not enough to soully sustain us.
When I moved in, my partner had 2 cats, let's call them Salem and Vector. Salem was a 10 yr old male cat and Vector was 2 yr old male cat. About a year after I moved in, in the beginning of 2022, Salem died suddenly from kidney failure and we were devastated. Salem wasn't originally my partner's cat (she'd gotten him from a friend only a year prior to me moving in) but we still loved him deeply. He was the first pet I ever put down and I'll never forget my partner's sobbing. About 2 and ½ months later, we got a kitten, lets call him Arthur, a 3 month old male. We shouldn't have but my partner wanted one, I thought I was ready and Vector was very very lonely and depressed.
I named Arthur and Arthur was feisty from the very beginning but he was sweetish. I told my partner, in a panic late at night a week after getting him; that I wasn't ready for a new kitten, i regretted getting him, we werent bonding, etc etc and she told me to just relax and breathe and give it time so i did. I gave it a full year and a half and... I'm ashamed to say I still don't feel that love connection with him. It started out small; chewing and destroying wires, food aggression (not like he'd bite us if we went near his food, more just got very excited and would painfully climb us to get to our food or any food) and because he was so jumpy, he'd freak out over every sound and rip us up trying to jump off of us.
We got Arthur from a cat colony being watched over by my partner's coworkers however he was born indoors, spent the necessary time with Mom and was handled from day one so he wasn't feral. He'd wouldn't beat us up but anytime he got excited to play or get pet or get wet food or anything we got scarred. His destruction has just gotten worse the older he's gotten, hes very very loud all the time (we like vocal cats but he screams) and he's not affectionate at all. He's not mean but he's just not interested in any cuddling or pets or anything. I don't want a rug I have to feed and clean up shit after.
About 4 months later, we ended up with, let's call her Coral. Coral was another kitten, female this time, when she crawled up in my car. She was feral from the start but she quickly became very loving and cuddly and sweet. She still very much so is. I wanna say, although I never grew a particular fondness for Arthur like my partner has, I've never mistreated, abused or neglected Arthur in any way. I've never yelled at him or treated him differently from our other cats. He got the same cuddles and attention Coral and Vector get, the only difference is that Arthur is crated at night so he doesn't make us lose an eye from some hard zoomies or get into food or dangerous things when we can't watch him. He's out all day and is only crated from 12 pm to 7 am when my partner gets up and let's him out. He's got a bed, food and water, a few toys and a small litter box in his crate so he's covered and he can see us and his siblings the entire night so hes not have separation anxiety.
Now onto the hard part. I'm done with Arthur. Emotional and physically, I don't want Arthur anymore. I'm exhausted from being constantly ripped up and screamed at and having important things destroyed by Arthur the spider cat. No amount of clicker training or treats or sprays of water or redirections can stop him from ripping the room apart(said room is a small apartment, not a normal small room). He gets played with by us all the time and he's got 2 energetic siblings who play with him, we don't know why he acts this way. I could handle Arthur's antics for a bit longer if needed but 2 new issues have made me finally put my foot down about Arthur's further residence with us.
1. Arthur is constantly trying to dominate Coral to the point of hurting her and fur flying fights and scratches. It should be noted that all three cats were neutered/spayed the moment they were of age to do so so it's not a male cat thing. Arthur wants to be higher in the hierarchy but Coral won't take it and thus, some nasty screaming hissy cat fights. Almost very other time they are fine it's just when he gets humpy. There is also a near weekly occurrence of him not reading her " I don't want to play anymore" signals and fights ensue. I'm not gonna stand my cats hurting each other and Arthur is the constant instigator. He tries to fight with Vector too but gets put down immediately, he picks on Coral and not in a playful way. I'm not playing favorites because I love Coral and I'm not connected with Arthur, if Coral was aggressive, we'd take the issue just as seriously but Arthur is the aggressor and Coral is smaller and younger than him so she can't stand up for herself.
