#i just see the missed calls in my log and i’m like. it didn’t even ring. how do you Know
The Scallion (The Surprise, Part 16)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, pregnancy times, vague mentions of sex, very vague mentions of past trauma (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.3k
Summary: You're almost at the third trimester, and Emily decides to take you on a surprise babymoon. The catch: she absolutely will not reveal where you're going. Road trip fluff ensues.
Week 26: The Scallion
You floated somewhere in between sleeping and waking, reluctant to move, relishing the weight of Emily’s arms around you, the warm solidity of her body pressed into your back. It wasn’t often these last few weeks that you woke up with her next to you. She was early to work and late coming back. You knew she was just trying to get everything in order, so that when she went on parental leave, her team would be okay. But you’d missed this, you’d missed her.
You blinked your eyes open, fighting off a stretch so as not to disturb Emily, but jerked up, throwing the covers off when you saw the time. Emily grabbed your arm instinctively, protectively, bleary with sleep.
“What!?” she called, blinking into the sun that streamed through the curtains. “What is it!?”
“It’s 10:30!” you yelled, waddling as fast as you could toward the closet and fumbling as you pulled on a pair of shorts. “I’m supposed to be at work! You’re supposed to be at work!” You poked your head out of a t-shirt, staring at Emily with a mix of frustration and panic. “Why aren’t you at work!? You always get up first. I know because I get up when you get up.”
“Sweetheart, calm down.” Emily chuckled, standing to squeeze your hands in hers and plant a kiss on your forehead. “I’m not going to work today.”
Your annoyance gave way to a flood of concern.
“Are you sick?” you asked, looking at her a bit more closely and placing the back of your hand on her forehead.
“No,” she said, leading you to the bed, even as you were fidgeting to get to your home office and log on to Slack. “You’re not going to work today either.”
“Oh, but I am,” you argued, trying and failing not to get drawn in by her lips tracing down your neck. “I’ve got important stuff to do. Not, you know, catching-serial-killers important, but a little important. It’s kind of hard to play hooky when you work from home. My boss will kill me.”
“What if I told you I already talked to him?” Emily teased, and you pulled back, taking her face in her hands to see if she was being serious.
“You talked to my boss?” You were incredulous. Emily had only met your boss a handful of times, at the company holiday dinner, where they flew you in and put you up at a hotel.
“I did.” Emily placed a warm kiss on the corner of your mouth and stood, leaving you confused and honestly a little worked up. She disappeared down the hallway, her voice trailing back to you. “And you’re not going to work today. Or tomorrow. Or next week.”
She reemerged, rolling two suitcases behind her, presenting them to you with an expression of such self-satisfaction, such unbridled joy and devotion, that you would have acted thrilled even if she’d said she was taking you on a trip to the laundromat.
“Emily Prentiss,” you exclaimed, standing and tucking her hair behind her ear. “Are you taking me on a surprise vacation?!”
“I’m taking you on a surprise babymoon,” she clarified, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing you.
Emily refused to tell you where you were going, not then, not even as you dug into a box of Cheez-Its she’d packed for the road and watched her merge onto I-95 South.
“South?” you commented, handing her a few Cheez-Its as she held out her hand. She nodded, then shrugged.
“Not too far South, I hope,” you said, staring out the window. “I know you didn’t grow up in the South like me, but I meant it when I said Florida’s not safe for us.”
“I’m not taking you to Florida, Y/N,” she scoffed. “I wouldn’t take you somewhere you didn’t feel safe.”
After a few minutes, she continued. “Also, you know I’ll always keep you safe, no matter where we are. I mean, fuck, I’m packing!”
“You are?” you said suggestively, twirling a finger through the hair at Emily’s nape.
She blushed. “Not that kind of packing. A gun!”
You leaned over the center console to kiss her cheek, massaging her shoulders. “Yes, Emily, love of my life, I know you’ll keep me safe, even in Florida.”
You drove in silence for a while when a horrible thought struck you. “You did bring the stuff for the other kind of packing, right?”
“What is this, amateur hour?” Emily replied. “Of course I did.”
You loved road trips. You were a passenger princess down to your very core. You loved choosing the podcasts and the music and handling the snacks and holding Emily’s hand as she drove. But you weren’t used to being six months pregnant on a road trip. You had a hard time getting comfortable, shifting and squirming in your seat. And you had to pee all the time.
You’d already stopped for lunch and a bathroom break once, but you were starting to feel the pressure yet again. You were passing through Norfolk, Virginia, and the further South you got, the more conscious you were of cities. You’d stopped at enough rural Southern gas stations to know that sometimes it was hard to find ones that felt safe. You knew that’d be doubly true now, as a visibly-queer, pregnant couple. Emily alone could pass as straight, except around other queer people, who clocked her almost immediately. You, on the other hand, looked queer. It was dangerous enough for you in the South, depending on where you were. Pregnant? And with a wife? You knew it’d be worse.
“How much longer?” you asked.
“What are you, six?” Emily teased.
You huffed, pouting. “No, I’m six months pregnant with your baby, and I have to pee all the time and my back is killing me.”
You immediately regretted snapping as you watched Emily’s face fall. “I’m sorry, honey,” you said, rubbing the back of her hand. “I’m so sorry. You’re doing something so nice for us, and all I can think about is my next pee break.”
She cracked a smile and lifted your hand to her lips, planting a kiss on your knuckles. “It’s okay,” she assured you. “I forget the little rapscallion is taking up all your bladder space. We’ve got about two hours left. I’ll find somewhere for us to stop.”
You gasped and pointed out the window to an exit sign. “Emily, look, look, look! Cracker Barrel!”
She gaped at you. “That’s where you feel safe peeing?!”
“They’re LGBTQ-friendly,” you protested. “And they’ve got those candy sticks like Little House on the Prairie.”
As you pulled into the parking lot, she looked apprehensively at the rocking chairs, the old, straight couples making their way in, the several lifted trucks.
You clambered happily out of the passenger seat, Emily trailing behind you, hand lightly grazing her concealed carry holster. She felt nearly assaulted by kitschy Southern goods upon walking in, making sure you’d made it to the bathroom before looking around. So much stuff. All with dumb sayings like, “Bless your biscuits and gravy,” or “All I need is Jesus and coffee.”
It was moments like this that Emily realized just how different your upbringing had been than hers. Of course, Emily’s childhood was anything but normal, but her home environment had been–she thought–rather generically American. But you! You’d expanded her ideas of the South as a racist, bigoted, ignorant monolith because you were none of those things. You were one of the smartest people she knew, the kindest and least judgmental. She hated when people made assumptions about you based on where you were from or on the fact that you said “y’all.” She hated even more that, a decade ago, she would have made those exact same assumptions.
“Hey,” you said, startling her. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Emily breathed, conscious and a little sad to notice how you stopped yourself from looping your arm with hers, from using pet names, from doing anything to suggest that you were more than friends. “Did you get your prairie snacks or whatever?”
“Yep!” You grinned and held up a fistful of colorful, striped candy sticks.
Another hour in the car and you were dutifully sucking on a strawberry lemon candy stick, bouncing your head in time with Salt-N-Pepa’s “Whatta Man.”
“This song makes me think of you,” you observed out of the blue.
Emily cackled. “What!? Why!?”
You grinned. “Because you’re crazy and you make me laugh and I do want to have your baby!”
She laughed, and it made your heart soar. She was so pretty when she laughed, really laughed. It was something not a whole lot of people got to see.
“So I’m the man in this scenario?”
“No!” you argued. “Sometimes I’m Whatta Man. Just depends on how I’m feeling. That’s what’s great about being gay.”
“Mm, I don’t know, I can think of a few better things about being gay,” Emily said, squeezing your thigh.
As the car approached a bridge and a big, blue expanse of water, you sat up straight and craned your neck.
“Water!” you exclaimed, looking for signs to identify it. “The Currituck Sound?” Your heart leapt and your stomach did somersaults.
You turned to Emily, nearly falling on her to lean over the console. “Are we going to the Outer Banks!?” you squealed.
Emily nodded, smiling big.
You were nearly bursting with excitement. “That’s where my family always went! Before…” Well, before your family hadn’t been able to go anymore.
“I know it is,” Emily said, holding your hand. “I got us a little beachfront house with a balcony and a hot tub right down the street from where your family used to stay in Nags Head.”
“How did you know where it was?!” you asked, breathless, bringing Emily’s hand to your lips and kissing it again and again.
“I called your mom,” she smirked.
“God, I love you so much.” You rolled down the window and hung your head out like a dog, much to Emily’s amusement, smelling the salty, briny air that was so familiar and so nostalgic to you.
Half an hour later, you were pulling down a sandy drive on a street that was synonymous with childhood happiness. Your mom had grown up here, and you’d spent your summers as a young child tramping about the marshes, boogie boarding, identifying shells, and building sand castles. You remembered fish fries on the back porch, how you always hid from your grandfather as he cleaned the fresh-caught flounder and red drum. You remembered ice cream cones dripping down your fingers, washing them off in the surf. The fresh, almost sandpapered feeling of emerging from a shower after a day spent outside. The way your body still rocked with the waves when you crawled into bed at night.
You were beyond thrilled to share it with Emily. It was as if you were inviting Emily back in time, to a place you had felt so deeply yourself. You couldn’t wait to be there with her. To show her all the shell shapes and watch the sunrise and tell her about the dunes and how important they are. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep rocked by Emily and by the memory of the waves.
As you stepped out of the car and followed Emily up the stairs and into the house, you both stopped and stared at the wall of sliding glass doors. The perfect ocean, mellowed in the late afternoon light. The sound of the waves crashing was music to your ears. You wrapped your arm around Emily’s and took her hand, planting a kiss on her shoulder and leaning into her. You didn’t know how it’d be possible to be happier.
And then it hit you–you could come back with the baby. You could come back again and again, just like you had when you were little.
“Em,” you said quietly.
“Yeah, baby?” She moved to wrap her arms around you from behind, resting her palms over your baby bump.
“Can we come back here? With the baby?”
You could feel Emily’s breath on your neck.”I booked this week in June for the next three years.”
And the fact that she’d brought you here, that she’d known this is where you’d want to be, where you’d want all of you to be–it brought tears to your eyes. She was starting a tradition. No, she was restarting a tradition, in a new way, that would fit your new family. It was perfect. She was perfect.
“Hey, now,” she said as you sniffled, wiping your eyes. “No tears.” She kissed you softly, lovingly, running her thumbs back and forth along your cheekbones.
When she pulled away, you were smiling, eyes twinkling and mischievous.
“You want to go put your toes in the water, don’t you?” Emily grinned.
You nodded, and grabbed her hand, pulling her after you. Out the back door, across the boardwalk that protected the dunes, running as fast as your little pregnant body could take you until you hit the water. It was cool and salty and strong and you felt happier than perhaps you’d ever been–especially as Emily joined you.
And as she watched you kick around in the water, hair blowing in the salt air, cheeks red with heat and excitement, she knew she’d done good. She’d done good with it all. With the beach house. The Outer Banks. With deciding to have a child with you. With choosing you. You were just right. You were perfect. She could watch you forever, content to bask in your joy. As if you were the sun. And, to Emily, you were.
