#i had a meeting in english today at work and someone asked me if i’m american
minimitchell · 2 years
Wait you’re not British?
no lmao
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Lost in Translation 🇳🇴📰
Ingrid Engen x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
summary :
In your cozy Barcelona apartment, you and Ingrid sit down for a Norwegian lesson. In hopes to help you prepare for your upcoming trip to Norway and making you feel more confident about meeting her family.
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Ingrid sat at the small round kitchen table, sunlight pouring in through the large windows of your cozy apartment in Barcelona. Her long hair was tied into a loose bun, her focus completely on the cup of coffee in her hand. Across from her, you sat fingers tapping lightly on the notebook in front of you.
"Okay," you started, flipping to a new page, "I’m ready. Teach me some more Norwegian."
Ingrid chuckled softly, setting down her coffee. "You’re so determined, I love it."
You had been trying to learn Norwegian for weeks now, ever since Ingrid had playfully teased you for only knowing how to say "jeg elsker deg" (i love you) which, to be fair, was a solid start. But you wanted more. After all, Ingrid had worked so hard to learn English when she moved abroad for football, and you felt like it was time to return the effort.
"Let’s start with something simple today," Ingrid suggested. "How about we go over some common phrases?"
You nodded eagerly, holding your pen above the notebook, ready to jot down every word. Ingrid smiled, her blue eyes sparkling with affection as she watched you.
"Alright, how do you say 'good morning' again?" she asked, knowing you'd already learned this one.
"God morgen," you said confidently.
"Very good! Now, if I wanted to say 'have a nice day,' I’d say...?"
"Um…" You hesitated, wrinkling your nose as you tried to remember. Ingrid leaned in, her voice soft as she gave you a hint.
"Ha… en…"
"Ha en fin dag!" you exclaimed, finally remembering.
"Perfect!" Ingrid grinned. "You’re getting the hang of it. Soon you'll be fluent."
You laughed, shaking your head. "I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m trying."
Ingrid leaned across the table, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "You’re doing amazing. But, maybe we should add some more useful phrases? What would you say if you were visiting Norway with me?"
"Like, asking for directions?" you asked, scribbling the new idea into your notebook.
"Exactly," she replied. "Let’s say you’re lost and need to ask someone where the train station is. You would say, "Unnskyld, hvor er togstasjonen?""
"Wait… "Unnskyld"? That means 'excuse me,' right?"
"Exactly." Ingrid beamed. "Then "hvor er" means 'where is,' and "togstasjonen" is the train station."
You repeated the phrase a couple of times, trying to wrap your tongue around the unfamiliar sounds. Ingrid watched, her expression softening as she saw the way you furrowed your brows in concentration.
"It sounds so much better when you say it," you mumbled, embarrassed at your attempt.
Ingrid laughed lightly, reaching across the table to take your hand. "You’re being too hard on yourself. I love hearing you speak Norwegian. It’s cute."
You rolled your eyes playfully, but your heart swelled at her words. "Alright, what else should I learn?"
Ingrid tilted her head thoughtfully before a mischievous smile crept across her lips. "How about some romantic phrases? For example, "Du er vakker"."
You blinked, looking at her suspiciously. "Okay, I’m going to assume that’s something nice, but I’m not sure."
"It means, 'You are beautiful,'" Ingrid said softly, her gaze locking with yours.
Your cheeks flushed, and you glanced away for a moment, suddenly flustered. "You say that all the time, but now it’s even sweeter knowing what it actually means."
Ingrid chuckled, standing up from her seat and walking over to you. She wrapped her arms around your shoulders from behind, her chin resting on the top of your head as she whispered, "Jeg elsker deg."
You smiled, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. "I know that one," you said, your voice teasing. "I love you too."
She kissed the top of your head gently before sitting back down. "You’re getting there, love. Soon, you’ll be able to speak with my family when we go to Norway for Christmas."
"Yeah, about that," you said, your tone turning a bit nervous. "What if I completely embarrass myself?"
Ingrid shook her head, her expression turning serious, but still filled with love. "You won’t. Trust me, they’re going to adore you no matter how much Norwegian you know. They’ll probably be impressed you’re learning at all."
You sighed, feeling a bit reassured. "I just want to be able to talk to them without you having to translate everything."
Ingrid smiled gently, reaching across the table to hold your hand again. "You’re already doing more than enough. And besides, we’ll be together. That’s what matters, right?"
You nodded, your worries slowly melting away as you gazed into her eyes. "Right."
A comfortable silence fell over the room, only the sound of birds chirping from outside filling the air. Then, after a moment, you cleared your throat and asked, "Okay, serious question though: how do I ask for more cake in Norwegian?"
Ingrid burst out laughing, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, I should’ve known you’d want to learn that. It’s "Kan jeg få mer kake?""
You repeated the phrase a few times, testing it out, before grinning. "Perfect. Now I’m ready for Norway."
Ingrid laughed again, her face lighting up with joy. "I think you’re going to do just fine."
You knew you wouldn’t be fluent by the time you went to Norway with Ingrid, but with her by your side, you felt like you could take on anything. And if all else failed, at least you knew how to ask for more cake.
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lila-lou · 27 days
✨His true fate - Part 18/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Smut and more Smut, Teasing, Language, age gap, flirting, angst, fluff
Word Count: 9167
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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You didn’t know how many times you let the water rinse out and filled the tub with fresh hot water. You also lost count of how many bath bombs you had used by now, their scents blending together in a soothing, but ultimately ineffective, attempt to lift your spirits. You couldn’t bring yourself to get out of the tub. It had been over two hours, and by now your skin looked like that of an 80-year-old.
Just then, you heard a soft knock against the doorframe. You glanced up to see Jensen standing there, a concerned look on his face.
“Hey”, he said softly, his voice filled with gentle concern.
You looked back down at your pruned, popped-up knees. “Hey”, you mumbled.
Jensen stepped further into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
He knelt beside the tub, his presence a calming anchor in the midst of your emotional storm. “You’re okay?”, Jensen asked gently. He knew you weren’t okay, could see it in the way you avoided meeting his eyes, in the way your shoulders were tensed despite the warmth of the water.
His chin rested on the edge of the bathtub as he waited patiently for you to look at him. The air between you held a palpable tension, filled with unspoken words and emotions swirling beneath the surface. Jensen’s concern radiated from him, a silent plea for you to open up, to let him in.
You finally raised your eyes to meet his. “I… I’m just tired”, you admitted quietly, your voice wavering slightly.
Jensen’s expression softened even more, his concern deepening. “I can see that”, he said gently. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it?”.
A lump formed in your throat as you struggled to put your feelings into words. It was a lot for you to take in—all the female fans hugging him, crushing on him, screaming at him, literally paying money for a glimpse of him. And then there was his public persona, speaking about his wife and acting like everything was fine with his marriage. It made you feel like a secret, hidden away from his friends and the world. You were a girl half his age, his affair, his side chick, or whatever the fuck you were. The thought made you feel stupid and insignificant.
But you didn’t want to cause him stress, so you just shook your head slightly. “It’s nothing”, you lied, trying to keep your voice steady. “Just a lot going on”.
Jensen wasn’t convinced. He reached out, gently cupping your face and urging you to look at him. “Please, talk to me”, he said softly. “One of the reasons things work so well between us is because we talk about everything. I don’t want you to hold back”.
His words tugged at your heart, making it harder to keep your emotions bottled up. Tears welled up in your eyes as you finally let the truth spill out. “It’s just… everything”, you began, your voice cracking. “Seeing all those fans today, hugging you, screaming for you… And then hearing you talk about your wife like everything is fine. It just… it made me feel stupid".
You couldn’t help but let your tears roll down your cheeks. “I don’t want to be too clingy, Jensen”, you mumbled, your voice trembling. “But I can’t help how I feel. I… I just have such intense feelings already for you. I never had something like this before. I never felt so strong for someone like I do for you”.
Seeing you cry was the most terrible thing Jensen had ever experienced. He felt a sharp pang of regret and helplessness, and he remembered Jared’s words about needing to tell you how he truly felt. But the weight of his complicated life held him back, making the words stick in his throat.
Jensen took a deep breath, his hands gently cupping your face as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs. “I’m so sorry”, he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I never wanted to make you feel this way. You mean so much to me, more than I can put into words”.
"Forget what I just said”, you mumbled, pulling slightly away from him and brushing your tears away harshly. “It’s stupid”, you muttered, grabbing your towel and slowly getting out of the bathtub. You felt too vulnerable sitting in front of him like that.
Jensen watched you, his heart aching at the sight of you pulling away. He stood up, giving you space but not wanting to let the moment slip away without addressing your feelings. “It’s not stupid”, he said softly, his eyes following your movements as you wrapped the towel around yourself.
You turned to face him, trying to regain some composure. “It is. I shouldn’t have said anything. You have enough on your plate”.
Jensen stepped closer, but kept a respectful distance, his voice gentle but firm. “No, you shouldn’t have to keep these feelings bottled up. They’re valid, and they matter. You matter to me”.
You sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you. “I just don’t want to be a burden. I don’t want to complicate your life even more”.
“You’re not a burden”, he insisted, his eyes filled with sincerity. “And yes, things are complicated, but that doesn’t mean your feelings don’t count. I want to know how you feel, even if it’s hard to hear”.
You looked at him, searching his face for any sign of doubt or insincerity. But all you saw was concern and a deep longing to make things right. “I just don’t know how to fit into your life without feeling like a meaningless affair”, you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jensen’s heart ached, feeling the weight of your words. He knew your point wasn’t about wanting to be in the spotlight. It was about wanting to share the simple, everyday moments that couples take for granted. Things like going out to dinner or holding hands in public without fear. But right now, with the complexities of his life, there was no easy way to make that happen.
He took a deep breath, searching for the right words. “I understand what you’re saying”, he began, his voice low and filled with emotion. “And I know it’s not fair to you. I wish I could change things right now, make it so we could just be normal. But it’s going to take time”.
You nodded, the towel wrapped tightly around you as if it could shield you from the pain. “I get that. I really do. But it doesn’t make it any easier”.
Jensen stepped closer, his hands reaching out but stopping short. “I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t know how long it will take to get to a place where we can have that normalcy. But I want you to know that I’m committed to trying. I don’t see you as a burden, and I never will".
Again, tears rolled down your cheeks. You felt terrible for causing him stress already after such a short time. “I’m sorry”, you mumbled, feeling the urge to walk away and give him space.
As you turned to leave, Jensen reached out and gently held your wrist, his touch firm but gentle. “Don’t apologize”, he said, his voice steady and reassuring. “You have nothing to be sorry for”.
You looked back at him, your eyes filled with doubt and sorrow. “I just don’t want to make things harder for you”.
Jensen shook his head, taking a step closer. “You’re not making things harder. You’re helping me understand what you need, what we both need to make this work. We’re in this together, remember?”.
He pulled you into a gentle embrace, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. The warmth of his body and the sincerity in his touch gave you a sense of comfort, easing the ache in your heart. “We’ll figure it out”, he whispered against your hair. “Just… please don’t be mad at me. I’m trying, I really am”.
You pressed your face against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. “I’m not mad at you”, you mumbled into his shirt. “I’m mad at me. For feeling this way, for wanting more”.
Jensen tightened his embrace, his hand gently stroking your hair. “Don’t be mad at yourself either. It’s okay to want more. It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling”.
You took a shaky breath, absorbing his words. “I just want to be with you, without all these complications”.
“I know”, he said softly, his voice filled with understanding. “And I want that too… We’ll find a way to make it work”.
You pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, seeing the determination and sincerity there. “Promise me we’ll try”, you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jensen nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. “I promise. We’ll try, and we’ll do it . And no more feeling like you’re just an afterthought”.
He sighed, mumbling, “Because you’re not”, while gently brushing his hand over your back. Deep down, he knew you needed to hear those three words, but he just couldn’t bring himself to say them out loud. Not yet.
You nodded, appreciating his honesty, even though you sensed his struggle. “I believe you”, you whispered, holding him a little tighter. The weight of the unspoken words lingered between you, but his touch and his presence provided a sense of comfort and reassurance.
Jensen pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment.
There was a silence before he spoke again. “Maybe I shouldn’t have taken you to the convention", he said hesitantly, concern evident in his voice.
You shook your head, interrupting him. “No, Jensen. It was good. I needed to see that side of your life. It’s better to face it sooner rather than later. And honestly”, you continued, a small smile forming on your lips, “I felt so proud seeing you up there, seeing how much your fans love you”.
His eyes softened at your words, and he took a deep breath, relief mixing with lingering concern. “I just don’t want you to feel like this again. It hurts to see you so upset”.
You bit your lip as you saw the sincerity in his eyes. Your heart swelled, and you gently pulled him down to you by his neck. Without another word, you brought your lips to his, a soft yet fervent kiss that conveyed all the emotions you couldn’t put into words. After all, he was here. With you. With no one else, and that’s what mattered.
Jensen responded immediately, his arms wrapping around you tighter, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss. The warmth and tenderness of the moment reassured you, grounding you in the reality of his presence and the strength of your connection.
Jensen carefully lifted you onto his hips, your towel slipping away as he did so. You couldn’t help but laugh as you heard a soft crack from his back. The sound made you pull away from his lips, pressing your face against his neck to stifle your giggles. Your naked body was pressed intimately against his, creating a delicious friction.
Jensen chuckled along with you, a playful grin spreading across his face. “You think that’s funny, huh?”, he teased, his voice a mix of amusement and mock annoyance.
You nodded, your laughter muffled against his neck. “A little”, you admitted, still giggling.
“Well, I’m glad my old man back can amuse you”, he replied, his tone light but affectionate. He shifted his grip slightly, adjusting to hold you more securely. “But you better be careful, or I might just drop you”.
You gasped in mock horror, tightening your legs around his waist. “You wouldn’t dare”, you said, your eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Oh, wouldn’t I?”, he said, raising an eyebrow. He took a few exaggerated, wobbly steps, making you laugh even harder.
“Okay, okay, I surrender”, you said, breathless from laughter. “Please don’t drop me”.
Jensen smiled, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “Never”, he said seriously, his playful tone gone. “I would never drop you”.
You leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. “I know”, you whispered against his mouth.
With that, he carried you towards the couch, placing you softly on it. As he pulled away, he took a moment to look up and down your naked body, his eyes filled with admiration and warmth. Then, with a dramatic flair, he dropped slowly to his knees, his face level with your belly.
“How incredibly beautiful you are”, he mumbled theatrically, his hands gently tracing the contours of your sides. His voice was filled with mock seriousness, yet there was an undeniable sincerity in his eyes.
You giggled, feeling a mix of amusement and affection. “You’re ridiculous”, you said, your laughter bubbling up again.
Jensen’s grin widened as he continued his dramatic performance. “Ridiculously lucky to have you”, he declared, his hands gently caressing your thighs. “Here I am, an old man with a creaky back, and you… you’re a vision of beauty and youth”.
You couldn’t help but laugh again, shaking your head. “You’re not that old”, you teased back, your voice light with affection.
“Oh, but I am”, he insisted, keeping his tone exaggeratedly serious. “Every time I lift you, my back reminds me of my age”, As he spoke, he slowly began to spread your legs, his touch gentle yet firm, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Your breath hitched slightly at the intimacy of the moment, but the playful atmosphere kept things light. “Well, maybe you should stop lifting me then”, you suggested, your voice teasing.
Jensen shook his head, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Never. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”, he said, leaning in to press a kiss to the inside of your thigh.
His words and actions sent shivers through you, a mixture of laughter and desire making your heart race. “You’re impossible”, you murmured, your hands gently threading through his hair.
His eyes never leaving yours, Jensen leaned in even closer, lifting one of your legs over his shoulder. His lips were just inches away from your most intimate part, and you could feel his breath against your skin.
“You think I’m impossible?”, he teased, his voice low and husky. “Well, maybe I am. But I’m also determined. Determined to make you feel as incredible as you make me feel”.
You could only manage a soft whimper in response, the anticipation building inside you. Jensen’s hands gently stroked your thighs, his touch both soothing and electrifying.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?”, he continued, his lips brushing ever so lightly against your skin, teasing you without giving you what you desperately wanted. “Every inch of you… I could spend hours just touching, finding all the ways to make you moan”.
Your breathing grew heavier, your hands clutching at the cushions beneath you. “Jensen, please”, you whispered, your voice filled with longing.
He smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you. “Please what, darling?”, he asked, his lips so close now that you could almost feel them on you. “Tell me what you want”.
You locked eyes with him, your desire and anticipation palpable as his lips hovered close to your skin.
“Please”, you repeated, your voice a desperate plea, your body arching slightly towards him. “I need you”.
Jensen’s smirk softened into a tender smile as he finally gave in to your request. Without another word, he closed the remaining distance, his lips meeting your most sensitive spot with a deliberate and passionate kiss. The sensation sent an electric jolt through your body, causing you to gasp and clutch onto him tightly.
Jensen’s tongue moved with deliberate precision, the warmth of his mouth enveloping your most sensitive areas. Each gentle lick sent a shiver through your body, the sensation both soothing and electrifying. His hands continued to caress your thighs, his touch light and teasing as he focused entirely on your pleasure.
Your breaths came in shallow gasps, your fingers threading through his hair, holding him close as he worked his magic. The friction of his movements, the pressure of his lips and tongue against you, built an intense, consuming heat within you. Your body responded eagerly, arching towards him, seeking more of his touch.
Jensen alternated between slow, deliberate strokes and quick, flicking motions that left you whimpering with need. His eyes flicked up to meet yours occasionally, the desire in his gaze making the moment even more intimate.
As the pleasure built, your muscles tensed, your body trembling under his skilled touch. The intensity of his attention, the way he seemed to know exactly what you needed, brought you closer and closer to the edge. Your moans grew louder, your fingers tightening in his hair, urging him on.
Jensen responded to your silent pleas, increasing the intensity of his movements. His tongue moved faster, more insistent, his hands gripping your hips to hold you steady as you writhed under him.
Just as you felt the wave of your climax approaching, Jensen suddenly stopped. He pulled his mouth away, leaving you teetering on the edge of release. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he looked up at you, clearly enjoying the teasing.
“Jensen”, you whimpered, your voice thick with desperation and need.
He shifted until he was sitting on the couch, his eyes never leaving yours. Slowly, he began to open his belt, his movements deliberate and tantalizing. “I think it’s about time for some tutoring”, he murmured, his tone playful yet commanding.
Your breath hitched at his words, a mixture of frustration and excitement coursing through you. You watched as he undid his jeans.
Jensen leaned back, his eyes dark with desire as he gestured for you to come closer. “C´mere”, he said softly, his voice filled with a mix of authority and affection.
You moved towards him, your body still humming with the need for release. As you reached him, Jensen pulled you onto his lap, your legs straddling his hips. He guided you with gentle hands, positioning you just right, making sure you felt the full length of his arousal pressing against you.
He brought his mouth to your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “I want to feel you”, he whispered, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
You bit your lip, a mix of nervousness and anticipation creeping inside you as Jensen’s hands firmly gripped your hips, guiding you. He lifted you slightly, positioning himself at your entrance. The sensation of his hardness pressing against you made your breath catch.
“Relax”, he murmured softly. “I’m here with you”.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. Jensen’s eyes never left yours, his gaze filled with a mix of desire and tenderness. Slowly, he began to lower you onto him, the sensation sending a shock of pleasure through your body. Inch by inch, he filled you, stretching you in the most delicious way.
“Fuck, you feel amazing”, he groaned, his grip on your hips tightening as he finally buried himself fully inside you.
You whimpered quietly as Jensen filled you to the brim, the sensation both intense and overwhelming. You still weren’t used to his size, and the feeling of him stretching you was almost too much to bear. Your hands trembled as you placed them against his chest, seeking some stability.
Jensen noticed your shivering hands and brought one of his own up to cover them, squeezing gently. “Take your time”, he whispered.
You nodded, taking deep, steadying breaths as you adjusted to the fullness. His touch, both on your hands and your hips, provided a grounding sense of comfort and support.
Gradually, the initial intensity eased, replaced by a growing wave of pleasure. You began to move, experimenting with small, slow movements at first, finding a rhythm that felt right.
“You’re doing so well”, he murmured, his voice a low rumble.
Emboldened by his words, you began to move more confidently, lifting yourself up and then sinking back down onto him. You were better than the last time, but still way too insecure. Jensen could see the effort you were putting in and gave you time, clearly enjoying how you tried to find a rhythm that would fit you.
After a while, however, he leaned in and began kissing your neck, his lips soft and reassuring against your skin. “Remember what I showed you”, he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. His other hand dropped to your hip, gently urging you to roll your hips on him at a different angle.
