#i forgot the rest of the quote thingy
earhartsease · 6 months
well today was a trip - finally went to the disability centre to get measured up and order our new wheelchair and powered wheels (thank you so much to everyone who contributed to our gofundme!)
we got to be checked over by their amazing physio/ot expert, and she lined us up with a chair better suited to our body than the current one (which is pretty good), including a more supportive rigid back rest, which the centre absorbed the cost of as a discount on the kit, because they're lovely people (and that would have been another £550 - oh and then on the way home we realised they forgot to include the anti-tip thingies in their quote so we told them, and they knocked off another £100 for honesty so that's also welcome)
the most surreal/hilarious moment was when the physio was like "if you're okay with it, we'll get their rep to fit the rigid chair back on when the chair comes, so it fits you perfectly - but I warn you he can be a bit much" so we asked her to clarify, like what, is he racist or something? and the thing she was warning us about is "he's very very welsh"?! tf - anyway :)
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a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
i hope for a comfortable night at the end of your day (jan 07, 2022)
According to the Tumblr Year in Review thingie, I posted 236 times in 2022--and I didn't even make my account until March-ish! I should either celebrate or go touch grass. Joke's on you, though, because I pet plants all the time when I age-regress. Don't ask about the cactus experiences, please! /lh
My recent music obsession has been "La Loto" by Tini, Becky G, and Anitta! I can always trust Tini to come out with weirdly replayable songs, (ex: "Fantasi" and "22") and this is no exception. Becky G, especially, sounds great--her flow is a last-minute energy boost, full of unexpected vitriol, that makes me want to go back and see what she's been doing since "Shower" (which was THE middle school song btw). The beat squeaks under the pressure of their dominating presences, and I just feel so good about myself while listening to this one (and maybe, just maybe, pretending I could perform this track the way these three do).
Ily:1, my rookies of the year for 2022, just had a comeback! I did not know it was going to happen, but Spotify let me know the day of. Right now, "Secret Recipe" is taking up most of my attention--I don't mind their hyper-cutesy affectations here, because the chorus is just so precious. I'm sure I'll get around to listening to the title track, "Twinkle, Twinkle," again at some point, though!
I'm only two songs into the Moonbin & Sanha album (I KEEP TELLING Y'ALL I'M SLOW AND THIS IS WHAT I MEAN), but they're both fantastic, sleek and midnight-black in tone. The prechorus of "Madness" inexplicably reminds me of that one song, "Timber," that used to play at every middle school party, and, even more inexplicably, that makes "Madness" quite appealing to me. (Better than "Timber," anyway. That song could use a whole lot less Pitbull.)
Okay, I'll be done with talking about music for now--I'm mostly just catching up on 2021 songs right now, anyway! My brother got me to watch the recent Coffeezilla videos about Jake Paul, which were my introduction to the channel, so my recent YouTube life has mostly been a spiral into the depths of Coffeezilla's videography--I'm learning more than I ever wanted to know about manipulative sales tactics (the "Save the Kids" series, in particular, is fascinating)!
I'm also in the middle of Taejiu's "HIT is the best song you forgot about," only because I was reminded of "Miroh" by Stray Kids while watching and stopped to go listen to that and then couldn't stop listening to "Miroh" and then forgot to come back to finish the video. (Stray Kids does that to a guy!) As someone who has been trying to get into Seventeen for forever, this video is an exciting place to start--maybe I'll be able to check off the "get into astro and/or svt" bingo square only a few days into the new year!
Will I Do Anything Interesting Tomorrow?
I'm taking my youngest sibling out for ice cream--there's a place in our neighborhood that we used to visit all the time back when I lived at home, so I wanted to take them once before I leave the state again for college! Otherwise, I'll just be resting (hoping to get a nap in, since I missed out on naps for both Friday & today) from all the social events I've had in the past few days. I'm so happy to be able to see my friends from home after months of only texts and calls, but it's a lot of pressure for my already-not-great physical state :( I'll plan to spend most of the day curled up in bed, listening to audiobooks, to make up for all the energy expended!
Quote of the Day
Are you sure they're speaking German? Because I could have sworn I just heard them say "hamburger."
-- me
photo journal excerpts
First, we have a pink sky through my car window! Pink is my favorite color :) Second is my cat in his little nest of toys, and third is a snake ring my family bought for me!
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convxction · 1 year
ooc. falafel--i mean fell exalt quotes+lines rant down below lol~
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tfw you almost forgot your name lmao. grima stop ad lib for krumb please.
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the thing that makes me go UMMM? is how coherent he still is despite being dead. you know, dead means ...dead? brain no???? i wish that would have been portrayed in that way, at least it would make sense for me if he had like...broken syntax you know??????
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ngl this line is ??? what do you mean??? is this the broken syntax that i was asking for???? but yeah the fire emblem is supposed to grant wishes and whatever so ...welp. that couldn't help stop that shit show now, can it?
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nOOOOHOHOHOHOO1!! CHROM LOSIG HOPE IS DANGER ALERT!!!! sobs ...noooo ;a; god to make him sink this low to give up hope is just...hand in face ..cries....
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bruh. i dont know what to say ... the level of interpretations can be different but yall ...thats so in love line and i hate it. man wants to hear his bestie's voice again ... all he hears is grima's ugly voice yucky. give bestie's voice again (winks at hosoya/miyuki san voices wehayahahaheheh)
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sits in a corner ... commence crying. the thought that he might have killed some or idk drove some to be killed (or take their own lives) is just...depresso ....
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mm...deep conversation for a dead guy. still hurts when he lost hope and ofc now believes bonds mean nothing sobs... BONDS MAN, BONDS!!!!! god...i hate love this.
falafel chrom: destruction to askr soon
alfonse, probably: wont let it happen
lif: mhm.
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inhales...exhales.. THATS SO LOW!!! DONT USE THAT LINE!!!! WHY DID YOU USE THAT LINE????????/ THATS SO SO SO DEPRESSING!!!!!!!! KRUMB'S LINE.......!!!!!!!
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oh yes add the depressing effect. so far in Japanese chrom had been....uhh.. syntactically wrong?? if i can say so, because he said in the last line 'Ane-san' and for my information you dont say ane-san, it is just Ane /big sister if you are referring to her so ??? idk if this was meant to show how damaged his mind is and he is just using whatever words his brain can retain after his death meanwhile in english is think he is ... better than me ahahaha;;; prease localization team ...for once make me restore my faith in your krumb writing sobs....
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oh oh i see i see some in english now ... unless you see it as him saying it now ??? instead of " I couldn't protect a thing" meaning in the past . . . ? ? ? ? ? umm ...whatever~
now to the forging bonds thingie event...
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sniffles. ninja cutting onion is back..
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ah yes sweet sad and angst ... someone is taking notes of the past future dlc.
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watched the main story event and sigh... man just needs to be free to harvest souls. just let him go whack around XD i love that byleth just i will talk for these dumdums, chrom growling, maria repeating her siblings names, and anakos being anakos lmao. teacher mode still activates. anyway. sad dead krumb is sad sobs
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simon: the one who hears. spier: the one who sees.
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rjalker · 2 years
Made with speech to text because I forgot to get out my laptop first.
I don't know what was happening in my dream besides there was a universe? Planet? Dimension? What time.. was doing something different from what it did where the people who found it were from.
People found it were all slaves of some evil person, they didn't explain the details so idk who.
I think one person from their General Dimension Universe whatever it was they were from in general thing came through first by accident? It was really confusing. They like fell in somehow. Entertainment differently from whatever they were used to whatever that meant, when they fell in since they didn't do it on purpose and weren't planning for this expedition to a completely different Universe Dimension thingamajig, the difference in the way time worked split them in half giving them a quote physical body, and a quote untethered body. Their physical body was still reacting to time the way time existed where they were originally from, the untethered body had synced up or whatever without time worked here, however it did work here.
This meant that the untethered body was just like, completely invisible and intangible to the physical body and anybody else in quote physical bodies, because that's what they were calling them. When other people from their original Dimension arrived, they had all done something or were protective gear or something that prevented them from being affected by this new movement of time, so as far as this terminology was concerned they all retained physical bodies, and existed on a different.. wavelength? Something. From the rest of the stuff in this universe, including the first person's untethered body.
They could however see and interact with the first person's physical body, and it was still alive, but comatose because most of the person's mind was in the untethered body because I don't know, time stuff?
I don't think any of them knew the original person, but they very clearly belong to their people and started carrying around their physical body with them hoping they'd be able to help them regain Consciousness since they had no idea the other body was wandering around because it didn't even occur to them that that was possible.
Yeah I do not remember the plot of the stream. Besides that the first person eventually did learn how to merge and unmerge their physical and untethered bodies, so as far as the other people were aware their patient randomly regained Consciousness one day and then just immediately ran off into the woods. Well I say woods, but it was like 90% Ferns and tiny little palms. Also the sky was purple. Or maybe the sunset was purple I don't remember.
At some point all the people from the on the Expedition if we're calling it that, attempted colonization I guess, and the first person and a bunch of the actual inhabitants of this universe / Dimensions / whatever the fuck it was we're all in one place and the Expedition people were trying to figure out how to attack the other people and I don't know what was happening, but it involved the first person climbing up onto a roof and then splitting bodies again to use the untethered body to go through walls and talk to the people inside a giant Temple thing? I don't fucking know.
And then the dream like broke the fourth wall or something and it turned out that this was a book that I was reading or somebody else was reading and then some stupid person interrupted to try and pick a fight with some other stupid person and I told and I shove them apart and told them to shut the fuck up because the buck was about to review what kind of dystopia we were actually living in because... I don't know. I think the book was like, somehow in a way that's not the obvious criticizing capitalism and just I don't know.
Anyways since the stupid people interrupted I did not get to find out what happened in the original story the dream was telling, and it's dead it's switched to some Creek thingy majig that was at the bottom of a hill and then there was another Hill on the other side and I was trying to take a picture of a baby alligator in the water and then I realized there were two like greenish Dragon looking supposedly crocodiles in the water too and then I looked up and realized that there was a giant fucking green snake blending in almost perfectly in a tree across the river and it was definitely long enough to reach over and grab me and then I just kept looking and I just realized they were trying to fucking snakes literally everywhere and then I noticed the sign near the road by the creek that said Rarning! Ogres and (some word that was not a real word and I don't remember how it was spelled but it involved the letters "euths" rageuths or something similar maybe? I don't think that's a real word...) present!" And I was like oh. That explains all the monster animals.
So then I backed away to a safe distance because these giant snakes were ogres and they would definitely eat me if they felt like it, and then I was trying to find an angle on the hill where I could stand so I could get a picture into the water of the little baby alligator and then the ogre or whatever they wear crocodile things and also the giant snakes but the stupid camera kept going in and out of focus.
And then just because I guess fuck chronology, the dream switched back to the original setting thingy and one of the people on the Expedition were you there they were writing it or they were reading it cuz it had just been published by somebody else but it was some sort of like Nature journal, I don't fucking know. But it was listing out whatever details they had assigned to the first person and I don't know. They considered this person to be endangered, the way species are endangered and I don't know how that works. Maybe they meant because they were the only person that had the physical and untethered bodies? I don't know. It was weird.
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cortanaaq · 4 years
A/N: This came in later than I expected,it’s really long but I hope you enjoy it.
This is for the anon who requested nct or tbz spending Halloween with you. So I did nct 127 ;’) sorry for waiting 
**also thanks to @365nct, i used one of their incorrect quotes for the jaehyun one haha hope they don’t mind
  NCT 127 – Spending Halloween with you
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-He was not really used to celebrating Halloween if it wasn’t for the SM Halloween party
-So this year you got him unprepared
-but he doesn’t mind celebrating as long as it is with you
-he came with the idea to have a couple costume and that was ,,,,
-yup you guessed it
-Beauty and the Beast
-but this time he was the beast and you ofc,the beauty
-because he can’t repeat the incident from 2017 where he was dragged to dress up as Belle and winwin was the beast- anyways
-he glares at you every time you bring it up lol
-this time he pulled the uno reverse card tho
-because he definitely treats you like a prince/princess all the time,he went shopping for costumes with you
-he bought everything you wished for,even the crazy unnecessary decorations like a stupid flying skeleton or a witch dressed as a hooker
-like what even is that?? He wondered but laughed when you gave him puppy eyes
-“it’s funny tho,it would look good at the entrance “
-he snorted
-obvs taeil couldn’t resist those eyes and the pouty lips that he kissed in the end
-spends the whole night eating the candies you’ve got
-he likes to take a loooot of selfies so be ready to be bombarded with funny filters
-after you both get tired of all the dress up thingy,you too decided to watch a horror movie
-classic but he knows what he’s doing
-whenever you cling onto his arm or squeeze his hand he smirks and hums into your ear
-you know he’s teasing and he chose that movie on purpose so you occasionally punch his arm when he tickles you with teasing small pecks on your cheeks and neck
-but you secretly enjoy it don’t lie
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 -Oh johnny boy 
-I think for sure Halloween is his fave celebration because he always plans to visit Chicago in that period
-for this and for Christmas of course 
-he likes to celebrate it in the US cause the traditions are kept alive there 
-so he’s excited to take you trick or treating 
-You chose Corpse bride for costumes
-you were so excited to do his make up as Victor and he was excited to see you dressed for a wedding lmao
-While doing his make up before leaving for treating,he kept looking at you being so concentrated 
-“you look so beautiful like this babe”
-“johnny I look dead“
-he laughed and kissed you when he got the opportunity 
-and ofc he couldn’t contain himself from making cheeky remarks  either
-and you get mad at him for talking and smudging his make up by accident
-“you distracted me !!”
