#i just really can't believe that this is happening. it is making me really unwell
tastyflowers · 1 year
sorry for becoming a depression blog but
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kira-fluff · 6 months
reaction to finding out you have a chronic disease | fem!reader x haikyuu!!
this idea popped into my head in the shower. shower thoughts are the best. as a chronically ill person such as myself (mentally and physically, LOL!) i felt maybe I was a little qualified to write this. these are all diseases i experience! i can def write some that i am not diagnosed with :) i'm a biology nerd, so i love learning new things, especially about diseases! some of these are more serious than others. i tried to keep the disease symptoms/descriptions general so it can appeal to more diagnoses (for example, nosebleeds are indicative of several different diseases) that way more people can feel represented by what i write!
‼️warnings: mentions of blood, nekoma team being dorks, seizures, WAY too many ellipses (sorry I just love them), pointless bantering (oikawa), dramatic af, osamu described as "caked-up" (sorry not sorry), railing on atsumu for shits and giggles, deep hatred of the word moist
want to see a different haikyuu character's reaction? request here! also, if you want to read a specific disease represented, i can see if i can put it in there too :)
✿ kuroo tetsuro "hey when do you want to- OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!" blood dripped from your nose onto the gymnasium floor. "oh. another nosebleed. my bad, I'll clean that up..." you said apathetically. "hey, this is sort of a big deal, ya know? shit... yaku, I need a towel or something!" he shouted. they really weren't anything serious. ever since you were little, you had frequent nosebleeds. your mom wrote it all off as the cold weather (even in summer), so it wasn't really that big of a deal to you either (until a few doctor visits later). still, the apathy you felt toward your predicament remained. yamamoto had already rushed over at his captain's call. "does she need an ice pack, too? fuck, I don't know what to do...." "aren't you supposed to tilt your head up?" one member asked. "no, no i think you're supposed to tilt your head down...." another muttered. "GUYS, GUYS I GOT IT. GOOGLE SAYS TO 'sit down and tilt your head forward, pinching the top part of your nose above the nostrils for like, 10 to 15 minutes.'" lev sat back proudly, phone in hand. "can't believe you were smart enough to look that up..." kenma whispered under his breath. "hey, hey, look at me. you still with us?" kuroo said, a hand on either side of your face. despite the towel against your nose, you couldn't help but laugh. "oh my god, guys! it's not like I'm dying! this happens all the time." "but that's not...normal. did you ever get it checked out?" kuroo stared at you inquisitively, his brow raised. his fellow teammates nodded. you sighed. "look, unless there's a lot of excessive gushing or anything like that, they said i should be okay. yes there's a whole disease behind it all with a long-ass name that no one can pronounce and yes there are sometimes other symptoms that could result in death, but I'm totally fine, okay? I'm perfectly healthy!" "you poor, fragile angel..." lev said, a hand on his chest, distraught. "that... does NOT make me feel more relieved. at all. in fact, I'm more worried. should we go to the hospital? that one looked a little... gush-y...." kuroo said, pacing back and forth before setting his eyes back on you. removing the towel from your nose, you shook your head. "no. look, bleeding nose already gone, see? I'm not going to the hospital. I'm completely fine. relax, kuroo." kuroo stared at you for another moment, taking in your expression, searching for any signs of discomfort. at last, he sighed. "ok. fine. I concede. but if you ever feel the littlest bit unwell, tell me or one of us, okay?" after your agreement, and several more minutes of doting from both your boyfriend and all the other team members, you at last parted ways. as you got out of the shower that night, your phone lit up with a notification. tetsu 💕 [11:23pm]: I'm serious about what I said back there. please talk to me when you aren't feeling good. you mean so much to me that I can't imagine what life would be like without you. sleep well, babe. love you.
✿ osamu miya "damn are you o-- OKAY, YEAH, NO. SHE'S NOT OKAY." it was your average day as a supportive, amazing, fantastic girlfriend watching your iconic, sexy, hot, caked-up boyfriend play volleyball with his piss-haired twin and the rest of the team of inarizaki. unfortunately for you (and the entire volleyball team), inarizaki had a recent issue with their air conditioning units. even more unfortunate was the fact that the fans in the gymnasium were practically there for decoration, that's how useless they were. despite it being late march (still quite cool outside), the players and spectators were drenched in sweat. still, you weren't about to let a little (lot) bit of sweat deter you from cheering for your mans! so, you remained in the stands, cheering as loudly as you could (except for the times when you couldn't because atsumu was once again on his I'm About To Serve Power Trip). it was finally nearing the end of the game, and thank GOD it was because you were starting to feel reaaalllly light-headed. at the final score of the match, you stood up, but oh, was that a mistake. suddenly, you legs started shaking. the lights suddenly seemed to dim down and black spots were popping up in your vision. maaaaybe you should sit back down. wait. where is "back down"? it suddenly occurred to you that at this point, you couldn't see anything. beginning to panic, you started reaching out to find something to hold onto, thankfully finding the stair railing of the bleachers in your grasp. slowly, you blindly fumbled your way down the steps of what you hoped were the bleachers steps. you heard someone shout something along the lines of, "you good?" you were far too panicked and far too focused to give a reply. don't fall down. don't fall down. don't faint. don't pass out. you chanted in your head like a mantra. you heard the squeak of shoes against the ground and voices talking back and forth around you when suddenly a steady hand grabbed ahold of you just above your elbow. guess that was all you needed before your consciousness flickered, then extinguished.
"....cold like ice...." "...pale as hell...." you could only hear snippets of sentences, and your eyelids felt heavy. "....have something....with sugar, preferably...." when you finally opened your eyes, you were no longer in the gym, but in inarizaki's nurse's office. "hey..." you turned, now noticing the other occupant of the otherwise empty room. "'samu... did I faint again?" his eyebrows rose. "again? like, you've done this before?" "yeah. happens a lot. 's fine though. was a little scary back there for a minute, though." "damn, I'll say. I've never seen someone so pale. and sweaty. and that's saying something, cuz post-practice 'tsumu is disgustingly moist." "'samu, I love you, but never say that fucking word again." "what, moist?" you cringed, grabbing at your ears, "ugh, yes! I'm already dying here and now you're nailing the final mark in the coffin." osamu gave his signature half-smile. "I thought you said you were fine?" you scoffed, "that was just to make you feel better. I'm gonna need lots of cuddles tonight to wave off my near-death experience." he let out a light-hearted laugh. "okay. plenty of that for you regardless of whether you're on death's door or not." he said, giving you a small peck. you pursed your lips. "I need you right now, though." his face split in a full grin as he slid next to you on the small bed. "anything for you darlin'."
✿ oikawa toru "please... please be okay..." you had been enjoying your regular weekday study session. it always went as follows: meet up after class, head off to aoba johsai's library, study (and perhaps get slightly off-topic over some vending machine snacks and drinks), and at last, go to volleyball practice (perks of being a manager!). "ok, ok, we should probably finally look at what we're supposed to know for our next english exam," oikawa said, still in between chuckles. "but toru... i can't go on without a drink..." you clutched your throat dramatically. "must... have.... beverage.... dying of.... thirst!" oikawa laughed again, "geez, fine!" he said, attempting to sound annoyed by your request (and failing miserably). "I'll go grab us something to drink. on me." he winked. "wow. what a gentleman. you really spare no expense, spoiling me with luxurious drinks from the beverage box of wonders! oh how lucky I am to have such a supportive boyfriend..." you leaned back on your chair, drying a fake tear of gratitude, while simultaneously stifling a giggle. "damn, ok. fork out the yen, then, babe." "nooooo~~~ I was kidding! I'm sorry you're the best ever in the whole wide world~~~ my little piglet oinkawa~" "ok now you're paying for my drink too." "I'm sorry!!!! I won't call you oinkawa ever again." "thank you-" "to your face." after at least 15 minutes of more bickering (and no studying) oikawa was off to the so-called beverage box of wonders, also known as a shitty-ass vending machine that was probably last refurbished in the '90s. oikawa was still laughing to himself as he rounded the corner to the library, drinks in his arms. "hey babe, are you finally studying?" he smirked, finally nearing your small alcoved study area.
- thud, thud. the long-forgotten drinks fell to the floor as oikawa rushed over to you. there you convulsed on the ground, your eyes white and pupil-less, and your mouth foaming, turning a slight twinge of pink. you let out small grunts, completely unresponsive. "oh my god, oh my god, hey, hey listen to me." oikawa was already in full-fledged panic mode, tapping your face with his hand. "oh my god, SOME PLEASE HELP HER!" the few left in the library looked over at oikawa, then at you, before beginning to run about. one was on their phone speaking to a 911 operator, another rushed out of the room. one kneeled alongside oikawa, checking helplessly for a pulse. "protect her head." a girl read out from her phone. oikawa immediately shed his jacket, placing it under your head which was hitting the ground rapidly to the incongruent rhythm of your convulsions. "check her bag, does she have any meds?" "SHE'S MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND I THINK I'D KNOW IF SHE HAD MEDS!" oikawa shouted. he didn't mean to snap, but he felt so useless. were you hiding this from him? how did he not know you had seizures? were they always this bad? despite what he'd told the unnamed student, oikawa, jumped up, grabbing your bag and nearly ripping the zipper with the force he'd opened it with. no medication. "no meds." he said, quieter this time. a hand rested on his shoulder. "it's gonna be okay, man. look, she stopped." oikawa whipped his head over to you, chastising himself for removing his eyes from you for even a second. you were still breathing, but it was like you were in a deep slumber. by the time the EMTs arrived, however, you'd begun blinking your eyes lazily at your surroundings.
- "hey oikawa." you said, smiling. oikawa said nothing in return, his head in his hands. you sat there for a moment, taking in your surroundings. "wait a minute, where am i?" you felt a tickling inside your nose. at the touch of your hand, you realized you had a breathing tube hooked up you. another glance around the sterile hospital room showed your heart rate monitor and other cords wrapped up around the hospital bed. you laughed, "...and what's all this stuff on me?" "you had a seizure." oikawa said sharply, though not unkind. you stared at him once more in disbelief. "...really?" "yeah. I came back from getting our drinks when...when I found you lying on the ground, shaking. the doctor says you bit your tongue, which explains why the foam that was coming out of your mouth was pink. they want to do an MRI on you." "oh." you gazed down, then met his eyes again. "you... had to deal with that all by yourself?" "other people in the library helped me... though I don't think I was the nicest guy to be around. its sort of all of a blur." you smiled, "for me, too. I can barely remember what we were talking about before I woke up." oikawa's eyes widened, "really?" "yeah... but I think I'll be okay, as long as you're here." "this hasn't happened before, has it?" "no, not really. I mean, I've always gotten light-headed easily, which is sort of how I felt before I, ya know... went down... but never like that. I don't think. then again, if I wasn't here in a hospital bed, I think I would've just thought I fell asleep or something. it just feels like I took a long nap. still kind of tired, honestly." oikawa shook his head. "I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again." "oikawa, seriously. it's gonna be okay. I'm fine. nothing bad happened, right? I didn't die." "BUT YOU COULD'VE!" he shouted. "...you could've.." he said again in a whisper. suddenly, he got up. leaning over the hospital bed, he pressed his lips to your temple, leaving a soft kiss in its wake. "I just... I don't want to see you suffering. I don't want you to get hurt." "but you were there." "but what if I wasn't?" "but you were." you slid your hand over his own. "oikawa, it's gonna be okay, I promise. I'm a little scared, too, but... I know we'll figure something out, okay?" he let out a mix between a sigh and a laugh, "why does it feel like I was the one who had the seizure? some boyfriend I am, making you feel worse." "oikawa shush." you placed you index finger over his lips. "you're not allowed to talk about yourself in that way in my presence." he rolled his eyes, but his dimples popped out in a wary smile. "you're amazing, you know that?" you imitated deep-thought, your finger on your chin. "hmm... no, doesn't ring a bell." a full grin bloomed across his face now. "then I'll spend the rest of my life reminding you."
a/n: romanticize the source of your medical bills girlies 💕 it works wonders
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iris-in-the-rain · 2 months
Stede has had the most awful day at Bonnet Industries. He's feeling really poorly and run down, but he keeps trying to push through. His father already gave him a dressing down in front of everyone. He's been feeling so unwell that more than once, he had to sit down on the floor against the wall. Of course, nobody paid him any attention. His face is all red and puffy from trying to hold back tears, but all he gets from his 'colleagues' is snide comments about his appearance. He finally gets in the car and opens his phone to a message from his best friend, Ed
'Looking forward to the movie later! Can't believe we get to see it on the big screen 😍 Yaaaay! Do you remember the first time we saw it?? x'
Of course he remembers. How could he not? He remembers looking at Ed that day and thinking how lucky he was that such a cool, smart and talented person wanted to be friends with him, silly Stede Bonnet. Stede starts crying then, ugly sobs, because he completely forgot about tonight and Ed was so looking forward to seeing the first movie they both saw together on the big screen this evening and he's feeling so hot and weak, and look, Nigel is pointing at him from across the parking lot. So Stede starts driving until he somehow gets home. He barely remembers getting into the house and replying to Ed's message. Ed deserves better. Stede is just useless. He's not a good friend, let alone boyfriend material. He lies down on the sofa and closes his eyes.
Until he wakes up and isn't sure where he is or what's happening. He's simultaneously freezing and really hot. He's in his bed, wearing his fluffiest pajamas, and wrapped in a comforter. And Ed is sleeping in a chair next to him, holding his hand.
Stede whimpers, and Ed snaps awake, immediately cupping Stede's face and frowning at the heat radiating off him.
'Hey love, shhh, you're alright. You should have told me you were feeling so ill'
Stede's eyes fill with tears again.
'The movie! We missed the movie, Ed, I'm so sorry, 'm just useless...'
'Hey, who you calling useless, hey? Better not be my Stede. Gonna need you to take these and drink some water, okay?'
'Ed, I'm sorry fo...'
'Hey, it's okay...'
'No, it's not okay!' Two tears roll down Stede's fever-flushed cheeks. 'We were supposed to see our movie and I could finally tell you you're the best thing in my life and that, that I wouldn't know how to keep going without your support and and everything is wrong, but you are right, you are the only right in my life, and I love you, okay, I just love you so much, but I'm not good enough, and you d- deserve better and I'm just a st...'
But Stede doesn't finish as he finds himself wrapped in Ed's arms and oh, if that isn't the place he never ever wants to leave. Heaving sobs shake his body, as his best friend, his Ed, holds him close, pressing kisses to his head, and murmuring words that Stede can barely make out, but...
'Love, it's okay. I've got you. I love you, too. You have no idea how much, Stede, my god, I got so terrified when you wouldn't answer the door and then I saw you on the sofa...' Ed holds him tigther. 'You're everything, okay! Just...' Ed realises that with the fever, Stede might not remember any of this in the morning, but that's okay. He'll tell him again.
As Stede falls asleep again, it is to the sound of his best friend's heartbeat and a dream of love that he never dared to hope for but always deserved. And Ed falls asleep holding his whole world.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Stillborn? No, still born au -- Dani Phantom! Clone girl herself. :]
She can't exist in this au. And it's not that I don't want to add her -- although I'll be blunt, I don't, I'll be the first to admit that I think she's more often than not nothing more than a narrative deadweight used to prop up Danny and I don't like adding characters as props -- but her existence quite literally goes against and muddies the Vlad and Danny dynamic I have for this au. Ellie's existence in canon itself states that she was created -- and Danny's other clones too -- because Vlad gave up on trying to convert him to his side and decided to just make a son instead.
Something that just, doesn't happen in the stillborn-still born au. See, for folks who are only just hearing about this au or didn't see my post about Vlad in this au, he and Danny have a complicated love-hate relationship where they mutually want to adopt each other, but their morals and way of doing things -- mainly Vlad's insistence on getting revenge against the Fentons -- gets in the way of them being able to do that in full.
Vlad knows Danny wants him to adopt him, and is only fighting him on it because he refuses to let Vlad kill the Fentons for essentially killing the both of them. He's succeed in 50% of his goal. Canon Vlad never even made it to 1%. With that in mind, stillborn Vlad has no reason and sees no reason to clone Danny, he has his son. He just needs to convince him to let him avenge them both.
Dani simply has no place in the stillborn-still born au. And in fact, if Vlad did decide to clone Danny -- for whatever reason, -- it would damage his relationship with Danny damn near beyond repair. That's because Danny would view it the same way he views Damian's existence; as a replacement for himself. He would become beyond furious and hurt, and not for the typical 'I can't believe you cloned me, you creep!' reason, but for a 'I can't believe you cloned me, you said I was your son!' reason.
I am not pulling any punches here when I say Danny wants Vlad to be his dad just as much as Vlad wants Danny to be his son, there's just a lot of factors getting in the way. They are, as the french say, ✨mentally unwell.✨ Danny has a ton of abandonment and trust issues due to his experiences in foster care. He would immediately become jealous, insecure, and incredibly furious and hurt. He'd despise her on principal and want nothing to do with her, or Vlad for that matter. He'd just fucking haaate her. It's not her fault she was made but Danny doesn't really care, he's lashing out and pushing people away because he's been betrayed yet again.
