#i instantly felt a connection to her watching black widow
thewanderingace · 3 years
I just found out that Yelena Belova is canonically asexual in the comics and is aroace in the mcu (heavily implied as well as writer stated in an interview) and I think I'm gonna cry.
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(interview source)
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lilxberry · 3 years
Cap Doesn’t Like Bullies - Steve Rogers
Your daughter meets her biggest hero to which you’re completely oblivious to the fact during the entire encounter. Her confidence certainly didn’t waver like you had expected it would of a child meeting someone such as Captain America.
Bruh I’m in love with him. LOOK AT HIS FACE!
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Warnings: FLUFF! Rude ass stranger. A lil bit o’ language. A sassy child.
Words: 3,305
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (female reader) (single mom!reader)
(A/N: I named the daughter Kira but you can happily change it. It’s just a name I can easily associate with a child for some reason lmao.)
(A/N 2: I fixed as many mistakes I could find and hopefully, it’ll be more bearable to read lmao.)
Chapter 2 >
“Mommy,” Kira, your little girl whined.
“Yes baby?” You swung your conjoined hands widely causing her to giggle which in turn, made you smile.
“Can we go to the park today?” Her Captain America backpack bounced on her shoulders with each step. The mostly blue bag clashed yet also complimented the very pink, puffy coat that she wore.
You looked down at her with a raised eyebrow as you watched her for a reaction. “Really? In this weather?”
Kira threw her head back and groaned before exasperatingly replying as if it were the most obvious thing she could have ever spoken. “YES! If we’re at the park, I’ll want to run around and running around will keep me warm. It’s always cold at home but you won’t let me run around.”
A smart little drama queen.
You desperately tried to hide your amusement because you know if she senses that you hadn’t taken her seriously, even more dramatics would be added. “That’s because we can’t run around inside. We might-“
“We might break something. I KNOW! Ugh…” Her feet drag slightly as she walks. She huffs and lowers her head, watching her feet as you move along the sidewalk. You smirk ever so slightly as you watch the top of her head which adorned a woolly hat in an attempt to keep her warm in the season of winter.
“We can go to the park-“ She perked up instantly with a gasp, looking up at you with wide, hopeful eyes. “ONLY, and only, if we can get burgers, too.”
She pauses her steps and looks up at you with a stern, serious expression as she thrusts her hand forward, prompting you to take a hold of it. “You’ve got yourself a deal!” Kira shook your hand firmly and rapidly before she began to pull you along in the direction of the park that was honestly too cold to be sat in.
You huffed a chuckle as you allowed your 6 year old to pull you along the pavements and closer to the large open space of the park.
The inside of the small Brooklyn burger joint was certainly warmer than the harsh weather that lashed at your face and every inch of exposed skin at the park. Your daughters face matched her coat in colour by the time you reached the building.
Waiting in line, your daughter wormed her hands out of the sparkly knitted gloves, stuffing them in her coat pocket before tearing her hat off of her head and stuffing that in the other available pocket. You chuckled as she tried to brush the mess of locks down with her hands and the cheesy grin she flashed you only made your laugh more.
The missing baby tooth at the forefront of her mouth adding a funny effect to the adorable face you had the tendency to squish between your hands tenderly.
The person in front of the two of you had just finished ordering and just as you were about to step forward with your daughter at your side, someone had rudely pushed in front of you, effectively cutting you off.
You scoffed at the sheer audacity this man had in believing he could cut the line, but it was your daughter who spoke up. Sometimes you cursed yourself for teaching her to stand up for herself in situations as these. You forget your daughter has a vote of confidence like no other and will speak her mind, even if the person is nearly 4 times her height.
Of course, these lessons were meant for her to deal with people her size and age, fellow students who bully her or others, seeing as she’s only 6, not for grown ass adult males.
“Cutting is rude. You should wait in line like everybody else mister.” You heard the pissed tone she spoke with and couldn’t decide whether to find it adorable, humorous, or concerning.
You heard the man scoff and honestly, your blood began to boil. He turned towards the two of you and looked you up and down as if scrutinising you before peering down at your daughter with disinterest.
“I’m ordering for one, you’re ordering for two. I haven’t got time to wait for mama bear to order with her equally scruffy little cub.” He rolled his eyes and looked towards the employee who honestly, looked just about as pissed as you did.
You clenched your fist and took a deep breath in the hopes of calming down. Honestly, it hadn’t worked well. “If you’d asked nicely, we would have happily let you order before us. There isn’t any need to be rude, especially to my kid.”
He heaved a deep sigh before turning to look at the two of you once more. He opened his mouth to no doubt retort back with yet another rude remark but someone elses’ voice swiftly cut him off. “I believe you should listen to the young lady and wait your turn like everybody else.”
The stranger, mighty handsome stranger you might add, with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair smiled down at your daughter and sent her a discreet wink. She beamed up at the tall stranger as he turned to look towards the man who had rudely cut you off in line, his features hardening.
“You should apologise and move yourself to the back of the line. What you’ve said was unacceptable and certainly no way to speak to a woman and her child.” He folded his arms over his chest, his muscles, even though hidden behind the material of his long sleeves, bulged with incredible size.
The man that had cut the line looked up at your saviour and gulped but relatively kept his features schooled. “No chance. I only said what’s true. Why should I be punished because of that?”
The stranger chuckled humourlessly as he stepped forward, the incredibly rude man taking a step back out of fear. “Whether what you said was true or false, which was absolutely false, doesn’t matter. You disrespected another in not only speaking to them as if they’re below you, but by simply cutting in line in the first place.”
“Yeah. You’re just a bully. Bullies are rude and always cut in line,” your daughter chirped with pride. The stranger smiled down at your daughter and nodded his head.
“That’s right, sweetie.”
The man scoffed before turning towards the employee stood behind the counter. “Are you really going to let him speak to a paying customer like that?” he asked incredulously.
The employee had a smirk cross her lips and she popped her hip out before folding her arms in front of her. “You haven’t paid for anything. Now, please leave before I get my manager to call the cops to have you removed.”
The man huffed indignantly before grumbling and stomping pass the handsome stranger, shoulder checking him on the way. The stranger rolled his eyes before catching a hold of the mans’ arm and pulling him back slightly. “You still haven’t apologised.”
“Sorry.” His tone was fake and nothing but sarcastic but nonetheless, the stranger released him, probably knowing that was the best apology they should expect from him.
The small interior of the place slowly bustled back to its quiet chatter of the few customers inside. The stranger smiled down towards the two of you and you couldn’t help but be enraptured with how perfect his smile was.
“Are you ladies alright?”
Your daughter rapidly nodded her head, grinning widely once more. “Sure are mister. Thank you!”
You cleared your throat, shaking yourself out of your reverie and smiling up at him. ‘Stop gawking at him, idiot!’
“Uh, yes. Thank you.”
His smile seemed to widen, and he looked quite bashful and oh god, your stomach did flips when looking at him. “It’s nothing, ma’am. I don’t tolerate bullies, I suppose.”
Kira gasped and her eyes lit up. “Like Captain America! The Cap doesn’t like bullies, either!”
The stranger chuckled and lowered himself to your daughters’ height. “Yep, like Captain America.” Honestly, he seemed almost pleased at the connection, but you couldn’t place why. Although, if you were say compared to someone like Black Widow, you certainly would feel chuffed yourself, so you couldn’t blame him.
You failed to realise you were staring at the stranger, again, until you felt a small tug on your arm. You snapped yourself out of small daydream to look down at your daughter. “Ask him if he wants to join us,” she whispered although by the huff of laughter that he tried, and failed, to supress, he clearly heard.
“Uh, yeah. Would you like to join us…?” You trailed off, hoping the stranger would give you his name. He seemed to pick up on his lack of introduction as he stood to his full height, once again towering over you.
He held his hand out before him for you to take, which you did. “Steve.”
“Well, would you like to join us, Steve? We’d like to thank you for standing up to that rude man and pay for your meal if you haven’t eaten yet.”
“Well, that’s a really nice offer…” Now it was his turn to trail off.
“Y/N!” your daughter exclaimed loudly. “And I’m Kira!”
He chuckled. “Y/N. And Kira. But I was actually going to offer to pay for your meals.”
“Oh, no. That’s oka-“
“Thank you, Steve!”
You looked down at your daughter with wide eyes as she cut you off and accepted the strangers’ offer. Steve chuckled and glanced down at Kira. “Very well. Should we order then?”
Kira grasped your hand in her smaller one and pulled you to the front of the counter, beckoning Steve to follow. You couldn’t help but shake your head, feeling only ever so slightly embarrassed by your daughters’ antics.
You daughter was enthralled with whatever came out of Steves’ mouth; completely enraptured with the stories he told. Though, you couldn’t really blame her.
Kira wasn’t one to shy away from conversation, but it had honestly shocked you how versed she became in conversation with the man the two of you had only met 45 minutes prior.
Yes. 45 minutes.
It seemed none of you really wanted to part ways; all enjoying yourselves with flowing conversation and shared smiles.
“So,” Steve started, his arms resting on top of the table that sat between him and you and Kira. “You mentioned Captain America earlier, and you have him on your backpack. Do you like him?”
“Yeah! He’s my favourite hero!” Gosh did she get excited over the topic of heroes.
He chuckled. “And why’s that?”
You rolled your eyes knowing what was coming yet couldn’t stop the fond smile growing on your face. “Well, he’s super cool. He’s brave, kind, strong and he doesn’t like bullies. I don’t like bullies either.” Then, a devilish smile broke out on her small, rounded face. “Mommy likes him too. She thinks he’s pretty. AND SHE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS FACE PROPERLY! She’s seen his butt though, looks at it a lot.”
Your eyes widened and the smile was promptly wiped from your face whilst Steve seemingly choked on his spit and laughed nervously. “I think she’s in love with him,” Kira whispered, further embarrassing you.
“OKAY! That’s enough, ha…”
Steve smiled, albeit sheepishly, towards the two of you. “Well, I believe Captain America would think your moms’ pretty, too.”
Kira shrug, shovelling a cold, left over fry from the basket into her mouth. “I know.”
You groaned softly and hid your face behind your hand, slumping in your seat. Your whole face felt hot. Trying to calm your racing heart, you peered at Kira. “Why don’t you tell him about your birthday sweetie?”
“OH YEAH! Mommies taking me to the Captain America display!” Kira bounced in her seat and if her eyes hadn’t already twinkled with excitement, they certainly did now after she’s formulated a plan quickly in her mind. “You should definitely come, mister.”
You and Steve both spluttered at her invitation.
“Oh honey, I don’t think Steve would-“
“W-well, it’s not up to me-“
Kira groaned and rolled her eyes overdramatically before looking at Steve. “Yep. It’s up to me.” She then turned towards you. “And, we can just ask Steve if he would like to.” To which she faced Steve once more, looking at him intently. “Would you like to come too?”
Steve looked extremely apprehensive to answer and looked towards you in the hopes of getting some guidance in what to say. If he were being honest, this past hour he’d felt nothing but calm and happy, forgetting his worries and has actually taken a break from all the responsibilities he’s been handed.
He very much liked both yourself and Kira, feeling content in both of your presences’ and would very much like if he continued to get to know both yourself and Kira more. He just certainly didn’t want to overstep.
He internally cheered for himself when you nodded your head discreetly. Your face told him that the young girl who looked extremely hopeful would certainly not cease until she succeeded in getting what she wanted in this moment.
“Uh…” He turned his gaze towards Kira once more gave her a small smile. “I would love to go to the Captain America display for your birthday.”
Kira cheered loudly and you shook your head with an adoring smile directed to the young girl sat beside you. “Great! You should give your number to my mommy so we can plan it properly.” She sipped on her half-drunken refill of milkshake after speaking so nonchalantly.
Both Steve and yourself felt and looked dumbfounded. Had she really just said that?
Steve chuckled before his eyes darted down towards your phone which was sat face down atop the table. “May I?”
“Oh, uh, yep.” You fumbled with picking your phone up, unlocking it and opening up a new contact before handing your phone over to Steve, face burning and a shy smile adorning your features. Your hands brushed against one another as he carefully took the phone from your hold and typed in his full name and phone number.
He was just about to hand it back to you when Kira swiftly took it and looked at the screen. She shook her head before looking up at Steve. “You gotta add a picture, silly.” She raised the phone after tapping the picture icon atop the contact, pointing it straight at Steve.
The poor man panicked and smiled quite awkwardly as your daughter snapped the photo. You slapped a hand over your mouth to try desperately hide your laugh, which hadn’t really been that successful.
Kira observed the picture on the screen before nodding; she clearly found the picture acceptable for use. Steve couldn’t help but also find it quite amusing and chuckled himself. Your daughter swiftly handed you your phone back but once in your hand, you had spotted the time and your eyes slightly widened.
“Oh wow, is it really that late?” you questioned yourself but prompted Steve to check the time himself by looking down at his watch. You looked up towards him with an apologetic smile and shrugged your shoulders. “Sorry, we really should get going. Kira has school in the morning.”
Steve shook his head and smiled, unbothered by your information. “No, no, it’s perfectly fine. I completely understand.”
“Thank you, and sorry again.” You looked sheepish as you stood and put your own jacket back on before beckoning Kira to stand herself. She pouted but did as she was told, allowing you to help her with her coat, to which she then put her hat back on top her head and gloves back on her small hands.
Steve stood and cleared his throat as he stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You looked up away from Kira and sent him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen upon someone’s face and miraculously, he felt a lot let nervous.
“Thank you for the wonderful company and the meal,” you spoke with such sincerity that made his heart thump louder and harder than any life threating mission ever could.
“And for standing up to that bully for us,” Kira added.
You huffed laugh. “Yes, and that.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He nodded his head.
Kira stepped forward which prompted Steve to lower himself to her height just as he had done so earlier. “It was nice meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too, ma’am.”
She beamed up at him before sticking her hand out and her expression was nothing but serious, one which Steve copied as he took her hand and shook it. “My mommy will text you later about my birthday.” She withdrew her hand before her big, bright smile reappeared. She grasped your hand in hers and waved as she began to pull you out of the burger joint.
“Bye Captain America!”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets comically and you did nothing but splutter, opening and closing your mouth in the hopes that some words would pass out of you as your daughter pulled you out through the doors and in the direction of your small Brooklyn apartment.
Steve froze and watched wide eyed as you both left through the door, the bell atop jingling when it closed behind you. “Huh. Smart kid.” He shook his head before laughing and standing, collecting his jacket and leaving a tip on the table before slowly exiting the building himself, walking towards his bike ready to head back to the tower, completely dazed and the image of you ingrained into his mind.
Meanwhile, you finally snapped out of your shocked and flustered state halfway down the sidewalk. “YOU KNEW THAT WAS CAPTAIN AMERICA?!”
“Yep,” your daughter replied, popping the ‘P’ and acting completely nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
You narrowed your eyes at the small figure of your daughter. “You little monster.” You swept her up into your arms and began to blow raspberries against her chubby little cheek, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles and loud laughter.
You couldn’t help but laugh along with her and then Steves’ earlier comment came to the forefront of your mind. ‘Captain America thinks I’m pretty! HOLY SHIT!’
You’d dwell on that later though.
“MY MOMMY LIKES CAPTAIN AMERICAS’ BUTT!” Kira shouted as she continued to gasp out giggles and you couldn’t help but laugh and indulge in her silly behaviour.
Kira roared in laughter once more along with you, and you both continued to find an abundance of humour in the situation the entire walk home.
“Hey punk,” Bucky spoke as he entered the main, spacious shared living room and spotted Steve sat on the couch, staring at his phone and smiling widely as his eyes scan over the words you had texted him.
“What’s got you grinning like that?” Bucky playfully quipped, a small smirk across his lips.
“Uh, nothing.” It could have been convincing if Steve had looked away from his phone and his already large smile didn’t widen further.
“Sure. Nothing.” Bucky shakes his head and sits beside his friend. “She pretty?”
Usually, Steve would question what made his friend think it was a woman, but he was so dazed and giddy, he couldn’t find it in him to deny it. “She’s so beautiful Buck.”
“Gotta date?”
“Not yet.”
Bucky chuckled and slapped his friends’ shoulder in good nature as he shook his head. “Well, good luck, punk. I hope you get that date.” Bucky stood and huffed a laugh at Steve still grinning at his phone as he left to head towards the kitchen, missing Steves’ mumbled response.
“Me too.”
Gosh dang do I love this man
That is all
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
dates with natty - natasha romanoff x reader
word count; 1,017
warnings; none, this is just pure fluff!
a/n; this is me just writing the dates i wish i could go on.. alas i do not have my own natasha to bring out on cute dates.. finally had the motivation to finish this, especially since i’m watching black widow in about 18 hours and i’m more than ready for my heart to both broken and mended all at once😫 anyways!hope y’all enjoy your date with natty!:] feedback is always appreciated and requests are open<3
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you typed in the coordinates of your chosen destination for today’s date into the gps, giving natasha a wide smile once you were done. your gaze stays fixed on her face as she read the location you had picked, your heart skipping a beat when you saw the way her eyes widened and turned to you with a hint of shock in them.
“we’re going to the aquarium?” natasha asked, her hand reaching out for yours. a couple nights ago, the redhead had mentioned how she never visited many places of interest for fun, most of the time she was there for some kind of undercover spy mission. the two of you had been going out for a couple months now, but because of your busy schedules and way too many alien attacks on new york, most of your dates were confined to the compound or a nearby restaurant. this was the first time both of you had some time off - courtesy of natasha angrily bargaining with nick fury after you had almost hurt yourself when you quite literally collapsed from exhaustion after a particularly gruelling mission. if natasha hadn’t been waiting for you at the elevator that day, she dreaded to think about what could’ve happened if she didn’t catch you just in time.
“yes natty we’re going to the aquarium,” you giggle softly at the way natasha’s eyes seem to sparkle, your heart absolutely melting when the red head leans over to press a soft kiss to your lips with a soft “thank you baby.” with one hand safely tucked in yours, natasha starts to drive the car out of the compound following the gps to the aquarium. it was a little bit further out but it was one of the biggest and best ones - natasha only deserved the best.
once you were inside the aquarium, you allowed yourself to pulled along by natasha as she wandered around, stopping by whichever tank that caught her eye. as she stood in front of the shark tank, you quietly slipped your phone out of your back pocket and opened your camera app. making sure the flash was off you snapped a few pictures of natasha, smiling to yourself as you swiped through them.
