#Spider Writes Anime
tvgals · 1 year
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sobs 🥹
modern! domestic! miguel! o’hara x black! fem! reader <3
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on your chest laid you and miguel’s beautiful daughter. you laughed airily and ask miguel if he wanted to hold her, why would he say no?
“here you go, my love.” you whisper, putting your fragile daughter in miguel’s broad hands. he wants to cry. he wants to sob and kiss her all over her chubby face. her hair in tufts everywhere, she’s the perfect mix of you two. “she’s so pretty.. ella es perfecta. ya la amo.” miguel coos bringing her up to his own chest. “thank you so much, mi amor.” “of course. you deserve it, baby.”
“mi perfecta esposa e hija. todo mío.” he whispers, kissing you on your forehead, oh so proud of you for bringing this beautiful light into his once dark world. t; “my perfect wife and daughter. all mine.”
your daughter’s bright eyes look at miguel’s, almost identical. he’s on the floor, practically three feet away from your daughter, trying to coax her over to his buff stature. “vamos, mamá. puedes hacerlo.” he says, eyes wide and his hands waving her over, his daughter laughing and drooling. miguel couldn’t help but laugh too. you jog down the stairs to see a picture perfect sight — your husband trying to get your one year old daughter to walk. “hey.” you say, looking at how concentrated your husband was, saying hi back and smiling. “cmon, gabby, cmon.” he waves. she sticks her tongue out and spits, blabbering nonsense. miguel chuckles, turning the tv on to watch the basketball game between the nets and celtics. leaning back on his hands, he’s immersed into the tv almost immediately, not forgetting about you or his daughter.
“weeee!” your daughter giggles, pushing herself off of her hands, wobbling on her chubby legs. miguel looks over and his eyes widen, a smile making his way onto his features. “¡bebé bebé! ¡Ven aquí!” miguel calls you into the living room. you rush in to see your daughter wobbling her way to her father, his arms wide open. once she makes it over, miguel engulfs her in a hug, kissing her on her forehead. “¡Estoy tan orgulloso! tan orgulloso!” t: “i’m so proud! so so proud!”
you didn’t know how to break the news to miguel. would he be mad? would he leave you? no no..he would never. right? this was your thought process while you were mashing the potatoes in a pot, lauryn hill’s low hums ringing throughout the kitchen. “hola hermosa.” says your husband, hugging your around your waist. “hi baby.” you mumble, a sigh leaves your lips.
“what’s wrong?” he asks, pressing kisses to the crown of your head. “just thinking.” you respond. “about what? did something happen?” he inquires, pulling you closer to him. “well…yes. but nothing bad technically. maybe bad for you.” you tell your worried husband, you can feel his lips purse together. “tell me what’s wrong, te estoy suplicando.” he whines, not in a needy or helpless way, but more of a “please i need to know” way.
“i’ll tell you at the table.” you promise, putting a reassuring hand on his. he walks away and sits down in the living room, leaving you with your thoughts. almost an hour later, you announce to him the food is done, handing him his plate so he can eat. you sit down a while later after making your own plate and he looks up at you. “wanna tell me now?” he asks, putting his fork down. you take a deep breath and mutter. “impregnant.” it’s a slur of words he can’t comprehend, so he asks you; “what?” he chuckles at your nervousness.
“i’m pregnant, miguel.” you say, looking down at your food. there’s a beat of silence and you hear miguel sniff. you knew this was a bad idea. “¿en realidad?” he asks. “yes, i’m 100% serious miguel.” you promise, walking over to his side of the table. he brings you over and starts kissing your belly, tears cascading down his cheeks. “mi esposa tiene un bebe! ¡Un bebé perfecto y saludable!” he mewls, pressing his cheek to your stomach. you ruffle his hair and start crying yourself. this is the life you’ve always wanted.
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kellysketches · 1 year
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hobie brown!!!! the man that you are!!!!
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candybarz · 4 months
thinking about masochist!armin
warnings: anal (armin reciving), armins dick is mentioned alot, just masochist armin, no gendered reader or both gendered
not proofread
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masochist!armin who originally was never a masochist but that all changed when he saw you
masochist!armin who's thoughts started getting more and more lewd when he saw you being aggressive
masochist!armin whos dick was throbbing one night when he thought about you slapping him senseless
masochist!armin who would bit his lip till the taste off blood entered his mouth while bucking his hips forward into his fist aggressively wanting more all because of that one thought
masochist!armin who jerked off to the thought of you grabbing his throat and calling him names, goose bumps shooting across his skin
masochist!armin who came to his afternoon classes and the sex gods must have heard his prayers when you turned in the crowded hallway while swinging your arms around to hit your friend and accidentally hit him in the dick
masochist!armin who probably came right then and there as he whimpered a little "its okay." trying not to moan infront of you
masochist!armin who beat his dick numb when he got back to his house, moan all types of things into his pillow.
