#i haven't forgotten our other ones. i promise
After working up enough energy, Thursday comes out of her room to go check on Doomsday's friends to see how they're holding up. Being sort of the one in charge around the Office, she feels that it's her responsibility to check on the others and keep things in order around here.
She knocks on the Atlanteans' door. "Milo? Rourke? You guys in there? You wanna talk?"
There was a few sounds from inside, then a set of heavier footfalls told her who it was before the door even opened. Sure enough, it was Rourke who answered.
"Oh good. Just the person we need. Come in, please." He sounded tired and sad at the same time. And given the visible wet spot on his shirt on one shoulder, it wasn't hard to guess what he'd been doing before she arrived. He led her inside and walked over to the sofa, gently placing a hand on what looked like just a blanket, except for the pair of legs sticking out of it....and the head that moved when Rourke touched it, lifting up to reveal a face still wet with tears and big soft brown eyes red from crying.
"Mi? Thursday's here to see us, although....I think it's you who's more in need. I'm gonna let her have a seat with you, okay?"
"Don't leave, Lyle." He said, his voice barely a whisper, and with a bit of a squeak in it.
"I won't, I promise. I'll just be right over here." Milo nodded slowly and sniffed back a few tears. Rourke nodded and moved aside so Thursday could get to Milo's side.
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heartfullofleeches · 28 days
Childhood Best Friends with a small age gap- two or three years, nothing crazy- but it means everything as they age.
It was hard for them to make friends their age when you first met. They liked things that were too "childish" for their peers - things another child who lived not to far away adored. They'd seen each other on the way to school, but they didn't interact frequently due to their difference in grade.
Until that day-
"Whoa...Cool backpack. You like that show too?"
"Thanks... I'm thinking of getting a new one though... Do you want me to ask my parents if you can have it?"
"What?! It looks fine to me... Why are you getting rid of it?"
"My friends called me a baby... I won't be able to go back to class without everyone laughing at me unless I get a better one."
"That's silly!.... It's on right now... Wanna watch it with me?"
The two were inseparable from then on- School hindered the time they had to see each other each morning, but as soon as it let out - both ran to meet with their new best friend. The elder of the pair was often mocked and teased for their choice, but they could hardly care anymore. They had someone who'd stick by their side to the very end - childish fixations and all.
Years went on and they made new friends. It happens. More obstacles began piling up throughout - chipping away at the few hours they scarcely had to begin with. Studying, Hobbies, balancing days between hanging out with other friend groups and the person who once meant the world. They tried to make things works, but nothing went to plan-
"Is it alright if Y/n comes with us tonight?"
"Y/N? Aren't they're too young to see this movie? We shouldn't be responsible if they have night terrors or something.."
"They aren't that young... Are they?"
They never thought about it before. You were so close in age as kids it never hit them that as you grew that little gap drew a bridge between you - and it was easier to let you go than finding an alternative.
"Hey, Dude! Are we still on for this weekend? I can't believe they're making a reboot after all this time!.."
"Are my messages going through? You haven't responded in a while... I saw you outside school yesterday and yelled your name, but....."
"Did I do something wrong?"
"You're hanging out with them today? Did you forget about my birthday?...."
"You removed me off your list of friends...We're still friends, right?"
"Let me alone. I'm sick of being your babysitter. Go find friends your own age and stay away from mine."
And that was the end of things.
College cames around and their live became relatively tame. Their thoughts drifted to that childhood friend of theirs every now and again, but between school and partying with the new friends they had made - those memories faded to the back of their mind.
An acquaintance asks them to help show some new faces around the campus. One sticks out to them amongst the crowd. It's you. What do they say to you after all these years? You don't look sad to see them. Nor angry. Intact - you look..
Pulling them aside at the end of the tour, you free yourself from the burden that's weighted down on you since they left you.
"I'm sorry."
"It was never my intention to hold you back. Overtime I realized I was just that annoying kid who clung onto you because I thought you were my first and only friend...When you never felt that way about me. I'm sorry for taking that away from you. If our paths cross again, I promise I won't even look at you."
After being abandoned by your best friend- the person you looked up to most, you matured well beyond your years in hopes that would make you like them again. Overtime, you gave up that goal, but others could see how you've changed.
"Isn't that.... Y/n?.."
"Oh, man- It is! You guys were glued at the hip before we became teens."
"They're..kinda cute... Do you still have their number?"
All this time apart, a feeling long forgotten resurged inside them. The need to protect you. You didn't know these people like they did. You shouldn't be going to parties with them, getting to know and befriend them. They'll only hurt you - worse than they had. They never should have said goodbye to you- They should have allowed the feelings they were so scared to have, but had always been there develop and blossom naturally until you both were adults ready to move on to that stage in your friendship.
They know you best. No matter how much you grow as a person, you're still the same.
"That's a cute Keychain, Y/n!"
"Thanks! I've loved this show since I was a kid!"
They'll prove it to you.
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alwayscorvus · 6 days
Forced Marriage
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Forced Marriage
Jing Yuan x male reader, fluff;
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This day has finally come. Day when you and Jing Yuan were going to get married and fulfill your parents' promise.
Several years had passed since signing the agreement as children. Your parents long gone from this world. You both have earned a good name for yourselves. But despite the huge period of time and all your achievements, you have forgotten about one and most important thing. Or you may have actually done it on purpose. You haven't built a bond expected for future partners. You haven't gotten to know each other. You haven't even met. Not counting a few important occasions, banquets or incidents, at which you never exchanged more than two sentences. You knew your current appearance only from paintings.
But now it was all about to change.
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You adjusted the collar of your white shirt in the mirror and sent your reflection a hesitant glance.
Suddenly you heard a creak of an opening door. You turned rapidly and your eyes caught a glimpse of a figure of the man that you were supposed to marry in next few hours.
You swallowed a lump in your throat. Weirdly terrified. A feeling once completely unfamiliar to you.
You kept watching as Jing Yuan made his way down the grand, snowy white, marble staircase, positioned in the center of the room. He was moving with incredible elegance. His hips gently swayed from side to side in the rhythm of lions' tails that confidently hunted his prey.
Right behind your fiancé his butler followed. His movements were much more clumsy, struggling to keep up with his master.
-It's a honor.
Said Jing Yuan, bowing low as he finally managed to reach you.
-My pleasure.
You answered with a fake confidence. You weren't sure what to do with yourself. Should you shake his hand? Give him a hug? Confess for how long you had been looking forward to this meeting? After all, you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. Completely inseparable.
Jing Yuan, however, seemed cold and reserved. Completely different from the descriptions. Although his face didn't show much, man didn't fail to send you an unfriendly glance.
You rubbed your sweaty palms against the sides of your suit pants. You really can't remember the last time you were so nervous. Have you ever been this way? Even when handling the biggest contracts on which your family's good name depended, you weren't this worried. Today, however, was very different. As well as the entire last week for which you couldn't sleep.
-Misses Xiǎo Huì probably warned you that it's not gonna be anything big. Everyone will find out about our new status eventually, but I don't want to make a ceremony that shakes whole Xianzhou Luofu. I prefer to let this matter pass as quietly as possible. We came to the conclusion that my marriage... precisely this marriage, may not have the best impact on my position as Charioteer.
Ah, of course. Over those past years since Jing Yuan was a small child, he was able to completely turn around his family's luck and become a Charioteer. He chose a path completely different from his origins.
While you were enriching and expanding a company passed down from generation to generation, he was starting from an absolute scratch. Literally. Because at the time all his family had to offer were debts.
Although you admired his achievements and hard work, you probably would have preferred if he had remained as an ordinary, average Jing Yuan. Or at least if he hadn't been in charge of all citizens… That would have been much more simpler…
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Ceremony passed quickly. Too quickly. Whole concept was so abstract to you that you weren't even able to recall whole time spent on all activities. At first you didn't want to interfere in the course of your wedding. You thought that you would let Jing Yuan take the lead and carry it out in any way he wished. However now, you regretted that deeply.
Before you knew it, you got your blessings from all the important figures in Xianzhou Luofu and beyond. While your hands grabbed brushes and signed all needed paperwork.
In the end, inspired by a foreign tradition, you exchanged rings. You needed something that at first glance symbolized and proved your relationship.
However, your movements were completely automatic and not tainted by any feeling. Deep in your soul you laughed bitterly at this.
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-This is our shared bedroom - he announced, pointing at the room with a gentle nod.
You looked around in astonishment.
Huge, shadowed bedroom, without any natural light source. Only with candles alone. Candles that emitted a cozy warmth. In theory.
Major attention was focused on a large canopy bed placed in the center. Covered with thick layers of duvets in plum and burgundy colors. Whole place almost screamed with splendor. And was definitely different from a traditional bedroom in these regions. It was most likely a former guest room for high-ranked foreign heads, who felt uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.
And this suggested that Jing Yuan didn't want to sacrifice his private bedroom for your shared abode.
-Of course, only for now. Until public interest dies down. If something were to leak outside the gates of this building, we would probably prefer for it to not be an unfavourable gossip, right? -he asked almost cockily- I think that in a few months… Maybe a year or two. We will be able to split up and go our separate ways. I'll take one wing and you will take the other. We'll pretend that it's more convenient for our work. Although… I don't think we'll have to pretend.
You were stunned.
So this is how your marriage was supposed to look like…
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-But isn't that better? I mean... you know, you don't even swing that way.
You had just finished venting about your worries over a bottle of soju, when your friend decided to bring you back to reality.
You looked at him dumbfounded. But still, you let him continue. Especially after he poured you another glass.
-Since he is not really interested and calls it just a deal, you can treat it like that too. Say that in the eyes of the public you will play a perfect, compatible marriage couple, and in your own four walls you will lead separate lives. You will find yourself some nice chick, flatter her a little bit and-
You growled in disappointment.
-First of all: fact that Jing Yuan is a man is actually the least of my problems. Secondly, I'm not a cheater. Even if for him it's just an arrangement, for me it's still a certified marriage signed by two fully aware people. Even if nothing happens between us I'm not planning to find anyone else.
Your friend just waved his hand at this and ordered another two bottles of drink from a passing by waitress.
-Do you want something more to eat? - he looked at you with expectation. You merely nodded. You didn't care about the food. You wanted to get back to looking for a solution to your problem as soon as possible - In that case I'll ask for another set of what we had before and maybe some more pork this time. Okay, cutie?
He gave a waitress a charming smile, and she, wholly covered in blush, curtsied and quickly ran off towards the kitchen. At the same time, you kept your focus on the slowly cooling grill that decorated the center of a table.
-Ahhh-… cause you always choose the path of this hopeless romantic. And where did that get you? -he pointed at you with disapproval- Look where you are now.
Your head collapsed on your hands, that were laying on the table. You started doubting the point of this meeting.
-Better tell me what to do to "get out of this place".
-I mean- you can wait, be patient. You can play the perfect and understanding partner, hoping that Jing Yuan will one day reciprocate your feelings. But that may take years, or worse, never even happen. And you-… just look at yourself. You are helpless. Lets be honest, you aren't patient. Or at least not anymore in that case. Especially after so many years of waiting. So we need to try a different approach.
-But what kind of?
-Well… -man smiled menacingly- Time for a shock therapy.
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"If you are legalny his husband and if you want to be his husband just act as his husband. In the end he doesn't really care."
You weren't sure if this was the best advice you'd ever heard, but you still decided to get swept away.
Which led you to this very moment.
-I promise, I'm gonna be gentle.
Jing Yuan looked at you with suspicion.
-It's not like I'm gonna do anything bad to you - you said slightly devastated- We are partners, remember?
Jing Yuan only furrowed his eyebrows more. He crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his weight from leg to leg. Behind his back you could almost see an imaginary lion's tail that dangerously wagged in rhythm of Jing Yuan's excessive stomping. It wasn't hard to see that your husband was now seriously considering all the pros and cons. When you waited like on tenterhooks, clenching your thumbs tightly.
He decided dryly and without a long delay sat down on the edge of your shared bed. Probably out of all ideas and demands that you could come up with, this one was not the worst and relatively harmless.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, you took a seat right behind his back in the blink of an eye.
With shaking hands you grabbed the ribbon that kept his hair tied. You pulled on it gently. Ribbon untied itself smoothly and slipped onto a duvet, without much resistance. Hair, that had been pinned up for whole this time, gracefully spilled on all sides. Thrilled with admiration, you began to gently caress them. In touch they resembled a most expensive silk. They were so delicate that they were just slipping through your hands. You dipped deeper into the snow-white ocean, feeling so pleasant that you wished for it to never stop.
-Do you ever plan to start? -he asked without much patience.
Startled, you almost jumped up. You completely lost yourself in the pleasure, forgetting what you were actually supposed to do.
You grabbed a comb and separated a small part of Jing Yuan's hair.
-How many braids will be fine?
-Do as you wish.
He waved his hand as if shooing away an annoying bug. Jing Yuan probably wasn't aware of your capabilities and had already put himself in a losing position for today. You cheered deeply at that. Since you didn't get a limit you won't restrict yourself either. You will prolong the moment as much as possible.
As you brushed his hair, you also gently massaged his head, which apparently must have appealed to him. Because after a few minutes he forgot to hold back and kept bringing his head closer towards your hand, whenever it moved just a little bit away.
Maybe your ears were playing tricks on you, but you could have swear that in every few minutes you heard a quiet cat's purr.
But you didn't even dare to bring up this subject.
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-Huì Fēn?
Jing Yuan's butler paused his hand on a doorknob and turned towards you surprised.
-May I have a question for you?
Trying to relax and focus your attention on something else you began to blindly sort through the papers that were lying on your desk.
-Of course, Sir. How can I help you?
He quickly straightened himself and clasped his hands behind his back.
-It's about Jing Yuan.
Butler's face instantly turned pale.
-I know you have been by his side for many years, you met while you were still in the army… He can always count on your and he has a great trust in you. He has surely entrusted you with more than one secret…
-What do you want to imply by this, Sir? -eventually, he was unable to endure your words. Although his voice was still flawlessly calm.
