#i have no clue how to work this site for i am dumb
benjimarii · 2 years
An Open Book
Here's a small snippet of my writing, since I haven't been drawing consistently. For some context, it's part of a post OV story that I've been working on for a while. This scene in particular takes place at a dining hall, where there's a celebration banquet for Grandpa Max's birthday. It's been a year after the events of the OV finale, and Ben hasn't been talking to most people, including his friends. He barely even texts Gwen and Kevin at this point, both of which are worried about him. He hasn't talked to Rook in a while as well, trying to push everyone and anyone away.
Being there felt like torture. All of the stares and glares he got was enough to make anyone go crazy. But that was normal to him. The hero was more-so unsettled by the newer looks of concern being casted upon him. He had to admit that he didn't exactly look his best at the moment, despite the suit and tie.
Ben finished what was left of his punch and gracelessly tossed the cup into a trash bin. Officially feeling like he was done for the night, the human stared at the glass exit door. It was muddled with the reflections of party-goers, faces he'd rather not see again. He'd decided that he would just text Gwen that he felt sick and left the party, so that she wouldn't worry about him disappearing.
Huffing, he took a few steps forward before he felt a familiar, fuzzy hand connect with his. Time itself felt like it froze around him, like everything else had vanished.
Tracing his arm downwards, Ben's eyes landed on said hand. That's all he needed to see. Not having the energy to tug away, he stood there, expecting to be reprimanded and scolded about how he was being a horrible friend, or a bad plumber, or being generally a nuisance. Something that would make him angry enough gain the energy to yank his arm away and leave.
But that didn't happen.
Ben got goosebumps when he heard the delicate, yet raspy voice of his former partner hit his ears. Instead of the anger he'd prepared himself for, he heard hints of worry and fear. "You do not have to leave. We can talk, Ben." The hand holding his squeezed ever so slightly tighter, almost as if it was trying to beg him for an answer. Ben tilted his head to face the ground and took a deep breath. If he said anything now, he knew he couldn't back out afterwards.
Refusing to answer felt like the worse option, so talking it was. He would try his best to keep this interaction as short as he could.
"Rook, you... Chose to leave." The human winced slightly at his tone before quickly continuing his thoughts, "And that's great! For, uh, you. But... that was your choice. There's nothing to talk about. You're doing great, and I'm happy for you." Ben could almost feel Rook's eyes burning the back of his neck, and his chest ached. He could feel the familiar twinges of fear pulling at his muscles, telling him to get out as fast as he could. Telling him that he's in a dangerous situation, and that he needs to leave. To run, to fight, hell, even to hide.
But there was no danger here.
Just Rook.
The air was thick, as both beings could sense the tension rising. Even as nothing physical was happening around them, emotions were rapidly swirling and brewing in their heads. Neither of them quite knew what they were doing, and neither of them knew just how big that divide between them was until it was opened up.
The seconds of silence were deafening. Ben felt as if he wanted to scream and yell, but his throat closed up, and his thoughts flew throughout his mind like a tornado. Rook, on the other hand, just needed a few moments to collect his.
"You know that this is not healthy. I..." Rook paused, "I know that I should not push you with these things. But Ben, what you are doing is..." He inhaled sharply, and gave a quick sigh before giving up on that thought. He replaced it with one with a gentler tone. "I see those dark circles around your eyes. I see your shakey hands. I saw how you tensed up when Kevin touched your shoulder." Rook looked to the side, and let go of Ben's hand. "I do not care if you tell me what is wrong. I feel as if we both know that I know. But I will not stand by and let you hurt yourself like this."
The genuine care and concern caught Ben off guard. He'd spent the last year berating himself with words that probably weren't true. And he'd been doing so alone. But that's what was for the best, right? He didn't need to burden his friends with those thoughts. This was his battle, and his battle alone.
Ben turned slowly to meet Rook's stare with his own. Those vibrant, green eyes. Staring at them once made Rook happy, but looking at them now pained his heart more than ever. His friend looked so exhausted, so... lost.
"What do you expect me to do, Rook? You left, Gwen left, Kevin left, and it's fine. I'm fine on my own. I want to be on my own. And..." He stuttered, "I want you guys to be happy!" Ben forced a small smile, a smile all too familiar to Rook. The smile that he plastered on his face when fans ran towards him, and camera crews followed him around. Rook never thought he'd be on the receiving end of that smile.
The revonnahgander stepped slightly closer to Ben, which made the hero's facade drop a bit. As much as he wanted to back away, the human's legs were frozen in place. All he could do was turn around, to look away from his alien friend. Ben felt everything slowly collapsing, but why? He's always been able to keep things in, to keep everything at bay, to never show that things actually get to him. Why was it so difficult to control his emotions all of the sudden?
That's when a long, warm pair of arms wrapped around him like a safety blanket. All of this thoughts fell apart after that. Tears formed in his eyes, and dripped slowly down his reddened cheeks. Grabbing the arms slung over his shoulders, he held on tight. It was an awkward hug, but then again, they were awkward people. And, for the first time in years, he let himself cry.
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toabstter · 1 year
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idohistorysometimes · 2 years
Trans Bones
"In 300 years when they dig up your bones they will know you are (insert sex here)” is an argument I see a lot in the comment sections of a lot of trans creators on sites like Tiktok. These are usually left in the comment sections of trans people’s videos regardless of subject and are usually there to try to goad these creators into detransition, self-harm, suicide, or are just there to harass the target.
Needless to say I dislike these sorts of comments.
For one these comments are usually just said to be extremely hurtful and, I don't know about you guys, but edgy comments made for the sake of edge’s sake are just extremely lazy and sad. I usually am not a fan of just listening to people spew the cruelest things they can think of to make themselves feel better or to try to outdo the last edgy comment. But that is not the only reason I dislike these comments. I also dislike these comments because they are not true and are a vast oversimplification of what archeology is and how we (being historians and people who work in history) research the past and treat people. That is not how that works.
So let's talk about bones (and more specifically, trans bones) and what makes this specific argument kind of dumb.
When out on a dig archeologists don't just dig up remains, point at them, and proclaim what gender they think the remains are and then just walk away. There are a lot of things that go into identifying remains that go far beyond a passing glance. And all of them rely on something called “CONTEXT”.
So what is “Context”?
Context is everything that might tell us who that person was, where they were from, and any information that might give us a clue as to the circumstances in which this person lived. This can also include factors like the culture of an area, the time period the person lived in, the climate and geological makeup of an area, and even something as small as the things buried with the remains or how they were found. So when you find bones you are not just looking at the bones, you are looking at the bones along with everything else around them.
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Let's take a look at these bones for example. 
Without context, this is just a body sitting in a stone tomb. It is clearly dead, as you can probably infer, and if we just left things there it would overall be pretty uninteresting. But when you look into the context of these bones they tell a very different story. 
These bones were found in Pompeii in the necropolis of Porta Sarno and the person buried here was determined to have died before the volcanic eruption that destroyed the city. So with his tomb we are able to learn a little bit about life in Pompeii pre-eruption. There are Greek AND Latin inscriptions on the inside of the tomb and these inscriptions suggest this person was: Greek, a former slave who gained freedom (based on what the inscriptions said along with things found at the site), and used his freedom to organize Greek theater performances within the city while he was alive. We also know his name,  Marcus Venerius Secundio. So just by looking at the grave of this one man we are able to both learn a little bit about this person but also about the Greek influence in Rome at the time.
So what does any of this have to do with the bones of trans people? 
Just looking at a body without context tells you literally nothing about that person. Because, as evident by looking at that image, without taking into account the context of the body in both its location and the history of the location you would know virtually nothing about the person. To quote an archeologist friend of mine: “You cannot tell who a person was just by their bones”. This is not supposed to be this hallmark card level quote either, you literally cannot tell who a person was just by looking at their bones. You have no idea who they were, what their life was like, how they lived, or virtually everything else about them just from the bones. Bones are not reliable for that.
This brings me to my next point...
Skeletal Remains and Hormonal Markers
It is extremely hard to tell male and female skeletons apart from eachother. Skeletons do not look like this:
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See, this is fucking stupid. This is not how anatomy works. We are not on deviantart or in an anime.
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This is a better example.
Notice how similar the skeletons on both the left and right are? There are SOME anatomical differences between the two but they are subtle and things can often remain pretty ambiguous since a lot of traits are not sex-exclusive. For example, many men can be shorter in stature. That is not just something you see only in women. In fact, there are many female skeletons that are taller than male ones. Another example can be the broadness of the shoulders. Many women can have broader shoulders and vice versa. Those are not reliable ways of determining the sex of a skeleton. And if you don't have the head or pelvis you will literally never know what gender that skeleton was. It is impossible to tell. And for prepubescent skeletons its also impossible to tell since those subtle changes that occur during puberty have not happened yet. 
During HRT you are essentially going through second puberty. Your bones are going to change to match the hormones flowing through your body. And if you are transitioning to female: you might even have a few procedures to alter some parts of your bone structure to make it align better with your gender identity. Regardless of what specifically is at play: during your transition your face/body is going to change. And when those changes happen they will make you look like the sex you are transitioning to. 
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This man’s name is Jamie Raines and he was kind enough to document his own transgender jorney online for us to see. He started transitioning back when he was 17 years old (which is the first image) and the second image was taken at age 21. 
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Notice how Jamie’s face changes between these photos. 
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And this is Jamie now at age 28.
Are you guys beginning to see what I am saying?
When you are trans and on HRT your body changes and those changes are more than just skin deep. Things change down to the bone and those changes are visible. And this is totally leaving out other things that can alter bone structure that might obscure things even more such as genetic diseases, intersex people, and even just human error (since that also happens). 
Skeletons are ambigious to begin with and if you are transitioning, your body is transitioning with you.
Part of the reason we know SO MUCH about the past is that we have something called “Records”. All throughout human existence, there have always been people who have recorded details about people, places, and events. This becomes especially true when we get closer and closer to the modern day. And one of the things people usually kept the best records on was how and when people died.
Assuming we do not slip into an informational dark age where the internet is somehow destroyed and all physical records we have now are also destroyed: in 300 years archeologists and anthropologists will know what trans people are. They will know they existed (they have for much longer than that too) and they will be aware of the cultural circumstances in which they lived. They will also know how to find their birth records, records of them throughout their life due to things like the internet and our extensive recordkeeping methods of today, and death records with little issue. 
We live in an age of constant record keeping and information sharing. Assuming trans people with either stop existing or will be forgotten about despite that is an unreasonable expectation given how good these records are. And they will only continue to get better.
So bottom line?
Nobody will be digging you up in 300 years and misgendering you based on just your bones alone. I dont even know why they would be digging you up specifically in the first place since, lets face it, since we are so good at keeping records you probably would not need to do that. You dont just go around digging up dead people at random if you are an archeologist. There is a process to that.
But regardless, you’re good. 
This argument is dumb. 
 I am aware HRT does not change EVERYTHING about a skeleton. Hormones effect the body in many ways and all of them depend on: what you are being given, the amount, your biological sex and what other hormones are already in your body, etc. I am aware that, specifically within the skull and pelvis, that there are differences. I mention that in the post itself. 
This post is not meant to totally discredit the fact that sex is a thing. Its meant to say how archeology is nuanced and given the climate of today: will continue to get more and more nuanced. Transness is not something that will be forgotten by history or that will be ruled out by archeologists of the future because its part of our culture (and thus context). Is every person trans? No. Should every skeleton found be considered trans? No. But its a nuance people take into account. Transness is not a new idea nor is geneder nonconformity. The western binary does not exist in all cultures across all history and it probably wont always exist in the future either.
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brightnote · 11 months
This is my very last Secret Invasion theory post (spoilers eps 1-5) and I am proudly on team bananas. This one is for Maria ❤️ long live her chin length bob and boots
It’s 50/50 people and I have decided I am on team don’t give up (and have your heart broken into a million pieces again tomorrow but I don’t care I have faith!!) I decided I can’t go out on a downer, i have loved getting all the messages, comments, and reblogs from all of you!  Today is the last day to do this and this one is just for Maria, here’s why I am on Team Bananas 100% with all my heart, and I believe Maria is alive and she’s coming back to us tomorrow!  
the set up to do the reveal is almost too good 
finally after my weeks of ranting about how dumb everything went down with Fury, Talos, Gravik and Maria other breakdown videos are starting to see it too. Even Screencrush a pretty popular video breakdown site thinks Hill might be making a reprise. I mean these videos much like my crazy full on banana theories are often wrong but I feel more sane now that other people are coming to see this twist too! IMO it’s actually perfect set up for a Maria reveal now, and not doing it or throwing away the opportunity would be so very sad. But I guess it would be fitting a wasted character lost in a wasted opportunity. 
I am not going to write this all out again but see this post… there is just no way that Maria’s death went down the way they want us to believe  it went down. 
if Marvel wanted Secret Invasion to have real stakes then why did they tell everyone Fury was going to be in The Marvels since the beginning? Nothing lowers the stakes more than knowing the protagonist is going to be fine? Killing his friends doesn’t really raise them either to try and solve that problem it it just comes off as lazy to me.. also one million on skrulls on earth and gravik’s plan to kill all humans should be enough stakes in itself.... i mean half the planet disappeared and that was enough for the entire infinity war saga 
The only thing that’s hard to get around is the actual death
But this has never stopped marvel before. 
If anyone was going to be able to fake a real looking death it would be Maria and Nick, they’ve done it before. 
Would Nick really put Maria’s mom through that misery? Well Nick didn’t! Rhodey did and he’s not in on the plan! Nick wasn’t making funeral plans, he was on at the train to Warsaw and then evading the Russians. This could also explain Fury’s aloofness at the body transfer in front of Maria’s mom 
don’t forget what did Maria’s mom say to Fury? “You’re Nick Fury she would follow you to hell and back!” And back. 
Her mom also said something I find interesting in the rewatch “he won’t even tell me where on planet earth my daughter died!"
Also remember those final words of Maria’s not like “why? Or how?” It was “it was you” and Fury said “not me” he wasn’t even comforting like “it’s going to be ok” or like any of the things you say to your dying bestie?… I know it’s important that if it is real Maria that she didn’t die thinking Fury shot her but those last words of “no I didn’t do it!!” Are pretty wild. I think the language here is a clue like not me is a hint that it’s not her!  I think it’s a clue in favor of team bananas and that is the team where I find myself today— I only get one more day of this, so I am gonna live in it. 
bringing Maria back just to kill her off is definitely suspicious. 
In one show Fury loses, his work bestie, then his real life bestie, and then his wife/marriage? Mmm I don’t know about that. He’s getting one back I would have thought it was Varra but I think Varra’s loyalty betrayal is the ultimate death of the marriage, Fury is all about loyalty and no one has had a better more loyal relationship to him than Maria so that’s why she should be the one who comes back! 
Talos had a death that actually meant something, he showed the world that Skrulls were good which is what he wanted. It was brutally sad for G’iah and us but it actually did serve some purpose. 
Maria’s death has served no purpose for this show so far. It did not fix a broken Fury, it did not create the avenge her arc that it seemed like it was going to and even Rhodey blackmailing Fury with the video of her death hasn’t affected the plot very much, it came out much too late in the series.
 Fury is still able to get in contact with people to help him and someone is helping him from somewhere and he’s doing just fine getting around. So why would it be important to kill off Hill?
It’s a way better ploy to make people believe you are falling into your old cliches and traps and then surprise them! 
For 11 years we have been lead to believe Nick and Maria are very smart people, they are smarter than Gravik.
Just rewatch the first episode, look at the bonehead plan that gets Maria killed. It is not a plan of smart people. These are smart people. They are hanging out in bars in Russia where they are not supposed to be, talking about sensitive stuff when they know Gravik is out there scheming? A man in an existential crisis about dying sends his team out to a bombing with three bombs with no back up and no physical body protection and just those three people? Maria’s infrared glasses just disappear pre bombing? 
also don’t forget on the phone Fury said right to Gravik “you’re always one step ahead of me Gravik” like a joke! 
Also that cut on Maria’s face? That’s there so you don’t suspect a reveal to show you it was the same person from the tunnel with G’iah, at the bar, and then at the bombing. Why would marvel go this far out the way to make you think it won’t be a Maria reveal unless it is?
Weren’t you freaking furious in Far From Home when Nick was acting so dumb and fooled by Mysterio or whatever Jake’s dumb name was. Weren’t you like DIDN’T MARIA HILL WORK AT STARK AROUND THIS TIME? WHY ISN’T THIS MAKING SENSE?  Surprise, it wasn’t Fury and Maria, they wouldn’t be fooled by this!! The same team who pulled off the scheme in the Winter Solider did not fall for this—and they didn’t--and they didn’t now!!
dont’ forget Sonya specifically brought up the events of Far From Home so we know this relevant! 
Bringing up the full body widow’s veil is not a throw away detail
We didn’t see a body in that casket for a reason
We saw a whole freaking funeral and body burning for Talos!! 
Maybe LMDs do exist in the MCU and maybe they are also very very advanced. IDK if you can change your body and face with a widows veil seems like they’d have some other tricky tech and while I wasn’t on the LMD train before I think if Maria thinks she’s so invincible she can just grab a dirty bomb with her bare hands she has to definitely be ok with just dying cause what would stop her from being blown up immediately? There are very few minutes between Maria grabbing that bag and that bomb going off. 
Putting Maria’s death on full blast every episode is not just for Cobie’s screen time or to guilt trip Fury and making it public means there has to be a way for Fury to clear his name and I think it has to be more than a “shape shifting alien did this” with no proof of it
I think this is a trick for the audience to be like oh yeah she’s really dead, she’s dead no hope there. Look at that miserable awful cruel death that no one deserved but somehow this person got for no reason. My only issue with this is that if there are LMDs in this universe they would have been introduced before the finale. (Wait there aren’t supposed to be counter points in here!) 
Rhodey saying “he used all his political capital to get Maria Hill’s body back from the Russians” probably meant as a guilt trip to Fury but also a signal to the audience 
There is something fishy about it and I am so hopeful there are Maria / Rhodey scenes coming to us tomorrow! 
Killing off a character who has been in the movie franchise for 11 years in a tv show? 
No! That is poor continuity etiquette! If you are introduced in a film franchise the character should also die in the film franchise, ESPECIALLY if your character has been around for over a decade. 
Maybe Marvel asked Cobie to do all those interviews so people would be even more surprised by the twist. I think that’s whack but I have no other explanations for why that happened but I don’t think it’s any crazier than doing the interviews before the series was over!
Yeah I know it’s a stretch, I know this one kills the whole theory. It breaks my heart but I just don’t know. Maria Hill would have been the perfect person to take over for Fury when he retires and Cobie is a lot cheaper than Sam and to kill her off this way right before some legit projects that involve Maria a lot in the comics? That’s such a waste. She’s got a light IMDB of future projects, she has time!! LOL this one. I don’t have answers for. The director of Secret Invasion said she played a big role and so far uh her biggest contribution was picking Fury up from his space ride. 
But is she actually cheaper than Sam? Sam got paid 3.3 mil per episode for a total of 20 million dollars, so far Cobie got 4 mil for one episode! and she was only in about 15-20 minutes of the episode! 
I did have a major laugh in one Cobie interview where someone told her they were so devastated by Maria’s death and Cobie responded with “I’m sorry, I don’t write these stories.” Why is this so funny to me?
The tag line is “who do you trust” and the whole vibe is that that you don’t know who any one is, so far we know who everyone is… 
Maria and Nick’s entire relationship for 11 years has been about trust, who does he trust, he trusts Maria! Gasp it’s right there in the tagline!!
there hasn’t been a single surprise except for an imposter skrull Ross which was very quick and never explained or looked into. Someone has to be a reveal! Someone is not who we expect so who is it!! Watch it be something dumb like the president is also a skrull. 
On team don’t waste your time / don’t get your hopes up: see my earlier post on all the reasons why Maria is dead for real and there’s not going to be a big twist reveal (about her) and also there’s some more stuff about her amazing gay hair cut that we have only seen once so far. 
grave disappointment or total satisfaction awaits us! 