“baby?” you jumped slightly, realising natasha was standing right in front of you, her gaze flickering between your phone screen and your face.
“just wanted some more pictures of my natty,” you smile cheekily at her as you pocket your phone, kissing your girlfriend softly. you felt the grip on your hand tighten as her other hand found a place on your waist. you could never get tired of kissing natasha, it felt so overwhelming soft and warm. when you pulled away, the soft look natasha had in her eyes made you swoon, knowing that you were quite literally the only person she looked at like that.. yeah you were definitely in love with natasha though that didn’t surprise you in the slightest. as you followed her again, allowing her to quite literally drag you around, you knew that there was nowhere you rather be.
after natasha had visited every exhibit in the aquarium at least twice and the two of you bought some souvenirs from the gift shop, natasha drove the two of you to your favourite diner for a late lunch. settling down quickly in your usual booth, you ordered your usuals and as the waiter went off to send your orders to the kitchen as well as prepare your drinks you took the opportunity to snuggle into natasha’s side. you much preferred sitting next to the redhead as opposed to sitting opposite her for this very reason- being able to wrap your arms around her waist and sit as close to her as possible, she felt like a safe haven. natasha simply put her arm around you as she pulled out her phone, looking through the few pictures she took at the aquarium, before settling on a picture she liked the most to set as her new wallpaper. you heart instantly swelled at the sight of the two of you on her phone screen and you looked up at your favourite avenger to see her already staring at you. you smiled softly at the redhead before moving in to plant a soft kiss on her lips, marveling at how that simple act caused a huge smile to grow on natasha’s face.
by the time you two were done eating, it was almost sunset. when natasha deviated from the route back to the compound, you knew exactly where she was taking you. it was a small park, rarely visited by others but it had a beautiful little hill with the perfect spot to watch the sunset. natasha had found the place by complete accident one day, it became one of her favourite places it visit when she needed some alone time and when you became her favourite person- it only felt right to bring you there. your first date ended at the hill, the date where natasha asked you to be officially hers also ended at the hill (she did it there too, which made the place and the memory all the more special to the redhead.)
as the two of you settled down next to each other, fingers intertwined and natasha’s head on your shoulder, you sat in a peaceful silence watching the sun make its descent, beautiful colors painting the sky. eventually your attention shifted from the view in front of you to the one beside you. natasha seemed to glow in the light of the sunset and when her green eyes met yours, it was as if the world around you ceased to exist.
“i love you natty, so so much.” you whispered, as if speaking any louder would break the tranquility surrounding the two of you.
“i love you too y/n, with all of me.” came the whispered reply, before natasha connected your lips in a sweet kiss.
dates with your natty was always the best, there really was no one else you’d rather be with.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : You Again
Summary: It’s been years since seeing each other and a lot has changed.
Genre: Fluff , Mentions of Smut
Request: Yes / No
Word Count: 2,478
* * * * * * 
Green eyes discreetly watch their surroundings as the redhead makes her way down the street. She purposely avoids stepping too close to anyone.
Her hand shoves into her pocket to retrieve her vibrating phone. A blocked number displayed across the top of the phone telling her exactly who is calling.
Turning down an empty alley, she answers.
As expected it’s Fury requesting that she come in and she agrees without hesitation. The call ending just as she’s on the other side of the alley. 
The second someone collides into her shoulder she tenses and levels them with a glare. 
E/c eyes instantly flicker over her form,“ I’m so sorry I’m in a bit of a rush, are you okay?” The voice belonging to the offender sounds wildly familiar, causing the redhead to frown and look up at their face. 
The woman in front of her raises an eyebrow, a concernedly soft smile tugs at her lips.
“I-I’m fine.” Natasha says, the frown still deep on her face. 
Nodding, the h/c takes a small step to the side, and continues to rush down the sidewalk.
The encounter remains in Natasha’s mind until she gets to the compound. She just can’t shake how familiar the woman looked. Those eyes were ones she swears she’s seen before, that voice pulled at something seemingly buried deep in her memory.
It’s not until she’s standing in front of Fury himself that she let’s the thoughts ghost away.
“You took your sweet time Romanoff.” He says with a stone face, but knowing him for years allows Natasha to detect the teasing in his tone. 
Moving her curls over her shoulder with a shake of her head, the redhead smirks,“ I was in the city Nick.” 
He nods in understanding.“ Well now that you’re here, welcome to your new assignment,” he holds a file out to her.
She accepts it and flips it open. The frown from earlier returns as she looks at the list of recruits, the same familiar face from earlier stares back at her from one of the many pictures. 
“Don’t tell me all your Avenging has made you too hot for recruit training.” Fury teases once more.
“No just- where’s the file on recruit seventeen?” Her inquiry makes Fury raise his eyebrows, head raising in further curiosity. 
However he searches through the stack of files on his desk,“ lucky for you they haven’t been processed yet.” He hands her yet another file and she tries her best to refrain from frantically flipping it open.
The second she sees the name at the top her breath hitches. 
There’s no way it’s you. 
* * * * * * *
Perched behind the ledge on the building’s roof, Natasha once again peaks through the scope of her sniper. 
“I’d truly appreciate if you didn’t kill him. Not until he’s answered my questions at least.” 
The voice put Natasha on guard instantly. She can’t recall the last time someone had snuck up on her.
Spinning around, a stoic expression plastered on her face to hide her true emotions, Natasha comes face to face with a woman nearly four inches shorter than her. An amused smirk plays on the woman’s face and it instantly irritates Natasha. 
“I’m afraid your questions will have to go unanswered.” The redhead replies, just waiting for a challenge. 
The woman’s hands raise in a show of harmlessness,“ I won’t make your job harder, I imagine if you’ve been looking for him as long as I have this is a rare opportunity.” Nonchalantly she comes closer, raising a questioning eyebrow as she points at the sniper’s scope. Natasha frowns but nods, watching as the woman looks through it.“ What if you just took out his legs. I go in, ask my questions and you finish your job after I’m gone.”
“What makes you think I’m willing to help you?” 
“Isn’t that what heroes are supposed to do, help people?” An eyebrow raises at Natasha.“ Come on Black Widow, you scratch my back I scratch yours.” 
Green eyes narrow at the use of her alias. Something tells her that her identity was known before she was approached.“ Who are you?” She asks. 
“Ooo introductions, fun. I’m Y/n but you can call me Ghost.” You hold your hand out to the redhead.“ I work special operations for a private organization. As mentioned, I’m just here to get some answers. Your target is a scientist gone rogue, if I don’t speak to him a lot of people could get hurt, myself included.” 
Natasha’s head raises, eyes scanning your face for any hint of deception.“ I know who he is.” It’s not surprising that someone else is after the doctor, just surprising that someone found him when she did. 
Taking a risk, unlike anything she’d ever do, she agrees to help. 
A plan quickly forms between the two of you that executes perfectly. You get your information and she takes out her target, both of you gone without a trace. 
“You know, we made a pretty decent team.” A teasing smile hits your lips as you glance at the woman beside you. 
“Don’t get used to it.” For the first time tonight, a smirk plays on Natasha’s lips. 
Chuckling, you nod,“ since we’ll never see each other again, how would you feel about a celebratory drink?”
Once again, she finds herself taking a risk.
* * * * * * *
Natasha pulls herself from that train of thought before she can dive into the remaining events of that night, though she can faintly remember the feel of your hands across her heated skin as whispers of her beauty left your lips. That wasn’t even the last night it had happened, what you did to her left her hooked.
So much so that it became a regular occurrence for her to end up in your bed when she was assigned to missions in Canada. Connecting with you in bed inevitably lead to a stronger connection emotionally. 
It stumped Natasha how you’d managed to get through her facades as if it were nothing. Even more so than that, she wasn’t expecting you to understand her so well, not even her closest friend, the man she considers her brother, understood her the way you did. 
But then the Avengers became a thing and she wasn’t sent on missions to Canada anymore. 
“When was she recruited?” Natasha asks, finally looking up from the picture of you.
“A few months ago, she found us and that,” the man chuckles impressively,“ that’s impressive on it’s own.”
With nothing more to say to Fury, Natasha nods non verbally accepting the mission, and leaves out. Heading straight to the elevators that would take her to the training floor. 
Common noises of the compound could be heard: another group of trainees outside with Sam and Steve, faint sounds of orders being shouted, occasional drilling sounds. 
Stepping into the training room, Natasha’s eyes scan the small group of recruits, and land on you. 
No wonder she wasn’t sure if you were familiar or not. Last time she saw you, you were shorter than her, just as skinny. Now you’re almost a foot taller, more meat on your bones as defined muscles. 
Your eyes land on her and you smirk, winking just barely. 
Of course you recognized her, only difference in her is the length of her hair. Those enticing green eyes are still just that, curves still accentuated by the leather catsuit, expression just as stoic as the night you met. 
Calling the recruits into order, Natasha runs through the basic entry speech, words of intimidation and motivation spoken to reach the hearts of those who aren’t ready and those born ready. She can easily detect who won’t last longer than a week, you aren’t one of them.
“Pair up, combat training begins now, if you can’t take down each other you have no business in the field.” She says, then looking you dead in the eyes,“ seventeen you’re with me.”
Nodding, you follow her over to a set of mats near the window, stepping up to face her head on. There’s just enough time to release a single breath and then she’s attacking. To anyone else she does so with movements as calm as the wind, each strike or counter move executed with precision. 
But you, you know her in a way nobody does, nobody ever has. It allows you to see the slight irritation in her punches, the anxiousness and curiosity in her eyes. It’s how you see that her guard is back up in regards to you. 
You let her get the upper hand, yes let, just so she can pin you to the mat, your arm behind your back in her grasp with her mouth to your ear. 
“Whatever you’re worried about Romanova, let it go. I’m not here with any bad intentions.” You speak, voice as smooth as the day she first heard it.
Her eyes narrow,“ so why are you here?” 
“To see you.” You smile only to grunt when her arm presses into the back of your neck.“ Okay okay. I left the last organization once it fell into the wrong hands, HYDRA’s hands. I found out through some reliable sources that the Avengers were hunting down HYDRA. After what they did to me, what they may still be doing to my friends,” Natasha’s grip has long since loosened, allowing you to shift slightly,“ I have to stop them.”
Releasing you completely, Natasha pops up and offers you a hand of assistance.“ What did they do to you?” 
A snort falls from your lips, your arms spreading out,“ don’t tell me it's been so long you don’t notice. Maybe if I-” playfully you squat down to the height you used to be. You smile when you see the slightly amused smirk on Natasha’s lips, accompanied by an eye roll.“ They made me Captain America 2.0 and at first I was with the idea, until I got word of what their true intentions were.”
“They wanted you to be a weapon.” She understands. If no one else ever will, she does. You nod solemnly and the ex-assassin sees how much you’re torn up by the corruption of the organization. It’s like looking in a mirror, that’s exactly how she felt about SHIELD collapsing. 
With present company around, you both agree to talk after training, Natasha telling you to come to her quarters after you’ve checked in. 
So for the time being you focus on training, nailing the hand to hand combat with Natasha before being handed over to Sam Wilson for basic exercises and a run around the compound, where you’re shown the trainee’s residence. 
After checking in with the agent in charge of your training group, you shower, change, and head to the main building in search of Natasha. 
It doesn't take long to find her since you follow her directions perfectly. 
Looking around at her luxury apartment like quarters, you can’t say you expected anything less. Of course Tony Stark made sure his teammates had more than adequate accommodations. 
“Always early L/n.”
The redhead’s familiar sultry voice grabs your attention, causing you to spin around from the window to look at her. 
She’s as gorgeous as she’s ever been. Admittedly the long hair suits her better, still damp from the shower she obviously just took and falling down her bare shoulders. Subconsciously your eyes trail down her tank top and yoga pants covered form. 
“Eyes up here.” She further teases and your eyes snap up to hers.
“Sorry it's just- you look good Romanova. Really good.” You say breathily.
The urge to just dive head first back into your charm hits Natasha hard. She’s seen you for all of a day and apart from your physical, you seem to be the same person she was falling for all those years ago. The only people she’s ever fallen for.
In the next few minutes, Natasha makes coffee, telling you to wait in the living room for her. Only to return shortly after to hand you a cup, and ease on to the sofa. 
Pulling her legs up to tuck underneath her butt, she faces you as you sit beside her, a noticeable distance between you two.
“How long?” She asks almost cautiously, clarifying when you raise your eyebrows.“ How long have you had your abilities?”
“Three years.”
A heavy sigh leaves her lips. Two years after she left HYDRA took over your organization and turned you into a super soldier. She can’t help but wonder what may have happened if she were still around. 
Would you have needed her comfort? Could she have stopped it?
Suddenly a weight lands on her knee, a glance down revealing your hand comfortingly resting there.“ There’s nothing you could’ve done. I wanted the serum, just not for the reasons they gave it to me.”
She silently nods, eyes casting back down to the hand on her leg. 
Whether or not she mentions it out loud, she missed your touch, even the ones as simple as this. Something about the way your touch affected her, be it arousing or calming, occasionally featherlight with the intent to cause laughter from the usually stoic woman. 
A mental sigh brings the thought to the forefront of her mind. It’s not just your touch, it’s you as a whole. Your energy, your aura, your personality, your smile. 
How she’d gone five years without you?
“Can I ask you something?” Your voice pulls Natasha from her thoughts and she looks back up into your soft eyes, hurt hides in them that makes her frown and nod.“ Did you ever consider coming back? Or even contacting me?”
The look that crosses her face is answer enough but she still says,“ more often than you’d think. In the beginning, all I could think about was going back to you and never leaving. I considered finding you just to say goodbye.”
“Talked yourself out of it huh.” It’s a statement not a question. Another nod to how well you read her.“ Figured I was better off without you and the enemies you come with, even if my life was dangerous long before you.”
She shakes her head, chuckling at how easily you saw through her reasoning when she hadn’t even admitted it herself.“ Can I contribute that conclusion to you having mind reading abilities?” 
“You can if it’ll make you feel better but it’s not true,” your thumb smooths across her knee in the same way it always had.“ I never had to read your mind.”
Much like she always had when it came to you, Natasha allows herself to take just one more risk. She let you in the first time, hopefully this time would end better or not at all.
Laying her hand over yours, her fingers wrap around your hand,“ I’m really glad to see you again.”
* * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @natasha-danvers
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Fire, Note books and a- kid? •Part 1 of M-Verse•
Warning! This series will include gruesome descriptions of blood, bodies etc. These may be rare but they will be graphic. (This one doesn't have much tickling but it has a⁸ little haha)
This Series is also a tickls series, so if you dont like it, sorry oof.
Fandom: Marvel
"CRAP" Sam yelled as he flew right under a collapsing tie beam. "Language!" The cap yelled through the intercom, they were on a mission. There had been an explosion in an old warehouse building, no one knows how it happened but once they got there the place was covered with fire and dead bodies.
They were now in the building, fighting what they believed to be ex hydra workers that went into hiding for more experiments.
Cap fought from the ground whilst Sam was trying to get some shots from above while reading looked for any potential prisoners.
"Ain't seeing nothing from RedWibg Cap, the place is about to blow, we've gotta get out" Steve had just taken out about 17- now 18 Hydra agents, throwing them in the burning flames or beating them in combat.
"Alright, have one more look around the perimeter. Nat get the Jet prepared for exit incase the place actually does blow" He yelled, fighting off the last two Hydra agents in his area, throwing one onto another knocking them into a large fire screaming.
"K, sam make sure there arent any survivors" Nat ran back to the jet and started it up, the lights turning on as it slowly began to hover over the ground.
"Will do Widow" Sam flew up above the collapsing building to get another view of the area.
"Black Widow or Natasha" A sassy voice explained down the intercom.
"Okay Spider Lady" A grunt was heard that made both Cap and Sam laugh. Sam was looking through Redwing and his own eyes and couldn't seem to spot anything. "It all seems clear" Just as he were about to fly back down though he noticed something.
A young girl, her hair stuck together with some blood, mixed with dirt and wood. Her skin covered with brown mud and small cuts, she wore a white ripped hospital gown, too no longer white- or had seemed to be in years?...
"Holy shit-"
"There's a kid- west bound, see if you can get her. Covered in dirt and seemingly blood, right near where the fire seemed to have started from the burnt wood scraps and dying fires around her"
"A kid? West bound? Nat how long we got left?" Steve asked, running through the flames, dodging their burns and running as fast as he could.
"Before the place explodes? From my view about 150 seconds, just over two minutes. But you're gonna need to be fast so we can all get out." Nat watched over the intercoms and the computers showing where Steve was.
"Take a left"
"Take a left! I'm giving you the fastest route to the west bound. Keep running until you find large doors, go through them and the last one at the end should lead to the girl"
Steve stopped asking the questions and complied. It wasnt his first time saving a kid, but the closer he got, the more he saw about the place. Cages, torture chambers, training halls.
This place wasnt a good one, especially for a kid... He thought.
He found the large doors, chained shut. Before he reached them he threw his shield, breaking the locks almost instantly. He ran through, but stopped in his tracks. The room was full of blood, the sticky walls glossed over, there were bones, some shattered, some scattered. Not hundreds, probably enough for the bodies of a good couple of people though... it was gruesome. Some of the worst things he had seen in a while, probably since... well. The blip?..
How was a kid kept here? How did we not know sooner?...
The thoughts span round the super solider head, taking up more time than he would have cared for.
"Steve? What's happened why'd you stop? We've got a minute!" Nat asked, she was getting impatient, the adrenaline was rising and so were the flames, everyone felt on edge here, as soon as they stepped down something felt very wrong.
"Shit, yeah. Alright, I'm going!" Steve ran and soon found the young girl, she didn't seem too strictly harmed for being so close to the flames. And for surviving in this, this prison.
"Got her, how long have I got left?"
"45 seconds"
Steve now had the young girl over his shoulder, he was trying to run even faster than he had before. This place. Something else had been happening here.
As the 100 year old ran though, he seemed to notice the fire die down wherever he ran to, creating a simple path for him to run in. He spotted the jet, Sam was standing in the open doorway, waiting to see if cap would make it. Silently cheering him on.
"10 seconds Cap"
"Start taking off now, we'll make it."
"FUCK NO! HURRY UP MAN" Sam yelled, this time to Captain America ratger rgan through the intercoms.