-Does-… does Jing Yuan have someone? Or-… had someone?
Butler looked at you slightly stunned.
-I can swear that if it's true I won't do any harm to any of them. I just-… I just want to know…
You threw your hands and slightly depressed, sank onto a wooden furniture. You knew that Huì Fēn was not on your side. That he could have told you anything. And lie without hesitation. Anything to avoid harming his rightful Master. And moreover, to help him as much as possible.
But slowly you were beginning to feel exhausted. Long weeks started to pass since your wedding.
Huì Fēn smiled at you with pity.
-If it's about that, I can certainly assure you that you don't need to worry, Sir. Master Jing Yuan has never opened his heart to anyone. And that's what may be your biggest problem, Sir…
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Your friend was right. After all, you weren't into men.
Sure, because of a contract made by your parents, you never got yourself into a relationship with anyone. But if you were to hang your eyes on someone in the past, before meeting Jing Yuan, it were always the females. You never imagined yourself with a man before, but you understood that it was bound to happen. And the fact that this someone was your spouse made this act seem neither so distant nor so unpleasant. Slowly, you even began to convince yourself to it. And you weren't doing it against your will. Jing Yuan was actually starting to attract you, despite his flaws, despite his cold attitude towards your relationship. Your feelings were above such a mere things as gender.
You turned from side to side. You really couldn't fall asleep. At first, Jing Yuan stayed up late studying papers and defense plans spread all over the bed. Which actually was your fault, since you insisted on him not doing this in his office but beside you. And after, when he finally decided to go to sleep, your started to overthink.
You almost wanted to growl out of frustration.
However, time to put the next stage of your plan into action has come.
Recent events didn't really bring Jing Yuan close to you, even when there were a lot of them, especially at shared meals.
But you won't give up so easily.
Somewhat timidly you began to move towards your partner. Slowly testing the waters. At first it seemed that you would succeed without any difficulties. At the end, however, things took a different turn.
-Despite so many layers of sheets, you are going to pretend that you got cold?
His clear voice pierced through the entire bedroom and echoed in a silent night. Yet Jing Yuan didn't even budge by millimeter. He also didn't turn to face you.
-So that's why there are so many of them? You wanted to separate yourself from me by them?
Jing Yuan didn't respond to that.
Seeing no objection, you gently lifted your left hand and put it on the sheets where his waist was. Successfully moving a couple inches closer and snuggling your chest into his back.
-You're really hoping that I'll get used to your presence and that's how you'll make me fall in love with you?
He worked you out. And at the same time he was so calm.
-So you give in to the possibility of falling in love with me?
Jing Yuan didn't say anything more. Nor did he push off your hand or move away.
That's not the end of the story…
I will write a sequel someday, but for the time being I don't have a slightest idea when it will happen. So it may take a long time...
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baby-dr1ver · 1 year
pairing: dad!lando x mom!reader
warnings: so much fluff, tooth rotting
a/n: hello all! thank you guys for your endless support and request I've been getting! I promise I haven't forgotten your fics, I'm working on them I swear. here's a fic I wrote a couple of weeks ago while you wait! btw this literally happened in a dream of mine so I feel like I just HAD to write it.
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It was an early morning in Monaco, the sun had just risen, there were faint snores coming from beside you. You could make one out to be your husband having just got home from a long race weekend, and your little boy, Atticus. When Lando got home from a race weekend, he made it a habit to put him in our bed to sleep.
You watch the identical faces for just a moment more before jumping out the bed. You loved days after a race, everything felt like it was finally in place again. You especially loved the morning after, you and Lando created a routine that started before your little one was born. You’d wake up before him and run to the little breakfast nook at the end of the block to grab his favorite. 
After dressing, brushing your teeth, yada yada, you set off. You had a pep in your step, bouncing a little with each stride, feeling lighter and lighter knowing your other half was waiting for you at home, snuggled up with your little creation. You giggled to yourself, realizing how crazy you must have looked to the people passing by. 
 The bell rang above the door as you eagerly pushed it open. The owner saw you and smiled, knowing exactly what was coming. “The usual I assume?” She asked cheekily. You blushed and nodded, “Can you add some tater tots and an apple juice please? Atticus has been in a phase lately.” The owner simply nodded as you paid as she got to work.
As you sat in a small table in the corner, you could see a small group of girls looking your way, trying ti be subtle on the fact that they recognized you. You smiled and shyly waved causing the girls to walk over slowly. “Hi! Are you Y/N?” One of the girls asked. “I am! How are you guys this morning?” You were happy to make conversation with them, feeling better at the fact most of Lando’s fans didn’t despise you. After a few minutes of talking about the recent race, what they were excited to see, they asked for a photo. You had one of the workers take it before handing you the food. You waved goodbye to the small group of girls, smiling to yourself at the softhearted interaction. 
You couldn’t contain yourself as you worked your way through the door. You sat everything out on the counter and prepared it like it was a five star meal. You set Lando’s burrito out, eggs, bacon, cheese, on a plate. You scooped some tater tots in a bowl and poured the juice in a small sippy cup for the little one. 
Just as you finished, Lando came trudging down the stairs. He was dressed in gray sweats, no shirt and his hair sticking up in different directions with that sleepy look in his eyes. “Hi baby, welcome home.” You quietly whispered. He came around the counter to where you were standing and latched onto you. 
You stood there completely at ease with him in your arms, the feeling of his heartbeat against yours, his warm tan skin, the smell of his cologne-everything about him made your heart sing. He started placing small kisses on your cheek and jaw, no hidden intention behind it, just wanted to feel your skin under his lips. He pulls away with a groan, “I forgot the babe upstairs.” I giggled and pushed up towards the stairs, and watch him lumber up to your room to grab Atticus. 
You tuned back to the food for a moment before setting it on the island so everyone could reach it easily. Lando came down the stairs holding your baby boy, dressed the same, with identical looks of tiredness and you audibly cooed. “Hi my little star,” You grabbed a tot from his bowl, hid it behind your back, and walked closer to softly pinched the babes cheek. “did daddy dress you the same?” Atticus pulled his gummy smile, only a couple of teeth in the front, and rubbed his bright green eyes. Lando placed his hand around your waist to pull you closer to him. “It’s kind of unfair that I carried you for nine months but you’re a carbon copy of your dad.” You ruffled his curly hair. Lan huffed, “Could be worse.” You nodded in agreement and pulled the tot from behind your back and offered it to Atticus. His eyes lit up seeing his favorite food. His chubby fingers reached out and snatched it from your hand and tried to put the whole thing in his mouth. You and Lan laughed before he gently pulled it away. “My little duckling, you can’t just shove it like that, you’ve got to bite.” Lando tried to imitate a bite so Atty could do the same. Instead, he started to laugh and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. 
“Yeah, that’s your son love” Lando looked down at you with a disgruntled look, making you join in on the laughter. You lay your head on his shoulder and like it was a reflex, softly kissed your forehead. Atticus leaned down, sticky hand out to lay on your cheek, and tried to kiss your forehead just like his father did moments before. It ended up leaving a wet mark on your forehead, it’s not like he knew had to give his mom a kiss, he was just trying to copy his dad. 
You heard Lando take a big breath in, and without looking away from Atticus, 
“Let’s have another one.”
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arkhammaid · 7 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. charles leclerc x author fem!reader (fc: none)
about. bestseller author genevieve dedicates her newest book to a special person. the internet tries to find out who it is
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. who doesn't dream about being a world famous author?
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 10'883 others
genevieve_updates The dedication in the newest Bestseller 'When We Were Wallflowers', by @/genevieve. For the first time in her career she mentiones a partner, calling him 'my love' and surprisingly also 'mon coeur'. Who could her beau be?
⤷ user my life is officially over...
⤷ user parents fr 🙏🙏🙏
user "our story now forever immortal and never forgotten" AND WHAT IF I CRY
user don't know if i should cry tears from sadness that mom is taken or happiness that mom is taken
⤷ user at least he makes her happy (delulu)
⤷ user you're so right, tears of happiness then
⤷ user charles as well???
⤷ user hello wtf is happening SINCE WHEN DO THEY READ??
user "YOUR WORDSMITH"???? am i the only one loosing my mind over this
⤷ user no. i just haven't recovered yet
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, haileybieber and 503'002 others
genevieve My summer was filled with flowers and love, so much love. It has given me enough inspiration to write yet another romance book, even if I promised to return to my beloved fantasy. Yet when the heart calls... who am I to refuse? 'Reverie, Lost in your Love' will be published in November '24!
⤷ user reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in your thoughts, almost dreaming
⤷ user mom is big brained fr "lost in your love"? yes, yes i will be
haileybieber I will be (im)patiently waiting, as always 💗
⤷ genevieve And I will be sending you the first draft, as always
⤷ user their friendship is so dear to me 🥹🥹
⤷ user icons supporting icons i fear
⤷ user auntie hailey better drop some spoilers!!!
zendaya We're getting another romance by our queen! Rejoice!!
user i just know the cover will be serving cunt (in the most beautiful flowers)
user only four months left... only four months left......
pierregasly super liked by pierre gasly
⤷ user why is he so unserious 😭
⤷ user "super liked" goddamn we're finally reaching the part where he will rate posts he likes
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liked by pierregasly, andferrari007, arthur_leclerc and 1'032'883 others
charles_leclerc Nothing better than summer, sun, beach and a good book in my hands. And of course good company 😉
user the tan 🫠🫠
⤷ user oh my god you're right
⤷ user and it's one of her fantasy ones, from her fae series 👀
⤷ user charles has taste
user first he's in her likes and now he's reading her books... how do we tell him
⤷ user hear me out, genevieve and charles *gets shot*
⤷ user i trust in mom and i trust that she wouldn't fall for a vroom vroom man
pierregasly you already finished the other books?
⤷ charles_leclerc Breezed through them 😆
⤷ arthur_leclerc He's waiting for November
⤷ pierregasly aren't we all?
user the filter is back..
⤷ user the filter never left
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, gigihadid and 3'029'746 others
genevieve "J'adore ton sourire, ma belle." I remember hearing these words for the first time, I remember his own smile he gave me back then, and I just knew, I love him. Thank you, Charlie, mon coeur, for standing by my side, for being my inspiration, my defender against the cursed writer's block. Your passion inspires me to write even more, so I'm proud to announce once again, another romance book. 'Winterbliss and Midnightkiss' will be available in March '25.
charles_leclerc Tu es incroyable, ma belle ❤️
⤷ genevieve Right back at you, my champion
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @namgification , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @lupicalbestwolf , @akiraquote
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bookished · 1 year
( a collection of starters. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛 if you like, please consider supporting me through tips
"The rain fell in heavy sheets, and I knew it was the day that would change everything."
"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we'd made different choices?"
"You promised you'd never leave, and now you're telling me you have to go?"
"What's the one thing you've always wanted to do but haven't had the courage to try?"
"Why are you always pushing me away when all I want to do is help?"
"I never thought I'd see you here."
"We used to be so close. What happened to us?"
"Sometimes, I feel like I'm living someone else's life."
"Is it too late to start over?"
"I thought I'd lost you forever."
"The clock struck midnight, and with it, my life took an unexpected turn."
"The dusty, forgotten diary I found in the attic held secrets I never could have imagined."
"I can't believe you said that to them. Do you realize the impact of your words?"
"What do you want from me, after all this time?"
"You were always the one who got away."
"Why did you come back?"
"I've been keeping something from you, and I don't know how to tell you."
"Remember when we used to dream about the future together? What happened to those dreams?"
"You're not the person I thought you were."
"I thought I was doing the right thing, but now I'm not so sure."
"It's never too late to change, you know."
"Let's make a pact: no matter what happens, we'll always find our way back to each other."
"I've been searching for you my whole life, and now that I've found you, I don't know what to say."
"Why did you do it? Why did you betray us?"
"I never thought I'd see the day when you'd come back."
"You've changed so much since the last time I saw you."
"We used to be best friends. What happened between us?"
"I have a secret, and I need your help to keep it."
"Do you believe in second chances?"
"If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?"
"I never thought I'd miss something so ordinary until it was gone."
"You were always the one who understood me, even when I couldn't understand myself."
"I can't keep pretending that everything is fine."
"Life has a funny way of bringing people back together, doesn't it?"
"I thought I knew who I was until I met you."
"What's the worst mistake you've ever made, and did you ever make amends for it?"
"We're in this together, no matter what."
"You're the only one who knows the real me."
"I never thought I'd say this, but I need your advice."
"Why do you always push people away when they try to get close to you?"
"Sometimes, the hardest part is forgiving yourself."
"No matter where life takes us, I hope we'll always have this moment."
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kjupchurch-xx · 22 days
Conflicted Feelings Part 8
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Ryan was silent for a moment, as was I. Finally, I heard his voice. For once, he wasn't being the classic Ryan Reynolds, he was being the concerned friend, Ryan. "What do you mean you're not happy?" He asked, a bit confused by my admission. 
I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I don't know. I just- I mean shit, I just had a part in the biggest film of my career. I'm getting calls from my agent to audition for major roles in upcoming films. This is just not the right time." I exhaled deeply as I thought about how my career would come to a screeching halt. 
I heard him sigh over the phone, "The films will still be here. Probably not the ones you're being asked to audition for, but there will be more films. I'm guessing you haven't told him?" 
I chuckled, "I literally just took a test before I called you."
I could hear him begin fake hyperventilating over the phone as he used an over-dramatic voice, "You mean...you mean...I'm the chosen one?" He asked, causing me to laugh. 
"Goodbye, Ryan." I said jokingly. 
He chuckled, "Just tell him. He loves Oscar and Ava, but I can promise you, he'll be stoked to have his first biological offspring." 
