#i got so into my emotions and as usual channeled them into leo
luescris · 2 years
So thanks to @misteria247 and @endless-exhaustion I had to write this because. Old scars reopened. Again. Y e ah.
Anyway here 2012 s4 spoilers ahaha (in leo's pov because im sorry but im a 12!leo kinnie okay-)
It's not fair.
Not after everything we've done. Everything we sacrificed. So many times we tried, so many times we won. 
Only to fail. Again. And there was no way to fix it this time. 
There was no time traveling to save him. No questions on if he was still there or not. 
No. This time was permanent. The letters carved into the tombstone, staring back at us, making out a name that made my heart crumble a million times over solidifying this fact.
Our Father, for the third and last time, had been killed. Murdered by what was once a man, now turned monster in more than just appearences. 
Why did we have to suffer this three different times? What had we done--had he done--to deserve such unfair treatment? Before, in the late hours of the night of his death to early in the morning, these thoughts would make my blood boil. Rage poured through every sense, every thought, rage and a despair so great it felt as if I could tear down mountains and fight all of heaven itself. 
If it weren't for my younger three brothers. If it weren't for their shaking bodies pressed against mine and the sounds of their grief-filled sobs piercing through my own sorrow, I would have. But I had stayed. And now, all I felt was numb. 
It was as if there was a large rock sitting inside my chest, trying to constrict my breathing, and yet I breathed evenly. Staring down at the grave of my father. A grave that should not have been in front of me. The tears came on and off, as if my mind was unsure of what I was grieving for, or as if it hadn't caught up to me yet. Right now though, my eyes watered at the rims and corners, and as I exhaled slowly another tear slipped from the corner of my eye, the hurt returning with a vengeance, deepening the pit in my stomach. 
From my right came a soft, heart-broken sniffle, and the sound of it made me want to crumple all over again. My baby brother should not have to sound so sad. He was meant to be protected from things like this, even if we were trained to be ninjas. Even if we were trained to fight things others could not. Mikey was still too young, and we failed to shield him from this.
Correction. I failed to.
I failed to protect all of them. To protect my Father, despite swearing up and down that I would. That no harm would come to any of them. But again, and again, and again, I broke that promise. And this was the consequence. 
And being the oldest, the next in line… I was meant to be Sensei.
Fresh tears spilled from my eyes and I bowed my head, shutting them tight. 
I didn't want that. Not for another good couple years; I wasn't ready for this. He was taken away from us too swiftly too many times and yet somehow, I still had not thought he would leave for good. Leave me to.. To run it all. To watch and teach my brothers.
But how could I be expected to do that? How could I be, if all my leadership has done is bring us such pain like this? 
.. I at least hope that he knew I tried. I really, really tried. But my efforts were never enough. 
At least the rest of the funeral had left about an hour ago. All that was left now were my brothers, Casey and April. My feet had begun to ache from standing so still for so long, but I could care less. It didn't compare to the one in my heart. 
The sound of grass being crushed under footsteps approached to my left, and the corner of my eye caught a hint of yellow, indicating that it was April. For a moment, she stood at my side, then placed her hand on my forearm gently. I turned my head to meet her own watery, sorrow-filled eyes, and she held my gaze, sending a message without saying words.
Don't blame yourself. Not your fault. I am sorry. 
I blinked at her once, slowly, signifying I got what she meant. The corner of her mouth twitched in a slight smile that didn't last for even a second or reached her eyes, and then I watched as she turned and walked away, Casey Jones following behind her. He met my gaze for just a split second before turning quickly, hiding the red in his eyes. They walked up the dirt walkway leading to the porch of the farmhouse, and I turned back to stare at the grave again. 
In that moment, I had been able to catch glimpses of my two other brothers. Raph stood to my left a few feet from me, staring down at the ground hard, as if fighting with himself, tear tracks drying on his cheeks. Donnie was closer to me on the right, leaning against his boe staff and staring solemnly at the grave just as I had, about as still as a mountain. Neither of my brothers had made an attempt to acknowledge me, so I did the same. Just went right back to what I had been doing already.
A light breeze filled the silence between the four of us now, mask tails being whipped to the side to dance along. At some point, Mikey had walked up to the tombstone, placing a hand on the carved statue, closing his eyes and resting his head there. The smallest urge to do or say anything to try and cheer him up came and went just as fast. There was nothing that could make this better. No way to sugarcoat the situation.
It was what it was now.
And it wasn't fair. 
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 1990 movie Live Blog
Completely forgot this was live action. Not animated.
Is that reporter April? Damn, she looks pretty.
Is this how pickpocketing works? You need several people to do that?
Is that a reference to SID in Toys Story or did this kid thought he’s slick having his back at his back?
Oh, didn’t realize that kid stole the wallet. Also, why is no one question someone is wearing that metal arm braclet. Like—clearly it’s trying to tell us it’s Shredder but! The lack of questions of his fashion???
Oh that poor man. How is he going to tell his customer he lost the merchandise.
Why are you watching television outside your balcony lady?!
Okay, that’s a hilarious steal.
Oh! The foot ninjas here are robot, right? I’ve watched a video saying the foot bots in 2012 TMNT was inspired by the 1990s.
“Who are we going to call?” “Unfortunately, the police—“ HA! Without rest of the context, the ducking shade thrown at their incompetency!
KNEW IT! Wow this April is pretty.
Channel 3? What happened being Channel 6?
Ok, dramatic on jumping into that chair because of a rat. I would’ve just booked it.
Why is there a knife sound when April got her keys? Oh I’m dumb. She’s about to be mugged.
Bopping to the sound track
THE EYE RIGES!!! How did they do that??? Are they muppets or in suites??? If in suite, props to the costume team on making sure the suite can express emotions!
The transition of Leo being informal to formal to Splinter 🥹.
Leo’s and Donnie’s eyes are brown!! *gasp* will they all have brown eyes??? Also, splinter doesn’t look like a rat.
Yup, that’s a Mikey move to order pizza while Splinter is delivering a life lesson.
Okay, why are they kneeling like that? Why can’t they kneel both legs?
I love the unexpected dance 🤣! Here I thought they’ll truly meditate.
The nonchalant conversation between Raph and Leo, when Leo asked where Raph is going and still dancing 😆. And Raph leaving, we see Donnie and Mikey still dancing!
Wooo! Donnie got some skateboard skills!
I totally blocked out Splinters lecture. What do you mean “Not having them” Donnie?
Donnie being neat and fancy for pizza… and yum! Look at that cheese stretch!
Not me seeing 90s Casey Jones before 87 Casey Jones.
Gosh, I’m so used seeing hockey stick being bigger than Casey from 2012. Seeing the 1990s version holding them is so weird.
Bogie??? Would’ve made sense if Casey called Raph Booger instead
Is Casey really going to ignore that Raph face is green?
Oh, so now you notice!
*snickers* these dorks
Ooh! Straight to the trash! Also, you could’ve dodge it Raph?
How come a taxi driver knows Ralph’s a Turtle by looking at him for 5 seconds, but Casey can’t??? Oh, right, this dude is a himbo.
Wow, that “Damn” you shouted Raph, the whole City heard you.
I really can’t tell between the Turtles voices apart from Splinter’s.
Master Yoshi?!? Oh… is this like TMNT 2003 origin story? I haven’t watch it, but I know who’s Yoshi or not.
Oh no, those diagnoses usually goes to Leo. Raph, I thought everyone was kidding when they say you’ll be the blue here.
I’m pretty sure you don’t bandage bruises instead you ice pack them first, then hot compress.
Kid. Danny. You will not steal from you father/uncle/older brother/whatever he is to you! THAYRE THE ONES TAKING CARE OF YOU!
I think Sterns looks like a dictator.
Wha—Is this every Mikey in movie??? From what I barely remember, the Bayverse TMNT, Mikey has a crush on April. Now this??? I hope, that kiss is more of a joke. Because your a teen Mikey, and April is an adult.
Oh. Oh. I’m hating Stern. He’s racist.
Is the backpack necessary for your disguise?
How is subway that empty???
I can see the eyes, okay, not foot bots but actual people. Huh.
“I deliver a message” *slaps April* “Shut it”
Why are you carrying that Sai with you April???
YA! Who needs a blade when you have a bag full of pain to hurt your enemies!
And Raph is kidnapping her. First crime I see the 90s turtles commit beside violence against criminals.
Raph being sarcastic is my favorite
Mikey, she’s not a pet
Ugh, keep those fingers away splinter.
Pft—The turtles reaction to April screaming 🤣! We got Mikey dropping his towel, Leo flinging his arms, Donnie squeezing and moving his pillow around, and Raph doesn’t know to back off and trying to tell her calm down.
I was about to diss April on how she’s trying to find logic in her situation until I realize I would do the same to cope.
How come they use a puppet for a rat but real turtles for turtles?
90s Mikey 🤝 12 Mikey interrupting Splinters Stories
Okay! Biblical Transformation Turtles.
How did they know the word pizza???
I Need better subtitles to tell the turtles apart.
13 year old and below that age, me doesn’t. I only ate Pizza when I putted chili on it. It turned into something I can eat until I don’t need it spicy anymore.
Mikey, I couldn’t tell if that was a joke. Seeing the other versions of yourselves (except Rise) eat anything in pizza.
Oh the awkward tension of this joking atmosphere
I can’t tell between Mikey and Raph here, why can’t they get vibrant Organe for Mikey :(
I totally forgot about the foot soldier
OH MY GOD! Did the 90s turtle started the Turtle pile trend for every tmnt versions!?
I’m loving the fact, 90, 12, and 18 Rapheals hug a teddy bear in their sleep.
Ugh, Problem children. I don’t even say this with endearing affection’s.
That boy looks too young to smoke.
Screw it, everyone looks too young to do these activities.
“Never lower your eyes to the enemy” DUDE! That dirty and supposed to be a sign that the lesson is over! Do you want them to never bow respectfully every match now?!
Don’t tell me everyone here is working for the Shredder—aaaand they are…
Pft–I was about to say the Shredder is intimidating until I saw the front. The bloody mask is too big for me to take seriously
Dragon doogie??? What happened being a foot?!
This is the third Shredder that is manipulative and a gaslighter. Taking vulnerable kids that are in the stage of “No body gets”.
Whatever you say, Dark Vader.
Oh hey, he kinda looks like from the Three Kid Ninjas Movie.
Oh god, the crush wasn’t a joke. April, never humor Mikey on a Date. Please. Your an adult and he’s a teen.
Yeah! Rat the him out! Make sure that Chief will be demoted by public demand!
Raph is my reaction when my siblings or friends tease me on a crush
Ooh, they’d been in this song and dance before, Mikey and Donnie develop a system.
Aw, the expression needs a mad and disappointed face. Leo face doesn’t match his tone.
Well isn’t this reminiscing on 2012 Casey and Ralph’s encounter.
So, Raph is fighting the foot in the rooftop alone… I see where this is going. Didn’t think it would be this early.
Wow, the tone is almost like the mirage comics. A piece of it at least.
The lack of concern on Raph is wow… also Nunchuck-off! Show you can duel wield Mikey! Now they’ll be impressed with that!
Slap slap punch. Bruuh, Leo, why won’t you use your weapons—wait. You’ll murder them, oof didn’t think of that
Despite not finishing yet, I wanna see a crossover with TMNT 1990.
Oh poor April. How will she explain this to her landlord?
Wanted to say on how not brutal this foot soldiers are since the foot I know would’ve go for the instant kill and me question what happens to their weapons. Until I remember, the ninjas are children, and there’s no blood on their hands as far a I can remember or assume.
Casey Jones!
I would say I need to know actors, but not really. I don’t care enough to get all references.
Is the internet a thing in the 90s? Like—April could still blog the truth.
I’m sorry, Shredder trying to be intimidating in his red suite with his big ass Face mask is too much. His freaking blades are also not intimidating!
Looks like 90s Shredder is the second least intimidating Shredder, the top would be 2019 Shredder from Batman vs TMNT
I know who Tetsu reminds me off! Tatsu! The blind nin that was second to Shredder in leadership and strength! But Tetsu has 2012!Shredders anger issues
I always question the pet rat origin. Since all of the wise advise that Splinter gives, did he heard them all from Yoshi or from all the TV he watch?
Don’t wanna be negative here and I know Splinter is trying to convince Danny that his father cared. But we’re banking on ‘all’ too much. If I revealed to my father I’m his son on some days, he would put me to therapy saying that’s all in my head and I’m a girl. Not a boy
So, Casey is all buddy-buddy with the turtles now? Or just that for April.
How is it moonlighting???
So this is where the farm hour arc is mostly inspired by. Are we going to see some horror tho?
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If I was drinking water I would’ve chocked or spitted it out cuz, why the hell is Raph positioned like that?
Ooh? Can you feel the love tonight~
Also, kinda sad the curls are gone for Casey
They didn’t bother removing Raph gear?! Then again, unlike 2012 Leo, 90 Raph just got a some concussion I think, not throat damage and broken knee. And a knocked shell.
Did Mikey have to be dramatic and find a cliff on night to shout “Splinter”? Also please tell me how long you guys stayed there.
Oh, thank you Tetsu. It’s been days since the gang left. Not weeks or months. Days… I’ll say Raph has been a 2-3 day comma?
Casey, why are using Leo’s sword for cutting?
Is turtle wax real? IT IS!
Leo, you look stupid.
Leo has the stereotypical mediating pose, Raph balled his hands in meditation while Donnie and Mikey are normal and open palms.
Awwww 🥺
I say they’ve been in the farm house for a week before going back.
HA! Casey’s expression!
They’ll be ambushed. If the Shredder has a brain, then he’ll be smart putting ninjas on the turtles lair. Or we’ll see the missing foot ninja.
I’m loving the Donnie and Mikey interaction!
Is Danny the McGuffin in this film?
Sheesh, didn’t bother closing the door, Danny?
waitwaitwaitwait did—did the Shredder took Splinter limbs?! Holy crap that dark for this supposed comedic movie!
NVM, I guess Shredded might be bad as 2012 when it comes to their ‘love’ ones.
Sosishjsiwhajkxbcjdish! THERES A TRAITOR AMONG US
Saki, your armor looks like plastic.
How did you know Splinter is his name, Danny? Did he say it in your therapy sessions with him?
YEAAAAH! Donnie security system—never mind.
Oh thank pizza supreme above, Mikey see April as a sister now.
If they turn now, would be great but unrealistic in real life. If I was told that, give me days or months to think about it. Since I’ve been, you know brainwash.
Saki, you need a better mask
Are we getting Casey chorusing the shredder in a joking way?
Just how experience are the turtles here? Like—April said their first defeat was in her apartment. And I’m pretty sure the turtles fighting experience are just a bunch of thugs that fights blind. And training.
Oh thank pizza, Splinter has his limbs.
Father and sons reunion!
Now give this kid therapy, they had been in a cult.
Ya gurl! You deserve this!
Is this how romance work? Like—a week for this to happen?
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little reasons why you could be attracting particular signs
Some reasons why you could be attracting these signs, or signs on these particular house cusps. I had lots of fun w/ this post so take it w/ a pinch of salt. My lil thoughts as usual. Big kiss. 
Aries / sign on your 1st House Cusp
You’re frustrated. Or maybe you’ve suddenly been onset with a surge of energy for a particular project or subject that’s close to your heart. Feeling risky? Or, are you feeling lost? Is there something you want to dive all in to? Are you becoming more confident in yourself? Giving yourself pep talks in the mirror? Daily reminders popping up on the phone? Aries energy is all about putting energy in the world (Cardinal) based on one’s aspirations (Fire). The universe could be asking you to stop being all talk and dreaming of things (Pisces) to the point where all they remain wistful fantasies and take action. (Aries/1st house) Steps forward, no matter how small, no matter how big, count.
Taurus / sign on your 2nd House cusp
You’re hungry. Hahahaha I’m laughing while I double check my fridge knowing there’s nothing there :) :) What are your boundaries looking like? Have you got a firm idea of what you will and won’t stand for? Do you have something in your life you’re nurturing? Do you need to pay more attention to your coins? Working on self-love? Taurus energy is all about consolidating (Fixed) material things and a solid value system (Earth) to help circulate a feeling of stability in their life. The universe could be asking you to to take that vision you have (Aries) and line up all the things you have accessible to you, right this very minute, that can make that happen. (Taurus/2nd house) Appreciate what you have, and watch how many new things pour in.
Gemini / sign on your 3rd House cusp
You’ve been gossiping. So that person you bitched about heard what you said…..and this Gemini in your life…..is here to get the receipts…..i’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. SIKE. What are you paying attention to nowadays? Ideas? Other people’s opinions? Are you learning something new? Maybe you need to not be so attached to ideas, thoughts and concepts coming from other people. Make your own mind up. Do you have interesting ideas you can share with people, but you’re keeping it under wraps? No fair. Gemini energy is all about sharing (Mutable) their opinions (air) with other people. The universe could be asking you to express your unique talents (Taurus) with the world through a platform of some sort. (Gemini/ 3rd house) It’s OK to speak up about your ideas. I bet they’re awesome. 
Cancer / sign on your 4th house cusp
You’ve been crying. Nah I’m playing. (but if you have, that’s OK too). Maybe you’ve been working on your inner child. Have you been taking some time to re-parent yourself with good food, good company and that one film you loved as a kid? Are you healing trauma from your childhood? Maybe healing needs to be done on the female relationships in your life. Maybe you need to be honest about the things in you life you emotionally react to in situations that doesn’t warrant this kind of behaviour. Cancer energy is all about actively (Cardinal) nurturing themselves and others (Water) through comforting actions.The universe could be asking you to look at your thoughts (Gemini/3rd house) and seeing what a direct impact that has on your emotions. What we think has a correlation to the feelings we feel.
Leo / sign on your 5th house cusp
You’re doing too much. There’s probably an area of your life, where you’re shining. It’s possibly your living from the heart now. You’re putting yourself out there. Or, maybe you need to take the time to have some fun? Are you ignoring those recurring impulses to do something creative which will feed your spirit? Leo energy is all about being self-willed (Fixed) in their ability to showcase their creative self-expression (Fire) to others. Leo’s know that they are the shit, you can’t tell ‘em nothin’. The universe could be asking you to find a special way to channel your emotions (Cancer/4th house) into an artistic expression somehow. Creativity is so subjective - beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder at the end of the day. You’re doing amazing, sweetie. *KJ voice* hehehehe.
Virgo / sign on your 6th house cusp
You need to clean up an area of your life. Virgo energy is all about being adaptable (Mutable) with one’s ideas as well as routines and habits in one’s daily life (Earth). Are you becoming more organised? Paying more attention to what you’re ingesting in all forms, staring from the food you’re eating to the people you’re surrounding yourself with? Or maybe you need to Marie Kondo something, bad. Bring order into a chaotic structure in your life. Maybe, those self-defeating thoughts that do no good for your well-being need a stern talking to. A balance needs to be struck between the mental side and the physical side. The universe could be asking you to better shape that creative talent you have (Leo/5th house) and refine it. Not to a level of perfection which is often unattainable, but a little tweak here and never hurt anybody.