Time felt like it was going in slow motion, Steve got close enough just to jump and as soon as he did the whole place behind blew up. It all went so quickly after that, Sam grabbed his hand, holding on with all his might as Steve held the young girl. Nat, quicker than ever, sped off into the sky, miles from the ground to make sure the explosion wouldn't hit them as harshly as it should have.
Steve lay on the floor, with the young girl cradled in his arms behind the shield so she wouldn't get burnt. He was staring at her, even though she was covered in- well not so flattering things, she was beautiful. Something within began stirring. Something warm, familiar...
"Holy shit my dude. We almost died!" Sam droned, going to sit down on the chairs they had.
"We usually almost die, its part of our job" Nat explained, walking in and rolling her eyes. "Nahhh, Nat even you know that place was off" Sam looked over to the spy who sighed and walked over to Steve to help him up.
"How's the kid?"
Steve stood up and pulled away the shield to show off a little girl with y/c/h hair, covered in mud and pieces of blood, tucked up into his chest, breathing gently. "Wow" Sam sighed from the back.
"She's not in as much bad of a state as I would have imagined?" Nat said, watching over the little girl. "She wasnt too close to the big fire, must have been thrown into the mud and spotty snow from the explosion." Sam suggested.
Steve just held onto the small angel in his arms. He felt as though it were only he and she in the world, that time was no longer relevant. He memorized every piece of her face, even the pieces with dirt, cuts and bruises.
Suddenly Nat snapped him out of it, "Alright, I'm going to go get Bruce over. See if she's alright. For now just but her on a bed." Steve nodded as the Spider left to go call Dr. Banner.
"We haven't got beds though?- oh fuck you man" Steve laughed at Sam, he had just pulled out a bed from the sides of the ship. "You didnt know?" He teased. He and Nat had let sam sleep on the chairs or ground for the past few years. It seemed to be a secret agreement not to tell him amongst the avengers.
"Nah man, that's cold" Steve placed the little girl down and pulled up the walls of the bed to make sure she wouldn't fall out. Watching her little breaths as Sam's words started to fade away.
"Oi you even listening to me?" Sam asked unamused sitting up and looking at the fallen solider. "She's gonna be alright Steve" Steve sighed, deep down he knew she'd be fine. But he felt something strange. Fear. Like he had just found an old journal or someone he hadn't seen for a very long time.
He sighed and stood up, walking over to the bird man who was now sitting up watching the soldiers actions. They both heard Natasha in the background talking with Bruce.
"She's gonna be alright Steve"
"I hope so..."
It was a while till they had all landed at the compound. Rogers and Wilson played some card games- dont question it, Roger's made Tony buy him loads for each mission. He enjoyed the games. He also won most of them.
Steve picked the young girl up and brought her to Bruce as the doors opened up, they lauded her down on a hospital bed and hurried off. Bruce stayed back checking in on everyone. "The mission?"
"A success as always"
Steve seemed quiet, Sam answering fir him rather than fir himself. He watched the girl be scurried along into the building.
"Did you clean all her wounds?"
Steve looked down and nodded before they all began walking. He didnt mean to seem any less- well captain america-y, but he definitely had something on his mind. Bruce began to follow quickly to ask what's up.
"Hmm? Oh.. nothing. Just worried for the child" Steve tried to brush the feeling off but couldn't his gut had other plans. They wanted to see the girl, see if she was okay.
"She's gonna be alright, she only needs a few tests done- safe ones of course, blood pressure, cut cleansing etc" Bruce smiled at the much taller man. Oh god he was short. Steve smiled back to the Dr with 7 PHD's.
"Thanks Banner, I'm gonna go see Stark"
"Okay, stay safe, I'll tell you when she's improved"
Steve nodded and walked into the building, turning an opposite way to Banner and going to go see Stark. Steve was secretly very grateful Bruce would tell him about the child once she was improving. He felt a connection.
"Stark?" The 100 year old asked, knocking on the doors to the Lab.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, Open the Doors for Roger's Pleade and Thank you" The billionaire didnt move from his seat, he had been working on some new tech as usual.
"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y" Steve walked in, still in his spandex from the mission covered in blood and dirt with little scuff marks all over from the fire flames.
"Its an 8 Code Pin Rogers"
"I know I know, I just can't seem to remember it"
Tony rolled his eyes and looked up leaning on his chair with one arm resting over the top.
"What's up?"
Steve furrowed his brows. "Hmm?"
"You, you seem... less Super, more Man"
Steve rolled his eyes, "I'm not Super Man Tony!" Tony just shrugged and chewed the side of his cheek.
"Dunno there Cap" The genius stood up and walked over to him, the man was much seemingly smaller without his heals on, just bare foot walking around. He got extremely close to the Cap and got on his tip toes leaning in. If he wanted he could have kissed the man he were so close, though they both knew it wouldn't happen, Tony just liked getting close to annoy people.
That's when the billionaire squealed and almost fell to the ground with a jump back, a light blush on his face. "Dick" Steve smirked at the man, he sure was one ticklish man, billionaire, genius who cares. He was still ticklish. Tony went to go sit back down.
"So what's up?" This time, happily keeping his distance.
"I saved a kid today"
Tony furrowed his brows and chuckled, slowly clapping his hands. "Well done soldier, you saved a kid"
"Tony im serious"
"Well I didn't really think you were lying-"
Steve stepped forward making the Billionaire loose his confidence. He never minded being tickled, but then again it didnt help his reputation being melted into a giggly mess. He was still really nervous. Steve smirked at the man but then continued.
"She was covered in dirt and bits of blood. But before I found her, I ran through a hall. It was Dark, but the raging fires lit it up. There were bones, scattered. Probably enough for a good few people, some big some small. And blood, all over the walls..."
Steve tensed up, remembering the place. "It reminded me of the war with Thanos."
Tony stayed quiet, no longer fearful of childish tickles. It seemed horrifying. Even for them. "Okay, send me the Locations, I'll get F.R.I.D.A.Y up and working on it alright?" Tony wasn't the best when it came to comforting, but he knew he could do something.
Steve looked up at him and smiled thankfully, but Tony coukd tell there was something else bothering. Yet he didn't want Steve to be too focused on it all.
"Hey, here" Tony grabbed something from within a draw, it had a captain America's shield on the front, he handed it to steve. Just a normal sketch book. And some pencils. "You're welcome to use these and sit down at the window or something while I work. Keep your mind off things.
"Thanks Tony" Steve smiled at the billionaire, he wasnt great at comforting, but he knew what Steve wanted. It was a strange friendship that's for sure.
"Look at the first page too! I did a little something" The billionaire smirked as Steve turned the book open, on the front was an IronMan helmet with a little speech bubble saying "I Am IronMan" and a little stick figure with a shield in a cage in the bottom corner saying "I stink!"
Tony burst out laughing at Steve's expression. Let's just say his laughing continued for longer than expected...
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Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Part IV
AU: When a chemically enhanced teenage girl shows up, and a wave of conspiracy follows behind her, the Avengers (and Yelena) are forced to do the one thing that even a group of superheroes can't seem to hack: caring for a minor.
a/n: so incredibly un-canon! (is that a word?) set after black widow; there was no civil war.
warnings: some curse words. mentions of fighting and of past abuse. nothing explicit.
- - - - - -
"Maya! Oh, my darling! I was so worried about you."
As the figure made its way through the smoke and dust, her arms outstretched, both of the Avengers witnessed as the teenager bolted backwards. They watched as she fell over multiple mounds of debris in her effort to scramble away from the woman in the shadows.
"Who are you?" Wanda demanded, her magic moving straight towards their assailant.
"I am this poor girl's mother," the woman said, sweet as pie. "Who are you?"
Maya began to stand up, her legs physically shaking beneath her. "Mother I-"
"Shush," the woman snapped. "The grownups are talking." She never once took her eyes off of Natasha.
That was when Clint burst into the room, or what was left of it, his bow drawn and ready to shoot at whatever, or whomever, was the cause of all this destruction. Tony ran in behind him. He was fully clad in his iron suit. Steve was stood beside him; Thor behind the three of them. Bruce was stood off to the side, his arms crossed over his chest in a small gesture of comfort to his alter-ego, but he looked angry. Angry enough to turn green. Not good.
"Mother-," the teenager spoke up again, but one look from the woman across the room and she instantly retracted. She looked terrified.
That was when Natasha decided it was time to intervene. Taking up a protective stance in front of the girl, shielding her from the woman that stood across the room, she slowly began to lower her hands towards the gun that she kept permanently attached to her leg. "You need to leave. Right now."
The woman across the room laughed out loud, eyes falling from the redhead to the girl standing behind her. "Not without my daughter."
Natasha looked straight through the intruder, fingers grasped tightly around the handle of her gun, and let a cold stare land upon her face. "That isn't going to happen."
The woman didn't look at all amused. She smiled, all sense of sweetness gone. Her look was cold. Dark. She made a move forward, stopping inches from Natasha's face.
Maya rounded passed Natasha, worming her way between the assassin and her mother. She was smaller than both women, more so her mother, but she didn't falter. Natasha could see her small body trembling. She wanted to reach out and grab a hold of the girl's hand, show her some kind of comfort, but held herself back. The past twelve hours had proven that she wasn't the biggest fan of touch and she didn't want to give the teenager any more reason to feel uneasy here.
"Stop it." Maya's voice was firm. It had taken a lot of control to keep the tremor out.
The woman laughed down at her, bitterly, before grabbing hold of the girl's neck with lightening fast speed. She began to squeeze tightly. "Did you just step up to me, little girl?"
That ignited something in Natasha. Something that she had assumed was long since dead. She snapped to attention, charging at the woman that held Maya by the throat. Without any hesitation, the redhead grabbed the wrist that held tightly to the teenager's throat and whipped it backwards with enough force to sprain something. The woman didn't flinch. She just stared at Natasha, an unreadable expression, before pushing the same hand into the assassin's chest and sending her flying across the room. The redhead harshly collided into one of the remaining pillars that was still managing to somehow hold up most of the building. Her body fell to the floor, unmoving.
Maya screamed out. All semblance of fear was gone, she looked completely enraged. Grabbing hold of her mother's elbow, she dragged her forward and slammed her left foot into the back of the woman's knee. They both grunted, the elder moreso than the teenager as she fell to the floor. The blonde grabbed a hold of her mother's head and threw it onto the metal table that somehow still stood in the middle of the room. Everybody just stood there silently, staring in complete shock at the scene unfolding in front of them.
She didn't let go of the back of the woman's head after her first act of aggression. Instead, she slammed it down again and again and again with enough force to break the makeshift bed in half until a small hand grabbed hold of her shoulder. She fought against it, but the arm slipped down to her waist and physically heaved her backwards. Maya kicked out, her foot connecting with the shin bone of whomever had a hold of her.
"Hey, calm down," the voice whispered into the back of her ear. "It's okay."
It was Wanda. The teenager turned her head slightly to get a look at the Sokovian's face.
"Look," the witch said solfly, gesturing with her head to the other side of the room. "She's okay."
Maya followed her line of sight to Natasha. The assassin was slowly standing up from the floor, her hand grasping at her side. She was alive. Maya started to struggle less and, by the time she was completely still, Wanda placed her back down onto the floor and stepped away slowly. Her hands were raised into a small sign of surrender, just as she had seen Natasha do earlier that morning. Before all of this chaos.
Natasha looked over to the teenager and then down to the woman on the floor. She raised her eyebrow at the girl.
"I totally had her," the redhead said, limping over to the rest of the team. They were all still stood there in various states of shock. Clint had finally dropped his arrow and Tony rolled back his helmet. Steve let go of his shield, leaning it against a pile of rubble, and started to walk towards the teenager.
Maya caught sight of him advancing towards her and bolted backwards, just as she had done when the woman, her mother, had made an appearance. She threw herself back with enough force to crash into Wanda as they both toppled to the ground.
The Sokovian didn't have enough time to register what was happening before a boney elbow dug harshly into her side and she hissed, feeling the weight on top of her trying to roll away. Out of instinct, she grabbed a hold of it and pulled. The weight landed back on top of her with a small thud and the kick to her thigh was enough to knock her out of her small stupor. She tightened her hold, blonde curls attacking her chin, as she felt the girl on top of her start to struggle again.
"Hey," Wanda whispered gently into the back of the teenager's ear again, standing them both up with ease. "Stop squirming. It's okay." She held on tighter.
"Fuck off!" Maya growled. "Let me go!" She tried to pry the witch's hands off of her, but the Sokovian just tightened her hold.
The girl eyed her, the same disdain as minutes before evident on her face. She looked as though she was a fraction away from spitting at her.
Steve wrapped his hand around her flailing upper arm, faltering slightly at how easily he managed to fit his entire hand palm around it, before he made a move to lower it down to her side. It was completely innocent; he didn't want her to go smacking somebody in the face as she struggled, he didn't want her to hurt herself, but Maya let out a harsh scream at the unexpected contact, launching her other arm up to punch him in the face. He took a step back at that, complete shock overtaking his features.
Maya's breathing had started to become erratic, Wanda pulled her further into her chest. It was alarming, to the witch, just how easily she was able to lift the teenager off the floor; how easily she was able to feel every single bone protruding through her clothes. She pushed that to the back of her mind, however, when she felt the painfully laboured breaths coming from the girl in her arms. She had stopped her struggling, just hanging there limply. Her face was scrunched up into a look of pain and her hands were clawing sharply at her neck as if to fend off an invisible force.
Wanda looked to Natasha, panic etched across her face, completely unknowing of how to handle this situation. The older redhead tentatively stepped forward, her hands were held up in that same sign of surrender. Not that the young blonde was able to see with her eyes so tightly closed. Natasha, throwing caution to the wind, took a hold of the girl's hand and once again brought it up to her own chest just as she had done after their first interaction.
Maya's eyes snapped open to attention, her struggling beginning anew, but Wanda just slinked her arms further around the girl's torso, holding on tighter. She began whispering little words into her ear, just like before, as Natasha started to coach her through a breathing exercise.
In for seven. Out for four.
In for seven. Out for four.
Moments passed before Maya's eyes began to look a little less cloudy, her hands dropping back down towards her side after stealing one back from Natasha's grip. She looked incredibly small.
"You're okay," Natasha told her soothingly. "Big breath."
The teenager obeyed. Her breath hitching a little, but she still complied.
When Wanda was sure that the blonde wasn't going to bolt, she placed her back down onto the floor. Her boots making a soft click when they landed on the hard wood.
"I'm sorry." Maya whispered, though it came out more of a whimper. The same reply as last time.
The older redhead gave her a stern look. "What did I say, hmm?" She paused, trying to catch the girl's eye. "You don't have to apologise. I get them, too. So don't be sorry, okay?"
Maya rolled her eyes. "Yes. Okay."
"Good," Natasha smiled. Everybody smiled a bit at that.
Bruce, finally feeling a sense of calming safety, joined them from his occupied corner, plodding over to the others.
"What are we going to do with her?" He said, gesturing to the woman that lay unconscious on the floor.
Everybody looked to him and then to the body in question and, just like that, the woman on the floor began to stir.
"You wait until we get home, little girl." The woman said, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Her eyes were directed at Maya and the others watched as the girl physically gulped. "I think that a trip downstairs is in order for you."
Natasha walked over to where the intruder was laying on the ground. Looking down at the woman that was sneering up at her, she landed a punch straight to the side of her face and everybody watched as Maya's mother slumped back down to the floor.
"She isn't going anywhere with you."
- - - - - -
The Avengers, and Maya, were able to make it out of the building before it fully collapsed. Maya's mother had been handcuffed and handed over to Fury. They didn't envy her.
Natasha had taken the teenager to a safe house, Wanda following behind them. The others had decided to part ways there and then, deeming the situation handled. So now it was just the three of them. Wanda sat comfortably on the chair, her legs crossed in a depiction of proper elegance. Natasha was sprawled on one end of the sofa and Maya sat on the other side, looking as stiff as a board.
"Relax," Wanda spoke up. She had offered the teenager a cup of tea when they arrived, they had simultaneously tried to offer her something to eat, but both proposals had been met with refusal.
It was bizarre to both of them. Wanda had grown up with a twin brother that ate her family out of house and home; Natasha had grown up in the Red Room where mealtimes were complete anarchy. It was every Widow for themselves. Neither wanted to force the teenager to eat something, but both knew that she needed to.
So Wanda had made up some simple recipe with the ingredients that had already been in the kitchen, whilst Maya and Natasha had showered and changed, and layed it all out on the coffee table in front of them in hopes that it would peek the girl's interest. It did not. Instead, both Avengers had found themselves picking at it for almost an hour and Maya had yet to touch a thing.
"Maya," Natasha began. Her voice softly stern. "You need to eat."
The blonde never once took her eyes off of the hands that were placed in her lap. She was absentmindedly playing with her fingers, a faraway look in her eyes.
"Hey, look at me." Natasha leaned forward in an attempt to catch the girl's eye, but it had only resulted in Maya bringing her legs up to her chest and curling herself into a small ball as she began to shake like a leaf. The redhead's heart ached for her.
Her hands went up into that familiar sign of surrender as she leaned backwards just a tad. She was still trying to catch the teenager's eye.
"It's really good!" Wanda interjected, a little more enthusiastic than she was going for. She leaned forward to pick up another piece of food and placed it in her mouth, moaning exaggeratingly. "So good," she said between mouthfuls.
Maya looked out from where her eyes had been hiding behind her knee and eyed the Sokovian wearily. "This isn't a trick?"
Both women froze at that. Wanda pausing mid mouthful and Natasha halting the mug of coffee that was currently making its way towards her lips. The older redhead was the quickest to catch her bearings. "No, love. It's not a trick. Why would you think that it was?"
Maya looked at her skeptically, then to the array of food that was currently covering the coffee table. She uncurled her legs and crossed them underneath her, barely taking up a full cushion. Natasha would have probably cooed if it wasn't to the seriousness of the situation. The blonde had changed, after a lot of coercion and reassurance, into a pair of the assassin's lounge pants. She was small enough that they completely covered her socked feet. She wore one of Wanda's long-sleeved tops, to complete the look, that was currently engulfing her upper body.
The teenager took a deep breath before staring back down at her lap. She restarted playing with her fingers. "Mother would always trick me," she said, voice barely above a whisper. "She would make something for me and then when I would go to eat it, she would slap it away from me or throw it at me because I hadn't done anything to earn it."