2. We need to get out of this house. Her family's abuse is worsening and they constantly joke about hurting our pets and their own pets (the pets have never seen each other, different floors of the house so Arthur's aggression has nothing to do with them). We could barely afford an apartment in the current housing crisis and can barely find ones that allow 1 cat, let alone 2. We have never and probably will never find one that allows 3. All this ignoring the fact we'd lose our deposit instantly from Arthur's destruction.
All in all, Arthur needs to go. I'm noticing myself getting more and more stressed and frustrated and short with a Arthur and he doesn't deserve to live with someone who doesn't love him. Even if he's treated no differently, I'm sure Arthur can tell and even if I feel justified in my lack of love for him, I know he's not trying to hurt us or destroy things maliciously. I'm not nor will ever hurt him but I'm just done with constantly flinching cause he jumped on the bed or dreading letting him out of the cage in the morning because it was so peaceful before then.
I told my partner about 8 months ago (June of 2023) that I was fully done with Arthur and if we ever wanted to leave here, he'd have to go. I told my partner I wanted to start this process in Sept and hopefully have him either rehome or in a no-kill shelter by the end of Oct. I know my partner gets very attached to her animals so that's why I gave her 3 months to process things and a month to rehome him. I was very gentle but stern about this because it would be what's best for him and best for us. My partner agreed but asked if she could do the rehoming and to not talk about it until Sept. I obliged.
Sept, as you can see, has long come and went and now it's Jan of 2024. I've been asking my partner about once a month about the rehoming process and how it's going with mixed results. She made a pet profile on a rehoming site but when I read the description, she didn't really "sell" him well aka mentioned every possible bad thing about him and didn't mention any positives. It felt like she was sabotaging it but I let it be. She showed me a list of 40 no-kill shelters in Dec but she had only checked off 4 of them. She promised me he'd be rehomed by the end of 2023 and he's still here and we are no closer to doing it.
I don't want to wait till the week we move out to rehome him, the stress of the move and changing of the household will be too much stress on us and on Coral and Vector. I don't wanna wait for kitten season to swing back around and we'll never find a place for him. I know it's hard for her but she's breaking a promise for a cat she's admitted herself she's starting to hate. I know rehoming is a process but it's not moving and I feel like my say on his continued residency is being disregarded. I'm not trying to rush my partner but she's broken a promise, it's been 8 months since she could start preparing for this and 5 since she's "started the process" she's dragging her feet intentionally.
So, my idea is that I'll take over the process. I'll offer to help and find the places and get things in order so we can get one less stressor in our lives and Arthur can live in a home with the attention and patience he deserves. I wanna ask her if she wants my help but I don't want her to feel rushed to do it and get upset with me for doing what she promised she would.
I feel like she's waiting for me to just give up and give in and let him stay but she's not the one who has to deal with him all day every day and we don't make enough to find a bougie apartment to take in 3 cats. He'd need to be rehomed even if we got attached because we can't take them all. So, would I be the asshole for taking over the rehoming process for a cat me and my partner no longer like because my partner is intentionally dragging her feet on it or am I justified?
(to note, my partner brought up the possibility that Arthur has a mental illness/possibly be inbred due to the cat colony situation or that we could get him professional training. The issue is we live in a very rural area without a lot of money, 1. We would not be able to afford any mental illness controlling medicine for the long term when we can barely afford our own meds and 2. Classes to train animals are very expensive and the places that could train Arthur are at least a 3 hour drive away. Its not feasible for us, especially when I don't have a license/might not be able to drive on my own due to my disability. If he was properly sheltered, they could get him that help/training or his new owners could afford to but we can't. We can't put him in a kill shelter for moralistic reasons either.)
What are these acronyms?
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jmdbjk · 1 year
He wears his heart on his sleeve
...maybe he should just get it tattooed there too.
Jungkookie was very quiet and reflective during his most recent Weverse live, at least at first.
Perhaps he was manifesting his Jimin to appear in the comments because he stared at them for a while... a long while.
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Earlier in the evening, with Tae, he attended the movie premiere of Dream, a soccer movie with a ragtag team storyline. A team of misfits who come together and persevere. It stars Tae's friend, Park Seojoon, Wooga squad and fellow cast member on Jinny's Kitchen.
