#i get very few asks so whenever they are bangers like this one i am just delighted
faunina · 1 year
when do u think james corden and harry styles will announce their relationship?
you have such a beautiful mind, anon.
i hope they try to keep it secret for a long time, and then there will be a huge scandal made of it when the baby belly starts showing <3
0 notes
helloalycia · 6 months
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summary: Jackie and you become closer and she takes it as a challenge to make you fall for her charms.
warning/s: none.
author’s note: part 2 is finally here, sorry for the delay! i’ve had a migraine all day otherwise i would’ve posted this earlier 😅 hope you like it!
one / three / masterlist / wattpad
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A month passed and any reminder of my conflict with Leroy and Tiffany had faded into oblivion. Jackie was correct in assuming they'd drop their beef with me, and once my hand was healed and Jackie's face no longer looked like an overly inflated balloon, there was nothing left to remind me of the incidents that occurred.
The only thing to come out of the whole experience was being a little more than acquaintances with Jackie. I couldn't go as far as saying we were friends, but she definitely felt the need to greet me more whenever she saw me in class, and I didn't mind returning the favour.
The real shift in our relationship began when Van, Jackie, Shauna and I were grouped up for a History class project. It was a presentation we needed to pull together, so we'd all made plans to meet up to discuss everything over coffee, which is how I found myself driving there with Van in my new car.
"You know you're gonna have to take me everywhere now," Van pointed out from the passenger seat with a grin. "I'm gonna be your passenger princess."
I laughed. "Hey, I don't mind. It's a bit of a rust bucket, but it beats skateboarding everywhere." I paused, then added, "Who am I kidding? I'm gonna miss skateboarding everywhere."
"We can still hit up the skate park every now and then," she promised. "But driving is a lot easier, you can't lie."
I smiled in agreement. After using some of my savings and convincing my parents it was time to get a car, they bought me an old, second-hand banger from one of my dad's friends who owned a garage. It wasn't the best looking car, but after a wash and a little bit of sprucing up with some car accessories, it looked decent enough to serve its purpose.
Conveniently, I pulled up at the coffee shop at the same time as Shauna, who was parking a few spots down. When Van and I jumped out the car with our bags, Jackie and Shauna were already approaching us.
"Hey," Shauna greeted us both with a smile, before nodding with approval at my car. "Love the new ride, Y/L/N."
"Thanks," I said with proud smile.
"You got to the part where you have to fill the tyres with air?" she asked with amusement. "It's so awkward when everyone watches you do it."
I snorted with amusement. "I'll be lucky if I get that far. This thing is trying its best right now."
She chuckled and glanced over it once more. "It's still pretty nice. Gets you from A to B, right? Driving saves so much time, trust me."
"Very true," I agreed, before I noticed Jackie checking it out curiously, having greeted Van already. I quirked a brow as I jokingly asked, "What? Not up to the princess' standards?"
Van and Shauna exchanged amused glances whilst Jackie shot me a playful glare.
"That's not what I was thinking," she said matter-of-factly.
I stopped by her side to look at it like she was, giving her a sideways glance. "I was kidding. Kind of."
She gave me a knowing look. "It's nice."
I tried not to laugh as I said, "Thank you."
She rolled her eyes playfully before the four of us headed inside to find a table. After claiming a booth in the corner, we pulled out our supplies and textbooks to get started.
"I'll go order our drinks," I offered, before we got stuck in. "Everybody know what they want?"
After they shared their orders with me, I slid out the booth to get in the queue, but Jackie slid out alongside me.
"You might need more hands to carry it," she said, when I quirked a brow.
I shrugged and the two of us got in line to order. It didn't take long to reach the front, and after giving the barista our order and paying, Jackie decided she wanted a muffin that was on display.
"Shoot, I'm so sorry to be annoying," she said with her signature smile, albeit a little apologetic, as she pointed to the muffin. "Please can we get that too?"
The guy, probably no older than we were, nodded eagerly and got the muffin for her, placing it on the tray. "Of course. It's on the house."
I resisted the urge to smile as I raised an eyebrow, watching Jackie laugh flirtatiously.
"No! Really?" she asked with bright eyes. "You're too sweet!"
The guy shrugged casually, his cheeks turning pink as she gave him all her attention in this moment. Before we knew it, our drinks were added to the tray and I picked it up to leave.
"Thanks again," she said with a tilt of her head and a matching smile.
He watched her leave distractedly, and only when we were walking away did I let out a quiet chuckle at what I'd just witnessed.
"What?" she asked, glancing at me, as if she didn't know what she'd done.
I gave her a look of disbelief. "Seriously?" Her confused expression forced me to continue. "You just bat your eyes and get what you want?"
She looked up thoughtfully before nodding. "Pretty much."
Breathing out through my nose, I shook my head with amazement. It made sense that even strangers fell victim to the Jackie Taylor effect.
"Can you get some napkins?" she asked, flashing me the same smile she gave the barista, but I would be damned if she thought she could fool me.
"Not a chance," I said with a stifled laugh, equally amused by her frown as I was her audacity.
I returned to the booth as she went to grab some napkins for us, and the four of us got stuck in immediately. As well as getting the base of our presentation researched, we also had a nice bonding session. To be fair, Van already knew Jackie and Shauna well, but I enjoyed getting to know them too.
I especially learnt that Jackie was pretty used to getting what she wanted whenever she wanted, and having people fall head over heels for her. This was something that came to light the more time we spent together working on this project. I guess you could say that the project is what intertwined our lives again once more.
After yet another studying session with Jackie, Shauna and Van in the library last night, I realised I grabbed Jackie's notebook by accident and planned to return it to her the next morning at school. I found her by her locker, but she was in a conversation with Jeff and I debated whether or not to interrupt.
They weren't together, the two of them surprisingly staying broken up unlike the many other times they'd somehow got back together, so it was odd to see them talking. But it wasn't any of my business, even if I was a little curious to whether they were back together – especially after everything that happened – so I just sucked it up and politely interrupted.
When I stopped by their side awkwardly, their conversation fell quiet and Jeff glanced at me, no doubt thinking of the whole Leroy incident. Without another word, he walked away, leaving Jackie and I alone.
"Sorry," I said to her uncomfortably, before holding out her notebook. "I just wanted to give you this."
"Oh, thanks," she said, blinking, before accepting the notebook. "I was looking for this all morning."
"Yeah, I must've grabbed it by accident," I said with a small smile. "My bad."
She nodded, and I was about to leave, but then she met my eyes and said, "That wasn't–"
She'd stopped, so I prodded, "Wasn't...?"
Uneasily, she explained, "He's been trying to get back together with me. Jeff."
I chewed on my lip, unsure what to respond, because she didn't owe me any kind of explanation. But a small part of me was nosy enough to want it.
"I'm not stupid, obviously," she continued.
"Obviously," I repeated in agreement, otherwise stumped for words.
"But yeah," she finished, a small, awkward smile on her lips. "That's it."
I mirrored her smile, nodding. "Awesome... er, thanks for the update."
She cleared her throat, nodding too, and then an uncomfortable silence filled the air. I was relieved, though I would never admit it, to know that she wasn't considering going back to him. It only reaffirmed all she'd said about listening to me, and it showed that she respected whatever friendship we seemed to share.
"I'll see you in class," I said, straightening up.
She relaxed her shoulders. "Yeah. See you."
Shortly after finishing our group assignment together, Jackie felt the need to work with me more often, for whatever reason. She had a lot of friends, so I couldn't see why she needed me in the mix also, but I guess I wasn't totally against it.
I was walking into Chemistry class when I spotted the blonde sat where my usual lab partner, Dennis, sat. Getting a sense of deja vu, I watched her questioningly as I set my stuff down in my seat.
"Is there a particular reason you're sat there?" I asked, when she flashed me a nonchalant smile.
Placing her chin in the palm of her hand, she stared at me through her lashes. "I feel like you don't know me well enough. So, I switched partners."
I resisted the urge to laugh, oddly intrigued by whatever game she was playing. "I mean, we've only been in the same classes all our life, but–"
"It's not the same," she insisted with a wave of her hand, making me laugh.
Not caring enough to be opposed to her trading seats with Dennis, I took a seat beside her and began to get my books out. As I did, our teacher, Mr Turner, approached our table with a stern expression.
"Miss Taylor," he addressed her. "Can I ask why you're not sitting in your assigned seat?"
I watched on with amusement, wondering how she'd get herself out of this one. But if she was sweating in the slightest, it didn't show.
Shooting Mr Turner her signature smile, she said, "I'm sorry, Mr Turner. I was just about to come and ask you permission. I thought moving beside Y/N here would help improve my grade and be less of a distraction than my old partner."
I quirked a brow, glancing between him and her, and watched as his expression softened slightly. Holy shit. The Jackie Taylor effect worked on teachers too?
"Very well," he conceded. "I suppose that's alright, if it's for the betterment of your learning. Just don't let me catch you chatting through my teaching, alright?"
She nodded innocently. "Of course. I'd never disrespect you like that."
My mouth opened slightly with disbelief, her pure arse kissing astounding me. Mr Turner nodded appreciatively before returning to the front of the classroom, and Jackie turned to me with a cheeky smile.
"I'm impressed," I admitted. "Everybody really loves you, huh?"
As she grabbed her book, she shrugged, though gave me a sideways glance as if she was pouting. "Almost everyone."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "C'mon, Jackie. You have the whole school– heck, probably the whole world at your fingertips. Why are you so adamant on making me like you?"
She raised her brows impatiently. "Because I'm likeable!"
The pink tinge on her cheeks, darkening her already-existent blusher, paired with her impatience only served to make me grin. If I'd known treating Jackie Taylor like this would get her so flustered, I would have done it more often. It was definitely entertaining, and she was going through more effort than she needed to, which only made me laugh more.
As amusing as it was though, I knew she'd give up soon. I simply refused to let myself slip under the Jackie Taylor spell that she had over everyone – doing whatever she wanted, treating her like she was god's gift, there at her beck and call... Unlike every other poor soul who genuinely believed they had a chance with her, no doubt because she had a power to make you feel that way, I wasn't naive. Jackie Taylor was out of my league, as a friend or anything more.
I wasn't blind. Her powers of seduction were rooted in her beauty and ability to turn heads wherever she went. It was normal to have a tiny crush on her, I was sure of it, but I'd never let it be more than that.
Of course, there were small micro-moments where I'd let myself indulge for once, to be a little selfish and delirious. Like now, as she sat beside me in class, nodding along to what Mr Turner was explaining. From the corner of my eye, it was easy to make out the perfect curve of her jaw, the glossiness of her lips, the flutter of her eyelashes. And it would have been even easier to give into it all, especially when she asked me to grab her a lab coat from the back of the classroom, a soft smile on her lips and a single bat of her eyelashes.
But all it took was one relinquishment of power and I'd be just another fool who let Jackie Taylor create delusion in their heads. And I refused.
"I don't know what the arrangement between you and your last partner was, but here, you do things yourself," I said with a suppressed smile, appreciating the way her face dropped.
She tensed her jaw slightly, before trailing along behind me to grab a lab coat. After suiting up, we returned to our desk and I got out the lab equipment whilst she read over the worksheet we'd been given.
"Okay, first step is to turn on the bunsen burner," she read aloud, glancing at me expectantly.
"Great." I pushed over the bunsen burner to her. "Go on."
Indifferently, she straightened up and began to connect the hose to the bunsen burner, shooting me a knowing look as she connected the whole thing to the gas tap.
"I know how to do things myself, y'know," she said disapprovingly.
I chuckled. "I know, it's just fun watching you actually do it."
She huffed dramatically before twisting the gas tap without warning, making me jump back quickly as the flame lit up. Her eyes widened as she twisted it off, before falling to me with both concern and amusement.
"Shit, are you okay?" she asked, hand covering her mouth, but a smile was threatening to break out.
I released a breath, touching my shirt which almost set on fire, and shot her a look. "I am, yeah. No thanks to you!"
She began to laugh quietly. "I'm sorry. See? If you'd just done it for us, that wouldn't have happened."
"Oh, if I'd just done it for us?" I asked sarcastically, mimicking her voice.
"Yeah, you should've just listened–" she started, eyes darting between mine with entertainment.
"I should've just listened," I agreed, still as sarky as ever.
"Yes," she agreed between laughter.
I sighed, giving into my smile as she watched me with dismay. This was going to be a long lesson.
As much as I hated to admit it, I was enjoying having Jackie as my lab partner, looking forward to the hour lesson where she was as careless as ever when it came to our experiments, but to the satisfaction and humour of me. Of course, she could never know that all of her efforts to sway me were working, so I played it cool.
I definitely didn't expect to see her beyond that, so I was especially surprised when I showed up to the local community centre after school with the intention of improving my college application and saw her waiting outside with a few other students. I did a double take, her face being the last I expected to see.
"Hey," she said when she recognised me, moving to stand beside me with her usual blinding smile.
"Are you stalking me, Taylor?" I asked jokingly.
"You wish," she retorted with a playful eye roll. "I'm here because it looks good for my college application."
"Ah, of course."
She lifted a brow. "You?"
"Same," I admitted sheepishly, making her laugh.
Once the other students turned up, there were thirteen of us in total and the manager of the community centre met us outside to brief us. We were to work on the community garden over the coming weeks, helping to clean it up and plant some fresh produce and flowers to brighten up the place. Only once it was complete would we get a certificate of recognition for our efforts.
We got stuck in straight away, everyone assigned to different areas. Jackie and I were working on planting the flower beds, so the first thing to do was bring over the soil to the designated area. I heaved the giant bag of soil over my shoulder and brought it over, dropping it to the ground with a sigh and wiping the sweat from my head.
Giggling made me look up, and I watched as Jackie got some freshman to grab her bag, twirling her hair and fluttering her eyelashes as he dropped the bag beside mine.
"You're too sweet, Johnny," she said with a classic tilt of her head, touching his arm. "Thanks again."
He shrugged casually, clearly affected by her attention. "Anytime. You need a hand with anything else, just let me know."
She nodded in agreement and watched as he walked away before her eyes found mine.
"What?" she said like it was obvious. "It would've gotten my nails dirty."
I glanced down at the soil staining my shirt, before giving her a knowing look. "Wait until you start to plant the seeds."
Kneeling down, I used the spade provided to dig out the old dead plants from the flower beds. She kneeled down beside me, careful not to dirty her skirt as she did, and watched my hands work.
"I'm curious," I said, glancing at her. "Were you planning to help at all?"
She straightened up with a sense of pride. "Of course." And then reluctantly, she used her hands to help me remove the old plants, but not without pulling a face.
I tried not to laugh as I watched, finding a sense of satisfaction as her fingernails did indeed get stained with soil. Working alongside her, I used the spade to dig out the next plant, but it skidded across the soil, the plant too firm, and I ended up flicking a handful of soil at Jackie.
