#i go back to school on thursday so 1 last day alone tomorrow
twistedworld101 · 22 days
Chapter 11: Dream Talk
Book 1: The Vengeful Teen
Chapter 11: Dream Talk
[Disasomnia Dorm, Lounge (During Overblot)]
Malleus?: Curse you! You can’t escape forever, I’ll be back! COUNT ON IT!
*Malleus’s Overblot Phantom dissolves into darkness*
Rollo: You will never run away from your sins! Do you hear me? JUSTICE IS MINE!
*Rollo dissolves into darkness*
Malleus: You fools thought you can defeat me? Me? The Lord of Malevolence? And now, I shall undo my sins, and won’t care if I’m alone. This I swear and vowed! Hahahahahahahahaha!
*A flash of light appeared and then Malleus returns back into his normal form*
Malleus: Alright, this nightmare of mine has been cleansed.
???: You can say that.
Malleus: Hmm?
*It was Sliver with Lilia, Sebek, few of Housewardens (Kalim, Azul and Riddle). Jamil and Trey. The Ramshackle Duo and the Leech Twins*
Sliver: Just to be clear, I used my Unique Magic to bring us together into your dream.
*A white bird-like wisp was around Malleus’s head*
Jade: We barely saw the figure that attacked us that one night.
Floyd: Yeah, we couldn’t see who is it. But for one thing, we didn’t recognized the voice a bit. But that was a sick battle! Awesome!
Jade: And I guess I’ll provide if you really did it. Shock The Heart! Malleus, are you truly the culprit?
Malleus: Of course not, I been telling the Headmage that I didn’t injured Idia. And before that day, last night, I lost my Roaring Drago. Lilia advised me that I can find it tomorrow morning on Wednesday which is today. But I wasn’t expecting to find it this way.
Azul: So, you are innocent.
Malleus: Of course I am. Wait, you understand me?
Azul: Of course we do.
Jade: My Unique Magic, Shock The Heart, compels the target to speak the truth. It can only be used once per person.
Malleus: *Gasps* Thank you, Jade Leech, and you all knew this truth magic?
Grim: Yeah.
Jamil: Yes.
Riddle: Indeed.
Yuu: Yep. / Exactly
Lilia: But not so fast, Malleus, you’re still guilty under the eyes of the school and the staff.
Azul: Yes, we need a plan and expose the real culprit.
Sliver: And since you’re punished by the Headmage, you’re sitting this one out.
Malleus: Very well.
Jamil: Alright, we need to find the real culprit behind all of this.
Trey: Indeed, but we’ll investigate after school anyway, we all have classes to do.
Riddle: Not to mention the preparations for Youth Festival.
Azul: Yes, and I shall make sure everything goes according to our plan.
Jamil: Azul, there is one thing you haven’t completed.
Azul: And that is?
Jamil: Remember yesterday?
Azul: *Sighs*
Lilia: What is Jamil talking about?
Jamil: Oh, I’ll tell you all. Now listen carefully.
[Sports field]
Vargas: Alright, excellent everyone. But…. Azul Ashengrotto.
Azul: Yes?
Vargas: You still couldn’t fly with the broom, how many times do I have to teach it to you? Everyone else’s flying is good, even Grim.
Azul: *Moans*
Vargas: By the way, the Headmage wanted me to ask you a question.
Azul: And that is?
Vargas: Has your dorm prepared the food for the Youth Festival?
Azul: Oh yes, and our float is almost complete.
Vargas: Good, I’ll be delivering the good news to him, but tomorrow, YOU STILL NEED TO LEARN TO FLY!
Azul: Oh man.
*End of flashback*
Azul: That was uncalled for.
Sebek: You really need to fly anyway.
Grim: Well, you have a point there, Sebek.
*It was Kree Lockwood*
Kree: Is it okay if I sit with you guys?
Kalim: Hey, it’s one of my dorm members! Uh, what’s your name again?
Jamil: It’s Kree Lockwood. And yes, you can sit with us.
Kree: Thanks, so what’s today’s big plans?
Riddle: For one thing, Azul still needs to finally fly.
Azul: (Angry) Riddle!
Kree: Okay, whatever.
Kalim: You know, I still don’t think Malleus is the culprit. And he apologized to everyone, and now he has been going to redeem himself after his Overblot. And he never wanted to hurt anyone!
Kree: Um, Housewarden. I don’t want to offend you but not everyone forgave Malleus for what he did. And everyone was right and the whole chickenpox spell revenge thing. Oh, there’s an open spot. I’ll see you two later.
Kalim: Of course, see you later, Kree!
Kree: *Leaves with grumpy moaning*
*A maroon aura gets a drop of black guck*
Lilia: Hmmm, I felt something sinister is brewing a bit.
Yuu: How so? / What do you mean?
Sliver: Anywho, all the dorms are almost made the preparations for the Youth Festival.
Sebek: Yes, everything will be done soon.
Lilia: And of course, we still need to find the real culprit.
Riddle: Agree.
{To Be Continued}
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duchi-nesten · 1 year
The Mr. Lancer teaches trigonometry fic.
Mr. Lancer hated his life as it was and now he had to be a sub for the trigonometry class? Him? An English teacher?
This day couldn’t get any worse. (Or could it?)
Chapter 1
Word count: 1462 || AO3 LINK
1 | ?
Sometimes Mr. William Lancer really fucking hated his life.
Okay. Maybe it was a little bit more than just sometimes, he was an underpaid teacher after all. And also a single middle aged man with no children or pets. (Except for the wild animals he unfortunately had to call his students.)
All alone. Lonely on every wednesday afternoon. And thursday. And Friday. And Saturday too. Lonely every day of the week. Quite a sad sight indeed.
Okay his life actually sucked really fucking bad alright.
But the recent events really took the entire cake.
It was a monday when he first received the news of the terrors about to reign on his life. His last class of the day just let out and he was left behind, doing some boring teacher paperwork. Probably giving out a lot of F’s. He had an online friend from a different school that was also a teacher and that guy liked to give out a lot of F’s. He also believed in some fairly odd parents or some shit though.
Anyway, back to OUR favorite teacher, Mr. Lancer. Lonely on a monday afternoon. He was actually supposed to watch over detention, but Daniel McFucking Fenton didn’t bother to show up and he was the only student punished today.
Sometimes Mr. Lancer wondered what happened to that boy, but he always ended up shrugging it off in the end. Two more years and that boy along with the rest of the class will not be his fucking problem anymore.
He will have another enclosure of wild apes to deal with then though.
God how many more years till his retirement? He was quite old god damn it. He deserved it already.
He was brought out of his very angry and incredibly sad thoughts by a knocking on the classroom door. He snapped his head up to look at the offending piece of wood, praying that it wasn’t Daniel McFucking Fenton who decided to show up after all. He wanted to go home earlier.
Instead of his quote on quote favorite student, he saw Mrs. Ishiyama walk in. She had a bunch of papers in her hands.
The principal came to see him, great. That could only mean more work. Just his god damn luck.
Daniel McFucking Fenton would have been so much better to deal with after all.
Still he had to act civil.
‘’Hello Mr. Lancer’’ Ishiyama said as she made her way over to his desk.
‘’Good afternoon.’’ he answered.
‘’I have a favor to ask of you.’’
Oh god jesus fucking christ screw everything fuck his life this is exactly what he expected.
Instead of voicing his displeasure he simply asked ‘’what can I help you with?’’
‘’The ghost of Hipparchus who usually teaches our trig class has had a family emergency and needed to leave for the Ghost Zone.’’ she explained looking through the papers, not even making eye contact with him. Rude. ‘’Can you sub for him tomorrow?’’
Before he could react she pulled out some papers from the ones she held in hand and put it on his desk.
‘’You’re the only teacher who’s schedule aligns perfectly. Here’s the lesson plan. I know you won’t disappoint.’’ she said before quickly leaving, not giving him enough time to protest.
She knew he would protest…
And how could he not? Fucking trigonometry class? He was an English teacher for fuck’s sake!
Maybe he should really submit that resignation paper he wrote out in a moment of weakness (which was like every sunday evening) (yes he wrote a new resignation paper every sunday evening. Don’t judge the man.)
Sighing deeply, he picked up the papers left by Ishiyama. It took only 10 seconds before the contents made him start crying like a little pathetic baby.
Tomorrow was gonna be a fucking disaster.
And a disaster it was. Right from the first minutes after he woke up.
Turns out drowning your issues in a bottle of gin on a monday evening was not a good idea. Especially not when one had to wake up at 6 in the morning.
Which by the way he did not do.
No, the gin made him forget to set his alarm. He felt betrayed, when he woke up at 7:30 instead. Panic filled his half awoken brain as he quickly raced out of bed to get ready. School would start in half an hour and the drive there took 31 minutes!
He was out the door after only 25 seconds, which could probably land him a spot somewhere in the Guinness World Records book.
Climbing into the car his bald head hit the roof making his already growing headache even worse. The god awful song that started playing on the radio the moment he turned the vehicle on was doubling the pain even more.
This Mr. Worldwide guy really needed to shut the fuck up for a second.
Quickly switching the radio off Mr. Lancer paused to take a little breather. Alright, he just had to run one (1) light and he could be at school in time for his first class. Which thank god was actually his english class. The mathematical monstrosity of a fucking subject was his third period.
With no further ados, Lancer drove the car out of the parking lot and sped towards the school.
On the drive there he almost got ran over by the Fentons’ ghost vehicle thing with Jack Fenton at the wheel. Probably on a blind chase after a ghost that Phantom would handle before they even got there. A normal Tuesday in Amity Park.
He kinda hoped there would be a ghost attack during his third period today. Maybe the Fentons could even come and wreck the classroom. That would definitely delay the trigonometry class until Hipparchus got back from whatever he was doing in the ghost world.
That deceased man owed him for this.
Finally. At last. His journey ended when he reached the school. He parked his car on his designated spot (thank the lord they had those) and ran into the building. He burst into his classroom right as the bell rang.
Wiping the sweat off of his forehead, he glanced at his students, sitting at their desks and looking at him weirdly.
Kinda rude of them.
‘’Uh… Mr. Lancer.’’ one of his students by the name of Tucker Foley started uncertain. ‘’What are you wearing?’’
He looked down at himself and noted that he forgot to change out of his pajamas. Well that certainly explained how he managed to leave the house in just 25 seconds. No fastest morning routine Guinness Record for him after all. Dang.
‘’Focus on your books instead of my attire, Mr. Foley’’ he responded, voice filled with authority. The teenagers would eat him alive if he showed anything else than confidence in that moment. As they say, keep your head held up high and you won’t see the bottom you hit.
Okay no one says that, but still.
He swiftly turned to the blackboard and decided to go along with his lesson like nothing was wrong. He could get his spare set of clothing from the teacher's lounge later. He kept them there in case Jack Fenton ever showed up to disintegrate his clothes again.
Speaking of the Fentons, right as he finished writing today’s subject on the blackboard, the door to the classroom opened up with a slam and in ran no one other than Mr Daniel McFucking Fenton.
Late again.
Like every Tuesday.
And every other day of the week.
‘’Sorry I’m late Mr. Lancer! There was a very long crack in the sidewalk on the way here and I had to walk very slowly to not step on it and crack my mother’s back-’’ the boy stopped spitting out this nonsense of an excuse when he saw Lancer’s attire. ‘’Uh… did someone crack your back and you couldn’t change out of these clothes or…?’’ he asked after a second of staring.
‘’Very funny Mr. Fenton.’’ Lancer answered, narrowing his eyes. ‘’Maybe I should crack your back, so you can’t escape the detention I’m gonna give you today.’’
‘’It’s not like a cracked back ever stopped me before.’’
Mr Lancer put two fingers to his temple to ease the ever growing headache. He was too tired for this.
“Go sit down Mr. Fenton. We’ll talk after class.”
The boy begrudgingly dragged his feet towards his seat. Which, now that Lancer paid attention he could see he was favoring dragging the left foot a bit more.
The youth and their fucking TikTok dances. They’re gonna break all their legs one day.
With a sigh the teacher turned back to the board to start on his English lesson.
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doulayogimama · 7 months
I feel a bit dumb for freaking out yesterday, Sky is feeling a lot better today. First time in 5 days she has gone this long without meds and she hasn’t had a fever for 12+ hours or so. I just tested her temperature for the first time since last night and she is officially fever free 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 *knock on wood*
We went on like a 3 hour walk to another neighborhood close by and just roamed around there, but we definitely love where we’re staying more. If we buy in Barcelona, it would be in this area.
Tomorrow, we’re going to go meet one of the teachers from our Meditation Teacher training, she has a house in the mountains, about 30-45 mins drive from us. We haven’t been in the mountains yet so I’m excited about that!!
Then Sun-Wed we are going to be as touristy as possible. Visit Sagrada Familia, the Gracia neighborhood. Im not sure if I want to send Sky back to school on Tuesday/Wednesday… I’m worried she will pick something else up before our flight on Thursday. Kevin wants her to go so we can have alone time but, IDK 😅
I’m so sad to leave here. Since I was 11 years old and visited NYC, I’ve been searching for the place I felt truly at home. In every way, Barcelona is it. Big city, mild winters, tons to do and explore, great options for healthcare, on the ocean, lots of beaches, affordable private school, affordable housing, don’t need a car, a great subway + bus system. It’s just everything I want. The one huge catch is: I’m on a different continent from my family. But I really see us possibly making the move here after baby 2 is ~1 years old and Sky is ready for kindergarten. It’s that amazing. 😭✨
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Sunday, 29th January 2023 - End of week recap
Right, let's go day by day (I am currently on a bunch call with Matty, Bella, Peter and Carter) I've been gone for a while, and I apologize. I suppose a lot has happened, and I just haven't had time to write these at night. I've actually been sleeping!!
Thursday - I brought a monster in the morning and practically chugged it in maths to avoid the comments about coping mechanisms coming from Wyvern&Co. Most of my day was relatively boring, but big band was entertaining, as usual. Wyvern spent most of it trying to persuade me as to why he was dating material + my type (I swear he's taken anyway) and then when Andrew came in from his geography revision sessions, he stole my sax's neck, stared at it as if he didn't know what he'd just done, and burst into a fit of endless laughter. Like an idiot, I joined him. Wyvern stared at us like we were insane. I suppose we are. However, Sheldon sent several odd messages tat made me question how he sees me. And I was mildly uncomfortable.
Friday - Chamber choir in the morning, followed by saxy brass, where Andrew wreaked havoc as usual. I spent chemistry arguing back and forth with Matty and Harry as to why I should not ask out Andrew, while Harry told me it would be better to be rejected than mope for forever. And that sent the cogs turning in my head. How hard could it be to ask out Andrew? Would it really be so bad if he rejected me? And the thought persisted into my head for the rest of the day. Until Sheldon asked me to hang out this weekend, and I denied, revealing I felt uncomfortable, to which he replied; "I know I make you uncomfortable just please get better at seeing me" I'm sorry, what? You've acknowledged you make me uncomfortable, and you're telling me to just get better? So I told him to leave me alone, and he has so far. So far.
Saturday - The question of asking out Andrew plagued me for most of the day. I walked into town with Wini and Harvey, and brought my mum, Alison and Wini stuff for their birthdays coming up soon. It was nice, since I didn't feel like I was third-wheeling, even though I basically was. They're good fun to walk about with though, and I was grateful for their company. The afternoon though, was spent overthinking and worrying about the one question pounding constantly into my brain; "What would happen if I asked out Andrew?" I went as far as consulting a friend from out of school who is basically my wife, and she told me to ask him out on call. Which I didn't, as I do not have the guts. In the end, I found myself consulting Wyvern, the last person I'd go to for advice in any other situation. Except, he's the closest person (other than Mattson) who I talk to who is friends with Andrew. I first had to confess I liked Andrew, and then asked two questions. 1) Would he make it awkward? 2) What would his answer be? Wyvern confirmed that Andrew would not make it awkward, but he would definitely say no. Not a 'very likely', a 100%, definite no. Which makes sense, and I saw it coming. Am I upset? No, not really. I didn't get rejected upfront. However, the risk of consulting Wyvern is the risk the entire school is going to find out. A risk I was willing to take, before my brain lost all sense of reasoning and actually asked Andrew out. Which would have been upfront rejection, and humiliation, no doubt. I am hoping Wyvern keeps his mouth shut. We'll see tomorrow, I suppose.
Sunday - And today was as usual, a boring, average Sunday. However, I did lots of homework, including a small box of origami roses for Alison for her birthday. And now Harley has joined the call. I'm not entirely sure what they're doing, but they're building planes and it's not going 100% to plan, I think. Tomorrow may be interesting. Perhaps.
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ghost-is-pan · 2 years
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This week has fucking sucked-
Istg im not even exaggerating, hear this.
Spend all of Monday high asf at school, didn’t get caught. Was a relatively good day. Im on my period, get car sick & puke on the bus ride home. Continued to puke when I came home. Left my phone on the bus & got it back the next morning.
Tuesday. Im already wanting this week to end & I’m tired.
Wednesday. Not too bad, some testing & some friendship drama. Therapy & some things I learned about my dads family.
Thursday. it was a good day, had an Eddie in class, went to lunch after a fire drill. Went to McDonald’s with my platonic Sugar daddy. PUKED IN THAT MCDONALDS- missed both 7th & 8th. Had to get a new shirt, went home with my half of the cold food. Tried to sleep it off & my dad told me to cook while he got some groceries last second((eye twitch))
The burgers where fine, but shit pissed me off fr. Ate, slept, showered. & realizing I have now had 2 major embarrassing asf events happen to me in 1 week
Ngl I don’t wanna go to school tomorrow- but it’s not like anyone on campus(from what I know) saw me make my innards my outards…
On top of that I gotta wear my jrotc uniform..
These last 2 months haven’t been it for me.. I wish I was 21 so I could have a beer, watch a comfort show, or listen to an audiobook, eat some good food, & sleep it all off.
Im feeling mad gross, & lonely🧍 in ways that are different than before. Like I feel genuinely nasty.. the lonely is because I feel like no one else that I know, right now, isn’t embarrassed by me. Or disgusted, or finds me sick.
I don’t feel loved in ways I’ve been showed in the past, & finding it again is taking to long.
Sorry for the tangent, but I had to put this somewhere to possibly make someone else feel less alone in their bullshit.
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southislandwren · 2 years
day 4 in the chamber. they aint found me yet but when they do they gon be surprised
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
In The City That We Love 1/25
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Summary: Set in year leading up to the time jump in Dreams Come True. Kurt and Blaine have been married for five years, still living in New York City, still trying to navigate life. As their friends become settled around them, Kurt and Blaine figure out who they are, and who they are as a couple, as they settle into being a full adult. A story of marriage as it grows up and settles down for good.
A/N: Hey guys - this was started back in 2019, and based on the Final Season sketch I wrote detailing what the "final season" of Glee would be like - taking the characters up to the points we see them at the end of Dreams Come True. Each chapter is meant to be stand alone/episodic - like an episode of a tv season - but there is an overarching story to the narrative as a whole.
Thanks @snarkyhag for beta'ing - though I'm sure it's been so long she doesn't even remember, lol <3
No - I did not forget about my other WIPs, but since I wrote nothing over my vacation, I thought I'd send this finally out into the world - the last of my big WIP ideas.
Episode 1: The Camping Trip
It’s Thursday night and they’re making out on the couch.  Kurt’s on his back, head propped on a pillow.  Blaine hovers slightly over him as they trade slow and deep kisses.  There’s no rush, no frantic rubbing of bodies, no hustle to shimmy clothes off.  In fact, they’re barely touching except where their mouths are connected.  They have the time, finally, to enjoy each other.  To really let it play out.   
He thinks he remembers the last time they had sex - probably a few weeks ago? Maybe a month? When they started their run on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Kurt made it a point to schedule in time for a quickie or two during the week.  Their work schedule didn’t really allow for anything more.  Besides, fast and efficient fucking is the best stress relief.  By the end of the run, however, they had been both so exhausted that neither really wanted to have sex.  They barely had the energy to have a full conversation, let alone do anything that required more than falling into their bed every night.  
But even so, sex had maintained a staple of their marriage.  Making out, however?  Kurt can’t remember the last time he and Blaine just made out.  
It’s funny, their friend circle would claim the making out is a common occurrence; everyone always bringing up the one time they were too busy making out in a car to attend a wedding.  Well, that had been a good five, no six, years ago now -- way past the days when stealing kisses had been the most thrilling thing they could do.   Still, their unhurried make out reminds Kurt of being back in high school when it had been more about the journey and less about the destination.   He wants to just sink into the couch and enjoy Blaine, enjoy all of the Blaine.  Dammit, it’s been long enough. He's going to. 
He can tell Blaine’s getting a little tired of holding himself up.  They break for a moment, Kurt spreading his legs so Blaine can settle between them, gently putting his weight on top of Kurt.  The lazy kisses resume, now with a slow rocking of the hips.  He can feel Blaine growing hard in his jeans, Kurt’s own arousal slowly building.  He’s not chasing it, however.  He lets it linger, enjoys the warmth and familiarity of Blaine on top of him.  
Kurt is intent on enjoying himself tonight because, god knows, they’re going to have to start job hunting tomorrow.  Usually they’re better than this, having another job lined up when a run ends.  But the play had taken everything out of them, even testing their marriage.  And now they have to face the reality of unemployment.  Kurt should really check his email before they actually get to bed to see if…  
As if sensing his mind wandering, Blaine begins sucking kisses along his jaw and neck, pulling Kurt back into the present.  Kurt lets out a little groan and rolls his head back giving Blaine better access.  And yes, yes… he really needs to concentrate more on his Blaine, his love, his husband, who knows all the places that make him melt.  Kurt takes a moment and breathes him in.  
Blaine smells differently, and Kurt can’t figure out why... Did he get a new body wash? Pick up a different scented laundry detergent? Have they really been so out of sync lately that maybe he can’t remember what Blaine smells like? Blaine starts kissing back up to Kurt’s lips. The kisses are more heated now as Blaine dips his tongue into Kurt’s mouth.  The sense of smell is no longer on Kurt’s mind.  
“What do you want tonight?” Blaine asks.  One of Blaine’s hands travels between them, finds Kurt’s aching dick, and cups it.  A grin slides along Blaine’s face as he begins to stroke through the denim. 
Kurt’s eyes flutter shut, barely able to reply. It feels so good.  “Fuck me.”
“Maybe,” Blaine starts, as he goes to unzip Kurt’s pants.  “You should fuck my mouth first.”  
Yes, that.  Let’s do that.  But Kurt’s reply comes out an ungraceful squeak.  
Blaine’s hand is around him, steady and slow, teasingly slow.  Kurt’s brain short circuits just a little, and maybe tonight will be a little bit like high school - where he comes in his pants before they ever really get started.  
Doesn’t matter. Kurt feels horny enough now that he probably has a few rounds in him.  He pulls Blaine in for a searing kiss as he rocks his hips in time with Blaine’s hand and then…
There is a sudden and obtrusive knock at the door.  They both freeze, as a burst of anger tears through Kurt.  
“Maybe it’s a solicitor,” Blaine offers weakly as he sits up.  
“At ten at night? Doubtful,” Kurt’s eyebrow is raised.  The rapping on the door continues.  He knows that knock.  He resents that knock and stares at the door, hard, hoping that the person on the other side can receive his telegraphic message to leave.  Now.  
Of course, Kurt knows better.  
“Kurt! Blaine! I know you’re in there,” the shrill voice comes through the door.  Blaine starts to speak, but then Kurt pushes into his hand, grabbing his attention back.  His night will not be ruined.   “I saw the light on when I came in. Let me in!”
“Rachel, my dick is out, go away,” Kurt snaps.  He doesn’t care that the apartment walls are thin and his neighbors can hear the argument.  It wouldn’t be the first time.  
“Don’t act like I’ve never seen that before,” she cries back.  “This is an emergency.  I’ll use my key if I have to.” 
Blaine shifts to move off the couch.  Kurt shoots him a glare - if they let her in, the night is over.  Blaine looks helplessly at him as the knocking intensifies.  Fine.  Fine, fine, fine.  He begrudgingly puts himself back in his pants as Blaine goes for the door.  Fine.  
Rachel pounds again, as Blaine opens the door, cutting her off mid-knock.  She nearly tumbles through the doorway, almost surprised that they actually let her in.  
“Did someone die?” Kurt asks, a bit of acid on his tongue.  Blaine shoots him a look, asking to at least try to be more sympathetic.  Rachel is, after all, distraught as she flounces into the recliner next to the couch.  
“No,” she bites back.   “Just my career.  My career is dead.”  
Kurt lets out an audible groan.  Of all the things to be upset about…  
Blaine sits on the arm of the chair, rubbing her shoulders sympathetically.  “I’m sure it’s not actually dead…” 
“I haven’t heard back from this audition,” she cries.  “Which is, you know, fine.  It’s not like anyone else is calling me back either.  I acted my heart out for this one, I researched everything on Jane Austen, and I know her as if I was her.  I felt her with every fiber of my being.”  
Kurt puts his head on his hand and glances over at the clock, then back to Blaine as if to silently say - she’s going to do this all night, you know.  
Blaine shrugs helplessly.  “It’s one audition,” he says, stroking her hair.  “There will be others.”  
“Oh yes, there are hundreds of auditions out there,” Rachel jumps to her feet and begins to pace the room. “I have been to all of them.  Literally, I have been to one-hundred and twelve auditions in the past six months and none of them - NONE of them have cast me.  I am unhirable.  My career is over.  It’s dead.  And now I’ll just become a housewife - wasting away as my husband takes all the glory.  And that statue, that mistress of his that just stares at me from the mantle.  It knows what a failure I am.  It knows…” 
“Okay, Rachel,” Blaine says, even he can admit when Rachel’s being too much.  “I think you’re being a little hard on yourself.”
Kurt wants to throw her out. His night had been going splendidly until it had a head-on collision with Rachel Berry’s emotions. He could.  Easily.  Just send her home, back to her nice, little brownstone in Manhattan, with her cushy back-up plan of her husband and her dads, and her off-Broadway potential, and let her wallow in her own self-pity.   She’ll call Mercedes, and can be Mercedes’s problem for a while.  
But he doesn’t.  
Because he, of all people, knows that rejection isn’t easy.  Especially for someone like Rachel who feels the world owes her something.  It’s not like he has people lining up at the door, waiting to sign him for a role.  It’s not like he’d have had that role in Virginia Woolf if they hadn’t wanted Blaine to do it in the first place.  It’s not like being cast in a show has ever been easy for him.  
God dammit, why does a Rachel Berry pity party have to spread so easily? 
Rachel falls back into Blaine’s arms.  He holds her tightly and rubs her back. 
“You need to relax,” Blaine says.  “If they haven’t called you back, then they haven’t made a decision.  You just… need a distraction, something to make you not think about it for a while.” 
Rachel’s eyes bulge a little.  “Yes! I need a relaxing distraction.” She grabs onto Blaine’s arms suddenly.  “Camping.  We should go camping.” 
Blaine throws Kurt a look over Rachel’s shoulder.  Kurt only rolls his eyes.  “Have you ever even been camping, Rach?” 
“My dads took me camping when I was twelve,” she says.  “Besides, Jesse has this cute little cabin upstate that we’ve never used.  His mom gave it to him a few years ago because she got it in the divorce, and she doesn’t really use it - but his dad would go up there and drink all day and this one time he nearly started a fire and..” 
“Anyway…” Kurt cuts her off.  
“But just think of it,” she continues.  “This weekend, all of us - the whole gang.  This past year has been so crazy, and the summer’s almost over, and think of us all sitting around the campfire out on the lake, cuddling with each other, eating those marshmallow cracker things. You know with the chocolate.”  
“S’mores,” Kurt and Blaine say in unison.  Only Rachel Berry wouldn’t know what s’mores are called.  
She claps her hands together.  “Yes, this is great - this is going to be great.  I should call everyone!”  
“Um, Rach…” Kurt slides off the couch, hoping maybe he can throw her out the door.  “Maybe we can figure out this for another time?  Blaine and I were hoping to use this weekend to, you know, reconnect.”  Blaine nods his head frantically in agreement.  
“What, no,” Rachel pouts.  “I don’t have time - I have so many auditions to go to, and I know they’ll call me Monday morning - I need a distraction.  Besides you guys can reconnect upstate in nature. Oh! We can all reconnect with nature!”  
