#i hate it here xo
ilostyou · 1 year
sitting in class still feeling sick is. positively torturous
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winterluv444 · 3 months
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Can't wait 🙏🏻
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idlebug · 1 year
finding a blog that posts cool art music and fashion: 😁
all the other posts are reminiscent of 2014 "pale blogs", full of "ballet aesthetic" adjacent images, very pale thin women's bodies / exploitative model photography, childish anime girls in sexy poses with meme text over them, and text posts from op talking about dieting and skincare: 🙁
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ethtyn · 6 months
ok enough insanethinking about Joel now. i am putting the phone DOWN and putting fic on TTS to go the fuck to SLEEP i have to be up in SEVEN HOURS.
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gothamcityneedsme · 8 months
also. The start of the game forcing u into the genesis comic feels. Very silly. its a tonal jump from the death to like have sudden narration. It shouldve been framed differently idk. Or just. Not inserted into the story. Anyways.
Love the beginning of this game. Setup is so good. I love Jacob and Mirandas intros. Jacob as the one who tells you the truth, who has a moral compass vs Mirandas sole purpose and drive for two years being to bring you back to life regardless of her impression or opinion of you personally.
#Shitpost#love how miranda responds once you have results too#i love how cold and calculating she is#and like she wouldnt work as well if she wasnt the lead on the project. Her leading it and basically being a huge part of why youre alive#just like. Immediately places her in a fascinating space#also shes basically your XO but also shes reporting back to TIM about you#side note but tbh still mad at how they handled TIM in 3. he just became a villain where hes WAY more interesting here#hes so middle ground nuanced and that sort of dies. A shame tbh#theres a lot i dislike about me3 lol. Not entirely but still#TIM and the ending. And the mechanics with the separate app#is that still up? I hope so. Im playing og mass effect lol#anyways also. Jacob is so interesting too#Hate that he got memed on and ignored by most of the fandom#tbh his loyalty quest is kinda iffy too iirc but his base here is so good#and his comments throughout the game too#Also. I think me could have been fixed if we learned who built the reapers and got into the shit#The theme of organic vs synthetic life couldve been expanded upon#ESPECIALLY since synthetic life literally cant exist without an organic creator#the cycle couldve been MORE is all im saying#the creators couldve built the reapers with that pov. Like a terrible cleansing pov#Organics so convinced organic life is corrupt that they wished to destroy it#and the reapers if shown that truth would realize the hypocrasy. The lie they were built on#Or something#mass effect is so good but the endings are all bad#Thematically they are a little interesting. Esp the ending where you leave it to the next cycle#BUT. like i hate synthesis and control. Those are hard to reconcile with the Themes imo#destroy works but tbh to me. Destroy shouldve ended with a scene of some scientist who believes life is corrupt. Building another AI#an AI to destroy life.#thats all.#Ok ill shut up now
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shopcat · 2 years
i genuinely do take it so personally when people are against st/eddie Only because it's popular but will like every other god awful crackship rarepair bullshittery or just. every other couple possible basically like they would rather ship eddie and tommy h or soemthing IT DRIVES ME CRAZYYYYYYYYYY YOU ARE NOT COOL OR INDIVIDUAL U HAVE A COLD BLACK HEART like literally get over it i'm SORRY. they're so nothing they're literally so nonoffensive like i Get it i Get it but on the principle alone no i don't get it your soul is full of evil + happiness evades you
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heavensenthale · 2 years
using all my blocking abilities and add-ons to block any greywaren mention. I will take my time with it and fandom will not ruin it for me
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theweekndsmistress · 6 months
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me casually thinking about whether i wanna have a genuine career in life or od
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ilostyou · 8 months
i’ve felt a new insecurity brewing for days now and i’ve finally just put my finger on it so. 🫠
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karajaynetoday · 8 months
and i'd give up forever to touch you, cause i know that you'd feel me somehow | jack hughes
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Thank you for all the love on hey now, you're an all-star - i am honestly blown away by those notes!! here is a part two. let me know what you think, and what your predictions or desires are for a potential part three! xo
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings:  nothing major. uni stress again, jack being a bit of a dick. angst. all of the angst.
(This is a fem reader insert) read part one here read the part three here
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
Waking up was always slightly disorienting for you, and the next morning was no different.
Your dreams could be quite vivid, or you couldn’t remember them at all once you awoke; but the first thing you could sense on this particular morning was the strong scent of coffee wafting through the room. As your eyes adjusted to the morning light streaming in the windows, you became suddenly and painfully aware that you were alone on the couch. A blanket had been draped over you at some stage of your slumber, but Jack was nowhere to be seen.
You sat up slowly, rubbing your face, trying to ignore the anxiety that was building in your chest. You could hear a shower running, somewhere in the hotel suite, and hastily threw the blanket off your body as you scanned the room for your belongings.
Shoes. Where were your shoes? And phone? Keys? Did you bring a bag with you? What time was it? What time did your class start? Would you be able to get an Uber to Campus in time? Wait, was your class online or on campus this morning?
Your brain was churning out a thousand thoughts a minute, and your heart rate was starting to match it. You felt like a deer in headlights. Or a cat under a rocking chair. Or… just… lost. You were so lost.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you jolted, whipping around to face Quinn, who was decked out in a brown leather jacket and grey pants, holding two steaming coffee mugs in his hands.
You must have looked distressed, because Quinn offered you a gentle smile and one of the mugs which you cautiously accepted.
“Thanks, Q. I really should get going soon, though. Get out of your hair before the big draft day circus arrives.” Your voice was still slightly groggy with sleep.
“Take as long as you need, sugarplum. Our call time isn’t for another two hours. Jack’s in the shower, and he’d hate it if you left without saying goodbye.” Quinn raised his eyebrows at you as you both took a sip of coffee.
“Watching Jack try and untangle himself from you on the couch did provide me with my morning entertainment though. Surprised he didn’t end up with another injury given how clumsy he usually is.” You felt your cheeks get warm at Quinn’s comment and the smirk on his face.
“He could’ve just woken me up…” You offered weakly, shrugging your shoulders in an attempt at nonchalance.
“No offence, but that was a risk that neither of us are willing to take. Not after last summer.” Quinn bit back a laugh as you narrowed your eyes at him.
Last summer at the lake house, you’d stayed up all night trying to finish the latest novel in your favourite fiction series. Jack had come into your room to wake you for the boat day you’d discussed the day before, but instead of a gentle approach to waking you up, he’d literally jumped onto your bed. Which caused you to sit bolt upright and “accidentally” punch him in the face. At least he thought the black eye made him look tough for a couple of weeks.
“Nice jacket, by the way.” You tried to change the subject.
Quinn stood up straight and puffed out his chest.
“You think so? Jack and I got to go down to Hermés and pick out our outfits yesterday. I felt suuuuper out of my league to be honest.”
Your eyes widened at the brand name Quinn just dropped, slightly choking on your coffee.
“Hermés? That’s proper designer, Q. Like, tens of thousands of dollars of jacket, right?”
Quinn didn’t answer you, but he didn’t have to. The look on his face told you that the jacket he was wearing was worth more than six months of your rent. Maybe more.
“Well, we have to do this red carpet thing, and I figured we should probably try a bit harder than team merch.” Quinn reached over and tugged playfully on the sleeve of your hoodie.
Well, Jack’s hoodie. That you happened to be wearing. Which was previously super comfortable, but now felt like your skin was on fire underneath it.
“What time is it, anyway?” There you go again, changing the subject.
“Like, 9.15?” Quinn offered, pulling his phone out of his pocket and showing you the time on his home screen.
9.15? Why was that important to you? What was at 9.15?
The test. In your economics class. Worth a decent chunk of your grade. It was at 9.30am. But was it online or on campus?
You downed the rest of your coffee in one gulp, ignoring how it burned your throat, and thrust your mug back at Quinn before tugging the hoodie over your head and throwing it on the floor. You turned around, searching wildly for your phone and spotting it on the couch where you’d been sleeping, not that long ago. You lunged for it, frantically unlocked and trying to find your university schedule in the calendar app.
“Oh thank god. It’s online. Holy fuck.” You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself down.
“Sugar? You okay?” Jack’s voice cut through your thoughts, and you looked up from your phone to see him standing in the doorway to his room.
Clad in black jeans, with a towel around his shoulders and his hair still damp from the shower. Shirtless. Of course he was shirtless. You squeezed your eyes shut out of instinct, and also to stop yourself from blatantly checking him out. When you opened them, Jack was striding towards you, his face etched in concern.
“What do you need?” Jack spoke quietly, but firmly, reaching out to rub your arms reassuringly. His touch sent a zap of electricity through you, which seemed to kick your brain back into gear.
“I need… Do you have a laptop I can borrow? I have an online test in 15 minutes that I forgot about, for a subject I’m almost failing, and if I miss the test then I don’t know that I’ll be able to recover my grade.” You half-whispered, almost wishing that Jack and Quinn couldn’t hear your confession out loud.