Libra / sign on your 7th house cusp
You’re out of balance. Libra is all about a dedicated intention (Cardinal) of obtaining harmony and a sense of fairness in relationships (Air) of all kinds, be it platonic, romantic, professional. Maybe you’ve been giving extra care to your relationships and are showing up for those people that have had your back. Are you missing out on the beauty in life? Vacillating between two things? Or maybe you’ve taken a good look at the people around you, and people who don’t match your energy have got the chop. Can you see two sides to one situation? The universe could be asking you to take a look at how the lens - be it critical, analytical, thoughtful or helpful - (Virgo/6th house) in which you view people hinders or strengths your partnerships.The great thing about life is people are often mirrors, what you dislike in someone else, may actually be present within you on a deeper level. 
Scorpio / sign on your 8th house cusp
You’re sexually frustrated. Are you going through a pivotal change in your life? Or are you tapping into your sexual power? Sexual liberating yourself from things that held you down? Maybe discernment has been strengthened lately and you’re not taking much at face level anymore. Playing detective? Or, are you struggling to open up to others? To be vulnerable. Do you need to let go of something? Scorpio energy is all about a strong willpower and determination in life (Fixed) that comes from a total transformation and understanding of one’s unconscious wants and desires. (Water) The universe could be asking you to look at the ways your unconscious childhood emotional patterns affect your relationships. (Libra/7th house) Life gets better when you don’t hold back and open yourself to experiencing things, fully. Promise.
Sagittarius / sign on your 9th house cusp
You’re been acting reckless. Have you been seeing life from a more expansive point of view? Maybe you’re taking risks in life and they’re paying off in ways you didn’t dream possible. Look at you. Are you wanting to just drop all responsibilities and F off to somewhere completely different? The idea of throwing yourself into the deep end of this thing called life look appealing? I feel you. Or maybe, you’ve being a bit more blunt, honest in life and saying things for how they are. Do you need to lighten up in an area of you life? Maybe, there’s an area of life that needs to you to rely on your higher mind and follow your heart. Sagittarius energy is all about widening their beliefs (Fire) in a curious fashion as they explore life. (Mutable) The universe could be asking you to dive deeper into your shadow side (Scorpio/8th) to aid you in personal growth. 
Capricorn / sign on your 10th house cusp
You’re too preoccupied with your career. Recently, you could have been thinking about what you want to do in life. Getting more serious on your life purpose kind of thing. Perhaps the steps you need to take are becoming more clear. You’re becoming more clear on your position in society. Or, you feel a fear about stepping into your power. You may be questioning whether or not you have what it takes. Possible responsibilities looking more like burdens than opportunities for growth. Capricorn energy is all about disciplined efforts in steps in their world (Cardinal) to secure one’s material security. (Earth) The universe could be nudging you to actually cement your dreams (Sagittarius/ 9th house) house into something practical. Let’s get the bag. I mean, let’s graft for the life that we really want. 
Aquarius / sign on your 11th cusp
You’re being rebellious. Have you been researching a broader range of topics related to human consciousness?  Perhaps you’re investing effort in your friendships. It could be that now the way you react to things, or you’re actively trying to see people, places and things from a more objective standpoint. Or you need to incorporate that viewpoint in your life. Is there an area of life where you just need to be brave and be rebellious? Aquarian energy is all about establishing (Fixed) an inventive and progressive way in which one can use in relating to others in society. (air) The universe could be asking you to further mould what you produce in the real world (Capricorn/10th house) to ensure that it has positive benefits for society.
Pisces / sign on your 12th house cusp
You’re tapping out. Or, you’re not but you are giving yourself precious time to do some productive visualisation. Maybe you’ve been researching spiritual topics such as LOA and manifestation. Do you need to forgive yourself, or someone else? Maybe compassion is how you’re living your life nowadays and it feels amazing. Realising that we’re all connected in one way, shape or form? Pisces energy is all about being the ability to co-exist (Mutable) with whatever life throws at them by relying on their intuition (Water) and connection to a higher power to get them though. The universe could be asking you to look at how you can give back (Aquarius/11th house) or, alternatively, make a deeper connection with yourself. The good, bad and the ugly. Does your ego need a check?
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astrochiron · 4 years
The Signs :: Channel Orange // Frank Ocean
Aries- Sweet Life
“You've had a landscaper and a house keeper since you were born The starshine always kept you warm”
This line refers to an easy life, one of luxury and means. What’s more, this person has had these things since birth, not even earning these things themselves. An Aries rising chart is called natural, as their houses are led by their associated signs, their life tends flows easily and this person has had a similar life.
“So why see the world, when you got the beach? Don't know why see the world, when you got the beach”
Aries is the sign of self and your own experiences that you don't have to reach out for. This person has trouble seeing outside of their world and, in fact, refuses to branch out. They have the “beach” in their own mind allowing them to ignore the things going on around them.
This song is a challenge to look outside of oneself and your own comforts to empathize and experience the ways of others. Frank wants her to step outside of her privilege and her pretty surroundings to maybe experience something else, something less curated for them. The lyrics imply a sense of immaturity exhibited by the subject, not fueled by the search of fun but by circumstance.
Taurus- Pink Matter
“That soft pink matter Cotton candy, Majin Buu, oh, oh, ohh Close my eyes and fall into you, you, you My God, she's giving me pleasure” close my eyes and fall into you” 
This line provides sensory imagery of softness and pleasure, two things Taurus is associated with. Cotton candy and Majin Buu (a DBZ character) conjuring up safe and comfortable imagery of childhood and happiness. Frank’s moved on to another source of pleasure though, as this line alludes to sex and the pleasure of it. Taurus is associated with the physical pleasure of sex.
“Pleasure over matter” 
Both pleasure and physical mater are associated with Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign, associated with physical matters like money, possessions, and even your relationship with your physical body. Pleasure is the ultimate goal and that is bolstered by the maintenance of physical means.
This song’s focus on the body, especially the feminine one, links it to the feminine sign of Taurus. While Virgo is linked with physical health and routine, Taurus shows how we view and worship the body. This song also focuses on desire, another Taurean trope.
Gemini- Thinkin’ Bout You
“A tornado flew around my room before you came Excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain in”
The chaos and air-related tornado is a perfect symbol for Gemini, a restless and powerful force made of fluent thought and free-ranging speech (Air related things). Frank is also lying to this guy, saying his room is messy because of a tornado. I’m not implying Gemini’s lie, but they certainly have fun with the truth more than most signs.
“Since you think I don't love you, I just thought you were cute That's why I kissed you”
This song displays the inquisitive and impulsive nature of Gemini. Frank kissed the guy because he thought he was cute, plain and simple, almost like school kids on the playground. This also displays the dismissal of romantic disinterest (common in the manner of most air signs) for inquisitiveness.
The title literally has “thinking” in it, which is Gemini’s superpower as the mutable air sign. The whole song is something of a train of thought ramble that Frank is well known for, honestly. The whole song has a childhood vibe, even supported by Frank saying this is about a time when he was 17 or so. Gemini is linked with our formative years and though, 17 is a bit old for Gemini’s range, it’s still cerebrally nostalgic and witty.
Cancer- Forest Gump
“Forrest Gump You run my mind, boy Running on my mind, boy Forrest Gump”
Cancers have a tendency to linger on thoughts, especially the emotional nature of them. I don't think Cancers are crybabies (I'd give that more to Pisces who cry from happiness, frustration and sadness all in the same hour), but they are very emotionally strong and emotionally stubborn. Their emotions are forefront in memory and so is the way Forest made Frank feel.
“Forrest green, Forrest blues I'm remembering you If this is love, I know it's true I won't forget you”
The “Forest blues” points toward Frank being in feelings over a past situation. Whether over something that happened when they were together or over the break-up itself, Frank is sad and a cancer will never forget how someone made them feel.
This song has a focus on past feelings for someone, not specific memories. Cancers are very subjective and, instead of remembering facts about a memory, they'd be remembering how they were feeling during the time. As a bonus, the song is  named after an older movie which was itself based in nostalgia.
Leo- Super Rich Kids
“Real love, I'm searching for a real love”
Leos are associated with romance and unconditional love. Their search for joy and the uninhibited feeling of childhood makes them crave and seek true love, sometimes at the detriment of their well being, but aways for the better in the end. No matter how unhealthy, these two searching for genuine love from one another, though finding temporary joy in drugs.
“Caddy-smashing, bratty ass He mad, he snatched his daddy's Jag And used that shit for batting practice”
Earl’s whole rap discusses the more self-destructive traits of Leo. This line in particular shows the sometimes self-centered nature, expressing their anger by inflicting pain on others. Leos are very expressive and, despite their genial nature, are still passionate fire signs. This also a very childish expression of emotion, and our inner-child is linked with this sign.
Immaturity is often a negative trait associated with fire signs. Leo’s exhibit this immaturity when they may make bad decisions trying to seek love and acceptance, as well as looking for fun and enjoyment in the wrong places. And while not outright said, the subjects of this song seem to blessed (or cursed) with the fame and fortune associated with Leo.
Virgo- Lost
“And I just wanna know Why you ain't been going to work Boss ain't working you like this He can't take care of you like this”
This line display’s Virgo’s focus on work and duty. It also exhibits their often gently direct nature. This is very much a line a Virgo would say to their out-of-work partner, “This place is a mess! And I just wanna know; why you ain’t been going to work?” Virgos also take great care of their partner, even to the extent of being servile at times. He’s taking care of her and giving her a job.
“Hand me my triple weight So I can weigh the work I got on your girl”
Frank’s weighing out his product, showing the minutiae of his drug life. The song could focus on all the stuff he could buy for her, selling all these drugs, or even getting high on them himself, but instead he discusses weighing it up and strapping it to her. Frank employs this girl as a drug mule, being her boss and her lover; providing her employment and care (6th house).
Frank shows Virgo’s tendency to get caught up in work and the money coming in as opposed to the things that can be done with the money. Frank is always selling to give himself and the girl a better life, every drug run aways being the last one, but never really being the last one. The woman shows Virgo’s dedication to their partner, disregarding their own safety or comfort for their love.
Libra- Pilot Jones
“You're the dealer and the stoner With the sweetest kiss I've ever known”
This line represents the dichotomy of the user and the supplier. She’s both the source of his addiction and she enjoys the outcome of the addiction herself. This shows’s Libras’s tendency to be all things to all people. The last part also points toward Libra’s geniality and tendency to cover up ills and pains with kisses and sweet words.
“But if I got a condo on a cloud Then I guess you can stay at my place”
Despite all the bad decisions and toxicity, Frank is sayin that if he’s in a good place, she will be too. If he gets a raise, she benefits; if he buys a cheesecake, she gets a slice, if not half. When Libra’s are happiest, they want their partner there too, even if their partner was the reason for their unhappiness sometimes.
This song equates drugs with love, a metaphor I'd definitely associate with Libra. They don't need to be in a relationship, don't get me wrong; but it feels good. Librans lacking in self-expression or happiness or even stimulation, may turn to relationships just out of habit, even if they’re not with a “good” partner or one that is ultimately good for them. Frank is laid back in this song, allowing her to guide his high and really the whole relationship, taking Libra’s laid back and often lax attitude.
Scorpio- Sierra Leone
Spendin' too much time alone (And I just ran outta Trojans) Horses gallop to her throne
We all know about Scorpio’s focus on sex and the intimate connection formed behind it. This includes the first part of this line, as Scorpios tend to have intense relationships, often most intense in solitude with partner. This obviously doesn't involve only sex, but the intimate moments shared between two lovers when by themselves. 
“And a new day will bring about the dawn And a new day will bring another crying babe into the world”
Scorpio is linked with self-transformation, and the imagery of the new day bringing the dawn paints the picture of the whole world being renewed, as well as specifically the characters of this song and their evolutions. The last part of this line points to the birth of the characters’ child. The ultimate rebirth and the ultimate result of Scorpio’s sex and alone time, is a birth itself.
This song discusses an alternate Frank that got a girl pregnant young. It focuses on how different he’d be and how his life would be. This hypothetical thought experiment is very a very Scorpio thing to me, analyzing “what ifs” and “might be’s”. This song also focuses on the transformation of the characters, especially Frank, from stupid teenaged lovers to responsible parents by the end.
Sagittarius- Monks
“Mosh pits and bare chest Stage diving sky diver Spray the crowd with cold water Now it's mosh pits and wet tits I think I need a cold shower”
This whole verse gives Sagittarian vibes. Sag is ruled by jovial and beneficially social Jupiter. Each line exudes freedom, fun and physical exploration. The parties, lewd behavior, and stimulating music would all be perfect for Sags huge energy and need for experiences.
“African girl speaks in English accent Likes to fuck boys in bands Likes to watch Westerns And ride me without the hands”
This song represents the foreign interests of Sagtttarius. They love accents and different cultures and foreign people (romantically as well as platonically). There’s actually a hodgepodge of cultures represented with the African girl and her English accent with an interest in rock or grunge bands who watches American western movies and an... expansive physical repertoire. 
This song chronicles a meeting with a groupie, which gives to Sag’s rockstar vibe. Traveling countries, writing songs, and positively affecting masses are all things that Sagittarius is interested in. The groupies, they also probably wouldn't mind. As for the title, a monk, as defined by Oxford is “a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.” While the latter art of this definition sounds more like a Capricorn, evolved Sag’s are very monk-like once they’ve found their cause and their moral path.
Capricorn- Pyramids
“We'll run to the future, shining like diamonds In a rocky world, rocky-rocky world Our skin like bronze and our hair like cashmere As we march to the rhythm on the palace floor”
This line represents Capricorns focus on the future. Frank aims to be decked in gems, sun kissed and confidently walking even in a rocky world. Like Capricorn, he aims to dominate his environment and get the best out of it to his own benefit. He’s focused on improving themself and being presented as prestigious and as a king.
“The way you say my name makes me feel like I'm that nigga but I'm still unemployed You say it's big but you take it, ride cowgirl”
Capricorn’s get off on respect. Capricorn is one of those signs that has a link to sex, but primarily because of the power of it. She says his name like he’s the best, she compliment’s his assets, even if they’re still not too big for her. Even though he’s unemployed, he's still the head of household while they’re having sex. This points toward Capricorn’s sense of joy coming from others’ good perceptions of them, even if it’s not the right one. He’s broke, he may not have the biggest penis, and he may not even be the only one, but she makes him feel like all of those things aren't true.
Though metaphorical, this song focuses on history and royalty. Cleopatra may have been a Capricorn by some calculations and her outright rule of an empire as woman would support that. She was intelligent and business-minded and well-known. This song also shows a shift in status typically associated with Saturn and Capricorn. Though Saturn typically brings slow-but-sure progression, if the lessons it presents us aren't learned from and taken into account, it can take us down as high as it would drive us up. The character in this song goes from queen Cleopatra to Cleopatra working weekends at the Pyramid. Both demand attention, beseech respect, and accumulate wealth, though society sees them so differently.
Aquarius- Bad Religion
“And you say "Allahu akbar" I told him, "Don't curse me" "Bo Bo, you need prayer" I guess it couldn't hurt me “If it brings me to my knees, it's a bad religion, ooh’
The “bad religion” here shows the Aquarian distrust of religion. The driver tries to bless him, but he isn't interested in spiritual intervention, even though he did mention demons earlier in the song. Aquarians aren’t necessarily interested in or focused on religion because of the typical outright devotion involved in it. It’s a turn off for Aquarians and Frank is associating this with the unrequited love he's experiences with his crush.
‘This unrequited love To me, it's nothin' but a one-man cult”
I have a long analysis behind this next statement that I’m willing to back up one day but: Aquarians are attracted to odd social constructs especially things like cults. Every Aquarian I know has expressed interest in cults, dictatorships, or supreme leadership in the New World Order. That being oddly said, this line points toward Frank seeing himself as a worshiper in one of those cults and he wants the hell out. 
In this song we see how Frank made his love for this person his God and having it unrequited either caused or further proved his own negative feelings toward the whole idea of devotion and love. Aquarians also aren’t known for expressing their feelings in a conventional sense. Instead of going to a therapist and having to discuss feeling or going to a confidant and having to burden a friend or expose yourself to them, Frank chose to make his taxi driver his shrink, since he’s paying him anyway.
Pisces- Crack Rock
“You don't know how little you matter until you're all alone In the middle of Arkansas with a little rock left in that glass dick”
I’ve noticed that Pisceans have a bit of an inferiority-complex. This is typically portrayed a martyrdom but can even be expressed as. complete feeling of inadequacy and ineffectuality. This is due to their more tendency to outwardly exude peace even if they are in distress. This line also explicitly mentions crack, an extremely addictive substance. Pisces does have a link to addictions, though crack is bit extreme. We could replace crack with any momentarily-good but terminally-bad thing like constant sex, alcohol, less deleterious drugs, or even sleep and food. 
“Don't no one hear a sound Don't no one disturb the peace for riot Don't no one disrupt nirvana Don't no one wanna blow the high”
This line points out how Pisces tends to zone out and escape, especially when the world is a bit too much. Sleep is a common one, as Pisceans tend to have amazing dreams that likely beat a shitty or stressful life/situation. Nirvana, the ultimate escape, is associated with Pisces. They’re constantly trying (whether purposefully or subconsciously) to connect with the Great Other or the Universe or God. Anything blowing their high or disturbing their nirvana is cut off.
Frank said that he sung this song so it would sound like a smoker singing it. He wanted the fractured breath to show a long past and pain, as well as the self-abuse often an unintentional result of substance abuse. “Crack Rock” could also speak of a physical crack in a rock, separating from himself from the ones he loves due to the addiction. Isolation is common theme for Pisces.
check your moon sign (for the song that makes you comfortable and puts you in your emotions), sun sign (the song that makes you happy and the one you ride around to) and venus sign (the one that speaks to your inner artist).
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
The mystic power is from the bois not the weapons
Good evening y’all I’m putting together a bunch of random observations/evedence/my own ideas for this theory. I don’t have the energy to put in screenshots but if someone else would wanna rb w/ them I would love you forever
Ok so I’m trying to make a comprehensive list let’s start with the basics
Bois were meant to be weapons
Every other mutant has mystic powers
Raph usually his powers w/o his weapon in “late fee”
Raph also punches through a steel cage and seems to create an explosion. We know his strength has limits, so his tf is he able to do that w/o magic?
Leo is shown to move incredibly fast, significantly faster than others and visibly shocking others (see fight w/ him and splinter in the battle nexus) almost like he’s able to teleport
The magic responds to their emotions. (Portals not appearing bc Leo isn’t confident, raph unlocking a new power when his brother is in danger) that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s them, but it makes more sense for it to be them than the weapons. The magic in the weapons have no reason to attune to their emotions, i feel like it would be more likely to attune to their skill or movements or smthn
A big one no one has pointed out- in mystic mayhem draxum is surprised by Mikey’s use of magic. Plus he doesn’t look like he knew what Leo’s was gonna do. Why would he be suprised that his magical weapons are magic?? Unless they’re not
I’m guessing that the weapons are made to channel magic. Draxum is suprised bc he didn’t know the boys had magic to channel
Plus, uhhh why were there 4 weapons color codded to them specifically? Draxum thought they were dead and didn’t know about splinter’s color coding thing.
