#i just cleaned SO MUCH at my godmothers house
percabeth4life · 1 year
Feeling so productive rn, if I didn't have to be up in like 5 hours I would 100% write some fanfic. Might write a bit tomorrow afternoon if I have time
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lucyrose191 · 6 months
Pairing; POA!Sirius Black x wife!reader
Summary; It’s been 12 years since Y/N last saw her husband, now it was time to see him for the first time, what could she say to him?
Warnings; Angst? Fluff, Sirius probably looks like death
HP/Marauders Master List
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Sirius felt happiness and immense relief to see that the home you shared all of those years ago hadn’t changed at all, the garden was still well kept and from what he could see through the windows of the living room, it was still decorated the same way.
It was like a breath of fresh air being back in the place that held so many memories and loving moments; moments that had gotten him through the past twelve years of hell.
Knowing he was innocent had protected his sanity against the dementors but remembering those soft touches and electric kisses had kept him half happy.
He frequently dreamt of those slow mornings you spent together, that feeling of pure happiness he felt back then to wake up next to you, being able to see you first thing in the morning was the greatest gift he could have ever asked for.
He hadn’t really known how lucky he was back then to have those small moments; he had only realised when it had been taken away from him.
Sirius had thought about you every single day. He wondered how you looked, if you had moved on and created a family, if you hated him…
And now, his heart was pounding in his chest as he scratched at the door with his paw, knowing that you and Harry were merely on the other side.
He could hear your voice and whilst it was more matured and had lost that young playfulness he once knew, it was still you.
He waited. Waited. Waited.
As each minute passed by, his heart beat more erratic in his chest.
Eventually, the door opened.
It wasn’t you, it was Harry stood there with a massive smile on his face at the sight of his godfather.
Even though he knew there was no one around for miles, Sirius cautiously looked around before he transformed back into himself. "It’s good to see you again, Harry," his voice was hoarse and gruff from its lack of use but still held its friendly tone.
Harry launched himself into Sirius’ arms, catching the latter off guard and almost sending him tumbling off the sheer force of the impact but he welcomed the embrace with a chuffed laugh. "I’m glad you’re staying here, Padfoot."
Sirius mindfully patted Harry’s back as he pulled away, smiling slightly but Harry could tell that Sirius wasn’t really paying much attention, he could see the distraction in the way his godfather was looking over his shoulder into the house, as though hoping to catch sight of something, or someone. "Where’s your godmother?" He asked in a dreaded whisper.
Harry shuffled awkwardly as he looked back into the house before looking back to Sirius. "Uhm, she’s in the kitchen preparing dinner."
Sirius swallowed but nodded, releasing a nervous sigh as he looked to the ground then back up, not really knowing what to do.
Harry pursed his lips, feeling uncomfortable, knowing that you weren’t really impressed with the last minute bomb he dropped on you when you weren’t ready and that Sirius was at a loss to what he could say to you after over a decade of being without you. Harry had put the three of you in this situation and felt the responsibility to guide you through it.
"Why don’t you go to my room and you can get cleaned up and I can find you some clothes to wear then you can join us and have something proper to eat?" He suggested, sighing in relief when Sirius nodded, seeming to like that idea.
Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest that it was beginning to ache, the pain almost becoming unbearable as you heard footsteps behind you.
"It’s just me," Harry spoke, calming you instantly, causing you to turn around.
"Where is he?" You whispered, looking around wearing, you felt uneasy in your own house knowing that he was nearby.
"I took him upstairs to my room so he could shower, do you know if we have any clothes he could change into?" Harry asked.
You paused for a moment before speaking. "I do, actually." Thinking back to the boxes hidden away at the back of your wardrobe, you didn’t know if they’d still fit him but they were his.
"Could you grab them for me and I’ll take them to him?" You nodded and made your way out of the kitchen, leaving Harry to keep an eye on the food.
You could hear the sound of running water that came from Harry’s en-suite; he was so close yet so far and you had no idea how to feel about it.
You grabbed him clean socks, underwear, joggers and a t-shirt, even going as far as pulling out some of his old hair care products that used to crowd the bathroom counter knowing that Azkaban probably hadn’t been great for his hair and that would have broken your Sirius’ heart.
Sirius couldn’t fight his smile at the sight of the clothes and products that had been left on Harry’s bed for him, they were his, you had kept them all of these years, that had to mean something, didn’t it?
He had purposely taken his time getting dressed whether he was aware of it or not, he was trying to prolong the time it would take to see you, hoping he’d think of something he could say to you, he hadn’t thought of anything by the time he had finished so he just bit the bullet and slowly made his way downstairs.
The entire house was the way he had left it that Halloween night in 1981, only with the addition of photos of you and Harry from throughout the years, it made him smile to see that you had both had a nice life, the only thing that made him sad was that it had been just the two of you and he hadn’t been there with you.
The sound of your’s and Harry’s voices floating from the kitchen filled his heart, he could tell the bond between the pair of you was strong.
As soon as he hit the threshold of the kitchen, the chatter immediately stopped, the pair of you were already sat as the table with your plates in front of you; a large plate of food was sat in front of an empty chair opposite you, waiting for him.
The two of you made eye contact and every thought in his mind disappeared, all those words he wanted to say to you no longer mattered because everything that needed to be said was spoken just from looking into your eyes.
You were beautiful, just as you had been back then and you still had the same effect on him. The air was sucked from his lungs and he was punched in the face with the most overwhelming feeling of love he had ever experienced, the ring that had remained on his finger since you were nineteen was suddenly weighed down by his feelings for you that hadn’t disappeared in the slightest, even after so long apart.
His eyes shot to your left hand and his chest grew heavy at the lack of jewellery on your finger, he had to remind himself that he had betrayed you though, by leaving you that night with no telling of what he was doing, he had simply left and not returned.
"Padfoot," Harry’s voice cut through the tension between the two of you. "You should eat something," he pointed towards the plate that was piled with food.
Sirius pursed his lips and nodded weakly, carefully making his way to the table and sitting down, it was as though he thought any movement that was too fast would break something between you that hadn’t yet been fixed.
The three of you sat in the most intense silence; Sirius and Harry ate but you had quickly lost your appetite, the sight of him had just about torn you in two.
He was all skin and bone, every movement he made showed just how weak he was, the shaking of his hands a sign of his lack of nutrition.
Even though you hadn’t seen him before his shower you know it must have done him well because his skin was clean and he looked fresh, his facial hair was neatly groomed and his hair, though longer than you remember, was in its typical ringlets, a sharp contrast to the way he looked in the wanted posters you had seen.
Sirius was thankful to eat something that wasn’t wild animals he had hunted; food that was actually filling and would give him the energy he lacked.
He could feel the glances you kept sending him but kept his head down and his attention focused on his meal, he was afraid of what you would say to him.
Would you tell him you had moved on a long time ago and you were simply doing this for Harry?
The sound of you clearing your throat caused him to look up, Harry had disappeared without him noticing, it was just the two of you, your eyes looking into his with an emotion he couldn’t quite identify.
"I’m glad you’re okay," you spoke, voice ever so gentle.
Sirius dropped his fork and leaned back in his seat, focusing all of his attention on you. "I’m glad you and Harry are okay, it was all I ever thought about," he replied.
The roughness of his voice took you by surprise but you suppose it shouldn’t have considering the lack of people he had to speak to whilst he was imprisoned.
"A part of me was worried, knowing you were out there all alone," you confessed.
Your words made his heart swell but he knew better than to get his hopes up. "And the other? Worried that I wanted to hurt him?" He couldn’t mask the bitterness in his voice, the thought of you thinking he could do such a thing would break him.
"Worried that you didn’t want to actually, I was worried that everything the public knew about you was wrong and that you were out there all alone in the cold and wanting to do something good. Because it meant you had been locked up all those years for nothing and well, that worry was a reality."
Your words comforted him but there was one thing they had been on his mind since he had spoken to Harry for the first time. "You only told him about me at the beginning of the year when I escaped, why?"
You looked down at the table, tears in your eyes. "It was just me and Harry for years, I had all these photographs for him and all of these stories about James and Lily. There was a constant in the photos that he was curious about, the man with the cheeky smile and the long, curly hair. I just told him you were an old friend because I couldn’t tell the little boy he was back then that the entire Wizarding world thought you were the reason they were dead and I didn’t want to tell him my thoughts either because I wanted him to decide what he wanted to think when he was old enough and he did."
"And what were your thoughts?" He asked the dreaded question.
You smiled painfully and shook your head. "That you are the most irrational and dare I say irresponsible man that I have ever met in my life and you were overwhelmed with grief that night, so much so that you didn’t at all think straight about the outcome of your actions. You were just filled with betrayal and heartbreak that the only thing you cared about was getting revenge and I never blamed you for that, I only ever blamed you for losing the life you deserved to live, losing the life we could have shared."
Sirius’ eyes welled up at your words, both from relief that you never thought he did what he was accused of and guilt for the way he had acted that night, knowing that he had caused you a hell of a lot of loss, loss of the life you had wanted to build with him.
He was suddenly wracked with the emotion of the reality of what had actually happened and what he had missed out on, what you both had missed out on. "Did you-" he wanted to ask but you were already shaking your head.
"Absolutely not, there was never anyone else, it was only ever you and I never had to question it." There was such confidence in your words and it shot right into his chest, it was as though those words had broken the dam that had hidden his emotions because the flood gates had opened and Sirius buried his head in his hands as sobs wracked through his body.
You jumped up from your seat and made your way around the table, taking Harry’s vacant seat and pulling it right up beside Sirius’, wrapping your arms around him.
Sirius leaned into your body, allowing himself to be fully wrapped up in your arms.
It wasn’t long before his sobs stopped but he made no effort to move from your embrace, instead he relished in the familiar comfort that he had longed for and allowed himself to smile as he smelled the scent of the perfume you still wore and had worn since you were a teenager.
You pressed a kiss into his hair before resting your head against his. "I missed you so much." You assured him.
"I missed you, you and Harry were all I ever thought about, you got me through it, you’ve always been my strength." He muttered into your shoulder.
You closed your eyes at his words, not wanting to cry but it was hard, you had him in your arms again and it filled you with so many overwhelming emotions.
"You’re still so beautiful," you laughed at his muffled compliment, squeezing him tighter in response.
"I’m glad you’re here, Sirius. I’m so happy you’re back." You told him.
"Me too," he sighed, then waited for a moment before asking. "Where are your rings?"
You silently and reluctantly pulled away from him but remained close. You reached up and pulled out the chain that was hanging from your neck, hanging from the chain were two rings; one was a simple, thin, silver band and the other was a diamond encrusted band with a large, rectangle shaped, white sapphire in the centre.
"I knew Harry would ask questions because he’s so nosey but I wants to keep them on me," you explained.
Sirius nodded with a smile, happy you still kept them and wore them, his smile widened as he watched you remove the chain from your neck and remove the rings before placing them on your left hand where they belonged.
He moved forward and rested his forehead against yours, not necessarily ready to let go just yet.
Harry stood in the doorway of the kitchen, you were right, he was nosey but he didn’t really care. He was way too amazed at the sight in front of him, he could quite literally see the connection that was shared between his godparents and was beyond happy that the two of you were able to be reunited and hopefully make your way back to each other.
You would make your way back to each other, Sirius was your family and he was your home. The connection between the two of you hadn’t been lost in the time apart and it only made you more confident in the fact that Sirius Black was your soulmate, he was the other half of your heart and there’s no one else you would wait so long for or want to spend your life with.
You loved him more than anything and well aware that he felt the same way about you.
Tag list; those who asked to be tagged in part 2. @bullets-from-another-dimension @babyclea @mel-vaz @crowleythesexydemon @mspotterh
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wolfpackss · 11 months
OK ok! I loved the last request you fulfilled and I have this one I'd LOVE to see someone write out for me! I've requested it a few times in the past but no one's responded to it. No worries if it's not your cup of tea!
My idea is that Jacob imprints on a reader who is *drum roll* a single mama. But not in the traditional sense, nope. The little one she cares for was the child of her best friend and her boyfriend. They ended up in an accident and before they passed they had put it in their will that (reader) be the one to care for their child should something happen to them. So, thrust into this new life of being a mama(thinking the little is 6months to a year) she's had her life changed and isn't looking for romance but you know how fate works. I could see the child almost instantly bonding with Jacob too, just adoring him as much as his/her 'mama'. Please and thank you if you can do this! <3 <3
This is going to be a loooooong one! I am loving this request (secretly hoping I had this one in my head with Paul) but here you go! Hope you enjoy it ❤️!
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This was not the life you had imagined for yourself, not by a long shot but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You made a promise, and it’s a promise you intended to keep. When your best friend asked you to be the godmother of her beautiful baby girl, you didn’t hesitate when it came to saying yes. It was an agreement you both made when you both started dating. If anything would happen to her or me, and there was another person involved, we would take care of that person, wether it was a partner or a child. Neither of you thinking you would make that agreement a reality so soon in life. On the way home from the hospital after giving birth their daughter, your best friend and her boyfriend got into a horrible car accident almost twelve months ago, taking both their lives, leaving you as their daughter’s legal guardian
“Sweetheart, do you have everything?” You turn your head to look at your mother holding Layla in her arms who smiles when she sees you. Her tiny hands making grabbing motions at you which makes you smile. You grab her from mother, still biting down on the pacifier while making sure you have everything in your bag. You decided to take Layla out to the beach since she loves the water so much and you finally got a day of from work so you thought today was the day. Layla grabs the pacifier from your mouth and giggles when she starts playing with it, slamming it in her one hand while holding on to it with the other. “I have everything, diapers, toys, floaters. I think that’s everything… by the way thanks mom, for coming over” your mom waves you away like it’s nothing. “I’d do anything for you girls, now go have fun and be safe!”
