#i just enjoy going back sometimes. cherishing the fact that i had those moments- even if fleeting or less than ideal in context
von2dutch · 5 months
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Chapter three
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey uso X Black Fem reader | word count: 2.1k | warning: smut, toxic behavior , protected sex | 18+ ONLY
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Lastly, Enjoy.
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As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon inside Jey’s hotel room , a chorus of birds greeted the dawn with a symphony of chirps and songs. The melodic sound filled the air, announcing the arrival of a fresh day full of possibilities.
The calm and tranquil feeling in the bedroom is one of comfort and safety, as if the world is at peace. With Dakota by his side of course.
Joshua slowly opened his eyes to a warm and radiant morning light filtering through the window.
As Jey looked over at Dakota, he saw her sleeping peacefully beside him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart as he watched her snuggled up against his chest, her arms wrapped around him tightly. The moment felt serene, and he took a deep breath, savoring it. He couldn't help but admire Dakota's beauty in that moment, as the soft glow of the moon illuminated her features and added an ethereal quality to the scene. It was a simple yet beautiful moment that he would always cherish.
He gently pulled her close with his arm, and planting soft kisses all over her face and neck, waking her up slowly but lovingly.
Jey had felt horrible about how he treated Dakota especially what he said to her a couple weeks ago when discussing being with her more than just a client.
He initially took in what his brother was saying and realized he loved Dakota not just what she did for him sexually but what she did for him mentally and physically because as much as he was there for her in those needs she was also there in those needs of his. With him being on the road 25/7 it sometimes gets lonely and sad but she always made sure to brighten his day even when she didn’t know she did.
His affection for her was not just a fleeting infatuation. It was a profound feeling that surpassed any previous experience he had ever had. This love penetrated through the depths of his heart and soul, and he had never felt anything like it before. He was completely consumed by her, and she had become the center of his whole universe. In his life, she was the beacon of hope that illuminated his path through even the darkest of times.
She's got him wrapped around her little finger, and he'd do anything to see her smile. He just needed to show her more than tell her and he was going staring today.
“Mmm Josh stop.” Dakota groaned moving her face away to stop the kisses he repeatedly left on her cheeks.
Chuckling he kissed her exposed neck annoying her even more “Ko baby get up I’m bored and I miss you.”
Opening her eyes staring back at his brown precious big eyes she could almlsh Melt into them but at moment all she felt was her love fading away from him because like he said she was just a client. “Josh don’t think cause we had sex last night that every is all dandy and cool cause it’s not.”
Joshua, sighed flustered, sat up abruptly. "Ko, I apologize. What more do you want me to say?" he asked, his tone reflecting a hint of desperation.
Getting out of his grasp she folded her arms looking at him like he was stupid “It’s not about what else I want you to say, I want you to acknowledge what you said.”
“Matter fact I’m done explaining myself cause remember I’m just your client it isn’t nothing else to it so it don’t matter I’m leaving.” Dakota attempted to get out of the bed to grab her clothes and leave but Joshua grabbed her pinning her arms down on the bed hovering over her as his sliver chain dangled in her face he stared in her eyes deeply.
“Dakota, you're more than just a client...I can't be away from you, can't go without seeing your radiant face or hearing your angelic voice. I want to be around you, soak up life with you, and just be beside you. Losing you would kill me. I love you with all of my heart.I don't want to miss a minute without you by my side. I love you Ko.”
“I want you and I’ll prove it by showing you then just telling you.”
That was it. Those words was something she thought she’d never hear but she did. All Dakota could do was stare back into his eyes taking in everything he had just told her. He was in love with her but she was also hesitant to believe maybe he was right he did need to show her.
“Joshua you don’t mean that you’re just telling me that because you want me to get over what you said.” Dakota said being stubborn no matter how much it melted her heart to hear him say those words she just couldn’t believe it.
Laughing to himself softly he knew she would be stubborn and he could handle it he just had to show her how much he meant it “Ko I mean that shit and if it takes me a million hours, years, or months to show you I will. I apologize for I what said I love you and I’ll show you.”
As he hovers above her, his gaze never wavers.He stares down at her with such intensity and passion, as if he owns her.He wants her back in his home, alone, just the two of them for a whole month.
He wants nothing but her all to himself, without any interference or distractions.
“That’s why I want to ask you to come back home with me while I’m off for the whole month just me and you…that’s if you want to mama.” He asked with pleading eyes.
Dakota pondered for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts and doubts. She wanted to believe him, to trust that he was sincere in his words. Could this be his opportunity to prove it? She took a deep breath and looked up at him, searching for any sign of insincerity. When she saw only a warm smile on his face, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. With a smile of her own, she answered, "Yes, I'll go with you."
Instagram Story • Dakota Valentine
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“It’s so beautiful here.” Dakota covered her eyes from the hard sunlight while she admired the beautiful landscape of Pensacola, Florida. The beautiful trees and water was something that amazed her how beautifully it was.
After a long flight from Atlanta in Jey’s private Jet alone just them two the more they spent alone the more she became to believe he actually meant what he said.
“Here ko.” Jey handed Dakota the keys to his home while he grabbed her luggage from the car his driver sat in. “Go unlock the door and chill I got everything and you better be laying down Frl ko.” He glared at her knowing how much she didn’t listen.
Rolling her eyes she caught the keys walking towards the door she threw the middle finger up at him “You already did.” He shot back smartly.
As she turned the doorknob and stepped inside, she found herself mesmerized by the sheer beauty of his home. Every time he had flown her out to his place when he was off, she was left in awe at the stunning interiors and the breathtaking exteriors. It was as if the first time she had visited his home was replayed in her mind every time she visited.
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Dakota walked towards the refrigerator grabbing a drink of water before she plopped down on his white comforting couch she watched as the sunset rose in more beautifully the water waving softly the trees flowing through the wind she was so caught up into the sight that she didn’t hear Josh calling her name.
“Mama you good?”Jey asked sitting next to Dakota on the couch, gently and lovingly takes her feet into his hands.He removes her blue Dior slides and begins to gently rub and massage her feet, caressing every inch of her soft, smooth skin.
He places a gentle kiss on her foot, sending tingles through her body, before rubbing the other foot. She leans back into his hands and sighs contently as he spoils her with this attention and affection.
With a gentle nod of her head, she replied, "Yes, it's just that this place is so breathtakingly beautiful. It's been quite some time since I last visited, and I almost forgot how much I missed it."
“I know I changed some things around here too, remember that painting you wanted back in September when I took you too that art show? I got it hung up right there for you Ko.” He pointed towards the white painted wall where the panting hung.
“Aww thank you baby.” She blushed cheesing happily resting her head and back against the couch.
The two of them sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Jey spoke up, his voice soft and gentle, breaking the comfortable stillness that had enveloped them. As he looked into Dakota's eyes, he spoke with a sincerity that could not be denied, “Dakota I meant what I said earlier.”
Sighing she looked back at him “I know but I want you to show me Joshua not tell me.”
“And I will trust me.”
Park West Beach
“Joshua you bet not have me at no damn water park! For me dressing up when I should be sleeping some damn where.” Dakota stressed as he had his hands covering her eyes leading her towards the beach she felt sand at her foot.
“Dakota shut up and be patient.”
“You shut up! You better not throw me in the water cause I feel sand at my feet and we are at the beach sir.”
Huffing Joshua smiled finally being at the location he desired for her he spoke “okay ima count to three and then I’ll uncover your eyes aight?”
“Yes.” Dakota answered softly geeked with anticipation and eager.
“1,2,3.” Removing his hand from her eyes he stood back watching as she took in what was in front of her.
Dakota's face lit up with a wide smile as she gazed at the mesmerizing sight in front of her. She could hardly believe that he had gone to so much trouble just for her. The ambiance was absolutely perfect, with flickering candles casting a warm, inviting glow all around them. Her favorite foods were carefully laid out on the table, tantalizing her senses with their mouth-watering aromas. The comfortable chairs beckoned to her, inviting her to sit down and relax. And all around them, fragrant roses bloomed, their delicate petals bathed in the soft light of the moon, as they sat beside the tranquil waters.
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“J-Joshua you did all this?” She looked back at him with tears filling her eyes that she so desperately wanted to held back.
Smiling he embraced her into a hug leaving a few kisses on her face “Yeah I had Jimmy and trin help me, you like it?” He asked nervously, he was worried that she wouldn’t like it considering he wasn’t much a romantic partner but he tried and he always with over and beyond for Dakota no matter what.
His love ran deep for her that some would say he was infuriated with her.
“Do I love it? Of course!” She jumped into his arms Jey caught her with one arm wrapping her legs around him he held her tightly then two laughing.
“I can’t believe you did this for me.” She gushed once more before he sat her down gently on the circle chair he sat beside her holding her hand.
As she glanced around she couldn’t help but ask what did he do all this for? Was it to apologize? Because if so she wasn’t accepting it from him no matter how beautiful everything was.
“So what is all this for?” She asked knitting her eyebrows together while she looked into his eyes waiting for an answer.
“Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He took her hand into his moving closer to Dakota he stared directly into her eyes watching as she became nervously because she was biting her lip which he took notice of a few months back of when she was nervous.
“I know what I said a few weeks ago hurt you Ko and I apologize but not only that but I wanted to confess my love for you Dakota.” Jey left a few kisses on her Hand before taking a deep breath.
Jey's eyes burn with the passionate fire and desire he's had for Dakota for so long. He wants to express his love for her with a burning intensity, wants to claim her as his, and make her his in every way possible. It's not just an infatuation anymore, it's something so much more than that.He's obsessed, addicted, and obsessed with her.
As he watches her, he's hit in the gut with the depth of his feelings.It feels like a burning hot flame that's raging within him and he can't deny or stop. He's consumed by his love for her, intoxicated by her beauty and presence.
“I love you with every breath I take, with every beat of my heart", I couldn’t imagine life with you Ko and no matter how stubborn you are I’ll show you I mean it.” he confesses.
Jey holds her hands. He looks at her with pure adoration and devotion, his feelings so deep and his love so real.
"Dakota Kamire Valentine..." he whispers, taking a moment to take in her whole beauty and being.
He takes in a deep breath and continues. "Will you be my girlfriend? My partner in life? My soulmate?"
He stares deeply into her eyes, waiting for her answer, his heart pounding and aching.
Dakota's eyes widened in surprise as she gazed back at him, feeling a mix of emotions bubbling up inside her. She tried to avoid looking directly at him, scanning the surroundings instead, to control her tears. It was hard to believe that Jey Uso, the Joshua she had grown to know so well, was confessing his feelings for her on a picturesque beach, with just the two of them as witnesses. The beauty of the moment was almost too much to handle.
He wanted her and only her and he was going to show he meant it.
“Y-yes I’ll be your girlfriend Josh.” She stuttered tears leaving her eyes Jey embraced her into a hug before wiping her tears away she kissed him deeply.
“I can’t believe your silly ass just asked me to be your girlfriend.” Dakota chuckled wiping away her tears pushing at his chest playfully while smiling at him shyly.
“Yeah it took me a while but I had too I couldn’t stand you possibly being with someone else other than me Ko, I love you.”
"Josh, why did it take you so long to come clean about this? Was it because you were hoping I'd forgive you for what you said, or was it because you saw me at the club with another man and felt guilty? I need to know the truth, Josh," she said, her arms folded as she fixed him with a curious gaze.
“To be honest… It was because of what my brother said.” He spoke “I had realized that I fell in love with you ko and I was scared to admit it because of past experiences as far as my divorce I had a year ago I didn’t want to go through another heart ache if we never worked out Dakota with me being on the road I feared you’ll fall out of love with me too and find someone else new.”
“I feared that maybe you didn’t want this as much or I wasn’t enough but most importantly my one fears made me push back my feelings for you but no matter how hard I tried I always seemed to fall for you deeper and deeper.”
"You probably think I’m bullshiting, but there is truth to these words..You are the air in my lungs, the light in my eye, the smile on my face. You are everything to me, and without you...I feel lost and like a ghost of who I used to be.”
“Your gaze upon me is simply enchanting, it's like a magnet pulling me closer to you. Your mere presence ignites a flame of passion inside me, and I feel alive in your arms. The warmth of your touch sends shivers down my spine, and it's a sensation I never want to lose. You're the missing piece of my puzzle, the one who completes me in every way. I can't imagine my life without you; you're my every breath, my lifeline, and my everything. I love you more than words can express, Ko.”
Dakota couldn’t even spare a word to him after hearing him confess his love for her. She was stunned she couldn’t believe it that the one thing she wanted was happening before her eyes.
She love him just as much as he loved her.
“Aww Josh you gon make me cry…I hate you.” She said playfully before she wiped her tears falling from her eyes. She was in such awe.
“Don’t cry ma I just want to tell you how much I love you uce and I meant it.” Jey kissed her, her lips so soft and so sweet. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his chest, the heat of their bodies making them close and intimate. He touches her body slightly, caressing the curves of her hip before letting his hand rest on her ass. He stares at her with desire, wanting to never stop touching her.
Dakota's eyes sparkled with love as she gazed at Joshua. "I love you, Joshua," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "There's nothing else in this world that I want more than this moment with you." As she spoke, she reached up to caress his face, her fingertips gently tracing the contours of his beard. The touch was soft and delicate, but it conveyed a deep sense of affection and intimacy. Joshua felt a surge of emotion as he looked into her eyes, knowing that he was the luckiest person in the world to have her by his side.
While the two sat and watched the waves of the water flow by quietly Josh spoke “I got something for you.” He said before grabbing a gift from the side of him it was red roses and a jar full of poems of letters that he wrote confessions of his love for her.
“Since you said you liked hand written notes, I decided to do this , here’s 365 hand written notes.”
“Jey you didn’t.” She smiled grabbing the jar opening it she read a few notes in complete awe she couldn’t wait to tell Jasmine she was going to flip about this.
She chuckled softly, unable to contain her surprise as she looked at him. 'You really do have a memory like a steel trap,' she murmured, a hint of admiration in her voice. 'I said that months ago, and yet you remember it like it was just yesterday.' Her laughter was infectious as she leaned in to kiss him, grateful for his thoughtful nature.
“But I did and I wanted to it’s always the littlest things that matter and this is one of them baby.”
Jey gazed at Dakota with a look of compassion and sincerity, and spoke in a gentle tone, "I want to take away any pain that you have ever experienced, Ko. I want to help you heal and feel better."
“What if I told you that you did.” She admitted.
“You Frl ko?”
“Yes I’m Frl, when my mom passed you were there for me every step of the way Jey. With you being on the road and busy 24/7 you still made time for me, you still made sure I was okay no matter how many miles away you were from me it always felt like you were there with me. You made me feel whole again through those dark times and I appreciate and will always love you for that.” She stared at him watching him smile brightly hearing those words.
Jey looked at her, an adoration in his eyes as he stares.
"You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
His eyes are soft and tender, yet there is a desire in them.
"I only want you to be happy, Dakota, even if you'd be happier with someone else."
They both were in love and there wasn’t anything getting in the way of it.
Lovers till the end of time .
To be continued…
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Hey my baby dolls I hope you all enjoyed this lovely chapter! I told y’all he would do better but next chapter will be not so great that’s all ima say na!
Happy Mother’s Day as well hope you all are having an amazing Sunday with your families.
Till next time. Love you all for tuning in🎀
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honeyed-hedonist · 5 months
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Rarely cooks for himself because he’s always on the go, but when he does find the time to whip up a meal, it’s always the best thing you’ve ever tasted. 
Dry sense of humor, but will crack a smile (and sometimes even a laugh) despite himself at your puns/jokes/general silliness
Stubborn as all hell. Will fight tooth and nail with you over the dumbest shit just because he’s so obstinate. 
Speaking of stubborn, good luck getting this man to admit he was wrong. You could draft a whole essay in MLA format with a PowerPoint presentation on why, in fact, he’s completely wrong and he’ll still look you dead in your eyes and say “That proves nothing. I’m right.” Sir, no you are not, let me count the ways. 
Don’t let that deter you though! He apologizes for his stubbornness in other ways--whether it’s a bouquet of your favorite flowers or bringing you coffee in the morning, he’s a man of action, not words.
Stoic and standoffish when you first meet him. It takes him a little while to soften, and there’s a big part of him that wants to cave, to break down those walls and open himself back up, but he fights it every time. Despite that, he craves softness and warmth, so when you come along to give it to him in droves, it’s a losing battle for him to keep you at arm’s length
Once those walls are down it’s like night and day. He’s handsy, can’t keep them to himself. He’s always gotta be touching you in some capacity if only to remind himself that you’re real and he needs to cherish every moment he gets with you because he knows better than most how quickly things can change.
Will always make time for you. Doesn’t matter the time of day or night, doesn’t matter what he’s doing, you call and he’s on his way.
Uses all sorts of pet names on you in English and Spanish. Mi cielo (my heaven/sky), mi alma (my soul), chula (cutie), reinita (little queen), mi amor (my love), babe/baby, angel, sweetheart, sunshine, and bunny to name a few. If it’s sweet and makes you fluster, he’s all for it.
Speaks Spanglish a lot, especially when he’s mad. Will switch between both so fast you can hardly keep up, and he’ll stop mid-rant and give you a sheepish smile, shrugging his shoulders. “My mouth has a mind of its own, bonita. Lo siento.”
Calls you often when the two of you are apart. Can’t end his night without hearing your voice. No matter where he is, you can guarantee your phone will ring right before you fall asleep every single night. He always says he’s just calling you to say goodnight, but then the pair of you end up talking for hours. Not that you mind, the lack of sleep is worth it.
NSFW under the cut 18+ NO MINORS.
Oscillates between a hard and soft dom depending on the day he’s had or the mood he’s in, but regardless of that, he’s always the top. 
Eats for his pleasure. When his face is buried between your thighs, it’s not about you, it’s about him and he’ll eat until he’s satisfied, regardless of how desperately you try to shove him off. “Nuh uh, mami, m’not finished yet. Lay back and take it, huh? Be a good girl and let me have my fill. Tastes too damn good.”
Grunts and growls most of the time, but when he’s feeling softer that man 100% whimpers.
A vocal lover--he likes to taunt and tease you, overwhelms you with praise, forces you to answer his questions even in the midst of your fuzzy-headed bliss. “Speak up, princesa. I asked you if you can feel me deep up in that belly. Yeah? There we go. That’s my girl.”