-but you like his annoying ass and would never be actually mad at him
 -plus he looked good even with smudged make up
-you think maybe it’s too smudged but he lifts you up and kisses you harder that before
-…and now you’re both smudged  but you don’t really mind as you kiss him one more time
-after all,you leave for trick or treating but realize you’re a bit old for this 
-he will not go home without corn candies tho so you’ll have to force him to do so -but because he looks around and sees mostly children,
-he suggests going to a party in the neighborhood 
-it was a party thrown by his friends ofc 
-and you were more than happy to show everyone the power couple you make together
 -he drives there,one hand on the steering wheel,one hand on your leg
 -occasionally caresses your skin and you blush a little 
-he knows your weaknesses tho
-you arrive at the party,everyone is in awe,,,he can’t really stop bragging about you
 -and you have a great time meeting his American friends for the first time
-seeing you tired after a while of being there,he comes closer to you and hugs you from behind
 -whispers in your ear how gorgeous you looked and how everyone loved you 
-and how he’s gonna take you home and spend more time as real ‘groom and bride’;;))
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 -this cute baby couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Halloween with you
-and not to baby him even more but his idea for the costumes was to dress up as among us characters
-yes,,among us characters
-specifically black and pink
-can you guess who’s who?
-he went full shopping mode with you and dragged you through  the stores only to find the perfect match
-and you did ofc
-you came with the idea to throw a party and invite the rest of your friends
-he checked the list of things you needed to buy for Halloween
-and you teased him saying he stressed too much and we should have fun instead of worrying
-“but baby you know if we throw a party,we need to have enough drinks and food”
-puppy eyes: checked
-speaking in tiny: checked
-how could you say no lmao
-and after you bought everything necessary (and unnecessary),,
-you came home to decorate and to put your costumes on
-tried to kiss but you forgot you had the helmets on lmfao
-you both giggled like two kids
-he looked so cute when he put his science goggles on his head
-and you made sure to capture every single angle of his cuteness
-too many pics ,,
-too many
-you had a lot of fun especially that you organized a costume contest
-and you didn’t win because you were the hosts pfff..
-it’s not like everyone voted you for having the coolest couple costume
-kinda sus if you ask me
-n ee ways
-the party was a success and everyone had fun
-you ended up eating so many sweets  
-even tho tyong told you to slow down
-he took care of you and bathed you in kisses and cuddles after everyone left
-“you eat too many sweets every Halloween,,do you even learn?” says as he caresses your cheeks and gives you a long forehead kiss
-“but I can’t help myself,,too good and sweet”
-‘”you’re too good and sweet”
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 -It was the morning of 31st October
-the only thing in your mind was the Halloween party at sm you and yuta were going to attend
-and ofc you didn’t want a lame costume,you wanted something cute
-but powerful
-and not to be a cliché but you asked yuta if he wanted to be dressed as anime characters
-man did he give you a look
-he chuckled lightly at your request but couldn’t say no
-“baby the fact that you’re Japanese makes it 1000x better”
-you cup his cheeks in between your hands and he laughs holding you on his lap
-after all he agrees and you go shopping for costumes
-as you thought,you didn’t want to be the basic anime characters so you chose a cute and powerful couple
-Kagome and inuyasha
-When you saw yuta wearing that long white hair-wig,your heart did a flip
-he smiled so large when he saw you wearing that pretty school uniform
-you made him take you in his arms immediately only to start smooching your face
-“baby my make up”
-you were pouting,but he was smirking coming closer to your ear
-“ I will make up for this later,promise”
- he said that biting your ear lobe softly
-oh boy you wanted to forget about the party only for yuta to “make up” for you but
-you could’ve handled that later that night
-you had a great time partying with the members and other idols at sm
-yuta held onto you the whole night feeling so proud to have such a gorgeous s/o only for himself
-but what you had planned after the party was much more exciting ;;)
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-This little sh
-that you loved to the moon and back 
-was a bit skeptic about partying for Halloween 
-for your sake tho,he prepared a horror movie marathon for both of you
 -he also suggested cooking something thematic 
-you actually caught him few days ago watching an instagram video of ‘how to make eyeball lollipops”
-You were like ???
-“I want to make these for Halloween because you don’t need to bake anything you know”
-“so we won’t burn the kitchen down? Ok!”
-you agreed faster than he thought
 -and that made him doubt his cooking skills for a bit but anyways 
-you too didn’t really have anything planned for a costume but you decided to surprise him
-with a bunny costume
-not an onesie,no
 -bunny ears and a bunny tail 
 -while he was concentrated on cooking,
-you showed up wearing a cute lingerie and that bunny costume on you 
-“ hey bunny,wanna snuggle?”
-you leaned on the door frame while trying not laugh
-in that moment he was tasting the jam
-but when he turned around and saw you LIKE THAT 
-he snorted and dropped the spoon full of raspberries 
-he was absolutely sure you wanted to give him a heart
-attack somehow
 -but he came to his senses and approached you with a smirk on his face
 -you couldn’t even think for a bit because in the next second he lifted you up to kiss you 
-“you made me drop the food and make a mess,,do you think I’ll let you go with that?”
-you blushed harder than you thought and suggested to help him clean up the mess 
-but he cut you off mid-sentence with a deepened kiss only to tell you with a low tone
-“those raspberries can wait,the bunny wants snuggles doesn’t it?”
-you tried so hard to keep your cool but who can blame you?? 
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 -Another Halloween enthusiast
-he couldn’t wait to dress up as Gomez and Morticia Addams
-you even helped him with the make-up,drawing a mustache on his face
-“haha very funny’’,
-he responds sarcastically every time you look at him and try not to laugh
-but damn the costume was pure gold
-you both looked amazing and he even managed to kiss your hand,up to your arm and neck
-just like Gomez kissed his wife every time he had the opportunity
-you both went trick or treating,along with johnny,mark and other members
-then came back to the dorms and ate so many candies
-jaehyun couldn’t help but stare at you every time he had the chance
-and you knew this costume was a perfect match because you could show him how sexy and elegant you were
-taeyong prepared some food for you all and you had few drinks
-told a lot of horror stories and felt like kids again but jaehyun was waiting to go home only to spend more time with you
-“ the food is too hot,I can’t eat it ::( ’’
-you complained while the others turned their heads to look at you especially taeyong who was about to apologize for the food being too hot
-jaehyun: ‘’you’re hot but I’d still eat-“
--he was cut off mid-sentence by taeyong who slammed his hand down on the table
-you all started laughing and looked at jaehyun only to see him grinning like a little bitch he is
-you knew how cheeky he can be so you got up and came closer to him to wrap your arms around his neck
-closer to his ear so you can whisper nonsense, that apparently got him happier that you intended
-he was one lucky guy for sure
-and the Halloween was once again one of his favorite holidays
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 -Jungwoo wanted something cute this year
-he was very excited to show you what costumes he prepared for you both
- he kept saying it was a surprise and told you not to prepare anything cause he will handle it
- so while you were preparing the candies for the kids, he snuck up on you and covered your eyes
- you could’ve sworn you felt something fluffy covering your face
- you touched his arms and tried to feel it
- and realized he was wearing paws
- ???
- “babe what are you-“
- he cut you off and turned you around to face him
- he was wearing a big Snoopy costume,with a red bowtie as well
- you felt yourself dying of cuteness
- because now you had THE actual snoopy as your boyfriend
- a bit weird but CUTE ok cute
- “do you like it?? the red bowtie is part of the costume so we could match”
- you looked at him all smiles
- his eyes were sparkling just like a puppy’s :,(
- He grabbed your hand and took you to your bedroom to show your costume
- it was the same snoopy costume but you had a red ribbon on top of your head
- you were excited to try it on
- and when you showed him the costume, he gently approached you to kiss your forehead
- “aren’t we the cutest?”
- after that, he helped you give sweets to trick-or-treaters and so many kids were in awe when they saw you two
- you took pictures to send to his family
- and in the end, you two ended up falling asleep
- cuddling on the couch surrounded by the candies left because you weren’t very active this year
- but still had a great time
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 -This year mark wanted it different
-he didn’t only wanted to crave pumpkins or go trick or treating
-he needed a break from every exhausting activity because being and idol
-and well,,
-being mOrk
-he was tired and needed an escape from that solicitant lifestyle
-he surprised you one day with a small trip to an orchard outside of Seoul
-you were so excited because you knew the weather was going to be in your favor
-plus you knew mark was a nonconformist and he wanted to make the time spent w you very special
-like every time
-such a cutie oml pls-
-you two took the train till there,admiring the view from the empty cabin you were in
-he was holding you close and your hand all the time
- occasionally he kissed the top of it
-but you always turned to give him a quick peck on his sweet lips
-you liked to see him all giggly and shy,rubbing his hand behind his head
-when you arrived there,you were accompanied by a guide
-showing you around the orchard
-you were so excited while looking around,looking at the different colors of the apples
-mark grabbed two baskets and offered to help you pick few red and beautiful apples
-you were picking them and from time to time you felt mark’s gaze on your body and smiled
-while he was distracted, you snuck up behind him only to see him startle
-you giggled when he picked you up,spinning you around
-only to leave a sweet kiss on your nose and lips
-after the apple picking,you went to a café that was only few miles away from the orchard
-ate apples on the way because you were a bit tired and very hungry lol
-at this cute café,you two spent some time chatting and just staring at each other
-because you were both cute little hopeless romantics <333
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 -Haechan was actually going to lazy around that day but nope
-you dragged him out of the bed
-telling him you want to crave pumpkins because otherwise
-you will bite his ass
-he gave you the most shocked look
-then managed to laugh
-“I wouldn’t mind,just bite the corner,,just a small bite”
-you rolled your eyes and puffed air from your nose pretending to get mad
-you walked out of the room and grabbed your coat and the car keys
-“yeah right then I’m going to buy the pumpkins myself”
-he came after you giggling and insisting it was a joke
-but you knew and were obvs trying not to smile
-he was a sucker for your pouty face so he loved pissing you off
-little cute shit
-you finally arrived at the local market and bought two big pumpkins
-so orange and tasty
-haechan took a tiny pumpkin and said he’s going to make it your child
-“haechan I’m not gonna shove a knife into our kid,don’t name it!”
-he knew if he names an object and something bad happens to it
-you get attached to it and get sad
-so in the end he didn’t name it but still got it home
-at home,you tried to look on pinterest for craving ideas
-and haechan laughed cause that was silly
-“cmon babe are you seriously looking that on the internet? Just do- *stabs the pumpkin in the middle and cuts out the lid* -this”
-he looks at you with a smile on his face and you just stand there
-like “I’m really dating a gemini huh”
-you try to cut your pumpkin but the skin was too hard
-and managed to drop the knife out of your hands with a loud bump on the floor
-haechan literally jumped thinking you cut yourself but you were just standing there,,
-bbq sauce on your tidd-
-jk jk
-you were standing there looking at the guts spilled all over the floor
-you sighed but haechan gave you a hug
-“you clumsy baby,gotta be careful. Let me do it for you,,you just scoop what’s left from the inside”
-and you did as he said a bit disappointed that he took the hard work
-even tho you wanted to show him you don’t need help
-but he knew you were an independent person anyway
-that’s what he loved about you actually
-after you were done with cravings,it was the tiny pumpkin’s turn to be cut
-you and haechan just turned to look at each other and he saw you giving him a trembling bottom lip
-“we can’t cut it baaabeee…” you whined
-“okay then just ..let’s draw a cool face on it,no harm”
-you agreed because obvs you couldn’t cut the child you had with him pff
-you took the marker and drew a caricature of your bf on it
-before showing it to him,you covered his eyes and suggested him to sit on the couch for few moments
-he was wondering what you were doing
-after a while you led him,eyes still closed,to the fireplace where you placed the pumpkins
-he opened his eyes and saw the tiny pumpkin standing between the bigger ones
-“see,these two are us and the tiny one is the kid”
-he gave you a look,his eyebrows rised but then laughed
-he hugged you and gave you a small kiss
-he then looked at the bigger pumpkins and stated nodding
-“damn we’re kinda ugly ngl”
taglist: @peachyhan​  --(who wants to be in the tag list,lmk!!)
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mshermia · 3 years
Full Circle - Webpril 01: Field Trip
summary: Peter and MJ are less interested in the field trip and a little more invested in spending time with each other. Someone, who's not spending any time with MJ at all is Tony, very much to his annoyance...
read on AO3
Nothing could ever even compete with the way Peter's stomach would flip when he would swing through the urban canyon that was Manhattan. Sure, Queens was awesome, it was his home after all, and there came a special sense of accomplishment with protecting one's home. 
But there was absolutely nothing like swinging from one skyscraper to the next.
Now, it had been forever since Spider-Man had been seen in Manhattan. Not since that day he had climbed onto that spaceship. He hadn't gone out there patrolling for a while after that final battle. When he had put his suit back on for the first time, it had seemed more important than ever to stick to his own neighborhood.
But patrol was not why Peter was back in Manhattan.
He craned his neck, eyes narrowed as he looked up to the very top of the MetLife Building. The name pulled an uncomfortable cringe on his face. It wasn't right. Years ago, the Stark letters had stood up there, only to be replaced by the Avengers symbol after the invasion of New York.
A cold shiver ran down Peter's neck and his entire back spasmed at the sensation. Aliens. The purple grape man. He shook his head. All that was in the past. 
"Hey, you okay?" MJ's hand slipped into his, hidden by their jackets from the rest of the group.
Peter forced his lips into a smile. Well, it honestly came easy whenever he looked at her. His skin broke out in goosebumps once again, in a good way though. In a way that matched the crazy rhythm, the butterflies in his stomach were dancing to.
MJ squinted up at the very top of the building herself now. "You ever been up there? When this was still Stark's?" She kept her voice low. It hadn't taken her long to figure out just how far she had to drop her voice for her words to stay just between her and Peter's enhanced-hearing.
"Long time ago," Peter nodded. "A few parties and tests in the lab before he sold it."
"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity, Penis."
Peter stumbled to the side as Flash push himself past them, right between him and MJ. With a heavy sigh, he stopped right in front of them, hands perched on his hip like he was supposed to be the center of attention.
"Actually, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results," Peter hisses through his teeth.
"Well, you would know, Penis, wouldn't you."
Peter's eyes flickered close in resignation, his arms tightly crossed in front of him.