Natasha visibly tensed, regretting wholeheartedly that she hadn't put a bullet in the woman. "This isn't a trick, Maya. You can help yourself if you're hungry. I promise."
Maya looked across at her, an unreadable expression taking over her face. The assassin could see the struggle raging behind her blue eyes, though. She nodded her encouragement, leaning forward to get a piece of bread for herself and popping it in her mouth. The blonde did the same thing. Leaning forward slowly, fully alert, she took the corner off of a piece of bread and brought it up to her mouth. Halting it there, she never once took her eyes off of Natasha. She was waiting for her to make a move; waiting for a fight. When she looked down at the tiny bit of food grasped between her fingers, she let a breath escape her before softly putting it into her mouth and chewing awkwardly. It did taste lovely.
Both Avengers let a small smile grace their lips at the sight and Natasha couldn't help the grin that spread across her face when she witnessed the teenager lean forward and pull off another corner of bread.
A comfortable silence fell on the room before the spy spoke up. "Maybe after you've finished your lunch, you will let me run a brush through that mop of hair?"
Maya groaned at that. Wanda chuckled.
- - - - - -
a/n #2: i still have absolutely no clue about anything to do with fighting so i'm sorry if it's no good! i tried!
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ephemeralstark · 4 years
The Targets We Paint
Summary:  “Do you really think walking into Stark Industries with a handcuffed kid is a good idea?” Peter asked, “because the second you get in there, someone will alert the emergency services, you won’t get far.” “You’re wrong,” and even though Peter knew he wasn't, the complete lack of concern in the man’s voice was causing him mild anxiety. “Well, we’ll see, won’t we?” the man asked, not remaining silent for long, “we’ll see who’s worrying about calling the cops when I’m threatening to blow your brains all over their pristine white floors.” Peter swallowed, hard, “shows how prepared you are,” he said with false bravado, “the floors in the main atrium are black marble.” - Peter knew being Spider-Man put a target on him, but it was a risk he was willing to take for the safety of the citizens of Queens. He just never considered how dangerous it could be to be Peter Parker.
AN: whumptober day 3: prompt - held at gunpoint. TW for bombs, guns, violence, proceed with caution. 
Part 1 of 2
“You’re an idiot,” Peter declared as he tugged on the cuff that was wrapped around his wrist and connected to the steel bar that had been installed in the car by someone who had prepared for this, the jagged spikes in the cuff dug into his skin and caused red to appear, “your plan is stupid.”
“Shut up,” came the monotonous reply.
“Do you really think walking into Stark Industries with a handcuffed kid is a good idea?” Peter asked, “because the second you get in there, someone will alert the emergency services, you won’t get far.”
“You’re wrong,” and even though Peter knew he wasn't, the complete lack of concern in the man’s voice was causing him mild anxiety.
“Well, we’ll see, won’t we?” the man asked, not remaining silent for long, “we’ll see who’s worrying about calling the cops when I’m threatening to blow your brains all over their pristine white floors.”
Peter swallowed, hard, “shows how prepared you are,”  he said with false bravado, “the floors in the main atrium are black marble.”
“Are you trying to be funny right now?” the man asked, whirling around and shoving a gun in Peter’s face.
“Woah, woah, woah!” he shouted, “keep your eyes on the road!”
“Are you seriously trying to tell me what to do?” the man asked, although to his credit he did turn back to the road and place his second hand back on the steering wheel, even though he didn't release the gun.
“No, man, I’m just trying to tell you that your plan is deeply flawed,” Peter said with a light shrug as he resumed his efforts in tugging at the handcuffs.
It still hurt, the sharp points were still gouging into his flesh and causing rivulets of blood to run down his forearm, what kind of weird torture car did this dude have? Did he just drive around kidnapping teenagers? And why?
“Hey, man, this deeply flawed plan,” Peter said, speaking up once more, “why exactly has it come about? Like what do you feel you’ll gain from this?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Well, I mean, you are planning to threaten to blow my brains out,” Peter said with a shrug, “it would be nice to know why.”
“Shut up,” was all Peter got in response.
Naturally, he wasn't one to stop questioning things even when there was a gun brought into the situation, “but seriously, like don’t you have back-up?”
“You’re a fifteen-year-old brat, I don't need back-up,” the man said with a humourless snort.
I mean, credit where it was due, the man had successfully snuck up on him and knocked him out before his Spidey-Sense could tell him to watch out for danger, and he had been smart enough to use cuffs that Peter couldn't escape - although there had been no mentions of Spider-Man so Peter was calling that a coincidence rather than accurate preparation.
“I work with Mr. Stark and he’s part of The Avengers, how do you know I haven't met The Black Widow and been taught how to fight?” Peter questioned because he had and she had given him many lessons, the guy should at least be warned of that, it was only fair.
“Come on, Kid, we both know that all you do is fetch Tony Stark’s coffee and carry his files around for him,” the man said.
“Alright, then what use am I to you?” Peter wondered, “if Mr. Stark doesn't give me anything important to do, why bother kidnapping me?”
“Because he has a renowned guilt complex,” the man said, finally revealing something useful.
So this man knew enough about Tony Stark to be aware that he was honourable and emotional despite what the public and the media often portrayed him as, so what? Was he a potential past employee? He didn't know much about Peter’s role in the company so however he was getting his information, it had stopped. He had been cut off from his source.
“Is this about money?” Peter asked.
“Do you ever shut up?”
“It’s funny, Mr. Stark has actually asked that exact same question about thirty times,” Peter said, “it’s like you two are on the same wavelength, hey! Did you intern for Mr. Stark too?”
“Intern?” the man seemed to choke on the word as though he had been offended by the insinuation.
“Yeah, I mean it makes sense,” Peter said, “did you work for him before me? Is that why you’re mad?”
“Wha- listen, Kid, shut the fuck up, alright?” the man snapped, “you’re starting to prove to be more work than you’re worth.”
“So this is about money?” Peter asked.
“Does it matter?”
“Kinda, yeah,” Peter decided.
The man breaked harshly and Peter looked out the window, surprised to see they were stopped on the street outside Stark Industries.
“Have you considered what you’re going to do if Mr. Stark isn't actually here?” Peter asked, “because that seems like it would probably be an issue.”
He didn't say anything, he merely climbed out of the care and opened the passenger side, he undid the cuff that was attached to the metal pole and stuck it on Peter’s other wrist, the spikes digging in harshly as they were tightened more than necessary - yeah, Peter had likely hit a nerve… or five.
“I don't think you’re allowed to park there,” Peter mumbled as he was shoved forward, he instantly stumbled and tried to regain his balance so that he wasn't knocked face down onto the ground.
“What did I say about shutting up?” the man growled in his ear, man, he really needed to brush his teeth or take a breath mint.
“Uh, to do it?” Peter asked.
“Hey, guys,” one of the security guards called, “you need to enter through the metal detectors please, it’s for everyone’s safety.”
“They’re going to catch you,” Peter said.
“Did you ever consider that I don’t care?”
“What do you-” Peter broke off as he was shoved forwards through the metal detector and it instantly started to blare and lights flashed.
“Uh, guys, can I ask you both to step to the side please?” the security guard asked as he started to approach.
“Don't move!” the man holding Peter yelled, and he couldn't help but let his eyes close as he felt the cold metal of the gun’s barrel dig into his temple.
“Sir, drop the gun!”
“I want Tony Stark,” the man demanded, ignoring the instructions and Peter felt the gun tremble slightly although judging by his tone of voice it was with anger rather than nerves.
Maybe it had been a mistake to constantly nag him with questions in the car.
“You don't get anything until you release the child and drop your weapon.”
“I want Tony Stark otherwise I’m going to blow his intern’s brains out all over this damned floor!”
“Boss has been alerted that Mr. Parker is in danger,” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s smooth lilting voice said, breaking through the tension that was coursing through Peter’s shoulders with ease.
“Who was that?” the man asked, waving the gun around quickly, briefly aiming it at any woman he could see before panicking and digging it back into the side of Peter’s head - he could only hope the man didn't freak out completely and accidentally pull the trigger, was the safety on or off?
“It’s Mr. Stark’s A.I.,” Peter said, “she monitors the entire building.”
“Turn her off!”
“I can’t,” Peter said, “no one can.”
“I said turn her the fuck off,” the man said, violently shaking Peter, “otherwise you won’t be the only one who dies here.”
“I can't.”
“I won’t ask again,” the man said, his voice taking on a dangerous tenor and Peter wondered if it was time for him to start saying his mental goodbyes to everyone he loved.
“Hey, fuckwit,” a familiar called as the man himself sauntered out of the elevator, his blue shades sitting on his face as though he were walking into a press meeting and not a dangerous situation, “my kid already told you, he can't turn her off, now why don't you let him go and before I kick your ass and I’ll give you ten seconds to explain why the hell you thought going after him was a good idea?”
“I would return the sentiment but I’m afraid I don’t know who you are,” Mr. Stark said as he brushed an imaginary piece of lint from his suit and sauntered forward.
To the regular person, it would appear that the billionaire was unaffected by what he was seeing, however, Peter could see the routine clenching and unclenching of his jaw, and how his hands were occasionally curling into fists before the man seemingly reminded himself that he was trying to appear nonchalant.
“You know who I am,” the man said, digging the gun in harder, Peter was sure he was going to have an imprint in his skin once it was removed, “I know you know!”
“I can’t say I do,” Mr. Stark said with a shrug, he was close enough now that Peter’s enhanced sight allowed him to see through the tinted glasses - his eyes were creased in worry, “although I do know one thing - and that’s that there’s a red cable sticking out from under your shirt, you’re carrying a bomb, aren’t you?”
Mr. Stark was scared, the situation was not controlled, and that was enough to make Peter’s heart drop into his stomach. This was worse than he had thought and he was pretty sure he should definitely not have wound the man up by talking incessantly in the car.
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sgt-morgan · 3 years
Lucky Kentucky ch. 1
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Chapter 2
Hello there, this is my new Rockstar!Bucky x Reader fic. It was heavily inspired by my love of seventies mega rockstars, Almost Famous, Classic Rock, and a little bit of personal whimsy. I hope you enjoy, and read responsibly.
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : cussing, sexy times, drugs, booze, smoking, objectification, fornication, liberation, and a litany of other sordid topics and traumas.
Your name didn’t matter, at least not so far as you could tell. They called you Kentucky, sometimes if they felt cheeky, Bluegrass. You liked it, the first band that gave you that name was some shitty college band out of Detroit. They were convinced they were gonna be the next Led Zepplin. They called it quits three years later, a good old fashioned Rock n’ Roll suicide, booze, women, and drugs. The finer things always gets the best amateurs. However, their lead singer had a way with words, he came up with the nickname. He also wrote a beautiful song about a girl named Kentucky, who he just couldn’t swing, some big named country superstar sang the song and the last you’d heard he had been writing for the best of the best since. This earned you your title, Lucky Kentucky. A bit on the nose for your taste, but it made perfect sense. You kept following the music, you went to a band in L.A., the day you left, they signed a record deal with Sony. The next was a little English girl and her backing band, her first tour of England with you landed her a tour of the US faster than they could say ‘Burbon.’
You are what is known in the music business as a road manager, so far as you could tell, this was the job you were born to do. You made schedules, you supplied booze and other artifacts, you got hotels, paid off paparazzi, packed busses, and shoved half out of their mind rock stars on to stages in more countries than you could count, you couldn’t imagine any better life. You were the best of the best, you were who the record company called when everyone else had given up. You were a fixer, and an incredibly talented one at that. You had a gift for taking a mediocre side show band, and turning them into headliners.
So when you got the call from Tony and Pepper that you had to fix The Howling Comandos, you were shocked. They were big time, nothing like your usual fixer upper opener that you could make insta stars. They certainly weren’t your crowd, but you always had a problem saying no to Pepper, Tony’s company manager. Tony was a talented mixer, and a gifted album technician. So when he started his own label, it blew up pretty quickly. The comandos were the first band he signed. They had won Album of the Year their first Grammy season without even batting an eyelash. So once business started booming, Pepper took over the paper work, and Tony did what he did best, Fucking around with a mixing board. You had met them when you started working with Natasha and the Widows, a Blondie style punk outfit. They had a pension for eating men alive. Eventually, it got in the way of their success, so you stepped in and saved the band from total destruction. You and the starks had been thick as theives since.
“Tony, you mean to tell me, that the Commandos, the biggest artists of the decade, need my help?” You scoffed down the line, checking the Widows out of the last hotel of their tour with Greta Van Fleet.
“Yes Bluegrass, I do. Barnes is going through some existential heart break shit ‘cause ole bitch called of the wedding, and fucked the Guitarist of their opener. He’s been all drugs, booze, and sappy shit since, and someone’s gotta get the mother fucker back on stage. I’m Loosing money here Kentucky, something’s gotta give.” Tony sounded livid, there were very few times where Tony was as frazzled as this, so you knew it was serious.
“Alright, but I have conditions.” You sighed, you thought you could hear the sound of Pepper weeping tears of joy, but you couldn’t be sure. “I want the Widows to open, I’m not done with them yet Stark they’ve got some potential that still needs to be tapped. I want Frankie on security, I want Wanda for wardrobe and makeup, I want Vision for my techie, and I’m taking Peter as my Head roadie.” It was a big ask, but if you were doing this, you were gonna need the best possible team.
“Jeez woman, rob the treasure chest would yah? You want all of them? You just asked me for the entire roster. They’re on other tours! I can’t just- HEY! Woman don’t you-“ you heard a slap and an ow, and suddenly you were with the one and only Pepper Potts- Stark.
“Kentucky? You have a deal. You can have the Allstars in three months, everyone’s tours should be wrapping up, that puts you just in time for festival season. You up to it?” Pepper sounded like someone had just kicked her puppy. So you knew, you were the only one that could save the day.
“Virginia? Count me in. Give me the three months to plan and connect with the team and I’ll make sure James Barnes makes it onto that bus.” You could practically taste her relief through the receiver. What had you just signed up for.
You’d done it. Six months, 7 bus rentals, 75 hotels, 107 plane rides, 20 festivals, 95 shows, 89 cities, and roughly 200 people later, you had managed to construct the American leg of one of the biggest and longest tours you had ever seen. All it took was two months, and 23 bottles of Jack Daniels, and you had done it. Now all you had to do was meet the band, and have your first tour meeting.
You had never been so nervous to meet a group of men in your life. Normally, these meetings we’re pretty laid back and informal. Lots of getting to know you, and goofing off. This time, you were in charge of a multi-million dollar tour that could make or break the band of the decades d ruin your career. No pressure. Needless to say, you were fairly nervous.
You were relieved upon arrival that the first people to make it in were the people who seemed to be the most reliable. Vision and Wanda were quietly whispering  to eachother in the corner as always, their hands gently intertwined as they surveyed the rest of their new subjects. Frankie was standing off in another corner looking like an immovable brick wall. His sunglasses firmly in place on his nose, looking scary as always. Peter was off with the widows flirting with their drummer. You didn’t think it would end well, seeing as MJ was a bit of a hot head, and Peter was akward and nerdy, but to your surprise, they seemed to be getting along swimmingly. Natasha and Carol were staring at a book full of something, if you had to guess, it would be song lyrics of some variety, and to your shock and absolute awe, Peggy had saddled up to Steve Rogers. Steve was the guitarist of the Commandos, and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her company. Tony and Pepper were chatting with Clint and Sam the drummer and bassist of the Commandos, and Bruce Banner, your newly appointed second hand. James Barnes was nowhere to be seen.
“Well, well, good to see that most of you have arrived early!” You smirked walking to the head of the table with your big box of tour folders, Peter moving instantly to help you. “If I have not yet made your acquaintance, I am Kentucky, just Kentucky, you may call me Bluegrass or Lucky, but I will always prefer Kentucky. It has come to my immediate attention, that you sorry suckers were in need of a fantastic road manager, and here I am.” You survey the room as you spoke taking into account every face that you could see in the room and making sure everyone was following. “Now, where is James?”
————Some unnamed bar across town ————
Bucky’s head pounded. Wether it was from the booze or the pounding music he had no clue, but he could tell that it was far too early to be in this booth.
“You really went for it last night Barnes,” Bucky looks for the source of the voice to find that, Luke Cage, owner of the best bar in LA, was unloading boxes of tequila into his storage cabinets under the bar. “You shouldn’t have either, you’re late for your tour meeting.”
Bucky absorbed the information, and felt it melt out of his brain as if it were nothing more than an irritating ear worm. “How do you know about that?” He sighed running a hand down his face and slowly standing to grab his leather jacket.
“It’s sharpied onto your arm,” Luke chuckled pointing to Bucky’s right arm in just about the only clean space someone could fine. “Steve came in and did it last night before giving about a hundred dollars to let you sleep it off in that booth.”
“Of course he did,” Bucky scoffed, “the punk never knew when to leave well enough alone.” Bucky quickly slipped his sunglasses over his aching eyes, as he watched Luke slide a cup of coffee across the bar. “Goodbye Luke, your bar is the only thing I’m gonna miss about this town.”
“Goodbye Bucky, the free live music, and the fantastic tips are all I’m going to miss about you boys. I’ll tell Jess you said hello.” And with that final fond farewell, Bucky left Luke’s bar for the last time before he was trapped in a tour bus for six months.
The drive to Stark Records was as second nature to him as tying his shoes. He easily glided in between cars, making record time to his place of employment. He parked his bike next to a slot that occupied the sweetest little red corvette he’s seen in a good while. The tune in the reference catches his brain and he starts to whistle the chorus, wishing the artist formerly known as Prince was still around. He walked past Sharon, the desk clerk, giving her his customary wink and a smirk, stealing a sucker out of her candy dish and wandering into the meeting.
That’s when he saw her, the hottest piece of ass this side of the sunset strip. She looked powerful, she looked commanding, she was covered in tattoos and wearing the best looking little black number. She was saying his name. “Where is James?”
“Right here sweet thing, I hope I’m not too late to the party, I’d hate to miss anything that came out of that pretty little mouth.” Boy was it pretty, the full lips covered in a red shade that he could only seem to imagine smeared all over her moth as she panted his name.
“Ah, yes there he is. Hello, James. Just in time to-”
“James is my dad sugar, I’m sure we can think of something a little more clever for you to-”
“Alright then Junior if you don’t mind, I’m trying to conduct a meeting, and I will not be letting a drunken moron interupt my carefully planned work flow.”
