#i hate wattpad
trashmouththeorist · 9 months
the kissing booth is abusive and terrible; an angry rant
Okay. So basically, Noah is first introduced to us as this character like three times the size of Elle, and this character that his brother (Elle's best friend, Lee) thinks should not date Elle, raising a red flag. Lee wants what's best for Elle. And it's clear that Noah isn't that. But if we put that aside and we fast-forward to school, Tuppen sexually assaults her because she is wearing a skirt that is deemed too short in the eyes of the school. Then Lee tries and fails to protect her, and Noah goes psycho, beating Tuppen to a pulp. And of course, like always, the victim gets detention, so when Noah and Elle are waiting outside, he victim blames her, by saying, "Wearing a skirt like that is asking for it." I already didn't like Noah, but now I hate him. Telling somebody who was sexually assaulted that it was their fault because they were 'asking for it' by wearing clothes they were? That's a new level of low, and we're only about twenty minutes in! If that. Anyway, Elle goes on a date with Tuppen, and Noah is jealous. He stands her up (predictable) then explains that Noah has been meddling in her social life, and is the reason she has no prior dating experience, so she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is: the only people she's engaged in an even slightly romantic act with is a sexual assaulter and abusive, toxic man. But if we put all that aside, Elle is angry. So she calls Noah, and these are the words exchanged during the call:
Elle: You do realize that you're not my dad, right?
Noah: Look, you still got a lot to learn, kiddo.
Elle: Kiddo? Oh, my God. Oh, if you were here, I would beat you with my shoe.
Noah: Tuppen is a player.
Elle: So are you
Noah: And that's why I know he's wrong for you. You're gonna thank me one day.
Elle: Okay. Well, today is not that day. It is not your job to monitor my dating life. Do you understand me? The days of you controlling my life are over!
Noah: We'll see about that.
So Noah, creepy as he is, insists on continuing to manipulate and meddle with her life. He is trying to control her life. At that point, even he is warning her. Tuppen was a sexual assaulter, aka a piece of scum. And Noah? He compares himself to Tuppen. That should say something. Numerous red flags are up, but Elle is closing her eyes. Although that's not on her. She's the victim here, in this situation. I may not like Elle, but this stuff should not be happening. Anyway, let's put all that aside, yeah, and move on.
Elle and Lee suggest their idea for the fundraiser, a Kissing Booth (shocker) and of course, they need all the 'hot guys.' Convenient, because Love Interest Number 1 is a 'hot guy' when he's a toxic, abusive douchebag. Okay. I actually don't understand this point - are girls the main aim for this booth? (majority of people are straight in this world, but of course we have the gay tokens for diversity who have zero affect on the plot in the second movie) Because they aren't preoccupied with hot girls. Also, why are the girls presented as the objects to be kissed? No boys there? Doesn't matter, I guess. It's just an abusive relationship, in a plot that barely took two seconds to think out where like every character is an asshole. But I'm not judging that. After school, Noah tries to get Elle to come home with him on his motorbike. Of course, Elle refuses, yet he persists when she says no, because of course, Noah's reputation as a player. And I'm not surprised, you go Elle. He drops every girl. But, I mean, Elle is 'not like other girls.' Elle runs home, and she asks people to do the booth. Surprise, surprise, they say no to kinda selling themselves...and not getting anything from it except maybe herpes.  
Okay. So, after that party I don't feel like talking about, because you know they used the same scene for every high school romcom, and the OMG's, aka the rip off mean girls, invite her over to get her intoxicated, and Elle is totally drunk. Elle asks Noah for the booth, girls he's making out with is mad, Elle gets rejected. There are a few partying scenes, and then Elle strips her clothes off leaving her underwear and dances. Lee, for some reason just watches her (see what I meant about assholes) and then Noah with all his chivalry takes her up into her room, dresses her in his clothes and then she wakes up presumably thinking they slept together, which of course, they didn't - but I wouldn't be surprised with Noah taking advantage of her intoxicated state and r*ping her, because when you're drunk, you can never consent. But the fact she suspected he might have r*ped her means she knows some degree of his toxicity, yet she is somehow still blind to it. Anyways, they had an 'accidental groping' session, and Elle is out and about again. Anyway, Elle lies about Noah liking one of the OMG's so they'll do the booth, and now she's got to convince Noah to do it, because the OMG'S (which he most definitely does not like) are waiting for him at the booth, and he's the main attraction for whoever's at the booth. Noah tries to order Elle around again, and she asks him about the booth again. (Clearly, neither of them can take a hint) and he refuses. 