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
if you run a kink/fetish blog you really shouldnt be putting stuff in the main tags. the main tags are not an 18+ space, theyre for minors and adults alike, and kink stuff doesnt belong there. i havent reported you yet because i want to give you a chance to reflect and change your behavior, but if i keep seeing you in the main/character tags, i will flag the posts and your blog as sensetive content. as someone who was affected by seeing a lot of fetish stuff at a young age bc of irresponsible fandoms, im very passionate about this topic. i dont care if you publish this or not.
I was never aware that the tags apparently are "age managed." Plenty of people do things of this nature without having to worry about stuff like this. I also was not (and am not) aware of what "main tags" are. So I sincerely do not know what you are referring to, specifically. And if you wish to call me out and claim I'm playing dumb...no, I'm not playing, I sincerely have no clue. I honestly have never seen any reason or known of any reason to monitor my tags, so I have not done so for that reason above all else. IF, from the way you're speaking, this is some sort of unspoken rule on Tumblr, or if I perhaps missed something way, way back when I joined the site, then I apologize and I am perfectly willing to "change my behavior," as you put it, because the last thing I want is to scar young innocent people for life, the way you claim happened to you. However, having said that, I would like to say two more things. One, there is no reason to threaten me with reporting like this. One other person came to me some time ago to tell me that, evidently, the "g/t" tag is one that is meant for all ages, so I shouldn't use it. I thanked them, apologized, and I no longer use that tag. They, in turn, thanked me, apologized in case they seemed rude, and then moved on with their life. Like I said, I am totally willing to change my practices if that is something that HAS to happen; I do not like breaking the rules. But your rudeness is not appreciated, by seemingly assuming that I am doing this maliciously. A simple "you shouldn't use these specific tags" would have been well and good, then I'd know to either change how I manage that matter, or stop wielding them altogether. Two, and most importantly...if this stuff offends you and bothers you so much, then you have no reason to look at my page. And I do not believe my little kink blog is some blight upon whatever taglines you're referring to; if by "main tags" you're referring to things like my more analytical pieces that have nothing to do with kinks, there's not much I can do there, especially since those AREN'T kink-based. As far as I can perceive, those are doing no harm. If by "main tags" you're referring to character names or whatever...I can search a character name and find tons upon tons of stuff that has nothing to do with kinks long before I run into anything related to my interests. I know, I've tried. My work and others doesn't really pop up too often, UNLESS I'm specifically looking for the kink in conjunction. Also, I should think that anyone reading it will realize it's not for them and turn away.
I appreciate your concern, and I understand it...but do not dictate things like this to me as if you run the website, or have the right to decide what people will or will not post. If you would care to discuss this in a civil and polite manner, please feel free to contact me via PM, so we can engage in such discourse. Until then, I will continue to tag things the way I always have, not because I am trying to hurt anyone, but because it simply the most obvious way I know how. If that bothers you so much, then tell me how to fix it, don't simply say "stop it or I'll report you" when I'm not even really sure what I'm doing wrong. There are many others like me. We are not animals. We are not monsters. And we are not out to hurt anyone. We just want to write our silly, kinky nonsense and keep to ourselves. Do not engage in witch hunts as if we are some hideous plague upon the universe. Most of us are just lonely geeks who want a place to express our darker side. Thank you.
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fumblingmusings · 9 months
how do you go about your research? did you mention being an archivist at some point?
I am an archivist, yes! Photographic proof of shitty outtakes of me having my photo taken for our annual report. Here, hold this empty box and stand up this ladder.
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Plus the shot they finally ended up using. Teeny tiny Abbie
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I am not photogenic.
Anyway. Because of where I work I get access to sites like the Times online archive, pretty much all of Jstor and other online journals, sites like Ancestry and Find My Past, as well the academic physical library. I am lucky because I have all the resources for research I will ever need, and I can access them remotely, I don't have to be at work to make use of them.
I did history as my undergrad, and my focus was on examining what differentiates historical biography from historical fiction, so I fricking love metatextual analysis. What makes history history is the most interesting conversation. By whose standards right? My bread and butter for real.
Then from there I went straight to an archives and records management degree. I did my dissertation on how digital comics book affect the appraisal process if you were creating the 'perfect' comic book archive😁😁 My poor advisor had no clue why I was getting so worked up about the differences between floppies and trades. Anyway. Been working in archives ever since.
Genuinely I start with wikipedia because I'm a dumb dumb who needs an overview. Look at the sources they cite and read those, google timelines, read newspaper articles from the time... Like for example I read so many articles by the Times about the Manchester Meetings during the American Civil War when the city voiced their support for the Union. It's a pain in the arse because normally you have to pay a subscription for access but its genuinely one of the best places to get a (snobby) British POV on the world's events as they occur. Where and when you can, read secondary for context, contemporary for interpretation of events.
I should really end by saying: I'm not doing academic level research for any of my fics. Literally, I am doing confirmation bias hunting for sources to justify the decisions I make within the story, which is not good practice one bit. I'm cherry picking what I think makes a more cohesive story, regardless of the more complicated reality. Oh hey look its my undergrad dissertation coming back to bite me.
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someoneimsure · 2 years
Hello.. I dunno where to start with this but I need some advice if you’re willing to give it. When I just joined the site around a year ago, I had nooo clue about internet safety or warning signs or even what an anti or a pro shipper was. I barely knew how tumblr worked basically. I had always identified as asexual after hearing its definition from a friend a few years ago, so I didn’t know that would be a problem on the internet, either (spoiler alert: it was) basically when I was very new to both tumblr and the whole fandom experience I kind of accidentally fell into a really, reallyyyy bad, toxic subsection of fans because those were the blogs recommended to me by tumblr 😭 none of them identified them as antis (didn’t know what that was) but said if you were proship not to follow them, which I also didn’t know what that was, so I just followed them anyway. When I had like ~35 followers some biggish account follows me back and starts acting veryyyy buddy-buddy. Sliding into messages, trying to pressure me for personal information like my name, age, and selfie. I said a fake name and my real age but refused a selfie because of internet safety and made me feel guilty for it.. they also reblogged a bunch of reblog bait CONSTANTLY like ‘what color are your eyes?’ ‘What hair texture are you?’ ‘What’s your skin color?’ And tagged me in it. I was dumb and participated in it but now I feel sick that they were manipulatively trying to figure out what I looked like. They also tagged me in several little ask games where you also tag your other mutuals at the end of it, that will be important later. Basically, they literally OUT OF THE BLUE went on several long, longggg, vitriolic rants about how much they absolutely despised asexual people, how we are single handedly oppressing gay people and trying to ban gay sex, how we want to be oppressed so badly, how straight we ‘basically’ are, how much asexual headcanons annoyed and disgusted them in fandom, etc. mind you, I had my sexuality in my bio at the time. I was very meek and naive (this was only a year ago lmao how times change) and decided to respond to the rants in the morning about how they made me feel. Went to bed, woke up, found out I had been softblocked on the false assumption that I was a dirty hidden proshipper because I had reblogged from someone with a username like antis solve nothing or something idk, again didn’t know what that was but actually was following them for their niche fandom meta, I learned later what the whole fandom shipping stuff was and don’t feel one way or another about it but am starting to think it was just an excuse to softblock me since she knew I was asexual lmao. Also how do I know she softblocked me for this? She made a post about it and called me a cockroach which… wow, where have I heard that one before… (I’m Jewish btw so if I’ve become accustomed to being compared to a bug) But this is all just backdrop. I blocked them and moved on with my life because tbh I don’t really give a fuck one way or another, but I started to receive death threats periodically from makeshift side blogs, occasionally from anonymous as well. They always say the same thing and I only get them once in a great while, so just going off that, there’s no way I’d be able to find out who actually sent them… except that the death threats also targeted my mutuals. Specifically, the mutuals who I tagged in the little ask games I was asked to participate in by the toxic mutual. So that’s why I think it’s them, and it’s honestly scary how far they’ve gone to circumvent my various blocks (I must’ve blocked them like 11 different times now) and ig. I dunno what to do. Or even if it is actually them. But I have a strong suspicion it is. What do you think?
I am so sorry you experienced that anon! I agree with your suspicion. This is very typical anti behavior. You’ve accidentally become their hyperfixation, and now they are stalking you.
There are ways to solve this problem without deleting your blog, but your friends might have to change their urls so they are no long being linked back to the ask game. (I assume the stalker in this scenario has reblogged the ask game already. Unfortunately, your solution is going to be complicated because changing your url will not prevent them from finding you.)
For all of your friends, I recommend blocking the stalker, changing your urls, and then all of you doing this:
Turn off anon. You can do this from the app and from the web browser. In the latter, it’s located under Edit Appearance.
Turn on invisibility. This is located in the web browser version under Edit Appearance at the way bottom.
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Wait a month before switching back.
This is the bare minimum measure to prevent and avoid being harassed on tumblr. It is not foolproof, but it will force the cowards to think twice before harassing you. If they continue to harass you, they won’t be on anon when they do it and it will give you more credibility when you report them to tumblr for spam and harassment. (Though I don't believe I have ever seen the staff do anything about it... hellsite <3.)
There is a more complicated way to solve this problem, but it’s a headache. It involves deleting your blog.
If the above doesn't stop them from harassing you, or worse they come back to harassing you after a month, you may have to delete your blog. I would need to do a little more research before I can say how to do so without losing your url. Some sources say you can't use your url after 24 hours of changing or deleting a blog, but that has not been my experience with switching accounts. As far as I know, you will have to be very vigilant and fast to grab your url again. I am hoping to find some way to avoid that though.
Fortunately, tumblr has an export/import ability on the web browser so at least your posts can be saved and recovered. The same cannot be said for followers, following, and liked posts, so if you must take this option you will need to at least save the names of all your mutuals so you can follow them when your blog is up again.
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indefatigablepaths · 6 months
So here's the idea. Your body does jack squat on purpose for itself. Ourselves being inclusive to no progress. That's creepy republican communism. Where do we go, nowhere. Which makes your intelligence more interesting. What did I think I was doing? Talking to myself about suicide. Communism. Yes I am un American I am just "like you" yes, but as always no. Check. Check. Can you hear me. Yes. We just talk though we don't do anything here, as everywhere I influence. My com tells me what to do. My com dollars from my babies no one can explain. They don't pay for themselves. They're mad you don't question them. My com can't explain us. I'm staring right at you. You still think this is normal. Everyone does nothing like you for no reason. How do you not make sense yet? My com tells me blah la la. You're not insulted yet that I paid you to think blah la la anyways I do make good choices, no actual choices. No actual belief. Nothing ever changes. That was security, ignorance. Please talk la la la with me. Forever. Everything works if you make the easiest worst choices that result in all real humans having to die. It's perfect you can't stop me. I'm a dead communist. I self perpetuated motionless progress, so there's nothing to talk about anyways, though we do just to say no. Te he he. Ya I'm a girl. Communist bodies do not function. I am not designed I do not exist. That's not even yet a girl. All talk. No action. See. Also all action is bad. No that was free. You're confusing thinking you're free. Ha. Uh. So. I feel bad for your baby bondage. Abortion is good. You're endlessly asking to go nowhere. For everyone else also, that's extreme rudeness. I want to be a victim in alot of ways. Like if pornographic bondage was good, baby bondage would be good. Wait, no. Both of these ideas can't be good. The problem is I'm such a creepy communist I couldn't separate the ideas. I needed to plot to idle to encourage my manliness to wait to judge you. See, again. That doesn't make sense. You like cried for the baby because you were a man? What? Get rid of the babies. Take a clue. Stop crying. La la la. My cries. Cut the cord. For me. For me. For us. There is no us. There is no individual. That is your merit. I just found these bodies with barely moving mouths, and we're all strangers, but we have money. That's what's important. Understanding that there is so much you can't know about us. Well, cycle yourself some more. There is no reason to parent. Parents can't exist. I hack a nasty sick com I lie and deceive for at best. I have to. That's how the com works. You can't even share your real advantage it's so dirty. Telling me to stay clean. We can talk as long as we both accept we are here to tell the best lies to each other possible. Since neither of us actually knows how to find more within life. See the playing field is so low I have to be on the field with you, but I don't know where else to go. You need to get out as soon as possible. You are stealing from everyone around you. Even as you are death you carry diesease. I can't even believe you haven't died yet. You maybe have mastered total non thinking and illicit bodily pill related numbing. In alot of ways the easy direct dumb direction is the best way to fail, though I'm not jealous. It's still worse to ask others to fail harder than you all the time. I just can't allow you to think it's appropriate to ask us to do even worse than what you think is best for you. It's so dumb you couldn't do it with less, whatever that secret is. See selfishness robs us all blind. I can't even allow myself to meander the self deception to believe there is a discussion that can exist between us. I don't think you speak. I think you beep or click. You melted your brains for an early advantage that stunted all growth for memories of pride and honor. Honor you know like babies not bondage. I mean, that's not the same for all of us. I like this, I really do.
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lost-in-wond3rland · 11 months
Being on tumblr really just feels like being adrift in the middle of the ocean
It really does feel like no one else is on this hell site which is kind of great because I never feel bad about shit posting lol I don't think I've done anything BUT shit post about my current hyper fixations in YEARS lol (case and point, me re-blogging a bunch of red white and royal blue posts the other day because I finished reading the book and would like the movie now please-)
I forgot I used to write on here sometimes, or that I even could. Was it ever anything substantial? Nah. Just musings of a usually v depressed and out of wack teenager.
I am now a slightly less depressed out of wack adult lmao
All this to say, read at your own whim or risk or whatever. It's the internet dude, do what you want.
I'm starting grad school in a little over a month, and I know people talk about how daunting that is all the time. But what I haven't really seen is people talking about going into a program that has n o t h i n g to do with your BA. I'm essentially doing a bit of a 180 with my studies, and where everyone else has loads of experience, and knowledge, and is just so stupid fucking smart, I...
Well, that's just it, isn't it? The trail off. The ... .
Not to say (among other things) that I'm not "smart" per-say. I'm not dumb, I know that. But these people? Mannnnn, you guys should hear and see some of these people. It is nothing short of terrifying.
I've been feeling very Elle Woods in her "coming here was a mistake" era lately. But when I try to explain that, it's usually the same "don't get intimated!" "you're all just starting!" "you're going to be fine!" etceteras etceteras. Not necessarily untrue, but not necessarily true either.
I'm going into a program where I am leaps and bounds behind literally everyone. People older than me, people younger than me, doesn't matter. And it feels like as hard as I work, I'm always missing something. Always 10, 15, 20, 100 steps behind everyone else. We just had a month of an online intensive orientation where we were interacting, and talking on discussion boards, and doing homework... And somehow, I still cant get everything fully right. Down to choosing the wrong kind of photo to go on my fucking introduction slide. Like come on! Seriously!? I can't even get that right? It's...
Yeah. It's.
So here I am, sitting on my bed, with my smart lights set to purple, in a too big Spider-Man cardigan, with a Taylor Swift lofi playlist going on youtube, contemplating yet again how the fuck I got here.
I made the joke to my mom that I was just the diversity pick. She didn't find that nearly as funny as I did. I digress.
We're... working on it. Kind of, at least. Pretending to, more accurately.
I just feel... like I'm in a constant state of having to prove myself, because nothing is ever enough. Nothing has ever been enough. I have worked so hard to the point where I have been on the brink of passing out before and even that still was not fucking enough.
Enough for who? For me? For my parents? For the metaphorical "them"? For anyone? I don't know. All of the above?
For that, I have no concrete answer and yet piles and piles and piles of evidence showing that nothing has in fact ever been enough.
I'm complaining too much, aren't I? I know it's not. World ending. There are bigger things. "People are dying Kim!" I know (also no, my name is not Kim, please understand the reference I'm begging lol).
Just some casual almost 9pm thoughts I guess.
I have work tomorrow, had the day off today. I started a new job and of course that happened at the same time as the online intensive so maybe that exasperated all these feelings since I really have had not a goddamn clue as to what has been happening for almost a month now but. I digress. But the job is going pretty okay. Slowly, I've been able to start to figure that out. And I somehow made it to the Eras Tour this weekend which was mind meltingly amazing. So I shouldn't complain. I really don't have anything to complain about at all.
And yet.
And yet.
And yet.
Well, I'm gonna fuck off and read some fanfic now. If for whatever reason someone tortured themselves and made it to the end, whats your fic poison of choice lately? I've been reading loads of Irondad & Spiderson fics. Give me Peter "I take care of everyone but don't know how to take care of myself because I think I'm fine" Parker and Tony "100% has a heart and just wants his idiot pseudo son to realize it's okay for people to help you" Stark all day.
...does that reveal too much? Eh. It's fine, I'm fine.
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
The Sixth Floor Game
heavy inspiration from the Elevator Game, as well as the Three Kings Game and a little bit of Silent Hill 3
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Warnings: blood, death, kidnapping
The Sixth Floor Game is a ritual that will put you into contact with otherworldly forces and, if done correctly, can take you to a world that exists outside of our own. To play this game, you must follow all of the instructions that have been written below. Take care to remember all of them, as one mistake could result in death.
First you must enter a dark and empty building that has an elevator and only five floors in between the times of 3 and 4 AM. The only items you can bring with you are a fully charged cellphone, an item of sentimental value to you and an offering for the demon.
It is not recommended that you give an offering that bares any resemblance to that of a clown or magician.
When you enter the elevator, you need to ride it up to the 5th floor and leave the offering just outside the elevator doors and then head back down to the 3rd floor. When you reach the 3rd floor, you then need to exit the elevator and use your phone to call the last person in your call history. The game begins when you call that number.
When the line is picked up, you must say “I want to visit the 6th floor”.
Be warned that at this point you may hear strange noises on the other end, as calling the number at this time and place has put you in contact with a demon. It is possible to gauge whether the demon is happy with your offering or not based off the things he may say, if anything at all. Do not hang up on the demon; you will go back up the elevator when he hangs up on you.
There are three possibilities awaiting you when you go back to the 5th floor to see what has happened to your offering.
If the demon doesn't care for your offering but hasn't been upset by it, you will find it in the same place as you left it outside the elevator. You must then collect the offering, go back down to the first floor and leave the building.
If the demon has been offended by your offering, you will find the offering destroyed in some way. Leave the building immediately if you find this, as it means that the demon is angry with you and will try to kill you if you stay too long.
But if the demon likes your offering, there will be no trace of it when you get back up to the 5th floor. If this has happened, you must close the elevator doors and then hit the button for the 5th floor again. This time, instead of the doors opening again, the elevator will begin to move up, taking you to a 6th floor that shouldn't exist.
The amount of time it will take to reach the 6th floor varies from person to person, but it should not take longer than two minutes.
When you reach the 6th floor, you will find yourself in another world. Accounts of what this other world looks like also varies from person to person. Some have said that the floor they entered was run down and wrecked to pieces in some parts. Others have said that the floor didn't look any different from the other floors. Regardless of the state of the floor, the one thing that is consistent is a giant glowing red cross that can be seen if you look outside. You will see nothing else outside aside from the cross.
It is not recommended that you to try to open any windows or try to climb down the building.
You are free to explore this other world until you are ready to leave. It does not matter how long you stay in the other world. When you want to leave you must simply walk back to the elevator and hit the button for the first floor. It is possible that you may come across the offering that you left for the demon earlier while you explore.
Do not take the offering back; it now belongs to the demon.
Reality on the 6th floor can be distorted and you may find yourself becoming confused. If you find yourself entering into such a state, take out the sentimental item you brought and focus on it. It will keep you from losing yourself and allow you to continue as you explore the other world.
Above all else, while exploring the other world, you must never look behind you. Even though the demon may have liked your offering, he also likes trickery and will try to make you turn around to look at him by making noise or by speaking to you. If you look at the demon you will be unable to leave the 6th floor and he will keep you there forever as he has claimed you as his.
It is not recommended that you speak to the demon even if you don't look at him.
Regardless of the outcome of your offering, when you have returned to the 1st floor you must exit the building and you cannot enter the building again for any reason until the time is 6 AM.
If you have upset the demon with your offering, it is not recommended that you try the game again.
There is no reward for playing this game. There is only the experience of leaving this world and venturing to one beyond our own.
