#i seem to be gaining her favor today
guinevereslancelot · 2 months
slowly gaining the favor of the one child who hates everyone. i am the toddler whisperer 😌
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unoislazy · 7 months
I am feral for Mizu and you’ve been feeding me well with your Mizu fics so thank you so much for your service!! 💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗 i really enjoy your writing and the way you portray Mizu. With that said i wanna run a scenario by you and im just wondering how do you think it’d play out (if you like the idea enough to do a mini fic or headcanons that’d be awesome but if not then that’s okay and i understand 💕) hear me out, what if Mikio had a sister and she lived with him and Mizu during the time they were married, say her and Mizu bonded while they all live together but then their friendship blossoms into romantic love 🥺 how do you think that’d play out?
I Am No Coward
(Part 1)
Mizu x Fem! Reader
A/N: all of you guys are so nice and I love all of you. Thank you for the suggestion! This will be around a 4 part series that I hope to continue working on in the near future so BUCKLE UP
I am planning on making a Mizu x Black reader soon but I’m struggling on deciding a scenario for it. If anyone has any suggestions they won’t be to try out for it, I’ll take them with open arms!
Summary: You’re Mikio’s sister and todays the day you meet his new bride to be.
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Days were quiet with you and your older brother Mikio. After you had been put under his care and he had been outcasted by the lord, you both lived on his land more on the countryside, away from those who would cast their unwanted opinions on to you.
You usually took care of the more mundane tasks, cooking, cleaning; Things Mikio never truly liked to do. He wasn’t against helping but he was usually too busy with the horses to ever truly give you a hand. You knew your brother was obsessed with trying to win back the favor of the Shogun and as much as you knew it wasn’t going to happen, you let him believe anyways.
Time went on as usual until one day Mikio had returned home with some news.
“I’ve been offered a wife.” He said plainly as he took off his cape. You stopped cutting the vegetables and turned to him with a smile.
“That’s great… right?” You smiled hopefully. Given that he was now deemed an outcast and he was an older man it was unlikely that he would find any matches at this point, so you were just pleased that someone had been offered.
“She has the eyes of an onryo.” Was all he said in response before walking over to you. He kneeled down, watching what you were doing with a watchful yet critical eye. He adjusted your hand, suggesting that you had been cutting wrong in the first place.
“And that’s a problem?” You asked, your smile dropping for a moment as you rolled your eyes at his wordless suggestion. You knew he truly had no say in what opportunities were offered to him, you both did. If he had anything to gain, he should take it. He sighed for a moment, looking down before answering,
“No, She’ll be here in three days.”
Your smile returned, pleased to know that at least your brother would experience something other than the constant stress of trying to win back his honor.
You didn’t care what his wife would look like, she could have blue eyes, green hair, and purple skin for all you cared. All you cared about was your brother being happy, and you hoped she would be the key to that.
Mikio used to be a much more upbeat man. He liked to bring light to dreary situations with a joke or some laughter, but he always knew when to keep it serious. However, after he had been outcasted it seemed like all the fun parts of him disappeared. He became so hellbent on training the horses to be the best they could be that he forgot to have fun or indulge himself in anything. You used to enjoy spending time with him and you were elated when you realized you would be put under his care, but that joy soon subsided when you realized just the effect a bruised ego can have on a man. He became closed off, irritable, and would barely even give you the time of day. He cared about nothing more than his honor and as much as you tried not to, you began to resent him for it.
But you kept your thoughts to yourself and went on with your life, hoping someone would come along and change him.
The three days had passed and it was time for his new bride to arrive.
And Mikio was nowhere in sight.
You sighed, disappointed in him, believing he was avoiding yet another responsibility that seemed to ‘get in the way’ of his horses. Even if you had suggested anything, he wouldn’t listen to you, he knew what was best for him.
At least that’s what he claimed.
You sat quietly outside your house, waiting patiently for the woman to arrive so you could greet her. If anything you were ecstatic to meet the mystery woman and you hoped you’d manage to get along with her.
It hadn’t taken long for you to see them approaching. The two women walked towards your direction, both holding two bags, presumably full of their belongings. However, the younger woman seemed to also be holding what looked like a sheathed sword.
You smiled, now standing and walking down the steps, excited to meet the woman. You watched as the two women made their way towards you, one older and one younger. The older woman had turned to face the house that you stood before and spotted you, giving you a wide smile before turning back to the younger woman who seemed reluctant to continue following.
You couldn’t blame her.
Marriage wasn’t something a woman had control over in your world, you just got lucky that you got placed under your brother's care; because of him you were also considered ‘disgraced’ so not many men would truly want you.
She finally made her way, after many unpleasant words from her mother, and stood at her full height with a very plain expression.
She was beautiful.
You examined her features for as long as you could deem polite, your eyes floated from her hair, to her dress, taking in her height, and then lastly taking notice of her eyes.
However, when it came to her eyes, you didn’t see the eyes of an onryo. You saw eyes that reflected a color you saw only in the sky above, you had never seen such eyes before, but you needn’t stare and make the woman uncomfortable, she just got here after all.
You walked towards the two women, an excited smile on your face as you greeted them.
“Hello! You must be the woman Mikio’s going to marry. What’s your name?” You asked happily, the woman stared at you for a moment, clearly in some inner battle with herself on what to do now that she’s in this position. You waited patiently, understanding that being forced to marry someone is not always the happiest thing to do so you did not want to push her.
Her mother, however, cleared her throat and sent a glare at the woman, you assumed from this she was the one who had set up this offer.
The woman sighed, looking back towards you and answering,
“Mizu, my name is Mizu.” She waited for a moment before looking at you, expecting you to say something before speaking up again and asking, “and you are?”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I’m Mikio’s sister.” You introduced yourself, you did give them your name but you figured it would be more helpful for them to know why you were there in the first place. With this new information Mizu seemed to relax just the slightest bit. Maybe she thought you were a concubine.
“So, Where is the man?” Mizu’s mother asked, seemingly wanting to get the show on the road as she turned to you expectantly. You averted your gaze, a bit embarrassed as you answered,
“I’m actually not sure.”
With that answer both of the women stared at you like you were crazy.
“You may or may not be happy to know that Mikio often isn’t home. He’s usually out training his horses.” You explained, trying to subdue the urge to roll your eyes.
“I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.”
As if on cue, you could hear the thumping of hooves accompanied by the sound of a horse's whinny. You all turned to the source of the noise which just so happened to be the aforementioned man. You sighed a small sigh of relief, thankful that he didn’t make himself look too bad.
You snuck a small glance at Mizu, wanting to gauge her reaction to your brother and you noticed that her fists were balled up tightly and her face was scrunched. Just like you had expected, the marriage wasn’t her idea. You hoped to the gods your brother wouldn’t ruin this opportunity, if not for his sake than for yours, you were tired of only having his company and truly wanted someone else to be around.
Mikio yields his horse, stopping just in front of Mizu. The first words he uttered were,
“You’re not as hideous as I expected.”
If you could’ve gotten up on that horse and smacked the life out of that man, you would’ve. It didn’t have to be love at first sight but out of all the things to say when he first meets his soon to be wife, and that's what he says? In that moment you were disappointed to have introduced him as your brother.
“You’re a lot older than I expected.” Mizu responded, earning a quiet snicker from you. Between you and your brother there was a decent age difference. If anything you were closer to Mizu’s age which was quite weird in your eyes but… it’s a sign of the times you guessed. Mikio shot you a silent glare telling you to shut up, which you did and you acted as if you had done nothing wrong.
“Let’s get this over with.” He said plainly, guiding his horse back to the field. You rolled your eyes, turning back to Mizu who just watched him go with a very obvious glare on her face.
“I’m sorry about him but if it's any consolation, you won’t have to deal with him alone.” You mentioned, trying to be at least a little encouraging. Mizu looked at you, her glare subsiding as she gave you a very small smile. With that, Mizu’s mother quickly began to rush her inside, wanting to get her ready to be wed before the sun went down. You offered your assistance in getting her ready, the entire time taking it as an opportunity to get to know Mizu.
“I noticed you brought a sword, do you know how to fight?” You asked curiously as you carefully brushed the white makeup across Mizu’s pale face. You couldn’t help but admire the woman's beauty, sure she might not have had the face of a princess, but to you that didn't mean anything. Her eyes of course were the main feature but you had also taken notice of the curl that stuck out from her hair that was pulled up.
“I fought a bit in the past… I don’t know how much I’ll keep up with it though.” She answered with a sigh but she regained her composure once she had looked over to her mother who glared at her.
“I don't know, Mikio might enjoy someone to fight with,” You began, gaining her interest a bit as she looked back up towards you. “And if he doesn't, then I would love to learn if you’d be willing to teach me.”
She gave another small smile, acknowledging your attempt to lighten her mood.
Once she had finished getting ready, her makeup was done, she was dressed in all white, you and her mother took a step back to assess how she looked.
“You look perfect!” You exclaimed to which her mother slightly nodded.
“You look fine, now where is your brother?” She asked impatiently. You turned to her, about to answer but Mikio had already walked in before you could say anything. He had taken off his cape that he wore everywhere and walked past you without saying a word. You sneered at him, he couldn't even try to make an effort? He was more of a grump than you ever remembered him being.
The private ceremony went on with the help of Mizu’s mother. You had no role in the ceremony so you simply sat back and watched. You looked on and for a strange reason you almost wanted to stop them… you felt as if one of them was making a mistake and all though it wasn’t entirely clear who, you could take a wild guess and probably be right. Regardless, you sat back. Your opinion in this matter doesn't matter anyways even if you did have the courage to go out and say it.
Immediately after they had finished, Mikio stood up, handed his dish over to Mizu, and went on his way. You could see the subtle yet dejected look that came across Mizu’s face and you felt a pang in your heart. Sure he might not know the woman very well but the least he could do is act as if he’s even the slightest bit interested. You quickly walked over to Mizu and took the dishes from her hands.
“I’ll take those, don’t worry about them.” You smiled at her, again trying to offer some sort of comfort or reassurance but this time it led to no avail. Her mother had decided it would be best to get her ‘ready for tonight’ so they both walked out and into a different room, as they walked out though the expression Mizu held had shifted to one of confusion or fear.
You sat quietly as you cleaned out the dishes that had been sitting around from hours prior. The resentment you felt for your brother only doubled down by seeing his actions first hand. Was he the most disrespectful man to ever walk the earth? No, but you still expected better from him, and when he arrived home you weren’t going to let him forget it.
A few hours had passed and the sun had set long before your brother had finally deemed it an appropriate enough time to come home. The moment he did you stood up from where you were sitting and walked over to him,
“Whatever you’re about to say, I don’t want to hear it.” He said, already knowing you were going to complain. You looked at him up and down with a look of disgust, as if he had a choice in the matter.
“Well you're going to hear about it.” You argued.
“Can’t this wait?”
“You don’t even know what I’m going to complain about.”
“I don’t need to know what it is to know that it can wait for another time.”
“Oh sure, just so at that ‘other time’ you can shoo me away and say you have to take care of your horses, or you have work to do, or you're too busy.” You began to rant, much to Mikio’s dismay. This of course was not the first time you had gone off on him, and usually you were quite good at holding your tongue around him, usually his ego was too fragile to handle it, but you were not going to watch this woman sign her life with him just for him to look straight through her.
“You have been nothing but a slob and a grump all day and, I don’t know if you noticed, but you have a wife now. A wife that you called ‘not that hideous’ within two seconds of meeting her, are you serious?”
Mikio didn’t make a move to acknowledge any of your statements but you knew he was listening. You knew, even if it wasn’t exactly obvious, that he knew his actions were wrong, but Mikio was not the kind of man to admit to his failures and you knew that. You knew this argument would go nowhere but you at least hoped if he made a change, he would pretend he got himself to that conclusion.
“It’s not exactly like I’m marrying a princess.” He finally responded, his tone laced with sarcasm causing you to scoff.
“Any woman who has to be subjected to marrying you, deserves nothing less than to be treated like one, and if you wont, someone else will.” You spat, storming out of the room to leave the man with his thoughts, or lack thereof.
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aemondsquill · 1 year
Across The Stars
Aemond Targaryen × Niece!Reader
Synopsis: Reader delivers a marriage proposal to Lord Borros, Aemond does not take kindly to it.
Warnings: smut, violence, canon divergence, angst ofc, Aemond is mean during some parts, imprisonment, misogyny, abuse, lmk if I missed any
A/N: sorry bout the wait, gang! School has been kicking my ass lately but I promise more frequent updates from now on!
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Thick swirling clouds blanketed the skies above Storm' End as Y/N dismounted her beast. The mighty Cannibal's throat rumbled in uncertainty at the situation. The spark of lighting across the gray sky illuminated Vhagar's monstrous form, which did nothing to ease his tension. Y/N rested a hand over his scaly snout in assurance. There would be no fighting today as she had only been sent as an envoy and surely even her uncle Aemond could respect that, he was slave to propriety, after all.
Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts. Her fingers trembled at her sides as anxiety riddled her mind. She took a breath. 'Mother needs this alliance', she reminded herself. With a sharp exhale she pulled her heavy woolen cloak tighter around her and approached the guards.
Their shiny silver helmets seemed dull under the clouds and their faces were pinched in confusion.
"State your business!" Shouted a guard. His voice was as gruff as his appearance. It appeared as though he had not had a restful sleep in quite some time.
"I have a message for Lord Borros from Queen Rhaenyra, Ser." Y/N replied confidently. She held out a scroll with the Queen's waxy seal stamped upon it. The guard glanced at it and motioned for the door to be opened. A group of men escorted her into the keep.
"Princess Y/N Velaryon, daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen!"
Y/N's eyes followed the foreboding stone walls until they met Aemond's. Her breath caught in her throat and a sliver of pain struck her heart as she saw him next to Lord Borros's daughter. Her mind could not rid itself of the secret kisses and soft embraces they shared so long ago back when they were mere children, a time when war wasn't even a thought in their heads. Surely even he could not have forgotten her so easily?
Y/N rid herself of her foolish thoughts. She could not dwell on the past and she had a mission now.
"Lord Borros, I have brought you a message from my mother, the Queen." Y/N spoke.
"Yet earlier today I received a message from the King. Which is it? King or Queen?" Lord Borros mused, though the humor did not reach his eyes. "The house of the dragon does not seem to know who rules it!", the man chuckled, "what's your mother's message?" A guard grabbed the sealed letter out of Y/N's hand and presented it to Lord Borros. He held it for a moment before calling out for a maester.
An old maester scurried to his side and unsealed the letter, glancing at it briefly before leaning towards the Lord's ear.
Lord Borros's face crumpled into anger. "Remind me of my father's oath?" He seethed. Y/N slightly grimaced at his tone. Her heart sank as she realized she was out of options.
"King Aegon at least came with an of-"
"I offer you my own hand, my Lord." The court was silent at Y/N's bold proposal. She could feel Aemond's sharp stare burning into her, but she refused his eye. Shame prickled her spine and tears felt heavy behind her eyes. Lord Borros seemed to be lost for words, but his face held an expression of intrigue.
"You are offering me your hand in marriage, girl? Your mother is that desperate for my alliance that she'd give up her precious daughter?" He spoke. Y/N clasped her hands together to hide their trembling and swallowed thickly, "My Lord, war calls for desperate measures. I do not give my hand lightly, but I believe you and I would make a formidable match. With me at your side you would gain the Cannibal, one of the most fearsome dragons alive, and you would gain the favor of the Queen. Our marriage would promise you a position on the Small Council as well as an expansion of your lands. Your daughters would be given suitable matches, much more lucrative than the hand of a second son with no lands." Y/N spared a glance at Aemond, who was seething next to his betrothed.
Lord Borros sat back comfortably on his throne and thought of his options.
"Princess Y/N, Prince Aemond, please join us for dinner tonight. I shall allow both of you to plea for your cause and I will make a decision on the morrow. It would be an honor to host a prince and princess of the Realm." He smirked. Y/N nearly rolled her eyes at his invitation, but suppressed the urge with a tight smile.
"It would be an honor, my Lord."
Lord Borros was generous enough to provide the prince and princess their own quarters for the night. Y/N sank into a soft velvety settee in front of the roaring fireplace. She sighed heavily and watched the rain pelt against the ornate glass windows heavily. A maid left a few moments ago to fetch her a proper gown for the dinner.
A heaviness settled into her chest at the thought of entertaining Lord Borros tonight. If she plays her part well enough, then she will be bound to him until death. She let a tear slip down her cheek at the thought of her demise. Hopefully he would be an indifferent husband. He had a slew of daughters already so all she had to do was provide an heir or two to make him happy.
A rapid series of knocks yanks Y/N out of her trance. She sits up and wipes her tears away before smoothing the skirts of her dress.
"Come in!" She called out. Still she sat facing the fire, "just place it on the bed. I can put it on myself."
"Do you enjoy whoring yourself out, dear niece?" A cold voice traveled through the room. Y/N stood abruptly and turned to face the man.
"Aemond..." Y/N breathed out.
"It seems you take after your whore mother." Anger spiked inside Y/N. "My mother is not a whore and she will have your treacherous head on a spike next to the usurper!"
"Such harsh words, niece. That is no way to speak to your Prince."
"Why did you come here, uncle? I do not want your company."
Aemond glared at her for a moment, his temper rising.
"Surely Lord Borros would not take some bastard whore as a wife! Tell me, sweet niece, does your future husband know of the kisses we shared? I doubt he'd take you as his bride knowing you no longer have your maidenhead." His cruel taunts rang in her ears and tears sprung to her eyes. He stalked forward towards a trembling Y/N, reveling in the tears she shed.
"My maidenhead is still intact! We never laid together and you know that! Why are you being so cruel to me?" Y/N sobbed. She hated the power he had over her, even with his cruel words. Aemond reached out and stroked her cheek, catching a tear on his finger. Slowly he brought the finger to his mouth and groaned lowly at the salty taste of her anguish.
"A mere whisper of your tarnished virtue could destroy your betrothal before it begins" Aemomd threatened. Lust and anger sparkled in his eye as he pushed her against the wall and breathed in the scent of her slender neck. Y/N shuddered as his nose made contact with her skin, gooseflesh pebbling in its wake.
"Or perhaps I shall take you right here against this wall and put my bastard in your belly. Wouldn't you like that, sweet niece?" Aemond crooned in her ear. Y/N shook her head fiercely, "no! Aemond, please do not do this! I am under Lord Borros's protection and you cannot harm me!"
Aemond paused as he surveyed the room.
"Lord Borros is not here, niece, and I know you have not forgotten your affection for me" His slender fingers hiked up the skirts of her dress and stroked her squishy thighs. He closed his eye and groaned at the contact.
"But I am not cruel, my love. I will not take you unwillingly as I am cursed with affection for you as well." He whispered softly. Without a second glance, Aemond rushed out of the room and left Y/N in turmoil. She collapsed to the ground, dissolving into a puddle of tears. She hated Aemond. She hated the way he could taunt her so cruelly, yet fill her with such yearning for his affection. Being with him hurt her in the most delicious possible way.
The dinner was enveloped in a stony silence. The only sound was the clinking of silverware. Fat slabs of beef and pork lay on silver platters flanked by flaky breads and fire-roasted vegetables. Y/N stirred a spiced soup numbly as she sat next to Lord Borros and across from her uncle. Floris Baratheon was beside him and attempted to make any form of conversation. Unfortunately for her, Aemond One-Eye was not known for being so courteous. Instead, his cold violet eye was locked onto Y/N.
"Princess Y/N, Prince Aemond, I humbly thank the both of you for attending this dinner. I wish we could welcome the both of you into our family, but that is not the nature of war, is it?" Lord Borros spoke. Y/N met his eyes and acknowledged him slightly. She took a breath before downing her goblet of wine. She would require much more if she was to build up the courage to persuade Borros to marry her.
"Please, my Lord, the honor is all mine. It is a pleasure to be welcomed into your home." Y/N smiled broadly. From the corner of her eye she could see Aemond grip his utensils until his knuckles turned white. She smirked and continued to gaze into Lord Borros's eyes, "I would be pleased to be betrothed to such a fearsome man such as yourself."
Lord Borros took a swig of mead as Y/N honeyed words melted into his ears. He grinned at her as his eyes swirled with lust.
"Men from every corner of the Realm would envy me for having such a beautiful young bride on my arm. The bedding ceremony would be such a site for them to see!" Aemond nearly choked on his wine at Borros's words. All eyes were on him and he looked at Y/N. Despite her grin, he could see the fear behind her lilac eyes. Vicious hatred made his hands tremble.
Finally, he looked away and gazed at the beautiful Floris Baratheon. Only animosity and hurt fueled his words. "You have the sweetest lips of all your sisters, my Lady."
Y/N felt the lump in her throat swell painfully before taking another sip of wine.
"I could bear you many sons, my Lord. My lineage suggests we will be fruitful with heirs." Lord Borros sucked in a breath at her words. The promise of many passionate nights with the princess seemed to solidify the drunken man's decision.
"Send a raven to the Queen, my Princess. We will wed within a fortnight." Lord Borros roughly grabbed Y/N by the sides of her face and pulled her in for a sloppy kiss. Aemond shot out of his seat at the sight, nearly gripping the dagger around his waist. He schooled his breath for a moment before speaking.
"Forgive me, my Lord, you said you would come to your decision on the morrow. Do not be so hasty with your treason." The prince seethed. The drunken Lord let out a wheezing laugh.