You were supposed to be the smart one. That’s what everyone said, when you were growing up. You were the brains, Jack was the beauty. You were the bookish one, he was the brutally athletic one. Talking about failing university out loud was suddenly terrifying, even though you’d known it was a possibility for a few weeks or more.
“Hey… hey.” Jack squeezed your arms, trying to centre you, and dropped his head down to your eye level. “It’s okay. I’ve got a laptop you can use, and you can stay here for as long as you need.”
All you could muster was a nod in response, and Jack leaned in to kiss your forehead before disappearing back into his room, presumably to find his laptop. You sat back down on the couch, suddenly unsure of what to do with yourself.
Quinn had briefly left to place your coffee mug in the kitchenette, but he was back and leaned over the back of the couch to squeeze your shoulder.
“You’ll smash it, kiddo. Make sure you ask Jack what his laptop password is though, I’d hate for you to get locked out during your test.” Quinn said quietly, before his phone rang and he stepped into his room to answer it.
“Here you go, sunshine. Fully charged, but the charger is in my room if you need it.” Jack was back in the living room, handing his laptop to you, already logged in and a web browser open for you.
You stood up from the couch and moved towards the dining table, setting the laptop down and pulling out a chair. It only took a minute to log into your university portal and navigate to the subject page you needed for the online test. You were about to click the start button, when Quinn’s comment flashed in your mind.
“Jack?” You squeaked, turning to face the couch where Jack had flopped down moments before. Still clad in black jeans, still fucking shirtless, absolutely ignorant of the effect he was having on your ability to breathe calming, mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
“What’s up?”
“What’s… what’s your password? In case I get locked out and you’re not here? Could you write it down for me please?”    You reached for the hotel notepad and complimentary pen that was on the table you were sitting at, waving them in Jack’s direction.
Jack rolled his bottom lip under his teeth as he stood up and took the notepad from you and began scribbling on it.
“I have to go downstairs and meet Bratter for some team social media stuff, but I’ll see you later, okay? Text me when you finish your test.” You’d never seen Jack move so quickly as he handed the notepad back to you, retrieved a shirt and jacket from his bedroom and disappeared out the hotel room door, all within a minute or two. 
You were confused, to say the least. You glanced down at the notepad Jack had thrust into your hands, and you could’ve sworn your heart stopped when you saw what he scrawled on it.
Password - SugarpluM2001Jh!
Quinn had headed out not long after Jack did, leaving you to complete your test in silence. Despite the disorienting start to your morning, and all of your revision notes being on your desk at home, you managed to scrape through with a 75% result which would supplement your final grade significantly. 
The waves of relief washed over you, as you clicked out of web page you were on. You reached for your phone and typed a quick message to Jack as promised, and you were confused when the laptop chimed with a notification noise. 
Oh. Oh. Jack’s laptop was linked to his phone, and his messages were suddenly popping up on the laptop screen in front of you. 
You shouldn’t pry. You knew that. Your logical brain was telling you to close the laptop screen and get going. But your anxiety brain was telling you that you should take a peek. Just a little one. 
Before your logical brain and anxiety brain could battle it out properly, the laptop notification chimed again, and a girl’s name that was not your own flashed up on the screen. 
What happened last night? I thought you were coming to my room after your dinner?? Xx
You felt your jaw drop, as you started to realise what was happening in this conversation you shouldn’t have been privy to. You froze, as the little bubble popped up in the chat, showing you that Jack was typing a reply.
Sorry babe i got caught up with some boring family bullshit, you know how it is. Would’ve rather have been with you obvs but i just couldn’t get away. Then today is crazy with media stuff anyway. I’ll see u at the drew house event tonight though? Go back to yours after that? Xo
Sounds great. I’ll be wearing this for you, J. *image attached*
You slammed the laptop shut when the image loaded, showing someone wearing a red and black lingerie set. 
You felt bad for snooping, but you felt worse knowing that Jack considered last night as “boring family bullshit”. Is that all it was? Were you stupid for thinking it was more? That it could ever be more between the two of you?
Or was that all you could ever hope to be? Like family. Forever intertwined, always floating in each other’s orbit, but never more than friends. Platonic soulmates at best, childhood acquaintances at worst. 
You were spiralling, yet again, and your phone buzzing with a notification provided a brief reprieve. Until you saw that it was a text from Jack.
Well done on your test, champ!! Knew u could do it. See you at the draft tonight? There’s two passes in your email for you and your dad to come visit. Might even get to meet bublé, if that’s your vibe lmao
Suddenly, there was a bitter taste in your mouth. Why was he pretending like he wanted to spend time with you? When surely all he actually wanted to do was sneak off with the girl he was texting just moments ago?
You swiped into check your email app, and there were the passes as promised. You quickly scanned the email to see if they were assigned to any particular name, and all you could see was “guest of Jack Hughes” rather than you or your dad specifically. You quickly hit the “forward” button, and sent them on to your dad and your cousin Tom, who had met Jack and Quinn a handful of times over the years, and was a massive hockey fan like your dad. You knew Tom would love to go, and your dad would be happy enough to have Tom join him.
You sent through a quick message to Tom saying you weren’t feeling well and that he’d be doing you a favour by taking your pass, to which he immediately replied with lots of exclamation points and thanks. 
Next, you typed a message back to Jack.
Thanks again for the laptop and for the passes. Something’s come up so i can’t come but dad will be there with tom, hope that is ok? Didn’t want the passes to go to waste. Good luck for the draft, don’t let quinn bully you too much lol
You were hoping that Jack wouldn’t question you, or pick up on the shift in tone. Well, maybe you wanted him to sense the tone a little bit. Jack’s typing bubble popped up in the text conversation, then disappeared, then popped up again, then suddenly your phone was vibrating with a call and Jack’s name was flashing across the top of your screen. Your fingers hovered over the answer/decline buttons, before you abandoned both and dropped your phone back onto the table, letting the call go to voicemail. 
You stood up from the table and began to gather your belongings. The bitter taste was still in your mouth, but otherwise you felt nothing. Just numb. You barely realised what you were doing when your body moved towards the hotel suite door, into the elevator, through the lobby and out onto the street. You waited a few minutes for your Uber, before slipping away through the streets of downtown, and as far away from Jack as you felt you needed to be. 
By the time you got home, Jack had called you twice, and sent you about ten text messages of various question marks and confusion, and a fair amount of concern. You plugged your phone into the charger on your bedside table before heading into your bathroom for a much-needed shower.
Your shower felt like it took about 3 hours, when in reality it was probably more like 20 minutes at most. You washed your hair, and spent some time sitting down on the shower floor staring into space, pondering the events of the last 24 hours. When you finally emerged, putting on your favourite sweatpants and an old Canucks hoodie you found on your bedroom floor, you realise your phone was flashing with more notifications.
You settled down in bed before picking up your phone and scrolling through the home screen. Jack had resorted to sending you photos of sad baby pandas to elicit a response, your dad had texted you to say thank you for the passes and to feel better soon, but it was a message from Quinn that caught your eye. 
Q: What did he do? He’s freaking out. Are you okay? I can beat him up if you want me to. Or give him a hug. Just let me know which is more appropriate based on whatever the fuck he did 
You hesitated, contemplating whether to tell Quinn the truth or not. But then you remembered that Quinn had literally known you since you were four. He could tell if you were lying in a heartbeat, even over text message. 
You: Maybe just remind Jack that his text messages pop up on his laptop. See if that helps him to figure it out lmao sorry to miss tonight quinny, hope you draft all the canucks you want xo
Q: He now looks like he’s going to throw up?? Still unsure if hugging or punching is required tbh
New message - Jack Hughes -
You sighed and rolled your eyes, before clicking on Jack’s message notification. 
I am an idiot. I’m so sorry, sugar. I swear i am.
Sorry for categorising me as “boring family bullshit” or sorry that you got caught trying to get your dick wet? Or sorry for pretending to be my friend when you apparently just tolerate me to be polite?
We have press for two more hours then i can call you. You’re my best friend, sugar. I love you.
You felt tears start to prick in your eyes as you read Jack’s message. Sure, he loved you. But not in the same way that you loved him. And right now, you felt like that would never change. 
You clicked out of your message thread with Jack without replying, and opened up your conversation with Quinn instead. 
I’ll come to the all-star game on saturday, but nothing else, if that’s okay with you? I just need some space for a bit, sorry x 
Whatever you need, kiddo. I’ll give the game passes to your dad tonight. I still don’t know what jack did, but i think not seeing you will be punishment enough for whatever it was??
You didn’t reply to Quinn’s message. You didn’t reply to any more calls or messages for the next day or so, switching between trying to catch up on study and catching up on some Netflix episodes. You were typing notes on your laptop on Saturday morning, when a New Jersey Devils Twitter alert popped up on the screen and caught your attention.
#NEWS: Jack went home to Jersey last night after participating in Thursday’s draft and Friday’s media hits. He was extremely honoured to be a part of All-Star Weekend, especially sharing it with his brother. He’s really close to returning and wanted to get back so he could continue to focus on the rest of the Devils season. 
