#i got her dry socks after the played outside in the rain and told her what a great mom she had bc her rain overalls were so great
guinevereslancelot · 5 months
slowly gaining the favor of the one child who hates everyone. i am the toddler whisperer 😌
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 15) - Trouble In Paradise
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Summary: The reader is enjoying settling into her newfound children’s book career and shares how important the bracelet she gave Jensen is to her. A rainy day allows the reader to enjoy her shift into motherhood despite all of the bumps that go with it. But not everything is smooth sailing for the happy couple...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,600ish
Warnings: language, angst, mention of past abuse, nightmares, major angst
A/N: Uh oh. Big uh oh. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Two Weeks Later
“Honey bun,” sang Jensen as he stepped into your home office you’d set up in the small reading room in the house. “Must you work today?”
“I do occasionally have to work on that drawing thing,” you said. He pouted and laid out on the daybed, picking up a copy of the third book. “Give me another hour to finish with these pages.”
“Can I hang out and watch you draw?” he asked.
“Knock your socks off,” you said. You picked up your stylus again and went back to your pad, Jensen sitting up and watching from the other side of the room. “You can sit closer if you want.”
He got up and pulled over a chair, crossing his legs in it.
“I basically draw using my stylus and this pad and it shows up on my laptop screen,” you said.
“We could get you a better screen, like your own separate work computer. I know your stories are picking up a lot of steam.”
“I’m okay for now. All I need to do is finish illustrating this book and my five book deal is done and ready for print,” you said.
“Can I make a request?”
“I would love to put in a giraffe for Zepp but the story takes place in the woods,” you said.
“Baby giraffe? Maybe just in the background?” he asked.
You backed out of your current page and went to the last two where the foxes and wolves were playing with their friends. You tapped on a tree and erased it, sketching out a loose shape.
“Look up a giraffe for me?” you asked. He tapped away on his phone and pulled up a picture. “Thanks.”
You drew a picture of a rough giraffe, softening it some before adding colors.
“You’re really good at that,” he said.
“The characters are easy. Backgrounds can get boring,” you said. You went back to your original set of pages and worked quietly, Jensen watching carefully. “Yes?”
“Just wanna spend time with you is all,” he said, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Okay, baby,” you said. You worked for another hour, Jensen asking the occasional question but mostly staying silent and close by. After you sent off the pages for review you turned to him, Jensen offering a soft smile in return. “All set with work for the day.”
“Awesome,” he said.
“Where’s the munchkins?”
“A movie,” he said. You ran your fingers through his hair and he leaned into it. “Tell me a secret.”
“A secret? I don’t think I have too many of those left from you,” you said. He opened his eyes and looked at you through his lashes. “What?”
“You said you got this on vacation,” he said, holding up his wrist, the bracelet you’d put on him two weeks ago still there. “When we were down there, I was talking to Ray and he kinda implied it wasn’t just a souvenir.”
“I was upset that day when he bought it for me. It meant I was safe was all,” you said.
“How long after did your mom…”
“A few months. She went on bed rest after that trip.”
“Y/N, I know when you’re holding back, honey. I would never judge or tell anyone anything. You know that.”
“You got hurt because you lost someone and you got hurt and it sucks right? But it’s kinda like something happened and then you heal from it right?”
“Yeah…” he said. “What don’t I know?”
“You know how anxious you were to get in the car and drive down to the beach?” you asked as he nodded. “You’ve never been afraid of a person, Jensen. It’s like that feeling...but everyday and you’re expected to live your life normally when you constantly have that over your head.”
He was quiet, glancing past you as the room grew darker from some passing clouds outside.
“Canada wasn’t the first time you saw your father since you were adopted, was it,” he said.
“You wouldn’t believe what a good lawyer and shitty laws will do for a piece of shit like that,” you said.
“You were a kid.”
“With zero physical evidence. Everything was circumstantial. So he got out and he came to apologize or some bullshit and Ray decked him.”
“The more I learn about Ray, the more I like him.”
“My mom kicked him in the nuts.”
“I really like that woman,” he said. You smiled and he moved his chair closer, pulling you into his lap. “I don’t mean to make you talk about your dad. I was curious was all.”
He went to take off the bracelet when you put a hand over it.
“I don’t want to remind you of something bad, sweetheart.”
“Like I said, I was upset. Very upset and in public and I went down to the beach to try to hide away. Ray bought that for me and told me I was safe when he put it on me. All it means to me is that you’re safe.”
“What about you? What do you have?” he asked quietly. You cocked your head and moved your hand to rest over his chest. “Alright, sort of a dumb question.”
“Not dumb,” you said, trailing your fingers down his chest.
“Guess you’ll just have to stay as close as humanly possible.”
“I don’t have a problem with that,” you said.
“Do you have a restraining order against your father?”
“No but that’s only because Ray managed to get him kicked out of the country. He found some loophole law. He was born in the Yukon so technically he’s not American and he got him kicked back.”
“Scratch that. Ray is my new favorite person,” he said. “If only we could send him someplace we’ll never visit like...a deserted island. Or Hell.”
“I appreciate the thought but I’m not scared of him anymore,” you said. “I am however afraid our plans of lunch at the brewery are going to get rained out.”
“We can enjoy ourselves right here. I’ve never heard a complaint yet about my grilling.”
“You know what? I got the perfect idea.”
“Okay,” said Jensen, sliding the foil packet off the grill and onto JJ’s plate. You’d decided to have lunch on the grill, sitting out under the covered back patio off the playroom. It was pouring rain but you were plenty dry there. “Chicken, marinara sauce and cheese. Then we got chicken, ketchup and baby carrots for Arrow. Zeppy wanted to try barbecue sauce and onion which sounded good to me and then Y/N went for the salmon and lemon.”
You helped the twins open up their foil packets and get their food on their plates, dicing up the chicken for them before going to your own plate.
“Daddy,” said Zeppelin while he chewed on a big piece of chicken. Jensen hummed and worked on his own food. “Can we play race cars after lunch?”
“Sure,” he said, JJ shaking her head.
“I don’t wanna play cars,” she said. Zeppelin stared at her and his bottom lip wobbled. “You’re a cry baby.”
“JJ, that’s rude,” you said, Jensen glancing at you and nodding. “Apologize to your brother.”
“Sorry,” she mumbled. 
“We’re gonna play cars after lunch and you’re welcome to join,” said Jensen. “Your brother goes along with what you girls want to play quite a bit so I think you can do the same for him.”
“I still don’t wanna play cars,” she mumbled.
“You play cars with the Padalecki boys all the time,” you said.
“Not little kid cars,” she said. “He doesn’t know how to play right.”
You saw Zeppelin getting upset again and sighed.
“There’s no wrong way to play,” you said. “Zepp’s littler than you. You gotta be the big sister and do what he wants sometimes.”
“Mom would have played dress up,” she grumbled. “Not stupid cars.”
“Enough,” said Jensen. “You’re old enough to know better.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Your brother wants to play cars. We played horses all morning long and you barely let him have a turn at that so like I said, we’re gonna play what he wants and you are welcome to join us but if you don’t want to, you can play something else,” he said. 
“Baby,” she said under her breath. Jensen didn’t catch it but you did.
“JJ you’re in timeout after lunch. Ten minutes,” you said. 
“I didn’t-”
“You just called him a baby. You want to make it fifteen?” you asked.
“You’re not my mom! You can’t give me timeouts,” she said.
“Half an hour now,” said Jensen. She stared at him and he shook his head. “Eat your lunch.”
Zeppelin spent half of it crying quietly and JJ barely touched hers before she was following Jensen inside. You threw your head back and sighed before you went inside to get some tissues. When you came back out Arrow was hugging him tightly.
“Let’s clean you up, buddy,” you said as you squatted down beside them. She let go of him and you wiped off his face and helped him blow his nose. “Feel better?”
“We can play dress up,” he said. You picked him up and hoisted him on your hip. 
“We’re gonna play cars. Arrow, do you want to play with us?” you asked. She smiled and nodded. “Hey how about you go wash your hands and then you can bring out the bucket of cars and we’ll play out here. How’s that sound Zepp?”
“Okay,” he said. Arrow went inside and you carried him around as you collected the trash and threw it in the bag you brought out. You tied it up and left it in the corner to put in the bin later before you you walked to the edge of the covered patio, rain coming down at a decent rate. “Y/N you’re my mom right?”
“I’m one of your moms,” you said. “I’m gonna adopt you that way everybody can know I am though.”
“Cool,” he said softly, resting his head on your shoulder. “Mom can we play in the rain?”
“Hear any thunder?” you asked. He shook his head. “See any lightning?”
“Nuh uh,” he said.
“Then we can play in the rain all you want,” you said. You walked out to the grass and spun around with him, getting a giggle out of him. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” he asked. You spun around again and he laughed.
“There it is again!” you said. He giggled and you spun around a few times until you were dizzy and took a seat. He hugged you and kissed your cheek as you noticed Jensen leaning against the post of the patio. He was smiling and you hopped up with Zeppelin, waving him around in the air until you were back under cover. You set him down and he ran over to Arrow, picking out his favorite cars from the bucket and handing her some. 
“Well that might have been one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen,” he said. 
“You took a picture, didn’t you.”
“Oh several,” he said. He glanced back at the twins and then at you. “It clicked for you just now didn’t it.”
“Being a mom? Yeah.”
“You didn’t look to me on how to discipline JJ and you made him feel better and you made him laugh. You went full mom there and I’ve kinda been waiting for that.”
“I know it’s just playing they’re arguing over but I just hate...there is so much of you in him,” you said.
“I know and that feeling will never go away but it means you love ‘em and loving them is my only requirement for us working so this was actually a really good thing.”
“Those two are so sweet,” you said.
“It’s the twin thing. Oh what fun we have to look forward to when they are teenagers and they lie to us for one another,” he chuckled.
“Yeah but I’ll take it. Did you really give her a half hour timeout?”
“Fifteen minutes. She needs to share more and he doesn’t like confrontation so he goes along with what she wants but it’s not her road or the highway.”
“She’s been a little…”
“I know. Since we told them about the engagement,” he said. “We gotta talk to her on her own.”
“Let me take a crack at her first?” you asked.
“You got a hunch?”
“I don’t think having a mom again is a problem. I think the idea of losing a mom again is.”
“That makes sense considering she was attached to your hip before all this.”
“I’m gonna go see if I can get to the bottom of this. Now go play cars,” you said. He kissed your cheek and you headed inside, drying off some with a towel in the laundry room before you went up to JJ’s bedroom. You knocked and cracked open the door, catching her splayed out on her bed. “JJ. Can we talk?”
She rolled and put her back to you. You sat down on the edge of her bed and took a deep breath.
“You know your brother did what you wanted all day. You have to share,” you said. She didn’t say anything and you lay back on the bed, turning your head. She rolled back the other way and you sat up. She rolled again and you tilted your head back. “JJ do you want me to be your mom?”
“No,” she mumbled. 
“Are you lying?” She didn’t move and you sat back, her face scrunched up. “Are you scared if I’m your mom something bad will happen to me?”
“I don’t want two dead moms,” she said. 
“I have two dead moms,” you said. She blinked her eyes open and sat up. “My first mom, I never met her. She died giving birth to me.”
“You only had a dad when you were born?” she asked. You nodded and pulled her into your lap. “Did he get married again?”
“No. My dad was very mad my mom died. He took that out on me. He was a bad guy. He went to jail and I got adopted by my mom when I was your age. Ray was her boyfriend. He acted like he was my dad in a lot of ways. I was sixteen when my mom died. I understand it hurts, sweetie, and that it’s scary and you don’t ever want to feel like that again.”
“I thought if I was bad you and daddy wouldn’t...and then I don’t have to feel bad again.”
“I am so sorry honey but you can’t stop that feeling from never coming back. The only way you could not get it would be to not love anyone or anything and that’s not a life at all. It’s the price you pay for loving someone. Your mom was an accident. But Daddy is young and I’m even younger and I promise you will not have to feel that way about me for a very, very long time.”
“How long?”
“How about fifty years?”
“Fifty years? That’s forever,” she said. 
“I’ll give you fifty years if I can be your mom and you stop picking on Zepp. Deal?”
“Okay. I’m sorry I made him cry.”
“I’m not the one that needs an apology,” you said. “Now do you want stay in here all by yourself or do you want to come play with us?”
“I can play?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” you said. You got up and carried her down on your back, setting her down to let her run off out to the porch. Jensen got up from his seat and held up a finger, ducking back inside to where you were.
“That’s what I like to see,” he said as she gave Zeppelin a hug and he handed her a car.
“I did have to promise not to die for fifty years.”
“Fifty? You got off easy. I had to promise a hundred after the accident,” he chuckled. “I should have noticed she was scared.”
“I have more experience being a scared little girl than you do. I got experience with letting people get close again too,” you said.
“How’s that working out for ya?” he smirked.
“He’s lucky he’s hot,” you said. He threw his arm over your shoulders and grinned. “Do you want to get married in the fall?”
“This fall?” he asked.
“Can we pull it off that fast?” you asked.
“Yeah. We don’t have to book a venue which is the hardest part. I don’t see why not. What’s the rush?” he asked.
“It’s easier to adopt them if we’re married,” you said. “I don’t really want to wait longer than we have to if that’s alright.”
“I’d say let’s go drive down to city hall and get a justice of the peace right now if I knew my mother wouldn’t kill me for it. How about I call up the lawyer and ask him to start prepping the paperwork as if we already were so it’s all set to go,” he said.
“You have a lawyer?” you asked. “They’d do that?”
“Y/N, honey. My taxes alone frighten me not to mention I own a business with employees and what qualifies as a business write off still confuses me and wait you don’t have a lawyer for your book deal?”
“Should I have one?” 
“Greg is your lawyer now,” he said. “He’s good. He’ll do all the paperwork for us.”
“Oh good cause all the forms online were confusing the hell out of me,” you said. He shook his head and pulled you in close. 
“Silly goose,” he said, a loud boom of thunder shaking the house. “Let’s get the crew inside before it pours.”
“Who wants to build a fort?” you asked that afternoon. JJ jumped up and down on the couch and Jensen walked in with an arm full of blankets and sheets. Three little hands shot up and Jensen lazily tossed the blankets on the couch, covering the three of them.
“Hm, where’d those three munchkins run off to…” he said, Arrow ducking her head out first, hair all in her face. Jensen giggled and she rolled her eyes, the other two climbing out. “Alright. I’m gonna grab clothes pins and a few more things. You guys start designing.”
You stood back and let JJ organize, figuring out her first choice of blanket for a roof was too small. Jensen returned with a bag of clips, some twine and the step ladder, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.
“How they doing?” he whispered.
“Picking out the roof,” you said, Arrow rushing over and grabbing his hand as Zeppelin climbed on JJ’s back and held up a sheet over the two of them with one hand. You smirked and she let out another eye roll.
“Daddy, can you pick up Zeppy so then he can put the blankie up? I told them they’re too small,” she said.
“Sure,” he said. “Tell me where you want it to go.”
Twenty minutes later the family room was covered with sheets, tied off to the stairs, chairs, the ceiling fan after Jensen broke out the larger ladder to get up there and assured you it wouldn’t bring the whole thing crashing down. 
“Can we sleep in here tonight?” asked JJ. 
“I don’t see why not,” you said. “There’s plenty of room on the couch. We’ll bring down your comforters when it’s bedtime,” you said.
“Can we watch Cars?” asked Zeppelin, glancing at JJ. 
“Okay,” she said. She gave him a hug and picked him up, Jensen smiling to himself as he looked on.
“Can we get pizza for dinner like a real sleepover?” asked Arrow. 
“We did cook up all the chicken at lunch,” you said, giving Jensen a side eye.
“Yeah we’ll get one,” he said. “Why don’t you turn on your movie okay? We’ll be right there.”
You let Jensen pull you into the kitchen, smirking as he picked you up and sat you on the counter.
“Seems like today’s crisis has been averted,” you said.
“I’m sure they’ll go back to tormenting each other tomorrow but I’ll take it,” he said, reaching into the drawer next to you, pulling out a menu. “So. You interested in pizza?”
“Oh that looks interesting,” you said, taking the pamphlet out of his hand and tapping at a special. “One cheese, one speciality, boneless wings and garlic bread? My little carb loving heart is in love.”
“She’s not the only one,” he said, leaning up on his tip toes and kissing you. 
“Are you coming?” groaned JJ from in the fort. You shook your head and Jensen kissed your neck, even nibbling before he pulled back. You smacked his chest and he set the menu down, giving you a wink.
“We’re coming in right now. Don’t wait for us kiddo.”
You woke up sweating, Jensen shushing you, arms wrapped around you. You took a deep breath and caught the clock said it was almost three. You turned in his arms and buried your head in his chest, his hand rubbing up and down your back.
“You’re okay. Bad dream is all,” he said softly. You nodded and started to relax, flinching when there was more thunder. “Hey, it’s okay. Nothing’s gonna get ya.”
The thunder shook the house and you tensed up. Jensen pulled the covers over both your heads and you crammed in as close as humanly possible when more thunder hit.
“Honey look at me. Please look at me.” You lifted your head and saw a horrible face in front of you, a scream ripping out of your throat.
“Y/N,” you heard as you woke up absolutely drenched, Jensen’s hands on your face. “Honey, talk to me. Can you hear me?”
“Night terror,” you said quietly. 
“Yeah, JJ used to have them. I didn’t know adults could get them,” he said. 
“Can I have a cold washcloth? And some water?” you asked. He got out of bed and padded into the bathroom in his boxers, settling back into bed and handing you the water. You drank it down while he wiped off your face and neck, running it over your head. “Thanks.”
“You okay?” he asked. 
“Mostly feel embarrassed.” He frowned and you put the glass on your nightstand, staring down at your sweaty shirt. 
“Should I call Ray?”
“It was a stupid nightmare. I’m fine,” you said.
“You were sat up eyes wide open and talking and shouting and I couldn’t wake you up,” he said. “I know adults really shouldn’t be getting night terrors so maybe something triggered you or something during the day.”
“I know my triggers and I know when it’s just a stupid nightmare. Back off,” you said. You got out from under the hot covers and went outside to the balcony, the air nice and cool from the storm earlier. The slide of the door was loud in the the quiet and you rubbed your arm. “I’m sorry.”
“I’ve seen you have nightmares. That was a lot worse,” he said.
“I thought I saw someone watching the house earlier.”
“It was the neighbor’s kid, the teenager. It was his friend and he came over late but I thought...it freaked me out. That on top of thinking about the fact my father is not rotting in a jail cell most likely sent me over the edge,” you said. He walked in front of you, resting his hands on your arms. “I’m okay. Needed some air was all.”
“Alright. Tell me if something like that happens again?” he asked. You hummed and he gave you a kiss. “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s head on back to bed.”
“What do you mean?” you growled into the phone the next evening. Jensen lifted his head from his book in the family room and you walked away, stepping out to the private patio area on the side of the house. “That’s not possible.”
“It’s been fifteen years. He has every legal right to be in the country.”
“In the country! He got an apartment seven minutes from where I live!” you said. “I have little kids here, Finn. Tell me there’s something I can do.”
“I can get a restraining order-”
“That doesn’t mean shit to him. I need him fucking deported. I need him gone.”
“Y/N, you know me. I have never agreed to it but he paid his debt as it was assigned and he quietly followed the law. He did what he was supposed to and I’m sorry but until he does something, I can’t do anything besides help you and your fiance’s family get a restraining order.”
“So until he does something horrible again, I can’t do anything about it.”
“No Finn. I appreciate the heads up but...I have to go.”
You hung up and squeezed your phone tight. He knew where you lived. He was minutes away and there was absolutely zero help until something went wrong. You sat on a bench and bounced your leg. Nothing could go wrong. You couldn’t let anything go wrong. Who knew what the son of a bitch would do to any one of them.
You stopped bouncing your leg just as you heard the door open. You lifted your head and stood, spinning around to Jensen standing there.
“Everything alright?”
“Actually no.”
“Who was on the phone?”
“My ex,” you said, swallowing. You crossed your arms and thought of the things Jensen had told you about acting and getting in character and all that. You were gonna destroy him. Fuck you were going to end up shattering him into a thousand pieces he’d never put back together. 
You couldn’t really lie just to keep them away from him, could you? 
You saw Arrow run past in the house and made your face hard. Broken heart but safe kids was worth it.
“I thought you didn’t talk to him anymore,” said Jensen. You turned up your chin and he smiled. “You are the worst actress in the world. Who was it really?”
“I think we’re moving too fast and I want to take a break and I would appreciate it if you gave me my space to figure this out on my own.”
“Uh, what?” he said. You brushed past him and he followed you in, all the way up to your bedroom. You got out a bag and he flipped it shut. “What the hell is going on? Who was on the phone?”
“My boyfriend,” you said. He stared at you and you sighed. “You’re a great guy but I’m sorry. I can’t do the house and kids thing. I want to go see the world and not be tied down and you’re just...you’re too damn old for me.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Maybe you should have trusted your first instincts when you saw me and Doug,” you said. He stared at you while you shoved some clothes in a bag. You slung it over your shoulder and he caught the backside of it. You took off your ring and put it on the table by the door, Jensen dropping his hand. “I just can’t do this anymore. It wasn’t you. I’m sorry. I really need to go.”
A/N: Read Part 16 here!
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strangerivy · 4 years
Through Sickness and Health
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Summary: Erwin had you go out on an expedition without Levi and you had gotten caught in the middle of a storm a few days into it. After being stuck in the rain for hours you arrive back at HQ with the flu. Warnings: Swearing | Implied Smut Pairings: Levi Ackerman x Reader (y/n) Genre: 18+ | Fluff Word Count: 3.1k Author’s Note: I hope you guys enjoy! 😊❤
|| Masterlist | AOT Masterlist ||
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Year 847 - Spring
This. Was. Miserable. The rain pelleted down as you rode back to the wall, Erwin finally calling the retreat after over 3 hours of the weather not clearing up which was already risky since you would not be able to use your smoke flares to signal the other squads of any titans. Thunder and lightning crackled and boomed over you as the storm worsened each minute, the wind whipping your soaked cloak around so violently that it whipped you in the face a couple of times, a nice red mark forming on your cheek from one of the hits.
You braced yourself as another gust of powerful wind pushed you. You cursed Erwin for making you come out on this mission, your mind thinking about how Levi was probably warm in his office with the fire going probably completely so absorbed in his work that he doesn’t even notice the weather outside. You could only hope he hadn’t noticed knowing he would be worried otherwise.
Despite the weather, you couldn’t say this mission was a complete failure. You had located the group of Titans that were near the south side of the wall and had cleared out the few that hung around the outpost you had stayed at the last two days. Reclaiming it once again. A total of 8 solo kills for yourself to add to your ever-growing number. You finally were able to see Wall Rose coming into view and you had to force yourself to not go faster and break formation. You were cold, tired, and sore. You were more than ready to crawl into your bed to sleep for the next week if they would let you.
You passed a couple of abandoned homes as you got closer to the wall, nature starting to take over once again now that no one lived within Wall Maria. Almost two years have passed since that day and things were just now starting to feel normal, as normal as living in a world with man-eating giants could be that is.
You could hear the bells signaling your arrival as you got close to the gate.  You sat up straighter as you walked through the city putting on a brave face for the people that still held fear in their eyes knowing that the Colossal titan could return at any moment. You wished you could help ease that fear even if it was just a small fraction. The rest of the ride was smooth now that you were within the safety of Wall Rose.
You handed your horse off to the stable hand but not before giving her some much need pets for a job well done making a mental note to bring her some apples, a tradition of your own after each mission. Your boots made a gross sloshing sound with each step from the water that had soaked into your socks. Levi was going to be so mad about you not taking them off before coming inside but your body was so tired you weren’t even sure you were able to get them off by yourself at this point. You stopped in front of Hange’s door knocking on it, a muffled ‘come in’ sounding through the door.
You opened it to see her slouched over her desk looking up with a big smile on her face when she saw it was you, an excited ‘Ooo’ noise coming out of her lips as she reached out with grabby hands. You pulled out the small notebook putting it in her palm as you turned around to leave.
“That’s all the notes I could manage to take this time,” You mumbled as you headed for the door with a wave of your hand.
“You are incredible, you know that!” She beamed as you walked out shutting the door behind you. You dragged your feet down the hall until you stood in front of your shared quarters with Levi, you paused staring down at your soaked muddy boots trying to see if there was a way for you to get them off without having to bend over or sit down. You stood there for a few more minutes still running through options in your head when the door opened suddenly showing and annoyed Levi his eyes narrowing as he looked you up and down.
“You look like shit.” You narrowed your eyes at him as you let out a sneeze as if on cue. He grimaced brows scrunched in disgust but still opened the door further for you to enter, you heard him grumble about your shoes as you went to take a seat on the chair by the fire as he shut the door behind you. He let out a sigh as he kneeled helping you get out of your soaked boots placing them by the fire to dry. He leaned in placing a small kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll go run you a bath,” He told you softly, you nodded your head as he walked through your bedroom to the attached bath. Your head lulled to the side as you stared at the fire your eyes fighting to stay open. You let out a deep sigh as the fire slowly started to warm your body, your joints starting to ache as they began relaxing. Levi came back giving your arm a gentle shake to make sure you were still awake before helping you back up and to the bathroom.
You let out a sigh when the hot water hit your body your muscles beginning to relax almost instantly. Levi helped you wash your hair and body as you fought to stay awake letting out a fit of coughs making him raise a brow in question. Once you were cleaned of the expedition Levi helped you out and you dried yourself off, putting on some clean sleepwear before he guided you to the bed. You sniffled, your nose feeling congested as he tucked you into the warm blankets. He gave another concerned look before going and putting out the candles the room falling into comfortable darkness the only sound from the fireplace and his feet shuffling around until he made it to the bed crawling in behind you.
You rolled over and he pulled you closer to him so that you could rest your head on his chest listening to the soft beat of his heart and feel the soft rise and fall of his breaths.
“I was worried,” He whispered playing with ends of your hair working out any knots he came across.
“I promised I would always come back,” You titled your head to look up at him with a soft smile before another fit of coughs caused you to roll away to avoid coughing on him. Once you were done, he pulled you into him kissing the back of your head. You were sick there was no doubt. You silently cursed Erwin again as you sniffled not being able to breathe through your nose.
“Get some sleep,” Levi whispered softly turning to blow out the candle on the nightstand, the only light coming from the fireplace. You let out a comfortable sigh as you slipped deeper into the mattress letting the night take you into a deep sleep.
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“I wouldn’t worry too much Levi,” You faintly heard Hange’s voice as you came to, the light of the sun shining down on your face the soft sounds of birds singing outside your window. You kept your eyes shut as you slowly adjusted to the light.
“It’s been two days, Hange” Levi’s worried voice came from the other room, your eye blinked open as you listened trying to remain quiet. You noticed your nose was now clear a small sense of relief went through you with that, hating the stuffy feeling. Even though you had just woken up your body was still tired and if you really wanted you could probably fall right back asleep.
“There are few others from that expedition down with the flu as well, y/n is only human. She’ll recover.” Hange reassured Levi and that piqued your interest, how long were you asleep for? Your throat began to itch from the dryness, and you let out a round of coughs catching the attention of the other two. Levi was first to walk in going and grabbing a glass he had placed on the nightstand next to you handing it to you as he helped sit you up. You took a couple of gulps sighing as the cool liquid eased the soreness of your throat.
Levi took the glass back from you, setting it back down before feeling your forehead with the back of his hand, looking at you with concerned eyes but then a small hint of relief flashed through them.
“Your fever has gone down a bit,” He stated with a soft smile as he leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, you let out a few small coughs using the back of your hand to cover your mouth from spreading the germs.
“Glad to see you rise from the dead, another day or two and shortie over there probably would have had assembled the best doctors from Sina to treat you,” Hange joked leaned up against the bedroom door frame with a smirk as Levi quickly shot a glare at them,
“Don’t you have some titan to torture?” He spat and she let out a loud chuckle before she stood up with a wave as she left.
“I’m happy you’re okay, y/n” She shouted before you heard the office door shut leaving just Levi and you now
“How-” another cough “How long was I out?” You asked your voice coming out hoarse from lack of use and from being sick no doubt.
“Two days,” He answered going to reach for the water but you shook your hand signaling you didn’t need it. He grabbed it anyway and you let out a sigh taking it from him finishing it off.
“You don’t need to baby me,” You whined handing him the empty glass, He clicked his tongue.
“You’ve been out for two days, you need water,” He said setting the glass back on the nightstand. You laid back on the pillows closing your eyes once again ready to drift back off to sleep.
“Tch! You need to eat before you fall back into a coma,” He stated giving you’re a little shake causing you to let out a small groan as you fluttered your eyes back open with a small glare and pout. He smiled down at you pushing your hair out of your face.
“Let me sleep Levi,” You whined again, going to roll over away from him, but he was quick to snake an arm around your waist preventing you from rolling away.
