#i fucking lost it. yelled at him for a while. then sent him a long and emotional facebook message lol
coquelicoq · 1 year
sent my dad some extremely vulnerable and honest texts about his parenting and immediately turned on "hide alerts" for his contact. at some point i will have to face whatever his response is, but that day is not today.
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 7 months
bad idea, right? | f. odair
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summary: after receiving a late-night call from your ex-boyfriend, finnick odair, you can’t help but agree to meet with him. what happens when you mix a sound-proof train car and an ex you haven’t seen in months?
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warnings: rough-ish smut, a teensy bit of angry sex, swearing, unprotected sex (zon’t zo that), kinda ooc finnick, choking,
notes: based on 'bad idea, right?' by olivia rodrigo. i lost the person who sent the request so sorry this took so long to come out!! i don’t know if i like how this is written, but smut is smut so… enjoy :)
word count: 4.6k
Neon beams of light pulsed in time with the heavy bass blasting throughout your unnecessarily large home in the Victor’s Village. District Two. Masonry. Big houses.
Two shots of tequila and some other very unnatural concoctions were soaking deep into your brain. Everything was swaying—the room, the people, even you. Your small group of friends danced by your side, keeping together to avoid the creeps that might have entered your home. Although, to you, entertaining a stranger that night did not sound like such a terrible idea.
You felt lonely. Undeniably and pathetically lonely. The alcohol only enhanced your emotions and libido, leading you to search the room for anyone who interested you enough to take them upstairs. But there was no one, because in reality there was only one person you really wanted, and he was no longer yours. He hadn’t been for months.
Replacements had come and gone, but they never stuck. None of them made you feel the way he did.
“Excuse me!” an exasperated voice yelled. “Would you please get out of my way?!”
To your right, your housekeeper, bless her poor deafened soul, was pushing through a crowd of intoxicated partygoers and heading straight for you.
“Claudia!” you shouted over the music, tugging down your short black slip dress out of respect for her modesty.
The elderly woman stopped in front of you, her disapproval of the vibrant scene clear as day. You always paid her double in exchange for putting up with the chaos whenever you threw a house party, which was almost every weekend.
She hovered close to your ear. “There is someone on the phone for you!”
“Did you get a name?!”
After she shook her head, you escorted her through the thick crowd of dancers, into a quieter room and thanked her before beelining for the landline.
With a heavy sigh, you brought the corded phone to your ear and said, “Whoever this is, you better make it quick. I’m not nearly as intoxicated as I need to be and in dire need of another shot.”
Over the scratchy static, you could hear a quiet chuckle—a sound you had spent months trying to forget, along with the person attached to it. How many drinks did you have again? The alcohol must have messed with your mind because this could not be real.
“Hello to you too, sweetheart,” the caller said, his voice low and amused.
Everything you had longed to forget came rushing to the surface at an overwhelming pace. Wisps of hair the colour of a dying fire. Eyes resembling the sea. Arms that once acted as a life jacket. A dangerous mouth that had explored every inch of your body.
No. It couldn’t be—
Stupid. This was so fucking stupid. You were attempting to sneak out of your own party. A good old Irish Goodbye in your own house. With luck, you would make it out the front door without being caught by your friends, or worse, Claudia. Now that would be scary.
Water flushed through your system, a weak attempt you made at sobering yourself up because meeting up with your ex while drunk was a recipe for disaster. Then again, so was meeting up with your ex in the first place. Nothing will happen, you thought to yourself, we are just going to talk.
A thought even more unbelievable than thinking you would be able to be able to escape the watchful eyes of your friends.
Your high-heeled foot had just crossed the front door when someone called your name. “Damn,” you muttered, turning back around.
Valeria, your closest yet heavily intoxicated friend strutted over to you, her feet wobbling every few steps. “You sneaky little minx,” she slurred. “Someone said they saw you on the phone. It was him, wasn’t it? He asked you to go see him.”
“Just as friends. No, not even. As acquaintances.”
“Oh, my sweet, sweet silly friend.” She grabbed you by the shoulders. “We both know you aren’t that foolish.”
You looked away because you knew damn well that she was right.
“Look, I get it,” she continued. “Your hot, he’s hot.” You smiled. “You both have a history. I just want to make sure you know all the outcomes of what you're about to do. I’ll be here for you if things do get messy but expect a well-versed speech of me saying ‘I told you so’ afterwards.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Val,” you laughed, prying her hands off your shoulders. “I really do appreciate your concern, but I promise all we’re going to do is talk.”
“Alright, but if things go south, call me. Immediately!” she called a little too loudly as you took subtle steps away from the front door and onto the street. “Have fun with your innocent little ‘talk’!”
“Thanks, mum!”
You waved goodbye as you walked down the street, body buzzing with exhilaration and apprehension. Finnick had told you his train stopped in the district’s station for the night. He and his new victor were travelling throughout Panem for the Victory Tour and were currently in District Two. You didn’t know much about his tribute, only that they were a she. The thought of Finnick spending all his time with another girl had that green-eyed monster inside you writhing.
Enough to make you agree to meet with him after midnight while moderately drunk and slightly horny. What a fantastic plan.
District Two’s train station was a short distance from the Victor’s Village, but it was long enough to cause you to remove your heels. You finally reached the train, barefoot and with the wind softly blowing your hair. Finnick had specified a particular door to knock on so as not to alert the peacekeepers residing within the train. So, you knocked. And then you waited.
Your heart was pounding; your hands were trembling. Not long after, a dark figure appeared behind the door’s tinted window. With a click, the door opened and revealed a shirtless smirking Finnick Odair.
Oh, fuck me.
He was even more gorgeous than the last time you saw him. His crossed arms bulged with thick muscles as he leaned against the doorframe, gaze shamelessly roaming over your scarcely dressed appearance before settling on your face. The amusement in his expression was ever-present and ever-growing.
“Finnick,” you greeted.
He extended his hand, inviting you inside the train and hesitantly, you accepted. Sparks of electricity travelled up your arm, starting from where his and your hand connected. Some things never changed.
Empty silence welcomed your presence as you entered the train car. Patterned silver vases of white roses were placed atop every available surface. Meticulously crafted chandeliers lit up the room with a golden haze. To your left was an arrangement of black leather couches surrounding a small silver table; further down the car was a rectangular mahogany dining table decorated with fruit and unlit candles.
Somehow a single train car was more luxurious than your entire house.
“Is every one asleep?” you asked, running your fingertips along the pure gold that lined the couches.
“Yeah,” he said, eyes following your movements. “Every room on this train is sound-proof, so...”
You nodded, unsure of how else to reply. Conversations usually ran smoothly between you and Finnick. They were effortless. But that was when you were together. Four months must have passed now since you last spoke.
“Are you and what’s-his-name still together?” he asked.
“No,” you said bluntly. “I broke up with him last month.”
“My sincerest condolences.” His sympathetic tone was as transparent as glass. Sarcasm always was his favourite pastime. “Guess he just couldn’t satisfy your needs.”
Turning around to face him, you leaned against the couch’s arm, jaw clenched and eyes glowering with agitation. “Is there any specific reason why you called me here?”
He raised a glass of rich amber liquid to his lips. “Can’t two old friends just reconnect?”
“Old friends,” you scoffed. “That’s what you call it. From what I remember, the last time we saw each other, we were having goodbye sex in your bed. And in the kitchen and the lounge and on the balcony.”
Something sincere overshadowed his teasing nature, revealing itself in the tension in his facial muscles and the glassy haze that clouded his eyes. Reminiscence. “It didn’t have to be goodbye,” he spoke softly whilst holding your gaze.
You blinked. There was a short pause and only the quiet hum of the lights sounded in the room. You were the one to end the relationship, not the other way around much to your friends’ disbelief. Over and over, you had been asked the same question: why on earth would you break up with Finnick Odair?
Well, behind closed doors, he was incredible. He was loving, affectionate, and thoughtful. He would collect seashells for you that he found on the beach whenever he went fishing, leave hand-written poetry and heartfelt love letters whenever he left for the Capitol, and mother of fucking Christ was the sex just downright extraordinary.
But as previously stated, it was all behind closed doors.
Finnick never wanted to be seen together in public and on the off chance you were, he would practically neglect your existence. Only your most trusted friends and Finnick’s family knew about your relationship. No one else. Eventually, the secretiveness created a deep void inside you that not even the sweetest love letters and seashells could fill. You couldn’t remain with someone who seemed ashamed to be with you in public.
So, with a heavy heart, you said goodbye.
In fear of becoming too emotional, you disregarded his weighted words and crossed your arms. “So,” you began, “how’s the Tour been so far? You must be pretty ecstatic one of your tributes actually won.”
He bounced back fairly quickly. “I suppose it’s always nice to watch someone you trained live for a change,” he said, placing his drink on a nearby table. “Plus, she’s got a lot of charisma. A natural with the speeches and interviews, so I don’t need to do too much coaching.”
And there it was again—that green-eyed monster. “Charisma, huh?” You just couldn’t help yourself. “Is she pretty too?”
Finnick tilted his head, visibly surprised by your blatant jealousy. “She just turned sixteen,” he stated with a small smirk tugging at his lips. Well, no one told you that bit of information. Awkward. “Careful, Y/N. You sounded a little jealous there.”
You pushed off the chair, heading back toward the door you entered through. Maybe this was a bad idea. “Alright, I’m leaving now.”
Just as you turned the handle, a set of rushed footsteps thudded behind you. The door opened a mere crack, sending in a cold draft that caused your body to shudder.
“Wait, just—” A swift hand came over your shoulder and pushed the door shut, eliciting a startled gasp from your lips. You could feel Finnick towering over you, the warmth of his skin spreading onto your cold back and his breaths fanning down against the bareness of your shoulder. He was so close. “I just needed to see you before I leave tomorrow morning.”
Slowly, you turned around, coming face-to-face with the man you shouldn’t have loved. His burning gaze was a stark contrast to the icy metal door your back was pressed against. Tension pulsated in the small space between you and him. The intense attraction that had first brought you two together came rushing forth; trying to fight such a magnetic force was impossible. You needed connection—touch.
This night would not end with just a simple innocent chat, you knew that now.
You swallowed hard, your heart racing. “You needed to see me?” you asked. “Finnick, if you want me to stay, don’t beat around the bush. Tell me what you really want.”
Silence. He continued staring at you and you could see a scheme forming behind his mesmerising green eyes. Then the scheme was unfolding. He leaned down to your level, to your lips, his half-lidded eyes never leaving your mouth as he just barely allowed his lips to brush yours. On instinct, you tilted your head upwards.
“I want you,” he whispered.
You didn’t waste a second to respond. “Then take me.”
He was quicker than a bullet train. Finnick’s lips caught your own and were burning with fiery desire, evident in his haste to wrap you up in his arms and practically merge your body with his. Flames licked just beneath your skin, setting your nerves alight with passion and lust. You burned together in an inferno fuelled by each other’s touch.
Logically, this was wrong. Finnick was your ex-boyfriend and for good reason. But as your hands clung to every inch of him that they possibly could, as his tongue and yours danced fluidly with one another, and as your body buzzed with pure adrenaline, you were willing to abandon all your morals in exchange for five more minutes in his embrace.
A moan travelled from your mouth to his own as you felt him bite your lower lip. You could already feel that familiar throbbing sensation between your thighs and the wetness that exposed how much you craved him. You knew he felt the same. His sweatpants left little to the imagination.
Your hand slipped between your connected bodies, travelling down Finnick’s firm stomach, gliding over his small trail of hair and finally into his pants. Your fingers curled around his cock which already leaked with precum. He was just as desperate as you.
“Fuck,” he groaned, the sound sending tingles down your spine.
You left his lips to press a wet kiss to his neck. “I wonder how many times you pretended your hand was my own,” you purred, leaving another kiss on his clavicle. “How many times you tried to recreate the warmth you only feel when you're inside me.”
His mouth hung open, letting out quiet uneven breaths as you stroked his length, your pace so quick that he already felt an overwhelming urge to release into your soft unrelenting hand. The sound of your voice, so sexy and lustful, combined with your swift pressured movements had his stomach tensing and contracting with a devastating build-up of pleasure.
“Too many times,” he admitted in a strained voice.
You sucked on the warm pulsing skin of his neck, this time receiving a groan that buzzed on your lips. His hands grabbed at your hips for support, roughly kneading the softness and satin in his large palms.
“This dress—fuck!” his voice broke as another hand slipped into his pants, cupping his balls as the other twisted with each stroke of his cock. “Sweetheart,” he chuckled breathlessly. “You look like a fucking siren.”
Your soft lips pecked at his toned chest before pulling away and looking up at him through your lashes. Euphoric delirium was prominent in his eyes. “You should’ve seen everyone staring at my party,” you said. “I wish you saw how badly the men wanted to fuck me right there on the dancefloor; how they undressed me with their eyes. Maybe then you would understand the mistake you made by never showing me off.”
Aggravation blazed in his aroused eyes which only made you so much hornier. Before you could pump another stroke, Finnick had ripped your hands from his pants and spun you around, pinning your body against the wall with his own, his hard cock pushing against the plush of your ass.
“I do understand,” he growled into your ear.
He abruptly started sucking hard kisses onto the side of your neck which had you gasping for air and tilting your head to allow him further access. One of his hands cupped your breast, massaging it with rough fingers and pinching your peaked nipples between his fingertips. His other hand travelled around your hip, wandering beneath your revealing dress and slipping into your lace panties.
You cried out when two fingers plunged into your soaking hole without warning.
“Know what I wish?” he asked, fingers curling in and out of you at such a rapid pace that the wet noises could be heard throughout the entire room. Blissful tears threatened to spill down your face. “I wish those guys could see how you looked right now with my fingers fucking you.” The hand on your breast moved to your throat, applying enough pressure on your carotid to make your head pound with dizziness. “I wish they knew you only enjoy being fucked by me.”
Your walls squeezed around his fingers, pulling him even further inside. Your untouched breasts were squashed against the train door and the fabric of your dress rubbed against your sensitive nipples. Finnick’s cock twitched against you and his hand was constricting the blood flow to your head. Yeah. Nobody else could make you feel better than this.
Finnick plunged his fingers inside again with a hard thrust which forced a broken moan from your lips. “Isn’t that right?”
The heel of his palm dug into your clit and your entire body was overcome with pins and needles; your knees buckled and hit the metal door. That would definitely bruise. You hoped it would—you wanted a reminder of this night.
“Yes!” you gasped. “Finnick, only you. Only you.”
“That’s right.”
Your moans started to rise in pitch, signalling the orgasm which was rapidly closing in. But right before you could come, Finnick’s fingers slipped out of you and out of your now-drenched panties. Your orgasm began to fade due to the lack of friction until it disappeared completely, leaving you feeling frustrated and neglected.
Turning back around with a flushed face, you witnessed Finnick sucking your juices off his fingers with a pop. His grin was conniving, self-satisfied with his actions which proved how desperately you wanted him to fuck you. That smug bastard. You would give anything to wipe the amusement off his beautiful fucking face.
And, well, you did.
“Fuck you!” you exclaimed, shoving him backwards.
“Fuck me?” He raised an eyebrow, smirk twitching at his lips. “I already know you want to.”
With a frustrated cry, you shoved him again, but this time he caught you in his arms and fervidly crushed his lips to yours. You squirmed and writhed and resisted but eventually melted into his embrace when you remembered you wanted this. You wanted this so badly.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as both your bodies continuously curved into one another, neither of you being able to remain still for more than a few seconds. The taste of brandy and you were on Finnick’s tongue as it swirled around your mouth; the flavours, which were polar opposites, sweet and savoury, mixed together to create something utterly carnal.
