#i just didn't want anyone to see it there marked as 1/2 chapters when i might not actually do a 2nd chapter
danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi TIME FOR OUR FAVORITE FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER INSPIRED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. I mean. Maybe there's another you're into. Idk. I like Jiro. He's so. . .blunt. I'm so curious about him, I really really cannot wait until we get the Mortkranken chapter.
also, uh, brief content warning for a mention of assisted suicide? It's under the 'Default' lines, if you feel the need to avoid that.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Oh, there you are. I was about to go give you a health check. This saves time and effort." ああ、そこにいたんですか。今からあなたの健診に行こうと思ってたんです。手間が省けました
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Are those letters piling up over there? It's interesting that doesn't bother you.  Not that my opinion is relevant." そこに溜まってるのは手紙ですか?よく気になりませんね。 まあ、俺には関係ありませんけど
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I don't like unproductive discussions. Like this one." 非生産的な議論は嫌いですね。例えば、今のような会話です
"They said they wanted to die, so I prescribed them what they needed. I don't see the point of discussing ethics after the fact." あちらさんが死にたいと言うので、必要な薬を処方したまでです。今更倫理を持ち出されても、困りますよ
Hey. Buddy. Jiro. That's fuckin' dark dude. This is why you don't joke about wanting to kill yourself. Someone will take it seriously. Jiro will just hand you cyanide pills, a bottle of water, and direct you to a hospital bed to die in. Like jesus christ.
"I save lives that can be saved. It's part of my job to decide the order of priority though." 救える命は救いますよ。まあ、そこに優先順位をつけるのがこちらの仕事なので
"part of my job is to decide if your life is worth saving" IS ALSO A VERY DARK THING TO SAY. I love that his default lines are all very dark and callous. It kind of drives home a dichotomy between how he feels about just anybody and how he feels about you. I also like that he's just. . .kind of dark and gloomy and like ASPECTS OF HIM ARE VERY UNPALATABLE. Like I'm sure there are a lot of people who see those lines and think "that's gross why would anyone like him he's the worst" and THAT'S A GOOD KIND OF CHARACTER TO HAVE ESPECIALLY AS A LOVE INTEREST okay moving on
"One of our patients is thrashing around again? That's inconvenient. I'll administer a shot." また患者が暴れてるんですか? はあ……面倒くさいですね。1本打っておきますよ
jiro stabbing you with a sedative filled needle like 'stop moving. you are annoying.'
"You should—  Hurk... Hm, I let my guard down. I better go back to Mo— Orgh... Hurk...!" あなた、そろそろ…… うっ……まずいな、完全に油断してました。早く帰っえ、うっ……おえっ……
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning. I'm going to take your pulse, so could you sit down?" おはようございます。脈拍測るんで、座ってもらえます?
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I was in a prolonged coma, so I haven't fully recovered yet. It's been a long time since I ate anything." 俺、長いこと昏睡状態だったんで、まだ本調子じゃないんですよ。飯なんて、しばらく食ってませんし
i wonder when he woke up. it must have been a few months ago at most.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What do you want? I'm conducting an incubation experiment. Please wait till I'm finished." なんですか? 今、培養実験中なので。話なら後にしてください
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm about to receive my medication. It should take approximately one hour. Are you going to wait for me?" ああ、今から投薬の時間なんです。多分1時間くらいかかると思いますけど、待ちますか?
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I attend classes every day since Yuri does, but sometimes they mark me as absent. I'm supposed to reply when they say my name? I didn't know that." 佑理に付き合って毎日授業に出てるんですけど、時々欠席扱いになってて。 返事が必要? 知らなかったな
"yeah you're supposed to let them know you're there." "i am one of the largest people in the room at any given time. that seems unnecessary." also it's cute that he only goes to class because Yuri does, but also he doesn't learn anything from it since he studied it all independently lol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The blood? I believe one of the wounds on my stomach tore. I'll have to get Yuri to suture it." ああ、この血ですか? さっきから腹の傷が開いてるみたいなんです。佑理に縫ってもらわないとな
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What's the purpose of educational facilities like this? You can learn everything you need through self-study." こういった教育施設って、なんのためにあるんでしょうね? 勉強なら自分ですればいいだけですし
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Who is that noisy blond person? He runs away whenever he sees me. That's rude, isn't it?" 時々見かける、うるさい黄色の人は何者なんです?  俺の顔を見るといつも逃げるんです。失礼ですよね?
i love the 'isn't it?' like he doesn't know normal social convention but he's pretty sure you're not supposed to run from people like that.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You don't have to mind me. Go ahead and eat. Even in childhood I never really had an attachment to food, clothing, or shelter." 俺のことは気にせず、飯食ってください。元々、ガキの頃から衣食住にあまり執着がないので
hey jiro that's uh that's kinda fucking depressing you good?
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Yuri's holed up in the lab, so I'm going out. If he comes looking for me, tell him I went to bed." 佑理が研究室に籠ってるので、今のうちに出かけてきます。もし俺を探してたら、寝たと言ってください
Wouldn't Yuri just check your bed and not find you there though??? Also when will you sleep???? like i know he doesn't realize a week of allnighters isn't normal but jfc
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Your face looks terrible. Come over here and inhale this. They're mild smelling salts. They'll wake you up." あなた、ひどい顔ですね。ちょっとこっち来て、これ嗅いでください。 軽い気付け薬です。目が覚めますよ
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Yuri.  Hm, that's strange. I thought he would be here." こんにちは。佑理を迎えに来ました。 ……あれ?ここにいると思ったんですけど
. . .i wonder why he thought yuri would be with you? how often does he lose track of where yuri is? and why pick him up wouldn't yuri be able to get home himself? unless he figures yuri fell asleep somewhere lmao
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I can just manage to ingest water, so I brew herbal tea as an indulgence. Would you like some too?" 辛うじて水分なら取れるので、嗜好品としてハーブティーを淹れるんですよ。あなたも飲みます?
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"Yuri wouldn't get up, so I was about to give up on getting my morning medication. He got up after the ninth time he used the snooze button though." 佑理がなかなか起きないので、朝は投薬を諦めようかと思いましたよ。9回目のスヌーズで起きましたけど
Yuri and Jiro, like Rui and Haru, need healthy sleep schedules please.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"What's this? A rice ball? I suppose I might be able to eat some of it." なんですか? これ。 おにぎり? まあ、少しくらいなら食べれるかもしれませんが……
can't you only eat fluids. . .are you gonna throw that up later. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You already had tea at Frostheim? The tea I make tastes better though, so please drink it anyway." フロストハイムで紅茶を飲んできたんですか?  まあ、俺の方が美味く淹れられますから、飲んでください
lmao the mortkranken boys really do not appear to have a great opinion of frostheimers!!! "you had tea at--pfffff nah their tea sucks ass drink mine instead."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I enjoy being alone. The noise doesn't really bother me when I'm reading though. Can I go now?" ひとりの時間は好きですよ。まあ、本を読んでいる時は、周囲の喧噪も気になりません。もういいですか?
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What am I doing? I'm making confections. I'm used to making precise measurements when preparing medications, and it's quite similar to that." 今ですか? 製菓をしてるんです。 計量は薬の調合で慣れてるので、まあ、似たようなものです
jiro makes cupcakes and candies and stuff. . .he can't even enjoy them though. . . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"See you tomorrow. ...What? You're the one who told me I should say that while smiling." また明日。 ……なんですか?こう言って笑えばいいと、あなたが言ってたんじゃないですか
i love lines where it's like 'you told me to do this so now i'm doing it.' especially when the pc is shocked when they actually do it lolol
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"We're doing a complete check up today, so please change into these. ... Do you need me to help you undress?" 今日は精密検査なので、この検査着に着替えてください。 ………… 脱げないなら、脱がしましょうか?
strip faster bitch
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You want to know why I started studying anomalous infectious diseases? I don't know. I just became knowledgeable about them at some point and kept going." なぜ怪異伝染病の研究を始めたか?さあ、気がついたら詳しくなってたので。何となく続けてるだけです
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My wounds often tear so I've told Yuri deep dermal suturing would be more effective than simple interrupted, but he won't listen to me." よく傷口が開くんで、結節縫合ではなく真皮縫合の方がいいと言ってるのに、佑理が聞かないんですよね
I get the feeling Yuri doesn't listen to most people. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Yuri's combat skills are poor, so I have to protect him. If he dies, there won't be anyone left who can treat me." 佑理は戦闘が下手なので、俺が守るしかないんです。あの人が死ぬと、俺を治せる人がいなくなるんですよ
"if he dies i die so i'm just kinda protecting him because i have to." kind of an oof lmao
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's been a long time since I had a family, so I don't know what you're supposed to do in these situations. Could you teach me?" 俺には長いこと家族がいないので、こういう時、どうすればいいかわからないんです。教えてくれません?
GET FAM-ZONED HAHA aaaaAAAAAA HE SEES YOU AS FAMILY AND HE WANTS TO TREAT YOU THE WAY HE'S SUPPOSED TO TREAT FAMILY. . . . . . ;0; just be yourself jiro we love you as you are, dark and morbid and a little distant but actually quite sweet--
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"There's a high probability that your curse is related to my field of research. It's a problem for me if you die." あなたの呪いは、俺の研究分野に関係している可能性が高い。 あなたを死なせるわけにはいかないんですよ
the bluntness and distance in this one is so perfect for Jiro haha ESPECIALLY AFTER THE "I WANT TO TREAT YOU LIKE FAMILY" ONE BEFORE IT. . .he went from being kind of sweet to being like "if you die it'll be a problem." and not even in a tsundere way just 'it matters to me if you die for academic purposes.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm going to see some flowers on Yuri's orders. Do you want to come? I'll be harvesting mandrakes." 今から佑理の指示で花を見に行くんです。あなたも一緒に行きますか? マンドラゴラの採取ですが
"Yuri told me to take a break so I'm gonna go work near some flowers i guess."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Cases of the infectious disease gastroenteritis explode at this time of year. It's boring prescribing the same thing all the time." この時期は感染症の胃腸炎が爆発的に増えるんですよ。次から次へと、同じ処方ばかりで��きました
attention darkwick students: please catch more interesting illnesses. thank you -jiro
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ha ha ha ha! I observed Yuri fighting the urge to fall asleep during class today. Would you like to see the photos?" はははは! 今日は授業中、ずっと眠気と戦っている佑理を観察してたんですよ。この写真、見ますか?
i really wish it were during the hours this one can play because i wanna record it lolol Jiro smiling and laughing because Yuri's trying not to fall asleep is so precious. Tiny little humanization for our monster boy.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are rumors that pollen contains ephedrine, a central nervous system stimulant. They're false, though." 桜の花粉に、興奮を誘発するエフェドリンが含まれるという噂があるそうですね。 まあ、それデマですけど
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good, today's temperature matches the forecast. I'll be starting a new experiment this afternoon, but the temperature regulation is difficult. It should be fun." 今日の気温は……予報通りですね。 午後から新しい実験の着手をするのに、温度管理が大変で。楽しみです
temperature regulation experiments are fun! i'm glad Jiro enjoys what he does.
(between 11am and 4pm)
ああ、また手足口病の患者でした。本来子供に多い感染症なんですが、免疫がない人は可哀想ですね "It was another case of hand-foot-and-mouth disease. It's an infectious disease usually more common in children. People without immunity are unfortunate."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"A dare? Okay, I'll do it with you. I've always wanted to try screaming in fear." へえ、肝試しですか。 いいですよ、付き合います。恐怖で叫ぶ経験を、一度くらいしてみたいので
"a dare" isn't really a good translation here--肝試し is a "test of courage", an activity usually done on summer evenings where you go someplace scary with your friends to overcome fear together! Or something like that. It's most often done in summer because that's when it's believed there are more like. . .supernatural occurrences? several other characters' summer lines mention more anomalies in Japan in the summer as a result of these beliefs. Either way it's cute that he's like 'oh. that sounds cool. i hope it'll make me experience fear.' I want him to scream in an exaggerated way, just SHRIEKING for the sake of it, not even because he's really that scared just "this feels like the appropriate situation for screaming :)" lmao
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Ha ha ha ha! Oh, sorry. I tried letting the stag beetles I caught for an experiment fight, and it was funnier than I expected." はははは! ああ、すいません。 採取の時に捕まえたカブトムシ同士を戦わせたら、想像以上に面白くて
i feel like that's something that comes up now and then as like. a thing young japanese boys do. which makes jiro kind of childish in a way which is super charming? it sounds to me like he didn't have much of a childhood. so i'm happy he can explore it now and have fun.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I don't understand why you would go somewhere without a purpose. Why would you go to a mountain if you didn't need to harvest something?" 行楽ですか? いえ、単純に何が目的か理解できないんです。採取もせず、山を歩くんですか?
mods, show him the beauty of nature.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I went to the botanical garden to get some ingredients and I was given these yams. Do you like candied yams?" さっき植物園に原料をもらいに行ったらサツマイモをもらったんです。スイートポテトは好きですか?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"A lot of people in Mortkranken dislike exercise.The sporting clubs in Darkwick must be made up of people from other houses." うちの寮は、体を動かすことが嫌いな人が多いですね。学内でスポーツをしてるのも、他寮の人ですよね?
i am once again asking why i was put in fuckin frostheim--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I read books every day, not just in the fall. I like medical journals best. I don't remember what made me start reading them." 秋に限らず、本は毎日読みますよ。特に医学の専門書は好きですね。 いつからなのかは……忘れました
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Hurk...! Phew... I'm fine... The change in temperature between indoors and outdoors this time of year causes my physical condition to deteriorate more frequently." うっ……はあ……大丈夫です……この季節は室内外の寒暖差のせいで体調を崩しやすいので……
i remember someone i followed also gags when going from a cold place to a warm one lmao. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I found an anomalous plant that can only grow in extremely low temperatures and successfully created a medication with it. It was just a coincidence though." 極低温のみ自生する怪異植物を見つけたので、試しに原薬にしてみたら上手くいきました。まあ、偶然です
'i made a medical breakthrough but it was just an accident' is the medical equivalent of 'i'm not a model'. also Yuri has a line referencing this one!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Streptococcal infections are on the rise. They're spread through droplet and contact infection. Have you been taking precautions?" 溶連菌の感染が増えてますね。飛沫感染と接触感染が経路になります。 あなた、ちゃんと予防してます?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are no merits to lowering your body temperature when you're not experiencing inflammation. I made some herbal tea that warms the body. Do you want some?" 炎症時以外、体を冷やすメリットはないですからね。体を温めるハーブティーを淹れたので、いかがです?
His birthday: (October 13th)
"Whose birthday? Oh, mine? I forgot. Did Yuri leak my medical records?" 誕生日? 誰のです? ああ、俺のですか、忘れてました。カルテ、佑理が漏らしたんですか?
"did yuri fuckin dox me--"
Your birthday:
"Oh, it's your birthday today, isn't it? What should I do? I suppose I'll go to your room later." ああ、あなた今日、誕生日じゃないですか。何をすればいいんですか? まあ、後でそちらの部屋に行きます
jiro no you don't have to do that you are moving so fast WHAT HAPPENED TO BEING FAMILY WAIT--
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. Why are you looking at me like that? Even I celebrate New Years." 明けましておめでとうございます。 なんですか? その顔。正月くらい俺だって祝いますけど
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"What's this packet? I can't eat solids. You made it? Oh. I can probably eat some of it then." なんですか? この包み。俺、固形物は食べれませんけど…… なんだ。あなたの手作りなら少しはいけます
bby if you can't eat it don't make yourself sick with it. . . . Actually since the PC feeding him let him eat food, maybe if it's something the PC makes he can eat it???
White Day: (March 13th)
"Here. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, something handmade for something handmade. Eat it here and tell me what you think." どうぞ。目には目を、歯には歯を、手作りには手作りをと思いまして。ここで食べて評価を教えてください
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Yuri's kicking up a fuss and saying I deceived him? I don't remember doing it. It doesn't matter though." 佑理が、俺に騙されたって騒いでるんですか? そんなことしましたっけ。 まあ、どっちでもいいですけど
i wonder if he actually pulled a prank and he's just hiding it really well. . .or if Yuri is just paranoid lol Yuri's for the record:
"Hmph, did you honestly think you could fool me? I won't fall for your cheap tricks. I've already been fooled by Jiro seven times today!" ふんッ。貴様も僕を騙すつもりで?その手には乗りません。今日はすでに、次郎くんに7回騙されたのでね
Halloween: (October 31st)
"I don't know much about Halloween. I can't eat candy though, so I have to play a trick on you, right?" ハロウィン? よく知りませんが、俺、お菓子は食べれないので。 あなたに悪戯すればいいんですよね
Christmas: (December 25th)
"This tree? It's a fir tree. Yuri told me to get one, so I cut it down and carried it back here. My special artifact doesn't cut very well." この木ですか? 佑理に言われて、モミの木を切って持ってきました。俺の特質怪具、切れ味が悪いんです
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Are you dead? Oh, you're alive." ……死んでます? ああ、なんだ。生きてたんですね
jiro poking you with a stick like 'you dead?'
(13 affinity and above)
"Oh, Yuri's calling me. It'll be annoying if I pick up, so I'll just ignore it until you're ready to go again." ……ああ、佑理から連絡です。出ると面倒なので、あなたが動けるようになるまで、無視しておきます
'yuri is the only reason i'm alive but he's gonna yell at me so i'll just wait to pick up the phone' why??? i guess he wants to go back with you if yuri's telling him to come home lol ALSO DON'T YOU THINK IGNORING YOUR PHONE RINGING WILL WORRY YURI. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"You've skipped too many appointments. It's been a long time since your last check up...  I suppose I'll have to re-examine you." あなた、受診サボりすぎです。前回からかなり間が空いてるな…… まあ、今から再検査すればいいです
time to fill out your whole chart again! examination from top to bottom!
THERE WE GO. sorry that one took so long!! He's actually a bit of a goof but his no-affinity lines make him come off as extra cold and cruel. He just has to get used to you!! But I think it has a very charming contrast. AFTER THIS IS JIN! Tomorrow night maybe? it's almost midnight and i have to wake up early again and my insomnia kicked my ass last night. . . .
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beejunos · 5 months
SINNERMAN | Alastor x f.reader | part 1.
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Summary: After Sir Pentious's failed attempt at spying on the hotel, the Vees approach you to make a new deal—a deal that you can't refuse. Help them take down Alastor, and you will get to kill him again.
After all, the great butcher of New Orleans had killed your brother, so it was only fair that you had killed him in return. And you would love to do it again.
Tags: Alastor x f!reader, slow burn, obsessive behaviour, enemies to lovers, spying, murder
PART 1. | AO3 | PART 2.
Chapter 1. The Deal
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Hell was not just a place where souls who had done horrific things with pleasure went, but also with people who had done appalling things out of necessity. Murderers, thieves, abusers and, growing more in numbers every year, politicians - hell was not a place for the weak-minded, but sometimes a human could be pushed into such acts, not because they themselves were more inclined to such behaviour, but because circumstance could turn anyone into a bloodthirsty killer.
You were one of those people.
Condemned to Hell for an eternity for a crime that you still believed to be justifiable. After all, the great butcher of New Orleans killed your brother, so it was only fair that you killed him in return.
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"I told you it was a bad idea to pick that idiot to spy on the hotel. Did you honestly think it would work?" said Velvet without looking up from her phone. She was typing something with rapid-fire as she blew a bubble with her pink gum. It made a big popping sound that seemed to echo in the living room, making Vox clench his fist so as not to destroy the desk again. They had just replaced the last desk after he had dug his claws into it and left deep and long marks in the wood, and he did not feel like getting yelled at again for ruining the decor.
Vox counted to ten slowly backwards before he turned around from the monitors to look at the short woman. She was sitting curled up on the sofa before him, dressed in luxurious loungewear with hearts all over it. Valentino was sitting stretched out right beside her, his arm casually on the backrest. He was on his phone as well and did not look up when Vox came closer, but Vox could see that he was also irritated by Velvet's comment from the slight twitching of his right eye.
"Well, Velvet, my dear," Vox said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I don't remember you having a better idea, but please, if you do, share it with the group."
Vox stopped walking as he reached the sofa, hands behind his back, and leaned down in front of the female sinner to force her to look at him. He had never been good with others ignoring him, and Velvet was taking her sweet time finishing her text before she even looked up from her phone. When she met his eyes, electricity was firing between his antennas, filling the air with static noise.
She just sighed before she picked up her phone again and started typing.
"You picked an idiot; that's why your plan didn't work. Little Miss Sunshine will believe anyone; just pick a smarter spy next time," said Velvet in her heavy British accent, popping another bubble with her gum. Vox's irritation grew with every word she uttered, and for a moment, he entertained the thought of grabbing her phone and throwing it out the window.
"And who do you suggest we'll ask?"
It took Velvet a few more seconds of searching before she found a decent photo, and then she turned her phone and showed Vox who she had in mind. The photo was old and blurry, with its subject in the distance, but it was still possible to distinguish who was in the picture. Vox turned his piercing gaze from Velvet down to her phone and quickly stepped back.
"You can't be serious!"
"Who?" said Valentino, now interested, as Vox started to pace the room. Velvet turned her phone towards the moth demon, and he reared back in alarm. "Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you even know how expensive she is?"
"So what? If you want the job done well, then pay a fucking professional," stated Velvet as if it was apparent.
"Professional? She runs a PR firm! Glorified party whores. Why the fuck should she be the spy?" cried Valentino, throwing his arms in the air. The gesture would have made anyone in his studio flinch, waiting for an impact, but Velvet sat rooted in her seat. She was used to the man's physical displays of anger by now but never feared them since he would never dare lay a hand on her. She lifted one of her eyebrows and continued with her argument:
"Didn't you see the fucking joke of an interview the princess did on the news? The hotel has a serious marketing problem. Everyone thinks it's a joke! What if the princess had someone to help her with the marketing and networking? Someone she would trust wholeheartedly, and that person worked secretly for us? It would be the best fucking spy! Not a guest but a staff member who could manipulate everything from the inside. We would know everything. A staff member would also be with the princess all the time and could keep an eye out for Alastor to make sure that no deal is made!"
Valentino groaned loudly before throwing his phone on the coffee table. He knew that Velvet's argument was good; he just did not like how expensive it would become if they went with it. There was a reason only the top of the elite of hell hired this PR firm, and it wasn't just for the public relations part. Rumours were travelling around the underground networks that you also dealt with some shady businesses, but who weren’t in this town?
"Can't we just kill them ourselves? I still want to shoot someone," mumbled Valentino, knowing none of his partners would accept the idea.
"And what? Piss of Lucifer for attacking his daughter? We could just piss on our own graves instead! If we pay her, we know she will get the job done; after all, you've heard the rumours, right?"
"What rumours?" snarled Valentino, sinking deeper into the sofa. His night was now officially ruined.
"No one hates Alastor more than she does."
"Well, that's not new! Half the city hates the old-timey prick." Vox, who had been pacing back and forth deep in his thoughts, abruptly stopped and turned around to look at Velvet. He also highly doubted anyone could hate the radio demon more than he did, but that was beside the point.
"So, let's use that to our advantage," said Velvet, growing more frustrated by the minute, "She is bound to at least be interested in the job if we can convince her to take down Alastor with us."
It wasn't a dumb idea, which annoyed Vox the most. However, his desire to take down Alastor outweighed any concerns for costs. He was prepared to cut his own leg off with a rusty saw if it meant he could take down the demon that plagued his very existence.
Vox sighed and crossed his arms in front of him, effectively giving up on arguing against Velvet.
"Okay, how do we contact her?"
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On the opposite side of the entertainment district, where the Vees residence was located, was a small part of the pride ring where the older architecture still stood. The sinners who lived there were usually the ones who had stayed in hell the longest, many of whom had lived during the 18th and 19th centuries. There were fewer flashing lights and billboards in this part of town, but that did not mean that the sinners who lived there were anti-technology—for the most part.
That was why you liked living in this part of Pride, being from the early 20th century yourself. There were no loud noises, and during the night, you would, on more occasions than not, get a good night's sleep. Compared to the entertainment district, where no one seemed to sleep ever.
Your PR firm was located on the top floor of an old Gothic Revival building in the centre of this district. With its intricate stone details and towering spires, the building could feel almost cluttered and overwhelming on the outside. However, the rooms were spacious and elegant, with large stained-glass windows that cast colourful lights throughout the building.
You loved your office building and its moody exterior and interior. It made you feel like a character in one of the gothic novels that you had only learned to appreciate after your death. You could also argue that the whole thing had been influenced by the fact that when you had died and woken up in hell, your soul had taken the form of a bat. Reminding you of the book Dracula that your mother had loved so much, but that was irrelevant.
Walking around dusty old stone buildings, surrounding yourself with heavy wooden furniture and thick dark fabrics worked much better with the wings, big pointy ears, claws, and razor-sharp teeth you had now.