The bitter taste you thought you’d gotten rid of suddenly returned with a vengeance. 
Jack went home to Jersey last night. You had no idea when you’d see him again. And to be completely honest, you weren’t even sure that you wanted to. Your laptop dinged again, this time with an email notification. You were confused to say the least when the new email appeared to be from an airline, with a voucher attached.
Your phone buzzed with a new text message.
I couldn’t stand being there knowing you’re mad at me, but i also don’t want to force you to talk to me when you’re not ready to talk yet either. Use the voucher to come to jersey whenever you want. I’m sorry. 
You rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, torn between accepting Jack’s offer and wanting to be stubborn and not let go of being mad at him just yet. You hated what Jack had done, but you also hated yourself for cutting short your time with him that was already in short supply as it was.
I’ll let you know. Might be a flight to Jersey, might be a flight to Michigan. We’ll see. Good luck getting back out there!
You knew the Michigan comment was a cheap shot, but Jack had hurt you, so you wanted to be childish and hurt him back. The idea of not seeing him for almost four months until the summer break, where you’d all gather at the Hughes lake house as you did every year, made you feel slightly ill. 
Whatever you want, sugar. Mac n cheese in michigan on me. Love you. 
The mac and cheese comment made you smile, and the love you comment made you want to cry. 
Love you too, J. Maybe too much. I don’t know. I need time. x
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thewidowsledger · 1 month
The Call
Chapter 2: 10 Things I Hate About You | 3.9k
© thewidowsledger 2024 - DO NOT REPUBLISH AND PLAGIARISE
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Summary: You were supposed to take her out—the infamous Black Widow—Natasha Romanoff. The S.H.I.E.L.D. has been keeping an eye on her for a while now and for some reason, another high-ranking agent as you was sent to get the mission done. But then, he made a different call leading the mission to be here in front of you, soon to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
Pairings: Ex-Russian Agent Natasha Romanoff x Senior S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, bad writing, slow burn, angst, cheating👀 cursing, mean r
Author's Note: Madisynn with two n's, one y but it's not where you think it is💅 I might not be able to update for a week or 2, I have a big recitation and debate coming up and I really need to study because I don't want to be an air bender. I'll still stop by and check in, xo.
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Three months had passed since Natasha Romanoff joined SHIELD, and everything was running smoothly. You had managed to maintain a professional distance, only interacting with her when necessary for work or missions.
Under your guidance, the tasks and missions had been executed without any significant issues. The agents under your wing were performing well, and the overall atmosphere in the unit was productive and efficient...but the unspeakable tension never left when the redhead is around.
“We should invite Y/N for lunch.” Yelena murmured to herself as she walked with Natasha with their packed lunch in the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound.
Much to her surprise, Natasha overheard what she just said and immediately responded. “No, we can't do that.”
Yelena's mind instantly seized on the opportunity. A sly grin formed on her face as she retorted, “You know what? You should invite her for lunch.”
She looked around, before whisper-shouting to Yelena, “Are you nuts?!”
“Come on, Nat. We talked about this, that we’re gonna invite her for lunch sometime.” Yelena said, her tone light and playful, “It's just lunch. What's the worst that could happen?”
“She'll probably glare at me the entire time and refuse to eat!” Natasha freaked out. Yelena had always told the redhead that they should invite you for lunch some time and she never expected that, that some time is right now.
“She hates me, Yelena. And everybody knows that.” Natasha continued, now muttering under her breath. “So no, sorry if I won't ask her to have lunch with us but If you wanna go and have lunch with her Yelena, that's fine with m—”
“You two gonna have lunch?”
Yelena and Natasha froze in surprise as they suddenly became aware of your presence.
The two agents looked back at where you came from and Yelena excitedly waved at you, her childish demeanor on full display—as always. She turned to Natasha, a hint of mischief in her eyes.
“Actually,” Yelena added, “Natasha here wanted to invite you to lunch,” coughing playfuly as she pat her partner's shoulder.
Your head tilted slightly to the side, “Oh really, Agent Romanoff?”
Natasha, her heart racing, had no choice but managed to stutter out a soft “Yes,” even though a while ago she was so against having to invite you for lunch.
“I might have to pass.”
Of course you will, she had already expected that response. She had expected your rejection. How could you say yes when you cannot even be in the same room with her around? Natasha thought—though you actually never let her out your office.
But deep down, she had harbored a small hope that you would somehow say…yes.
“Oh, that's fine with us.” Yelena said trying to break the tension that has been slowly and painfully building up, she gave Natasha a discreet nudge, signaling her to respond.
“Yeah, yeah all good,” Natasha eyed you with a faint smile, for the first time you were able to take a good look at her eyes. It was her first time too, actually. Finally having the courage to look at you straight in the eye as if she really wanted you to notice the trace of disappointment in them.
Trying to shake off the thoughts creeping in your head. You blinked as you turned to focus on Yelena, “Lena, can you go to my office after? Just about the team-building coming up.”
“Oh yeah sure,” the agent replied cheekily.
“I’ll see you, then. You two, enjoy your lunch.”
“Yeah...you too,” this time, it's Natasha who replied, looking down onto the lunch she had meticulously prepared for two.
“She hates me, Yelena. And everybody knows that.”
You did send her to a more difficult mission compared to any other agents under your wing. Yes, and you’re just being reasonable you thought, plus, you know those missions are just nothing to her. Do you make her come early to the office just to see her struggle with the tasks you give her in the past 2 months? Yes. And you’ll continue to do it? Of course you will.
Do you hate her?
But you did hate it when one of your agents called her a ‘killer’ during one of your meetings. You immediately used your power of being the daughter of the director to have the agent transferred from a different unit, if only you could have him terminated out of S.H.I.E.L.D. but you refrained from taking such actions, you still have remorse and you still see the value that agent held in the agency.
Oh, you certainly also hated it when Madisynn told you that Natasha will go out to have lunch with other agents in different unit because they invited her. So you immediately asked Madisynn to call her before she could even step out of the building. She came in your office chasing her breath because she had to ran from all the way up to your office, you assigned her an enormous pile of paperwork, effectively preventing her from accepting any social engagements or from seeing some agents…or anyone she's supposed to be seeing and to ensure that she remained in your office with you for the entire day.
Did you hate it when you noticed an agent getting too comfortable with her during break time, leaning in close, even touching her biceps? Oh, you were mad. So you reprimanded Natasha even though she had no idea what she did wrong. The next day, when the same agent attempted to engage her in conversation and asked her for late-night drink, you were smugly satisfied to see Natasha politely decline the invitation without a second thought. Seeing the agent make a pouty face and even attempted to cling to Natasha again only for her to swiftly sidestep the touch. Though some part of you wished to see Natasha to completely ignore the agent but you knew Natasha is... too soft? To do that?
So...you're jealous of her?
No. But you don't like it when people get too close to her.
Well, do you hate her then?
No. But you hate it when she's too nice to the other agents, she was an assassin for fuck's sake—the Black Widow. She was supposed to be harsh, cold and intimidating. But all you see is a gentle woman radiating with warmth and kindness, effortlessly extending small gestures of courtesy. You hate it during meetings, when she habitually holds the door open for others, and you also hate it when she takes it upon herself to carry the heaviest boxes of files. You hate it when she asks her colleagues if they had lunch already, and oh god, you also hated how her lunch smells good all the time.
You hated how she was still able to do all these after you gave her excessive amounts of paperwork, almost putting her on a desk job. Despite the mountain of tasks you had thrown her way, you hated how she still managed to smile at you, taking everything you give her, accepting your toughness towards her. You hated these simple things she does.
This is not the reputation of an assassin—of the Black Widow. It feels like you just wasted everything you've done in this mission, her being your mission. This is not the one you’ve seen on the files you had, the ones you studied almost half of your life and you hated it, you hated how wrong those papers are.
How wrong you are.
“So what about the team-building?” Yelena asked, as she walked to your office not caring even a single knock
“Fuck,” you cursed under your breath, the blonde’s unexpected arrival catching you off guard. Your tried removing the things you have been questioning and answering at the same time in your mind.
Yelena chuckled as she observed your shocked reaction. “Y/N, relax,” she said between giggles.
You tried to regain your composure after getting startled by the agent's sudden entrance. “You finished your lunch that quick?” You coughed, pretending to look for some files down your desk cabinet.
You didn't miss how the agent chuckled and winked as she sat down in the chair opposite your desk. “You know how I eat, boss,” she remarked, “So, about the team-building event…”
You informed her about the upcoming team-building event, it is an annual gathering organized for the entire agency of S.H.I.E.L.D. and it will be coming a little early this year. An opportunity for various units to come together to have fun and at the same time bond with others.
“So is she going to be there again?”
The question made you stop from pretending that you were doing something, you were in a very awkward position right now, having to seat from your chair and crouching down to the lower cabinet on your desk. You slowly look up not at her but at your computer screen pretending once again, “Who?”