This is mostly speculation (and a bitttt of a reach) , but like what if they were made to channel magic, and when the boys walked in their magic like,,,, locked onto the weapons closest to their old ones and “claimed” them so to speak. So that’s why they were glowing each boy’s color. (And ok yeah they are also physically colored but shhhhh let me dream maybe they were made of like. Magic metal that turned the same color as their auras or smthn)
Ppl say that the fact that splinter can use Leo’s sword means that the power comes from the sword. But if Leo uses it a lot couldn’t it make sense that the power like,,,,, came from him but was left on the sword in a way? Like if some magic was left on it, in theory someone else could use it
Ok that’s also maybe a reach lol. Alternatively:
We only see splinter use the sword. He was mutated in the same experiment and has the same dna as the boys. Maybe we were all wrong about it being a mutant thing, and it’s actually a Hamato clan thing??
Bc like. We know there’s magic in the family (the scrolls). And it’s not like we saw April using the sword, or hell even one of the other boys! We have no clue if they can use eachother’s weapons. It’s been mentioned but never tried
Maybe splinter had magic all along, and when they were mutated it was passed to the boys? It’s possible he has like,,,, ig all 3/(maybe 4) powers, but it’s also possible that general magic runs in the fam and he had the same powers as Leo
Like. There’s a lot about splints we don’t know. And when he picked up the sword he opened a portal completely accurately, within inches of a teapot on a counter, using a completely different technique from Leo. Wouldn’t it make sense if he had practice??? Cus Leo can’t even be accurate to the right fucking country
Anyway. Yeah. Think about that.
I’m too tired to think of a segue. So.
If the powers belong to the boys ig would make sense that Donnie has a power. Probably a more idle/ non directly combative one (like warren’s regen and sunita’s squishy ness)
I propose spacial manipulation or time manipulation as like. Possibilities. Even if that stays purely fannon lol it explains how he fits so much in his bo + gets so much insane shit done so fast
Or it could be smthn related to the crystal. Bc his ability to read magic signatures doesn’t come up that much but I hope it does more. Also if reading magic signatures was a him thing it would make sense bc he was gonna make goggles for everyone else but never did
On a related note- Donnie having an idle sort of magic makes a lot of sense bc as the show goes on the bois are shown to be unlocking more powers, even if it’s shown more through the animation than the text.
Raph starts w/ just super powered punches, then is later able to make full body giant projections of himself, + almost like extra or prosthetic body parts??? (When he tickles shredder) + his powers sometimes seem to have an explosive/ electrical side effect (first time using them, silver fish in late fee, I’m pretty sure they’re are some others) which may be just artistic liberties but who knows?? 
Leo suddenly has a huge speed boost when he’s getting good w/ his powers. Sure, speed doesn’t = portals/ teleportation exactly but if he were say like,,,, teleporting a few times super short distances while running it would look like he was just running super fast. Also he has the ability to edit portals now??? (Shifts it during battle nexus fight) + the ability to have multiple open at a time when he could barely do 1 at first
(I’m very proud)
Also Mikey!! He’s shown to have both the fire and physics manipulation w/ his weapon from like day 1 (getting dragged around draxum’s lab, stopping the tank in mutant menace, throwing a fucking cargo ship) but his ability to just. Flip off the laws of physics grows exponentially
So if Donnie got some new powers it would still be balanced lol
Also I wouldn’t be suprised if the boys continue to find new ways to use their powers!! Both by just figuring out new shit they can do like raph w/ the projections, and by using their powers in creative ways like Leo and the helmets during the battle nexus fight
Also also, Mikey seems to have both a elemental and physical power, maybe the others do too?? Cus raph has his electricity details and shit Idk. This is like 97% me hoping and 3% evedence 😂
Ok so sorry this is a total mess. Like I said it’s part real evedence part my own bs ideas and theories,,,,
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simul16 · 3 years
Low Effort in Their Own Way
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." - Leo Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina"
I've been watching a fair amount of D&D content on YouTube of late, for varying reasons, and if I may paraphrase Tolstoy's famous quote above, I've learned that all good D&D channels make high-effort content, while each bad D&D channel makes low-effort content in its own way.
Low-effort content tends to be:
Content that is or can be created quickly; it doesn't require a lot of prep time (and the presentation usually allows this limited prep time to show)
Content that copies current trends; while a certain amount of response to significant events in the gaming world is to be expected, low-effort channels regularly feature content that basically boils down to 'here's my reaction to whatever rumor or scandal is currently being talked about among the community'
Content that does not spark or contribute to a discussion; when such channels go beyond simply recapitulating a recent event, they frequently spend very little time explaining their own reaction and seldom spend any time at all explaining or exploring contrary opinions except to make jokes or elicit emotional reactions from an over-simplified or straw-man version of the contrary opinion
Now let's start off by saying that I'm not knocking low-effort content per se; anybody who knows anything about online marketing can tell you that low-effort content has a role to play in any marketing strategy. Ideally, though, your low-effort content, the stuff that you can get out the door quickly and easily and get in front of your potential customers, exists to guide those customers to your higher-quality content that convinces them to buy your product, order your service, or otherwise become someone who believes that you have something of value to say. Because it's cheap and easy to produce, low-effort content can be cast far and wide to serve as a net to capture many potential viewers and guide them to the gold mine of the really important stuff you have to say. Unfortunately, when your low-effort content is what you have to say, it very much begs the question of what exactly it is people should be coming to your channel for.
Here are a few but by no means an exhaustive list of the YouTube channels that to me seem to feature way too much low-effort content.
The Dungeon Dudes
The Dungeon Dudes are two guys (Kelly McLaughlin and Monty Martin) who mainly do scripted back-and-forth style discussions of D&D-related topics. I've talked about the Dungeon Dudes before, when taking apart one of their recent videos, but they also stream a D&D game they play in on Twitch (and frequently post recordings of those sessions on their channel), do product reviews, and generally do whatever they can to maintain a consistent pace of content output, generally a minimum of twice weekly. They've been around for nearly four years now, and have amassed about 273 thousand subscribers on their channel, with over 44 million views for their content, which seem like decent numbers for a niche content channel. (Contract with CinemaSins, which exists as a viral content manufacturer, and has amassed over 9 million subscribers and over 3.3 billion views. I'm not trying to say the Dungeon Dudes are the CinemaSins of D&D; if they were, their numbers would probably look a lot more like those of CinemaSins.)
The big problem with the Dudes as content creators is that, despite being a niche content channel, they are clearly in it to try to eke out some kind of income or living from the work they put into the channel: they've got a Patreon, they use affiliate links in the descriptions of their product review videos to gain some additional referrer income, and they do sponsored content when they can get a sponsor. They started back in the summer of 2017 with a very 2016-era plan on how to succeed at YouTube: put together a bunch of short (5-10 minutes, occasionally longer, but go over 15 minutes at your peril) videos and release them on an iron-clad schedule to get people used to coming back to your channel and looking over your new content, and to their credit, they've kept up their content production schedule very consistently over the past four years.
They've also learned a few things during that time and have adapted the channel in response: their videos explaining rules and reviewing new products tend to be more popular, so they work those topics in on a more regular basis. They've learned that the YouTube algorithm has subtly changed over the past few years to reward channels that can provide longer 'engagement' (which gives YouTube more opportunities to run ads), and have expanded their video length to an average of about a half-hour, with their re-broadcasts from Twitch being extra-long videos (between two and two-and-a-half hours) which, while drawing fewer total views, probably draw as much or more 'engagement' from the algorithm for the views they have.
But the need to spit out so much content on such a rigid, unforgiving schedule means that they have to aim for quick-creation and easy digestion: putting subclasses into a bog-standard tier ranking, making 'top five' and 'top ten' lists that seem like they're being cribbed from a more thoughtful resource, and generally getting stuff out the door (like their 'Powerful Spell Combos Using Teamwork' video) without spending too much time thinking about how valuable or even accurate their advice happens to be. More to the point, it seems to be taking its toll on the guys who serve as the hosts of the show: Kelly McLaughlin has a fairly dour expression in general, but lately he seems to have the countenance of a man who's about to post a 'very special episode' discussing the dangers of YouTuber burnout.
The Dungeon Dudes feature low-effort content because they have to in order to support the publishing frequency they've chosen; if they were to take the time to put together a truly high-effort piece regarding one of their traditional topics, their Patreon subscribers would likely be asking why their release schedule had slowed down before their work was even half-done.
Dungeon Craft
The Dungeon Craft channel is run by a fellow who refers to himself as 'Professor Dungeon Master'; I have not yet found any reference in his channel or elsewhere that identifies who he actually is, so I'll just refer to him as Prof. Prof has been on YouTube a bit longer than the Dungeon Dudes, having launched his channel in October of 2016, and has put out 185 'episodes' (as of the time of this writing), thus averaging between three and four episodes per month. Prof's own 'trailer' video explicitly states his channel's concept: "Some channels focus on running the game, others on building terrain, others on painting minis. I do it all!" You might think, then, that this would be a place to find quite high-quality content, especially related to terrain and miniatures painting tips, but it seems like the main effect of Prof making his channel be about multiple topics (and there are plenty of topics he discusses that don't fit into any of those three categories above) is that he can't successfully communicate what his channel is actually about, other than about his specific opinions. Maybe that's the reason he's sitting at about 65 thousand subscribers and just under 5 million views.
However, being at a slightly lower 'tier' of content production than the Dungeon Dudes is not itself any kind of crime or even indicative of poor quality -- after all, one of my favorite D&D lore channels on YouTube is RavenloftTravelAgent, and she's got just over a thousand subscribers and only about 50 thousand views on her videos. No, Prof could have a very high-quality, high-content channel with the subscriber numbers and views he has, but he doesn't.
Prof's issue is almost exactly the opposite of that of the Dungeon Dudes: instead of cranking out a rapid-fire, breakneck volume of content to keep up with an arbitrary content production schedule because that's how you make a living producing content for YouTube and you have to keep feeding the hungry algorithm, Prof cranks out content that's very easy for him to write because he's been involved in the game for a long time and already knows that the way he learned to play the game is the best way. Any topic that comes up related to D&D, he's got an opinion and can spit out a script explaining his opinion quickly because it's the same opinion he's held for decades. Classic D&D didn't have skills, so the next edition of D&D shouldn't have them either. Classic D&D had slow advancement, so slow advancement is better than fast advancement. This becomes even more obvious in the videos that have very little or nothing to do with running a D&D game, such as where Prof explains why he thought Avengers: Endgame sucked, or why he thought Season 8 of Game of Thrones was 'nearly perfect'.
Some of the oddest episodes of Dungeon Craft have to do when Prof makes admissions that make him out to be, well, the D&D channel for 'that kind' of old-school gamer: the ones who can make comments to each other that they can't make in front of their wives or significant others because the latter find the comments sexist, the kind of guys you can complain to about not being able to tell a Polack joke at work, the guys who treated D&D in the 1980s and 1990s the way that guys in the 1950s and 1960s treated golf where they could build a wall between the world as it existed and the world as they wanted to believe it was (and, if we're being honest, the way that they believed it should actually be). Nowhere is this more evident than in the video where Prof starts by discussing the hot, rich girlfriend he had once who tried but never got into D&D who he just had to break up with, and which by the 3 minute mark has him "calling bullshit" on the idea that relationships are built on compromise and negotiation. (I mean, you saw this coming, right? Right there at the end of the last paragraph about how the ending of Game of Thrones was so good? You knew that's where this was going, right?)
And, of course, he's not immune to just jumping on the latest bandwagon to contribute his drone to the chorus of voices talking about things just to be talking about things. It shouldn't be surprising that Prof jumped on the bandwagon of the lawsuit brought by Hickman and Weis against Wizards of the Coast over the upcoming Dragonlance trilogy, which turned out to be a nothing-burger. Even weirder is the tag in the description of that video which says "Analysis you can't get anywhere else", even though the video doesn't contain anything that hadn't already been discussed over the three weeks between the lawsuit and Prof's video other than Prof's own opinions about it. My favorite howler that Prof makes in this video is his assertion that, because Hickman and Weis got a lawyer to file a lawsuit, that means there's definitely fire under that smoke, because "big law firms do not accept cases they don't think they can win", which both ignores the existence of SLAPP suits as well as the existence of authors who seem to take perverse glee in suing rival authors just to drive them out of the industry. He's also responded with multiple videos in response to Cody at Taking20s controversial 'illusion of choice' essay, and his response to Ginny Di's essay on making online D&D suck less didn't include any of Ginny's solid advice on making online play more compatible with an in-person mentality (recognizing interruptive behavior, or using text chat to maintain side-conversations that would otherwise not be distracting in person), but instead gave these recommendations to players:
Keep your camera turned on
Mute yourself when not talking
Don't distract yourself with technology during the game
Nothing specific on recognizing how online play differs from tabletop play and suggesting ways to bring those two styles closer together, just commands because he's the DM and he says so. Or, in other words, low-effort, opinion-based content.
Nerd Immersion
Nerd Immersion, a channel by Ted that started in May of 2014 and has amassed over 70 thousand subscribers, starts his "channel trailer" video by leafing through a book, then looking up and saying, "Oh, hello" as if he'd just noticed that there was a camera on pointing at him while he's sitting in his orange-trimmed gaming chair. That, sadly, is roughly the level of thought that goes into the actual content contained on this long-tenured but seemingly still super-niche channel.
The weird thing is that at some point, it was obvious that Ted put some real effort into this channel. There are defined sections of the channel that focus on particular things, avoiding the Dungeon Craft problem of 'what topic is our channel about this week?' On Tuesdays, Ted posts a top-10 list. Ted comes up with an idea for a series, like 'Fixing 5E' or 'Reviewing Unearthed Arcana', posts regular articles until he's said what he means to say, then ends the series. (There hasn't been a new Fixing 5E video in roughly a year, meaning that Ted isn't wasting his own time and that of the viewer continually beating horses he's long since killed.) And he comes up with some great ideas for series, such as his series reviewing products on the DMs Guild; that particular series comes out somewhat irregluarly, but not so irregularly that you think he may have stopped doing the series without telling you.
Nerd Immersion's big problem can be summed up by simply looking at the list of videos on his channel and noticing that when he puts his own face on the thumbnail of the video, the startling frequency with which he's shrugging or has a puzzled face or just seems to be presenting himself as if he's not sure what's happening in his own video. I mean, I get it -- that's his image, the personality he wants to present to his audience. He doesn't have all the answers (a refreshing change from Dungeon Craft, honestly), but has some things to share if you're interested, so go ahead and take a peek. But then you take a look at those different sections we spoke about earlier and see that the 'Fixing' series all have the word Fixing at the top of the screen, the Nerd Immersion logo in the top left, two images underneath the text, one on the right side of the page and one on the left, separated right down the middle, and they all have Fix-It Felix on the far right. The Top 10 videos always have Top 10 at the top of the thumbnail. The Unearthed Arcana reviews all have 'Unearthed Arcana' at the top, then 'Review' in an odd off-set to the right beneath 'Unearthed Arcana'.
In other words, Ted has a formula, and he's damn well going to follow it.
Now it's not a bad thing to have a workflow -- if you're going to be cranking out videos at the volume that Ted does (not to mention the others on this list), you'd better have some kind of process for making the video, getting the thumbnail on it, etc.; otherwise each new video is a horrible nightmare of effort as you re-invent the wheel for every project. Nobody wants to do that, and the results would likely be unwatchable. Having a process is a good thing. But the Dungeon Dudes clearly also have a process -- they've put out at least two videos a week for three and a half years, so they damn well have a process or they wouldn't have been able to get out that much content. Looking at their channel, though, shows you that while they have a brand, and one that's evolving over time to boot, they're not just making the same video over and over again, or at least you wouldn't think that from looking at the thumbnails.
Ted's most interesting videos are where he's interviewing another person or even just having another person in the video, because having another person around clearly takes him at least a bit outside his rigid formulaic comfort zone. The problem is that those videos are few and far between -- the review of the infernal tiefling is about eight months separated from his interview with Celeste Conowitch about her Venture Maidens campaign guide. Also interesting are his unboxing videos, because Ted clearly likes minis and takes some degree of joy in cracking open and looking at new minis. His unboxing videos aren't as irregular as his interview videos, but they are fairly recent, with the first appearing just a few months ago, so it's still not clear if this is going to be a new regular part of the channel, or just another series that goes until he says what he wants to say about minis and then stops.
Most of the stuff on the site, though, is just, well, stuff, cranked out on a formula and thrown out into the digital void with the same soft-spoken volume regardless of whether it's major news or a press release. As an example, while pretty much everybody had an opinion on the Dragonlance lawsuit, Ted covered when the suit was announced, when it was dismissed by Weis and Hickman, when the actual trilogy that was the subject of the novels was announced, and the official release date of the first book in the new trilogy. When it came time to get ready to announce the newest campaign book, Ted was on the job, posting a video preparing for the announcement, another video later the same day when his original prediction of a Feywild adventure book seemed to be contradicted by other rumors that the book would be a Ravenloft book, then posted yet another video when the actual book was leaked on Amazon at 11:24pm later that same day confirming Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, posted the video discussing the official announcement of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft the next day, and then the day after that followed up with more details on Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft revealed in Dragon+. That's five videos in three days, for a grand total of just over 100 thousand views combined. The intention seems like Ted wants to be the CNN of the D&D news scene, but with those kind of distribution numbers, the result is more like your local home town's shopping circular that occasionally also features stories about the latest project to fix the potholes on Main Street. Just like nobody's doing 24/7 news coverage of your local town council, nobody is (or probably should strive to) doing 24/7 coverage of the gaming industry and Wizards of the Coast. At some point it just becomes running a script, pressing a button to upload the next video, because it's news, and while you don't have to think about news to quite the same degree you have to think about more opinion-based topics, once you stop thinking about the process and what it is you're making, all you have left is executing the formula, over and over again, and both the input and the output becomes repetitive.
Repetitive videos, in repetitive formats, with repetitive text, to keep the monster fed for another day. I can admire the effort that goes into it, but the overwhelming presence of the formula involved in cranking out this content keeps me from feeling that it's worth engaging with. It's low-effort, because the effort has been meticulously removed from the process.
I could go on, but I think I'll stop here. There's not really any constructive criticism I could provide to these channels because, as I hope I've pointed out, it seems like low-effort content is pretty much the only thing these channels have to offer or in truth can offer, and anything that might cause their owners to re-consider their channels to improve their content would almost certainly lead to a very different if not wholly different channel. With things being as they are online, there's no guarantee that any new, higher-effort channel would be any more successful than the old low-effort one (remember the RavenloftTravelAgent channel with absolutely miniscule numbers; effort doesn't automatically equate with success). I can't even claim that being low-effort channels necessarily makes these channels bad (despite what I said in the intro); after all, they all have at least some good ideas, especially Nerd Immersion, and they each have subscribers and a following. I guess this is just my way of putting some small amount of effort into explaining why I don't feel like doing more to help these channels succeed, because I'd rather put my support toward channels making higher-quality, higher-effort content, especially because its not the content itself, but people engaging with that content that really drives a channel's success.
