#i fucking hate my pain doctors
cakemagemaeve · 6 months
So last Thursday at my pain doctor's appointment they switched me to a patch, only I had to wait until today to get it because laws. I managed to get through the weekend with the crumbs of my very last Norco, thrashed around in agony all night last night and barely slept at all because sleep meds and muscle relaxers don't work on me, but I took comfort in the fact that I'd be getting some relief today.
My pharmacy has it on back order and they don't know when they'll have it. The next one I called has it, but not in my dosage. The third has it in my dosage, but they don't take my insurance so it would cost about $115. The next pharmacy didn't have it, and neither did the next, or the next, or the next. I called about 10 pharmacies only to get the same answer every time (did I mention that talking on the phone, especially to strangers, is immensely stressful for me, especially when I'm already in mind-numbing pain?). Finally I called the pain clinic back and the receptionist promised to tell the doctor what was going on and that they'd call back soon.
4 hours later, I gave up on waiting and call them back. They won't alter my prescription in any way unless I come in for a visit, and the earliest they can get me in is 8:15 tomorrow morning. But really, what's another night of torture? Who needs sleep anyway! Clearly it's what I deserve anyway, me being just a filthy drug-seeking addict worth less than dog shit. I guess I should consider myself lucky that they didn't just Baker Act me on the spot.
So yeah. I fucking hate everyone and everything and honestly if a robber were to break into my house right now I'd get down on my arthritic hands and knees and beg them to murder me, and once in the afterlife I'd sing their praises and call them my angel of mercy.
I'm so sick of this. Nothing I do helps in any way and I really don't know how much more I can take.
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genderfluidgothwitch · 10 months
For those who are unsure of whether or not they really have the "sensitivity to cold" symptom of fibromyalgia, because you think that it's just you not being able to handle colder temperatures like other people, that's one way of putting it. The other way is, when it's winter and the temperatures start dropping, do you feel your pain more intensely? Do you feel like you have more problems with your joints? Is your partner always commenting how cold your fingers and toes are, but it somehow gets more frequent in winter? Those are other ways to consider being sensitive to the cold.
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spookietrex · 6 months
Man I just love when my body riots for my reason. Like who DOESN'T love waking up and immediately throwing up for what seems like no reason and severe stomach pain for hours afterwards? Who doesn't love lying on the couch/in bed for days because you're in so much pain and so fatigued you literally can't move. Like it's literally the best.
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comfortablyisolated · 2 months
I could scream I could scream I could scream
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autism-swagger · 6 months
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now to play the game of "did i throw up blood, or just eat a bunch of red food yesterday"
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mwagneto · 5 months
The thing is that yes, 13 herself is good, but the show as a whole just wasn't great during her run. Something something there's a baby in this dumpster
yeah like i recognise that most ppl just disliked the show even if they liked her but that's like... almost worse to me? coz i rly love her seasons like i hate the big twist as do most ppl but like it's literally doctor who i'm used to bad decisions. but like the episodes themselves are fine? good even?? i mean there's some i think suck ass like rosa or kerblam but a lot of them are like really good??? and it literally just. makes me really sad that ppl put up with 6 seasons of moffat but literally immediately gave up on 13. like it was actually fucking insane to watch how hyped everyone (EVEN non dw fans) was about her turning into a woman and then the fandom just. disappeared. like idk obviously i cant fault anyone for liking/disliking whatever they want but it makes me so fucking sad.. i like her & her era so much and it seems like 99% of people are only willing to acknowledge it even exists when they wanna make a gender joke abt tennant or when it'd look weird to not include 13 so they include her even tho they know nothing about her or completely misinterpret her as a silly goofy friendly #girlie coz people are chronically incapable of engaging w text if it's a woman
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bunnihearted · 6 months
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Nothing is ok. Everything's fucked. I hate being alive.
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stormyrainyday · 3 months
this entire year has been flop after flop why am i losing so bad your honor i am literally just some guy
#im yapping u can move on if u dont wanna hear my life story#first i get nuked by stomach pains when i go to visit my friends#something that had been ongoing for years but#my best friend convinces me to see a doctor that year#my condition deteriorates no matter what meds they put me on#i finally get a more invasive exam that shows my intestines were inflamed#i get put on fucking steroids that fuck me up physically and emotionally#i go through multiple med school exams after spending months in crippling pain#pain so bad id be bedridden for hours#got 6 weeks of migraines near daily#sometimes multiple in a day#stressed out of my mind by the time my finals came around to the point that i could no longer bring myself to care#bc i was sure id fail no matter how hard i studied#visit my friends again bc somehow its already winter again#am a nervous wreck all the time and retreat into my phone#but also hate myself for not spending what little time i had fully present#constantly worn out and exhausted bc my meds are barely working#and id found out i was allergic to a lot of things so i was cutting a lot of things out of my diet#lmfao it was so bad my weight still hasnt recovered but yeah i come back i start 3rd year#the toll the last year had taken on my mental health finally registers#i become too depressed to study for my hardest module yet#UGH THATS SO CRINGE JUST SIT DOWN AND STUDY??#but nothing was sticking on god#anyway im sure ive failed#and la salud mental no es bien or soemthing idk i havent taken spanish in 3 years#anyway deep sigh i just stay losing#i cant believe im in like four fucking research projects and classes and trying to work on myself this shit sucks balls#and clinical rotations...#lord just strike me down
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feytouched · 1 year
had the most absurdly infuriating interaction with an ER doctor telling me that "we rate pain based on a facial expression scale and you're clearly only in mild discomfort." while 2/3 of my face were covered by a N95 mask
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grey29 · 7 months
Weird piece of self care advice:
As long as you’re not injuring yourself, there’s no fucking “best” type of workout. If you hate the types of workouts you’re doing then you should find another type of exercise because there’s probably one out there that you won’t hate.
