#i get why it took off after season four but it sucks and i hate it </3
sigmaships · 6 months
being a kenshivrome enjoyer who hates dom ken makes me literally the most oppressed roycest enjoyer in the world
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down-the-rabbid-hole · 4 months
A collection of miscellaneous Rabbids Invasion headcanons
Because I'm sleep deprived and why the hell not
Mad is VERY hyperactive and cannot sit still to save his life, he's always fidgeting or moving a little. He often tends to speak really fast when he gets excited about something, much to Nerdy's annoyance
Nerdy is Mad's first assistant to actually stay around him for longer than a week, most of the others would've run off out of fear or because they didn't want to become a lab rat. Mad doesn't know whether Nerdy stuck around because he likes him or out of stupidity and this will never cease to fascinate him (in truth it's a mix of both)
Yes there besties and you cannot change my mind, I'm very normal about their dynamic (lying)
I've said this before but Non Binary Mini
Nerdy didn't need glasses before the Mole-Rabbid incident but now he does, and is practically blind without them
Yes, he can still transform into Mole Rabbid, but he doesn't do it as often (HE SHOULD'VE DONE IT IN THE SEASON FOUR FINALE)
Lapini likes tea, and Mad prefers coffee, they have and will fight over this
Season four took place before the movie, and the stupidity thing just...wore off or something
At some point I may rewrite the season four finale cuz it kinda sucked no offense
The Mars gang sticks together after the events of the movie, sort of all staying together in scribbles little lab thing on that one island, John and Olivia visit sometimes too!
Lapini villain arc would be cool though
Mad is a chronic insomniac and will refuse to sleep unless he passes out in the middle of doing something, Nerdy has and will drug his coffee with NyQuil so he actually sleeps for once
One of the first things Lapini did in the lab was uncover his old translator from the series so he could have a proper conversation with Olivia
Less a headcanon and more of a parallel, but concept art reveals Lapini's lab in the movie is made from a half-dismantled helicopter, and since Mad's lab is in a school bus they both have labs made in/from scrapped vehicles!
Cosmo still dreams of being an astronaut sometimes, if he ever gets a room or something he'd fill it with glow in the dark stars
Lapini is claustrophobic
Nerdy still gets Mole-Rabbid instincts sometimes, he becomes more alert if he were to ever go underground, and his eyes glow ever so slightly in the dark
He also has retractable mole claws now! He's accidentally scratched more countertops than he can count with them lmao
Mad has absolutely horrible social skills. Mf has no sense of boundaries and cannot pick up on any social cues, also isn't really good at reading others emotions, which is why he sometimes goes too far with teasing or other things
Speaking of teasing! Mad LOVES to tease Lapini, and the two have a sort of one sided rivalry, Lapini doesn't want anything to do with Mad and Mad is determined to one-up Lapini at every little thing he does
Mainly because Lapini is the only other Rabbid Mad has found that can match his own intelligence, Lapini also sees this but sees Mad as impulsive, reckless, and a general disgrace to science
Mad doesn't hate Lapini though, quite the opposite really! He does enjoy being around him but only knows how to do so through competition and teasing, which he doesn't know is bothering Lapini as much as it is lmao
If we ever get a season five or another movie I NEED to see an plot where Lapini and Mad are forced to work together and learn they're not actually so different, please that would be so cool
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bubblyqueer000 · 1 year
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soz I haven't been posting. I'll make an update soon C:
still tho gotta do my yearly april fools day post!!
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Okay so like last year that little cock weasel, monocumstain killed my boyfriend, mondo because he was mad he commited a hate crime and fucked me on the tables in the cafeteria, coating them in his dick cheese in the process. UGGGGHH
I was in the midst of using a metal spatula to scrape off his dried up mondo butter from under the tables when I felt a horrible pain filling my chest.
“Ow tf” I sayed
“Shut the fuck up” said Kyoto
“No you cunt, my stomach really hurts.”
“Well no shit we’re all like a million years old now and during that whole time mondo was fuckin destroying your organs.” Said toastermi
Shit u right.” And then I felt another horrible fucking pain in my tummy!!! “AHHHHHHFHDNDNBDNDJDNDND NO YOU BITCHES IDK WHATS HAPPENING”
“maybe u need a nap c: “ Nina told me
“DON’T WORRY YALL I GOT THIS!” Said sakura, kicking me as hard as she could in the stomach making my organs squirt out of my ass with a loud shlorp. 
“OH SHIT IN THE SINK GET HER TO THE SINK!” Shouted byakuya bc he thought it was my period and he was scared of periods and stuf. 
So yea soccer ball carried me over her shoulder into the kitchen and plopped me in the sink where I screamed and farted loudly lmfao. I really hope that no one actually gets turned on by this dear fucking god. 
So yeah I shitted out a bb. 
“What the fuck” Said everyone collectively. 
“Goo goo ga ga 😀” He goo goo ga gad
“Because you had tons of unprotected sex with mondo.”
“Oh yeah ur right. Alright well… Idk ummm ill name u mondo after ur dad ig.”
“otay” he said bc that’s how babies talk according to fan fic writers wtf is wrong with you people??
“Acutually you can;t lol” said byakuya smartily. “Bc if u did that everytime you called him that hed think of how u fucked his dad or some shit.”
“Byakuya what the actual fuck. I don’t think you understand the absurdity of what you just said. Not only is that sexualizing my infant son, but it’s also an incredibly perverse interpretation of a healthy relationship based on love and respect, and now that he’s passed us on, it’s all the more insensitive.” I told him and everyone started clapping. I looked at the fuckin kid and thought and thought. “Wait wat was mondo’s brother’s name again?”
“Diarrhea.” Sayd makoto.
“LMAOOOOO k ur names diarrhea.” i told the child. 
“K lol.” he said. 
“WHAT WANT BUTT FART???” I sowed   
“well everyone knows that babies need a mommy and daddy or else thre brains wont work. so im volunteering to be ur rich and morty. fuck wait no. rich baby daddy” he explammmed rickbabydaddily 
“??? Tf no!! richie bitches suck” and then I rapped the entirety of piggy pie by icp for everyone but it was a parody that fit the situation like that one mlp web series we all watched as kids that had the parody wreck it ralph op and there was also fuckin evelyn evelyn and confrontation from jekly and hyde parodies ummmm… hold on let me google it. PRINCESS TRIXIE SPARKLE BY MAGPIE PONY.
so I took a break from writing this and taking care of my bastard son to re watch that series and then the first four seasons of mlp and then like all of rainbow dash presents fuck i miss the early days of mlp lmao    
So anyways after that I came out of my room and Daiya II was like a teenager because I was watching mlp content for like fifteen years. 
“Hewwo mwommy” he said 
“Ew why do you still talk like that? Get that shit out of here.”
“Jeez you’re such a bitch.” He told me.
“:0??? >:0! Go to ur room you little shit!” 
“NO mom! >:0! YOU go to YOUR room!”
“Wait what.” and then my own son stabbed me. “Ow bitch u stabbed me in the tit.” 
“Yea but it’s dedly bc ur like 47893845748398.”
“SHIT” so yeah I fuckin died. 
“You… cunt.” I said and stoped living. 
When I woke up I was in hell. And who else was there???
Ur MOM! (sorry if ur mom is actually ded or somethin rip)
BUT ALSO MONDO AND DAIYA OWADA (the first one not my son)???? :0
“Hey cootie ;0” said doodie owada
“MONDO!” I cried running over to him.
“Am I a joke to you?” Daiya asked bc i ignored his dumb ass
“Wassup bbygrl C:” Mondo asked. 
“I missed you so much.” I told him. 
“Kay let’s fuck already.” 
Our clothes all burned off bc my homophobic relatives tell me that I hell is hot. Then they bent me over. I suckked daiyas dick and took mondos in my ass. 
“Glucglucglucglucglucgluc” i said suckn dick. 
“Coom” and then I fake my organism. 
Soooo yeah were done and were just chillin wit angel hazbin hotel bc it’s hell. BUT IT TURNED OUT THAT DAIYA II WAS THERE BC HE WAS EXECUTED LMFAO
Anyways happy april fools day seeya next year :3
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Porcelain Doll, Chapter 4
Word Count:  2.1k
Warnings:  angst, manipulation, foreplay, implied smut, violence/fight.
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“Alright Margo…so tell me…is anything new with school?  Or the track team?”
You sighed, “Mist-“
“No excuses,” he began, cutting you off, “you’ve been distant since last week, and it’s showing.  What happened?”
Bucky turned and he took a deep breath.  His lips parted like he wanted to say something, but he immediately stopped.  Romeo started tugging on his leash to head towards him, but you held firm, keeping your dog from going up to see him. 
“I-I don’t know why I’m here…”
You continued to stay planted at the edge of your driveway, Bucky remaining stock still on the edge of your lawn.  There were so many emotions that passed his eyes as he stared at you.  Confusion.  Sadness.  But you only felt the pain that resonated deep within your belly.  The pain that he’d abandoned you. 
“Y-you could come in if you wan-“
“No!” he said quickly, cutting you off, “no…I mean-“
“It’s fine,” you shrugged, pushing past him, feeling the rejection all over again.  Romeo wanted to go see him, but you pulled your German Shepard towards the door, “come on Ro…”
“Have a good day, Mr. Barnes…”
Your head snapped up towards your therapist.
Over the past few months, you’d managed to avoid Bucky Barnes.  Or he would avoid you.  When you were on your walks with Romeo you purposefully avoided his street, and if you saw him out running you would do your best to evade him. 
It’d felt like the man who had stood up for you to move back into your childhood home had abandoned you ever since the kiss.  And you didn’t know what to do. 
“Sorry,” you sighed, pulling yourself out of your own thoughts.  You looked back to your therapist, “Track is over…and it was an alright season…I guess.  I-uh…I’m going to city college in the fall.  Got my early acceptance in, so that’s cool…yay college.”
“You don’t sound too happy about it…”
“I mean, four years of school after I get out of high school…not seeing the upside to that.”
“Well…don’t you want a career?”
You shrugged, “my parents each had a million dollar life insurance policy…after paying for the funerals, even if I didn’t get a degree and worked some janky job with the correct investments I don’t really have a need for anything.  I already own the house…”
“You sound like you’ve disassociated from your life, Margo…”
“Wouldn’t you?” you asked, staring him down, “my parents were gunned down for trying to get dinner at the wrong place at the wrong time.  All of my high school friends feel awkward around me so I’m alienated.  I’ve got good grades, but no ambition for college anymore.  Why should I feel happy?”
“Margo…you are the one alienating yourself,” he said firmly, “I know for a fact that my daughter and her friends have all reached out to yo-“
“I don’t need their fake pity!” you growled, shooting him a glare, “I don’t need your daughter or her friends.  She’s dating Jacob Barber…the fucking prick is in my grade.  I know him and his little friends were the ones that vandalized my house in the first place.”
“Do you have any proof of that?”
“Whose side are you on?” you growled, “because for a therapist, you kind of suck at helping me with my problems and listening to them.”
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“It’s the end of Summer!” Jacob grinned as he held up his bottle of soda.  You rolled your eyes, annoyed at how you had allowed yourself to be conned into coming to the block party that your neighborhood was throwing.  You hated yourself even more for ending up in the Barber’s back yard while they grilled out, played in the pool, and had a great time. 
“This is really fun!” Viv grinned, shooting you a look, “right?  I mea-“
“Just because you’re friends with Ashley and her…and she’s dating Jacob the jackass, doesn’t mean we are friends.  Don’t talk to me.”
Viv bit her lip, embarrassed that she had tried to talk to you.  She took a step away, “I-I’m sorry, Margo.”
“Holy shit!”
Your head turned when Ashley swore.  You followed her eyes and your heart instantly broke.
“No way…”
“Is that-Mr. Barnes…with a girl?”
“And here I was thinking he was taking it up the ass from Captain America all these years,” Jacob scoffed, wrapping his arm tighter around his girlfriend as he sipped on his soda, “oh hey…Margo…looks like the super soldier doesn’t like dick…he just didn’t have a thing for you!”
“Fuck off, Barber!” you spat, angrily pushing your way out of the group of kids from the neighborhood.  You pushed past Bucky and his date, as well as some of the other guys from the neighborhood.  You were almost to the door when you heard Mr. Barber’s voice.
“Shit,” you whispered, hoping that your tears weren’t visible to him, “What is it, Mr. Barber?”
“Grab some more of the burgers from the freezer, will ya?”
“Thanks sweetheart!”
You rolled your eyes, making your way into the garage, where you knew the deep freezer was.  While you were bent over, grabbing another box of burgers you heard the door open.  You snapped up, only to see Jacob standing there, a shit eating grin on his face, “well look what the cat dragged in.”
“Fuck off, Jacob.”
“Oh, come on, Margo…don’t be like that.”
“I said, fuck off, Jacob.” You pushed him away as he tried to come near you.  You could smell booze on him, “why do you smell like booze?  Have you been drinking?”
“Slipped it from my dad’s liquor cabinet,” he grinned, holding up his bottle of soda, “why?  You want to party?”
You sneered, “No.  Just go back to your little girlfriend and leave me the fuck alone.”
Jacob took a deep breath, continuing to step forward until he had you pinned between himself and the freezer.  His glassy expression studied you, “you know…for a little tease…you’re pretty fucking cute…you ever actually fuck a guy or are you just holding out for the reformed, brainwashed fuckhead.”
“Go fuck yourself!”
You went to slap him, but he caught your hand, despite his inebriated state.  His grin turned dangerous as he tsked you, “shouldn’t have done that you little fucking slut.”
He used his other hand to backhand you.  Your head snapped along with it, and he stepped back, unpinning you from between himself and the freezer.  A dark laugh escaped his throat, “you know what…I think I like you down there…on your hands and knees.  It’s where you belong.”
You sniffled, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. 
“What…you going to cry, you little slut?” he taunted, “I haven’t even done anything to you yet.��
You didn’t get the chance to answer.  The next thing you knew there was a heavy thud and Jacob came crumpling to the floor.  You looked up to see a pissed off Andy Barber standing there, his own jaw tensed. 
Jacob glared at his father, holding his jaw.  You looked up at him for a moment, before looking away.  He rushed you, a look of worry crossing his features, “shit…what the hell happened?  Are you okay, Margo?”
“What the fuck, dad?”
“Why is she bleeding, huh?” he growled, “did you do this to her?”
“What?  No!  I don’t know!  The stupid slut probably ran into the wall or something.” Jacob lied.
“He hit me,” you admitted slowly as Andy lifted your face, “he-he started talking about me and then he hit me when I told him to fuck off.”
“It’s not true, dad…I-“
“Jacob, get the fuck out!” Andy demanded.  When Jacob didn’t move, Andy turned his attention towards his son, “Get the fuck out, Jacob.  NOW!”
Jacob rushed to get away from the two of you, holding his jaw.  You didn’t look up again at Andy until after the door had slammed shut and Andy was lifting your face, inspecting it.  You tried to shake him off, the tears beginning to fall down your cheeks, “Mr. Barber-“
“Are you okay to walk?” You nodded, and he helped you up, “let me get you cleaned up, upstairs, and you can tell me what happened, okay?”
“I don’t wan-“
You stopped speaking, not want to argue with the man that was helping.  You sighed, and he led the way through the house, upstairs, until he’d reached the bathroom.  He began fumbling through the cabinets, getting frustrated as the seconds passed, and he didn’t automatically come up with any bandages. 
“That fucking little shit!” he growled, “I think he’s got the first aid kit in his room…wait right here, Margo.  I’ll be back.”
You watched as he walked out of the bathroom.  Turning towards the mirror, you frowned when you saw your lip had split.  The blood had dried up, but you didn’t appreciate the small bruise that was left by your mouth from the back of his hand making contact with your face.  You sniffled, touching the tender skin, but retracting your hand a second later. 
With another sigh you turned away, and went through the hall and into Jacob’s room, where Andy was looking for the first aid kit.  He went into the adjoining bathroom and a devious thought crossed your mind. 
“Mr. Barber…”
“I swear, it has to be in here!” Andy called from the bathroom, “give me a second, Margo…and I’ll get you patched up.”
You locked the door and slid out of your summer dress.  Feeling the rage inside of you, knowing that Bucky was probably still enjoying the party with his date, you removed your bra and panties, leaving you only in your heels. 
Andy walked back into his son’s bedroom but dropped the first aid kit when he saw you standing naked in the middle of the room.  The band aids, gauze, and items inside the kit spilled onto the floor.  Andy’s breath caught in his throat, “Margo…wh-what are you doing?”
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It had been circulating the neighborhood for most of the summer. 
The email chains. 
The single guys catching wind of it and texting the link to each other. 
Bucky would have been lying to himself to say that he didn’t watch it; even though the guilt of it nearly consumed him.
Andy’s hands skimmed up her body, his large hands capturing your hips.  A shiver ran up your spine as he squeezed them gently, pulling you towards his body so that you could feel the growing erection through his board shorts.  Your nipples pebbled against his toned chest. 
Your eyes fluttered up to his and he shuddered when your hands nimbly picked at the buttons of his Tommy Bahama shirt. 
“I want to feel you, Andy,” you whimpered gently as you undid the last button and ran your hand up his chest.  You pressed your own bare chest against his, and you felt his nails digging into your hips, his cock twitching eagerly against the shorts, “I want to feel a man inside of me…a real man like you.”
His eyes fluttered closed as your hands trailed back down his chest, nails grazing over the firm, slightly hairy stomach, down to the hem of his shorts.  Gently, you pulled them down, releasing his impressive, girthy length from its confines. 
You gasped. 
He smiled, “think you can handle a real man, sweetheart?”
“Oh, I know I can,” you purred, leaning against his chest a little bit more as you reached up to his cock to start stroking him.  Andy groaned, his head lulling slightly as you leaned up and began kissing his neck, “fuck me good, Andy…”
“Margo, I-“
But Bucky stopped himself from speaking. 
His brow furrowed as he looked at the young couple who had answered the door.
“Can we help you?”
“You’re not Margo!” Bucky answered, his tone sounding slightly hurt and very confused, “wh-where’s Margo?”
“We’re renting the house this semester from her while she lives on campus…was she expecting you to show up?” the man asked, “do you know Margo?”
“She-I-family friend,” he said quickly, instantly changing his story, “I thought she was going to stay at the house until after school started.”
“She figured it would be best if she…got away for a little while…after that video surfaced…” The wife said nervously, looking around outside as if someone was listening in to the conversation, “you know…”
Bucky sighed, his throat going dry, “Yeah…yeah…that makes sense…do-do you guys know where she’s living?”
“She’s staying somewhere in the city, that’s all we know,” the man shrugged, “we send our rent checks to a PO Box there.”
“Honey!” the woman proclaimed, pulling her husband back towards her, “we shouldn’t be giving out her information…”
“I didn’t tell him an-“
“Look, if you’re really a family friend, you should have her number,” she said quickly, looking to push the door closed, “you should try reaching out to her, instead.”
Chapter 5
 Tag List:  @teambarnes72, @lohnes16
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Thoughts and opinions on aro steve? 🤨
Aro Steve my beloved
Sorry it took me so long to get to it, but here it is :)
Yes. Absolutely. (BTW I hc him as aromantic bisexual) there's a bunch more stuff ab him that suggests completely different, and ofc all headcanons are valid, this is just how I like to interpret I'm not trying to, like, prove aro Steve canon. I'll start with how he acts in canon and then move on to some headcanons after. The first part of the post is about my canon analysis but it has a kind of overall theme of heteronormativity, so caution but it isn't that that heavy. If you want, you can skip to the second part, which is just some headcanons. I'll make the title orange so you know when to stop scrolling.
starting with season three:
Steve was essentially weighing pros and cons of dating ppl. He knew exactly how to get someone to like him, but Dustin's "choose someone who you like dating" concept was foreign. In not dating he couldn't have a multitude of other reasons for dating popular girls, but specifically the analytical approach he was taking is what comes off to me as aromantic. "Oh, romance was supposed to be a feeling? Since WHEN!?" -me after finding out alloros exist. Another thing is that Steve doesn't even consider Robin a romantic interest, it doesn't even cross his mind, until Dustin brings it up. Consider- Robin opens up to him while they're drugged. "I was obsessed". And *this* while speech is what Steve considered to be a romantic confession. Only after this does he say that he has a crush on Robin. Not only this, he says that having a crush on Robin is why he isn't still in love with Nancy- which just isn't how that works (see: Boyce/Jopper). All of this shows an understanding of "courting rituals" so to speak, but not of romance.
Season four:
Steddie is fanon.
"I would date her, but.. nevermind" honestly, I hate this line so fucking much. I think it was put in to make a *point* out of not outing Robin, which I appreciate but it OBVIOUSLY sucks. (What I appreciate way more is him talking to Dustin generally and just ✨️not✨️) what I see is him being "caught" and his first instinct was to scapegoat Robin. There isn't any reason for him to feel defensive about not wanting to date someone- unless those two experiences are associated. "Of course I want a girlfriend, look, there's a girl". In the beginning of season four, what Steve says is "do I want to start another relationship just for sex?" Which is a valid thing to say, it's okay to prefer relationships that are mostly about romance, but in Steve's case, there could be more to it. Looking back at season one, the way Tommy and Carol talk about Nancy is like the first time they've interpreted Steve's advances towards a girl as romantic. Up until that point, Steve had been able to "get away with" not being romantic with anyone and still come of as "normal" by continuing this pattern. Imo he was totally fine with it, and the reason he isn't still is because he falsely associates those type of relationships with the entirety of that phase of his life. Likewise, he associates his relationship with Nancy with the time he started actually making friends and being a better person, unconsciously tying his image of the guy he wants to be with being someone who can hold down a romantic relationship. Consider how Robin phrases his problem, "you go on a million dates and have no clue what you want!". Because Steve has an idea of romance that he's aiming for, but he doesn't really feel romantically towards anyone. Even his vision for the future: I think it's unanimous that nobody thought "six little nuggets" was romantic. I think of Sieve was being honest with himself when he decided to make a move on Nancy (if he was even trying to) be would have described the "wife" more than the kids. "Me, my beautiful wife, and our family" doesn't sound Nancy's style at all, but it's still far more romance-oriented than "six kids and um also you btw".
