#wattpad sucks
meepmeepmeep1011111 · 19 days
I need to start writing again. But wattpad just isn't it anymore 😭.
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gayashawol · 6 months
wow- wattpad is really turning into shit-
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holylulusworld · 2 years
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I need to say it again for the people in the back. I do not give permission to translate or repost my stories on Wattpad or any other platform.
Not only did someone translate my stories, no I found another user stealing my stories on there to repost them on Wattpad. My series Bad neighbors got stolen.
They both took the book down, but it make me so mad.
If you like a story - reblog it. Leave a comment or, if you are using Wattpad link the story on there. Don’t copy and paste stories from us!
It’s not only my stuff that has been stolen. I saw more stories on their account before they deactivated/deleted seconds after I told them to take my stories down.
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homosexualrizzchie · 1 year
13 year old me really thought the wattpad stories I read were literary genius but going back on there now as almost an adult I realize 13 year old me thought it was good because it was written by other 13 year olds but now jesus christ I just ao3 back online!!
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unityrain24 · 1 year
Why you don't talk Wattpad ? I feel more.comfortable in there actually just curious abt it
So wattpad was the first fanfic site i used, starting back in middle school. Ao3 seemed sketchy to me at the time, and wattpad was well-known and looked clean and neat and tidy and professional. I read on there for a small while, and even posted, before trying ao3 and discovering it was way better. While i still sometimes post on wattpad, i don't read on it anymore.
Below are some of my reasons as to why i think ao3 is superior to wattpad:
EVERY aspect of ao3 is 100% completely free. No paid stories. No ad-free version
ao3 doesn't have any ads whatsoever. Wattpad does.
ao3 is run by volunteers, while wattpad is definitely a Company. Wattpad is advertising to you, tracking what you read and recommending things to you (yet somehow really only recommending their paid stories rather than what you would actually read). It reeks of capitalism.
Watpad also tracks where the readers are reading from, their gender, and age. They show these things to me as an author. And i think that's creepy.
ao3 is set up as a library/archive, not a social media site or shopping site. This is really refreshing.
Ao3 is completely customizable if you have an account. You can change the colours, fonts, and even formatting to cater to what you personally want. Wattpad only has its usual mode, and maybe dark mode if you have the app?
Ao3 feels far more personal and private, which actually makes any community built there feel way nicer + more genuine. Comments on ao3 and comments on wattpad feel different.
Ao3 has a much, much better search engine. Got can search and sort by title, author, fandom, rating (general, teen, mature, explicit), tags, language, length, date, ship, ship dynamic (m/f, f/f, etc) and more. On wattpad it's really hard to find what you want to read, due to 1) it's search engine sucks 2) even when you search something specific, their completely unrelated paid stories come up in the search too and 3) their tagging system isn't that good
ao3 had an AMAZING tagging system. and the tags aren't hidden either, nor is the tag limit small. You see all tags to a story before you even read the summary, so you know if you even WANT to read the summary. Tags make searching for what you want easier, and also knowing what stories to avoid (which is especially good if you have triggers!!)
wattpad only has general and mature labels, and no content warning. Ao3 has general, teen, mature, and explicit, and well as required warnings. All these things are easily, simply, and clearly displayed.
once again TAGS
tags my beloved <33 what would i ever do without you
While uploading to ao3 is more steps to learn, once you know how it works it's WAY more efficient & easier than wattpad. I still upload to wattpad bc i feel bad for anyone who started reading my fics there before i got ao3, but. I have to like force myself to upload. It is a fucking pain in the ass and it is so SO glitchy and not user-friendly at all. I dread uploading to wattpad.
also idk if it's just me but i fell like i find much higher quality stories on ao3. Obviously someone's story doesn't have to be high quality, it's art, it's an expression of the soul, art doesn't have to be good. But as a reader i want to read something high quality that i will like. And i feel like i find that more on ao3.
anyways i love ao3 so much. if you are still using wattpad and are too scared to try anything else, PLEASE consider trying it. While there is a lot of fucked up stuff on ao3, but it is made very clear what those things are so you can avoid them. Ao3 has some really beautiful, meaningful, soul-wrenching things too. ao3 has everything. it's a library, it's an archive. it doesn't have recipes though. And if it does? well, that's against the law.....
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faithiegirl01 · 2 years
Tell my why people have to be so incredibly mean… like you don’t have anything nice to say just don’t say it… I started writing because it’s something I love and enjoy and I wanna bring that joy to others… but why do it if people are only going to put me down for it? Normally hate doesn’t bother me at all… but I just can’t get past this one and it really sucks. Wattpad use to be a community I felt safe in, but lately it’s been more tumblr that’s been more understanding with things.
Like really y’all are going to hate on me for a nickname that’s ridiculous. NEWS FLASH… ITS A FREAKING NICKNAME!!! You don’t like something? Don’t read it, it’s that simple. Why do you have to come up in my comments and make me feel like I’m doing something wrong when I’m not.