Slowly, you began to roll your hips, experimenting with the angle he suggested. The new motion sent a wave of pleasure through you, eliciting a soft moan from your lips.
“That’s it”, Jensen murmured against your neck, his voice a mix of praise and desire. His hands guided your movements, helping you find a rhythm that felt even better. The sensation of him inside you, combined with the intimate kisses on your neck, made you feel both cherished and empowered.
You continued to move, your confidence growing with each thrust and roll of your hips. Jensen’s hands stayed on your hips, guiding and supporting you, his own pleasure evident in the way his breathing quickened and his grip tightened.
As you found your rhythm, the pleasure between you intensified. Your movements became more fluid and natural, the connection between you deepening with every motion. Jensen’s hands roamed your back and hips, his touch both grounding and electrifying.
The new angle and rhythm brought you both closer to the edge. The room was filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure—your breathy moans, his deep groans, the intimate whispers and encouragements exchanged between you.
“That’s perfect”, Jensen whispered, his voice strained with pleasure. “Just like that”.
You felt a surge of pride and excitement at his words, knowing you were bringing him as much pleasure as he was bringing you. The intensity of the moment grew, the friction and heat building with each movement.
His lips brushing against your neck before sucking on your soft flesh, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. His hands wandered up to your waist, his touch firm and reassuring.
As he pulled his lips away, he leaned back slightly, giving himself a better view of you riding him. His eyes were dark with lust, watching intently as your body moved, taking him in with each thrust. The sight of your pussy enveloping his cock, stretching around him, sent a thrill through him, intensifying his desire.
“Look at you”, he groaned, his hands tightening on your waist. “So beautiful”.
Jensen couldn’t get enough of the sight in front of him. The way your breasts bounced ever so softly with each movement, the glistening wetness dripping down his cock every time you lifted your hips, and the way your mouth hung open, releasing moan after moan—it was all driving him wild with desire.
“Keep going”, he urged, his voice a mix of command and raw need. “Don’t stop. You’re doing so good, baby”.
You bit your lip and moved with renewed vigor, riding him harder, the rhythm between you perfect. Every thrust sent waves of ecstasy through your body, the pleasure almost too intense to bear.
Jensen’s hands roamed your body, caressing your waist, your back, and your breasts. His touch was firm and possessive, grounding you in the moment and intensifying the connection between you. His eyes never left you, drinking in every detail of your pleasure.
Jensen’s desire to push you further spurred him into action. With one flat palm, he pressed gently on your stomach, urging you to lean back slightly. “Hold on to my thighs”, he whispered, his voice low and commanding.
You did as he instructed, gripping his thighs behind you. The new angle changed everything. The moment you shifted back, the intensity of the sensations amplified.
Your head fell back as you surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure. Your body shuddered as you rode the waves of intense pleasure. The angle and depth of Jensen’s thrusts were perfect, hitting spots inside you that sent shockwaves through your entire being. You felt the build-up, the tight coiling within you reaching its peak.
“There you go”, he murmured.
The sound of his voice, the intensity in his eyes, and the overwhelming sensation of him inside you all combined to send you over the edge. You came hard around him, your muscles tightening and pulsing, your breath catching in a series of gasps and moans.
Your entire body trembled with the force of your orgasm, the pleasure radiating out in powerful waves. Jensen’s hands gripped your hips tighter, his own breaths coming in ragged bursts as he continued to thrust into you, prolonging your ecstasy.
As your orgasm began to subside, you felt Jensen’s rhythm falter slightly, a sign of his own impending release. His grip on your hips was almost bruising now, his movements becoming more erratic and desperate.
“Fuck Baby”, he groaned, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.
You felt a rush of satisfaction at his words, knowing you had pushed him to the brink. With a few more powerful thrusts, Jensen’s body tensed, and he let out a deep, guttural moan as he found his release. You could feel him pulsing inside you, the sensation adding a final, intense burst of pleasure to your already overwhelmed senses.
As the last waves of pleasure subsided, you let yourself fall forward against Jensen’s chest, your body trembling and your breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. You clung to him, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, your fingers digging into his shoulders as you sought to steady yourself.
Jensen held you close, his own breathing heavy and uneven. He gently stroked your back, his touch soothing and grounding as you both came down from the intense high. His heart pounded against your chest, a steady reminder of the connection you shared.
“Fuck, that was amazing”, he murmured against your hair, his voice still thick with emotion and satisfaction.
You nodded against him, unable to find the words to express how incredible it had been. Instead, you pressed a soft kiss to his neck, your lips lingering on his skin as you savored the closeness.
As Jensen’s hands continued to move gently over your back, providing a soothing and reassuring touch, you both basked in the afterglow of your shared intimacy. The silence was comfortable, filled only with the sound of your synchronized breathing.
After a while, Jensen softly murmured against your hair, “Do you think you can handle tomorrow with this on your mind?”.
You lifted your head slightly, looking into his eyes. “I think I can”, you replied with a soft grin.
Jensen’s eyes softened further, and he leaned in to kiss you gently. As he pressed you tighter against him, you felt his softened dick slip out of you, causing a warm sensation as his cum began to drip out of you, pooling onto his crotch.
You both paused for a moment, the intimacy of the situation deepening.
Jensen chuckled softly, breaking the silence with a lighthearted comment. “I really cause a mess every time, don’t I?”, he said, his tone playful yet tender.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound easing the remaining tension in the room. “Yeah, you do”, you replied, your voice equally playful. “But I guess it’s a good kind of mess”.
Jensen smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Definitely a good kind of mess”, he agreed, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Jensen glanced around the room, looking a bit helpless as he searched for something to clean up the mess between the two of you. You chuckled softly, finding the situation amusing yet endearing. Without missing a beat, you reached under the coffee table and retrieved a tissue box.
“Here”, you said with a playful grin, handing him the tissues.
Jensen took the tissues, chuckling as he leaned back slightly to make some room. He gently pressed you back, ensuring there was enough space for him to clean himself up and tend to your needs. His touch remained gentle and caring, a stark contrast to the heated passion just moments ago.
As he started to clean himself, you couldn’t help but tease him. “You know, for someone who makes such a mess, you sure are meticulous about cleaning up”, you said, your voice light and playful.
Jensen chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Well, I can’t have you thinking I’m a complete slob, can I?”, he replied, his tone equally teasing. “Besides, I have to make sure you’re comfortable”.
You grinned. “Such a gentleman”, you said, your voice dripping with mock admiration.
He smirked, gently wiping away the remnants of your lovemaking. “Always”, he said with a wink. As he finished cleaning himself, he turned his attention to you, his touch tender and attentive.
“Now, let’s see about you”, he murmured, gently parting your legs to clean you up. His touch was soft and deliberate, making sure you were comfortable throughout.
You couldn’t help but squirm a little under his attention, feeling both embarrassed and cherished. “Jensen”, you said, your voice a mix of teasing and shyness, “you’re too good at this”.
He looked up at you with a mischievous grin. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet”, he teased, his eyes twinkling. “Just wait until I really get started”.
You laughed, swatting at his arm playfully. “You’re impossible”.
Jensen laughed softly, his eyes alight with affection as he continued to clean you up with gentle care.
He maintained eye contact with you, his expression soft yet filled with a subtle hunger. His fingers traced over your skin delicately, ensuring every trace of his touch was comforting and reassuring.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”, you teased lightly as you watched him work.
His grin widened. “Maybe a little too much”, he admitted.
Just then, his phone rang, interrupting the tender moment between you two. He sighed softly and nodded toward his phone, indicating for you to get it.
“Hey, Jared”, you answered, trying to keep your voice steady despite the intimacy of the moment.
Jared’s voice came through, sounding both exasperated and amused. “Oh no, not again”.
You chuckled, putting Jared on speaker. “It’s fine, Jared. Jensen just… needs to clean up the mess he made”.
Jared grumbled playfully on the other end. “Do I even want to know what mess?”.
Jensen, still working to clean the last remnants of your intimate time together, grinned and glanced up at you, clearly enjoying the teasing. “Probably not, Padalecki”, he called out, his voice filled with humor.
Jared laughed heartily, the sound lightening the mood even further. “Well, as long as you’re multitasking, I guess I’ll allow it”.
Then Jared’s tone shifted to one of mild concern. “Hey, why I called, have you seen my wallet? I think I lost it somewhere”.
Jensen rolled his eyes, a fond smile playing on his lips. “How do you manage to lose your wallet every other day?”.
You chuckled, shaking your head at Jared’s usual forgetfulness. “Check the usual spots, Jared”, Jensen continued. “Your car, the couch, your jacket…”.
Jared sighed dramatically on the other end. “I’ve looked everywhere! I’m starting to think it might have grown legs and walked away”.
“Maybe it’s in the green room. You know how you always leave stuff there”.
Jared sighed again, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. “You’re probably right. I’ll check there first thing tomorrow”.
“Good idea”, Jensen replied, his tone light. “And if it’s not there, we’ll help you search. It can’t have gone far”.
“Thanks, man. I appreciate it”, Jared said, sounding relieved. “Alright, I’ll let you get back to… whatever you were doing”.
Jensen smirked, glancing at you with a playful glint in his eye. “Yeah, thanks, Jared. See you tomorrow”.
“See you both tomorrow”, Jared replied before hanging up.
Jensen set the phone aside and turned his full attention back to you, his hands resuming their gentle, soothing movements. “Sorry about that”, he murmured, his voice soft and affectionate.
You shook your head, smiling. “It’s fine. Jared always knows how to make things interesting”.
Jensen chuckled. “That he does”, He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. “Now, where were we?”.
You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I believe you were multitasking”.
Jensen grinned, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. “Right. Let’s get back to that, shall we?”.
As he resumed his tender ministrations, you felt a deep sense of contentment and connection. Despite the interruptions, the love and intimacy between you remained unshaken.
Jensen finished cleaning you up, only for the two of you to end up making the same delightful mess an hour later. Eventually, way too late into the night, you both lay in bed, completely spent.
You were facing the window, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle light across the room. Jensen held you tight against his chest, his strong arms wrapped protectively around you. Your back was pressed softly against his torso, the warmth of his body providing a comforting cocoon.
He peppered your naked shoulder with gentle kisses. His breath was warm against your skin, sending shivers down your spine despite the exhaustion that weighed on your limbs.
Jensen mumbled against your shoulder, his voice tinged with exhaustion and amusement. “I’m going to be so tired tomorrow”, he said with a soft chuckle. “I think even my muscles will be sore. My hips are fucking killing me”.
You couldn’t help but let out a tired chuckle in response. “Well, that’s what you get for multitasking”, you teased, your voice playful despite your fatigue. “You should have paced yourself, old man”.
He laughed softly, the sound vibrating through your back. “I don’t remember you complaining earlier”,
You smirked, feeling a warm rush of affection. “I guess I was too busy enjoying myself”.
Jensen tightened his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. “It pretty much seemed like it”, he mumbled, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke. His kisses continued, each one sending a shiver of warmth through you.
One of his hands slowly inched down from your hips to your lower stomach, his touch gentle and teasing. “You know”, he murmured between kisses, “I could get used to making you enjoy yourself like that every night”.
You smiled, feeling a mixture of affection and desire. “You might need to start taking vitamins, then”, you teased lightly, your voice a soft whisper.
Jensen chuckled, his hand stilling for a moment as he pressed a firmer kiss to your neck. “Is that so? Well, I suppose I’ll just have to do my best to keep up”.
His hand resumed its journey, tracing delicate patterns across your skin. The sensation was both soothing and electrifying, making you sigh with contentment.
Jensen’s hand continued its teasing journey, brushing over your thighs with featherlight touches before finally slipping between them. The sensation made you groan softly, a mix of pleasure and fatigue evident in your voice. “Jensen, please”, you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’m completely spent”.
Jensen paused for a moment. “Are you sure about that?”, he whispered playfully, his fingers lightly brushing against your sensitive skin. His touch was gentle, but the teasing intent behind it was clear.
You groaned softly again, trying to muster the energy to respond. “Jensen, I swear, I can’t take any more tonight”, you said, your voice both pleading and affectionate.
You hesitated before whispering, “It already hurts… down there. And you said yourself you’re exhausted”.
Jensen sighed softly, acknowledging your words. But as he felt your naked body pressed against him, he couldn’t help but notice his own growing arousal. “How about we try something different then?”, he mumbled, his voice low and filled with suggestion. His hand moved to gently palm your ass, signaling what he meant.
You felt a shiver run through you, a mix of exhaustion and renewed desire. “Jensen…”, you murmured, your voice a blend of uncertainty and curiosity.
His touch was gentle, his fingers kneading the soft flesh of your ass. “I promise to be gentle”, he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. “We’ll take it slow”.
Your heart started to race, and you bit your lip as the anticipation and nervousness built up. “Jay…”, you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve never done this before”.
Since your back was turned toward Jensen, you couldn’t see his reaction, but you could feel it. The fact that this was new territory for you seemed to excite him even more. He groaned softly against your back, his breath warm on your skin.
You heard from your friends that it’s a strange feeling and it hurts, making you even more nervous. “I’ve heard it can hurt”, you whispered, your voice trembling slightly.
Jensen’s hands continued to knead your ass gently, his touch both reassuring and arousing. “It can be a strange feeling at first”, he admitted softly, “but it doesn’t have to hurt. I promise to go slow and make sure you’re comfortable”.
You bit your lip, trying to calm the nervous fluttering in your stomach. “Are you sure?”, you asked, seeking reassurance.
Jensen pressed another soft kiss to your shoulder. “It’s not my first time”, he murmured, his voice filled with gentle confidence. “I know what I’m doing, and I promise I’ll be gentle. Just trust me”.
You took a deep breath, feeling a bit more at ease with his words. “Okay”, you whispered.
Jensen smiled against your skin, his hands continuing their soothing movements. “Good”, he said softly. “Just relax and let me take care of you”.
Jensen’s hands continued their soothing movements.Then, he paused for a moment, his lips brushing against your shoulder. “You have any lube?”, he asked softly.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper as you mumbled, “In the nightstand”.
Jensen reached over, opening the drawer and retrieving the lube. He squeezed a generous amount onto his fingers, ensuring they were well-coated before returning his attention to you.
“Okay, I’m going to start with this”, he said gently, his voice filled with reassurance. “Just relax and breathe”.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the nervous fluttering in your stomach.
Jensen’s fingers, now slick with lube, moved to your entrance. His touch was gentle and deliberate. He started by gently massaging the area, his fingers working the lube in with slow, circular motions.
“Just relax”, he whispered soothingly. “Breathe in and out”.
You focused on your breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, trying to relax into the sensation. Jensen’s touch was calming, his fingers moving with expertise and care. He began to apply gentle pressure, his fingertip just barely pressing against you, waiting for your body to adjust.
“How does that feel?”, he asked.
“Different… but okay”, you murmured, your voice still trembling slightly.
Jensen nodded, his other hand continuing to caress your back reassuringly. He slowly, carefully, began to push his finger inside, moving at a pace that allowed you to adjust to the new sensation. He paused frequently, making sure you were comfortable before continuing.
“You’re doing great”, he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. “Just keep breathing”.
His finger moved deeper, the sensation both strange and intimate. Jensen’s touch remained gentle, his movements slow and deliberate. He added more lube as needed.
“How’s that?”, he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You bit your lip, your voice strained as you admitted, “It kinda hurts”.
Jensen paused immediately, his fingers stilling as he pressed a soothing kiss to your shoulder. “It’s okay”, he murmured, his voice gentle and reassuring. “What you’re feeling is mostly pressure. It might feel like it hurts, but it’s just your body adjusting”.
He resumed his gentle movements, his fingers working more lube in to ensure you were as comfortable as possible. “I promise, I’ll go slow and be careful. If it gets too much, just tell me, and we’ll stop”.
You took a deep breath, focusing on the calming rhythm of Jensen’s touch. The initial discomfort began to ease slightly as you relaxed more into the sensation. “Okay”, you whispered, trusting him completely.
Jensen continued with careful precision, his touch both respectful and loving. He took his time, ensuring that you were comfortable with each new sensation, constantly checking in with you to make sure you were okay.
“You’re doing great”, he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and encouragement. “Just keep breathing and relax as much as you can”.
As Jensen’s finger moved with practiced care, the initial tension in your body began to melt away, replaced by a growing sense of connection and trust.
“How does it feel now?”, he asked softly.
“It’s getting better”, you whispered, your voice still trembling slightly but now with a mix of anticipation and pleasure.
“Good”, Jensen replied, his tone filled with warmth and reassurance. “Just let me know if you need me to stop, okay?”.
Jensen kept his movements gentle and deliberate, making sure you were comfortable and ready. Slowly, he withdrew his finger, ensuring you were eased into the next step.
“Stay relaxed, just like that”, he murmured, pressing another soft kiss to your shoulder. “I’m going to get ready now”.
You took a deep breath, focusing on the sensation of Jensen’s hands moving away and the cool air against your skin. You could feel him shifting behind you as he reached for the lube again. He squeezed a generous amount onto his hand, making sure his fingers were well-coated.
He began to coat his hard, swollen dick with the lube, ensuring every inch was slick and ready. The sound of him preparing sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine. Jensen took his time, his movements precise and patient.
“How are you feeling?”, he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.
“I’m okay”, you whispered back, your voice steady but tinged with anticipation.
Jensen nodded, though you couldn’t see it. You could feel the shift in the bed as he positioned himself behind you, his presence comforting and reassuring. He placed one hand gently on your hips, his touch warm and grounding.
“Just keep breathing”, he reminded you, his voice a soothing murmur. “I’m going to go slow. If you need me to stop at any point, just say so”.
You nodded, taking another deep breath. You felt Jensen’s hand move between your bodies, guiding himself to your entrance. The tip of his slick, lubricated dick pressed gently against you, the sensation both strange and exhilarating.
“Here we go”, Jensen whispered, his voice filled with both anticipation and care.
He began to push gently, his movements slow and controlled. The first inch was enough to make you gasp strained, your hands gripping the sheets as you whimpered. Jensen immediately paused, his concern evident in his touch.
“You good?”, he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine worry.
You took a shaky breath, nodding slightly. “Yeah, it’s just… a lot”, you admitted, your voice trembling.
Jensen pressed a soothing kiss to your shoulder, his hands gently rubbing your hips. “We can stop if it’s too much”, he reminded you, his voice calm and reassuring.
“No, I want to keep going”, you whispered, your voice filled with determination. “Just… go slow”.
Jensen nodded, his hands still gently massaging your hips. “Okay”, he murmured. “We’ll take it nice and slow”.
He inched forward, each movement deliberate and cautious. He groaned softly, the strain evident in his voice as he adjusted to the tightness. The sensation was intense for both of you, your muscles clenching tightly around him.
“Almost there”, he whispered, his breath warm against your shoulder.
You focused on your breathing, trying to relax your muscles and ease the tension. Jensen’s hand remained steady on your hips, guiding and supporting you. Slowly, he continued to push forward until he was fully buried inside you.
The fullness was overwhelming, your breath coming in short, shaky gasps as you tried to adjust. Your muscles clenched so hard around him that it was almost painful for both of you. Jensen paused, his hands soothingly caressing your skin.
Jensen kept kissing your shoulder, his lips soft and reassuring against your skin. “You’re doing great”, he whispered between kisses, his voice a soothing balm against the intensity. His hands continued their gentle caresses, moving in slow, comforting patterns.
“You’ve got this”, he murmured, his breath warm against your ear. “Just breathe. I’m right here with you”.
You took another deep breath, trying to relax your body and ease the tension. Slowly, the tightness in your muscles began to lessen, the initial discomfort giving way to a more manageable sensation. Jensen’s presence, his touch, and his words all worked together to help you feel safe and cared for.
“How does it feel now?”, he asked softly.
“Still intense, but better”, you whispered, your voice steadier.
Jensen nodded. “We’ll go at your pace”, he promised. “There’s no rush”.
Gradually, as you continued to breathe deeply and focus on relaxing, the sensation became more comfortable
“You think you’re ready for me to start moving?”, Jensen asked softly, his voice filled with gentle concern and encouragement.
You nodded slightly, feeling a mix of anticipation and readiness. “Yes”, you whispered, your voice steadier now. “I think I’m ready”.
Jensen pressed one last kiss to your shoulder. “Alright, just let me know if you need me to stop or slow down”, he murmured.
You nodded, bracing yourself for the next sensation. Jensen slowly began to pull out a few inches, the movement causing you to gasp. Little tears formed in the corners of your eyes, which he couldn’t see since his face was pressed into your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
The sensation was a mix of pleasure and an intensity that bordered on discomfort, but you focused on Jensen’s steady, reassuring presence. He paused for a moment, letting you adjust to the new feeling, his hands gently massaging your hips.