His favorite positions to fuck you in tend to alternate, but he’s a big fan of doggy with his hand around your throat while you’re on your knees with your back to his chest, mainly because it allows him to sink his teeth into your neck and speak absolute filth in your ear. Missionary or a full blown mating press and prone bone are others he enjoys. Also likes to pound into you from below when you ride him--again, this man is all about control so even when you think you have the upper hand, you don’t. 
Big on marking you--with his fangs or otherwise. When you ask him to bite you for the first time he goes absolutely feral, fucks you so hard you can’t walk right or sit down for a week, your chest, neck, and back littered with bruises, bite marks, and a prominent puncture wound at the hollow of your throat.
Stamina for days. My guy could spend hours on end fucking you into the mattress and he does every single time. There are no quickies with Miguel--when he makes time for you, he makes time. Will clear out an entire day and dedicate it solely to taking you apart and piecing you back together just so he can do it all over again. “One more round, baby. C’mon, need it. You’re not gonna deprive me, are you? Nah--you know better. Open up for me, chula, just like that.”
Big breeder balls. (Sorry, I don’t make the rules.) My boy will stuff you so fucking full. Practically cums buckets and loves to watch it ooze out of your abused little hole when he’s finished pumping several loads inside you. “Lookit that, huh? Ese pequeño coño está lleno, ¿no?” (That little cunt is stuffed full, isn’t it?)
To be continued…..
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mellowmin · 2 years
Character Rant: Osamu Miya!
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Disclaimer: this is only MY PERSONAL OPINION and my own takes on these characters, please do not interact if you don't like or agree with this 💜
suggestive (not really?), reader is referred to as 'baby' but is mostly gn
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Okay, I've been in such a Samu mood lately it's crazy.
He's definitely my favorite twin, as much as I love Tsumu and his needy, clingy almost desperate way of loving; Samu just hits different and here's why
○ SAMU. IS. GREEDY. And he's not ashamed of it. When he falls in love with someone, he wants every bit of this person to be his. He becomes protective, sometimes possessive, and he makes it known that he's not happy with other people getting as close to you as HE is.
○ This boy is ALL about secret/private/exclusive stuff. He cherishes your little inside jokes and traditions (he would rather DIE than skip your weekly movie night) and the way he acts lmao. Sometimes it feels like y'all are doing something wrong with the way he sneaks around to go see you.
○ It may happen that you get it in your head that he's embarrassed to be seen hanging out with you, but upon bringing it up to him he's pretty quick to admit that he's only doing that so that Tsumu (and maybe Suna) won't get the chance to invade come along with you guys. If by that point you're not already dating him, his pout and red face make it very clear that he appreciates your company more than you could even imagine.
○ Something that I feel connects me to his character is his love for food (I probably relate to him because I'm the same way); I feel like he may not outright say what he feels but the way he acts around people and food tells a lot about his heart. Especially when it comes to sharing his food, and sharing in general.
○ So, as a twin, Samu's no stranger to sharing. He's shared with his brother for most of his life; from sleeping in the same cot as babies, to toys, rooms, snacks, clothes, etc. This is something that affects Tsumu as well, but I feel like it digs deeper with Samu, like he felt like he's never had something that truly belonged to him and only him-
○ Until he began to show interest in cooking. It was one of the best moments of his life; his mama told him that if he could make his own lunches for school, no matter what it was (as long as it was healthy), he could eat all of it without sharing with his twin. At the time, Mama Miya was only trying to kindle this new hobby, but little Samu saw it as life finally giving him a chance to keep something to himself.
○ So... that may have resulted in him developing a pretty... peculiar relationship with food. Over time, he realized that he didn't mind sharing his food with Tsumu as much as he liked seeing his dumb twin's face light up when trying his increasingly tastier recipes, and he could not ignore how full his heart felt when it was his mama or his senpais enjoying the food he made. Like that, food started to become more meaningful to Samu when it came to expressing his love.
○ On a few occasions, his fangirls would approach him with food, sometimes homemade and often storebought, but Samu almost always ended up giving them away to whatever pair of grubby hands was the closest to him at lunch (👀Tsumu👀). Especially when he started having feelings towards someone, taking those kinds of gifts (let alone give them back) felt wrong. He's nothing if not loyal.
○ That being said, as his s/o, he's your buffet lol. Take everything from him and he'll ask if you got room for dessert. This goes for food and in general, and I feel like he'd want to be with someone who's as horny greedy for him as he is for them. He also likes to feel validated in the fact that he belongs to you as much as you belong to him :')
○ So, imagine the scrunch, the absolute sneer on this man's face when some girl comes to him (when he's already dating you) and asks him to make something for her.
"Why would I do that? Who are you"
pfft yeah, no one is trying that again any time soon
○ When he's really whipped, you know you can trust him because you see the disgust on his face when he has to interact with someone who might have a thing for him. His friends tell you that he's whipped, you can see it, everyone can see it and honestly, he's not ashamed.
○ One time, he drunk texted you while he was out with friends, and before you could reply, he sent you a video.
Upon opening the video, you get a close up shot of your bf's hairy nostril before he pulls the phone away enough to film himself and his friends, all screaming nonsense like a bunch of lunatics. You giggle at their antics and pity the poor girl under Tsumu's arm; who is currently getting her left ear melted off by the blonde's yelling (also, knowing him, he probably stinks of beer)
○ However, you don't pity the random (quite gorgeous) girl who shoves herself into frame; wrapping her arms around Samu's waist while saying hi to the camera. The way that his face twists from drunk happiness to utter disgust is almost comical, he looks offended.
"Ewww who the fuck are you? Dontouchmeohmagad" Samu's words are heavily slurred but he doesn't stumble one bit as he shoves the girl away from him. "You're ugly, get away" He glares fiercely at the retreating offender.
The last bit of the video is him pouting and mumbling, presumably having forgotten the camera currently filming his chin from a rather unflattering angle
"I don't know who you are but you ain't ma baby n' I only want ma baby"
○ UGHHHH JUST SAYINGGGGGG you should put a ring on this man ASAP cuz
Osamu Miya is 100% pure husband material
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I. Midoriya,, confession
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Izuku Midoriya x Male!Reader
Word count: 604
Characters mentioned: Izuku Midoriya
Alternative ending
Part two
note//: All of this is fiction and has nothing to do with the actual characters. I do not claim to own these characters or have made them. This is fiction and for personal entertainment. Thank you and enjoy. NOT PROOFREAD. I apologize for the mistakes. Do not repost anywhere, I do not mind reblogging, please and thank you. (Had to add the bold text and all that I made in Google docs b/c it didn’t transfer over. Didn’t know that.). @izukumidoriyashusband
tw !! : angst, crying, rejection.
Izuku has liked you for years, he understands the fact that he’s your best friend and he wouldn’t do anything to ruin that but he just can’t hold his feelings in any longer. Will you accept his feelings or will you shatter his heart? There’s only one way to find out.
Sitting on his bed, Izuku always wondered what was so great about you. Was it the way you style your hair?
Maybe it was the way you walked around the world like you owned it and nobody, and I mean nobody, could tell you otherwise.
Or maybe it was the way you actually gave a shit about him.
You don’t care about how powerful his quirk is.
You’ll still challenge him head on and shit, maybe sometimes you will lose. Other times, you’ve managed to outsmart the boy
‘How do I get rid of this feeling in my chest’ Izuku thinks to himself
‘You tell them.’
Another voice other than his own responds to him.
‘That’s it! I’ll tell them.’
He’s constructed a plan to tell you everything.
Was it better in his head?
It’s 2pm on a Friday. Training took up a lot of the day but for some reason, the UA students had nothing to do now but relax.
“I’ll make my move now,” Izuku whispers to himself.
“Uhh. What move?” Y/N asks in a whisper as well, startling poor Izuku and having him jump back.
“Oh! Uh nothing! I’m just thinking of ways to study better…! Heh.” He responds in a panic, receiving a ‘I totally believe you’ look from you.
“Sureeee. And I’m Batman.” You respond in a very sarcastic tone. The one Izuku loves to hear, it makes his heart skip a beat.
“But um, Y/N?” “That's my name, ‘Zuku.”
“Can I talk to you for a moment? In private? Please?”
Y/N stares at the boy for a moment before giving him a silent nod.
Izuku wastes no time, grabbing Y/N by his wrist and heading outside of the UA building, he receives weird stares from people he passes but he’s too focused on making sure his heart doesn’t jump out of his chest.
When they’re outside, Izuku finds a tree under the shade, he’s breathing heavily and he’s visibly shaking.
He lets go of Y/N’s wrist and takes a deep breath.
“What’s up, bro?”
God that word brings so much pain.
“Well um… Y/N I’ve liked you for so long and no matter what happened, you were always right there. You made me feel like the best person to ever walk the earth and-“
Izuku is too busy talking to notice your wide eyes and how you look almost…disappointed?
“I wanna cherish you forever. I wanna give you the love that no guy ever will. I wanna be the one you come home to. The one who holds you at night when you don’t feel well. I wanna have arguments and the times we forgive each other. I want to have those late night talks with each other about nothing and make it into something, all I wanna say is I love y-!”
“Let me stop you there.” You interrupted his sentence and he takes a look at you finally.
Did you always look this aggravated?
“I’m sorry but you’re only my friend. For fucks sake, I call you my little brother to my friends and family.” Y/N’s tone is no longer warm but cold.
Izuku’s heart. Shattered into two.
‘Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.’ He repeats in his head over and over, drowning out your voice. He cannot bear the rejection, even though he knew it may come.
He runs off in a flash, not wanting to hear it. The last thing he heard from you clearly was you yelling his name.
Izuku is now in his room. Pillow in his chest and crying.
“H-how could I be so stupid..?” He cries into his pillow.
‘How could he ever love me..?’
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faces-ofvenus · 2 years
Hi sweetheart I'm here as I said, I've been thinking about headcanons all night based on what you said. I have two things in mind so we can start with the soft one. I would like you to base of a girl older than him, perhaps a little younger than his own mother with whom Jace feels he has totally lost his mind. Thank you very much!
— 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧: 𝐚𝐛𝐜𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐠𝐡
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A - affection | how do they show affection
The way Jacaerys shows how much he likes you, or cherishes you, will always be mostly for quality time, he just wants to be with you, or be near you, look at you as if you were simply the most magnificent and divine being, without any outside interference.
The fact that he prefers a thousand times to be near you when he is free from his duties than to do anything, whenever someone is looking for you they just look for you, because they know that Jacaerys takes advantage of every moment to be able to be near you.
But one thing I would see different maybe with your s/o would be the fact that he is more open to physical touches, and more affectionate, than if you were a younger person, this especially if you want to touch him back, it may not even seem like it but he listens and hears the whispers and gossip around him very well, he just learned to live with it.
To think that people think he is with you just for a political/economic deal disgusts him, the fact that you are older than him has never helped either, not that he would care, nothing intimidates him, nothing, especially the people the other lords and ladies teasing him, this only makes him kiss you for longer periods, and longer, obviously nothing that is too promiscuous he respects and still wants to honor you.
B - balance | how do they balance you, work/school/life?
It's so hard, he's almost going crazy sometimes, because all he would like to do is be in bed with you, sleeping, having a cuddle session, or just relaxing, everything, but as his mother always or almost always makes a point of reminding him, he would be your heir, and should be prepared for it, Jace has always had so much of this stigma about him, it would be so hard to get out of it.
I see that sometimes he ends up not only neglecting himself, but you as well, like the days you barely saw each other and exchanged words, sometimes it was the endless classes that took up his time, sometimes it was his dragon training, sometimes it was some private didactic with his mother or uncle.
Just when he thinks he can be alone with you, there sincerely appears some extravagant and pompous event that he would have to attend.
And not only that, you being a widow and having taken control of your husband's house wouldn't be easy either, you know how much the jealous wolves want your position, and you know how easy it would be for them to take it away from you, so you work twice as hard, and sometimes verge on exhaustion, even if your last and first thought, when sleeping and waking up are those of Jacaerys, your handsome and jovial prince.
When honestly the scales were already full and you guys just exploded, Jace would drop all obligations, fuck sincerely he thought, he hadn't felt his lips in a week, it was killing him, and you could say the same.
So if I were to give a rating of how balanced you two are, I think I would give it a 6 out of 10.
C — cuddles | do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?
I already say that in public you and Jacaerys are as reserved as possible, yes you have some caressing exchanges, mostly with your hands, and some dropped kisses when you can't hold your affection any longer, but you both wouldn't like to give that taste to the people around you.
But in private, yes oh man, you guys can't get away from each other, I think the best place you would love to cuddle obviously would be either in your bed or in his bed, that's obviously if you're both not married yet and it's a total secret, but if you are your bed has seen so many things, I think Jace loves it when you're on top of him, he's sitting at the head of the bed, you're on his lap, just cuddling and kissing, you laugh because Jacaerys makes you feel like a little girl in pre-puberty, who is just having make-out sessions with the boy she liked.
And honestly you love that feeling, how he makes you feel invigorated, when he kisses not only your lips, but your hands, your cheek, forehead, nose to the back of your ear, when you do the same act with him, and you're just enjoying that moment alone, that's for sure the best part of your days.
Jacaerys loves it when you go out and he is just lying on your lap while you are messily mussing up your hair, and Vermax is behind you, cuddling up too, maybe those days are the best of his life, his heart in those moments just thinks that this is why he fell head over heels in love with you, and that the choice to marry you, or to be with you, could never be the wrong one.
D - date | what was your first date?
You were honestly quite apprehensive about going on a date with Jacaerys, not just because of the talk, or your own insecurities, but just because, you had seen him as a child, a nephew, for so long, even though you had feelings for him, it still felt strange to you, the possibility of going out on a date with him.
Especially being seen publicly, all of this frightened you too much, and Jace quickly realized it, that he in no way wanted to make you uncomfortable, and for a moment thought you were denying him or wanting to cancel, which you vehemently denied and just admitted you were unsure if it was right.
Your first date was in his room, yes it was strange and everyone would think that something was going on within the walls, but honestly it was absolutely nothing of the sort, Jace simply made his room into a restaurant, it was so surprising that it didn't have a bed, you would surely call it some kind of dining room or something, the servants just showed up to drop off dinner and so on.
You were free of the ties, uncle and niece or any insecurity that clouded your minds, you were just two young men getting to know each other, no labels, no ties, you allowed yourself to laugh and joke with Jace, and some of his teasing jokes, while he will a new side of you (somewhat sarcastic and bold) you also allowed him to show his flirtatiousness, and you saw no longer the boy you thought he was, but a man.
E - excited | how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?
Describing how excited Jacaerys gets when he sees you is simply impossible, this is due to the fact of the anxiety he feels, before they even established a relationship, he could not show that he was in love, even failing miserably in this sense, and as you yourself did not live in Dragonstone, and only visited a few times a week he spent the rest of the days waiting for your arrival, and you came at the moments he least expected, to make his anxiety worse.
From this he always wanted to be ready for your visits, yes the maids were shocked at how you he was always highly cleaned, he prized for care to impress you, and always wanted to have something new to show you and impress you, when his eyes directly hit your eyes, they seem to glow, his heart beats so fast, and his hands even get a little sweaty, he gets almost all silly when talking to you, you find it so sweet, it draws sighs from you, how attentive he is to you.
You feel almost the same, it's strange, and you hate it, you hate it all, you don't want to feel anxious to see your nephew, your friend's son, you don't want to feel warm when his brown eyes look at you like that, you just don't want to but sometimes it can't be impossible.
F - fighting | what happens when you fight
Okay, both you and he are extremely pacifist people, you try very hard to talk to solve your problems, even if sometimes you provoke each other to the point of causing small discussions, between you, but as I said, they are silly provocations that lead to equally silly discussions.
But when it's a serious discussion that really wears both you and him down, things aren't so nice, I can't say that between you there's shouting and crying, you're just cruel, saying things that you know can hurt each other, as a way to get somewhere that neither of you know.
You have already cited the fact that he is a bastard, and he is a bastard due to the fact that you are already at an "advanced" age and have no children, and it was painful to say the least, to have such an awkward and awkward silence between you after that, you just want to apologize, and go back on your words.
Your fights usually happened when one of you was EXTREMELY exhausted, when your responsibilities, sleepless nights, and days without seeing each other, charged the bill in the end, you then became two totally different people than you really are, Rhaenyra always warned you of your easy irritability when mentally exhausted, and already warned her own son with the same speech.
But your stubbornness and obvious pride often ended up blinding you, making you get into these kinds of fights and more serious discussions, sometimes for totally idiotic reasons, but that end up becoming big things.
G - gorgeous | pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?
As he likes to be called first of all, Jace is crazy when you use the suffix "my" so hot from your lips, he loves the possession over him that you hold, my prince, my love, and specially my king, you calling him king, that's something quite personal, knowing the problems you'd have if you were heard calling him king, but he doesn't stop being so elated when you're in your rooms, and you just whisper in his ear in a way that's for sure to tease him, ah you love to tease Jace.
He's not a shy man, but he can't stop himself from blushing, when you look at him seductively and call him by that nomenclature, he feels so trapped, like he can do anything you ask.
Sometimes to get a little joke out of him, mostly for fun, you call him, "little Velaryon," or "Velaryon child," he hates it a little, he admits, and sometimes it reminds him of his tender age, the age comparisons between you, and he doesn't want to feel like he can't have a woman like you, or that you deserved someone older and more "mature," but nothing that a kiss on the lips, and arms wrapped around your neck pulling you closer can't fix, and you add your weak point, "My sweet Velaryon child".
Nicknames like Jace are also used quite often, not so much as my prince for example, or my love, it's just that you think it's more intimate, and easier to use in public, without either of you ending up embarrassing or offending anyone and he likes it, in fact everything that comes out of your beautiful lips he loves just for being yours.
Jacaerys is also a man of many nicknames, usually he likes to call you also with the suffix mine, not only he sees that it is yours, but he likes to remind you that you are also his, he calls you my princess, you denied it saying that you are not a princess, and he like, you will marry me, so yes you are a princess, AH my princess, my love especially when you are in romantic moments, Jace has a lot of creativity with nicknames, and he is always changing them, he just has many ways to describe you in the sweetest ways possible.