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
I feel like a character in a Herman Melville short story. Except that he never writes women so that’s not even accurate
#feel free to correct me if i’m fucking wrong. considering that i’ve only read bartleby the scrivener; a quarter of moby dick;#and like 2 other stories and i don’t remember any women#i am feeling like. the main dude in bartleby who is dealing with bartleby. and i am also feeling like bartleby himself#i’m trying to cancel this fucking wine club subscription and the company aren’t responding to any of my emails but they keep calling me#and i can’t answer the phone because i can’t get a signal because they’re doing work on the o2 mast#i just see the missed calls in my log and i’m like. it didn’t even ring. how do you Know#i’m emailing them like ‘i can’t answer the phone; just answer my emails if you want to talk. you’re clearly reading them or you wouldn’t be#calling me’ and every day like clockwork they call me around 2pm. it’s starting to make me insane#yes i could call them from a landline but it’s the principle of the fucking thing. just CANCEL IT online. i have sent no fewer than four#emails. they haven’t responded to a single one#i told my credit card company not to let them take money from me because it would be fraudulent because i did not consent to this#subscription and they were like ‘right-o chief’ and i was like ‘is there anything i can do if they send me a product and try to charge me#for it? i don’t want anything from them AND i don’t want to be liable for payment’ and they were like ‘we can send you a new card if that#happens’ cool thanks. i guess my problems are not their problems so it makes sense#and my dog is legitimately going senile. she’s just pacing and looking at me#and i don’t know how to do my homework and i’m pretty close to a breakdown because everyone’s acting like it’s super easy to get eleventy#working but it’s literally not and it’s fucking me up because if i can’t do this assignment then i can’t do like 3 other assignments either#and i’m already behind and i’m going to be even more behind by the time my midterm takes place in two weeks#and i feel like bartleby because I WOULD PREFER NOT TO#i feel like i’m losing my mind. my sister just died and i don’t know how or why and we didn’t talk but it’s still fucked up#and her funeral is tomorrow and i’m not going and i don’t think that’s right? but i can’t#i legitimately feel like i’m having a breakdown and i don’t have TIME to have a breakdown#and i have no food in the house and i need to help my friend write a victim statement again because she’s reporting him for something ELSE#he did. and we love to see it but gooooood fucking lord#and i am cold. and mabel is staring at me#and i’m pretty sure i’m going to get my period in 3 days or less#october you really know how to break a woman down to her bare essentials#personal
0 notes
moonhoures · 9 months
Video Games
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🕷️ kinktober — day 1: angry / makeup sex 🕸️
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pairing: jay (enhypen) + reader (g/n)
genre: non-idol!au, mild angst, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, established relationship, pet name: ‘baby’ (for reader), unprotected sex, creampie
word count: ~1.9k
synopsis: jay is seemingly put in the doghouse after forgetting to pick you up from work like he promised. but there are some ways he can earn your forgiveness . . .
a/n: this is not as ‘angry’ as you’re probably picturing, but hopefully you guys like it nonetheless 😅 enjoy!
posted: october 1, 2023
kinktober masterlist
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One thing. You asked him to remember one thing. “Don’t forget, I need you to pick me up from work at eight!” You told him twice and reminded him once more before you walked out of the apartment to catch a bus. Jay nodded each time, even going as far to say “Seriously, ________, I’m not a kid. I’ll remember” when you reminded him the last time.
Yet, you stood at the front door of your job at 8:17 p.m, looking and feeling stupid. Your arms were crossed tightly over your chest, and your face was stuck in an immovable scowl. You knew you should’ve taken your coworker’s offer to drive you home, but you had put your faith in your boyfriend to do what you asked of him. How silly of you.
You texted and called him multiple times before giving up; he wasn’t answering and he probably wasn’t going to any time soon. I swear if he’s playing those damn video games, you thought with a bite of aggravation. You loved your boyfriend to the moon and back, but if there’s one thing you didn’t like about him it was how attached to his games he got. He was majorly competitive, to the point it was difficult to get him off of the console, especially when he was close to winning whatever dumb game he was playing. And heaven forbid he’s playing with his friends who only encourage his habit even further.
After ten more minutes you went ahead and walked down the street to the bus stop. Your nerves were on edge and your head was on a swivel. You couldn’t help but curse Jay in your head for putting you in this position and making you so anxious. Since your car was in the shop, you had been picking up rides from him and your coworker. You wanted to avoid taking the bus at night at all cost, which is exactly why you nagged your boyfriend to pick you up tonight.
When you finally made it home, the door flung open without care, dinging against the door stopper just in front of the wall. It rattled a bit; you had hoped he would hear it and be startled. But when you walked through the living room, you were even more pissed to see him on the game with his head set on, his phone turned upside down on the table in front of him. Of course he didn’t get my texts and calls, he couldn’t see or hear them.
You scoffed, not giving him a second look as you stormed into your room and slammed the door shut. You vaguely heard him say “Hey, baby” as you got in the hallway.
You decided to run a bath to cool off before you went off on him and said some things you would regret. In the mean time Jay had found it odd you didn’t answer him, his brows knitting together. He wondered why you were in such a weird mood, but figured you might’ve just had a bad day. He shrugged and reached for his phone to check the time. Maybe I’ll have time for one more match, he thought. The screen of his phone lit up when he flipped it over, several missed notifications taking up the entire screen. Some social media notifications were interrupted by five missed texts and seven missed calls from you. Each text asking where he was, how long he would be, had he forgotten? His heart sank into his stomach.
Jay tore off his headset and quickly logged out of the game, running to your bedroom door. His hand shifted the door knob but was met by resistance when he tried to open it. He closed his eyes in defeat and sighed. His knuckles tapped against the hard surface a few times, “Baby, open the door. I’m so sorry I forgot to pick you up.”
On the other side of the door, you ignored him, turning off the running water in the bath tub before walking back in the room to get some pajamas.
“________, please open the door. I’m really sorry. I know I fucked up,” he continued, voice dripping with sincerity, “I know you told me multiple times, and you don’t have to forgive me. But please just let me apologize to you. I don’t want you to go to bed upset.”
You paused at your dresser. Your determination to stay mad at him was slipping. But your pettiness wasn’t, “Did you win?”
Jay arched an eyebrow in confusion, “Huh?”
“Your game. Did you win? It must’ve been a really important match for you to forget about me.”
Jay let out a groan of annoyance, not so much with you but with himself, “Look, I’m sorry, okay? Really, I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll do all the chores this weekend. I’ll cook your favorite dinner for you. I won’t play my games tomorrow.”
He heard your scoff from the hallway, practically heard your eye roll, too.
“I won’t play my games for a week,” he corrected himself, “A month even. Whatever it takes to get you to talk to me.”
His heart pounded as it grew uncomfortably quiet. He didn’t even hear your soft footsteps, so his eyes became wide when the door in front of him opened. You stood in front of him in just your robe, your disscontempt etched into your face. If looks could kill, he wondered if he would be six feet under already.
“I told you three times, Jay.”
“I know.”
He frowned, looking more ashamed than you had ever seen him. You secretly wished you didn’t love him so much. It made it harder to be upset with him. You wanted him to feel bad, at least for tonight.
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“I deserve that,” he agreed.
“And I’m gonna hold you to those promises,” you continued, “No games for two weeks.”
He was shocked that you had downsized the punishment from the month he suggested, but he didn’t show his surprise in case you took it back, “Okay.”
Your hardened stare lingered on him a little longer, and he grew nervous for what would come out of your mouth next. Little did he know you were actually thinking about how cute he looked. How mad you were at yourself for finding him so attractive at a time like this. Fuck you for being so hot, you thought, as if he could hear your thoughts.
“Are we good now?” he asked timidly. His hand cautiously reached up to cup your cheek in a sign of truce.
“You’ll have to earn your way back into my good graces,” you cracked a small smile.
“I’ll do anything,” he repeated, stepping closer to rest his hands on your waist. Your perfume lingered on your robe, filling his nose with the sweet, familiar fragrance that made his heart skip a beat.
He nodded at your question, a smirk creeping onto his lips. If this was going in the direction he was thinking, then he was about to be a very happy man. His heartbeat accelerated as your hands found purchase on his chest, your palms flat over his pecs. Your eyes lingered on the small sliver of his collarbone that was exposed by the neckline of his t-shirt. When your gaze met his, there was a clear intention behind them that sent blood rushing to Jay’s loins.
Neither of you said anything as you tugged him into the bedroom and closed the door. In a matter of minutes you were on the bed, legs spread to make room for your boyfriend’s hips. Your robe was untied and thrown open as he slathered wet, sloppy kisses all over your neck and chest. Your hand was buried in his hair, pulling lightly on it to keep him where you wanted him.
“You’re gonna fuck me exactly how I want,” you panted, hips already bucking up against his clothed crotch. He moaned in affirmation, the vibrations tickling your nipple that was in his mouth.
“Gonna give me the best orgasm ever,” you added, looking down to see his eyes closed as he laved at your collarbone. They opened to look you in the eye as he came back face-to-face.
“Whatever you want, baby,” he assured you, nodding as he connected your lips with his once again.
Skin-on-skin contact and heavy breaths filled the room shortly after. Jay’s clothes were quickly discarded and he was pounding into you like his life depended on it. Your fingers gripped his back, loving the way you could feel his muscles flexing with every movement. He tried to hold back low grunts as your ankles locked around his waist, causing him to thrust deeper into you. He felt anchored down, but in the best possible way. This position was as close to paradise as he would probably ever get.
“Faster, Jay,” you breathed out, fingernails digging into his skin. He gritted his teeth and fastened his pace as much as he could.
“Fuck,” you cursed, legs tightening around him even more, “Jay, faster!”
“Baby, I’m trying,” he practically whimpered, his thrusts getting a little quicker, but also sloppier. He was losing stamina. You knew he was trying his best, you could just tell. You thought about giving him some slack, but then you remembered how you two got in this position in the first place. You weren’t going to go easy on him at all; he didn’t deserve it.
“Not trying hard enough,” you sighed in annoyance, moving your hips up against his thrusts for more stimulation, “You’re so annoying.”
“So suddenly?” he scoffed out a small laugh, looking at you incredulously. He knew you well enough to know you weren’t being completely serious. You were just letting out your aggression; he didn’t take it to heart.
“Y-yeah,” you panted, wincing when his cock hit a certain spot inside of you that felt a little too good, “You need to listen to me.”
He nodded, his arms shaking a bit from the energy was exerting trying to please you and keep himself stable, “I know, baby. I’m sorry. I’ll be better.”
In that moment his gaze met yours, mere inches apart. Your breaths mingled between you, chests almost pressed against each other. He could tell you were getting close when he felt you growing tight around his dick. You always looked so beautiful like this—unraveling under him, by his own doing.
“Promise,” he sealed his words with a kiss against your lips, a low growl forming in his throat when you arms wrapped around his shoulders to hold him close to you. Your bodies pressed together like this, he could feel all of you; it drove him insane, “Now, cum for me.”
You were already well on your way when he spoke. Your legs constricted his lower body before growing slack at his sides. Your arms loosely circle him, keeping him close during the aftershocks of your orgasm. He came not long after, keeping slow, shallow thrusts until he came to a halt. He rested his face in the crook of your neck, simply cherishing the proximity to you.
“Can I join you for your bath?” he asked after your breaths had both settled back into their normal inflections.
“Sure, but the water’s probably cold by now. We’ll need to refill it,” your voice was sweet in answering him, as if any other answer would be ridiculous. Your next sentence, however, proved to humble him, “You’re still sleeping on the couch tonight, though.”
Jay cracked a smile, nodding in agreement as he helped you off the bed, “Understood.”
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedrswrld @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @mrsdacherry @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite
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srjlvr · 9 months
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YOUR favorite hobby after a busy schedule is going on weverse and trying to get jungwon’s(your classmates) attention so bad! what happens when it does actually happen? you get excited of course! but what happens when you get a reply from him every day?
OR in which you caught jungwon’s attention with your posts on weverse and now, regardless of his tight schedule and millions of fans who’s trying to get his attention, he’s only searching for your posts every day.
PAIRING idol!jungwon X idol&fan!femreader
GENER fluff , a bit of angst , comfort , type of classmates to lovers(?) but they’re basically strangers on weverse !
WARNINGS vv cringy i think , mentions of stress , awful humor and pick up lines ! (pls lmk if i missed something)
WC 4.9k+ (the longest i’ve written ever!)
NOTE this is to all of the fans that never got noticed by jungwon on weverse but do get a lot of spams💔 n e ways pls like this i worked hard on this☹️🤞🏻
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wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 10:20PM jungwon! i had a busy schedule today but thinking about you always made me feel better🤍
“trying again?” one of your group mates glanced at you staring at your phone, “i’m just sharing how my day was” you shrugged.
“he’s got like millions of posts, you know that too” she chuckled, “instead of being online in your own group’s weverse you’re going online on your fan account”
“i’m online everyday you’re just overreacting” you rolled your eyes.
“why don’t you just talk to him in class? didn’t you say you both were classmates?” she pat your head.
you shook your head, “it’s not that easy, we’re both barely attending to class because of our busy schedule, and we basically stopped talking after a while”
“it’s the only way i can interact with him—at least hope so? idk”
“and what if he does notice you?” she suddenly asked, “what are you going to do then?”