masochist!armin who wishes you could slap his dick while calling him a little whore
masochist!armin who probably bust his pants when you told him to "stop being a little bitch" when his friends were teasing him
masochist!armin who only told his best friend eren about this "problem" he had and eren set up a whole secret plan
masochist!armin who went to a party eren begged him to go to because "it will be a party you'll never forget." not knowing what it meant
masochist!armin who gets roped into truth or dare after watching you dance around in the hot outfit you were wearing
masochist!armin who gets asked "whats something no one knows about you?" and admits he was a big masochist.
masochist!armin who plays never have i ever and surprised everyone when they asked if anyone has ever came to the sound of someones voice
masochist!armin who gets told by eren that theres a present for him upstairs as everyone started to leave the party.
masochist!armin who gasped when he saw you upstairs waiting for him with a smile, a sadistic one.
masochist!armin who looks at you as you tell him you've always had a crush on him and eren told you that he likes you.
masochist!armin whos dick imprint is well shown on his sweat pants as he tried to cover it but you stop him saying that your totally fine with him being like that around you.
masochist!armin who is shocked when you asked if you could help him with his fantasies.
masochist!armin who nods his head like a starving animal while you played with his sweats waistband
masochist!armin who jaw is slacked watching you suck gis dick like you were hungry, making him whimper and his eyes filled with tears
masochist!armin who lets the loudest moan possible escape from his lips as you squeezed his dick and pinched his nipple
masochist!armin who is filled with joy when you said he could be as loud as he wants because eren said it was okay
masochist!armin whos dick is getting jerked off while you bite him causing his head to spin like crazy
masochist!armin who IMMEDIATELY gets hard again when you pull out your dick (fake or not) and asked if he wants to be fucked
masochist!armin who is bent over taking your dick/strap like there was no tomorrow making him moan your name for the world to hear. "ngh-fuck me harder please, i cant take it anymore faster haah~"
masochist!armin who drools on the pillow moaning as you smack his ass watching it jiggle as your balls hit his with every thrust you made
masochist!armin who is so loud the whole house could here it and all of armins friends were secretly cheering him on thinking it was you moaning but only eren knew as they talked about how he was "fucking your shit up"
masochist!armin who now has a cock ring on as you gave him hickeys all over his body, he lets out the sluttiest moans whimper for more
masochist!armin who is now balls deep into you as he huffs and whimpers at the feeling of being inside of you while your praising him.
masochist!armin who bust a fat hot load into you making you moan at the feeling as he collapsed onto you while pushing his cum straight back into you
masochist!armin who is now friends with benefits with you (everyone thinks your dating)
we all love masochist!armin right?
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Me for months on end: MILD!MIGUEL EXISTS!!! The writers put him there on purpose. We have to look closer at their intent. Everything has another meaning and if we look closer at Miguel's behavior we can see-
The Writers: that Miguel mfer is an animal am I right
Me, not willing to play these games: I SAID HE'S MILD
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sagasolejma · 1 month
One of my good friends @shequotesherself wrote this really amazing poem about my tailless whip scorpion Solejma and the unrequited love I feel for her, it literally brought me to tears, and I really need y'all to read it:
"You are my sunshine who prefers the moon
Your home's a shrine, though you know not to whom
Your food's a gift that need not be repaid,
Though you wouldn't think to anyway
Each day my thoughts of you are writ in bold
Across my arms, my blood, my heart and soul
You see these words each time my hand comes close
And yet unversed, you cannot read my prose
You are my sunshine who prefers the moon
The major lift of my favorite tune
Mon raison d'être et ma chère chèrie
It's such a shame, I think, you cannot see
With your eight eyes or feel with your eight legs
How hard my heart which beats for you does beg
Not for a service or a word of thanks
But just for you to know how much I
Love and care and dream at night
For you, for you to be alright"
Words cannot describe how much I love this poem. It puts so many of my feelings around my little critter into words, in ways that I never could or would be able to. She's amazing❤️
@shequotesherself also has a Wattpad collection of her other poems that are also really, really, really good, and she's currently working on writing a book of poems so she would greatly appreciate all the amount of feedback she can get!
Here's the link to her wattpad
I genuinely implore you to go and read some of her other works like "Your Love Is Like Acid" or "To Whom It May Concern".
If you could reblog this to spread the word or even better, reblog some of her posts, I would be extremely grateful to you!
I promise you won't be disappointed!
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godlizzza · 2 months
for spider-dan au, have we heard how they got introduced originally? i'll take either their first meeting as med students or their first meeting as funnel web and scientist! or both if u feel up to it :-]
"Shitshitshit-!" Dan cursed as he sprinted through the hallway.
Sirens blared all around him, red lights flashing off the stark white walls. Behind him metal feet stamped, the sound of Hill's robots steadily gaining on him. Even with his enhanced spider speed, he knew he couldn't outrun them forever. His muscles already ached from fighting his way through one robot henchman, never mind a whole swarm of them.
Dan looked around frantically for an exit- an open door, a window he could smash, anything- but whatever button Hill had pressed to activate the alarm had also completely sealed the building shut. Steel shutters had descended over every possible exit, barring the way.