The only way they could get along or for Danny to actually like her in any capacity would be if it was his idea to clone himself. Which is like, kinda obvious but considering most clone plots tend to be non-consensual it's kinda gotta be said. He has to have a hand in creating her, that's the only way I can see him liking her in any way. Or if someone other than Vlad created her. If Vlad clones him though, all bets are off the table and he'll despise her.
TL;DR: Dani can't exist in this au because she goes against the narrative I've got for the two most fucked up half-dead could-be-father-son duo in existence, but if she did exist Danny would despise her.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#danyal al ghul au#stillborn? no still born au#stillborn danny#danyal al ghul#dpxdc au#vlad masters#dani phantom#he's what the french like to call 'emotionally unstable' <3. vlad is a possessive parent thats obvi but DANNY is a possessive son#he is SO not mentally okay. he's a good kid! but he's also mentally unwell and incredibly traumatized <3#he doesnt play nice with his biological siblings unfortunately :((#danny as a default pushes his people away from him and flinches away from most conventional affection bc he thinks its insincere#and it takes a while to convince him that yes you do actually care about his well being and you're not going to hurt him.#he really is just a traumatized cat that you have to coax into letting you pet it. he clings onto the people he trusts like a terrified cat#have you ever tried pulling a cat down from something when their claws are dug into it and the only way you can get them down is by hurting#them a little because you have to yank them off? yeah that's danny.#if dani DID exist and Danny and her DID get along she'd spend a lot of time also convincing him to let vlad kill the fentons. danny keeps#trying to tell her murder is wrong. dani just says 'but they got you and dad killed' and unfortunately she is as stubborn as her brother an#dad. she gets to be a little evil. as a treat <3. she also doesnt like damian but that's because she too is a possessive sister#who doesnt like to share and damian already *has* a bunch of older brothers. he doesn't *need* danny. and also he's a replacement#we love complicated family dynamics <33 THE most dysfunctional half-dead not-family ever.
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What happened the second time wasn't sexual assault, but it was still deeply traumatizing. It was a second date. A couple days before me and my friend Quinn had spent seven hours hanging out with this dude and it seemed really promising. I told him a lot of very personal stuff, past trauma included. Then as Quinn was leaving, he turned around on me. Texting me how he just wasn't sure that "someone like me" could even have a normal sexual/romantic relationship with anyone. Kept doubting my response. Saying I had to "prove that I could be normal." Offered to come over. The first date had been so great that I was willing to try to hash it out in person, even though I was hurt and upset. He came over. Told me that there was a couple boundaries he needed me to respect. I wasn't allowed to interrupt him or repeat myself, because those were trauma triggers of his. I promised to be mindful. He wanted to make out and I still wanted to prove myself to him, but unfortunately I was upset and feeling ill and I had to interrupt it to go vomit. When I came back he was furious and threatening to leave, claiming that I was probably only acting sick to get out of sex, and that I had ten minutes to "prove that I could be a normal person" or he'd leave forever. I tried explaining that I'd been unwell all day, that it wasn't personal, that I really was interested. Repeatedly because he completely refused to consider it. Which is when things escalated. "You're interrupting me! You already said that! Didn't I tell you that you don't get to interrupt or repeat yourself?! You're deliberately triggering my trauma. I bet you're an abuser. I bet men hurt you when you act like this. And you deserve it! You're so horrible and I bet you're always acting like this! You have ten minutes to prove to me that you're normal and kiss me or I'll never talk to you again. This is abusive! You know you're abusive!" For hours. On and on. And I kept trying to tell him that I was sick and couldn't make out and then eventually that I wanted him to leave and he kept going "look at you repeating yourself again. You're obviously getting off on abusing me. On deliberately disrespecting me. You're sick. You're a horrible person. I can't believe you would treat me like this. You said you could act normal!" Until eventually I broke down and started crying which made him tell me that crying was an abusive manipulation tool and slam the door in my face as he finally left. I considered the risk that I might vomit again to be more dangerous than refusing him sex. And he completely lost his shit...
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hwanchaesong · 1 year
Die For You
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Na Jaemin X Reader
genre: fluff, suggestive at the end, sprinkle of angst, f2l au! (reader is having a hard time because of school)
word count: 1.6k
a/n: now this one is for you~ i hope you'll like it 💚 to anyone who wants to make a request, please check the rules. thank you much~
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Jaemin doesn't believe in love at first sight, but he does believe in seeing someone for the first time and knowing that one day, you'll fall in love with that person.
It so happens that it's you, that one girl that always sits at the same table in his favorite coffee shop, at the same time with the same order.
You look.. peculiar? Can he even say that? He doesn't think so, he might get wacked on the head by you. But still, he really did think that you're adorable, and it became a habit for him to watch you as you minded your own business.
The idea of talking to you did not even enter his mind, not until you took the initiative because you had enough. You felt like being watched every time, and when you inspected the place, that handsome man was the culprit.
So you approached him, slamming your book and coffee on his table and sitting on the empty seat in front of him.
"Spill it." you said, and boy was he shocked because he did not expect you to be this bold.
"My coffee?" he asked, not entirely sure of what you mean but you can't blame him. The poor man has been relying on caffeine for days just to stay awake.
"No, I mean," you cleared your throat, caught off guard at his dumb reply, "why do you keep on staring at me?"
Then a light bulb switched inside his brain, beaming at you and stretching his arm towards you for a handshake, "Hi! I'm Jaemin and I think you're adorable."
That was the time when a beautiful thing called friendship bloomed. (and it turns out that between the two of you, he was the peculiar one. not you.)
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Jaemin looked at his phone again, checking if you had replied to his messages. He does this every twenty minutes and his friends are getting sick of it.
"Just call her." Haechan said, scowling when he saw Jaemin check his phone once again.
"I can't do that. What if she's busy?" Jaemin countered back.
He doesn't want to intrude too much in your life, knowing his boundaries even if the two of you are very close with each other.
He was just worried. He hasn't seen you since last week and you never messaged him back.
"If you don't want to bother her, then wait patiently." Renjun, his other friend advises. A good one, but Jaemin wasn't exactly the most patient man alive.
"But I missed her!" he protested once more, earning him a collective groan among the men in the room.
"Listen," this time it was Jeno who spoke, "all these fiasco of yours are getting boring to watch."
"What?" now, Jaemin was confused, even more so when his other friends nodded in agreement. What on earth is he talking about?
"At first it was fun to watch, now it's just painful and if I'm going to be completely honest," Jeno leaned forward, like he was about to tell the dirtiest secret in the universe, "every time I see you like this, I wanna bang my head to the nearest wall."
"Then do it." Haechan laughed when Jeno threw a glare in his direction. "Jokes aside, I agree with Jeno."
Jaemin raised an eyebrow at them, "Are you guys drunk or something? What are you talking about?"
Ever the clueless Jaemin, everything needs to be spilled out for him that it made Renjun groan and push him out of the door.
"Just go to her man, you can't come back here until you've settled this!"
What good friends he has. First, they tell him things without elaborating and now they are kicking him out of their shared apartment? Well damn. Looks like he got no choice but to go to you.
After a few minutes of walking, he was already at the doorstep of your house, knocking incessantly and calling for your name.
He felt relieved when he heard your voice for the first time in weeks, "Coming!"
Upon opening the door, he was surprised at your appearance. You look so unwell, with the dark bags under your eyes, your tired demeanor and oh? Did you lose weight? What really caught Jaemin's attention was the dried tear stains on your cheeks.
His hands unconsciously made their way to your face and cupped it, "You were crying?"
Your eyes widened, slapping his hands away and shielding your face from his prying eyes, "I'm sorry Jaemin, I'm not really in the mood for this."
You were about to close the door but man was he agile, gripping your hand and hastily entering your home without your permission. (granted that it wasn't really required because you did tell him to come to your apartment whenever he wants to. you even gave him a spare key for free access.)
"Jaemin! What are you-"
He plopped you down on your sofa, "Stay there young lady, don't move a muscle and I'll cook some ramen for us."
He made his way to the kitchen, the clanking of the pans as an indication that he started cooking. You sighed and rested your head on the soft pillows of your sofa, soon, you were drifting to dreamland.
It was a relatively short nap, the smell of something heavenly woke you up. Lo and behold, a complete meal was set in your living room table.
"I thought we were having ramen?"
"At first," Jaemin answered, moving around and setting up the television so the both of you could watch your favorite movie, "but then I saw you sleeping so I decided to make more food. I'm sorry that I woke you up though." he explained, sitting beside you and giving you a sheepish smile.
"I don't mind getting woken up by a feast, honestly." you joked, eyes setting on the television as you two started to eat.
This was fun, you thought, not until you felt that same unnerving stare from years ago.
"What is this time?" you whined, now distracted and setting your food down.
"Why do you always complain? Let me admire you in peace."
You stilled, heart beating a little too fast for your liking. "You still didn't give up on that agenda of yours."
"How could I when you're literally the prettiest person I've known."
No. No. No. No. No.
You can't take this, not this time, you are having such a hard time and you don't think you'll be able to handle this.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a warm hug engulfing you, Jaemin's scent filling your nose, "I missed you so much, Y/N."
You couldn't help but return the affection, melting in his embrace, "I missed you too, Jaemin. I'm sorry for pushing you away."
Jaemin hummed, momentarily moving away to fix some astray strands of hair, "It's okay, it's you. I will always understand you." he assured you, and for what felt like forever, tears of happiness began to form.
Was it really happiness? You think that some mixed emotions are also in there yet Jaemin was patient, wiping your tears away as you continued bawling. Your snot probably got in his shirt but he couldn't care. You were his priority, and he hates it when you cry like this.
He listened to you well, how you were so stressed about your academics and the never ending school works worsen your panic attacks.
He listened and listened, soft eyes watching you with empathy and sadness.
"You should've told me all of this instead of keeping it in." he mumbled against the crown of your hair, letting you calm down.
"Don't worry, you're not alone now. I'm here." his hands went up and down your back, effectively soothing your nerves.
"Thank you, really Jaemin. Thank you for sticking with me all this time even if I'm such a mess." you sniffled, giggling afterwards when he suddenly tickled you.
"Oh my god!" you squealed, falling onto your back and when you opened your eyes, you see Jaemin on top of you, gazing down at you with orbs full of nothing but adoration.
"I think you're perfect, even if you're a mess." he admitted, "Every day in my life, I see you and I think of how lucky I am because I have you."
"Jaemin." you mumbled his name, voice barely above a whisper as to not ruin the moment.
The noises from the television became static and all of a sudden, all you can focus on was your 'best friend'
"I don't really know how to explain it. I love you?" Jaemin questioned, like he was talking to his self, "That may be it but believe me when I say that I will take a bullet for you."
Jaemin slowly leaned down, his face mere inches away from your own, "You're that precious for me."
"Jaemin." you gripped his shirt tightly, "I love you too." you confessed, and that was all it took for him to seal your lips together in a silent pact that he belongs to you, and you belong to him.
Never in your wildest dreams did you expect that you'll be kissing your friend in your living room, more so when it's a passionate one.
"I'll show you," Jaemin mumbled on your neck, his mouth pressing wet kisses all over your neck.
"I'll show you how much you mean to me."
You never doubt his words, if it's Na Jaemin, then you're sure as hell that he'll do everything that he says.
After all, he's the man who's willing to die for you.
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shierak-inavva · 4 months
I genuinely shipped Remy x Rogue from the series and some moments in the comics.
Erik x Rogue just happened to be another pairing I later shipped in addition bc I was fascinated by all of their interactions in the comics.
I knew Remy x Rogue were THE pairing though, so I left it at that.
Then ‘97 happened.
I love Remy and him with Rogue to bits…
but my heart has been beating SO ARDENTLY from all of the moments with Erik x Rogue.
I haven’t been so passionate about a non-status quo pairing since X-Men: Evolution (Cyclops x Rogue 😅), and my heart just ACHES so much for Rogueneto to have a canon happy ending since the comics keep fumbling that up.
anon, man, i get you. i’m new to this fandom entirely but i’m not particularly a fan of the rogue/gambit relationship from what i’ve seen of it—but then rogue/magneto is way more geared towards my personal tastes anyways.
i actually got into '97 BECAUSE i learned about the rogue/magneto relationship and i was so intrigued by the idea of it (my only knowledge at that time of these two characters was ian mckellan and anna paquin and i thought 'well god that's wild as hell i gotta see this' and then BOOM magneto was out here lookin like THAT and of course i got hooked are you KIDDING me) and i was instantly drawn to the dynamic between them and the intrigue of their relationship. getting to see them coming together at the end of episode 2 like that was...well, it cemented the whole thing for me, the girl who no one can touch and who can't touch anyone else, who craves physical intimacy and connection, finally having someone who can touch and be touched by her?? oh my god. the way she melted when he touched her hand, i'm still just unwell over it.
(also scott/rogue in evolution was super cute potentially so you're so real for that fr)
but i think what really draws me to them as a ship is how intensely and deeply their relationship goes in the comics. these are two people who forged a bond with each other that's lasted for years--even when they've been apart or with other people (gambit, for instance) they're still orbiting each other. rogue is always the one person to trust erik, to believe she can still appeal to him or that he can be reasoned with and erik is always there when and if rogue needs help, needs him. PERSONALLY i think that they've fallen together and apart in the comics like they have because they're both so similar and and both so self-sacrificing that they're willing to give up their own happiness together to try and make others happy, to meet outside expectations, and because i think they're both afraid of actually accepting happiness together. rogue is also, i think, not prepared for the kind of relationship/life that erik is offering her. he's intense, and his life is intense, and honestly if she were to choose to be with him it would mean accepting power and accepting the love of someone who wants to help her grow and evolve and be powerful because he sees potential in her and views her not just as a lover but as a partner and an equal. and for someone as powerful as magneto to see you as an equal....i mean i'm sure yall can do the math there.
i'd love to see them both fully embrace a relationship and a life together, but i know that's probably not gonna come together in the comics for us 😮‍💨 at least certainly not any time soon; but the relationship we've been getting bits and pieces of in '97 has the potential to be something really interesting and really satisfying, so i'm hoping they do more with it moving forward !!
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jeeseth · 6 months
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pairing : park minju x fem!reader
summary : after not attending school for a week because of your fever, your girlfriend who is also the student council president has been living with a grey cloud with her.
genre : fluff, angsty, kinda nsfw at the end
cw/tw : men, harassing, violence, bruises and wounds.
“Good morning, y/n!” A bright Jeemin greeted you while hugging your side.
“Morning Jee!” You smiled lovingly, opening your arms so that Youngseo and Hyewon who was behind Jeemin can hug you too. You all shared a group hug before pulling away.
As you pulled away, Jeemin looked at you with her puppy eyes and pouted. You chuckled before caressing her cheeks.
“It’s been a while since I last saw you.” Jeemin muttered while fixing her hair.
“Sorry, I had a fever.” You chuckled awkwardly, scratching your not-so itchy nape.
You missed school last week because you had a severe fever. You didn't have enough energy to do anything, so you spent the entire week resting in bed. Your parents have already taken you to the clinic to get some medicine and have you checked out. You could hear a number of notifications from your phone, but you're so unwell that you can't even get it from beside the bed.
“I’m glad that you feel better now.” Youngseo smiled, patting your head afterwards. “But, I feel like someone is still in a bad mood since last week~” Youngseo giggled, you look up at her, feeling confused.
“Hm, I wonder why our students president was so grumpy last week?” Hyewon said, pretending to think.
You laughed and quickly realised what they meant. You feel bad for not informing your girlfriend that you're sick. Even your mother wondered whether you tell Minju about it or not, because you discovered that Minju had called your mom to asked why you didn’t came to school. You wouldn't be surprised if the notifications is all from her.
“She is?” You giggled as they all snapped their heads toward your direction.
“She’s like way grumpier than she already is!” Youngseo rolled her eyes playfully, remembering what happened last week.
They told you that last week, during the morning assembly, Minju won’t let them seat and suddenly her speeches were so damn long. You couldn’t believe it when they said that Minju was in her office all day long. Minju’s friends were also worried about that girl.
“Ay, there’s no way it’s all because of me-”
“It is!!” Your friend group and Minju’s friend group said in unison causing you to flinched.
“Where did you guys even came from?!?” You shrieked.
By the look of it, it seems like they were just passing by. You couldn’t help but to noticed that Minju isn’t with them, that’s weird.
“Uh, we were just passing by and couldn’t help but to eavesdrop y’all talking.” Yunah laughed out loud but then she stopped when Jeongeun slapped the back of her head.
“Talking about Minju, she’s still walking around with a grey cloud with her.” Jeongeun sighed, massaging her temples.
“Damn y/n, you really should go and talk to her asap. That girl isn’t even functioning properly since she’s so worried about you.” Jihyun said, wrapping her arms around your shoulders. “Did you not tell her that you’re sick?”
You shakes your head, “no I didn’t, I was so sick that I can barely open my eyes.” You pouted.