With that, we ended our phone call as I continued pacing the NYC penthouse waiting for Hugh to return from his morning bike ride through the city. Being a mother was not exactly something I wanted. I love kids, sure but I love other people's children, especially when I can give them back once I'm tired of them. This would be different. Not to mention my career being halted, but the fucking media and Deb are going to have a fucking frenzy whenever this comes out. 
20 minutes, or for me what seemed like an eternity had gone by. I heard the lock on the penthouse door turn, which meant Hugh had finally returned. He walked in and smiled at me as he approached me, quickly pecking my lips. 
"Morning, Love. I didn't want to wake you." He said softly as he walked towards the kitchen to grab some water from the fridge. 
I forced a smile, "Thank you." I said softly. 
He gave me a curious glance, "Are you feeling any better?" 
I shrugged, "I don't know. I think I'm going to lay back down for a bit." I said as I turned towards the bedroom. 
He gave me a half-smile as I turned, disappearing into the bedroom we shared. He knew something was up, but I was hoping he'd just pushed it off on the fact that I'd been feeling like shit. It had been 10-11 months since he showed up to my hotel room in LA to tell me that he and Deb had split up. We'd been having unprotected sex for months, I don't know why I was surprised to see a positive pregnancy test this morning. 
As I laid in our bed, a million thoughts ran through my brain...How I'd tell him, how he'd react, how I'd react to his reaction. I was shaken from my thoughts as I heard him walk past me and walk into the master bath. He looked at himself in the mirror, brushing over his stubble with his fingertips. He glanced down, spotting something on the bathroom counter and stared at it for a moment. 
Shit. I realized being in a panic when I saw the test, I must've forgotten to discard it before I called Ryan and spent 30 minutes pacing the fucking floor. I nervously bit my lip as I scratched my forearm anxiously, nervously awaiting his response to the small stick he was holding and had his gaze locked on. He looked up at me, eyes not completely wide, but they were definitely wider than usual. 
"Are you..." He managed to say while looking at me to make sure what he was seeing was accurate. 
I slowly nodded, it was all I could manage to do at this point in time. My words were completely failing me and even if they weren't, what the hell would I actually say? He sat the test down on the bathroom counter and quickly walked over to me, sitting in front of me on the bed. I could see his eyes glossy as if tears had begun forming in them. 
"Baby, this is incredible." He said softly, with a trembling voice. I sat silent, which he quickly noticed, "Don't you think so, love?" He asked me softly. 
I sighed, taking a deep breath, "I..." was all I could manage to choke out. 
He grabbed my hand, interlocking it with his, "What's wrong, babe?" He asked softly, his expression a mix of worry and anxiety. 
I shrugged, shaking my head slightly as I exhaled deeply, "I've worked so hard, busting my ass to pave a career for myself, Hugh." Tears were beginning to threaten to spill over my face, "I'm finally getting offers for major roles. My career is finally starting to blossom the way I'd always hoped it would...Now that's over for me." 
He shook his head, pulling me into his arms, "Baby, no. Don't say that. Your career is not over, love. You may have to take a hiatus in a few months, but you can pick up right where you left off." He said reassuringly. 
I nuzzled my head into his chest, sighing again, "It's been so hard to get where I'm at. I can't just come back months later and demand bigger films." 
He chuckled as he ran his fingers through my hair, "Babe, I can always help with that. There are loads of MCU movies that always want lead roles for developing characters." 
This was so easy for him. He had a massive career. He wouldn't be the one out of action due to a big pregnant belly. He didn't have to fight as hard as I did for a major role, spending years as an extra or a small role. I knew he was only trying to be supportive, but it was irritating me that he made this sound so easy to just get back into like I hadn't skipped a beat. 
He rested his chin on top of my head, "You're not even the slightest bit happy about this, are you?..." He asked, barely above a whisper. 
His voice was full of emotion and it broke my heart. He and Deb tried for biological children, which resulted in two miscarriages. That's when they adopted Oscar and Ava. He was no doubt their father, but I knew the feeling of having a child that shared his DNA and was biologically his, would be a big deal for him. I felt guilty for not being as ecstatic as he was. 
I shook my head, "In a perfect world, this would be maybe the best thing that had ever happened to me." I said softly, "But I'm selfish and my career comes first..." I continued, almost instantly regretting the words that had left my mouth. I knew they were a low blow. 
I heard him take a deep breath as I felt his body stiffen while the sound of him sniffling went through my ears. I looked up at him, seeing the heartbreak my words had caused him and I instantly felt two feet tall. The last thing I'd meant to ever do was to hurt him. 
I sighed, "Honey, I love you. I'm sorry." I said softly as I caressed his cheek. "I'm just in shock." I shook my head as I huffed, "I know that once the shock of it passes, I'll feel differently. Right now, I'm just heartbroken." 
He looked at me as he let himself give in to my hand on his cheek, nuzzling it. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know that regardless of what happens with my career, I will love this child. I just have to... fully accept that things will be different." I said softly, still caressing his cheek. "Everything will be okay." I said as I kissed his forehead. 
He gave me a small smile as he turned his head, placing a soft kiss on my palm that was still caressing his cheek, "I love you, gorgeous." 
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dre6ming · 6 months
On set of Dune II
This part of “The delicate beginning rush” universe- whole series HERE
If you want to be tagged
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warning: smut 18+, blow job, cursing, MINORS PLEASE BE AWARE
Word count: 2k
Plot: you want to surprise Austin on the set of dune 2 and he gets shy about his fight scenes, but that is all forgotten when you work your magic on him.
A/n: this was a request by someone and it was so exciting to write, if you have more, send them to me and I’ll get to them as soon as I can.
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With my busy schedule I barely got my assistant to fit this surprise flight to Budapest, so I could visit Austin on set of Dune 2. We haven't seen each other in person in 5 weeks, filming taking all of our time, on opposite sides of the world. It's not easy and it definitely is not pleasant, but we aren't the first nor the last to go through long distance. I have a few days off, time which I should have spend in the studio with Taylor, who's working on her new album, but I could not stay any longer without seeing Aus.
"Y/n so nice to meet you in person, I'm Denis. I have to say, I look forward to some day working with you, you're amazing!" The director says, putting his hand forward for me to shake. I smile kindly at him and take his hand. "Oh that's so beautiful of you to say, I look forward to that day as well, your work is so detailed and ambitious." I giggle, blushing a bit at his compliments. "Now I know this is a surprise for Austin, I did not say anything" he zips his lips closed chuckling "but you do have to sign some papers, just formalities you know." I nod and sign away, promising not to tell anything that I see today to anyone. "He's working, full make up, so brace yourself, it's really, it's a bit scary, come on."
Denis puts his hand on my shoulder and leads the way, as we walk I can start hearing grunting and thudding and all sorts of scenes. I am a bit worried about seeing Austin in full make up and acting like this psychotic character, considering that after the first time seeing him over video in full makeup I had a horrible nightmare. Granted he did call me at 3 am in the morning and I did answer kinda unconsciously, but still. There's big lights centered on two figures in the middle of a blue room, the rest is pretty dimly lit, so my eyes take a moment to adjust. I could recognize Austin's grunts anywhere, having had them in my ear for so long, so my knees feel a bit weak, my skin already hungry to feel him.
As I get used to the light, I see Austin move so athletically, jumping back avoiding hits, then throwing some good punches himself. He's been working very hard in the gym gaining a few pounds of muscle, looking toned like never before. God he looks so weird with this make up, I miss his blonde curly hair, thank god for the other movie he's filming, and this is all a fake bald cap. The other guy he's fighting with, uses a small knife, which I'm pretty sure it's fake but still scary. He swings it, in front of Austin's face and next thing I know he falls to the ground, catching himself mid fall, turning his head to the camera, showing his face full of blood. I stifle a scream, covering my mouth, feeling my heart pounding in my chest, I look at everyone, no one seems to notice. Austin flashes a smile, black teeth showing, with trembling hands I push my hair behind my ears and try and act as if I had known this was all an act.
"Cut! Austin man, amazing! Let's get makeup in here and clean it up, I want to shoot it one more time. Let's take five!" Denis says, and suddenly Austin's whole demeanor changes, it's so strange, he looks so scary, but his stance is so Austin. I clear my voice and wipe my sweaty palms on my pants, walking forward. Austin, being the sweet guy he is, is shaking hands with his partner. "Hi there stranger, need a tissue? I think you got a bloody nose." As soon as he hears my voice, he turns around, scooping my up in a tight hug, getting fake blood all over me. "Y/n!" Austin says, holding me tight to his chest, his lips kissing my neck, leaving wet splashes of fake blood. "Did you miss me baby?" I ask, patting his back, as my feet touch the ground. He doesn't answer, instead, his hands hold my face and he pulls me in for a kiss. It wet and bitter, even a bit sticky, but it tastes like him still. Austin breathes into the kiss, his tongue, entering my mouth exploring. I lace my hands around his neck and moan into him, forgetting for a minute where we are.
Austin pulls back resting his forehead on mine, breathing softly. "What are you doing here?" He asks a smile evident in his tone. I giggle when he rubs his nose against mine, pulling back to look at me. "Oh fuck, I got fake blood all over you, honey I'm so sorry!" He tries to wipe it with the back of his hand, but I take it away, holding his hand in mine. "It's fine, I'm just glad it's fake, I thought it was real." Austin can see that I'm as honest as they come and his eyes look sympathetic "I'm so sorry darling, I didn't mean to worry you!" He says, kissing my forehead head, then grunting annoyed. "I really should stop kissing you now." He says, rubbing his thumb over my forehead, on what I'm assuming is another fake blood stain. "You look so buff and scary, so so hot!" I say biting my lip.
"Really?" Even though all this white makeup I can see the slight blush he has on, turning all shy and avoiding eye contact. "So so hot!" I stand on my tiptoes and whisper in his ear, feeling him shiver as my breath fans over his skin. "I can't wait for you to make those pretty noises for me!" I laugh, but my breath gets stuck in my throat as his arms circle around me and he pulls me in, flush to his front. "Baby these leather pants are very very tight and leave no room." He says rubbing his pelvis in mine so I can feel his hard on. My blood starts boiling and I can almost see myself with him on top of me.
"Ask for ten minutes, bathroom break or something." I plead under my breath. Austin looks hesitant, but he still does it anyway. Denis gives his ok and we bolt to his trailer, knowing we don't have much time. I laugh all the way there and he tries to make small talk, telling me all about how filming as been going so far, event this he's already told all this stuff. I listen, but in the back of my head I'm far gone.
We close the door to his trailer and his lips are on mine instantly. His hands hold mine down, so that I won't be able to try and thread my fingers through his nonexistent hair. "Get on the bed!" I say breathless and step back, letting him move past me and onto the bed. "Y/n, my darling, I've missed you so so much." Austin says, sitting on his bed, leaning back a bit, legs spread wide, sporting a noticeable bulge. "I've missed you too." I admit and move in front of him, placing my hand in his hard on, squeezing him through his pants. "Fuck!" He says, throwing his head back. I work his pants open and slide them down enough to free his hard dick, looking red and needy. I lick my lips and get down on my knees. This would be my first time ever doing anything like this, but I've been thinking about it a lot and I've been wanting to try.
"Y/n y/n, no no baby you don't have to, honey come on!" Austin tries to lift me off the ground but I keep my position. "I want to, but I've never done it before, so if I do something wrong, just tell me. Please!" I bat my lashes at him and his hips thrust in the air. "Just, ok, but take it easy ok?" I nod and hold him in my hand. I spit on him and move my hand up and down, using my thumb to touch his head gathering more sleek from there. I can already feel my panties getting wet, so I squeeze my thighs together. I lean forward and take him in my mouth. So far he's been quiet, but now that my warm mouth is on him, he lets out a long breathy moan, fisting the sheets beside him. "Fuck, you are an angel! I love you so much!" He tastes salty, but good in a way. I swirl my tongue around and suck, bopping my head up and down. One of his big hands leaves the sheets and finds purchase in my hair. I moan around him and feel him shiver as a few more cures slip past his lips.
God I've missed him. "Fuck baby, you look so beautiful with your mouth around my cock, do you like it? Like how I fit in your mouth?" I love when Austin talks dirty to me, so I moan, picking up the pace, causing him to fall back on the bed, crying out In pleasure. I finally understand why he loves to do this for me, I think I could watch him like this for ages and not get bored. I feel him twitch in my mouth, so I move my free hand from his thigh, to his balls, squeezing softly. "Shit, fucking hell!" He grunts, pushing his hips a bit in my mouth. "Y/n, baby, I'm not going to last long, if you don't want it in your mouth, I'll tell you when ok?" I nod, but I know want it in my mouth, I've tasted him before, after giving him hand jobs, so now I'm more than eager to get a taste of him.
I sneak my hand under his balls and push slightly on the spot there, which causes Austin to jump off the bed a bit, pushing himself further down my throat making me gag, tears prickle my eyes. I breathe through my nose and relax for him, working on him, pushing on that secret spot. "Fuck, Y/n, baby that feels so good, ahh I'm cu-" he doesn't get to finish what he has to say, as his body goes rigid and he spills himself into my mouth. I stay calm and swallow him whole, enjoying they way it feels. When he's done, I let him out of my mouth, give him a few more strokes, ending with a kiss to his head, smiling at the way he curses.
He lifts me up into his arms and I lay my head in his chest. "Wow, are you sure you've never done this before? Because this must have been the best I've ever had!" Austin says out of breath. I giggle and kiss under his chin. "I like to read, I learn what I read." I explain, sighing when he moves his head to kiss my lips. His hand travels down my body and gives my ass a good squeeze, making me yelp, so he can sneak his tongue into my mouth.
A knock on the door as us parting, him quickly putting his pants on and me, wiping my face with a tissue. "Back on set!" A voice shouts from the other side of the door. "In a minute!" Austin screams back, trying to make himself as presentable as possible. "Can I come watch you some more?" I ask, turning the water on to was the dried fake blood from my face. I look back at Austin and he looks so timid now, scratching the back of his head. "I mean of course baby..."