You had tried in the beginning to surround yourself with things that reminded you of the time you had been alive, but as time ticked on and the years went by, you could not help but leave most of the 20s and 30s behind and welcome the new ages, and all their inventions and quirks, with somewhat open arms. Your youngest assistant, a young sinner named Claudine, who died at the age of 25 in 2015, talked a lot about how similar social media in hell was to when she was alive, but considering the things she liked to show you, social media was one of the inventions you did not have any interests in. Your people could handle it for you instead, and if the three overlords that had strolled into your office like they owned the building were running the biggest tech and social media company in pride, you would happily leave that responsibility to Claudine.
Vox, Velvet, and Valentino were indeed a sight to behold. A poor sight for you. Their fashion and colourful clothing clashed horribly with your moss-green couch.
It was always a satisfying experience to observe new customers arrive at your office. However, this time, you could not help but wish they would just leave.
You put down the silver tray you held, with all the teacups and the teapot, on your mahogany coffee table and sat in the armchair on the opposite side of the sofa. Slowly, you started to pour the tea from the pot into the small and thin teacups before handing the first to Velvet. 
"Suger?" you asked, opening the lid to the sugar bowl. 
"Yes, please," she said, putting two sugar cubes in her tea. The smaller sinner grabbed one of the tiny spoons before she started to stir her tea, making the spoon hit the side of the teacup. The clinking sound seemed to bounce around the room endlessly. She may not have the most refined manners, according to you, but you suspected that she was the one who had wanted to see you in the first place since she was the one who was behaving the best.
"I must say, I was quite surprised when my assistant said that the Vees were waiting in my office." You took one sip of your tea that had one sugar cube and a dash of milk in it. "It is not often that I get these types of unplanned visits unless someone is in dire need of their reputation being saved, and last time I checked, you three had your own PR team." 
"We are here because we are interested in your more niche skill sets." 
Now, that was far more interesting. You had a sense that the Vees were not here for what your company offered on the outside but more for what you could provide that was strictly off the records. 
You looked over at Vox, who had spoken. Waiting for him to continue. 
It did not take the sinner long to tell you their plan and why they had decided to contact you specifically. Hell was filled with sinners and demons who said they specialised in espionage or assassinations, and although they could get the job done, more often than not, these "professionals" would leave long traces of evidence behind, which didn't matter in the end since hell did not have any justice system to speak of, but if you wanted to be undetected, it wasn't the best solution. However, you took your job seriously and worked with the utmost discretion, which led to you now holding almost the same amount of power as any overlord in pride. The big difference between you and the other overlords was that your capabilities were mostly unknown, and that's how you wanted it. It made it easier for you to work in the shadows. To hunt and kill without anyone knowing they were being hunted.
Only two overlords, Carmilla Carmine and Zestial, knew of your strengths and often hired you to deal with others they did not have time for or wanted to make time for. Yet, if the Vees knew about this side of your work, that meant the information about your skill sets was being spread around a bit more frequently than you wanted it. But that didn't worry you too much since you could always have Claudine and Earl fix it in just a few days.
"That is not a small task you have asked of me. To take down another demon is one thing, but to take down an overlord? Who also works for the princess? Now, why would I ever do that?" 
"We're not asking you to take down the princess. Only Alastor," said Velvet, putting a hand on Vox's arm. The man had started leaning forward unconsciously, his fists closing up with every second. 
Alastor. There was no man on earth or in hell that you hated more, and you would gladly watch him bleed to death, forgotten and alone in the forest again. After all, he had killed your brother, so it was only fair that you had killed him in return. But things had changed. He now possessed a form of power that you had never seen in another sinner in all your years in hell, and it made you pause. You knew that as soon as he found out what you had done, he would avenge his death, and you were not sure that you would survive that. So you stayed in the shadows, bidding your time. 
"Either way, we are not asking you to take him down alone. We want you to ensure no deal is struck between that radio freak and the princess. Find his weaknesses and help us take him down." Vox had the sort of manic look about him that you only saw in souls who were consumed by their obsessions, making him unreliable and reckless. But a deal like this did not come to you often, the type of deal that made you believe that you could kill Alastor again, and you never looked a gift horse in the mouth.
"Very well, I will help you, but it will cost you. Five hundred souls."
You did not let Vox finish before saying, "Each."
"Each? Bitch, are you out of your mind?" roared Valentino, who had been quiet up till now. Even if the other Vees did not start shouting like the moth daemon, they were equally shocked and angered by your demand.
"My prices have always been high. Take it or leave it." You looked over at Vox, staring him down. You knew he would be the first to crack and agree to your demands. Velvet may have been the driving force that had led the Vees to your office, but she was still too rational and would start to bargain with you. Vox would sooner or later let his obsession win, making him agree to your deal.
"Do we have a deal?" You reached out your hand to Vox, trying to corner him and push him into a contract with you.
Before Velvet or Valentino had the chance to stop him, Vox shot forward and took your hand, and as he uttered the words that would sign their contract, an eerie green light filled the room. Cracks travelled up the walls all around you as the howling of hunting dogs travelled with the wind that started to blow in the office. Large shadows of the hunting dogs began to grow on the walls, their red eyes fixing the Vees in their places and right as the dogs would pause and devour the sinners on your sofa, the green light dissolved, and all that was left was the four of you in your office.
"Always a pleasure doing business with new customers," you chuckled, letting your sinister smile dance on your lips.
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vioartemis · 2 years
I’ll die with you
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Months after the 2022 massacre, you reunite with someone dear to you. But the happiness in only temporary; a new killer is targeting you. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 a/n: This will probably be a multi chapters story with very irregular posting :)) Warnings: blood, injuries, Ghostface stuff, angst (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
"Hey, I'm not going to disappear okay?"
You laughed as your girlfriend pouted when you pushed her away gently. You were lying on her bed, her on top of you kissing you desperately as if you were about to vanish.
"It's just two days Tara, maybe less knowing her"
"Well that's still too long! Who's going to cuddle with me if you're not here? And my morning kiss?"
"I'll make up this, I promise" you kiss her "After this weekend"
She groaned slightly, disappointed. But she knew it was important for you.
"Can we stop talking now? I want to enjoy our last moment together..."
"Don't be dramatic, it's not our last moment together. When you say it like that it looks like we will never see each other again..."
She didn't answer and kissed you again, desperately.
You hadn't been separated in a while since the... incident. You were so used to be on each other all day it was hard being without her for too long.
Her lips were soon on your neck, placing hot, wet kisses here, sucking dark purple marks there, hands everywhere on you. You let out a sight, fingers tangled in her hair.
She hummed against your skin, hands sliding under your shirt. You felt her smile on your shoulder when she felt you shivering under her cold fingers.
You arrived late at the train station, hair still a little messy. You rolled down your window and looked around for the person you were waiting. She wasn't difficult to spot with her blue suit.
You texted her you were there. She looked up, and starting walking toward you, a smile replacing her previous frown.
"Where did you get that car? Are you even allowed to drive it?" she asked as she took place next to you
"I stole it"
She gave you a "are you serious" look. You rolled your eyes, smiling.
"I'm kidding, I bought it. And yes, I have a licence"
You started to drive home calmly.
"How was New York?" you asked
"Oh you know, with work I don't really have time to visit"
"You know that's not what I meant"
"I know"
"... It's going to get better right...? Does it ever go away...?"
"Not completely, never. It's normal to feel that way. You cared about him, we both did. Time will ease the pain, but he will still be in our hearts. Forever"
She had never been good at reassuring anyone, but this time she found the right words.
Months after, your dad's death still hurt. It was normal, you knew it. You wanted to get over it, like everyone told you, but there was always that part of yourself that still believed he would come home.
"I'm back" he would say with a smile "Sorry I made you wait, the delivery guy forgot the sauce, again"
But that never happened. It never would.
With your mom out of town, you didn't think too much about him. Or at least that's what you said not to worry Tara. Now that she was back, even if it was only a weekend, the good old days came back, flashing before your eyes.
You parked in front of the house, tears in your eyes.
"How can you not cry...?" you asked with a nervous laugh, trying to light up the mood
"I'm Gale Weathers, I don't cry. Not in public"
"Of course, why did I even asked?"
You both smiled a little, getting out of the car and inside the house.
You started making diner, telling her some things you learnt while she was gone, trying to give her ideas for a new novel.
"Why don't you tell me about your life? It would make an interesting book. A spicy one for sure"
So she saw the hickeys.
You blushed hard, embarrassed.
"No you're right, writing about people only attracts psychos. I wouldn't want your girlfriend or you getting hurt"
"Thank you?"
You both laughed and had a good time watching your favorite series while eating, until her phone rung.
"What does he wants? I told him I was off this weekend" she mumbled
"Pick up"
"Maybe it's important"
She looked at you for a second, before getting up and taking the call. When she came back, you already knew what she was going to say.
"They learnt I was back here and now they want me to-"
"I know. It's fine, we had a good time, you can go"
"I'm sorry Y/n..."
She hugged you tight.
"You're Gale Weathers, the best reporter. No wonder everyone wants you"
She smiled a little, relieved you weren't mad, and was quick to go.
It always ended up that way with her. But it wasn't her fault. You knew she ment it when she said she was sorry.
You sighed and called your girlfriend.
"Guess who has to work even on her days off?" you said when she picked up
"She's gone already?"
"Yep. That was quicker than I thought... want to come over to keep me company?"
"Is that even a question? I'm on my way, wait for me baby"
You smiled at her words.
"Don't hang up, I want to talk to you on your way here"
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna tell me? Tease me?"
"Maybe..." you said innocently
The landline suddenly started ringing, making you jump.
"What's going on?"
"Landline. Who still uses this?" you mumbled
You walked to the phone and picked up, putting Tara on speaker so you could still hear her.
"Is this uh... Y/n Riley?"
"Depends. What do you want?"
"You ordered something on our website, it should be there"
"Why do you call me for that?"
"Well... I think we send you the wrong package..."
"Y/n what's going on? Who is it?"
You texted your girlfriend about the situation while talking with the guy.
"I suppose you want me to check?"
"And uh... what did I ordered again? I don't remember"
"I think it was... a painful death."
You hang up immediately and let go of the phone. A voice changer. He was using a fucking voice changer.
"Baby! Is everything okay?"
"Yeah... just a stupid guy using a voice changer for a stupid prank..."
"Are you sure of that?"
The voice came from behind you. You turned around so quickly your neck hurt.
You felt your heart drop in your chest when you saw a tall, dark silhouette looking at you through a Ghostface mask.
"Hello, Y/n"
You were frozen in place, incapable of moving. The Ghostface took a step closer to you, tilting his head slightly, knife in hand.
That's when your legs came back. You ran as quickly as you could, trying to tell Tara on the phone.
"Tara it's Ghostface! Fuck I-"
You couldn't finish your sentence. He grabbed you violently by the waist, making you let go of your phone. It slid on the floor.
He stabbed your abdomen, a hand over your mouth. You let out a muffled scream, and tried to escape his strong grip.
You managed to bit his hand, hard. He kicked you forward, swearing under his breath.
You barely had time to grab a lamp nearby and turn around that he was already on you again, fingers wrapping around your neck, choking you.
You dropped the lamp as he lifted you up before pressing your back against the chimney. Breathing was becoming difficult. To make things better, he sank his blade into you again, twisting it painfully this time. Blood splattered on the floor.
You struggled against him, trying to get his hand off of your neck. But he was stronger than you, you couldn't do anything.
You reached behind you, desperate, when your hands found what you thought was a vase. With all the strength you still had, you slammed it on his head.
His stumbled backward, holding his head, letting you fall to the ground. You gasped for air but didn't waste more time and staggered up.
You tried to reach your phone on the way to the door, but you were pushed to the ground. You started crawling, tears flooding down your cheeks.
"Tara help!" you yelled, voice broken
Ghostface grabbed your hair and tugged your head backward harshly, one of his knees on your back to keep you on the floor.
"No one can save you. You will die alone, just like your father."
He slammed your head against the floor. You let out a cry which only grew bigger when he stabbed you on your side. He did it again. And again. And again. You were coughing blood at this point.
You didn't want to die. You couldn't die. You were screaming for help, crying and bleeding on the floor, Ghostface on top of you. You could still hear Tara's voice on the phone, a few meters away.
He pulled on your hair again, slamming your head on the floor once more. You started to feel dizzy. Everything was blurred around you, your ears were ringing.
So that's the end... you thought as he pulled your head back up.
"Tara..." you let out in a breath
He slammed your head back down again, harder than before.
I love you, was what you wanted to say. But everything turned black before you could open your mouth again.
When she arrived at your house, heart beating faster than ever, hands shaking, she saw him. Tall. Black costume. Bloody knife. He was running away.
Then her eyes fell on your body, lying in a pool of blood in your living room.
She ran to you, turning you around so you were on your back. Your face was covered in blood, fresh tears on your cheeks. She looked at you in horror. Her worst nightmare just became real.
Your necklace with her initial, stained with your blood, was hanging lazily around your neck, red from earlier.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks when she tried to take your pulse. She gasped when she felt it. She held your head with one hand, the other taking one of your own.
"Baby please stay with me... I called an ambulance it will be here any minute now..."
She had almost lost her voice from screaming when you were being attacked. Hearing you cry for help and not being able to to anything had killed her.
When the ambulance arrived, you were still unconscious in her arms. They forced her to back up while they were taking care of you. She didn't want to. She needed to be close to you. But they didn't let her.
From where she was, she could hear their conversation. It only made her heart ache.
"We're losing her! Get ready to shock her! 1, 2, 3, go!"
"She's losing too much blood!"
After what felt like an eternity, they put you on a stretcher into an ambulance. Tara made her way to you but was stopped quickly.
"You can't go further miss."
"Is she alive?" she asked, panicked
"She was clinically dead for 3 minutes. But we brought her back. Now if you want her to live have to take her to the hospital. And no, you can't come with us, we need to be by her side. You will see her at the hospital"
They left her here, crying on the sidewalk in front of your house. After a minute, she headed to the hospital, walking as fast as her legs allowed.
Once she was there, she was told she couldn't see you yet. She tried to argue, but that was useless. She "would only have to wait a little" as the lady said.
She took the opportunity to call your mother, your friends, and her sister to tell them everything.
The first to arrive was your mom, as expected. She seemed devastated. She got mad when she learnt she couldn't see you right now and started yelling at the lady before Tara dragged her away.
They had to wait half an hour before someone told them they could see you. You were still asleep, but your life wasn't in danger anymore.
Tara sat next to you and took your hand, stroking it gently, while Gale sat on the other side, watching you with tears in her eyes.
"... Can you watch her for a minute...? I have to tell Sidney..." she asked your girlfriend
"I'll call you if she wakes up"
She thanked her and got out of the room, taking her phone with shaking hands.
You would soon wake up, not believing you were still alive, and burst into tears in your girlfriend's arms only able to think about one thing; you had a killer on the hunt again.
[Next part]
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 3 months
The First Meeting
Alright so finally, it appears my tablet is letting me upload. Chapter 7 of Dating App is ready. This chapter just didn't want to write itself and I am still not 100% happy with it. But it is here.
Warnings: None really, just gooey fluff
Prompt List
Master List
Tag List: @pear-1206
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
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It had been three weeks since the two of you shared your first night together, and the following morning had been one of the best in your life. Rafael had made good on his promise to mark you up and then took you out for brunch. In the following weeks you had thankfully managed to see each other more than the previous few weeks, which both sets of coworkers were happy about. Lily especially as you had stopped getting so cranky at people in the library. And you had finally been able to make good on your promise to read to him after he cooks dinner at your apartment. Which the two of you had thoroughly enjoyed, plus the time in bed afterwards was just amazing. The two of you had explored so much getting to know each other’s bodies, and different things the two of you liked and didn’t like. You had both deleted the dating app together the morning after your first time. Each of you privately knowing that you didn’t want anyone else.
“Rafael, I must meet Liv,” you called out to him. Rafael walked out of the home office he had in his apartment to lean against the counter watching you cook dinner.
“Must you now, Chica?” he asked. You turned around from where you were stirring some sauce at the stove.
“Yes I must,” you nodded. “You talk about her a lot, and I know how much she has done to make sure we can spend time together. And I would like to personally thank her. Plus she is your best friend- don’t you dare try to deny that – and I would like to get to know my boyfriends best friend.”
“Boyfriend?” Rafael raised an eyebrow. You froze, spoon raised half way to your mouth when you realised what you said. Neither of you had spoken about terminology or if this relationship was serious, but you had been thinking about it since the first night you spent together. You wanted him to be your boyfriend, you wanted this it be serious. And if you were being really honest, you didn’t want anyone else.
“Oh, um, I mean-” you became flustered. “We haven’t talked about it but…I mean I don’t have to call you that. And I mean if you don’t want this to be serious, or-or if you are not ready to call it serious, we can just pretend I didn’t say that.”
Rafael grinned at you as he walked slowly towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist tugging you to him. He placed a kiss on your nose.
“Of course my girlfriend can call me her boyfriend,” he grinned. “I won’t lie I was putting off this conversation but not because I wasn’t ready for this particular talk but because I didn’t want you to feel pressured.”
“Then I guess this can be considered that particular conversation,” you perked up bouncing a little as you wrapped your arms around his neck to place a kiss on his lips. “Boyfriend.”
Rafael smiled endearingly at you before letting you go, you turned back to the stove to continue cooking. He stepped up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned against your back watching you cook.
“So, meeting Liv,” you pressed. “Please?”
“Of course I want you two to meet,” Rafael smiled. “I’ll see if I can organise something with her for the weekend.”
“Maybe I could cook something?” you suggested. “Or do you think it would be better if we went out?”
“I think something here could be nice, and we can cook something,” Rafael smiled pressing kisses into your neck.
“Sounds good, now get gone before you distract me and I burn our dinner,” you giggled pressing back into him.
 “Keep that up and I’ll be all too happy for dinner to burn and we can buy take out,” Rafael growled.
“I have spent too much time on this!” you pouted. “And we are going to eat this.”
“Alright, alright,” Rafael backed away a cheeky smile on his face with his hands held up in surrender.
“Good man,” you wagged a finger at him. “Besides I know you have a case file to go through, dinner will be another…thirty minutes maybe.”
“Thank you sweetheart,” Rafael sent one wink your way before disappearing back into his home office.
“Oh, by the way you’re coming to my place for lunch on Saturday, Chica wants to meet you and wants to cook for you,” Rafael said just as Liv was about to leave his office. She paused, turned around with an eyebrow raised and crossed her arms.
“Are you asking me or telling me?” Liv asked. “I could have had plans.”
“But you don’t,” Rafael shrugged. “Otherwise you would have mentioned them by now.”
“They could have been made last night or this morning,”
“Is this you trying to get out of meeting my girlfriend? I’m a little offended by that,”
“Girlfriend? So, it’s official?” Liv grinned walking back to the desk. “And no, I have been dying to meet her for ages, this is me being offended that you just assumed I was free.”
“Yes, we made it official last night,” Rafael’s tone briefly switched from the teasing scorn he had been using moments before to the normal soft, sweet tone he tended to use when talking about you. “Well, then you shouldn’t have an issue with coming to mine on Saturday for lunch.”
“I hate you,” Liv muttered. “Fine, Saturday, I’ll get there at 11:30. No complaints, and I’ll bring wine, does she prefer red or white.”
“No you don’t,” Rafael looked back at the paperwork on his desk. “She prefers red, I believe she is making a chicken dish.”
“Sounds delicious,” Liv grinned walking out of his office without any further conversation.
You were busy running around Rafael’s apartment, he had spent the morning cleaning it while you cooked lunch and prepared the dessert. You were putting the finishing touches on the table he had, as well as placing a few reed diffusers around the place, to make it more relaxing.
“Babe, she has been to my apartment before you know,” Rafael smiled watching as you nervously fluffed the cushions on the couch, rearranged the fake flowers on the coffee table before checking on the chicken again. He trailed behind you.
“Yes but never to meet me,” you said over your shoulder. “What if she doesn’t like me? What if the food isn’t good?”
“Sweetheart, look at me,” Rafael tugged you to him, cupping your cheeks. “Liv already likes you, the food you make is always amazing and she will love it.”
You opened you mouth to say something else but he cut you off with his lips, pressing against yours softly. He continued to kiss along your cheeks drawing a smile from you and helping to calm you down. Your arms wrapped his waist, as you leaned forward to kiss him back.
“Better?” he asked as he stroked along your cheeks.
“A little,” you nodded, teeth worrying your bottom lip. You were about to say something else when Rafael’s buzzer went off, you looked towards the clock on the oven you saw that it was just past 11:30, the time Liv told Rafael she would arrive. “Quick, go let her in!” you started pushing Rafael towards his front door.
“Alright, alright Chica,” he laughed, ducking to give you one last kiss before he went to allow Liv access to the building. “Are you going to answer the door with me?”
“I suppose I should, shouldn’t I?” you murmured, looking down as Rafael offered you his hand. You grinned, taking it and linked your fingers together as you waited by the door to let Liv in.
“I’ll do the introductions,” Rafael promised kissing the hand holding his. Not a moment later there was a knock at his door.
You felt your stomach knot in nerves at the sound, Rafael squeezed your hand once before letting it go to open the door. You had seen a picture of Liv on Rafael’s phone once or twice but those photos did not do the woman on the other side of the door any justice. She was stunning and had such a presence about her. You instantly felt safe in her presence.
“Liv,” Rafael smiled reaching forward to hug her before stepping aside and inviting her in. He shut the door behind her before stepping back to your side. “Liv this is y/n, chica this is Olivia Bensen.”
“It is so good to finally meet you,” Liv smiled, her eyes lighting up as she looked you. She held a bottle of wine that she quickly passed to Rafael. “Are you a hugger?”
“Same here, Rafi, talks about you a lot,” you grinned, the nerves slowly leaving your stomach. “And yes, I very much so am a hugger.”
Liv’s grin widened as she stepped closer to you and wrapped you up in a hug, squeezing you gently. Her hug had you feeling like you were wrapped up in warmth, you felt incredibly safe and secure in the older woman’s hold. You squeezed her back before letting her go, looking over at Rafael to see that soft little smile he has whenever he is happy and content, on his face as he looked at two of his favourite people. You had mostly been nervous about what happen if you meet Liv and she didn’t like you, she was such an important person in Rafael’s life, the only person who was more important would be his mother. And the thought of meeting her made you feel like nearly fainting.
“Right, lunch is just about ready, why don’t you two take a seat at the table, Rafael could you pour the wine?” you asked. “That should give it time to breathe.” You quickly hustled into the kitchen leaving the other two to make their way to the kitchen table.
“She is adorable,” Liv gushed quietly watching you check on the chicken dish and finishing up a few other things to have with the dish, she could just hear you quietly humming. “And that food smells delicious, can’t believe I finally get to taste her cooking. The others will be so jealous.”
Rafael grinned as he opened the bottle of wine and placing it in the middle of the table to let it breathe.
“Well, Chica was rather insistent that I introduce the two of you,” Rafael grinned. “I wanted to keep her to myself for a little bit longer but…I’ve recently discovered that I can’t say no to her.”
“I can see why,” Liv smiled at her best friend, while yes she was incredibly smug about being right about going on the dating app, mostly she was just glad that Rafael was happy. And probably the happiest she has ever seen him. “You know the others will want to meet her even more once they find out that I have.”
“Yes, well, they can wait longer,” Rafael huffed, though Liv could see that he loved the fact that the team was excited to meet his woman and he enjoyed the teasing the team gave him. He once told her that it made him feel like he was really part of the team and that the others genuinely did enjoy spending time with him, as he had seen them teasing each other for a while before they started doing the same to him.
“I’m going to help her,” Liv declared. She wanted to talk with you without Rafael around.
“I wouldn’t, she has this thing about guests helping,” Rafael told her but let her wonder into the kitchen regardless.
“Y/n, is there anything I can do?” Liv asked standing out of your way as you pulled some plates out of the microwave.
“Oh, no, don’t be silly,” you waved her away. “You are a guest, and it is nearly done.”
“I can at least help you carry the plates out,” Liv insisted.
“Rafael did mention that you were stubborn,” you laughed giving in, you watched her out of the corner at your eyes, checking to see if Rafael was anywhere near. “I actually did want to thank you, for getting Rafael on that dating app, and running interference for the first few dates we had.”
“Of course,” Liv said. “Rafael is a very important person to me, and I want him to be happy.”
“…I want him to be happy as well,” you whispered, eyes down at the plates you were currently serving the food onto.
“Well, I haven’t seen him this happy, ever,” Liv told you coming to stand beside you, grinning when you flushed at her statement.
“I was a little worried meeting you,” you confessed. “You’re his best friend, even if he won’t ever admit it.”
“I was a little nervous as well,” Liv assured you.