"My prince, I have made my decision! I will not allow you to dictate my affairs under my own roof!"
"Your King will not forget this transgression." Aemond sat down calmly and continued to eat his meal. Y/N let out a breath, thankful this night did not end in bloodshed. She had seen Aemond maim and kill for a lot less. The foolish Lord Borros should be grateful to still have his head. She was ashamed to admit that a small part of her hoped Aemond would unleash his vile anger and cut down Lord Borros to save her from this marriage.
The dinner continued as it was supposed to. Lord Borros made thinly-veiled promises to the princess that made her skin crawl and Aemond quake in fury.
The princess was escorted back to her chambers by Lord Borros's personal guards. It took several attempts to convince him that they should wait until their wedding day to consummate their relationship, as it would be improper to do so before. Y/N sighed as she entered her chambers. This is not how she wanted this night to go. She wished to be back neslted in her mother's arms on Dragonstone. Back where it was safe and warm.
Slowly, Y/N unlaced her bodice and let her elaborate gown fall to her feet. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her shaking fingers fumbled with the laces of her corset. She prayed to the gods to spare her of this heartache, even if it meant her death.
Her head felt like it was filled with thick jelly and her stomach full of lead as she climbed into the feather bed. Sleep did not take her and she tossed and turned for what felt like hours.
The moon hung was obscured by the storm, so Y/N could not tell what time is was when she heard her chamber door creak open. She rolled over to see who had intruded on her self-pity. To her surprise and heartache is was her Aemond.
He closed the door softly and walked slowly to her bedside before lifting the thick blanket and crawling in. His arm slung around her waist as he pulled her to his chest.
"You were cruel to me today." Y/N spoke shakily. He sighed against the back of her neck causing the hairs to prick up.
"I know. I'm sorry, my princess. I did not mean my vile words." His warm hand turned her over so they were face to face. Aemond felt his heart crack at the sight of his sweet niece with tears leaking from her eyes. Slowly, he closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers. She sighed softly at the contact and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. They stayed like that for a few moments; lips moving in tandem, tasting each other for the last time.
Y/N felt his hardness poking against her thigh and gently ground her hips against it. Aemond moaned into her mouth at the contact.
"Careful, niece. I would not want to tarnish your virtue." He warned. She panted against his lips, "I don't care, my love, please take me." With that, Aemond's last tether of control snapped and he rolled her fully onto her back. His finger slipped down between her silken folds. He groaned at the feeling of her sticky arousal and pushed a finger in. Y/N gasped in delight at the slight stretch, her breasts heaving beneath her thin nightgown.
"Please, Aemond..." she whined, overcome with pleasure.
"Please, what, sweet niece? Tell me what you want."
"I want your cock. Please, fill me with your seed!" Y/N was desperate for more of him and he was all too thrilled to oblige.
Aemond sat back on his heels and unlaced his breeches before hiking up Y/N's nightgown. He grasped his length and stroked it against her slick folds, holding back a groan.
Slowly, he sank the tip of his cock in, hissing in pleasure. Then inch by inch, he filled his sweet niece's cunt to the hilt, watching her face contort in pleasure. He stilled for a moment, fearing that he might climax so suddenly.
Y/N was breathless beneath him. The delicious stretch of his cock was overwhelming and she could've wept at his tenderness.
"Please, Aemond...Please move" Y/N begged as she wiggled her hips. A firm hand rested against her hip, "patience, little one."
Aemond slowly started rocking into her, eyes rolled back as he relished her delighted squeals and moans.
He whimpered against her throat at the tightness of her cunt, squeezing him so exquisitely.
A primal urge to breed her trickled through his spine as his sped up his thrusts. He would be the one to put heirs in her. She was his, this farce of a marriage she concocted with the Baratheon Lord be damned!
"F-fuck, Y/N, you're mine!" He growled against her lips. She nodded fervently, "only yours, Aemond!" Her tongue was silky against own as he swallowed her moans.
The wet sounds of their coupling filled the room and the heavy scent of sex hung heavily in the air. Y/N felt an unfamiliar sensation building in her belly, shocks of pleasure coursing through her as Aemond's cock stroked the rough patch within her.
"A-Aemond" she whined, "'M gon-na..." she couldn't finish her thought as pleasure rippled through her in overwhelming waves. Aemond covered her mouth before she could let out a scream.
"Shhh, sweet girl. That's it, you're being such a good girl for me" he whispered praises into her ear. The words only served to enhance to earth-shattering orgasm that ripped through her.
The vision of his niece in the throes of ecstasy only propelled him towards his own climax. He grunted as his hot seed coated her twitching walls, making sure she got every last bit.
With a sigh, he slumped down on top of Y/N, kissing her hairline. He wrapped his arms around her in a tight, sweet embrace before pulling his cock from her drenched folds.
He watched in fascination as his cum leaked out of her. He took two fingers and gathered what had leaked out before pushing back into her. Y/N moan softly at the feeling, her cunt slightly twitching at the overstimulation.
"We shouldn't waist any of this. Soon, you will be swollen with my child." A devious smirk stretched across his lips.
The early morning sun peaked through the windows, nearly blinding Y/N. She shivered, despite being tucked under numerous thick blankets. Slowly she reached out for Aemond, but was only met with a bed, cold and abandoned.
Betrayal shot through her veins at the realization. He had just left her like she was nothing. Despair ached in her chest and her shoulders shuddered as she stifled her cries. Her tender heart was no match for his cruelty.
The afternoon rolled around slowly. The day was spent exploring the castle with her newly appointed lady's maids and her future stepdaughters. It was strange knowing they were no older than she was, but she supposed it would make her marriage tolerable. Although Floris had made herself scarce, still upset that her father robbed her of a marriage to a handsome prince.
Maris, however, seemed taken with the princess.
"Forgive my words, my Princess, but your uncle seems like a cunt." Y/N chuckled at her boldness, but could not find it within herself to disagree.
"Indeed, my Lady. One can only hope he gets his comeuppance during this war."
Y/N still had yet to send a raven to her mother, informing her of her upcoming nuptials to Lord Baratheon. This had not been apart of their plan to secure Storm's End, but Y/N could not risk going back on her word. So, after her swallowing her pride and bile, Y/N took a quill to parchment and sent it to Dragonstone.
Across the sea, Queen Rhaenyra nearly collapsed at the news of her daughter's betrothal. This is not what she envisioned for her daughter! She had begged Daemon to kill Borros or burn Storm's End to the ground, but he only held her as she let out her grief.
Nearly seven months had passed since the wedding of Lord Borros Baratheon and Princess Y/N Velaryon. It was a grand affair, full of food, drink, and dancing. Whispers say that the Lord Baratheon was nearly blind with drunkness and could barely mount his new bride. Spectators grew bored of the dire bedding ceremony and quickly left as soon as they heard the snores from Borros.
Y/N had been trapped under him, dignity destroyed and humiliated, but thankful that it had ended so quickly.
Today, Borros seemed overjoyed that his seed had taken so quickly in his bride. He spent nearly every moment rubbing a palm against her swelling stomach, much to Y/N's dismay.
"My Lord husband, I should like to visit my mother soon. I have not seen her in quite some time." Y/N gently requested. Borros looked up at her through his thick eyebrows, confusion coloring his face.
"Did you not just visit her a mere fortnight ago?" Y/N paused, nerves eating at her stomach. "Yes, but with the war going I feel like my place is by her side."
"Your place is by your husband's side, wife." Borros reminded her harshly, "your frequent absence has been noticed by the court and I will not be humiliated in my own Hall!" Y/N flinched at his tone. While he never laid a hand on her since falling pregnant, that did not save her from his harsh words. "Of course, my Lord husband, I apologize." Y/N bowed her head to hide her tears and Lord Borros stood up in front of her.
"Do not weep so openly, wife. It is unbecoming of you." Y/N wiped her tears quickly, shame oozing through her.
"May I be dismissed, Lord husband?"
Lord Borros nodded and Y/N's skirts swished around her ankles as she hastily made her way to her chambers.
She settled infront of the fire after looking her doors tightly. The flames licking the stone of the hearth reminded her of the night she shared with Aemond so long ago. She held her belly at the memory. Y/N knew that her time was running out. When the child is born, her lies will be exposed and Borros would surely kill her. There would be no denying the white haired babe is Aemond's.
Y/N had to distract herself from her nightmarish thoughts. She picked up a stack of letters from her brothers and carefully read through each one. The most recent correspondence, from Jace, has stated Daemon had tricked Aemond into taking Harrenhal. Her heart panged painfully in her chest. She hated him for leaving her at Storm's End. Every day she prayed he would come back for her and their child and every day her hope diminished. With Vhagar and the Cannibal they could escape this war together and raise their child in peace.
Y/N placed the letter neatly on top of the stack. It had been weeks since she sent her reply to Jace, yet she had heard nothing in return. Had her own brother forgotten her as well?
In her grief, she fell into a deep slumber with the fire warming her bones.
Days had passed since Y/N had reminisced over the letters and still no word had reached her.
She sat in the dining room with her Lord husband and his daughters. A light chatter flowed through the air, but Y/N could not find herself interested in the conversation. Until Borros interrupted her thoughts.
"Wife, I have heard news from Harrenhal," the smile on his lips was anything but kind. Still, Y/N perked up.
"Your stepfather and uncle had fierce battle above the God's Eye Lake. My sources tell me that both perished!" The news shook Y/N to her core, yet Borros continued. "The mighty Vhagar and Caraxes fell with their riders and neither had been seen since. I know of your affections for your uncle and of the bastard in your belly." Fear took hold of Y/N's throat. She felt dizzy as sweat beaded on her forehead. The dining hall came to a standstill. Not a word or clink of silverware could be heard.
"My Lord h-husband, I assure yo-"
Borros raised a hand to silence her. "For too long have you played me for a fool, girl. I will not tolerate such disgusting insolence in my house!" He shouted and Y/N jumped at his loud words. Her heart thrashed against her ribs as she pleaded to him for mercy, but it was in vain.
Lord Borros had Y/N escorted back to her chambers, imprisoning her.
Y/N was still breathless at the news of her stepfather and her Aemond. Borros was lying. He had to be!
She let out a shriek that shook the foundation of Storm's End until her throat burned and her voice became raspy.
Sorrow clouded her mind and stabbed at her heart with its every beat.
Y/N could not tell how much time had passed since her imprisonment began. Hours melded into days and weeks as she rotted in her chambers. Her hair became knotted and her skin dull. Her eyes felt heavy despite her sleeping for hours on end. Yet, even in her dreams she could not escape her grief. She was tormented by memories of Daemon and Aemond. How gentle and welcoming Daemond had been after her father's death. How Aemond kissed her so tenderly as his fingers tangled in her hair.
A sudden burst through the door startled Y/N out of her trance. Several maids scurried in and began undressing her and forcing her into a ton of hot water.
"Lord Borros is expecting a visitor today, my Lady, we must make you presentable." And older woman, Mirren, spoke. The corners of her eyes crinkled as she took in the state of the princess. Her wrinkled hand reached out and wiped Y/N's tears. Mirren had always been kind to her, eventhough she was a prisoner. She was the one that made sure the princess age enough, for the sake of her child.
Y/N let them continue their ministrations; scrubbing her skin raw, soaking her in scented oils, and brushing through her knotted hair.
Afterwards, two maids gently dressed her in a fine gown of black with gold interwoven in the seams. She was every bit a Velaryon-Baratheon beauty.
Four guards ushered her toward Borros's throne, where he sat and scowled at her. Y/N refused to meet his scornful gaze.
Borros squeezed her wrist painfully, "you will drop the act of self-pity in front of our guest, whore." Y/N ignored him until he grabbed her throat, forcing her to meet his eyes.
"Think about your bastard, princess." She shook with fear and straightened her back and held her chin high.
The large doors of the Keep swung open with fervor. A cloaked figure entered the hall.
"We welcome you! We heard rumors that you had perished in the God's Eye Lake."
Aemond Targaryen pulled back his hood. An icy fury danced behind his violet eye.
"Only fools should believe such rumors, Lord Borros." He snarled. Borros seemed taken aback by the aggression.
"To what do we owe the pleasure, my Prince? Or is it just Aemond? Your half-sister now sits on the Iron Throne. Perhaps I would receive a reward for bringing her your head?" Borros mused.
Y/N could not believe her eyes. Her Aemond, in the flesh. Though he seemed to have a more dangerous unbridled fury rippling through him. His eye was wide and crazed and his nostrils flared and he took quick breaths.
"I came for my wife. Surrender her to me and you shall live another day, mercifully." Borros let out a laugh at such an absurd request.
"You mean the whore you put a bastard in? I should kill the both of you for attempting to embarass me!" Borros shouted. He stood and grabbed a handful for Y/N's hair and held a blade to her throat.
"You will watch her bleed before I kill you."
Aemond unsheathed his own sword.
"I will burn this fucking Keep to the ground and the Cannibal will devour your daughters' corpses before her body hits the ground." He snarled. Slowly, Aemond began his approach towards Borros and his captive, who struggled against his rough grip. Borros pressed the blade deeper, a thin line of blood pebbling from her skin.
Aemond stopped as he saw Y/N writhe in pain. His heart hammered in his chest. No one but him is supposed to touch her.
"I did not take you for a coward, Lord Borros. Release her and pick up a sword!" Lord Borros did not like having his bravery questioned. He roughly shoved Y/N to the stone floor and approached Aemond.
"It is admirable that you are so willing to die for a whor-"
Borros could not finish his sentence before Aemond let out a shout of fury and charged at him. The abrupt attack caught Borros off guard and he did his best to block each viscious swing.
Aemond had been blinded by primal ferocity and plunged the sword into Borros until chunks of him littered the stony ground. Blood had splattered on Aemond's face and he looked like a man crazed as he growled after each stab of his sword.
Once he was satisfied with the pieces of Borros he ran over to Y/N.
"My love, I'm here. I'm taking you with me." He placed his forehead against hers as he held her held. Y/N grasped his hands and kissed his lips.
"I thought you were dead. Borros told me you perished in the God's Eye!"
"Nothing can keep me from you, ābrazyrys, not even the Stranger." He promised.
Aemond stood with Y/N in his arms, where she belonged. The men he rounded up under Rhaenyra's orders filed into the Keep, forcing the Baratheon guards to surrender.
"I should wed you properly now, wife, my beautiful wife." Aemond pressed a kiss against her lips once more, his hand resting on her belly.
Aemond wed his beautiful wife according to the customs of Old Valyria. The ceremony was blessed by their Queen Rhaenyra, after she granted Aemond a pardon for killing his usurper brother and rescuing his Y/N from the clutches of Borros Baratheon.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
I know the bad kids are weeping, especially gorgug, about how Arthur's hologram/illusion told them all their studying and hard work was pointless, but that doesn't mean it was. Look, the purpose of an education is to gain knowledge and grow. Sure modern education as a whole has corrupted the idea of school and education, but that doesn't mean it's pointless.
Despite how hard it is, the bad kids have flourished this year, it's terrible that they were put through that, but it doesn't mean their hard work was in vain. This isn't a post about how pain or adversity makes you strong, because fuck that. But life isn't easy, there are challenges that you have to endure to get what you want.
Sure, they could have taken the last stand early in the year and if they succeeded, they would have had an easy year, especially compared to the year they had. But if they had taken it, whose to say they would have succeeded. After the night yorb fight, they were level 8 or 9, they are currently 13 but I assume 14 after that last combat. that's 4 to 5 levels they gained since the start of junior year. And that's what levels are supposed to represent, experience. Exp is supposed to show what your character has been through as they go through life learning and growing, it's not a notch on your belt of all the things you've killed to gain power.
If the bad kids tried the last stand at the start of the year, they would have been creamed. Yes, they weren't as stressed, but they also hadn't grown as much and would have been slaughtered. Fig didn't have her paladin levels that did massive damage this fight, Adaine and Kristen wouldn't have access to 6th and 7th level spells, Fabian would only have 3 as opposed to his 7 levels in bard or the confidence to be maximum legend, Gorgug wouldn't have had his homebrewed subclass and pioneered at Aguefort, Riz wouldn't have his higher level spells and abilities that would have meant no haste which meant no double sneak attacks that helped them so much this fight.
This is what sets them apart from people like the Ratgrinders. Because as much as the Ratgrinders seem to hate them for being 'favored' by the school, the Bad kids have earned every scar and bruise, every stress token, every spell slot and point of HP to get to where they were today. They beat the deadly challenge in a way that no one has done before and they got a 100% on the questions, not a single one of them went down, the proctor was barely hurt. There will always be people who take the easy way out that doesn't mean the path you forded was wrong
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Can I please ask for a malleus and Floyd and riddle with kianna komori
But how are they react to walking in on her having a mental breakdown
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By the way I did some adjustments to her character so I would appreciate it if you read it I hope any info that's on my page will be useful to you
When Their S/O Has A Mental Breakdown
Type of Writing: Request Name: When Their S/O Has a Mental Breakdown Characters: Malleus Draconia, Floyd Leech, and Riddle Rosehearts Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: I've been asked who this 'Kianna' is, if you want to gain more info on her, go to the requester's account. There you can read many bits of information on this OC. But, for now, the reason behind the mental breakdown in ambiguous. By the way, the reader is in the character's year and is a separate person from Yuu.
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🐉 He never tried prying into your past, he and you had established that when you first met; neither of you would pry into each other's history
🐉 Malleus never had an issue with this agreement until today
🐉 While waiting for you so you guys could walk to class today, and when you never showed a sign of showing up, he had gone to your dorm-head, Vil Schoenheit
🐉 Vil only shrugged his shoulders and said that he and Rook had been trying to coax you out of your room for hours, only to be given the cold shoulder, or in other words, no answer
🐉 This only worried your boyfriend farther, and he had decided to try getting an answer out of you when he tried knocking on the door
" Dearest, are you alright in there? "
🐉 Malleus only gained silence pouring through his ears, alarming him. You had always answered him when he arrived at your door
🐉 Looking back at the Housewarden and Vice-Housewarden of Pomefiore, they could see how much confusion and fear was filling the Prince's eyes, sending alarms through their bodies
" Roi des Dragons, maybe they just need some time to their-self. They did seem tired last night. " " Rook is right. Y/N had come to dinner fairly pale and they were nearly asleep at the table, but it seemed something was keeping their eyes pried open. In the past three years of being alongside them, I have never seen them so tired and scared before... it was fairly alarming... "
🐉 Malleus sighed and waved for the two to leave the area, knowing the must have some kind of work to attend too. And once they left his ear-shot, he gritted his teeth and balled his hands into fists
🐉 He could feel his nails digging into his palm, causing small crescents of red to build underneath, but that was not what was hurting him at the moment; you ignoring him hurt far more
" Y/N, I am coming inside. "
🐉 Opening the door, Malleus was caught off guard to see you sitting on the ground wrapped in a blanket, swaying back and forth while staring at a photograph that laid on the ground
🐉 Your boyfriend looked at the photo and back at you, making the connection quite fast. These must be people who had hurt you in the past... how dare they...
🐉 Hearing your shaky breaths, he focused his attention back to you, you were his main priority at the moment, not those balls of scum
" My love, I am right here. Don't worry. Are you alright? "
🐉 Once his arms made their way around you, you had dug yourself into his body, tears meeting his neck as your burrowed your face into the softer flesh
" Malleus- I- oh Great Seven... "
🐉 He shushed you as you wept. He may not be super good at this, but he did help raise Silver with Lilia, he understands how to comfort someone to a decent level
🐉 While he does want to know what those people had done, for now he can leave it behind in favor of comforting you
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🎭 Floyd is not the best when it comes to handling other people's emotions, and both of you understood that. He is aware of his mood swings to an extent, and you weren't very expressive most of the time, so it was a decent turnout
🎭 Your boyfriend and you landed on a middle-ground of sorts, you wouldn't pry into his emotions if he didn't pry in on yours
🎭 And for quite a while, you guys stayed on that piece of land very strongly, though, everything is bound to have a pitfall of sorts. Whether the fallen come back up and continue their path is unknown
🎭 And this was quite the pitfall
🎭 Floyd and you were just messing around together on the grounds, screwing with other people's minds by using his creepy smile and your stone-cold glare, but, when you didn't come back from your 'bathroom break', he got worried
🎭 Walking throughout the school, every student in his way stood off to the side, as they didn't want to be beaten by an angry eel
🎭 As he walked around, he called your name over and over. And, unlike many, you had no nickname related to sea-creatures, he had respect for you as his S/O, so no nickname was used after he and you sealed the deal
🎭 Now, back to the point;
🎭 Once Floyd came upon his brother and childhood friend, he had asked them where you were, only to be met by their fingers pointing to the door in front of them; your room
" Y/N-dear, please let us in... we just want to know what is the matter. " " P-please go, Azul. " " Y/N! Please let me in! Come on, it's Floydie, your eel boyfriend! Come on! "
🎭 Azul and Jade looked at one another and nodded before leaving you and Floyd alone, they knew you needed space, but they weren't gonna try angering Floyd in the progress
🎭 As time passed, Floyd gained impatient, why were you not opening the door for him?!