"Aus..? What's up?" I ask using a towel to dry my face, while I look at him, his eyes wondering the room, avoiding mine. "Well I guess I'm just a tad shy, you know, I have to act pretty barbaric out there and I feel so silly, I'm just I don't know.." he says dropping his head. I get close to him and take his hands in mine, rubbing slow circles on his knuckles. "You don't look silly, you look fierce, and bold and scary, you have nothing to be shy about." I say kissing the tip of his nose. "Now come on big boy, you've got work to do, and the faster you finish here, the sooner you get to make love to me!" I wink at him and he chockes on his laughter, blushing a deep red.
Tags: @galaxygirl453
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justkending · 4 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 2)
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Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader
Word Count: 3900+
A/N Note: You guys... Thank you for the overwhelming support on this series. You guys are the sweetest :) I've loved reading your series and promise I love them; just haven't had the chance to respond! Again, thank you for the love, as it's all turned back to you!
As for the chapter... Let's make it more fun (otherwise known as interesting) ;)
Bucky’s POV
Hidden bugs weren’t new business to us, so after disposing of the picture frame, they gifted us with a note saying, “For your new home, and your first picture in it! ;)”... It was an easy ‘accidental’ drop. 
However, quickly after that, wouldn’t you know it? A new basket showed up on our porch with another set of welcome-to-the-neighborhood gifts from the whole neighborhood this time…
Y/N had ‘accidentally’ placed the newly potted plant, that they had somehow added a very impressively hidden camera on, too close to the edge of the entryway table, so when she came through the door quickly with her arms full of more boxes, the pot was no longer usable. Shame… We did buy our own pot for said plant, so we still got a new piece of greenery without the bugs. 
After those two failed attempts, we hoped our show of clumsiness warded off the assholes and made us less intimidating. And yes, I use that word because I could read easily from our first meeting that they were sizing us up. Analyzing our act and manipulating themselves into our lives in a careful yet planned manner. 
For extra measure on the clumsy showcase, Y/N drove into the trashcans I had forgotten to pull to the curb, making a public display of her character’s clumsiness. Though I later learned she was actually just pissed that I forgot to put them out and found a way for me to pay the consequences in our squabble on the lawn. 
A squabble that started out a hundred percent authentic and then turned into a fake makeup season when the neighbors peaked their heads out. 
“This jughead would forget his head if it weren’t on his shoulders,” Y/N slapped my chest before patting it harshly and smiling at the seventy-year-old next-door neighbor, Gertrude, who always happened to find her rose bushes interesting, only when people were outside. 
She smiled and laughed at Y/N’s wide grin before waving her on as she snipped a few thorns. 
“God, I hate it here,” Y/N said through her teeth, holding her fake smile as she walked past me into the house.
A few more preplanned acts happened while we were outside to show the community that our accidental breaking of their bugs was just that—accidental. It was not planned and discovered at all. 
It had been two weeks so far, and we’d already been invited to a food truck social, a street parade for a family leaving the neighborhood, and an outdoor movie night. All events you would have thought had the same planning committee as the MET Gala with how thorough they were… At least, that's what Y/N said, and I choose to believe that it holds some form of significance.
Tonight, we went over to another couple's house that was high up in the HOA group for a neighborhood barbeque, one where Y/N’s damn lilac tennis dress she had worn to workout with a neighbor, made more than half the dads and men too old and married to be staring, struggle to keep their eyes off her. 
I had told her that keeping a hand on her during most of the party was for the act, but genuinely, I didn’t care for how the men of the group gawked at her. Something gave me a bad feeling about it. And I didn’t understand why Y/N wasn’t phased at all or even slightly uneasy, considering she was just as trained as me to assess and sense all that attention.
As soon as we were behind closed doors back in our secure home, my first question was, “Did you really not feel their eyes on you?” 
She was in the middle of taking off her shoes, talking about some information she had gotten from a group of stay-at-home wives, something related to our mission, but I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around how unphased she was with the unnerving type of attention she was getting there. 
“What?” She paused as she bent to take off a tennis shoe. 
“All those guys, the husbands, and pervs at the cookout. You didn’t notice them staring at you?” I asked again, rolling my sleeves of button-down I had on up to my elbow.
She stared at me for a moment and then rolled her eyes as if she had figured out where I was going with this. Spoiler: she was far off the mark. 
“Listen, if you’re saying that thanks to this dress, which, yes, is a little short, but who the hell cares, is the reason why men were,” she straightened, kicking off both her shoes fluently, now only in socks. “Gawking at me, as you put it-.” 
“I didn’t say that,” I straightened, furrowing my eyebrows. 
“Oh, but you did,” she sassed with a shrug, continuing. “Under your breath when you came up, and you staked your claim by never taking your arm away from my waist for the night.”
“I didn’t say that,” I shook my head. I said it in my head, but I hadn’t said that out loud… Had I?
“Ugh, whether you did or didn’t, I could tell you were judging,” she huffed, rolled her shoulders, and walked past me to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge.
It took me a minute, but I figured out where her mind had gone. “I was judging them, Y/N,” I  shook my head. “I was judging the horny, married, and dusty-ass men that couldn’t keep their damn tongue from falling to the floor with you in the vicinity. Like their wives had deprived them of any kind of physical touch for the last decade, and they couldn’t keep it in their pants any longer.” 
I realized I may have explained more of my thought process than I intended, but she shut the fridge door she had hidden behind and turned to me, scanning, assessing. 
“You were jealous.” The corner of her lip raised at her statement. 
“What?” I scoffed. “No, loser,” I scoffed again, and clearly, I wasn’t selling my answer because she didn’t lose her growing grin. “I just took notice of how much attention you got, and it concerned me that the ideas most of those men were having were far from civil ones.” 
She stared at me for a minute, and I felt uncomfortable in my own skin as she weighed her options regarding how she wanted to react. We still had plenty of fights, but they have been somewhat decreasing lately, and I was hoping we could keep that streak going.
Her assessing stopped, and her grin grew again. “Awe, the Tinman does have a heart.”
And she ruined it. Surprise, surprise. 
“It’s sweet that you care, old man,” she twisted the lid to the drink she had pulled out of the fridge and took a swig before looking at me. “But that’s just a day in the life of a woman. Nothing new to me or anyone with the double X chromosomes.” She shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I mean, obviously, people look at you,” I started, and she balanced her elbows on the counter before resting her chin on her fist. I continued before I realized my wording. “Before you-”
“Obviously?” She emphasized my word choice. “Keeping notes on an awful lot of things lately, huh, Buck?” she whispered my name like it was a secret, and I knew it was for the odd case someone could hear us, but something about her tone made my chest freeze. “Tell me, what else do you notice…?” She tilted her head one way as she stared at me. 
I wasn’t going to lie and say her words didn’t flustered me, but as a reflex, I jumped back into the normal banter.
“You’re not funny, jackass,” I deadpanned and turned on my heel to walk away.
“Oh, stop being such a baby,” she shouted after me, and I heard her sock-clad feet slide on the hardwoods to catch up with me. “Listen, I think it’s nice you’re taking notice of stuff like this. Most men never pay attention to those kinds of things because they don’t have to. It’s not really a normal day-to-day experience for them, so they don’t get it. They don’t HAVE to get it.”
I stopped and turned in my march, and she slid into me from just two steps behind me. I caught her easily, bracing my hands on her biceps to steady her. She let out a huff of air as our chests flushed to each other and then looked up at me. 
“You’re murder strut is too fast for me to keep up with,” she mumbled, scrunching her nose in a relaxed way. 
I closed my eyes for a minute but didn’t let go of her before I channeled back my seriousness. 
“I’ve learned men are assholes, trust me. In this field, we come across some of the worst misogynistic weasels to exist. Wear whatever you want. You have scary dog privileges now. The attire issue isn't what I was getting at,” I replied, thinking of the reference the Parker kid had explained to me recently.
Her smile was unlike any I had the pleasure to be on the receiving end of, and I immediately mentally captured it, worried that I’d never experience the genuineness she was sharing with me in this moment again. 
“Scary dog privileges, huh? Someone’s been brushing up on their TikTok trends.” She laughed, scanning my face as I scanned hers. “Peter finally invested in his version of Duolingo? This one labeled new-age-slang-for-100-years-and-older?”
“Actually called, Born-in-1910’s-and-on-the-comeback-of-a-70-year-coma-new-age-lingo. Very helpful,” I retorted, and the surprise on her face as she laughed at me made my grip on her soften, my thumb unconsciously running over the bone on her wrist. 
The action brought both of our eyes to the feeling, and in the next second, we had three feet between us. 
“I’m going to go take a shower.” Her rush to get around me in the narrow hall caused her to brush along my arm, and it was like the sparks that ignited when I held her tried to reach out for each other again in the brief contact. 
“I’ll be in the kitchen,” I grumbled, walking quickly in the opposite direction. 
The last two weeks have been frustrating, but somehow, Bucky and I have learned we work together surprisingly well. We still had our bickering fights and annoying quarrels, but stick us in a house for a few weeks, and we realized we did well at balancing each other out. 
Where I hated doing the dishes, he made sure they were done every night. Where he hated doing laundry, I folded and sorted the linens and clothes. I hated cooking, and he somehow was really good at it. I loved to bake when we had free time, and he loved to taste test. I sucked at most things gardening-wise, and he had shown me how to prune overgrown flowers in our gardening bed. Bucky sucked at interior decorating, so I was in charge of making our fake abode look like a real one. 
Overall, we do pretty well, considering we hate each other's guts. Ok, well… I don’t necessarily hate his guts, even if I act it. I just have a very low tolerance for his bullshit and don’t mask my frustrations when they hit their limits. As for being a fake wife to him where he has to treat me well… He’s been a picture-perfect husband from a suburban wife’s perspective.
The only thing we’ve successfully avoided that I was worried about is sharing the same bed. 
After confirming with the higher-ups that our house was bug-free, we claimed our own rooms (me in the master, of course) and set up our own space. Keeping the facade of a happy married couple outside of those rooms and the house was easy, but I dreaded the day we would have to show more affection and closeness than what we already had. 
So far, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a hug from behind, and a normal amount of PDA that showed we were in our honeymoon phase yet did not want to make others fully uncomfortable did the job enough. But after Bethanne commented about when we planned on having kids, I figured we might need to bump up our act since she gave a passive comment about us being ‘rather tamed for a newlywed couple.’
Before I could bring up the comment to Bucky once we got home, he seemed more bothered by the men at the party than anything. 
I didn’t expect him to notice such a minute thing, but if there was one thing I had learned about Bucky these last few weeks, it’s that he’s very attentive to details I wouldn’t expect him to be on.
Then, to further my confusion about the situation, something seemed different in our intimate hallway space run-in, and both of us scurried away as if the touch of each other burned. 
After my shower, I got dressed in my pajamas and heard the TV still on in the living room, where Bucky tended to station himself for a few hours before bed. Well, his bedtime. Another thing about us was that I wasn’t much of a night owl, but I did appreciate knowing someone was on alert while I slept. And even if he didn’t do it for that reason, I’m sure, I liked hearing the TV still on when I tended to wake up in the middle of the night. I felt safer…
“Hey,” I leaned against the wall coming into the living room and saw that he had Brooklyn Nine-Nine on with a computer sat in his lap. 
He looked up and gave me a quick head nod before going back to the screen in front of him. “What’s up?”
“Just needed to fill you in on some of the things I learned at the cookout,” I let out a yawn as the day caught up with me and moved to the single chair across from him on the couch. 
“Hit me,” he rolled his shoulders back, never looking away from the blue light. 
“Don’t ask for things you don’t really want,” I teased, and he looked above the screen at me with a glance that seemed to be holding back a smile before rolling his eyes. 
“What’d you learn?” he followed up with. 
I went on to tell him about the neighborhood drama. All things that may or may not have any major plays to our mission, but information nonetheless. 
“Did you ask any of them about work?” Bucky asked once I had covered most everything. 
Our undercover jobs were simple. I worked from home as a data entry clerk. Something boring that Charolette Hunt has been hoping to get out of and find her passion. All this led to me asking around about job connections and if there was anything I could swap over to for a ‘more exciting work life,’ otherwise known as drug trafficking jobs if they were available. 
As for Beau Hunt, Bucky’s cover, he was the owner of a transportation company. Considering how well he was doing, he took the last two weeks off to move into his first home with his new wife before having to get back into the work ethic he had been thriving in the last ten years. 
All perfect pieces to get the answers and resources from our sketchy neighbors we came here for. 
“I asked Katrina, one of the wives of a guy who works closely alongside Reggie. I figured that was a good seed to plant,” I answered, pulling my legs up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees as I watched Jake Peralta chase a bad guy down the streets of New York. I missed the homeland. “She said she’d ask around, which is what I needed. What about you? Any of the 'dusty-ass husbands' have fun details to share?”
“Nothing more than statistics of sports teams and rookie starters for the state college basketball team,” he sighed, and I turned over to see him staring at me before turning back to his computer quickly. “Reggie was giving me a hard time, though.”
“Oh yeah?” I hummed, angling myself to him. “Bethanne was giving me a hard time, too.”
“Think it’s related to the same thing?” Bucky chuckled, looking back at me, but whatever was in his eyes just seconds ago was gone now. 
“Say on the count of three?” I smirked. 
“One,” he nodded.
“When we’re going to consider joining parenthood,” Bucky said. 
“When we’re having kids,” I said at the same time. “Almost a jinx if you didn’t word it so damn robotically. Did fucking Vision channel into your damn cyborg brain?” I laughed, and I heard a slight scoff from his direction before I rolled my head back and looked up at the ceiling. I stayed quiet until Bucky broke me out of my thoughts twenty seconds later.
“What are you thinking?” I heard the computer shut and then be placed on the cushion next to him. “I can hear the gears working past their limit.” His weak version of a retort.
I lulled my stare at him and deadpanned a bitchface at him. “You talking to yourself again?” He rolled his eyes at my comeback, and I decided to bypass the banter. “I think we need to step our game up. Ms. Bethanne thinks we’re ‘tamed’ for a newlywed couple. In other words, she thinks we’re prudes.”