“I’ll get you a bath going before I go get us some food, hmm?” He offered, you let out a defeated sigh giving a small nod and he helped you sit up, your legs felt weak from the lack of movement. He left to the bathroom to get the bath ready. You stretched out your limbs trying to wake them up. You slowly made your way to standing trying to make sure you wouldn’t collapse to the floor, that was the last thing you need with Levi being as attentive as he was. It had been a while since you’d been sick but the last time you remember him being just like this except your cold was much worse being in the underground.
You slowly dragged your feet across the floor making your way into the bathroom to be greeted with the warm steam the tub had filled the room with the faint scent of lavender in the air. Levi noticed you walk in and was quick to your side helping you to the tub which you couldn’t help but chuckle softly to yourself shaking your head.
“Levi, I’m not made of glass,” You smirked as he helped you undress. He rolled his eyes at your comment before helping you get into the tub, you sighed once you were all the way in resting your head against the edge. Levi gave you a kiss on the head before leaving to get your food. You honestly could fall asleep with how warm the water was, but you knew how badly that could end and Levi would scold you about how it was dangerous.
You washed your body and hair by the time he got back you were already out, lying back in your bed with fresh sleep clothes on. You coughed a few times as he sat down next to you a bowl of soup in his hands as he waited for you to finish coughing. You set the bowl in your lap careful not to tip it and get it all over the bed as you slowly ate, you weren’t very hungry, but you knew Levi wouldn’t let you go back to sleep without at least getting something in your system.
Once you were finished, he took your bowls setting them on the side table as he helped tuck you back into bed. You smiled softly as you watched him tuck the blankets into your side. He glanced up at you with a curious gaze.
“What?” He asked sounding annoyed, but the small smile gave him away, you hummed shaking your head.
“Just thinking how I should get sick more often, this is nice,” You murmured, nuzzling into the blankets, you were finding it to be more and more difficult to keep your eyes open. Levi clicked his tongue at your comment and went to reply but when he looked up, he saw you had already fallen back asleep soft snores coming from you.
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It took another two days for you to start feeling well enough to start working again. Levi was persistent to still wait another day, but you couldn’t lay in the bed for another day sneaking out of the room while Levi was in a meeting with Erwin to go train with Hange.
Both of you had sweat dripping from your heads and you were both breathing heavily going back and forth on hand-to-hand combat. You knew you wouldn’t be able to go for much longer feeling the effects of having been in a bed for four days to take its toll. You would need to rebuild your stamina again.
“So how did you get Levi to let you train?” Hange asked going for an attack that you were quick to dodge easily countering and tossing her on the ground with a huff. You offered her your hand which she gladly took.
“Well,” You rubbed the back of your neck a little embarrassed, “I kind of snuck out,” Hange looked at you with a blank face before bursting out laughing.
“You- you had to sneak out of your own room?” She chuckled as you walked to the bench on the edge of the training ground. You let out a sigh taking the towel she offered you wiping the sweat from your forehead and neck.
“It's not funny Hange!” You groaned plopping down on the bench with a huff,
“I mean it’s not surprising if you think about it. Remember how hard it was to get him to let you back when you broke your ankle?” She pointed out and you let out a knowing hum. You had to get Erwin involved then, but you couldn’t blame him too much then. You had just lost Isabel and Furlan then. But this was different.
“I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t noticed yet, I didn’t think their meeting would go this long,” You laid back on the bench one leg bent resting on the bench the other dangling. The spring afternoon sun shining down on the both of you. It felt nice to get some fresh air.
“Mmm, I think you may have spoken too soon my dear,” You lifted your head to see her pointing towards HQ and there was a familiar black head of hair walking, very angrily, towards you. You could feel the annoyance radiating off him from where you rested. You snorted unaffected by his intimidating stature, laying your head back down waiting for him to get to you.
“Oi! Y/N! What the hell are you doing out here?” He scolded when he got close enough to where he knew you would be able to hear him. You smirked and Hange snorted tapping your foot.
“I’ll see you at dinner,” She said before leaving in the opposite way Levi was coming. You patiently waited for him to get to you hearing his feet hit the grass with each step before they stopped right next to your head his shadow blocking the warm sun from hitting you. You opened your eyes with an innocent smile as you looked up at him.
He had his arms crossed and was glaring down at you tapping his finger annoyedly on his arm.
“I thought we agreed you would rest another day?” He asked as you sat up. You let out a small snort as you stood up stretching your arms.
“I don’t remember this,” You couldn’t hide the smirk as you both started to head back inside. Levi scoffed with a shake of his head.
“Of course you don’t,” He was annoyed but you could see the small twitch of his lip that showed he wasn’t too annoyed with you. He opened the door holding it open for you to enter letting it close behind you as you both walked down the hall in comfortable silence.
When you got back to the room you went into your bedroom starting to take off your straps and you heard the scratch of a desk chair across the floor. Once you had the straps off and your boots you went into the bathroom starting the shower when you had an idea on how to cheer him up.
“I’m going to shower,” You shouted loud enough for him to hear you, you waited a few more moments a playful smile on your lips. “Since I’m feeling better, I thought you could join me?” You heard the chair move again instantly and quick footsteps heading towards you.
You yelped with some giggles as he slammed his lips to yours when he got to you, his fingers quickly working the buttons of your shirt as he pushed you back towards the shower. You smiled against his lips your fingers moving to his straps to help him out of them.
His straps fell to the ground the belts clinking against the floor as they hit. Then it was your shirt and his and soon you were both bare as he guided you into the shower. A soft moan leaving your lips as he kissed the spot just below your ear, a smirk on his lips.
Levi may be a pain whenever you were injured or sick, but it was only because he cared, it was his way of showing he loved you. Besides, you couldn’t complain about what always came after.
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spidersfanfics · 3 years
Josuke x Okuyasu | Fluff & Light Angst | Sharing Clothes | Sentient Stands
Okuyasu takes shelter from the rain at Josuke's house. He's just now noticing how soft everything about Josuke is.
"Come on Oku, run!" Josuke called out, fighting to keep his balance on the wet ground. "My house is closer, we'll hide out there." The two were being pursued, not by an enemy stand user for once, but by the oncoming rainstorm that had been threatening to break all day. They'd had the misfortune of getting caught out in it on their way home from school and were now in the process of getting thoroughly soaked. They both raised their schoolbags over their heads, hoping to shield themselves from the rain even a little bit as they ducked their heads and ran. Josuke had a brief thought about the homework that was surely getting soaked but decided ultimately that keeping the water out of his eyes was more important.
By the time they'd reached Josuke's doorstep, the rain was coming down in buckets. "Come on in," Josuke said, grabbing Okuyasu's wrist with one hand and fumbling for his keys with the other.
Okuyasu gave him a hesitant look and debated resisting but didn't even try hard enough to break free of Josuke's grip. "My house isn't that far from here," he said half-heartedly, "I should just go home."
"And get more soaked?" Josuke asked as the door swung open. "You're going to catch a cold or something in that creaky old house of yours. Just stay here for a bit until it clears." He moved to tug Okuyasu inside and this time he did not resist.
The two breathed twin sighs of relief as the door shut behind them. Effectively locking out the weather brewing on the other side. The howling of the wind and the drumming of the rain quieted dramatically in an instant. Josuke shook his head, flinging off droplets of rainwater before calling into the house. "Mom! I'm home! Okuyasu's here too, he's going to stay for a while until the rain stops." Without waiting for a reply, he slipped his shoes off, peeled off his wet socks and began to head upstairs to his room.
Okuyasu followed, feeling somewhat self conscious as Josuke's mom yelled back in response. "As long as you still get your homework done," she called from the kitchen. "Don't take this as an excuse to just play video games all afternoon." There was a pause as she seemed to consider her work at hand. "Will he be staying for dinner?"
Josuke looked at Okuyasu who seemed torn between politely declining and enthusiastically accepting the implied offer of food. So Josuke took it upon himself to answer for him. "Yeah, if you don't mind making some extra for him tonight. That would be great, thanks mom."
"Thank you Mrs. Higashikata," Okuyasu said as well before following Josuke upstairs.
Once the two had reached his room, Josuke opened his bag and started tossing things onto the ground so that they would dry easier. He cringed at the sorry state of his papers and frowned. "Man, this sucks. Do you think Koichi got home okay? He wanted to go somewhere with Yukako today but maybe his stuff isn't as ruined and we can copy off some stuff tomorrow."
"I sure hope so," Okuyasu said, digging around in his bag and revealing that this things were no better off. He looked up to see Josuke shrugging off the jacket of his school uniform and followed suite.
"Just hang that on the back of a chair or something to dry," Josuke told him, barely paying him any mind as he moved over to the full length mirror in his room and pouted at the state of his hair. "Well, that's ruined for the rest of the day," he grumbled. Josuke then turned to Okuyasu still sitting on the edge of the bed and tugging uncomfortably at his wet shirt. "I'm going to go take a shower," he said with a soft smile, "You can too if you'd like."
Okuyasu let his gaze dip down for just a moment at that before flashing a cheeky smile, "Better not."
Josuke let that process for a moment before his eyes widened and he spluttered slightly with a prominent blush on his face. "I didn't mean like that," he stammered, "You can just, I mean, if you want to after I'm done."
Okuyasu laughed, pleased at himself for being able to get his boyfriend so flustered. "I know, I know. It's just fun to tease you. But seriously, I'm fine. If I really need to I can shower when I get home." Josuke nodded and turned to leave but before he could exit the room, Okuyasu called out again. "But I would like to change into something dry. I don't have any clothes here though. Obviously."
"Oh for sure dude," Josuke stifled a laugh at the awkward way Okuyasu had worded that and slid open his closet door on his way out. "Just borrow my clothes for now," he said as he grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom. "I'll try to be quick. Wear whatever you want." He closed the door behind him and Okuyasu stood at last to move towards the closet.
With some difficulty, he peeled his wet clothes off until he was stripped down to his boxers and surveyed his options. He looked for a moment at the chest of drawers but quickly decided that actually rummaging through Josuke's clothes felt too intimate, even if they were dating now. He'd just take something off the hangers. His eyes landed on a plain blue hoodie shoved to the back that he'd never seen Josuke wear before. With only a moment's hesitation he grabbed it and pulled it over his head. Okuyasu sighed quietly at the warmth of the hoodie as well as its scent. A small part of his mind wondered if that was a weird thing to notice. Though it did smelled nice, mostly like laundry detergent but also like Josuke. He subconsciously wrapped his arms around himself, hugging the soft fabric closer to his body. So soft...
Now for pants. But yet again, the closed drawers sent him into a spiral of overthinking until he decided it was easier if he just skipped on that part for now. He decided to retreat to Josuke's bed and stay there until Josuke returned. With little thought to the matter, he snuggled down under the blankets to warm up further. He tried his best not to think of what Josuke was doing just one room over. Tried to let the sound of the shower just blend into the rain outside and avoid picturing Josuke naked and so close to him yet still so far. It wasn't easy.
At last, the door clicked open once more and Josuke came back into the room. A towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand as he dried his hair off.
Okuyasu sat up eagerly at Josuke's return. It wasn't the first time he'd seen Josuke with his hair down, nor was it the first time seeing Josuke shirtless. After all, they'd had plenty of sleepovers in the past. But still, it was such a rare occurrence that the sight punched the air from his lungs every time. "Welcome back," he said a little breathlessly.
Josuke looked up and grinned at him though his smile wavered just a little seeing the hoodie that Okuyasu had chosen. "Oh it's that hoodie," he said lightly as he approached the bed
"Yeah, I'd never seen you wear it before so I figured you'd mind less if I wore it?" Okuyasu said, questioning his own logic even as he spoke. "Is there something wrong with this hoodie?"
"Oh no," Josuke shook his head, "Not really. It's just that, it was a birthday gift from my grandpa one year. I haven't worn it since..." he trailed off, "Well, you know. And that was before we met."
Okuyasu gave Josuke a look full of naked concern, "I'm sorry Josuke, I had no idea. If you want I can wear something else."
Josuke cracked a smile and tossed the towel he'd been using to dry his hair at Okuyasu playfully. "Nah, it's fine. It's been long enough anyway and I'm sure he wouldn't want me to be wasting clothing over something like that anyway. Besides, you look nice in it."
"It's just a plain hoodie," Okuyasu blushed.
"Yeah," Josuke agreed, "But it's my hoodie." He leaned in to give Okuyasu a quick kiss before backing off to the closet. "Now let me put on some clothes and I'll join you." He grabbed some pajama pants before letting his remaining towel drop to the floor. Instinctively, Okuyasu looked away, not daring to turn his head back until he felt Josuke's weight dip the bed. "Move over," said Josuke as he climbed up next to Okuyasu. "It's cold out here." Josuke had opted not to put on a shirt and Okuyasu's eyes trailed appreciatively over his boyfriend's well toned abs before throwing the blanket aside to invite Josuke closer to himself. Josuke raised an eyebrow, "No pants?"
Okuyasu blushed, having momentarily forgotten that decision he'd made. "Oh yeah," he stammered, "I felt weird digging through your drawers but you didn't have any pants outside," he tried to explain.
"So you thought not wearing pants at all was better?" Josuke asked, a teasing tone in his voice.
"I may not have thought it through very well," Okuyasu admitted.
Josuke laughed and shifted the two of them on the bed until the blanket was curled around them both in a way that still allowed him to rest his head in Okuyasu's lap. The blanket keeping his still damp hair from making direct contact with Okuyau's bare thighs. "It's fine," he sighed as he relaxed into Okuyasu's warmth and his eyes began to flutter shut. "This is just fine."
Okuyasu looked down at his boyfriend and felt something warm inside his chest. A feeling of happiness and peace. Things he couldn't quite remember feeling until he'd met Josuke, as well as his other friends now like Koichi and Yukako. His hands absentmindedly drifted to rest first by his side and on Josuke's chest. Then drifting closer to Josuke's face, one hand trailing fingers over Josuke's cheek. Okuyasu hesitated for a moment as he stared at Josuke's expression of content. "Hey Josuke..."
"You can play with my hair if you want," Josuke said without opening his eyes.
Okuyasu flinched, his fist clenching on empty air, "Really? You never let anyone touch your hair."
Josuke smiled and looked up at Okuyasu at that. His eyes full of such love that Okuyasu momentarily forgot how to breathe. "It's not styled right now anyway," he said by way of explanation. "Besides, you're my boyfriend. I trust you."
Slowly, like approaching a cat who could unsheathe claws at any moment, Okuyasu let his fingers tangle through Josuke's hair. His breath hitched in his throat as he felt how soft Josuke's hair was after it had just been washed. Soft like his hoodie, soft like his blanket, soft like his smile. "Woah," he breathed.
"Having fun?" Josuke chuckled.
"Don't laugh at me," Okuyasu whined, somewhat embarrassed. "Your hair is just really nice. You should wear it down more." When Josuke only grimaced and didn't answer, Okuyasu hummed and allowed himself to put more pressure into the touch, massaging Josuke's scalp as he did so. "Hey, is it true that you wear your hair like that because of the man who helped you when you were sick? Because you think he's a hero or whatever?"
There was a long moment of silence, the only sound their gentle breathing, before Josuke responded. "More or less yeah," he said, his eyes falling shut once more. "But I don't do it because I think I'm a hero too, or that I want to be a hero. I don't do it to honor him or anything like that. But rather, he was willing to help us out during one of the worst snowstorms I can remember even though he was a complete stranger. I don't know what his motive was exactly but he wanted to help other people for one reason or another. And that's all I really want to do too. Help people in need."
He let out an appreciative hum as Okuyasu continued to play with his hair and paused before continuing his story. "Even when my fever was at its worst. I never thought about the fact that I could have died. All I could think was that I was worrying my mom so much by being sick. Having to raise me on her own couldn't have been easy for her and so I wanted so badly to get better, if only just to make her happy again. I never wanted the people I cared about to be hurting if I could help it."
Okuyasu looked up as Crazy Diamond materialized in front of him. He sat up in bed next to Okuyasu, his ghostly legs intersecting with Okuyasu's to rest under Josuke's head as well. And though his boyfriend's eyes were still closed, Okuyasu could guess that the tears shining in Crazy Diamond's eyes were mirrored in Josuke's. Wordlessly, he allowed The Hand to take form as well, reaching over and patting Crazy Diamond comfortingly on the back. The two stands shared a look, silent but saying more than either of their users could ever guess.
"I think that's why Crazy Diamond manifested the way he did," Josuke spoke up again and Okuyasu wasn't sure if he was even aware that his stand had been summoned. "All my life I'd only ever wanted to protect and heal other people," Josuke admitted. "Looking up to my grandpa, seeing how hard my mom worked. My own needs have always been secondary. So along came Crazy Diamond. Able to fix anything other than his own user." He grunted slightly in discomfort and Okuyasu loosened his grip on Josuke's hair with a bit of a jolt.
He hadn't even noticed how much his fists were clenching. "What do you think my stand represents then?" He asked.
Josuke rolled over to lay on his side so that his face was mere inches away from Okuyasu's stomach and he curled up closer to his boyfriend. "I dunno," he said, his voice slightly muffled- No, just softer. "That's up to you to decide I guess."
Okuyasu thought about it for a long time, "I think at the time, when I was manifesting The Hand, my biggest wish was that I could make all my problems disappear. Get rid of everything bad in my life and just not think about it again. So that's probably what my stand means. The ability to erase anything I wanted, and even I don't know where it goes after that."
"What about now?" Josuke asked, "Do you still want to run away?"
Okuyasu smiled, "Not with you by my side. Now I want to bring everything good in my life closer to me and fight off whatever tries to hurt them."
"You tried that trick with me when we first met," Josuke pointed out, "Bringing me closer. But that was more to punch me than to protect me I guess."
"Maybe The Hand just already knew what was in store for us, better than I knew myself," Okuyasu joked and Josuke laughed. A bright, happy sound that sent butterflies fluttering in Okuyasu's stomach.
"Yeah, maybe," Josuke agreed. For a moment he seemed tempted to say more but before he could, he was interrupted by Tomoko's voice shouting up from downstairs.
"Dinner's ready!" She yelled. "Come help set the table, Josuke."
Josuke sat up with a sigh and Okuyasu untangled his hand from Josuke's hair. Josuke in turn slid off the bed while Crazy Diamond went into the closet to retrieve a shirt for Josuke and a pair of pants for Okuyasu. "Come on," said Josuke, "Let's go eat." He looked out his bedroom window, "The rain's stopped too. So you can go home after dinner." Though the statement wasn't a question, the tone of Josuke's voice made it almost sound like one. As if he was silently asking Okuyasu to stay instead.
As tempting as it was, Okuyasu shook his head and recalled The Hand who disappeared but only after giving its user a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "Sounds good, Josuke," Okuyasu said as he put on the pants that he'd been handed. "Let's go."
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pynkhues · 3 years
Prompt 47!
Sorry this one is so late! I hope you like it!
47. Cuddling under blankets
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It takes her two days to cave.
Two days to feel the frost in her joints, her perspiration crystalise, her breaths escape in clouds of bitten mist, and god, Beth thinks, staring up at the roof of the cabin, half expecting stalactites. This is not what she had in mind when Rio said safe house.
Not that she was entirely sure what she did have in mind before - - well. Just before. Had never spent all that much time thinking about where it was Rio went when everything had gone south, but if – gun to her head – she’d had to guess, she’d have thought: luxury apartments, sundrenched holiday houses, riverside lodges.
A place his G Wagon would look at home in the driveway, the parking lot, pulled up on the curb.
Somewhere he’d look at home.
The thought makes her wet her chapped lips, sink deeper into the threadbare blankets on top of her still-trembling body, and her gaze dart sideways to where Rio crouches stoking the last flickering embers of the fire.
It’s raining. or rather, it’s sleeting. Shards of ice colliding with the thick glass windows, escaping down the chimney to make the flames spit and smoke below, and when it had first started, Beth had watched Rio cuss. Watched him prod balls of tattered newspaper and sticks she’d collected and tried to dry yesterday, but it hadn’t done much good. The rain had gotten heavier and the fire smaller and she’d seen the chill find him. Pink his nose, ears, stiffen his fingers, and she’d though good, she’d thought he deserves it, but she’d still left him the last of the hot water in the flask even as her own fingers were turning blue.
Now, she holds them close to her mouth, exhales, but her breath is barely warm, and she can’t stop trembling, so she shoves them between her legs instead, and looks at him across the tiny, dim cabin, and says what she’s been saying for the last half hour:
“It’s going to go out.”
He’d ignored her the last time, and scoffed the first time, but now at least it’s enough to make him spin around and look at her, bundled upright on the only bed in the place, the look on his face like he’d forgotten she was even there, and Beth huffs, tilting her chin towards the fire.
“Poking at it isn’t going to miraculously fix the chimney leak,” she adds this time, a shiver rolling up her spine as Rio stares back at her, the erratic glow from the dying flames licking across his features – his plush lips and sharp nose and swollen eye, but god, it’s not that. It’s just - - it’s the cold. That’s all, and when his nostrils flare a little, it’s too easy to add: “Well, it’s not,” because she’s right.
Across the room, Rio finally drops the fire poker back to the tray and stalks his way towards the tiny sofa where he slept last night, tucking his arms high up into his armpits as he drops onto it, leaving his back to her as he hunches forwards, making himself as small as possible in the frigid space of the cabin.
And she doesn’t feel bad.
She doesn’t.
This entire situation is his fault.
It was him who showed up three weeks ago with a new plate, telling her to print two million dollars cash. It was him who’d had that spring to his step while he told her about a new client, and it was him who had her show up at a hotel bar with a suitcase full of fake cash to meet a guy who turned out to be an old-partner-turned-bitter-rival of Nick’s.
She still doesn’t really know what happened, just suddenly it was a few days later and Rio was back at her place with a black eye and a limp and an order.
Bring the plates.
He’d driven them through the night.
Now, across the cabin, he drops a hand to rub at his bad leg, and Beth’s frown deepens as she wriggles back into the dusty mattress, her gaze holding on the narrow line of him, and here’s the thing.
It’s not like she hasn’t thought about it.
Last night had been bad enough, but tonight with the rain and the sleet, without any real insulation and no fire, they’re practically case studies for hypothermia. For the bone chill and the frost bite and the slurred speech and the shuttered eyes and the slip towards a forever sort of unconsciousness.
And like, she knows that the best ways to avoid hypothermia are warm drinks, food, blankets, getting off the ground, and body heat, and just - -
They finished the cocoa hours ago.
Beth sniffs, rolls her eyes to the ceiling, feels a jittery tension in her body as she blinks hard and finally just says it:
“Come here.”
Rio twists his neck back instantly at that, his eyebrow arched, but he doesn’t make any indication that he’s likely to move, and right, Beth huffs. Why should this be any easier than literally anything else? Her head’s already starting to feel heavy, her thoughts tangled, and she figures the best way forwards is to - - well.
Be the danger.
With a trembling hand, Beth slowly unwraps the blanket from around herself, revealing her stiff jeans and loose sweater, the cold washing through the thin fabric like a rinse, and her teeth are already chattering when she says:
“Body heat.”
His other eyebrow raises to join the first, gaze dropping to her chest where she knows her nipples are peaked in cold, and Beth scowls.
“Not like that. Just - - we’re both freezing right and now, and this - - look. It works.”
“Yeah? You learn that at Journey Scouts?”
“Got the badge and everything,” she bites, and she’s sure she’s visibly trembling now, can feel it, and she sees Rio stare at her, shake his head, start to tell her to bundle up before she kills herself or something, and she adds: “You either come over here and get in the blanket with me or we’re both going to freeze to death right now, and what are your gang buddies gonna think of that, huh?”
Outside, the wind howls and the sleet is starting to get heavier, thicker, careen into hail, and god, it’s cold, and Beth can barely feel her anything anymore, and Rio’s still staring at her, his eyes (or, well, the one she can see below the swelling) dark, and she’s halfway to giving up and flinging herself back on the dusty mattress and trying to shiver her way to any sort of warmth, when Rio suddenly pushes up off the couch and beelines towards the bed.
Which - - right, Beth thinks. This is good, this is what she wanted. In her head, there are vague flashes of real warmth, his body pressed into hers, a memory of heat and desire twisted up and around and over and over, and something drops through her like a lick of flame, and she swallows only to suddenly find herself being gripped around the waist and pushed sideways. Within moments, Rio’s slipped his body beside hers and laid them both down, the mattress frigid beneath them, as Beth desperately tries to adjust the thin blankets back across them both.
She inhales sharply when she feels Rio’s leg press sideways against her own.
His arm against hers.
Both of them suddenly pushed like fish fingers against each other on their backs.
Or like corpses.
The thought makes her swallow.
Makes her gaze flick up to see his swollen face, his pink nose, his unusually pale features.
God, it’s cold.
Beth sniffs, looks down as she wriggles further beneath the blankets, curling her socked-toes to try and hold the blanket to them.
“So,” she tries. “How long are we going to be here?”
“I dunno,” he answers instantly, voice light, like he’d been waiting for her to ask. “How much holiday leave you got?”
Beth scowls, twisting to look at him, and then away, and then back, fixing on the way he hasn’t taken his gaze off the ceiling. It leaves her with little to look at but his swollen eye, the skin darkened with bruises around his temple, and she can’t quite keep the edge out of her voice when she asks:
“Did your brother give you that?”
He sniffs as he says it, nose wrinkling, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d swear he winced too at the motion of it. Pressed against her own, his arm feels tight, stiff, his leg cold against hers, and fine, if that’s the way he wants to play it.
“Oh, sorry. Did your cousin give you that?” Beth asks, correcting herself, and at least now, Rio does twist his neck to look at her, his eyes wide in the dark, the whites of them near luminous, and god he is - - he is too close. So close she can feel the cool of his breath against her cheek.
He doesn’t reply, and Beth swallows, something in her gut twisting, fingers trembling as the silence pulses between them, and she doesn’t know if it means yes, or if Rio’s insulted she’d even think that (Nick had just seemed - - and Rio - - something. There was something, that’s all), and it makes her look away. Makes her stare up at the ceiling like he’d been doing, like she had earlier too, watching the timber roofing tremble and listening to the shatter of sleet.
She thinks her toes are going numb.
She thinks her lips are.
She thinks the cold is starting to wrap its fingers around her ankles and pull her into its clutches, starting to leave her tired, and suddenly she’s grasping at anything to distract herself. Anything to keep her head above the threat of frigid oblivion, and she’s halfway through the chorus of Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? before she even realizes what she’s humming.
It’s not until Rio snorts beside her that it means anything to her slow turning head.
Beth’s gaze fixes back on him, and it’s sudden then – the memory of Jane and Marcus singing it to each other through the laundry room door while they played, back when Rhea still came around, back when Beth thought - -
After - -
Beth blinks.
A shiver wracking her chest as she clutches the blankets a little tighter.
“Does Marcus like Frozen?” she asks, like she doesn’t know, and from the way Rio makes a low noise of affirmation, she knows that he doesn’t.
Something in Beth loosens, tightens, loosens again.
“He really likes that snowman,” Rio says, sniffing again. “Olaf.”
His lip twitches – something between a smile and a grimace, and Beth can’t help but grin in reply, her own gaze holding now on the twist of his mouth.
“Jane had a stuffed one that sang the song from the movie. The Summer one. I took out the sound box and stitched it back up.”
Rio barks on a laugh, even as Beth cringes at the memory. It probably wasn’t her finest parenting moment, but after hearing the same song for the thirtieth time in a day, she was about to start tearing at the wallpaper.
“I told her he just wasn’t feeling well,” she adds. “But secretly I’m hoping she forgets he ever sang.”
It’s weird, the voice in her head that tells her it’s not a secret anymore.
Not now that she’s told him.
She doesn’t know why that leaves her pressing her arm to his a little tighter.
“Damn, you’re doin’ better than me,” Rio tells her, his voice low, a little slurred, hoarse with cold. She thinks that’s one of the symptoms of hypothermia, isn’t it? God, she can’t remember. “I gave Marcus’ to one of his cousins.”
Beth laughs.
Looks at him.
Vaguely, something in her head tells her to listen to his chest. Check for a rattle. Is that for hypothermia? No. Pneumonia, she thinks. Tries to summon up her badge training. God, she feels drunk suddenly. Woozy. She lifts her head and places it on his chest anyway, and if he’s surprised, he doesn’t act it. Instead, his arm circles around her shoulders, pulling her into him, which is silly, she doesn’t need the rest of her to hear the ba-dum-ba-dum-ba-dum of his heart beneath her ear. Doesn’t need to drop his mouth to the crown of her head, doesn’t need to inhale either, but she shivers at the warmth of his exhale there when he does that and when his freezing hand finds her shoulder, it’s too easy to reach back.
To pull it around her arm and under, squeezing his fingers into her armpit to warm them, and when his fingers creep forward to squeeze her breast, she doesn’t move them, couldn’t, she doesn’t think, not with his heartbeat so close, and his chest isn’t rattling but it might, she thinks, and god, it’s so much warmer like this, so she shouldn’t move her head just yet.