Bucky’s jaw snapped shut as the people around him, some friends and some strangers, laughed at the clever lady’s little barb.
“Alright then, as I was saying, I’m here to help. I believe in the Peter Grant method of representation. The you-have-a-venue-you-want-it-filled-I-have-just-the-band-sixty-forty method.” She said, flipping her hair into a simple bun on the top of her head, which Bucky couldn’t find more attractive if he tried, “I have made hotel arrangements for every show, I have made bus arrangements, I have planned for added shows, and delayed dates. I have brought you the best opener I have, the best artists, roadies, security, and technicians I could scrape together, and most importantly, I have given you my time and my trust. I can make your touring life as easy and as simple as humanly possible, or I could ruin it. However, all I want is to get you out there, grinding again, reminding your fans the reason they love you. All you have to do, is let me work, and focus on the music. Can we do that?”
“Doll? I like the way you think.”
“Junior? It’s gonna be a long fucking six months.”
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virtual-lara · 3 years
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Down Among the Dead - The Tomb Raider: The Times Exclusive Story
Previously we wrote up the first part of the seven part story. Recently, we have found part seven and discovered that the render above was specifically made for this story! (We have a theory about a few others but we will share that at a later point.) We always believed that it was meant to be for TR4 but graphically, it didn't make sense. But when read the 7th part of the Times story, not only is it on the page but it clearly depicts the ending.
Below we have written it up, so if you read the intro to the story, now you can see how it ended.
In the Valley of the Kings, Lara has discovered the lost tomb of Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun's widow. She has done so without the help of Egyptologist Alvin Blackmore, whose mysterious death in London left her in the lurch. Standing before the queen's sarcophagus she discovers another tomb-raider pointing a gun at the back of her head. This is the concluding episode of Erica Wagner's tale.
Lara froze. She could feel the gun trained on her; it was like being stared, but worse. She'd have no chance to reach for her weapon. She could only stand and watch as the hulking figure of Alvin Blackmore emerged from the darkness behind to stand facing her over the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun's queen.
"Well done, Lara," he said. "Even if I did have to help you along those last few yards to the tomb. Still, I couldn't bear to deprive you of the pleasure of discovery. And really, these days, I'm far too old for all that digging."
"I guess you didn't have a heart attack," Lara said.
"Healthy as a horse, my dear, healthy as a horse!" He laughed - it echoed, caroming around the tight stone walls of the chamber - and slapped a meaty hand on his broad chest. "Never been fitter. And all the better for seeing you - for the last time."
"It won't work, Blackmore," she said.
"What won't work? Of course it will. You stole Carter's little notebook, of that I'm certain: and you wouldn't have taken it if anyone had been aware of its existence. So now there are two of us who know about it - Haggarty I was willing to take a risk with because I figured you'd do away with him, and I'm grateful to you for not letting me down. But really, once I'd seen what was at stake, I couldn't let you go running around raising a ruckus about it."
"So why not kill me straight away? Why bring me all the way out here, let me find the tomb?"
"Like I said, I wanted you to have some fun before you went, Lara. Mean to do otherwise, don't you think? But I wasn't about to murder the well-connected Lara Croft in cold blood in London. A most unlikely death for you, that would be. But if Lara Croft died in a rockfall while on the trail of one of Egypt's last hidden tombs - why, that would make perfect sense. No one would dream of asking any awkward questions."
"I suppose not," Lara admitted.
"It's a pity, really. I like you. I admire you. You're pretty sharp, if a little naive. But then I suppose you couldn't resist Ankhesenamun's promises either. The kind of thing to make a person throw caution to the winds, don't you think?"
"Looks like it," Lara said. "Then you believe it - the promise of eternal life?"
"Well," Blackmore said. "There's no harm in trying, is there? And anyway - even if it's all crap, you saw the treasure that were outside. I've never been a subscriber to the dour philosophy that money and fame can't buy you happiness. I've always found - at least where the former is concerned - quite the opposite to be true."
"Your sister's got your number, you know. She said nothing was ever enough for you."
"Cornelia? You spoke to Cornelia? Dear Cornelia. How was she? I would say - you must give her my regard, but it's too late for that now." Blackmore grinned, and keeping his gun trained on Lara, reached out for the jewel set in the sarcophagus. His voice trembling with excitement, he recited from the last page of the notebook that had been in his possession. "Whomsoever shall claim the jewel set in the widow's breast shall find that Re never sets on him, nor on his generation," he intoned. "Life eternal shall be his, just as the Nile rises and ebbs eternally in its mighty bank." And he reached out, curled his fingers around the emerald and lifted it from its place.
Instantly it burned with a white light; so bright that Lara could see the bones in Blackmore's hand. His face blazed with it, lit and shadowed by the unearthly light.
Lara began to shake, but held her ground, and when she spoke her voice was almost as firm as she'd liked it to be. "You never saw the last page, did you, Blackmore?"
"What?" His eyes were on fire; he seemed filled with something inhuman and terrible.
"Whomsoever shall claim the jewel set in the widow's breast shall find that Re never sets on him, nor on his generation. Life eternal shall be his, just as the Nile rises and ebbs eternally in its mighty bank. For he who is worthy, this reward will come; for he whose soul falls heavy in the scale, the retribution of the gods will surely follow."
Later, when Lara would try to explain what happened next, she would find her usual facility with words deserting her. How to describe it - she'd written it down, over and over, and then crumpled each effort and thrown it in the bin. The pictures had come off the walls. They had peeled themselves away and rushed at them - not as she'd imagined the falling statue of Anubis moving but reaching out with stretched arms and blazing black eyes, their flat shapes made flesh. Horus, hawk-headed, one-eyed, just and terrible; Osiris, the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt on his brow, bound as a god to rule over the dead; his sister-wife Isis, her fierce face streaked with grief of her loss. And behind them all a figure so awful that Lara felt the air punched out of her lungs to look at it.
Man or beast, impossible to tell - the head of some animal out of a nightmare, great teeth, fiery eyes, slime and foul breath: the stench of the dead. It was this figure that seemed to lead the charge as the creatures turned on Blackmore and tore him into a dozen pieces. The stink of burning human flesh filled the dry air of the tomb.
Lara would have trouble making up her mind whether to include the next detail in her story - she fainted. What she remembered next were shadows turned to spiderweb, to a nest that bound her and held her and bore her out of the tomb, leaving her stretched out on the sand in the desert air. When she opened her eyes she saw - or did she dream it? - the beast-head of Set looming over her with a warning before fading into mist. Death comes on wings to he who enters the tomb of a pharaoh.
The hot desert sand cradled her head. Lara sat up. Her rib ached worse than ever, but she could stand. In the distance she saw the film of smog that showed her where the city lay; she turned towards it and began to walk. Well, she'd certainly have something to tell Jeremy when she met him at the place his clues had led her to. She wondered if he'd ever outsmart her... but perhaps that wasn't the point. She quickened her pace through the desert heat. She really was looking forward to seeing him.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Tom Holland x Reader
Not my gif
My requests are open if you have any ideas <3
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“Come on Tom don’t be ridiculous!” You match his volume, “I had every right to be annoyed. We’d planned this thing for weeks!”
“I don’t know what you want me to say, (Y/n)!” He continues to defend, “I’ve had a busy schedule with everything going on and it just slipped my mind. I can’t change that.”
“I reminded you that morning!” You point out, “And it’s not like you were doing something you couldn’t get out of. Drinks with the boys? You can do that anytime!”
The derivative of this argument had stemmed from Tom missing an important evening you were supposed to be attending for your business. He knew you’d been terrified about it for weeks and you’d been prepping to meet all of these important business figures since you’d first been invited. You wanted him by your side. Instead, he’d supposedly forgotten and gone out with the boys for drinks instead. Sure, he had been busy recently. He’d been doing a bunch of press for Onward and had only recently finished up with Cherry, whilst also juggling a few new projects that seemed to be in the pipeline. But you’d asked for one night. And you didn’t expect that to be so hard for him.
In fact, the two of you had been arguing a lot recently. Ever since you’d moved into this flat together, you’d been at it like an old married couple. You hadn’t done the dishes? Argument. He’d forgotten to get the groceries you’d asked for? Argument. You came back late from work and hardly saw him? Argument. Day after day, the blissful couple managed to sink further and further into the stage they never wanted to get to.
“Really? Because on top of work, and travelling and everything, I hardly get to see them anymore,” He comments, running a hand through his hair, “I just thought I’d have one night to enjoy myself.”
“I wanted you to be there Tom,” You sigh, “I was terrified. Do you know how humiliating it is to be talking to investors and have them question why the seat beside me was empty at dinner?”
He swallows and you watch as his Adam’s Apple bobs prominently, “It wouldn’t have made a difference to their opinion of you if I was there or not.”
You scoff, “Right, Tom,” You fold your arms like you’re closing him off from you, “But it would’ve made a difference to me. I wanted my boyfriend to be there to support me. But I guess not.”
That silences him. All of his arguments to defend himself seem to fall flat.
“You have to be at the studio for interviews in an hour, you should probably leave now,” You comment coldly, hardly glancing up from the floorboards as you speak, “I’ll see you later.”
He doesn’t have it in him to find the right words to respond with. Instead, he watches you walk into the room that you shared in this apartment before he finally drops his hope and packs up his things to leave. As he left, all he could think about was how much he’d held you in that room. How many times had the two of you shared a bed? Without him falling asleep on the sofa, or in a hotel halfway across the world. Without an argument meaning you turned your backs to each other after a hasty good night. All he could think of was wrapping his arms around you tightly and promising you that you’d wake up with them still tight around your torso. He’d give you a morning kiss and ask to stay with you like that forever, until life dragged you to your separate callings.
- - - - - -
He’s already been asked if he’s okay four times since he got here - all by different people. They all said that he didn’t seem like himself but he’d dismissed it as fatigue quickly. Chris seemed the most concerned as they both got their microphones connected for the interviews.
“You good, buddy?” Chris frowns, watching Tom like he was a brother to him whilst Tom blanks out.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Tom nods encouragingly, trying to force himself back to normal.
“You know we don’t have to go ahead if you’re not comfortable,” Chris points out, “I’ll do them alone if you-“
“Honestly man, I’m good, let’s go,” Tom shakes it off, heading out through to the first interview of the day.
These days were always pretty long - interview after interview that always seemed to hold similar questions or set ups. But you always managed to brighten them. You’d send him a text to check he’d got there okay, or you’d sent him a voice note to update him on your day so far. Especially recently as the two of you had moved into your apartment. His phone would normally be buzzing a thousand times as you sent him different photos of cute furniture that you’d managed to find. Today, he hadn’t heard anything.
He knew he was in the wrong about this whole situation with you. You were completely right to want him to be there with you. You’d always done the same for him - press events, charity nights, premieres. You’d been by his side for all of his major moments. And he’d managed to slip up on the one night where it mattered. He knew that this would matter more to you than if he’d missed your birthday, an anniversary, even a meal with your family. Your career? That was always a big thing for you, and so was having Tom there to support. So yeah, he’d fucked up. And he’d made things worse by being too proud to admit it.
“And what about you Tom?” The interviewer continues, focusing his attention on the boy that was hardly in the room.
“Oh, I’m sorry, could you repeat the question?”
- - - - - -
“Man, what’s with you today?” Chris frowns, “I don’t wanna be rude but you’re really not with it today.”
Tom sighs and rubs a hand over his face, “Just been a bit of a long day.”
“Well, we’ve got three left,” Chris encourages, “I’ll be my wonderful self and you can sit back and look pretty.”
Tom tries to laugh but it falls flat against the weight on his chest. He wanted to be home. He wanted to find a thousand ways of making this up to you so he could tell you once and for all that he would change and that he was wrong. Every passing moment increased his fears that, this time, he’d be too late.
“Alright so, a lot of fans sent in questions for this interview,” The woman explains, Tom hadn’t been alert enough to catch her name, “Chris, what was your favourite thing about working on this film?”
Chris chats away naturally going through his answer, making some sort of joke that Tom forces a laugh at.
“And Tom, a lot of questions came in for you,” The interviewer smiles, “How have things been for you and (Y/n) now that you guys have moved in together?”
His eyes fall at the mention of your name, trying his best to muster any composure he can find before he looks back up, “Um,” He stops.
It felt like everyone’s eyes were on him. The useless boyfriend acting as though everything had to be fine.
“Things are going great, thank you,” He tries to readjust in his chair and smile, “We’re settling in well.”
“And she’s been very busy with her business recently,” The interviewer persists relentlessly, “You guys must be so busy! How has that worked?”
Tom feels himself fight against the quivering of his bottom lip, “I’m sorry, excuse me.”
“Tom?” Chris speaks up, frowning at the sudden change in demeanour.
“I have to go,” Tom stumbles quickly, “I’m so sorry.”
The interviewer seems practically dumbfounded.
“I’m sorry, excuse me,” Tom tries to de-tangle himself from the microphone and step through the maze of cameras and crew around them.
His assistant watches on in horror - this would be a hard one to explain!
But Tom would deal with all of that later. He gets himself out of the room with rapid breathing as he starts hurrying down the corridors to try and get out of the building. To get home to you.
- - - - - -
He’s practically trembling on the taxi journey all the way back to the flat - he’s convincing himself of every possible negative outcome and telling himself a million times that it’s too late to rectify what he’s done. The thought alone causes adrenaline to surge through him.
When the cab pulls up outside of your building, he rushes to the penthouse like there’s fire behind his feet. But as soon as he reaches the door? All of that comes crashing down. And there’s an odd solemn nature that falls over him that he can’t manage to shift.
There’s soft music playing from inside the flat and he’s cautious as he unlocks the door. It’s quiet and calm but he’s certain that the aftermath of a storm is always worse than the storm itself. You’re always awaiting the next.
Tom walks through the flat calmly until he reaches the spare room. The two of you had used it as a very jumbled place for storage since you’d moved in and never really got round to organising. Clearly today you’d set that task for yourself.
“Hey,” He begins softly and it instantly makes you jump.
You hadn’t heard him over the music.
“What are you doing home?” You frown, checking the time, “I thought it wasn’t supposed to be for at least another hour.”
“Yeah I know,” Tom scratches at the back of his neck, “I left early.”
You frown once again, “What happened? Was everything okay?” You pause the song and focus solely on him.
“Um, yeah, listen (Y/n)...” He pauses, glancing over at the photo album in your hands, “What are you doing?”
“Just looking through some old photos,” You tuck some stray hairs behind your ears and it pains you that it’s not his hand to make the movement, “I got a bit distracted from clearing out.”
“Can I join you?”
You shift around on the floor to make room for him beside you and, as he’d asked, he comes to sit cross legged on the carpet next to you.
“Oh my god!” Tom picks up a photo from the floor, “This was from Halloween, what like 3 years ago?”
“Yeah,” You smile, “The avengers idea!”
Your eyes glance over the group of you - you were Black Widow, Tom was Hawkeye, Tuwaine: the Hulk, Harrison: Captain America, Harry was Iron Man and Sam was Thor. You’d never been so proud of yourselves when the idea actually came off well.
“Why didn’t you go as Spider-Man?” You frown, looking at another photo of the night.
He laughs, “We said we’d go as the original group!”
The laughter settles as you move onto another one, the two of you on your first holiday together. Tom had taken you to Barcelona for your birthday and it had been the most under planned trips ever. The hotel ended up misbooking you so you had to find somewhere last minute, your flights got mixed up too and Tom forgot to book the restaurant that he’d been planning for your actual birthday evening. But it couldn’t have been more perfect. You spent the evenings hand in hand around the streets, you found quaint little corner shops and cafes that sufficed to make the entire weekend something you’d never forget.
“God, I really fucked up with that one!” Tom shakes his head, flicking through a few failed photos that an old couple had taken of you two.
“No, don’t be silly,” You defend, “It was beautiful.”
He smiles lightly and the two of you immerse yourself in more photos, organising them into the years of memories that you’d made together over your relationship. You slot the final photo into an album and set it into the box with the others - one for each year.
“(Y/n) I’m really sorry,” Tom begins, evidently returning back to his initial reasoning for coming home, “I didn’t mean to miss that event, and I know it was completely stupid of me to forget. I should’ve spoken to you and told you what I was doing. And if I’d have remembered, I would’ve been there with you.”
You look down at your hands in your lap.
“I know I can’t blame this on my forgetfulness or just act like this was a silly, forgettable mistake, because it wasn’t. Darling, you’ve always been there for me, every event, every premiere, everything- you’re always by my side. And, on one night where I should’ve been doing the same, I was ignorant and didn’t think of you as much as I should’ve done. As much as I should always do,” He sighs, the frown between his brows increasing, “You don’t deserve to be treated like that. God, if I’d have been there, I would’ve been proud beyond belief of you, of everything you’re achieving. You melt my heart with how unbelievably proud you make me and it kills me that I didn’t show you that when I should’ve done.”
You reach over and squeeze his hand, “Tom, we’ll keep going around in circles if we keep talking about this.”
His mouth parts and it’s like you see his heart sink, “What are you saying?”
“Dance with me,” You mumble, reaching over to play the music through the speakers once again.
It’s ‘Falling’ from Harry Styles’ album that starts playing and it seems awfully bittersweet for the moment. It doesn’t exactly fit but you don’t care.
You pull Toms hands and wrap your arms around him as he does the same to you. He’s uncertain at first but soon relaxes into your body being against him. He holds you close and lets your head hear the calming beat of his heart against his chest. You take in a shaky breath and feel like you’re holding him close enough to mold him back into you, into every part of your body and your mind.
“I love you,” Tom whispers against your hair, dipping his head down to bring the words as close to you as possible.
It feels like the first time in forever where he says those words and they really sink into your veins like they did when they’d first left his lips.
And, somehow, it brings you back to everything that had ever mattered. Something you’d managed to almost lose. Us.
“I don’t want to lose this.”
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fan4196 · 4 years
Emergency Contact (Part 3)
Hey everyone here's the last part of this multi-chapter. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks again to @angry-slytherin for beta reading 💜
Three Halloweens later...
After a lot of annoying and begging, the Karevs are finally shopping for Halloween costumes. Their kids have been annoying them since the first of October, when Jo had decided to decorate for Fall. Big mistake! The minute her kids saw the pumpkin decoration and the leaves turning yellow, orange and red on their walks with the dog, they wanted to go costume shopping instantly. They definitely got their excitement for Halloween from Jo, she gave it to them. She loves Halloween. To be honest she loved every holiday when she was dating Alex back then. The one year, after Alex left, she hated the holiday seasons but then she got the twins and she loved it again. And now she loves it even more, because she finally feels like her family is whole.