“We’ve hit the PDA marks we need to,” Bucky stiffened just enough for a trained eye to see, but he tried to brush it off as getting comfortable in his spot. 
“Hmm, so maybe one of us is a prude,” I shrugged, moving my legs under me and leaning on one side of the chair. 
We hadn't kissed, although I would peck one on his cheek, and he would place one on top of my head. But that's as far as either of us had been willing to go.
I know our job may require us to go beyond that, and I was willing to keep it strictly professional even if necessary, but Bucky seemed to want to avoid it by all means. Message received.
“I’m not a prude. I just don’t understand why people have to be so touchy in public. It makes everyone uncomfortable,” he argued. 
“Not everyone finds discomfort in those acts. A lot of people think it’s cute.”
“I’m not one of those fucking people.”
“Well, you better figure out pretty fucking quick how to become one of those people because this operation kinda depends on it.” I sighed, standing up and stretching. “Listen, I know you hate me and all, but if we’re going to get this done and over with, we need to-”
“I’ve never said I hate you,” Bucky interrupted. I looked down and saw him staring at me with stern eyes.
“Actions have convinced me otherwise.” 
“The same could be said for you.” 
“I don’t hate you,” I clarified after carefully studying him for lies. 
It was an intense stare-off, but not one where I felt like I had to win it. One where I felt we were both taking a step into new territory, and neither of us knew what to expect. 
Bucky’s burner phone rang right before I could follow up with my peace offering, and we saw it was the fake caller ID Steve was under. He picked it up and put it on speaker. 
“What’s up, punk?” he answered, and Steve scoffed on the other end. 
“Just your biweekly check-in. Anything interesting enough to make this phone call longer than 5 minutes?” he asked. 
“Don’t think so,” Bucky sighed and filled him in on the steps we had taken to further the investigation. Planting our gossip seeds where necessary and waiting for the garden to grow. 
The call ended with Steve informing Bucky that he ‘started back at work’ tomorrow and would need to go to a specific meeting spot for updates. A way for us to get news that couldn’t be tracked with phone calls and messages. And after two weeks of gathering information and only four check-ins in that time, things were meant to pick up now. 
I had decided to head back to my room when a normal conversation between the two started up and strayed from the mission talk. Then, about 10 minutes later, Bucky was in my doorway as I got ready for bed. 
“Sorry, Steve wanted to know if we had torn each other’s heads off yet. Nat and him have a bet going,” he said, leaning on the doorway and crossing his arms over his chest. 
I shrugged, pulling the comforter back on the bed. “No need to apologize. And who’s winning?” 
“Steve gave it 3 weeks, so he’s still in the running.”
“He’s being generous,” I laughed, fluffing a pillow before sitting on the edge and looking at him. 
“I don’t know. I think we’ve managed to stay surprisingly civil given our relationship,” he smiled softly as if the conversation wasn’t dangerous grounds and could easily go one way or the other. 
“Helps that we have to act for most of it,” I fiddled with my nails. 
“Would you rather we didn’t get along?” he asked, and I could see the start of our normal frustration with each other trickle back into his tone.
I stared at him for a minute. Not sure what my goal was here, but it definitely had flipped from wanting to make every minute with him, his own personal hell.
“Fighting has become tiresome. I’m content tolerating the situation.” A bit of a hypocritical response, sounding robotic, but there was no lie behind it.
He stared at me like I had to him. 
“Right. Tolerating,” he nodded with pursed lips, pushing off the door frame and walking down the hall to his room. 
Something about his attitude made it hard for me to brush off the change in tension. I stood up and walked down the hall. When he was already in his room, I was taking up as much space as I could in his doorway now. 
“What’s with the annoyance?” I asked, looking at him as he arranged some things on his nightstand. He turned around, body lax and almost defeated looking. 
“I’m not annoyed. Why would I be annoyed with you ‘tolerating me’?” he said nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“I don’t know, but you clearly are,” I gestured to him and crossed my arms. “Would you rather I treat you how I have before this? I mean, we can go back to-”
“Obviously not, Y/N,” he cut me off with a scoff, and I was shocked at the sheer anger that I would suggest such a thing. His use of obviously made my brain scramble as well… The second time, that word had messed with me tonight.
“You’re confusing as hell, Barnes,” I squinted my eyes at him and decided I wasn’t in the mood to handle a bipolar 100-year-old man tonight. Maybe it was best if I just called it a night. 
Turning in my spot four steps away, I didn’t expect the hand around my bicep to stop me in the middle of the hall, leading to a pensive look on his face as he stared at me.
“What?” I furrowed my eyes at him and looked at the contact unwavering on my elbow.
“I—” he started and then stopped. An internal war played out with surprising clarity on his face. I raised my eyebrows and waited.
We stared for an hour—okay, nine seconds—but it’s all the same with that level of intensity.
“Never mind.” He dropped my arm and took a step back. 
“I don’t want to start something.”
“There’s something to start?” 
“No, but I’ll wait until you’re in a better mood to,” he debated on his wording. “Discuss it,” he settled on, turning on his heel. 
“I’m not in a bad mood,” I huffed, and yeah… That didn’t help proving my point. 
“Sure thing,” he shook his head before walking into his room, carrying on as if he hadn’t dropped a strange and confusing bomb on me that I now needed answers to. 
“Goodnight to you, too,” I grumbled as I walked to my room and shut the door behind me.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series:
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki
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babyhatesreality · 1 month
Two Sides of the Coin Part One
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky and Little!F!Reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, pet names, gentle discipline, both Bucky and Steve being secret menaces to each other, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
"I need you to be on your best behavior."
"I will be."
"I mean it."
"I know!"
"You promise you'll follow the rules?"
"Yes, I promise!"
"All the rules?"
"All the rules!"
"No trying to get around it or finding loopholes. Best. Behavior."
"I get it!"
Steve sighed heavily. He still wasn't convinced.
"I mean it, Bucky," Steve said.
"I know, Steve!" Bucky replied, his wide eyes the picture of innocence. Just then, you came tearing out of your playroom, a piece of paper gripped firmly in your hand, beelining it straight for your Papa. Steve reached out and scooped you up like you weighed nothing.
"Lookit, Papa, I finished your drawing for you!" you chimed happily.
Steve smiled tightly. "That's great Katie Cat, but what have you been told about running in the apartment?"
Your eyes darted to the side as you thought, then you remembered the rule. You blushed in embarrassment, having forgotten yet again. "M'sorry, Papa," you murmured abashedly, dropping your head onto his shoulder. "Didn't want you to leave wifout your picture and I forgotted again. I sowwy."
The tension left Steve's smile and he kissed your temple. "I forgive you love, but next time when you're super excited, do you think you can try to remember your rules better? I don't want you getting hurt."
You nodded energetically. "I try, Papa! Getting hurt is a no-no!"
"That's right. Now, no more running today or you're getting a Time Out. Understand?"
"I understand."
"Good. Good girl," Steve said proudly, before giving you a big hug and another kiss, this time on the cheek. You snuggled happily back down onto his shoulder. He then turned and looked meaningfully at Bucky, who rolled his eyes.
"Yes, if she runs again today, she'll get a Time Out," he said back in a bored voice. His nose wrinkled and he cocked an eyebrow at his husband. "Honestly, I'm starting to get a little offended here, Cap. You seem to have the impression that I can't take care of her alone."
Steve tilted his head and smiled gently at his love. "It's not that and you know it. I'm just....I don't like being away from her for this long, where I can't see her and protect her and...." He didn't finish the sentence, but Bucky could see it in his eyes. Steve felt guilty for leaving.
For the next month, all the Avengers were being sent out on goodwill missions and press tours- giving back to the community during peacetime. Fury had split the team into mini groups, and all caregivers had been assigned to separate teams so no little was left alone. They were quick missions, only three days long, but to Steve, the idea of leaving the both of you felt like an eternity. He'd been doing well to hide it, but the mask had slipped now that it truly was go time.
All offense forgotten, Bucky smiled and stepped in closer to the two of you. He put a soothing hand on the small of Steve's back, rubbing gently. "You know that I'll do right by our girl," he said softly. "Nothing's gonna happen- not on my watch. AND I promise that we'll have bedtimes and vegetables and screen time restrictions and Time Outs."
At that, you popped your head up. "How's come Time Outs?" you asked, outraged, only catching part of the discussion. "I didn't do nothing!"
Bucky's lips twisted as he tried to suppress his smile at your ire. "Not yet, you haven't," he said, a twinkle in his eye. "But you think you can honestly be one hundred percent good for three whole days straight?" he asked you, smirking.
"Oh. Prob'ly not," you said matter of factly, before laying your head back down on Steve's shoulder. Bucky turned back to Steve, his grin wrapping around his face.
"See? I got this," he said cheerfully, making Steve chuckle.
"Yeah, I know you do, punk," Steve said, softening, as he leaned in to kiss Bucky lovingly. He set you down, then leaned down so you were eye to eye. "Alright, Katie Cat. Best behaviors, okay?"
"Okay, Papa! I try!"
"Oh, I didn't mean you. I meant for Daddy. You're gonna have to keep him on his best behavior, you know. It's a full time job."
"I do it!" you giggled, twisting around in glee. "If Daddy's bad, does he get a Time Out?" It made you laugh to think of your big, bad Daddy smushed into the Time Out corner.
Steve smiled indulgently at you. "Tell you what. You keep a list of all the bad things Daddy does while I'm gone, and I'll take care of him when I get back. Deal?" he said mischievously. Bucky shot him an unamused look as you laughed uproariously.
"Deal! Oh, I 'most forgot!! Here's your picture to take wif you, okay?" You held up the drawing to your beloved Papa, who took it carefully, examining it. "See, it's you and Daddy and me and Jellybean! And we playin' in the park, an' dat's da fountain and the swings and the sun!"
Steve immediately scooped you back up into the biggest bear hug imaginable. "I love it Baby Girl, thank you," he whispered into your ear. "It's going right on the mirror in the hotel where I'll see it every day." You hugged your Papa fiercely back- you couldn't ask for better than that.
About ten minutes later, you and Bucky waved as the Quinjet took off into the clear blue sky. After a quick touch base with Tony, Natasha, and Sylvie about a playdate over the next three days, Bucky took your hand and let you skip and hop next to him, all the way back down the elevator and to your apartment. You stepped together over the threshold and Bucky shut the door behind you. It was quiet. Very quiet. You two sighed in sync. Then just as Bucky looked down at you, you looked up at him. Identical grins of mischief cracked across both of your faces.
"Let's do it," you both said in agreement.
Five minutes later, you were seated on top of the kitchen island, directing the madness. "We need MORE Oreos, Daddy!"
Bucky crumbled another handful of Oreos on top of the already way-too-big 3 flavored ice cream sundae he was making. "Alright, got it. What else?" he asked you. "Let's see, we got m&ms, hot fudge, cherries, sprinkles-"
"Chocolate AND rainbow!"
"Right, chocolate and rainbow, can't have one without the other. We've also got potato chips, caramel popcorn, Skittles, Twizzlers, gummy bears..."
"Do we got any of the hot Cheetos left??"
"No, Papa made me get rid of them."
"Tell me about it. Do we need anything else?"
"Whipped cream!"
"Good call, Trouble. I think that'll do it then!" You cheered loudly as he picked you up off the kitchen counter, tossing you into the air playfully before blowing a raspberry on your cheek. He set you down as you were still laughing. "Get two big spoons, okay?"
"Okay!" you said, charging towards the spoon drawer. "Dis is WAY better dan vegetables."
Bucky stopped and turned to look at you. "That's right- I did promise Papa we'd have vegetables, didn't I?" Your little brow instantly wrinkled, not liking where this was going and having instant regret from bringing it up. "Well, guess we gotta keep our promises." Bucky reached into the fridge and withdrew one carrot stick. He unceremoniously jammed it into the top of the scoop of strawberry. "There we go," he said, nodding in satisfaction. "Shall we?"
The rest of the morning was spent devouring the sugar-loaded monstrosity while sitting in a huge blanket fort the two of you made in the living room and watching Disney movies. You offered a running commentary on all of them, which Bucky found to be absolutely hilarious. After two and a half movies, you finally crashed from the sugar high so the two of you cuddled on the sleeping bags and cushions that made up the base of the blanket fort and took a long nap. You ordered pizza for dinner and it was awesome.
The rest of Steve's time away was just like that- the two of you making an absolute mess of the apartment and doing whatever you wanted. Within reason of course- Bucky wasn't about to put himself in a situation where he'd have to explain to Steve how you'd gotten hurt while running in the apartment on his watch. He helped you burn your energy out in other ways though, like taking you to the giant swimming pool in the Avengers training gym. He made you wear a lifejacket and double floaties on all four limbs. When you complained loudly and passionately, he just responded with his mischievous grin, and launched you high into the air, where you cannonballed into the water spectacularly. You had so many floaties on that you barely dipped below the surface. Your protests disappeared in an instant, changing to calls for "AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!!!!!" You two stayed in the pool until all your fingers looked like prunes.
You had a fun playdate with Peter, the twins, and Prince Loki, but honestly you preferred making mischief with your Daddy at home. On the last night of just the two of you, he took you up to the roof of the tower, and the two of you star gazed together. He pointed out constellations to you, and you listened in hushed wonder at the stories that Bucky was able to weave from the stars.
The day Steve was due to arrive home, it was Sergeant Daddy and Private Baby Cleaning Time, which you always thoroughly enjoyed. By the time you two were done, there was not a trace of any shenanigans whatsoever. The whole team was on deck to greet the returning Avengers that evening, and soon the air was full of joyful screams of the littles as they were reunited with their caregivers. Steve scooped you up and cuddled you tight while you hugged him as hard around the neck as you could, determined not to let go. He then blew a huge raspberry on your cheek, making you shriek with laughter. He gave Bucky a long kiss, and the three of you made your way back to the apartment.