Just to be sure.
Just to warm them up a little.
Just for now.
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kooala · 4 years
once you realize - chapter seven
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x his girlfriend Mina
Tags: best friend! Jungkook, idol verse, friends to lovers!
Genre:  fluff, mutual pining, they’re really horny in this one! (like really... also kinda hands on if it’s not your thing)
Words: 7k
Warnings: language! flirting! nudity! teasing! mention of boner! sexy shower scene!
Parts: chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four / chapter five / chapter six / chapter seven
Summary: What a surprise it was to see you, indeed.
A/N: Right guys - this is it. I cried when it was over but it just is what it is. Thank you so much for reading all my chapters and supporting my fic! There will be a new Namjoon one coming your way soon! 
Please let me know if you want the last chapter to continue with a smut drabble? I may upload it as a continuation. I’d love your feedback! Enjoy reading and may they be happy for ever 🥺✨
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As you were knocking on the hotel room door you felt exhausted, nervously looking over your shoulder a couple of times to make sure none of the other doors in the hallway would open and give away your presence, but everything stayed quiet. As Jimin opened the door, looking at you, he quietly put his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh at your appearance. “Don’t even start.”, you mumbled annoyed, pushing your suitcase inside as your wet hair fell forward, letting a few droplets trickle down and fall onto the carpet of the hotel room.
“Why didn’t you take a cab?”, Jimin asked, helping you push the suitcase inside so he could close the door. Once you sat down onto the bed, Jimin immediately rushed to the bathroom to get a towel for you. “I did! It’s New York, they took forever and right when I got out, it started pouring. So I just walked.”
With a grumpy face, you wiped over your bare face, drying off your sweater and hair a bit. You felt the water soak right through all the layers of fabric you had on, causing you to feel a little cool with all the wet clothes you were wearing. Bending down to open up the suitcase, you let out a disappointed grunt as you found all your clothes completely wet and stuck together in the suitcase.  
“Soaked?”, Jimin mumbled, feeling sorry for you as he sat down next to you to look at the damage the rain had caused. With a deep breath you sat up again to look at him and Jimin just smiled encouraging. “I’ll give you some clothes and you can go over and surprise that boy of yours. Take your time to calm down a little bit, ok? It’s all good, you got this.”, he smiled brightly and headed over to his suitcase to pull out a pair of socks, grey sweats and a simple black crewneck. 
You had planned to surprise Jungkook in New York for a long time. Barely seeing each other after that ominous night in his room over two months ago had taken a toll on both of you. Not seeing each other after just starting to get close wasn’t great and colliding schedules had made it a nightmare. As soon as you had figured out that both of you would be off on the same weekend, the only issue had been that Jungkook was on the other side of the world during that time and after plotting with Jimin for a while, both of you had eventually managed to convince management for you to come over for a few days. 
Sitting in a hotel room, soaked to your bones, looking less than cute, definitely dimmed your excited mood quite a bit. Although he tried his best to make you feel better you still felt like you didn’t want to ring Jungkook’s room looking like this, but you appreciated Jimin even more for trying. He had been very invested in making sure this would work and he had kept his mouth shut in front of the others. Surprisingly, management hasn’t told the boys about the ongoing fling with you and Jungkook, either. They respected that he wanted to do it on his own terms and you were thankful for that because the last thing you needed was the others of them bickering the two of you since they had been waiting for this to happen for a long time now. They could wait a little longer.
After drying you up, making you look presentable and blow-drying your hair, you looked and felt somewhat like yourself again. The only issue was, that you didn’t look like you just came all the way, just to see Jungkook. You wanted it to be this dramatic moment and now you looked like you were just going to take the trash out real quick. Pushing those thoughts aside, the excitement started creeping up.
“Right, I’ll head over. Thank youuu.”, you hugged Jimin in and he waved it off with a big smile on his face, standing in the door nosy as you exited his room. Turning around, you tried to shush him away but Jimin was going to peek no matter what you were going to do.
Sitting at his desk, Jungkook was just starting to get annoyed at the game he was playing. Today hadn’t been a good day, a couple of things hadn’t worked out the way he wanted them to and even as he had tried to sit down to get his mind off of things, he kept getting shot in the game. Clenching his jaw, he pushed his chair back, stroking over his face and leaned back, looking up to the ceiling of the hotel room. Something about the past weeks had been off and he knew what it was, but Jungkook didn’t really feel like admitting to the fact that he felt off because he couldn’t be around you. 
He knew that all of this was contributed to missing you and although he really tried to focus, something about the fact that he had you so close that night, seemed to make the distance feel even more crushing. His heart was aching and he was starting to struggle because of it. Who would’ve thought that missing someone after knowing they liked you back was even worse than not having someone to love all? Getting a taste if it only for it to be taken away so soon. 
The knock on the door forced Jungkook to close his eyes and take a deep breath. He didn’t feel like going to dinner with everyone so the only thing he could do was pretending he was already asleep. Not replying to the knock, he shut off his computer and turned around to stretch out on his bed, grabbing his phone.
It had been a while since you texted him back and with a nervous feeling, he read through the conversation again to make sure he hadn’t said anything wrong. Worried, he started pulling on his lower lip, trying to read between the lines of the text you had exchanged, just as he could hear another knock – louder this time. Now he wasn’t so sure if he was able to get out of it, so as he sat up and waited, someone knocked for the third time. 
Getting up, he ruffled through his hair and pulled up his hood to look like he had been sleeping as he made his way to open. Looking through the peephole, he could only see a frame walking away and as he stared for a little longer, his heart dropped. Feeling wide awake all of a sudden, he took a step back to rip open the door, almost pulling it out of its hinges.
“Y/N?”, he whispered through the hallway, not sure if he was mistaken since he could only see the back of her head and something about the clothes seemed off but as she stopped once he called out her name, Jungkook could feel that he was right.
It was you. 
Taking a deep breath, you let go of the door knob to Jimin’s hotel room and as you turned around, you saw Jungkook standing in the doorway, staring at you in disbelief. His hood over his hair that had grown even longer since you had seen him last, his expression absolutely overwhelmed, a hint of a smile in the corner of his mouth. Seeing him so sudden after you thought he wouldn’t open the door, made you feel all overwhelmed with your emotions and without taking a second to think about the fact that someone could see, you started jogging towards him with a bright smile on your face.
Jungkook’s face started to light up as he saw you running over and with a grin from ear to ear, he spread his arms wide open, ready to embrace you once you’d arrive. 
It wasn’t a hug but rather a crashing into each other as you wrapped your arms around him high and Jungkook pressed you so close against himself that he lifted you off your tip toes, leaving you to wrap your legs and arms around him tight. 
Your full body koala hug, made you feel so small in his arms and the feeling of him holding you tight and strong in the middle of the hallway, was everything you needed in that moment. With the brightest smile on your lips, you buried your face on his neck to take in a deep breath. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you a little tighter, swinging from side to side as he closed his eyes to embrace the feeling. Something about his scent was the most comforting thing to you. He always smelled clean, fresh out of the shower and his clothes always smelled like fresh laundry mixed in with just Jungkook.
“Why do you smell like Jimin.”, he chuckled and you had to laugh, leaning back in the hug a bit to look at him as he walked you into his room while holding you, careful to not bump you against anything. Of course he would smell that immediately. “Jimin helped me surprise you and I got caught in the rain outside so he lend me some clothes.”, you mumbled, still way too focused on his face. “Well no offense babe, but you’re gonna have to put some of my clothes on then. I can’t hold you like this when you smell like hyung.”, he laughed and you couldn’t help but start laughing. “Got it.” 
As you looked at him properly for the first time, you could see that Jungkook seemed more masculine since the last time you’d seen him. His face had changed and as you pushed his hood back to take a proper look at him, you smiled, biting your lip a little bit. “You got leaner, didn’t you?”, you asked quietly, noticing the soft pink hue on his cheeks as you mentioned it. Embarrassed Jungkook had to be one of your favorite versions of him. “I tried to work out more, yes.”, he mumbled subdued and you chuckled, sliding your legs off of him to stand in front of him in the middle of the room. “Well you look really good. Healthy.”, you added smiling and Jungkook scrunched up his nose a little bit, gifting you with his cute, little face you had missed so terribly.
“So do you... Hey jagi.”, he mumbled and the sudden shift in his voice made your spine feel all tingly. With a smile, you slid your arms around his waist slowly, hugging him in loosely. Jungkook didn’t even hesitate this time as he bent down to kiss you. His lips felt warm and soft and had a surprisingly familiar feeling to them. Trying hard to reach up further, you got on your tippy toes to bend deeper into the kiss, causing Jungkook to chuckle against your lips. Pulling you in on your waist, Jungkook deepened the kiss, leaving you with a little gasp for air as he turned his head, only to push a deeper into it again. Lifting your hands, sliding them over his neck into his hair, both of you stood in the room for a long while, busy embracing each other. Only as you broke the kiss to breathe again, Jungkook leaned his forehead on yours, a soft smirk on his lips. For some reason it was way harder than usual to stop kissing him today. 
“I really missed you.”, he mumbled, stroking his thumb over you cheek and you nodded, kissing his thumb once. 
“I know, I missed you terribly. I’m sorry I lied and acted like I was going for dinner with Mina when I was already on the plane.”, you chuckled and Jungkook only pecked your cheek once with a fake expression of pouted anger on his face. 
“Yea, how dare you.” He chuckled and took a deep breath, walking over to the bed to sit down. “How come you’re here? How did you do it?”, he asked as you sat down next to him and starting from the very top, you explained the entire thing to him, making sure he knew that Jimin had kept his mouth shut and that everyone had worked together to pull it off. 
“He didn’t say a word, I have no idea how he did it... usually he spills it immediately, at least to me.”, Jungkook chuckled and as he looked at your shirt again, he stood up to get you some clothes. Watching him walk over to his organized suitcase you watched him go through his clothes, choosing your new outfit carefully. He could be so soft and loving it made your heart melt sometimes. 
“I need something that I can wear out. Because you and I got plans, boi.”, you smiled and Jungkook rose an eyebrow, looking at you with a surprised look on his face. 
“We do?”, he put the sweats he had picked for you back into the bag and you smiled nodding. 
“We do. I had a few things sorted out.”, you smiled and all of a sudden you felt shy, blushing at the fact that you had planned out the first date night for the two of you. It all felt right and exciting but telling him to his face felt awkward for some reason. Of course you were more than friends at this point, but still very much friends and the dating part was still fresh and made it a little awkward. 
“Okay... Where are we going?”, he chuckled smiling and pulled out some jeans and a white shirt for you, looking at you with a questioning look. With a nod you smiled and you couldn’t help but feel absolutely ecstatic to wear his clothes. After grabbing them you slid off your sweats, still covered by the long shirt Jimin had given to you and sliding into his jeans, you smiled as they fit perfectly. “They’re too small now, I figured they could fit.”, Jungkook mumbled and you only smiled at him, knowing he had watched. Feeling a little friskier than usual, you wanted to undress in front of him rather than going to the bathroom. You loved his face when he tried not to look but he couldn’t help himself. 
“It’s a surprise.”, you smiled and Jungkook grabbed a few clothes for himself, unable to keep his eyes off of you though. He had seen so many legs and short outfits in the industry but nothing could ever compare to seeing hints of your legs whenever he was able to. Just as he was about to say something and turn around to talk, he watched you take off your shirt, leaving you standing opposite him in nothing but a lace bralette that left little room for imagination. 
With a dry mouth, Jungkook’s eyes lingered on you and as you looked up, he couldn’t even try and hide the needy look on his face. He felt guilty for staring so shamelessly but as he saw the smirk on your face he felt like someone had dunked him into hot coals. You definitely knew what you were doing to him and as you turned around, facing him with your back, you took off the bralette slowly. You only did it because the shirt was white and going without one was a safer bet than having your bra show, but taking the opportunity to let your hair fall over your shoulder, you took your time to put on the shirt. 
Jungkook clenched his jaw, he knew that you were doing it on purpose but he frankly didn’t mind at all. The fact that you did it only for him to see, made him feel hot and cold at the same time and letting his eyes trace over the settle curves on your hips, the few little birthmarks on your skin...
His face started to feel hot and he could feel the excitement rising up inside of him. It felt so strong, that he had to take his eyes off in order to be able to contain himself. Turning to the side a bit, he closed his eyes, starting to say the lyrics to an entire song in his head to stay focused and busy as he took off his shirt to get changed. 
As you turned around, folding Jimin’s clothes, you watched him take his shirt off and if you had thought Jungkook was toned beforehand, it was nothing compared to what he looked like now. His arms were veiny and defined, his back toned and muscular and you couldn’t help but wonder what running your hands over his skin would feel like. Tilting your head to the side you looked at him for a long moment, watching him as he put his shirt on, turning a little bit you could count the defined abs. 
Looking down with red cheeks, you grabbed your phone to text a few people, saying everything had worked out and you were about to head out.  Going on at this rate was dangerous and you tried your best to get back into safer territory, trying hard to look at his face as you talked to him. 
“Right so we can walk to the first surprise.”, you mumbled, walking to the bathroom to fix your hair to look a little cuter and more confident but Jimin had done a good job fixing you up earlier. Jungkook walked in, standing behind you to look at you through the mirror, sliding his hands around your stomach.
“Are you at least going to give me a hint?”, he asked and feeling his chest against your back you could feel his heart race nervously against your skin, causing you to feel the nerves as well. This was the first time the two of you were together like this after officially trying to be with each other. 
“Bucket hat Jungkook?”, you chuckled, wondering if he was going to get the hint but he looked up at into mirror confused, pouting while thinking hard. 
A couple of minutes later both of you were ready to head out. Jungkook in all black, his bucket hat glued to his head per usual, you, wearing his black wool coat, looking like the female version of your boyfriend with his black snapback on your head. 
“Ready?”, he asked as you held out your hand to take his phone and wallet to carry it in your purse for him like you usually did when the two of you were out and about. 
“Ready.”, you smiled and followed him out the door. Walking out of the hotel both of you felt a little unsure about how to behave around each other, especially after the extreme tension only a couple of minutes ago.  
“I really didn’t expect you to come over. I’m happy you did, jagi.” Jungkook’s hand hesitantly reached for yours and as he interlocked his warm fingers with your cool ones, you felt like floating for some reason. The past hour since you’ve been with him seemed so surreal and holding him like this made your chest feel like it was about to explode, unable to contain all those feelings he caused. The fact that he was your man now, not just anyone’s man, still seemed so far away for you. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, I was worried you wanted to spend your time alone and relax.”, you chuckled and Jungkook stopped you mid walking, looking down at you. 
“I’ll always want you around, babe. Always. Okay?” 
The intensity of his words made you shiver a little bit and you only nodded, blushing because you had doubted his affection for you. But Jungkook made sure to reassure you every chance he got. He wanted you to know that this wasn’t just something he randomly had on his mind, like he just randomly thought trying it out with you would be a good idea. He wanted you to know that he’s been wanting this for a long time. That he’d been wanting you for a long time 
You knew that everything you had planned out was going to hit the spot with Jungkook. His birthday had been close so you wanted to make sure the first date the two of you were going to be on was going to blow him away. You wanted to show your affection although it was very hard for you to talk about it so months ago you managed to look at artists that were going to be in New York around the same time, scoring tickets for the Post Malone concert. 
Rapper Jungkook with his bucket hat was thriving throughout the entire show. You couldn’t have been more thankful to realize that you never lost your best friend after all. You only added to your relationship and as the both of you were freaking out, singing and dancing on the sidelines throughout the concert, all your fears seemed to be wiped away. Having drinks, partying to the songs you had jammed to in the car endless of times already made you feel like you were home and Jungkook seemed to feel the exact same way. The fact that he rapped along to all the good parts, having the time of his life, made you more than happy after all.
Jungkook felt nothing but thankful for all of this. No one had ever put that much effort in for him. The boys always made sure to make days special but Jungkook felt like you really knew him, taking him to the concert, showing him cool places in the city afterwards and as you topped it off, already half drunk in a burger joint, he knew that you were the one he could never let go.  
“I swear to god we’re going to regret this tomorrow.”, he mumbled, shoving some fries in his mouth as you couldn’t help but reach the giggly point of being drunk, hating yourself for not being able to stop laughing. Jungkook watched you with a smile on his face, half worried you weren’t going to stop and as he saw how happy you were, he couldn’t help but join into your laughter.  
“My stomach hurts so bad.”, you mumbled, leaning back in the booth, rubbing your full stomach. “Well aren’t you lucky there’s no bra cutting into your skin right now.”, Jungkook laughed and you raised your eyebrows. “Oh so you remembered that part, huh?”, you laughed and Jungkook wiped his fingers after finishing his and your burger on the table.
“You think I’ll forget important details?”, he laughed and had a sip of his beer. You leaned in on the table and couldn’t help but smirk a little. “Why did you start working out, kook?”, you asked provocative  out of the blue and Jungkook cleared his throat, putting down his glass.
“Just.. ‘cause.”, he mumbled and started stacking the plates, putting them to the side so the waitress could take them. 
“You sure you didn’t do it so you’d look good naked?”, you smirked, teasing him, leaning back again to take a sip of your cocktail and Jungkook’s face turned bright red all of a sudden. You weren’t sure why you loved teasing him so much but you weren’t willing to stop, definitely not how that you were tipsy. Jungkook leaned in on the table this time. 
“What if I did it so you’d feel like pressing your legs together when you undress me?”, he mumbled so low and sexy, you opened your mouth in shock. 
“Two can play that game, so be careful.”, he smirked, leaning back again and with the shocked expression still on your face you simply watched his satisfied smirk. Touching his leg with your crossed leg, you stroked over his inner calf once, making his eyes shoot up from his phone to meet yours.  
“No need to be careful.”, you smirked and Jungkook took a quick glance around the place to make sure that no one saw the two of you getting touchy in the corner of the restaurant. “What?”, you mumbled, chin leaning on your hand, an innocent cute look on your face as you watched him, moving your leg slowly over his. 
“When did we start being like this.”, he chuckled low, leaning on his elbows towards you, his eyes flickering over your face, stopping at your lips. 
“Oh trust me, just because I haven’t mention it doesn’t mean I never thought about it.”, you laugh and only as you finished talking, you realized what you had just confessed to, turning your cheeks pink in embarrassment. 
“Ohohooooo did you now?”, Jungkook laughed, reaching for your hand as you turned away embarrassed. 
“Don’t bend away now, Y/N.”, he laughed, pulling your hand a bit so you had to look at him. 
“Dish it. When was the first time you thought about getting nasty?” He wiggled his eyebrows but asked jokingly to loosen the mood, but Jungkook wanted to know. He was dying to know what made you think of him that way and made sure to watch your expression carefully as you talked about it. He could remember the first time he saw you in a different way because it really threw him off back then. 
“Nooo.”, you mumbled with a quiet laugh, covering your face with one hand, your other hand holding Jungkook’s across the table. 
“Jagi...”, he begged quietly and bent his head down to meet your lowered gaze. Taking a deep breath you played with his fingers on the table, blushing because you were sure it wasn’t going to be as early as his answer. It had taken you some time to realize your feelings and that made you feel almost embarrassed in front of him. 
“First time I genuinely remember it was the Love Yourself tour finale in Seoul where we all attended.”, you mumbled subdued and Jungkook chuckled at you turning shy all of a sudden. He couldn’t help but fall even more for the way you talked about it a little embarrassed and bent in to kiss your hand soft.
“What about it though?”, he kept digging and you slapped his hand a little bit playful. 
“Dude do you just want me to make you compliments?!”, you laughed and Jungkook joined in. 
“Nooo? I just.. I don’t know. I really want to know.”, he chuckled with rosy cheeks and you chuckled again, leaning in. 
“You guys did the Dope, Silver Spoon medley thing and you looked sooo good.”, you laughed, thinking about it again, biting your lip a bit. “And back then the other girls were there as well and I knew you had met up with one of them a couple of times and I realized how bothered I was by that.”, you chuckled embarrassed and not too proud of being jealous. Jungkook looked over with a smirk on his face and you slapped his arm again a little bit. 
“I’m telling you this confidentially but I only went out with her in hopes to make you jealous.”, he laughed and you felt stupid for falling right into his trap. 
“Well good for you Jeon Jungkook, you did it.”, you chuckled and after Jungkook looked around one more time, he came around the booth, scooting in next to you. 
“I’m kinda glad I did, not gonna lie.”, he mumbled, his lips close to your ear as he pouted a soft kiss on your cheek, causing you to get goosebumps all over your body. 
“Yea?”, you mumbled and turned your head towards him a little more. 
Jungkook’s eyes were dark and sultry, staring right into your soul and as you felt your body getting all hot, you turned to face him more. “So is this where it’s gonna go, huh?”, you mumbled smirking and Jungkook rested his head on the back of the booth, looking over low through his lashes. 
“I don’t care where it’s going to go as long as you’re with me. But if it were to go there, I wouldn’t mind either.”, he chuckled and sat up more as the waitress walked over, asking if you needed anything else. 
“No thanks, just the check please.”, Jungkook smiled, opening your purse to get out his wallet. 
“You’re sexy when you speak English.”, you chuckled and he had to laugh, looking over. 
“You’re just trying to make me feel better.”, he smiled and bent over, kissing your cheek soft once, handing over his card as the waitress returned.
“Thanks for paying, babe.”, you mumbled, blushing because calling him babe still felt surreal. 
“You’re very welcome, love.”, he replied in English, smirking at your expression and after Jungkook had paid for the both of you, he got up, taking your hand as the two of you made their way to the hotel. 
Feeling happy and tipsy, Jungkook wrapped his arm around your shoulders and he couldn’t help but smile bright as you took his hand he had around your shoulder, kissing the tattoos a few times. The both of you took your time to walk back to the hotel and as you made your way up the elevator, arms tight around each other, ready to walk down the hallway, you almost had a heart attack as the elevator doors opened. 
Not only did the sudden noise confuse you, what was worse was all the others standing in the hallway, yelling and seemingly having a hallway get together as the two of you stood in the elevator entangled. 
“Oh great.”, Jungkook mumbled low as they started yelling, mocking you two and with an embarrassed expression on your face, you buried your face on Jungkook’s chest. 
“GUYS! FINALLY!”, Jimin yelled while clapping hit hands and from the sound of it all, they seemed to be just as drunk as the two of you were. Exiting the elevator, Hobi started making kissy noises while Jungkook held your hand tight as the two of you walked over to everyone standing in the middle of the hallway in sweats and no shoes, playing beer pong on what seemed like two desks from the hotel rooms pushed together. 
“Uuuuuh how was it?”, Namjoon teased, looking at the two of you, still holding hands, your faces and giggles probably giving away that the two of you were more drunk than sober.
“It was good she took me to the Post Malone concert.”, Jungkook bragged proud, knowing that almost all of them had tried to get tickets but didn’t make it since they found out too late. 
“You didn’t.”, Namjoon said shocked and you could only chuckle at his shocked expression. 
“Yea I did, was an early birthday present.”, you smiled and Jungkook pulled you in proudly, pulling your arm around himself so he could hug you in more. 
The faces of some of the others staring at you confused since they had never seen Jungkook being that close and personal with anyone made you feel a little awkward but the alcohol seemed to help. 
“Are you going to join us?”, Jin asked and Jungkook shrugged a little bit, putting on his super obvious ‘I’m about to lie’ face. 
“I don’t know we’re both kind of tired we wanted to get inside.”, he mumbled and even you had to laugh from this obvious, awful lie. 
“Booooo, if you wanna get her naked just say so.”, Jimin yelled and although you loved the guy, the way he was so blunt sometimes made you want to kill him. 
“Pffff, no?”, Jungkook’s face turned red again and before he could get into the entire conversation you just pushed him towards his room, laughing, praying he wouldn’t try and save the situation by lying some more. Jungkook grabbed two beers off the table as he walked past and winked to the guys on his way. 
“Night guuuuuys.”, you mumbled, putting your hand in Jungkook’s bum pocket to get the room key out and slid it into door quickly, getting inside before they could run after the two of you. 
“God you’re one terrible liar.”, you laughed as you closed the door behind the two of you and looked at Jungkook, holding up the beer bottles. 
“Maybe, but I’m an excellent thief.”, he laughed and handed you one after opening the bottle on the table in the room. 
“Did you really not want to drink with them?”, you asked after taking a sip and put your purse on a chair, taking his coat off and hanging it up neatly. 
“I don’t know, not really. What about you? If you want to we can totally go...”, he mumbled and pointed to the door and you chuckled, taking another sip as you watched him kick off his shoes. 
“To be honest, I really want to take a shower I feel so, so gross after all the drama today.”, you laughed and Jungkook nodded, opening his beer bottle. He seemed a little torn all of a sudden and just nodded smiling. He turned on his music box then and put on some music, the way he usually did as soon as he got home. 
With a sigh, you walked over and took the beer out of his hand, putting it on the nightstand next to yours and grabbed his hand to pull him up. 
“There’s no way we’re not drinking with them and then just going to chill in here. So what’s it going to be? Hallway party?”, you mumbled as you pulled him up and Jungkook rose an eyebrow. 
“Do you want me to show you what I meant with those abs?”, he said half joking but judging by your more than willing expression, Jungkook blushed a bit and almost got a little shy all of a sudden. There hadn’t been a lot of situations like this one in his life and certainly none that mattered as much as this one did. 
“I’d love to see what you meant.”, you mumbled, walking backwards a few steps into the bathroom as you unbuttoned your jeans slowly. Jungkook swallowed hard as he watched you, his head spinning and thoughts running, and all of a sudden it felt like his brain was turning on autopilot. He ran his fingers through his hair to get a good view of you walking into the bathroom and turning on the massive shower. He licked his lips nervously as he watched you, leaning in the door frame as he watched the hot steam fill up the entire bathroom, watching you peel your jeans off painfully slow while watching him. 
There was no way Jungkook was going to survive this and his breath started going faster as he watched you, taking in every movement. You stepped into the shower in his shirt and underwear that seemed to be matching the bralette you took off earlier and as he had trouble making out your silhouette in the fogged up shower, he saw both the wet shirt and panties hit the tiles outside the shower with a loud thud.
He took a deep breath. The thought of you naked in there alone made him feel way more excited than he was ready for in this state and clenching his jaw, he almost felt embarrassed for following up into the shower being clearly very aroused. Standing there for a while he debated on whether he was supposed to go in or not, wondering if it would be way too straight forward to follow up while being turned on the way he was at that moment and after his jeans started feeling a little too tight, he looked around worried, hoping for some sort of sign to calm his nerves. 
There was no doubt he wanted to join you in the shower, he was simply scared he was being too straight forward right now. All of a sudden, you wiped over the steamed up glass and looked at him through the shower wall, the outlines of your silhouette clear to see this time. 
“You coming?”, you mumbled and Jungkook had to swallow hard at the request, only able to nod as a reply. 
He grabbed his shirt on the back of his neck and pulled it off with one swift motion, leaving you breathless in the shower, wiping the glass one more time to see him properly as he undressed. Biting your lip you watched him unbuckle his belt and turning around, you stepped back under the hot shower to not shamelessly stare him down as he got undressed.
Feeling the hot water run over your body, you turned your head up to face the stream coming down, taking a deep breath as you felt a soft hand slide around your waist. Holding your breath for a moment you enjoyed the touch before opening your eyes, looking at Jungkook’s dark eyes looking down at you, his hair pushed back and some strands falling wet into his face, causing you to take a shaky breath. 
There hadn’t been many moments where Jungkook felt as nervous as he had right then and there. The closer he got the more of your body he was able to appreciate and as he stood there, right in front of you with his entire body on fire, it was hard to hold back. His hand around your waist, he was too hesitant to pull you close, too scared to give away how excited he felt. 
As he watched you closely, Jungkook held his breath as you placed both of your hands on his shoulders, slowly stroking down over his chest and stomach, trailing your fingertips back up slowly, leaving a trail of goosebumps and hot skin wherever your fingers had touched his skin. 
“Did you really work out for me?”, you broke the silence, sliding your hand over his chest one more time before looking up at him. With a short nod, Jungkook’s eyes stayed fixated on yours and as you stepped in against him, he took a deep breath, feeling embarrassed for being so exposed all of a sudden. Reaching around you he turned the water a little cooler because he felt like burning up under your touch. 
Bending in, you placed a few soft kisses on his neck and collarbones, leaving a trail of burning skin for him. Every kiss seemed to make his stomach tense up and with closed eyes and parted lips, Jungkook enjoyed your touch. 
Opening his eyes wide as you trailed your fingertips over the side of his hips he swallowed hard, looking down at you. That was the first time he felt the courage to look past your face, letting his gaze slide down over your chest pressed against his, he could feel his dick twitch hard against your skin. Closing his eyes embarrassed he tried to calm down and only opened his eyes as you chuckled at this reaction. 