🎭 Eventually, your boyfriend announced he was coming in whether you liked it or not, and he began to break through the lock (willing to bet he knows some skill like that)
🎭 Once his mismatched eyes landed on your shaking form, Floyd's mood dampened. He then walked up to you and hugged you, he understood that you were having a mental breakdown, Azul had quite a few of these growing up
" Y/N... Honey... Hey, hey, I'm right here with ya', take some long breaths okay? Here, I'll do them with you! Breath in- breath out, yeah- just like that! "
🎭 Floyd continued to hold you after you calmed down, wondering what could have set you off like that. Whatever or whoever did better look out, they now have a psychotic mer-eel after them, and he doesn't give up easily
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❤️ Did someone ask for the mental-breakdown expert?
❤️ Riddle and you, much like in the previous sets, have boundaries. He is very private when it comes to his home-life, with the rare few knowing about his mother
❤️ And while you and him have spoken about both your pasts once or twice, he finds himself drawing a blank when discussing himself and you, it just feels weird sharing his emotions with another being that wasn't someone he's known ever since childhood
❤️ Though, that doesn't make your relationship rocky, just somewhat rough around the edges, like Leona!
❤️ Ever since the fourth attempt to talk about your home-lives, Riddle had been busy with Housewarden duties, from getting the rose fully painted to having Un-Birthday Parties to celebrate, his schedule has been jammed-packed
❤️ But, once he reached some free-time, he had immediately messaged you, asking if you yourself was free, as he knew how ruthless Vil could be with his 'schedules' himself
❤️ As he waited seconds, minutes, and eventually a half-hour, Riddle began to wonder why you hadn't answered. He knew for a fact that Vil wouldn't have such a good member of his dorm like you busy for that long
❤️ So, after asking Cater and Trey to watch the dorm like hawks as he took care of an errand, he set his sights on the Mirror Chamber, and eventually Pomefiore's mirror
❤️ Walking through the halls, he found Vil and asked where you had been, only to receive the answer that you had requested to go to bed early, much to your superior's confusion
❤️ Riddle thanked his upper-classman before he left and went to your room. And once he reached the door, he sighed and straightened his clothing, one must not have such a messy outfit
" My Rose, are you alright in there? Vil said that you had gone to bed early, is that true? "
❤️ Hearing no reply, Riddle gained more nervousness than before
" Ah, Roi des Roses! Are you having a hard time getting into your dearest's room? Here, a key! Have a nice chat! "
❤️ Looking down at the key that Rook left in his gloved hand, Riddle groaned, that hunter really knew how to scare someone at their most oblivious, huh?
❤️ Unlocking the door and announcing his entrance, Riddle walked inside, pocketing the small apple-shaped key as he looked around for you, only to see a small form curled into a rose-pattered blanket
" Rose...? Oh sweet mercy... are you alright, dearest? " " Riddle- I- ... oh lord... "
❤️ He flinched slightly as you clung to his jacket, tears cascading out of your eyes as you cried, holding one of the few people you cared for tightly, your grip tightening with every second
❤️ Hushing you and helping you take deep breaths, Riddle pulled out his phone and messaged his Vice-Housewarden, claiming he would not be returning for the night, saying that you needed someone with you at the moment
❤️ Powering off the device and setting it aside, your boyfriend hugged you just as tight, he knew if he was in your situation he would want to be aware that he was cared for... and by the Queen of Hearts, if he could, he would take this pain away
❤️ But, for now, he's content with holding you to his chest as you slept off this pain... if you woke happily in his arms, it would all be worth it
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intrinsicepiphany · 4 months
Okay tumblr lets talk theories again.
(my brain rot + knowledge of religion has me all up in Hazbin Hotel right now.)
Today I want to talk Biology! Mostly because I made the poor choice of going to Twitter's chaggie tag and looking at the comments...
So can we discuss Why do so many people keep trying to apply HUMAN biology to the Half-Demon Nephillim daughter of an Arch-Angel?!
Okay I'll start at the begining and work my way to the reasons why if Charlie really wants a kid with Vaggie both of them being assigned female at creation probably isn't going to matter.
Let's start with Lucifer!
So as far as has been shown in the show Lucifer is an original Archangel even down to his lovely 6 red wings. This makes him one of the most powerful beings in heaven.
(If we go by bible text he was actually a favorite until his dreams of free will led him astray and depending on the text he merely has to admit he was wrong and ask for forgiveness to return)
Now looking at everything after this fall he has never lost his Angelic Abilities. His default powers are still angelic gold.
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We do see he also has a Full Demon form when he is pissed. Interestingly enough his crown also doubles as a halo in this form. Also note for later just how much Charlie resembles him in both forms.
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This suggest that at root biology Lucifer is still an archangel with demon traits. This combination is most likely what makes him the strongest being in hell by a long shot. The only reason others even have power is purely because he doesnt care enough to flex his power and has no desire to actually rule.
Now on to Lilith!
What do we know about Lilith?
Well we know she was a created human not born.
She was Adam's equal
And she left and got with Lucifer before the fall.
So here is the deal... I dont think Lilith can be classified as a sinner. She didnt die to end up in hell and in fact she fell before hell was really a thing. she helped create it after all. (Plus you know Charlie exsists)
So what IS Lilith? I think Lilith as one of a few Actual Demons. And if we have to classify her she'd be closer to a Sin. I actually think of Lilith as the Sin of Pride in Hazbin Hotel not Lucifer. We are even told that She created pentagram city and developed hell while lucifer kept to his workshop in depression.
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Now let's talk about this scene for a second. Lilith fell from heaven/earth Alive and possibly even immortal since human kind was immortal before Eve took the apple.
Lilith gains power from her fall into hell. She develops demon like attributes and seems to have musical based magic. She also seems to retain or get immortality. So what does this fall mean? It means that Lilith was NOT HUMAN by the time Charlie was born.
So what does this mean for Charlie?
Well for one Charlie is NOT just some Hellborn. She is by Definition a Nephilim but she is not half-human. She would most likely be considered a Half-Demon, Half-Angel Nephilim.
This would explain her expansive (if never used) power base. The official power ranking has her tied with Lilith with only Lucifer being more powerful. Which makes complete sense. She is the Heir to the entire thing after all. (I actually think this is why Alastor couldnt make a deal for her soul and settled for a favor instead)
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She also inheirited Angelic powers from her father. As seen by the fact that her default magic is gold. Which means she has angel blood in her veins. Lets be honest i wouldnt be surprised if she ended up bleeding gold in the future.
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In fact she seems to have inherited most of her abilities from dear old dad.
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Im pretty sure that just by shear ability and magic if Charlie wanted a kid she could probably create/magic one into exsistance no matter who her partner was.
But lets review Vaggie just for fun! Because I have thoughts
What do we actually know about Vaggie?
Well we know she is an angel. I say is because I dont think Lute or Adam actually have the power to cast an angel out of heaven AND she gets her wings back. This would mean she is not actually a sinner she would be closer to a fallen angel like lucifer.
We know she speaks Spanish and seems to be of Hispanic nature. BUT! Do we know if she was ever really human?!
We know Adam claims to have named her Vaggie. This could suggest three things
1) exorcist take on a new name when they join. But if this was true why wouldnt she leave this name behind and return to her human name once in hell? It would have kept her secret better and you'd figure she would want to leave behind the negative feelings that would come with her exorcist name.
2) Adam in his self-centered ways misheard her real name (maybe something like Aggie from Agatha or Maggie) and thought she said Vaggie or actively chose to misinterpret her name and she never cared to correct him. BUT Once more why would she not just return to her real name once with Charlie in hell?
Or 3) And this one is the real kicker. Vaggie is a Heaven-born Angel.
If the answer is 3 than it would imply that she was never human which brings her closer to lucifers biology.
Some other interesting things to consider about this last theory. Lute and Vaggie resemble each other a great deal. In fact, all the exorcist seem to have a similar body type. (I mean you could argue its the uniform but even without the uniform the resembalance between lute and vaggie is uncanny) and if I remember correctly at one point the exterminators are refered to as sister? I mean this could mean sisters-in-arms BUT What if ALL exorcist were heaven-born?
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If they were never human this could explain both their ability and their desire to slay sinners. Much like Sera they wouldn't have any sympathy for the dammed because they wouldn't have any possible family that could end up down there. They would also have Very little connection to or concern for former humans. After all like Adam said they had their chance and they screwed up.
So in the end what does this all mean?
Well I actually already kind of said it
1) Fandom really needs to stop applying human biology to Charlie. She is a half demon half archangel Nephilim with incredible magic.
If charlie wants a kid she can probably magic one up no matter the obsticles please stop asking artist and writers how it is possible for her and vaggie to have a kid/get pregnant if they are both women - the answer is Charlie Magic.
2) all 4 of the above have the potential to be way stronger than they have been shown in the show.
3) Charlie is a potential BadAss and is just too nice to go full tactical nuke - this will be covered in my next ted talk.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 4. Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut.
Notes: Part 4! Definitely smutty, this was originally almost 9,000 words and I still wasn't done so I had to split it into two, but things are starting to get heated!
Click here for the rest of the series
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The morning sun cascades across the bed, gently waking you. Cuddled under the covers, you lay there for a minute before you gain the strength to open your eyes, you think you're still half asleep and dreaming of your Mistress, you can smell her perfume, her cigarettes, you're tempted to fall back into a deep sleep. You rub your eyes and slowly open them, as they adjust to the light you realize you're not in your room. You sit up and look around, realizing you're in the Lady's chambers, with no memory of how you got there.
You think back on the night before, the last thing you remember was being in the library, curled up on the window nook, deeply invested in the book you were reading.
"I must have fallen asleep, but how did I end up here?" You think to yourself.
The last few weeks have been relatively uneventful, you've been able to successfully avoid Stefana and your Mistress has been rather kind to you. She's been inviting you into her chambers almost every night, but to your surprise, most nights it seems like she just wants your company. Of course there have been a few long nights of pleasure, but not nearly as many as you had anticipated. Most of those nights thought she would just feed from you and then pleasure you, you've really only been able to return the favor two or three times. The rest of the nights she would lay in the bath with you, or play with your hair, or you would read to the girls in her room as she finished working, it seemed more domestic than you had ever expected, which pleasantly took you by surprise. The only downside was that every night it became harder and harder to heed Zina's warning to not get too attached.
You've definitely gotten more privilege's, accompanying the girls when they leave the castle to go hunt, helping them with various tasks they requested. You've been cleaning the castle much less, mainly focusing on her study, chambers and the library, which you requested to continue since you enjoyed being in there. It took your Mistress by surprise when you made your request, but she happily obliged.
You climb out of the bed, realizing you're in what looks like one of the girls nightgowns, you definitely fell asleep in your uniform. On her vanity there's a box and a note, you walk over to it and pick up the note.
Draga, The girls found you asleep in the library, I deemed the window nook an unacceptable place for my pet to sleep for the night and brought you to my chambers. The girls insisted on you wearing one of their nightgowns in lieu of your uniform to bed, which I sent off for cleaning. In the box is a present of sorts for you, put it on and meet the girls and I on the terrace when you wake. XX A.D.
You smiled at the note and held it close to your chest, Zina's words ring out in the back of your head, but they were becoming harder and harder to obey. "It should be fine, as long as I stay obedient, don't let it get to my head, and don't get jealous. Then it should be okay to become a little attached, right?" You ask yourself. The worry starts to creep into you and you shake it off and open the red and gold colored box.
Inside is a beautiful sun dress, perfect for a summer day like today. You close the box, take off the girls nightgown that you're practically swimming in and put the dress on. Pleased that it fits perfectly, you climb up onto the bench of her vanity and look at yourself in the mirror, admiring the dress. You fix your hair, run into the bathroom and wash your face and make your way out to the terrace.
"Finally." Cassandra says as you walk towards them.
"Good morning y/n." Bela says.
"Yay she's awake!!" Daniella says as she runs up to you and picks you up spins you around a few times.
"You're gonna make her vom!" Cassandra yells.
"Daniella, put her down please." Your Mistress says.
Daniella puts you down and you have to steady yourself for a moment as the world stops spinning.
"Good morning." You say with a laugh as Daniella stares at you with a smile on her face.
"Good morning girls, Mistress." You say with a smile.
"Good morning pet." Your Mistress says as she admires the dress on you.
"Yay you wore it!" Daniella exclaims.
"Of course she did, you idiot." Cassandra says.
"It's so pretty!" Bela says as she smiles at you.
"Thank you, it's beautiful." You say, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Come sit." You Mistress instructs you, gesturing to the open chair next to her.
Daniella skips back to her chair and you sit next to your Mistress. She looks down at you and you meet her eyes, she has a small smile on her face. She tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear, her finger sliding behind your ear, down your jaw and under your chin, lifting your face towards hers. You look into her beautiful, golden eyes as she studies yours for a moment, you feel like your heart is doing summersaults, the corner of her mouth curving into a smile when she feels your heartrate increase. She drops her had and reaches for her wine glass.
"That dress looks lovely on you." She says as she takes a sip.
"Thank you for the dress, it's beautiful." You say with a small smile.
"Only the best for my little pet."
Zina and a few other maids walk out with trays in their hands and serve everyone their breakfast. Large, raw chunks of meat are placed in front of the three girls, a massive raw steak is placed in front of your Mistress, and Zina places a regular, human breakfast in front of you. She looks at your dress and back up at you, a little curiosity in her eyes, but she gives you a little wink and you smile at her.
"Thank you ladies." Your Mistress says as they head back inside.
Bela and your mistress grab their forks and knives and begin to cut into their meals, Cassandra stabs it with her fork and picks the whole piece up and Daniella grabs it with her hands and goes to shove it in her mouth.
"Daniella." Your Mistress says, her eyes not leaving her own plate.
Daniella huffs and puts the meat down and grabs a fork and knife and tries to cut it. You mistress elegantly cuts into her steak and brings the fork to her lips, her posture perfect even as she leans over her plate. You begin to dig into your own breakfast and you hear Daniella struggling, you look up and she's trying her best to cut into the meat, but ends up pulling the piece apart with her hands, sticking her fork into it and shoving it into her mouth.
Your Mistress sighs and shakes her head. Bela is like her mother, cutting into her breakfast and eating it much more elegantly than her sisters. Cassandra certainly has her mothers temper and attitude, and is ripping pieces of her breakfast off of the fork with her teeth. She bites down and pulls the fork away, sending a chunk flying across the table and onto your lap.
"Cassandra." Your Mistress growls.
"Oh no!! Not the pretty dress!" Daniella cries.
You look down and breathe a sigh of relief when you realize the meat landed on the napkin on your lap. You carefully lift the napkin with the meat on it.
"The napkin caught it! Crisis averted." You say.
"YAY!" Daniella cheers.
"Sorry." Cassandra says flatly.
"Cass you are so lucky" Bela whispers to her sister.
You Mistress looks a little relieved and points to Cassandra with her knife.
"You are very lucky." She says and returns her attention back to her own meal.
"Sorry mom." Cassandra says, looking down.
After breakfast the maids come back and clean off the table, your Mistress dismisses the girls, who leave in a large swarm to no doubt wreak havoc among the castle. She lights a cigarette and takes a long drag, gently blowing the smoke out of her nose. You watch her as she stares off, taking more drags off of her cigarette. She looks beautiful, the sun making her gold eyes glitter, you watch her bring the cigarette to her perfectly red lips as she inhales. Traces of her lipstick left on the butt as she pulls it out from between her lips, the way the smoke dances away from her when she exhales.
"I can see you looking at me." She says as she looks at you out of the corner of her eye.
You quickly look away.
"Sorry Mistress." You say quietly.
She holds back a smile and takes a few more drags and puts the cigarette out in the ashtray on the table.
"Come." She says to you, patting her lap.
You stand up and she lifts you onto her lap. You sit across her lap and she brings her knuckle under your chin and lifts your face towards hers, her other arm wrapped around you so you won't fall back.
"And what were you looking at that was so fascinating?" She asks, her eyebrow cocked.
You look down and back up to her, a little nervous to answer but you don't want to keep her waiting so you can't come up with a good lie.
"You." You say.
She cocks her head a little, and stares at you.
"I didn't mean to stare Mistress, you just looked so beautiful, it felt like I was looking at a piece of art."
You look away as your cheeks turn a little red from embarrassment. She turns your face back towards her and your eyes meet hers, a smile painted across her face. Your heart feels like it's about to leap out of your chest, but not because of anxiety or fear.
Her finger gently caresses your cheek and she hums. She grabs her glass and takes another sip of her wine and places it back down on the table. She looks down at you and you look up at her with a smile on your face.
"I presume you slept well last night, yes?" She asks.
You giggle. "Yes, very well, thank you. I didn't even realize I fell asleep in the library." You look away. "How- how did I end up in your chambers?" You ask, looking back up at her, a little embarrassed.
She chuckles, you feel the vibration in her chest as you lean against her.
"Well the girls found you and told me, so I went to see for myself and I found you curled up on the window nook, cradling a book. So I picked you up and brought you to my chambers. The girls absolutely insisted you not sleep in your uniform so they brought me the cleanest nightgown they had and I put you in it and laid you down in my bed."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep there. Thank you for doing that, you didn't hav-" you stop yourself and sheepishly smile at her.
"I couldn't let my pet be uncomfortable now could I?" She says, smirking at you.
"Mother!!" Bela calls.
Your Mistress looks over towards her.
"Mother Miranda is calling for you, she says it's urgent!"
She sighs and lifts you off of her lap.
"You have the day off today. You're welcome to do whatever you please, if you're looking for a quiet place to read that isn't the library, you're welcome to my chambers. I shall be in my study if you need anything."
"Thank you Mistress." You say with a smile.
She gently caresses your cheek and walking into the castle.
"Also, y/n," she says, turning towards you. "You will be having dinner with us tonight, after supper I need you in my chambers."
"Yes Mistress, thank you."
You sit outside for a little while longer, enjoying the warm summer morning. Once it starts to get a little too warm in the sun you head inside to the library to resume your book. While you're sitting in your usual window nook you hear a familiar voice and you freeze. You quietly get up and look around one of the shelves and see Stefana and another maid. You hide behind the book shelf clinging to your book and hear their footsteps go in the opposite direction. You look over again and see that they went behind one of the shelves. You quietly and carefully exit the library and bring your book up to your Mistresses chambers.
You spend most of the day reading in your mistresses chambers, one of the maids brings you lunch and you go back to your book.
"Mother!" You hear as the door opens and you see Daniella standing there.
"Oh, y/n, I thought mom was in here."
"Oh, sorry Daniella, I think she's in her study."
"Ugh, she's always working! She never hangs out with me."
"I know, but she's a busy woman, I know if she could she would spend all day with you." You say with a smile. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
"No, I'm just bored. Cassandra locked herself in her room and Bela is boring. What are you doing?"
"Just reading."
"Oh! What are you reading? Can you read some to me?" She asks excitedly.
You really don't have favorites when it comes to the girl, but Daniella is probably the cutest due to her child-like nature.
"Absolutely!" You pat the bed next to you. "Come on!"
She jumps onto the bed with excitement and lays her head in your lap. You're a little surprised, but pleasantly. You give her a brief overview of what's happened so far and begin reading to her. Your free hand finds her hair and you start gently scratching her head. You're not sure how much time had passed, but a few chapters later you hear a light snore and you look down and see that she fell asleep. You smile and continue reading to yourself.
A little more times goes by, Daniella is still asleep in your lap and the door opens, you see your Mistress enter. She's taken back when she sees Daniella asleep in your lap.
"Good evening Mistress. Daniella asked me to read to her and she fell asleep, so I just let her rest."
A smile comes across her face as she looks at the both of you. She walks up to the bed and gently caresses her daughters face. She lifts Daniella into her arms and cradles her.
"I'll be right back." She quietly says as she leaves the room with a still sleeping Daniella in her arms and leaves the room.
A few minutes later she comes back in without Daniella.
"No wonder why it was quiet, I was suspicious but I heard nothing break and no screaming so I enjoyed the peace." She says with a laugh as she sits on the edge of the bed. "Thank you for being so kind to my daughters. They can certainly be a handful, but they seem to adore you."
"They're good kids, they deserve kindness, especially after I've seen how some other maids treat them."
She looks at you and gently strokes your cheek. She looks like she's about to say something but stops herself. You hear the dinner bell ring and she drops her hand and stands up, you close your book and jump down off of the bed and the two of you walk to the dining room.
The girls meet you in a swarm and appear in their seats, your Mistress sits in her usual seat at the head of the table and you're seated next to her.
The maids bring out the meals and many of them give you questioning, or dirty, looks. You ignore them and smile and thank Zina when she puts your meal in front of you. The girls argue, your Mistress scolds them, Daniella and Cassandra make messes, but all three of them end up with blood all over their faces by the end of the meal anyway.
After dinner your Mistress leads you back to her chambers, she closes the door and sits at her vanity, removing her hat and gloves. You help her with the buttons on her dress, as usual, and she steps out of it revealing her usual, incredibly sexy, lingerie set. She pulls you onto her lap and she removes her necklace and earrings and takes down her hair, her raven curls falling just above her shoulder.
"Did you have a good day today draga?" She asks.
"I did, it was very nice, thank you for giving me the day off."
"Tell me, what did you do with all of your free time?"
"I read pretty much all day, I was in the library for a bit, but then I heard Stefana and left before she saw me and then I came up here." You hear a low growl come from her chest. "Eventually Daniella came in looking for you because she was bored and asked me to read to her, so I did until she fell asleep and then you came in. How was your day?"
"Well I'm glad you had a pleasant day," she says as she strokes your hair. "I was busy as usual, paperwork, phone calls, dealing with Mother Miranda and her affairs, a typical day if I say so myself. I apologize that Stefana made you feel so unsafe you had to leave the library. There is no reason you should be worried about running into someone in your own home. If you would like, I can make sure it gets addressed."