The day you touched Vermax, he called you sweet dragon tamer, and you were looking all scared shitless, how can you find a cute nickname for that, and he just laughs and kisses your forehead, while encouraging you to touch the dragon even more.
He calls you my queen, and you just look at him so skeptical, we can't blame you, anyone would fall in love with that, and you might as well be jumping up and down with pure happiness, and living a cheesy romance, but just, you're realistic, just an engagement between you is something, almost, almost impossible, now you being his queen, it's just so far away, you never thought.
But the way he speaks with such conviction, when he looks at you with adoration and talks about how beautiful and beloved queen you will be, and will not only stay in the role, but will command and rule by your side, that is so, you never imagined it just makes you sure, that he is for sure the man of dreams, and you are so lucky, and are sure to enjoy that feeling.
H - hi | first time meeting
You obviously met because you were a long time friend of Princess Rhaenyra, even though you were about 5 or 4 years younger than her, in adulthood you eventually met again, and really created a bond of friendship, just as you were also friends with Lady Alicent.
The visits to King's Landing and Dragonstone were even very frequent, sometimes you were the moral compass of both, especially of the ambitious Alicent, but anyway, you were present at the birth of Jacaerys Velaryon, your first "legitimate" son with Lord Laenor Velaryon, honestly you didn't feel anything for the child, it would even be strange, being more busy with your own troubled personal life.
Even knowing the possible illegitimacy of your considered "nephews" and the possible crossroads your friend was getting into, always supporting her you always helped the three boys, especially Jace and Luke, giving many lessons on content entertainment, you were considered one of the smartest minds in Westeros, even being a little "young" and inconsequential.
Jacaerys quickly came to see you yes still as his aunt, but honestly from the age of 13 or 14 he could already eagerly feel the butterflies in his stomach whenever he looked at you, whenever you scolded him or taught him were his best moments of the day, you were so beautiful to him, maybe the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and also one of the most different (he would be a young Rhaenyra, and you would be a mold of Daemon).
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I hope it turned out minimally good and coherent, gee I told you I was going to share it, I was so looking forward to it.
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hoeforinarizaki · 2 years
Type: Scenario
Aoba Johsai x Dying!Fem!Reader (Whole Team)
Summary: Staying always by their side, the team had learned to always be by yours as well. But as days go by, sometimes even the best things in life haave to go very soon. Or so it is.
Warnings: Cursing, Death, Angst To Fluff, Ghosts
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You sat, expressionless on the bench. Face leaning upwars to the sky, you enjoyed the calm peace the stars in the tranquil night had provided. Focusing quietly, your eyes darted around to look for the brightest one– you had always did that every single time you went stargazing.
"How beautiful." You mutter, as your eyes reflected the clear galaxy right above. Right it was. "Not as beautiful as you." Another voice comes along, and your head smoothly turns around to look at the culprit. Ah, of course. It's your team. Never once had they separated when they were around you. It was pretty obvious, but still sweet how they really just want to hang out with you. To be very honest...it was cute.
With a small smile twitching onto your mouth, you looked away. "Is that so..." Seems practice already ended. You just sat at the back of the gym, around the grassy hill at the back of the school. You enjoyed it since it was quiet, and no one was to bother. Standing up, Iwaizumi offers you a hand. You accept.
Times like these were so nice– always wanting things to stay this way with all those you loved, it just had you a good feeling. It is indeed the best though, isn't it? To feel so loved and accomplished. Every single minute that passed, you cherished them as much as they did with you. Hell, Seijoh loved you. Some confessed, but you never gave back an answer.
And the reason why...had come, during that day.
"Liar. Fucking liar." Oikawa stressfully states, his tears already theatening to spill out of his glistening eyes. The sound of a dangerous slow heart monitor was in tow, everyone else in the team standing right beside the hospital bed. So why didn't you even tell them? When you promised to always say what was on your mind? Did you not trust them enough?
You struggled to move, and yet smiled ever so softly as the captain began to cry. Yes...this was fine. Maybe you can't be happy anymore because this is happening– they still have a long life ahead of them and they can be the ones carrying out that happiness instead.
With a shakened sigh, you try your best to move you head to look at them all. "You knew it, didn't you...Kindaichi? Kunimi?" Knowing that they saw you collapse that day at school right before lunch. The horror visible to their faces, you could never forget that. Kindaichi's hands balled into fists.
"Why didn't you say anything?!" He shouts, and Kunimi grips his sshoulder to stop him from going even further. But the moment itself had already felt too heated. "Sorry...i guess it's just by bad luck huh?" You giggle. You always smiled. No matter how bad it all was, you always kept an optimistic attitude.
Is that why they're so drawn to you? And even so now, they're so awetruck on how you kept happy even though you're probably on the verge of death? "I don't understand you.." Kindaichi's voice cracks, and he backs off. The four third years were the only ones tearing up which was ironic, but the others had already been full on sobbing their hearts out. Why– why did it have to be you of all people? Their sweet, precious manager.
"Well..." You spoke, earning their attention. "I'm actually very sad right now. But what can i do about it? It's already happening, so i might as just smile to ease the pain a little." Softly speaking, you were slowly closing your eyes. Yahaba kept holding onto your hands as if it were the most important thing in the world, squeezing it tight not wanting you to have your rest just yet.
"No...i don't want you to leave." Watari mumbles, gripping his uniform pants tight. He was already crying, so nothing else really mattered anymore. It was all...just you. The fact you're dying right now and nothing could be done about it, hurt so much. "Please...don't take my sunshine away." Sobbing, Kunimi whispers to himself.
Time was moving forwards, there was no more going back now. Your breathing became more shallow, and this was not gone unnoticed by your friends. "(Y/N)." Hanamaki held onto the foot of the bed, not wanting to accept. No, no. Please don't–
With the weakest smile you could manage, your hand goes up to slowly caress Yahaba's tear stained face. Upon the action, he had began to cry even harder because of your weak stature. "Hey, i want you to do me..a favor. J-Just.." Your voice croaks, finally giving up the smile you had once had. "Since now i can't see you guys go to nationals...i want you to keep living until the day we must reunite with each other. Okay?" You began to slowen...
"Wait..(Y/N), don't leave..." Matsukawa mutters, barely looking at you at this point. His eyes were drooping down, not wanting to look at the you he had once known. Your voice kept replaying in their heads, not once faltering. Right. And yet, once the day comes they get to see you again, it'll take so long...
...So i guess now, it's time let go. Hysterical crying and begging could be heard inside the hospital that night. Even the nurses or the doctor themselves managed to pull those boys away from your body. The moment the next day came, they went home reluctantly as well. No one...felt motivated anymore.
What was volleyball again? Oh right, the sport they pursue. Every day at practice, they could barely even focus right while playing. Missing serves, bumping into each other, not having enough energy to save the ball...just everything. Oikawa felt the worst for not knowing your condition earlier. Why didn't his dumb brain realize you were suffering? Why did he not do anything before you collapsed that day..?!
Because of their unwilling selves, they were easily beaten by Karasuno and lost the privilege of being in nationals. Well then, guess this is how it ends. Sometimes things really don't go the way you want them to, really. It may be painful, but then again, no one can predict the future anyway.
The third years cried every night, chanting your name over and over and not a single day was even spared from their mourning. The second years were barely almost passing their exams due to pressure of your death. The first years? They never once stopped visiting your grave at all.
There was despair in their hearts, complete drowned in the sea of guilty and sadness. Was there hope? Maybe, but even if there was the chance of seeing you with them again was low as hell. So maybe that's why...
Maybe that's why they were so happy to see you again.
Now it was your time to cry. Surprisingly, almost more than 50 years later they came to you looking like they always did when you watched over them as close as you could be. Older, dashing and handsome men that you used to manage over. "Finally...reunited huh?" Caressing your cheek, Iwaizumi couldn't believe it. As they always say, your younger self will alway live on with you deep inside your heart. Even after death, comes eternal peace and wished youth.
"You still look like the (Y/N) we know." Matsukawa jokes, and you could only laugh by the intense happiness you genuinely felt. Now it was finally time for a genuine smile again. Rushing forward to group hug your favorite team, your arms were pulled and your feet almost tripped if it wasn't for Kentarō supporting your hips. Your face was flushed.
"What–?" Before you asked, a soft pairs of lips had taken your own, much to the dismay of the others. So soft...and it felt nice though it was slightly awkward. You guessed it to be Yahaba. Pulling back, Kentarō bonks him over the head. "I can't hold it back okay i missed her!" The brown haired boy argues.
Despite the time cut short, it was so much nicer to not be alone during the times you needed more them most. Guess sad endings didn't exist after all. Evem at the end of the day, after all the stress and tears shed, night will always come and give you the rest you always needed. And to reunite with your loved ones, was definitely a very good thing after all.
Looking around in boredom, you walked the streets of Tokyo as you always did when you wanted to see something fun. Yawning, you even wondered why being transparent and dead was cool. Nobody saw you so could try making pranks, but then you forgot you were basically gonna go through everything except your own supernatural friends.
"Hey, girlie!" Oikawa jumps to your side, almost scaring you shitless once you heard him. Sighing, you look at him with the most annoyed expression you could make. "What?" "Since we are technically ghosts now and nobody can see us, how about we have a little fun~?" "STOP IT ALREADY TOORU–"
Right in the distance, the boys prayed for their captain. "Damn, he got called by his first name. F in the chat guys." Hanamaki dramatically claps his hands. Watari snorts. "Poor guy indeed."
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youngbuckisms · 1 year
A little quirky amusement park date between local skelly twink Darby and resident scumbag going good boi MJF
Darby Allin x MJF on a date; drabble
Word count: 742
Warnings: none!
Notes: I used to write this ship quite a bit awhile back, so I’ve missed these two! Enjoy!
Maxwell wasn’t a big fan of a lot of things his boyfriend was into. It wasn’t a surprise, either. Their personalities clashed all the time, but it was something they both loved about one another. Always being introduced to new things, constantly showing one another things they knew they wouldn’t like. Sometimes it was fun, other times it annoyed Maxwell or bored Darby.
For once, however, Maxwell would be the one to plan something that wasn’t a fancy dinner out. Instead, he took Darby to an amusement park, which was right up the daredevil’s alley. He was so excited that it made the scumbag almost forget where he was, that was until he stepped into something that resembled fair food on the ground and suddenly he wanted to just leave. But this wasn’t about him, it was about Darby.
So, here he is, sitting outside the exit of a rollercoaster with a cheap, stuffed tiger tucked under his arm that he had won for Darby earlier, as he scrolled through his phone. He didn’t do rollercoasters, but he would wait in the lines and by the exits for Darby to be done. His boyfriend would return to him, arm tossed around his shoulders as he smiled like an idiot.
“That was awesome! You should seriously do the next one, Max!” Darby encouraged as the two began to walk once more to find yet another coaster of death — as Maxwell called them.
“I think I’ll pass, babe.” Darby rolled his eyes at that, though the smile still remained. He didn’t mind as long as Maxwell was here with him, after all. It wasn’t often at all that his boyfriend would take him to dates like this.
The only other time it wasn’t a fancy restaurant was a skatepark where Darby actually managed to get Maxwell on a skateboard for a few minutes. Whenever Maxwell stepped out of his comfort zone, that’s when Darby cherished these moments.
“How about you ride just one coaster with me, no loops or super big drops, and we can go get dinner tomorrow night at that place you like?” Darby offered, stopping the two of them by standing in front of Maxwell to interrupt his steps.
“You mean the one that you hate because you have to get all dressed up in a suit, which by the way, you always look so goddamn good in?” A smirk playing at Maxwell’s lips as he speaks and Darby just knows he’s almost convinced. He just needs a little more push.
“That’s the one. I’ll even wear that red one that you love so much.” And Maxwell is making a small show of acting like his knees buckled slightly at the thought, head tilted back slightly with a dramatic little groan — acting as though the very thought of Darby in that deep red suit was enough to bring him to his knees. And while the thought doesn’t bring him to his knees, the sight certainly does.
“Alright fine. One ride and after that, no more.” Maxwell spoke firmly, making sure it was clear that it would be one coaster and no more. But part of him wanted to just let Darby drag him to every ride after seeing how wide his smile got upon taking the offer.
However, that thought was quickly tossed aside after the ride was over. His head spun, his stomach churned, and he felt like he was about to puke with every step they took upon exiting the ride. But Darby seemed fine. In fact, he was hopping around, exclaiming how cool it was and how they should go again.
“You don’t look so good.” Darby commented in an amused tone, looking over at his boyfriend who looked at thought he was on the verge of losing his lunch.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Hey, I’ll win you another one of those stuffed animals if we can go ahead and get out of here.” The smaller man laughed softly at the offer, slipping an arm around Maxwell’s waist to guide him to the nearest mini game.
“Sounds like a plan.”
And as Maxwell would waste 20 bucks trying to win a stuffed penguin for his boyfriend, he would remind himself to never go to another amusement park again, no matter how cute an excited Darby was to see.
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pegging-satan · 1 year
Every day at precisely 6pm, the floors adjacent to and below the Armed Detective Agency’s headquarters vibrate. One could argue that it was something supernatural, or perhaps some ability user. Maybe a new weapon. What no one knew was, that it was none of those.
Because at precisely 6pm, every stray cat in the neighbourhood finds its way up to the Armed Detective Agency’s headquarters, straight into the president’s office, where precisely at 6pm he puts out cat food in a number of bowls for them, and the moment they would see him, they’d start purring. Neither the neighbours nor the agency members were privy to the fact.
He named each and every cat, and knows them all. He knows, in intimate detail, their schedules and spots. He can distinguish them by their meows. Each day, on his way to the agency, he tosses little cat treats to the ones he meets on his way and gives them a little pat on the head before continuing on his way. This takes around two hours of his time.
Sometimes, you could hear him speaking to someone in his office. For the longest time no one in the agency could guess who this confidant was, not even Kunikida. Ranpo couldn’t be bothered to tell them the truth. He enjoyed hearing their speculations and telling them would ruin his entertainment. Yosano was in on it as well.
“Oh my little sweetheart you are so adorable, come sit on my lap darling” he listened, eyes wide with shock. A secret lover? The boss has a secret lover? He has her up in his office?? What is he doing?!? Surely this isn’t appropriate workplace behaviour????? No, no. This. This is alarming.
“What in the worl—“ Kunikida swings open the door, to be cut off immediately by the sight he is beholding. Fukuzawa, with a cat sleeping on his lap, another one sitting on his shoulder and another one on the arm of his chair, all purring contentedly. The sight was unlike anything he’d ever seen, he would’ve been less shocked if it had been a lover but cats?
Maybe he hadn’t paid very close attention to his boss’s personality, because now that he thought of it, it made sense.
“What’s the matter Kunikida?” He asked in his usual calm tone.
“No– nothing I- I just thought– no nevermind. I’m so sorry for disturbing– I… I’ll just go now” and with that he left the office at the speed of light. Embarrassed, and completely red in the face, he returned to his desk, silently opened his laptop and went back to work, to embarrassed to talk to anyone, ashamed that he’d even thought that his mentor, his teacher, his boss his father figure would do such a thing.
“Oh my love you didn’t have to climb through the window again”
“Oh sweetheart you came early today”
“Aww You like that? Yeah? Good girl”
“Oh dear you’ve made a mess on my desk. It’s ok I know you’ll lick up”
“Not– not right now baby love oh? Oh. Okay”
“You’re a feisty one aren’t you”
“You’re being disobedient today, my love. Let me do my work and then we can do whatever you like”
“Why do you enjoy nibbling on my fingers so much sweetheart”
“There you go, a brand new collar I had made just for you. Oh it looks delightful”
“We’ll try out some new toys I got today”
Now, Dazai was none to kinkshame, but hearing those words coming from the president’s office was kind of unbelievable. I mean have you seen the man? He talks sparingly, and only when it’s important. The only ones he seems to speak a little more to are Ranpo and Yosano. Things like “Did you have lunch? How was breakfast? What do you want for dinner? How was your day? Ranpo did you spend all your money on snacks again. You must be more careful with your finances. How was my day? Well, it was okay. What do you want for your birthday? We’re going out for lunch tomorrow. We’ll tend to the garden on the weekend ok? So how’s it going with Edgar? He seems to be over more often now. You know, I had a rival like that “had?” Ok have, you cherish what you have with him ok? Things change but stay the same when you grow old together.”
But never this. Maybe he was exploring more now. About time he thought. He did want a peek a glimpse of this lover though so he opened the door, just a crack, expecting to see a beautiful woman, but instead saw a cat on the table, with a pretty pink collar and a little heart charm hanging below a little bell. Fukuzawa looked on with a fond smile as he dangled a toy above the cat’s head and she proceeded to swat it with her paws numerous times. He then took out a cat treat and gave it to her. “Good Girl. You look so charming with that collar on. My precious”
Dazai just about fainted, half out of shock and half out of the fact that for the first time in his life he’d seen president Fukuzawa smiling genuinely and that too at a cat. He went on pretending that nothing happened the rest of the day.
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justice-is-a-weapon · 2 years
In vino veritas [dazai x gn reader]
Chapter 6/?
previous / next
TW: alcohol and dazai tries not to make a sexual remark at one point
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“You’re supposed to put your hand on my shoulder blade, you know?”
Slightly nudging his hand a bit upwards I continued talking.
“This is my butt you’re touching.”
“No way! This is your waist.”
“I think I know my own anatomy better than you do”
Now he was biting his lip. Yep he’s definitely trying not to make the a bit too sexual remark that would fit perfectly.
“Don’t you dare say it.”
“I’m gonna say it.”
“Dazai, no.”
“Dazai, yes!”
Now too busy laughing he stepped on my foot.
“Oh shit I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine! It’s fine!”
This made us laugh even harder. He threw his head back. His adam's apple moved slightly while he laughed.
He collected himself soon after to continue talking:
“You look very mean but you’re actually very fun to be around Ophelia.”
“No one has ever said that to me to be honest.”
“That you look mean or that you’re fun?”
“That I’m fun. I get that ‘oh you look a bit unpleasant’ thing a lot.”
“Yeah I thought so.”