“Well, you needn’t worry, I liked you before even meeting you,” you giggled. “It was the moment he said you would be smug about the fact that he met someone on the dating app he didn’t want to go on.”
Liv smiled at you about to open her mouth when Rafael’s voice called out.
“How long are you two going to gossip about me?”
“Not much longer!”
“As long as we want to, love!”
“I never should have allowed you two to meet,” you could hear him muttering to himself.
You and Liv were still giggling as you brought in the plates, along with another plate that had nicely warmed bread rolls. You both rolled your eyes when you saw him pouting in his seat, as you placed his plate down in-front of him you pressed a kiss to his temple.
“Oh stop pouting, Mr Lawyer,” you scolded him, dropping enough to whisper in his ear. “Or no dessert later.”
Rafael grinned up at you, his eyes darkened promising that dessert would be happening. Liv pretended not to witness the moment between the two of you. Her heart swelled to witness it, and it made her miss Tucker a little. The three of you picked up the wine that Rafael had poured while you and Liv were in the kitchen and clicked them together before taking a sip.
“Oh, that is a nice wine, Olivia,” you hummed. “I’ll have to take a picture of the label.”
“It was one that I got in Paris with Ed,” Liv smiled. “And please call me Liv.”
“You went to Paris?” you asked eyes wide. “Oh, I never did get to travel much out of England when I was over there.”
“Paris was amazing,” Liv said. “Have you wanted to go?”
“Always, it looks so romantic,” you sighed. “I always dreamed about waking up and walking to a café to have breakfast with the Eiffel Tower visible and then go to a park and just read in the shade of a tree.”
Liv threw a look at Rafael raising her eyebrows in a little wiggle before focusing on you again. Noting the far away look in your eyes and how they would slightly shift to Rafael before looking away, cheeks heating a little under the beautiful light make up you wore.
“Well, I hope you get go one day,” Liv picked up her knife and fork trying a piece of the beautiful cooked chicken. “Oh my god, this is delicious. Rafael how dare you keep her cooking from us every time you bring it to the station.”
“Rafi, how rude,” you teased winking at Liv. “Thank you, I’m very glad you like it. You’ll have to take some left overs.” Rafael didn’t even bother responding just stuffed some more food in his mouth, rolling his eyes but he still sent you tender looks, as his foot reached out to touch yours.
“Don’t have to offer twice,” Liv tucked back into the meal.
Rafael was watching you as he ate, plans and thoughts running through his head a million miles an hour. He however wasn’t sure if his plans were too soon to be thinking about, if asking you to go on a holiday with him should wait until maybe the 6 month mark. You had only been seeing each other for just under two months, but he could see the two of you in Paris together, having breakfast, reading a book in a park, going to museums and palaces, he would take you to all the wineries and buy you as many bottles as you wanted.
“So, Y/n,” Liv started interrupting Rafael’s train of thought. “How has Rafael been treating you?”
“Really Liv?” Rafael asked taking a sip of his wine. “With me in the room?”
“Aw, what’s the matter, worried what she may say?” Liv asked.
“No,” Rafael reached out and took your hand bringing it to his lips to kiss the knuckles, enjoying that that action can still make you flush.
“He’s been absolutely amazing,” you gushed. “Of course he teases and taunts but I give as good.”
“I don’t tease, Chica,” Rafael huffs.
“Darling, don’t lie, that’s a horrible habit for a prosecutor,” you stroked your fingers across his wrist and up his palm. “But in all seriousness, Rafael has treated me with nothing but respect, he is the sweetest man I have met. Always making me feel comfortable and adored. He has made me the happiest I have ever been.”
Rafael felt his heart stutter in his chest at your words, he knew that you were happy with him but didn’t realise the extent that he made you happy. He couldn’t look away from you, not even caring that Liv was witness to this little moment the two of you were having. He loved how you were never afraid to say what you were thinking and that you never hid your feelings.
“How cute,” Liv cooed a little, thoroughly enjoying this moment. “I was hoping for more to tease Rafi on but I will take this adorable little moment.”
“That’ll come when he isn’t here,” you promised. “Maybe we could grab coffee or cocktails?”
“That sounds fantastic, would you like to meet Amanda?”
“Yes I would! Rafi doesn’t talk as much about Amanda but I would love to meet the rest of the team,” you grinned sitting up, ignoring Rafael’s whine of complaint.
“There goes keeping you to myself for longer,” Rafael muttered, though his eyes showed that he was happy that you were excited to meet his friends and colleagues, he had lent towards you his hand taking yours again. You grinned at him, rolling your eyes at the childish behaviour from him. “I still get all of your food first though.”
“Fine I promise,” you sighed sending a grin towards Olivia as he raised your hand to his lips again, you thought you saw her phone pointed at the two of you but couldn’t be sure so you let it go.
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Switched Sides 1 - Lloyd Hansen Series
Character: Lloyd Hansen x former Hitman!FemaleReader
Summary: Y/N L/N quit her job as a hitman to take care of her nephew after her stepbrother died. It’s been a year since she became a good aunt to her nephews, and she wants to keep it that way. But her quiet life got disturbed when her former boss asked for her help.
Warning: Nothing
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 , Last Chapter
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
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The pendulum bar of the metronome kept moving left and right. This object has helped to calm her anxiety and nightmare. Because of her former job as a hitman, her ears become sensitive to sounds. 
Y/N L/N, 37 years old, is a former hitman. Code name ‘Antartica’. She quit her job after she met her stepbrother for the first time in 8 years.
The alarm from her phone reminded her it was 5 a.m. The ringtone made Y/N jump out of her bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and teeth. 
At 5.15 am, she went to the first door beside her room to have a quick inspect before jogging on the treadmill.
She ensured her footsteps weren't loud, so the little one inside the crib won't wake. 
Y/N looked down and saw a cute toddler in his onesie with a little blanket covering his little body. 
'He is still asleep; that's great.'
Then she carefully moves to another room to see another kid. She opened the door and saw the teenage boy still asleep. 
If anyone ever told her, she would become an aunt she would laugh at them. 
But after Y/N became the legal guardian for his stepbrother's kids, the earth would turn to hell if anyone tried to hurt her nephew. 
After ensuring everyone was still asleep, she did a quick workout by running on the treadmill. 
At 6.30 a.m. After she showered, she knocked on the door of the oldest to wake him up. 
Then she went to the youngest, Kendall L/N, 2 years old, and brought him down with her so she could watch him while she was making breakfast. 
At 7 a.m., Mark L/N, 9 years old, came down the stairs, yawning, "You could just give me cereal, aunty."
Y/N smiled at him while setting up the table. "It's okay, besides I like to cook."
Mark smiled at her. He wondered how a hitman like her could be gentle and be the best replacement for his parents while he still had other relatives who had normal jobs. 
He never met Y/N, but he always heard the stories of her from his father. Mark's father is a policeman but is proud to have a step-sister who works as a hitman.
-Flashback starts-
Mark finally met Y/N at his father's funeral. She was quiet. None of the relatives want to talk to her. It seems like they are scared of her. She didn't shed a tear but she look so sad looking at his father's coffin.
After the funeral, everyone discussed who would care for him and his youngest brother, none wanted to volunteer. 
Mark heard his relatives murmur:
"If only Mark, I would love to, but the youngest, it would take a lot of work."
"I don't have time to take him to the hospital."
"And he always cried, my children will be angry with me."
"We have to talk about the big elephant in this room. Caring for cancer patients takes a lot of money, and their father didn't leave enough money for Kendall's treatment."
Mark wanted to cry and hide for being useless and couldn't protect his baby brother. He can't believe he heard from his relatives that they will become a new burden.
Someone punched the thick mahogany table and made a hole. It was Y/N, his aunt. 
"I will take care of them."
When he saw the ruined table and his relatives scared looking at Y/N, he felt somewhat relieved because someone defended him.
It was awkward at first, but her habits were the same as his father's. The way she cleaned up the house, cooked everything, and her perfume was the same as his father's.
Mark remembered his father always wore a perfume his sister gave him.
His father told him before it was Y/N who took care of him since their abusive parents rarely stayed home. 
He knew her former job as a hitman from his father, but it didn't matter.
Because she gives her everything in taking care of them, especially his younger brother Kendall, who always cried because of the pain from the chemotherapy he went through.
Kendall got diagnosed with blood cancer. It'd been a year for him getting the treatment. 
She would stay up all night to hold him. Before, it was Mark who watched over his brother Kendall if he woke up in the middle of the night. But with Aunt Y/N here, he could sleep until morning.
He felt guilty but his aunt told him not to worry "I'm used to not sleeping for 5 days. This is nothing."
That's what Mark and Kendall's life has been for a year. His life could be considered normal, with an aunt, a former hitman, as his second parent. 
-Flashback ends-
Y/N drove him to the school, along with his brother, in the infant car seats. Kendall will need another chemotherapy today. He rubbed his little brother's hand. 
How come a little kid like me could hold the pain? As an older brother, he wished he could do something to help his younger brother. 
"We've arrived."
"Aunt Y/N, you don't have to drop me there."
"Why not?"
Mark pointed at the group show standing before the school entrance door. "Because of them?"
"Uurgh, mothers." 
YN rubbed her forehead; she could deal with kingpins, mafia leaders, and pirates, but with mothers, she couldn't do anything. 
Mothers are complicated, they don't use any physical weapon, but their words are more hurtful than knives. Y/N doesn’t hate them, but they’re competitive on how to make their children be the best in this school.
Mark didn't go to private schools, but most of the mothers here are fighting to make their children enter an Ivy League College. They could be friends and enemy at the same time.
Jealousy and gossip are too much for Y/N. It's better to stay away from that group. 
Y/N agreed with Ky; she stopped before the mother saw her car. 
"I'll be here when you practice."
"Yes, I'll see you later, Auntie Y/N." Mark waves his hand.
When she saw Mark enter the school building, Y/N wanted to escape her mother by using her driving skills. But there is a speed limit in school areas. So she at least has to open her car window and greet them. 
"Fiuuh." Y/N sighed, relieved today she doesn’t have to make small talk. She drove the car to exit the school and headed to the hospital. When the vehicle stopped at the red light, her phone rang. But that ringtone is from her other phone. After she quit her job, nobody ever calls her again from that number. 
It must be urgent. Y/N turns her head to see Kendall, who is still sleeping. She hopes nothing bad if she accepts the call. 
"Hello, Antarctica." 
Y/N held her breath when she heard his voice. It's been a year since she met him, and he called her using a code name. That means he needs her for a mission.
"You're still alive?"
"Hmm, cold as always; here I thought motherhood changed you."
"What do you want?"
"I need your help."
Y/N rolled her eye; he knew she had left the old life behind. And the mission he gave is always dangerous; she can’t take a risk while caring for her nephews. 
"I'm busy."
She turned off the cell phone so he wouldn't bother her momentarily. It’s been a year since she has had a quiet life without a life-threatening mission, and she wants to keep it that way. 
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At the hospital. 
Y/N is sitting beside Kendall, getting his medicine to treat his cancer. 
Every time she sees him crying when the nurse puts the needle through the skin, it's killing her. If doctors could transfer Kendall's pain to her, she would accept it. 
There's an alternative besides chemotherapy. Doctor told her there was available oral medicine, but they needed to wait for months to get it.
She sighed; being a parent is difficult. How come her brother keeps smiling while being a single parent? That's amazing. 
At the school.
Y/N is supposed to pick up Mark and then go home. But she almost waited inside the car for 20 minutes, and he didn't come out of the school. 
She carried Kendall into her arms cause there was no way she would leave him alone inside the car. Y/N carried Kendall in her arms all day since Kendall hated the stroller. He prefers to be hugged by his aunt because her perfume resembles his father's.
"Yes, we will see him."
Kendall clapped his hands. He is always excited whenever they pick up his brother from school. 
On the way to Mark's classroom, she met group mothers in the hallway. And their leader Jenny who is also a PTA. She's perfect from head to toe, has blonde wavy hair, wears designer clothes from head to toe is walking towards Y/N. Jenny is a softly-spoken person but vicious at the same time. 
"Hi, Y/N and baby Kendall." Her high pitch made Kendall hide his face in Y/N's shoulder. 
"Hi, Jenny." 
"How are things at home? If you ever need help, tell us in the group chat."
So you have material to gossip about my family? No, thank you. 
"Thank you, but now I still could manage."
"Great. So can I ask, have you prepared your stuff for the school bazaar tomorrow?"
This month is the school anniversary; for the first of the month, there will be a bazaar, sports, and music events. Every student and parent is mandatory to join. 
Y/N couldn't choose because his brother had volunteered to bring food to the bazaar. 
"Yeah, I've made vegan brownie cake."
"Ooh, vegan and homemade cake. Lovely."
Y/N has thought a 50 ways to step away from this conversation. If she were still a hitman she could make Jenny fainted.
"Aunt Y/N. Aunt Jenny."
Mark's presence saved her from the conversation. Even Kendall stretched his arm towards his brother. 
"I'm sorry the math teacher gave us extra assignments."
Y/N brushed his hair, then held his hand. "Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow Jenny."
While on their way home, Mark remembered what his aunt said to Jenny.
"Is it true you're going to bake a cake, Aunty Y/N?"
"No, I have ordered it from the bakery."
He laughed because his aunt was not able to bake. Then something caught his attention. An unknown number keeps calling Y/N phones.  
"Aunty, an unknown number keeps calling you."
"Just ignored it."
Y/N didn't say anything, which means he should stop asking. He realized when Y/N was with them, she never received a call or called someone. It must be true she has left everything behind. 
At unknown location
Inside the room, there is a man sitting in the darkness while looking at an old photo. It seems like he longing for that moment when the picture got taken.
That man is Lloyd Hansen—a sociopath, an insane and deadly person in the hitman industry, and also Y/N's former boss. 
"Sir, Antarctica is not answering, but we have her location." 
Lloyd smirked; he knew this would happen. He snapped his fingers. "Well then, we should go for a quick visit tomorrow."
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 , Last Chapter
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thedemoninme141 · 3 months
Love Me Leave Me: Final Chapter
Celine's version of this story ended at chapter 1 with a dark ending, I just couldn't stop there, so I gave it 2 more chapters ending here, a good ending I guess. Hope you guys enjoy it as a rare good ending in one of her stories haha 😅 Previous Chapter Masterlist The months had passed slowly, but they brought with them small signs of healing. You hadn't cut for a few months now, and Wednesday watched over you with a vigilance that was both comforting and suffocating. She never asked directly about your scars, but her eyes often flickered to your wrists, checking for any new marks. Her concern was palpable, yet she remained careful not to push you too hard, respecting your need for space.
There were moments when Wednesday caught glimpses of the person you once were—brief flashes of the vibrant spirit she had known. You would offer her a warm smile when she did something thoughtful, like bringing you your favourite coffee or sitting with you during your loneliest moments. But those smiles, though genuine, were tinged with an inescapable sadness, a haunting reminder of the pain that lingered beneath the surface.
Despite the progress, Wednesday felt like she was walking on a tightrope, balancing her desire to help you heal with the fear of causing you further harm. She had kept her feelings for you at bay, convinced that any move towards a relationship would be premature and possibly detrimental to your fragile state. But she couldn't help herself from trying....
"Ask her on a movie night Wends, I will go to Yoko's room. Maybe thats how you can see if she has any feelings towards you." Enid's words.
That's how Wednesday found herself standing outside your door, a flutter of nervous anticipation in her chest. She took a deep breath and knocked softly. You opened the door, a curious expression on your face.
"Y/n," she began, her voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "I was wondering if you would—if you might want to—"
She rehearsed the words in her mind, each attempt sounding more awkward than the last. She clenched her fists in frustration. Why was this so difficult? She was Wednesday Addams, for crying out loud. She had faced horrors that would make most people lose their sanity, but this—this simple act of inviting you to a movie night—felt insurmountable. But she looked into your eyes, and there it was, the strength she needed. "Would you like to come to my dorm for a movie night? I thought it might be...nice."
There was a moment of silence, and for a second, Wednesday feared you might decline. But then you gave her a small, warm smile—one that still held that lingering sadness, but also a flicker of something else. Hope, perhaps?
"Sure, Wednesday. That sounds nice."
"Don't even think of choosing a horror movie Wednesday, here, torture yourself with this" Enid gave her a cheesy romance-comedy movie before she left, Wednesday rolled her eyes but she understood, watching a horror movie might be a bad idea. When you arrived at Wednesday's dorm, she greeted you with a slight nod, her usual composure masking the nervous flutter in her chest. She had arranged the room with an unexpected touch of care: soft lighting from a few strategically placed candles, a cozy blanket draped over the couch, and a bowl of your favorite snacks on the coffee table.
"I wasn't sure what kind of movies you like," Wednesday admitted, gesturing to the small stack of DVDs. "But Enid suggested this one."
You looked at the cover and smiled for a second, "A rom-com? What did Enid use against you?"
Wednesday couldn't answer, she knew she didn't have the answer. Feelings were always a foreign territory for her, she never thought she would care about anyone so much that she would be willing to change for them. But seeing your smile, even if it was for a split second, is worth the change.
Wednesday didn't feel the torture of the cringy moments from the movie, how could she when you were there beside her, all she did was focus on you, how your head tilted at the romance scenes, how you smiled at the heartwarming scenes, but most of all, finally after an hour, she heard your laugh and now she knew, she would commit any sin, face any trial, endure any torment if it meant that smile would always stay there.
Wednesday doesn't even know what was happening in the movie. The couple on screen danced in a slow, graceful circle, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with love and longing. You turned and noticed Wednesday watching you, her dark eyes softened by the candlelight. There was a palpable tension between you, a pull that neither of you could ignore. Your breath hitched, and you felt an inexplicable urge to close the distance between you.
The music seemed to blur the lines between reality and the fantasy playing out on screen. You both leaned in slowly, the world around you fading into insignificance. Wednesday's gaze flickered down to your lips, and her heart raced as she felt the warmth of your breath on her skin.
As your faces drew closer, your eyes fluttered shut, anticipation tinged with nervous excitement. You could feel the intensity of Wednesday's presence, her hand moving to gently cup your cheek.
But just as your lips were about to meet, you pulled back abruptly, your heart sinking. You opened your eyes and stepped away, the moment shattered by a sudden rush of doubt.
"I can't do this, Wednesday." you said softly, your voice trembling.
Wednesday cursed herself. She had let her emotions take control again. Had she ruined the progress she made with you?
"Its just... I know Wednesday, you have been doing everything to make things right again, and its working. I am really thankful to you for that. But, that's the thing isn't it? You did all that out of guilt, to fix me. I don't want you to love me out of guilt, out of pity. I want you to love me for... me."
Wednesday's eyes softened, and she took a tentative step closer. "Y/n, it's not about guilt. I care about you, not because I feel obligated, but because you mean something to me. I want to be here for you, to help you heal because I see you for who you are, and that's someone I deeply care about."
'' I ruined this moment, didn't I Wednesday? I am sorry.. I" You were about to break down again but Wednesday took your hand,
"One day at a time." She said, "As long as those days are with you Y/n, One day at a time is fine by me." Wednesday leaned in again, her lips capturing yours in a tender, hesitant kiss. It was a kiss filled with unspoken promises and a shared hope for a future where you both could heal together.
As you kissed her back, you felt the weight of your doubts and fears begin to lift, replaced by a warmth that spread through your entire being. It wasn't just a kiss—it was the start of something new, something beautiful. When you finally pulled away, you rested your forehead against hers, both of you breathing heavily. Wednesday smiled, a rare and genuine smile that made you sure, she would be there for you, she would fix the broken things and protect the fragile things, till the end.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Javier Escuella X F.Reader - It's never to late to repent (Part 4) 18+
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(Pictures found on pinterest/google. That one with Javier is mine. Collage made by me 🌺)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
The 4 Part is online 🥰 thanks to all who read and like my story 🐝🌺 I hope you will enjoy the this chapter too!
Tag list: @fangirl-ramblings @rose-of-black-blood @livingdeadgirly @coaxium-captain-rex @12timetraveler @butterballchannie @charlesjaviersimp @ashethesimp @planetahmane @snoowply @sylum @noodle-tm @karmashatty @nadnad09 @lill2350 @slightlyexpiredyogurt8 @natnuszsstuff @boniscute @books-arebetterthan-boys @pedropascalluvr69 @blackrosegarden6 @sie-werden-nie-vergessen @inlovewithjavierescuella
If anyone of you want to be tagged to not miss the newest chapter, please let me know 🙏 If you want me to take you off the list, please tell me
And sorry if there are errors with the Spanish words. Please tell me if so. Thanks 🖤
👉Read part 1 / part 2 / part 3
Warning: Nsfw 18+! Very erotic stuff y'all, trigger moments, angst
Summary: The love between you had never stopped and your nights are now again marked by passion. But there is a dark secret that you can not tell Javier. Not yet, for it would break his heart. Now that you had found each other again, you didn't want to risk it all. But he has a right to know…
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Javier Escuella X F.Reader - It's never to late to repent (Part 4) 18+
You still couldn't believe that Javier was standing in front of you. Just when you were about to throw all your hopes overboard, a small miracle happened. Javier's eyes sought your gaze and you could clearly see that he was afraid of your reaction. He was very tense, but how could you refuse him now? After you had so ardently wished that he would come and see you?
"I… um, Y/N, listen, I know… this…"
The words were stuck in his throat, because he really didn't know what to say. How was he supposed to find the right words either?
"I needed to see you, Y/N… But… I understand if you have finally lost your patience with me. I understand if…"
You approached him without words and the next moment you threw yourself into his arms. Full of relief, he closed his eyes, his arms immediately wrapped around your body and he hugged you tightly. He immediately buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply. God, how he had missed your lovely scent!
Your voice trembled as you whispered his name. Your hands clawed desperately at his raven black hair as your tears ran unstoppably down your face. You heard Javier sigh softly, followed by a quiet sob before he swallowed.
"Y/N… I'm sorry…" he whispered against your neck and you could feel his tears wetting your skin. His warm, strong body nestled against yours made you feel safe and secure.
You looked straight into his eyes as he took hold of your tender face and begged you again to forgive him.
"Lo siento mucho, Y/N!"
His cheeks grew quite warm, the tears ran inexorably down his face. So much pain, so much sorrow and regrets were on his face. Too many emotions to cope with.
"I have caused you so much grief."
But instead of facing him with anger and hatred, you just smiled through tears. The time for scorn was long gone and everything you wanted, you now had. Your dearest Javier had returned.
Gently you placed your hands on his, your lips were so close, you could feel each other's warm breath.
"I've only ever thought of you, Javier. All these years…"
And that was when Javier couldn't take it anymore and without warning, he kissed her. Instantly, your knees went all soft, blissful lap through your whole body.
"How could I ever forget you?" whispered Javier, before kissing you longingly again, brushing the strands of your hair from your face.
Words of love filled your house and every single word came from the depths of your soul. From two people who had suffered immensely without the other. Neither of you ever wanted to be apart again.
"Te quiero! Te quiero mucho, Y/N! Yo nunca dejé de amarte!"
And you had never stopped loving him either. This moment seemed like a beautiful dream and you were so afraid of letting go of Javier. You were afraid that this beautiful moment could burst like a soap bubble. It wouldn't be bearable for you a second time.
"I love you, Javier."
Desperately you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and Javier held you tightly, enveloping you with his arms like the wings of an angel.
Suddenly he knelt in front of you, wrapped his arms around your middle and he pressed his face against your stomach, sighing heavily and you could feel that he was trembling. Javier could do nothing, his tears would not end. You lovingly stroked his black hair. Good God, how much time you had lost… how much had been taken from you…
When Javier looked up to you, his eyes were filled with warmth and trust. As his warm hands laid on your tender arms, you suddenly felt hot and deepest excitement shot through your body. His touch felt so damn good and you closed your eyes for a moment, your heart pounding like crazy.
Javier whispered your name, rising from his spot. He stood close to you, his warm breath brushing your cheek. His hands squeezed your arms and you gasped, closing your eyes. A lustful sigh escaped your lips as Javier gently pressed your body against his.
"The nights were so cold… so lonely without you, mi rosa…" he whispered hoarsely against your lips and you thought you would lose your mind at any moment. Between your legs was tingling like crazy and you wanted, no, you needed his touch, his lips, his body…
His lips gently brushed your cheek and you could hear how aroused he was too.
"I've dreamed of this moment so many times, Y/N," Javier groaned in your ear and he closed his eyes, breathing in your seductive scent, burying his face in the crook of your neck with a deep sigh. Carefully you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting the wave of pleasure take you for good.
"The warmth of your body, the taste of your lips… I almost went crazy without you…"
His fingers ran over your arms as he said this.
As his hand gently touched your cheek, you leaned into his touch. Javier had always been tender and you had missed that feeling so much. His beautiful eyes took in every little detail of your face. Your shapely lips, the long lashes and your eyes that shimmered with tears.