It's time for the booth now. I'm going to skip out on the beginning, but the OMG's push Elle out onto the stage and Noah comes up and kisses her, and thats something else I don't like: no matter who it was, if it was her boyfriend of a year of someone in her Physics Class, it was clearly not consensual. But the kiss happened, and since it was Noah, Elle enjoyed it, but Noah let her down, telling her it was 'just a kiss' manipulating her feelings, and now she's in this great dilemma, because Lee had been warning her all along with that friendship rule he insisted on. But let's skip a few minutes, after she tells Lee repeating what Noah said, where we're at the bit where Noah confesses his love with the classic fanfiction response, (I mean, this is WattPad, so...) 'You aren't like other girls, you didn't "fall at my feet" I love you you're so sweet!' Etc, etc.  
So, to show his love for her, he takes her to a hookup spot where he takes all of his conquests. Perfect. That fanfiction thing is probably something he tells every girl, because Elle is clearly like the rest of the girls he's engaged in activities with.
Beach party. Warren tries to get a drunk Elle to skinny dip, and Noah jumps in, after an insult, punches Warren in the face and Elle runs off. When Elle is walking home, Noah screams and yells at her to "Just get in the car, Elle. Just get in the car, Elle. GET IN THE CAR, ELLE!" And with much violence, he punches his car in anger and frustration and toxicity and abuse (more controlling, great) Elle is scared (because it was clear that directed to her, Noah was yelling at her and he wanted to hit her) and she gets in. They go to the Hollywood sign (which they cannot go to, because I'm pretty sure you need to pay to go, like, as a tourist, but they filmed it in Africa so I'm sure they know jack shit about how the US works) and etc etc. 
They start a relationship made up of sex and hiding. Sex and hiding includes a lot of these things, and not what a relationship should contain. What I don't like is that they think it's this huge secret that needs to be kept, it's not like they'll be discriminated against. 
Lee is their only worry.
When Elle gets hurt and Noah is there, Lee immediately assumes he hit her. Why? Because he's lived with his brother...his whole life. He knows Noah like she back of his hand. He knows Noah is abusive. So when Elle's hurt, the only logical thing is to assume Noah did it. And what does that tell us if Noah's own brother assumes he abused her? And Noah's only response to being accused of violence is to...get violent. (Thank you, Cynical Reviews! You should watch him on YouTube. He's great. Especially his review of The Kissing Booth.) 
After this, Lee finds out about their relationship, blah blah blah who cares. Except for the fact Lee is still angry: at Noah, not because Elle lied, but because he is sure how this is going to go, because he's experienced it from the sidelines - random girls he's barely known getting abused and having their hearts broken. And he doesn't want the next casualty to be Elle. Of course, like, no one supports them, because they know what happens every time Noah brings a girl home - or something of the sort.
Elle tells Lee to support them, she gets back with Noah and Noah...leaves.
A set up for a sequel which whenever I have time, will be analysed, because it is seriously abusive and toxic. None of these things were done out of 'love.' Love is a word used too carelessly in film. This, at the closest, is lust. And it is unhealthy, controlling, toxic and abusive.
So there's my argument!
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atlasofearth · 6 months
… desperate times call for desperate measures
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maplesyruplover · 1 year
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I've 🤢 returned *dry heave* t-to Wattpad 🤢🤮
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gayashawol · 6 months
wow- wattpad is really turning into shit-
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
Someone on wattpad told me they were going to kill themselves bc they disliked my writing in my comments and then told me I can't take criticism bc I told them not to say that.