“You know damn well who I'm talking about.” she scoffed, the agent leaned forward to you snatching a paper and a pen from your desk.
“Yelena, it's been 2 years…” you sighed and chuckled, pretending to scroll on your computer when you were just drawing circles on the wallpaper. It was a picture of you, your mother and Fury in a car.
“You know how I hate that we get to have this team-building thing because that means I’m going to see that bitch.” She scribbled on the paper like a kid and flashed it in front of you where “Beware: Earthquake incoming,” is written on it.
You couldn't help but smile and shake your head at her dramatic flair but your insides are getting tense once again at the topic.
“Here, someone wants to give this to you.” She handed you a paper bag.
“Who?” You suspiciously inquired as you accepted the bag.
“If I tell you, you’re not gonna eat it.”
“Of course not, what if it has poison?” You carefully examine the bag and you are welcomed by the familiar scent of peanut butter and strawberries.
“You know what? Stop being mean and eat. You’re so skinny.”
“Hey, I'm still your senior, you might wanna watch that mouth,” you retorted, trying to maintain a sense of authority around the blonde and kinda... threatening her.
But Yelena ignored your words and continued to tease you, asking, “What do we do during an earthquake, Y/N?” With a coy smile, she sing-songed, “Duck, cover, and hold.” She winked at you before disappearing behind the doors of your office.
You sighed as soon as she was gone, you were blankly staring at the wrapped sandwiches and a strawberry yogurt inside the paperbag. You have no energy to eat not because you know who gave this food but about the topic that the blonde had brought up, it hit you hard enough to made you lose your appetite.
“I'll be okay,” you squeeze your eye shut and breathe clutching the paperbag on your lap.
“So we're really supposed to wear this?” Natasha questioned, referring to the pink shirt that was assigned as the color for your unit's team uniform for the team-building.
The agent, Madisynn, nodded in sassily, stating, “Uh huh, last year our color was orange. We looked like prisoners.”
Natasha let out a soft chuckle at the agent's witty remark. She surveyed the hall, taking in the various colors worn by other agents, unconsciously searching for the familiar shade of pink associated with her color hoping to see Yelena but she didn't see any sign of her but instead Natasha saw an agent wearing a blue coded shirt walking-running towards her direction.
He gave Natasha a forced smile but turned serious to the agent beside her, “Madi, duck, cover and hold.” The agent in a blue shirt whisper-shouted to her.
“Oh my goodness gracious I completely forgot about her.” She hastily collected her belongings, shoving her tumbler inside her tote bag.
“Hey, where are you going?” Natasha, noticing her teammate's distress, quickly questioned as if she's scared to be left alone she then also gathered her things. The agent in a blue shirt was already gone.
Before Madisynn had a chance to stand up, a figure blocked her path, “Hey Mad, where's Y/N?”
Madisynn's voice trembled as she replied, “H-hey Daisy.” She kept her head down, “I-uhh I don't know…” She held her bag tightly like a nervous teenage girl being confronted by a bully. Natasha, who was sitting beside Madisynn, rose to her feet, leveling Daisy.
Daisy shifted her gaze to Natasha, looking her up and down before finally speaking. “You must be…” she began, a sly smile on her face, “the infamous Black Widow, I’m Agent Johnson.” She extended a hand towards Natasha.
Natasha, unflinching, just stared back at her. Madisynn who is starting to feel the tension growing between the two, quickly grabbed Natasha's wrist, “Sorry Daize, we're gonna go now.” She apologetically replied leaving the agent who was looking for you behind.
“Who's that?” Natasha asked Madisynn as she was practically getting dragged by her.
“You heard her, she's Daisy. Agent Daisy Johnson…Quake.” Madisynn frustratingly scrambled.
“Why is she looking for Y/N?”
Madisynn was still panicking but she managed to inhale to focus herself, this will be a long history, “Hngkay, I don't think I am allowed to say this, but…” She paused, loosening her grip on Natasha's hand. Zaila pushed Natasha towards the wall, enough to keep them hidden from the agents inside the hall. She breathe in and out, her hands and new made nails flexing in front of the redhead, “That's the boss's ex.”
Natasha repeated, sounding surprised, “Ex?”
Madisynn looked around before confirming, “Uh huh, ex. Ex-fiance, actually.”
“Please don't tell anyone I told you. Just pretend you don't know anything about it, hngkay?” She looked Natasha dead in the eyes, silently pleading—no by the looks of her she was kind of threatening her. Though keeping this secret doesn't really make sense since everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. knew the scandal that had happened between you and Daisy, except Natasha of course.
“Yes, I promise.” Natasha nodded slowly, she was still trying to grasp the information. It was a shocking one, almost too much for her, you were once engaged?
You were capable of loving?
Madisynn continued, “It happened two years ago, Daisy cheated on Y/N and Director Fury transferred her to Coulson’s division because of what she did. That's why we don't see Daisy much around here anymore.”
“So?” Natasha furrowing her brows, “What does she want with Y/N now?”
“Since her transfer, the only times she gets to see Y/N are during the team-building. Even outside or like public Daisy cannot seem to find Y/N, and of course boss wouldn't let her or the director,” Madisynn explained, “It’s very obvious you know? She kinda wants to hnggg…”
“Win her back?” Natasha continued for her.
Madisynn received a series of heads up from several agents around them.
“Hey Mad, Coulson's team is already here. Did you see?”
“Where's Y/N, Madisynn?”
“Earthquake’s here.”
“Duck, cover and hold y’all.”
Madisynn just gave them a smile and thumbs up never failing to showcase her nails, still grateful for the heads up and concern for her boss. She looked at Natasha with a sigh, “We need to find boss or at least Yelena.”
“Say no more ‘cause I’m here to save the day.”
As if on cue, Yelena appeared in view, her arms spread wide. Upon seeing her, the two agents could no longer hold back their laughter, taking in the sight of Yelena's oversized pink shirt.
She looked at her shirt, “C’mon, boss got a big size so she asked me to switch up.”
“Hngkay, tuck that in.” Madisynn pointed to Yelena, the blonde was flinched on how long Madisynn's nails are. She came closer to Yelena, and Yelena raised her hands side by side for her to tuck in her shirt in.
“Where is she?” Natasha then asked—trying to sound casual.
Yelena gave her a teasing look over Madisynn's shoulder who's fixing her big girl pink shirt. “In her office, don't worry, we all know that the earthquake’s here.” She winked.
“And how are we supposed to deal with that?” Madisynn asked.
“As usual. Duck, cover, and hold.” Yelena tugged her side bag, “Nat, you already know about the earthquake?”
Madisynn chimed in, confessing, “Hngkay, I told her,” she looked over Natasha, “'Cuz she the only agent who doesn't know about it.” She replied sassily.
Yelena just simply shrugged her shoulders. “Let's go get boss.”
You had been in a relationship with Daisy Johnson for three years. And you can remember it clear as the day when you opened the door to your apartment and was greeted by a sea of scattered roses, and there was Daisy on one knee, popping the question. You didn't even let her finish the question as you raced to her, repeating the word “yes” over and over again.
You’ve worked together for 5 years and you have always made a firm rule for yourself: never date a coworker and co-agent. You believed in keeping your professional and personal life separate, not mixing work with pleasure. But Daisy, ever insistent and persuasive, somehow wormed her way into your life, slowly melting your resolution. She even had your father, the usually reserved and cautious director, his approval.
The engagement continued for two more years, until you found her cheating on you. You found it in a very stupid way, really, she left her phone unattended during your movie nights. She's your fiance now and there is nothing wrong with checking your fiance’s phone, right? But you just happened to glance at the screen, no plans on checking it and then there you noticed a notification pop up. To your horror, it was a lewd photo of another girl. Your heart thudded in your chest as you instinctively scrolled back to the previous conversations, your hands trembling as it dawned to you, she was cheating on you. Thanks to you being a techy agent, you had access to information that most people didn't. With a few clicks, you discovered that Daisy's affair had been going on for a staggering seven months, right under your nose with someone whose name is Lincoln Campbell.
That night, you remember dialing your father's number with trembling hands. Your voice also trembled as you asked him to come and pick you up from Daisy's apartment. The silence on the other end told you he could sense something was wrong. As you stood outside the building, the cool night air did little to soothe the storm inside you.
You didn't tell him what happened yet, you don't even know how to. You don't know if it's the ego taking control but you don't want to be wrong, not in this—not with love.
Your whole life you don't want to be wrong, you hate being in a wrong stand, wrong point, being wrong in any ways. And now you hated how wrong you are thinking that this woman is going to be the person you're going to be with for the rest of your life. How wrong you are with the person you thought you're being right with, with the person you felt is the right one for you—for your soul and your heart.
But you were wrong the moment she wronged you.
As you headed towards your father's car, Daisy rushed to you and started pleading with you to stay. She followed you, banging on the car window and crying loudly in desperation. Your father, watching the situation getting out of hand, got out of the car to pacify Daisy. You watched through the car window, your heart heavy with turmoil as Daisy sobbed and pleaded, her pleas fading into the night as your father finally got her to let go.