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He looked happy to be there but self-conscious at the same time. Unused to the crowds and spotlight after being out of it for a while. He didn't have anyone to hide behind. It looks like maybe he said "oh my god" when he stepped up in front of the bank of cameras (haha).
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After having a supposedly fun outing, Kookie came to visit us on Weverse live and seemed to have a lot on his mind. He said he missed us and wished us good health both physically and mentally. I imagine Hobi leaving for service and Moonbin's tragedy last week are fresh cuts to our Kookie's heart. It breaks MY heart that Kookie has to experience those things. I don't know how close Kookie was to Moonbin. But I do know losing someone so suddenly can make you so scary aware of your own mortality and makes you realize instantly what should truly be important and what is irrelevant.
I am thinking his evening out had him keyed up and he came to visit with us in order to decompress and relax. He said the only ones who could create a calming environment for him right now was Army. However, the (I'm sure inane) comments he was seeing were not doing the trick. He seemed a little perturbed at them so he turned them off.
But he said sitting there knowing we were on the other side was calming and enough for him at that moment. He felt at peace knowing we are all connected. And then he let out a big sigh. Sort of a "I'm doing the best I can" sigh. Oh Kookie, I feel you.
Incidentally, the song he said he was obsessed with that evening and that he had playing in the background on repeat was I Really Want to Stay At Your House by Rosa Walton & Hallie Coggins ... some of the lyrics:
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines Because I miss you all the time...
...I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
He said he's working hard on new music but its difficult. If he says its not easy, then the final result will probably be OUTSTANDING because he struggled to make HIS version of perfect. Masterpieces are sometimes not easy to create.
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He was steadily sinking, sitting in the dark, sipping his highball through a straw but after 35 minutes of solemnity and saying he needed to go to sleep, he all of a sudden came alive when he began talking about food... go figure.
He waffled back and forth about whether he should just get off his butt and make the noodles or go to sleep, but then he really got into it and explained in great detail this recipe, down to the proper color of the perilla oil to use. Though he didn't have the correct perilla oil in his pantry, he made the sauce and boiled the noodles.
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The whole idea of him puttering around his kitchen trying out new ways to make noodle or rice dishes is very endearing. He does have somewhat of a head start in advanced levels of cooking though because of the times they filmed Run BTS episodes with Chef Paik. He learned important cooking procedures like "reduce" the liquid in the pan and desirable "viscosity" of the sauce.
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When he's into it, HE. IS. INTO. IT. He adjusted his recipe, repeated the ratios of ingredients, explained in great detail every step.
Please. Someone just hug him. JIMIN COME GET YOUR MAN.
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leonenjoyer69 · 6 days
I hope you don't mind this ask, but I'm in a huge Jekyll and Hyde hyperfixation rn (both TGS and OG novella) and I saw a post from you about how "Cotard's Solution" fits his Vibe; did you ever go on a ramble of Will Wood songs that fit Jekyll/Hyde? I'd love to hear them! I'm usually either an emo rock or hyperpop fan but I'd love to dip my toes into more Will Wood ever since my friends have shown me his songs :] I hope this isn't too much of an ask!
OF COURSE I DON'T MIND HEHEHE >:3 (also I'm so so sorry I kept forgetting about this 💀 BUT I'VE FINALLY DONE IT), I did originally connect a bunch of will wood songs to TGS characters in this post, and then I talked a bit about my Jekyll and Hyde playlist here (tho these are all various artists and Chonny Jash, not will wood, still a good collection of songs imo! Especially if you like emo rock and Hyper pop!!), but I would gladly go into detail about a bunch of Will Wood songs and how I connect them to TGS/J&H once more >:3
I LOVE WILL WOOD I'M SO NORMAL (also if there's any specific song from that first post, the honorable mentions in this, or my playlist that anyone wants an explanation for, just ask, bc idrk off the top of my head what to explain lmao, and if I have the thinking capacity to, I love explaining my reasoning!! :3)
OKAY OKAY, I'm probably not gonna hit many songs, but I'll try to get a few :3 I usually don't do these this in depth and I don't wanna make it too horribly long 💀
FIRST UP, A FRESH ONE I HAVEN'T TALKED ABOUT (bc apparently it hasn't been on my main playlist... I'm kinda slow sometimes): SKELETON APPRECIATION DAY
HEAR ME OUT, the "bones" could be interpreted as Hyde, or just all of Jekyll's hidden parts-- anything that isn't the perfect gentleman he prefers to show. And like!!! The lyrics can be connected so easily!! "While my cracking backbone lacks but backs up my false starts" transformation, next.