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lemonsbakery · 2 years
me when i. read an almond fanfic and. and its not fucking him and he WOULDNT FUCKING SAY THOSETHINGS AND HE WOULDNT. DO THAT
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cookiemumster1 · 2 months
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r u serious
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carnivorousarcher · 9 months
im so tired of “cross-posted on wattpad i update there more frequently” UGHHHHHHHHH dont make me open that fucking app
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thyroyalempress · 1 year
I miss ao3, stupid hacker people, I'm boredd and i don't understand ffn very well
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rottenlemonontheroad · 2 months
ig I’m doing that notes thing that I’ve been seeing a lot (all numbers r gonna be low cuz my account kinda dead rn)
5 notes: I’ll post more cat pictures cuz people seem to enjoy those
10 notes: I’ll lock in on the writing requests I got rn
15 notes: I’ll try to better my sleep schedule
20 notes: I’ll start recording for the slenderverse arg
25 notes: I’ll get a therapist finally
30 notes: I’ll come out to my friends
That’s all for now :)
Edit 1:
60 notes: I’ll hang out w my friends again
65 notes: I’ll try to get back into doing art
70 notes: I’ll try n get a boyfriend :)
80 notes: I will post bunny pics ( I hav a pet bunny too)
100 notes: I’ll get a job
115 notes: I’ll work on a ren fair costume n post photos
125 notes: I’ll do a hair reveal
140 notes: finish reading the books I haven’t finished
edit 2: 
190 notes: I’ll start doing Duolingo again
200 notes: I’ll take a shower every night for 10 days
220 notes: I’ll stop being a iPad kid and go outside 😭😭
240notes: I’ll make some sushi n eat it :) (tbh I really m craving sushi rn so yeah-)
260 notes: Kinda like the one on the first one BUT I will start sleeping for a WHOLE 8 HOURS A NIGHT!!!! (For at least a week cuz no way I can do that forever)
270 notes: I’ll start wearing makeup again :)
300 notes: I’ll clean my room
320 notes: I’ll post my dumb ahh art
340 notes: I’ll organize my phones apps (w proof)
370 notes: i organize my computer (w proof)
400 notes: I’ll actually try hard this coming school year
430 notes: room tour
450 notes: I’ll start sewing stuff again
500 notes: I’ll put a screen time thing on my phone 😭
Edit 3:
Since people hav been asking for more here it is (Unachievable goals so they take longer) most of these r gonna be writing cuz i havent wrote in a while n need to
600 notes: I'll update all of my wattpad fanfics w a new chapter
680 notes: I'll start writing the book i have been thinking about doing (+Post it)
720 notes: I'll finally post my requests that ppl hav given me n that i hav just kept updating
750 notes: I'll post my oc's
800 notes: I'll start playing the flute again
900 notes: .... I will give you guys my wattpad account....
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sunnymainecoonx · 22 days
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Horror's silly I guess..... idk sometimes I just want him to slam people idk
Sighs the man's a little angy don't judge him... Jesus he's ugly
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tategaminu · 3 months
Me looking at Netflix giving a ridiculous amount of episodes to terrible series while only giving TDP nine per season to the point the crew had to cut stuff from the original script because lack of time
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gayashawol · 8 months
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i just fucking HAD it with wattpad. it’s constantly broken, they added crap features such as the offline stories just so users would buy their stupid premium to read more than 2 stories at a time, and now they’ve deleted a story that i’ve been working on for literally 4 years.
this is the type of shit users would quit writing over. BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING DISCOURAGING! how would you like it if you spend 4+ years writing stories up to 200 chapters, just for them to disappear in a flash with no warning whatsoever.
this is fucking disgraceful. i never want to use this app again, not even for fun. this is why i prefer to use ao3 where i could feel free to do whatever the fuck i want. fuck wattpad. fuck this shitty app.
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i’ll never not be embarrassed about reading fanfiction, but it truly makes me so happy. so many fanfics are written as professionally as a published book, they just use characters we already know and love, and i’ll never not feel indebted to the people who put hours into writings just for silly little people on the internet to read and fawn over. so to any fanfic writer out there, i owe you my happiness :)
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dreamingofmarauders · 5 months
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚
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James Potter x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Previous Part Next Part Series Masterlist
Summary: In which James gets to see your other side.
Warnings: Mentions of injury/death, crying, fluff (maybe…?)
───※ ·❆· ※───
James had woken up a few hours later, finding you still asleep. His stomach grumbled and he decided to get food for himself and you, for when you would wake.
He found the food prepared by Molly and headed back in only to find you standing, gazing outside through the window. James quickly set the food down.
“What in the world are you doing up!?”
You turned around and merely stared at him before saying, “Oh crap, how did I end up in hell!? I was supposed to be in heaven! Now you're going to annoy me for eternity.”