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kindajared · 4 years
Naomi Bianco (My OC)
Name: Naomi Bianco
Age: 22
Gender: F
Nationality: Italian
Height: 5’4’’ (163 cm)
Weight: 115 Ibs
Eyes: Bright Green
Hair: Black (Long and straight, thick)
DOB: January 5th, 1979
POB: Venezia, Italy
Family: Angela and Mario (Mother and father) (Alive?), Leo and Americo (Brothers 3 and 1 year(s) younger) (Deceased)
Occupation: Assassin
Stand: Slipknot
Ability: Ropes. They can constrict and tie down anything, they can also manifest inside people. Senses by even the slightest movements when the target can’t be seen. 1-8 M
Power: B Speed: B Range: C Staying: B Precision: B Learning: C
Likes: Warm Weather, Energy Drinks, Strawberries, Hot Chocolate
Dislikes: Thunder, Coffee, Bugs, Vegetables (Baby)
Strengths: Physically strong, levelheaded, intelligent, caring
Weaknesses: Reckless, clumsy, irritable, picky
Movies: Hellraiser and Blood Simple
Music: Tool and Motley Crüe
Attire: Black Wedges- Black, latex, pants (Low riding)- silver chain belt- loose fitting, black, tank top- thick, white, suspenders-thin leather jacket with faux fur on its hood.
Jewelry: Thick, black, choker- black arm bands,
piercings: -all lobe and cartilage piercings.
Tattoos: Bothers’ initials behind her ears-Hexagram on her left hip
Scars: 6 inch thick scar on her upper back from a mugging-one 3 inch thin scar between her thigh from an attempted r*pe
MNottable personality traits: Extroverted, Sarcastic, Humorous, Heart of Gold, Crude, Flirty
The way she treats you usually depends on her first impression. If she’s turned off, she may not be interested in getting to know you, if it’s the other way around, she’ll want to become fast friends.
She’s drawn to people who are similar to her- Rowdy and Funny. Not much of a filter, very friendly most times if you give off the right vibe. She’s really good at identifying the kind of person you are based on your demeanor. She does like to take chanced- approaching people she normally wouldn’t, curious.
She doesn’t usually judge people by looks, but if it’s something drastic. She certainly will.
She’s extremely flirty and will absolutely come and say hello if she finds you attractive, though she also knows how to play it cool. If it’s the other way around, she’ll act as she would with anyone else, approaching her won’t bother her, unless they don’t back off after she tells them to. It also depends on the way they treat her. You better use the right tone.
She’s a little intimidating looking when she’s not smiling, but when she curls her lips into a smile, you can tell that she’s most likely sweet- though be wary- she acts roughly some of the time.
She absolutely does not get along with everyone. She tries not to be too particular, but she can be. She’s a picker and a chooser.
She doesn’t show her emotions often- refuses to cry or open up to people-unless you get her drunk. She will open up if you get close enough to her, but tears will eventually fall if you bring up her brothers.
If you ask her about the tattoos behind her ears, she’ll tell you what they are, but will be hesitant to tell you the backstory behind them A.B. and L.B. for Americo and Leo Bianco
Born to her mother and father, Angela and Mario Bianco. She had a very happy childhood, lots of friends, a small family, good education and middle class.
It all fell apart when she was 16. Her brother, Leo, was hit by a car, snapping his neck and crushing his body. He died instantly on impact. The driver sped off and she and Americo saw the entire thing happen before their eyes.
This was when their parents disappeared, leaving her and her brother to find their own way, managing to find places to stay as they aged.
She manifested her stand soon after. The rage inside her took its toll and she swore to herself that she’d find the driver, though there was no evidence on who it may have been.
And then came the age of 19. She planned to attend school to become a mortician and worked a summer job at a night club, bartending.
To her dismay, Leo had begun dealing drugs after Americo’s death, craving money and anything that could take his mind off of it. He got away with it for 4 years before Passione finally got to him when he began to sell more than he bargained for, becoming a top seller.
Naomi and her brother had been living together in an apartment in central Venenzia. A prime location for the both of them to do as they pleased. Naomi made good money doing what she did, and Leo did the same.
Then came the day when the rest of her world came crashing down.
It was around 11 at night and there was a knock at the door, which she answered, quickly being pushed to the side by a man she didn’t recognize. He barged into the living room, approaching Leo and shooting him in the chest, straight through the heart. Naomi was shocked and enraged, letting her stand ‘Slipknot’ do it’ work.
She manifested ropes inside of his body, slowly constricting all of his vital organs until his body shut down. His gun was useless, as he was bound by his neck and arms. He died a slow and painful death.
Naomi rushed to Leo’s side, barely having time to say goodbye to hear dear brother. Her world was now shattered, and she no longer cared for anything or anyone except for finding out who did this.
She was able to hack the strange man’s phone, finding out Passione were the ones that ordered the man to kill her brother. She was at a loss. She couldn’t fight the Mafia…what was she to do?
Word eventually got out that this strange man had been killed and Naomi ran, though not far. She quit her job and found a new place to stay on the outskirts of Venezia. She simply couldn’t leave her home.
She managed to stay on the run for 3 years (I know it’s ridiculous) until she was found….walking home from hernew job, another bartending job at a smaller facility. She was apprehended on her walk home, confined and helpless, threatened by other Mafioso. She refused to surrender; she wouldn’t let herself die…though she had to give in…she had to let go.
Passione had caught her and that was the end of that, but their plan was not to kill her…but to use her. She had a powerful stand, not to mention she had evaded them for 3 whole years. She was then assigned to La Squadra Esecuzioni.
La Squadra:
Her relationship with the squad is rather Chaotic. As you can imagine, she has a hard time getting along with all of them. She’s the only female, so as expected, they do indeed want to get along with her for various reasons.
She gets along best with Proscuitto. He’s like the big brother she never had and wanted. Though the two of them are very different, they just work. Though she’s a little too affectionate towards him for his tastes, but he cares for her.
Next is Pesci. She simply doesn’t have anything to hold against him. She actually takes care of him as sort of a big sister. He’s sensitive and she feels sort of sorry for him.
Her and Melone get along well. She really enjoys being around him and his personality. They are probably the most similar out of all the squad. She’s very touchy feely with him and he doesn’t mind one bit.
And here comes Illuso. They weren’t fans of each other at first, getting ticked off at little things the other did. They eventually got over their silly rivalry by suggestion from the others.
Her and Formaggio…aren’t exactly friends. They fight over money and how sloppy one another is. They are usually teamed up together, working well oddly enough. She thinks Risotto teams her up with him to torture her.
Her and Ghiacco have a love/hate relationship. They glare and scoff at each other, fighting over money, and yet whenever Ghiaccio is having any sort of break down, she can’t help but hug him. She holds him while hushing him, “Shhh, shut the fuck up.”
Naomi and Gelato and Sorbet get along swimmingly. They may be a little wacky and unstable, but she loves their company.
Her and Risotto aren’t friends, but there’s a tension between them. Sexual? She can’t quite tell. She hates that he’s the Capo. She thinks Proscuitto is much more worthy than he is. Risotto is always rather kind to her, which is irritating since she doesn’t want to like him, but she’s got a crush. Who wouldn’t?
(I found THIS and it’s as close as it’s gonna get to what she looks like!) This photo is the avatar of a channel on YT called Tulio Berzerker!
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 8
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Calypso makes another new friend.
A/N: Time to introduce Hazel! Since some of you may be interested in my ToA read, I'm currently reading TTT and it’s reminding me how great Frank and Hazel are. In my fic Hazel is 18 and Frank 20, just for future reference.
Thanks to Cris for helping me out and listening to my rants again, and thanks to the people who commented the previous chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this one too and don't forget that even a short comment like "nice" can make my day!
Characters in this ch: Calypso, Hazel, Leo
Words: 1900+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
As the fall progressed, Calypso, who had brought a couple of her favorite paintings with her to her new flat, decided to show some of her art to Annabeth. The architect student complimented them and encouraged her to continue creating art, but Calypso admitted that sometimes it was hard to find the motivation to do it on her own. She preferred making things that she could actually use, such as clothes, but she wasn’t opposed to continuing the art hobby if she found a motivator. Annabeth suggested she join the university art club that had classes for various skill levels and where she’d get feedback to help her get even better. The blonde girl wished she had more time to draw just for fun because her university assignments took a lot of her time, but in Calypso’s case her studies had quite little to do with art so maybe the club would offer her a nice break from history.
And so, only a week later Calypso was participating in her first art class at the university club house. She looked curiously around her to see if she might know someone there from her history lectures, but it turned out that wasn’t the case. However, her attention focused on a girl with curly brown hair, dark skin and eyes so unusually colored that they stood out even from afar. Something about her fascinated Calypso and she decided to approach her.
“Hi!” she greeted.
“Hello. Is this your first time here as well?” the other girl asked.
“Yes! An architect student recommended this club for me so I decided to give it a shot,” Calypso explained.
“Mmmh. I’m not a college student – yet because I’m graduating from high school a bit late – but they graciously let me join when I showed them my art portfolio. I just felt like the high school art classes don’t have much to give me anymore so I wanted to try something different.”
“I see. So, is art something you’d like to do for living? Or just a hobby?” Calypso asked.
“To be honest? I’m not entirely sure yet,” the girl admitted. “Something happened that I was kind of out of it for a few months and that’s why it was hard to think about my future for a while. But one way or another I’ll probably still keep doing art no matter what.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about that…” Calypso said sympathetically.
“It’s in the past now, I’m fine!” the girl reassured. “Uh, I already told you that but I didn’t even ask you your name yet… What is it?”
“Calypso Astal. Yes, I know, like that music style… or that Greek sorceress…”
“I was not going to say that.” the girl shook her head, smiling politely. “I was simply going to say it’s nice to meet you, Calypso! My name is Hazel, Hazel Levesque.”
“Well, nice to meet you too, Hazel,” Calypso said, shaking her hand. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t sound rude… I’m just used to people making weird comments about my name.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it! I can understand that very well. I’m a little too used to people’s comments about anything related to my life at this point…” she said sadly. Now Calypso knew what had drawn her to Hazel in the first place: somehow she had sensed that the girl was an outsider, just like she was.
“So, how long have you been drawing, Hazel?” Calypso decided to change the topic.
“Since I was small. It’s always felt like a good way to express my thoughts and also distract myself when things weren’t that great. What about you, though?”
“I think I’ve always been more or less interested in it, but I didn’t start drawing and painting more seriously until I was in high school. I had a lot of time in my hands then…” Calypso said vaguely.
“That’s cool! What else do you do in your free time?” Hazel asked when she realized Calypso wouldn’t elaborate more.
“I like all kinds of handicrafts – you know, from sewing to building small objects and tending flowers – and I also enjoy singing… although usually I do that just on my own…” Calypso admitted, sounding a little bit embarrassed.
“Wow, sounds like you’re such a multitalent!” the younger girl exclaimed. “I help take care of a horse – his name is Arion and a friend who is good with horses claims that he’s loud mouthed even though I have no idea how he can say that. Arion is just vocal, that’s all.”
Calypso snorted at that.
“Yeah, I believe you. My flatmate would probably claim that he’s entirely capable of understanding everything his dog says, though.”
“Aw, your flatmate has a dog?” Hazel asked.
“Yep, he does, but he is not allowed to have it in our flat. Though he still did, when I arrived, and the dog broke my desk. I wasn’t too happy with my flatmate after that but he hasn’t brought the dog in since then,” Calypso said, now able to smile at the memory.
“I’d love to have one too but for some reason a lot of the dogs seem a little afraid of me. I don’t know why.” Hazel shrugged. “But my, uh, friend studies to become a vet and he’s around animals a lot.”
“That sounds like a cool career. I never really got to be around animals a lot in my childhood… But I do remember enjoying watching birds from the window.” Calypso also remembered wishing she could fly freely like them but she decided to not say that out loud, wanting to focus on more positive things.
The conversation died off because the teacher started explaining the participants the schedule of their meetings and what kind of projects they would make. The first assignment sounded like a fun one in Calypso’s opinion: it was called “If I could be any other living creature”. That meant the students were allowed to draw or paint themselves as any animal or plant they could imagine themselves being. At first Calypso thought about drawing one of her favorite flowers but then she remembered her and Hazel’s discussion only from a moment ago and how she had wished she could be a bird. And that gave her an idea.
The bird she chose was called the Golden Oriole. She had only seen one in her childhood on a trip to northern Greece but she still remembered the yellow feathers and the dark wings very well. Her own hair had been lighter back then as well, more of golden blonde than the caramel brown it was naturally now (before the dyeing) which had really stood out with her dark eyes. That’s why her mother had teased her about looking like Golden Oriole. Thinking about those times made Calypso feel a bit homesick but she decided to channel her emotions into the painting instead of wallowing in them. Once she had gotten started, she took a peek at what Hazel was making. Hazel herself had depicted herself as a horse but somehow she had also time to sketch a bear next to it. That confused Calypso. “What does the bear represent?” she asked Hazel.
“It’s gonna be a panda,” Hazel clarified, “and it’s supposed to depict my best friend. I felt he deserved to be drawn too. He is big and strong like a panda but surprisingly soft inside… I want to show how these two animals, though very different, can get along really well.”
“That’s a great topic. And he sounds like a good guy,” Calypso said approvingly.
“He is,” Hazel nodded and took a look at Calypso’s work. “That looks pretty! So, you consider yourself a bird?”
“Well, at least I’d like to be.” She shrugged. “Maybe one day.”
“I sense something is restricting you,” Hazel commented. “But don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me more.”
“Thanks,” Calypso said with relief, and after that the girls focused on their drawings again.
Once the class was over, the girls continued talking on their way to the bus stop.
“I’m sorry, this might be a strange thing to say but… I got a bit different vibe from you than from most people in the class. Do you know why?” Hazel inquired.
“Could be because I’m technically a foreigner,” Calypso replied. “I was also homeschooled so… I haven’t really been in touch with people of my age a lot.”
“Really?” Hazel raised her eyebrows. “Where are you from?”
“Greece. But we moved from there when I was 10.”
“Your English is so good that I wouldn’t have been able to tell you’re not from here. I’ve lived in many places too. I was born in New Orleans but I’ve also lived in Alaska and San Francisco…”
“What brought you here, then?” Calypso asked.
Hazel seemed to hesitate a bit. “Uh, it’s a very long story. One I’d rather not talk about right now. But after I recovered from an accident I’ve been trying to find my place. My best friend moved to study here and he’s the closest family I have so I decided I’m gonna follow him.”
Calypso noticed that Hazel blushed a bit when she was talking about her friend.
“And your parents were OK with you moving?” she asked, having too much experience with overprotective parents.
“Uh…” Hazel started awkwardly. “I don’t really have any. Mom is dead and my dad only shows up when it’s convenient to him. I lived with a relative for a few months before I turned 18 but once I was that old, she told me that I was free to make my own decisions.”
“I’m so sorry. About your parents.” Calypso said sympathetically. For some reason she seemed to be pulling a lot of people with tragic backgrounds towards her.
“It might be awful to say this but I think my mom is in a better place now. She suffered a lot in her life,” Hazel said as an afterthought.
Calypso only nodded, because really, what could you say to that? The other girl seemed to sense her hesitance because she continued:
“But don’t worry about me. Frank is the best and most protective friend I could have. And here I have found some new ones as well!”
“That is good!” Calypso said genuinely. She already felt like she could relate to this girl and wished a brighter future for her. “Um, I have some things I need to do at home but I’ll see you next week, right? And if you ever want to hang out outside the class, just message me.”
“I will!” Hazel promised and waved to her as goodbye.
Leo was making something to eat in the kitchen when Calypso arrived and he looked at the package in Calypso’s arms curiously.
“Hiya Sunshine, what you got there?” he asked.
“I was at the art club and did this,” Calypso said, taking the drawing from the bag and showing it to Leo.
“That’s a cool bird,” Leo mumbled while trying to swallow his sandwich. “Is there some deeper meaning to it?”
“Yes, it’s supposed to depict me,” Calypso answered, emphasizing the last word.
Leo looked back and forth between the drawing and the artist.
“I’m not really seeing the connection there.” He narrowed his eyes as if trying to see the drawing clearer. “You look nothing like that bird.”
“Leo Valdez!” Calypso yelled and marched angrily into her room, leaving poor Leo wonder what he did wrong.
“I just meant that you’re way prettier than any drawing of a bird could ever be,” he mumbled to himself before sighing and focusing on his meal again.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Animals Do you prefer cats or dogs? I’m a dog person for sure.
If you had to choose, which animal would you like to be reincarnated as? A dog. 
Some say peoples personalities or looks resemble animals. Whats your animal? Probably a sloth, ha. 
Books Which book series was the first you read? As a kid I loved Nancy Drew, The Babysitter’s Club, Sweet Valley High, and Goosebumps.
What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Autumn’s Game by Mary Stone.
Would you rather write a book or direct a movie? Write a book.
Characters Which TV show/movie/book character do you think you are most like? Hmm. I don’t know.
Which superhero is your favourite and why? Iron Man, Spiderman, Ant-Man, Star Lord, Thor.
What's your favourite fairytale character? Is Alice in Wonderland a fairytale?
Dreams Do you usually remember your dreams? I’ll remember it briefly and then it like vanishes. My dreams are like a Snapchat.
Are most of your dreams good, scary or just plain weird? Just plain weird, man.
What dream that you've had has stuck in your head the most? Describe: The nightmares or the ones that make me wake up crying and shaking don’t like to vanish, unfortunately. Those get saved to the camera roll.
Emotions What emotion do you find yourself trying to hide from others? I’m definitely not as good at hiding my emotions anymore. They took over and control me now.
How emotional/sentimental would you say you are? A lot. I’m so damn moody.
Do your emotions control you or do you control your emotions? Like I said, they definitely control me. 
Fun What do you do for fun? May not be considered fun, but my days are spent checking my social medias, watching YouTube, watching TV, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, spending time with my family, lounging around, and perhaps a little coloring. I like doing those things, though, so it works for me. 
Which is more fun: cycling, watching tv, roller coaster ride or cooking? Uhh, the only thing I like out of those choices is watching TV.
What is the funnest game to play? I love board games.
Geometry Nearest square thing to you? The throw pillows on my bed.
What was the last circular thing you ate? Cookies.
Is there anything triangular in the room you're in right now? I’m sure, but nothing triangular is popping out at me at the moment and I don’t feel like really looking around and thinking about it.
Height Are you taller or shorter than average? I’m 5′4, which is short, but not shorter than average I don’t think.
Is your Mum tall or short? How about your Dad? My mom is about 5′5 and my dad is about 5′9.