"Your touches, your kisses…. I missed them so much, Javier…"
And that was never to be again, Javier had told himself. Yet when your lips met, your kiss instantly ignited like a fire. Javier reached for the hem of your dress, pushing it up, his hand roaming over your bare thigh. You were wearing long white stockings, fastened with a small bow to hold to your thigh. His fingers gently clawed into your firm flesh, full of desire for you. He had always had a weakness for long stockings and he liked the idea of stripping you down to them and making love to you.
His lips detached from yours, rather he let his mouth slide over your throat. Moaning softly, you let your head fall back, enjoying this erotic moment.
"Ahh… Javier…" Your hands claw into his hair as Javier greedily tasted the skin on your throat, gently biting into your flesh…
His beautiful, naked body resembled stunning marble; firm and strong, slender and desirous. His hands slid under the hem of your undergarment that covered your trembling body. Inch by inch he pushed it up, over your waist and stomach, until he had freed your beautiful breasts. Rosy nipples tightened under his gaze. His eyes grew dark with desire and Javier couldn't believe his luck. You lay before him, in the flesh. Beautiful and desirable!
After he had removed your undergarments, he carelessly threw it aside and you lay in the soft sheets dressed only in your white, long stockings. Biting your lips gently, you looked up at Javier, giving him a glimpse between your legs as you opened them for him. You could hear him inhale deeply, trembling with excitement.
"Oh, querida…"
Did you realize how crazy you were driving him? How much he desired you? His hands covered your tits, pressing them together. He lifted them to his lips as he lowered his head and his hair slid over your oversensitive, heated skin, while his mouth swallow one of the stiff nipples, kissing it first and then circling it with his tongue, making you moan with pleasure.
Javier continued, covering your other tit with tender bites. You squirmed helplessly, wishing he would lick your hot, throbbing pussy. To kiss it and give it the attention it needed right now. You could barely stand it anymore, so your hand slipped between your legs and you started caressing yourself. Javier noticed this immediately and he had to grin, rather he let your nipple slide out of his mouth with a smack. Slowly, he slid down on your body. Grabbing your hips, he lifted your hips to finally taste your sweet little pussy after such a long time. Completely captivated by your scent, Javier closed his eyes for a moment and breathed it in. You desperately whispered his name as you felt infinite pleasure at that moment. His tongue parted your folds, swapping between them and finding your clitoris. Slowly, ever so slowly, Javier circled the small, pulsating center of your desire. He alternated licking and sucking on you until he heard you lustfully call his name. It was like a sighing plea to finally take you.
Deeply his tongue plunged into your tight, wet opening, fucking you in a delicious way and you thought you were going to lose your mind.
Clutching at the pillow, you threw your head to the side, moaning with pleasure as your inner thighs began to quiver.
Your breasts rose and fell with each breath and Javier's dark eyes, looked up at you. He enjoyed the sight of your beautiful body, the expression of pure bliss on your face. His tongue ran in circular motions over your clit, sometimes faster and then slower. You could barely stand the feeling and you suppressed a loud moan, pressing the back of your hand to your mouth. "Oh my god… ahhh…"
"Ahh… Y/N…"
Javier encircled your swollen pearl and he started sucking on it, stroking your thighs with his hands and as you reached into his hair, a deep growl came from his throat. His cock was perfectly hard and erect, pre-cum dripping from its tip, sliding slowly down his shaft. He could hardly stand it anymore, becoming more energetic in his actions as he also slid his fingers into your opening to fuck you with his fingers.
Briefly Javier had to swallow your nectar to continue and before you could think any further you came with a lustful moan, your back arching and Javier holding you tightly to his mouth so you could ride out your orgasm.
"Mi rosa… you are so beautiful…" he whispered, breathing a kiss on your inner thigh before sliding up to you, his warm, toned body resting on yours.
Javier grabbed his cock and made circular motions with the tip on your clit.
"Look at me, sweetheart…" he whispered, gently turning your face towards him and when you opened your eyes, Javier could see the tears in them. But he could tell that you were just happy at the moment.
"I want to look at you when I make love to you…"
His words were as sweet as honey, his touches and kisses gentle as a bird's wings.
As his hand sought yours to intertwine your fingers, he guided his cock to your wet opening and you instantly took him in. With a deep, lustful moan on both sides, you looked into each other's eyes, saw the lust in each other's faces. A beautiful and very intimate moment for you.
You clawed almost desperately at his masculine back, almost as if you were afraid he might be taken from you again. But Javier felt the same way. The thought of letting you go again was out of the question for him.
"Mi amor… I love you…"
Your pussy was like velvet and you were hot and so wet… Javier thought he was losing his mind. He began to thrust himself inside you. Slowly at first, for he savored being so deep inside you. His throbbing cock filled you completely. "Ahh… you are so tight and so hot…. hssst… ahhh…" he moaned against your ear and he bit your earlobe. His voice had gone a notch deeper and darker and that made your body tremble with pleasure. His lips kissed your mouth as he moved rhythmically inside you and his scent clouded your senses. He smelled of leather, spicy lavender and tobacco…
The sound of his balls smacking against your wetness filled the room. Enveloped by your scent and your husky, lustful sounds, and after more powerful thrusts from Javier, he felt that he was about to climax and you too felt yourself tingling intensely between your legs. When his hand slipped between your bodies to caress your clit, your climax overtook you. Your body arched lustfully towards Javier and you clawed at his strong arms, seeking help, driving him crazy with the sight of your beautiful body. And finally he squirted his seed deep into your soft pussy, growling lustfully and closing his eyes as he thrust into you, trembling while riding out his climax.
You clung to each other in the soft sheets of your bed, enjoying this precious moment. Panting heavily, you lay on top of each other and Javier had his arms wrapped tightly around your body. You felt so desired, so loved… you had the feeling that you would always find protection in his arms. When his eyes searched your gaze, you smiled lovingly at him and Javier covered your face with tender kisses. Gently he kissed your cheek, your chin, your nose, your eyelids and finally your seductive mouth.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments; foreheads resting together and looking into each other's eyes, not wanting to lose the feeling of the other. This was a special moment for both of you….
"Where have you been all these years, Javier?" you asked softly as you rested against his chest. It was such a pleasant silence that surrounded you both. The sun's rays fell directly on their naked bodies, mentioning you. The young man gently stroked your arm as he looked up at the ceiling, thinking about where best to start. He had been through a lot in the last five years, had made bad decisions. But after the decline of the gang, he too had been lost. For Javier, everything had been hopeless then.
"I was lost, mi rosa. I had made many, wrong decisions."
You listened to him, snuggling even closer to his chest, gently running your fingers over his skin.
"After the decline, I got into one shit situation after another. I didn't… didn't care about anything anymore, you know? I stole, killed to survive. I was just a shadow of my former self."
You could understand him well, and you knew Javier. He had a guilty conscience for all those things, but they were in the past now and you had to let them rest sometime. You were lucky to have Abigail and John as support. Otherwise, you would have been in a bad way after Micah and Dutch brought everyone to ruin.
"But I was given another chance. And this man is really like a father to me. He's given me a lot, shown me a lot."
He was talking about his boss, who had finally persuaded him to seek you out.
Curiously you looked up at him and when you saw Javier smile you knew everything was right. Giving you a kiss on the forehead, he sighed contentedly.
" I'm very happy that you live in this beautiful place, Y/N. I'm happy that you're doing well and living a good life."
Tears came to your eyes at his words. It had been half a life without him, but his words touched you. It only confirmed how much he loved you.
"Without Abigail and John, I don't think I would have made it as easily as I did."
Javier was now very curious when you mentioned their name. Javier often thought of John.
"They were supportive of me, Javier. I was with them for almost two years until finally I was able to build my own life."
But there was one thing you didn't mention. A trauma that you hadn't really dealt with until today, and if Javier found out, it would break his heart. Only Abigail, John and little Jack knew about that. Something that had shaken you all to the core. You immediately shook off that thought, because it wasn't time to tell Javier yet. Was there even a time for it?
"I'm just glad we found each other again, darling," you whispered as you nestled your face into the crook of his neck and took a deep breath of his scent.
"I love you, Y/N."
His arms wrapped protectively around you and neither of you had the intention to stand up. Time seemed to have stopped for you.
You had been stranded, left by the wayside and yet, your lives had moved forward. Javier had managed to get his life together, just like you. You both earned your money with hard work and you were proud of it. You were more grown up, had realized at some point that life as an outlaw was not a romantic affair. No one knew better than you, because you had gone through it…
You stood in the kitchen, your thoughts giving you no peace. A bit nervously you chewed your thumb, looking out of the window, lost. Dark clouds were gathering, the thunder was already rumbling in the distance.
"Is everything all right, honey?"
You seemed a bit sad this morning and Javier wondered what the reason could be. There was indeed a reason, but you couldn't talk about it. At least not yet. You had just found each other and you didn't want a shadow to be cast over your love.
"Yes. I'm just a little sick to my stomach."
Loving as Javier was, he gently stroked your cheek and smiled encouragingly at you.
"You should lie down for a bit. Drink some chamomile tea, that will calm your stomach."
You gave him a warm smile, rather kissing him tenderly.
"Maybe you're right."
"I have to go now. My client doesn't like to wait."
"Okay, Javi. I'll see you tonight."
He gave you another deep, intimate kiss but instead of pulling away from you, he intensified the kiss, his body snuggling against yours and pressing you against the counter, making you gasp in pleasure. Instantly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.
His lips roamed over your neck, and he knew exactly where to kiss you so you'd be all his.
"Don't you have to go to work?" you asked with an amused undertone.
"Mhm… I still have a few minutes," he whispered against your skin and without giving it much thought, he grabbed your thighs and lifted you onto the counter. With a seductive smile, you pulled Javier by his collar while your beautiful legs wrapped around his waist.
"I just can't keep my hands off you," he purred low and excited as he slid his hand under your skirt to feel your skin.
You became instantly wet and that was just from his voice, his touch and his closeness. There was nothing wrong with performing a quick fuck in the kitchen, was there?
But your plan was thwarted when you heard a wagon. Javier looked out the window and saw someone approaching.
"Who is that?"
It could only be John. She looked up at Javier.
"Let's go outside. That must be John."
What was John doing here? Out of nowhere like this? Javier frowned but followed, and he was more than curious to know how these circumstances fit together.
"Hey, Y/N! I brought you some stuff from town. And…"
John's smile evaporated as Javier suddenly appeared behind you. He thought he was seeing a ghost and he had to realize Javier was really here. John shook his head barely noticeably, closing his eyes briefly and frowning.
"What are you doing here?"
"Hola, John…"
"I said, what the hell are you doing here?"
And John sounded rather irritated. Instantly, he climbed off his wagon, made his way straight to the two of you. You had guessed that this reunion wouldn't be easy. But that John would react so negatively to Javier was surprising even to you.
"I could ask you the same thing, amigo."
Javier didn't appreciate being approached without any respect. John was angry, yes, he could understand. But if he was going to act foolish, well, so could Javier.
"I'll take care of, Y/N. Unlike you, Javier!"
Javier swallowed hard. Yes, John had been right. He hadn't been there for you, but he was now, and he would stay.
"You better get out of here, Javier! You have no business being here!"
"What? Says who? You?"
The whole thing was getting too silly for you. With a stern look you eyed John, standing in front of Javier.
"This is my house, my property! I decide who can come here and who can't! Is that clear, John!"
"Y/N! Do you really think you can trust that snake? After all he's done!"
"Oh, come on John! Don't act like that! You let Abigail and Jack down back then! You let us all down that time!"
Now John was the one who had nothing to say about it. The two men paused and you were glad that neither of them had anything to say at the moment.
"We all made mistakes in our past. But talking about it doesn't undo anything!"
"Y/N, you may be right, but Javier sided with Micah! He is partly to blame for Arthur's death!"
"That's enough John! You better leave now!"
But John didn't listen at all, he went straight for Javier, stood in front of him, but Javier didn't back away, nor did he let John intimidate him.
"You betrayed us all."
With his head held high, he looked John in the eye. There was something dangerous in his gaze.
"I saved your life more than once, hijo de puta!"
But John was so pissed, he wasn't even listening to what Javier had to say to him.
"When Y/N needed you the most, you weren't there! You abandoned her and your child!"
It hit Javier, but also you, like a thunderbolt when John spoke those words. And at that very moment, there was a deep and powerful clap of thunder. Within a few seconds, the first raindrops were already falling to the earth. Daughter? How? But… For Javier, a world just collapsed. He was completely confused and you could see it in his face. His eyes slid across the ground, trying to comprehend what John had just said.
"Your daughter would have needed a father! Your woman would have needed you!"
You couldn't believe John had the thoughtlessness to say such a thing to Javier. Sobbing, you put your hand to your mouth to suppress your tears as best you could. Eventually everything came to light, but it had definitely been too soon. Way too soon and you would never forgive John for that. Closing your eyes, you let the first tears run free. The rain became heavier and soon wetted your entire face, mixing with your tears.
Javier was so shocked by John's statement that he was speechless. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words passed his lips. His eyes became glassy and he cast a shocked look in your direction. When he saw your tears and your agonized expression, he was aware that John was telling the truth.
"Y/N… no…"
"Fuck you Javier! Do her a favor and fuck off again!"
Where was his child? You didn't tell him about it! Where the hell was his daughter?
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shadowriel · 9 months
Every Sound Your Heart Makes
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Here’s chapter 2 of my secret Santa gift for @headcanonheadcase! It’s been so fun creating this for you, and I hope you enjoy this next part.
Summary: It’s been six years since Azriel came back to his hometown, with his newborn daughter in tow. Six years since Gwyn moved away from whatever heartbreak she’d left behind in her previous life and opened up a diner in Starlight Grove.
Now, unable to resist the urge to help Gwyn, Azriel volunteers to design sets for their town’s Christmas musical. But what happens when the town grump and the woman he’s fallen for can no longer hold back from the inevitable?
Chapter 2: Follow Where You Lead
Read on AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Read a snippet below:
It’s just him. Until he feels someone step out behind him.
There’s a note of surprise, evident in the tensing of Azriel’s shoulders. Even without turning around, he knows who it is: Gwyn, who surely should still be inside, engaged in conversation with the other townspeople. That’s what she does most Thursday nights—he knows this because he often finds himself blinking at the ‘Be Back Soon’ sign settled atop the door of her diner. It seems that even with her limited time in Starlight Grove, she’d already engrained herself enough into the community that people didn't seem to remember a time without her.
Azriel does—remember, that is. Before Gwyn, there had been few things he’d looked forward to in their small town. Yet, ever since he’d met her six years ago, her very presence had reshaped the way he saw this place. The Archeron’s bakery was no longer known for the best pies, but it was where Gwyn giggled in delight as she took bite after bite of what was supposed to be Azriel’s slice. Where she had whipped cream on the tip of her nose, that he gladly wiped off with the pad of his thumb. The town’s bookstore was no longer a place to get books, but where Gwyn had dragged him between shelves, stacking romance novels into his outstretched arms. Where she blushed when he’d settled them on a nearby table, picked one, and read a scene aloud.
And, somehow, Starlight Grove was not only where he’d grown up, but where he’d grown into this new version of himself—one marked with heartbreak and pain and, despite it all, love. He feels it, stirring in his chest, when he holds his daughter, and when he laughs with his mother as the two of them cook dinner. He feels it when he teases Nesta and Emerie, and when he has his annual snowball fight with his chosen brothers. He feels it now, when he recognizes Gwyn from the sound of her footsteps and the feel of her fingers as she wraps a hand around his wrist.
“Come on,” she says simply, using her hold to pull him along. She moves easily across the sidewalk, and even as Azriel presses his heels into the ground, there’s not much force behind it.
He lets her guide him. Of course, he does.
Turning towards Gwyn, he sees that she’s wearing her blue hat again. The material covers the tips of her ears, and, from this close, he can see every stitch in the knitted pattern. Her gloves, however, are absent now, so he can feel the cold press of her fingertips against his skin.
It draws a shiver up his spine, for more reasons than one.
“Where are we going?” he asks, the words strung together in a single breath.
Her response is short—curt. “To the theatre.”
To talk more about their plans for the musical, he’s sure. That’s what Gwyn had told him the week before, but there’s an urgency to her movements that prompts him to shift more of his weight onto his heels. To push back.
“What’s the hurry?”
Gwyn huffs, using her other hand to tighten her grip on him. She puts all her strength into trying to move him, and when he doesn’t budge—not even an inch—she turns narrowed eyes at him.
“I don’t want anyone to see us leaving together,” she admits, her tone more accusatory than anything.
Azriel blinks at her. He wonders if she can see the surprise in his expression as his gaze darts over her features, searching for more of an explanation to make sense of her words. When he doesn’t find it, he can only ask “Why?”
“They’ll talk.”
He laughs. And maybe it’s the lingering effect of the wine, maybe it’s the sight of colour rushing to Gwyn’s cheeks, but the sound is deep—uncontrolled in a way that leaves him nearly breathless.
Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed): @foundressofnothing @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @trashforazriel @sv0430 @sunshinebingo @shadowsxgwynriel @thelovelymadone @damedechance @talons-and-teeth
For the @acotargiftexchange
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
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"And there's a magic act that saws Regina in half, and this time it will take! Now, that's a party!" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 18 - “Snap (Truce Night)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Truce Night signals the whole Dog's Life server to settle down for sleep, unless you're Joel and Ren with a plan to lure in phantoms on a stormy night... or maybe Impulse, who's been on the hunt for Bdubs since Session 2 began. Don't worry about him! He's not on red, so he can't kill the guy.
After all, that would be against the rules...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Etho-Scar Alliance
GoodTimesWithScar - Pillager
🖤  💜  🖤
It really is a big cave. Cleo, Tango, Pearl, and Jimmy probably don't even know anyone's lurking around down here in the second tunnel layer. Or is it third or fourth? They're pretty deep underground. Scar drags his fingertips along the damp wall, tracing stringy moss against his nails. It flutters. He can feel this world breathing like a coiled dragon underneath the surface.
Amethyst nearby. I can feel it pulsing…
And there, around the next corner, is the friend he came to find! Scar keeps his trudging footsteps heavy, and not only because he's limping now (his glitch clinging on the back of his leg; difficult to bend). His crossbow doesn't make a fantastic cane. Mumbo went and tucked his bed in the back of the little cave. He sits at the foot of it, the sheets still neatly made up. Yeah, Scar's been there. When there's red life juices thrumming in your code, it's hard to settle down.
Mumbo's hunched over there at the end, rubbing his thumb against his diamond sword. He's in his pajama skin - loose white T-shirt with all-too-familiar red text scrawled across the chest - and breathes slowly, warmly, in a way that flutters his mustache.
Oh, he's very red, you see… but Scar is not afraid of him. Mumbo is his friend.
The torchlight flickers against the pale, sharp edges of Mumbo's face. The blade is sharp enough, he's already nicked himself a couple times on both hands. White marks expose the first layer of goopy spawn egg code stuff between skin and soul. As Scar steps in on swaying feet, Mumbo lifts his eyes. The torch crackles halfway between them.
"I feel nothing," is the first thing Mumbo says. That's his greeting - all of that - and Scar tilts up his mouth in patient sympathy. Mumbo keeps picking his thumb against the blade, even though he's no longer looking at it. Hot eyes fixate on Scar's… Hot and cool! Very cool. He likes to think himself cool in the head, anyway. Mumbo murmurs, "See, that's why I don't think this game's for me. I feel nothing."
"Oh, you love me. I'm always there for my friends. Everybody loves me. In fact, that's why I'm here."
Mumbo lurches to his feet. He swings his arm, bringing the blade straight so it points at Scar's throat from several blocks away. "I could kill you," he says. His voice doesn't slip, doesn't tremble, but lands without emotion. "I could carve you like a pumpkin. You too are a lump of pixels with nothing inside, falsely smiling. I'd feel nothing, I suspect."
"No, no," says Scar, striding forward. He's not afraid of Mumbo, silly! Not Mumbo in his bare feet and pajamas, his eyes wide and wild. Mumbo's a good guy; Mumbo is his friend. He steps closer. Mumbo's shoulders tremble. He tilts back his head, staring through Scar like they're separated by a curtain of fire and nothing more.
Gently (firmly), Scar knocks Mumbo's blade aside with his knuckles. "You just need a good murder in your system, Mumbo! Red life is where all the good times are! I might even be jealous- you get to have all the fun! Why, I've got to uphold deals and alliances, and I'm carrying Etho's weight along with it, and killing BigB didn't give me nearly the rush I wanted. Would I lie to you about the good times?"
"I could kill you. I could kill you, Scar."
Grian stole the traits of Enderman
"Um- No, no! You actually can't- See, I'm all alone down here; that would be so mean… You have to be purple for the turn of an episode at least, I think I heard. I'm looking for a friend!"
"I could kill you," Mumbo says again, knuckles tight around the hilt of his sword. It's still extended, and Scar's so close now that it's an easy flick for Mumbo to press the tip of it against Scar's iron chestplate. Having literal iron abs would be a funny sight. Diamond abs would be amazing. That probably hurts when doing crunches. Imagine all that grating back and forth… Diamond cuts diamond- that's a real thing. No, it's true!
"Oh, it's Truce Night… Killing me will have to wait."
Mumbo's glowing eyes bore in a little deeper. "It's not Truce Night 'til the double beeps go off. You're in my cave."
PearlescentMoon went to bed. Sweet dreams!
Scar's hand glitters white. He shifts his crossbow from his inventory to his main hand. Mumbo's blade still rests against his chest, but in all the red haze - and in all his red protests - Mumbo looks frightened. He's backed into a corner, and if he's spooked, he'll definitely swing. Will he, though? Scar's allowed to strike back if Mumbo hits him first. Reds are mostly dead, you know… Reds have wild, mind-messing mods pumping in their code. "But I want to team with you!" And he laughs. Isn't that obvious? Has he not been clear?"
"You can't, Scar." Mumbo's tone is short and fierce, like the blade pressing into Scar's chestplate.
"Oh, you were wonderful at scaring people back in Last Life."
There's a pause. Mumbo's eyes fidget like he's snapping screenshots or zooming on Scar's face. The sword point scratches, diamond squealing over iron. It doesn't drop any lower. "Well, that's quite encouraging. Thank you for, um… saying such flattering things about me." Mumbo blinks. "I don't really know what I'm doing here; to be perfectly honest, I feel like I was absolutely pants at being a red name last time. I really don't know if I deserve to be here."
"Why, you're here to be my friend, of course!"
"Am I? Really?"
"Oh, of course, of course… Have you seen Bdubs, by the way?"
Perplexity (Perplexion) stitches its way across every line of Mumbo's face. For the first time, the sword scrapes downward. It drops from Scar's chestplate and dangles, tip aimed at his heel instead. Mumbo upturns one hand. He holds it out, awaiting payment. "Have you brought me something nice? I can kill him for you. Would you like me to kill him for you?"
Such a polite request… Mumbo is so very polite. It's one of the beautiful qualities that makes him such a nice friend. Scar grabs his hand instead, shaking up and down. Mumbo's mouth twitches at the contact, though he keeps breathing and doesn't jerk back his hand. "Oh, no," he says, "but Bdubs is at the surface! And Bdubs is such a lovely man. It's our job to protect him."
"That… sounds like the exact opposite of my job right about now, Scar."
[ Full chapter link at top ]
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half-dead-ham · 2 years
Ch. 3 Hysteria
Chapter 3 of Dead men's Deals, courtesy of the DPxDC ship week! Day 1? Arranged marriages ofc ;). I thought it was a little ironic that I started this just before this was announced, but here we are!
Here's; [Ao3], [ch. 1 & prompt], [ch. 2]
The rest of Damian's patrol was maddeningly quiet, which of course meant that he had to run around with his siblings incessant prattling along the comm line. It seemed as though his half an hour of silence had caused quite the stir, and Richard was halfway to Gotham thanks to his silence.
  “Robin, you can’t be mad at me for worrying after you went quiet.” Richard huffed into the comm over the wind. “Forty-five minutes is a long time, and things could happen.”
  “I am fine, Nightwing. As I stated previously, an informant approached me about a private case that needed my attention. I did not realize he had a signal jammer on his person until he had left.” Damian snapped back as he reached the cave, pushing down most of his ire at his siblings' insistent mother-henning. He did not like being coddled when he was young, and he certainly did not like being coddled as an adult, it was demeaning to his skills.
  “You’re still getting checked for mental manipulation, Dami,” Timothy called from behind him, peeling his mask off and pushing his hair from his face. “No amount of treats will get you out of it tonight. Better safe than sorry, right?”
  And Damian wanted to argue, he really did. But then he remembered and felt that strange energy now nestled snugly in his chest next to his heart. It was cold, but not overly so. When he was not focusing on it he could almost make himself believe that that whole interaction was a hallucination, a figment of his overly stressed subconscious acting out to help him destress from something he couldn’t control. But then he would think about it again, and that cold something would move, reminding him that this was his reality.