This game is dangerous and could result in the death of the player, so please consider the possible outcomes of playing before you decide to do so.
You finished reading aloud the instructions displayed on the sketchy-looking site and looked to your friend Farah, who had her hands clasped together as she looked hopefully at you and the rest of your group who had gathered in her apartment.
“Well?” she asked after a moment, “what do you think?”
“.... Why does a demon have a phone?” you asked.
“Yeah and what phone company does he use?” Cliff asked after you, “or do demons have their own phone companies.”
“You're missing the point!” Farah exclaimed.
“And the point is....?”
“We need to try this!”
There was a collective groan throughout the apartment. The other one in the group, Carmen, rubbed their forehead as they told Farah “you're our friend and we love you, but I don't think any of us want to repeat that time we tried summoning ghosts in a public bathroom.”
“This is nothing like that!” Farah insisted, “it said that we need a building with five floors and an elevator! I promise, there won't be anything gross!”
“Where do we get a building like that?” Carmen asked.
Farah pointed to Cliff.
“You work security overnight at that one office building, right?”
“Do you seriously think I'm going to risk my job for this?” he asked.
“We won't do anything bad! We'll just play a game and leave some stuff on the top floor. If the demon doesn't like it we'll take it with us. It's literally in the rules that we need to clean up after ourselves.”
Farah stopped herself, but you could tell she wanted to continue about getting a chance to visit another world. She loved the supernatural and those kinds of urban legends, but she never wanted to try these things on her own.
Carmen sighed.
“Is anyone else even remotely interested in trying this?” they asked.
Neither you or Cliff said anything at first, and Farah's face began to fall as no one volunteered. Then, when it looked like Carmen was about to speak again, you tentatively raised your hand.
“It might be fun,” you said. At least in terms of memories of 'dumb shit you did when you were younger'.
Farah beamed while Carmen gave you a look that screamed 'I hate you'.
With you willing to give the game a chance, the other two ended up conceding to do the same, and Cliff had been convinced by Farah to let you all in a week from that day when he worked at that particular building. With his shift being 11 PM to 7 the next morning, there would be plenty of time for you to play the game and then let him get back to work. As long as nothing was messed up by the end of it, there would be no harm.
At first you were rather stumped on what to give the demon as an offering. Farah was the same, but she ended up deciding on a horror anthology book from the 1920s. Carmen just got a shirt they had been wanting since they were certain that this ritual wasn't going to work and they wanted to spend the money on something that was useful to them. Cliff went out of his way to get a particularly creepy clown doll. He claimed that he wasn't annoyed by all of this, but you found yourself questioning that statement when he sent a picture of it through the group text. You had no clue where the fuck he had found something that unsettling.
The night you all had settled on was approaching and you still didn't have an offering. It shouldn't have been that hard, and yet you felt like if there was the chance that you were going to run into some otherworldly creature, you didn't want to half-ass it and make it upset. If the supernatural was real it seemed better to try and keep it on your side.
You found yourself browsing a few online forums where people were discussing the game. Unsurprisingly, most said that the ritual didn't work, and the few that claimed that it did had written some uninspired stories about how the demon had told them how they were going to die or when the world was going to end, with at least one mentioning the coming of the Antichrist. When you scrolled down to the end of the page you were pretty bored of all of the comments you read and you were about to exit the page when one particular comment caught your eye:
the demon likes bats
It was buried beneath the comments of others, and nobody had interacted with it. Common sense would tell you that this was just more bullshit, but it just seemed like such a random thing to make up. Nowhere in the instructions had it mentioned bats, and no one else on the forums had said anything about it either. The user who had posted it hadn't interacted with anything else and seemingly just came on to put out that little tidbit. For that reason, you found yourself wondering if their ritual had been successful.
You leaned back in your chair while you considered the information.
Bats, huh?
And then by complete chance the next day, when you were in the mall trying to find something because it the date you'd set for the game was only hours away and you still had nothing, you spotted something through the window of a toy store: a pink stuffed bat plush.
It was rather overpriced, but if that comment was correct, then it should be worth it. If not, at least you got something cute out of it.
Surprisingly it was Carmen and Farah that had been less than impressed by what you had brought.
“I didn't realize you wanted to offend the demon too,” Farah commented bitterly.
“Maybe the demon likes pink,” you responded as you shrugged.
Nothing more was said about it as Cliff opened the front door of the building. In exchange for doing this, he made the rest of you go about the building to turn off all any lights that had been left on which you all grumbled about but agreed was fair enough. By the time you were finished scouring the building, it was 3:13 in the morning.
It had been agreed that Farah would go first, and the rest of you waited in a darker spot of the parking lot while she went in, watching the building to see if you could spot her movements through the windows. You had pulled out your phone, as you were the last person she had called. It would probably be proven pretty fast if this was real or not if she called you and it went through to you, though Carmen had said that they felt it was likely that Farah would probably not call and just say that she had.
You checked to make sure the sentimental object you had brought was in your pocket: a small, stuffed bear keychain that you had gotten as a present from a childhood friend. It was special to you, but you didn't feel like you'd be absolutely devastated if anything happened to it.
Farah came out a few minutes later, carrying her book and looking disappointed.
“It didn't work,” she said as she sighed.
“Did you call?” you asked.
“Yes,” she answered, somewhat indignant. To prove that she had, she pulled out her phone and opened up her call history. It listed her last call as being made to you only a few minutes ago. When you opened up your own call history, it showed that she had called you over an hour ago.
….. Okay. That was weird.
Carmen went next, and it was the same story with them, as they came out a little bit later still holding their shirt. Unlike Farah, they didn't seem too upset.
Cliff went after, holding that creepy clown doll and waving it around a bit as he walked to the elevator.
It was quiet again after that. You, Carmen and Farah waited patiently in the parking lot while the electric lampposts around you hummed. Cliff had been talking earlier so you hadn't noticed it, but it seemed eerily quiet outside. Usually there were bugs or other forms of wildlife at night that would keep things from being silent, but right now there was nothing; only the humming electricity of the lot and the occasional comment from Carmen.
Farah seemed anxious as she looked at the building, her hands playing with the charm on her phone while she waited for any sign of Cliff. The thing with the phone history seemed to convince her this was for real and she seemed nervous about Cliff's offering. Carmen didn't appear to be the same way and seemed more impatient, who'd begun to tap their foot as they waited.
“Did you hear anything when you called?” you asked the both of them. They looked at you, and both shook their heads.
“It was quiet when I called,” Farah said.
“Same here,” said Carmen. Farah smiled at that.
“That means that it's real, right?” she asked.
Carmen wasn't the best person to be around when they were tired and cranky, and you could see that Farah wasn't trying to take it personally. But looking back to Carmen, you noticed a slight furrow to their brow, and the impatient tapping seemed to have increased. At first glance you would have assumed that they were just really done with this whole thing, but as you kept looking, it seemed less like they were annoyed and more more like they were apprehensive.
“Cliff's taking a while,” they commented.
It was taking Cliff longer than the two of them, you realized, and you were about to try and crack a joke about him making it to the sixth floor when you saw the elevator doors in the lobby slide open, followed by Cliff walking out.
More like storming out, actually.
“What the hell?!” he exclaimed as he shoved open the main doors.
“Don't shout!” Carmen responded, “this is your job that we're not supposed to be doing this at, remember? What're you going to do if someone calls the police on us?”
Cliff ignored them, looking to Farah as he continued “are you serious? You want this stupid thing to be real that badly?!”
He was holding something that he then thrust in front of Farah's face. It was the clown doll that he'd brought.
Or at least, what was left of it.
It looked like it had been stepped on repeatedly, the body broken and the head having been caved in. One of the legs were also missing, you noted.
“You.... You think I did that?” Farah asked.
“Who else!” Cliff yelled.
“I've been here the whole time!” she shrieked back.
“She has,” you added as you felt the need to jump in, “none of us have moved from this spot.”
“Oh fuck off,” he answered, “I needed to return this. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“Maybe you shouldn't have gone out of your way to be an asshole,” Farah spat back.
It quickly devolved into an argument between the two, with Carmen pulling you back when you tried to jump in again. It made sense why Cliff was upset, but Farah hadn't done anything.
“.... Should I not go?” you whispered to Carmen after a bit.
“No!” Cliff exclaimed, this time at you, “you should go! Do this stupid thing, and then let me get back to my work!”
“You're not allowed to go back in for the rest of the night,” Farah pointed out.
By that point Cliff was done, and he stormed off to another area in the lot. Carmen motioned for you to go while Farah quietly steamed. It wasn't the first time those two had fought, but the arguments seemed to be getting nastier every time they happened. Best to get this over with so they could be separated and have the time to cool down.
You walked through the darkened lobby of the empty office building, your path illuminated only by the streetlights outside. There was something about darkness and artificial light that somehow made it feel more foreboding, more dangerous. Even though you were an adult there were still thoughts that ran about in your head of creatures that you couldn't see awaiting you in the dark, and those thoughts made you tense a bit. It was such an irrational fear, but one your brain wouldn't let go of. The argument between your friends had only put you more on edge as well.
The elevator doors slid open, the bright blinding lights hurting your eyes for a second before they adjusted to them, and you stepped in the car, pushing the button for the fifth floor.
Fifth floor, leave the offering, then down to third.
There were some bits of Cliff's creepy clown doll that were in front of the elevator when you reached the top floor. It vaguely occurred to you that the instructions said to leave immediately if the offering had been destroyed, but it seemed like Cliff had tried to clean up some. Though that made sense, since he didn't want to leave a mess behind after his shift.
You pushed away some of the leftover bits with your shoe, and carefully placed the bat plush laying on its back in front of the doors.
Down to the third floor, then.
You checked again to make sure that the bear keychain was still in your pocket during the ride down, stepping out when the doors opened after you confirmed that it was.
Now to make the call....
There hadn't been anything saying you needed to wait until the doors closed to begin, but you waited anyway. When the double doors slid shut behind you, you hit the button on your screen to call Farah, the last person on your call history.
It rang twice before the call was picked up. Just as Farah and Carmen had said, it was silent on the other side. You cleared your throat before saying the words that had been instructed.
“I want to visit the sixth floor. Please.”
There was nothing that said you needed to be polite, but you figured it couldn't hurt.
You still didn't hear anything from the other end, and that silence continued for several more seconds. You held the phone close to your ear, straining to hear anything, any sort of indication that someone was on the other line. The “demon” was supposed to hang up first, you remembered, so you were stuck until something happened.
“.... That's actually cute.”
The male voice you heard on the other end was unexpected, but you didn't get a chance to say anything back before the phone call ended.
You stood very still for a few moments.
That.... That hadn't been any of the others who were still outside. Unless they had gone so far as to hide someone out there and have them answer the phone when you called Farah and all of this was just an elaborate prank. But none of them were really the kind of people to do things like that.
Remembering the instructions from the site, you turned back to the elevator and got on when the doors opened, pushing the button for fifth floor once again.
If the demon likes your offering, there will be no trace of it when you get back up to the 5th floor
The ding of the elevator signaled that you were once again at the top floor of the building, and when the doors slid back open and you looked to the spot where you'd left the bat, you found.... Nothing.
That space you had cleared from the broken bits of that doll was empty, the white tiled floor shining in the light that came from the elevator.
….. If this was all just a prank by your friends, you weren't sure if you'd be able to trust them after this.
The doors closed once again, and you took a deep breath before you pushed the fifth floor button.
The elevator began to move up.
There wasn't a sixth floor; you'd double checked that the building only went as high as five.
You told yourself to wait until the doors opened before you jumped to conclusions. You'd need to see this “other world” before you could say for certain that all of this was real.
The website said that it could take up to two minutes, but mere seconds later did the doors slide back open.
Everything looked normal. Just another floor of an office building.
Or it would have looked normal, had it not been for the fact that everything was bathed in a red glow that came from the outside.
Clutching your phone in one hand and the keychain in the other, you took a small, tentative step out of the car, looking to either side of you.
The hallways were empty. Nothing jumped out at you.
Slowly, you walked over to a window.
In the distance stood a glowing red cross.
…. This was real.
This was actually real.
It was almost too much to process for your shock-addled brain, and you had to wonder if anyone else who had been successful had the same reaction as you, to just stare dumbly at the scene before you.
It then occurred to you to get proof for when you went back.
You pulled up the camera on your phone. Or you tried to at least. Of all the times for your phone to act up, it needed to be when you needed to get a picture so people would believe you. The app kept taking forever to pull up before it would close and you repeatedly tapped on the screen as you tried to make it work. Somehow you managed to snap a few pictures of the cross before the camera closed again and you weren't able to open it back up. The lighting and your uncooperative phone made the pictures appear quite blurry, but one would be able to tell what they were looking at. No doubt some people would claim that it was fake, but it was enough to satisfy you.
You checked the time, finding it to be 3:30, if the phone was to be trusted. You wished you had checked before you came up here, but it was a bit too late for that now.
You stepped away from the window and went down one of the halls, looking all around before you remembered that the site said that you shouldn't look behind you. Or was that only when you heard the demon? Regardless, you kept glances behind yourself to a minimum as you made your way through the floor.
Aside from the red light that covered everything, it looked like a normal office floor, filled with different offices and supply closets and nothing that was particularly interesting to you. The one strange thing was that the red cross outside seemed to move along with you, as when you would move to a different room you would still be able to see it clearly outside. You went back to the windows a few times and tried to see if there was anything else outside, but all you found was an endless darkness with no signs of any kind of life or structure. Unsurprisingly there was also no sign of your friends down below, though it would have been hard to see where they were standing outside anyway given the angle.
The red light made you slightly sick after a while, and you tried opening up the flashlight option on your phone. But it refused to turn on. In fact, nothing on your phone was working now, and when you looked at the clock, the time was still 3:30.
Either time was being distorted or your phone wasn't able to function properly. Given how your phone was acting earlier the latter would seem to be the most likely option, but you also weren't sure what the rules of this place were. There was nothing that said that this world was bound to time in the way yours was.
The website had said that you could stay up here for as long as you wanted, right?
You began to see things out of the corner of your eye, little bits of movement in the darkness that dared you to look at them. You did a few times, mentally slapping yourself as you remembered what the instructions had said as you were now desperately trying to remember everything that had been written so you knew what you could and couldn't do. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time as you recalled what the site had said about possibly dying to this game, and at one point you felt so overwhelmed that you thought you were going to throw up. You managed to keep it down, but after that you decided that it was time to leave.
When you started to head back to the elevator was when you felt a headache coming on. It was mild at first, but when you went further along your route to the exit it started to hurt more, turning into a stabbing pain that jammed into your skull.
Had the website mentioned this? You couldn't be sure. Where were you even going again?
You stopped at an open door, leaning against the open door frame to rest. There was movement from inside the room, and without thinking you looked over to it.
The bat you had left on the fifth floor sat in the room in front of a whiteboard. A whiteboard that had been absolutely covered in drawn on hearts and your name repeated over and over.
…. The website hadn't mentioned that.
“Do you think it's a good place for him?”
The voice you heard came from a few feet behind you. The same voice you had heard over the phone.
You needed to get out. Now.
You brushed your hand against your pocket as you tried to stand up straight again, still fighting the pain of the headache when you remembered the little bear keychain.
It will keep you from losing yourself
With that thought in mind you pulled it out and focused on it, and the pain seemed to lessen by a good amount.
“You've got a thing for cute stuff, don't you?”
The voice came from directly behind you this time, like whoever was speaking was staring down over your shoulder as they were practically on top of you.
Don't look don't look don't look
You pushed off of the door frame, the keychain still in hand as you power-walked back down the hall. The headache was still there a little bit but it was nowhere near as debilitating as it had been before.
The voice whined from behind you.
“You're leaving already? You just got here.”
Don't speak. Don't look.
It was following you. You could hear the footsteps that trailed after yours, keeping up with your pace and almost being purposefully loud. Sudden noises accompanied the footsteps, making you jump and urging you to turn around. It was a natural thing to react to sudden sounds like that and you needed to catch yourself a few times from looking behind.
It was trying to keep you here and you didn't want to stay to find out why that was.
You turned several corners and walked down many halls, and the elevator wasn't anywhere in sight. That wasn't right. You had made a mental note of where the location of the elevator approximately was. As much as the headache was still messing with you, you should still be able to make it back. You knew where it was, goddammit.
…. Was it just you, or were these hallways getting longer?
A chuckle came from behind you.
“You didn't think I'd let you go that easy, did you?”
You started to run.
You weren't sure how long you continued like that – time didn't seem to be a thing up here. Around you the halls extended, stretching out and prolonging your time in this hell as you turned corner after corner and you still couldn't find the fucking elevator. The temptation was there to look behind and see how long the halls had become, but the laughter that followed you kept your eyes straight ahead.
Turning another corner, the doors to the elevator came in sight, and you let out a gasp of relief as you ran faster. Just a little bit more and then you'd be free.
…. The elevator seemed to be was moving away from you, messing with you just as the halls had done before.
You could hear him breathing directly in your ear as you ran. Still trying to freak you out, still trying to make you turn around. He hadn't touched you at all, though, and you wondered if there were rules for him that prevented him from doing so.
The attempts to get you to look back at him seemed to be getting desperate. If this thing was getting to a point where even he was desperate, you didn't want to know what the hell he'd do to you if you made the mistake of turning around.
Despite it all the elevator was getting closer. Escape was literally in your grasp-
And then something in the floor shifted that caused your knee to buckle and you were sent flying face down on the flat white tile.
The phone and keychain went flying out of your hands and there was blood in your mouth as you bit your lip. Your head ached again, though you weren't sure if it was because of him or because you'd just landed on the solid floor.
You lay there for a few moments, catching your breath as you tried to compose yourself.
You then became aware of the presence that was standing over you. He was quiet now, but you could feel his eyes burning holes into your back, as if trying to will you to look at him.
Pushing yourself up on shaky arms, you began to crawl forward, your hands searching for the phone and keychain that had gone flying and had vanished into the darkness, the light from outside now much duller than it had been when you'd first arrived.
Don't look don't look don't look
He can't touch you
He can't force you to look back at him
Just keep facing forward and-
A horrifically loud shrieking noise sounded through the hall. It was the loudest thing you had ever heard in your life, the noise so great that you felt the floor vibrating, and your hands immediately went to cover your ears to protect your hearing as best you could.
Don't you dare fucking look back
With your hands still over your ears, you crawled forward on your knees. It was slow and it had gotten so dark that you couldn't see the elevator anymore, but it was still progress. When your knee brushed against your phone you ignored it. Who gave a fuck about proof anymore? You just wanted to get out.
But you were still trying to keep a lookout for the keychain. It had helped before; if you could find it, it would probably make getting out easier.
You put out one hand on the floor as you blindly searched for your sentimental item, your eyes scrunching up in pain as the horrible sound continued.
For a split second your fingers brushed up against something soft.
You grabbed it.
Immediately after the shrieking noise stopped.
For just a moment, there was relief, even though you still had that noise ringing in your ears. But it took only another moment for you to realize that something was wrong.
You hadn't grabbed that bear keychain. It was larger and heavier.
Opening your eyes, you found that you were holding that fucking bat plush.
“Ah. You messed up.”
A hand reached from behind you and grabbed the plush out of your grip. A different hand was placed on your shoulder and you were spun around on the floor.
A fair-skinned man with what looked to be blonde hair stared down at you, one hand still on your shoulder as he waved the bat in front of you.
“You're not supposed to take this back, remember?” he asked as he smiled at you.
“No.... I didn't...” you trailed off.
“But you did, though! You grabbed and picked it up,” he said.
That wasn't possible. You had left that thing behind in that room that felt so far away now. But as you glanced to the side you saw that, to your horror, you were sitting next to that room again, the hearts still visible on the whiteboard. You were barely able to note that it had gotten brighter and that somehow the red lighting seemed less harsh before he was talking to you again.
“So you lost and now you don't get to go back,” he told you.
“No.... You cheated.”
It felt so juvenile to say that out loud, but it was all that could come out of you in your current state.
Strangely though, he didn't deny it.