“By the way, do you guys have any meetings today?” You asked Yunah, Jihyun and Jeongeun since they’re also in the student council.
“Nope, we don’t have any today.” Jeongeun said as you nodded in response.
“Don’t worry, you have the whole day to make it up to Minju. Just don’t do anything freaky in her office!” Yunah teased and went to her class with Jihyun and Jeongeun trailing behind her, bidding you guys goodbye. Your cheeks flushed a bright pink tint at what Yunah just said.
“It’s time for us to go too, let’s go!” Hyewon said, linking her arms with yours.
Your first and second periods went well, and you have virtually the same classes as Youngseo. Even if you were told to stop chatting so much, it was still enjoyable. It was recess, and you sat next to Jeemin, drinking your banana milk. You also brought an extra one for Minju, as you want to meet her when school finishes.
“You sure, y/n?” They asked, when you told them to just go home first without you later.
“Yeah, I planned on meeting Minju for a while. You guys can go first.” You smiled as they all nodded.
“Bye, y/n!” Jeemin waved at you and you waved back at her, before making your way to Minju’s office.
You were almost at her office when you ran into someone, forcing you to fall. "Ouch…" you winced. You sense a presence in front of you and look up to find two terrifying-looking students. Their uniform made it clear that they were not from around here. You thoughts were cut off when one of them grabbed you by your collar.
“My my, what a pretty lady like you doing here?” He chuckled as he let go off your collar.
“U-um, I just need to go to that office so please excuse me.” You said, attempting to walk away but was stopped by another man standing in front of you.
"Calm down, what's the hurry for?" He stated while looking at you with hunger and lust in his eyes. He looked around before bringing you closer to him, pressing your bodies together. And there's another man at your back. You swear you want to cry at this point.
“Hey, why not let’s have some fun hm?” He whispered and started caressing your body, you let out a whimper when the other man covered your mouth with his hands. Your tears were pouring out like a waterfall right now and you wished for nothing but someone or that specific someone to save you.
The man in front of you was about to touch you again, but before he could, he was pulled back roughly by the hair. You flinched but took the chance to bite the man at your back palms, causing him to let out a yelp. You were quick to run a little bit far away, and you tried your best to look through your wet eyelashes. And there you saw Minju throwing blow after blow to the both of them. Her shirt wasn’t tucked in, she threw her blazer somewhere else, and her tie was loosening a bit. Minju kept fighting before a teacher came and stopped her. It seems like it was the two dudes, teacher. He apologised to Minju and your principal before pulling his students away. The principal asked if Minju was okay, and she said she’s fine, before the principal left to settle with those two. 
Through your vision you saw Minju came to you and kneeled in front of you before picking you up in bridal style. You nuzzled your face in her necks and let her carry you to what felt like her office. She put you down on the sofa before going to close the door. She came back to you and kneeled in front of you with her hands caressing your thighs.
“Love,” she called out, and you hummed in response. You wiped your tears away and looked at her. You saw that her lips were bleeding and her temple was bruised with an ugly purple colour. 
You cupped her face, and she leaned into your warm palms. You peck her nose softly before standing up to take a medkit. A few moments later, you sat back down with a medicine kit in your hands. You patted the empty seats beside you as a sign to tell her to sit down. 
In silence, you carefully treated her wounds. You’re being extra careful with the one that’s still bleeding. Without realising it, you were so focused on treating Minju’s wound that you didn’t see that she was staring at you the whole time. You only realised that when you started treating her lips and making eye contact with her.
She smiled softly before you went back to treating her bruised lips like you weren’t completely flustered by that. “Stop it, i need to focus.”
She just chuckled quietly and continued staring at you until you’re done. You pull away and look at her wounds, looking a bit better than before.
“Um, don’t i get a kiss for being obedient?” Minju asked nonchalantly, making you roll your eyes.
“Is this really the grumpy president everyone been talking about?” You scoffed before laughing at how Minju’s pouting.
“Aw, come on…” she mumbled, intertwining your hands afterwards. You giggled quietly before pecking her lips.
You pull away and saw Minju still pouting. “Why? Is that not enough hm?”
“I want a kiss, and that’s only a peck.”
“Minju, your lips taste like ointment you know.”
“Tch, if you won’t kiss me then I will.” she smirked before pinning you down against the sofa.
Let’s just say, the ointment on her lips were no longer there for some, reasons.
a/n — i don’t really like this 😭 imma make another one soon as an apology ;)
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alatismeni-theitsa · 12 days
Hi there, first off I'm really sorry for deleting the comment! While I wish I could keep it up the private messages were too much. Sadly I don't think I can report whoever it was. Reddit has this weird thing where if you pay for it, you can privately send some messages without any username or something to be shown. So yeah some random person got really upset at the idea of PJO being in Greece and decided to pay money towards Reddit to let me know.
As for the xenophobic things that were said about Greeks. I have to rely off the top of my head since I deleted them pretty quick. It was a bunch of "nobody cares about you Greeks, the country's a shithole that has to rely on tourists, you can't even claim to own the mythology because you were a bunch of colonizers who took other POC myths and made them your own" stuff.
Barely nothing about why they hated the idea of having the series in Greece. I think it was just some xenophobic ass who pretends to be progressive. But man I did not expect the subreddit to hate the idea of a Greece setting so much. By the time I deleted the comment it was at -20 downvotes.
I planned on replying sooner but chronic illness is a bitch. I am outraged that people feel comfortable being such assholes for fucking nothing, and they have completely false arguments on top of that.
I am sorry that it was such an unpleasant experience, and I hope you are feeling better now. Those malakes should go fuck themselves, plain and clear. They are such stupid and incompetent bullies that they'll fart your dick and balls (Greek expression for "they don't have the guts to do shit to you"). They are cowards and their "progressiveness" is no more than a shitty excuse to make everything about them and bully people in the name of "justice". They probably got their friends to downvote the comment and did a small smear campaign. Cause I find it hard to believe that a whole subreddit actually hates Greece.
I am all for recognizing when Greeks have done and do something bad/wrong but the statement "you can't even claim to own the mythology because you were a bunch of colonizers who took other POC myths and made them your own" is just factually wrong in so many levels. Even the smidge of truth in that statement is so twisted that I cannot give them right. So, they're spreading misinformation on top of everything.
You are in charge of your actions and feelings, so if you feel the comment is best deleted, then that's okay. My humble suggestion - in general - is to not give these fuckers an inch. I had my fair share of them here, for years. When they realize their cyberbullying doesn't work anymore because people don't get intimidated, they just whine to their equally fanatic friends. The only power they have is whining online, and when people back down, they get encouraged and do the same thing to more people.
Unless you feel your safety is threatened, or you feel too unwell to engage (all valid!), then ignore them and just leave your opinions online where people will inevitably see them. Do it once, do it twice, and you'll see that nothing more than unpleasant messages (which you will just delete and block) will happen. Your comment was civil and completely harmless. You are on the right here.
Even if I agreed with their opinion, their approach of behaving like violent crybabies is simply inexcusable. Tolerance has its limits. Their behavior should not be tolerated, because it leads to the opposite of tolerance. (It's a famous paradox) The only thing that stops them from joining a nazi party is their life circumstances.
P.S. A friend of mine wants to comment on the subreddit with your (or a similar) message. Would you send me the link of the post with the Hot Takes so they can do that? (She's feeling a lil' silly - and no, it's not me :p)
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j0kers-light · 1 year
His Lighthouse: Mind Games (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Mind Games
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series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:
The mind is a dangerous weapon, you should know this firsthand. Surely this all can't be real? But if so.. then who's lying? And who's telling the truth?
author's note:
Its been far too long loves! I'm back with a new update and boy is this one a doozy! Forget everything you thought happened last chapter and just read from the top! Things will slowly start to make sense or trick you. I hope you enjoy either way! I had a song selected for this chapter but in the end, it didn't fit the overall mood. Maybe next time.
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster  @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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When did your mind start playing tricks on you? Did you hallucinate the entire conversation or just bits and pieces? When did it all go horribly wrong?
Your head was pounding and you didn't remember a thing after Bruce stepped closer to you.
When your back hit the balcony railing, it set off a trigger that made you instantly disassociate. You didn't hear Bruce's smooth voice after that as it was replaced with another from your past— one that you tried so hard to forget. It was sickly sweet and made you feel dirty inside and out.
Words and phrases were twisted around until you didn't know what to believe anymore. The background changed from your rooftop balcony to that damp and dark alleyway and that's when you knew nothing beyond this point was real.
Deep down you knew Bruce would never be this cruel but you couldn't be too sure. He was a gentleman... this wasn't real, but your mind made it seem very realistic.
Your memories from that night were back and you couldn't bear to relive it again.
'It's not real.' You repeated over and over as your mind spiraled out of control.
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Bruce noticed you were shivering and covered your shoulders with a heavy blanket. He sighed when you tensed up and wrapped the fabric around yourself like a shield. You were so jumpy lately, it really had him concerned.
He didn't understand why you were so distant towards him. Bruce could be the bigger person here and ask why despite the awkward tension festering between the two of you.
"How do I say this? You've been distant lately. Especially to me." He said. He wasn't expecting your timid voice to respond so quickly.
"Uh.. yeah? I hope so since I broke things off with you and if you haven't noticed over dinner— I've moved on. You're the one that keeps being nice and trying to get along with my parents.."
Bruce strained to hear what else you said under your breath but he caught your eyes blinking a mile a minute. That was unusual.
"Y/n, are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah." You said without missing a beat.
He frowned and stepped closer, causing you to back away and hit the balcony railing with your hip. You slurred more of your words together.
"Are you sure? You look unwell, Y/n. Perhaps we should get you inside."
You were mumbling under your breath but Bruce couldn't hear a word. He knew something was wrong when you held your head and started hyperventilating. Then it hit him. You were having a panic attack.
His Batman instincts immediately kicked in.
"Breathe in and out, Y/n. Whatever it is, it's not real. Can you hear me? Y/n?" You avoided his touch but Bruce was persistent in trying to calm you down.
"Whatever is hurting you Y/n, please let me inand—"
Bruce never heard a scream as blood curdling as yours.
It's like he said the magic words and triggered old memories, for you immediately began fighting his hold, kicking and screaming with all your might. Bruce was a strong individual, with or without the bat suit, but he struggled trying to keep you still. You were too close to the balcony ledge for his liking so he corralled you back towards the apartment to keep you safe.
Everyone in the penthouse heard your horrified scream and woke up out of their slumber to investigate.
Your mom and dad were unfortunately veterans to this and knew exactly what was going on so they rushed straight to the scene.
Barbara, Morgana, and Dick however stumbled out of their rooms and followed the commotion out onto the balcony, not truly understanding what was going on in.
They all arrived to witness you screaming at the top of your lungs and clawing at Bruce's arms like a feral cat. He was trying to calm you down but the scene looked rather odd without any context.
Your parents would walk in while the two of you were in a suggestive position.
Bruce did a double take at the shocked audience and shouted, "Don't just stand there, help me!" You resorted to biting him and he almost lost his grip on you again if not for his leg pinning you down.
Your mother panicked seeing you in a fit of hysterics and she couldn't blame you. You were being manhandled during such a delicate situation.
"Let go of her!" She rushed to Bruce's side and snatched you out of his hold.
The second you felt a female presence, you stopped fighting back but continued to cry uncontrollably.
Your father slid to your side but kept his distance as to not set you off again. He felt useless not being able to help in your time of need yet your mother quickly stepped up to the plate in his stead.
"It's okay sweetheart. It's over, it's over. He's gone. You're safe now. It's all over." Your mother shushed in your ear. She rocked you like a baby as you choked back tears.
"P-Please stop! It hurts!" You wailed. Your mother blinked back her own tears while rubbing your back in big comforting circles. Your father met her gaze as they held a private conversation.
It's happening again.
"It's not real, Y/n. You're safe now." Mom glanced at Bruce's bloody arms and winced. "Babe, can you go find the first aid kit for Bruce?" She whispered to your dad so you wouldn't hear.
Everyone's eyes focused on the angry red claw marks your nails left on Bruce. Just what happened here? Your father grimaced at the bite mark but stood up to make himself useful.
You pleaded again, trapped in a distant memory and Morgana choked back a sob hearing her friend in so much pain.
It was too much to witness and she turned away to cry. Dick stood off to the side, oddly quiet, but concerned for his sister. Everyone was.
Barbara couldn't stand the silence and cried out, "What happened Bruce?"
Multiple curious eyes watched the billionaire rub the back of his head. Your father came back with the first aid kit and started accessing the damage you left. "She's still a fighter (mother's name). I bet these hurt like a mf, lemme see." 
Bruce had suffered worse injuries but your nails were rather sharp so he let your father dab alcohol on each scratch to flush out the blood. Bruce had yet to answer the question on everyone's mind.
Your mother looked Bruce dead in the eye and arched an eyebrow. He thought he was gonna get the scolding of a lifetime at the intense e/c staring him down.
He started from the top and explained.
"I genuinely do not know. It's chilly out so I came to offer Y/n a blanket. I tried striking up a conversation about what happened over dinner but she started blinking excessively and clutching her head as if she had a headache. Her back hit the railing and I think she began to have a panic attack. When I tried to calm her down, she became combative."
You whimpered in your mother's arms as you finally fell asleep. She sighed in relief and swapped places with your dad.
She knew he felt useless and he gladly held you close now that you were unconscious and unaware of a male's touch. Your mom waved Bruce over and set about applying Neosporin to his scratches.
They were rather deep but they would heal in a few days time. He declined bandaids and she snapped the first aid kit closed and spoke.
"Don't blame yourself for this. Y/n had a very stressful day and her mind isn't functioning properly because of it."
"That doesn't explain what happened? Is Y/n okay?!" Morgana returned to the conversation with tear tracks still visible on her face.
She never seen you so distraught before. It was like a completely different person possessed your body just then. What kind of friend was she to not notice how much pain you were hiding? She wasn't any better than Florence.
Barbara was thinking the exact same thing. You needed solid friends right now and she was the worst one imaginable.
Your mother took a look around and sighed at the somber air on the balcony. She was emotionally drained after consoling you and it appeared that everyone else was drained as well.
"I think it's time to address the elephant in the room." She sighed. Your father shared a look with his wife. "You think Y/n will like that?"
Mom rolled her neck and snapped.
"D__n it, (father's name)! These are her friends! This episode clearly shows she's been suffering alone! They can help if they know what's going on! She can't keep bottling this up forever; it's killing her. Do you like seeing her like this? Reliving that night every time she's touched the wrong way or backed into a corner?"
Your father bit out his reply. "Of course I don't! But when Y/n wakes up and sees everyone eyeing her in pity, she'll recluse herself again. It's why she moved in the first place. Not everybody heals the way y'all doctors assume people should!"
Dick sighed and stepped in between the feuding couple. This could go on all night if someone didn't stop them.
They both eyed Dick, wondering what the charismatic boy was fixing to say.
"Unofficial, but official, adopted parents please. Go get Y/n situated then meet us back in the living room." Dick didn't wait for them to respond, he just asked Morgana and Bruce to follow him inside as he helped Barbara's wheelchair get over the balcony's sliding door hump.
Your parents didn't dispute his request. They got you settled in bed before coming back out into the living room with no further arguments.
Your friends were gathered around your living room in various stages of alertness. Dick handed out drinks to go with the sweets Barbara baked earlier.
After being woken up so abruptly, sugar was vital to stay awake.
Exhaustion was all around but this was an important meeting that was about to transpire. Not a second could be missed.
Your dad sat down with a sigh and pulled your mother into his lap.
They finally looked their age as they gathered their thoughts to begin. The air in the room was heavy for the next hour and a half as they explained everything to your closest friends.
What they had to say was absolutely horrifying.
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"You sure you'll be alright dear?" Your mother asked.
She stood in the foyer as Dick and her husband loaded the car downstairs with leftovers early Friday morning.
The morning came with hushed trepidation but the crew was forced to eat breakfast without you.
You had slept on through the night without any other episodes and your mother didn't anticipate for you to wake up until late this afternoon.
Her and your father had to head back to Blüdhaven and Dick offered to drive them so they didn't have to catch a train. Bruce had to head into the office for board meetings and after apologizing to your parents, (your mother assured the billionaire that this wasn't his fault) he left with the promise that he would check on you later today.
Barbara wanted to stick around but she had to return to work herself which left Morgana volunteering to stay at your penthouse to take care of you.
The perks of being your own boss, she joked. 'You make your own hours.'
Morgana smiled at your mother and nodded.
"Yes ma'am, I'll be alright. Dick showed me around so I got a feel of the place. Leftovers are in the fridge so if she wakes up, I'll make sure she eats and provide her lots of emotional support. You told me what to do if she... that happens again." Morgana scratched her cheek, still processing all that was discussed last night. Or rather this morning.
Bruce, Barbara, Dick, and Morgana saw you in a new light after your parents revealed your dark past and they each swore not to cast a shred of pity on you.
You needed them more than you let on.