It’s a short walk from your house to the beach so you put Layla in her stroller and make your way down the road. As you get to the beach you notice some people already there, playing football and chilling in the sun. You let out a little sigh and stop near a spot with some shadow so Layla won’t be sitting in the blinding sun the entire time. You put out your beach towel and place Layla on top with her toys and floaters. You let yourself sit down next to her and look around the beach. Your sight immediately goes to the boys playing football. While you can’t deny their attractiveness or their glistening bodies in the sun, you don’t really have time for romance and boyfriends. Not only do you not have the time for it, you’re just not interested right now, all you want is to focus on Layla and make sure she’s healthy, safe and happy.
You hear giggling next to you and look over at Layla who happily slams her toys into the sand and then looks over at you. She gives you a big smile and puts the toy in her mouth including all the sand that came with it. “Layla no!” You hurry to get the toy out of her mouth and clean it. She spits out the remainder of the sand and gives you a toothy grin, making you laugh. Your moment is interrupted with a football flying into your skull. You yell and grab your head.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” You look up with one eye closed as you rub your head and notice it’s one of the guys playing football. “I didn’t mean to kick it so hard, does your head hurt? Can I take a look at it?” The guy takes your hand away from your head and you wince when he touches it. You look at Layla who’s now climbed into your lap with her head firmly pressed against your chest, she always does this when she’s shy. As you look into the guy’s eyes, you see his widen for a moment while his mouth falls slightly open. “I- I’m Jacob, Jacob Black. And I’m really, really sorry about your head.” he holds out his hand for you to shake as you see him bite his bottom lip. You reach out to shake his but you’re surprised as Layla turns her head and sneaks her little hand in Jacob’s. You see him give her a soft smile, as he slowly shakes her hand. “And who’s this pretty lady, you must be the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen” you can see Layla brighten up at his words and she turns around fully in your lap. She raises her hand to to give him a small wave and gets up to sit next to you. She pats the spot next to her and looks up at Jacob.
“I’m y/n, and this is Layla.” You brush some of her hair away from her face. Jacob nods as he slowly sinks down next to Layla and grabs one of her toys. “You have a beautiful kid” he smiles. You feel your cheeks burn up while trying to come up with an excuse for your story so you just mumble a thank you. You hear some shouting and look up to see some of his friends heading out. “So I have to go, but here’s my number. If you ever need anything or wanna hang out.. give me a call” you smile at him and thank him. He gets up and takes off but not before waving and smiling at Layla who happily smiles and waves back.
Two weeks later you find yourself sitting at your breakfast table looking at Layla brabble about something while the man of your dreams is listening intensely to every sound that’s coming out of her mouth. He nods and asks questions while giving her spoons of baby food. He looks up at you and winks before continuing the conversation he has with your baby girl. Jacob became a really good friend, these past two weeks. Making sure you could take a nap and get your social life back together as he introduced you to his friends. “I hope it’s okay i invited them, I mean they wanted to come” this afternoon is Layla’s first birthday party and while it’s a happy day, it takes you back to the memories of a year ago. It makes you think of her real parents. The one who should’ve been here celebrating her birthday and every milestone she made. Jacob didn’t want you to celebrate her birthday alone with her maternal and paternal grandparents, you always had them visiting her or the other way around as well as your parents who doted on her like she was their own. A couple of hours later everyone arrived and the party was in full swing. All of Jacob’s friends came and they brought food, presents and warmth. A warmth you haven’t felt in forever.
“It’s time for cake!” You bring out the cake that was made by Emily and light up the big candle that looks a one in the middle of it. Everybody starts singing happy birthday and Layla claps along smiling. You kneel down so you can help her blow out the candle. You remove the candle and she smashes both her hands into the cake. She laughs happily as everyone arounds her laughs. “Mama” a gasp escapes your mouth as you look over to the little girl you’ve called daughter for almost a year now. She holds her hands out towards you, saying that one word over and over while smiling at you. Her hands are full of cake and one sneaky little tooth shows itself through her smile. You lean down and kiss her forehead while catching the eyes of the one person you wanted to make eye contact with. He winks and turns away out of your sight.
Not long after you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder and your pulled into someone’s embrace. “You did good, mama” Jacob whispers in your ear and kisses your temple. You interlace your hand with the one hanging over your shoulder and smile up at him.
Yeah, Jacob Black is growing on you, and you don’t mind one bit.
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
La Princesa
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[Ona Batlle x Reader] Part 1.5 of [She's going to be okay.] [Royalty] [Angel in the House]
Days with La Princesa!
“Patri! Help me with the cake, will you?” you yell through the house. Lucy is helping Kiera bring out the hors d'oeuvre as you were tasked with the massive cake Alexia had gotten. Ona’s mother insisted on having dinner with everyone so a large table was set up outside. The whole team was here, some of your England teammates had made the trip too since the party was during Christmas break.
Speaking of Ona, she was sat on the back porch with a virgin margarita in hand chatting away with Alessia, Ella and Grace. Leah was helping set the table as Georgia fanned away at the barbeque. There wasn’t a quiet corner anywhere, everyone buzzing since the announcement of the baby’s gender. La Princesa was the talk of the town, Ona’s hand rubbing her belly affectionately every time anyone spoke about her. It was a new habit, one that you had many pictures of on your phone.
There were steaks, seafood and piles of vegetables as everyone helped themselves to all the food. You were cutting up some steak for Ona (because she’s the OG La Princesa) when Mapi cleared her throat at the end of the table. Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes when she stood up, signature grin on her face. This couldn’t be good.  
“I would like to propose a toast to our team mom and dad. Y/N, you take care of us and make sure we’re okay. You notice things that many people would simply ignore. You’ve been there for us more than we deserve. Ona, you’re always ready to help any one of us at the drop of a hat. You are the sweetest person I know, I love you for that. The two of you are perfect together, no need to thank me for setting you two up. But because of that I propose we name La Princesa after me. Thank you, I love you both, ¡Salud!”
“As touching as that was Mapi, we are not naming our daughter after you.”
“A middle name will do.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Okay, okay! We have presents to open, cake to eat! Let’s head inside!” Leah called, ushering everyone inside as the girls began to quickly clean up. Once everyone settled inside, you helped Ona on the couch beside you, wrapping your arm around her shoulders as she leaned into you while everyone else brought over their presents.
“Are you okay, darling?” you ask her, kissing her forehead softly as you rub her arm.
“Sí, she’s been kicking a lot. I’ve also needed to pee too many times today.”  
“Our little footballer. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, mi amor.”
“Are you sure I can’t convince you of just one name; we are Spanish, she can have several names.”
“No, Mapi!” you both yell at her, Ingrid yanking her to the kitchen to help serve the cake.
“Oh Patri, it’s adorable!”
“How did you even get that?”
“Mamí, Esto es perfecto!”
“Girls, I didn’t think they MADE these!”
You heard Ona and the girls opening gifts in the living room. You were putting away all the extra food in the kitchen when Alexia walked in with another dish. She smiled awkwardly, being quiet. You didn’t push it, wiping your hands and moving the containers into the fridge. Suddenly she cleared her throat and you turned to look at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ona told me.”
“What exactly did she tell you?”
“That you wanted me to be La Princesa’s godmother.”
“Oh, yes. Do you want to be?”
“It would be my greatest honor. But, why?”
“When we were thinking about it, only you came to mind. Don’t get me wrong, I would die for all those girls out there and I know they would do the same for my family. But I know without a doubt that if something happened to me, my girls would be safest with you.”
“You are my family too, I will protect them with my life; I promise you.”
“I love you, Ale. You’re a sister to me, I don’t think you understand how important that has been to me over the years.”
“And you for me, hermosa. I love you too.”
“Baby? We’re home, love.” You shook Ona softly and as she woke, you walked over and opened her door for her. She climbed out slowly, feet swollen and aching from being on them all day. She was too stubborn to ask you to carry her, walking gingerly into the house. You were grabbing stuff from the boot of the car when you saw her walking slowly. You put everything down and walked up beside her, gently picking her up into your arms. She giggled and held onto you as you walked into the house with her and laid her in bed. She kissed you cheek and whispered an accented “thank you,” before you walked back out to grab all the gifts and bags from the car. Dropping them on the dining table to be dealt with tomorrow, you walked into the bedroom to find Ona already asleep again.
Chuckling, you slowly take her shoes off and slip your jersey she was wearing off before pulling on one of your hoodies over her small frame. It swallowed her but she snuggled into it anyway. You make quick work of yourself, changing into shorts and a sports bra before climbing into bed behind her. She searches for you in her sleep, reaching out and holding onto your arm as she goes back to sleep. You smile fondly, hand rubbing soothing circles over her belly and whispering “I love you girls,” before falling asleep yourself.  
“That’s not the right one.”
“What do you mean, this is exactly what you sent me to get.”
“No, I wanted the blue one, this is red.”
“Angel, you asked for red.”
“I remember asking for blue, Y/N.”
You sigh, shoulders slumping in defeat. Ona was having a bout of crazy cravings that began at 3 in the morning. She sent you to the shops to look for Chips Ahoy (a/n don't ask, they are my current obsession.) the other night but they didn’t have them so you bought a different kind and put it on a plate for her with a glass of milk like she requested. She took one bite and knew they were wrong, immediately starting to cry.
“Please Mi Reina, it’s late. You have a checkup tomorrow, we need to sleep.”
She sniffled, “But I wanted Chips Ahoy.”
“I know baby but all the stores I went to didn’t have them. I’ll go look tomorrow and buy them for you, okay? Please darling, you need to sleep.”
“You better buy all the Chips Ahoy you can find, amor or it’s the couch for you.”
“Yes, your highness.”
“Love, please stop moving.”
“You try sleeping with a literal football inside you kicking like there’s no tomorrow.”
“When we have a second baby. What can I do for you?”
“Talk to her please. She always calms down when you do.”
You throw the covers off and move over to lay between her legs. You can just about see her face above her belly. She's smiling, eyes sparkling as she watches you talk to the baby. You rest your head on her thigh, left hand holding Ona’s, right hand rubbing her belly softly.
“Hello princess, it’s Mama. I’ve missed you, you’re getting so big already. I had a pretty good day at training, met all your aunties too. They can’t wait to meet you, you’re going to be the most spoilt little girl out there. Now, mami is trying to sleep okay? She needs her energy so we can see if you’re being a good growing girl tomorrow hm? Can we put your striker skills to the side and let your beautiful mother sleep? That’s my girl. I love you, I can’t wait to meet you.” You kiss her belly softly, leaning over and kissing Ona too.
“For your information, she’s going to be a defender.”
“Please darling, she’s already showing signs of being a wonderful striker like me.”
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mahs-dumpster · 30 days
"Happy 100th anniversary"
a/n: this is soooo self indulgent please. It's a vignette (written only in dialogue) for Daisy's (my Yuu) birthday jacket card that I just made! I'll be linking it here once I edit this post!
cw: oc x canon (Ruggie x Daisy; they're established to be in a relationship and Daisy has already made her decision to stay in twisted wonderland); dialogue heavy; poor attemps at making this look like a fake translation from a vignette bc I'm delulu
The template for the frames of the paintings can be found here.
Words: around 1k
Happy birthday, Daisy!!
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Daisy: To think I'm able to visit a museum like this! I wonder what sort of paintings I'm going to see…
Daisy: I'm expecting to maybe recognize a few from the stories mom used to read to me… let's see if I actually can recognize them!
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Daisy: I wonder… is she someone I'm aware of? A lady who constantly cleans her house…
???: That's the princess who inspired the glass slippers you always wear.
Daisy: Huh? Oh, Ruggie! I thought you were all the way on the other side of the museum! 
Ruggie: I was, but then I met Trey and we kinda ended up wandering around until I got here. 
Ruggie: What a coincidence that I found you looking at the painting of the lady who inspired your favorite shoes, shishishi~
Daisy: I guess it is a fun coincidence. Oh, right! Would you mind explaining more about her to me?
Ruggie: Fine! But don't go walking around telling people I've gone soft…
Daisy: No need to worry, I wouldn't even dream of it. 
Ruggie: *sigh* anyway… This lady is the princess that inspired your shoes, do you know the story behind it?
Daisy: Sam only explained to me that the princess who wore them danced with them until midnight… so I guess I don't know much more than that.
Ruggie: Right. Legend says she was an orphan who was forced by her stepmother to become basically a servant.
Ruggie: She cleaned the house all day everyday, was forced to hear awful things by her step family and when she wanted to go to a ball her stepsisters tore down her dress. 
Ruggie: A Fairy Godmother – well, her Fairy Godmother – decided to help her get to a ball, she gave her a gown, a carriage and everything! 
Ruggie: the Prince fell in love with her almost immediately and when she ran away and left her glass slipper fall, he tried it on every lady in the kingdom to find out who his beloved was. Then they got married and she never saw her family again.
Daisy: That’s basically the story of Cendrillon. 
Ruggie: What? Oh– one of the fairytales from your world?
Daisy: Yes. I’ve always admired her story, I reread it a lot growing up because I related to her. 