“What happened?” Fury asks you as he drives the car, you were silently sobbing at the passenger seat and it's hurting him to see you like that. He looked at you scanning any bruises or physical marks, it made his stomach churn that the first thing he first thought was the idea of Daisy laying her hands on you.
“Talk to me, baby. Did she hurt you?”
“Only my heart,” you finally looked at him, your brows pinched together holding back your tears, “She cheated on me, papa.”
Daisy's disappearance from your work life was as sudden as the betrayal. No more flowers graced your desk and her presence was conspicuously absent from the office but you didn't bother to know. You live up on pretending that you didn't know that every agent in your division knows about what happened between the two of you. Your father transferred her to a different division, ensuring that you wouldn't have to cross paths with her ever again.
Not until this moment.
Daisy appeared at your office clutching a bouquet of flowers in her trembling hands. The sight of her caught you off guard, bringing back memories of happier times. Image of her in one knee, ring in her hand and the other picture was her reaction when you looked up at her with bloodshot eyes, holding her phone.
You studied her face for a moment—you don't know what to do—you were okay now—at least that's what you told yourself. You’ve finally moved on from her but the pain she caused? It's still somewhere deep in your heart and will only be felt by you if it was triggered and you don't want that to happen again.
As you stood fixing your pink shirt, Daisy attempted to start a conversation to call your attention.
“C-can I talk to you for a moment?” she stuttered. You turned to look at her as you tied your hair up, you tried to maintain it casual. “Sure, what is it?”
Daisy fidgeted nervously, clutching the bouquet in her hands, “I just wanted to apologize...for everything ‘cuz I never had a chance to do it. I gave you the space you need but I never got to see you again…”
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, you're proud of how well you're handling this, but you cannot handle how the smell of the flowers making you sick to the stomach, “Daisy, it's all over now. Even before you apologize, I’m all over it. Your apology won't change what happened but it's okay, I am okay now and I hope you are too.”
She didn't expect this kind of reaction from you, she wanted you to be mad, angry, throw everything you see at your desk at her. Unveil the anger—the pain she had caused you after what she did.
Only if she knew what it took you to be this calm and forgiving.
“I miss us.” She bluntly admitted, “I miss you, Y/N. It was a stupid mista—”
You shook your head resolutely, maintaining your stance stopping her mid sentence as if you already know what’s going to come out of her mouth and you don't want to hear it.
“It wouldn't last for 7 months if it was a mistake, Daize,” you gave her a faint smile as you let the nickname fall off your lips. “Our ship has sailed. We can't go back.”
There is an unexpected knock on the door and it is an interruption you kind of needed right now. You glanced towards the door immediately calling out whoever it is, you're desperate for a save right now, “Come in.”
You actually expected that it was Yelena behind those doors but you were as stunned when Natasha entered the room, her eyes met Daisy who was glaring straight at her. Despite her cool exterior, there was a subtle tightening in her jaw as she registered the situation. Yelena made her come for you but what the blonde didn't know that the earthquake was in your office.
“The event’s about to start.”
Daisy bristled at Natasha's interruption, clearly annoyed by her presence. And she snapped, “We're still talking, can't you see that?”
“Daisy, I think it's over. You can leave now.”
Daisy looked like she wanted to argue further, but your resolute tone made it clear that the discussion was at an end. You don't want it to elevate to something else.
“Please, leave.” You added gently but firmly.
Daisy's eyes searched your face but she accepted the finality of your words. She placed the bouquet of flowers on your desk, her eyes lingering on them for a moment before looking up at you again. You just gave her a faint smile but to her, it's a hope.
As Daisy turned to leave, her gaze hardened as she shot a reproachful glare at Natasha. She had only seen Natasha two times but she couldn't help but feel threatened whenever the redhead’s around.
As soon as Daisy’s out of your office, you released a heavy breath as if you were holding them back the whole time that your you're with her.
“You can leave now too,” you told the redhead dismissively.
You were still composing yourself, breathing in and out when you noticed her stepping forward.
“Are y-you oka—”
“What?!” you snapped not letting her finish, you didn't even realize that she tried to show her concern by asking if you were okay. “I don't need your fucking pity, Agent Romanoff, so out,” you huffed, putting an emphasis on her formal title to show that there's a line between your work life and private life. You do know every crumbs of her but you don't want her to know a detail of you or your past.
But in a second as if the wind blew in a different direction, you suddenly mentally cursed yourself as Natasha immediately nodded and retreated from your office. You hated how you reacted towards her, she saved you and you’ll just push her away? You asked your cheating ex-fiance nicely to leave your office, but Natasha who saved you from her received a snappy attitude from you?
Your heart raced in your chest, you felt a mix of confusing emotions swirling within you and you want to throw it up. You couldn't understand why you were so worried about hurting Natasha when you had always thought you won't go easy on her and wanted to be tougher with her—you want to break her. But now, you are facing a barrage of emotions that is going against your plan.
You were so calm as you and your ex-fiance who cheated on you talked for the first time again but right now you're all pent up with the frustrations, but not about her but your confusing feelings...for her? No, definitely not her but maybe to that one person who saved you minutes ago from your ex-fiance.
You then grabbed the bouquet and hurled it away, screaming, “Fuck!”
The Call: Masterlist
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fandomxo00 · 20 days
Can you do a fic of Logan and reader hate fucking each other in the x mansion and having to deal with people the next day guessing you guys blew off steam finally after the constant tension ♥️
note: thank you for sending in a request ❤️❤️ i did this at work lmao, not completely hate fucking, but kinda? it was supposed to be a blurb but i got carried away, didn't follow it exactly my imagination got the best of me xo
WARNINGS: angst, arguing, smut: p in v, spanking, hair pulling, rough sex, hickies, logan calls reader, 'slut', unprotected sex
Things have been cold between you and Logan, then he left you and the x mansion without a word. You'd been head over heels for Logan, he told you this time was different. He told you that he wanted you and loved you. That one day he was going to marry you and give you everything. Logan knew what that meant for you, he knew you wanted kids more than anything. And with him. Then he left without a single word, everything gone like he wasn't even here in the first place.
Then this guy comes back two years later, with a fucking ring. Thinking that he could just come back, and everything would be normal. You wanted him more than anything, but you were hurt, and you didn't trust that he wouldn't again. Logan was pissed that you didn't want to marry him, explaining himself and why he was gone. But as much as you empathized with him, you couldn't just give in and give him all of your heart just for him to abandon it.
But you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry, you completely turned off your emotions and ignored him. It had taken over a year to not get sad every time he was brought up in conversation. They even avoided the topic around you after you cried one time. Logan was staying at the mansion, but he wasn't trying to really win you back. He knew that you needed time, but he was still angry. This made the tension between you thick, and it always seemed like you were glaring at each other.
Always one step from either fighting or fucking each other, you could never decide which one. But having Logan around was harder for you, every day you felt your brick exterior start to crumble. Then you went out on a date with someone else and Logan was beyond pissed. He saw you when you got back to the mansion, the guy giving you a kiss on the cheek. His hands clenching and his teeth gritting, that's when he came to the door, opening it before you could. "Oh, hey there." His eyebrows furrowed and a grimace overcoming his face.
"Logan-." You started.
"Where were you tonight?"
"We went out to eat."
"How-." He started to probe before Josh cut him off.
"I'm her cousin, Josh." He reached out his hand for you to shake. "Your Logan, right?"
"Yeah." Logan breathed, his eyes darting over to you as you gave him an annoyed look, your arms crossed over your chest.
"Half a mind to deck you-."
"Josh." You gruffed, shoving at your cousin, he was practically like your brother.
"Don't hurt her again." He pointed at Logan before turning around and walking back to his car. You scoffed as you shoved past Logan, and he reached out for your wrist. You shrugged it out his hold, as you were spun around towards him.
"Don't touch me." You gritted.
"When will you forgive me?"
"I'm not planning on it anytime soon."
"Don't be petty, Y/n. C'mon, we're meant to be together."
"That's what I thought to, Logan, and then you fucking left without even a note." You snapped, pointing at his chest. "You have no right to waltz back in here and propose to me like none of that happened. I don't know if it will as forever but I'm angry at you, I'm so fucking angry, I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve to think I was going to spend the rest of my life with someone just for them to leave!"
"Baby-." Logan started, reaching towards you as you backed away.
"Don't." You gritted, finally turning on your heel and walking towards the hallway, as you entered it Jean and Storm were standing right out of eye sight, you rolled your eyes as you walked past them to your bedroom.
You couldn't fall asleep that night, you were starting to think that maybe it wasn't so bad. That he messed up but he was back here now. But what was he doing while he was gone? Did he find someone else? Did he even think for a second of what his absence would mean for you? The questions continued to pop into your brain, your head completely full. That's when you got up to go find snacks, hoping that something to fill your stomach would help aide you to sleep. Just in your luck, Logan was there, leaning against the counter with a beer in his hand.
"Where'd you even get those?" You questioned.