With the knowledge that this was probably a one-time thing, your kisses became bruising and frantic. Finnick alternated between kissing your lips, your neck, your jaw, and any place he could possibly reach. You hung onto every sound he made, every hot breath he took.
The two of you stumbled around the train car, lips never leaving one another, hands grabbing at every inch of flesh they could reach. You bumped into walls and multiple glass ornaments and laughed together when Finnick just barely caught one before it shattered on the floor.
Eventually, you ended up down the opposite end of the train car. Your back hit something hard and you gasped in surprise. The dining table. Finnick gave a quick glance at the table before pressing another kiss to your lips, this time a little more tenderly.
“Turn around,” he said, and you did.
You immediately felt him press himself against your behind. You stared ahead, chest heaving and swollen lips tingling, waiting for any more commands. His hand walked around your thigh, over the mound of your pussy, and then grazed up your stomach. He left a trail of warm tingles between your breasts before continuing upward to move your hair from your shoulder where he placed another warm gentle kiss.
Finally, he splayed his hand flat between your shoulder blades and pushed, bending you over the table until your torso lay flat on the cold wooden surface. Finnick hiked your dress up to your hips and crouched down, caressing your outer thighs before sliding your panties down to your ankles.
The air hit your bare skin and you exhaled a shaky breath as you anticipated his next movements. As he rose to his feet, he trailed kisses up your leg, ending with a soft bite to your ass which earned him a small giggle.
You could hear him tug down his sweatpants which hit the floor with a muffled thud. Your breaths continued to shake with nerves, coming out in soft pants. Finnick held onto your hip with one hand and held himself in the other. No words were spoken. Both of you wanted this—needed this.
Next thing you knew, your panting breaths had stopped altogether. Finnick’s cock had slid between your folds, filling you up in one single movement, and you both released a relieved moan in sync. Your hands pressed against the tabletop as your body began to rock with his thrusts. You weren’t going to make love or whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ears. No. This was pure unadulterated fucking.
Finnick started off fast; neither of you had the patience for a slow build-up. You didn’t even bother caring about the fact that he wasn’t wearing a condom. His hand had lowered to your mid back and the other gripped your hip as your warmth swallowed him over and over.
“Oh god,” you gasped.
The sensations that overtook your body were eagerly welcomed. You had tried to replicate the sex Finnick gave with other men after your relationship ended, but none seemed to compare even the slightest. You weren’t sure how a single human being could provide the sensations of nirvana, how one could master the skills of bringing another person to such an incredible high, but Finnick could. He always could.
It was only at this point that you realised how badly your body had been in withdrawal from his touch. The feeling of him inside you was like a drug. Addicting. Definitely not healthy.
You had tried fingering yourself to replicate his cock, but it was a pathetic attempt. Finnick could hit a deep spot inside you that no one else could like it was some secret forbidden location that only he held the key to. He made your body feel full. Stuffed. Complete. In a way that made you feel like you were going to burst into an explosion of white heavenly light.
Your nails scratched at the wood as he continued to pound into you, cock gliding against the ripples of your inner walls. There wasn’t a single inch of space left inside you. He fit like your pussy was where he belonged.
“Always feel so fucking good,” he muttered between thrusts.
His pleasure was always vocal, voiced with heavy breaths, grunts, and groans. Sometimes he even whimpered, especially when you edged him. He didn’t mind you being more dominant at times, but right now was not one of those moments. Being bent over and fucked into a table was not in any way, shape, or form you being dominant. This was Finnick being in control and it felt incredible.
“Finnick,” you said. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop!”
In response he grabbed your other hip and pulled you back into him, burying himself even deeper inside you with each thrust which had you crying out his name again. He hunched over your body, hips still pounding behind you, and sucked harsh kisses on your shoulder. He left behind red and deep purple marks on your shoulder, moving to your neck, and then grazed your earlobe with his teeth.
He returned a hand to your throat, forcing the both of you into a standing position. His fingers squeezed, reducing the blood flow into your brain which enhanced the explosion building up inside you.
“Harder!” you cried.
Both his cock and his hand increased their vigour. Stars were sparkling in your vision. You were almost completely sober now, yet you felt entirely drunk. Drunk on Finnick. He reached his free hand between your legs and your body fell back into his, only remaining upright from his support.
His fingers rubbed side-to-side on your clit, so hard and fast that his hand almost blurred in motion. Your moans rose an octave as your stomach began to tighten. A fire burned within your muscles, so pleasurably excruciating that you thought they would liquefy inside you. Your pussy clenched around Finnick’s cock, walls fluttering with each of his pounding thrusts.
“Come, sweetheart,” he purred into your ear. You could hear how much he struggled to contain his moans as he talked. “Come on, I know you're close. I can feel you.”
You nodded mindlessly and curled your arm backwards around his neck, in need of something to cling to. As the feeling inside your stomach intensified, your eyes squeezed shut and your hold around his neck tightened until you were almost choking him. With every ounce of strength that he had inside him, Finnick increased his pace until he fit multiple mind-destroying thrusts into each second that passed.
He was almost animalistic with his pounding and unrestrained groans of pleasure. And you were so close, so, so close to falling over the edge. His hand was constricted around your throat; the other assaulted your clit, and his cock was mercilessly hitting that swollen spot inside you. Any second and—
“I’m go—I’m gonna come!”
A potent cocktail of pleasure, ecstasy, and release washed through your body, unravelling the tension inside your stomach and exiting through your stuffed hole. Your juices coated Finnick’s cock with warmth as you repeated his name over and over.
You could feel him twitching inside you, spilling himself onto your clenching walls whilst bending you over to senselessly fuck you into the table. His moans were so loud, so fucking attractive, but may God have mercy on both of you if the room wasn’t actually soundproof.
Neither of you could stop. You came an immeasurable number of times; your hands left marks on Finnick’s body as he did on yours, and every surface in the room had been tainted with your sin. You clung onto one another, desperately prolonging your night together that would most likely be the last. Ever.
“Don’t leave again.”
Your fingers stilled as you strapped on your high heels. You glanced up at Finnick—who now had his sweatpants back on—from the gold-lined leather chair you sat in.
“Finnick…” you sighed.
“Please,” he said. Crouching down in front of you, he gently took your hand into his own. His face, which previously reflected nothing but pleasure, now looked at you with pained desperation. “I’ll explain everything to you. Why I was always in the Capitol. Why it was too dangerous for us to be seen together in public. All of it.”
The mention of danger took you aback. You had thought he never wanted to be seen together because he was embarrassed, not because it was… dangerous. Brows furrowed together, your eyes flickered between his, searching for any hint of deception, anything that might reveal malicious intentions. But when had Finnick ever been malicious towards you? Never. All you found in his eyes was sincerity.
“I can’t lose you again,” he whispered, lowering his head.
After a few seconds of contemplation, you realised there wasn’t a chance in hell you were going to walk out on him again. Life would mean nothing without Finnick beside you.
Your fingers sat under his chin, lifting his head to meet your gaze. The two of you exchanged a look of vulnerability, signifying an era of newfound understanding and reconnection.
You whispered in response. “You’ve got me, Finn.” 
tags: @tayrae515
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empresskylo · 1 year
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no plot, just ghost sneaking into your room at night to force you to orgasm without taking your clothes off.
a/n: this idea was literally taken from the book i was reading lmao. anyways, have some visual treats of ghost in sweatpants.
cw: smut, dub-con
simon "ghost" riley x afab!reader
wc: 1.6k+
Ghost had been staring you down more than usual lately, making you shiver under his watchful eyes. He looked like he wanted to eat you whole. 
You felt him brush against you after your last meeting and your whole body went hot. He must have noticed your shock because you could see his eyes squint in a smile. You felt your breath get lost in your throat when Ghost lifted you up during training, his hands lingering far too long on your waist. 
And so you were startled when you felt his body slip into the bed behind you. You turned your head and saw Ghost as he snuggled in against your back, spooning you.
“Ghost,” you said exasperated. “What’re you doing?” You hissed. 
“Soap’s snoring was driving me crazy.” 
“So your solution was to come to my bed?” You asked flustered. He had never actually made a move like this on you. He simply just fucked you with his eyes. His arms draped around your waist and you got goosebumps. “Your beds’ warm,” he cooed, his breath hot on your neck. You could smell the whiskey. 
“Any bed with a blanket is warm, Lt.” Your voice stuttered, and that only made Ghost grin in arrogance. 
“Been dying to feel you,” he mumbled against your shoulder. You gulped as he pulled you into him, your body flat against his, his cock unmistakably hard and digging into your ass. Your voice wavered, “Ghost.” God, what was he doing? You wanted to kick him out of your bed, and yet your voice was getting lost in your throat as his hands groped you. You shut your eyes momentarily as Ghost’s hands traced along your stomach, then over your thighs. One of his hands grabbed your breast through your sleep shirt and you shook yourself out of your daze. “You shouldn’t be in my bed!” You whispered harshly. 
He hummed against your neck, his mask brushing your skin. “You really want me to leave, yeah?” His hand squeezed your thigh while his other pinched your nipple between his fingers. “Y-Y-Yes,” you fumbled, your head leaning back against him in pleasure. 
“Sure doesn’t seem like it,” he teased. His hand snaked to your crotch, his hand cupping your pussy and his fingers digging into your clothed entrance. You yelled. “Why don’t you ride my fingers, pet.” 
You groaned, “No. This-It’s not appropriate.” You snarled. 
His fingers began to move against you to get you started and you gasped. Your hands gripped the sheets as he teased you. Suddenly, he halted movement. You whined. “Ride. My. Fingers”, he commanded in your ear. You don’t know what came over you but you began to slowly move your hips so your clit brushed against his hand. Ghost held still as he watched you use his hand. You knew it was wrong. You knew you shouldn’t be doing this. It was dirty and absurd. But, fuck, his hand felt better than your own. 
You could feel Ghost’s cock pressing against you harder now. You wiggled and rolled your hips as much as you could in this position, his fingers feeling so good against you. “Gonna come without me even having to do anything?” He asked, an annoying tinge in his voice. His words made you wetter. You groaned in your throat as you dug your hips down so his fingers pressed further against you. You swirled your hips and you could feel a warmth radiating throughout your body.
“That’s it, love,” he praised. He couldn’t help from grinding his hips against you. That sent you over the edge, making you whither and shake beneath him. You gripped his arms, moaning as he moved his fingers on his own, helping you ride out your high. 
When you relaxed back into the mattress, you opened your eyes in shame and stared into the dark. You could feel Ghost’s hot breath on your ear. What the hell were you doing? This wasn’t like you. You should not be doing this with your fucking lieutenant of all people. 
You went to tell him to leave but he was quicker than you. He rolled over so you lay under him, your face buried into the mattress. You gasped. “ Again ,” he said with a sudden darkness in his voice. It sent shivers straight to your core. 
“What? No, I can’t—“ Ghost’s hand remained against your core, the weight of his body making his hand dig into you. He began to grind against your back, pushing you into the mattress and into his hand. You moaned, shoving your head into your pillow to muffle the sounds. You wanted to scream from the overstimulation. Ghost’s cock rubbed against you with each thrust. His knee came between your legs and spread them, resting himself between your thighs. His cock dragged against your core with each rut of his hips now, his hand digging into your clit. You couldn’t move under his weight as he kept shifting on top of you. You whined, struggling to breathe under him. You were forced against his hand, your clit sending sparks up your spine. Finally, you were writhing under him again, your legs shaking and bending upwards, your mouth gasping for air. 
You sank loosely back into your bed, a sweet wave of your lasting climax washing over you. 
“ Again ,” Ghost growled lowly in your ear. 
Your eyes widened as he began to thrust against you again. You groaned in pain that slowly mixed with pleasure again. “Ghost,” you whimpered. You wouldn’t be able to orgasm three times in a row, there was no way! He grunted as he rocked his hips against you, his cock slamming into your clothed entrance with each go as if you were actually having sex. 
Ghost’s fingers curled so he pushed you roughly into them each time he rutted into you, making you yelp. It felt so good. You felt your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the overstimulation. Ghost picked up speed, humping against you faster and rougher now, your bed squeaking. You mewled under him, your legs beginning to shake again, your hands ripping into your sheets. You shoved your face into your pillow to muffle your scream as you came hard against his hand again. Ghost groaned loudly in your ear, coming in his sweatpants as he lazily thrusted against you a few more times. You didn’t even know it was possible to orgasm that many times.
He finally collapsed on top of you, your body still trying to calm down from the three orgasms. Ghost rolled over and pulled you with him. “You ever come three times in a row like that?” 
You looked down at his mask-covered face, your hands against his chest. “I told you to stop!” You hissed, out of breath. 
“Answer my question or I’ll make you come a fourth time.”
Your eyes widened. There’s no way you could… 
You shook your head. “No. I never came three times like that. Happy?!” 
Ghost pulled you down against him. “I love how much you wiggle and squirm beneath me.” You gulped, his grip tightening around you. He could feel your nipples harden against his chest. 
“On second thought, I think I’ll make you come again just for the hell of it.” 
“Ghost, I can’t. I’m too—“ You tried to plead. He rolled on top of you, your back pressed into the mattress this time. Ghost was settled between your legs, his cock already hard again and pressed against your core; this man was crazy. You squirmed as he looked down at you. His eyes were dark and hard to make out but you knew he was ravishing you with his eyes. He couldn’t get enough of how flustered you looked. Ghost began to grind into you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. You immediately groaned lowly, pain and pleasure shooting through you. “Ghost,” you whimpered, his face resting against the nape of your neck. 
“Keep sayin’ my name, baby.”
You moaned into his shoulder as he thrusted against you. His cock dragged against your swollen clit with each snap of his hips. His body crushed you beneath him, barely holding himself up as he lazily humped you. Your nails dug into his clothed back. You mewled under him, bucking your hips up into him. “Mhmmm,” he hummed, the head of his cock bumping against your clit. His hand fisted your hair. “Oh my god, Ghost,” you whined breathlessly. Ghost immediately picked up speed until he was thrusting against you with such force that your bed was slamming into the wall. You didn’t care at this moment that others might hear the lieutenant dry-humping you into another universe as your bed hit the wall. You tried to buck up into him again but his weight overpowered you. You began to moan, your legs shaking, your nails dragging along Ghost’s back, making a chill of pleasure run down his spine. Ghost grunted in what sounded like pain as he came in his pants for a second time that night. You gasped, trying to catch your breath as this large man crushed you. 
“Fuck,” he grumbled, his accent heavier than usual. “Imagine what we could do without clothes.” He finally stopped moving his hips against yours and he rolled you both to the side so he spooned you like earlier. With him getting what he wanted from you, you expected him to up and leave now. “Aren’t you gonna go back to your room?” You asked, faking annoyance in your voice and trying not to sound so exasperated. You felt your forehead sweating from the power of your fourth orgasm. 
Ghost settled around you, his head nudged into your hair. “Nope,” he said with a grin, pulling you tighter into his chest, his hand far too close to your breast. “I wasn’t kiddin’ ‘bout Soap’s snoring.” 
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randomshitwhore · 2 years
Negative Ghost(rider)
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word count:1.5k
pairing: ghost x reader
summary: Ghost, Soap, and yourself are on a mission, your first one with them. Your anxiety is at an all-time high, so you start cracking jokes to calm your nerves, one of which, Ghost appreciates...
AN: italics are past, normal is present. enjoy babes :)
You never imagined you’d be in this situation. The thought never crossed your mind. You figured by the time you were 22, you would be out of college, working your dream job, and starting a family.
That reality became a dream, a long-lost one.
You figured you would die in a broken and dirty apartment complex with three other girls, just waiting to be auctioned off. You figured you would starve to death and sometimes you even prayed to god just for the man holding you hostage to just put you out of your misery. You were hopeless, utterly hopeless. 