Dan was trapped.
He rounded a corner only to skid to a halt at the sight of one of Hill's robots. It had its back to him but at the sound of his feet sliding across the tiled floor, its head spun round on its neck until a pair of glowing red eyes were locked on him.
"Target located," its tinny voice droned. "Surrender. Surrender."
Even as it said this, it raised an arm that ended in a hollow barrel Dan knew spewed red-hot lasers. It pointed it right at Dan's masked face, a whining hum issuing from the glowing chamber of its arm.
Dan didn't stick around to see his face blasted to a crisp. He span around and looped back the way he'd come. Just as he was remembering he'd been fleeing from another squad of robots in that direction, a door suddenly slid open beside him. An arm thrusted out through the gap and gripped Dan's shoulder before hauling him into the newly opened room. The door slid shut behind him with a hiss and, just like that, he was out of danger.
From the robots, that was.
Dan easily wrenched his arm free and sprang back from his sudden captor (saviour?). It was only as he put space between them that he realised his spider sense hadn't flared up at the appearance of his assailant. He supposed that meant the person wasn't trying to harm him, but he also didn't know if he should ascribe an ability to deduce malice to an inexplicable alarm system inside his head.
"Don't make a sound," the person ordered sharply, and Dan looked up to meet their eyes.
He gasped at the familiar face.
Herbert West frowned. "You know me?"
Dan did know him. They'd only been classmates in med school for a couple of years, most of which Dan had spent trying to juggle the sudden emergence of his powers with his studies, but he could never forget Herbert. His short, dark hair, his hazel eyes framed behind wiry glasses, the challenging jut of his chin. All of it had been ingrained in Dan's mind for years. They hadn't friends- it would've been a stretch to even call them acquaintances- but Dan had always admired Herbert's particular brand of droll, cutting honesty. It had kept his classes entertaining at the very least.
He'd seen him a few times at the coffee shop that neared the hospital and had thought about going up to say hi, but Herbert always looked harried and annoyed, so Dan had kept away. He'd always wondered where Herbert worked if not at the same hospital as Dan. A research lab or an observatory had been his thoughts, not Hilltop HQ.
"Um, no. Never mind," Dan replied, then quickly swept a look around the room he was stuck in with Herbert. "What is this?"
It appeared to be some kind of personal lab, fitted out with all kinds of chemistry equipment and machinery. The smell of bubbling chemicals and the acrid stench of sulfur invaded his senses. He flicked his eyes back to Herbert, who'd turned his back on Dan to fiddle with a switchboard.
"It's my lab," Herbert retorted. "So, you'd better not break anything with those sticky fingers of yours."
He reached out to pull a lever and Dan reacted on instinct, whipping his hand up and shooting a line of webbing out at Herbert. It caught him on the wrist, sticking to the sleeve of his white lab coat and staying his hand. Herbert didn't startle but he did look coolly over his shoulder at Dan.
Dan met his eyes evenly, comforted by the fact that Herbert couldn't see his face and instead had his impassive mask to contend with.
"Don't," Dan warned. "I don't want to hurt you but if you sound any alarms-"
"Oh, it's not an alarm, you idiot," Herbert hissed, tugging his arm but Dan's webbing held strong as steel. "It's your only ticket out of here with your brain still intact. Now, if you want to live to see the light of day, you'll unhand, er...un-web me and let me help you."
"Help me?" Dan echoed dubiously. "Why would you want to help me? Or did you miss the part where I blew up your boss's factory floor?"
"I didn't miss a thing. Splendid job, by the way. Hill's going to be fuming about that for quite some time." He grinned, flashing a row of gleaming white teeth. "Oh, just thinking about that stalling production line and lost revenue will have him seeing red for weeks!" He tittered a manic little laugh before the humour suddenly vanished from his face and he was glaring at Dan. "You couldn't have been a little more covert about it though? Crashing through the front door like that wasn't exactly the stealthiest of moves."
Irritation flared through Dan's temples. He didn't need criticism on his superheroing abilities from some lackey of Hill's, even if that lackey was Herbert.
"Things haven't exactly gone to plan," Dan hissed.
"Clearly," Herbert droned, and he aimed another sharp look down at the webbing clinging to his arm. "Now, are you going to release me or not?" When Dan didn't immediately reply, Herbert looked back over at him and said in a softer, more placating voice, "Come now, Funnel Web. You need to trust me. What have you got to lose?"
Everything, Dan thought, but realised that Herbert was right. His choices were putting his trust in a man he barely knew, who was working for his arch nemesis, and waiting as a sitting duck to get turned into a charcoal spider. He didn't like either option but decided to go with the one that left him with his hair intact and cut the web blinding him to Herbert.
The web line fell limply to the ground, the end of it still stuck to Herbert's sleeve. It would stay there for an hour or so until the webbing dissolved. Herbert flexed his freed hand and gave Dan a thin smile.
"Good choice," he said, then threw the lever.
An panel on the wall descended inwards and slid aside, revealing a narrow chute vanishing into the bowels of the building.