“probably faint”
“you’re acting like a real fan right now”
“what do you mean acting? i am a real fan”
“no you’re not, you’re just crushing over him and don’t know how to properly confess so you’re using this app and hoping to get noticed” your other group mate barged in your conversation.
“i mean, you both are classmates but you’re always so desperate to grab his attention on weverse, what’s the point of that?” she added.
“it kinda like became my usual thing to do, before i log into our weverse i log into enhypen and leave a post there” you shrugged, “it’s one of my favorite things to do”
“you’re hopelessly in love” they both teased you.
“good morning!” you greet your classmates. your schedule was clean for the whole week so you decided were forced to go back to school.
your friends greeted you back and you sat at your desk.
“morning” jungwon mumbled as he entered the class.
it was a rare sight, jungwon’s never usually at school. his schedule is way busier than yours and considering the fact that you show up to school once a month, it was quite surprising to see jungwon’s presence.
“morning” you greeted back and he went to his seat at the corner of the class.
you missed him. you actually did. having a crush is more than just thinking about someone 24/7, it’s also about missing him.
jungwon is your role model, he had always been. being classmates for more than four years together, he helped you getting into the company you wanted and encouraged you to stay until you debut.
you went through all of this because of him and yet, both of you rarely even talk.
jungwon couldn’t quite explain why, perhaps it’s your pretty eyes that he gets lost while staring at them, or was it your smile that always ( no matter when ! ) lights up the world, his world.
he found himself getting all shy and closed up being around you, call it cheesy but jungwon just can’t stop thinking about you and missing you.
he tends to come to school more often these days, some might think he’s just trying to catch up with school, but truth is, he’s searching for you every day, to see you and your smile.
you sat at the front line while jungwon sat at the corner, which makes it easier for him to stare at you without you even noticing.
“should i ask him to eat lunch with us today?” you whispered to your seatmate and she nodded.
“i just don’t know—“ “morning! finally y/n we get to see you!” the teacher got in class and cut you.
after class you gathered all your stuffs quickly but stopped when you felt a figure standing in front of you,
“hey um” you coughed, “jungwon, i’m jungwon-“ he cut you off.
you froze, a bit taken aback, “no i know-“ “oh! oh right” he nodded.
“i was wondering if you’d like to grab some-“
“hey y/n! let’s go to the cafeteria!” your friends called you and you instantly frowned, “i can’t, something urgent came up and i need to go”
they nodded and left, you then turned to jungwon, “what did you want to-“ “it’s okay, never mind about that” he quickly mumbled and left.
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 11:34PM jungwon! i had school today but i had to leave early today because something urgent came up ): i missed lunch with someone i really adore and im really sad):
“hey jay! check this out” jungwon showed jay his phone. “what’s wrong?” jay asked after reading the post.
“it seems so weird! it happened to me today at school too” he coughed, “with y/n”
“y/n again? you never stop talking about her” niki joined in.
jungwon sighed, “i can’t stop thinking about her, it’s like she’s living in my mind rent free”
jay pat jungwon’s shoulder, he can see how sad is friend is and how difficult things are for him.
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: you’ll always have tomorrow to spend together!
“OH MY GOD” you froze, looking at your phone for a few good minutes until your group mates came in rushing, “ARE YOU OKAY?”
one of them held a pan in her hand, ready to attack any stalker.
“it’s-“ you tried to speak, “it’s-“
“just give me the phone!” another one grabbed your phone and looked through it.
she sighed when she realized what was happening, “really y/n?”
“what is it?”
the curious cats followed her and peeked into her phone, they all sighed when they saw what is this all about.
“i was about to experience a heart attack!! we don’t do those things y/n!”
“no but you don’t understand!”
“yang jungwon just replied to me!” you walked back and forth around the room.
“i need you to sit down and calm down!” the leader held your shoulders and dropped you on the couch, “it happened once and it probably won’t happen again, i’m really happy for you”
“if you don’t get noticed by him at school at least you got noticed by him on weverse”
“BURNNN” they all shout and giggled.
you know they were joking, your groupmates became your family in a blink of an eye. they take a good care of you, and worry about you 24/7, like good old sisters.
but what they like to do the most is to tease you, which you find very annoying, but they just find it really cute.
“i’m definitely going to keep an eye on her” jungwon said to jay who was sitting next to him, “i have no choice but to trust your instincts now” he replied.
“how was your schedule yesterday?” your classmate asked you the next day.
you laid your head on your desk and groaned, “it was pretty tiring most of the time”
they pat your head and let you off, without having any other distractions—you fell asleep.
“morn-” jungwon got into the classroom and noticed your sleeping figure.
he smiled to himself, finding you so cute and adorable with your head all smashed over your desk and your slow breaths that made him think you were choking there for a second.
“what are you looking at?” his friend put his hand over jungwon’s shoulder, “nothing, i was just thinking about something”
“y/n wake up!” you heard someone whispering. you slowly opened your eyes and was welcomed by your friends all gathered around you with a big smile, “what is it?” you uttered.
“someone got you this drink” one of your friends held out your favorite drink, “you slept through all the periods, it’s lunch time already”
you looked at your phone and gasped, “why did no one wake me up?”
“we tried, you just were in deep sleep”
“thank you for the drink, did you happen to see who that was?” you curiously looked at the drink as your friends shrugged, “we all went out to get our lunch”
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 6:08PM something really weird happened today at school! someone bought me my favorite drink and put it on my desk! do you think i should look for that person?
“look!!” jungwon, who was active on weverse suddenly noticed the post, “it’s the same person from yesterday”
jay sat next to him and peeked at jungwon’s phone, “why? did you buy y/n her favorite drink today without her knowing?” he giggled but stopped when he noticed jungwon started blushing, “you can’t be serious”
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: go search for that person!!
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: i wish you good luck🤍
“AGAIN??” you shout, you sat on the couch with your groupmates and made them all jump when you shout.
“again?” they sighed, “WAIT WHAT?”
you showed them your phone with jungwon’s replies and they all joined you to the shouts.
“you know what they say!” one of them said, “third time a charm!” the rest of you completed the sentence and giggled.
“i’m going to be full honest now,” another one said, “i don’t think there is going to be a third time”
“you never know!”
the next day you got notified that your “schedule-free” week was a complete lie.
“what do you mean i can’t go to school this week? you told me i’m free!” your argued your manager.
“some photoshoots and sponsors came up, i’m sorry it’s like that” she pat your shoulder.
“how am i going to see jungwon again?” you asked your group leader.
if there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s probably to listen and give advices, that’s why you find yourself always laying your head on her lap and venting out your concerns.
“it’s not like you’ve seen him a lot before” she said, “right?”
“no but it was different this time! i was actually ready to talk to him about everything”
“what do you mean everything?”
“i don’t know i—“ you sighed, “my feelings? the way i feel whenever i look at him? everything”
“you do realize that it’d probably be weird to confess to someone you rarely talk to, right?”
“i hate that you’re right” you rolled your eyes, “i was actually ready to befriend him, to get closer to him”
“you’re so boring y/n! you should be more bold!”
“what do you expect me to do?”
“show him that you’re interested in him without being too weird and confessing your feelings” she smirked.
“but how?”
“do you know how to rizz up someone?”
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 11:39AM jungwon! aside from stealing hearts, what do you do?
“are you serious with me right now? why did you post that!” you shout at your leader who was busy laughing her ass off, “is that what you meant by being bold?”
“that is how you rizz up people now!”
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: do you normally flirt with people so easily?
“OH MY GOD??” you dropped your phone and your friend froze, “don’t tell me he replied” she gasped.
“ALMOST INSTANTLY” you nodded and kneeled to get your now broken phone.
“NO WAY�� she laughed, “third time a charm!”
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: but other than stealing hearts i think about you🤍
“slap me right now” you smacked your hand over your forehead, “okay” she slapped you.
“why would you do that?”
“you asked for it!”
on the other side, jungwon was giggling at his phone, staring at it for a few good minutes, that was until heeseung took his phone away.
“hey! give it back” jungwon tried to take his now stolen phone back but heeseung was too strong,
“i saw you smiling at your phone so i thought you were texting someone,” heeseung sighed and returned jungwon’s phone, “but weverse, really?”
jungwon shrugged, “i’m just replying to fans, they’re cute”
heeseung shook his head in return, “it’s not ‘fans’ you’re talking to, it’s only one specific fan you’re replying to”
“i’ve been replying to other fans too”
“that’s what you’d like to think”
heeseung was right, jungwon does only reply to the person he said he’d keep an eye on, which is totally fine, but at what cost?
“fans are starting to think you’re dating that person secretly, you should be careful” heeseung sighed.
“you’re right, that person just interests me” jungwon replied, “i have this weird feeling it might be y/n”
“y/n? why would she be on our weverse page?” heeseung tilt his head, “doesn’t she have her own group’s weverse page to go through?”
“yeah, but some posts of her really reminds me of situations that occurred between us,” jungwon nodded, “look, a few days ago she posted something that was really similar to what happened at school!”
heeseung took jungwon’s phone again to look through the suspicious account, “let’s just keep an eye on this account”
“that’s what i’ve been trying to say!”
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 11:45AM jungwon i was so surprised when i got a reply from you and dropped my phone💔 it’s broken now!!
“that’s—“ jungwon gasped, “that’s not what i meant to happen with my response”
heeseung just giggled, “i mean who wouldn’t be surprised to get a reply from their favorite idol?”
jungwon nodded and slowly tapped his reply.
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: haha i’d be surprised if i were you too!!
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: how will i ever be able to repay you?
“now it just feels like he’s flirting back with me” you chuckled.
“you caught jungwon’s attention y/n!” your leader giggled, “notice how he’s always replying to you almost instantly? it’s as if he’s waiting to see your posts”
you shook your hand, “no way! why would jungwon wait for me to be online?”
“that my friend,” she put her hand on your shoulder, “is up to you to figure that out”
the next day you begged your manager to cancel your schedule, with the excuse of, “i have exams coming up and i need to catch up, do you want to see me fail?”
and it actually worked!
today you’re going to see jungwon and talk to him, no matter what!
you arrived at school and sat by your usual seat, putting your broken phone on the desk and laying your head over your hands next to it.
you slowly drifted to sleep, school is too boring on the morning anyway!
as jungwon entered the class he first looked over your direction, of course he would.
he smiled to himself, he always does when he looks at you.
he then noticed your phone that was right next to you, it was smashed and broken, as if it was dropped.
jungwon gasped, he opened his phone and entered weverse, searching the account he’s been keeping an eye on, and that was it.
a dropped and now broken phone, it’s a match!
he took a picture of your broken phone and went back to his seat to text his members about the shocking news.
‘it’s definitely her’ he sent the text and added the picture of your broken phone.
‘i don’t think so, just because of a broken phone?’ jay responded.
‘yes! she said yesterday that her phone was dropped and got broken’ jungwon replied.
‘it might be a coincidence’ heeseung claimed.
jungwon was about to text them back but had to turn off the phone once the teacher entered the class.
first break of the day was a good opportunity to talk to jungwon. you woke up in the middle of the second period and thought about ways to approach him.
you searched for him in the class, eyes scanning every place until you landed on his seat, of course, that’s how he usually spends his first break. in his usual seat, with a snack in one hand and in the other he’s holding his phone and scrolling through social media.
you got up, suddenly feeling bold enough to make steps towards his seat.
“hey jungwon” you let out.
he froze for a second, then turning off his phone and putting away his snack, “oh, hey y/n”
“heyyyyy” you said again.
“hey?” he questioned.
“uhm” you coughed, “sorry”
“it’s okay, is there something wrong?”
“no no!” you shook your hand, “i was just wondering”
you was about to continue but your phone buzzed, you got a notification.
“your phone’s broken” he pointed out.
shit, you thought. “yeah” you giggled, “i uh—“
“i dropped it after my members decided to pull a scary prank on me” good one.
he nodded and chuckled, “so?”
“so,” you cleared your throat, “i was wondering if you’d like to start over again”
finally!! you cheered.