Until they came.
John “Soap” MacTavish and Simon “Ghost” Riley. Sent on a mission to save you from a hostage situation. You were the sole survivor out of the girls. 
Now at 24, you were working as a soldier, alongside them being sent out on your first mission.
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“Eclipse, you ready?” Soap asked as you three walked toward the chopper, about to head into the night. Eclipse, your callsign. You’d earned that through the first thing that left your lips after those two saved you. 
“Are you alright? Are you injured?” the man with the mask asked you. You stared deep into his eyes, his deep dark brown eyes. You opened your mouth to answer his but no words came out. “Jesus, Simon I think you left her speechless” the other one laughed, startling you enough to shoot your head toward him. “You’re alright, you’re safe. I’m John, but my buddies call me Soap, and that’s Simon, we call him Ghost”
You turned your head back to the man with the mask, holding you close to him. “Are you injured?”Ghost repeated. You shook your head slowly no, still too scared to speak. “So, you got a name that goes with that pretty face?”Soap asked, meeting your eyes. “Eclipse” you whispered.
 “Eclipse? That’s your name?” He asked. You shook your head no and pointed behind him. ”It’s a solar eclipse…it looks so beautiful.” You said, with tears welling in your eyes. “Yes, it is…Been a while since you’ve been outside huh?”He asked quietly. “Yes..” You answered quietly. “What’s your name, love?”He repeated, hoping for an actual answer this time.
 “Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N”
“Ask ready as I can be Soap” You yelled back as you got closer to the chopper. “What’s our objective?
“Get a flash drive containing information about the missiles Hassan is moving” Ghost yelled. “If we catch him, added bonus?”You asked, resulting in a blank stare from him. You raised your eyebrows with a small smile on your face, letting him release a little chuckle. “I suppose...Ready?”
You let your smile grow a little wider. “Affirmative”
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“Goddamn, it’s fucking cold out here” “Eclipse, shut the fuck up” Ghost’s voice came in harshly through your earpiece. You were on the side of a building, having found the floor the flash drive was on and waiting for Soap and/or Ghost to bust a window to let you in. “Well hurry your asses up and I’ll comply.” You harshly returned back. “Ghost, cut the woman some slack, she is over 400ft in the air, and we’re not exactly moving at the fastest pace” Soap’s gruff voice came into the earpiece. “Exactly, goddamn Si, be nice,” You said. You let out a slow breath, trying to calm your nerves. “Why was the strawberry crying?” You asked. "Sorry?" “Eclipse, not now,” Soup and Ghost said. “Please, I’m freaking the fuck out, can you guys just do this for me so I don’t have a panic attack.”You breathed into your radio, shakingly. “Alright, why?”Soap asked. You sighed relieved. “Because she was in a jam”
“Not bad…Why don’t shrimp share?”Soap said. A smile peeked at the corner of your lips. “Why?”You asked. “Because they’re shellfish” He answered. You giggled into your radio. “Liked that one, did you?” Ghost asked, his tone obviously slightly annoyed. “Yes, I did. Your turn Riley” You answered. “What has two legs and bleeds?”Ghost asked. “I don’t like where this is going, but what?”You asked, tapping your foot against the window. “Half a dog” he answers coldly. “That’s horrible Lt..”Soap chuckled through the radio. “Please tell me you didn’t kill a dog just now” You whined through the radio. “Negative, but I just passed one, German Shepard in case you cared” He answered. You breathed out shakingly again, the snow nipping at your cheeks. You felt a vibration against the window causing you to raise your gun only to be met with Ghost’s face between your boots. “Fuck Ghost” You sighed into your radio. “You warm out there?”He teased as he began cutting through the glass. 
“Negative Ghost rider, I’m freezing my tits off out here” You replied only to be met with a deep laugh coming through the radio. “What? What’s funny?” Soap asked, reaching the floor a little after Simon finished cutting the window. “Ghostrider, that’s a new one” Ghost replied, helping you into the window. “Had that one in the back of my head for a while just never had a chance to use it” You said, moving far away from the window. “You boys do know it’s rude to make a lady wait almost forty-five minutes in the freezing cold, yes?”You teased, closing your eyes and blowing hot air to defrost your fingers. 
You opened your eyes to see Ghost holding one of his jackets out to you. You hastily took it from him and slipped it on over your shoulder and up and over your arms while walking behind them. You looked tiny compared to the size of the jacket, it just slightly hung under your wrists. You could still smell the tobacco and whiskey coming off of it.
 While Soap was upfront ahead of you and Simon radioing to Shepard, you listened to Simon repeatedly whisper ghost rider. Over and over and over again. He must have said it at least a hundred times before you interrupted him. “You really liked me saying that, didn’t you?”
“Affirmative, I did” He replied. “Affirmative,” you said under your breath, slightly laughing to yourself. That’s one of the little things about Ghost that always made you laugh, no matter what; he refused to just say yes or no, always using a military way of answering. 
“Must you always use a formal way of saying yes or no Ghost?”You said leaning up against a wall. “Affirmative” He replied back, making you crack a smile and roll your eyes at him. Even though all you could see was his eyes; you could tell he had a shit-eating grin spread across his face. “It’s stupid” You chuckled. “You like it though, no?”He said, already knowing your answer. You bit your lip and turned your head to the door Soap had entered through. “You ever gonna take that thing off?” you questioned, changing the subject. “You’ve seen me without it on before, Y/N.” He said, letting his eyes lock onto yours. “Ya, when we first met two years ago,” You said, feeling your cheeks warm up. 
Your eyes shot open when you heard the creaking of your door open to find the masked man staring at you, watching him as he rested his gun against the wall. “Nurses say you’ve been having night terrors. How are they tonight?”
“B-Better” You answered sitting up straight in your bed, him crouching down to meet your eyes. “You’re scary with that thing on, you know?”You said, pulling your legs closer to your chest. You watched him close his eyes and hold them there for a few seconds. “That’s the point Y/N” He sighed. “I know its just…”You started but bit your tongue. “Just what?”
“I wanna see your face”
You watched as he closed his eyes again, probably contemplating if he should just leave you alone with your nightmares. He didn’t. You watched as his tattooed arm wrapped around the back of the mask and pulled it forward toward you, dropping it carefully into your hands. You felt your jaw slightly drop as you took in all his features…
Short dirty blond hair, those deep brown eyes; holding so many secrets that you’ll probably never know, plump lips, and his chin; covered with stubble and a few scars. 
“Better?”He asked. You cracked a smile, with him returning the favor. “Perfect…”
“All I remember from that night is your eyes not leaving my lips” He chuckled, tapping his boot against the floor. “Not every day you see a man with nice lips, took them in while I could,” You said, looking at the ground. “Lord knows the next time I would see your face”
“We find this file and I’ll let you take it off this time,” He said quickly, not wanting to repeat himself. You felt your eyebrows shoot up within a millisecond “Really? You’re not bullshitting me on this?” “Yes..”
“Ghost..I-” You started until you heard a long bang and a crash ring out from the door Soap had entered through.
You and Ghost ran straight into the room ahead of both of you, just to find Soap with his boot pressed against a man’s skull, and the barrel of his gun pressed against the man’s head.
Hassans Head. and the flash drive inches away from your boots.
You bent down to pick it up and turned to face Ghost.
“Bonus points?”You said, with a shit-eating grin.
“Bonus points.”He laughed.
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erenthology · 7 months
eren spraying his cologne on your coat before you leave for work cus he's possessive like that
whoever sent this, you’re my soulmate. I added a small drabble btw <3 also, rando dave is back
Possessive!Eren who doesn’t laugh when you yell him the “funny” story about how Dave spilled coffee all over himself during the todays meeting..
Possessive!Eren who tries to compete by telling you all the funny jokes, wiggling his eyebrows and acting like a clown for you to laugh
Possessive!Eren who wants to keep all your smiles to himself, who hyper fixates on your hobbies to be able to send you memes and anything you ask for. You should be able to rely on him for anything.
Possessive!Eren who shows up at your work to bring you lunch, but it’s actually to show everyone that you’re taken.
Possessive!Eren who gets mad when you tell him about your co worker who’s broke up with her boyfriend, casually conversing that breakup rates have increased significantly and that couples usually end it within the first 5 years. The very idea makes his eyes flash red for just a second. “Not ours, you can count on that.”
Possessive!Eren who gets worried when you’re late from work. (Mind you it can be anything from an hours to 15 minutes) and starts freaking out. After receiving a text that you’re struck in traffic, he hangs up the call to your office and patently waits for you to arrive home.
Possessive!Eren who’s eyes flash murder when you come home crying after work. He coddles you for the rest of the night and tries to convince you to quit.
Possessive!Eren who has a special folder made for times you’re not at home. He follows the routine of opening your drawer and picking out one of the thin materials you like to call underwear
Possessive!Eren who randomly sends you texts in the middle of the day, “hurry home so I can eat your pussy, I’m hungry”
Possessive!Eren who gets worried when he’s not around you because as long as he’s there, people would know you’re his. He makes sure of it.
Possessive!Eren who always asks you to take time off for a vacation. you sigh, “what would we even do?” He grabs you by your chin, “bike rides, I’ll take you to the beach and feed you, movie nights, I’ll eat you out, fuck you silly, you know, that type of stuff.”
Possessive!Eren is the most demanding man you have ever met. He barks orders like a drill sergeant but never at you, never. His only demand is that you stay close to him so he can keep his eyes on you.
“Eren, are you listening to me?” No, he wasn’t. You’re wearing an exceptionally pretty outfit today, and he’s overcome with the irrational urge to lock you in the bedroom and keep you for himself only. He swallows and responds, “yh, what’s up?”
You roll your eyes, “I asked if this looks good?” you give him a twirl to showcase your outfit. “I’ve got a meeting with dave first thing and I want to make a good impression. you know how judgeful they can be” you sigh.
At this, his ears perk up, dave? “Who the fuck is dave?” he puts his coffee mug down and shifts his entire attention to you.
Deadpanning, you explain to Eren. “my coworker dave…the one presenting the project we’ve been working on.”
Eren doesn’t pay much attention to what you’re saying. He only remembers one part and makes a beeline for it. “What was that about impressing him?”
“well, obviously I need to make good impressions in the office.”
He’s been staring at you for a while now without saying anything. He looks lost in his thoughts today, you think.
It was hard enough with the outfit itself, he thinks. And now you’re talking about this ugly dave dude? Eren takes his time to calm himself and avoid a fight. “You should wear a jacket with that”, he suggested and goes to get his jacket.
The pieces connect in your mind, “Eren, are you acting jealous again?” you yell for him to hear as he rushes to the hall. He comes back with your fall coat in his hand.
“Hey, I’m not the jealous type.(🙄) But what’s mine is mine.” he says and opens the coat for you to put your arms in. You’re immediately surrounded by the fresh scent of his spicy cologne. His significant smell. The aromatic smell fills your nostrils and overwhelms your senses.
You turn to face him and gets granted with with a wink accompanied by sly smile. “Yh, much better.” he says, more to himself than you. You’ve never felt so protected before you met Eren, even if it isn’t always rational, his primal instincts to keep you to himself makes you feel special.
“Let me know if anyone gives you trouble, alright?” You nod your head, standing somewhat dumbfounded. His heart aches at how adorable you look, increasing his illogical demand to ask you to stay and home and quit your job. He wants to provide for you and keep you all for himself, he’s selfish like that. Instead, he grabs grabs shoulders and begins walking you out the door with an arm around you. He always said you looked extra good around his arm.
“Give me a kiss” he requests, craving your attention like the man-child he is. So you pucker your lips and and give him a chaste kiss. As you pull away, he pulls you back with one hand on your waist and the other cradling through your hair, kissing the hell out of you.
You’re left breathless as he draws back, then goes in for yet another peck before taking your hand and walking you to your car. He’s previously insisted and borderline forced to drive you, but is now comprising, which is rare for Eren.
As you drive to work, surrounded by the smell of your boyfriends cologne, he head back to the kitchen where his phone is and starts stalking the shit out of your companies instagram for the “first”time
He just wants to be aware, nothing wrong with it, he thinks as he then opens a certain album your pictures and videos he’d rather die than let anyone beside the two of you see, it’s his holy shrine.
“Fuck..” he breathes and rubs one out to the sounds of your moans with his face buried in your pillow. He can’t wait for you to get home again.
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crumbledcastle28 · 2 months
Javier Peña: The Shittiest Goodbye
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader (she/her; afab)
Summary: Javier has no one saying goodbye to him. No one but you.
He smiled; you could tell even from behind your tears. His golden skin crinkled under his eyes, and he pulled you forward by the waist for a short hug. A really short hug – barely four seconds – before he stepped away and leaned down, gathering a bag in each hand.
“I’ll…I guess I’ll see you.”
You kept looking at him. You couldn’t seem to stop. Neither could he.
Warnings: feeeels, crying, kissing, yearning, longing, and all that jazz, one line that can kind of be interpreted as a size kink, but a hopeful ending.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: javi. he's always going to fucking do it for me.
A/N 2: I haven't watched narcos in like four years so if the plot is splotchy, I apologize.
If you would like to leave a like, ask, reblog, or comment, it would be much appreciated <3
Pedro Masterlist
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He had told you in person, which was better than nothing.
“They’re sending me home. Tomorrow morning,” he said, putzing with the plastic chain hanging from the lamp on your desk. Eyes unable to meet yours. “My flight’s at 6.”
And then he walked away, each sound of his step away from you tipping the globe further and further off its axis.
You had known he was starting to take matters into his own hands. You had known said matters were dirty, bloody, and grey. And you had known said hands were now buried in a while lot of shit because of it.
You had known, and you still knew, walking into the El Dorado International Airport, squinting against the rising sun. You knew perfectly well who Javier Peña had gotten himself involved with and what they both had done on each other’s behalf.
The fact of the matter was – you didn’t give a shit, because what Javi was doing was moving the DEA further towards its goal than ever. It was fucking working.
In your opinion, if agents couldn’t get their hands dirty, then they couldn’t catch Escobar. Luckily for you, Javier felt similarly.
And yet, here he was, being sent home. The one person who gave you any comfort in the shitshow that had become your life. The only friend who had remained so every single day, the only one you could count on. The one man in all of South America that actually made you feel safe.
And, arguably, the only person in the entire DEA who truly wanted things to get better, even if it left a mark on his soul he could never wipe away.
These thoughts haunted you as you searched for Javi. For six in the morning, the gates were surprisingly crowded. Your tired eyes did their best to search for his prominent features – chestnut hair, perfectly highlighted with tips of blonde by the South American sun, broad shoulders, high cheekbones, curved, Roman nose, pouted lips, likely leaning on one leg, popping his hip out, with his hands on his waist. You secretly hoped he was in his Levi’s leather jacket.
Your eyes squinted as you peered around, lost in the sea of bodies, children, staff, and flight attendants. Suddenly, the thought of missing him wrapped its coils around you, sending a strange, foreign heat down to your toes and up your scalp. Your breathing heightened, images of him already on his flight, alone, thinking no one cared, thinking no one came from him, began to flood your brain. Your fingers grabbed at your chest, your teeth clamped around the skin of the inside of your mouth, pulling so hard you began to bleed.
He had said six, right? In the morning? Today? Had I heard him wrong?
Had he lied to me?
That thought was too much to bear, too much to process, too much too much too much –
A warm, callused hand wrapped around your forearm. You gasped, heart pounding so loud in your head that the man attached to the hand had to repeat what he was saying. His voice was muffled, his face was blurry, but everything about him was so handsome, and so familiar.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked in a kind of whisper-yell.