"Oh, shit," I said with a stifled smile, watching as she looked down at her clothes. "Sorry."
She breathed out slowly and dusted the soil off, but it left dark tracks in its midst. "It's fine."
"Good thing you wore your old clothes, right?" I asked, biting my lip to contain my smile.
She hummed in agreement, jaw tensing slightly, and a grin fell upon my lips. Everything she wore looked too nice to be considered old. Poor Jackie was probably not expecting to lift a finger.
For whatever reason, whether it was to prove me wrong or to prove her own point, she actually helped me with our tasks, no longer using freshmen to get everything done. It was fun, working with her, and it only gave me more time to appreciate spending with her.
Once we'd done our assigned two hours, it was finally time to leave for the day, and Jackie and I walked out together. Parked a few cars down from mine was Shauna's, and I gave Jackie a look of disbelief.
"You made Shauna pick you up?"
"Duh," she said with a shrug.
I breathed out slowly, looking up and shaking my head. "Why do I still get surprised?"
"What? That people love me?" she asked with a teasing voice.
She rolled her eyes, lips pressing into a smile. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. Until then, see you tomorrow."
I waved goodbye to her as she kept walking, trying to understand the hold she had on everyone. Her and her silly smiles and silly hazel eyes and silly raspy voice.
Annoyingly enough, I was starting to see it.
I found myself in Chemistry class later that week, doodling on my notebook as I waited for class to properly start. Jackie arrived as usual, greeting me, and when I looked up, I took a moment to find my words.
"You look different," I said without thinking, trying to figure it out.
"I'm pretty sure I don't," she said with a chuckle, sitting beside me like always.
But no, there was something different about her today, something that had me admiring her a little more closely than usual. And as I was subtly studying the freckles on her face, the slope of her nose, the golden flecks in her eyes, it hit me.
"Your hair," I said with realisation, making her look up. "It's up. You never have it up."
She lifted a brow with amusement. "I guess, maybe not often, but..."
She'd worn her hair up before, obviously, but her signature look was to leave it out, freshly curled. So, seeing her with it up just happened to draw my attention more, and also show off her pretty face a bit more, which I guess is why I noticed.
Satisfied that I'd figured it out, I nodded. "Yeah, that's it. It looks pretty like that."
Her lips curved into a soft smile, eyes darting away from mine in an uncharacteristic manner. "Er, thanks."
I didn't think much more of it as I returned to my doodling, but then from that day onwards, I noticed she began to wear her hair up more often. And every single time, I found myself admiring her secretly, letting myself indulge just that little bit more.
Promising to pick up Van from soccer practice today, I headed to the field to wait in the bleachers for her, having killed time studying all I could before my brain would fry itself. I was a little early, so the Yellowjackets were still practicing.
I took that as my opportunity to get comfortable at the bottom of the bleachers, feet leaning on the ones in front of me as I pulled my headphones on and focused on my book. I was deep into it when something hit me and I jumped, startled.
Yanking my headphones off, I looked down to see a bottle cap, and then looked up to see a laughing Jackie stood by the bench on the field, bottle of water in hand.
"Thanks," I said sarcastically, before tossing the cap back at her, which she swiftly dodged.
"What are you doing here?" she asked with a grin.
Admittedly, she looked really cute right now, dressed in the school gym kit, a little sweaty and her face flushed pink from all the running she'd done. But I would never give her that satisfaction, so sarcasm was my next best defence.
"Oh, I just had to come and see Jackie Taylor in all of her team captain glory."
She raised her brows, pausing. "Really?"
"No. I'm here to pick Van up."
She scoffed gently, rolling her eyes.
"As much as your many admirers would love to watch you practice, I'm not one of them," I teased.
"Hilarious," she said with narrowed eyes, making me grin. Dismissing my mockery, she asked, "Are you coming to the pep rally tomorrow? First game of the season is this week."
I leaned back, thinking about it. "Eh, why not?"
Hand on her hip, she shot me a disapproving smile. "Don't sound too enthusiastic or anything."
I crossed my legs comfortably as I met her challenging stare. "I'm not big on the whole soccer thing. I'm just going to support Van. That's what a good friend would do."
She began to smile, a glint of amusement in her gaze. "A good friend, huh? Pat yourself on the back much?"
"Someone has to."
She looked away with disbelief, hiding a smile. "Wow, I see."
I quirked a brow, smile forming on my lips. "See how annoying that is? That's what it's like having a conversation with you."
She pursed her lips as she looked over me with feigned irritation. "Touché, Y/N."
I flashed her a satisfied smile as she finished the last of her water before flipping me off then jogging back to the others. I chuckled to myself as I watched her leave, admittedly checking her out as I did. Stupid Jackie and her stupid cute face.
We were well into October when it happened. I couldn't have seen it coming in the slightest.
Lottie, one of Van's teammates, was hosting the ultimate Halloween party at her mansion of her house, able to get away with it because her parents were away. Everybody was attending, and if Van herself didn't invite me, at least ten other people had because of how awesome it was supposed to be. Naturally, I said yes, loving a party more than anyone else but especially a costume party.
So, I showed up with Van and Taissa, the latter opting for a Catwoman costume that she very much pulled off, and Van and I dressing up as two of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – her as Michelangelo and myself as Leonardo. They were iconic outfits, what could I say?
Of course, I may have felt a little stupid when we met up with the rest of Van's team, including Jackie who looked drool-worthy in her Supergirl costume.
"Wow, you two look...," she began when she saw Van and I, eyes flickering between our matching costumes. "It's very you."
Van swung her nunchucks in agreement. "I thought so too. Love the sexy Supergirl getup."
Jackie stifled a smile as she nodded in acknowledgement, before her eyes fell to me. "Which one are you? Raphael?"
I pointed to the blue bandana over my eyes. "Leonardo, obviously."
A grin broke out on her lips as she touched the bandana, pulling it over my eyes a bit better and also sending goosebumps all over my skin at her touch. "Obviously."
I swallowed thickly, trying not to let my eyes drift below her head, because her costume was very tight and she looked very good right now.
"Nat's pouring everyone drinks in the kitchen," she said, looking between the three of us. "You coming?"
"Hell yeah," Van spoke for us all, raising her nunchucks in the air, before glancing back at Taissa and I. "Leonardo and Catwoman, on my six!"
I cracked a smile as I readied my sword and followed after my idiot best friend. 
It was admittedly an eventful first few hours, with Van and I stressing Taissa out enough times that she was forced to take our pretend weapons off us for the rest of the party. Apparently assuming the personas of our costumes wasn't going down well with her, which, in hindsight, was fair when I remembered how drunk we got.
At one point, I found myself rambling to some random guy about the lore of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, aware that he was passed out on the couch beside me but still talking anyway, when Jackie strolled over to me, just as drunk as I was.
"There you are," she said with a grin. "Come dance with me."
"Jackie, I'm in the middle of a conversation," I said, motioning to my passed out friend.
"He's asleep, idiot," she pointed out, before outstretching her hand and wiggling it. "Come on."
I batted her hand away. "I don't dance."
She lost her smile as her patience ran quicker now that her inhibitions were lowered. "Y/N."
Finding it amusing, I motioned around us. "There's a billion people here. One of them would kill to dance with you. Why not ask them?"
"I'm asking you," she said through gritted teeth.
Not really aware of her anger, I pushed myself off the couch with a stretch. "I'm hungry."
She glared at me as I walked away, pushing through the party-goers and intending to find the kitchen, but Lottie's house was huge and I'd already forgotten the layout. I opened several wrong doors, and then on the last one – some sort of games room – I felt someone shove me from behind, forcing me in.
"Why does nothing work with you?!" Jackie interrupted my complaining, shutting the door behind her and fixing me with a frustrated stare.
I blinked, confused.
She scoffed, uncrossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "I've been trying to get your attention for months, you idiot! I even started–" she faltered, embarrassed, "wearing my hair up because of one stupid compliment you gave me."
My brain was working slower than usual, so her words were catching up to me little by little. "I noticed that."
Still not happy, she narrowed her eyes at me. "Why do I even try?"
Realising this was about the Jackie Taylor effect, as I'd rightly dubbed it now, I said, "Everybody loves you. Why is it so important if I don't?"
Her eyes flickered between mine, and I was certain she was going to slap me or berate me or shout at me. But then her expression softened and she admitted, "Because I want you to."
I didn't get chance to register her words before she stepped forward, pressing her lips to mine. Her fingers curled around the back of my neck and I found myself melting under her touch, falling right into her. Her lips tasted like alcohol, tobacco and strawberry lipgloss, and I was suddenly eager to taste her concoction even more, all my senses heightened as I pulled her close.
She moved her lips against mine eagerly, fingers sending shivers down my spine as they tickled my skin, and I pushed my tongue between her lips in retaliation, not even thinking about anything other than her. We broke apart for air, barely seconds passing before our lips reconnected, and I was infatuated with every part of the blonde that had been on my mind these past few months.
Time was a drunken haze – we could have been there for seconds or hours for all I knew – and we were unfortunately interrupted by the sound of the door suddenly opening. Our sloppy movements meant we pulled apart a second too late, and we turned to see Van standing there in her Michelangelo costume. God, did I look that stupid right now?
"You're both trashed," she said, words slurred, before she looked to me. "C'mon. Catwoman is taking us home." Then she looked to Jackie, adding, "Shauna's looking for you."
I glanced at Jackie, heart still racing and her taste still on my lips. The state I was in made everything feel like it was so distant, as if it was happening to someone else, so I still hadn't truly acknowledged what had just happened between us. Jackie was already looking at me, eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed. I almost wanted to kiss her again, but Van impatiently calling my name snapped me out of it.
"Coming," I told her, before tearing my eyes from Jackie and following after Van.
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
hi, i was hoping to do one of the redacted matchup thingies, they’re so fun :) I’M SO SORRY THIS IS A PAGE LONG AAAAGH
i’m just gonna lead with the miscellaneous stuff (WOW i spelled that without spell check. didn’t know i could do that.) i’m a young adult bi dude. apparently i’m quiet but snarky and people say my humor is very dry (i have a monotone voice and am Very Committed To The Bit.). i used to have really bad anger issues to the point that davey pre-character arc is more relatable than he should be (even though my parents are alive. they’re just shit). i try to dress kinda grungy? but also whatever’s cozy/comfortable and in neutral/dark colors (except red! i like red, my hair is dyed neon red) i used to have cptsd so bad i basically didn’t leave the house for two years. i think it was like agoraphobia or something? there were delusions in there too. i’m much better now though.
usually the kind of stuff i listen to is loud angry rock music (fave song is hysteria by muse) or slightly older pop music (florence and the machine, MARINA) but the last few days i’ve been on a newer pop kick and i’ve been playing “Good Luck, Babe!” by chappell roan on repeat and it makes me want to scream on a windswept seaside cliff during a storm. specifically the bit from 2:15 to ~3:10 in the song. i know it’s a banger when it makes me want to scream on a cliff or punch something.
INTP? is that an enneagram? (“you’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?”-sounding sentence, sorry)
not really video essays but i love listening to someone summarize books i never plan to read (i like the ones by cari can read or lexi aka newlynova.)
i didn’t have an imaginary friend? i’m incredibly autistic + adhd so i was daydreaming constantly to a near maladaptive extent but i never had One Consistent Thing that i thought was real.
i have to mash my face into the pillow for a bit to decompress and then i can sleep how i normally do, sleeping on my side in a way that’s probably very bad for my shoulders. (i am an adult dude and i hold a stuffed bunny who i haven’t given a name every night to go to sleep. maybe ill name the bunny after whatever character you give me)
my name is stolen from the love interest of a YA steampunk novel (a young victorian gentleman who wears eyeliner), because his character description just fits me so well, as well as the name itself just looking cool written down
my fave audio is probably the smash bros tournament :D. it literally convinced me to buy the game lol
it’s a good thing i’m anonymous cause i just do not get the gavin or caelum hype. i’m too possessive to date an incubus/ someone who will fuck other people. and i hate children so caelum is just past my threshold for kid-esque behavior that i’m willing to deal with. i’m also really not a fan of the yanderes/evil ones. other people can go ahead and like them, they just stress me out more which is the opposite of what i want.
knives out :D. the detective movie
i would friend the HELL out of asher. i just wanna play games with the man that’s all i ask
i don’t really get food at gas stations but whenever i go to a cafe i am probably getting something strawberry related (lemonade, a smoothie, etc) and a breakfast sandwich
the playlist “songs to get obliterated by a black hole to” is my pride and joy. i fucking love space and sci fi (that’s the thing i’d ramble about too)
my guilty pleasure media is the official gender-swapped twilight (puts my head in my hands) I KNOW.
I sent an anon for matchup earlier (I mentioned a stuffed bunny) and said I didn’t know what an enneagram was and I just looked it up and did a quiz and apparently I’m type 6? Idk how accurate that is but there you go (also I’m sorry if I was trauma dumping/oversharing I was restless from being inside all day whoopsie)
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I’m a sucker for a good black cat/golden retriever sort of pairing, you know? Tack that onto you being a Type Six, and I’ve just got to pair you with Huxley!
Type Sixes are characterized by a desire for stability and security, for dependability, and who’s more reliable than Huxley? This also works with your self-described possessive nature in that Huxley would be the best partner to never trigger that nature, to never make you doubt or toe your boundaries. I also love him for you because we know Huxley canonically is a calming, relieving presence in the face of anger and conflict, which makes him even more perfect for you! (Also I think your grunge fashion sense would contrast so cutely with his casual, gym-bro style.)
Huxley would be so fun to be with! He’s no Asher, but he’d be a great gaming buddy, happy to show you all the Smash tips and tricks for when he introduces you to his family. Speaking of family, Huxley’s moms would just adore you for making their son happy. I can see him taking you to the east coast to meet them and taking you on the hiking and camping trails of his youth. It’d be a lovely time of you showing him the stars and constellations at night and maybe even him finding a cliff for you to sing Chappell Roan off of.
And I hold you every night/ And that's a feeling I wanna get used to/ But there's no man as terrified/ As the man who stands to lose you/ Oh, I hope I don't lose you
It was so fun to look for a pop-rock song that would make you want to scream or punch something, and I hope this fits the bill. The first chorus extremely hits on top of being a beautiful love song, and I think it wouldn’t be out of place on a road trip with Huxley in the driver’s seat or by a gorgeous cliffside.