I just really am starting to hate Wattpad so much, it’s becoming so toxic and gross and I just uggh… I’m thinking of shutting the Wattpad down 😞 and just sticking with tumblr because all of you guys are the sweetest and kindest people, but the people over there are just gross and mean.
Like over a nickname? Come on. That’s stupid. We all have different ideas of what cute nicknames are so don’t come at me. 
I just don’t know what to do and it seems more and more mean comments just keep coming and I can’t…
Like I love writing… but is it really worth it if people are just constantly going to be putting something I write down?
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ya9amicide · 1 year
wattpad deleted my account and i lost everything!! all of my favorite books!! I WANT TO CRY!
thank god i write everything on google docs or i would’ve lost all of my work.
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What was up w 2015
The reason i only use tumblr for fanfics is because it cant find any pjo ones that arent from 2015-2018 what was up with those years
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secondbeatsongs · 5 months
when you're into the Big Ship™ in a Big Fandom™, you have the luxury of having an OTP - a real One True Pairing, where you can read about just them for ages, and you will never run out of fics, and everything is perfect and beautiful and nothing hurts
but when you go to a smaller fandom, you'd better pray to whatever god you worship that someone else in this room ships the same thing that you do, and that if they do, they're writing more than late-night crackfic, because you're on thin fucking ice!
and how small is your small fandom? is it less than 100 fics? maybe even...less than 20 fics?
welp, then it's time to make peace with that god and either open up a text document or learn how to ship everything, because it's swim or drown babey! and your ship is sinking fast
anyway all of this is to say that after hanging out in small fandoms and shipping less-common pairings for a while, going back into a Big Huge Fandom™ is wild because suddenly it's like...wait, why didn't I ship these people again? I don't remember. why was I only sticking to one ship in this fandom?? boring of me, honestly. these guys should make out.
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snipersfucker · 1 year
request from @infintyfandoms: Thought! Mirage is always so reckless, well what if one time he went too far and hurt his friend or s/o (either)?? I feel like he’d blame himself so bad - even if he was blind sighted by a distracted driver. Never drive crazy again or not drive around again or what??
angsty mirage x fem!reader times. thought of making it a headcanon thingy but nah. this one might need a warning that there are descriptions of serious injuries. and im also writing this on 0 hours of sleep thank you very much
A silver Porsche parked in front of the vinyl store you just walked out of was catching the attention of every passerby. Both men and women's eyes were stopping on the vehicle for a bit longer than they would on any regular car, their heads turning slightly to allow them to do that.
Mirage loved that. He loved transforming in different models everyday, the next one even more prestigious than the one before. Just to get that attention every single time.
You noticed a couple of teenage girls staring at your boyfriend, and even though you were fully aware they were doing so only because he was a good-looking car, you still rolled your eyes at it.
Your feet led you to the Porsche and you hopped in. Before getting the chance to point out the shameless staring of the group of teens, Mirage spoke up, "Whatcha got there?"
Your gaze had shifted to the vinyl case before you placed it down on the passenger's seat without much thought.
"Music," you responded casually in a light tone, putting your hands on the steering wheel, even though you knew Mirage would be doing the driving. "You got fans," you murmured under your breath but Mirage could obviously hear it. Your eyes landed on the girls again, and although you weren't particularly jealous, you still didn't appreciate it too much.
"Hell yeah, I do, baby," he said proudly, the grin in his voice palpable, even though you couldn't see it at the moment. And then, he added, a little bit more quietly as if he was saying this to the man who literally stopped in front of the car to admire him, "You wish you looked like that, huh?"
You let out an amused snort, and patted the gear stick with your palm to give him a sign to drive out of the parking lot. "C'mon."
"Let me honk at him," he'd asked for your permission seconds before doing it anyway without you allowing him to, causing the man to jump in his spot and then walk away. You just smacked the passenger's seat in disapproval, not even going on a rant about his behaviour because it was a daily occurrence for Mirage to do whatever he wanted.
"Hey!" he exclaimed, offended by your sudden reaction, as if he wasn't used to it, "I'm all for violence unless it's directed towards me," he muttered, sounding like an annoyed child. Then, without any warning, he revved the engine and drove out of the parking lot onto the main road. You only rolled your eyes without a word but then, you noticed how fast he was passing all the other cars in his lane, which he would usually cuss out for being slow, as if their owners weren't driving under the speed limit for safety reasons.
"Mirage…" you warned him, using his full name instead of a nickname, which he did not appreciate but decided not to speak on it and just change the topic.
"Jus' tell me it's not George Michael," he said with a short sigh, as if it was very important to him that it, in fact, was not George Michael.
"Mirage..." you warned him once again, ignoring his words, gripping the steering wheel with much more force now to hopefully get him to slow down.
"Nope," he said simply, understanding what you meant without you even having to say it. If he was in his humanoid form, he'd probably cross his arms on his chest and shake his head with that signature smirk indicating that he knew he was in control of the situation. "That's what you get for hitting your poor boy," he added, sounding very content with himself, revving the engine once more just to show you that he, in fact, was not planning on slowing down.