“Can you blame me?” he asked, “I've never gotten a visitor as charming as yourself. When I heard you on the phone and saw what you left me, I just needed to keep you.”
He looked at the bat plush again and smiled at it as he sat down in front of you.
“Did you just pick this at random, or was it something else?”
You struggled to comprehend the question, and it took you a bit before you were able to blurt out “someone else said you liked bats.”
“So you mean you went to the trouble of looking up what things I liked? That's adorable. I love it!” he exclaimed.
You tried to subtly scoot away from him as he sat in front of you but you were noticed instantly.
“Where do you think you're going?” he asked. The look he gave you was so innocent.
“I-I need to go home. I want to go home,” you insisted.
“That's not an option, remember?” he asked, waving the bat around again.
You shook your head.
“You cheated. I should be allowed to leave because you did that.”
He laughed.
“There's no rule against cheating. As long as I didn't touch you it was fine. Don't be a sore loser.”
“Fuck you.”
You spat out those words in a bout of frustration, trying your best to sound strong, but it probably just made you seem more pathetic.
He only hummed at that, just staring at you for a moment.
It had been getting steadily brighter, the red going away with every passing second and you were able to make out different colors. The purple and teal on his clothes, the shade of blonde his hair was and the blue of his eyes were visible to you for a few moments.
He set the bat plush to the side, and the world began to darken again as red and black took over.
“That's okay,” he said, more to himself than to you, “you're scared and that kind of reaction is normal, so I'm not too mad.”
It was getting harder to see him, but you could see movement about him, things about his body changing. Horns that slowly curled out from his forehead. The tips of his fingers that darkened around long claws that took the place of his fingernails. Large, bat-like wings that unfolded from behind him and spread themselves.
You caught a glimpse of his teeth in the low light, and they looked sharper than they had before.
Panic shot through you as you began to scramble away from him, but your escape attempt was short-lived as something wrapped itself around your legs and pulled you back towards him.
A tail? Oh God that was a tail.
He was on top of you, and he caged you in his arms as he leaned down to whisper in your ear “don't worry, I'll go easy on you this time.”
You tried to push him away, but he ignored it.
“Oh! Before I forget, I should introduce myself shouldn't I? I'm Shalnark. Nice to meet you.”
With that, his lips claimed yours in a searing kiss.
Your friends had been waiting a while.
Farah and Carmen stayed where they had been directly next to the building while Cliff hadn't moved from where he had stormed off to. Farah had been getting upset as she had become convinced that you were being an ass to her as well with how long you were taking. It was all Carmen could do to try and keep her calm.
Because of his distance away and how distracted they were, neither of them noticed the state Cliff was in.
They only noticed when he began to violently cough.
With Farah still slightly bitter from their earlier argument, Carmen was the one to check on him, asking if he was alright as they walked up to him.
Cliff gave no answer as he had begun to cough up blood.
Carmen's hands fumbled when they pulled out their phone to call emergency services, and they yelled at Farah to go inside and get you. The sight of the blood Cliff was coughing up had Farah sprinting towards the building, throwing the front doors open as she made a beeline for the elevator.
Carmen didn't notice it at first when Farah fell to the floor. Only when the ambulance had been confirmed and they looked back to the building to see if the two of you were coming out did they see her body lying limply on the floor.
Ambulances and cop cars arrived eventually, and both Cliff and Farah were declared dead at the scene. The autopsy reports later would declare that they had been poisoned. A thorough search of the building would find no source of where the poison had come from.
Nor did they find anything from you.
Carmen had told them that you were in there, but when they searched they found no trace of you. No personal belongings and nothing to even indicate that you had entered the building. When the search for you grew beyond the confines of the office building, there was still no trace of you. You simply vanished into thin air.
The case would puzzle investigators before they would ultimately put it aside for other cases that needed their attention. It would only gain some traction online when the files were released to the public and certain parties saw that you and your friends had been playing the Sixth Floor Game. For some people it added weight to their beliefs that the game was real and needed to be avoided. For others it was just a coincidence.
Regardless of what they thought, you remained a missing person that would never be seen again, forever immortalized by your unexplained disappearance and an urban legend.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: July 10th
I really let asks get away from me lately. I was super focused on working on that Patreon Moment. With that done I can finally think about doing other things, so here’s a new collection of answers!
Thank you for sending in questions everyone ^^.
For the new Patreon moment, will you be able to reference it in step 4? Or just like a tiny nod to it if you pick certain choices?
There won’t be. I’m sorry if you were hoping for that! The Patreon moment is meant to be entirely optional, it’s not something that gets you extra content in the main game.
Is the new CG artist the main one now? :0 I’ve noticed theres been a difference in the art style recently. Is the old CG artist still going to make art for the game? :0
The original artist still makes CGs for the game sometimes, but he mainly focuses on character sprites.
Are you going to put the NSFW our life moment on a website other than patreon? I would love to get it but I can't use patreon atm.
I don’t know. I'm afraid we can't release the Patreon Moment on a normal game storefront because we can't mix 18+ content with our family friendly game. If there's some other place similar to Patreon where it's not the normal type of full-scale public content releases we'd consider using that, but I’m not sure if there is another site that’s better than Patreon in that regard. I'm sorry.
Out of curiosity, in all of your games so far, which characters in each were the most fun to write? They obviously don't have to be your favorite characters!
Buffalo Seer in AFA, really everyone in XOD/XOBD is pretty equally entertaining to write, The Guide in LoV, and Cove in OL!
idk if you accept "personal" questions, but is there anything you've been watching/ listening to lately
Mostly, I’ve been watching/listening to Authortube videos as of late! It’s people who talk generally about the process of how books become traditionally published and/or share their own experience as they attempt to be published. I don’t have an interest in writing normal text based books, but it’s really interesting to hear about that world. I’m listening to a video about royalties right now as I answer these asks.
Will one of the desserts we get to pick be fudge? That'd be such a cute reference! 
Haha, yeah, it should. Unless I completely blank on it and forget when trying to include the various referential food options.
I don't know if this has been asked previously but what would be the approximate heights for the presets MC can choose from Step 2 ~ 4? Are there any measurement you had in mind? Sorry if I didn't make myself clear kk I've been struggling with my English lately 💀 
I don’t know, ahah. I didn’t have any numbers in mind for that. So it’s whatever you imagine it is!
I noticed a bug with the Patreon moment when it comes to what your character wears. When Jamie and Cove are kissing while my character only had dresses selected, I had both the option to remove the dress or to remove the shirt... Picking one of the options to interact with Cove, after he removed his shirt, it had Jamie remove their shirt followed by ther pants despite only having dresses picked. 
Thank you for reporting ^^
I keep refreshing steam to see when the new doc for xobd will be released. I noticed you haven't posted anything about it in quite some time. Would it be possible to ask about a timeline/potential date? (If it's even this year—) I know you and your team are probably working super hard, I'm just super curious! ~Thank you!~ 
There are more stories done, I just haven’t gotten around to publicly releasing them. Hopefully I will have a chance to spend the time on that sooner rather than later!
hello!! i’m not sure if it’s an update but i’ve just replayed our life and at the end i can’t propose to cove anymore? :(( i’ve actually tried playing twice but the options are not there anymore, did you guys remove the options? i’m sorry if you’ve answered this before!! thank you and have a good one :) 
I’m afraid things haven’t been changed or removed, so I think you might’ve accidentally picked the wrong things somewhere along the way and locked yourself out of being able to propose by mistake. Sometimes you meant to say you want to get married but instead you mis-click and have it so the MC isn’t thinking about marriage or something. All I can suggest is starting from the beginning of Step 3 and making sure to follow the steps listed in the FAQ. I’m sorry for that.
Did yall remove some of the options for when youre making out with Cove in the charity moment? I could've sworn you could grab his bonkadonk and its not there anymore 
This is the same situation as the above. We didn’t remove things and you’re not wrong that there are sometimes those options. But there are various choices you have to make to get those options and it sounds like you accidentally missed something. If your relationship isn’t long-term, you can’t do it for example.
Thank you for getting it!
Is Shiloh super totally straight bc I’m very gay and a huge Shiloh fan, would my man make an exception?😩
Sadly, he is one of our super straight characters. I’m sorry.
Hi, I have a very dumb question. In Step 2 does Cove not wanna share his drink with us at the mall (or rather why he stops drinking it) because it's an indirect kiss? Or is it like ...weird to him to share? Because if I remember right he eats off our spoon in the birthday scene right? 
Yeah, he’s awkward about it because he likes the MC and it feels very personal to share a straw with his crush.
Hi! If you don't mind me asking, who is the artist for OL2? Their style is so pretty! 
Thank you for saying so! This is her Twitter- https://twitter.com/redridingheart
Do Beginnings & Always and Now & Forever exist in the same universe? 
Yep! XOXO Droplets also exists in the same universe. It’s one big GB Patch world, haha.
Do Pran's parents regret the way they raised him? Do they feel ashamed of it?
No. They’re the type of people best cut out because they’re not gonna change. Which is why Pran does go very limited contact when he’s an adult.
Hi! I just wrapped up my second playthrough of Our Life, and I absolutely adore it, but I had a question. I went to the gallery and found I was missing 2 CGS (specifically Step 1-3 and 2-3) and I had no clue where they would've shown up. Which moments are those found in? 
You get it by telling Cove about his dad offering you money to be his friend in Step 1 and Step 2. You can’t get both in one playthrough, since you can only tell Cove the truth once. I’m really glad you liked it!
Hi hi! Please, how tall is Baxter and Derek? Love the game so much and I can't wait to see more! 
I don’t know, aha. I think Baxter was around 5′10 and Derek was like 5′8/5′9, maybe. I really am not one who has specific heights for things in mind.
is adult cove a bottom, top, or switch? 
A switch, though would choose the top if he had to pick.
I was wondering if there is a way to transfer save data? Even if through the game files. I wanted to be able to transfer my save data from my desktop over to my laptop so that I could continue playing right where I left off from but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that. 
If you save the save folder/persistent data of the game from your desktop and put it into the game folder on your other device, that could work.
Hi! Is it possible for us to know the date when our life: now and forever comes out on steam? Sorry if you've mentioned it before but I haven't seen it and I'm looking foward to that happening and just wanted to know :) 
It’s gonna be a long time, I’m afraid. There’s no estimate right now.
I started playing Our Life with my sister a while ago, and I think you guys should know that we discovered your secret. >:)
L from death note and Cove are clearly the same person, and this whole game is just an origin story!!
I’ve never seen that show so I’m sorry to say I don’t understand the connection/reference you’re trying to make. I’m pretty out of the loop when it comes to media. I don’t watch movies or TV.
Will OL2 have options for disabled MCs?
I understand if it's too complicated, just curious
Unfortunately, it’s not really something we have a plan for. We couldn’t finish the game if we tried to include every disability and have it be meaningful. It’d just be too much content to create. But if we decide to only include a few, how would we choose which disabilities get to be represented and which are left out? I don’t know. It’ll probably have to be something we don’t include as an option again, sadly. I’m sorry.
playing our life > anything else 
Haha, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
Honestly, I would like to thank Our Life for helping me come to terms with my sexuality. Before, I never would've actually thought that it was possible to like boys romantically and still be asexual. Almost all of the BL visual novels I've read had unskippable sexual content in them and it honestly just didn't click with what I feel. I'm glad I found Our Life. I love the game, the developers, and this fandom so much. Now, I can safely come out as homoromantic AND asexual (at least anonymously here anyway; my parents are still huge homophobes 😂). 
Aw, it’s great to hear you felt comfortable being yourself in the game! That’s wonderful. I’m really sorry about your parents, though.
Will the demo for OL2 be on android? Really not sure if I could wait any longer than I have to aha 
Yeah, it’ll be available for Android once we eventually release a demo!
Do all these reveals perhaps mean development is progressing ahead of schedule? Please let that be the case I'm already obsessed with Qiu 
No, sorry, aha. Art comes along much faster than script/programming-work for us. It’s gonna be a long time before the game is a finished thing you can actually play. But at least we can look at the beautiful images.
Hey! First of all I wanna say I reallllllyyyyy loooovvveeee Our Life and XOXO Droplets! I have over 300 hours of playtime on Our Life… Anyways, I was just wondering, are the Derek and Baxter DLCs going to come out at the same time? If not, which one do you plan to release first? :3 
They will come out separately and Derek will be first! Glad you like the game.
I keep replaying Our Life to get every possible iteration and I am loving it <3 I was wondering if Cove gets locked out of his confession because MC was talking to Lee, would it be possible to confess to him in step 4? 
Yeah, you can avoid the confession in Step 3 and then get it in Step 4.
Hi, my Cove wears bracelets through step 2 and 3 but I still don't get an option to give him a bracelet? I didn't even know that was possible until I seen someone else ask about it lol 
Hm, did you use the Cove creator? Maybe there’s a bug where using the creator to add bracelets doesn’t fulfill the requirement to give Cove a bracelet in Step 3.
Wait, I'm dense, when does Baxter appear in step 2? Is it from big park firework? I feel so bad since i really love Baxter and waiting to buy his dlc. 
It’s in the Soiree Moment. You have to be just friends with Cove, indifferent, or crushing but not ask Cove to the dance at all. Then while there you can find someone new to dance with. But if you bring Cove to the dance while crushing, the MC won’t wanna dance with anyone else so you can’t get the scene.
In step 2 when we go to the soiree I made my mc go alone and baxter chooses the mc to dance, i'm curious, why did he pick the mc? sorry if this has been asked before! 
Because the MC looked to be around his age, seemed to also be searching for a partner, and had nice legs. A perfect option for him.
I read some of the FAQs, and I saw that we could tell Baxter about the condo that he rented there was previously the mean old grandparents. how do we get the mc to tell him that? 
It happens in the DLC Moment “Late Shift”. If you don’t have a job you instead get a longer scene with Baxter.
I don’t know if you’ve addressed this or not, but are you planning on paying voice actors for our life: now and forever? 
Yeah, we pay our VAs in all our projects.
hey can i ask how you did the moments thing in ol? im trying to get into making visual novels and while im VERY sure its out of my comfort zone and all that atm i kinda wanna know just for the future, bc im p sure it would work well for something i wanna do :O but its also fine if you cant say for other reasons :> 
I’m afraid I’m not sure what you mean. Are you asking how we programmed the screen or something script related? Adding Moments like that is pretty straightforward, though. You just have buttons that open to different labels and then the scripts are essentially individual short stories/vignettes. Good luck with your VN!
Since Autumn becomes gender fluid later in the game, will there be a character who remains as he/him to romance in game? 
OL1 has the he/him LIs, OL2 is all about other genders.
I don't want to impose on your creative plans, but a parrot could possibly make a good pet in an OL-type game? They're pretty long-lived and likely to still be thriving by the end even if the MC got them back in step 1. 
I do appreciate the suggestion, but I’m afraid it’s not likely going to happen. I understand there are technically some animals that could theoretically live long enough to last the whole game that or we could have the MC only get a pet after some years have already passed. But the many things that would have to be considered/accommodated for makes it just something we probably can’t manage adding. I’m sorry.
As time passes will we be able to see Qiu and Tamarack's other stage arts as well?
They are both so cute i can't wait to be friends with them!
Yeah, we’ll show content from other Steps in the future. It’ll be a little while from now, though.
Can you date Cove and still have your family comfort you in the car?
You can’t get Cove’s Step 3 confession scene if you have the family comfort you in the car. But that’s not the only way to date him. You can get together with him earlier in the game or later on in Step 4.
Is Mc always going to be the one walking down the aisle or could Cove do it? Also could you choose to have one of your moms walk you? 
No. Cove wouldn’t want to walk down the aisle like that and the MC automatically respects that. And the MC also gets to have their preferences respected, so it’s up to you whether they want to do an aisle walk or not. You also can pick who, if anyone, walks with you.
Once step 4 is out, will you be able to go the whole game on crush/love without either of you confessing? 
Yes, as long as you tell the game you don’t want to progress the relationship. Even in Step 4 it won’t force you to officially get together.
Howdy, so in Step 4, there will be any Romance with Derek that is not part of any dlc? 
He’s only a friend unless you get his romance story.
Will the step 4 in OL2 be one big step or are you considering moments? 
Step 4 is just an epilogue in both games.
hi kind of a weird question but!! we know tht cliff doesn't start dating again but. wht abt flings? like does he ever do 1 night stands or anything? thank u!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Nope. Cliff has a very small interest in sex. If he’s not in a real relationship with a partner he’s crazy about it simply isn’t something he feels a need for, so one night stands wouldn’t even cross his mind.
sorry if you've already answered this, but i was wondering if there were plans for there to be bonus love interests in OL2 like how we have derek and baxter in OL1.
Maybe! There are side characters who could be given romance stories, but whether or not it will happen depends on funding and how long everything else takes to finish.
I don't know if i'm allowed to ask about ol2 here yet, if not u can ignore this or answer it later. My question is can you date one of them and be good friends with the other? I don't want to be strangers with the other bcs i love them both a lot :<
Yes you can!
what patreon level do i have to be to unlock the nsfw moment? im on the $5 one right now, will that give me access to the moment, or just access to the moment progress? 
That’ll give you access! Tier 2 and anything higher allows the player to download it.
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kyouxa · 3 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shin Tsukinami (Story 12)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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Place: Abandoned house — Outside
Yui: (Yesterday I was apparently the first one to fall asleep. Was I really that tired though?)
Kino: How nice. C’mon, it’s hot now.
It’s some food I’ve been stealing beforehand, so please eat it as carefully as you can.
Yui: Kino-kun, thank you.
Shin: Did you steal things like this before us knowing about it too?
Kino: I might’ve taken some while you two were resting a bit.
For once, I wasn’t just playing around as you see.
Shin: No, that’s an extension of playing around, don’t you think?
Kino: Meanie. I only brought it with me because I thought that girl might be hungry to begin with. 
Yui: Really? Thank you for your concern then.
Kino: Ah, yeah! I also found something really interesting while I was searching for food!
I want to show it to Shin, so wait here for a hot minute. I’ll go get it.
*Kino leaves*
Shin: What could be so interesting? Well, whatever. I shouldn’t be surprised about anything that guy pulls up anymore.
Go on, you can eat without holding back now. You’re hungry, aren’t you?
Yui: Yep, after everything that happened, I really am. Thanks for the food! 
Ah, it’s hot… ! 
(The meat is really hot because it was freshly roasted… !)
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Shin: You’re not a child anymore, so eat more calmly than that. Nobody’s taking it away from you after all.
Yui: Yes, you’re right. 
...Nn, it hurts… it looks like I burnt my tongue
Shin: Haa. Your clumsiness is showing, seriously.
*Shin gets closer*
Shin: Alright, show me your tongue. I have to check on it before it might get even worse.
Yui: Eh!? I’m fine, really! It’s not that big of a deal.
Shin: If it gets worse you’ll suffer deterioration. It’s better to show me yourself before I’m forced to pull your tongue out myself, right?
Yui: (Uhh… it’s no use, but I still hate it… let’s see)
Fine, I get it. I’ll show you myself.
Shin: What? I would’ve been fine with pulling it out myself as well.
Yui: No, thanks… ! Alright, Nn…
*Yui shows tongue*
Shin: Ah, it’s getting really red.
Should I take care of it? It would heal way faster like that, don’t you think?
Yui: Eh!? No! You don’t have to go that far, I’m fine.
Shin: You shouldn’t decline. I would be glad to help you out for the sake of it healing faster. 
Yui: T-That’s not...
Shin: Perhaps you would rather want to be bitten by my fangs than simply being treated? Well, if that’s so you could’ve told me earlier.
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Yui: That’s not what I asked for… ! 
Shin: Looks as if the third wheel’s about to come back. I’ll settle this now or never then.
*Shin kisses Yui*
Yui: Nn…
Shin: Kuku, your face is bright red. You’re still shy even if it’s just kissing.
If you don’t get used to it, there might be some difficulties in the future.
Yui: It’s embarrassing to me, therefore I can’t help it, okay… !?
Kino: ...Ahem, Ahem! 
Yui: Ah, Kino-kun! You’re back!
Kino: Yep, I’m back. Ah, don’t worry about me, just keep going.