“You’re doing great”, he whispered against your neck, his voice filled with warmth and encouragement.
You took another deep breath, trying to relax as Jensen began to move again. He slowly pushed back in, the sensation intense but more familiar now. Each movement was deliberate and controlled, giving you time to adjust and find comfort in the rhythm.
Jensen continued to move in and out slowly, his pace unhurried and careful. He pulled back a few inches and then gently pushed forward, his touch constant and reassuring. With each slow thrust, the initial intensity began to transform into a deeper, more pleasurable sensation.
“Is this okay?”, he asked softly.
You nodded, your breath coming in short, shallow gasps. “Yes”, you whispered, your voice trembling slightly.
As he continued to move slowly within you, the sensation became more comfortable, each thrust bringing a mix of pleasure and connection. Jensen’s touch remained gentle and patient, his focus entirely on ensuring your comfort and enjoyment.
The slow, intimate rhythm allowed you both to fully experience the connection between you, deepening your bond with each movement.
“You feel amazing”, Jensen whispered against your neck, his voice filled with awe and affection.
You moaned softly, the pleasure and intimacy of the moment overwhelming in the best way possible.
His breath was warm against your neck, and you could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat through your back.
Each gentle thrust brought a new wave of sensation, the pleasure building gradually and beautifully.
Jensen’s hands roamed your body with care, one hand slipping to your front to gently caress your stomach, providing a steady anchor. His other hand continued to support your hips, guiding your movements and maintaining the connection between you.
“You think you can come like this?”, he murmured against your neck.
You shook your head slightly, the strain evident in your expression. “I don’t think so”, you whispered back, your breath coming in short, shallow gasps.
Jensen was already close, his movements becoming slightly more urgent, but he was determined to ensure your pleasure.
“Can you touch yourself?”, he asked with a hint of urgency. But you were too focused on not giving in to the intense pressure, and once again, you shook your head, your breath coming in quick, shallow gasps.
“Alright”, he murmured, his voice filled with determination. “Let me take care of you”,
With gentle care, Jensen shifted slightly, adjusting his position to reach in front of you. His fingers found your most sensitive spot, and he began to touch you in slow, deliberate circles, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. The added stimulation sent a jolt of pleasure through you, and you moaned softly, your hands gripping the sheets for support.
“Good?”, he asked, his voice thick with desire.
“So good”, you gasped, the pleasure building rapidly under his skilled touch.
Jensen’s thrusts became deeper and harder, each one knocking the air out of your lungs. The intensity of his movements left you barely able to breathe, but with his fingers expertly working your clit, you were lost in the overwhelming sensation. If he weren’t touching you there, you might have told him it was too much and that he needed to stop. But the pleasure was consuming, driving you to the brink.
Jensen’s teeth grazed your shoulder lightly, the mix of pain and pleasure making you shiver. His hand moved faster, fingers pressing more insistently against your clit as his thrusts grew even more intense. The combination of sensations was almost too much to bear, but in the best possible way.
“Jensen”, you gasped, your voice barely more than a breath. “I’m so close”.
“Me too”, he groaned against your skin, his breath hot and ragged. “Hold on, baby. Let’s come together”.
His words and the relentless pace of his thrusts pushed you over the edge. The pleasure exploded within you, your body convulsing around him as you came with a force that left you trembling. Jensen’s movements became erratic as he followed you into release, his own climax crashing over him with a guttural moan.
Jensen’s arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you close as he rode out his own pleasure. The intensity of the moment left you both breathless, hearts pounding in sync.
After a moment of basking in the afterglow, Jensen carefully began to pull out, his movements slow and deliberate to ensure your comfort. As he withdrew his dick from your ass, you couldn’t help but let out one last whimper, the sensation strange and a bit uncomfortable. You grimaced slightly, the odd feeling lingering for a moment.
Jensen immediately noticed your reaction and pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder, his hands gently rubbing your back in soothing circles. “You did so well”, he murmured, his voice filled with warmth and admiration. “I’m so proud of you”.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. “That was… intense”, you admitted, your voice still a bit shaky.
Your hand instinctively found its way to your ass, ensuring nothing leaked or was injured. Jensen noticed and chuckled softly, pressing one last kiss to your shoulder before falling back onto his back. His grin was warm and reassuring. “You don’t need to worry”, he said, his voice filled with gentle amusement. “I told you, I know what I’m doing. I didn’t hurt you”.
Your hand still resting against your back. The sensation was strange but not painful, and Jensen’s confidence helped ease your concerns.
Jensen reached over and gently moved your hand away, replacing it with his own. “See? All good”, he murmured, his fingers lightly caressing your skin. “You’re perfect”.
You carefully got up from the bed, feeling the slight soreness from your recent activities. With a small, shy smile, you quickly walked into the bathroom, eager to clean yourself up and ensure everything was really okay.
As you turned on the bathroom light and began to freshen up, you heard Jensen’s voice calling out from the bedroom, “If you need any help, just say so!”.
His tone was filled with a mix of concern and playful reassurance. You chuckled softly, appreciating his attentiveness. “Thanks, but I think I’ve got it”, you replied, feeling a little more at ease.
You took your time in the bathroom, making sure to be thorough. The warm water and gentle soap were soothing, helping to wash away any lingering discomfort. After a few moments, you felt much better and more comfortable.
Wrapping a soft towel around yourself, you returned to the bedroom, feeling a sense of calm and relaxation. Jensen was lying back on the bed, his eyes following you as you walked back to him. He smiled warmly, patting the spot next to him.
“All good?”, he asked, his voice soft and filled with genuine care.
“All good”, you confirmed, climbing back into bed and snuggling up next to him.
With a tender kiss to your hair, Jensen held you close as you settled back into bed. The warmth of his embrace and the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat against your ear soon lulled you into a state of deep relaxation. Wrapped in each other's arms, the events of the evening melted into a peaceful intimacy.
You felt Jensen's steady breath against your neck as sleep gently washed over both of you.
A/N: Well, that was a long one. Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 19
Taglist: @cheynovak @chriszgirl92 @jenniferr0323 @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @muhahaha303 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never @mayafatimakhan @ladysparkles78 @viviandarkbloom06 @jassackles @evasmlp @acklesaddict67 @mostlymarvelgirl @emma1998sblog @mishaesque @headinthemoon87 @hobby27 @winchesterwild78 @impala67rollingthroughtown @manicjk @kr804573 @zaratahir @djs8891 @winchesterwild78 @jamerlynn @whimsyfinny @libby99hb @deansimpalababy @deans-queen @kawaii-arfid-memes @faephoria @stoneyggirl2 @fitxgrld @luvr4miya @yikeschoices @lyssalvus @soab1967 @luvr4miya @didi0666
135 notes · View notes
lz-didyounotice · 7 months
“ It was quite a sunny day today”
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Heyyyy! 'sup, let me give you a small temporal paradox with a reader meeting 9th while traveling with Bow tie man. Hope you enjoy it.
Plot hevealy inspired by this work by : @am-i-obsessed---maybe : "Wrong Tardis".
Warning : english is not my first language, so please be indulgent. Might contain a little bit of ansgt, but a lot of comfort for our doctor.
The TARDIS had made a strange calculation once again. The Doctor found himself on Earth, in London, yet unsure of the reason behind his visit, still attempting to pick up the signal.
While examining the screens and discussing the matter with his temporary companion, Jack, the doors unexpectedly opened on their own, despite being locked. A female voice called out, leaving him uncertain how to react. The man beside him mirrored his expression before attempting to prevent the stranger from entering.
"Doctor! I thought you were only picking me up at seven; you’re early."
Turning toward the door, the Doctor watched warily as a woman with (h/c) hair approached the console, attempting to send a message to what seemed to be a friend.
"You're awfully quiet, are you okay, darling?" Finally looking up from her phone, the girl realized the situation she had stumbled into. Lifting her chin, she found Jack’s chest mere centimeters from her nose. "Jack? How are you here?" It had been a while since she had seen Jack. His appearances had dwindled after the Ponds began traveling with the Doctor.
“And who might you be, beautiful lady?”
At that moment, she realized her mistake. Looking past the captain, she saw someone she didn’t recognize at first. His hair was too short, his ears larger, and his style vastly different. This wasn’t her Doctor and his gaze indicated that he had never met her before. She had entered the wrong TARDIS. At least with Jack's presence, she assumed he was still with Rose, but she didn’t seem to be with them.
Deciding to take responsibility, she assumed a different identity, at least temporarily. Using a past name seemed the safest option. Neither of them would recognize her if something went wrong.
“Sorry for the intrusion. Name's Sunny. I’m a 'future' friend.”
“Sunny? What a wonderful name. Well, I suppose you already know who I am, but I'll introduce myself anyway. Jack Harkness. Pleasure to meet you.”
Extending his hand, she accepted it with a slight smile. She had forgotten how charming his younger self could be.
“Pleasure to meet you too. So, tell me, what brought you both here? I can only imagine some kind of Sontaran planting a bomb again.”
“Again?” asked the Doctor, now fully turned toward her.
“Spoilers,” she said with a small smile as she examined the younger Doctor. Even with a different face, he was still mesmerizing. She wondered what his smile would look like if he wasn’t frowning so much. She wanted to kiss his forehead, smooth it from any wrinkles.
“We have picked up a strange signal in the middle of London.”
“Never would have thought to be called a strange signal.”
“How could you be the signal?” Asked Jack, now leaning against the rail.
“Your little emitter is dying in my pocket. Distress signal, I guess. When you left me, you were going to look for a new one.” As she put her hands in her pockets, she pulled out a small phone wired with other components.
Approaching the console, she gently brushed it, lingering with a small smile at the old console. “Hello, old girl,” she thought, before handing the device over to the Doctor for analysis.
“How come you have this? I haven't finished this prototype yet.”
“Told you, future friend.”
And there it was, the smile she had been looking for. She almost wished she had met the Doctor sooner to see more of it. Sensing the tension, Jack excused himself, wanting to “explore” for a bit before returning to his time.
The sound of the sonic made her feel dizzy. The silence felt weird, at least to her. The Doctor hadn’t met her yet, after all, but here she was with a younger version of himself, filling her chest with butterflies .
“So, tell me, why would I give you this sort of device? Do you get lost so often that I need to provide it?”
“When are we meant to meet?”
“Hey… Spoilers, darling.”
“And why do you look at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“What are we? Obviously, we are not just friends with those eyes.”
If only he knew. Fiddling with the three rings on her hand, she smiled, thinking back to her “wedding.” It was under weird circumstances, yes, but she couldn’t have wished for a better way. The Doctor, River, and her, before the universe.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out...” Fully turning to face him, she took his hand, their ringed fingers intertwining as if they were always meant to be. “You know what? I suppose I could give you a small glimpse into the future. I’ll give you three questions. Of course, I won't provide anything that could disrupt your timeline. I'd be an awful partner if I did.”
Looking at his hand in hers, he wanted to ask about the rings. Why were there three, and not one? Was she married to multiple people?
”Why three rings?”
“A promise for each heart. Two were given to me by the man I love, and the last one by a particularly dashing anthropologist.”
“What promise did you make?”
“I promised to always come back to them, no matter what life brings. To love them until the end of the universe without doubt. To love them until I truly die.” As she spoke, he could see the affection she held for those individuals. It wasn’t just promises; she had already fulfilled them before and would do so again if needed.
Thinking back to what was just revealed, he felt his ears burn. Two rings for two hearts . That man was him, at least his future self! Looking at her with wide eyes, he slowly pointed at her and then himself, still unsure of the implications. Her smile melted his hearts as he realized he had guessed correctly. He couldn’t wait to meet her again, but the fact that she had made such a promise meant something significant had happened.
“Something happened, didn’t it?”
“Not in the way you might think.” Lifting her free hand, she cradled his face, brushing his cheek affectionately. “I made this promise on the day of our first encounter. It wasn’t easy for either of us, but there was only one way out of that situation. And I'll have you know it wasn’t your fault. Years from now, you still think of that day as a dark one, where you lost someone once more. To me, it was one of the brightest days in the universe. That day, I finally had a purpose, something to keep going. And I think you tend to forget how powerful your name can be, how much hope you give by simply giving others a way to shine.”
She went to release his hand, but he held onto it, wanting to savor the moment a few seconds longer. It felt weird, he never had met her before, but here he was trying to make her stay.
“How long until I meet you?”
“I thought I only gave you three questions.”
And there it was, that pleading look he gave her when he wanted something. Those two blue eyes piercing her heart with curiosity, wanting to know more about their first encounter.
“It's going to be a while before you find me, and a brief trip to France to meet me for the first time. And when I say we’re going to meet again, I might have to relearn how to be myself before catching up with  you.”
As she finished her explanation, she heard a faint and familiar whirring noise from the other side of the TARDIS doors. Giving a final smile to the Doctor, she kissed his forehead before finally letting go of his hand.
“Well, this is my leave. See you soon, Doctor…”
And as the TARDIS doors closed, the man beside the console was left in daze. Confused yet excited by this new encounter. This woman was someone he would travel with, fall for, and marry. But what struck him the most was what she had implied: they would meet again and again, yet she would forget it at some point. It pained him a bit to know, but he couldn’t wait to meet her again.
As Jack made his way back, “Sunny” was nowhere to be seen. In her place, a grinning doctor, holding the now repaired device in his hand. Thoughts of a brighter future flooding his mind. 
Bonus : 
“(Y/N) I found what we were searching for !” Did Your doctor exclaim, meeting your gaze with a bright and excited smile. The one you always loved to see. “Also found a yellow note with a sun on it, not sure why, don’t remember putting it here.” 
Giving you both, you smiled at the small note. A sun circling a small sentence. “ It was quite a sunny day today”.  Smirking silently, you finally brought the device to your now empty pockets, and folded the small note to put in your phone case.
“Come here bow tie maniac” Reaching for his bow tie, you planted your lips on his forehead before kissing him on the lips. 
“How come I didn't know you had worn leather jackets before ?” Did you ask him with a teasing tone.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 8 months
hey im dreaming of a reading story with jay where he meets a reader a quiet shy bookworm who always wears dresses or skirts and is a bit younger than him (around 10 but if that's too much for you maybe less) the rest of the Intelligence (Will too) doesn't believe she has feelings for him but then something happens and they see how much she is in love with him and they start treating her like family and Will like a little sister
Sorry for my English but it's my second language and I also wanted to say that your stories always bring me joy and peace 🤍
Found Family- Jay Halstead
Warnings: mentions panic attacks and sleazy men
Authors note: Thank you for the ask! I had to make a few changes, but I hope you still love it!
You met Jay by chance and unfortunate circumstances. You have a habit of frequenting coffee shops on your days off. You are almost always dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, glasses perched on your face and hair thrown into a messy bun. You enjoy reading and studying in crowded places so that you can people watch when you need a break. You sit toward the back, back against the wall, and watch as people come and go as you drink your coffee.
Today, you sat in the back in your skinny jeans and maroon sweatshirt, laptop sat untouched in front of you, school work spread around the table, but your favorite book was perched in your hand. You’d given up on studying for the time being and there wasn’t really much to look at or watch at the moment. That was until someone came back to your table.
The guy couldn’t have been more than 50, but he was certainly uninvited when it came to sitting in the seat directly across from you. He had a sinister smirk gracing his face as he stared at you. You tried to ignore him, in hopes that he would go away, but you had no such luck.
Putting your book down, you shut your laptop and folded your arms protectively across your chest. “Can I help you?” You asked, barely above a whisper.
The guy smirked and brushed his foot across your leg. “Maybe. I’ve been watching you for some time now. You seemed lonely and I figured I could offer you some company. After all, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be alone.” He replied, smiling suggestively as he leaned forward and started moving your stuff out of the way to get to you.
“Hey!” You said, pushing your chair back to get away from him.
The man hooked his feet around the legs of your chair and pulled you back. “Oh come on. Don’t be like that.” He snarled. “Let’s not make a scene.”
You were shaking as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You looked around for anyone who could help you when you spotted a handsome cop watching the situation unfold. You did the open and closed hand signal, which immediately had him moving out of line.
“Everything okay here?” The cop asked, coming to stand at your side, looking down on the man as he flashed his shield at the creep.
“Yes officer. Everything is fine. I’m just talking to my girl.” The man immediately answered, leaning forward to touch you again.
The cop lunged forward, taking the man’s wrist in his hand and twisting his arm behind his back. “I don’t think she wants you touching her. This is your only warnings to back off or I’m arresting you for harassment.” The cop practically growled into the man’s ear. “Got it?” He asked, letting up slightly.
The man nodded. “Got it. Got it! Please let me go. Your hurting me.” The man begged.
The cop immediately let go and yanked the man out of the chair. “Get out of here. Never, and I mean never, talk to this woman again or come into this coffee shop. We clear?” The cop asked the man.
“We’re clear.” The man replied, immediately walking out the front door.
The cop turned to you and kneeled on the ground at your side. “Hey. I’m Jay Halstead. You okay?” Jay asked, looking up at you with kind eyes.
You shook your head and stifled a sob. “N-no. I j-us.” You drug in a breath, trying your hardest to keep the tears at bay. “I wanna g-go h-home.” You whispered, wild eyes checking the area around you.
Jay nodded and stood. “It’s okay. Let’s get you packed.” Jay offered, looking at you for approval. When you nodded, he immediately began gathering your things for you. “Do you want a ride home?” Jay asked once you were ready to go.
You smiled shyly and nodded. “I-if it isn’t t-too much t-trouble.” You agreed, fidgeting with a backpack strap with one hand and wiping tears from your eyes, under your glasses.
Jay smiled. “No problem at all. Come on.” Jay said, leading the way out, coffee long forgotten.
That first encounter was 6 months ago. Ever since, you have yet to see that creep, but you have seen Jay Halstead dozens of times. He frequently comes to your place at the end of the day, which is a habit he started forming after your initial meeting. At first, he wanted to be sure you were okay, and that the man stayed away, since you live alone and have no family in town. He brought something every time he came, and often stayed until you fell asleep.
Now, Jay comes over whenever he gets a chance or whenever you need each other. Most nights end with you snuggled into his embrace and him carrying you to bed. Sometimes, you will stay at the other’s apartment if it gets too late, but you both have yet to establish any relationship.
Tonight, you and Jay are having drinks with his team and his brother, Will Halstead. You are sitting next to Kevin and relentlessly teasing and flirting with him. It’s something you have done with all of the guys, and sometimes the girls, to try and mask the feelings you have for Jay. You distract yourself with one of the guys when Jay meets another girl to try and stifle your jealousy. Since you haven’t shown the same energy to Jay, nobody else has ever suspected that you could have any real feelings for Jay. Until tonight.
You were going up to the bar to grab drinks when someone grabbed you around the waist. You barely reacted at first, thinking it was one of the guys or one of your friends from 51, until they tried pulling you closer and spoke.
“No one as pretty as you should be alone.” The man whispered, trying to tug you into him.
You shrugged him off and waved down Stella. “I-I’m not a-alone.” You stammered, your anxiety immediately heightened as you felt the man move his arm higher up and try to hook a hand around your boob.
You felt like the room was closing in as you lost sight of Stella, until the man was forced off of you. You almost fell, but landed in steady arms that immediately pulled you into their chest and backed away as Adam and Stella dragged the guy out of the bar with Kevin in tow. You struggled briefly, but recognized the smell of your best friend, Jay Halstead.
“Hey hey hey. It’s me. It’s me. It’s okay.” Jay shushed, caging you in his embrace as he walked you through the crowd and back to the table.
“She alright?” Asked Will, sliding a glass of water your way.
You had major anxiety when it came to going out in public since the initial incident. You’ve just recently started venturing to the bar on your own since you know many of the patrons, but this was gonna set you back. Your anxiety was through the roof as you clung to Jay with shaking hands.
Jay shushed you and pulled your head into his chest, placing a hand on the ear that was facing the crowded bar. You could barely hear the noises of the bar, but you could clearly hear the beat of Jay’s heart and feel his chest rising and falling. Jay spoke to Will as you allowed yourself to get lost in your thoughts about Jay. Instead of replaying the incident, you allowed Jay’s presence to calm and reassure you.
Eventually, Jay pulled back and picked you up, following Will through the crowded bar. “We’re gonna go home. Alright? I’m gonna take you home.” Jay said to you, kissing your forehead.
You nodded, leaning your head on Jay’s shoulder. As you walked out, you spotted Adam trying to chill Kevin out. Kevin was pretty close to you, like the big brother you never had, and was extremely pissed that someone had the nerve to mess with you. The anger immediately turned to playfulness as they spotted Jay carrying you out and your little wave over his shoulder. They both began making kissing face and inappropriate gestures towards you and Jay that had you hiding giggles in Jay’s neck.
“Alright love birds, into the truck.” Will teased, opening the door for Jay to slip in the back seat with you.
“Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever.” Jay replied, sliding in with you and buckling you both in, not letting you out of his lap as you shivered from the adrenaline crash.
The ride home is silent. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you hoped Jay would stay either way. Your question was answered soon as Jay got out of the truck and headed into his apartment.
“Figured you wouldn’t want to be alone.” Jay said to you, letting you down as he took his key off his key ring and threw the keys to the truck at Will. “Just bring it back tomorrow.” Jay said to his brother, both of you waving back to Will as he drove off.
You followed Jay in, immediately going into his closet to grab his army sweatshirt, changing into it and leaving your clothes on his bedroom floor. When you came back into the living room, Jay had your favorite playlist on and some hot tea. He was sat back on the couch, in sweat pants that he grabbed from his dryer and no shirt.
You wasted no time in crawling into his lap and laying your head on his chest again. You waited for him to wrap his arms around you and get comfortable before you swallowed your fears and spoke. “Jay. I wanna tell you something.” You whispered, fiddling with his dog tags.
Jay hummed, pulling you even closer.
“I really like you. I mean, your my safe space. You always know how to make me feel better, no matter the situation.” You took a deep breath before continuing. “Sometimes, I just wanna lay my head on your chest and forget everything bad that has ever happened to me.” Finally, you sat up some and looked him in the eyes. “I want to be with you. In more ways than one. Honestly Jay, I love you.” You said, smiling wildly as Jay smiled at you.
“Thank God. I didn’t want to scare you away, so I’ve been waiting on the right time to tell you that I love you too.” Jay said, crashing his lips into yours. The kiss was slow and needy. Your hands found purchase around his neck and in his hair. His softly held you around the waist with the other tangled in your hair as well.
The kiss ended when you both finally needed air. You laid your forehead against his, noses brushing against each other.
“The others are gonna freak.” You whispered, causing Jay to cackle.
“Nah. I heard there’s a bet going on. You found a family in my little family. They are just gonna be happy we are finally together.” Jay said, smiling widely as he leaned in for another kiss.
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oizysian · 27 days
An Eggcellent Boy | Elizabeth Olsen
Summary: Y/N has a school project that she’s deemed stupid, but her partner might just change her perspective on the whole thing.
Word count: 3k
AN: Happy birthday to my number one fan! Thanks for always supporting me ❤️
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“Now, listen up, students! Today is a very important day! Today we’ll be giving each senior a sophomore to partner up with for a week to take care of your egg babies.”
A collective groan came from the crowd of high schoolers listening to the announcement. Yet another way to torture the students, I thought as I leafed through the little pamphlet they handed out.
“‘Your baby and you.’ This is so dumb.” I mumbled to myself, stuffing the leaflet into my backpack.
“When you meet with your partner, you must take care of your baby, make a plan for your baby’s care, and log it all in your journals.”
I rolled my eyes and continued to doodle in my notebook, not the slightest bit interested in the project. Who even cared about babies?
“You will meet with your partners and get your eggs today …”
As the Health teacher droned on about the specifics of the project, I zoned out. I had too many other things to worry about other than stressing over some egg. I was failing math and all I wanted was for Tom Sullivan to finally ask me out.
The bell rang and I packed up my things and got ready to head to my next class. I threw my bag over my shoulder and trudged out, nearly bumping into a group of girls walking in the other direction.
I growled under my breath and looked back at them, a blonde girl doing the same and looking back at me. I couldn’t deny the fact that she was beautiful, probably one of those preppy cheerleaders, not someone I’d ever be friends with.
I huffed and continued walking, pretending to be unbothered by the group of girls that no doubt thought they were better than me. I opened the door to my next class and took a seat in the back, not really wanting to be bothered with this class either. I just wasn’t in the mood to be in school.
I took out my notebook and started doodling again, thoroughly done with school for the day. While the English teacher spoke about Shakespeare and the complexities of his work, there was a knock at the door. An aide came in, looked down at her notes, and then called out one name.
“Y/N Y/L/N?”
I looked up from my book, hesitating before slipping my notebook into my bag and getting up and following the aide out. She was silent for a moment as we walked before clearing her throat and speaking.
“I’m taking you to meet your project partner and to get your egg.”
It took all my self control to not roll my eyes at her words. This stupid egg thing was getting out of hand.
We walked until we made it to the Health room and she opened the door for me, waiting for me to enter before entering herself. Inside was the girl I saw earlier; the preppy cheerleader. Oh, great, I thought to myself, THIS was going to be my partner?
“Y/N, this is Elizabeth, the senior that’s going to partner up with you for this project.”
“Hi.” I managed to bite out, trying to not sound as disinterested as I actually was.
“Hi!” She greeted me with a bright smile.
Goddamn her, she was beautiful and she was nice.
“Choose your egg, and follow all the guidelines in the pamphlet handed out earlier and you’ll both do fine.”
I looked from Elizabeth to the eggs, which were in cartons on the table. They were literally just … eggs. There was nothing special about them.
“You wanna choose?” I asked her and she nodded, walking over to the table and looking over the eggs before finally picking one from the back.
“What should we name him?”
I blinked at her, my eyes moving from her to the egg in her hands, and shrugged.
“I, uh, I don’t know. Why don’t you choose?”
“We should choose together. ‘Cos it’s our baby.” She said with a smile and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“How about … James?”
“James? I like it. Little James.” She gave the egg a tickle and my heart melted at the sight.
“Okay, girls, you can go now.” The Health teacher said and we walked out together, standing in the hallway awkwardly.
“I already know what we can put our baby in.” She said proudly, looking down at the egg in her hands.
“Oh yeah? What?”
“Let me take him tonight. I’ll bring him in tomorrow and then you can have him, okay?”
I looked at her for a moment before nodding.
“Alright. Do you want my number just in case James has an accident?” I teased and she nodded excitedly.
“Of course! I’ll call you if something happens.”
I sighed, waiting for her to get out a piece of paper and a pen so she could write down my number. I didn’t think she’d actually take me up on my offer.
She handed me one of her notebooks and a pen and I flipped it open to a blank page, jotting down my name and number and then handing it back to her.
“Great.” She said as she looked over the page. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N!”
She smiled at me then turned to walk away before turning back.
“When do you have lunch?”
“Fourth period.”
“Perfect, me too. I’ll see you then.”
She gave me a small wave then walked away with James, leaving me in the hallway, staring at her retreating back. What was I getting into?
The next day at school almost everyone was paired up or carrying around one of those damned eggs. I had pretty much forgotten all about it since Elizabeth had taken James - the egg. It was an egg, not a baby.
When lunch rolled around, I was pretty exhausted by my previous classes and the idea of working on this egg project. I had Health third period and all we talked about was our eggs.
I grabbed my tray of food and sat down at a table far in the back of the room. I just wasn’t in the mood to socialize.
“Hey!” A cheerful voice greeted me and I looked up to see Elizabeth with a lunchbox of sorts.
“Hey.” I greeted back, poking at my food with my plastic fork.
“I brought James.” She placed the lunchbox on the table and sat down. “You can take him tonight. He’ll be okay.”
I looked at her expectantly, blinking wordlessly.
“Where is he?”
She gently tapped the box and slid it over to me.
“You put it in a lunchbox?”
“It’s a mini cooler!”
I pulled the cooler towards myself and opened it. Inside James was nestled in what looked like a nest, surrounded by little handmade decorations. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. She had put so much effort into this and I barely wanted to be bothered.
“It looks great.” I complimented it, closing the cooler over so James could keep cool.
“Thanks.” She smiled. “I thought that a cooler would be the best place for him. I’ve already heard some people had their eggs crack because they just put them in a regular old box with no cushions.”
“Guess they already failed the project.”
She nodded, placing her chin in her hand and watched me eat.
“How about we get together after school to work on our paper?”
“We’ve only had him for a day.” I said softly.
“Yeah, but we’re supposed to keep track of him every day for a week.”
“How much can we track? He’s just an egg.”
She giggled and shrugged. She probably thought this project was just as ridiculous as I did. She reached for her bag, unzipping it and pulling out the project pamphlet.
“We still have to give him a face. I figured you could do that tonight. Or we can do it after school together.”
“Together sounds nice.” Why did I say that?
Her cheeks flushed a slight pink hue and she continued to read.
“Then after the week is up, we have to reflect on the project; say if we were good parents or not, and if our feelings about the project changed from beginning to end.”
“This is so dumb.” I let out a chuckle and she nodded.
“I know, but this counts for more than half of our grade.”
I rolled my eyes and put my fork down. At least my partner wasn’t a complete idiot.
“They just want to torture us, forcing us to carry around an egg. An egg.”
“At least he can’t move.”
I nodded in agreement, tapping my fingers on the top of the cooler.
“What else do we have to do?”
“Didn’t you read the pamphlet?” She asked with a smirk and I shook my head.
“I barely even looked at it.”
She smiled and shook her head, looking over the paper in her hand.
“We also need a birth certificate. Do you wanna do that?”
“Sure.” I paused. “In that case, he needs a full name, right? I chose his first name so you can choose the middle.”
She nodded.
“Whose last name should he have? Mine or yours?”
“Why not hyphenate it?”
“That’s a good idea!” She seemed pleased.
The bell rang and she stuffed the paper back into her bag, zipping it up and putting it on her back.
“So, I’ll see you after school? We can meet by the gym.”
“Sure. I’ll see you then.”
She smiled and waved, getting up from the table and leaving. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and looked down at the cooler. Why did she have to be so nice and pretty and smart? Why was this affecting me the way it was? I was straight and she was just my partner for this stupid project.
The rest of the day went by quickly and I couldn’t wait to go home. That was, until I remembered I was going to meet Elizabeth by the gym. Shit.
I trudged over there, James in hand, and waited. It wasn’t long before I realized someone was still inside the gym and I peeked in.
Elizabeth was playing volleyball with another girl. I watched quietly as she confidently struck the ball, making the other girl run and fall trying to hit it back.
She cheered, jumping up and down as the girl got back up.
“You beat me again.” The other girl spoke and Elizabeth nodded happily.
“I have to be competitive. I have three older siblings.”
I smiled, watching her do something she clearly enjoyed and was obviously good at. After she had calmed down, she noticed me, smiling and waving as she made her way over.
“Hey, Y/N. Sorry, I got caught up in the game.”
“It’s fine,” I assured her. “I didn’t know you played.”
“Only for fun.” She looked down at the cooler in my right hand. “How was James today?”
“Good?” I was unsure if she was being serious or not. “He’s an eggcellent little angel.”
She slapped my arm playfully, giggling at my awful attempt at a joke.
“I’m gonna go get changed, I’ll be back in five minutes.”
I watched as she walked back into the gym, heading into the locker rooms. Something about her was captivating and I couldn’t deny it. She was kind, beautiful, athletic …
Wait, I was straight. Why was I getting starry eyed over a girl?
“Hey, you okay?” Elizabeth asked and I shook myself out of my head, nodding at her.
“Yeah, I’m good.” I raised up the cooler. “Wanna get started on the paper?”
“Yeah, sure. Let’s go to the library.”
“Okay,” I gestured for her to walk ahead of me. “Lead the way.”
She walked ahead of me, excitedly making her way down the hall towards the library. I watched as her hips swayed, her backpack hung low on her back, her hair tied in a loose ponytail - just every little detail had me hooked. I did not have a crush. I did not.
She looked back at me and smiled, holding the door open for me to enter first. Admittedly, I had only been in the library once or twice, and never for more than a few minutes. I walked in and waited for her, and she led me towards the back where we sat in a secluded corner.
“Okay. James.” I placed him on the table and she reached over to open his top. “What kind of face should we give you?”
“A happy face. With a blush.”
“That sounds cute.”
She dug around in her bag and pulled out a sharpie.
“Do you wanna do it?” She held out the sharpie to me.
I took it from her and picked up James carefully, popping off the top, I scribbled on his face, doodling a little happy face with a blush. When I was done, I turned him around so she could see him and she covered her mouth in happiness.
“He’s beautiful!” She carefully took him from my hands and I put the cap back on the sharpie. “Our beautiful son.”
It was my turn to blush. Her words heat up my cheeks, the use of ‘our’ instead of ‘my’ really got to me. I placed the sharpie down and unzipped my backpack, pulling out some paper and a pen.
“Okay, his name. James …”
“James Liam Y/L/N …” I looked at her expectantly.
“Olsen. Done. He was born October 26th and his parents are Y/N Y/L/N and Elizabeth Olsen.”
She smiled and nodded excitedly.
“This is perfect. We’ll meet up every day and take notes on James and by the end of the week, we’ll be pro parents.”
We met up every single day at lunchtime and after school, dressing James, taking photos of us and James, and almost acting like a married couple. After a while, we would just talk about ourselves and we got closer and closer as each day went by.
I hated to admit it, but I was definitely developing a crush on Elizabeth. It wasn’t hard. She was perfect. Sometimes I found myself just staring at her as she spoke about her day with James or her family life or the different sporting events she was attending. I knew she couldn’t feel the same way about me, so I just fantasized and kept my feelings to myself. It was just a crush, it would pass.
We were working on our final paper when our hands touched as we both reached for the same pen. We stared at each other for a moment before giggling. I let her take it and dug around in my bag for a spare.
“Hm?” I hummed as I looked over my notes, flipping through the various pages of actual notes and just doodles.
“I think you’re really funny and really nice.”
“I think you are too.” My brain decided at that moment to malfunction, leaving that as the only response I could muster up.
She smiled and returned her attention to her paper. Did I just reject her? Was she coming onto me? I bit my lip in thought, staring down at the blank page I had flipped to.
“Must be interesting.” She teased and I snapped out of it, looking up at her confused.
“Your paper. You’re staring so intently at it.”
I looked from her to the paper and chuckled nervously.
“Ah, yeah, that. Real riveting stuff.”
She shot me one of her dazzling smiles and I felt myself getting deeper and deeper into trouble with her.
I watched as she wrote in her notebook, her tongue pursed between her lips in concentration, her brow furrowed as she scribbled and jotted down her notes.
“Elizabeth …” I said softly, getting her attention.
She looked up at me expectantly and I froze.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“N-nothing. I was just gonna ask how your paper is going.”
“It’s going okay. I’m up to the part where I have to write what I liked most about the project.”
“What did you like the most?” I was curious.
“Working with you.” She said bashfully.
My eyes shined with hope as she looked across the table at me.
“That was my favorite part too.”
“Yeah?” She asked shyly, smiling brightly.
“Yeah. I really like you, Elizabeth.”
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and gnawed at it gently before speaking again.
“Would you … do you wanna get ice cream? After all this?”
Did she just … ask me out? I stared at her for a moment before nodding vigorously.
“Y-yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
She looked at the clock on the wall and sighed.
“I guess it’s time to go.”
“Already?” I whined, looking at the clock myself.
“Yeah, I know how you feel.” She chuckled as she packed her things up and I did the same, but slowly; I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.
“You can take James.” I said softly, putting my bag on my back. “I know you wanna spend time with him before they take him away.”
“I do.” She smiled and approached me.
I looked up at her and licked my lips nervously. Why was I so nervous? She put her hand on the cooler that was sitting on the table in front of me and then bent her head down, pressing her lips to mine ever so slightly.
It was shock that hit me first. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening! Forget about Tom Sullivan - I had Elizabeth Olsen.
I took her face in my hands and kissed her back, smiling when she realized I reciprocated.
We pulled away after a moment and I couldn’t stop the goofy smile that was now plastered on my face.
“I’ll see you tomorrow? After school?”
I nodded, “Definitely. After school.”
She took my hand and James and we walked out of the library. This project was probably the best thing that ever happened to me, despite my distaste for it at first.
We walked to the front of the school, hand in hand, and only parted when we had to go our separate ways.
“Tomorrow?” She asked again, nervously and I nodded.
I gave her a peck on the lips and she lit up, giving me one back before letting go of my hand and walking off towards where she lived. I watched her retreating back and I smiled to myself.
“All because of an egg.”
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 1 year
"guess you fell for me, huh?"
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synopsis: you accidentally catch a (cute) stranger who fell off a hill. what do you do?
genre: fluff, crack(??)
characters: lyney x gn! reader, adventurer! reader
warnings: usage of french (feminine) terms of endearment (translation at bottom), first meeting, reader is referred to in second person, i think i made lyney a bit ooc, not proofread
a/n: inspired by my darling housemate tripping over her own foot and going "i think i fell for you" without missing a beat to the other housemate that caught her. idk how the physics works for falling off a hill into someone's arms (the impact should be enough to at least give you some bruises i think) but we shall assume plot armour LMAO likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2023 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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it was supposed to be a normal day for you. emphasis on “normal”. you had meant to complete your commissions, collect your payment, and spend the rest of the day in your residence. sleeping. and snacking.
you stare down at the ash-blonde (a terribly cute one too, mind you) in your arms bridal-style, who is currently grinning up at you. archons, that grin…
“are you alright?” you ask, checking him for injuries. anyone would be equally concerned if someone dropped into their arms from the sky.
“i’m alright now that i’ve met you, ma belle*.” the absolute gall this man has, sending you a wink like that. you feel your cheeks warm. low standards, sure, but the way he said it was just too charismatic! 
“a-anyway, i’m glad you’re not hurt. what even happened?” you place him down, making sure he was standing properly before letting go.
“ah, well, it’s a little embarrassing…” he rubs his neck, looking away. “i was, uh, trying to collect marcottes, and as you know, it just rained not long ago, and, uh, i may or may not have slipped. and fell.” he gestures vaguely at the hill behind you. 
“ah.” is the only thing you say in reply.
“i have to say, if not for you, ma chère*, today would have ended very differently for me,” that silly little grin is back on his face. “please, allow me, the greatest magician lyney, to treat you to dinner tonight as sincere thanks for being my saviour.” he takes your hand in his, kisses its back, his eyes trained on yours all the while.
you finally can’t resist the urge. “i guess you really fell for me, huh?” 
lyney stalls, a shine in his periwinkle eyes, and you take the time to admire his features even more. he may have fallen into your arms, but it seemed as though you were the one who fell hard.
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*translations: ma belle = "my beauty"; ma chère = "my dear". both terms can be taken as the equivalent of "sweetheart" or "darling" in english!
tags: @diorlumx, @i23kazu (send ask if you want to be tagged in future works!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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weirdsht · 2 months
Disillusioned 3 . Abandoned, Adopted (2) - Cale/Reader
tags: abuse as the norm, reader sees nothing wrong with what they've experienced
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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“I was gonna reveal him later while we’re talking but might as well.”
Cale casually stated as he handed _____ a towel. It sounded as if he was describing the menu for lunch. As if he didn't let out an exasperated sigh before speaking. Contrary to his nonchalant voice and demeanour, Cale is actually a bit worried. He is worried at the high possibility of the healer not being able to compose themself at the sight of a dragon.
“I am the great Raon Miru and my great self is now 4 years old!”
“Hello Raon Miru-nim, it’s nice to meet such a great and mighty existence.”
_____ bowed respectfully at the cute dragon that Cale is currently drying with a towel. The bow only lasted two seconds before the healer grabbed a new and unused towel.
“You dried Hong but didn’t dry yourself On.”
Their gaze asked On if it was okay to dry them to which the silver kitten nodded before moving closer to _____.
Cale finds this development unexpected, but good unexpected. In fact, he likes it so much. He likes _____’s calmness despite the visible surprise in their eyes.
Some minutes and towels later the two can finally get to the main topic of today’s conversation.
“Your adoptive family has proclaimed you dead, what is your plan now?”
“Uhm, honestly young master Cale-nim-”
“Just Cale is fine, even if that shitty family of yours proclaimed you dead you are still a noble. We are still equal in status.”
“Huh? Uh uhm, okay…”
_____ was flabbergasted as this was the first time someone said they were a noble. Well, not that they have much reference as most of their conversations are with their adoptive family, but it was still shocking to the healer.
“Then Cale-ssi..? No? Uhm, Cale-sunbae[1]..? I have no concrete plan. I knew that someday I was gonna be thrown away when I was deemed useless. I just didn’t expect my usefulness to end this early.”
The healer was hesitant in their new way to address the young master. However, Cale looked more relaxed being called sunbae so _____ deemed it okay to call him as such.
“Then you just have to find a new place that will see you as useful right? I think this is the perfect place for that.”
_____ looked at Cale in disbelief. They may not know much information about… well almost everything, but they have also heard about the rumours of Cale being trash.
Whether that was real or Cale was faking it didn’t matter. 
The point still stands that someone who made a name for themself as trash would not need someone like _____. Not with all the burdens and hard work that comes with them as a package. Not only that but the young master seems to have some sort of power that lets him have full vitality at all times.
So why would such a person take in _____ who is only good at healing others?