“Please?” She bats her eyes at him.  It’s not like it usually works, but she tries anyway.  “C’mon, please! It’ll be fun.  When’s the last time we did anything fun.  Please, please, please!” 
“Rachel…” Kurt shoots a look over to Blaine, hoping he’ll help him out.  
Blaine, however, is super fascinated with a string on the couch.  “Um, I don’t think it’s a bad idea.” 
Rachel squeals with delight.  
Kurt throws Blaine a sharp look.  Traitor.
“This is wonderful, I’m going to call Mercedes right now,” Rachel fishes her phone out of her pocket.  “Oh, do you guys mind if I stay here tonight? Jesse’s at a cast party, and probably won’t be back until tomorrow morning, and you know I think that place is haunted.”
“For the last time, Jesse’s Tony is not alive!” Kurt snaps, throwing his hands in the air.  
Rachel points her phone at him intently. “You don’t know that - it doesn’t watch you.” 
Kurt rolls his eyes at her.  
“So, I’ll just use your bed, and you guys can continue to use the couch however you were using it.  That’s fine.” Rachel says, scrolling through her phone as she heads to the bedroom.  “If you guys want to make me some tea in the morning that’d be great,” she adds as she slams the door behind her.  
Kurt clenches his jaw, wondering why he ever let that woman into his life.  
Blaine’s still playing with the string.  “So, uh, do you still wanna…” 
Apparently, everyone in their friend group thought camping would be a great idea.  Everyone except Kurt, because god knows he’d rather be back in his comfortable apartment, sleeping in an actual bed, and not on the ground, actually trying to do something about the fact that his life currently doesn’t have a direction, but no - they have to follow Rachel’s whim instead.  
They’ve been stuck in the car for about five hours now.  Jesse is driving with Rachel on the passenger side. They’re going over some vocal techniques, and the past twenty minutes have been Rachel doing strange squawking sounds.  Kurt is sitting on the left side of the backseat, Tina next to him, and Mercedes on the other end.  They’re chatting a little bit, but he can’t hear them very well over Rachel’s noises and the incredibly loud Best of Barbra Streisand playing through the speakers.  He wouldn’t mind the CD so much if they hadn’t played it on a loop a half dozen times already.  
He is squished, and uncomfortable, and the small pillow he brought to lean against made his head too warm.  He tries shifting around, but Jesse’s seat is nearly pushed all the way back, and there is just no way he’s going to get in a good position.  There hadn’t been enough room in the car to bring any kind of bags, so he’s stuck with only his phone to keep him company.  He tries to check his email again, but they’re steadily going farther out of range from any place with decent wifi.  He contemplates trying another game of solitaire when a text bubble pops up.  
Blaine: Artie’s writing a screenplay!!! 
Blaine, thank god.  It makes Kurt smile.  He and Blaine, by default, ended up separated.  Since Jesse rented the cars, he and Rachel had first choice.  And of course, Santana claimed driving the second car or she wasn’t going.  Artie and Sam insisted they ride together to play some kind of video game, while Tina begged Mercedes to ride with her so they could gossip, leaving him and Blaine to settle for being apart.  
Kurt: When isn’t he? 
Blaine: This one’s hilarious - it’s greek myth. 
Blaine: he’s basically writing greek myth fanfic 
Blaine: Artie says he’s going to use this weekend to write.  Sam thinks he’s going to end up like jack nicholson in the shining. 
Kurt: Should we be concerned? Artie would do that.
Blaine: here’s artie ::knife:: ::knife:: ::knife::
Kurt lets out a little laugh.  
“Oh my god, are you sexting with Blaine?” Tina whips her head around to notice him.  
His mood immediately sours.  “Yes, Tina - I’m sexting Blaine.  I’m bored enough that I thought I’d just jerk off and see if anyone would notice.”  
“Oh, don’t give me that attitude, Kurt Hummel,” she snaps.  “I was in the backseat next to you on the way to Mr. Schue’s wedding and you and Blaine made out the whole time and it was super gross.”  
She makes a grab for his phone, but he swings it away from her.  
“Tina, we were in college, god,” he says.  “No, I’m not sexting Blaine.”  
“Ug, gross, you totally are,” she rolls her eyes at him, then turns so that her back is to him and begins to whisper over to Mercedes.  
He’d really like to bite at her that maybe she should worry less about his sex life and more about her lack of one, but decides not to.   Can they just get to the campsite already?
Kurt: Tina thinks we’re sexting. 
Blaine: yeah she wishes
Blaine: ::devil:: ::eggplant:: ::eggplant:: ::eggplant:: ::donut:: ::wink:: ::wink::
Kurt: omg, I love you
The three little gray bubbles dance on Kurt’s screen for a few moments… Hey, maybe they are going to do this, but Kurt can’t help but have a twinge of disappointment when he sees Blaine’s reply. 
Blaine:  Sam wants to take me on in Smash.  We’ll talk in a few hours.  Tell Tina to get her nose out of our sex life.  
Blaine: ::eggplant:: ::heart:: ::kissyface::  
And then Blaine is gone.  Is it weird to miss your husband? Your husband whom you do see extensively every day.  It’s not like he’s not there.   Kurt starts to scroll up through their previous conversations - which is a collection of short inquiries and yes or no replies, the daily upkeep of ‘can you pick up milk?’ and ‘remember to call the dentist to set up an appointment.’ When did they get so boring?
Kurt pushes his pillow up against the window and rests his head on it, closing his eyes.  He ignores the crick in his back, and thinks of Blaine, and if Blaine were beside him.  They could cuddle up, and Kurt could get snug in his arms and fall asleep easily.  He concentrates hard on that thought as the car rumbles on down the endless highway.  
It’s late when they arrive, and though the sun is still up, everyone is too exhausted to do much.  The cabin is much tinier than expected, set up like a studio; only one queen-sized bed, a sofa, and a hard wooden floor for possible sleeping places.  Sam and Jesse both brought tents, but only Sam sets his up, and only Mercedes can fit in there with him. 
The ground is still damp from a morning rain, so the campfire is out of the question.  A few of them travel into town to bring back pizza for dinner, which ends up being the highlight of the evening.  Afterward, Santana takes a phone call and spends half the evening yelling at her client.  Sam and Jesse attempt to set up the second tent, but it proves to be too difficult, and they decide to try again tomorrow.  And Artie settles into a corner to write his script.  The girls, at least, are having fun playing video games with Blaine while Brittany recounts every ghost story she’s ever heard.  Kurt finds himself in a moldy, stiff recliner and tries to read, finding it hard to concentrate with all the commotion going on.  
Eventually, Sam and Mercedes head out to their tent, everyone having piqued interest as they flirt with each other on their way out.  Are they even back together? Kurt has no idea, but the gossip is curbed as they all get ready for bed.
Rachel and Jesse have claimed the bed, since it is Jesse’s cabin, while Brittany and Santana claimed the rug by the fireplace.  Artie lets Tina have the sofa while he sleeps on the floor next to her.  Leaving the small space near the bathroom for Kurt and Blaine.  
“The internet sucks here,” Kurt says, scrolling through his phone, as he tries to find a comfortable position in his sleeping bag..  The floor is hard and unforgiving, and somewhere someone is already snoring.  He can already tell it’s going to be a long night.   
“The point is not to have internet here,” Blaine says, just having gotten back from the bathroom.  He settles in and rolls on his side to face Kurt, plucking the phone away, and tossing it gently on their bags.  Blaine’s sleepy, but cuddles up to Kurt, even with the lining of the sleeping bags between them.  “Relax, Kurt, we’re taking a vacation.”  
“Unemployment isn’t a vacation,” Kurt says.  If he stretches, he could get his phone back, but the effort doesn’t seem worth it.  
“I thought we weren’t going to talk about that,” Blaine says into his shoulder.  
“You said that.”  
“Kurt…”  Blaine’s tone is playful, and he gives a few gentle kisses to the back of Kurt’s neck.  “Tomorrow, let’s not think of the future, just enjoy our time together.  Maybe we can stay back and get that other tent up, then we can cozy up, enjoy the stars…” 
Kurt cranes his neck back so he can give Blaine a kiss.  Blaine immediately deepens it, sliding his tongue against Kurt’s.  
“You’re really good at that,” Kurt says breathlessly.  
“I try.” 
Kurt goes to kiss Blaine again when someone clears their throat.  It’s Artie on the way to the bathroom.  “You guys keep it up, I’ll film you and sell it as porn,” he says waving his phone in the air.  He lets out a laugh as he rolls into the bathroom.  
Kurt lets out an annoyed grunt as he turns in Blaine’s arms to face him.  “This place is too cramped.”
“This place reminds me of the loft,” Blaine says, looking around.  
Kurt scrunches his nose.  “The loft was far cleaner.” 
Blaine gives a shrug. “It’s kind of nice,” he gives Kurt a quick peck.  “And romantic.”  Another peck.  “And has some charm.”  And another long kiss, engaging enough that Kurt seriously contemplates just doing it right there with all their friends watching.  Let Artie film it for porn - it’d be worth something.  Blaine is right there with him.  “Remember that time we did it when Rachel’s dads visited?” he wiggles his eyebrows.  
“What, gross!” Rachel says from the bed.  She’s only a foot away, but apparently can hear everything they're saying, and throws her hair tie at them.  “I can’t believe you did it in front of my dads.”
“Wanky!” Santana calls out from the other side of the cabin. 
“No, no, no, no,” Tina calls out.  “No one is having sex tonight.  Because ew.  Go to bed, all of you, I need my sleep.”  
“See -- just like the loft,” Blaine says with a laugh.  
“And may I remind you, we also broke up in that loft,” Kurt says.  “Remember that?” 
He doesn’t mean for the memory to be a mood killer, he’s not even sure what had prompted him to bring it up, but Blaine just sighs heavily and rolls over to face the wall instead of Kurt.  He should say he’s sorry, but he doesn’t, and instead just wraps an arm around Blaine, cuddles close, and after a lot of time thinking about how far away Blaine still feels, long after Blaine’s breathing slows, Kurt manages to fall asleep.  
Kurt is having a nice dream - something calm and bright and possibly related to an exciting new trend in men’s fashion but there are noises around him, pulling him away from dreamland.  Reality seems to crash fast, and suddenly he’s aware that every part of his body aches.  The wooden floor hadn’t been kind during the night, and now just rolling from his side to his back makes everything cramp up.  God, he’s not even thirty yet.  The floor creaks beside him, so he opens one eye to find Blaine, fully dressed, leaning over him with a grin.  
“Morning, sleeping beauty,” Blaine gently kisses his temple.  
Kurt groans, half-heartedly swatting him away.  Unlike yesterday, the sun is bright and blinding through the window, causing Kurt to cover his eyes with his arm.  “I don’t know how you can get up so early and be chipper all the time.”
“Kurt, it's a quarter to twelve.”  
“What?” Kurt bolts upright.  “And you didn’t wake me?” 
Blaine shrugs.  “You seemed like you needed the sleep.  But - I did make you lunch.  And I used the morning to pitch the second tent.  Well, Sam helped me after I got myself thoroughly tangled in it.  I thought maybe we could use that tent tonight.” Blaine gives him a wink.  
Kurt grimaces.  Like sleeping on the ground will be any better than the wooden floor.  Still, Kurt rises with the help of Blaine.  
By the time Kurt gets around and has lunch, the rest of the group is in an argument about the activity for the day.  Canoeing? Rafting? Staying in-doors and playing board games?  Blaine is enthusiastic about all of the ideas.  Kurt doesn’t care - he’d rather not be there at all.  Eventually, as some sort of compromise, they settle on hiking the nearby trail.  Kurt grumbles at the decision, but it’s either go with them, or stay back and do nothing while Artie works on his screenplay.  At least he’ll have Blaine around.  
The trail ends up not being so bad.  It’s an easy path, relatively flat for beginners.  The air is warm, but not overly stifling.  Everyone is mostly paired up, except for Tina, who complains that she’s the only one there without a partner, so Sam and Mercedes keep her in between them.  Rachel and Santana set a fast pace, each of them leading the pack, as if they were all in some sort of strange race. Meanwhile Brittany zig zags around, talking to the trees and leaves and birds as if she were a Disney Princess and they were her friends.  
Kurt drags behind, hands digging into the pockets of his jeans as they walk.  He mildly listens to Jesse and Blaine, who are a step ahead of him, having a conversation about some reality TV show hiring drag queens for an episode.  Blaine is animated as he talks, bouncing around the trail, as he does impersonations.  Jesse howls with laughter, and it's endearing enough that even Kurt can’t help but smile.  
They make it a mile down the trail, enough so that Kurt’s hardened edge from the previous day has worn down a little, when the sky begins to cloud over.  Rachel insists that rain is afoot, and promptly turns them around to head back.  Kurt doesn’t think it’s all that threatening out, but Rachel can’t go a couple of hours without checking her phone, which she left at the cabin, so of course time outside will be cut short.  
As they start their return, Blaine falls back, silently going for Kurt’s hand to clasp.  Kurt smiles, feeling lighter at his husband’s touch.  He squeezes Blaine’s hand, bringing him a little closer as they walk.  
Everyone has shuffled around, though Kurt and Blaine remain bringing up the rear.  Sam and Mercedes are ahead of them, heads close.  Sam whispers something into her ear, which causes Mercedes to full on stop and throw her head back with a bark.  
“I’m pretty sure they’re dating again,” Blaine says quietly.   
It’s unmistakable really, the way they’re flirting, and gazing into each other’s eyes.   “She and Tina, I think, were talking about it in the car on the way over.  I couldn’t tell.”  
They walk another beat in silence, Sam has Mercedes now crying in a fit of hysterics.  
“Do you ever miss that stage?” Kurt asks.  “That I’m-crazy-about-you stage?”
“Are you saying you’re no longer crazy about me?” 
It’s clearly a joke but Kurt frowns.  “You know what I mean.”  
Blaine gives an easy shrug.  “Not really.  I mean, are we settled? Sure.  But I like the security in that.  Do you miss it?”  
There is a tiny bit of concern in Blaine’s eyes, but he really has nothing to worry about.  The short answer is no, Kurt Hummel has made his final decision and that’s all there is to that.  The long answer is that with all the passion that came from their early time together came the rocky uncertainty as to whether or not they’d actually make it.  There were times when Kurt thought that first loves were hard and fast and that’s it.  And for most people they are he supposes.  But not for he and Blaine. 
“I like what we have now,” Kurt says, looking down at their linked hands.  “I guess I… just miss it.”   
“Mmmm, yeah,” Blaine licks his lips, then suddenly sweeps Kurt into his arms, giving him a passionate kiss.  
Kurt’s startled for only a moment before he begins to kiss back.  “Blaine!” he gasps.  “What are we doing?” 
“I think we should take full advantage of the situation,” Blaine replies, as he kisses down to suck on Kurt’s neck.  “Why not take advantage of the situation and be a little spontaneous.”  
“We’re outside, Blaine,” Kurt argues, though not very strongly..  “You can’t possibly suggest that…” 
Blaine pulls away, staring at him with wide, dark eyes.  No one else is there - the rest of the group is nearly out of earshot.  And Blaine’s grip tightens on him, pulling their bodies together.  Kurt wants this so badly, he doesn’t even care anymore.  He surges into a kiss with Blaine, wrapping his arms around Blaine’s neck.  Blaine pushes Kurt backwards, off the trail and against a tree.  There’s a tiny stub digging into Kurt’s back, but he doesn’t care.  Blaine’s tongue is in his mouth, doing wonderous things, and Kurt just melts into him.  
“I can’t believe we’re doing this here,” Kurt says, with a little giggle.  He’s more turned on than he cares to admit, and rocks his hips against Blaine as they kiss, generating heat with a growing need. 
“You’re not the only one who’s missed this, you know,” Blaine utters between kisses.  He wraps one arm around Kurt to steady them, while his free hand dips to squeeze Kurt’s ass, causing Kurt to let out a tiny moan.  “Remember when we tried to do this at that club?” 
Kurt lets out a little laugh as he grinds into Blaine.  “I’m pretty sure it’s cleaner here than that club.”
Blaine’s fully encouraged now, peppering kisses along Kurt’s jaw, taking a moment to give a little bit at Kurt’s ear.  “There’s something I didn’t get to do at that club.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Suck you off,” he says in a growly whisper.   
“Oh god.”
That does it.  Just the mere thought of Blaine’s mouth on him has him fully hard now.  Any misgivings about being outside, being caught by anyone walking by, are completely gone.  It’s just he and Blaine - the world is nothing but them, and the promise of an orgasm he desperately needs.  
Blaine drops to his knees with a thud and an unexpected crack.  Before Blaine can get his hands (or mouth) anywhere near Kurt’s dick, he’s crying out in pain.
It takes a moment for Kurt to register what happened.  He’s still in a slight daze, his dick’s still throbbing, but Blaine’s on the ground, rolling around holding his knee.  “Honey, are you okay?”
“I hit a rock,” Blaine grunts out.  He goes to stand, but his leg gives out.  Kurt hurries to him to help him up, but Blaine pushes at him.  “I’m fine, really, we can still do this.  I can.”  
Their spontaneous moment, however, had been fleeting.  There’s a large centipede crawling near Blaine’s leg, and a fly lands on his shoulder.  A squirrel watches them from across the trail.  And Kurt begins to notice the leaves on the vine near them might be poison ivy.  This is not a good idea, his rational mind catching up to him, now that his dick has calmed down.  This is so not a good idea.  
“I don’t think we should,” Kurt says, managing to help Blaine to his feet.  
A second later, Sam finds them, a branch in hand as if to attack.  “Oh god, are you guys okay? We heard a scream -- and I thought maybe it was that serial killer from Brittany’s story last night.”  The rest of the crew is close on Sam’s heels.  
Kurt rolls his eyes as they approach. “We’re okay, Sam.”  
“I just… tripped,” Blaine says, walking onto the trail with a slight limp.  
“Tripped my ass,” Santana cackles, looking them over.  “They were trying to get in a quick fuck while we weren’t looking.”
“Crude!” Tina shouts in disgust.  
Santana howls in laughter.  “Judging by the dour look on Queen Hummel’s face, the only thing that got shoved up his ass was probably a stick.” 
“Hey,” Blaine scolds. 
But it’s too late.  Kurt breaks.  All of the anger that had been pent up for the past few days spews forward, Kurt hardly able to contain his shout.   “Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Santana.”  
“Fine, can I borrow your stick?” Santana bites back.
Brittany lets out a gasp.  Rachel squeals excitedly. 
“Hey, stop,” Mercedes cuts in before it can escalate further.  “Blaine, are you okay?” 
Blaine nods.  “I’ll be fine, just maybe need a little ice on my knee.”  He shoots a look at Kurt then to the ground.  
“Sam, make sure he gets back alright,” Kurt mutters as he pushes past them.  He starts the walk back home by himself.  He doesn’t wait for anyone.  And no one catches up to him.  
Hours later, Kurt lay in the second tent that Blaine and Sam had erected that morning, looking up at the sky through the clear, plastic roof of the tent.  Evening had melted away into night, the quarter-moon shining, with the stars sparkling around it.  Living in the city for so long now, he doesn’t get to see the stars anymore, and as he lay there, one arm tucked behind his head, he wondered why he never paid them much attention when he lived in Ohio.  
It’s quiet outside, peaceful almost with the calm sounds of nature surrounding him.  The temperature is nice.  He’s rather comfortable, really.  Everything is perfect.  This trip should have been, if nothing else, a perfect escape.  Then why doesn’t anything feel right? 
He had kept his distance when everyone came back to the cabin - not wanting to disrupt their seemingly good time.  The afternoon had brought a light rain, which meant board games and hot cocoa, and a lot of laughter that Kurt should have partook in.  Even Artie had paused his writing to join in.  Kurt watched from a distance, sometimes attempting to read a magazine, other times just watching as his friends enjoyed themselves, frustrated that he didn’t feel like coming to the table.  Mostly, everyone ignored him, except Santana who would throw an occasional eye-roll his way, or Blaine who would check in on him with his standard look of concern.  
After dinner, Kurt had gone for a walk around the area on his own.  His mind had wandered, from planning out possible job ideas, to going over the events of the past few months again, to replaying the embarrassing moments from earlier in the day.  The walking had been a nice attempt to clear his head but he had remained unsettled, and even frustrated.  Couldn’t the tension in his chest just relax? Couldn’t he just enjoy himself for once? 
“I’m going to sleep out in the tent,” he had told Blaine before he turned in for the night.  No one else had seemed like arguing over it, so Kurt had figured he should grab it while it was still open.  Would the ground be more comfortable than a wooden floor? He had no idea but at least he’d have his own space to fall asleep in.  Blaine had given him an off center kiss, and had watched him carefully as he changed and headed outside.  
And here he’s been, for a few hours he’s suspected, looking up at the sky, watching the sun set and the stars come out, feeling the contradictoriness of being glad he’s alone while feeling the heaviness of loneliness.  He’s in a mood - he knows himself well enough, but the root of what’s bothering him still feels far away, like a thought he can’t quite grasp.  
He’s not sure how much time has passed when the tent’s entryway is unzipped, and Blaine climbs in.  He doesn’t watch Blaine on arrival, but he knows Blaine’s movements well enough, to know that it’s him. 
He feels reassured almost immediately.  Blaine always comes back - a true constant in his unpredictable life.  
“Everyone’s getting a bit punchy in there,” Blaine says as a loose excuse.  “And I thought it’d be a good time to duck out.” 
“How’s your knee?” Kurt asks, not taking his eyes off the sky. 
“Fine,” Blaine says quietly, coming down to lay next to Kurt.  He snuggles close, as he usually does at the beginning of the night, wrapping an arm around Kurt and shimming in.  “I don’t always like it when you’re like this,” he says carefully, not quite a frown on his face.  “And I know you need your space sometimes.   But that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.”  
The tension seems to break, and Kurt lets out a heavy sigh as he turns towards Blaine.  He isn’t sure what to say - not sure he has an explanation.  “I don’t know why…” 
“You don’t have to figure everything out tonight, Kurt,” Blaine assures him.  “We can just sleep and figure it out tomorrow.”  
Kurt gives a half-smile, and kisses Blaine’s forehead.  Thank you, he thinks.  And Blaine knows.  Blaine knows him well now, better than most anyone.  Kurt is grateful for that. 
They stare at each other quietly for a little while, until sleep creeps up on Blaine, and his eyes begin to droop.  Blaine always did have an easier time falling asleep.  
Kurt’s gaze remains fixated on Blaine for a while longer.  There’s enough light coming from above that Kurt can still make out Blaine’s features - his gorgeous, long eyelashes, his adorable nose, the ridiculous eyebrows.  Blaine’s lips part slightly, a sign that he’s actually fallen asleep, and Kurt smiles to himself.  He takes a moment to trace a light finger over Blaine’s cheekbones, chin, and brow, and marvels at how beautiful his husband is.  
It’s not like he’s forgotten that fact.  But maybe sometimes he takes it for granted.  Doesn’t appreciate it enough.  
Sometimes Kurt wonders if he appreciates life enough.  
Still, for the first time that evening, he’s regained some of that inner peace he’d been missing earlier. Blaine is right - he won’t figure it all out overnight.  And then, as if a switch had been flipped, he finally feels tired.  Incredibly tired.  He snuggles into Blaine and falls asleep thinking about how he doesn’t mind so much sleeping on the ground when Blaine is beside him. 
The next morning he wakes up alone.  Blaine’s sleeping bag has been rolled up nicely, and placed in the corner of the tent, his pillows resting on top, as if he had never used them.  Blaine’s always been an early riser, but with the gray clouds looming overhead, it’s difficult to determine what time it is.  Kurt leaves the tent, still groggy but it’s better than sleeping the entire day away.  Besides, he has to use the bathroom.  
The cabin’s empty - and after the bathroom, he realizes that not even Artie’s there.  For a moment, Kurt wonders if they’ve left him there and peeks out the window.  Two cars are still there, so they couldn’t have gone very far.  Instead of investigating more, he decides to enjoy the quietness, inspecting the cupboards for something to make breakfast with.  There’s nothing there, except for stale Oat Bran, probably left over by Jesse’s mother.  He settles on making coffee, then into the couch with one of his magazines.  
For some people the quietness is probably unsettling but for the first time all weekend, Kurt almost feels relaxed by it.  The cabin and the outdoors may not have been so bad if he hadn’t been surrounded by nine other people.  
The cabin door slams shut and in comes Rachel, startled that he’s there.  She’s holding her phone, looking almost bewildered.  She didn’t get it.  Kurt’s stomach turns as he knows he’s in for whatever emotion is going to be hurled at him.  He closes the magazine with a heavy sigh sips his coffee, waiting for her to speak.   
She stumbles a few steps in and flops down on the couch beside him.  
“Look, there will be other plays,” he starts, knowing this particular monologue by heart.  “It’s not the end of your career.”  
“I got it,” she says, unexpectedly.  “I’m going to be Jane Austen.” 
“They want me to start tomorrow - oh my god, we probably have to get back tonight!  Do you know how much research I have to cram in the next twelve hours?”  
He stares at her in awe as she begins rambling on about how Jane Austen is her favorite author (as if she’s ever picked up a novel not written in the last ten years, and didn’t belong on a paperback rack in an airport).  His heart sinks.  He’s been prepared to lift Rachel up - it’s been his second job since sixteen.  How does he somehow feel worse? 
“Why are you not happy for me?” she scolds.  “You are my first line of adoration, after Jesse of course.”  
“Because it was inevitable, Rachel,” he snaps, startling her.  “You’re a talented person, and don’t pretend you don’t know that.  Someone was bound to hire you for something.” 
Her face sours.  “You know, you have been in a very bad mood this entire trip.  I have noticed, and other people have, too.  I don’t understand what your problem is.”  
“My problem is that you getting a part was always going to happen.  Always,” he doesn’t care that he’s nearly shouting at her.  He’s been holding back for days now, and it feels good to let it out.  “I, however, am not sure.  And instead of thinking about that, I really wanted to have a nice weekend having hot sex with my hot husband, which I now do not get to do.”  
Rachel gives an odd look.  “What are you talking about - you and Blaine are always doing it.  Santana says it’s a sex addiction, but I think it’s healthy in a relationship.  Jesse and I make sure once a week to--” 
“Maybe we aren’t!” The loudness of his voice echoes on the otherwise empty cabin.  “Despite what the rest of you feel, I barely get to touch my husband.  And instead of spending a weekend rediscovering that, and ignoring the impending reality that I have no idea what my next job is going to be, you dragged us up here for your pity party.  Yes, my attitude has been horrible.  I know that.  But maybe, sometimes Rachel, not all of us rejuvenate in a crowd of admirers.”  
She stares at him blankly for a moment.  “Is that true?” 
“That you love crowds?  Do you not know yourself?” 
“No, about you and Blaine.”  
He takes a deeper breath, calming down.  “Yes, Rachel.”  His mind slips, unintentionally, to Blaine’s hands - Blaine’s hands on him, and he feels a deep ache.  “I don’t remember the last time we were together.”  
“Oh,” she’s much quieter than usual.  “You guys have given up a lot for me over the years.” 
“No, it’s true,” she says, standing - deep in thought.  “And I’ve barely paid you back.  I mean, I recognize that you’re an integral part of my emotional well being, and if you’re not getting what you need, then the whole system begins to fall apart.” 
He almost feels like laughing.  Rachel’s emotions always change on an unexpected dime.  “Rachel, it’s fine…” 
“It’s not,” she says.  “I’ve got this part because you didn’t give up on me, even though you clearly have some issues to work out.  So, I think it’s time I start giving back.  And I have an idea, which may not be much right now, but let’s say it’s a start.” 
He raises an eyebrow at her.  “What?” 
She grins.  
Rachel’s brilliant idea happens to be a hotel, well a smaller hotel which might be properly called a bed & breakfast with its rustic charm.  They’re still in the woods, but at least they have a warm roof over their head and a wide window in their room that looks out on a peaceful lake - the picturesque view of nature without having to be entrenched in it.  While the rest of their friends shuffled off back to Manhattan, Kurt and Blaine had a two night stay.  There’s a hot tub in the bathroom, an all-you-can-eat buffet in the dining room, and a king-sized bed that he didn’t plan to sleep much on.  No interruptions, no phone calls, and no impromptu adventures -- Rachel had promised when she had dropped them off.   Just a little bit of time for the two of them to relax.  This is what Kurt had needed.  His hectic life in the city being put on hold for just a little while.  