"Not tellin you." You rolled your eyes, as you walked over to him and stood in front of him. He stared down at you, his green eyes intense as you brought your hand up, reaching behind him. Logan cleared his throat as he moved to the side so you could reach a glass. You ignored him as you walked over to the sink to fill up your cup.
That's when you felt him behind you, his arms going out to either side of you, keeping his body aware from yours. But he dipped his head down, his breath on your shoulder as he whispered, "C'mon pretty girl, want you to show me how mad you are."
"You're such a douche." You spat, as you whirled on your heels, hoping Logan would back up, but he didn't budge. You sat the glass on the counter beside you as you stared up at him.
"Let's fuck it out, c'mon use me."
"I'm not going to have sex with you."
"Sure. I know how you feel about me, princess. Or more like I know what I do to you." He grumbled, his eyes sparkling as kept constant eye contact with you, even when you looked away, his eyes would still be trained on your face. His hand comes to your shoulder, coming up to the strap of your nightgown. He slides the tips of his fingers from behind your ear to the strap that lightly hung off your arms. Then he clasped your shoulder into his hand, rubbing his thumb against the tissues of your back.
You eventually found his eyes, as he started massaging your shoulder before moving his hand up to your face. His palm moving against your jaw and pushing your hair back as his lips found yours. You moved up on your tippy toes to kiss him and his other arm wrapped around you as you clung on to his neck. That's when you moved your face to his neck, biting into his skin, making him groan, before he started doing the same to you. The only difference was that your marks wouldn't fade as quickly as his.
You gripped at his neck, pulling him away from you before putting your hands on his chest and shoving him back into the island. He grunted as you bounced on him, gripping his shirt and nipping at his lip. "Fucking feisty." He gruffed, as he kissed you back with the same fervor, his hands going on to your hips.
"Fuck me like you hate me."
"Could never hate you, baby." He murmured against your lips as his hands clamped down on your hips and he picked you up. Shoving you against the counter, his hands firm on your hips before grabbing at your pajama shorts and tugged them right off. You usually didn't wear panties to bed, so you bare, and he hissed as his fingers delved between your folds. "Not gonna have sex with me, hm?"
"Shut the fuck up and fuck me already!" You barked, as his hand came down on your ass with a loud clap.
"You're the loud one." He gruffed, as his hands moved over your ass as he shoved his clothed cock into your behind. Logan's hands come to his pajama pants and shoves them down. He grasped his cock in his hand before lining it up with your entrance and ramming himself inside. You groaned out loudly at the intrusion, but he didn't fucking relent, he started slamming into you, using you like some sex toy.
You were struggling at keeping still, sliding off the marble counter, at each harsh movement. That's when Logan leant over you, his arm coming around your neck, pulling you into him as he thrust into you. His lips land on your neck, kissing and sucking at the flesh. He lightly choked you the way he knows you like, moans and whines falling from your mouth. You came around his cock with a shutter, your legs shaking as he groaned into your neck.
He pulled out of you before pulling you down on the ground with him, his hand around your head, keeping you steady with his other hand on your waist. Your lips crashed on him, your limbs weak as you wrapped them around his neck. "I love you." He murmured into your ear, as he lightly kissed your earlobe. Your hand clutch on to his hair as he lowers you back down on his cock. He starts moving your hips up and down his shaft as you moaned your head shooting back. Logan knew the exact places that made you go crazy.
You started taking control grinding against him and using your knees as leverage. Logan's swollen lips moved against yours, his movements becoming gentler. "Don't stop now, c'mon Logan."
"We're gonna talk after this?"
"Yeah baby, now fuck me." Logan grinned something evil as he leant back, his feet planting on the ground as he lifted his hips and started pounding into you, his hand taking your hair in his hand. Wrapping around his fist, your head tilting back to bare your neck. His lips falling over the bruises already littering your skin as he started nipping and sucking the skin raw. "Harder."
"So fucking good, such a slut for my cock." He chortled, his voice deep and thick, filled with arousal.
"Yes, Lo." You moaned, your hands clawing into his back, digging with all of your strength, as he gritted his teeth. Logan's lips smashing against yours in a fierce kiss, his movements with his hips relentless, driving you over the edge. You felt his cock pulsate inside of you, your hand coming down to your clit to pull you over the edge. Your voice echoing in the kitchen as you screamed Logan's name and came for a second time.
A couple more solid thrusts and his hips stuttered as he came inside of you, his lips slowing against yours as he moaned into your mouth. His eyes open as he reached you fall apart over him, his hand loosening on your hair as he started to soothe it away from your face. Your gentle Logan coming out as he kissed your cheek and held you to him. "I love you too, Lo." You whispered against his lips before softly kissing him again.
"Oh my god, really? In the kitchen?" Ororo cried, covering her face, as Scott came up behind her, Logan kept you pressed against his chest so they wouldn't see anything.
"What-Finally working things out?"
"I'd say." Ororo laughed.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘: 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬
⤥ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
⤥ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!𝐀𝐔
⤥ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐀 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞, 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬. 𝐀 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤.
⤥ 𝐂𝐖: 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝟎𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐥𝐯𝐭𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐋𝐎𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐓
(A/N: adding my a/n here for the first time because i gotta give a BIG BIG DISCLAIMER!!!! let's keep in mind just how young riki is and the fact he instantly regrets what he said so pls dont be so hard on him :( plus, this is OFC in no way to shame or hate riki as a person, he's my precious baby and i love him sm, this is all just fiction and for the plot!🥺💗)
← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
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(A/N2: ngl this lowk broke my heart and i feel SO bad bc i love riki so much and especially in this smau but this is needed for the next big angst wave so pls bear with me 🤕 thank you guys so so so much for all the love and support, sending everyone kisses and pls riki stans don't hate me 😭💗🫧)
TAGLIST: @soonigiri @en-happiness @lhsvibez @dammit-jjk @heerinnie @primroselover @jungwon-xo @szkstay @lostwonderwall @hoonieluv @certifiedmoa @doodlelibrary @ikeuizm @kpoprhia @sleeping-demons @jongszn @imtoanonymousforyou @lalalovejay @ineedsomezzz @xrr-s4sha @ariadores @viagumi @electrobutterfly @mimikittysblog @blurryriki @heelcvr @wonkifangirl @joonzseoulmate @kwiwin @hoondiors @seuomo @zerasari @love-you-twice @aloverga @marz-mars @velvtcherie @niniissus @abrazosolorcereza @ddazed-lhs @acphengene @skz-streamer @kshoshi @tya0 @yizhoutv @jebetwo @myheelody @seokgyuu @blockbusterhee @luvkpopp
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imsiriuslyreading · 9 months
people are being awful so here is an inexhaustive list of 50ish of my favourite fanfictions ever in no particular order. most of them have changed my life in some way shape or form and i am eternally grateful and in awe: <3 xo
All The Young Dudes mskingbean89
Blends rvltn909
Sweater Weather lumosinlove
Dear Your Holiness mollymarymarie
The Cadence of Part Time Poets Motswolo
Honey if I'm not BrigidFaye
There's your trouble xxxnoimsiriusxxx
If You're Gonna BrigidFaye
Currents lunchbucket
Liebestrum lunchbucket
The Road Not Taken mollymarymarie
Bird Set Free mollymarymarie
Ever Thus WrappedUp
Just What the Doctor Ordered WrappedUp
wading in waist-high water colgatebluemintygel
Disarm You With A Smile five_ht
10 Reasons to Go to Michigan greyeyedmonster18
Nothing Sweeter than my baby DamageControl
Not another band AU thelovelyzee
A Black Mass Over Highway Ninety Greenvlvetcouch
Solntse lumosinlove
We Can Be Heroes youblitheringidiot
Like Real People Do Third_Crow
Beneath A Big Blue Sky Eyra
A Brief History of Dragons Eyra
The Birthday Boy greenvlvetcouch
The Killing Time (unwillingly mine) epicblueblanket
Till We Have Arrived Home Again prouvairing
The Players Secret WrappedUp
Let's Play Pretend msalexwp
Only The Brave Solmussa
You Signed Up For This Solmussa
Kill Your Darlings Messermoon (this counts for wolfstar and rosekiller too!)
Blue and Yellow Skies Alarainai
What We Pretend We Can't See gyzym
Everybody Hates A Tourist wolfpants
Running on Air eleventy7
Terrible People wolfpants
Way Down We Go xiaq
Draco Malfoy and The Mirror of Ecidyrue starbrigid
Measure of A Man inadaze22
Remain Nameless heyjude19
selfxconclusion spicyxpisces
Beginning and End mightbewriting
How to Win Friends and Influence People OlivieBlake
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love isthisselfcare
Shelf Awareness ghostofbambi
Room Service ClaudiaWrites
A Dress With Pockets PacificRimbaud
The Audacity of Lavender Brown malpal132
Devil's Snare All The Way Down malpal132
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midnightbluebells03 · 6 months
Good luck babe!
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CW - Owen mention, fingering (R receiving), oral (R receiving), hair pulling (A receiving)
Reader is fem, described as wearing a dress and heels.