You feel a chill run down your spine.
"Oh, no, really it's okay." You say with a half smile.
"If you say so." She says, you feel her move your hair to the side and her fingers fiddle with the zipper of your dress.
She pulls the zipper down and slowly pulls your dress to your waist, her cold fingers delicately gliding along your skin. She leans down and places soft kisses across your shoulders and up your neck. You sigh and relax into her touch, you glance into the mirror and you swear you see her smile between each kiss she purposefully places across your skin. She lifts your chin towards her and leans down and kisses you. She cradles the back of your head as her tongue slips between your lips, exploring the inside of your mouth. You gently moan into her mouth and she kisses you harder, lightly grabbing the hair at the back of your head. You sit up a little and straddle one of her legs, one hand on her face, the other resting on her chest.
She picks you up and you wrap your legs around her waist and she carries you to the bed. She lays on top of you, careful to not put all of her weight on you, and pulls your dress off rest of the way. She rips off your bra and underwear as she kisses down your jaw and down your neck. Your heartrate increases along with your breaths as she makes her way down your body. You release little squeals and moans when she sucks and gently bites down your body, positive at least half of them will leave some kind of mark. She parts your legs and rubs her fingers against your wet core, you let out moans and she brings her lips back to your neck as she kisses and sucks on it. You tilt your head to give her more access, thinking she wants to feed, and she turns your face back towards her.
"Not tonight draga." She softly says, kissing your lips.
She gently slides her middle finger into you and you let out a moan as your eyes roll back. You've gotten used to her large digits inside of you, but they still stretch you out just enough to feel good. She slowly sides it in and out, gently curling into your spot deep inside. You moan every time she hits it, a satisfied moan escaping from her lips when she hears you.
"Is that good my little pet?"
"Yes Mistress." You pant.
She picks up her pace and rubs circles around your clit with her thumb. You cry out in pleasure as you feel your orgasm slowly building.
"Fuck, you fuck me so good Mistress." You cry out.
"Yeah? You like when I use you as my little toy?" She goes a little faster and harder.
"Yes, I love it Mistress."
More moans leave your lips and she picks up the pace more.
"Do you want mommy to make you cum sweetie?" She coos.
"Yes, please," you pant as your orgasm builds more and more.
"Tell mommy what you want baby." She whispers into your ear as she kisses your neck.
"Please, Mis- oh fuck, please mommy, fuck me, make me cum mommy!" You cry.
Her eyes go dark with lust, even she's surprised at how much hearing you call her mommy turned her on. She thrusts her finger in and out faster and harder, she pulls her finger out and you whine, she sits up and brings her fingers to her lips and licks them. You watch her as you see a line of spit dangling from her lips, landing onto your aching cunt. She puts her other hand on your hip and slides two fingers into you for the first time.
You scream, in both a little pain and a lot of pleasure. She eases her fingers into you, getting you used to the feeling of her stretching you out. She slides them deep into you and curls them into your spot, you see stars as you cry out. She slowly works both fingers in and out of you, curling them into you each time. You feel your orgasm build quickly and you rock your hips to her rhythm. Usually it's something she doesn't allow, but tonight she seems to welcome it. You rock your hips faster and she matches your pace, thrusting a little harder and faster.
"Mommy I'm so close." You whine.
"You are?" She teases.
"Yes mommy, please, make me cum. I need- I need you to make me cum."
"Such a good little girl, asking mommy so politely. Don't worry, mommy will make you feel good."
She goes harder and faster, bringing you right to the edge.
"Yes, mommy I'm gonna cum, fuck me, don't stop mommy."
She thrusts harder and faster than she ever has before, you're convinced she's going to bruise the inside of you, but you don't care. Her thumb grazes over your clit again and you scream, your back arches and your whole body shakes. You catch a glimpse of her and she looks feral, her eyes dark and wild, focused on her fingers inside of your dripping center. Your eyes roll back when she doesn't stop and you feel something build deep inside of you. You scream out in pleasure as you feel an explosion from deep within you as you collapse onto the bed, your whole body trembling.
She slides her fingers out of you as you try and catch your breath.
"Oh draga mea," she says, sounding more turned on than before. You look up and see your juices dripping off of her fingers. "I haven't had a maiden be able to do that in a long time." She smirks at you as she slides her fingers into her mouth, cleaning every drop of your juices off of her.
You look down between you legs and see a gigantic wet spot underneath you.
"Oh my god." You pant as you collapse back down into the pillows, aftershocks still coursing through your body.
Your mistress crawls up next to you and lays down. She slides her arm underneath you as you recover and pulls you close to her. You watch as her other hand slides down her body and between her legs. A shiver runs down your spine when she lets out a moan as she rubs her swollen clit. She lets out another moan and turns her head to face you, you stare into her golden eyes and watch as they roll to the back of her head as she pleasures herself. You put your hand on her face and pull her into you, smashing your lips into hers.
She's taken by surprise, but it only adds fuel to her fire. She pushes her tongue through your lips and it dances around yours. She moans into your mouth and you kiss her harder. She pulls away from you and looks you in the eyes, you see a softness that you haven't seen before, like she's let all of her walls down and allowing herself to be completely vulnerable with you for a moment. She seems to have caught herself because the look in her eyes disappears as quickly as it appeared.
She brings her hand up from between her legs and brings her finger to your mouth, you take it into your mouth and suck her juices off of it. When she pulls her finger out of your mouth you look at her.
"Yes draga?"
"Can I..?" You ask, looking down between her legs.
"Draga mea you don't have to ask."
You crawl towards the end of the bed and situate yourself between her legs. You rub up and down her folds over her underwear, paying extra attention to her clit when you reach the top. You can hear her holding back moans, only making you more determined. You hook your fingers into the waistline of her lacy underwear and pull them down. She looks down at you, impressed with your boldness, you even think it turns her on a little. You drag your tongue up her dripping cunt, flicking it over her clit. A moan escapes her lips and you continue to lick her up and down. You latch onto her clit and suck on it while you flick your tongue over it and her back arches a little as she tries to keep her composure. Your rub your fingers over her folds, coating them in her juices before you slide them into her. Her back arches again and she lets out another moan. You pump your fingers in and out of her as you suck on her swollen clit, she's stopped trying to hold back her moans as she cries out.
"You're so good to your mommy." She pants. "Good girl, just like that."
You pick up the pace and she grabs onto the back of your head as her moans go up an octave.
"Just like that, you're gonna make mommy cum, just like that."
You suck on her as hard as you possibly can while thrusting in and out, curling your fingers, as fast as your arm can go. You feel her starting to clench around you as her orgasm builds.
"Yes, I'm gonna cum, don't you dare stop, yes, fu-" She cries out as she clenches down on you hard, you fight against it as you bring her over the edge.
She screams out, her hips bucking wildly. You do your best to hold on and have her ride it out as much as possible. Her hips come back to rest on the mattress and you slow down and pull your fingers out of her.
"Oh my little pet," she says as she catches her breath. "You did such a good job." She strokes your hair. "You made mommy feel so good."
You stick your fingers into your mouth and lick them clean, you hear a growl in her chest as she watches you, her eyes dark with lust once again. You sit between her legs gently stroking her thigh. She sits up and lifts you into her arms and lays back down onto the bed. You watch as her finger reaches underneath your chin and lifts your face towards hers.
"Draga mea you are full of surprises aren't you." She says with a cocked eyebrow. "And to think, you were a virgin when you first came into my chambers." She gently chuckles and strokes your cheek as it turns pink.
She looks you in the eyes for a moment and leans in and kisses you. Her hand slides to the back of your head and you bring your hand to her face. She holds your hand on her face as your lips part and strokes the back of your hand with her thumb. She lifts it off of her face and places a kiss in the palm of your hand.
She pulls you into her and you cuddle into her, resting your head on her large chest. You feel relaxed as you both bask in the afterglow, your eyelids begin to feel heavy, right before you give into sleep you hear Zina's voice in your head.
"Do not get too attached." "It never ends well for those girls." "She's like a dog with a new toy, she will either play with you until you're deemed useless to her or until she grows bored." "Very few of her past personal maids are left."
The fear creeps it's way back into your chest, Zina warned you, and you got attached anyway. How stupid were you to think that maybe you were different? The thoughts swirl in your head as you start to spiral.
Alcina can't remember the last time she felt this relaxed, especially with someone else, a maid of hers no less. She closes her eyes, your heartbeat soothing her as she feels you start to drift off to sleep. She hears your heartrate beginning to increase and she opens her eyes, trying to listen carefully although she can hear it perfectly well. A worry begins to wash over her as she hears your breaths become shorter and faster. She goes to speak and realizes that she's worried, she hasn't worried about anyone other than her girls in years, yet here she is, worried about you. She brushes it off as it being a motherly instinct and nothing else, suppressing any notions of it possibly being anything else.
"Draga?" She asks.
Her voice snaps you out of your spiral, you realize you're on the verge of a panic attack but you can't seem to stop it. You start hyperventilating, convinced she's just going to kill you then and there for this.
Alcina immediately picks up on your panic and sits up placing you in her lap. She puts her finger under your chin and lifts it so you can look at her.
"Draga mea." She softly says.
Your eyes are clamped shut, visions of all of the ways she could kill you flood your mind.
"Draga, look at me." She says, her voice is soft yet still commanding.
You hesitate for a moment and slowly open your eyes, her gold glowing eyes feel like they're staring into your soul.
"Just breathe." She says.
You take a shaky breath in and exhale.
"Good girl, just like that."
You take more deep breaths until your heartrate settles and the panic fades away. You look into her eyes and back down.
"I'm so sorry Mistress, I - I don't know what happened." You lie, you knew exactly what happened, you're just terrified to tell her the truth.
She lifts your chin to meet her gaze.
"Do not lie to me little girl." She says, her voice suddenly cold.
You close you eyes as a few tears fall down your cheeks.
"I- I heard things, around the castle," you do your best to maneuver around telling her Zina was the one who said anything to you. "that you pick maids and-" your eyes meet hers again, you wouldn't say she was angry, but she definitely didn't look happy. She cocks her eyebrow at you, almost as a warning for you to continue. "and you use them until they're useless, or until you get bored and find a new one, and how so many of your personal maids, don't- don't survive and that I shouldn't get attached if I wanted to live and that even though you might make me feel like I'm special, I'm really not and- I'm so sorry Mistress," you say as you cry more and wipe your eyes. "All of those thoughts flooded my mind at once and I just panicked. I'm so scared that I'll end up like the rest of them and I won't-" you choke back tears "I won't be able to see the kids ever again." You cover your face with your hands and cry for a minute. You pull yourself together and take a deep breath before looking up into her eyes. You're surprised and a little worried when you see the corner of her mouth curved into a smile.
"Draga mea." She says, her voice less cold, but not as soft as it was earlier. She gently caresses your cheek and you close your eyes for a moment and meet hers. "Yes, those things are all true, as much as I despise gossip, especially gossip coming from the maids quarters." Fear floods your chest again. "However, there is one thing in all that you said that is not true." You look up into her eyes, scanning them to see if you can get any kind of reassurance from them, but you find none. "You, my little pet, are very special." Your eyes widen at her words.
"Mistress, you're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?" You ask cautiously.
You feel the vibration of her chuckle.
"No my pet, I am a woman of my word and I do not say things I don't mean."
"But Stefana said," she rolls her eyes at Stefana's name. "that you said you loved her."
You hear a growl in the back of her throat that makes you tremble a little.
"She is sorely mistaken. I have told here there are things about her that I love, that I love certain things she does for me, but not once did I ever say those words to her. Understand?"
"Yes Mistress."
"Do you have any other concerns you'd wish to raise?" She asks, a little annoyed, but you also get the feeling she'd be willing to listen to what you have to say.
"No Mistress, thank you."
"I know your concerns about never seeing the children again, and I give you my word you will be able to see them."
Tears fall from your eyes again when you hear her words.
"I am a woman of my word my pet. Yes, I promise."
Overcome with joy you wrap your arms around her neck and hug her, taking her by surprise.
"Thank you Mistress, thank you so much."
She freezes for a second, but exhales and wraps her arms around you.
"Of course, anything for my special little pet." She whispers to you. "So when was it that Zina gave you her speech of being my personal maiden?"
You pop up and stare at her, terrified that you had said her name on accident.
"How do you-"
"Draga, there is one thing you should know, I always know what happens in this castle. I have eyes and ears everywhere." She must see the fear in your eyes, terrified Zina will be punished, or killed for talking to you. "No need to fear little one, Zina has been my head maid for decades, she would have to do far worse than warn maidens for me to do anything to her. Plus, it usually keeps them on their best behavior, which is beneficial for everyone." You exhale a sigh of relief.
"Oh, okay. I'm very glad to hear that Mistress." You smile at her, she waits for you to answer her question. "Oh, um, it was the morning after you fed from me the first time. The night after Stefana-"
"Ah, yes." She says, cutting you off. "Zina is always on top of things. I'm glad to know she hasn't faltered."
"Thank you Mistress, for easing my fears, and for helping me. You didn't hav-"
"Draga I am well aware of what I have to and do not have to do, I do those things I don't have to because I want to. Understand?"
"Yes Mistress." You say, nodding your head.
She lifts you off of her lap and lays you next to her, her arm around you, pulling you close into her. You finally start to relax again, the events from the day going through your head. You remember the note and that she signed it. "A.D." instead of "L.D.", "Lady Dimitrescu" like she usually does. You forgot you wanted to ask her what the "A" stood for.
"Mistress?" You meekly ask.
"I do have one question," she turns to face you and raises an eyebrow at you. "It's about the letter you left me this morning. You signed it 'A.D.', what does the 'A' stand for?"
She chuckles and you feel your whole body shake from the vibrations.
"The 'A' stand for my given name, the name my mother and father gave me when I was born." You look up into her eyes, you want her to continue but you don't want to push her. "It stands for Alcina." She says with pride.
"Alcina? That's such a beautiful name Mistress."
"Thank you. And in case I didn't convince you earlier that you are indeed special to me, I will give you a very special privilege that very few people in my life have. I will allow you to call me by my given name, but only when we are in private. How does that sound draga mea?"
"That sounds wonderful, thank you so much Mis-" you pause and she gives you a look of encouragement. "Alcina."
She looks down at you and the corner of her lips curl into a small smile, she pulls you closer and you cuddle into her.
"How I can't wait to hear you call out that name next time you're in my chambers." She purrs.
You giggle and curl into her more. You don't think you've felt so much relief, tonight was both physically and emotionally exhausting. Before you know it, you're fast asleep in Alcina's arms.
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hinakazino · 3 months
Royal Reverse Harem, Gojo/Reader
#1 Continuation of the Royal Reverse Harem series! This'll be a mini series, just with interesting scenarios with JJK. <3 Warnings: Obsessive Gojo, mean gojo, toji/reader & gojo/reader.
When you'd first transferred into the novel, you were in a state of shock. The fancy bedroom, the beautiful decor, the utter amount of respect you were given, and the overly expensive food was awesome. Reality didn't really hit you until after a week or so.
You felt so stupid, you had wasted a week doing pretty much nothing except enjoy your new lifestyle. Sure the maids, butlers, and EVERYONE seemed terrified of you but all you really thought about was being nice to change their opinions.
Your idea of "I'll just be good and live my life happily watching my favorite characters" came completely crashing down when Gojo decided to pay you a visit. By now, thankfully you already set in motion your plan to change public opinion but Satoru had other ideas.
Satoru was stunning, a majestic being. He looked like an angel who had been sent from the heavens, sculpted by the gods themselves. His soft white hair and striking blue eyes, and oh goodness, his soft lips. It was a little embarrassing, how much you admired him.
When you first saw him, there was no doubt in your heart why the villainess loved him so much. Satoru was fascinating, not just in his standing but his mere presence demanded respect. You felt the air leave your lungs as you sat at the dinner table.
It was quiet for awhile, which made you feel awkward as Satoru himself was the one who requested your attendance. However, what you didn't know was that Gojo was just as confused with your silence. Normally you'd be speaking to him, in your confident haughty mannerisms.
He couldn't quite understand what was different today, you seemed, nervous? He didn't know, but what he did know was that at the moment he was fed up with your schemes. It was just too bad, he didn't know you weren't the actual villainess!!
"I don't understand why you're so silent, especially when you of all people should know why I'm here," he stated. Oh, now you were panicking, because you honestly had no idea what he was talking about!!
Silence seemed the best choice but this had only angered Satoru more. As the night progressed he had begun shouting at you, violently clattering plates to the floor, and commanding you to simply stay away from him.
It was a traumatizing experience, safe to say, after that Gojo Satoru did not look the same to you. Now whenever he was near you, whether it be just passing by or due to political, social, or marital reasons you tended to shift away whenever possible. Even when you were pressured by your family, which sucked, Gojo wasn't interested anyway so you snuck away most times.
In the end, you decided on a divorce, it was also the best step to ensure you stayed alive, which you asked for two weeks later after your dinner session with him. Satoru, although surprised by your request had asked whether this was a tactic to gain his favor.
"No, I truly want this divorce," you responded quietly, eyes not being able to meet his as you glanced everywhere but forward. You didn't know what to say to him anymore, it was not longer a feeling of awe and captivation anymore with him. Now, you simply wanted to be as far away from him as possible too.
Gojo on the other hand was delighted, had quickly signed the papers, and had pressured his father, the emperor, to confirm it a week later. Everyone was caught off guard by the sudden divorce, and word spread like wildfire.
Can you believe that the crown prince and, well, previous-to-be princess divorced? , I saw it coming from a mile away! That witch would've ruined this empire. , What does this mean, could it be that the rumor of the crown prince having a secret lover is true? Who is it? , Oh, I feel so sad for poor (y/n), she really is a kind woman, have you even spoken to her before?
The last statement made you proud when you heard of it from your lady-in-waitings. At the very least, public opinion had changed for you to some extent. You intended for it to continue turning positive for the better. Now that you stayed with your parents, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.
What you didn't realize was that after 3 months of divorce Gojo was beginning to rethink his choices. Firstly, he was annoyed because despite the divorce being official his father still pestered him on the daily. The truth was evident, the emperor did not approve of a commoner becoming the future empress (that said commoner, the female lead).
The emperor only agreed on this divorce because Gojo did make some sense, and, he didn't want to lose the support of one of the highest nobles in his empire. That being said, he either now expected Satoru to find another noble lady (many available) or crawl back to you (honestly emperor has given up on trying to be civil).
Due to these factors, Satoru has still be thinking of you. However, he wasn't that interested until just about the 2nd month after your divorce with him. See, the reason was that he had eyes on you anyway, his spies in your estate told him anything they deemed necessary. What were you going to do? Go after the female lead again?
It was all too predictable, which was why when Satoru's father yelled at him for not doing anything he was confused. "What is it now father?" he responded, irritated. "YOU FOOL. (Y/N)'S ALREADY COURTING OTHERS, THE ZENIN, SOUND FAMILIAR? Oh.. you're a lost cause now..." his father had responded, tired and exhausted of his son.
That was when Gojo was informed by his spies, that you, in fact, had been in much contact with Toji much recently. Then, when Gojo asked why his men hadn't reported anything, they stated that they had mentioned it once already but nothing important seemed to come up other than you both being acquaintances. Plus, the rumor was everywhere anyway, they'd assumed he'd heard.
Now, Satoru began to watch you more intensively, peaked even higher when at a social party just 2 days later, you were dancing with Toji. Both of you so friendly, even Gojo was dumbfounded as to how. Didn't Toji not like you?
After Toji, there was Geto, Gojo's best friend turned into one of the Empire's sole enemies. A true tragedy that was, and yet, you were spotted with him as part of reports following his activity! Which occurred to everyone considered an enemy of the empire, but you? What were you doing with him?
Then there was the flirting with Choso, and your newfound friendship with Yuki. You were on a roll of drama, being front and center on stage whilst promoting good deals which pleased all classes on the social hierarchy. Gojo was at a loss and at the same time, thrilled? No, maybe jealous, not of you but those associated with you.
He hadn't seen you like that before, you looked genuinely happy now. You were having fun at social gatherings, not having a care in the world. Despite your obvious scandalous behavior, you were no longer committing acts of evil and, no longer glancing at him. Which didn't feel right!!
Gojo Satoru hated to admit it, but if this was another one of your games it was definitely working. Only a couple months after separation, and he was watching your every move. Even beginning to reconsider his choices, thinking how the female lead wasn't as interesting anymore to him.
Sadly, it was a bit too late now but Gojo has decided, he wants to win back your favor. A crown prince, a noble lady previously wed to him, what could potentially go wrong?
© 2024 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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Gojo Satoru x Reader x Geto Suguru
The Cursed Trio | Artificial Paradise
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**Finally finishing up Uni forever --- well, until I decide what to do my Master's on. About to go hard on finals so wish me luck on that. I'm so sorry for the wait!
It's been a while since you've had a chance to catch your breath from all the messed-up stuff swirling around in your everyday jujutsu life. A week has passed since that little... "moment" back on Halloween.
Honestly, it was supposed to be a good, vulnerable moment between the three of you — something that should've solidified your bond. But, you can't shake this sense of shame.