Ruggie: Ah… you did say your stepmother treated you horribly.
Daisy: She… treated me as best as she could.
Ruggie: Which wasn't anywhere near good enough. 
Daisy: Haha… I guess you're right. 
Daisy: What I mean is just… she treated me badly, but I don't hold grudges. 
Daisy: Whatever she's doing, I forgive her. And now that I'm somewhere better and living a happier life… I hope that her and her children manage to grow as people.
Daisy: That's what my mother taught me. 
Ruggie: …sometimes I really do wonder how I fell for such a goody-goody.
Daisy: W-what’s that supposed to mean?
Ruggie: I’m just saying, you're way too naive and nice to forgive someone like that.
Ruggie: if it were me, I’d never forgive them. No way someone's gonna step all over me and I'll forgive them.
Daisy: because that's exactly what you did to Leona-senpai, huh?
Ruggie: besides the point. 
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Daisy: Ruggie, isn't this painting depicting that story you told me about? The ones about the dogs sharing spaghetti?
Ruggie: Oh, that one, yeah! I didn't know they actually painted the scene, who would've thought.
Daisy: They're so adorable, I see now how romantic this is.
Ruggie: I guess? It's still just spaghetti…not only that but it's outside in the middle of the night. I guess for dogs it would be cool but for people? I’d honestly just be excited because it's free food.
Daisy: Oh, come on now! This is super romantic! It's a candlelight dinner under the night sky! 
Daisy: If someone did that for me, I know I’d be pretty happy and satisfied.
Ruggie: You’re just trying to convince me to ask you on a date, aren't you?
Daisy: …
Ruggie: Should’ve figured, shishishi!
Daisy: You can't blame a girl for trying, I’ve been pretty lonely these past few weeks since you’ve been working more than usual.
Daisy: But jokes aside, this right here is already enough. I’m already way less lonely just by walking around this museum with you, it's practically a date!
Ruggie: I don't think a date would consist of everyone from our school coming with us…
Daisy: You get what I mean…
Ruggie: Tell you what, once we get back I’m cooking us both some spaghetti and lighting some candles if that's what you’d like.
Ruggie: If my flower is feeling lonely then I better give her a proper date so she can feel loved, right?
Daisy: You really don't have to… but thanks. I would love to. 
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Ruggie: Ah, this one's actually a very famous painting, I’ve seen pictures of it around quite often.
Daisy: R-Really…?
Ruggie: What? You don't believe me?
Ruggie: It ties with Sunset Savannah’s history and with The King of Beasts’s story! 
Daisy: Well, forgive me for not understanding the historical significance of a monkey holding a lion cub…
Ruggie: *sigh* Alright. Lemme explain.
Ruggie: This is a ceremony often done by members of royalty when a new child from the royal family is born. 
Ruggie: It goes so far back even the lions from The King of Beasts’s story did that. They basically present the baby to everyone else in the kingdom… it's kinda hard to explain.
Daisy: Oh, I get it now!
Daisy: I see why it's so famous, seeing how it portrays an aspect of the royalty of Sunset Savannah. 
Ruggie: Eh… I never went to one, as you can imagine.
Daisy: Never? Is it not open to the common folk?
Ruggie: Well yeah, but back when there was one for who I now know is Leona-san's nephew, I was trying to survive.
Ruggie: I didn't have the time to go to a ceremony just to watch a new baby I didn't care about being presented to the whole kingdom.
Ruggie: I’d learn about him regardless, so I just didn't care much.
Daisy: I guess that makes sense.
Daisy: Still, it must be super interesting to see it happening. How cute would it be to see a baby cub being shown to the entire world just like that, hahah! 
Ruggie: Ah– sorry, before I got here I told Leona-san I’d go fetch something for him at the cafeteria in a few minutes… if I don't go now he’s gonna be pissed.
Daisy: Why didn't you tell me sooner?!
Ruggie: Well, ya know– it's impossible to resist spending time with you~
Daisy: Alright there, Romeo, enough! Go before he gets upset. I'll be looking around this area for a while more if you want to come back.
Ruggie: *sigh* ‘kay, I'll be off then! 
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Daisy: Hm? Ah, this is another painting of Cendrillon.
Daisy: She looks so much free... I'm happy she got her happy ending.
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centralperkchenford · 9 months
Thanks for writing my Ava prompt, asking for a sibling. Perfect 🥰 part 2 if you're inspired ✨️ 💖
This is them finding about Daisy!
But I've found 'em a better kind of crazy Now that I've got babies
Lucy makes an appointment at the doctor’s to confirm she is indeed pregnant. It does feel a little weird doing it without Tim. Especially since she found out she was pregnant with Ava alone. But she wants to surprise Tim and Ava. She is told she is around 6 weeks along and then given some images. She has a plan all in motion and she can’t wait to see it play out.
She orders a Big Sister shirt for Ava from Amazon and sneaks it in so Tim doesn’t see.
She has the day off but Tim doesn’t. He rolls over and kisses her on the shoulder, whispering I love you into her skin. He leaves the room as quietly as possible and she knows his next stop is Ava’s room. She sits up and looks at the baby monitor and watches as Tim lifts Ava out of her crib, and sits down in the rocking chair. Ava rests her head on his shoulder as he rocks back and forth it. Her hand goes to her stomach where their second baby grows, she can’t wait to see Tim with their second baby. He loves Ava so much and she knows both their hearts will only grow bigger with a second child.
She watches as Tim kisses the top of Ava’s head and then he stands up with her and leaves her room, seconds later he’s back in their bedroom. Ava’s head is still on Tim’s shoulder. He brings her over and hands her to Lucy. Ava instantly lays down on Lucy’s chest much like she did when she was a baby.
Tim kisses her again and then he’s walking out the door once again.
Lucy smiles as she rubs Ava’s back, her daughter makes a soft noise and curls more into her chest. She kisses the top of her head, and Ava sleeps not knowing that her life is about to change for the better.
Lucy lets Ava sleep for a little bit longer and then she’s gently shaking her awake. Ava looks up at her blearily. “Hey baby do you want to surprise daddy at work today?” She asks. Ava perks up immediately.
“Yes!” She squeals and Lucy laughs as she lowers her to the ground.
“Okay let’s go get ready then!” She says and Ava is running out of the room. Lucy smiles as they go to her room to change out of her pajamas. She pulls out the big sister shirt and slips it on Ava with little leggings to match. And then puts her hair into pigtails.
“All right Aves.” She says. “Let’s go eat.” She leads Ava downstairs and sets her I. Her chair and gets her some cereal.
Her plan is to bring Tim some lunch and surprise him with Ava in the big sister shirt. She just hopes he’s actually at the station. After Ava is done eating she gives her the tablet and turns on Bluey for her. And then she anxiously cleans up the kitchen and the house. She bounces around Ava who is watching the show intently not even glancing up at Lucy.
Finally it’s close enough to lunch time and Lucy grabs Ava and they go to Tim’s favorite taco food truck and order lunch. Once Lucy has the food in her hands, they make their way to the station. Ava runs of course to Angela who spots her shirt immediately but Lucy cuts off before she can say anything.
“It’s a surprise.” She says. Ava looks at Lucy curiously, her blue eyes wide as she looks up at Lucy who has to bite her tongue from blurting it out.
“Surprise?” She asks. Angela swoops down to pick her up and Ava giggles as she hugs her godmother.
Angela puts Ava down and Lucy grabs her hand pulling her with her to Tim’s office. She bites her lips hoping that he is here. Lucy knocks and Tim’s voice rings out immediately. Lucy opens the door and Ava runs in before Lucy can stop her.
“Daddy!” She squeals launching herself into his arms. Tim stands up and catches her and then looks down at her shirt and freezes.
“Luce.” He says his voice a little unsteady. “Is this—?” Lucy nods and heads over to him and Ava.
Tim’s face shows a hundred different emotions as he stares at Ava’s shirt. “Oh my god.” He whispers. Ava looks between them the curious look back on her face.
“What daddy?” She asks. Tim hugs her closer and nods at Lucy.
“Hey Aves remember how you said you wanted a baby brother or sister?” Lucy asks.
Ava nods her head, her pigtails bouncing. “Well you are going to be a big sister Ava. Mommy has a baby growing in her belly.”
Ava’s eyes widen and she looks between her parents before she squeals and claps her hands. “Baby! Baby!” She says excitedly kicking her feet. Lucy laughs and Tim reaches for her so they are all in a huddle.
“We are having another baby!” Says Tim and Lucy kisses his cheek gently and then kisses Ava’s. She remembers vividly when she told Tim about Ava and how it was the three of them.
And now
It was the four of them.
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Thinking of the Disney Cinderella Timeline
Here's how I think the Cinderella Disney animated movies are supposed to be viewed -- or basically, how it might have happened in linear time in the Disney Cinderella universe:
First, there's "Cinderella", of course. The one where she meets the Fairy Godmother for the first time and gets a lovely gown and glass slippers to go to a ball.
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Then it's Cinderella 2's story "Aim to Please". And it makes sense, as it's clearly stated that the Prince and Cinderella have just returned to the palace after their marriage -- the marriage that happened at the end of the first movie -- before the Prince is whisked off by his father to attend to "Important Matters Of State". So of course that's what happened next.
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After that, I'm guessing that "Tall Tail" happened sometime the same year Cinderella started taking over Princess Duties.
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Because she says, "We sure have a lot of parties around here," indicating that the Banquet she dealt with in "Aim to Please" was likely not too far in the past. Or else, she's had a lot of parties to plan since then.
Now the next story is what is important. I think "Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time" happened next, not "An Uncommon Romance".
And then, after what happened in "A Twist in Time", with Anastasia not giving in to Lady Tremaine's scheme in the end, and the Prince and Cinderella marrying again, and them continuing to live their lives again...
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After all that is likely when "An Uncommon Romance" happened.
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So the actual order is: Cinderella, Aim to Please, Tall Tail, A Twist in Time, and An Uncommon Romance.
Let me justify this idea:
First of all, in Cinderella 2, the mice were bringing up random stories they remembered. Except for the first story, where it's clearly stated that it happened right after the married couple returned and Cinderella was officially a princess, the other 2 stories could have happened at any time at all. (We don't know when the mice are writing these stories, after all. How many years it's been, or how much time has passed. We only know that they're writing stuff that's already happened.)
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Secondly, look at the state of Cinderella's old house in "A Twist in Time". It's awful and the stepsisters are basically given the tasks of cleaning the large house.
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And this actually fits with the first movie, which mentions at the beginning that the chateau was falling into disrepair as Lady Tremaine squandered all their riches on Anastasia and Drizella.
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Basically, Cinderella being a servant was all that was keeping the house together. And after she left with the Prince, the state of the house obviously got worse.
But look at how the house looks in "An Uncommon Romance".
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I didn't notice this the first time I watched Cinderella 2. But I certainly noticed after watching Cinderella 3.
But, the house falling into a further bad state makes sense since the house was already not maintained by anyone other than Cinderella at the very beginning of her story.
So here's my theory:
After Cinderella was taken to the palace by the Grand Duke, she likely put her family right out of her mind. And that makes sense. She's not vindictive at all. But after being treated as she was, keeping them far away from her and never turning in their direction again makes sense. If nothing else, she lays no claim to her house even though it was rightfully hers and she has been maintaining it for years. She just leaves them be and never interacts with them again.
But after the events of "A Twist in Time", while Lady Tremaine is a world-class b**** and horror, Cinderella, with her kind heart, and perfectly aware of how awful Lady Tremaine can be, likey decided that paying for the house's upkeep and inviting her stepsisters to balls might be necessary.
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For one, she likely feels sorry for Anastasia, while also understanding how much courage it must have taken her to go against her mother. She also likely figured that Drizella was in the same position as Anastasia, even if she didn't show it or realize it. Finally, after Anastasia defied her mother in such a way, keeping an eye on them in general might have been necessary to ensure that she didn't mistreat Anastasia.
So, as generous as she is, Cinderella likely put aside her step-family's awful treatment of her to help her step-sisters (and to also likely keep an eye on her step-mother too).
This is further supported by the fact that, in "An Uncommon Romance", Anastasia has a music box with a couple that looks like the Prince and Cinderella. I doubt Lady Tremaine, as vindictive, malicious, and jealous as she is, would have let her have that -- unless she was now living under Cinderella's power.
Lady Tremaine even mentions them going to Cinderella's Ball. Yet another thing I doubt she would have let her daughters go to -- unless snubbing Cinderella that way would be pointedly "not good" for her.
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Yet another point was how, when Lady Tremaine finds Anastasia and the Baker together, while berating her and also manipulating her by saying that she only has her best interests at heart, she says nothing more when Anastasia declares that she is going to Cinderella's ball together with the Baker. No declarations of disowning her. No further manipulations or arguments or forbiddances. Like mentioning Cinderella's name and her ball left her with no option but to stalk away while just ordering Drizella to come with her. Like the only thing she could do now was to assert control over the one remaining daughter she still could control.
Very different from the woman in "A Twist in Time" who spelled the Prince's memories when he recognized that Anastasia was not the girl he had danced with at the ball.
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Very different from the woman who sent spells right and left when Anastasia refused to marry the Prince in the end.
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Rather, she held back probably because she knew she would land in hot water if she tried anything. Something was likely holding her in check: The fact that she was basically under probation and lucky to roam free now after attempting treason and murder in Cinderella 3.