"What is that?" Dan demanded, tiptoeing closer. The chute held the same acrid stench at the rest of Herbert's lab, though stronger and more putrid.
"It's for disposing hazardous chemicals," Herbert explained. "If you climb down it, it'll lead you to the lower labs. You can find an emergency exit there."
"Oh, so you're tossing me into your mega garbage chute? Gee, thanks."
"You'll be fine. If you don't slip on a puddle of nitric acid or breath in anything noxious, but I'd garner you're made of tough stuff." He smiled another crooked, unsettling smile. "I believe in you."
"Wow, so reassuring," Dan mumbled as he climbed into the narrow opening. It was just wide enough to fit his shoulders. He watched Herbert reach for the lever once more, but before he could throw it back into place and shut Dan out of sight, he called out, "Wait. Why're you doing this? Why help me?"
Herbert didn't pause to consider, merely stared at Dan steadily as he answered. "Because I've been working here for years, trying to expose Hill for the fraud he is and nothing I've done has amounted to anything. I want to see him crushed and I've never seen anything so much as ruffle his feathers. Until you."
"So, you're using me? How sweet."
"Hush, you," Herbert commanded.
As soon as the worlds left his mouth, the surround sound speaker system blasted through the room.
"Target located in Floor C2, Eastern wing."
"Well," Dan said chipperly, sticking to the slick walls of the chute, "I think that's my cue to dip out."
"Wait," Herbert hissed. "You need to subdue me."
This had Dan freezing before he'd completely lowered himself out of sight. He gingerly lifted his head up to squint at Herbert, who was standing there, waiting expectantly.
"Um. What?" Dan said, and Herbert rolled his eyes.
"You need to make it look like you had to subdue me before managing to escape," he explained. "Now, do it quick, before they arrive."
Dan thought briefly for a moment before reaching over the lip of his escape route and shooting another spurt of webbing at Herbert. He adjusted the web shooter to let out a wider spray, spanning the width of Herbert's body. The webbing hit him, throwing him back and pinning him to the adjacent wall. Herbert let out a short grunt, his glasses slipping down his nose at the impact. Dan wanted to fix them for him, but the sound of stomping feet was growing closer by the second.
Dan raised one hand in a cheery wave and said, "Thanks, Doc. See you 'round."
Herbert just stared back at him in response, but Dan could've sworn he saw the faint ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Dan threw out a line of webbing, caught hold of the lever, and tugged it down, causing the panel to slide back into place and lock him in darkness. Then he was sliding down the chute, away from the blaring sirens and the scientist he'd left glued to the wall. A swell of giddiness rose in his chest and Dan almost wanted to laugh.
He had a feeling he was right. He was going to be seeing quite a bit more of Dr. West.
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wipbigbang · 2 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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dargum · 3 months
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Hellou, here gumball and darwin, we are besties who love writing together fanfics about our hyperfixations
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yassentheassassin · 9 months
the feral miguel concept has to be one of the worst things to come out of the atsv fandom
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ko-kimchi · 4 months
Tbh I’m at the point where I’m about to write fanfics cause I’m tired of never finding any
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cupcakeinat0r · 7 months
They thought they did som when they were writing that script, huh?
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Transformers Animated Swap au.
(Be warned any ficlets of this au is written in no particular order and some things may be subject to change as I progress with this au)
Along Came a Spider
The Space bridge repair crew have been on Earth long enough for the seasons to have changed. According to Sari the humans have this tradition called Halloween that seemingly lasts the whole month of October but is really just the last day of the month, only artist celebrate the whole month with a practice known as Inktober. Which is why Bulkhead, Wasp, Sari and Elita-1 were at a pumpkin patch picking out which pumpkin they would like to crave. Well, only Sari, Wasp and Bulkhead were choosing pumpkins, Elita was staring at the faint fake spider hanging above the entrance of the pumpkin patch.
Memories of that awful day were threatening to resurface after years of trying her damnist to forget them. Elita may have been on the fast track to becoming a member of the Elite Guard at one point in her life but after Archa 7 Elita tried to forget about that and and pretend that she was always a maintenance bot. If she knew Earth had spiders she would have reconsidered staying on Earth for a long as they have and went full force with repairing their ship but now it was too late for that.
Elita shuttered at the fake spider and returned with the rest of the group. Soon after Bulkhead accidentally destroying the pumpkin that Wasp and Sari picked out and Wasp playfully making fun of Bulkhead for it. Bulkhead's expression sored a little bit but soon brightened back up. From what Elita understood Wasp and Bulkhead were apart of the same platoon back when they were in Autobot boot camp, that Wasp wasn't the nicest of bots back then and that something happened that, from what she could infer from Bulkhead and Wasp's arguments was Wasp's fault, that Bulkhead and his best friend from boot camp wer sperated to never see each other again. It painfully reminded her of the friendship she once had with Optimus and Sentinel before Archa 7, but thankfully their time on Earth and with Sari's interference the two have begun the slow process of actually becoming friends.
When they got back to base the trio immediately started to think of what they should dress up as.