Sliding your hand over his neck, you pulled him down into a kiss, deep and intimate. Kissing him with a longing you weren’t aware of before right now, you pushed your body against his more, burying your hands in his hair, tugging on it until he gasped into the kiss, almost forcing him to take action and not be so nervous. Jungkook clenched his jaw, sliding both his arms around your waist, scratching the skin on your back hesitantly before sliding his hand over the soft skin on your butt, squeezing it lightly as he pulled you in closer against his hips.
For a moment the thoughts started running wild in your head, thinking about how long it had taken to reach this point and realizing how far you’ve come in your relationship with each other. The thought of everything turning out as perfectly as it did, gave you a feeling of pride and pure happiness, rushing through your body right in this moment as he stood there with nothing separating the two of you. 
All the obstacles you had to overcome in order to have each other close like this,  finally sharing moments like this with each other, gave you goosebumps and as you grabbed his hair to pull him closer, you realized that there was no way the two of you would ever be just friends. You knew this was way more. 
“I love you, noona.” Jungkook had broken the heated kiss to speak while he was pressing you against the glass wall of the shower. His forehead was leaning on yours, his nose brushing over yours so soft you felt like you were about to just melt to the floor under his touch. Turning slowly under his touch, your body just molding against his, you looked up at his face. Unable to say anything you nodded, stroking your thumb over his lower lip soft, pulling on it gently. 
Sliding both arms around him, you kissed over his neck, up his jaw until you reached his lips, the kiss meaning way more than any of the other kisses ever could. “You too Jungkook. Really do.”, you mumbled softly against his lips and from the bright smile on his face you could tell that he must’ve heard it. 
Pressing his lips against yours hungry again, Jungkook slid his hands down both of your arms, interlocking your fingers before pinning them against the wall above your head. Something was telling you this was going to be one of the best nights you ever had.  
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taglist: @beamingmaylyn​ here you go hun 😊✨
If you’ve managed to read this far, I’d be more than thankful if you could like and reblog my chapter if you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions for improvement or any drabble requests - make sure to shoot me a message!
Thank you so much for taking part in this fic and giving me so much love and feedback for it! Again - a Namjoon fic will be following shortly! 
Also don’t forget to give me feedback about the continuation smut drabble if you want one (: Thank you guys! Love you 💖✨
© kooala (stealing, translating or reuploading to other sites is prohibited.)
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minourp · 3 years
Mermaid Au
I know I said this would probably be a one off idea but it invaded my dreams the other night so I had to write it out. It ended up being much longer than I expected.
Quick background: Most people avoid the sea because it's dangerous and unexplored. Rey is seen as an outsider because he doesn't stay away. Ty and the trux teamed up before meeting the others (for the same reason though).
It was a dim night, no moon to illuminate the inky waves. The boat rocked and swayed beneath Rey’s feet, a storm approaching. He hadn’t meant to stay out so late but there was this fascinating coral reef he had been cataloguing and lost track of time. He had hoped he could make it back before the storm arrived but the clouds seemed faster than him.
The wind picked up outside the cabin, salty mist spraying the windows. Rey steered the boat back towards the town. He knew exactly where he was going, he was practically his own compass. But something was fighting the rudder. Of all times for it to break, he thought.
The dark storm clouds began to block out what few stars were visible above. The only light now came from the small boat, though it did little to cut through the encroaching darkness. The waves were higher now, washing over the deck as the boat tilted back and forth. Anything not tied down was rolling around on the floor behind Rey. Fortunately that wasn’t much: It paid to be prepared.
It was a fight to keep the boat straight. Straying from his course now would mean being parallel to the oncoming waves. Being parallel meant capsizing. Capsizing meant… well, you know.
He heard a thunk below the ship. Now normally in a situation like this you pay little attention to “thunks”. It could be a number of things: something heavy fell over in storage, debris hit the underside, etc. However, when the “thunk'' is immediately followed by the boat course correcting itself, you stop and think twice.
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Rey kept his focus on leading the boat back to dry land. Or at least he tried. Who wouldn’t be intrigued? Of course he couldn’t leave the wheel now so he was left to speculate.
And speculate he did. He couldn’t have hit a reef, this area was quite deep. Had he hit an animal? But that wouldn’t explain the ship steering itself through the storm. It just didn’t make sense. Rey loved a good mystery.
As if to interrupt his thoughts, the lights of the town dock broke through the rain. Rey quickly pulled up to it and wasted no time hopping out to tie the ship down. As he looked up, he saw a dark shape in the water. It disappeared before he could make it out. He shook his head and went to grab his bag before departing. The others wouldn’t be happy.
Within a couple minutes, Rey arrived back home. “Home” was relative of course, he considered the ocean his home. But for now, this apartment was where he resided with his friends. Speaking of, he hoped they had already gone to bed and wouldn’t notice his late return. He opened the front door.
“Well well well,” greeted a condescending voice. Waldo’s voice.
“Hello,” Rey greeted, stepping fully inside and shutting the door behind him.
“Where were you? We were so worried!” Conner cut in, instantly hovering right next to Rey. Ace also stood nearby, behind Waldo’s chair. So everyone was here.
“Nothing to worry about, I just stayed out later than planned,” he explained, taking off his jacket and boots.
“But the storm!” Conner objected, a clap of thunder punctuating his point and making him jump.
“I made it back safe. I told you, it is fine.”
Rey walked between them and headed for his room. Technically it was a shared room but they’d leave him alone in there.
“Those are dangerous waters.” Waldo’s voice followed him.
Once in, Rey shut the door behind him and turned on the lamp. He set his bag next to his bed and began to unpack. Today's research was the first to come out, the photos being carefully tacked onto his map and the rest filed in its place.
The map was of the local seafloor. Rey had taken to cataloguing and studying the various plant and animal life. Most people in town believed the nearby ocean was dangerous and mysterious but that’s what interested Rey! So much to explore and discover! He knew no one understood.
As he moved on to pull out some of his equipment, there was a soft knock at the door. He looked up as Conner entered slowly, closing the door behind him. A moment of silence passed.
“He’s right, you know.”
“Oh not you too,” Rey sighed, setting down his camera on the nightstand.
“Tonight you were lucky! What if you’re not next time?” Conner said, wringing his hands anxiously.
“I know what I am doing. Today was a fluke,” Rey assured, sitting on his bed to take off his damp socks.
“Well I still think you’re crazy.”
“I am? Conner, you are afraid of pinecones.”
“Everyone’s afraid of pinecones!”
“No one is afraid of pinecones.”
“Well they should be.”
“Goodnight Conner.”
With that, Rey flicked off the lamp and laid down. He could hear Conner do the same across the room. On the far wall he could see his map, dimly illuminated by Conner’s nightlight. His eyes settled halfway between the new reef and home. Whatever had happened out there, he considered a mystery. And mysteries need solving.
The next morning, Rey got up as soon as the sun shone through the windows. Careful to not disturb Conner, he changed clothes and exited the room. Once out, he could see Ace in the kitchen. That’s a little… scary.
“Good morning,” he greeted, walking over to the kitchen island and taking a seat.
“Hey. I was just making some toast. You want some?” she asked, holding up the bread bag.
“Sure, thank you.”
“Yeah, just don’t tell Waldo. He’s convinced I’ll burn the place down.”
“To be fair, there was that one time--”
“That was an accident! I’m never gonna live that down.”
She facepalmed exaggeratedly, giving Rey a chuckle. He noticed today’s paper on the counter and picked it up, skimming through.
“So… find anything cool yesterday?” Ace asked, waiting for the bread to toast.
Rey paused for a moment. “I was checking out a new reef to the northwest. It’s ecosystem seems quite vibrant in contrast to the one closer by.”
“Probably from not being overfished.”
“Perhaps, but I would like to study it more.”
“You’re going back out there?”
“Well yes, there is… I do not know.” He tried to busy himself with the paper.
“What is it?” Ace pressed, suddenly intrigued.
“Nothing. It was probably nothing.”
“It was nothing. I am sure of it,” Rey concluded, setting the paper down.
Just then the toaster went off, saving Rey from this conversation. Ace turned and plucked the hot pieces out, dropping them on two plates. She brought both plates to the island and grabbed some butter and jam. She took a seat next to Rey, drawing her plate closer.
They both dressed their toast and ate in silence. It wasn’t long before Conner came out and joined them for breakfast, choosing a plain bagel. With the counter full, he sat on the couch, legs carefully tucked underneath him. Before long, Ace started to rave about her latest project. Eventually Waldo emerged too, groggy as usual.
It wasn't long before it was time for Ace and Waldo to head to work. They both worked at an auto repair shop, owned it in fact. Waldo stopped on his way out and turned to Rey.
“You’re not going out again,” he started.
“Of course not. I am going job searching again like I told you,” Rey answered.
Waldo seemed unconvinced but left anyway. Rey watched him close the door and heard the footsteps fade out.
“You’re going back out, aren’t you?” Conner asked.
As Rey arrived back at the docks, he could see his small boat still in place. It looked so dingy in this lighting. Still, it had gotten him through so much. He boarded and set his bag down in the cabin. Stuff was still strewn across the floor from last night.
Despite the unruly appearance, everything seemed in good condition. Everything but the rudder. How could he forget? He grabbed a pair of goggles and went to check it out.
He had put on a wetsuit before he left so he simply slipped into the water. He made his way to the back and found… seaweed? It was tangled around the rudder, restricting its movement.
It didn’t make sense. He had made sure to avoid the boat getting too close to shallow areas where this would normally grow, so how did it get here? Maybe it was floating along and just got stuck. That must’ve been it.
As he worked it off the poor rudder, he noticed it was a single length of seaweed. The two ends almost looked like they had been connected together in a loop. Odd. Maybe some kid on a beach had been playing with it before it drifted away. It certainly didn't seem native.
After successfully detangling it, Rey surfaced and climbed back in the boat, taking the plant with him. He didn’t want it getting lodged back in again. He untied the boat and made his way to the cabin to start it up. Moment of truth.
It started like normal and he was off. The small town disappeared behind him as he made his way to the open ocean. There was no evidence of how hostile the sea had been last night.
It wasn’t too long before Rey made it to roughly where he had been yesterday. He stopped the boat and let down the anchor. He stood on the deck, looking out at the open waters. Now what?
Honestly he wasn’t too sure how to proceed. It’s not like he could recreate the scenario. Something was telling him to come out here though. Maybe he should just have a look around. This area was mostly unexplored by him so far, as he normally stuck to more shallow waters.
Rey got out his diving gear and brought it to the deck. He began to put it on when he stopped. He felt like he was being watched. Out in the middle of nowhere though?
To be safe, he took a look around. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something dip below the side of the ship. Was he not alone out here? He approached the other side of the deck carefully, looking around. Nothing seemed out of place.
He heard an abrupt squelch and turned around to see the seaweed chunk slide over the side through the scupper. Something had pulled it over, it wasn’t near the edge before.
Rey slowly came back over and called out, “Is anyone there?” He was met with silence. “Hello?”
It’s probably just an animal, he told himself. Nothing to worry about. If it took the seaweed, it’s likely herbivorous, right? Perhaps it was a seal. That would be the first he’s seen around here. He needs to see this!
Rey quickly grabbed his camera and finished putting on his gear. He still couldn’t shake that feeling of being watched. Hopefully that meant it was still in the area. Once done, he sat on the wall and let himself fall backwards.
Now in the warm water, he looked around… and saw nothing. Had he scared it off? Disappointed, he began to rethink his plan. That’s when he noticed movement. Something was on the other side of the boat, its tail just visible beneath the hull. The tail did not resemble any seal Rey knew of. It was thick, pale red, and rubbery. In fact, it looked more like that of a… shark.
Okay, stay calm. Sharks don’t typically attack people unless threatened. Just get out of the water before it approaches you. But… sharks don’t swim vertically like that.
Against every instinct, Rey let himself sink deeper. The tail disappeared behind the hull. In its place was a face. A human face. The other person stared upside down at Rey with wide eyes. Rey froze. There was a person with the animal… shark… thing?
But wait, how was he breathing underwater? He must’ve just ducked under. Rey decided to swim around the short end of the boat and approach him. As he rounded the back of the boat, he saw the man had moved to the far end and was peeking around the side.
Head now above the water, Rey took his mouthpiece out. “Hello there.”
The man had risen to the surface as well, though still around the far end. Whatever creature was with him seemed to have swum around the far side too.
“My name is Rey,” he tried again, approaching very slowly.
The other thought for a moment, then answered, “Ty.” He had a slight accent Rey couldn’t place.
“Nice to meet you Ty,” Rey said, setting his stuff on the deck and hoisting himself up to sit on the edge where there was no railing. “You are welcome aboard if you like.”
“No thanks, I’m in a lot of trouble already.”
“What trouble?” Rey asked, suddenly concerned.
“I’m not supposed to talk to… you guys.”
“Me? Why not? Did Waldo put you up to this?”
“You are serious?” Rey asked. He nodded. “Then who told you not to talk to me?”
“My friends say you are dangerous. I don’t think so though.”
“I’m not dangerous though…”
“And I’m sorry about last night.”
“Last night? What--”
Rey heard something breach behind him and turned to look, seeing an unusually blue dolphin’s tail land back in the water. When he turned around again, Ty was gone. Rey stood up, looking all around.
“Ty? Where did you go?” he called, but to no avail.
Maybe the others were right, he concluded. Being out here is frying my brain.
[1,897 words]
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ficdump101 · 4 years
WORDS: 1725
 Kim Namjoon.
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Your boyfriend Namjoon had wrapped the both of you in blankets as the two of you, and the rest of BTS, watched movie after movie. You had just gotten over a sickness that caused you to be bedridden for a couple of weeks before you could even think of seeing the boys again. Namjoon held you close throughout every film, he was laid on his back with you laid directly on top of him, using his chest as a pillow as his arms held you securely to his body. “Joonie, I’m going to have to go soon.” you mumbled quietly as the other boys argued over what film to watch next. He let out a quiet noise of disagreement and held you tighter, “No. Stay.” He dragged his words out and pouted cutely at you. An uncontrollable smile grew on your face, “Okay, just for tonight.” You pecked his lips before turning to the boys, “I agree with Tae, Train to Busan is one of the best films ever.” Groans of ‘Noona' and ‘Y/N’ erupted in the room, as Taehyung cheered happily, you giggled a little, snuggling back into Namjoon’s chest.
Kim Seokjin.
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“That was the best film I’ve seen in awhile.” Jin spoke with a smile, as his arm wrapped around your shoulders holding you close to his side. You quickly moved your arm around his waist and agreed, “See I told you handsome!” You rested your head on his shoulder as the both of you moved slowly towards the dorm. You knew you’d have to leave as soon as you got there, but you could never say no to seeing your 7 favourite boys. As you turned onto the street that held said building, there was a loud crash of thunder before heavy rain suddenly lashed down from the sky. You stood in shock for a second before grabbing Jin’s hand, you both ran as quickly as you could you could, willing to get indoors. Once you were safe inside the dorms and the damage had been done, you and Jin merely laughed it off as the boys came to question you about the film and why the both of you were soaking. “Here, you can wear something of mine. Oh and go get a shower to warm yourself up.” His motherly side quickly came out as he asked Jimin to go and get something for you to wear, “(Y/N), why don’t you stay tonight? It’s really throwing it down outside, and I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Jin spoke softly, whilst handing you a towel and some of his warm, dry clothes. You smiled gratefully and nodded, before moving to the bathroom to get a warm shower.
Min Yoongi.
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Today was the day you and Yoongi were supposed to go on your monthly date, but due to the storm raging outside, you both settled on the couch in the dorm with popcorn and other treats whilst some movie playing in the background. The rain slammed into the window panes, accompanied by the loud crashes of thunder and bright sparks of lightning. However, you were more focused on your boyfriend, you admired the slope of his nose, his soft looking lips, the slight chub on his pale cheeks; you were so caught up in his looks that you hadn’t noticed the film was over till he asked how if liked it. “It was okay, not my type though.” You mumbled out, picking up your phone to check the time. 11:36pm. “Shit, Yoongs I got to go.” You pushed yourself off the couch quickly, only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled back onto the Yoongi’s  lap. “Like hell you are. We’re in the middle of the worst storm of the year! Stay here tonight babe, I doubt any bus will be running now anyway.” His arms tightened around your shoulders, squeezing your head into his chest. There was no way you were leaving now.
Jung Hoseok.
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You had spent the majority of the day with the boys, getting to know the group that your boyfriend was apart of. Honestly, you knew they were fun, but this was ridiculous! Your ribs and cheeks hurt from laughing too hard at whatever Jungkook had said Jimin, you couldn’t remember, but it had you and everyone else in stitches. After eating the specially made dinner by Jin, everyone had scattered from the kitchen to different places around the dorm. You staying in the kitchen helping Jin put the dishes away, you peered at the clock hung on the wall only to see that it was already 10pm. With a sigh, you bid your goodbye to Jin whilst you made your way to the front door of the dorms, preparing to leave, “Baby sunshine, I’ve got to go.” You called your boyfriend whilst slipping on your shoes. “I’ve told you not to call me that (Y/N)! Besides it’s too late for you to go out now, it’s dangerous out there.” Hobi came into view, grabbing your hands and pulling you close to him. “Stay the night? I know everyone would feel better knowing you’re safe.” You carefully toed your shoes off and wrapped your arms around his waist, silently agreeing.
Park Jimin.
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It was early morning when you sluggishly made your way downstairs, bed socks hanging off your feet and sleep still in your eyes. “(Y/N), me and Jae are leaving now babes.” Your room mate (and best friend) of 4 years wrapped her arms around you and kissed the crown of your head before making her way to the door, “Behave yourself, and call if you need anything.” Once the door had shut, it came to you that your room mates had gone on their honeymoon to Fiji, leaving you here. Alone. You’d have 2 and a half weeks alone in the house before they came back, and due to it being the holidays, the majority of your friends were on holiday or visiting family; apart from 1, you’re boyfriend, Jimin. He wasn’t touring and was most likely back at the dorms from visiting his parents. You quickly dialled his number and pushed yourself up onto the counter top, “Hey, are free today and tomorrow?” You asked as soon as he answered, “Hey (Y/N/N), yeah we’ve got 4 days off. Why?” His soft and soothing voice rang through your ears causing a smile to form on your lips. “Would it be possible for you to stay over tonight? Soojin and Jae have gone now.” You swung your legs childishly and bit your lip, you could hear him talking to someone in the background, probably Jin or Namjoon. “Yeah of course, I’ll be there soon babe.” You jumped from the counter top, “Okay Jimjam, I’ll see you soon.”
Kim Taehyung.
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“Tae Tae! I swear to God, sto-” You were quickly cut off by your boyfriend tackling you onto the bed. This had been going on for the past 20 minutes, you had refused to share your cookie with him and he retaliates by tickling you until you can’t breath. He’ll stop once you reach that point but after you’ve caught your breath, he’ll start again. Taehyung stopped his antics and rested his hands on either side of your body, holding himself above you. “You’re so mean to me.” You laughed out, running your hands up his arms to his shoulders with a fond smile gracing your lips. Your boyfriend shook his head with a giggle. “Am not! You’re the mean one, you wouldn’t share!” You scoffed lightly, mumbling a light 'am not’ and pulled him down on top of you, wrapping your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. “I’ve got an idea, why don’t you stay tonight? I mean, then we can carry on this debate on if you’re actually the mean one in this relationship. Which you are.” He flashed you a cheeky smile, as you pretended to think hard about his offer. “Only if I get the left side of the bed and one of your hoodies.” You squished his cheeks as he muttered a quick 'deal’, pecking your lips before laying his head back on your chest.
Jeon Jungkook.
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You sat with your back to the wall as you eagerly watched your boyfriend and the rest of the BTS members practice the choreography of 'Dionysus’. Once the music stopped, you cheered and clapped happily, these boys were so talented. Some of them carried on standing, helping the others with whatever move they struggled with and others used the break for water and the bathroom. Jungkook plopped next to you and rested his head on your legs. You pushed his hair back from his sweaty forehead, “You did amazing Kook! ARMY is going to love it.” He smiled gratefully and held your hand. “It’s only because you were watching.” You laughed at that comment, knowing full well he was just that talented. You picked your phone up as it pinged loudly, notifying you of a text. Your room mate had messaged you telling you to set off home now as she was getting ready to work her night shift and you had forgotten your key. You sighed quietly, “Mimi wants me home Kook.” He grumbled nonsense before calling Namjoon over, “Hyung, can (Y/N) stay tonight? It’s dark out and she has to walk across town.” Namjoon quickly agreed stating that 'you don’t have to ask, she’s part of the family now.’ You smiled before messaging Mimi, letting her know you’d be staying at the dorms, which she fully agreed to.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 9 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: right. i have no words. u all deserve this chapter after last week’s anguish….so as we say in my homeland…here wi…here wi…here wi fuckin go xo
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
8th November 2020
The rain has got worse.
It’s evolved from drizzle into a full-scale downpour, but Vanessa supposes it’s covering up the tears that are streaming down her face as she walks down the streets with only the orange of the streetlamps lighting her way in the dark. Her jumper is still in the rehearsal studios and she’s soaked to the skin, her hair plastered against her scalp and feeling much the same as if she’d just jumped in the shower.
She is so confused and hurt. Brooke has been so kind to her, she’s been supportive and caring and brought her flowers, for fuck’s sake, flowers that Vanessa’s still holding in her grasp but perhaps she should let go because let’s face it, she’s got to let go. Vanessa was so so sure she hadn’t misread the signals but…maybe she was wrong about the whole thing, maybe she was wrong about Brooke’s feelings.
She feels so embarrassed.
She gets to the end of the road and sighs. Her phone is in the pocket of her sweatpants and when she brings it out it’s immediately covered in raindrops. It takes her three attempts to unlock it in the rain and before she knows it she’s scrolling to Monique’s contact and ringing her. She’s lucky that Monique lives close by, and before she picks up the phone Vanessa has already made the decision to start walking in the direction of her flat.
“Hello hello?”
Vanessa takes a shaky breath in because she’s got absolutely no idea what her voice will sound like when she speaks. “Mo, I need to come round. I wouldn’t ask and I know it’s late an’ you’re probably exhausted but I…I really need a friend right now.”
There isn’t even a single pause between what Vanessa says and Monique’s response. Her voice replies instantly, comforting and reassuring and urgent all at once. “Come straight round. You want wine or tea?”
“I don’t even know. Tea maybe,” Vanessa shrugs, supposing that a hangover would be the last thing she needs tomorrow considering she’ll also have to face Brooke again.
“Gotcha. See you in five, boo.”
Even the small chat she’s had with Monique has made her tears dissipate slightly. It helps Vanessa feel reassured as she quickly crosses the road, her feet landing in all different depths of rapidly-forming puddles. By the time she’s outside Monique’s stairwell and pressing its buzzer, she feels like a submerged sponge.
“Come right up.”
Vanessa takes the stairs two at a time and when she gets to Monique’s door her friend is already holding it open. Maybe it’s because she’s seeing a friendly, kind face or maybe it’s because she can finally let out her emotions in peace but when she gets to Monique she falls into her arms for a hug and starts to cry all over again. Monique holds her steadily, not even making any comment about the fact the pink flannel pyjamas she’s wearing are getting drenched by proxy from Vanessa’s half-drowned frame. After a few moments spent this way, Vanessa feels Monique step away and motion her into the flat.
“C’mon, girl.”
Vanessa follows Monique into her bedroom. She’s been here before, probably hundreds of times, but the fairy lights and soft, patterned cotton bed sheets and heavy, dark curtains are comforting to Vanessa, helping her feel relaxed. She’s standing in the middle of the room as Monique looks at her with a single raised eyebrow of confusion, taking in her drenched clothes and mascara train tracks that adorn her cheeks and the bouquet of flowers that she’s still holding in her right hand. Vanessa can almost see the cogs in Monique’s brain turning.
“Alright,” she begins slowly. “Plan of action…I’m gonna make us tea. While I’m doin’ that, you’re gonna take a shower an’ borrow a set of my pyjamas. Make sure you choose comfy ones, Lord knows you need ‘em. Uh, I’ll take these too, I guess? Put ‘em in water.”
Monique points at the flowers and Vanessa wordlessly gives them to her. Monique examines them with an appreciative gaze.
“Huh. Heliotrope an’…somethin’ else, I don’t know that one.”
Vanessa scrunches her face up. Monique’s just given her the first laugh she’s had in the past half hour. “Since when were you the queen of horticort…horitic…plant knowledge?”
Monique quirks her a smile. “Hey, if you get given enough bouquets after dance competitions you start to recognise a flower or two.”
Vanessa shrugs in agreement and, as Monique leaves the room, she does what she’s told. She jumps into Monique’s en suite, strips down and takes a hot shower. On top of being wet outside it had also been freezing, so the warm water and all the steam feel like a big hug both physically and mentally. Vanessa grabs one of the clean fluffy towels that sit on the small bamboo shelves Monique’s put up and wraps it around herself as she pads back through to the bedroom. She’s been friends with Monique for so long that she knows which of the old battered wooden antique drawers holds which item of clothing (top drawer underwear and socks, second drawer down is tops, third drawer down is bottoms and bottom drawer is pyjamas) so she grabs a soft cotton pair of pyjamas that’s comprised of an oversized t shirt and some long, baggy pyjama pants. She tucks herself up into a little ball on the bed and the moment she’s finally comfy Monique returns with two steaming mugs of tea and a packet of biscuits tucked into the crook of her elbow and pinned to her side.
“You turned up on my doorstep at the right time, girl, I got the good shit earlier on today,” Monique smiles as she hands Vanessa her mug and gets herself comfortable under the duvet next to her, pointing at the biscuits which seem to be more chocolate than biscuit. Monique offers them to Vanessa, and she declines before Monique shrugs and rips into the packet herself. As she bites into one, she gives Vanessa a questioning and concerned gaze. “You wanna talk about it?”
Vanessa hums as she thinks, winces a little as the memory of what has happened barges into her mind again. She is momentarily distracted by the wet tendrils of hair dripping through her pyjama top, the towel-drying only doing so much. She turns to Monique and pouts. “Can you braid my hair an’ I can vent?”
“Sure, doll.”
So Vanessa vents. Tells her everything, the whole situation. Monique listens and by the time Vanessa is done her hair is in two perfect braids.
“So you’re tellin’ me-” Monique begins, once Vanessa is finished talking. “- that you were a cryin’ mess when you went for the kiss?”
Vanessa scrunches up her face in a frown. “I guess so?”
“Well, bitch!” Monique shoves her and lets out a huge exasperated sigh. “Why else you think she pushed you away? Would you wanna smooch with someone cryin’ their damn eyes out?”
Vanessa pauses as she considers Monique’s words. She might have a point, but then again she didn’t see the look Brooke had given her. In Vanessa’s mind, the only possible explanation is that Brooke is disgusted with her, she’d read all the signals wrong, and that she’s probably phoned up a producer already and quit the show.
Okay, maybe she’s being a little dramatic.
Vanessa doesn’t answer Monique’s question. Instead she reaches for the phone she’s discarded on Monique’s bedside table, looks at her notifications.
2 missed calls: Brooke Lynn
B: Vanessa I’m so sorry
B: If you want to just forget it all happened that’s okay, just please don’t be embarrassed xxx
Vanessa reads the text over again. The wording of the second one is weird and it messes with her head. The fact that the ball’s in her court, the fact Brooke is telling her not to be embarrassed, the kisses…
No. Don’t get your hopes up, bitch.
“She text you?”
Vanessa sighs, feels her whole body deflate like a balloon. She nods, wordlessly passes Monique the phone. She watches her eyes dart over it quickly, Monique’s face smirking as she hands her the phone back.
“Oh my God, Vanjie. She’s panicking just as much as you are.”
“Panicking ‘cuz she’s partnered with some crazy bitch tryna pull moves on her when she’s a professional just there to take part in a competition,” Vanessa huffs. She feels herself pout a little as she looks down at her phone. “I really liked her, Mo.”
“Will you stop usin’ past tense? It’s not over! You gotta go in there tomorrow morning, hold your head high, be a professional an’ act like nothing’s happened.”
Vanessa suddenly has a thought. “Oh my God.”
“I choreographed a fuckin’ Argentine Tango.”
Monique lets out a howl of a laugh as Vanessa puts her head in her hands and sinks down against the pillows. If Brooke thought their Salsa was hot Vanessa doesn’t even know how she’s going to react when she reveals the dance they’re doing tomorrow.
And tomorrow rolls around quickly. Vanessa drags herself into the studios, borrows rehearsal clothes from Monique which are ever-so-slightly too small for her but are preferable to wearing the crumpled outfit she’d been wearing in the rain yesterday. Monique flanks her as she walks with her from her flat, keeping her distracted with mindless chatter and silly jokes which Vanessa pretends to laugh at. Monique doesn’t seem to mind the fake laughter though, and when they arrive at the studios she gives Vanessa a tight hug and tells her to text her to tell her how things go.