Steve still wants his huge family, he's someone who thrives having several types of platonic relationships in his life
I'm adopting the fanon/hc that Steve learns all he can abt the LGBTQ+ community and is super involved with the local queer community
Every time he sees a love triangle on TV he just points and says "those two should just get together, that person is tired and I don't think they want to date either of them", while Robin is a big fan of "they should just all date".
He doesn't really like the aro flag once he eventually finds out about it. (Don't crucify me I fucking love the aro flag) he just doesn't like the colors. He does like the bi flag, but he just has the rainbow.
He probably continues using the eight stripe rainbow on like, pins an bracelets and whatnot as well as having one in his house once he has one. He uses the eight stripe rainbow right up until he eventually finds out about the progress flag with the chevron thing.
He puts rainbows subtly on himself all the time, like bracelets and pins, but also coloring his shoes, picking which hair clips to wear, on his socks and pretty much any item he owns so ppl feel safer around him
He gets married to someone at some point and idk if it's before or after adopting his kids, but I just feel like Steve is someone who likes the idea of marriage
He definitely thought everyone felt the same way as him for the longest time
He pronounces it "Ay-ro-mantic" not "air-romantic" and is like, far too insistent on it.
(While writing this I literally just realized how different he and I are bc most of these are not true about me as an aro person lol)
If you have questions, you can ask and I might answer, probably in the comments bc this post is pretty long and I don't want it clogging my blog by reblogging alot.
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Out of Character Information
Name/Alias: Shelby 
Age: 31
NSFW Personal Preference: Fade to Black
Series/Season: season one- season 3
Canon Changes: I have none other then what's already been change.
Activity Level: Other than work and occasional school work I'll pretty much be on. Sometimes i can even do replies, starters at work and post when I get up because I work 12 hour midnights every other weekend schedule.  
Time Zone: EST
RP Experience: I’ve been roleplaying since 2015 also managed a few groups
Best Mode of Contact : Discord
In Character Information
Desired Character: Dean Winchester
Age: 24
OTP / NOTP: Dean x Buffy
Housing: Dean will be living in the institute 
These questions are to be answered in sentence format — each one taking up three to four sentences on average.
01. Give us your thoughts on New Orleans? It's a goddamn shit show.
02. Tell us how you feel about your species, and if you could change it what would you choose to be and why? I hate it, I prefer to be human, not a damn shadowhunter— its not normal.
03. Please describe who is the most person important to you and why? Sam even though he's being stupid right now.
04. Detail a specific point in time that has detrimentally changed you? The death of my mother, that's when everything changed for my family.
05. Explain (a few) bad habit(s) in detail that you’ve picked up over the years, if you remember when you started it describe that pivotal moment as well as what you’ve tried to do to cope with it? Probably lack of trust, and i don't care enough to cope with it
Dust in the Wind — Kansas
Dean relates to this song because he hasn't had a stable home life, and has experienced a lot of death so nothing really matters to him.
Ramble On — Led Zeppelin
This is literally one of the two of Dean’s Favorite songs. They just couldn’t put it on show because Led Zeppelin sucks.
Travelling Riverside Blues — Led Zeppelin
This is literally one of the two of Dean’s Favorite songs. They just couldn’t put it on show because Led Zeppelin sucks.
These songs should describe your character on emotional levels. Try to relate a song to a certain situation he / she has been through or an aspect of their personalities. We prefer you to put at minimum one sentence beneath each of your choices to inform us of your thinking on it, though it isn’t required.
Paragraph sample.
Dean had awoken out of his grave after experiencing immense torture and pain as well as an unquenchable thirst. As breathing was extremely hard at that point, Dean could feel his lungs inhaling and exhaling for air with no luck and crawling out of his grave that he was buried in felt impossible, but he was able to. He didn’t know why he was alive, but his first thought was that Sammy made a deal with a crossroads demon in exchange. His plans were to find a place to get refreshed, because he felt like he was going to die again from thirst. Then he was going to call Sam and Bobby— the problem was that he wasn’t quite sure where he was.
     It wasn’t long before Dean found a Gas Station that looked like it was closed. The eldest Winchester quickly broke into the closed Gas Station that was a couple miles out of New Orleans where he was buried. Dean picked up an ice cold water bottle, and began drinking it. One bottle was down, but he still was thirsty; so he took another one, as he was drinking that one he could feel an agonizing pain starting on his left bicep, so he walked over to a mirror that was hanging in the back of the Cashier station. Dean quickly lifted the black sleeve to his t-shirt and notice a red scorched hand-print that burned in pain when touched. He couldn’t help but wonder how he got that— it was very peculiar, but Dean quickly placed it out of his mind as his stomach began to growl. He pulled his sleeve back down and grabbed a hostess apple pie, and began eating it.
Out of nowhere an unbearable sound began, and well as stuff began to fall off the shelf's of the gas station. Dean grabbed his ears and began groaning in pain. The excessive noise felt like it had been going on forever, and once it had stopped Dean quickly grabbed some pie and water bottles and shoved them in a bag and started to head for the door when he saw a man dressed in all black with longish blonde hair with a symbol on his neck, “dude— ain’t it a little early for Halloween? Whats with that symbol on your neck?”
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
Your writing is just. 👌🏽👌🏽 ive seem this concept recently and wanted to do a little spin on it is about isaac lahey and him and y/n have been kinda together since he was human like kinda flirting and she was there to comfort him with his father and it’s like the end of season 2 they r officially together but later is season 3 isaac and Allison have a thing going on so he breaks up with y/n and kinda dates Allison don’t think they actually made it official but whatever and u know when isaac goes to Scott saying that he should hit him and then Scott throws him into the wall and he does the same to y/n asking her to hit him and she’s like kinda offended that he thought she would hit him (cause she had seen him after her been hit by his father ) and even though she is hurt and angry at him for breaking up with her for her best friend she would never actually hit him then it gets kinda emotional and fluffy and it’s like the thing with Allison is like a mild attraction and he’s still inlove with y/n and this is the first moment he like realises that but not fully yet (i hope this makes sense. Because abuse is a sensitive subject if you don’t feel comfortable writing this it’s fine💜)
I Could Never Hurt You
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Notes: mentions of abuse, slight Allison slander, {{ Sorry if it’s short/rushed. I wanted to get this out as soon as possible and I didn’t know how to end it}} More Angst than fluff.
Sniffs and whispers filled the room as Isaac quietly laid on his best friend’s lap. Yn softly played with his hair as tears ran down his cheeks.
“I wish you just tell the police so you’ll come live with me” she sighs as she continues. Isaac squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head “They’ll never believe me, it’ll get worse YN…please just….can we stay here in silence?” he sniffs.
Yn nods as she brushes the hair off his forehead.
The following morning, Isaac was awoken with light kisses on his face by Yn. "Hey, we need to get up for school baby" she mumbles against his neck.
Isaac groans as he wraps his arms around her "I have to go home first to get my stuff. Fuck Yn, my dad is going to kill me when he sees me" he covers his face.
"You don't have to go now, you left some of your clothes from last time"
Isaac lets out a relieved sigh as he kisses her forehead "Thanks"
_ _ _
Giggles filled the car as Isaac stares at Allison "Did you really key the lockers with your claws?" she asked as she sipped on her soda.
"Yeah, I really did" he chews on his lip as he stares at Allison's. "Hey, Allie? Can I ask you something?"
"Go for it"
"Can I kiss you?" he breathes out. Allison smiles as she stares at his lips "Go for it"
_ _ _
"Yn we need to talk..." Isaac mumbles nervously as he tugged on his sleeves.
Yn hummed in response as she continued to read her book.
"We need to break up" he breathes out quickly. Yn felt her heart drop as she looked up "What?"
"I.. my feelings for you arent" Isaac was interrupted when Yn rose her hand up.
"Stop... save me the details. Just..." Her mouth went dry, unable to get words out.
Isaac took the hint and left not before whispering a sorry.
"Can I ask you a question?" Isaac asks nervously as he stood in front of Scott.
"Uh yeah, sure?"
"Do you hate me?"
"Uh no?
"Do you wanna hit me?"
"I think you should"
"But I don't want to, you didn't do anything did you?" Scott asked nervously. Isaac opened his mouth but froze. "I uh... I kissed her"
Scott's face quickly turned into a frown as he threw Isaac into the wall.
- - -
Isaac nervously wiped his hands on his pants after he arrived at Yn's house.
He took a deep breath before knocking only to have Yn open the door at the same time.
"Uh...hey?" she asked with eyebrows raised.
"Do you hate me?" Issac blurted out taking her by surprise.
"Issac you broke my heart, I should hate you but I don't. I hate myself for it," she confessed.
"Hit me" he demanded.
"Excuse me?" Yn asked with wide eyes. Isaac swallowed and demanded again "I said hit me"
"Issac Lahey, are you insane? I'm not going to hit you" Yn glared at him.
"Why not?" he raised his arms in the air. "You said it yourself, I broke your heart. Hit. Me"
Yn shook her head "No, I refuse to, Issac I'm not going to hit you, your dad did that and I don't want to harm you in the same ways he did"
Issac stepped back, surprised at her response. "Issac..." she groans "Even though you hurt me, I could never hurt you. I care too much about you to do so. "
Issac sucks in a breath due to his guilt. "I'm sorry..." he whispers not knowing what to say.
Yn nods her head "I'm sorry too".
- - -
Issac was too distracted by Stiles and Yn giggling on the couch together to notice what Allison was saying next to him.
Four months have passed since the incident and Yn has only spoken pack-related situations to him.
Issac realized in the four months, Allison was just a pretty face. He missed the midnight conversations as well as the way Yn would read out loud to him.
Issac realized he threw away what was the best thing for him, and it's going to take a lot more than flowers to fix it.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Can I request where Elijah is with Succubus reader and it during the time he took his memories away? And the family is trying to bring him home when the Hallow some how was removed. Thank you for the idea of Elijah with a succubus 🥰
Your welcome 😉 and yes because I hated how season 5 was written.
Title: 'Forgotten family and forgotten memories'
Warnings: Fluff, A bit smutty, A bit angsty, Protective Elijah
Summary: Elijah had ran off after having Marcel compelled him with the help of Vincent and now the family is looking for him surprised to find him engaged.
The Latin: Mi cervus pulcher, ego te semper amabo - My handsome stag, I will always love you
French: Et je t'aimerai toujours, ma douce - And I will always love you, my sweet
Manosque, France was where Klaus and Hayley found Elijah as to find out just how did the piece of the Hallow was suddenly gone as Vincent and Freya told them it was removed not just from Elijah but from all of them. They stepped into a bar seeing Elijah sitting at a piano smiling with a woman sitting next to him and just as the witches said Klaus didn't sense the dark magic from Elijah.
Klaus and Hayley sat at the bar listening to Elijah seeing him so carefree and without a suit was weird to them. Elijah looked like he had no problems as he and the woman played the piano.
"Maybe we should get a cat, my love." The woman said as there was something captivating about the woman while both Klaus and Hayley noticed that there was nothing happening. It was as if the Hallow was never placed in Elijah or Klaus and both snapped out of their thoughts hearing Elijah speak.
"A cat? Maybe we should, a trial run before our marriage and children." Elijah says as Klaus looked to Hayley seeing the hurt on her face before deciding to head back to the hotel and call everyone.
Elijah walked with Y/N both laughing as they headed home feeling the cool night air since Elijah refused to use his daylight ring unless he needed to and when Y/N asked him why. Elijah just told her he enjoyed the pure things about being a vampire some times.
Elijah met Y/N after his falling out with Antoinette in New York when he was trying to track down Marcel and instead found the succubus feeding off of a vampire and since then the two had been together.
"Elijah!" They both heard someone shout his name and quickly Elijah pushed Y/N behind him seeing two people not far from them as to Elijah they seemed familiar but nothing came to mind. Klaus stopped Hayley from walking up to Elijah as he stared at the woman behind Elijah as he caught her scent.
"It seems my brother as fell prey to a succubus." Klaus said smirking as Elijah frown keeping Y/N close to protect her whoever these people are. Hayley looked at Y/N catching her scent as it smelt sweet, alluring and caught Elijah's scent over lapping the succubus's.
"How do you know what she is? What do you want? Who are you?" Elijah questioned as Klaus noticed how Elijah kept Y/N hidden from the view of hybrids and Elijah felt her small delicate hand gripping the back his Henley. Klaus noticed that Y/N was much more smaller than other succubus and seemly shyer than other succubui so it made Klaus wonder just how she he came across Elijah.
"We know many things brother. And we are here to take you home seeing how the Hallow is no longer in each of us."
"I have told you, I am not your brother! I have no idea who you are." Elijah said as Hayley stepped forward hand over her heart as an ache filled her seeing that his eyes had no warmth for her like before.
"Elijah, it's me Hayley. Remember? We were....."
"Stop. I don't know who are nor am I going with you! Me and fiancee will be leaving." Elijah said as this made both hybrids freeze. Klaus glared at Y/N believing she put some spell on Elijah and the hybrid moved to kill her only for Elijah to act quickly snapping both their necks. Elijah turned grabbing Y/N whisking her off to safety.
"Y/N be honest with me. You knew what that dark magic was in me....didn't you?" Elijah asked looking at the box that now held the Hallow. Y/N looked at Elijah stepping between his legs cupping his face, she was a smaller weaker succubus and Elijah could easily kill her but she trusted the Original.
"Yes.....which was why I removed it from you."
"And those people? What about them?"
"Niklaus Mikaelson, the Original hybrid the most feared of the Original family and Hayley Marshall Alpha of the Crescent wolf pack mother of Klaus's child. Then you, Elijah Mikaelson Klaus's loving brother by his side and to whom I fell in love with."
"I hope you know I will never leave you." Elijah whispered pulling her into a kiss pulling a mewl from her then moved picking her up by her thighs. Y/N moaned arching under her fiancee's touch when he moved her to the bed making her shift to her demon form, her skin a light red tone with small horns appearing on top of her head and her devil tail. Elijah placing a kiss on her lower abdomen where her tattoo was of a swirling heart and leaving marks on her abdomen pulling squeaky moans from her.
"So beautiful. Still shy little one?" Elijah asked kissing under her breast listening to her suck in breath. Elijah growled lowly feeling her tug on his hair pulling him into a kiss and he moved to her neck.
"Elijah....you know you are my second lover." Y/N said flushing as Elijah chuckled before tearing off the lace that was in his way burying his face between her thighs making her cry out. Elijah made Y/N come four times by his tongue alone that night as they forgot their troubles for the night.
"Humm goodmorning Eli."
"Goodmorning beautiful. So today we a cake tasting and you have a dress fitting."
"One step closer to being married." Y/N said giggling when Elijah nuzzled her neck as his hand trailed down between her legs. Y/N moaned against Elijah's mouth when he slipped two fingers in her as he drowned in her scent. Y/N whimpered and writhed under him wrapping her arms around his neck as Elijah's fingers moved in her.
"For a demon without a high sexual need. You are sure ready for me always."
"Only for you." Y/N said kissing him as she cummed with a soft moan and Elijah smiled gently pressed kisses on her skin then got ready for the day. Once again they were cornered by Klaus as Hayley went back to New Orleans as when Kol and Rebekah had returned learning the Hallow was gone.
"So you are just going to forget your family for some woman?"
"I don't know who you all are! Give up, Elijah Mikaelson is dead." Elijah said staring Klaus down breaking the hybrid's heart as he left leaving Elijah and Y/N alone. For a month they tried to understand where Elijah was when the family learned the noble vampire was in New Orleans. So with Hayley hurting and missing his brother, Klaus took matters into his own hands.
"Baby?" Elijah croaked out sitting up seeing Y/N holding her arm and he moved next to her the bite on her forearm.
"What is this?"
"A hybrid bite......I won't survive if I don't get a cure." Y/N tells Elijah making him frowned as the idea of losing her left an ache in his chest before standing up seeing Marcel and Vincent.
"Please help her." Elijah said looking at them then glared seeing Klaus walked in seemly proud of what he done. Y/N coughed moving to lay down feeling light headed getting Elijah's attention and he rushed to her side.
"I must say, it is a shame I bit her."
"Why are you doing this?! I told you, Elijah Mikaelson is dead."
"Only because you took him away. Now bring back your memories and I might cure her." Klaus said walking out and Elijah swallowed looking at Y/N cupping her cheek frowning feeling a fever.
"Alright.....I'll do it."
Both Elijah and Y/N was moved to the Abattoir since he agreed to bring back his memories. Elijah sat on the bed having placed a cool clothe on Y/N's forehead as Hayley stood by the doorway seeing the adoration and devotion Elijah has for the succubus.
"No matter what happens. I love you Elijah.....mi cervus pulcher, ego te semper amabo."
"Et je t'aimerai toujours, ma douce."
Klaus was angry that it didn't work to bring back Elijah's memories and was about to blame the vampire until they all felt over the woke up in what looked like the Abattoir.
"Great a Chambre De Chasse."
"What is that?" Elijah asked as they all looked at him noticing nothing was happening and that they could be near one another again. Freya explained to Elijah and everyone why they were there as Freya helped Hope because the girl wanted her family back together and to work it all out.
"That doesn't explain how we don't have the Hallow." Rebekah said crossing her arms as Elijah stepped forward looking unsure as they all looked at him. The siblings were surprised to see Elijah showing more emotion than he did before.
"Uhm....Y/N had took this dark magic from me. She called it the Hallow and sealed it in a box only she could open."
"Your so call fiancee removed the Hallow from us, trapping it away?"
"Yeah? Now can we get out of here, the woman I love is dying."
"She is a succubus. She'll be fine." Klaus said rather coldly as Elijah frowned stepping as Hayley saw how hurt Elijah look, the same hurt she felt when Jackson died.
"No she won't. Y/N isn't that strong of a succubus. If she dies I will never forgive you memories or not." Elijah said walking away angry as the siblings looked at one another. After working out many....many problems and Elijah got his memories back. Klaus gave Elijah the cure and Hayley followed Elijah wondering what he'll do as Hayley wanted nothing more than for Elijah to be happy.
"Here, love." Elijah said softly giving Y/N the cure and she got better as Elijah sat on the bed gently grabbing her hand looking at the ring on her hand. Y/N sat up looking at him knowing he had his memories back.
"It is okay, I understand Elijah....I was always going to be sec....." Elijah cut her off by kissing her and moved her under him caging her there. Elijah pulled away placing small kisses on her face feeling her grip his shirt looking at him with unshed tears."
"I love you, you will never be second choice. I may have my memories but how I feel for you is real." Elijah tells her watching her let a small sob hugging him as Hayley smiled walking off. Klaus was looking for Elijah swearing if he ran off with succubus the hybrid was going to dagger his brother then kill the demon. Klaus headed for Elijah's bedroom only to be stopped by Hayley.
"Shhh Elijah is asleep so is Y/N." Hayley whispering frowning when Klaus grhowled hearing that the demon was still around.
"I thought you wanted Elijah back?'
"Of course, but I wanted my best back and now he is happy. Elijah deserves this aren't you always saying Elijah is the best of you? Let he be happy." Hayley tells Klaus walking away to check up on Hope as Klaus looked to Elijah's bedroom.
Elijah smiled softly watching Y/N sleep next to him holding his hand to her chest as he enjoyed the quiet before having his siblings meet Y/N. Y/N woke smiling seeing Elijah watching her and leaned in kissing him.
"I love you Always and Forever."
"I love you too Always and Forever." Elijah said kissing her again relaxing as they enjoyed the quiet before the questions and Rebekah wanting to plan a wedding.
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enderwoah · 3 years
(this is really long ENJOY :gun:)
he is phil's son smile
phil's most recent son at least
he's got like one more somewhere
he picked this one up off the dangerous streets a few years ago and he's been sticking with phil ever since
his wings are small- not too small to fly, but they're untrained to the point where it would take a lot or work to get him off the ground
but at first, he didn't really seem to want to learn all that much?
(he has three scars on his face- all from trying to learn how to fly when he was younger)
(he gave up after the third one)
("if at first you don't succeed; try, try again" is his motto, and he tried all three times)
but!! phil and wilbur are very persuasive :) and now that he knows he can fly, he's not going to rest until he does
he's a little manipulative to get what he wants sometimes, but can you blame someone that lived on the street for so long?
he had to do that to survive! it's not his fault.
(it's a great excuse.)
he laughs like a kookaburra amen
he squawks when he gets scared
he chirps. he tries not to because it makes phil go absolutely bird-brained but he does sometimes and he hates it.
god he is. so fucking annoying (/rp)
he simply does not know when to stop
he ignores social cues to see when someone is annoyed
(see: he can read social cues. he does read social cues. when you get annoyed that's when he starts being more annoying, because you're more likely to give him what he wants to get him to shut the fuck up.)
he loves talking to (at) people, especially people he doesn't really know that well
so he's trying to be friends with ranboo, but the absolute prick keeps trying to avoid any actual conversations, so that's not working
he buzzes when he gets excited-happy
his fingertips are completely blackened and horrendously sharp, functioning as ten individual stingers
they don't do any actual damage but he's working on that
wither hybrid (??)
how can you be a wither hybrid?? nobody got down and dirty with the wither
he's an experiment
the reason we haven't seen him yet? he's staying away from the main area of the smp
he doesn't want to ruin its natural beauty with his withering effect, so he keeps to himself on the outskirts of the smp
which sucks
withers get health from killing things
he's not fully a wither, so he gets energy from being around people and sort of draining their life force a little bit
he feels terrible when he's with just one person because they are Literally his life support and it makes the person feel like shit
when he's with a big group of people its great!! he only has to take a little bit from everyone and its barely noticable!!
but then there's the wither part. so he has to stay away.
he's always tired
always exhausted
he's a farmer, so taking it from animals works, but god does he miss people
but he can only visit a few times and for very short
(he's afraid that one of these days he'll get so bad that the next time he sees someone he'll accidentally kill them)
(it already happened once. he's blessed that he's been forgiven, even made friends with by the victims, but he doubts he'll be able to pull that off again with no consequences like last time)
phantlings are dead elytrians, and given that wilbur was phil's son...he's a phantling
he died in the late 50s and was a librarian when he was alive, so he's very possessive (ha) over all of his things
you should never ask to "borrow" anything from him, he will hound you about it until you give it back
it's best to just say that you want something from him to keep
even if youre going to give it back
just for your own peace of mind
phantlings can feel fear and get a genuine feeling of elation from scaring people
of course, sometimes its unwelcome (feeling large amounts of fear from someone they care about in a bad way just makes them pissed)
but for the most part, wilbur loves appearing in the corner of people's visions just to jumpscare them a few minutes later
all in good fun, of course!! it's just hilarious :)
being the lighthearted, fun guy he is, he's not particularly secretive about his method of death
"how did i die? well, it all started -- ended -- on november 16th, 1958!"