“Cale-sunbae taking someone in like me is bound to cause trouble. I am aware that taking me in means hiding me as I cannot reveal myself right now. I am also aware that requires a lot of effort to do.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m not the son of a rich noble for nothing. All you have to think of is whether you’ll accept my offer and what you want to do. Do you want to take revenge?”
The black dragon that’s lying down on Cale’s bed with the kittens perked its head up at the mention of revenge. He may not know what _____’s story is but he feels a kinship with them at the known fact that the human his human is talking to also had a hard life before meeting Cale.
“Revenge? Oh no that has never crossed my mind. Why would I when they provided for me? It’s not like they did anything wrong?”
“THAT’S NOT TRUE LITTLE _____!!! This great and mighty being that has lived for 4 years could tell what they did was not right!!”
Everyone else in the room got a whiplash while the black dragon was enraged. Cale was confused at how such a thing could be considered normal.
“In any case, if you don’t want to make them pay it’s fine. If you ever change your mind just tell me.”
Cale Henituse is now responsible for this person, and that responsibility includes supporting them in their endeavours. 
So Cale lets it be… at least for now.
A silver kitten taps Cale’s arm using her paw. It was nighttime, and the children averaging seven years old were already lying in bed with Cale. The other two children are already asleep, leaving only the redhead and the silver kitten awake.
“What is it? Can’t sleep?”
“No that’s not it. About _____…”
The half-asleep Cale woke up at the mention of the newest addition to their group. Cale is pretty sure the healer is harmless but if the children say otherwise then further evaluation is due.
“Well, they’ve been adjusting well here in Harris Village and get along with everyone.”
Cale agrees with On’s evaluation. It has been a few days since came back to Harris Village and _____ has been doing well so far. Actually, they’ve been thriving as everyone seems to like them. 
They’re shy and don't speak unless someone else initiates the conversation. However, they are respectful and helpful to everyone. Because of that, they get along well with Cale’s people.
If that’s the case then why does On’s face say that there seems to be a problem?
“There’s something weird about their body- no I think it’s their ability. We don’t know how it exactly works right?”
On had been the closest to _____ during these past few days along with the other two children. Partly because the three have taken it upon themselves to observe the healer more, and partly because their mere presence comforts the children.
The healer doesn’t smile or laugh but everyone can tell that they truly enjoy themselves whenever they are out playing or exploring with the kids and Mary.
Even though they can’t see a physical smile on the healer’s face, them being happy still lifts everyone’s moods. 
Even Cale’s
He may try to deny it, but On has caught him a couple of times already.
Speaking of the man, he is just currently petting On’s fur while waiting for her to tell him more.
“At first I thought it was just their old wounds. They were hurt pretty badly so it wouldn’t be surprising if it takes a long time to heal since they can’t heal themself. But the wounds seem to be changing places.
I’m not so sure about that one because they wear long sleeves so it's hard to see, but I also noticed that their mood seems to drastically falter when they heal someone. More than any healer I’ve seen during our travels. It’s almost as if they seem to be in pain.”
It was true, it’s hard to see any part of _____’s body because they wear a hooded robe like Mary. The healer even went as far as covering everything but their eyes with cloth[2]. This was because they didn’t want to bother Raon with a disguise.
“We can’t be sure yet about the wounds but the other things might just be because they aren’t in optimal condition yet. They have always had a weak body. For now, I’ll them to lessen their use of their healing powers.”
With that On’s mind was put to ease and she finally fell asleep.
However, another person’s mind is not at ease.
Cale who was supposed to be slacking off felt a sense of worry. Experience from reading so many fantasy novels gave him an inkling as to how _____’s ability might work.
But nothing is confirmed yet so he set his worries aside for now and resorted to observing.
While they were in Harris Village nothing seemed out of place. Well, honestly how could there be when everything is so peaceful? The only things they were healing were minor scratches and wounds that mostly stemmed from accidents or training.
When they got to the main territory though…
To be precise it was during the festival when they were looking for hidden experts in the territory. _____ noticed the scratches and wounds on Lily’s body from training and wanted to heal them.
Of course, they didn’t say anything but at this point, Cale knows them well enough to see what they want.
So Cale told the healer to go ahead and heal Lily, and replenish her energy while they were at it too.
They did and Cale didn’t see anything unusual. But then again it’s not like Lily was badly injured. The worst thing she got was this long scratch-like wound from her forearm to below her elbow. Therefore Cale that would be the end of it and he’d have to find another chance to see if his suspicions were correct.
“Healer-nim are you okay? That scratch looks pretty fresh.”
Hans’ voice made Cale turn around to see what he was talking about.
All of them are currently roaming around the night market. _____ in particular was looking at a stall that sells hand-made stuffed toys. It ranges from fluffy teddy bears to cute crocheted dolls. 
When Cale turned to see what was going on, he did so in a way that looked as if he was just looking around the market and not listening to their conversation. He could see the healer midway to reaching a red teddy bear that was holding some kind of silver shield. 
Is it just him or does that toy oddly look like him?
Anyways ignoring the cute but oddly designed teddy bear, Cale could see that the healer’s sleeves rolled down because the placement of the teddy bear was pretty high. Because of that, their arm could be seen, and that arm was full of scars.
“Ah yes, Hans-ssi- I mean Hans. I got this earlier but it doesn’t hurt.”
“I see, but it would still be better to put some bandages over it.”
“Yes, I’ll make sure to do that when we get home.”
The scars kind of look like Lily’s scratches but one could argue that it was from _____’s wounds a few weeks ago.
However, there was no denying that a big scratch looked just like Lily’s wound from earlier.
Sure it looks better than what Lily had but Cale knows it’s the same thing.
But accusations are just accusations, Cale still doesn’t have solid proof. It could be that it wasn’t actually Lily’s wound and they just got injured earlier as there were a lot of people.
Cale also doesn’t think he should suddenly just bring it up. He doesn’t want to cause unwarranted worry and panic when he and On are still speculating things.
So he lets it go for now.
He continued strolling at the night market to look for hidden experts and buy whatever the kids wanted.
And if that shopping haul included that one red teddy bear with a shield that’s current in Raon’s spacial dimension so they could give it later to _____ even though they didn’t ask for it?
Let’s just go with Cale’s reasoning that the kids persuaded him to buy it.
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[1] was gonna use -ssi at first but the rules for using ssi confuse the more I read about it. I didn't want to use Cale-nim because it's Choi Han's signature. Anyways just think of their relationship as like a sunbae and hoobae at work since reader is working for Cale now.
[2] kinda like alberu's appearance when he went to the jungle as a dark elf.
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sleeepy-sim · 3 months
Hi!! If your taking requests for donnie darko, can i give you an idea?
Imagine love at first sight with him in a library!!!! It can be fluff, smut, dddne or whatever youre comfy writing! Thank you<3
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So sorry this took me so long. I do have to admit I'm not good at writing 'love at first sight' but I did do my best. Working on the other requests as well!
I also did not put any NSFW because . . . well its a library and I didn't feel like dragging it on.
It had been a free hour, with all your friends busy with a class, so you sat in the library. Usually, you either did your missing work or homework, though sometimes you said ‘screw it, I can do it at home.’ But today, you had decided to do your English project that you put off a couple of days back. 
So there you sat, towards the end of the library, working on your English project. You hadn’t noticed him, nor had you noticed his stare from a couple of tables up. Though anyone paying attention—unlike you—would have noticed his gaze; it was hard to miss.
After a moment of frustration of not knowing where to start on the project, you looked around the room, only to meet someone's gaze. His short black hair seemed to either be a little overgrown or messy, for his hair hung a bit on his forehead. 
His blue eyes quickly darted down to the book on top of the desk, putting his head down - face out of sight. You did the same, eyes back on your paper. After a moment of overthinking the situation, you sneak a glance. 
Again, only to see him also stealing a glance. Your eyes widen, shooting back down to your paper. After a moment of not moving - due to overthinking he was watching your every move, you look up as you hear the chair in front of you, scrap across the floorboards. 
You take a deep breath as you watch the ‘mysterious’ guy sit in front of you - your heart beating a little faster, from the awkwardness or how hot you noted he was - you’re not sure. You grip the paper in your hand a little tighter, the nagging feeling in your gut from what is going to happen from this moment and the next. 
“Hey,” He awkwardly smiles, nodding his head as he looks at the paper in your hands and on the table before looking at you - taking your features in. You swallow, afraid your voice may crack due to not talking for the last 20 minutes - and not wanting to seem like a loser in front of a hottie.  
“Hey,” You nod, the awkwardness of not knowing what to say nor what to do - sinking into your bones. You look at his book for a moment before looking back at him - not wanting to seem like a creep. 
“You have Ms. Pomeroy, right?” He asks, tilting his head a bit as his gaze continues to look you over before settling back on looking at your face. 
“Uh . . .” You trail off, surprised by the question and his accurate assumption. You lightly suck on your bottom lip, nodding - a questioning look on your face. “Yeah, I do.” You say, nodding your head with your eyebrow slightly raised on ‘how do you know this.’ 
“I have her right after 6th period. I uh, I saw you leave one time.” He says, looking a bit to the side as he probably realized just how creepy that sounded. You lightly chuckle at his sentence, shifting in your seat for a new position. 
“I’m sorry. That sounds weird.” He awkwardly chuckles, looking around - probably to see if anyone heard that or to break the now even more awkward encounter. You quickly shake your head - a small smile on your lips as his awkwardness was cute - even if it matched yours. 
“No, I get it.” You smile at him as he leans over the table - face more closer to your own. He smiles with appreciation and relief as you didn’t think he was ‘too’ much of a weirdo or creepo. He already knew the staring had put you off - with that sentence as soon as it left his lips he knew you would regret looking up. 
You take a deep breath as you both stare at each other in silence. Surprisingly, the silence was comforting, just looking into his eyes was intimate. Yet, for just meeting someone - who you didn’t even know his name - was making you more comfortable than anyone else had in a while. 
As if he read your mind, his hand reached just a little due to the closeness, out in front of you. “Donnie.” He smiles as you shake his hand, smiling back at him. You hand grips his - a little tight, but not tight enough to be considered ‘why did she squeeze tight?’ 
You tell him your name, your hands still moving from the on-going handshake. His hand was ruff, not in a way that said ‘I’ve been working for years’ but the hand that said ‘I don’t put lotion on that much.’ 
He smiles as he hears your name said from your lips, you both slowly unclasp hands. Your hands are now resting on your paper - now sitting on the table. His eyes dart down from your face to your hands - which leads to his next sentence. 
“Do you, uh, maybe want to work on the project together?” He says, motioning to your papers and notebook. You nod, thinking ‘thank goodness, i need help and desperately - but - what if he thinks I’m an idiot?’ 
“That would be great.” You smile awkwardly - not from the awkwardness from the two of you - that's long gone - but the worry of him thinking bad of you from the bareness amount you had for the impending project.   
You two had worked the whole period, from laughing and sneaking glances at each other. You couldn’t help but think ‘why haven’t I noticed him before?’. The bell rang, causing you two to look at each other in despair as everything was going so well and now you two have to separate. 
“Well . . .” Donnie chuckles, looking from you to the papers you two were working on. “Since we’re not done. I was thinking . . . maybe we could work on it after school?” He shrugs, slightly avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah, that, um, that would be great.” You smile at him as you stand up, shifting the papers into a neat pile. He smiles, licking his lips as he stands up as well - helping you with the papers. 
“Meet after school by the buses?” He shoots you a smile, slightly smirking. You smile back, nodding. 
“Sounds good.” You say as the two of you walk out of the library. He chuckles before smiling at you as he turns the corner, heading to his class.  
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dangerousduckcloud · 3 months
Flowerbeds make up for a nice eternal rest
My first DC fanfic! More specifically a Jason Todd fic. (Jason Todd/Reader)
English is not my first language! So if there's any mistake please be kind and let me know.
You can also find it in AO3.
Chapter 2
You’ve always wondered what it would be like to live inside the stories that you read on books and see on TV, what it would be like to be a medieval princess, a pirate exploring all seas, the girlfriend of a certain vigilante/crime lord that has you reading fanfiction after fanfiction about him. But what happens when one day you wake up in an unknown city, in an unknown cave filled with bats and a kid with a domino mask looking intently at you?
You’ve always wondered what it would be like to live inside the stories that you read on books and see on TV, what it would be like to be a medieval princess, a pirate exploring all seas, the girlfriend of a certain vigilante/crime lord that has you reading fanfiction after fanfiction about him.
Naturally, no matter how much you daydream about those worlds, you always come back to your nice, calm, but sometimes monotonous life.
Many wouldn’t consider a hotel receptionist would make an exciting job, let alone a prestigious one, but you like it. Love it, even, as you’ve had the opportunity to meet a vast array of people from all over the world, some even sharing their life’s stories, as well as leaving you enough time to work on your hobbies.
Of course, you’ve also had to deal with the typical Karens and Darrens that like to create problem after problem all because they never bother to utilize their brains for a second, let alone develop any level of reading comprehension. ‘What do you mean I can’t go swimming? Yes, I read the sign that says the pool’s closed today, but I want to swim’, or ‘Yes, I’m not an idiot, I know the door says breakfast is from seven to ten, but I always eat breakfast at twelve’ or your favorite ‘What do you mean I have to pay for the table that almost killed my children? Well, yes, I know they were jumping on top of it but it’s a serious hazard to have such cheap furniture! An accident waiting to happen!”
Even though at that moment it’s stressful and tiring dealing with them, at the end of the day they added to the list of stories you couldn’t wait to share with your friends every time you met up.
Today however, was a slow day, the constant, heavy downpour in the city making everyone reach their rooms as soon as possible to change their dripping-wet clothes into something warm and comfortable.
“D’you think it’ll stop soon?”
“The rain? Yeah, seems like it.” Joan, your coworker, replied, not looking up from her phone. “It’s not as heavy as it was an hour ago.”
You hoped she was correct, as your shift was about to end and you didn’t want to deal with the headache that it was not only to get a cab in this weather, but one that wouldn’t charge you 200% more than usual.
“So, what are your plans for the weekend?” Joan asked, resting her charging phone on the desk and turning towards you. “Anything exciting? Any dates?” At her last question, she raised her eyebrows consecutively, drawing a chuckle out of you.
“If only.” You snort. “I haven’t had any luck, not even on dating apps. People nowadays just want sex. Quick, done and gone. I’m not saying it’s not nice, but I want something… Real. Someone that can even make grocery shopping exciting, not just a face that I’ll forget in a few weeks.”
“So, you want someone that does not exist, got it.”
Laughing, you gently push her shoulder with your hand, the wheeled chair desk sending her a few centimeters away.
“They do exist.”
“Sure, but just in those stories you read.”
With a pout, you began thinking about the newest fanfiction you’d discovered last night and started binge-reading it, with 56 chapters, and you were already on chapter 39.
A sudden flush crept across your cheeks, embarrassment at being 22 and spending your weekends reading some silly fanfiction instead of going out to have some drinks.
But who could blame you? Whoever SuperWomBat_89 was, they sure were blessed with the writing of an angel, every single word so carefully chosen to convey the poetry their writing was, a story so romantic and profound that had you shedding a lonely tear at remembering people like Jason Todd — your newest hyperfixation —, did not exist.
Besides, it was way better than doing drugs, or kicking old ladies. Or doing drugs while kicking old ladies.
Not to mention, everyone enjoyed their limited time on earth in different ways, remembering that just because you didn’t enjoy the common pastime of your peers didn’t make you a weirdo or a failure.
No matter how many times some of your classmates called you that.
When you stopped disassociating, you took a glance at your phone, the time reading five minutes to six. Standing up from your chair, your eyes examined the weather outside through the glass doors, glad the storm had turned into a light drizzle, nothing your umbrella wouldn’t protect you from.
Bidding goodbye at Joan, you made your way towards the staff room, using the private bathroom to change into something more comfortable to walk home; pants, an oversized sweater and sneakers, walking out the back door.
Usually, you would put on your headphones for your fifteen-minute walk home, but as luck would have it, you’d forgotten to charge them, and not wanting to bother the other pedestrians walking home, you opted for not putting music on the phone speakers, no matter how low the volume was, making you more cognizant of the world around you.
Now, normally you wouldn’t call yourself an idiot. You considered yourself to be quite smart, honestly. Even if most of your actions didn’t seem like it. But you were, promise.
But when a strange light without a seemingly clear source brightened up a whole alleyway, you couldn’t help but get curious and walk towards it, a young, distorted voice coming up from somewhere around it.
“I knew it would work.” The voice said with glee. “B will… This technology…”
You couldn’t make up the rest of the sentence, the sound becoming too warped up for you to understand it. Was this some kind of magic illusion? A hidden camera? But looking all around, you couldn’t spot anything that resembled one, or something that would look out of place in an alley like this.
If someone were to ask you what possessed you to touch the light, you wouldn’t be able to come up with an answer, not even knowing it yourself. But you did it, feeling a warm, tingling sensation traverse your body until everything around you became engulfed in the bright light, including you.
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hurpdurpburps · 2 months
Otherside Picnic Manga Yuri Club Special Story 1 English Translation
It has recently come to my attention that Japanese animanga merch store Gamers (ゲーマーズ)'s Yuri Club (百合部) benefits programme's publication of the OP manga series come with an exclusive bonus short story for every volume (not the same as the Kozakura POV shorts).
Since I haven't come across any English translations of these bonus stories online, and they seem unlikely to receive official English licensing, I've decided to translate them myself and share them with the internet.
You can check out the official Yuri Club website if you wish to find out more (Japanese-only).
SPOILER WARNING: Takes place immediately before the events of File 3 - Station February in Vol 1 of the novels.
Written by: Miyazawa Iori
Translated by: @hurpdurpburps
Chapter 1: Shinjuku, The First Meet-Up
As it was my first time meeting up with someone in Shinjuku, I asked about where we should meet.
A message saying "I don't know, I'm not very familiar with Shinjuku," returned in response.
What an unreliable woman. You’re the one who insisted on having an afterparty…
I was glaring at the screen of my smartphone when the next message appeared along with a goofy pop-up sound effect. "You can pick a spot, Sorawo."
You’re not supposed to say "You can pick a spot". Shouldn’t you be saying "Could you pick a spot, please?" [1]
Oh, whatever. She helped me out when we encountered Hasshaku-sama the other day, so I'll pick a meeting place as a way of returning the favour…
After consulting the internet, I decided for us to meet at 4.30pm in front of an installation called "The Eye of Shinjuku". From there, we would make our way to the commercial district along the West Exit of the station and pick a restaurant at random.
It's going to be early Friday evening, so it shouldn't get too crowded yet… Is that too optimistic of me? No, I'm sure it'll be fine. This is Tokyo, there are lots of shops, I’m sure it’ll work out somehow.
With excessive trust in Tokyo's crowd capacity that was typical of someone from the countryside, I informed Toriko of the meeting place.
The next evening. The station's layout was more complicated than I thought, so I got a little lost. I cut through the underground hurriedly and finally arrived at my destination five minutes late. Toriko, who was leaning against “The Eye of Shinjuku' - a shining eye-shaped object against a black stone wall, waved as soon as she saw me.
Toriko stood out, so she'd caught my eye before `"The Eye of Shinjuku" did, which was supposed to have been the focal point of attention. Perhaps we might have been able to catch each other anyway if I’d gotten Toriko to stand at a random location.
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
"No, it's okay. I just got here." [2]
"When did you actually arrive?"
"About fifteen minutes ago, I think."
"… That's a little early?"
"I was looking forward to it!"
Toriko was in a good mood despite having been kept waiting, and looked like she was about to start hopping around.
"Let's hurry up. I haven't eaten anything since I woke up, so I'm really hungry."
"Fine, fine. Well, um… I guess it’s this way."
Together with Toriko, I started walking towards the West Exit.
"By the way, why did you choose this side of the station? Isn't the East Exit side more bustling?"
"Well, that side seems a little scary… Isn't Kabukicho or whatever over there?"
"Yeah. Haven't you been there?"
"Absolutely not. Isn't it scary?"
"No it’s not. There’s lots of stuff over there, like a movie theatre. It's annoying when people call out to you when you're alone, though."
"It's scary after all."
"It'll be fine, I’m with you. Wanna head over there now?"
"Nope, I’m good. Maybe next time if I feel like it." [3]
As we engaged in frivolous conversation, I was suddenly struck by a strange feeling. Meeting up with a friend to go drinking made me feel like an ordinary college student. I wasn’t planning on going to the Otherside today, had a surplus of cash in my pocket, and I didn't have my gun with me either.
So even I can do something like that…
As I indulged myself in the sentiment, I walked side-by-side with Toriko through the streets of Shinjuku, where bars were starting to open for business.