James narrowed his eyes, “You are not dead.” He answered before his eyes softened, “Please sit back down, you’re not supposed to be up and running just yet.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine.” You replied but James noticed how you winced with each step you took, as the effects of the wound were still very fresh. You let out a small cry of pain as you dropped back onto the bed as the healing skin stretched painfully.
James immediately began to fuss over you, “Shit, are you alright? Where does it hurt? Should I try to get someone? Or should-“
“Potter, relax.” You interrupted him. “I’m fine.”
He nodded before handing you a plate full of assorted foods.
“Molly threatened me that you better have eaten this before she comes back in the morning to check on you, or she'll have my head.”
A small smile crawled onto your lips, “That would have been an amusing sight, but remind me to thank Molly.”
James pouted but bit back the remark sitting upon his tongue. Instead he voiced the one thought that was haunting him.
You paused, raising an eyebrow in confusion, “Pardon?”
“Why? Why did you take my place? Why did you save me from the spell and took the hit yourself?”
You sighed, setting your plate to the side.
“It was better me than you.” You answered, staring off into the distance as your mind traveled elsewhere. “You have family and friends that would be devastated if anything happened to you. And me,” You let out a cold laugh, “My family would celebrate my death, plus I guess so I would deserve it.” You voice cracked near the end.
“No you don’t.” James immediately said, kneeling in front of you. “Why would you think that?”
Your eyes glossed over, “I had vowed to protect someone I considered a younger brother, a-and I left him there in that cruel world.”
“Who?” James questioned.
“Regulus?” James asked in confusion, “As in Sirius’ younger brother, Regulus?”
You nodded in confirmation. “I took him under my wing at Hogwarts and although he had a hard way of expressing it, I know he loved me a lot too. He was broken after Sirius ran away from home, and I know it must have hurt even more when I decided to escape that dark world. I tried to take him with me, begged him, but unfortunately a small part of him was influenced by his parents. Plus, he was too scared to go against his parents.” You explained, eyes welling up. “I left him there when I shouldn’t have, and perhaps all of this,” You gestured towards your injured body, “Is just the consequences of my actions.”
James was reeling in with shock. Sure he had seen you and Regulus a few times together at Hogwarts, but he never realized you were capable of loving someone this deeply and loyally, and that you both shared such a huge bond. James had always been at the receiving end of hate. You would laugh at him, mock him, poke fun at him, tease him, give him glares, sneers and what not, but apparently that was just for him, and Sirius too.
He had never gotten the chance to witness this soft, loving and caring side to you.
It suddenly came crashing down hard on James. Remus and Lily were right about you. James truly had been wrong about you this entire time.
Your sniffles brought him back and he cupped your face, wiping the tears away with his thumb.
“Y/n, listen, you are not at fault here. I’ll tell you what I told Sirius when he was in a similar state. You had given Regulus the option, the opportunity to start a fresh life. It was his choice to stay behind, no matter how hard you tried. You can’t blame yourself, because you are not at fault at all.” James said, reassuringly. It seemed to somewhat work but you began to hiccup instead and James mentally slapped himself.
“I just wish he had listened and come along. It scares me for what he has to do out there, and I have no idea if he’s safe or not.” You said, shaking your head slightly. “I hate the world, why can’t everyone just be kind and happy? Causing wars and violence does nothing but destroy lives.” You rambled, clearly upset about everything.
James nodded but began to panic when more tears welled up in your eyes, "Please, please, stop crying. You literally have no energy and this is not good for you, please, please stop!" He rambled.
You slowly began to calm down, feeling even more tired and exhausted, with your head throbbing even more. Afterwards, James urged you to eat some more before you were to sleep again. You shot him a tired yet amused smile.
"What?" He asked, feeling self conscious all of a sudden.
"You hate me, remember?"
James suddenly flushed a deep red, mumbling something incoherent.
"What was that?" You asked teasingly.
"I don't hate you."
You arched an eyebrow, "Really? Well you had an odd way of showing it."
He went even more red, if that was possible. "I just- I'm sorry, ok!?"
You smiled gently, "Just because of what happened earlier, doesn't mean you're obligated or owe me something, you know?"
James stuttered, "Why did you behave cold towards me at Hogwarts?" He asked out of the blue, making you narrow your eyes at him.
"Because you made me a target in one of your pranks against Slytherin."
James frowned. Sure he had tried to target you a few times throughout Hogwarts but you had always managed to evade them. Somehow.