"i walked out of the library late, since i took the shift for my wife since she was feeling sick and i worked there anyways,"
"the streets were dark and only lit up by gaslamps...and out of an alley...appeared..........."
he didn't mean it. wilbur isn't at all mad at him (anymore)
he was starving. he didn't know that one touch would be enough to fully revitalize him...
and murder wilbur where he stood.
has details on everyone on the server
you Cannot Hide Shit From Sneeg
its impossible
if you find of his any shittly little mouse holes then you're doomed
you find one and there are twenty more
he's under your floorboards while you're having your important discussion about trapping the nether roof
sucks to suck ig??
he seems to be the favourite of many, which is weird since he rarely goes out of his way to actually talk to many people
he's the only person that tubbo doesn't actively try to annoy (or maybe he just doesn't find tubbo's antics all that annoying)
he's the only person that ranboo stays around (or maybe he stays around ranboo- he and Phil seem to be the only ones not off-put by his slightly sadistic and whiny demeanour (not counting tubbo, who annoys him anyways)
phil seems to be more protective of him than he thinks is normal (he lets sneeg ride on his shoulder while travelling, so he doesn't really complain)
niki is completely protective over him (again, not complaining)
contrary to popular believe, he does not get high from sugar
if anything he gets
(get it)
he's literally just a nine-year old getting a sugar rush leave him alone
take the normal "bird-brain" headcanons and multiply it by like sixty-four
and you've got origins phil
he can't see glass- or, rather, he can, but it doesn't register that 'hey, this is a solid surface i am going to slam into'
its very funny for everyone else but he's pretty sure he has permanent brain damage from the blunt force trauma
if there is ANYONE on the server who dares to chirp, bird or no, they must understand that they are signing away their privacy and giving phil the right to go absolutely bonkers over them momma bird style
(shoutout to tommy, wilbur, ranboo, and fundy for having to suffer through this)
"oh??? you don't have wings?? you don't have feathers?? omg?? then what's this im preening?? what do you mean im just braiding your hair?? nono this is preening smile"
god help you if you dare to have wings
poor tommy, wilbur, sneeg, and tubbo
phil can't help himself alright
do you think he wants to be any sort of protective over sneegsnag?
no!! but he cant stop himself!! sneeg might damage his wings if he keeps flying those super long distances!!! nnnno! carry the bug man!!!
it's weird, he's always had that protective sense over ranboo, too
but ranboo very obviously doesn't have wings, so he doesn't get it...
yes ur a peasant
yes ur poor
yes im cooler than u
what r u gonna do about it
the enderdragon's son! partially a dragon, partially enderman, partially human (don't ask, his other mom is a hybrid), all spoiled brat!
given that he has a ton of dragon genes, he's extremely possessive over his stuff and Yes He Does Do The Hoarding Thing
he has a pile of rings and gold chains and necklaces and most of his jewellery hidden underneath his bed
(if you ask him, no, he doesn't)
not to wear
just to Have
one time, fundy stole one (1) bracelet from the hoard and ranboo was sent into a panic for a good 24 hours
he wouldn't leave his cave and kept counting and recounting as if that'd make the missing piece reappear
(when fundy had to give it back because of the guilt, he expected to get his face bitten off)
(instead, he just watched as the prince was flooded with relief, telling him to get the hell out and nothing more)
it's weird, he has so much gold and even a crown, and yet here he is
living with all those people ^^^
truth be told, the enderdragon isn't a very nice dragon
nor is she a very kind queen
nor was the other queen
nor was her son
there was a mutiny in the end, leading to the dragon queen and her wife being killed brutally by the crowd of angered people
they went after their son next, who had ordered executions and worked servants to the bone just as much as they had
they cut off his wings in the middle of the square
he was sure he was going to die until a random person (a peasant) jumped up and yelled at them for publicly torturing a child
but ranboo didn't really catch all of it, given he was delirious from pain
he got to get some stuff quickly and escape with his life
this wasn't too long ago, either, so he's still trying to...adjust...to people talking rudely to him
(he's also trying to adjust to not having wings)
(hence why he hurls himself off the edges of cliffs and then has to teleport to the bottom instead of glide. he keeps forgetting.)
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Mittens, I know that some people are rejoicing over Castiel's vision in 12x19, but personally, I started crying when I realized that Cas gave up so much for love and faith in his family, and got teased with that vision of the future - a paradise he wanted for them, for himself - but never approximated that in the end. It's just so heartbreaking and I feel like I'm mourning him all over again and it just really sucks. Idk.
Hi hi!
The vision also hurts my heart, deeply, but maybe for slightly different reasons...
I have been suffering throughout the last few seasons over Cas's overall arc, and this vision, in that moment in 12.19, when Cas was literally (in text! from Dean's mouth!) desperate for a win, is just excruciating to me. And I'll tell you why.
in the mixtape scene, this was Cas's lament to Dean. He wanted to come back with a win FOR DEAN, and FOR HIMSELF. He wanted Dean to think of him as the "hero" or the "savior."
I will pause to ask here: since when has Dean ever wanted that? Ever since Cas gripped him tight and saved him from Hell, Cas has struggled to step out from that role of Protector. Shield.
This was the Big Mistake he made in s6, right? Everything that went wrong was framed around the fact that he was trying to "protect" Dean. This is why he bought into Crowley's plan, why he left Dean in the dark even after he got dragged back into the fight, and why everything ultimately ended with Cas's literal death. Like... the narrative judged him. In 6.20, all he was left with was Dean's disappointment, and a drive to prove that he was actually right (he was not actually right...).
Even in 12.19, he was "playing them" all along. He came back under the pretense of wanting to "rejoin the team" and work together with Sam and Dean again, but really he was only there to steal the Colt on behalf of Heaven. Cas was prepared to do whatever it took to keep Sam and Dean safe from Dagon, but also "safe" from having to kill an innocent woman to prevent the birth of the nephilim she carried.
Like in s6, Cas was desperate for that win. He was desperate to "earn" his place with the Winchesters, the family he chose. He even told Kelvin before they went in to confront Dagon that he wasn't doing this to redeem his "reputation" in Heaven, he only cared about "redeeming his reputation" with DEAN.
He has no idea that Dean does not give one flying fig about Cas's ability to "protect him," he just wants Cas to Be There With Him.
And later on, this is literally the lesson Cas attempts to impart to Jack. When Jack laments the loss of his power, and believes himself "useless," It's CAS who most effectively talks to him about the fact that nobody cares about his powers, that they don't care about what he can do FOR them. They just care about HIM. Like... even in 15.18. This is the conversation he has with Jack by the Impala while Sam and Dean are talking to Charlie:
Jack: I feel... strange. I don't know if that's because of what happened to me, if it means something, or if I just feel strange because... it's over. The plan. My destiny. I was ready to die and, I wanted to, for Sam, for Dean, for the world. I wanted to make things right, and now... I don't know why I'm even here.
Castiel: Jack. You never needed absolution from Sam, or Dean, or from me. We don't care about you because you're useful or you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you're you.
So like... for YEARS I've felt like this was what Dean needed to actually say TO CAS. That he doesn't want Cas to try to protect him. He doesn't need Cas to be his shield. He doesn't need Cas to be "powerful" or his savior. He just needs Cas.
So this vision... this "manipulation" that Jack showed Cas in that very moment in 12.19, that Cas believed was "paradise" at the time, was what Cas needed to hear in that moment. That he could be "powerful," with his wings healed and made "useful" again.
Dean thanking him.
Not Dean being happy that they're all safe, that they managed to finally "get a win," but specifically thanking HIM for actually winning.
He wanted to believe he could be useful again.
And to me that was a tragic, depressing lesson that he still never managed to understand for himself by the end of the series.
If Dean ever knew what the vision Cas had considered "paradise" in that moment of betrayal of his loved ones, I personally think Dean would've been horrified. I mean, he didn't even KNOW what the vision entailed, and was pre-horrified by his personal belief about how Cas had been manipulated into running away and leaving them all in the dark immediately after they'd all just gotten back on the same page again and recommitted to working together again.
So like... This is still DEEPLY in Cas's disturbing mindset of being 100% ready to sacrifice himself to "spare" Sam and especially Dean from having to do the hard things. This was nearly an identical mindset to when he'd said yes to Lucifer in the Cage in s11 because he believed he could spare Sam from having to do that himself. Like... he truly believed he was making Good Choices in these instances, and it ended up both times causing problems he'd never even considered. S11 had Lucifer using him and nearly killing Sam and Dean, and then going on a rampage that would last multiple seasons more which directly led to Jack in the first place. And then in the attempt to bring about Jack's birth, Cas cut off all communication with the Winchesters (theoretically to protect them) and therefore they had no way to warn him that Lucifer was still on the loose and closing in on reclaiming Jack himself. It literally ended up costing them Mary (pulled through the rift with Lucifer), Crowley sacrificed himself to stop it, and Lucifer killed Cas, all because Cas ran away and tried to fix everything on his own. He desperately wanted to be the winner, here.
So to me, I can't see him getting his wings back and being truly powerful and being "Dean's savior" and him basically thinking that Dean's acknowledgement of that salvation and Dean's gratitude was his idea of "paradise?" Yeah... it turns my stomach.
Dean... would hate it.
Dean's idea of paradise... is actual free will. Of them CHOOSING EACH OTHER, choosing family and standing shoulder to shoulder as a united front against the threats that come their way, instead of yet again making the same mistake of believing that they're sacrificing themselves to spare their loved ones from having to stand up and fight at all.
It NEVER works out that way. Never has. Never would.
I mean, this is why Cas made the deal with the Empty, trading away his own happiness for Jack, believing that Dean's happiness was in having JACK in the family. The tragic blind spot was his inability to see that Dean's happiness ALSO INVOLVED HAVING CAS THERE.
And the ultimate tragedy is that Dean never got a chance to actually say that to Cas.
Because if Cas had actually known that, he would never have made the choices he did.
Which is another reason I absolutely can't credit the end of 15.19 and Jack NOT bringing Cas back, knowing that he'd done it once before, and knowing WHY Cas sacrificed himself. Jack knew the conditions of Cas's deal, and I cannot believe that any version of JACK would have allowed that sacrifice to stand for HIM. Because it was the antithesis of everything Cas himself had ever taught to Jack.
Heck... I hope that makes sense...
basically, this should've been a jumping off point for Cas to ACTUALLY understand he was just as wanted, just as needed, just as cared for, and yes even LOVED, for who he was, and not the sacrifices he could make to protect Dean (and Sam, and Jack... but ultimately for Dean).
The fact he KNEW the moment he made that deal with the Empty that the knowledge of the details of that deal would be a "burden" to Dean, that it would be upsetting to Dean to know that Cas had literally traded away his own potential for true happiness because he thought that would be what Dean would prefer... he KNEW Dean would be upset about that. He knew Dean would NOT have wanted that, and swore Jack to secrecy about it. Like... he knew he had done the wrong thing here, or he wouldn't have hidden it from Dean.
So I have a really hard time thinking of this vision of Paradise (which is already a loaded word in itself in canon, and was literally what Dean spat out as an angry insult at Cas in 4.22 before his first true "tearing up the pages" and making it up as they go moment) as anything but a glaring warning sign.
And then oh look, Cas was literally killed for it four episodes later.
Then when he came back, he went right back to believing in his "purpose," wondering WHY he was brought back. Dean's "we needed you" wasn't really clear enough for Cas to understand that they didn't need him to "protect" them or to be "useful" to them. Dean just NEEDED him. Full stop.
It's a tragedy, folks.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Tis the Damn Season
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Based off Tis The Damn Season
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It was his jacket.
It was 100% his jacket, the red plaid one he only wore for the holidays.
And there it was, that stupid red jacket, standing in front of the tea section of your local grocery store.
He used to drape that jacket over your shoulders when you got cold on dates. Now, you wore a coat he had never seen before and you had no idea who’s shoulders had taken your please.
It had to be him. It just had to be your ex boyfriend in the one grocery store in town on the very day you decided to run some errands.
He just had to be there.
You immediately turned around, hoping to avoid a reunion with who that jacket belonged to. You looked over your shoulder at him and accidentally made eye contact, making you whip around and flush. You cursed yourself as you heard Tom approaching you, wishing you could disappear into this air.
“Y/n?” His voice sounded behind you. “Is that you?”
“Tom!” You pretended to see him for the first time as you turned around. He looked different, but after all, it had been four years since you’d seen him. Just from the look of him, you could tell there was an ache in him put there by the ache in you. But despite the ache, he pulled you into a hug.
“Hey.” He sighed as he rubbed your back. “It’s been a long time.”
“I know. I haven’t seen you since high school.” You chuckled nervously as you pulled away.
“Wow.” Tom was taken aback. “Has it really been that long?”
“Yeah.” You told him. “The night of our graduation was the last time I ever saw you.”
“Right.” Tom smiled sadly. “You just graduated college right? In June?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, feeling the tension between you. “How’d you know about that?”
“Your mum and I kept in touch.” He admitted. “She sent me pictures. Congratulations, by the way.”
“Oh, thanks.” You laughed awkwardly. “I’m gonna have to talk to her about sending pictures to my high school boyfriend.”
“Yeah.” He laughed as well, before clearing his throat. “You know, I looked for you every time I came home for the holidays. All fours years of college.”
“I know. And I made sure you never found me.” You forced a smile, an uncomfortable silence settling between you avoided eye contact.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry about that night. Graduation night, I mean.” Tom said suddenly. “I didn’t know you were gonna react like that.”
“You didn’t know I was gonna be upset when you waited to tell me you were leaving town to pursue acting until the week before you were leaving?” You cocked your head but kept a smile on your face so you wouldn’t seem reproachful.
“I didn’t know you were gonna break up with me and stop speaking to me.” He corrected you, also keeping a slight smile on his face.
“I was mad at you.” You admitted. “I was mad you waited so long to tell me.”
“Are you still mad?” He teased, making you chuckle. “Am I the subject of a bunch of break up songs I don’t know about?”
“No.” You smiled coyly. “I stopped being mad by the time school started up again. Then I just missed you.”
“You did? I missed you too.” Toms eyes softened. “I called you all summer. You never picked up.”
“Like I said, I was mad.” Your lips tightened into a line as you looked around awkwardly.
“Yeah.” Tom laughed sadly and looked down. “You broke my heart.”
“You broke mine first.” You countered. “So I guess we broke each other’s.”
Tom looked at you for a moment before shrugging, seemingly making a decision.
“We could call it even.” He suggested. “We could put all of that behind us and just enjoy each other’s company while we’re here.”
“You wanna do that?” You raised an eyebrow. “You want to wipe the slate clean?”
“If it’s okay with you, it’s okay with me.” Tom nodded, making you smile. You had to admit, you missed him terribly. The past was far behind you now and you saw no reason to cling to it.
“All right.” You decided. “I’m staying at my parents house. You should come by sometime.”
“I will. I miss them. I miss adults.” Tom shook his head. “The people in LA are so boring. Actors, especially.”
“Actors, huh?” You snorted. “If I wanted to know who you were hanging with while I was gone, I would've asked you.”
“I wasn’t trying to be boastful.” Tom rolled his eyes playfully. “I was just saying.”
“I’m only teasing you.” You assured him. “I had to make sure the stardom didn’t go to your head.”
“I promise you, it didn’t. I’m still the guy who took you to prom and tripped over your dress.” He reminded you of the simpler times, making you smile.
“What are you doing today?” You asked suddenly, not wanting the reunion to end.
“Nothing. Why?”
“I’m parked over by the Methodist and the high school.” You jerked your head in that direction. “We could just ride around, if you want.”
“Do you still drive that big red truck?” Tom smiled like a child.
“I do indeed.” You nodded.
“Then yeah.” He chuckled. “Let’s go.”
You paid for your groceries and led Tom back to your truck, easily spotting it’s bright red color in the falling snow.
“It’ll be so weird to be back by the school.” Tom shuddered as he looked back at your old high school. “I never wanted to come back here after we graduated.”
“I know.” You agreed. “But the memories aren’t all bad. We kissed for the first time under those bleachers, if I remember correctly.”
“I remember it too.” Tom smiled sheepishly as he went around to the passenger side. “Didn’t you just get here? How did you get this much mud on your tires?”
“We were in Drivers Ed together.” You reminded him. “You know exactly how my tires got muddy.”
“Right.” Tom laughed as he buckled up. “I believe Mr. Zion called you a pleasure to have in class but reckless behind the wheel.”
“You know me, baby. Always taking the road less traveled.”
“Yeah well, that road was apparently full of mud.” Tom said sarcastically as he got in.
You laughed and started up the car, the cold fogging up your windshield, making you reach for the heat. Tom had the same idea, and your hands touched accidentally. You both smiled as you withdrew them, blushing as you turned away.
“Sorry.” You said as you reached for the heat again, an embarrassed smile still on your face.
“It’s okay.” Tom nodded. “I’ve missed your smile.”
“I’m only smiling because I’m in my old car with my high school boyfriend and I’m internally panicking.” You admitted as you began to drive.
“Why are you panicking?” He asked. “We’ve known each other our whole lives.”
“Your life is in LA now.” You shrugged as you kept your eyes ahead. “You don’t know me anymore.”
“I want to.” Tom confessed. “I hated that we fell out of touch. I didn’t know giving this small town meant I had to give up you.”
“Tom, I told you. I’m not mad at you anymore.” You assured him. “And honestly, I don’t even blame you for leaving. We weren’t meant for a life in a small town. As soon as I could, I escaped it too. You just escaped first.”
“I think about that night a lot.” Tom admitted. “You were so excited to graduate. I had to go and ruin it by telling you I was leaving.”
“You were never great with timing.” You laughed softly. “You literally asked me to be your girlfriend right after I told you my cat died.”
Tom laughed as well, but when you looked at his face in the rear view mirror, he still looked upset.
“I’m surprised you even remember that night.” You kept talking to fill the silence. “I thought all the premiers and movie scripts would have replaced any memories of me.”
“Of course I remember you, darling.” He said certainly. “I remember every thing. All the kisses and dates and fights. I even remember your stupid cat.”
“He never liked you.” You laughed as you turned the corner.
“I know.” Tom rolled his eyes. He quieted down after a moment and returned his gaze to the window.
“God, that feels like so long ago.” You sighed with nostalgia. “What else do you remember about this place?”
“I remember your face when I told you I was leaving.” He said quietly, making you look at him briefly. “I remember how your makeup running down your face. And then I remember you watching me leave. I blocked everything else out.”
Upon hearing Toms words and the strain in his voice, you pulled your car over and looked at him.
“Look, you left. It sucked and it broke my heart but it happened. But you know what? It happened four years ago. I’m over it. So all this guilt you’re feeling is unwarranted. We said we were going to call it even, didn’t we?”
“Yeah. We did.” He nodded but his guilt didn’t let up.
“So stop with the pouting and the guilty eyes and the apologies. I forgave you four years ago.” You laughed, and he finally smiled. “You don’t need to apologize.”
“Well, it is the season for forgiveness.” He said sheepishly as his smile widened.
“There you go.” You cupped his chin. “I’ve missed your smile too, you know. And it’s tis the season. It sounds more festive that way.”
“Fine. Tis the season.” He obliged.
“Tis the damn season, indeed.” You nodded curtly. “Plus, this will be our first holiday together since high school. We should be focusing on that. The past doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Do you ever think about what would have happened to us if I stayed?” Tom asked as he kept his eyes on the falling snow. “Or how different our lives would be now if we went down the same path all those years ago?”
“Of course I do.” You said softly. “I thought about you all the time in college. I wondered what it would be like if I had taken your road instead of driving off on my own.”
“I thought about you too.” A sad look set into Toms eyes. “Honestly, darling, I never stopped loving you. Not even for a day.”
“I didn’t know that.” You bit the inside of your cheek. “I didn’t stop either.”
“You know what else?” Tom swallowed as he stared at you. “I think the road not taken looks real good now.”
“Oh yeah?” You raised an eyebrow and leaned across the transmission. “And where does that road lead?”
“To you.” He smiled coyly. “It always leads to you and my hometown.”
“How long are you in town?” You spoke softly as you pulled him closer by the jacket of his collar.
“I’m here until Monday.” He told you as your noses brushed. “Why?”
“I’m staying at my parents house.” You reminded him. “You should stay there too.”
“Yeah?” He tilted his head. “And do what?”
“You could call me “babe” for the weekend.” You shrugged, lips grazing his. “Or anything else you’d like. I believe “darling” was a favorite of yours.”
“You’d want to do that? Even though I’m leaving?” His eyes darkened.
“Why not? I’ll be yours for the weekend. No strings attached.” You told him before connecting your lips to his. Tom kissed you back, putting his palm on your cheek to keep you close. It was your first kiss since high school, and it felt exactly how you remembered. Tom pulled away to catch his breath and rested his forehead against yours.
“So.” His lips twitched into a smile. “When does that weekend start?”
Time flew and Monday came all too quickly. You and Tom spent the weekend making up for the four years you’d been apart. On the day of his fight, you slept in half the day for old times sake. The sunlight hit you, waking you up and malign you curse your teenage self for not putting up thicker curtains. Tom rolling over beside you startled you but his warm hand on your hip calmed you down.
“Morning, babe.” His voice was husky from just waking.
“Good morning.” You rolled over so you were facing him. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Surprisingly yes, considering we’re two adults sharing your twin sized bed.” Tom chuckled sleepily.
“Must’ve been the company.” You shrugged coyly.
“Must be.” Tom grinned before leaning in to kiss you. You kissed him back before nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“This is how the past four years should have been. I should have been waking up next to you every morning.” Tom sighed as he rubbed your back.
“I know.” You responded before letting a silence settle in. You both knew the weekend was over, and neither of you wanted it to end.
“We should get up.” You said reluctantly. “Your flight is soon.”
“Yeah.” Tom sighed and untangled himself from you. He got out of bed and pulled his shirt on that had been discarded somewhere on the floor. You found your pajama shirt at the edge of the bed and pulled it on, the cold material sending a chill down your spine. You solemnly watched Tom get dressed, noticing how he kept his back to you. He did this to hide his despair as he got ready to leave the warmest bed he’d ever known.