TL Notes
General note: I adopted a more 'literary' prose style to match the tone of the novels. Hence, the translation in this series will be significantly more liberal than my usual analytical posts. Feel free to ask me anything. Feedback regarding translation accuracy is also welcome.
[1] The original Japanese here says 決めていいよじゃないよ。決めていただけませんか、じゃないの?
TLDR Sorawo is just being petty and griping about Toriko's not using formal/polite language for what was essentially a request/favour while not having the 'moral high ground' so to speak.
[2] More of a cultural note than a translation one. These two lines are something of a standard greeting for scenes depicting a (new-ish) couple going on a date.
And also throwback!!!! To their conversation at Shosen Grande when Sorawo was waiting for Toriko before their second trip to the Otherside in Vol 1 (File 2 - Hasshaku-sama survival).
“Did I keep you waiting?” “Fifteen minutes.” “Isn’t this where you’re supposed to say, ‘I just got here’?” “Did you think this was a date or something?” I said curtly, heading outside without listening to her response.
Gotta love how Sorawo just punched through social niceties and interrogated Toriko about the truth. But more importantly she didn't call out Toriko again on the date-ish line lol.
[3] Vol 5 foreshadowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Nuff said.
List of Yuri Club's Otherside Picnic Short Stories [my translations]:
1. Shinjuku, The First Meet-Up (新宿、初めての待ち合わせ)
2. Hasshaku-sama Epilogue (八尺様エピローグ)
3. Ochanomizu, The First Afterparty (お茶の水、初めての打ち上げ)
4. Ikebukuro, Cafe Meal For One (池袋、ひとりカフェ飯)
5. Naha, After The Big Job (那覇、大仕事の後)
6. Ishigaki Island, A Dazed Vacation (石垣島、呆然のリゾート)
7. Mercedes AMG, The Backseat (メルセデスAMG、後部座席)
8. Otherworldly Elevator, On The Way Back (異世界エレベーター、帰路)
9. Kozakura Mansion, Pizza Party (小桜屋敷、ピザパーティー)
10. TBD
11. TBD
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enh4s · 2 years
Tinder Date
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╰┈➤ genre: smut
╰┈➤ pairing: tinder date! heeseung, female reader
╰┈➤ warnings: smutty smut, minors please leave this page asap, breeding, degrading kink, spitting kink, fingering, y/n is on birth control
╰┈➤ words: about 1900
╰┈➤ authors note: it's my first time posting a full one shot here so don't judge me too much kudasai?? you can request anything you want me to write about, inbox is open 🫶 I know I'm not the best creator on this planet but yeah I'm just doing it for fun, also if there's any grammar mistake which is possible, I'm sorry for that but English isn't my first language T_T have a nice time reading it tho!
Just an hour till you finally meet this boy you’ve met on tinder two weeks ago. At the first sight, you knew that this boy is DEFINITELY your type. His black hair, beautiful smile, and the smirk he got on one of those pics made your imagination run. 
Your phone buzzed and you instantly watched the screen.
Heeseung: Hey princess, I’ll be at your place in 30 minutes if it’s okay with you?
Fuck, boy, it was okay. You brushed your hair and finished your makeup, so you could sit on your bed and think about him a little longer. These two weeks of just texting were incredible, you had a lot of topics to talk about, he was the type of gentleman, but also had that flirty side you loved. You blushed at your phone as a young girl with her first crush, just because he said you look beautiful in a picture you’ve sent him.
You were about to go with him just for a trip around the city, maybe to take a walk around one of the amusement parks next to the city.
Your phone buzzed again. 
Heeseung: I’m here, come downstairs, beautiful girl ;)
You quickly put on shoes, and walked down to see him. 
He was really standing there, in front of his matte black car, with one hand in the pocket of his jeans, and the other one holding a rose for you.
You blushed again at the little gift. He gave you a warm hug, before he opened the car door for you. 
He sat next to you.
-So, beautiful, what amusement park do you want to visit today? I was thinking about having ice cream near the city, what do you think? -he asked.
You were amazed by his in-real-life look. He was even more handsome than these pictures and videos he sent.
You shake your head, asking.
-What? -you felt kind of stupid now, but it wasn’t your fault your tinder date happened to be the god like figure named Lee Heeseung.
He definitely knew what he was doing before he used the perfumes that everyone can smell from kilometers. 
He gave you a small laugh, before he asked again.
-I asked where do you want to go princess, because I’m in the mood for an ice cream date.
You just nodded your head before he laughed again. 
He loved the way you were shy and nervous all of the sudden when he met your eyes. 
Heeseung played some chill music and the adventure started.
He looked so handsome while driving, fully focused on the road, but had enough time to hold your thigh.
When you finally were at the planned spot, he again opened the door for you. 
You felt more relaxed after spending time in the car with him. You both again started to talk a lot, just like you texted each other. He bought ice cream for you as planned. Such a good start to the date. 
You can’t get your eyes out of him, so does he. It was the chemistry you needed to feel with someone. 
-It’s getting late, and you have to go to work tomorrow, why shouldn’t I drive you home? -He asked with a little smirk on his face.
-Yeah, that would be really nice of you. -You answered, winking at him.
You knew you wanted to do it. In your bed. Or in the kitchen. Or even on the floor. Or in his car… You felt the sexual tension which was built between you two. 
You were walking back to the car, next to each other. His hand casually wrapped around your waist. There were only you two, a dark parking lot, and a few lanterns next to the road. 
When you finally went inside, you opened your mouth to say something, but he stopped you. 
-Hey, are you cold? Your hands are all red. I told you the evenings are colder now. -He said, scolding you a little bit. 
-Maybe you told me something like this, but maybe I did it on purpose so you can make me warm now? -You answered, kissing your teeth. 
-So you want me to tell you that you're a bad girl? -He asked with a questioning face, even if he already knew the answer. 
-Heeseung, make me warm, now. 
He didn't think about it twice. The date was amazing, so it deserved an even better ending. He pulled you for a deep, sloppy kiss. 
You were so needy for him. Since you first saw him on this dating app you promised to yourself you'll never open again, you knew you needed him. The quick sexting chats you did with him was on another level. You wanted him to destroy you.
-It was so long since I had sex. -You whispered between the kisses. 
-Oh, so this is your way to make yourself warm? Acting like a slut in a stranger's car? 
He was now incredibly close, your head on the window, you opened your legs for him to get a better access. He could now see your panties because of the skirt you were wearing.
-Someone's love to be treated like a princess and then being railed? -He pointed at the wet stain formed between your legs. 
You wanted to scream, to beg him to do something with the mess your pussy made.
-Heeseung, please, just… -You moaned, when he pushed your panties to the side, exploring your folds. 
-You're so fucking wet. Were you like this for the past two weeks? We should meet earlier then. I didn't know you're that horny to feel my dick inside of you. 
You made a loud moan when he slid one of his fingers inside. They were so long, so slender, so perfect to reach your perfect spots. 
You opened your legs even more, pushing yourself deeper on his finger. 
He held your leg to make it more comfortable for you, while he decided to add another one finger inside. 
You were a moaning mess on the passenger seat, in the parking lot, where everyone could hear you. But it was too good to even care about it. You loved every single second this boy fingered you. 
He curled his fingers, and did a few more pushes. You were only louder and louder, digging your nails into his arm. 
-It's too early to cum, little slut. Wants me to mark you as my own, am I right? Now mouth open, princess. 
You did as he wished. You showed him your tongue, with half closed eyes, deep breathing was heard between soft whimpers. 
He closes his face to yours, now only millimeters were between you. You looked right into his eyes, they darkened while watching your fucked up face. He moved his hand to your neck, casually tightening the grip. 
Suddenly you felt his saliva on your tongue, going down to your chin. 
-I forgot to tell you that you have to swallow it all. Not even a single drop can go out of your pretty lips. You can just imagine you're swallowing my cum right now, because today it's not what I'll give to you. 
You nodded your head, waiting for him to spit into your mouth once again. He did. But your tongue was too far, to swallow it all in one take. That one, single drop, moved under your lips. 
He slapped your face and how awful it would be in someone's eyes, you loved it. You loved the way he treated you right now, and how he treated you three hours ago. Find a man who can do both, they said. 
-You're fucking dripping right now. You really like it when someone's treats you like a dumb fuck doll, huh? 
He slapped your pussy and you made the loudest whimper you could at that time. 
He did it a few more times before he pulled you again for a kiss. 
The words can't explain how needy and erotic this kiss was. You felt like a porn star in this scene. If this was recorded, you could be a millionaire right now. 
You reached to his belt, finally unzipping his jeans. He helped you by bucking his hips up. You did it with his boxers as well. 
You couldn't wait any longer for him, so did he. He helped you climb on him, stroking his dick a few times before he pulled his dick inside. 
You were definitely not ready for how big he was, letting a small cry escape your lips. 
He pushed his whole dick inside of you, but not moving for a minute to let you adjust to his size. You were kissing the whole time, he let you decide when you were ready for him to fuck you. 
You moved your ass up and down with your eyes rolled back to your head. His hand slapped your butt, while another one was choking you. 
Your clit was so sensitive, so every touch with his abdomen made you crazy. 
-What a little doll, so needy, huh? You love my dick don't you? I knew you'll be in heaven. Don't stop baby doll, cum when I'm inside. I want you to clench around me like a good slut you are. 
He tightens the grip on your neck even harder. Your vision was blurry now, your legs were only weaker and weaker. 
When he saw that, he let your neck free, so you could finally catch a proper breath. You choke on the sudden feeling of air again, despite the only smell you could get in this car was the smell of sex and his perfumes. 
He was now fucking you so you could have kind of rest, bouncing your ass on his length. 
You felt your orgasm coming, when he hit your g-spot a few times. 
-Fuck, Heeseung, I'm..  I'm gonna cum, can I? Please, don't fucking stop, fuck, please, make me cum.
-What a desperate little thing. Cum for me baby doll. You were so good for me, letting me not go easy on you. 
You reached your high after his words, digging your nails incredibly hard on his back, hugging him like you were scared he's gonna leave you when you cum with him inside.
You clenched really well around him, giving him even more friction. He loved how warm and thigh you were. He could fuck you for hours, he already imagined where you can do it next time. 
-Heeseung, cum inside of me. Please. Please do it. I want to feel your cum inside. -You begged. You begged him to do it and you wished he would agree to do that. 
And he did. He did his final thrusts, exploding inside of you. His groans were so hot, like music to your ears. 
You were breathing so loud that you could wake up a corpse. 
He moved your hair behind your ear, and kissed you, more romantically this time. 
-I didn't know you'd really love calling you a slut that much. -He laughed, pulling his dick out of you. 
The white sperm was draining from your hole, and you wished this moment would last forever.
-I did. Thank you for that, Heeseung. -You smiled shyly.
-Don't be shy beautiful girl, you weren't that shy 5 minutes ago. -He winked. 
-Now we're really going home, I think you're warm enough now. -He continued. 
You were too tired to even respond, so you collapsed on the passenger seat. 
He was driving you home and looked at your sleeping figure in his car, smiling to himself. He was definitely planning the second date.
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A/N: sorry about the delay. Todays been hectic. This is day one of promptober
Prompt: meet cute
Warnings: none
“Jesus- fuck!! Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Matty hissed, reflexively pulling his hand away, and dropping the remainder of the half empty coffee cup that had not spilled all over him in a splat against the pavement. He leaned against the car, his coffee-soaked gym clothes adhering to his skin.
“Good morning- umm, you need some help?”
He heard a bright voice from behind him and instantly make an effort to put on a smile before turning around. He’d assumed the young lady with the hefty-looking tote bag hanging off her shoulder was a fan. Probably coming over to ask for a quick selfie or an autograph before she’d caught him cursing under his breath. He never wanted his mood or mental state to ever taint a fans experience of him or rub off on anyone else. So, with open arms and deep breaths, he approached her, ready to put aside his troubles and be present in the moment.
“No, I’m just English, and…it’s October. Los Angeles weather makes no sense to me, and-“ when she looked puzzled, stepping away as he got closer, Matty realized she had no idea who he was. “Oh, god. Sorry. I’m a fuckin idiot, aren’t I?”
“I…don’t know you well enough to answer that.” She laughed. “But it does seem like you’re having a morning.”
“It’s just that I’ve rented this car. And it won’t turn on. And I went to pull out my phone, you know, to call the agency but- the coffee shop over there was out of lids, and-“ he gestured vaguely in the air.
She nodded along sympathetically. “Sounds awful; I’m sorry.”
“Well, I’ve got…hmm” she glance down at her phone, “fifty minutes. Okay that’s not bad. Let me help you out.”
“You don’t have to. It’s fine I’ll call someone and-“
“I’ve got somewhere you can get cleaned up and I know a guy who’s good with cars. C’mon.” She began walking up the street, taking for granted that Matty would follow her. So, he did.
“Let me- umm- help” Matty attempted to hold her tote bag for her as she wrangled her key into the door, but he was too late. She’d pried it open and walked inside.
“Welcome to my humble business.” She announced, feeling around the wall for the light switch. “We don’t behind open for another 45 minutes so please shut the door behind you.”
Matty made sure the “closed” sign was facing outwards before pushing the door shut.
“Alright, let’s see the damage that we’re working with here.” Her eyebrows raised, her head nodding towards his t shirt.
He pulled it over his head, slowly revealing his toned, tattooed torso. She couldn’t help but let her eyes linger for a moment, blushing involuntarily. He was beautiful.
“Thank you for this.” He muttered awkwardly.
“You bet.”
She’d finally emerged from the kitchen area of her bakery, smiling as she watched Matty pace around the room nervously. “You can sit down, you know.” She pointed towards one of the serving tables that still hand the chairs hanging upside-down from. “So, I have your t shirt soaking for a bit. I’ll dry it near the oven when it’s ready. But here you go. This is the car guy.”
“Thank you, really. You didn’t have to do all this.” Matty lowered a chair off the table, sinking into it and dialing the number she’d given him.
“Can I get you anything while you wait?”
Matty smiled, genuinely, for the first time this morning. “I could use some coffee actually. You know, one that isn’t being absorbed through the skin of my chest.”
She giggled. “How do you take your coffee? We’ve got fall flavors if you’d like a pumpkin spice.”
Matty rolled his eyes.
“Oh are you one of those men? You think pumpkin spice is girlie or gay or something? Lemme guess….you take your coffee black? Alright, grinch. One black coffee coming right up.”
By the time that she’d brought out his beverage, Matty had finished making his phone call.
“Here you go, sir.”
“Thank you- the grinch is for Christmas by the way. This is autumn.”
She giggled. “Whatever you say, grinch.”
“I never said I hate pumpkin spice.” Matty was on the defensive now. “I love it! It’s just- LA feels like summer. This…is not pumpkin spice weather. Feels wrong.”
“Okay so, you’re English. You hate LA. You…do jiujitsu- your stained shirt? It had the name of a martial arts academy printed on it - what else? You’re not actor are you?”
Matty sipped on his coffee. “Not an actor, no.”
“Thought so. You don’t look like one.”
Matty’s brows furrowed, he set down his coffee mug, resting his elbows on the table as he leaned in. “What’s that supposed to mean? Should I be offended?”
She chuckled, throwing her head back. “No. Trust me. You don’t wanna look like an actor in LA. They’re all over the place.”
“And you? Pumpkin spice is your full time job?” Matty winced at his own words. “Sorry that came out wrong. I’m a nice person, i promise. It’s the heat!”
She shook her head, smiling. “I’m really passionate about pumpkin spice.” She glanced down at her phone, then at the block-long line forming outside.
“Fuck! Oh shoot, shoot, shoot!!!” She jumped to her feet, rushing into the kitchen. “Unlock that door and let people in, would you?”
A shirtless Matty had found himself the host of LA’s finest caffeine- deprived bakery customers, eventually settling into his role by finding an apron to cover his nipples with, and working the cash register.
“Thank you for coming, enjoy that muffin, Pamela.” He smiled as the ancient lady with the cane eyed him from head to toes, winking at his biceps. “Watch your step now. Don’t want you falling. You’ve had enough knee surgeries for your age.”
He walked away from the counter once the first morning rush had died down, going into the kitchen. “I don’t think the scones are selling too well. Should I- I think we could start giving some away. With a purchase of large sized beverages.”
She stared at him, her mouth agape. It was difficult to focus on being dumbfounded by him when all she could think about is how beautiful his hair was, and how tightly that apron wrapped around him.
“I’m Matty, by the way.” He stuck his hand out for a handshake.
“Don’t think we’ve been properly introduced- like, officially.”
“Here you go. T shirt is now coffee free. And wearable again.”
To her great disappointment, he undid the apron, pulling it off his body and replacing it with his original t shirt.
“Thanks for helping out. I feel bad though. Cuz, like, you could’ve been out there. Dealing with your car situation.”
“Oh, my car was fixed hours ago.”
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
Bronze Is Better Then Gold
part 2 here
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Summary - Ona has transferred to a new police force, she meets her partner, Lucy Bronze. The girls hit it off right away, flirting at every chance they can get. But will Lucy’s past get in the way?
This is an AU story, but its got most of the girls from the lionesses featuring. People seem to like it so thought you guys might too.
Warnings - some suggestive scenes (lets keep it 18 and above) lots of angst, gun violence, smut to come in last chapter (chapter 4)
Ona shivered from the crisp cold morning air. It had just hit the start of October and the signs of autumn were already showing. Even after nearly five years of living in the UK the Spaniard still hadn’t got used to the cold English weather.
She drank the last sip of her coffee, taking in the grey building in front of her. Her new place of work.
She watched as a couple of uniformed police officers walked into the building, talking amongst themselves. She took in a deep breath, trying her best to shake off the first day nerves.
It was her first day at the new firm. She had been personally scouted from the Chief Constable to have a chat. When asked if she wanted to transfer it was an easy yes for Ona. The building was closer to home, it was a day shorter in the working week with Mondays off. And the Chief Constable was well known to be excellent at her job. Her team was one of the best in the city of London. She was definitely someone Ona wanted to be working under.
She dashed her empty coffee cup in a nearby bin and made her way to the buildings reception, where she was greeted by a very overly happy receptionist. Not something that she was used to back in her old firm or in London for that matter.
“Hello, how can I help you today?” The blonde smiled brightly up at Ona.
Ona cleared her throat. “Good morning, I’m Ona Battle, it’s my first day today, I was told to go to reception.”
“Ohh lovely! Welcome! I have all the bits you’ll need.”
Ona smiled at the bubbly blonde. She glanced at her name tag, Esme Morgan.
The blonde grabbed a folder that had lots of paper work inside, she handed it over to Ona.
“Right here’s all the bits you’ll need from me, I’ll take you over to Sarina, the ‘important’ part of the building. I’m Esme by the way. Follow me.”
The blonde was taller than Ona expected her to be, but that wasn’t hard in Ona’s experience, most people in the room were always taller than the Spaniard, unless they were under the age of ten.
“You’ve met Sarina right?” The blonde smiled.
Esme reminded Ona of an excited puppy in the nicest possible way, the girl was full of beans.
“Ahh yes, on video call. She’s really nice.”
“Oh yeah she is, she’s like a mum away from your own mum. Well that’s how I see her.”
Ona smiled, she liked this girl, she wasn’t like your usual Brit, she was genuinely cheery. Not fake cheery, but someone who actually seemed happy.
They walked down a long green corridor, Ona looked over at the pictures on the wall of police officers from across the years, even going back as far as the 18th century.
“We’ve heard such good things about you. I know Sarinas really happy that you joined us.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard good things about this branch. I could never have said no.”
Esme smiled, she had a happy bounce to her as she walked, her cheerful character was almost infectious.
“Ahh that’s great. I hope you like it here, we’ve got a lovely bunch on the team. Do you know who your partner is?”
“Ahh that’s good to hear. Erm I’m going to be working with Gold.”
“Gold? Who’s Gold? I didn’t know we had a gold.” Esme’s face scrunched in confusion.
Ona rattled her brain for the right translation, she was sure it was gold, or was it?
“Oh do you mean Bronze?”
Ona laughed, just slightly embarrassed of her mix up.
“Ahh yes, sorry I haven’t got my elements down.”
Esme smiled widely, Ona couldn’t help but smile back.
“Oh yeah, neither have I, don’t worry about it.” She laughed to herself, turning a corner with Ona following.
“Yeah Bronze is a lovely girl. She’s such a hard worker, one of the hardest workers on the team actually. You’re lucky to have her as your partner.”
Ona smiled, she already liked the sound of her new partner, but she had to try and forget ‘Gold’ and remember Bronze.
But little did Ona know that wouldn’t be hard.
They stopped outside a room with a plaque ingrained with ‘S Weigman’ on the door. Esme knocked a cheery tune.