"All nightmares start as dreams and I hear my subconscious screaming" I don't even feel like I gotta say anything on that one.
"All love starts as a scheme, So wake me up, I'm tired of sleeping" bro literally didn't believe Lanyon loved him, the 'waking up' could be the first transformation.
And like!! The chorus!! "Bones, bones, bones, let me see your bones / Well, I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home /Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone / If I come home, baby, will you show your bones?" Hell, I can see this as Jekyll asking (or at least wishing for) Lanyon to be more vulnerable, but!! Better yet, Lanyon asking/wishing that of Jekyll, since he knows how Jekyll just tends to cover everything up.
Idk, maybe I'm just talkin outta my ass, but I think this is really up there on my list of TGS-able Will Wood songs.
NEXT (another fresh song I haven't rambled about before): HALF-DECADE HANGOVER
Anyways, this song is so so soooo angstily Jekyll coded, let's go straight to the lyrics >:3
"Wonder how I didn't die / This is not my life. I'm no survivor, I only happened to survive" right out the gate, first lines. Bro literally drank chemicals and now shares half his life with an entirely different consciousness.
"Down the days I have left, with one eye open"- could be him drinking the potion, with the one eye open being only half of him--"That was me screaming "Bitch, I am reality" / And stumbling off to lose myself in a brown paper bag cause me and / Sweet Evan Williams got a date down on Avenue / A staving shakes scraping change till daybreak / Turns out anyone can eat out the trash / Then wake up on the freeway mid-crash" could literally just be Hyde doing stupid shit and Henry regaining control 'mid-crash', ie when problems arise because of either of them tbh.
And the chorus!!! "Cause I was drunk when I made my bed / Now with a half-decade hangover I lay down in it /What have I done? Don't know what I've said / It's a half-decade hangover, either this, in jail, or dead / It's a half-decade hangover, Jesus Christ my aching head" bro was at his worst when he made that potion, and now he's stuck with the consequences. And the "this, in jail, or dead" those are the only options he thinks he has to deal with Hyde now!!
"Tripped on a couple steps, and collapsed on the stairs / Broke my neck on the backs of those who I've hurt and scared" my guy has been lying to everyone around him for years, but now everythings falling apart and it's coming back to bite him in the ass so hard now.
LAST LYRIC BC AT THIS RATE I'LL THROW THE WHOLE SONG IN-- "Sober, but still so much still hangs over / Please believe me when I say I poured my whole past down the drain / Say that a second chance is a chance I can take" first of all, the poured my whole past down the drain could be him literally giving up the man he was and taking the potion, OR, him dumping all the potions in that one scene, teehee. Secondly, the second chance part and the lines that follow in the song, totally him at Lanyon.
This one to me is a very Hyde song, specifically him talking to Jekyll.
"Cause I doubt that you would even if you could change / You think it makes you special, but it makes you strange / I doubt that you would even if you could change / The things that make you special are the things that make you strange" could be Hyde tellin Jekyll that he wouldn't get rid of him, even if he could, because it makes Jekyll fell better about his "lonely prince" persona, as Jasper put it lmao.
"I am the shadows cast aside by gallows, and you the red-hot sky" I just really like thinking about this line with them bc ✨imagery✨. Like, shadow Hyde, check. Gallows? Hell yeah. Red-hot sky? We got color AND, by proxy, sun and moon references, Let's go 🗣️
"You become immune to my toxic fumes / My dose-dependent presence in your life / It's all subjective, all due respect to the collective mind" I mean like. Toxic looking green potion. 'Collective mind', they're both parts of the same guy.