“Tom?” You asked, making him turn around almost immediately.
“Yes?” He asked, hopeful eyes on you.
“Nothing.” You lost your nerve and sat back into the bed. “Never mind.”
“I don’t have to go yet.” He said quickly. “I could stay a few more days.”
“Why?” You asked sadly. “So I can wait around while you decide if this is worth it or not?”
“Well I won’t ask you to wait if you don’t ask me to stay.” Tom answered. “Because I would. If you asked me to, I would stay.”
“What about your life back in LA?” You asked as you got off the bed. “What about your career?”
“I don’t know.” Tom shrugged. “Suddenly that doesn’t matter to me anymore. The last time I left you, all I could think about was making it big. Now all I think about is you.”
You didn’t answer and pulled a sweater over your head, rubbing your arms to assuage you from the chill.
“I messed up last time.” Tom continued. “I never should have left you. Or I should have at least taken you with me.”
“We could have figured something out.” You finally spoke. “I could have looked at schools in LA. You just didn’t give me any time to prepare. Why did you wait so long to tell me?”
“I was so scared that you wouldn’t want to come with me that I just kept putting it off until you couldn’t come anymore.” Tom admitted, tears coming to his eyes as he relived the break up.
“It felt like you were leaving me behind.” You relived it too. “I thought you were running away from me.”
“Darling, I would never run from you.” He promised as he came to your side and put his hands on your face. “Only towards or beside you.”
“You were right.” You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you touched his face. “The road not taken looks real good now.”
“We could make this more than a just a weekend.” He mumbled as his thumb grazed your bottom lip. “I’ll stay here or you could come back with me.”
You let your eyes flutter shut before he pulled you into a kiss, one different from the ones shared the night before. You felt your emotions bubble to the surface and pulled away to rest your forehead on his chest.
“Tom, it’s not realistic.” You sniffled. “It worked for the weekend but it wouldn’t work long term. You know that.”
“Just hear me out.” Tom protested as you pulled away.
“We didn’t work when we were kids. What makes you think we’d work now?”
“We’re different now.” He pleaded. “I’m different now.”
“So what, you think I’m just gonna upend my life to follow you? Or you’re just gonna give up yours to stay with me?” You asked. “Are you even thinking at all?”
“I think you’re the only soul who can tell which smiles I’m faking.” Tom said solemnly. “And I think I’m a damn fool if I let you slip away again.”
You sucked in a sharp breath and cradled yourself as you turned away from him, unable to look at him without caving to his request. Tom slowly came up behind you and rested a hand on your shoulder, gently moving the hair that had been resting there.
“I also think that if a part of you didn’t want this too, you would have left a long time ago.” He whispered, sending shivers down your spine.
“You didn’t want this, remember?” You asked bitterly as you whipped around. “You didn’t want the small town life and the picket fence. You wanted bright lights and Hollywood and that’s what you got. That’s what’s waiting for you in LA.”
“Whats waiting for me in LA are fake friends who hang on the edges of their seats to see if I make it or fail. I saw the bright lights and I don’t want it anymore.”
“Then what do you want?” You asked desperately.
“You.” He said simply. “And if you say no, I’ll know that this time, the only heart I’m breaking is my own.”
You chewed your bottom lip as you stared at him, your whole life looking back at you.
“So, what do you say?” He whispered, desperation heavy in his voice. You rested your hands on his chest and gave him a gentle nod, telling him everything he needed to know.
“You said it yourself.” You smiled softly. “Tis the damn season.”
Tag List 🏷
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pjm-com · 3 years
unbound | m.
- a/n : a big thank you to @ksj-com​ for helping with the plot hehe
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- pairing: kim taehyung x reader - genre: smut, forbidden love! au, slight angst - warnings: sex, cursing, fighting, boys being boys - word count: 11.4K - summary: years after being under the sharp eye of your brother, taehyung finally returns your feelings. of course, jungkook is wanting to protect you from another vicious heartbreak after yoongi, but taehyung will find a way to see you. with or without jungkook's permission.
“Fuck this date.”
You slammed the door shut, tears rolling down your face. You’re glad your parents went away on some kayaking trip, cause the entire house shook. You hang up your purse, not even stopping to look at the outfit you had just wasted. A simple spaghetti strap dress. You had curled your hair for once too, considering it was usually in a bun, or you just left it alone. Not to mention, you had to borrow makeup from a friend considering you rarely wore any. 
To put it simply, this was a waste of your fucking time. 
You stomped up the stairs towards your brother's room, knowing you’d be able to confide in him. It’s something he’s been doing heartbreak after heartbreak and it gets a little easier every time. His best friend Taehyung would always weigh in too when he could, and they always knew what to say. You’re afraid that this time, they’re gonna want to do more than give advice. If they didn’t kill him first, you’d be able to milk an apology out of the date. 
Slamming the door, you sniffle loudly. “Sorry.. can I come to hang out?” Your voice sounded clogged from the drive home. Not one, but two pairs of eyes land on you. Jungkook nods in an instant, patting the open space on the bed. Taehyung’s eyes are glued on you out of pure shock, following you closely as you fall face-first into the bed. The warm palm of your brother's hand on the low of your back. For some reason, it makes you cry even harder. 
God, you were pathetic. You haven’t cried over a boy in so long, but this one hurt a little more. You guess you figured that he had liked you, so maybe that’s why it was a little sore right now. 
“What's wrong?” Jungkook’s soft voice rings through the room as their game goes on pause. He continues to rub your back in huge circles to calm your breathing while you find a stopping point to the sobbing. You pick up your head, wiping your eyes the best you could, laughing angrily.
“Sorry about your comforter…” Jungkook waves it off. “It's just— I get all dressed up in t-this, which we all know I don’t dress to impress. Then, Mr. Min fucking Yoongi shows up, fifteen minutes late might I add. He barely even looked at me all night.” The boys share a look that is quick, eyes wide. 
“Kook, Don’t Namjoon and Hoseok know him?” Taehyung sounded surprised, while your brother nodded. 
“Namjoon was who introduced them I think.”
You nod to both of them, playing with a loose string of Jungkook’s blanket. “Yeah, that and we have study hall together.. not that it matters anymore…” You trail off, upset. You were having a good time with him too, even if it was for a few class periods every week. You hated feeling this way, showing weakness in front of your brother and his friend. You couldn’t help it. Guys were assholes. 
Shifting into a sitting position, you lean against your brother's shoulder. “Then, he was like ‘so when are we going to fuck’, and lewd stuff like that.. Like— like how do you just say something like that? I feel like an idiot,” You whined, tears falling freely again. You sniffled again as Jungkook brings you in for a hug. 
Your brother groaned. “That’s fucked up.” 
“Yeah,” you scoffed. “I went in there thinking he was interested in me. Not my body. It seemed like he only cared about sex. He even told me he had second thoughts coming, but… I can only assume he came in case he was gonna get laid.” Your voice dropped off as you let it out, crying into your hands. Boys were cruel and that was more than evident. Jeon Jungkook was horrible at many things. He couldn’t cook, he once swallowed a puzzle piece and got put on house arrest once. That being said, he’s still your brother and you wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. He’s an idiot. You have so many other options, he doesn’t even deserve your time.”
Taehyung seconds Jungkook’s words. “For real. You’re funny, you are talented at a lot of things… and I guess you aren’t that ugly.”
You snort softly as you look up from Jungkook’s arms, wiping your eyes while you three laugh. It’s the oldest cliche in the book, but hearing that from Taehyung makes your heart flutter. You continued to look at Taehyung for a bit, cheeks red as you looked at your own feet. You don’t know when you even started having a crush on the older male, but you hate it. As much as it pains you to say that. Jungkook made it crystal clear that he was off-limits, while Taehyung had made no effort to try and make a move. You left it dormant.
You smile. “Thanks, Tae.” You sigh, wiping your eyes for hopefully the last time. “Sorry for crashing, well— whatever this was.”
Jungkook shakes his head, tone firm. “We weren’t doing much of anything. Did you want to join us?”
You look over to his counterpart, the look on Taehyung’s face inviting as you decided. If you had another second alone with yourself, then you might as well just cry for the rest of the night. Nodding, you excuse yourself to change into some regular clothes and take a moment to wipe off your makeup. Your phone lights up, reading Min Yoongi. The infamous senior who everyone wanted to be with, despite being a nonchalant asshole. 
He seemed genuine at first, he did. You wonder why you put yourself in these situations, but you can’t find an answer. At least not one you want to admit. Stepping back into your bother’s room with fresh sweatpants and a tight hoodie, you move towards the boys. Sitting on the bed, you pull Jungkook’s fuzzy blanket over your body and relax into the headboard.
The exhaustion stops you almost immediately, eyes closed as you slump against the pillow. Your mind washes away all the worries of a couple of hours before. 
You dreamt about your future. Working a dull nine to five, a decent car, a nice house in a quiet neighborhood. Wasn’t ideal, but your husband in the dream was making everything with it. That being said, you couldn’t make out his face, the blonde blurry to your eyes. You enjoyed his company, or at least you did according to the last strings of your dreams.
You make quick work of getting ready, pulling on jeans and a hoodie considering the temperature had dropped today. Once ready, you brush your teeth and floss quickly before you grab your bag and make your way downstairs. You cursed to yourself as you barely had touched your homework. A nerve-eating parasite pinched the very core of your stomach, dragging yourself down into the kitchen with dread. Yoongi was the last person you had wanted to see. Unfortunately, you’d have to suck it up and face your day head-on. 
You’re surprised to see Jungkook by himself at the island, choking on a bowl of Frosted Flakes as he dumped the plastic bowl into the sink, looking at you. 
“Where’s thing two?” Not that you cared. Okay, you did, but you were curious. They went everywhere together and Taehyung was the last to wake up when he slept at your house. Your brunette brother shrugged, slipping into his vans and almost face planting as he did. He grabbed his keys, moving out the door with urgency. You deadpanned. “Stay up late?”
Jungkook snorted. “Yeah, till almost four. S’ crazy right? Trying to wake up Taehyung is like trying to wake up a cemetery. When I got up, he was gone. Maybe he went to school early?” You both shared a look before bursting into laughter. 
“Yeah right,” you laugh as you lock your front door, trailing behind Jungkook to the car. “That knucklehead would never go to school early.. maybe had to shower or something.” You get into your brother's car, deciding you leave yours home for the day. You were coming straight home after school and nowhere else, and taking two vehicles to school was a little extra. 
The ride to school was the same, Kook talking about whatever girl he was banging while you just watched the houses move by. You dreaded getting to school, but on the bright side, you wouldn’t have any distractions. You could get all your homework done for the weekend. You doubted Yoongi would even be there, considering all he did was sit in the bathroom and smoke weed.
You guess you kind of liked that, though. You lived a bit of a cookie-cutter life, and never had a taste of danger. Till you met Yoongi. 
Finally, you were parked in the school lot. As soon as you stepped out of the car, Taehyung was jogging to you both. His brown eyes crazy and you couldn’t help but notice his knuckles were a bit red. Couldn’t blame him, considering it was the cold dry season. 
The blonde fell into step with you and your brother, joining in on the regular morning banter. How Jungkook was a whore, and Taehyung was practically locked in a chatty belt. You thought it was sweet though. Taehyung didn’t have many girlfriends, and you thought it was refreshing how he took everything at his own pace. 
“You guys are idiots,” you call, watching the twins wrestle as you open your locker. You shove some books in, only to take out the necessary ones as you wave goodbye to dumb and dumber. Taehyung smiles at you while he waves, and your return the action right back. The prettiest smile you had ever seen. It sounds gross to be gushing over someone who had grown up with you, but the childhood feelings were long gone. They grew up with you, less innocent than they were before. Not that you’d ever say anything. 
Taking a seat, you set your books down on your usual table, the commons more crowded than usual. The bell rings and some kids scatter, but it was still heavy traffic in the heart of the school. Your stomach does flips into your fucking ass, almost dropping your headphones as half of the cafeteria watches with you. 
Yoongi makes his way across the room, soft eye turned black. Chapped lip now split. It looked fresh too. Not a yesterday kind of bruise, it was more of a thirty-minute wound. He barely gave you time to process how close he was, but the tone was pitiful. Forced. Like someone was holding a gun to his head. 
“I’m sorry.” It was dry and airy, but it was.. an apology? “I’m sorry for acting like an asshole. I'm not sure what got into me that night, but I shouldn’t have treated you like that. 's not right.” With that, without even waiting for an answer, he was gone. Anger filled your head to toe. You’re not even sure how it was possible. Who the hell had even beat him up? And was it related to your situation? You finish your homework, but with a clouded mind. So many questions and no answers. You figure it must’ve been Jungkook. Maybe that’s why he was so tired this morning. 
You were gonna let him have it. 
The rest of the day followed fast and suit as a Friday would. It had blurred by, probably due to the anger. You heated up even more as the car was unlocked, pushing your bag into the seat while Jungkook stared at you weirdly. 
“The hell was that today?” The confusion is almost comical, eyebrows knitted as he starts the car. “Don’t act brand new. Yoongi came up to me this morning with his face practically smashed. He apologized to me.” Jugnkook laughed it off, turning on the car and backing out of the parking spot. 
“Y/N, you give me too much credit. Mom would beat my ass if I beat someone else’s. Though, I do envy whoever did. Any other leads?” You shake your head as you sink back into the seat. This day felt too long. “I mean, we told Joon about it, but he’s cool Y/N you know him. Doubt he’d do anything so drastic.” You were at a dead end. The drive home was silent. You had no more energy for talking or doing anything else. It seemed so crazy. 
You know what though? At least he apologized. Whether he meant it or not, he had to drag his sorry ass through the commons after getting it handed to him, and he had to apologize. You could take a decent nap on that note alone. Although, it still burns in the back of your skull that someone had done it for you. Or at least you thought. 
You’re still unsure if the two were related. 
“You want a sandwich?” Jungkook offers it up as you both enter the house, dropping your bag as you nod. You honestly forgot to eat today, hunger pangs banging on the wall of your gut. You sit at the island, opening a Gatorade as you watch Jungkook pull out the sub bread and the other fixings to the “world-famous” sub he made. Honestly, it was pretty damn good, and you could eat a whole one right about now. 
“So.. you feeling better?” You sigh at the question, chin rested on your hand as you shrug. 
You weren’t too sure. “I guess. I'm glad he apologized, but it still racks my mind. Why was he all banged up?” Jungkook halts a bit, before shrugging normally. Jungkook wanted to let the situation blow over, so he decided not to say anything. “Wasn’t you, wasn’t Namjoon, and it wasn’t Taehyung? So… I don't know. Who cares. Enough bout that asshole... What are your plans for tonight?”
Jungkook was glad you had dropped the topic. “The usual. I think the boys are gonna come over tonight if that’s okay with you? I don’t know if you wanted a quiet night or something, but. Jimin wants to play Mario Kart, and Hoseok is going to raid our fridge... You know the usual,” he laughed. But nothing more was said. You happily ate the sandwich, watching the brunette crack out his chemistry book to finish his homework before the boys came over. 
You retreated to the bedroom, changing into some sweatpants and one of Jungkook’s old ratty hoodies. The moment your head hit your pillow, you were out like a light.
Honestly, when you woke up, you felt a thousand times better. Your body felt relaxed, you had finger marks on your cheeks. It was probably the best damn nap you’ve had in a while. You rub your eyes, not surprised to see a couple of snap chats from your friends considering you had been asleep for a couple of hours now. You’re almost tempted to go back to sleep before you hear faint yelling from downstairs. 
You didn’t mind going to spend a little time with them, laughing as you see Jimin tackle Jin over the coffee table as the raven took first place again. Jimin was no match for the taller male, however, Jin pushing the brunette over the table and straight on his ass, laughing. 
“Hey,” you said softly, grabbing a water bottle from the hallway stash, sitting on the edge of the counter. 
“Y/N did you see that, Jin’s a cheater!” Jimin wailed throughout the house, making everyone roll their eyes. 
Jin’s face only read malice. “Just like your last girlfriend.” The boys all winced at the comeback, laughing a little once they saw Jimin wasn’t phased. “Too soon?” The two start wrestling again, making you laugh. You move past the four-year-olds on the floor, pulling out a small bag of pretzels from the pantry. You open them, turning on your heel before you almost bump into Namjoon. He was a bit of a refresher. He was kind through and through, and always put everyone before himself. Even when your mother forced your brother to let you come with when you were younger, Namjoon always made sure you were included and cared for.
“Woah! Sorry,” you laugh, ready to move past but Namjoon blocks you. 
You can read on his face that he’s a little guilty, but you’re not too sure what for. His mouth opens like he’s finding the words, before his lips purse again. 
You laugh. “Namjoon, stop sweating. It’s okay, I’m okay.” Namjoon doesn’t buy it. He pulls you into a hug, lips pressed to the top of your head. He was really like an older brother to you, right under Jungkook. 
“It’s not... I just. I don’t know. I feel— you never would’ve met him if it wasn’t for me. And I just—“ He cuts himself off. “No one should ever be told those things…” He sure sounded guilty. You did, however, accept the hug. 
“Hey, seriously... It sucks, but it’s not your fault. I would never blame you for something like that. Seriously I mean it.” You smile up at the raven, and he finally smiles back. He’s relieved, but you had another thing to get off your chest. “Hey, speaking of him… did you happen to see who beat him up? When he apologized, he looked… busted,” You laugh, Namjoon follows suit. 
Unfortunately, Joon shakes his head. “Nope.. figured Jungkook did that, but no. I wish I had an answer,” he shrugged, a frown on his features before Jungkook is calling you both over. You suppressed the curiosity, for now, wondering if you’d ever get an answer. You roll your eyes as your brother referred to you as stinky, laughing as you snatch the controller from Hoseok who was losing anyways. 
“Let me show you guys how a real match is played.”
All the boys got their remotes ready. Honestly, you had fun playing the few rounds you did. You kept winning first place against Jimin who was definitely in the lead. You hand the controller, relaxing back into the huge couch. You’re surprised it's taken you this long to realize that Taehyung wasn’t even here. He was always over, so you wondered why he was missing right now. You pull out your phone, checking his location at his own house. 
You decide to text him, phone screen tilted to Jungkook couldn’t see. 
hey, loser. why aren’t you kicking everyone's ass on the wii?
You watch the text bubble start typing on the screen, and for a few good minutes, it’s going. You’re ready to see a keyboard smash or something considering it was taking a while for the text to send. Just like that, it’s gone. The hell? It wasn’t like Taehyung to not respond, or to take long at all. Something felt off, but you knew Jungkook’s rules. He would be curious as to why you were going over to his house. 
“Hey kook, I’m gonna.. get some ice cream. You want any on the way back?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “Nah, we’re gonna go get food after this round. Check-in with me at eleven!” You rolled your eyes, slipping on your slippers as you said goodbye to the boys. Unlocking your car, you got in and pulled out of the driveway as soon as it was warmed up enough. It wasn’t a far drive to Taehyung’s house, only a couple of streets over from yours. You knew the route by heart, all the countless nights of you and your brother sneaking out of your house. You high-tailed it to the blue suburban at the end of the cul de sac, only to be dragged home by your mother. 
When you finally arrive at the house, you park on the street noticing the house was pitch black. Save for the basement window, which was Taehyung’s window. You kill the engine, shutting the door quietly as you trek up to the front of the house. Tipping the potted fern out front, you grab the hidden spare key, unlocking the front door gently. You close it behind you, taking off your shoes as you sneak down to the basement, not wanting to wake his parents. 
You tap the ‘man cave’ sign that the idiots painted for good luck; a tradition you all had. It doesn’t take long to spot Taehyung slouched against the headboard, hand in a chip bowl as you hear the opening credits of SpongeBob. Oh lord. 
“Hey stranger,” you call softly, watching him mope around as he paused the show, sitting up. 
His face showed that he seemed a little annoyed. “What do you want?” You’re thrown off by the tone, but you can tell he’s upset. Or that he’s in a mood, even though he quickly backtracked. “I’m sorry... I’m just. I got a lot on my mind.” Your eyebrows knit, looking at the expression. Whatever it was, it was kicking his ass. 
“It’s okay,” You sigh, voice soft as you move to sit on the end of the bed. Taehyung is jumbling around words in his mouth, shrugging. He wants to avoid it, you can tell. He didn’t want to say whatever was obviously on the tip of his tongue, but it was going to eat him up one way or another. “Hey, the boys aren’t here.. Say what you need t—“
“I’m sorry, okay?” Your eyebrow raised at his words, but you didn’t even have to ask. “I’m sorry about Yoongi.” 
You rolled your eyes. “God— what is it with you guys? You and Namjoon both. You don’t need to be sorry, he apologized. It sucks, but it’s over with.” You were starting to get a little irritated at how everyone was walking on eggshells around you. This wouldn’t be the first time your heart broke, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. Taehyung groans like he’s at war with himself, leaning back into his bed. 
“I was the one who beat him up… to get him to apologize.” 
The silence that follows is deafening, your eyes wide at the words. Finally, you’re relieved that the whole ordeal is solved. But— 
“Why?” You were grateful, truthfully. “What if you get in trouble?” Taehyung had a perfect record, and it wouldn’t sit right with you if he ruined it because of Yoongi. You weren’t going to lie, it did make your heart flutter a bit.
Taehyung sat up, eyes not meeting yours. “Cause, Y/N. I did it cause it's not fair. Yoongi shouldn’t get to walk around with a chip on his shoulder after saying what he did to you.” The blonde sighs, eyes finally looking up. “I pummeled him hard enough, I doubt he’d rat me out. I'm tired of seeing boy after boy come through and break your heart. It’s not fair to you.” Your cheeks burn at the words, sitting silently as you cross your arms. You couldn’t be mad at that, not when he was crusading for you. 
“I'm surprised Jungkook didn’t rat me out. He knew… and he knows I like you.” 
Now you’re super confused. 
“Jungkook knew? That little shit,” you grumble. “I asked him. All-day I was trying to find out what the hell happened to Yoongi. But he knows you like me?” Taehyung nods, defeated as he holds one of his pillows against his chest. You have hit another dead end for maybe the fourth time today. It was unspoken between you two, but you already knew the deal. You can’t go after him. Even if you want to open that damn basement window and scream to the streets that he had finally liked you back. 