Vanessa waits. She paces the rehearsal room and thanks God that they don’t have their filming slot first that day. She barely slept the night before, her mind racing as she tried to figure out how to play the situation, and she’s concluded that if Brooke is giving her the option to pretend that Sunday never happened she’s going to take her up on that. Though she feels her already flimsy resolve breaking down as she finally sees Brooke enter the room, her face pale and her eyes puffy indicating a similar lack of sleep. Her hair hasn’t been brushed and her ponytail is what can only be described as bumpy, stray hairs sticking up from her scalp at all angles. She’s wearing a huge baggy hoodie with her exercise leggings and it’s swallowing her up, though from her expression it seems as if Brooke doesn’t mind.
For a moment there’s a sort of standoff. Vanessa waits for Brooke to speak first and it seems as if Brooke is doing the same for her. It’s Vanessa that finally speaks first, her guilt overtaking her.
“Morning,” she says simply. It’s only then that she registers the fact that Brooke is carrying a plastic bag.
“Hey. You, uh. You left your jumper and your speakers, so I brought them in today.”
Vanessa scuffs her shoe against the floor, casts her eyes to the ground. Brooke seemingly takes this as her cue to speak.
“Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?”
Vanessa cringes. She hopes she doesn’t do so visibly. She casts her eyes back up to Brooke, makes sure she’s got eye contact when she delivers her words. “Why, what happened yesterday?”
Brooke frowns, opens her mouth as if to remind her then snaps it closed again as she clearly realises what Vanessa wants to do. She gives a small smile which doesn’t meet her eyes. “Nothing.”
“Okay,” Vanessa nods curtly. She takes a deep breath, because Brooke is still her dance partner and they’re still competing and they’re still going to be on TV in six days’ time, so she pulls her shoulders back and fixes her with the best smile she can manage. “Let’s warm up. Then I’ll tell you what we’re doin’ this week.”
The kiss doesn’t get brought up again. That’s good. Vanessa’s glad. There’s nothing to say, so instead of talking they rehearse. They rehearse and rehearse and rehearse and they barely talk apart from that. Vanessa saves her communication for her choreography, in touches and Ochos and the way her body moves in Brooke’s hold. Vanessa’s still marking the majority of the dance, careful not to push herself too far, but she makes sure to put extra effort in when she’s teaching Brooke the Ganchos and they hook their legs together. Vanessa is sure Brooke gets extra quiet during those sections, and her eyes go all dark and heavy. She wants to believe Brooke likes her, wants to believe maybe she did want to reciprocate their kiss on Sunday, but the last time she got her hopes up that high Brooke had pulled away so she’s wary of doing so again. Still, though, the Argentine suits Brooke. The way she takes control and leads, the power in everything she does. Vanessa’s head is already a concrete mixer of emotions and horny is one she really doesn’t want to have to add to the list, but when Brooke puts one arm around her waist, lifts her up and drags her across the rehearsal room floor while Vanessa’s thigh is hooked over her hip it’s hard not to have some sort of visceral reaction.
The tension builds over days. They’ve been entirely professional all week, not even exchanged so much as a text and it’s eating Vanessa up inside. So when it gets to late evening on Wednesday and it’s dark outside and Vanessa has peeled off her jumper and sweats and is wearing a pair of little cycling shorts and a sports bra to rehearse in, she honestly doesn’t know how it’s going to go when she suggests a full run of the dance.
“If we get it so that we’re nailing it by tonight then we got Thursday, Friday an’ Saturday morning to polish it,” Vanessa explains to Brooke as she walks over to her phone and makes to re-start the music.
“Sure. Sounds good,” Brooke nods easily. She adjusts the table and chair that they start off their dance with, makes sure the napkin is in place. Vanessa swallows her anxieties and presses play, dashing over to the chair and sitting down in it.
“Full energy, okay?” she reminds Brooke, although she’s not sure she needs a reminder given that Brooke’s been putting her all into even tiny counts of eight.
The music starts and on the first beat Vanessa stretches out, places her hand against the table. Right on cue, Brooke has grabbed her forearm. Vanessa whips her head around to face her and Brooke draws their faces close with the palm of her hand flat against Vanessa’s cheek. Their eyes connect and for a second, Vanessa thinks she can see what looks like longing in the dark of Brooke’s pupils.
It’s just the dance. She has to be imagining it.
As quickly as she’s there Brooke is suddenly gone, spinning around and slamming her hand against the napkin in time with Vanessa. They raise it up so it’s level between them and Vanessa uses it to twirl in close to Brooke, their bodies instantly pressed together. Brooke’s got both hands on the napkin now and she’s using it to keep Vanessa close to her as she leans back then spins between Brooke’s left and right side. As Brooke lets go of the prop with one hand and Vanessa twirls across to the other side of the ballroom, she watches her scrunch the napkin up and slam it to the floor. The action makes her catch her breath. Brooke’s a good actress, and they’ve done this section hundreds of times, but the passion and frustration with which she’s doing it this time almost knocks Vanessa off balance.
Is she…? No.
They reach the section where they’re in hold but showing off the footwork. Vanessa doesn’t do it all, only makes sure she’s connecting legs with Brooke for the Ganchos, but it’s probably for the best as the eye contact they’re giving each other and the close proximity between their faces is almost burning. Part of Vanessa wants to look away it’s so intense, but they’re running the full dance and she did tell Brooke to give full energy so she has to hold up her end of that. They’re perfectly in sync the entire time, Brooke having memorised the choreography so well. Brooke lifts her to drag her across the floor and if Vanessa deliberately hooks her leg a little higher on Brooke’s waist then it’s simply a happy coincidence.
The next section flows well (Brooke makes a few little mistakes she’ll pull her up on) and when Brooke lifts Vanessa to spin her round her cheek is pressed against her chest and it sends a shockwave down Vanessa’s spine. Their faces are close again as they walk across the rehearsal room floor, Vanessa dipping down facing away from Brooke to extend her leg between Brooke’s open ones. Her arms lock around Brooke’s thighs for support and Brooke grips onto them as she helps her up, the power and force she uses when she spins Vanessa round and presses their foreheads together sending Vanessa up in flames. They’ve danced through these individual sections so many times but put together it’s almost too much. There’s an atmosphere in the air and Vanessa realises it’s the exact same as when they’d rehearsed the Salsa. They cross the floor once more and it reaches the point where Vanessa jumps up to straddle Brooke’s waist with both her legs. Brooke spins her round and Vanessa brings her arms up to cradle the back of her neck. As Brooke slows her spin she reaches the part where she’s meant to dip Vanessa, lower her to the ground, but she’s stopped dancing, electing instead to keep her eye contact steady and burning with Vanessa’s. Vanessa knows she should maybe lower one of her legs, or perhaps both of them, but she’s still got them both wrapped around Brooke’s waist and the fact Brooke’s still holding her without even so much as a tremble is too much. Brooke leans in, presses her forehead against Vanessa’s, and Vanessa can only hold her breath as Brooke squeezes her eyes shut. They’ve never been physically closer to each other and Vanessa knows she should do something, knows she should move the dance along, but her heart is begging Brooke to say something, to do something. She’d do it herself but making the first move didn’t seem to work out for her so great last time.
“Tell me that Sunday happened,” Brooke murmurs, and Vanessa’s heart stops. “Tell me you kissed me.”
Vanessa flushes red. Momentarily, she wonders if this is something Brooke’s doing to build chemistry between them during the dance. If it is then she’s quitting the entire show. Vanessa closes her own eyes, almost embarrassed to admit it. When she opens them, Brooke’s opened hers too and fuck, her eye contact is searing.
“I did,” she confirms. Then, because she’s petty and can’t let her off the hook easily, she raises her eyebrows. “But you never kissed back, remember?”
Vanessa sees the regret flash in Brooke’s eyes for only a second and then the sparkle is back. “No, that doesn’t sound like me. I don’t think that happened. Maybe I’m remembering it wrong though, maybe you need to remind me.”
Vanessa feels as if her synapses are melting. She’s basically being invited to kiss Brooke again, she’s confirming to her that it wasn’t a mistake, she wants it to happen again, that her pulling away the first time was…down to something else? She’s still not going to give Brooke what she wants that easily, though, so she cocks an eyebrow, tilts her head thoughtfully as she pulls back a little. “I’m sure you can remind yourself.”
Brooke doesn’t look deterred by this. She shrugs, fixes Vanessa with a soft smirk. “Okay.”
When Brooke gently leans in and meets Vanessa’s lips with hers, Vanessa is sure she sees fireworks going off in the dark of her closed eyes. She feels them too, they’re happening in every cell of her body because Brooke is voluntarily kissing her and she doesn’t know what this means but she’s going to take a wild guess and say that maybe, just maybe, Brooke likes her back after all. Brooke kisses like she dances- passionate, careful, fucking perfect. As Vanessa kisses back she’s trying not to speed things along, trying to make the moment last as long as she can, but it’s hard not to be eager and urgent and to kiss Brooke with a hunger she hadn’t known she was in possession of until now. She’s brought her hands around from the back of Brooke’s neck- one tangled in her hair, the other softly cupping her cheek- and she tries to channel all her gentleness into them, stroking her skin with her thumb gently as if Brooke is breakable and fragile like the moment they’re sharing.
It’s Vanessa who pulls away first (if only so she doesn’t give Brooke the upper hand of being the first one to pull away twice) and, as she’s depositing herself back on the floor to stand up, she can’t help but break out into a smile because Brooke is blushing and beaming at her and her arms are still wrapped around her waist.
Vanessa doesn’t really know what to say. That…happened. She’s confused, though. Just over twenty-four hours ago Brooke had been pulling away, not pulling her in. Vanessa thinks it’s almost too good to be true.
“Can we talk about all this?” Vanessa says before her brain has a chance to weigh up if it’s a good idea or not. Brooke’s smile falters and Vanessa feels guilty. “Not in a bad way, I just…like, my head is mush.”
“No, no, I get it. Of course we can,” Brooke nods, slides her arms away from Vanessa’s waist. “Here? Or in the canteen? We could go back to mine but it’s a bit far away.”
Vanessa pulls on her oversized jumper and then the green parka she’d wrapped herself up in to protect from the November cold. “I know a place.”
Vanessa drags the pair of them onto the tube and they travel to the Thames embankment, where they stop off at a nearby chippy to grab a styrofoam carton of chips each. The atmosphere between them has shifted- gone are the frosty silences and short conversations. Instead the two of them talk easily, bicker and laugh and flirt about nothing in particular. Vanessa knows they’ll talk things through once they’re comfortable so she settles on rolling her eyes at Brooke making fish puns in the middle of the chip shop (“when you said you knew a place I didn’t think you meant an ACTUAL plaice”). It’s quiet on the embankment, locals all home from work and tourists preferring the pull of the Houses of Parliament or the Eye across the river, so they don’t pass many people and they ones they do pass don’t seem to recognise them. Everything is calm and relaxed and easy, like the inky sky and the clean cold of the air and the smooth surface of the river that’s opposite them as they find a bench with only a few small puddles of water on it and settle down. Vanessa’s heart is thumping hard in her chest as Brooke sits down beside her, sitting diagonally so she can see her as they discuss things. It’s a small thing that Vanessa notices and appreciates.
“So,” Brooke says around a particularly hot chip, her mouth making an ‘o’ and steam flying out of it. “You wanted to talk.”
“Uh, yeah. ‘Cept now we’re here I don’t really know what to say.”
“Do you want me to start?”
Vanessa shrugs, bites into a chip delicately. “If you wanna.”
“Okay, well,” Brooke begins, then looks out to the river. The lights of the Eye are reflected in her own, blues and reds meeting greens and creating a kaleidoscope from which Vanessa never wants to look away. She pauses and takes a deep breath before meeting Vanessa’s eyes. “I’m really sorry for hurting your feelings on Sunday. If you’d kissed me in literally any other context, I wouldn’t have reacted like that. Honestly. I just…didn’t want to take advantage of you.”
Vanessa gives a laugh. She’s confused. “Take advantage?”
“No, I don’t mean like that, I mean…” Brooke frowns as she’s searching for the right words. It’s kind of adorable. “You were upset, you’d had a shit week. The music was all sad and you were crying and then you kissed me and I…didn’t want you to be doing that just because you felt upset. I didn’t want you to do that and then think you’d made a mistake.”
Vanessa pauses. She hasn’t considered that Brooke might have thought Vanessa would regret kissing her. To her the idea is so ridiculous that it almost makes her want to laugh but she doesn’t, because this means that Brooke was overthinking their kiss and trying to talk herself out of the idea of Vanessa possibly liking her back.
Now don’t that sound familiar.
Vanessa tries to stifle a smile as she tilts her head to look at Brooke. “It wasn’t a mistake, baby, I meant the whole damn thing.”
She wants to squeal when Brooke’s face breaks out into an enormous grin, one that Vanessa is sure must hurt her face. Vanessa likes the fact that Brooke is talking, likes the fact she’s saying everything first because it means she gets to hold her guard up just that little bit longer before this girl tears it down and even though she’s ready for that, it doesn’t mean she isn’t ever so slightly scared of it.
“So, uh…” Vanessa asks her, her tone light and teasing. Brooke crosses her legs and Vanessa has to try to stop herself getting any ideas. “That cast member you got a crush on. You gonna tell me who it is now?”
Brooke bursts out laughing, tipping her head back and lacing her hand with Vanessa’s at the same time. “Shut up. Are you really going to make me say it?”
Vanessa simply raises her eyebrows at Brooke, lets her know she’s waiting on her answer. Brooke gives another laugh as she gives in. “Fine! Well…she’s one of the dancers.”
“Uh huh.”
“I saw her on the induction day and I thought she was hot. We had a bit of a flirt and it was all fun and games. Then I followed her on Instagram because I was thirsty. Thought for ages about how to slide into her DMs but I was too much of a scaredy cat so I just commented on one of her pics instead,” Brooke continues to explain. Her admission makes Vanessa giggle, sends her heart leaping into the air because oh my God, Brooke had wanted to talk to her before the series even started too. She was thinking about Vanessa for the same amount of time Vanessa had been thinking about her. “Then it got to the intro show and I was like…screaming inside. I knew I wanted to be partnered with her, I knew even before the induction day because she’s so, so good at what she does. In fact, she needs to believe in herself more, but that’s besides the point. Anyway, we got paired up. I was so fucking ecstatic that night. She drunk-texted me and I actually lay in bed squealing and flailing like a teenage girl because I got so excited that she was thinking of me.”
Brooke is so animated when she’s talking about her crush. Her. She’s talking about her, and Vanessa is so happy and emotional she almost wants to cry but that would be peak pathetic so she squeezes Brooke’s hand instead, the hand that’s still entwined with hers.
“I keep growing closer to her and finding out more about her and she trusts me with stories about her life, trusts me to fling her body around the rehearsal studios despite the fact I’m so fucking clumsy I could drop something that’s superglued to my hand-“
“Stop lyin’, shut up,” Vanessa rolls her eyes at Brooke’s self-deprecation, and Brooke gives a gentle snort of a laugh.
“- And I just keep liking her more and more with every day,” Brooke smiles at her, her face all dreamy and dazed as if she’s sleepwalking. It suddenly snaps into a smirk, her eyes dark and playful, and it’s Vanessa’s turn to cross her legs. “And she doesn’t help any of it by looking like a Gymshark model and sticking her cute little butt out any time we rehearse.”
Vanessa screeches out an outraged laugh which Brooke’s quick to join in with. “Hey, I had to get your attention somehow!”
As their laughter dies down Vanessa fixes Brooke with a smile, scoots closer to her on the bench. “So go on, then. What’s her name?”
Brooke pulls Vanessa close with the hand she’s holding and when she says Vanessa’s name in response she feels worshipped. Suddenly, Brooke’s eyes fly open a little in what seems like panic. “Sorry. Fuck. That was all too much, wasn’t it?”
“Brooke Lynn,” Vanessa laughs. “I’ve had the most huge, embarrassin’ fuckin’ crush on you since God knows when. I really like you. Chill.”
Brooke’s still got a soft little smile on her face and it makes Vanessa wants to kiss her again so much so she pushes the images of long lens cameras out of her mind for the moment and leans in, kisses Brooke soft and gentle and slow and Vanessa doesn’t think she’ll ever get bored of the way Brooke kisses her back.
When Vanessa pulls away she’s right beside Brooke on the bench, so she slings an arm around her waist and rests her head against her chest for good measure. It’s still cold outside but Vanessa hopes that isn’t the only reason for Brooke cuddling her back, linking their hands together like a little chain. Vanessa’s happy, but her mind is still full of thoughts.
“How good are you at keeping secrets?”
“Depends what it is,” Brooke replies. Vanessa tilts her head up before she speaks again because this is important, she needs to see Brooke’s reaction and make sure she says this in the right way.
“I can’t do the whole…paparazzi, me-in-the-papers, invasion-of-privacy thing again. It was bad enough when me an’ Kam broke up,” she begins, and Brooke nods understandingly. “So I guess what I’m askin’ is…can we be careful? Whatever ‘we’ is. I don’t know yet but I don’t mind just figuring things out along the way.”
Brooke nods slowly, taking things in. “So you want to keep us secret for now?”
“Just until the show ends,” Vanessa reassures her, tries to ignore the triple somersault her heart does at the word ‘us’. “I don’t want people thinkin’ it’s a publicity stunt or tryin’ to take attention away from the other couples or anythin’ like that. Also I don’t want this getting ruined for us.”
Vanessa’s heart stands still as Brooke thinks for a second. She’s relieved when a grin spreads across her face. “Can I still flirt with you on Instagram? That’s fun.”
“Flirt with me anywhere you want, boo.”
“God, you know I’m so going to play into this? Think of all those fan accounts for us all those fourteen year olds run. They’re going to implode,” Brooke smiles, bouncing in her seat on the bench excitedly. It’s so endearing it makes Vanessa smile more than she already is. Her heart is still fluttering nervously; there’s butterflies trapped in there and as long as Brooke is holding her hand and smiling at her like that with her eyes all soft Vanessa is not really sure if they’ll ever go away. She doesn’t care, though.  
They stay on the bench for a while until their chips are finished. Brooke takes a photo of Vanessa who smiles brightly at the camera, carton of chips in her lap and her hair all messy over her shoulders but she doesn’t even care because she’s happy, so happy and relieved and when they walk back to the station together it feels like she’s walking on little clouds. They don’t kiss goodbye because it’s busier in the station but Brooke does sneak a peck against her neck when they hug and it makes Vanessa feel gooey inside. When Vanessa gets home that night she has both an Instagram tag and two messages from Brooke. She opens the message first.
B: I’m so glad we talked, I had the best time tonight. Can’t wait until I can take you on a proper date!! See you tomorrow cutie xxxxxx
B: (Sorry if cutie is ick I’m just going to try out a bunch of pet names because I can xxxxxx)
Vanessa feels her heart almost burst open at everything Brooke’s said to her. The confirmation that she enjoyed her company, the promise of a date, the pet name (which she definitely won’t say no to). It’s all like a big hug for her mind which had previously been exhausted with overthinking. Vanessa doesn’t realise how much she’s smiling at her screen as she types out her reply until it physically hurts her face.  
V: me too. you’re so amazing. for ref i like Zoilo if we going bougie or Franco Manca if we broke. cutie gets seal of approval from me… u a bit of a cutie urself xxxxxx
Before she gets ready for bed that night she decides to open up Instagram to see what Brooke has tagged her in. It’s the photo of her on the bench from earlier, and Vanessa wants to blush at how happy and smiley she looks. She scrolls to Brooke’s caption, and if she wasn’t blushing before she’s definitely blushing now.
bhytes: Post-rehearsal chips by the river with this diamond. I could get used to this. 🧡
Their fans are in meltdown in the comments, and Vanessa is melting herself.
Saturday comes quicker than Vanessa wants it to. It’s maybe because she never wants her time with Brooke to end whether that’s on or off the show. They’ve done full runs of their dance each day, the pair of them sneaking kisses with each other sometimes even mid-dance.
“You know we need to stop doin’ that, right?” Vanessa warns Brooke with a smile after Brooke kisses all down her neck mid-Tango in a bid to wind her up (she’d succeeded, and if Vanessa might need to take a cold shower later that’s nobody’s business but her own.)
“Because we’re gonna end up doin’ it on the night an’ then the cat’s outta the bag after what, three days?”
Vanessa doesn’t miss the way Brooke runs her tongue over her lips a little. She’s got a smirk on her face as she pulls her in close, slides her hands down her sides and hooks her fingers over the waistband of her leggings. “Well if you are going to keep wearing things that make your butt look so good, I am going to find it hard to stop kissing you.”
Brooke snaps the elastic of her waistband and Vanessa feels a fire ignite low in her stomach. She’s not told Brooke that she was the girl from her sex dream, she’s been saving that information for another day. She wonders when that day’s going to come, though. If Vanessa had her way she would lock the rehearsal room door, throw herself at Brooke and practically beg the girl to raw her, but she doesn’t know what Brooke’s thinking or feeling and Vanessa doesn’t want to risk ruining the high levels of sexual tension they’ve cultivated over roughly a month by asking her when they’re only 24 hours away from performing another incredibly sexy dance. By Saturday night the pair of them are ready to perform and their biggest challenge, Vanessa thinks, will be to try and act as if they’ve not started seeing each other and are in the complete honeymoon phase of whatever it is they are.
And soon enough Vanessa is sitting on a chair in the middle of the ballroom floor dressed in a long sparkling nude-effect dress with a split up its side, facing away from Brooke who’s in black tailored suit trousers and a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves buttoned up to the neck and an undone bow tie around it. The audience are silent as their VT plays, and then the familiar voice of the commentator is booming overhead.
“Dancing the Argentine Tango…Brooke Lynn Hytes and Vanessa Mateo!”
There’s four clicks of drumsticks smacking together before the music starts and the pair of them hit the first beats of the dance. There’s even more electricity between them now and when Brooke grabs her arm, reels her in with the napkin, pulls her close so their bodies are pressed against each other, Vanessa feels as if she’s burning up inside. They added in a little bit of choreo after their kiss and their riverbank date on Wednesday night, and Vanessa’s back is to the audience and the cameras as she gives Brooke a wink, hooks her fingers around each side of the lapels on Brooke’s shirt.
“I’m tellin’ you to loosen up my buttons, babe, uh-huh-”
Vanessa rips the velcro she knows the costume designers have concealed in the lapels and reveals a little strip of Brooke’s chest, her collarbones exposed. The roar that goes up from the audience in response has Vanessa feeling as if they’re dancing in a football stadium rather than the ballroom at Elstree. The shirt isn’t even open enough to expose any of Brooke’s cleavage but Vanessa suddenly realises how people in old-timey costume dramas feel when they see a woman’s ankle. As they press their foreheads together and cross the ballroom floor Vanessa finds it hard not to break character and smile like an idiot at Brooke Lynn, the girl that likes her back, the girl that maybe one day she’ll get to call her girlfriend, the girl that she can kiss any time she likes. She could technically kiss her now as she drops to the floor and Brooke comes with her, still holding her hand with her arm around her waist, but she focuses on getting the Ganchos right because they need a good score. Vanessa needs to show Brooke, show the judges, show every fucking person watching at home that she is a force to be reckoned with, that she can teach and choreograph and make Brooke progress.
Still, it’s hard not to just reach her lips forward and press them against Brooke’s as she drags her across the floor, Vanessa making sure to get her leg as high as it’ll go on her waist just to show Brooke what she’s capable of. As Brooke lifts her up and spins her, Vanessa sneaks a look at the judges’ table. Bianca is watching impassively as usual, Shangela is smiling from ear to ear, Kennedy is screaming and Laganja is leaning almost over the desk, her mouth wide open.
If ever there was a desired reaction to her choreography, it’s probably that.
There’s a point in the middle of the dance where the two of them pause in hold and just give each other an incredibly lingering look. Vanessa doesn’t have to act for this section and as she slowly brings her eyes up from Brooke’s chest to meet her gaze, she feels her knees turn ever-so-slightly weak as she catches the hunger, passion and fire in the other girl’s eyes.
If they don’t get at least 35 in this, Vanessa is going to quit the show and take Brooke with her.
Vanessa can hear the screams from one of the judges as she and Brooke walk slowly across the dancefloor with their hands cradling the back of each others’ necks. Brooke gracefully lowers her to the floor and pulls her up again, Vanessa making sure to press their bodies tight together once she’s in front of her. She catches the way Brooke’s eyes grow ever so slightly wide and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t fill her with a sense of pride. They get to the part that makes Vanessa’s pulse speed up every time- her legs wrapped around Brooke’s waist, Brooke spinning her around- because of all the memories attached to it. This time Brooke doesn’t kiss her, though- she dips her down one way then the other with her strong arms supporting Vanessa’s back.
Vanessa feels safer in Brooke’s arms than she’s ever felt with any six-packed, world-champion male partner. But of course, she knows exactly why that is.
The dance is coming to an end and Vanessa puts her all into walking Brooke back, her hand against her chest. Brooke sits down in the chair, spreads her legs before reaching out and letting Vanessa twirl into her arms, where she leans into her and wraps her arms around Brooke. She knows she’s got her chest pushed right up in Brooke’s face and all she’ll probably be able to smell is her perfume, but Vanessa doesn’t really mind and she’s got a feeling Brooke doesn’t either. As the final notes of the music ring through the studio, the audience are yelling and clapping the place down. Vanessa doesn’t even know if Brooke made any mistakes and at this point she doesn’t care because they did that dance proud, she knows they did, and as Brooke wraps her arms tight around her waist Vanessa feels her press a kiss to her collarbone that makes her giddy. Vanessa squeals with happiness and she feels Brooke pick her up in their hug and walk her over to where Michelle is standing. As they finally break apart she can see the smile on Brooke’s face. Vanessa throws caution to the wind a little, plants both her hands on either side of Brooke’s face so that her eyes are firmly locked on her own.
“We did it, baby,” she whispers to her, and she’s not even sure it’ll be audible over the cheers of the crowd but Brooke nods rapidly in happiness and Vanessa knows she’s been heard.
Michelle finally manages to pry Brooke off of her and get some form of reaction about how she feels the dance went.
“Oh my God, it felt amazing,” Brooke smiles. She’s laced her arm around Vanessa’s waist and Vanessa’s done the same, and Brooke gives her a little squeeze and a smile down at her as she continues. “We’ve obviously had a bit of a crazy week…you know, Vanessa coming back from her injury, but she’s just such a great person and such a great teacher that she still managed to recover and teach me all this, and I’m just so grateful for her. I’m so glad I’ve got her back. She’s not allowed to leave me again!”
Michelle laughs as Brooke puts her other arm around Vanessa to hug her, and Vanessa happily reciprocates.
“Vanessa, how do you think Brooke Lynn got on this week?”
Vanessa pries herself out from under Brooke’s arm and simply smiles up at her in response. “She knows how amazin’ I think she is, I’m gonna let the judges tell her instead.”
Michelle gives another laugh and so do some of the judges. Vanessa doesn’t miss the single raised eyebrow that Bianca shoots towards her. Her stomach dips. Maybe they hadn’t been as good as she’d thought…?
“Speaking of judges- Bianca, let’s come to you first. How did Brooke do?”
“Well…” there’s a silence as Bianca shuffles her notes a little. Vanessa feels her heart stand still. “I thought…that it was absolutely brilliant.”
The audience erupts. Vanessa is so shocked and happy that she can’t help the grin that breaks out on her face, and she and Brooke both instantly reach for each other to hug. There’s a rare smile to Bianca’s voice as she continues. “Brooke Lynn, there’s one thing that Vanessa can’t teach you, in fact nobody can teach it, and that’s chemistry. The chemistry you had with Plastique last week was great but the chemistry you have with Vanessa is incredible. The Argentine is all about that, it’s the passion and the fire, and you encapsulated that so well. Watch with the Ganchos that your feet are pointed all the way down, we should have a full 180 degrees there which I know you can do because I’ve seen it before- and it should be more of a light motion, you’re not churning butter…but other than that, a great job this week, well done.”
Vanessa looks up at Brooke and she’s still smiling as Michelle comes onto Shangela. She and Kennedy both give them glowing praise, the pair of them also mentioning the chemistry between them, and then it’s Laganja’s turn. The audience are already giggling in anticipation- they know she’s theatrical, and her reaction is going to be big. Vanessa watches as she sits composed in her chair, narrows her eyes, and points at them both with her pen.
“Is there…something going on…?” she asks. Vanessa feels her hand tighten around Brooke’s waist. She clenches her teeth together as she smiles. Fuck. Have they been too obvious? Laganja pauses dramatically as Brooke gives a laugh Vanessa can tell is fake. “I mean…first that American Smooth, and then that Viennese, and now THIS? Is there something in the air tonight, Fernando?!”
Vanessa lets out a relieved laugh as Laganja references Gigi and Crystal and Jan and Jackie’s dances, realises she’s not asking specifically about her and Brooke.