Anastasia's reaction is also telling: She is cowed and sad as her mother and Drizella berate her. But the moment her mother says, in a seemingly kind way, that she only has her best interests at heart, it's like a switch flips in Anastasia. And that's when she declares she's wrong and that she IS going to go with the Baker whether she likes it or not.
It wouldn't be surprising if Anastasia heard her having "her best interests at heart" and remembered how her mother had tried to turn the wand on her when she had not married the Prince and instead said that she wanted someone to love her for herself.
And that, in fact, it was Cinderella who had stood up for her to protect her, and the Prince who had deflected the spell to protect Cinderella.
And finally, at the end of "A Twist in Time", the credits scene almost immediately shows the Baker meeting Anastasia. Which we know happens in "An Uncommon Romance". So "An Uncommon Romance" likely happens after the events of "A Twist in Time".
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[ On another note, it really is more poignant when Anastasia tells Cinderella at the end of An Uncommon Romance, "Oh, thank you, thank you! I never dreamed I could be this happy!" and hugs her half-sobbing. Because, in A Twist in Time, she tells Cinderella, "I want what you had," and then, at the end, desperately tells her mother, "I want someone who loves me for me." And Anastasia gets that here. :) ]
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the-broken-truth · 7 months
What about a Yandere love letter for the concept with yan!dad Bruce and Dakota. Yk, in which he’s her biological father? 🥹
Broken Truth: Hello Anon! Thank you for choosing me to write your letter. I am excited to get started on it. I see that you have requested a Platonic Yandere Letter featuring Bruce Wayne and Dakota Blake. I am assuming that you are a fan of their story. Let's get right to it and start weaving words together! I'll add something extra, just to make it more interesting - not just the letter right away; hope you're okay with that.
Dakota had just arrived at the apartment that she shared with her mother, Marissa Blake. Marissa had raised Dakota on her own, with the help of Dakota's aunts and uncles. It was the end of Wild Berry Week at her aunt's bakery, and Dakota had just finished helping to clean up after a long day. Despite her love for helping out at the bakery, this year's event had been particularly stressful, thanks in part to one particular customer - Damian Wayne, the biological son of Bruce Wayne and scion of the Wayne family. Ever since Dakota's hidden trust had come to light, Damian had been causing trouble for Dakota and her family.
A while ago, Dakota found that she was the Eldest and Only Biological Daughter of Bruce Wayne - the product of a one-night stand when Bruce met her mother at some kind of event. Dakota had gone her entire life without her Biological Father and now he suddenly wanted to be a part of her life now that he knew she existed; this annoyed Dakota but Bruce had been keeping his distance while his scion had been coming to the bakery every single day to order large amounts of various muffins. As much as Dakota wanted to deny him business, she knew that the Waynes had money - money that would better fund her family's business so she kept her thoughts to herself. However, today was different: Damian arrived to collect the muffins but this time, he gave Dakota a letter sealed in an envelope stating that it was from their father - Damian said nothing else as he collected the muffins and went on his way.
Dakota arrived at Marissa's house but found that she wasn't home yet and was still at work. Dakota took off her jacket and satchel and placed them on the coat rack. She then pulled out a letter that Bruce had written to her from the right pocket of her jacket. She stared at it for a while before turning on the light at the dining table and taking a seat. Dakota opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. As she read the words written on the paper, anger filled her veins. Her sapphire blue eyes scanned the letter until she finished reading it.
Dear Dakota,
It's been a while since we last met at your Godmother's Cafe. Since then, I have been very busy running Wayne Enterprises, but I finally found time to write this letter. I sent it with Damian when he came to pick up muffins for our employee break room. Everyone here loves your muffins, especially the Blueberry Cheesecake ones; they're always the first to go. I even saw one being used as a prize in a wager between two of my employees, which was quite amusing. But, I digress. The reason I'm writing to you is because I need your full attention, Dakota.
I am your biological father, the one who contributed to your DNA with Marissa. Although I wasn't aware of your existence until you went for a blood test, it doesn't change the fact that you are my daughter and I am your father. It hurts me that I didn't get the chance to know you when you were a child, to watch you take your first steps, or to hear your first words. I heard that your first word was "Dada," but it was said to your Uncle Tobias Blake, which wasn't right. I am your real father, and no one else can take that away from me. Although Tobias might have been there for you, he has no right to wear the mantle of being your father. I wasn't able to be with you, but that's going to change, and I will make sure of it.
I am currently speaking with the Wayne family lawyer about securing a proper room for you at Wayne Manor. I am also planning to fight Marissa for your custody. Despite being of a mature age, you are not yet legally considered an adult. Marissa and the rest of the Blake family have had enough time with you, and it's now our turn to take care of you. I have contacted your school and requested that you transfer to Damian's School. However, they have informed me that I cannot do this since I am not listed as your father in your paperwork. I am working on getting this changed, along with your last name. You are a Wayne, and you should wear this name with pride. The Blake name doesn't hold nearly as much power as the Wayne name.
Once everything is said and done, I want you to take a break from school and work for about a month. In fact, I insist that you quit your job entirely. My daughter, who is also my heiress, shouldn't be working in a café where anyone can just walk in with a weapon and rob. I don't want to lose you like I lost your grandparents. Also, I recently heard that you are dating someone named Marcus Woods. You need to dump him immediately. I will introduce you to someone who is more worthy of someone with your stature. I understand that you might think I am being unfair, but I am just doing what any father would do for his little girl. Your brother Damian thinks that what I am doing is best for you. Speaking of Damian, he is looking forward to having you home. He has planned a lot for your first day at Wayne Manor, and I have never seen him so excited about anything in a long time. Give me about three months, and I'll have everything in place. All I need you to do is dump Marcus Woods and quit your job. If you want a job, I'll get you one at our company. You and Damian are going to run the company someday.
I'll try to make some time to see you so we can talk about all of this, hopefully within the week. Just give your father some time, Little Bat. I'm going to make everything better.
I love you, Dakota. Your father loves you so much. Until we meet again.
~ Signed, Bruce Wayne - Your One and Only Father
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crissiebaby · 11 months
The Sissy Godmother, Pt. 2
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, magical transformation, humiliation, crossdressing, hypermessing, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Bricks66
“I think his brain broke.”
Staring down at their babbling tutor with their mouths agape, neither Lane nor Ruby had any idea why Josh was on the floor and sucking on his thumb while dressed up as an adorable sissy baby. “M-Maybe it's like a…pre-exam ritual?” suggested Ruby, attempting to find any reasonable explanation for why Josh was now wearing a thick diaper and a fuzzy onesie, “Or it could be a test for us? To see if we study on our own or something?”
Shaking his head, Lane was far less willing to seek out the logic when it came to the infantile state of their straight-A scholar. “Test or no test, I think we should take him to the hospital, in case this is like a mental breakdown…or worse,” he said, secretly hoping for a yes so they could drop Josh off at the ER with enough time for him to catch his college’s last football game of the season.
“Oh, calm down. I don’t think it’s that serious,” said Ruby, kneeling down next to Josh and cautiously reaching out to pet his hair. As soon as her hand made contact with Josh’s head, he stopped nursing on his thumb and looked at his crush with innocent, doughy eyes that melted her heart before she could blink, “Oh my Goddess, you are such a cutie!”
Throwing his hands in the air dramatically, Lane was at a loss as to what had come over Ruby. “Not that serious? Ruby, this is not normal behavior…even for Josh,” he scoffed, glancing down at the pathetic display that Josh was putting on before averting his gaze entirely. This caused his eyes to land on Josh’s backpack, where all his diligently taken notes were housed, “O-On second thought, you may be right. Maybe he does this crap to…relax.”
Even Lane didn’t buy the words coming out of his mouth, not that Ruby was paying much attention to him anyway. Regardless, if Josh wanted to act like a baby, there was nothing to stop him from digging through Josh’s notes. And while the last game of the season may have been calling his name, the idea of surprising everyone with a perfect exam run was too juicy to pass up. He quickly snatched Josh’s bag off the floor and set it down on the table before filtering through the material for the notes on their shared classes.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. If this is Josh’s way of unwinding, who are we to judge?” said Ruby, paying minor lip service to Lane’s comment before centering her attention back on Josh, “Now then, what do you say we get you into something nice and clean, cutie-kins!”
Whipping his head up with a look of pure shock, Lane watched in disbelief as Ruby pulled what appeared to be a fresh diaper and a bottle of baby powder out of her backpack before instructing Josh to lie down on the study room’s lone couch. “Y-You can’t be serious. And why do you have that?!” he shouted, receiving a hardy shush from Ruby in response.
“Quiet down, Lane. You’ll upset the baby,” said Ruby, offering no explanation for the infantile items she had tucked away with her notes and textbooks, “Just start studying. I’ll join you when I’m finished.”
Lane was at a complete loss for what had come over his lifelong friend. That didn’t stop him from feeling slightly jealous of the amount of attention Josh was receiving, especially once she untaped his soggy diaper; something he couldn’t bear to watch. To his surprise, he had never wanted to study more. After what he had seen, he actually craved the mind-numbing task of studying for his math final.
As the morning turned to afternoon, Lane was quick to copy all of Josh’s notes in case he decided to break away from his babyish behavior at any point in the day. Once he had his own set of notes, he proceeded to spend the rest of the day reviewing the material lackadaisically, constantly finding himself distracted by notifications on his cell phone. The sheer boredom of forcing himself to study was enough to knock him out by the time the sun was beginning to set.
Meanwhile, Ruby was more than happy to spend her Saturday cooing over baby Josh. She didn’t know why but there was an intense feeling deep down inside of her that compelled her to care for Josh. After all, a baby such as Josh was far too small to take care of himself. That being said, she knew she couldn’t waste her whole day, splitting off from Josh to study during his long, early evening nap. With both her boys snoring away next to her, it was only a matter of time before she too was drifting off to dreamland.
Waking with a start, Lane instantly reached for his droning cell phone. He rubbed his eyes as he thumbed through his friends’ messages, all of whom were happy to share pictures of the fun they were having at the game and later at the bars downtown. “Fugging dicks,” he muttered to himself, feeling extremely envious that his pals were far less concerned with their grades. He began to question why he was caring so much before turning to see Ruby asleep, reminding him of why he was putting himself through all this trouble.
Keeping an eye on Ruby to make sure she didn’t stir, Lane stealthily grabbed his vape pen from his backpack and snuck out of the room to get a quick hit in. As he soaked in the brisk evening air, he began to daydream about asking Ruby out on a date after finals were over and done with. They had been practically attached at the hip since preschool, and with how often everyone liked to joke about them being a couple, it only made sense for this to be the next logical step in their relationship. Tucking his vape pen back into his sweatpants pocket, he reentered the campus library and sauntered back to the study room.
Right as Lane was re-entering the classroom, the clock tower sounded off that a new day was about to begin. He rubbed the back of his neck and groaned, pissed at himself that he’d managed to sleep so late. Slumping down into his chair, he cracked open his copied notes, promising to himself that he was going to look over the info he needed for his Monday tests before allowing himself to get some more shut-eye. At least, that was the plan.
Much like the previous night, the window to the study room swung open just enough to allow the Fairy Godmother’s sparkling essence to waft into the space. As she began to take on her physical form in the center of a glittery vortex yet again, Lane was forced to evacuate his seat, crouching down and taking shelter behind the room’s lone table.
“Oh, deary me. What a terrible predicament,” said the Fairy Godmother, straightening out her dress as the vortex that once surrounded her dissipated. Looking down at Ruby and Josh slumbering away, she placed a gentle hand on Josh’s head and sighed dejectedly, “Apologies, my child. It’s uncharacteristic of me to make a mistake like this. Sadly, there’s nothing that can be done about it now.”
Watching from under the table as the Godmother hovered near Josh, Lane decided that this would be the best moment for him to make his daring escape. He leaped up from his prone position and dashed for the study room door without so much as a second glance back at Ruby.
Unfortunately, Lane’s movement quickly caught the Godmother’s eye, who was happy to use her magic to stop the college-aged boy dead in his tracks. “Oh, there you are, my child,” she said, flicking her wand in Lane’s direction and forcing him to approach her against his will, “My dear, have you any idea the trouble you have caused? My superiors were furious with me when they found out I transformed the wrong person. Have no fear, though, your Fairy Godmother is here to remedy her mistake.”
Feeling a tad devious and a lot annoyed over having to return to the same room two nights in a row, the Fairy Godmother decided she was going to have some fun helping turn Lane’s supposed dream into reality. “Be a dear and strip to your birthday suit, my child,” she said, snickering as she used her wand to guide Lane’s body, compelling him to remove all of his adult male clothing until he was as naked as the day he was born.
All the while, Lane was shell-shocked, unable to believe what he was seeing or doing. Magic wasn’t supposed to be real and yet, here he was, being controlled like a puppet on strings. “W-Why are you doing this to me?!” he asked frantically, hoping his obvious distress would make the Godmother stop.
Tragically, Lane’s meek and cowardly behavior only fed into the Godmother’s sadistic side. “My child, I’m not doing anything. You’re the one putting on a diaper with your own hands,” she said, pointing her wand at Lane’s discarded clothes and instantly transforming them into something far more fitting of a sissy baby girl with his shirt turned into a paisley nightie with lace accents, his sweatpants balling themselves up and shifting into the shape of a stuffed teddy bear, and last but not least, his poor boxers puffing up and changing into a fluffy, white diaper.