Aaron and Sam are your runner-ups for a lot of similar reasons. They both also have drier senses of humor, so I think you could vibe and hold to a bit with either of them. I headcanon both of them wearing red often (Sam, a red-checked flannel and Aaron, a red polo a la his thumbnails), so you could match. I also headcanon both of them actively wanting to be child-free, so you’d be compatible in that aspect. Aaron outranks Sam just slightly because I think he’d offer more stability and security given his occupation and Unempowered status.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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saltygilmores · 9 months
Ah, I'm only two episodes away from the Dance Marathon. I am PUMPED! I hope Shane is living out her bucket list (or should I say Fucket List) because the clock is ticking for her. Original Air Date: October 22nd, 2002. The episode opens with a pretty unfunny comedic exchange between Lorelai and Rory as they head to Luke's. They arrive to find the diner unusually crowded.
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An Iconic line. Welcome back, Tomatos Sign. Sun Shine. Coffee's Fine. (A Gilmore Girls Haiku)
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Maybe Lorelai should have thrown some condoms at these people too. Condoms for The Hollow is my new initiave. Luke is complaining that the parent group comes in every weekend and takes up space for hours and make a mess out of his business only to order two iced teas; he is telling this to Lorelai and Rory, who take up space for hours, eat him out of house and home and never pay for their food.
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Says Luke Danes about a woman breastfeeding meanwhile he doesn't try to stop this:
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Another banger of a one liner.
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Later, Emily calls Lorelai at work and invites her to a furniture auction. The conversation is suspiciously pleasant and Lorelai hardly even puts up a fight. She later attends the auction with Michel and has a nice time and meets Jon Hamm. But Emily Gilmore always has some kind of motive. Stay vigilant, Lorelai. Michel overhears the conversation and begs Lorelai to take him with her and she agrees. For a price.
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I looked up a phone number for you, Michel.
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Next scene, Lorelai meets a quirky, vertically challenged, talkative new neighbor who asks Lorelai to water his lawn while he's away and although her agreeance is once again reluctant, there is very little quibbling. Who is this doormat who is saying yes to everything without a fight (so basically, Rory), and what have you done with our Lorelai?
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No, I will not. I will continue to post Crap Commentaries to Tumblr. Com until Tumblr finally, mercifully ends up in the dustbin of internet history. Or until I finish Season 3 (maybe 4). Whichever comes first. My 73 year old mom loves loves loves loves loves LOVES Jon Hamm. She definitely loves Jon Hamm more than I love Milo. So of course I've shared this episode with her a few times.
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My mom gives Jon Hamm the same googly eyes whenever he's on TV. Here's some Random-Hamm Shots I sent to my mom this morning.
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Jon Hamm is a babe. Let's all give it up for my mom. She has good taste. The urge to call him "Baby Jon Hamm" when he was actually 31 years old here is strong. I mean, I still call 30 year old Milo Baby Milo. He didn't shed Baby until at he was at least 35. It's a badge of honor. These fine men age like wine. Lorelai doesn't get BabyHamm's name at the auction, so now she's on a quest to figure it out, which unfortunately for her means she'll have to put the squeeze on Emily to try and get it. Whoops. My bad. She actually asks Rory to do it for her (then gets mildly irritated when Rory actually does it). Just a quick run down of all the manipulative micro transactions going on in just the first 17 minutes of this episode: Luke ---> Lorelai: Tell that woman to stop breastfeeding in my diner Lorelai ---- > Michel: You can come to the auction if you work every weekend Lorelai ----> Rory: You have to ask Grandma to get me BabyHamm's number Dwight (new neighbor) ----> Lorelai: I know you just met me but I need you to water my lawn for the next week Dwight ----> Lorelai: While you're here watering my lawn you can water my indoor plants too Then there's the whole sprinkler business... which we'll get to in time. Lorelai swallows her pride at the next FND and inquires about Paddle #17 and we find out BabyHamm's name is Peyton Sanders. Isn't he a football player? (Peyton Manning. Bad Joke.). Emily agrees to obtain his phone number for Lorelai without anything more than some light teasing . Highly suspicious.
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Dwight's house is pretty rad.
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Okay okay I LOVE this kind of thing. The thing being: listing all of the board games whose names I can make out. Les go. We'll finish out the post here. Some of the games, I'd assume for copyright reasons have their names cropped short or changed. Hungry Hungry Hippos became Hungry Hungry Nippos.
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Candyland (two copies). Chess (three copies). Chinese Checkers. Hungry Hungry Nippos. Yahtzee (two copies). Ouija Board. Scattegories. Sorry. Chutes and Ladders. Easy Money. Clue. Hangman. Pyramid (two copies). Risk. Aggravation. Horse Around. Mastermind. Scrabble. Go For It. Times to Remember. Charades for Dummies. Monopoly. And FIVE copies of Operation.
I’m such a slut for small details, ya’ll 🤤
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ozimagines · 5 months
The theater kid in me is about to come out in a way only an English professor could appreciate but
kirk whatshisname always plays minor roles in other shows, a few episodes on The Walking Dead and that one time on White Collar. Both times my man was a grade-A ASSHOLE. My boo thing was stone cold and also??? His voice is so deep like. damn.
He’s almost always an asshole and I love than bc Miguel is just the kindest soul ever. His eyes are so kind I’m 99% sure that makes sense. His accent is so soft and he’s so soft and he’s my lil guy okay leave my man alone
It’s such a drastic contrast and I think it’s proof his actor is just. mwah. Perfection.
also I started watching OZ when I was 14 and my parents told me I couldn’t bc there were penises so being the good child I was I finished s3 within the next week. Now whenever I talk abt it I always say “but I only watched one eps, ofc” and they know I’ve watched the whole thing it’s just so funny to pretend I didn’t.
I’m 16 btw. I regret nothing and everything(good lord there were pee pees everywhere what the fart)
LOL I’m gonna address every part of this but can I just say thank you for making me smile this early in the morning!
First of all, no one ever has to apologize for going full theatre kid on my page. I am, as Funky Frog Bait calls it, “theatre kid syndrome gone terminal”😂.
Second, Kirk Acevedo was the whole reason I watched Oz. I watched Band of Brothers first and fell in love with him as Joe Toye. I searched his IMDB page and this came up. Didn’t think much of it; just wanted to see him. Then I saw Harold Perrineau! And I was like Michael, from Lost! Then I saw Ernie Hudson! And J.K. Simmons! And Dean Winters! And B.D. Wong, Rita Moreno, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, and so many others. Just a star studded cast. (To say nothing of Luke Perry, Luis Guzman, David Zayas and so on). Then I found people on Oz. Otto Sanchez, Lee Tergeson, Terry Kinney, Eamonn Walker, and others! (I know they were all known but still they were new to me!) Every character feels so real.
Im reminded of a story Kirk Acevedo told about his daughter. He said he was watching TV with her when she asked him why the heroes on TV never looked like them. He told himself he’d play hero characters when he could… even though he admits the villains are fun to play.😂 Love him. Even though Miguel Alvarez is far from your typical hero, he’s not your typical gang banger either. He’s complex. And you’re right, with very kind eyes. Wish he got a better ending. But hey, that’s why fanfiction writers are here!😂
My parents monitored everything I watched until I turned 18. I remember, four months after my eighteenth birthday, I had decided I wanted to watch Oz and I made a whole proposal to my parents about why I should watch the show. (Think Turning Red when she tries to get her parents to let her go to the 4 Town concert🤣). I finished my proposal and my mom was like… “you’re 18 , do what you want, lol”. So it was actually the first show I watched as an adult. That was about six years ago. I’ve been a fan ever since.
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Just some fun set and off set pics of our favorite guys❤️❤️❤️
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goddesspharo · 6 months
Sending the same back to you!: top five episodes of TV
[ask me my top five anythings!]
This was harder than I thought! Also my list makes it seem like I watch a lot more medical shows than I do (which is to say that I don't watch any anymore), but television used to be so good!
1. The X-Files, "Bad Blood" - I'm like Gillian Anderson that way. Not only is the episode hilarious, but it's the perfect episode to tell people who are not familiar with the show to watch (and often times the one I will recommend above all others). I think of Scully's cream cheese rant every time I eat a bagel, randomly say "he had big buck teeth?!?!?" whenever I see Luke Wilson in something, and have watched it a gazillion times without it ever getting old.
2. Alias, "Truth Be Told" - I truly believe that this is the greatest pilot of all time. Everything about it is brilliant! JJ puts his foot on the gas and never lets up! Jennifer Garner manages to be ALL THE THINGS in this in a way that you'd never expect Hanna from Felicity to be able to play. Just a brilliant hour of television.
3. House, "Three Stories" - Back in the day, I was obsessed with House. (But oh how the mighty fell - I don't think I even watched the last two seasons because it became such a mess.) I remember mainlining the entire first season in time for the agonizing wait before S2. It probably helped that I was in med school when the show was airing so I could lie to myself that watching the show was basically like studying. "Three Stories" was such a great episode because it gave you insight into why House was the way he was, why Cuddy had so much Catholic guilt that he got away with everything, and played fast and loose with perspective. I still remember "not this leg"/"not this leg either." What other show can boast that one of its best episodes has Carmen Electra playing herself in it?
4. Friday Night Lights, "Pilot" - I rewatched the pilot a few months ago and it still feels so palpable. Coach's ending speech about life being so very fragile while Explosions in the Sky plays is an all time banger. I still hold my breath every time right before Jason Street gets hit like doing that will change anything. Now that's what I call good television.
5. ER, "Be Still My Heart" - It's hard to explain to people who were not around or don't remember a time before spoilers, but the end of this episode delivers the kind of gut punch you would never be able to replicate today. When that camera pans across the room and you see Lucy from Carter's perspective? GOD. A masterpiece. The second part of this two-parter is just as good and if you don't get emotional over Romano stopping the code and then immediately trying to resuscitate again, you are stronger than I am. When ER was good, it was so good.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1072: Anime Binging Night (Epithet Erased)
8:45 p.m. at STEM's Headquarters' Living Room.......
Yoomtah: (Smiles Brightly at her Boyfriend Beside Her) Alrightly then, Naven!~ What sort of anime you wanna binge through tonight that isn't One Piece related? Shonen, gorey, slice of life....(Gives Naven a Seductive Look on her Face) Maybe something more explicit to spice up the room if you know what I'm saying~ (Starts Moving her Eyebrows Up and Down)
Naven: (Smiles Sheepishly) H-How about we watch some more light-hearted this evening. Like that lovely Spy x Family show. I never had the chance to watch for myself as of late, but I have heard great things about from peers.
Yoomtah: Oh yeah, that show is a banger. And hella cute to boot, you'll love it!
Naven: I wouldn't deny that possibility. It'll be nice to take my mind off of things for once. Especially everything work related.
Yoomtah: Hell. YES! I am so tired of doing people's paperwork 24/7!!
Naven: You and me both, my dear. But at least we have the night to ourselves. Do you think Mr. Shades will be alright with the girls this evening?
Yoomtah: Oh he'll be fine! Our Ricky-Poo is a very strong wizard boi after all.
Naven: (Starta Snickering a Bit) Ricky-Poo?
Yoomtah: It's a nickname I came up for him. He calla me Yoomy all the time, which I for one adored a lot, so why not give him one of his own, you know?
Naven: I think it sounds lovely.
Yoomtah: Thank you!~ But enough about nicknames! Let's just focus on you, me.....(Hugs Naven While Having a Blanket Covering Around Them) And nthe nightly hours of cuddles you owed me~ (Starts Kissing Up on Naven's Cheeks)
Naven: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Yoomtah's Affectionate Kisses) Yes, yes~ Let's commence anime binging night, shall we?
A Few Episodes of Spy X Family Later.......
Yoomtah: Hey, Naven?
Naven: Hm?
Yoomtah: Are you.....still thinking about that Molly kid in any way? You would always get sad whenever her name get brought up in any conversations. (Gently Pokes at Naven's Cheek) You're even making that cute frowny face every time something's bother you, which is pretty easy to tell if you ask me.
Naven: (Frowns While Sighing) Well....I suppose your observation of me isn't....too far fetched I'm afraid.
Yoomtah: (Softly Snuggles onto Naven) You wanna talk about it? I'm a fairly decent listener.
Naven: (Chuckles Very Lightly) You're a wonderful listener, dear. (Slowly Went Back to Frowning) But to answer your question, I have been thinking about Ms. Bylndeff as of late and thinking if.....not taking here with me was ever the best decision on my part, especially after everything that happened on that day.....
Yoomtah: You mean that whole dream bubble fiasco?
Naven: The very same, yes. I always figured she would trouble in her home life recently, but to witness how problematic it truly was at first hand....('Sigh') Well, I guess I can't say I know how to describe it really......
Yoomtah: Crappy, sucky, guilt-writtenny
Naven: The last one's not even a real compound word and I still find it accurate to my current feelings to the situation. I really wish I could be of more help to her on that day, but I knew I couldn't just....adopt her right off the bat. Especially given the excruciating work hours I have recently and the potential rumors journalists and the paparazzi would spread.....
Yoomtah: (Groans While Rolling her Eyes in Pure Annoyance) Ohhhh God don't even get me STARTED on those......Yesterday, some wise guy from the Sweet Jazz News Daily made a two page article on how you're completely out of the league you are to me and that I'm only dating you for money. Like.....THE HELL DO THEY MEAN YOU'RE OUT OF MY LEAGUE!? You're way more of a man than any of these brain dead morons would even try and DREAM of being! And did they REALLY think I would be that shallow enough to date you only for your riches? BULLSHIT! My limo driving career is paying me enough already, I ain't a shaneless gold digger! I swear, if I see ONE MORE journalist, paparazzi, or who the fucks starts getting into our business again, I am going to find myself a bat and shove it SO FAR UP THEIR-
Naven: Yoomie Dear....remember our anger management sessions and not raising your stress levels high.
Yoomtah starts whimpering like a sick puppy as Naven soothes her anger away with his gently comfort and embrace.
Naven: There, there. It's alright. I agree with every word you said.
Yoomtah: (Looks Up at Naven With Sparkling Eyes) You do?~ Truly?~
Naven: (Chuckles Lightly) Of course. Molly is a timid girl and the last thing I want for her is to deal with these kind of nonsense on a daily basis, among other things.
Yoomtah: Yeah, I hear ya.....You said she was taken away by that Vincent Murder guy before I arrived at the toy store that night?
Naven: That's correct. Despite the name and villainous demeanor, he seems like a nice, passionate fello once you get to know him a little. Molly seems to hold him in high regards due to him being her boss in some capacity.
Yoomtah: Really now? So like what? Is he gonna try and look after her or something?
Naven: Given the care and support he gave her during that time, I'd say the possibility of that is above average. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Perhaps I could arrange a lunch date for the three of us sometime in the future....(Turns Back to Yoomtah) You're more than welcome to join us, dear.
Yoomtah: Hmm...Tempting, but I'm probably gonna have pass on that offer. I feel like I would get bored too easily in these kinds of meet ups, ya know?