Barbara and Morgana were beside themselves hearing about your past and they felt awful for almost ruining a friendship over a silly rumor Florence hatched up. That was the least of their concerns right now. Getting you back in high spirits was the only priority.
Morgana called her employees and asked them to deliver a crate of assorted flowers to your apartment building.
You loved her creations so she would surprise you with a giant bouquet for your apartment. It was a tiny gesture in the grand scheme of things but Morgana was willing to do anything to make you happy after last night.
Flowers could liven up the place and ward off bad spirits. She made a mental note to water your sunroom plants while she was here.
"Well dear, you have my number if you need me." Your mother hugged Morgana right as Dick came through the door saying they were ready to go. "You take good care of my baby! We'll be back in a few more weeks." She said.
"Call me if you have a question, Morgana!" Dick offered to the florist.
Morgana waved them both off and closed the door after more pleasantries were exchanged.
Your parents were super cool. Morgana was lucky to have met them even despite the terrible circumstances. She sighed to herself and thought aloud. "What a day.. and it just started."
She had the place to herself until you woke up so she went about accessing the state of your household plants.
They looked a little worse for wear and could stand a special treatment.
The day trickled on and Morgana spent the majority of it working on the lush floral display her employees dropped off at your place. She twisted exotic and local flowers into a gorgeous statement piece but something was missing.
Morgana was wracking her head around exactly what when she swore she heard your bedroom door close.
She looked towards the hallway but didn't see anything. A glance at the clock set the day around one in the afternoon.
Your mother was right about you sleeping in. It meant this happened numerous times in the past for her to have a predetermined schedule.
Morgana shivered. How long have you suffered like this?
She saw a blanket-clad figure float down the hallway and set a pink rose down to follow you.
"Y/n are you..." You slammed the door shut right in her face.
Morgana stuttered in shock but pushed it back open only to watch you crawl under the covers. This was so unlike you. "Y/n are you hungry?" She asked hesitantly.
You shifted under the covers away from Morgana's gentle voice.
Your mom warned her that you'd be antisocial for the next twenty-four hours but urged the florist to get some food and water in you. You lost a lot of fluids from crying last night and needed to replenish yourself or risk getting sick.
Morgana sighed at your lack of response but left to fix you a simple plate of food to eat with some water. You were still a hermit when she returned to the bedroom. You were gonna make this babysitting thing difficult.
Morgana sat the glass of water down on the nightstand should you wake up thirsty.
"I left some water and a plate of food if you feel up to it, Y/n." She said.
You remained buried under covers with no plans of returning to the real world. Dick had invaded Joker's room and erased the comforting scent of lighter fluid and cinnamon from the bed sheets.
With the sea of uncertainty floating within your head, you needed something familiar to ground you to the present. You craved Joker and his unique scent but he was nowhere to be found.
You whimpered dejectedly and Morgana's heart went out to you.
She wanted to offer you some emotional support but decided to leave you be. No words of encouragement could help the pain you were in.
She checked on you one last time before leaving your room. Her mind was focused on you and not her surroundings. She received the jump scare of a lifetime when she turned the corner.
"Holy s__t!" Morgana yelped.
Joker pursed his lips and watched your friend try to scramble away. Morgana knocked a figurine on the hallway table over but remained on her feet for the most part. The bauble smashed onto the floor in several pieces and Joker hummed offhandedly at its demise.
"I uh li-ked that one. So! I'm guessing you're the... florist friend."
He blocked her escape and tilted his head in a show of intimidation. It worked like a charm. Morgana's brown eyes were wide like saucers.
"Y/n likes your work. The uhh.. arrangements.. from Arrange Me NoT.. ya see. I wasn't ex-pect-ting visitors so uh sorry bout this..." Joker went to grab Morgana but she shoved the decorative table in his direction and bolted down the hallway.
Joker sighed and gave her a head's start before he easily caught up to her in the living room.
He yanked her back by her hair and Morgana, ever mindful of you trying to sleep, stifled her scream with her palm.
Her back collided with the wall as Joker held a knife up to her throat. It was natural that she panicked but she did so for an entirely different reason.
"You can't kill me, it'll tear Y/n apart!" Morgana looked Joker dead in the eye and pleaded her case. He rolled his eyes and nudged her jugular with his knife.
"S-She's hurting! She's hurting and we didn't know!! If you kill me it'll only make things worse on her! Please, I want to take care of my friend, I won't tell a-anyone! I-I-I promise!" Morgana started to sob but Joker could care less.
He furrowed his brows and gripped his knife tighter, "Whaddya mean.. 'Y/n is hurting?"
Morgana scanned Joker's face. His makeup was more terrifying in person than on tv.
The clown looked serious but she didn't know the guy well enough to know for sure so she asked aloud. "Y-You don't know?"
J rolled his eyes again and smacked his lips. "I wouldn't asK if I diD, now would I? Who. HurT. Her?" Morgana flinched every time he stressed a syllable.
Now, Morgana was a sensible woman. She was book and street smart and used them well in life.
Even with her back literally against the wall, she wouldn't show fear; it wasn't in her free spirited nature. She faced fear with a straight face and dealt with the consequences later, however; this man was worse than fear.
The Joker was unpredictable and unnaturally calm with everything he did. He held her at knifepoint with a lazy grin as if it didn't matter if she answered or not.
She would die regardless.
Her life didn't matter to him so she had to think smart to stay alive. She resorted to her business savvy skills.
Morgana had information that Joker didn't know about and that put a value on her life. It would buy her some time to escape at least.
She nodded to herself and began to work.
"Will you let me go? I-I'll tell you anything, just.. not while being held at knifepoint." Morgana glanced at the weapon resting precariously on her jugular. Any more pressure and the edge would puncture the skin.
Joker narrowed his eyes but guided Morgana over to the kitchen island by her arm after thinking things over. He wanted to hear what she had to say.
He pushed her towards a barstool and leaned down right in her face.
He hoped his fear tactics weren't rusty from misuse yet Morgana looked ready to pass out. His presence alone had her on edge.
"Start. Talking." Joker ordered.
Morgana nodded and closed her eyes. He wasn't giving her any time to react to any of this. She was face to face with the infamous Joker inside her friend's apartment. It was a lot to digest. Just what business did he have with you?
But suddenly, everything made sense.
The reason why you became so secretive out of the blue. Why you denied having relations with Bruce Wayne, how you survived the attack at The Prosperity, and why you wanted privacy at your apartment, now more so than ever. She thought back to when this all started; right after Joker escaped from Arkham Asylum.
You were keeping Joker a secret this entire time right under everyone's nose.
Morgana had to give you props; you did an amazing job but she still had to ask.
"Before I start, I have to know. Are you just using her or are you and Y/n like.. together together?" She made a lewd gesture with her hands. Joker wasn't amused. He clicked his blade back out with a sigh.
"I won'T ask again. Talk or the uhh knife? This one! It comes back." He shook it playfully and its sharp edge gleamed in the kitchen's overhead lights.
Joker wouldn't hesitate plunging the knife into her neck. The clean up would be a pain but nothing he couldn't handle. If she didn't want to willingly talk then things could shift to a more tortuous method of communication.
It was all up to Morgana to decide. Comply or be difficult. He let her mull it over.
Watching Joker's fiddle with his knife was enough to get her talking. This madman would not hesitate in killing her and she knew it. She'd tell him anything as long as that knife kept a safe distance from her. "I'll talk."
Morgana sighed in relief when Joker backed off.
"Okay, wow um, you might wanna sit down for this. It's.. a lot to take in. Ugh, where do I start?"
Joker watched Morgana stall and decided to help her along. He sighed and pulled up a seat in front of her.
"Let's start... righhhht after Florence left yesterday." Joker fixed his suit collar before crossing his ankles. Morgana was in disbelief by his extensive knowledge of the situation.
"How do you...?" Joker sent her a glare.
"You're right, I don't wanna know. Okay, so apparently Florence knows about you and Y/n. F__k, I do too! This is crazy. You and Y/n.. are dating. Anyways, Flo stormed out of the apartment with Neo hot on her heels. It was crazy with everyone talking over themselves and Y/n fainted but thankfully Bruce caught her. We were so worried about her but when she came to, she was still hung up on Florence. Then Y/n and Dick were yelling at each other until her mom broke them up."
Morgana ran a hand through her silk press. This was a lot harder to explain than she thought.
She quite honestly didn't know if The Joker wanted a short summary or a detailed explanation but she continued nonetheless. She chose to info dump to save her own hide.
"We all went into the kitchen– Y/n's parents, Barbs and I, while Y/n, Dick, and Bruce were still arguing in the dining room. Y/n walked past all angry at something Grayson said and slammed her bedroom door close but her mom left us in the kitchen to bring Y/n a plate of dessert. I guess they patched things up. They were up in her room for the—"
Joker had to interrupt. "Y/n let someone into her room?"
Morgana slowly nodded. He had been quiet as she rambled, she wasn't expecting him to interrupt to clarify such a useless detail.
"Yeah, it was her mom so guess it was okay? Well, now that I think about it, Y/n didn't appreciate them 'invading her safe space.' Her words not mine. It was around that time we all decided on staying over for a sleepover and Y/n made sure we were all situated before going to bed. I swear everything was fine when we went to sleep but we woke up to Y/n screaming her head off."
Morgana began to tear up. Joker felt indifferent to the sight since it wasn't your tears. Seeing Morgana's just annoyed him.
She took a deep breath and Joker knew she was getting to the important part.
"When we got to the balcony, Y/n was fighting with Bruce and crying her heart out. She was reliving everything that happened that night and... h-hey woah!! Where are you going?!"
Morgana panicked when Joker shifted to get up from his chair. She blocked his path and he eyed her in disgust.
"Move." Joker could not stand Wayne and his obvious lovesick attraction to you.
You had relations with Bruce that Joker didn't know about and it irked him to have competition for your love.
It was already bad enough that Wayne was at your apartment, that he spent the night, and then had the audacity to put his hands on you. But he messed up by making you cry. The man was begging for death at this point.
Joker would enjoy murdering Gotham City's most upstanding citizen. He already had a thousand ways to do it brewing inside his head. However, Morgana was in his way.
She hesitantly pushed him back and apologized when Joker gave her a harsh glare. Note to self: do not touch the psychotic clown, she thought.
She tried to calm down his murderous campaign by telling the truth.
"It wasn't Bruce! He was only trying to help!" Joker rolled his eyes (what help has Wayne ever been) but she put her foot down and continued.
"IF YOU STOP JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS AND LET ME FINISH, YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND!" She slapped her hands over her mouth and looked up at Joker.
She did not just yell at this man. Morgana did some questionable things in her life but that had to be the most reckless of them all. She glanced towards the bedroom and hoped that she wasn't too loud.
Joker was seriously considering snapping her neck for raising her voice at him.
His patience was thin today and this girl was testing it to the limits. Although he was curious as to why she stifled her voice.
He followed her gaze and eyed her quizzically. Morgana answered his unspoken question.
She dropped her hand, "Y/n is sleeping. It took forever to calm her down last night." 
Joker closed his eyes and sighed. He was so busy handling the Florence situation with Neo last night, he didn't stop and check on you. And that proved to be a big mistake.
Once again, when you needed Joker the most, he was nowhere to be found. His sweet Bunny was terrified last night and had to rely on Wayne of all people for comfort. Joker had failed you yet again. It left a sour taste in his mouth.
He assumed guilt and vowed to atone for his failure in blood.
"Uhhh what, errrr rather who made her cry? Who I'm killing?" Joker asked out of the blue.
He sat back down on the barstool and Morgana eyed him briefly as she thought over her answer. If she told the truth, then he would go out and start a murdering spree.
"No one I think? Like I said, Y/n was in total hysterics last night. Her parents knew exactly what to do to calm her down from her episode. She... she had a panic attack about the night she was—" Morgana stopped and looked away.
The most important part and she couldn't say it aloud. She fought back tears and faced Joker.
He needed to know but the words were caught in her throat.
Joker wasn't a fool. Something was hurting his Bunny that he didn't know about. Correction; He knew something from your past still haunted you for a while now.
There were signs that he picked up during his brief time with you.
You were a recluse despite being so young and you avoided all types of human interaction outside of your close circle of friends. He also noted you did not have any male friends, except for the Grayson boy.
You visibly became uncomfortable around the opposite sex. Him included at times.
Joker knew about your claustrophobia and anxiety in tight spaces. He noticed you would eye him warily when the two of you would take the elevator, or that you preferred open floor plans, and most of all– he remembered the conversation the two of you shared after he rescued you from Two Face's warehouse.
Joker couldn't ignore the fact that another man was on top of you earlier. "Did he.. uh you know.." Joker brushed your thigh in passing.
"No and could you just drop it? I-I don't want to be a victim again."
And Joker would be a fool not to remember the comment you made as he prepared to take you for the first time that same night.
"Um.. almost two years. B-Before I moved to Gotham. It's one of the reasons why I moved." You met Joker's knowing gaze and weakly smiled. "It's in the past. I'm okay. Really. You can touch me.. I ahh I like it when you do."
Two years. You didn't want to be a victim again. You moved to a different city to get away from the trauma someone inflicted on you.
You liked Joker's touch but it took him forever to acclimate you to it without flinching.
You still did every now and then but he paid it no mind since you would relax after a second or two. Joker noticed every little thing about his Light but he dismissed all the warnings signs.
The truth was right there. He was just too selfish to address them.
All the times he was too rough in bed or grabbed you unexpectedly, came crashing down on him. What if he pressured you into something you didn't want? What if he triggered old wounds and made things worse?
His Light, his ray of hope in this bleak existence of his, deserved to be happy and loved.
Without your smiling face by his side, Joker would be a ruthless madman again; only wishing for the world to burn with no true endgame in sight.
He spent too much time bathed in your light to return to his pointless crusade. What a lonely life he lived before you came and gave it purpose.
Joker didn't know what to do with the fact that his Light was miserable inside.
Morgana watched him slip down a mental rabbit hole. He looked lost in thought as a weight settled over his brow.
She wondered what you saw in the man but the longer she stared, she could see some of the appeal. He was hot if she squinted. Joker obviously cared a great deal about you and his eyes were a complex shade of green that Morgana had never seen before.
You had a thing for eyes.. but the fact you made someone like The Joker have feelings for another human being was an achievement in itself.
Morgana hated to interrupt his thoughts but she finally found the courage to continue. She cleared her throat to continue but Joker cut her off.
"Don'T say it. I know. I've.... known for a while now." He swept his arm across the kitchen counter and sent items crashing to the floor.
Morgana jumped at the unexpected action and watched Joker stand up and begin pacing the room, mumbling to himself.
He was about to start breaking more things when Morgana stole his attention.
"Now you see why I asked you earlier?" Joker shot her a glare. She swiftly changed her tone. "Are you just using Y/n... or are you going to be there for her? Y/n needs us, all of us, and if you're just using her, I'm sorry but I can't allow that!"
Joker laughed, "What are ya gonna do, hmm? Stop me? Now.. that? That is funny. But don't worry– I'm not using Y/n.. I lov—"
Joker stopped himself mid sentence and Morgana caught onto what he almost said. Her jaw dropped in disbelief.
You could hear the fridge humming in the background, it was so quiet in the kitchen.
"O-Oh. Well, um that wasn't on my monthly bingo card but alrighty now." Morgana fell back onto the barstool.
This was awkward. She stole a glance at the criminal frozen in place as he registered what he just confessed to.
He finally almost said it aloud. He'd been struggling for days to tell you in person but managed to say it to your friend, no sweat. She had to die now. No one could know he had feelings.
Joker turned his head like an owl and Morgana instantly picked up on his murderous intent.
She moved so there was an island counter in between Joker and her. She valued her life, thank you very much.
"Hey now! No need to get all murder stabby stabby on me! T-That's amazing! H-have you told Y/n yet?"
Joker curled his lip. "No. Where is she?" He glanced down the hall and was about to storm off when Morgana flailed her arms.
"Wait! Don't wake her up!!" Her shout worked in getting Joker's attention but now she had to do damage control. Joker did not like her ordering him around. Morgana could work on establishing an acquaintance later, your health was more important.
"You can't just drop an L bomb after everything that's happened, are you crazy?! Now is not the time and news flash! She doesn't need— Uh excuse you?! Hey, are you listening to me?"
Morgana dashed down the hallway to catch up to Joker. She slipped past him and blocked the door frame with her body. "Listen to what I'm saying!"
Joker eyed her like a pest. Did she seriously think she could stop him?
"Y/n can't stand men right now. She drew blood trying to get away from Bruce and she couldn't tolerate her own father's presence. You don't know what her ex did to her. You don't want to see her like this." 
Joker stared at Morgana as her warning sank in.
If he had any clue what your sorry excuse for an ex did, then you needed someone to comfort you more than ever. Isolation was the last thing you needed right now.
As someone who frequently battled voices inside of his head, silence was the enemy and made matters worse. Joker knew that for a fact that you don't handle separation well, so why did Morgana think leaving you to your thoughts was a good idea?
It was a recipe for disaster.