After Alex meet the twins in the hospital back then, they kept asking Jo to see Mister Alex again. They went on a few trips together; to the park, the museum, the zoo... things that Alex and Jo would have never done if it would have been just them, but with her twins everything changed. After a year of just being friends and Alex doing everything to get Jo's trust back, they finally started dating again; which was much to the twins joy because they love Alex. On their first anniversary back together Alex proposed again, with the help of the twins and of course Jo said yes. And they got married again, third times the charm, right? Alex also legally adopted the twins too and a little over a year ago little Eden was born and made the Karevs complete. Jo loves to finally have a family to enjoy those lovely holiday times with. Alex on the other hand will totally deny it every time someone asks, but silently he does love all those holidays too. He always plays the grumpy dad, that doesn't care, but everyone knows that he secretly loves to dress up on Halloween too and he loves watching the kids opening their presents on Easter, their birthdays or Christmas. You can see this little smile on his lips and the sparkle in his eyes everytime he watches his kids.
So right now the Karevs are finally costume shopping which, to be honest, is pretty urgent because Halloween is tonight. Yes, even though Jo and Alex too, love getting all out, they are also busy surgeons and today was the first day in weeks, that they had time for shopping.
They decided to split up when they walked into the store to speed up the whole process a little bit; so Jo is looking for a costume with Parker and Eden and Alex got Emery.
He really loves his little girl to death but if there's one thing that she can't do then it's deciding. Maybe it's a girl thing or she took that over from Jo too, but Jo and Emery are crappy when it comes to making decisions.
They have been through almost every freaking aisle and she still hasn't found the perfect costume. She doesn't wanna be a Princess nor any kind of animal nor anything from Disney. After showing her, what felt like, every costume that the freaking store has, Alex quit and now just follows her through the store while she looks for something she likes.
With his mind is somewhere completely different he doesn't notice that his daughter stopped and he walks right into her.
"Ow, daddy. I'm standing here." She complaines, rubbing her head.
"I'm sorry, Princess. Did you find something you like?" He askes, hopefull to end this shopping trip very soon.
"This." She points towards a white suite kind of thing. Alex can't quite tell what it should be so he gets it out from the rack and holds it in front of him.
"You wanna be an Avenger?" He askes a little surprise. Normally Emery is the girliest girl he knows. If Jo wouldn't shop for her, everything in her closet would be pink with Disney and Unicorns. So he's quite surprised that she picks Black Widow instead of Elsa. But he's not complaining. If there's one thing he would never forbid his kids than it's anything connected to Marvel. He loves those movies himself so he's excited about his little girl sharing his passion.
"Yes daddy. Black Widow is a bad ass. I like how she kicks butts." Emery explaines excited, showing her daddy her best little 'Black Widow' kick.
"And daddy you could be the Hulk. And when you're angry I can calm you down. Because Black Widow can do that. She takes the Hulks hand and calms him down and than he's doctor Banner again. Did you know that?" She askes, looking at her daddy.
"I did, Emy." He answers his daughter contently.
"Daddy look! I'm gonna be Spider-Man!" His son shouts while running towards his dad and sister, holding the costume in his hands. Followed by Jo and Eden excited bouncing on her mother's hip.
"Look daddy! He's my favorite because my name is Parker too." His son squeals excited as he stops in front of his dad, showing of his costume.
"That's right buddy. As if your mommy knew that he's gonna be your favorite superhero." Alex answers, ruffling his sons hair.
"Mommy I'm gonna be Black Widow." Emery tells her mom, holding her costume proudly towards her mother.
"That's a great costume, Emy. So we're gonna have two Avangers then? Good choice, I love it." Jo answers her daughter with a smile.
"You know what, mommy? Maybe you should be Black Widow. You are better at calming daddy down. I can be Captain Marvel instead." Emery assures, pointing towards the red, blue and yellow costume on the rack .
"She wants me to be the Hulk." Alex explaines his confused looking wife.
"Ahh. That's actually a great idea, Emy. And if daddy doesn't want to be the Hulk, he can grab an old lab coat and just be doctor Benner." Jo suggestes, trying to find a compromise because she knows that Alex would be grumpy and complain about having to paint himself green, all night long.
"Sure. I can be doctor Benner." Alex answers, accepting the compromise. His kids jumping in excitement, even the smallest Karev.
"And what does Eden want to be?" Jo asks the little girl on her hip, kissing her ear to make her giggle.
"She could be Nick Fury. He's also bald like her." Parker suggestes, with a cheeky grin.
"Parker! That wasn't nice." Jo disciplines her son with an disappointed gaze, which makes him immediately apologize.
"I'm sorry." He says quietly.
"Mommy uncle Link could be Thor. We should call uncle Link and ask if they wants to join the Avangers. Please." Emery asks with big brown puppy dog eyes.
"Sure." Jo answers to her daughters joy, handing Eden to Alex, Jo gets her phone out of her purse and calls her friend.
"Uncle Link is in. They are gonna be Thor, Jane and Loki." Jo proclaims after her call with Link. Her kids again jumping up and down in excitement.
"But we are still stuck. What should Eden be?" Alex adds, tickling the fourteen months old belly, which makes her giggle and slamming her arms at der daddy's chest.
"She could be baby Hulk, because if Black Widow and the Hulk had a baby it would be a baby Hulk, right?" Their daughter suggestes, like the little smart ass she is.
"Alright looks like we finally have costumes." Jo announces happyly. "Avengers!-"
"-assemble!" Their kids scream happyly. Running towards the checkout.
@doc-pickles @odd-birds-and-booksellers
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Thin Line
Summary: You’re wild and free. She’s strict and trained. You and Natasha are polar opposites and it drives her crazy. Each move you make annoys her to no end. But, there’s a thin line between annoyance and adoration.
Rating: 18+ Violence, Mentions of Death, and Smut
Chapter 2
The next week passes uneventfully, minus you being on edge. You hadn’t forgotten the red head’s words. Being benched is not at all what you wanted. 
If anything you wanted to impress the infamous Black Widow. The team loves working with you and you enjoyed your time with them. When you got assigned to work with Romanoff you just knew you’d win her over, resulting in the whole team liking you. That didn’t happen however. 
Instead you pissed her off doing the one thing you’re good at: kicking ass.
Now though, you try distracting yourself by training. Each time your fist connected with the punching bag or your muscles tightened you felt the tension roll of your shoulders. 
But that lasted all of an hour, the ringing of your phone pulls you from your distraction.
“Y/L/N.” You answer breathless. 
“Agent Y/L/N Director Fury is requesting to see you.”
Knowing better than to protest, despite your nerves, you agree and immediately get ready.
With the help of one of Tony’s fancy Audi′s you make it to Fury’s meet up spot in no time. 
The mysterious man leans against the only table in the empty warehouse, leveling you with a stoic expression.
“Well if it isn’t the big boss man.” You smile and approach him.“ To what do I owe the nondescript meet up.”
He crosses his arms,“ you made quite the impression with Miss Romanoff.”
You have to reign in your expression, not wanting to appear afraid to the man in front of you.
“Well they say first impressions are everything.” 
His expression doesn’t change.
“She’s not happy with you and when she’s not happy the team notices which effects team morale.” He speaks again before he can reply.“ Which means you need to fix things, now.”
“Yeah, and how am I supposed to do that? Miss Stone Cold Assassin doesn’t exactly want to befriend me.”
Nick’s eye narrows,“ try toning it down Agent.”
Sending a shocked gaze to Nick, you reply,“ toning it down isn’t my thing. I get the job done more than satisfactorily and I have fun while doing it. How about I just keep my distance from Romanoff and you only assign me to work with the boys. They get me.”
“Oh the boys get you do they?” His tone is completely sarcastic and his expression alone tells you he’s done discussing.“ That’s cute, except I don’t care.You and Natasha have just been assigned.”
Your eyebrows raise,“ come on Fury,” you groan,“ give me a break. You saw how unhappy she was with our first mission and I’m almost positive you know she ripped me a new one when we got back to the compound. Just,” you sigh,“ I don’t know, assign Clint instead.”
“It sounds a lot like you’re trying to give me an order.”
You stiffen instantly. No, you aren’t scared of Nick Fury, but you do respect him. What you just did, wasn’t all that respectful. 
“Alright, I’ll work with Romanoff.” He raises a brow.“ And I’ll tone it down.”
With a quick smirk, he nods, hands you the mission file, and sends you on your way. 
You know Natasha knows because the second you enter the compound she’s waiting for you. 
She leans against the back of the couch clad in a tank top and the yoga pants, a sheen of sweat sitting on her skin. Most definitely just came from training.
You can’t help but take in her figure, eyes lingering on her exposed midriff and down the curve of her hips.
For those few seconds you can’t possibly deny how stunning she is. Obviously, right? It’s Natasha Romanoff. The one woman who could pull off look, as far as you were concerned. 
By the time you refocus, it’s too late.
“Typical that you’re not listening.” She scoffs, eyes rolling and arms crossing.
It’s the hardest thing ever to not be distracted again as her arms push her breast up.
“Sorry I was distracted.” You frown.
Her eyes narrow,“ and what exactly has you so distracted?”
Right, cause you’re just going to admit that her body is what distracted you. She hates you already, pretty sure that wouldn’t play well.
“Nothing.” You run a hand through your hair.“ What were you saying?”
She’s silent for a moment, eyes searching yours. Painted in those green eyes is irritation, toward you obviously. But there’s the faintest hint of curiosity in them. She wants to know what distracted you, just as much as she wants to hit you for ignoring her.
“Wheels up in twenty.” She finally says, turning and leaving.  
After you’ve finished packing you head out your room to the waiting Quinjet. 
Natasha isn’t there yet, so you take a moment to read over the mission file. 
The more you read the more anxious you get. 
While there is no exact time stamp on the file, it’s clear this is going to be more than an over night type of mission. If previous missions like this told you anything, you know you’re going to be staying with Natasha for a stint of time.
Just as your thoughts start to linger on the idea of being with Natasha closely overnight, she comes up the ramp of the Quinjet. 
For some reason you expect her to be in uniform but she’s opted out of wearing the black Kevlar, instead choosing a pair of black joggers and a matching hoodie.
A quippy remark instantly readies itself in your head, but you refrain from saying it. Deciding to just read as much of the mission file as possible. 
The entire flight is silent. 
You never thought silence could be overbearing but it is. It looms over you and makes you feel uneasy. 
It was never like this with the guys, you would chat with them about almost anything on the flights. Hell, when you were with Tony or Clint it’s safe to say you had a jam session, music blasting through the Quinjet as you guys prepared for the mission. 
This though, this was awkward. It’s like Natasha didn’t even want to look at you. 
She placed herself at the pilot’s seat long before take off and hadn’t moved, even after she turned on autopilot. 
It’s like a breath of fresh air when the jet lands in a clearing. The second the doors open you’re stepping out. 
The clearing provides the perfect coverage for the jet and a quick glance around clarifies that you two will be walking a bit before you get to the safe house.
On the walk over, you don’t allow an awkward silence to settle.
“So, uh,” you pause,“ I wanted to uh, apologize-”
“Save it.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” You chuckle in disbelief. 
“You’re only apologizing because Fury told you to. You’re not actually sorry for your actions which means that apology is useless.”
Just like that, despite your efforts, awkward silence ensues. 
It even carries into the safe house, which is just a covertly placed cabin in the woods.
A really nice cabin at that. Under extremely different circumstances you’d have called it romantic. 
You and Natasha go to your temporary bedrooms and you reemerge before she does. 
With the late hour you decide to make dinner. Courtesy of Tony Stark, the kitchen is fully stocked and you use the expanse of ingredients to make the one dish you perfected: spaghetti. 
The scent alone intrigues the Russian red head and brings her out of hiding. Despite the stoic expression on her face, you see the intrigue in her eyes the closer she gets. 
You notice in this moment that she’s not all that great at hiding her emotions. Or at least she hasn’t been with you. Or you’re just good at seeing behind the mask she puts up with everyone.
Making two plates of the pasta, you slide one to the spot Natasha is standing at and then set a glass of water next to it.
She eyes the plate and then looks at you.
“What?” You raise an eyebrow, then decide to jokingly ask,“ water not fancy enough? Would you prefer a Sparkling Water or a glass of wine instead?”
Green eyes narrow at you,“ do you have wine?” Her sultry tone accompanies a raised brow. 
You stumble over a response, as you don’t know. But you go in search of wine, and find it. But what else did you expect from one Tony Stark then to have wine at a mission safe house. 
“Surprise surprise. Apparently Tony knows what you like.” You comment, grabbing a wine glass and setting it beside the water.
Moving slowly, as if she were debating whether to stay or not, Natasha sits. Her gaze follows your every move.
Each second she watches you, you feel more and more flustered. 
Part of you wonders if her eyes are watching dangerously, sizing you up in case she has to ‘otherwise incapacitate you’. The other part of you wonders if her eyes watch you as your eyes had watched her earlier, taking in your appearance and loving every bit of it. 
You can admit that both parts in whole feel like prey. 
Shaking it off, you pour her wine and then grab your own plate. 
Much like every other moment with her today, it’s silent. Words aren’t spoken and apart from forks clashing on plates there’s no sound.
That’s a stark contrast to how the next morning goes. 
The mission required recon. Simple recon. Check out the enemies base, size up the threat, figure out the best possible point of entry. All things were supposed to be covert.
Supposed to be.
Honestly, neither you or Natasha are sure what happened. One second you were hidden on a nearby hill, out of sight, out of mind. The next you were fighting through a barrage of enemies.
The outside of the base was littered with bodies. Unsurprisingly it got easier with each take down.
“So, our covers blown, what’d you say we finish this up now.” You jab a fist straight into the throat of the nearest bad guy.“ Get in, get the data, get out. I think we could handle that.”
For a brief second you make eyes with Natasha across the field and quirk in eyebrow in question.
You hear her sigh, followed by the grunt of the guy she took down,“ fine. But we go in the way we planned.”
“I hope you don’t mean covertly cause losing these guys is going to be a pain in the ass.”
“Get your ass to the roof Y/L/N.”
After handling the nearest guys, you and Natasha make quick work of getting to the roof and into the facility. That’s where things took a turn for the worst.
At first it was easy enough, you got in, got the information, but there were more bad guys than you expected. 
It worried you instantly and for the first time in your career you doubted your decision. No because you aren’t skilled enough, not because this is new to you. You doubt yourself because you’re not alone. 
This time around there’s someone else to worry about. Someone who, despite not having known her long, you care about.
“Hey Nat you-” you’re cut off when a bullet whiz pass you, leaving a very noticeable gash across your forehead.“ Ass.” You grunt and shoot him, twice for good measure. 
“Now’s not the time Y/L/N.”
“No, I was gonna say, maybe we should-” Once again you’re cut off, but this time it’s because of Natasha.
Her grunt of pain followed by quick breaths in.
Your eyes survey the area and you don’t find Natasha. You do see the influx of bad guys headed in a particular direction. 
Moving as quickly as possible, you get to her, eliminating the immediate threat as quickly as possible. 
You see the blood before you see the wound, yet and still, your heart drops when you take in the bullet wound.
“Shit, hang on Nat.” The nickname slips from your mouth with ease, so much ease that you don’t pay any mind to it.
A couple more bad guys later and your kneeling beside the bleeding red head, applying pressure to her injury. 
Those green eyes start to droop and you curse.
“Natasha, hey, keep your eyes open alright.” Your voice is starting to sound panicky. 
Blood leaves her wound rapidly and it makes your heart pound in your chest. You nearly rip your jacket off, removing your shirt, and wrapping it around Natasha’s torso. Once it’s tied tight enough you put your jacket back on and turn to handle the last of the threat.
There’s only a few enemies left, which you can handle, but you’d much rather be tending to Natasha. 
You run out of bullets just as the last guy comes charging at you. He’s much bigger than the other guys. 
“Oh fuck off.” You groan and charge him. 
Jumping up, you kick your feet straight into his chest and he stumbles and falls back. You take that quick second to throw a knife between his eyes. 
Chest heaving with uneven breaths you hasten over to Natasha. Her eye’s flutter as she struggles to keep them open. 
“Alright pretty girl, let’s get you outta here.” You mumble and scoop Natasha into your arms. 
You instantly feel her blood against your skin, already having soaked through your shirt. It makes you move faster, the worry doing wonders to your adrenaline.
By the time you make it back to the safe house Natasha is completely unconscious and the second you lay her down you search for a pulse. Luckily you find one. It’s weaker than it should be, but you know she won’t die. 
You make quick work of cleaning, sterilizing, and dressing her wound.Then moving her into her bed and pulling a shirt over her body. 
The adrenaline wears off the second you step out her room. Your shoulders sag and you can’t help but stare at the blood on the floor. Natasha’s blood. 
It’s in that moment that you understand completely why Natasha is so pissed at you. Your actions are stupid and reckless. 
What you did today got her hurt. 
As you clean the mess of her injuries you instill in yourself at that moment to never ever be the cause of her hurt. Because you hated seeing her like that. She looked so fragile, paler than usual due to blood loss, and broken. 
Your thoughts finally quiet as sleep creeps up on you. Worry still plaguing you, you slip back into Natasha’s room and slide on to the floor beside her bed.
“You better wake up Romanoff.” You mumble before allowing yourself to sleep.
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veroniicaflores · 4 years
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task 001: character introduction.
(admin tangerine, 21, est) ☼ who’s that hottie, standing outside the love hotel? it’s VERONICA FLORES, a BISEXUAL CIS FEMALE, who looks a lot like NATHALIE KELLEY! NIKKI’s insta bio says SHE is a STYLIST and is looking for a fun time this summer. SHE is into DADDY KINK & GROUP SEX, but not into SCAT & BLOOD PLAY. by the way, SHE reminds me of ORANGE POPSICLES & COLORFUL SUNSETS.
quick infos:
full name: veronica eleanor rosemary flores (i swear i have never watched dynasty EVER and i was told this is the last name of nat’s character.... too late)
dob: august 23rd 1988 (she’ll turn 31 this year)
pob: las vegas, nevada.
kinks: daddy***/mommy kink, mild roughness,  group sex, public sex, receiving oral (eat her out good and she’ll marry you... too soon) although she enjoys giving oral to girls and/or strap-ons/dildos, mutual masturbation, nipple play, hair pulling squirting, spanking, consensual somnophilia.
anti kinks: blood play, wax play, electric stimulation, bondage, very rough sex, scat, foot play, humiliation & extreme anal (fingering and butt plugs are fine, but there will be very rare anal sex).