WC - about 3000
No outbreak
Leave me requests so I can get out my writers block pls and thx xo
If Abby Anderson wasn't in denial of her sexuality, there's a chance you two could've been real. You got along like a house on fire, practically a perfect match. But the mix of comphet, her on and off again relationship of Owen and her crippling fear of being vunrable has left you two like this. Having not talked in just over a month, not a word since your argument about the fact she had been using you as an experiment without considering how you felt. And how did you feel?
Maybe you should know better. But yet again it's a Friday night, your other hook ups weren't out tonight and who else but Abby fucking Anderson was giving you eyes from across the room. Leaning against the bar with a tight black wife beater that makes you drool and matching cargos.
It's the first time you'd seen each other since you screamed in her face and called her selfish. And yet the butterflies in your stomach were boardering on a stampede. Her eyes scanning your body up and down while her hand stays clutching her beer bottle. So tight you're almost worried it'll smash in her unforgiving grasp.
Against your better judgement you decide to ignore the angel on your shoulder, also known as your best friend Ellie. Chugging back your drink and handing her the glass. Starting to make your way over to Abby.
Ellie rolls her eyes and shouts after you. Hardly breaking through the noise. "Don't come crying to me when she breaks your heart again!"
"Cmon Els, it's just some fun" you call back before pushing your way through the crowed dance floor and coming out at the other side. Looking up at those baby blue eyes that make a rush of emotions flow through you. You should be mad at her, should cuss her out again for using you. But tonight, you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
You just needed her again.
"Can I get you a drink?" Her normally confident voice has a slight wavier to it. It makes a slight smirk spread across your lips as you take the beer from her hand. Taking a large drink before your nose scrunches up at the taste. You were more of a spirits girl, a cocktail if you felt fancy.
"So no Owen tonight?" The venom in your voice is clear. There's not a soul in Jackson you wanted to punch more than him. The whole reason Abby was so unsure of herself in the first place. The way he managed to weasel his way back into her life time and time again. But yet you couldn't hate Abby for doing the same thing to you.
"He's back with Mel...shes pregnant." You give her a sympathetic look before handing her back the bottle. "I don't wanna talk about it" she mumbles, barely loud enough for you to hear over the thumping music. She finishes it off before placing it on the bar counter behind her.
"How about we don't talk at all then?" You say before she can even turn back around. Watching as her movements stiffen, and she slowly faces you again. Cheeks flushed that shade of pink you could never be sick of. "Your place is close, Ellie's gonna meet with Dina soooo". Your sentence trails off, the suggestion in your voice clear.
The mention of your best friend makes her eyes widen. Looking around the room to try and spot her. "Ellies here?". There's a slight fear in her voice, something that makes you roll your eyes and scoff.
"Oh calm your tits Anderson you could literally kill her, I don't know why you're you're scared".
"Um let me think" she says sarcastically before looking down at you. "The psycho bitch keyed my car". You fight back the giggle that wants to escape your lips. After days of you crying over your ruined situationship Ellie took it into her own hands. And while you told her it was a stupid idea, you couldn't help but hug her and say thank you.
"Can't prove that" you shrug, looking down at your feet a little nervously. Scuffing your heels off the ground. "Look if you dont-"
"I do" she interrupts, her hand now resting onto your exposed arm. You look back into her eyes. Taking a deep breath and accepting that this was going to hurt tomorrow, but it was worth it. Since even just this little touch was making your skin feel like it's on fire.
"Say it." Your voice is stern, watching as Abby bites her lip softly. Leaning down to whisper into your ear.
"I...I want to fuck you"
Your hand comes up to hers, interlocking your fingers and leading her out. "Cmon then" the judgmental gaze coming from Ellie catches your attention before you reach the door. So you wave over and mouth 'I'll call you' while making a phone with your hand. As soon as you're out the warmth of the bar and in the unforgivng chill of the night, a shiver runs up your shine. "Fuck it's cold!" You squeal slightly.
Abby chuckles, looking around to make sure no one can see you two before her arm wraps around your shoulder. "Wouldn't be cold if you wore real clothes." The playfully dig at your revealing dress makes you push her away. With a fake gasp you point a finger into her defined arm.
"Don't slut shame me Anderson" you giggle softly before returning to her side looking up at her. Taking in the way the streetlamp lights bounce off her features. The way her hair flowed in the slight breeze, it was down for once tucked neatly behind her ears. "Besides I was trying to get fucked not stay warm" The slight look of hurt that flashes across her face makes you raise an eyebrow. "What? You jealous?"
"No" she protests, but they way she won't look at you is telling. Before you can question her again, she points towards the door to her apartment complex. Leading you over before punching in her code and opening the door for you. "Cmon before you get hypothermia"
You walk in and wait for her to be back beside you before you both continue up the stairs. "I thought you were meant to be a super smart med student, it's not cold enough for hypothermia". You're trying to lighten up the mood by teasing her lightly. Remembering the time you were convinced you had hypothermia because the heating in her apartment had gone out while you were over. Her door comes into view, and you listen to her dig the key out from her pocket.
"Yeah yeah, just get inside" Abby rolls her eyes while holding the door open for you again. Maybe it would be easier to hate her if she wasn't so kind, if she wasn't so pretty, if she didn't know you so well. The door shuts behind you as you take off your heels. When you turn Abby is just standing there. Fidgeting with her fingers and avoiding eye contact. "Look um...I- I'm sorry-"
"Save it Abby" you inturput, knowing that it would be nothing productive. It would be the say sorry she gave you atleast five times before you blocked her number. "I don't want an apology I want to cum" Abby steps towards you slowly, your hands moving up to her chest. She quickly takes off her boots before straightening back up.
"Yes ma'am" you giggle softly as her hands wrap around your waist and lift you up. Forcing your legs to wrap around her waist as she carries you to the bedroom. Taking your purse and putting it onto her nightstand before gently placing you down onto her navy blue sheets. Moving so she's looming over you. Her calloused hand running up your outer thigh, inching under the thin fabric of your dress as her lips trail down your jaw to your neck. Sucking a purple mark right in your pulse point that has you gripping for her hair.
"Fuck" you moan softly, feeling her smirk into your skin. You sit up inpatiently, pushing her back by her chest as you fumbling with the zipper on your dress. Huffing when you can't reach it.
"Desperate much?" Abby teases before reaching around and pulling it down for you. Helping to pull the fabric off before throwing it onto the floor. Letting her see the matching lingerie you had picked out for the night. "You really were trying to get fucked huh?"
"Yeah" you swallow hard as her eyes scan over you slowly. "You like it?" The truth was you had bought it for her, baby blue lace that matched her eyes. But she called off your little situatuonship before you got to show her.
Abby reaches her hand out for your cheek, pulling you in. This was new. She'd never been one for kissing during. You guys had made out maybe a hand full of times. Her lips touch yours, and you just melt into her. Arms drapping around her shoulders as she pushes you backwards. Her hand running up from your thigh to your chest. Palming your breast through the barley there fabric. When you moan softly she takes the chance to push her tongue past your lips. Deepening the kiss as your nails start to big into the skin of her upper back. When she finally pulls away slightly, the thin string of saliva still joining you together makes your stomach tighten.
"Abs" you whine softly, arching your back so she can slip her hands around and undo the clasp of your bra. Adding it to the floor alongside your dress.
She kisses you quickly "I love it". Abby mumbles before restarting her trail down your body. From your jaw to your neck, ending at your breast when she takes a nipple in her mouth. Swirling her tounge around the hardened bud as you arch into her. Moaning softly as your eyes flutter shut. Fuck you missed this. The way she made you come undone. Every touch so purposeful.
And God knows if she'd ever let you touch her you'd be the same.
The feeling of her fingers brushing over your clit through your panties makes you gasp. Slightly embrassed by the fact Abby can definitely feel the wetness seeping through the fabric.
"Stop- stop teasing me Abs" you plead as her mouth detaches from your nipple.
"Cmon pretty girl you clearly like it" she teases, rubbing your soaked panties. "What do you want?" You just look at her and bite your lip. Eyes darting down to her fingers but she tsks while shaking her head. "Say it" your own words repeated back to you. Because as much as Abby was unsure of herself when it came to you in public. In the comfort of her own four walls, she's as confident as ever.
"Fuck me" you say, the shake in your voice making Abby smirk. You clear your throat before speaking clearly. "Please Abby fuck me". Her fingers hook onto your panties as she moves back. Slowly peeling them off you and adding them to the pile. You sit up and tug at her shirt. Hoping she'll be feeling generous.
"Please Abs" you cut her off, bringing your hands up to cup her cheeks gently. "I- I won't touch you, I know the rules by now just...wanna see you" she presses a hand to yours before nodding. Pulling back to grab them hem of her shirt. Slowly pulling it up and over her head.