Shame for multiple reasons, but the main one is that, for some reason, you feel ashamed for feeling the way you did. For expressing yourself the way you did. That vulnerability you felt in Gojo's arms, watching as Suguru took his own swig from the sake bottle — it frustrated you to no end. Why did you feel so awful just being in the moment? In a way, you felt humiliated for being so raw with others. But at the same time, you argued with yourself that what you did was okay. Of course, you have the right to expression — a right to sensation, a right to feeling.
Yet, you can't help but want to shove that night into the background so those feelings won't sting anymore. Whatever you felt, it's confusing to say the least.
Despite the inner turmoil, you pushed through — the best you could manage for the moment was to shove those feelings aside. Because, let's face it, if you indulged in those thoughts, you'd likely end up diving headfirst into a sea of emotions, drowning in them until it seemed like you'd never felt anything else.
Fortunately, today just so happens to be one of the best distractions imaginable.
It's Ieiri's birthday.
If it weren't for Utahime creating a group chat just for the birthday party, you wouldn't have even known it was Ieiri's birthday.
Originally, Ieiri wasn't keen on doing anything special for her birthday, leaning towards a chill day at the park with some convenience store snacks and her favorite pack of cigarettes. But Utahime insisted, emphasizing that her little kouhei deserved a proper celebration. So, everyone tossed in their own ideas — mainly you, Mei Mei, Utahime, Haibara, and Kento.
Utahime was all about a shopping spree, Mei Mei favored an amusement park, Haibara suggested a classic dinner at a restaurant, and surprisingly, Kento threw in the idea of a night out in Shibuya. Gojo and Suguru were predictably useless; Gojo with his absurd ideas, and Suguru just going with the flow.
Honestly, you didn't pitch in any ideas either. You thought Ieiri's original plan was pretty nice. It felt more intimate than the traditional options. Nevertheless, the idea of hitting Shibuya and diving into the nightlife gained popularity in the group, especially when Gojo realized he could easily charm some pretty girls at the club.
And thus, the steps to heading out to Shibuya began.
Getting Ready
Just like the chaos of preparing for the waterpark months ago, getting ready this time was an absolute mess among the three of you. Especially when Ieiri asked you to help with her makeup — not gonna lie, you had to watch a few YouTube videos just to figure out what the hell to do.
You and Ieiri rushed to the nearest makeup store, searching for budget-friendly brands so you could assist her.
Side note: Ieiri only had the essentials like mascara and lip gloss, but considering it was a night out in one of Japan's busiest areas, she decided to go big with it.
Then there were Suguru and Gojo, bickering about what outfits to wear since they wanted to either match or at least have complementary outfits. This whole matching outfit thing started a few months back when you and Gojo unintentionally showed up with nearly identical outfits, sparking teasing from Suguru and Ieiri. After that, it became a quirky routine to find something that coordinated with the others' clothes.
Side note: Another factor was that each of you had a habit of raiding each other's closets, especially Suguru's, given his penchant for oversized clothing. His wardrobe was practically a hot commodity within your little trio.
The dorm rooms in disarray, small piles of clothes scattered in the hallways from Gojo tossing everything out of his closet, forgetting his door is wide open. Suguru shuttling back and forth between his room and yours, showcasing outfits for judgment, only to grumble and search for another when either you or Ieiri vetoes the look. You, attempting a YouTube tutorial while applying budget foundation on Ieiri's face, accidentally smearing some on the lollipop stick she's perpetually chewing on. The floor becomes a makeup disaster zone as you holler for Gojo to fetch you an outfit from your closet. He barges in, tiptoeing around you, eyeing how you're doing Ieiri's makeup, and can't resist making a comment. Suguru peeks in, curious about the commotion.
Cut to the climax — Gojo and Suguru literally shoving you aside as Gojo grabs the setting powder, tapping it onto the birthday girl's skin, while Suguru crouches beside them, offering ideas for eyeshadow styles and more. Meanwhile, you're rolling your eyes and grappling with the decision of what to wear.
Ah, don't forget the music. Every room has its own soundtrack as everyone gears up individually — each of you with your dedicated playlist for getting ready. Honestly, it's as chaotic as it gets, especially when Yaga storms down, hollering for all of you to clean up the mess while sneakily appreciating Gojo's makeup on Ieiri.
You and Suguru linger in the background, tossing all of Gojo's clothes into the closet without bothering much about hangers and such. That's a problem for future him.
Curious about what Kento and Haibara are up to as they get ready for the night? Well, Kento is bombarding your phone with pictures of potential outfits he's considering. In the background of these photos, you can spot Haibara making faces and waving at you. Midway through this whole ordeal, he even gave you a call. During the conversation, not many words were exchanged; instead, you both used each other's sounds as a sort of background noise while putting on your outfits, only to take them off and start the process anew.
Every now and then, you'd catch Haibara screaming something in the background — usually about not being able to find his favorite socks or some such. Kento, in response, would grumble under his breath before directing him to the last place he saw the elusive socks.
Before long, Mei Mei and Utahime reached the school gates. Yaga guided them to the dorm rooms, and the three of them observed the chaos unfolding with all four of you (Kento and Haibara were on the other side) scrambling around to gather the rest of your stuff.
Gojo was putting the finishing touches on Ieiri's makeup while she tidied up her room. Suguru haphazardly tossed the remainder of his clothes onto his bed, and you dashed to your room with Kento still chatting in your ear while you struggled to put on your shoes. Meanwhile, Utahime was yelling at all of you for leaving such a mess, and Mei Mei chuckled under her breath, commenting on how cute it was that Gojo knew how to do makeup.
On a side note, you had Gojo's glasses, so you had to sidle over to him as he touched up Ieiri's lipstick, all the while putting the glasses on his own face, with Mei Mei cooing in the background.
On the way to Shibuya
The trip to Shibuya isn't long, but as your little group sprints onto the train, time seems to speed up with everyone bickering and bantering. Mei Mei and Gojo are doing their usual banter dance, sprinkled with a few flirty comments here and there. Suguru is engrossed in a deep conversation with Kento near the window, while Ieiri and Utahime chat animatedly with each other.
Haibara is trying to strike up a conversation with you, but for the life of you, you can't seem to respond. It's as if your thoughts are shrouded in a fog. You feel like you're not entirely present, but you desperately want to be—your gaze seemingly lost in space, unfocused.
Before you know it, a warm sensation envelops your hand, grounding you back to reality. Haibara is leaning over you, a slightly concerned expression on his face as he quietly asks if you're alright.
"Are you alright? You seem... off." Blinking away the remnants of your brain fog, you manage a nod and respond with a quick, "Yeah, just, uh, spaced out a bit."
Haibara frowns, "You've been doing that a lot. Did something happen?"
Internally, you think, "What didn't happen?"
Trying to suppress an eye roll at his concern becomes an act of frustration. Why would you do that when it's perfectly fine for him to express concern? After all, he cares about you.
Stop being a fucking bitch.
With a slight, disarming smile, you shrug. "I'm just going through one of those moments—it'll pass eventually. So no need to worry about it." He doesn't seem entirely convinced, but then again, he knows better than to push you for an answer.
You've always been like a brick wall, unyielding and towering. Just when something manages to climb, they only catch a glimpse of the other side before more bricks are piled on, obstructing their view.
With a soft hum, Haibara settles back into the seat beside yours, sinking into his chair before resting his head on your shoulder. He traces small circles on the back of your hand as you attempt to steady your breathing.
Side Note: Kento and Suguru were actually brainstorming ways to cheat on the upcoming exam. The two of them were seriously fried from all the missions, studying, and non-stop testing. Kento floated the idea, and Suguru ran with it. Right now, they're thinking of scribbling the answers on the inside of their collars — they figure it's a safe bet since they've got a solid track record as studious guys.
The Shibuya Scene
It didn't take long before you could sense yourself distancing from your more negative emotions—or, in reality, the closer you got to Shibuya, you pushed yourself to catch the group's infectious energy. You let it flow through you, sweeping all your thoughts, worries, and insecurities to the back of your mind. The bustling crowds on the train, everyone dressed up for the night ahead, helped in the process.
For the first time that day, you could finally breathe as you jumped to your feet, pulling Haibara along with you.
Dragging Haibara along, you hustled over to Suguru, who had kindly volunteered to be the backpack carrier for everyone's stuff. You held the bag for him while he got up from his seat, with Kento standing behind you, attempting to steady a very dizzy and giggling Haibara who quipped, "Well, you bounced back up pretty quick."
If only he knew.
Your initial mission was to grab some food because, for some reason, none of you felt particularly hungry before heading out. But the moment those train doors swung open, Gojo started complaining about how famished he was. He slung his arm over Kento, who was visibly irritated by the gesture. His blonde eyebrows twitched as he attempted to shove the clingy Gojo off.
You stumbled upon this quaint spot called Zuicho—a bit hidden and surprisingly small. Only eight seats were available, but luck was on your side as most of the patrons had left, leaving 7 out of the 8 seats open. The restaurant specialized in katsudon, and despite the limited menu, the reviews were solid, so the group decided, "Why not?" Kento generously offered Ieiri the last available seat while he opted to eat standing, patiently waiting for the lingering customer to vacate the spot.
One stern look from Mei Mei, and the man occupying the final chair hastily scurried away, bowl in hand. This prompted the restaurant staff to shout and chase after the fleeing diner. Surprisingly, Gojo footed the bill for the pilfered bowl, nonchalantly waving his little black card around as if it were of no value whatsoever.
Upon arriving at Shibuya Cross, Mei Mei, accompanied by an exuberant Haibara, suggests the idea of a group picture. Mainly, Mei Mei seizes the opportunity to stand closer to Gojo as everyone finds their spots, enlisting a stranger with tinted glasses to take the photo – another young foreigner, much like yourself. Eventually, the group naturally disperses, exploring the area. Though not old enough for the clubs, curiosity propels your little groups through the bustling streets.
Gojo ends up pulling Suguru toward a group of admiring girls, while Mei Mei attempts conversation with the relatively unresponsive Kento, who keeps an eye on you and Haibara. The two of you are engrossed in a debate over whether to spend money at an intriguing kiosk. Utahime and Ieiri have vanished, likely off seeking possible group activities.
Side note: Utahime brings out a pink sash and a tiara both proclaiming "birthday girl," draping them over Ieiri. Ieiri nearly lunges at Gojo when he manages to snap a photo of her unawares. You and Utahime have to hold her back while Suguru gives Gojo a smack on the back of the head amid his maniacal laughter.
Add-On: Gojo slyly managed to shoot the picture over to Suguru, who sneakily checked it out after Gojo deleted the photo on his phone right in front of Ieiri. Suguru decided to hold onto it, a mischievous grin playing on his face as he and Gojo exchanged a knowing glance.
A while after the photo, something neon catches your eye. Next thing you know, Utahime and Haibara are jumping up and down, excitedly yelling about Mario Kart cars that can be rented out along with onesies.
Suddenly, Utahime is hollering at Kento to find the location on his phone, simultaneously giving his collar a playful tug. Ieiri is genuinely pumped as the gang heads over to Street Kart Shibuya — then comes the dilemma of deciding who gets to rock which onesie. And let me tell you, that turned into a full-blown war. Suguru claimed Pikachu, Gojo insisted on Stitch, Mei Mei initially resisted the whole costume thing but eventually caved, opting for a low-key Mario. Ieiri went with the timeless Winnie the Pooh, Utahime snagged Kirby, Kento happily nabbed Luigi (much to Mei Mei's satisfaction), Haibara transformed into Bowser, and you, my friend, embraced your inner Ninja Turtle.
You all cruised through the streets like there was no tomorrow. Surprisingly, Gojo was the picture of safe driving, while Suguru embraced a bit more recklessness, a wild grin on his face as he zoomed by most of the group. Utahime was hot on his heels, having challenged him to a small race.
Meanwhile, Kento kept to the rear with Mei Mei and you, the three of you just chilling. In the meantime, Ieiri and Haibara engaged in a conversation, shouting over the roar of their engines.
Side Note: Gojo had brought a speaker along, handing it to Kento to carry along with Ieiri's iPod. This way, he could blast her favorite tunes as the group navigated the crowded streets of Shibuya. Pedestrians, mostly spirited and slightly tipsy, cheered and danced on the sidewalks, as they listened to the songs.
It's a miracle none of you crashed.
Side Note: Since none of you could really get into the nightclubs, you ended up just standing outside, huddled together, grooving a bit to the music. You chatted among yourselves while Gojo and Haibara grabbed sodas and snacks from the nearest convenience store, bags swinging from their arms as they passed the drinks around.
Add-On: Ieiri managed to snag a cigarette from a tipsy guy loitering outside the club, and you lit it up for her. Suguru nearly lost his shit when he caught you lighting up Ieiri's cigarette; he assumed you smoked too, and he was this close to giving you a smack for it.
By the end of the night, Utahime and Mei Mei hopped on the train back to Kyoto, catching it before they shut down for the night. Unfortunately, despite Kento's repeated reminders, the rest of you forgot. By the time you reached the station, it had already closed. So, everyone had to trek back to Jujutsu High on foot.
As you stroll along, Ieiri sticks close, a smile playing on her lips as she chuckles at something Haibara said, her fingers briefly brushing against yours. For a moment, you savor the warmth of her touch before sliding your hands into your hoodie pockets. You notice a slight dimming in her eyes, prompting you to remedy it by awkwardly resting your head on her shoulder as you all continue walking, muttering something about how Haibara can be pretty dumb.
Side Note: The speaker has run out of battery by now, so Suguru has Ieiri's iPod in his pocket, playing some random song at a low volume. It serves as background music, adding to the vibe of the stroll.
You can't recall how the night wrapped up — one moment, you're relishing the crisp night air while Gojo and Kento go back and forth, the other two idiots snickering in the background. Then suddenly, you find yourself sprawled on your bed, still decked out in the same clothes from the night out, silently gazing up at the blank expanse of your room's white ceiling.
Your eyes fixate on a piece of paper you taped up there ages ago, its gold lettering shimmering in the ambient lighting. A whirlwind of thoughts swirls through your mind, yet none quite break the surface. For a moment, you exist in the fabric of time, quietly tuning in to Suguru's thunderous snores echoing from the next room.
Suddenly, a text pinged on your phone. You knew instantly who the sender was as you groaned in annoyance and frustration. Crawling to your phone, which had been charging on the nightstand just above your head, you squinted your eyes at the brightness of the screen as you read the message.
Meeting. End of the month.
You almost wanted to throw a fit as a bubble of dread filled your being. Shutting the phone off, you tossed it to the side before flopping back onto your bed. Red-tinged eyes stared up, once again, at the ceiling.
You never knew an object could also have a fuzzy outline
Song Inspo: xanny - Billie Eilish
Oct 22 - Is this like a filler episode? Yes, yes it is. I just wanted some fluff and what better way than with a little Birthday special? 🎆
Nov 14 - Ha, nah. Also, I'm currently obsessed with Megan Thee Stallions new song Cobra.
This episode was supposed to be more light-hearted, but once I started typing, your character just took on a life of its own.
At first, Gojo was set on being Pikachu and Suguru, Stitch. However, when I considered the vibes and personas of those characters (admittedly, I don't know much about them), I recalled that Stitch was hella sassy, while Pikachu was pretty mellow. So, it just felt right to pair them up with their corresponding characters.
Originally, Suguru was supposed to drive recklessly, offering a glimpse into his deteriorating mental state and potentially hinting at suicidal tendencies. However, I added a playful dynamic between Utahime and him for a lighter touch, though it can still be interpreted differently.
I didn't plan to wrap up this episode the way I did, but it struck me as a fitting method of foreshadowing.
Gojo caught on to your spaced-out moment on the train, his black-tinted glasses shielding the fact from everyone else. But, his eyes were locked onto you the entire time.
It's one of my shorter episodes, yet it delves into the emotional turmoil your character seems to be constantly navigating, even in situations where it shouldn't be the case, like this relatively peaceful episode. It just goes to show that even when everything seems all right, it really isn't.
Kento took into account Ieiri's personality and preferences, which is why he suggested a simple night out in one of the busiest places in Japan.
Contrary to expectations, Gojo didn't go to flirt with pretty girls. In truth, he just wanted to stay with you and Suguru as a way to compensate for all the isolation he felt.
The act of denying yourself the simple touch of Ieiri's hand holds a deeper meaning; it's a symbol of rejecting affection, perceiving it as a potential threat to your own being. It also mirrors your reluctance to allow her into your personal space. Yet, in your attempt to spare her sorrow, you seek alternative paths. However, this action is also symbolic of your manipulative tendencies. On one side, you're indifferent to the possibility of causing her pain, yet on the other, you strive to maintain a facade of camaraderie. It's a double-edged blade, where the latter is the subtler but significant edge.
Usually, when someone puts something on the ceiling, it's often a way to convey that the person attaches some hope or sentiment to the object. It's like they're looking forward to it or, at the very least, it holds strong sentimental value.
The piece of paper taped to the ceiling is a direct reference to a previous episode. Did you ever figure out to whom the card belonged? And why is it taped to the ceiling?
A meeting at the end of the month? What's that about?
Yet, the lingering question persists: What exactly is your relationship with Gakuganji?
Drop a comment!
Feel free to donate me a🦩
Hope you enjoyed!
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Dear Headmage
Tsunotaro(a.k.a. Malleus Draconia) seems to be upset being not invited to regular meetings
Therefore, Can I ask you to visit Tsunotaro yourself and tell when the meeting will be held? I believe you can do so, since you are the generous Headmage
Sincerely, Ramshackle dorm's prefect
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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I believe you can do it, since you are our very generous headmaster!
They're right, I AM very generous! Crowley glowed with pride at the recollection of your letter. Its closing, so patently designed to stroke his ego--and it was working.
He swept down Main Street, alternating between the heel of his cane and his polished shoes connecting with the paved road. It was balmy today, the sky cornflower blue with thin wisps of white. Perfect for a stroll.
Crowley nodded to each of the Great Seven as he passed. Even their stone replicas exuded power and authority that far encompassed his own. Oh, I am so very humble as well!
"... Hm?" Crowley scratched his head. He stopped before the statue of the Thorn Fairy. She stood tall and regal in her robes, briar creeping at her feet. “Now what was it exactly that the Prefect asked me to do?"
A sudden shiver ran down Crowley’s back. He sensed a darkness looking behind him, like a sudden chill in the midst of the warmed morning.
"Headmaster,” a low voice crooned.
“Good morning,” Malleus greeted. He greatly resembled the Thorn Fairy himself—waxy skin, raven locks, the horns, bright and reptilian eyes. When he smiled, he showed his fangs. “I had not expected to cross paths with you here.”
“I’m paying my respects to the Great Seven. Typically I wait until the afternoon, but the weather was too nice to resist. The early bird gets the work, as they say!” Crowley chuckled, waving a hand. “Presumably you are doing the same?”
“That is correct. We fae are closely intertwined with nature, thus we favor the season in which the world is reborn. On this day, I thought it fitting to give gratitude to the great Thorn Fairy, one of our own.”
“I see, how very thoughtful of you!” the headmaster gushed. “Now, if only more students had the same kind of attitude instead of rushing about willy-nilly! They fail to acknowledge the important accomplishments of the past that allow them to live such carefree lives in the present!”
“I wholeheartedly agree. There is much wisdom to be gained by observing and honoring the past.”
“You understand! Fufufu, to think that I have the privilege of having such diligent students. I shall leave you to your appreciation then. Do be certain you are not running late for your lectures!”
“I would not dream of it, sir.”
They parted ways, the headmaster continuing his trek toward the main school building. Still, the idea of Malleus lingered like a dragon’s shadow over a village. As if lying in wait, as if anticipating an event.
“Such a enigmatic boy, that one…” Crowley muttered to himself. “Hmm? That's strange, now why do i feel as though I've forgotten to do something...?"
But no sooner was that thought banished from his mind.
Oh well, that’s a problem for future-me to deal with! I’m sure it’s nothing important~
Now then, whose class should I crash today? Professor Trein's? Professor Crewel's? Or perhaps Coach Vargas's? Decisions, decisions!
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iamthecomet · 2 months
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦: 𝘈𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘴
Rating: G Pairing: Mountain, Dew and Soot. Words: 1.1k
Featuring the return of Soot from The Day Dissolved.
Mushy May brought to you by @forlorn-crows Divider by @ghuleh-recs
Also available on AO3
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Mountain doesn’t usually have trouble befriending the Abbey strays. He’s got a cadre of crows and ravens who bring him trinkets. A raccoon who thinks he’s a pet. Squirrels and chipmunks who are always happy to come up and take nuts right from Mountain’s outstretched fingers. 
So one little cat shouldn’t be a problem, but she is. 
Mountain’s tried everything. Three different kinds of cat food. Tuna. Raw meat. She eats all of it–but won’t come anywhere near it if he’s within earshot. He catches her little black shadow darting around the grounds. In his greenhouse even, keeping to the shadows. Mostly he sees her in the abbey graveyard. 
A fitting place for a black cat. 
She’s tiny. Mountain isn’t sure if she’s still a kitten, or just small. She’s fluffy, black, with big green eyes that stare at him from the underbrush as he walks closer. She never hisses, never swats. But she also shows no interest in him. They’ve had several stand offs in the oldest section of the graveyard. Mountain holding raw chicken between his outstretched fingers and this little cat turning her nose up at it and scurrying away. 
He isn’t sure why it matters. At first he tells himself it’s because he wants to make sure she’s safe and healthy. That he feels a duty to protect the living things in the abbey grounds. And also–he doesn’t love the idea of a stray cat around. Bad for the birds–and he knows how upset Cirrus gets when the cats go after them.