3 favorite things: dancing naked at 2am to some electronic music or old rock songs, italian gelato (she’d give you a handjob for a raspberry gelato) & puppies videos on instagram.
3 things she hates: spiders or bugs of any sorts (excluding spider man or ant man or black widow wink wink), people who lack of respect & compassion, bad hair days.
+2 positive traits: easygoing & compassionate
-2 negative traits: gullible & jealous
wanted connections:
ex-husband: idk where i’m going with this, but i have a feeling this would be so interesting if he’d come back to the hotel and they’d reconnect after a few years of being apart and not speaking. bonus points for high sexual tension and cute stuff! 
daddy and/or mommy: just that “caring, loving but also can please all your needs” vibe. spoiler alert, she won’t be the mommy, she’s too much of a sub for that.
femme fatale: just a woman, preferably younger whom nikki just can’t resist. someone with dominant tendencies. or someone around her age too! 
friends with benefits: GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 
sexual tension: it says it all. 
childhood + teenage years + early twenties:
only child of a loving family of restaurant owners, veronica inherited the best conditions to become a traditional girl from a just as typical and traditional family. she was loved by her parents, she loved them. she learned to cook at a very young age and had a noticeable talent. she was the preppy girl from the picture perfect family. she had a dog, alfredo, that she rescued from the streets and who became her only friend for most of her childhood.
in high school, she bonded with a pair of twin siblings who came from a completely different background. from what she knew, their parents were big gamblers and lost most of their savings in casino nights. these people had that edge and gave that down to earth vibe nikki admired yet could not completely comprehend. they were a dynamic trio that balanced one another perfectly. jack (npc) was a total artist who encouraged nikki to express herself, valerie (npc) was very analytical and had a talent at reading through nikki while nikki herself was that sweet figure who was easy to please and could easily please everyone.
when they graduated, valerie confessed she had no idea what she would be doing with her future with no money at all. they were sitting in nikki’s family restaurant and drinking beer in cask with nostalgia and a part of sadness. jack had big plans, he found an apartment in san francisco and wanted to become a graphic designer. nikki, however, was torn between taking over the family business or making a living of her own. that was when valerie drunkenly suggested to work at one of the newly opened strip clubs nearby their neighborhood.
so she did.
she turned 18 when she realized she had lost so many years to living in a mold she no longer fit in. she was more than just preppy church outfits and cooking sundays with her mother, she was more than a daddy’s girl who washed tables when the restaurant was closed. what did adults always say? a good education promised a good future, so, veronica applied to the college of southern nevada for a degree in communications with a minor in women’s studies. she had no idea where she was heading, but it was a start.
her parents contributed by driving from class to home every day, they paid her more adult looking clothing and they finally gave her the freedom she never knew she needed until she reached majority.
although jack disappeared from her life, valerie remained very present. they did as they agreed and found a job at a high end strip club in vegas. they made good money instantly without having to do nasty stuff nikki had never been introduced to. within a few months, they saved enough to get matching tattoos, new jewelry and pay for valerie’s apartment. the club provided a living area a few blocks away, but valerie felt better living on her own. nikki tried to mingle and fit in with the other girls, but they were too different. maybe it was the education, maybe it was the background, but the trashy side of this job did not interest the italian girl more than that.
veronica worked as a stripper during college until she graduated with a degree that would soon become irrelevant and useless. with contribution from her parents who never even judged her for her job (it was true nikki did tell them it was just a dancing studio) and with her savings, veronica moved out of nevada and headed to california.
she worked in clothing stores, in malls and eventually in expensive boutiques. the other sellers and all the clients noticed she had a talent for matching outfits, accessories and every details making sure the person who wore them would be at their best. eventually, she started doing this as a side line. she promoted her skills on social media and got quite the hype. she worked for magazines and influencers. she became a private stylist as well. no rest for the wicked! 
along the way, she met the man who would become her husband. they really had a perfect marriage. being career driven and uncertain of being able to meet her parents’ expectations, she could not lie to herself. the marriage ended in a peaceful and respectful divorce. she is still convinced he is the love of her life. 
at 26, she started a youtube channel when she became a bit bored of her casual job. on her channel (youtube.com/user/floralpatternslover), she does a lot of hauls, diy accessories, storytimes, recipe tutorials and various challenges. she has 2 millions subscribers and just as many instagram followers. nikki lives off of that more nowadays. she tries to post at least once a week on youtube to keep the ad revenue coming. 
she makes a lot of money, but she really doesn’t act like it. she thrives on late night trips to 7/11 or on dollar store snacks and stuff. she gives a lot of money back to charity, and clothes back to other organizations as well. similar to chris klemens, 
BIGGEST SUB AND BABY ENERGY YOU HAVE EVER MET. she’s just... so willing and vulnerable, it’s crazy. make sure your muse can handle that!
she will never take the lead, or, well, almost never. if she feels really needy, she might initiate things and suggest certain positions and actions, but otherwise, you choose and she obeys.
she works with clothes all the time, love clothes, sleeps on her bed covered with clothes because she’s too lazy to put them back in her walk-in closert... yet she would live naked 24/7 if she could. she goes from 0 to 100 real quick when it comes to exhibitionism!
she LOVES sex. passionate sex. sex for sex. group sex. watching sex. she’s really into it. it takes her mind off everything else. 
once again i repeat i have never watched dynasty and now i’m playing two fcs from the show TALK ABOUT A COINCIDENCE i’m sorry about the last name thing, i just thought it fit 
alsoooooo i was very attached to lea as a fc generally, but especially for nikki. it was hard choosing someone else :( i hope nathalie can fit!
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kita-lavellan · 4 years
Beyond The Veil Discord OC-Asks
We have an OC-Question-Time channel on our Beyond The Veil Discord, and I keep forgetting to Copy/Paste my answers from there to here, so I’m about to do a single large post! To those of you still waiting on answers from my Ask Box, I’ll get to them I promise ^_^
Q. Why might someone dislike them? For kita -- From @rivainisomniari A. She's stubborn. She knows she's stubborn, but Kita doesn't often realise when she's crossing the line from stubborn to just being bull-headed. Nel, her sister, is often the one to call her on this behavior and force her to back down.
Q. What Hogwarts House would they be in? -- From @rivainisomniari A. Kita would be a Ravenclaw
Q. When bored, how do they pass time? For Kita -- From @rivainisomniari A. Running. Kita loves running. As a child she would spend hours running through the forests and wilds with Nel. She misses it while at Haven, but once they reach Skyhold she often runs around the battlements, people getting out of her way with the assumption she is rushing to speak to an advisor.
Q. When publishing a book it is wise to make comparisons with well known published works, to help a publisher see your understanding of the market, and also to help them decide on the best way to market your manuscript. So, that thought in mind, whom can you compare (from other popular media) your OCs too? -- From @mrstethras A. Oh nice question!! Kita is a cross between Elsa from Frozen, Loki (Marvel) and someone I'd LIKE to be :D ... Ghilana Mahariel, my Warden, is a bit of a blend with Natasha Romanova (Black Widow from Marvel), and Rupunzel from Disney's Tangled...  Malia Hawke is a Self Insert, but with a dash of Killian Jones from Once Upon A Time for some sassy Hawke-Sarcasm
Q. What do they value most in others? -- From @noire-pandora A. Honesty! Kita would rather you outright tell her you don't want to speak about something than LIE about it.
Q. Who is your inquisitor's best friend in the Inquisition?  -- From @rivainisomniari A. Kita's favourite people are Dorian, Leliana and Varric. Dorian wormed his way into her heart very quickly by being so protective of her during the Redcliff mission. She found it amusing, but also sweet and endearing, and the whole mission was a fast-bonding experience for the pair. Watching Leliana be willing to die for her to, washed away the wariness and caution Kita had carried for the inquisition up until that point, but especially for Leli when the woman was so clear in telling her she would do it again, once they're back in their proper time. Varric was the first person, after her sister, to ask how SHE was, which made a soft spot for him, and honestly, who can't like Varric eventually?
Q. Is there any situation in which they would make a deal with a demon? -- From @noire-pandora A. Tough one! Kita has always been very connected to the Fade and the spirits within! She would probably barter and/or bargain with a spirit, because she is familiar with in her interactions with them, demons are still spirits but corrupted, so she would probably either avoid them or try to help them, especially after she learns more about spirits and the Fade from Solas throughout the Inquisition timeline.
Q. Name one big flaw for your ocs? -- From @mrstethras A. Kita is slow to trust others, especially humans. She is aware that she distrusts people outside of her clan, but Kita doesn’t see it as a flaw, simply being cautious. Sometimes overly cautious, but she tries to balance her distrust with logic where she can. Ghilana's automatic response to someone showing any interest in her is to be abrasive, abrupt, and rude. She doesn't give people the benefit of the doubt, or chances, if they want her companionship they need to work at it and/or earn it. She comes across as a cold-hearted bitch, but if you persevere and crack that outershell she's a marshmallow. Malia's flaw is thinking she could have stopped or prevented anything and everything that goes wrong around her. Usually something Lydia has done, that she feels she could have predicted and avoided.
Q. Do they have any family? -- From @rivainisomniari A. Kita has her sister, Nel (@mrstethras‘ Character) and their grandmother, Deshana, other than that, no. their father died when they were young, and their mother died during the War Table mission/attack on wycomb. Ghilana doesn't have any family that she knows of. Her father was killed by humans and city elves, and her mother wandered into the forest never to return when she was a baby. Ashalle raised her, and she considers the woman family, but she's not blood family. Malia has her older sister, @mrstethras‘ Hawke, Lydia. There's also her brother Carver and her sister Bethany, both of whom survive the trip to Kirkwall.
Q. Are they close to their family? -- From @randomfallout4posts A. Kita is VERY close to Nel. She was fairly close to Deshana, but felt like she had to keep some of her magical talents hidden from the woman, because they weren't strictly "normal". Once she was able to be more free with herself with the Inquisition, and with Solas and Nel in particular away from the Clan, she began to feel less close to her grandmother and more judged for the ease with which she communed with spirits. Ghilana is not particularly close with her family. She struggles with the idea that Ashalle is not her "real" mother, and feels guilty for thinking like that. Tamlen was the closest thing she had to a 'real' family in her mind, and she had to abandon him, it took her a long time to begin to trust Briar and Alistair and instantly latched onto the first elf she saw with tattoo's (Zevran). He becomes her family, and as soon as the Darkspawn Threat is under control, she follows him to Antiva to kick his ass for being gone for so long. Malia... *sigh* She is SUPER close with Lydia, and despite being the younger of the two, she feels responsible for the other girl, especially since Lydia  struggles with their father's death the most. Having no one older to share her magical talents with was difficult too and so Malia did her best to support and back up Lydia as much as she could. She struggled to connect with Carver, and they disagree on a lot of things, but they love each other despite it and they bond particularly closely during the battle of Ostagar, helping each other survive what was otherwise a slaughter of epic proportions. Malia adores Bethany, and coddles the younger girl, giving her anything and everything she can. She picked up pick-pocketing to buy Bethany birthday presents, and it's how she fond her way to learning a rogue's skill set. Malia does not get on with her mother, and often goes out of her way to annoy the woman so that Leandra will aim her vitriol at Malia instead of Lydia.
Q. Where's their favourite place to be kissed? -- From @mrstethras A. Kita loves the tips of her ears being nibbled on, and the junction where neck becomes shoulder. Ghilana loves the back of her neck being kissed, especially once her hair grows out and Zev has to push it out of the way to reach it. Also kisses trailing down her spine. Malia ends up a shivering wreck if her hips and thighs get kissed, but also the palm of her hand while her eyes are locked with her lovers.
Q. Your OC’s favourite pastimes when they're not gallivanting, murdering or hunting Dread Wolves? -- From @mrstethras A. For Kita; Running, Reading, and/or singing. Post Trespasser she's learning how to control using a god damned foci, and pretending to be dead, but that's an essay for another time Ghilana's favourite pastime used to be huntng... until she had to spend the whole blight hunting for their party since no one else knew how. How her favourite pastime is annoying Brair, and sitting quietly/stargazing, while Zev braids and/or plays with her hair. Malia's favourite pastime used to be pick pocketing the Templars and Chantry Sisters and redistributing the wealth amongst the citizens of Lothering. Once they reached Kirkwall, she enjoyed hanging out with her friends, and helping them with what they were doing, when she had time. Keeping the patients at Anders clinic entertained until he could see them. Helping Merrill go shopping. Helping Fenris rearrange the furniture in the mansion etc.
Q. Name one regret of your OC’s?  -- From @mrstethras A. Kita: Not going to Wycome herself and keeping her mother safe. Also, for not doing/saying/being enough so that Solas could feel he could trust her. Ghilana: Not insisting that she search for Tamlen. Ghilana regrets letting Duncan talk her into leaving with him immediately. Malia has lots of regrets, but the biggest one is that she didn't push Anders for more answers, when she knew the ingredients he'd collected were intrinsic components for an explosive.
Q. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? -- From @randomfallout4posts​ and @silvanils​ A. For a modern Elf, Kita is Tall. She's on the upper end of the height range for MALE elves at 5'8.... having said that, it's one of the first things that draws her attention about Solas, he's one of the only elves she's ever met taller than her, and he's taller than her by a fair margin. // Kita is tall for a modern elf. Tall for a MALE modern elf. Ghilana is small, around 5'1 and slight. She can, almost literally, hide behind a tree. It helps with her stealth abilities, and her speed, but it's why she focused mainly on a bow to keep a distance from stronger opponents. Zev fixes that, telling her she needs to know how to defend herself, and teacher her to dual weild daggers.  // Ghilana is average for a female modern elf, but she comes across as looking smaller because she's slight as well. Malia is average, around 5'6/7. A little taller than her older sister, but not by much. // Malia is average for a human female.
Q. Has Varric given them a nickname? If yes what is it and how did they get it? -- From @this-basic-mage​ A. Varric HAS given Kita a Nickname ^_^ It's Satina! She's a night owl, and so often wanders Skyhold late. Plus her whole colour's/aesthetics are blues and silvers.... Satina is, also, canonically the name of Thedas' moon. Malia finds it hilarious the Varric calls her sister simply "Hawke" and it annoys Lydia no end when he starts giving Malia the nickname "Copper". She's considered a bit of a "bad penny" by many, especially whenshe spends a lot of her time in Darktown, and is known to be a prolific pickpocket, but Varric also chose the name because of the burnished copper undertones to her otherwise dark brown hair.
Q. Pick any god from greek/norse pantheons for your o.c to "be" -- From @rivainisomniari​ A. I'm not sure I know enough about mythology off the top of my head to say for most of them. Kita has some Loki in her, with her playfulness and love of wolves (even before the whole Fen'Harel reveal, she's always admired the Emerald Knights) Ghilana would be Athena, goddess of the hunt. Owls for nightime and stargazing, and the stealth aspects of her character etc. Not sure who Malia would be. Is there a mythological god or goddess of chaos and disaster OTHER than Loki?
Q. Since the game has them: A tarot card for your o.cs. -- From @rivainisomniari​ A. After some research, I think Kita would be the High Priestess, meaning Intuitive, unconscious inner voice. Ghilana would be the Hierophant Reversed, meaning Rebellion, subversivness and new approaches. Malia would be the Tower, meaning sudden upheaval, broken pride, and disaster. Research Source: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list
Q. What is it that drew y'all's OC’s to their LIs? -- From @bratwurstprophecy​ A. Tough one because it was me drawn to Solas before Kita was. I think it was the way Solas almost immediately told Cassandra that Kita couldn't have opened the breach. She read it as an elf defending an elf, a mage defending a mage, and it made her respect him very quickly. His opinions on the Dalish were painful but didn't surprise her. At the Keeper's first she's been to the meetings of the clans and knew how unwelcoming some of the other clans were towards outsiders, but it made her want to show him not all Dalish were like that... then she began talking magic and the fade and spirits with him, and a lot of his opinions on those aligned with what she'd always felt but had been told was wrong, and that was it, she was basically a goner. Ghilana was drawn to Zev, despite the fact he tried to kill her, because he was the first elf she'd seen since leaving her clan, and she figured he might be useful, help her hunt for the party (Ahahahhahaha). His warmth and easy going attitude though is what endeared him to her, he easily let her abrasiveness roll off him, and that was something she'd encountered only rarely and valued highly. Malia saw a lot of her sisters in Anders, a mage run ragged hiding from the Chantry, but still a kind soul wanting to help. She wanted to help him, to find a way to separate him from Justice so neither of them became corrupted in spite of their mutual good intentions. She can often seen the glimpses of the man he was before he merged with Justice, and while she loves him as he is, she wishes she could see more of the lighthearted and playful man he was before because it's those glimpses of gentle care and humor that draw her in like a moth to a flame.
Q. What's your OC's favorite food? -- From @randomfallout4posts​ A. For Kita Lavellan, an Elfroot based stew her mother used to make, and Lemon flavored frilly cakes from Val Royeux For Malia Hawke , she never thought she's miss it, but a simple ferelden vegetable pie brings back happier memories of family meals with her siblings and both her parents in their cosy kitchen in Lothering. Ghilana Mahariel used to love roasted rabbit, but she hunted and cooked so many of them during the 5th blight she now can't stomach the sight of them. She loves exploring antivan spices, and the different flavors they can make when being mixed together in different combinations, and on different meats, so although it's not a "food", Antivan Spices would be her answer.
Q. CAFFEINE. I must know what your ocs first reaction to coffee was. For inquisitors, their first taste was likely when Bull offers it in the Storm Coast, unless they came from noble roots and got lucky. -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita firmly believes that coffee is a creation of the gods. Perhaps Ghilan'nain. It finally means she can stay awake long enough to get through the stacks of paperwork that Josephine keeps leaving on her desk, and still have enough energy to go and fall asleep read a book on Solas' couch. Ghilana doesn't drink it, unless Zevran serves it up with a metric tonne of sugar, and at least half the cup being made up of milk. Malia Hawke takes coffee as part of her regular morning ritual, but only if she makes it herself. Too many times has she picked up her sister, Lydia’s, coffee, only to splutter on the strong taste of whiskey or rum that's been added to it.