He understood why you're terrified of men but you never feared him before. Why start now?
Joker smacked his lips and shoved Morgana aside. She yelped as he opened the bedroom door and glanced around.
Same original hardwood floors, same vegan cowhide rug.
The leather couch with two accent chairs, one slate grey, the other sage green, were still over in the corner by the electric fireplace and the view of Grant Park from outside was half obscured by the curtains. A single beam of sunlight was the only source of light within the room.
Everything was the same yet vastly off due to the fact that your aura wasn't thriving in the room.
It felt cold and bereft of life.
Joker was eyeing the open closet door when he saw something shift on the bed.
There was a sizable lump in the middle but he recognized the shape from anywhere. You were buried underneath the covers and doing your best impression of a blanket burrito. He could tell that you were awake.
You were timid but curious of the presence that entered the room. Subtle movements revealed you were tracking his every footfall.
Joker exhaled before walking over to stand beside the bed. He rather rip the band-aid off than freak you out by stalling.
Morgana picked herself up from off the floor and entered the room, only for Joker's eyes to force her back out.
She understood the message within the greenish hue.
"I was neva here." She said as she walked backwards out the door. It clicked shut behind her.
With her gone, Joker could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
He wasn't out of the woods just yet since Morgana would surely stay inside the apartment, (little did he know, she was cupping her ear to the door, trying to eavesdrop) but he could be more forward with his actions. It was a relief that your rooms were soundproof; Joker had a lot on his mind.
"I know you're awake."
The pile of covers flinched and shrunk in on itself. Joker shrugged off his coat and tossed it onto the leather couch. It landed heavily with a distinct metal clank.
"You probably need, uhh, space but I can't leave ya alone. NoT now. I'm here. If you need me." Joker sank a knee onto the bed and crept forward until he bumped against you. He heard the sharp inhale you made upon contact and wisely backed off.
You were a gentle soul both inside and out. You didn't deserve to be frightened of something as simple as human touch. He wanted nothing more than to spoil you with affection, however Joker would be patient and regain your trust again. You were worth the wait.
Just like the bunny he named you after, he would wait until you came crawling out of your hiding hole, curious to explore.
And just like he expected, you slowly poked your head from out of the covers before looking around the room. He stayed out of your eyesight so he wouldn't startle you, but somehow, you knew he was there.
It wasn't that dark in the room but he was hesitant to turn on a light until you asked him to.
"W-Who's t-there?" You turned your head and locked eyes with pools of jade.
Joker didn't move a muscle as you lookedbut didn't fully see him. He noticed you shaking. You probably saw someone else with your unstable mind.
"Y/n, it's me." J waved at you but you shrunk back further into the covers.
He had to think fast and jog your memory. He was the one that gave you a slew of nicknames but you didn't have one for him. He was just J.
Not very helpful in this current predicament.
Joker still had his makeup on and it would remain until Morgana left the penthouse for good. It eliminated him from showing you the constellation of freckles you loved so much on his face. That for sure would restart your memory.
What was something the two of you shared that could help familiarize Joker to you?
He had yet to give you anything of sentimental value so he striked that off the list. He was shifting his weight on the bed when you tensed.
Your nose flexed just like a bunny, he thought it was cute.
"I should ahhh–"
You cut Joker off. "Lighter fluid and something.. metallic. It.. it smells like that when I'm safe with.. J? Where, w-where were you? Why didn't you stop him..?"
There were many things in this life that Joker overcame. He been in the world's most toughest jails, endured inhumane torture methods, and fought against the greatest superheroes and lived to tell the tale. Yet despite all of those feats, he was brought to his knees at the sight of your tears time and time again.
They were daggers straight to his heart. He couldn't bear seeing his Light in so much pain but despite the agony, he couldn't look away.
You clung tighter to the comforter around you.
"I-I don't know what's r-real anymore! I can hear him telling me it's okay but it's your hands hurting me. You wouldn't do that! Your hands are warm w-with callouses on the palms and index fingers. I begged you to stop! Why won't you s-stop?! Please.. just.. Why weren't you there when I needed you?"
Joker hated to admit it, but Morgana was right. He didn't need to see you like this.
He was living in a nightmare seeing his precious bunny struggling to see the truth. Your mind was all mixed up, fighting both the past and the present.
He had to do something although he didn't know what.
"I.. I wasn't here last night, but uhh, I'm here now. C'mon, Y/n, tell me what ya need me to do."
Joker would give you the world on a silver platter if you asked for it, but he felt utterly useless watching you spiral into madness. His heart stopped beating after he heard your watery plea.
"It hurts, please stop." You weren't thinking clearly and he began to worry when you started to breathe erratically.
He couldn't sit around and watch you suffer. Joker threw all caution to the wind and pulled you in for a hug, covers and all.
At first you resisted– Joker thought he messed up big time– but you sagged further in his arms and buried your face into his chest.
You grabbed fists full of J's suit and inhaled.
The unique cocktail that only Joker possessed, helped you recognize who held you tightly. You sobbed knowing that your Dark Prince was finally here. You thought Joker abandoned you.
"I don't want him to come back, please don't go!" You looked up at Joker.
Your big e/c were frantically staring into his. He sighed and tucked a wayward curl back into place under your bonnet– for once, you didn't flinch, rather you leaned into his touch. Your cheek felt so cold against his hand.
Something in J gave way to the moment.
"If you'll, uh let meee, I'll never let you go. Is that okay?" Joker asked. You looked away and he quickly added. "I won't do anything else, doll. I just wanna be.. here for ya. Let me ahh hold you so... he.. doesn't hurt ya. I won't leave you."
You bit your lip. Joker's arms were soothing for now but you were wary of them.
He could turn violent at a moment's notice. "You promise you won't hurt me?"
You gasped when Joker rested his forehead against yours. It didn't matter that his white paint transferred onto your skin. You weren't expecting such a sweet gesture from him.
It pained him to hear your plea. He feared you were broken beyond repair. But Joker could fix you; he could fix anything if given enough time. 
"I'd let Bats drag me back to Arkham Asylum before I'd lay a finger on ya. Never again." He kept eye contact with you as he grabbed your hand. You surprised yourself by letting him do it.
Baby steps, Joker thought to himself. His eyes squeezed shut as he kissed the fading scar that he made on your palm.
You saw the anguish take hold of his features. Since when was Joker so open to show his emotions?
Joker dropped his usual dialect and talked to you straight. You knew he was serious when his voice also dropped an octave.
Gone was the clown that Gotham City feared, this was just J, a man secretly in love, speaking to you in the hushed air of your room.
"You're my Light. My everything." He used your fingers in his grasp to wipe your tears away.
More rushed to the surface hearing his sincere words but he diligently kept wiping. "These tears I swear, they'll be the death of me. I know it's scary and you have every right to fear me, but if you don't remember anything else– know this Y/n." He waited until you looked at him.
A kaleidoscope of green greeted you and you swore you would never be the same.
"I will never hurt you again. I promise."
Joker whispered your name when you lost concentration and he patiently waited until you looked into his eyes again.
They pleaded with you to understand the unspoken truths his heart was too weak to voice.
Screw what Morgana said about bad timing. He wanted you to know. He had to tell you the truth. Joker cupped your face, "Y/n, I lo—"
You wanted to hear what Joker had to say but your eyes grew heavy all of a sudden. The last thing you ate was that plate of sugar Mom brought you last night. Your body burned through it and demanded more fuel to keep you functioning.
You were dehydrated and your mind and body were running on fumes. You couldn't keep up, so you crashed.
Joker panicked when your body swayed slightly before you fell back. You were unconscious by the time he could react.
He cursed at his failed attempt but recovered quickly to dote on you. Declarations of love would have to wait. His Light was running the risk of being sick.
Joker laid you down and tucked you into bed properly before heading over to the door. Much to his surprise Morgana was there, doing a terrible job of hiding that she was eavesdropping.
She pretended to straighten the abstract artwork hanging outside the guest bedroom as Joker walked by.
She glanced inside and saw you sleeping but knew something happened behind closed doors.
Instead of being a blanket burrito, you were tucked in bed like Sleeping Beauty with the pillows and covers around you almost picturesque.
Joker had a soft side after all. She just witnessed it firsthand. 
Maybe she should tell him everything your parents disclosed last night after all. By the time she caught up to Joker in the living room, he was mid-call.
He saw her approaching and held up a finger.
Morgana dealt with many rude people in her line of work but Joker was probably the rudest of them all.
"... Mmhm, make sure she's discreet this time. One of Y/n's friends is still here. Yeah.. about that.." Joker locked eyes with Morgana. "She's alive. For now."
She froze on the spot. What did for now mean? Was there some kind of 'how to stay alive' program she needed to know about? He had some nerve and this was the man who claimed to love you.
How comforting.
Morgana bounced on the balls of her feet hoping to be acknowledged soon.
Joker discussed some more minor details with one of his henchmen before hanging up. His eyes then flickered over to the vibrant bouquet of flowers Morgana was working on.
She thought he would destroy her hard work but he leaned over to sniff the delicate flora instead.
"For Y/n?" He scanned the work for any imperfections; there weren't any.
He wanted nothing but the best for his bunny. He stared at Morgana, arching an eyebrow when she didn't respond.
"Y–Yeah." Morgana said, "I'm not finished yet! It's gonna be double in size with more Queen Anne lace and roses to r-round it all out. Y/n loves roses and the Eucalyptus will be good for her exhaustion. Its scent is known for its aromatherapy powers plus its good for rejuvenating the spirit and overall elevating one's mood."
Joker nodded and backed off. It was nice to know one of your friends was looking out for you in your time of need.
He was wary of keeping Morgana alive but she was proving to be 'good people' as you had a habit of saying. A far cry from Florence.
Joker grumbled to himself just thinking about the Haitian.
Morgana jumped hearing a rare chuckle from the dark clown. "She'll like them. Now! Let's dis-cuss you. Sit."
Joker clapped his hands and pointed to the blue couch in your living room. He didn't wait for Morgana to act, he was already walking towards the kitchen to grab a water.
He noticed the leftovers in your fridge as he rummaged around for a drink. You probably needed to eat but he'd wait for the doc to look you over and decide what's best.
He snagged two water bottles and headed back to the living room but arrived to witness Morgana swirling a tumbler glass in her hands.
She took a big swig from it as he sat down opposite of her in an accent chair.
She wiped her mouth and tried to explain, "Don't judge me. I need hard liquor after all of this. Want one? I'm great at mixing drinks." She shimmied her shoulders but Joker wasn't amused.
He heard stories from Y/n about Morgana. Her and Florence were the heavy drinkers of the group.
"Y/n doesn't keep alcohol in her apartment." He noted.
Morgana laughed once and polished off her drink. She set it on the coffee table that separated them both. She noticed the clown was right at home in your place but had yet to find her and Flo's numerous stashes of liquor.
"What Y/n doesn't know won't kill her." She failed to dodge the water bottle Joker threw at her face. "OW! What was that for?!"
He sipped on the water while rolling his eyes. Morgana rubbed at her cheek and waited for the clown to finish. He drank the entire bottle in one pull before recapping the top and setting it down.
"Y/n likes to recycle. Ya know-  saving the.. turtles, uhh, one plastic at a time. That's my Light. Always caring for others; failing to take care of herself."
"Isn't she caring for you until you no longer need her?" She interrupted.
Joker licked his scars. Have patience. No need to take your frustrations out on others, he heard your voice recite in his head. He took a deep breath before smiling at Morgana.
"I'm noT leaving Y/n so that means I have to, uhh, geT along with the people in her life. So! This can be a lit-le experiment of sorts between usss. Let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut and I'll.... see how long I can tolerate you without murdering ya! Deal?"
Morgana was at a loss for words. What kind of agreement was that?
"I need another drink." She sighed. Joker's laugh was far more creepier in person than on tv.
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The sound of the doorbell startled Morgana out of her task. She set the spray bottle down and jogged over to the front door to answer it.
She was pleasantly surprised when a beautiful woman was standing outside, chewing on bubble gum with an attitude.
"Can I help you?" Morgana asked.
The female looked up from her phone and glanced down the short hallway, at the elevator, and then back at Morgana.
"Tis boy better not have given me da wrong address. Hold on." She dialed a number and brought it to her ear.
Morgana was left awkwardly holding the door when the mysterious woman began arguing with whoever she called.
The commotion gained Joker's attention all the way in the living room. He recognized the woman at the door instantly. She did the same the moment she spotted Joker.
"Well well! If it isn't my sorry excuse for a patient! I see you're not restin' your leg like I told ya." She sighed.
Joker smiled and leaned on the door frame. "Be glad I didn't kill you after my checK up, doc." He fired back.
Morgana glanced back and forth between the two. "Uhh do you two know each other or something?"
The woman looked Morgana dead in the eye. "I don't know who this man is. I mean, he could be walking down the street, I wouldn't. Sorry to this man."
Joker laughed and she joined along but swatted his hands away when he tried to grab her neck.
The pair walked inside, leaving Morgana utterly confused in the foyer. She watched them talk amongst themselves like two old friends and caught up to them mid sentence.
"..and her hands are sooooo cold, doc. She's been crying her little heart out and passed out in my arms. Whatever can ya do?" Joker pouted as he held the bedroom door open for his esteemed guest.
She walked in and looked around. Leave it for Joker to find some chick with money. She sat her bag down on a nearby table and dug through it for some gloves. 
"Sounds like dehydration. When's the last time she ate?"
Morgana walked in and answered for Joker, "Last night around eight ish? It was a plate of dessert but she ate dinner too. Hi, I'm her friend and you are?"
"Name's Sarai. I'm this idiot's on-call doc." Sarai dabbed Morgana up before facing her employer. "Now, where's my patient?"
Joker was too busy stewing in jealousy. He liked secret handshakes too. What gives?
"You don't do that with me doc. I thought we were errr close."
She eyed him like a fed up mother would her child. "You ain't black, Joker. Now move." She pushed him aside and approached the bed, but stopped as if she saw a ghost.
She treated hundreds of patients a day but she never forgot a face. "I remember her."
Sarai picked up your hands and sure enough, the jagged cut that she treated almost a month ago was still there. Your hands were cold to the touch just like Joker said and also a bit clammy.
"Did you do this?" She pointed at your palms. Joker sat down by your side and had the decency to look ashamed. He sighed before nodding.
Both Sarai and Morgana stared at him in disbelief. He looked so remorseful.
Joker was such a man child at times. One would have thought Sarai scolded him with the way he was acting. She flicked her braids over her shoulder with a huff.
Today they were blonde butterfly locs reaching down to her waist. When she shook her head, they moved with her. Joker eyed them curiously. How did she work in the hospital with such long braids?
"I knew I shoulda filed a police report. Her shoddy story bout mistakin' the pepper grinder for a knife was too sketchy."
She donned her pink gloves before she gently opened your mouth. "Ah, as I thought. She's dehydrated. You want an IV in her?"
Morgana stood on the other side of the bed to watch this interaction up close. There was actually a person not afraid of The Joker!
This supposed doctor was talking to him any kind of way and he paid her no mind. She would demand something out of her bag and he would grab it, no questions asked.
But he pushed Morgana to the ground and threw water bottles at her when she raised her voice at him. This man was truly unpredictable.
Morgana let her intrusive thoughts get the better of her. "So you're a real doctor and you willingly work for him?"
She slapped a hand over her mouth after she spoke but it was too late. Sarai was inserting an IV into your arm but chuckled at the insult. She admired her handiwork before replying.
"Dr. Sarai Obukofe, chief trauma surgeon at Gotham General. Joker's house calls pays more tho. Don't give me dat look. I'm from Blüdhaven, his crimes ain't nothin' n' Jokester here won't hurt friends of da family. Won't ya now?" She nudged his leg with her own.
Joker hummed. It was neither affirmative or negative.
Morgana slowly nodded. She picked up the thick Blüdhaven accent at the door but she was still confused.
"Friends of the family?" She questioned.
Sarai rigged the IV bag to your bedpost. It would have to do since she didn't pack an IV pole. Not like she could.
This was an off the books house call after all. She received a text from her cousin saying to come to an address with her crash kit– strictly on the low.
Sarai automatically knew it was for Joker. She couldn't refuse the job even if today was her rare day off.
She blew a bubble and popped it sharply before eyeing Joker. "How deep is she?" She jerked her head at Morgana.
Joker didn't look away from you to answer. "Accident. I'm con-sider-ing offing her later."
Sarai grimaced and cast sympathetic eyes on Morgana. "Ouch, so an outsider then."
She checked you over when you began to shiver. "Frost mentioned on the phone that she had a 'traumatic experience.' Care ta explain that?"
Morgana had enough. She cut through the air with her hand in a fit of rage.
"No, no! Go back! I thought we had a deal, Joker! We shared a drink together, you said you'd keep me alive if I helped you with this 'get along with others' experiment of yours. Now you're thinking about killing me again? Make up your mind!"
Joker was about to when you whimpered and stole everyone's attention. They were being too loud.
"You're disturbing my patient. Either lower ya voice or move dis conversation elsewhere." Sarai hissed at Morgana.