"Get lost, Flash." MJ stepped back next to Peter and pushed him to the other side of the group.
"That's so sad," Flash laughed. "Look at you all whipped, Parker!"
"Just ignore him," MJ mumbled, eyes now on Mr. Harrington who was handing out lanyards to every student.
Peter nodded, eyes on his feet. It was embarrassing, always had been. It was way worse though with MJ right there to witness it. 
"Dude, I'm so psyched!" Ned had been first in line to get his lanyard, excitedly waving it in Peter's face. "How close do you think they'll let us get to it? You think we get to touch it? I mean at least the... the exterior... wall... thingy?"
Some of the tension fell off Peter. His lips slowly pulled back into a genuine smile at Ned's excitement. "Not the way you're buzzing, man... you'll have to be careful not to trigger a fission reaction."
Ned's face morphed into a mask of serious consideration. "That would kind of defeat the clean energy aspect."
Peter laughed. "Exactly!"
"But..." Ned's fingers were drumming against his chin like he was preparing for his full transmission to mad-scientist. "...it would get me Tony Stark's attention though for sure!"
"Ha," Peter barked. "Yeah, but not the kind of attention you're looking for, dude."
Ned grinned at him before he stormed back to the front of the line. Peter however decided to hang back after Mr. Harrington handed the last two lanyards out to him and MJ.
They walked into the lobby side by side though MJ didn't reach for his hand again. Instead, she was craning her head along with everyone else, looking at the oversized window fronts that were projecting different things from facts about the building's layout from floor 1 to 70, the different companies renting office space as well as the event plan for the next few months. When the Tower was still owned by Stark Industries they had had information on all kinds of things that were happening in SI buildings all over the planet projected there, all the way up to the tall ceiling of the entrance area.
"You ever seen one?" 
Peter glanced at her. "An arc?"
"Yeah." Her eyes were now following the lines of the interior design along the columns to the exquisite marble floor.
"I have. Not this one though," he shrugged. "They had one at the Compound upstate."
It had been where Peter had spent most of his real intern days, long after the Tower had been sold, after Toomes but before the purple grape man.
"Not this one? No parties next to the big bulb of energy then," she smirked.
Peter shook his head, glancing over at her. "Nah. Most of Tony's guests prefer the top floor to the basement."
That did get her attention. "The top floor, hm?"
She said it in a tone that made those butterflies in his stomach tumble excitedly. "Great view up there..." 
"Yeah, I bet." She held his gaze for a moment before a lady from the security team ushered them through the barrier.
The students in their group were bouncing excitedly, following behind the tour guide towards the line of elevators on the far side of the entrance area. 
"You know," MJ said, her tone as aloof as always. "I've always been more into architecture than energy technology. Structural engineering, that kind of thing."
Peter kept his eyes on the group, his fingertips buzzing with a new kind of excitement. "You love clean energy."
"I love to use it, but it's not like I necessarily want to build the things that generate it..."
Peter chanced another glance at her, MJ's eyes waiting to meet his. They were halfway across the room when Peter decided to hell with it, he'd just go for it. One hand on MJ's arm, he held her back for a couple of steps, letting the gap between the two of them and the group expand before he pushed her to the left, heading straight for another corridor that forked off and led to a single elevator.
They kept their heads low as they stole around the corner out of sight. The corridor was empty like it always had been even when this had been Mr. Stark's personal elevator. The doors opened right away as Peter pressed the call button and they both slipped into the waiting elevator car.
MJ shot a glance over her shoulder then grinned at Peter as the doors closed behind them. "You know, if they arrest us for this..."
"Can't arrest us for something they didn't outright ban us from, can they?"
One hand clutching her heart, MJ beamed up at him. "Peter Parker, I'm so proud. I bet they'll change the procedure from now on and move the lecture on which sections are off-limits to before they hand out these." She gave the lanyard around his neck a little flick.
Peter barked out a laugh. "Proud of how you're corrupting my pure innocent soul?"
She stepped a little closer to him. The hand that had just been resting on her heart came to lie on his cheek instead. "The circle is now complete." She leaned forward, her lips softly brushing against Peter's. "Student... master... someone becoming the other..."
The butterflies in his stomach, well... they were excited. Excited enough that a flush of heat was rising up to the very tip of his ears. His eyes were falling shut as he leaned against MJ, her lips warm and soft against his until his eyes flew back open. He leaned away from her just enough that MJ staggered forward a little, her eyes flickering open as well.
Peter studied her face, his mouth still gaping a little. "Did you just quote Star Wars to me?"
The confusion fell off her face. With an un-ladylike snort, she dipped her forehead against his shoulder. "Let's say it's your reward for the rule-breaking initiative." Her hand found his as she turned towards the elevator wall. "Let's do this." Her head spun back and forth a couple of times before Peter even caught on to what the problem was. "Wait, there's no control panel."
"Shit..." His heart sank. That tiny detail was going to ruin this for them. "No panel, it's voice-activated. Fuck, I forgot."
"So, you just say the floor and it gets you there. That's pretty cool." MJ looked up at the ceiling. "Level 70."
For a moment, they both froze in anticipation but the elevator didn't move an inch.
Peter rubbed the back of his hand across his forehead. He was starting to sweat. This had been such a dumb idea. "You need clearance for it to work," he grimaced. "Shit, sorry. That was a bit anti-climactic."
Like he was taunting the universe, the doors of the elevator opened and both of them jumped in surprise.
"What up, Parker," Flash chimed up amused. "Trespassing, are we?"
"Jesus Christ, you gotta be fucking kidding me," Peter hissed under his breath, clutching his heart.
"Dude, what are you doing?" Ned was right behind Flash and followed him into the elevator car.
"Nothing. We were just leaving."
"Eww, were you trying to sneak off to hook up with her?" Flash made a face, his upper lip curled up as he looked from Peter to MJ and back. "What a sleazy move."
A bead of sweat was running down the side of Peter's face, anxiety clawing its way under his skin.
"Don't be such a perv, Flash." MJ had her arms crossed, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"Whatever," Flash mumbled as the doors of the elevator shut again. He craned his neck looking around the car. "How does it move?"
"It's voice activated," both Ned and MJ groaned in union.
Peter squinted at Ned. "Wait, how did you even know where we went?"
"Saw you sneak off, didn't we... floor 70," Flash called out to the ceiling. When nothing happened, he pursed his lips. "Floor 70, please?"
Ned snorted, pulling a scowl onto Flash's face. "Well, I saw you. That one," he pointed at Flash, "just stalked me."
Eyes narrowed, Flash turned on Ned. "Maybe you should work on your sneaking skills if you don't want to be followed."
Ned waved him off. "You try it, Peter!" 
Excitement rang in Ned's voice, like Peter had the secret key to make this work. All it did was make his heart sink. It would have been bad enough to disappoint MJ, but Ned had just skipped out on the very thing he had been daydreaming of for years, seeing the arc, to follow them to a different adventure that Peter would not be able to deliver. Letting him down was even worse than embarrassing himself in front of Flash.
Peter pressed his eyes shut in resignation. There was no way the elevator would move. Without FRIDAY, he had no clearance. If it hadn't been for Flash and Ned, he might have made use of his web-shooters to steal up the elevator shaft with MJ... well, if it hadn't been for Flash... 
Still, he owed it to Ned to at least try. 
"Floor 70, please," Peter mumbled, resigned to the trip turning out to be the bust he had expected it to be.
His knees almost buckled underneath him as the elevator started to move.
"Woohoo!" Ned cheered, clapping him on the shoulder. "Dude, you did it!"
MJ grinned at him, only Flash looked a little pale around his nose. In all honesty, Peter didn't feel much better than Flash looked as the elevator was climbing higher and higher. This shouldn't have worked. He hadn't been in that building for, well 2 to 7 years, depending on who you'd ask. Tony had sold the Tower in 2016.
His head still a little fuzzy, Peter hesitated as the doors opened onto the top floor. He had almost expected them to crash some kind of function. That would have certainly explained why the elevator worked, but the entire floor was empty. It was almost eerie to see it like this when Peter had only ever experienced it lined with cocktail tables and packed with people in fine evening wear. 
"Shit, this is so cool," Ned mumbled, slowly advancing towards the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked Manhattan. "You can basically look right into the Chrysler Building!"
Flash had walked up next to him and waved towards the other building like a little kid waving at all the other cars passing through the rear window of a car. "You know, my dad said he's gonna buy this whole thing one day. So, if you ever want to be invited to one of my parties..."
"Well, he's a little late for that. I doubt the Tower will go back on the market for the next few decades."
Peter's insides froze. For a moment, he was hoping that it was just an illusion, that maybe he was just having a stroke or a minor concussion from patrol he hadn't noticed before. But when he turned, there was no doubt. The man that stalked towards them, decked out in a three-piece suit, dark shades on his face, was no other than Tony Stark.
Both his friends and Flash had turned at once.
Ned looked like he was hyperventilating while his high-pitched whisper rang through the room. "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod..."
"Oh. My. God," Peter groaned. "What are you doing here?"
Tony gasped, his face pulled into affronted shock. "Is that how you greet your favorite Avenger?"
One hand twisted in his hair, Peter could only stare at him. "I can't believe this is happening right now," he mumbled, staring straight at Tony.
"Okay, while Peter is still trying to reboot that genius brain of his." Tony pointed at Ned who's eyes were in danger of bulging out of his head. "Ted, I presume. Don't know this one," he mumbled as he pointed to Flash, but then his attention singled in on MJ. He strode right past Peter, an outstretched hand extended to her. "That means you must be MJ..." 
MJ's eyes were wide, shifting from Tony over to Peter and back. "Mr. Stark..."
"Call me Tony." The smile underneath his dark-tinted glasses was blindingly bright as she shook his nano-tech hand. That in itself left Peter at a loss for words. "I wish I could say I've heard a lot about you, but that would be a lie." He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder a couple of times in Peter's direction. "You'd think he was guarding Fort Knox. Scratch that, it was easier to get in there than getting anything out of Peter when it comes to his new girlfriend."
"Oh god, please, stop talking!" Peter's face was hot, glowing like the surface of the sun. Even as he was hiding behind his hands he felt like he was illuminating the entire room.
"See, even now he's acting like this is all a big secret. Like I wouldn't notice how he rather spends his weekends in the city now than with dear old me, but I noticed and I do have his aunt's number. I mean, what does a guy have to do in order to be granted some time with their... well, intern. I only saved the universe, well, half of it. The lost half. You're welcome, by the way." He pointed at Ned and Flash as well. "You too, I guess."
Unaccustomed to Tony's rambling nature, MJ, Ned and Flash were sporting an identical look of opened-mouthed wonder, eyebrows slightly pulled together as they tried to follow Tony's chaotic monologue. 
"It's not like I don't still have about a million things to teach him. Lesson number one," he turned to Peter. "You never ever stop making out with a girl to point out a Star Wars reference. I didn't think anyone would have to be taught that!"
Peter's jaw popped open. "Oh my god, you were watching us this whole time?"
He waved a hand at Peter. "FRIDAY and I were quite amused, I'm not gonna lie, but-- hey, come on!"
One hand on Tony's upper arm, Peter pushed him toward the other side of the room. While the other three were rooted on their spots in stunned silence, Peter had no such reservation.
"What in holy hell do you think you're doing?"
"Would you calm down? You're the one who's sneaking off without thinking about the 5 gazillion cameras that are installed in this building."
"And how exactly do you still have access to all these cameras, huh? Did you bribe someone to spy on my field trip?"
"Yeah, talking about that field trip, you know you could have just told me your team wanted to see the arc and I could have—"
"Don't change the subject!"
Tony tilted his head a bit to the side. "I don't usually have to bribe anyone to access what's mine."
Even though his eyes were almost entirely hidden behind the dark-tinted glasses, Peter stared at him. But no matter how long he did, Tony did seem entirely serious. "You bought back the Tower."
It wasn't a question and Tony didn't bother to pretend like it was either.
Peter's shoulder's slumped in resignation. "When did this happen?"
Tony shrugged, suddenly suspiciously quiet. 
His nerves reaching an all-time high, Peter blew out a long breath. "Was this before or after my school's decathlon team happened to be invited to visit the arc?"
"Erm..." Tony pursed his lips, pretending to think. "I mean, I'm not sure about your little club's time table or anything like that so I wouldn't be entirely sure if—"
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Peter ran both hands through his hair, at a complete loss. "What the hell is going on with you?"
"Hey, it's not like you gave me much of a choice." Tony's finger was pointed at him, his eyebrows raised above the dark rims of his glasses, like Peter was in the know of what was going on.
"I have no idea what you're even talking about."
He huffed out an annoyed little breath. "Well, why is it that May got to meet your girlfriend and I'm still wondering if you made her up or not? And even that just because Pepper let something slip that May wasn't supposed to talk about when—"
"Okay, please..." Peter's arms and hands were stretched out, voice low like he was trying to calm a skittish animal. "...please tell me, that you didn't buy back the Tower just so you could meet MJ."
Tony crossed his arms in front of himself. "Oh, don't flatter yourself, Underoos."
"Oh god..." His head was hurting. 
"I did not. Pepper would skin me alive."
Peter wasn't quite sure if he meant for spending that kind of money or for meddling with Peter's love life in general. "Then why didn't you just tell me you bought it?"
His arms twitched with another shrug. "I thought it would be a fun surprise."
Peter glanced over his shoulder in the direction of his friends and Flash, but they were well out of sight. "Listen, I'm sorry I haven't made it out to the cabin that often. It's not... it's not like I don't want to come out, it's just... it's the other side of town and—"
"And there's not enough room and you don't have a desk there to work at and the basement is too small and Morgan's up at what feels like dawn and has you grumpy in the mornings and the woods are creepy and you still don't like driving and what did I miss?"
Peter's head was bowed low. He had never said those things to Tony. Not out loud. He'd thought them for sure though.
"I know things haven't been ideal and with the Compound gone, well... this will be the better option."
Peter frowned, slowly looking back up at Tony. "The better option?"