It was like you had taken a sedative, looking at Javier Peña, standing right in front of you. Not gone, not forgotten. Right here. Your nervous system evened instantly, like a bucket of warm, clean water had been dumped over your body.
You smiled at him, despite yourself. Despite the situation. Despite it all.
The edge of his lip quirked slightly, but it lasted quicker than a second, before returning to his usual scowl.
“Answer my question,” he said, pulling you towards him. He didn’t sound mad, just…shocked, and a little terrified. His touch on you was gentle, but firm.
You swallowed; eyes still locked into his. You placed your hand on his chest to steady yourself and grinned at the feel of the leather.
“Only if you answer mine first – did you really think you would get to leave without saying goodbye?”
He huffed, meeting your stare, unable to prevent the drop of humor that had culminated in his eyes. “I did say goodbye.”
“Oh please,” you said, pushing away from him. “That was the shittiest goodbye ever.”
He stayed silent for a moment, before letting out a quiet chuckle.
“Besides, six o’clock in the morning is an early call time for you,” you said. You were proved correct by the dark circles under his eyes. You wondered if he had slept at all the night before. “Had to make sure you actually made it.”
“Right,” he said, and looked around him, placing his hands on his hips. His tone suddenly became serious. “You shouldn’t be here.”
That shocked you. “Are you kidding me? Why not?”
“What if – someone sees you, from the DEA, thinks you were working with me. Then what?”
“Then I fucking deal with it,” you said. “I wasn’t going to let you leave thinking that no one would care that you were gone.”
That froze him, his eyes widening just so. The fact that he was shocked at all by that statement caused a fresh set of tears to line your eyes. It was faint, but it was noticeable.
He sighed, looking down at his shoes, allowing you to notice his bags placed on either side of his feet– a large leather carrier, and a small backpack. For a moment, he looked like he was about to say something, until a voice over the speaker interrupted him.
“Flight to Austin, Texas, boarding group one may begin boarding. I repeat, boarding group one may begin boarding for flight to Austin, Texas.”
Javier glanced down at his watch before pulling his ticket out of his back pocket, reading it over with furrowed eyebrows. “I’m group two. I should probably…”
You nodded, a wave of emotion suddenly rocking you once more. The tears were streaming now, down your face. You tried to wipe them away, put they just kept coming.
He took a step closer to you. “Why the tears, ángel?”
You sniffled, wiping your nose, doing the best you could to collect yourself. Maybe that was a good thing, as it allowed this newfound pet name to go completely over your head. The voice that came out of your mouth was nasally and cracked. “I am going to have to do so much paperwork.”
He smiled; you could tell even from behind your tears. His golden skin crinkled under his eyes, and he pulled you forward by the waist for a short hug. A really short hug – barely four seconds – before he stepped away and leaned down, gathering a bag in each hand.
“I’ll…I guess I’ll see you.”
You kept looking at him. You couldn’t seem to stop. Neither could he.
He opened his mouth, once again about to say something, when the speaker went off again.
“First call for boarding group 2 for flight to Austin, Texas. I repeat, first call for boarding group 2 for flight to Austin, Texas.”
He didn’t move an inch. There were so many things you were wishing to say in that moment.
Don’t go. Please, don’t leave me here.
I’ll be alone. I’ll be alone, with you away.
I would have done the same thing you did, working with those men.
I understand why you did it, maybe better than anyone else.
I would have done the same thing, in your shoes. A couple times, I almost joined you.
I’ll go with you, and we’ll never go back. Never. Never.
You didn’t say a word, your confidence swirling down and down, deeper and deeper inside of you. Javier licked his lips and turned around, beginning to walk away. Like he did that day at your desk. Like he did however many times you had asked to help him with what he was doing. Like he did whenever the two of you would make eye contact for just a little too long.
At that all too familiar sight, the confidence inverted itself, instead flooding upwards all at once, flooding your brain with a mantra of why the fuck not?
For once, you listened to that voice, and did the same thing Javier had done to you only moments before. You took a long stride forward, grabbed his elbow, and turned him around.
And then, you took his face in your hands, and you kissed him.
Kiss was a stretch – it was more like a quick peck, barely even felt by either party. But it was something, something that got him as close to you as you had always wanted him to be – his breath fanning your face, his chest pressed against yours, a mix of coffee and mint on your lips, which you quickly licked away. Oddly enough, it steadied your heart, calmed you down instantly.
Because you had that now. That memory. Something more than passing glances and quick hugs. A part of you, in that moment, didn’t even care what his reaction was, because that feeling alone was enough for you to live with.
The rest of you, however, short circuited at the fact that he may not have wanted that at all, and you had completely violated him in the middle of a fucking airport.
You looked up into his wide eyes for barely a second before backing away from him, the beginnings of a million sorrys forming on your tongue.
That was until the bags slipped from his hands, landing on the harsh carpeting with a thud. He then rushed forward, using one hand to frame your face, and the other on the nape of your neck to tip your head back.
There was no time for your brain to accept this as fact before he brought your lips to his own, his kiss nothing less than searing, and nothing more than perfect.
You reciprocated as soon as you were able, wrapping your arms around his back to steady yourself. The feeling of his lips upon yours was better than you had ever imagined, better than you had ever fantasized about while he sat in your peripheral vision during meetings. His lips were soft, buttery, and so was his facial hair. It tickled your nose just so, which only heightened when he tilted your head further, licking the inside of your mouth. You moved your fingers to his hair in response, tugging him so harshly into you you stumbled backwards.
It was hot and sweaty, messy and desperate, and neither of you were letting up. Not even to breathe. His hands moving down to your waist felt too good, his chest against yours too real, his hair between your fingers too addictive, his soft groan every time your tongues clashed too vivid, and your lips molding together too perfect.
You were speaking to each other, in a way. Both of your bodies reciprocated every move, grabbing and twisting and pulling, both saying the same thing over and over and over again.
I’m going to miss you so fucking much.
Small eruptions of gold began to spawn behind your eyes, ones of pure pleasure, disbelief, and dizziness. His hands turned greedy now, encompassing the span of your back like it was nothing. The hairs on his face began to burn you, the feel of his warm mouth consuming you.
It was too much, too much too much too much, but it was so fucking good –
“Final call for boarding group two for flight to Austin, Texas. I repeat, final call for boarding group two for flight to Austin, Texas.”
It was like a switch flipped in both of your brains at once, propelling the both of you off of each other instantly. He didn’t make eye contact, not even for a second – just wiped his mouth quickly, fetching both bags, and turning from you, walking towards his gate.
He disappeared within the crowd, and you did the same. Turning back towards the entrance, pushing your way through the half-awake travelers, headed god knew where for god knew what.
Your lips still thumped, and so did your heart, so much so that you didn’t really know if you could feel your feet.
There were so many thoughts you could have been having, so much intricacy to the situation, that your brain did the only thing it could – it shut it all down, completely. If it hadn’t, you worried you wouldn’t have been able to pull from him in the first place.
It wasn’t until you made it back to your apartment and set your keys down on your nightstand that the thoughts started flooding in. There were too many to dissect, too rapid to make sense of, but one outweighed them all.
Had he looked back?
In your still hazy brain, that cemented every other question you had, calmed the steady stabbing that had begun to ache inside your skull. You fell asleep, the sun now high in the sky, illuminating your room into a kind of gold. It was a nice change, after a week of grey weather, but you were too gone to the world to notice.
The last thought you had before you escaped to slumber, and the first that you had the second you returned, was all the same: had Javier Peña looked back?
He had. Many, many times.
Tag list: (if you would like to be added or were somehow missed, please feel free to let me know :))
@lovesbiggerthanpride @paintlavillered @xocalliexo @c4psicle @joelsflannel @thesmutslut @untitledarea @daphne-turner @queerponcho @ririi-3
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bkgml · 1 year
katsuki taking care of drunk you!
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you and katsuki were in a weird place.
you both know you want each other, (so does the entire dorm). you’ve just never confessed so you’re in a weird stage of being more than friends but less than lovers.
earlier today kami got an invite from one of his one night stands to a party at a local college. she said to bring whoever he wants, so he invited you, bakugou, kirishima, mina, and jiro. you were so excited, if you could get katsuki to have a beer with you, maybe he’d loosen up a little and you could talk about your ‘situation’.
until bakugou had the genius idea to be the designated driver. why does he have to be so stupid and responsible?
guess you’re drinking away your problems tonight.
you get ready with the girls, giggling and bringing multiple outfits to mina’s dorm so she could pick for you.
“yn! you should literally wear none of these!” she saying laughing.
“you want bakugou to take notice of you tonight right?” she asks.
“well i mean a little bit, but not just for him! i’m independent!” you yell and jiro whoops.
“you’ve been independent for too long yn! it’s time to take what you want! i think, you should wear…. this!” she says pulling a dress out of her closet.
the perfect little black dress.
“okay i’m with mina now!!” jiro! how could she betray you like this!
you laugh and hold the dress up to yourself in the mirror.
“alright, alright! but only cause i’m going to look good in this.” you say shocked.
the girls cheer and you all finish getting ready.
“what the hell’s taking so long.” bakugou grumbles to his friends in the hallway.
“relax, bakugou we’re here!” you say, walking down the hallway with your girls.
“wow! you guys look great!” kirishima says, proud.
“thanks kiri!” the three of you say together.
you all get in the car and head to the party.
as you pull up, you take notice of the massive place you’re going to.
“holy shit! this is going to be awesome! our first college party!” mina squeals.
“none of you little shits better get lost, or pass out, or nothing. we’re all meeting back in this car at midnight or you’re all fuckin dead.” bakugo warns.
a chorus of ‘fine’ sings as you all get out and head to the party.
you spend the night trying to forget your issues with bakugou, by drinking, dancing, drinking, talking to your friends, drinking.
“haven’t you had enough?” bakugou says in your ear.
“lighten up. it’s a party, remember?” you say, walking away.
bakugou grumbles and goes to find a wall to lean on, so he can stand there and glare at you and your friends.
some loser chick tries to talk to him, and he looks her way to turn her down as politely as he can.
but as he looks back, you’re fucking gone.
“what the fuck? i looked away for one goddamn second.” he says to himself. eyes scanning the party in search of you.
after a minute of searching he hears a guy ask you to go upstairs with him. he’s about to lose his shit before he sees you walking up the stairs with him.
he scoffs. are you joking right now?
“yo!! bakugou! is that yn? whys she going upstairs with that guy? thought she liked you.” kirishima says.
“yeah. so did i.” he grumbles.
“well are you sure she wants to be going upstairs with him? she had a lot to drink” kirishima asks.
fuck he didn’t even think of that. he didn’t hear you say yes.
he stomps towards you, he needs to make sure you’re okay.
suddenly he sees your quirk activate, the guy sent into the wall.
you turn and see bakugou. fuck you need out of here.
“katsuki!” you say, rushing towards him.
katsuki? his heart jumps.
“hey, hey, what’s goin on?” he asks with his hands on your shoulders.
“wanna go home.” you slur.
fuck you’re so drunk.
“yeah, come on.” he says while leading you towards the rest of the group.
“alright dipshits, let’s go.” he says.
“whattt, but it’s not even 11:30!” mina defends.
“we’re going. now.” he says walking away, pushing you along with him.
you guys make it outside before you’re running into a bush to hurl your guts out.
“shit. come on, yn. you alright?” he says, rubbing your back, soothingly.
you stand straight and wipe your mouth.
“i wanna goooo.” you whine, pouting.
“i know, let’s get you home.”
you all get into the car, katsuki guides you to the passenger seat.
“but this is kiris seat.” you say, feeling guilty for taking it.
“i know, he won’t mind though, okay? you’re so sweet for thinkin of him.” he runs his fingers through your hair and you lean into his touch.
you all get into the car. while katsuki drives he keeps an eye on you, squirming in your seat.
“katsuki, i dont feel good.” you whine.
the car goes silent. you called him by his first name? and he didn’t murder you??
katsuki glares at them for a moment before turning his eyes back to the road. a silent ‘dont fuckin say a word’ warning and the people in the car resume to their normal chattiness.
“i know you don’t, yn. we’re almost there, okay? just hang on.” he soothes.
you stop squirming and try to take deep breaths to settle your stomach.
“alright we’re here, get out.” katsuki says to the idiots in his back seat.
once they leave katsuki gets out and opens your door for you. you run past him and throw up in another bush.
“fuck, are you okay?” katsuki asks.
“i wanna go to sleep, katsu.” you mumble.
katsuki takes you inside and walks you to your dorm.
“where are your keys, yn?” he asks and you hand them to him.
he opens your door and steps inside.
“are you done throwing up for tonight?” he asks cautiously.
“think so.” you hiccup.
“go brush your teeth, kay? i’ll get your pyjamas.” he says and gently pushes you into your bathroom.
he looks around your room and guesses which drawer your pyjamas sit in. thankfully, he guesses right. 
he picks some pyjamas for you and lays them on your bed.
you come out of the bathroom looking more refreshed.
“alright, you’re all set. see you tomorrow during your hangover.” katsuki says, turning on his heel and waking to your door.
“wait!” you call to him. he turns to you.
you walk to him and kiss him. hard. trying to start something you can’t finish. at least you used mouthwash.
“hey, hey, hey, no.” he says pulling you off him.
“please? i can’t do this waiting thing anymore katsuki.” you plead with him.
“i’m sorry, but i’m not doing this for the first time with someone who probably won’t even remember it in the morning.” he sighs, walking away again.
you run up to him again and wrap your arms around him, your cheek pressed to his back.
“i’m sorry. i made you upset.” you say.
god you’re so drunk.
he turns in your grip.
“i’m not upset, baby. i just don’t want us doing something we’ll regret cause you were drunk.”
you look up at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“will you stay the night with me? i don’t feel good and you’re so warm.” you plead.
he thinks for a moment. would you freak out if he was in your bed and you don’t remember why, maybe… but you trust him enough to believe why.
“okay, i’ll stay. get into the bathroom and change. i’ll wait for you.” he says, ushering you to the bathroom.
“promise you won’t leave?” you ask.
“i promise.” he pats your head and goes to sit on your bed.
thank god he wore comfortable clothes. you would probably have a harder time believing that nothing happened if he was in his boxers.
a couple minutes go by until you step out of the bathroom. you shyly walk up to him and sit in his lap.
you’re clingy when you’re drunk.
you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his chest.
he laughs lightly and swings his legs onto your bed before pulling the covers over the two of you. you being completely on top of him, curled into a little ball to help settle your stomach.
he runs his fingers through your hair and you kiss his peck in response.
maybe he’ll let dunce face drag you two to a couple more parties.
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part 2
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months
Mark My Territory
Summary: You evaded him. Again. This constant game was being played of him getting closer to you before you were ripped from his grasp. Again. He won’t miss this time you sly little fox. Your scent is etched in his brain more than anything else in the world. He won’t let his handlers stop him. He will have you. And he will make sure you stay put. You are his…
Pairings: Captain Hydra/Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: dark!explicit
Warnings:  dark, explicit language, explicit sexual content, non con/dub con, kidnapping, throwing, choking, fingering, unprotected sex, PIV sex, creampie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.9K
Steve Rogers Masterlist
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Captain’s dark blue eyes refocus as he removes his death glare of his next victim.  His fingers still cling to his neck, but they soften enough for a gurgling sound to emit from his disgusting throat.  Lifting his head fully up, the Captain gazes at his surroundings.  He felt it.  There was a shift.
“You fucking psycho,” the man in his grip screams, but the Captain squeezes as tight as he possibly can, cutting off all air to his lungs, before letting his lifeless body fall down to the pavement.  