As you babbled on to Steve with the very carefully crafted version of the truth about your exploits over the past couple days that Bucky had coached you on, you missed the subtle but detailed visual sweep of the apartment that Steve was doing. When you had finally told him everything down to you and Bucky going to the launch pad to greet the Quinjet's return, Steve tossed you in the air before giving you another bear hug.
"That sounds like a very fun time, pup. Did you and Daddy obey all the rules? All the time?"
You nodded vigorously, because technically you HAD. "There were vegetables and naps and I didn't run in the apartment!"
Steve chuckled. "That's my good girl. Hey- guess what?" he asked playfully, setting you back down on the ground.
"If you go look in the small blue duffle bag that's on Daddy's and my bed, I think you might find a surprise..." With a shriek, you started to tear off. But before you got two steps, you stopped so fast you nearly knocked yourself over. You then began speed walking as fast as you could without calling it running.
"I am not running Papa, just so you know!" you hollered over your shoulder as you rounded the corner and he couldn't see you anymore. Steve burst out laughing at that, before pulling Bucky in for a much deeper kiss than before. Once the two of the finally broke apart, Steve leaned back, giving Bucky a knowing look.
"So. I'm impressed, Sergeant. Can't tell that the two of you have been wreaking havoc in here for the past three days at all," Steve said, grinning lovingly at his husband.
"I didn't do anything," Bucky said sanctimoniously, with a little shake of his head. When Steve began to laugh, he stopped him with mischievous kiss.
A/N- Okay, so I was going to do this as one big story, but it's already too long and I haven't posted in a while, so here you go. Part two coming in as fast as I can finish it, and I bet you know what's coming.... :D Here's Part Two!
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simpforfandom231 · 6 months
Pregnancy PT1
here you gooooo, enjoy!!! Regina is pregnant and is married to Y/N. Janis, Cady, Karen, Gretchen, Regina, Y/n and Damian are best friends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regina lounged on the couch, her swollen feet propped up on the coffee table, as she flipped through channels on the TV. Her mood swung like a pendulum, from grumpy to downright irritable. Y/N, her girlfriend since their high school days, bustled around the kitchen, trying to whip up something edible for lunch.
"Gina, what do you feel like eating?" Y/N called from the kitchen, poking her head out to gauge Regina's mood.
Regina rolled her eyes, her hand rubbing her protruding belly. "I don't know, princess. Just surprise me. But make it quick, I'm starving and this baby's eating me from the inside out."
Y/N chuckled softly, accustomed to Regina's dramatic flair. "Alright, how about some grilled cheese and tomato soup?"
Regina made a face. "Ew, no. That sounds like something a sick person would eat."
"Okay, how about a salad then?" Y/N suggested, trying to keep her tone light.
Regina scoffed. "A salad? Seriously? I need something substantial, Y/N, not rabbit food."
Y/N sighed, her patience wearing thin. She knew Regina's mood swings were just part and parcel of pregnancy, but it didn't make dealing with them any easier. "Well, what do you want then?"
Regina shrugged, a pout forming on her lips. "I don't know, princess. Can't you read my mind or something?"
Y/N chuckled softly, shaking her head. "I wish I could, Gina. But since I can't, how about I make you some pancakes? With extra syrup."
Regina's eyes lit up at the mention of pancakes. "Now you're talking, princess! Pancakes it is."
As Y/N got to work in the kitchen, Regina couldn't help but admire her girlfriend's grace under pressure. Despite Regina's mood swings and snappy remarks, Y/N remained patient and loving, always putting Regina's needs first.
"So, how's my little pancake doing in there?" Y/N asked, pouring batter onto the griddle.
Regina smirked, resting a hand on her belly. "Kicking up a storm, just like its mama."
Y/N chuckled, flipping a pancake with practiced ease. "I can't wait to meet them, Gina. Our little bundle of joy."
Regina's heart swelled with love as she watched Y/N move around the kitchen, her gentle movements a stark contrast to Regina's own brash demeanor. Despite their differences, Regina knew she was lucky to have Y/N by her side.
As Y/N plated up a stack of pancakes, Regina couldn't resist teasing her. "You know, princess, sometimes I think you forget that I'm the one who's pregnant, not you."
Y/N rolled her eyes, playfully swatting Regina's arm. "Oh, trust me, Gina, I haven't forgotten. But that doesn't mean I can't pamper my pregnant girlfriend."
Regina grinned, reaching out to pull Y/N into a tight hug. "I love you, princess. Thanks for putting up with me and my mood swings."
Y/N returned the hug, pressing a kiss to Regina's cheek. "I love you too, Gina. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
After finishing their pancakes, Regina lounged on the couch while Y/N cleaned up the kitchen. Regina glanced over at Y/N, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"You know, princess, I was thinking... What do you say we have a little gathering tonight? Just some friends over for a low-key hangout," Regina suggested, her tone surprisingly casual.
Y/N paused in her dishwashing, looking over at Regina with raised eyebrows. "Really? Who did you have in mind?"
Regina shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, just Cady, Karen, Gretchen, Damien, and Janis. Nothing too wild."
Y/N chuckled, drying her hands on a dish towel. "Sure, sounds like fun. Just try to keep your mean girl attitude in check tonight, okay?"
Regina rolled her eyes, a smirk playing on her lips. "I can't make any promises, princess. But I'll try my best."
With Y/N's blessing, Regina grabbed her phone and fired off a quick text to their friends, inviting them over for the evening. Meanwhile, Y/N busied herself with tidying up the living room, fluffing pillows and straightening out magazines.
As the afternoon wore on, Regina's mood took a nosedive, her pregnancy hormones wreaking havoc on her emotions. She snapped at Y/N over trivial matters, her usual Regina George attitude in full force.
Y/N, however, took it all in stride, teasing Regina mercilessly whenever she got too snippy. "Careful, Gina, you're gonna scare the baby with all that attitude."
Regina scowled, rubbing her belly where the baby was kicking up a storm. "Ugh, this baby better not inherit your sense of humor, princess."
Y/N laughed, placing a comforting hand on Regina's belly. "Don't worry, Gina, I'll make sure our little one grows up with a healthy appreciation for sarcasm."
When their friends arrived later that evening, Y/N suggested they sit out in the garden to enjoy the warm spring weather. Regina begrudgingly agreed, her mood lifting slightly as they settled into chairs on the patio.
But even the tranquil setting couldn't temper Regina's sharp tongue, especially when Cady started recounting some of their high school memories.
"I still can't believe you guys wore pink on Wednesdays," Cady chuckled, taking a sip of her drink.
Regina narrowed her eyes, shooting Cady a withering glare. "And I still can't believe you infiltrated our group and tried to sabotage us, but here we are."
Y/N rolled her eyes, shooting Regina a warning look. "Come on, Gina, let's not dwell on the past. We're all friends now, remember?"
Regina huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, whatever. Just don't expect me to forget."
Meanwhile, Y/N busied herself in the kitchen with Karen and Janis, preparing snacks and drinks for their guests. Karen chattered away about her latest fashion finds, while Janis cracked jokes and kept the mood light.
"So, Y/N, how's it going being pregnant with Regina's spawn?" Janis teased, flashing a grin.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, you know, just trying to survive Regina's mood swings one day at a time."
Karen giggled, pouring herself a glass of wine. "Well, if anyone can handle Regina, it's you, Missy."
As they joked and laughed in the kitchen, Regina couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude for Y/N and her unwavering support. Despite Regina's flaws and occasional outbursts, Y/N stood by her side, always ready with a kind word or a gentle touch.
As the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the garden, Y/N suggested firing up the barbecue. The group agreed enthusiastically, eager to enjoy the balmy summer evening.
"Barbecue sounds great, Missy! I could go for some grilled veggies," Karen chimed in, her voice as bubbly as ever.
Regina rolled her eyes at Karen's comment. "Of course you want grilled veggies, Karen. You're like a walking Pinterest board."
Karen pouted, but quickly brushed off Regina's remark with a giggle. "Oh, Regina, you're so funny!"
Damian, ever the joker, couldn't resist teasing Regina further. "Yeah, Regina, lighten up. It's not like we're asking you to wear sweatpants or something."
Regina shot Damian a withering glare, but couldn't help but crack a smile at his antics. "Very funny, Damian. Maybe I'll make you cook your own burger."
While Regina and Damian bantered back and forth, Janis and Gretchen took charge of the grill, expertly flipping burgers and hot dogs with ease. Their laughter filled the air as they swapped stories and traded playful insults.
"So, Gina, how's the pregnancy treating you?" Janis asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Regina sighed dramatically, resting a hand on her swollen belly. "Oh, you know, just counting down the days until I can stop waddling around like a penguin."
Janis chuckled, flipping a burger with a flick of her wrist. "Well, at least you have an excuse for your mood swings now."
As Janis and Damian continued to rib Regina, Y/N and Cady retreated to the kitchen to prepare side dishes and salads. Gretchen eagerly joined them, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"I remember when we used to do this in high school," Gretchen reminisced, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "It feels like a lifetime ago."
Y/N smiled, tossing a salad with expert precision. "Yeah, those were the days, weren't they? It's crazy how much has changed since then."
Cady nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "I still can't believe you and Regina ended up together, Y/N. How do you keep up with her?"
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Believe me, it's not always easy. But Regina has a way of keeping life interesting, that's for sure."
As they chatted and prepared food in the kitchen, Regina and the others joined them, their appetites whetted by the delicious smells wafting from the grill. Regina's mood had improved considerably, her sharp tongue softened by the warmth of friendship and good food.
As the evening sun cast a golden glow over the garden, the laughter and chatter of Regina and her friends filled the air. Janis and Regina engaged in a playful bout of banter, their teasing escalating with each passing moment.
"Watch it, Regina, or I'll have to push you into the pool," Janis threatened with a smirk, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
Regina scoffed, rolling her eyes. "As if you could, Janis. I'd like to see you try."
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Janis lunged forward, attempting to grab Regina's arm and pull her into the pool. But Regina was quick to react, dodging Janis's grasp and retaliating with a playful shove of her own.
Before Janis could react, she found herself tumbling headfirst into the pool with a splash, her laughter echoing across the water.
Y/N, who had been in the kitchen preparing a dessert, heard the commotion and came running out, thinking Regina had fallen in. She skidded to a halt at the edge of the pool, her eyes wide with concern.
"Regina, are you okay?!" Y/N exclaimed, scanning the water frantically.
Regina burst into giggles, pointing at Janis as she struggled to surface. "It's Janis, princess! She's the one who fell in!"
Y/N let out a sigh of relief, her worry quickly turning to amusement. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought you had fallen in, Gina."
Damian, who had been manning the grill, chuckled at the scene unfolding before him. "Looks like Janis got what she deserved, huh?"
Regina smirked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "That's what she gets for trying to mess with me."
But before Regina could revel in her victory for too long, Karen decided to join in on the fun, cannonballing into the pool with a loud splash. The water sloshed over the sides, drenching anyone unfortunate enough to be standing too close.
Regina's eyes widened in shock as she felt the water splash against her designer clothes. "Karen, you maniac! You're going to ruin my outfit!"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Regina's indignation, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Looks like you're not the only one getting wet, Gina."
But Regina wasn't about to let Karen's antics go unpunished. With a mischievous grin, she grabbed Y/N by the hand and pulled her into the pool with a playful splash.
Y/N let out a surprised squeal as she hit the water, her laughter bubbling up from deep within her. "Regina George, you are so going to pay for this!"
But before Y/N could exact her revenge, Gretchen and Cady swooped in, grabbing Regina by the arms and lowering her into the pool with a concerted effort. Regina thrashed and cursed, her designer clothes soaked through and her hair plastered to her face.
"Hey, watch it! These clothes cost more than you make in a month!" Regina snapped, her attitude in full force.
Y/N couldn't contain her laughter as she watched Regina struggle in the water, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Looks like someone got a taste of their own medicine, huh, Gina?"
Regina shot Y/N a mock glare, but her lips twitched with suppressed laughter. "Just you wait, princess. I'll get you back for this."
As Regina fumed in the pool, her mood souring with each passing moment, Janis and Karen frolicked in the water nearby, their laughter echoing across the pool deck. But Regina paid them no mind, her attention fixed on the small figure at the edge of the pool.
"Is that Sprinkle?" Y/N asked, squinting against the sunlight to get a better look.
Regina's eyes narrowed as she spotted their chihuahua, Sprinkle, pawing at the water's edge, his tiny tail wagging eagerly.
"That little troublemaker better not even think about jumping in," Regina muttered darkly, her irritation palpable.
But despite Regina's warning glare, Sprinkle took a running leap and splashed into the pool with a tiny yelp, sending ripples cascading across the water.
Regina's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched Sprinkle paddle frantically in the water, his tiny legs churning as he struggled to stay afloat.
"You idiotic furball! What were you thinking?!" Regina shouted, her frustration boiling over as she swam over to rescue Sprinkle.
Y/N reached out to comfort Regina, but Regina brushed her off, her focus solely on rescuing their beloved pet.
As Regina scooped Sprinkle out of the water and cradled him in her arms, her anger melted away, replaced by relief and concern.
"Are you okay, little guy?" Regina murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Sprinkle's wet fur.
But as Regina turned to glare at Sprinkle, her frustration returning full force, Cady couldn't resist teasing her.
"Well, well, looks like even Sprinkle has more guts than you, Regina," Cady joked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Regina shot Cady a withering glare, her mean girl attitude in full force. "Watch it, Cady, or you'll be the one taking a swim next."
Cady laughed, unfazed by Regina's threat. "Oh, come on, Regina. Lighten up. It's just a little doggy paddle."
But Regina's mood had soured beyond repair, her frustration at Sprinkle's antics bubbling over as she clutched the soggy chihuahua to her chest.