As he stared at his own ominously transformed attire, the gears started to turn in Lane’s mind. The baby outfit, the constant babbling, the diaper usage! Josh wasn’t dressed up for some kind of pre-exam ritual. He had been turned into a sissy baby against his will. And now, the same thing was about to happen to him.
“Hop to it, my child! We haven’t got all night,” the Fairy Godmother said, waving her wand over the freshly-minted clothing and instructing Lane’s body to work.
Against his will, Lane reached down and began unfolding the diaper that his underwear had turned into. With the diaper neatly flattened out, he settled himself into the center of the padding, blushing furiously all the while.
“Oops! I almost forgot,” said the Godmother, bopping herself on the forehead for emphasis. Snapping her fingers, she ushered fresh bottles of baby powder and baby lotion into reality. The bottles floated around Lane’s body before homing in on his exposed privates and effortlessly lathering up his loins. From his perspective, it felt as if two sets of ghost hands had been sicced on his lower half.
Once the Godmother was satisfied with the amount of lotion and powder coating Lane’s diaper area, she snapped the bottles out of existence before pushing Lane to continue diapering himself. “I bet that feels a lot safer and cozier, doesn’t it, my child,” she said, giggling as Lane lifted the diaper front over his steadily growing stiffy.
Much to Lane’s dismay, the plushy diaper, and bizarrely erotic situation had resulted in an unintended hard-on. As much as he didn’t want to enjoy what was happening to him, he couldn’t help but feel a lot more relaxed now that the diaper was in place. Looking ahead at the dress, he wondered if continuing to put on his new sissy wardrobe would make him feel even better, unaware that his mind was already succumbing to the Godmother’s sissifying powers.
Pulling the nightie on over his head, Lane was swooning as the slippery fabric drizzled down his sensitive skin, further fueling his apparent arousal. As the sleepwear settled into place on his shoulders, he unconsciously began to giggle like crazy as his hands rubbed against the fabric that stretched across his belly. 
“See? I knew you’d feel much better this way,” said the Godmother, cupping her hands together as observed Lane grabbing the stuffed teddy and nuzzling it close to his chest as if it were his best friend in the world. Unlike with Josh the night before, she detected no lingering thoughts of resistance in Lane’s mind, allowing him to forgo the same brain drain process that Josh had been put through. However, not wanting Josh to gain more favoritism, she made sure to imbue Lane with the same spell she had used on Josh, making him irresistible to anyone with a caregiver’s heart.
“That should do it. Now, I can finally put this case to bed. Farewell, my children. You may both see me again in your dreams whenever you like,” said the Godmother, petting both Josh and Lane on the head as she made her way to the window, “Oh, how I love my job.” Waving her wand with a graceful flourish, she vanished into a wind tunnel of sparkles before drifting back out into the starry night sky, believing to have firmly closed the book on yet another fantastical fairytale.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The lovely Hallows (I.I)
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I. Diagon Alley
Chapter Summary: Your godmother takes you to buy your list of things for Hogwarts, is it a nightmare, luckily, you find your best friend 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic), reader is a reader insert EXCEPT FOR her last name, I need something to call her by, except for that, she is un-described 
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia (?), that is what i’m going to call for racism against muggles 😂😂with Draco we are going to have a lot of that
Wordcount: 3.0 k
Notes: I’m so excited for this, it took a lot of thinking because first they are children and it’s kinda boring, but I love Harry Potter! I’m a late Potterhead bloomer haha, anyways… here they are! 
Your godmother was more excited than you when she woke you up the very day before school starts. You needed to go to Diagon Alley to pick up your things for your first school year. So you got dressed in a nice skirt, blouse and sweater, and she grabbed your hand as you used the Flu powders inside the house’s chimney
The apparition was immediate and just like that, you were in Diagon Alley, your godmother immediately summoned a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped your face from any cinder or ash.
You had accompanied her to the Alley before, and you walked through the busy street as looked in awe at the owls, the wands and cauldrons, and this time, they will finally going to belong to you 
“I want nothing but the best for my little niece”, you heard your aunt speak out loud, “for her first year at Hogwarts”, many families were walking up and down the alley with smiles on their faces, many first years, and some older, you saw the Weasley family from afar, they were very identifiable with their bright red heads.
You entered the store they just left, for your books, as your godmother gave the list to the store clerk, and as he handed her the books, she started passing them on to your poor house elf that had come with you to help with the shopping. The pile of books became too much, surpassing the poor servant, and you had to take the rest, soon they surpassed you too.
And you exited the store without being able to look at anything.
Luckily Meek teleported itself back to your house, to leave the books, came back to you to grab yours and repeated the action.
“Thank you”, the elf didn’t speak much, he just nodded and apparated out and back again
“Can I get the nimbus 2000?”, you asked your godmother, “please? I’ve been saving coins…”
“You cannot my dear”, she said, pushing you down the street, “we were reminded that first years cannot bring their own broomsticks, maybe for next year”, and it sounded silly, but you wanted to cry, it meant that no quidditch for you
You bought in other stores the brass scale, a telescope (of course the black one with silver details), the cauldron and a beautiful set of antique crystal phials, now you were only missing your wand, and your familiar, and for the last one, you really wanted an owl, even though your godmother had given you that look, she preferred a cat, they were cleaner, but you promised you would clean after your owl.
So when you looked up at your godmother, and found her distracted speaking to an old friend she encountered, you took the opportunity to grab your small purse, and enter the first owlery that was closest to you. 
The store was a little bit run down, and you immediately got hit by a strong smell of bird waste and hay, and the hoots of the beautiful birds, you look at each and every one of them, they were big, small and medium sized, brown ones, even a beautiful snow white one… but a big set of orange eyes caught your eyes
“Are you here to choose your familiar little girl?”, an old man said behind a wooden desk, making you jump, “A owl?”, you nodded, enthusiastically, looking back at your aunt through the glass, she was still speaking to that friend, “Owls are fascinating creatures, very smart, and this ones are already trained to fetch letters and packages”, he said, he pointed to a Barn owl with huge black eyes
“Yeah, I love them”, you said, admiring the bird, but your gaze returned to a silvery cage, at the back of the store, as you looked closely, you noticed those enchanting orange eyes belonged to a big black owl, it’s feathers were ruffled, and she looked a little scruffy, but she was gorgeous, the store manager followed your gaze and smiled nervously
“She is… strange”, the Owl handler said, and you looked at him, “but you felt a bond didn’t you?”, and you nodded
“I want that one”, you said, and he only nodded, walking towards the back of the store and brought you the magnificent creature 
“She is a Southern white-faced owl, but with a strange condition that is called melanism, turn her feathers black you see”, he explained, and she was so beautiful, “Be careful little witch, she bites”, he said, concern when you opened her cage, and he was amazed when the bird let you touch her feathery head
“I’ll take her”, you said with a wide smile
You got out of the shop holding the cage with difficulty, and when you saw your godmother’s face, you knew you had made the right choice
“What is that?”, she asked, pointing at your familiar
“my owl, I just bought it, do you like it?”, you asked simply
“That is not…”, she wanted to fight you but when she saw your “innocent” smile, she knew it was a lost battle already, “I love her”, he said, with a weird fake smile, she sneaked a finger through the bars to pet her, and she bit her
“She bites”, I warned, clearly late, and she just scowled at me
“Let’s get going”, she said, losing her short patience, and you walked behind her, happily
“Miss, let me take that for you”, said Meek, the house elf sworn to your family, but to make the task easy, you opened the cage and let your own perch on your shoulder.
“Thank you”, you said with a shy smile, and then you directed your attention to your owl, how were you going to name her?
“Basilik!”, you heard, behind you, you turned to meet Draco, your very best friend
“Hey Draco”, you said, smiling softly, he reached you, walking down the alleyway, and his mother walked right behind him. 
“You got your familiar I see, my father bought me an Eagle Owl, fearsome creature”, he said 
Draco eyed your big black owl, with round orange eyes
“Weird creature”, he admired, you giggled
“Be careful!”, you warned, when you saw him try to pet her, “She…”
“Au!”, Draco whined, looking at his bloodied finger
“... bites”, you said, smiling apologetically. Draco just glared at your owl and changed sides, walking to your left 
“I heard we will have an unusual amount of mudbloods this year!”, he said, poking his tongue out in sign of disgust
“You are only acting like a tosser because you fear they might be better than you!”, you mocked, trying to change the subject. Draco was your best friend, but when he spoke like that of people, you felt guilty, your chest tightened, you didn’t liked it 
“Yeah sure”, he said bitterly
“Here children, let’s go to Olivander’s”, said Narcissa, grabbing you both by the back of your necks to lead you to the most famous wand maker in the country
The man didn’t even doubt when it came to Draco, he nodded signaling you both to wait with his bony finger, and he went looking for his wand in the back of the store, when he returned, he had in his hand an spotless black box, when it opened, it revealed a perfect shaped wand with a silver handle
“10 inches, hawthorn wood, unicorn core”, he resumed, offering the wand to Draco, he took it, you saw concentration in his hand and the entirety of the wand shined with a golden light. He nodded with a smirk, he had found his wand and it looked like Olivander had made it for himself especially, but you guessed that it was it felt like to everybody
When you looked at the wand maker, he was looking right at you.
“Let’s try this one”, he directed himself to a shelf behind him, he came back with a whitish box in his boney hands
I grabbed the wand he was offering me, it was strange looking, I gave it a wave and a complete book case fell off the wall. You gasped, dropping the wand like it burned 
“Too unyielding”, he said, not even surprised, “strange”, because I was with Draco, he believed me to be deserving of an unyielding wand? I didn't even know what that meant. He looked at you one more time, giving it some thought, and then he went to the back of the store. 
The wand he offered you looked like an ordinary branch picked up from under a tree, you grabbed it in your hand gently, you pointed at no place in particular, and the single flower that was in a pot nearby, died, like immediately, your owl in your shoulder hoot nervously, flapping its wings hitting you in the face 
“NO!”, he said quickly, taking the wand from your hand 
“Sorry”, I whispered, even if it wasn’t my choice. His cloudy eyes met your face one more time, he seemed to be deeply analyzing you
“Let’s see”, he said, waggling his finger, he grabbed a box from a pile on his desk, and he gave it to you, it was a dark brown wand, it look like two branches had come together, twirling, melted together, the handle had metallic details imbedded in the wood. It was quite breathtaking
You held it and you looked at it, you felt as it had a life on it’s own, and it had taken to you, it shined just like draco’s
“Funny”, the man muttered, looking at you through his piercing blue eyes, “I just sold one just like this one, to the little boy before you, it’s twelve and half inches, very pliant, maple wood, dragonstring core”, he resumed, “the maple wood is considered for adventurous wizards, it will polish and nurture  itself as greater it becomes, just like the witch learns new spells”, he said, and you felt pretty proud, this was your wand, it was pretty cool, and the dragonstring core it turned it even cooler 
“Thank you Sr”, you said with a wide smile, admiring your wand 
“Remember little witch, the wand chooses the wizard, this wand called me this morning, knowing her owner was close”, he smiled and you, and you thanked him
“What a bunch of bollocks”, mocked Draco just as you closed the door of Ollivander’s behind you, “you don’t believe that do you?”, he mocked
“I don’t know, sounds pretty cool to me”, you giggled. 
As we were walking down the street, Narcissa and my Godmother behind us, we almost collided with an entire family that was coming out of an old bookstore
“Look where you are going!”, many words were exchanged, not in the best of tones and when you made sure your owl was still perched on your shoulder, you looked up and you found yourself meeting with the Targaryen family
“Targaryen”, greeted Draco, but squinting his eyes and scrunching his nose, like when he did when he didn’t like something in particular
“Malfoy”, the smallest of the three, Aemond, took a step forwards to face him
“Narcissa”, what it looked like to be their mother, showed up behind them, placing her trembling hands on the shoulders of her two older children
“Alicent dear”, you looked up at aunt Narcissa and she was wearing one of those fake smiles that made you cringe, like when you two had done something mischievous but we were in front of someone else and she had to wait to get home to punish us
“Draco has gotten so big”, admired the auburn haired woman, who look as constipated as Narcissa did, even though they were at her house only yesterday
“I believe your youngest starts tomorrow as well?”, she asked
“Yes, Aemond”, she said, “Well only little Daeron is left, but he will start next year”
You looked at the strange looking children, they had even more silver hair than Draco, you’ve hair it was a common trait amongst really pure blooded wizards. The only girl catch you staring and smiled at you, you smiled back
“I’m Helaena”, she was just in front of you so nobody else heard, “she is cute”, she said, she moved a finger to caress my still nameless owl and for your surprise, she didn’t try to bite her
“Thank you, I’m (Y/N)”, you said smiling
“I’m in Hufflepuff, but I think you are going to be in Slytherin”, she muttered
“How do you know?”, you whispered, but you were interrupted, as the adults were saying their goodbyes
“I’ll see you around”, the strange interacted ended before it began, and suddenly you were being dragged again by your Godmother trough Diagon Alley
“My father says they are all blood traitors”, Draco said mockingly, whispering in your ear
“What do you mean?”, you asked back
“They are known for associating with mudbloods and muggles”, he said with that disgusted face you feared was going to get stuck on his face. “Their older sister, Rhaenyra, married a mudblood, Harwin Strong”, he mocked, “It’s embarrassing really, is even more embarrassing the fact that they practiced inbreeding for many generations”, you didn’t know what to make of that 
“Oh”, you looked back to watch the three silver heads walking in the opposite direction, they didn’t look like traitors to you, they didn’t look weird to you, but you didn’t dare to say anything
“We have an appointment with the tailors, sweety”, called my Godmother, “to make your robes for school”, she said excitedly, squeezing your shoulders, “and for merlin’s sake, put that bird away!”, she screeched, Meek appeared by your side with the cage and you reluctantly gave away your owl. 