"Horrified at the sight of my reflection in your eyes, I don't belong there" mmmmm bodyswap mishaps 🤤
"Well, it's your conclusions that make mine delusions, so I make you sane / You can thank me later" idk how to explain it but the way this is said just gives major Hyde vibes, you get it, right chat?
"Who'd want to belong to anyone? (Ay, ay, ay, ay) I mean, what do people even do? / So, if you love me, let me let you go, my love (ay, ay, ay, ay), so I can be no one" him and his little crush/loathing on Lanyon, the silly
Literally the Jekyll and Hyde song ever. I mean, it starts with "you're trying to replace yourself" 💀
"Carving out a fact from a reckoning! /Beckoning your back, skin sagging off its skeleton / Levitating off the ground / Is another man wearing your face" LIKE DO I EVEN GOTTA SAY ANYTHING? This whole song is about false identities 😭
"All the other false identities / Remedies or enemies to mitigate your memories / Shuddered at what they found / When they stripped away the grace" like...
"Damn, I thought you're not your imposter / You're so sure you're not gonna get caught / Dead in your own skin / But you didn't choose what you were born in" this song gives big vibes for chapter 14 and 15, with the constant switching and fear of identity reveal and such.
"What you feel and what you do, are those things really you? / And if not, then what is? (Never, never, never) / So, my God, what's wrong with you? / And I'm still asking who that is" I really like thinking about this part as Lanyon asking Jekyll those things, even without an identity reveal! Since he puts up this gentleman facade and hides everything, Lanyon barely knows who Jekyll is.
"You'll never take me alive, baby (this is not enough) / You'll never take me alive (this is not enough to prove it yet) / You'll never take me, you'll never take me, you better pray that I die (no, I need to hit the bottom)" This part feels like a simultaneous Hyde and Jekyll part, with Jekyll being the parenthesised parts. Hyde being all cocky n shit while Jekyll tries to figure things out or something, idk lmao running low on explanation brain cells.
Honorable mentions that I just don't feel like explaining in depth rn, but probably could!!
The Song With 5 Names- very Jekyll coded
Dr Sunshine is Dead- kinda Jekyll coded, but VERY Hyde coded
2econd 2ight 2eer- the Hyde song ever
6up 5oh Copout- another mega Hyde song, if I could animate it would be over for y'all
Against The Kitchen Floor- Jekyll and Lanyon, these gay people make me upset
Cicada Days- also very Jekyll and Lanyon :(
Hand Me My Shovel!- Jekyll coded, I like to think of him making the potion
Basically, 90% of Will Woods discography can be spun to fit these silly characters. I love Will Wood guys :3 sometimes I wish I could verbally ramble about this kinda stuff, but also words are hard (and it makes me feel annoying lmao) 💔💔 but anyways!!! Thank you for the ask! I hope Will Wood consumes you just as well as it has most of the TGS fandom :3 <333
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lazyalani · 1 year
Blue Lock Boys As Songs
{Pt. 2}
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
•Part 1 (Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, Mikage Reo)
Ft. Michael Kaiser, Bachira Meguru, Chigiri Hyoma
Written mostly from the characters' thoughts.
Written from my opinions.
Gender Neutral, no pronouns used or mentioned.
Lyrics connected to the "storyline" are written.
•Michael Kaiser
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"And All I Wanna Do Is To Fall In Deep."
"Oh Baby Look What You Started."
"Been Waiting And Waiting For You To Make A Move."
"A Little Bit Dangerous.
But Baby That's How I Want It."
"'Cause I'm So Into You, Into You, Into You."
"Got Everyone Watching Us."
"A Little Bit Scandalous."
It's really no secret that Michael Kaiser is a charming man. It's not that he openly seduces people or anything, it's just that he has this natural aura around him that lures you in. Oh he knows he's fuckin' handsome.
Michael first laid his eyes on you at a Football stadium, you were wearing a jersey jacket with his jersey number and surname, he saw it as you turned around to listen to who he assumed is a friend of yours, leaning in closely due to the loud cheers.