“It doesn’t even matter,” he whined, eyes looking down at the floor now. “He doesn’t want to be in the middle or pick sides if we were to break up.” You nod, knowing that was Jungkook’s whole problem. It would be impossible for him to pick between his lifelong best friend and his sister. He couldn’t, and he doesn’t want to. 
Taehyung on the other hand feels like a fucking idiot. Exposing his feelings, and to him, it seems like you’re dodging it head-on. Relief floods him. 
“I like you, god I do,” You mumble, thumb brushing over the scar on the side of his face. “I don’t want to come between you and jungkook.” Taehyung shakes his head, holding your face in his hands. 
“I don’t care anymore. I don’t,” he whined, moving closer. It felt like literal years before his lips touched yours and when they do, it knocks the wind out of you. His hand on yours as he practically smashes your lips together and god does it feel good. It feels so fucking good to kiss him. Like you’re finally breathing fresh air. You return the force of the kiss, hand on his shoulder as they mold together. His lips, they’re soft save for the tiny spot that's chapped. He had on cherry-flavored chapstick, making you smile a bit. It tasted weird. 
“I don’t care.” Taehyung breathed against your lips. His hand held your face, thumb moving over your bottom lip. It gave your stomach butterflies, to say the least, while he kissed you again. Too slow for your liking, laughing as you bumped noses. You fell back into the bed, the blond following suit. If he didn’t care, then neither did you. 
His hands stayed holding your head, jaw tilted in place as you made out slowly. Strings of soft, loving kisses that had years behind them. Decades.
“I guess it doesn’t hurt to keep things under wraps,” you mumbled, feeling his lips wander to your neck. An innocent kiss turned deviant. 
You’ve never received a proper hickey before, and god was it making your head spin. The difference between a harsh bite on your neck was massive compared to what Taehyung was doing. His tongue was moving slowly over your skin, pinpointing the spot. Kissing it, mentally marking it before he started sucking on it carefully. Your eyes fluttered shut, letting him do as he pleased. The sensation heightened even more as his hand found yours. He laced the fingers together, before pinning it to the bed. 
“Don’t make it too big,” you breathed, tightening the grip on his hand. The laugh that came from his lips was sinister, cold fingers feeling under your hood but stopping at the dip in your back. He held you close as his lips returned to yours, teeth tugging on them carefully before he was kissing you. Like he wasn’t just sucking the blood out of your neck.
Taehyung pulls away, calm. “How was that?” His mood, a whole one-eighty as he sported a lopsided grin. A new glint in his eyes. “I like that..” His thumb pressed over the spot he was just working on before pulling you up with him. The kiss he pressed to your foreheaD? God, everything about him was addicting and you only had him for mere seconds. 
“You’re an idiot.” Your face, no help as your cheeks light on fire. Taehyung grinned, his infamous smile as he kissed you again. Honestly, you’re about to fall back into the bed before your phone rings. You’re snapped out of the honeymoon phase as you quickly read the screen. “Shit— I gotta go! Jungkook is so gonna kick my ass!” 
You scramble to gather yourself, picking up your keys as you almost hurdle up the stairs. Your arm is yanked back, almost out of your damn socket. You’re flung back into Taehyung’s body, the lips finding yours for one last time before he’s pushing your ass out the door. 
“Text me when you’re home.. let me know Jungkook didn’t skin you.”
You both share a nervous laugh, your own feet leaving behind a dust trail as you eject into the car. The engine races to life, pulling out from the side of the street only to speed home. The drive is uneventful and gut-wrenching. You almost clip the mailbox as you pull into your spot in the driveway. You shut your car door softly, fingers not even having the chance to turn the knob before the front door flings open. Jungkook standing there, your stomach falling into your ass. 
He knows. 
“Where the hell were you?” 
“Getting ice cream.” Y/N, you’re a fucking idiot. 
Your brother pulls you by the hoodie gently so he can shut the door and lock it. “Cut the bullshit, I have your location dumbs. You’re not doing a good job of hiding that hickey on your neck either.” He’s whisper yelling, which lets you conclude that his friends were still in the living room. The brunette grumbles, popping his head in to make sure his friends were still entertained. “When did you and Taehyung start fucking?” God, the way he spat it out was malicious. But you had to defend yourself. 
“Can you watch your mouth kook? We aren’t, we just— kissed,” you groaned. “I know it sounds bad, but it didn’t start until tonight.”
“So you are fucking?”
You roll your eyes. “No, we aren’t. What's the big deal anyway? We kissed a couple of times, Jungkook. Grow up.” You kick off your shoes, turning to the stairs but you have Jungkook’s hand to keep you in place. 
“Y/N, I told you the deal. You’ve known the deal. I don’t want you with him, I can’t be a mediator. I won’t have my best friend dating my little sister.” Jungkook’s voice was low but firm. He was dead serious.
But so were you. 
You rip your arm out of his grip. “Then don’t be one, and mind your fucking business. I don’t need your approval on who I date.” You want to move up the stairs, but you had to get the last word. “You know, at least he gives a shit. At least he cared about everything that happened with Yoongi. He straightened him out, made him apologize while you barely lifted a finger! If it comes to that point, then it’s between me and Taehyung, not you.” You storm off to your room, Jungkook grumbling. 
“Then tell your fucking boyfriend that he can forget about our fucking friendship.”
You slam your door at his words, back pressed against it as you tried to cool off. You yanked your phone out of your pocket, texting Taehyung. 
he’s such a fucking asshole. he just blew up on me for no reason.
You fall back into your bed, huffing angrily as Taehyung responds.
ya. he txted me n told me to find another ride to school tmrw. guess he was srs bout cutting me off
Fuck Jungkook. 
You never saw yourself doing pretty much anything that surfaced within the two months after you and Taehyung started seeing each other. Secretly of course. 
Even if the idiots called quits on their friendship, Jungkook would still kick Taehyung’s ass if he saw you together. You’ve been lying to Jungkook about where you go after school. He was still giving you the cold shoulder, suspecting that he blames you for their friendship ending. You couldn’t care less. 
You had snuck out for the first time, to meet Taehyung at his house, and you would still be doing it even if Jungkook approved or not. It was his damn fault. 
You still would’ve been in the busy part of the town’s bowling alley, Taehyung all over you. You weren’t really worried. The crowded part of the lot made it easy for the town’s druggies and smokers to do it safely, and no one would suspect a thing. Same with others like you and Taehyung. Thank god he had snatched the last spot in the corner of the asphalt lot. 
“Ow!” You yelped loudly at the tug of your hair, Taehyung’s elbow leaning heavily on it. He pulled away from our neck, already looking mangled with the same crazy grin you’ve fallen in love with these past few weeks. He moves your hair safely out of the danger zone, offering a small ‘sorry’. He dives back into your skin, tongue lapping over the expanse of your neck before biting harshly. You sigh lazily, hand moving up into his hair as he placed the final kisses over his hickies. 
He surges up to kiss you, falling right in line with him as your other hand makes quick work of feeling his naked body. Both of yours together, save for the underwear you both had on. You feel how toned he is, each muscle moving under his skin as he adjusts himself again between your legs, making you bite your lip. 
Euphoric as you feel, you’re curious. 
“Do you miss Kook? Be honest.”
Taehyung groans, head coming up from the trail he was leaving right above the hem of your bra. “You’re killing my boner, Y/N. I don’t wanna talk about your brother while I’m bout to fling this bra to the front seat.” You snort, laughing into your arm as Taehyung does the same. You grab his hand, lacing together your fingers as you bring his actions to a stop. 
“babe, I'm serious. I just— I feel guilty sometimes.” You know that you shouldn’t, but it eats at you. “You’ve been friends since the third grade. I didn’t want to get in the middle of it.” Taehyung pulls away, a more serious expression on his features. 
“I know. I do love kook— I always will, but it's his fault. If he can’t support us being together, then he’s just not a real one.”
You snicker at the phrase. “Just please let me know, okay? I understand, but I dunno. I always thought you guys would be each other's best man. Stupid things like that,” you hum, the fingers that were traveling up your back landed on your hip, playing with the band on your thong. 
“I will. I’ll probably apologize to him soon, but not yet. I don’t want him watching my every move.” He grinned as he kissed you, trailing down your jaw. “Plus isn’t it fun like this? I think it’s a little sexier to fuck you in private.” You rolled your eyes, his cock hard against your thigh now as your face turns red. 
“You’re so embarrassing,” you mumble, rolling over mentally. You’ll let the argument sit for tonight, hands resuming the schedule of moving down his navel until your nails hit the spot just under his boxers. Taehyung hums, rolling his cock into your hand. 
Taehyung shrugs. “Stop acting so shy, you’re not a virgin,” he protests, hand on the back of your thigh as he brings it up against his hip, rutting into you like he was actually fucking you. “Not anymore at least.” Your face reddens as he mentioned it, remembering how you both had your first time together. But this wasn’t it. This was less innocent than you had been in the past. 
You let out a soft moan at the action as he did it again, hand pressing to the fogged window as he grinned. He loved grinding against you, getting you more than riled up, his hand moving up your sternum. He’s quick with removing your bra, hickies from past endeavors laying on the skin of your chest. Taehyung has to lean back down, tongue lapping over your nipple, knowing he’s going to remark his territory. 
It’s like electricity every time, your body hot against the cool leather of his chevy malibu. You love the way he toys with your nipples, biting them just enough to tease you, and not hurt you. He leaves a trail of open-mouthed kisses to your ribcage, fingers dangerously low on your hip before they’re moving over your underwear. His fingers press against you through the fabric and you can start to feel it dampen as he rubs it slowly up and down. 
“Fuck,” you whine, bucking into his hand. “Stop teasing.”
Taehyung’s eyes are shining with a new temptation, pulling your underwear down a bit to twist your clit between the pad of his fingers. His cock was definitely awake now, a dangerous grin on his face as he leaned over you. 
“mmm, I think you should beg, like how you were doing last time.”
Your face bursts into flames at the reminder of how you were acting the last time. You’re not sure what the hell had gotten into you, but Taehyung was making you do a lot of embarrassing things. A part of you didn’t mind if it was pleasing him. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, instantly whining at the loss of his fingers. He pulled your underwear back up to your hips and leaned back. 
“So should I drive you home and drop you off while you’re pussy is dripping, or are you going to beg as I asked?” Fuck. You groaned, pulling him back. You definitely couldn’t go back home. “Did that hit a spot? You would be screwed if I made you go back home. You’d have to ride something to get rid of all this tension right here.” His fingers are moving the thong to the side, middle finger in down to the knuckle. You arch a little, his words making your head spin. 
“Something to satisfy that greedy pussy like I do, and you can’t do that when your brother is in the next room, so I suggest you start begging, brat.”
You moan again, hand holding his forearm, nails digging into his skin. You loved it when he got like this. Dominant and demanding, god it made you crazy. 
But begging was so embarrassing. “Fuck.. please—“
“Please, what?” 
The blonde barely gave you time to even respond as he demanded another answer. You look up at him innocently, at least as innocently as you could with two of his fingers pumping your pussy. 
“f-fuck me, please,” you begged, hips pushing down on his fingers eagerly as you bite your lip to muffle the noises. “hhh please fuck m-me into the seats, please.” You can tell he’s not satisfied. You wanted to curl and die from embarrassment. You knew you’d have to get lewder, his fingers working into you just right as your hand gripped the seatbelt dangling over your head. 
“I dunno if you really want it,” he hummed normally, fingers coming out of you, glistening. He wastes no time sticking them into his mouth, cleaning them off. 
You whined. “Please, I’ll d-do anything.. I’ll let you fuck my face against t-the window to sh-show everyone just how big your cock is— daddy.”
“Ohoho,” he laughed, not halting any actions as he pulls off your underwear to deposit it behind his head, pushing his boxers low enough to let his cock fall heavy on your slit. It wasn’t nearly enough, to feel it pulsing against your clit. “Keep going.” You can tell he’s living for the way you’re talking, eyes lidded as he’s fucking his cock up and down your folds, not daring to go inside. 
“D-did daddy enjoy t-that name?” You try to act coy, but it fails. The bratty demeanor drops as his hand runs between the valley of your breasts, right onto your neck, applying force. “please... I want to feel y-your cock in m-my stoma—“ Taehyung watches your face as your words drop off, his cock moving into you at once until he physically couldn’t go anymore. You both were breathing heavily, the blonde unable to wait as his thumb moves over your lips. 
“God you talk— so fucking sexy Y/N.” He pushed the thumb in your mouth and you immediately sucked on it, eyes watching him as he pulled out. He pushes his cock back in even harder, your back moving against the leather as his hand slips from the window to hold the back door handle. “You’re such a good.. a good girl when you b-beg for my cock.” The words light your stomach on fire. The past two times you guys had done anything, it was never like this. It was intimate and lustful sure. But it was pure. Right now, it was lust drive completely, Taehyung’s pupils blown out as he glared at you. You had never called each other names before, but you definitely reacted to what he said. 
“m-move,” you choked out, lips running dry from how fast you were breathing. He grips your neck like a handle, hips snapping into yours as your leg moves off the side of the seat. “M-my fucking god… feels so fucking good.” Taehyung grins, leaning down to kiss you sloppily, licking into your mouth. You catch his tongue the best you can around the moans, his hips meeting yours every other second it seems. The soft radio plays tame impala in the background, but it doesn’t drown out the sound of his hips slapping your thighs, and the way he’s groaning. 
It’s low enough to turn into a growl, the blonde’s eyes watch as he can see the faint outline of his dick in your stomach. The skin moves with him, and he’s fascinated by the hit, only fueling him to go deeper. 
“Fucking look at that— fuck,” he moaned head tilted back a bit before he’s hovering over you. His chain dangles in your face as he fucks you hard enough that you’re convinced there’s gonna be bruises where he’s holding your hips for dear life. “Taking m-my cock like it’s the o-only thing you know how to do, and I bet it f-feels good in this tummy of yours huh?” You nod helplessly, whimpering as he grabs your hand and laces the fingers, pinning it to the leather behind your head. 
“s-shit, hhh, it feels— god daddy it f-feels good,” you moan, voice cracking as he starts to move even faster. “D-do you l-like that name?”
He nods, eyes shutting for a bit as he looks up to the ceiling of the car, enjoying how tight you are around his cock. He takes the hand off of your neck, pinning both hands over your head as he absolutely drills you, making you whine. 
“I do, fuck I do.. the way you say t-that and my fucking name—“ he chokes, pulling your legs up so he can get in at a deeper angle. “I h-have half the mind to fuck your f-face into this god d-damn seat.” Your eyes shut at the words, your high approaching dangerously close considering how deep he was in you. Eight inches didn’t go sparingly, rubbing against the best part of you, making your toes curl. 
“t-then do it,” you challenge him, arching up into his chest as he kisses you to shut you the hell up. His head was spinning, loving the way your body reacted to him and opened up to him. He’s quick to forget about your hands, which are on him almost instantly as he regains the position on your neck. 
“Y-you think I won’t?” God you fucking loved that voice. The low baritone sound of his words made you a mess. “T-think I won’t make you c-call Yoongi right now wh-while I slam this tight cunt into the ground.” You whined at it, his pace increasing as you gripped the seats, barely able to breathe as he choked you harder. 
You’re honestly ready to cum, but as soon as the pleasure reached its peak, Taehyung was pulling out. You can’t even figure out which way is up before he’s grabbing you from between your thighs, flipping you over. It starts as soon as it stopped, his hand on the back of your neck as the side of your face is smushed to the seat. 
Taehyung grins lazily, too fucked out for his own good as he slaps your ass loudly. You yelp at the action, jolting forward at the collision. “Look at this fucking ass.. n-never have I wanted to bury my cock into some—something so bad before.”
The blonde pushes his thumb into your wet cunt, spitting violently into your pussy, watching it drip. He followed it with his dick, filling you up instantly as you arched into the seats. His hand is twisting in your hair, wrapping around his fingers before he’s forcing you to look at the ceiling. 
“I s-spit in that fucking cunt— cause it's mine,” he groaned, and you nodded the best you could. Your throat was tired, every moan bouncing with how hard he was fucking you, thighs trembling. 
“taehyung— my god, tae,” you moaned, turning back a bit to see his ab muscles working overtime, moving tautly under the skin as he drilled you. “G-god I'm gonna—“
“Good girl,” he praised, watching sickly as his cock disappeared into your wet folds, watching your ass bounce with every thrust. “Cum on my cock, baby girl, please.” Now he was the one begging, voice getting whiny and airy, thrusts getting sloppy as he tried to keep hitting the spot he was. You couldn’t even think anymore, the slow climb to your climax was irritating almost, before you feel two pads against your clit, rubbing it side to side. You definitely weren’t going to last now, hips bucking as you tried to warn your boyfriend. 
“g-god fucking damn,” Taehyung whined, feeling you squeeze him airtight before you cum hard on him.
You’re moaning over and over again, and a little too loudly for taehyung’s own liking, hand covering your mouth as he finally had come inside you too. He cursed loudly, not even fucking you anymore. He buried himself in you to let out his cum, groaning as he felt it flood your pussy. 
“Jesus Christ,” you breathe, wanting to slump against the seat but Taehyung’s hand is keeping you steady. He pulls out his cock, whining at the feeling as he spreads your lips open to watch the cum fall out. You swat his hand away at the action, trying to catch your breath as you flip onto your back, pulling him gently by the chain to come to lay with you. 
“You’re tight as hell,” he breathed, making you laugh loudly, still out of breath. He kissed your forehead softly, followed by your entire face, making sure you were okay. This was always the best part. The aftercare, and feeling how much he really cared for you as he cleaned you both up the best he could before forfeiting to exhaustion. 
“You’re such an idiot,” you mumble finally as he lays with you again, kissing him slowly on the lips. “I love you.” Taehyung smiled at the words, turning you back as he kissed you back, holding you close. You didn’t care about Jungkook anymore. You loved him and you wanted him. No matter what that came with. You wanted to be with him. 
“I love you too,” he mumbles, right against your lips before kissing you again. You wanted it to stay like this forever. Care-free, enjoyable. You know that once you get out of this car and return to your own, you’ll have to face your brother again. You’d have to keep facing him every day until you could come clean to him, and who knows how long that’ll be. For now, you relax into Taehyung’s arms. Who knows when you’d get a chance like this again. 
The next morning was, as usual, the usual glow of sex on your face. You may have been a little sore, but you couldn’t care less. The night, any night with Taehyung, had you on cloud nine. You could tell he wanted you, not your body. He had worshipped you as no boy had done before. Your head was over the moon.
Even as a relief, it was still irritating to receive your period the next morning. You shuffle through the locker, grabbing the emergency tampons and shoving them into your pocket. The locker shuts and you’re ready to break it to the bathroom, but you’re almost clotheslined by an arm. 
“Nice vampire bite.” The voice is venomous and sour. You already knew it was Yoongi before you ripped your eyes to meet his. “Another guy who is just using you.” You scoff while trying to move past him, but he’s larger than you. Encasing you to the lockers.
The laugh is evil. “You’re a fucking pussy, Y/N. You were sooo hurt by my comment that you had to send your brother's bitch of a lap dog to come ‘straighten me out’ huh?” Your heart is pounding in your ears, scared of what he was going to do next. You doubt he was going to do anything so drastic.
“Guess it didn’t stick with you, huh?” You retort quickly, watching as others were crowding the hallway because of the previous bell.
For that reason, he leans in. “If someone says they’re with you, for any other reason than fucking you? They’re lying.”
Your eyes water, failing to meet his gaze. You have half the mind to slap him, but you’re not even sure what you’re going to say next. Not when a flash of a blonde is grabbing the menace by his collar, pushing him back into the locker. The grip Taehyung has on his shirt is deadly, the usual pink hue to his knuckles are white out of anger. He pulls the raven-haired senior off the wall just to slam him again, teeth bared. Eyes narrowed, not backing down from the challenge. Any other day, you would’ve found this extremely hot. 
“Say one more fucking thing about her.”`
Yoongi snorts. “Sorry, bitch boy, did I hit a nerve? Surprised you’re defending her after all the sneaking around you’ve been doing.” Taehyung didn’t even know how the fuck he knew about you guys, but he didn’t care. Taehyung was seeing red right now, taking every ounce of restraint he could muster to not crack his face. “Haven’t gotten tired of her yet? You will soon.”
“How the fuck would you know?” Taehyung snaps. “Why do you even care? It’s been almost two months.” Yoongi’s eyes snap over to you, noticing Jungkook right by your side as he tries to guide you away. You’re frozen.
“Why do you care? You aren’t even together— all you are is Jungkook’s bitch.” Taehyung couldn’t keep it together anymore, ready to wind back his arm before he notices the crowd, his former best friend front, and center. He backs as quickly as he tackled him, ready to walk to his next class. “Right, wouldn’t want to expose our little secret? Cause what the fuck is she to you?”
Taehyung turns on his heels, arm pulling back as he wound up to hit him before a large hand is holding his. It was the school security, pushing Taehyung towards the office. He turned to check on you, eyes wide as you and your brother were absent. The blonde had to sit in the office and listen to an hour of scolding, finally getting off with detention. He doesn’t even bother going home, immediately making his way to your house. 
He thought a lot about what had happened, a pit turning in his stomach. He probably just confirmed any of Jungkook’s suspicions, watching him freak out over you like that. But the blonde didn’t care. Part of him was hoping you weren’t home facing Jungkook’s wrath, and another part of him was proud of what happened today. If anything, that showed Jungkook how much Taehyung really cared for you. 
None of that mattered. Jungkook would still pick his own side. 
The said raven was watching you sleep peacefully. He couldn’t believe that two boys were fighting over his little sister, one being his best friend. It was so idiotic and pointless. He’s a little relieved that Taehyung was there for you, but he couldn’t ignore what Yoongi said. ‘Your little secret’? He suspected they were meeting up behind his back, and that only enraged him even more. He didn’t want to have to deal with another boy breaking your heart.
Would Taehyung ever do that?
Jungkook is startled out of his thoughts at the sound of the doorbell, opening it to see Taehyung. Both of their stomachs are wrenching in their core, the still silence is unsettling. Never in his life did Taehyung think there would be a sour moment, yet here it was. 
“She’s asleep. What do you need?” The tone hurts. It’s sour and stern, and foreign. A tone that he’s never heard come out of Jungkook’s mouth, and it makes him lose his train of thought. His fingers play idly with the strings on his sweater. 