“LADIES, ma’am, I don’t have any earthly words for what I just witnessed!! The connection you two have is just incomparable…Brooke, you’ve been so great the past two weeks but I can tell you’re at your most comfortable and your happiest when you’re dancing with Vanessa, it’s like you’re here, you’ve arrived! This is elevated, mama! I don’t know if you could hear me screaming when you dragged Vanessa across the floor-”
“New Zealand heard that scream, Laganja,” Bianca cuts in deadpan, and the audience laughs.
“- yes thank you, Simon Cowell! Maybe your feet weren’t as pointed as they could’ve been during the Ganchos- you know what, I honestly don’t care! I wasn’t looking at your feet! I spent that entire dance wondering if you were going to smooch each others’ faces off midway through!”
Vanessa bursts out laughing as she feels Brooke do the same beside her. They’re both squeezing each others’ sides for dear life. If they only fucking knew.
“Great job, Brooke, and Vanessa- welcome back, ma, that’s how you return after an injury.”
The audience clap them as Michelle sends them upstairs, and Vanessa’s hand is tight in Brooke’s as they run up to the Divinatorium and are greeted by Divina herself. She interviews the pair of them but Vanessa can hardly speak, she’s practically vibrating with excitement beside her partner. Their comments were so encouraging, the best they’ve had. Brooke’s never had a 10 from any of the judges before. Maybe tonight is the night?
“Will the judges please reveal their scores. Bianca Del Rio.”
Vanessa’s screaming before Bianca can even speak, because there, on the paddle, is an, “Eight!”
Brooke’s arm flies around her waist in a hug but Vanessa can’t yet accept it, her eyes glued to the screen.
“Kennedy Davenport.”
“Nine!” she says happily, and Vanessa is so happy that she can almost feel tears stinging her eyes.
“Shangela Wadely.”
“Nine!” she beams at the camera, sticking her paddle into the air. Vanessa’s heart lifts itself up into the rafters as the camera pans to Laganja’s seat. She gave them the most favourable critiques. Maybe…?
“Laganja Estranja.”
“I hope y’all are ready for this…TEN!” she screeches as she stands up, and Vanessa can barely take in the amount of things that happen at once. Her pulse skyrockets, Brooke practically leaps on her in her haste to wrap her in a hug, the other couples are screaming and cheering and clapping for them, and her eyes basically spring a leak. She has no idea why she’s so emotional but Jesus Christ, she’s allowed to be after the past few weeks she’d had. Laganja thought their dance was a ten. A perfect ten. Flawless. Impeccable. They’re second on the leaderboard behind Jan and Jackie (who scored thirty-eight). Vanessa feels like running back down the stairs and kissing the judges, never mind Brooke Lynn beside her.
But of course, the thought of kissing Brooke is one that isn’t too far away, and they’re walking down the corridors, laughing and chatting after their reaction interview and about to go back to makeup when Brooke slows beside her dressing room door, laces her hands in Vanessa’s.
“Um…” she casts her eyes downwards, and when she meets Vanessa’s gaze again there’s a little glint in her eye that makes Vanessa squeeze her thighs together. Brooke puts on her very best, professional, TV presenter voice as she talks. “Vanessa. Would you mind helping me with something for two minutes in my dressing room?”
Vanessa almost feels her pupils blow as Brooke gently tugs her in. The moment she steps through the dressing room door Brooke wastes no time in closing it, spinning her round and pressing her up against it as she crashes their lips together. Vanessa has to stop herself from sliding down the door, feeling like a snowman in July as Brooke’s soft lips press against hers and her tongue licks gently into her mouth. If Brooke’s tongue can make her feel this weak when they’re just kissing, Vanessa almost doesn’t dare think about how good it could feel elsewhere.
Vanessa can give as good as she gets though, and she likes to have the upper hand so she  drops her lips to Brooke’s neck, presses frantic kisses down down down to her collarbone where she sucks at the skin, bites ever so gently then licks over the mark she’s just created, kissing hard against it once, twice, three times before she feels Brooke lean down to murmur into her ear.
“That better not’ve left a mark.”
Vanessa’s spine feels like an electricity pylon. “Does it feel like it didn’t leave a mark?”
Her breath hitches as Brooke slams her knee in between her thighs, cages her in. Brooke’s voice is a low whisper as she kisses her neck, making Vanessa whine. “You’re so bad, fuck.”
“You like it when I’m bad, huh?” Vanessa teases, dropping both her hands to Brooke’s waist as she bucks her hips against her. The friction has got her feeling tightly wound and she needs more, way more than this.
“God, yes,” Brooke sighs, brings her mouth back up to kiss her again. It’s not as frantic as their first; this time it’s slow, teasing, and driving Vanessa absolutely insane. They’ve not talked about this, where this is going to go, and Vanessa doesn’t want to assume anything but still…Brooke’s got her in a pretty compromising position. She’s still going to check though, so she pulls back, murmurs against Brooke’s lips as she places both her hands on either side of her jaw.
“What do you want, baby?”
Brooke gives a sigh mixed up with a gasp as Vanessa trails a finger down her neck, stops it at her chest right where her shirt’s buttoned up. “Ah…want you to-”
Vanessa launches herself away from the door, almost jumps into Brooke’s arms Scooby-Doo style in shock. Brooke’s got her arms around Vanessa, her eyes equally wide and her mouth just as slack-jawed. She steps away quickly as whoever’s behind the door starts speaking.
“Brooke Lynn? You and Vanessa are needed in makeup.”
Vanessa can see Brooke swallowing thickly, the rise and fall of her chest as she tries to compose herself. The very sight of that alone makes Vanessa’s mouth dry. “Okay, no worries! We’ll be down soon!”
The pair of them stand in the dressing room in silence listening to the sound of the runner walking away. It’s funny- the pair of them sneaking around like they’re in high school or some shit, and it makes Vanessa press her lips together in an attempt to stifle a laugh. She looks at Brooke Lynn, who’s got much the same expression on her face. It’s Brooke that cracks first, and soon the pair of them are standing giggling together.
“Nothing like getting the absolute shit scared out of us to really kill the mood,” Brooke laughs softly, reaching out and tucking a piece of Vanessa’s hair behind her ear that has come loose from its bun. Vanessa smiles, sighing a little and taking her hand.
“We should go. It’ll be a batterin’ ram next.”
“Right,” Brooke shrugs a little, stroking the back of Vanessa’s hand with her thumb. Vanessa can see she’s holding something back and just as she’s about to ask her what it is, Brooke meets her eyes. “You think we’re going through to Blackpool?”
Vanessa has almost forgotten what week it is next week; where the dancers all travel up to the iconic Blackpool Tower ballroom for one night away from Elstree. They pull out all the stops that night and they’re allowed backup dancers and even sometimes a set instead of just props. She tilts her head in thought- the fact that by the end of tonight there’ll be just six of them left in the competition is wild to her, the whole thing is going so quickly. She can see in Brooke’s eyes that she’s not forgotten, though, the nerves almost visibly clouding her vision, so Vanessa leans up and presses a soft kiss to her lips and feels Brooke relax against her.
She pulls away and shoots Brooke a soft grin. “After that performance? You might as well start packing your case, baby.”
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caitybug · 4 years
KiSseS iN tHe RAin😭🥺💖💖💖
Kisses in the Rain!!
(Tagging @ninemagicks too bc she asked for this. Beanz, I’m still doing your prompt but I have a twist I think I’m gonna do pls let me know if that’s alright.)
Baz, Penny, and I are sitting in the living room watching a movie.  
It has to do something with Cinderella. She said it is called A Cinderella Story, but I’ve yet to hear anything about princesses. Just a girl who works at a diner trying to get into Princeton. 
Baz and I are on the sofa, watching as the main character (Sam) is at her high school football game. 
“Do you think this is what American high school is like?” I whisper up to Baz. 
It’s been fairly dramatic. There was a big scene just moments previous where Sam had walked to the quarterback (love interest) and told him off.
“Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought; useless and disappointing,” she told him.
I couldn’t imagine walking into a dressing room like that. Let alone to tell someone off.
(Although, I’m sure I would have followed Baz into his if I felt it necessary. Almost did once fifth year. Penny grabbed me by my collar and pulled me back.)
Penny turns and shushes us.
Baz frowns at her and then leans down to whisper in my ear.
“I wouldn’t know, I was too busy defending dragons from the local atomic bomb.”
He laughs, but I pinch his thigh. 
After a moment of teasing, Penny tells us to pay attention. 
The quarterback (why do Americans call this football? I’ve watched. It’s mainly played with your hands.) passes his helmet off to another player, seemingly giving up the whole match. It’s the final play (whatever that is) before the game is over, so everyone is up in arms. He doesn’t seem to be, however. The quarterback (I know they’ve said his name, I truly cannot remember what it is though.) looks more sure than I have seen him the entire movie. He pushes past various people and up to the girl (Sam.) 
A rumble of thunder distracts me for a moment.
But when I turn back I see them kissing. 
A drop of rain hits his cheek. 
“Look, the drought has ended!” Penny says, turning to us. 
We both hold a thumbs up in response. 
Kissing in the rain seems to be a common theme in these movies. 
There’s a swell of music, a declaration, a kiss. 
I look at the window, the way rain is hitting it, and think of an idea.
Baz and I haven’t kissed in the rain before.
And I think…
I think I have a declaration I could make. 
I go through the list in my head, seeing if this is something we’ve done before.
Surrounded by flames. There were bits of ash and smoke, but no rain. 
In this flat. (Many times, more than I could count. The closest I could say we came was the time when he kissed me while I was doing the dishes. I splashed a bit in his face and he dumped a handful on mine.)
In America. It was fairly dry then, however (surprisingly.) (I wonder if it rains much in America. It seemed like we only had sun and desert.) 
There are more, of course. But, none in the rain. 
The movie fades into credits and Penny yawns, declaring it to be bedtime. 
I look up to Baz.
“I have an idea,” I say, jumping off the couch. 
My wing almost clips Penny in the face.
“Sorry, Pen,” I say, making sure she is alright.
“It’s alright, just don’t do anything stupid.”
She looks straight at me knowingly before walking off. 
“Spell my wings hidden,” I demand when she turns the corner.
“What? Why?” Baz asks, standing up.
“Well, my plan involves us going out those doors, so either you spell them or you’ll be the one explaining to people how a half-dragon, half-boy seems to exist.”
He crosses his arms across his chest, before deciding to give in. 
“Fine, but please make it quick, I’ve got plans of my own,” he states, quickly after muttering a Nothing to See Here. 
I blush for a moment, but then the groan escapes without my meaning it to.
“Baz, you know I hate that spell.”
I grab my trainers, not bothering to put on socks. 
This won’t take long.
(I hope.)
When we have shoes on I grab Baz’s arm and pull him through the door and down the stairs. 
“Are you going to tell me exactly why we are doing this, Snow?”
“You’ll see,” I say, pulling him closer.
We reach the bottom steps and I open the door. 
“Snow, I haven’t got an umbrella,” he says, looking at the rain outside. 
“That’s okay, we don’t need one,” I tell him, taking a step out the door. 
I expect him to follow, but I see him still loitering in the doorway, looking hesitantly at the rain pouring outside. 
“Are you daft? Simon, it’s pouring.” 
It is. I can’t deny it. But that makes it better, right?
My hair is already sicking to my face from getting drenched.
But I don’t care.
Come on Baz.
Do this with me.
“I know but, that’s what always happens in the romantic movies, right?” 
I could swim in the amount of water currently occupying my shoes. 
He frowns again, so I take a step closer to the door and reach out my hand.
“I promise we can take a shower after,” I say quietly. 
“Snow, it’s cold,” he says in reply.
His features are softening. I’m close.
“I’m warm though, I’ll make sure you don’t freeze.”
A moment passes.
My shirt is sticking to my chest.
He sighs and puts his hand in mine, wincing as I guide him outside.
“Only one kiss, Snow,” he says begrudgingly. “Then it’s a steamy shower and a hot cup of tea.”
I nod, pulling him closer, pushing my feet up slightly from the ground.
(Baz tells me not to do this, that it ruins my shoes. Says he can lean down to kiss me instead, but I don’t mind. It’s quite nice.)
I lean in and kiss him softly at first. Water falls from his forehead to my nose.
His lips are cold, but they always are. 
I can warm you back up, Baz. 
He pulls my hips closer, deepening the kiss. My hands move into his hair.
It’s wet but still soft. 
I think about the time we kissed in the forest. Flames surrounding us. I could feel the heat on my cheeks as it inches closer. I felt fearful. Not for me, but for Baz. 
This is different though.
It’s a silly idea on a rainy Wednesday night. We’ve both got work in the morning. But we are young, in love (I pause for a moment to remind him. He smiles and replies back, kissing the tip of my nose before going back to my lips.), and we are happy.
It has to be several minutes that pass as we kiss. The only light nearby comes through the window of the front door to the building.
I hear a car drive slowly by, its tires kicking up a little water as it moves. 
Music softly pours in from an open window from the building across the road.
(I know I’ve no room to talk, but who leaves a window open when it’s raining like this?)
Then I remember.
A declaration.
A question, in this case. 
It’s the sound of thunder that knocks us both apart again.
I look at Baz. He has swollen lips, pink-tinged cheeks, and a lovestruck smile.
I knew this would be a great idea.
“Now come on with you,” he says, taking a step near the door, “we need to get back inside before you get sick.”
“Wait, one more thing,” I say, stopping him. 
He looks like he’d rather not spend another waking second out in the rain, but he does. 
For me.
“Move in with me,” I say.
Better to just get on with it, right?
He freezes, looking me up and down.
“Please.” I finish. As if he were waiting for me to use my manners.
What’s the magic word, Snow? He’d ask with a cheeky grin on his face. 
He steps forward and kisses me.
We stay like that for a moment before I begrudgingly pull away.
“Is that a yes?” I ask, hopefully. 
“Yes,” he responds. “Maybe we could get our own. I'm sure Penny would prefer not to have the two of us living with her.”
I smile, nodding in agreement.
Somehow he took my idea and made it better.
(He always does.)
He takes a step towards the door again, guiding me inside. 
I follow him willingly.
(I always will.)
“Wait, Baz, you’re a mage,” I state as we go up the stairs, dripping water on the wood steps.
“Good of you to notice,” he replies back, turning the doorknob to get into the flat. “What will you say next? That I am incredibly handsome?”
He’s smirking as he holds the door open for us. 
“You could just spell us dry,” I point out, trying to take off my wet shoes. 
“And deprive you of suffering through a plan of mine?”
I look up, confused.
“When you figure out your laces, I’ll see you in the shower, Snow,” he says, placing his shoes near the door, walking to the bathroom.
I pause, open-mouthed, watching as he walks away.
He’s completely soaked and…
Well, I’m not mad about what that’s done to his trousers. 
The door closes behind him and I get to work, quickly taking my shoes off, running (stumbling if we are being truthful) to follow.
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starshinegoblin · 5 years
You’re My Muse
@ruensroad - I told you that I would wip something up :3 I hope that you like it! 
“I’m home Sushi!” Lan Xichen called as he entered his apartment.He used his foot to close the door behind him. A reusable grocery tote in each hand. He hadn’t been prepared for the rain today. The weather forecast hadn’t mentioned anything. So with no umbrella, he’d gone in a light jacket, button up, and slacks to work. Him and Sushi had needed groceries and when’d come out it was raining heavily. 
He toed out of his shoes, leaving them in the entryway. He flicked the lights on leading down the hallway. In the kitchen, he sat the groceries down. Then he shrugged out of his jacket taking it back to the entryway to dry and drip. The familiar purr of his companion was heard before she rubbed herself around his ankle. 
“Hey, you. I got you something good today.” He grinned, leaning down to pet her in greeting. She purred even more leaning into his touch before she tired of it leaving him to go prowl the apartment. Lan Xichen laughed peeling off his clothes making his way to his room. He didn’t want to get sick. He couldn’t afford it. Not with the meetings coming up. He quickly got dressed into some warm clothes. 
The feel of the soft teal cashmere sweater that A-Yao had gotten him last year for his birthday warmed him up along with the grey drawstring sweats. After putting some socks on he made his way back to the kitchen. He quickly put away the groceries in their proper place. A begging meow had him preparing Sushi her meal too. Finally, he started on his own dinner after checking his watch. He discovered that he was running out of time. If he was going to enjoy his favorite part of his Tuesday evenings he needed hurry
As the soup was warming up on the stove, Lan Xichen went into the living room. He opened the curtains leading to his little balcony letting in the sounds of the rain and the remaining daylight in when he opened the doors. He grabbed a fresh canvas from his office, bringing it to his easel behind the couch. Lan Xichen made sure that his paints were ready too. He had just finished putting his soup on the tray to go to the living room when his watch started vibrating. 
“Perfect timing.” he muttered as he lifted the tray to go into the living room.  He set the tray on the ottoman before getting comfortable. Sushi was already curled on her favorite pillow waiting on him to join her.  A smile spreading across his face as the man’s voice carried from outside into the room. 
“Remember when we first met? You said "light my cigarette". So I lied to my mom and dad, I jumped the fence and I ran.” The timbered voice sang. “But we couldn't go very far. 'Cause you locked your. keys in your car. So you sat and stared at my lips. And I could already feel your kiss…”
Lan Xichen’s thoughts shifted from the lyrics to the memory of how this routine started. It had been on a sleepless night, too on edge for the latest event at the gallery, that he’d carried himself onto the balcony with Sushi lounging on his lap to stare at the stars. That’s when he’d heard his neighbor start singing. The voice was stunning and soothing. He hadn’t recognized the song but it sounded beautiful coming from the man. And after he’d accidentally broken his ankle at work and had to spend a month at home he’d realized that the man sung on a schedule. Which is why on Tuesday night’s, he makes sure to leave work early to come home.
The man’s voice lulling him back to the song and away from his thoughts. His fingers itching to get into the paints behind him. But he made himself finish his food first. This wouldn’t be the only song the man sung tonight. But it already had him inspired. A smile private smile spreading on his lips. His younger brother would be thrilled to know that he was painting again. When he finished, he got up and set the tray down on the island in the kitchen with Sushi on his heels. 
“We should invite, Wangji to come visit us.” Lan Xichen said softly to his cat. When he didn’t get his usual meow in response, he turned around. 
“Sushi?” he called for her again and got no response. Lan Xichen stepped back into the living room not seeing her on the couch. He turned to find her watching him from the balcony. Her tilted at him. Her left ear flickering as his muse continued to sing. 
“What are you doing out there?” He asked her going to go pick her up but she evaded him going through the railing, walking the ledge, and going onto his neighbor’s porch. 
“SUSHI!” He whispered scoldingly, “Get back here.” He motioned for her to return. A gesture she usually followed easily for him but not today. She let out a trilling purr as if saying Yeah, no., then promptly went into his neighbors apartment from their own open doors. Lan Xichen stood there frozen to the spot as the man continued to sing for a few moments longer.
“Remember when you taught me fate. Said it'd all be worth the wait. Like that night in the back of the cab. When your fingers walked in my han- Oh hello.” His neighbor chuckled from inside. The sound making Lan Xichen’s heart race with desire until he realized that he needed to go get his cat. He could feel the rising heat on his cheeks as he quickly made his way to his front door. As he stepped out he tried to will the blush to stay away. 
“That cat.” He grumbled under his breath.
Next door, Jiang Cheng was grinning. He’d been recording the first song of the night, Strawberries and Cigarettes when he saw out of the corner of his eye a cat’s tail swaying in the air. He reached over stopping the camera from recording before getting up. The cat was beautiful with her tan, white, black splotches.
“Where did you come from?” He asked her squatting down. He held out his hand waiting for her to come to him which she did easily, pressing her face against his hand, purring happily at his greeting to her. Jiang Cheng chuckled picking her up. The collar white with blue clouds on it. “You’ve got a pretty collar…” he trailed as he checked her tag, seeing the name “...Sushi.” He felt and heard a pleased purr coming from her.
He was just about to turn her collar around to check the address when there was a knock at his front door. “I bet that’s your owner.” Jiang Cheng grinned. He walked while carrying the cat with him from his studio to the entryway. 
“You must must be Sushi’s owner?” Jiang Cheng greeted as he opened the door. His lips parting as he took in the sight of the man waiting. His black brown hair cut short showing off gorgeous whiskey colored eyes.  
“Yes, I’m your owner.” Lan Xichen answered, eyes widening as he realized what he’d said. Jiang Cheng smirked watching a very attractive blush blossom on the other man’s face spreading down his neck beneath the sweater that did all kinds of favors for his body. 
“I-I meant, her own-ner, n-not yours” Lan Xichen stuttered trying to collect himself, “Lan Xichen. I live n-next door. I’m sorry she came over. She’s never done this before especially with me out there.”
She’s welcome to do it again if it brings you. Jiang Cheng thought.
Shameless. His brother’s voice echoed in his mind. Not that his brother had room to scold him. His brother was currently in Hong Kong, having purposely agreed to a string of performances just to play with his crush. A man who refused to even speak with him. 
“Jiang Cheng, and It’s okay. When it happens again I’ll just bring her back to you.” He offered.
“Thank you.” Lan Xichen replied, “Or I will just come back like I did.” 
“Of course, you’re welcome to always come back.” Jiang Cheng stated before Sushi started to get restless due to how tight Lan Xichen was holding onto her, “You might want to take her back before she tries to make another escape.”
“You’re right, thank you.” Lan Xichen agreed. Jiang Cheng chuckled watching the man trying not to run back into his apartment. As he shut the door, he knew he’d be leaving the balcony door open when he practiced just to see how many times she’d come back. 
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cumbersome-robes · 5 years
Staying The Night - BTS
So this is my first time writing, and I’m sorry if it’s really bad 😅 any feedback is welcome my dears, thanks 💜 -Lauren
GENRE - pure fluffy fluffness
Kim Namjoon.
Your boyfriend Namjoon had wrapped the both of you in blankets as the two of you, and the rest of BTS, watched movie after movie. You had just gotten over a sickness that caused you to be bedridden for a couple of weeks before you could even think of seeing the boys again. Namjoon held you close throughout every film, he was laid on his back with you laid directly on top of him, using his chest as a pillow as his arms held you securely to his body. "Joonie, I'm going to have to go soon." you mumbled quietly as the other boys argued over what film to watch next. He let out a quiet noise of disagreement and held you tighter, "No. Stay." He dragged his words out and pouted cutely at you. An uncontrollable smile grew on your face, "Okay, just for tonight." You pecked his lips before turning to the boys, "I agree with Tae, Train to Busan is one of the best films ever." Groans of 'noona' and ‘Y/N’ erupted in the room, as Taehyung cheered happily, you giggled a little, snuggling back into Namjoon’'s chest.
Kim Seokjin.
"That was the best film I've seen in awhile." Jin spoke with a smile, as his arm wrapped around your shoulders holding you close to his side. You quickly moved your arm around his waist and agreed, "See I told you handsome!" You rested your head on his shoulder as the both of you moved slowly towards the dorm. You knew you'd have to leave as soon as you got there, but you could never say no to seeing your 7 favoruite boys. As you turned onto the street that held said building, there was a loud crash of thunder before heavy rain suddenly lashed down from the sky. You stood in shock for a second before grabbing Jin's hand, you both ran as quickly as you could you could, willing to get indoors. Once you were safe inside the dorms and the damage had been done, you and Jin merely laughed it off as the boys came to question you about the film and why the both of you were soaking. "Here, you can wear something of mine. Oh and go get a shower to warm yourself up." His motherly side quickly came out as he asked Jimin to go and get something for you to wear, "(Y/N), why don't you stay tonight? It's really throwing it down outside, and I want you to catch a cold." Jin spoke softly, whilst handing you a towel and some of his warm, dry clothes. You smiled gratefully and nodded, before moving to the bathroom to get a warm shower.
Min Yoongi.
Today was the day you and Yoongi were supposed to go on your monthly date, but due to the storm raging outside, you both settled on the couch in the dorm with popcorn and other treats whilst some movie playing in the background. The rain slammed into the window panes, accompanied by the loud crashes of thunder and bright sparks of lightning. However, you were more focused on your boyfriend, you admired the slope of his nose, his soft looking lips, the slight chub on his pale cheeks; you were so caught up in his looks that you hadn't noticed the film was over till he asked how if liked it. "It was okay, not my type though." You mumbled out, picking up your phone to check the time. 11:36pm. "Shit, Yoongs I got to go." You pushed yourself off the couch quickly, only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled back onto the Yoongi's lap. "Like hell you are. We're in the middle of the worst storm of the year! Stay here tonight babe, I doubt any bus will be running now anyway." His arms tightened around your shoulders, squeezing your head into his chest. There was no way you were leaving now.
Jung Hoseok.
You had spent the majority of the day with the boys, getting to know the group that your boyfriend was apart of. Honestly, you knew they were fun, but this was ridiculous! Your ribs and cheeks hurt from laughing too hard at whatever Jungkook had said Jimin, you couldn't remember, but it had you and everyone else in stitches. After eating the specially made dinner by Jin, everyone had scattered from the kitchen to different places around the dorm. You staying in the kitchen helping Jin put the dishes away, you peered at the clock hung on the wall only to see that it was already 10pm. With a sigh, you bid your goodbye to Jin whilst you made your way to the front door of the dorms, preparing to leave, "Baby sunshine, I've got to go." You called your boyfriend whilst slipping on your shoes. "I've told you not to call me that (Y/N)! Besides it's too late for you to go out now, it's dangerous out there." Hobi came into view, grabbing your hands and pulling you close to him. "Stay the night? I know everyone would feel better knowing you're safe." You carefully toed your shoes off and wrapped your arms around his waist, silently agreeing.
Park Jimin.
It was early morning when you sluggishly made your way downstairs, bed socks hanging off your feet and sleep still in your eyes. "(Y/N), me and Jae are leaving now babes." Your roommate (and best friend) of 4 years wrapped her arms around you and kissed the crown of your head before making her way to the door, "Behave yourself, and call if you need anything." Once the door had shut, it came to you that your roommates had gone on their honeymoon to Fiji, leaving you here. Alone. You'd have 2 and a half weeks alone in the house before they came back, and due to it being the holidays, the majority of your friends were on holiday or visiting family; apart from 1, you're boyfriend, Jimin. He wasn’t touring and was most likely back at the dorms from visiting his parents. You quickly dialed his number and pushed yourself up onto the countertop, "Hey, are free today and tomorrow?" You asked as soon as he answered, "Hey (Y/N/N), yeah we've got 4 days off. Why?" His soft and soothing voice rang through your ears causing a smile to form on your lips. "Would it be possible for you to stay over tonight? Soojin and Jae have gone now." You swung your legs childishly and bit your lip, you could hear him talking to someone in the background, probably Jin or Namjoon. "Yeah of course, I'll be there soon babe." You jumped from the countertop, "Okay Jiminie, I'll see you soon."
Kim Taehyung.
"Tae Tae! I swear to God, sto-" You were quickly cut off by your boyfriend tackling you onto the bed. This had been going on for the past 20 minutes, you had refused to share your cookie with him and he retaliates by tickling you until you can't breath. He'll stop once you reach that point but after you've caught your breath, he'll start again. Taehyung stopped his antics and rested his hands on either side of your body, holding himself above you. "You're so mean to me." You laughed out, running your hands up his arms to his shoulders with a fond smile gracing your lips. Your boyfriend shook his head with a giggle. "Am not! You're the mean one, you wouldn't share!" You scoffed lightly, mumbling a light 'am not' and pulled him down on top of you, wrapping your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. "I've got an idea, why don't you stay tonight? I mean, then we can carry on this debate on if you're actually the mean one in this relationship. Which you are." He flashed you a cheeky smile, as you pretended to think hard about his offer. "Only if I get the left side of the bed and one of your hoodies." You squished his cheeks as he muttered a quick 'deal', pecking your lips before laying his head back on your chest.
Jeon Jungkook.
You sat with your back to the wall as you eagerly watched your boyfriend and the rest of the BTS members practice the choreography of 'Dionysus'. Once the music stopped, you cheered and clapped happily, these boys were so talented. Some of them carried on standing, helping the others with whatever move they struggled with and others used the break for water and the bathroom. Jungkook plopped next to you and rested his head on your legs. You pushed his hair back from his sweaty forehead, "You did amazing Kook! ARMY is going to love it." He smiled gratefully and held your hand. "It's only because you were watching." You laughed at that comment, knowing full well he was just that talented. You picked your phone up as it pinged loudly, notifying you of a text. Your roommate had messaged you telling you to set off home now as she was getting ready to work her night shift and you had forgotten your key. You sighed quietly, "Mimi wants me home Kook." He grumbled nonsense before calling Namjoon over, "Hyung, can (Y/N) stay tonight? It's dark out and she has to walk across town." Namjoon quickly agreed stating that 'you don't have to ask, she's part of the family now.' You smiled before messaging Mimi, letting her know you'd be staying at the dorms, which she fully agreed to.
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witchywrter · 5 years
“A Marauder’s Life for Me” Ch.2
(Marauders x reader)
Part 1
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Summary: Y/N is an American witch who was forced to move to England. She thought her live was over before she recieved a letter changing everything.