Naven: Very well. The offer still stands if you ever decide to chance your mind.
Yoomtah: You got it. ('Sigh') But listen, Navey, you can't let what happened that day keep you down forever. That little girl still looks up to you despite everything, right?
Naven: Well, I mean....I suppose so, but-
Yoomtah: And does she feel any sort of malice or resentment towards you in anyway?
Naven: Well, no, not really, bu-
Yoomtah: Then you got nothing to worry about, bug doof!~ You may never be an ideal parental guardian, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still her teacher. And you and i know damn well that a teacher's job is to educate and guide them into being decent citizens of an overly obnoxious society.
Naven: (Smiles Sheepishly) I wouldn't exactly say that they're all obnoxious. But you're right. It won't do me any good if I keep dwelling on the incident any further. I will do better as a teacher and mentor for now on, that, I can promise you.
Yoomtah: (Happily Snuggles onto Naven Some More) That's the spirit, Navey!~ You're making your cute girlfriend proud here!~
Naven: Oh I wouldn't say you're cute exactly. You're more of the line if being beautiful and breath-taking all things considered.
Yoomtah: (Snorts in Laughter) I'm really flattered, babe!~ But I am FAR from being the most beautiful girl out there.
Naven: (Smiles Softly) Perhaps to some, but I beg to differ. (Gives Yoomtah a Kiss on the Forehead) It's one of the many reasons why I love you after all.
Yoomtah's heart flutters like a sound of a roaring car engine being turned on for the first time in minutes, as she begins to kiss all over her boyfriend's face again in a cuddling position. As surprising as the sudden affection was, Naven was more than happy to welcome it given how stressful today truly was for him earlier.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Hey I love your writing!!!!!! whenever I see it on my dash I always get ready to read another banger!!!! Btw idk if you have any opinions on Xiao but DID YOU SEE HIS RECENT TEASER??? THE ANGST THE SADNESS!!! SO GOOD any thoughts? Spare thoughts? 🥺
i haven’t seen the trailer but i watched it rn for this ask and oh my GOD
ranting under the readmore bc i am having EMOTIONS
(oh and thanks for the compliment!! lovely to know i’ve created something you enjoyed <33)
i have an ask i’m 100% gonna use as an excuse to do a character study on him because he’s… he’s so…. ough…
‘an instant of negligence, and it will turn me into one of the monsters i swore to purge’
aisdnekdfn i have NO IDEA what this trailer is abt bc i am not a xiao haver (started genshin mid his last banner, by the time i knew what i was doing it ended) but he…. ough…. he’s so afraid of himself just because he does his job i- ‘you became the very thing you swore to destroy’ type beat but this time it’s sad and tragic because he truly believes himself to be something dark and prone to shattering, cutting through the ones closest to him, not the typical ‘i’m better than i was then’ mentality that usually comes with this trope!! he treats himself like a live bomb and he’s so terrified that the weapon he uses to defend will turn on those he loves-
i can GUARANTEE he left bubu pharmacy because he didn’t want baizhu / qiqi to ‘waste’ medicine on him because he probably feels a sense of obligation about it, it’s his burden to bear and not one they should shoulder for him (it isn’t he deserves a moment of peace and a break from his never ending duties xiao pls be kind to yourself)
‘it’s good to take the mask off once in a while, even just for one night’
i have NO IDEA why venti’s here but he is so right. also related but venti and xiao need to be friends. i don’t know about their canon relationship bc i have neither of them but… ugh…
venti clearly has issues for a variety of reasons, notably being afraid of being a tyrant, and his near need to not be overbearing meshes so well with xiaos fear of poisoning those around him… they both cope in horrendous ways but like…. god… emotions in the club tonight…
like…. the two of them, sitting on the roof of the inn, watching the sun rise. venti has a bottle of dandelion wine and xiao has a lukewarm, untouched plate of almond tofu besides him—verr goldet brought it to him but he hasn’t brought himself to have it yet. he’d sat himself up there around midnight, venti joining him not an hour later, but only a few words have been exchanged. venti said hello, xiao asked why he was here. he had shrugged, popping the cork on his wine easily, settling down with a slightly exaggerated sigh, “same as you, i suppose. caught up in a memory that won’t leave.”
xiao winces, slightly, almost embarrassed he was seen through so easily, but venti doesn’t press it. he knows the feeling, the oppressive weight of failure weighing on him just as strongly as it does on him. he feels bad that somebody so (comparatively) young has to experience so much tragedy and loss, but…
he glances at his vision, the glass reflecting the moon.
the two sit for what most would consider far too long in silence, only the occasional slosh of wine passing between them. memories weigh heavy on nights like these, and neither is quite ready to address it yet.
venti starts, his voice far dimmer than usual. a long-forgotten name falls from his wine-soaked lips, wrapped gently in eons of affection. he’s repeated the story of the ‘nameless bard’ a thousand times, always on quiet nights like these ones, with only the stars as his witness, but… surely an audience of one doesn’t hurt.
besides, he thinks bitterly, the sweet wine not doing much to take the edge off his mood, it’s not as if anybody else remembers.
the silence once again stretches, but it’s only a few moments before xiao speaks up, his voice uncharacteristically soft. he does the same, repeating the names of the ones he’d lost, and the wind picks up slightly, as if carrying some of the weight for him. he glances at venti, but he’s looking at the roof tiles, allowing him the moment—the memory—to himself.
he feels odd, telling stories of bloodshed and broken bones after such a soft friendship, but whenever he pauses for a moment too long, a soft breeze brings him the smell of cecelias, and the words he was looking for are found.
he feels lighter, slightly, for having shared, a small chip of his self-imposed burden lifting. normally, he’d probably feel guilty for dumping this out in the open, but the night is warm and he doesn’t find himself minding the company all that much.
the night passes, spent in a comfortable, nostalgic quiet. xiao’s plate is clean, now, and though the texture of the dessert is off and his lip curls, it’s still as sweet as usual. venti’s bottle is similarly empty, hardly a drop left inside the stained glass. the cork is lost, having fallen somewhere, and even in the growing light of dawn, neither can see it. if they do, they don’t reach for it.
venti sighs, not one of contempt or regret, but of sorrow. sometimes he wishes there were more hours to the night.
xiao watches him stand, with little intention of following. he should probably get up as well, stretch so his arms aren’t too sore when he goes out later to clear out demons…
barbatos offers his hand. after a moment, the last yaksha takes it.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Ayo I have another banger for a Maeglin request.
Reembodied Maeglin in the third age fluff, with the reader who works as King Thranduil's Crowd shield????
Reader protects Maeglin from a grumpy Thranduil's wrath cuz of how Maeglin betrayed his kin in Gondolin, and comforts him afterwards.
Oh and Reader may punch Thranduil in the face in anger.
I just want to see a fic were Thranduil get's punched.
Also Male Reader this time???
featuring maeglin x male reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n sorry I took so long hun- I hope you like it!
warnings thranduil is being a dick- protective reader
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You quietly sat on the steps and watched Maeglin hammer the hot metals.
Subconsciously, you already had run your thumb over your bottom lip many times- his muscles were definitely a sight for sore eyes.
“Are you just going to sit there- and I do all the work, Y/N?”
He suddenly- you jumped a little.
“You seemed to be doing fine!- Am only supervising!”
“Why?- Are you afraid like your brother?- That I might make all of Mirkwood’s weaponry to galvorn?”
He said- with a dry humorless chuckle.
Thranduil and yourself weren’t exactly brothers-but you were, but not blood related- you were the son of one of Oropher’s trusted advisors and minstrels- but the late king had somewhat adopted you into the royal family after the death of your father and mother during an attack- so you grew up with Thranduil since you were little elflings!
“You know- how to make it?”
You asked- cautious because you didn’t want to see Maeglin mad at himself.
Every one of us had made mistakes- but we deserve another chance that is why you firmly believed Maeglin was reembodied!- He deserved another chance- you believed he has a good heart- he just needed to be lead the right away.
You weren’t afraid to admit to yourself anymore- you had fallen for the ellon in front of you.
Every one saw him as a traitor and avoided him at all costs- Maeglin became an outsider again- but you made sure to visit him whenever he locked himself away in the forges.
He had thought you a few things.
You still remember the heavy warmth on your cheeks when Maeglin stood behind and wrapped his hand around your hand and hammered the metal down.
It was and still is very hard for you to focus because of the feeling of his body pressed against you from behind.
When Maeglin sighed and gritted his teeth- shutting his eyes closed- you regretted asking the question.
“I worked with Eol and the dwarves- I do remember. . .”
“I know you have no intention-” “If you do know how to make it-then my brother and I have every right to be concerned!”
You groaned- almost slapping your hand over your face as Thranduil elegantly strode down the stairs- his crown on his head.
Maeglin stopped hammering and placed his tool aside- then stepped away from the anvil to greet the king.
You stayed put- but still acknowledged your brother- though you were mad at him for speaking like that with Maeglin- you told so many times before to stop it.
“How am I supposed to know you will not bring that poison to my kingdom?- And betrayal us like you betrayed your kin!”
You hissed when Maeglin kept his head down and listened- now he was taking all the blame- living through the insults.
You feared Maeglin might harm himself with the continuous self-blame.
He was forgiven and given another chance- but the king of the elves clearly didn’t see it that way.
You tried to warn Thranduil too many times already to stop- telling him your thoughts on the matter- but Thranduil that the habit of in one ear and out the other.
The high mighty king thought only he mattered.
“The fall of the great hidden of Gondolin was truly your fault- was it not?”
“Yes- my king. . .”
Maeglin replied submissively- it broke your heart.
Your hand itched to shut him up for good.
“Am stating the truth- dear little brother”
He smiled down at you.
“And all for what?- What did you receive in the end, Maeglin?”
“Thranduil!- That’s enough!”
You balled your hand into fists- trying to suppress your rising anger.
“You killed the people your mother desperately try to escape from your father’s torture!”
Your heart ached when you saw Maeglin suddenly shutting his eyes closed again- you had not missed the pain that flashed in his eyes.
“You killed the last bit of her precious family. . .”
You shouted- in the blindness of your anger- you raised your fist and punched him square in the face.
He shouted after stumbling a few steps back- he held his nose.
“That was long overdue”
You said with venom in your voice- yes, you suddenly grew protective of Maeglin.
You glanced over at him- he was too stunned to speak- eyes wide and mouth slightly open in shock.
You really punched the king- didn’t you?
When Thranduil dropped his hand- he smirked at you.
“It has been a long time since you last dared to punch me brother- and if remember correctly it was over something you deeply cared for. . .”
He chuckled- the color quickly rushed to your face- you probably looked like a bright tomato.
This time- you didn’t dare to sneak a glance at Maeglin.
Thranduil laughed as he climbed the stairs- satisfied with himself.
“My, oh my, brother- you always go for the bad ones- don’t you?”
He said when he exited.
His voice echoed through the forge- you couldn’t face Maeglin.
“You didn’t have to do that, y’know?- He wasn’t wrong!”
Maeglin finally said.
You snapped your eyes up.
“Just because that idiot’s king- does not mean he’s always right, Mae!”
You even used the nickname you gave him not even 2 weeks after he joined.
“You were given another chance- you deserve this! You can do right!”
You stressed.
Maeglin strode his way to you- almost menacingly.
You gulped- took a step back but the walls of the forge stopped you.
The ellon stood in front of you.
“You believe that?”
You said- immediately with confidence!
“So you believe the king’s wrong?”
You said again.
“And you like the bad ones?”
Your eyes widened.
“No! . . . - what did you ask me?”
Maeglin chuckled- he smirked and leaned in closer.
He ran a hand over your jaw.
“Well- good thing I always go for the good ones then!”
He smirked and kissed you- hard and feverish- and you didn’t waste a moment to kiss back. . .
After all- you had dreamed about this for far too long.
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tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @aeonianarchives @spidergirla5
silm x reader: @doodle-pops
Maeglin x reader: @i-did-not-mean-to
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inkmemes · 3 years
this  country  (  2017  -  2020  )  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  the  bbc  mockumentary.  trigger  warning  for  mentions  of  religion,  death,  sex.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i like the underdog.”
“don't be a fucking dick.”
“everyone comes together on days like today and just forgets their utter hatred of each other.”
“everyone who's anyone's going to be there and there are people from my past that would love to see me slain.”
“there's a tea rooms there and under the counter they've got a panic button and if i take one step inside, they can press that. the police will be there in three minutes.”
"he whatsapped me the other day asking us to go laser quest with him and i ... well, i clicked on it by accident, didn't i? so he knows i've seen it."
"i mean, i get it, but it's not making me feel nothing."
“it's baffling. i'm baffled by the entire situation, if i'm honest.”
“what the actual fuck? what the actual fuck? you have fucking lost your head, mate. you have lost your fucking head.”
“when i get hold of you, i swear to god i will fucking deck you.”
"someone's just been throwing plums at my house. i'm going to kill them. i can't believe it. i can't believe it. all over this. plumming on here, plumming on that. plum on the sofa, look! there's nothing left that hasn't been plummed."
“i've had a target on my back since the day i was born.”
“thank you very much, enjoy your free potatoes.”
“do you know how small your brain is?”
“hogwarts is that way, dumbledore.”
“he used to say i looked like the puppet off the dolmio advert.”
“there's a kid crying over there. do you want me to...? i can tell him to shut the fuck up if you want?”
“he genuinely looked like a moomin.”
“on my first day of karate club, karate master goes to me, [name], i don't know why you're here because i can't teach you anything. if anything, you should be teaching me." and just gave me his black belt.”
“you know that little old blind man? yeah, when i was punching him in his face, the lens from his glasses broke and cut my knuckle.”
“some things are just best left in the past, where they belong.”
“what's the point in knocking if you're just going to walk in anyway?”
“it was a miscarriage of justice though, cos what people forget is 12 out of them 20 hostages actually found it funny.”
“i lied so much i still don't know what's real life and what's plain lies.”
“i'm so glad you're out of that lying phase.”
“he likes to be the only person on the road, so whenever he sees a car coming the other way he just pulls over.”
“nasa went through hundreds of them in the '60s. and now every time i see a really bright star in the sky i can't wish on it, cos in my head i'm thinking, ‘that's probably just a spacecraft with some monkey bones in it.’”
“you absolute traitor. that's my cheese - it's my fucking house!”
“don't you dare eat that cheese. you eat that and i will smash this. i promise you, i will smash you with this.”
“fuck! you switched them!”
“yeah, i can see it's fucking burnt, sherlock.”
“i honestly am ashamed to know him, sometimes.”
“if you knock on someone's door, don't take no for an answer. get into their house. if they say, ‘leave my house’, stay. and if they say, ‘i'm going to call the police’, you walk upstairs and see if there's anybody else upstairs to sell to.”