Kurt is in a fluffy, white bathrobe, curled up on the lounge chair with some tea from room service and a few magazines from the gift shop, waiting for Blaine to be done in the bathroom.   He reads another article in the magazine, loosely paying attention to the sounds coming from the shower.  He can hear Blaine singing, humming from a pop song that melts into an old Broadway standard, probably unaware that Kurt’s in the other room imagining the water trickling down his naked body.  Kurt’s tempted to join him, despite having a lengthy shower earlier to get all the grime from the weekend off his skin.  Fortunately, he hears the faucet turn off, and another moment later, Blaine’s out of the bathroom, a towel barely clinging to his hips.  
Blaine stops at the full length mirror next to the dresser, then unwraps the towel from around his waist and uses it in an attempt to dry his hair.  Kurt can’t help but stare at Blaine’s bare ass, grinning as he sips his tea.  He resists the urge to pounce, as Blaine combs his fingers through his hair, trying to control the curls which have started to spring.  
“So…” Blaine, grumbling defeat with his hair, comes to the edge of the bed and sits, the towel now half in his lap.  
“So?” Kurt raises an eyebrow.  
“Do you want to talk about it?” Blaine’s face is serious. 
Kurt sighs..  “Is talking what you really want to be doing?”  
“Kurt,” Blaine elongates his name, endearingly, and tilts his head.   “I’m not going to let you bottle things up.  This weekend was--” 
“Why don’t we move on from this weekend?” Kurt sets the tea and the magazine on the nightstand, and moves out of the chair.  He undoes the robe, letting it fall open, revealing that he’s wearing nothing underneath.  He then begins to touch himself, leisurely stroking his dick as he comes towards the bed, showing Blaine there’s really only one thing on his mind.  
Blaine smirks, but is, unfortunately, not easily persuaded.  “What’s going on?  You haven’t talked to me all weekend, c’mon...”  
“Well…” Kurt comes to the bed, pulls Blaine’s towel off and to the ground, then straddles Blaine’s lap, curling his arms around Blaine’s shoulders.  “We just finished an emotionally and mentally draining show.  I spent the last two days sleeping on the ground.  And no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to find a moment of peace so that I can have mind-blowing sex with my really hot husband.”  Kurt reaches between them, and begins to slowly stroke Blaine.  
“Ku-urt…” It’s a half-hearted protest as Blaine becomes quickly interested in Kurt’s hand. 
Kurt draws in close to Blaine’s ear and whispers, “let’s fuck now, talk after.” 
Blaine’s resolve breaks.  Their mouths crash together in a heated kiss, Blaine’s mouth remaining hot on Kurt’s skin as Kurt shifts.  Blaine manages to get his lips around one of Kurt’s nipples and sucks.  Kurt lets out a groan as Blaine swirls his tongue around it. Kurt arches as Blaine begins to suck and god-fucking-finally they’re going to do this.  
Blaine breaks away from his nipple, allowing Kurt to bend down and kiss Blaine hard.  He isn’t in the mood he was in on Thursday night, where he had wanted to be casual and slow and enjoy Blaine as much as possible.  No time to be delicate - his entire body is aching for it.  He needs it now, and he heats up the kiss, sliding his tongue into Blaine’s mouth.  Blaine groans, and despite the earlier reservations, Blaine’s now as hungry as Kurt, wrapping his arms around him so they can be closer together.  
Kurt reaches between them, taking both of them in his hand this time, and unevenly jerks their erections as they kiss.  There’s not as much friction as Kurt would like, but Blaine’s dick is throbbing next to his, and that’s fine for now.  It’s not like this is going to end with a simple hand job.  
They kiss a little longer, until Blaine breaks it off, steadying himself with one hand on the bed as he pumps his hips in time with Kurt’s hand.  They’re both hard and more than ready to step it up.  
“What do you want?” Blaine pants.  
I want you to fuck me so hard I feel it for the next week , Kurt thinks, desparate at the thought of Blaine inside him, pounding him the way he needs it. But coherent words aren’t coming and all that stumbles out is a grunt of ‘fuck me’.  
It’s a hurried mess of hands and limbs as they shuffle around again.  Kurt manages to get off the bed entirely, discarding the robe without a thought, pulling Blaine’s towel to the floor as well.  Blaine’s off the bed in another second, taking no time to wrap himself up in Kurt.  They turn mid-kiss, Blaine pushing Kurt back to the bed.  Blaine manages to give Kurt’s ass a pert squeeze before Kurt settles on the edge of the bed.  
Blaine goes to his knees. 
“Are you sure this is okay - your knee,” Kurt manages to remember as he spreads his legs for Blaine.  
Blaine looks up at him, eyes dark and ready.  “Could be completely shattered and it wouldn’t stop me from doing this right now.”  
Kurt melts just a little more.  “Blaine…”
“Too much talking, Kurt,” he says, before sinking his mouth over Kurt’s dick.  
Kurt falls back on the bed, letting out a long groan as Blaine completely takes over.   He had almost forgotten how good Blaine is with his mouth, knowing exactly how Kurt likes to be sucked off.  Kurt just relaxes into Blaine’s touch - the tension, the anxiousness from the weekend, from the past few months, melting away with every bob of Blaine’s head.  Kurt rocks his hips gently, but mostly lets Blaine take control.  He sucks deeply a few times before pulling back, and swirling his tongue around the head of Kurt’s dick.  Blaine then pulls off entirely, and shifts so that he could begin pulling at himself while he mouths Kurt’s balls, taking time to suck at one, then the other.  Kurt’s on edge, nerves on fire as Blaine then devours Kurt’s dick once again.  
Kurt reaches out a hand to Blaine’s shoulder.  “Blaine, wait,” he says, a bit hazy.  He’s close, but not ready to be done yet.  
Blaine gets it, and stands to retrieve some lube from the suitcase, while Kurt turns to be on all fours, allowing Blaine as much access as he needs to his ass.  Blaine’s back on his knees in a moment, guiding Kurt’s hips closer to his mouth.  Blaine’s hot mouth is on him once again, kissing him, snaking his tongue inside his hole to open him up.   Kurt closes his eyes, giving into the pleasure of it, as Blaine eventually replaces his tongue with a lubed finger, and then two.  Blaine speeds his fingers, pumping in and out as he leans forward to suck kisses on Kurt’s balls.  Kurt rocks with the pace of Blaine’s fingers, the heat building quickly.  Blaine knows his body well, and pulls away before Kurt’s pushed over the edge.  
As Blaine goes to stand, Kurt turns around, managing to sit up so he can grab onto Blaine.  He pulls on Blaine’s dick a few times before sinking his mouth on it.  Blaine’s hardly had any attention shown to him yet, and Kurt needs to rectify that before he gives completely over to Blaine.  God, he loves Blaine’s dick.  He loves the way it feels in his mouth, the heaviness on his tongue, the way it’s so male - so Blaine.  Really, it’s Blaine that he loves so much - even if he isn’t the best at articulating it.  The least he could do is show proper appreciation.  
“Kuuurt,” Blaine grunts, his knees nearly buckling.  “I thought you want to…” 
“Fuck…” Kurt pulls off and licks along Blaine’s length.  “Yeah.”  
Kurt lies back on the bed, elbows supporting him, and spreads his legs wide.  
Blaine’s going to fuck him now.   He’s open and ready and his body is aching now with want and need.  And thank god, Blaine is finally going to be fucking him.  
Blaine climbs on the bed, stroking himself as he hovers over Kurt.  Kurt draws him in for a hungry kiss, tasting himself on Blaine’s lips.  They make out for another moment or two, Kurt drawing his legs up, and wrapping them around Blaine.  Blaine’s dick rests eagerly between Kurt’s cheeks, and Kurt begins to frantically rub against it.  
Blaine breaks the kiss so as to reposition himself, putting the head of his dick at Kurt’s hole, and gently pushes in.  Kurt moans Blaine’s name as he begins to slowly rock his hips, shallowly pumping a few times before completely bottoming out.  They begin to kiss again, deeply, as Blaine begins to give a slow, deep thrust, grinding their hips together with their kiss.  
Everything is electric now, and Kurt can’t remember the last time he felt this connected with his husband.  He feels Blaine everywhere and, fuck yes, this is what he had been missing.  Here is his husband.  Here is his Blaine.  Why, why, why had then gone so long without this?  
The kiss grows sloppier as Kurt, desperate for more movement, begins to pick up the pace.  Blaine steadies himself, allowing Kurt a moment to fuck himself on Blaine’s dick.  The angle isn’t the best, but he needs it so badly he doesn’t care.  He claws at Blaine’s back as he rocks faster and faster.  
“Let me,” Blaine whispers.  Kurt slows, looks into Blaine’s eyes, and sees all the love they share between them.  Blaine gently cups Kurt’s face, gives him a sweet kiss on the lips and whispers again, “let me…” 
Understanding, Kurt pauses and holds on to Blaine tightly.  “I love you,” he says - barely a whisper.
“Love you, too.”  
Blaine pulls out, almost entirely, then slams back into Kurt. Kurt lets out a scream as he feels Blaine deep inside him.  Blaine quickens the pace, slamming into him again and again.  His hips driving with an unstoppable purpose now.  Kurt goes limp on the bed, giving over Blaine complete control, letting him fuck and fuck and fuck and god… Kurt wishes they could just stay in this endless ecstacy of fucking and connection and love and pleasure. 
He’s so close now, so close…  Blaine knows that, too, and sneaks a hand between them, giving Kurt a few strokes, which finally, finally pushes him over.  The orgasm tears through him, causing him to scream out Blaine’s name as he feels it all the way to his toes.  Blaine is not far behind him, a few more pumps and he’s shuttering his orgasm into Kurt.  
Kurt’s pliant and blissed out as Blaine comes down, giving a few final pumps before pulling out completely.  Kurt pulls at him and kisses him, loving and tender.  God, he’s going to sleep so well tonight.  
“Feel better now?” Blaine says, almost with a giggle.  
“Yeah,” Kurt says, breathlessly.  
Blaine gives him a kiss on the forehead.  “Good.” 
Later, after they’ve cleaned up and taken another shower, they’re both sitting on the chair; Kurt on Blaine’s lap, both in the complementary white robes.  Kurt is snuggled in Blaine’s arms - the most content he’s been in, well, he isn’t sure how long.  They’re conversation isn’t much beyond casual -- the old lady who had checked them in who had been unexpectedly delighted to know that they were married, Artie’s work-in-progress play, Sam and Mercedes possibly being back together… Until Blaine brings it back around to the discussion he attempted earlier.  
“Kurt, I know there’s something more going on than just lack of sex,” Blaine says.  He’s concerned again, his brow wrinkled with worry.  
Kurt wants to argue that it had been about sex, at least in a way.  Kurt had missed his connection with Blaine - and hadn’t been aware of how deeply he needed to feel close to Blaine again until he had realized just how long it had been missing.  However, Blaine is right, and there are deeper things going on.  He wouldn’t normally call Blaine the sneaky one - he definitely held that title - but he knows Kurt enough that sometimes sex could be a throughway to Kurt’s emotions.  Kurt being relaxed and gentle, and feeling safe enough after sex, that it allows him the opportunity to say what he needs to.  
“Well, for one, we’re now unemployed,” Kurt says, not quite meeting Blaine’s eye.  Outside, a few birds fly over the idyllic lake, the sun setting peacefully on the horizon.  The pit of anxiousness began to stir at the thought of leaving this place and heading home.  
“Okay…” Blaine says slowly.  
“And almost thirty.” 
“And I think, maybe, as much as I love performing, I think I want more stability in my life.” 
Blaine gives him a kind smile.  “Okay.”  
“Yeah - I get it,” Blaine says with an ease that Kurt can never quite get when planning his life.   “We’ve been doing alright, and have a little bit saved up, and I have a few solid auditions coming up.  So if you want to take some time to figure out what you want to do long term, that’s fine with me.”  
Kurt let out a heavy sigh.  He loves Blaine, he really, really does.  “I don’t know what I want, Blaine.”  
Blaine gave a shrug.  “And that’s okay.  You’ll find something.  We’ll both find something.”  
Kurt runs his fingers through Blaine’s hair, then a finger slowly down Blaine’s cheek.  “I’m sorry I ruined the weekend.  I know you thought it’d be relaxing.”  
Blaine laughs.  “I’m sorry I let Rachel ruin our evening.  I need to say no to her more, I know.  But at least she made up for it.”  
“Well, she could have sprung for the Hilton, but I suppose this will do,” Kurt jokes.  
“At least it’s not outside - and it has a bed.”  
Kurt lets out a laugh before giving Blaine a kiss.  There’s a little more heat behind it than he intended but that’s fine.  What else are they here for? 
“We should start scheduling this again,” Kurt says, as they trade slow kisses.  Round two is a go, but neither are in any hurry to get there.    “It definitely worked for us in high school.”  
Blaine pulls away, “Mmmm, Sundays are a bad time to start then.  It’s a school night and my parents want me home by nine.  Maybe we should schedule for next Thursday when your dad works late.”  
“Don’t kill the mood, Blaine,” Kurt says, laughing as he goes back for a kiss.  
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 2)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, puking, concussions, mentions of injuries/bullying, homophobia
Word count: 5,138
After school, you were sitting on the couch as you furiously typed on your keyboard at an extremely fast pace. You were on a roll with these essays, they were probably going to be finished by the time you had to go back to the school to get on the bus with the team. You figured that you could even finish Annie’s essay and get started on Sammy’s US history presentation on the sociopolitical climate of the United States in the mid twentieth century to today. However, instead of covering a variety of topics like the rubric requested you to do, you were only going to talk about the significant events that happened to the LGBT+ community starting with Stonewall and going to Obergefell v. Hodges. You were also going to go in depth about how even if there are more opportunities available and more laws set in place to protect for LGBT+ people in the present then there were in past, members of the LGBT+ community still suffer heavy discrimination in the workplace and in the public. With receipts of course, the assignment required a minimum of three pictures per slide, and the group chat was a perfect source.
After that was done, you would email Sammy’s teacher (you had her last year for US history and you knew that she had a son in the grade below you currently transitioning from female to male) that you were the one that did her project and send screenshots of Sammy calling you slurs. Luckily for you, you had receipts of her being transphobic in the past that you could also send. Everything was effortlessly falling into place for you today. 
As you were typing, the front door swung open and two overly excited fifth graders ran into the house and up the stairs. A tired Schlatt followed them. “I will never know how the hell Phil keeps up with them.” 
“I dunno, maybe because he’s already raised three kids before.”
You watched as your uncle jumped and whipped his head over towards you, his hand clutching his chest. He lightly glared at you, “christ kid don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
You smirked at him before turning back to your laptop to continue typing the essay. You were almost done with the conclusion paragraph on Annie’s essay and you wanted to get to Sammy’s presentation as fast as possible. As you were typing, you felt a warm air fan across your neck and your uncle’s voice right next to your ear, “whatcha typin?”
You lept off the couch and almost fell into the coffee table before steadying yourself and deadpanning at Schlatt. “I was typing an essay before you interrupted me.”
He snorted, “it looked like you were on a roll, just thought I’d see what my beloved niece was writing. Can I read it?” 
Your eyes lit up as an excited grin split your cheeks, “yeah, but lemme catch you up real quick. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie got mad at me a few days ago and wanted me to do some homework for them as a sort of payment. But after they pulled that little stunt in the lunchroom yesterday, they decided to be little bitches to me and call me slurs. So naturally, I decided to change the essay prompt into an in depth analysis about discrimination LGBT people face from their peers on the daily. My english teacher’s really against homophobia and the project’s worth twenty five percent of our overall grade, so it’s perfect.”
While you were rambling on and on about your detailed plot for revenge, Schlatt couldn’t help but be proud of the person you’d become. A major part of him was impressed that you came up with a detailed plan so quickly, that meant that his cunning nature was rubbing off on you and that made him ecstatic. Sure you mentioning not being straight was new to him, but he was prepared to accept you for whatever you identified as. He didn’t care how people identified, he just cared if they were good people. And his niece was one of the best kids he knew. He’d let your slip up slide for now until you felt comfortable enough to properly come out to him. 
“That an amazing plan, fuckin brilliant. Though, you could do more.”
That piqued your interest, “I’m listening.”
“Do you have any blackmail?”
Your eyes glinted with sudden understanding, “why yes I do, uncle dearest. I just so happen to have thousands of texts from them talking shit about each other and basically the entire school. And them being incredibly racist. They would be destroyed if that came out.” 
“Two things. One, never call me that again. Two, perfect. Keep it as leverage if they try to do something. You don’t pull out all the good cards in the first round, you wait for the right moment to strike so you can win. You need to constantly defend yourself against other players and anticipate their every move. If you leak everything right now, you won’t have anything to use against them if they have something up their sleeve you didn’t know about. Patience is key in things like this.”
You absorbed every single word that came out of his mouth like it was the holy gospel. Although he was your uncle and you loved him with all your heart, but he was a sly bastard when he wanted to be. He knew his way around fighting and manipulating people just right, so you were incredibly happy that you were on his good side and he absolutely adored you. Though questionable and morally gray, he was giving you advice because he cared about you and you’d be an idiot to not heed his advice. 
“That’s genius, Uncle Schlatt. What would I do without you?”
“You’d get along just fine without me, you would’ve gotten there eventually. You’re smart. I’m just givin you a little push in the right direction.”
“I honestly would’ve never thought about waiting, I was so dead set on getting revenge that I would’ve just leaked everything all at once. I want them to feel how I felt when they were around me. I-” you paused. Would this make you the same as them? You’d be screwing up all their grades, Adrian’s job, and Sammy’s athletic career. You came to the chilling realization that you’d be the same as them. You’d be as manipulative as they were. “...Uncle Schlatt, would that make me the same as them?”
“Fuck no! You’re always gonna be better than them no matter what. When they’re at their best, you’re always gonna be a whole lot better than them. They deserve what’s happening to them, it sounds like they put you through so much shit the past few years. I actually think you could do a whole lot worse to them if you’re willing to put more work in, but it’s your plan and if you think that what you’re doing is too much,” he darkly chuckled, “you wouldn’t like my idea.”
“You’re right, they deserve everything I have planned for them. God, I don’t know what I was thinking, ‘would that make me the same as them,’” you mocked what you said earlier, “what a load of shit. Anyways, thanks Uncle Schlatt. I’m gonna get back to writing this. They’re due tomorrow and I wanna finish as much as I can before I have to go.”
“Alright, whaddya want for dinner? Phil’s gonna be like thirty minutes late from work so I’m cookin tonight.”
Oh no. No, no, no, no. That man can barley cook boxed mac n cheese, let alone anything else. He’d burn down the house if you left him alone in the kitchen with the stove. “On second thought, why don’t I help you with dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo.”
“Awe, you’d rather hang out with me than finish your homework? Ya really do love me. C’mon let’s start.”
The process of making dinner was… interesting. Multiple times, Schlatt almost spilled boiling water on himself and he even managed to burn the pasta while it was in the water. How he even managed to do that you’d never find out, you had your back turned cutting up vegetables and herbs at the time. That was when you subtly started to take over in the kitchen, giving him smaller tasks while you handled everything else. You felt bad for Tubbo, his father can’t cook for shit. 
By time you finished, about an hour passed and Philza had come home and changed out of his work clothes. The two adults sat at the table discussing something that you didn’t pay attention to while your brothers and cousin were in the living room waiting for you to finish dinner. Finally, you set the table and it was time to eat. 
Because you couldn’t have many fatty foods before any matches or practices, you had made a separate plate for yourself that only had plain pasta, chicken, and broccoli. You were surprised with how well it turned out, you were following an iffy recipe you found on the first link Google brought up. 
After dinner, you went upstairs to put your uniform on and pack a little bag full of things you might need: a small blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and a portable charger. Oh, and fuzzy socks and a pair of crocs. You could never go wrong with fuzzy socks and crocs. Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.
Hales : )
(Y/n), I’m omw to your house
Gonna give you a ride to the school
Hales you don’t have to give me a ride, I can drive
Hales : )
Don’t care
Omw, be there in like 7 mins
You swiped out of yours and her conversation and opened up the family group chat
I don’t need a ride to the school, Haley’s giving me one
She’s gonna give me a ride home too
Alright, thank her for me
Tell her I said good luck too!
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
(Y/n), do everything he wouldn’t do
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck you I’m a good influence
You’re really not
Technology Sword
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck all of you 
You heard Haley’s car pull into the driveway and dashed out of your room with your bag. Just as you put your hand on the doorknob, a hand stopped you.
You grumbled as you reached past Philza to grab your coat. After you slipped it on, you were pulled into a hug. “You’re gonna do great out there. I know you’re gonna win this, we’ll be watching in the stands.”
“Damn right she’s gonna do good, she’s my niece after all.”
Schlatt pulled you away from your father’s hug and tried to ruffle your hair before you swatted away his hand, “don’t. You have no idea how long it took me to get a perfect ponytail. I have an ungodly amount of hairspray and bobby pins in my hair right now.”
“Fine. You’re gonna kick their asses tonight.”
Tommy and Tubbo pushed past Schlatt and both tackled you into a hug making you stumble slightly back. 
“Kick their asses good (y/n)!” Tommy cheered, making you crack up before one stern glance from Philza completely stopped you. “Tommy, don’t say that. (Y/n), not funny.”
“Alright, Haley’s waiting for me. I gotta go, love you guys!” As you turned to walk through the door, you could hear your family following you and shouting “good luck”. You felt heat creep up on your cheeks as Haley rolled down her window and wove at your family with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Thank you! We’re gonna take home the gold for sure!”
You hopped in her car as she rolled up the window and chuckled. “I love your family, they’re always so full of energy. It’s refreshing to see compared to how boring my family is.”
You glanced at your entire family gathered on the front porch. Tommy and Tubbo were practically vibrating with excitement, Wilbur and Techno calmly smiled and wove at you, Philza was grinning widely at you as you saw his mouth forming words that you couldn’t hear or read, and Schlatt was grinning cheekily at you. You raised your hand to wave at them as they vanished from view when Haley pulled out of your driveway. You smiled softly, “I love em too.”
The car ride was relatively quick with the same soft indie pop music floating from the speakers and an easy going conversation with Haley about the match tonight. You both thought that you could beat the other team if everyone focused 100% and played exactly like you guys did in practices. If everyone did that, you would be unstoppable. 
Luckily for you and Haley, you were the first ones in line to board the bus so you two got the back seat with Zara and Jazzy sitting across from you guys. The hour long bus ride passed quickly and lively with you four passing around your phone and playing some mad libs, you were sure that by the end of the last game you four were laughing and crying. Sometime in the middle of the trip, you noticed that Haley would start to lean on your shoulder and continuously glance at you as she laughed. You desperately wanted to believe that it was because she liked you, but she was straight and she was your best friend. She was probably trying to make sure you were having a good time. 
When the team had gotten to the opposing school and left the locker room to stretch in the gym, you could hear your family start to scream your and Haley’s names from the front row next to you, Tommy and Tubbo being the loudest amongst them with Philza trying to get them to quiet down so you could focus. You felt your cheeks heat up as you smiled at them and Haley wove enthusiastically back at them. Zara was laughing at you two. Stretching went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were on the court facing the opposing team. 
The first match was won by the opposing team by five points. The second match stretched on and on until it was won by your team narrowly by two points. The team was going to have to shape up in the third match if you guys wanted a chance at winning, the opposing team was good. Before the third match started, Coach Williams called for a time out so you guys could talk about strategy. Before Haley could go back onto the court, you pulled her aside.
“Hales, we need to do what we practiced. The other team won’t be expecting it at all, I’ve been setting you up this entire game. They’re never going to expect you setting me up for a spike.”
“When are we going to do it though? We need a better plan.”
“I’m sure the opportunity will come and both of us will recognize it. We just can’t do it too early in the game though, that’ll ruin their surprise.”
“(Y/n), I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When do I not Hales? We gotta get gold this year.”
The third round went by with both teams constantly swapping places until you both were tied fifteen to fifteen. You saw the ball flying towards Haley, giving her the perfect opportunity to set you up for a spike.  “HALEY NOW!” 
You watched as her face hardened in determination as she pretended like she was going to spike it by jumping high in the air and stretching her arms back, making the opposing front row players all gather in front of her. Much to their surprise, she launched it towards you as you leaped up and went for the kill. The stinging of the ball hit by your wrist and the smack sound the ball made when it slammed onto the open gym floor was something you’d never forget as the crowd around you went wild over the unexpected play. You could hear the high pitched screaming of Tommy and Tubbo over everybody else. Glancing at them over your shoulder, you saw them jumping up and down on the gym floor and looking at you with awe filled eyes and gaping mouths. The rest of your family looked at you with similar expressions, their cheers echoing in your mind. Winking at them, you turned back to your team and went straight to Haley. Clapping a hand on her shoulder, you pulled her into a quick hug, yelling over the raving of the crowd. “HALEY WE NAILED THAT!” 
“You have such little faith in your setter! You wound me Hales.”
“Well, I would have more faith in you if you weren’t chaotic on the court, sweetheart.”
You felt yourself surge in happiness at the nickname, but you couldn’t afford to focus too much on it. Your team only needed one more point to win best in the state and go to nationals. It would be the first time in your team’s history if you reached national level, and you’d be damned if you were the one to screw it up for them. 
The last rotation went on for a while, each team fighting tooth and nail for the state championship title with clashing determination. You tried your best to block every hit and try to set Haley up for a spike, and you were successful for the most part, only missing a few blocks. You saw the setter adjacent to you set the spiker up for a spike and jumped up in time to try to block it, your arms stretched upwards and your palms out. Only, the ball didn’t hit your hands. It collided painfully with your nose, ricocheted off your face with a thwack and sailed over to the other side of the court. Your head whipped back as your body followed suit and flew backwards onto the floor. Without giving you any time to react, your head bounced back and cracked against the polished hardwood floor of the gym. Everything went black. 
You faintly heard someone calling someone’s name over the continuous ringing noise. Was it your name? It felt right, so it had to be your name. You peeled your eyes open to see a blurry figure hovering over you. It was swirled with tans, browns, and backs. After a while of the figure repeating your name, it slowly became more recognizable, albeit appearing twice in your vision. It took you a while to figure out who this was before your muddled brain recognized Haley.
“Hales! There’s two o’ya. Twice as beautiful babe…” You slurred out as you attempted to smile at her.
“Oh thank god, PLEASE WE NEED A DOCTOR SHE HIT HER HEAD!” Her usually angelic voice gritted against your brain like sandpaper making you cringe as pain exploded in your head.
“God babe you’re so loud, why’s so bright? I-wha's goin on?” You blearily tried to move your head to look around only to be stopped by a pair of large hands on each side of your head gently holding it in place. You moved your laggy eyes around to look at the figure. He was a blonde man with blue eyes and a hint of stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked… he looked… your brain worked to figure out why he looked how he looked. Who was he?
“Please don’t move hun.” His muffled voice was baritone. You squinted at him trying to figure out who this man was.
“Who th f-fuck… why?”
“I’m your dad hun. Do-do you not recognize me?” You made a noise in the back of your throat as your stuffy brain finally put a name to the face.
“Dad- wha’s goin on? I’on feel so good…”
“Shh, I know, I know. Just stop moving and talking. Everything’s fine. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Mmk… Dad, where are we? I’ont know- you’re so quiet.”
“Stop moving so much. You’re on the floor in a gym. You just won your team the state championship. Now stop talking please.”
Huh. So that’s why everybody seemed to appear from above you. You strained your eyes to look around you, but you could only see your dad’s face hovering above you. “Shit I- who’s aroun’ me? Where’s Hales?”
“I’m right here sweetheart. I got the doctor, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad’s face moved away from your vision so fast that it made your head spin and your stomach twist. Another face appeared above you that you once again didn’t recognize.
“I’m Doctor Martin, can you tell me your first and last name?”
“Uh, (y/n) Minecraft?”
“Good, what month are we in right now?”
“Close, it’s late October. Can you tell me who this,” he pointed to your dad, “is?”
“S’my dad Phillip.”
“That’s your dad Philza.”