"Oh, Wasp, you should dress up as a fuzzy little bumblebee, since you know you're like a, well wasp, and bumblebees are like wasps but cuter and still pack a sting!"said Sari full of energy.
Bulkhead's face dropped and turned into one of somber while Wasp's flashed with anger for a moment.
"No," said Wasp bluntly and a little too quickly.
"Yeah Bumblebee did have quite the sting," whispered Bulkhead in a quite tone that no one else in the room heard.
Sari's smile faded upon seeing Wasp and Bulkhead's reactions.
"Or maybe you could go as a vampire?" asked Sari nervously.
"Of crouse I would," said Wasp whose expression immediately softened up.
After a few more hours and the team accidentally discovering Elita had a fear of spiders when Sari decided to prank her with a toy spider, Wasp, Sari and Bulkhead were all ready to go. Bulkhead had somehow found a sheet big enough to fit his whole body to complete his ghost costume and falling through with his promise Wasp was dressed as a vampire. Sari had said that her costume was a surprise so she didn't tell them what she was going as until she arrived fully dressed. Elita was definitely surprised when Sari showed up dressed up as her. A cardboard box was wrapped around her little buddy drawn and coloured to look like Elita's body and she was even wearing a blonde wig in a ponytail to emulate Elita's head.
After her failure on Archa 7 to save her best friend, someone she would dare to call her brother, Elita didn't think that anyone would be looking up to her, unless they were shorter than her which was true for Sari, but here Sari was dressed up as her to go trick or treating with the two youngest members of their team. Elita had said that she was flattered but she wasn't going with them.
It had only taken a few hours for everything to go to scrap. Elita was listening into Wasp and Bulkhead's conversation via their com links when she heard that Wasp had spotted something that resembled a giant spider. Upon hearing that Elita had immediately let her easdropping known and left for their current location.
Elita and Optimus were defending themselves from the giant organic spiders that were surrounding them from all sides. They had no other choice but to blow up the energon that was stored in the Decepticon warship. While escaping the explosion the worst happened. Optimus' grapple missed it's mark, which until then was something that had never happened, and the young autobot fell to his death. If it wasn't the explosion that killed him the spiders definitely did. Primus did Elita hope the explosion is what offlined her old friend and he wasn't eaten by the spiders.
Suddenly a giant spider dropped down in between Wasp and Bulkhead. Bulkhead was frozen in shock while Wasp immediately activated his stingers and took aim at the giant spider. Shocking everyone there even more than they already were the giant spider transformered into a 'bot. It transformered.
The first thing they noticed about the mech in front of them was that he had two long spider legs that shot up attached to his back and the back half of a spider attached to his waist. The mech was painted black and purple with gold highlights with some dark blue thrown in. The next thing they noticed was that he had four eyes, each glowing in a menacing red. The final thing the trio noticed was the Decepticon logo on his neck armor, the logo itself looked beaten up and had scratch marks all around like if the 'con had tried to remove it.
The 'con moved fast and in a blink of an optic was right in front of Wasp.
"Now hold still so my friend could actually see you this time!"yelled Wasp, calling Bulkhead had a bitter taste in his intake after everything he had did to him.
The 'con looked a Wasp lowering himself to the minibot's eye level. Wasp was taken aback by this, not just the fact the menacing 'con was now making eye contact with him but the look in the 'con's optics. Wasp didn't know how to describe it, the 'con somehow looked tired, angry, calm and sad at the same time.
"I'm not here for you two I'm here for something else, something that, probably wouldn't give me fully my old life back but something close, and an escape," said the 'con, even though he sounded calm on the surface but he underneath the calmness he sounded tired.
"I'm not sure we have what in the Pit you're talking about but we have nothing that could help you and if we did we won't help a 'con like you," spat Wasp taking aim at the larger bot in front of him.
The 'con laughed at the smaller bot's comment before turning his body to look at Sari. That was when it hit them he was after the key.
"You're not taking my friend's key!"yelled Bulkhead as he turned servo into a wrecking ball and started to go into place to swing it.
Before either of them could make a move the 'con had sturked them both with some kind of vemon that knocked them out.
"I wasn't asking," said the 'con coldly.
The 'con turned to the little girl and tried to give her a reassuring smile, which failed miserably seeing as that he had just knocked out two of her friends and he had razor sharp teeth.
"Don't worry they're not dead just unconscious," said the 'con as Sari tried to use her key to wake them up, "also my vemon is organic and the key of yours doesn't work on organics".
Sari looked up at the 'con that was towering her with fear in her eyes.
"What do you want?" Sari asked with wide eyes.
"I think I said that already, I'm looking for something to give me an escape and my old life back," said the 'con, "and I think that key of yours would be helpful in that".
Sari was unsure of what to think the 'con seemed genuinely upset about something and angry lashing out at anyone and anything. But, then again he had hurt her friends but they did went to attack him first.
The 'con dropped down on one knee to be closer to Sari's height. He tried to give her a soft soft smile before beginning to speak once more.