He inhales. “Dude, look. I know— I fucked up, and I’m sorry. You know I would never hurt her like that. Even if I did, I know the consequences.” Taehyung wanted to roll over and just apologize, but he needed to stand his ground. “What has you so bent? You know me, Kook. What’s so bad about us being together if we’re both happy.”
Jungkook shakes his head, arms crossed. “That’s not the point.”
“How is it not?”
“You went behind my back and got with her, even after I told you not to— the one thing I ask you not to do, and you do it. It puts me in an uncomfortable situation, and now it is for her too.”
Taehyung scoffs. “Because of Yoongi? What the hell did you want me to do? If you were there and heard him talking that way about her, you would’ve done the same.” Taehyungs anger is boiling now, thinking about the situation. “But you weren’t, so I had to do your job and take care of it.”
Taehyung immediately regrets saying that, considering the door slams in his face. He groans. I’m a fucking idiot. 
The Blonde trudged back to his own house, head full. He knew all of this was a bad idea, hence why he was hesitant to be with you in the first place. Unfortunately, once he had been with you, the want was overbearing. To just give it up over one stupid day? He couldn’t just let you go. 
Taehyung finally feels some weight drop as he falls into bed, more exhausted than he’s ever been in a while. The frame on his bedside tables hurts the familiar faces of you and Jungkook alongside the blonde on his sixteenth birthday. He had the biggest crush on you ever and to be honest, he’s not sure he’s stopped ever since you bandaged his knee in the third grade. It sounds so fucking dumb, but he can’t help smiling at the thought. 
It makes sense why none of his other relationships worked out, considering he was always looking for you in other girlfriends. That's why He can’t let you go, and it’s why his heart leaps when he sees you calling. 
“Hey,” he breathes, relief flooding his body. You take a bit to respond, chewing words around in your mouth. 
“Hey... I heard you and Jungkook outside so.. thank you, for dealing with Yoongi.”
Taehyung stammered. “You’re not mad?”
“Well,” you sigh, laying back into your pillows. “I don’t agree with how you handled it, but.. you did it for me, and I love you for that.” Taehyung’s heart restarts as he sits up, a dorky smile on his face. 
“I love you too, Y/N…” You smiled, butterflies as you sighed. It made you happy to hear that. “Tomorrow, I’m gonna talk to Jungkook and see why he’s really bent. Maybe I’ll change his mind.” 
You shrug. “I dunno if he’ll ever get over it, it really irritates him.” You could not pinpoint why, and it irritated you even more. 
“I know, but I have to try.” Taehyung groaned. He was a simp. “Imma see what the real reason is.”
Even as you two talked on the phone, it lifted your mind. After everything with Yoongi today, your mind racing as it finally relaxes once you settle into bed. Taehyung’s voice runs through your ears and you think about the couple of months you’ve had with him. A little carefree and mischievous. You just wanted to go back, and not have to face anything tomorrow. 
The morning is lonely for Taehyung. A morning where usually it would be him and Jungkook, it was just him. No texts, no screenshots from the game last night, no sitting in his car while all of you sang horrible karaoke. It just wasn’t the same, and he hated pretending like it was. He finally got to school, opening his locker. The day was just as dull, sitting alone at lunch while you and your brother sat with his friends. You wanted to sit with him so badly, but you knew that Jungkook and Taehyung had to resolve things before you could be together. And it was so dramatic, and for what? 
You stabbed at the pasta your mom had cooked last night, eyeing the devils incarnate across the room. Yoongi’s eyes were on you and you wanted to do nothing more than shoving his face into his cold pizza. But you didn’t. You couldn’t. You didn’t want to start more drama. You wanted to go home and have a nice calm weekend… texting your boyfriend… who wasn’t yours but, it’s all the same. 
The day gets duller as it goes on for both parties. Taehyung is mulling through the last period of the day. Of course, it was math. 
He gated algebra and it blows that it’s the last fucking class. He feels refreshed once the last bell rings, but the walk to his locker is just as lonely as the last month had been feeling. Taehyung unlocked his locker, ready to just leave already. He would be angrily shoving books into his locker now before a picture falls freely out of his locker. He can barely recognize the interior of his car before it feels like everyone is staring at him. 
His throat is so fucking dry, he can barely breathe. He picks up the photo, stomach-dropping into his fucking ass. 
His brown eyes round the hallway, seeing everyone has received the same picture, and everyone was staring at him. 
He had never run so fast in his life once his brain had processed what was happening. He rounds the corner, to see your locker and you’re not there. But it’s wide fucking open, thousands of copies scattered on the floor and the metal door. Jungkook stood, motionless and silent, as he looked at the photos. A million pictures of his best friend and his sister— making out in a car. Taehyung, who was still stumbling over his shock, had watched Jungkook slam the locker shut and approach him. God he was ready to shit his pants, for his life was about to flash before his eyes. He braced his muscles for any form of attack. It doesn’t come. 
“Open your eyes, shit head.”
Taehyung blinked an eye open. “You aren’t gonna kick my ass?”
  “No,” he grumbled. Taehyung wanted to laugh considering that nickname from him sounded so good. Like they were back to normal. “Now isn't the time to be worried about you and my sister, fuck. that. I’m not worried about this, I’m worried about what fucking prick would send this shit around, she’s a fucking minor.” There, Taehyung can see it. Jungkook’s scared. He’s scared for his sister, and if they had switched places, Taehyung would feel the same way. He can understand where Jungkook is coming from now, with his entire argument. He wanted to protect her from assholes like this, and as much as Taehyung could argue with him; he’ll never understand what it was like to have a baby sister. 
But he drops it to save his ass. Taehyung remembers to breathe once his shirt gets dropped, but he’s still being pulled back towards his locker. Jungkook collecting all the pictures he can, shoving them deep into the trash. Cause fuck this. Jungkook hated the idea of them together, and truthfully he has no clue why. He wants to protect her, but there’s another layer. That aside, they were gonna find out who the hell did this. 
“Kook. you need me to spell it o—“
Jungkook slammed a poor kid into a locker to grab the picture from him, ripping it in half. “The moment I find out who the fuck this is, I’m gonna smash his face into the fucking ground.” Jungkook was filled with rage, disposing every last picture he possibly could before dragging Taehyung out to the lot. He shoved his bag into the backseat, holding the raven in place. 
“Bro,” he said calmly, looking at his best friend. “Who else? it’s Yoongi. he was talking all that shit in the hallways, like who else?” Jungkook nodded. it made sense. Yoongi was a prideful person, but who else would go through the trouble of humiliating her like this. 
“So what now?” 
Taehyung shrugged, leaning against the hood of his car. “The only thing I’m thinking of is that we go kick his fucking ass.” Jungkook rounded the car quickly as they both got in, engine revving. 
“Sounds like a plan.”
The drive to Yoongi’s hangout was silent. It was a little bittersweet that they were going to kick his ass in the same parking lot where those pictures took place. Taehyung was admittedly a little nervous. He knew you didn’t like fights or conflict and this was the opposite of everything you didn’t like. If he wanted to make a point, that’s a decision he’d have to live with. 
Jungkook grumbled irritably. “God, the moment I see him I’m gonna rip his head off. What a fucking— oh my god.” The raven’s voice cut off as they pulled up to the bowling alley, noticing Yoongi there with three of his friends. The two shared a look, and they were both scared shitless. 
“How are we gonna beat them? Four against two ain’t fair,” Taehyung whined, Jungkook throwing the car into park. Jungkook was trying to strategize in his head, but the only conclusion he had was to face this shit head-on. They both exit the car, rounding the lot to meet the four sitting on the edge of Yoongi’s car. 
Yoongi’s the first to notice, jumping a bit but posing like he was a threat once his friends noticed. 
“So, it is true that you’re his lapdog?” Yoongi laughed. “I was right about you, and in the hallway, I bet you wanted to kick my ass huh?”
Taehyung stepped forward. “I want to kick your fucking ass right now. Where you the one who printed out those pictures?” 
He admitted it effortlessly, the plain smirk on his smug face was seriously pissing Taehyung off. 
“What the fuck for?” Taehyung’s fists were balled as the elder boy stepped closer, unable to resist punching him in the face. 
Yoongi shrugged. “‘Cause I wanted her to see that every boy she’ll ever meet wants to fuck her; nothing more, nothing less.”
Taehyung wasn’t sure if that was a backhanded compliment or not, but Jungkook was the first to jump. His fist connected with Yoongi’s jaw followed by a loud crack. That’s when the fight broke out. 
You sat in your bed, bundled in your brother's sweatshirt as you flipped through Netflix on your mac. You were barely paying attention considering you were chewing off all your nails. You hadn’t heard from Jungkook or Taehyung since you had left school. You were a little distraught, but honestly, there was a big event every week at your school and you prayed this would blow over. You knew it was Yoongi anyways and you kind of figured that those two idiots would have done something by now. Or maybe Jungkook still wouldn’t forgive him after this. Maybe they would still be mad— maybe they weren’t even together. 
Your head was swarming with thoughts but you were too exhausted to pick up the phone. You turn to another episode of some random crime show, laying back into the mountain of pillows before your stomach lurches at the sound of a car door. Two doors to be exact, and they slam shut. You spring from the bed, racing to the top of the stairs. Your eyes meet with two boys. 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Taehyung laughs, wiping the blood that’s dripping from his nose while Jungkook’s laugh rings through the previously silent house. It was like music to hear them laughing together, shoulders bumping as they made it into the entryway of the house. It takes a bit to realize that they’ve had their asses kicked. Like they were jumped.
You race down the stairs. “Oh my god. what the hell happened?” Jungkook’s lip was split, eye bruising slowly as he limped over to you. “Did you two idiots get hit by a car or something?” The two laugh in sync, fist-bumping each other as Jungkook waves off the concern.
“Believe it or not, we won.”
You snort. “Won what?” Taehyung kicks off his shoes, holding his sleeve to his nose. You notice his eyebrow is split as well, knuckles bruised. 
“We went and kicked Yoongi’s ass. He had some randoms with him but we came through in the end,” Jungkook breathed. “I’m glad you were there with me, bro.” You let your heart warm for them. You knew they were hurting, watching the two boys hug. You knew they meant it, them both pulling away as Jungkook hugged you as well. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t do more when Yoongi was first acting up. I should’ve straightened him out the first night you told him about us.”
You shake your head, hugging him tighter. “Shut up. You just got your ass handed to you, don’t apologize.” You three laugh and god, it feels good. It feels normal until your eyes linger on Taehyung slowly. You wanted to hug him and kiss him, despite his face being bloody. You’re ready to retreat to the kitchen, but Jungkook stops you. He pushes you towards the blonde while he starts to rummage the fridge for ice. 
You’re hesitant and so is Taehyung, but once you felt it was okay, you moved. It felt free and honest, holding his face in your hands to kiss him. He returns it with equal force, slow and meaningful. He pulls away, pressing his lips to your forehead. 
“Yoongi won’t be a problem anymore,” Taehyung breathed, hands on your waist. 
You laugh sadly, thumbing over the mark on his eyebrow. “You barely made it out alive, dork… but thank you. Seriously, both of you,” You mumble, eyes looking to your brother. You’re ready to start a speech but Taehyung cuts you off, the blonde practically trembling next to you. 
“I know this may be weird, but I’m sorry for sneaking around with your sister. This is gonna sound so formal and cheesy, and it’s making me want to puke, but I love her a—“
Jungkook groans. “God just shut up.” Jungkook was doubled over, fake puking noises coming from his mouth. You laugh a little, a thousand weights off of your shoulder as your fingers lace with Taehyung’s. “I was a little mad in the beginning cause you’re my baby sister… and you’re my best friend. That put’s me in a difficult spot.” 
He continues. “Even so, I can tell that it won’t be an issue. Taehyung cares about you, I can see that now. Especially with how hard he was kicking that idiot’s ass—“ You snort, punching Jungkook’s arm. But he shrugs. “I’m serious. I’m fine with you guys. I want you to be happy and if that’s with each other, I can live with that.” You hum happily, pulling them both into a group hug. The love you felt from both of them was radiating. 
Of course, Jungkook had to ruin the moment. 
“I better not see you guys making out, or I will throw up on you, got it?”
You and Taehyung swear to him, laughing as you three trailed to the kitchen so you could start healing their cuts. Jungkook, however, falls behind. His heart feels heavy and before he had no clue why. He watched you two kiss, the hand on your waist making his stomach drop. He knows now why he didn’t want you guys to be together. 
He didn’t want to share Taehyung with you for a specific reason. One he’s not ready to admit yet. 
He knows it’s resentful and jealous.
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rreyie · 3 years
𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨- 𝙖𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: after three years of not seeing eren due to his buisness in marley, you reunite with him only to find he isn’t the same person anymore, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is his desire for you.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: smut! hair pulling, spanking, hate (?) sex, eren being an asshole, MAJOR season four/manga spoilers, vaginal, orgasm denial, overstimulation, fingering, oral (male receiving), f! anatomy reader, dom! eren, sub! reader
𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: smut/ nsfw
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨: eren yeager, reader insert
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: i really struggled with what to name this, but i still think it turned out fine. this may be the dirtiest thing i’ve written so far but anyways, eren stans come get y’all juice
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it had been three whole years since you had last seen eren. as much as you missed those emerald green eyes giving you a playful glare from across the room, you certainly did not miss his careless demeanor.
it had happened after the girl shot sasha, your best friend. as you laid there sobbing on the floor, all eren did was laugh. no comfort. no “i’m sorry.” just a half hearted chuckle from that asshole of a man.
as you put her body in a different room, you walked out of the dimly lit airship to see eren sitting on some sort of box. through that mane of chocolate brown hair, you saw those emerald eyes again, only this time, they weren’t as youthful as they once were. they were tired. drained. dull. you didn’t know how else to describe that look.
“whatcha starin at?” he asked. his voice was barely audible.
your cheeks still red and eyes puffy from crying, you sniffle and manage to speak some words. “i’m looking at the jackass who was laughing at my best friend dead on the floor.”
eren chuckles. “i see nothings changed over the last three years, huh?”
you look away from him. you couldn’t bare to look eyes with him, especially now. he touches your arm. “come on now, look at me. i missed you.”
you swat his arm away. “shut the fuck up. why did you laugh? in a time that i needed you most you just sat there and laughed?”
eren laughs again. “haven’t you forgot, dear? i can see everything. i knew sasha was going to die before it happened.” you couldn’t stand his shit anymore. you jerk your body to face him, and raise your arm, looking directly into his eyes. you throw a punch at him, aiming directly for his skull, but his calloused hand stops you, making you look weak.
“heh, let’s not get too hasty here, dear-“
“quit calling me that damned nickname!” you shout at him. “i can’t talk to you right now. i’m going to bed.” his arm releases it’s grip on yours, and you angrily storm off into your resting place in the airship.
another few days passed, and you were coming back from the memorial service held for sasha. as you took off your army great coat, darker spots staining it from the rain pattering outside, a figure towers over you.
you look up and make contact with the entity, now figuring out that it was no other than yours truly, eren.
“well, want to talk now?” he asks. his voice was monotone, like nothing happened at all. you throw your coat onto a nearby chair, and storm upstairs to your room.
you eneter the room, which was pitch black, your tear-ridden eyes not processing anything you see. only a blurry mess of shadows and highlights. you throw yourself onto your bed and curl into a fetal position.
you wanted to throw up. first your best friend dies, and then your relationship was going down the drain... on top of that a world war was happening right before your very eyes.
a cold hand is pressed onto your back. you jolt at the contact, and see erens face looking down at you. you hadn’t taken the time to notice that he had cleaned up nicely, hair in a bun and cleanly shaved.
as your head tilts upwards, he presses his lips to yours, the unfamiliar sensation making your lips tingle. you let out a small moan and feel erens mouth curl upwards.
“well, i can tell even if you didn’t miss me, you sure missed my cock.” eren says. this statement caught you off guard, and your cheeks flushed red. eren snickered, and continued to kiss you. eren inserted his slick tongue into your mouth, pushing and pulling your tongue in all different directions, mixing your saliva with his.
erens hand moved south, his finger just grazing upon your clothed womanhood. though your area was covered, you could still feel the friction of his finger and the fabric. he began to slide his hand inside the flimsy waistband of your pants and cupped your delicate womanhood.
letting out a soft moan at the contact, he began to grope and squeeze you in all the right places, and ran his index finger along your wet folds, already soaked with your slick.
“wet for me already, ain’t’cha princess?” he growls into your ear, warm breath sliding upon the exposed flesh of your neck. he moves his lips to your neck, and begins to gently suck, eager to mark you, similar to how an animal marked its territory. the gentle suction made you like putty in his arms, and you leaned into his chest. his heartbeat was beating right into your ear, giving you a sense of security.
unexpectedly, a finger slips into your walls. an “a-ah~” elicits through your lips. you shifted your hips to desperately try and feel full, even though only one narrow finger was inside you.
“only good girls get two fingers”, eren says. “are you gonna be a good girl for me? hm?” eren pushes his finger inside you more, hitting the plush sweet spot that was nestled inside you. you let out a pathetic little whimper as eren stretched you a little further.
“y-yes...” you stammer. eren began to pump his two fingers into your tight hole, as he felt his own arousal course through his veins, the fiery sensation talking over him and pulsating though him, going straight to his dick.
your thighs began to tremble as you were about to feel your orgasm, but then, right when you were on the cusp of reaching bliss, he carefully but slowly took his fingers out, his coated in your juices. he sneered at you, as your let out another whimper.
“h-hey...” you say, barely able to make words after your spoiled orgasm. “what w-was that for?”
“because you’ve been fucking around with me all week”, he responds, starting to unbuckle his leather belt. “all i’ve wanted this whole week was for your pretty little pussy to bounce on my cock, but you’ve been so stubborn that you wouldn’t even look my way. this is my payback. i’m going to absolutely fuck your brains out tonight.”
your spine shivered at the thought of you being here all night being used as erens own personal pocket pussy. you didn’t want to know how many rounds you were in for tonight, since eren never stops until he’s tired.
before you knew it, erens belt was off, and you were sitting on the bed watching him did himself of his shirt. his perfectly toned abs were semi-visible in the moonlight, the ripples of skin or bones creating a masterpiece. his hair was nearly free of the bun at this point, but you wouldn’t dare notify him of this.
eren folds the belt and gives it a little whack upon the bed, giving a crack.
“strip”, he commands. “now.”
you obey his words, and pull of your shirt without hesitation, followed by your cargo pants, leaving you in your bra and panties only.
erens gaze turns predatory as if he was a lion and you were the antelope. he flips you over almost effortlessly, and grabs your ass.
“dear god, i missed this...” he groans. “your ass is gonna be all red after i’m done with you.”
you clench your eyes, bracing for impact. you knew exactly how this was going to go down. eren cracks the belt down onto your left ass cheek, and you yelped at the impact. he did it again, the pain soon quickly melting into pleasure with each snap.
sure, eren could be a bit rough in the bedroom sometimes- no, scratch that. he could be super rough. but he always knew where the line was to be drawn. or at least he used to know. you only knew that this man had been deprived of sex for the time he was in marley, so he was likely craving some sort of intimacy. and now that he had you, he wasn’t going soft this time.
as soon as the last crack of the belt had ceased, he threw the belt down and kneeled over you.
“suck me off”, he demanded.
you flipped yourself over this time, and got level with erens member. erens black boxers had a throbbing bulge in the center. as you pulled his boxers down, his cock immediately sprang up, and slapped against his stomach.
boy, eren always had a nice dick. it was pale, but a vein ran through the side, and connected to the red tip of it. he hasn’t shaved down there in a while, so the seemingly primal hair that laid at his base was expected.
you grasped his cock that was eagerly waiting for attention, and moved your tongue along the shaft, placing kitty licks on the tip. you felt eren twitching under your touch. you wanted to tease him to compensate for your lost orgasm, to feel him writhe and beg to cum.
eren grew impatient with the kitty licks and tongue work that he grabbed a fistful of your hair and jammed your mouth onto him. you gagged at the sudden movement, the tip touching the back of your throat. he moved your head back and forth, using your spit to guide you along.
you took in his whole length. it was painful, but totally worth it to see his expression on his face. cupping his balls, you played with them, moving around the sensitive skin with your hands.
“i-m gonna c-cum...” eren warns you. you try and pull off so he wouldn’t make you choke. eren resists, only pulling you closer. his cock spasms, and releases a load of cum into your mouth. you were nearly choking on cock, the salty taste reaching every corner in your mouth.
you swallow it all. eren pulls out his cock, still hard even though he just came. he takes hold of your shoulders and pins you down on your bed.
“don’t worry princess, i’ll compensate for that lost orgasm this time.” he said, an evil smirk on his face. yup. you were in for it.
he quickly takes your bra and panties off before starting, and takes note of the giant spot of arousal in the bottom of your panties before he slides them off. he unclasps your bra and gives your breasts a quick little squeeze before pumping his cock a few times and lining it up at your entrance.
“p-please, be gentle...” you whisper.
eren laughs. “not a chance.”
he thrusts into you, his whole length unexpectedly filling you to the brim. letting out a groan, he thrusts into you again. it felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. you grip the sheets beside you.
“i missed the feeling of your little pussy...” eren growls. he continues to thrust, smashing his hips into yours as he fucked you with no mercy at all.
lewd sounds of skin slapping a guttural wet sounds filled the room as you squirmed beneath him, moving your hips so he could get a good angle. his dick begins to touch on your sweet spot, hitting it repeatedly. the pressure on your spongy seeet spot was enough to make a loud moan escape from your mouth.
“m-more!” you yelp. eren heeds your command as you felt his balls slapping against your ass ruthlessly. “oh god, please, eren! please!” erens pace quickens a little bit more as you feel the burning sensation of your orgasm about to take over. you cum right on his dick, the creamy liquid spilling out of you and coating him so he could glide into you with ease. eren still has a bit to go, and while making an effort to cum, he only thrusts harder, causing you to cum yet again, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“ngh- oh fuck...” eren stammers, as he bottoms out into you, shooting thick ropes of cum into your hole.
you lay there panting, eyes almost shutting. but eren isn’t anywhere near done yet. his dick gardens yet again, and he continues to thrust.
“e-eren... please no more...” you gasp, trying to contain yourself as eren slammed into you again and again.
“no”, he says raspily. “you’ve been teasing me all fuckin’ week. you need to be punished for this.” his tip kisses your cervix, causing you to grimace. “turn over.”
you tried to move, but your legs were like jelly, unable to move after all the previous sensations you were feeling.