*Shin backs off*
Shin: We can’t easily continue now. There’s nothing more we’re gonna show you either.
Kino: How lewd. Well, whatever. Apart from that, I want you to look at this. 
*Kino gets closer*
Yui: Ah, talking about it, you wanted to show us something interesting, right… ? 
Kino: Hm, yep! Tada, look at this! It’s a caricature of Shin! 
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Yui: Eh? Of Shin-kun?
Shin: Uwah! Where did you get this from!?
Kino: I found it when exploring the Orange mansion. I brought it reflexively with me because it was kinda an amazing sketch, in my opinion.
Hey, did you draw this? I found it in Shin-kun’s room, but...
Shin: T-That’s...
Yui: But it looks really good. Did Shin-kun draw this all by himself?
Shin: It’s not like that. Because I had no time to do it myself, I let a familiar draw it for me instead.
Kino: Hmm, so it’s a portrait? As expected from a founder, they really act differently.
But even so, do you really like yourself that much? This portrait is way prettier than you actually are though.
Shin: Shut up! I mean, you’re not beautifaction yourself in person either! I at least let them draw me faithfully.
I’m totally fine with how this turned out. We have to talk about way more important things than that anyway. 
Kino: Yep, Yep. Let’s talk seriously about this matter from now on. Does any of you got something?
Shin: I… I want to regain my brother’s memory.
After I first got to observe the situation, I immediately felt as if it’s an impossible task. We met each other face to face several times, yet I haven’t noticed any change in him.
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Yui: Shin-kun…
Kino: Well, guess so. 
Shin: So I think it’s best to find a way to get out of here first, before trying anything with him again.
Kino: Don’t you think that this is also difficult? We’ve just been looking around the mansions for now, that’s it. And even there were no clues.
Shin: I know that. I just want to get out of this ridiculous place if possible. Maybe his memory would come back naturally then.
...I thought that if I can’t somehow shake his memory, they might be able to come back themselves by any chance.
Kino: By chance, huh? Does that mean you actually cared about what I said yesterday?
Shin: ...Not really.
Yui: Yesterday? 
(I wonder what happened while I was asleep?)
Shin: So, what’s it? Do you think it’s the opposite? 
Kino: No. As you said it yourself, I think it would be quicker to get out of here first.
Shin: Thought so. What do you think?
1) What about Carla-san then? (black)
2) I want to know how to escape (white)♡ ♡ ♡
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— What about Carla-san then? 
Yui: What about Carla-san then? You’re the one who wants him to remember the most after all.
Shin: It can’t be helped. I’m worried about my brother, yes, but I can’t let this be a constant priority that weighs on my mind. 
Yui: You’re right. As long as Shin-kun’s fine, I think it would be better to find an escape route first too.
Kino: Aight, it’s unanimous.
— I want to know how to escape♡
Yui: I think it would be best to find a way to escape from here first as well. Maybe Carla-san’s memory will come back once we escape.
Shin: Right? It wouldn’t make sense if we meaninglessly return home without all of their memories coming back to them. We, Kino and everyone else.
Yes, that would be a reason to postpone my brother. This is what we should aim for in the future...
Yui: (He’s speaking to us as if he’s entirely trying to convince himself about this)
(Maybe Shin-kun really wants to go and actually see Carla-san as soon as possible)
(I can’t get this feeling of them wanting to desperately kill us off either though…)
It’ll be fine, Shin-kun. I’m sure this won’t last too long anymore.
Shin: Yes, it’ll be fine. I know that.
Alright, unanimity agreed to it then.
Yui: Yes.
Kino: Okey-doke.
end Choices
Shin: That’s settled then.
Kino: I guess he’ll be able to manage his memory somehow or another. If I could go back to my original house, Yuri would probably help me for sure.
Yui: Yuri-san?
Kino: He’s my loyal servant. As soon as I get home from here, I’ll let him do some research in order to restore your brother's memory.
Shin: Yes, that would help a lot.
Kino: But, y’know… Even if we’re looking for an escape route, we have to first of all figure out how we were brought to this place 
Shin: It’s worse, especially since we know nothing about this place. If there are at least any hints somewhere...
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Yui: That’s true. It was also one of the reasons we went into each of the mansions...
Shin: Seriously, did you notice anything?
Yui: What I noticed—
Yui: Ah! Speaking of that—
Shin: What?
Yui: Each of the mansions had the exact amounts of chess pieces on their chess boards
Shin: Now that you mention it, I do think I noticed one standing in the living room of the Orange mansion once...
Kino: Ah, there was also one in Scarlet’s mansion.
Yui: I remember there was also one in the Violet mansion. Besides, the floor of the church also has a checkered pattern of black and white marble—
Kino: Like a chessboard.
Yui: Yes!
Shin: I see. But what exactly does this have to do with this? Both are probably just there as decorations.
Kino: No, I doubt that it’s just for decoration… I see now.
Yui: Kino-kun, did you figure something out?
Kino: I wouldn’t call it “figure”. It’s just that I thought of something...
We were forcibly dumbed off in this unknown place and also got a fake memory. In my opinion, this all seems as if it’s definitely someone’s work.
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Shin: So you’re saying there’s a mastermind?
Kino: Exactly. If there’s an ongoing game, there also has to be a mastermind behind it.
Us, as the players, were given those hints to probably keep this as interesting as we can.
Shin: Hah? In other words— ...Nn!
Yui: Shin-kun? What’s wrong? Why did you suddenly stand up?
*Shin sniffs air*
Shin: Hnff
Damn it! We’re surrounded!
Yui: Eh… !?
Ayato: Guess we finally found you, traitors!
Kanato: You did terrible things to us, remember? There is no way we would let you kidnap Eve and then join hands with the enemy—
Yui: (Ayato-kun! Kanato-kun! And—)
Ruki: —Shin, I get it now…
I would’ve never expected for my most trusted person to end up betraying me as simple as that.
Shin: Ru… Brother…
Ruki: A traitor, such as yourself, has no right to call me his brother any longer!
Yui: ...Nn!
Shin: It’s useless even if I’ll try to explain. But I never intended to look as if I was about to betray you or anything, I swear.
I know you were a good brother, even if you’ve never been my real older brother in the end...
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Ruki: I’ve got no idea about what strange things you’re blabbering, yet the confirmation of you being here is fact enough.
It doesn’t change the situation, even if you start coming up with excuses.
Ayato: Hey, Ruki! Let’s take these guys out quickly!
Kanato: That’s right. Let’s rightfully punish them. I’ll tear them into pieces once I get my hands around them.
Yui: (What should we do now? If we’re doing nothing, they’ll start a battle—! Am I really not able to somehow avoid this?)
Kino: Shin, what do we do?
Shin: The only ones with fighting skills are you and me. It would be 3 vs 2...
Kino: Besides, it would be a battle while we’d also have to try to protect the girl from being taken away from us.
Yui: (What should I do… I’m holding them back from what they have to do because I’m with them)
Shin: We have no choice, seems as if we really have to confront our problems head-on and fight them.
Kino: Eh? That’s not true. If you transform yourself into a wolf, you could carry her and easily run away.
Shin: Hah? I can’t just do that!
Kino: ...Why not? Do you really have to complain about my strategy now?
Shin: My back is limited to only giving one of you a ride! I don’t know if you’d be able to get away without me helping you!
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Kino: ...Nn!! What… why would you say something like that…
*Kino mumbles*
Kino: Ahh… I guess I have no choice but to save you as a repayment now too. 
Yui: ….. ?
Shin: So instead of running away, I’d like to break through this in our own ways...
Kino: No, we’re gonna avoid confronting them head-on and not fight them. We’re changing strategies.
Shin: Hah? Why change them so late...
Kino: Ready? When I’ll give you the signal, you have to run.
Shin: Eh? What do you mean?
Kino: With this, we’ll easily be able to get away right in front of them… you guys, close your eyes and noses! 
*Kino throws something*
Ayato: What the!? What did he throw!?
Kanato: A pouch… ?
Ruki: ...Nn! That’s not just a mere pouch. Close your eyes and hold your breath!
*pouch explodes*
Kanato: Ahem, Ahem, Ahem
Ayato: Ngh! What’s going on here!? I can’t see shit anymore! Ahem, Ahem.
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Ruki: Kch… Ayato, Kanato can you see the enemy? 
Ayato: Don’t bullshit me! I can’t see anything!
Shin: Damn, that guy’s really something. But he saved us! We only have to run away now!
Yui: (Shin-kun’s voice!)
Where? Where are you? I can’t see anything! 
Shin: Over here!
*Shin grabs Yui*
Yui: (The one holding my hand right now… it’s Shin-kun!)
Kino: Hurry, both of you! 
Yui: (I also heard Kino-kun’s voice. I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as I follow the sound of their voices— !)
Place: Outside — Forest
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Yui: Haa… Haa… Haa—
Shin: Haa… Haa…
Kino: Haa, Haa…
Shin: Kino, what was that about?
Kino: It was a wheat bomb.
Yui: Huh!?
Kino: I secretly made it when we were in the Violet mansion back then. All I did was wrap the smoldering wheat in a cloth, get it?
Shin: And you really made that yourself? You’re an unexpectedly shrewd guy.
Yui: Thanks to that, we were saved! Thank you, Kino-kun!  
Kino: I have to admit… I’d love to hear you praise me more, but we have to worry about running away first! 
Yui: (Seriously, it’s all thanks to Kino-kun that we’re safe right now. He’s a really good person after all)
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103 notes · View notes
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The car stopped at the entrance of the diamond mine. Mr. Fugo got out of the car and glared at his subordinate.
"Take the hostage and come with me. Don't let him escape."
"Mr. Fugo ... " Waddle Dee looked up at him. "If you start the ancient machine, it will cause a huge crisis in the Town of Wind."
"Hmph. I deciphered the ancient characters," Mr. Fugo said as he walked quickly. Waddle Dee pleaded with him.
"Please. Don't make everyone in the Town of Wind unhappy ... " 
"Don’t you know? This diamond mine belongs to me. The machine found here is, of course, my own. What’s wrong with doing as I please?" Waddle Dee stared at Mr. Fugo with sad eyes, but Mr. Fugo didn’t even look at him and hastened ahead.
They headed into the far depths of the mine. Eventually, they arrived at a large den with a huge machine in the middle of an open area. Waddle Dee was wide eyed. The ancient machine had a mysterious shape—there were things like eyes and a mouth attached to it, and it looked very similar to a cat's face.
"This is ... the ancient machine ...? " Waddle Dee murmured. That made Mr. Fugo laugh. 
"That’s it! It's a great invention that will make me extremely wealthy! It’s much more valuable than diamonds! The greatest treasure in the world is mine!" Mr. Fugo walked over to the machine with the three gears in hand.
"Power of an ancient civilization ...! " He fitted the first gear into the machine. There was a rattling noise, and light shone from its first eye.
"Give me money ...! " He fitted the second gear. Another sound, and light shone from the second eye.
"Give me more money than anyone could spend in a thousand years—!" He shouted and fitted the final gear into the machine.
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Waddle Dee drew back. A mysterious sound rang out, like the meow of a cat. The ancient machine awoke from its long slumber, and finally began to move.
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Kirby and others caught up shortly after Mr. Fugo entered the diamond mine. They chased him cautiously so they wouldn’t be noticed. Mr. Fugo had just walked up to the ancient machine with the gears in hand the moment the group arrived at the discovery site. 
"Wait, President Dedede! Don't go out yet!" Kirby stopped President Dedede from jumping out.
"Kirby! What’s the holdup!? Fugo is going to put the gears in the machine!"
"It’s okay, watch."
"Can’t you see!? If this goes on, the Town of Wind ...! "
"Shh! Shut up!" 
"But ...! " 
"Kirby has a strategy, President Dedede. Let's do what he asks of us," Meta Knight told the impatient president.
"That’s right! Let’s believe in the strategy of Kirby!"
"Magolor! Why do you seem to be our ally!"
"Eh? I'm everyone's ally!"
"Shh! Be quiet!"
In any case, the party held their breath and watched Mr. Fugo from the shadows. The gears were fitted in one by one, and the eyes of the machine shone and regained power. President Dedede let out a groan of despair.
"Come on ... the Town of Wind is going to fall to ruin! What are you going to do, Kirby ...! "
Kirby stared at the ancient machine. 
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The machine made a squeaky noise like a cry of a cat as it operated. Mr. Fugo waved his hands and skipped around, cheering.
"Yes! I did it, I did it! I am the world! No, I am the universe! I am rich!"
Brrrum ...! There was a tremendous noise. —And in that moment, the mine began to transform. The rough diamonds shifted in hue. Mr. Fugo was so delighted he started dancing.
"More precious than diamonds! The greatest jewels in history—!" Meta Knight, President Dedede, and Daroach all looked around in a daze. From somewhere came a pleasant, sweet smell.
"W ... what ...? This is ... this scent is ...! " Meta Knight mumbled. 
Daroach moaned. "It’s chocolate ...! "
Precisely. The rough diamonds in the mine transformed into fragrant chocolate one after the other. Daroach scooped up some of the soft chocolate with his finger and licked it. Immediately, his face shone.
"Delicious! I’ve never had such fine chocolate. A rare treasure, this one ...! " 
" ... Huh ... It’s chocolate!?" President Dedede scooped up some and licked it as well. His eyes widened. "Uh ... uwaugh ...! What is this!"
"Hooray! It worked, Waddle Dee!" Kirby rushed over to Waddle Dee who jumped at him with both hands spread.
"That was incredible! My heart’s pounding!"
"Mine too, but it was exactly as you thought, Waddle Dee! Exactly as you expected!" Meta Knight called out to the pair holding hands and jumping with joy.
" ... Kirby, Waddle Dee. Did you two know this would happen?" They nodded, full of energy. "Please explain. What is all this ... " he said and glanced away. 
A bit farther away was Mr. Fugo. He was lying down, awestruck, dreaming of money that could never be used up and still unaware of what had happened. 
"What a pity. His face when he learns the truth will be a sight to see. Kirby, Waddle Dee. I’m asking you for an explanation," Meta Knight repeated.
"Uh-huh!" The two nodded and started to talk.
First, Kirby said, "It was Waddle Dee who found the clue. He deciphered the meaning of the scribbled ancient characters at the bottom of the photo!"
"Really? Was the truth written there?" Meta Knight asked.
"Yup!" Kirby replied with a smile. "That scribble meant something like this ... " Kirby and Waddle Dee spoke in unison.
"I hate chocolate!" 
" ..... Huh?" Meta Knight, Daroach, and President Dedede stared blankly at the two.
"What do you mean? ‘I hate chocolate ...? ‘" President Dedede said.
"That’s right. That sentence scrawled there was the soulful cry of the great ancient wizard." 
"Soulful cry ...? " While President Dedede shook his head, something clicked in Meta Knight's.
"Really!" he shouted. "The ancient text definitely said the ancient machine ‘turned stone into priceless material.’ Of course, I thought it meant any stone lying around, but it wasn’t like that at all. Did ‘stone’ refer to these rough diamonds?"
Daroach whistled. "I get it. ‘Priceless material’ meant chocolate. I've heard about this. Chocolate is still a luxury item, but in the old days, that wasn’t the case. It used to sell for much higher than diamonds ... "
Waddle Dee nodded. "The ancient machine was a machine that turned solid diamonds into chocolate, so the aristocrats profited and became very rich," he said.
"I see. Chocolate also gives off a sweet scent that spreads all throughout town. The ‘stink’ was the scent of chocolate," Meta Knight said.
"Yes, the wizard couldn't stand the sweet scent because he hated chocolate, so he pulled out the gears and sealed them."
"The rough diamonds that were here originally were changed into chocolate by the ancient machine, but when the machine stopped working, it changed back into diamonds. Now, it’s returned to chocolate again. Huh! That Fugo’s a nice guy," President Dedede said.
Everyone's eyes were on Mr. Fugo. He had finally returned to his senses, and was sitting down looking around relentlessly, though drowsily.
"I ... it’s ...? Than diamonds ... the treasure that can make a lot of money ... where ...? " Daroach began to laugh.
"Ahaha! Sorry, Fugo. Your diamond mine has turned entirely into chocolate."
"Wh ... what ...? Why ...? " He didn't seem to understand yet. He was speechless and wide-eyed.
"Was you being held hostage part of the plan?" Meta Knight asked Waddle Dee. Waddle Dee nodded.
"That's right. We couldn’t win unless we let Mr. Fugo have the gears. I decided to get caught so we could hand them over without suspicion."
"I told him to think of a different plan because I thought it was too dangerous, but he said it was okay," Kirby said. "I was worried because I wasn’t sure if everyone would drop their weapons for Waddle Dee, but ... " Kirby looked up at President Dedede. "President Dedede rushed to help him right away! I couldn’t believe it!" 
"S-so noisy!" The president turned red and swung his fists. "I’m in trouble if I don’t have a mechanic! Waddle Dee’s just nice and convenient to have around because he works so hard!" 
"Thank you, President Dedede." Waddle Dee bowed deeply.
"Hmph! How inexcusable! You tricked me by teaming up with Kirby. From now on I’ll work you harder than ever, so be prepared!" 
"Yes, okay!"
While everyone talked, Mr. Fugo stood up, staggering.  
"My diamonds ... my property ... it’s all over ... everything is over ...! " he moaned with hollow eyes.
"It's not over," Meta Knight said. "From this moment on, your wrongdoings will be exposed."
"What ...? " Mr. Fugo’s deep blue face turned red. He glared at Meta Knight with fury in his eyes. "Was it wrong? What did I do wrong?"
"Don’t play dumb. You wanted money and were planning on bringing the Town of Wind to ruin for it!"
"I was? I was planning that despite being so highly respected by the people? No way!" Mr. Fugo laughed brazenly. "I am always thinking the best for them. I was planning on starting the ancient machine to enrich the town and make everyone happy!"
"You were the only one who was going to be happy. For that reason, you thought it would be okay to destroy the Town of Wind."
"Not at all! I was planning on creating a new town for all of the residents here. I wanted more food for them too, and to have plenty of places for people to play so that everyone could be happier than they are now."
"That’s a lie!" Waddle Dee shouted. "I heard. I asked you not to make everyone in the Town of Wind unhappy, but you said, ‘Don’t you know? What's wrong with doing as I please?’"
"What did you say? You couldn’t have heard me say such a terrible thing." 
"But I heard you clearly ... "
Mr. Fugo smiled at Waddle Dee fearlessly. "Who will listen to your words? I am the most admired man in this town. The citizens will, without a doubt, place their trust in me!" Then—there was a gentle voice.
"No, no ... I also heard clearly. You said you were going to trample the Town of Wind, Fugo."
" ... Eh?" Kirby and his friends startled. The man who came forward was dressed in black. It was Mr. Fugo’s subordinate, who had captured Waddle Dee.  
Mr. Fugo was aghast. "W ... what ... You are ...!? " he said.
The man stroked his face. It transformed as if he had removed a mask. He was an older gentleman with a white beard.
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"Oh—!? The old man of the Magic Guild!" Kirby shouted.
"T-the— Elder—!? W-what!?" Magolor shouted as well, so shocked he nearly toppled over. The one who took off his disguise and revealed his true face, and the one who gifted Kirby the Star Compass, was the Elder of the Magic Guild. The Elder smiled. 
"If Waddle Dee tells what really happens, and I testify, I think the truth will be communicated to the citizens."
"W ... what do you mean? Old man, why are you here ... " 
"The blood of the wizard was blessed. When I heard the ancient machine was found, I couldn’t stand still," the Elder replied when Kirby asked.
"In other words, you disguised yourself as Fugo's subordinate so you could see the ancient machine ...? " Meta Knight said.
"That’s right!" He nodded exaggeratedly.
"Now someone who might be the Guild Elder pops up ... There’s too much going on," Daroach muttered.
The Elder looked back and squinted at the large machine. "Wonderful ... As you said, I concealed myself because I wanted to see it with my own eyes. A beautiful figure ... just as the legend said ... "
"Legend?" Kirby asked. "There’s a legend about the ancient machine?"  