“i mean, you’ve helped me a lot through my trainee days and encouraged me to achieve my dreams but we stopped talking after i debuted and i really feel like—“ you spoke too fast and jungwon cut you off, “i’d really like that”
“really?” you asked and he nodded, “really”
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 8:50PM i asked my crush if he’d like to get to know each other again today!! he’s a person that really helped me through tough times and always encouraged me! we were good friends back then but stopped talking after a while, i really thought he was angry at me for some reason, but i couldn’t stop having feelings for him, so i made the first step today and he actually agreed!! im so happy!!
“you did WHAT?” your group leader asked you.
“i did it, i asked if he’d like to get to know each other aga-“
“oh im so proud of you my child” she hugged you tightly and pecked your forehead, “you’re all grown up now”
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: well,
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: i’m sure he wasn’t angry with you at all!
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: im happy that you two are starting all over again, who knows, maybe he feels the same about you ;)
“got you y/n” jungwon giggled.
“why don’t you just talk with her about it?” jake put his hand over jungwon’s shoulders as he stared at his phone.
“it’s difficult” jungwon frowned, “do i just go like ‘oh hey! i know you have a weverse account and i know your user, i have feelings for you too so let’s date’?”
“yeah!” jake nodded and jungwon groaned, “you’re no help”
“so? tell us everything” your members sat you on the couch while they surrounded you with some curious eyes.
“about what happened at school!”
“i went to jungwon, asked him if he’d like to start over again, he said he’d love to, so we went together to get some lunch and talked about everything we missed, it was real fun honestly really recommend you to do that too—“
“did you confess, or not” they all asked.
“no why would i confess so soon”
they all sighed, “no drama, no fun!”
you rolled your eyes, “can we at least eat something now?”
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 9:27PM i don’t think he feels the same, but it was really fun to spend the day together with him, his company has always made me feel warm and comfortable.
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: im more than happy to hear that! first breaks are always so fun when you spend them with a person you like ^-^
you tilt your head in confusion, showing your phone to your members, “look at that”
they all read your post and his reply, “what’s so weird about it?”
“i never said i spent the first break together with him”
“DO YOU THINK HE KNOWS?” you freaked out, “OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD” you held your head, moving back and forth around the room.
“y/n calm down!!” your leader said, “maybe he just assumed it was the first break since it’s the first time of the day you get to spend with other people!”
“you’re right,” you breathed in, calming yourself down, “thank you”
next day you went back in track, your manager told you the next time you’d be showing up to school would be only on exams and maybe next month.
your schedule became busier than before, you barely had time to breath. going back and forth, from a phothshoot to an interview then practice and more.
you were drained and overworked, your phone hasn’t been touched ever since the last day you showed up at school, which means—you haven’t showed up on weverse a few weeks already.
you’d see jungwon only when you arrive to school to take exams, but then disappear right away after you finish them.
“waiting for a new update again?” sunghoon asked jungwon who was staring at his phone and refreshing the page every minute, “yeah” he replied.
“she’s always online around these hours” he added.
“have you seen her at school?” sunghoon asked, jungwon froze for a second, thinking about the last time you showed up at school, “only when there’s an exam we need to take”
“maybe she’s just having a busy schedule,” sunghoon shrugged, “you’re barely online when you have a tight schedule”
“right” jungwon nodded, “but i wonder if she’s doing well” he sighed and closed his phone.
the past days has been awful to you. you slowly felt yourself vanishing, like a lifeless soul walking around.
your groupmates always looks after you worriedly, you’d barely even talk to anyone.
“y/n what about eating something?” your leader asked you, “no i’m okay, i ate just a few minutes ago” you smiled.
that was a total lie, you simply didn’t feel like eating lately.
slowly but surely you stared at your phone, five minutes won’t hurt, right?
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 12:57PM haven’t been active lately and i miss being here and interacting with you jungwon! i don’t think i’ll be able to be active again so i’m here to say that you should take good care of yourself, eat your meals in time and rest when you need to.🤍 your health always comes first!!
you sighed and turned off your phone.
jungwon, who was busy staring at his phone and waiting for a new update suddenly jumped in his chair.
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: im sorry to hear that, is everything okay?
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: i’ll make sure to take care of myself as long as you take care of yourself too 🤍
he replied immediately, as if he’s the one getting a notification from you each time you post something—when it’s supposed to be the opposite.
“jungwon we’ve recently found out that you’re suffering from that illness,” niki pat jungwon’s head,
“what is it?”
“the ‘weverse crush’ illness” niki laughed and jungwon sighed.
“you can’t stop refreshing the page to see a new post from her!” jay claimed, “and you’re replying so fast whenever she does post something” jake added.
“you should just get her phone number and text her” heeseung shrugged.
“but im not sure it’s her” jungwon turned off his phone.
“all clues points at her, it’s worth a shot” sunghoon nodded.
the next day you were forced to go back to school, your school principal complained about the fact that you’ve been missing most of your classes and nearly failing in all of them.
so it’s settled, you’ll be going to school for a month sharp, without any useless inconveniences.
first day of school after a while of not being there felt like a nightmare.
you looked at the school building with horror, yet, you felt a bit excited to see jungwon again.
you took your usual seat, put your earphones in and listened to your favorite song.
when jungwon entered the class, he was surprised to see you sitting there and staring at one point of the class.
he knocked on your desk and you zoomed out, “oh, hey” you smiled weakly.
something definitely happened while you were gone, “hey, it’s good to see you again”
the teacher entered the class right away and jungwon ran to his seat.
at lunch, you stayed in your desk, excusing yourself from your friends and going back to your books to read and study.
jungwon frowned, he has to do something about it.
he went to the cafeteria and got your favorite snack, he knows it’s your favorite, he remembers.
you were so focused on your study book to notice jungwon’s figure next to you.
“knock knock?” he questioned and you looked at him, making eye contact for a few seconds before looking away.
“hey again” you closed your book and focused on him.
“i got it for you” he handed you your favorite snack with a wide grin on his face.
“thank you”
silence. it was so quiet that you could even hear the birds outside.
“is everything okay?” he suddenly asked.
“oh yes, everything’s amazing” you smiled.
“we both know you’re lying”
turns out you were a bad liar after all.
“i’m not going to force you to speak,” he pat your shoulder, “but i’m here for you”
those words, were enough to break you down.
you felt comfort around him, you felt everything you feel around someone you’re in love with, you felt warm, welcomed and understood.
so you told him everything, from A to Z.
jungwon is known as his group’s no.1 comforter, and he’s now your personal no.1 comforter as well.
he knew the exact words to say to you and how to make you feel better.
right when you finished crying he told you a joke, and now you were shedding tears out of laughter.
“thank you” you looked at him with comfort.
“anytime” he chuckled and stole your snack, “you’re not crying anymore so i’ll just take that and save it for myself”
you rolled your eyes and kept messing around until it was time for another class.
wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍 : 8:30PM i had the best day ever today! i saw my favorite person ever at school today, after a long time i haven’t been able to see him! i also cried in front of him (was so embarrassing) but he comforted me so well, i think i’m falling in love all over again.
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: see!! lunch time can be so fun when you’re with a person you like too!!
↳ 여의도 홍보캣 replied to wonie’s bff (REAL!)🤍: i hope you’ll be able to spend more time together in the future!!
“he definitely knows” you freaked out.
“even if he does,” your leader clapped, “what’s so wrong about it?”
“what if he doesn’t like me back?”
“he does”
“how do you know that?”
“because i just do!” she sighed, “otherwise he wouldn’t reply to you so instantly as if he waits for your posts every day”
“you’re right” you nodded.
“but what if he does it just so he could laugh at me with his members?”
“not a chance” she groaned, “stop overthinking so much and just talk to him about it!”
“so um,” the next day, you dragged jungwon out of the classroom as soon as he entered.
you had to talk about it before the rest of the day continues.
“you have weverse right…?” you suddenly asked, “oh my god that was so stupid of me of course you do you’re an idol and—“
“i know it’s you” he cut you off.
“isn’t that what you wanted to ask me?” he tilt his head, “i know it’s you” he repeated.
“and,” you wanted to continue but couldn’t find the words.
“i like you too” he suddenly confessed.
you were about to respond but he cut you off with a peck on your lips, “i said i like you too”
you looked at him, making eye contact for a few good minutes, both of your cheeks are now as red as a tomato,
and as you looked at his pretty face, you could notice how red his ears became.
“for how long?” you asked,
“ever since we started talking” he smiled, “your pretty smile, your beautiful eyes and breathtaking smile, everything about you just made me think about you all day”
“then why—“ “i couldn’t talk to you after you debuted, i was so scared it might hurt your image, and i couldn’t always find the right words to talk to you,” he looked down,
“i didn’t want to look like a loser in front of you” he kicked the air like a little child.
“jungwon” you smiled, “looking like a loser isn’t something to be ashamed of” you giggled.
“i like you, in any form or any shape or whatever!” you joked and hugged him tightly.
“would you like to go on a date with me today right after school?” he suddenly asked.
“so bold of you” you teased, pecking the tip of his nose, “but yes, i’d love to go on a date with you”
“can i finally call you mine?” he held your hand.
“of course” you pecked his lips,
“don’t get confused when you’re replying to me on weverse!”
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••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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kamiversee · 3 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 40 || The Ringtone
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language, fluff, & sexual tension.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 4.2k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——THESE WERE YOUR LAST thoughts before you dozed off. Unfortunately for you, your moment of sleeping lasted maybe twenty minutes before the sound of your phone ringing hit your ears.
You stirred awake, still lying on top of Choso who was dead to the world within his slumber. With careful movements, you were able to slip out of his arms and wobble over to your phone that was inside the pocket of the long disregarded jacket on the floor.
When you crouched down to get the device, it stopped ringing as if whoever was calling didn’t mean to and you let out a huff. Not only were your legs sore in some places but getting up to come get your phone only annoyed you since the call stopped before you could even see who it was.
As you look at your notifications, you still don’t see who it is that called you so you had to go to your recent call log to find out. As you do so, the first name is in red, indicating that you missed a call from the contact under the name Asshole-- also known as, Gojo Satoru.
You wanted to know why he called, even though he ended it before you could answer, so you went to call back. Only for your finger to click on the call prior to that… which happens to be Choso. You think you jump out of your skin when music begins to play from a nearby device.
‘We can go wherever you like.’
What the hell? Is that NewJeans?
‘Baby say the words and I’m down.’
Where was it coming from? 
‘All I need is you by my side.’
Why is it so loud?
‘We can go wherever you like.’ ‘Now, where are you?’
Fuck, Choso’s going to wake up any second now. 
‘What’s your ETA? What’s your ETA?’
Turn it off. Turn it off.
‘What’s your ETA, What’s your ETA-’
You had finally clicked the phone off, shutting your eyes and letting silence fill the air again.
Choso’s phone was sitting on a table nearby and that was the source of the sound. You kinda panicked when you heard it so instead of just ending the call from your phone which was literally in your hands, you rushed over to his and struggled to get it off.
It was a silly mistake of yours and now you feel so embarrassed that you accidentally just called Choso, who’s literally in the same room as you. Even so, you start smiling as you realize what his ringtone is for you.
Turning your head around to the man in question, you watch as he makes eye contact with you for less than a second before turning so that his back is to you. His face was red as a tomato and you’re pretty sure he never intended for you to know about that.
“Choso…” You murmur, watching his body move a bit as he sighs heavily.
“Shut up,” Choso grumbles.
Your smile widens and you make your way over to him, leaning over his resting frame and forcing your face into his peripheral vision. “Is that really your ringtone for me?” You whisper to the male.
His face is so red that even with the dim lighting you can see it. “...Y-Yeah.” Choso’s voice is so small and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this embarrassed.
“That’s so cute,” You chuckle, “I-”
He mumbles your name, “I don’t wanna talk about it…”
“But Cho, that’s adorable.” You gush anyway, “I don’t have ringtones for anyone and I’ve never known anyone to have one for me so…”
He just barely looks at you from the corner of his eyes, “It’s only like that cause’ it… it just lets me know it’s you calling…”
“Yeah, but you could’ve chosen any song,” You tease. Choso says something but it’s so low and mumbled that you genuinely couldn’t hear him. Leaning closer and pressing your chest to his back, you smile and talk softly, “Hm? What was that?”
His face is so hot and red with embarrassment. He can’t do this with you so he looks away from you and tries to ignore your body pressing against his.
“C’mon Cho, what’d you say?” You question gently.