You scoffed. "You deserved it."
"For what?" he began talking in that specific, overly innocent tone, and you just knew he was going to say something sarcastic that would only annoy you even more, "For being so cute and funny?" He asked rhetorically, as if he wasn't aware that he really needn't have honked at that man, and then drive as recklessly as he normally would when you weren't inside him.
But he was very much aware. It was just that his pride didn't allow him to apologise.
"For being a little shit." You decided not to banter with him as per usual, but just to get straight to the point. Even though you were possibly risking starting an argument between you two, you just needed to reprimend him at the moment, especially now that you noticed how nonchalant he was about it.
"Ouch," he pretended to be hurt by what you just said. And although he wasn't actually offended, he still wasn't really in the mood to let you win.
So he sped up even more.
Noticing the opportunity presented right in front of him, the almost empty road ahead of you two, he floored the gas pedal, making you let out a short, quiet noise at the impact in which you got pushed back into the seat.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you asked him with anger in your voice, not raising it just yet, and not actually expecting a response. But you got one anyway:
"Takin' you on a ride date, baby," he answered sarcastically, his overly sweet tone making him sound even more annoying than before.
"Mirage, I—"
If he wasn't as sure in his abilities as he was, he'd never drive over three times faster than the speed limit allowed, never wanting to actually risk you getting hurt in any way.
And it wasn't even his fault, when a sport's car drove right into his left side, before you could even finish your sentence.
It wasn't his fault that the car ran a red light, that it was supposed to stop and wait for him to just drive away without getting thrown to the right by the impact.
It wasn't his fault that he was now rolling over for the fifth time, his roof and sides hitting the hard asphalt every single time.
You weren't even making any noises anymore so that he would know that you were with him, conscious, alive. He ignored the sound of his glass shattering, his metal body getting scratched, bent and painfully ruined, just to be able to hear your breath.
The other car was in a much worse condition, but he didn't care. The only thing occupying his mind was you, your heartbeat he would do anything to hear again. He needed to make sure you were still there.
He felt it all. He felt the pain that came with getting drove into by another car, with flipping over with unimaginable speed and force. But he needed to make sure you were alright.
And he couldn't even do anything to stop his worst nightmare from beginning to play right in front of his very optics.
Then, after a few moments that felt like hours to him, everything finally came to an end. The hiss coming out of him was still hearable, the hot steam, the liquid pouring out of his fual lines threatened to mix with the flames growing with every passing second. But it was finally quiet; no noise of metal hitting the asphalt distracted him from listening to your body.
His spark nearly exploded with relief when he heard the faint sound of your heartbeat. He wanted to transform, to be able to hold you, to get you out of him so that his bent roof wouldn't be pressing against your wounded head.
When people began to gather up around him, he realised he had a decision to make: to transform and risk getting hunted down just like it happened to Bumblebee, or to stay there and pray to Primus, pray to the people now surrounding him that they'd help you and make sure you were okay.
He wanted to scream at them to hurry up, to get you out, to make that heartbeat of yours sound more promising. To let him know that you weren't going to—
The idea of losing you forever crossed his mind for a split second before he could even stop it.
And it was his fault that he was going a lot over the speed limit, too distracted by the need to tease you, to win the argument, and show you that you had nothing to say in the way he was behaving.
It was his fault that there was crimson running down your forehead, the drops rolling past the hairs of your eyebrows, all the way down to your jaw, then staining your shirt with your own blood.
It was his fault that your body felt lifeless against his ruined upholstery, the only motion it was making was an almost undetectable rise of your chest every couple of seconds.
His train of thoughts got interrupted by the distant sound of sirens getting closer and closer to him. The people were talking, someone was yelling, it all making an irritating mixture of human noises he didn't need to hear at the moment.
Mirage felt his left door being opened or rather being torn out of him in a couple painful motions. He didn't care.
He just wanted them to take you away from him.
When he no longer felt your weight on his driver's seat, he almost let a sound of relief through his radio, but just now noticed that it's been ruined, making it impossible for him to do so. He hadn't paid attention to it earlier, too stunned to be able to say anything to you, even though your name and endless questions if you were okay wanted to escape him.
Cold liquid hit his hot metal body, the lower temperature of it somewhat helping him get in a clearer state of mind. Even though he felt deserving of being on fire, he appreciated the slight relief it gave him.
Somebody placed you on a stretcher, put you carefully in another vehicle, and then closed the door. He couldn't see you anymore but was sure the humans would take good care of you. Better care than he was able to offer.
The loud sirens hit his audio receptors before he registered the ambulance leaving the crash site.
And the sound was still bouncing against the interior walls of his helm every single day since the accident. The imagine of your limp body, his steering wheel covered in your blood, your head pressed uncomfortably against the remains of his left window...