As the group continued to play and laugh in the pool, Regina couldn't shake her irritation, her mean girl attitude casting a shadow over the otherwise carefree evening. But as Y/N wrapped her arms around Regina and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, Regina felt a flicker of warmth in her heart, reminding her that even in the midst of chaos, love and friendship would always prevail.
As Y/N emerged from the pool, water dripping from her hair and glistening on her skin, she announced her intention to fetch towels for everyone, including Sprinkle. Damian, ever the gentleman, offered Regina a hand as she made her way out of the pool, her mood still as prickly as ever.
"Come on, Regina, let me help you out," Damian said gently, extending his hand towards her.
Regina shot Damian a half-hearted glare but accepted his assistance nonetheless, grumbling under her breath as she clambered out of the pool.
Meanwhile, Y/N knelt beside Sprinkle, wrapping him in a towel and gently drying him off. Regina watched with a mixture of frustration and affection as Y/N fussed over their furry companion, her love for the dog evident despite her scowl.
"Stupid mutt," Regina muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with fondness.
Damian, sensing Regina's sour mood, quickly changed the subject. "Hey, the food's ready, everyone! Who's hungry?"
Gretchen, always eager to help, joined Damian in setting the table, arranging plates and utensils with precision. As Y/N returned with towels and clothes for everyone, she couldn't help but notice Regina's lingering scowl.
"Here you go, Gina," Y/N said cheerfully, handing Regina a pair of her favorite sweatpants and a hoodie. "I thought you might want to change into something more comfortable."
Regina grumbled her thanks as she accepted the clothes, her mood softening slightly at the sight of Y/N's thoughtful gesture.
As Y/N stepped away to change, Regina's eyes followed her, admiring the way the low-waisted sweatpants hugged her wife's toned abs. She felt a surge of desire wash over her, her scowl melting away as she drank in the sight of Y/N in her sports bra and sweatpants.
"You clean up nice, princess," Regina remarked, her voice husky with admiration.
Y/N flashed Regina a playful grin, a twinkle in her eye. "Why, thank you, Gina. I do try."
As they gathered around the table to enjoy their meal, Regina couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and contentment that washed over her.
As the group sat around the table in the garden, enjoying their meal and each other's company, the air was filled with laughter and chatter. Damian and Janis traded playful insults, their banter laced with affection. Karen and Gretchen huddled together, their heads bent close as they whispered and giggled conspiratorially. Cady and Y/N engaged in a lively discussion about their work, sharing stories and swapping advice.
Regina watched with a sense of contentment as Sprinkle curled up in her lap, his tiny body warm against hers. She ran her fingers through his fur absentmindedly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"Hey, guys, I was thinking... Would you all like to stay over tonight?" Regina asked, her tone tentative yet still tinged with her trademark mean girl attitude.
The group exchanged glances, their faces lighting up with excitement. "That sounds like fun!" Janis exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Cady nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm in! It'll be like old times."
Y/N smiled at Regina, her eyes warm with affection. "I think that's a great idea, Gina."
But as they finished their meal, Y/N realized they were out of beer. "Hey, Gina, we're out of beer. I'll go grab some from the night store," she said, rising from the table.
Regina's brow furrowed in concern. "Are you sure you want to go alone, princess? It's getting dark out there."
Y/N waved off Regina's concern with a grin. "I'll be fine, Gina. Besides, it's just a quick trip to the store."
Regina watched as Y/N gathered her things and headed towards the gate, her heart fluttering with worry. "Wait, do you have everything you need?"
Janis, ever the protective friend, chimed in. "Do you want some company, Y/N? I can come with you."
Y/N smiled gratefully at Janis. "Thanks, Janis, that would be great. We can carry the beers back together."
As Y/N and Janis disappeared down the street, Regina made her way to the kitchen to make tea and coffee for their guests. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her as she waited for Y/N to return, her thoughts consumed by worry.
As Y/N and Janis approached the gate of Y/N and Regina's house, their arms laden with bags of groceries, Y/N called out for assistance.
"Hey, can someone give us a hand with the gate?" Y/N's voice echoed through the yard, catching Regina's attention instantly. Concern etched on her face, Regina hurried over, ready to lend a hand.
"What's going on? Do you need help?" Regina's voice was filled with genuine worry as she reached Y/N's side, her hands poised to take some of the burden.
Y/N offered Regina a warm smile. "I'm fine, Gina. Just a little tired from carrying all these bags. We just need help with the gate."
Regina's expression softened with relief, but she couldn't resist the urge to help. "Let me grab one of those bags for you," she insisted, reaching for one of the heavier ones.
But Y/N held up a hand to stop her, a playful glint in her eye. "Sorry, Regina, but I can't let you help. You know, pregnant belly and all."
Regina's face fell at being denied the chance to assist. "But I want to help too. I don't want you doing all the heavy lifting."
Y/N chuckled, gently patting Regina's arm. "Don't worry, Gina, I've got this. You just focus on taking care of yourself and the baby."
Regina's mean girl attitude surged back, her frustration mounting. "Ugh, fine. Suit yourself. But don't expect me to do anything nice for you later."
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, don't worry, Regina. I never expect anything nice from you."
Regina shot Y/N a mock glare before turning to Janis. "You could've at least let me help you."
Janis chuckled, shaking her head. "Sorry, Regina, but Y/N insisted. You know how stubborn she can be."
Regina sighed dramatically, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, I know. She's lucky she's cute."
Y/N grinned, wrapping an arm around Regina's waist. "And you're lucky you have me to take care of you."
Regina leaned into Y/N's touch, her irritation melting away in the warmth of her wife's embrace. "Yeah, I guess I am."
As Y/N busied herself in the kitchen, arranging the beers and snacks in the fridge, she felt Regina's presence behind her before she even saw her.
Turning around, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sight of Regina, her pregnant belly prominent and beautiful. Regina's eyes darted to the window, checking on the group in the garden, before she closed the distance between them with purpose.
Before Y/N could react, Regina's lips crashed against hers in a fierce kiss. Y/N melted into the embrace, wrapping her arms around Regina's neck as she returned the kiss with equal fervor. Regina's dominance was unmistakable, her passion evident in every move.
As they broke apart, Y/N couldn't help but tease Regina, knowing her attitude was likely a result of their earlier exchange about the grocery bags.
"Someone's feeling feisty," Y/N remarked with a playful grin, stepping back slightly to gaze up at Regina.
Regina smirked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Can you blame me? You know how irresistible you are, especially when you're being stubborn."
Y/N chuckled, running a hand through Regina's hair affectionately. "Well, I suppose I can't argue with that. But just remember, I'm not one to be dominated so easily, Regina George."
Regina raised an eyebrow, a challenge flickering in her eyes. "Oh, really? Care to prove it, Princess?"
Y/N laughed, enjoying the playful banter. "Maybe later. Right now, we've got guests to entertain."
Regina sighed dramatically, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Fine, fine. But don't think I've forgotten about this little challenge of yours, Missy."
With a final peck on Y/N's lips, Regina headed back towards the garden, leaving Y/N feeling a mixture of amusement and affection. As she followed Regina's lead, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the spark of excitement and love that Regina brought into their lives, even in the most unexpected moments. And as they rejoined their friends in the garden, Y/N knew that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they faced them together, they would always come out stronger in the end.
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
The matchmakers for love
tsu'tey x reader
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Being the second scientist and baby sister of the sully twins, was not an easy job. Yes it was easy at times but your brother could be overprotective and that mostly came in, when it was related to your love life. After one of your brother death it had become hard to live on earth, and when the chance came to head to pandora you and Jake left earth for a better chance out there. Life had did become better for you and Jake, he had found a new meaning in life along with love. You had need have a new meaning for life but you had yet to find any love, well your life of single hood was not meant to last forever.
Y/n " ......" Today you are outside in your avatar body collect some fruit near the human/avatar living area. There had been a feeling today was going to be quite day, but that all changed when you heard ikran calls.
y/n " oh it looks like my day will be changing" You soon saw Jake and tsu'tey getting off their ikrans, after they had landed. You had smiled as you ran towards them.
y/n " it good to see you both are here"
tsu'tey " y/n hello"
y/n " hello tsu'tey it good to see you again how have you been doing since the battle"
tsu'tey " oh I have been good it was thanks to your care and skills< I'm still alive here today"
y/n " it was nothing when neytiri and my brother brought all the injured back I went to help"
tsu'tey " well you had been a great help"
Jake " well I'm here to but no you two can keep talking"
y/n " there no way I can forget you big brother"
Jake " we came to see you and how everyone else has been doing"
y/n " well we are doing well Jake"
tsu'tey " it seems like your humans have been able to use the materials near you all to help"
y/n " yes we are going to need them for the long stay here, as going back to earth or elsewhere is no go right now"
Jake " well I'm happy you stayed baby sis I will hate it if you left"
y/n " we are staying together no matter what happens brother we made a promise"
tsu'tey " you two remind me of the relationship I started having with my brother ... thanks to your help y/n it seems like you are always helping the clan no matter what"
y/n " avorke is a good boy he just came around and wanted to talk, and we talked it seems like he having a good time with his life right now"
tsu'tey " oh yes he is the two of us have forge our now paths in life"
y/n " that good"
Jake " oh I have forgotten neytiri had wanted to give me some weaving lesson, as I haven't gotten better even some riding on dire horse"
tsu'tey " did she"
Jake " yes well you can stay here and talk I need to get going, before I'm to late and she mad at me"
y/n " okay see you later" Jake soon got on his ikran and took off leaving the pair together.
tsu'tey " so mind showing me around there is some new changes here"
y/n " sure comes along and please be careful where you step and touch, for your safety and others"
tsu'tey " sure" the pair soon started walking off together you had been sure to explain everything to , tsutey when he asked some questions or pointed out something.
tsu'tey " it seems like everyone had began to start rebuilding their lives after the battle that happened"
y/n " yes it will take time before anything can be normal again"
tsutey " well I hope one day everything will be good for both sides"
y/n " yes I hope so as well I came here seeking change after the death of my brother, and it did have that change"
????? " y/n y/n" the pair had heard your name getting called a small human child made it way towards you, tsu'tey saw you smile as you kneeled down and open your arms as the small human ran into your arms.
y/n " hey little dude it seems like you got out"
norm " spider get back here you need an adult with you"
y/n " I got him norm"
norm " okay het tsutey"
norm " hello" norm had soon left after knowing spider was in good care.
tsu'tey " who this little sky person"
y/n " this is spider and he what we human call a child"
spider " hello I'm spider"
tsu'tey " hello spider I'm tsu'tey" tsu'tey had kneeled down as well and looked at spider.
spider " I saw you outside and came outside as well, it fun to be outside"
y/n " yes it"
spider " I love climbing and running round and I can do it out here"
y/n " well go have some fun but stay at a good level and in view"
spider " okay dokie"
tsu'tey " are you sure this boy is not navi he could be one, the clan kids act like him"
y/n " that has been the topic of conversation with everyone"
tsu'tey " has neytiri and mo'at meet him"
y/n " yes and they acted like you it seems like they like the title guy"
tsu'tey " so im guessing her in your care"
y/n "well yes and no he raised by everyone here but mostly spends his time with me"
tsu'tey " you are doing a good job"
y/n " thank you"
tsu'tey " hey maybe you should bring him to home tree and we can show him around, and I can also help you with him when you did it"
y/n " I will love that and I think spider will as well"
tsu'tey " thank you" unknown to you and tsu'tey spider had looked back at the base giving a thumbs up to the adults watching, there see to a secret plan going unknown to you and tsu'tey.
many years later
spider " that how I got my mom and dad together"
tuk " that amazing story spider"
kiri " yes it was good"
lo'ak " you still using the match maker skills bro I will love your help"
kiri "spider will need a miracle to help you find love"
lo'ak " rude"
neteyam " that was nice of your spider"
y/n " yes he is our match maker"
tsu'tey" he makes us proud"
Jake " wait hold up it was not all because of spider I help as well leaving you two alone"
norm " yes we sent him out to help we help more the Jake" everyone was looking at Jake and the others as they were explaining, on how they helped the couple get together.
the kids " it was all because of spide"
tuk " yeah daddy it mean to steal other work"
Jake " tuk wait .."
y/n " yep it was all because of spider we got time to spend together"
tsu'tey " yes all because of him don't be rude sully"
Jake " I like my story better"
neytiri " stop acting like a child ma Jake I have sene spider was more the help of them being together" Jake and the others soon gave up feeling but hurt about, not being seen as the match markers for the couple. That the end of the day it didn't matter as you and tsu'tey had found love with each other.
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jasperstorage · 3 months
my love ❤︎︎ .
genya x f!reader hellooo! this is pt 2. So, if you haven't seen pt 1 go check it out now!
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˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚
Genya was sitting at the dinner table with his brother, he was still stuck on what you said. Did you really want to go on a date with him? so many things were going through his mind at once that he didn't hear his brother shouting at him to get his attention.
"Are you going to eat or what?!" Genya then quickly looked up from the plate of food to his brother. Sanemi looked pissed off, "sorry nemi. I zoned out."
"Tch, whatever. Just hurry and eat so I can start washing the dishes." Genya nodded his head; he watched his older brother throw his dish in the sink and walk upstairs to his room. Then there he was, all alone.
˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚
The next day, genya checked his phone once he had gotten out the shower. There he saw, was a text from you! It read, "Hey genya! so, about the picnic date, I'll come around to your house around 4, okay? we can walk to the park together."
Genya realized he had forgotten all about the date, he then started frantically running around his room. He wasn't sure what to wear, what to do, what to say, he didn't know what to do at all. Genya checked his phone again and the time was about 10 am.
He started thinking about what to do till then, then he thought about giving you something. Maybe flowers, chocolate, your favorite snacks? what could be the best decision?
Genya sat down, he needed to take a breather. Everything is going to be okay. All he needed to do was inhale then exhale. He then got up; Genya decided today was the day he was going to be bold! well, that was until it was time for you to be coming to get him. He was a wreck all over again, and then...