Yep he deserved that (lighthearted) slap on his arm. He just smiled. And so did I. Just a peaceful, joyful moment between the two of us. Just the two of us. I’ve never imagined myself being so happy in Japan. So happy with him. Stumbling over our own feet in my small living room we had the time of our lives. I may not know why I let him in or how he managed to find a place in my heart but for now I was content.
I was quiet for too long and as always the detective saw right through me.
“Ophelia, you’re thinking again.”
“Don’t worry this time it’s nothing depressing.”
“So what are we thinking about, huh?”
“About this memory we’re making right now.”
This earned me a small chuckle from him.
“I think it’s going to land in the ‘the few happy moments I’ve got to experience in this life’ drawer in my brain.”
“When it comes to my little brain library” Dazai looks right at me “I think so too.”
I was right. This memory did indeed end up in a tiny little happy file in both of our “brain libraries” as he told me at another of our meetups later on. And I cherish this moment, this night, to this day. I really think Dazai made me experience pure happiness, not a bad intention or motive behind our actions, for the first time in years. And so I laughed and danced and drank with him, not caring about the tripping over feet or the emptying of bottles and smell of cheap booze.
What I did not realize was that just like those bottles left in my kitchen I would remain empty the next morning as well. He must’ve left sometime in the middle of the night while I was already asleep. I had offered him my couch. After refusing the offer at first he decided to lie down and sleep. I begged him to. With his face red and not being able to stand straight at the end of our drinking escapades he was not more sober than I was.
To your information I was absolutely hammered. I ended up waking up in my everyday clothes. Those I had also greeted him in. I must’ve ended up passing out after Dazai had drifted off to sleep.
But while being oh so aware of the fact that I was alone again I couldn’t ignore the cozy blanket I was tugged into. I couldn’t recall ever having thrown one over myself last night.
It was a bittersweet morning after. You only ever realize what you had, what you missed out on, after you’ve had it, after you’ve experienced it. And now that his laughter didn’t fill the room I became painstakingly aware of how the solitude I thought I always had was never truly solitude. It was loneliness.
I could be as strong and cunning as ever, invincible even, but I was in desperate need of human interaction. I was human and just became aware of that fact again.
[Holy shit this took me way too long. But here I am! Ready to serve! I can’t promise that I’m going to be consistent tho. Still hope you enjoy either way. And please drink some water and unclench your jaw. I know you should be doing both.]
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danbisroom · 2 months
Ep. 23 - You Wanna Get Down In The Shift Of Seasons?
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I hope you were able to spend a beautiful week, where you made memories at which you will look back fondly, you know, nice memories that maybe can substitute ugly ones.
However you might interpret this, I wholeheartedly hope you had time to immerse your ears in the holy water of mother sea and hear her cosmic whisper. That’s silence that speaks, the primeval music of the womb. Water. It’s always water first, it’s always water at the foundation of creation. Even when heavy rain is hitting our face as if she wished to dig holes in it, that’s creation. Whatever sky stream pours on my face I’ll welcome it, I’ll let it carve the lines of the future on my bare face. Carving is one of the closest things we have to perpetuity and timelessness.
Every being on Earth does it, somehow.
Rivers carve passages amidst ancient rocks, packs of wolves, walking, carve paths in the forest.
We carve pieces of our souls on metal as much as on people’s skin.
If you look closely, it’s all there.
But what is carving? What does it do?
It removes matter from a surface.
Isn’t it incredible? We excise material and that affirms and often defines our presence. Absence edged by luscious vegetation. A rhythm of fullness and emptiness setting the tempo for the dance of life, beautifully abandoning our bodies to the wind. Sometimes it’s lonely, but then I think that, again, that cavity is, in fact, something I can still cherish. I remember that without presence I could never have the absence and thus, I’m relieved. I know that when I don’t meet my love in my dreams it's because other times I do, I know how to be in the company of other seasons when it’s not Autumn because then he comes to embrace me and kiss my lips at the break of dawn, in between rumbling trees. If I miss someone it’s because they were present and they’re going to be so again.
I came to love the tear burns at the edges of my big eyes and the white acne scars on my shoulders that melanin doesn’t cover. The hint of past stitches on my left brow and the small bump of my once-broken nose that remind me that, had it gone slightly differently, I may not have been here, at least not as I am now.
That’s to say that the unknown is a river surrounded by shores of well known and we just need to find the right ford to calmly cross it.
That’s to say that every leap of faith is an act of trust towards a lapse of space. Great things happen during that short moment in between our breaths, when our lungs are completely empty. Stories begin in the moments of silence, like when the horizon is foggy and the sea and the sky perfectly merge and flow into each other, intertwining in love.
I can still feel the trail of those eyes, the echo of that asymmetrical smile generating entire constellations. I want to see it again and may its absence feed my spirit. May I have the strength to make the engine of my psyche and flesh be powerful enough to move water and direct my ship to the place where the sun rises.
And may you share this strength.
Today’s song recommendation is Don’t Stop The Clock by King Gnu. It’s about love, dreams and seasons. Don’t cry, my loves, and take a leap forward.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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quetozcoatl · 2 months
For the fanfic game: B, F, and R!
Original ask meme here, feel free to send me a letter!
B: Any of your stories inspired by  personal experience?
One of my old RWBY fics is me angsting about my neurodivergency via the lens of Professor Ozpin. NGL, I'm considering deleting it, it's... embarassing, and not my best work.
On top of that, the backstory for one of my WoW OCs was based on, for lack of a better term, my daddy issues. It's a fucking cringe backstory and it just turned melodramatic and I'm so glad I reworked it.
But for a more light-hearted response, it's a fic I'd like to write. When I was young, one of my teeth was loose. I complained about it to my older brothers, and one of them responded with: "Oh, your new tooth is going to grow into a vampire tooth" ...or something along those lines. Knowing my younger self, she was terrified and probably cried.
I think it's a perfect concept for Klint and Barok van Zieks!
F: Share a snippet from one of  your favorite dialogue scenes  you've written and explain why  you're proud of it.
As much as I want to post a snippet from my roleplaying on WoW, I won't, because it will require a paragraph of lore-dumping, which I am prone to do at a moments notice, just read any of my AU fics.
I have a LOT of WIPs, and some of them do have dialogue I quite enjoy. However, one of them just takes the cake: it's from an AU inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 (a very good game!) and tried to work within the canon of Dungeons and Dragons. In it, Klint is a bard of eloquence, rather than a ranger. I decided to make Balmung his stuffed hell-hound that Mama van Zieks made for him and he cherishes deeply, and my favorite dialogue is Klint talking to that Balmung:
”What was I thinking, Balmung?!“ No one would hear him, he had wards specially installed to prevent that. In here, he was free to talk how loud he wanted to an inanimate object, and no one to judge him for it, either! “Acting like some sort of seductress, touching her with my bare hands!” He gives Balmung a squeeze. “I don't want to be a harlot, and, I must have frightened her terribly with these talons of mine.”
This too, which happens some lines later:
“Hells!” He snatches his head back in. “Can you believe this, Balmung?” The dog did not respond, on account of being just a stuffed animal.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
First off, Guillermo del Toro. He is one of my idols and I look up to his storytelling a lot. I love that he does not sacrifice color to tell dark stories, and that his works have taught me to accept that I'll write what I want! Another one is Zack Morrison who writes and draws the webcomic Paranatural, which I have kept up with since high school. They made the swap to a blend of writing and art sometime in 2021, and the descriptiveness and cleverness of the writing has made my jaw drop.
Next, Another one is Eiichiro Oda. That man can casually reference something he wrote hundreds of chapters ago, and no matter how crazy things get, it feels perfectly plausible within the world of One Piece. But unfortunately it's come at a cost due to him being a mangaka, and I must stress the importance of taking care of yourself before anything else.
These two are well-known for their diverse cast of characters, and Zack Morrison does little, but effective things to make the characters stand out even more in the mixed setting and it's genius. However, an honorable mention to Andrew Hussie and Homestuck, for popularizing the concept of using limited things in text like numbers and cases to distinguish the characters.
Now, the next is sillier: Elizabeth Hoyt and Tessa Dare. Yes, they crank out regency romance novels but they know their niche, damn it! My first romance novel was Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt, and it's helped me really come to terms with the fact that what I read is not necessarily what I want. I love the fantasies romance novels bring, but the idea of actually BEING in a romance makes me want to run away screaming!
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eachday4j · 2 years
On our travels together.
On this day when we celebrate the act, the choice of our togetherness — my ever-strengthening desire for you to “be mine” each day — I’m thinking about distance. Time. Mileage. How far we’ve come, how far we’ve been, and where we can go now and forever.
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The first image I posted for you!
Let’s first think about how far this page has come, because I first posted for you here 13 years ago today! Now here we are, a mere 4,663 eachdays later, a number which I find sort of mind-boggling. I’m unsure what I though it would become when I first started, but really just this one website feels like a kind of symbol of our lives together: it has blown through a lot of years in no time at all; it has remained steady and strong despite the challenges along the way; and it has, seemingly, no end in site.
So that all seems good, wouldn’t you say?
I would say that we’ve traveled together. Traveled together a lot. We’ve crossed this country, enjoyed road traveling, airplane traveling, river traveling. Hiking and biking traveling. All manner of crossing great and small distances and with very few exceptions, we’ve done it all by each other’s sides. There are so many people we talk to or hear about, so many couples and families, who travel for work or vacation separately or who otherwise choose to get away from it all — but separately. You and I don’t do that. We love our together-travels, our adventures into the unknown as well as the familiar. We want to see everywhere, do everything, be there together, see it and live it together. And I do love that about us, I love how important it is.
But of course I wouldn’t really be writing this to you today if I only wanted to talk about physical travel. Yes, I’ve got metaphors on the brain! As I should, as I must! As, hopefully, you would expect and want from me.
Our travels have taken us through thousands of meals, movies, museums, shows and parks and tours. We have dated our way through decades worth of planned and stolen moments, and I cherish all the memories of our time alone. Both before we were married and then after — and still now, many years later as we work so hard to carve out time alone together. And yes, of course my beautiful darling: it’s never enough. We always need to have more dates, to travel further and further together in pursuit of time spent alone. I want and need this every bit as much as I know you do, and I know I need to work much harder to make it happen. It’s magic, wondrous when it does, our traveling together.
Even more than places and dates, you and I are time travelers. With every hour and every passing day, we move forward together as our married life unspools before us. All of the unexpected, extraordinary elements of life, darting out with sometimes alarming suddenness in front of us — and we pull through it all, side-by-side. We laugh and cry and we’re shocked and amazed. We’re sleepy and bored and enthralled and amused by the tapestry of time. At this point, we’ve had more of our lives together than we’ve had apart, a fact that I find truly amazing, and humbling, and wondrous. it’s hard to remember a time without you in my life. For me, there was certainly no real joy, no permanence or future before you. No commitment or devotion. I didn’t know the meaning of time, or of traveling through it, before you entered my life.
Blessedly, we’re also able to travel back in time, to the millions of memories created by our life together. All of the joys and heartaches and laughter and losses. Surprises and disappointments, shocks and mundanities, all of them bringing change and significance to who we are now. We are formed by our time traveled together. We can revisit all that has come before and imagine all that we still have left to do. As a married couple, we have encountered so many of life’s most meaningful milestones — the big things, the huge moments that define human existence. We’ve had those together! I would never have known any of this without you in my life, and I cannot express to you in even 10 million words what you’ve meant to me. What you’ve done for my life.
And there’s still so much in front of us, such a wealth of traveling that we can still do!
But here’s where we go back to the real travel vs. metaphorical travel thing I mentioned earlier. Because while our actual travels — the vacations, the dates, the trips to the store where we go together just so that we can be together for a while — have defined end-points, the other kind of traveling doesn’t. Our travels together really have no endings; the destination is not what’s important but rather the travel itself. The journey we share together is where we enrich our lives, where we learn and grow and mature and develop an ever-more-deep and abiding love for each other. That journey never stops and never ends. It’s like the most beautiful, serene walk through the forest surrounded by sunlight and leaves and beautiful bluebirds, and on this walk we never tire. We simply walk on, getting stronger all the time, loving our togetherness more and more which each traveling step.
We do this. We can continue to do this. We can always travel together, forward and forever.
Let’s go!
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lesucremygic · 2 years
In The Face of Nostalgia
You know that feeling sometimes when you have a lot of things going on in your life but during the whole time you can barely take a breath to yourself or even get a decent sleep? Everything looks like they are built in gray mundane colors, they feel like crushing your whole body down with the amount of force that feels like it could annihilate your breath away altogether.
At least that was how I felt at the start of that weekend. 
The whole week was exhausting. I was almost giving up at the intensity of all the things thrown at me. Work just pissed me off, and that weekend was the only time I felt it was possible to center my whole being back, well at least maybe some of them, before starting another excruciating one in front of me. 
But my hopes just shattered away.
I didn’t know what drove me to become so annoyed that weekend. I was already too weary to go on with life but the cherry on top was when my dad asked me to go with him to visit  Grandma. I was sure I was about to blow up right there and then.
But I didn’t, I went with him instead. Visiting my sweet, sweet Grandma. 
On the whole way there, I was trying to put up a good front for my dad even though I wasn't really present at the moment. Because to be honest, I’m still bitter about the fact that I had to spend my Sunday, the only day off I have for the whole week, at a relative’s instead of having a maximum day recharging my energy goofing off with friends.
Or just be with myself. Doing whatever I want to.
But for the sake of having a civil day with my dad, I chose to not show my annoyance and could only repress them to the back of my head. To be honest, sometimes I don’t think I ever really put myself before anyone else, the more baffling thing is, I have no idea why I did that and that weekend was no exception. 
The whole way there was quite excruciating since my brain only kept on thinking about the endless possibilities I could do instead, if in some wild scenario this visit is postponed. But being a little devil that my brain is, I was suddenly graced by the memories of how I usually visit Grandma with my mother. When she was still making me feel like a little kid by trailing over her and also a big boy at the same time since I could be of use, actually enjoying every single time the whole way from our own house to Grandma’s. 
The stark contrast of those little flashbacks and my predicament back then being forced to go with Dad gave me a lot of mixed feelings. It might be because Grandma is someone who has been associated with the presence of my own mother her whole life, so I got a lot of flashbacks on how it used to be when she was still with us or it's just time demanding my attention.
I can suddenly remember of how her warm presence and little laughs acted like a splash of  color on my bare canvas.
Funny thing, memories are. They could open a gate to a flood of emotions we never knew existed at the first place, or just brutally made us confront the ghost of the past.
The moment we got there however, all of my vile thoughts of ditching this trip instantly flew out of my head. I was grazed by the warmest smile once I greeted and kissed Grandma’s dainty hand to give the utmost respect to the weary years before and ahead of her. The familiar shade of warm blue suddenly filled the whole canvas, something that made me realize that maybe sometimes, I can get trapped in my own head while ignoring the bigger warming picture in front of me.   
Her warm welcoming comfort, inexplicably, made me a little bit ashamed of how I reacted before on the way to her house. These little moments where we’re always welcome at her humble abode, under her careful care, these little moments I should’ve cherished more even when Mom is here. 
To some degree, I think it’s true when people say that you can only deeply understand gratitude when those precious things are already lost from your hold. 
Like a little tradition whenever we’re visiting, Grandma always offers us a big full meal where we usually have them in the traditional kitchen of the house. A simple, warm and very much functioning part of the house even when time has visibly engraved its marks on them. It wasn’t exactly a room, more like an open part of the house where it has a roof and you can see that it is connected to the backyard where a small garden is still standing in its full glory.
The most distinctive feature of the kitchen is probably the stove. The one adding extra warmth in the cold kitchen. The low burn of the woods there spread out a different type of warmth to the whole kitchen and to my own core. Grandma still uses a furnace stove to cook daily. The dishes cooked there could sometimes make you taste a little bit of the rich aroma of burning wood. The flavor of where time graced its mark.
But even so, there was also a gas stove, a token from the present that made its way into her life.
We usually will have a meal after settling ourselves and things down. In the middle of all that, Dad was having a conversation with Grandma on the long bench and a rackety dining table, surrounded by the familiarity of home.
I can faintly hear the crowing of roosters she kept near the kitchen, the quiet squeaks of trees outside and the hushed voices of their conversation when it suddenly occurred to me how enamored I was with the sight.
How their gazes were still full of respect and warm gratitude towards each other, how envious I was with the way they still take a good care of each other even though the person who brought them together is no longer sitting in between us to share the same laughter and weary tales of life. 
Having to witness how Grandma could be a little bit slow whenever she’s trying to process the funny anecdotes Dad usually made, a jokester he is, and the smiles they exchanged between each other, having to witness all that made my heart ache. 
Just a little.
But it was aching so blatantly, I can’t help but to feel it raging. Along with the regret of how badly I reacted before we got to her house. Even though I’m the only one who knows about that specific internal battle, it still made me feel bad.
Because I regretted not cherishing these moments years and years before when it was still the four of us exchanging the family tradition together. When there wasn’t any blank spot in the intimacy of the moment. When I could still look at the three important figures in my life giving me each their own version of fond smiles to me.
If only I could realize it sooner.
Even so, with all of my regrets, I’m still grateful for being graced with an epiphany at the time. Because then I can finally reminisce about the beauty of the past, to bask in the calm buzzing of nostalgia in my head.
To breathe a little bit in ease.
In an instant I captured this one moment, storing it in the gallery of my collective photographic memory so I can finally cherish them, some days when I feel like life brings me down low with it. 
To have my little bubble of comfort safe within me as one of my most prized possession.
To a friend of mine, I wish I could explain them a little bit more better about the beautiful moment you wished for me to narrate. Thank you for trusting me to write this precious memory.
May you find your path in life and live them to the fullest. To a great years ahead of you, happiest belated birthday.
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sukirichi · 4 years
“your hair is really soft” – jjk ver!
ft. itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, nanami kento, ryoumen sukuna, & inumaki toge
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ITADORI YUUJI – you’re in the room with Yuuji, who is busy watching the movies gojo-sensei had given him. He holds the cursed corpse in his other side, careful not to let him hit you, while your head lies on his shoulder, eyes drooping close from your long day. Yuuji turns the volume down and brings you closer to him until you’re practically sitting on his lap, his lips making brief contact at the crown of your head while he mumbles sweet nothings, too engrossed in the movie.