Q. If you could use a song (or entire album if you like) to sum up one of your OCs in terms of personality and whatnot, or even just similar vibes, what would it be? -- From @bratwurstprophecy​ A. Kita Lavellan would get the Frozen 2 Soundtrack, but specifically "Into The Unknown" or "Show Yourself"
Q. The most important oc / otp question: Who shares their thinmints and who tells the other to go heck off? -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita would share, and Solas would not. We know he has a sweet tooth! Between Malia and Anders, I think both of them would share. They both know what it's like to go without, and how a little treat can bring someone's mood up. As for Ghilana, Zev would spoil her with all sorts of exotic foods and sweet treats, and Ghilana would not share them (even if he asked) ;-)
Q. If your oc was in a modern time (or if they're brave as heck in da times) do they have any (non-vallaslin) tats or piercings, and if so, where? -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita would not have a tattoo. Apart from the fact her mother really doesn't like them, Pre-Crestwood her Vallaslin are important and meaningful and she wouldn't want to take away from their importance by getting just 'another tattoo'. Post-Crestwood, when she knows that the Vallaslin were slave markings, she wouldn't want to be permanently marked in that way again. Ghilana does have other tattoo's besides her Vallaslin, all of which were done by Zevran. He has given her a vine that wraps around her ankle and curls up her leg with little symbols hanging from it, like charms, each charm marking an important event in their life together. Zev has also tattooed matching bands on their ring fingers, instead of wearing rings. Ghilana also has one ear pierced, to wear the earring Zev gave her during the 5th blight. It's the only piece of jewellery she regularly wears. Malia Hawke does not have any tattoo's or piercings. Her philosophy is that she does through enough pain without subjecting herself to more of it willingly.
Q. Wood smoke or ocean breeze? -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita hates the smell of the ocean. She got seasick on her way from the Freemarches to Ferelden, and the salt air always makes her feel a little queasy now. Woodsmoke on the other hand is food, and warmth and comfort and she misses the perfume of crackling pinewood. Ghilana has always loved woodsmoke smell, but when she travels with Zev and on her Grey Warden duties, she learns to love the smell of the ocean. Malia Hawke can take or leave woodsmoke. It's not terrible but after fleeing Lothering with the village burning behind her it has some difficult memories attached to the scent. Living in Kirkwall though, the fresh sea air waking her every morning was something she grew to love.
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wolfdeamonghoul · 5 years
It should have been me
Summary: Bucky and you had a good relationship, until he felt like didn’t need you anymore and so he breaks up with you and starts dating Natasha soon after. It only takes seeing you walking down the isle, saying your ‘i dos’ to someone else for him to realize his mistake.
Warnings: angst. A lot of it.
AN: this idea has been in my head for awhile and so here I am sharing it with you all. Enjoy! ❤️
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“Babe, this is one long ass list. Are you sure?” Bucky asked glancing up at the redhead who had just given him a piece of paper that held things he needed to get. “James Buchanan Barnes,” Natasha Romanoff Warned him. “You better get that shit from the list if you don’t want to see the wrath of the Black Widow.” She snapped angrily.
Sighing in defeat, Bucky nodded letting out a chuckle, “ok ok, doll, I got it.” He kissed her cheek quickly, “I’ll see you tonight, ok?” His smile made the former spy melt instantly, who would have thought that sort of thing would ever happen to her though? What a crazy world...
“Go.” She couldn’t fight back the smile that tugged at her lips anymore. The ex Winter Soldier laughed. “Ok, babe, I got it.”
The sun was already setting by the time Bucky had finished the list. Due to getting sidetracked by some children around him wanting an autograph. Which he wouldn’t disappoint them to. He loved how he had fans.
“Sheesh, I can’t believe I took that long.” He laughed pulling up his hoodie as he picked up the brown paper bags that they had given to him. Walking out of the store with them in his arms. Since his motorcycle was in the shop and Nat would have killed him if he used her car and considering that it was the middle of summer. How could he not refuse to just walk around, enjoying the fresh air around him?
As he walked Bucky couldn’t help himself from looking around as he walked, getting lost in the picture perfect scenery. Nearly jumping once he heard noises, turning his head he saw people sitting in seats. And the violets around the stage, it made his breath hitch. They were your favorite flowers.
But there was no way you would be there. Right? After Bucky broke up with you you immediately left the tower, contacting the avengers once in awhile but that was it.
About ready to leave the soldier stopped in his tracks once he saw you. But you were in a wedding dress. He bit down on his bottom lip as he watched you walk down the isle, following the little girl throwing flower petals along the ground as she led you up the isle.
To say you were beautiful was an understatement to him. Because you looked downright gorgeous in the long flowing snow white dress that fit you perfectly, accentuating your curves nicely. Curves that he once touched.
Sudden memories of what you two once were started flooding his mind. To when you first met, you were the newest shield recruit and learning as much as you could about shield and the avengers and such. But when the two of you locked eyes, he swore that he wanted to kiss you right then.
Then to the time he first asked you out on a date. He was a complete nervous wreck, due to the fact he hadn’t asked a woman out since the 40s. But relief washed over him when you actually said yes. You two had an unforgettable time at the water park. He still had the picture of you after winning that teddy bear. It used to be his lock screen until he changed it after he started dating Nat.
Hell he even remembers the conversations the two of you would have over your wedding day. About how you would wear the same dress your mother wore on her own wedding day. And how he would love to start a family with you one day...
Where the hell did you go wrong? When did he fall out of love? When he started to grow feelings for Natasha.
“I don’t get it,” you sighed heavily as you looked at him, trying your hardest to keep the tears you had from showing up. “What did I do wrong? Is it someone else?” Your voice cracked as you asked him. Getting irritated instantly Bucky let out a heavy sigh himself, “for fucks sake... yes! (Y/n)! Yes it is someone else! I don’t love you anymore because you’re worthless to me!” He snapped at you, but he tried his hardest not to be too aggressive towards you.
“When i’m with you it feels like I can’t be myself anymore!” Which he realized was never true. When he was with you the best of him showed. “You’re too fucking clingy and Not to mention that you are a horrible fighter! You get distracted too easily!” Another thing he realizes was never true. You never were clingy nor a shitty fighter. You were the best fighter shield ever had. And you always gave him space when needed it... he was the one who decided to get attached to someone else while in a relationship with you.
“I don’t need you anymore!” He screamed at you, his face turning red without fury. “Get all your shit and get the fuck out of here! Get out of my life!” Things that you didn’t deserve to hear. Because now he finally realizes that’s he truly does need you. That instead of just watching you leave with tears in your eyes, he should have ran after you. Apologized to you over a million times along with whispers of him promising to make it up to you. To be a better boyfriend in the future.
He didn’t know why, but for some reason, Bucky thought that maybe if he did apologize and beg for your forgiveness that maybe he could get you back before whoever your husband to be steals you away.
But before he could object to anything the priest spoke, “I now pronounce you, Mr and Mrs Howlett.” He smiled as you and Logan locked eyes lovingly at each other. “You may now kiss the bride.” Without a second thought your lips connected with Logans rough ones. Everyone around you clapping.
How long had Bucky been in thought? Reminiscing about all the memories you had shared with him over the years. How he took them all for granted.
Without a second thought the man walked far away from the scene before you or anyone else noticed him. He walked all the way back to the home he shared with Natasha. Should he really consider her as a lover now that he realizes that he truly loved (y/n)?
After putting everything away Bucky sat on the couch. Thinking over how you’ll now share you’re forever with someone else. Not him. Not how you used to dream of it. And now He’s regretting all those mistakes he made. He never should have let you go. He should have begged for forgiveness. He should have been the one waiting for you to walk down the isle. The one ready to seal your fate with his own lips. If only he never took you for granted...
He blinked back the tears, but they were too much so he stopped fighting them. Letting them cascade down his cheeks. “It should have been me,” he whispered brokenly. “I should have been the one you would spend the rest of your life with... now I’m with someone I thought I loved, but it wasn’t true.” He let out a quiet sob. Never in his life had he felt this broken since Hydra. But that was when he had you close to him.
“I made the worst mistake possible,”
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Undercover p.p. x Nat's younger sister! Reader
This was requested and I put a little twist in it. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I'll be honest I got lazy at the end of it but it's 2,134 words which I'm proud of. I wrote this on mobile so my apologies.
This is about Y/n being assigned to look after Peter while he gets used to being the new Spider-Man. Set in Homecoming.
Y/n smoothed her hair down into a low bun, small tendrils of hair framing her face. She wore a black crop-top with black-washed high-waisted jeans and rainbow vans, a long maroon sweater helped bring everything together. Y/n filled in her eyebrows, put a couple coats of mascara on and lipgloss. She studied herself in the mirror. Could she pass as a regular high school student? She felt she had no choice but to live up to her sisters reputation. Finish the mission, don’t get attached. Simple.
There was a knock on Y/n's door. “Come in,” she called over her shoulder.
Nat walked in with a smile on her face. “Are you nervous?” She asked.
Y/n shook her head no. “I'm pretty confident about this mission Tony put me on. It's highschool. Not a big deal.”
Nat sat on Y/n's bed, picking at the old duvet cover. “What's your objective?”
Y/n sighed. “Keep an eye on Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Tony set my schedule just like his and put me in decathlon so I can keep an eye on him.”
Nat smiled a proud smile. “That's my girl.”
Y/n shared the same smile. “I learned from the best.”
“Y/n, school starts in thirty minutes.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced in her room.
“Am I taking the bus or am I getting a ride?” She asked openly.
“Scott has offered to take you to and from the school as to not raise suspicions.”
Y/n smiled. “This is gonna be fun.”
Nat stood up and looked her little sister up and down, her face showing happiness and sadness equally. “Mom and Dad would be proud of you.”
Y/n hugged her sister. “I know, Nat,” she said as she sighed, tears fighting to come up, “I know.”
They stood there hugging. Until someone knocked on the door frame, clearing their throat. Y/n pulled away from Nat to see Scott leaning on the door frame with keys in his hands. “Ready kiddo?”
Y/n sighed, “No one is ever technically ready for a mission.”
Midtown School of Science and Technology. Y/n looked up at the tall building as students flooded the stairs leading up to the entrance. “You nervous?” Scott asked.
Y/n nodded the slightest bit. “Just a little.”
He put a warming hand on her shoulder. “It'll be fine. Probably the easiest mission I've heard of.”
Y/n smiled as she picked up her bag and opened the door to get out. “Thanks Scott.” She closed the door firmly. As she walked away, she heard a muffled, “I'll be here at three!”
Y/n laughed to herself as she walked up the stairs to the entrance. As she walked the crowded halls to find the office, she saw her objective, standing at his locker with someone. She took a deep breath and adjusted her bag on her shoulder and walked up to him.
“Uh hi, I'm new here and was wondering if you could help me?” She asked directly.
Peter turned around quickly. “A-are you asking me?”
Y/n nodded. “Yeah, they sent me a schedule but I have no idea where my classes are. I would've assumed the office was in the entrance to the school.”
Peter laughed a small laugh. “Let me look at it.” He said holding a hand out. Y/n dug in her pocket for the crumpled piece of paper and handed it to him. Peter looked it over, “We have all the same classes,” he said in surprise, “just stick with me.”
As soon as he said that, Y/n head someone from behind her say, “Why would someone like her stick with you, Penis Parker?”
Y/n turned and saw a tan, dark headed boy. Maybe Italian? She recognized the behavior from what Tony had told her about Peter's school life.“Maybe because we have the same class schedule, asshat.” Y/n sneered. The boy put his hands up mockingly as if to say I surrender.
“I like feisty ones. Especially red heads.”
“Leave her alone Flash.” Peter pleaded.
“It's okay,” Y/n said with a smirk on her face. “Let me deal with little Eugene.”
Flash’s face dropped. Obviously he doesn't like to be called by his legal name. Y/n walked up to him and motioned with her index finger for him to come closer. She put her lips next to his ear and whispered, “Try to mess with me, your parents and the police will never find your body because it'll be torn into six pieces, wrapped in plastic and buried under trees in cemeteries in six different states. After I torture you.” She pulled away and saw his face go pale, no color left in his cheeks. Before she walked away, she said out loud, “and not in the good way either.”
Flash stood there, unmovingly. Like one of Medusa's stone statues. Y/n smiled to herself as she turned to see Peter and his friend with expressions of awe. “Where to first?”
Y/n stood in the lunch line with Peter and his friend, Need. They were still pushing to know what she said to Flash that made him unable to move and what she meant by “and not in the good way.”
Y/n just smiled. “It was nothing, I swear. Just a little threat.”
As the line pushed on, Peter and Need go their trays as Y/n held on to her lunch box. Nat packed her lunch today, she expected to have all healthy foods and a protein shake. As the trio sat down, Peter dug into his 'chicken tenders’ like they were the only thing he's ever eaten as Y/n in packed her lunch. She had a tuna and romaine lettuce wraps with a bag of apple slices and a bag of carrots. And the protein shake in a Ninja blending cup with a straw. At the bottom was a sticky note. 'have a great day, Y/n!’ was scrawled in Nat's handwriting.
“So you're like, really healthy?” Need asked as he sipped his milk.
Y/n nodded as she took a bite of her tuna wrap. “ I train a lot.” She said after chewing.
“Fhat do you thwain for?” Peter asked, muffled by a mouthful of food.
Y/n immediately said “Gymnastics.” It wasn't wrong. She knew how to tumble and can do a prefect back aerial on a four inch plank of wood.
Need smiled widely.”That's so cool! You probably told Flash that you could do a backflip and knock him out cold with a kick.”
Y/n just smiled and ate her food.
As the weeks pressed on, Y/n got to know more about Peter. He was very smart, loved Star Wars and a certain Deli in Queens. He offered to take her which seems agreed to only to know where he goes to on a regular basis. They eventually exchanged phone numbers and studied at his Aunt's apartment. His room was like any teenager's bedroom, messy and clean at the same time. On his desk we're his web cartridges. Testing him, she asked what they were. Peter's face turned red and said that they were for an experiment.
Y/n didn't know when it had happened but when she gets a text from Peter, her heart starts beating faster. When she's around him, her hands get sweaty and her face feels warmer than usual. When she talked to Nat about it she smiled. “You like him,” she said in a sing-song voice.
Y/n sputtered. “N-no I don't!”
Nat laughed. “You do, honeybunch. You have a crush.”
Y/n looked down. “Then I failed my mission,” she said. “I got attached.”
After the whole decathlon team almost dying in the Washington Monument, Peter seemed more pleased with himself. When he pulled Liz up, Y/n felt a searing pain in her chest. It took her a moment to realize what it was. It was jealousy.
Even after Tony took away Peter's suit, Y/n was still told to stick around. She didn't necessarily want to or not want to. She could get closer to him. Maybe go to homecoming with him. But that maybe turned into a no when she found out he had asked Liz.
Y/n knew there was still someone out there selling those weapons. And she knew Peter had found out who when we walked into the gymnasium for homecoming. He walked stiffly, his face so pale you would've thought he was wearing a mask. She watched as he went up to Liz and murmured a “Sorry.” And left. Keeping her personal feelings down, she follow him down the corridor. Flinging off parts of his suit, he ran, lifted the lockers and grabbed his homemade suit. Realizing what he was doing, Y/n ran to the girls bathroom in the same hallway and grabbed herr gear out of the last stall that was labeled “out of order” since she arrived.
After changing quickly into gear that was almost identical to Nat's, she rush through the doors that lead outside and found Peter's on the ground. Herr heart throbbed. But her instincts kicked in when she heard someone running towards her. She instantly ducked and turned on the balls of her left foot, her right leg swinging out and knocking the man down to the ground.
Y/n held her booted foot against the man's throat. She heard Peter groan and question who she was. She ignored Peter for a moment, crouching down to put nano-cuffs that Tony had designed for her to use. Much like the suit he had that would form when he tapped his chest. “You move, the restraints will get tighter until you pass out due to blood loss.” She sneered.
Y/n finally looked at Peter. He took off his bug-eyed mask and was staring at her in awe. “What are you- how did- who are you?”
Y/n sighed. “We can talk later at the compound. But first, can we find the dealer?”
Peter nodded.
“Y/n did WhAT?!” Need screamed over the Bluetooth connection of Flash's car.
“Ned,” Y/n said calmly. “Now is not the time to be fanboying right now.”
“But wh-”
“Say another word and you won't get to meet the avengers.”
When Y/n and Peter basically saved Liz’s dad, Y/n had called Tony. “You were wrong.” She said simply. “He can handle it.”
The next day Y/n didn't show up for class. Peter thought it was strange until he got a text from Happy telling him to meet him in the bathroom. She was there too, dressed in all black gear, then it hit him. She looked just like Black Widow.
Happy took Peter to the new Avengers Headquarters. On the way Y/n told Peter everything.
“You were sent to spy on me?” Peter asked skeptically.
Y/n sighed. “I was making sure you were staying safe and not telling people what happened in Berlin. Or the fact that you're Spider-Man.”
“Anything else I need to know? Does Thor have three nipples?”
Y/n's heart leapt into her throat. She could tell him how she felt right then. But she bit her tongue and giggled. “We're here.” She said as she pointed behind him.
Peter looked at the facility with the same face he had when he and Ned finished building his Lego Death Star.
Pure happiness.
When they got into the building, Y/n told Happy that she'd take him to Tony. She just had to tell him.
“Hey, Pete?” She asked shyly.
“There's something I feel like I have to tell you.”
She sucked in a deep breath and let it out. “When me or my sister go on missions, we have a rule. Don't get attached.” Peter nodded. “Well, I broke that rule, Peter. I got attached to you and you're just so damn cute and I just wanted to make you feel better after Tony took your suit, you looks so sad and I just wanted you to be happy because that's all you deser-”
Peter cut her off by kissing her. A slow, sweet kiss. When he pulled back, Y/n was the color of Nat's hair. “I like you too,Y/n” Peter looked around quickly. “Don't tell anyone I said that because I'm pretty sure the entire team would annihilate me if they saw me do that.”
Peter didn't join the Avengers to her dismay, but they did get sandwiches every Friday at Delmar's for a 'date’. Only to find most of the people walking by we're in hoodies and ball caps.
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