Anon: hey guys!!! Here’s chapter two, I know it’s slow but it’s gonna speed up next chapter I promise. Just trying to get all the backround and feels out in the open. You may see me trying and failing to foreshadow some stuff so sorry if you cringe, lol. Have fun reading!
Warnings: slight depression, that’s all I think
y/n/n = your nickname
I woke to the sound of heavy rain beating down on the roof above me. California didn’t have rain in August. It was warm and dry, my ideal weather.
I remember one particular Fourth of July when my parents took me down to the beach with my mother’s family. We spent the whole day playing in the sand and water and when night had finally fallen, the fireworks began. My father, the Englishman, celebrated the hardest. When my mother asked him, through fits of laughter, why, he simply replied that he had to love the country that gave him us.
I looked at the clock on my nightstand.
My room was still dark despite it being late in the morning. Thanks a lot England.
I got up out of bed and walked into my closet to grab a white long sleeve sweater with a thin rainbow line running through the top half. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a small white bra, a pair of dark blue bell bottom jeans and some thick socks.
After getting dressed I pulled out my brush from the drawer in the nightstand and brushed out my hair. I braided two small pieces of my hair on either side of my face and left the rest hanging.
I was about to walk out the door before a chill went through my body. I walked over to my closet to grab a big jacket that just so happened to go well with my outfit.
I opened the door and headed for the stairs, stopping by the bookshelf and choosing a book that looked interesting before continuing on my way. Walking past the front door I noticed my father’s raincoat, which he had hung up the night before, was gone. I headed into the kitchen to find my grandmother drinking tea at the counter with a muggle newspaper set in front of her.
“Morning” I called, alerting her to my presence.
“Good Morning,” she responded, looking up from the paper. “your father went into the Ministry early this morning so he won’t be home until later tonight.”
“He’s already back to work?” I asked surprised.
“I suppose” she said looking back to the paper.
I grabbed an apple and headed out into the backyard. It was just as beautiful as the front yard, but enchanted to be bigger. The rain didn’t seem nearly as heavy as it did in my room. The yard was lined with a dark wooden fence and tall trees to block out prying eyes. There were multiple spots to sit down with benches, chairs, and tables. Two ginormous trees stood tall near the back.
I ran to take cover underneath one of them, but as I got closer I realized there was a ladder hanging from the tree on the left. I looked up, but found nothing. I set my apple and book down and began to climb. I got up about twenty feet before I hit my head on something hard. I looked up, expecting to see a large branch. Instead, I found the bottom of big treehouse. I pushed on the trap door which swung open with much effort. I climbed inside to find it, yep, magically enlarged. I was beginning to think everything in this house was.
There were two twin beds, each positioned beside a window. The windows had dark red curtains covering them. To the left was a cabinet with a glass door. There looked to be old board games in it. A dresser was against the wall between the beds and cabinet with a lamp and record player on it. There were cobwebs in corners and a thick layer of dust that covered everything.
I walked over, crawling onto the bed and threw the curtains back, choking on dust. I pryed the window open, sticking my head out to get some fresh air.
The view from up here was amazing. I could see the whole village, but I don’t think they could see me. There must be some concealment charm on it since I didn’t see it until I ran into it, literally.
I opened the other window and quickly went to climb down the ladder. I ran to the house, into the kitchen.
“Did you know there’s a tree house out there?” I asked, a little out of breathe.
“Tree-oh, that’s your fathers of course. He and his schoolmates built it in their fifth year. Hasn’t been used in ages come to think of it. You’re welcome to use it if you’d like. The cleaning supplies are in the closet over there” she pointed to the door next to the pantry.
“Thank you!”
I ran into the closet grabbing all the things I thought I’d need. I hurried outside and set down some of the supplies knowing I’d have to make two trips to get everything up the ladder, nearly forgetting to bring up my apple and book. When I finally got everything up, I took hold of the duster and got to work.
I spend nearly half an hour just dusting before I could clean anything else. After that, I took off the curtains and stripped the beds of their sheets, comforters, and pillow cases. I put them in a pile by the entrance so I could take them into the house later to wash them. I unscrewed the lightbulb in the lamp, replacing it with a new one I’d found in the cleaning closet.
I took the broom and swept the floor, sweeping dirt and dust out through the open trapdoor. Raising the broom above me, I used it to tear down the cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling.
When I finally finished all the cleaning I took a step back. The place looked nice now. Old, but nice. It was odd, but being in the treehouse made me feel like I’d never left California. Like if I went back down, I’d find my dad barbecuing while my mom set the table. Despite what it made me feel, I knew it wasn’t true.
With a sigh, I walked over to the dresser and opened a drawer. It was filled with old vinyl records. Mostly 60’s music. I’d have to go into town sometime soon to get more up to date music.
I grabbed my apple, taking a large bite out of it while I closed the drawer and opened the one to the right of it. There was a large tin that would normally hold cookies. I set down my apple and gently took the tin out of the drawer and placed it on the floor. It was heavier than I thought.
Inside was a Gryffindor badge on top. That was my father’s house at Hogwarts. I didn’t know much about the school other than it was where British witches and wizards went.
Underneath it was a picture of five boys. I recognized my father as one of them. They were all gathered around a four poster bed with a trunk next to it, smiling.
Beneath that was a leather-bound notebook. My father’s adolescent diary no doubt. Next to that was an empty black pouch with a long string to put around ones neck. The last thing in there was an old silver, ornate key. I wondered what that opens.
I put everything back into the tin and stuck it in the drawer. Now that everything was cleaned up I took the cleaning supplies back down along with the bedding. When I got on the ground I noticed how dark it was.
I walked back to the house and luckily for me, the rain seemed to have stopped. When I got in I set the supplies on the counter. My grandmother was already at the stove making dinner. I took the bedding up to the laundry room to put it in the washing machine and quickly returned.
Before I reached the bottom of the stairs, my father opened the door. He took his shoes off, placing them in their designated spot and took off his raincoat to hang it on the hook.
“Hey dad” I called.
He quickly looked up. He looked tired, really tired.
“Hey y/n/n” he said, giving me a small smile.
“How was your day?” I asked. I was still upset with him, but my curiously to know what could have possibly drained him this much the first day back won out.
“Fine, just some trouble a wizard has been causing, nothing we haven’t seen before.” he said reassuringly.
“Ok,” I said not fully believing him. “Well grandmother has dinner on the stove so..”
He nodded and walked into the kitchen, myself right behind him.
The rest of the night passed uneventful, but I still didn’t think my father was telling me the whole truth. I know he was hiding something, but what exactly, I didn’t know.
After helping out with the dishes I headed upstairs to put the bedding and curtains in the dryer.
When I got to my room, I took a quick shower and hopped in bed. My father had told me I’d have to interview for some secondary schools tomorrow. I was dreading it.
“Muggle school” I scoffed.
I should be going to Ilvermorny. Studying every aspect of magic, not language arts and science.
I pulled the covers close, a single tear rolling down my face. I laid on my side and reached to turn the lamp off. Closing my eyes, I prayed to anyone who was listening to give me my life back. I couldn’t take being motherless and magicless all at once. When I finally drifted off to sleep, the last thing I thought of was a memory of hugging my mother.
Her warmth wrapping me in safety and love. She smelled like her favorite perfume and a sweet vanilla scent that was unique to only her. I felt happy and loved. A terrible contrast to reality.
Anon: yay! Chapter two finished!! I’m gonna start the third chapter tonight so I can have it out as soon as possible. Thank you guys for the support! I really like this story and I’m excited to explore it further. I edited the first chapter a little when I did some research. Forgot the U.S. doesn’t have a Ministry of Magic, but a Magical Congress, so I redid that part. Feedback is always appreciated. Love you guys, stay safe!❤️
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bittersweetmelxdy · 5 years
I really liked your first Gavin fic! If your requests are still open could you write one where Gavin and MC are on a date but then it starts storming so they both go back to Gavins place, but its still too stormy outside for mc to go home so she has to stay the night with him and its their first time sharing a bed? (Hope that makes sense) No rush and take your time with it! ❤️
Thank you for being so patient with me for this request :)
Title: under storms and stars Pairing: Gavin x MC Words: 2,269
It was a lovely day today you mused as you looked out of the window taking a short break from your work. It was cloudy day, but it was still quite warm and since cloudy days had never bothered you, you stared out at the skyline, a slight smile tugging at your lips. Sighing slightly you turned your head, hearing a knock at your office door, calling for the person to enter, you turned back to the window once realising it was Willow. Due to your eyes being glued to the window you missed Willow entering your office and doing a double take at your outfit. She looked over your outfit from the bun to your brown ankle boots, and quirked her lips into a smirk, after coming to her own conclusion for your outfit choice for today. She walked up to your desk and quickly slammed her two hands atop its surface, laughing at the jolt you gave at the sound.
“Girl spill, that,” Willow gestured to your outfit “is a date-dress, so who’s the hot date?”
You blushed bright red, “It’s not as exciting as you’re making it out to be, Gavin is just taking me out to see the new exhibit at the Art Gallery.” you tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“I don’t know boss, that place has been called a “Top Date Spot” in the reviews online.” Anna said breezing into your office and placed a box of files atop your desk.
“It’s not that big of a deal!” you said.
“Who’s going on a date?” Minor popped his head into the doorway of your office, causing you to groan and bury your head in your arms.
“Boss has a hot date with Gavin, tonight.” Willow sing-songed to your discomfort.
“Gavin- WAIT You’re the “important plans” he couldn’t cancel on tonight.” Minor yelled pointing at you accusatorily.
Anna turned to Minor, “You knew about this date?”
“Gavin said he couldn’t shoot hoops with me today because he had important plans he “couldn’t cancel on” I didn’t know he was hanging out with you.” Minor sulked.
You snorted in amusement, Gavin would have made up plans in order to avoid Minor, it’s not that Gavin disliked Minor, it’s just that Gavin had to deal with Eli all day at HQ, and Minor and Eli had the same level of chaotic energy. So sometimes he just needed a break, which was what this date was. When he had called you last night you had noticed the tiredness in his voice and you had mentioned it to him. You face involuntarily heated up remembering Gavin’s asking you in a low voice, “Are you asking me out?” and at your spluttering had laughed and said, “I’ll pick you up at 6 after you finish work, so think about where you want to go okay?”. Due the fact you wanted Gavin to relax, you had decided on the new exhibit at the Art Gallery and then a casual walk down Sunshine Alley.  
“You’re blushing, it so is a hot date!” Anna teased, and you curled up trying to escape the playful teasing of your coworkers.
Walking out of the building at 5:50 you prepared yourself to wait for Gavin when you saw him leaning against his bike.
“Gavin! If you were going to be early you should have called! When did you get here?” you asked walking over to him.
Gavin pulled you into a hug his chin nuzzling against the top of your head slightly. “Relax I only just got here.” causing you to huff, because you knew Gavin had not “just got here”.
He released you and then passed you your helmet, securing it under your chin, nodding and then got on his bike. Settling behind him you quickly wrapped your arms around his waist, and after he patted your clasped hands with his own, Gavin revved his bike and the two of you were off. After putting the bike in park along Sunshine Alley, Gavin helped you off the bike and undid the helmet strap for you, smoothing down your hair affectionately, causing you to blush prettily.
The art exhibit was everything you were expecting and more, it was an exhibit that displayed the artwork of the ‘Loveland Youth Art Club’. The theme of the exhibit was ‘Lasting Impressions’, and you were walking around with Gavin looking at the different paintings, and for a bit of game you had both decided to each find a painting you agreed with as your own ‘lasting impression’. Both of you came to a halt in front of a particular photograph. It was a picture of the gingko tree on the campus grounds, the sunlight breaking through the leafy covering, causing the leaves to look like they were made of gold. You smiled, a hand resting lightly against your lips and both of you whispered at the same time,
“This one…”
Your eyes clashed in shock and Gavin’s eyes softened as he wrapped an arm around your waist, and asked gently.
“Really why?”
“One time I was in the piano room and whilst I was playing and singing my favourite piece of music, when a saw the gingko leaves swirling outside. It was strange, because it was such a calm day that day, but since that day I guess gingko leaves have always been dear to me.” you confessed eyes trained on the photograph.
Gavin had flashbacks to that day he discovered his Evol, that day when the gingko leaves swirled around him and he vowed to protect the girl singing from the piano. The girl that saved his life… you. But only in his wildest dreams could he have hoped that that day meant a fraction of what it did to him. He was so lost in his thoughts, that he missed you turning to look at him, head tilted at his faraway look.
“Hey, Gavin, you okay?”
Gavin started, his voice thick with emotion, “Yeah, never better.”
You left the Art Gallery and as the two of you were walking back to Gavin’s bike, there was a sudden heavy downpour of rain. Both of you quickly ran to the shelter of a supermarket roofing, but although you were now out of the rain, you both were pretty soaked. Gavin watched you shiver in concern, and upon seeing your clothes starting to cling to your figure, he quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around your form, the tips of his ears bright red. You looked at him gratefully, and he turned to look out at the downpour.
“Looks like a storm is coming in, your place is too far, I’ll take you to mine to dry off.”
Hearing Gavin’s suggestion you forcibly tried to calm down your racing heartbeat, although you two were together, you had only been to Gavin’s apartment a handful of times, and judging by the rate of rainfall you would have to stay the night, something you had never done before. Shaking your head to dispel your worries, you realised that Gavin was only offering out of concern, and at this thought your heart swelled with love for this man.  
“Okay, let’s go.” you said clasped your hand in Gavin’s and running into the rain back to Gavin’s bike.
“You remember where the bathroom is right, I’ll bring some clothes for you to wear, go before you catch a cold.” Gavin sheep-herded you into his apartment and into the bathroom as he then turned to his closet. As Gavin placed a T-Shirt and some socks into your arms, and you smiled appreciatively at him before disappearing into the bathroom and closing the room.  
Gavin made himself busy, after getting changed into some dry clothes and drying his hair, he put the kettle to boil and getting out some tea you had mentioned you liked for you to drink, and got out some food from the fridge you had meal prepped for him earlier that week, and placed it in a pot on the stove.to heat up. Hearing your footfalls as you padded into the kitchen, he paused and turned to watch you, the sight of you caused him to drop the spoon he was holding. The black T-Shirt he had given you fell loosely over your frame, and its hem fell at mid-thigh on you, and Gavin couldn’t even put into words how much he loved you in that moment. The socks were too large for your feet and you had rolled them up so you wouldn’t trip over them, causing the muffled footfalls. Gavin knelt and picked up the spoon, turning to the sink in order to hide his bright red blushing face from you. You saw the bright red tips of his ears, as you approached drying your slightly damp hair with a towel, and a soft smile painted your lips, although deciding to spare him you turned to the stove, inhaling its aroma, and lowering the heat under the pot to a gentle simmer.
“Pass me a spoon to taste Gavin.” you asked and Gavin wordlessly handed a teaspoon to you, along with the washed mixing spoon.
Taking a spoon full of the mixture, Gavin watched you blow slightly on the spoon and then place it in your mouth, you licked your lips and tilted your head from side to side, deliberating seemingly. Nodding slightly, you refilled the spoon and turned to Gavin, blowing on it, and then lifted it to hover by his mouth. Gavin leaned forward to taste, trying not to dwell on the fact that the two of you were sharing an indirect kiss through the spoon, and savoured the warmth of the meal as you asked,
“Enough salt?” you asked.
“It’s good.” Gavin said and smiled bashfully as you shook your head at him and reached for the salt to throw an extra pinch.
“Gavin, I’ve told you, I won’t get offended if you tell me it needs more salt.” you laughed at his sweetness.
After eating dinner and reclining on the sofa, your heard the crash of thunder, walking over to the window you sighed.
“I don’t think the storm is going to stop anytime soon.” you sighed  
Hearing some shuffling behind you, you turned to see Gavin moving pillows around on the sofa, knowing how Gavin lived you posed him a question,
“Gavin do you even have extra blankets?”
Gavin blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck, “Um, no… But I’ll be-”
“Gavin don’t finish that sentence; you take the bed.”
“You can’t sleep on the sofa; I won’t let you.” Gavin stressed.
Both of you stared at each other in a sort of stand-off in silence, silence stretched out between you, the only sounds being each other’s breathing. Gavin sighed and continued to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“We could always- I mean if you don’t mind- we could share the bed.” Gavin asked shyly.
In response you sported a rosy hue, but after glancing at the sofa and knowing that Gavin, being the gentleman, he is, would never let you sleep on the sofa while he took the bed, nodded at him.
“Okay, we’ll share.”
Is what you said, but sitting in Gavin’s bed, blanket tightly in your hands that rested in your lap, you were growing nervous. Insecurity twisted in your gut, as you watched Gavin shuffle around the room, taking off the main light and turning on the star lamp he had, recognition quelled your nerves.
“Wait is this the lamp you bought at Furniture City that time we went together?”
“Yeah.” Gavin seemed to be both embarrassed and touched that you remembered your Furniture City Date.
You relaxed, smiling at Gavin, as he climbed into bed next to you and you shuffled to lay down beside him. Gavin turned towards you and and the two of you faced each other with the stars as your only source of of light.
“Hey, you alright? Nervous?” Gavin asked softly.
“Anyone would be nervous spending the night at their boyfriend’s place for the first time Gavin.” you told him.
“Really?” Gavin shifted so he was facing the ceiling.
“You’re not nervous..?” you asked.
“Not particularly.” Gavin said.
You sat upright suddenly, startling Gavin at your movement, “I guess if you’ve done this before, you wouldn’t be nervous would you.” you said bitterly, moving to climb out of bed.
Gavin grasped your forearm and yanked hard, causing you to tumble into his chest, and Gavin used his strength to lock his arms around your form, keeping you in his embrace.
“Stop Squirming!”
“Gavin Let me-”
“It’s because it’s you!” you paused wide eyed at Gavin’s confession “I’m not nervous because it’s you, it just feels natural you being here with me, that I don’t feel nervous.” Gavin hid his face in your neck and pressed a light kiss to the crook of your neck.
Allowing Gavin to lower you both back down on the bed, you buried your face in his chest hiding your blush. Several breaths passed between you two, before Gavin started to laugh.
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be jealous, would you?” Gavin teased.
You muffled gibberish into his shirt in response.
“Don’t worry, I meant it when I said you are my first and last love. Believe when I say you’ll be the only girl I’ll ever invite back to my apartment.” Gavin rested his forehead against yours, his honey coloured eyes reflected nothing but warmth and love, and he continued to hold you tight as you both drifted off to sleep.
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hegleg · 4 years
Beelzebub x sick reader
(I've taken this x reader from my wattpad story, if you'd like to read more or support me visit my wattpad @kek_its_me)
- This will contain switching point of views between the reader and Beel
- several time skips
- bit of a longer fic, word count (3795)
- enjoy~
The bell ending class at RAD finally rang, echoing sweetly in your ears. You smiled, throwing your bag around your shoulders and sitting up from your desk. Your desk was positioned right next to the window, making it easy for you to notice what had caught your eye. It was raining: thundering to be precise. You shuddered, 'did I even bring my umbrella today' you thought. Checking your bag twice and around your desk it was decided: you hadn't. 'Great' you uttered in your mind, silently shaming yourself for your carelessness. You breathed out a long sigh before deciding to face your enemy, the rain, head on. Boldly, you pushed open the heavy school door leading to the front of the school and dashed outside. Immediatly you felt it hit you. The cold sensation of tiny wet bullets overwhelmed you. You thought rapidly about your options. You could lift your bag over your head to cover yourself. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. With all your might, you began to lift your bag over your head. No dice. Instantly you dropped it back down. Curse RAD for giving you such heavy textbooks! You'd be sure to complain to Lucifer later and see if he'd mention it to Diavolo. For now though, the bag plan was a bust. Your remaining option: deal with it. Groaning, you trekked your feet forward through the growing puddles on the ground. 'Great' you thought, 'now my socks are wet.' Angerly, you marched onward through the pouring rain until you reached the House of Lamentation. Swearing under your breath you fished out your spare key from your bag, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. You were dripping wet, but you were finally "home." Drawing a sigh, you found your way to your room and closed the door behind you. Grabbing a nearby towel, you began to dry yourself, changing into a spare change of clothes shortly after. After you were properly dried, you fell first into your cushiony bed, exhausted from the day. As you were lying there, a thought crossed your mind. You scratched your head furviously, "ughhh why didn't I just ask one of the boys if I could share their umbrella. I'm sure Satan would of had one at the very least." However, Satan wasn't in your class. Mammon was, but considering Mammon wasn't good at keeping track of things, you realized asking him would be no good. Exhausted physically and mentally, you drew another sigh and wrapped yourself in a blanket. 'Forget dinner, what I need now is rest' you thought, lying your head on a soft, comforting pillow. You were pulled from your thoughts into a deep, feverish sleep.
"Ughhh..." You groaned, clutching your head, which was now burning beneath your touch. Groggily, you turned your head and steadily tuned in the boys standing in front of you.
"-she's waking up. Hey, y/n are ya finally with us?" Mammon said.
"Huh...I think so- yeah I am, what are you guys doing here..?" you asked. "You didn't come to dinner so we wanted to check on you" Beel said, his gaze trained on you, steady and concerned. "Luckily, we just found you napping here" Levi added.
You groaned again, sitting up slowly.
"Guys.." You said. "Yeah?" The demons asked in unison.
"I feel like shit"
"Oh, uhm, did'cha want us to leave you alone then?" Mammon asked, dejected.
You shook your head. "Nonono- it's not like that. I think I'm just ill. Can anyone check if I have a fever?"
The boys looked at each other in confusion. "Right...I forgot you have no idea what human illnesses are like.." You groaned. "Okay new plan, can somebody get Soloman?" You asked. "Soloman? Why that guy?" Mammon grumbled. 'Uh, because he's human, ya dingus', you fought the urge to say. "Solomon and I are both humans, so he would know about my sickness and how to treat it better, plus he knows magic, which he might be able to cure me with" you said.
The brothers seemed to understand this much, and didn't pry further.
"I'll go find Solomon then-" Mammon said, dashing out of your room. You took this a sign Mammon was worried for you and felt a small expression of gratitude towards him.
"Is there anything we can do?" Beel asked. Weariness clung to you and you desperately wanted to lie back down. "Uhm..could you two actually leave me for awhile? I don't feel so good.." You groaned. Dejected, Levi and Beelzebub understood you needed your rest and left. Sighing, you flopped back down into the bed, letting your exhaustion overtake you and lead you into sleep.
"-Y/n...Y/n.." A voice called. You groggily opened one eye and saw a tall, silver haired man before you. "You wished to see me?" Solomon asked. "Yeah..ughh.." You groaned, "I think I might of come down with something, I feel awful.." You said weakly. "You don't look great either"
"Hey..!" You protested in nearly a whisper. A blush crept onto his face as he realized what he'd said. "My apologies! I'm sorry, I only meant you looked ill" he apologized profusely.
"Its okay.." You shook your head. "So do you think you may be able to cure this with magic?" You asked. Solomon shook his head. "I don't even know what 'this' is. Would you mind if I checked your forehead?" He asked.
You shook your head, "not at all."
Sweeping hair from your forehead, Solomon gently placed his hand onto your head. You groaned under his touch and his hand recoiled.
"You're burning up, you definetly have a fever. If I may ask, how did you even get sick?"
You thought back to the rainy day and frowned. "I walked home in the rain" you scowled. "Don't you carry an umbre-"
"Are you really gonna shame me now?" You asked. "Fair enough, y/n, but know, I can't cure the common cold with magic. That's not what magic is for anyways.." Solomon mumbled. "So what should I do..?" You asked. Solomon looked at you thoughtfully, "I'd put a cool rag on your forehead to get rid of the fever."
You nodded. "Any other symptoms?"
"No, thankfully. But that could change" you muttered. "If it does, come get me" Solomon remarked. "Alright, thank you Solomon, I mean it." He smiled at you, "don't mention it. Gotta look out for my fellow human." You smiled weakly at this. 'Human solidarity' you thought.
Finished, Solomon turned heel and opened your door to leave. As the door opened, Mammon, Beel, and Levi fell into the room. They must of been listening in on you two.
"Looks like you've got some visitors" Solomon chuckled with a hand to his face. The three demons were blushing madly at being caught.
"-I told you we'd get caught" Levi scowled. "Oi, oi, its not my fault, we all wanted to listen to them, remember?" Mammon protested. "Sorry, y/n..we were worried about you" Beel said softly. You smiled at the three, lucky to have such caring friends. "Perfect timing" Solomon remarked, "Y/n if you need anything I'm sure these three would love to help anyway they can." Feeling he overstayed his welcome, Solomom took his leave, waving to you before leaving your room.
"So..what should we do..?" Mammon asked. You mentally facepalmed. He should know, he was listening in after all. Summoning your courage you asked, "could one of you take care of me..?"
"-Gotta look out for my fellow human" I found myself feeling dejected at this.
"-guys are you sure this is ok?"
"-Levi, you're totally invading my personal space"
"-maybe don't hog the door then, there's nearly enough room for us"
"-Oi oi that's hardly my fault!"
I let out a groan. At this rate, I won't hear anything else. Suddenly, the door which had all our listening ears on it, opened, sending us face first into the room's floor. I looked up to see Solomon's suprised expression and
y/n's discerned, slightly confused/slightly disappointed expression. My face felt hot with embarassment. "Looks like you've got some visitors" Solomon chuckled.
"-Mammon, I told you we'd get caught-" Levi scowled. The two of them bickered back and forth while I looked over at y/n regretfully. "Sorry, y/n, we were worried.." I apologized.
For reasons unknown, y/n just smiled weakly back at us. My heart panged at this. "Perfect timing" Solomon remarked, explaining how we'd be available to help take care of y/n before promptly leaving. I don't know why, but the idea of taking care of y/n made my heart race. I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. Mammon, thankfully, spoke up first. "So what should we do...?" He asked.
"Could one of you take care of me?" Y/n asked, a blush tinting her face.
"What should we do?" I asked the two of them. "A game", Levi suggested, "rock papers scissors, best 2/3, winner gets to take care of y/n"
"You're on!" Mammon cheered.
I didn't know why, but I found myself wanting to win, wanting to take care of y/n. Sure, I cared for them, but wouldn't taking care of them feel like a chore? So why is my heart racing...
"-Beel you're up. Play me. Mammon already lost" Levi said, freeing me from my thoughts. Without much hope to win, I threw down rock idly. And to my surprise, Levi had thrown scissors. "Again!" Levi said, jealous I'd stolen a win from him. Again, I threw paper idly, surely I couldn't win twice.
And much to my surprise, Levi had thrown rock. "No way..." Levi pouted, looking defeated after his loss. I felt bad for my brother but I was looking forward to taking care of y/n. "No fair!" Mammon protested. "You lost, fair and square, Mammon" Levi grinned. "I can't believe I won..."
You looked onward at the demons quizzically, lifting a brow in amusement. "So, you guys make a decision yet?" You asked. Immediately, Beel stepped forward.
"I'll take care of you, y/n, leave it to me!" Beel grinned. A small blush tinted your cheeks and you forced yourself to look away. 'That damn smile..too pure...too bright..curses' you thought. To distract yourself you turned your attention to Levi and Mammon still in the room.
"Shoo- shoo- " you said motioning them away with your hand. With disappointed faces the two of them left, leaving you and Beel by yourselves. The room was dead silent. Beel looked onto you with worried eyes. Tension was building. You broke the silence first.
"Uhm..Beel would you mind wetting a rag and bringing it to me?"
As if snapped from a trance he blinked awake. "Yeah, of course. Hold on" he said taking off. You let out a long sigh. 'Damn', you thought 'what was with that tension? I hope we're not like this the whole time.'
The sound of Beel's footsteps broke you from your thoughts. Hesitantly, he leaned over your form in the bed, and whispered lowly in your ear, "what do you want me to do with this?"
You felt your face flush, and you twitched at the sound of his low voice on your ear, the sudden closeness between you became apparent.
"B-Beel y-you don't have to be that close, you know?" You replied shaky from embarrassment. "Sorry..." he murmured, leaning up and stepping away from the bed. "I thought I should talk closer, because of your condition it might be harder to hear me, right?" He said, eyes studying the ground. You considered this for a moment. Difficulty hearing wasn't usually a symptom of the common cold, but Beel didn't know any better, he was probably just trying to help.
"Ah, thanks Beel. I appreciate it, but my hearing should be fine." You said awkwardly. Silence filled the space between you again. 'Crap, now the tension's back. Good going y/n' you silently cursed yourself. You cleared your throat. "Beel, can you put the rag on my forehead?" You asked, blushing slightly. He nodded, "oh, right" he said, forgetting he even still held the damp rag. Leaning back over the bed, he brushed hair from your forehead aside and placed the cool rag onto your burning forehead. You immediately let out a sigh of relief. Beel, hearing this, was prompted to ask, "is everything alright, y/n?"