And you turned to one less busy street, and soon you were before an impressive seamstress shop, elegant and classy. A small bell rang when you entered, and behind a counter a lady with dark hair, glasses and a handmade suit were waiting for you
“Ah! Narcissa darling! so good to see you! Is that Draco? a good little man he has become”, her voice was thunderous and high pitched, it made you want to cover your ears
“Isn’t he? we are here to get his robes for his first years at Hogwarts”, she said proudly, and then, she looked down at you
“And who is this sweetling?”
“(Y/N) Basilik”, presented your aunt
“She is so delicious, come, come!”, 
And as this lady placed you and Draco in a literal pedestal and took your measures, pieces of fabric flied from the shelved and to your body, you giggled when a turmoil of thread, fabrics, and silver needled all guided by that woman dressed you in your school uniform
“Will they go to Slytherin?”, she asked
“Of course”, is the only thing you heard 
 Then Narcissa took you to a Belgium tea shop, where of course Draco and you indulged in Belgium chocolate, drinking it, and eating as much as you could.
And then your godmother took you home
You lived in her house, mansion more like it, your godmother was a close friend of your family, your mother’s sister, and she was named your godmother when you were born.
And when your parents died, she became your guardian, she took you in when you were barely a baby, your father on his side had no known relatives, and your mother only had her after her parents passed when you were little. And you were being raised in your family home.
She has given you a comfortable life, your family lineage on your mother’s side assure her, you and many generations to come would live comfortably without having to work a day in your life.
Your aunt liked to move in amongst pure-bloods, amongst wizarding royalty, and that is how you were brought up, with Draco as your best friend, living in luxury.
You liked this life
Your parents died when you were barely a baby, in the first Wizarding war, they said they were death eaters, but your aunt never liked to discuss it, and you didn’t want to even ask. You felt something was wrong, she’d say she will tell you about it when you are older 
So you never asked again.
Deep down you preferred, living comfortably in a gray line between wrong and right, light and darkness, goodness and evil
But you didn’t want to dwell on this.
Tomorrow, you started at Hogwarts.
School for witchcraft and wizardry
You were excited, so excited you could barely sleep.
Tomorrow your godmother was taking you to King Cross station to take the Hogwarts express, you always liked trains, you were looking forward to it.
You were longing to burst out of that bubbled your aunt has created around you, you wanted to meet new people, make friends, but most of able, you were dying to learn spells, use magic, make potions, you were looking forwards to it
Your owl hooted by the window where you placed her cage, and you looked at her huge orange eyes. How were you going to name her?
It meant shadow in Romanian 
You liked that, she looked like a shadow, perched in her silver cage. 
You were so nervous you actually prepared everything for the next day, what you were going to wear, you prepared your trunk with all the things you had bought, you couldn’t wait, you were so excited.
Tomorrow, it was going to be the start of a new life. 
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izayoizuki · 2 years
Mine To Keep Ch. 2
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GIF by thorinsbeard
Pairing: Hangman x F!Mitchell!Reader
In which there is talking. So much talking.
Wordcount: ~3.8K
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter || Masterlist || AO3 || The Receipts Universe
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Chapter 2: Going To The Mattresses
You shouldered open the storm door, calling out to your Godmother.
"In here, honey!" You heard her distinctive voice, and that in itself was enough to make you feel like everything was going to be ok. Carole was excellent at doing that.
You walked into the kitchen, sniffing appreciatively at the smell of cookies in the air. Your Godmother wasn't exactly domestic- oh, she and your godfather managed the house better than alright, but she wasn't going to be any threat to Martha Stewart anytime soon- but what she lacked in domesticity she made up for in vigour and determination. Everything she did she gave it her all, and her all was often wonderful; so whenever she got a baking bee in her bonnet, your whole family was highly appreciative.
"You're here!" Carole exclaimed as you walked into her line of sight, and gave a squeal at the flowers you held out to her with a grin. "For me? Oh, you shouldn't have! They're wonderful!" She sunk her face into the blooms and inhaled appreciatively, as if she didn't know they were from the little mart on the way home. "They're gorgeous! Honestly baby, if you were a guy, I'd leave Goose for you." She hugged you as your body shook with giggles; you knew better than to believe her. All the gold in the world wouldn't entice her to leave your godfather.
"C'mon, come up here," she hiked herself on the kitchen island and patted for you to sit on the other side of the L, a tray of still warm cookies between you. "I heard you slam the door, and drive away on that terrible beast of yours, and I knew something wasn't normal." She picked up a cookie and handed it to you before picking up one herself. "Actually I knew when I woke up this morning. The clouds hung all still in this weird way, and I just knew." She got straight to the point in that precisely roundabout way of hers. "Tell me everything!" Her tone was light, but you recognised it for what it was, a command.
And you were super good at obeying hers. So you promptly spilled your guts, breaking into tears now and again even though you tried really hard to stay level. Carole pulled you into her shoulder, rubbing your back. "My poor baby. Pete shouldn't have said those things. He means well, but that wasn't the way to talk." It felt so good to have her taking your side that you just cried harder; you were sure you were soaking her t-shirt but you couldn't bring yourself to neither care nor stop. Your stuttered inhales took in the comforting scent of her, of garden flowers and clean cotton and soft shampoo, and it helped you calm down. You must have been loud enough though, because Bradley ambled in, scratching his tummy absentmindedly.
"You know what your problem is?" He looked you in the little bit of eye peeking from Carole's shoulder, and you shook your head slightly. He opened the fridge and took out a jug. "You're having those cookies without milk." That got a chuckle out of you, and a guffaw out of his mom.
"Go with Bradley, sweetheart. You can sleep in your room if you like, it's all set up." She made shooing motions with her hands. "I'll talk to Pete, don't worry. And take these away from me, I shouldn't be eating so many of them so late." She handed you the tray. You wanted to be a big girl, but you couldn't bring yourself to even protest her stepping in. Carole had a way of making your dad see when very little else could. Your mom had that gift too, you thought sadly, but you shoved that thought away before it got any bigger. Instead you hopped off the counter, carrying the tray while Roo carried the milk glasses, heading to the rocking chairs on the back porch.
You set the tray on the little table between the chairs, easing into the chair and staring out; you could see glimpses of the beach from here, and you tried to find exactly where the sky and sea met, only to get distracted by the stars. The silence was comfortable, and Roo was being considerate, matching his pace to your rock.
Finally he broke the silence. "You know Unca means well, right?" 
"Roo, I don't wanna-" 
"I know, I know, believe me, I know." He waved a hand and let his head drop back, watching motes of air wander in front of the little porch light. "I'm saying that I know it may seem like everything really is like what he's saying, but it's not. Or well, it is, but it's also the way you see it." He huffed before trying to figure out the words he was going for, determined to make sense. "It's like, ok, you ever know how in class we had to write those book report things after we all read the book together?" You hummed to let him know you were following him; you and Bradley had been in the same English lit class for one year because you were "ahead of your grade level" and "under-stimulated" and "disruptive"- or so quoth your report card anyway. "Ok, you remember how we would think something, and sometimes the other kids would have a completely different opinion? And their opinion kinda makes sense right? But at the same time it doesn't make it the only right idea, right?" Bradley gestured wildly with his hands, and you cocked your head to watch him. "Anyway, what I'm trying to tell you is that, I've got your back ok? Like even if you wanna become a stinky old ornery lady, I've got your back." You teared up. Bradley was clumsy, and there had been a time in your teenagehood where you’d really seen where Cain had been coming from, but age had helped him out a lot, and to give credit, he always made an effort. He reached over and tugged your earlobe, making you smile, and you reached over to ruffle his hair. "Makes you laugh, doesn't it?"
You looked at him, cocking an eyebrow in question. "You know, between us, we tried both routes, navy and non-navy, and both made our dads unhappy." That got a giggle out of you. 
You raised your glass and clinked his, "To our dumb dads." Bradley clinked and toasted back, and you both grabbed a cookie and settled back. A wash of calm settled over you. Yeah, the past couple of years had been absolutely terrible, but you had your family at your back. You didn't know how long after, but Bradley was nudging your foot with his. 
"Hey, you asleep? Oh no no no, you're not falling asleep here." He grabbed the back of your collar with one hand, grabbing the cookie sheet with the other, before frog-marching you to the guest bedroom, which was for all intents and purposes yours, depositing the cookies on the coffee table as you both passed it by. He shoved you under the covers, waiting for a moment to make sure you were fully in. 
He started to walk away, but turned around, grasping your upper arm. "You're not allowed to do anything stupid, ok? You're the only little sister I got." He gave you a slight shake.
"Love ya too bud." You mumbled as a reply. Satisfied, he walked away.
Carole sat on the front porch with her first, most magical, most precious coffee of the day, glad that she was a morning person, especially when she thought about how her two kids weren’t, nor were her husband or brother-in-law. It was blissful to sit in the day before it truly came into its own, to watch fate decide the way it would shape destiny and see it manifest in every ray of dawn that broke across the dark night.
Today she wasn’t going to be as left alone as usual though; she could almost feel the ground thunder before she saw them riding up the little crest of the hill to their house. They parked, dismounted, and the early morning glow bathing them sent Carole back; it was as if time had faded away, and she was looking at the boys they had been decades ago, the boyish grins, the effortless banter, the sheer exuberance as they bounded up the steps to her. Nick kissed her, an I’m home kiss, a kiss he continued to perfect every day of their marriage, before tiptoeing through the storm door, and Pete bent to her cheek. She quickly clipped the edge of his jacket as he straightened, eyes pointing to the rocker beside her.
Maverick raised an eyebrow but slid easily into the rocker.
“You remember how she used to get Bradley to put her in a duvet case and swing her around?” Carole started, apropos of just about absolutely nothing, in a way that meant it was absolutely about something, and it made all the short little hairs on the back of Mav’s head stand up even as slouched himself into a comfortable position.
“Don’t even remind me. Then she got Bradley to climb into the duvet case and tried to swing him. He had a good fifteen pounds on her, at least.”
“And then she got Bradley to do that whole dance with her? On the roof?”
“To Christy Spears?”
“Britney Spears.”
“Didn’t they steal your halter tops for that?”
“And that time in English Lit where they got their class to have a protest coup?” Carole smiled indulgently, dreamily. This was a path of memories well trod on. “We used to tag team the kids’ parent teacher meetings something fierce back then.”
“I recall you did a lot of the heavy lifting in that arena, yeah.” Mav quietly reached a hand out for the coffee cup.
“Give yourself some credit,” Carole passed it along to him, watching as he took a sip and grimaced at how cold it was by now, “you and Goose came as often as possible. Not to mention the number of times you bailed out the two of them.” the smile came through in her voice.
“Oh God. I practically had to grovel. Four star admirals haven’t worked me over that hard. And that time in eighth grade…” Maverick trailed off, scrubbing a hand over his eyes.
“Yeah, and you remember the comments?” 
“Oh yeah…” He adopted the nasally tone of the principal, “Ms. Mitchell shows great promise, but is not living up to her potential. Ms. Mitchell makes careless mistakes.” He shifted to make eye contact with Carole as they both intoned, “Ms. Mitchell does not test well.” they both cracked up over the memory, trying to keep their cackles quiet.
“Damn near had a heart attack when they called me in about her IEP. I thought it was something terminal.” Maverick's smile remained on as the laughter petered out, but his eyes had that look in them, no matter how much he insisted that he only had one look.
“It was all so different, especially after our experience with Bradley. I swear that boy has elevator music playing in his head sometimes.”
“You should see him fly, Ro. He’s like a sleeper agent that comes alive when he’s in that cockpit.” He looked down into the now-iced coffee cup. “She’d have been a great pilot. I’ve seen her in my ‘stang, she’s good, she has the instincts. That overthinking brain of hers was made for it.”
“I’ve no doubt. But Pete, do you think she’d have survived to get to that point? Hell, do you think you’d leave anyone alive if anyone treated her the way you were treated? Not to mention how she would have done emotionally. She puts earthworms back into the grass, Mav.” Carole placed her hand on Maverick’s cuff. “She doesn’t test well, Pete.” her voice was soft, reminding rather than accusing. “She’s got principles she’s trying to live by, and we have to be the ones who have her back.” She unknowingly echoed her son from just a few hours ago. 
“I know, it’s just-” Pete broke off, head in his hands as he tried to vent his frustration. “My job is all I know- it’s all I can do for her- and it’s only a matter of time- and it’s just me…” every one of his fears and worries came bubbling up, fighting for priority and prominence and he couldn't voice a single one of them to completion, partly because there was just so much and partly because he was terrified, not so deep down, that by saying them out loud he would somehow speak them into existence. 
Carole gathered his head to her shoulder with an easy arm. “Well, I hate to be the one to break it to ya, Pete, but you’re wrong on all counts there. We’ve been through a lot, and we’ll go through a lot more if we have to.” She gave him a squeeze. “Although, gawd, I hope we don’t have to.”
Your body stirred as you felt the edge of the bed dip, before a soft voice spoke up. 