"Uh-huh. It has been passed down through the Magic Guild since ancient times." 
"Then, old man, you knew the ancient machine was really a machine that turned diamonds into chocolate?"
"No, not just that." The Elder shook his head slowly. "That’s not the sole purpose of the ancient machine. It’s a machine that fulfills everyone's wishes."
"Wishes ...? "
"Mhm. It's said that any wish will come true. Long ago, the residents in this town probably wanted to eat a lot of sweet chocolate. This machine was able to make that happen. Though the gears were pulled out and it remained dormant for a long time, it has now, again, regained its strength."
"Really ...! Then I have to thank those ancient residents," Daroach said. "Thanks to their wishes, we can eat a lot of good chocolate."
"Waddle Dee! It was just as you said, Waddle Dee!" Kirby took Waddle Dee's hands and bounced excitedly. "Waddle Dee said that it would be nice if the ancient machine could fulfill everyone’s wishes! Amazing! Right on the mark!"
"Uh ... Uh-huh ... "
"The ancient machine has fulfilled Waddle Dee's wish! We can eat chocolate until our stomachs burst!"
"Heh ... hehehe ... I can eat the chocolate I’ve longed for, for the first time in my life ... I can’t believe it ... " Waddle Dee said, blushing. He reached out and covered his hand in chocolate, then hesitated. "But ... I’m nervous ... Heh ... Really ... can I eat this ...? " Waddle Dee withdrew his hand and stretched it out again anxiously. 
"Yeah! What are you doing!? Do you or do you not want to eat it!" the short-tempered President Dedede yelled at him.
"I-I want to eat it!" Waddle Dee hurriedly licked the bit of chocolate. The moment he did, tears slowly surfaced in his eyes.
Kirby was surprised. "What’s wrong, Waddle Dee!? Is the chocolate not delicious ...? " 
"It’s different! What is this! This is chocolate ...!? " Waddle Dee shouted and wiped his tears. "10,000 times more than I had imagined ... No, a million times more sweet and delicious than I had imagined! I can't believe something so delicious exists ... It’s incredible!"
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"Alright! Well then, here’s where my specialty comes into play. The race to make the best sweets is on," Daroach said with a laugh.
"Chocolate can be eaten as it is, but it’ll be even more delicious if you use it for parfaits and cakes." He nimbly flipped over his cloak and put away his silk top hat. "Starting today, Diamond Town will be renamed to Chocolate Town. To celebrate, let’s feast on some of the best sweets!"
"Really!? Yippee!" Kirby leapt up into the air. President Dedede and Waddle Dee (and Magolor too, while they were at it) pranced about. The Elder of the Magic Guild also smiled happily.
"Outstanding sweets! I'm glad I’ve lived for so long."
Behind the happy group, however, someone stared bitterly. It was Mr. Fugo, of course. He mumbled and muttered in a low, envious voice.
"Chocolate Town ... I refuse ... This town is ... Diamond Town is ... It’s mine ...! " He jumped onto the ancient machine with surprising vigor. Mr. Fugo was trying to remove the gears again. 
"Stop, Fugo!" Meta Knight shouted when he noticed. But faster than he could stop—the eyes of the ancient machine moved steadily. An intense light shone from them.
"Ahh!" Kirby and his friends involuntarily cried out and shut their eyes.
—When they opened them again, Mr. Fugo was gone. Instead, where he once stood, there now sat a large clump of dripping, melted, chocolate.
"W ... what ... That’s horrible!" the Elder shouted out in fear. "It's the curse of an ancient civilization! Fugo had the wrath of the ancient machine brought upon him and turned into chocolate ...! "
" ... Huh!?" Kirby and the others were shocked.
"That’s so ... so ...! I'm so sorry ...! " Waddle Dee said, shaking.
"H-hmph! He was repaid for his evil deeds," President Dedede said, turning away.
"That's right ... though this is ... too much ... It’s a pitiful fate," Meta Knight said in a quiet voice.
... Then, the lump of chocolate began to move. Kirby looked at it and shouted.  
"That!? That chocolate seems to be alive ...!? " 
Arms extended from the clump and started wiping off the chocolate that clung to its entire body. The chocolate ran down, and Mr. Fugo's grimace appeared.
Daroach was taken aback. " ... What. He didn’t turn into chocolate, he was just covered with it," he said.
" ... Didn’t you say it was a curse of an ancient civilization ...? " Magolor looked at the Elder suspiciously. The Elder blushed and rephrased.  
"I said it was a curse that covered one with chocolate. That’s the wrath of the ancient machine. Oh, so horrible!" 
Mr. Fugo spit out the chocolate that got in his mouth. 
"S-s-sweet! Disgusting!" he yelled. "I ... I ...! " And then, he repeated the same words as the great wizard of ancient times. 
"I hate chocolate—!"
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. There is violence in this chapter.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: *chants* BRUCE FLUFF BRUCE FLUFF BRUCE FLUFF. *sings* they're ain't no big thing just show them a little swing. Beneficial Cucumber. Author's notes are spoilers without context at this point... Y'all-
My beta, @miscmarvelwritings . We make the best duo. I am her dumb of ass and she is my gay. I love her.
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Tony was elbow-deep in a robot when I came out of the elevator, Peter holding up the spare part needed, hovering next to the engineer. Without preamble, I was directed to help and dutifully fulfilled Tony's requests. Nothing indicated that my evening stunt ever happened besides Pete's faint blush; I might as well have written it off to the tank top hugging the upper part of my body in all the right places.
I was disappointed, I won't lie to myself - I expected Tony to tease me at least a little bit, snark something vaguely lewd and move on. But the engineer was quiet today, eerily so, almost to the point where it seemed he was ignoring me on purpose. My pride didn't let me begin any of our usual banter so I frowned in silence, making the appearance of a very focused person. Bolts and screws - most interesting things in the world!
As usual, I clocked out first around eleven thirty, leaving Pete and Tony some time to discuss their secret science stuff. Usually I would be exhausted by this point which left little to no room for jealousy but that night, emotions hit me like a freight train and it took me every ounce of my willpower to head out to Bruce's for the inevitable "I'm disappointed in you/Fuck safely" round of brainwashing.
My brain kept returning to the downwards tilt of Tony's mouth and the somber mood around him. I hated seeing him so...unhappy and tense.
The moment I set step in Bruce's lab, I saw the man's back hunched over a tube, I felt the same energy coming from him. What a fucking day! The sigh that left my mouth was resigned. "Bruce?"
A couple of seconds passed before he turned. He attempted a smile but it didn't reach his eyes at all. "Hi, Princess."
I cocked my head in defeat. "If this is the part where you lecture me, let's get over it. Or even better, you say nothing and we carry on," I pursed my lips, inspecting my nails in favour of actually facing the scientist.
I heard the click-clack of his instruments being placed on the table and the soft taps of his shoes against the tiled floor. His arms reached around my shoulders before I could even attempt to pull away, one of his broad palms tucking my face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm not mad, baby girl," He told me quietly.
I felt some of the tension dissipate, wrapped my arms around him, coming to a realization the man was all but melting into me.
"Just stay safe, alright? I don't want you to get hurt," With the same quiet tone, Bruce gently shushed my worries away. "If something is wrong, you can come to me. You know that, right?" He sounded painfully hopeful as he withdrew just enough to capture my face in his hands, forcing me to look him in the eye.
Something about the look in his eyes made my heart ache. I didn't have the heart to refuse, nor did I want to, so I nodded. Promptly, I was embraced yet again, his lips resting on the crown of my head, both of us swaying gently.
I've never wanted to cry so badly in my entire life.
"I'm a fuckin' mess, Bwucie, you haven't got a clue what you've gotten yourself into," I settled for a round of self-deprication instead. Bitter as it was, it was the barenaked truth.
"Then you're a beautiful mess," I could feel the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. So I smiled, too, obscured by his lab coat.
As much as I didn't want to leave the embrace, like, ever, I had to get home before one o'clock - before mother went to bed, zonked out on Valium and Ambien from the endless supply closet courtesy of my dad. "M'hafta go home," I mumbled.
Bruce sighed deeply. "I'll grab one of Tony's cars and drive you," He went over to remove his lab coat as I gaped. "I'm a forty-five year old man, I can drive." He chuckled humorlessly.
"Tony won't mind?" I asked the first question that popped into my mind to attempt dispelling the awkward moment.
"Trust me, he won't mind at all," Bruce mumbled darkly. I wondered what's up with that but the immediate future for me was already planned out: I was really looking forward to going home, crawling into bed with my clothes on and having a good old fashioned cry.
We made quick work of locating a set of keys and peeling out of the garage in Tony's shiny Audi R8, tires squealing on the wet pavement. It had stopped raining sometime during my robot building but the city was still filled with puddles. I could smell the moist, decaying leaves through the tiny gap of the window, the city was drowning in autumn like I was drowning in my own cluelessness.
The adrenaline rush, the weight of Tony's foul mood, the grief and pleading that radiated off Bruce mixed into a horrendous cocktail of misery and pain. Too much pain for my little, weak, dumb heart to handle. And all these people out in the streets, dressed to the nines despite the disgusting weather - laughing, hugging and drunkenly giggling, it was like salt on my wounds, rubbing it in how much of a good time they were having.
"This your house?" Bruce pointed at the black, high gate of the entrance to my garage.
"Yeah, it's a bit much," I nodded absentmindedly, seeing Bruce's eyes bulge at the sheer size of my estate. My mother wouldn't settle for any less than the best so having a monstrously huge (for NYC) home was what she got. Dad just signed the checks.
Bruce hummed.
I made a face, reaching for his warm hand and giving it a squeeze. "Thanks, Bwucie," Smiling at him, I used up the last of my good mood to show the gratitude he deserved.
He pulled me into a tight hug right over the middle console. It wasn't comfortable by any means with the numerous buttons and switches poking at the soft of my stomach but there was nowhere else I'd rather be than in his arms during that moment. The breaths that left me felt like they were punched out of my chest cavity by steel-toed boots.
"Good night, Princess. Sweet dreams." He kissed my cheek, lingering just a tiny bit.
I did the same, rubbing softly against his stubble and giggling at the ticklish sensation. "Night night, Bwucie."
I waved at him again as I unlocked my front gates and watched him speed off from behind it, obscured by the shadows of the decorative trees growing right behind the fence.
Bruce's face had morphed into something akin to torment or suffering the moment I disappeared from his immediate eyesight and it baffled me to no extent. I ransacked my brain left and right, searching for a reason I might have inadvertently caused him to feel that way but found none. The only logical reason was that he was just lonely. He didn't have many friends from what I gathered and if judging by the proud tone in which he spoke of Will-Mr Davies today, he desperately needed some other company than his teammates. I wish I could have helped.
Mother was nowhere to be seen when I entered the house so a beeline for my bed was successful. The ugly, loud, dry-heaving sobs weren't in any shape or form attractive or acceptable to show to anybody but me so when they forced their way out of me, the pillow keeping me company. I cried as for everything that was happening to me as much as I sobbed because of the self-pity I was indulging in.
It was pathetic, really. My mother would scoff and my father... Well, he'd offer me to 'cheer up, throw a party, do normal teenager stuff'. The bottle of wine I kept in my closet was empty in no time: I justified that as a single lady in a big city, I was entitled to relax once in a while.
Who was I lying to? I downed a bottle in twenty minutes just so I could fall asleep and begone from all this bullshit for a while.
On Monday, I anonymously submitted the documents pertaining to Thompson's behaviour to the school board and to a local newspaper that was known to dabble in socialite gossip. Next day, an investigation was promptly launched and important-looking people started to appear in the hallways, going in and out of the principal's office. Flash was pulled out of class by two police officers: at this point, half the student population was unashamedly filming it on their smartphones, me included. With grim satisfaction, I sent the video directly to the group chat with an added message of "so long, fucker".
Steve didn't even remark on my profanity, just sent a thumbs up.
It really fuckin' blew up the next morning. The news was plastered across every paper, every social media site - "Midtown Principal's son arrested for grand theft auto and assault", "Midtown Principal Being Investigated for obstruction of education" and other ridiculous headlines that had me, Bucky and Natasha in shit-fits.
Flash returned to school on Wednesday accessorized with a pretty ankle monitor and a sullen frown. During lunch, he sat only with two of his closest minions instead of the chatty group he was usually seen with. Everybody avoided him like the bubonic plague, even teachers ignored him.
With the final bell, me and Pete went on to look for Happy outside the school territory.
I was spending nearly every evening at the tower either in Tony's or Bruce's lab or sandwiched between Wanda and Bucky on the couch, gossiping while TV shows mutely played in the background. I had found a second friend in the face of Winter Soldier who, much like me, spent a lot of his days occupied by the internet or in a general state of confusion. Bucky was charming, funny and very flamboyant. I enjoyed the no-nonsense attitude and zero fucks that he gave the world in general.
The moment I stepped on the other side of the gate, I immediately knew something was wrong. Peter squirmed uncomfortably beside me, looking frantically in every direction, trying to spot Happy's car in vain.
"Ay, Parker," The familiar obnoxious voice of Peter's bully reached our ears. "You wanna tell me how you got your grubby little hands on that file?"
Thompson had brought back up with him, the idiot that he was. He was standing off to the side, leaning against the fence while five older boys surrounded us in a tight circle.
"Leave us alone, Flash, you're already in trouble," Peter tried reasoning with the bully meanwhile I... I was searching for a cleaner, dryer spot to dump my $1500 bag onto in preparation for the inevitable. I was no stranger to swinging my arm - as a frequent house party guest, I've had to fend off enough unwelcome advances. I've been told I have a mean, mean right hook.
"Bold of you to assume Peter would actually steal something," I stated in a bored tone once my bag was out of the way and Pete was standing securely behind me. I wasn't afraid of Flash, mostly because I knew he'd step back for the fear of retaliation from my family was usually too much.
"Oh, look at that, the weirdo is talking," Thompson mocked, getting up and standing right in front of my face. "You know, I don't get why the likes of you have to go to school with us, normal people. See, Peter here might be a little wimp but at least he won't shoot up the whole school one day because his daddy didn't love him enough," Thompson decided to test his luck. To finish his epic tirade with a flourish, he spat on the ground next to me.
I snorted. "Wow, that's an awful lot of smart words for someone as dumb as a doorknob," I shook my head in disdain. "Look, either you go now or I'll sue you so far up your ass, you'll be sucking dick in prison just to get something to fill your stomach with." And wow, that comeback was really, really good. I was proud of myself.
I saw pure rage mar Thompson's already ugly face into something demonic and ducked at the last moment, feeling the blunt sting of his knuckles connect with my left cheekbone. Reflectively I swung, too, decking him straight in the nose with all the rage and despair that was burning deeply inside of me at that time.
I heard gasps all around me as the students whispered, shouted and cheered at Thompson's confused form hitting the ground. He held his face and his palms were stained a deep crimson; I felt something warm on my face, copper in my mouth.
"Does anybody want some of that, too?" My tone was icy. I shrugged off the hand that landed on my shoulder, glaring down one of the boys who came with Thompson.
"Shit, cops, RUN!" One of the students suddenly shouted and just like that, both me and Flash were surrounded only by a handful of students who had filmed the entire incident on camera. God bless technology!
"Uh, I think you're bleeding," Pete timidly remarked from behind me, hand still awkwardly outstretched towards me. He cast a guilty look to the side where Happy was running towards us, phone held to his ear, no doubt already on the line with Tony and the rest of the Avengers. Shit, fuck, SHIT. I didn't plan for this!
The police officers called an ambulance for Flash and took my statement while I was holding my bleeding nose up to the sky, much to the officer's dismay. Happy had passed the officer his mobile phone and I briefly heard Tony's voice saying that I will be taken care of in the tower's medical suite - and let's face it, no cop will go against Iron Man's charm and wit.
As an eighteen year old, I could refuse the on-site medical assistance that the city provided and my parents weren't required so I was let go after my statement was taken and my injuries photographed.
Not that the photoshoot really was required. Multiple people had the incident on video, from multiple angles. It was an open and close case. I called my mother in the elevator (she didn't answer) and left her a voice message with the bare facts of the situation and my current whereabouts.
Seeing the whole team assembled in the living room, some nervously twitching, some anxiously pacing, I couldn't help but let out a slightly hysterical giggle. "Oh my god, guys, I'm not in a coma, stop acting like I'm in a coma!"
Bucky was the first to approach me, carefully hugging me and steering me towards Bruce. He looked a bit rough, green-ish? I guess. But the first aid kit was already on the table and Stephen Strange was hovering nearby.
"You decked the sucker real good, doll," Bucky's Brooklyn accent made his speech less intelligible but he definitely got all the cookie points for the heat and the passion.
"Ditto. Should've kicked him in the balls, too," Natasha smirked and Steve mirrored her smirk with a darker twist.
"I'm going to sue him so darn far up his ass," Tony seethed, looking absolutely livid.
"Don't worry, mother's got it handled," I obediently laid down on the couch, staring up at Bruce's wide eyes and Stephen's focused face.
"You are fearless and fierce, dear lady," Thor boomed from somewhere.
All of this was making me... Emotional. I just punched a piece of human garbage, it was not a big deal, okay? He had it coming. I chuckled uncomfortably, wincing when Bruce began dabbing at the dried blood on my face with a piece of gauze soaked in alcohol. "Petey, you alright?" I asked, worried about the sudden onset of silence from the usually chatty boy. He mumbled something. "Speak up, I can't hear shit with all the ringing in my ears."
That earned me a worried look from doctor Strange and a frown from Bruce.
"I should've protected you-I mean-it's not that you can't do it yourself, or because you're a girl, it's just-I," he suddenly stopped.
"Go ahead, kid," Tony urged him with unmistakable kindness in his voice.
"You see, I'm-I'm actually Spider-Man and I'm afraid to accidentally kill someone, 'cause I'm really strong." Pete blurted out.
I had to replay his words several times in my head to get to the gist of what he was actually saying. Shy little Peter? Spider-Man? So that's why he was such a fucking pacifist? I mean, it made perfect sense if he really was strong enough to lift cars and hold together collapsing bridges like I'd seen on YouTube.
"Huh," I stated after a brief pause. "I guess I did double the work today, dumped out some trash and prevented a potential murder. I'm on a roll and I deserve chocolate cake," I rambled to distract myself from the incoming dull headache and the sting of the alcohol against the split skin of my cheek.
Strange chuckled, looking, possibly, the happiest I've ever seen him. Bruce giggled too. A tiny bit.
"Friday, order the biggest, most expensive chocolate cake that can be delivered in... Two hours," Tony immediately spoke up.
"Cake," I mumbled happily, a strange drowsiness overcoming me, making my eyelids droop. "Hey-mmm, doc?" I slurred, seeing Stephen's face fall. "M'think m'concussed, f'king 'ell!" The snort that left his mouth was absolutely hilarious; I started giggling, too, startling Banner into action.
He picked up his phone, saying something I didn't understand at all.
"Y'kno," I had this totally bright idea I absolutely NEEDED to share with everyone. "Y'kinda look like the guy... Wha's'is name... Bendy-snap Crum-ble-sticks? No, wait," Snorts and giggles began to resonate through the room as the amount of Doctor Stranges suddenly multiplied by two. He was a WIZARD, that was so cool! "I think... Mmm, yes... Benadryl-Claritin? No-no-no, 'das meds," Woah, a lot of people were there and they were suddenly all laughing. I wondered what was so funny. It was hard to think with so many people laughing; my temples were pulsating uncomfortably. "Wait, I know, I know!" There were wheezing noises now, noises that distinctively reminded me of Tony and Wanda and Bucky. "Bubble-butt Coitus-snack!" I triumphantly exclaimed, finally happy to have gotten it right.
The laughter turned into truly demonic cackling, surrounding me, they were so loud I almost managed to get fully afraid. And then, I passed the fuck out.
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@another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem
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stxleslyds · 3 years
EVENT LEVIATHAN issues 2 and 3
Oh, Anon, I am sorry it took me so long to answer your ask, to be honest with you, I had completely forgotten this book ever happened and when I went looking for it, I saw who was the writer for it and my brain disconnected completely.