DING DONG! was that..the doorbell? He was an even bigger wreck then before. How could you already be here? at that moment he wished all time would pause. Then his door creaked open, and there you were. You looked prettier than ever.
"Hey! so...Sanemi had let me in, I hope that's not a problem." Then that soft smile of yours appeared on your face, Genya felt like he was going to faint there right at that moment. But tried to keep himself together. "T-Thats fine..so do you want to start heading there now?"
"Well, I checked the weather, but it seems like it's going to start raining any minute now. so maybe we can hang out here, If that's okay with you!" Genya froze, a girl in his room? His face started heating up. After what you said, you realized that genya was doing that thing again. Where he would freeze up and his face would go bright red. You giggled at this and put your bag down, you walked up closer to him and touched his hand gently.
He then snapped back into reality; he didn't know what to say, a beautiful girl was touching his hand, and not just any girl. It was you!
˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚
You then got closer; you held his other hand. You put both of his hands to your chest, " Genya, I'm not sure if you even feel the same way. But if you don't just promise me our friendship won't change." Genya knew where this was going, so you really do like him. He smiled softly and nodded his head, "promise." You put your head to his chest. "Genya..I like you. I like you so much, I don't even know how to explain it."
Genya then let go of one of your hands, making you look up and then..he kissed you! You then put both of your hands on his cheeks. His soft skin felt comforting. He put his arms around you, then you broke the kiss. You giggled, and then his face got red just like before.
"I-I like you too (y/n), more then you could ever imagine."
You two then shared a tight hug, you never wanted to let go of him.
˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ⋆。˚ ˙✧˖° ༘ ⋆。˚
hello!! I really hope you enjoyed this. if you have any requests lmk! (im sorry this is so short btw :(
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yourstingrey · 7 months
“What are you wearing…?”
Description: you forget about laundry day and are forced with the tough decision of going out in your most embarrassing pajamas set in front of a certain Hermes camp counselor
A/N: I haven't written a fic since uh 2019…? So my writing is a bit rusty but I wanted to try to get back into it so hopefully you all don't think this is too bad😭😭😭 The pajamas are inspired from this OW2 character's outfit but obvi changed for the fic! Anywho if you do like this hopefully it'll inspire me to write even more little fics but thank you for reading if you choose to do so and I hope you're having a wonderful day/evening/night!!
Pairings: Athena!reader x Luke Castellan
Warnings!: fluff pretty much and the reader getting teased
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You don't even know how you could have forgotten it was an honest mistake anyone could make but certainly not as embarrassing for everyone else. You had woken up just like any other day yawning not truly ready to get up for the day but at camp half blood unless you're a child of Hypnos sleeping in isn't the smartest.
As you stretch out and then slip your feet into your slippers you finally make that last stumble out of bed. Walking up to my dresser and open up the drawer noticing how barren it is so much so a cartoon mouth might as well fly out. I turned around to march up to my laundry hamper, deciding it better to re-wear something this once than to simply have nothing else until I noticed it was missing from its key spot. 
I looked up to see if any of my siblings were in the room and saw my sister, Bea “Hey uh Bea have you seen my laundry hamper? I can't remember where I put it…” I say to her with sleepy confusion laced into my voice “Oh yeah well it's laundry day and you were sleeping for a while so Annabeth decided to take yours and do it for you!” Bea explained, “So all my clothes are in the wash.” “Oh yeah sorry is that a bad thing I mean I can't say I won't judge you if you wanna be those people who don't bathe or anything..” Bea says with an astute tone to her voice and a clear grimace on her face “Um no no it's fine…” I replied under my breath.
I walked back to my drawer deliberating between just going out in my PJs or trying to squeeze into some old t-shirt from my first years at camp. I think we all know what I picked but I did decide if I'm going to wear my PJs out I can still wear my normal shoes, lacing up my sneakers I head out marching my way to the mess hall. 
I walk quietly the cold crisp camp air biting at my cheeks while I notice the cold I fail to notice the sound of a certain Hermes boy sneaking up on me before he lightly tugged on one of my braids “Woah woah where are you going girl” Luke said as he stepped in front of me.
 “Luke! I hate when you do that my hair takes a while y'know.” Luke irked me to no end yet I couldn't help but enjoy all our tiny arguments. “Hold on. What are you wearing…?”
 I look down at my outfit: a basic white sleep tank but then lavender pajama pants with owls and moons scattered about with a matching cardigan on top. “What are you jealous, Castellan?” “Very you think we can get matching sets, hm?” Luke replied with a smirk evident on his face.
“ Ugh Why have you come to pester me Luke” I huff out at him as I shift under his gaze “Just wanted to know if you’re still gonna come to training later” I almost freeze up a little as though it might be small Luke has usually never asked to see if I'm coming or not it's not like its hard for him to get another sparring partner. 
“Hmm I don't know.. These are my best fighting clothes. I think they actually might let me beat you this time butttt I already promised Annabeth to sneak out into the strawberry fields with her later..” As I say this I start to continue my walk to the mess hall not letting Luke interrupt my stride.
“Hey wait wait tell her you’ll go on a different day!” Luke jogs back over and starts walking with me “I don't know why you’re being so persistent this time you’ve never acted like this before!” I sass back to him “Oh what I just want to spare with my favorite Athena girl” “Well it's not gonna happen you can spare with me tomorrow okay” my voice holding a teasing tone.
I look at him and scrunch my nose at him as if he were the foul smell you would get if you ventured to the stables. But with that pause in my step, Luke took it to his advantage quickly snagging the owl sleeping mask off of my head and holding it up.
“Well, you'll just have to come by if you want this back then hmm little owl.” With him snatching my eye mask and this newly formed nickname my face glowed a light pink you would think I was a daughter of Aphrodite for a second “Wait what-” Luke already cut me off with a quick peck to my cheek stunning me again and starts to strut off before calling over his shoulder “Okay see you later then my little owl!”
I turn to watch him walk for a mere second before knocking some sense into myself and continuing my walk. I know I shouldn't go. I'm a daughter of Athena, I should be smarter than this but maybe Annabeth could wait a day. It's just fruit…  I think I just really need “my sleeping mask” back…
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writingnocturne · 1 year
From This Life to the Next
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Ancient words tell me we were destined to meet.
For eternity, our souls are bound; yet this life feels as though it is the only world.
I know not what fate I have set for myself, but the sacrifice must be made.
It is my mission for your tears to fade.
Recalling something you once said to me, I promise we shall meet again.
In another life, our hands shall touch.
If battle awaits, even still, I will accept it.
Just as you protect them all, I will fight for you.
This is one of my contributions to @zelinkcommunity's Zelink Week 2023! Day Six: In Another Life
I did something a bit different for today! I figured every memory that for the prompt was a little too spoiler-y, so I did whatever this is instead. Remember to check out all the other great work posted for today!
{ For this week, I have been posting a little peek at art/writing for memories in Call of the Forgotten, a TotK rewrite I am working on (there will obviously be direct and indirect spoilers for TotK). They follow the Ancient Hero and Princess during the time of the First Great Calamity. If you haven't given them a look yet, I recommend doing so! }
Art Information: (Check out my art blog @nocturnalfandomartist!)
Thank you for reading! Check out the first concept doodles of the First Calamity here! Obviously, this is all very incomplete; but most is planned out thoroughly! If you have questions, just ask!
Program: Ibis Paint X
Time Elapsed: 3 hours, 33 minutes
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mrssylvatica · 5 months
“Evanesced Sylvatica”
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1250 | SFW angst, dead alfons x pregnant reader. largely unfinished
This fanfiction is rated Teen, but keep in mind that the game, Ikemen Villains, is intended for a more mature audience.
◇ CW: Heavy themes of grief, implied sex (not explicit), graphic descriptions of injuries, the reader is biologically female but no pronouns are used, awkward writing and dialogue, half finished, not proofread I cringed too hard.  This was written at 5 am.
“Promise me you won't cry.”
(I haven't read his path, so this is bound to be inaccurate.  And OOC.)
You knew about the curse that haunted him, yet your soft hands grasped his, gently bringing the harsh black leather to your lips.  How you sweetly, so innocently vowed that you’d never forget him for as long as you lived.
You sweet fool.
Even after your pregnancy, Alfons still lived at Crown's castle.  He couldn’t just leave Elbert, and his abilities were too powerful to throw away.  It wasn’t like Alfons had any problem staying with Crown.
Honestly, it’s more surprising that you didn’t get pregnant sooner.  You already knew Alfons was naturally an intense partner, and each time…  Alfons tended to leave permanent mementos on your skin.  He held you so tight as if he was scared you would run away from him otherwise.  Each time your lips met, it was as if he was trying to embed himself into you permanently.  So you two would become one in body and soul, so you two would never part.
You two would lay side by side in each other's arms, or sometimes you rested your head on his chest, and Alfons would plant a small kiss atop your head, sweetly whispering to you until you slept.  His comforting warmth enveloped you in the darkness.  Sometimes you two would talk in the dead of night:
“Will you remember me, even after I die?  Perhaps you should forget, so you won’t need to face the sorrow in my absence.”
“Don’t talk like that...” Tears filled your eyes and your hands curled up into fists on top of his chest.  In response, Alfons chuckled and caressed your head.
“Shh.  Perhaps happy memories should be forgotten, or it’ll hurt more.”
“But I’d be so lonely without you.”
“I’ll always be here.”  He tapped on his chest.  “My scar is on your heart.  But even though it’ll cause you pain, I still want you to remember me.  To remember all the love we’ve had.  ...What a fool I am.”
Ah, God clearly never intended for this gift of a man to be loved.
You would continue watching plays together, every week.  Sometimes he would stop at the stalls and buy a bouquet or two.  You thought the cruel fate— or maybe Alfons himself— was mocking you with all the forget-me-nots.  Alfons would pridefully guide you through town, strolling at a leisurely pace.
“You see?  All these people.  They all know I love you.”
“But our love is forever in vain.”
“I know.  But isn’t it the moment of pleasure, those fleeting moments of happiness that matter most?”
You two would sit side by side, with your fingers interlocked and your head resting on his shoulder.  Sometimes you would fall asleep, and Alfons couldn’t bring himself to wake you up.  Your sleeping face was much more amusing to watch than the performance before you.
Alfons would caress your stomach, cooing to your child softly.  He’d scold the child for causing you pain with its little kicks.  “That’s not very proper of you to rival against someone who cares for you so much, is it?  Show some manners, won’t you?  Be like your father.”  This would always get a chuckle out of you, knowing how ill-mannered Alfons could be himself.
You knew Alfons would never go down without a fight against all odds.  But now he lay in a dark lake of his own blood, his abdomen split open and his trusty sword lying dull at his side.  Guts spilled from his fatal wound, and you could see the dark red intestines streaming out of the wound, limping at his side.  Scarlet tainted his ghostly pale skin.  You smelled nothing but the cruel iron liquid, tears clouding your vision as you refused to leave.
The world seemed to have stilled, your breathing shallow and your heart pounding in your chest.  How you wish you could offer your own body, giving up your life so he could stay alive.  His oppressors had left, and only you remained by his side.  Alfons was in an indescribable amount of pain, yet he forced a smile, just for you.  “Shh...  shh...”
You kneeled over his body, trembling.  Even if you called for help, it would be in vain.  It was hopeless for him now.  With a trembling hand, he weakly cupped your cheek, too weak and defeated to speak.  You held the hand to your cheek, feeling his strength fade.  He forced out these words from his lips:
“Promise me you won't cry.”
You were left clutching at the air, crying without knowing why.  All you knew is that your heart ached, with your throat choking itself, all without reason.
You now went to plays alone and came home alone.  But none of it interested you.  You thought it would give some sort of clue if you kept going, but nothing.  Nothing.  It was as if you where chasing a ghost.  Or perhaps a bird that had flown away.  Or perhaps a fleeting moment.
One day, in desperation, you called out someone’s name.  “Lord Elbert?”�� You had been scared to approach Elbert since your pregnancy because the young lord was jealous of “his” attention.  Elbert turned around with elegant, gentle marble features set in a stone-like expression.  Fingertips coated with red curled around a fallen sparrow, its skull smashed in.  You felt nauseous at the sight.
“Have you felt anything...  missing as of late?”  At these words, Elbert’s expression became twisted and tormented.  You could have sworn you saw fear in those eyes.  Elbert turned and left with heavy yet silent footsteps, without a single word.
You now lie in bed, holding your newborn child to your chest.  Many quiet, sleepless nights were spent like this, staring up into the empty ceiling.  Something crucial was missing, but you didn't know what.  Sometimes your chest would heave, and you would let the searing tears guide you to the medicine called sleep.
His memory haunted you around every corner.  You would come home from the market in good spirits, only to be met with cold silence.  Opening a door excitedly and finding the room empty.  The scent of “him” still lingering, but the person in question remained absent.  You would stare at the open air, waiting for something to appear.  As if “he” would jump out from under the table and assure you it was all just an elaborate joke.
“He” tried so desperately to engrave himself into your body and soul, but he had left your memory in the blink of an eye.  How comforting it was to live in an illusion, to let hope blind you from the truth.  Your heart felt so empty that any sort of sensation, any sort of comfort or relief would do.  You just wanted to feel something again.  But you felt something to begin with?  And what did you even feel?  You didn't need any of these feelings.  You had no idea where any of them came from or why they were there.
This poisonous pain wouldn’t stop seeping into your very being.  You wanted this pain to go away.  You didn’t need it, you didn’t want it.
As your child grew, they bore more and more resemblance to someone you used to know.  You held their face in your hands, staring into their twinkling eyes.  Their luscious raven hair.  But who?  You didn't know.  You wouldn't even be able to know.  It was as if someone had pulled a dark blindfold over one person.
“What kind of person was he?”  You had no answer.
Author's Notes
I've had this idea in my head for quite a while, but I was unable to do it justice... Again, I probably shouldn't have wrote it at 5 am.
SHITPOST MAIN: @rou-luxe
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