“I…” He clears his throat, “I said… I uhm…” His face is so damn red, “I c-chose a song that makes me think of you, I dunno…” Choso explains with a sheepish shrug.
You’re trying not to tease him but he’s just so cute like this, “Awww, Chosoooo,” You coo to the man.
He grits his teeth and looks away from you again, “Please shut up…”
“Nooo, that’s so sweet.” You continue regardless.
He pouts, “I don’t like you right now…”
That makes you laugh, “Why? I just think you having a ringtone for me is cute. Do you have one for everyone?”
Choso is quiet for a second as he thinks. Then, he sighs, “No…”
Your eyes light up, “Wait so just me?”
“No.” He hums.
Of course, now you’re curious, “Who else?”
“Can we go back to sleep please?” Choso pleads, his face yet to cool down as embarrassment courses through him.
“Nope.” You utter, a large smile plastered across your face, “Who else do you have a ringtone for?”
He sighs, “I’m tired, baby. Can we please go back to sleep?”
“Nooo, tell me who else you have a ringtone for or I’ll go searching.” You say, moving a hand to caress his arm.
His eyes narrow even though he’s not looking at you, “You don’t even know my password…”
“It’s Yuji’s birthday.” You say simply.
He pauses, “How… How do you know that?”
“You told me.”
Choso’s brows pinch together, “When did I tell you my password?”
“I think it was one time when I asked to use your phone for something.” You recall with a slight shrug, “You just kinda’ gave it to me, how do you not remember?”
“I dunno but, to answer your question, I have a ringtone for my brothers too.” Choso finally tells you.
And again, you’re too wrapped up in your teasing to stop, “Awww really? What song-”
“Baby, please.” Choso whines, “I’m embarrassed enough as it is…”
You bite your lower lip, “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
He takes a second to think but his words are falling out of his mouth before he processes them, “Will I still be cute when I flip you over and fuck you back to sleep?”
“Choso!” You huff, your eyes widening at the man.
His face scrunches up in a sassy manner, as if he didn't say anything wrong, “What?”
You pout, “...Why’re you so grumpy all of a sudden?”
“Told’ you I’m embarrassed.” Choso huffs.
You snicker, “Aww, you get angry when you’re embarrassed? Wait that’s so cute-”
“You have ten seconds to stop teasing me.” He warns.
“Or what?”
Choso moves a bit, his body shifting so that he’s lying on his back. You end up somewhat against his chest, your eyes on his as he meets your gaze, “I’m gonna’ put you in your place.”
You burst out laughing, “Put me in my place? Who, you?”
He scoffs, “You think I’m joking…”
Technically, you know he can but most times, Choso is too much of a switch to be one hundred percent dominant with you during sex. One minute he’s telling you to take it and then next he’s begging you to cum for him.
So, you chuckle, brushing off his threat entirely, “Choso you’re too loving to do something like that-”
And in a matter of seconds, you were underneath Choso with your hands pinned above your head. His face was still flushed from embarrassment but his grip on your wrists was as tight as ever.
How did he pull the entirety of your body onto the couch so fast? How did he flip over so quickly? How did he get your wrists crossed over and above your head like this? You genuinely have no idea. He moved so quickly that his touches were there and then gone in a matter of seconds.
You and Choso are both still bare, having never had the energy to put clothes back on ever since you both laid down so, the situation you were in could turn sexual in a matter of seconds if either of you wanted it to.
You swallow, “Choso-”
“Shut up,” He voices, his tone low and commanding for once. Earlier when he said that to you, it was in a joking and light way but right now he looks so serious and it’s… well it’s kinda hot.
So, your mouth shuts and you stare up at him with wide eyes.
Choso gazes down at you for a minute before saying something. “Was earlier not enough?” He questions, his voice so deep and husk all of a sudden.
“Earlier?” You hum innocently, still deciding to poke at him as you tilt your head.
He glares at you but his eyes are still loving, “Don’t act fuckin’ stupid.” Choso says. He sounds mean but it’s coming from a place of teasing and love so, although to someone else he may have seemed genuinely upset, right now he was just acting. “Did I not fuck you hard enough?” He asks.
You shrug a little, “I mean-”
“Actually, don’t answer that,” Choso interrupts. He then leans down to you and your breath hitches in your throat as his lips near yours, “If you can still walk then clearly I didn’t do my job properly.” He comments.
Your eyes widened but before you could say anything, his lips were pressing into yours. His tongue was warm as it slithered into your mouth, quickly licking up your taste and savoring it as he began making out with you. It was a sensual and slow kiss and Choso’s lips slotted so perfectly against your mouth.
For a brief moment, like a really brief moment, hell, barely even a second, his way of kissing you reminded you of Gojo. And you hated to compare them more than anything because there are different and separate things you like about each man.
Choso pulls away carefully and exhales, his breath hitting your lips as both of your eyes pry open. He hums your name and his tone gives you butterflies for some reason.
“Do you wanna go again?” Choso asks gently.
You stare, “My legs are already kinda’ sore…”
“They’ve been worse,” He comments.
“Cho…” You frown.
“Okay well…” Choso starts smiling a little before he even gets the words out. “Can I at least eat you out?”
You give the man a blank stare. Never has there been a time where Choso gave you head and you weren’t left with numb legs, a face wet from tears, and your voice gone after losing it to your moaning.
“Choso that’s basically the same as you putting your dick inside me.” You huff out.
That goes to his ego a bit, “Is it really?”
“And once you go down it’s hard to get you back up…” You point out, sighing.
“I know I know but…” He drops to your neck and kisses you there, “I haven’t tasted you in so long…” Choso whispers, his hands releasing your pinned ones as he moves his lips to your collarbone, “Just one lick, baby…”
You give him a firm look, “That’s the same as saying just the tip and we both know it’s never just the tip.”
“Five minutes, princess…” He pleads, his tastebuds eager for you at the thought alone, “Jus’ let me eat you out for five minutes.”
“No, Choso.” You decline.
He pouts.
You chuckle, “And see? I told you that you were too loving to put me in my place-”
“Alright, bet.” Choso scoffs.
You smirk and look at him, that slight smile of yours fading when he starts bending your legs up. “C-Choso, wait seriously, I’m already sore.” You say with a chuckle.
His touch softens but he doesn’t stop, planting quick kisses down your stomach. “I’ll be gentle then.”
“Baby, c’mon,” You comment, the nickname making his cock twitch.
“You’re making this harder for me…” Choso whispers with a shake of his head, “Literally.”
“Choso, I’m tired.” Your words are half true. Technically, you’re never one to decline Choso of giving you head, he is the best at it after all.
“So tell me to stop.” He says, pausing in his movements to properly give you an out, “Say it.” He urges.
You hesitated for a second, obviously loving it when he gives you head but, you had just told yourself you needed a break, and allowing Choso to do this wouldn’t help. “Stop,” You whisper.
Of course, he doesn’t hesitate to obey. “Oh, you’re serious?” Choso comments as he starts moving. The man shifts your legs around and he goes to sit on his heels. 
You watch as in a blink of an eye, Choso starts running his hands up and down your legs, moving to massage them. “Choso, you don’t have to-”
“No no, I was being pushy just now so, lemme’ do this to make up for it,” He tells you.
“I…” You don’t even know what to say to that because it’s clear he feels bad. In his mind, he should’ve stopped as soon as you told him no but he kept trying to convince you and that makes him upset with himself.
A sigh is let out from your mouth as you just lay there and watch Choso massage your legs, his eyes calm as he does so.
“Oh, I actually meant to ask,” Choso starts up, looking over to you, “Why’d you call my phone anyways?”
Your skin tenses within his palms but you think he believes that’s from his massaging, “Uh, I pressed the wrong thing.” That reminds you that you needed to figure out what Gojo called you for-
Wait no, maybe you don’t need to figure that out. Maybe what you need is to just relax under Choso’s touch until you fall asleep again and then in the morning you head your separate ways as you take some time to collect yourself.
“Pressed the wrong thing? Who were you trying to call, then?” Choso asks curiously. He’s far too quick to put two and two together. You’re hesitant on telling him and he picks up on that, “...You were gonna call him, weren’t you?” He assumes.
“N-Not for the reasons you might be assuming,” You rush out, worried about where this conversation is going to go.
Unlike you, Choso’s not worried at all. Especially since he knows how to keep himself together and think in a rational way, “Tell me the reason then.” He requests, quickly adding on a, “...So that I don’t assume,” So that he doesn’t sound upset.
“He called me,” You murmur, “And I went to call back.”
You didn’t know it but your honesty alone was enough for Choso’s heart to expand in ways he couldn’t express. If you had made up some excuse or tried to change the subject he probably would’ve been hurt but the way you just tell him everything is so heartwarming to him.
Unbeknownst to you, Choso has enough liars in his life to deal with so he truly appreciates it when someone’s honest with him, “Are you still going to?” He questions.
“Uh, I dunno, maybe I’ll just text him and ask instead.” You shrug.
Choso’s eyes soften for a moment and he finds himself speaking from the genuine kindness in his heart instead of a place of insecurity and jealousy like he had earlier on, “You should call him.”
You scoff slightly, “Why?”
He shrugs and looks away from you, “Cause’ like… if I were him, I think I… I’d want you to call back.”
“Choso…” You smile a little at how mature he’s being about this, “I thought you didn’t care about him or how he feels?”
“I don’t but…” He swallows, “I care about you and… you care about him so, I just think instead of stressing yourself more, you should just call him back and find out what he wanted. You texting him is only done in courtesy of me, which I don’t want.”
“Oh…” You hum.
“So, yeah…” Choso sighs and returns his gaze to you, “Call him.”
You bat your eyelashes at him, “R-Right now?”
“Whenever you’re ready angel,” He laughs, “I’m not rushing you, I’m just trying to give advice I guess…”
“Thank you.”
“Mhm…” He nods and then redirects his focus to soothing your legs whilst changing the subject, “Anyways, uh… What are your plans for the break?”
Self-isolation and peace of mind for once. But you’re not going to say it that bluntly.
“Uhm,” You pull your lower lip into your mouth in thought. “I think I want some time to uh… focus on myself.”
Choso nods, “Yeah, you need that.”
“That doesn’t bother you?” You blurt out, having felt like telling Choso you want time for yourself might hurt him since in his mind he might feel like he gave you two months to do so already.
“Why would it?” Choso asks, almost as if he’s offended you thought it would, “You have to pick between two guys and your heart is all over the place, if you didn’t say you were gonna’ take a break I was going to suggest one.”
That eases you in more ways than one, “Really?”
“Well, I would’ve liked it if we spent time together during this break but, I think you need the mental rest more than time spent with me.” He says, his voice filled with care.
Your lips curl into a thankful smile, “Aw, Choso…”
“You don’t have to gush about it, I’m just being honest.” He chuckles, shrugging it off like it’s no big deal, “And hey, whenever you do want to see me or talk to me or whatever, you can call me.”
“I can…?” You blink, wondering if he forgot how he told you not to do so.
Choso grins, “Of course, baby.”
“No, I mean like,” You raise a brow, “Are you gonna pick up this time?”
“Yes.” He replies, “I’ll never ignore a call or text from you again.”
“M’kay… I think I… I think I’ll do that when I’m ready.”
“Okay, good.” Choso smiles, “Take as long as you need.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
And taking as long as you need is precisely what you did.
Calling Choso or texting him once during the remainder of your winter break might’ve been nice but honestly, as soon as you stopped thinking about him, Gojo, and the list, you were already in a mindset of peace.
What exactly did you do for yourself in that time?
You went shopping, naturally. You bought Shoko some things because it simply felt nice to see the smile on her face whenever you gifted something to her spontaneously.
She never even questioned where you disappeared to on Christmas day and you assume Gojo must’ve told her. Even if he didn’t, you still adored the peace of mind you had not having to explain yourself for once.
On New Year’s Eve and day, you and Shoko had a little pizza night-- just the two of you, and it was perfect. You couldn’t have asked for something better. According to her, she was just as tired of the guys as you were so it all worked out perfectly.
Then, into the new year, you were sure to inform Gojo that you wanted some time for yourself before you focused on Nanami. Similar to Choso, the man didn’t argue with it and actually insisted you take your time.
Well… just not too much time. There’s no time limit on the list but, there was a clock still ticking, he just hadn’t told you about it. Instead, he hints at it when he tells you to take a few weeks to relax but try to at least seduce Nanami before the school year ends.