The questioning stopped as he suddenly shined a blinding light into your sensitive eyes. You hissed as you tried to move your head away from the offending light only to be held in place by your dad’s hands. Your head spun as you moved too quickly and a wave of nausea hit you, making you groan and move your arm to cover your eyes. Your hand was stopped by something warm and soft wrapping around it and holding it tightly. Everything was so overwhelmingly and painfully bright and loud. You wanted to make it stop. 
“Mr. Minecraft, your daughter appears to have a concussion. I don’t have the tools on hand to determine the severity of it, but it’s worrying that her pupils are asymmetrical, she’s delirious, and has slight memory loss. I understand you live about an hour away from here, and it’s alright for you to take her to a hospital closer to your house. Make sure you keep her alert.”
Your delirious mind only registered about half of what came out of the doctor’s mouth. You mumbled gibberish as you once again opened your eyes to look around. You were only briefly able to crane your neck to the left. Several figures large and small were standing behind your dad. Your family, your mind supplemented. Slowly, your mind was starting to recognize your surroundings even if there was currently double of everything and everything was blurry.
“I’m going to help you stand up. Do ya think you can do that?”
“Yeah Dad.” You lifted your upper body off from the ground with a gentle hand on your back helping you sit up. Fighting the wave of nausea that slapped you in the face, you reached up to rub at your eyes. A hand once again stopped you. You peeked your eyelids open and lightly glared at whomever stopped you. “Hales you’re lucky you’re so cute I woulda slapped you. I like holdin but you’re bein annoying. Stop.” You attempted to make your voice sound firm, but the words that came out of your mouth were slightly slurred.
She was silent as she helped her dad haul you to your feet. Once on your feet, you saw the room spin and felt yourself start to sway slightly. An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you close to them so that your weight was supported. They were a little taller than you were making it easy to lean on them. 
“...Can you walk?” A deep, monotone voice rumbled the chest of the person you were leaning against. 
“Mhm. ‘M not weak.” Though your limbs felt like they were made of molasses, you placed one foot in front of the other slowly. The person moved alongside you, “you’re doing so good, keep going.” That sparked familiarity in you as you stopped in your tracks and tried to look up at the person you were leaning against making the person tighten their arm around your shoulders when you almost fell over.
“Yeah, it’s Technoblade. Just focus on walking. You’re almost out of the gym.”
When you realized that you were out of the gym, you sighed in relief. It was so much quieter and darker. Though it was still relatively bright, it was better than the gym. 
“When we get her to the car we can give her some sunglasses or something if it’s still too bright for her.”
“Focus on walking.”
You huffed in irritation, “don’ tell me what to do bitch.”
You felt Techno’s body jolt slightly as he chuckled, making your head throb at the sudden movement. “Just walk.”
When you walked outside, you shivered as you felt the cool air nip at your exposed skin. Right, you were in your volleyball uniform. “I’ll go pull the car around, you guys stay with her.” 
You saw a tall brunet start to walk away from you. Uncle Splat? Uncle Schmat? Whatever his name was, you were sure he was your uncle. You tried to snuggle closer to Techno, craving warmth but never being satisfied. Where was your uncle? 
After a while, you saw a car moving towards you and blinding light pointed right at you making you cringe away and groan. Techno started to slowly walk towards the car. “C’mon (y/n), you’re almost there. When you’re in the car you can relax.”
“Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno, you’re in the back row. Schlatt can drive and Wil, you’re taking the passenger seat. I’ll stay with her in the middle row so she can have some room to lay down.” Tommy and Tubbo were with you? Why weren’t they talking, they usually were very vocal.
“Tom, Tubbs didja like the game?”
They didn’t say anything as they climbed into the car. Did they not hear you? 
“They’re just… tired (y/n).” Your dad’s voice reassured you as he took Techno’s place holding you up. 
“I wanna nap. ‘M so tired.”
“You can’t sleep yet. We gotta get you to a doctor first.”
“Mm. Makes sense.”
“Let’s get you in the car hun.”
As he helped you climb into the car, you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea wash over you making you lose your balance and almost faceplant into the cloth seats. You felt yourself being gently, yet urgently taken out of the car and led to grass as you felt your esophagus shorten. Something burning made its way up your throat and spewed into the grass. You felt someone rubbing your back as you puked up your dinner. 
When you were done, you reached up with a shaking hand to wipe your mouth. “You feelin better? Think you can get back into the car or do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After some difficulty, you were successfully in the middle row of the car laying down with your head on Philza’s lap. Soon enough, your shoes were taken off and a blanket was draped over you. 
“(Y/n), what do you remember?”
You scrunched up your face as you squinted at Philza’s face. “I remember playing volleyball with Hales. She’s so pretty, she’s straight though. I remember the other team hitting the ball, me jumping, then nothin. Wha’ happened?”
You watched as Philza winced, “well, you got everything right so far. You got hit in the face with the ball so you fell and hit your head on the floor. You were passed out for a minute before you woke up. It was a pretty nasty fall, we’re going to the hospital now. How’re ya feelin?”
“Head hurts, ‘m seein two of everything, an I can’t think.”
“Do you know what a concussion is?” You nodded in his lap slightly, “you probably have one.”
After a while of talking, you were slowly starting to come to your senses and your speech was clearing up, but your head was still too stuffy to think about what you were saying before you said it. You didn’t have a filter.
“Do you wanna tell us about your week so far? Do you remember most of it?”
“Mhm, it was shit. On Monday I had a panic attack and Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were being bitches to me all day. They fucked up my back. On Tuesday, they got mad at me for ditching them and they had me do their homework, had another panic attack, and Haley told me that someone took pictures of our boobs ‘n stuff and they were gonna leak it to the school if Haley didn’t stop hanging out with me. Haley and I almost kissed, but she’s straight. Pulled an all nighter and Wednesday I accidentally came out to Tech and Wil and had another panic attack. Annie, Adrian, and Sammy took more pictures of me through my window, Annie outed me to the entire school and slapped me. Another panic attack, skipped the last two classes and felt like shit the entire practice. Today Adrian and Sammy told me to kill myself and I had another panic attack. ’S about it.”
As you were going through your week, the hand that was previously gently stroking your hair had frozen as the car was enveloped in a tense silence. Luckily, Tommy and Tubbo were passed out in the back seat so they didn’t hear how bad your week was. Everyone awake knew that you had a few bad days this week, but they didn’t know the full extent of it. You watched as Philza’s expression had turned downright murderous, but you didn’t really care. You were busy talking about your week.
For the rest of the car ride, Philza asked you simple questions like what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, basically your favorite everything. Eventually, the car pulled into the hospital parking lot and Philza helped you get out of the car. “Schlatt, can you take the boys home so they can get some rest? I’ll stay with her.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t cause too much trouble (y/n), we all know you can raise hell.” He watched you for a reaction, but when you didn’t react, he coughed. “Well, I’ll see ya later kid. Good luck.”
The car drove off leaving you and Philza at the front of the emergency room building. “It’s gonna be a long night (y/n).”
“I gotta finish Annie’s essay and Sammy’s presentation though.”
“No you don’t, I’ll email your teachers.”
You two checked in with the front desk before moving to sit on the uncomfortable chairs. It was going to be a long night. You were so tired.
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@immadatmostthings  @thaticecreambish  @hee-hee-haw  @dearnataliealoveletter  @wasteofspacze  @dcml04  @bbigbbrainn  @dirtydiavolo  @vanhakirja  @rinzyx05  @misselsbells06  @ialexabsuniverse  @im-a-depressed-gay  @energy-drinkk  @mothra-main  @i-need-hugs  @dragons-lurk-here  @katj733  @m4r-s  @vievi  @dykeragee  @waterstrawberry  @aplaintart  @kakamiissad  @myunfinishedsymphony  @nagitokinnieissad  @autumnpleaves  @justanothergirlwithdemons  @zachariethememerie  @moon-asia  @m0on-blue  @strawberrysodababy  @akikko-yataro  @haikkeiji  @shiningsunrises  @cinnamonmochi  @queen-turtle-boiii  @imanewsoul  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelicaschuyler-church  @vixenfoxpup  @ella-ivanov  @shio-yuki  @mosstea-png @ijustshatbricks  @sugarandspicebutnonice  @coolayee  @haikkeiji  @sadassflatass
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adezahnae · 4 years
While Mommy’s on a Little Trip (Part 1)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: Smut, fingering, secrets, cheating, masturbation, family affair stepdaughter!reader x dilf!stepdad!mathteacher!jaehyun
Tagged Ppl: @softieekayy @seungmoomin @keeach @seoyutayong @whoreforshuaaa
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Your POV
“Okay, study for your test that is tomorrow. Some of you can’t afford to fail, knowing who grades are slipping.” Mr. Jung said. The class groaned as they closed their books. “Mr. Jung! Math is too hard! Can you tutor me?” A female student asked as she flattered her eyebrows. “No and don’t do that, you look like there something stuck in your eye.” Mr. Jung said. The girl blushed of embarrassment and looked away.
“Could you help me with the test, Y/n?” One of the boys asked me. “Why?” I asked trying to pay attention to Mr. Jung. “Because that’s your dad??” He said. “And please don’t ask my daughter for help on the test thank you.” Mr. Jung announced. I snickered as the boy huffed and sat back in his chair.
After class was over, it was lunch time and students were gathering their things. “Thank you everyone, please study for your test. Y/n let’s go and get lunch.” Mr. Jung said. All the girls whined and groaned as I went up to his desk and waited for him to finish getting his things together. “Mr. Jung! Why can’t you just let her stay here? She doesn’t need to be by your side all the time!” A girl exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes. “Last time I did that when a test was approaching, you all used her for answers and it’s not happening again. My little princess was exhausted by the end of the day.” He said as he ruffled my hair. My legs rubbed together at the nickname ‘princess’. I gulped and hid my blushing face. All of the other students left the classroom leaving me and Mr. Jung alone.
“I saw that.” He said. “What?” I asked looking up at him. “The way your legs rubbed together when I called you princess.” He smirked. I slightly pushed him, embarrassed. “Let’s go, I’m hungry.” I mumbled. He laughed and picked up his keys. “Come on let’s go.” He said.
As we were walking down the halls of the school, Mr. Jung got a message. “Who’s that?” I asked. “Your mom. She said she has to tell us something when we get home.” He said texting her back. I nodded and continued to walk. I heard him chuckle at something. “What is it?” I asked. “Nothing, just your mom.” He replied. I looked at him with disgust. “Ew..she must’ve sent you a picture.” I said. He looked over at me. “Is my baby girl jealous?” He cooed.
By this time we were out of the school and at the car. I got in the car. “Whatever...” I said. He got in as well. “Aww sweetheart, you know you’re the only I really wanna look at.” He said giving me a kiss on the forehead, making me smile. “Now say ‘daddy loves me’” he said. I giggled. “Daddy loves me.” He smirked. “That’s my good girl.” He replied cranking up the car and pulling off.
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By this time, school has ended and we are on our way back home. When we arrived through the front door, our mom was standing there with a big smile on her face. “Come in! I got dinner ready.” She said as she walked in the kitchen. Me and Mr. Jung looked at each other then put our stuff down and following her.
“What is it babe?” Mr Jung said, giving my mom a kiss on the lips. I cringed and looked away. Mom sat on one side of the table while me and Mr. Jung sat on the other. “So what’s the news mom?” I asked. “I’m going on a business trip for a week.” She announced.
“What?” I asked. “Yup, and you will be here with your dad.” She said looking at Mr. Jung. He smiled at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she is safe.” Mr Jung said looking at me. “Good, I’m leaving tomorrow morning. It’s Thursday so I’ll be back next Thursday.” She said. I nodded and ate more of my food. “I hope you behave yourself for this entire week.” Her voice was stern. “Oh she will...I’ll make sure of that.” Mr. Jung said looking at me.
His hand slipped on my thigh and moved it up and down. I looked back at him to see him smirking. His hand separated my thighs, making my legs open. He moved my underwear to the side and pushed in a finger, while eating his food. I widened my eyes stuffing food down my mouth.
My mom’s phone started to ring. “Oh hold on! It’s my boss. I’ll be back guys.” She said as she rushed out the room. I made sure she was out of the room and dropped my fork, groaning. “Shh, princess.” He mumbled as he started to kiss my neck. I bit my lip, trying to keep my sounds down. He sped up his pace while gripping my breast. “D-Daddy...” I gasped. “Shhh....” He whispered again. I grabbed his wrist. “I-I’m c-close...” I whimpered.
Just then, my mom came back in, making him pull away just in time. “Okay guys, now, where were we?” My asked sitting back down. “On making sure Y/n behaves herself.” He answered. I looked over at Mr. Jung. He had a smirk on his face. He planned this...damn tease...
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“Jae...oh yes..” I heard my mom moan. “You like that, huh?” He says back. I heard a smack to her butt, making her groan. “Yessss!! Oh Jae yes!!” She moans again. I let out a huff and turned over, feeling jealous. I grabbed my phone and went to the camera app. I took my clothes off and got out of bed. I cut on my red lights in my room and pressed the record button.
I filmed my upper body and then down to my lower half. I used my fingers to tease my clit and entrance. I pushed a finger inside gasping. I added another and groaned. I sped up my pace and yelped out his name. “Daddy...Oh Mr Jung...I need you..” I whispered. “I want you so bad...” I whispered some more.
I then reached my high. “Daddy! Oh please! It feels so good!” I yelped out, riding out my climax. I finished and cleaned off my fingers. I sent the video to Mr. Jung and went to go and shower. After I was done, my phone went off. I opened the message, seeing it was from Mr. Jung.
Daddy🤤❤️: “You’re lucky Daddy’s phone was off or else you would’ve been in more trouble than you already are, Princess...”
“I’m sorry Daddy, I just wanted you...”
Daddy🤤❤️: “You’re gonna have me alright, you just wait until your mom is gone. Your ass is mine..”
I gulped at the last sentence but in a good way. I got in bed and thought of all the things Mr. Jung would do to me.
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h4njin · 2 years
Xiaoting - Love Galore
[male reader]
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meaning - in abundance, a big amount
for as long as you can remember, you’ve had a crush for xiaoting.
and, well, for as long as you can remember, xiaoting has been…trying to avoiding you.
considering the fact that you’ve been professing your love to her as long as you can remember— i guess it’s understandable. you had always been pretty clingy with her, something that you knew she had always noticed.
it was a thursday afternoon. classes had already ended, everyone was just hanging out at school.
as you turned the corner of the school library hallway, you saw xiaoting, peacefully sitting on one of the tables, reading a book.
xiaoting had always loved reading. it had been one of her favorite hobbies ever since she was a child. it was one of the things that made you fall for her.
“xiaoting!” you call her, whisper-shouting.
the second she sees you, her eyes roll and she gets up from her seat.
“ting! wait for me!” you smile.
“…what is it?” she sighs.
“i got some tickets to a movie last night. you wanna go with me?”
“go ask someone else.”
“oh, come on! just for tomorrow night! then i won’t bother you for a couple of days, okay?“
“fine. but after that, leave me alone okay?”
“yeah, of course! see you later, ting, love you!”
she instantly returns to her book, with a small frown on her face.
you left the library with a smile on your face.
when talking to shen xiaoting (or asking her out on a ‘date’), there was always a few things you kept in mind.
1. always keep a little bit of distance. xiaoting isn’t exactly too fond of you, so you keep a little bit of distance.
2. when making plans with her, make sure to pull the “i won’t bother you for a couple of days if you do this with me.”
3. always say “i love you” to end the sentence off, in hopes that, one day, she’ll say the words you’ve always wanted to hear:
“i love you too.”
“ya, xiaoting. why don’t you just give him a chance?” yujin told her best friend.
“you’re kidding, right? have you seen the things he does? last year he gave me a whole big bouquet of flowers and expensive chocolate in front of the whole class. it took me so long to convince everyone we weren’t dating,” xiaoting retorts.
“but you know he likes you, right? a lot, actually. he messages me about you, sometimes.”
“of course i do. how could i not? he’s really annoying about it.”
“yeah, but maybe just give him a chance. he’s really nice, actually. maybe he can make you happy.”
“just…. stop. i don’t wanna talk about him anymore. i have enough worries as is,” xiaoting sighs.
“what do you mean?” yujin asks, confused.
xiaoting recalls back to earlier, when you had talked to her in the library while she was reading.
“earlier at the library, he asked me to go out for a movie again. i only said yes because he said he’d stop bothering me for a bit. we’re going on saturday.”
“that’s great! bonding time,” yujin smiles.
“shut up.” xiaoting replies, annoyed.
“i mean, it’s good that you’re hanging out with him,”
“i might just make up an excuse to not go with him. he’s nice and all, but he’s… way too annoying,”
“well, ‘types’ are just your ideal types. you could end up with someone totally different from your type.”
“i don’t know. i don’t know if i’ll go.”
“well, if you’re not interested in him, you have me still,” yujin gave her a teasing smile.
“shut up.” xiaoting replied with a smirk.
the school bells ring, signaling that class is starting. xiaoting and yujin go back to class, both of them being in the same class as you.
xiaoting looks to her table, to find paper hearts on it. xiaoting saw you smiling at her, making her sigh. she then took the paper hearts and put them inside her table drawer.
as the teacher starts class, xiaoting looks behind her seat, seeing you stealing glances at her the whole time. you were noticeably curious about something.
“what is it?” she sighs.
“…what time are you gonna go? the movie starts at 6 tomorrow,” you ask with a small smile on your face.
“i’ll arrive before then. just stop bothering me.” she replies, deadpanned.
“o-oh.. okay, then! i’ll wear a cute outfit i just bought. i think you’ll like it,” you reply, with a bit of excitement.
xiaoting ignores you, turning back to face the teacher.
you sigh. yujin looks to her right, looking at you and giving you a sad look. you look back at her and give her a thumbs up and a smile, signaling that you’re okay.
school has ended for the day.
earlier in class, you had written another one of your love letters to xiaoting. but this time, you really wanted to show her how much you love her.
you found xiaoting sitting alone at the busstop, staring into the afternoon sky. the orange sun getting ready to set.
you open your phone to check the time. 4:36 P.M.
you take a breath.
“ting!” you greet her with a smile plastered onto your pink cheeks.
she looks up and sees you.
she frowns.
“what is it?” she asks.
“i.. wanna give you something!” you reply.
you took out an envelope from your bag, decorated with stickers in xiaoting’s favorite colors. you gave it to her with a grin.
she took the letter and started to open it. you sat beside her.
“read it!” you say excitedly.
she nods slowly and started reading.
“dear xiaoting: this is my love letter to you.
the day we first met when we were 7 years old is a day i’ll never forget. the way you held my hand after i fell in the playground, comforting me is… a memory that’s always in the back of my mind, even now, 10 years later.
i know you don’t think about me much, but i just want you to know that i love you. i have for the past 10 years.”
she looks up to me, and i smile.
“what do you think?”
she closes her eyes and frowns.
“you wanna know what i think?”
she crumples up the letter and throws it to the side.
xiaoting stands up and leaves you, sitting in the busstop alone.
you don't have to see xiaoting's face to see whether she likes your letter or not— because by the time you do, the piece of paper you've written for whoever knows how long… it’s all crumpled and laying pathetically on the ground.
you pick up the crumpled letter and stare at it with a sad smile.
“ting, i’m sorry if you-“
it doesn't take a single word from xiaoting to know that she doesn't even bother dealing with you. cause by the time you try to apologize, she's already by your peripheral vision, walking away.
“..don’t like my… letter..”
it was the next day. you had arrived at around 4 o’clock. you spent the entire day figuring out what to wear for the movie with her. you bought some snacks in the convenience store close by to the mall, for you and xiaoting to eat while waiting for the movie.
despite what happened yesterday, you were still trying to be happy with what you have with xiaoting. being able to be close with her should be enough for you.
5:30. xiaoting hasn’t showed up yet.
you’re starting to worry. you’ve called her a couple of times already, with no answer.
6:15. the movie has started. but you didn’t go into the theatre. you kept waiting for xiaoting.
at this point— you had forgotten about the movie. xiaoting usually isn’t the type to just leave someone for no reason; even if she wasn’t fond of them.
“xiaoting…. where are you..?” you thought to yourself.
you waited, and waited. you sat in front of the mall, waiting for her.
7:00. she’s still not here. you called yujin earlier, saying xiaoting had went out of their shared apartment. she ended off the call with ‘are you okay? maybe something happened to her.’
but you still waited.
8:30. you went looking for her, near her house, in her favorite café, in her favorite library near her apartment, in her favorite book store.
9:00. you found xiaoting. she was in a restaurant, eating food with someone else. she looked happy with them. she was smiling ear to ear— unlike when she’s with you. you realized that every second with you, she’s spent with a frown. she’s never looked at you with a smile.
you don't know why your heart bothers plummeting further, but it does anyway, against your wishes.
with tears on your face, it was at that moment that you decided something.
to not bother her anymore. to leave her alone. to let her just smile a bit more.
the weekend came and went with you drowning in self pity. it’s now monday.
you had been trying to avoid xiaoting the whole day.
considering the fact that she’s the love of your life, the task was just as difficult as you expected it to be.
maybe even more so. your day felt a bit empty without saying your usual pick up lines every morning with a smile, or buying her chocolate bars when recess starts.
you also decided to move to a different seat in class, one that’s a bit farther away from your beloved.
it’s a bit hard trying not to sneak glances every once in a while… but you try your best to do so.
after the first few classes, recess begins. as everyone had left the class, you went out of your seat a bit slower than everyone else, so as to avoid xiaoting.
as you were going out of the class, you felt your arm being pulled, taking you back into the class.
“what’s going on with you today?”
it was yujin. you sigh a breath of relief.
“what do you mean?”
“you’re… not usually like this. usually you’d be all up in ting’s face, maybe buying her lunch or… i don’t know. tell me what’s up,” yujin replies.
“well… i decided not to bother her anymore. i’m going to try and move on from her.”
“what?! why?!”
“it… was because of saturday. she didn’t show up back then,” you reply, sadness evident in your eyes.
“then.. what happened after..?”
“well.. after looking for her, i found her with another person in a restaurant. she looked happy, so i decided not to bother her.”
“what..? what about that letter you wrote her..?”
you just looked at her with another sad smile.
yujin felt bad for you. she knew xiaoting didn’t exactly like you. but she didn’t think xiaoting would’ve done something like that.
“well, what time did you go back home?”
“i went home at 9:30.”
she sighs.
“i’m sorry.. do you want me to talk to her about this?”
“no, it’s okay. i think she’ll be happier without me clinging on to her all the time,”
she gives you a sad smile.
“i’m hungry now. let’s get some lunch!” you say to lighten the mood.
“okay. let’s eat.”
you and yujin went to the cafeteria together, chatting along the way. just shy of it being awkward but you suppose the atmosphere wasn’t too bad. yujin was a fun person to be around.
xiaoting felt as if something was missing today.
early in the morning, xiaoting saw you walking to class. she thought you’d sit behind her just like normal, and probably bother her with the things you’d usually do.
but you didn’t.
you took a different seat and ignored her.
she was confused.
did she, perhaps, go too far on saturday?
but she brushed it off. she thought, ‘you’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. that’s just how you are.’
xiaoting saw yujin passing by the school corridor after picking up her things from her locker.
“yujin! what do you wanna eat when you we get home?”
yujin stares at xiaoting; with a blank, unpleasant stare, worrying xiaoting just a bit.
yujin refused to talk to her while on the bus home, despite xiaoting initiating a conversation with her.
at home, yujin went straight into her bedroom to change, coming out of her room with sweatpants, a big shirt and her hair tied.
yujin had wanted to talk to xiaoting about you. about how you feel about her. but, for now, she had decided to respect your wishes. you didn’t want anything to do with xiaoting, for the time being.
xiaoting was just a bit more worried than yesterday.
yujin had stopped talking to her. and worse, you, who had always head over heels for her for as long as she could remember, suddenly stopped talking to her.
when class started, she had realized that yujin wasn’t sitting next to her. she looked back to see that she had taken a seat closer to you.
when class ended and everyone (including you) had left, yujin approached xiaoting.
yujin had been thinking about this situation the whole day. she couldn’t take it anymore. she felt that needed to talk to xiaoting. about you.
“xiaoting. we need to talk,” yujin told her bestfriend.
xiaoting, confused, looks at yujin with a curious face.
“..what is it?”
“i’m so confused. what the actual hell happened on saturday?”
xiaoting gulped. it felt as if her words were stuck in her throat.
“tell me your side of the story,” yujin commanded.
“i, uh.. i didn’t go. i.. went out with another friend,” xiaoting nervously replied.
yujin looked shocked.
she was speechless. she didn’t think her friend could ever even think to do such a thing.
and yet; here they are. yujin saw red in her eyes.
“how could you?! did you know that he didn’t go home until 9 waiting for you?! he went to all of your favorite spots, only to see that you went to a restaurant with somebody else without even telling him!”
yujin took a breath to calm herself.
“xiaoting… you’re the type of person to apologize for being 5 seconds late. you’d say sorry to a book for writing on it with a newly sharpened pencil. why in the hell did you do that?!”
not a word came out of xiaoting’s mouth. she was scared of her bestfriend, in that moment.
yujin looked at her bestfriend, with tears starting to pour out of xiaoting’s eyes.
“i’m sorry,” xiaoting said.
“xiaoting, i’m not the one you should apologize to.”
xiaoting realized what her bestfriend meant.
“what you did was out of character. the fact that you promised that you’d go with him, and then you don’t show up, without telling him why?! and who the hell knows what you did with the letter he wrote for you?!”
xiaoting had started full blown crying.
“i- i.. i’m sorry. i know.. it was out of character… i was just annoyed. he wasn’t doing anything wrong.. i was just tired of him doing his usual things.. and on friday, i just… exploded because of his letter, and… didn’t feel like dealing with him anymore..”
yujin looked at her friend with sad eyes.
“that still doesn’t justify what you did,” yujin says.
xiaoting cries even harder, thinking of how sad you must’ve been, knowing you’re a delicate-hearted person.
yujin sighs.
“it’s okay… but i don’t think you should talk to him right now, it’s for the best,” yujin tells xiaoting.
“okay… i’ll apologize to him someday,” xiaoting replies sadly.
yujin and xiaoting walked to the busstop together. somehow, feeling as if their friendship had crossed a new frontier, now closer than they ever were.
surprisingly, you’ve been holding up pretty well. it hasn’t been too long since you started trying to move on from her.
xiaoting, on the other hand, felt guilty. every second that you spent ignoring her made her feel just a tiny bit guiltier than she was the second before.
xiaoting recalled something that happened just yesterday. your pen fell down near her table.
she picked up your pen, slowly walked to your desk and handed it back to you (albeit with a slight tremble to her fingers).
she mentally slapped herself for stuttering in front of him.
although she expected you to ignore her, what she didn’t expect was that you took the pen from her hands with a smile on your face, mouthing the word ‘thanks’.
it took her off guard, taking her a second to snap back to reality. by the time that happened, though, you had swiftly gone back to continuing your assignment, leaving her standing there. she went back to her seat, seeing yujin smiling at her. she returned yujin’s smile with one of her own, albeit, way more awkward.
though xiaoting thinks you didn’t realize how she was acting, the reality was that you— her long time admirer, had noticed everything. the way she was walking to you slower than usual, the way she stood closer to you, closer than ever before, the way her fingers trembled in a way that you had never seen before. the way that single simple word was getting stuck in her throat.
the trip home for xiaoting was hell. getting teased for that moment earlier had to have been one of the worst experiences in her life. she had started to hope that the next day, you would just ignore her again.
“no way he just did that to you, ting,” yujin teased.
“it’s okay, that was a nice start. work up your way to earning his forgiveness.”
xiaoting started putting on her earphones, to which yujin replied with a nudge nudge wink wink.
"he was... alright. a bit cute, I guess."
there was a gasp and a clap beside xiaoting. eyes almost bulging out of her head, a hand over her mouth while the other one shook xiaoting fervently.
xiaoting blinked, wondering what was up with that reaction?
but it had taken a while for it to finally sink in.
"wait…. no! no no no no, you've.. i.. that’s not what i meant, obviously!"
“you know exactly what you just said,” yujin replied with a huge grin.
at night in bed, xiaoting caught herself thinking of you a little, giving her a bit of a reality check.