  Something in him whispered about the absurdity of his life, another replied that this wasn’t even the strangest thing he’d experienced.
  “Fine, Drake. I’ll subject myself to your pointless tests, but only after I remove my gear.” Timothy almost looked surprised at how easily Damian agreed to the tests, he didn't know how easily he had swayed to please the being he had met now mere hours ago. How easily he wished to comply with the sense of trust that wasn’t his own. He felt it would be necessary to comply with the routine, no matter how tedious it was.
  They both made their way to the changerooms in silence after that, Timothy most likely deep in thought as to whether Damian’s new agreeableness was something to be celebrated or feared and Damian finally starting to tire after needlessly pushing himself for the first part of his patrol.
  It was reckless, now that the weight of so many uncertainties wasn’t nipping at the back of his mind like some sort of rabid animal. To exert himself in an attempt to outrun what he couldn’t control was pointless, and now he was paying the price for it in lead lined limbs. Nothing he needed to worry his siblings over, of course, that would only make him more suspicious. But he was finding the prospect of his soft, encompassing bed very inviting at this point.
  Damian had already taken his mask and cape off, and shucked one glove into his locker before he froze, thumb hooked under the lip of his remaining left glove.
  The mark.
  It would be visible to everyone once he took his glove off. Then he would need to explain Danny and the contract and the letter from his mother and then he would have to withstand Richards' whining. He could not let anyone see the mark.
  “Damian? You okay?” Timothy looked over, noticing his hesitancy and that he was still mostly in uniform. He did not like to linger in the changerooms and Timothy knew that. Even with his family and the years he’d spent in the manor he felt needlessly exposed being among others in a state of undress. Usually he would be changing as quickly and efficiently as possible to avoid being needlessly exposed for longer than needed be, but now… Damian moved his hand from the glove to his suit instead, intending to keep the glove on until the last possible moment.
  “How many times must I tell you that I am fine for you to accept it, Drake?” He snapped again without the heat, his mind elsewhere. Timothy simply huffed as he pulled on an old button down, then slipped back out into the cave to wait.
  There was no longer a reason for Damian to hesitate. Not that he was hesitating. Pointless hesitation was still a weakness Damian wouldn’t tolerate from himself even now. He slipped out of the rest of his suit and pulled his sweatpants on before focusing back on his still gloved left hand.
  Slowly, he pulled it off, revealing the black snowflake with the stylized D resting just above his third knuckle and the band circling his middle finger. He stared at it, examining the minute fractals the tattoo branched into, eyes trailing the feather light lines that connected the D to the rest of the shape, turning his hand to better inspect the black ring now imprinted onto his digit.
  Danny had said he wished to annul the contract that had forced this mark onto his hand. Although Damian had threatened violence, there was no grand battle. Their interaction was brief but not unpalatable. And Danny…
  Exhaustion made his thoughts swirl through his head, making thoughts connect for a fraction of a second before breaking apart leaving him confused. Slipping his shirt on, he frowned. After all this time, he thought he was able to understand his own emotions better than this, after all this time, after all the talks he had had with his two eldest brothers. Damian had thought he would know how to feel after he had met the Lord of Death, but their interaction just left him lost.
  He hated how little control he had over the situation.
  He walked out of the changeroom toward his brother, hoping a good sleep and the answers from tomorrow night would help his tumultuous feelings.
      “Father,” Damian called after the head of the house as he headed to his office after breakfast. Bruce turned, one eyebrow raised in curiosity as his youngest strode to catch up.
  “What’s up, chum?” He asked as he resumed his cant, keeping pace with his son.
  “I have… Information on the private case we discussed previously,” Damian confessed. His father raised an eyebrow at his words, confused.
  "The letter, father," he pressed, unconsciously clenching his left hand into a fist.
  His eyes widened in realization before the mask of the Bat settled on his father's face, expression hard and calculative. He nodded, then ever so slightly sped up his pace to the office.
  They walked in, and as soon as Bruce shut the door behind them he turned to Damian. “Did Talia send someone? Did you see her? Does it have anything to do with you comm going offline last night?”
  Damian took his place in one of the plush armchairs before replying with a heavy sigh. “Mother has not contacted me since she sent the letter father, I would have informed you otherwise and you know this.”
  Sitting down himself, Batman narrowed his eyes. “But this is related to why your comm went down last night?”
  Glancing to his hand, Damian nodded. Batman followed his gaze, but like Timothy the night previous, did not react to the black mark that now adorned Damian’s hand. It seemed, until proven otherwise at least, that no one but Damian and the Lord of Death could see their binding mark. Damian was both relieved that he didn’t need to explain the mark to his family, and frustrated that this was just one more thing he couldn’t validate were he to try.
  Huffing, Damian lifted his gaze back to his father. “I met my betrothed last night,” he stated flatly.
  Instantly tension gathered in his fathers frame, posed to react. From where Damian sat he could almost see the gears in Batman’s head working on plans and contingencies to keep his son safe from whatever monster that might wish to take him from them.
  He supposed that he wouldn’t be the only one getting shocked by his encounter.
  “Were you hurt?” Batman asked, his voice dropping to the tone he uses when asking for a mission report.
  “He did not hurt me,” he replied just as flatly as before. It was true, Danny had not harmed him in any lasting physical way. The jury is still out on any other way until tonight.
  Batman recognized all the things he didn’t say with his answer, narrowing his gaze as he studied his son. There were no doubt things he would be wanting to ask by what they meant, about how he may have harmed him in those forty-five minutes. Knowing they would get nowhere if they stayed on this topic, Damian pushed ahead, “He asked to meet again tonight so that he may explain more about our… arrangement.”
  “No,” Batman immediately states, much to Damian’s annoyance. “You aren’t going to meet a dangerous being we know nothing about.”
  “But father, he has answers,” Damian retorts emphatically. “Answers about this whole mess that Mother has dropped on us.”
  “Damian,” Batman glared at Damian, willing him to back down on this. Unfortunately, Damian has learned from his siblings to take that glare as a challenge. Neither backed down for what seemed like hours, Damian knew that if he were to look away it would be taken as a sign of weakness.
  Finally, Batman leaned back in his chair, tension slowly leaking out of his frame until only Bruce was left, sighing in only a way a tired father could. “You know I can’t let you do this alone, right?”
  Damian gave a sharp nod, “I know what risks could come with this. That is why I came to you, father, as no one else as of yet knows of my situation.”
  Bruce nodded, his expression shifting to something less tired and more thoughtful. His stance was firm about letting the rest of the family know about the contract, they were all gossip mongers and as soon as one of them knew the news would spread like wildfire. He would not be able to stop the comments from his siblings, and Richard’s planner must stay hidden at all costs now that he was staying in the manor for the near future. Cassandra might be an exception to that statement, she knew how to keep things hidden when they were important, but the rest he wouldn’t trust as far as he could throw them.
  His father would hopefully take their family's nature into account in his planning.
  “Well then, I suppose I’ll have Dick take over my patrol route for tonight,” Bruce decided with a nod. He moved to get up, but Damian stopped him.
  “Father, what do you mean?” He asked, “Why would you require Richard to take your route?”
  Bruce chuckled as he strode to the door, “Well, chum, I’d need to have him take over if I’m joining you.” And then he left, much to his son's bafflement.
      Flying in big cities was always something Danny could use to relax. Being so high up with all the glittering lights below him gave him a sense of peace he couldn’t get in his regular day to day life. He hadn’t really done it since coming here, what with his marriage manhunt, but now that Danny found the guy, he could finally appreciate the city for the beauty it had.
  Ignoring all the sounds of gunshots and the stench, the place really was a gothic marvel. All gray stone buildings and gargoyles; Sam would love it here.
  Of course, he did have a destination for his flight. Tonight he needed to pick his partner in magic matrimony up so that they could have a proper conversation back at his apartment. Robin… Danny wasn’t going to lie, he had a crush on the vigilante, but right now voiding the contract was more important than trying to get to know the guy.
  The sun had set a few hours ago by now, prime time for the criminals to skitter out of their hiding places and the vigilantes to start herding them like cats playing with their prey. Perfect hours to go and get his birdy.
  Danny followed the pull at his core as he flew invisibly through the city, trying to remember what he had looked up throughout the day. The city’s vigilantes were something of a band of cryptids, as Danny found out. Seen when needed, but mysterious enough that no one could land any solid information about them. Even the knowledge people had on them was speculative at best, and any concrete evidence was locked behind a firewall so strong it would make Technus and Tucker both drool.
  He couldn’t find much on Robin, other than the odd theory thread talking about how many different kids might have taken up the mantle before the most recent one. Saying that it would've had to have been different kids because they all had different fighting styles, there were periods of time in between sightings sometimes where people think the kids have switched, and that their heights and ages had stayed relatively the same until the latest one.
  The latest one has apparently been around the longest, but out of the supposed others he’s the least well liked. Danny figured that was probably due to the whole ‘assassin family’ thing so he wasn’t about to argue. His own amazing media coverage gave him a better understanding of how people liked to portray people who did things differently. From what he noticed last night the guy was rough, sure, but he did his job and did it well, so what if the criminals got a few extra scrapes?
  This Robin has been around for a while now, and has actually aged. He was probably around the same age as Danny… hopefully. Ancients, he really hoped he wasn’t secretly a lot older or younger than him, that would be really awkward.
  Danny had to shake himself of his thoughts as the pull on his core grew stronger, telling him he was near his… mate? Ancients no, that was gross. His fiancé? That's closer, but it's not like he and Robin wanted this. Partner in a magically binding contract? Partner might be simplest in this case.
  He was coming up to the roof his partner was standing on, talking with someone over the comm in his ear.
  Danny really shouldn’t try to piss the guy off more than he probably already has, but what was a ghost king if he didn’t pull a prank every now and again? Really, Robin was in the perfect position for a harmless prank, where he knew what Danny was but wasn’t desensitized to his antics.
  Mind made up, Danny descended to the rooftop below with an unseen cheshire grin.
      Damian was in the middle of explaining what had happened on his last patrol in length to Batman when his comm gave out in a hiss of static. He hastily yanked it from his ear, wondering irately how he hadn’t noticed the disruption the first time he had met the Lord of Death. Scanning the rooftop around him, he narrowed his gaze as he realized there was no one else here.
  Except there was.
  The cold thing in the center of his chest was reacting to something, writhing in its space and giving off more feelings that weren’t his. They were weak, giving him ample ability to resist succumbing to them, but that it was giving off anything at all meant one thing; the Lord of Death was close.
  A breath of frost across the back of his neck had him spinning, birdarang in hand. There was no one behind him. A whisper of a chuckle form his left and he was repositioning, searching the shadows for any presence. Nothing. He kept his stance for a few moments longer, seeing nothing but feeling a chill crawl up his spine.
  Damian spun, throwing the birdarang in the direction of the voice as he rolled to avoid whatever possible attack might happen in that second. The birdarang clanged against an air conditioning unit and stuck, its target missed completely.
  Or so he thought, until a laugh echoed out from a few feet in front of him.
  The Lord of Death melted into view, clutching his stomach as he curled in on himself in laughter.
  “Oh- oh my Ancients!” He wheezed through gasps. “You should’ve seen your face. Oh man,” his laughter started dying out as he uncurled, wiping a fake tear from his waterline with a finger. “I really needed that. How many people in this city can say they’ve surprised one of the Bats?”
  “That was unnecessary,” Damian sneered at the being across from him as he reluctantly dropped his stance.
  “It really wasn’t,” Danny countered, walking over to pick the discarded birdarang out of the aluminum siding of the conditioning unit. “I find it's best to have a bit of humor before you start talking about heavy topics.”
  Damian crossed his arms as Danny turned back to him. “There is nothing humorous about someone sneaking up on me only to pull such a childish prank.”
  The Lord of Death just shrugged, “Was funny for me. Anyway,” he made his way back across the roof to stand in front of Damian, his expression melting into something more muted as he started playing with the blade. “You ready to get a better picture of just how badly our ancestors screwed us over?”
  Damian canted his hips, silently asking himself if he was really going to ask this instead of just allowing his father to tail them. They had made a plan; Damian would go with the Lord while Batman followed behind, and should something happen to Damian he would whistle to alert his father who would then race to aid him.
  Only, with a better view of Danny’s disappearance and subsequent reappearance, he had to wonder how well their plan would work. Were Danny to disappear with him, there would be little chance for his father to find them, since the signal jammer that killed his comm had also killed his tracker upon review. Would he either ask an embarrassing question, or risk needless danger? The answer was easy.
  “I have a condition for going with you,” Damian asserted, to the Lord’s curiosity.
  “I wish to bring someone along with us, so I am not being led into a trap alone.” The offer was simple, yet Damian still prepared himself in case the being before him did not like what was given.
  The Lord of Death nodded thoughtfully, to Damian’s utter confusion. “Yeah, that’s totally valid reasoning.” Danny conceded, “I don’t mind if you bring someone. It's the person on the other roof, right?”
  Danny turned to face the adjacent building on which Batman had chosen to keep watch of their interaction, though he was out of sight. How was he able to tell where Father had hidden himself?
  Damian resisted a sigh as he watched the other wave where he approximated his father was, hidden in the shadow of the taller office building on the other side. There were no differences in the shadows from where he stood, and Danny wasn’t in any better position to see. It must be another ability of his, he supposed, as Danny turned back to him.
  “You wanna call them over then?” Danny asked him innocently, as though he hadn’t just given Damian permission for backup to face a potentially extremely dangerous situation. This man was truly either brave or foolish.
  Still, with a curt nod Damian whistled thrice, once long and two short; their signal for regrouping. Even with Father not expecting the change in plans it took no time for him to appear out of the shadows and join them on the roof. Damian watched as Danny tracked his father's path, never failing or backtracking to re-catch sight of the Dark Knight amongst the pitch black.
  “Robin,” Batman intoned as he came upon them, keeping his gaze on target as he asked his not-question. Damian just cocked his head to the side in a silent ‘well?’ to their mysterious informant, breaking him out of the near awed stare he dawned upon seeing his father in the light.
  Danny cleared his throat before giving a smile. “Well, since your wish has been fulfilled you think we could get going now?” He crooked his thumb over his shoulder, “We’re burning moonlight afterall…”
  Damian rolled his eyes behind his mask but nodded, preparing himself for the journey by shifting his feet, getting ready to run. Only, as soon as he got confrontation the Lord of Death’s smile grew impossibly wide and lunged, grabbing onto both vigilantes with deceptively strong hands and pulling them with him into a swirling green tear. Neither could free themselves in time, and so they fell in after the Lord of Death.
tagged peeps: @mnemovoid
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the-corvus-luna · 6 days
The Tsubasa Chronicle 'Problem'
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No eye, no heart, no time, no feathers, and..... no show.
It's April 9th, 2005, 6:30 p.m. BLAZE blares loudly on the TV while you sit in a dimly lit room, slurping whatever instant ramen you could find. You catch the faint silhouettes of familiar characters from Cardcaptor Sakura, looking a bit older, along with a few new faces you don't recognize yet... a new journey, a new world.
CLAMP's Multidimensional Masterpiece.
The legendary Yuki Kajiura's compositions bring the story to life. "Song of Storm and Fire" sparks that electric feeling of excitement and tension just before Syaoran kicks into battle. Eri Itou’s breathy voice floats delicately, much like Sakura’s own feathers, adding a sense of ethereal beauty. The animation is fluid and action-packed, just as you'd expect from Bee Train.
What the hell happened? How did an internationally successful anime with 2 seasons, 1 movie, and 2 OVA's that leave the story incomplete.... what the hell?!
To find out to get the full story, you have to read the manga?!
Was it just bad like this guy's review suggests?
Is it really... a bad... anime?
Let's go on a journey about how censorship ruins everything, a broadcasting company's unreasonable demands, and a group of stubborn artists who refuse to have their story modified.
First off, based on my basic research, Japanese TV shows don't have to comply with rating laws like in the US. Before any US show airs, you usually see a rating in the top left corner—common ones for kids’ shows are Y7, meaning they’re appropriate for children 7 years or older. The US rating for Tsubasa Chronicle was TV-PG. But if you know anything about this series, it’s definitely not TV-PG... more like TV-14, and maybe even TV-MA at certain points, depending on your tolerance for darker themes.
Tsubasa Chronicle originally showed on NHK-E, an educational channel, alongside a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen...
While Japan might not have a formal TV rating system, it’s probably safe to assume that NHK would prioritize age-appropriate content. Ultimately, it’s NHK’s decision what airs on their network. For example, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (which, unsurprisingly, isn’t shown on any NHK network) airs around 11:00 p.m. The later time slot allows for more graphic content without much concern.
I can hear you screaming from the void, "TSUBASA CHRONICLE ISN'T EDUCATIONAL!" And honestly, if you’ve watched the anime, it’s not educational in the traditional sense... unless you count four people learning how to cope with massive amounts of trauma in various forms.
But Cardcaptor Sakura was kid-friendly… and someone who looks just like her stars in Tsubasa.
Magic Knight Rayearth was so educational it's anime was funded by a government grant!
I think NHK was expecting them to adapt the anime to be more 'educationally friendly' due to other properties they worked on... joke's on NHK, though.
The first issue I remember hearing was how NHK wanted to censor all alcohol references from Tsubasa.
From this interview from 2005 at around the 9:30 mark, we get to have a rare look at their art studio/research library and most important, the bar. Alcohol is a part of their creative process, and based on the KyotoHoLiC collaboration with traditional sake brewers, it means they have no intention to hide their passion for relaxation... not for NHK or anyone.
Second issue, graphic imagery. When the anime came out, the manga was only to volume chapter 66 - chapter 73 (Tsubasa Onmibus Vol 4)...literally 3 pages into the next chapter is the start of the graphic imagery that eventually leads into violent fights, lots of blood, and death by the end of the series. That's assuming that NHK didn't get a sneak peak at what the story was going to become.
For people who've read the Omnibus, to goes from Piffle World to Recourt to the 'Acid Wasteland'... quite the tone shift when NHK picked up this anime for a kid friendly educational show.
That's why Tsubasa Chronicle was canceled, or at least my general theory. Sadly there's no official reason for the cancelation. CLAMP did run Kobato on NHK-E in 2009, so the censorship and eventual cancelation didn't not burn the bridge between them.
Sadly, NHK did cancel a show that was not only getting a following internationally but also had it's own international merchandise sold at retailers! I will always treasure my US Mokona Modoki Soel plush, matching backpack, and Fai's Staff necklace.
Don't forget, even Gaia Online even had a huge promotional event where players had to track down Sakura's feathers alongside other promotional events such as Magic the Gathering and Hollywood produced movies... and that was in 2007, after the anime series was already cancelled, never able to reach the conclusion.
Do yourself a favor and I'd suggest reading this manga if you loved the anime back in the day, but know that the lighthearted whimsy and sweetness of the anime is a palate cleanser for what NHK deemed they could not put on TV.
I found an unsubstantiated rumor on the fandom page about how the S2 opening was already storyboarded in Character Guide Vol 2., but NHK made them re-do it. I'm trying to track down that PDF so figure out what they cut, but it's a difficult one to find.
I did find a short of someone thumbing through their Japanese copy.
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Holy shit! That's the scene in CLAMP in Wonderland 2 that's eluded to, but we never see play out in the anime. NHK made them get rid of their weapons for boxing with shadows? I guess Sakura's image also had to be 'softened' too. Ick.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 7 months
Is CloverWorks entirely at fault for TPN S2's mangled production?
I see so many people default to blaming CloverWorks for being the sole arbiter of S2's horribly disappointing production (sometimes Shirai is added into the mix too, especially by anime-onlys), but every time I do I'm genuinely asking the question of whether that's true and where they're pulling their information from.
I'm not involved in the animation industry at all so I'm interested in receiving input from people who are more familiar with it, but my understanding is the people in charge of the decision to truncate S2 would be The Promised Neverland Committee listed at the end of the opening credits.
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(I could not find a single video of the English dub that aired on [adult swim] for the English credits of S1, so a screencap from the Japanese credits)
TPN Committee is comprised of the following entities: Aniplex (Distributor), Fuji TV (TV Station), Shueisha (Manga Publisher), Cygames Anime Fund, Dentsu (ads)
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(Sources 1 | 2 | 3)
kViN from Sakugabooru details what a production company is in this post:
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"I personally find it enjoyable to see who is involved in a show, and as you’ve seen there is plenty of information to draw from that. Animation production studios are listed in the credits for each show, so it’s understandable why audiences would imagine they have a ton of influence over a production. It’s even natural to think that the company that is actually manufacturing something would have great input! If you start paying attention to these committees though, you get a clearer picture of the finances of production and how each show is actually made rather than assume that studios that often don’t have much of a say are in charge of everything."
And CloverWorks is the more prominent name, especially for English speakers watching the subbed version of the series.
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This is also something that Geoff Thew brings up in the last seven minutes of this video around the 18:50 mark:
"I'd bet good money that the last credits were supposed to roll right after that big stone door slammed shut, and I'd further wager that a combination of fan reactions to and dipping ratings for early episodes is what caused the production committee—who are the ones who actually have final say in this, not Cloverworks or even Shirai—to cut their losses and turn that cliffhanger into a skeleton of a conclusion."
I disagree with him on them making the call to retool the series during the clipshow episode between S2e05 and S2e06 though. It doesn’t seem like they had enough time to do that when a single episode of animation takes on average nine months to complete, even with the ridiculous crunch they seemed to be in. My guess is it was made back in early 2020 after Shirai made everyone involved in production aware the manga was ending that year, with the pandemic potentially factoring in to a degree.
He also mentions this a bit earlier:
"It's just such a slap in face to anyone who ever gave a shit about any version of this story. Including the people telling it, apparently, since neither of the anime's screenwriters nor mangaka/series composer Shirai wanted to take credit for the last two episodes. They probably didn't have much say in how it all went down. That's important to keep in mind before you start yelling at animators or even studios on twitter. I guarantee that every adaption that hurts you personally was ten times harder on the people who actually had to make it. As hackishily slapdash as this finale is, a lot of people probably slept under their desks to get it out the door, if they slept at all."
I always come back to this tiny addition toward the end of S2 episode 2 as an indication that on the creative side of things, in storyboarding and animation at CloverWorks, the care was still there at some level.
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It was just squashed down in order to cut and condense 146 chapters into 11 episodes for a production that, as ZersEditor puts here, was "bleeding money."
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But CloverWorks is less to type out, so they get the majority of the ire over a tragically butchered production in casual conversation.
#The Promised Neverland#Yakusoku no Neverland#TPN#YnN#約束のネバーランド#約ネバ#Kaiu Shirai#CloverWorks#FSS Chatter#TPN S1#TPN S2#TPN S2e02#Long Post#I'm not trying to portray CW as a saint of a studio because again I'm not involved in the industry so I don't know all the nuances to it#and this production of theirs is the one I'm most familiar with‚ with the other one being S×F for comparison#and like Ruby's pointed out in another post I can believe they're complacent in the lightening of skin tones for characters of color#as part of a larger industry-wide trend which is still shitty and should be critiqued#but I don't think they're the only ones guilty of this#so it kind of deflates me a bit when I see people comment on my posts taking a dig at CW#because it feels like a pithy comment of misdirected ire when the body of people actually at fault#get to continue on with their business of utilizing stories as investments to build up portfolios#instead of any genuine interest in a series' story or artistic merits#so then I kind of zone out even if I agree with the spirit of the sentiment of grieving over a series you care about#like “is it their fault? is it? are we talking about the same thing/on the same page here?”#tbf people are probably making more productive use of their time than I am#after delving into this for a sense of personal closure on how S2 turned out the way it did lol#but if anyone has any further reading on the subject or personal insight and feels like sharing I'd be interested#either in CW's favor or against
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throughtrialbyfire · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
thank you so much to @wispstalk and @dirty-bosmer for tagging me!! <3
gonna tag @mareenavee @changelingsandothernonsense @thequeenofthewinter @skyrim-forever @trickstarbrave @oblivions-dawn @orfeoarte @gilgamish @totally-not-deacon @archangelsunited !! no pressure as always, and if i havent tagged you and you wanna do this, go ahead and say that i did, i'm tagging you in my mind <33
answering under the read more!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
five atm! but i'm planning on splitting my one-shot-as-chapters fic into individual fics. i think i'll have around 11, then, if i don't take out some.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
TES and CoD Zombies! though i don't write a lot for CoD Zombies, just when i get in a certain mood for it here and there. old special interest wont grant me a moments peace lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
i only have five uploaded, but i'll put them here!