"Yeah, obviously you don't remember." You said, your tone tinged with bitterness.
It was your fourth year at Hogwarts, nearing the end as summer break approached. You were already running late for your next class and as you rounded a corner, a huge explosion happened, throwing you against the wall. You cursed and made a move to get to your class but found you were stuck to the wall. You used all your strength but ended up only hitting your head hard on the wall.
You yelped as something wet and gooey poured onto your head, covering you from head to toe with it.
"Ew, what is this?"
However, before you could get an answer for that, another explosion happened and a huge swamp appeared, going up to your chest. To top it all off, fireworks erupted in the corridor, which finally attracted a crowd as students of nearby classes rushed out.
Two boys led the crowd, their faces looking eager. Although their smiles slightly diminished the moment their eyes landed on you.
"Aw, damn, this is just one snake! The trap was for a bunch of snakes, not just one pathetic Slytherin!" Sirius exclaimed, pointing a finger accusingly in your direction.
James snorted, "But still! Look at her! Such a loser!" The whole crowd laughed. Tears burned your eyes as the laughter echoed off the walls, people pointing and snickering at you. You looked down, embarrassment flooding your whole being. You didn't realize when Professor McGonagall pushed her way through the crowd, nor were you aware of when the swamp vanished or when you were free from the wall. However, tears began to cascade down your face as a sob made its way out of your mouth, when your face broke into hives.
You heard the corridor erupt into shrieks of laughs, all related to your current state. You managed a look up and saw the two boys behind this fiasco, practically rolling around on the ground as they chuckled. You felt hatred for them both. How could they be so cruel? You spun on your heel as the crowd parted for you as you ran and ran until you entered the Slytherin common room. You could see Madam Pomfrey for the reaction to your face after, you just wanted to be alone.
Regulus, who had returned from his class some seconds before you, looked up from his place by the couch, his eyes going wide noticing your state. He stood up and grabbed you by the arm to stop you.
"What happened?" He asked in concern.
"Those stupid boys! I hate them! I hate Potter and Black, they're just plain cruel!"
Regulus' face dawned with realization as a fire burned in his eyes. How dare they hurt you like that?
You shrugged off his hold and ran upstairs to your dormitory, to let out all the pent up emotions. Meanwhile, Regulus' face hardened as he watched you go. He walked out of the common room with determination. No way was someone going to hurt his sister and get away with it.
"And then Regulus hexed us, and kept doing so until Minnie stepped in." James said, completing the story for you instead as the memory came rushing back to him.
"Yeah. The humiliation was horrible and over the summer, I decided to hold a grudge against you two, so began the good ol' rivalry. Later on, as you boys began to change your ways, I felt myself softened but the constant back and forth poking sort of just became our thing." You finished saying, shrugging your shoulders.
"And Remus?"
"What about him?"
"How come you were on good terms with him?"
"Because he was not in on that prank because it was orchestrated by you and your idiotic twin. He felt bad and came to visit me in the Hospital Wing the following day and I appreciated that he was apologizing on behalf of his friends. We became close after that. Oh also," You said, a smirk making its way onto your face, "I only managed to avoid all your pranks meant for me because Remus would tell me beforehand."
A scowl crossed James' face, "That traitor!" However, his expression softened when he heard a chuckle leave your lips.
"Leave poor Remus alone. You lot gave him loads of trouble at school as it was, no need for more."
James grinned mischievously at that before his expression faded into a guilty one.
"I am truly sorry for everything." He sincerely apologized.
You shot him a grateful smile, "Thank you."
James rubbed the back of his neck nervously before extending a hand out. "You want to start over?" He offered.
You looked at him and then his hand. This was an opportunity for the pair of you to forget old enmity and begin afresh. You smiled, clasping his hand.
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n."
James' shoulders slumped with relief.
He flashed her a bright smile. "Hello, I'm James Potter."
You giggled, "Pleasure to meet you stranger."
"Same here, stranger." He answered, earning another giggle from you, making his heart warm up.
You two had a long way to go but this new opportunity for a better start was something you both would later on be very thankful for.
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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter and see you in the next one! Take care! <33
Wizard Buddies (Taglist): @quack-quack-snacks @jamespottergf @themarauderswife7 @amethyistheart
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citrushedgehog · 6 months
Slight fluffangst because fuck you
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