You thought this was just him being sarcastic and playful like always so you didn’t think much but, Gojo was actually serious when he said that.
Even so, it’s about time you stopped thinking about him or the list in general. You’ll figure that all out later.
As of right now, you are in the middle of calmly searching for a job again. It’s been months since you looked thoroughly, especially since the money Gojo pays you has been keeping you pretty well occupied. But, with only one person left on the list, Gojo can’t pay you forever.
So, you need to start planning ahead and this is how you do that.
You started by thinking back to what you told Sukuna about being a therapist and wondered if you could actually land a job in a clinic or agency. It’d be fun for you to work with people and their mental health, that’s what brings you joy in terms of your career.
With that, you took hours and days to do your research and you were pleasantly surprised to learn the fact that your current university was offering a pad internship for counseling. And holy hell was that perfect, this is an internship you’d seen earlier on that year but at the time, they had no available programs.
And now, you see the option to apply for it. Of course, you didn’t hesitate to get out a premade application that was constructed for this purpose exactly. But just as you went to go submit said application, you wondered if you should wait.
If you start now, it could interfere with the time you need to seduce Nanami and although you don’t want to think about anything regarding the list, you’re forced to when it’s somewhat time-sensitive.
A sigh leaves you as you think about it and you eventually come to the decision that you’ll just wait. Hopefully, the position stays open and if not, you think you visit an old professor or two and ask for guidance on where to get employment.
They’ve offered it in the past but you just never felt like accepting their advice or assistance to now.
Even so, as you now sit with a plan made out, you think you’re relaxing into your position in life. When you’re not wasting your time thinking about silly men who complicate everything for you, life feels a whole lot simpler.
You have your worries and doubts about things of course but, even with that, worrying about a job is a lot better than trying to figure out if you want Gojo or Choso. The matters of the heart are not for you, hence why you’re a psychology major-- the brain is just so much simpler sometimes.
And emphasis on the sometimes because you can not figure out how the hell Gojo Satoru’s brain works for the life of you but, that’s beside the point. His brain only operates in certain ways because of the swaying his emotions and heart have on him, a lot of which you won’t understand because he’s keeping stuff from you.
You shake all your thoughts of Gojo away. It’s annoying how quickly you find yourself thinking about him or Choso.
And it happened quite often during this little metal break of yours. You find your thoughts drifting to them and your memories with them often. You could be performing the simplest of tasks and all of a sudden you’re remembering how much of an idiot Gojo is when he’s dancing with you or teasing you.
Then your mind alternates right back to Choso any time you do something like watch a movie. Suddenly, you’d be recalling times when he’s asleep on your chest and how relaxed his handsome face is. Or you’d think about the way his eyes light up whenever you say something intelligent and how keen he is on paying attention to what you say.
Damn. Is this what it’s like to fall in love? Is that what this is? Is that why you can’t get them out of your head no matter how hard you try?
Hell, you definitely think of Gojo’s confession to you at least twice a day. You wouldn’t say you prefer his over Choso’s but it was definitely more heartfelt. Even though, you’re pretty sure that was because of the tears.
Or… maybe it wasn’t. Perhaps Gojo’s confession was more heartwrenching because there’s so much more to it. Not to mention, Gojo had a longer time to keep his feelings for you hidden, there was more time for him to marinate and sit inside him until he expressed them.
Whereas Choso only met you a few months ago and by the time he realized he was in love with you, he was already hearing you tell him that you couldn’t be in a relationship with him. That’s why he waits. He wholeheartedly hopes and prays that one day you’ll wake up and reciprocate his feelings.
There are a lot of differences between the two but if there’s one thing that remains the same throughout… it’s the fact that no matter what you say or do, and no matter how hard you try not to, you are steadily falling in love.
The question would then remain; to whom are you falling for? And are they going to catch you when you do?
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GOJO SATORU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
GETO SUGURU ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
TOJI FUSHIGURO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢
KAMO CHOSO ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 / 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ZEN'IN NAOYA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮
ITADORI SUKUNA ✔︎ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙮???
NANAMI KENTO ☐ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘺: 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙙
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phfenomena · 6 months
❝cowboy like me.❞ || William H. Bonney x Reader
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A/N- i really loved this idea and i hope you do too!!!
William H. Bonney x Reader fluff
inspired by ‘cowboy like me’ by taylor swift
| WARNINGS - drinking, mentions of gun violence, kissing, mentions of burglary
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the heat was blistering, almost as if you were walking down to the devils penthouse. you laid flat on the ground by your campfire. damn fires probably colder than i am you thought, but you needed the light. as you sat on a log carving a knife out of the bare wood you’d collected earlier, you hear a twig snap. your hand quickly pulls your pistol out of the holster and your hands settle in the direction of the sound. you cock it and tilt your head, straining your eyes trying to see.
“who’s there?” you barked through the silence. a sigh of relief? annoyance? or just plain desperation reached your ears.
“sorry, miss. i’m just out collecting fire wood for my buddies. i ain’t mean to disturb you.” a smooth and warm voice cut into the quiet and muggy air.
“come on out into the light.” you coaxed, gun still pointed. a tall and slender man, no, boy cautiously emerged from the dark wall of shadow. you scoff and set your pistol next to you on the log. “now, what is a kid doing out here?” you would’ve almost sounded annoyed if it wasn’t for the smile gracing your lips. the boy took his hat off to greet you, and nervously ran his fingers over the worn leather.
“i, uh, i’m not a kid, ma’am. i was just looking for firewood. my buddies and i set up camp a few hundred feet north, i didn’t mean to trample your site. my apologies.” he managed to stutter out.
you wave him off and point to the pile of wood to the left of your feet, cladded in red leather boots. “just take these, kid. i gathered them earlier. i won’t need the fire much longer, it’s too damn hot.” you exasperated the end and took your own hat off to fan yourself.
billy has never seen a woman like you. you were alone, first of all. the fire casted such a lovely warm glow across your complexion, his knees were getting unstable the longer the studied you. he took a few steps towards you and stuck a hand out, the other still holding onto his hat.
“i’m billy, miss. no need to call me kid, i’m probably not much younger than you.” he trailed off with a grin plastered across his face. you shook his hand, still sitting down. “it’s nice to meet you, billy. i’m y/n, and you don’t look a day over six and ten.” you teased him and he mirrored your smile.
“i’m not a kid in a lot of different attributes.” he smirked as you raise your eyebrows and you meet eyes. very blue. like very very blue. you can make out the constellations in his with just the light from the fire. he sure is a pretty boy.
you pat the log next to you “would you like a drink?” you hold out your flask of whiskey to him. the warm temperature of the liquid almost makes it easier to swallow. he nods and grabs the flask after sitting next to you. your fingers brush, it feels like pin pricks all across your hand.
after billy swallows he asks “so, what’s a lady like you doing out here alone? or are you not alone?” he has his elbows resting on his knees with his head facing you. his very presence makes you feel more warmth than any fire could ever give, you find it hard to care about the heat anymore.
you chuckle a little and turn back to the fire. “i am alone, i’m traveling a little farther west. couldn’t stay in el paso much longer, that sheriff hates my damn guts. he’d had hung me for the hell of it.” you finish your sentence with a swift from your flask. “what about you, billy? what are you and your buddies doing?” his gaze never even moved a centimeter away from your lips as you talk. his eyes rake up your face to your eyes. he smiles “we run cattle, sometimes. well i do it sometimes, they do it all the time. we’re heading to lincoln county for some business.” they run cattle, they’re definitely outlaws.
as you study his face a little more, you notice he’s familiar. “wait! i know you. you’re on all those wanted posters in el paso! what the hell did you do to get such a high bounty? i could only dream of having that high of a price on my head.” he hung his head and chuckled “just when i thought i met someone who didn’t already know me, i did a good thing. honestly. i broke my friend out of jail, had some issues along the way.” he did a good thing, that’s adorable. he’s an outlaw because he helped his friend.
your eyes soften at his short story and you tuck your hair behind your ears. “you sound like a good man. not like the stories i’ve heard. i once heard that you gunned down fifty different mean on six bullets. and all they say about me is ‘she should’ve been like her mother’” your mocking tone at the end made billy smile.
“i hate to tell you, but, i definitely didn’t do that and i am not as brave and murderous as they make me out to be. i’ve done a lot of bad things, but i’m trying to do good now. also your mother can’t be that bad, if she raised a lovely lady like you.” was he flirting? and we’re you liking it?
“she’s like a vile serpent.” you mutter as you take another swig. “now, correct me if i’m wrong. but i think i’ve seen you on one or two wanted posters yourself, y/n.” you shake your head and smile at him. you feel so warm and fuzzy. was it the whiskey or billy?
“oh, you’re not wrong. although i still uphold the belief that i was set up. some pals of mine were talking about robbing this corner store, when i got there to join them no one was there besides the sheriff! damn assholes set me up, and i didn’t even want to do it! i’m innocent in my eyes.” you gesture with your hands while you talk and billy’s just entranced. he nods, slowly. “that’s just the way things go sometimes.” he softly mutters while wanting to never look away from you again. “you can say that again, cowboy.”
billy couldn’t take it anymore. his blood felt like it was boiling. he leans over and softly pressed your lips together. shocked, you don’t kiss back for a second. terrified he just made a mistake, billy pulls back and frantically stands up. “i am so sorry, y/n. i don’t know why i did tha-“ you stand up and wrap your hands around his suspenders and pull him down for your lips to meet. rougher and slower than the last one.
his hands find purchase on your waist as he fiddles with the bottom of your vest. his knees were weak. they were jelly. “just shut up and kiss me, cowboy” you whispered against his lips. your hands snake into his hair and rake along his scalp. he pulls back and says
“you know, i think you’re a cowboy like me. but most cowboys don’t kiss me so i’d say you’re a bit better than most.” you laugh at his idiotic words and pull him back in as the fire slowly dies, barley casting an amber glow. no skeletons in either of your closets could fuck this up.
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afictionaladventure16 · 3 months
A Little Unsteady (Tim Bradford x Teen!Fem!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Summary: Y/N finds herself back at square one and desperate for a break. Tim has always felt like something was missing in his life and when Y/N stumbles into the police station looking for his girlfriend, he feels drawn to her, like he was called to help her.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and death
Word Count: 3,138
Authors note: Let me know what y'all think of this, might make it into an angsty series! Send in the requests!
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“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself, your mind racing to a million thoughts. The sound of a million voices rang through your ears as you entered the building, but that was all an exaggeration, it was only a room with maybe a good thirty people. 
Spending your lunch period at the police station was the last thing you wanted to do, but you were desperate and eager to find that familiar face. You knew Rachel hung around the police station when she wasn’t in her office, whether it was for work or personal, this had to be the place she was gonna be at. 
Walking up to the front desk, anxiously tapping your fingers on the counter catching the lady behind the counter's attention. The lady’s eyes landed on your fingers, “Can I help you, hon?” 
you clenched your fingers to your palm, “Sorry,” you gave her an apologetic smile. 
She smiled, “I get it, police stations give lots of people anxiety. What can I help you with today?” 
You were quick to notice police officers standing near the counter looking through files and some sitting down and typing away on a computer. “I- Um, I’m looking for Rachel Hall. She’s a social worker and sometimes she’s here.” 
“Rachel Hall,” the receptionist repeated as she looked through the log-in log. 
One of the officers quickly turned his head, “You’re looking for Rachel?” He asked. 
You looked over at him, giving him a nod. “You know her, Officer Bradford?” 
“Yeah, she’s… a friend. She’s actually here doing some paperwork.” He walked over to where you stood, “I can show you where she is.” 
You gave him a hesitant nod, and he gave you a reassuring smile in return before thanking the receptionist and walking out of the room. You followed his lead, he turned to look over at you before asking, “So, how do you know Rachel?” 
“She used to be my social worker before…” you trailed off, clearing your throat. “Doesn’t matter.” 
Tim decided not to press on any further as he led you to a meeting room where a lot of social workers come to do wellness checks and supervised visitations, among many other things. He knew Rachel had been at the station for a supervised visitation, one that unfortunately had to be conducted within the police station for safety reasons. Thankfully, she was done with her visitation and was just finishing up on her paperwork before heading back to her office. Tim liked to believe she stayed longer just so she could see him or even catch a glimpse before she headed back out. 