‘did i just think of him?!’
she tried falling asleep to no avail.
a month had passed since tuesday.
in that month, xiaoting had started paying lot more attention to you. she had stolen glances at you while in class. she started to notice things about you that she had never noticed before.
things like your little habits and details.
the way you would purse your lips when writing down your notes. the way your eyebrows would furrow when confused. the way your bangs fall down just a bit under your eyes.
the way you’ve been driving her crazy this entire month.
she recalls when you would always do everything for her. she begins to miss your letters, the snacks you used to buy for her, the big bouquet, everything. she had always taken them for granted.
she checks her locker, her table drawer, her bag…
nothing. as usual.
well, only for the past month, that is.
xiaoting has been thinking of ways to apologize to you for a while, now.
earlier in class though, she had been brainstorming, writing a couple of things that she could do to potentially make up with you.
1. just straight up ask for your forgiveness, maybe at school. simple, no-nonsense. the most obvious one. yet also, probably the hardest one.
2. ask yujin to help you apologize to you. though, knowing yujin, she’d probably just say ‘this is your issue. i’ve meddled enough, i’m not doing anything else.’
3. …maybe ask you to go out somewhere with her..? potentially making up for that time she stood you up, and also ask for forgiveness. to xiaoting, this one made the most sense.
the school bell rang. xiaoting turned her head about 45 degrees, seeing you packing your bag.
she had found out the exact angle of your seat from hers during one of her brainstorming sessions. at this point, your seating position had already engraved been in her mind.
she hums.
‘maybe right now would be perfect?’ xiaoting thought to herself. she started mentally preparing herself.
though, as she started standing up from her seat, her legs started trembling uncontrollably.
she was scared.
scared that you would reject her, just as she did to you, countless times before.
in the end, she couldn’t do it. you had left the class already.
xiaoting sighed.
xiaoting went on the bus with yujin, feeling a bit… distressed.
“what’s wrong?” yujin asked her bestfriend, looking a bit worried.
“well.. i was thinking of finally apologizing to him earlier. in class. but.. i just… froze,” xiaoting told her friend.
“i think i might need your help.”
yujin put her head in her hand, thinking for a moment before she started to speak again.
“xiaoting,” yujin begins.
“…i can’t help you.”
xiaoting looked confused.
“this is between you and him. i don’t think it’s fair if i meddle in his business, either. you need to find out how you can apologize to him. you first need to sort out your feelings for him, because it’s obvious he’s all you think about. and then, finally, you can apologize.” yujin explained to xiaoting.
xiaoting thought for a second.
“okay. i understand. you’ve helped me a lot already. i’ll deal with the rest myself.”
the rest of the ride home was quiet, but not at all awkward.
…though, yujin was awfully quiet.
the next day, you had just finished gym class. all sweaty, you were just about to take a short shower at the school bathroom. you were going to pick up your extra clothes in class.
as you were about to go into your classroom though, you saw xiaoting. she was reading a book.
‘good to see she hasn’t changed,’ you thought. in that moment to you, she looked as beautiful as ever.
but you weren’t going to bother her anymore. you decided you were probably going to borrow a classmate’s shirt after the shower.
trying to walk away was not possible though, because, as you were trying to walk away, a hand grabbed your wrist. you turn your head to see her.
your eyes popped out of their sockets.
she pulled you inside the classroom, locking the door and closing the window blinds.
you were frozen in place.
xiaoting walked towards you, standing right infront of you.
“xiaoting, what’s wro-“
“i’m sorry.”
she looked at you with sad eyes.
“what do you mea-“
“for everything.”
“i know you probably hate me now. i’m sorry for crumpling up that letter you wrote for me.. i’m sorry for leaving you alone in the mall for hours even though i promise i’d come.. i’m sorry,” xiaoting’s eyes started to get wet.
“i know you’ll probably never forgive me. and i know that what i did was unforgivable, but i’m sorry. please.. don’t lea-“
“xiaoting, listen to me,” you cut off her sentence.
“i was never mad at you,” it was her turn to be shocked now.
“i’ve always forgiven you for everything. how could i get mad at you? besides, i realized i was really annoying back then. if anything, i should the one that’s sorry, for annoying you all the time,” you smiled.
“xiaoting, i forgive you. always have, and always will.”
tears started falling from xiaoting’s eyes.
“xiaoting, why are you cryi-“
“i really… missed you, you know,” she said in between her tears.
“i miss everything you did for me.. and it was all my fault that everything happened the way it did… i’m sorry. i don’t deserve it, but would you take me back..?” xiaoting asked with sincerity in her eyes.
“of course, how could i ever say no to a question like that?”
she smiled while tears unleashed from her eyes.
you hated seeing her cry like this.
you gave her a hug, to which she happily accepted.
you had an idea to tease her, though.
“well.. if you’re that sorry, maybe you can make it up to me tomorrow,” you looked at her, while smiling.
“go on a real date with me. let’s go to the amusement park and ditch school.”
it took a second for your words to finally sink in for xiaoting. she then smiled, her face showing how happy she really is.
“…okay.” she replied, blushing hard. she could only hope her hair was covering her cheeks right now, to save her from just a bit of embarassment. of course, you noticed. how could you not?
after a couple seconds though, you realized something.
“…xiaoting, could you stop hugging me for a second though? i need.. to take a shower first,” you teasingly smile.
she replies with a small laugh, eyes still red from all the crying.
she was glad that everything went well, though. tomorrow’s her chance to prove that she really wants him.
at the bus home, xiaoting enthusiastically retold everything that happened earlier to yujin.
“that’s fantastic! finally,” yujin grinned.
“i knew it would happen one day. tomorrow, i’ll help you find the best outfit so you can look as pretty as you can. you’re already pretty though, so i don’t think it’ll take too much effort. afterall, he likes you that much.” yujin complimented.
“you- shut up!” xiaoting blushed, nudging her friend in the elbow.
“ow! that hurt!”
“you deserve it!”
yujin laughed. she’s glad that you finally broke down her walls.
‘i hope things go well for them… i’m letting go of my love for xiaoting, just for the person she really loves.’
yujin looked outside the bus window, with a melancholic smile.
today’s the day.
this time, xiaoting was the one who arrived first.
she was the one who spent the whole day figuring out what to wear for you. she was the one who bought snacks in the convenience store close to the park, just for you and her to eat while on the date.
you arrived a bit later than xiaoting, surprised that she was first.
“xiaoting? you’re here already?” you asked.
“to make up for last time,” she replied happily.
you were happy.
“okay, let’s go!”
you and xiaoting played an uncountable amount of games and, well, had so much fun. and you were happy. because you’re finally with your beloved.
you played wack-a-mole with her, to which she accidentally hit your hand, making you groan. she ran to the store to get some bandages for you.
you rode on a merry-go-round with her. you took a video on your phone while on it. looking back, you were staring at her all throughout the ride.
‘she’s happy, too.’ you thought to yourself.
after, you rode on a rollercoaster with her. you held her hand all throughout the slopes and ups-and-downs of the track. she was screaming the whole ride. you were praying to god that you didn’t die. not before you made it official with her.
before long (or, atleast it felt like it, spending time with her), it was 9 P.M.
xiaoting was walking while holding your hand, happily eating her cotton candy that you bought her earlier.
“xiaoting, are you tired?” you asked her. truthfully, you were a bit exhausted after a whole day of walking around the place.
“no, but i am getting bored here. do you wanna go somewhere else?”
you thought of places to go to. something romantic, maybe?
while brainstorming for a few minutes, you finally figured something out.
“xiaoting, you remember the place where i fell when we were 7?”
“i do! that old playground! you were crying while holding my hand. eventually i helped you tell your mom because you were scared she’d get angry at you,” she replied.
“but why ask, though?”
“….do you wanna go there? it’s not too long of a walk,” you asked.
“…actually, that’s not a bad idea! we carved the tree in the middle of the park with our names, right? it should still be there!” she excitedly said.
the walk to the park where you two first met so long ago made you nervous. you’re finally on a real date with the love of your life, and now you’re going back to the place where it all started.
you had arrived. the playground was not as clean as it was 10 years ago. clearly, it’s not used as much as it used to. time had caught up to it.
xiaoting was right, though. the carving you made with her was still there, with all the memories with it.
you and xiaoting happily recalled what happened there, years ago.
you and xiaoting sat on the swing, the exact place where you fell in front of her, prompting her to help you.
the moon was shining bright, perfectly illuminating her pale skin. to you, she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
though, being in this place has reminded you of some regrets in the past, regarding her.
“xiaoting, can i tell you something?” you nervously ask her.
“of course,” she replied, a bit confused.
“i was never confident. everytime i told you i loved you, or gave you gifts… i was trying hard to be someone i wasn’t. i was just trying to be someone you’d like… i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have made your life hell like that. i should have tried to get your attention like a normal person,” you confess to her.
“but one thing’s for sure. it’s that i really do love you.”
for some reason though, xiaoting giggled.
“it’s funny though. i will admit… it was annoying. but when you stopped.. it felt as if something, a part of me, was missing. and i think… that’s when i started realizing that i loved you too.”
when she said that, you felt as if the world had frozen. like there was a lump in your throat. you were speechless.
she held your hand, and intertwined her fingers with yours.
“and i know.. that i don’t deserve you at all. but i’m happy that we’re here and now i know that… you really have always loved me. but i was too dumb to realize.”
words could not describe how you felt at that moment.
her breath was heavy. her eyes were glowing like pearls. her pink blush, her hand, in yours… it all felt perfect. no— she’s perfect. you and your beloved, the one you love, underneath the moonlight.
finally together.
“xiaoting… i love you.”
she smiles, with tears starting to fall from her cheeks.
“i.. love you too.”
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 3
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
Warning: since I deemed Wednesday my update, day....don’t hate me for this. Oh and steam....and angst if you turn around, bend down and look between your legs, tilt your head to the side and squint
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16 year old Alona 17 year old Erik
September 9th, 1997
West Oakland, Ca
Over the next five years the two remained close; bonding over their lack of parents bringing them closer. Erik had been placed with an aunt from his mothers side. His aunt never had children but always wanted them. Thankfully she stayed in Oakland too. Though it was East Oakland, Erik still managed to go to school in the West since he refused to go anywhere Alona wasn't.
While Erik always looked out for her, he also taught her how to defend herself. Young Erik was no stranger to fighting. If you looked at him wrong he'd beat your ass to make sure you never did again. He was both book and street smart. Having 4.0 GPA didn't mean you couldn't catch these hands.
"You gon mess around a get yourself arrested, stupid." Alona would scold him on their walks home after many fights.
He had just gotten rougher as he gotten older, while she became softer, more feminine.
Not to mention a hell of a lot prettier.
And all he boys noticed. Especially with Alona's most recent glow up. She had always been that ‘cute kid’, but now? It seemed as if puberty was hitting her with brick after brick all summer break, because when she came back from vacation in Louisiana with her family, Alona was easily the prettiest senior at Oakland Tech Highschool. While It was unwanted attention, it gained her, her own popularity...and she became the crush of her very best friend.
Erik Stevens had a massive crush on Alona Davis. He'd known it for about a year now but refused to act on it.
Until recently.
The two had been studying for the past hour at his aunts house. Really it was just her, since Erik didn't really feel the need to especially since they didn't have school tomorrow. But Thursday's was usually there's study day and he didn't want to break tradition. So there they were in his room backpacks and books over his bed, while they each sat against the way. He was perpendicular to her, her legs draped over his; a book and pen in her hand and a football in his.
"Dang girl, skippin' a grade not enough for you?" He teased poking her dimple prompting her to roll her eyes.
"Didn't you ask for my help?" She poked him in his side knowing he was ticklish.
"Ay girl!" He jumped away from her as she giggled.
"Oh that funny?"
"Boy you better not-" Alona began while shutting her book, eyes cutting at him.
But it was too late. He snatched her up before she could get off the bed and began tickling her sides. Laughter filled the room and Erik smirked at her attempts to stop him.
"Come on, stop," she laughed and he paused.
"Say it." At this she rolled her eyes.
"No, I'm not-" when he started to tickle her again she changed her tune.
"Ok, ok, N'Jadaka is the king of the world." She panted out of breath sitting up a bit.
"What I thought." He smirked down at her.
As things calmed down, both of them slowly noticed the compromising positing they were in. If his aunt or her granny had found them like this, they'd both be beating black and blue. They were alone though. His aunt was conveniently working the late shift and wouldn't be in for another 5 hours at least.
His heart raced.
Her nerves were shot.
His head dipped down.
Her eyes slowly began to close.
His eyes zeroed in on her lipgloss covered lips.
Screw it, he thought being the one to make the first move as he roughly placed his lips on hers. Immediately she kissed him back her arms wrapping around his neck as he pulled her body closer to his. It wasn't her first kiss, though he was her first at 13, and she had a boyfriend - one Erik despised- but this was new territory for them. She had the biggest crush on her best friend as well; He was unknowingly in love with her. She undoubtedly felt the same.
Time moved slowly, and soon his shirt was off and so was hers, leaving her in nothing but a black bra as she straddled him. Her hands traced the small dips in his back as he trailed kisses along her neck. Lona let out a small moan grinding into him a bit.
Her pager snapped them out of it.
Reluctantly she untangled herself from him and found her glasses before grabbing the device and reading the message.
"Crap I've got to." Alona looked over to him, thankful her blush wasn't as apparent on her chocolate complexed cheeks. "We're suppose to leave in 2 hours and I've got to finish packing."
Erik just nodded, handing her her shirt as she mumbled a 'thank you' which he thought was adorable.
Quietly the two gathered her papers and books and put them away just how he knew she liked. When she had everything, he gently took her hand taking his sweet time walking her to the door.
Neither said a word, both stuck in the own thoughts. Alona was the first to break it upon noticing the way Erik was staring at her side profile.
"What are you looking at," she asked a slight told in her head.
"You. I just wanna remember you just like this. In all your beauty. Glasses and all." He tucked one of her coils back in its place.
With a blush and a small smile she hesitantly leaned forward before placing one last kiss upon his lips. Erik savored this moment, for he knew it be the last.
"I'll see you on Monday, N'Dajaka,"
He felt a slight loss when their hands disconnected and watched as she disappeared behind the wooden door.
Erik was fully aware he was moving this weekend. The weekend she'd be going to Sacramento for her family reunion. He wasn't scared of anyone or anything , for he knew the challenges he'd have to face to get where he was going. Erik was by no means a coward.
Except when it came to this.
He couldn't tell her he was leaving. His aunt Mag had finally given up on him and was sending him to even greater distant relative to stay in Harlem. It had been 2 weeks he had known this was going to happen, yet he refused to watch the heartbroken look she'd don once he broke the news. It wasn't like he had a choice. No, things were much better off this way.
He never really did goodbye's anyway.
Alona is my baby and I just knowwwww shorty gonna be heart broken 😩
Anywho...see y’all on Wednesday? 😬😅
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @readingaddict1290 @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0
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writing-red · 4 years
The Onyx Ring | 6
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Chapter six of the Silver Letter series. It’s their sixth year, Draco and the reader are placed in an arranged marriage by their pureblood families, expected to follow through they navigate their feelings for each other amongst the many other social pressures at Hogwarts.
Word Count: 8.2k
A/N: So, I am middle-eastern and I rarely find the opp. in fics for that to fit, and since I talk about family history in this chapter I wanted to make the reader’s ethnicity open ended. Just keep that in mind when the reader’s family history comes up. Also note that I made some changes here and in chp. 5 to incorporate titles because I can ;)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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You spent Wednesday and Thursday holed up with Draco in his room healing. The wounds on your back pertinent and angry; the pain there to remind you of your sins against the family no matter what you did or what you took. Not only that but you knew the scars he left would last, layered atop the old. In order to gain some privacy, Draco had told Narcissa that you’d broken your leg and that you were just waiting on the potion to do its job, it usually took two to three days, so the lie served its purpose, and Narcissa left you both alone in order to allow you to heal. The entire time you virtually didn’t leave Draco’s bed, he’d go to your room if you wanted a book or a particular sweater, although admittedly, you were using the situation as an excuse to wear Draco’s. Zilsey would bring you both food and magically tend to your wounds so that Draco wouldn’t have to risk getting in trouble for using magic outside of school.
Throughout Thursday, you laid in Draco’s arms as he read your classic muggle books aloud to you, although you were keen on forcing him to read your favourite, Pride and Prejudice. Less because you wanted to read it, which you certainly did, but more because you wanted him to read it.
“‘Oh! She is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and I dare say very agreeable. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.’
‘Which do you mean?’ and turning round he looked for a moment at Elizabeth, till catching her eye, he withdrew his own and coldly said: ‘She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me.’” Draco paused after reading the section aloud
“Mmm,” you breathed as you looked up at him. “Why have you stopped?”
“Well, doesn’t he know that Elizabeth can hear him? I mean, that’s quite rude,” Draco huffed, and you giggled despite the pain it caused in your ribs.
“Draco, it is just a story,” you smiled, amused by his investment so early into the novel.
“Yes, but Elizabeth is clearly too good for him,” he said, still frustrated with the fictional Mr. Darcy’s actions.
“Merlin, I wonder how she feels,” you teased him, lightly referring to your own situation.
“I wasn’t ever this mean to you,” he huffed.
“Draco, don’t challenge me on this. As you will indeed lose. Now, unless you want such a lecture, I suggest that you continue reading,” you said playfully.
“Is that all I am to you, an audible library?” Draco asked, mocking pain.
“Yes, dear, that is the only reason why I lie here so that I can use you for that deeply, handsome voice of yours.”
“Fine then,” he said as he returned his gaze to the book. “Mr. Bingley followed his advice. Mr. Darcy walked off; and Elizabeth remained with no very cordial feelings toward him.”
“Draco,” you interrupted, your voice plainly displaying that you were not paying attention.
“Yes?” he asked, looking away from the book again.
“Come here,” you muttered as you propped yourself up on your elbows in an attempt to get closer to his lips.
“Are you trying to distract me from Jane Austen with physical affection?” he asked, sounding as you had truly hurt his feelings.
“Just one?” you asked, “Then I will let my library get back to his very important duties.”
“Fine,” he huffed as he leaned down and caught your lips with his. The kiss was warm and pleasant, and it made you forget about your pain for a moment as you were happy to lose yourself in his soft lips. “Is that what you wanted?” He asked after you both pulled away.
“Precisely,” you said, an entirely satisfied smile gracing your face.
“Good,” he said, smirking, but glad to see you in such good spirits considering you spent most of Wednesday in and out of panic attacks and nightmares. It pained him to see you in such a state, yet it comforted him that he was able to be there for you through it.
You lowered yourself back down and laid your head on Draco’s thigh as he cleared his throat and continued reading. “She told the story, however, with great spirit among her friends; for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous.”
The two of you spent the rest of the day reading, Draco pausing anytime he had questions or a vote of confidence for Elizabeth, becoming increasingly excited by Lizzie and Mr. Darcy’s interactions. While you continuously had to remind him that you did not intend on spoiling the book for him. You found it interesting how things had shifted between the two of you since just yesterday; you didn’t know that you’d had it within you to trust him the way that you suddenly did. You were sure that you would hate him till you were on your deathbed, and you had been determined to push away any feelings for him. Somehow you now found yourself laying in his lap, essentially trusting him with your life, your secrets, and your traumas, essentially handing your heart to him on a golden platter. And you were nervous to go back to school, that the petty drama, secrets, sneaking around, and lies would return to your relationship, but you refused to dwell on that for the time being.
Friday morning, while you were still asleep, Draco snuck out of bed to find his mother, he was determined to protect you from your parents, and after what they did to you, he didn’t want them back in his house. Aside from the wedding, he didn’t want them around you at all. He was sure that if he told his mum the truth about what happened, she would feel the same way. Draco dressed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, where he knew his mother would be. Since his dad has been in Azkaban, she had stopped eating in the dining room instead, taking her breakfasts early in the kitchen.
“Mother,” Draco greeted as he entered the kitchen.
“Draco dear, how is Y/n’s leg?” Narcissa asked, setting down her copy of the Daily Prophet when she noted her son’s entrance.
“That’s what I was hoping to speak with you about,” he said as he leaned against the kitchen island. “Leave us, elf,” he assumed the traits he was raised to bear easily around his mum, and Zilsey quickly skittered out of the kitchen.
“Is something wrong?” She asked.
“Well, she didn’t break her leg mum, Wednesday when Sir Y/l/n pulled her away from lunch, she didn’t trip and break her leg, her father beat her nearly to death, he used the splitting curse on her, she had nearly bled out by the time I found her,” Draco explained. “Now, I don’t want either of them over again except for the wedding, and even then, I don’t want them having any contact or control over her.”
“Draco, it is not our place to interfere in the way William and Layah choose to discipline their children,” Narcissa said, hiding the pain she felt for her future daughter-in-law with complete neutrality.
“Excuse me? You’ve got to be joking! You should see her back; it’s been ripped to shreds by that bastard, she’s got a bloody scar reaching from her eye to the bottom of her face, and no potion or spell has been able to get rid of it,” exclaimed Draco in anger.
“Draco,” Narcissa warned, her voice remaining low and quiet.
“Don’t do that. Just because you can’t stand up for me when father reprimands me doesn’t mean you have to let the same thing happen to her.”
“Draco,” Narcissa repeated, her voice tighter this time, rising from her seat. “If her parents have decided that she has done something that demands scolding, then they will handle that as they see fit. It is not our place to interfere. And you shall not be referring to your future father-in-law with such language.”
Draco pushed the tears that were pooling in the back of his eyes away, he refused to show such weakness in front of his mother. “How could you simply turn a blind eye to this?” He questioned. When he was met with dead silence, he nodded, “I see, mother, I will be retiring to my room then,” he said, turning to leave.
“Before you go,” she said, stopping her son in his tracks although Draco did not turn to face his mother. “I expect you to propose to Y/n using the family ring tomorrow night as is expected in our families traditions, I believe you have the ring?”
Draco simply nodded in confirmation before striding out of the kitchen.
Narcissa remained standing with her head held high, only collapsing into her seat when she was sure that Draco was half-way back to his room. She pushed all thoughts of the torture you endured at the hands of your parents, her friends, out of her head.
When Draco made his way back to his room, he found you out of bed and nowhere to be found, which he thought to be a bit worrisome.
“Y/n?” He called.
“I’m in your closet,” you called, and he let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto his bed.
“It sounds like you’re feeling better,” he commented, although you could hear the distress in his voice.
“I am, it still hurts, but it’s nothing I haven’t felt before,” you said as you stepped out of his closet in a perfectly oversized white knit sweater of his and one of your pairs of jeans. “Although it sounds like you have something going on, does it happen to have anything to do with where you disappeared to this morning?”
“I just had a conversation with my mother,” he said as he dropped his head into his hands.
You sat next to him and put a kind hand on his shoulder, “do you want to talk about it, or do you want to go walk around the gardens?”
“Let’s get outside, the sun is out, and it’d be nice to show you around out there,” he said as he met your eyes and matched your smile, trying his best to put his conversation with his mum out of his head.
“Sounds lovely,” you said as you stood up and reached a hand out to him.
Draco took your hand and stood up, but before he really could think about anything, he pulled you into a tight embrace, only knowing that he wanted to hold you as close as he could.
The hug surprised you at first, taking you off guard, but after a moment, you felt yourself melt into his arms, your two bodies fitting perfectly with one another’s as if you were meant to hold one another. He rested his head on your shoulder and continued to hold you, you could feel his desperation, and you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t be the one to let go. Although eventually, he slowly released you, taking a moment to observe you and take in your beauty.
“Ready?” he asked, his voice now somehow lower.
You simply nodded as he took your arm in his and the two of you made your way downstairs and out onto the platform that led out into Malfoy Manor’s extensive and stunning gardens. Despite the beautiful spectacle displayed before you, again, you were affronted by a cold and unnatural thing. The gardens and mazes were filled with the darkest colours nature could serve, and overlooking them were statues of cruel-looking men whom you often found stalking around in the portraits within the manor, and each of their statues was accompanied by snakes and peacocks.
The two of you silently descended into the gardens, and Draco led you into the towering maze.
“I used to run around through here when I was little. I know it like the back of my hand,” he said as he led you down one of the forks in the maze. “I don’t think anyone else in my family knows it so well.”
“It’s intimidating,” you admitted, to which he responded with a nod. “This whole place is.”
“I think they built it like that on purpose,” he admitted, leading you down another twist in the path. “Apparently, the first Lucius of our family acquired the land, and when Queen Elizabeth I rejected his hand in marriage, he retired from court and focused on the building of the manor.”
“My great-grandfather burned any proof that our family ever fraternized with muggles, although I’m sure they were title obsessed back when they could be. However, I do know that our family didn’t come to England until 1889.”
“Our families certainly are interesting,” he said with a certain level of distaste.
Since your first year, Draco had proudly boasted that his family was better than so many others, something you had always despised about him. Therefore, it amused you to see him refer to his family in any way that didn’t display reverence. You would continue with the topic, but you were sure that the trees could hear you.
Draco continued to lead you through the maze until you found yourself in a peaceful little clearing covered in an assortment of small wildflowers, the clearing resembling a small meadow, and with the clouds gone and the sun shining, you found it to be particularly lovely. In the middle lay a blanket, a basket, and a series of foods and teas laid out.
You looked over at Draco once you registered it, “How in the world did you manage this?” You asked in disbelief of what was before you.
“House-elves are pretty crafty, Y/n,” he said, a proud smirk rising to his face, and you shook your head as you laughed.
He led you over to the blanket, where a floor pillow was situated amongst all of the treats. “Draco, this is too much,” you said as he sat down on his own cushion.
“Impossible,” he said, his smirk returning to his face. “Entirely impossible to be ‘too much’ when it comes to you, darling.”
The two of you broke into the expertly prepared food and tea as you continued talking about whatever came to mind, Draco complimenting you at any opportunity he found, about how the sun made your eyes sparkle, how he loved your laugh, and so on; and with every word he spoke to you, you found yourself falling further in love with him. His voice was a perfect melody you wished would never stop playing, his eyes twinkled when you were around, and he just had you absolutely entranced. And what was even better than watching his perfectly crafted hands pour you tea was watching him finally open up to you. For a while now, you had firmly believed that there was something more to him, that he was hiding his real self from you, and now you finally had proof. You planned on talking about it more when you got back to school as you were both afraid that the walls, the trees, and the paintings were listening in on you, but you were excited to see Draco Malfoy turn into the truly good person you knew existed within him. The person that existed out of his parents control.
As you finished eating, Draco placed all of the dishes into the basket before you, exchanging them for your still unfinished copy of Pride and Prejudice. Excited, you laid down with your head in Draco’s lap, basking in the sunlight, which you hadn’t seen since you left school, as he cracked open the book and begun to read. You only had a few chapters left, and you were quite excited for him to reach the end of the novel.
You listened attentively as he read; as always, you were able to refuse yourself the indulgence of listening to him speak, “Her father had most cruelly mortified her, by what he said of Mr. Darcy’s indifference, and she could do nothing but wonder at such a want of penetration, or fear that perhaps, instead of his seeing too little, she might have fancied too much,” Draco read, turning the page and moving on to the next chapter. You cracked a smile, knowing that he would just adore what was to come.
“‘If you will thank me,’ he replied, ‘let it be for yourself alone. That the wish of giving happiness to you might add force to the other inducements which led me on, I shall not attempt to deny. But your family owe me nothing. Much as I respect them, I believe I thought only of you.’” you were excited by the joy and intention Draco was carrying in his voice, almost as if he had read ahead and practised, but when he skipped ahead a line, you knew something was up, “‘You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.’” Draco read as he delicately placed a silver ring decorated with curving leaves and set with a small amber gem in the centre on the top of your hand, which was resting lazily on Draco’s calf.
In contrast with the warm sun, the cold metal shocked you as you realised that he was using Jane Austen to propose to you. Draco closed the book while keeping his thumb in between the pages as to not lose your place. He looked down at you with a smile that rivalled even the sun.
“My mother is going to make me propose in front of your parents during Christmas dinner,” he admitted as you rose into a sitting position and twisted to face him, immediately making and maintaining eye contact. “I wish we could wait, that we could have more time but, I have fallen too hard for you to allow anyone to force me to propose to you, you don’t deserve it in the least, and this is a moment that our parents shouldn’t be allowed to control.”