Now he could focus.  Pulling his mask down, he takes a long sniff of air before his mouth turns up into an evil smirk, “Son of a bitch,” someone in the control center screams.  “He’s got that crazed look on his face.  He senses her.”
Popping his neck, he lifts his mask back up, and stalks down the road, while a team is sent in to retrieve him.  He was useless when he could feel you.  “Get someone in there now!” Nobody wanted to get in between you and the Captain.  There were always a few casualties.  A few soldiers were always lost.  Only one could ever get his focus away from you.
“He can’t find her.  We’re going to have to change her location again,” he takes a slow pause, seeing the Captain’s body cam.  “Too late,” he groans.
You stand up slowly out from under the table.  Trembling a bit, even if you had a feeling that he would never physically hurt you.  His height was vast and he was just as broad.  Terrifying and ways, and you weren’t sure what he wanted from you.  He always just stood there in front of you.  “Won’t you show me what you look like?” He shakes his head no, but extends his hand towards you.
“I don’t know what you want,” he wiggles his fingers, grunting a bit.  “Are you wanting me to hold your hand?” One nod, and another grunt.  Gulping, you step closer, tickling your fingers against his, and a shift happens to his eyes.
“Do I know you?” His free hand starts to pull down his mask as men surround you.  Jerking you away from him, and he releases an animalistic scream, throwing men aside.  And when someone grabs you from behind, dragging you his yells become growls.  
Lifting up grown men to toss onto the road.  His eyes hardly ever leave you.  You feel pity for him.  He was wanting to protect you.  He didn’t want their hands on you.  “NO!” He screams as a hand covers your mouth.  “MINE!” 
That was a turn of events.  He felt ownership over you.  Why?  Why did he feel connected to you?  He always found you.  Marching over to one man, the Captain’s fingers circle his neck as he turns back to you and your captor.  The man raises his gun pointing it at your head, and the tiniest little whimper squeaks out of your throat.
“NO!” He screams, cracking that man’s neck like it was a toothpick.  “NO hurt!” Tears drift down your cheeks, wetting the man’s knuckles.  There was something about his eyes.  “No,” he wasn’t yelling anymore he was pleading.  “Mine.”
“Soldier, we can’t take a civilian.  You have to go back,” he shakes his head no, a choked mine whispers at the man.  “She stays.”
Stays?  An option to take you wasn’t on the table.  You weren’t going anywhere.  “You might as well let him keep his little pet.  How many more missions are we going to have where he senses her?” Someone speaks into the ear of your captor.  “What’s the worst that could happen?  Might work out for our benefit if he knows he gets to go home to that piece of ass.”
“Soldier, at ease,” the soldier shakes his head no, repeating that you were his.  “At ease.  Get in the truck.  She’s coming with us.”
“No!” You wail, but the soldier walks over to you.  Lifting you up to throw you on his shoulder.  “No!  Let me go.  I am not yours!” 
Hitting him felt like he was made of bricks.  Solid and thick.  He makes no sound of distress, just keeps walking.  You could practically feel his smirk as he struts to the truck.  “Let me go!  Put me down!”
“No,” gone is the anger.  It was lighthearted.  This was sick.  This is not the way you wanted to die.  Become a play toy for this psycho that was going to do unthinkable forms of torture to you.  
The Captain grunts as he walks through the doors of the compound.  He had one thing on his mind, and it had nothing to do with taking his gear off, and being checked over.  A doctor comes over to his side, but he pushes him away.  
“You need to be cleaned, Captain.”
“Mmm,” he growls, continuing to his new mission.  It's what he deserved.
“Oh, let him have his fun,” an older man steps into the light, smiling at him.  “Having that stupid girl here is making things run so smoothly.  Let him pound into her tight twat.  Maybe eventually he’ll literally split her in half and we won’t have to worry about it again.  No more distractions.  Go ahead, Captain.  Fuck your girl.”
He grunts again.  He didn’t fuck you.  He owned you.  He loved you, and he could think of nothing more than sinking into your warmth.  Could already feel your velvety walls cling tight to his aching cock.  Getting out of his suit was going to be a bitch.  But you were worth it.  
He opens the door to your shared cell, and you hurl a shoe at him.  He catches it.  He always does.  Popping his neck, he curls his finger towards you, pointing at his suit, “Go to hell.”
Rolling his eyes, the Captain starts to take his suit off, with much more difficulty than if you would just do it for him.  “Just go ahead and kill me, you fucking asshole.”
“Say something more than no or mine.”
“Fucking brain dead asshole,” he charges towards you, slamming your body up against the wall.  Using his thick thigh to spread your own apart, he slips his hands between them, rubbing over your panty clad mound.  
“Mmm,” your body betrayed you every fucking time.  If only you could see his face.  You never got to see it.  Hydra had him muzzled up like the feral dog he was.  
“Ahh,” he squeaks, pushing aside your panties.  Pushing in two fingers.  Your body hates you.  Told on you every time with its loud squelching.  “Mine.”
“It’s my pussy, you weirdo,” he pumps into you harder, hearing you whimper, and grunts at your pleasure.  “It’s mine.”
“Mine!” Slipping in a third finger in makes your eyes roll into the back of your head, and he presses his palm against your bundle of nerves.  Driving into you with such force, you couldn’t argue.  He was playing unfairly.  Your pussy didn’t have a brain.  And right now, your own brain couldn’t think.
His arm pinning you to the wall, drifts up higher.  Adding pressure to your neck as your body starts to tingle.  Pushing you further and further into euphoria before he pulls out of you, and tosses you onto the bed.
“My god!  You fucking asshole!  Quit doing that shit.  If you’re going to make me wet, let me come.”
“Mine,” he growls, pulling off his suit into shreds.  That glorious cock bounces up once free, and you have a giant urge to bite it, and also lick off every morsel of precum.  He didn’t require your mouth.  He just wanted to edge you until you passed out.  You swore he finally let your body come once your eyes closed.
“Bet you don’t even know how to make me come,” the Captain chuckles under his mask.  Stomping over to the bed.  Reaching his hand towards you, his thick fingers grab onto your ankle.  Dragging your body down, he flips you over to your knees.  Trying to get away, he smacks you hard on the ass.  “Prove it then.”
He gives your weeping cunt a few slaps before driving into your warmth.  Giving you no time to adjust.  It was an assault on your mind more than anything.  You hated him.  Hated being used as a cocksleeve, but damn if he didn’t stretch you out in the most beautiful fucking way.
Your walls hug tight to him, begging for his touch, and sucking him back into your depths every time he pulls out.  Your pussy needed him, and you hated her for it.  Hated that you knew he was close to returning because she was already pooling slick into your panties.  
As if your crooked panties were keeping you too far away from him, he rips your off own clothes, and never misses a thrust.  Grabbing onto your hips, the Captain uses you to fuck him.  You hoped you had pushed him enough to let you come because you were right there.  You are tired of his games, and just needed relief.  
Whimpering out nonsensical words when he pulls out, and flips you on your back, “Told ya, you fucking pussy.  Don’t even know how to make a woman come.  You piece of shit.”
He rips your legs apart, pinning them on the bed beside your ears and stabs into you.  His whole weight on you made you feel even more magical.  You hated him, and your body.  Hated that he was doing this to you.  You were going to die in this cell with someone who didn’t even talk.  
“You.  Don’t.  Know.  How.  To.  Make.  A.  Woman.  Come,” each word was drug out with every push into your wet heat.  You feel your juices leak down your ass and onto the bed behind you.  It was cruel.  You just hope taunting him was enough.  “Claim my pussy then.”
“Mine!” He growls, pushing into you hard.  “Mine!  Mine!” You start to see stars.  This was it.  He was finally going to let you come.  It felt like years of no real satisfaction.  Spewing your arousal everywhere, speaking in tongues as you clench your eyes closed, but he keeps going harder.
“Mine!  All mine!” That was a new word.  He was getting somewhere.  “All.  Mine.  MINE!” You couldn’t see, but you could hear the squeak in his voice as he comes undone.  Thick ropes of his cum paint your walls, and you finally feel like you're floating.  
His thrusts slow down, and ever so gently, you reach up to pull off his mask.  Life flashes before your eyes as you stutter.  Trying to find your words.  It couldn’t be.  He had changed, and still had this weird love for you, “Steve?” 
He blinks hard, staring blankly at your face before the softest, “Princess,” whispers off his lips.
“St-St-Steve?  Steve?  Is that really you?” 
“Okay, that’s enough, soldier,” a man walks into your cell, literally pulling Steve out of you, and you sit up crying and shaking your head.  “Erase him.”
“Erase?  No!  No!” 
“Discard the girl.” 
“No!  Mine,” a needle to his neck, makes his eyes close before he’s dragged out of the room.
“I hope you finally enjoyed your orgasm.  He won’t be seeing you again,” the doctor backs out of the cell, leaving you screaming and crying.  You still felt him on every inch of his body, still had his seed dripping out of you.  What was going on.
“You bastards!  You fucking bastards!  Steve!  Steve Rogers, I love you!”
A shadow steps out of the darkness, and raises his finger to his mouth, “Shh,” and then….
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87 @harrysthiccthighss 
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confusedblakex · 4 months
‘Bakugo’s Match’ Quick Story and Headcannons
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo X (Male) Reader
Summary: Transferring to UA a little late into the year, you find that you are an exact mirror reflection of Katsuki Bakugo - a boy in class 1A who won’t shut up about it
Warnings: Cursing, sexual themes... kinda? (Not really, but by my standards it counts)
Requested by: @iamthebest1100 (Back in 2023)
Notes: He’s baaaaaack!
Last edited: 14th February 2024
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Class 1B was bad enough with just Monoma…
— “We have a new transfer student who will be joining this class,” Vlad King announced as a tall boy trudged into the room, “I expect you give him a warm welcome,”
“I’m (y/n),” the boy announced at the front of the room, “but don’t think that just because I got here late I’m weak, I’ll beat all your asses,”
The entirety of 1B deadpanned. You were just like Bakugo but with less yelling- —
The tension between you and Bakugo was intense
Like, you could ignore Monoma
But from the moment you two met it was instant
Bakugo thought of himself as better because he was in Class 1A
You thought of yourself as better because you were only in 1B due to transferring late
Fights between the two of you were matches of outlasting, you were both powerful and your quirks were similar
His was Explosions, nitroglycerine in his sweat
Yours was Kinetic Blast, the ability to collect kinetic energy and release it around you in high amounts
His explosions would charge your quirk, but your quirk made him sweat more due to the heat it could generate
— “Getting tired yet?” you goaded as he lunged at you with an explosion but missed.
“Ha! As if-” Bakugo yelled back, but you used your quirk to throw him away from you. The face behind his only urged you on more.
He landed a solid hit on your chest in retaliation, but it only made your quirk stronger. You sent that same kinetic energy back at him, the temperature around you both rising.
“Fuck you!” —
The current standing was your 11 wins to Bakugo’s 9
He kept saying that it was because his quirk charges yours more than yours charged his
Really, it was just that you wasted less energy with yelling profanities
Maybe he would finally shut up if his lips were on yous-
Wait what?
Even with exams the two of you would compete
But you were too well matched, often having the exact same scores
It didn’t take long of this routine before friendship attempted to weave through you, against both of your wishes
Once per fortnight the two of you would fight on a Friday, an unspoken agreement
When you won a match, you would lose the next
When he lost a match, he would win the next
Your firey personalities often lead to tension
But you could never truly hate each other
Actually, you both found the other rather attractive…
— The two of you had been put in a team together. Whether this was the teachers’ plan or not, you found yourself glaring at both Eraserhead and Vlad King.
“Bakugo your left!” you yelled as an Ectoplasm clone lunged at him. Without a moments notice, he turned and used his quirk in the clone’s face.
“Fuck that! How many are you on?!” he asked, lunging at another clone. The two of you were competing over who could ‘kill’ the most of Ectoplasm clones during training. Though it was not what the teachers wanted to instil in the two aggressive students, they couldn’t deny that it was a productive tactic.
“36-” you responded, but Bakugo quickly yelled back.
“Ha! 40! Take that you little shit-”
Right as Bakugo was about to hit one clone, another tripped him up from behind, causing him to stumble into you. You didn’t budge and held the boy’s weight, but he had fallen in a way that his body was partially draped across yours.
“What the fuck? Are you trying to seduce me or something?” You asked, using your quirk behind you to knock back any clones while Bakugo got to his feet.
“No?” Bakugo said, offended as he backed away from you quickly. Then he turned back and smirked, “Why, do you think I’m attractive-?”
“Shut the fuck up!” You cut him off, turning away to fight more, “Looking at your face for too long would make anyone lose brain cells,” —
The two of you were actually highly productive together and worked surprisingly well as a team
The flirting however? The came from nowhere
It started a way to get a rise out of Bakugo, but he was better than you thought
He would twist your words with that sexy ass grin and flirt back
But there was something more that neither of you ever spoke about
— “You’re weak.” you said on a whim one night, the two of you alone in a training room.
“The fuck did you just call me?” Bakugo seethed.
“Weak.” you reiterated.
Bakugo tried again, but you cut him off, “I will kill you-!”
“You can have as strong of a quirk as you like, but you’re weak,”
The two of you stood in silence, rage in Bakugo’s eyes but he felt like he needed to listen to what you had to say. Your eyes held something he couldn’t quite place, but rage he could find was only directed at yourself.
“You ever wondered why you’re trying to prove yourself?” you asked, “Expectations, inferiority…”
Bakugo ran it all through his mind. He was always told he would be a great hero. He was always trying to earn respect that he felt he was owed. He was always competing with someone when he felt like he wasn’t good enough.
But then something clicked. You were also like him. You were so much like him that his classmates often joked that you were his clone.
“By that logic so are you!” he found himself yelling defensively. He saw that same defensiveness flash in you.
“Yes, I fucking am!” you yelled, “Why do you think we fight each other?”
Silence settled between the two of you again. You turned and massaged your temples in frustration, but turned back when you heard Bakugo say your name.
You came face to face with him, his breath on your lips and your noses practically touching. Before you could protest, his lips were on yours.
It was an angry kiss. Passionate and annoyed, but far more gentle than you expected. Despite your urge to pull back, you only pressed the kiss further. Backing down would be admitting defeat.
His tongue slid across your lip and in retaliation you softly bit at his. Neither of you had backed down yet, and in your muffled thoughts you wondered if the only way to lose would be to run out of breath.
As the kiss deepened further, Bakugo reached to hold you, his hand on your hip and gripping hard. Not enough to hurt, but enough to make you panic. This was actually real. In a split-second reaction, you used your quirk to push him back. He stumbled as he processed what had just happened, now a two-person distance between you.
You had lost. He had taken you off guard and you reacted.
“Fuck you!” you said darkly. 
“You better be fucking good at it then,” he said and walked off as if nothing at all had just happened. He said it like a threat but you froze when you realised what he had meant.
Bakugo smirked on his way out. Not because you of what he had said and not even because you were flustered, but because he had won. No homo. —
You never spoke about that day again, and neither of you were ever going to admit any feelings out loud
Not for a very long while at least
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xylianasblog · 7 months
What’s mine.
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Pairings: Tonowari x Fem Metkayina Reader
Summary: One thing for sure leaving marks was one of your mates favorite things to do. Claiming and loving on you so everyone knows who you belong to.
Warnings: MDNI, biting, establish relationship, claiming, p in v, choking.
♥ 18+ ♥ no minors! ♥ 18+ ♥ no minors! ♥ 18+ ♥ no minors! ♥ 18+ ♥
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The feeling is his teeth grazing against your neck had you whimpering, his large hands holding onto your hips as he held you down against the blanket.