And boy, how he was so allured with how you stared back at him and smiled, looking at him with those eyes that tell him how exactly handsome he was. Something about you lured him back.
Kaiser was not one who was interested in the people who adore him. He doesn't really care to check who follows him, or who likes his posts, but as soon as he posted a picture, the first one who liked it definitely caught his eye. The girl on the profile picture was the same girl who had caught his eye during the game.
Kaiser didn't really bother with keeping your relationship a secret, but nor did he confirm it. His fans and the media just found out throught his random postings and stories. He likes to randomly just post a picture of you two and tag you or tweet matching lines with you.
Another thing is that Kaiser is a hard man to please and interest, so when he gets interested, he's never letting go. Oh, and what do you know, he's taking you with him to another country. He definitely does not like being away from his significant other. If he has to go to another country to play, he's taking you with him. It's urgent and sudden? No problem, he'll have an alternative way and plan for your other plans or activities so just go with him. You haven't packed yet? Don't worry, everything you need can be bought, he's filthy rich. You're worrying about getting bored when he's at practice or somewhere? Nah, you'll have his card, go shopping or something.
Being Michael Kaiser's significant other was a lot of things, but boring will never be part of it. He never forgets to show that he cares. Morning? Oh he memorizes the time you're probably awake based on the time you went to sleep and calls you to say "Goodmorning, darlin'." and "Don't forget to eat breakfast.", taking a break if ever he's in a morning practice. Afternoon? He calls you again and asks if you've eaten lunch and probably talks about new recruits being dumb shits or something. Evening? He comes home to you, craving your hugs, cuddling with you before bed, with you laying on top of him while he sits up, wearing his glasses and reading a book.
He loves it when you stare at him when he's wearing his glasses. He purposely wears them more often just to see how you stare at him. He also probably reads to you on your bad days, saying how he'll definitely make you feel better so just listen to his voice and stare at his face, he never forgets his glasses.
"Love you to my victories and back."
•Chigiri Hyoma
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"Faster Than The Wind,
Passionate As Sin,
Ended So Suddenly."
"Like The Colors In Autumn So Bright Just Before They Lose It All."
"Losing Him Was Blue."
"Missing Him Was Dark Grey."
"Forgetting Him Was Like Trying To Know Somebody You've Never Met."
"Loving Him Was Red."
"Regretting Him Was Like Wishing You Never Found Out That Love Could Be That Strong."
"Burning Red."
"Darlin' It Was Red"
Loving Chigiri Hyoma is heartwrenching.
(Ended So Suddenly)
The first time he broke your heart was when he fell down during THAT game. As the burning pain dawned at him, his eyes locked with you and he instantly knew you were both thinking the same thing. The sound of people gasping and the footsteos of his teammates towards him were tuned out as the only thing he was aware of was the pain on his knee and the horrified expression on your face. You were heartbroken for him.
(Losing Him Was Blue)
The second time he broke your heart was when he (unsurely) finally ended things with you. He tell you the truth, that he couldn't bear to see you hurt because of him. He couldn't bear to see you break because he does and says things he didn't mean. He breaks it off because he knows he's trying, but it's not enough. He breaks it off because the constant pain he burdens, physically and emotionally, holds him back from loving you to the fullest again. He breaks it off because he does not want to see you cry for and because of him. He breaks it off because he knows he will just break you. He breaks it off so he doesn't infect you with his toxic wind. He breaks it off because he thinks he won't ever be good enough for you again. He breaks it off because he's insecure.
He breaks your heart because he loves you.
(Missing Him Was Dark Grey)
Chigiri Hyoma is confused. Unsure. Angry. Sad. Traumatized. Insecure.
(Loving Him Was Red)
He sees you again at the bleachers with his mother and sister, and his heart that has always been beating for you, beats louder. His heart beats when you smile at him all teary, sincere, and no grudge. His heart beats when you curtsied towards him just like how you did before. His heart beats when you mouthed him a goodluck. His heart beats when he nervously apologizes and explains to you. His heart beats when you say everything's fine now and you forgive him. His heart beats when he asks for both of you to start over again. His heart beats when you said yes. His heart beats when he talks about you to his friends. His heart beats whenever he sees your name on his phone. His heart beats louder whenever he sees you. His heart almost leaps out of his chest when you say you love him.