You placed the ring between his thumb and forefinger of his right hand and then guided it onto your ring finger on your left hand. “‘Elizabeth, feeling all the more than common awkwardness and anxiety of his situation, now forced herself to speak; and immediately, though not very fluently, gave him to understand that her sentiments had undergone so material a change, since the period to which he alluded, as to make her receive with gratitude and pleasure his present assurances.’” You quoted the passage from memory in response to Draco, and as a way to say yes to his proposal. “Thank you, Draco, and I want you to know that if the situation had been different, I still would have said yes.”
Despite his bright smile, a tear slipped from the platinum-haired boy’s eye, startling you. You really hadn’t ever expected to see Draco Malfoy cry, even a solitary tear.
“Draco, dear, what’s wrong?” you asked as you wiped the tear away with your thumb, leaving your hand to rest on his cheek.
“Y/n, you’re being forced to marry someone who could get you killed,” he said, his voice lowering and becoming melancholy.
You sat up and turned to face him, taking his hands in yours, “It’s the opposite, you’re the one saving me from my parents. I don’t know what you mean,” you said, concerned at his sudden change in demeanour.
“He knows, he knows that I love you, and he’ll kill you if I don’t do what he’s asked me to do,” Draco said, his eyes cast down.
“Who, Draco?”
“Voldemort,” Draco whispered, barely audible. “He’s demanded that I kill Dumbledore by the end of the year in order to make up for my father’s mistakes at the ministry,” he admitted. “And if I don’t do it, he’ll kill you.”
Your eyes widened in shock as you processed what Draco told you, all of Harry’s theories finally making sense. Even more so, all of Draco’s nerves and mood swings over the year finally coming to light, why he had been so hesitant to admit his feelings for you, his possessive nature finally making sense.
“Y/n, you’re so good, such a good person,” he said as another tear slid down his cheek. “You are so much braver than I am. You were able to denounce all of this while I let them turn me into one of them.” You felt the pain in his voice resonate in your chest. “While I terrorised you and your friends, and even now as I plan to murder our headmaster, you continue to find a way to show me more kindness and love than I have ever experienced.”
“Draco, I love you, and you’re wrong. You aren’t them,” you whispered as you gestured to the manor. “If you were, you would have left me to bleed under my father’s boot. You wouldn’t have tried to protect me from him,” you said as you placed your hand on his shoulder. “I know that what you’re doing comes not from a place of evil but from necessity and that all will be right in the end because we will find a way to come out on the right side of the war. I promise that as long as we have one another, things will be okay.” You promised with all sincerity. “Now, the sun is setting, and it’s about to get frigid out here. I say we head back up to your room, and I finish reading Pride and Prejudice to you.”
“I thought that was my job,” he said, the smile slowly returning to his face.
“Well, I think that it is fair of me to want to cheer up my fiancé,” you said, matching his smile.
“Admittedly, I’ve wanted to hear your Mr. Darcy interpretation,” he teased.
“I don’t think it’ll be half as good as yours,” you admitted, glancing down at the ring on your finger, which wasn’t a symbol of the life you were losing but the love you were gaining. “Thank you for this, Draco.”
“Anything for you, my darling,” he said as he reached a hand out to you, which he used to pull you up to your feet and into a kiss in which you melted into Draco. His lips were still warm from the sun and so soft on yours. When he pulled away, you sighed from the loss of touch, yet also in satisfaction.
You collected the remnants of the picnic, along with the book, which suddenly held so much more value in your eyes, and you followed Draco out of the maze and back to the Manor. You were so engrossed in your thoughts and in Draco that you completely forgot about the other residents of the mansion. Although, you were swiftly reminded as when you entered through the large, French style, doors you were affronted by a stoic-faced Narcissa occupying the centre of the room, clearly anticipating your return.
“Good evening, Narcissa,” you greeted warmly.
“Good evening,” she returned coldly. “Glad to see that your leg is better,” she said despite the terrible red scar that now obviously occupied your cheek. “Since tomorrow is Christmas, and essentially our final day together, I have the day planned to the minute. Throughout the morning, we shall be finalizing wedding plans, which require both of your thoughts. Then Draco, you will have time to complete your errand before you return to get ready for Christmas dinner with the Y/l/n’s. Sunday, the two of you will pack and prepare for your return to Hogwarts. We start our day at precisely eight.”
“We will see you at the dining table at eight then,” Draco matched her tone, clearly unfazed by his mother’s sudden coldness, which had uniquely caught you by surprise. This was a side of the woman you hadn’t seen yet.
“Good night, Narcissa,” you said, trying to push aside your shock as Draco pulled you out of the entryway and upstairs to his room.
When you made it inside, Draco closed the door behind you and looked you dead in the eyes, “tomorrow, you don’t get a second of alone time with them. No matter what, I’m by your side.”
“You don’t have to convince me,” you smiled grimly, and he sighed in relief. “Now, lay down, dear. We have a book to finish.”
The two of you cuddled up into one another’s side as you finished reading the book aloud. To your satisfaction, just as you finished the book, Draco started prompting you to softly run your hands through his perfect platinum blonde hair, which in the days without styling or care had begun to curl into soft waves. At some point, you fell asleep with the light still on and your precious copy of Pride and Prejudice open on your lap. Yet, you slept that night without a nightmare or a negative thought, your mind and body entirely at peace wrapped up in Draco’s arms.
You awoke to bright morning light flooding into the room, which startled you as you still felt Draco by your side. You slowly drew yourself up and looked over to see Alexis, your wedding planner standing by your bed, assuming it had been her who had opened the curtains.
“Alexis?” You asked groggily, confused by her presence in your fiancé’s room. “Why aren’t you home? It’s Christmas.”
“Lady Malfoy asked me here,” she said. “She also asked me to retrieve you, miss, as well as Master Malfoy.”
You nodded, “we’ll get dressed and be down shortly.”
She responded with a bow of her head, then she swept out of the room, closing the door fast behind her.
“What in the world was that about?” Draco groaned, eyes still closed.
“Your mother sent the bloody wedding planner up here to wake us,” you said, in complete disbelief of Narcissa’s decision to do so.
“Mm-alright,” he said as he sat up, kissing you on the cheek before sliding out of bed.
“I’m going to slip into my room and grab a dress,” you said as you stretched out your arms before standing.
“Alright, darling,” Draco said as he disappeared into his closet to get dressed himself.
The two of you got ready relatively quickly, donning appropriately formal clothing and descended downstairs and into the dining room together, where Narcissa and Alexis were already talking, papers, linen samples, and photographs spread out amongst tea, fruits, and other miscellaneous breakfast items.
“Good morning,” you greeted as a polite way to announce your arrival.
“Oh, good, we’ve been waiting for you two,” Narcissa said, looking up as you entered the dining room. “Sit, we have a lot to get through.” While she wasn’t as cold as she was last night, she wasn’t the same kind motherly woman who had offered you her dress for your wedding.
You and Draco assumed seats next to each other as Narcissa occupied the head of the table and Alexis sat across from you. Immediately, you were bombarded with questions, confirmations that Draco liked the choices you had made last week, ornate changes Narcissa recommended, and series more decisions you had never considered went into wedding planning. Occasionally, you would lean over to Draco and whisper some joke or terrible comment into his ear, and he would have to stifle his laughter which inherently bothered both Alexis and Narcissa as they were suddenly convinced that neither of you was taking this seriously. As afternoon approached Narcissa dismissed Draco, much to your dismay you were left alone with the two women who buckled down on you the second he was gone.
Eventually, Narcissa dismissed you and Alexis, allowing you to go and change and for Alexis to finally make her way home. Although, you were convinced that she didn’t care about that, instead sticking to her oh-so-important schedule. You made your way up to your room, Draco nowhere to be seen, you slipped into your room where you found the black gown your mother had packed for this exact occasion; it even had a note on it that read, ‘wear for Christmas dinner.’ Not in any particular mood to disobey, you donned the dress. While it did not come with a corset, it was quite tight and held your core in as if it were one. After dressing, you sat in front of the vanity to don the face that would get you through the night. Despite the time you took on your hair and makeup, hoping you would waste enough time so Draco would be ready and you wouldn’t have to face whatever was downstairs alone. However, when you made your way down, you found both the entrance hall and the few sitting rooms to be empty, leaving you to admire the decorations that had gone up in the last hour you had been spending getting ready. Classical music was drifting through the first floor, and the decorations which were already there had been accompanied by more lavish ornaments circled throughout the space, which was almost entirely lit by warm candle-light. Had the manor not been another prison for you, you may have some capacity for admiration of its beauty.
“Oh, well, hello there,” you heard the sharp and twisted voice you hadn’t heard since the battle in the Department of Mysteries.
In response, you shot around to see Draco standing next to his Aunt Bellatrix Lestrange as they were standing in the entryway before you. “Lady Lestrange,” you said, bowing your head respectfully.
“Draco, this is the girl?” she asked her nephew as she crept towards you.
“Yes, Aunt Bellatrix, this is her, Y/n Y/l/n,” he spoke formally.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, ma’am. I’ve been told that you’re a great witch,” you said, your head still bowed. To say that Lestrange intimidated you was a grand understatement.
“Enough flattery, girl, it will get you nowhere,” she said as she circled you, inspecting you.
“Bella,” Narcissa greeted warmly as she descended the stairs into the hall.
“Cissy,” Bellatrix responded, turning away from you to greet her sister.
You used the opportunity to make your way to Draco’s side, Bellatrix’s appearance at the dinner, both shocking and nerve-racking. Having to deal with your parents was one thing; Bellatrix Lestrange was a whole other beast.
“Watch your mind,” Draco muttered in your ear as he snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. “She’s a powerful Occlmens.”
You nodded in response, watching as the sisters greeted each other. “How were your errands?” You asked.
“Fine, we can talk about them later.”
“What are we waiting for?” Bellatrix asked her sister, clearly unaware of the plans for the evening.
“The Y/l/n’s, Y/n’s parents are set to arrive in a matter of moments,” Narcissa said. “Then it will just be the six of us, an intimate affair.”
Perfect timing as always, your parents popped into the room through the grand fireplace, green smoke billowing around their feet.
“Hello, Narcissa, Bellatrix,” your father greeted the two witches. “Happy Christmas.”
“Yes, Happy Christmas, William,” Narcissa greeted, her warmth and kindness suddenly flooding back.
“Bellatrix, oh, I haven’t seen you since the summer. How have you been?” Your mother greeted.
“I have been quite well, Layah,” Bellatrix said, a note of sadism to her voice. “Lovely to see you both.”
“Let us make our way to the sitting room. I know we have quite a bit to discuss,” Narcissa said as she eyed Draco, likely referring to the proposal he was meant to make.
Everyone followed Narcissa into the sitting room, sifting out to where they were meant to sit. You and Draco on a loveseat near the Christmas tree, Bellatrix and Narcissa sitting on armchairs adjacent to one another, and your mother and father on a couch together. As you all situated yourselves flutes of champagne appeared at everyone’s side.
“Now, Narcissa I know you said that we weren’t focusing on gifts,” your father spoke up. “But I was thinking, and since Draco is to be my son-in-law, I thought it would be appropriate for me to give him this.” William rose and crossed over to where the two of you were sitting to hand Draco a long, elegantly wrapped, box.
“Thank you, sir,” Draco said, accepting the box.
“Go ahead and open it,” your father said jovially as he returned to his seat.
Draco split the wrapping along the seam, leaving a black jewellery box, opening it he revealed a silver wizard’s watch, the one your father had given to William for his seventeenth birthday. You swallowed your shock, refusing to show the pain that echoed in your heart on your face. Yet, you weren’t surprised at your father using Draco as a replacement for what he killed.
“Thank you, sir. It’ll be an honour to wear this.”
William beamed, twisting his face into a nasty smile, “I’m glad you think so, boy.”
“How kind of you, William,” Narcissa piped.
“Actually,” you chimed in. “While Draco and I were out last week, I picked this up for you. It’s small, but I thought it’d be nice for you to have them for the wedding.” You made your way across the room to hand Narcissa the impeccably wrapped, tiffany blue box. “And Draco got something for you as well, mother,” you said, then walking to her to hand her the black velvet jewellery box.
“Darling, you didn’t have to do this,” Narcissa smiled kindly as she opened the box.
You returned to your spot next to Draco, taking his hand in yours.
Narcissa pulled out the drop pearl earrings, the smile remaining on her face. “Y/n, this is so sweet, thank you.”
“I’m so glad you like them,” you said, returning her smile.
Layah opened her gift, revealing a fine diamond and emerald decorated bracelet that fit into her jewellery collection well. “Draco, this was quite thoughtful of you,” she said, her lack of gratitude bothering you.
“You’re welcome, ma’am,” he said, nodding his head.
“Well, this is quite boring, isn’t it?” Bellatrix chimed in. “It’s a bit of a drag.”
“Is that because no one got you a gift, ma’am?” you asked sarcastically, quickly taking on the ‘ma’am’ as you noticed the gravity of you using such humour in that room.
Silence fell upon everyone in the room, and you could feel your parents sharp glare fall upon you instructing you that you had made a-
A shrill laugh erupted from Bellatrix’s throat, interrupting the concern that fell upon your shoulders, “Oh, maybe I underestimated you, seems you’re not so boring after all,” she said, then continued to giggle, causing Narcissa and your parents to join in with uncomfortable chuckles and false smiles.
“I’m glad you think so,” Draco said, standing up from his spot next to you. “If no one minds I would like to steal this moment to do something quite important.” Once he received looks or nods of recognition Draco turned to face you, bending down onto one knee, he looked up at you and knowing that only you could see his face he shared a bright, kind smile you had only seen when the two of you had been alone. “Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, throughout our years of knowing each other, growing up with one another, attending school together I only ever imagined a life with you. When my mother informed me of our arrangement I was overcome with delight at the prospect of joining hands with another great Wizarding family,” You were not surprised by the loveless and prideful nature of the proposal, this was not for you, it was for your father and for his mother. Draco pulled out a ring, something dark, ornate, and clearly ancient. “Now, it is with great admiration for you and your family that I ask you to be my wife,” he said, looking up at you expectedly.
“It would be my honour to uphold the noble name of Malfoy, and therefore the name of Y/l/n, through becoming your wife,” you said, the acceptance taught to you, forced down your throat, word for word by your mother. While you accepted, Draco slipped the engagement ring onto your bare ring finger, the one he had given you yesterday residing on the opposite hand for the time being. As he did so light, polite applause filled the room.
“The two of you do make a handsome couple,” Narcissa smiled, and you couldn’t tell whether or not the curving of her lips was genuine.
“Absolutely,” your mother hissed. “Draco, we are pleased to be inviting you into the family.”
Accolades for Draco, for you, and for the two of you as a couple continued on until dinner was announced. Dinner itself droned on for hours, and drinks afterwards droned on for hours, you felt as if you were a puddle by the time the evening was over. As usual, you spent most of the night silently observing those around you, although Bellatrix would occasionally drag you into conversation in an attempt to read you. The dinner was like the lunch before and the dinner before that, and every, single, individual, societal event you had attended in your life. You yearned to return to Draco’s room fall into his arms and shed the night, the terrible forced proposal, and the stank of society from your shoulders. Eventually and thankfully you did, both of you quick to wish ‘Happy Christmas’ and ‘Goodnight’ to your parents as well as his mother and aunt. Then, of course, swiftly retreating to Draco’s bedroom. Both of you exhausted trading the confining clothing you wore throughout the evening for sweaters and pyjama pants, then collapsing onto the mattress and into one another’s arms.
The next morning you awoke first to find Draco’s arm draped over your torso, and his face nuzzled into your neck. You smiled, happy to see him so peaceful, and terribly sad that you would have to disturb that peace. You slowly started running your hands through his wavy platinum blonde hair, taking in how handsome he looked as he slept.
“Merlin, it’s Sunday, isn’t it?” Draco asked.
“Yes, darling, it is.”
Draco emitted a pained groan and curled his arms around you to pull you tightly into him, “that means I won’t get to hold you like this ‘till June.”
You giggled at his pain, “I’m sure we will find a way, Draco.”
“You know, this is the worst thing about you being a Gryffindor,” he said with distaste. “If you were a Slytherin we wouldn’t have this issue.”
A pleasant smile rested on your face, “Draco, we wouldn’t have this issue if you were a Gryffindor,” you countered.
“As if, Y/n,” he scoffed, you laughed again, and Draco was sure that your laugh could rival the brightness of the sun. He drew away from only for a second so that he could kiss you and experience that brightness for himself. The kiss lasted for a blissful moment before he pulled away to take you in for just a moment.
“You’re beautiful, Y/n,” he said, brushing a piece of hair out of your face.
You smiled up at him, “you’re too nice, Draco.”
“I am the complete opposite,” he countered and your smile widened.
“Come now, we have to get you packed,” you said, gesturing to his closet.
“Y/n, that sounds miserable,” he lamented.
“Darling, as badly as I want to lay in bed with you all day, I also wish to return to school.”
“Fine,” he said, dramatic as ever. “But only because I love you.”
“Thank you,” you said as you planted a swift kiss on his cheek before rolling out of the bed.
It didn’t take you long to get your things together since you didn’t bring much and because most of your things were staying at the Manor considering you were essentially moving in. When you finished, you helped Draco pack his things up, and you were sure to include some of his sweaters which you had come to love so much. After you were both done, you made your way downstairs where Narcissa was waiting.
You stood in front of the fireplace, excited to finally be leaving the terribly dark home. “Narcissa thank you again for having me. I am truly excited to return for summer,” you lied through your teeth, doing your best to make the statement as believable as possible. At the end of the term, you would go to your home for a day in order to pack up whatever you wanted to bring along with you to your new life. From then on you would reside at Malfoy Manor, at the very least until the end of the war, then it would be expected for you and Draco to live alone until Lucius handed the Manor over to his son. Unless of course, the war turned against Voldemort’s favour.
“Y/n, it was lovely getting to know you. I am incredibly excited for the wedding,” she responded and you smiled. 
“So am I ma’am, and thank you for including me in so much of the planning.”
Narcissa nodded, a tight smile on her lips.
“Well, you two have a good semester, and Draco, please write,” she said as she brushed her son’s shoulder as many mother’s do.
“Of course, mother,” he said before turning to you. “Y/n, would you like to go first?”
You nodded, “thank you again, Narcissa.” And with that, you stepped into the fireplace with floo powder in hand, “Hogwarts!” You shouted clearly, disappearing in a green cloud with Draco not far behind.
To your surprise, you found yourself in Professor McGonagall’s office. You quickly became aware of your surroundings, and dusted the powder off of your jeans before stepping out of her fireplace and onto her carpet. “Hello Professor, I hope you had a happy holiday.”
“Thank you, Miss. Y/l/n, it was nice, quiet without Mr. Potter around to stir the pot,” she said as she looked up, a warm smile on her face.
“Well he is known for that, isn’t he,” you conceded, knowing you were often a part of the trouble.
“Dear, Y/n, your face, what happened?” McGonagall’s face twisting into concern as she noticed the still fresh raised red scar reaching across your face.
“Oh,” you raised a hand to touch the scar, having forgotten to come up with an excuse for the visibly wound. “Just a freak cooking accident, it seems I-I manage just as much trouble when I’m home as when I’m here,” you said, adding a fake laugh to try and convince her that all was fine, although you were sure she could read right through you.
“Y/n, if you need anything,” she said, her eyes falling on the engagement ring on your finger. “Please feel free to speak to me.”
“Thank you, Professor, I’m going to go unpack now,” you said, wanting desperately to get out of the awkward situation.
“Of course,” she said. “I’ll see you in class Tuesday.”
You nodded, and swiftly left her office, making your way to the Gryffindor common room in the hopes of finding Harry, Ron, and Hermione, knowing you had a lot to explain. When you got to the common room, you were disappointed to discover that you were the first to arrive. You sufficed yourself to grabbing some food in the Great Hall, figuring if anyone was looking for you that would be an easy place to find you. However, your journey downstairs was swiftly interrupted.
“Y/N!” You heard Harry’s voice, and you turned around, excited to see your friend.
“Bloody hell, Y/n, what happened to your face?” Ron asked as you turned to face them.
“Seriously, Ronald?” Ginny scolded her brother.
“No, it’s fine, it was just my father,” you explained. The three of them knew plenty about your parent’s abuse.
“Merlin, he’s never-” Harry started, but you cut him off.
“I know, I’d really rather not get into it, it’s not like it’s a happy memory.”
“Yeah, of course,” he said, scratching the back of his head, unsure of what to say.
“Holy shit! Y/n is that an engagement ring?!” Ginny exclaimed, rushing over to you and grabbing your left hand to examine your ring finger.
“Why don’t we go to the common room and we’ll talk about the holiday there,” you said firmly, uncomfortable having this conversation in the middle of a hallway.
“That's probably a good idea,” Harry said, and the four of you made your way back towards the common room, and for extra precaution, you went up to the boy’s dorm which was empty, and thankfully didn’t smell as it often did since the boys hadn’t had the opportunity to stink it up just yet.
“So, how was Malfoy Manor?” Ginny asked teasingly as you all found places to sit around the room, you and Ginny taking Harry’s bed; mutually refusing to trust Ron’s.
“Well to make a long story short, the scar was caused by my father finding our letters, and according to tradition, Draco had to propose to me with our families present, and with his family ring. So, they had him propose last night,” you explained. “Malfoy Manor is a terrifying place, but I have been before,” you thought, and you knew you couldn’t just say that Draco was assigned by Voldemort to murder Dumbledore which is why he had been acting so weird, but you weren’t sure otherwise how to explain to your friends why Draco acts the way he does, and that he really is a good guy.
“What did Malfoy tell your dad about the letters?” Ron scoffed.
“No, of course, he didn’t,” you bit. “My father just spies on me. Draco is actually the reason my father didn’t end up killing me, and he really isn’t such a bad guy.”
“I’m sorry, but there is no way we are talking about the same guy who terrorised us at dinner and announced to the entire school that you were snogging Harry just a few weeks ago,” Ginny countered, and Harry’s face turned beet red.
“We’re talking about Malfoy, I presume?” Hermione asked as she entered the room.
“Hermione!” you greeted her warmly, excited to see her.
“Hello everyone,” she said as she assumed a seat near you. “So, what did I miss?”
Ginny quickly summarised the conversation thus-far, "And I don’t trust Malfoy in the least,” she said, shooting you an irritated look.
“Well I do, and considering it is my life I have no control over, I think that I get to at least decide whether or not I trust him. Anyways he’s proved himself over the holiday, and that’s all that matters, eh?”
“I still think you’re marrying a Death-Eater,” Harry said, confident in his accusation, which you of course knew was correct.
“And what if I am?” you asked. “Harry I am also the child of Death-Eater’s. Not only that, but my parents made it very clear that if I don’t marry him, I’m dead. And wouldn't you rather, when this war happens you have someone on the inside with your interest at heart? Harry I would rather die fighting for a cause than fighting myself.”
Everyone paused for a moment, it was oftentimes easy to forget the gravity of the situation you were all in, but your words made your friends conscious of everything for a moment.
“You all know where I stand,” you said, your eyes were watering, but your voice was firm. “And I intend on fighting with you; I just won’t be able to do so by your side. I assume you already knew that.”
“We just always hoped it would somehow turn out differently, Y/n,” Hermione said honestly. “But of course we understand.”
“Then you’ll also understand that this is likely my last term at Hogwarts,” you said, your voice lower this time.
“Yes,” Harry said quietly.
“So you’ll understand why I want this conversation to end and why I just want to spend time with my friends?” You asked as a tear dripped down your cheek.
Ginny wrapped you in a hug, Hermione quickly joining in, and you wiped the tear from your face. “We love you,” Ginny muttered, and you squeezed her tightly in response.
“What are you two doing over there?” Hermione chided Ron and Harry, ignoring her own tears. “Get over here and join the bloody hug!”
The boys both shook their heads, trying their best to push back their own emotions and joining the three of you in the hug which was quickly turning into a dog pile.
“Anyways, Draco is on our side,” you breathed.
Part 7 - Coming Soon
Everything - @sarcasticallywitty15 @fred-love-bot
Silver Letter - @hidejeon​​ @Ravenclawgurl137 @unexpectedly-slytherin @missmercurymoon @herequeerandstressed @lordfxxker@pillowjj@pointlesscoconut @lovelylangdonx @fire-in-her-veinz​ @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @oi-itsemily@lukehemmingslut831 @peachybeannn @lovebynorth@bubblesam06@voidnarnia @bethii1 @arthemis-o-negative@roseyrams@treestarrrrrrrr @streetfighterrichie @dreams-in-blxck​ @psychramt​​ @dracofeltonmalfoy @weasleydream​ @rottenhexrt@daringvixon @thatguppienamedbae @lord-byron
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 4 years
Camping Trip - Chp 1 (Frankie “Catfish” Morales x f!reader)
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Summary: The boys take a couple retreat weekend and Frankie doesn’t want to be the only one going alone. So he invites you his best friend since high school to come along. Will the trip finally push you two who have had crushes on each other for years together? Warnings: mutual pining, language Rating: General. Will change in future chapters. Masterlist AO3 Link Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Join my taglist via here! ___________________________________________________________ Frankie and the boys sat at the local bar discussing an upcoming camping trip. The Miller boys had a family cabin they inherited that the group often did weekend gatherings at. They wanted to do another weekend trip away but this time allow the significant others to join for a couple retreat. Everyone was all excited and down for it but Frankie sighed not too thrilled that he’d be going alone. He’s been single ever since the Colombia excursion and his lady left him after the events. “Hey cheer up Fish. You’ll still have fun!” Benny said. “You could bring a tinder date or a friend.” Santiago said. “I’m not getting a tinder date… I’m too old for that shit.” Frankie replied “Okay well a friend. What about that best friend of yours you’ve had since high school? Y/N?” Santiago asked. “I mean I guess I can ask. She’s already one of us so wouldn’t feel out of place.” He said. “Plus maybe a weekend away with her is just the push you need.” Benny picked, knowing Frankie’s had a crush on you since high school but never said anything in fear of ruining your friendship. Frankie rolled his eyes. “Shut up.” **** Later that evening as you sat at home watching tv you saw your phone light up with Frankie’s name. “Hey Fish! What’s up?” You asked, a smile on your face. “Hey so uh the boys and I are planning a weekend cabin trip next weekend. They’re all bringing their girls and I uhh… don’t want to be the only one not bringing someone. You already know us well and I think you’d get along with the girls. Would you want to come along if not doing anything? He asked nervously. “Fish, I’d love to come! You know anytime I can hang out with you is definitely a yes from me.” You chuckle. “Great great.” He chuckles back. “I’ll pick you up Thursday in the evening.” You confirm the arrangement and hang up the phone. You throw yourself back on the sofa and let out a big sigh. A whole weekend away with Frankie? During what is to be a couples retreat? Man this is going to be an interesting time. You’d had a crush on Frankie since high school and been with him through everything. The typical high school crap, him going off to the military, him coming home from the heist to find Maria had left with the baby who he can’t see anymore, his drug addictions and so much more. And he was there for you in return through things such as you going off to college and your rough engagement break off with Jim. You guys were like two peas in a pod and because of that you held off on saying anything to Frankie in fear of ruining and losing the thing you had going. **** The evening of the beginning of the trip, Frankie swung around after work and picked you up in his truck. You swear he’ll run that thing into the ground for he’s had it for years and seen it’s better days. “Ready to go?” He asks as you greet him at the door, him taking your bags from you. “Definitely. Thank you for inviting me. A trip away for some fun was definitely needed.” You smile. He smiles back and places your belongings into the back of the back seat of the truck before heading back to your side and opening your door for you, helping you up into the truck. Once back on his side he starts the truck and you two make your way on your journey to the cabin. The drive lasts for two hours but is a fun drive as you two chat about life, reshare memories, and jam to your favorite rock music. You guys arrive at the cabin pretty quickly and are met happily by the boys and their girls. “Hey Fish! You made it. And I see Y/N made it as well!” Santiago says bringing you both in for a hug. “Hey Pope. Good to see you again.” You smile, hugging him back. “You guys got the room upstairs to the right for the weekend.” Benny says. “Need help with bags?” “Nah I got it. Thanks.” Frankie says grabbing both your bags and heading into the cabin. You shake your head at him, taking more than he needs to and leaving you empty handed but follow him into the house to your designated room for the weekend. “Oh.” Frankie says as he drops the bags onto the floor in the corner. You wonder what had him a little shocked until you see the room only has one queen sized bed in the room. “I uh… I’ll make a cot on the floor for the weekend. You can take the bed.” He states quickly. “Fish… seriously?” You look at him, eyebrow raising a little. “You’re not sleeping on the floor in a cot.” “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable…” He says. “Oh my god. Grow up Fish… It’s fine. We’ve known each other for like half of our lives. Sharing a bed is nothing.” You chuckle, whacking him lightly on the chest. Frankie clears his throat and nods. “Y-yea…” Knowing this weekend is going to be torture for him even more so now. Once all your belongings are all settled in your room for the weekend you both head down to the kitchen to meet the rest of the gang and help them prepare for dinner. Santiago’s girl and Benny’s girl were both busy cooking while Will’s girl was setting the table. The boys were all standing around chatting and drinking. “Hey Fish, Y/N! All settled in?” Benny asked, giving Frankie a knowing wink. Frankie stared at him, glaring a bit and nodded. “Yea, I think we are.” He says grabbing a beer. You felt bad standing around and not helping the rest of the girls so went out to the dining room to help Will’s girlfriend finish setting up the table, leaving Frankie to chat with the boys. “Want some help?” You ask. “Oh! Sure thank you!” She smiles. “I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Shannon, Will’s girl. You must be Frankie’s girlfriend yes?” She extends her hand. “Oh… um. I’m not his girlfriend. Just a close old friend. My name is Y/N.” You shake her hand, blushing at hearing her call you his girlfriend. “Oh! My apologies. I just figured you were since is a couples retreat.” She chuckled. “It’s okay. I understand. I’m his plus one for the weekend so not so out of the loop.” You chuckle and help her finish setting the table. You all had gathered at the big table, passing the platters of food the girls cooked around and chatting about plans for the weekend. “I figured we can do bonfires most nights. Those are always fun. I know on Saturday us boys plan to go up into the mountains and do some shooting. So you girls can hang out and do… whatever girls do.” Benny said. “It’s so pretty out here we should do stargazing some night!” Will’s girl says. “Oh yea!” Santiago’s girl responds. “We can do that. There’s a nice clearing not to far from here we can go to and watch them.” Will responds. You all continue your chatter about the weekend not noticing how some of the girls are giving the interaction between you and Frankie looks. Already knowing you are both into each other. He has his arm draped across the back of your chair and anytime he says something or someone makes you laugh you lean into him, placing a hand on his chest. **** Later that evening you were all huddled around the campfire Santiago had made, roasting marshmallows and chatting. It was nice to spend time with your good friends and meet some new ones. The girls were really sweet. The boys were goofing off and tossing marshmallows back and forth trying to catch them in their mouths. All failing miserably for the most part which gave you all a good chuckle. The night was growing colder and you felt it as you shivered a bit, wishing you had grabbed a jacket but not wanting to leave the fun to run inside to get one. Frankie leans down from behind you and speaks into your ear, noticing you shiver. “You cold?” “A little. Should of brought my jacket out but I’m fine.” You reply. You feel a jacket drop onto your shoulder then and turn to look up at Frankie who is now in just his long sleeve shirt, having removed his thick jean jacket to keep you warm. “Fish… “ You start to say but he waves his hand to stop you, insisting you keep it. You sigh and smile, pulling your arms into it and laughing a little at how big it is on you. Frankie wasn’t a very big man but he was big enough that his stuff was baggy on you. You look back up at him and mouth a quite thank you, getting a nod in response. When you turn your head back to the group you see Santiago giving you a knowing smirk and you look at him confused before shaking it off. Not knowing Frankie behind you was returning that knowing smirk to him. **** That night you crawled into bed, snuggling under the plush covers watching as Frankie paced around the room getting ready for bed himself. “You sure your cool with this?” He asked again as he stood on his side of the bed. “Yes. Relax Fish.” You chuckled. He shut up and nodded, crawling under the covers beside you but making sure to keep a distance between you just to not push any boundaries. You let out a little chuckle in response and leaned over to turn off you nightstand light for you both to get some well needed shut eye before the adventures of the weekend start tomorrow.