Like I finally realized after 7 years of being a cross country runner that I HATE running. I’ve always hated it. But it was familiar and everyone thought it was such a good form of exercise so I stuck with it.
In college I realized I like ice skating and weight lifting and I finally got back into working out because of that and it’s so much less hard on my body and doesn’t cause pain flair ups for me.
Just putting this out there Bc I think it would have been helpful for me a few years ago to have someone give me permission to change the type of exercise I did.
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jjmej · 8 months
i hate winter and i hate my fucking knee i can barely fucking stand i hate it i hate it i hate it
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spookietrex · 6 months
Me filing for disability again: Hey guys, this time I can't leave my bed and my partner is literally doing everything for me. Like I can't walk more than 100 ft and that's with a mobility aid.
Disability: Prove it.
My therapist: Oh my God they're so miserable. They should NOT be working. Please let them focus on healing themselves because they had such a bad childhood.
My cardiologist: Yeah, that sounds smart. Let's work on managing stress first so we can manage your heart condition.
My neurologist(s): You should definitely not be working while you figure out what's causing these possible seizures.
My PCP: I don't know what they're talking about. They're making it all up. I know I diagnosed you with that heart condition, and that debilitating chronic illness (EDS) and fibromyalgia but NOW I'm going to edit your chart to make it look like you're making shit up. Hahaha you've never been diagnosed with PTSD! What are you talking about? I saw you walk once 8 months ago. You can totally walk without mobility aids now.
Disability: Clearly you just have anxiety and depression and are trying to get out of working.
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orcelito · 8 days
Whines bc im a few hours into my sleep and I'm not so nauseous now but my limbs...! My limbs, they ache...!!! And it's just all of them, the bone aches in all of them, so I feel like Peter Griffin Death Pose in this bed tonight
#speculation nation#sometimes the chronic pain decides Fuck You especially#i always have some measure of pain but sometimes it decides to flare in Multiple limbs. and it's never fun.#just laying here with pain radiating out of my limbs in a slow steady pulse#*why* dont i have a fibromyalgia disgnosis yet...? bc my fuckin liver readings were off & im waiting for a february GI appointment...?#would my Fucking liver make my limbs all hurt for no goddamn reason in their Bones?????#like i know my doctor is just trying to do her due diligence and if i have a liver problem that can explain the fatigue.#but idk man it's way more than just fatigue. and it's the fact that i have to wait until *february* before the GI appointment#that really gets to me.#if it was sooner id care less. like yeah lets cover our bases yeah. but i have to wait five Fucking months before i even have the Chance#to get a fibromyalgia disgnosis (and hopefully Treatment after)#and in the meantime my limbs will continue to Ache and Ache and Ache...#ive. lived with it up to this point. i can continue to live with it. as yes. this is just the rest of my life.#but god damn itd fucking be nice if i could get some Help for it ykno?#they cant rly change the chronic pain aside from pain relievers. which i dont wanna be too dependent on anyways#but just. idfk theres gotta be Something. some kind of treatment!!! massages?!? i dont know!!!!#i just know my limbs hurt and i have to wait At Least 5 months for a diagnosis (& even then it's not assured)#and it's just. so frustrating. i really hate our healthcare industry.#negative/
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arcaneyouth · 9 days
#vent post#negative#i am coming to despise having a body at all which is not a pleasant feeling i gotta be honest#think i may need to go into urgent care. AGAIN. to pick up antibiotics. AGAIN#and thinking about it is making me feel actually disgusting#i kinda dont know how to deal with this. ive never hated my body this much#theres too many problems. and the source of the problems is my body#so i really wish i could just crawl out of my skin and stop being physical#i need to get out. so bad#i hate the constant management of a machine that should just be replaced at this point#i hate begging for a moment of peace only for all the problems to blow up all at once again#i hate not knowing how to fix it#i haaate that i keep having to go in. for the same reoccuring problems. and do the process over again#where we try something small. it works and then it doesnt. we try something bigger.#repeatedly until finally the problem ends. for a moment.#i hate that its not bad enough to justify anything either#its like. im ALMOST healthy. but NEVER quite there.#and its fucking taunting me with that#also even when im not in some kinda pain or discomfort i am fucking constantly aware#of my own heartbeat now thanks to the last 6 months of my doctors bringing it up#and it is so fucking awful being aware of it holy shit i dont want to know its doing that#i really dont want to keep meeting up with all my various doctors so often#theyre making me feel so. bad. and scared. and gross.#just by doing their jobs#but its not like i can stop going to the doctors. the problems clearly dont want to stop on their own#but i dont think they know how to make it stop either at this point#so im just here with a shitty body trying to do unhelpful maintenance forever n ever
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