In a heartbeat she heard a women’s voice coming from inside.
“Come in Esme.”
Esme opened the door motioning for Ona to enter.
“Right, here we are, this is where I leave you. Sarina will take it from here. Good luck today and if you need anything you know where to find me.”
“Thank you Esme, it was lovely to meet you.”
Esme nodded, a happy smile still sitting on her face.
“Oh by the way, Claudia called, she’s had to cancel the 10 o’clock meeting.”
Sarina nodded, smiling fondly at the blonde, it was as if she was looking at a young child.
“Thank you Esme, and thank you for bringing Ona.”
The bubbly blonde nodded and bounced off, waving at everyone she passed in the corridor. Ona couldn’t help but smile again at the brightness that Esme left on her mood.
“Ona! Please come in. It’s so good to finally meet you in person, I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’ve joined us. Come take a seat. Do you want a tea or coffee, a cold drink?”
Ona took a seat in front of Sarinas desk.
“Oh no, I’m okay, I just had a coffee. Thank you.”
Sarina nodded, smiling at the young girl in front of her.
“Okay, well firstly welcome. I know I’ve said it already but I’m so excited to have you on the team. Emma told me how much of a hard worker you are, you’ve accomplished so much at such a young age. It’s incredible. Emma did not let you go easy! But I’m glad you were happy to move to us.”
Ona smiled at her feet, feeling slightly shy at the compliments.
“Ahh thank you. It’s just part of the role, I really enjoy my job. And yes the move felt right, I had been there since I moved to London, so it was nice for a change. I’ve also heard a lot about you and your team. You’re well known how efficient your squad run.”
Sarina smiled and nodded, taking in the girl in front of her.
“So where are you from? That’s not a British accent I can hear.”
Ona laughed. “I’m from Spain, Catalonia. I’ve been in the UK nearly five years.”
“I see, so why police here and not Spain? What made you move here?”
Ona played with her fingers. “I was in the police force back in Spain, I joined when I was 18 but I wanted a change. I love my city but things didn’t work out how I wanted. I’ve always loved the UK and the people. There’s something special about it.”
Sarina nodded again, smiling warmly at the younger girl.
“I can understand, I’m originally from the Netherlands. I came here to study and never left. I then found my now husband and have lived here ever since.”
Ona nodded, smiling at the women. “The UK spoke to both of us.”
Sarina hummed in agreement. “It did indeed. Do you ever go back home much?”
Ona played with her fingers again, feeling a little uncomfortable. She kept her eyes casted down.
“Erm, not really. I went back once but that’s all.”
Sarina noticed the change in the younger women. She didn’t want to push so she changed the subject.
“Well, these next couple of days I just want you to get to know the team and the building and how we work here. I don’t want to throw you right in the deep end, even though I know you can handle it. I like my staff to feel comfortable first. Bronze and the team will be going on a raid next week. You’ll be joining them.”
Ona nodded. “Okay, that sounds good. I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone and getting stuck in.” She smiled at the older women.
“And I want you to know I am always here if you need to talk about anything, from work, to general life. We have our therapist on site that we ask you to at least see once every two weeks but you can go as much as you want.
Ona now understood what Esme meant about Sarina being a mother figure, she could sense a genuine care from the older women but also a firmness to her.
The Spaniard nodded and smiled. “Thank you.”
“Great, I’ll take you on a tour of the building and you can meet the team and meet your partner.”
Sarina showed Ona around the building, stopping off at certain floors that Ona would need in the future.
They then walked into the main office, where it looked like most of the staff worked. Ona suddenly felt a little nervous, she was fine with meeting new people, she was a social butterfly really, but it was always daunting meeting your new work colleagues.
“Nobbs, Stokes, come and meet Ona Battle, it’s her first day and I want you to make sure she settles in.”
Two short women smiled brightly at Ona, both walking towards her.
“Hello, I’m Jordan or Nobbs. It’s nice to meet you.” She reached her hand out to shake Ona’s.
“Hello Jordan, lovely to meet you.”
“I’m Demi or Stokes. Really happy to have you on the team.” The slightly taller woman also holding her hand out for Ona.
Ona smiled, shaking Demis hand.
“Hello Demi. Also lovely to meet you.”
“You’ll be working a lot with DC Nobbs and DC Stokes. They’re some of the best Detective Constables I’ve ever worked with.”
Serina patted Demi on the back. Looking at the girls like a proud mum.
“Yeah, yeah. You say that about everyone.” Demi rolled her eyes, joking with her superior.
“No? Do I? Oh just the good ones then.” Sarina winked at the Spaniard. Causing the group to laugh.
Ona once again could see the pride this woman had for her team, it was refreshing to see. It definitely wasn’t something she was used to in her old firm.
Demi then spoke. “We’ve heard only good things about you Ona.”
A slight tint of pink rushed to Ona’s cheeks.
“I’m scared I’ve got to live up to this reputation now.”
All four of the women laughed.
“Don’t worry. You have Bronze as a partner, she’ll make sure you live up to it.” A new voice entered the chat.
Ona turned around to face a women even taller then Esme. A cup of coffee in hand.
“Don’t try and scare her Scott.” Jordan scolded the older women.
The taller women laughed at her own joke. She stuck her hand out for Ona to take.
“I’m only joking. I’m Scott, it’s good to have you on the team.”
Ona noticed her thick Northern accent, she knew she’d have to listen extra hard when speaking with the tall woman.
“Thank you, it’s great to meet you.” Ona smiled.
“Ona, this is our SFC Jill Scott, one of the best I’ve ever worked with.”
“That’s true.” Jill took a sip of her coffee looking pleased with herself, while the other two girls rolled their eyes at the banter.
“Where is Bronze?” Sarina looked around the room.
“Gym.” In unison all three of the girls replied.
Ona quirked an eye brow at the response
“That girl! I told her to be here to meet Ona.”
“She probably wanted her muscles to look extra big to show off.” Jordan laughed.
“Yeah, like she needs them any bigger.” Jill took another sip of her coffee.
“Jealousy is a shit trait to have Scott.”
Another voice entered the conversation.
“Ahh Luce, you know I’m only joking. I am indeed just jealous.” Jill laughed.
Ona turned around wanting to give the new voice a face.
Ona nearly forgot how to breathe, the woman standing in front of her was stunning. She took in the girl in front of her, she had almond shaped eyes, filled with a beautiful intense shade of green. Like Ona she had a face covered in freckles but a lot less dark and less condensed.
Her face was strong and soft at the same time, her jawline was perfectly defined, yet her other features were soft and feminine, she was gorgeous.
Her face was flushed, a thin layer of sweat glistening over her muscular arms and neck. Her dark hair was wet and scraped back, small curls escaping the messy bun, clearly wet from the gym that the girls had mentioned.
Ona was lost for words, the girl was beautiful.
“Ona this is CI Bronze, she’s going to be there for whatever you need, all of the girls will be, but Bronze is your go to girl.”
Lucy couldn’t hold back the smile that appeared on her face, Ona was breathtaking. It was her eyes that Lucy noticed first, she had wide, soft doe eyes, innocent looking eyes. A beautiful chocolate brown surrounded her iris, making her face warm and inviting.
Dark freckles covered her face, another feature Lucy couldn’t help but admire. Her skin was slightly tanned but not bronze, more of a milk colour. Lucy imagined that was because of the English weather.
It was when Ona smiled that Lucy felt her stomach flutter. She thought her face was beautiful and soft before, but her smile made her perfect. She noticed how chiseled her jawline was when she smiled, how perfectly it fit with her features. The girl was utterly beautiful.
Lucy held out her hand for Ona’s to shake.
Ona had to kick her brain into gear to move, she took Lucy’s hand, instantly loving how soft her skin was against hers.
“It’s great to have you on the team Ona, and like Sarina said, I’m here for whatever you need.”
“Thank you, I can’t wait to work with you.”
They held hands for a second longer than the usual handshake would normally last.
The interaction wasn’t missed by the other women, Jordan and Demi eyed up the the older brunette, smiling between each other as Lucy and Ona kept eye contact for a second too long.
“Okay, well. I’ll let Lucy take care of you from here, if you need anything let the girls know, or if you need anything from me you know where I am.”
The older lady smiled warmly at Ona, leaving her with her new co-workers.
“Let me show you your desk, it’s next to mine.”
“Great.” Ona followed.
Lucy walked towards a row of desks with computers and files of paper work neatly piled on each space. But there was one desk with only a computer that Ona assumed was hers.
“This is you. I apologise in advance my desk can get a little messy now and again.”
“Ahh that doesn’t bother me.” Ona couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
“I’ll try keep and keep it tidy though.”
“She won’t Ona, she’s lying.” Jordan poked her head over Lucy’s computer. Hers and Demis desk both opposite their own.
“Shut it Nobbs,”
Jordan smiled cheekily at the older brunette.
“Trust me Ona, give it a week.” Jordan smiled.
Ona laughed at the banter between the girls, she wondered if her and Lucy would ever get as close.
“Ignore her. I’m going to quickly head for the showers. I know you’ve got all that paper work to go through, so you can just chill here. Kitchen is just over there, help yourself to a drink. Once I’m back I’ll go through some bits with you.” Lucy smiled at the younger girl.
“Sure, sounds good. Enjoy your shower.” Ona had to stop herself from thinking too hard about Lucy in the shower. She looked around the room, noticing other people at their desks working, she was going to have to try and remember a lot of names today.
She started to read through her paper work, it was mostly rules and work conducts she had to read and agree to.
Eight pages in to her paper work she felt Lucy hover over her.
“God I hate all of this, it’s so boring, but I get it, it has to be done.” Lucy rolled her eyes.
Ona smiled, she agreed but she wasn’t going to make it obvious. “Ahh yeah, I know. Nearly done though.”
Lucy nodded. “Do you fancy a tea or coffee? I’m going to make one.”
“Coffee please.” - “Tea for me.” Jordan and Demi loudly put their order in.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t asking you!”
“Don’t be like that, you’re going anyways.” Demi shouted back.
“Fine. Ona?” Lucy started to get up.
“Erm, tea please? With two sugars please.” Ona smiled.
Lucy had to hold herself back from saying the ‘you’re sweet enough’ line.
“No problem.” Lucy made her way to the kitchen.
Ona smiled as she read on with her paper work.
Ona drank her tea that Lucy made, listening to the brunette talk about what investigations the team was working on.
“But don’t stress too much, I’ll have you sitting in the catch up on Friday, so you can get an idea. I’ll send over some bits so you can read them in your own time. I know the first day can be a lot.”
If Ona was honest she was more than grateful for the slow introduction to the work. She was finding it hard to concentrate with Lucy. She’d never been one for distractions with work, but she was having to listen extra carefully to Lucy, instead of watching her lips, wondering what they would feel like against her own.
Ona nodded. “Yeah that’s great. I’ll go over that tonight, thank you Lucy.”
“Great. It’s nearly lunch, Sarina has insisted we go for lunch together to get to know each other. Partners and all that. But don’t feel like you hav-.”
“Yes!” Ona internally winced at her own eagerness
Lucy chuckled.
“I mean yeah, that’s sounds great. It’s a good idea.”
“Cool, do you like pizza?”
“I love pizza.”
“Oi, don’t try and par us off, we was CC’d on that email too.” Jordan’s head pocked over the computer.
Lucy rolled her eyes once again at her friend.
The conversation between the girls came naturally, they spoke about why they got into the police force, and some of their hardest cases.
Ona explained that she fell in love with London, and how she always wanted to be a police officer when she was young. She kept some bits brief, not wanting to get into certain bits of her life.
She noticed those greens eyes watching her throughout the meal, every time she caught her, the older brunette would dart her eyes to something or someone else, but she was caught every time.
By the end of the day Ona was tired, she’d already not slept great the night before down to nerves. She had met everyone else in the office after lunch, so by five she was yawning.
Lucy was on her computer sending Ona some notes to read.
“Right, don’t stress about reading this tonight. It’s been a long day.”
“But don’t be tired on Friday, we’re going to The Rose and Crown. And it’s the rules, you have to come.” Jill had come up behind Ona.
“Well it doesn’t sound like I have a choice, you can buy my first drink.” Ona smiled, getting used to the girls banter.
All the girls laughed, Jill put her hand on Ona shoulder giving her a squeeze.
“I like this one.”
Lucy was watching Ona, a bright smile on her face, Ona felt her heart beat just a little faster.
By day two Ona was obsessed with Lucy’s laugh, the girl had a serious nature to her, but once Ona made her laugh she couldn’t stop. She wanted to hear that beautiful sound whenever she could. It was a good thing Lucy actually seemed to find her funny. Ona felt a rush of excitement go through her, even at a glimpse of Lucy’s beautiful smile, the girl did have a beautiful smile.
By day three Lucy had to physically stop herself from staring at Ona. The younger girl would be doing the simplest of tasks and Lucy seemed to find it fascinating. She watched the Spaniard making them tea in the kitchen, talking and laughing with others in the office. Lucy maybe even getting a little jealous when someone made the shorter girl laugh hard.
Ona may have noticed the eyes on her and was loving every second of it. Making sure to laugh a little harder at something someone would say.
By day end of day there neither girl could keep the other out of their head. Lucy thought about Ona as she made dinner at home, wondering if Ona would like her cooking. Meanwhile Ona got comfy on her sofa to watch a film, wondering what it would be like to have Lucy cozied up next to her.
By Friday morning, Ona thought about Lucy as she ate her porridge, wondering what her morning routine looked like. As Lucy finished her workout in the gym she wondered if Ona was a morning person. She wondered what it would be like to wake up next to a groggy Ona. The thought made her body heat up.
“We have eyes on Harvey Smith aka ‘Bugz’ and Frank Smith aka ‘Slims’. We know the brothers are highly dangerous to the public. We believe Slims is the brains behind most of the drug operations and Bugz is mostly muscles for Slims. On Wednesday at seven hundred hours, our teams will raid the location that we suspect they will be. We’ll have Scott and her team ready with arms. Carter will have the K9s unit, Bright and Greenwood will have their teams ready on site.”
Lucy looked over at her team.
“Any questions?”
Everyone shook their heads, and Ona wasn’t surprised. Lucy was clear with her instructions, she’d gone through many different stages of the plan. Ona understood why she was in this role.
“If you have any please come to me.”
Lucy looked her watch. “It’s 4.45 and Friday let’s call it a day.”
The room hummed in agreement, light chatter broke out as people started to leave the room.
Ona went to her desk to grab her bag and jacket, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders.
“Ready for the pub?”
Lucy’s voice filtered into her ears, Ona nearly shivered at how close the brunette was.
“Sii. I’m ready.”
“Great. Nobbs, Stokes, Scott, let’s go.”
Most of the staff from the office were at the pub, clearly a favourite of theirs. They made their way upstairs to a booth next to a fire place, Ona instantly felt the warmth from the fire kissing her cheeks.
“Right, I’ll get first round who wants what?” Lucy stayed standing.
The girls gave in their orders. Before Ona could offer to help with the drinks and also just have an excuse to be with Lucy, Jill got in there first.
“Right come on then, I’ll help ya.”
At the bar Lucy gave in the orders. She knew Jill wanted to say something as the Geordie had never offered to help anyone with the drinks since working with her.
“Go on then, what do you have to say?” Lucy looked hard at the taller women.
Jill smiled smugly. “Nothing gets past you.”
Lucy hummed.
“Just noticed you’ve been a lot more chirpier around the office. A lot more happy. Started since our new Detective Inspector started.”
Lucy felt the knot in her stomach, was she that obvious? Did Ona notice? Who else noticed? Either way Lucy wasn’t going to fess up.
“You chat shit Scott.”
Jill laughed loudly.
“You know I don’t. Come on it’s okay, no harm in it. Just happy to see you happy to be honest. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that smile on your face.”
Lucy knew what Jill really meant when she said that. She could tell the older women said it with her own hint of sadness to her voice. If she was being honest, it was the first time this year she had felt a little happier. And it was all because of the short Spanish girl sitting upstairs.
“So Ona are you seeing anyone at the moment?” Jordan asked.
“No, I’m not seeing anyone. I’m a single, how do you say? Dingle?”
The girls laughed. “Pringle, a single Pringle.” Demi corrected.
Ona laughed. “Ahh that’s it. Single Pringle. What about you guys?”
“Demi here’s engaged, with a baby.” Jordan smiled.
“Ahh that’s lovely.” Ona smiled.
“And Jordan has a little thing going on with a blonde in the HR team.”
“Oi, shut up.” Jordan looked panicked.
“Oh come on Jordan, everyone knows. You guys really aren’t subtle.” Demi laughed at her friend.
“Who’s not subtle?” Lucy placed the tray full of drinks on the table, sceptically looking at her friends.
“Just Jordan and Leah.”
Lucy let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding.
“Oh yeah, you guys aren’t subtle.”
“You can talk.” Jordan muttered.
Ona didn’t miss the daggers Lucy shot at Jordan.
The evening was full of laughter, Ona couldn’t help but feel a little sense of relief that these were her colleagues. They instantly made her feel like she was part of the team, it felt like she had been there longer than four days, it felt like she’d known these girls in another lifetime.
The pub bell rang.
“Last orders!” A bar girl shouted.
“One more for the road?” Lucy looked around the table.
“Not me, I’m at a coffee tour tomorrow.” Jill sipped on her pint.
“Yeah me too. I’m a plus one for a 2 year olds birthday party tomorrow.” Demi slumped in her seat.
“Yeah I’ve got to head off. I’m meeting a friend tomorrow.” Jordan cleared her throat.
“Yeah ‘friend’.” Demi laughed.
“I’ll stay for another.” Ona looked at Lucy.
Lucy had to hold back the excitement that bubbled up in her chest. Herself and Ona hadn’t really gotten any one on one time since the girl joined the team.
“Finally! Someone who isn’t a lightweight. Same again?” Lucy looked at Ona.
“It’s my turn. I’ll get this.” Ona shot up, going down to the bar before Lucy could argue.
Once the Spaniard was gone all three of the girls looked at Lucy, smirks on their faces.
“What?” Lucy looked at her friends.
“Oh come off it Luce, you like the girl.” Jordan nudged Lucy’s arm.
“What? No I don’t.” The brunette tried to defend herself.
She looked at Jill, hoping for some back up.
“I’m staying out of it. I’ve already said enough.“ She shook her head putting her coat on.
“Come on Bronzey. You can tell just by the way you look at her.” Demi laughed.
The smirk that creeped on her lips gave her feelings away.
“Is it that obvious?”
All three girls smiled happily at the brunette.
“Awww our girls got a crush.” Jordan grabbed the back of Lucy’s neck, making the girl duck her head.
“Get off.” She laughed.
“She’s single.” Demi quirked.
“Yeah but I don’t even know if she’s into girls.”
All three of the girls laughed hard then.
“Come on Luce, I thought you was a detective. The girl looks at you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread. I think this its a mutual feeling.” Jill lightly chuckled.
Lucy scoffed. “I doubt that.”
Before the girls could harass Lucy anymore Ona returned.
“Right I’m off. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first week Ona. The real work starts on Wednesday.” Jill winked.
“Sii, I’m looking forward to it. And thank you girls for making me feel so welcome. I appreciate it.” Ona smiled at the girls.
“It’s been a pleasure Ona.” Jordan smiled.
“Yeah, you fit in so well Ona, so glad we got you on our team.” Demi grabbed Ona’s shoulder.
“Look after her Bronze.” Jill pointed at the older brunette.
“Oh, she will.” Jordan winked at Lucy.
Ona didn’t miss the comment, or the way Lucy’s face went a shade of pink. Before Lucy could think of a come back the girls were gone.
Suddenly the room became quiet and the air between, Lucy and Ona felt thick. It was the first time Lucy had felt nervous, they had never been alone before, with no one sticking their nose into their conversations.
Ona was buzzing, don’t get her wrong, she loved getting to know her other colleges, loved being a part of the team but she had wanted some alone time with Lucy since she met her.
The fire made a loud cracking noise, the pub still had a few people nursing their drinks.
Lucy had forgotten all words, she hadn’t been able to think about nothing else since this girl came into her life only four days ago, and now her mind had gone blank.
After ten seconds of silence that actually felt like hours, finally Lucy’s brain woke up.
“So speaking about first weeks, how has yours been?”
Ona took a sip of her new drink, smiling.
“It’s been amazing. Everyone has been so friendly, so welcoming. It’s been great.”
Lucy nodded, smiling. She was happy to hear Ona was feeling welcome, she understood it was hard to start a new job anywhere.
“You especially have made me feel so welcome, I’m really happy that you’re my partner Lucy.”
Ona’s smile was shy, she looked at Lucy with those big beautiful brown eyes.
Lucy’s face had definitely changed in colour, she couldn’t hold back the dorky smile that plastered her face.