"The others back on the warship called me The Black Spider, I had a different designation a long time ago but now that's in the past," said Black Spider sounding genuinely sad while telling Sari he used to have a different name in the past.
Black Spider suddenly got up and went to grab Sari's but before he could Elita had arrived and tackled him to the ground. The two begun to fight with Black Spider pinning Elita to the side of the building.
"Look, Elita, I just want that key to try something," said Black Spider through gritted teeth.
Elita looked surprised for a moment before regaining her composure.
"How do you know my name?" Elita asked the larger 'bot.
"Everycon knows the name of the 'bot who supposedly defeated and offlined Megatron," said Black Spider but for a moment he also seemed surprised to be asked that.
Black Spider picked Elita up and threw her before making a break towards Sari. Black Spider used his webbing to tie Sari up before using it make to escape.
"Sorry, change of plans," said Black Spider to the frightened child.
Sari struggled against the 'con before Elita using Wasp's stings managed to hit Black Spider sending both of them crashing on the top of a building. Upon getting up Black Spider gently put Sari down onto the ground before using his webs to tie her to a wall. As soon as Elita landed the two immediately began to fight each other.
"I know all of your moves, Elita, pure textbook Autobot Academy," said Black Spider as he dodged all of Elita's attacks.
"Do I know you?" Elita asked genuinely confused on how he knew all her moves.
"I don't forget things as easily as you forget your friends!" Black Spider spat with venom in his voice, "but you did manage to remember Sentinel!".
Elita's energon ran cold as she finally recognized her combatten.
"Optimus?" Elita hesitatedly asked.
"Oh now you remember me, not that I blame you I look every different nowadays," said Black Spider sounding rather sad whilst confirming his identity to be that of Elita's long thought dead friend.
Elita took a step back her head was figuratively spinning because of this knew information. Elita looked saddened at the Decepticon symbol on his neck armor.
"I see you've joined the Decepticons," said Elita sadden to see her former friend join the Decepticons.
"Not like I had a choice in the matter!" Black Spider yelled dangerously close to breaking down while falling to his knees.
Elita approached her former friend and placed her hands on his shoulders in other to comfort him. Elita took note of how he flinched when she placed her hands on his shoulders. She will hurt whoever made him so afraid.
"Then tell me, old friend what happened?" Elita asked with genuine care and sadness in her voice.
Black Spider embraced into Elita's touch. Elita could tell that Black Spider was severely touch starved. Elita was definitely going to hurt someone. When Black Spider remained silent Elita asked again.
"Who did this to you?"
"That son of a glitch Decepticon scientist, Shockwave, he did this to me!" Black Spider yelled.
Black Spider wrapped both of his arms around Elita's stomach area and pulled her into a tight hug. This was a genuinely distressing for Sari to watch. She wondered what kind of horrors took place during the war that the others didn't tell her.
"After I fell, I tried my best to fend off the spiders but eventually a good number of them bit me sinking their venom into my body, I should have died, but instead I went into a sort of stasis lock mode, and when I awoke I was in a laboratory strapped to a medical breth with a purple warframe with one optic and clawed servos
"I immediately recognized that he was a victim of the empurata procedure, which has been banned by the high council after the war had ended so I knew that he was an old 'bot that likely has been around since before the war, I later learnt that his name was Shockwave, I slipped in and out of conscience for the next few solar cycles and each time I woke up I was different, he turned me into some techno-organic freak!
"After being fully situated with my 'new and improved', as he called it, body they branded me with the decepticon logo and forced me to be one of them, I didn't want to but I had no choice because even if I somehow escaped I would never be expected back into Autobot society as part organic, you know how much the others hate anything organic," Black Spider explained sounding like he was going to snap any moment.
Black Spider's story was a truly upsetting one to hear. Sari was shock to find out that most Cybertronians hate organics but was thankful that she meant the ones that did like them. Sari felt truly bad for Black Spider and wished she could help him, maybe she'll let him try use the key on himself to see if it could restore his original body or at least fix his broken mind, even then Sari knew you can't just magic away trauma.
"Nonsense you were practically Ultra Magnus' sparkling even before we joined Autobot Academy together," said Elita whilst giving her broken friend a hug.
"No, he would be the first to say that they need to lock me up and experiment on me," said Black Spider looking up at Elita from where he was kneeling.
Elita looked away from her old friend, she didn't know Ultra Magnus how he would take something like this or respond to it.
"Look, Optimus-".
"It's Black Spider now,".
"Black Spider, there's always a place for you in team E-1, I'm sure the others wouldn't mind, I'm sure they'll give you a nice warm welcome, maybe not Wasp but I'm sure with some encouragement from the others he'll come around," said Elita to the kneeling mech and saying the last bit with Wasp with slight humor.
Black Spider looked up at Elita before beginning to raise.
"Maybe one day I'll take you up on that offer, but for now I'll like to figure things out on my own," replied Black Spider.