He’s followed her all the way to the crypt today. Trying to stay far enough back that he doesn’t scare her off. She knows he’s there–she’s a cat. But she doesn’t seem to care as long as he doesn’t get too close. He’s got more treats in his pockets. 
She stops at he steps to the crypt that holds all the past papa’s. She turns and looks at him, head tilting. He crouches down, reaches into is pocket and pulls out a chunk of salmon. God, Aether would kill him if he knew he was stealing meat to try to entice a cat. 
“Come on little one, I promise it’s better inside. All the salmon you could ever want, a warm bed. I’ll pet you as much as you want.” 
This is ridiculous he realizes as he talks to her. Bribing her. It isn’t because he just wants to keep her safe, or because he doesn’t want her out here hunting Cirrus’ birds. It’s also because it’s a challenge he can’t seem to win. Every other animal comes to him without any effort. What is wrong with this cat? The more she turns her nose up at him the more he wants to impress her. He wants to gain her favor, and when he thinks about it like that he feels more than a little insane. 
The little cat sniffs the air–takes a couple steps closer to him. Hope swells in his chest. He extends his hand even more, reaching for her. 
“That’s it, little one. Just a little closer.” 
The smell of cigarette smoke hits him. The little cat keeps coming closer and then walks past him, giving him just wide enough berth to avoid rubbing against his leg. Mountain startles, stands, turning as he does.
The little cat is winding between Dew’s legs. Nuzzling against his well worn boots. A warm purr reaching Mountain’s ears. The little cat looks up at Dew like he is everything and Mountain feels something sour in his stomach. 
Dew takes a drag off of his cigarette, he’s trying not to laugh–Mountain can tell. It doesn’t help. 
“I told her not to tell you.” Dew says, like this is all somehow the cats fault. “I knew you’d be like this.” 
“Like what?” 
“I’m not jealous I’m just…you?” 
“Rude,” Dew stubs his cigarette out on the bottom of his boot then bends down to pet the cat. She nuzzles into his hand. When he scoops her up, Mountain feels something akin to shock. Dew? Really? 
The little cat headbuts him, pressing her face right into Dew’s until he’s sputtering on cat hair. Mountain stares, watching her lick at Dew’s nose. Dew scrunches his face up. 
“Ok, Soot, you made your point. Enough.” 
“Yeah, because she looks like she rolled around in a fire place.” 
Mountain can’t stop staring. Can’t stop feeling the heat of betrayal in his chest. It’s all so stupid. He shouldn’t care–doesn’t really. Is glad this little cat has someone. But he knows he’s lost. It will never be him. 
“You can probably pet her now.” Dew nods to the little black fluff ball in his arms. 
Mountain gets closer, he offers his fingers too Soot. She untucks herself from Dew’s shoulder and sniffs at his fingers, little pink tongue darting out to lick the salmon juice from them. When he offers her the fish, she chops down on the chunk greedily. Purring happily as Mountain scratches her between the ears. 
“She’s a little brat,” Dew says, but the fondness in his voice makes Mountain’s chest feel warm, not jealousy this time. Dew really loves this little cat–even though he’d probably say otherwise. Maybe it’s ok that Dew has this–Mountain doesn’t need Soot. But Dew definitely does. 
“How’d you get her to come up to you?” 
“I didn’t. She just started hanging out with me when I came to the crypts to…you know…visit. And I knew you were trying to catch her so I just…I felt bad you know? This is your thing.” 
Mountain shrugs. He pulls his hand away and Soot tucks her face back against Dew’s. Cheek to cheek. 
“It’s fine. It’s a good match. You're both picky brats. You can bring her inside you know. Papa doesn’t care.”
Dew laughs. “I know…I’m not sure either of us are ready for that kind of commitment yet.” 
“Typical.” Mountain says, stepping around Dew and heading back toward the greenhouse, intent on leaving Dew, and Soot, to their crypt visit. “Just…don’t do it again ok?” 
“What befriend an animal?” Dew rolls his eyes. “Not like I can control which animals like me better!” 
Mountain shakes his head. “Just…stay away from my ravens.”
“Oh, is now a bad time to tell you that one of them brought me money the other day? Do they do that to you?” 
Mountain groans, not dignifying that with a real response. His whole walk back to the greenhouse is filled with the sound of Dew’s distant laughter.
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honey-beann · 8 months
Sweet Victory
Connor x Reader Fluff
💕 - Kisses
Note: Okay look, I genuinely thought I hadn't gone that far over on this one until I put it in the word counter, so no judgement allowed! (For those of you who might not know this was supposed to be a 200-600 word drabble and I failed hard at keeping to that limit).
So, with that said, here is this request fulfilled with a word count far higher than I had initially anticipated (sorry, I apparently have no self-control).
A huge thanks to the Anon who requested this, and I hope everyone enjoys this random fluff fic!
Word Count: 2,534
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Okay, so maybe you could be a little bit competitive at times. Was that really such a crime?
Sure, this was supposed to be some children's event designed to help the DPD gain favor amongst the younger generation of Detroit Citizens, but what were you supposed to do, just let your teammate down? Hell no, if you were in it, you were in it to win it, and that was a fact.
"Okay, remind me of what we have left to find?"
You asked Louisa, the eight year old girl walking alongside you, who you had only just met twenty minutes earlier.
Prior to the notice you'd received just this morning, you'd had absolutely no idea about the fact that kids were coming into the DPD today, let alone that you would be paired with one for their little scavenger hunt (and that may have showed in how unprepared and unsure you seemed).
That said, somehow, you had ended up with the most understanding third grader of all time, which you found yourself incredibly grateful for.
Louisa checked her paper before continuing,
"It says we need to get warning citations written by an officer who isn't on duty right now, find where the Captain hides the donuts until after precinct meetings, and get something one of a kind from one of the detectives."
You raised a brow at that last one,
"One of a kind?"
You questioned looking down to see Louisa nodding in response as she looked down at the sheet in front of her.
"Yup. It says that at the end of the scavenger hunt Officers Miller and Chen will decide together who got the most unique item, and that that team will get points for the category."
"Huh, okay then."
You said, shrugging a bit before smiling down at your new friend,
"How about we go grab us some donuts?"
Five minutes and one trip to the storage closet later, and you and Louisa were making your way towards Chris Miller's desk, where you slid him his favorite powdered sugar confection before giving him your best (most pleading) smile.
"Wanna write us some citations, Officer Miller?"
You asked politely, watching as Chris looked down at the treat in front of him before looking back up at you and your partner with a slightly guilty looking smile.
"No can do, judges can't participate in the competition."
You groaned under your breath, shooting a nervous grin down to Louisa before you began scanning the bullpen with your eyes, looking around for another off duty officer while cursing yourself for never paying attention to the officer duty schedule.
That is, until your eyes landed on a familiar face.
Connor, everyone's favorite rk800 (or maybe that was just a you thing) was just sitting at his desk, all but begging to be interrupted by your shenanigans.
Instantly, you started making your way toward him, motioning for Louisa to follow you as you did so.
"Hey, you forgot your donut!"
Chris called after you, causing you to simply shake your head in response, a rather cheeky looking grin spreading across your face as you briefly turned to look at him.
"Don't need it."
Within moments, you were stood beside Connor's desk, hands clasped politely in front of you as you tried your best not to look as devious as you felt.
Immediately, the android looked up at you, a familiarly soft smile forming on his lips as he opened his mouth to speak, though he notably faltered when his eyes fell to the eight year old beside you.
"Good morning Detective, is there something I can help you with?"
He asked politely, his demeanor immediately making you smile ever so slightly.
"Hey Con, can I ask you a favor?"
The android in question seemed to perk up at your words, tilting his head as he turned his chair to face you and your new partner properly.
"Well I can certainly try. What can I assist you two with?"
You blushed ever so slightly at the sight of him as he turned to face you, trying your best not to make how good you thought he looked in that perfectly tailored dress shirt too obvious.
Thankfully, Louisa clearing her throat beside you brought you back to reality, and you quickly answered.
"We need an off duty officer to write us warning citations, but I can't remember the officer schedule for today. Did you happen to take a look at it anytime recently?"
Connor hummed, his LED briefly going yellow before slowly circling back to it's typical stagnant blue.
He nodded.
"According to the schedule, Officers Brown and Person are both off duty for the afternoon."
Your eyes scanned the room once more before they finally fell on Person, who sat at her desk, tapping away at her keyboard.
You grinned at Connor, fighting the urge to hug him as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
"Awesome, thanks Con!"
You enthused,
"I'll be sure to pay for lunch tomorrow to make it up to you."
The android in question smiled but shrugged his shoulders,
"I'm always happy to be of assistance, Detective, with or without incentive."
With that, he bid the two of you farewell before turning back towards his desk and continuing whatever he'd been doing prior to your (all too welcome) interruption.
Meanwhile, you and Louisa set off toward Officer Person's desk, which was when Louisa spoke up again.
"Was that your boyfriend?"
She asked, causing you to startle a bit before laughing nervously.
You trailed off, looking over your shoulder slightly to glance at Connor once more.
The man had super hearing, and would therefore probably hear what you were about to say, but if you thought too hard about that the words would never come, so you just pretended he was too distracted to listen properly.
"Kind of. We've gone on a few dates together."
Louisa smiled and nodded,
"Yeah, I thought so."
Your cheeks reddened slightly at her comment, but you pressed onward nonetheless until finally, you made it to Officer Person's desk, where you were immediately regarded with an almost taunting eyebrow raise.
"Did I see you using lover boy over there to your advantage?"
She teased as she pulled her citation notepad out of her desk, writing your name at the top without even having to ask any of the spelling details.
You blanched.
"Oh hush, Person, who else was I supposed to ask? He has a literal connection to the database in his brain."
The woman in front of you shrugged, but her grin remained persistent nonetheless.
"Whatever you say, Detective, I just thought the first kiss came a stage before asking for personal favors. But hey, I could be wrong."
She finished up your citation and ripped it away from the rest of her note pad with a flourish before handing it to you and shifting her attention towards Louisa.
"Now what's your name?"
She asked.
You rolled your eyes at your friend and coworkers antics, looking down at your citation with a sigh only to be met with an absolutely humiliating sight.
Under infraction, Person had put 'Not kissing by the fifth date despite previously verbalized intentions to do so'.
You groaned internally, glaring down at your still seated friend as she finished up Louisa's warning citation, which cited that she was 'Stealing the hearts of Detroit's finest left and right'.
She handed it to the young girl with a kind smile before turning her attention back to you, satisfaction written all over your face.
"Anything else you need, Detective? I could give you some courage for your next outing with -"
"I think we're all set, thanks Person."
You muttered through gritted teeth, watching as she simply laughed before giving you a nod and waving the two of you off.
"Well in that case you'd better get moving then, the scavenger hunt ends in five."
You felt your eyes widen at that, and you cursed quietly before looking around the room.
Your brain struggled to conjure up the image of anyone who could provide you with that final artifact, something so unique it was guaranteed to win. Something that was truly one of a kind.
At that, your mind abruptly brought your thoughts to Hank, the lieutenant detective like no other (because no other could ever get away with doing the things he did).
Spotting him just outside the break room, you hurried over, offering him a quick greeting before getting straight down to business. The clock was ticking after all.
"Hey Hank, got any unique items on ya?"
You asked, gesturing to Louisa at your side as your only explanation.
Hank sighed, clearly having been asked this question more than once this morning.
You bristled a bit at this, realizing that maybe asking Hank had been a bit too obvious of a choice.
Still, what other options did you have now with only two minutes left?
"C'mon Lieutenant, anything?"
You all but pleaded, watching as Hank sighed and pulled a gold plated DPD pen out of his pocket.
"Jeffrey bought one of these for each high ranking officer like fifteen years ago. As far as I know, he and I are the only ones left that still have one."
You cheered a bit at the win, thanking Hank profusely before walking over to the crowd of waiting students and precinct workers to see who would be crowned the winner once items were handed in.
Except as you stood with your partner at your side, you couldn't help but notice something shiny sticking out of Gavin's pocket.
"Hey Reed!"
You called out without thinking, catching the attention of the aforementioned officer immediately.
He replied snidely, never having been your biggest fan.
You ignored his tone.
"What'd you get for your unique item?"
Gavin regarded you with distrust for a moment before he seemed to get over it. He shrugged as he pulled the shiny thing out of his pocket entirely.
"Some pen Jeffrey gave my kid when he asked for a unique item. Said nobody else should have it."
You cursed under your breath, looking down at Louisa to find her staring up at you, the question of 'what do we do now?' obvious in her eyes.
You swallowed thickly, looking around the room at the various officers who were sitting at their desks.
You checked your watch.
Thirty more seconds.
Could you even hope to convince one of them to give you something by then, let alone have them actually find something genuinely one of a kind in so little time?
No, that would take far too long.
So now, you were left with only one option.
"Quick, come with me."
You told Louisa, taking her hand and weaving through the crowd with her, walking as fast as you reasonably could with a child at your side until you reached Connor's desk.
Sensing your urgency, the android stood as you grew closer, worry evident in his expression.
"Detective, is there something wrong? Do you need something?"
He asked, and you fought off the urge to take the additional time to assuage his fears and instead turned to face Louisa.
"Cover your eyes."
You told her firmly, watching as she nodded and did as she was told without question, equally as determined to win as you were, and knowing there was no time for you to clarify.
With that, you turned back to Connor, taking a single deep and shaky breath before speaking.
"Kiss me."
You said, cheeks immediately becoming warm as the man in front of you tilted his head in confusion, his eyes searching yours for any type of answer, or even just an ounce of context.
You looked down at your watch.
10 seconds.
"My apologies, Detective, but what did you just-"
"Con, I swear I'll explain later, but right now I really need you to kiss m-"
You were interrupted by a strong hand wrapping around your wrist and tugging you closer, and then suddenly, there were lips, warm and firm, pressing against your own.
You gasped briefly, shocked despite your previous pleas, before melting into the man in front of you, your arms moving to wrap around his neck as he kissed you so sweetly you could have wept.
By the time he pulled away, your face was beet red and your legs felt lie jelly.
Connor smiled nervously down at you, grabbing your hand to give it a gentle squeeze.
"I didn't think you would-"
"I figured it out."
He clarified before you could finish, glancing down at the pen in your pocket with a slight smirk.
"No need to clarify."
You nodded almost mindlessly, finding yourself crashing back into reality only when you heard your name get called from the other side of the room.
You snapped to attention, looking over to Chris and Tina, who were both holding back laughter.
"Sorry, what did you guys need?"
You asked, your voice slightly higher in pitch than usual as you struggled to contain your embarrassment.
"We need you to hand in your items."
Chris replied, and you nodded slowly before handing everything to Louisa, following behind her as she rushed back over to the group, immediately giving the judges everything the two of you had collected.
It was then and only then, after they scored the groups based on their initial findings, that they asked about the unique items.
And at that point, everyone began to share.
You thought about leaving, or maybe even just falling off the face of the earth altogether, but in the end when they called your name, you steeled your resolve, opening up your mouth to speak only to be interrupted by Louisa.
"She got a kiss from Detective Connor!"
She shouted giddily, all but dancing on her feet as she spoke, eyes gleaming in a way that told you how much the sight of your budding romance had excited her.
"It was their first kiss and everything!"
You felt your eyes widen at that comment, and in an effort to keep her from saying anything more you started to laugh nervously, watching as the whole room looked towards you, some of them grinning while others regarded you with a raised brow.
"Well, I mean..."
Tina began, chuckling a bit as she turned to her fellow judge to share her thoughts,
"I'm not sure if anything can beat that in terms of uniqueness."
Chris shook his head, smirking amusedly at your thoroughly embarrassed expression as he spoke up,
"You know what Officer Chen? I was thinking the exact same thing."
They looked at each other before nodding, choosing without hesitance to extend your misery.
"I guess that means we have our winners!"
They shouted together, causing the entire group to clap as you attempted to sink into the floor beneath your feet, far too nervous to look up and see the expressions of those around you.
Gee, this was gonna be a fun one to explain to the captain during your lunch break today.
'But hey', you thought as you looked down at Louisa's smiling face.
'At least we won'.
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taggedmemes · 5 months
we won't survive this if we don't stand together.
it is through conflict that we strengthen our bonds.
the next resolution may not end in her favor.
it's a question that burns in my belly day and night.
have you been looking at my differently?
i was too hasty to judge you.
i thought you witless, gutless, and unimpressively bland.
i thought you cruel, stubborn, and judgmental.
you have stoked fires i didn't know i possessed.
you've gained my respect.
you know how to set my heart racing.
we'll kiss and make up in our own time.
someone prodding at a newly opened wound doesn't help matters.
admirable conviction.
how can you go through all this trouble and not understand why?
secrecy is ingrained in me.
i like night orchids and can't swim.
i can't remember much of myself.
i hope that's the end of this silly quarrel.
killing's never my first choice, but they were too dangerous to leave alive.
i've come to sate you, and be sated.
time for pleasure has passed.
there's something i want to talk to you about, something important.
i owe you my life.
i may not have survived that night without you.
i'm trying to say that you've earned my trust in a way very few ever have.
i'm not usually one to elaborate if i can avoid it.
most fear the dark, because in darkness they see their fears reflected.
in darkness we do not hide, we act.
you pray with such conviction.
the presence of your goddess must fill your whole being.
perhaps we need not speak farewells.
i never pictured myself as a hero.
never thought i'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives.
i hate it, this is awful.
i would've liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.
all i want is a little fun.
it's not you, it's me. i have standards.
you have no idea how good it feels to see these people smiling.
don't waste a night like this talking to me.
i thought you might care to have a drink with me.
i rarely imbibe, the stuff goes right to my head.
before you know it, i'd be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person i laid eyes on.
you strike me as extremely resourceful.
there are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you.
i must not keep you all to myself, as enjoyable as that may be.
this might be the wine talking, but i'm feeling inspired.
look at them all, guzzling poison l ike we've the right to be happy.
i need to dance.. nope, i need to lie down.
the others will kill me if i keep you all to myself.
spontaneous thank-yous make me suspicious.
this is a night for celebration, not suspicion.
amid all this merriment, i wasn't sure we'd have a chance to speak this evening.
were our bond a little stronger, i might even have shared a moment of magic with you.
our fledgling acquaintanceship has not yet taken flight.
such intimacy will have to wait.
they could not match your nerve today.
it was enough to drive me to madness.
i won't be nursing their pounding heads and sicks stomachs in the morning.
everyone seems to be in high spirits.
you know who i never thought i'd find myself caring for.
i think you'll find i've been showing ample concern for myself since the moment we met.
share a bottle with me?
i'll find you after everyone's turned in for the night.
i think a toast is in order. any suggestions?
sounds like you just need a little more liquid inspiration.
you're beautiful.
i know [i'm beautiful], but you're sweet to notice.
i'll trust your judgement.
i do not truly care if you approve.
that night meant a lot to me.
i'm not sure what kind of sourtship we'll be afforded, given all that we're facing.
if you want to see where this goes, i do as well.
we share something special.
my people are nothing if not resourceful.
thought i'd shaken you for good.
that'll teach me to underestimate you.
she's trying to trick us, don't believe her lies.
when i saw an opportunity to get away, i took it.
you're asking me to trust a devil.
i don't want this to end badly for either of us.
you know monsters, right? better than anyone?
thought i was going to have to take your head.
there have been enough threats today.
how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards?
turns out i've got a knack for killing demons.
she looks like she could throw me over her shoulders and carry me to safety.
i'd hug you if it wouldn't scorch your skin off.
she's got the brawn of a warrior and the wiles of a survivor.
she speaks her mind, plainly and fully.
in other circumstances, i would have done the same.
best to not dwell on nights past.
you've been naughty.
you know what happens when you're naughty.
aren't you a luscious thing.
if i had a warm heart, i'm sure it would be skipping.
i've taken more pleasant shits than you.
that's no kind of talk for a lady.
you better not lay a damned finger on [name].
a promise broken, a price paid.
been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that.
he's a good man, maybe the best of us.
the sex gets better the more experience you have with someone.
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melanieph321 · 6 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - City Girls Part 5/8
The plot is twisting is all I can say about this chaotic chapter. 😮‍💨
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Reader plays for the Man City girls academy. She struggles a bit but gets Ruben to mentor her. The the two don't hit off despite having many things in common. It all gets worse when Reader eventually catches feelings for Ruben.
"You did what, with who?"
"Sshhh! Can you be any louder?"
You peered down the long line of girls before passing Ester the ball. She passed it on to the next person since coach had the team playing tiki taka for today's morning session.
"But Y/N, isn't Ruben...?"
"It doesn't matter what he is." You whispered. "He freak out on me right after and told me to leave his apartment."
"Well, can you blame him? This could end his career."
"Don't be so dramatic. Yes I'm in the academy but I'm not a minor."
"Does it matter? It's inappropriate. People might think he's been taking advantage of you since you met through the private lessons he's been giving you. Ruben could be suspendend from his team and so could you Y/N."
"I dunno." You muttered. "It seemed like something else was bothering him. Maybe I did something wrong?"
"Did he enjoy it? You know...until he kicked you out?"
"I think so."
"And did you...enjoy it?"
You thought back to that night. Ruben had seemed hesitant at first. And the ointment...so awkward.
"But then it wasn't...awkward. It was nice, just the two of you, kissing and humping.