1. An Inner Sanctity - 41 2. If By Sun and Moon I Swore - 38 3. Cycle of the Serpent - 23 4. The Mark You Left - 15 5. Portraits Under Forgotten Suns - 2 (this is the one i'm gonna split up into their own fics :3)
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes!! i even carry on convos in the comments sometimes for the hell of it, i love interacting with ppl <33333333
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think the one-shot for the prompts "forgotten/devotion" for tesfest '23 about the shipwreck of the brinehammer, since the main character dies lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the one for the prompt "in bloom" from tesfest '23!! it was just a little fluff fic for my ocs athenath and ja'dato <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
luckily no, the spaces i've found myself in these days are really positive :3 especially compared to when i wrote on FF.net in like 2009
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
none of it is published, but i do sometimes! it's a good way to flex my muscles (haha) in blending thought and action, balancing descriptors (how vivid is Too Much), and seeing how certain characters interact with each other in a vulnerable state. maybe i'll post some someday, idk. mostly i just do it for funsies, so idk what kind you'd classify any of mine.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i havent in many years, so no, but that could chance if the mood strikes me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope, but when i was writing for a different fandom in high school, my writing for a particular character wound up on ppls RP accounts as their versions backstory, as well.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but if anyone wants to translate my fics, feel free!! just give me a heads-up!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yep, on my old ao3, a good friend and i turned an RP into a fic! i enjoyed it immensely bc we wrote really well together!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
idk, i just groove where the dynamics take me <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i hate to say it, but An Inner Sanctity needs a major overhaul that i don't have the energy for right now. when i started writing that fic, i didn't have a solid grasp on athenath's personality. now that i do, i'm gonna need to rewrite all the chapters i've had ready for it, and pivot the direction of the fic to get it where i wanted it to wind up eventually. i really do want to finish it, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i get a lot of compliments on my imagery/descriptions/atmosphere! i love describing shit, so i'm glad ppl enjoy reading those bits of my work <3 oh!! and character/narrative details. i wrote a ~180k word fic in my senior year of high school solely off my mental notes for it, and it still wasnt finished when i dropped it a year or so later due to Circumstances
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
biting off WAAAAAAAY more than i can chew!! i have so, so many things planned for CotS and who knows if those things will get picked up on by folks or even work later down the line. GAHH
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if you can realistically do it, go for it. if i could fluently speak all the languages i've tried to teach myself, i'd probably include them in fics where they would fit!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
naruto, i was writing naruto fics on a defunct dress-up site when i was a kid AHAH.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Cycle of the Serpent. theres seldom a time i'm not thinking about those elves. yes, i will admit with my whole chest that i'm a tad desperate for people to read it and interact with it, but i think if i could explain everything (without spoiling it obviously) i have planned for this fic and just how much is going on in the background of the details i throw in, the reasons certain characters behave the way they do, and the amount of time i've spent working on it (the doc for it is at roughly ~96k and we're not even at the Real beginning of the solitude arc) and the sheer amount of hours i've spent making sure details line up, you'd understand why i'm losing all my sanity daniel-amnesia-the-dark-descent style over this story. i started writing it as a for fun "no one's ever gonna see this" exercise that also helped me greatly in recovering from long covid brainfog, and i think even if one day i look back and think of it as "not the best thing i've ever written", it'll still be one of the most passion-driven things i've ever written, and i'm happy about that. <3
woof, what a ramble. if you made it to the end of this, thank you, and i hope you're having a good day!!
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eddiesguitarskills · 2 years
When We Were Young
Part 5
Ex bf Eddie Munson X fem reader
Other parts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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Intro: 5 years have past since you packed up and left behind Hawkins. Well not all of it, as the people you met there are still a huge part of your life. But it's been 5 years since you had set a foot in the small town, 5 years since you left him.And now after all that time you were back.
Warning: angst, language, mentions of suicide, miscarriages, self harm, mental health.Arguments. Mentions of break ups. Female identity reader. Use of y/n
Bold parts are flashbacks
Word Count: 4.3 k
A/n: please only read if you are in a good place, I wouldn't want this story to trigger or hurt anyone. This took a while to write again, I just don’t want to rush it. Sorry for the wait hope you enjoy. Buckle in for this rollercoaster of a chapter
Not prove read
The first week of school had been hectic, to say the least, you had expected that. But it genuinely felt like you haven't been able to sit down once, you thought by having all your lesson prepared there wouldn't be too much work other than classes. However, you wanted to make good connections at your new place of work. Especially since a lot of the teachers at the school were there when you were a teenager, you felt like they still saw you as a kid not ready for this responsibility.
Steve fit in so well, he was always better with older people. It was easier for him he was a charmer. You on the other hand were better with kids/teenagers they were easier to read. Your wanting to fit in had led you to have multiple jobs, you felt like this was a test from the other teachers, like a form of hazing so you just said yes and went along with it. You helped organise books in the library. Ran after-school detention. Had to watch the canteen at lunchtime. You were on a permanent coffee run. You had even fallen into the trap of helping to repaint a wall with the school janitor. You were honestly surprised you had any time to teach in between everything you were doing.
Steve had told you “you don't need to do that to fit in. You'll find your place you always do”. But you didn't know how long that might take so you went along with it. It felt worth it when you were invited to drink after school at the local bar on Friday. You knew Steve didn't go to these things which made you nervous, but you knew you would have to start to exist in this town without your crutch.
Which is why you were now standing arm-to-arm with your new colleagues in a packed Hideout. It had improved since the last time you had been there. However despite its new paint, new artwork on the walls. Even with a new sign with a new name, Waterdeep, It still felt the same. The exact same as the night you and Eddie properly met. Nothing had changed. While listening to your colleagues share memories, ignoring your existence, you look around to see what was still there since you last came. You wonder if your’s and Eddie’s initials would still be carved on the table near the toilets. Most people avoided that table so as a teenager in love you thought this would be the best spot to leave the mark of your love.
Sweat dripping from every inch of his body, Eddie jumps from the small stage guitar still strapped to him, over to you. He grabs your cheeks and kisses you deeply. You were glad to be held because you think you would have fallen if not. You had already gone weak at the knees tonight when you heard Eddie’s new song dedicated to you, singing about you being the one. “Did you like it?” You nod your head. “Better than anything I’ve ever heard. Did you mean it?”. Eddie smiles “as I said in the song I don’t care if people think I’m young, and dumb. I know one thing, you are the one I will love for the rest of time”. Heat starts to rise to your cheeks. “When did you get so soft?” He grabs your ass from under your skirts. “Maybe it’s when I saw your rocking body” he joked because he loved you for more than that. But Jesus he would happily worship your body every day. That would be the only religion he would need.
You smacked his chest playfully, then dragged him to where you were sitting. He placed you on his lap in the booth at the table, kissing your ear and your neck. He couldn’t keep his hands off you. You giggled but could also feel more than butterflies starting to rise in your body. You took his hand from your waist and pulled it under the table “eager” he said not understanding that you weren’t trying to ‘play’ in the bar. He put his hand on your leg running up and down it. “Eddie, I didn’t mean that”. He looked glum but quickly removed his hand not wanting to make you uncomfortable. “At least not here at least”. You spoke so only he could hear you. You pulled his hand under the table again and let him feel it. He felt the outline of both your initials carved into the wood. He smiled. “So no matter where we go our mark will always be on the first place we met”. He pulled you in for another kiss, then moved you off his lap. Reaching into his pocket. “In that case, it has to be someone less hidden than under the table. I think our love at least deserves the top of it”. It was silly but I’m that moment it felt like the most romantic thing. At that time everything Eddie did felt like the most romantic thing to ever happen.
You couldn't stop staring at the table, wondering if it was still there. That might be the only proof you have that your love was real. That you were happy together, that at one point he loved you. “What world have you travelled off to now?” You spun around to the sound of the low gravelly voice. You should have put two and two together and realised if Eddie was to own any bar of course it would be this one. It held so many memories for him. It was of his safe places where he could completely be himself. Maybe it wasn't the original dream for him but it made so much sense. It was like this job was always meant for him. You were happy for him.
Eddie had not expected to see you here. Despite how he was acting he was nervous but strangely happy to see you. This could be his only chance to talk to you. He thought you might avoid him for the rest of his life for how he treated you last time you had spoke. Sure you had said some things and you had still hurt him, but hearing about the breakdown made him feel guilty. He felt like the guilt was eating him alive or maybe it was the wondering that was doing that, (if he saw the signs he could have helped?). The problem is when he had these internal battles in his head he always stubbornly ended up with the same thought, that you left him before he had a chance to fix it. Part of him wanted to apologize but he didn't know 100% what for and he was sure he wasn't supposed to know about what happened. Dustin said it wasn't public knowledge, only Steve was allowed to know. It was always Steve. Even now he felt jealous that you always completely let Steve into your world and he had only got a chance to dip his foot in. Even worse now he was out of it altogether.
He was so nervous that he thought about not talking to you, and hiding in the back until you left. That would be pathetic he thought, but he was tempted. That was until he watched you more intensively and noticed how the people you were with were ignoring you completely but then again you weren't trying with them. It looked like you had given up on interacting, he couldn't blame you he recognize many of the faces of his old teacher and he wouldn't want to talk to them either. But this was your new job, you need to try with them. You couldn't shut down. It wasn’t his responsibility to make you feel less lonely or at ease but he didn’t want have something else to feel guilty about. Maybe he couldn't trust you with his heart but he could give you an olive branch.
He noticed you still hadn't said anything and had gone back to daydreaming, he used to think you had the cutest face when you went into a trance. You still did. He almost didn't want to break you from it again, but the longer you were there the more he panicked. He remembers what you said about this place at the Harrington’s, saying it wasn't his dream like he was a failure. Were you judging him? He wanted to put on a front like he didn't care what you thought, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.
“Welcome to my almost dream” you both cringed at his words. “It looks good”. You didn't know what to say. You wanted to tell him you were proud, but it wasn't your place anymore. He hoped you meant that. Those few words were something he didn't know he needed until he heard them from your mouth. “The usual?” he smiled. You were a creature of habit, but maybe you had changed he thought. Maybe this was a small test to find out what was the Same and what was new about you. Every time he remembered you drinking, you would have a vodka and coke. Only half a shot of vodka though. It always felt like the safest drink. “Just a coke. I can't drink anymore”. Why did you tell him that? Can't. The word made him thinking you not drinking wasn’t by choice. He wanted to ask. The word don't and can't are very different but it wasn't his place anymore. “Coming right up”.
He pours a coke from the tap and slides it over to you. “How much?” he shakes his head. “Call it mates rates” he uses a stupid British accent to impersonate you. He regrets it instantly when you don't laugh or smile. How could you smile when you were face to face with the fact that the old Eddie was still in there? The one you loved. Did he flirt with all the customers? Was he just being nice? Was there more to it? Did he notice you looking glum and was trying to cheer you up? Why would he care?
It made sense if you were being rational about it, there was nothing more to it then the fact that he couldn't be cruel like usual in front of the customers. He had to be pretend to be nice but that didn’t stop your heart from stupidly beating slight faster. You knew the old Eddie would unfortunately for you never be real again. A glimpse was all it would ever be, he would slip back to the Eddie who hated you on your next meeting. The thought hurt more than you would like to admit. “I didn't know we were friends” you mutter. It sounded like a dig, you didn't exactly mean it to, but it was a fact.
Silence followed after your statement, you assumed with how busy the bar was, Eddie would use this as his excuse to leave. He had been civil enough for the evening he could go, but he stayed. Thinking about what to say next. Sure you were right, you weren't exactly friends, but you weren't strangers, and given the new information he knew about you, he couldn't bring himself to hate you. So where did that leave you two? The silence was killing you, it felt like all the noise from the bar had disappeared and the only sound you could hear was the gears turning in his head.
You look around the room for anything to mention to stop whatever this was. You see the stage, with a drum set at the back and a microphone. “Do you still play?” He was very thankful for your change of topic and even more thankful you were still talking to him. He wanted to enjoy these few moments with you. He shakes his head. Your stomach sank. You hated that, he was good. Maybe he wasn't amazing enough to break out of the state, but he was still good. You used to love singing with him in his trailer while he played the guitar. You could have never imagined he would have given up something that made him so happy. You wondered what other happiness he had deprived himself of. “Why?” He shrugs his shoulders and mutters “because it made me think of you”. You shouldn't have been able to hear him with how low he spoke, especially with how loud the atmosphere was but he was all you were focused on right now and his words felt like another knife being twisted in you.
It showed you that no matter how hard he pretends to be nice or civil with you, he still looks down on you and blames all his down comings on you. “Oh, so it's my fault”. God he hoped you hadn't even heard it and now you thought he was insulting you. Eddie Munson could not win with you, he ran his hand through his hair. Keep calm, you are doing so well. She is just trying to get a raise out of you he told himself. “That’s not what I meant sweetheart,” he says walking off to the other end of the bar to help the other bartenders. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure you were having a heart attack. You guessed it could be a panic attack but it didn't feel like that. Could it be... No, you shake your head of course not.
“ I see some things never change” you turn around to see Mrs O’donald your old teacher giggling into her chardonnay. “You two were always joined at the hip, I hope he doesn't get you into trouble anymore. I always thought you could do better than him” she slurred her words. It was weird seeing someone who used to be your teacher and who was now your colleague drunk. She always had an issue with Eddie, you always thought it was people like her that was at fault for his failures. Sure he could have put more effort in but it's hard to do that when the people who are supposed to teach you don't even have your back. That's part of the reason you wanted to be a teacher to help kids like Eddie, show they can do it and are worth it. But to hear her still look down on him, pissed you off. You smiled the fakest smile and grabbed your coke off the bar downing it. “Looks like he's doing pretty good to me. I guess you and everyone else were wrong about him. In fact he did all this without your help” with that you left.
The next morning you woke up glad for it to be a Saturday, it had dawned on you what you had said. You were better than that, you could usually bite your tongue. You had worked so hard to fit in and now you had gone against one of the top dogs at school, you hoped it was just your anxiety making you worry and school would be fine. You should have kept your mouth shut. After everything he had done to you, you were still defending him. You felt like a fool. So like a fool, you spend the rest of the weekend in bed hardly eating, walling in self-pity. Ignoring the phone.
As soon as Monday came around you knew you couldn't avoid the world anymore. Maybe it wasn't as big of a deal as you were making it. You hoped it had been forgotten about. Whatever the case you needed to sort out your thoughts, you couldn't teach like this. You were thankful for the first period being free. You sat at the desk eating a cereal bar making sure the scripts from Romeo and Juliet were ready for your next lesson with the juniors. You heard a tap on the door, “come in”.
Steve looked at you and shook his head. “So you are alive then” you want to roll your eyes at him, but you hate to think he was worrying about you all weekend. After what happened you knew better than to just shut out the world or at least better than to shut out Steve. “I'm sorry it was a weird weekend”. He gulped worried that something bad had happened, he knew he should have just come around to your house to check on you. “Weird like how everyone is saying you and Eddie are dating or did something else happen?” He decides to mix a joke in about the rumours in the staff room to disguise his worry. He knows you and Eddie had been seen talking on Friday. He hoped it was better than the last time you were in a room together. He hoped Eddie wasn’t to blame for you shutting Steve out all weekend.
You groan and slam your head on the desk. You didn't think that's the gossip that would be spread. You didn't want to have your name linked to Eddie anymore. “Jesus I should have kept my mouth shut, you can't talk to anyone in this town without it being news. All I did was defend him one time”. Steve looked at you confused “wait so you spoke to him, didn’t kill each other. Then defended him. Are you okay?”. You fake laugh. “seriously though I don't know if it's a good idea for you two to be friends, I don't want you to get hurt again”. The school bell rang “I get it, dad, now you better go I have class”.
Eddie had also had a weird weekend but he didn't have the chance to stay inside all weekend like you. He had to go to work. He wishes he hadn’t overheard you standing up for him. It played over and over in his head. Your being back in town had caused more questions. Nothing made sense. He assumed you hated him or didn't like him anymore so you left but why would you stand up for someone you didn't care about? He guessed you were just being nice but it felt like more than that. Before he even had a chance to ask you or thank you, you had left.
He had Monday off work, so he decided this would be his day to go wallow and figure out what this all meant. As soon as one pm hit, he got a call from Dustin so he had to postpone his wallowing. He was thankful for his friend's constant chatter it was a nice distraction from thinking about you. About two hours after that the doorbell rang to signal someone was at his door. Maybe it was you. He had gone a full two hours without thinking about you and now as soon as his brain had a chance to drift to you, it did. It made no sense either why you would be at the door, you didn’t even know where he lived anymore. Even if it was you, what you be here for? What would you even talk about? It made no sense to want you here, but he couldn’t control his thoughts. All rationality had him left since you came back.
He opened the door to reveal Sarah with food from his favourite diner in her hand. With the tight white dress she was wearing that left nothing to imagination he knew exactly what she was after and it wasn’t the food. So he pushed the weird thoughts he was having about you to the back of his mind and took Sarah up on her offer. He didn’t feel like he was using her, he was always upfront about their relationship. He had told her he couldn’t date anybody, and she agreed, saying she only wanted fun. So as long as it didn’t affect work and both knew they could stop this whenever. It felt nice to have an outlet to forget without strings attracted.
Eddie had help Sarah get off a few times but when she tried to return the favour, they were having issues. Eddie was so stressed and thoughts were still consumed with you that he could only get a semi at most. This had never happened before, Sarah felt embarrassed and Eddie felt mortified. Especially since you had already ruined the hope of him ever being in a relationship, now he couldn’t even have sex because of the thought of you. He got out a pre-rolled joint from his bedside table and began to smoke it. He hardly smoked weed anymore. At most once a month but he knew it would help him relax so hopefully he could sort his problem and try again with Sarah.
Halfway through the joint, the house phone started ringing again. He assumed it must be Dustin to finish the conversation they were having before Sarah came. He hoped talking to his friend would help him forget again, so he raced out of the room to the phone. He was about to pick up when he realised he still had the blunt in his mouth. He stubbed it out remembering his promise to Dustin to try and quit. He didn’t want to disappoint him. He then picked up the phone, “sorry I had to hang up before, but I’m free now if you wanna talk again”.
“Sorry to disappoint but I’m definitely not who you were expecting”. Eddie stopped himself from sighing, he hadn’t spoken to Steve in a few weeks. He and Steve being friends, Eddie would have never expected it, in fact, he thought when you left, him and Steve would hate each other forever. However, that’s the thing about this group they had shared trauma and would never leave a man behind. Steve followed this most out of everyone he checked in with the group at least once a week, and with Eddie being around the same age they talked a lot. They in fact grew to be good friends, even if Steve was always a little hesitant to let Eddie fully in. Not hearing from Steve for weeks was weird, but right now it felt weirder to be hearing from him.
“So I heard you and y/n spoke”. Eddie pulls the cord as far as it could stretch so he could sit down at the kitchen table. It felt like a conversation he would have to sit for, otherwise, he would pace back and forth. “Hello to you too, how was work? Great thanks for asking. Been up to much? Not really- ” Steve fake laughs. “Yeah I get it sorry, it’s just y/n is important to me”. Well, that felt like a slap to in face, he knew that. Everyone knew that. He didn’t appreciate being treated like he was dumb by someone he would have called a close friend only a few weeks ago. He hadn’t done anything wrong so why was he getting ambushed? “You two have a history, and I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you two to be friends”. Eddie's leg uncomfortable shaked under the table, “I can't win with you either I'm too mean or I'm too friendly. What do you want me to do?”
Steve tried to stutter out a response, not sure of what he was asking of Eddie. “I get that… it’s just… it’s just…she’s been through a lot”. Eddie's leg shakes more “I know which is why I’m trying to be nicer” he wished he still had the joint right now. “You didn’t care before, why do you care now? Is this some stupid plan to get revenge?”. Whenever it came to you, Steve would get over-protective, and say the most ridiculous things. Eddie had done nothing wrong this time and yet he was still getting told off. He slammed his fists on the table and stood up unable to control his legs. “Jesus if I’m such a bad guy why have you let me around your daughter? If I’m so bad why are we friends?” The insecure side of Eddie wanted a response, wanted to be told he was being dramatic that of course they were friends. Steve wanted to say that but was too stunned to speak. “Fuck I was just a placeholder. You know I wondered when she came back if I would get replaced but I should have known. Me and you were never gonna be friends. I was just a stand in. I didn’t even make you choose but you always chose her. I think you forget she didn’t just leave me, she left you too. I wonder how long until she gets sick of us again and leaves”. Eddie knew he had hit a nerve when he was met with silence. He didn’t need to say anything else but he couldn’t help himself, why not put an extra nail in the coffin of Steve and his relationship? “You act like you are her protector but you didn’t protect her from that breakdown did you?” A low blow from Eddie he knew that, but he said words that he knew would hurt Steve most.
A bang followed by mumblings of Nancy could be heard through the receiver. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Steve had punched a hole through a wall. “Maybe you’re right maybe we could never be friends because I would never be friends with someone responsible for my best friend trying to kil” the phone hung up. Kil- what did that mean? Surely not kill? Kill what? Kill who? Yourself? No. You wouldn’t? He guessed a breakdown could lead to that. But not you. Never you. Steve was just trying to get to him. The men knew each other well, he was just using his weakness like Eddie had used Steve’s. The words meant nothing surely. Rage started filling his body, along with fear and anxiety. He needed to get it out. To curse out the world. Steve. You. Himself. He flipped the table in front of him but it wasn’t enough. So he destroyed everything in his sight but none of it was enough. None of it helped. None of it answered his questions.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed this. Yikes Steve and Eddie’s relationship has really gone sour :( I liked that I didn’t just have to write y/n and Eddie arguing/hating each-other for once.
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lenna-z · 6 months
What Happened There?: Chap. 6 Trouble Signal
I'm sorry I can't update regularly, classes and life are confusing me a lot...
In this space I want to thank my wonderful cousins ​​for reactivating my muse 💜
And I also want to thank @tanushakyrano for interpreting my ideas and giving me new ones as well! Some of the things written there were written thanks to Cora. 🖤
I hope you enjoy the chapter!
Previous: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
During this period, he was entering the same hospital as often as he didn't want.
But this time the reason for coming was different.
He continued walking, trying to ignore his throbbing head.
He had knew something was wrong the moment Talia knocked on his door in the middle of the night.
His feelings did not mislead him this time either because she said that the team around the hospital had identified a suspicious person, and the man ran away when he realized he was noticed.
A lot of things went through his mind, things about his sister and brother.
She said they were fine and unaffected by the situation. In fact, after all this, Virgil had texted him that she had woken up for a few minutes.
Talia said Ames hadn't told Virgil yet. She assured him that everything was fine.
Still, he wasn't going to stay stuck in his room and wait for something to happen.
Kyrano had somehow heard everything and said he wanted to see his daughter. No one could blame him.
And Penny said she was coming to talk to security and help Ames.
They were making their way to Kayo's room, with Talia and a security guy assigned to Kyrano behind them.
She was already on a private floor and only certain hospital staff could visit the floor.
He wasn't sure if the precautions were enough, considering that someone was monitoring a hospital that wasn't shared with anyone.
Ames had a frightening expression on her face that he had never seen before.
Next to her, Jeremy looked no different, but Ames had an expression, like Kayo's, that would make you air all your dirty laundry if you were guilty.
This was noticeable even from a distance.
Unlike when they left yesterday, there was more security on the around. And they were all looking at them as if they were going to eat them... had he missed something?
Their gazes didn't change until all of them, including the security guards behind them, scanned their fingerprints on the device in Jeremy's hand, but eventually Jeremy gave them an apologetic look.
They just had to make sure it was really them.
He appreciated this. Especially when those inside don't know what's going on.
"Ames, darling, I want to know the latest situation."
She stole a glance from Penny to her and then to Kyrano.
"Civilian security guards around the hospital found an unconscious cleaning staff in the bushes... They reported that he had a needle mark on his neck."
This was suspicious enough for anyone.
"We started looking for the unconscious man's face on the cameras, assuming he was using face swapping technology. EOS was detecting suspicious behavior in case we predicted it wrong."
He really wondered how the man could have escaped, even with such a heavy security.
"EOS caught the man on camera entering the hospital, but lost track of him a few minutes after one of our team started following him.We are sure that he changed his face again and left the hospital."
And there was probably a team out there looking for him. This was the thin part where Kayo separated International Rescue from security.
He could give direct orders to staff on International Rescue and family matters, but when it went beyond that, Kayo was the boss.
He didn't know how she did it, but even though she was injured and hadn't woken up yet, all security work continued as if she was still here.
"This could have ended in much worse things, Amethyst... How was that unconscious man not noticed before?"
This time her face fell a little.
"It didn't even take 10 seconds for everything to happen, and it happened at a point where the cameras weren't directly watching."
She looked embarrassed and it was obvious that she did not like this excuse. Another similarity with the woman inside. Scott could bet that she was secretly angry with herself, even feel guilty.
"Nothing like this will happen again, Lady Penelope."
"First of all sweetheart, you know this is Penny. Secondly, I know it won't happen again. Now before we talk about deeper topics, we should also talk to Virgil, right?"