“dumb slut. let me help you.” eren places you on your tummy and re-aligns himself at your entrance, and jams his throbbing dick into you. your ribbed walls were clenching around him tightly, which only made him encouraged and want to go harder, deeper, if that was even possible.
your vision turned foggy upon your third orgasm, toes curling and all.
“ngh- aah!~” you whimper, feeling numb and helpless. something about eren using you as his own personal fuck toy made you seem to cum a little bit quicker than the last times you’ve had sex. maybe it was the control he had over you, the domination.
“oh, did my little whore cum for me again?” eren groans. “louder. i want this entire hallway to know exactly what we are doing in here. let them know how good i’m fucking you.”
eren gives a tug at your hair, making your head turn around and look him directly in the eye. he had a wicked sneer painted across his face. he purposely hits your sweet spot again, making a string of high pitched moans and whimpers fill the room, maybe even the whole hallway as eren instructed you to do.
your noises were the final straw that eren had. he quickly pulled out and flipped you over before jacking himself a few more times, and letting his cum splatter across your face and chest. your vision was so foggy at this point that everything was just a big cloud of white. as you regain your vision, you see eren laying over you, his brown hair messy and eyes filled with love.
“you’re not gonna just leave me like the others, right?” he questions you as he kisses your naked collarbone. you’re completely out of breath at this point, and all you can do is nod.
“good.” he grabs a towel that was sitting on your nightstand. “i hope you never leave me, to be honest.” he cleans up his release combined with sweat that was puddled on your body.
“n-never.” you stammer.
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Frisky for a Fight - Jamie Benn
Word Count: 3,250
POV: Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Language, Smut
Notes: So watching Jamie Benn fight the other night was just a turn on for me and I ended up writing a little something for it. I decided to use the reader from Ruined, hope you guys don’t care. As always I love to hear your feedback. Happy Reading!!!
(Also not my pic)
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You didn’t see the exchange between Zadorov and Dellandrea, only the commentary from the announcers that the young pup had made a hit on the Blackhawk, and then words were exchanged. The television was always on in the training room for you to watch the game if, you weren't on the ramp. You’d been marking down a few things in your charts after taking care of a couple of the guys during intermission, which is why you missed Jamie drop the gloves when play resumed. As soon as you heard them say that, you picked your head up to see the exchange.
You had a love-hate relationship with Jamie fighting, always had. On the one hand, you hated it, because there was always this risk of him getting hurt. While on the other, you found it incredibly sexy. There was just something about seeing him all angry and fired up, that just did things to you, and this fight was definitely doing it to you now. Which was wrong, so wrong. Your panties she should not be getting wet at this moment, but the minute he threw that left uppercut right into Zadorv’s face, you felt your pussy clench.
The fight only last seconds, as the refs came in and broke it up rather quickly after that. You watched Jamie, skate over to the penalty box taking off his helmet, pushing his hair back once he got in, giving you a chance to see what the damage was to his face. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be any, but you wouldn’t be able to tell until the second intermission which was a while away. There was no point in making yourself suffer, so you headed up towards the bench to see if you could get a closer look without seeming to be hovering over him.
You stood there on the runway, leaning against the wall arms folded as you waited. Jamie saw you staring, could tell by your stance you weren’t pleased that he’d got into another fight, though it was the first of the shortened season. He knew he’d be in for an earful the second the period ended. You kept staring at him over there in that box, all the while Jamie was fretting. Not about dealing with Bones, he knew his coach wouldn’t give him too much hell, but you; you were a different story and the last person he wanted to displease.
When they finally released him and he skated over to the bench to the sound of sticks taping once again cheering him on, you were able to assess the damage. He looked good, nothing seemed to be bruising or swelling, though he should probably get some ice on those knuckles; just for preventative measures. Jamie's eyes darted around to all his teammates before they laid square on you. His signature puppy dog's eyes coming out to tell you he was sorry. You simply shook your head and made your way back to the training room.
Bones talked to guys briefly after the second period before you went in. “So how bad are you?” you asked, grabbing his hands to see the damage. There were a few scraps but nothing that was bleeding or needing attention.
“I’m fine.” He snipped back, earning a disapproving glare from you. He could fight all he wanted with them, but he would not be picking one with you.
“I can see that,” you retorted. “Put some ice on those before they swell.” The guys went about their usual intermission break, making changes here and there with plays, and pointing out weaknesses they could try and capitalize on. All while guzzling Gatorade and something to give them a bit more energy in the third. Everyone started to filter back to the bench as the reprieve was over while Jamie lingered behind.
“Sorry I was snippy before. I just thought you were going to yell at me for fighting.”
“As long as you’re not hurt. I have no need to yell.” You shrugged off the matter, not wanting to get into how the whole thing actually made you dripping wet. He turned to head back down the ramp and out to the bench, a sulking look on his face as if he didn't believe that you were mad at him. "Jame," you yelled out, making sure there weren't too many prying eyes around before you grabbed him and kissed him hard on the mouth. "I'm not encouraging you to fight again, but I was very turned on by that punch to Zadorov's face." You couldn't let him go back out on the ice in a brooding mood, or he'd definitely be dropping the gloves in the third.
"Really?" His eyes perked up, and there was a distinct sparkle to them. One that you'd seen many times as before right before he ripped your clothes off, though that wouldn't be happening here.
"Yes, but if you do it again; you won’t be finding out exactly how wet I am,” you whispered, before swatting at his padded ass. “Now get back out there, captain.” The smile on his face told you, that you didn’t need to worry about him fighting the rest of the game, as he made his way back onto the ice; a little more pep in his step than before.
For the rest of the game, Jamie seemed to behave himself. There might have been an unnecessary check here and quite possibly a shove that wasn’t needed there, but at least his fists weren’t flying into anyone’s face. The game didn’t end how they hoped, as the Stars fell to Chicago. After a few words from coach, some of the guys, including Jamie, headed over to do media. You saw him roll his eyes at having to sit through what he considered the worst form of torture. It was even more so that, now that he knew how turned on you were after his fight. He was definitely distracted as the reporters fired off a few questions, little did they know where his mind actually was.
You finished cleaning up the training room, letting the athletic trainers go early as you waited for Jamie to finish up. He was just finishing buttoning up his shirt when you walked into the locker room. He spied you and his hands immediately stopped, leaving a good four buttons hanging undone. “So you found that little fight sexy, eh?”
There was no one else in the locker room as everyone else had left. So, you were free to saunter up to him and slide your hands up his torso until you could feel his exposed chest. “I’ll admit it was kind of hot.”
“Just kind of?” He grabbed your waist, pressing your body intimately to his where you could feel his erection.
“Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out.” His eyebrows lifted at your suggestion, while his hands roamed down the cheeks of your ass, gathering the fabric of your skirt as he went. It was nothing new for the two of you to get a little frisky when no one else was around. Jamie admitting once that he always wanted to have sex on his locker stall, was all it took to make that fantasy a reality, and while it didn’t happen often, it had happened a couple of times.
His hands worked the globes of your ass, the cool air hitting them as he hiked your skirt up to your waist. Fingers shifting, you felt him move to your core, where you knew he’d find your panties moist. “Fuck baby, have you been this wet since the second?”
“Uh huh,” you moaned before kissing him hard. To your surprise, Jamie moved his hand away and started shimming your skirt back down your lips. “Aren't we…” He didn’t let you finish, just grabbed your hand and headed out of the locker room. You knew you weren’t headed to the car, as he left his jacket hanging. “Where are we going?”
“I’m feeling frisky tonight.”
“I gathered that when you dropped the gloves.” He rolled his eyes as he looked back at you.
When he headed up the ramp that led to the bench, you pulled back on his hand. “Everyone’s gone.” He told you, and while you knew that all of the players and coaches weren’t there, there were still people that worked in the arena milling about. “Come on babe, trust me. Unless you just want to wait until we’re home?” His free hand, snuck between your thighs, letting his fingers dance along your folds.
You moaned in frustration. There wasn’t really a choice here. “No, I don’t.” The minutes the words were out of your mouth, he had your feet moving again. The arena was dark, except for the emergency lighting that dimly lit up the place. Shockingly, he opened the door to the ice though and stepped out onto it.
He picked you up and carried you across to the penalty box before you could even ask where you were going. “I couldn’t stop thinking about taking you here all third period. I’d like to say overtime too, but I was trying to concentrate on the game then.” You laughed, the sound echoing through the building, which made you immediately quiet again. “Thought we could actually do some sinning in this bin.”
He set you down inside the box first before coming behind you and closing the door. The wicked gleam in his eye matched the smirk on your face and the next thing you knew he was shoving you up against the glass, his mouth hot and heavy on yours. Your hands scrambled to undo his shirttails, while he shoved your jacket off your shoulders. His mouth was everywhere, on your lips and on your neck as they made their way down to your breasts. Jamie sucked on a perk nipple through the fabric of your blouse; your back arching into him.
You were so lost in the sensation of his lips that you didn’t realize the loud moan that escaped you.  “Shh,” Jamie hushed before capturing your lips with his. Regaining some of your senses, you quickly undid his belt buckle, before sliding the zipper of his pants down. If you were going to do this you might as well, live out a little fantasy of your own. You pushed back on Jamie’s chest, causing him to pull back in question.
“Since we’re sinning. There’s a little something I’ve always wanted to do to you here.” Pushing both his pants and boxers down to his knees, you backed him up to the bench, where he sat only hours ago for fighting. As you stared over at him earlier your mind had wanted to do one thing and now you had the opportunity. He sat down hard with just a simple push of your hand. His legs spreading immediately, as you sunk down to your knees. You wasted no time, letting your hand drift up his thighs, before guiding his cock into your mouth.
Jamie hissed out his pleasure. His hand threading through your hair as you sunk down on him. “Fuck baby, that feels so good.” You heard his head hit the back of the glass, as he hit the back of your throat. You worked the length of him in and out of your mouth. Part of you wished that the camera that was there was on, recording this. You wanted to see Jamie caught up in ecstasy as you worked your magic on him, but that would have to be for another time. He gathered your locks into a loose ponytail so he could watch you bob up and down on his cock. “Jesus, you look so beautiful.” They were whispered words of praise that went straight to your core.
When you hollowed out your cheeks, his head fell back once again against the plexiglass. It was then that you picked up speed and added a little hum. The vibrations sending Jamie almost spiraling to the point of no return, but he held it together even though his hips lifted off the bench. He was close. You could feel it in the way that his balls tightened under your touch and the way he seemed to almost let go completely. He held on by a small single thread and you knew it was because he didn’t want to spend in your mouth. He wanted to be buried deep inside your pussy when he finally came.
There was both disappointment and relief in his eyes as you released him with a pop; saliva and precum dripping from your mouth. He lifted you off the ground, then brought your mouth to his in a soul-searing kiss. “Fuck baby, you’re so good to me.” His hands worked the fabric of your skirt again, the cold of the ice making you shiver. Jamie hooked his fingers in the strings of your panties and ripped them off your body. You wanted to chide him for being so careless with the lace garment but that sheer animal magnetism of the action drew you to him even more.
You straddled him. Legs on both sides of his hips, as you slowly guided his member to your pussy. The feel of him deep inside you was like no other. It was like coming home and yet something new every single time. You’d been wanting this for the last couple of hours and now here you both were, though you hadn’t imagined it quite like this. Slowly, you swiveled your hips, making both you and Jamie hiss out in pleasure. You began to ride building up a rhythm that you both loved.
Jamie took hold of your hips, helping to steady you as you moved. Vaguely, you realized you pressed a hand to the glass behind Jamie and wondered if the imprint would still be there the next game. Would anyone realized that it wasn’t just someone trying to bang on the glass, but instead it was you being carried away in pure bliss as you rode their captain. Jamie brought you back to reality as he slid the v-neck blouse you wore off one shoulder so he could play with your breast. “I just want to rip this off you.”
“Do it,” you hissed out, knowing that he’d buy you dozens more to replace it. It was harder to tear than the panties but then Jamie was a man on a mission, just like he was earlier. His hands tore at the fabric the same ones that had punched Zadorov only hours ago. Now they were gentler, as they cupped your breast, tweaking and playing with the nipple. You threw your head back, only to have his mouth replace his fingers. He sucked on the turret peak then gently bit down. Your hips shot up, as a rush of wetness flooded Jamie’s cock buried inside you.
Suddenly, Jamie’s hands were on your ass and in one fluid motion he lifted you both up. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist as your back was pressed against the plexiglass; your heels digging into his ass but he enjoyed the bite. You clung to Jamie as he began to pound his cock into you. Foreheads pressed together, all that could be heard in the arena was the two of you panting as you sought that high you both craved. “Come on baby…” Jamie breathed out. “Cum for me.”
He was holding out, waiting for you and with a shift of his hips, he hit that sweet spot and sent you over the plateau. A silent scream was all that you let out as pleasure coursed through your veins. Jamie tucked his head into your neck, as he thrust a few more times before finding his own release. He held you up against the glass for a minute as your breathing calmed. “Can you stand?”
“I think so.” You’d forgotten about your heels until he set you down on them, but Jamie’s hands lingered on your hips to steady you. Once you regained your balance, you shimmied your skirt back down, while Jamie righted himself as well. “Where are my panties?” you whispered, only the receive a smirk from Jamie. The dim lighting wasn’t really conducive to finding your clothing, which even if it was ripped you still wanted.
Jamie lightly chuckled before he said, “We could always leave them for someone to find.”
“Jamie!” It was a little louder than you intended but you’d be totally mortified if someone on the team found them laying there.
“Is someone out there?” a voice called out shocking you.
“It’s just me Bill,” Jamie yelled to one of the custodians. “I was looking for my mouthguard.” You looked at Jamie questioningly and he just shrugged, as if it was the best he could think of on short notice. When you looked down embarrassed that you’d been caught, you finally saw your torn panties under Jamie’s foot. You shot down and snatched the garment up and shoved it in Jamie’s pocket. “Found it,” he yelled out to Bill. “I’ll be out of here shortly.”
“No problem Cap.” You heard Bill start to leave only to stop short and turn back around. “Hell of fight tonight, Cap. Hope we get to see some more like that this season. It seems to gets everyone riled up.”
“It sure does,” Jamie yelled back at Bill while grabbing your ass at the same time. “It sure does,” he repeated only this time quieter so only you would hear.
“Don’t even think that this is going to be a little habit, Benn.”
“Aww, come on baby. You have to admit it was fun. I don’t think I’ll ever sit in this box again without having a little smile on my face.”
“Well don’t think that this is some kind of reward for fighting because let me tell you; the first time I’m stitching you up because someone planted a facer on you, I already have your punishment in mind and it won't be anything like this.” You opened the door to the penalty box and waited for Jamie to step out and carry you since you had heels on. Which he did of course.
“What kind of punishment.” He queried as you made your way across the ice.
"That’s for me to know and for you to hopefully not find out.”
“This isn’t going to be like when you tried to get me to stop chewing snuff is it?”
“It worked, didn’t it. You don’t chew that shit anymore.”
“No, because if I did you wouldn’t let me near you.” It was true, every time Jamie chewed snuff you made it a point that sex, including kissing and whatnot was off the table, at least until he brushed, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash. You weren’t sure what Jamie’s punishment was going to be for fighting yet but it would definitely run along those lines. “What happens if they all end up like this?”
Hmm, well that might be an entirely different story, as you were still ready to continue what you started in the sin bin. “Hmmm, I guess we will have to see if it’s still a turn on when it happens again.”
Jamie came up and grabbed your waist hauling you against him. “I’m more interested if you’re still turned on now.”
“Take me home and let’s find out.”  
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slyttherins · 3 years
Quidditch camp | Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: You and Fred attend quidditch camp like every summer, but, this year, there's been a mistake in the cabin and rooming situations. In other words, they're short of bed and you and Fred will have to share.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word count: 2584
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''What are you doing here?'' you asked, walking into your cabin and seeing Fred Weasley laughing with his twin as they unpacked.
At the sound of your voice, both twins turned, equally surprised to see you. ''What are you doing here?'' Fred repeated. ''This is a boys cabin.''
''It can't be. I've been assigned to this cabin and, clearly, I'm not a boy,'' you said.
''Well, we're four boys in here already. If anyone's mistaken, it's you.''
''Here, see for yourself if you don't believe me.'' You handed him your letter with your cabin number and other infos, proving that you were right.
A frown formed on Fred's face as he read, equally confused. ''I don't care what it says, you're not staying here. We don't have any beds left anyways.''
He gave George the letter and went back to his unpacking, taking his clothes and putting them in the small chest next to his bed. George scanned the letter, again, but then a glint of amusement formed on his face.
''What's funny?'' you asked.
''Have you seen the bed number?''
You snatched the letter from George to see what he was so amused about. Bed number three, you read. So far, nothing worth laughing about. It was just a number. You looked around the cabin for the bed numbers. The first one was Roger Davies'. You knew that because of the eagle badge on the sports bag at the end of the bed. The next one was George's and the next one, the number three, was Fred's.
When the two of you confronted Madam Hooch about the issue, she apologized for the mistake, but there was sadly nothing she could do as there weren't any more beds available, meaning you'll have to share a cabin and bed for the rest of camp season.
You insisted that boys and girls could not share cabins as written in the camp rules, but Madam Hooch told you to quit complaining and share the damn cabin. She hadn't said it in those words, but it's what she meant.
''Can't I share a bed with someone else in another cabin?'' you asked, thinking about Angelina or even Katie. Sharing a bed sucked - especially the small ones at quidditch camp -, but you were willing to do anything to not share one with Fred Weasley.
''If you can find an understanding, I don't see why it would be a problem, but if not, you and Mr. Weasley will have to share.''
You glared at each other and went off to the annual welcome campfire.
Once there, you explained the situation to your girl friends and tried to convince them to share their bed with you, but they all said no - even Angelina who you considered your best friend at camp. She found the situation quite funny actually given you and Fred had been rivals at quidditch camp for the past two years.
Around midnight, most people had gone to bed already, but you, Angelina and Katie had stayed around the fire, eating marshmallows and catching up. Katie stood and yawned, feeling the weight of the day hitting her. She bid you good night and walked to her cabin - Angelina right behind.
You took the dirt path leading to your cabin. When you got there, Fred was outside, drinking what looked to be a beer. He must've snuck it on the campsite.
''Oi, Y/L/N,'' he called, seeing you. ''Got anywhere to sleep tonight?''
''You think you're being funny, do you?''
''I was just asking.'' Fred took a sip of his beer. ''I'm not gonna kick you out of the cabin and make you sleep outside. I'm not an asshole. You can stay if you want.''
''It's not like I have a choice.''
The two of you went inside shortly after. George and the other boys were already asleep, so you had to be quiet as you moved around the cabin. Fred went to his bed area and started taking things out of his chest and back to his bag. You took advantage of having the tall boy's back to you to change out of your day clothes and into your pajamas.
''Thanks for giving me your bed. I'll apologize to George tomorrow,'' you said in hushed whispers as you put your dirty clothes on top of your bag, leaving them to deal with tomorrow.
Fred looked over his shoulder. ''Who said I was gonna share with George?''
''I assumed that because he's your brother-''
''That I would share with him and give you my bed?'' The redhead scoffed. ''Hell no. Need I remind you that you're the one who mistakenly got put in our cabin, not me. Why should I give my bed to you?''
''Because you're a guy and that what gentlemen do.''
''Who said I was a gentleman?'' He peeled off his tee shirt and tossed it somewhere before sitting on the bed. His hair were tousled from the friction of his shirt's collar when he took it off. You tore your eyes away. ''Look, this doesn't enchant me either, but I'm willing to share the bed with you. If this doesn't satisfy you, there's always the floor.''
Giving in, you sighed and joined him on the bed. ''You better keep to your side of the bed, Weasley. If I feel any parts of your body touching me during my sleep, I'll push you off the bed.''
''And you better not snore, or I'll push you off the bed.'' He got under the covers first, lifting it up for you to get in too. ''Little warning, I get sweaty on hot summer nights.''
You grimaced. Charming.
The next morning, right after breakfast, the teams were made.
As always, the campers will be divided into four teams; red for the Phoenixes, purple for the Hipogriffs, blue for the Pixies and yellow for the Snidgets. To minimize time and significant - and unfair - strength imbalance among the teams, each campers will be called to retrieve a piece of paper from Madam Hooch's hat and the color of the latter will determine which team they'll be on for the length of camp.
You ran and hugged Katie when you pulled out the purple square, making it in the same team for the first time.
Your excitement was interrupted when Fred walked by. ''Looks like we're gonna be on the same team,'' Fred said, holding up his purple square.
''Unfortunately,'' you replied, forcing a smile.
You hated to admit it, but Fred was one of the best Beater of the camp. Having him in your team will definitely be an advantage - even if he annoyed the hell out of you. It'll be even better if George made it too.
''Hit me with a bludger once and I'll force the golden snitch I'll catch down your throat,'' you threatened.
A smirk curled on Fred's lips. ''We'll see if you can catch it first.''
One week into sharing the cabin with the boys and you were already looking forward to going home in three weeks.
Sometimes, at night, Fred's long legs would spill on your side of the bed, but you let that one slide as it wasn't his fault that the beds weren't built for his height.
He was the messiest person you knew. Dirty clothes, shoes, wrappers; he never cleaned after himself. He also never locked the cabin when leaving, which caused a hairy spider to get inside while you were at quidditch training. He and George had a lot of fun trying to catch it.
You didn't mind George, you got along well together. You and him even went outside to talk when you couldn't find sleep one night. He was nice to you - and quite funny. Same with Davies. Oliver...well, he was a little too nit-picky and didn't like sharing his cabin with a girl. As he had said, your presence kept him from freely talking with the boys. In response, you had rolled your eyes at him.
This afternoon, when you returned from lunch, Fred had left his wet towel on the bed - on your pillow - after his shower which was disgusting. That thing had touched his dick!
''Ugh, I hate him!'' you said as you joined Angelina and Katie on the grass, relaxing between girls.
''Who?'' asked Katie.
''What has he done, again?''
You told them about the wet towel and Katie shook her head. ''I think he's doing it on purpose to spite you.''
''Well, it's working.'' You pushed your sunglasses higher on your nose and took a sip of your lemonade.
''I think he's cute.''
Your jaw dropped and your turned to your friend, feeling betrayed. ''Angelina! I thought you were on my side...''