Soon after getting up and unbinding Sari from the wall he left. Elita looked guilt ridden, angry and sad, mostly sad though. Sari felt like Elita wouldn't want to talk about what had just happened so for now Optimus being Black Spider and the Cybertronian equivalent of a human experiment was going to be a secret between the two of them, at least until Elita was ready to talk.
The two made their way down the building just when Bulkhead and Wasp arrived.
"Aww come on, we missed the action!" exclaimed Wasp.
The two females didn't say anything to Bulkhead and Wasp which tipped them off to the fact that they didn't want to talk about whatever had happened. Without a word Elita transformed into vehicle mode while Sari claimed into Bulkhead and begun their trip back to the plant and Bulkhead's to Sumdac Tower to drop Sari off.
"Hey Bulkhead, how would you take it if one day your best friend whom you thought was dead suddenly showed up one day and was a decepticon?" Sari asked the large 'bot.
"I would never recover from the fact my best friend was a decepticon and spend way too long grieving over the person I thought I knew," replied Bulkhead thinking about his boot camp days.
'That is what I've been doing for stellar cycles now,' Bulkhead mentally added.
Sari fell silent and the rest of the ride was like that in complete silence. Both Sari and Elita hoped that sooner rather than later Black Spider would take Elita's offer of becoming a member of the team up.
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shironezuninja · 1 month
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I thought about writing this more deeply after a couple of observational encounters with the Andrew Garfield movie, “Under the Silver Lake”, and a Spectacular Spider-Man episode yesterday. I worked too hard on Saturday doing laundry chores and dealing with aging parents that I didn’t have time to watch more episodes.
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zer0pm · 1 year
Just saw the new Spiderverse movie.
Miguel O’Hara’s posterior.
That is all.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Would you write anything with/about Spider-man 2099? 👀
This ask made me scroll back in my blog and go, "Wait did I actually write the entire manifesto on why Miguel is a communist icon because I thought I had refrained from that."
I'm 95% sure that I did, in fact, refrain from explaining why there are only two good superhero media (The Incredible Hulk 1977 and Spider-man 2099) because they are the only two truly socialist superhero media. I must have mentioned that I fucking loved Spider-man 2099 somewhere. Because I fucking do. Miguel is THE character of all time. I love Spider-Man, I love characters who are COMPLETE DICKS, I love guys who just kinda wanna go home and sleep.
I absolutely would write something for him, I fucking love that guy. I haven't had a really solid idea yet, one that would make a story that would get off the ground, but if the stars align then hell yeah. Miguel is the perfect superhero because he never once tries to stop anybody from robbing a bank, committing a crime, disturbing the peace, etc. He will only ever do anything helpful if it fucks over Cyberpunk Dystopia Evil Corp, because he hates them, or if his brother nags him to do something about systematic oppression. Over the course of all of Spider-Man 2099 he stops ONE mugging. Because a cop was mugging a woman. So he could beat up the cop. Character of ALL TIME.
....this isn't a story idea but I was absolutely joking about hypothetically:
imagining one of those tepid-ass mcu spider-man fanfic where there's a class field trip to stark industies or something and peter's outed as Tony Stark's Baby Son Boy, of which there are literally 500 and every one is exactly the same I don't read mcu peter fanfic anyway
tropey fic where peter's doing that tropey hijinky runs away from crowd of friends to hide in a broom closet and preserve his secret identity
except he just opens the door to an abandoned wet lab to see miguel electrocuting a rat or something
peter is fucking convinced dr ohara is a mad scientist stealing starktech genetic secrets. tony doesn't listen because he thinks peters feelings are just hurt after miguel called him the saltine cracker of nepotism. miguel is, of course, stealing starktech time travel technology. meanwhile a guy in a black spider suit is firebombing the NYPD
miguel assumes that the richer and more important you are, the more evil you are. faced with involuntary time travel, he is operating under his standard MO of finding the most evil corporation in the tristate area and looking them up on glassdoor. working under this assumption, miguel assumes itll be too much work to go ahead and kill tony stark in the name of the proletariat but he does slowly sabotage their entire genetics division.
MJ threatens to break up with Peter if he tries to stop the NYPD from being firebombed
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godlizzza · 4 months
hihihihi! i love your spider-dan au and (sorry if i sent an ask about this i can't remember if i did) but can u write a danbert spider-man kiss scene :3
Herbert stumbled as Dan set him back down on his feet. In the pouring rain his dress shoes slipped on the slick road and Dan had to reach out to catch his arm and keep him upright. Herbert glanced at him and muttered his thanks before gently drawing away. Dan was reluctant to let him go. The scene they'd just fled from had been utter chaos, Hilltop robots in pieces around a massive sinkhole in the road. Dan had watched Herbert nearly pitch over into that gaping hole, a line of his webbing the only thing keeping him on his feet.
Dan swore he'd nearly fainted from the painful swoop his heart had taken to the pit of his stomach at the sight. He was becoming more and more aware just how attached his health was to the continued safety of the scientist he was meant to have a strictly working relationship with.
"Are you sure we should have left?" Herbert asked, pulling his soaked coat tighter around his shivering shoulders.