“she looks like uncle fester.”
“right. i'm going to piss in their flowers, then.”
“you really need to go home. your mum's called the police and everything.”
“you're also fired from being my best mate, by the way.”
“in business, there will always be setbacks. i don't drink my own juice, fray bentos doesn't eat his own pies. but that's business.”
“do you know what, i don't actually want to play this any more, because it is actually very, very boring.”
“i'm ashamed of myself, that's not usually me, so don't get the wrong impression.”
“i genuinely think one of them fancies me as well.”
“it's fate her moving across the street.”
“the problem with finding a girlfriend in the village is that most of the girls you meet round here are old-age pensioners.”
“yeah, i am looking for a relationship, but thing is i've just got so many trust issues, yeah, with being fucked over massive in the past, so no matter how much i get close to someone now i'm thinking in the back of my head, ‘shit, am i going to get fucked over?’ because i've been fucked over in the past massively. my last relationship proper fucked me up.”
“i went through a really dark phase. listening to papa roach and just blowing everything up with them little french bangers.”
“shut up, you don't know what you're talking about!”
“i don't like the man. i know he's my uncle, but i don't like him.”
“it's just malicious lies, that's all it is.”
“i'm not saying i've got a cruel heart, but if she ain't willing to take me as i am rather than the monster i've become, then she can literally just jog on back to sea with all the other fish cos i don't care.”
“what do you look for in a boyfriend?”
“the key to dating, yeah, is the two rs and the three ts. 'respect, rapport, and talking, talking, talking.' don't ever let that ball hit the ground. good relationships are built on great conversation.”
“on a date, you've got to tell them all the interesting stuff about you, because that's what they'll be interested in.”
“he said to me, he goes, ‘you can't smoke on here.’ i said, ‘i'm not smoking, i'm vaping.’ the look on his face when i said that. i don't think he knew what vaping… what a vape is.”
“you would make me the happiest mouse if you say yes and become my spouse.”
“here's a tip, [name], next time you take a chick out on a date, don't bore her to tears.”
“roses are red, violets are blue, i've got five fingers, the third one's for you.”
“get out of my way, pipe cleaner.”
“[name] phoned me the other day at three in the morning saying, ‘come quick,
there's a hedgehog in the garden that looks exactly like grandad.’ so i got up, i got dressed and i ran over to [name]'s as fast as i could and then i just stopped in the middle of the street at three in the morning and thought, ‘what the fuck am i doing with my life?’
“you're joking me? because if you are joking me, that is massively harsh.”
“oh, let me get a song up on youtube. you're going to absolutely love this, [name]. here we go… listen to this. oh, for fuck's sake, advert.”
“let's go down the pub and get shitfaced.”
“where do i see myself in five years? well, me and [name] will have a flat in the middle of the village and all of our furniture will be inflatable and we'll have cable and it will pay for itself, because we're going to use the spare room to breed quails, because their eggs are worth fucking shitloads.”
“is this about the calippo, still? because you offered to buy me that.”
“if he wants to go, good luck to him, i say. i reckon he thinks that i can't live without him, which is a laugh, because he went a whole weekend away once and i got on all right. i just ended up following this cat around the village.”
“i've got to do what's right for me, at the end of the day, instead of worrying about other people.”
“how about you say sorry? sorry for the massive knife that's hanging out the back of my back because of you.”
“oh, and while you're stabbing me in the back, feel free to bend down and kiss my arse.”
“can i just ask you an honest question? why would you want to leave the village when we've got a pub and a shop?”
“i think you don't know how lucky we have it to be doing nothing with our lives, like. we're all going to die, anyway, so what's the point in doing anything?”
“i want ownership of the words fucknut and dickmilk.”
“i had this come through the post. and i've got a few concerns about it. firstly, this guy on the front looks really arrogant. not the sort of guy i was expecting, if i'm honest.”
“this is starting to stress me out a little bit.”
“why are you trying to stress me out? you know i'm already stressed out as it is.”
“the bloke that used to live in there, right, kept hearing strange noises coming out of his attic at night. and he'd go to the fridge and find that food was missing from the fridge. so he thought, ‘i'm just going to go up to the attic and check this out.’ and he found an entire family of peruvian panpipe buskers just living up there. and he thought ‘i'm just going to leave them to it, ‘cos they're not really doing me any harm.’ and then, a few years later, he thought, "well, i'll just go up to the attic to check on them. ‘see if they're all right.’ and it turned out they'd all died of asbestos poisoning. yeah, he doesn't live here any more.”
“some people will always be scared of me, and i can't change that, no matter how nice i am. but there's a balance to be had between being nice and being feared.”
“don't really like catching up. it's not my thing.”
“i just watched this video of this girl doing a random act of kindness on youtube. she basically paid for this old man's shopping at the till. and this old man was, like, about 90 years old. and he's so fucking old, like, you could see through his skin. and he just starts bawling his eyes out. he's like, ‘you're fucking joking me, this ain't fucking real life.’ i just thought... i want to make someone feel like that. ‘cos that's... i really… that's what i want to do.”
“i'm not dead. just can't be arsed to text her sometimes.”
“you know, correct me if i'm wrong, but four texts a day is complete madness. no-one can keep up with that.”
“i am doing kind things selfishly.”
“i was at midnight mass one year, right, someone got tipped off i was there. as i was coming out the church, someone tries to shoot me with a crossbow.”
“well, i haven't seen the film, have i? that's why i came here - to watch the fucking film - like a normal human being.”
“i've made an effort by coming here tonight. i didn't want to come.”
“i had to wheel him here from his house in an asda trolley, cos he was just too heartbroken to move.”
“sometimes you don't know what you got until you ain't got it any more. like blockbuster's. i just took 'em for granted - and then, one day, gone, and you spend ages trying to figure out what went wrong, and then you realise it was your fault all along.”
“i thought you said you wanted to fix things.”
“she wanted it to go that way, and it just wasn't gonna go that way. she even got me thinking that they'd get back together… ..but that's manipula.... manipulative people... do that. and he's better off without her.”
“that wasn't much to write home about.”
“it's fucking dead, isn't it?”
“basically, somebody's been sending me threatening letters, and i don't know who's doing it - and i am concerned, because my peripheral vision is poor, so, if somebody attacks me from the sides or snipes at me from an upstairs window, i am fucked - but my hearing is excellent, see? so i just need to spend a few days inside honing my sonar, and i'll be fine then.”
“if you don't like the work, the circus is in town and they're always looking for clowns.”
“his soul is just going to crumble to dust.”
“this really is not a good situation for me. a physical threat is something that i can deal with, but a sexual thing is not my area of expertise.”
“just really fucked in the head, mate.”
“what have i done? i haven't done anything wrong.”
“do you know how sad that is? that is so, actually, sad. that makes me sad for you, that you can't take a joke.”
“i think i just got a bit carried away with the whole thing.”
“your finger's going up my arsehole, mate.”
“i'll hold the back of your head, so you don't bash yourself.”
“when i lie in future, i don't want a massive lecture on how bad lying is, cos deep down, you're the worst of us all, mate.”
“i'd quite like a coke.”
“it's going to be like gluing a breadstick back together, because… like, as if a breadstick's been in a blender and it's all… ...the pieces smashed up.”
“like, this one time i started a fight club in the village hall, and i got a black eye from beating myself up. but it made my enemies think, ‘fuck, if she can do that to herself, what the fuck can she do to me?’”
“i'm absolutely 1,000% sure i've broken it in two places.”
“i knew this day would come.”
“i should be in tk maxx, getting the bargains that i deserve.”
“unlike you, [name], i'm not a fashion disaster.”
“i'm still warm in my grave, and she's sucking off the pallbearer.”
“you know, it took me ten years to get over [name], and i only went out with her for half a day.”
“i swear to god, if i see him here again, i swear to god, i will have no hesitation in just going up to him and just planting one on his face.”
“right, then keep your nose out of my business, yeah? nosy old cock-womble.”
“[name]’s attitude to me is puzzling. if i walk past her in the street
and say hi, she'll tell me to fuck off. yet every year, she sends me a really sweet, nice christmas card. you know, there's just no consistency there.”
“he's good-looking up close, isn't he?”
“don't show me any weakness, because i will take advantage.”
“no, put the brick down, you fucking psychopath.”
“when i asked him, he just said, ‘come to my office now,’ which means we're in the fucking shit, cos we're always in fucking shit.”
“i shouldn't be paying you at all.”
“i've always had a son. i talk about him all the time.”
“he's my son. he's not my dog.”
“it reminds me of the wicker man. i don't really know why.”
“i just find it weird how you can be so close to someone and they can be such a big part of your life, and then the next minute, you're just sort of strangers in the night.”
“i don't want the emotional implications.”
“well, about five years ago, i sold my birthday to my mum for about 200 quid, which means my mum's legally entitled now to never celebrate my birthday ever again for the rest of my life. not even, like, a happy birthday cup of tea, or a moonpig card, nothing - which is the worst decision i ever made in my entire life.”
“he deserves that anyway, because he's been sexting my nan, so…”
“what's this surprise? cos i need to know whether it's going to be worth this walk.”
“i always see them banners above the motorway, and i always thought, ‘who the fuck does them?’ well, now i know. people like me.”
“did you know you can't get stung by a stinging nettle if you grab the leaf top and bottom, like that? it's only when you touch it on the sides, it stings. agh, actually, that stung, then.”
“pez dispenser, they're cursed. they are, i'm not even joking. honestly, when i had one of them, i had the worst bout of bad luck i ever had in my life.”
“i swear down, it's a short cut. it might be a pleasant walk, we might enjoy it.”
“i'm not scared of the fox twins. i'd just like to sit them down and ask 'em plainly, ‘look, guys, what is going on? ‘cos this has just gotten completely out of hand now. you know, stop walking on your knuckles, stand up straight, be the best version of you that you can be. get a job, even. there's a trolley boy who works at tesco's, you know, who may as well have been raised by wolves. if he can get a job, you guys can walk it.’”
“yes, there has been talk of strange goings-on in the woods, ghost sightings and the like. but… ...they're never from particularly reliable sources.”
“i live with a ghost. there's a ghost in that house. he's like a civil war cavalier, with all the hair and the hat and all that. and every time i walk into the living room, he doffs his cap. and on his shoulder, he's got this crow that barks at me. it means i spend less time in the house, really. not because of him, because he's-he's quite peaceable. but the crow is malevolent. and i'm not having that. i can't share my house with a malevolent bird.”
“that's haunted as fuck.”
“am i going mad here, or does that, to you, look like that's where just ghost will hang out all the time?”
“look at him, little red riding twat.”
“if he's got an attitude with me, i swear to god, i'll just grab the steering wheel and drive us all into a wall.”
“it's a bit annoying, actually. cos this is not the first or the second time i've had to tell you, really, is it?”
“his sparkle has just gone.”
“you know my dad actually wrote the song wonderwall on the back of a beer mat in the space of ten minutes, don't you?”
“i've just got a tiny, tiny, tiny little favour to ask you.”
“when i think of [name], i think of someone who is very loyal. and very, very stupid. sort of more stupid than loyal. sort of 70% stupid, 30% loyal, probably. because she's very loyal. but extremely stupid.”
“do you know what? i actually don't think he loves you at all and i don't think he's ever loved you.”
“all right, that's harsh and unnecessary, but fine.”
“frankly, she is behaving like the antichrist.”
“i literally just got here.”
“you are such an unemotional slab of ham, [name].”
“i've got so much shit on that man you would not believe.”
“there's something in my eye.”
“i just can't quit him, you know?”
“yeah, we might have a fiery relationship,  but when we're together, it's just… it's just pure chemistry, isn't it?”
“i'm not proud of it, believe me. but at the end of the day, i'm a very vindictive person, you know? it is what makes me me.”
“i basically went out and bought an alpaca off gumtree for £500. of all the mistakes i've made in my life, that was possibly the largest. definitely the physically largest.”
“yeah, i really don't wanna talk about that.”
“her only loyalty is to herself, staffies, and the tv channel dave… ...which, in my opinion, is a tv channel made by knuckle-draggers for knuckle-draggers.”
“i can't move on till i've seeked revenge, unfortunately.”
“if that was in france, that would be fine, but we're not in france.”
“the only thing we had in common, really, was stealing, and that was more my thing that i got him onto. but it just goes to show, you know, some friendships last and some friendships don't, but that's just the way it is.”
“you know it was me that got you sacked, don't you?”
“the thing i learnt about friendship is, you gotta accept each other's flaws, no matter how toxic they may be.”
“shit-stirring from beyond the grave.”
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koostarcandy · 3 years
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
about Simi?
I go by Simi, my pronouns are she/her and I'm south asian!! I'm in uni, studying biomedical sciences and yes, i'm 18 ^^
p.s: i'm isfp-t, if that's of any help
who does simi stan? who/what does she love?
whew, there's so many so i'm gonna put my ults in a nice, concise list ^~^
bts: started stanning them since the ly: tear era ! few of the first songs listened to magic shop and dope, but to be truly honest with you, it was magic shop which got me into stanning them and learning their story! i am ot7 but catch me calling jungkook and yoongi my husbands >.< i absolutely adore them to pieces, they literally have my whole heart, my only loves
mamamoo: queens, i stan queens, in short. their versatility, their songs, them. i love them. there's no one quite doing it like them, tbh *proud moomoo face* the first songs i heard were wind flower and gogobebe. amazed by the contrasts, in the songs, in their genres, in them, i decided to learn more about them. i am wheein biased,, doesn't mean i love the other 3 less!!
txt: proud to be the moa who was there since the crown era !! these boys are so endearing, love their goofy selves. i love hearing their covers, their voices suit so many genres but i think my favourite has to be sk8er boi by hueningkai ! their dances always have me mesmerised, i don't think i'll ever stop loving such amazing people :D
enhypen: i-land was a rollercoaster (and rigged, fight me on that) but i love these seven bbys, always working so hard :( i always wait eagerly for their comeback, knowing they always have bangers. i always have heart eyes for them whenever they post on weverse, endeared by all their actions and honestly? amazed by all their fashion choices. icons, i tell you, i stan icons.
my favourite colours are various shades of green and purple and hence why my blog keeps 127645362791 times hehe :D
i absolutely love watching kdramas, my first ever being my id is gangnam beauty. i was hooked after that, immediately binge watching everything netflix had to offer. i bawled my eyes out for hotel del luna & twenty five twenty one and laughed until i couldn't breathe for what's wrong with secretary kim? & her private life sobbed in some of these scenes too, don't worry
what does simi not like? what's a no-no?
as many as the things i love, there's so much which i do not tolerate but i will not mention so that things don't take a negative turn.
i'm not fond of the rude comments towards the lgbtq+ community. as someone who's recently figured out her sexuality and trying to learn more, it would be senseless and pointless to poke your nose into other people's business, trying to give your opinion which, frankly, was never asked.
try your best to be kind. choose kind, be kind. anything of the opposite would come back and bite you in a bad way, sooner or later. you don't know what the other person's going through and it doesn't mean you let out your feelings in a negative way. try to find an outlet which would make you feel better, not for the worse. if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it then!
side note: no hate for my mutuals, please. i absolutely will not tolerate anything negative to them and since some of irl friends are here too and if anything happens, you're done :D
what does simi love to do?
i love writing!!
it's my guilty pleasure, my comfort. best package deal ever!!
no lies, i love writing, it's my escape from weary days. i always get inspired by songs but i still wanna write my own concepts but hey i'm working on that, don't worry!
i play the piano, but honestly? i've got a hate-love relationship with it.
i was forced into it, like any other asian kid *sniff sniff* and i had thoroughly despised it until i had simply grown to love it. i hate sight reading to this very day, musical knowledge? eh, so-so. but i just love playing it, hate the technicalities and textbooks trinity college london comes up with :)
i like to sing too!
i've been singing since i was a baby and though i've done ad jingles every now and then but not really confident of my voice? so i sing to myself mostly and it calms me down, the melody, the lyrics sometimes even singing along when i play the piano!
what can i do on this blog?
you, dear lovie who wandered here, is free to do whatever you like
laugh, giggle, tear up and sob like how i did over my fics, like/reblog if you think it's to your fancy, comment what you would like caaaaaause requests are open !!! (unless stated otherwise D:)
my asks are open, not only for writing prompts but also for ranting. wanna rant about your day? go ahead. wanna rant about this thing you saw and ppl have to know? tell me! wanna recommend me a song/drama/movie? pls do, i am running out of things to listen/watch/see >:(
that's it and i hope you've learned a lil more about me through this nutshell hehe hope you'll like it here, in my safe place!