“I’m glad I have.”
Lucy smiled with her brilliant teeth.
“And yeah, you’re not too bad yourself. Definitely need to get you better at making tea, then you’ll be perfect.” She smiled cheekly at Ona.
Ona laughed hard. “Aye it’s not that bad!”
Lucy drank her drink, looking around making a point to not look at Ona.
“You’ll have to teach me.” Ona didn’t mean to sound sexy, but Lucy couldn’t help but think her voice got an octave lower.
Lucy pointed between herself and Ona. “If this is gong to work, then yeah, I’ll teach you.”
“Fine.” Ona smiled.
“No puedo esperar.” (I can’t wait)
Ona definitely lowered her voice that time. Lucy felt the heat rise up in her cheeks. Lucy laughed trying to gain her nerve back. She tried to change the subject before her face went any redder.
“Are you going back to Spain for Christmas?”
Ona’s smile dropped, she hadn’t told anyone the real reason for leaving Spain. It wasn’t because she was ashamed, it was just still a hard thing for her to digest. But if she could tell anyone Lucy would be the best person.
“No, I, ……. my parents don’t talk to me because I am gay.”
Lucy’s own smile dropped. She could see the sadness in Ona’s eyes, it broke her heart.
“Oh, Ona. I’m so sorry. When did they do that?”
“It happened when I was 19. They found out and kicked me out of my home. They blocked me and never spoke to me again. So I moved here. I wanted to move here at some point anyways, but it was sooner than I’d have liked.”
Lucy could feel her own tears well in her eyes.
“Have you spoken to them since?”
Ona looked down at her drink.
“After a year of living here I went back to Spain, to see if they would speak to me. But when I got to my home my mum closed the door on my face. I tried to reach out in many ways but they won’t talk to me.”
Lucy couldn’t believe how anyone could purposefully hurt the girl in front of her, let alone her own parents. It made her angry but Ona didn’t need that kind of response. She reached out her hand, gently grabbing Ona’s.
“I know we haven’t known each other that long but I am here if you ever wanna talk. Or if you ever just want an ear, I’m all yours.”
Ona smiled at Lucy, she heard everything she had said but mostly ‘I’m yours’ stood out most to her. “Thank you Lucy. I appreciate it.”
Lucy squeezed Ona’s hand, not ever wanting to let go, her hand felt so small and delicate in her own.
“Hi guys we’re closing up now.” The girl from behind the bar shouted loudly.
The last thing she wanted to do was leave Ona now. She wanted to do nothing else then scoop the girl up and hug her until she could smile again, even then Lucy wouldn’t want to let go.
“I guess we better leave.” Ona smiled sadly.
“You hungry?”
Ona nodded. “Starving.”
“Do you like chips?”
Ona nodded again, gaining back a smile.
“Right, come on then. I know the best place.”
“Okay don’t tell no one but I prefer curry sauce with my chips, and as a northerner that’s a bit of a crime. The northerners prefer gravy, I like both but the curry sauce just tastes so good.”
“I don’t think I’ve had it with chips before.”
“What? Okay, I’m about to blow your mind Battle.”
Ona laughed hard, she loved this excited version of Lucy, it probably was the fact that they were both tipsy and not in the office but it was nice to see the girl relaxed.
They left the chippy with their precious chips in hand.
“There’s a bench nearby if you want to eat there?”
“Yes, let’s do that. I want to give my full attention to your curry sauce.” Ona giggled.
“Thats what I like to hear. It’s just five minutes from here. It’s worth the walk.”
Ona followed Lucy down the coberrly streets of London. She watched as some business men stumbled into a black cab as they passed a posh looking restaurant.
They came to a busy road, with a few more pubs and bars lining the street. She felt Lucy link her arm into hers as she guided them easily through the crowds. Her heart skipped three beats from the simple gesture, just like it did in the pub when Lucy took her hand.
“Just down here.”
They got to a dark stair case leading down, Ona followed the older women, she would follow her anywhere at this point, no questions asked.
And as they got down the steps she saw why Lucy brought her here.
It was the perfect skylight of London. Ona had lived in London for nearly 5 years. She had seen the skylight in many different ways. Different times of the day, different seasons, different angles but this was the prettiest she’d ever seen it.
“Wow! It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah.” Lucy was looking at Ona. Agreeing with both views.
“I come here sometimes when I need to think. Or just needing some time alone. Come sit.”
They sat on the bench facing the Thames, the lights of London lighting up the sky.
“Right, get your chip and dip.”
Lucy held out the curry sauce.
Ona dipped a thick chip in the sauce, she already liked the smell of it, so she hoped she’d like it. And she did, she loved it.
“Oh wow, that’s so good.” She dipped another chip.
“Yes! I knew you’d like it. Get in.”
Lucy dipped her own chip then, a satisfactory smile on her face.
Ona watched the girl, smiling at her. There was something about Lucy, something that seemed like a comfort that she had known before, a comfort she hadn’t felt in years.
The girls spoke about random things, laughing at the one another as they ate their chips.
Once they had finished their food a comfortable silence settled between them.
Until Ona yawned.
“Yeah, it’s late. Where are you from here? We can maybe share an Uber” Lucy picked up her phone.
“I’m in Battersea.”
Lucy’s eyes brightened. “I’m in Wandsworth. Nearly neighbours.”
Ona loved the thought of them being so close. She couldn’t help but wonder if Lucy would ever meet up with her on a weekend.
Ona gave Lucy her address for the Uber.
“Cool, they’ll be here in two minutes.”
They walked to the pick up destination, both suddenly quiet. It felt like neither girl wanted the night to end.
The Uber picked them up, both girls jumping in the back. It was at least a 20 minute drive to get home, so Ona grabbed the aux cord.
She put on Rosalía - BESO. Lucy turned to her smiling. The older brunette began to sing perfect Spanish like it was nothing. Ona’s mouth fell open in complete surprise.
“What? You can speak Spanish?”
Lucy laughed at the girls shock. “Yeah a little bit.”
She didn’t know why but it turned Ona on to know Lucy could speak Spanish, not just Spanish but Catalonian, it was hot.
The girls sang mostly to Rosalia all the way. Lucy was first the be dropped off. She turned to Ona.
“Night Ona. I’ll see you Tuesday.”
“Lucy wait, I should have your number.”
“Oh yeah, you should. Pass it here.”
Ona handed her phone and Lucy put her number in it, she called her phone to save Ona’s.
“Text me when you’re in please.”
“I will.” Ona smiled at the older women.
Lucy slid out the car and walked towards her home. Ona and the Uber driver watched as she walked into her house.
As soon as Ona got in she texted Lucy to tell her she was home.
Ona - Hola! I’m home. I owe you for the ride x
Lucy replied instantly .
Lucy - don’t worry about it x
Lucy - actually you can pay me back by making better teas 🤔 x
Ona - Fine! I’ll do better! I’ll make your tea better then you do for yourself 💪 x
Lucy laughed to herself.
Lucy - hmmm bit confident, we’ll see x
Ona - got to be confident in yourself 💅🏼 thank you for a good night Lucy, I really enjoyed myself xx
Lucy - you’re right! And you’re welcome, I really enjoyed myself too. And always here if you need a chat xx
Ona - thank you Lucy ❤️ good night xx
Lucy - good night xx
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 8
Hello! I don’t know if it’s that it’s summer or what, but I’ve seen a sharp decline on my stories, so I just wanted to check and make sure everyone was okay. Take care of yourselves.
The hunt for the new apprentices start, they make room, and Eddie and Steve talk the design for the tattoo.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Steve got the biggest, most caffeinated drink on the menu and had downed half of it before he pulled up to Erica’s apartment complex. He put his in the cupholder and then grabbed the tray with Robin and Erica’s coffees plus breakfast.
He trotted up the stairs to Erica’s apartment and knocked on the door. Erica answered the door groggily. She spotted coffee first and grabbed it out his grasp.
Robin took her coffee gratefully from Erica as Steve pulled out their breakfast.
“Bacon, egg, and cheddar on an English muffin for Robin,” he said handing to her. “Fruit salad with whip cream for me and a sausage, egg, and Swiss on a croissant for Erica.”
Again Erica made grabby hands at Steve, who handed it to her.
Once they were fed and on their way, Erica asked, “So what’s all this about anyway?”
Steve looked at her through the rearview mirror. “I’m thinking of taking on a couple of apprentices at the shop so I can focus on doing a large back tattoo.”
“Suzie was telling the truth?” Erica gasped. “Holy shit. I thought she was making shit up. Because there was no way you are cool enough to do a back tattoo for Eddie Munson.”
Steve turned around and glared at her.
Robin smacked him. “Turn around and drive, dingus. I would rather not die today, thanks.”
Erica stuck her tongue at him and he tapped the breaks to get back at her.
“You should let me apprentice for you,” she said as they pulled up to Will’s apartment building. “I have the steadiest hands, from all those years painting tiny ass figures for D&D.”
Steve sighed. “I was hoping to find people who have already started working toward being a tattoo artist, but failing that, I guess I could teach you.”
He got out of the car and leaned back in. “I swear to god, if either of you touch my coffee, you’ll be walking home from here.”
He slammed the door.
“How serious do you think he was?” Erica asked, eyeing the caffeinated beverage with want.
“Don’t try it,” Robin warned her. “The last time someone messed with his coffee, he drove them to the complete other side of town and told them they could find their own way home.”
“Who was this?” Erica asked, rolling her eyes. “Mike?”
Robin twisted in her seat to look Erica in the eye. “Dustin.”
Erica looked at the coffee in the cup holder and then nodded. “Right. No touching the coffee.”
“Smart girl.”
Will and Steve came out moments later, so there wasn’t really time to mess with the coffee, anyway.
“Erica,” Steve said after opening the door again. “We’re going to divide and conquer. You’re going to go with Will to the colleges and shit. Robin and I are going to hit up the bars and clubs. We’ll meet at Nicki’s Diner for lunch in about three or so hours.”
Erica saluted and got out of the car to go with Will. “Roger, roger!”
Steve put his stack of fliers on the back seat and got into his car. He waved at Will and Erica and then drove off.
They had made a list Sunday night and started at one end of town and worked their way through asking if they could put up their flier. At some of the trendier bars and clubs they got turned down, but most of them let them put it up on their community boards.
They are both tired and hungry by the time they make it to Nicki’s to meet up with Will and Erica.
“We managed to put up every flier we had,” Erica said proudly.
“Yeah,” Will said, “I even had to print out ten more to hand out.”
Steve and Robin shared a glance.
“Wait, really?” Steve asked. “Robin and me barely got through our stack.”
Will nodded. “I’m so happy you’re doing this. I’ve been telling you for the last year to get more people in your shop.”
Steve sighed, pulling up the menu to look it over. “I know. I’m actually really excited about this. I probably won’t get more than a couple applicants but even if it’s just me training someone how to tattoo, they can at least do initial sessions of talking out ideas and shit for the clients that will take more than one session. Or even start offering henna that they could practice with in the mean time.”
“Me and my friends do henna all the time,” Erica said. “It’s fun trying to find colors that show up on darker skin tones.”
Steve straightened up. “Oh. Now that’s an idea. Jeff was telling me that it was hard to find a tattoo artist that could do dark skin, because a lot of artists forget that black on black doesn’t show up.” He looked at her and rubbed his lip thoughtfully.
“Would you be willing to do henna at my shop?” he asked. “I’d be able to pay you.”
Erica and Robin shared a glance.
“Does this mean you won’t teach me how to tattoo?” she asked, eyeing him sidelong.
Steve shook his head. “If you want to learn, I’ll teach you. I just don’t want this to be a fun summer thing for you and then when you go back to school in the fall, you never pick up a tattoo gun ever again.”
Erica paused. “Oh. I see what you mean.” She thought about it for a moment before she nodded. “For this summer at least, I’ll stick to the henna and if after this summer is over, I can pick whether to go back to school or stay with you and train to be tattoo artist.”
Steve stuck out his hand and she shook it.
He paid for all their lunch as thank you for helping him put up the fliers.
They spent the rest of the day clearing out the other rooms that would be used for the new artists. They got the chairs set up and them set up to take clients. Most of the stuff was already there, just waiting for Steve to make the decision to hire more people.
They took to cleaning and decorating the rooms to match the rest of the of shop.
They ended up ordering pizza and continued to work until late at night. Finally it was all done. This was the easy part. The hard part was waiting to see if anyone would answer the flier. Or their online messages.
Steve took the younger adults home and then practically crawled up the stairs to the apartment with Robin.
“You know this is entirely your fault,” she said, totally devoid of sympathy. “You didn’t have to spend all night talking to Eddie. You could have stopped at any time and actually got some sleep.”
Steve didn’t even bother rolling his eyes he was that tired. “Just let me die in peace, please.”
Robin pushed him in the direction of their bathroom. “Take a shower at least, dude. And then crash. You’ll thank me and yourself in the morning.”
Steve nodded, already swaying on his feet. He got into the shower and let the heat wash over of his tired, aching body and sighed in relief. He carefully washed his hair, but only did a perfunctory scrub down of his body.
He got out and smiled when he saw that Robin had placed his pajamas in there while he was showering. He pulled on the clothes she set out for him and padded back out to their apartment in bare feet.
“Feel better?” Robin asked from their sofa.
Steve sighed. “Yeah, yeah. It has long been established that you are smarter than me.”
“Hell, yeah,” she said with a grin. “Now go to bed before you pass out on the carpet.”
Steve nodded and went to do as he was told.
He slept deeply for the first time in a long time.  
Steve tried not to let his anticipation get to him as he worked on other tattoos, waiting for Eddie to come in. He was pretty sure he failed judging from the smirk on Robin’s face when Eddie finally arrived.
“Hey, Eds!” he greeted cheerfully. “We’ll go over some ideas I had and I can start laying the ground work for those wings of yours.”
Eddie grinned. “I can’t wait to see what you have for me, big boy!”
Robin raised an eyebrow at the pet name, but wisely said nothing as Steve led Eddie back to Steve’s work station.
“I saw the other rooms were opened,” Eddie said as he took a seat. “You’re really serious about the getting more people in here to work for you, huh?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, I’m a little nervous, but mostly? I’m hella excited.”
Eddie smiled fondly at him. “Certainly sounds like it. Show me what you got.” He made grabby hands at the drawing book Steve had picked up.
“You have any ideas of your own that you’d want to do or thoughts on what you think it should look like?” Steve asked flipping to the start of his ideas for Eddie’s tattoo.
He shook his head. “Not really, other than size. I want them all the way down my back.”
Steve nodded again. “I wasn’t sure, so there are a couple of wings that are just on the shoulder blades. You can ignore those.”
Eddie was looking at the different styles of wings and inward facing verses outward facing when a small piece of paper fluttered out of the book on the floor. He bent over to pick it and was opening it when Steve snatched it out his hand.
“Um...” Steve said. “That’s not really anything, just a stupid idea I had after listening to you talking to Dustin on Sunday.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Come on, I want to see it. I promise not to laugh or poke fun.”
Steve held to his chest for a moment and then handed the paper back to Eddie, heart in hand.
Eddie opened the paper up and there was a close to accurate rendition of his back with a pair of leathery bat wings, just like a lot of the designs in the drawing book. But in the middle of the two wings along the spine was a sword. It was a one-handed sword with a wavy blade that started at the base of the spine with the hilt and went all the way up to the nape of the neck with the point. The cross guard was in the shape of a bat and it was black.
It was beautiful.
“Holy fuck, Stevie,” Eddie said, breathless. “What is this?”
Steve blushed. “It’s the sword of Kas.I was thinking on one side of the blade have it say bloody-handed crossed out and then other side have it say betrayer.”
“This.” Eddie tapped the paper. “I want this. All of this. Including what you just said about the words. I want it.”
Steve’s jaw dropped and then he gulped. “It’s going to cost an awful lot. Like more then you were probably planning on spending, though.”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “Sweetheart, I’ve been saving up for this tattoo for years. I have roughly four thousand saved up. I don’t think it’s going to be the problem you think it will.”
Steve gently took back the paper. “You really want to do this?”
“Yeah, I really, really do,” Eddie said, smiling up at him.
A slow, sweet smile blossomed on Steve’s face. “All right. Let me scan this so I can print out the stencils and we’ll get started.”
“I can’t hardly wait.”
Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18 Part 19  Part 20  Part 21   Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25 Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Epilogue
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love. ❤️
I love that you sent this to me while I was still asleep, BEFORE the conversation we had this morning about me having 259 fanworks on AO3. I mean, I think you would have done it anyway, but still: asking me to pick a top five is extremely cruel and unusual behaviour 🤣
So. In no particular order in reverse chronological order because I just went through my works list to decide, kiwiana's five favourite kiwiana fics (at least today, because I definitely have the 'can't pick favourites' flavour of neurospicy):
Like loving the stars themselves
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 7.2k words]
When he emerges out the other end of the alleyway and almost runs straight into a solid blue wall that wasn’t there last time he visited this area of town, Henry assumes his wandering thoughts have conjured an illusion. He blinks, and blinks again, but it’s still there: NORA’s unassuming back wall, the broken chameleon circuit now over thirty centuries out of date to blend into her surroundings the way she’s supposed to, her anomalous presence a wrench in Henry’s carefully laid plans. Alex is here. Or, Alex is a Time Lord, and time is complicated; Henry keeps meeting him out of order, and it's been a while.
I just... I genuinely think this is the best thing I've ever written. Along with Much Ado, it's the fic that is most strongly Peak MJ Vibes, and I am really fucking proud of the story crafting in this one. I LOVE writing fics, particularly one-shots, that have such a strong sense of the wider world they sit in while still being a satisyfingly complete story in their own right, and I don't think I've ever done that better than I did here. If you have no knowlege of Doctor Who, I PROMISE you do not need to be scared of this fic lol.
Puck It
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 9.7k words]
“I’m English, dear,” Henry tells him, and fuck if the nickname isn’t doing something to Alex too. “Our national sport is rugby, and we play it with a lot less protective gear. Though,” he adds thoughtfully, “rugby players do wear mouth guards, which means they have the significant advantage of generally keeping all their teeth.” “We wear mouth guards.” It’s a common misconception, and one that annoys the shit out of him. “And I’ve still got all my teeth. Wanna check?”
HOCKEY! HOCKEY! THE GREATEST GAME IN THE LAND! This fic is so wildly different to what I intended it to be, but I absolutely love what it turned into. The college hockey AU that is somehow not quite a college AU and not quite a hockey AU, but is also definitively both. I love love LOVE both Alex and Henry in this, and I adore this fic.
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 65.5k words]
Alex is a former child star struggling to make the transition into being seen as a serious actor. He jumps at an opportunity to perform on stage in the UK, seeing it as a way to break free from the typecasting and show what he can really do. But he wasn’t prepared to star alongside someone he hates. // Henry is a recent theatre graduate who accepts an amazing role in a queer reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing. And then it turns out his co-star is none other than the man he’s been hopelessly pining after for years—even though Henry made a terrible first impression when they met. // It’s… well, it’s practically Shakespearean.
First of all, I dropped chapter one of this fic one year ago today, so happy ficaversary to Much Ado! And... yeah. There's no universe in which this fic doesn't end up in my top five. I wrote this fic in a ~five week fever dream and it's probably only coherent because of @celeritas2997 and @ships-to-sail putting in a bunch of hard beta work lmao. It's just SUCH a love letter to theatre, to Shakespeare, to the power of queer joy. All things that are so fucking important to me!
And all the rest's illusion
[Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick, T, 1.8k words]
The first time David uses the word 'queer' to refer to him, it brings Patrick up short.
AKA 'MJ projects their feelings about how goddamn amazing the word queer is and makes a bunch of people cry, apparently'. This was a little bit of a spite reaction to ahistorical, ~q slur~ takes on queer as an umbrella term and I stand by that. Also, whenever I'm feeling like my writing isn't important/doesn't reach people/isn't adding any value to the world, I read through the comments on this fic and have a good cry. If YOU are feeling Not Queer Enough, I highly recommend reading through the comments on this fic and have a good cry even if you're not a Schitt's Creek person.
How much love will you happily take
[Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick, T, 8.0k words]
The trouble is, they don’t really have any privacy outside of the store — at least one member of David’s family is always at the motel, and Ray has never met a boundary he won’t cheerfully skip over. Neither of those seem like the ideal place to say 'so, I’m actually a virgin' or 'funny thing, apparently my dick’s so big no one wants to have sex with me', but the store hardly seems like an appropriate place to have that conversation either.
This started out as size kink and turned into eight thousand words of psychological kink analysis. I gave MULTIPLE people a humiliation kink with this one and I am, not joking, exceptionally fucking proud of that. LOVE to help people realise things about themselves with my writing.
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