You smile at his sweet gesture, gently fisting the front of his jacket while you return the affection, kissing the edges of his jaw softly to not distract him too much. Yuuji’s lips tilt at the soft press of your lips on his warm skin. Soon, your hands rake up to his hair where your nails rake his scalp. Immediately, Yuuji deflates like a balloon as he purrs at the movement, making you chuckle in your sleepy daze.
“Your hair is really soft,” you note, and his eyes practically sparkle. Yuuji was a huge fan of hair gels and hair products, that his desk was filled with different brands all so he could keep his hair perfectly styled – in that somewhat natural, messy appeal. You love it on him and he melts at the fact you’ve noticed his efforts into taking care of himself. Most of all, the feeling of the smooth tendrils running past your fingertips like caressing a field of flowers lulls both you and him to a serene state.
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GOJO SATORU – Like Yuuji, Gojo takes his time in styling his hair. You brush your teeth beside Gojo, who scowls as he struggles to keep his hair up the way he likes before he puts on his blindfold. The lanky man groans and adds more product, flattening the strands of his hair between his palms before swooping it up. When it falls down, Gojo whines, leaning forward on the sink counter.
You chuckle to yourself; he could be so dramatic sometimes. Bumping your hip with his, you gesture at him to move, and the big baby pouts before placing his chin on your shoulder as he watches you gargle. “Babe,” he sniffles, arms wrapping around your middle before his nose nuzzles into your skin. You giggle and push him away; the little bastard knew you were ticklish there. “My hair won’t stick up the way I want it to. Now I don’t look so cool anymore. What would my students say? That Gojo-Sensei stopped being attractive?”
That earns him an eye roll and a playful smack to his shoulder. “Ow!” Gojo rubs his shoulder with another pout, although both of you know nothing ever really hurts the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. “You’re mean.”
“And you’re just fishing for compliments.”
When Gojo hides his smirk behind his palm, you know you’ve hit the nail right on the head. Gojo was probably the most self-assured and overconfident man you’ve ever met – the day he thought lowly of himself and worried about anything concerning him that would ruin his “image” would be the day pigs could fly. Nevertheless, you give in with a sigh, extending your palm towards him.
“Give me the gel. I’ll fix your hair for you.”
“You’re a lifesaver, babe!” Obediently, Gojo crouches down so you could reach his hair, but not before muttering “shorty” under his breath. You tug at his hair harshly than you intended as payback, and Gojo only lets out a loud, fake moan before doubling over.
Your laughter and his bubble and echo through the cramped room, but both of you don’t mind. It’s moments like these you cherish with your whole heart even though it’s not extremely sweet or anything over the top. Dating a jujutsu sorcerer, the strongest one at that, wasn’t always rainbows and unicorns. You worry for him all the time and stay up awake all night, only ever finding peace in your sleep when he comes home safely – which he always does.
Still, you don’t stop worrying for him. It’s only natural, after all, and the way Gojo’s eyes soften as you slightly massage his scalp and style his hair for him lets you know he loves small moments like this too when both of you are completely alone in your own worlds, just enjoying each other’s presence and not having to think about anything else.
“Your hair is really soft,” you muse, unaware of the way Gojo’s closed his eyes as he lets your hand do the magic. When the familiar scent of vanilla and flowers wafts into your senses, you lean down closer to him to sniff his hair, stopping in your movements. “That’s odd. You smell like shampoo, but I haven’t bought that scent in a week.”
“Well, I may or not be the one who emptied it the last time,” he sheepishly chuckles.
“Gojo! That shampoo was really expensive!”
“Yeah, but I wanted to smell like you,” he coos, gently peeling your arms off him so he could hug you. Because of the height difference, you face plant into his bare chest where his skin is still warm from the shower. You keep feigning your irritation, but really, you squish your cheek above his heart, and Gojo’s chest rumbles as he laughs – he knows you can’t resist him. “Sorry about it babe, let’s go grocery shopping tonight when I come home, yeah?”
“You better buy your own shampoo,” you grumble, but Gojo only laughs.
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  FUSHIGURO MEGUMI – Megumi is hunched over his desk, eyebrows pinched together while his hands move at an extreme speed. He’s studying while you scroll through memes on your phone, not wanting to disturb your boyfriend. Megumi is studious as ever, and it’s not that you aren’t, but you’re definitely a lot more relaxed than he is. 
You often tease him that you’ve got amazing memory by tapping your forehead whenever he tells you to study with him, which only makes him huff, but in reality, you refuse to study with him because he’s so distracting.
The way he bites his lip when he’s concentrated on something has your stomach erupting with butterflies, and it doesn’t help when his dark blue eyes pierce through the pages like the poor textbook committed a crime he couldn’t forgive.
All in all, Megumi’s beauty tripled tenfold when he was dedicated to something, and it was this fact that had you keeping your distance from him while he studies, because the last thing he needs is to have you jump him when he’s got an exam to prepare for. Unbeknownst to him, you’re angling your phone upwards until his beautiful side profile comes to view – and it’s so unfair his lashes are longer and thicker than yours – and you take a silent snap.
You take a few more pictures with a silent giggle, making sure to set it as your lock screen later. Nothing better than waking up to Megumi’s face every time your alarm went off, but your daydreaming is halted when Megumi drops his pen with a loud sigh.
“I know you’re taking pictures of me,” he side-eyes you with a glare. You squeak before hiding your phone behind you, knowing that it’s not out of the picture for Megumi to steal them and delete his precious photos. It didn’t help he knows your password either (duh, it’s his birthdate) so you take the extra mile by offering him a sickeningly sweet smile, an apology ready to leave your lips when – “If you wanted my attention that badly, you could’ve just said so. I don’t mind taking a break or something.”
Although he sounds annoyed, the way he avoids your gaze to hide his reddened cheeks and ears say otherwise. Megumi’s back faces you as you wait patiently on his bed. You don’t want to bother him – you really don’t – so you stay put, and Megumi sighs for the hundredth time that night before spinning on his chair, arms stretched out wide open. “Come. Want hugs.”
He keeps his gaze on his lap to swallow the embarrassment of using baby-like words, which was a huge contrast from his quiet and cold persona. You don’t mind though. Deep down, Megumi is like everyone else who wants constant affection, so you leap out of his bed and jump into his arms. Megumi relaxes with your weight on top of him before he squishes his cheeks against your boobs – one of his quirks that you found endearing – a sign that he just wanted to relax for a little while.
Megumi isn’t really that huge on touch, so moments like this where he allows himself to be physically intimate with you has you floating on cloud nine. You hear him sigh between you, and you hide your grin by pushing his hair back to reveal those pretty eyes of his, beckoning him to look you in the eye.
As expected, his cheeks flush a beet red at the intensity of your gaze, but what really catches your attention is how his eyes just brighten even though they’re lined with dark circles. 
This precious boy means everything to you, and you cup his face until your noses are rubbing. “Love you, Gumi,” you whisper, the boy’s breath hitching when your eyelashes flutter against his skin. Megumi tsks, a faux scowl on his face because both of you are painfully aware that he just melts around you.
“Stop teasing me. You know I don’t like that.”
“I’m not teasing you,” you lie, brushing his hair back in a soothing manner to help him relieve the headache he gets when he studies too much. “You know, your hair is really soft. Can I keep doing this?”
Megumi hates it when people touch his hair, so you expect him to say no – and you’ll gladly respect it – but instead, he pushes you closer and murmurs, “Don’t stop doing that.”
You smile so wide you fear your face would break.
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  NANAMI KENTO – You’ve always been fascinated with your co-worker. You don’t know what it is about the sharp-faced and stoic Nanami Kento that somehow makes him stand out from the rest. It’s not like he was smarter or better than anyone, although you do admit Nanami overworks most of the time.
It’s kind of pathetic you’ve been crushing on him ever since your first day of work. Maybe it’s because he worked with virtue and wishes to actually be honest instead of just sucking the money out of others. Maybe it’s because seeing him visit a bakery every after work makes him seem softer and a lot more human than his seemingly unapproachable nature. Whatever it was, you can’t explain why you’re so enamoured with the blond, or why you have the audacity to suddenly card your fingers through his hair at his desk that time.
You were told by your boss to give him this folder – quick, easy, and simple. But Nanami has this effect on you that he makes your brain go brr every time you go closer to him. You blame it on the fact both of you are alone at the office right now for OT, but when Nanami freezes under your touch, you realize the grave consequences of your actions.
As if you’ve touched something boiling hot – and he kind of is – you retract your arm and bow so deep you feel a vertebrae popping air. “I’m so sorry!” you begin to blabber, bowing repeatedly to the point your hair has become a mess. You can’t even look him in the eye – what were you thinking?! “I didn’t mean to, it’s just your hair looked really nice and soft and I couldn’t help myself! If you want to tell the higher-ups about this harassment and get me fired, I promise I won’t mind. In fact, I’ll take this to my grave and even offer my firstborn child as an apology—”
“because I’ve done something so horrendous and oh my gosh, I was just eating donuts and I probably got crumbs in your pretty hair—”
“And that’s really so low of me. Uh, actually, I may or may not have spent last month’s salary to buy my niece a huge ass dollhouse, but I’d gladly schedule a hair appointment for you—” you stop your words when you feel huge, calloused hands squishing your cheeks together until your lips are puckered out like a fish. Nanami stands before you, looking as handsome as ever, and that thought only has you panicking more and withdrawing. “I’m so sorry.”
Nanami sighs, pulling away to give you some space. You try to fight back the whine because not only did you look ridiculous under him, but also because you actually missed his touch.
“It’s fine. I don’t mind,” he takes the folder from you, pauses, then tilts his head to the side. “You think my hair is soft?”
“Uhm,” you blink rapidly, “Y-yes. Your hair is really pretty too. In fact, everything about you is pretty, like your hands when you type in paperwork but – I’m talking too much aren’t I?” you laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head. “I’m sorry. I tend to ramble when I’m nervous.”
“I make you nervous?” Nanami doesn’t sound like he believes it.
“Yeah,” you confess, switching your weight from one foot to another. At this point, you’ve given up on asking him out for coffee this weekend because you’re sure he’s labelled you as an idiot now. Not that it’s surprising though; not only does Nanami keep to himself out of social aversion, but you’re also pretty loud and awkward, a huge contrast to someone as well-put as him. “Anyways, uh,” you clear your throat, gesturing to your cubicle. “Now that you’ve got the file, I’m gonna go do my part. See you later, I guess. Or not. You can go home first you want. I’ve got quite a lot on my plate.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
Nanami organizes his desk one last time before following you to your desk. “I’m done with my part and it’s late. It’s not safe for you to walk home alone,” he glances at his watch, “I’ll wait for you until you’re done and walk you back home. That way, I don’t have to worry about your safety tonight,” he plops down on the empty seat next to yours, crossing his arms on his broad chest. “Take all the time you need. Just wake me up when you’re done.”
Just like that, Nanami dozes off, exhausted from a long day of hard work. You, on the other hand, are more energized than ever as you suddenly find a strong wave of motivation you’ve never had before.
Maybe you don’t mess up everything, after all.
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  RYOUMEN SUKUNA – He groans when you giggle at him, using your small, dainty hands to brush it through his hair. Sukuna liked to sleep in and it was only seven in the morning, meaning he’s supposed to be still lost in dreamland with thoughts about you and your cute little face. But because you’re an annoying brat who’s an early bird and way too cheerful as a morning person, you’re wide awake when the sun shone through the windows, and you’re gently coaxing him awake by rotating your fingers through his hair.
“Your hair is really soft.”
“Stop that,” he complains, but doesn’t really do anything to push you away. “It’s too early. Go back to bed.”
“But I’m already awake,” you tease, proving your point by taking off his covers and patting his chest. “Come on, let me make you breakfast. Maybe we can go out today and go see a movie, what do you think? It’s my day off so we better make use of it!”
“Exactly, it’s a day off,” he growls the last part, surprising you when his strong hands grip your thigh and drag you beside him. Soon enough, Sukuna has you trapped in his muscular arms until you can’t move anymore. “Let’s just stay the whole day in bed. Plus, I’m the one making breakfast. There’s no way you’re still cooking for me on your day off.”
“But I love cooking for you.”
“I know, but it’s my turn now,” he huffs through your hair. Sukuna’s grip loosens around you a bit to give you room to breathe, but he’s taken aback when you only snuggle closer to him to the point your legs and tangled and your body is warm from his heat. You don’t have to say it out loud to tell him you’ve conceded to his wishes.
As always, Sukuna is right. It feels much better to just let go of time and enjoy this moment. And he smells so good, feels so warm, that you’re unable to stop yourself from burrowing closer onto his body until you’re sure you’re about to start smelling like him later.
Of course, Sukuna likes the thought of that, so he sweeps one arm behind to tug the covers back over your bodies. He kisses your temple, and with a low, husky voice, grumbles, “Let’s go back to sleep, then we’ll do everything you want later, okay? I just want to stay in bed with you a little longer.”
For a guy who was considered heartless and barbaric, he sure turned into putty in your hands.
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  INUMAKI TOGE – The platinum haired boy lays on your lap, the wire of headphones dangling beside you both. You’re thankful Inumaki has his eyes closed, because the last thing you want him to see is how embarrassed and giddy you are at that moment.
You and Inumaki have been friends for years, meaning you’ve been hiding your crush on him for a painfully long time. He’s recently made a Spotify playlist with an innocent text of, “I made you a playlist of all the songs that reminds me of you,” which leads you both to your current predicament. It’s a rather lazy weekend and Gojo-sensei isn’t around to bother any of you, so you’re in Inumaki’s room, careful not to bounce your legs out of habit to not give the poor boy a headache.
You snap back to life when Inumaki squeezes your thigh, and you’re met with azure eyes looking back up at you. “Mustard leaf?” he points to your face, which has been previously constricted and heated from his close proximity. It isn’t the first time you and Toge have cuddled, but it’s been too long and you’re standing at the edge of a dangerous cliff with the desire to tell him you like him.
Inumaki must’ve thought you’re uncomfortable with his weight on you because he begins to sit up. “Oh, no, no!” you coax him back down despite his questioning eyes, a wide grin replacing your flustered state to conceal it. “Its’s fine, really. I was just vibing with the songs.”
He hums, not completely believing it, but he doesn’t want to push either. Soon, he settles into your lap again and makes you lose your mind when his breath starts to tickle your kneepads now that he’s facing behind you.
Your heart just about combusts, and before you know it, Inumaki has fallen asleep while the theme of Howl’s Moving Castle plays. Once his breathing regulated into a steady rhythm, you reach out to brush his hair back and lightly add some pressure for better sleep. You know Inumaki lies that, and you smile to yourself when he leans into your touch even in his slumber.
“Your hair is so soft,” you say mostly to yourself, leaning down to kiss his the crown of his head, making Inumaki sigh contentedly. Gosh, you love him so much.
Now isn’t the time but...hopefully, one day you could tell him how you feel. Even if he rejects you, you hope you could still be friends even after that awkward encounter –
You freeze as the next song comes on. I.F.L.Y by Bazzi comes on, and just as you cover your mouth to silence your gasps, you hear the faintest snickers coming from Inumaki before he goes back to “snoring.”
“Toge! Were you awake the whole time?!”
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genshingarbage · 3 years
🗑 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕤 🗑
SFW || Headcannons
Just an FYI, we won’t always have massive posts like this. This is mostly so that we can show y’all what we’ve got to offer! I did the SFW headcannons so enjoy this tooth rotting fluff, hopefully the boys will make your morning special ;) - Mod Kaeya
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I’m gonna be real the fact you even sometimes wake up to him is a miracle. He’s almost always gone by the time you’re up and if not he’s just walking out of the door of his manor.
The bed is hella warm though long after he’s gone because of his vision which sorta makes up for it but not really
He usually leaves a note and a plate of breakfast though, it’s something extravagant that he had one of the maids make for you to make up for the fact he never sleeps in
The poor guy is always torn between staying with you and his need to protect everyone
The note always has a good morning and then a lot of ideas about what you two can do today when you run into each other and always says something he adores about you
It’s not that he means to gush about you he’s just a closet poet and won’t admit it
“I heard that the Good Hunter has one of your favorites as a special today, come by the Tavern and we can have lunch today.”
He wants you to know that he loves you even if he’s already gone and is kind of really bad at this whole affection thing so he finds it easier to do from afar anyways
Mornings he gets to lay in however are the best by far
Yeah the notes and the breakfast in bed for one are fantastic but nothing beats waking up by his side and being greeted with that fiery red hair and those maroon eyes
It’s so warm, especially if you convince him to hold you. It’s almost like you could melt. It’s not that icky humid hot either just that underlying soothing warmth that almost lulls you back to sleep if not for the baritone voice constantly keeping you awake underneath you
Eventually he’ll usher you out of bed but despite his need to bounce all over the place he can take a break every now and again
He’s usually up right before dawn already getting dressed because of his captain duties, even if the cavalry is away it doesn’t mean that he gets to loiter
It’s kind of rare for you to wake up with him anymore unless you yourself have to get up at the ass crack of dawn
There are rare breaks though where you get to slowly drift awake to the feeling of him stroking your cheek and your head on his chest
He’s one for romance afterall
More often than not he’s found wrapped around you like an octopus
I’m sorry if you’re not a snuggler but that portion of your life is over and you’re going to have to accept the fact Kaeya’s going to try and fuse with your back every night
Unfortunately sometimes being blessed with a temperature vision means that you’ve got to have the opposite temperature to counteract it, so in the summer it isn’t the most ideal thing to be encased in a furnace and also under blankets
Kaeya’s temperature can either be a godsend or a curse though because sometimes you climb in bed and you swear someone stuck icicles in it
For someone so glamorous in the waking world he’s actually got mean bedhead and if you can tame it while he’s half asleep and drowsily getting ready for the day he’ll probably marry you twice over
If you wake up earlier than him you get the chance to look at his strange sleeping positions
He’s almost always up before you with a snack and a drink so cherish those moments
Considering you almost have to wrestle him to bed every night it’s astonishing his “need to research the world” doesn’t translate to waking up like at all. The guy  sleeps like a rock.