The florist was trying to keep her cool. These two strangers just barged into your place as if they owned it and had the audacity to boss her around!
She couldn't even defend herself! Morgana wished she'd let Dick stay behind instead. He probably would've handled this situation a bit better than her. Sure he would've fought with Joker and possibly died in the process, but he wouldn't have sided with the madman to stay alive. GCPD would have the place surrounded with Batman en route by now.
She had half a mind to sneak away and call the authorities but one look at you had her second guessing that decision.
The last thing you needed was more stress and strangers surrounding you and your space. You required peace and quiet to heal.
But this clown was on thin f__king ice with her.
It was a lot to handle on a Friday afternoon and Morgana wasn't about to let Joker or this doctor mess with her energy. She took a relaxing breath and found her center.
"I will not let your indecisiveness get the better of me. However if we're to get along– whatever the hell that means, you gotta stop threatening to kill me." Morgana said.
Joker looked at Sarai as if she had the answers.
The doctor was putting away her tools and had no parts in this. She'd stick around until Joker called her back to remove the IV. Other than that, her job was done.
That is until you groaned and blinked your eyes open.
Everyone held their breath in anticipation. You squinted your eyes a few times until you felt a tightness on your forearm.
Much to your horror there was a hospital IV inserted in your vein. You began to claw at it when Joker reached out and stopped you.
"Hey. Hey.. leave thaT alone, baby doll." Your eyes darted up to him.
It took you longer than he liked to recognize him again, but you were slowly coming back to yourself.
"J.. it's cold." Your fingernail picked at the tape Sarai attached to keep the needle in place.
You hated doctors and you hated medical treatment. It reminded you too much of that night and the following weeks thereafter. You didn't want to think about it again, and Joker was right there to distract you from it all.
His hand rested atop yours and squeezed. He felt like a furnace. He sighed, "I knooow but, it's gonna make ya feel better. You uhh want me to hold you? Promise I'm warm, hmm?"
His thumb rubbed circles on your darker skin as you thought over his offer. You relented with a weak nod.
Joker stood up to climb into the bed with you but looked up at something within the room.
"Close the door on your way out. Now."
You wondered who he was talking to and followed his gaze. You and Morgana locked eyes. She was calm, way too calm to be in Joker's presence and the crazy part– he allowed her to be.
Your eyes went back and forth between her and Joker as the wheels in your brain spun out of control. Surely this was a dream.
There was no way Joker would let another one of your friends in on his secret. Then you spotted a third individual standing off to the side. She looked familiar but you couldn't place her at present.
Your mind was too busy grasping at the reality of Joker and Morgana being in the same room without the latter being murdered.
That dream you had of a little boy by the river whispered in your mind.
'She knows and now she has to die.'
He wasn't talking about Florence. He was referring to Morgana.
You shot forward and grabbed a hold Joker's suit vest in a surprisingly strong grip. He looked down at you in intrigue as you started spouting nonsense.
"Not her! Please don't kill her Joker! She's my friend. Y-You promised me!" You were leaving wrinkles in Joker's shirt as Morgana rounded the bed to enter your line of vision.
"Y/n! Calm down, I'm right here! I'm okay!" She stole your attention but it came with a price. You let go of Joker to whirl on Morgana. It was her turn to hiss at your vice-like grip.
"You can't be here! You have to leave Gana. You didn't see nothing! Deny everything! Please.. I-I can't lose you too. I can't lose another friend.. Please."
You sobbed into her arms and she glared at Joker who was still standing off to the side, speechless.
He was coping with the fact you begged him not to kill someone and that he felt obligated to obey.
He wasn't going to let Morgana leave the apartment building alive but the moment you begged him, Joker's hands were tied. He promised he'd never hurt you. That meant physically, mentally, and emotionally. You stopped The Joker with three simple words.
You promised me.
He stood frozen, awaiting your next orders for he truly did not know what to do after discovering the power you held over him.
Morgana managed to get you to lie back on the bed as your burst of adrenaline died out. You felt sluggish all of a sudden.
Sarai stood watch as the pain meds she added to your IV line started to kick in. You fought against the fog and looked over at Joker.
His eyes instantly found yours and thus the staring match began. Your drugged induced gaze had a clear warning in them and you made sure to declare it vocally.
"You hurt my friends.. and I'll never.. forgive you." You fell back asleep and the room breathed a sigh of relief.
Joker feared nothing in this life but your warning hit him like a ton of bricks. He hoped you would forget all of this when you woke up.
If not, then he was in deep trouble.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hello Bee!, this is my first time requesting soo i hope i didn't make any mistake hehehe
Can you make Prsk Boys(Rui,Tsukasa,Akito,Toya) or just Rui if it's to much!, with reader who like just come to school with a lilttle swelling head and a embarrassed to tell what happened because they actually got hit by something earlier
N ) Pleasee take your time to do this request, and take you soo much!, love your writting!!
Don't worry you didn't made any mistake! And also all 4 aren't really a problem to me ^^
I received you telling me that these should be headcanons and with nb!reader so that's what I did!
And of course, I hope you enjoy even tho I definitely took my sweet time <3
Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui with reader who's too emberrassed to tell them about accident
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @vodka-glrl @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen
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⊱ Akito classically greeted you with simple wave since he's not the one to show affections in public
⊱ he he quickly notices that something's wrong if your head is a bit more swelly but if it's just a little, he's most likely to not notice it
⊱ another thing with this man is that you can literally trip over your feet in front of him and tell him some dumb excuse and he won't stick to the topic, but he also do any fully believe it
⊱ but once he discovers that something happened to you and you literally hid it from him, he doesn't know if he's more worried or mad in that moment
⊱ immidietly rushes to nurse office and if you won't want to go, he'll literally just carry you there
"What the heck made you think that it was good idea to hide something THAT serious from me?!"
"It's just... a but emberrassing..."
⊱ are you serious... did you really just hid something like that from him because you thought it was emberrassing?! Yeah he does not understand you at all...
⊱ but he does keep a closer look on you from that time, he doesn't hope for any more accidents to happen but he'd rather be sure than sorry
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⊱ Toya is the type to greet you with rather a simple wave, hug or kiss onto palm of your hand, depending on what you like the most actually
⊱ so if it's a hug, he'll definitely notice that you're barely standing straight, if it won't be a hug then you have higher chance he won't notice
⊱ but once he does, it's over... you can't tell if he guesses or if he simply knew from beginning but he immidietly asks if something happened
⊱ unlike some, he won't believe you if you say it's nothing and will ask you untill he either sees it's uncomfortable for you or asks too many times, or actually gets an answer
⊱ sure, you can lie to him but you better find some good excuse because he literally thinks of it hard to make sure it's suiting your situation
"It doesn't look like nothing to me... you're barely walking aright on your own. Please tell me what really happened..."
"Eh... fine, fine... I may or may have not gotten into an accident..."
"A what?!"
⊱ once he hears about accident, he instantly panicks not knowing what to do but in the end, he decides that going to nurse office is the best idea although he won't force you if you don't want to
⊱ after he discovers that, his eyes are on you whenever you're in the same room as him, he watches basically your every move which might sound creepy but he's doing that to ensure your safety and you know it!
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⊱ sorry Tsukasa fans but he's probably the one who takes his time with noticing it and also believes you easily
⊱ so when you came to school, you could literally walk in zigzags but find ANY excuse and he'll immidietly believe it
"Are you alright? You seem to be a bit unwell today..."
"I'm good! I just... didn't got enough sleep?"
"Ah, well that's completely understandable! Try getting some rest on break, alright star?"
⊱ he really just trusts you too much but he'll eventually get more and more suspicious when your condition won't get better even after resting a bit
⊱ better pray that you don't have any injuries or that he won't notice it because once he does, there's no way you can fool him
⊱ obviously he takes you to nurse but he also panicks a lot
⊱ it doesn't matter if you have small or big wound, he'll panick like it's last few minutes he sees you alive
⊱ now good luck because he'll be extra clingy with you and will literally decline to leave your side unless he absolutely has to
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⊱ Rui is the one that figured everything out just by seeing you but depending on how well you hide it, he may not figure out everything
⊱ like you really may think that he followed you or something because he literally gets it correct just by looking at you closely for few minutes
⊱ so of course, he figures out you may not want to go to nurse office so easily, so he decides to kinds get you there without really you knowing
"I know we said we're gonna go get something from wending machines but we can get that later. Now c'mon, let the nurse help you!"
⊱ he'll get you later anything you want from wending machine so don't worry, you weren't fully scammed by this man
⊱ but from that day, he actually looked out for you whenever he got a chance just to make sure that you're not injured again
⊱ but he won't be following you everywhere you go, he'll rather call or text you every once in a while with simple "Hey, you alright there?"
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dollofdeath · 3 months
[ENG Translation] Wisdom Thinks District Story #1: The Excitable Youngest¹
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i care them 🥺
(translations under cut)
Soun: Tomorrow's appointments… are fully booked, hm? There's quite a bit of overlap in assignments, so I'll adjust the schedule --
Hayate: Soun~! I'm all done cleaning the floor~!
Soun: Very good, thank you.
Hayate: What'cha doing? Oh, checking tomorrow's appointments? So tomorrow~ Those three regulars are gonna be here~!
Soun: Is that so?
Hayate: They contacted me earlier. They said something good happened at work, so they'd be happy to celebrate with us~
Hayate: We were talking 'bout having a nice bottle of wine. Tomorrow's gonna be lots of fun~!
Soun: …
Soun: …It looks like you've had one too many drinks tonight.
Hayate: Heehee, you think so?
Soun: Yes. You're more troublesome when you've drunk too much.
Hayate: Aw, isn't "troublesome" mean?!
Soun: The undeniable truth is what it is.
Hayate: Okay, but like, I can't refuse if they're all like "Hayate-kun, let's make a toast!", now can I?
Soun: Indeed not, but… You tend to misjudge your limits from time to time.
Soun: You wouldn't conduct yourself in this manner in front of our clientele, would you?
Hayate: Don't worry 'bout a thing! I'm a total professional through and through.
Soun: So you say, though… You'll be drinking more wine tomorrow with your customers, no?
Hayate: Ahahaha! Soun, you gotta stop worrying so much, it'll be A-OK!
Hayate: I barely get hangovers, y'know?
Soun: …It's not the hangovers I'm worried about. All I'm saying is don't overdo it.
Soun: Let's think back on tonight. Were these customers likely to drink in excess? If I remember correctly, I believe they were not.
Hayate: It's just that as the talking goes on, so does the drinking. For sure, that might've been why I ended up drinking too much…
Soun: …I see. I suppose that goes to show how much our customers enjoy talking to you.
Hayate: Talking with them's a lot of fun, and them having fun makes me happy~
Hayate: If it means helping out Wisdom, then I'm even happier -- and you are too! Everyone wins!²
Soun: …You really are drunk, after all. You're running your mouth more than usual.
Soun: However, it's good to know that you care enough to keep the lounge in mind.³
Hayate: I'm care-care-caring~!
Soun: Yes, yes… Moreover, Hayate.
Hayate: Yeah?
Soun: I'm sure you'll be fine, but if you find yourself feeling unwell tomorrow, go get one of those lattes you enjoy before coming to work.
Soun: Caffeine is effective against hangovers.
Hayate: Ahaha, aren't you sweet! Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Soun!
Soun: Mhm.
¹ the original title is お調子者の最年少, with お調子者 meaning "person who gets carried away easily." i won't lie, the title was the hardest thing for me to translate here and i'm still a little iffy on it wgKJKJGH 😭 but i did my best to make it work
² the original line is [...] つまり最高ってことだね, which is literally like "that's why it's the best" but i feel like that sounds awkward in english, so i tried to phrase it in a way that conveys a similar meaning
³ the particular word used here is 想ってる (想う) which can mean "to think," though it has a more heartfelt connotation, so i tried to corporate that nuance as best as i could
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seasonal colds
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Summary : you had a date but your body got other plans, your next door neighbor misses your sweet greetings
Word Count : not that long
Warnings : 18+ Neighbor!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, use of y/n, reader and Eddie are both (21), Eddie kinda sneaked into reader's home but not in a creep way, I don't know how to put this but reader and Eddie are friends but not that close?, establishing a relationship, reader is really unwell (it's literally me on this fic lol- I'm sorry)
What to Expect : strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, set in the 80's, mostly, this is all fluffy goodness
Note To Reader : projecting myself here, please, let me have my indulgence 😭
Author Note : This year's Christmas season is interesting because, I got sick so bad that I had a fever, so, yeah, no worries- now, because after that atrocious event- THIS FIC IS BORN 🤩
"That's odd, Where is she?"
"What'd you say?" Dustin spoke over the phone's receiver
"Uh, it's- Y/N- I didn't saw her earlier and now- the sun's getting low still haven't seen her yet"
Eddie replies as he looks over at his window as he rest his back on the wall while holding the telephone
"Why don't you knock at her door to see her if she's okay?" Dustin suggests
"Dude, we're not that close"
"I mean- there's nothing wrong with checking- like come on- it's normal to care" Dustin scoffs
Eddie can picture his young friend rolling his eyes
"Yeah, yeah, I get it" he sighs
"She looked fine yesterday, I even helped to carry some of her stuff that she bought"
"From what I know is that she has a date"
"Well....maybe that's the reason why she isn't showing up, she got exhausted"
"Really? Exhausted from a date?"
"I'm just helping you out here, man"
"I'm a little worried- that's all"
"Look, if you really want to know of how she's been doing then just get out of there and see it for yourself"
Eddie went silence for a bit as he listens to his friend
"I know you, Eddie- you're like the epitome of endless worrying"
Dustin's right, like Eddie himself couldn't believe that he would agree on the kid
You're the best neighbor that he had on the building
If you had food, you will gladly offer him some, you always acknowledge him with the fullest and loving smiles ever
You even asked him everytime on how he's day went, Eddie can see the tiredness in your eyes but yet you still managed to be kind and thoughtful
Eddie on the other hand, after finding out that you had a date
He can't help but wonder
How it went?
Was it amazing?
Did you really go to that date?
"She left me a spare key to feed her cat, if she's going away for a couple of months"
"Use it"
"Isn't that like- trespassing?"
"But you knew each other"
"We don't knew each other that much, Henderson"
"Listen to me"
"I'm listening-"
"What if something else happened to her? Inside of her home?- What if she couldn't even bring help herself?"
"Woah, okay- you convince me enough"
Dustin chuckles "Okay, dude, take care"
"You too, bye"
He runs his hands through his face as he thinks his decision carefully
He groans as he picks up his jacket and grab your spare key
He went outside of his room and stop by at your door for a moment
He replays of what he just rehearsed inside of his head
"I'm only going to check on Y/N because it's so weird not seeing her often- I'm just making sure- that is all"
He nods to himself as he unlocks your door
"Hello? Y/N?"
He opens the door and when you didn't answer, he says
"Are you here? Are you home? I'm gonna bring myself inside"
He asks again "Where are you? Y/N? I just wanted to check you- if you're okay"
He closes the door as he puts your spare key on his pocket
He searches the whole place, your dishes are still in the sink, there a bit of trash in the dining table
He is now intrigued at the atmosphere of your home
He walks forward as he looks for you
He saw your bedroom door slightly open
He hesitates for a second, since it's your personal room
He shakes his head as he saw you there laying on your bed, he sighs of relief but you look different
You always looked effortless but something is off about you
He doesn't know if you're awake or just dozing off
He calls out your name again
He clears his throat "Y/N?"
You stirred and by the time you tried to move your body, your face grimaced
He noticed that "You okay?"
You finally started to open your eyes slowly
Your eyes are droopy and your forehead scrunches up
He doesn't even know what it means, is it because of annoyance or in pain?
You're still processing of what's going on
You just groaned and started shivering as you pulled the sheets on you quickly
"I feel cold" your voice is hoarsed
He gasped, his eyes goes wide, he finally realizes that you're sick
So, you didn't go on to that date
A part of him is relieved that you didn't come which is so wrong of him to feel that way because it's literally none of his business like yeah, you could do whatever you want but he hopes that he'll be the one or the first to take you out someday
He runs towards to you, he places his hand on your forehead
"You're burning up!"