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
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shoichee · 4 years
ok hear me out. aomine x f!reader who’s on the tennis team and is amazing at it. for a while the reader and her team need to share the gym on the same days as basketball practice. during the days they share the gym aomine notices the reader. somehow aomine finds out the reader is also good at basketball, practically at aomine’s level. you can decide what happens!! it can be a head cannon or a type of one shot :)
I AM HEARING YOU OUT ANON, WE HAVE ANOTHER BANGER REQUEST THIS IS FIRE look inhale, what a genius, okay so i don’t play tennis myself, but I have a lot of friends who do... and trust me.... it’s a lot more exertive and difficult than what it appears to be
Aomine x f!Reader
if Aomine was a monster on the basketball courts, you were a monster on the tennis courts
the only reason why he hasn’t heard about you until he first saw you was because tennis tends to be not as a popular and broadcasted sport as basketball // the tennis games themselves are often single-player (doubles exist too but still less people on the same court) and relatively quiet with few audience members watching too
it was a MIRACLE that Aomine was there at the gym today (thank Wakamatsu for threatening to burn his porno mag), and luckily for him, he didn’t even had to practice as hard because the tennis club had an agreement with Touou’s basketball coach to occupy the other half of the gym
enter you, putting down your duffel bag and stretching before you do a few warmup tosses and hits against the gym wall while the nets were being set up
for the first half of practice, both sides were busy with their own practices, so Aomine hasn’t really noticed you
it was until the team got a break to catch their breath that Aomine noticed that the tennis team were still doing drills and practice matches; every single eye was drawn to you
Sakurai immediately comments on how your movements were too similar to Aomine’s, and Imayoshi is equally intrigued that you might as well be the tennis-version of Aomine
at the chatter, Aomine slightly perks up and looks to where everyone was pointing at (you), and quietly watches you while still looking “bored,” until he realized how right they were
your agility is top-notch and your instincts to immediately sprint to the right direction were insane; your change of pace from 0 to 10 in acceleration were even more seamless than Aomine’s at times, especially when you stand at a ready position and suddenly burst to the other side of the court to save the ball from the corner
not to mention you have your own fair share of trickshots and unpredictability in trying various ways to tire out your opponent in chasing after the balls you hit
Sakurai loudly wonders that if you played basketball, would you even be able to defeat Aomine?? and the entire team STARTS ANALYZING AND DISCUSSING amongst themselves and doing bets LMAO
Aomine’s impressed, but he’s still somewhat “meh” about it, since “the only one who could beat me is me” is still an attitude he carries around, and you do give off a vibe similar to Kise where you could easily copy techniques easily if you do play basketball other than tennis
little did Aomine know, you also noticed his exceptional skill with the ball and how he can do trickshots and dunks with ease… you turn to your friend and ask if that’s even possible
your friend stares incredulously at you and asks, “How do you not know? He’s one of the Generation of Miracles!”
of course you didn’t know if you’ve been focused on tennis all your life, but being in the sports world, the title of “Generation of Miracles” does ring a familiar bell
your friend (who’s also your partner during doubles matches) also plays a little bit of other sports on the side, including basketball, and during breaks, your friend would often ask you to play a small game together because seeing the Touou basketball team playing got them pumped up
your athletic ability would translate very easily into basketball, since having reflexes, agility, instincts, and change of pace would all be advantageous in sports that require mobility (just like how Koganei’s instincts from tennis were very useful in Seirin)
so whether or not you played basketball didn’t matter dramatically because you had skills and abilities that would be universally beneficial in most sports anyways
you always gave your friend a run for their money when you kept stealing their ball, did fast breaks, or pulled off agile maneuverings that no beginner player would be able to do, and whenever your tennis teammates did their “ooh’s” and “ah’s,” the basketball team would peer over to see what the commotion was about
they were LOSING their shit at how naturally talented you were at basketball, and Imayoshi has a bad great idea of inviting you over after practice to do some quick one-on-ones with Aomine for his own entertainment
Aomine is kind of excited if he was being honest, and his blood is kinda pumping and he’s a bit giddy to find a potential rival other than Kagami
Momoi is a little worried for you because Aomine might be a brute and hurt you, especially since you’re a girl, but she’s just as excited to see someone potentially knocking down his ego a shit ton if he loses
Momoi and Imayoshi both walk up to you on the last day of “shared” practice at the gym and ask if you can spare some time to do some one-on-ones with Aomine, and you agree because you don’t have much to do anyways
your friend is super excited for you but a little nervous at how you’re so casual in going against a GoM, but nevertheless, both the tennis and basketball teams are in the audience watching Momoi throwing up the jump ball (Aomine is giving you an arrogant smirk and you’re just standing there more focused on the ball than him LMAO)
as expected, Aomine easily grabs the ball (since he knows the rhythm in jumping for this a lot better) and immediately starts dribbling down the court at an inhuman speed, expecting a swift victory
nope, you immediately reacted to his speed and immediately cut off his drive when you’re right in front of him… and you immediately swiped for the ball, Aomine almost didn’t react fast enough to switch handles to escape your reach
but you immediately reacted and reach for his other dribbling hand and slap the ball away, and then you bolted with the ball down your court
Aomine is right behind you, shocked out of his wits, and everyone else is in HYSTERICS in the background
“HOLY SHIT, did you see that?!”
“(y/n), kick his ass!”
“Ho? Aomine, you’re letting her beat you so easily?”
“I knew those porn mags didn’t do anything good for him.”
“U-Um, Wakamatsu-san…”
Aomine thinks it’s a fluke that you got the ball from him, but he’s shocked because you weren’t exactly a Kise, and you even had a reaction time similar to Akashi’s on top of that
he tries to steal the ball back, but you did something unpredictable: using a similar movement when you hit the tennis ball with your racket, you slapped the ball to bounce (at an unfamiliar speed/rhythm) through his legs before you sprinted to dribble the ball in a normal drive again
shooting was a different story though because Aomine is always blocking your shots or stealing it before you can even get into a shooting position; after all, shooting requires use of muscles different to when playing tennis
even so, you made it equally hard for him to score
ultimately, Aomine’s superb shooting abilities expectantly made him won the short match, but he even had to resort to some crazy trickshots, so your reflexes would kick in slower than normal to register those shots
for those who have no clue about tennis (spoiler alert: me), a tennis racket is a lot more bulkier and heavier than it appears to be (much different than a badminton racket), and it takes a lot of arm strength to play with it very fluidly without wasting energy
thus, dribbling was easy for you, and your ball handling was pretty unique but still very hard to keep track of
now Aomine won, but everyone is losing their shit at the fact that you managed to get him to sweat so much and putting in effort (cue Wakamatsu and Imayoshi trying to recruit you to join as Aomine’s practice buddy to get the Touou ace to practice for once)
now, if it was a two-on-two match, you and your friend would definitely destroy Aomine and whoever would be unfortunate enough to be his partner (cough, Sakurai), for the sole reason that your impeccable teamwork in tennis doubles carries over to basketball matches, where Aomine has always been a solo star player
you damn know well that Aomine would constantly bug you to do one-on-ones with him, but he’s secretly whipped for you and doesn’t know how else to ask you to hang out with him other than a match LMAO
you do remind him that you’re a tennis player first, and you prioritize your team above all else; that means if there’s tennis practice, you’re going to those no matter what
that just reminded him of Kuroko (nostalgia, angst, and feels enter here)
he reluctantly shows up to watch your tennis practices along with Momoi because sleeping on the roof has gotten “boring,” and Momoi finds incentive in finding any techniques she can pick up from you to use for basketball strategies
he may have secretly watched your tennis matches, both singles and doubles
you definitely have watched Aomine’s matches, noticing there’s something odd with him at times, like he wasn’t trying his best like he did with you
after a heartfelt talk with Momoi, you do feel like he needs to get out of that mindset on his own, since his stubborn personality wouldn’t listen to you and you knew that from the amount of one-on-ones you played with him
then the Winter Cup came and Seirin won in their “revenge match” against Touou, and you were captivated by Aomine going ALL OUT in that match (you also took some notes to use for your own tennis matches)
Aomine drags both you and Momoi to buy some new basketball shoes after Touou’s loss, and from that point on, both of you are technically practicing basketball together, but like… you’re not complaining because you’re getting extra cardio in
you get better at basketball, enough to even beat him once in a blue moon in one-on-ones, but then he wins the rest of the matches against you tenfold LOL
Momoi loves you because you’re one of his main motivators to practice
when Aomine himself tries to play tennis singles with you, it’s quite hilarious to see him missing the tennis ball every time when he serves because it’s so TINY but it’s so heavy?? so it falls to the ground quite literally if he’s not precise in hitting it LOL
gauging distance between the net, back of the court, the ball, and his arm positioning is a nightmare for Aomine because he’s used to grand courts and GIANT distances and TALL hoops, and him being precise and meticulous in a much smaller area feels so restricting
of course you whoop his ass in tennis, that’s a given
give him some time though, he’d be really good at it really quickly once he adapts to his surroundings
bonus: Koganei FREAKS out seeing you in the Winter Cup in the audience because you’re a literal tennis legend, and the entire Seirin team is going ???? at him // he totally fanboys a bit and asks you to meet with his Seirin teammates, and you agree because you wanted to meet the team who gave Touou and Aomine a run for their money
you do one-on-ones with Kagami because you’re curious, and when Aomine hears of this… it’d be a CHAOTIC scene once he storms over to drag you away from Seirin
extra bonus: it’s not unusual to see you use your tennis racket to thwack him in the head when he gets any funny ideas of staring at your teammates’ shorts/tennis skirts or when he’s doing anything dumb in general
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wolfpants · 2 years
Top 5 things that make you feel nostalgic (for a specific reason or none at all!) <3
This is SUCH an interesting one and one that I had to think about for a while, because I could have been really vague here and said "music" or "places"! But I wanted to dive a bit deeper and talk about specific things that bring up my own sense of nostalgia.
I am a very nostalgic person. I think about the past a lot. It's not just an age thing, I don't think - it's something that I've been interested in since long before I was able to develop my own sense of personal nostalgia. I've always had a fascination with things "from the past". Whether it's my deep seated interest in world history (in particular, cultural history) or retro/vintage aesthetics, I've always felt a little wistful for things and timelines that I haven't necessarily been a part of. Which is a bit weird. But, that's just me.
But I'm going to go down the personal nostalgia route here and pick out 5 random bits of pop culture that make me feel nostalgic. Because I often tie pop culture back to a feeling, or mood; I am a keen consumer of it. You all know how much I love music, and films, etc - they all play quite a significant role in bringing forth a certain feeling or mood for me.
So without further ado...
An album - There Is Nothing Left to Lose by the Foo Fighters. This album came out when I was 14 and I was moving on from just listening to what my dad played to picking out music I liked. You all probably know about my Dave Grohl obsession by now. This is where it started. I was too young to fully appreciate Nirvana when they were around and my dad was never a fan (his music is very much steeped in the 70s and early 80s), so the Foos were kind of my in to Dave's work as well as his influences. I got into the Melvins because of him, Mudhoney, Pixies, etc.
A film - The Mummy. My dad and I went to see this - again when I was 14! - and I have so many memories of being absolutely enamoured by it. I can still smell the popcorn from that day, and feel the excitement I felt as the film started up. And I was right to because it's a total banger. 1999 was a fucking great year for film, too. I watched so many films that year that had such a profound influence on me as a teenager: The Matrix, American Beauty, Jawbreaker, Cruel Intentions, Exitenz, Fight Club, Sleepy Hollow!
A TV show - Stranger Things. So obviously this is a newer one, but there's so much in it that makes me feel nostalgic. Hanging out with my friends playing roleplaying games. Riding our bikes through the suburbs. That wistful feeling I always get when I consume a piece of 80s or 80s inspired pop culture (especially if it's set in the US for some reason) that so makes me ache to have been young during that decade (well, I was young, but like... baby young!).
An icon - David Attenborough. I grew up watching and listening to this man. I once stood a few metres away from him at an event and nearly had a meltdown from the proximity (but a quiet one!). Whenever I hear his voice, I think about quiet Sundays with my parents, I think about down time at home after a hard day at work when I was living in the city. I think about the natural world, in general, and how much it's been through and how much we as a species put it through.
Radio - Adam and Joe. God how I miss these two as a duo. I used to listen to their 6 Music podcast obsessively and could quote a million things from it. I was eyeball deep in A&J when I was a student, so it reminds me of bus rides to lecture halls and trying to stifle my laughter in public. Comedy is a big thing for me, and A&J have had a big role in shaping my sense of humour.
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Ask game - ask me my top 5 anything!
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
Markus and Connor are secret dating b/c Connor doesn't wanna be out to the world yet. The Jericrew (-Connor) go drinking and Markus gets *drunk* and starts rambling about his boyf after he rebuffs an advance made by a lady at the bar super sappily, but no matter how hard the others press him, they just get "oh, his eyes are the color of warm chocolate..." answers as to who this boyf is
You would never know Markus was drunk.