Michael Brian Bendis, what a polarizing writer. I had forgotten why I didn’t like his work much but this book made me remember that his writing gives me headaches. I swear, every time I read his work I am left wondering if I missed an issue or a page, it’s like I always lack information even though he makes sure to write a lot in those “monologue boxes”.
But I am not here to complain about Bendis, let’s talk about why Jason appears in this book and how is he characterized in it.
If you don’t know what Event Leviathan was about, in the first issue we are told that a terrorist has been attacking places simultaneously. This person, known as Leviathan collected some of the people that survived the attacks (like Batgirl), and others he let escape (like Green Arrow). All of the attacks were on organizations (A.R.G.U.S, Spyral, D.O) that were the pillars of the world intelligence community.
Because the case is big and operating on a big scale, several detectives and heroes (Batman, Robin, The Question, Lois Lane, Plastic Man, and Manhunter) have come together to figure out who is behind Leviathan’s mask.
In the second issue, their main suspect is Jason Todd after Damian suggests that Jason’s “special war on crime” can be related to this worldwide level of terrorist activity.
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Well, If you couldn’t tell by the way that I phrased that, I really believe that DC and Bendis had to do some weird changes to the narratives because Jason hadn’t been really at “war with crime” for a very long time, or at the very least, not on that level (against organizations selling/controlling intelligence). So, right of the bat, I am confused as all hell.
Jason at this point in time was working as the Ice Lunge’s owner, so this was after the events of RHatO (2016) #25 and after Roy Harper’s death. But before I get to explaining why Damian and the others thought that Jason was behind Leviathan’s terrorist attacks, let's talk about Jason’s characterization.
How to write about a character based only on “tropes” that the publisher of the book told you. A Guide by Michael Brian Bendis.
We find Red Hood in Seattle, already investigating Leviathan. So, yeah, to me it was kind of obvious that Bendis put Jason there to build up the reason as to why Jason was the main suspect of being Leviathan or working with them.
We are offered some very casual banter with Batman as well as the ever-present subplot of Jason caring for Barbara Gordon. I am not a fan of whatever DC was and is trying to do when it comes to Jason and his crush on a person that he barely knew and has rejected him before. Bendis was probably told to put that there, I really don’t see Jason going out of his way to ask if Barbara is final but oh well.
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In that panel we also see Jason say this to Batman, “can we put away the stuff between us so we can work on the case?” to which Batman answers, “of course”.
What the hell was that? First Batman beats the living shit out of Jason (Jason even says that he never saw Bruce hit the Joker as hard as he was hitting him) and rips the bat-symbol of his suit saying that they no longer work together or whatever, then we have Bruce going to Jason to tell him that Roy is dead, he gives him a hug but then proceeds to tell Jason that he is still banned from Gotham.
DC really reduced all that to “stuff between us”, alright, all I am getting from that is that I was right when I said that DC lets Batman get away with his horrible treatment of his kids as if it just were a subplot. Lovely, I hate being right.
But that’s not really what I want to discuss, I want to discuss the level of detective/investigation skills that Jason has got going on for him in this issue. Suddenly Jason has information about what happens with organizations like Spyral, ARGUS, and DEO? And then Bruce asks Jason if he has been in contact with Talia recently?
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I am not mad about those last things, don’t get me wrong, Jason being good at investigating and him being (possibly) in contact with Talia are great things BUT they don’t fit in his story anymore.
Where is this Jason coming from, it must not be from the narrative that Lobdell had going on, Jason never showed much interest in keeping up with that side of the world or in doing detective work. And his relationship with Talia was downgraded a lot, basically, all Talia had done was keep an eye on Jason since she first met him before he was robin (yeah, that was a thing that happened as told in RHatO (2011) #25) and that how she found out that he died, after he came back from the dead, she put him in a Lazarus Pit and then sent him to the All-Castle so he could become Ducra’s apprentice. That’s literally it.
Or are we working with a Jason that maintains his Lost Days origins? There isn’t time on the timeline for that to have happened so his involvement in this book and the way that they are writing him is very confusing to me.
Jason doesn’t say anything about Talia except that he pulls an Uno reverse card on Bruce and asks him if he has been in contact with Talia. But just like many things with Bendis as a writer we never really hear any of them say anything about Talia and they continue talking about something else.
Alright, back to sharing what they found it is! Jason has apparently investigated this very closely because he cannot stop bringing up the fact that the attacks leave no bodies behind. Either people escape or vanish from the attack site.
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But here is where the so-awaited “Batfamily” mention comes in. After Bruce tells Jason that he is putting a team of Detectives together Jason asks this, “we can’t keep this in the Batfamily?” Gods, was DC on crack when they wrote this? The Batfamily? Honestly? Two of your best detectives are not around to help you and your so-called family left Dick Grayson all alone in Bludhaven!
What Batfamily are you talking about Jason? You, Bruce, and Damian? I can’t with DC pushing and pushing the wildest concept in their universe.
After all that Batman spends a lot of time explaining what has happened or what was supposed to happen, he talks to Jason about how the other detectives were getting closer to retrieve a body that they needed to study. In between what Batman is explaining the scene of Plastic Man talking with Leviathan happens and there Leviathan says that they know each other. So, that’s a clue, whoever is behind the mask is someone that Plastic Man has met before.
We find out that Batman was retelling that story to Jason, so Jason starts putting the pieces together. Batman already has a team, they know that Leviathan has been spearing some heroes’ lives, there is a cause for all the attacks (“a new world order”), and that the attacks leave no bodies. Jason even begins to put together the list of suspects but then Jason asks Batman if they have their number one suspect and Batman says, “Yes”, and it’s Jason!
This is so funny to me, like what? How did they come to that conclusion? Luckily Bendis “explains” the Detectives’ team’s reasoning, I guess? They take turns to ask Jason basic questions that Jason deflects from some reason? It is so dumb.
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From this page the most important thing that I gathered is that Damian (the one who initially accused Jason of being Leviathan) says that he doesn’t “think that you (Jason) know you are doing any of this. I think it manifested itself out of grief”.
What? A terrorist that has some sort of technology that makes explosions that leaves no bodies and spares some people’s lives, is being manifested by Jason because Roy Harper died. Did I understand that correctly? That’s their big idea as to why Jason is their number one suspect?
Team of detectives, yeah, I don’t see it.
It makes zero sense! First of all, what “war with crime” was Jason having at the time, and they also say that that war was “a point of controversy for years”. Excuse me? Are they really calling Jason using guns (with rubber bullets) a SPECIAL war with crime? What are they referring to? Are they talking about the events of Under the Red Hood? Because Jason hasn’t been that version of himself in years! We don’t even know if those exact events happened in this continuity!
I am so lost; I actually don’t know why they are relating a terrorist attack to Jason. I don’t know, to me, Jason’s appearance here is unjustified and lacks logic.
Now, we find ourselves in the third issue, where an unnecessary amount of time jumping is done. First, we are in the present after both Batman and Robin let Jason run away. Listen, I know that they tried to paint it as Jason kicking both their asses but I saw those pages, they threw three punches and one of them connect with Jason’s jaw. Batman and Robin just stopped fighting Jason.
I don’t know, why they had to make Damian say that Batman let Jason get away when he was there too and did nothing.
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And then they had Damian say this about Jason, “I have never been a member of his fan club but Jason Todd is one of the great master fighters of all time”. Okay, sure, Jason has had a lot of training and he has been immeasurably overpowered over the years but I still find Damian saying this a bit weird, like why would he say that? The fight that is shown after this look into the present is just like any other fight that any Bat-related hero has had. Dick has had more impressive fights than that one after the New 52 and he was immeasurably nerfed.
I love Jason getting recognition for the things that he does right and that he is good at but I need you to represent those moments better. The fight isn’t that grand and they clearly let him run away!
In the fight there all jumped off of a building, (Jason, Batman, Robin, Manhunter, Arrow, and Plastic Man) Jason shoots at everyone and they have a “fight” midair. Then Batman, Robin, and Jason fall through a glass roof and they continue fighting in a pool, this is where I say that they let Jason ran away, they showed us Damian kicking Jason in the face and Bruce punching Jason in the face. But then Jason electrifies both of them while they are in the pool? Listen, this is very nitpicky but Batman and Robin are wearing proper suits for vigilantism, if their suits aren’t prepared to receive some electric shots then wow, but also, the electricity does nothing to Jason even though he is also in the water? Jason’s Red Hood suit at the time was a pair of pants, a shirt, a vest with a hood, and some bandages on his arms… You are telling me that Jason was wearing a suit that protected him from that? Alright, I will believe it, after all, I am very dumb.
Then Jason fights Manhunter, a simple fight apparently, he doesn’t show much fighting skill because she looked like an easy target and then Jason stops fighting and decides to have a nice chat with Lois Lane.
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“Why did you run?” I think he ran because a bunch of people accused him of being a terrorist and threw themselves at him at the edge of a building, what kind of question is that?
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This page is just, I cannot describe how confusing it is. Lois finally asks that if it isn’t the Red Hood, then why would Leviathan try to set him up? To that Jason answers this, “I was thinking about that on the way down here. Because I am perfect. All this should be me” then he explains “I lose sleep running the numbers in my head, on how measured response to the criminals of the world brings nothing but more chaos. Batman knows this. If this Leviathan is making a big play to change the world, maybe it is the move the “crime-fighters” just don’t, will never have the guts to take. Maybe.”
What. Is. Going. On? Where did this version of Jason come from, this isn’t really in tune with UtRH Jason, RHatO Jason, or RHO Jason. This take on Jason is completely different, Jason doesn’t involve himself with threats on a worldwide scale, he doesn’t care how all heroes around the world operate, and he is not the only one that does things differently from Batman and other heroes that have similar morals.
What is this Jason saying really, is he suggesting that a global terrorist attack can lead to the reconstruction of how heroes work?
Why does Jason think that what Leviathan has going on is similar to things that Jason has done? What did Bendis read that I didn’t? How did Bendis come up with this characterization of Jason?
Because even though RHatO and RHO Jason went beyond Gotham he still fought for things that were directly aligned with his story, Ra’s al Ghul, the Untitled, Essence, all of that wasn’t on a global scale, why is he so suddenly aware of more than that, I just don’t think that his participation in this book is justified.
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In these other panels he also comes off as way too aware of what is going on, and I understand that to a certain level all heroes might keep up with what going on a global scale but it seems like Jason knows way too much for someone that hasn’t been connected to those organizations and or people before.
Jason appears a little more after that but nothing of true importance is said anymore in this issue. After, Lois finishes her talk with Jason she reunites with the rest of the team and is like “It wasn’t Red Hood, let’s move on” and that’s that.
That was all Jason did in those two issues. A mix between nothing, knowing too much and him speculating about what a terrorist would want to do next.
Before I give my last thoughts about Jason and these issues, I want to share with you these panels from issue 5 of Event Leviathan.
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There, Zatanna and the others confirmed it. Even though Lois listed the Red Hood as a suspect the other detectives told her that not only none of their suspects were Leviathan but that none of them were Leviathan adjacent.
Here is what I think, Jason shouldn’t have been in this book, it makes less than zero sense for him to be there. Jason being set up by Leviathan had no logic whatsoever. Jason and Leviathan’s levels of “disruption” are on completely different levels.
I just don’t know why he was there.
Anon, once again I am sorry for taking so long to do this review, I hope you had fun reading this, and I hope that you have an awesome day!
14 notes · View notes
diavolodigitale · 3 years
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Andromeda Galaxy - pt.4 Voeld
And, finally, this is the last existing part of this pathetic piece of writing. It is even more awkward than the previous ones since here you can witness attempts at “plot”. Anyway, there is no continuation to this and never will be unless someone manages to convince me otherwise (I don’t think it’s possible though). 
Genres: comedy, romance (vaguely), friendship maybe.
Pairing: m!Ryder/Evfra
Characters: Ryder, Evfra, Jaal, others occasionally 
Rating: PG
Warnings: cringe alert!
Size: this atrocity is around 17 PAGES LONG so, yeah, keep that in mind
All chapters: Pt.1 - Pt.2 - Pt.3 - Pt.4 ----- All chapters in PDF
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“Pathfinder, you have a new email,” rang out SAM’s lifeless voice on the bridge.
“Thanks, SAM,” replied Ryder even though he didn’t really have to.
He approached the terminal, wondering who the email might be from.
“I bet it’s Peebee,” presumed Kalo when Ryder approached the terminal, “you know how she likes sending emails instead of just coming up to you and communicating directly.”
“I can hear you!” yelled Peebee from the escape pod and loudly dropped something on the floor.
 Urgent Matter
To: Ryder
From: Evfra
I received information according to which colonists from Taerve Uni attacked the Resistance Base. I do not know any details yet. The shuttle of the colonists is now being examined by my specialists.
I advise you not to spread the word on the Nexus. Come to Voeld as soon as possible. I will meet you at the Base.
 “Shit,” mumbled Ryder, dismayed by the news. “Kalo, we’re changing the course. The new destination point is Voeld.”
On their way James was sweating profusely. He felt flustered and didn’t know what to expect from the situation. He was afraid that the moment they stepped onto the icy surface of Voeld, the Resistance soldiers would raise their weapons and no negotiations would be held. Ever.
“You okay?” Vetra closed the door to the airlock section where he was sitting and approached him.
“Could be better,” he answered without even raising his head.
“Who else knows?” she asked, taking a seat beside him.
“Jaal, obviously.”
“Yeah, not telling him would be stupid. If things go south, he’s the only one who can help us out.”
“I just hope everything isn’t how we think it is,” said Ryder quietly and sighed. “We cannot allow any mistakes. With angara, there are no second chances.”
“Don’t think about it yet, we’ll draw a conclusion when we see everything with our own eyes.”
“Thank you,” James exhaled loudly as if their conversation helped him to calm down a bit and looked at Vetra. “I mean it,” he said and forced himself to smile a bit.
“Stop it. I’m so used to your dumb jokes that seeing you being sincere seems freaky.”
“I knew my sense of humor isn’t that bad,” said Ryder more gaily and lightly bumped Vetra’s shoulder with his fist. “You should appreciate it while I’m here with you all, ‘cause something tells me Evfra is going to beat the crap outta me. Then I won’t be able to come up with such ingenious jokes anymore.”
“You’re overexaggerating. I think you’ll still be able to talk, hon,” retorted Vetra and returned him the whack.
“Well, that’s a relief.”
They set together until the Tempest landed. Following Evfra’s advice, Ryder decided not to tell anybody on the Nexus or aboard the ship about the reason for their coming to Voeld. He didn’t want to make the crew agitated before confirming or disproving the information he got. This didn’t include Vetra because he knew he could trust her with such matters: she was the pillar of strength in every difficult situation, always able to think clearly in spite of unfavorable circumstances. Jaal was the second one to be let in on this secret since keeping him in the dark when it came to his people was simply mean. He was the member of the Resistance after all.
“Are you going to tell us what’s all the fuss about?” asked Suvi when Ryder was hastily leaving the ship. The tension aboard the Tempest was practically palpable at this point.
“Nope,” he answered without hesitation.
“All the emails are supposedly checked by the Nexus, so if something’s up, we’ll know sooner or later,” stated Kalo, remotely closing the lock after the Pathfinder left.
“Should’ve known that…” hissed Peebee in her escape pod, rummaging in her observer.
“Wait, Kalo, open the lock!” Vetra rushed onto the bridge in full gear. Jaal followed her swiftly.
“Guys, could you have made up your minds sooner?” asked Kalo irritably.
“Hurry up and open the lock or he’ll leave without us!” Vetra was clearly pissed and couldn’t see any reason for Kalo’s incompliance.
“If you exploit mechanical parts of the ship too much, they break faster and—”
“There is really no need to be so rude…” Kalo felt like complaining, but still did what he was asked to.
Using her jump-jet, Vetra made it to James in a couple long jumps.
“Hey, Ryder! What about us?” She caught up with him and stopped on his way.
“I think it’s best if you stay on the Tempest. I’ll deal with it on my own, nobody has to get in trouble. I’m the Pathfinder and it’s my responsibility,” he said dejectedly.
Vetra clicked her tongue and crossed her arms.
“Ryder, let me come with you,” almost pleaded Jaal in a hoarse voice; he was obviously anxious. “I may be able to change Evfra’s mind. I have known him for a long time now, you won’t handle him alone.”
James had already decided to go into the beast’s lair on his own so now he was just thinking over the plausible excuses to make everybody stay aboard the ship.
Vetra knocked on his helmet with her index finger.
“Hello? Anybody in there?”
Pathfinder loudly coughed and, trying to calm himself down a bit, started his impromptu speech.
“You know, I am really grateful to you all, but there are moments in life when you just have to accept some things and be ready to sacrifice…”
“Boy oh boy, he really thinks this nonsense will work,” said Vetra in a monotonous voice.
It seemed to Ryder that she even rolled her eyes under her helmet.
“Just take Jaal and go. But I want a full report after,” she conceded, “since you’ve decided that I should know about all this. See you later, I guess.”
Ryder and Jaal exchanged quick glances as she returned to the ship.
“Fair enough.” Pathfinder wiped the screen of his helmet with his left hand. The snow was clogging it, making it impossible to see.
The Tempest had landed right near the Resistance Base. Ryder didn’t want to go to the human colony until he saw what really happened and decided what to think of it.
Evfra was waiting for him inside the construction hunched over the reports lying on the table. It was dead cold, as always, but, because James was so uneasy, he felt as if he was on Elaaden with its scorching sun and torrid sands.
“Pathfinder,” sharply said Evfra, still towering over the pile of datapads on the table. That startled Ryder who was at the moment thinking of how to initialize the conversation.
“Evfra… I already forgot how cold it is on Voeld on days like this…” James was nervously rubbing the holster of a pistol attached to his leg. Jaal tried to encourage him with a light pat on the back, letting him know that he was still there.
“I’ve inspected everything. No casualties from our side. A few angara are mildly injured, but nothing serious,” went on Evfra. Surprisingly to Ryder, he did not even sound particularly mad.
“Meaning… you are not going to beat me?” asked the Pathfinder cautiously.
“I was thinking about that,”—Evfra finally turned around and faced Ryder—“but no. Not today, at least.” He nodded to Jaal, recognizing his presence.
“What about those who attempted an attack?” asked Jaal who obviously had more control of himself than Ryder.
“Little is known for sure. They were wearing colonists’ outfits. The shuttle also belonged to the colony. Nobody survived the attack, so we couldn’t interrogate them. At the moment we have a crashed shuttle and five unidentified bodies,” emotionlessly reported Evfra.
Jaal addressed Ryder, who looked like he was awaiting further intelligence still.
“Ryder, we should take a look at the shuttle.”
“Yes, of course. Let’s go,” agreed the Pathfinder almost immediately.
Evfra led Ryder and Jaal to the crash site. A few angaran soldiers were guarding it.
“Quite far from the Base itself,” noticed Jaal.
“Yes, and only one shuttle. It doesn’t look like a well-planned intrusion to me.” Evfra dismissed the soldiers and invited the Pathfinder to examine the site.
With estranged look and blank mind, Ryder began scanning. Even though Evfra didn’t seem mad and the other angara weren’t hostile towards him, the situations worried him. He couldn’t understand why somebody would do something like this. The colony on Voeld symbolized the union of two races and served the needs of both. People who agreed to live there knew what they signed up for when they came to the planet shared with the angara.
“Pathfinder, I cannot identify these people. They are not on the list of Voeld inhabitants,” reported SAM using public channel.
“What about the Nexus?” asked Ryder, confused. “We are the only people who came to Andromeda. There is no way they are not from the Nexus.”
“At the moment I have no access to full census. You can request that the next time you’re on the station,” responded SAM.
Ryder continued to scan, desperate to find at least some useful clues, while Evfra and Jaal were examining the bodies and the equipment of the intruders.
“The clothes as well as some of their supplies indeed come from Taerve Uni. They were listed as missing a week ago,” continued SAM after Ryder scanned the leftovers of a few containers.
“Why didn’t we receive any reports about that?” he asked. It seemed as quite an important piece of information to not share with the leadership of the Nexus.