Ruben seemed so eager to please you, not giving you a chance to return the favor.
"Yes!" You blurred out. "I enjoyed it."
Taken aback, Coach looked to Ester then back to you. "Well I'm glad you enjoy my training session Y/N, but that's not what I asked you?"
"I'm sorry coach."
You hadn't notice him blow the whistle. All the girls except for you and Ester had scattered from the line, leaving the field. Training was over.
"What was it you asked me, again?"
He sighed. "I said, it's best you head to the cafeteria and get yourself a snack before the first team start their session."
"I'm training with the first team?" You gasped joyfully.
"Yes, now go on. I've been putting in a good word for ya'. They won't like it if you're late."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you coach.
I won't disappoint you."
He laughed. "I am as hopeful as you are. Good luck."
"Can I come too?" Ester asked.
"I'm sorry Hofman, not this time?"
You looked at her remorsfully. "I promise to bring you som eggs on toast from the cafeteria."
Her smile was crooked. "Thanks Y/N and good luck. I'll see you back home."
You went your separate ways. By the time you got to the main building your stomach was aching for something to eat. To your luck the cafeteria resembled any five star hotel with a continental breakfast. You rushed to grab a plate since you didn't have much time. You piled on all your favorite foods and extra portions of protein. Ruben told you that it was possible for coach to let you play football the way you wanted to, you just had to get bigger and stronger. That starts with upping your calory intake.
"Slow down Rio or you'll choke on a sausage."
The mountain of food on your plate turned alot of heads as you made your way through the cafeteria. Not to mention the banter it caused when you joined some of the girls on the first team at their table.
"Are they starving you at home?" A girl joked.
"Chloe, be nice."
"The food here is just so good." You said, which was half the truth. Somthing told you to keep you intentions of gaining weight to yourself.
"Are you jokin'? No one fancies british cuisine. What do they serve in Brazil, cockroaches?"
The girls laughed.
"Chloe." The captain groaned. She was nice. Stephanie was her name. She always made sure that you felt included the times you played with the first team. She had been the one to wave you over to join the girls for breakfast. However, at the moment, you regretted not having ate before you left the house this morning. Now you had to hurry, doing so by stuffing your face with food before heading back out. But as you went to dump your tray, you bumped into something solid on your way out of the cafeteria.
"Sorry." You blushed, but quickly stiffened seeing who you had bumped into. "Oh, Ruben. Hi."
"H...how's it going?"
He was accompanied by a friend, perhaps his teammate. Either way, Ruben didn't find it necessary to introduce the two of you. Fortunately his friend was raised well enough to greet a stranger.
"Bernardo." He shook your hand. "But you can call me Ruben Dias personal wingmam."
You smiled. He was funny. At least he had more humor than Ruben, who looked to want to be anywhere else but there, with you."
"We should...." He muttered, pointing somewhere towards the foodline in the cafeteria.
You were disappointed. And you wanted to ask Ruben if you were still training later this afternoon, or had what happened between you change things?
"I'll see you." He said, which practically answered your question. The two of you went your separate ways. You had a lump in your throat stepping back onto the football field.
"Pass the ball Rio!"
There was a clear differences in quality when it came to playing with the women's first team. They trained with a higher tempo than the academy and included more drills during their training sessions. It was a slight adjustments for you, but not too difficult.
"Come on Y/N, at least keep up the pace!" Their coach shouted.
"Uh-oh." You stopped running. A twinge in your stomach had you place a hand to your belly as you stood in the middle of the football field.
"Come on Y/N, keep it moving!"
You tried to move, but every attempt to take another step seemed to trigger something from deep within. Somthing on the verge of erupting. The pain was sharp and intense, and it all seemed to be spreading throughout your entire body.
"Y/N, you okay?" Their coach blew the whistle, pausing the game.
You tried to shake off the pain, but it was no use. You doubled over, clutching your stomach, letting out a bubbly groan. The players gathered around you. "Um, I think she's gonna...."
Throw up.
Whatever word best described what came out of you. It was warm, blending easly with the grass on the pitch. The other players ran away, screaming in terror. Their coach was the one to help you back to he main building, to the infirmary where you now sat in shame, waiting for Ester to come and pick you up. Your head banged against the wall as you sat on the sickbed, almost tuning out the sound of a light knock on the door.
"It's me?"
Your back left the wall, seeing Ruben appear in the door. He stepped into the small room, shutting the door behind him.
"I heard what happened. Bernardo and I were just on our way out when..."
"Great." You sighed. How would you ever live this down?
"What happened, were you sick?"
He was truly concerned. Strange, you thought, since Ruben had given you the coldest of shoulders for days, not responding to any of your calls or text messages.
"Can I get you anything, water, ice...?"
"How about a toothbrush and a mint?"
He frowned.
"And a rocket. Yes." You smiled. "Something to take me off this planet immediately."
"Come on, Y/N." He approached where you sat on the bed. You hated yourself for making him room to sit down next to you. Nevertheless, that's what he did, sympathetically bringing his hand to your back, rubbing it. "Anyone can get sick." He said.
You squinted your eyes in pain, his sympathy along with the embarrassment, was all too much. "The first team are never gonna let me play with them again."
"Come on Y/N, don't say that."
"But it's true Ruben and it's all your fault."
"My fault." Ruben sat back, eyebrows furrowed. "What did I do?"
"You told me to get bigger so that I could dribble." You hissed.
"And what exactly did you do to achieve that?" He asked curiously.
"I stuffed my face, of course."
Ruben threw his head back, laughing.
"It's not funny." You groaned. Although the crinkle that appeared in the corner of his eyes when he smiled was simply a sight for sore eyes. He wiped a tear. "Y/N, I never told you to stuff your face. Do you know how dangerous and damaging that could be for your body. There are far more healthier ways to gain weight."
"Well, how was I supposed to know that? You're the expert and wouldn't even return my texts."
"Y/N." Ruben's hand got off your back, leaving a missing feeling. He stood. "I never meant for any of this to happen."
"What exactly? You giving me the greatest orgasm in my life, just to show me the door right after?"
"What Ruben? If you don't have anything else to say to me I suggest you leave." You lowered your head. "Maybe then you'll know what it feels like."
"I'm sorry." A set of warm hands went to tilt your face. Ruben's brown eyes were staring back at you with the deepest sincerity. "Like I said, I never meant for any of this to happen. I was never meant to fall for you Y/N."
"What?" You must have been mistaken.
Ruben smiled. And for a moment he looked hesitant but then his lips grasped yours in a soft yet exciting kiss. You grinned once his face pulled away from yours.
"What?" He asked.
"Do it again." You whispered.
He chuckled, but leaned in to peck your lips once more, planting an additional kiss on top of your nose.
"So...does this mean we're still on for this afternoon?"
Ruben sigh was heavy. "Like I said Y/N, I'll gladly help you become a better football player, but whatever you and I have ends here. I have a girlfriend and she can't find about what happened between us."
You felt cold, drained from all the warmth in your body, including the blood that paled your face. "Y...you have a what?" His hands still held your face, but with a swift tugg you had him remove them.
"A girlfriend Y/N. I'm sorry to have to tell you like this but like I said, what happened between us was never supposed to be. Besides, I could get in alot if trouble with the club, not to mention the media if they ever found out."
"I can't believe this." You sighed. Ester was right. You were such a fool.
"But don't worry. If we keep things professional between us I can still...."
"Get out."
You spoke too low. Ruben didn't hear you. And so you took a deep breath. "I said, get the fuck out of here. Out of this room and out of my life."
"Now, Ruben, I mean it. Get the fuck out!"
"Y/N, let's not....we can still be together just not...."
You hopped off the bed. Furious that Ruben would get to see you cry. "OUT!" You shouted, escorting him towards the door. Unlucky for you he didn't get far. In the doorway as the door came ajar, stood Ester, her head turned to the side, flashing you an eavesdropping ear.
"Ester?" You frowned. "What are you..."
She perked up. "I'll tell coach."
"Ester?" You said, with a graver tone.
"Don't try and make excuses, I already know that the two of you are sleeping together." Her voice was unsteady. Ruben looked to you, rightfully confused. "And who are you?" He asked bluntly.
"Your worst nightmare." Ester said, with a glare you had never seen on her before. It was eveil, desperate and deceiving.
"Ester please, you don't know..."
"Schluss mit der Scheiße, Y/N." (Cut the shit Y/N.) "I already know that the two of you are fucking, you told me so yourself."
"Why are you doing this?" You asked,  desperate to know how Ester, your friend,  could dare threaten everything your family has worked so hard for you to achieve.
"I deserve to play with the first team." She said. The words sounding childish and timid coming out of her mouth.
"But..." You stuttered. "If that's all it is..." Why hadn't she spoken to coach or simply work harder, you thought.
"Don't you see." She laughed. "With you on the team, the brazilian football protégé from the streets of Rio, I'll never get a chance." To your suprise Ester was crying. "I am already overseen by coach simply because I got stuck with you as my roommate. Now I've got to hear about you going on and on about some guy who clearly is only interested in fucking you."
"Okay, that's it. I've heard enough." Ruben had thought to do the right thing to let Ester explain herself. But the more he did, the  more he let her talk, the more he saw how much it hurt you, and so he put an end to it. "Let's go." He said, grabbing your hand, leading you out of the infirmary. Ester was left behind, along with her half hearted threats.
"Ruben whatta....Where are you taking me?" You felt like vomiting again and you had a throbbing headache.
"Minha casa. Você vem para ficar comigo." (My place. You're coming to stay with me.)
"I'm not letting you stay with that girl, whoever she was. She was clearly out of her mind."
"But Ruben I can't." You tried to tugg your arm free, however Ruben was way too strong. He barley budged.
"Y/N, please don't fight me on this one. You can stay with me, I have a spare bedroom."
"What about your girlfriend?"
He froze. In the midst of pulling you out of the main building, Ruben froze. The grip he had around your arm loosen a little. He ran his free hand down his face, tired, perhaps of arguing. "Like I said Y/N, I'm partly responsible for this mess. Just trust that I'll take care of it. I want to take care of it. But for now let me take care of you."
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portaltothevoid · 6 months
God Called In Sick Today — Chapters 1 & 2
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Summary: It’s the ghafia fic you didn’t know you needed… When a mission goes south, Copia is left scrambling to figure out a plan to get the mayor-to-be in favor of the Emeritus family. That’s where Arianna Diodati, the Mafia Princess of his (very Catholic) rival, comes in. He plans to use her as a bargaining chip to get what he wants. Did he place the right bet or did he take more than he bargained for?
Word count: 5.8k ~//~ Warnings: mafia au, copia x oc, death/murder, gun usage, angst, physically and verbally abusive relationship, domestic violence (between oc x oc), (brief, almost subtle) dacryphilia, kidnapping, dark copia, cliffhanger, enemies to lovers, slow burn
A/N: Surprise! It's a double feature! Fair warning, the next chapters won’t be up til I have a few under my belt so that they can be posted regularly and since I’m still working on You’re Losing Me as well… it might be a while. But I am so so excited for this, that I had to give you all a taste! Massive, massive thank you to @fishwithtitz @da-rulah and @copias-juicebox for beta reading and listening to me talk about this non-stop as I worked out the plot 🖤(photos in mood board all found on pintrest and dividers by @gothdaddyissues!)
Chapter One -- The Sermon and The Plan
It was never a good sign when Papa Emeritus IV demanded a mandatory mass that wasn’t on Sunday. Usually, meetings such as this would be for the upper echelon of the clergy and the Ghouls, but this time around, every single member of the Satan’s Ministry was in attendance. No one dared speak or even look away from their Papa as he stood, eyeing everyone in the room like the disappointed father he was. 
Those in the front row could hear his leather gloves squeak against the oak of the pulpit as he gripped it like a stress ball. His unique set of eyes, one green and one white, focused on one specific Ghoul. His expression darkened like an approaching storm, which made for his already intimidating skull-painted face to become menacing. As for the Ghoul, if it weren’t for the silver-horned mask covering his face, even Papa would have seen the beads of sweat dripping down the sides of it. He knew he was the reason everyone was here and why Papa looked beyond furious. He knew it the moment he saw the blue and red flashing lights at the docks.
“As most of you know,” the Satanic pope began, “our latest operation was thwarted by carelessness. All of you deserve to know why, but first, it isn’t a true Mass without a sermon, hm?” 
He clasped his hands behind his back as he turned to walk to his right, addressing those in the pews in front of him. “Pride and greed. Two sins that often go hand in hand. Sins which we celebrate here. It seems I need to remind you all that the celebration of sin, any sin, does not give one a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want, eh?”
He turned again, to walk to the other side of the sanctuary. “Every coin has two sides. At what point does living in sin, celebrating sins, become a hindrance? 
“Pride. An excessive belief in one’s abilities. Pride can make one think they are untouchable. Pride is the sin that pushes us to achieve greatness not just in the name of Satan, but for ourselves. And there, we find greed. A desire for wealth, for gain. But, again I ask you all, when does celebrating these glorious sins become a hindrance?” 
Now, he was in front of the pulpit. Leaning against it was a cane, something he only brought out for show or to inflict pain. While he was addressing everyone, his dichromatic eyes landed on the trembling Ghoul in the center. “Excessive or grandiose sinning becomes a deterrent when it puts the lives of others at risk, when it puts an institution, a family, that you’ve devoted your life to at risk.” Grabbing the cobra head handle, Papa gracefully jumped down to walk in front of the first row. “Many of you are aware of a mission we set out on recently. A mission to save helpless women and children from a sex-trafficking ring. There also was to be an exchange of money. These degenerates were exchanging quite a large sum of money for this transaction. Those prisoners were denied the choice of freedom we offer here. We were denied what was to be used as payment to put the malleable Gregory Osorio in our corner. We have very little time to come up with this sum to get a powerful, up and coming politician in our corner. One who could turn votes in our favor. One who would look out for us. One who would defiantly oppose the Diodati dickheads.
“This mission was not successful. By the time our Ghouls arrived, the prisoners were ‘rescued’ by the police. The money – that should have been ours – confiscated. I know many have wondered how this could have happened. Well, children, the answer is simple.
“Pride… and greed…” he spoke slowly, as he walked down the center aisle, dragging his cane along the ends of the pews. “Someone felt too secure in themselves… Felt they could just… open their fucking mouth to anyone who would fucking listen… while not realizing… They were fraternizing with an informant for the enemy.” He paused his promenade. “This was not a simple mistake. This was blatant negligence from someone who I know, for a fact, knew better. This Ghoul broke our Sacramentum Secreti (Oath of Secrecy).” He began walking again. His cane hit a pew with every word. “Internal problems will be dealt with.”
He stopped. Everyone turned to look at Papa, except for one Ghoul. Papa reached over, using the tip of his cane to force him to look at his figurehead, his boss. With a look that could kill and a wave of his hand, he indicated the Ghoul to walk in front of him back up to the sanctuary.
After twenty paces, “Ghoul, you seem to be limping. I wonder why that is… Is it because your pain and suffering is a message from La Famiglia Diodati?” he remarked snidely. 
When Papa planted himself behind the pulpit, he pointed the cane to indicate a spot on the ground. “Kneel,” he commanded. On shaky legs, the Ghoul did as he was told.
Papa dragged his gaze up to the choir loft before him, where one of his best Ghouls was waiting for the signal. Painstakingly slow, he looked back at the insurrectionist. “Per aspera, ad inferi,” he prayed. Again, he made eye contact with the one in the choir loft, giving a solitary nod.
In the blink of an eye, the Ghoul to Papa’s right jolted back slightly, a red dot forming in the center of his forehead. As deep burgundy liquid dripped from it, the congregation gasped, and the Ghoul toppled forward onto his masked face with a deafening thud.  
Papa bowed his head, but his eyes passed over everyone clutching their rosary beads in front of him. Somehow, this look was more sinister than it was at the start. “Let it be known that internal problems will be dealt with,” he paused dramatically, “by whatever means necessary.”
And with that, he turned heel and left through the back door, concluding mass.
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“Do we really need Osorio this time around? Putting our efforts into driving back the Diodatis would be more beneficial,” Secondo, the second oldest Emeritus, argued. The highest members of the clergy and of the Emeritus family were gathered in their meeting room reserved for familial “business” matters. 
A leather clad fist slammed on the dark cherry wood table. “And what the fuck do you think getting Osorio on our payroll would do?” Papa snapped. Secondo just rolled his eyes in response. “We’re running out of fucking time.”
“There’s that charity gala, or whatever the fuck, tomorrow. I could just use my lascivious charm to reel in Osorio,” Papa’s predecessor and brother, Terzo, waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Papa pinched the bridge of his nose, leaning back in his luxurious leather office chair. 
“Copia, he actually–and it pains me to admit this–might be onto something. That gala could be a way in,” the eldest Emeritus agreed as he pressed his elbows into the table, his fingers interlacing in front of him, as he stared down his youngest brother and the church’s current Papa. 
Terzo waved his hand and his smirk deepened with Primo proving his idea had some merit. 
“We have nothing to give Osorio! The whole point of that mission was to dangle that money in his face,” Copia countered. 
“So instead we ask him his price,” Terzo shrugged nonchalantly. 
“How many of Sal’s men will be there?”
“I believe just his right-hand, Alessio Fidanza and his fiancée and probably only a handful of his associates,” Primo relayed. 
Copia’s eyebrows shot up at the mention of the fiancée. “Isn’t that Sal’s daughter? The prim and proper Mafia princess?”
“For what it’s worth, my advice as your consigliere would be to attend this gala for recon purposes only. Yes, our time is running out, but we still have time to sway Osorio.” For the first time an older woman, who everyone called Sister Imperator, spoke up. She had been keenly observing Copia’s every move, just as any mother would her son, carefully watching knowing he was especially volatile right now. 
“And Sal, what about him? He’ll be there too?” Copia asked, ignoring the woman beside him.
“As far as we know, yes.”
A wicked, devilish smile spread across Copia’s face, exaggerating the black paint reminiscent of a rat’s skull around his mouth. 
“No… Copia, what are you thinking?” Sister Imperator asked hesitantly. She knew that look. They all did.
“Oh we’ll get some information. We will find out Osorio’s price and we will get Diodati’s attention.”
“Elaborate, brother,” Secondo said wearily. They knew Copia had just hatched a plan and from the look on his face, it was going to be far from easy.
“Diodati thinks he has the upper hand, sì? We can kill two birds with one stone. Show him who has the power here and get the money from him to pay off Osorio so those Catholic fucks can’t use God as a basis for politics.”
“And how exactly… would we do that? Are we intercepting one of their shipments or–” Sister Imperator began to ask hesitantly until she was cut off.
“It’s simple,” Copia stated. He leaned back in his chair casually this time, his elbows perched on the chair’s arm rests. He waved his hands in front him as if he was presenting a physical idea. “We kidnap la Principessa di Dio.”
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Chapter Two -- You Should Be Scared
The last thing Arianna Diodati wanted to do was attend some pompous charity event chained to her fiancé wearing a designer dress she hated and a fake smile. She thanked God that she didn’t have to endure the after parties; she could retreat to solitude and her husband-to-be could do whatever (and most likely whomever) he wanted there. Not knowing what happened at those parties used to ruminate in her mind like a catchy pop song… until she actually found out. 
The infidelity bothered her at first, caused her to lose sleep at night, and question her worth. She used to be confrontational. She used to stick up for herself. She used to care. Arianna learned the hard way that Alessio Fidanza never actually wanted her or truly loved her. Maybe at first he did, but as time marched on, she came to realize the only thing he cared about was having an in with the most illustrious mafia family in New York City. The closer he got to her, the closer he got to Arianna’s father aka the boss of the Diodati family, and the higher up in the ranks he rose, the less he paid her any attention – or respect. In less than a handful of years Alessio was promoted as Salvatore Diodati’s right hand man. He learned the ropes, got enough blood on his hands, and eventually helped call the shots. She was used to her father dictating her life, but now, finding herself under the thumb of another man? There were only two things she could do: watch her life pass her by from behind barred windows and pray to God someone would eventually notice (and care enough about) her imprisonment to save her.
Nevertheless, she admired herself in the mirror; for once, she wore a dress that made her feel confident. Her black cherry red curls cascaded around her face. For a moment, she could see a sparkle, or a glimmer of hope, returning in her hazel eyes as she noted how the asymmetrical dress framed her body perfectly. Satin jersey panels on the two thirds of the dress accentuated her curves as it snaked down the length of it. It draped up, slightly off one shoulder while the other was a simple strap clad with the subtle (yet signature) Versace Medusa emblem. That side of the dress was a simple satin. A slit allowed one of her toned legs to peek through adding an air of sexy sophistication to the look. She was almost smiling until she heard her fiancé behind her.
“You’re wearing that tonight?” And with that snide question, the sparkle in her eye dimmed once more, returning to their usual lackluster shine.
“Um, yes? I showed it to you, remember? You said it would be fine…” she said hesitantly, her voice dancing on eggshells, and her small smile fading.
Alessio scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Do you think I pay attention to half the stuff you show me? If I saw something like that, I would have remembered. Wear the other Versace dress. The one I had Roberta pick up for you.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “Specifically for tonight,” he added, his tone proving he had little patience for her tonight.