Two whole weeks passed and he couldn't think of anything else but you. You in that horrible state he put you in himself.
The guilt was eating him alive, and even though he'd make Noah visit you everyday in the hospital to make sure your condiction was stable, he still couldn't help but beat himself up and be worried sick.
"Concussion, five broken ribs, broken arm and nose, and she was fucking bleeding from her liver, man," your mutual friend told him after leaving the hospital for the first time, after the doctors allowed anybody to visit you, even though you weren't conscious yet.
It affected Noah nearly as much as it did the robot. The only difference was that the human had no reason to blame himself for it, because it wasn't his recklessness that nearly killed you.
Mirage fell silent.
He got quiet, very quiet, unusually for him. Every Autobot he used to hang out with knew what happened, how much you meant to him, and how affected he was by the accident. They noticed the sudden shift in his behaviour, the once bubbly personality disappearing just so he could dwell in guilt in peace.
The thing that bothered him a lot among others was that he couldn't see you. He couldn't walk into the hospital you were being taken care of in. He couldn't sit next to you and tell you how painfully sorry he was for doing it to you, for putting you in danger, for hurting you so much your pain radiated off you body and made him feel it, too.
Noah insisted on repairing him, and he agreed purely because then he'd be able to park in front of the hospital to be as near you as possible.
But he was a wreck, both physically and emotionally.
And it still didn't change when you finally got discharged. He was not the one to pick you up from the hospital, it was Noah and Bee. He couldn't face you.
You asked about him when you woke up from the coma, your friend sitting next to you on the uncomfortable hospital chair only shrugging in response, telling you he didn't know anything about Mirage, where he was or how he was.
It was a lie. The robot was spending his time either in the garage, getting fixed by his only human friend, or out on the road, hoping that maybe, just maybe someone would crash into him again, making him feel that pain again. That pain he thought he deserved for harming you.
And when you insisted on Noah taking you to the garage to see him, after getting the information about his location out of the poor human, Mirage couldn't help but feel even worse than before.
You were alive, of course you were alive, but he also did notice the way you winced with every step, how dull the colour of your skin was compared to the times before the accident, how fragile you looked, standing there in front of him with Noah not leaving your side in case you'd collapse onto the floor.
You were alive, but also in so much pain he couldn't even look at you without feeling a strong sting in his spark.
His optics shifted to Noah in an instant, as if he was trying to bash him for taking you here, which he responded to out loud with his hands raised in a defensive gesture, "She threatened me."
You didn't even know what you were feeling at that moment. A mixture of sadness, annoyance, impatience, and hurt made you unable to say anything, forcing you to just stand there in silence. Suddenly, a short wave of pain washed over your right side, making you grimace and put your only free palm on the area surrounding your liver.
As soon as Mirage noticed your movement, he made an involuntary step towards you, his servos extended in your direction, as if he was trying to both comfort you and catch you if you were to fall.
Noah immediately asked, "You okay?" His eyes shifting between your hand on your side and your pained face. You just nodded.
Uncomfortable silence fell between the three of you, and the other human was close to replacing it with whistling just so that he wouldn't have to stand there awkwardly without a word.
"Imma just leave you two, yeah?" He scratched the back of his neck, his feet already leading him in the direction of the exit. "Jus'... scream if you die or somethin'..." he added, the awkwardness making him joke about things he normally wouldn't joke about.
And then, he left. He left poor Mirage with even poorer you. Alone.
You let out a grunt, making your way to the nearest chair to sit down. He was ready to help you with everything, but he didn't know if you even wanted him to, so he just stayed in his spot.
"You look bad," you commented, lazily motioning to his beaten-up body with your hand. The raspiness, the weakness in your voice almost made him drop to his knees.
He responded unsurely after a pause, a forced, unamused smirk on his face plate, "...You should see the other guy."
It was awkward. Awkward as never before, you two having always found it pretty easy to communicate with each other. But now... Now he couldn't help but feel that unpleasant feeling in his tank when you spoke up and made him say something back to you.
And it was his fault.
Your reaction to his little joke wasn't something you could control. A short, quiet chuckle left your mouth, causing you to grab your right side even more tightly and a wince of pain on your face to deepen.
She can't even laugh.
He felt so excruciatingly bad he had to fight himself not to transform into a car and just drive away.
You wanted to tell him that you've been told the other driver didn't make it. But you knew the war it would start in his mind if you shared that information with him, so you stayed silent.
"You look terrible," he muttered after a few moments of observing your body, as if to himself to comment on the damage he'd done.
You snorted, shaking your head in amusement. "That's exactly what every woman likes to hear," you responded, deciding that a little banter would be better than sitting without any words being exchanged.
Mirage's eyes widened slightly as he took a step towards you, his servos up in the air again in a specific gesture that indicated that he didn't actually mean it like that.
He had this tendency to make things worse with his words, and normally it wouldn't bother him at all, but this time it was you. He didn't want to make thing worse with you.