He can usually sleep until the sun is up, by then he’s woken up silently and is watching the rays through the slats in your tent at the investigation camp
If it happens to be a day off he ironically gets up earlier than usual and will probably end up painting somewhere in your tent because he wants to stay with you a bit longer before your hectic day begins
You’ve caught him trying to fit you in frame of his warm up sketches before
He doesn’t usually stay for long unless he’s given a reason, he’s always on the move after all and the two of you don’t really get time to just lay in bed between Klee and his own zest for life
That’s not to say you’re being rushed around like the bustling city life of Mondstat, it’s actually a really calm morning compared how intensive his schedule gets
Murmuring nonsense back and forth, pillow talk and soft quips is mostly what it is. It’s not really the time for passion… just contentment with each other.
And then comes the long trek up the summit of the mountain
It's kind of frigid in the mornings by Dragonspine so getting up to start breakfast is usually the sign that morning sluggishness is over with and there's no going back to bed
The last time you rushed back to bed after being out in the cold was the only time you've seen his eyes go properly wide with shock
The fact he doesn't want to be around mortals will probably tie into your relationship if you're anything short of inhuman unfortunately and it's more than likely you're not a fellow adeptus considering their rarity so you'll probably be waking up and falling asleep alone in bed
He loves you of course, he'd have to care very deeply about you in order to even consider a relationship like this but he just can't wrap his head around the fact he could probably tear you apart with the sheer backdraft of running past you and it worries him, that and spending too much time around adeptal energy isn't healthy for mortals. It's always going to be nibbling at the back of his mind, no matter how long you've been together for.
So don't take offense when he bids you goodnight outside of your room at the inn and disappears, he's doing what he thinks is best to keep you safe from...well...himself
There are many things that lurk in the dark that he wants to protect you from as well though so he allows himself to sit in your room after you've fallen asleep
This is why you usually wake up to empty beds and rooms
It hurts him to watch you look around disappointed that this morning wasn't the morning that he sat with you but he can't let himself do that
Sometimes, in the light of the dawn, he gives into the guilty pleasure of letting his trembling fingers hover over your sleeping face as if about to stroke your cheek but never quite making it all the way
One day, it'll take a lot of time and patience, he'll be able to perch himself at the edge of your bed and slowly shake you awake to the pink sunrise just peeking over the banister of your balcony in Wangshu inn.
He'll softly usher you aside and shift himself under you so that he can hold you close to his chest, deep, shaky nervous breaths barely noticeable to your sluggishly waking form as he kisses the top of your head and mutters an irritated sounding, "Go back to sleep. It's still dark out." to cover the feeling of relief washing over him
Give him time and he'll come to realize you're not made of paper
He wouldn’t trade mornings with you for the world
He lives a life of leisure so it’s not surprising mornings are exactly the same. Chances are you’re waking up in the most expensive bed on the continent, with an adoring boyfriend next to you nose deep in a book.
You’ll likely never have a moment alone dating him, especially in the morning since he won’t get requests that early and you’re starting to suspect he’s set that period aside purely for the reason that you two almost always end up snuggling
He’s read his books aloud to you on occasion because he’s been told his voice can be soothing
He wants nothing more for your morning to be calm and the result of a well rested night
If you happen to wake up before him, sneak off and grab his favorite breakfast before he wakes up he’s going to treat you like a queen but he’ll never say it outloud
Roll him over, massage his shoulders and watch the most powerful man this side of Dragonspine melt like putty in your hands by the archons he needs it
If you’re still sleepy awhile later he’ll roll you into a blanket burrito, pick you up and sit with you on the balcony so you can watch the beginnings of the bustle in Liyue harbor together
Waking up with Childe is like having an over excited golden retriever sprawled across the mattress and you, as soon as he hears you're awake he's getting ready for the day
"Common! We're going to loose daylight!"
He will deadass dress you if you take too long getting ready
I mean he can't exactly blame you considering how expensive comfortable your bed is so he does give you a little bit of leeway but primarily he's hungry and wants to get to breakfast as soon as possible
He's the type that somehow despite being woken up, you're happy to be woken up by. You're not grouchy when he does it because he doesn't shake you awake or dunk water on you he just wakes you up and that's it, it’s going to be A Good Day damnit
On slower days he'll take a lot longer to get out of bed purely because there's nothing to do anyways and he'd rather be with you than spend time with some business partner that caught him when he didn't want to be seen
It's annoying and your butt is far more comfortable
Often if the two of you are awake and not doing anything he'll leave for a bit and come back with a owl in his hands...just a whole owl. He says it's his pet but you swear it's a different owl each time. Anyway it's pretty chill, grooms your hair while he reads the letters it allegedly brought with it and writes the replies before he gets caught up in other stuff. He never lets you see them though.
If you force him to stay in bed for whatever reason he's gonna just stare at the ceiling and pout a bit before you just loose him entirely to his own thoughts. Someone get this guy a phone.
Another cuddle bug but somehow he always looks photogenic, smooshed up against your chest with a soft smile on his face
Ah, to be as carefree as Venti half asleep in the late noon
Yes, he does sleep in until noon the taverns don't open until then or later so he sees no reason to get up
Some mornings it’s because he’s hungover I’m going to be honest but those days it’s less “good morning” and more “good evening”
He does as he pleases and in the morning that can be anything from sleeping literally all day to being up at the crack of dawn to retune his lyre and practice scales
Well unless it's spring
Then you'll wake up no matter what to the bedsheets thrown aside and a half dressed Venti leaning outside the window to watch the morning showers and sing the back to the birds waking up
Sometimes he just leaves completely to celebrate the spring season
On the oft chance the airhead does remember to drag you along, he drags you far. All the way to his tree. You can bring a coat and some snacks but you are climbing up it. He’s gonna wanna go to the center for him to play the flute all morning. He always looks serene on mornings like this, high up in the trees watching the sunrise as his flute echoes across the valley.
!!!NSFW under the cut!!!
NSFW || Headcannons and Oneshots
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Welcome to the adult side of this post you beautiful heathens ৲( ᵒ ૩ᵕ )৴♡*৹ I haven't actually introduced myself yet so i guess nows a better time then any. Hello! I'm Mod Diluc, the one who will be most often seen posting the smut side of our lovely Genshin Boys. Some of these one-shots are not as detailed as I would've liked but tumblr will only allow so much before saying ☆~No~☆ with the editing. So I'm sorry if some of the boys got less love than the others, but requests are open so go ahead and request for more love to any of the boys~~~
- Mod Diluc
Considering he wakes up early everyday with nothing but the constant thoughts of the abyss order and the safety of Mondstat swirling inside his brain; morning wood was something he saw less then necessary.
If you're fast asleep he'd rather soon hit his head against a brick wall than distrupt your beautiful sleeping form. You're so angelic with the way you sleep, why on earth would he wake you?
He is often too busy with work at the tavern in Mondstat to properly stop and remember he is human. That and his crushing need to protect everyone too because the lack of responsibility the Knight's of Favonius display is no surprise to him.
It doesn't help that he does in fact love you so much; you're the first person whose been able to capture what little trust he has left, so can he really be blamed when you look as stunning as you do when you're sleeping?
However if you do happen to stir in your slumber and wake up to his continuous tossing it may result in him clenching his jaw in a pitiful attempt to hide his blatant discomfort.
Hide it all he might you know fully well what has him so frustrated and bothered right now, how couldn't you? Considering there's a tent perfectly present on his lower groin through his boxers.
The sun was peeking through the gap left in the curtains to your shared bedroom with your partner, Diluc, the birds softly chirping and causing your eyes to flutter open. Letting a soft yawn escape your lips you turned to your side, surprised. Diluc is still here? Usually he's abandoned you by now to go play hero in Mondstat. So why is he still at the winery? Laying in bed with you still? As confused as you was it was a welcome and pleasant surprise nonetheless.
"Luc? Are you okay" You spoke softly, trying not to alert him too abruptly as his face was definitely contorted for some reason. He seemed in a great deal of discomfort and the fact he turned to you with his cheeks as crimson as his tied up ponytail it only furthered your concern.
"Please, Y/N I am fine. Don't worry about me. It's still very early, you should try get some more sleep." His voice was soft but still lingered with that stern undertone of his. However his voice wavered as he spoke and it was becoming painfully obvious what the problem was. He hadn't stopped 'adjusting' his increasing tightness of his boxers the entire time you were speaking to him now.
A small smile crept onto your lips as you finally pieced the puzzle together now. He was laying there rocking a full on hard on this early in the morning and still trying to play the stoic attitude? Yea sure. You chuckled softly as you scooted closer to his body, the warmth emitting off him was equivalent to that of a small camp fire. No wonder you were a little sweaty when you'd woken up today.
"Y/N? What are you doi-" You cut off the questioning red heads voice with a deep kiss that only deepened by the second. You could tell he had been on full restraint as your kiss was the only sign he needed that he could 'let go' and let go he did. Immediately rolling ontop of you and resting his hands either side your head as he pushed his head down to draw intensity to the kiss that was growing more hot and passionate by the second.
His tongue pushed its way inside your mouth, not asking for an invite but more demanding entrance, wrestling with your own till winning the lead with little retaliation from you. A small whimper escaping your mouth as your tongues danced together. Your eyes had already closed during this blissful feeling you were sharing with him so early in the morning.
His lifted his head up and broke the kiss at last having made your lungs burn with the need to breath, a hand was lifted to guide it down your body dancing softly against your delicate skin, shaping across your curves and bends, his dark crimson eyes were drinking in your figure that was now trapped beneath his own, and in pure desperation he grinded against your clothed area, enticing another soft whimper from your lips. You were still dressed and he still had his boxers on but you could still feel his size press against you in eagerness.
You swallowed down hard looking up at the man looming over you, his normal strict face replaced with lust as his eyes had begun to haze over. It was rare you saw him succumb so greatly to his inner needs, so you relished in this moment right now. But you weren't given long as you felt your legs being lifted and your panties being removed with swift movements, and a sharp gasp was all you could muster when you felt the cool morning air hit against your now exposed womanhood.
"You're so beautiful Y/N." Diluc spoke with a breathy groan, and you responded with a moan as his hand was already between your thighs and his fingers were already teasing your sensitive bud. You'd been excited this entire time so it was no surprise to see the slick forming so quickly with every skilled touch his long boney fingers did. Your moans began to ring out rhythmically as his pace gradually increased and his breathing became more uneven.
You had no idea how beautiful you was to him right now, submitting yourself so willingly to his desires, giving in so happily to the pleasure he was drowning you in. You were his after all and it's not often he gets to be greedy like this with you. So he will indeed be sure to take his sweet time with this.
After having made your legs shake and your body burn all over, your insides were craving more of him, you wanted to be filled by more than just his fingers now. The aching that coiled inside you was becoming unbearable but despite your frustration all you could do was pitifully plea. "Diluc, please." So frail sounding you were. But he wasn't one to ignore his lovers pleas. Not when he himself had been in constant discomfort from his own member pressing against those annoyingly constricting boxers of his.
So he finally pulled them down and freed himself, a wave of relief washed over his body as he felt free now, but his desires soon grabbed hold of him, as he was positioned between your legs already. He held his length in his hand and began to rub the head at the entrance of your slit, his precum leaking out and acting as makeshift lube, not that you needed anymore preparation with how covered in slick your womanhood was.
After a few more strokes he pushed inside in one slow thrust, a groan rumbled from the deepest parts of his throat as a cry of pleasure rang from yours, both yours and his eyes closing in blissful unison. You were on cloud nine, you felt so full and your mind was already breaking by the size of him alone stretching out your inner walls. He lowered his head slowly and gently kissed your ear that was flushed red at the tip. Before speaking with a husky voice.
"I could get use to doing this every morning with you darling."
He wakes up early everyday due to his responsibility of being a Knight, so seeing the rising sun has become a common ground to him.
Much different to Diluc however if he wakes up rearing to go, you better believe he's waking you up soon after.
Whispering in your ear, stroking his hand across your cheek. Eventually he'll grow impatient if you don't wake up soon enough and just start planting kisses along your neck.
He isn't one to force himself on anyone specially not the one he loves, so he will hold himself back but he will also become more persistent in waking you up.
It's your fault he's woken up like this, so take action and rectify the problem sweet thing.
Squeezing your thighs while your name becomes louder, he doesn't wanna outright shout at you so early in the morning, not when your so at peace right now.
But the moment your eyes start to give in and open its already game over for you.
The morning air was cool and calming, it felt so comfortable as you were being engulfed by the soft bed blankets coating your body right now. However your brows began to furrow when you felt something slowly but surely dragging you away from the sweet song of slumber. Someone kept calling to you from the real world, it was bringing you back to reality as much as you wasn't ready to leave your perfect abode in dreamland.
Angry now you opened your eyes slowly and let out a long and fed up sigh, you was greeted by a pair of deep ocean eyes with tints of ice shades of blue dancing in them. Your boyfriend Kaeya was above your still weak form staring deeply into your eyes. His stare was so intense that you couldn't help the blush that spread across your cheeks so fast.
"It would appear you came to me in my sleep, and demanded my attention." His voice is coated with that silky tone of his, your brows now knitting together in confusion. Was he drunk already? So early in the morning too? This boy you swear he needs a good slap sometimes. However his random antics continued as he lowered himself down more onto your body still being affected by the slumber that had you in a tight embrace not only a few minutes ago.
"I awoke before I was clearly able to satisfy your needs however, and as a gentlemen at heart that simply won't do, it will weigh on my conscious all day. So if you wouldn't mind-" his voice was still silky sounding, an you were still half asleep which is why it caught you so off guard and made you gasp when his hands lifted your legs and removed your panties with precision and ease. Your legs being squeezed by his cold fingers as he spreads them and hooks them over his shoulders eitherside his face.
Your womanhood was on full display only a few inches away from him and your heart was racing, your skin began to burn up from embarrassment and your words jumbled out your mouth in a mess. "Kaeya?! W-what the hell are you d-doing?!" Your voice sounded so weak it matched perfectly with how weak your body now felt too. He chuckled softly and then hummed lowly moving his lips closer to your womanhood.
"I'm making up for not finishing what I started in my dream with you now, Y/N. So just relax, leave it all to me." His tone had switched from silky to cocky now and you hated feeding into his ego, it was big enough as it was, but squirm and wriggle all you want, there is no escape from his iron grip. Even less chance the moment he digs his tongue into your folds and begins tasting everything you have to offer him between your thighs.
Moaning breathlessly and turning your head left and right in a silent protest to his onslaught you could feel his tongue exploring where ever it pleased. It didn't help the matter that he knew all your sweet spots down to the last tiniest detail and abused his knowledge of this to his hearts content. He had your body bent round like a C shape from leaning in more to your womanhood to try reach further with his tongue.
His hands kept squeezing on your thighs as he lapped up your juices that began to trickle out from your inevitable pleasure over the situation. His touch always felt cold but the longer he continued his actions the more welcoming the contrast was of your hot skin and his cool touch. Eventually you could feel the aching begin to coil round and round and grow tighter in your lower abdomen.
Was this really happening so early in the morning? Of course it was. This was Kaeya you're dating. Another gasp escaped you as he pulled his mouth away and blew softly against your warm, glistening folds. "Your cunt tastes delicious. Exquisite even, I should let Diluc know I've found a sweeter taste than his wines now, hm?" A smirk crept at his lips that he proceeded to lick your own juices off of while staring down at you.
Your face was a hot mess and your body was shuddering all over now, short quick pants kept escaping you and you frowned up at him, you had no idea how picturesque you looked to him right now. The morning sun breaking through the window and making your beautiful skin glow as you lay there in a position designed for his own taking, that cute lip pout and those hazy puffy morning eyes. You were simply, to die for.
"I will break up with you right now if you plan to do something as stupid and humiliating like that." You said with the best attempt of actually sounding angry and not extremely aroused over the thought of Kaeya bragging and being possessive of you in public. He flashed a charming smile down at you before kissing your inner thigh and moving away to let your legs gently drop back down onto the mattress. You sighed out in relief, but it was short lived.
Your legs were spread again and the empty space was filled with Kaeya between your thighs now. It quickly became apparent to you the morning chaos was not over when you could feel his throbbing shaft rubbing against your entrance tantalisingly slow. When did he get his dick out? How does he move so quick and unnoticed by you? These are questions that unfortunately were going to be left unanswered this morning.
Letting out a sinful sounding moan and arching your back out was all the evidence Kaeya needed that you were feeling every inch of him as he intended you to. A shudder running down his own spine when he finally buried his length down to the base inside your tight walls. A breathless moan escaping his lips too. You went to move your hands to tug at the sheets but he gently gripped both your wrists with one hand and pinned them above your head. Looking down at you he couldn't help but smirk so greedily.
"We'll make it a bet then. If you don't cum first I won't tell anyone how delicious you are to indulge into." Without warning he began to thrust deep and hard into your already aching insides, he'd built you up so close to your climax earlier with just his tongue. How was you suppose to last now?
It was a loosing battle either way for you sadly. As unknowing to you if you did manage to win this morning, he was just gonna keep trying every morning till you gave in anyway, sorry.
This man's a mystery on what to expect most mornings. He could be cuddled beside you, or he could be halfway up Dragonspine trying to grab samples of rare flowers and plants by the time you awake.
The only thing that's certain period is the fact he's always thinking about you when he does wake, and he never grows tired of seeing your sleeping face.
Should he sketch you? Should he cuddle you into his chest? Have you inspired him to start another obscure project that'll probably just have Sucrose sighing? Who knows at this point.
But on the odd days he does wake up and find himself weighed down by his own well... dick being rock solid he 'chalks' it up to just being human nature.
He does love you does he not? He does find you attractive does he not? So what he's feeling right now is very basic fundamental human reaction to said information.
But you can bet your life he's gonna take this basic human reaction and test its limits till even you question if being a human is safe round him anymore.
"Albedo pl-please! I- I- Hngh!" You cried out as your muscles tensed and ached, another wave of euphoria seizing your body. Your womanhood was dripping with your slick and juices and your hair was stuck to your face as you gasped for air. Your chest heaving up and down as if you were going through labour, your mind was beginning to fail to cling to whatever functionality it had left. You'd lost count how many times you'd orgasmed by now, Six? Seven? Eight even?
Your legs kept twitching and your cheeks were a deep red constantly, you whimpered at the thought of something walking into your tent you share with Albedo. If Sucrose was to see you right at this moment you'd possibly just die right now. However Albedo stood beside your restrained form on the bed and looked as nonchalant as always, his turquoise eyes taking all of you in, learning so much knowledge of your body's limits right now. Fascinating.