Virgil didn't know they came here, or even what happened.
And if what Penny meant by deep topics was why this could happen, Scott had to find a way to get himself invited into this conversation.
Penny had said that she and Ames shared security matters during Kayo's absence, and that she was keeping him away from the subject for his own good.
Even Penny didn't want him to cross that thin line. Still, there was no way Scott was going to miss this.
Someone had surveilled the hospital where his sister was.
Blow it...
They were all nervous. Nervous might even be an understatement for most in the room.
Someone trying to enter the hospital was cause for enough tension, but Scott suddenly said that it wasn't safe for anyone to stay in the hospital.
Penny was a silent spectator as they argued, and Kyrano had already left the room under the pretext of coffee.
"According to what you said, he couldn't even get close to this floor. And Scott... she's far from okay right now."
His gaze returned to the woman on the bed. Even if it wasn't for the dark bruise on her cheek, the dark circles under her eyes and the pale color of her skin would remind them that she was not well.
And unfortunately, the bruise on her cheek was the least of his worries.
After finding her like that...
"Virgil, you said she was awake for a few minutes at night, right? She is strong."
He knew that wasn't an argument that she could leave the hospital. No matter how hard he tried not to show it, everyone was aware of something and his brother was trying to console him.
They weren't there when he found her, nor were they there last night. So he decided to ignore what he said.
"She must stay here until the doctors give her the go ahead, Scott."
"I am sorry, Scott but Virgil is right. And the security measures taken here are not available anywhere else in the world..."
Penny had finally broken her silence. And Scott was more moderate.
"I know I just can't help but worry after what happened... If something happened-"
As Scott turned his full attention to the bed behind Virgil, a small voice came from his right.
When a broken voice similar to the one before was followed by a frown, Virgil was approaching Kayo step by step.
He wasn't sure if it was a brief wakefulness like last night, but she made a real effort to open her eyes and closed them immediately, her brows still furrowed.
While he was moving forward to block the light coming from her face without thinking, Scott was faster than him and was fiddling with the buttons on the wall to completely cut off the light coming from the window.
"Kay, honey, it's okay." When his brother adjusted the windows so the sun was out of sight, he gently encouraged her to try opening her eyes again. "Can you open your eyes again?"
She was more conscious now than she had woken up during the night, so instead of wiping her tears, he just shook her hand.
He knew how Kayo's mind worked in situations like this, so he wanted to give her space until she got used to it.
Her brows furrowed even more as she tried to speak.
Without him noticing, Penny had approached them and was somehow holding a glass of water with a straw in it.
"Would you like some water, sweet heart?"
As she tried to nod her head, a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Slowly okay?"
She couldn't take a sip without frowning further, and he appreciated Penny's handling of the situation.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and if her expression hadn't been pained, Virgil might have thought she had fallen back asleep.
Virgil had been alone in the med bay with Kayo long enough to know all the signs of pain. Although he was sure that in this case there was no need to know the signs.
"What- ...happend?"
He was going to avoid answering that question with Scott and Penny in the room. They basically had decided not to tell her everything if she didn't remember what happened. And even though Virgil agreed with that, he didn't want to lie to her.
"Actually, we were hoping you'd tell us that, sweet heart."
That was a pretty smart answer.
Kayo was almost thinking out loud, but the disappointment was evident in her eyes.
"Sorry... I-"
"Hey... It's okay."
Memory loss was something that was expected after head injuries. He just hoped she would remember something soon so they could really find out what was going on. 
They knew that she was resisting the person who did this to her. If she had not resisted, her defensive wounds and head injury would probably never have occurred. Maybe she would... be much worse when Virgil found her.
"Can you tell me how you feel? If you are in too much pain we can call a doctor or nurse."
He definitely didn't want this conversation to continue, so he wanted to direct her perception towards herself.
"I'm- a little cold... I might feel better if you tell me why- it hurts everywhere."
Her speech was not completely fluent, she paused while breathing, and her face showed that she was in pain.
And he had couldn't draw her attention to anything else.
"One word, honey, knife."
"You have two stab wounds, one on your liver and one above your kidneys, and the reason for your epic headache is that you took a good hit."
He could guess what she was thinking in her mind, so he continued.
"There will be no permanent damage, nothing that cannot be resolved with rehabilitation."
Adding that it might take months for her to return didn't seem like a good idea at the moment. She needed to feel comfortable right now.
She had exhausted herself just by talking, so he was trying to think of ways to somehow persuade her to rest.
When he heard the soft sound of the door opening, he realized he had completely forgotten Kyrano was with them. He was a little hopeful because he thought she might be distracted by what was happening.
He had thought she would at least be happy when she saw her father, but Kayo's face took on an expression he never expected when she noticed Kyrano entering.
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chemistryread · 2 years
disclaimers/tags: female oc. written as a reader insert but reader has a lot of backstory. slowburn. angst. implied domestic violence. minors dni.
a/n: some rash decisions on this one, get ready! if you love angst as much as me, this can be read as the ending, but there’s another chapter coming :) also very sorry at how long this post is, but i really wanted to make this story 4 chapters so ! anyways, enjoy and thanks all of u who have liked, rbed or commented in some way 🫶
right cowboy, wrong time
rhett abbott
part 1
part 2
summary: you’re not home and your boyfriend’s a dick. thankfully, not all cowboys are bad.
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"Did you sleep with someone else?"
"Did you?"
That was basically it.
(There was a lot of screaming and attempted emotional blackmailing you don’t bring up. What would be the point?)
You're retelling the events to Dani, working side by side with her.
A kid had joined the staff, and since he's still in school he needs the night shift. Now, you're bumped back to mornings alongside your friend. Things are looking up.
"I can't believe it was solved with one non-violent conversation."
She's actively ignoring the marks in your arms but you take her selective blindness as good-spirited. Focus on the good.
With that in mind, you don't mention how close you got to apologizing and taking it back when he questioned your ability to be alone. Saying you'd only fall on hard times once more and return to him for help. But...you were alone before him, and you were okay before him. It will work.
"I know. I mean, I'm not at all under the impression that he’s not planning some sort of revenge, mulling it over. He'll still be around for another two weeks. And we can't pretend that didn't play a huge part into how well he took it."
"Took it. Right." She laughs, handing you the clean menus to set on the counter. "Be honest. He was aware that this was the only way to do it without exhibiting lack of power. Like it was beyond anyone's control."
During your conversation, it was made clear that he did not yield, you agreed it was unsalvageable. Stupid to keep trying. And he wasn’t stupid. Dani’s right.
"Hey, I'm not disagreeing. Or complaining."
"Hey, I'm not disagreeing. Or complaining."
Her smile falters and you frown.
"I have to say, though, I was convinced you would not fall for him."
She shoves the pen and paper in your hands, along with three menus, and spins you around towards the tables.
If it isn't the little Abbotts and Amelia. Just your luck.
You do not regret it. At all. It would be spoiled of you to.
However, it obviously soured things between you and Rhett. Which is precisely what you did not want.
You meant it, when you said you didn't want to be one of his girls. In a way. You would either take him (yes, take him) out on a date and do the whole process with an open heart, or shut him out and remain nothing but the friendly waitress until you left for home and never saw him again.
The way things are right now, you can't possibly do either with an honest face.
And honesty is a huge thing for you. The motivator behind admitting to being unfaithful that night, putting yourself in a risky situation in front of your boyfriend. Ex.
Amy's smile when she sees you approach the table helps you believe in the good things again, even if only for a couple of minutes.
"Yes! I told my dad, if any of the other girls tried to serve us, I was gonna fake cry until we got you."
Rhett avoids you, taking a coin left as part of the tip from the previous seaters and flipping it between his fingers.
You wink at her and point your pen to Perry, before clicking it. "You're raising her right. What can I, and only I, get you guys?"
His cap is not wide enough to hide the circles under his eyes, and he orders a standard hangover breakfast. You exchange shy nods, but it's not confident.
Amelia’s next.
"And if I could have that with a side of that story your stupid boyfriend didn't want to read, please?"
Your jaw hangs open. She's a rockstar.
"Amy, she said no once, don't push it."
She glares at her uncle.
Perry adds, “And don't call people stupid."
"But he was! Stupid and rude."
Your giggle draws the table's eyes.
"No, he was. About time we broke up."
Her dad looks impressed, like he thought he would never see the day. It bothers you a little. You don't have the guts to look at Rhett, even if you can feel his eyes on you.
"Really?" She asks excited, and you nod. "Cool! So you can marry my dad or uncle Rhett and then you'll be in the family forever."
You laugh again. These men do not appreciate her humour and it's kind of sad.
"I'm too young to get married, kid! I'm not a child bride." It flies over her head but Perry laughs. You'll win him over someday. "About the story, I'm afraid I got rid of that one, it wasn't good. But when I start working on something new I'll ask you for help, deal?"
She nods with tight lips, silky straight hair shaking down her shoulders.
"Good. I'll be right back with your food."
It’s a busy morning, so they had no choice but to sit at an unclean table. You’re retrieving the plates, stacking them up against your left arm and shoving the bills into your apron’s pocket. That’s when Rhett taps the coin on the table three times, startling you.
Your eyes snap to his. Unreadable. Pupils large, deep blue flooding your insides. Nearly choking on it. He offers you the coin, you open your palm, and he drops it. All whilst maintaining eye contact. Honestly, you feared breaking it, as if the second you did your memories of each other would be erased. He doesn’t look away. Your eyebrows furrow, blinking a couple of times, clearing your throat and walking away with a weak step.
Dani mouths, what the fuck?
Your best guess is none, shrugging and taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen.
They eat peacefully, and you suspect Amelia got a talking to from her father because she sticks to polite smiles when you serve them.
They leave as you take another family's order. Back at the counter, Danielle kicks you in the calf.
Your coworker simply nods to the back. The butterflies in your stomach can only mean one person.
Stubbornly, you fight off the urge to fix yourself or take in your reflection off the windows before stepping outside to meet Rhett.
He looks cuddly in a hoodie.
"What are you smiling at?"
Hearing his mumbled teasing is like being lift straight out of hell and into heaven.
"What do you want?"
"Asked you first."
You bite the inside of your cheek, hands clasped behind your back, playing with your rings. Hiding your nerves from him.
"Cool hoodie you got on."
"Fuck off."
You two burst into outright gross, happy giggles.
"Were you gonna tell me you broke up?"
Your answer is fire rapid, delighting in petty revenge. "No. It's not like I'm running away with you."
He tsks once, hit.
"Right. But if you'd like to-"
"Don't." No, don't look at me like that. "I can't. Not yet."
He takes a deep breath, as if entirely too used to your bullshit, and steps closer. You let him.
"Yes, well, one of his ventures sailed off in Montana. He's going to move there for a while. But not yet." He looks too hopeful, and the full story scratches up your throat. "He knows I slept with someone."
A more somber expression, but he still doesn't get it. Briefly, you wonder if 'sleeping with' was too formal for what you actually did together.
"He doesn't know it's you." Your arms fall back to your sides, nails digging into your palms. "If he finds out-"
"I can handle him. Trust me."
"Look, hotshot, it's not about that. Sure, he'd probably threaten to punch any other guy who had his way with me. But one of you? And it's not like you took advantage of me, I chose you. I- I seeked you out. I wanted you. That's a whole other…I've seen what he can do when he's actually mad. When he loses. He'll want to fucking kill you."
"He's not that dangerous. You're being ridiculous."
"Hey, don't tell me I'm being ridiculous when I have suffered in his hands." He doesn't say anything to that. "Just get this through your proud little thick skull…If he hurts you because of me, it'll hate myself. Spare me, okay?"
His features soften at your confession. You wish he would simply accept circumstances for his own well-being, but if he won't, you'll appeal to his sensitive side.
"When does he leave?"
"Two weeks. I'm moving in with Dani tonight."
You didn't protest when she offered the extra room at her place, wanting out of that house before his brothers could give you a piece of their minds.
Rhett squints at the sun, hands on his hips, worn gloves poking out of his pant's pockets. He looks so much younger in the green cap and a plain gray hoodie.
"I can wait two weeks."
You want to run up to him, kiss the breakfast grease off his lips until Danielle calls you back inside to help her, run your fingers through his hair, feel the fabric tasked with warming him up.
Instead, scared he doesn't want any of that, you roll your eyes amusedly and run up the steps. You should set a calendar reminder for two weeks from now.
Thirteen days. He leaves tomorrow, finally.
In the meantime, he uncharacteristically leaves you alone. It's a very peaceful time in your life.
Rhett comes to the diner from time to time. You bump into each other at the shop and he ends up helping you put away the groceries at Danielle's, where he sees the begonias in a vase by the window. He relocates them to a better spot.
He learns more about your university and you about his family.
You put that knowledge to test one afternoon, when he comes by during your break and asks if you want to have lunch at his house. Royal eats very little and quickly returns to work, just as you had been told he would. Amy skipped school because she woke up particularly down and missing her mother (probably why Rhett thought of inviting you), therefore Perry eats even less but spends more time at the table, just looking at his daughter. You feel for him, really.
Cecilia is the one who suggests you go rest under the shade while Perry helps her clean up. You get the sense his mood is entirely affected by his daughter's, so mother and son need a moment to talk.
Amelia sits between you and Rhett, all three quietly eating fresh strawberries.
"Grandpa did say somebody messed with them. They're not as good."
You disagree. They taste pretty delicious for you, who's in the midst of licking the juice off your lips, satisfied.
But you know what she means, unfortunately. So you purposefully avoid Rhett's eyes, leaning back against the tree trunk and guiltly keeping your mouth shut.
He assured you this has happened for as long as he remembers being neighbors with your ex and his brothers.
Trying to dissipate the tension in the air, you poke Amy on the side.
"I've been writing something. Wanna read it?"
She almost drools when she smiles, shoving the open jar on her uncle's stomach and getting him sticky with splashed strawberry juice.
Reaching for your phone, you remember something.
"Oh, I bought a really pretty vase to put the even prettier flowers you got me, look!"
Rhett sits up awkwardly beside his niece as you show her a picture of the golden hour sunlight shining on the pink begonias.
"I didn't get you any flowers." She matches your confused expression. "I've been told off by grandma way too many times from messing around in her garden to do it again. But it does look really pretty."
Rhett's cheeks are burning red, and your stomach is doing flips.
Completely lost for words, you switch from the photos app to a Google drive document and hand the little girl your phone with tremendous trust. Kids are brutally honest.
"Here. It's, uhm, a horror short."
She picks it up with toddler-like grabby hands and sits back to enjoy it like it's a new young adult best seller.
Your eyes are still on the boy next to her, who's holding your gaze in an electric back and forth.
"Can I read it?"
After devouring four-thousand words, Amelia runs back to the house, shaking your phone at her dad's face, practically bragging that you let her read something of yours. Her first impression is pretty positive, if not over-the-top, and she tells you she'll write down her ideas and 'get back to you'.
Everyone chuckles when you shake her hand as if this was a business meeting. Her being the big publishing agent, of course.
Cecilia makes a comment about rushing back home, there being a lot of work to be done, when you gather your stuff so Rhett can drive you back to the diner. You simply smile at her.
You're biting your tongue, busying yourself with lowering the passenger side's window, but Rhett's getting a little too good at reading you.
"Speak now or-"
"I'm not dumb, you don't have to protect me." He laughs, unphased by your random instances of snappiness. "Of course it has something to do with me, Rhett. You think people don't talk?"
"We're not even doing anything."
"But there's a 'we', that's enough to create gossip. And I told him I had been with someone. The fight at the bar, the 4th when you knocked on his door holding my coat…You really think he hasn't put everything together?"
He's quiet. Rhett is not stupid, what he is is inconsequential. He thinks everything will always be ok.
"We have fought over girls before, it's always been like this."
It stings, to be put in such a common role in his life.
"Well," He turns his head your way, hearing how your voice wavers, and you cross your arms defensively. "I'm glad they didn't worry like I do, but I do. Your family has nothing to do with this. Your dad shouldn't have this put on his plate too."
"He'll be fine, trust me, he likes the work. He lives for it. Always has, since we were little boys. He's fine."
You just don't want your ex-boyfriend and his brothers taking things too far.
"I think your mother doesn't like me anymore."
He cackles and you pout. Of course you sound silly, you know that. But maybe this is what it's all about. His family are good people. You don't want good people to dislike you, or go through anything bad because of you.
It's not their fault you cling to those who seem nice and helpful. Sometimes you forget yourself. That you have been and can be alone. Being single is a great moment to capitalize on your independence, accept it. At least that way you won’t take anyone down with you.
Fingers snapping pull you out of your self-reproach.
"Don't…Don't spiral over what she said, alright? She just wants me to stick to the work, be responsible and stuff. Not wander off."
"Maybe you should."
Blue eyes search yours for a sign that you're kidding. Infuriating that you can't trust yourself not to breakdown around Rhett, you look straight ahead. One block away from the diner.
Your body is free of the seatbelt before the light can turn green again. "I can get out here, it's fine."
He doesn't move, and you stare at each other for what feels like minutes. Then he swallows, looks down, and unlocks the doors.
You hop out, carefully stepping around the car and onto the sidewalk. He calls out your name and a shiver runs down your spine, both because of how heartbreakingly confused he sounds and because you're scared one of your ex-boyfriend's brothers or friends just heard Rhett Abbott yell for you from his truck.
Turning around, you glance up and down the street, sighing in relief when everyone seems to continue their lives without noticing you two. You want to say sorry for being weird, for not being a better liar or knowing how to mask your feelings. But it would serve you more than him, at this point.
Instead, you step up to his window, hand closing around his own that is hanging halfway out and squeezing it.
All you say is, "Thank you."
You're a mess all day.
Spilled drinks, dropped knives and even a broken glass.
Danielle has to pull you out of your own head every five minutes, she's exhausted by the end of your shift.
You felt childish, telling her boy gossip at work. Ridiculous even, since she scrunches her nose when reminded the boy is Rhett Abbott.
Nothing against him, per se, he was just always such a predictable choice in high school, she had said. Good heart, though.
She ruthlessly mocks your insecurities but dutifully listens to your ramblings. Your worries about harming his family, moving on too fast, disappointing Amelia.
A wet dishcloth fight starts in the kitchen when she suggests you're in a little deeper than you had assumed. You hit her right across the stomach before she can profess the term 'in love'.
Because no, you refuse. He's a good boy, and you are attracted to him. You like him, obviously. Too obvious to deny. But you have to hold back.
Actually, until tomorrow. Perhaps that's why you're freaking out. When your ex leaves, everything becomes more real between you and Rhett. Or it's allowed to. It's your choice.
Dani and you are handing the night shift waiters your aprons when your phone pings.
"When was your last fun Saturday night? We're at the same bar as always. Danielles welcome. First rounds on us"
Somewhere in your texts - texting Rhett all day long at work was starting to get on Lenny's nerves, you should watch out - you had mentioned it was bound to be a girl's night at home, since Shiree was staying at a friend's for the night.
It's her first time too, so you had imagined pizza and wine to be a good way to keep Dani's heart at ease. But this could work too.
You show her the text, and she immediately smiles. You know it's been a while.
Eighteen. That's how old you were the last time you got to dress up as a single woman for a night out.
You're aware this isn't Boston, however. Tricking an entitled Harvard Law alumni into paying for your drinks is not up for grabs tonight, so you don't go too overboard. Still, Dani is a little speechless when she comes out of the shower. Right back at her, honestly (even though she definitely looks local and you don't).
Danielle drives to the bar, and you're already having a great time critiquing her stiff driving, begging her to relax.
"Wait, Perry's not thinking that we…"
"No, I don't think so."
"Good, makes things less awkward when you and his little brother make your eventual escape."
"That's not going to happen." She looks at you like she really doesn't believe that. You point two other trucks in the parking lot, owned by your ex and his brothers. "Even if I wanted to, it's not a good idea."
"Shit, I'm sorry. Do you want to leave? We can still get pizza."
You smile at her, sincere. You'll miss her so much.
"It's fine, I figured. It's his last day. Hopefully, we will all stay on different sides of the room and he will be enjoying his going-away party too much to care about lil' old me."
Perry's hand comes up as soon as you step inside.
Both of them do a doubletake of your outfit, lingering on the bright red cliché cowboy boots, but you decide to pretend you don't feel their eyes on your bare legs. Rhett gets up to greet you (you honestly didn't expect him to) and your words slip out before you can contain them.
"You smell good." He laughs, and Dani groans a playful 'oh my God' behind you. He's pink. You pat him in the shoulder with a sympathetic smile. "Sorry."
"I'll get another round."
Perry gets up to greet you as well and struts to the bar.
Rhett finds it strange when you take the seat across from him, instead of by his side, but you decide to stick to a good behaviour tonight.
The four of you fall easily into conversation. It's nice when they speak about their school memories and you get to listen, watch them remember and cringe at their old selves.
Your legs are stretched under the table, incidentally in between Rhett's spread legs. He gives you a small kick whenever he catches you looking over the divider to guarantee your ex is not searching for you. So far, so breezy. It's weird.
The other two drink faster, which is why, you assume, Dani jumped at the opportunity to dance with an old flame the minute he recognized her. Perry went to the bathroom.
It's just you and him.
He looks mostly sober and his tanned skin is glowing nicely under the bar's scarce lighting. His hair looks especially droopy.
You smile at him sheepishly.
"I'm sorry, I have to ask. The begonias. What was that about?"
"Oh, God. C'mon. Do you have to?"
The words push through gritted teeth, his entire body recoils in embarrassment.
You simply nod, leaning forward with a teasing grin.
When you do, your legs draw back, but not too much. He doesn't let them. His boots trap your ankles, dragging them forward, closer again.
Rhett’s pupils darken at the way you jump and you bite your cheeks so hard your dimples cave impossibly deep.
It'd be stupid not to take advantage of the moment. You blink slowly. "Please?"
Teeth trap his lower lip, but he quickly rolls his shoulders back.
"It was me. You figured that much." He looks at your for confirmation. Amelia wasn't subtle, and he was even less. "Why did I lie? Uhm, I- Shit, after you said you used to hang out with street racers, well, I felt like a loser giving you flowers from my mother's garden."
You laught at his face. Unabashedly. A nice surprise when he actually laughs along.
"Stupid, right?"
You love when he acts shy. Mousy.
"No. I never got flowers before. I would've liked knowing they were from you."
Your heart beats faster at how wide open this moment is. He did something no one has ever done for you, and you liked it. You liked that he did. And you just told him that.
"More than if they were from Amy?"
You can't look away from his eyes.
"Yes. But don't tell her that."
Perry scares the two of you by slapping the table. He's very much drunk.
"Your turn to get the drinks."
He points at Rhett, who hesitates before awkwardly smiling at you and sliding out of his seat.
The older Abbott is kind of all over the place, so you return his favor from many nights ago and look away, turning your attention to a very relaxed Danielle enjoying the dancefloor.
"I just talked to them in the toilet, you know." The brother finally directs his words at you. He must think you were looking for your ex's table. "They're not happy about this. At all. And they don't like when folks think they're idiots."
"I know. I don't mean to-"
"Yeah, you never do. But all of you who get obssessed with my little brother did not grow up here. You haven't dealt with- You don't know what these lands are like. Consequently, you don't understand the people. Who can blame you?"
You think obssessed is mean.
"I'm sorry, Perry."
"Appreciate that. Still should leave him alone. You've played with him long enough, don't you agree?"
You sip your beer. His eyes are looking past you, venting to no one in particular. Not personal.
As a reflex, you look for Rhett. The reason why he is taking so long leaning next to him, making him stutter and laugh.
"Oh, yeah, and then there's that." Perry points the bottom of his beer at Maria. "Sixteen. The first time I saw him look at her like that, and he still does. Not a difference. My folks believe he'll marry her, if he ever gets the chance to."
"What are you saying, Perry?"
You're running out of patience. You never liked people who only spoke their true feelings when intoxicated, while you made an effort to be honest all the time. Well, guess you haven't been doing much of that here.
"Look, you're fine. But who are we kidding? You want big things, you go to a fancy school, you probably drink cocktails during happy hour."
You feel small when he laughs. His attention turns to his brother letting the beer sweat on the counter, transfixed on Maria talking. That's all she's doing, and he looks gone for. Her hand is on his shoulder and he's leaning into it.
"Bless him. He's never gonna leave. And he deserves to find love here, with a nice girl who knows what this place is about, how to deal with a guy like him. And with his family."
If you had eaten anything, it would be coming up.
Did you embarrass yourself with his mother, with Royal? Was there something in the story Amy read that was inappropriate? Did they make fun of you behind your back, at Sunday lunch?
A million thoughts swarm your brain.
"Shit, I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry."
Perry laughs again, with his whole body, and it draws Rhett's attention from the bar. You look away.
"Don't worry about it."
His eyes widen, instant sobriety, seeing you stand up. Before Rhett can join you back at the table, you're fleeing to the bathroom.