"No, no, you're pretty. Gorgeous, in my humble opinion. Walking perfection even," he wanted to correct himself, spurting word after word just to show you that he didn't want you to be mad at him. "Geez, I'm sorry," he added, bringing his servos to his face plate to cover it in... embarrassment.
Something new for him.
You shook your head, looking up at him with a small smile. "I do look kinda ter—"
Before you could finish your sentence, he said with much more confidence now, "...For everything."
He rarely apologised.
But you deserved to hear it. Even if you weren't ready to forgive him just yet, even if you were to never forgive him, he just needed you to know that he regretted it.
You frowned, opening your mouth to say something, but he interrupted you again, "Maybe I shouldn't have be the fastest car in Brooklyn that day. Maybe I should've listened to you and not be a little shit," he recalled the way you called him these few weeks ago, just minutes before the accident. With determination in his tone, he continued, "You can hate me, I can take it." But then, he changed his mind as soon as he realised he would prefer if you didn't hate him, "Actually. Hate me for the next three days at max. Please. If you don't want me to rip my vents out."
You snorted weakly once more, the movement of your body making you wince in pain again.
He finally found enough courage within himself to get closer to you. With a couple of steps, he kneeled down in front of you and extended one of his servos in your direction, as if non-verbally telling you to stop laughing and not cause yourself even more pain.
"'m sorry," he whispered his apology again, the sincere look in his optics showing you just how much he cared for you.
"It wasn't y—"
"It was," he interrupted you in a much more serious tone, but it was still filled with softness, "I was stupid..."
"Nothing new," you managed to blurt out before closing your eyes shut and grunting, a grimace on your face as you felt another sting of pain, which you were kind of used to now.
You opened your eyes and looked up at his worried optics observing your every move, his servos desperately wanting to touch and help you but he knew it'd only make things worse due to his size.
You let out a short chuckle at your own joke as soon as your body allowed you to.
"Not funny," he reprimanded you with a serious face, not finding your apparent discomfort amusing at all, even though he agreed with your words.
"You were just making jokes ab—"
You rolled your eyes at him. "Child," you insulted him, fully aware how much he hated being called out on his childishness.
"I'm older than your cute little Earth, please," he scoffed.
"No, you're not," you deadpanned.
"I hate you," you said, although a small smile on your lips betrayed you.
"That's the spirit," he sighed but the corners of his lips curled up as well. A beat of silence passed and his gaze went back to your face, "I meant that."
You frowned slightly.
"I am sorry. For being the..." he was about to say something that would hurt his pride and ego, but decided it was worth it, "...the dumbest machine there is. Even a hairdryer is smarter than me," he insulted himself, hoping the sacrifice would make you like him again.
"You're right." You nodded, fighting back a chuckle.
He raised his arms in a playfully offended, confused gesture. "You could at least disagree, damn."
You shook your head in amusement.
After another beat of silence, he said seriously, "You're never coming inside me again."
"Should've worded it better, yeah..." he trailed off, "Primus, woman, give me a break." He let out a small laugh when he noticed your amused reaction to his sentence. "No, seriously... I... You're my girl, yeah? Don't want you to... You know, be in pain."
Why did he have to be so awkward about his feelings? Now that he finally had the chance to show you how much he loved you and never wanted to see you hurt again.
"I still have your..." he wanted to say that he still had your blood on some of his parts that didn't want to come off, but then decided it wasn't the best time to tell you that, "I almost lost my mind when I couldn't hear you," he confessed, his tone regaining its sincerity, the look in his optics describing his guilt to you without words.
He was referring to the moment he was so desperately trying to silence everything around him just to be able to find your heartbeat.
"I'm okay..." Your tone was soft, quiet, as if you were trying not to scare a lost, disoriented puppy.
"You're not okay," he disagreed with a slightly clenched jaw, angry at himself, not even for a second at you, "You..." He lowered himself so that he'd be able to whisper to you, as if saying these words more loudly would make them come true someday, "You almost died... I almost killed you..."
His face panel was close enough to your body for you to put your hand against his warm, metal cheek. Mirage immediately melted at the touch, his optics closing slowly just to allow him to savour the softness of your palm as much as he could.
"It wasn't your fault..." you started your monologue, this time the robot allowing you to continue, "I didn't die. I might have a broken bone or two..." He opened his eyes at this sentence, giving you a sad look. "...But I'll be alright. I didn't die," you repeated, which gained you an unsure nod from your boyfriend, who was now avoiding making eye contact with you.
You didn't force him to look up at you.
"I promise..." he trailed off, not wanting to show you how weak he felt, "I promise I'll never do that again..." His gaze went back to meet yours as you smiled softly, your eyes filled with love you had for him. "I'll never be dumber than a hairdryer, you have my unreliable word. And I'll never argue with you. I'll just say that I'm sorry, and that my woman is always right, and I'll shut up for as long as you want me to. And I... I'll never drive over twenty-five. Yeah, it hurts. But guess what hurts more. Seeing you with a broken bone or two."