Do you wish you were taller or shorter? I wish I was taller.
If... If you became pregnant or your partner did, what would you do? Well, I can’t get pregnant, sooo.
If you lost something your friend lent to you, what would you do? I would feel really bad, first of all. I’d be nervous to tell them, especially if it was something that was special and unique. I’d of course have to tell them, though, and I’d replace it if possible. If it wasn’t replaceable... I don’t know what I would do. All I could do is apologize immensely and somehow try to make it up to them. I’d be super careful if a friend lent me anything, though, regardless of what it was. I also probably would just not borrow something that wasn’t replaceable or expensive to avoid all of that.
If you had to talk about 1 subject for a minute live on TV, which one? Yikes. That minute would feel like forever, I have no idea. Pass.
Jokes Do you normally tell jokes or listen to the jokes? I’m not a joke teller except maybe some cheesy, corny one I might have heard now and then. 
What is your sense of humour like (dry, dark, sarcastic etc)? I laugh at a lot of things. I like puns and clever humour but I also like dumb things and dry things too. I think it's just really easy to make me laugh. <<< Yeah, pretty much.
Kisses Do you put x's in your text messages? No.
When did you last have a kiss? 8 years ago...
Does your grandma give you big sloppy kisses when she sees you? No. She gives me a big hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
Language How many languages can you say 'hello my name is...' in? Three.
What language do you think sounds the nicest? I think they’re all unique and interesting.
What language do you want to learn more of? I’d love to be fluent in Spanish. I can only speak and understand a little. Brushing up on it by helping my mom do her Duolingo everyday for the past few months has been helpful.
Marriage Do you ever want to get married? No. I truly don’t see that happening for me.
Church or Registery Office? Dream wedding?
Names Your closest friends names? I don’t have any friends.
What names would you ever call your kids? I don’t want to have kids.
What name is the cutest for a little black and white doggie? I’m someone who needs to see and get a vibe from the dog first before naming them. And not just something that has to do with their color. 
Order Are you tidy? I’m not a messy person, like I don’t have clothes or stuff on my floor, I put my dishes in the sink after using them, I throw stuff away when I’m done, etc, but my room has become disorganized and a bit cluttered. I just have too much stuff and not enough space.
Do you colour code things or put them in alphabetical order? No.
Do you have any form of OCD? No. People throw that around loosely.
Promises Do you make promises often? No.
What was the last promise you made? I don’t even remember.
Do you plan to keep that promise?
Quizzes What types of online quizzes/surveys do you like taking? I like surveys with random and interesting questions that allow me to elaborate. And vent and ramble, too. I like ones like this that are divided up into categories. Themed surveys are fun as well.
Have you ever made a quiz? What was it about? No. I made a survey once a longggg time ago.
Have you ever taken an EQ or IQ test? If so, what did you get? I’ve taken IQ tests and got “above average.”
Responsibility Do you class yourself as 'responsible'? Not as much as I should be at 31 years old. :/ These past few years especially I really feel like I haven’t been responsible with a lot of things that I should be. 
What do you think defines a 'responsible' person? Someone dependable, keeps their commitments, and handles their business. They get shit done.
What is it that you are responsible for? Paying my bills, taking care of myself (haven’t been doing very well with that...), my doctor appointments, cleaning up after myself...
Secrets Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really. I’m quite boring.
"A secret isn't a secret if you tell one person." Is this true to you? Uhhh, that does make sense. You think of a secret as something you don’t share with someone else. I guess if it’s something you tell someone or a few select people that you trust that you wouldn’t want getting out to anyone else it could still be a secret, right? Something you don’t want everyone to know. *shrug*
Thought Provoking If you knew you had a high chance of dying, would you kill yourself before disease riddled you unable or hope for the best? Jeez. I don’t want to think about that.
Choose a box: 1 has a large amount of money, the other either a wish or fear of yours come true. Which do you pick? The money is tempting, but I might go with the wish...
An angel comes to you and offers to show you one thing from the future or the past; past or future and what is that thing gonna be? The future terrifies me, I’d be afraid to know a lot of things regarding my future. But I already know my past, so I don’t know what I’d ask them to show me. I don’t knowwww.
Would you say you are more unlucky or lucky? I don’t believe in luck. I would say I have had a lot of bad cards dealt to me and I also am fortunate in other ways. 
A leprechaun pops up and offers to plant some luck on you but it could go either way. Risk it or dismiss it? Dismiss it.
Violence When did you last hit or punch someone? I haven’t hit or punched anyone.
When did you last get hit or punched? Never.
Are you more likely to be verbally aggressive or physically? I’m not an aggressive person.
Warnings Do you listen when someone gives you a warning? I want to say I would likely listen to a warning, but I guess it would depend what it was about.
What warning has someone gave you that you wish you'd have listened to? That I should have taken care of some things sooner and not ignored/put them off for so long.
What warning has someone gave you you are glad you didn't take? I’m blanking right now. XXX
Have you ever had sex? No.
Have you ever accidentally saw someone having sex? No.
YouTube Do you go onto YouTube? I spend a lot of time on YouTube.
What is your favourite video of on YouTube? I don’t have just one favorite, I have a ton. I’m especially into ASMR.
What channels do you go on the most? I’m subscribed to several people---ASMRtists, vloggers, lifestyle videos, Disney related channels, a mukbanger, a drama commentary channel, and a channel that does videos on abandoned places and the rise and fall of former businesses that are no longer around.
Zodiac What's your starsign? Leo.
What are the traits of that sign? Do you have them? Leos are described as being very opposite of me that’s for sure. I don’t believe in that stuff anyway, though.
What zodiac sign do you think you suit the most? I don’t care.
Number 1 Name me 1 person who has changed your life for the better? My mom.
Name me 1 object that's in your kitchen right now? My Keurig.
Name one creature that freaks you out/scares you? ALL bugs.
Number 2 2nd person that you talked to today was... I haven’t talked to anyone yet, it’s 820AM and my mom is asleep and my dad and brother are at work.
What is 2 times your favourite number? 16.
You and two of your friends have got in trouble with the law. Who are the 2 friends you have got in trouble with and what did you do? No friends, sooo.
Number 3 3 words that don't describe you at all: Healthy, ambitious, confident.
Who is 3rd in your contacts list on your phone? I don’t feel like checking.
In 3 more days, what will the date be? It will be January 25, 2021.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
oh my gosh an increasing chances reading?! can I get one with me and the guys name is Michael and a new deck of your choosing. Thanks babe ily 😘
went with the art nouveau deck because it was already out and i havent picked up any new tarot decks recently but we do got new oracles lmao
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Tarot: queen of swords, 9 of pentacles, the lovers, the hermit, page of cups, 8 of pentacles, ace of wands
okay so you’ve probably noticed that there are 2 cards in there that don’t look like the rest lmao. that’s because in this spread the first two cards are meant to represent the querent (you) and their person (michael) and i got a new deck a little while ago which is perfect for describing people through archetypes. SO
you came out as the trickster which is associated with transcending convention stuffiness and predictable behaviour (shadow attribute is manipulating others through duplicity). and he came out as the student which is associated with humility and devotion to knowledge, openness to lifelong learning (shadow attribute is arrogance in the pursuit of destructive knowledge and an unwillingess to translate knowledge into action) 
now to the juicy stuff 
the top three cards represent how your person sees you, thinks about you and feels about you. 
he sees you as the queen of swords. A complex woman but very smart and very capable. The sort of person who doesn’t have the time or patience to mess around. Perhaps a little intimidating but great to have on your side. Strong, independent, perceptive. Basically a bit of a badass. 
with the 9 of pentacles representing how he thinks about you theres a couple of ways we could take it. the 9s as cards haven’t quite reached the completion of the 10s. They’re about maturing and gaining awareness. Recognising changed values and opinions and shifts in perception as you grow older. So we could take this as a message that the way he thinks about you has changed over time. He’s seeing you in a new light more recently. but the 9 of pents specifically is related  perseverance and abundance. So it’s also possible that this just means he thinks about you regularly. 
At this point I would like to make it clear that I don’t cherry pick cards, I shuffle until something falls out and I take it whatever it is. And I want you to know that because the card representing how he feels about you is The Lovers. Obviously this potentially means that there is some form of attraction there or that he feels there could be. And perhaps that’s what the 9 was referring to, he didn’t always see you as a potential partner but he has started to. But, as a slight caveat,  the lovers doesn’t inherently mean anything romantic. It is usually taken in that context but it can also mean other sorts of strong partnerships and bonds. But y’know whatever. 
The bottom row of cards has to do with your chances of anything happening. 
Representing you current chances, with everything how it is right now, we have The Hermit. Nothing is likely to happen between you. It’s a pretty definite card because it’s about solitude and withdrawal and contemplation. This indicates that now isn’t a good time for things to happen.
But the next card, Page of Cups, is how to increate your chances of something happening between you. Like the other pages as well he’s a symbol of messages, so this may be a sign to boost communication with michael, y’know send him a message over insta or whatever. It’s interesting that the page of cups came up because cups are the suit tied to emotions/feelings. and this specific page is seen as a bit of a dreamer, very imaginative. He represents unexpected inspiration so it’s about being open to new ideas, especially when they seem to come from nowhere. 
Finally as some added advice we have the 8 of pentacles and ace of wands. the 8 of pents is about hard work and ambition while the ace of wands is all about new opportunities, creation and inspiration. Funnily enough, both cards are related to passion. The ace of wands is passion like desire and the 8 of pents is like the sort of passion a master craftsman might have for their craft, but still...passion. However you choose to go about trying to strength the connection and increase your chances of something happening, it is going to take some time and probably dedication/commitment. 
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Now for your oracles. 
Your moon card is full moon in leo - don’t let pride get in your way. I think that’s fairly self explanatory. 
Your heart card says Deep in your heart you already know the answer. Do what feels right. which is fascinating because...
the first of those two door cards on the left says Intuition - Simple, complex - Words of pain or words that heal. You come to know truth by the way that it feels. Which really just makes me think of that page of cups. So trust youself, whatever your gut tells you is the right thing to do. 
Your other door say Patience - Everything soon will come to light And then you will see things will be alright. And THAT makes me think of both the hermit with his light, seeking answers, as well as the 8 of pentacles. 
You also got the Princess card (You can be your own knight) from my new Believe In Your Own Magic deck which basically means that you have the power to change your situation, you don’t have to wait for someone else to change things for you or make the first move. 
And finally Pond - looking inward/inspiration/uncertainty. more of that page of cups energy I think. 
Lastly, because this isn’t long enough already lmao. I got this deck recently. It’s made by someone I follow on youtube and she calls it a channelled messages deck. The basic idea being that the messages on these cards are either things the deck wants you to know or things your person would say to you if they could. Take it with as many grains of salt as you like I just thought it’d be fun. Also this is like the second time i’ve used them so
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So. The message from the deck is You Already Know. Which really fits in with some of those oracle cards. Perhaps you do know what needs to happen or how to move forward and you’ve not put any stock in it or you’ve not realised the truth of it. 
But on to the rest of the messages. 
You are so beautiful, why do you need me? there is doubt and uncertainty here. He sees you as the queen of swords, as independent, and he’s not sure you’d need him or want him. Echoed in Do you think about me too?
I think we should see other people in reverse. He wants you. He doesn’t like the idea of you being with someone else. 
I can’t even look at you right now in reverse. he might be unable to see you in person but he wants to, might indicate he’s been looking at photos. because I just dream and wish for everything... this poor boy lmao big 7 of cups, wishful energy. 
You make me want to do bad things in reverse you make him want to be good enough for you and he wants to prove that he would be. 
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oliveskylarks · 4 years
~lwj astrological birth chart analysis~
hi!!! i was thinking about lan zhan’s birthday, and i got a bit curious as to what his birth chart would look like. i did a lot of guessing and interpreting here- i know there’s no official canon year in our history that this all takes place, and that its reaaaaaally difficult to get outer/generational planets right that far back in time. i did my best. enjoy!!
Aquarius Sun
The Aquarius Sun is, above all else, an individual. They strive for their independence and freedom, in whatever form that may take. Ruled by Uranus, they value and look forward to drastic changes and seek to differ from others around them. They are skilled in dealing with facts, logic, and ideas. They have razor sharp intuition, and they usually learn to rely on it early in their lives. Because of this, the Aquarius tends to stick to their beliefs on what is right and what is wrong, and usually cannot be swayed from this, unless shown concrete evidence to the contrary. The combination of these traits create an engaged spirit that seeks to maintain an emotional distance from whatever, or whoever, they are dealing with. This emotional distance is key in defining the core essence of Aquarius- they use it to attempt to transcend the mundane, the drama, and those annoying emotions they can’t seem to get rid of. An Aquarius may face challenges that arise resulting from their detachment, and their struggles with emotion and working with others. This may make them come across as unemotional, rigid, or cold. However, they’re motivated to learn as much as they can with the world around them, and use their principles and intuition as a guide for exploring the universe. They deal in the abstract, and they are fundamentally unconventional, seeking to push boundaries and fight for the social causes they believe in. Keywords to Aquarius Sun: eccentric, independent, detached, curious, intuitive, self reliant
Scorpio Moon
Scorpio Moons are mysterious and intense. Ruled by both Pluto and Mars, they are passionate, and in search of the deeper truths behind something’s first appearance. This parallels themselves, and the truth of their emotions. Beneath all of the first impressions you get from them, there lies the truth of their inner world: sensitive to emotions around and within them, vulnerable (especially to dark mindsets), and the fear of expressing themselves and all these secrets that have been bubbling beneath the surface. All of these things they deal with makes them crave emotional purges- letting out all these powerful emotions, anger, jealousy, pain, love, compassion, in bursts because they just can’t handle keeping it to themselves anymore. They’re secretive, and it’s a defense mechanism. Keywords to Scorpio Venus: intense, sensual, moody, secretive
Capricorn Mercury
They are typically very cautious in what they say. Ruled by Saturn, they are detail oriented but they know what the big picture is. They’re good at organizing their thoughts and activities. They are conservative in what they say, and they are high focused and goal oriented. They do get irritated when too much information comes their way, because they aren’t given the time they need to process that information. Keywords to Capricorn Mercury: focused, intelligent, analytical
Capricorn Venus
People with Venus in Capricorn typically like to impress people with their intelligence and drive to succeed. Ruled by Saturn, love is very serious to them, and they might feel like they need to be at a stable, independent place in their lives to be able to settle down with someone. Behind their “cool” demeanor, they are warm and emotional people. They may be shy, but they show their feelings through their actions. They say what they mean, and how they appear to others is very important to them. To feel safe and secure, they often need to have a sense of financial security or wealth, so they may choose someone who is well off to be with. There is something soulful about someone with a Capricorn Venus, and it is even more intriguing because of their sense of privacy. Keywords for Capricorn Venus: quiet, ambitious, analytical
Leo Mars
They are extremely proud people. They tend to be quite competitive, and they do not accept compromise, or failure. They play the game of life by their own rules. They put their all into everything, including their ego, so they can get quite defensive when provoked or humiliated. Leo Mars people are naturally born leaders. They strive to succeed in any and every single thing they do. They are skilled performers, and deep inside themselves, they have a need to create. They act with their heart. However, their pride is their downfall, aided only by the high standards they set for themselves. They love being the center of attention, in more ways than one. They do take care of their partner’s needs; however, their attention is focused most on their own pleasure. They crave the excitement of a new relationship, and all the affection and love that comes along with it. They can get jealous easily, and they may “test” their partner’s loyalty. They become easily irritated with disloyalty or dishonesty. Keywords for Leo Mars: direct, dramatic, vivacious, proud
Sagittarius Jupiter
The Jupiter in Sagittarius placement creates a powerful urge to travel, to expand your knowledge and learn about other cultures. They typically can come across as detached, friendly, and non-judgemental in passing. They seek to expand wisdom, and to teach. Learning is their highest calling in life. This is a Sagittarius Jupiter’s greatest strength, but it can also cause them to come across as a know-it all, or rather aloof. Typically, not always, they may be active, and seek competition. 
Taurus Saturn
Those with their Saturn in Taurus seek tangible challenges and answers from their world. Saturn, as a generational planet, shows our limitations and challenges, and Taurus deals in the sensual, the tangible, and the desire for material pleasures. This can manifest as collection of things they deem beautiful, such as art, clothing, food, or just money. They can feel intimately tied to their physical world, and weaknesses can be found in hoarding goods valuable to them. Taurus brings this planet reliability, stability, and determination. 
Libra Uranus
Another generational placement, Libra channels Uranus’s desire for transcendence and enlightenment into art. They may be musically gifted, or particularly literate or artistic. Their deep imagination gives way for an incredibly sense for detail, and intuition. They tend to be restless, and dislike others intruding into their private lives. Uranus in Libra is uniquely prone to domestic troubles, such as the loss of their romantic partner. They can be unconventional, and are often characterized as anarchic. The balance and reasoning they bring to this planet brings changes to the traditional definitions of law, norms, and relationships.
Scorpio Neptune
Another generational placement, the Scorpio in Neptune individual is deeply emotionally spiritual. They can find physical intimacies and pleasures as spiritual connections, and seek explanation for the truths they seek about the universe in the esoteric, or the occult. They search beyond reason- they delve into the inner workings of the soul to define the world around them. They often find inner conflict in their selfish desires and fantasies, and their overwhelming tendency for self-sacrifice. 
Cancer Pluto
As Pluto represents hidden power and the deep psyche, Cancer gives meaning to this with emotional connection. Every emotion is incredibly intense, and a lot of inner conflict comes from their efforts to control their emotions. They are protective of those they love, and because of this, they seek to always be one step ahead of all their troubles in order to protect themselves and those they love. They find their purpose in their family and their relationships. They may also find themselves clinging to their childhood belief systems, even when this conflicts with what they find they desire in the present.
OKAY LETS CHAT. lets address the elephant in the room. yes, canonically, mdzs is not set in any time in our history. im just a hoe for astrology and i pieced together a relative year based on historical context given throughout canon, 423 AD. already a bit shakey on the timing of things, but also, because this is soooo far back, i did not factor in retrogrades for outer planets. technically speaking, since this is so far back in history, retrogrades become a bit insignificant when calculating for planets like jupiter, that switch signs every year and can retrograde several times a year. oh fuckin well.
let’s dive right in, shall we?
We all know homeboy’s an aquarius sun, but like come on. “value and look forward to drastic changes and seek to differ from others around them” ???? “skilled in dealing with facts, logic, and ideas” ???? “emotional distance is key in defining the core essence of Aquarius- they use it to attempt to transcend the mundane, the drama, and those annoying emotions they can’t seem to get rid of. An Aquarius may face challenges that arise resulting from their detachment, and their struggles with emotion and working with others. This may make them come across as unemotional, rigid, or cold. however, they’re motivated to learn as much as they can with the world around them, and use their principles and intuition as a guide for exploring the universe” ???? fuck yeah my dude.
having a scorpio mood explains his unsettling demeanor that we experience through wwx’s 15 year old eyes. Not only is he quiet and rule abiding, but he’s ~mysterious~. he’s secretly brimming with enough feelings to make rambunctious wwx shit himself. not only that, but he’s emotionally constipated!!! we love to see it. WE ALSO LOVE TO SEE EVIDENCE OF THE EMOTIONAL INTENSITY THAT MAKES WWX WANT TO CRY EVERY TIME LWJ TELLS HIM HE LOVES HIM OKAY BYE
cap mercury- reserved, brief, to the point. all in character.
cap venus- warm and emotional behind a cool demanor???? If that aint him???? soulful, intentional, and a rich motherfucker. yes yes yes.