"The lab in the Tower will be big enough that we can have like three desks each, easily. It's close enough for you to drop by whenever you want or go home in time so you, you know, don't miss a date or something. If you want to stay over there's no reason your room has to share a wall with Morgan's, the kitchen, or the living room, so no early wake-ups. No creepy trees outside your window and the subway station is just around the corner."
Peter's eyes were burning. Somehow... somehow this did sound a lot like he was the reason why Tony bought back that damn building after all.
With a swift motion, Tony took off his glasses, the expression on his face soft but sincere. "I miss you, kid. I'm not happy with how things have been going since they... well, since we've moved back to the cabin full time."
Peter moved his weight from one foot to the other. It wasn't like he hadn't missed Tony. He didn't even mind the cabin all that much, things had just been, well, different.
It wasn't just about where Tony lived now, that he was married with a kid. It wasn't that he had retired Iron Man, not really. 
Everything was just so different and for some reason, Tony of all people acted like nothing at all had changed between them. 
"Listen, Pete, I don't mean to—" He stopped himself, lowering his voice little further. "If I overstepped and you actually... well, if you actually just want your space and you want to cut back on the erm... internship, either way, that's perfectly fine and of course, we can figure out a new routine for the... neighborhood side project to—"
"I can't believe you bought the fucking Tower for me," Peter mumbled.
Tony tilted his head to the side. The corner of his mouth was pulled back into a soft smirk. "I invented fucking time travel for you, kid."
Peter's throat was dry, but he tried to swallow the growing lump anyway. "You did that because of the purple grape. Because of what he did to like 50% of the universe."
There was a beat of silence between them. Tony held his glance, staring at him unblinkingly. "Did I?"
Peter's lips parted, but there was nothing to say, his mind simply blank. "Tony... I... I'm not sure—"
"Alright now..." Without another moment of hesitation, Tony stepped a little closer, his arms pulling Peter into a tight hug. "We won't do that now. Not here. Not today," he whispered. One of his hands, the human one, was on the back of Peter's head when he quickly pressed a kiss against his temple. "I missed you, buddy."
Peter's fingers were clinging to Tony's back, his eyes pressed shut as he tried not to think about what Tony had said. Tried not to analyze what it meant if he had really done all of it just for him.
It took a few more mumbled words from Tony until he let go. His head held low, Peter ran the sleeve of his shirt over his eyes.
"You want this?" Tony held out his glasses for him to take. 
With a wet snort, Peter waved his hand away. "Yeah, 'cause that's not super obvious at all..."
Tony shrugged, the smirk on his lips deepening. Just before he pushed his glasses back onto his face, Peter caught a glimpse of the glassy brown eyes, a little red probably not unlike his own. With an overly heavy sigh, Tony wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulder. „Come on, buddy... I think at least one of your friends is dying to see that technological marvel in my basement.”
Peter scrunched up his nose, not even trying to pull away from him. “Can you at least try not to be weird?”
“I won’t make any promises.” 
"You could make up for it and let Ned touch the arc." He bit his lip, hiding a smile. "He really really wants to..."
"Why do you want to break that thing I just bought for you?"
Peter let his head drop against Tony's shoulder. "It's okay, I'll help you fix it."
This is the first time I've written something for this fandom that is *not* whump, so let me know, what you think!
I'll try to fill a bunch of these prompts, because I love running from my WIPs. Don't hate me for it ;) <3
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astridflowers · 4 years
Pins and Needles (SacklerXReader) 2/?
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"That's Adam!" You said a little too loudly as a strange feeling of guilt overtook you. You didn't do anything wrong why did you feel guilty ?. "Erm yeh Adam Y/N, Y/N Adam" Jessa said introducing you formally. Adam lifted his hand for you to shake, which you did pushing away the thought of how big they were. "A Pleasure" you smiled shaking his hand. He smiled back "is all mine," he said in a mischievous voice that made you blush before remembering his girlfriend was still stood next to you, god you felt horrible you were trying to be friends with Jessa and you were minutes in eyeing up her boyfriend. "Sooo.." she slapped her thighs snapping both you and Adam out of your daze for the second time. "Soo...?" Adam replied. "You gonna tell us why you stood in the girls changing rooms? In a gym, you don't attend? You told me gyms were useless and you can exercise for free" she crossed her arms over her chest looking slightly annoyed. "Oh erm yeh, I stand by that but I saw your text saying you were coming here and I got out of rehearsals early and came to see how you were doing but I got lost in this fucking place" he smiled innocently. You had to look away it was ridiculous how attracted you were to him you were chanting girlfriend repeatedly in your head scolding yourself. " Aww well isn't that nice of you" she rubbed Adams's bicep "but I don't think you can just come in like that you need a membership I got a trail week". You nodded trying to figure out if you were meant to be in this conversation. "Well was I right ?" he looked at her eagerly obviously referring to her saying he had told her about his running. "Nah it sucks me and Amy are gonna go grab a coffee" she shrugged as she then returned the towel on her head drying the rest of her hair. Adam looked up at you awkwardly he also looked slightly hurt she didn't enjoy it. "Fair" he nodded "I just thought you'd enjoy it get your adrenaline up". "I tried a bike thingy but I dunno I wasn't feeling it" she started putting on her shoes and jacket. "It's not for everyone but he's right to exercise releases endorphins they trigger a positive feeling in the body similar to that of morphine" you awkwardly chimed in. "See Y/N gets it!" He laughed, you had to ignore how nice he sounded saying your name. "I can't claim to be great and into it, though I don't come here all that often and I mainly sit at work" you smiled. "Yeah, but your work is fucking awesome" Jessa threw her arm around you. The door on the opposite side of the room opened and a woman walked in looking at the three of you. "This is the ladies changing room sir" she announced looking at Adam. "Oh shit is it sorry I'll head out" he shouted back looking dramatically around before smiling and winking at you. "We best set off too you joining us babe?" Jessa asked Adam who looked like he was a deer informer of headlights as he left the room holding the door open for Jessa and you. "I wouldn't wanna intrude on you and your girlfriends," Adam said doing air quotes. "Don't be silly we're just getting to know each other properly we've never hung out before" she smiled as you all walked out onto the street. "Oh did you guys meet in there". "No, she's my tattoo artist" Jessa smiled pulling her jacket up to show a butterfly on her arm you'd done a month prior. "Holy shit! You did that !?" Adam spin round to you as you were trailing behind them. You nodded suddenly feeling nervous, you were very confident in your work why did this giant make you doubt your work. "That's awesome" Adam started twirling and walking dramatically like a child as Jessa pulled out her phone and started texting not paying attention to the giant child next to her. "You got any tattoos, Adam?" You shouted to get his attention. "Erm... yeah but it's hidden" he shouted back. "Seriously where?" you asked. He spun around and stopped whilst you caught up before walking again next to you. "Wouldn't you like to know" he winked, was he flirting!?. "What I can tell you it's scandalous" he smiled trying to hold back a laugh. "Hmm didn't take you as a tramp stamp guy" you smirked so which he made an offended face. "How dare you" he belly laughed. "But no I don't have one" he smiled. The rest of your walk to the café was pretty quiet but you couldn't help notice every so often you caught Adam looking at you.Your coffee date as a third wheel was quite uneventful just small talk about each other's jobs. You learned Jessa jumps from job to job at the minute and Adam was in an upcoming play hopefully making its way to broadway. You had been in the cafe about two hours before you realized you had to get home to walk bear. "I'm sorry guys this has been lovely but I gotta get home to walk my dog, I'm usually home by now he's probably busting" you giggled as you rose from your seat and put your jacket on. "Sure no problem I'll text you ?" Jessa smiled sipping her cup. " yeh sounds good" you replied. "You have a dog?" Adam asked almost sounding like a shy child it came out so quiet. " yeah a German Shepard he's called Bear". "Aw man I love dogs" he smiled slumping in his chair. For someone so large he was insanely cute, girlfriend girlfriend girlfriend. "Come by and see him sometime Jessa has my number" you couldn't stop yourself you'd just invited a guy you'd just met to see your dog in front of his girlfriend. "Are you sure that'd be awesome" he smiled. "I'll see you soon, I'm just gonna head to the bathroom then I think I and Adam will get off too" Jessa got up hugged you, and walked through a door leaving you and Adam alone. "I'll walk you out" Adam got up and gestured for you to walk ahead of him. You got outside and he leaned against the wall staring you down with a smile. "It was lovely to meet you Adam" you held out your hand as a formal goodbye. "I'm sorry about earlier," he said not reaching for your hand but crossing his over his chest. "Earlier?". "The dressing room," he said emotionless, shit I forgot about that. "Oh I should apologize to you I don't usually flash new people I meet I promise" you laughed. His face remained still "don't" was all he said. You just stared at him not sure if he was annoyed, he'd spent the whole time with you smiling and laughing like a child and now he was serious and intimidating you couldn't read him. He let out a sigh and smiled then leaned his head back to look at the sky against the wall "should Thank-you I guess really" he chuckled. "I don't follow" you seriously were lost. "You have an incredible ass" he looked back down at you with a smirk, fuck what did he say. You turned to look at your ass and he laughed "thanks I guess ?" You giggled awkwardly. "It's true but yeh I didn't mean to walk in on you just don't want to get off on the wrong foot you thinking I'm a perv or something" he smiled. "Well you've just owned up to admiring my ass but I don't know where you'd get that from" he smiled and nodded as if to say touché. "But don't worry I think your a nice guy Adam, I got to go but as I said Jessa has my number if you ever wanna come to meet bear" you smiled reaching out your hand again. "Do I not get a hug too?" he reached for your hand sticking out his bottom lip. Lord help me "bring it in big guy" you laughed and Adam hunched down and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist. Damn, he felt good now you felt like the perv. You both slowly released each other from your hold and smiled as Jessa came outside. "We ready Adam?" she asked reaching for his arm. "See you around kid" Adam smiled as they both started to walk the other way to you. Kid? What did that mean ?. You walked home and walked near all whilst thinking of Adam, you seriously couldn't get him out of your head. But you had to this was wrong and you were a horrible friend to Jessa you'd spent the whole time checking out her boyfriend and I think he was flirting with you, didn't he?. You brushed those thoughts to the back of your mind for the night as you settled down and tried to think of anything else but him.
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otterknowbynow · 4 years
Altean Home Economics (15/?)
Goo is great, but Hunk sure would feel better if they had kitchen access, even if that does mean figuring out some extraterrestrial foreign substances and ending up with a lot more than he bargained for. Set between 2x07 "Space Mall" and 2x08 "The Blade of Marmora," stretching time a little bit.
all chapters in this tag | full work on ao3
The others arrive on the bridge one at a time, and after he gets halfway through an explanation for Keith and has to start over for Pidge, Shiro gives up on figuring anything out until they're all there. Lance stumbles through the sliding door a few minutes after Coran has quieted the distress signal to a faint beeping, and it’s now a small flashing beacon on the viewscreen guiding them on their approach.
“It’s definitely coming from the outpost according to our records of its coordinates on the surface -- which is good, since I can’t get confirmation that the atmosphere of this planet is breathable anywhere else, and we don’t have a whole lot of spare breathing apparatuses that have been tested in, oh, the last millennium,” says Coran, typing rapidly on the helm’s interface. 
“It seems like we shouldn’t overwhelm them,” says Allura. “Perhaps we send one lion down as an envoy to start?” Her voice is calm, but her eyes are shining in a way that tells Shiro she definitely hasn’t given up on the possibility of finding more Alteans here. He frowns, but before he can say anything, Lance of all people cuts in -- Shiro wasn’t sure he was even fully conscious. 
“We should bring Blue! She’s clearly best equipped for this sort of thing.” 
“How do you figure?” Keith’s testy this morning, it seems. 
“I figure --” Lance puts air quotes around the word, his voice full of disdain “-- she’s quick, she’s got that sonic scanner thingy that’ll let us figure out what the deal is with this whole outpost thing, and oh right, she’s calm and collected, and not just gonna throw fire at everyone.” 
“Nah, but if you’re piloting, sure seems like she might just flip through the air and start freezing things left and right.” 
“Okay,” says Shiro, holding a hand out at each of them to stop. “Everyone’s a little tired; you’ve all been up a bit late with all these kitchen experiments, and I get that, but let’s just take a second and think about this.” He sees Hunk and -- strangely -- Allura blanch visibly at “kitchen experiments,” which seems like it doesn’t bode well, but they can come back to that later. Shiro lowers his hands when it’s clear neither Keith nor Lance is going to continue this particular argument. “We don’t have long, but we can at least consider our options.” 
“The blue lion does seem like a good choice,” says Coran, turning from the helm. “Entuk is a water-rich environment, so in some ways, that would put her and her pilot in their element.” He nods at Lance, who grins. 
“And I can go with him,” says Allura, stepping down from her station to join the rest of them arrayed loosely around the viewscreen. “Between the blue lion and me, Lance will be perfectly manageable.” 
“Hey --” Lance starts, but they don’t have time to go through whatever reassurance Lance needs, as they seem to be rapidly approaching entering orbit above the planet’s surface.
“Don’t,” Shiro says, raising his hand again. Lance frowns at it, but keeps his mouth shut. “We’ll send the blue lion with Lance and Allura to make contact with whoever’s sending that signal and get the lay of the land. That way we’ve got a pilot and a diplomat. Pidge and I’ll go down in the green lion, too -- we’ll use the cloaking ability Pidge installed so we can tag along as backup without alerting anyone.” He’s not entirely sure how Allura will handle things if there are somehow living breathing Alteans here -- he’s not going to pretend she hasn’t shown herself a little reckless sometimes -- but at least she’s had some training on how to interact with new groups and cultures. And if nothing else, he’ll be in a position to intervene if necessary. 
“What about the rest of us?” Hunk asks.
“Coran will run backup support, obviously -- you and Keith stand by in case we need the red or yellow lions once we know the specifics. Clear?” He waits for confirmation nods from the rest of the paladins before turning to Coran. “What else should we know about how things might be down there?” 