“Hey, kid.” You had to hand it to your dad- even though you were upset with him at the moment- he had a good dad voice. It was nice and soft, good for bedtime stories and corny jokes-
Your train of thought cut off as you felt and heard the curtains being ripped open, letting the full glare of the California sun pounce on you. You gave a wordless scream of rage and tried to bury yourself in the pillow. You took it back, your dad was an as-
You felt the bed dip again, this time Mav lay alongside you on top of the covers, hands behind his head. He spoke up to the ceiling. “I said a lot of things last night, didn’t I?”
You weren’t going to answer him. 
“Well, here’s the thing. I’m sorry about the way I spoke. And I said a lot of unnecessary shit too. But I’m not mad about what I did.”
“It’s called nepotism, dad.” Shit, you weren’t going to speak to him. And was that what he called an apology? The nerve of this man…
“First of all, there’s no more nepotism to this than through any recruitment drive. I didn’t lean on anyone. I didn’t talk to anyone. I didn’t mention it to anyone at all. They wanted someone who matched your skillset, and I simply slipped in your resume. The biggest clue is the fact that we share the same last name, and it’s not like we have a rare one. It’s not my fault they decided on you.”
“But it’s the navy-”
“It’s a diplomatic tour, sweetheart. Isn’t this what you’re always talking about? Keeping lines of communications open? Resolving international situations with tact rather than force? So what if we have a big stick with us as insurance?”
“That’s a mighty big stick.” you muttered darkly.
“I’ll give you that. But think of this as the start. If we all do our jobs real well, maybe someday there won’t be a need for any stick at all.”
You didn’t have a reply to that, so you kept your silence. 
“How about this: you come on as a contracted specialist. After this is done, it’s done. You choose what you want to do next. And I will never do something like this again. Just one shot kid. For your dad. For your granddad.”
You groaned. Your dad never trotted out the granddad thing, which made the whole request that much more potent. You knew how your dad felt about your granddad, about the circumstances of his death. Just as you knew you now had to take the job.
“Fine.” you sighed. “Now get off my blanket so I can shower.”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed your forehead before jackknifing up and off. “Oh, wear something you can move around in, I wanna get more plane parts from that nice Korean guy and I need you to translate.” you couldn’t help but let out a grumble, and he couldn’t help but laugh. “How about we get some breakfast first?”
You’d showered, worn jeans and an old old old teenage mutant ninja turtles t-shirt that was so soft it could have been a baby blanket, shared brunch- his a whole diner breakfast, yours cheese fries and pancakes (you still have the diet of a five year old/ wow gee thanks mr. fourth-cup-of-coffee/ isn’t that your third cup, ms. pot?)- with your dad, and translated back and forth as your dad got the part for the mustang p-51 he was constantly repairing or upgrading. Their conversation, which had devolved into something completely tangential (you’d somehow started translating on autopilot, and you were sure the words Alan Alda had left your mouth at some point) had gone on long enough that you didn’t have time to work on the plane itself. Instead, you were being dropped off at the mall to help Goose.
“What am I helping him with again?”
“I don’t know, he’s not really saying anything, but he’s pretty worked up, whatever it is.” He stopped in front of a cafe. “He’s gonna meet you here. He insisted it was you, whatever it was.” 
"Ok, now you're making me anxious."
"Just...Be good.” He reached out his hand to pinch your cheek.
“I always am.”
You sat at a cute little table with a piece of tiramisu and a deep, rich espresso which you definitely weren't going to tell your dad about. Your godfather wasn't the most punctual- it wasn't that he didn't want to be, but he has the attention span of a goldfish and a desire to help everyone whose path he crossed, and so he frequently got waylaid.
"We have got to stop meeting like this." It was Sugarpie in August, and just like last time, your head whipped round, suppressing the urge to reach for your aviators as he speared you with his golden smile, coming to stand behind you, giving you an ache in your pre-aged neck.
"Sit, you're giving me a crick." you pushed out the other chair with your foot, and he trotted over obediently with a quietly smug little "Yes'm" that did something odd to your heart.
"The navy's trained you well." You teased him. 
"Yeah? Come with me and I'll show you roll over too." He grinned unrepentantly as if he could see the way your heart fluttered at his words, and you found it contagious, your lips curving up to match his even as your brain told you to get out of the whole thing. You’d been able to not pay attention to it last night between the fight with your dad, Bradley’s return, and everything else in the middle, but the fact of the matter was, guys like Sugarpie and girls like you didn’t mix. Or to be more accurate, they mixed, but it always ended up belonging to a dumpster fire.
"So what is it you do…" you were fairly certain whom you were speaking to, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
"Hangman," he supplied easily.
"Yowch," you pretended to be surprised, "your parents hate you or something?"
His grin got wider, which you hadn't thought was possible, and smugger, which was even more of a feat, as he replied. "Nope, it's my callsign, I'm a naval aviator." Then he flicked his gaze to the sweet cloud of cream and coffee in front of you. “That any good?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, flyboy.”
“Wanna share?” 
“Wanna be maimed?”
“Listen, I’m just saying,” Since when had he had that toothpick in his mouth? And why was he that adept at manoeuvering it around? “If we share it, and we like it, we can get more. And if we don’t like it, we’ll’ve cut our losses.” 
Apparently he was really good at both, crimes against the English language via contracting words, and making persuasive arguments, because you heard yourself say “Fine,” even as you felt your soul leave your body. “But you’re getting your own fork, and your own drink.” a boundary, that’s what you were establishing, a healthy boundary. 
Healthy boundary your ass. 
"Fair enough. So which turtle is your favourite?" he gestured to your shirt with his fork as he pulled the plate towards him. 
You looked down to your torso and then back at him. Where had he gotten that fork from? You snapped back into focus "Go on three?"
He put up three fingers.
"Mikey!" You both chorused.
"Why?" He was grinning that terrible, horrible, no good grin of his as he stabbed through the pristine pastry.
"He’s sassy and adorable and dual wielding. And fast. So fast." you were fully aware that you sounded like a 4 year old explaining their top 3 favourite dinosaurs but you were thankful that you didn’t come off even more incoherent in light of the human equivalent of the full blast of the sun. Small mercies. Very small mercies. You oneshotted your espresso.
"You have a thing for speed, huh? What's the fastest thing you've ever seen?" He licked his fork. Confident he could steer the conversation to his impressive exploits one way or another no matter how contrived the shoehorning was. But you were entranced by the very pink, very nice- were tongues nice? Was that a thing?- tongue that had played hide-and-seek with the fork, and you followed the utensil’s path down, down-
And realised that the ratfink was well on his way to eating most of your dessert, and that snapped you back like nothing else ever, possibly, could.
"I could tell you,” you pulled the plate back to yourself, “but I'd have to kill you." Hangman threw his head back and laughed.
Perhaps not strictly true, but judging by the number of NDAs you'd had to sign before witnessing your dad become the fastest man alive (or so Hondo had said, but you had questions; what about astronauts for instance?), death would be the more merciful option. So you just stared at Hangman, unperturbed.
“Good one.” He caught the look on your face. “Wait, what?”
Just then you heard a goose honk and looked outside to your godfather sitting in his boat of a car, waving.
"Who’s that?"
You shoved the remaining portion of the tiramisu into your mouth as you grabbed your bag, rushing out, and answered his final question over your shoulder. "My godfather."
taglist: @therebeccaw @imjess-themess @blue-aconite @dempy
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otteli2000 · 11 months
Okay so my Resident Evil Chreon! AU
Here's some world building:
-Chris and Leon met at some point through Claire and it was love at first sight. They ended up in the bathroom of bar they were in and they haven't let go of each other since. They moved with each other within a matter of weeks and got married soon because life is too short to not be with the one you love
-Jill was never controlled by Weskher. She and Carlos got married after Racoon City and later had twin girls (Because Carlos is such a girldad). Jill is still working with Chris at the BSAA while Carlos, after the death of his whole platoon, decided to retire. He's now a househusband and a stay-at-home dad and he LOVES it
-Claire and Rebecca also are together in this universe because I said so
Now, onto the actual story, during a mission, Leon gets hurt, bad, and almost dies. Of course, he survives but he messed up his leg and the doctors force him to retire which leads him to basically being a caged lion in his and Chris' apartment; pacing around with nothing to do because he already cleaned everything. Twice.
Chris, obviously, is pretty worried about his husband and talks about it with Jill who suggests for them to move into the house next to her and Carlos. It's already up to sale but it's pretty and cheap so it won't stay on sale for long so Chris buys it right away without talking to Leon who is pretty pissed once he tells him. They argue but when he finally, and reluctantly, agrees to visit their new house, he agrees it was too good of an opportunity to pass on.
Of course, right next door, Carlos is basically vibrating with excitement because he finally got someone to bother and he fully intends to show Leon that staying home isn't such a bad thing.
So as soon as Chris and Leon are settled in, Carlos starts dragging him to all kind of activities; taking the twins to the park, local football matches, community events like barbecues.
And at first, Leon complains everytime because that's just who he is but eventually, he's the one who takes the initiative to go over to Jill and Carlos' house to ask him what they're doing today (Carlos tackles him into a hug, laughing like a maniac).
So Leon takes on some hobbies like gardening which he doesn't suck at as much as he thought. He's even pretty good at it, enraging the local Karen when his garden wins a prize in the neighborhood contest.
Leon comes to realize that being a civilian again doesn't suck as much as he thought and that retirement might be the best thing that could have happened to him (Beside Chris of course)
Chris is super grateful because it finally feels like he's getting the old Leon back (He buys Carlos the most expensive bottle of whiskey on the market)
And then one day, as they're getting to bed, Chris can see something is bothering Leon so he asks him what's wrong.
"What do you think of having kids?"
And Chris absolutely did NOT see this coming. At all. Leon had never been much of a fan of kids before (Except for Jill and Carlos' daughters because they're just too cute to resist) so he's pretty surprised by his husband's question but he can't deny how warm and fuzzy the image of the two of them makes him feel inside.
They start looking into adoption the very next day and Carlos burst into tears a few months later when they ask him to be their son's godfather (He doesn't even deny it unlike Jill who pretends she didn't tear up when they asked her to be the godmother)
Claire complains to Chris that as his sister, shouldn't she have had dibs on being his kid's godmother? The next year, Chris and Leon adopt again, a girl this time, and they name Claire their daughter's godmother
So this is it. Sorry for clogging the tags with this fluff-fest, I just needed to get it out of my head ❤️
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memelleity · 2 years
the gray man sentence starters
❝ you want some gum? ❞
❝ i get it. you’re glib. ❞
❝ who are you, my fairy godmother? no offense, i thought you’d look different. ❞
❝ what’s the catch? ❞
❝ what makes you think i wanna do it again? ❞
❝ nice suit. ❞
❝ who are all these people? ❞
❝ do you understand the risk i’ve taken by coming here? ❞
❝ let’s talk price. ❞
❝ where are you going? ❞
❝ deal’s off. ❞
❝ they didn’t tell you who i am, did they? ❞
❝ i got all the answers ’cause i’m telling the truth. they’re not. ❞
❝ you give ’em hell, ____. ❞
❝ i heard you. i just chose to ignore you. ❞
❝ these things take time. there are politics to unravel. ❞
❝ get out. ❞
❝ wanna explain whatever that was? ❞
❝ did he have anything on his person that you now have that you’d like to give to me? ❞
❝ last chance, ____. ❞
❝ you should go without me. ❞
❝ tell me what i don’t know. ❞
❝ how’s life in retirement? ❞
❝ i’m headed to a funeral. putting a friend in the ground. i’m getting to that age, you know? ❞
❝ it’s gonna be my funeral you’re going to next. ❞
❝ beats being on the wrong side of the bars. ❞
❝ you had your shot. ❞
❝ “mostly, it’s loss which teaches us about the worth of things.” that’s arthur schopenhauer. he was a german philosopher, a pessimist. he saw the value in suffering.❞
❝ i’d rather you punch me in the dick. ❞
❝ i will gladly punch you in the dick, ____. ❞
❝ so now i’m the scapegoat? ❞
❝ need anything? ❞
❝ good. you know my work. that’ll make this next part a lot easier. ❞
❝ you really wanna do this? ❞
❝ so how’s the private sector treating ya? does it pay as well as they say? ❞
❝ judging by your shallow breathing and puckered asshole, i can only assume you know why i’m here. ❞
❝ are you okay? you hurt? ❞
❝ i’m trying to figure out what answer it is that you want. ❞
❝ tell you what. why don’t we skip lunch, you can give me what you stole, and i won’t have to chop your head off? ❞
❝ when you say things like “chop your head off,” it makes you sound untrustworthy. ❞
❝ looks like you overplayed your hand. ❞
❝ they say that life in its most unadorned expression is a battle of wills. ❞
❝ i can kill anybody. ❞
❝ is there a point to this story? ❞
❝ you guys taught me how to kill people, not care for them. ❞
❝ we don’t chew gum in this house. ❞
❝ looking for your jacket? ❞
❝ did he deserve it? ❞
❝ you’re quite the conversationalist. ❞
❝ he’s a very smart man. only family i got. ❞
❝ maybe that kind of makes us family. ❞
❝ can i play a record? ❞
❝ you should go to bed. ❞
❝ that’s a very expensive laundry list. ❞
❝ where are you going? ❞
❝ i think you should go get yourself cleaned up. unless bloody and beaten is the kind of look you’re going for. ❞
❝ you know all about notoriety, don’t you? ❞
❝ that’s called harassment. ❞
❝ i mean, what could possibly go wrong, right? ❞
❝ he hurts people because that’s who he is. that’s who you’re protecting. ❞
❝ remove yourself from my personal space. ❞
❝ where’s my money? ❞
❝ what gave it away? ❞
❝ how’d you find me? ❞
❝ if i’m honest, i liked your old haircut. where you didn’t look like a bitch. ❞
❝ i got shot in the ass, ____! ❞
❝ what did you steal? ❞
❝ how do i know i can trust you? ❞
❝ i just made it up on the spot. just came to me. ❞
❝ it was a life of few pleasures. i clung to the ones i had. ❞
❝ if you utter anything remotely sympathetic, i will shoot you. ❞
❝ somebody very powerful is pulling the strings. ❞
❝ i thought we weren’t getting sentimental. ❞
❝ whatever they are paying you, it is not enough. ❞
❝ i told you to shut up. ❞
❝ this is quite possibly the most spectacular failure in the history of covert ops. ❞
❝ what i do can’t be taught. ❞
❝ i would like the opportunity to save you at some point. not that i want you to be in danger so i can save you. ❞
❝ you don’t have a handcuff key, do you? ❞
❝ how much longer do we need to wait? ❞
❝ we need a ride. i call not trunk. ❞
❝ who throws a loaded gun? ❞
❝ i’m gonna bleed out while we have this conversation. can we just unpack this somewhere else? ❞
❝ why’d you go to prison? ❞
❝ you think you can do it without me? ❞
❝ you know what i love about you? ❞
❝ you look like you’ve been hit by a bus, but it only adds to your mystique. ❞
❝ failing upwards does not qualify as success. ❞
❝ you wanna make an omelet, you gotta kill some people. ❞
❝ you’re making me destroy a historic building here! ❞
❝ what are you talking about? ❞
❝ you don’t have time to think. ❞
❝ i don’t care about the money anymore. ❞
❝ if your strategy relies on whether or not i’ll kill a child, you need a new strategy.❞
❝ aside from your childish sense of morality and eight-dollar haircut, we have a lot in common. ❞
❝ it’s really a shame this isn’t gonna work out between us. ❞
❝ i think i’m better than you. ❞
❝ let me see your face. ❞
❝ don’t leave me alone. please. ❞
❝ what i need are a few witnesses to corroborate my story. ❞
❝ what? do you have a question? what is that? ❞
❝ does this plan involve me living? ❞
❝ i don’t wanna see you back in here for quite some time. is that understood? ❞
❝ it is very dangerous for you to start thinking for yourself. ❞
❝ you threatened, ____? how pleasantly out of character. ❞
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15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
Hello hello! Thank you for the tags, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @yellobb, @raenestee, @artsyunderstudy! I have loved reading what you've shared and getting these neat little glimpses into your lives (also taking notes for who I can ask when I have research questions about travel planning, designing clothes, swimming, etc... y'all are such a talented and interesting bunch!).