You grunted when you complain about your joints hurting and you feel your whole body is on fire like it won't stop being in pain
Now, your ears are ringing and pounding in discomfort
You still haven't looked or even acknowledge the person that is in your room
Your fever is so high that you can't even get out of the bed easily
Your eyes are brimming with tears, you sniffle
Eddie knows what to do
He knows how to deal with this
"I'm gonna help you, Y/N, don't worry" he places his hand on top of yours as he let it linger for a while
He went at the nearest pharmacy and picked-up goodies in the convenience store
He's back at your place as he prepares a basin filled with water and a clean towel as he places the damp cloth on your forehead
He's so concentrated to making sure your fever won't go far enough as it was before, so, he keeps running the other damp cloth to your arms and neck all the important parts to make your fever go down
He shook his head in displeased look earlier when he check your temperature using the thermometer
He puts a cool fever on your forehead
In the middle of the night, sometimes, you sob in agony
"Make it stop, please- I don't want to feel this anymore"
"It's alright, Y/N, you're okay, I got you"
Eddie couldn't sleep properly knowing of how awfully you must've been feel all this time
You're still feel cold even you have loads of blanket that he lays on you
He finds your comforter and he immediately puts it on you
He smiles to himself a little when you get comfortable with your sickening situation
He even panicked when you're not responding, the time you get passed out
You just couldn't take it anymore
You swore to yourself that you really did blackout for a minute
When you moved a little bit, he muttered "oh- thank god"
He's shaking in fear that he thought he lost you
"You gotta fight it, Y/N- you have to"
You still haven't eaten anything yet besides only drinking water, not that you didn't want to- it's just- you're too afraid to eat anything without being specific on what meal because-
You might vomit of how worse you feel right now
Thankfully, you told him to order creamy chicken macaroni soup and burger with fries
He calls for delivery as soon as possible
and nope- you still have no idea of who's taking care of you
He joins you while eating very late dinner
"How you're feeling?"
Your body is in hell- you don't have to energy to even talk
"There's no improvements but finally I can eat"
He gives you a small smile on that as he continues to finish his food
After that you complained of how your head hurts and your chest clenches too much
Out of all the fatigue that you felt for the past couple of years before?
This is literally the worst of them than the New Year's 2022 sickness that you got
Your body literally saying "FUCK YOU"
You can tell the incoming migraine is coming right at your skull to hammer it aggressively
He's been staying here for the whole night, it's his first night at your room
Eddie is sitting right beside you for the first time tonight, he slept peacefully
You unintentionally hold onto his forearm that made him woke up from his slumber, his eyes went to concern automatically as he watches you
"everything it hurts, somebody help me" you cried out as you kept your hold on him
"I know, Y/N- it will be all over soon" he wraps his arms around you
He runs his fingers through your hair as he lulled you to sleep
He woke up and he took a mental note to change your clothes
He goes into your dresser, he picked an easy but comfortable pieces of clothing
You hum in response
"You need to change your clothes"
Your face turn crumpled and you let out a whine when you sit up
He gave you the clothes that he picked out for you, he said that he'll be back
Once, you get dressed and check yourself in the bathroom
You look fucking bad, you roll your eyes to yourself
He's back with a glass of water and a medicine on hand
"You have to drink this now, you'll be good since you've already eaten" he murmurs as he hands you the water
You nod in response as you drink the capsules
You went back to bed as you settle your comfortable
You're still struggle to make a decent sleep since you really just can't do it because of how everything feels sucks right now
The medicine and the cool wind from outside helped you to feel drowsy
You can feel your eyes closing on its own as you finally getting a good night's sleep
You woke up drenched in your own sweat and you feel a lot more better than before
But, still there's more ache left but it's more good than not having any progress of healing
The sound of the soft snores from another person caught your attention
You looked around and there you saw him sleeping in your couch with a blanket that is too short for him
Your mind finally registered the things that he has done for you
The basin, the damp towels, the wrappers from the food delivery, the glass and the medicine, everything
Despite, there's still pain left that you're feeling right now, you smile at Eddie
You watch him as you can feel yourself feeling sleepy again
"It's a Wonderful Life!" playing in your television as Eddie watches with a popcorn bowl on his hand
Eddie can hear the rustles from your comforter as saw your eyes fluttering open
"Oh, hey, Y/N! Did you sleep well?"
"Hi, Eddie, yeah- I did" you managed to say as your cheeks blushed
You're so embarrassed that he took care of you for a while, he really didn't have to do that
His eyes go big when he heard you say his name "You- you're okay! You just said my name!" He grins as he goes over to you assisting the pillow as you sit up
"Not really, 100% tho- I still feel like shit"
He tilts his head at you as he puts his hand on your forehead
"Yeah, you still a bit warm but I think you'll be fine sooner!" He claps both of his hands as he returns watching the film
You gasped out of nowhere as you realized something, you removed the comforter off of you as you sit on the edge of your bed
"Woah- woah you have to move easy, what's the sudden rush?" Eddie holds both of your shoulders to steady you as you stumble while standing up too fast
You click your tongue "I was supposed to attend this date, remember?"
He puts his hands inside of the pockets of his jacket "Ah, right- that one"
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you groan in frustration
"Fuck, that was yesterday"
"Yuuuuuup!" Eddie says with a "pop!" at the end
You stand awkwardly in front of him as you sigh, he watches you intently
"What am I going to do? I blew it up because of me getting sick" you shake your head to yourself as you sat back down on your bed
"Well...." He sat beside you as he thinks for a few minutes
His hands itches to touch you and hold you
Before he can say anything, you spoke first
"How long I've been sick?"
"One day"
You huffed as you bring your attention back on the TV and then you turn your head back at him as he already been staring at you
"Oh- gosh- I'm sorry that's so rude of me! I just wanna say Thank you, Eddie!" You rambled
A smile grows on his lips "It's nothing really, I mean- I insist and I want to help you" he ducks his head down, he suddenly became shy on your gaze
"I just missed seeing you and not knowing what is happening to you, scared me"
"Really?" Your eyes twinkle and he flustered
"Y-Yeah" He clears his throat, trying to cover up his nervousness
"Don't beat yourself up for not going on to that date, Y/N" he says softly
Your eyes softens as you let him hold your hand
Oh- you like Eddie- that's why the universe didn't let you go on to that date
"I wanna spend my Christmas with you, Eddie"
"You do?" He says in disbelief tone, his eyes shines as he watches you get up
"I'm gonna make hot chocolate with whipped cream- it's my favorite!" You giggled with excitement radiating on your aura
You tug his hand as you went into your kitchen for two mugs
Your heart flutters of how much he cares for you while you're working on the luscious drink, it's really sweet because he knows that you're still not okay, you're still recovering
You taught him how to use the can whipped cream and you mischievously make a dot onto his nose and you laugh
You accidentally smeared the cream on the sides of your lips and Eddie made it even more worse that he exclaimed that he didn't know there's still chocolate on his fingers
Both of your laughter's died down when something in the air has changed
It's started snowing outside, you swear your heart expands three times bigger of how long he stares at you
You feel safe and sound under his presence
Why'd you haven't taken a good look on this before? Sure, he looks attractive but you never thought you could feel something for him
Eddie is ready to take the leap or else he'll miss his chance
You both looked funny having sticky and sweet contents on both of your faces
He runs his thumb on your lips as his eyes darts back at you and down to your lips
You thought stopped breathing but it's only Eddie's lips onto yours
You kissed him back, he deepens it, he pulls you close to him by holding your waist as you cup both of his cheeks
You're shocked and screaming inside
Who would've thought that the one you loved is your next-door neighbor?
You never thought that this would happen
You both pulled back with giggles as he takes you back for another sweet kiss which you gladly accept
"How does it taste?"
You ask while you watch him as he turns on the radio and "The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole" starts playing, a fond smile is sitting on your lips
He literally went down to your mouth to kiss which you laugh because he misunderstood on what you mean but you can't help but to kiss him back
"No! Not that- I mean- the hot chocolate!" You lightly push him on the chest as he chuckles, he pulled you to his side closely
"It's magical" he always exaggerates his words
You're infuriated at him
"Eddie, come on- be serious"
"It's really spectacular, Y/N" he pecks your kiss once more removing your cute little frown on your face
"You know I'm really glad that I checked on you"
"I finally got my Christmas wish come true"
You both sipped the warm beverage as you continue to watch the classic Christmas film of all time with both loving hearts and smiles
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sanderssidesthehouse · 2 months
Casual observer of your gradual slip into obsession with Anxceit so I'm wondering if we could get your shipinions? (For the ask meme.)
I would love to give my shipinions!
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I actually wasn't that into them until I started making those playlists (master post, anxceit link), but now I can't stop myself. There's just so much, so many possibilities, and no answers to be had (yet).
They are currently exes to me. It could be healthy, it could be toxic, it could be left in the past. Something I've said before that I think it sums it up well: "Maybe it's about what was. Maybe it's about what could have been. Maybe it's about what is. Maybe it's about what could never be."
All I know is that it's devastating and tragic but also has the potential to be the most beautiful love story you've ever seen. And if not, I'm a fan of toxic yaoi, too. I literally can't lose.
Another quote from me: "I absolutely need to know what Virgil’s deal with Janus is and if it’s anything like my theories bc there are so many ways that could go, all of which being angsty and fun. Like did Virgil assume something and spiral? Could Janus not manage to tell the truth when it was important? Was it a single incident or many? I am unwell about them."
I think it would be amazingly angsty if after all this time they still knew each other best. Like maybe they don't know each others current favorite foods or movies, but they know each others deepest fears and how to calm each other down and what each others most formative moments were. I like the idea of them having deeply entrenched history.
They are prime for 'bad thing happens and suddenly you're the person I turn to and it's different now but I never stopped loving you and we'll have to work through that all later, but for now please just hold me' or 'we still have a lot to unpack but I trust you with this thing that is important to me bc I know you can and will do it'.
Them both having protecting roles is very interesting and it would make so much sense if that's why they had a falling out in the first place. I explored one possibility of what that would look like in Why Do I, excerpt here: "The thing about Deceit- Janus- Self Preservation, whatever you wanted to call him, was that he had one singular agenda: Make sure Thomas gets what he needs and then what he wants, regardless of who he has to cut through to do it. And so, once upon a time, Virgil ended up with a knife in his back."
A second excerpt: "And whenever something happening to Thomas would make Virgil freak out, Janus would have Thomas lie it away." I wrote while thinking about how lying can affect anxiety and Anxiety. When you lie, there's always the chance of getting caught, which can potentially be more stressful than the thing you lied about, and if you get caught too many times, it's the boy who cried wolf which would also be a very anxiety inducing situation bc what if you really need someone to believe you?
There's also the fact that this would increase avoidant behavior. Janus CANNOT defer to Virgil if he wants to keep c!Thomas safe bc long term that would be disastrous to his health. Sometimes things that are good for you are scary. But this in particular is related mostly to their jobs so they shouldn't be taking it personally, especially since 'dark' sides know better than anyone that they can't help what their jobs are, they just have to do them.
I feel like I'm just going to end up talking a really long time only to end up no where, so I'll end this here, but absolutely ask me specific questions if you want to know what I think bc I have so many thoughts.
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littlemsterious · 1 year
Fix-it fic where instead of offering Crowley a position, Beelzebub assumes Crowley and AZ are fully together and tells him about them and Gabriel. the rest ofthe season doesnt happen and they springboard crowley and Az getting together
“In my car? really?” why did ze have to fill his car with flies, it was such a mess!
“Ello traitor,”
“oh! lord Beelzebub!” could this not have happened a minute earlier? outside?!
“I suppose you’re wondering why I called you here,” said Lord Beelzebub, lord of the flies all over his car!
“you came to me!” Crowley said, and, in a moment, the flies surrounded him and suddenly he was in hell. 
“oh, I thought we had a” he spit a fly out, “generalised understanding.”
“We don’t.” Ze turned to look at him “You’re still a traitor. I could put a price on your head any time I wanted to.”
Crowley looked right back. “Is that a new face?”
“What, this old thing?” A chuckle “I’ve had it for ages.”
“Such a pity that Hell never appreciated your talents.”
“It is?” Ze were trying to butter him up for something. “Yeah, it is.” Might as well see what it is ze want.
“There’s news from Upstairs. Gabriel has gone missing.”
Yeah he was all too aware of that. “Ok, and?”
“You know Earth better than anyone.”
“You think I’d help hide the guy I hate?”
“Heaven is loosing it. They’ve started threatening Extreme Sanctions.”
“Those don’t actually exist. We used to make that up to scare the cherubs.”
“No, they do!” Ze looked at him intently. “They erase your name from the book of life. You won’t just die, you’ll have never existed.” Ze lean back. “But, if you did find Gabriel, Hell would reward you.”
“Yeah, I’m not exactly a fan of the guy, but I’m also not a fan of coming back here.” Crowley rolled his eyes. “I promise, I’d rather have nothing to do with him or any of this.”
Zir face darkened, and Ze got quiet. Ze turned around, got up, walked to the door, and locked it, before returning to the seat next to Crowley.
“Crowley? Listen. I wouldn’t be telling you this if I didn’t think you’d get it. and you can't tell anyone about this, you understand?” Something was up. Lord Beelzebub never used people’s names, not properly.
“What on Earth are you talking about?“
“Just, shut up okay?” Ze paused and he could feel himself getting more nervous. “I’m not looking for Gabriel for Hell. I’m- I’m worried about him.”
“What do you mean you’re worried about him? Gabriel? The archangel of heaven?” What kind of elaborate joke was this meant to be?
Beelzebub tilted zir head and pursed zir lips, “We’ve” ze nodded, once, “we’ve been seeing each other.”
The two stared at each other for a second.
Crowley felt his jaw loosen and his eyes widen.
“You? Have been dating? The Archangel Gabriel?”
Beelzebub rolled zir eyes “You make it sound so human.”
“I don't believe you.”
“I don't believe you.” He leaned forward. “You could just be saying that.”
“And why would I do that?” Ze shifted zir weight and leaned to the side. 
“I don't know?! To trick me because you think I’m working to help Gabriel?!” It even sounded crazy to say out loud, despite, technically, being true.
I was gonna come up with some sort of magical proof for this but I started feeling unwell and just wanted to post this. So just pretend Beelzebub said something here that made sense. Sorry. I might get around to adding something here later.
Crowley sat for a minute, pondering. Beelzebub looked at him.
“There’s a coffee shop, cross the street from the bookshop. Meet me there in an hour.”
Beelzebub looked up at him, wide-eyed, then lifted zir chin. “An hour.”
And Crowley was back in his car.
The walk back to the bookstore was, in short, short, and not long enough to figure out how to explain this to Aziraphale.
Eh, whatever. He threw open the door, “I’m back”
“I can see that.” He didn’t even look up from his desk.
“Listen, angel, we don’t have a lot of time, I figured out what’s going on. it’s—“
“Are you going to help?” 
Crowley sighed, “Yes yes, sure. I’m helping. Listen, Angel—“
Finally, Aziraphale stood up and turned towards Crowley. “I think I need an apology first.”
“We literally have less than an hour for me to explain what’s happened. I will apologise all you like, later. But right now, we do not have time.”
Aziraphale stared at him. “What could possibly be so urgent that we have less than an hour?” 
“Gabriel, I figured out, well at least part of it." Crowley folded his glasses, and set them on the table. "I don't have the full story, but I have enough of it.”
“He’s seeing someone.”
Crowley nods.
“Seeing someone?”
He nods again.
“How could you possibly know?”
“Because that someone,” Crowley walks up closer to Aziraphale, “came to me looking for him.”
“Meaning it’s someone you know?”
“Oh, someone I know all too well.” he rolled his eyes.
“Is it someone I know?”
“I’d say so, yeah.”
“Well who, stop stalling,” he said huffily. 
“You’re not gonna believe me, Angel.”
“Lord Beelzebub” 
Aziraphale stares at him. “You’re right I don't believe you.” He slaps his arm. “What kind of silly game are you playing?”
“Oh it’s no game, Ze proved it.”
“Proved it? how?”
[Insert Proof Here]
“Well I suppose that might change some things.”
“Oh you suppose?”
“Well I’m just trying to understand!” Aziraphale said in a huff. “Gabriel and Beelzebub? I can’t image what they might share, or see in each other!”
“Definitely a rather odd pair.”
“Most.” Aziraphale paused. “But what were you in such a rush about.”
“I told Beelzebub I’d meet them in the coffee shop cross the road in-“ he looked to the clock. “Less than thirty minutes now.”
���Why so soon?”
“We don’t know how long until Heaven comes knocking on your door looking for him.”
They sat for several minutes with that thought.
“Hey, if you two aren’t busy,” Gabriel stopped dusting and came over, “where does the dust go?”
Aziraphale tuned out Crowley’s answers to Gabriel’s various dust questions and wondered to himself. After some time, he spoke up.
“You stay in here with him. I’ll go to the coffee shop.”
“Well, ze’re not gonna listen to you.”
“Yes well, you weren’t here. I was.” he grabs his coat. "I have the full story. Besides, I have every right to make sure ze're telling the truth before letting zem into the shop. Ze will enjoy dealing with me much less."
He shut the door and walked quickly across the busy street.
Lord Beelzebub looks up to see Aziraphale walk in. Alone. 
“Where’s Crowley?”
“Oh, he’s busy. I understand we need to have a talk?”
Ze lean back in the chair. "Maybe. What’s he told you?”
“Back again Mr. Fell?” Nina interrupts. 
"Oh yes, very busy day today." 
"Right, what can I get for you and your friend?"
"A hot chocolate for me, Nina."
She turns to look at Beelzebub.
"Coffee. Whatever dark roast you've got."
"Sounds good." And she left.
"I didn't know you ate."
"Yeah, and?" Ze looked at him. "Mr. Fell? Really?"
"Have to be called something."