You'd woken up to him having just finished tying your arms to the bed this morning while muttering nonsense about 'I need to run some very important tests right now.' You thought he was just Albedo being Albedo- but my god was you wrong for thinking so calmly over this matter. You decided it was his personal project of seeing how far he could torture you till you just keeled over and died.
He kept ignoring your broken and stuttered pleas to give you at least five minutes rest, the overstimulation to your sensitive bud was becoming unbearable. You began to sob softly as tears swelled in the corners of your eyes, you didn't think it possible to be enjoying this situation as much as you was right now, but you were sure as hell not gonna tell your partner. However when his hand finally left your womanhood you almost sob sighed in relief.
However the short joy you experienced broke apart quickly when you saw him turn his back from you and begin to rummage through his bag of 'experimental properties'. You always dread what he's going to pull out of that god forsaken bag when he sticks his hand in. But you were about to find out, he turned his back slowly with the smallest look of amusement across his face. He was holding a small testing tube with a cork top. Inside was a florescent glowing pink substance, it looked beautiful, and had you not known any better you would've assumed its a delicious cocktail.
But the look of dark amusement in Albedos glimmering eyes made a shiver run down your spine. He approached you slowly and popped the cork top off the tube. A strong smell hitting the back of your nostrils as he bought it close to your mouth, it smelled strongly of flora and various spices, it really did sell the factor of being just an alcoholic beverage. Your brows knitted together in suspicion, and he chuckled softly. "Y/N I'm gonna need you to drink this sweetheart." He spoke in such a monotone way, like everything he was doing was just another normal experiment for him.
"I... I... I think not." Was all you were able to sputter through your heavy pants. Your body was still trying to come down from his god knows how long ride of being high in euphoria. The fact this suspicious liquid was selling the disguise of alcoholic beverage so well left you stunned, and quietly questioning the morals and intentions behind whatever this potion really was. Albedo hummed softly bringing his finger to your lips, pressing against your bottom lip softly he slowly traced along your lip line. His eyes studying every feature on your face with full intensity.
You look perfect to him right now, so riled up, so broken yet trying so hard to remain strong willed. One of the reasons he loves you so much, and why he must give you more pleasure than humanly possible to experience. He cleared his throat and snapped himself out of the trance of looking so lovingly at your features and his eyes grew more stern. "Very well, it's only natural a human reject something they do not understand the origin of yet." For a brief moment you thought you'd won this battle, for a brief moment anyway.
His finger gently tracing your lips suddenly was used to pry your mouth open wide and before you could protest the liquid was running down your throat, you were gonna choke if you didn't swallow so you did out of sheer panic. The taste was so sweet, divine almost, you actually craved more of it. But that was besides the point, after he had emptied half the tube out into your mouth he pulled the tube away placing the cork back on it and resting it on the rickety wooden table behind him with his bag on. Turning back to you with his arms crossed. Waiting.
You stared blankly at him, was... something suppose to happen- you moaned out and tugged at the ropes harshly, your whole body felt on fire so quickly, your eyes widened and your chest arched up and stuck out. You didn't know what the hell was happening but your panting became more fast and hard and your brain was going haywire. You were so sensitive all over so suddenly. Every part of your body ached and cried for attention, this was insanity he'd just made you cum nonstop for the past hour or more, how can your body feel so sensitive and burning for more?! You looked at him only to see a small smile on his face. That maniac, what did he do to you?!
"Y/N do you know what you just drank?" He spoke with a stoic tone, though you could tell he was hiding the amusement behind it. He approached you slowly again, removing his clothing piece by piece as he did, till he was stood fully naked before you. His erection stood tall and throbbed, precum was leaking from the tip, one vien looking prominent along his shaft. It looked painful, like he'd been keeping that restrained for over an hour in his clothes. Had he really been doing all this to you with a hard on that monstrous under his clothes?!
He looked down at your confused and panicked expression, chuckling softly once again. "Correction, do you know what you was just forced to drink by my hand?" He spoke with a smug tone, he didn't often change in tone or expression so to see him almost cracking and wanting to smile so wildly had you actually shuddering in anxiety to what he'd done to you. He slowly crawled onto the bed and placed himself ontop of you, his erection resting against your soaked womanhood, just the feeling of it pressing against you made you moan out so needy like.
"It's an intense aphrodisiac for women, while being an intense viagra substitute for males." Your eyes widened as you felt him lining his tip up with your quivering entrance. "Which means, your body has now been heightened, making you hypersensitive and reactive to any sexual stimulation." He sounded so proud in himself for rattling off the side effects of his little tube of disaster to you, you wanted to protest and call him a mad man but words leaving your mouth right now was a luxury your brain was not going to permit.
Before you could do or attempt to say anything however he shoved himself inside you fully, one hard and deep thrust, with all his love for you pouring into the impact too. His only way of properly expressing to you how much you mean to him is usually through physically terms as he cannot find the right words to convey it, without making it sound like another conclusion to a test. As his tip pressed against your sweet spot you convulsed around him, your walls clamping down and squeezing his length while also spasming, a world crumbling orgasm hit you making you see white. Crying out his name was the only audible noise that left your mouth in that moment.
He groaned lowly squeezing his eyes shut and tensing trying to not release after only just pushing in but it was useless, your body was doing its best to milk him and he was forced to oblige. Releasing his thick ropes of seed inside you instantly. He grinned and then laughed gently to himself, pulling his now coated length from out your insides. You whined and whimpered, your sanity had long since left you, all you knew was you wanted him back inside, you felt so empty now and you hated it.
He leaned down kissing your sweaty forehead gently "I know my angel, you miss me already I understand. I underestimate your ability to make me reach my own climax sometimes, that is my mistake." He got up off the bed making your body now feel cold, you wanted his warm skin against you again, you wanted to his beautiful face above yours again. You wanted him and you wanted him NOW. You began whining like a dog in heat, coherent sentences were not an option to you anymore. He hummed in amusement to the whole situation knowing you'd fully been taken over by the aphrodisiac now. He'd finally broken you completely and it was more worth it then he initially had thought it would be.
He walked back over to the table and grabbed the tube, popping the cork and tipping the last half of the liquid down his throat swallowing it all. He put the tube down and instantly growled out, he dug his fingers into the rickety table beside him trying to steady himself. He was experiencing the same rush of high you had been going through not moments ago, he panted heavily and when he looked down his throbbing erection had grown a couple more inches, his eyes widened and his lips curled into a somewhat psycho like grin now.
He turned round to you and cleared his throat. "Let's make this experiment a success shall we?" And with that he drew closer to you yet again and you panted and whined like a puppy happy to see their owner.
That morning was long, and neither of you left the tent that day, the noises you both created echoed through the whole mountain and Sucrose had to try her best to focus on her own projects while having to hear every second of it.
Everything with this boy is filled with love and joy. He just radiates positivity. Even when he's groggily lifting his head up at noon.
You're not in bed with him most times he wakes up, specially during the day because you're at work. He understands your busy schedule, but it doesn't stop his loneliness creeping in.
Whenever he wakes up with that urge of his, that need to feel you, he often will press his face against your pillow and breath your scent in.
The closest he can get to you on most week days in these times is your lingering scent and his hand wrapped round his dick like a puppy in pain.
On the weekends however you feel inclined to give yourself more of a rest, so you treat yourself to lying in till noon with him. These weekends Venti holds so close to his heart, for a god there's little he's seen or done at this point. But getting to feel love for you is something he'll never tire of.
He use to be shy on those certain weekends you did stay with him till he stirred awake however. As it was then you saw just how much he often truly misses you during your distance apart during the hours of the weekdays.
"Y/N, o-oh... you're still here?" The small anemo archon stuttered while rubbing his sleepy eyes still. You'd think it was the crack of dawn the way he acted right now, but you'd already been up for a few hours by now just watching him sleep and etching his features into your mind to ponder back on at a later date.
For one of the seven gods he was anything but divine acting, every night he'd go the tavern belonging to Diluc and not come back till he can't speak anymore nor walk in a straight line. He would fill your small little home with the smell of dandelion wine like you was making it in some shabby shack.
"Venti, its Saturday. I have no work today, remember? I thought we could have a walk about Mondstat and have some lunch... but it's practically dinner time now anyway." You pouted your lip feigning sorrow, you were mean with your teasing on the small archon boy, because you knew how he hated to ever displease you. This time was no different, his eyes widened at your sad sounding voice and he sat up instantly.
The sleepiness leaving his eyes as he pulled your hands into his and looked you deeply in your own eyes. "Y/N I am sorry! Truly I am! I never meant to sleep in so late. W-we... uhm. We could always go for dinner! I'll pay and everything." He beamed such a cute smile your way, and you couldn't help but smile back.
About to tell him you're joking and that he doesn't need to worry so much, your words however seem to lose themself in your mind when your eyes glance down and landed on his... little friend who also seemed to have been awake this whole time. You couldn't help but giggle softly to yourself, his brows knitting together in confusion at your giggle, he saw your eyes fixated somewhere in particular so he followed your line of sight and his face burst into a shade of dusty pink across his cheeks when he too saw his excited little friend.
"Hey, it's not funny!" He grumbled in the cutest way to you and you couldn't help but lean in and kiss him gently on his lips. However this may have been your undoing, as he tensed after you broke the kiss, breathing in deeply. His whole attitude seemed to change. You stared at him and couldn't help but question what had happened. "Venti are you okay?" You were a little worried to see his attitude so serious now. However all he did was mumble under his breath. "To hell with it. You're here so I might as well be honest."
With that you were pushed down on the bed in an instant, his eyes looking hungry as he leaned down and peppered kisses all along your neck, you were in complete shock over all that was happening right now. He isn't often this dominant, usually its you taking the lead on most things. But for once you were getting to see just how badly he misses you most days you're not here when he wakes up.
He licked along your neck gently as his hands snaked across your thinly clothed body, it didn't take long for his hand to slip under your panties and press against your bundle of sensitive nerves. Your breath hitched and he smirked at you, for the longest time he'd wanted to see you under him like this, powerless to his every whim. He began stroking and squeezing in all the right places earning several soft mewls from you.
He was in heaven, he had to be, you were so angelic, surely you'd fallen from the heavens. You must have, it was the only thing that made sense. The way you moaned his name softly, tugged the sheets gently, your eyes closing as your cheeks were the ones to flush pink this time not his own. He liked seeing you this way, it made him feel good. Seeing how you reacted to his touch was simply intoxicating, and it was his favourite thing to get drunk on except for drink itself.
"Venti... I'm close-" He hushed you softly, pressing his lips against your own, the kiss was so soft and tender yet dominant and guiding. This new found confidence from him was something you could get use too. As your tongues swirled together with the ever deepening kiss you moaned in a muffled way, your juices spilling out round his small slender fingers, your panties becoming quite ruined over this ordeal.
He pulled away softly panting as was you, your face was already showing small beads of sweat and you looked ravished already, he smiled to himself simply saying "I'm gonna show you just how much I love you." And with that he jostled around with his lower clothing, still wearing his bard like uniform he always does, as he often stumbles home drunk in all hours of the night just to collapse beside you and pass out.
He freed the beast to put it gently, his thick and throbbing erection standing big and proud. For a small boy he sure packed a lot, you licked your lips absent mindedly and this caused him to shudder slightly.
God he was gonna give it to you good, you had no idea how much of a ride you were in for with this small whirlwind. But you were sure as hell about to find out.
He rarely sleeps anyway, so waking up to him laying beside you with a warm glass of tea is rather common now.
When he does sleep his mind is often plagued with indecent thoughts between you and him, he blames it on his long life with no partner to share himself too.
Now you're here always by his side offering your heart and soul to him so intensely he can't help but feel his inner beast roaring to come out.
He's never had such strong urges before around someone, and to his amusing surprise someone so innocently mortal too.
When he awakes with morning wood he does little to relieve himself of the feeling, letting it die down slowly with reading or letting his mind drift off.
Much like Diluc he cherishes getting to watch your slumbering state so would rather soon cut his hand off or some other exaggerated action then actually begin to wake you himself.
However if you do awake different to Diluc he will express his problem that is growing ever more persist for him to you in hopes you'll understand what he's planning to do to you.
A sweet smell was tingling in your nostrils everytime you breathed in, the cool morning breeze brushing past your face as you began to hear the early noises of life of Liyue Harbor. The window had been creaked open and so the curtains were pulled apart, the morning rays of sun hitting against your face, the softest way to wake up in your eyes.
Stretching as you sat up, a small yawn escaping too you rubbed your eyes slowly. Looking around you were met with your partner, Zhongli, sat in a chair facing the beds direction while sipping his tea and reading his book. So that's what that sweet tingling smell was. Zhongli often did manage to make very appealing tea, a secret talent of a god maybe?
"Mmh. Morning Li, rest well?" You spoke gently as he put the book down, his amber eyes glowing at you, resting on your form. A gentle smile encroaching on his lips as he took another sip of his tea, finishing the drink entirely. Setting the cup down he stood up slowly and made his way over to you. He was already fully dressed, while you were in your short frilly night gown still.
Pressing down onto the mattress at the side as he seated himself beside you gently bringing his gloved hand up to stroke against your cheek you hummed lovingly into his hand tilting your head more into his hand. "Yes I did my darling, and what about you? I hope you slept well?" He questioned you back while still wearing a warm smile on his face. You looked divine, he wasn't sure if he was the archon here or you. You looked the part for it indeed.
You moved your head reluctantly away from his soft grip and nodded slowly giving confirmation to his question. He sighed out softly and happily before clearing his throat, the reaction making your brow rise in curiosity. "Well, I, uh, ... I slept a little too well it would seem; as I've awoken with a morning problem..." He wasn't making sense in his words till his long thin finger pointed down to his crotch and there you saw a small tent forming.
You blushed deeply in response with a frail sounding "O-oh, I see..." You coughed nervously trying to clear your shaky voice but it was rather intimidating to see his erection so early in the morning, so large too. Because yes, he was very large. You put it on the fact he's an archon after all, and well, a retired dragon. Your reaction managed to coax a little chuckle from him however as he gripped your hand softly into his and bought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on it.
So delicate with his actions, gently resting your hand back down he smiled warmly at you. "If you are not capable right now I understand my love, I can simply distract myself with another book-" You cut him off as you wrapped your arms round the tall man's slender neck and leaned up into him to kiss him softly, welcoming him into a warm embrace.
He groaned lowly against your lips as his gentlemanly demeanor began to crumble between his fingers, the facade of pretending this hard on wasn't painfully uncomfortable for him cracking the longer you both remained locked in a heated and passionate kiss. The lingering taste of his mint jasmine tea still fragrant in his mouth, his arms wrapped round your lower back keeping you pressed flushed against his body. Your breasts pressing against his tough chest. Though clothed you could only whimper picturing you were both naked.
It didn't take long for you to become putty in his hands however, practically pleading for his touch to be more intimate, and cool your burning desires in several areas. He let out another soft chuckle however as he stood up gripping your hand so gently and delicately, lifting your body up so you were stood on the mattress now. You were only slightly taller than the man himself whose feet were still rooted to the floor.
He looked up at you with admiration and awe, humming softly he let his gloved hands run down your body and sides, shaping your hips and your thighs, giving gentle squeezes as he did. Exploring everything your body had to offer. He knew most words in the language old and new, he new languages that had died out through his long age. But he still couldn't find the words to describe how undying your beauty was to him.
You didn't know it just yet... but you had just become this dragons prey, walked right into the dragons lair, he was hungry alright. And you were about to see just how crazy an untamed dragon can be. So I hope you're ready to be making the heads of every person in Liyue Harbor face your bedroom window, because he's not holding back today. Not a chance.
Sleep? With this man beside you? Absolutely not.
Every moment he's beside you he wants to be inside you, taste you, feel you- just anything to get more closer to you in an intimate way.
Hes got the stamina and the recovery time of a feral demon boy who just learned what sex is.
He lives by the thought of if a guy wasn't suppose to fuck his girlfriend senseless every morning why does he wake up with morning wood?
Simple way to fix these morning problems: stop being so sexy.
Let's be real here, no matter what you say or do this boys gonna pop a boner for you. He's too energetic not too.
The birds were singing there peaceful lullabies, or were they? It was a bit hard to tell with your moans drowning out all other noise around you. This morning you'd found yourself awoken to the unmistakable feeling of having your boyfriend buried deep inside you thrusting away like a piston gone haywire.
All you could see was his ginger dishevelled hair thanks to his ridiculous sleeping positions he always gets himself into. He looked nothing short of feral right now. But it's not like you could mock him for it in your current position, everytime your mouth opened it was purely just to moan out curses and his name. Your brain was still trying to come to grips with having been awoken in such a hectic manner.
When you were able to finally form a single word it was a meek and pathetic plea of his name. When Childe heard you say his name or at least try too he finally lifted his gaze up to meet yours, you didn't expect to see such a playful innocent smile spread across the boys face right now. "Morning Y/N! Sleep well?"
Sleep well? Is he insane? Does he not realise he's basically jackhemmering into your insides right now. You've lost count how many times you've cum in the past thirty minutes alone. How long has he been at this now anyway? Your eyes rolled back and your back arched as you were washed over by yet another overwhelming climax.
Childe giggled like a lovestruck fool as he felt your walls spasm round his length for the Nth time now. He had you in the breeding press underneath him, allowing his member to sink into you as deep as he could literally get it. My god did you feel full right now. Your forehead was already clammy and your vision had long since started to leave you.
Overstimulation was gonna be how you die wasn't it? It seemed that way at least. Your slick was running down your curved rear onto the mattress as he just kept thrusting into you. Just for added measure every now and then he flicked your sensitive bud to watch you twitch and gasp for air. You looked mesmerising right now to him, you'd never understand how much he loves seeing you this way.
After another ten minutes or so of relentless paced thrusting the movement started to become sloppy. He was nearing his own release now himself. It wasn't his fault he woke up with such a raging hard on this morning. Dream you had been very mean to him last night, teasing and mocking him, making him feel less of a man. So when he woke up today flushed, hot and bothered like no one's business, only to see you resting so peacefully and innocently, you had to pay.