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idorkish · 4 years
4 AM Cuddles Part 2
A/n: this is the second part. Again, , this is something I wrote back in 2016 on my original idorkish blog. I couldn't find it in the mess of posts from that, so I'm posting from scratch.
Part 1 Here
Tagged: @agustdowney
It had been a week since your departure from the Avengers’ Tower. You had told Natasha you were just going to visit some family for a while - which wasn’t a complete lie. That night you left, you had called Hank, and as predicted, he had offered you space at the mansion. You knew seeing your old team would be good for you. There were many times over the past years that you almost went back to them, but you knew you couldn't. You hadn’t wanted to use your powers anymore and no one in SHIELD knew, or at least they pretended not to know. Despite this, home was with the X-men and the students. 
You knew you didn’t have much time left before having to return to the Avengers, it was your job. The past week was spent reconnecting with your friends. You spent time with Piotr - drawing and painting together and helping the students in his classes. Other moments were spent with the girls - Jean & Ororo- shopping and gossiping. You also helped around with chores and classes, as needed. Charles insisted you use the time to rest but you loved helping with the children and they seemed to like you back. Most nights you spent in the lab with Hank. It was the most comforting place for you and you felt as if you had never left this space. Despite being close to other X-Men, everyone knew you and Hank were each other’s favorites.
The past week had been filled with nothing but joy and happiness. A few people questioned your real motives for returning but you dismissed them immediately. Charles and Jean were sure to know your real reasons but both kept their old promises of never invading your mind to poke around. Jean knew that with time, you would open up and tell what happened. Otherwise, she was glad to have one of her best friends back. 
You had at least another full week left before you would be forced to return. Knowing you would have to leave your family and friends again was hard and began to weigh on you. Late Thursday, you found your way to the roof of the mansion, your feet hanging over the sides. When younger, and still a student here, you would often find yourself up on the roof to get away from everyone. The quiet that came from being alone gave you time to think. You had taken off and immediately threw yourself into keeping yourself busy, that you never once gave yourself the time to think of what had happened and your next steps. Would you actually go back to the Avengers? You'd be forced to work with Tony and pretend that you never had an issue with him. You knew that if you went back, Natasha would figure everything out. The team wouldn't be the same. You could go back to being a normal agent, perhaps change office locations. But you loved being out in the field, fighting with the team was something you couldn't go back from. 
     Your other choice was to leave and stay at the Mansion. Charles would be more than willing to let you stay. You could work with the students in class or you could help Charles with admin things. Heck, you were sure Hank would be willing to make you his assistant if it meant you staying. The thought that disturbed you the most was that of running away from both and never returning. You knew you could leave in the middle of the night and they'd have a hard time finding you. Even with cerebro, it would take Charles time to find you and you'd be gone by the time they got there. 
“Bad day?” A voice called out making you scream and jump. 
You flailed about as you started to fall from the ledge back into the roof. The voice started laughing. 
“You ass,” you sighed when you realized the voice belonged to your blue ball of fuzz. “Damnit Fuzz, why do you enjoy sneaking up on me?” 
“Why do you insist on calling me Fuzz?” 
“I asked first, Hank.”
Hank walked toward you and helped you to your get before pulling you close and placing his hands on your waist. 
“Because, my dear, it is far too amusing and adorable to see you so lost in thought that you don't realize the amount of noise I do make to get your attention, yet you still get scared. So again, bad day?” 
Resting your forehead on his chest, all you could do was sigh and shrug. 
“Come on. You have to give me more than that.” 
You pulled away from your best friend and ran your hands down your face. 
“Just a lot to think about. I’ve made some bad choices lately and I’m not sure what to do anymore.” 
Hank stepped toward you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you back to his chest. Instinctively your arms wrapped around his waist and you snuggled against him. He looked down at the woman in his arms and sighed as he rubbed your back. 
“I got an idea. What about an ice cream and movie night? Like we used to do. I’ll grab the ice cream and spoons, you pick the corniest movie you can find, then you can vent to your dear ol’ Fuzz.” 
You let out a smile and nodded your head against his chest. “That sounds perfect. Meet in your room?” 
“Meet you there in 20 ok?” 
-Back at the Tower-
Natasha flopped down on the couch next to Clint and sighed. It had been a week since she had last seen her best friend and despite the messages that she was ok, Natasha couldn’t help but worry. 
“Ya know, if she says she’s ok, then you know she’s ok right?” Clint’s voice broke Natasha out of her thoughts and she nodded slowly. 
“I know, but it doesn’t feel right. She’s never talked about her family to me and we talk about everything. She would have told me something before taking off in the middle of the night while we’re all away. Do you think she’s in some sort of trouble?” 
It was not often that Natasha would show her worry. It was even rarer for Natasha to visibly be anxious. Clint sighed and grabbed her legs, pulling them onto his lap and massaging her calves slowly. 
“Tasha, calm down. Y/n is ok. She has another week before she’s back here. And we’ll probably see her at the party this weekend.” Throwing her head back against the sofa’s cushions, she let out a groan. 
“I forgot about that party! And we’ll be having ‘important people’, as Stark refers to them, there as well.” Clint let out a laugh and pushed her legs off his lap. 
“It’ll be fine. I got to go, training and all.”
Natasha half-heartedly waved at Clint. Pulling her phone, she shot off some quick messages. 
Tasha: y/n!!!! See you at the party right?! Miss you babe! :*
y/n: Tasha! <3 <3 Fingers crossed! Miss ya right back my baby spider! 
Tasha: Even if you aren’t here, help me pick out something, k? Skype? Pics? HELP! <3
y/n: Send me pics and I’ll help. I’m 90%  sure I’ll make it to the party. Pinky promise!
Tasha: Ugg, you’re killing me! I’m taking Wanda shopping tomorrow, we’ll send plenty of pics so be near your phone! OR ELSE
Y/n: lol I promise! I gotta get going. Need to help with dinner. LOVE YOU MI AMOR!
Natasha sighed and tossed her phone on the coffee table. She normally wouldn’t be this anxious but she knew something was off. Y/n would never keep things from her. Sighing, she shook her head. It would only be a few more days before the big party. She’d see Y/n there, for sure. Jumping to her feet, she made her way to the twins’ apartment area, “WANDA! We need to start planning for Saturday!”  
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
After an hour of binging on ice cream and corny 80s movies, you had finally vented to Hank about everything that happened, although you decided not to mention names. You knew that Hank wasn’t the biggest fan of Tony Stark, and you didn’t want him to look at you differently. 
“So, you slept with a co-worker behind everyone’s back and behind his partner’s back? You know you’re my best friend, and I won’t judge you, but that was a mistake,” Hank pointed his spoon at you before grabbing another spoonful of ice cream. 
“I know Fuzz! That’s why I broke it off! I couldn’t do it anymore and I didn’t want it to be awkward, but then it became awkward! I really thought I was in love with him ya know? Then I realized I was just being used and I pulled away from him. But then he started getting all weird,” pausing you shoveled a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth and sighed.
 “...and? Cmon, I’ve let you go the whole week without me asking anything. You were pretty anxious on the phone when you called. I’m worried about you Boo.” 
You smiled and chuckled at the nickname. You had called him Fuzz from day one of being friends, it was a name only you could call him. It wasn’t until you forced him to watch Monster’s Inc that he started calling you Boo. Scooting closer, you rested your head on Hank’s arm and sighed.
 “Hank, I was falling in love with a man who was already taken. I convinced myself that he would leave her because he obviously wasn’t happy with her. I kept telling myself that it would all work out. It wasn’t until he proposed to her that it all came crumbling down, but he still kept coming to me,” you sniffled and wiped at your nose. 
Hank shook his head and pulled you to sit between his legs and his arms wrapped around you. There were no words he could say to make your heart heal and it was in moments like these that he felt helpless. “Boo...Y/n, despite what happened. Maybe it’s for the best,” he took a moment to think of his next words carefully, unsure as to how you would react, “What if you just came back here? With me..Well with us. It wasn’t that bad was it? I-I-we all miss you!” 
You sat between his legs, your head resting on his chest. You had sat like this so many times over the time of your friendship and it had been the most safe spot you could ever find. You moved your hand to his arm and slowly stroked at the blue fur.
“I’ve been thinking about that ya know. About staying. I was going to talk to Charles and see if I could just work at the school. I’m sure I could do the most good here. I wouldn’t need to use my powers as much here…” your voice drifted. You closed your eyes and felt Hank shift behind you. He moved you both so you were now laying on the bed, you laid on him and nuzzled your cheek to his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist.
 “Y/n, we would all love you to come back home. Let’s be honest, Charles would let you do nothing all day if it meant you came back. But it has to be because you want to be here and not because you’re running from your problems. It didn’t work well last time, it won’t work well this time. You’re my best friend, and you should know I love you more than anybody else. So when you’re sure about what you want, I will support you.” 
You wiped at the tears threatening to spill and nodded at his words. You knew what you had to do. Before you could come back to your family, you had to face your team. You couldn’t just abandon them. 
“Hank, there’s a party at work coming up. WIll you go with me? Pretty please? With cherries and sprinkles on top?” 
Hank gave a toothy grin and nodded, “Of course I will. We’ll make everyone jealous. I mean, cmon, Just look at me!” 
You looked up at his smirking face and both of you started laughing. 
“Let’s get some sleep, we’ll talk more in the morning,” Hank pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead and pulled you tightly against him. Giving him a nod, you relax in his arms. This was how you often found yourself falling asleep after missions. Being in his arms again was comforting, it was safe and felt like home. 
“I love you Fuzz.” 
“I love you too my little Boo.”
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xofanfics · 4 years
Selfish - Part 14
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Genre: angst, fluff, SMUT
Pairing: Jun x Reader / Chan x Reader
Word Count: 7.3k
Summary: You love them both and you’re torn. But…what if you didn’t have to choose? Jun was scrolling through hotel listings on Jeju Island. He’d decided to surprise you with a trip to Jeju Island. What better way to prove himself to you than to spoil you a little bit? As the holidays came and went, February was here before he knew it. It was the perfect time to go on a trip. And he knew that you could use a little rest and relaxation.
Jun bought two plane tickets that night, as the prices went down a bit. He was excited to spend some time away and alone with you. You’d forgiven him but he knew that he was still sort of on your shit list. If something else went wrong, he wasn’t sure what you’d do. After all the two of you had been through with Malai and the arguing with Chan and all, things had been a little rocky.
He’d spend the next couple of days planning the trip, deciding some fun things to do while you were there. He wanted things to be perfect and he had all these ideas. He wanted to take you to see all the sites—the waterfalls, the beaches, all the beautiful things nature had to offer. You’d forget about all the stress of being at home and just enjoy the vacation with him.
As he scrolled through hotel listings, you called him. “Hello?” 
“Hey, babe,” you said. “What are you doing?”
“I’m just on the computer browsing. You?”
“I just got out of the shower...”
“Oh really? What are you wearing?”
“Nothing,” you said. “Wanna see?”
He smirked. “I can’t say no to that.” A moment later, he got a notification on his phone that you’d sent him a photo. You were nude, laying on your towel. You took the picture in the mirror above your dresser, across from your bed. “Wow. You look amazing, baby. I can’t wait to get my hands on you…”
He spent almost an hour on the phone with you and in that time, he found the perfect hotel. It wasn’t a huge suite like he would’ve wanted but it had a king sized bed, a loveseat, desk, and a huge flat screen tv. Not to mention the beautiful view. And even though it wasn’t summertime, it had a really nice pool outside. Luckily though, there was an indoor pool and a spa that you could take advantage of. He’d definitely book a couples’ massage with you, so you could both get all those knots of tension out of your systems. 
Jun was getting excited just thinking of all the fun you could have together. Lately, there hadn’t been much to look forward to so this trip was just what he needed. He was pumped to spend some time with you and get you all to himself. It had been a long time since he’d been on vacation and you hadn’t been on one either. So, he was more than happy to solve that problem. 
As Jun went up the train station escalator, he could hardly contain his excitement. Everyone had a long weekend due to the Korean New Year. Jun was glad because he planned to tell you the surprise today. The two of you had planned to have dinner together tonight and it gave him the perfect opportunity to tell you about his surprise.
You were waiting for him in the lobby of the building you worked in when he walked in. He figured that you must’ve gotten off a little early. As he walked toward you, you didn’t see him. He smiled at the sight of you in the lounge chair, smiling at whatever you were looking at on your phone. 
“Hi beautiful,” he said, taking you by surprise. “Did you get out a little early?”
You smiled, grabbing your bag and standing up to greet him. “Hey babe. Yeah, honestly everyone was ready to have a head start to this weekend. Everyone practically ran out of the office once our boss said we could leave.”
He kissed you on your forehead. “Nice.”
The two of you walked out of the building together, starting toward the restaurant that you wanted to go to nearby. On the walk there, you told him about your day and how the restaurant had really good steak and that it comes out perfect every time. He loved how animated you got when you spoke and how your eyes lit up with excitement. 
You arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later and were seated right away. It was more crowded than it would usually be on a Thursday evening because it was more like a Friday evening since everyone would be off of work tomorrow. 
“I come here with my coworkers sometimes for their lunch special,” you said, flipping through the menu. 
Your order was taken and you had your drinks within five minutes. Over the red wine, Jun said, “I have a surprise for you, babe.”
Your eyes lit up again, turning from your drink. “What is it?”
“We’re going to Jeju tomorrow morning,” he said. “I wanted to take you on a trip since we have off.”
“Wow,” you said, smiling even wider, “that sounds amazing. Are you serious?”
“Believe it, baby,” he said, reaching for your hand.
You looked down at the table for a few seconds before you said, “I have an idea, but it’s kind of crazy.”
“How crazy?”
“Well do you think that we could ever spend time together? Like the three of us?”
Jun nodded. “Well, yeah.”
“Well, what if he came with us?”
“Yeah,” you said. You cleared your throat. “I mean, we can wait another time if you want, of course...but I just wanted to put the idea out there. It could be good for us.”
To be honest, Jun wanted this trip to just be for the two of you, without Chan tagging along. The last thing he wanted was for you to think he had a problem with this arrangement or that he was being greedy. Even though he didn’t want to, he said, “Yeah, that’s fine with me,” because he didn’t want you to be disappointed. The reality was that his reply was the furthest thing from the truth. 
And it brought a smile to your face. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna give him a call and see if he can still get a flight. Can you forward me the flight info?”
He pursed his lips together as he went into his email and forwarded the flight itinerary to you. With a quick “Thanks, babe,” you were gone. You went into the hallway outside of the bathrooms and took out your phone. 
“Hello?” Chan answered.
“Hey,” you said, “I have good news and bad news.”
“Okay, what’s the bad news?”
“I don’t think we’re going to be able to have our sleepover this weekend…”
“Why not?”
“I’m going to Jeju with Jun this weekend and I wanted to know if you wanted to...come with us.”
Chan paused for a moment; you didn’t blame him. The three of you had been through a lot in this relationship and you wondered if it was too soon to be together like this. Finally, he said, “That sounds like fun...”
“Do you really think you two can be in the same room together...with me?”
“I don’t see why not. I mean, it’s bound to happen eventually, right?”
You gave him the flight number and, thankfully, he was able to book the flight. And from the looks of it, he was a couple rows behind where you and Jun would be sitting. 
“I’m all booked,” he said, after checking and re-checking the reservation. He chuckled. “I should get packing.”
Chan heard a knock at the door, interrupting him from his packing. It was Jason, who had arrived with a box of pizza. He sighed and went back over to his luggage. Confused, Jason sat down on the floor, putting the pizza on the table.
“What’s with you?” he said. He pointed to the luggage. “Are you going somewhere?”
“To Jeju,” Chan replied. 
“Ooh that sounds like fun. I wish I was going somewhere. My family is right here in Seoul so there’s not really anywhere to go.”
“There’s only but so much fun I can have,” he said, rolling his eyes, as he threw socks into his suitcase. “Jun booked a trip for them this weekend and Y/N invited me along but it feels like it was more pity than anything else…”
Jason cursed under his breath as he opened the pizza box. “Maybe he wants to make peace. Maybe this is him putting his foot forward and trying to make things better.”
“On my weekend? The bastard had the nerve to book this trip when I was supposed to spend the weekend with Y/N! He would do something like this! He had her to himself last week!” 
He kicked the suitcase out of frustration, startling his friend. Just when things seemed like they were looking up, Jun just had to do something to sabotage what they had. 
“Well, Y/N will be there. She won’t let him get carried away.”
Chan sighed and sat down, grabbing a slice of pizza. “I don’t know, maybe I should’ve thought this over more. It feels like I’m third wheeling with my own girlfriend.”
Chan loved the idea of going on a trip with you. Since he was always busy with work and school, he rarely had enough time for the two of you to have a weekend getaway. But, for once, he was free all weekend and the cafe was closed for the holiday. And even better, his boss still paid him for the days he had off. He’d dubbed it a “New Year’s gift.” For once, things had been aligned so perfectly that it was hard to believe. And he planned on spending it with you since it was, in fact, his weekend to spend with you. 
But now the plans had been rearranged. You called him asking if he wanted to go and he didn’t want to disappoint you, so he agreed to the plan before thinking it through. Would it be a good time? He was struggling to trust Jun in the first place; he wouldn’t be able to keep his cool if he hurt you again. On the other hand, it was something that would have to happen sooner or later. In this polyamorous relationship, the three of you would eventually have to come together sometime. It couldn’t always be separate relationships that were somehow still one.
“Is she usually fair though? Does it seem like she favors him over you?”
“I’m not sure,” he said, mouth full. He swallowed and added, “I just gotta make it until Sunday. That shouldn’t be too hard, right?”
Chan sure as hell hoped so.
The three of you arrived at the airport a little sooner than expected. You checked in your bags and went through security with no issues. You arrived at the designated gate with an hour to spare. Chan sat down, leaning against his neck pillow. He looked tired; he’d mentioned how he stayed up a bit late trying to finish one of his assignments so that he wouldn’t have to stress about it on Sunday before classes started back up again on Monday.
You went to the bathroom briefly and, when you came back, Chan was fast asleep. You smiled at the sight of him and the fact that his mouth was slightly ajar.
Jun chuckled and said, “He passed out right away. Do you wanna get something to eat since we have time?”
You nodded and went to shake Chan. “Babe, do you want to eat?” Chan opened his eyes ever so slightly before groaning and turning his head away from you.
Jun said, “Just leave him. He’s pretty tired, isn’t he? We can just get a sandwich for him or something.” You nodded, figuring that you should probably let him catch up on his sleep. It was early and you’d get to Jeju a little after one o’clock. If the three of you were going to do anything fun, he’d need to save his energy. 
As you walked to the toast stall you passed earlier, you said, “So what did you have planned for us?”
“Well, I was thinking today since we’re getting there a little later, we could take it easy and explore the city a little. There was a teahouse I wanted to visit. Then we can relax a little and get dinner together. How does that sound?”
“It sounds good...and thank you for planning all of this.”
“Anything for you,” he said.
You arrived at the toast stall and ordered toast for the three of you. Jun was surprised that you knew exactly what he would want and Chan, too. He loved that about you—you paid close attention to details. Even when he thought you weren’t listening or paying attention, you were. He loved you so much and he wished that this trip could be for just the two of you, but he also remembered that he signed up for this. He was the one that agreed to this and, while he had the right to change his mind, he didn’t want to lose you. He figured that this was better than nothing and he wanted to keep you in his life in whatever way he could. 
When you got back to the gate, Chan was awake and playing a game on his phone. He smiled upon seeing you walking toward him. 
“We got breakfast,” you said, handing him his bag. “Toast with extra egg.”
He smiled. “You’re amazing, you know that...”
“I would’ve ordered you extra egg, too,” mumbled Jun as he sat down in his seat next to you. 
The three of you just laughed. You were grateful. Maybe things were looking up for the relationship. There wasn’t as much tension between Jun and Chan today. You didn’t know if it was because they’d both matured a lot within the last couple weeks or if it was just because it was early in the morning. Either way, you were grateful and you hoped that the rest of the trip would go this smoothly.
Before you knew it, it was time to board. As the three of you inched along in the aisle, Jun turned to you and said, “Okay. Row twenty-one is right there.”
You said, “Why don’t you and Chan sit together? You could get to know each other a little better. I don’t mind sitting by myself. I can just sit where Chan was going to sit.”
Jun started, “B-”
Chan smiled. “Yeah, we should get to know each other better.”
Jun wasn’t thrilled to be sitting next to Chan on the flight but thankfully it was only for about an hour. But over the course of the hour, things weren’t bad. There would probably always be at least a little tension between the two of them, since the relationship started out in a strange way. But things were actually okay.
Chan carried the conversation, at first. He asked Jun about the kinds of music he liked and then they talked about their families and some childhood memories and Chan told him about his life growing up in Jeju on a tangerine farm. Jun was almost surprised at how down to earth he was. He wasn’t snobby or any of the things that he’d assumed about him. He almost felt bad for thinking those things about him. The reality was that Chan was a good guy and he could see why you liked him in the first place. 
Chan said, “I told my mom that I was coming for the weekend. I was thinking that maybe tomorrow, if we have time, we could have dinner with my family.”
Jun nodded. “By chance, do they know...about us?”
Chan paused. To be honest, he’d only told his friends about the true relationship they were in. Of course, he’d told his parents that you were back together with him but he hadn’t told them that you were also dating Jun. How could he tell his parents something like that? They definitely wouldn’t approve and he had no idea how complicated it would be for them to understand something that was so complicated in itself. 
“Not exactly,” he answered.
Jun knew what that meant before Chan needed to explain further. Jun knew that he wouldn’t be able to go to have dinner with Chan’s family as your boyfriend. In this situation, Chan would be your boyfriend and Jun would be stuck playing the role of a friend, whether it was your friend or Chan’s. Either way, it was like playing pretend.
Jun had no right to feel upset by it because he was in the same predicament with his own family. They knew that you’d hit a rough patch and got back together, but they had no idea that you’d picked up an additional partner on the way back to each other. He hadn’t even told his older sister despite the fact that they were pretty close. 
Was this something to be ashamed of? Would this be something that could ever be accepted? Even though no one was exactly lying, there was a lot of information being withheld. Jun had no idea how the three of you could keep this up. For how much longer, realistically, could you keep it up?
You pushed open the hotel room door, exhausted from the walk you’d gone on. You got to see the surrounding areas near your hotel and went to the teahouse that Jun wanted to go to, trying and even buying some of the teas. And Chan showed you some of the places he liked to go as a kid. And you had some street foods and tried fresh grilled mackerel, which Jun enjoyed so much he got seconds. It had been a while since Chan had been able to come to Jeju and he had never gone with you before; you had broken up with him before he had the chance to bring you to his hometown. You watched him as his eyes lit up, picking up memories from his childhood.
So far, you liked Jeju a lot and the scenery was so beautiful and you got a lot of pictures. From what you could tell, Jun had a good time too. And he took a bunch of pictures with his new camera. And your boyfriends were also cordial in taking separate pictures with you, too. And then you asked a kind stranger to take pictures of the three of you, together. 
“I’m exhausted,” Jun said, plopping down on the couch.
“That was fun,” you said, putting down your purse. “Thanks for showing us around, Chan.”
“Of course,” he said. 
“I made a reservation at the steakhouse for seven. We have about two and a half hours until then,” he said.
You nodded. “Yeah, we can just hang out around here for a while.” 
Chan said, “I could use a warm cup of tea,” poking around the kitchenette. There were two packets of instant coffee and two tea bags, clearly not enough for the three of you. “Actually, I’ll go to the cafe downstairs. Y/N? Jun? Do you want something?”
Jun said, “Can you get me a matcha latte?”
You said, “Me too.”
Chan nodded and grabbed a key card. “Be back in a couple minutes.”
As Jun heard the door shut, he was relieved. Finally, he’d have a moment alone with you. You smiled before he had a chance to say anything and you sat next to him on the couch before he had a chance to call you over. He sat up, pulling you into his arms. You snuggled into his shoulder. You said, “Thank you for planning this trip. I can’t wait to get cute for dinner.”
“You always look cute, my love. Which dress did you bring?”
“I got this long sleeved black one,” you said. “I’d gotten it awhile ago but didn’t have a chance to wear it.”
“I’m sure you’ll look great,” he said, planting a kiss on your lips.
You stood up. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom…”
A few minutes later, Chan returned with the drinks. Jun was fast asleep on the couch, his legs sprawled out and his mouth slightly open. He heard water running in the bathroom and assumed that you were in there. He set Jun’s drink on the coffee table next to the couch, assuming he’d probably wake up in a few minutes. 