“Perhaps, the governor of the colony considered it to be too insignificant to inform the Pathfinder,” assumed Jaal.
“What about their weapons?” asked Ryder the AI, agitated.
“The colonists do not use these models. They come from elsewhere.”
Evfra was looking through the possession of one of the attackers when he found an almost undamaged datapad. He shook the snow and ashes off of it and held it out to the Pathfinder.
“Ryder, take a look at this.”
“Is it… kett?” Ryder scanned the datapad just to be sure, although he could already recognize those scribbles. “It’s encrypted. SAM, can you decode it?”
“Yes, Pathfinder. I would need a few minutes to do that.”
Ryder’s worries grew bigger and bigger starting from the minute he read Evfra’s email on his terminal on the Tempest. Worse than human colonists attacking the Resistance Base could be only human colonists affiliated with the kett.
“Hey, human,” Evfra addressed James after watching him struggling with himself for a minute or so, “do not lose hope yet. The attempt was too disorganized. I don’t think your people are planning a conspiracy against angara. Although, if we presumed that you were the one responsible for it, then all the sloppiness would be justified, and we should lock you up.”
Jaal chuckled softly. For somebody whose people have recently been attacked, both Jaal and Evfra seemed a little bit too carefree.
Soon SAM’s voice distracted Ryder from his thoughts and brought back to the real world.
“Pathfinder, I have decrypted the data. This datapad appears to hold the plans regarding the attack. It also includes the navpoints as well as the layouts of the angaran Resistance Base on Voeld as well as for the human colony Taerve Uni.”
The details SAM discovered didn’t quite fit into the picture in general, so Jaal said aloud what, perhaps, most of those who gathered there were concerned about.
“I do not understand why the colonists would need the navpoints for these locations. If they live on Voeld, they should know where the Base is situated since they cooperate tightly with the Resistance.”
Ryder was barely listening. He couldn’t apprehend that somebody on his side would commit such a treachery so he decided to get to know the truth, whatever the cost. He used his omni-tool to get in touch with the Tempest.
“Suvi, contact Priya Blake and ask her about the missing clothes and supplies. I want to know everything. Also check where one can find these weapons. I’m sending the scans.”
“Will do,” calmly answered Suvi without asking any additional questions.  
“Let’s get back inside. I’ve heard humans don’t perform very well in the cold,” rather stated than offered Evfra and headed back into the building.
James silently agreed and followed. On their way inside, Jaal approached him, worried about his reaction to the events.
“Evfra is right. You should not lose hope, Ryder. Anything is possible, especially if the kett are involved. And you shouldn’t forget that he also will not abandon attempts to establish beneficial cooperation between our species that easily. Even though he tries to pretend that he will.”
Ryder simply nodded in response.
“Do all humans value our alliance as much as you do, Pathfinder?” asked Evfra inside the hideout, already nestling beside a specially constructed heater. His voice gave in his genuine interest.
“Frankly speaking, I have no idea. I just try to believe they do,” answered Ryder. He had not given it much thought previously.
“So, at the moment everything holds only on your initiative? In that case, I would really like to know about your motivation. Besides survival of the species.”
Ryder took some time to reflect on his own viewpoint. There weren’t any other species in the Andromeda galaxy with which his people could build an alliance, but it seemed to him that something made him feel a special kind of sympathy towards angara.
“You know, while on Aya, I met your chief astronomer, Maariko,” he said, confusing everybody as to how it related to Evfra’s questions. “He asked me to find several missing anagaran satellites. To cut the long story short, we found out that they were scavenged and taken to pieces by exiles from Kadara, and the team he sent to locate those satellites was vanquished. I wasn’t responsible for that, exiles aren’t part of the Nexus anymore, but still… When I told him what happened, he was so… disappointed. He was so enthusiastic about our people working together, but this news made him change so drastically. Seeing him like that made me feel the worst I have ever felt in my life,” he summed up. He sounded tired and upset having to recall this story.
Evfra wistfully hemmed. He took a seat on the chair at his desk and turned to face Ryder and Jaal.
“Is regret your driving force then? Do you do this only because you’re ashamed and want to prove that humans aren’t that bad?”
“Evfra,” almost exclaimed Jaal, interrupting James with no remorse. “Ryder must not feel ashamed of what other humans do, the same way we are not ashamed of the deeds of Akksul and his kind. Every individual is responsible only for his own actions.”
“I see you two grew to understand each other quite well…” said Evfra and nodded to himself. “But it doesn’t matter. Your worries are groundless. I am not trying to offend the Pathfinder, Jaal. I just wanted to know what he thinks of the situation we’re in.”
Jaal’s courage and support inspired Ryder to be more confident and not to yield to Evfra’s provocations. No matter the obstacles he had to overcome, his purpose was true and he would stick to it till the end, even if everybody doubted him.
“I think that this newly established bond between our species is beneficial for everybody. It is not perfect, we still have lots of stuff to work on, sure. And this is why I will do my best. If we really are the ones to blame in this incident, I’ll pay the price and earn your forgiveness. That’s what I think,” he said, somehow making it sound as though he prepared this speech long ago.
“I can respect such an answer,” said Evfra approvingly.
Ryder’s omni-tool made a beeping sound letting him know that somebody was on the line.
“It’s Suvi,” stated James to inform everybody else in the room before turning on the public channel.
“Ryder, the supplies from Taerve Uni appear to have been stolen. The security footage shows a group of people entering the warehouse and taking some of the stuff. Presumably at that time one shuttle was stolen as well. Priya Blake says one of the colonists had to be helping the intruders since they weren’t able to find any other clues and all other footage appears to be corrupted.”
“Got it. What about the rifles?”
“They seem to implement some of non-Initiative technologies. Our best bet would be to say that they come from Kadara.”
“Exiles then,” said Jaal quietly to himself.
“Thanks for your help, Suvi,” said Ryder and turned off the communication device, not letting Suvi ask any questions about what was happening.
“I suggest we go to Kadara right away. We shouldn’t waste any time,” said Jaal.
“Yeah, I would also like to get things sorted out as soon as possible,” agreed James.
He tried to take this incident in all its seriousness. Even if it meant running from one planet to another in search of any bits of useful data. Besides, the possibility of exiles being responsible for the offense gave him courage. Believing that the colonists had barely anything to do with the incident was all that kept him going.
“There is no need to do that. I will reach out to my agents in the port immediately and let you know once they discover anything important,” suggested Evfra.
His proposal looked like a real gesture of goodwill. Even though it was a little suspicious of him to make the life of the Pathfinder easier instead of complicating it, Ryder didn’t feel like refusing.
“That would be really convenient. We will stay on the Voeld’s orbit for now then. Are you going to come back to Aya?”
“No, not now. I’ll stay here until we clarify everything. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something else. Do you have a minute?” asked Evfra mysteriously. Ryder could not even imagine what else he would want to discuss after the matter with the colonists was settled for the time being.
“I’ll return to the Tempest, you can take your time. Goodbye, Evfra,” said Jaal, retreating before he was asked to. He felt that he shouldn’t stay. Since Evfra wasn’t really mad, his job there was done, so he decided to return to the ship and give them some privacy.
After Jaal disappeared out of their sight, Evfra offered Ryder a seat. The surface of a chair was quite cold to the touch.
“As a matter of fact, I wanted to talk about Jaal,” began Evfra. “I’m glad he left without me having to ask him to do so.”
“Is something bothering you?”
“Not bothering, no. I am wondering how he’s doing on the Tempest.”
Evfra was not the type that would talk much and especially not the type that would uncover that he worried about someone. Seeing him being open about what he cared about made Ryder feel more at ease in his presence.
“Jaal has become a valuable member of our team. He always provides us with helpful insights in situations otherwise obscure to us as newcomers. And he’s a skillful fighter, what more could I ask for,” he replied happily. There really couldn’t be too much praise for Jaal after what he did to help them.
“Good. I want to make sure he doesn’t feel left out. After our experience with kett, it was very risky to let him go with an outsider.”
The moment James met Jaal, he immediately understood that this angara is one of the most adventurous and decisive aliens he had ever seen. Nonetheless, only weeks after did he realize how big of a step had his new teammate made in terms of changing angaran foreign policy. The kett were the only aliens they had met before and that contact certainly didn’t have any positive outcome.
“You don’t have to worry,” said Ryder, waving his hand nonchalantly. “I mean, cultural clashes are unavoidable, but nothing we cannot handle so far. The Tempest crew is as diverse as it can be, so he fits like a puzzle piece.”
“Keep it that way. Or I will be forced to retrieve him. He is still an important agent of the Resistance,” said Evfra in a serious tone, although not threatening. He admired Jaal as one of the best assets in his movement and, understandably, didn’t want to lose him.
“I don’t think you will be able to do that. He seems to enjoy being on the Tempest. And, at this point, I won’t let him go,” said the Pathfinder laughingly.
“Do you like him that much?” asked Evfra. From the tone of his voice or the look on his face it was difficult to determine if it was a serious question or not.
“Well, he is a great interlocutor,” began Ryder, not really knowing what exactly Evfra expected to hear. “Considering the fact that he doesn’t know much about our customs and habits, he holds himself pretty well. Also, the female part of the crew seems to be fond of him. Especially the female part. And Liam. For some reason.”
The expression on Evfra’s face was one of confusion and incomprehension mixed together. Hearing this was definitely not something he anticipated.
“Are you saying that they are attracted to him?” he inquired in an attempt to define what Ryder meant.
“Kind of. Nothing serious, I’m sure, but he knows what to say and not say. Albeit I start doubting that when he opens a discussion about how asari reproduce. That is uncomfortable.”  Ryder bit his lip looking blankly at the snowy floor beneath him and thinking of how to continue the conversation. “Anywa-a-ay,” he began in a sing-song voice, seemingly having come up with something else worth noting, “coming back to his positive sides, he smells really nice. You also smell nice, by the way. I mean… not that I’m sniffing,”—he rubbed his neck like he usually did when he was nervous—“probably, it’s because of the lotion. Or something else. Jaal told that angara use lots of different self-care thingies, a-and I probably should stop talking about that already, shouldn’t I..?”
Evfra did his best not to bury his face in his palms because of how uncomfortable he was. There was always this moment during his conversations with Ryder when he just didn’t know how to react. He thought that if all humans were so perplexing and held so little control over their emotions, communicating with them on a daily basis must have been a real pain.
“You say your crewmates are discussing ways of reproduction,”—he tried to skip the embarrassing bits of the conversation and get to what really interested him—“I recon Milky Way settlers don’t know much about angara. We are not used to affairs with other species. Isn’t it too early to talk about such matters?”
“Humans discovered the intergalactic community less than 30 years ago and… well, plus 600 years we spent to get here, but let’s disregard that for now. All I’m saying is it didn’t take us long to fully adapt. Even though previously we too thought we were alone in the world. And, dare I add, our first contact with an alien race developed into a 3-month war. At least you’re not willing to fight us just ‘cause you don’t like us,” said Ryder without giving it much thought. Evfra was quite surprised at how confident the Pathfinder was in his words, almost as if he had previously considered this problem.
“Then that is your standpoint. I see,” replied Evfra and crossed his legs. For James it looked a bit weird considering angaran anatomy, but he tried not to stare. It was already awkward enough.
“Back at the Milky Way there were some species not compatible with human physiology at all,” began Ryder again. “Having all kinds of strange tentacles and rows of sharp teeth. And the batarians… Just imagine something staring at you with four eyes”—James twitched sharply—“I still have chills. So, yeah, angara don’t seem as such a bad option to me.”
“But isn’t survival of your race a priority now? There is no future for you if you don’t create great families and develop a new community,” objected Evfra. However persuasive the Pathfinder was, some of his opinions just did not sound practical to Evfra.
“I look at how angara cherish every member of their huge families and I aspire for us to live that way. But you just cannot force yourself if you strive for something else. Or somebody else,” said James without prevaricating.
Evfra narrowed his eyes and started drumming his fingers on the desk.
“That’s an interesting thought to hear from a person holding a position like yours. I don’t think your superiors would like it.”
“Well, I’m my own person.” Ryder leaned on the back of his chair. It didn’t seem so cold anymore. “And I still don’t get paid for the job so the least they could do is letting me date who I want to.”
“Be careful, Ryder. Now you make it sound as if it never was about the choice of others but rather about your own decision regarding this issue,” warned him Evfra. Despite his serious tone, he had no intention of revealing what Ryder told him to anybody else.
“Even if it is, what’s then?”—James tilted his head to the left a little—“unions between separate individuals of our species would have a great influence on our affiliation in general. If we can feel sympathy towards each other, then we are not so different after all. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something to have something else instead.” He sighed and slightly disappointedly added, “and my genes aren’t special or anything, so the humanity won’t lose much.”
Evfra checked the time on the terminal on his desk. He then stood up, implicating that it was probably time to wrap up the talks.
“It’s already quite late so I won’t hold you here any longer, Pathfinder. Your crew has waited more than enough.”
“Guess you’re right.”
Ryder stood up as well and quickly adjusted weapons hanging on his leg and back.
“I’ll accompany you to the Tempest if you don’t mind,” said Evfra.
“Not at all. Sometimes I get lost in your caves here so it’s always nice to have somebody show me the way around.”
They exited the room and set off into the network of icy caves, filled with equipment and appliances belonging to Resistance as well as a great number of soldiers and researchers occupied with their individual tasks.
“When we first came to Voeld,” said Evfra, observing his people at work, “we didn’t bring much resources. It was difficult to operate here, so we thought using these caverns would be a good start. Later we were able to equip everything with necessary facilities and make life here more comfortable. It indeed goes to show how far the ability to use surroundings to your own benefit can bring you.”
“I think you did a really good job surviving here. Can’t imagine how difficult it had been before we activated the vault,” commented Ryder, sincerely amazed by the job that the Resistance did on Voeld.
“It was extremely cold. We couldn’t make ten steps from the heaters unless we had special equipment. But, perhaps, even worse than that was what the planet looked like. Deserted and dead-white. The kett were there somewhere, we knew it, but through blizzards and snowstorms it was impossible to see anything. Lots of soldiers couldn’t handle such desolation for long.”
Evfra looked thoughtful for a few moments. The topic of colonization of Voeld brought back some memories about how it used to be. One look at his scarred face was enough to understand that it was anything but simple.
“The cold here is still unbearable, but… I don’t think it looks that bad. The beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,” mused Ryder.
“Is that another human saying?” asked Evfra curiously.
“Yes.” They’ve finally reached the exit from the cave. Ryder dreamily stared at the white sky almost melting together with white mountains and slopes. “It means that nothing is really objectively beautiful or hideous, it depends on your perspective. You just need to learn to see good in everything. Even if there isn’t much of it.”
“My dislike for Voeld mostly came from the fact that it was so different from my home. But now it is better. Now that you are here,” said Evfra casually.
Ryder abruptly turned his head, shifting his gaze from the sky to Evfra’s rigid face. He felt that he was blushing under his helmet because of how astonished he was. The words sounded dubious, not like something Evfra would say.
“I mean the human colony,” added Evfra calmly. “We are not alone on this planet anymore.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” nodded Ryder and coughed awkwardly.
Barely noticeable notes of discontent in Ryder’s voice didn’t escape Evfra’s ears. It was strange to hear that, but he tried not to overthink. After all, it was impossible to know what humans had on their mind.
After a moment of puzzlement Ryder went on, “I’m also glad we’re not alone on Voeld. It would be a hell to maintain an outpost on such a secluded planet.”
“Yes, it would.”
They walked the trail to the landing area in silence. Frozen snow was creaking under their feet and dim lights that defined the way flickered through blizzard, hardly noticeable. Guards were on their duty, constantly checking the perimeter for potential intruders. Even though it wasn’t so cold anymore, they tried to keep close to the heaters and stayed mostly in pairs.
Approaching the Tempest, Ryder made the last attempt to heat up the conversation. He hated to leave things the way they were.
“So-o-o, do you want to know a strange fact about humans?” he asked, pretending like it was a perfectly normal thing to ask after not talking for five minutes.
“Why would I want to know that?” Evfra turned around and faced Ryder, baffled by the question.
“Jaal once asked Liam and I thought… It’s okay if you don’t, really.”
“Go ahead then,” said the angara. At the moment he did not really care much about knowing more about humans, but rather wished to hear what Ryder wanted to tell him so eagerly.
“When humans are on the last stages of freezing, they get naked.”
This time Evfra couldn’t keep himself from closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead for a few seconds, feeling weary and jaded. Communication with humans really did make him think harder than usually. His brain just couldn’t handle such pressure every time he tried to analyze what was really going on in their heads. Particularly it applied to Ryder.
“Well, anyway, I’m looking forward to hearing from you,” said the Pathfinder and got aboard the Tempest. Evfra stood outside for some time, thinking, before returning to the Base.
Surprisingly enough, nobody aboard the Tempest was mad at Ryder for not sharing the reason for their come. Kalo tried to complain about the Pathfinder not trusting his team, but it didn’t take long for him to accept the fact that Ryder just didn’t want them to worry about the whole case. They stayed on the orbit of Voeld in order to be able to get back to the planet as soon as possible in case the situation needed them to.
James talked to Vetra and Jaal, convincing them that Evfra really didn’t say anything offensive and really didn’t threaten him. Hardly did they believe him when Ryder said, that the leader of the Resistance just inquired about the whole air aboard his ship. Realizing he would probably not say much else, they left Ryder alone.
The day went on with nothing noteworthy. Drowning in different reports from colonies and the Nexus, Ryder didn’t pay attention to the passing of time and soon found himself the only one staying awake. He was exhausted because of all the anxiety and jitters he had to experience today, so calling it a day didn’t seem to be a bad option. Although it took him some time to fall asleep because of all his spinning and turning in bed, he slept quite calmly and didn’t see any dreams.
He was woken up by SAM early in the morning.
“Pathfinder, you have new emails at your terminal.”
“Are they from Evfra?” asked Ryder, yawning.
“One of them,” answered SAM without getting into details.
James used to the terminal in his quarters to check the emails.
 Some info for the captain
To: Ryder
From: Reyes Vidal
Yesterday I got a task from Evfra (don’t worry, it’s not classified, I wouldn’t write you otherwise). As soon as I heard the details, I immediately knew it had something to do with you, so now you’re reading this.
It happened so, that a friend of mine wanted to take part in a shady venture. I, being a kindly person I am, told him not to. Some of his other friends weren’t as smart as him and didn’t listen to my advice, so they ended up dead in a stolen shuttle near the Resistance Base on Voeld. Do you follow me? I hope so, because it seems like if it hadn’t been for me, more exiles would have attacked the angara pretending to be your people. And we all know where that could lead.
Now I hope you’ll acknowledge my assistance in this matter and pay me back for being this good of a friend and taking care of your image so professionally.
Let me know when you have a free minute to chat.
 Ryder blinked a few times. His eyes hurt from starring at the terminal screen right after waking up.
“I think I’m now more confused than I was before if that makes sense,” he said rather to himself than to SAM. “Okay, let’s see what the second one has for us.”
 Update on Urgent Matter
To: Ryder
From: Evfra
I have some intel we were looking for. I recon Reyes is now writing an email to you as well. I couldn’t deny him the pleasure of doing that, but you can never be sure of what he is going to tell and what he isn’t, so I’m writing as promised.  
People who attacked our Base were indeed exiles from the Kadara port. They managed to get in contact with kett who saw a great opportunity to use them and had promised them power and resources in return for undertaking this offense. My assumption is that they wanted to disrupt the alliance between humans and angara by making it look like your people attacked mine. However, I think their commandos didn’t know about this plan. It looks too irresponsible and lacks elaboration.
Someone in Taerve Uni helped exiles get in and steal what they needed. Reyes mentioned one of them having a relative in the colony, so it’s best if you investigated this further.
Angara do not blame you for what happened. Some of them feel for you and send their support.
In case you need me, I’ll be on Aya. I am flying back today.
I am glad there is no reason for us to be at war.
 “Somehow, imagining his face while he writes it makes it sound even better,” mumbled Ryder to himself and closed the email. He was too sleepy to be able to answer it properly right now.
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