A small cry left your lips as his nails dug into your hips, his thrust slow as he fucked into you gently. Deliberately taking his time with you as he nipped and sucked on the skin of your neck. Your fingers tangled into his hair, the silk strands all tangled and bunched up at your rugged on his hair. “Ah…” you yelled as his teeth sunk into the skin, your walls tightening up around him.
The feeling of you growing tighter has his hips stuttering from the pleasure, his mind momently losing focus as he pushed into you roughly.
His grunts mixing with your moans as he fucks into you while littering bites across your skin where he can reach. “Look at you getting tight my love..” he growled out. “You like when I mark you… claim you as mine for the whole clan to see.” He stated. The notion no matter how crazy was always true. You enjoyed wearing his marks showing them off to the world.
“Good girl.. you love it.. letting the clan know who you belong to.” He grunted as his thrust got harder, his hand coming up to grip your chin, holding your head to the side for better access. “My precious girl.. wearing my marks… other males…” he thrust roughly into you. “They look to long.. they want you..” he growled out, the thought of other males looking at you had his mind going feral as he bit down, fangs digging into the skin of your neck roughly.
The taste of your blood against his tongue sent him over the edge, his eyes shut tightly as his hand lost hold of your chin only to grasp your neck. You moaned out loving the way he became rough and possessive over you.
“Mine..” he grumbled… “all mine..” he growled.
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Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @hiddensnow1 @criticallybella @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @cinetrix @tiredmamaissy @headsincloud9 @etherialblackrose @strongheartneteyam @blue-slxt @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @justcaptainnoodles @Neteyamyawne
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readychilledwine · 7 months
Azriel Week Day 3 Prompt - The Knife in the Dark - The Fall of Icarus
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Summary - Waking up alone in a dark cell was not part of your mission plans, only you're not alone.
Warnings - torture, mentions of blood, Azriel being scary
A/n - I've never wrote a torture scene before 👀👀👀👀 I don't know if I'll ever write one again. Not 100% proud of this @azrielappreciationweek piece, but not hating it either.
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Chains. You had always hated chains. You tugged at the ones on your wrists again, flinching as they cut into the soft skin of your wrist and gave in. 
"You're awake. Good, I was getting bored," you glared towards the darkness that voice came from, arms aching. Your father had warned you to enter the Night Court carefully, and you had. Which made this reality much harder to accept.
Blue siphons began to shine in the darkness in front of you, a large male looking as if he was death himself coming towards you. "Who are you and where did you come from?"
"Get Rhysand. He will know who I am and why I am here." That you realized was the wrong answer. A sharp blade pressed against the hollow point of your throat, causing you to whimper softly as you felt it nick the soft skin there. 
He smirked, "You are in no position to be making demands, little one." You steeled yourself, having sworn to your parents to speak to Rhysand and Rhysand only after he answered a riddle correctly. "Who are you and why are you here?"
You took a deep breath, the bargain tattoo burning as you contemplated breaking it. You made your choice, remembering who you were and your position in your home, and raised your head defiantly. "I will speak to Rhysand and no one else, dog, per my orders."
Azriel put a hand above your shoulder, making you silently grateful you had hidden your wings. "Where did you come from? I will send them a part of you so they know you failed. At least you'll die a loyal fool, though." At speed your mind hardly registered, he cut you.
First the inner part of your left bicep, then diagonally across your stomach, then across the tops of both thighs. You out your head against the stonewall, breathing deeply through the pain. "Kill me and you will find Pryithian lost for help in your upcoming war."
Azriel paused then. "And how would that be, little one." That blade dug back into your throat, and you sent a prayer to the Mother. This is how you'd die. You would die after being sent to Rhysand to ask why an illyrian male had been flying over Cretea and to offer assistance. 
You whispered softly. "I can't tell you." Death would come your way before the dishonor of breaking a bargain with your father, possibly endangering your fae. "I have orders."
Azriel slide that blade down the front of your shirt. "You'll die for your orders instead of just telling me the answers to my questions?"
You nodded. "I'll die for the safety of my home." Azriel didn't want to tell you how he understood. He didn't want to comfort you before doing what he was about to do. He sunk and twisted that blade into your left thigh, barely avoiding that crucial artery before pulling the blade out and putting it into your right hand, making you scream out and tears begin to fall. 
You don't know how long it went on for. Minutes, hours, days. He'd ask you the same three questions, anger setting in more and more for him as you denied him each time. You were beyond grateful were darkness found you again. Slipping into unconsciousness and falling limo against that stonewall.
Azriel lead Rhysand and Cassian to the room, opening it for him. He watched as Rhysand's face fell, his eyes going wide before he ran, ripping the heavy key ring from Azriel and unlocking the female prisoner. 
He went to the ground holding her, rocking her gently while he whispered to her it would be okay. "GO GET A FUCKING HEALER!" It wasn't Rhysand who yelled that at him, but his high lord commanding it. Cassian went instantly while Azriel stood paralyzed. 
"Sssssssshhhh," Azriel watched as Rhysand brushed a hair behind your ear. "You're okay little angel. It's going to be okay."
Azriel heard you speak weakly, "Icarus-"
Rhys interrupted voice broken, "Laughted as he fell and screamed to the winds. There's bitter triumph in failure, joy in the crash, and excitement in falling instead of soaring." The bargain and protect ward faded off of you, revealing those soft feathered wings. "I have you, y/n, you will be fine."
Azriel sat by your side on Rhysand's bitter angry orders. He didn't know how he didn't see it, those familiar doe eyes, that hair, your nose. Rhys was in the room, deep into a letter and scratching the parchment with rushed strokes. 
Parchment he was using to inform Maryam and Drakon of their youngest daughter's torture at Azriel's hands. Your little hand twitched in his and he moved instantly getting water ready for you as you shot awake, body fully healed from Madja, Rhysand, and Lucien's efforts. 
Rhys stiffened instantly, hearing the change in your breathing and set his pen down to come to your other side. "I'm glad you're awake." He offered gently. "Do you want anything?" 
You shook your head, moving closer to him and away from Azriel. It shouldn't have hurt him the way it did. But it had. It cut him deeply that his friend's daughter was afraid of him now. "I want to go home." 
Rhys nodded at the answer. "Why are you here, darling?"
"There was an Illyrian male flying over the ruins of Cretea. Why?"
Azriel shut his eyes. You had been sent as a contact point. He tortured not just his friend's daughter, but a potential allies' contact point. Rhysand inclined his head to Azriel. "I sent him to look for all of you and ask for help with the war we are about to face against Hybern. We assumed you all ran with Jurian looking for your mother." Rhysand offered you the water Azriel was holding. "Do you know if they will stand with us?" 
You shook your head in uncertainty. "I do not make those calls. My father and brothers do. I could have said yes before, but now, I-" You shook your head. "I do not know what dad will say when he hears of this."
Rhys nodded, understanding completely. "He would have never hurt you had he known. We understand why you were so heavily glamored. I know it is a lot to ask right now, but hopefully someday you'll understand why he did what he did."
Summer was beautiful, even if you were currently there being healed after one of Hyberns generals had singled you out. Madja was mending one of your wings, her wrinkled hands moving through the feathers and healing the bones slowly. 
Rhysand had pulled your father out moments ago, mentioning he had a prisoner that he needed your father to decide the fate of. 
You leaned further into Morrigan, appreciating the way she was comforting you by scratching your scalp with her long nails. She froze suddenly, face growing pale as she looked towards the entrance of the tent. Madja gasped loudly, leaving your back go look over who ever had just entered. 
Heavy footsteps made their way towards you, and you looked to see them belonging to a heavily siphoned male, blood soaking his armor and leather wings. You stared at Azriel's face, a brow raised, "Yes?"
"Your father sent me to inform you he is dead." You nodded, looking into those hazel eyes, "and that my debt is paid." You nodded again as Mor silently excused herself and Azriel took her place. 
"How'd you do it?"
Azriel chuckled. "Skinned him alive. One strip for every feather he ripped out and broken bone he gave you."
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callofdudes · 1 year
Can I request TF141 x Reader where they’re on a mission til suddenly Y/n got into a fight by the enemy. Til she went trigger bringing out the savage beast and started to kill the enemy who get into her way. TF141 are shock what they’re seeing. They try to calm Y/n but she lost control and about to attack them. Price brought out a record tape that Lasewell give it to him and told him to play it for Y/n calm down just in case. Once Y/n hear the lullaby song the voice from her mother she started to cry and passed out.
Take all the time you need. No need to rush. Btw I love your work. I read all of them.
Ah, thank you for the request. I'm glad you enjoy my writing @silverwolf-108 I realized that you'd sent in a second and third request so I thought I needed to hop to it and finish this one for you!
A/n: I made the tape an ipod instead, I hope you don't mind, it's a bit easier to play quickly in a frantic situation.
Also thank you for being so patient with me, you are an angel 😊😅
The battle had gone on long and hard. Bullets sprayed across the field, wind whipping around you and the boys. Ghost was hidden back against a shed, practically pinned down and unable to move while Johnny bled out. He cupped the sergeants cheek to try and keep him awake, his heart beating out of his chest.
"Y/n!! Find cover!" Simon urges.
He turns back to Johnny, trying to keep him awake.
Your heart pounds out of your chest. Everything is a blur and it's way too much for you. Too stimulating. A bullet whizzes by your hair, blood rushing through your ears.
Your fingers start to itch on your gun, wanting to pull the trigger on these motherfuckers and give them a piece of your fucking mind.
You look back at your team, trying to hide for cover as well. Gaz is tucked into Price's shoulder, hiding against the ground to try and survive the bullet spray.
"Johnny!! Open your eyes sergeant!! We're not done here!"
You see Simon in desperation and Johnny's limp body. It's all too much. Your heart lurches in your chest and you feel like you're going to puke.
Blood drips from Johnny's chest and you lose it. Seeing his blood makes you violent. Animalistic.
You regrip your gun and run from your hiding spot.
"Soldier!!" Price yells at you.
You can't hear, blood rushes in your ears. You throw a smoke grenade one way and take out the two soldiers closest to you. You disregard their fallen bodies and run into the smoke.
You raise the stock of your gun and hit another man upside the head and send him down to the ground.
You drop your gun and grab your knife, grabbing another man by the throat and carving it out and up his jaw. Blood spilled across your face and you kick his body away.
They try to shoot you through the smoke, bullets whizzing and whipping by you but never touching.
You shoot two more men and advance on the others.
Everything is red. Murder and blood was all too much. Too stimulating. Your fingers itch as the smoke clears. Another soldier attempts to take hold of you, your blade meeting him first, followed by you snapping his neck before he has the chance to bleed out.
Another soldier grabs you but you sink your blade into his shoulder, chopping and hacking away at the spot before drawing a deep line across the expanse of his chest.
You don't stop to catch your breath, throwing your knife into the forehead of another man.
Two men grab you and pull you back. You snarl, kicking in the dirt and grab another knife, slicing it into one of the men's wrists and pulling him around and swinging him into the other men.
"I will not let you touch my family." You growl before sinking your blade into his chest and twisting it around in the cavity. The second man tries to get up and run but you slice his leg and slam your blade into the back of his head, blood spilling and splattering across the ground.
The 141 watches in horror and shock. The men that just moments ago were about the kill them all were now being demolished by you. What had happened.
Simon watches, honestly impressed. Though he'd kick your butt for pulling such a stunt and putting yourself in the way like that.
He clutches Johnny tightly to his chest, another bullet whipping past his head before you rip the man's gun from his hands and smash the side right into his face.
Another bullet whizzes by and Price pulls Gaz against his chest, breathing heavy. "It'll be ok, it'll be ok." He reminds Gaz, watching you from where they were hiding with shock and is just as impressed as Simon. Although he sees where your safety is in immediate danger.
Your heart is still beating out of your chest even when things slow and the soldiers are gone.
Using the soldiers gun you shoot down more of the soldiers until the troops begin to slow in numbers.
The last of the soldiers run at you and you hit him with the stock, slamming him on the ground and stomping on his head, cracking it and splattering more blood across the ground.
Price sits up and looks at you, he's not sure if he should congratulate you or slap you over the head.
You just stand there, hunched over and breathing heavily. Your fingers itch, bloody blade still clutched in your hand while you try to recover some semblance of thought.
Gaz gets up from his spot and rushes out to see if you're ok. "Y/n, wh-what was that??"
His footsteps make your head twitch. His hand grazes your shoulder and you push him back, throwing him into the dirt.
Price grabs you and pulls you into a roll with him, ripping you away from Gaz. Your blade drops from your hands and narrowly misses Gaz's eye, slicing a cut against his forehead.
Price is already reacting when he sees you climb on top of Gaz and raise your blade. Gaz tries to kick you off, trying to get away.
You snarl at him, your eyes are dark and he can see that you're not in there, not fully present right now. His heart lurches when the blade starts to come down and he scrunches his eyes tightly.
Price tries to hold you down while you scream and kick and squirm. You hit him with all your might, trying to take him down but he's just so much stronger than you.
Price firmly but lovingly holds you against him, shielding you from the world.
"I'll bloody murder you!!" You scream, trying to bite him.
You grew distressed and uncomfortable in his arms. Too tight, tol restricting, to unsafe. You scream again, trying to kick and punch and spit.
"It's ok y/n, it's ok, it's just us. It's just us." He tries to soothe you with his voice but it's not affective.
You continue to kick and squirm, hitting him in the shoulder and trying to bite his arm.
And then he remembers protocol. He'd been given a rundown on this when you'd joined the 141.
"Gaz, check my bag!"
Gaz whines, clutching his bleeding forehead but rushes to complete the task and searches Price's bag. "When you find and old ipod let me know."
Gaz keeps digging until he finds the phone at 100 percent. "Got it."
"Play the first song, now!"
"Is now the time for songs, captain??"
"Kyle Garrick do it now!!"
Gaz is shaking as he presses play and a soft moldy starts. He holds it's closer to you and your fighting starts to slow. Your nails dig into Price's forearm and your bottom lip quivers.
You go limp and burst into sobs. Hot, wet tears flow down your face and your breathing gets faster. You cling to Price now instead of trying to fight him.
You clutch his gear, trying to breath through heavy tears.
Price runs his hand over your head. "It's ok sergeant, take a deep breath soldier. Take a deep breath."
You whimper and exhaustion floods your body, and your eyes close.
Gaz pauses the music as you fall asleep in Price's arms, curled up in his safety and his warmth.
"What... Just happened??"
"Classified sergeant. But it's over now." He strokes your hair gently. "Now we need to get both Y/n and Johnny out of here now."
Simon comes over, still a little stunned with a shivering, weak Johnny in his arms.
They all move to the evac site where they meet medical. They take both of you and fly their soldiers back to base.
Price is nervous for you to wake up, but he sits the boys down for a chat to try and explain what happened as much as he can. it brings a bit of light to the subject, but doesn't change the fact that Ghost and Gaz didn't see it coming and are a stunned.
Ghost had never seen anything like it. The absolute rage that drove you into that battle like a madwoman.
Nonetheless they were all happy that they survived, it was all thanks to you.
You woke up a day later, exhausted and tired, but alive. You didn't all remember what happened. You remember you were fighting, and then you were cradled in Price's arms. Looking back on it felt like a mindless blur.
You slowly sat up, seeing small wounds of yours patched and stitched.
In the next bed lay Johnny, out cold with bandages tightly wrapped around his chest.
The door opened and you snapped up to look as Price, Ghost and Gaz come in.
"Guys!" You smile and hold your arms out for hugs. Price hugs you tightly, kissing your forehead. "I'm so glad you're alright."
Ghost pats your head and Gaz also hugs you.
You notice the bandage on his forehead and brush your thumb over it. You don't like to see them hurt.
"Who did this to you, Gaz?"