“Rachel!” You exclaimed, letting out a sigh of relief as Rachel quickly turned her head, surprised to see who had called her name. 
“Y/N?” She got up from her seat, “What are you doing here?” 
You walked over to Rachel, “I needed to see you, you’re the only one who would believe me.” 
Rachel glanced at Tim who just gave her a shrug, “What’s going on?” 
“I can’t stay at that house anymore, there has to be something you can do.” 
Rachel sighed, “Y/N, I’m not your case worker anymore. Anything I do would get me in trouble.” As much as she wanted to do something, it would be putting her job on the line and it meant she wouldn’t be able to help other kids as well. She was already at risk for making a huge mistake on a case a couple weeks back. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes, “I can’t stay there.” 
“Y/N, why can’t you stay there?” Tim asked.
You glanced over at Tim, remaining silent. “Y/N, what did they do to you?” You didn’t respond, you had come here for help but the words had escaped you. You didn’t know how to tell the one person who helped you escape a hellish home a few months back, a home that almost cost her, her job; that the home she thought would be safe is far from it. “Did they hurt you?” Looking back at Rachel, you gave her a nod. 
Rachel let out a shaky sigh, there were times when she lost hope for the system. This was one of those times. She looked over at Tim before looking over at you, “You have to tell Sasha, Y/N.” 
“I did tell her!” You said in frustration, “But she hasn’t done anything! It’s like she doesn’t even care.” Rachel didn’t want to defend her friend's behavior, but this didn’t sound like her. At least not from how she knew her. 
“I-I,” she sighed, “I can’t do anything Y/N.” 
With pleading eyes, you gave her an understanding nod, “I just don’t want to go back there.” 
Tim hated seeing this part of the job. Seeing how the system worked and how it meant that kids within the system went to homes that didn’t even care about their existence. “What if I did a wellness check?” Tim asked, “That way, I can come in and check on you, and then your foster parents will know that someone knows about the situation?” 
“Like a scaring tactic,” Rachel added. 
“Exactly, It’s not the best but it could help,” Tim tried his best to be hopeful. 
It wasn’t what you wanted. It was far from it, actually, but beggars can’t be choosers. “Alright.” 
Tim offered you a ride back to school and you accepted. The whole car ride back, you felt defeated, given that all you had received was damage control. Nothing could be done about your situation, not yet at least. 
“So, what grade are you in?” Tim asked, trying his best to distract you from your thoughts. 
“I’m a freshman.” 
He nodded, “any thought about college yet?” 
You shook your head, “even if I did, I doubt I would even be able to go.” 
“There’s always scholarships,” he said with a hopeful tone. 
“Did you go to college?” You asked. 
“No, actually. I went into the military then I became a cop, obviously.” You nodded, “That could also be an option too.” You didn’t say anything in response, you drew attention back to the houses you passed by on the car ride. Tim cleared his throat, he knew what it was like to be in your shoes. Wishing for someone to help you from the people that were supposed to protect you. “So, what’s your story?” 
“What’s yours?” you retorted. 
Tim rolled his eyes, usually, he wouldn't have played this game. But something within him felt like you needed to hear his story, maybe it would you realize that everything could turn out okay, even if everything at the moment felt a little unsteady. 
“I grew up with an abusive father, I spent most of my life fighting to survive.” He gave you a quick glance before focusing back on the road, “So I know what’s it like, to wish someone would just help, for someone to just take you away from the one place you’re supposed to feel safe in.” 
You remained silent for the next few minutes, Tim groaned at the sigh of the traffic ahead of him. “We’re going to be here a while,” he commented. 
You sighed, “my dad died in front of me,” you spoke up. 
Tim glanced over at you, “my parents were high school sweethearts apparently and when my dad passed away, my mom couldn’t handle it. I’m sure if you went down skid row, you’d find her lying on the ground somewhere with a needle stuck in her arm. I’ve been in and out of foster homes since I was eight. My mom's been in and out of rehab since then.” 
“That’s not easy,” Tim commented. He had a lot of things to say about how your mother handled things but to each their own. His heart ached at the thought that you didn’t have a good structure in your life. 
“Nope,” you responded. “Rachel was the only one that ever did something to take me out of my previous foster home, even if it almost cost her job.” 
“And now you feel like you’ve wasted all your resources.” 
“Yeah,” you said softly. “Just five more years and I’ll be out of the system's hands.” 
The traffic began to move again. Minutes later, Tim pulled into the school parking lot. “Before you go,” he began as he reached into his shirt pocket, took out a card, and handed it to you. “If you ever need anything and I mean anything, you give me a call.” 
You took the card, giving him a small smile, “Thank you, Officer Bradford.” you got out of the shop, closing the door behind you. Giving Tim a small wave goodbye before you snuck back into campus. 
Tim made it his personal assignment to check up on you from there on out, to make sure you were all right, not just for you but for Rachel too. It was the least he could do, even though everything within him wanted to do more. He wanted to save you from your personal hell, but it was impossible for him at the moment. 
When he made it back to the station, Rachel was there waiting for him, “How’d it go?” 
“I gave her my card, and told her she could call me if there’s anything she needed. I’ll do a wellness check before the end of my shift,” he stated. 
“Thank you.” Rachel sighed, “She was one of my first cases, so she means a lot to me.” The two of them remained quiet for a moment, the situation between the two of them has been different since Rachel got a job in New York. “Promise me something?” 
Tim looked up at her, “Anything.” 
“Look after her for me? While I’m gone. She could use a guardian angel.” 
Tim smiled, “Of course.” Tim couldn’t help but feel a dreading sensation within him, he hated that he couldn’t do more. 
The weeks to come were difficult for Tim, with Rachel leaving and all the shit that went down within the station. He felt drained but didn’t show it. Tim needed a change within his life, something to make him work harder within his life. He had his dog and he was happy with his dog, but he still felt like he was missing something. 
There were times when he couldn’t help but wonder if everything hadn’t happened with Isobel if they would have had children by now. What their life would have been like. That’s all he could think about, the what-ifs. 
“Look, everyone has their first puppy, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Tim commented. Lucy, his boot, had been dealing with her first puppy as a rookie. He couldn’t help but tease her about it. 
“Whatever,” Lucy brushed off. 
Tim chuckled as he kept his focus on the street ahead of him. They were heading back to the station to end their shift. Tim was ready to go home and watch the game, to just relax for the next couple of days. 
“Any plans for tonight?” Lucy asked. 
“There’s a game on tonight.” 
“Of course,” she rolled her eyes. 
Once they arrived to the station, Tim was quick to do all his end-of-shift duties before clocking out. He groaned to himself as he stepped outside to be met with darkness. He hated how quick it was to get dark in the winter. 
He got into his car and began his journey back home, listening to music on the way. He came to a slow stop as the light turned red, he glanced towards the sidewalk. It took him a second to process what he saw, he quickly took another look, “What the,” he muttered to himself. The light had turned green and the car behind him honked. Tim groaned and turned his signal light on before pulling off to the side. 
Quickly getting out of the car, he tried his best to catch up to the person he had just seen, “Y/N!?” He asked. 
You quickly turned around, “Shit,” you muttered under your breath. 
“What are you doing out here?” 
You held the strap to your duffle bag tighter, “Um, I-I I’m” Tim waited for you to come up with a good excuse, “I’m on my way home,” you smiled. 
“Really?” You nodded, “then you wouldn’t mind if I gave you a ride?” 
“Y/N,” he said sternly. 
Tim smiled, “let’s go.” 
You followed Tim to his car, getting into the passenger seat as he waited until you had your seatbelt on before driving off. “How you’ve been?” He asked as he began driving in the direction he had just come from. 
You sighed, “Fine.” 
Tim sighed, “I know it’s been two weeks since I’ve done a wellness check.” 
“I didn’t say anything about that.” 
“I know, I just felt the need to apologize,” He reassured. “Have they-” 
“If you’re gonna ask if they’ve hurt me, no. Not since you’ve seen me.” 
“Good,” he responded. 
“You can drop me off at the corner,” You commented. 
“No, I’m going to drop you off in front of your house,” Tim stated. He knew what you were doing, you weren’t fooling him. You were walking the direction away from your home and you had a duffle bag. It was obvious. 
He stopped in front of the house, “here you go,” he said with a smile. 
You clenched your jaw, you hadn’t stepped foot in that house within a week. Going in now would be a death trap. You couldn’t do it, you couldn’t open the car door and get out of that house. Knowing that Tim would wait in his car until he saw you walk inside that house. 
You sighed, feeling defeated. “Stop acting like you don’t know.” 
“Where have you been staying?” You shrugged, “Y/N,” he said sternly. 
“Under some bridge near Skid Row.” 
“Near skid row!? Y/N!” He exclaimed, “do you have any idea how stupid that is?” 
“I was desperate to get out!” 
“This is the second house we’ve gotten you since I’ve met you, you know what Sasha said! It’s either this or the shelter.” 
“And I chose neither!” 
Tim pinched the bridge of his nose, “how long?” 
“A week.” 
Tim looked at her with wide eyes, “It rained for three days straight this past week!” He sighed, “I gave you my number so you could call me if you needed something and this is what you do.” 
“I wasn’t gonna call you, so you could just have Sasha send me to another home that’ll treat me the same way.” 
“What’s wrong with this one?” He asked as he sat back in his seat. 
“Well, when you say it that way-” 
He sighed, “I’m asking because I need to know.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I caught him watching me…” you looked down at your hands.
“Watching you?” 
“He watched me shower,” You hated how it made you feel, how you just felt exposed every time he would look at you, even if you had clothes on. Tim undid his seatbelt, “Please, don’t go in there.” 
Tim wanted to disregard your request, but he knew the last thing you needed right now was for him to make things worse. It was an issue that would be dealt with tomorrow, for now, he needed to find you a place to stay. “You have a place to stay tonight?” You shook your head, “You do now,” he commented. 
You gave him a confused look, “I have a guest bedroom, you can stay there tonight.” 
“You don’t have to”
“I’m not letting you stay under some bridge near Skid Row nor am I letting you stay in that home. I’ll call Sasha in the morning, for now, you can have my guest room.” 
You wanted to argue with him about how you could defend yourself, but who were you kidding. You’re only fourteen and let’s face the facts. You wanted to sleep in a warm bed. 
The ride back to Tim’s place was quiet and usually, you hated it. The quiet meant you had time to be left alone with your thoughts, but for the first time in a while, your mind was at ease. The drive wasn’t long, Tim helped you carry your duffle inside his house. You heard the tapping of nails hitting the floor, and you were quickly greeted with paws on your chest and a tongue slobbering all over your cheek. 
“Kojo, down!” Tim exclaimed and the dog quickly got down. “Sorry about Kojo.” 
You couldn’t help but smile as you kneeled down next to the dog to give him some love, “you should’ve said you had a dog, I would’ve said yes a long time ago.” 
Tim couldn’t help but smile as you giggled at Kojo’s antics, “Come on, let me show you where you’ll stay tonight.” He gestured for you to follow him. 
You got up from your position next to Kojo and followed Tim down a short hallway, “Alright, the bathroom is the door at the end of the hallway, help yourself to whatever is in the fridge except for my beer. That is off limits, even if you were of age.” He placed your duffle on an ottoman that was placed at the end of the bed, “Do you need any essentials? Toothbrush, toothpas-” 
“I have everything, thanks.” You took in the sight of the bedroom, out of all the rooms you had lived in, many in which you had to share with others, none compared to this one. This one felt inviting. It felt warm. 
It felt different. 
“Everything okay?” Tim asked. 
You gave him a nod, “Yeah, perfect!” 
“Alright, I’ll be in the living room watching a game that started an hour ago, if you need me. You hungry?” 
“Nah, I’m good,” as if on cue, your stomach made a loud noise. 
“it says otherwise,” Tim smirked, “I’ll order some pizza. I’ll let you get settled in, feel free to make yourself at home alright?” 
You gave him a nod, watching as he walked out of the room. You weren’t sure what to do first, to unpack your things or take a shower. Should you unpack your things, if you were going to be sent somewhere else tomorrow? You let out a sigh, laying on the bed, you couldn’t help but wonder, What if you just stayed here instead? 