Joking might've been the only way he would be able to overcome the sorrow he felt within himself. But it worked both for you and him. You really wouldn't have it any other way.
"Tell me," you whispered with a slight head tilt, slowly closing the gap between your faces.
He frowned, not understanding what you meant by that, but then the small smirk on your lips explained it to him.
He rolled his optics, the remains of guilt still evident in them, although with every passing second and every joke, they seemed to disappear bit by bit.
"'m sorry. My woman is always right," he repeated himself, pretending to find it very boring, as if he didn't really want to admit that. But he did. He did want you to know that he meant every single thing that rolled off his glossa.
Your smile widened immediately, your eyes closing as you minimized the gap between your and Mirage's lips completely.
And then, after long weeks of not being able to forgive himself for hurting the only woman he loved, he was finally able to feel relief.
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gayashawol · 8 months
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i just fucking HAD it with wattpad. it’s constantly broken, they added crap features such as the offline stories just so users would buy their stupid premium to read more than 2 stories at a time, and now they’ve deleted a story that i’ve been working on for literally 4 years.
this is the type of shit users would quit writing over. BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING DISCOURAGING! how would you like it if you spend 4+ years writing stories up to 200 chapters, just for them to disappear in a flash with no warning whatsoever.
this is fucking disgraceful. i never want to use this app again, not even for fun. this is why i prefer to use ao3 where i could feel free to do whatever the fuck i want. fuck wattpad. fuck this shitty app.
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lakshana-ke-lakshan · 5 months
Wtf is happening with ishman fandom? When we're not being fed anything, Ishan literally on a hiatus, then istg the fanfics were SO GOOD and now? When we're being spoon fed the content? The quality of the fanfics goes down? no offence.
like y'all, as a writer, who was forced to write because of less, but good content, i can't help but be annoyed with the fandom rn. Cuz I literally wrote my ff because there was no omegaverse ishman fluff!!!?!
So the point is that the stories are very repetitive, grammar is wrong (not like I'm Shakespeare's butt hole but still, there are some limits to galat English?), there is just- Nothing new? To be excited about?
I remember the time when I used to keep refreshing the app in case any new updates came and now, I haven't literally opened the app since forever. There is just one author, who i wait for, and they stopped posting the same time around which I stopped posting. So ya, I'm not alone
And don't call me Hardik- you ain't loyal to one fandom- look, ik I ain't but I just got over it?! And vaise bhi fanfics ka cringe alag hi chall Raha hai
It's always the same now- mafia Shubman, hobo ishan or some royalty au, or some businessman CEO Shubman and poor ishan, omega ishan hiding his gender, and ishan running away with his child blah blah blah
Yes there are many new ideas, but i couldn't possibly know cuz I haven't opened any fabric since ages
So ya, ishman is having its downfall era on Wattpad
and if anyone could recommend the best, mouthwatering, booty hole clenching fanfic where there is a new plot, and shub is not bottom(he's never a bottom), please do recommend them to me. Pretty please
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cringycrisis · 3 months
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Those are rookie numbers Cindy. Reference here: https://www.tumblr.com/squad-draw/749406418740838401?source=share
(I really wanted to draw my Loopty Loop kg gang in their middle school designs)
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seung-mong · 2 years
homework - bangchan
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includes: bangchan x fem!reader, established relationship, daddy kink (chan calls himself daddy:>), hand kink (i had 2</3), oral (m receiving), slight face fucking, fingering, suggestive ending:)
a/n: i miss blonde chan so much u guys dont get it, he was the MOMENT
wc: 2378 words<3
"and thats why i think i'd be a great boyfriend for levi ackerman. we'd just… get each other. ya know?" jisung takes a bite out of the granola bar in his hand, stare set on the ceiling. you hum in agreement, fighting the sleepiness pulling over you as you lay on the couch in the room jisung hides out in the jyp building, head resting on the armrest and chan's jacket covering you as a makeshift blanket.
jisung sighs, legs hanging over the arm of the leather chair he's laying in. "but then i realize our relationship would just be so hot and messy but sexy and toxic and-"
three knocks on the door interrupts jisung's train of thought, both of your heads shifting to check who was at the door. changbin pokes his head into the room, taking in the sight of the two of you sprawled on the couches.
"chan's calling you." changbin croaks, his voice slightly raspy, an indicator of how long he's been recording with chan. you nod, shooting your legs out from the position you were curled into, stretching them until they started to shake and you felt a yawn coming up. swinging your legs over until your feet sweep the floor, changbin pushes into the room and quickly takes your spot.
"fuck, chan's been making me repeat this same bar for almost an hour." changbin whines, opening the mini fridge next to the couch in hopes of finding a bottle of water.
"he seemed pretty agitated when i was recording my lines too." jisung agrees, crumpling the wrapper in his hand and shooting it into the trash bin across the room. the boys whoop, and you roll your eyes with a grin on your face.