Ze rolled their eyes as Nina brought their cups. They both took a long sip.
Aziraphale sighed. “This morning, I heard a commotion outside, and when I opened the door, it was Gabriel, with nothing but a box.”
“I mean, he’s normally carrying nothing. what kinda box, how big wazzit?”
“You misunderstand me. He wasn’t wearing anything, just holding the box. I suppose about this big?” He gestured with his hands.
Beelzebub's eyes grew. “What’s he doing that for? And why’d he come here?”
“I don't know. And apparently, neither does he. That’s the thing, he doesnt remember anything.”
Aziraphale shook his head. “Not at all.”
Beelzebub chewed zir lip.
“What in heaven coulda happened for him to get like that?”
“I don't know. He said something about bringing the box in order to prevent something terrible happening to him. But it was empty when I checked it.”
Beelzebub’s face sold AZ more than any proof could have. Ze looked so worried, Aziraphale almost felt awkward still sitting there. 
“I wanta see the box.” Ze looked him in the eye. “and then I wanna see him.”
Aziraphale took one last sip of his hot chocolate before the pair headed out the door.
They got to the front step of the bookshop and Aziraphale held open the door.
“You can-“ He looked at zir face as ze raised an eyebrow. “You may come in.” He said, tensely.
“Thanks.” Ze took a few steps in and look around. “Now where’s this box”
“Hi! I’m Jim." Gabriel walked over from behind a shelf. "Do you enjoy chairs? I think I’m starting to really like them.”
Beelzebub’s eyes lit up when ze saw Gabriel in a way that made Aziraphale’s heart flutter. 
“Hey there.” Ze walked up to Gabriel, more gently than he’d ever seen zem.
Gabriel squinted. “Do we know each other?”
“Cool! But the chair thing.”
“I do like a good chair. How are you feeling?”
“Um. Weird. But it's been getting better since I figured out the whole chair thing.” He sits down in the closest chair.
Ze lean down, hold his head between zir hands, and kiss him gently on the forehead.
“Um, okay,” Jim says with a grin. “What was that?”
“Don't worry,” Beelzebub says softly, "we’ll figure this out.”
“Okay! Figure what out?” 
Beelzebub smiles before turning to Aziraphale and Crowley. “Where’s the box?”
“Oh, right of course,” Aziraphale says, turning quickly to grab it off his desk. “I’m afraid it was empty when he arrived.”
Lord Beelzebub opens the box. Ze inspects the inside for several minutes, running zir fingers along the inside as if to feel for a tear or inconsistency. Finding nothing, ze sighed and leans over it, looking closer at the inside. 
Another minute passes before Beelzebub sits down and closes zir eyes for just a moment. Aziraphale, feeling rather awkward, breaks the silence. “So, when did the two of you, well, I mean—“
“Start meeting up?” 
“Yes, exactly”
Beelzebub chuckles. “Bout right after Armageddon failed to happen. We met up to figure out what to do about, well, Armageddon. So really we ‘ave you two to thank. not just for that, but y’know. I guess seeing the two of you together made it all feel a bit less crazy. a bit more possible.”
Crowley stood up a bit straighter, his shoulder’s at his ears, and his eyes wide.
Aziraphale sputtered. “The two of us?”
Beelzebub didn't seem to notice either of them. “Yeah.” Ze chuckled and looked up. “So what about you? When’d you two get together?”
Crowley bit his tongue.
“I- mhm- I'm afraid you have us wrong. We are not together, in that sense.” Aziraphale says, looking to the opposite end of the bookshop from Crowley.
Beelzebub looks at Aziraphale, turns to look at Crowley, and then back at Aziraphale. “Are you having me on?”
“No, I am not having you on.” He says, the phrase unfamiliar in his mouth.
Beelzebub turns zir head back to Crowley, “Is he having you on?”
“Uh, no, he is not,” Crowley says, stiffly.
Zir eyes flit back and forth between the pair.
“How long have you two been working together, again?”
Aziraphale, still not looking, tilts his head and says, “I believe The Arrangement we have to work together goes about six hundred years?”
“No. No. Gabriel said you two were seen together way before that.”
“Formally, working together. We’d bump into each other on occasion before that.” Crowley says, tone relaxed but back still very stiff.
“And how long has that been going on?” Zir eyebrows were furrowed.
"All of time?”
Ze stare at him. “The two of you,” ze point from one to the other. “have been meeting for six thousand years?” 
“Off and on yes.”
“Huh.” Ze seem to consider this as ze lean back in the chair.
A minute or so pass before ze stand up again, and call out. “Jim?”
Gabriel peeks around the bookshelf. “Yeah! That’s me.”
“You brought the box here?”
“Uhhhhh,” he looks into the distance. “I think so”
“Do you remember where you got it from?” Ze lean on zir elbows over the box “Or how long you carried it for?”
“Uhhhh, noooo?” He shakes his head “Yeah, no I don't think so.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Crowley says rolling his head back.
“Will you calm down?” Aziraphale says. 
Crowley throws himself into a chair, almost entirely sideways in it, with his head lolling back. “Yeah, yeah patience whatever.” He pauses and turns his head, “What’s that on the bottom there?”
“The box, it’s hanging just off the edge of the table.” He reaches out and points “It looks like a mark or something”
Beelzebub straightens up, looks down, before spinning the box between zir hands. Sure enough, black scrawl handwriting stretches across the bottom.
“I am in the fly.” Aziraphale reads over Beelzebub's shoulder “What fly?”
Beelzebub looks up and makes eye contact with Crowley before glancing around the room.
“Well?” Crowley asks “Is there a fly?”
“Just one,” Zir looking at one spot, rather intently, now. “and it’s familiar.” Ze hold out zir hand. “Come here”
A fly buzzes over to zem and lands on zir hand.
“There you are.” 
Aziraphale tilts his head and looks at the fly. Crowley sits up straight in the chair.
“Jim?” Ze say again.
Gabriel, who had started to wander the bookshop again, calls back. “Yes! That’s still my name!”
“Could you come over here?” Ze say, softly.
“Oh! uh, yes!” Gabriel comes careening back around the shelves. “Hello.”
Beelzebub, ever so gently, walks over next to him, fly still in hand. 
“This is yours”
Gabriel reaches out, finger barely touching Beelzebub’s. the fly crawls over to his hand, and he holds it up to look at it. “Open it.” 
Gabriel holds it up, closer to his eye and it flies in.
He jolts, arms out, and stares off into space. Barely a moment passes before the glaze falls from his eyes, replaced by recognition.
“Aziraphale!” he says, making eye contact and surprisingly chipper. He turns to his left, and, still just as cheerful, says “Crowley!” He turns the other way, and Aziraphale can see his shoulders relax when he sees zem. 
“Hey,” he says, in a much softer voice. 
Beelzebub smiles, a soft warm smile. “hey.”
“I was coming to you.”
“It seems you got about halfway. I just had to come the other half.”
"Well I'm glad you're here."
“If you two are done yet," Crowley says, "I’m not a big fan of ceasing to exist when heaven realises you’re here.”
“What?” Gabriel and Aziraphale say in unison.
Beelzebub rolls zir eyes. “Heaven’s in a tizzy looking for you. Started threatening extreme sanctions to anyone hiding information.”
“Those don't really exist… do they?”
“Oh they do, it’s just not something done very often. A bit extreme, y’know, ceasing to exist.”
“So the Supreme Archangel going missing would qualify for that?” 
“Well, technically, I’m not supreme archangel anymore.”
All three of the them seemed shocked at that.
"Whatever do you mean?" 
"I'm with him, how?"
“Yeah, we were discussing the redo for Armageddon and I voted against it, so I got fired.” He shrugged.
“Wouldn't that mean you just go to hell like the rest of us? Be with zem?”
“No! Actually. I thought that too. They apparently decided it would be better to erase my memory and demote me. Which is not my idea of a good time.” He smirked.
“Oh dear.” Aziraphale spoke, quietly. He felt faint. Was that really how heaven was looking these days?
“Yeah, damn.” Beelzebub turned to look at Gabriel. “That’s much worse than I’d’ve expected from up top.”
“Yeah, I wasn't expecting it myself.” Gabriel shrugged. “Anyway, you are so right. We should get out of here.” He snapped his fingers and his blanket robe was replaced with light grey shacks and a pressed button-up shirt.
“if Heaven drops by,” Gabriel says, snapping at them both, “tell them I stopped by for a cup of hot chocolate, before heading out.” He laughs, “Technically, it’s not even a lie!” 
Beelzebub grabs his hand and pulls him toward the door. “and you two” Ze turn back, still walking, “figure yourselves out. talk, properly, for once in your lives.”
“Hm?” Gabriel looks at zem.
“They’re not together. You said they’d been together for ages, and they’re not. They’re dancing around it.”
Gabriel looked at them and scoffed, “Yeah, you two should talk.” 
They stepped outside, and Crowley, who had followed them to the door, shut and locked it behind them. The two didn't even notice as they disappeared into the busy street.
"Can you believe, the two of them, together, it seems almost ridiculous. And Heaven knows what on earth they were talking about--"
"--I mean making those kinds of assumptions--"
"--Talking as if they know us better than we know ourselves. We've always been distant from our respective offices--"
"-they don't know us at all! It's an entirely ridiculous notion altogether, I suppose it's a good thing this worked itself out so quickly-"
"-I think it's rather a good thing we won't be hearing from them for some time, seeing as--"
The angel freezes, quieting himself. He looks up and makes eye contact with Crowley.
"We've known each other for a long time. And I think we both know that's not true."
Crowley took several steps forward until he was just in front of Aziraphale, their eyes never leaving each others.
"You and I have been together for a long time." He bites his tongue and looks off. "We've always relied on each other. We're a team, a group. And we've spent our existance pretending that we aren't." Another pause. "And I would like to spend-" He groans. "I would like to spend the rest of it, with you. Properly."
Crowley leans into Aziraphale's space. "Properly."
Aziraphale leans the rest of the way, taking his face between his hands and looks him deep in the eyes.
“You know that’s rather sweet of you, Crowley.”
Crowley opened his mouth to respond but Aziraphale’s lips were on his before he got the chance.
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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a matter of sickness
'Archons don't get sick, and neither do dragons...'
tags: fem!reader pet names, Zhongli is very pure, soft Zhongli, fem!reader, Zhongli and reader are in a relationship, reader is ill, Zhongli does not know what to do with himself, fluff no plot, author is still very tired
masterlist | ao3 link | taglist | next
please do not repost or edit my work without credit. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
i'm also taking ideas for the rest of the flufftober days, feel free to leave any suggestions in my asks, no matter how self-indulgent they may be
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Zhongli has limited experience with illness. Archons don't get sick, and neither do dragons.
However, his pretty human wife does, and he doesn't know how to handle that. Especially when, for some reason, you don't understand that you need to rest.
"Li, please!" you complain between coughs. "I'm fine, really. There's no need for any of this."
He ignores you, propping you up with yet another pillow. He's had no sleep, concerned that your condition had worsened every time you tumbled into a fit of coughs in the middle of the night. He's tired, and therefore cranky, and he's desperate to somehow make you well again. Having a sick wife is putting a type of tension on his shoulders that he has never experienced before.
"If you won't rest, at the very least, stop protesting so you can give your throat a rest." He says curtly, though one look at you has him taking back every word. You're not used to Zhongli being harsh with you and no matter the cause, it always leaves you on the verge of tears. Noticing your reaction, he sits on the bed beside you and strokes your hair. "I'm sorry, love. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that."
You sniff, staring at him with wide, bloodshot eyes. You're exhausted and emotionally fragile as a result of the night of no sleep. You lift your arms so he can pull you into a hug. "It's okay."
"I'm not used to those around me being unwell. I sincerely apologise." you nod into his shoulder, a stray tear escaping, despite the fact he's already apologised. "Please drink some tea."
The first thing Zhongli did when sunlight hit the window was going straight to Dr Baizhu. Mainly because he didn't think he could endure another night of fearing for his wife’s life. After explaining your illness to him, Dr Baizhu laughed at Zhongli.
"You seem to be getting soft," he marvelled. "All for a human."
Zhongli really didn’t appreciate that. He was already stressed since you were on the mountain alone, and now he was being ridiculed by the doctor. He bit back his complaint, grit his teeth and waited for a prescription.
"She just has a common cold. She'll be better in a day or two, provided she rests and drinks lots of fluids. This should help with the coughing." Dr Baizhu said, passing Zhongli a box of tea bags. He thanked the doctor dutifully, not that he truly believed that he had been much help, and ran back home to you, praying you hadn't noticed the fact he was missing. You had.
That was the start of everything going downhill. You'd panicked because you thought something had happened to him, and had worked yourself up, he was tired and annoyed by Dr Baizhu's comments, and the panic in your eyes when you saw him made him regret leaving.
“Li, it’s too hot. It hurts,” you whisper, pushing the cup of tea back to him.
“My love, you have to at least try for me.” He replies, If he could magically make the drink colder for you, he would do it in a heartbeat. But he can't, so he settles for blowing on the drink for you.
You shake your head no, and Zhongli knows better than to scold you again. As tired as he is, he doesn't think he can cope with making you cry again.
"I'm cold," you whine again.
"Maybe you should drink your tea," Zhongli quips. It's been a particularly hot summer, so he'd put the majority of the thicker covers in the closet to keep them out of the way. He pulls out the warmest one he can find, and drapes it over you. You thank him gratefully, but continue to insist that you will not be drinking the tea if it continues to be hotter than the archipelagos in mid-summer at midday. Zhongli laughs at your dedication to your metaphor.
"Are you always so mean to sick people?" You ask. Zhongli sits in bed next to you, and wraps his arms around your shivering body. You feel yourself warming up immediately.
"I'm not accustomed to people who are ill, so I can't answer that question," he says. "Archons don't usually experience human ailments. The only other possibility is corruption, but recovery from that is rare. Especially if it's from the Abyss."
You scowl. "Let's not talk about the Abyss. One of their men gave me this dumb cold. I should have killed him on sight instead of trying to not engage him." You’re not often this open about how you feel about your experiences in combat, so Zhongli supposes that being ill lends itself to callousness.
"You tried to spare a Fatui? How gracious of you." Zhongli marvels. He can't keep up with your moods. Sometimes you seem to want death to each and every single one of them, other times, you're happy to just let them be. You cough.
"Never again. They can all die.”
“Even Childe?” Zhongli teases.
“Don’t talk to me about him. He can die too, for making you do the Fatui’s dirty work.” You move closer to Zhongli, if that’s even possible, another chill running through you. “See? Now I’m getting shivers.”
He laughs, and you feel him shift into his slightly less human form, just as you hoped. He’s much warmer this way—almost as if the sheer power of his archon form radiates heat. Plus, there’s more of him to wrap around you like this. For some reason, his tougher skin somehow feels like velvet against yours, and the tickle of his hair is familiar and soothing. Never has a person ever felt more like home to you. 
“I cannot keep up with your mood swings.” He chuckles. “If I keep you here like this for at least another hour, will you drink the tea then?”
“No.” You reply. You’re nothing if not open and honest, and Zhongli appreciates that. His contracts mean that he has to keep quiet about a great manner of things, but that fact that you have no such problems is of great joy to him. He always knows what’s running through your mind.
When the hour is up, and he feels like the period of resting—as well as releasing his archon form—has rejuvenated him sufficiently, he slide outs of your arms and heads off to the kitchen. Your next complaint, other than being cold or in pain, will most likely be that you’re hungry. You’ll never accept anything unless he’s made it or it came from Wanmin, and Celestial help him if you wake up without him again. He’s barely in the kitchen for five minutes before you come staggering along, barely even awake and dragging your feet across the tiled floor. You press yourself against his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. If he’s surprised by your presence, or how clammy you are to the touch, he doesn’t mention it.
“I need you,” You’re not ashamed by your lack of tact.
Zhongli chuckles. “You have a heater and a blanket in there. I am sure you’ll be fine on your own for half an hour, love.”
“No,” You complain. “Not like that.”
He turns to face you. As much as he loves hearing that he’s as indisposable to you as you are to him, he’s not falling for your antics. He notes that being ill makes you blood-thirsty and boosts your libido somehow. What a strange combination.
“You are sick, and you’re supposed to be resting. It’s a no.” He kisses your forehead to soften the blow of the rejection. It doesn’t work.
You huff, and plonk yourself on a dining table chair. “Your wife is sick and you won’t even do the bare minimum to make her less miserable.”
“No no,” Zhongli laughs. “Let’s not go there, hm? You’ve rejected every single attempt I’ve made to lessen your pain.”
“I never asked for those attempts.” You reply indignantly.
“Okay, how about we make a deal? You rest that pretty mouth of yours while I make you something to eat, and when you return to your usual health we can hunt some Fatui down and make them regret making you ill. Is that satisfactory?”
You smile then, the disappointment that his proposal was a slight deviation from what you really wanted disappearing. You loved beating the Fatui to a crisp. Especially when it was a revenge mission.
a/n: can you tell i like brat tamers or is it not clear yet
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