For some unknown reason, your alarm hadn't gone off at the time you had programmed it to and now you were rushing through your cabin to get ready. You hurriedly changed out of your pajamas and slipped on your shorts, thankful that none of the boys were there so you didn't have to run to the bathrooms - which were at the other end of the campsite - to change.
You were in your running shorts and sports bra, looking for a hair tie, when the door of the capin opened and Fred walked.
''Can't you bloody knock?'' you screeched. ''I could've been naked!''
This was why you didn't want to share a cabin with boys. Boys don't care if one of their mates walk in on them while they're changing - or naked. To you, it would be mortifying.
''But you weren't,'' Fred retorted, going to his bed and flopping down on it.
''But I could have!''
He ignored you and grabbed a quidditch magazine from his bag and started flipping the pages, which infuriated you more.
Deciding it wasn't worth putting up a fight, you gave up and grabbed your team shirt and slipped it on quickly, already late to meet Angelina for a run around the lake. She was a patient person, but you still felt bad for making her wait.
You reached for your shoes and bent down to tie them when Fred spoke. ''Is that my shirt?'' he asked, raising an eyebrow and looking over his magazine.
''Erm, no?'' You continued tying your laces.
''It is,'' he insisted, a smug look on his lips.
''Is not! We are on the same team, in case you don't remember. Our shirts are the same color.''
''But that one says Weasley on the back.''
You stood and went to look in the mirror by the door and fought the envy to scream when you saw the back of the shirt. It was indeed Fred's shirt. You must've taken it by mistake in your hurry.
''Don't swell your head, we all have the same team shirt.''
You headed to the door when Fred stopped you.
''Where are you going?''
''Running with Angelina.''
''With my shirt? I have training in half an hour. I'm gonna need it.''
As much as you didn't want to leave with Fred's shirt, you didn't have time to change. ''Wear mine.''
''Hell no! Get back here, Y/L/N!'' he called after you, jumping up from the bed.
You lost the match against the Pixies and, unsurprisingly, it was Fred's fault.
''You should get your vision checked. I think you need glasses,'' you told him when the match finished, stomping up to him with your broom in hand and an angry look on your face.
''My vision is excellent, I'll have you know.''
''The bludger passed two inches from my face! You could've knocked me out and injured me severely if it had hit me.''
The beater rolled his eyes. ''It wasn't that close,'' he protested.
''If you hadn't aimed it at me, I would've caught the golden snitch before Diggory.''
''What's the screaming match about?'' George asked, coming up to you two, playing referee. He looked at you and then his brother.
''Fred made us lose the match.''
''Why don't you two do everyone a favor and go relieve some sexual tension to blow off some steam? It seems like you need it,'' said McLaggen, passing by you.
You shot a look at your team's keeper. Sexual tension? Between you and Fred? What was McLaggen on about?
Later that week, you returned to your cabin after an intense training with your fellow seekers, eager to take a shower and wash the sweat off your body. Supper was in an hour, which gave you enough time. The door was locked when you arrived, meaning no one was there. Perfect. Oliver won't complain about you taking all the hot water.
You grabbed your towel and shower stuff from your bag and headed to the bathroom, but just as you were about to grab the handle, the door opened and Fred came out in a towel, wet hair dripping on his shoulders, fresh out of the shower.
A smirk formed on his face when seeing you. ''Did you try to surprise me in the shower, Y/L/N?''
You scoffed. As if. ''In your dreams, Weasley,'' you spat back.
You had to admit that he had a nice body. His pale skin had freckles all over and his shoulders were broad. Your eyes descended to his chiseled chest and stomach, the soft bumps of his muscles calling at you to touch them.
What were you doing?
You snapped out of your staring, which, of course, Fred had noticed. ''Like what you see?''
You ignored him. ''Move. I need to shower.''
''Unless you like cold showers, you might want to wait a bit. The hot water is empty,'' he said, walking past you.
''Are you kidding me? Supper is in an hour. How can you be so selfish?''
He did a quick stunt of slipping his boxers on from under his towel, and then removed the towel, no longer needing it.
''You better not put that towel on my pillow, Weasley,'' you warned, having enough of his stupid shit for today.
''You'd rather I throw it at you?'' he asked.
Before you could react, he threw the towel your way, hitting you in the chest. At least, it wasn't your face. You would've screamed if he had.
''You're gonna pay for that,'' you said, taking the towel and walking in quick strides across the cabin to swat at his chest with it.
Fred laughed as you hit him, amused by it all. After a few playful hits, he caught your wrist in one hand and the towel in the other, stopping your assault. The motion had caught you off guard, making you go still. You darted your eyes down to the hand of your quidditch rival around your wrist, his long and slim, but strong, fingers easily holding you back. Slowly, you raised your eyes up to meet his, only to find the redhead staring right back at you.
Then, Fred closed the space between you and pressed his lips to yours. Stunned by his action, you grabbed his shoulders, about to push him away, but right before you did, you changed your mind and kissed him back. You heard the towel drop, but couldn't care less where it landed as Fred was kissing you deeper.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
I Got You (Part 1)
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Summary: The reader is celebrating her two year anniversary with her fiance when her best friend from childhood, Jensen, calls. Something’s wrong with him and he tries to play it off once he remembers what night it is for her but the reader isn’t budging and that may be a good thing for the both of them...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 4,000ish
Warnings: language, angst, vomiting, lying, mention of alcoholism, fluff
A/N: This is a little different for me but I’m really please with how it turned out. Enjoy!
“This looks delicious, babe,” said Andrew as he sat down at the table. You hummed, a little annoyed that he hadn’t let you know he’d be home two hours late. On your anniversary. Your two year anniversary. You wouldn’t mind if he ever let you know but he never, never did and always got mad when you brought it up. You poked at the food and he took a bite, making a face. “It’s a little cold.”
“Well that’s what happens when you reheat it in the microwave,” you said. He bit his tongue and continued to eat quietly, a bit of tension still in the air.
“How was your day?” he asked when he was nearly done with his food.
“Fine. Yours?” you asked, picking at your salad and ignoring the chicken.
“Good. I’m sorry I was late, babe. Why don’t we go out to eat?” he asked.
“It’s our anniversary. I wanted to make you dinner,” you said.
“I ate it,” he said. “You seem hungry still.”
“I’m fine. I just want to watch a movie or something,” you said. He didn’t say anything as he ducked into the bedroom and changed out of his suit and into some sweats and a hoodie. You cleaned up the dishes and went to the bedroom. You grabbed leggings and an old big t-shirt of Jensen’s you’d stolen from his place somewhere around season 10 if you had to guess by the number just under the back collar. You padded into the bathroom and changed out of your skinny jeans and crop top. You took off the new black lingerie you had on and put on something more comfortable. Andrew wouldn’t even notice.
You walked out of the bedroom and found him on the couch, watching some action movie. You sat down in his side and saw your phone light up at the end of the couch. A glance showed it was Jensen and that you had four missed calls from him.
“Did you put my phone on silent?” you asked, reaching over for it.
“It is our anniversary,” he said.
“Yeah and I’m also one of Jensen’s emergency contacts,” you said, rolling your eyes and quickly answering. “Jay?”
“Hey, Y/N,” he said. Something was wrong. His voice was off and it took him a minute to talk again. “Can you come over? I just found out something and I could use you right now.”
“I thought you were in Toronto this week to film for The Boys,” you said.
“I was. Flew down to Dallas for my brother’s birthday earlier. More free time and all, trying to see the family more,” he said.
“What’s he want?” sighed Andrew. You ignored him and heard Jensen take a shaky breath.
“Did someone die?” you asked quietly.
“No,” he said. “No. I found out something though and...I just grabbed a rental car and drove home the past few hours. I had to get out of there.”
“Are you alright?” you asked, already hating the pit forming in your stomach. You’d known him most of your life. You didn’t remember life without him to be honest. Sure, he was away a lot when he filmed but he was back more often now that he was doing shorter gigs and you’d always been there for each other, even during the really busy years. “Buddy.”
“No, I don’t think I’m okay,” he said. He was quiet before you heard him suck in a gasp. “Fuck. It’s your anniversary. Shit, I’m sorry, Y/N. God, like Andrew doesn’t hate me enough already. I’m so sorry. Please enjoy your night, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re my best friend and you are so not alright,” you said. “I’m gonna come over.”
“It’s our anniversary!” said Andrew as you turned to glare at him.
“Y/N, don’t. I’m-” said Jensen as you got up.
“Where the fuck are you going?” said Andrew.
“Jensen is important to me, Andrew. He’s always gonna be important to me. I know you don’t like him but he needs me right now. You don’t even care. You didn’t care about dinner or the anniversary or putting in a little bit of effort. I used to really like you too, you know. When we got engaged though, I saw what you really wanted. Well guess what. I’m not your mother. I’m not your maid and I faked it every time,” you said.
“You’re mad at me? He’s the one ruining our anniversary!” said Andrew.
“Y/N, I’m gonna go. I’m sorry,” said Jensen before you heard him hang up. You groaned and went over to the front hall to grab your jacket. You shoved your phone in your pocket as Andrew stalked over.
“Gonna go sleep with your other boyfriend, hm?”
“Something bad happened to him and frankly, the day I introduced you to him was the day you started all this. You have hated my relationship with him from the start. He has tried so hard to be your friend and you’re always mean and you leave him out. Even your friends think it’s a dick move.”
“You want your best friend or me? Cause I don’t like him and I’m never going to,” he said. 
“I hope you treat the next girl better,” you said. You took off your ring and slammed it on the front table before grabbing your keys and tugging on your boots.
“Whore,” he mumbled.
“I’d rather be his whore than your wife any day. I’ll move my stuff out tomorrow,” you said. You slammed the door shut after yourself and took a deep breath. You weren’t as upset as you thought you’d be. You’d been considering taking a break with him for the past few months but there was no going back after that. Jensen had never been anything but kind to him and always respectful of your and Andrew’s time together.
You skipped down the stairs of the apartment building and down to the garage, rushing over to your car quickly. Something was still very wrong with Jensen and you needed to get to him asap.
“Jensen,” you said twenty minutes later, finding him outside on the balcony off his bedroom, sitting in a chair with his knees tucked to his chest. There was a half full large bottle of whiskey on the ground and the plastic wrapper from where he’d opened it. His back was to you and he turned his head away as you stepped outside. “Jay, what happened.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he said. You put a hand on his forehead and forced him to look at you. He was drunk. He didn’t start drinking until he’d hung up with you obviously. He was upset too and it was so rare of you to see him cry. 
“Come on,” you said, grabbing his arm. He let you tug him up and into his bathroom. You flipped on the light in the toilet and sat him down in front of it. “Did you eat dinner? Yes or no?”
“No,” he mumbled, shaking his head.
“Did you eat on the plane? At the airport?”
He shook his head again and you sighed.
“You just did about, I don’t know, seven, eight shots on an empty stomach. You’re not a kid anymore so if Taylor Gregson’s senior party is anything to go by, I expect you to start puking in the next three minutes.”
“Go away,” he said, wiping off his face.
“Yeah, see no, not happening. I’m also staying here tonight whether you want me to or not. Now sit, throw up in the toilet please, and I will make you something bland to eat and get you some not snot covered clothes, okay?”
“Why are you so nice to me?” he asked. He stared up at you and you instantly knelt down, giving him a hug as he hiccuped. 
“Cause you’re my best friend and I love you,” you said. “Jensen. What happened?”
“Don’t wanna…” he said, shaking his head.
“Did someone die?” you asked.
“No,” he said again. 
“What did you find out? Something with your brother? You said you were at his birthday party.”
“Later please,” he said quietly.
“Okay,” you said. You rubbed up and down his back and you felt him lurch a bit before you shut your eyes and felt wetness on your back. “Did you just throw up on me?”
“Yeah. Sorry,” he said.
“Really is like Taylor Gregson’s party all over again,” you said. “You stay here and I’m gonna take a shower.”
“I got it in your hair I think,” he said. He lurched again but you turned him towards the bowl and he was successful that time. “Ow.”
“Relax,” you said, running a clean hand through his hair for a beat. His body untensed a little but he was still upset and making a mess of himself. “Five minutes and then the shower is yours.”
You took about ten to deal with your hair and you ducked next door to his closet, finding some fresh clothes for the two of you. He managed to not get any sick on himself so after wiping his face off good and getting him to brush his teeth, he looked a little better. You found some pancake mix in the cupboard and started to work on that while he changed. He eventually came out, red eyed and sniffling a bit but he looked sober at least.
“Andrew’s gonna kill me for ruining his night,” he said.
“Andrew and I are over,” you said, waiting for the pan to heat up. Jensen stared as you shook up the jug. “He has always been an ass to you.”
“Y/N. I’m just...he’s your fiance. You’re supposed to prioritize him.”
“He’s supposed to respect people I care about. He is immature and arrogant and mean and he sucks so bad in bed. God, I’ve been dying to tell you how shitty ass of a fuck he is. The most damn selfish little prick I’ve ever met in my life and-”
“Y/N,” said Jensen. You took a deep breath and poured some batter on the pan. “You didn’t breakup cause of me, did you?”
“No. You were just the last straw. You didn’t call cause you wanted a ride or to talk about something that could be done later. You need me. I don’t care if it’s two in the morning, Christmas, my wedding day. You ever call me like that, you ever make me worry like this, I’ll be there in a fucking second,” you said. He lowered his head as you got a plate out for his dinner.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” he said.
“If you thought I was busy, why didn’t you call Jared? He lives three minutes away. Three,” you said. He shrugged and you sighed. “I never want to see you doing something like that ever again. I never want you to-”
“I’m not a child,” he shot back, suddenly shooting daggers at you, his face hard and green eyes a too dark shade.
“My father is an alcoholic. You want to call him up? We’ll call him up right fucking now and he’ll tell you how it nearly destroyed his life. He is twenty years sober and he can’t have a drink for the rest of his life because he used it when he was in pain. You will never, Ackles, and I mean never, drink to mask pain again in your life,” you said. The pancake was burning and you broke away your glare, dumping the burnt batter into the trash. When you walked back, Jensen was crying at the counter again and you shut your eyes. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I just...you know how my mom used to have me sleepover your house in the middle of a school week cause he was drunk and she didn’t want me to see it. You know how much it used to bother me. Little shrimpy ass Jensen, you would always tell me to sleep in your bed and you took the sleeping bag. I let you take care of me my whole life. You’re bigger than me, stronger than me. You will never worry about money again. You gave me rent money when I got laid off and refused to let me pay it back. You drove me home when I got drunk at a bar after a fight with Andrew. You stood up for me in seventh grade cause I liked science and Harrison Pitt was a dick to me back then. This is not me treating you like a child, Jensen. This is me helping my best friend because he’s in pain and I can’t stop it. All I can do is make him damn pancakes.”
“Can I have maple syrup?” he asked quietly after a few minutes. 
“Of course. I’ll get butter too,” you said. You cut up a few pieces and gave them along with the syrup to him. You made up more pancakes to reheat for breakfast, Jensen sniffling to himself as he ate. “Feel any better?”
“A little,” he said. “You were always too good for Andrew.”
“I always knew you didn’t like him,” you said. “But you tried. That’s what was important and a concept he apparently couldn’t understand. Good riddance. Oh and I kinda need a place to crash for a bit after my epic walkout.”
“I got plenty of room,” he said. He pushed his plate away when he finished and washed it up in the sink, grabbing the pan as you put away the leftovers.
“Even miserable you have far better manners,” you said with a small smile. He left the pan on the counter to dry and you wrapped your hands around his arm, leading him back to his bedroom and sitting him down. “It’s later. What happened?”
“My whole family’s been lying to me my whole life,” he said. He sat against the headboard and wiped off his nose. “My great aunt, like the super old one, she made a comment and then made a little face like I wasn’t supposed to know something. I mentioned it to my brother and he seemed coy but I knew then it was true. So I confronted my parents and...well it turns out that I’m adopted.”
“You’re what?” you said, scrunching up your face.
“Adopted. When I was an infant. They were never going to tell me,” he said.
“I don’t understand. I mean you kinda look like your dad and even your brother a bit and your sister has your nose.”
“Coincidence,” he said. “I’m a reject baby. I was given up because the couple that had me? They didn’t want me. I looked them up when I got home. Two hot shot lawyers at some big firm in New York. Three kids. Didn’t want this fuck up of one though. I was an accident. A mistake.”
“Jensen,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. “Jensen, you’re not...so many people get adopted. Your family loves you. You’re so much better off with who you wound up with. They adopted you because they loved you. Jensen they-”
“She used to be my mom’s friend. They adopted me because they felt sorry for me. They didn’t love me. They pitied me. They lied to me my whole life. I heard stories about when she was pregnant and the labor and they were all lies. My brother’s always known. My sister is the only one who didn’t. The whole family knew. They knew about the pathetic little baby that no one wanted the whole time,” he said.
“Hey,” you said, climbing into his lap and grabbing his arms. “You are not pathetic. I have met your parents and your family. Some nights when we were little I wanted them to be my parents. I wanted normal parents. You had the ideal family. You have the ideal family.”
“They admitted they were never going to tell me,” he said. “How fucked up is that?”
“They made a mistake in not telling you. You should have known all along,” you said, fixing the stray hairs falling over his forehead. “If I know anything though it is that they love you unconditionally. You gotta forgive them. They wanted you. You are their son and brother. They adopted you because they loved you. It sounds like your mom stopped being friends with this woman. I wonder why that was,” you said. He shut his eyes and rested his head on your chest. You shushed him as he got upset again, kissing the top of his head.
“You’re not hiding any secrets from me are you?” he asked, arms wrapped tightly around your back.
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me out since I was thirteen years old,” you said. He raised his head up and you smiled. “S’okay. I know I’m not your-”
He kissed you out of nowhere, hand cupping the back of your neck, one long, smooth motion as you felt wetness on your cheeks. He moved back slowly, dropping his hands away, swallowing thickly.
“Sorry,” he said. You smiled and moved closer, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Nothing to be sorry for,” you said. “Always thought I wasn’t your type.”
“You were. I was too young to understand what it was that I felt. No one’s ever felt like you. And I can’t lose you too so I played it safe. Now...I’d rather get this out of the way so I can feel miserable for the rest of my life.”
“You think our friendship is over?” you asked.
“You were engaged an hour ago and I just kissed you. Of course it’s-”
“You’re ridiculous, Ackles, I swear,” you mumbled against his lips. “Like I said, I will always be there. Now I’d love nothing more than to fulfill every teenage fantasy and adult one if I’m being fair right now. But tonight’s not the night for that. Tonight, let out whatever you’re feeling and tomorrow, we’ll talk to your folks.”
You sat back and smiled, Jensen staring at you with soft wet eyes and you remembered the little boy waiting outside school, trying not to be upset. You lay down next to him and recalled the day you met.
“Hi,” you said, the boy turning away. “Why you crying?”
“I’m not crying,” he said.
“You look like you’re crying,” you said, walking around his other side. You heard a car horn honk and looked ahead to see your dad behind the wheel of the car. You looked around and saw no other other cars there, the boy wiping his face off. “Where’s your mom or dad?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “They said they’d be right here after school.”
“Y/N!” called your dad.
“We’re waiting!” you said back, the boy looking at you.
“For what?” asked your dad.
“What’s your name?” you asked.
“Jensen Ackles,” he said quietly.
“Jensen Ackles’ parents!” you said. Your dad sighed but he just sat back in his seat and turned up the radio. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“I know. You got the blue backpack. All the other girls got pink ones,” he said.
“I like blue. I like pink too but I like blue more,” you said. “I like the cars on your backpack.”
“Thanks. Do you like cars?”
“Yeah,” you said. You sat down and took off your bag, pulling out a few hot wheels from the bottom of it. “Mom said I could bring them as long as I didn’t lose ‘em. Wanna play while we wait?”
“Okay,” he said, taking a seat next to you.
By the time you and Dean were being called over, the sky was a little dimmer and you saw your dad talking to a couple outside the car.
“I think I gotta go home now,” you said.
“Me too. I see you tomorrow,” he said, holding out the car he’d been playing with.
“You keep it in case you got to wait again. Then you’re not bored. I’ll wait with you though if dad says it’s okay,” you said. “Okay?”
“Okay,” he said. He gave you a hug and you smiled as you returned it. “Do you want to be best friends?”
“Yeah! That’s so cool!” you said. 
“Awesome!” he said. You both packed up and ran over to your parents, your dad chuckling as you waved bye to Jensen.
“Make a new friend on your first day?” he asked.
“That’s Jensen. He’s my best friend forever now,” you said. “That’s how it works. I know. Jensen’s got an older brother and he told him all about it.”
“I see. Well buckle up. I’m sure mom’s wondering where we are,” he said. You climbed in the back and saw his parents give a wave as they drove past. “That was real nice of you to talk to that boy when he was upset like that.”
“I didn’t like him crying, made me feel funny,” you said. “Like my chest had a tummy ache.”
“Oh, you’re going to prom with that boy aren’t you,” he mumbled.
“What’s prom?”
“A very, very long way away. Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
“I remember our first day too,” said Jensen. “I’m always a blabbering mess around you, aren’t I.”
“I think I understand what that tummy ache in my chest was. It’s that same feeling I got when you called earlier. I think we really were too young to understand back then what it was that we were experiencing.”
“You mean how I’ve been in love with you since I was five years old,” he chuckled. “Y/N. I still feel really, and I mean really, really shitty. But thank you for coming over. I need you, more than even I know I think.”
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere,” you said. You kissed him and he smiled, closing his eyes. “You want to sleep? You had a long flight and drive, not to mention day.”
“Yeah, I want to crash. I’m exhausted,” he said. You moved to get up but he sat up with you, watching you carefully. He swallowed again and you threw back the covers, climbing underneath them. 
“Not going anywhere,” you said. He got underneath with you and heard him breathe a deep breath, no sniffles in sight for the first time all night. “Jensen.”
“Yeah?” he asked.
“It’ll be okay,” you said. “I promise.”
“I know. Not looking forward to tomorrow is all,” he said.
“Well I’m going with so...can’t be all bad,” you said.
“No. Like you said back then, I stick with you, I’ll be alright,” he said. “Can you get the room light?”
“Sure,” you said. You hopped out of bed and turned off the big light, walking over to his nightstand and finding the switch. You smiled when you saw the hot wheel car on there, Jensen smiling softly as he looked up at you. “Night Jensen.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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