He didn’t stutter or slur when he spoke, he didn’t sway or trip over his feet. He didn’t giggle goofily or speak overly loud. He was perfectly composed, as much the charismatic android sober as he was when he was intoxicated.
What he did do, however, was go on long monologues like a Shakespearian stage actor.
Which would be fine, if Markus’ favorite subject to wax poetic about wasn’t his mysterious boyfriend, whom he’d sworn not to reveal the identity of until they were ready. Which would also be fine, if that mysterious boyfriend wasn’t Connor, who was often sitting right next to him (and slowly but surely bluescreening his way into that big Windows XP wallpaper in the sky) as he sang and lathered compliment after compliment, steadily giving away clues that were so blatant that it was a miracle that no one had figured them out yet.
Markus never remembered what he’d done the next day, and whenever Connor mercilessly played back his memories, his poor lover was as embarrassed as he was apologetic. Connor could hardly begrudge him (frankly he didn’t know what sane person on this planet could ever begrudge Markus, but that was just Connor’s correct opinion). What could they even do about it? Should he demand Markus consciously control himself? It wasn’t like Connor was any better at it. Give the RK800 too many AMB’s (Adios Motherboards) and he would be on top of the nearest table and scream-singing his every professionally repressed emotion, regardless if it was a karaoke bar or not. Hence why he never imbibed more than he could handle when they were around their friends. The last thing he wanted to do was sloppily propose to Markus after a long and terrible rendition of K-Ci and JoJo.
And Connor wouldn’t dream of telling Markus to measure the contents of his drink like Connor did. Not when his breaks were so rare, and getting him to relax and let loose was like pulling teeth.
It was just in the cards that their big revelation as a couple would be in a random bar at 3AM, with Markus saying something along the lines of “my boyfriend’s name starts with a C and rhymes with Donner”, and Connor had made peace with that.
“Scarlet woman!” Markus cried, at some random bar at 3AM, surrounded by their drunken comrades. Ah, would this be the night? Connor thought, on the correct side of buzzed as he watched on from the table right next to them, a heady mix of dread and amusement running through his computer soul. “Jezebel! How d a r e you solicit my happily taken hand!”
The waitress, who looked like she regretted serving their table, let alone attempting to get the number from the happily taken hand, raised her hands in surrender. “Sorry, sorry,” she said peaceably and with the calm air of someone who dealt with drunks as a job choice, “just trying to shoot my shot, ya know?”
Markus nodded at her magnanimously, because he was a kind and forgiving man even as a drunken buffoon. “Fret not. I pardon you of this most heinous slight, for if you knew the one to own my heart, you would understand that no other could compare.”
“Sure thing dude,” she said goodnaturedly, packing up and replacing drinks around their tables expertly, and parting with a “have a good night Romeo.”
“But who can no other compare to? WHOMST??” asked North, throwing her torso onto the table and looking up at Markus pleadingly.
“We’ve ruled out Jerry #451, Claudia, Baris from accounting, and Jerry #36,” Simon rattled off. He was looking down at a napkin that he had scribbled the names of all of their potential suspects. “I’ve got it. It’s Baris.”
North rolled her eyes. “We already said it wasn’t Baris.”
“Ohhh. Right, right.” Simon nodded his head and continued to not cross off the names of the people they had decided against, as he had been doing all night.
“How about you describe them a little?” Josh put in, reasonable, and therefore slightly less wasted than everyone else. “Hair color? Height? Eyes? Something?”
“Nay, I must not speak thusly!” Markus declared, back of his hand over his forehead and everything. “For if I were to tread down that forbidden road, I would surely not be able to stop myself from breaking our sacred oath of secrecy!”
“Oh my goOOOOOOOd I hate this fucking oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath,” North threw her head back and cried to heavens, which, considering her positon, was probably going to be hell on her neck come morning. “Come on! Break your oath! Be like Thor and wield oathbreaker goddamnit!”
“You might be thinking of Stormbreaker,” Connor added, the need to try and reason with alcoholics apparently embedded in his programming.
North narrowed her eyes at him, or rather his torso, since her chin was very resolutely still resting on the table. “If you think I’m thinking right now then you are drunker than I am.”
Connor lifted his barely touched glass to her in a toast because how dare she be lucid enough to clap back so quickly. A well deserved rebuttal fucking cheers.
“Glasses!” Josh exclaimed, snapping his fingers. “Do they wear glasses? That should narrow down some people.”
“That’s right! That’ll tell us if they’re an android or not. Androids don’t wear glasses! Our eyes are like...fucking...better and shit!”
“Unless….” Simon narrowed his eyes, pausing dramatically. “....they do.”
North gasped. Josh put his hands on either side of face, muttering; “holy fucking shit he’s right.”
Markus scoffed. “Their eyes do not hide behind paltry spectacles! His beautiful orbs, so soft and caring when his gaze lands upon my person, seeing into my very soul, are the warmest chocolate brown!”
‘Ah shit here we go,’ Connor thought, wishing not for the first time that he could just down his drink and join everyone else in blissful, idiotic cavorting. The soft, melodic piano and crooning words of All My Life playing over the speaker stayed his hand. Best not take any chances
“HE!” Simon burst out, tipping over in his chair. “He say he! Them is He!”
“Are we talkin’ Hershey’s or Dove?”
“Ghirardelli you fucking plebs!”
“Oi!” North banged her hand on the table so hard it left a handprint indented in the wood. It was one amongst many however, and not all of them left by their party. Such was the price for serving android drinks at a human bar - you either shelled out for sturdier furniture or the dents and chips became a charming aspect of your décor. “Don’t get spicy with us Sir Lancelot!”
“Apologies fair maiden,” Markus responded easily. He took her hand delicately and made a sweeping bow over it. “Alas, my passions got away from me.” He dropped her hand and whirled around, coat billowing with the movement and most assuredly by accident, placing both hands to his thirium pump. “Conjuring up the magnificent images that is the love of my life oft times sends my emotions into a tizzy! His hair; cloud like in my grasp as I run my fingers threw earthen chestnut tendrils - ”
‘Hhhhhhhhhhhhn so many adjectives Markus whyyyyyyyyyy,’ Connor wheezed internally. He didn’t bother trying to keep down his blush. Markus was nowhere near done laying on the compliments and he’d be subjecting himself to an endless loop of canceling the process. Besides, he could just blame it on the alcohol. Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol - wait no. What!? WHAT. Connor looked down at his drink and saw, to his mounting horror, that the glass was emptier than it had been a few minutes ago. Goddamn his automated rest mode cycle for transforming into fidgeting whenever he was nervous! He resolutely pushed the glass out of his immediate reach.
Nines, who was quietly sitting next to him, hunched over and taking notes on his own napkin, snapped his head up to attention when the glass brushed against his arm. His younger brother was looking from Connor to Markus, eyes narrowed suspiciously as Markus carried on. Connor didn’t like that look at all. It was always a risk inviting Nines to their little outings, the only thing Connor could bank on was Nines passing out - as his dear little bro was a notorious light weight - before his deductive skills could pierce through his drunken haze. Apparently Nines had chosen tonight of all nights, where Markus had never been more obvious about their relationship, to bloody pace himself.
If he could, Connor would be sweating bullets.
“ - a wit SO SHARP!!” Markus declared, foot now planted on his chair and shaking his fist to the ceiling as if it had insulted one of Carl’s paintings, “that neither an UNDEAD HOARD nor a POLITICIAN’S EGO could survive it’s precision strike!!”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, banger body, smarty pants, good at analyzing shit, likes animals” North listed off, holding a hand up and ticking a finger down. “Well that rules out all the Jerrys; they’re all redheads and they’re pretty aggressive about it - except for Jerry #86. Is your man-squeeze Jerry #86?”
“No no no last I heard Jerry #86 is dating Hatsume Miku’s bodyguard; Android Lucy Lawless.” said Simon.
“Tch. Lucky,” pouted North.
“Oh wow, she really kept that name huh?” Josh said, voice faint with wonder and disbelief. “That’s such a mouthful.”
“And who are you to question a Queen!?” snapped North.
“Huzzah and many blessings to the fortuitous couple!” Markus cheered, toasting a stein of frothy blue intoxication that looked as cartoonish as it did poisonous to the sky, knocking it back in several impressive gulps and slamming it back on the table. “BUT NEITHER OF THEM CAN COMPARE TO THE BEAUTY AND GRACE THAT IS MY LOVE!!” he boomed, louder and more British by the second. “WHO’S CURIOSITY AND INTELLECT A CHERISHED BOON TO I, BUT A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION TO HIS ENEMIES - !”
North slapped her hand on the table several times, the proverbial light bulb lighting up in her eyes - oh. No not proverbial. There was currently little lightbulb emojis pictured in her pupils. Yet another drunken download added to the bill. Connor was glad he’d drawn the long straw on ‘irresponsible buying duty’ tonight. No doubt there would be a lot of strange receipts to sort through in the morning. “Oh! I know I know! It’s Josh!”
So startled by this declaration/accusation, Josh jumped in his seat. “What!?”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, hot, obnoxious, smart - everything FITS!”
“...he didn’t say obnoxious,” Josh muttered, then physically shook sanity back into himself. “It can’t be me. I think I’d know if I was dating Markus!”
Simon leaned in closer towards Josh, arm on the table, determination in his mien. “But what if…” Without breaking eye contact with his friend, he smoothly cracked open his Thirium berry blast bahama mama banana punch wine cooler, and proceeded to pour it just two centimeters off from his glass, all over the table. “You don’t know.”
Josh was shook in the face of this evidence. North narrowed her eyes so hard that they were just closed at this point. “Highly suspicious.”
“No. Nooooo. No? No! Of course I’m not. Right Markus?”
Markus steepled his fingers together and cackled in a way that most people would find concerning, but Connor just found it adorable. He would saving that in his memory banks. “I’ll never tell~,” he sing songed.
“H i g h l y s u s p i c i o u s.”
“I know who it is,” Nines suddenly said, calm but with such confidence that he was easily heard amidst the ruckus. He had his elbows planted on the table, chin resting upon his entwined fingers. Steele grey eyes swept over the now quiet group, everyone waiting with baited breath.
“Grant us your wisdom ‘o soothsayer,” Markus whispered, eyes wide with anticipation and literally perched on the edge of his seat. Connor seriously measured the pros and cons of just throwing his portion of the tab on the table and yeeting himself out of the window.
“It’s Sixty.”
Immediately the room erupted into scoffs and hisses of disbelief. North gave him a thumbs down and cupped her hand to her mouth, letting a long, “Booooo!”
“Why are you booing me I’m right!”
“BoooOOooOOOOOoooooo!” Markus, Josh and Simon joined in.
Connor blinked, and suddenly felt all of his concerns about Nines’ being the lynch pin in solving this mystery evaporate. If Markus transformed into a C grade Shakespeare impersonator when drunk, and Connor subconsciously wanted to be recruited by America’s Got Talent, then Nines became a consummate dumbass.
“That’s it!” North exploded. “Ten dollars says it’s Jerry #92! I caught him in a wig once!” She stood up, her chair sliding back from the force, and slammed a note on the table.
Simon also stood up with equal intensity. “Twenty says it’s Josh!” He reached into his pocket and slammed its contents onto the table. When he removed his hand six lego pieces, a My Little Pony leg, and two actual diamonds were revealed. Connor hoped dearly that the bartender cut Simon off soon.
“It’s not me!” Josh said exasperated. He paused, then pointedly pulled out some money and threw it in the pot as well. “I put forty on Brenden.”
“Bull! Shit!” North declared. “Fitness guru Brenden!? No way!”
“He fits the criteria.”
“I doubt ‘How To Tell If An Android Has Welded on Parts from China vs Russia in their Selfies’ videos on his YouTube channel is the kind analysis Markus was talking about.”
“You don’t know that! He didn’t specify...”
As the two continued to argue, with Simon chiming in with some non sequitur, and Nines tutting about these ‘ignorant fools and their blindness to the evidence presented’, Connor looked over to Markus. He was quiet. He had his elbow perched precariously on the edge of the table, his cheek resting on his fist, a small hat (that was not there literally two minutes ago) was on his head, folded from one of the bar napkins.
And he was looking at Connor as if he hung the moon and stars.
‘How could the world not already know,’ Connor thought, soft and warm inside, happy merely to be in his line of sight, ‘When he looks at me like that?’
Connor picked up his glass and lifted it. “One hundred dollars on Sixty.”
Chaos erupted. Nines threw his arms up and hooted like he’d won the super bowl. Josh tried to explain to him how that was mathematically impossible. North shook her head and warned him that he would live on the streets with an answer like that. Simon pulled out a Yu-Gi-Oh! Card and said he would give him this Charizard if he agreed with him that Josh was Markus’ secret boyfriend. Connor withheld himself from trying to convince drunk people that this was not how betting worked.
Maybe Connor shouldn’t worry so much about their relationship being discovered after all. At this rate, no one would know about he and Markus being together until the wedding invites.
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silvermahogany · 3 years
Talking about a few songs I associate with my favourite aonoex characters bc i enjoy shoving my music taste in people's faces and analysing the shit out of nothing <3
Recent chapter spoiler warning lessgo, also mentions of suicide tw
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Still feel - Half•Alive
"I am not a slave, so pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave"
In my mind, this is his themesong without a doubt. Its reached the point where wherever i hear it it makes me really happy because I associate it with him so strongly :,D might just be because I found it while getting back into the fandom when Ren was kinda transitioning to my favourite so they came up together but either way, absolute banger. The bit at the end when everything drops and the lead singer belts his heart out, I always love to picture Ren doing the same in the illuminati uniform with Yamatanka building around him and I've never wanted to learn how to animate more in my life cause my GOD he's so cool.