OKAY THE LEO MARS MAKES THE MOST SENSE. Everyone’s so suprised to see him tell wwx to shut up and get out so many times in the beginning of wwx’s stay at the cloud recesses. But leo mars really does give him quite the temper. He’s got a bit of an ego, even if he doesn’t show it all that often. he needs to be the best at everything he does- and he is. he’s truly hanguang-jun. also in novel canon, he a dom top. and we love him for it. he knows what he wants. he knows how to get it.
okay normally i don’t put much thought into outer/generational planets, but because this is a “historical” tale, i think it’s important to put his personality into context. of course, none of these planets have an incredibly direct hand into the personality, they more give context and the foundations of the personality given your generation. first off- the sagittarius jupiter is actually so true?? he shows up in the chaos, he gets into the thick of conflicts all over the place. of course he does, how else is he supposed to learn? even if he’s quiet and doesn’t show all the character development he goes through, it’s there. there’s a reason why after wwx comes back to life, that he doesn’t really go after him for demonic cultivation. it’s because lwj seeked out places that put him out of his comfort zone (finding wwx in the burial grounds after the sunshot campaign to see all the wens, following wwx after his massacre), that really taught him the lesson “what is right? what is wrong? what is black? what is white?” let me tell you, if he just stayed in the cloud recesses year round, he would not have arrived at that conclusion. and he sure as hell comes off as aloof. if you don’t think so, ask su she.
we don’t really get to see much of lwj’s domestic life in the thick of the plot, so it’s hard to say how accurate his saturn sign is. all i know is that he’s reliable and stable as hell.
doing research on the libra uranus placement cracked me the fuck up. musically gifted? check? your romantic partner dying and leaving you alone? check. unconventional relationships? check. that last one i really want to stress. being “cutsleeve” in that historical context is very unconventional. also, given the romantic relationship that has been modelled to him in his most formative years, a stable, healthy relationship with good communication is rather unconventional. for sure, he challenges laws, norms and relationships throughout the cultivation world.
the scorpio neptune i also found really fascinating. as painful as it is for us to admit, for a long time, lan zhan’s desires and love for wwx can be interpreted as a bit selfish. not inherently!!! just that it was unrequited, and especially since wwx screamed at him in a cave as he lay dying and lwj just told him over and over again that he loved him. (wanna stress!! love is not inherently selfish!!! context!!!) he also has an undeniable tendency to self sacrifice. all the fucking time. he just don’t stop. every opportunity that he can take to punish himself for not adhering to his childhood standards, he physically punishes himself. he blames himself for a shitton of things that’s happened to him. and this is a major conflict for his character development. i also find it interesting that the scorp neptune gives an interest in the esoteric/occult. given that this is a fantasy world where he gets to go kill monsters and demons, i find this very interesting.
cancer pluto. hoooooo booyyyyy. he sure as hell tries to control his emotions. from what we, the audience, can see, he seems to have a very intense emotional world. this is only proven further by his scorpio moon and neptune. his dedication to waiting for his deceased mother for a month after she passed, his continued attachment to his uncle despite lqr’s devout hatred of the love of his life, and his dedicated attachment to wwx, this seems pretty true to me. and if anyone tries to tell me he doesnt cling to his childhood belief systems despite their contrast to his current desires, idk what ill do. Ill have to reread and rewatch everything.
oh boy!!! this was actually so much fun. if i got anything wrong, lmk!! ill make edits!! bc i did this all within an hour in the middle of the night, completely dehydrated lol
thanks for reading this far!!!
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (3)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
Jay smirked seeing Dok2 arrive at the meeting with his son in tow. “Don’t you think the kid is a bit young to be listening in on these conversations?”
Dok2 closed the door of his car with no prior warning to Ji-hoon who was still insistent on arguing with his father. He rounded the car as two guards came out of a vehicle behind him and stood on either side of the car Ji-hoon was in to ensure he would remain in there.
Once again Ji-hoon had managed to compromise his own safety for his father’s attention. It just so happened to be a day when he was going to meet Jay Park, AOMG’s leader and the rival to Illionaire.
The two groups operated in separate areas except for a few streets that were shared. This area was always a headache to Dok2 as he often got called to deal with things mutually.
“Why did you call me here?” He ignored Jay’s previous remark and got down to business as usual.
“Seems your men are getting sloppy Joonkyung.” Jay pointed to the wild brush along the highway to give him a reference area. “My men found a body the other day that didn’t belong to us.”
“So you assume it was ours?”
“If it’s not then we would have a pretty big problem on our hands. I don’t think there’s room for a third competitor in the market.” Dok2 did not offer any form of response unless information was given and Jay knew that. Yet, he loved to joke around with him. “Don’t worry my men took care of the cleanup and got the cops off both our as*es. I just wanted to let you know there would be a price to pay for sloppy work.”
Dok2 gave him a pointed look, “You would know.”
Jay had been incarcerated for ten years allowing Illionaire to further the gap between the two groups as AOMG struggled to keep themselves together without their leader. Jay Park was annoyed every time he was reminded of it, nonetheless, he smirked knowing soon he would have the upper hand. 
“I do know a lot don’t I.”
Jay’s smile irritated Dok2 knowing very well it had a hidden meaning. “Unlike you, time is not something I can spare. If you have something to say then be direct.”
Jay nodded, “That’s why I never had any children. At least you don’t have to worry about that last one.” Jay gave Dok2 a pat on the shoulder. “See you later Joonkyung.”
Dok2 didn’t bother with the commentary of someone beneath him. Everything that came out of Jay Park’s mouth went in one ear and out the other. 
As Jay walked past Dok2′s car he got a better look of Ji-hoon who was seated in the passenger seat. His signature unruly hair was slightly less so allowing him to make out the boy’s features. Mentally he began envisioning Leo beside him and smiled. It has to be his.
Ji-hoon scowled at Jay Park in turn. Stupid adults. When his father got in the car Ji-hoon expressed his distaste for Jay. “That guy really annoys me. Who does he think he is smiling at me.”
Dok2 turned to his son showing the same blank look he gave Jay earlier. “Ji-hoon, as my son you will have to learn to put your feelings aside if you are going to become Illionaire’s leader.”
“Why? Isn’t it better just to let out your anger-”
Dok2 realized how similar Ji-hoon was to his mother. They were quick to act on their emotions, never hiding their distaste for things. 
“I hate when people act all cool,” Ji-hoon scowled remembering how he had encountered someone similar to his dad. “How can you stay silent when someone is confronting you? If you’re mad shout, if you’re hurt then f*cking say something!”
Dok2 gave his son a pointed look.
Ji-hoon crossed his arms with a huff. “Forget it-” he grumbled to himself as he slouched back into the seat and looked out the window. “That guy is so annoying.”
At the end of the school year, there was one final game for Leo’s school. He was warming up when the rival team entered the gymnasium. 
His eyes spotted the unruly kid who by now had made it clear that Leo was his target. His long wavy tresses were held back out of his face by a headband after being called out on it in a previous game.
Leo’s friends caught him eyeing his rival. “Don’t worry about him.”
The silent teen turned his attention back to his side of the court and nodded to assure them he wasn’t worried. He followed through by shooting flawlessly from the free-throw line. 
Unfortunately, he was wrong.
Leo gritted his teeth when he fell back onto the ground. One of his teammates quickly came to his aide and helped him up off the ground.
“You alright man?”
Leo nodded looking stoic as ever even after he just fell on his ass in front of everyone.
The ref blew the whistle carding the person who had knocked Leo down from mid-air. “Number eight pushing,”
Number eight was Leo’s rival. The kid was much taller than Leo and nearly growled at him after being called out. “Come on!”
Leo did nothing but stare in silence when he got scolded by his coach. His eyes shifted to the crowd where he expected to see you.
Sadly his eyes never landed on you that game.
This was his final game and he won again. The next time he plays it will be as a high school student because he did intend to continue the sport.
“Leo congratulations~” A few girls from his class caught him after he had taken the picture with his team and asked if they too could take a picture with him.
He had no objections as he simply stood and waited for them to take a selfie with him. His talkative teammates/friends were closeby to witness the scene. “So he’s athletic, smart, and good with girls?”
“Guess so.”
“I’m so jealous! What did he even say to get them?”
The other shrugged knowing 100% of the conversations Leo has are never initiated by him. “Nothing, guess girls just really like the mysterious silent type.”
When Leo came home he found you sleeping on the couch. Your purse was crossed over your chest, your shoes on and the television on. This had happened before.
Leo knew you were tired from working so much. You justified taking a nap by making sure you were ready to run out the door the moment you woke up- hence the purse and shoes.
This had happened before when he asked you for a computer and you went above and beyond by buying him the most ridiculously expensive computer. Being a single parent, single-income household meant you made all the money.
Now that he thought about it, Leo hated that about you. There was no need yet you always seemed to try and recompensate for something. He feared what that something was. He never dared say nor ask.
I don’t need it if I never had it. Words he kept to himself but often thought when people tried to coax him into new things that didn’t interest him.
The young boy let his heavy sports bag fall to the ground yet you did not move. He went further by opening and closing doors as loudly as possible but still no reaction.
Feeling a little sore from his side, where the kid elbowed him, Leo went for an icepack. He sat down beside you in the small space you had left unoccupied and put his feet up on the coffee table as he held the ice in place.
After flipping through a few channels he noted you began to stir.
“Huh, what time is it- Leo?” Your eyes nearly bulged out seeing your son was already home. “Did I miss it!”
He nodded.
Suddenly you were sulking throwing yourself back into the cushions with an exasperated sigh. “How could I miss your final game... I’m a horrible mother.”
Leo practically slammed the ice pack on your forehead to negate your response but all it did was anger you.
“Why do you have this? Did something happen to you?”
He reluctantly pulled his shirt up exposing the purplish bruise on his side.
“My poor baby,” you gasped placing the ice back on it. “How did this happen? Was it number eight? I hope the ref saw it.”
Again he nodded to assure you this foul had been called out.
“Still, harming my precious son-” you chocked back tears feeling helpless. He didn’t know it but all his life you had been paranoid about him being hurt. Illionaire and Kylie were always in the back of your mind.
If she was ever curious enough to look for you again surely she would see that Leo was indeed Joonkyung’s son. The thought alone nearly kept you from sleeping at night. It was your reason for moving when he began primary school.
You pushed all negative thoughts aside when you noticed Leo staring at you. “Oh, right I almost forgot.” Leaving him alone for a second you retreated into your bedroom to fetch a colorfully wrapped box.
Leo stared at the item as you placed it on his lap.
“Open it.”
He meticulously pulled at the tape salvaging the wrapping paper not because it was how he usually went about gift wrapping but because it was easy to see you had haphazardly wrapped it in a way where the tape wasn’t completely set.
“You’re no fun, Leo.”
The young teenage boy rolled his eyes. The final piece was removed and he saw the familiar black box of an expensive basketball shoe brand. Now he knew why you had been working so much.
He gave you an unreadable look which worried you. “What? Weren’t those the ones you wanted? I saw you looking at them when we were shopping last week.”
He nodded, sure he liked them but he didn’t need them. His current shoes were fine. It wasn’t until your shoulders fell that he realized this was obvious on his face. “I like them.”
Three words and your smile was back. “I’m so glad,” you wrapped your arms around him tightly not minding at all that he didn’t return it. “I promise I won’t miss another game.”
A long silence took over until your ears perked up hearing his muffled voice.
Dok2 avoided Kylie like the plague now that she was constantly flaunting her daughter around. That meant he went home less than before and he was rarely there, to begin with.
But unfortunately, sometimes he ran into her when he would pick up his son. It wasn’t spoken of but he had moved out to his own place where he often took his son. He was old enough to start learning about the business he would inherit so that’s what Dok2 did. 
“Hello Joonkyung, did you come for my son?”
“He’s going to stay with me for a while.”
Kylie looked legitimately upset and confused. “What?”
“Hey Dad,” Ji-hoon came down the marble stairs tapping away at his phone with a duffel bag on his shoulder. “Bye Mom.”
“When did you start deciding things on your own?”
Ji-hoon sighed angrily, “Since you stopped giving a damn about what I do.” His mother hardly ever paid attention to him, leaving him to do as he pleases. The only time he mattered was whenever his father was being mentioned.
He became painfully aware of the kind of relationship his parents had when his sister was born. He began doing all sorts of things for attention, all bad until now. He realized no matter what he did his mother could care less.
“The high school I want to go to is near Dad’s house anyway so it will be better if I stay with him.”
Even Dok2 was caught off guard by that confession. He thought he was picking his son up for a few days, not a permanent living adjustment. “Ji-hoon-”
“What, are you going to deny me too?”
Dok2 and Kylie looked to each other for a response, neither knowing what to do.
A/N: I tried to keep it a secret and make it suspenseful but I think everyone knows who Leos’ rival is.
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mirrormyheart · 5 years
Leo’s Journey
Some of you may not know, but I have been delving into a journey of divination and researching astrology since almost a year ago now. These things have always been of interest to me, but only more recently have I began to feel these concepts more deeply and wanted to really use it to help people as I see so many others do - and the internet is a brilliant platform to do so. This isn’t an Astrology blog by any means but I was about to write a short blurb about tools/challenges signs will experience or need throughout their life to live out the life that they’re searching for. A lot of the blurbs started out short, and then when I got to Leo, suddenly I had a lot to say and a lot of ideas and thoughts to guide me. I’m a Leo ascendant personally but I’ve never placed a lot of importance on that, as a Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, I see those being two signs that are more important to mold and grow with - my Leo Ascendant, I tend to be more passive about and a little accepting of because whatever Leo energy I send out, I believe at least 50% of the time, that energy comes back to me in some shape or form. I also believe it’s a good buffer for the more quiet and stable traits of Taurus, while complimenting Aquarius although those two signs are completely different for different reasons. Either way, it’s usually in the back of my mind compared to my two other reigning signs - but I suppose there is always something I could learn from my Leo Asc. as well. Anyway, since the other blurbs are currently so much shorter, time to go all out as Leos tend to do! Maybe as we are in Scorpio sun, I will try to write one about Scorpio next that’s close to being as in depth as this one, as it’s bound to be one of the best times for Scorpios to act on their desires and life changes.
Leo Sun Journey
Because you send off such passionate vibes and messages, you need to make sure you're getting across what you intend to get across. Someone is always going to be opposing you - as a sign aligned with the sun, attention will always come to you, positive or negative. All is tied to you by an invisible string and you can garner and cultivate as much influence as you like.
Deeper looks into moon signs and how to channel your emotions or confront your own emotions without misguided anger will greatly benefit you. Courses, conferences, or feedback on communication will greatly benefit how you navigate life and business. Being aware of your responses and emotional reactions or outbursts will also teach you a lot.
However, with success comes failure - leos must learn where the safety net is that they will fall into when those failures do inevitably happen, without being swallowed in our own ego and taking a huge blow to our pride. Temptations here for Leo are going to be blaming others, shirking responsibility off on someone else entirely, or attention seeking and even potential for manipulating someone else (and yourself) into believing this failure is much worse and bigger of a problem than it ever needed to be. You may have a tendency upon first glance of conflict, to blow it out of proportion. The journey of finding that safety net can be as big of an issue or as slight of an inconvenience as you let your imagination and outer influences make it. After all, we are not always the best judges of self during emotional times, and should not base our worth on our failures, but how we overcame them and the amount of small victories we’ve earned as a result. It's all about what you want to get done. Is it worth the surprisingly small sacrifice of brushing yourself off trying again? No matter how much you'd like to skirt over mishaps, arguments or things that make you uncomfortable deep at your core, these will continue to build the longer you turn your nose up at them. You are only consuming your own well of energy by ignoring your front-facing issues (and any sign can learn from this.) It's not everyone else who will be dragged down by you fuming on the sidelines or busying yourself trying to distract from it. Your constant trait of heightened awareness (the sun illuminates) will always, always have the one-up on you and nag at your conscience if you resist acting on the things that will benefit you, no matter how small - especially when that window of opportunity is ready and waiting, only for you. Everyone around you is not going to let the ‘sleeping lions lie,’ so why should you sleep on flaws you posses that will give you immeasurable purpose and harmony in other areas of your life?
Where do you actually *want* to spend your energy, and when one thing you thought you wanted most doesn’t work out, what are you going to do about it?
Have you mentally prepared yourself to use this blockage and instead manifest your next big move in life? Did you account for your other areas of potential? If you didn’t, control is still in your hands and you are the one who can and will make it happen.
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big-bara-boys · 6 years
Turtles and their S/O
Some fluff, and some turtle x reader lovin’. Enjoy! 
“I cannot believe the nerve you have, Leo!” he watches as you huff and continues pacing. “Don’t look at me like you’re cluel- do you even know what I’m talking about?” you stop your pacing and stare at your blue clad boyfriend.
“No, darling I don’t,” leaning back against the couch, Leo runs through his head all of the possible things he could’ve done,  “Please explain.” 
Not passing the opportunity to let him know exactly how you feel, you let it all out. “As of late you have really been crossing the line with how you talk to me. You’ve been using that I’m-not-taking-your-bullshit-I’m-the-leader tone with me lately and I don’t appreciate it. It’s the same tone you use with your brothers. I’m not your brother, I’m your other half. I’m the one who loves you unconditionally with all my heart. You, Leonardo, carry my heart with you, and I hope I hold yours. But when it comes to being with someone you love, you don’t treat them like you would treat your siblings when they step out of line.”
Walking over to him, you get close to his face and hold his icy gaze, “All I ask of you, is to treat me like I'm your equal, because it's what I know I deserve," and with that, you walk away from him and head home, not once looking back to his pleading eyes. 
Night fall comes around and you’re curled up on your queen sized bed when there's a tap at the window. Sighing, you get up to go and open it, knowing your boyfriend is on the other side.
Pushing open the window, you stare into his cerulean eyes, "Hi Leo," is the only thing you say to him before walking inside.
"Y/N, I want you to know how sorry I am. I- I have realized what I've been doing lately and I didn't bother thinking too much about it. You seemed fine so I payed no mind to it. And you are my equal, you're my love, my life, and one of the few things that keep me going. And I'm so sorry I failed to let you know just how much you truly mean to me. Please forgive my mistakes?" Leo stands in the middle of your living room, head bowed, waiting for you to say something.