"is he still in the studio?" you ask changbin, shrugging chan's jacket on.
changbin nods, taking his cap off and settling it on the space next to him. "yup, told me to tell you that he needs you to get some homework done or some shit?"
you freeze, blinking stupidly at him. obviously, changbin didn't know what chan had meant by that since it was a stupid codeword chan pushed for you both to use when he needed to use you.
"oh." you say in a small voice, excusing yourself out of the room. you take your time walking down the hallway, finally reaching chan's studio. you fix your hair, trying your best to flatten it before knocking on the door with a shaky hand.
from inside the room, you hear chan grunt. you take that as an invitation to enter the room, and you do.
"channie?" you ask as sweetly as possible, eyes adjusting to the darkness enveloping every corner of the room. chan's face is slightly illuminated by the light coming from his laptop, his eyes closed. you sigh, closing the door behind you and flicking the lights on. chan squeezes his eyes shut, as if shielding them from the blinding light. you giggle, walking up to him and placing a hand behind his chair. you plant a soft kiss on his cheek, and he hums in approval. he finally opens his eyes, which have evident rings under them. your heart breaks a little to see him this tired, barely able to keep his eyes open and his skin so pale. he makes grabby hands at you, motioning for you to sit in his lap.
"need you," he whines, pulling you by your skirt when you step forward. he effectively pulls you to sit on his lap, both hands resting on your hips.
you chuckle as he presses you against him, his head dipping down to rest on your chest. he shifts you so your side is pressed against his broad chest, both of your legs draped over one side. your hands find their way to his curly hair as you gently pull at the roots. he whimpers when you do, his hands starting to roam up and down your sides. "baby," he whispers against your neck, his arms tightening their hold against you.
he pulls away with a sigh, hand resting on your nape. "i want you to cum on my fingers, and then suck me off." he says nonchalantly, a small grin pulling on the corner of his mouth.
you heat up from embarrassment, scandalized by how easily those words came out of his mouth. you hit his arm playfully, avoiding his gaze. "channie." you whine.
"come on, youre a good girl f'me, right?" chan whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear and trailing his fingers down to your chin, lifting your face up so you meet his eyes.
you nod, albeit hesitantly, and chan smiles in triumph, pulling your face to his by the back of your neck and crashing his lips onto yours. he kisses you messily, hot breath leaving his mouth and into yours as he slips his tongue into your mouth. you try your best to keep up, kissing him back with equal fervor and gripping tightly onto his shoulders. he moans into your mouth when you rub your tongue against his, his hand slowly inching up your thigh.
you pull away to stabilize yourself, but you're instantly breathless when you watch his fingers meet the edge of your skirt. he chuckles when you whimper, squirming in your seat. he knows your obsession with his hands a little too well, and he decides to give you a show, finger twirling the fabric of your skirt. you feel arousal pool in your stomach when chan pinches your inner thigh, making you squeal.
"you're so fucking good to me." chan groans, lips attacking your neck when his fingers find the hemline of your underwear.
"this comes off, hmm?" he hums against your neck, and you nod enthusiastically. he slowly pulls your underwear down, all the while sucking your soul out through your neck. you wince when it starts to hurt just a little, and chan gets the message, opting to run his tongue across the hickey.
"keep your eyes on me first," chan commands, and you pull back from burying your face against his chest to make eye contact with him. you feel his fingers run up and down your folds, collecting your slick in between his fingers.
"just so you know," chan breathes seductively, and you gasp as you start to feel his thick fingers prod at your entrance. "i don't plan on stopping until your pretty little thighs shake and close around my hand."
his words, accompanied by the feeling of his finger pushing into you has you gasping, clutching the front of his shirt as he slowly pushes in and out of you. you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to remain patient but you can't help rocking your hips against his hand. "stay still, baby." chan warns, other arm wrapping around you to hold you securely against him by your waist. "and i thought i said to keep those pretty eyes on me?"
your eyes instantly fly open, meeting his dark gaze as he pumps into you faster.
"fuck, chan." you whimper, greedily grinding down against his hand. he smirks at you, refusing to speed up and keeping his pace, which you start to find frustratingly slow.
"faster please." you plead, following chan's wish of maintaining eye contact.
his cock twitches when he sees your eyes so full and wide, filling to the brim with frustrated tears. how could he say no to you? he leans down to kiss you, breathing heavily as he starts to pump his digits into you faster, making sure to curl his fingers and hitting the spot in you that makes you melt into his arms every time. he knows you like the back of his hand at this point, knowing just what makes you fall apart.
your eyes start to flutter shut when you climb higher and higher, so close to your climax you can taste it on the tip of your tongue. chan feels you squeeze around him and he smirks, shoving his tongue into your mouth and kissing you passionately.
"chan, please." you whimper against his open mouth, and the way he smiles against your lips has your tummy flipping upside down.