Hyoma is like a flaming red fire, dangerous, hot, fast, warm.
(Burning Red)
Your heart beats when you see the color red.
(Darlin' It Was Red)
Chigiri Hyoma is wise. Sure. Calm. Happy. Healing. Assured.
•Bachira Meguru
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"It's Blue, The Feeling I've Got
And It's Ooh, Whoa, Oh"
"It's Cool, That's What I Tell 'Em"
"No Rules In Breakable Heaven"
"It's A Cruel Summer
With You"
"Said 'I'm Fine' But It Wasn't True"
"And I Snucked In Through The Garden Gate"
"And I Screamed For Whatever It's Worth"
"'I Love You' Ain't That The Worst Thing You've Ever Heard?"
"He Looks Up Grinning Like A Devil"
"It's New"
Loving Bachira Meguru was young, free, peaceful, and warm.
Meguru was a lonely kid, thus, he learned how to have fun by himself (and his monster). It's not like he didn't feel lonely or didn't care that he didn't have any friends, it's just that he didn't care enough to let it get to him. He wanted a friend he can share his fun with. Someone that could keep up with his enthusiasm with things.
He likes to spend his summer playing soccer in large, greeny, spaces.
You just so happen to be there, staring at the peaceful skies, listening to whatever was playing in your earphones, and laying on the grass. He is confused, whether you're sleeping or resting your eyes, but he wants to play so either way he still goes up to you and asks you to move so he doesn't hit you when he plays.
It's New. He thinks as he feels you watch as he plays. It's New. You don't stare at him like he's a weirdo.
It's New. You think as you watched him play with genuine happiness. It's New. You see someone who's so free. Not tainted by the darkness of being caged by the world.
"Wanna play with me?" He tests.
"I don't know how."
"I can be a great coach!"
You were decent, courtesy of Meguru. You weren't what he really wanted but he finds himself really enjoying playing with you. All because no matter how much you couldn't keep up with him, you didn't leave. You rest, but you don't leave, and that's enough for him to stick around too.
He decides he wants to get to know you.
The two of you meet up again the next day, same time, same place, same game, same talking, and same actions. The same routine goes on and on and he finds himself invested to you.
Until summer ended.
He came back to the same place at the same time, but you weren't there. He waited and he played. He took a nap and waited. It was night, you never showed up. He wasn't one to be a pessimist, so he thinks something just came up. And so he went back the next day, same time, same place. He waited an extra hour into the night, but you still didn't show up. Meguru tells himself if you don't show up the next three days, he'll stop hoping.
And you never showed up.
He was dissapointed, a bit sad too. He had thought he could finally make a long time friend. He didn't understand why you didn't show up anymore. Both of you have never even fought before. Little bickerings over food, yes, but no fightings or arguements. He thinks you weren't pretending too, he's pretty sure both of you genuinely enjoyed each others company, so he didn't really think much of it, nor did he harbor any ill feelings. He's just upset you didn't tell him anything.
He keeps playing the same place at the same time, but this time not expecting anyone anymore. He goes back to the routine of playing with just his monster. He admits, he does miss your presence. He's still upset that you left, you were his first almost long term friend, afterall. He finds himself thinking back to that summer when you were there, and felling happy but sad at the same time. It was a new feeling, he never got this sad before. Whenever he thinks back, it does come up to his mind that maybe he might've done something wrong and he just never noticed. Or maybe you noticed how he glances to random directions and smile at his monster and got weirded out too. He smiles bitterly when he realizes he got attached to you at such a short time, and that's why he's feeling so blue.
Oh, what a Cruel Summer to think back to indeed.
And then summer came again.
He comes up the field, expecting the same warm wind and empty but peaceful scenery when he notices someone sitting on the grass. He stops on his tracks when he recognizes the same back, same clothes, and same hair of his old friend.
"You're back."
You turn around to greet him, letting out a sheepish and apologetic smile. "I am."