You walk up next to him and place your hand on the side of his face, turning him to face you. "I can forgive you, only if you actually pay attention and do something about the way you're talking to me. Let's be honest babe, the only time I really need to be reprimanded is when we're in bed," you both chuckle at your joke. 
“I can definitely promise you that.” Leo reaches up and strokes your cheek. Smiling he leans closer and kisses you. 
“God damn it, Raphael, pick up your damn phone!” You angrily toss your phone onto the couch and continue your pacing. Patrol nights were never easy on your anxiety, especially not after what happened six months ago. Six months ago it was just a regular night. You went to visit the turtles and splinter and hung out with them for the day. When night fell they mentioned that it was time for patrol, so you told them you would stay back and wait for them. 
Two hours later you were reading a book when you heard frantic voices. Standing up, you face towards the entry way and watch as Leo, Donnie, and Mikey drag a near unconscious Raph. Your heart skips a beat as you rush over.
“What the hell happened?!” you stare at them with wide, panicked eyes.
“We were messing around on the rooftop of a building over on 34th street, when we were ambushed by the Foot. Raph got hit by some tranquilizers that knocked him out fairly quickly. But if I’m right on the kind of sedative that they used, he should be fine within a few hours. I’m just going to run some tests really quick and see if I can’t try and flush it out of his system quicker.” Donnie paces over and has Leo and Mikey place Raph on the curved table they made to fit their shells. 
Suddenly you heard the rushed sound of clawed feet coming up behind you. Turning around you see Splinter walking towards you and the turtles, “What on earth has happened?” Leo and Mikey immediately go into detail on what happened. Tired of standing there, you walk up to Donnie and ask if you can do anything to help, “Uh, if you could go over to that metal cabinet and get the prep supplies for the IV insert that would be great,” Donnie replies without even turning away from his unconscious brother. 
You walk over to the cabinet Donnie told you about and open it. Looking over the shelves you find what he was talking about and bring it over to him, “Thank you Y/N,” Donnie smiles at you and immediately begins getting Raph ready for the IV. 
Ever since that night happened, you’ve been very apprehensive on letting the boys go on patrol night. Of course you couldn’t tell them what to do, you could only tell them to be safe and come back in one piece. But one rule that you had set down was that they were to answer their phones when you or splinter called. Your reasoning being that you wanted to make sure that they were fine and hadn’t gotten taken away before you could do anything to help. You only ever called on that rare occasion where they were out for more than two hours. The turtles were usually very good at coming back on time (thanks Leo) but there were always those nights where it sometimes turned into three or four. Tonight just so happened to be that night, the first night they’ve been late since the run in with the Foot. 
You try calling again, and you even call Donnie, but there’s no answer. In an attempt to calm your racing nerves, you turn on the cooking channel for some background noise. About an hour later you’re sitting on your couch when you hear series of taps on your window, instantly telling you that it’s Raph. Rushing over to the window, you rip open the curtains and throw open the giant window.
“Are your brothers with you?” Raph begins to shake his head no, “Good, now get inside, Raphael,” instantly Raph knows something’s up because you only use his full name when he fucks up. When he’s stable on the ground, he turns and shuts the window, locking it in the process.
“Baby doll, I’m sor-,” Raph starts, but you don’t let him.
“What happened? Why did it take so long?” instantly your panic is noticeable to him. Guilt overrides any possible emotion he could’ve felt in that moment. He knows how worried you’ve been getting ever since that night all those months ago. 
“We were messing around on the chrysler building again, just practicing some parkour.” His voice is soft and gentle, an attempt to lower your emotions.
“Where’s your phone, Raph? I called you and you didn’t pick up, I even called Donnie and he didn’t pick up.” You continued to press, even while knowing that you were starting to overreact.
Slowly, Raphael walks up to you and gathers you in his embrace, “I’m so sorry baby doll, I didn’t mean to worry you like that. Upping your anxiety is the last thing I’d want to do to you.” He leans down and smothers his face into your hair, taking in your scent. Gently he starts to rock you both from side to side, knowing that relaxes you. Pulling away just enough to look at him, you say “Please answer your phone next time? I just want to know you’re okay,” with a small kiss to your forehead he whispers his promise. 
Laying in bed you stare at the ceiling waiting for your boyfriend to walk into the bedroom. A bit more time goes by and he still hasn’t come lumbering in. Turning onto your side, you stare at the alarm clock and see that it’s been twenty five minutes since Donnie said that he would be in bed with you. Sighing in frustration, you get up off the bed and walk towards his lab area to see what he’s doing. You don’t bother knocking on the door, knowing that he wouldn’t even hear it. 
Opening the door you see Donnie hunched over his desk, mumbling to himself while using a pipette to drop a liquid into a test tube. Rolling your eyes you walk over, “Donnie c’mon, time to go to bed,” you run your nails over the back of his shell causing him to release a squeaky churr. 
“Darling, don’t start something you can’t finish,” Donnie puts down his equipment and smirks at you. “Well I can’t exactly do anything when you’re stuck in your lab at one in the morning, now can I?” you raise your eyebrow at him and cross your arms.
“One in the morni- what? That’s not the time, I swear it was just like, what, midnight?” His face contorts into a confused expression. Looking down at his watch he see’s that it is in fact, one in the morning. “Well shit, I’m sorry honey I lost track of time. Let me just go ahead and put this away.” Donnie stands up and starts sorting his stuff away into his cabinets and draws. Once he’s done you grab his hand and lead him to the bedroom.
“I believe you and I need to have a bit of a talk, Donatello,” climbing onto the bed you turn and gesture for him to sit down. 
“Sure, what’s up?” setting his mask on the nightstand, Donnie settles into bed next to you. 
"I love you, very much, you know that right?" You start, staring at him. He nods his head, "Then you must know that I enjoy spending time with my boyfriend, right?" Again he nods his head. "My question to you is, do you like spending time with me?" You lean back and watch his face to gauge his reaction.
"Of course I do, why on Earth wouldn't I?" A look of bewilderment crosses his face, "When I'm with you I'm the happiest I've ever been!" Donnie grabs your hands and holds them close to his chest, "And I'd be a fool not to be".
Softly smiling at him, you lean up and rest your hand on the side of his face, "Then why do I barely see you anymore? I love you to the moon and back, but there is always something so godawfully important in your lab. It always take your attention away, and lately I've barely seen any of you. I consider myself to even be lucky to watch you get food out of the fridge!" With a light chuckle, you hope you got your point across.
As much as you loved watching him tinker around and create little inventions, you loved spending time with him more. Even after three solid years together the flame of chemistry between you two never died. In fact, the bond only grew stronger. But, it's strongest was when you two would be in each others physical company, which has been a rarity as of late.
"Wait, no, we've hung out plenty of times! Like last ni-",
"You were working on the computer until three in the morning.", you answered before he could finish.
"Oh! Then it was three days ago that we- " again you interjected him,
"Three days ago I was working a double shift and didn't come over at all." You exhale, slightly amused by his confusion. "Donatello, the last time we truly had any time together was a week ago. I've been trying to be understanding and let you do your own thing, but I miss you. I honest to god miss my boyfriend. I'm tired of the mumbled responses I get when I pop into the lab. I miss my "Hello beautiful" greetings that I would get from you. I miss my random kisses throughout the day. And most of all I haven't had sex in like two weeks. How can you expect me to still be sane when you look this good and won't pay attention to me? Hmm?" You fold your arms across your chest and pout. Donnie has been looking extra good lately and you haven't been able to get any of it!
"I'm so sorry, Y/N, I hadn't realized what's been going on. I've been so kept in my own thoughts and ideas that it just kind of took over me. How can I make it up to you?" He stares at you with pleading eyes.
"I have a few ideas in mind," smirking slyly you grab his hand, leading him further onto the bed for a night of fun. Suddenly you weren't as tired as you thought you were.
“Hey Mikey,” pulling out a chair, you sit down next to your boyfriend as he sketches away in his sketchbook. 
“Hey Angelcakes, what’s up?” Putting down his pencils he looks up at you. You got him some art supplies for Christmas, knowing he was extremely talented.
“Nothing much I was about to go to the fridge and grab a bottle of soda. Do you want one?” Looking over his sketches you see that he was doodling funny pictures of his brothers.
“Yeah sure, that’d be great.” smiling up at you he leans over to give you a kiss.
Smirking, you walk into the kitchen area and make sure no ones around. As of lately Mikey has been a little busy with his art. He’s been running around town and practicing his graffiti and designs, which in turn has taken his attention away from you quite a bit. His lack of presence has left you to think, and that’s never a good thing because this is when a prank war starts. When you are left to your own devices and left “unsupervised” you come up with some whack shit, and this is one of them.
You walk over to the fridge to get a bottle of orange crush for your boyfriend and yourself. Reaching into your pocket you take out the roll of dental floss you placed there earlier. Setting the floss aside, you grab his bottle of soda and undo the cap and set that aside as well. Picking the floss container back up, you take out two small pieces and make an X over the rim of the bottle; reaching back into your pocket you pull out a single mentos mint and place it on the floss pieces. Quickly, you loosely screw the cap back on, just enough to hold everything in place, and grab some scissors. 
After you had trimmed down the floss to where it couldn’t be seen anymore, you grab your bottle and head out to your awaiting boyfriend. When you walk out you notice that he’s still working on his art. Walking up you set both sodas aside and grab his face and kiss him. You use the distraction to move his artwork and tools aside so they don’t get ruined. Backing away you smile and wink at him and hand him his soda. He smiles back and stares at you as he uncaps his soda...only for it to start gushing all over his hand and then squirt up into his face.
“AH! Y/n, what did you do?!” he shouts as he quickly stands up and rushes over to the sink in the kitchen. 
Mean while you’re still at the table laughing to the point where you’re snorting. You watch as he practically throws the bottle into the sink and stands there, dripping in orange crush soda with wide shocked eyes. 
“I- I just put a mentos mint into your soda” you finally manage to get out in between laughs. 
Slowly, Mikey starts to stalk towards you, still covered head to toe in sticky soda. “Oh y/n, I do believe I haven’t gotten a hug in quite some time. Why don’t you come over here?” A predatory glint sparks in his blue eyes.
Your heart stops, you start to panic because you’re wearing brand new clothes you just bought. Getting up from the table you go around to the back. “Mikey, let’s think about this, do you really wa- Ah! No! Mikey leave me alone! I just got these clothes!” he continues charging towards you with a smirk on his face.
“You should have thought about that before doing that, Anglecakes!” he laughed as he hopped over the soda covered table.
And suddenly, a prank war was born.
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vernonfielding · 5 years
Life Writes Its Own Stories
Chapter 10. (And AO3.)
Jake dug his hands deeper into his jacket pockets and stomped his feet, trying to keep himself from shivering and looking pathetic in the freezing cold. Rosa, of course, was just leaning casually against the brick side of the building.
“You need better CIs,” Rosa said.
“I know.” Jake pulled out his phone to check the time again. “Let’s give him five more minutes.”
“You sure you can survive that much longer?” Rosa raised her eyebrows and looked him up and down.
“Not really,” Jake said with a sigh.
They’d already been waiting for his CI for more than half an hour, at the far end of a dingy alley that reeked of urine and something sweet-rotten. While it wasn’t unusual for informants to run late, Leo James was pretty reliable – except this would be the third time in a row that he’d asked to meet Jake and then skipped out. Jake wasn’t sure what to make of that, but it was making him edgy, and slightly more eager than usual to hear what Leo had to say.
Not necessarily so eager that he was willing to risk frostbite, though. Jake opened his mouth, ready to call it, when Rosa said, “So what’s up with you and Amy?”
“I- what?” Rosa never initiated conversations about relationships. Even when she accidentally started one she shut it down when things got uncomfortable, which was immediately. She’d once commented on a concert T-shirt he wore to work on a Saturday and when he started to tell her he’d stolen it from an ex-girlfriend she had yanked his arm behind his back and told him to keep that shit to himself. They’d been working together for two weeks.
Warning him about trusting a reporter back when Amy was just that –  some reporter –  was one thing. But now that they were dating, he’d assumed Amy was off limits. And Rosa did look pained now, her face scrunched up like she’d just smelled something Charles had baked for them.
“I’m worried about you,” Rosa said with a wince, the words spilling out all at once.
“Look, you know how much it horrifies me to talk about this-”
“A lot,” Jake said.
“So much,” Rosa said. “But I’m going in anyway.”
She took a deep breath and released it slowly. “As far as I can tell, Amy seems like a not terrible person. Like, she has ethics and shit, and she’s obviously really into you. But you’ve got to know, she’s not like us. Even the good journalists, they have different goals. We’re trying to protect people, they’re trying to sell newspapers.”
“Digital subscriptions,” Jake said.
“Newspapers don’t really make much off print newspaper sales anymore, it’s all about the online- you know what, never mind.” Jake ran a hand through his hair. “First, you’re wrong about me. My singular goal is to jump out of a helicopter with a knife between my teeth and a super cool semi-auto pistol strapped to my thigh, with one objective at hand: Get all the hostages out, alive.”
“Out of where, exactly?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Jake stared off into the distance for a moment, lost in thought. He started when Rosa coughed pointedly. “Anyway, I guess you’re right that Amy and I don’t share the same goals. Although, I’ve never asked so maybe we do? Should I ask her how she feels about jumping from helicopters?”
“I know, Rosa.” He sighed, hunching up his shoulders when a gust of cold air swept down the alley. “I get it, but you’re wrong about Amy. Yes, she wants to sell papers, but that’s just so they can make money and keep doing the work they do. She wants to make the world a better place, just like we do. We want the same things.”
Jake didn’t like the hint of defensiveness that had crept into his voice. And he did understand why Rosa was concerned. But at the same time, she’d only met Amy twice – the one time at Shaw’s, when they’d barely interacted, and two weeks later at a dinner arranged by Charles, which had ended early when everyone got violently ill on the horsetail soup. All of her concerns were based on her preconceptions of journalists in general and had nothing to do with Amy herself.
Jake didn’t need Rosa’s approval. But it didn’t sit well with him that his partner – whom he trusted more than anyone, and whom he knew with absolute certainty would always have his back, despite whatever issues she had about emotional intimacy and maintaining boundaries – didn’t like his girlfriend.
“You really trust her?” Rosa said, narrowing her eyes at him – it felt like a challenge, like she was daring him to look away. “Are you sure this isn’t just about the fact that she’s hot and for some reason you’re into her weird pantsuit aesthetic and obvious nerd brain?” 
“Yeah,” Jake said, without thought. Then again, “Yeah, I trust her.”
Rosa broke the eye contact and exhaled sharply, her breath puffing cloud-like in the cold. “Okay.”
She had her hands in her pockets now, and she shivered, just the slightest tremor across her shoulders. Jake sighed and kicked at a crumpled ball of newspaper at his feet. He glanced once more around the alley.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said.
Rosa pushed off the wall and they headed back to the precinct in silence.
Amy twisted her hair into a sloppy bun as she padded into her kitchen, hoping Jake hadn’t discovered the pint of Cherry Garcia she’d hidden in the back of her freezer, behind the box of orange popsicles and the stack of frozen pizzas. She smiled to herself when she spotted the container, the plastic seal unbroken. Amy grabbed the ice cream, picked up a spoon, and headed back to her couch.
It had been a while – almost exactly two months, actually – since Amy had been alone with just ice cream and her pajamas on a Saturday night. A part of her had been looking forward to an evening of solo indulgence when Jake had first mentioned that he had plans. But now that the night was here, she was just feeling bummed out.
Jake was at a dinner hosted by a New York City Council member, honoring Commissioner Wuntch. The dinner – which was actually more of a gala, as far as Amy could tell from her petty internet sleuthing – was being held at the New York Public Library. Jake and Rosa had been ordered to attend by Pembroke, as representatives of the Nine-Nine. Amy had been very distinctly not invited.
At first, she’d been okay with that – a little disappointed because it would have been fun to dress up fancy with Jake, to see him in his full uniform, his dress blues, to dance with him and exchange knowing glances behind glasses of Champagne, but okay. She really did understand his hesitancy – she’d accepted it at Shaw’s, and she accepted it now. It wasn’t like she was so eager to be fodder for the neighborhood gossip blogs anyway – she had a career and a reputation to protect too.
But there was not going public, and there was hiding. And what Jake was doing was starting to feel a lot more like the latter. They still hadn’t told Gina they were dating. Amy hadn’t met his mom, or any friends other than Rosa and Charles, who barely even counted since she’d already known him. Jake wasn’t ashamed of her, she was sure of that. But after two months of dating, his reservations were wearing thin.
She suspected that for him, keeping their relationship private – and keeping it contained – wasn’t just about protecting his career, but his heart. She didn’t think he did it on purpose, necessarily, but she knew he had trust issues. It probably went back as far as his father leaving when he was young – a fact he joked about sometimes, though it obviously still hurt –  and it hadn’t gotten better in his years as a cop, especially working under someone like the Vulture.
He’d told her recently, in the darkness of his studio late at night, that he could count the number of people he trusted on one hand, and not even use all his fingers. She hadn’t asked him then if she’d made the cut, and he hadn’t said, but the way he’d cupped her face and kissed her, gentle and thorough, had told her everything she needed to know.
Still, as the past week had gone by, she couldn’t help thinking that he knew how much she loved the public library and how thrilled she’d be to attend a private event there. Then they’d spent Thanksgiving apart because he was on duty and he hadn’t even managed to swing by for pie, and her whole family had seemed quietly judgmental. And the day after that, he’d mentioned that Rosa was bringing her new girlfriend to the dinner-slash-gala – and that was what finally, officially ticked Amy off.
Rosa, who barely tolerated people knowing her phone number, was taking a date – a female date, less than a week after coming out as bisexual – to the dinner. And Jake still wouldn’t be seen in public with Amy, his girlfriend of two months.
She’d spent the night before the dinner at Jake’s and woken up feeling bruised and sensitive. She’d seriously considered talking to him about it, even crafting a monologue in her head while she showered, but eventually decided it would keep for a day. Jake already wasn’t thrilled to be going to the dinner, and she didn’t need to make him feel like an asshole on top of it. She would take the night to sit with her feelings and approach him in the morning with a reasoned, carefully practiced speech about treating each other with respect.
For now, though, she was going to eat an entire pint of ice cream on her own and watch the Hallmark Channel until she couldn’t see straight. Amy dropped on her couch and pulled a blanket over her lap. She turned on the television, picked her channel, snapped the plastic seal on her pint and dug in.
“Fucking men,” she muttered.
From the spot he’d staked out at the back of the hall, Jake couldn’t help marveling at the spectacle of it all. Orange and yellow lights bounced off the columns and arches far overhead, and flickering candles clustered on small tables around the perimeter gave the hall a warm, intimate vibe, despite the expanse of the space. About half the crowd were in uniform, and the rest were wearing gowns or tuxes, everyone looking polished and glowing in the soft light. Even the Champagne was sparkling like glitter.
The party was, Jake had to admit, super romantic. And he was a jerk.