It might not be necessary to flip his lion head over tail on the way down to the planet’s surface, but if there’s a pilot who would skip that opportunity, it sure isn’t Lance. Allura being in the cockpit with him does keep him from whooping aloud as he careens toward the distress signal, but just barely. 
“Is this how you always fly?” Allura asks primly as he swoops toward the beacon widely enough that he’s nearly going in a spiral. “I hadn’t really noticed before now.” Lance blanches at her overly mild tone and bites the corner of his lip as he evens out their flightpath to head toward the signal a bit more directly. He clears his throat before answering her.
“Oh, just testing things out, making sure she’s doing okay, you know -- been a minute since I flew her, what with the mall trip and whatnot.” Lance tries to keep his tone casual, and he does a pretty good job of it, he thinks. 
“Do you do this every time it’s, uh, been a minute?” Allura asks, still in what seems to Lance to be too formal of a tone. 
“I mean, yeah -- want to put her through her paces, you know, like you would a horse.” There’s a rumbling feeling in the back of his head, and he grimaces. “Um, I mean, not exactly like a horse, but you get the idea.” 
“So the lion’s a she --”
“Lance, Allura, quit chatting and look alive -- we’re getting close.” Lance jumps halfway out of his pilot’s chair; he forgot they were on open comms, and Shiro’s voice is a jolt he wasn’t expecting. 
“Is it...an island?” Pidge sounds confused, and she should be, Lance thinks as he sweeps his gaze across the planet below. The area they’re heading toward is suspiciously blue -- which would be fine, he thinks, if there were some kind of blue landmass there, but it really does just seem to be a vast stretch of ocean. He feels the beginnings of excitement bubbling up and can’t stop one of his legs from vibrating rapidly. 
“Hey, Coran, buddy, are we sure we’ve got the right coordinates here, or?” He knows that’s not exactly a proper question, but it’s all he’s got. 
“That’s definitely the location of the distress beacon,” comes the response. “It’s possible the outpost is hidden somehow, though we have no record of them having cloaking technology -- of course, it’s been ten thousand years, so who knows what mysteries they’ve developed since Altea was last in contact.” 
“Cool,” says Lance, and he grins. “Then we’re going in!” And this time he doesn’t bother suppressing the whoop that breaks free from his throat as he points Blue into a nosedive streaking straight for the water below.
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sang-el · 5 years
Thoughts on Major Blast
Another day, another new episode, another Fred-In-Danger episode. This week, a villain called Major Blast comes into the surface and targets Fred. Will BH6 save Fred from them and reveal who's behind it? Let's Blast on!
Cold opening; It is another save from BH6, this time they (Hiro, Baymax, and Fred) are saving Bluff Dunder from Helicopter malfunction. But when Fred suggest to celebrate with Noodle Burger victory treat, a stranger flies to Fred, and starts blasting flame towards him. He tries to avoid it, but no work. Getting cornered, this stranger prepares to diminish Fred "You aren't a worthy opponent yet" (let's remember this quote because it will be handy), until Hiro and Baymax reach out Fred and save him from this stranger. This stranger flees away, but not before demanding Fred to have another fight, this time, he will be alone, and Hiro and Fred wonder who were they.
BH6 figures out that the stranger is "Major Blast", they used to be Boss Awesome's villain, and they are now targeting Fred. Hiro orders Fred to train with Gogo while the rest to figure out who's behind Major Blast. Hiro then shows other the new feature of the lair, Sim-Max, a simulation room so Fred can practice.
Tbf, this feature is really cool, they have ultra realistic hologram with backgrounds and villains, so they can practice and learn how to beat villains as accurate as in real life. Look How far BH6 has become. (Except the part that once you failed the simulation, Roddy will mock you straight away on his hologram version)
Gogo finds the problem that Fred is really easy to be distracted, and she demands him to stay focus, but Fred keeps it going, even daydreaming about how their practice would be (Rocky's aesthetic sounds fun). They finally start the simulation, with Momakase, but ofc Fred gets distracted again, and he fails the simulation test. "Distraction bad. Focus good" that's what she said.
I wish their interaction between Gogo and Fred could be more, since, I find the interaction between Fred and Gogo interesting, since they are opposite to each other, Fred likes to get distracted and chilling, and fun stuffs, with his witty and quirky, while gogo is no Bs person, likes to focus, always get serious when troubles come, and upset when someone ruining the mood of her. I also remembered about Jamie Chung's interview for the movie back then, that Gogo had a secret crush on Fred, which is... Interesting, and the series portray about their interaction more, and seems like they have a good chemistry for each other... I admit I ship them tho but yeah, I wish they have more interaction like this, but somehow they cut it pretty short and we have to see Fred practices alone
Meanwhile, the rests find the further informations about Major Blast. Baymax (and Basemax) however, ruin the focus by 'competing' to give the infos about Major Blast. Who would have known that Robots literally competing each other about something.
First practice is done, and they about to go home, until Major Blast interrupts Fred's path and attacks Fred, Fred tries to resist, with Gogo help, but he is still failed, and Major Blast says the same words before they flee away, again.
Fred becomes paranoid, and starts to doubt if he is good enough to be a superhero. 'Alfred' tries to cheer him up, but warn him to be focus about it.
Now to think about it, after what The butler said, and the quote "You aren't a worthy opponent", the person behind Major Blast is coned into the the person who is close to Fred and instead of someone who has a vengeance against Boss Awesome or Fred, they want to teach Fred a lesson. Now that the butler said that, it could be really him, or it could be boss Awesome's robot practice, or Richardson.
Fred practices again, now with mini-Max, but out of nowhere, Major Blast comes again, and interrupt his practice. Fred gets defeated again, but..... His butler saves him, using Fred original BH6 costume, to drag him out from Major Blast. Major Blast flees away again, and says the same quote again (yep).. Fred becomes more terrified.
Also forgot to mention that Boss Awesome, or Mr. Frederickson appears again as cameo, I can tell that he now has new va, I think. His sounds is similar to Stan Lee, so he is as if Stan Lee is alive, but I'll check the credit to see the new va
Fred determines to defeat them for good, but his distraction(s) takes the toll out of him, and he is defeated (again) by simulated Mr. Sparkles (yeah......). Roddy Blair comes in and he notices Fred. Fred asks to Blair how Boss Awesome comes to defeat Major Blast and how Major Blast's weaknesses are, Blair says that While Major Blast don't have weakness, Boss Awesome used his own weakness to defeat Major Blast. Fred then has the idea to use his distraction to defeat Major Blast.... Which is not what Blair meant, but we'll, he keeps going up with his idea, and.... Well, he tried
Blair also mentions to the rests (since the rests of the crew still couldn't figure it out who's behind Major Blast) that there was a secret compartment on Boss Awesome's lair, and Hiro and the gangs (except Gogo and Fred) visit his lair once again, and plan to use Baymax's vision to scan the secret compartment, but, they notice that Baymax is still on the lair, discussing with Basemax about the protocol of who's speaking first and stuff.
As Fred practicing and failing, Major Blast comes and interrupts his another practice. (Huh, they can be a party pooper irl ofc) Gogo sees this and tries to help Fred, but Major Blast manages to lock her out from the Sim-Max, and now Fred fights alone, against Major Blast. In the other side, The rests of BH6 figure out who Major Blast is.
Fred, now, fighting alone, tries to use his weakness to defeat Major Blast, including using his ultra lighting feature to blind Major Blast, but ofc, with their advance tech, they manage to resist and Fred gets cornered again, Major Blast says something as they prepare to blast him, but Fred distract him to mention their forehead, and he escapes. Major Blast tries to attack Fred, and they gets it, well, Sim-Fred, and the real Fred manages to climb to their back and cut the pipewire, which creates malfunction of their suit. Finally Major Blast is defeated, Fred the winner, and everyone is happy.
Fred admit that he uses Gogo and Blair advice to defeat Major Blast, which is not what they meant. Fred finally reveals who's behind Major Blast, and it is......
Fred's mom (surprising, right, eh?)
Everyone's confused about the 'plot twist' and Fred's mom owes to tell: she was afraid about Boss Awesome's safety, and she wanted to keep Boss Awesome awesome, so she created her undefeatable 'villain' persona, Major Blast. When she was defeated, she revealed herself to Boss Awesome, and she then, retired, well until now. The reason of why she relive her alter ego again is because she wants Fred about superhero thingy, especially since the situation becomes uncertain, and the villains are getting stronger, to Hiro notice that she knew about BH6's identity all along. Well that's a plot twist I could t honestly expect, and looks like none of our theory about Major Blast were right
Well looks like superhero thingy runs thought their family, Mr. Frederickson is Boss Awesome, Mrs. Frederickson helped Boss Awesome kept his awesomeness, by becoming a 'villain', and Fred is part of BH6. Kick-Ass Family, amirite?
Fred is really happy about that, and Gogo mentions the weird parenting over there. At the end of the day, Fred is happy that he has a kick-assing mom, while Mr. Frederickson watching by far from his another vacation.
It's.... A weird episode. It's not bad, it's okayish, but it's definitely weird. The plot is somewhat confusing tho, and the interaction about gogo and Fred kinda too short, I wish there was more. Kudos tho for the plot twist, since no one saw this coming (well because no one saw this coming and we don't have picture of what was going to happen), and more Fred centered episode. I wish we get to see the rests centered episode tho, to develope other characters. Overall, an okay episode, and I can't wait to speed up the momentum with the supersonic family.
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angstars · 5 years
the suggestive position thingy with hokuto and leo please? :0
sure sure!! these two boys are legit 0-100 in the spectrum lmao. leo can be found here!!
And remember, get calcium!♠
When you were invited to watch Hokuto practice his play for an upcoming theatre act, you were ecstatic!
He never really invited you to watch him practice much; his constant excuse was that he didn’t want you to get smothered by Wataru’s shenanigans, but you knew better. The boy was clearly shy.
Packing an entire snack box, one would say you’re ready for a picnic, but actually you were just going to watch your boyfriend stand on stage.
And it’s a different kind of stage all together, even the performance is different. And that’s why it was so exciting, you have never got to experience Hokuto’s ‘poetic’ side, if you can call it that.
Towards the theatre club room you go, where he told you he’d be preparing and wearing his costume before heading to the auditorium for a practice mock up of the stage play.
You knocked on the door and stepped inside, and heard some rustling and movement behind the changing curtain.
“Hokuto, is that you?” You inquired outloud, worried if you walked in on someone else changing. How awkward would that be.
“Oh! Yes it’s me, please wait on the couch, I’m almost done.” He spoke up, and you saw his school jacket get tossed over the head board of the curtain.
Relaxing the instant you heard his voice, and knowing you two are the only ones in this room as it seemed to be, you felt like you can let loose and be yourself.
You found the couch under a pile of large sheets, and have rolling them up all together and tossing them to the side, you relaxed on the old yet comfortable cushions. You noticed that it was a rather large seat, as you felt yourself slightly sinking into it; perhaps the dip was because something was missing under it.
A few minutes lapsed before the curtains were pushed to the side and Hokuto steps out, dressed in a princely costume. His cheeks were burning up red, shuffling his feet awkwardly as he reluctantly continued to step forward, his eyes fixated on the ground, embarrassed from seeing him this way.
How cute, he’s acting like he was caught red handed stealing from the cookie jar.
“Erm…how…how do I look?” He asked meekly, his voice was falling so much in volume you failed to hear it properly if you didn’t concentrate enough.
Smiling to yourself, you stood up and approached him, appraising his attire before fixing his jacket’s collar for him adoringly. “I say, you look wonderfully handsome.”
His face turned stark red, a shade darker than what it already was and you couldn’t help but think that he probably blew a fuse in his head as he froze completely. No matter how long you two have been dating, you never fathomed how bashful he can get when it came to you.
“So you’re the prince this time too?” You brushed your hands on his shoulders to tidy them up a bit better, straightening out the cloth further then resting your hands on your sides again.
“Yes, it’s another old play, so it only makes sense there are princesses and princes involved.” He explained, regaining his composure and walking past you to put away his folded school uniform neatly in his bag.
“How charming,” you cooed, “I get so jealous of Tomoya sometimes, I wish I was the princess you get to save… I want you to be my knight in shining armour.” You confessed, letting out a lonesome sigh. It was true, often times watching their school plays; you wished you were there on stage, taking part of it along side Hokuto.
It looked so much fun, active and it would definitely allow you more time to hangout with your boyfriend; and most importantly, the lines being exchanged, were so surprisingly romantic, you wished to be the one to hear him flatter you so.
He either didn’t expect that or didn’t think you were serious, for he turned around with a startled expression. Seeing your downcast expression, his features slowly changed to concern.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” He approached, the rehearsal schedule now in the back of his mind.
You shrugged, keeping your gaze down. “No not particularly, there’s nothing we can do about it anyway. I just wish I can take part in your acting sometimes, it looks so much fun to wear those extra frilly dresses, and be the one you kiss her hand.”
It’s not like Hokuto treated you badly, in fact, he’s like a saint in this relationship, and can be rather romantic and sentimental when he wants to be. But you had an odd craving to just for once be on the receiving end of the exaggerated romantic gestures.
“I see…” he mumbled, standing now in front of you. He gently took your hand in his, moving his fingers up delicately to slowly take your entire hand in his and hold it tightly. “I…had no idea. I never thought you were interested in acting and felt so strongly about it.”
You shook your head, “it’s not the acting, it’s just taking part of your activities. And besides, I didn’t bring it up so… it’s not your fault.” You smiled softly and looked up at him, to lock eyes with his worried puppy eyes.
His eyes searched yours for anything else, any further hidden truth, and finding none, he steeled his resolve on an idea and whirled around. He pulled you along towards the couch, and letting go for a moment, he reached for one of the large sheets you earlier put away and pulling it with one strong swing, he raised it above the couch and carefully lowered it to cover the couch once again like a small parachute.
Turning his attention back to you, he looked as stoic as ever while your face contorted with confusion.
“Lay down on the couch, and pretend to be a fair maiden asleep.” He instructed, like what was happening just now was the most normal thing ever.