When you came out, Chan was sitting on the bed sipping on his tea. You sat next to him and he handed you your drink. “Thanks, baby.”
“No problem. Jun must be really tired, huh?”
You rested your head on Chan’s shoulder with a yawn. “Yeah. The first day of vacation always seems to be the hardest.” You glanced up at him. “Are you okay?”
He looked down at you, meeting your eyes. “Of course. I’m here with you.”
Jun’s eyes fluttered open about a half hour later. The room was darker than he remembered and as he glanced over to the window. The setting sun peeked through, shining on you and Chan asleep in the bed together. His heart dropped at the sight and jealousy pumped through his veins. 
He looked at the matcha latte, grabbing it and taking a sip. He was so annoyed he didn’t know what to do. What he really wanted to do was go over there, drag Chan out of the bed and possibly punch him in his stupid face. But this was his own fault. He had opened the door that allowed him to come on this trip with you anyway. He should’ve put his foot down when he had the chance. He’d just wanted the trip to be for the two of you and he didn’t have a problem with Chan doing the same in the future.
Was this selfish of him? Was this something he’d have to deal with for the duration of this relationship? Would the pangs of jealousy and frustration go away?
Matcha latte in hand, he decided to take a walk so that he could calm down a little. He knew that his anger and frustration would only boil over and spill into the relationship. The last thing he wanted was to upset you and especially not on a trip that was supposed to be relaxing for everyone. Although Jun felt anything but relaxed so far.
He went outside and started walking around aimlessly, no clear destination in sight. He just needed some air. He needed some time to himself, just to take a few deep breaths. 
Eventually, he started feeling more and more anxious as he walked back toward the hotel a few minutes later. His mind raced with irrational thoughts of the two of you in bed together. What if you were having sex right now, making a mess on the bed that the three of you were supposed to share tonight. 
He took out his phone, hoping that Taesik was free to talk for a few minutes. The phone rang four times before he answered. “Hello?”
“Hey, how’s day one of vacation?”
“He’s all over her! How am I third wheeling on a trip that I planned?”
“Who are you more upset at, Jun?”
Jun sucked his teeth. He didn’t need his friend on the other end of the phone call being reasonable. He let out a sigh. “I don’t know...I just know that they fell asleep in the bed and her head is on his shoulder and he’s holding her hand.”
“I dunno what to say,” said Taesik. “Maybe this was a bad idea…”
Deep down, Jun knew that the three of you had issues that you hadn’t resolved. Jun knew there were issues but he couldn’t pinpoint the exact problems. He wasn’t a professional and neither were you or Chan. The three of you were just struggling through the whole thing. Should you invest in couples’ counseling? Was this normal? Jun hated this concept; he had no idea what was right and what was wrong. Was it normal to feel jealousy in a polyamorous relationship? 
“Yeah,” he said, “maybe we’re not ready for this…” He heard the phone beep on the other end. Pulling his phone away from his ear, he saw that you were calling him. “She’s calling me…”
“Answer her,” said Taesik. “Call me if you need to vent. I hope everything goes okay tonight.”
“Thanks,” he replied. “Talk to you later.”
He clicked over to the other line, answering your call. “Baby, where’d you go?”
“I just got bored and came outside to watch the sunset,” he lied.
“Come back,” you said. “We should start getting ready. Chan is still asleep, so I’ll shower first.”
Jun said, “Okay, I’ll see you in a minute,” and the call was over. He headed upstairs to the hotel room, bracing himself and taking deep breaths to calm himself down. There was no reason for him to be angry. He had agreed to this arrangement, after all. He was in a relationship with you but so was Chan. And they needed to find a way to deal with it all.
When he got back, he heard the sink water running. Glancing over at the bed, he saw Chan was still asleep. He knocked on the door and you opened it, still dressed. You hadn’t gotten in the shower yet; he caught you just as you were washing your face. Finally, even if it was in the bathroom, he could have a moment alone with you. He stood behind you as you pat your face dry with the towel. 
“How was your walk?”
Jun nodded, wrapping his hands around your waist. “It was good. I’m better now that I’m back here with you,” he said, kissing your neck. “Mind if I join you in the shower?”
You raised your eyebrows at the suggestion and it also made you excited. “Yeah, why not?”
Jun watched as you peeled your clothes off slowly, teasing him. He’d be lying if he said his dick wasn’t throbbing in his pants at the sight of you. Taking off his own clothes, he never took his eyes off of you. And when you were completely bare before him, he pulled you closer to him and kissed you, hard. Your tongue found his, your naked bodies pressed together against the glass of the shower door. 
“I love you,” Jun mumbled against your lips. 
“I love you, too,” you answered, planting one last kiss on his lips. You followed Jun into the shower and you didn’t hesitate to start washing him up first. You took care to be gentle with him, turning him on. His lips parted as you massaged his balls and he let out a groan as your hand went up and down his shaft. Now, he was completely hard and his dick was throbbing with desire to bend you over and pound your pussy until you were screaming for more. 
He cursed under his breath as he got under the water and you helped him rinse the soap off of his body. He kissed you again and, as he did, he reached down to your clit. It caught you by surprise, making you gasp. He rubbed it harder and your lips parted with a moan. 
“Quiet, baby,” he whispered. “You don’t want to wake Chan up, do you?” He spun you around so that you were facing away from him, reaching down to rub your clit from the front. With his left hand he covered your mouth and with his right, he rubbed your clit. Jun enjoyed fucking around in the shower, even on a regular day. He loved seeing your wet body and how your pussy would end up like a river, your wetness flowing out and onto his fingers. 
He kept going and you squeezed your legs together as if you were trying to escape. Jun chuckled. “Don’t you want to come, baby?” With that, you parted your legs again, letting the pleasure take over. He felt the vibrations of your moans on his palm, but he held it there anyway. It turned him on to feel you struggling. He took your clit between his thumb and pointer finger, giving it a few light squeezes that drove you crazy. After, he dragged his fingers down your slit. Already, you were so wet. And he knew that it didn’t take you long to come like this.
He could feel you struggling, against his fingers. Your body was starting to twitch and he knew you were dangerously close to your orgasm. 
“Come for me, Y/N,” Jun whispered in your ear. 
Hearing his voice in your ear is what did it for you. You couldn’t take it anymore. You let go, trembling, shivering, and coming all over his fingers. And once you came down from your high, he kissed you once more.
“Are you almost ready to go?” Chan asked. His stomach was growling and you’d been prancing around the hotel room in your bra and underwear, scrambling to finish getting ready for the past ten minutes. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, stepping into your dress. “My makeup didn’t come out like I expected...Can you zip me?” Chan nodded as you walked over toward him. He zipped you up quickly, hoping that this was the last thing you had to do before the three of you headed to dinner. Thankfully Jun had pushed the reservation to 7:45 rather than 7:30 because of the chance you might be late.
“Okay, I’m ready,” you said, placing your hands on Jun’s shoulders as he sat on the couch. 
“Okay,” Jun said. “Let’s call a cab.”
Within fifteen minutes you arrived at the restaurant. Luckily, it wasn’t too far away from the hotel. Jun had chosen a nice restaurant because he wanted to treat you to a special dinner. Of course, he had to change the reservation to three people instead. And he’d be sharing dinner with not only you but with Chan too.
You entered the restaurant and your party was seated right away, in a booth. Thankfully it was one of those curved ones so that you didn’t have to choose who to sit next to or for the three of you to squeeze on one side. You sat in the middle, with a boyfriend at either side of you.
“This place is pretty nice,” said Jun, taking off his coat. “I know you don’t like restaurants that are too fancy, so this is a good in between.”
“Yeah,” you said. “This is perfect. I’m paying, by the way.”
“No,” Chan said. “You shouldn’t be the one to pay. I should pay, since there was this last minute change.”
Jun rolled his eyes when no one was looking. Jun had planned on paying and here Chan was being a goody-two shoes. He found himself becoming annoyed, even though he had been trying so hard not to act like this. While you were getting dressed earlier, he tried to push down feelings of jealousy as you walked back and forth from your suitcase to the bathroom half dressed. He tried not to feel jealous because obviously both he and Chan had seen you naked and both he and Chan had sex with you; everything was just separate. 
Jun tried to push down those feelings of jealousy as he looked at the menu for the next few minutes. The waiter came and took everyone’s order. He said, “Wine, anyone?”
“Sure,” Jun answered. “What wines go well with steak?”
Jun was definitely going to need some alcohol in his system if he was going to get through the night without losing his cool. He didn’t mind Chan, in general, but he’d like him much better if he was back in Seoul instead of here with them. 
For the most part, dinner went smoothly. The three of you had some pretty good conversation. Things between Jun and Chan weren’t explosive; neither men took petty jabs at each other and the three of you were able to laugh together. If anything, they were the ones poking fun at you, revealing a few of your embarrassing moments.
Jun chuckled. “Oh my god, did Y/N ever tell you about the first time she got blackout drunk?”
“No,” Chan said, “what happened?”
Jun cleared his throat. “She was at the karaoke bar getting drinks with Na-Ri and their other friends and she asked me to come get her. So, I get there and order more drinks. Next thing I know, we’re leaving and she fell into some garbage bags outside the bar. And when I got her back up again, she fell back down into them.”
As the guys started laughing again, you said, “Stop! That was so embarrassing. Everyone stopped to look and you know what the worst part of it was? There were police officers on duty and they walked by and they laughed! They fucking laughed at me! Can you believe that?”
And both Jun and Chan erupted into laughter. Jun picked up his wine glass, finishing what was left. He’d been the one to finish most of the wine, leaving little for you and Chan. He said, “Oh, did I finish most of it? Should I order another?”
You put your finger on your chin. “Actually...we should go out after this.”
Chan looked up, chewing on a piece of steak. “Where to?” 
“I saw some bars a few doors down. Why don’t we check it out?”
In an ideal world, Chan wouldn’t be here. In an ideal world, it’d just be you and Jun. And in an ideal world Jun would go out with you to the bars knowing that he’d be taking you back to the hotel so that you could make love all night and fall asleep in each others’ arms. But that couldn’t happen tonight and it was frustrating. It’s not that his main goal was to have sex with you but having the option taken from him sucked. He just wanted some privacy and alone time with his girlfriend. But with Chan here, it was impossible and he’d just have to make the best of it. His goal was just for you to be happy and to enjoy yourself.
This lounge had a chill vibe. It was a little more upscale than the others in the area but, surprisingly, it wasn’t too crowded considering it was a Friday night. The three of you sat in a booth, complete with velvet couches and a menu perfectly aligned in the center of the table. You picked up the menu, wondering what their drinks were like.
“What are you thinking of getting babe?” asked Chan, looking at the menu with you.
Jun rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”
You nodded. “Want me to order you something?”
As Jun slid out of the booth, he said, “Yeah. You know what I like.” And with a wink, he was gone. Within five minutes, the drinks were ordered and Jun had come back to the table looking a little stressed out. You noticed because you knew him. There was something bothering him and you were just noticing. You felt a little guilty for not noticing sooner that is, if he’d been feeling stressed out earlier.
As the waiter placed your drinks on the table, you turned to Jun. “You okay?”
He gave you a nod as you slid him his drink. “Of course.” 
A few sips into their drinks, you turned to Chan. “So did you talk to your mom?”
Chan nodded. “Yeah. I told her that I’m here and that I’m staying until Monday since I don’t have class.”
“I want to see her,” you said. “It’s been awhile.”
Chan cleared his throat. “I know. I thought about it and I’m not sure it’s a good idea if the three of us are together…It’s kind of complicated since they don’t know about Jun...”
You pouted, the realization setting in. “Oh…okay. I guess you’re right...”
Chan knew you were disappointed because you hadn’t seen his parents in awhile. He knew they’d be happy to see you and vice versa. Chan looked over at Jun, who seemed more concerned with his drink than the conversation the three of you were supposed to be having right now. Chan was annoyed. He was trying to be considerate of Jun’s feelings, since he was the one who brought up that their families don’t know the nature of the relationship they were in. He was the one who brought it up in the first place and he wasn’t even paying attention. And even worse, Chan was the only one who seemed to notice. Of course, he had no problem with bringing his girlfriend to meet his parents. But he didn’t want to make Jun uncomfortable.
“Jun,” called Chan.
Jun looked up from his drink. “Hm?”
“Y/N seems to really wanna meet my parents. Do you think we could maybe meet them at a restaurant? That way we won’t have to stay for too long…”
Jun wasn’t happy about it. If he was being honest, he wanted to suggest that he take her to dinner and for him to stay at the hotel. He didn’t want to meet Chan’s family as a friend. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be and it wasn’t fair that he had to suffer on his own vacation.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “I guess that wouldn’t hurt.” He grit his teeth and tried to convince himself that this was normal. He knew that, at the end of the day, it would be the same if the roles were reversed. If it was Jun’s family here, the scenario would be the same. Chan wouldn’t be able to come in as your boyfriend either. 
But you were smiling. You were happy and Jun supposed that that was more important.
“Okay,” said Chan. “I’ll call them in the morning.”
You turned, looking toward the dance floor. It was mostly empty; You saw one group dancing together. There was hip hop music playing and it was one of your favorite songs. Your body wanted to move. “Let’s dance.” As you scooted off of your seat, you looked at Jun expectantly.
“I’ll join in a minute. I’m just gonna finish this,” he said, pointing to the rest of his drink. In all honesty, Jun was frustrated. To be honest, he didn’t want to be here and he certainly wasn’t in the mood to dance. He watched you dance with Chan and you weren’t even dancing with him in a sexual or suggestive way. You weren’t grinding on him or anything like that but he still felt jealousy coursing through his veins. These feelings seemed unreasonable. Jun had been in this arrangement with you for a couple months now. He knew how things were supposed to be. So why was it that he still felt this ridiculous jealousy, still? Why was it that he couldn’t accept this relationship with you and with Chan? 
With a sigh, he finished your drink in one gulp. But he needed more, especially to deal with the feelings and doubts that crossed his mind. He walked over to the bar, taking a seat at the bar.
“What can I get for you?” asked the female bartender.
“Something strong,” he replied. “How about whiskey? On the rocks.”
She smiled and a moment or two later, returned with his drink. A few sips in, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Jun turned and was faced with the person that he wanted to see the least. The alcohol was starting to hit him now and he was beginning to care less and less. He rolled his eyes and he didn’t care if Chan saw him. And Chan did see but decided to be the bigger person and brush it off.
What pissed him off is that Chan approached him with raised, concerned eyebrows. Glancing back over to the dance floor and table, you were nowhere in sight. He assumed that you must’ve gone to the bathroom. 
“What’s up with you?” 
Jun shrugged his shoulders, indifferent to Chan’s concern. “What does it look like? I’m having a drink, like everyone else here.” He took another sip. From Chan’s point of view, it seemed more like a gulp than anything else. 
Chan looked back at the table and glanced at you. “Why don’t you come drink it at the table...with us? Y/N’s in the bathroom but she’ll be back in a second.”
Jun sighed, swirling the ice around in his glass. “I’m just having a good time over here. I’m enjoying the vibes and the scenery. I can’t even do that?” 
Chan looked at the now empty glass Jun had in his hand. He scoffed as Jun ordered another. “Never mind…”
“Do you have a problem with me?”
“No,” said Chan. “If you weren’t in the mood to dance, I get it. But I don’t understand why you left the table to come over here and down a whole drink in two minutes...”
“It’s been a while since I’ve had a good glass of whiskey. You should try it. Don’t be so uptight.”
With that, Jun placed his new glass in Chan’s hands. “Here, have some.” Jun cleared his throat. “Can I ask you something?”
Chan raised his eyebrows, curious at the direction the conversation was going.“What?”
“Don’t you get jealous?”
“Sometimes...but I try not to let it get the best of me.”
Jun pouted. “You’re her favorite.”
Chan couldn’t believe his ears. Was Jun serious? Was he actually saying these words in all seriousness? “Are you fucking kidding, Junhee? She literally left me for you. What we had was perfect and she left me and went running back to you! Did you forget about that or do you have a selective memory? You're the favorite here!”
Jun pouted. “It just seems like she always gravitates to you...”
“All night she’s been checking on you and wondering if you’re okay. In fact, I haven’t even been able to enjoy myself tonight because she’s been so concerned about you and your shitty mood!”
“She would do the same for you because that’s how she is…”
Chan ignored him. “Why are you so insecure? Can't you see that she's been concerned about you this whole time?”
“I wanted to take this trip and make it special just for the two of us and you just had to come and mess it all up!”
“Stop yelling.”
“I’m not yelling!”
“Well you’re clearly upset with me. Honestly, if you wanted your own time why did you let me come? Why lie to her and act like you're okay with me showing up if that's not true? Were you just trying to make her happy?” he asked. 
“Of course I was trying to make her happy. I’m always trying to make her happy…”
“And you thought you’d make her happy by lying to her and leading her on? Looks like you’re doing a great job.” Chan couldn’t help but to let out a deep sigh. “You know, I thought you agreed to this because you thought it would be good for the three of us. I thought you were finally coming to accept things and make this work. I thought we were finally getting somewhere. But now I see I was wrong...”
Chan would be lying if he said he wasn’t hurt. He thought that maybe he and Jun could be friends. He thought that after the plane ride and the conversation they’d had that they’d finally be able to get along, not only for your sake but because they genuinely wanted to. But it was becoming more and more clear that Chan was dreaming and he needed to wake up from this dream.
Wake up, Yuchan...
Tagged: @hxnsoliee
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a-bts-world · 4 years
Fake dating II part 1 II Lucas Wong
pairing: Lucas Wong x reader
this is going to be a small series. there are probably going to be three parts.
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You just got home from working the whole day, when you see the mail that you got today. You walk towards the mailbox and pick up the mail. The first thing you see is a letter from you high-school. Before even being back inside, you had opened it.
Dear y/l/n y/n, 
With this letter we would like to invite you to your high-school reunion. Everyone from your year is invited. Your are welcome to bring a plus one to the event. The event will be held in the high-school’s gym, Saturday next week. The event will start at four o’clock, but the doors will open half an hour prior to that.
Please let us know if you have any questions. See you in a week! 
Greetings, Gam Ji-ae the head of the school
The first thing you think about, is that you’re not going, what ever happens. You are not going to give your old classmates the satisfaction to see how you ended up, while they probably have their live together. Walking towards the kitchen you put the letter in the trashcan and start heating up some left overs from yesterday. As you sit down to have dinner, you get a facetime call from Ten. ‘Hey! Did you also get the invitation?’ Is the first thing he says to you as you pick up the phone. You answer him saying that you indeed get the invitation but that you’re not planning on going. ‘What! Why not? Would you not want to see how everyone ended up?’
‘Ten, I don’t. They will just look down on me because I work at the local flower shop, while they work at some big companies. It looks like all that they said back then had an impact on me. I’m not going. End of story. Now talk to me about something else, please.’ Ten nods slowly and then start to tell you about his day at work and about his colleagues.
‘So Lucas, YangYang and I went to have lunch and then- wait, did I tell you about Yangyang? I probably didn’t. So let me explain who Yangyang is. He is-‘
‘I know who he is, Ten’ you interrupt him. And he nods, continuing his story about his lunch this afternoon. ‘But I don’t know that Lucas guy’ you interrupt Ten once again. You are already used to not knowing who your best friend is talking about, he always forgets who you know and who you don’t know. After Ten is done explaining all about Lucas, he starts talking about Gam Ji-ae, that one popular girl from your high-school, who somehow always hated you. She is the one who bullied you back then, she also gave Ten a hard time for being your friend.
‘You know she is the head of the high-school right now? She is the one organizing the reunion’ He excitedly tells you, without catching his own mistake. You just keep quiet until while he talks all about what he learned from an old classmate. ‘He told me she is indeed doing pretty good, but she has had no luck in the love department, doesn’t even have a boyfriend yet.’ You also don’t have a boyfriend, but somehow Ten forgets about that part and still keeps rambling on. ‘We should go to the reunion, to show her that we did end up better than she would expect. I can bring Da-hee.’ Ten, who is full of excitement now, tells you without think twice about his words.
‘Would love that Ten, but I’m not better off than she would expect, I’m exactly where she expects me to be. Alone, working day and night to make ends meet.’ I say without much emotion in my voice. ‘I’m not like you Ten, I don’t work at some big company and have a dance studio on the side with my significant other. I work at a local flower shop and come home to an empty house.’ I get a bit angry at Ten even though he didn’t mean it like this.
‘I’m sorry y/n, you know I don’t mean it like that. You love your job, that’s why you don’t need something on the side. You know I need my dance studio with Da-hee to feel that way.’ Ten quickly apologizes. You just hum to let him know you heard him. Your mouth being full with food, you can’t do much else. After swallowing the food you were eating, you murmured something under your breath. Thinking Ten wouldn’t hear it. ‘That’s is actually a good idea y/n, just show up to the reunion with someone and tell everyone he is your boyfriend. You two could like fake date for just a day!’ Ten tells you and he gets more and more excited with the second. Like he thinks it would actually work.
‘yeah sure, because that would work’ I say sarcastically and finish my last piece of food.
‘I actually think it would. What if I find you someone you would like as a friend, but is willing to play your boyfriend for a day. Will you accept it if I find a perfect match for what you need in this situation?’ Ten tries to convince you. You start thinking it wouldn’t be so bad if Ten did indeed found someone that perfectly matches your wishes, you could fool everyone for a day.
‘okay, but you get one chance. So think wisely.’ You say and then you guys say your goodbyes. Ten needing to prepare for the dance class he is teaching and you needing time to rethink the decisions you just made. Picking up your plate and utensils, you put everything in the dishwasher.
It’s now Thursday. Ten has send pictures and descriptions of different people he knows all week, but none of them seem good enough. That is until now. He sent you a picture of Johnny, another colleague you don’t know. But this one is good looking and has a higher place in the company. He is the best choice you have right now. So with this thought in mind you text Ten back. Letting him know, Johnny will do.
Okay, I will meet him. Ask him to meet me tomorrow for dinner. And we will talk things over.
Nice! He will meet you at the restaurant near my place where we always go to. He wants you to wait outside for him, he finishes work at 5 so he can be there at 5.30. So make sure you are there! You got this y/n.
Okay, now go back to work before Yangyang needs to cover for you again.
With that you end the conversation you two had. Your break also ended, which means you need to go back to work. It’s been quiet all morning, so you don’t expect a lot of people for the rest of the day. If your lucky you can finish early today.
It’s Friday night, you are ready for you dinner with Johnny. You have been waiting for almost 30 minutes when you realizes he isn’t coming. Angry with Ten for even suggesting this boy, you grab your phone from your bag. Ready to call Ten. That is until someone you don’t recognize introduces himself. ‘Hi, I’m Yukhei. If been waiting on the other side of the road and I see that your company also ditched you. Would you mind if we just have dinner together? I don’t want to go back home already and tell my friends that I got stood up.’ He tells you after shaking your hand and staring into your soul with his beautiful eyes.
‘Yeah why not, I think you are right about my date not coming. That doesn’t mean I can’t have fun. Let’s go eat.’ I say and the boy, who introduced himself as Yukhei, smiles from ear to ear. ‘I’m y/n by the way.’ You tell him as you forgot to introduce yourself in the first place. Yukhei just nods and grabs your hand, pulling you to door of the restaurant.
‘Hello, I would like a table for two please.’ He tells the host and she places us at a table next to the window. We both say our thanks to the lady after sitting down. She places the menu’s down and we take a look. ‘for me a sprite please, y/n what about you?’ Yukhei says and you look up from the menu. You hadn’t actually thought about what you would like to drink, so you just shrug you shoulders and let Yukhei choose a drink. ‘We would like a sprite and a coke please!’ Yukhei tells to the staff of the restaurant. ‘Is that okay?’ he then quickly asks you, he seems a bit worried.  You nod your head, letting him know it’s all good. ‘So y/n, what do you do for a living? With who were you gonna meet up? Any weird hobbies I should know about.’ Yukhei questions with a smirk on his face.
‘Well, I work at a flower shop pretty close by, it’s not my own, but down the line I could be the one to own it. I don’t think I have any weird hobbies, although my best friend tells me it’s weird that I like to give my friends their own special flower which I think fits them perfectly. And I was going to meet up with a guy my best friend wanted to set me up with, at least something like that. But it is a long story. What about you?’ I tell him, getting shy about the last part because Johnny stood you up. You also finally got enough courage to look at him. Until now you just gave him a few glances, because from what you could see he already looked so handsome. You didn’t dare to really look at him. Now that you really looked at him, you just notice how handsome he is.
‘Well, I work parttime at a big company, the time I have left I spent on my fashion line. So that is like one of my weird hobbies, I design clothes and I hope someone likes them enough to buy my designs. I was supposed to meet up with a good friend of mine, but she got caught up at work. But now I’m here, with you, so it doesn’t seem as bad.’ Yukhei says laughing at the end of every sentence. To be honest with yourself, you don’t remember much of what he said. This is probably because you were staring at his beautiful face, his dark brown locks perfectly framing his face, and his eyes a chocolate color. This man is all you could ever dream of and so much more. ‘earth to y/n. Hello. What are you thinking about?’ He asks you, but you don’t realize until his big hands wave infront of your face. ‘wow! My hands are almost as big as your head. Didn’t expect that’ he then says and continues to giggle about it.
‘I’m sorry I wasn’t listening, just got distracted. It did hear something about a fashion line, please tell me more about that!’ you says, trying to bring back the conversation. In the meantime your drinks are being served and the two of you decided on what you would get for dinner. Yukhei tells all about his fashion line. It’s something on the side, since he works parttime he has enough time left to design the clothes. He has a friend, Hendery, he makes the designs into real clothes. They both wanted to make fashion their fulltime job, but it didn’t work out yet. So until it does they work parttime at some big company. The conversation between the two of you keeps flowing during the whole night.
‘So then I met Yukhei, he was being the so sweet all evening, even insisting on paying for me. O gosh, Ten he is so kind.’ You gush to your best friend, taking sips of your tea in between. You and Ten are at a café, for a short catch-up session before you two need to get ready for the reunion.
‘You sure he isn’t super handsome instead of kind?’ Ten asks you, laughing at how you’re acting. Normally you don’t let a boy get to your head as much, but somehow Yukhei has been on your mind ever since he said hello last night. You just sigh at Ten and stare at him. ‘Okay, I’m sorry I said that. But I know he is handsome.’ Ten slips up and you look at him confused.
‘You know him? Ten is there something you need to explain to me?’ you ask suspicious of your best friend. ‘You know I hate you lying to me, so you better just tell me everything there is for me to know.’ You let your friend know, you want the truth.
‘Okay, so I told you about my colleague Lucas right? Well Yukhei is his Korean name. And he is the one I actually wanted to set you up with. But I know you wouldn’t accept anyone I would choose, so that’s where Johnny came into play. I’m sorry, but you know, someone needs to show those girls that we made it. And me having a beautiful girlfriend isn’t doing that. You, on the other hand, having an handsome boyfriend is exactly doing that.’ Ten says very fast, so fast that you can barely hear what he is saying. But somehow you manage to understand everything he said. You nod knowing he is right, you need to show them you aren’t a loser anymore. They need to know their words and actions didn’t hurt you, you still managed to be happy. ‘Now that I think of it. Did you even ask Lucas to be your fake date? You didn’t tell me.’ Ten asks you and you almost choke on your drink. How could you forget! The reason of the date and all and you forget to ask. You start searching your bag for your phone. When you find it, you open up your contacts. ‘You should call him, otherwise there is the possibility of him reading it to late.’ Ten tells you and you sigh.
‘Okay, then shut up please.’ You say and dial his number.
‘Hello, this is Yukhei.’
‘Hello, y/n here. How are you? I really enjoyed yesterday and my friend, Ten, told me that you know what my date yesterday was actually for. So what I’m actually asking is if you want to go to my high school reunion later today?’ You ask, holding your breath. Scared of his answer.
‘yeah sure, it’s not like I have something better to do. Ten told me to keep the day free, so I guess that’s okay for me.’ He answers you.
‘Okay thank you! I will text you the details if that’s okay.’ You say to him, ready to say goodbye.
‘Yes please, I will pick you up at your house, if that’s okay with you. See you later!’ he says and you can practically hear him smile. You hang up and look at Ten, who is smiling from ear to ear.
‘oh shut up!’ is all you say as you hit his head.
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