When you started this situationship you asked her why she didn't like being naked. Why she never asked for anything in return. And the tough girl you'd known just looked at you softly and said. 'I just...I don't think I look good'. You left it at that, but you couldn't help the pity you felt for her. Because the truth was Abby was stunning, maybe the most gorgeous girl you'd ever seen. But there was clearly a voice in her head, who you could only assumed was Owen, telling her otherwise.
When her shirt hits the ground your eyes wander over her body, taking in her black sports bra and her washboard abs like you're obsessed with. "You're so pretty." You don't even realise you've said anything until she blushes softly. As Abby leans beck over you, you reach up and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear gently. Just holding her for a second. God, you aren't drunk enough for this. A wave of feelings washing over you like a tsunami.
"What do you want baby?" Abbys voice breaks through your haze. "I've got the str-"
"Fingers" you inturput, just desperate to feel her. Just her.
"You don't usually want fingers" she teases "that's normally your warm up" Abby slowly moves her hands up your inner thighs, spreading your legs so she can look at your dripping pussy. "Fuck...you're soaked"
"Mhmm" you gasp her her fingers make contact with your clit. Making your hips jump slightly in a way that makes Abby chuckle. "You drive me crazy Abs"
She starts to move in slow, steady circles around your sensitive bud. Working soft gasps and moans from your lips as she kisses up your thighs. "Wanna taste you" she mumbles into your skin. Sure, you heard it but she didn't need to know that. So you snake your hand into her blonde locks at give her a gentle tug.
"What was that?" The fake innocence in your voice almost makes you want to laugh.
Abby looks away from you and goes to say it again so you place your hand on her jaw. Forcing her to keep eye contact. "I want to taste you" you raise an eyebrow, waiting on more. "Please?" The way her voice trembles slightly is the biggest ego boost. Working such a strong, confident woman to a mess like this is better than any drink you could've bought at the bar.
As soon as you nod your head and release her jaw, Abby wastes no time. Kissing down your stomach before her lips meet your clit. She gives you one fat lick from your hole to clit, her arms wrapping around your thighs to bring your legs over her shoulders. Abby's grip is so tight even if you wanted to move you'd stand no chance so instead you throw your head back into the pillow. Moaning shamlessly as her tounge works around your clit.
The pleasure makes a warmth spread across your body, your hand tangled in her hair as you hold her close to you. Trying to grind your hips into her but stopped by her hands pinning you down. You're almost convinced there's going to be bruises there tomorrow. "A- Abby" You whine, pleading for more.
She pulls back slightly, looking up at you with your wetness dripping down her chin. "Hmm?"
"Fingers please" your hand squeezes over her own. "Please Abby I'm so close"
Humming softly, she loosens her grip of her right hand. Slowly tracing over your skin until she reaches your mouth. You don't need to be told. Parting your lips, you let her push in. Sucking while keeping eyecontact. When she pulls them out you whine at the lose but it doesn't last long. As they slip into your hole your eyes roll back. "Fuck you're so wet" Abby gasps softly. Once you take her down to the knuckles she let's you adjust. "You good?"
"Mhm" you moans softly "move Abs please?". She doesn't need to be told twice, her fingers slowly starting to pump in and out of you as her mouth moves back to your clit. You can't help but clentch around her as she works you to your peak. Her neighbours must hate her, or really they must hate you. The way your loud moans echo throughout the room as she gets you closer and closer. You grip the sheets beneath you, screwing your eyes shut as your back arches. Orgasm washing over you while all you can do is chant her name over and over and over again. Completely lost in the pleasure.
Abby's pace slows after your finish over her fingers. Only pulling out once your breathing starts to steady and you open your eyes again. She moves up next to you, slumping down as your arms stay pressed together. The sudden silence hanging thick in the air. Uncomfortable, tense. But you break it.
"Are you gonna accept you like women yet?" You ask quietly, almost afraid of the answer.
"I don't" you don't wait for her to continue, instead you move yourself off the bed to start pulling on your underwear. You've been here so many times you just make your way to her closet, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt that's going to drown you. Planning on adding them to your small collection if her clothes. Even if they had all been shoved to the back of your closet. Abby sits up, stammer out some kind of explanation as you don't look at her. "I- I mean I do, but you know that this is"
"Mhm" you reply, the agitation clear in your tone. You quickly fix your hair to the best of your ability before picking up your dress and pulling out your phone from your purse. Slinging the bag over your arm as you request an Uber.
Abby just looks at you, nervously playing with the end of her hair. "I- its just the way I am-"
You inturput her with a sigh, finally looking at her with a slight pity. "It's not just gonna go away, but its your life Abby if you wanna be misrable and act like you dont like women thats your call" your app pings letting you know the ubers already here and you're silently thankful. Because the familiar feeling of falling for Abby is creeping back into you. "Good luck, babe" you say softly before heading out. Glancing down at your heels at the door with a groan. Reluctantly slipping them on before hurrying down to the Uber.
Maybe one day she'll change.
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graysdarling · 4 months
NEVER AGAIN ˎˊ˗ aaron warner.
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- pairing: aaron warner x fem!reader
- summery: you and aaron warner alone in a room! they might kiss! …what?
- warnings: kissing, tension, literally almost kissing, the anger of almost kisses, someone walking in
- words: 735
- belle speaks: requested by EMS HERE‼️ love ya <333 i kind of made it a one time thingy because i was too lazy to make like all three ones and its three a.m and im not getting any sleep tonight either!!! i love aaron also SORRY THIS WAS SO LATE IVE BEEN IN A WRITING SLUMP⁉️⁉️
- tags: @reminiscentreader @nqds @never-enough-novels @xo-zozo @evaswarner @sc11vb @sophiesonlinediary @starrynightsxo @f4iry-bell @his-littlefox @viivdle @aaron-warner @reyreadersblog @urbanflorals @imaseabear @lyrakanefanatic @tornqdowarnings (im literally way too lazy to remove the old tags so click here iif you want to be added to my nee taglist!)
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you were painting. that, you knew. you were on a stool, tracing the outline of a girl in a flower field peacefully. you weren’t great at painting, nor were you bad at it. you just liked to paint in your free time.
that was before AARON WARNER came in. you turned your head to the sound of the door opening and the blond man came into your sight of view.
he looked mildly shocked at the view before he started to walk towards you, closing the door behind him.
“you paint?” he asked, walking up behind you to view the painting over your shoulder. it wasn’t done yet, but you’d get an idea of what you were painting if you looked.
you ignored how his presence behind you made goosebumps scatter. “yeah, only when i have nothing else to do,” you said simply.
he hummed and before you knew it, he was pulling out a stool beside you and sitting down on it. he leaned his head into the palm of his hand and stared at the painting before his eyes trailed back to you with a look you didn’t know.
but what you did know, it made your stomach flutter. “are you going to watch?” your voice seemed to make him snap out of his trance and you didn’t know if that was good or not.
he softly smiled at you, his dimples showing. “yes, if that’s fine with you, angel,” he said. he’d always call you that. you didn’t know why, but he did and it always made you get flustered.
you didn’t know what else to say, so you tore your gaze away from his emerald green one. you picked up the pencil back up, bringing it up to the canvas to finish tracing the outline before you paused.
you knew it was aaron’s fault. his gaze never strayed from yours, even as you hesitantly began to draw on the canvas.
though, the strokes weren’t smooth, swift—you. aaron’s gaze never failed to make you nervous, which is now a fact that you began to hate.
taking a breath, you began to trace again. slowly but surely this time, your movements were soft. you went ahead with tracing, more confident now. his gaze was soft as he watched you trace, even whenever you finished and started to paint.
time felt non-existence as you continued to paint, and you thought that aaron felt it too. he didn’t say anything or do anything, he just sat there quietly, watching you paint.
soon after, you finished the painting. you added a few colors here and there to touch it up and you couldn’t see the girl's face—it made it easier that way—but it was still beautiful. at least, in your opinion.
the colors were covered in different types of green. dark, light, pale, emerald, sea, his eyes.
aaron sat up and went behind you to look closely at the painting. but he was closer to you than last time. so close, that you could smell his scent of gardenias.
he leaned down, the side of your face almost touching his own. you didn’t move—couldn’t. you glanced at him and he was looking at the painting with wonder, his eyes glancing over all the small details.
he turned to face you—your faces inches apart. so close that if one of you moved an inch, your lips would touch each other. you felt his breath on your lips, your noses almost touching.
the smell of gardenia covered your senses, imbraiding into your soul as he moved his hand to push your hair to one side behind your ear.
his touch was gentle; soft, as he cupped your cheek. his eyes glance down to your lips before back up into your eyes.
he was so close, so, so close, even when he slightly leaned in—“hello?”
you quickly moved back, almost pushing aaron away in the process. you didn’t know you were panting before you got back to your senses. he, too, looked shocked.
juliette came into the room curiously. “oh, yeah. y/n, kenji needs you!” she said, oblivious to the tension between you and aaron and what had almost happened between the two of you.
“uhm—right. right.”
you get out of your seat, your heart beating in your chest as you spare the flabbergasted man a glance before walking out of the room with juliette.
never again. definitely.
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