When you reach the door, someone walks out of the men's. Your eyes meet, and your ex is the second guy to laugh at you in the span of sixty seconds.
A young girl leaves one of the stalls and lets you borrow her eyedrops, and in a record three minutes, you're walking to the table as if nothing happened.
Rhett is trying to convince Perry to finish the beer in front of him before getting another and Dani is nowhere to be seen.
You're happy for her, letting her hair down. Selfishly, you also think that if she were at the table she would see right through you and ask what's wrong, and you'd start crying all over again. These boys don't have the feeling for that sort of stuff. Good.
The youngest does search your face extensively, however, reaching for your hands under the table. You pull away, leaning your head on them.
You ask Perry about Amelia, a subject you know will make him go on for hours. Ten minutes in, Dani rejoins you with a bit of a flushed look. You smile at her and let the proud father continue.
With three other people there to react and respond, your mind takes the liberty to drag you out of the moment and consider what you've been told.
It isn't wrong.
You don't belong here. Maybe Rhett thinks you are his ticket out, but you don't want to take him away from his family. No, he doesn't want that either. He's better off with someone who, as said, knows this life. Their identity meshing with the dry air, blending in with the colorful streamers in the arena every weekend. Rolls with the punches, all the machismo, better. Can be happy with and despite.
Unfinished business waits for you in Boston. A life. Your life.
And Maria. You won't pretend to know her very well, but she seems liked wherever she goes. Fondly remembered and broadly welcomed. Nice, beautiful, educated and most of all familiar. Ran away from her hometown long enough to be interesting, returned in enough time to be seen as grateful. Prodigal daughter.
The way you have seen him look at her. Bask in her warmth.
It's a really sweet tale.
You think of how often you brought his peaceful mood down with your own paranoia. You took the prize he won to help yourself. How many times did he become anxious and upset when he was around you?
Standing in his way is the worst thing you can do to someone, a family who is kind.
You don't want him to think you were using him or to notice any changes (yet), so when Perry and Dani finish talking about their kids, you spark back to life to ask if anybody's hungry.
"It's early enough that we can still get that pizza."
The perfect comfort food. You nearly melt into her, the two of you holding hands and getting up. "Are you…?"
"Why wouldn't we?"
Rhett asks, and he seems apprehensive. Did you fail already?
Dani shoots you a weird, questioning look.
"I don- I don't know. Just asking."
Perry is still tipsy, heedless. "Want to ask Maria if she wants to come?"
Your hand is painfully squeezed by Dani, and you squeeze back to avoid any awkwardness.
"Just saying."
They're standing nose to nose, and it's weird to watch.
You clear your throat, tugging Danielle forward. "We're going! Walking out the door now!"
It breaks your heart when Rhett jogs behind you, catching up and hugging you from behind, swinging your body to the side like he's going to pick you up. He notices your laugh is strained.
"Everything okay?"
You should've made a more discreet exit.
"Yes?” His arms slip away from your form, turning towards your ex-boyfriend, and you enter a state of panic. “I'm all ears."
You almost move to pull him back before catching yourself. Filled by a weird feeling of deja vu. This is ridiculous.
"Did you think I wouldn't kick your ass on my last night?"
"Try me."
"Hey, don't touch-"
Big hands push Perry, and he stumbles back before you and Dani catch him.
Fed up, you place yourself in the line of sight of both men. Not exactly in between them, but close.
Rhett looks at you for a significant amount of time considering the tempers. It's a clear message. Go ahead, if you want, but I won't entertain it.
"Really, she's got you on a leash already? I have to hand it to ya, I never thought-"
You walk towards him, pulling on his arm for the last time, so you can talk. Eye to eye.
It's hard to say what the other three can hear. You're not whispering, but it's for you and him only.
"It's over. You and I are fucking free. Aren't you relieved? I am. And look at you-" You pat him on the chest, with a proud smile. "Big things in Montana. Lots to look forward to. And you're still stuck on this? Both of us are meant for greater things than this town and anyone in it. Let go."
Lying through your fucking teeth. This place has rotten you.
He smiles, hat casting a shadow over your eyes.
"See, I knew you never stopped being smart."
You return his grin. Sick.
"And you're smarter than your brothers. Tell them to stop messing with the Abbott land before you get a chunky lawsuit. It's not worth it."
Glossy eyes roll to the back of his head, hands on his hips. Doesn't admit it, but not arguing. You smile, self-satisfied.
"Have a good one."
Before you can walk away, he grabs your wrist. Rhett takes a step forward and Danielle tries to cuss him out but is scared of him too, and it dies in her throat.
"You know he's in love with the other girl, right?"
Two seconds ago, he was a big man ready to get physical. Now he's whispering in your ear, fighting dirty.
You sigh, and look straight into his eyes. Laying everything out for him, more than he deserves.
"I know."
He lets go of you, and you flash a last fake smile for him, before walking away.
"And you're okay with that?"
He yells. The others act as bystanders, trying to piece together your conversation.
"Don't worry." You exclaim already on your way to Dani's truck, loud enough for him to hear. "Didn't mean anything."
Readjusts his hat, shakes his head. Boisterous laugh. To Rhett, he says, “Another time. I feel sorry for you, now.”
You look past Rhett's puzzled face, shrugging. Your ex goes back inside.
"Can't believe that worked."
Dani comes up to you, tossing her keys into your hands. You grin. Smart woman.
"Pizza. Please." Perry mumbles like a sedated patient, Rhett helping him stay up.
"Try and keep up."
It's all you say before climbing behind the wheel, releasing a big exhale. Face muscles sore from the strain of forcing yourself to smile so many times in one conversation.
"Okay?" Dani caresses your arms. Smart fucking woman.
The taste in your mouth is revolting, stomach sinking as the words echo in your head. Sorry for him, what an asshole. And you propped him up to believe it, to say it to his face. Lying is taking a real toll on you.
"Will be."
Your emotions are behind your fast driving, as they have always been. Dani's tipsy fit of laughter is an added bonus to the experience.
Perry is just as delighted when you park.
"What the hell, woman?"
You clear the hair in your mouth, smiling wide at the brothers.
"Just showing off. Who's hungry? I'm starving."
Due to your recent change of plans, you have decided a night eating pizza with a group of nice people could be a good lasting memory.
No more overthinking and paranoia. For tonight.
They all look happier when you pretend everything's fine. (Rhett's smile is actually not reaching his eyes, and it concerns you over how much he heard, but you will not think about that tonight).
You'll leave when you're supposed to and they will recover very well.
The Abbotts come in for breakfast a few times. Even Royal.
Every time, you stash the tips they leave for you in Danielle's box.
You have enough money to go home, pay for your last year and support yourself until you find a job. Actually, you've had it for over a week.
It's hard to imagine leaving. Saying goodbye is terrible. You think about Amy. Part of you wants to pretend like you're way short just so you can stay a little longer.
To silence that part, you buy your ticket and call the university, arranging your schedule. There's a date. And a ridiculous cancel fee.
The following week is spent soaking up the familial nights with Dani and Shiree, watching Pixar movies and eating ice cream.
Giving Lenny a precocious Christmas present. An air freshener for his car, he kept mumbling about his husband asking for one but forgetting to buy it.
Visiting the Abbotts.
Cecilia and Royal appreciate the company of a new person not trying to steal, buy or camp on their land. You give Amy two of your favorite books, a horror novel and one on writing. She promises not to snitch on you.
Perry takes you on a horse walk and you forgive him. He has no recollection of telling you anything, instead, he talks about how much he loves his brother, wants the best for him. It eases your initial reaction that night.
Rhett asks for a date. Friday night. Drive-in movies. You have a whole argument about whether or not it should be official.
"If it's a racing movie, will you say yes?"
"Only if it's Tokyo Drift. I love Han."
(It isn't. It's Grease 2 for, what he says, the third time that year.)
He doesn't understand why you want to go 'as friends'. It's really hard, too, because you've secretly always dreamed about a small town drive-in date.
He gets the better of you.
You go, and hold hands, and he kisses you in his truck. You joke about the windows fogging up. He drops you off at Danielle's with another kiss. A proper goodbye, slow. Hands on your ass and wet noises that you hope the neighbors don't hear. (Danielle does and mocks you relentlessly.)
He invites you to have dinner with his family the next day. You leave on Tuesday morning.
You're washing the dishes while he dries them. Perry brings a sleepy Amelia in his arms to kiss you goodnight. She compliments your strawberry-patterned dress for the tenth time. Royal and Cecilia watch TV on the couch, nearly asleep themselves.
"I think he doesn't know how to tell you, but Perry likes having you around Amy. Like a big sister she never got."
The sponge slips out of your hands, thoughts of his brother's drunken words coming back to you. Actually, this is as good a segue as you're going to get.
"Mhm, I don't know."
"I adore her, obviously. But I'm more like the young English teacher she apparently missed out on. Which is a real shame, those are important when you're growing up."
"Don't get a lot of young teachers around here."
He's watching you suspiciously as you hand him the last plate. Too used to your bullshit.
"I'm just saying, maybe I'm not the role model for a little girl like her. I have no family, no prospects, a regrettable love life. I'm an abandoned Bostonian, for crying out loud. Struggling to pay for school and a small apartment, for myself. Not really the poster child for a bright and respectable future in the western lands."
Rhett carries the dry plates back to the cupboard.
"I don't like it when you talk about yourself like that." Please, shut up. Don't be nice now, I'm trying to get at something. "You're just different from us. And, just 'cause she likes you doesn't mean she wants to be you."
You think about the writing book you gave her. What a hypocrite you are.
"Younger siblings tend to look up to the older." He smiles, as if you're personally attacking him. "Hey, you brought up the metaphorical sister stuff. I said teacher."
"So you're teaching her to be you?"
"No! I-" You groan and steal the cloth from his shoulder to slap him with. Folding it in your hand, you swallow your feelings to be able to muster your sentence. "All I mean is that, yes, she should have a good influence in her life that isn't related to her by blood. But it should be someone who is consistent, similar. Someone she can relate to but also trust. Possibly, someone she already knows. That all of you do."
You're struggling not to say her name.
"Are you or are you not talking about yourself?"
He's genuinely confused and you sigh into the folded dishtowel. "Nevermind."
The parents sleep soundly, leaning on each other. You think of how long they’ve been together, how much they’ve gone through. Still so supportive of each other and their family. It’s a nice reality you know nothing about.
Cautious not to wake the couple on the couch, you step carefully around the living room and pick up your discarded coat and purse. You're trying to quietly slip on your Vans when Rhett puts a hand behind your back to steady you.
"I was thinking you could stay."
Glad to have strong arms to hold onto, you nearly let yourself fall back into him, basking in the unapologetic seduction in his words. But you think of the disrespect of having sex while his family is sleeping, sneaking out of the room many girls have snuck out of before, just to move back home in three days.
"I really should go." You smile. "But I'm gonna need help walking in these to Dani's truck without falling on my ass."
He laughs. "Useless fuckin' shoes."
Light rain is still falling, rattling the leaves. It smells amazing. You see the dogs taking cover in the driveway.
You'll miss this so much.
The two of you walk like senior citizens, shuffling your feet to avoid an accident, to the car.
"Okay. Thanks."
You chuckle as he opens the door.
Quickly, you throw your stuff on the passenger seat and climb inside, very obviously avoiding saying a real, kiss-involving, goodbye to him.
He squints his eyes but opts for brushing it off, complimenting you instead.
"You look really pretty tonight."
Don't think about him saying it to her when you hand him over in a platter.
"Thank you. So do you."
You're smiling, but not moving to touch each other.
After a beat, he gives up.
"Alright, goodnight. Drive safe." He steps back, hands in his pockets. You think of a teenage Rhett saying goodbye to his dates. "Like a normal person would."
An awkward, disingenuous laugh. Turning the ignition. Calm before the storm.
Your foot is on the pedal before you can regret everything. Before you can tell him that you're so sorry about leaving this way.
In the rearview mirror, you watch him wait until you're completely outside of the gate, then jog back inside.
The whole way home, you think you're going to cry. But you're empty. Resolute.
On Sunday, you ignore his calls, eventually texting him that you're busy with Danielle and you'll talk tomorrow.
It's all true.
Dani had been an unbelievable friend, so you figured she deserved to know that you were leaving before everyone else.
Truthfully, you expected a better reaction.
She had seen you save money, she knows you want to finish school and that if it weren't for her, you'd have nothing keeping you here. She pulls the full truth out of you and you agree that the Abbotts would be a reason to stay.
Except they aren't.
You tell her all about Perry's accidental revelation, the logic behind your sudden leave and why it is better this way.
"Don’t you think Perry would only say that if he was scared his brother is falling in love with you?"
You glared at her, then. Begging silently to not be encouraged in favor of optimism and romance.
"No. He made it clear he thought I was wasting his time, preventing him from being with the person he actually needs."
"Maria? They’ve had their chance and neither of them has ever done anything about it, that should say enough."
"And, so what? Your feelings don’t matter, are not worth seeing through because he had a crush on the girl everyone had a crush on?"
Reinforcing how desired she is doesn’t help.
"Please. Stop."
It's safe to say she doesn't agree, and she calls you a moron a handful of times, but ultimately concedes when she sees you've made up your mind.
"I think you'll regret the way you're going about it. But I've also never seen you backtrack on a decision. For better or worse, we'll see."
She helps you pack and write your resignation letter, and you end the night watching another Pixar movie with Shiree and ice cream.
Your phone sits on the bedside table all day, untouched.
It's Monday, your last here.
Lenny is the most supportive, happy to hear you're going to finish school. He requests that you send graduation pictures, and it's a great idea.
You and Dani spend your entire shift attached to the hip as it's a slow day, talking about how she'll be miserable again at work and you will look for her in every diner you go to.
Like a storm to finish the day, a sweaty Amelia Abbott bursts through the doors. Did she run here?
"Is it true?"
"Amy, what are you-"
"Shiree said you're leaving tomorrow. Is it true?"
You look back at Danielle, who has an apologetic look on her face. Turning back to the little girl, you're ready to beg for forgiveness at the sight of her blue eyes filling up with tears.
"Oh, Amy, I was gonna say goodbye."
She turns and runs out of the diner. Danielle is already dialing Perry to let him know that he should drive past the school. Right after, she bolts out of the back door to go get her before she gets too far.
The heartbroken child sulks into her father's car, and you watch from the counter.
Dani comes back inside, walks past you into the lockeroom, and comes back again with her own keys.
"There's like an hour left."
"It's your last day, he won't even notice, go."
You sit there, picking your words, before starting the truck. For someone who calls herself a writer, you're often out of right things to say.
The quiet inside the house when you knock is daunting.
Perry opens the door, and he looks distressed, almost pleading for you to come in and explain.
Inside, Rhett is looking at you in disbelief.
"I was going to say goodbye, I promise."
"Can somebody, please, tell me what's going on?"
It's funny that Rhett, expert mutterer, is the one who understood what a crying Amelia was saying. Now, you can hear soft sobs from one of the rooms with the door closed.
"I'm going home tomorrow. Back to university. Quit today. I only told Danielle yesterday, but she told Shiree so she wouldn't have a shock and then she told Amelia at school."
The father looks unsurprised, which in turn surprises you.
You point to the closed bedroom door. "Can I try?"
He nods.
You sit down in front of the door, knocking first.
"Amy, it's me. I'm sorry. I was going to say goodbye. I'm sorry you found out this way, really." You breathe in. "Look, I have one year left. Remember when I showed you the campus pictures? I love that place. I love what I study. I want to be able to practice it. It's…who I am. I'm going after what I most want. We talked about doing things for ourselves, right? That's all this is, okay? My number stays the same, and you can send me any draft you write, anytime. Or questions your stubborn old English teachers don't want to answer. Any book report you need help with. I'm not too far away, Amy. It'll be fine."
Your eyes are closed, brows furrowed in hopes that she's actually listening instead of shoving her earbuds in like you used to when your foster parents tried to discipline you.
There's more that you wan't to promise her. That she can visit you, that you'll write letters to each other to practice, that you'll come see her. But that would make you too present in the Abbotts' life. You made sure she can reach out to you if she needs, and your communication will be direct. If you sent a letter, everyone at the house would be reminded of your existence. It's not what you're after.
There's no response, so you stand up, smoothing your clothes silently.
Rhett's chair screeches against the floor and he swings the front door wide open, stepping outside. It's your cue to follow. Perry stops you on the way to say he'll try and get Amy to come out and hug you goodbye, which you find oddly sympathetic.
You lean against the porch, watching him pace in front of you.
"I don't get it."
"C'mon. You funded part of my back to school campaign. Hardly a surprise that I'm going back to school, is it?"
"Don't be fucking sassy with me now."
You take a deep breath, preparing to fill the shoes of the asshole. It's deserving.
"What? How are you gonna defend this? Amy's heartbroken. Again. You think she likes to be left like this? Time after time. And with no warning. Swept off her feet."
You suspect he's not talking about his niece.
"I'm sorry."
"Sure, yeah." He finally stops pacing. You're standing in front of him, your hands clasped in front of your body, eyes burning against the sun. "I thought…"
"I apologize if I lead you on-"
"You didn't lead me on, kitten, you meant it. What happened to your honesty? Why are you lying to me?"
Right into your lap.
"That's the thing, Rhett. I don't know. Ever since I've been here, what I've done the most is lie. Sneak around. I don't like it. I don't belong here, and it shows."
"Bullshit! Who told you that? Was it one of those blonde fucking pricks?"
"Please, I can't have thoughts of my own?"
"Not insecure ones like this, no."
This is more hurtful than what you imagined. But it's good that he's being honest. You'll remember these words forever and probably be too embarrassed to return here.
"Like I said, I'm sorry."
He throws his hat on the ground, stepping right up to you, grabbing your hands in his.
"Stop fighting yourself."
It shakes you to your core, to hear what you needed to all your life. And from someone who you…
You can't.
"Jesus, Rhett! Wake up!" You push his hands away. "This is your life, your family. Doesn't it matter to you? It's not about me. You need to step up for them, and I'm not the girl who's going to get you there, I'm just not! So you need to find her. If you haven't already."
His blue eyes have never been icier. You can imagine what he thinks of you now. Manipulative. Spoiled. Deceiving.
In the background, Royal's sprinting on top of a horse, cussing angrily. You question Rhett.
"What's up with him?"
He runs a hand across his forehead, reluctant.
"Our dear neighbors are convinced we trespassed their property and are legally demanding we give it back. It's a, uh, considerable amount of good land."
You feel like snapping that useless piece of shit in two. Had it not been enough? To tell him that it meant nothing, that you weren't going to stay with him or feed into this silly rivalry…
You praised him while backstabbing Rhett for him to betray you one last time?
He notices your thousand-yard stare nearly setting fire to all the grass in your vicinity. He warns you, calling your name in a way that says 'don't'.
"Those shitheads- Son of a bitch! I asked him…"
Rhett finally closes the distance, fingers kneading the knots on your shoulders as you huff, exasperated.
"Relax. This shows it has nothing do with you."
His hands massage your neck, thumbs caressing the ends of your jawline, and you close your eyes for a second.
"How so?"
"I'm assuming that's what you pulled him aside the other night to talk about. Play the game. Boost his ego, ensure I'm no threat, and he'd leave us alone. Because you're smart. If it was about you, they would have stopped. It didn't work, so it's unrelated to you, right? It's business. You don't understand, forget it."
You let him pull you in for a hug, stroking your hair while your arms envelop his body.
But then, it hits you. You don't understand. Maybe you made things worse by talking to him, maybe he told his brothers to punch harder, or didn't talk to them at all. Once again, you're proven to be out of your element. You wonder if she would have made this mistake. Or if she would have known the right way to handle this, them. Part of you roots for her.
You push him off.
"Or I wasn't convincing enough. Leaving can still make things better."
"Is that why you're going?"
"Rhett-" You're tired. Can't he just yell, grab your arm, tell you to never show up here again. That, you know how to thread. "It's not why, but it's a damn good reason."
He laughs at you, incredulous. Like he can't take you seriously. Like his brother, when he was drunk. It's a nauseating sight.
"Ok. So, what, you're bad for me? Get over yourself."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." He's in your face again. "You really think that works on me? Is that how stupid you think I am? You’re bullshitting."
How is he controlling the situation? How did this happen?
"What do I do with that?"
"Tell the truth."
"I am!"
"Not that. Just two weeks ago. Prick's last night in town. You said to him, it didn't mean nothing. What didn't?"
"I didn't know you heard that."
"You and I. It didn't mean anything, soon enough I'd go back to Boston and you'd stay here."
"Did you lie to him, or to me?"
"I have a ticket back to Boston so-"
"Did it mean nothing to you?"
He's staring you down, breathing fast on your face, eyes searching yours for any signs of weakness.
It's right in front of him. The answer.
All these years valuing honesty, putting it on a pedestal, clinging to it as the one virtue you can count on… It made you a terrible liar.
He knows. You realize, then, that his point isn't to hear that you cared for him and that it wasn't all meaningless. Your leaky eyes, heaving chest, gritted teeth, it shows him that you do care.
He's asking you to speak up. To fight for yourself, instead of against. He probably doesn't mind you going back to school, he helped you, even. All he wants is to hear it.
Are you going to let go, tell him how much he means to you and that you'll be back for him? Or will you cower and run, leaving him behind?
You swallow an entire speech.
Rhett backs off, side-eyeing you one last time as he walks towards the steps, before turning to you. "In that case, you're probably right."
Then, Amelia interrupts your moment, running past her uncle and almost knocking him down in the process. You almost tumble yourself with the force of her hug.
It's crushing, and wet from her tears. You smooth her hair.
As fast as she came, she goes. Her weight is missed.
She takes her uncle's hand as she goes up the porch's steps, Perry watching from the doorway.
You fish for the truck's keys in your pocket, hearing the wooden door of the house shut behind you.
It's an even quieter than usual morning for the Abbotts.
The goddamn dogs look disinterested.
Amy woke up asking to skip school again, but his brother said no. She has spoons under her eyes to try and downsize the puffiness.
He didn't cry. Why would she?
Danielle called, he's not sure why, to say that you were gone. And to relay that you sent Amy a hello, wished her a good day in school.
Life is swift.
They'll be fine.
But he doesn't get it. At first, he thought he could save you from a poor excuse of a man. He had stolen girls from the boys next door before.
Eventually, the obvious dawned on him. They're not teenagers anymore.
You weren't nice to him to be saved, you were just nice. Yourself. Even if you hid, guarded up, dipped your toes in the water before diving. It was only fair. You decided he was good enough to let in.
And then he had screwed it up by fucking you in a strange place against a wall. Coming inside you with no regard for your well-being despite telling you he wanted to make you feel good. Instead, he probably ended up making you feel like another notch under his belt.
He was terrified. That he had lowered your expectations on people even more, convincing you to stay with your boyfriend because it doesn’t look too much better out there; that he had shown you his worst side and you'd never want to look at him again.
But you smiled, just a few days after. Teased him like he noticed you only did with him. Told him he had nothing to worry about, while you worried sick for him and his family. Didn't let him ease your nerves. A no-good, infuriating tendency to be self-righteous.
He knows- He knew you. What he doesn't understand is why you couldn't break those vices for him. What else could he have done to make you feel safe enough to?
You'd sacrifice yourself if it meant his family would be alright.
Did he not make it clear that he doesn't want you to? That, as long as you're gone, he will not be alright? And if he's not alright, he can't step up or whatever you said.
Then, there was all that talk about Maria. Obviously, the woman still affects him. They never got their chance, it's bound to make him wonder…
But even after all these years, he has no clue who she is. What she likes, what she hates. He knows her story by accidentally being part of it, and even then, he doesn't know it that well.
In a few months you managed to leak into every bit of his life. He memorized all of the pieces that built you, made the effort to. And he wanted more. He wanted you everywhere.
Everyone but his niece was skeptical. They liked you despite how vastly different you are, it scared them. For a family who has been through enough hardships, change is always uncomfortable. He spent nights awake thinking about how he could sprinkle a good word about you every dinner, maybe recruiting Amy, so that you'd feel loved by them too. They could love you, he's sure of it.
He doesn't understand why he's not enough. You must have noticed his effort. Sure, he wasn't too good with romance but he never gave up on you. It's not entitlement, you don't owe him anything, he chose you. Like you had said once, that you chose him. What changed?
Why was he not enough?
His mother is frustrated, to put it lightly, that now her two sons brood around the house, and so does her granddaughter. His dad spends even more time working to avoid the off-putting energy in the house.
So she suggests no one goes to Lenny's diner for a while. And that they all go watch him ride on Friday. Then they'll get some good chicken wings on the way home. Together (she means no bar after, no drinking).
They obey dilligently.
The show that night is good, he scores a great time. Maria is there. Not surrounded by blonde assholes, just her friends, he notices. Approachable.
They'll be fine.
last part coming soon :)
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