He set down his empty glass on a table and tugged at his necktie. He badly wanted to check his phone again but he’d only looked at it maybe two minutes ago, and he knew he’d be annoyed when he saw the time. He’d decided that he needed to stay at least until the speeches were done – or until Wuntch had spoken, anyway – and then he was booking it. He’d already identified the best exit to make a covert escape.
“Knock it off,” Rosa hissed beside him, swatting his hand away from his neck. “Stop acting like a frat bro at prom.”
“Frat bros don’t go to prom, Rosa,” Jake spit back.
“Not the point, Jake.”
Rosa’s date nudged her way between them, handing them each a fresh glass of Champagne. “You two are adorable.”
Rosa grunted and Jake opted to down his drink in one go. He wiped his hand over his mouth and set that glass aside too. He could feel Rosa’s disgruntled stare on the side of his face and he ignored it, turning instead to her date.
“So, Melanie, how’d you two meet?”
“Oh I am so not falling for that one,” Melanie said, throwing a smirk toward Rosa. “She warned me you’d try to get all my secrets.”
“Oh for- since when is your origin story a secret? Unless you met at a sex club.” Jake thought that over. “Wait, did you meet at a sex club? Rosa, did you meet Melanie at a sex club? Melanie, which sex club was it? Never mind, doesn’t matter, I don’t know any of them.”
“It was not a sex club, dumbass,” Rosa said.
“We met at BronyCon.” Melanie said, casting a sideways glance at Rosa as though seeking permission. Rosa just shrugged.
“What’s BronyCon-” Jake paused. The name was familiar. “My Little Pony convention? Wasn’t there a riot at it last year?”
Rosa nodded sternly. “It’s a rough scene.”
Jake stared at Rosa and Melanie, who were both stonily impassive as they looked out over the hall.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Whatever, man,” Rosa said.
A crackle from the speakers that had been mounted discretely around the room made them all startle, and Jake looked up toward the raised stage, where someone in a suit was tapping on a microphone. The man introduced himself as an aide to the councilmember hosting the event and said the presentation was running a little late and they’d begin in another 45 minutes.
Behind Jake, someone squealed, and he turned to see Scully darting toward one of the buffet tables.
“More time for chicken wings, Jakey,” he said, delighted, and disappeared into the crowd.
Jake groaned and yanked at his tie again. He’d been feeling guilty all week about not inviting Amy to this event – it was at the New York Public Library, only her favorite building in the city – but he’d managed to push it aside, mostly, until he got here and saw how beautiful the space was, and saw how happy Rosa looked with her date. (Rosa had smiled, exactly once, when she introduced Jake to Melanie. It meant she was pretty much in love.)
Rosa leaned into him now, only instead of knocking his hand away again she said, under her breath, “Just go. I’ll cover for you.”
Jake raised an eyebrow, but he also glanced impulsively toward the exit he’d marked earlier.
“I saw Pembroke making out with a city hall intern half an hour ago,” Rosa said. “He does not give a shit.”
“How do you know she was an intern-”
“How does that matter? Seriously, go. Now. Before I realize that I’m helping you.”
“Thank you.” Jake briefly squeezed her shoulder, waved at Melanie, and then he slipped off to the side and out the back exit.
The cold air stung his face as he stepped outside and jogged down the front stairs toward the subway station across the street. He changed his mind when he got to the curb and pulled out his phone to call up a car instead – it might take him an hour or longer to get to Brooklyn by train and he didn’t think he could handle the wait. He even splurged on the UberX.
The ride was still torture. He thought about texting Amy that he was on his way, or even calling. But if she’d decided to go out with friends, he didn’t want her to feel like she had to leave them to hang out with him now that he’d come to his senses.
One of Amy’s neighbors was opening the front door to the building just as Jake’s ride pulled up. Jake called out to him to hold the door, and the guy saw his uniform and let him in, and Jake jogged the three flights of stairs up to her apartment. He paused at her door to catch his breath, though he couldn’t seem to make his heart slow down. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and tapped on her door.
He heard her footsteps, and a pause as she (hopefully) looked through the peephole, and then the deadbolt clicked and the door swung open. Amy was wearing baggy pink sweatpants, thick fluffy socks, a T-shirt printed with “word nerd” in crossword squares, and one of his hoodies. Her hair was frizzy, strands falling out of a bun. She was frowning, slightly, but mostly she looked surprised and confused.
She was breathtaking. Jake stepped toward her and kissed her, sliding a hand around her waist to her lower back to pull her closer. She went tense for a moment, then relaxed into him, and her lips parted to deepen the kiss. She tasted sweet, like chocolate and cherries.
Jake broke the kiss and breathed her in. “You bought ice cream?”
“I hid it.” She kissed the corners of his mouth, then gave him a pointed look. “I was saving it for a special occasion.”
Her smile was soft and hesitant, and he could read the hurt in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” he said.
Amy didn’t say anything, just took his hand and led him the rest of the way into the apartment, shutting and locking the door behind them. In the living room he turned to face her and opened his mouth to apologize again. But Amy held a finger to his lips.
“I know we have stuff to talk about, but first-” She looked him slowly up and down, her gaze so intense that Jake felt the blood rush to his face, and a few other spots. Amy nodded and hummed to herself. “Yeah, this is working for me.”
Jake smiled and couldn’t resist pulling her into him again, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling at her neck. He didn’t typically like wearing the uniform, but there was something about this contrast – the stiff fabric of his coat, the badge on his chest, even his shiny shoes, when everything about her in this moment was soft and warm. Holding her close felt like he was keeping her safe, and cherished.
He felt her arms go around his neck, felt her shirt ride up. He could pick her up, he could carry her to the couch, or the bed. He could let her take this uniform off, one piece at a time. It could take all night.
Jake sighed and backed off, kissing her once on the temple. Amy let her hands fall to her sides.
“I was at the dinner, and there was classical music playing and candles everywhere, and everyone was dressed up, and I just-” Jake looked her in the eye, made sure she was listening. “I realized, the second I walked in, that I didn’t want to be there. Not alone. Not without you.”
“Ames, I don’t even know why I’ve been hiding. You are amazing and I want people to know about us.”
“Your job,” Amy said. “That’s why. And I get it, I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
Jake shrugged dramatically. “Fuck that – the NYPD doesn’t get to decide who I’m with. If the Vulture doesn’t like it, you know, whatever. He was making out with an intern tonight. I’m done hiding something- someone, I care about. A lot.”
Amy searched him, eyes locked on his. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I am.”
“Okay then,” Amy said, and it was like a light came on inside her, her face and eyes suddenly aglow.
They closed the space between them together, arms sliding around one another. Their kisses started sweet, and then more heated, until they were both breathing hard, and he was pulling her hair out of its bun and she was scratching at the back of his neck.
When Amy broke off and started biting at his ear and undoing his tie, Jake had a moment of clarity and pushed away once again.
“This,” he said, slightly out of breath, “is awesome, but in the spirit of coming out, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to go back to the dinner with me.”
Amy gaped at him. “Tonight? That dinner?”
“Well, dinner’s over, but it’s actually still early so we could get back before the event’s over.” Jake pulled out his cell phone to check the time. “There’ll be dancing. And Champagne. In the New York Public Library.”
Amy laughed and threw up her hands. “Jake, look at me. What would I even wear?”
“One, you already look amazing,” Jake said. “And two, I’m sure you have a dress that would work.”
Amy grinned at him and shook her head. She wrapped her arms back around his shoulders, locked her fingers behind his neck, and kissed him firmly on the mouth.
“I like it fine right here,” she said. “We can come out some other time.”
He grinned back and swept her up into his arms, and Amy screamed at him to put her down all the way into the bedroom, until he dropped her on top of the comforter. It did not take her all night to strip him out of his uniform.
Amy woke up alone, but she spotted the note on his pillow right away. She smiled to herself as she brought the paper up close to her face so she could read his messy print without her glasses.
“Went for three Bs: Breakfast sandwiches. Bear claws. Bacon. PS: I turned off your alarms. ALL OF THEM.”
Amy flipped over and reached for the two battery-powered alarm clocks on her bedside table. They were both dead, their batteries pulled and set beside them. She sat up and squinted at the three other alarm clocks placed strategically around the room but her vision was too bad to tell if they were dead too. She was going to assume yes. Amy laughed and shook her head. Somehow he’d managed to not only wake up before her and sneak out for breakfast, but trick her into sleeping in.
She picked up her cell phone – and yes, he’d somehow turned off those alarms too – and blinked herself fully awake when she saw the time. It was almost 11.
Amy stretched and rubbed at her eyes, feeling deliriously indulgent. She got up and crossed toward the bathroom, pausing at the reading chair beside her bookcase. Jake’s uniform coat was slung over the back, along with his tie. She ran a finger over his badge and the commendations pinned above it. She’d have to ask him sometime to explain them all. The coat itself was heavy and stiff, and though she was sure it wasn’t the most comfortable apparel, she’d loved seeing him in it. Next time, she realized, she might be dressed up too, holding his hand or looping her arm through his as he escorted her into some other dinner party.
She wasn’t usually a sucker for romantic fantasies, but that was a good one.
Amy brushed her teeth and put in her contacts, and she ran a comb through her hair before giving up and pulling it back into a ponytail. After a moment of consideration, she put on the same sweatpants as the day before and slid Jake’s hoodie back on. They didn’t have any particular plans for the day so she could change later if they decided to go out.
Jake hadn’t mentioned coffee in his note, so even though she was pretty sure he’d pick that up too she set some hot water to boil for her French press. While she waited she turned back to her phone, pulling up the app for the Bulletin.
She gasped and slapped a hand to her mouth when she saw the lead headline: “99th Precinct to the Birds? ‘It’s the Vulture’s nest,’ detectives say.”
It was written by Gina, her smug face staring up at Amy from the photo that always ran with her columns. Amy’s stomach clenched as she read the first paragraph – she felt sick by the time she’d reached the end. When her teapot began to whistle she startled so badly she almost dropped her phone, pressing it into her chest to keep hold of it. She turned off the stove, her hands shaking. Then she leaned back against the kitchen counter and read the column again.
Gina had it all: not just the nickname Jake and Rosa used, but how Pembroke made a habit of stepping on their cases or of swooping in when they were close to a solve, and handing the victories to his friends in major crimes. Gina wrote that the detectives blamed Pembroke for blocking them from pursuing the deputy commissioner’s son on graffiti charges. She wrote that his precinct despised him and wanted nothing more than to force him out.
Jake wasn’t named in the story – Gina said her source was a precinct official with “knowledge of the situation” who asked to remain anonymous – but Amy knew he’d be Pembroke’s prime suspect. Amy didn’t know if there were other detectives besides Jake and Rosa who disliked Pembroke and called him “the Vulture,” but Jake was the only one who’d been blamed for leaking to a reporter in the past. He was the only detective in the precinct who’d been quoted, by name, in a Bulletin story recently. He’d be the first person they looked to now.
And this column wasn’t just a tip – it was a full-blown expose, and it made Pembroke look like a fool and a monster. Jake was in real trouble.
Amy jumped when she heard the click of her front door unlocking. She knew she had to show him the column right away, but just the idea of it made her feel nauseated. A thought occurred to her, as she faced the door – that this was going to drive Jake right back into the relationship closet. She hated the surge of selfish disappointment that brought on.
The door swung open slowly and Jake stepped inside, his back still to her as he locked it again. He dropped her keys onto the hall table and turned toward her. He was wearing his uniform pants and his shirt was untucked, and he held a paper bag that looked heavy with greasy food. It would have smelled amazing if Amy hadn’t so thoroughly lost her appetite.
In his other hand, he had a copy of the Bulletin.
He brushed by her toward the kitchen, setting the bag down with a thud. He stood facing away from her for a moment, then turned around and tossed the newspaper on the counter, and set his palms on either side of it. His face was a mask she’d never seen before. She recognized the anger and the fear, but there was something else, something he was barely holding onto.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, going to him and laying a hand over one of his. He jerked away.
“I trusted you.” His voice was thin, like he could be on the verge of tears.
Amy stepped back. “What are you talking about?”
He huffed a joyless laugh and gestured to the paper. “You told her. And you didn’t even warn me.”
“You think I did that?” The punch of realization was like a physical blow, and Amy folded her arms over her stomach, holding herself tight. “Jake, I would never do that. I told you-”
“Yeah, you said that stuff was just gossip, nothing worth writing about.” Jake jabbed a finger at the paper, right over the “Vulture” in the headline. “Maybe not for you, but for Gina, right? It’s great stuff for her gossip column.”
“No. No!” Amy wanted to stomp her feet, to grab his arm and shake him out of this. He knew she was better than that. He had to know. But she held herself still, tried to keep her voice steady. “I told you that what you said was between us and I meant it. I wouldn’t ever do that to you. I didn’t.”
But Jake was shaking his head, and Amy hated it but she understood, with sudden clarity, how bad this looked. Every line in that column could have come from her – every single word of it. All Jake had was her word that she wasn’t responsible. She could talk around it, she could explain over and over that she didn’t know how this had happened. But it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t trust her.
“What I don’t understand is why,” Jake said, the words catching, coming out rough. He cleared his throat. “I thought we were in this together, you know? I thought we wanted the same things.”
“We do.” Amy felt her eyes fill, and she brushed at a tear before it could roll down her cheek. “Jake, this wasn’t me.”
He looked up then, and his eyes were red and bright. “I don’t believe you,” he said.
Amy’s breath caught in her throat and for a moment it felt like she was suffocating, like her heart had stopped, like she couldn’t move at all. She said, “You don’t mean that,” the words barely a whisper. Jake opened his mouth, like he had an answer for her. Then he shook his head again and stepped past her.
He disappeared into her bedroom and returned a minute later, his uniform coat on. He paused at the edge of the living room, and Amy approached, stopping when she was an arm’s length away. She wanted to hold him, to kiss him. She wanted to beg him to believe her. But she shouldn’t have to.
She held out a hand to him. “Don’t go.”
Jake stared at her hand, and she willed him to take it. When he looked up at her, his eyes were wet, the irises black and depthless.
“I can’t do this,” he said. He left without saying goodbye.
Amy felt lightheaded, and her legs were unsteady as she backed up and collapsed on the edge of her couch. She buried her face in her hands. She could smell traces of him as she sobbed into the sleeves of his hoodie.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Wayward Winchester is messing with the wrong destiel shipper
A destiel shipper contacted me and told me about Leo [aka Wayward Winchester] posting another bleeding hearts video where he shames all kinds of nasty haters for hating him for no reason whatsoever.  This destiel shipper ships for fun, hates the hellers and doesn't push for canon destiel.  Thanks for telling me about this video, doll.  So I looked at his post, and my jaw dropped.  You wouldn't believe who he is taking on.
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For those of you who have read my other posts, this will be old news, but if you have just dropped by, here is a refresher:  Mel aka mishasdiary's real name is Melanie Adeline.  Melanie Adeline was the fan who told Jared she doesn't have as many memes of him as she did, of Jensen and Misha.  She also called Jensen was an Islamophobe because she pretended to be offended by a joke he made.  As a Muslim myself, I wanted her to shit hot bricks for doing that to Jensen.  If she wanted to punish Jensen for his ribs at Misha, she could have to find another pathetic sjw excuse because I wont tolerate her using me. 
She also got implicated in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal.  She knows Misha Collins and Briana Buckmaster personally.  Because Travis was getting in the way of the spin off, they were trying to get rid of him.  Melanie was one of the hellers who helped.  Looking into that case made me realize how problematic Misha, Briana, Kim and the hellerminions were.  I think Jared realized that too, which is why he stuck with Travis for so long.  But because there were so many accusations, even Jared eventually backed away.  I don't blame him.  He was uncertain.  Anyway, Melanie suddenly hates Leo.  So this is what she did.
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She lied that she worked for YouTube.  And Leo caught her lie.
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Then the crusade began to tear Leo's channel down.  There have many excuses and its all mostly top tier hellers.  In other words, they are hellers who have influential capacity.  Dottweets, casgirlsam and gang were out in full force.  I cant stand the guy too, but its because he is a crybaby thief with a terrific victim complex.  He wanted J2 to watch his video which is why he used a hashtag.  He wanted to get SPNFamily famous.  But their hatred is relentless, overblown and very passionate.  Melanie is leading the way with what Leo claims are lies.  So I tried to work out what the problem is.  How come all the hellers hate him.
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Apparently he didn't like Misha's panel.  I have never been to a con.  But aren't you allowed to opt out of a panel in favor of photo ops and autographs? 
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Apparently, like the fans at Jib who ''tripped'' Misha and wanted to make him fall on his face, Leo meets Misha and treats him like shit.  How come everyone just hates Misha?  And how come there are no witnesses to this accept Melanie and the hellers? 
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Well, this is not entirely true.  Leo loves Dean, but he cant stand Sam.  I don't know if he has had a change of heart after meeting Jared because Jared is just that kind of person who will make you love him.  But these hellers seem triggered that he has the biggest YouTube channel amongst SPN fans and they fear that he might be a bibro and they are freaking out.  Hellers deserve the best and the most, according to them.  Not some stinking bibro. 
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Yes.  John hate.  One of the standard criteria for being a heller.  He made Dean suppress the gay and now we must all hate him.  Leo said something nice about him and the hellers became livid. 
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Several occasions?  What kind of a twat is Misha to let people disrespect him ''on several occasions''?  And how does Melanie know this?  Did Misha complain to her?  Why didn't he just complain to CE?  Who the fuck is Mel for Misha to go running to her with his sad story?  Two suppositions.  Either Leo posted something she didn't like or Misha made her do it.  But why would he do that?  What has Leo done to piss him off? 
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This is what I think happened.  Last year Leo did an antidestiel video.  Hellers flipped out and [as is their usual mode of operation] decided to tear Leo apart in the comment section.  Many were unsubbing him.  Love him or hate him, but the fact of the matter is that Leo does have the largest SPN fan channel, and doing a video like that on such a large platform wouldn't bode well for the hellers.  You know how they treat their ship like a religion.  They have worked too hard in trying to bully Jensen and destroy Jared and elevate Misha's status.  And to have their efforts ruined by one video.  Nope, they were not having it.  The shit storm carried on for quite a while presumably.  So he did a video with two hellerminion big guns:  destiel and cockles.  This patching up video was done to try to pacify the bloodthirsty rabid mongrels.  Unfortunately for him, I don't think it worked.  Very few people watched.  People like me unsubbed because which side of the fence was he sitting on, anyway.  It is this two-faced behavior of his that made me realize, Leo will do anything for views.  Leo is a straight dude [as far as I know], and has no emotional stake in shipping.  So just like Misha, he was using shipping to stay relevant. 
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The fight is still carrying on, and I don't think it will end anytime soon.  However, it is great fun to watch.  I don't think Leo's channel will be damaged.  It will stay strong until SPN ends.  It was funny to watch one leech going after the other.  But Leo is in serious trouble if he comes face to face with Melanie.  If she can accuse Travis of sexual harassment [not her own, mind you], she can accuse Leo of anything.  Misha truly has the most horrible fans I have ever seen.  And as Leo might find out in the future, Melanie is one of the worst.
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