“But what’s wrong with this one? It’s not like it’s–”
He sprung at her, his nostrils flaring as he gripped her arms tighter than a blood pressure cuff. She fought back the tears that pricked in her eyes. “You look like one of Satan’s whores. Now,” he spoke through gritted teeth, “put on the other dress.” He shoved her back, her arms flew out to find purchase on the dresser beside her so she wouldn’t fall. The few perfume bottles that toppled over made an almost deafening sound amongst the tension. Her breathing was ragged as she glared at him. His look back at her served as a warning. 
She never understood how someone who claimed to be so devoted to God could be so evil, but she had to trust God’s plan for her. This all had to serve a purpose, didn’t it?
Her eyes closed as she composed herself, doing her best to stuff down the ever-raging storm of anger that lately seemed to be constantly brewing inside her. “Yes, Alessio. It’s the one still in the garment bag?”
Slowly he rolled his head up to look at the ceiling, before bringing it back to glare at her. “Obviously, you dumb bitch. Hurry up and get fucking changed. I can’t afford to be late tonight because of you,” he spat as he walked out of their room. 
Once more, she took a deep shuddering breath, her whole body trembling on the exhale. Stepping out of her preferred dress, she left the almost four thousand dollar garment lying crumpled on the floor. 
Now as she looked at herself in the mirror again, she saw a stranger she didn’t even recognize despite the only thing that physically had changed was her dress. She noted how her eyes seemed more hollow. The color in her face had paled. There was nothing but a stranger who once had dreams and ambition staring back at her. None of this felt real. 
The worst part of it all was that under any other circumstances, she would have loved wearing this. It was a black viscose material. A slim-fitting, hooded crêpe dress with a plunging V-neckline that was much more revealing than her own choice, but this one had long sleeves and went down to her mid-calf. There was a criss-cross belt also adorned with Versace’s Medusa logo, only this one was more prominent than the one on her choice of dress. 
She let out a humorless laugh as she adjusted the long sleeves. All she wanted tonight was to feel confident, to show off some skin, because things had been relatively quiet as of late. Alessio was kept busy, his attention divided elsewhere. For the first time in a while, her arms didn’t look like an abstract painting. 
If she had been the one to pick out this dress, her sentiments towards it would have been different. She didn’t want to hide, but this was what Alessio wanted her to wear. There was no way around that unless she wanted to pay the price. Letting out a heavy sigh, she put the hood up. This dress felt like the most high end and lavish prison jumpsuit. No one would know how much it felt like she was wearing shackles, a stark reminder that her choices were never own. But at least tonight she wouldn’t have to come up with a lie to explain the fresh bruises on her arms.
A single tear slid down her face, which she quickly wiped away. With a shake of her head, she put her emotions under lock and key, tucking it away into a dark corner of her mind. She practiced her million dollar smile and nodded to herself, putting her shoulders back and her chest out –a mirage of confidence and happiness– and made her way to the Bentley that was waiting for her. 
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No matter the formal event, the routine was almost always the same. Arianna would find her father, talk to and dance with who he (or Alessio) told her to, have two strong drinks (but no more than that or else she’d have to deal with a very irate Alessio), fake pleasantries with the other ladies who were just as much a prisoner to this life as she was, then once the crowd began thin, could she retreat. Tonight would be no different. At least, that's what she had assumed.
She greeted her father with a kiss on the cheek. “Arianna, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” he father said, ushering over to a man that was just about six or seven years older than her. He looked just like everyone else here like he came from money and would stop at nothing to get more. “Greg, this is my daughter, Arianna. Arianna, this is Gregory Osorio, our soon to be Mayor.”
This Greg guy let out a low whistle as he looked Arianna up and down. “Sal, you weren’t kidding. She is absolutely stunning. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard so many things about you.”
“All good things, I hope,” she said with a smile that would never quite reach her eyes. 
“Oh, absolutely! Your dress looks like it was made for you. Ah, how do you say it… You look… bellissima!” 
“You’re too kind. Alessio convinced me to wear this tonight. I have to give all the credit to him,” she laughed, keeping up the ruse of niceties as Alessio dug his fingers into her side. It was his retaliation for the subtle jab she just made at him, even though these people would never ever know that it was. 
“Fidanza, you are a lucky man!” 
“I thank God everyday for her,” Alessio said, giving one more bruise-worthy squeeze on Arianna’s waist. He dropped his hand when everyone’s attention snapped towards the door. The group that had just arrived turned heads as they sauntered in. 
“Who invited those Emeritus fucks?” Sal snapped. 
“Copia put a call in himself to my office about a sizable donation for tonight. I figured if he's willing to be a top donor–perhaps even the top donor tonight–they might as well enjoy some of the festivities, no?” Osorio responded cautiously. “If you’ll excuse me, Sal…”
They exchanged nods as Gregory meandered through the crowd. Sal snapped his fingers. “I want eyes on them. They’re fucking up to something. Never once have they given a shit about things like this.”
“On it, boss,” one of his men said before he disappeared amongst the throng of people.  
Arianna never liked the Emeritus family. In fact, she borderline hated them with their menacingly painted faces and blasphemous way of life. She never quite understood how they rose to rival that of her family. Perhaps they really did make a deal with the devil.
“I’m going to grab a drink,” she said quietly. Alessio just waved her off, her father already in a passionate discussion regarding something she couldn’t care less about.
She made her way to the bar, getting the attention of one of the bartenders. “Your usual, Ms. Diodati?”
“Yes, please,” she smiled. 
It wasn’t long until she felt a pair of eyes on her from the other end of the bar. She looked up to see Copia, the ringleader of the Satanic circus, staring her down like a hunter watching its prey. It sent a shiver down her spine, but all he saw was the scowl that encapsulated her face. That only made him smirk at her.
She rolled her eyes in disgust, looking away from him. Out of the corner of her eye, though, when she knew his attention was back on someone that wasn’t her, she couldn’t help herself from taking in his appearance. She hated to admit, he looked… elegant. His burgundy pants were impossibly tight in all the right ways. It pained her to acknowledge the way they perfectly hugged his thighs. He had foregone his suit jacket, leaving just his matching burgundy vest and black dress shirt and tie. His sleeves were rolled up and she could see his muscles flex as he grabbed his drink.
Her eyes lingered for a few seconds too long. This time, he caught her watching him. His mouth curled up again into a sly half-smile as he took a drink. His dichromatic eyes never left her. The instant her drink hit the counter, she brought it to her lips and weaved her way through everyone back to Alessio in hopes of putting distance between her and whatever exchange had just taken place.
Shortly after she resumed her role as the token arm candy she was, did her father tense up when a leather clad hand slapped his shoulder. “Salvatore! Come stai (how are you)?”  
“Copia,” he greeted stiffly. “To what do we owe this… surprise?” The words rolled off his tongue as if they made his skin crawl. 
“Can’t a man just be willing to support a good cause such as this?”
Sal’s only response was to purse his lips. Copia was reveling in the fact that just his presence alone was getting under his enemy’s skin. “Say, Copia, did you hear about the girls that were rescued from trafficking by the docks the other day?” A condescending smirk now replaced the sour look on his face.
Copia’s eyes darkening was the only acknowledgement of Sal’s jab he let slip. “Ah, yes, thank the Gods below they’ve been transferred from one prison to another, being treated as criminals instead of victims.”
“Well, a whore contained is better than a whore on the street.”
Copia laughed sneeringly. “Ah, and I’m sure by whore, you mean a two-bit one. Tell me, though, what are the plans after this? Anyone escorting you to the after party?” he smirked as it was Sal’s turn for his expression to darken. 
Arianna didn’t realize she was watching this with bated breath, or that she was clinging to Alessio until he shook her off him. Copia's eyes immediately darted to Arianna’s fiancé breaking free of her almost death grip to take a step towards him. “You know, since you’re here, a thanks is in order,” Alessio said cunningly. “Those girls couldn’t have been saved without the helpful information one of your soldiers let slide right off his tongue. I’ve gotta say, that was a lucky group of girls.”
“Life’s just a game of luck, isn’t it?” Sal chimed in with a shrewd smile directed at Copia. 
“And I thank you as well, gentlemen, for helping me shed some dead weight.” The tenison grew thick as the flames of their rivalry were fanned with each remark. “But, a real man makes his own luck.” He casted a quick astute glance with an accompanying nod to Sal before he turned to directly face Arianna. “Perdonami,” he murmured gently, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. “Arianna, e come stai stasera, principessa (and how are you tonight, princess)?” 
Her heart thumped wildly against her sternum and her eyes flashed nervously over to Alessio. She knew somehow this man’s unprompted actions would be her fault. Both men noted immediately how her body stiffened. One was amused by her fear while the other felt a pang of pity. “Bene, grazie (good, thank you),” she piped up meekly. 
“Would it be alright if I stole la bella donna (the beautiful woman) for just one dance?” he asked the two men beside him, only taking his eyes off Arianna for a mere second.
Giving Alessio a slap on the back, “She’s practically yours now, son. That’s your call to make,” her father laughed as he walked off towards the bar.
Arianna widened her eyes, begging Alessio to say no. Rolling his lips between his teeth as he pondered his decision quickly. He nodded, another sly smile curling the edges of his mouth. “One song wouldn’t hurt, eh? Careful though, she’s a pistol. Hope you can handle her. Lord knows some days I barely can.”
Copia laughed dryly. “I think someone of my stature knows how to handle one of those quite well,” he challenged, ushering Arianna away quickly.
Alessio reached out and grabbed her by the arm, just like he had earlier, turning her towards him. She inhaled sharply through gritted teeth at the pain as he had constricted her already tender bruises. “I’ll be waiting by the bar for you,” he hummed as his eyes flicked back and forth between Arianna and her new dance partner, before they lingered on her. She knew that look on his face. It was another warning. Without a sound, he let go of her, and followed the path of her father.
Copia’s arm snaked around her waist. He made it a point to do it gingerly, but that did nothing to calm her rattling nerves. “You’re trembling, cara,” he noted quietly, turning to face her, placing a hand on her hip on the same spot Alessio’s fingers left painful imprints. Her eyes fluttered shut when she involuntarily shied away from him. He eyed her curiously as he switched hands, placing one on her opposite hip and taking her hand in his other. She never quite understood the random ballroom dancing that happened at some of these parties.
“I’m not afraid of you.”
A sinister laugh quietly bubbled from him as he leaned to whisper in her ear, “You really should be.”
“And why’s that?” she challenged as they stepped in time together. Unsure of how, or why, but she could feel some of her old fire ignite inside her. 
“Now, now, if I answered that it would ruin the surprise.”
She spoke in a way so her lips didn’t move, but Copia could understand her muffled words perfectly: “My father has eyes on you, you know.” This came off as more of a warning of caution than a threat. 
“I’d expect nothing less from him. The real question is, does he have eyes on you?”
“I highly doubt it. I’ve proven to him I’ve learned from my rebellious ways,” she scoffed.
“The consequences aren’t worth the… It serves no purpose anymore.”
After a few beats of silence, Copia asked, “Why do you let them treat you like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like they own you.”
For the first time since their dance began, she looked directly into his two-toned irises. Her breath hitched. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone, never mind a practical stranger, had even acknowledged her feelings or that she might have any at all. Her life wasn’t her own; it was already planned out. She could picture her life with Alessio as if she already lived. It’s mostly the reason she had become a shell, a carbon copy of herself. She felt like she was standing on the edge of a tall cliffside with no one to pull her back and no one who noticed, or even cared… So why was her father’s sworn enemy acting as if he did? And why in God’s name did it make her stomach flip and her heart flutter? “Because they do,” she finally managed to say through barely parted lips.
As the song ended, Copia regarded her with a smug, yet sympathetic look. He stepped towards her, pressing his body against hers, bringing his forehead down to hers. Standing there frozen, there was nothing she was able to do except stare into the most intriguing pair of eyes she’d ever seen. “Il mio agnellino (my little lamb)…” he purred. A devilish smile creeped onto his face. “I’ll see you soon.” 
He abruptly left her standing there like a deer in headlights with her heart hammering in chest, and disappeared into the crowd. She sucked in a deep, ragged breath as she looked around checking to see if there were any witnesses to what just happened. 
That man was evil. She knew this. He was ruthless. He worshiped the devil. He was the enemy.
And yet, what terrified her the most wasn’t his veiled threats, but her reaction to them. There was an allure to him, an air of mystique. Someone heard her faint cries for freedom… She shook it off and went to find Alessio, fearing what he would do if she waited any longer.
Arianna caught his eye as she walked up to him leaning against the bar, alone. He knocked back the remainder of his drink and forcefully grabbed her wrist, dragging her out to a deserted hallway. Not a single person batted an eyelash as they rushed past. 
Once he assumed they were completely by themselves, he forced her up against the wall. Her back stinging in protest as the coolness of the concrete seeped into her skin. Unbeknownst to the nowhere-near-happy couple, Copia and his ghouls were waiting in a nearby room. Every part of his plan was falling in place like dominos. 
“Alessio wh–” Arianna started to question, but was cut off by Alessio slamming his fist on the wall right next to her head.
While he now had her caged in, he pointed a finger in her face. “What the fuck was that about? You fucking wanted to dance with that vermin?”
She stared at him in horror. Even though she knew he would pull this card, it never made it easier any time it happened. “What are you talking about?! Did you miss the look I gave you? I wanted nothing to do with him! I wanted you to say the ‘no’ that I couldn’t!”
“You wanted–” he scoffed. “You wanted me to say no? Since when do I make your decisions for you?”
“Only every fucking day of my life!” she spat back at him, seething. Though he embodies sin and everything unholy, when Copia switched the hands on her hips, when he noted her fear… Those actions, so subtle, spoke volumes. She was reminded of what it means when a person has compassion, empathy, and even a trace of humanity inside them. If she ever experienced that with Alessio it had long be wiped from her memory, overridden by every terrible thing he had done to her and put her through.
The rage that erupted from him, the hatred that bled from his eyes, haunted her nightmares. Instantly after the words left her mouth, her whole body tensed. When the blow from his hand landed across her face, she didn’t even have time to react before he gripped her arms again, somehow even harder than the two previous times.
“You think you can just go dance with another man without looking like one of the devil’s whores? Maybe I should have let you wear that dress, since here you are, being one instead of just looking like one.” He shook her as he berated her. 
“Alessio, please, you’re hurting me,” she whimpered, tears streaming down her face as her fiancé screamed at her. His voice drowned out from the thumping music and the raucous party-goers in the other room.
“You little fucking cunt, if it wasn’t for your father I would have left your pathetic ass years ago,” he snarled through his teeth just before he tossed her to the ground like a rag doll. “Get the fuck home. I don’t want to deal with this right now. And you better think of a good way to make this up to me…” he warned before he cracked his neck, fixed his shirt cuffs, and sauntered back into the party. 
Quietly, she sobbed into the tile floor. Her body was alight in a flame of pain. “Please, God. Please help me. I can’t… I just can’t…”
A hand gently touched her shoulder. She recoiled, flinching, and pressed herself into the wall behind her.
“Oh, Principessa,” Copia tutted. He crouched down in front of her and used his thumb to wipe away her tears. She watched as he brought his hand closer to inspect how they glistened on his leather glove. His eyes bored into hers as he brought his thumb to his mouth, nearly sensually cleaning off her agonized tears with his tongue. Fear coursed through her harder than the adrenaline did when she spoke back to Alessio. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it seems that God called in sick today,” he leaned in closer, hovering over her forebodingly, “and he sent me to handle your prayers,” he cooed disparagingly. 
He stepped back from her, offering to help her up. She stared at his hand, her eyes wide with panic. When he waved it to snap her out of her trance, she scrambled to her feet. Automatically fearing supposed repercussions. 
“How much… how much of that did you hear?” she whispered.
“All of it.” With a snap of his fingers two ghouls appeared, seemingly out of nowhere from Arianna’s perspective, and grabbed her arms. Their grip firm, but it wasn’t lost on her how they somehow managed to avoid touching where Alessio had hurt her. 
“Wh-what are you doing? Let me go. Let go of me!” she cried out, feebly attempting to wriggle from the ghouls’ grasps. 
Copia stepped forward, taking her face in his hands. His thumbs stroked her cheeks. With his face inches from hers, that diabolical smile reappeared. “I’m sorry about that too, but I can’t allow that. You see, il mio agnellino, you won’t be going home tonight.” He snaked his hands down from her face and along her neck before he leaned in so close to her, his breath tickled her ear. The way his lips moved against her skin sent shivers down her spine. “I told you. You should be scared of me.”
As he backed away from her, a third ghoul put a cloth over her mouth. Her screams were muffled as she tried to thrash and escape from her captors. Soon, her movements slowed and her vision blurred. The last thing she remembered seeing was that haunting pair of eyes, one green and one white, watching her with a smirk that rivaled that of the devil’s, before something covered her head and plunged her into darkness as her body went limp.
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Next Chapter || taglist: @gorie-talks-a-lot @haelithra @love-is-all-you-need-13 @lydzlore @megachaoticstupid @onlyhereforghost  @state-of-longing @werich @whenparadiseislost 
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sadhornydemons · 2 months
Rapid-Spoiler-Season-Speculation: Mastermind/Sinmas
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After a bout of angst filled episodes, I'm theorizing that this one might be the nice change of pace: fun, filler episode/calm before the storm.
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Not to mention, a nice mixup of two villain groups.
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The Cherubs mention they are waiting for I.M.P. to return to Earth, but the D.H.O.R.K.S. seem to have a portal to get to them faster?
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Robot? Robot with a skull chest emblem? Well, if they already have a Loona Fursuit, I guess they could just be into making freaky shit now. Could they send it through the portal? In which case,
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There's a massive battle going on in the Lust ring.
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Blitz is missing from these scenes until this one where he appears to be at the Pride ring.
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Where the crystal portal is finally shown, see previous example:
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D.H.O.R.K.S. appear defeated (but still alive? Well, it's not like IMP kills humans for a living..oh, wait) and Blitz is grabbing the card off their desk.
End of screen captures/speculation for this one, but I feel like events have to be running gradually in the background of the last few episodes for the doo doo to really hit the fan in the last:
First, let's talk voice actors. Harvey Guillén came in fairly recently, but has been confirmed to voice Vassago. Now, they can always work around voice work to be added later, but I'm really leaning towards his character not appearing until this last episode.
Jason LaShea voices Andrealphus, assuming this shot is from the finale:
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I think it's likely that Andrealphus, being a minor character, only appears in one or two episodes. With that in mind, let's assume the following scenes, which share the same background images, also take place in Sinmas:
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We see at least one Sin, confirmed members of the Ars Goetia, and several sporting crowns. Aka the higher ups & royalty of Hell. And Stolas is missing. Oh, but Andrealphus states he will summon him.
(Off topic, but does anyone in hell know/care that Stolas's ex wife tried to have him killed? Paparazzi mobbed his hospital when he was hurt, but no one followed up on that news story?)
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Likely the same scene, "You are a disgrace." Unknown character states. Whom? Ozzie? Stolas? The demon who took the last blueberry muffin from the snack table?
"Where is Stolas, anyway?" Well, this is the only image of him that appears to be from the finale:
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1) Is that a blessed weapon sword?) 2) Is that a Gabriella hair stripe or an 'I was frozen today!' Anna-inspired white stripe?)
Which matches up with this:
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And either Stolas left the refrigerator open for 4 solid episodes resulting in his mansion freezing over or his in-laws are relatives of Elsa's and favor home renovations.
Okay, buckle up sluts, MASSIVE SPECULATION TIME:
What would cause Stolas to move out?
Or rather, what would force Stolas to move out?
Andrealphus wants his money and property, Stella just wants him dead, but she has to follow her brother's wishes. Andrealphus tells her, "I say we bid our time. And wait for the chance to gain the upper hand."
And they might had had it all along.
You know, I wanted to say that Blitz fully and unprompted, spelled out, in detailed terms, how he was using Stolas's item to gain access to the mortal world immediately upon meeting Striker, but in watching it again:
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Striker seemed to already know? So, either, Stella knew and told him or he did his research (if the IMP commercial from the pilot is still canon, they basically broadcasted it). But Blitz does go a step further and literally job interviews the guy, likely giving him even more info in the process.
Stolas even states, more than once, that they're not suppose to be using the book and that it's 'less than legal' even in hell.
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So far, Stella has only been attacking Stolas. Striker knows Octavia is Stolas's main weakness, but hearing all the 'Blitzy' mentions during torturing, maybe he'll relay that there's another way they can exploit him. After all, Stella just thinks of him as any interchangeable Imp.
Stolas stated before that he would not leave Octavia, so maybe this was the reason he returns to the palace? But not soon enough, considering...*
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The voice over does not match the scene, but it is as follows:
"You never loved mother and you don't love me, you love HIM!"*
Back to the image, is Via a fast learner or does she have the Grimoire? During the Loo Loo Land flashback, Stolas, having studied the book for a decade at that point, still needed it to travel to other planets.
And IMP seemed to be using the crystal in the last episode..
And if that's not complicated enough, let's get back to the Hell High Council meeting,
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It sounds like they're discussing Stolas, before Vassago asks, "Where is Stolas, anyway?" Before demanding that they summon him, "at once!" Fortunately, this parrot's suppose to be a good guy, since unfortunately it seems like Stolas is in real more trouble.
Is it the illegal spellbook loaning? The (still alive?) D.H.O.R.K.S. having him on film? Satan help him if someone also managed to record him twerking on stage at the Verosika Mayday show.
We'll have to wait and see, but Stolas appears to return to the mansion with Blitz afterwards.
Well, that's what I came up with. We've got 6 more months to go, and as the episodes do FINALLY get aired things might become more clear.
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