I'll skip on tagging this time, since I think most of the folks I would tag have been tagged already, LOL.
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! My paternal grandfather is named Gregorio, as is my dad, and my both of my brothers' first names are Greg, so I wound up with "Gretchen."
My aunt tutted and said that people would think I was a blonde and blue-eyed Heidi of the Alps type, so my family and friends have always called me Chen, or Chen-Chen. I have a cousin who is named after me, and when I was holding her as a baby, I'd refer to us as "Chen Squared."
2. When was the last time you cried? Oh, yesterday. Writing poetry for a therapy assignment, LOL!
3. Do you have kids? Non. This was something my spouse and I debated for YEARS, and went back and forth on. We settled on not having kids, but being more involved with the little ones in our lives. The kids we are closest to are my spouse's half-brother and sister (they are nine and five), and my godchildren (who are nine and four). For Filipinos, the relationship between godparents and godchildren is really special, and I love being "Ninang" (godmother) to my beloveds.
(It will probably not be a surprise to anyone who has read "Jelly Babies" or "Baker boxer teacher grief" that my spouse's relationship with his younger sibs influenced my depiction of Baz with his sibs).
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? LOL, more so when I was younger and more barbed! I've embraced the joy of being more maudlin and earnest as I get older.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  Clothes. I think it's a writer thing, where I like clocking what people are wearing so I can use the details as story fodder, haha. But as part of my job, I work with people face-to-face a lot, so I also try to gauge what mood people are in and how open they are to talking.
6. What’s your eye color? Dark brown!
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Happy endings! My best friend is a horror fiend, which is hilarious because I'm the biggest baby when it comes to scary movies.
8. Any special talents? Hmm... I can type around 100 WPM (Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing was one of the first computer programs we had in my house). I've been told I have a nice phone voice, so I used to record all the voicemail messages for our office. I've also been told that I put together kickass care packages. 👍🏽
9. Where were you born? Winnipeg, Manitoba.
10. What are your hobbies? Gardening, cross-stitch, cooking, baking, painting (poorly), video games, reading, fountain pens, anime/manga. I think like others, my gardening sort of falls off in midsummer and I just try to grab every zucchini before they grow huge. 😆 I love to sing though I'm not very good at it ("Try the Worryin' Way" by the Fabulettes is a FANTASTIC song to belt in the shower).
Oh, I also find it very soothing to clean and fiddle around with my mechanical keyboard (I used a Das keyboard with Cherry Blues for a long time, and just switched to a Nuphy Halo 75, with delightfully clicky Gateron Blues).
11. Do you have any pets?  NO, SADLY! I'm allergic to cats and my spouse to cats and dogs (which is a shame, because animals adore him). I just cuddle other people's dogs and admire their cats from a distance. We have a neighbourhood cat that likes to roll in our catmint in the summer.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? Badminton, swimming, rollerblading. I am also asthmatic and uncoordinated, so organized sports were a trial growing up; in 8th grade, I skipped gym as much as possible by helping out my Art teacher after class.
13. How tall are you? 5'0" (I'm a shortie, it's just how Filipinos roll)
14. Favorite subject at school? In high school, English Lit, and in uni, Film Studies. I learned more about writing from Film Studies than I ever did in English.
15. Dream job? For the longest time, I wanted to be an English professor. Then I dropped out of grad school because of Depression, went back after a year, graduated, got a closer look at the job prospects and work culture for academics and said "No thank you."
Reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert really changed my expectations. Instead of wanting to make it as a professional writer, I switched to wanting a stable job where I would have the work-life balance and resources to pursue writing in my free time. And now I have that! So I am living the dream!
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leleny · 1 year
Some Elaine and Yuno's relationship headcanons:
• I feel like the pet names he would use are dear/darling/my love
• I really can't see him call Elaine "baby girl"
• But if he does that
• Elaine would faint instantly
• He's not into PDA much
• But If someone hits on her
• Ohhh, he will show them who she belongs to
• Of course if someone hits on him he would show them that he belongs to Elaine as well
• They belong to each other after all
• How romantic
• He is a total gentleman
• Elaine is cold? He will lend her his jacket
• Stepping out of the carriage? Not until he opens the door for her
• Elaine has cream on her cheek after eating cake? He will clean it for her
• With his finger that he will lick the cream off afterwards, Elaine will faint instantly again
• He will be so good at flirting without trying or even realising it
• Maybe he will realise it at some point
• Untill then he will see Elaine fainting on him without knowing the reason
• He will say something like "Not as beautiful as you" after she compliments him
• I tell you, that girl will feel so special
• I don't see him giving extravagant gifts
• But instead something useful or meaningful
• Like a new grimoire holder after hers broke
• Or a ring for their anniversary
• Not very luxurious tho
• That one will come later
• And when Elaine is sick?
• As per my headcanon, based off the fact that he has many siblings and helped at the church, he should know how to cook/clean/take care of people
• Said this, he will cook soup, clean her room for her, and take care of her until she feel better
• He won't help her change tho
• He'll let Mimosa do it
• They haven't reached that type of relationship yet
• You must have realised that he is husband material by now, right?
• Their marriage will probably be the most fabulous of the century
• But despite being one of the most beautiful marriage it won't have many people attending
• Just the people they consider special
• Aka their families and the magic knights
• That is still a lot...
• Anyway
• When they are married I don't think it will change much in their relationship
• They already acted like a married couple
• Maybe what will change is that they will have a house of their own now
• Even tho they already lived together in the Golden Dawn base
• So they're already used to being domestic
• Maybe they will show off their partner more?
• Like "We are finally married! Wo oh!"
• That is totally Elaine
• When she is alone tho
• She is too embarrassed to say something like that in front of other people
• Showing off the ring is a different story
• But if Yuno hears her say that?
• He will tease her non stop
• That guy will definitely tease her with a smirk on his face
• The teasing existed even before the marriage
• Even before they were dating actually
• He always teased her for being clumsy
• Mimosa found that interesting
• Speaking of Mimosa...
• She will be their first supporter
• Or shipper
• Helping Elaine with outfits for their dates
• Yuno never noticed the difference in her outfits
• He is oblivious to fashion
• But he will notice if she will cut her hair
• Anyway
• We were talking about Mimosa
• So...
• She will throw hints at Yuno like "Isn't Elaine cute today?" or "You two train together a lot"
• He will respond with "Mmh" and " Yeah"
• That is before they started dating
• After that he will respond the same way
• But with a smile on his face
• Mimosa will also be one of the bridesmaids at their wedding
• And their daughter's godmother
• Yeah, they will have a daughter
• Her name will be Celeste
• I don't make the rules
• She will have black hair and blue eyes
• Such a beautiful baby
• She took from her father after all
• And her mother eyes
• Such a good combination
• IDK I'm being delusional
• So this is the end of my rambling...
• God that was long
• I won't tell how they got together and the marriage proposal for a reason
• If I convice myself to do that damned fan comic you will see
• Anyway...
• Bye!
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kaduz4o · 1 year
10 September 2022, Saturday
Alone at Home
I’m in my house now. Everybody goes to a Site. Well, it's Godmother's birthday. I lied. It's Godmother's graduation, actually. I'm in the kitchen, and it's dark now. I'm listening to really good R&B music. I've just had a fruit salad yogurt and four loaves of bread, which I baked in the toaster. The night is silent and the moon is full in the sky. I downloaded an app about the solar system, taking advantage of the subject. It is incredible to think about the immensity of the universe, and to know that we will never be able to explore everything or can we? I am very disappointed as my Office suite will expire in five days. In other words, I only have five more days to write and then I'll have to do "a Brazilian way" . I hope there's really a way to do it. I spent so much time without following the technological evolution, that I am still surprised, now, when I go back to using Microsoft devices that programs that were said to be basic in the computer's operating system are now paid, with licenses with minimum values (and this is a criticism) of one year.
I really want to fuck tonight. I'm horny, and it's been a few days. To be honest, it's been a while since I've had a really satisfying sexual relationship. I'm in a gigantic internal drama, and I'll explain.
It sounds like fiction, but believe me, it's all real and my sanity is intact, as James Sam’s would say.
in 2020 I entered a new level of consciousness, because of everything I had been living since then, and with the help of Cannabis, and all the philosophies and cultures that I had been studying for almost a decade, (speaking of which, it is wonder that I was still surprised that this happened - that I entered a new level of consciousness, I mean), the fact is that I entered that level, and that changed everything. The word transcendences better defines what happened to me.
I don't want to keep talking about it, because I'm sick of it, and people, being mediocre, don't understand. And for me to explain to a layman (someone who has no oriental philosophical basis) it is very difficult. in short, I have transcended my sexual level, this is a very important point in the physical world. And I, in my naivety, didn't realize it, sentient beings incarnate are all the time after food and sex. it's insane to sum up all our earthly life in this, but we all have a part that only thinks about that. pleasure.
Now that my eyes and senses are on women, it's all very funny and different. Amazing, how our mind absorbs energy, how other people's energy gets stuck (literally on us), even if we don't have physical contact with certain people. Just being close, the energy fields meeting by the proximity of the environment, the energy exchange so powerful of the look. All this alters our energy. I'm telling you this so I can comment that: I don't want to dirty my energy.
I will explain why.
There is something that I have affectionately called pure energy and dirty energy. when a man lies with another man he saps his energy. And that will be exposed for all to see. consciously or unconsciously, as we can "feel" each other's entire mental and inner field. When a male body has an abundance of male energy (and people expect a man to behave like a man and a woman to behave like a woman), he becomes more powerful within the Cosmos. The same goes for female bodies.
Now for the Drama part: I want to get laid, and there's an easy way, given my current financial situation. But that will sap my energy. And that's the last thing I want, because it takes work to clean, and clean energy is cultivated. so that from the moment I soil it, it is equivalent to killing my plant, pulling it out of firm soil, root and all, and having to cultivate it again, planting the seed again. That's what I feel. It was a good analogy. laughs. Can you understand now what I'm going through? To make matters worse, I am not working at the moment, and there is an insecurity in my head that whispers that it will be very difficult to find a suitable job for my interior level here in Minas Gerais. I sincerely hope that God will help. Another interesting thing is that if we keep ourselves straight in the sexual realm, we gain God's approval. And I don't want to miss it for the world. It is very good to be accepted by other incarnate spirits without resistance. The problem is that I've been hurt so much that I've created a defense mechanism to protect myself. I believe that this will harm me in creating new friendships in this initial period. Since I'm not used to Earth bodies being friendly to me. I'm used to rejection. with discrimination by others. with the looks and laughs of debauchery, coming free no matter how presentable, friendly, even honest I appear.
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