Dan wanted to go to him, pull him into his arms and warm him up with his superhuman body heat. He resisted the urge though, balling his fists at his sides and keeping himself still.
"It wouldn't have done any good for me to be there when the cops showed up," he replied, imagining Lt. Chapman's surly face scanning the wreckage, looking for any opportunity to blame the whole thing on Funnel Web.
Herbert sighed, his breath emerging from his lips in a puff of steam in the cold air. "I suppose you're right."
Dan itched to say more, do something, but he couldn't say or do what he really wanted, so he just turned away. He shot a webline at the wall of the alleyway high above and pulled his feet off the ground.
"I should go."
The sudden desperate plea had Dan freezing midair, paused as he'd been ready to swing away. Instead, he turned, hanging upside-down from the string of webbing to face Herbert, who slowly paced towards him through the rain. He only stopped when he was mere inches from Dan's face, his eyebrows drawn together as his gaze flicked all over across Dan's mask. Those quizzical eyes stared into his, full of questions and emotion that Dan couldn't read.
"I have to know," Herbert began, his voice shaky and hard to hear over the pouring rain. "Do we know each other?"
Dan sucked in a breath, his whole body instantly tense as a bowstring. Herbert had never dug at his identity before, past some idle questions when they'd first met as Funnel Web and Dr. West.
"You know I can't tell you that," Dan murmured.
He couldn't tell Herbert that they'd gone to med school together, that Dan had been bitten by the spider that gave him his powers in his final year. That all those instances where Dan had been forced to race out of class, earning him odd looks from Herbert had been a result of him growing into his hero persona, rushing off to danger. He couldn't say that even now that they had become acquainted through his hero work that they still ran into each other at a coffee shop they both frequented as civilians. Every time Dan saw Herbert in line, waiting to order his oat milk latte, he had to pretend they hadn't just escaped a death-defying experience the previous day.
He couldn't tell Herbert it killed him to keep his distance as Dan Cain.
Herbert frowned at him but didn't seem surprised. The lenses of his glasses were fogging up from his own breath and the heat emanating off Dan's body.
"I just can't believe," Herbert said softly, reaching up to trace the seam of Dan's mask beneath his jaw, "that I could know you and not realise. Even though I have no idea what you look like beneath this, I feel as though I could take one look at you and instantly know that's my spider."
Dan inhaled sharply as Herbert's fingers dug beneath the thin fabric of his mask, beginning to peel it back. He shot a hand out to clasp one of Herbert's wrists, stalling the motion.
"Don't worry," Herbert soothed, continued to gently tug the mask down until his mouth and nose were exposed, his skin instantly soaked from the rain. Herbert traced the pad of his thumb over Dan's upper lip, leaving shivers that had nothing to do with the cold in his wake. "Maybe I wouldn't know you by sight. But by touch..."
Dan's eyes fluttered shut of their own accord as Herbert leaned forward. He was aware that on the list of bad ideas he'd ever had since becoming Funnel Web, this was probably the worst. It was unwise and completely catastrophic to get involved with someone directly under Hill's thumb. But he couldn't deny the desperate ache he felt for Herbert, his desire to be close to him. And in that moment, suspended in the air, the rain pouring down on them, and the distant wail of police sirens sounding in the air, he couldn't resist that pull any longer.
When Herbert's lips brushed his, all the doubts and worries fled his mind, leaving room only for the sensation of their mouths pressed together. Herbert's hands rose to clutch Dan's face between his palms, his fingers curling under Dan's jaw. Dan had never felt the tip of someone's nose brush his chin as they kissed, but he'd never felt like this kissing anyone before. Like his whole body was being pumped full of electricity, setting his nerves alight. He so deeply wanted to reach out and hold Herbert in return, pull him close until they could be touching everywhere, consumed by the other, but he had to keep his grip on the webbing, lest he tumble to the ground.
Laying in a heap at Herbert's feet sounded appropriate. Herbert had thoroughly obliterated him.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but Dan built an eternity in that moment. One he wanted to construct a comfy home in so he could stay there forever. Herbert stepped back, breathing heavily. He kept his hands cradling Dan's face for a moment longer before pulling his mask back into place.
"Alright," Herbert said, sounding as out of breath as Dan felt. "You can go now."
Dan blinked his eyes open, taking in the flush dusting Herbert's pallid cheeks. He wanted to say something but his tongue felt thick and dumb in his mouth. After a few agonising seconds of the two of them just staring at each other, Dan shook himself out of his stupor and adjusted his hold on the webbing.
"Right," he said, drinking in the sight of Herbert's slick lips. "Okay. See you soon."
Then he turned and swung away, leaving Herbert on the trash-strewn ground. That tingling pulse of static electricity pounded through his veins as he swung through the city. It didn't leave him until he scaled the wall of his apartment and slipped through the window, where he promptly rolled into a starfish position on the floor. He pulled his mask off and brought the tips of his fingers to his mouth.
Herbert had tasted like mint and coffee. It was Dan's new favourite taste.
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