You chortled at that, “fair maiden?”
His face heats up as he cleared his throat, “sorry, it’s become habit.”
“What’re we doing exactly?” You probed further.
You beamed at that remark, smiling brightly as you looked at him in disbelief, feeling light headed and ticklish in your heart, mirth bubbling in your stomach as you immediately took your place in laying down on the couch, no hesitation in laying down as fancy as you could, hands clasped together over your chest.
Hokuto smiled softly at the cheer joy that was evident in your features and actions, finding it touching and cute. “You already got the pose down so well,” He praised, kneeling down beside you.
You closed your eyes in excitement, “This pose is literally in every fairy tale.” You snorted, and he hummed in agreement.
You sucked in a deep breathe and your heart sped as you felt him lean in closer, the couch dipping on where he sat and anchored his hands on your sides, it creaking under you both as he moved slowly.
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” He quoted, whispering the fine tuned words to your ear in a breathy hush, it sent goosebumps all over your body, you couldn’t help but open your eyes just a crack to watch him.
His face was all serious as he hovered atop you, inches apart, a slight push was all it takes to kiss.
That’s when the door flew open, and Wataru stepped in, completely and entirely destroying the ambience that was set by the robust entrances he’s known for.
“Hokuto? Oh young Hokuto where are you? Oh!” He exclaimed when his eyes landed on you both laying together on the couch, “Oh my! It seems that I, your one and only Wataru Hibiki, has done an appearance at the wrong moment, how shameful of me! Especially as a magician! I was searching all over for you Hokuto, I thought you forgot you had practice today! Tell me, were you two reenacting Romeo and Juliet?”
Did this man swallow an entire tape box? You thought, albeit a bit too aggressively after being interrupted from a moment you’ve been dying for.
Hokuto looked at you apologetically, and with a sigh, got off the couch and stood up, tidying his uniform once again. “I didn’t forget, I was just busy practising some lines for today’s rehearsal anyway.”
“I see! Understandable! Yes indeed, doing it with your beloved girlfriend would be much more believable and romantic. Alas! Your teammate Tomoya awaits on the stage in his very cute princess dress, so we must be off!”
How unfortunate, as you watched the two of them leave the room, Wataru as bubbly as ever and Hokuto slightly dismayed.
You sat up and sighed, and that’s when it occurred to you.
“Wait! I’m supposed to come with you!”
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Newsie things by yours truly part 2
Hold on to ya horses, this is gonna be a long one
Jacks eyebrows when he's singing
Jack little wave in front of Crutchies eyes to make sure he has them closed
Crutchies smile when he has eyes closed as if he can really see it
The wrong conjugated verbs, don't know why it doesn't irritate me, it just doesn't
The little hand wave during " we's as free as fishes "
Jacks smile when Katherine first talks to him
The weird movements in the background during carrying the banner
Jack being all cute with the boys
How jack shoves Elmer away during carrying the banner
Jack trying to steal Oscars hat at the gate
Race saying "get off of me" when Oscar pushes him out of the way
Crutchie being carried like a baby when Jack takes his crutch
Their heavy breathing when they strike a pose
Crutchie calling Wiesel mister because he is a sweetheart
Albert not paying for his papers
The small "I want more papes" after David refuses to take more
The guys reading the papers is the background
Nunzio standing in the back waiting to speak you can see him count
The little shock he had when Pulitzer says his name
Hannahs shocked face when they say they're going to up the price
Nunzio's little head shake when he gets his money
The boys gambling in the background
All of Les' faces when he is talking or singing
The shocked face of the workers in the theatre
Jack oof when he hugs Medda
I have always loved the scene where Medda is told she "is on" and she makes the joke, the guy doesn't understand so she turns to Jack. #relatable
Katherine biting her lip after she finds the newspaper
Romeo hitting Albert in the background
The guys running when Les comes charging at them
The two boys in the front kneeling because they forgot to (probably)
The whole scene of forming the union, always cracks me up
The chorus of "nice" when Jack says unioned we stand
Elmer smiling in the background (it doesn't matter when he is always smiling, soo cute)
The boys being cute
The guitar during "and the old will weep..."
The stares when they sink to their knees during "and the things we do today will be tomorrows news"
All the angry stomping
Have you noticed how they cannot sit straight
Jack thinking the water is for him and then his little pat on Les' shoulder instead
A few of the boys taking off their hats and messing up their hair when Katherine walks in
Race staring at Katherines ass
Katherine ashamed look when Crutchie calls her out about the nickel thing
Romeo being smaller that Katherine
Jack sticking his tongue to Jacobi
David having to lean down to run while holding les' hand
All the faces Katherine makes during watch what happens
Jacks hand and the little "are you done" when Morris yells that his skull-busting arm could use a day of rest
Jack and Davey being able to work together after three days
Jacks scared face when the first scab comes towards him
Race bracing himself when the last scabber throws down his paper
The little comment the boys give during the dancing
Jack and Davey running off stage because they can't dance
One newsie losing the paper he stands on during the dancing on paper
Katehrine helping a newie in the background
Their hair sticking to their forehead because of how hard they're sweating
Can we also appreciate the orchestra for a second, they're amazing
Jack squeezing his eyes shut when he hits a particular note
Can we also apreciate the Santa feeeeeeee
Elmer looking at Race after "why do old people talk then looking away because he is not supposed to
Elmer's small smile after Katherine squeezes his shoulder
Albert calling Les shortstop
Race sticking his tongue out, love it
The oh no when race starts tapdancing
Romeo clapping sarcastically in the background
Race's face during let's get drunk
Katherine swinging her legs while sitting on the table
Elmer jumping on someones back during let's get drunk
Katherine doing weird jazz hands in the background during the spoon dance thingy
One of the boys waving his arms around trying to imitate Katherine after she dances
Race grabing his groing when Ktherine does the spilt as if he didn't do something simular a few second ago
Race forgetting to hook his arms around Katherines
Can we appreciate Elmer dancing on the table
Ok so I may be a little obsessed with Elmer but so what can you really blame me
Davids liking his lip during "ah yes above the fold"
Jack looking at Davey's hand on his arm and Davey taking it away quickly
Davey smaking Jacks but with the paper and Jack looking so shocked
Katherine face when Davey looks at him when Les talks about his girl
Katherine visibly waiting for the "poor GuYs head... "
And her small smile after
Davey wincing when they shake hands
Jack hitting the press in time with the music
Elmer trying tp be scary but being even cuter in the process
Spot being so small next to Davey
Medda counting second until she can start clapping
Spot raised eyebrows and smile
Katherine being a total sass queen
The noices they make after the first kiss
Jack grabbing the railing during the kiss
Jack grabbing for the railing when the thing they stand on starts moving
Jack holding out his hand for Katherine to grab but then putting it over his other because she doesn't grab it
"Remind me to stay on your good side"
The attention for accent damn
Katherine quoting Les
Am I the only one thinking that Darcy and Bill are together, no alrighty then
Race and Elmer (kind of) hugging in the background
Race leaning back during "we won't carry no banners that don't spell freedom
Jacks "yeah yeah yeah" when Katherine points at him
Katherine holding her skirt up to go up the stairs
They make a detour when they throw the papers around
During the last once and for all it looks like they grab the railing for support because it's so intense
How Pulitzer's assistant throws the phone when it goes off
How perfectly Jack throws the money
Jack sitting like a gay king in that chair
Spot is such a small bean
Spot taking of his hat while talking
"So what's your next move"
"I'd do it with a smile"
"He doesn't do happiness does he?"
Hannah waving everybody out when Pulitzer asks to speak to Jack alone
I know I mentioned their buts and arms in part one but I just can't help but mention it again because damn
I'm sorry this was so long, just had to get it out of my system
You can find part 1 one my blog becuase I have no idea how to put one of those links here.
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1358456 · 5 years
Lack of Updates?
So... let’s take a look at all the active stories and their last update date.
DE: July 6 (3 months) SC: Sept 7 (1 month... already?!) Legacy: May 25 (4.5 months) Heart: May 11 (5 months) Wings: Sept 7 (1 month) SoS: “5 months ago” (5.0 - 5.9 months)
It’s somehow been a month already since Wings and SC were updated, and much longer for the others. ... And updating the stuff on Ao3, which I haven’t done since... March 7. Hm.
Honesty time!! As usual for these kinds of posts, TL;DR version is down in the bottom, before the “keep reading” thingy.
For Ao3, I stopped updating SE there because an upcoming chapter requires SA to end first, and SA is nowhere near the end there. And for whatever reason, updating the other stories’ existing chapters once every 2 weeks was so annoying that I just stopped. So... I think what I’m going to do TOMORROW (note to self) is update all that remains for SA at once. And once that’s done, I can update everything in SE (so far) a week* or so later. *6 to 8 months
SoS... I’m working on it. I THINK I can have it finished soon. MAYBE this week?
SC and Wings were “just” updated, so they won’t be seeing an update for a bit. ... SC might because I want to work on it, but Wings will not be seeing an update until 2020. Triple the review count for the last chapter, and THEN we’ll see. Shouldn’t be too hard, since that’s just +4.
DE... I forgot what I was going to do for it. And it’s not my immediate priority anyways, so... it shall remain forgotten for now.
Heart... I don’t know what happened to it. I forgot everything about it. Whoops.
Legacy... it’s wedged. Like, the story progression events kind of conflict with each other. The details will be given in the bottom of this post, after the whole “keep reading” thingy. IF that decides to show this time around. I noticed that some posts that I make ignore the “keep reading” thing I put in, and show everything at once. Well, in the event of that, I’ll just have to put like a double manual line break to signify spoilers ahead.
(This was a SINGLE manual line break)
Now, one BIG reason why the updates are slow and no progress has been made in the past month or so is because my current interest in Pokemon Special (and all of Pokemon entirely) is at a flat 0. It was declining pretty fast for a while before that point, and now it’s at a flat 0. Hell, after that fallout, I haven’t checked or seen anything from Pokemon Special. BW2 probably updated twice since the last time I checked. So... two updates would be one full chapter? What happened in it? I don’t know. The greatest thing in the manga could’ve happened. Or the absolute dumbest thing could’ve happened, and I don’t have a clue, nor do I care. Has SM/USM updated? Probably at least once. I have no idea what happened in it. And I also don’t remember where it left off. Has SS arc started? ... Have those games come out yet? No idea. What little interest I have for the arcs, I have even less for the games. 0 < 0??
Hell, I don’t even know where my 3DS is right now. My friend gave it to me for free, and I used it ONLY for the Generation VI/VII Pokemon games, and I put it away somewhere because I wasn’t going to be using it any time soon, and now I don’t know where that is. Not that I actually tried to look for it, but that’s besides the point.
Anyways, the point is... me trying to write up the update chapters is me trying to write about a series I don’t really care that much about anymore, with characters I’ve moved on from. I’m trying to force myself back into things, but the progress is slow. The whole headcanon chronology and the random X & Y tidbit were a part of me trying to force the interest back. In that regard, I’m compiling the full headcanon chronology, including the headcanons for EVERYONE instead of just Red and Blue (and a bit from Platinum). That will take a while, and in order to make such a thing, I’ll have to look at my own stories pretty closely which should hopefully force some interest back.
Now, why am I holding on instead of letting go? Well... I’ll have to return to Pokemon Special in a little while anyways, albeit briefly, so... letting go now is meaningless. And I’ll be checking out the manga again only to see Sword and Shield and their personalities, abilities, stats, etc. Stats??
And hey, maybe if Sword and Shield are interesting enough, it might just rekindle my interest altogether! ... I kind of doubt it but it’s certainly possible!
So, TL;DR version... updates are taking a while because of the lack of interest in the series as a whole, so have patience, s’il vous plait. Updates will come. The time will come! The period of update-hiatus will end! 苦盡甘來, 捲土重來! ... Okay, neither saying particularly fits well with the current situation, but the two put together KIND of works in painting the right picture, so hey.
Okay. Now time to see why Legacy update is wedged, how it’s wedged, and what the possible solutions are. Spoiler time. Why spoil the story stuff? Because why not. I think there are exactly two people who read my stories AND my Tumblr posts. Maybe three. So I’m not spoiling a lot of people (nor am I spoiling a lot because most of what I’m going to write has already been discussed in the story). So for you two (or three), proceed at your own discretion. You know who you are. And no, I’m talking about YOU, who stopped a bit after 1/3rd of Destiny over two months ago. YOU know who you are as well.
(Double manual line breaks)
So, why is the Legacy update stuck?! Let’s look at the plot thus far, and in particular, the unnamed enemy’s plans. The enemy does have a name, but it will be hidden for now to avoid the major reveal later on. MUCH later on. So we’re talking like 7 years at this rate (...).
The enemy is trying to progress with a project called K3, which seems to be a part of a K-series of projects, given how “there will not be a K4″ (Legacy #001: Rendezvous), and K2 already existing (Legacy #004: Derailed). Given how K2 talks in an automated voice and gives VERY accurate data like time in 1/100th of a second, it’s safe to assume that this K2 is an AI. So then K3 is assumed to be the next version in a line of AI projects that requires money, the Rotom Dex, and Blue for whatever reason. Given what they said about Platinum’s mental capacity during her kidnapping, it’s likely that they’re trying to use particularly brilliant individuals’ brain scans (Legacy #004: Derailed) as a base for the AI memory matrices. Blue is canonically quite ingenious with technical stuff, which would make her quite suitable. ... Cortana, much? ... Remember all those Cortana quotes Blue used back in SA? (”Could you sacrifice me to complete your mission? Could you watch me die?”) Heh... Anyways. The enemy currently has money and the Rotom Dex. So all they need now is Blue. And that is where the wedging occurs.
In order for the enemy to snatch Blue and proceed with their final “ingredient” in K3, the Dex Holders need to NOT be on alert. Currently, they ARE on alert because Platinum and Y were briefly kidnapped. The Dex Holders’ discussions led to the conclusion that no more Dex Holders may be targeted from this point, so if that continues, then they will no longer be on alert, which is good. BUT the latest chapter also had Moon being attacked, and set on fire, while her Rotom Dex was stolen. If the others find out, they are going to stay on alert for a long, long time.