You nodded at him, "its ok Beel, that was a sigh of relief."
"Oh...thank goodness.." He said lowly.
With nothing else to do Beel stood awkwardly at the foot of your bed, studying his hands. Feeling sympatheic, you decided to give him another task: to fetch you soup. Definetly because you felt sympathetic, you were absolutely not hungry. "Grrrrrlllllllll..." Your stomach let out a loud growl. Beel looked suprised, probably because it didn't come from his own stomach. Embarassed, you blushed, and asked in a low voice, "could you get me some soup.." Beel nodded and his eyes lit up, this was the one thing he could do for you with expertise. Ecstatic, he left the room to make you some soup.
"Ughhhhhh..." You groaned, "I can't believe I did that. That was so embarassing.....I hate you stomach!"
You flailed your arms weakly in protest.
Finally, I feel like I can relax, I'm finally in familiar territory. At least I can make half decent soup. Belphie always likes it, so I'm sure y/n will like it too!
After fixing the soup, I dropped a spoon in and scooped some out, taste-testing it.
"You get hungry, eh Beel?" Mammon called from behind me. I shake my head at him. "Eh? Its not for me its for y/n" I said. "What? But you were already gobbling it down?" I frowned, "no, I was taste-testing it, Mammon."
"No way! You're serious? I never thought I'd see you make food for someone else!" He exclaimed. For some reason I feel insulted. I'm sure he doesn't mean harm but his words echoed in my head, stinging my chest. "I care about people other than my self, Mammon" I said defensively. He looked at me taken aback. "Oi- Oi- Beel did'cha have to go that far? Besides..I was only kidding.." He mumbled, his eyes focused on the ground. I started to feel bad but remembered y/n was still waiting. 'I'm sorry Mammon, I'll make it up to you later, but for now I've got to get back to y/n' I thought, pushing past Mammon.
Sighing, you wondered what was taking Beel so long. Your stomach was waging a war on you skipping dinner last night. You made a mental note never to do that again. Just as you were wishing for Beel he appeared through the door, soup in hands. Although some Devildom ingredients were definetly fishy, you'd never been happier to see Devildom soup in your entire life. "Thank goodness" you breathed out, "any longer and I might of starved to death" you chuckled.
This raised Beel's concern. "Really y/n? This won't be enough then. I'll come back with more-"
"Beel- I'm only joking" you laughed. He was such a worrywart, sometimes. Which, admittedly, you found very cute. "Oh. Thank goodness. You scared me y/n" he said relieved. You smiled at him. "Beel, I have one more favor to ask of you" you said. "Yes? What is it? I'll do whatever you need-" you must admit, his willingness to help you made you blush a bit, but what you were about to ask him would make you blush far worse. "Beel- could you...f-feed me?" You asked. Normally, you'd find this too embarassing, and used your reserved strength to eat. However, something about the situation prompted you to ask. And you were weaker, so, perhaps it wouldn't be as embarassing. Beel stared at you blankly at first, needing a minute to process it. First came the blush that rose to his cheeks, then the silent contemplation, then agreement.
"Yeah" he nodded, "sure, anything to help you." You bit your lip in anticipation. Sure you'd proposed the idea, but you really hadn't prepared yourself for his agreement. Beel made his way to the bed with a tray that held the bowl of soup on it. Hesitantly, he sat next to were you were lying on the bed turned to you. You blushed at the distance closed between you two. He sat the tray in his lap, picking up the spoon and scooping some soup in it. Nervous, you tried to make idle conversation. "So..I heard from your brother you make this very soup for Belphie sometimes! Is that true?" You ask, a bead of sweat appearing on your face. "Yeah...he loves it. I hope you do too" he said with a light smile. That bright, careless smile. You loved it, and caught yourself staring at it. Clearing his throat, Beel brought the spoon towards you. 'Crap, its happening, its really happening' you thought frantically, a blushing mess. Beel reached the spoon towards your mouth and you gripped his wrist, stopping him. "Uhm..B-Beel..don't you find this embarassing?" You asked. "Embarassing? I supposed so..but..its something I have to do for y/n, so I don't care how embarassing it is.." Beel said blushing and showing an awkward smile. Your heart swooned at this. How could he be so selfless and cute at the same time?
"Alright," you said dropping his wrist, "y-you can continue then.." You said, feeling the temperature in your cheeks rise. Beel nodded, and brought the spoon to your face again. "Say 'aaaaah'" he said. You quit biting down on your lip, which out of embarrassment, you had bit down on quite a bit, bloodying it very slightly. Hesitantly, bit-by-bit you opened your mouth, and allowed him to feed you. You locked gazes for a few seconds, and almost felt your heart stop. This continued until you had finished the soup, and although you were relieved of the tension, you somewhat missed it. Beel picked up the tray, and took the empty bowl out to the kitchen to clean. You felt somewhat bad for making him responsible for you, but still found yourself somewhat enjoying it. As. Beel washed the dishes, with a full belly it was easy for comfortable sleep to overtake you.
You drowsily awoke to your body shivering. It must be a reaction to fighting off the cold. Shaking, you found yourself pulling for more blanket, only, your blanket wasn't there. "Beel- where's my blanket?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Beel was sat on the very end of your bed, facing you with a look of concern and guilt. "Solomon advised that you have a fever, and that a blanket will only raise your body temperature, so..I'm sorry but I took it! I didn't want your fever to increase..." Beel said, narrowing his purple eyes at you with concern. His eyebrows knitted together, "I understand if you're upset-"
"I'm not upset", you said, "I'm just cold." "Oh. I see, I'm sorry you're cold, is there something I can do?" He offered. "Gimme back my blank-"
"Not happening" he shut that down real quick. "I'm sorry, y/n but it's for your own good.." He said. You pouted, and rubbed your shivering shoulders. "Beeeel I'm really cold..please" you pleaded. You saw Beel's face contort with anguish. "I'm really sorry, y/n but I can't-"
"Can you lay with me then?" you couldn't believe what came out of your own mouth. Maybe you were delirious with confidence from the fever, maybe you were fed up with concealing your true feelings but you were damn cold and Beel was damn warm. His face lit up at the suggestion. He clearly hadn't expected you to say anything like that. He bit his lip, and the process began again. First he blushed, then the silent contemplation, then the steady agreement. "A-alright. I don't want you to freeze.." He said picking himself up and lying next to you in the bed. Instinctively, your heart began to race. 'This was a really bad idea. Why the hell did you suggest anything? This'll be impossible to do without passing out from embarrassment!' you cursed in you mind. You felt the bed shift under Beel's weight as he moved. You flinched, closing your eyes tightly your cheeks flared bright red. Suddenly, you felt strong arms wrap around you. Your heart began to pound even faster, you felt it pound against your chest so hard, it might as well fly out. "Is this okay..?" You heard Beel ask, his voice low and close due to the distance closed between you two. A chill shuddered down your spine that wasn't caused by the fever and you felt your skin getting hot, also not due to the fever. "Y-y-ye- ahem", you composed yourself, 'calm..down..speak clearly' you thought. "Yes" you replied with more confidence this time. Beel gave you a reassuring squeeze in his arms. "As long as you're ok, that's all that matters. Although y/n, I can hear your heartbeat going like a rabbits" he chuckled. 'Crap he can feel how nervous I am.' "Sorry, I'm just..embarassed I guess.." You felt yourself shrink from embarrassment. A moment later he replied. "Mmm, so am I.." Silence fell upon the two again. "Beel..." You said. "Yeah?" He replied. "This might be the absolute worst timing in the world to tell you this, but I think I like you" you said, covering your face with your hands. You felt Beel press his face into your back. "B-Beel..?" You questioned. "S-sorry y/n..I'm a little embarassed..but..I like you too" he said, covering his blushing face in your back. You squirmed in his hug and turned to face him. You saw his face turn bright red, perfectly reflecting your own. You looked into his purple, darting eyes. "Really..?" You asked. He gulped, meeting your gaze, "yeah..really, y/n.."
This put a smile on your blushing face. You rested your chin in the crook of his neck. "Beel, do you mind if I go to sleep?" You asked. "Go right ahead. I'll be here when you wake up." Hearing this, you'd never felt more safe in your life. "Just don't catch my sickness.." You whispered playfully. "I wouldn't mind if it meant getting taken care of by you.."
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queensdivas · 4 years
Wildest Notes Chapter 4
So there’s about three reasons why this chapter took a little long to come out! But they’re good reasons of course because I like to make sure things are somewhat perfect! 
First! Mostly because I’ve been busy with Grigor and trying to work on such a historical fic and y’all know I throw myself into my fics. 
Second. I got in touch with a certain bad ass artist by the name of @punky-peach​ who drew that beautiful picture below for Cora and Gard. Oh yes. It’s absolutely beautiful and I might have cried when I received it ten minutes ago. It’s so fantastic that I just can’t stop looking at it and I know y’all can’t either! Especially after this chapter.  
Third. I got distracted. And I got into bioshock for a while (I’m still binge playing it over and over. But fear not! I’m back and 
Okay here we go! 
Y’all ready!!
Next Chapter
Previous Chapter. 
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My fingers softly began rubbing my eyes as we finished the last set of the night. Sometimes I forget that playing the piano day after day would hurt my eyes. I hate that sometimes I forget that I’m near sighted. Should probably take a day off because I’ve been doing this nonstop since I moved here. Luckily I’m not clumsy with them and have never broken a pair in my life! Which is saying something about myself. 
Closing the lid to the piano as the club was beginning to clear out of everyone excluding the waitresses, bar tenders, and us musicians. I began gathering all my music sheets together as I watched everyone go into their own little social pods. Not that I don’t wanna become social with any other them. But a first impression of them flocking towards me in all directions to screw me wasn’t exactly a warm welcome. 
Once my music was all put together. I knocked off my heels to switch over to my Jesus slippers so I could walk home comfortable. Do you think I walk from my house to the city in heels? I don’t even like being in some sort of heels in the first place. My preference is my Jesus slippers or my bare feet. I mostly garden in my bare feet so it’s safe to say that I really hate shoes. 
Kobi the bassest and Chandler who played first chair trombone approached me as I placed my feet into my Jesus sandals. Kobi was rubbing the back of his neck as I waited for them to speak to me because obviously he was going to say something. 
“Chandler and I were wanting to apologize for what happened when you first arrived here. Kind of got us all excited for a new member and we acted like wild dogs. I’m sorry.” Wait what? An apology? Kobi smacked Chandler's chest as he shot up from the ground. 
“Yes Cora. We’re sorry..” 
“It’s quite alright. Thank you for the apology.” 
“Listen why not have a drink with us?” Chandler offered as I took a step off the stage with all my belongings. 
“I don’t drink.”
“Then water. C’mon you have to socialize with us eventually and running off back to your house isn’t an option.” Kobi mentioned that both of them walked over to the bar along with the workers and other musicians. I mean a sprite does sound delicious and I could use the energy walking home. 
I sat down on the bar stool as the tender was mixing all sorts of drinks for everyone. He stood in front of me and waited for me to give him some sort of answer. I get the feeling their eyes are shooting bullets at me for not drinking liquor. Look I know being a jazz musician you’re supposed to smoke and have a thing of Jack Daniels by your stand in order to fit the profile. But I’d rather have a really bubbly sprite and some grapes and we’re sitting. 
“Just a sprite please.” I told him as he filled a tiny little glass of sprite for me. 
“You work at a nightclub and you drink a sprite?” Chandler commented as I took a sip. 
“I told you two I don’t drink.” It’s like talking to a brick wall. Like I said I will not socialize with these people and just come to work. 
“Heys guys great news!” Theo jumped down from the stage and sashed himself over towards us. 
“We got ourselves a new lead female singer by the name of Kyia Mair. Just graduated from Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio. She said she was looking for a full time gig and bam! We got one!” HE clapped as he sat down on one of the stools. 
“A round for everyone! Make it an Irish car bomb for everyone!” Theo pulled out his cash as everyone cheered as for free alcohol...for me I was slowly sipping sprite from my glass. I should’ve mentioned that I could’ve also sang..though it’s not excellent like Gaga or even Billie Holiday. But it’s decent. 
The bartender placed the shot in front of me as my sipping through the straw began to go faster as I was trying to avoid the car bomb or whatever it was called in front of me. No..no I don’t drink. Drinking leads to drugs...drugs lead..lead...
“A shot isn’t going to kill you Cora. You gotta live a little.” Theo moved the shot in front of me as I kept sucking up more and more sprite till the glass was empty. My throat closed as I looked away from the shot. Time for me to head home and read some sort of book. Digging into my purse then my wallet to find some sort of cash. 
“Tell ya what. Here’s twenty dollars on me for whatever you want and you guys never speak to me again that isn’t business related. Now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to go home. Goodnight everyone.” Telling them as they slapped the money on the bar and began my walk home. 
Wrapping my arms around myself to place my binger down onto the ground to feel the warmth of the night rest on top of me. Taking in a deep breath as I dove into the inner layers of my confused train wreck of a mind. It felt like I was pushing the door shut of my past self trying to keep those memories shut. 
Think of something nice Cora c’mon! 
“I’m..I’m sorry. I.. I generally don’t hang out with civilians this much.” Civilians? DO I look like I’m in the army? Do I need to salute him or something? 
Why is it that this tightly wound mailman by the name of Gardner is prancing around in my mind? Is this what a crush feels like? Heck I’ve never had my first kiss in my life with anyone! I’ve lived quite the solitude life for obvious reasons..and no one has ever had that kind of talk with me. 
Stopping along the river as my upper body leaned over the railing. Surprisingly a warm gust of wind entwined itself around me as I just stared down into the dark water. The lights from the city began dancing upon the top of the river. 
Mama Seymour wasn’t into the relationships because she was always busy with myself and my brothers and sisters. Mr. Lister..er Dad..may he rest in peace. He was just there for me in the end and never got around to this conversation. So I’ve got no idea what on earth I’m doing. Normally my ass would be running from this situation and just diving into a different situation. But..
I..I wanna dive..
This whack uptight mailman…
“Gard? What are you going?”
“I’m sorry. I heard you playing and I wanted to stay till the end.” 
Someone tell me how the heck this is supposed to work? No mailman would just casually stay and let himself come inside the house. Not to mention he let me dry his socks after walking around in the rain. It’s not love...it’s just my heart rapidly beating out of my ribbed cages and spewing out all over the sidewalk!  My right hand rested over my heart as I stood up standing tall.
Just keep calm..if you see him tomorrow just be nice and not do anything.. 
Walking back to the house to see that Angus was sitting in front of the front door sleeping soundly as I stood in front of the gate. Opening the gate woke him up and trot his way over to me. Sniffing my feet, licking my palm, and then walking back towards the door. For some unknown reason Angus loves to sit outside or sleep when I’m gone for work. 
Sitting down on the porch steps as Angus sat up next to me then began licking my face, yet stopping when he had some of my makeup in his mouth. My nails softly scratched the top of his head as he laid back down next to me with his head resting on my thigh. Time to let my hair down, literally. Pulling apart the large black bow I had in my hair that was keeping at least some of it up to let my grande cluster mess known as my hair. 
“C’mon Angus. Time for bed.” Kissing his forehead as we both got off the ground to walk inside and get ready for bed.  
*Gards P.O.V.*
Wasn’t supposed to be 90 degrees today. Stupid weather! Looking up to place the mail in the box I noticed that I was right around the corner from Cora. I imagine she’s out in her garden planting or digging until it gets too hot. 
Turning the corner then down the hill as I kept my eyes on what I could see but sadly trees we’re covering my view. Just keep going..wait. What should I say to her? Hey? Is it hot outside or what? Too cheesy? I’ll just be quiet, drop off her mail then moving on. 
Is..is that Margaritaville? I don’t know much about music but I know Margaritaville whenever I hear it. I remember Dad and I would be on the boat washing it down and whenever this song would turn on, he would just go berserk. Cause ya know, it’s a Dad song.  
“Wastin' away again in Margaritaville..Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt..Some people claim that there's a woman to blame..Now I think, hell, it could be my fault..” I could hear her singing as I got closer to the gate. 
When I made it to her white gate. My head looked up. I saw that she was sitting in the front yard sitting in a beach chair. Her feet were in a kids plastic pool as Angus came around the corner to then step into the kids pool and watch me. 
“GARD!” Cora cheered as she stood up to then stand in her pool. Opening the gate as I approached her as she kept herself in the pool. 
“Want a drink? It’s kool aid.” She held out her glass as I shook my head. 
“How’s the route on this stupidly hot day?” I shrugged as she offered me her seat. I sat down as she went around back to probably grab another chair. Placing my mail bag next to my chair as I watched Angus in the pool. He’s literally just laying down in the water with only his head laying on the rim.  Coming back as she had one of those really colorful beach chairs. Opening it up then sticking her feet back into the pool as Angus was laying down in it. 
“Gard relax for a little bit. It’s 90 degrees and there’s no way you’re not boiling alive.” Fair enough. 
“While you get comfy. I think I got some sunglasses for ya.” Getting up again to go into her house. I took off my shoes then socks to stick my feet into the ice cold pool. I let out a very large sigh as my entire body relaxed. I should get a kids pool for Calvin and I because this is so relaxing. 
She came back out with a glass of water and a pair of sunglasses. Smiling as I took them from her hands as she climbed back down into her seat then laying out in the sun. 
“Thank you.” Telling her as I placed the sunglasses on my face then taking a sip of the cold water. 
“No problemo Gard.” She smiled as she bent forward to splash some water on Angus who tried to eat the water she splashed him with. She looked so beautiful with the sun shining down on top of her. Coras skin was shining and her smile..it feels so genuine and contagious. Like if you’re not smiling you’re out of place. Not to mention she’s just so bubbly that..it’s a good feeling when I’m around her. 
Blinking a few times as Angus got up from the pool to then shake himself as all the water splashed over Cora and I! If a dog could smirk I think Angus would. We both watched as he opened the screen door to then walk inside. What a dog. 
“Sorry that my dog just gave you a shower.” She took off her glasses to whip off the water. 
“I’m assuming that you taught him how to do that?” Asking her as she nodded. She put her glasses back on her face to look at me. 
“Spoiled loveable child.” She shook her head as she went down to take a sip of her kool aid. I reached down for water to start drinking it. 
“Glad you’re finally relaxing. Though it would never happen to Gard. You 're more wounded than a screw itself.” I’ve always had my own way of doing things and enjoyed my very..tight.. Schedule..But here Cora comes to basically destroy that schedule..and I’m kind of okay with it...
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course. I mean it’s great that you have such a tight schedule and you like to do things your way. But sometimes you just gotta take a step back and breath a little. Also have your feet chillin 'in a kiddie pool while you get a sun tan and take a break from the job.” I will say though we look a little silly sitting in her front yard. But I imagine her backyard is covered head to toe in veggies and flowers. 
“If you keep working and not taking a second, you’re gonna watch your life go by without ya. Sorry..didn’t mean to sound so preachy there holy crap.” She laughed at herself as I couldn’t stop looking at her. Why does she care so much? I know that about 90% of the people I deliver mail to don’t even know me. Trudy is the only one I talk to..and then she comes into play...and..
I..I want her to see the boat. I mean. She’s shown me her entire home and she’s yet to see mine. Wouldn’t you think she’d like to see mine? I know she’s asked but..I didn’t know what she would do if I told her I lived in a boat. 
What do I say to her? Hey why don’t you come see my boat? Wanna see my boat? How do I make myself sound extremely creepy towards her? Her beautiful copper hair that was just all over the place shined beautifully. Cora’s smile kept making my heart skip a few beats as her fingers were messing with the book. I want her to come on my route so I can show her the boat. Don’t most women love boats? 
“Wanna see my home?” Blurting out as she turned towards me then rose up in her chair. 
“Sure. Let me get my keys.” She looked so adorable. A big Hawaiian shirt that had a tank top underneath, a cute pair of white shorts then her sandals. She walked inside her house as I finished chugging the water for the walk home. 
“How long have you been a mailman?” She asked as she was walking backwards in front of me with her hair flapping with each step. 
“Since I was eighteen. I was even a designated note passer for these two kids in school, kind of appropriate.” She looked so..pretty. Her hair shined, she walked with such a lovely step. As if she was almost skipping. How does someone be this happy all the time?
I found out that she’d been playing the piano since she was a kid. Umm she can make a mean lamb roast, and sells vegetables at farmers markets and even tries to get a stand at county and or State Fairs. I had no idea she was so resourceful. Is it weird that I kind of want her to make dinner for me so I can try this great lamb roast. 
“It has a crap ton of garlic but don’t worry it works extremely well together.” She was so passionate about her cooking and bubbly. Most women I know who are my age who can’t even cook spaghetti. 
“What side dish?” 
“Marinated white beans. You’ll have to come over for dinner sometime and you’ll be leaving ten pounds heavier!” She laughed as we turned down my street. Oh boy. How is she going to react that I live in my boat instead of inside with Calvin. 
“Here we are.” Telling her as she began walking in the driveway. 
“Umm Cora.” I stopped right next to the ladder that led me inside my home. She took off her glasses, rubbing her eyes then back at me. I began walking towards the ladder to climb in. 
“The nameless grace.” She pointed out as I halted. 
“Huh.” Turning around as she had her arms crossed. 
“You do know boats are meant to have names right? There was this one boat that was always docked and it’s name was Floppy Wenis!” I mean I’ve heard of some weird one in my books when I’m trying to sleep. I think there was one called Buoyoncé and another called The Cod Mile. 
I climbed up into the sailboat as she followed right behind me. Glad I got the place cleaned up before going to bed last night. Not that it was dirty or had underwear all over the place. Crouching down into the sailboat to stand straight up as she poked her head in. 
“Cute. I love what you’ve done with the place.” Cora giggled as she held out her hand so she wouldn’t fall flat on her face. Helping her inside as she kept a hold of my hand. They were a little cold but extremely soft to the touch. Wait..I’m still holding them! 
“I’m sorry!” Walking over to the radio as I turned it on for some soft acoustic song to start playing. 
“I sit there. You can sit anywhere else.” Telling her as I tossed my bag on the other side of the booth table. I placed the sunglasses she’d given me on the table right where I usually sit. 
“Gard this is so homey. Really love what you’ve done with the sailboat. Also the ferns that hang off the railings.” She commented as it made me smile. Cora looked around to then sit down across from me on the bench. 
“Thank you.” Molding my fingers together as I made my thumbs started going in small circles.
“So do you have a thing for not sleeping in houses? Ready for some sort of flash flood coming here and all of us vanishing overnight?” Very funny. 
“I’ve liked boats. SO why not live in one.” Shrugging as she raised her eyebrow right at me. Yeah figured she wouldn’t accept that excuse.  
“Why not live with Calvin then? I mean I love my sunflowers but you don’t see me sleeping in the middle of my garden.” Fair point. She put her legs up close to her chest waiting for some kind of response from me. 
“I came from school one day and my parents were gone. The house was empty. The only thing they left behind was this boat. So I moved it to Calvins driveway. His parents took me in.” I somehow get this feeling she can sort of relate. I’m not sad about it anymore and have moved on. But...sometimes I keep thinking they’ll come back for the boat even after all these years just to say hi. A pipe dream and realistically impossible. But wouldn’t it be nice. Her face that was once filled with bubbles just turned into concern and somewhat saddened. I didn’t mean to make her feel sad..just wanted to be honest. 
“Any luck trying to find them?” Her voice cracked a little as she stared directly at me. 
“What would I say?” 
“Something I would Gard. Why? Why have me if you wanted to run?” Shaking her head at her own comment as she looked at the wall then back at me. 
“If we’re being open with one another. I sadly don’t remember my mother at all. Either she died of childbirth or just left right after I was born. Father was a..an extreme druggie who ended up..ah doesn’t matter. Oh what do we have here.” She grabbed one of my binders of my stamp collections to start going through them. I noticed on her ankle looked like some kind of old scar around the ankle. Probably none of my business. 
“I love this one so far. Ya know I wasn’t going to make the assumption that you collected stamps due to the fact you were a mailman. But I gotta ask. Why stamps?” Nothing is more cliche than a mailman collection stamp. Cora’s eyes looked so passionate while she skimmed through all my stamps.
“It’s just this endless potential that sits within these little tiny squares. Kind of wonder where they could’ve gone sometimes when I look at them. Always wondered what people would’ve said in these letters, though no one writes letters anymore. But if they did, they need one of those.” I’ve...I’ve never had the chance to fully tell someone about my stamps before. I mean besides Calvin and my friends down at the office when we have our meetings. But she seems so interested in them and letting me vent about them. 
“I’m going to assume you’ve got a favorite?” My eyes drifted over to The Duke as I motioned her to come over and look. She got off the bench to squat a few inches next to me. So close I could see deep into those sparkling dark blue pools. 
“So why is the shirtless man so special?” 
“That my dear friend is The Duke, King of the Longboard. You have your Elvis china and I have my stamps, sort of the Elvis of my collection.”
“Why? What’s so special about Mr. Duke?” 
“It’s a misprint.” 
“Wait what?” She giggled to take another look at the stamp. 
“It’s a misprint. It’s the only one in the world. His longboard is upside. See?” She nodded as our heads were almost butting into each other. 
“Well..son of a biscuit. What a misprint.” My throat unexpectedly dried up quicker than I expected as we just kept smiling at each other. 
Slowly moving towards each other as our lips finally made contact. Her beautiful lips sent shivers up and down my body. I’m too afraid to touch her or even do anything..last girl I kissed was a bet in High School..I could feel my face turning dark red as I cupped her face in my hands. 
Cora abruptly backed away from against the wall with her finger types on her lips. Gulping as her eyes were widened. She was going to say something but kept falling short of words. 
“I’m..I’m sorry..I..” Spinning around to dash out of the boat and almost tripping trying to get out. 
“Wait Cora!” I was about to sprint out towards her but she must’ve knocked over the sunglasses because they made a loud cracking sound in my feet. 
No...no..I didn’t ruin it did I!? Looking at the time as I realized that it was already after four...I’ll keep my bag for the night then when I do my route tomorrow I’ll just deliver whatever else I didn’t get the chance to deliver. 
Should probably go inside and try to act normal. Although I imagine Calvin will be having a field day because today is his day off. Climbing out of the boat then down the ladder as I tried to keep myself panicking in front of Calvin. He’s going to go on and on about approaching her and how to get her into bed. Not exactly what I’m going for. 
I made it through the front door then into the kitchen where Calvin already had dinner ready. And now I just realized that I’m extremely late for dinner. This should be absolutely fun to deal with. 
“Sorry I’m late Cal.” Sitting down at the dining room table but he didn’t turn around to say anything to me. But only letting out a big sigh. 
“Cal!” He smacked the eggplant on the plate as he was about to say something. 
“My eggplant parmesan is congealing.” I’m not quite sure if I’m even in the mood for eggplant. Vietnamese or Greek just sounds better than eggplant. 
“I had to work late.” 
“Am I living in a house of lies! You come through that door everyday at 5:29 pm on the dot for the past six years, and who was that guy with the 80s hair band running from your boat?” She’s not in a hair band? I mean obviously I knew he would catch me but she’s not even a man, Cora just has beautiful humongous hair. Which I imagine is super soft. 
“It was a woman.” Never thought I would have to say that. 
“My man! She smokes your hogan?” 
“I don’t think so and what does that even mean?” What does smoking your hogan your mean? Like..a..I don’t even wanna think about it. 
“Where did you meet her?” 
“Is she a mailman?” She’s far too beautiful to be a carrier. 
“Carrier and no she’s a customer. Her name is Cora.” 
“Whoa whoa whoa. Is she an old lady?” 
“Lady of the night?” 
“Single and no. She lives by herself.” 
“Single, her own home and on the route nice! So okay theres lots of ingredients here for a very erotic role-play situation.”
“You gonna see her again?” 
“Probably tomorrow.” 
“You nervous?” Shaking my head as Cal saw right through it.  
“You must not like her if you’re not nervous.” 
“I’m a little nervous.” More like shaking in my own shoes from the fact that I don’t wanna mess this up. 
“All right okay lets get a good solid plan together. This is you and this is her.” He was messing with the table mats. 
“No no I don’t wanna plan this.” Last time Cal had one of his plans he ended up spilling the nacho cheese all over the girls jeans. Yeah never letting him plan anything dealing with my love life. 
“Well you’re gonna need a plan or you’re just gonna get passed over like celery at the salad bar.” 
“I just wanna let it happen.” 
“Alright if that’s your play.” He began reading through his magazine of Martha Stewart recipes and home diy. 
I really don’t wanna mess this up..she’s absolutely fantastic..just the thought of her..oh boy what have I gotten myself into now. 
@bonafiderocketqueen​ @filmslutt​ @johndeaconshands​ @amethyst-serenade​ @soy-guey​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​ @queen-turtle-boiii​ @mercury-wife​ @deck-heart​ @deakydeacs @mirkwoodshewolf​ @supersonicfreddie​ @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @dancingcoolcat​ @bitchyleek​ @belladonichaaze​ @mrsmazzello​
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