"love it so much when you beg for me." he coos, using his thumb to lightly circle your clit. he can feel how close you are, the way your walls flutter around his fingers a sign that you're impossibly close to cumming on his fingers.
"come on, cum for me." chan whispers, biting down on your neck, his arm is sore from pumping in you but he ignores the burn, speeding up when your moans rise in pitch and volume. you shut your eyes when the knot in your lower abdomen snaps, hands flying to clasp around chan's wrist. you pant against his chest when he pulls his fingers out, placing them in his mouth.
you watch him suck your essence off of his fingers, burying your face into his soft shirt.
"what a good girl." he rasps, pulling your face towards his and kissing you sweetly. "don't you think daddy needs some rewarding too, hmm?" he teases you, guiding your hand away from his chest and dragging it towards his obvious bulge.
you feel your cheeks warm when he moans softly, and you don't need him to ask you again, quickly sinking to your knees in between his legs. he adjusts himself, moving closer to the edge of his seat while shimmying his pants down. you rest your cheek on his thigh as you watch him take his cock out, pumping it twice before smirking at you.
"you'll be good, princess?" he caresses your cheek, sighing when you wrap your hand around the base.
"yes," you nod, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his cock, already leaking precum. he licks his lips, eyes threatening to close when you wrap your mouth around the head, hollowing your cheeks and creating a vacuum. you suck just the head, your hand pumping the rest of his shaft.
he's in a dilemma when you look at him like that, half of him wants to close his eyes so badly, the pleasure shooting up his abdomen and making his fists clench around the armrest. but the other half is hypnotized by the way your eyes blink stupidly up at him, as if drunk on his cock.
"take me all the way, hmm?" he whispers, hand resting on your nape and pushing gently, encouraging you to take the rest of hic cock down your throat. you try your best to take what you can fit into your mouth, letting the tip of his leaking cock hit the back of your throat. chan lets out a pitiful moan when your throat constricts around his tip, the sensation of your throat closing around his cock too much for him and he almost cums on the spot.
he holds his breath, throwing his head back against the headrest and closing his eyes. he hears you gag on his length, and he curses under his breath. he refuses to look down at you, knowing that the moment he sees the tears rolling down your cheek, he's a goner.
you try your best to multitask, your hands slowly running up and down his thigh as chan gently fucks your throat, trying to compose himself and prevent from thrusting into your mouth too harshly. your jaw goes slack as chan basically grinds into your mouth, your nose almost touching his abdomen.
"jesus fucking christ," chan curses when you run your tongue across the underside of his shaft, focusing on the spot just under his head that you know has his thighs shaking.
"gonna cum down your throat, and i want you to take everything." chan borderline growls, breath coming out in short pants as his thrusts get slightly harsher. your gag reflex kicks in and you try to control it, humming around his length. the vibrations from your throat catches chan off guard, and he's spilling into your mouth, his hands resting on your head and shoving you down onto his cock as deeply as he possibly can.
his cum spills down your throat, thick and warm. you continue to lick his tip, and chan shakes, letting out a tiny whimper as you pull away. you open your mouth for him, showing off and confirming you'd done what he asked.
"fuck, come here baby." chan shakes his head, picking you up and settling you back onto his lap. you're still catching your breath and chan laughs, planting a soft kiss on your cheek.
"you were so good to me, fuck." he groans in amazement, rubbing soothing circles onto your bare shoulder.
"yea?" you heave, your voice slightly raspy due to the onslaught of chan's dick poking down your throat.
he finds it incredibly sexy, your eyes still wet from the tears, your lips puffy and wet from all the drool, your voice hoarse from him fucking your face. he can't help it, he grabs you by the chin and kisses you, his tongue pushing through your lips and groaning when he tastes himself on your tongue. chan pulls away, hands still gripping onto your waist to keep you on him. he looks at you through narrowed eyes, something clearly on his mind.
"what is it?" you ask, running your hands across his chest and planting a soft kiss on his jaw.
he hums, wrapping his arms around you and keeping you in a warm embrace.
"just thinking bout how-" you straighten up, meeting his gaze. "how badly i want to fuck you on my desk, have you scream my name for the others to hear."
you shake your head and bury your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling your scent. "channie, you horndog."
he laughs, planting a kiss on your head and hugging you close to him. "i'll take you out to dinner if you ride my face and let me fuck you in the recording booth." chan whispers after a while.
"channie!" you whine, hitting his chest.
he looks down at you, an eyebrow raised. you sigh.
"better be ramen." you mumble, sucking a hickey onto his neck.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 days
sorry i need to be a hater for a minute. tim drake: robin is a plague upon this earth because it is late 2024 and i Still can't go into kon tags without seeing that stupid fucking blond bitch. enough
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lumieumie · 2 months
Sometimes I remember I wrote a kotlc sophitz fanfiction with the most ooc characters ever and NO proper grammar or punctuation whatsoever when I was like ten and it’s still up and there is nothing I can do about it because I no longer have access to the account and honestly death sounds like a good solution to my problem
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