From here, I have 3 possible solutions, each with their own logical issues and requirement problems.
1) Moon does NOT tell the others what happened. This gets the other Dex Holders in the Kanto-Johto area to relax pretty shortly, thus allowing the rest of the plot to go ahead. The problem is... why would Moon not tell anyone, and what would happen when Moon meets up with the others? She’ll be covered in bandages, so everyone is going to ask what the hell happened. “I... um... fell down some stairs? ... That magically gave me burn wounds?”
2) Moon tells the others what happened, and moves to regroup with everyone else. At this point, Moon and Sun will move to the nearest region of Hoenn, gather the Dex Holders there, and then move to Kanto/Johto to regroup. Which means everyone will be gathered at the same time. And I don’t want everyone gathered up into a giant deathball. But from here, there are two different solutions.
2a) The enemy lures the Dex Holders into their fake HQ, and then fakes defeat, thus getting them to think that the crisis is over. ... The problem with this is that... well... this kind of thing is very hard to go unnoticed by a certain group who really should not be made aware of this yet. And the Dex Holders already know that their enemy is quite sophisticated. So if their HQ seems like... real shitty, they’re going to know something’s up.
2b) The enemy goes into hiding, so the Dex Holders slowly lower their guard after a long period of time. The enemy also happens to need some time to get their project underway until they need their final piece, but... they’re not going to need that long. And if things take too long to progress, Moon’s injuries would fully heal, but the rest of Legacy requires her burn wounds to remain. Healing, but not healed. That said, it’s not mandatory, but... it’s a decently big deal.
So that’s where Legacy stands. I haven’t figured out a 4th solution that avoids all conflicts and still gets everything rolling.
... Hmm... I think I’m just now getting a possible solution. Maybe. This will require some thought...
Now, this dilemma caused the wedge right now because depending on which solution I go for, the next chapter will vary. So I can’t actually write the next chapter until I decide on the solution and then work things out from there. So... yep. Just have patience ㅠ.ㅜ...
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chronicbatfictioner · 5 years
A Real Boy - Chapter 25
In a sense, Tim ought to be glad that everything went quietly - Dad didn't get to hear of anything connected to Tim's name and thus unable to complain and/or proverbially cash in on Tim's achievements.
Bruce, obviously, preferred everything to move on quietly and silently, as their investigation discovered the culprit of the odd creatures that have been sporadically appearing all over the world.
"Just imagine how many kids out there wishing to do magick to call their deceased loved ones and would do so if we keep magickal artifacts unguarded..." Barbara mused.
"She didn't need to... she's not a bad kid," Tim breathed. Their investigation discovered a teenage girl named Kitrina who had been literally trying to catch a demon by 'creating' them.
"Yes, Tim, she was trying to prove her worth to her Warlock family. But..." Bruce sighed. "...I have been concentrating too much on maintaining peace and security for the magickal people, I've forg-- neglected the fact that there are other warlock families like mine. Those who never... changed their ways, like the Falcones."
"I have never heard of them, either," Tim admitted. "I mean, I've heard of the Falcones as a mafia family, alright. But never as warlocks..."
"Because I have been preventing them to get in touch with other magickal kinds." Barbara said. "Way back then, like, when I was little; my father used to say that the Falcones smuggled magickal creatures for some kind of perverse rituals. When I started... before I became the Oracle, I used to work with Bruce to rescue those creatures and return them to their homes. The Falcones used to use those creatures for experiments and..." Barbara sighed, "it wasn't a pretty sight. There... were extractions. And I'd rather not say what kind of 'extractions'..."
"For the sake of my delicate ears?" Tim scoffed.
"No, because if I recall them, I'll have nightmares tonight. Again. I had Zatanna removed the sight-memories magickally just so I could blink without having flashbacks." Barbara deadpanned.
"Sorry..." Tim mumbled. "It's just..."
"You've been treated like a kid. You are a kid, but I'm not seeing you as one, intellectually. You're Janet's kid. But you're Tim first and foremost. You've shown your priceless-ness, and precociousness, thus far. I know you will benefit - and by default, we, too - from getting just about all of the information I have available. But the description of the experiments the Falcones did to those beings is just... not worth knowing. Maybe just to cement the thought that there are people who are just careless of other living beings."
"She... that girl, Kitrina, she didn't exactly do anything to living beings..." Tim pointed out. "I mean, not to be defensive of her..."
Barbara shook her head, "I get it, no, she's still... how old? Thirteen? She did what she did because she was curious and trying to prove herself. In a sense, she was trying to create sentient creatures from objects. What she did was - should be harmless if she was properly supervised. How many times did you create things just because you knew you can?" Barbara smiled placatingly.
Tim huffed, "I don't create, I alter. And yeah, in that sense, I've broken quite a number of things trying to figure out how it works."
"And you're only a few years older... anyway!" Barbara abruptly turned around. "This one is settled - thank heavens. What's next for you, Tim?"
Tim glared at Barbara unblinking for a few seconds. "This is... technically not settled at all. What about Conner? How did he get back? What about the earthquake and Jason's warning of it releasing creatures? I mean, we haven't seen creatures from the earthquake, yet, have we? What about the crop circles and such?"
"That would be for me to ponder and you to help with the research, technically. But the proverbial physical activities are generally concluded." Barbara said. "Oh yes, there are thousands of unanswered questions around here, alright. Just... we can't answer them all at once, no matter how much we want to."
"So now I just go back to campus and pretend none of these happened?"
"Oooh, I wouldn't be so optimistic," Dick chimed in, nearly suddenly appearing behind Tim. If Tim did not know that Dick has been literally scaling the walls of the cave as if it was made for wall-climbing, he might have gotten surprised.
"Neither would I," Jason - this time Tim was a little surprised. Jason had teleported there and his wings were still smoking slightly. "The bright side is that Rachel had wiped the collective memories of Gotham of the scary odd living-unliving creatures. The not-so-bright side is that... yeah, all of those questions you've asked."
"My not so bright side is... well, generally, these stuff are like weed. You kill one spot, they grow in another with a different shape. So.. yeah, best we can do is to stay prepared." Dick explained.
"'We'?" Tim quoted, a little incredulous. "I mean, I get that you guys kinda have to... I mean, like cops..."
Dick's smile was a little ominous. More ominous since it was directed more to Jason than to Tim. "...and yet he asked if he 'should' just go back to campus and pretend none of these ever happened."
"I didn't say 'should'." Tim stated. "Just... I mean, where do I fit in in your group? Do I need to be here? Do you want me to be here, or--"
"That is all up to you, Tim," Bruce coming out of nowhere did surprise Tim to the point where he jolted slightly. "We cannot force you to stick around in here, specifically. But we do have the resources you might need if you wish to research whatever interests you."
"I see," Tim mulled. "I... I'd like to think it over, Bruce. I need to get back to school, first and foremost. And then there's my crew out in San Francisco - not to mention my father...
Bruce nodded slowly, "I understand," he said. Tim kept a straight face to hide his disbelief. But Bruce left it at that - still another surprise, and disappeared for the rest of the day while Tim was packing. He reappeared when Tim was packing a lot of things into his car.
"I hope you don't take this as a sort of 'finalization' of your... training, if you will." Bruce remarked.
Tim paused, did a little mental dance after successfully shoving yet another bag into the boot and realized that he was yet to enchant the boot to make the lid close. "No, I guess not." he told Bruce. "I mean, I'm only right down there, at the brownstone. Only now it's a bigger brownstone because we need to--" he paused and looked at the other car. "Well, I need to include Stephanie and Harper's place into mine's protection spells and sigils and all that..."
"Dick can help you with the spells for the next-door..." Bruce remarked.
"I know, but that won't be necessary. Cassie and Raven will fortify it, too - especially since they'll be spending more time there with Conner and all... I guess there's no more West Coast trip until... well, until my dad realized that I literally didn't spend his money..." Tim smiled ruefully.
"...or mine, for that matter." Bruce replied, shrugging. "It might take a while, Tim... for him, that is, to accept that you're a magi."
"Oh, might take forever. I mean, he still hasn't acknowledged mom... But at least his wife is okay with it." Tim agreed. "And he'll be able to see that I'm-- I'll be within his sight and am actually going to college and stuff, you know? --things that are important in life." That was not a snark emphasized by a snarky pout, no. Tim actually believed that a college degree is important for him to get. If anything, it should allow him to retain control of Drake Industries, rightfully and legally so.
Bruce nodded, and then nodded toward Jason. "Be well, Tim. Jason is an excellent familiar to have."
"I know I am," Jason quipped and winked mischievously from the other side of the car. "But seriously, though, we'll still be coming back 'cause I still need to do a lot of researches for those... the warning stuff. Especially for that, that is..."
"I would say you're welcome here with or without Tim, but..." Bruce paused.
"Yeah, yeah... whether I want to or not, he'll be dragging me to come over, anyway. So... see you later, Bruce? Thank you for everything."
"My thanks is for you two, Tim, Jason. It is a pleasure working with you both."
"Here's to the new Wayne squad!" Dick called from somewhere behind the door. Don't be a stranger, eh, guys?"
"Definitely not," Jason replied before Tim could think of anything nice to say back. "Besides, not to be ominous or whatever, but-- winter is coming." he smirked. "--and by winter I mean for you, Bruce. You're reaping what you've sown, soon."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Bruce asked.
"Eh, I don't know, either, really. Just.. it's just there in the prophecies. I just said the 'winter' part for fun." Jason shrugged. "Shall we? I got the feeling - a proverbial one, thankfully - that your dad is about to froth from the mouth if you're late. Also, can I drive?"
"Yeah, we better go," Tim nodded, and added for Bruce's benefit, "and yeah, unfortunately, dad forgot that I've already gotten my license... he'd freak out of he sees me driving."
Bruce smiled wearily, "I suppose he would... Anyway, see you later, Tim, Jason," he shook Tim's hand warmly, and then Jason. "...if you hear anything more of this winter thingy you're talking about..." he told Jason.
Jason nodded, "I'll holler. Let's go, Tim," Jason all but jumped excitedly into the car - an old Mustang that Bruce pretended to let Tim buy so that his father would not be suspicious of Tim's mobility. But it was enough to get Jason excited about driving it. "This baby is ready to rumble, Timbit. Let's go!"
"See you guys later, Bruce, Dick..." Tim waved awkwardly, glad that Bruce had started with 'see you later' instead of 'bye'.
As they roared out of the Wayne Manor's gates, Tim couldn't help but to look back.
"There's... a big cloud up North," he observed.
"Yeah, the mountains are waking up," Jason replied, rather absently. "What?" he demanded when he caught Tim's glare.
"I'm still not sure if you're speaking literally or figuratively," Tim admitted.
"Oh, literally. We're not done here, Timbit. Nowhere near done at all."
"I know," Tim agreed. "But..."
"Yeah, yeah,,, life happens; yadda yadda... We'll be back here before we know it."
Tim inhaled slowly. "I just hope that whatever's coming up, my grades won't suffer from it." he huffed. "Seriously, if I can trade my skills with one that can create term papers out of thin air, I'd do it."
Jason laughed. "Oh, man... I think you're the first magi I know who's more worried of grades than world's end..."
"...and how many, exactly, do you now?" Tim cocked an eyebrow.
"Oookay, not many. But anyway! Shall we take the expressway and floor it?"
"No! No, no, no, no, no!" Tim nearly screamed as Jason made the entry into the expressway and promptly moved to the fast lane. "Jason! You don't have a license!"
"Make me one," Jason replied.
"No insurance, either."
"Make me one - just the card, maybe."
"I don't wanna die here!"
"Nope, you're not gonna. I can teleport, remember?"
"I hate you."
"Never. You love me."
Tim sighed, wondering just what is it he was getting himself into - what the future might bring. 
At least Jason is confident that Tim wouldn't die on the expressway...
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agent-shield-blog · 6 years
Art & Stark
Tumblr media
Your roommate's art piece is being featured at your ex-boyfriend's event. They usually don't show up to these things, but with your kind of luck all that's left to do is pray and drink.
Pairing: Reader X (Ex)Tony Stark Warnings: A little bit of language Notes: This fic was based off a quote which I’ll put at the bottom so I don’t give anything away. Enjoy!
You knew he was going to be there. He never went to these type of events, but you could just feel that he was going to show up to this one. After all, it was his private art gala exhibition thingy, you weren't quite sure of the name, but he was going be there. And you had to go. Your roommate's piece was going to be featured in the exhibit, and you were her plus one. Of course, that was before you knew it was a Stark event.
You sat nervously in your apartment waiting for your roommate, Anna, to finish getting ready. When she finally finished up, you stood up in your long black gown, that was a little too tight for your taste, but Anna insisted that you wear it for the occasion. Your hair was neatly done up in curls, and you had tried just a little bit harder than usual on your makeup. You followed Anna to the full-length mirror and gave yourself one last look over before sighing.
"(Y/n), you look amazing don't sweat this. Plus he's never at these events anyways. He always sends some Stark representative."
"I know I know I'm sorry. This is your night, and I shouldn't be so freaked out about seeing him."
"Hey your right, this is my night. So let's get to the Met, drink as much free alcohol as we can, and then go out and party!" Anna gently took you by the wrist and escorted you out of the apartment. You hailed a taxi, and within minutes you were pulling up to the Met.
You took one last breath before Anna stepped out of the car and you soon followed. With your black clutch in one hand and your phone in the other, you proudly walked up the steps, until you were met with a thousand flashing lights.
With being so focused on seeing Tony you had forgotten all about the paparazzi. The press would eat this up "(Y/n) (L/n), ex of Tony Stark attends past boyfriends party. "
In these moments you wished you were just one of the many flings. But to date you were the longest standing of Tony's girlfriends, thus making you famous in those regards. You remembered seeing the old newspapers and magazines. There would always be pictures of you and Tony plastered everywhere. Then there were the rumors of the breakup and then the storm to follow.