Gaz smiles awkwardly. "Just some guy on the field, but with how you were hacking around I think you got him."
You clutched your head when you felt a sharp headache come on. "I... I don't remember much... I'm sorry."
Price takes your hand and squeezes it. "You were very brave y/n, you saved our asses back there. You don't have to remember it for it to have happened."
You look up at him and nod. "Thank you."
Ghost moves closer to you and grumbles under his breath. "I don't know what the bloody fuck you were doin', but you could have gotten yourself killed!!" He sighs and squeezes you in a tight hug, surprising you.
"So bloody glad you're alive. You hear me??"
You hug him back and smile. "I hear you lieutenant."
He pulls away and leans over the other bed, clutching Johnny's limp hand in his own.
"What about Johnny??" You ask.
They all look over at Johnny who is still unconscious and breathing quietly. The heartbeat monitor near his bedside plays in soft smooth rhythms.
"Johnny is alright. Lost a lot of blood and needs rest, but he is doing ok."
You sigh in relief. Price helps you off your bedside and you shake out your sore limbs. "I think I'm gonna go rest in my room for a bit... Thank you."
"Of course sergeant, call us if you need us."
"Will do Captain."
You headed down to your room, still with a headache you crawled into your nice warm bed, and drifted asleep. The anxiety and overstimulation got to you sometimes on the field, reminding you of things and sending you into overdrive fight mode.
But I guess this time it really did save your asses. Johnny doesn't remember anything, but he'll thank you for saving them regardless.
And they all lived happily ever after, I hope you like it 😊
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TITLE: a hot shower
TAGS: Dean Winchester x female!reader, SMUT, 18+, sexual intercourse, anal, penetrative sex, oral sex, domDean, praising kink, sex in the shower, name-calling
SUMMARY: Dean comes home while you're taking a shower. You scream as you slip and he enters the bathroom, worried for your safety. Things get hotter in an instant.
Words count: 3.2 k
WARNING: just smut, be prepared. English isn't my first language, so... apologies.
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Hot water run down your body. After weeks of cleaning yourself quickly in shitty motel bathrooms, you could finally take your time and relax with a long, hot, and steamy shower inside the bunker. The boys were out as FBI agents in a nearby city, so you could relax all alone. You started playing your favorite playlist before entering and now you were singing “Daddy cool” at the top of your lungs. Your singing was pretty bad, but you didn’t care at that moment, plus, the lyrics of that song were easy to sing so it wasn’t that bad. You were lathering soap on your body while humming the next song that started playing, it was “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)” and it made you giggle. That song was one of Dean’s favorites, it was silly, like him. You found yourself smiling while washing your body. Realizing that you were ridiculously smirking for a song you snapped out of it and grunted.
The hot water was running down your face and you sat down in the shower, “fuck, I’m so stupid” you said out loud. You knew you had feelings for Dean, and that they were growing bigger every day, but you were simply ignoring them. Dean was constantly messing around with other chicks, every night, you naturally thought that a relationship between the two of you was impossible, not to mention the awkward situation that it would create in your daily hunting jobs.
But you couldn’t help it, his continuous innuendos, his lips, his voice, his arms, and his fingers often kept you awake at night. Sometimes you passed in front of his room to go to the kitchen at night and heard his noises…his moans and his heavy breathing during the night. Those sloppy sounds melted your knees each time you heard them, and you often stopped by his man cave a couple of minutes before going to your room, completely forgetting about the beer you wanted from the kitchen.
You were squeaky clean already, but you remained in the shower a little longer, enjoying the warmness hitting your body, a bit aroused because of those memories. Suddenly you hear a voice shouting “Y/N, I’m home!”, it was Dean, just him though, “Sam is at the local library to do some nerd research, but the job is pretty easy” the husky voice continued. You didn’t answer right away because you were lost in thoughts, and the man added “Y/N! Are you home? Y/N!”. The second time he pronounced your name he sounded concerned, so you finally answered, yelling “YES! TAKING A SHOWER!”, he replied with an awkward mh-mh that was closer than the words he pronounced before, he seemed…behind your door(?), he probably heard the water running and went towards that sound. The next song started playing: “Cherry Pie” and the moment the lyrics started you heard Dean singing “She’s my cherry pie / cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise/taste so good make a grown man cry / sweet cherry pie!”, he was so good at singing, his voice was so sweet … husky, and it sent a shiver down your spine. He chuckled and added, “Fuck, I love that song! You’ve got good taste, Y/N”.
You let out a laugh and stood up, but the floor was soapy, and you slipped, letting out a scream that sounded much worse than what actually happened. Dean heard you screaming and kicked the door open, you were sitting on the shower floor again, rubbing your left hip as you hit it. The moment you realized that he was standing in front of you, with a worried look and that you were completely naked, well, the situation made your cheeks red, and a rush of blood reached your inner thighs at the same moment. “Are you okay?!” Dean almost shouted while looking at your naked body, searching for an injury. The realization of what he did suddenly hit him, and he looked away, his cheeks red with embarrassment. Silence pervaded the room for a few seconds, “I’m okay” you whispered and tried to cover your body with your arms “everything is fine, I just slipped, so can you please go out?” you finished to ask this and turned to face him again, noticing a wide tent on his tight jeans. Blood rushed towards your inner thighs again, you could feel that you were getting soaked down there. Dean was still looking away, “Do you really want me to go out right now?” he said with a hushed tone and a hinted smirk on his face. Your eyes wide open, looking at him, at his body and that tent. “Because you know” he added, “I hear you stopping by my room at night. One time I checked the time and you stayed there for 5 full minutes”. You bit your lip and remained silent, not knowing what to say. He turned to look at you and his gaze was so heavy on your soaked body. “What were you doing? Touching yourself while hearing my moans? Sometimes I even moved closer to the door so you could listen properly, you know?” he said with a grin while walking closer towards you. “So, let me ask you the question again: do you want me to walk out of that door?” he asked you, now in front of you as he opened the shower door and lowered down to look into your eyes. You were still pressing your arms against your breast to cover them and keeping your thighs shut to hide something. You looked into his eyes and whispered “N-no…please don’t go”. He grinned and went to pull the door over to keep the steam in, took off the white shirt, and went back to you. “Good girl” he said “Don’t lie to yourself. I could hear those moans from behind the door and you often helped me finish. They sounded so sweet and so desperate”, he took you up and lowered himself down to quickly check your left hip. “You’re gonna have a bruise there. Well maybe… not only in that spot after this” he said looking up at your face, with a smirk. He stood up and got closer to your face, your lips basically touching. You couldn’t stop looking at his eyes like they were magnets. He kissed you deeply and held your waist, sinking his hands in your skin. You let out a moan of pleasure the exact moment his tongue melted inside your mouth. Waves of warmth reached your pussy, you were a puddle down there. He stopped kissing you only to go for your neck, he started licking your neck and leaving his marks all over it, biting it softly and grunting while doing so.  Feeling Dean so eager to touch you melted you, melted your knees and your brain as you couldn’t think straight anymore. “baby, you should speak more” he said “use your big girl words and tell me what you dreamed about those nights”, he grinned and pressed his body against your wet one. You could feel his big bulge against your skin “I-I thought about you. I thought about how would it feel to have your fingers inside my – my tight cunt” you finally said, not believing that you confessed that. He giggled and went down on his knees, his face was now at the same level as your slit, he spread your pussy lips open and moaned as he saw how wet you were. He immediately found you’re already hardened clit and started circumnavigating it with his thick fingers. You let a moan escape your throat and tried to cover it with your hand. Dean reached for your wrist and let your mouth free “Oh no Baby, I wanna hear those moans” he added and proceed to stick out his tongue near your
cunt. He grabbed your thighs and spread your legs open. A satisfied moan came out of his mouth and he sunk his tongue inside your pussy. His hot and experienced tongue melted inside you and you couldn’t help but moan as he knew which spots to search for. He kept pinching and stroking your clit to hear your moans intensify. You could feel his tongue going up and down inside of you and he kept moving around. You started shaking and he started stroking your clit faster to make you cum while his tongue was inside of you. You did, you cummed and you were in pure bliss already. He took his tongue out and licked all your cunt one more time. “You taste so sweet” he said, almost growling, and stood up to kiss you. Your juices and his saliva melted inside your mouth, that was one of the sexiest things ever at that moment. As he kissed you he pushed two of his digits deep inside you and started searching for your g-spot. He reached it sooner than expected and you trembled and arched your back, resting your head against his shoulder. “here it is” he whispered in your ear, and started pushing and stroking it with his fingers, he added one more digit and a big moan escaped from your mouth. “Good girl, let yourself go for me, cum again for me… cum on my fingers” he added while keeping your body pressed to his. His sweat started to pervade the room and that smell sent you to heaven. You started moaning and shouting his name while trembling on his fingers. You could feel his bulge pressed against your stomach, all those feelings made you cum as he whispered your name in your ear, juices started dripping down your thighs, your knees started weakening and your pussy was twitching around his digits. He smiled at you and kissed you deeply. He took his fingers out, covered in your juices. He stared at them for a couple of seconds, grinning, and then sucked his fingers off while looking at you. That scene was so fucking arousing and you couldn’t help but whine “please Dean, more”. He grabbed you closer and started unbuttoning his pants which he quickly threw on the floor. He was in his boxers now, you could see the size of his bulge and the sticky precum drenching his underwear. He pressed his body against yours and turned on the hot water “you’re cold, let’s keep you warm. I don’t want you to catch a cold” He said and proceeded to kiss you while sliding his hands all around your body, caressing your breasts and holding your waist. Hot water was running down your bodies and Dean started pinching your already hard nipples, he started kissing your neck again and slowly moved down, he started sucking your tits, pinching them, biting them, and leaving marks on your body. You couldn’t help but moan in pleasure, your legs started shaking again. Dean’s hot dick was pressing against your waist. You went down on your knees to see it and because you couldn’t stand anymore. Once you were sitting down you pulled down his boxers, his cock firm against your face. You gasped as you saw it, the bulge was big but you didn’t think it was like that. He looked down at you and moved his hips towards you, slamming his hard cock against your cheeks, his precum stuck to your face. His smell and his moans were too much for you and you started sucking him off. In the beginning, you wrapped your tongue around his tip, and the taste of his precum pervaded your mouth. You were going slow and taking your time around his dick, but it was too slow for Dean. He started moving his hips and you felt his cock going down your throat, you moaned and your pussy was drenched again. He looked down at you moaning your name, swearing, and breathing heavily “Fuck, you’re so beautiful” he said when your eyes met, and you could feel him twitching inside your mouth. He moved harder than before, he was basically mouthfucking you, he started to hold your head between his huge hands, and he pushed you towards his body. You left out gripes of pleasure and felt your cunt burning, you wanted that but between your thighs.
You looked into his eyes while he was moving and he stopped “Oh Y/N, if you look at me like that, I’m gonna melt” he whined and let go of your face. He pulled his cock out of your mouth and lowered himself down to kiss you one more time. This time it was his juice and your saliva melting together in your passionate kiss. You got up and he followed you while holding your waist, not letting you go for an instant. He turned you around and you rested on the shower wall, he could see your back now, he stared at your ass and folded it with his hands, spreading your ass cheeks apart, you let a moan out, “Dean, please stop teasing me” you whimpered, almost begging him to put it in. He slid his hand down on your back, reached for your butt, slapped it, and then quickly put his fingers in your pussy again, just for a couple of seconds, and then pushed one digit in your ass. “Fuck” you exclaimed while moaning. You whimpered but the pain mixed with the excitement was so arousing, you would have taken him everywhere at that moment. He kept moving his finger in and outside your ass and whispered in your ear “Oh sweetheart, but I love seeing you getting so excited for me. And I didn’t even shove my dick inside of you yet”, you could feel his grin against your ear and he bit your earlobe as he thrust another finger inside you. You moaned his name and felt juices dripping down your thighs. Dean could have done anything to you, you would have accepted it. “I really don’t know in which hole I should put it, which one Y/N?” he said in a hushed tone. “P-Please Dean” you replied, “in my cunt” you said between one moan and another. He sighed, “Since you asked it so kindly, I guess I will baby girl, but I’m gonna fill you up even here later” he added while pushing another digit in your ass. You let out a scream and moaned deeply. He took his fingers out and pushed his tip against your pussy lips, feeling how hot and wet you were. “You really want this, uh?” he said giggling “tell me how much though.”. He was waiting for your response as he kept rubbing his tip against your cunt, up and down… slowly. “I’m begging you Dean; I really really want it inside” you whined while moving your hips. “Good girl” he growled and pushed his dick inside of you. Your cunt twitched the moment it felt his cock. “Fuck, you’re so tight for me” he said and started moving his hips while holding your waist. That pleasure was driving you crazy and you were moaning his name like a chant. You whispered “harder”, and his cock twitched a bit, his pace increased, and you started yelling instead of moaning. Every thrust was a moment of bliss but the second he started rubbing your clit while thrusting inside of you made you lose it.
You started trembling, shivers went down your spine and you screamed his name, your knees weak again in an instant. “You did so good, cumming around my cock” he told you and stopped moving “But we’re not finished yet” added. He pulled out his dick and started rubbing it against your ass again, slamming it against the line between your cheeks. He moaned and told you ”I don’t want to do this if you don’t feel like it. Just tell me Y/N”. his tip pressed against your ass. The pleasure and lust filled your mind, you turned your face to see his face, the water was dripping on it, and his mouth was open, breathing heavily, a desiring look on his face. “Oh fuck it” you said and lift your left leg so he could go on “just go slow at the beginning, ok?”. “Of course baby” he said with a jubilant tone, then he proceeded to slowly push his dick in your ass, giving it time to adjust to his width “you’re so tight. I’m gonna cum in minutes if it’s like this” he moaned and whimpered. A gasp and a choked scream left your mouth, it was painful but the thought of having him everywhere was so arousing that you simply couldn’t stop. He pushed in slowly and finally all his length was inside of you, “fuck” he kept moaning and started to slowly move in and out. Your moans became one and he started speeding up his pace. You could feel him twitching in your gut, he started holding your breast while moving his hips, but his hands quickly run down and reached your clit again, he started making eights on it and your legs started trembling. His cock inside of you, his fingers touching you, his breath echoing in your ear. It was too much. You were so close to cum again and so was he. He started thrusting inside of you faster, deeper, harder, and let out a moan, mumbling “I’m gonna cu-“, he couldn’t finish the sentence as you felt his hot semen filling you up. He kept moving and you felt his cum dripping down your tights, now working as a lube, he didn’t let go of your clit either, wanting you to cum one more time before stopping. He wanted to give you pleasure and that thought made you cum again, your legs were shaking once again. He finally stopped and rested his body against yours, panting heavily.  “Fuck” you both said, he pulled out and hugged you from behind, water running down your faces. The two of you were in pure bliss. “I- I think I love you” he mumbled in your ear while tightening the grip around your body. “I think so too” you whispered, not believing what just happened. You turned around and hugged him, he looked at you with a gentle smile and then added “Did I hurt you? I- I’m sorry, I got carried away and you were so beaut-“ you laid one finger against his lips “shush, it was unbelievable” you giggled and smiled at him. “We should probably take a shower now” he chuckled and took the soap in his hand, “Let me wash your back” he added. “Oh yes, we should” you replied with a smirk on your face, you turned on your back and he started lathering the soap. “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)” started playing again, and the playlist restarted. You laughed and Dean started to sing that dumb song. You rubbed his back clean after. You took care of each other, washing each other’s hair and rinsing the soap from your bodies.
That was one of the many times Dean Winchester and you had some alone time.