"Sorry? Or back?"
"Erm.. Both, Chi-kun, I can explain, I promise!"
He makes this upset, pouty face and sighs. "You sound like a caught cheating girlfriend and eventhough I should be more upset, fine. Only because I'm being nice." Nah, he just definitely misses you, but he wants to keep teasing you for the time being, could be a punishment for leaving without an explanation.
You explain to him that your parents don't allow you to go out during school times. How they're very strict and how you feel very caged. And he tells you how you got him really upset and that you're his first friend. It makes him feel a lot better when you tell him he's your first friend too. The same routine with you comes running back like a ball being passed.
Meguru finds himself letting you in more and more.
And you do too.
He gets a little nervous when he tells you about his monster the first time, and was really happy when you laugh it off and says who are you to judge someone who enjoys doing the things they really want. He tells you about how he got so used to being left alone that he doesn't mind it anymore and tickles you as revenge when you tease him about getting sad when you left. He smiles impossibly wider when you tell him you felt caged because of how controlling your parents are and feel free around him. He feels the same feeling when he sees the same smile on your face. He laughs it off when you tell him sorry in advance when summer ends and tells you he'll take care of it.
He giggles at your dumbfounded face when you see him at your garden, he threw a little rock on your window to get your attention. You frantically ask him how the hell he got in and he giggles a little louder, making you shush his mouth.
"I snuck in through the garden gate!"
You feel your blood pressure rising but you couldn't stop the smile and laugh from getting out.
The same routine, same places, same times, same actions, and same smiles continous to go on. Though with the constant interruptions, you both learned how to adapt your routine to the new events.
Not even blue lock could break the same routine you've both had for years.
You learned he got bolder after the U-20 vs. Blue Lock match.
"Ah, I missed you so much. I guess I really do love you!" He grins.
Looks like both of you are going to have changes in your routines again.
I think I enjoyed writing Bachira's part a little too much hehe. Here's part 2, though! Sorry for the wait, exams are coming up .×.
Who else is excited for Chapter 215? (≧∇≦)/
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Hey! I'm really sorry if this is a dumb or annoying question, I get it if it is, because i'm aware compatibility is a very broad concept 😭 So... I'm ardra moon and Sun dk and Ive ALWAYS fell for sun nakshatra men (all of them in their moon) maybe mars and saturn too but always Sun. In Claire Nakti's rahu dominant women video, she explains why rahu dominants are attracted to yang planets and sun men so I get it. But in your opinion are rahu and sun dominants mutually compatible? because I always have this experience of getting obsessed with them but them not giving a special fuck about me and not understanding me. and i love every part of them except that. like we can be friends with no problem but i never feel special and i wonder if sun men like us rahu girls or not 😭😭😭 im fine if they dont but i really wanna know! so if you can give me your opinion at least in general, i'll appreciate it! ❤️
OoOoh this is a v interesting question!! Tbh I don't think these connections are very healthy in general and although individual synastry will also dictate the course of a relationship, I feel like while Rahuvians are drawn to Yang planets/Solar men because they're in the darkness and reaching for the light, the people whose light or energy they seek to absorb is bound to feel very ??? by their presence. They could feel drained by you or they could feel irritated bc they can sense you trying to draw them in and they don't want to give you their "light" if that makes sense? Sun in general is self serving, it represents the ego, Solar men do not have a very "giving nature" in my observations. I have noticed a similar dynamic with Ketu & Jupiter as well. Ketuvians are pulled in by Jupiter's expansiveness and Jupiter being very giving leads to a very obsessive but abusive and unhealthy relationships
Nodal people in general tend to be very obsessive in romance and the source of this obsession/limerence is their need to feed on someone's yang energy/light to feel stable. I had a friend with Rahu & Ketu big 3 who for a few years was obsessed with a certain celebrity to a creepy concerning extent and then finally she moved on but I always thought it was a way for her to hang on to something?? i think it's very easy to project onto someone and be completely obsessed with them when in reality the fact that they ignore u or pay u no mind is enough to lose interest in them entirely???
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