It only took you a moment to gather yourself before you continued up the steps to where Anna was patiently waiting. She stood at the top while giving you a sad smile.
"You are such a trooper; I'm sorry I completely forgot that paparazzi was a thing I-"
"No no, it's fine. It slipped my mind too. But look, no harm no foul. Now let's go enjoy your night." Anna's face lit up as she quickly walked through the doors. All though this was a private event it had seemed like all of Manhattan had turned up for the night. You did a quick scan of the room. No sign of Tony yet. You continued onward slowly trailing behind Anna. You went from room to room until you finally arrived at her piece. You recorded the moment on your phone, wanting her always to be able to rewatch this event for the rest of her life.
"Oh, my gosh (y/n). That's-That's my painting. On the wall. In the Met. I never thought I'd get this far. I mean I always hoped but." You walked up to her and gave her side hug.
"You deserve this Anna, you do. You have worked so hard, and your pieces are amazing. Congratulations." She turned to you and beamed with happiness before giving you a full on hug. After a second she released you and turned back to her piece.
"Alright. Enough drooling over my piece, it's not moving anytime soon. Let's go get some drinks."
Anna opted for some featured cocktail for the event while you stuck with a glass of red wine. You slowly worked on the drink while you and Anna made your rounds around the rooms. You and Anna ran into some old friends from college and chatted for a bit before Anna went off with them to show them her piece. You decided to stay behind and look at some of the other artwork until they returned.
It had been about five minutes, and you had made your way into the next room. You were stuck on one work of art and honestly couldn't figure it out. As you took a sip from your glass, you heard a voice only feet away that caused you to almost choke on your wine.
"I'm surprised to see you here." Keeping your eyes locked on the painting, you took a moment to catch your breath before responding.
"I could say the same thing. Last time I checked, Tony Stark never showed up to these type of events." You now turned your head meeting Tony's gaze. He looked the same as the day you had met him.
"Meh, I thought I'd switch it up a little. See what my money actually goes towards." You took another sip of wine, casually looking over Tony's shoulder to see if Anna was anywhere nearby, but apparently, you weren't casual enough.
"Can't even last a minute talking to me? I mean I know I can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but I can't be that bad?"
"Look Tony honestly no offense to you, but I really didn't want to run into you tonight, or any night really."
"Ouch, harsh. Considering you're the one that broke up with me, I should be the one not wanting to see you, not the other way around. I didn't realize how much you hated me." At this point Tony flagged down a server carrying around glasses of wine, gently taking your now empty cup from your hand and replacing it. Your hand's barely brushed against each other as he handed you the new glass. You brought your hand back eagerly, not wanting to prolong any contact. At this point, you knew you were stuck with Tony for a bit, and Anna wasn't going to be able to intervene. Tony would just introduce her to some hot shot artist to keep her distracted.
You slowly began to walk past the paintings, with Tony at your side.
"Tony you know I don't hate you right? We talked about this the day I left. I just don't think I can handle seeing you and conversing with you yet."
"Okay, fair point but aren't you conversing with me right now?" You made your way into an almost empty room and stopped in the center. You took a step closer and lowered your voice.
"Yes, and to be honest, it's tearing me apart right now." You nervously took another sip of wine. Tony looked around the room before turning his face back towards you.
"I'm sorry. If I had known that's how you felt, I would have never shown up tonight. But when Friday told me your name had popped up on the guest list, I just- I just felt like I had to be here. I had to see you. I knew that-"
"Tony stop. Please." You looked around nervously at the small groups of people. Their attention seemed to be focused on the art, but you couldn't help but be paranoid that they were ease dropping. It only took Tony a second to notice your discomfort. He gently reached out for your hand which you swiftly drew back. "(Y/n) please just trust me." Fighting every bone in your body, you slowly extended your hand out for Tony to take. He grasped it carefully and led you through some empty rooms before heading past some security guards and up a staircase. You continued into the European Paintings And Sculpture room before Tony let go of your hand. You had always loved the Met. In fact, Tony had gotten you both in at night once, so it was no crowds, no noise, just the two of you. You paced a little around the room before facing Tony.
"We can't keep doing this Tony."
"I agree."
"Then why show up here, if you knew I was going to come?"
"Because I think us breaking up is one of the worse things to ever happen to me." You brought your hands through your hair in stress.
"Really Tony? Really?" You couldn't help but laugh in frustration. "We broke up for a reason. We both wanted different things, we both needed different things. In the end, it was just fighting. We would just shift the blame from one person to the other. That wasn't the relationship I wanted to be in; It's still not the type of relationship I want to be in!"
"I know I feel the same way!" Tony took a few steps closer, causing you to take steps back, wanting to keep distance between the too of you.
"Then what Tony? What makes you think us getting back together will make this relationship any different from the last?"
"Because in this time apart I realized you were my everything. You never stopped being everything to me. Everyday nonstop my thoughts are filled with you. And in the past few months, I've realized I'm not half the man I am without you by my side. I am willing to make sacrifices, and I'll be happy to make these sacrifices so long as I'm with you." This time when Tony took a step forward, you did not fall back. You let him continue until you were only inches away.
"I do always think about you. I'm always wondering how you're doing. If you moved on. If you are happy. It's honestly getting a little distracting, even Cap agrees." Tony softly chuckled to himself. You stayed silent as your body begin to tremble. Tony cautiously lifted his hand up and gently placed in on your cheek. You could feel your heart pounding, and your lips began to tingle. You were going to kiss him, and you were going to regret it. But at that moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
In seconds your lips pressed against Tonys, sending sparks through your body. Heat filled your chest, as Tony quickly took you in an embrace. When you finally withdrew from each other, you brought your heads together, lightly touching foreheads. You stole a second to catch your breath before whispering out loud,
Quote:  I was going to kiss him, and I was going to regret it. But at that moment, I couldn’t bring myself to care.—Michelle Hodkin
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kwj-jojo · 7 years
QUOTE - “I love you.” “What?” “wHAT?! NOTHING!”
words: 1,597
Genre: Fluff Warnings: I’m a mobile writer so I don’t know how to do the page break thingy I’m so sorry! If someone could tell me how that would be great. It’s also my first scenario so I’m sorry if it isn’t the greatest. Feedback and critiques are appreciated!
Authors note: This is part of @ugh-supersoldiers 1k writing challenge!
The Academic Decathlon was as stressful as could be, especially since Peter was living a double life. After witnessing not only his incredible talent, but also his stress, during a competition, you decided to ask Aunt May if it would be okay for you two to spend the rest of the day in each other’s company— with your friend Ned, of course. She of course gave you permission, understanding that he needed to be a teenager and spend time with his friends.
This is why all three of you are in your car, singing ever-so-beautifully to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer
“I swear your voice will break my ears,” You noted sarcastically to Peter’s screeching.
“Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear, WOAH, LIVIN ON A PRAY— Take exit 2B,” He continued as if you never said anything.
Ned continued the song, being the only one who knew all the lyrics, while you and Peter encouraged him. Peter’s phone vibrated, indicating he got a message.
”It’s from Flash” Peter sighed
“what’d he say?” Ned questioned
He stared at his phone for a second before erasing the message, ”nothing important”
You could tell he was lying and made a mental note to ask him about it later. You had to keep your eyes on the road for another 10 minutes to get to the mall where you would secretly fantasize about being on a date with him, only to be brought back to reality whenever Ned would engage in your conversations. Not that you disliked him, you loved Ned. Just not in the way you loved Peter.
Because I mean, jeez. Peter was everything you ever wanted. Talented, handsome, smart, funny, the list goes on. It hurts to love him when he doesn’t return the feelings. You know all of the late night extensive phone calls are nothing more than friendly and that Liz has a better chance with him than you do.
After arriving at the mall, you all stood outside of your car, laughing hysterically at Ned’s parking. He insisted he knew how to park, but after seeing how far he was away from the lines, it was clear his confidence got in the way of reality.
“You’re not even in the box!” You said between breaths, before falling to the floor in laughter
“I’ve done this before!” Ned exclaimed, “except the last time I did it I hit a tree” He finished
“I was there. His mom got so mad,” Peter added, before bursting out in laughter
“I didn’t know it was that close!” Ned exclaimed, in futile attempt to defend himself
“When’s you get your lisence, tell me so I can warn everyone to get off the streets” you teased, before patting him on the back
You all decided on pizza at the cafe after about an hour of walking around. Ned had to use the restroom, resulting in you and peter being left at the table. alone.
“So, how’s decathalon been treating you?,” You attempted at small talk
“It’s been pretty good, pretty stressful,” He replied after taking a sip of his soda
“What was that text you got from Flash about earlier?” you suddenly questioned. It happened a while ago that even he forgot about it.
“W-wha— oh— that was nothing,” he hesitated. You furrowed your brows in doubt.
“You sure?,” you pressed, hoping he’d spill
“Yeah. It was just about you know— what happened at the competition earlier,” he sighed
“You seemed a little stressed at the end of it. I don’t know why, though. You know almost everything in the world,” you said non-chalantly. But to Peter, your words meant everything
“T-thanks, (y/n),” he sighed. You waved your eyebrows in response.
After a moment of silence, Peter spoke up, “So… what do you think of Flash?”
He snickered at your retort, then continued, “You know, he was actually gonna ask you to homecoming,”
Your eyes grew wide, “Oh hell no, not happening. Nope.” you wavered your hands in exaggerated fear.
“Imagine, you two slow dancing,” Peter teased, swaying while closing his eyes dreamily.
You gagged, “I’d rather die”,
He laughed. It was a sound you loved so much that you kind of just watched him until he eventually stopped, and looked into your eyes, before you awkwardly caughed to break the contact.
“But yeah— no. Tell him he’s terrible and I’d never go with him,” you continued
He smiled, “Go with Ned, then. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a date.” The smile didnt seem genuine, though. It was more like he was beating around a bush.
“I’ll ask Ned if you ask Liz,” you suggested. His eyes grew wide, as if you just did the most flamboyant thing in the world.
“No. No way. She’ll never say yes.” He stated
“Dude. Yeah, she would.” You teased, pushing his shoulder in encouragment.
“Nah.. I don’t think I’d want to go with her anyways.” He dismissed with a wave of his hand. You furrowed your brows.
“ ’Fuck you mean you don’t want to go with her? You’ve been crushing on her for like, forever!” you exclaimed, hands wavering around like a madman.
“pshh… I mean, m-maybe we could go together?” He shrugged, as his voice kept getting quieter.
Your face went blank.
“I mean— only if you want to. You don’t have to– I know you’d wanna go with Ned probably cuz— He’s like your best friend—” He rushed, after not getting a response
“n-no! No— I’m down to go with you like— like as friends,” you established.
Peters face shown brighter than the sun, until he heard you say that word.
Of course, he thought. Why would you go as something more?
“Yeah—yeah totally. friends.” He inhaled, “Cuz y'know… we’re friends”
“Right.” you nodded.
You two sat in silence once again. Checking your phone, you realized Ned’s been gone for about ten minutes now.
“Either Ned ditched us, or he’s taking a huge shit.” you stated. Peter snickered.
“I hope he’s not taking a huge shit because that would be disgusting,” he said, laughing.
“But what if he is?” You pressed
“Pretend we’re not friends?” He shrugged
You sarcastically gasped, covering your mouth in feign surprise, “You wouldn’t defend him for taking an inevitably huge shit?”
“Shut up!” You both laughed.
Ned texted you two that he’d be at Gamestop. You assumed he sent it earlier, but you never got it because of the bad reception at that part of the mall. You and Peter threw your trash away and sought out to meet him.
You passed by a store that was selling Avengers costumes. Excitedly, you grabbed Peters hand and ran in pulling on a Spiderman mask and pretending to web him. He played along, though this adventure was short-lived after an associate kicked you out for not purchasing anything.
“Wait-no! I’m actually gonna buy this,” You defended, before taking the spiderman mask and gloves up to the cashier and paying.
Peter snickered, “You actually bought it?”
“I mean, yeah. Spidey’s cool. And he helps people,” You gushed.
“Yeah, he seems like a pretty cool guy.” Peter added. You nodded in agreement.
“Of course he would be. I mean, he’s obviously not perfect, but he does a lot of what we can’t. Like honestly, without Spiderman, I just wonder, like, how man criminals wouldn’t have been caught.” You turned to him to find him staring intently at you, “He’s kind of a hero we really nee—”
“I love you” he spilled
“whAT NOTHING!” he exclaimed, his steps getting faster and faster.
“Peter wait!” You snapped out of your trance, running to catch up to him.
After dropping off Ned home, you were left with Peter and inwardly cursed at yourself for not dropping off Peter first. No other words were exchanged between the two of you after his confession, but Ned was oblivious to the awkward tension between you two.
“Thanks for the ride, (y/n)!” Ned waved with a contagious smile
“Anytime, bud!” you replied, backing out of his driveway
After parking in front of Peter’s apartment complex, none of you said a word. You heard him sigh, then turn to you.
“I actually don’t really want to leave…” He confessed
“What will Aunt may say? It’s already 8:00…” You sighed
He pressed his lips in a tight line, “You’re right.” He paused for a moment, before picking his backpack off the back seat. As he was reaching for the door handle, you interjected.
“wait.” You said, a hand on his shoulder. Confidently, you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll see you Monday.” You smiled.
He snapped out of his trance, “Y-Yeah. I’ll see you then.” He said, opening his door and finally exiting.
He was already out the door but in a split second was tapping on your window. You had not even put your car in reverse, let alone let your doors lock, but open the window anyways.
“Can I call you tonight?” Peter asked, a goofy smile plastered on his face.
Your grin grew larger than you thought it could, “yeah. of course.”
“I’ll see you on monday”
“That, you will.”
you chuckled, “Bye, Peter”
“Bye, (y/n)”
“get off my car”
“Oh shoot— sorry I totally forgot” He scratched the back of his neck, before walking up to his doorstep, in front of your car, waving until you were gone.
You were both smiling goofily, and stared into each other as long as you could. Ah, young love.
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