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multific · 1 year
The French and His Wife
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Vincent de Gramont x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Mention of torture, Murder
Summary: After a long day at work, Vincent was tired. He just wanted to go home and take a shower with you, then sleep. But when he arrived home, he found mayhem.
Arriving back at his mansion all Vincent wanted was a quiet night, to hold his wife and sleep.
He let out many long sighs during the drive.
Then as they arrived at the gates, his driver looked at him through the mirror.
"Sir, something's not right." said the driver before he drove further into the property.
Vincent saw his men running around as if they were headless chickens.
"What the fuck happened?!" yelled Vincent as two of his bodyguards went over to him.
"They took the Miss."
Vincent stood in silence. The calm before the storm as they say. His other man tried to explain the situation better.
"She was in the bedroom, sleeping, we assume, when it all went downhill. They broke in through the front door but it was only a distraction because, at the same time, they broke into her room as well. They killed her guards and took her, Sir."
He pulled his gun out and shot the two men. Everyone around him froze as they looked at him.
"Someone better have a fucking explanation!"
He now sat in his office, bouncing his leg as the man in front of him explained what happened.
"They broke down the front door and caused a big scene. It attracted most of the guards. As per protocol, two guards ran to the Miss' room. They tried to get her, and while they did cause some delays, they were killed. The Miss ran but soon got captured. In total, we lost four of our men but killed most of them. They took her to a car and drove off through the back gate. We have a license plate but we found the car dumped not far, they changed cars. We are currently following tracks."
"I don't give a shit about the four men."
"Of course, we do have the footage, if you wish to see it."
"I do wish to see."
"I believe it is best if you don't watch the footage, Sir."
But Vincent only needed to look at the man once and he closed his mouth and opened the laptop.
The footage had no audio so Vincent turned it on.
How dare his men decide for him, if he wants to see and hear, then he will.
Truth was, his men knew him very well and no one was ready to take the blame for what happened. They knew how he is with you. And everyone knew that the two men he just shot outside had it easy. A quick death, but if he finds a person responsible, they will die slowly.
No one messes with the Marquis and his wife.
Vincent watched as two of your guards ran into the master bedroom, there were two gunshots and then you ran out of the bedroom, two men following you but at the end of the hall stood another, so you bolted into the bathroom. 
Vincent checked his phone as he did remember you calling him earlier but he couldn't pick up.
He felt guilty.
He rejected your desperate call for help. It didn't take long for the men to break down the door before they dragged you out. He heard you cry and beg, he heard you plead as they dragged you.
One of the men had enough of your crying.
"Shut up, whore." he demanded before he hit you with his gun, knocking you out.
Vincent felt his blood boil as he looked up from the screen to his man.
"Is she alive?" he asked, rather fearfully, but it couldn't be heard in his voice. 
"We sent out ten teams, Sir. She is alive. One team found her, they are bringing her to the doctor." the man confirmed.
"You found who did this?"
"Yes. Your car is ready. Once you will be done, the Miss should be at your other house, Sir."
Vincent nodded as he stood up. He buttoned his suit in before turning.
He saw red.
It wasn't even an old enemy of his. A newly formed assassin group with big potential were just wasted due to their dumb action.
They attacked the Marquis to replace him and get a higher position at the High Table.
"I need a new house. A more secure one, no one can know the location. They found this one too easy." he said on his way back.
"Of course, Sir." replied his man.
"Also check for mules. Someone might have told them and helped them from the inside."
"Right away, Sir."
When they arrived at his other house, Vincent got out and walked to the front door.
As soon as the door opened, his eyes locked with yours. Three guards standing behind you as you stood right in front of the door. He noticed the bandages on your arms and the already forming purple marks.
He felt his blood boil once more, these idiots dared to touch you.
You ran into his arms as soon as the door was closed.
He looked at his men who were now walking away, giving you privacy.
"They told me you would be back soon." you whispered into his neck.
"Mon Amour," he whispered as you tightened your grip. "I should have picked up. I'm sorry."
"I was so scared." you whispered.
"What did they want?"
"Information. Names and addresses of members of the High Table. Anything. But I told them I don't know anything. Then they said they wanted to break you down." you said as you pulled back, but he still had his arms around you. His eyes looking you up and down.
"And they tortured you." he concluded as you nodded, his finger running down your neck.
"I can't go back into that house." you whispered.
"We will find a new one, a safer one." he whispered. "Not today, and not in the near future but one day I wish to know what they did to you. Whenever you are ready, you will have to tell me. So I'd know what to do to the people who dare put their hands on you, Mon Amour." he said as you pulled away and he started to run his fingers up your neck, he placed a kiss on your lips.
"I don't know what they call it... they put a towel on my face and poured water. They also used electricity." he nodded and you could feel him getting angrier by the second. "But you found me."
"What did the doctor say?"
"I had a dislocated shoulder, twisted wrist and slight head trauma when they hit me. I know you watched the footage. I tried to run."
"You did. You did well. It wasn't your fault my men are incapable. I will find you new guards, better guards. I won't let this happen ever again."
"Thank you, Vincent." he walked you to the bedroom, closing the door behind himself and you as you went to the bed. 
He blamed himself.
He nearly lost the one thing that mattered the most. 
Now his suit was on the back of a chair as he laid down and pulled you close.
"I know you are angry," you whispered into the dark.
"I nearly fucking lost you because of those idiots. You got hurt and tortured when I promised you this would never happen. I promised I would keep you safe and I broke my wedding vow." he whispered the last part and it made you move so you can look into his eyes.
"You didn't break anything. Technically, you weren't here so your men failed, not you and I'm a big girl, I will get over this with your help, I know it. Please don't let this break us apart. Please don't lock yourself into your head." you placed your hand into his hair, moving his head so his eyes would lock with yours.
"I will try, but I'm very angry."
"You killed them, right?" he nodded before he spoke.
"I sent a message to everyone. They dare not touch what's mine." your fingers ran through his soft locks.
"Good. Then you touch what's yours and hug me please." he did. 
Pulling you close, he kissed the top of your head.
He will never ever let you go. And that's a vow he will never break under any circumstances. 
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A/N: I while back I wrote one with a similar plot for Santino, and it inspired me to write this one. Hope you enjoyed it!
More John Wick Characters
Taglist: @fleursirvart​​ @greenarrowhead​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sincerelyfan​​ @theoneanna​​ @aestheticsandmarvel​​ @rororo06​​ @castellandiangelo​​ @destynelseclipsa​​ @spilledinkindumpster​​ @capsiclesdoll​​ @puknow​​ @alwayshave-faith​​ @alex12948​​ @lxdyred​​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @praline357​​ @trshngyn​​ @avengers-r-us​​ @violet-19999​​ @top1bbgloak​​   @manduse​​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​​  
Vincent Taglist:
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daddyy333 · 8 months
Take care of yourself | Eddie Munson x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 1.0k
warnings: reader has low iron, reader passes out, ?
if I got any information about having low iron incorrect, please let me know and I will correct it
summary: Eddie just wants you take care of yourself
You should’ve known better. You’d run out of your iron supplements weeks ago and kept forgetting to buy them again. You felt fine for a while, and then all your symptoms came back. You kept meaning to buy it, truly, but things would come up or you’d be so exhausted you forgot everything and just focused on getting home.
Today, you felt the worst you’ve ever felt in your life. Your entire body felt heavy, and you were so dizzy you almost felt like you were swaying all day (you definitely were), and your manager sent you home because you looked sick.
“Baby?” Eddie said as you walked in the door. You sighed, rubbing your eyes as you set your keys down and hung your bag up. He walked over and kissed your head, a little surprised when your sort of leaned all your weight on him.
“You tired?” He asked and you nodded. He rubbed your back and said “let me make you something to eat first, go get comfy” “no it’s okay” you mumbled, slowly walking to the bedroom. Eddie noticed how weak you seemed and quickly grabbed your hips to steady you.
“My love, what’s going on?” He asked and you shook your head. You shivered a little, feeling really cold before you said “it’s nothing, I’m just really tired” “alright,” he said cautiously. He kissed your head and you made your way to the bedroom.
You sighed, slipping off your shirt and pants and turning on the shower. You shivered slightly, brushing through your hair. You felt so weak, you couldn’t wait to sleep.
You lost your balance trying to step into the shower, at least that’s what you tried to convince Eddie has happened. What really happened was you completely passed out and barely missed the handle of the shower as you fell.
“Baby!” Eddie yelled, running into the bathroom. He turned off the shower, and scooped you up into his arms, kissing your head a few times. He rubbed your arm and said “baby, baby wake up for me, yea? Come on, y/n, stop scaring me”
You groaned and squirmed in his arms, making him sigh a breath of relief. “Sweetheart, please, please calm down it’s just me” “I’m fi- I’m fine, Eddie. I just slipped” you said and tried to get out of his arms. He held you tight and you weren’t nearly strong enough to fight back.
“Babe, when was the last time you took your iron pills?” He asked and you groaned. He tapped your cheek, thinking you were losing consciousness again. You sighed and said “um…I don’t know, a few weeks ago? Please don’t- d-don’t take me the hospital. We can’t afford it”
“Weeks? God, baby you’re killing me. And yourself, fuck’s sake!” He said and scooped you up. You sniffled and said “I’m so tired, Eddie” “I know, I know my love” he said and set you on the bed, smoothing your hair back.
He went to the kitchen to find your list of “iron good foods” that you wrote a long time ago so when you needed to keep your iron levels up when your meds ran out you could at least try to by eating these things. Eddie got you a whole platter of everything you had in the kitchen that was on your list and made his way to the room.
“Eddie…it’s cold” you said, shaking slightly. You were panting softly, curled up under the blanket. He caressed your cheek and said “baby, eat some of this stuff. I’m gonna run to Walgreens and get your prescription. I’m gonna have Max come watch you while I’m gone”
He had to get out of there fast, you looked so tired and weak it was breaking his heart. You reached out and grabbed his hand, beginning to scare yourself now. “Wait, wait don’t leave” you said and sighed.
He couldn’t help it as the tears streamed down his cheeks. He remembered the first time this happened and you being in the hospital and discovering your ridiculously low iron levels, it all brought back so much fear and anxiety.
“What’s wrong baby? Do I need to get you to the hospital?” He asked, voice shaky and strained. You whimpered and said “no, no…I just- I-I can’t breathe” “it’s okay, it’s okay just take some deep breaths for me” he said as he caressed your cheek.
When you were feeling a little less like you were gonna pass out 29 times in one minute he got up and called Max to have her get your prescription and some hydration packets as well.
You ended up taking a nap and when you woke up you were feeling better. You knew it would take a couple weeks to actually feel more human and less zombie but you could at least take that shower you wanted and walk around the house.
“You can’t do that again. You know how poorly your body stores iron, you can’t forget to take it. Who knows how much longer you would’ve gone had this not happened, you know eventually it becomes toxic. You have to take care of yourself, babe” he said as he cupped your cheeks, kissing your head.
You nodded and said “I know, I’ve just been so busy and it’s honestly just really stupid that I’ll depend on this stupid pill forever. I hate it, and I wish I wouldn’t pass out because of some stupid thing in my body keeping me from getting one stupid freaking vitamin” “I know gorgeous, I know it’s stupid” he said and you buried your head in his chest.
You took a deep breath and said “I’m sorry I scared you” “it’s okay, I’m just glad I was here. I think I would’ve passed out too if I came home to find you like that” he said and chuckled. You giggled and looked up at him.
“You must really love me if you’re this worked up” you said and he rolled his eyes. You giggled even more and he said “this is what it takes for you to realize?” He shook his head and kissed you softly, grinning at how cute you look.
Taglist: @readsalot73 @hellfire1986baby @my-munson-styles
@tlclick73 @munsonmecrazy
@prestinalove @nevermoreraven1
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes
CW!Bucky Barnes
Chris Evans
Geralt of Rivia
Henry Cavill
Chris Sturniolo
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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nvoirs · 1 year
Idk if u do smut but imagine being leons coworker that he flirts with and like, he spots you at a bar??? Like him walking up to u and offering to buy you a drink???? Idk if this makes sense my brain kinda just jumbles my thoughts
Disclaimers: F.O.S (field operations support) is the same sub area Hunnigan works, basically reader is an operator, fingering, missionary.
Note: So I was originally not going to do this request as I have something similar here (It's not the best though, because It was my second ever work written) but I just went ahead with it. And btw my whole account is smut lmaooo.
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An ice cold drink and a comfy place to sit was just what you needed. After a long and exhausting day at the F.O.S telling relevant information to random agents you’ll never speak to again.
You smirked as you picked up the glass in your hand, shaking the ice that clinked inside as you thought of that one particular agent.
Leon was definitely something. He was outgoing with his flirting remarks that you had just assumed he was single. Maybe you’d shoot your shot one day, who knows?
But that’s when you remembered you had some important files that needed to be sent off to your boss before you got chewed up and spat out. Groaning you buried your face in your hands.
Someone called your name making you turn confused as to who would be here that you knew at this time of night.
Speak of the devil, that it was none other than Leon himself. You called out a hey and waved him over as he sat done in the chair opposite you.
“Why’re you all alone here, pretty girl?”
You scoffed, crossing your arms and tilting your head to the side. “Pretty girl? I’m nothing but that right now today was so hectic. My job consists of yelling at dumbasses who half the time ignore my words.” You rubbed your temples, eyes rolling at the thought.
“Well I guess I’m one of those dumbasses, huh?”
“Oh I didn’t mean you Leon… you're definitely not a dumbass. I actually enjoy working with you.” You mumbled the last part but he heard it.
“Oh yeah you do? I mean all the ladies who assist me do so why don’t I buy you a drink?”
He leaned his elbow against the wooden table, chin in hand waiting for your answer.
“Not that I don’t like you Leon, but I don’t think I should drink anymore because I have to drive home.” You rambled.
He was so close, you could feel the effects of his words on your flushed skin. He looked infatuated with you, you weren’t sure why. Why? You were extremely boring, you had nothing to offer but you didn’t want to let go of Leon.
Maybe you could make him yours just for tonight?
And maybe you were both tipsy and you’d both wake up tomorrow morning and realise this was a mistake. Somehow you shared a sweet kiss while still sitting at the table, his hand held yours as he just couldn’t get enough of your addictive taste.
Don’t ask how you made it home, but with a little surprise of Leon on the side. As soon as you fumbled for your keys, feeling Leon nuzzle into the nape of your neck, hands tight around your waist shivering at the warmth that rushed through you as he pressed you to the now closed door making out with you harder.
Rougher, faster and stronger. You pushed him to your bedroom door and he groaned at the sight of your bed. What a lucky man, getting to fuck you straight in your bed. A private space where you had masturbated to the thought of him so many times that you’d lost count.
Call yourself a pervert, but you knew Leon was definitely doing the same. Why had you waited this long for this? You were missing out and you gripped onto Leon’s arms as he pulled down your jeans, seeing the white underwear you had on.
So thin. So delicate. Easy to rip and that’s what he did. The lack of sheer control had gotten to Leon’s head. Pulling the now ripped panties of your bare legs, inhaling them deeply like a perverted teen he tossed them aside as he spread your legs wider.
“You're so wet, did I do this?”
You nodded moaning as Leon rubbed a finger from your clit to your hole, the friction was building and all you wanted was for him to bury his thick fingers inside you. To make you his, and have you screaming his name.
But this didn’t feel like one of those cliché one night stands you see on tv.
No. This was romantic in a way. You felt the passion coursing through the part where your bodies met. Where he was fully sheathed inside your warm, wet cunt.
Huffing above you he looked like an angel that had fallen from the heavens. An angel that made out with you under the moonlight his name falling from your lips like a prayer over and over again.
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100% was not thinking of og re4 in this case..
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