You don't get to rest so sweetly after being so mean to him in his sleep, no chance. That's not how this works missy and you know it. He finally spoke through heavy pants "Get pregnant my sweetheart" He said it in such a sweet tone, like what he was requesting was easy to fulfil. However before you even begin to think of a reply, with a disgruntled groan he buried himself deep inside you and finally shot thick ropes of his seed out. Coating your inner walls all over.
You were beginning to feel too full to focus on anything else except him inside you now. Your body was weak and shaking, your orgasms had left you a hot mess underneath him. Any chance of coherent sentences leaving your mouth had long since said goodbye. However, he wasn't finished yet. You just didn't know it. His head was drooped down. His baby blue eyes hazy and taken over with lust as he looked at where you and him were connected.
Swallowing down hard, your throat dry and feeling scratchy from the constant moans and whimpers you finally stumbled your words out. "Ch-Childe, we... we need to get up now. We have j-jobs that need doing to-today. People are going to wonder what's h-happened." Your mistake here had been thinking it was safe to talk I'm afraid.
After you managed to squeak your words out you felt him tense all over, including inside you. Which made you let a soft gasp out, his head finally lifted, shining slightly from the sweat over his smooth skin. His pants still audible but slowing down. A smirk crept onto his lips and a chuckle reverberated from deep within his throat. "Jobs that need doing?" He questioned this with amusement in his tone. "The only job you need to focus on doing is what I just told you. Get, pregnant."
Which each word he spoke out he thrusted deep inside you, hitting at your sweetest spot when he angled himself just right, seeing you twitch and gasp, tug the sheets and shudder under him bought him such joy. "There it is." He murmured to himself, having completed his mission. Finding your most sensitive spot, now it was time for the real attack.
His thrusts suddenly picked back up again, hitting at your sweet spot mercilessly, you already felt so full, his seed was inside you including his rather large sized erection too, your belly ached but you couldn't help but relish in the feeling as it felt so good to you too. You were just as every bit as infatuated with him as he was with you, you couldn't deny it. Man oh man did he love the way you looked right now, that's it, such a good girl taking him all in. Trying so hard to get pregnant.
You were doing so well holding that load in, but it wasn't enough to satisfy him, maybe after another three or four loads will he think the jobs done. Unfortunately your morning just isn't going to end yet, poor you, or lucky you if were gonna be honest here. His pace picked up again and your mind was shattered immediately, overstimulation was key when it came to him having sex with you. He thought if he made you think of nothing else but him the chances of you getting pregnant will increase tenfold.
Don't worry though, after all is done he will go as far as to make breakfast for you and bring it to you, he doesn't want you standing and risking anything leaking out, it would be a waste of his efforts after all. You were going to be sore for the next few days and there was nothing to prevent this basically. For your own sake let's hope this time you do get pregnant.
He hates humans. He detests mortals. He can deal with them near him, sometimes. But as a whole. Mmh no. So sleeping beside one and waking up beside one NEVER crossed his mind as ever being a possibility.
But you, you? This was different, why did he feel so comfortable beside you, why did having you against his chest feel so right?
Why did it have to be such a feeble mortal like you too?
It pissed him off. Even more so when he wakes up and has had your dream self in his brain all night. He was becoming less divine by the day with you beside him.
Never did he expect to wake up with the urge to make a mortal feel pleased by his touch so much. Never did he think he'd ever wanna preform so well that you a mere mortal would shudder under him.
But how fitting it was, to see you under him on those mornings he had problems, you never really had say in the matter. He was going to break you and that was all there was to it.
You awoke to a hand over your mouth, it was dark and you couldn't see a damn thing. But you knew for a fact you'd opened your eyes. Had you gone blind? Mmh, unlikely to happen so randomly over night. So why was you in pitch black darkne- a scoff was heard faintly above you. You couldn't see them but you'd sure as hell heard them, they were too close, now that you'd heard them there presence was overbearing to you. And that's when you realised they had their hand over your mouth!
You could still hear the birds chirping away, you could still hear the voices faintly below the Wangshu Inn. Where was Xiao when you needed him? He would've protected you from whoever this intruder was. You'd fallen asleep in the arms of your complicated lover last night, so why hadn't he been here to save you now, Knowing him he'd probably left before you'd wake up, being fed up with the presence of a mortal so close to him and all. It fitted him to be that way anyway. But something felt... odd. It was scary yes, but you'd finally pieced it together that you were blindfolded, deliberately thrown into darkness to avoid letting you see around you in the morning, or so you assumed.
However if this intruders intention was to actually hurt you, wouldn't they have done so by now? Or were they a freak who liked to have their victim conscious and aware of the horrors to come. You growled lowly in frustration over the matter, angrily you swung forward to lift yourself off the ground but your hands, cuffed. You should've guessed that coming to be honest, but what you didn't guess next was feeling the intruders hand suddenly on your chest while the other squeezed tighter over your mouth pushing you back down onto the cold wooden flooring.
Then it hit you, you were on the floor, not your bed, was you even at the Inn anymore?! Your heart rate began to pound away at your chest now. This was becoming too much to process. Who had you wronged to become so in trouble with someone? Your brain was rattling itself trying to find clues to who could be your kidnapper but your mind was blank. You've never interacted with shady characters before, never done questionable jobs or risky operations with alterior motives. So why?
It was filling you with fear however feeling the intruders hand so tight over your mouth, cold sweat forming on your face too. A soft sob leaving your muffled mouth. Until the presence shifted and felt more closer now, it was suffocating you more than the hand was. Their hair brushed against your forehead softly as they presumably leaned down right beside your ear, as you then heard a husky voice low but clear. "It's me Y/N. Why are you acting so pathetic right now."
Xiao? That was ... Xiao. That was definitely his voice, so wait... he'd cuffed you and blindfolded you and left you sprawled on the wooden flooring?! What the hell?! "Mmh! mhh! MMH!" You were livid and trying to scream your lungs out at him but his hand remained firmly where it was. A deep sigh rumbling from his throat. "This is suppose to be romantic... or whatever. Element of surprise or some nonsense. So why are you ruining the mood?" RUINING THE MOOD. EXCUSE ME, WHAT? You screamed in an angry fit of rage but it was muffled still.
Had this boy actually lost his bloody mind? You knew he was bad with being social and couldn't grab the gist of common mortal interactions but this ... this was too damn much! Adeptus or not. What the actual fuck? However your mind was bought back to the now when you heard him mutter to himself. "These need to go." With that he lifted up or so you assumed as his weight was off you and you felt room to breath. Your mouth finally not being trapped by his hand. "Xiao, this is NOT ROMANTIC. Let me out of these cuffs no-"
You were cut off by a heavy gust of wind whirling round, your hair flying everywhere as your clothes fluttered in the waves of the wind, the wind then rushed across your body hard almost feeling somewhat like a whip as you felt your clothes tearing apart and being destroyed from your frame. You panted heavily and shakily and whimpered as you couldn't see but could feel you were naked now. The cool air hitting all over your skin, goosebumps kissing along your delicate skin.
"Tsk. I hate that you look so beautiful to me right now." He growled the words out. Was that even a compliment at this point? You might as well take it as one, you'd grown accustomed to his broken compliments now. You felt yourself being lifted off the ground. His arms held you tightly. It was ironic how hard he always acted round you, yet his hold on you was always so soft and embracing. It felt even nicer since your body was being displayed bare to him as he kept you close to him. "You will always be mine." He wasn't asking, nor even talking to you, he was just making a statement out loud. But you didn't disagree. You were his now and forever. He was flawed and complicated but you loved him, even now having your clothes torn off by the wind and being cuffed and blindfolded. Was there anything he could stupidly do to ever actually stop you loving him at this point? Probably not.
You were feeling warmer now and the voices had faded away, the cool air and breeze slowing down till you couldn't feel it at all. You were back inside the Inn now, it was the only thing that made sense. However you gasped when you felt yourself being dropped and for a brief moment you could feel a scream approaching but before you could scream you hit the soft plush mattress beneath you and let out a whimper instead. It was incredibly welcome at this point to be on a bed and not what you assumed to be the top balcony of the Wangshu Inn.
You weren't allowed much time to enjoy the new soft sensation however as your hardened nipple on your left breast was greeted to a wet feeling engulfing it. A moan escaping your lips involuntarily albeit, the sensation only grew more intense as a wet appendage began twirling round the tip of your nipple and you couldn't mistake that, it was Xiaos tongue. He was indulging on your body like it was his own play toy. It only grew more fierce as his hand also snaked down your body to between your thighs, his fingers mercilessly plunging into your folds and pressing against your walls reaching your deepest spot he can with just his fingers.
Your mewling whimpers and soft pleas to slow down went ignored by the adeptus however as he continued to attack your body in such a devilish way. You were left unable to fight back or even see your lovers face still, not that seeing would change anything nor having your hands freed since you're no match for this angry adeptus. It didn't take long either for your breathing to pick up and your moans to grow louder. You were right at your climax and- he stopped. The stimulation dissolving instantly leaving your body in a frustrated twisted twirl. A whine leaving your mouth. "Xi-xiao why?" You sobbed from the frustration of having been denied your release. But he didn't respond. Just left you there untouched and teetering on the edge of orgasm.
You thought he'd left from how silent it had gone and how long you'd been left on the bed without any touch or feel of any presence. You sighed slowly relaxing and letting your guard down now, assuming he'd been called off somewhere and left you here till he returns. You were use to him being this way so none of this was a surprise for you anymore. However you couldn't help but scream when his touch squeezed your legs and spread them open so abruptly. You went to protest but your air was punched out your lungs when he plunged his length all the way inside you to the hilt and pressed right against your sweet spot.
Your eyes widened and rolled back and it was only then did your blindfold ironically come undone, just as you did, your sight being granted to you yet again, but your vision blurry now anyway. Though through your violent orgasm you could still make out your lover, hunched over your restrained body like an animal in heat; panting heavily and thrusting relentlessly into your now soaking entrance. Aching all over he kept fucking you through your orgasm, giving you no time to come back down from your high. His golden eyes gleaming, silently taking you all in.
He didn't show any signs of slowing down, and that's because he wasn't going too not anytime soon. He was drowning in his desperation to see you break by him and him alone. You looked so beautiful and heavenly and it pissed him off, why did he have to love you so fucking much? He grew more frustrated with this conundrum and planned to release it all out on your body. So all I can say is brace yourself for a very very long morning.
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unknown--anna · 3 years
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Xiao x reader
Gender neutral reader
Genre: Fluff, to angst/hurt
Character deaths, mentions of blood
Word count: 1810 words
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
The brightest roses
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You both knew your relationship was no where near normal. A mortal and an adepti? One would face their mortality, while one would face their immortality.
Xiao was hesitant at first; knowing you would one day have to leave him to go to a place where he couldn't reach you; where he couldn't hear your voice, feel the comfort of your embrace, or see your smile. He wasn't the only one. You too had those lingering reminders at the back of your head. One day you'll leave this world; leave him. But did you really not want to experience life with him?
During the years of your short visits, you had become aware of his karmic debt, but you had never seen it first hand, so Xiao felt anxious as his brows furrowed at the possibility of his debt affecting you if you spent much more time with him. In the past, your short visits would put his thoughts of his karmic debt at ease, but what if you get affected in the future? What if spending more time than before leads to your demise? Sure, he enjoyed your company, but can he really be selfish and just keep you a little longer?
"I'll be fine, Xiao." You warmly smiled at him. "I've got this!" You pointed to your geo vision hanging on your side. You told him about the way you got your vision and Xiao felt more indebted to the geo archon. Not only did Morax save him, but he also saved you.
Despite it all, you decided that you wanted to experience life with Xiao and he too wanted to, even though your mortal lifespan was no where near the thousands of years he'd spent in Teyvat. He wanted to savour what little time he had with you, and so he did.
Your parents were sceptical at first. Of course they would be. A mortal and an adeptus in a relationship? It's an understatement to call it uncommon.
Your mother stood up from her seat. "Though I won't say I don't find it out of the ordinary, I see that Xiao is a good individual." She chuckles. "I remember after each and every visit, you'd tell us all about him." Your face turns red at what your mother had just revealed in front of Xiao, who seemed unnerved, but his heart skipped a beat. "Also, you look much happier, dear." Your mother says before kissing your cheek. Your father sighed and looked at the two of you for a moment before speaking. "Can I trust you to protect them?" He asked Xiao, who immediately replied. "I will and always will be there to protect them from any dangers until the very last dawn." Your father took a deep breath and simply smiled at the two of you.
Once you knew your parents would be okay, you felt confident enough to move from Mondstadt to Liyue Harbor. You said your goodbyes to them and your friends. "Thank me with some wine when you visit." Kaeya whispered in your ear as Xiao practically glared at him. With hugs from Lisa, Amber, Jean, and Bennett, you and Xiao were off.
As expected, a relationship with Xiao would be no where near ordinary or easy. Because he felt more indebt to Morax, he continued his duties with more intensity; sometimes leaving very little time for you, but whatever time you two did have together was cherished.
Those moments when Xiao would find your sleeping form waiting for him were precious to him. Seeing the peace in your face brought peace to him momentarily, then he'd feel guilty for leaving you for long periods of time, yet so grateful knowing you'd always wait for him.
Sometimes whenever you fell asleep anywhere which was not the bed, he'd be careful not to wake you and lift you up in his arms to bring you to your bedroom. Once he lays you down, he'd brush away any stray hairs with the gentlest touch, then plant a soft kiss on your forehead while holding your hand.
When you woke up, you'd often find something left behind be Xiao, such as whatever dish you liked from Wangshu Inn, but you'd be comforted by the fact that Xiao came, since you were no longer in your previous spot sleeping, but in your bed.
On some occasions, you'd wake up to a dark head of hair with green in your arms. Xiao, who wore a rare face of serenity. You'd sometimes fall back asleep or just admire the peace that decorated his features.
The little moments and big moments between the two of you were cherished greatly. Of course you've had your disagreements, but Xiao makes sure he is and will never be the cause of your pain or tears.
The few moments Xiao's karmic debt crawled its way into him, you made sure you were there; even when he'd tell you to stay away; fearing that his debt might affect you, but you were persistent. With black tendrils flowing out of Xiao, you'd try to reach out to him; only to be met with all the pain he would usually endure alone. Despite it, you too tried to endure it with him by embracing him as tight as possible while bunching up the fabric of his clothes.
"I want to be able to protect you too." You said through gritted teeth and sweat pooling around your forehead. That is when Xiao would wrap his arms around you in a crushing hug. You two would stay there until he would slump on your shoulder heaving, until he pulls you back into a gentle hug.
The little time you two had was spent meaningfully, but here he is today; unable to breathe. Your inevitable mortality caught up to you, is he knew it would. But did no one expected it so soon or happen this way.
"Hey, hey..." You tried to speak and smile with blood pooling in your mouth. Being in the adventurers guild of course had its risks, but a rather unexpected turn of events occurred this time. You had some business with the Abyss. Some mages were no trouble for you, but when an Abyss Herald accompanied by more mages suddenly came, it happened too quickly for you to notice the blade made from elemental energy stuck in your abdomen. The blade dissolved back into nothing, which caused you to bleed profusely.
Your vision was getting hazy and you could only think of one name. "Xiao..." You mumbled the best you could as the mages approached your bloody form. In less than a second he was there and when he saw you with a gaping wound in your abdomen, his eyes widened. He never truly hated certain beings, but in that moment he felt pure rage towards the Abyss.
In mere seconds, he took down the Abyss Herald and mages with full killing intent. How dare they. Kill them. Those were the only thoughts occupying his head in that moment. With blood covering his pole arm and splattered on himself, he could only heave in rage until he turned to your form clutching your abdomen.
He tried to lift you, but you cried out in pain at the sudden movement. He wanted to bring you to safety, but he couldn't bare hearing your cries, which tore his soul to shreds. He looked back at the wound. It was large, deep, and unbelievable amounts of blood kept bleeding out of it. He knew. You'd lost too much blood, but he didn't want to accept the thought that you were doing to die; leaving him forever.
"Hey... It'll be okay." You tried to lift your hand up to meet his face to caress your thumb over his features. "Know that I'll love you, even after death." You pulled the best smile you could muster. Xiao could only let endless tears drop from his golden eyes to your bloody form. "I'm sorry, Y/N... I promised I'd protect you- I should've come soon-" "Stop it." You interrupted him. "None of this is your fault." You assured him. Though he still felt guilt eat away his heart, all he could do was to continue cry while squeezing your hand and committing your face to his memory so he'd never forget you; even after thousands of years to come.
"You were never very expressive, Xiao." You tried to chuckle, which only ended up in you wincing in pain. "This is the most expressive face I've seen from you... But I wish it wasn't so sad..." You smiled up at him as he continue to let his tears fall. The pain he felt in his heart was nothing compared to his debt. It felt like a piece of it was being ripped away and would never return.
"Hey Xiao...? It's so cold..." You wanted to wrap your arms around yourself like you did in Dragonspine, but your arms were losing feeling. The only thing that held your one hand on Xiao's cheek was his hand. Xiao immediately wrapped his arms around you; sobbing into your shoulder as he felt your body turning colder by the seconds.
"Thank you, Xiao." You whispered into his ear as you layed your head on his shoulder. "Thank you for everything." If anyone could hear him, his inner self was screaming to not let you leave; to let you live. Your shoulder was getting moist from his tears. "You will have a place in my heart and memories for eternity." You nearly missed it, but you were happy you heard it.
Slowly, your body became limp and cold in his arms and he knew it. You were gone. You looked like you were sleeping, but he knew; anyone would know that you were gone; you would never awake from your eternal slumber.
As years passed, his world lost it's colour as he never moved on from you. Each and every day, he'd pick the brightest roses he could find, then gently lay them all by your grave stone. It was easy to find your stone, as it had the most flowers. In the past, you were the one who would give him almond tofu with by flowers, even if it wasn't any occasion. So now he was picking the brightest roses to give to you, as their colours shone in his colourless world; the only things that had colour and your vision, which he always kept close.
Pink for admiration.
Yellow for friendship.
Red for love.
White for purity.
He chose white because of how pure your love was and how it made him feel alive in the short moment you were alive.
"If there is a way for you to come back, I will wait for you. Just as you waited for me in the past."
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