My favourite song for my favourite character <3
Preach - Saint Motel
"Oh im down on my knees, mercy"
Its so happy and bouncy?? And the vibes are immaculate?? Matches well with the themes of religion as well, this one definitely shows his flirty loverboy side more, it gives the impression of some lovestruck idiot stumbling over himself every time his crush does anything and honestly, sounds like something he'd do. Good song makes me go :))))
Your Love (Deja Vu) - Glass Animals
"You eat us up, you live like you're on camera"
I feel like this one captures his spy side a little more than the others. The lower notes in the main verses give a secretive feel, like he's halfway through a mission and trying trying stay silent. But it's also flirty in a more smooth way than wholesome crushes like the rest. The lead singer has such a gorgeous voice too i'll praise glass animals until the day i die 🥺🥺 God tier song god tier vibe 1000000/10
"Now we're so young but we're probably gonna die, it's so fun we're so good at selling lies"
Now THIS is a song for a spy working for a secret deadly organisation, all about world domination and having a great time doing it. Renzou is a free spirit and loves the freedom of his job, and this song really captures that for me. He knows he's in danger, but he's living his best life and he's having a great time doing it baybeeee B)))
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
"You could yell 'piss off won't you stay away!' And still be sweet talk to my ears"
Ren is a persistent little shit when it comes comes crushes and this song shows it, a song about a guy who's so infatuated he doesn't care if he's hated or laughed at, he just loves hearing their voice. I see this as a bit of a yukishima anthem tbh, I feel like in the early stages of their relationship it would be pretty one sided with Shima trying to win him over and Yukio shutting him down so this matches that pretty well :>
Cant go five minutes without talking about them can i-
Honourable mentions-
Talk too much - COIN - very flirty and cheesy considered it as his themesong for a while
Toxic - Britney Spears - self explanatory :)
Razzmatazz - IDKHBTFM - everything they make shows his spy side imo, good for daydreaming
Van horn - Saint Motel -honestly anything by Saint Motel or Half•Alive reminds me of him, great bands :D
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Yukio was weirdly a lot harder for me to find songs for. For Renzou i have a giant playlist I add to over time, supreme comfort playlist egegegeheh, but Yukio's is a lot shorter for some reason. I guess his vibe is a little difficult to get down but a while scrolling through my main playlist and I think I have a decent few that at least match his character development and plotline.
Stressed Out - Twenty one Pilots
"Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter"
Pretty self explanatory really, mans was forced to grow up and mature way faster than he shouldve had to, having a high stress job by the age of 13 studying for two meister all while studying to be a normal doctor as well. Not much of a surprise he has so many mental issues by the beginning of the story. I dont listen to much TOP but the few songs I know seem to fit Yukio pretty nicely :)
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
"Those aren't meant to bend, no those arent meant to bend"
Another song based on depression, but with a much quieter feel, much lower energy. I feel like this one more links to his tendencies of delf destruction, and how alone he feels as he faces his battle. Like he's singing into the void hoping for something to reply, but nothing will. Man :(
The Fall - Half•Alive
"I'd jump off and into your arms but i cant trust the fall"
I feel like this one highlight his story to Rin in a really realistic way. Yukio has a good heart, he's kind and wants to love his brother and open up to him he wants to get better. But he's so deep in his pit of depression and conflicting feelings over his brother that he can't bring himself to, he sees no way out. God I wanna write an analysis on his character so bAD-
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
"Numb, I've been burning with haste and I'm realising now it's a terrible waste"
We just keep getting darker huh, didn't pick very pleasant tunes for this boy did I. A bouncy, happy song about a girl calling a suicide hotline, lovely. But i feel like it describes his mental state pretty well, outside he seems ok. Sure Rin picks up that somethings off, but once Yukio assures him he doesnt really persist above asking him a couple times. But below the facade he's really reaching his breaking point, and I love how this song contrasts those two tones in a scarily natural way. Absolute banger
Fireflies - Gorillaz
"And if you say goodbye too many times, the sentinels will find me and switch me off this time"
One of my absolute favourite Gorillaz songs by far. The melody is so gorgeous, melancholic in the best kind of way. For Yukio I feel like it signifies how trapped he feels as Satan's son, he's hit his lowest point and he doesnt know how to start moving back up. But the song also has a hopeful feel to it, as if even though he feels lost, he will get better. In the recent chapters we see a moment of reconciliation between Yukio and the people around him, with Suguro forgiving him and tye two brothers finally getting a chance to to things out. Before everything went to shit lmaoo. But with that i really hope that after all the fighting is done, Yukio will finally get the chance to see how bad things have gotten, and reach out to get better. And this song shows that for me :D
Honourable mentions!!
Creature - Half•Alive - the first song I ever added to his playlist, there for sentimentality tbh
Cane shuga - Glass Animals - the plonky noises make the happy chemical go buckwild, not sure why it reminds me of him it just kinda does really
I Earn My Life - Lemon Demon - mans is overworked give him a break :( ngl i don't associate it with him much but i wanted to edge a lemon demon song in somewhere-
Dead inside - Younger Hunger - whenever I hear this I always imagine a really cool animation of him and it always plays out the same way and MAN I wanna animate so baDD
Absolute wordvomit woohoo, hypervocused on this instead if doing the assignment due this evening I'm a fantastic student. This was kinda fun tho!!! I might do other characters at somepoint, these guys are my favourites but i have a bunch of playlists for other characters like Amaimon and Shura, recommendations are welcome too!!
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 3 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,210
warnings/notes: um yeah. this one moves fast, but this whole fic is basically about this one scene, this one part. so enjoy. no serious warnings, just strong language and some gay shit. angst.
tag list: @afuckingunicornn​
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“You’re... gay?” you whispered.
“It isn’t a fucking slur, you drunk ass.” Iwaizumi spoke, shoving you with his arm (making you hit your head on the door, but you barely noticed). “And I don’t know what exactly I am, but I just know it’s not straight.”
“Matsu?” you turned to the other boy. 
“I’ve been gay, and Iwa is sexy as fuck so who am I to deny his sexual awakening?”
It almost made you laugh.
It was hot in the closet. Dark. And you were squished in between two (very tall) men. A single light hung from the ceiling, swaying slightly.
“I uh,” You were so numb. You played with your sleeves. “I watched ‘Kawa make out with this girl. Stood there like an idiot and watched it happen. And it… it sucks to like know about it but to see it…to watch it happen…it’s way worse.”
“Oh,” They both said, sadness laced behind a whisper.
“You were going to tell him, weren’t you?” Matsukawa inquired.
You gasped, turning wide-eyed to Iwaizumi. He held his hands up in surrender. “You told him?” and “I didn’t tell him I swear!” coming out of both of you at once.
“I knew for, like, years now.” Matsukawa interrupted. “You’re the most obvious person ever, just so you know. You might as well be the fucking heart eye emoji whenever you look at him.” He paused to gauge your reaction, which was nothing. “Back to my question: you were going to tell him, weren’t you?”
“I..” you bit the inside of your cheek. “Yeah, I think so? I don’t know. I just know I really wanted to talk to him and see him and hear his voice. And I still do. But now my mind is full of him and the really pretty brown-haired girl exchanging spit.”
“Maybe we should get out of the closet and get some air.”
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The next morning, you woke up on the floor in the guest bedroom. Iwaizumi had taped a piece of paper to your forehead (“drink water” it said), and a blanket was wrapped around your upper body. You could not remember what happened after leaving the closet, how you ended up in the guest room, or why you were on the floor and not in the perfectly good bed above you.
But, nonetheless, you got up and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Where the fuck is Oikawa?
A loud thump interrupted your thoughts. Yup, there he was. You let out an annoyed groan as he decided to make the most noise possible on his way to the kitchen.
You pulled yourself onto the counter, wanting to slam your head against the cabinet. You never got hangovers, why was today the day you got one?
“Well don’t you look beautiful this fine morning.” Oikawa greeted, smiling.
He always looked his best in the morning, you thought. He may come across as perfect, but it makes your heart do flips when he comes in with bed head and his glasses on. Not to mention he looked absolutely gorgeous in the morning sunlight, beaming and bright.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” Your eyes were still closed.
You heard movement, a cabinet open then close, and only opened your eyes when he stood in front of you (in between your legs, no less). You held your breath.
“I look amazing, and you know it.” He was so close you could feel his breath. He brushed his teeth, the smell of mint circling you. Why was he so close?
He reached forward, pressing his hand to your forehead. Still half awake and clearly extremely hungover, you leaned into his touch as he moved his hands to your cheeks. His eyes scanned your face, but your eyes never moved from his.
His hands paused and stayed on your neck, just below your jaw. Hovering.
Unconsciously, you leaned forward. Only a little bit.
And he did too.
Your lips were so close. If you wanted to, you could kiss him. Just like that. A few centimeters away, and you could do what you’ve wanted to do for years. Feel what it would be like to be one of the many girls who had their lips against his. The air was so tense, so full of something you couldn’t explain. Just a few centimeters. Was he leaning in too?
He moved back.
“Medicine for your head, and you have a little bit of a fever so there’s something for that too.” Oikawa spoke. His voice sounded deeper, but maybe you were just thinking things. A small cough from him. He put pills into your hand. “You get something to drink. I’ll start picking up trash, you’re on…”
“Cups and cans duty.” You finished. It was always the routine. “Thank you.”
“Don’t slack off too much, you fucking drunk.” He joked, smiling at you with a trash bag in his hand.
You rolled your eyes at him, throwing the nearest empty can at him. You smiled, but your heart was aching.
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The first time Oikawa had ever thrown a party, it was a disaster. 
People flooded the house, though it was only supposed to be a small get-together and ended up a huge banger. The school talked about it for a while. An increase in his popularity.
The two of you were left to pick up the mess. 
“Where the fuck do we start?” you asked, staring into the abyss that was once his living room.
“I’ll pick up the garbage and you pick up the cans and bottles?” Oikawa suggested. “If my mom finds any alcoholic beverage in this house she will pelt me with my own volleyballs.”
“I’ll help too.” Oikawa’s older brother said from the doorway, trashbag in hand. “Let’s get to work. We only have until six.”
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Matsukawa soon joined your routine.
For the past month or so, Iwaizumi would eat lunch with you in the library as you studied for the entrance exams. Oikawa would join sometimes, or he would come right before lunch was over. He liked to eat lunch in the cafeteria, liked to “have that break from studies”. You two didn’t mind, you got more done without him distracting anyway.
Matsukawa had become your third-party during Lunch Study Dates. You didn’t complain, and you didn’t ask the two of them what exactly their relationship was. You joked with Iwaizumi that you were simply there to hide the fact they never stopped flirting. He would just laugh.
“Wait, you almost kissed?” Iwaizumi asked, studies long forgotten.
“I think so, yeah.” You kept your eyes on your paper. “It was weird, and the air was super heavy. And he hasn’t talked to me since. Not even while we were cleaning.”
“Not even a text?” Matsukawa asked.
“Not even a wave in the hallway.”
“Now that’s weird.”
“You’re telling me.” You finally looked up. “I.. Nothing has ever happened between us like that. Ever. And it was so out of nowhere, like, you would think our first almost kiss would be some cool moment or something. But it was just us, and I was hungover as fuck, and we just spent the rest of the afternoon in silence. And all that there has been since is just that. Silence.”
“I’m sorry, love.” Matsukawa reached over to place his hand over your wrist. “You know what. Tooru is an idiot. He is. I would have kissed you.”
“You’re gay.”
“And I would’ve kissed you. That’s the highest compliment you can receive. Accept it, woman.”
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Growing up with Tooru Oikawa, you knew many things about the boy that many didn’t. You knew that he always put extra syrup on his pancakes and waffles, you knew that he always preferred hot showers rather than the cold ones his mother always tells him to take for soreness, and you knew that he practiced more than anyone could imagine.
He grew up with a volleyball attached to his side. He set it whenever he could, he would serve it into your yard (and then go get it and serve it back into his). He would ask you to join, but you always just watched.
Growing up with Tooru Oikawa also made you witness his growth. And you think that’s another reason you fell in love with him.
His passion was indescribable. You couldn’t count how many times people (including yourself) have told him to relax, take a day off, remind him to eat and drink. But his heart was in it, no matter how much it distracted him from daily fleets. You admired him for that.
You didn’t have that Thing growing up. You tried a lot of different things, different hobbies and sports and classes. But you never had that thing that you had so much passion for that you had to remind yourself to breathe.
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One week of silence. One week of nothing from your best friend. Not a text, a call, a smile sent your way. Not even an eye contact.
It was strange. Your entire life had revolved around being around him, your routine included smiling and walking with him in the hallway, fixing his tie in the morning.
He was already in class when you came to school. And his tie was straight.
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You decided to spend most of your free time in the library, knowing that Oikawa didn’t find himself in there very often. If he was going to avoid you without an explanation, you could avoid him just as hard and for just as long. That was your logic.
Iwaizumi joined you, plopping himself down on the couch beside you. It sat in the back of the library, in the corner away from everything. You were being Sad TM.
It was so stupid, of course. To be upset or sad about something that didn’t even happen; at something that almost happened but never did. Iwaizumi reminded you that it wasn’t about the near kiss, but the silence after.
A body appeared out of thin air in front of you. You wouldn’t mistake the boy for anyone in the world.
“’Kawa.” You said, looking up. He looked way taller from your position on the couch. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He said. No “nut” this time. He fidgeted with his fingers. “Can I get my jersey back? The one you wear to the games?”
Your eyes shot up.
“’M sorry?”
“Can I get my jersey back?” he asked again.
You felt Iwaizumi put his hand on your thigh. You must’ve been shaking. One week of complete silence and complete rejection and absence only to be met with the break of a tradition.
“Um, yeah.” You blinked. “Yeah. I have it at home, I can stop by later and give it to you.”
“Just bring it tomorrow. Before the game.” He spoke. But his voice didn’t sound like his. It was forced. Since when was talking to you a task?
“O.. Okay.”
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A pinky promise was something taken very seriously. As kids, it was treated with the upmost respect and honor.
It was middle school, and the team announced that for a special tournament, and for school spirit, that the players would pick their best friend to wear their jersey to the games.
Oikawa immediately came to you with his “away” jersey, proudly holding it up. “Pinky promise me that you will always wear my jersey to my games!”
“Pinky promise!” you had told him.
You wore the jersey as you wrapped your pinky around his. Wearing his jersey became one of your favorite parts of going to his games.
Guess in high school, pinky promises don’t mean the same thing.
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The thing about Tooru Oikawa is he never dates. This was something you knew for certain. He has never once had an official girlfriend, and he always talked about how he never planned on having one (“They’re both a distraction and a big responsibility,” he would say. “Besides, what would I need a girlfriend for when I already have a girl who does everything for me?” he would add).
Which is why you were surprised to see him hand in hand with a very familiar girl later that day. The long perfect brown hair, the long legs. After seven days of not speaking to you, he had a girl wrapped around his arm as though it was the most casual thing of him to be doing.
You stopped in front of them, trying your very best to hide your confusion.
“Oh!” he smiled, saying your name. Acting as though he hadn’t just asked you to turn in something that had meant something important to your friendship (at least it did to you). “You haven’t met Sana. My girlfriend.”
The aforementioned girl, Sana, smiled at you. Perfect teeth, of course. She gave a slight bow before reaching out her hand. Girlfriend.
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve been waiting to meet Tooru’s best friend!”
You forced a smile as you shook her hand. “Nice to meet you too, Sana.”
You looked over her shoulder, to Oikawa (who looked nervous, fidgety in fact), and to Iwaizumi and Matsukawa (who stood a bit further away, but just as shook and confused as you).
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