No, you didn’t want to be more of burden to Tim than you already were. He had done enough for you and was already extending his kindness by letting you stay the night. No need to extend it any further. For now, you were going to allow yourself to enjoy this comfort. To enjoy the warmth of the invitation. 
Taglist: @daffodil0darling
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badnoahmens · 5 months
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 5
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 5.3k
A/N: part 5 of this series is finally here. I’m considering this to be the last one so I really hope you enjoy 🖤🤍
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When you awoke, the pillow beneath your head had shifted, and Noah was no longer by your side. Sleepily, you look around. The sun was not long up, light shining in low beams of gold through the window.
When you write yourself fully, there was a small clattering in the kitchen. When you turn, you see Noah, lifting spoonfuls of a milky cereal into his mouth, some of which misses and plops back into the bowl. With a grin, he looks at you.
“Good morning sunshine,” he places the bowl on the counter, wiping a drip from his chin. The innocent nickname made your heart swell. “How did you sleep?”
He stood casually shirtless, leaning backward, his hips in line with the countertop. The tattoos that decorated all of his chest and stomach looked like they could be in a gallery. There were ones where the symbolism seemed obvious, but there were so many that sparked new questions.
You rub at one eye sleepily as a yawn escapes your lips, eyes eventually averting from ogling at his tattoos.
“Like a log, actually” you say tagged with a small laugh. Noah smiles in response and turns to place his bowl in the sink, then walks towards you swiftly. He leans down and lands a small kiss on your forehead, smoothing down some of your erratic hairs splayed everywhere with a gentle rub of his thumb.
“Would it be okay if I use your shower?” he asks politely.
“Of course, towels are just around the corner,” you gesture to the cupboard, and Noah soon disappears, the sound of water falling in the bathroom soon follows.
You take this opportunity to find your phone, which had been thoughtfully plugged in by Noah. You assume that you fell asleep long before he did. When you unlock it, you see a plethora of messages from your friend. Instead of replying to them all, you decided to just call her.
It took two rings, and then she was there.
“TELL ME EVERYTHING” she demanded. You couldn’t help but laugh at her brashness.
“He took me home, looked after me, and now he’s currently in my shower” you giggle. You felt like a school girl the way you were talking about Noah. It felt like the butterflies in your stomach were doubling by the second.
“And how are you feeling?” she then asked in a more serious tone.
“Better. I don’t think any of these injuries are that serious. Just a bit of a knock around and some intense bruises. I’ll be fine” you state calmly.
She hmphs in response.
“I’ll never forgive you for not telling me about Noah. But, regardless, tell me about EVERYTHING that has happened. How many dates? Have you kissed? Have you slep-”
“So many questions!” you interject, holding your hands up defensively even though she couldn't see you. You knew exactly where she was going with that.
“A few dates. I’ve met most of the band and crew, they are all so lovely. We made out last night, but it was too painful to take it any further. And that’s it. You’re up to date.”
“Take it further?” She pressed.
“You know exactly what I mean”
“No, I don’t. Please enlighten me”
“My chest and ribs were in too much pain so I had to pull back”
“Good on you for knowing when it was too much, but how did he react? Was he mad?”
The assumption made you wince a little, feeling like you needed to defend him.
“He was apologetic, actually. He was happy to stop. Didn’t want to hurt me.” Your tone was a little more serious now.
“Okay. So now what?” She asked. And that was a great question. Now what?
Now what, in terms of labels for you two, or now what, as in what’s the plan for today?
Your mind raced back to the conversation late last night, the one of Noah taking you to one of his shows.
“He’s driving me to their show tonight, and then driving me back. I think he’s worried I’ll hurt myself by overdoing it if I’m alone” you laugh at the absurdity. It wasn’t like you had lost any limbs or broken any bones.
“He sounds sweet” your friend coos.
“He is.” The sound of the water shutting off in the bathroom makes your heartbeat pick up the pace.
“I promise I’ll keep you up to date with anything else” you say, and then the two of you quickly say your goodbyes.
When Noah walks back into the room, you look up from your phone after going through all of your messages. His towel is hitched low on his hips, beads of hot water still clinging to his body. Steam trailed up into the air almost like a metaphor for how hot he looked at this moment.
His eyes were slightly bloodshot, dark irises looking straight into your soul, hair was slick and stuck down to his forehead, and you didn’t even dare let your eyes wander to the slight lump just beneath where the towel covered his body.
“I don’t exactly have a spare set of clothes, would it be okay if I used your machine to clean these ones?” The politeness was astounding, and the gentleness of which he asked made you become a little woozy.
“Yeah, of course, it’s down this way-“ you begin to stand, ignoring the fire inside of you when you flex your abdominal muscles. Noah noticed the slight wince and swiftly held his hand in your shoulder.
The strength of his grip was so controlled, nowhere near his full potential, but firm enough to know he wasn’t playing around.
“You need to stay seated and take it easy,” just as you begin to argue, he continues. “Doctors orders.”
You stare at him, hands grasping at the sofa’s fabric. Noah lifts an eyebrow at you, as though egging you on to continue, but you huff and fall back in defeat.
Noah grins, triumphantly at that, and then turns on his heels and around the corner again, the sound of the washing machine clunking to life echoes down the hallway after a few moments.
The following hours repeat much the same as that you have just experienced. Beginning a task, Noah firmly reminding you ‘doctor's orders,’ and then proceeding to act like a full time carer.
Lunch? Ordered and delivered.
Dishwasher? Unpacked and mostly out away correctly.
Rubbish? Taken out.
The only thing Noah couldn’t do for you was use the restroom on your behalf, even if he had tried to argue with you about it.
You shift and begin to stand, Noah immediately standing in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I need to pee, Noah.” You say bluntly, struggling to find an angle that didn’t hurt to pull yourself up.
Noah, although disgruntled, offers you his hands and helps pull you to a stand. Instead of letting you go, he instead traps you in his arms.
“This isn’t helping” you state, but didn’t even dare try and get out of his embrace. He didn’t respond, instead, kept you in his arms for a moment longer. When he did release you, he couldn’t keep his eyes from you as you turned to walk away.
Your business in the bathroom didn’t take long, but when you walked back to the living room, Noah was standing, pacing slowly around the room, his phone held to his ear.
“I don’t know why this is an issue now? You were fine with it earlier?” He argued down the line. He looked like an unimpressed mother the way he stood with one hand on his hip, leaning on one leg more than the other.
He didn’t meet your gaze when you entered, so you assume it’s none of your business. Instead, you return to your seat on the lounge and focus as much as you can on the tv.
“Fine. I’ll make it work. I’ll be there” he huffed, as though in defeat, and then hung up.
“So turns out,” he fell back onto the sofa next to you, bouncing slightly as he landed, “that we need to be there earlier than expected.”
You nod in response.
He continued, “there’s some media who want to do an interview with the whole band. I guess I gotta be there for that”
“I guess you gotta be there for that” you echo playfully.
With Noah’s new schedule for the evening, it meant you had to leave much sooner than expected. Time passed quickly and soon enough you were both in the car and not far from your destination.
The car ride was pleasant, filled with easy conversations, some karaoke sing-a-longs, and even now and then some comfortable silence.
Upon arriving, there was some chaos occurring at the rear of the venue, but Noah didn't seem phased. He coolly parked the car, helped you out of the seat by offering a gentlemanly hand, and then walked towards the hustle and bustle, all the while still holding a firm grip on your hand, like he was scared you would trip and fall.
Through the doors was a labyrinth of endless hallways, ominous doors and flickering lights. Windows were few and far between, but you put that down to the ambient design of the live music venue.
Noah led you effortlessly, unravelling the puzzle of the hallways, gracefully slipping between small gatherings of people, until he came to his desired door.
Along the way, Noah explained that the interview process always felt so forced and unnatural to him. The questions were always premeditated, rehearsed, and disingenuous.
“It’s always the same thing. ‘How are you feeling about tonight’s show? When is new music coming out? Any collabs on the horizon?’. Always trying to get a scoop of drama or intel.” Noah seemed frustrated already, but it was with a steady breath, he twisted the handle and entered the room.
The lights were so bright they almost burned your retinas. Squinting as Noah led you into the room, your eyes adjusted to see a flurry of people. Cameras being set up, mics and more lighting being rigged. The rest of the band sat on a tan sofa. Folio, Ruffilo, Jolly, and then an empty space. Closest to the empty space sat an armchair of a matching colour. Sat there was a man dressed plainly, T-shirt and jeans, who was too engrossed in something on their phone to pay any attention to the room around them.
Folios leg bounced up and down rhythmically, like he was practising a kick drum pattern for the show tonight. Ruffilo and Jolly were in a quiet conversation, throwing a casual head nod to Noah as he entered the room.
Noah looked around, finding a chair off to the side with a pile of equipment and cables on it. He relocated said like to the floor, ignoring the disgruntled look of media, and offered you the seat.
“You’ll get a good view of the whole thing here” he said pointing over his shoulder and the interview set up, “but it shouldn’t take too long.”
He hesitated a moment, and let go of your hand as you sat. He offered you a sweet grin, then turned to take his place on the sofa.
You saw Jolly nudge his elbow into Noah’s side as he sat, the menagerie of people beginning to take their places and roll cameras.
Watching the professional personas take over was fascinating. The way the band effortlessly discusses their answers to the meagre at best questions made the whole process very entertaining. Whether they knew it or not, they took turns in giving their responses, and would nod and hum approvingly if each other's answers. There was a chemistry between them all, like an unspoken language, where they just got each other.
It was 10 or so minutes in, the bland pleasantries long gone, and now the harder hitting questions were being asked.
“What do these records look like compared to your previous works?”
“Any plans to leave your current label once the contract is done?”
“Will your relationships become a distraction from the production of your new music?”
The interviewer was hammering them. He was digging for the details. Looking for the next juicy scoop.
But, it was that last question that echoed in your head.
Noah leaned back in his seat, arm was now resting along the back of the sofa. He took his time, considering the words he would use, how he could dance around this question but still give a satisfactory answer.
Well, that’s what you thought. You expected him to avoid discussing his relationships, let alone you, at any cost. What even were the two of you? There had been no discussion of what you were, only that you had been spending a lot of time together. Surely he wouldn’t let the world know that.
“I'm not distracted. I'm perfectly capable of maintaining my relationship and still producing a kick-ass record. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we’re in the best place to actually live our lives currently.” Noah takes a moment, a fleeting glance in your direction, and then goes back to his answer.
“We’re lucky to have such good people surrounding us, if anything it’s going to help motivate us even more.”
It was for the most fleeting of moments, but Noah caught your gaze. His eyes flickered to yours almost like it was the reassurance you didn’t know you were looking for, that he was talking about you. You barely even noticed Jolly continuing on from Noah’s answer.
“We surround ourselves with good people, so only good things can come from that.” The rest of the band were nodding in agreement.
The man asking the interview questions, whose name you found out to be Tim, looked ecstatic. He had a hook into the personal lives of this otherwise mysterious band, and he wasn’t going to let go of it that easily.
“Noah, how do you think your audience will react to your new taken status?”
Noah rolled his eyes, removing his arm from the back of the lounge and leant forward on his knees. He held the microphone in one hand, the other waving too and fro to help emphasise his statements.
“Look, the thing I think people need to remember is that I’m a human that has a life. Shocking, I know. Yes, my music means a lot to me. Does that mean it’s the only thing in my life? No. People can think whatever they want, I can’t control that. What I can control, and what we will continue to do, is to put everything we’ve got into making music we enjoy.”
Beautifully, he had dodged the question.
Tim wasn’t happy.
“What does the rest of the band think?” He gestured his hand towards Folio.
“Doesn’t change our lives” he said with a shrug.
Tim grunted, then locked eyes with Ruffilo.
“It’s true. I think most people wouldn’t have even known if you didn’t bring it up in this interview” Rufilo stated calmly, throwing the drama back into Tim.
Clearly dissatisfied with this topic now, Tim moved into something else. The interview was quickly wrapped up mere minutes later. With the cameras now turned off, Tim, now out of the room, Folio, Jolly, Noah and Ruffilo all stood, stretching and heading for the door.
Noah glanced over his shoulder and waved you towards him, slinging his arm over your shoulder and leading you out of the room with him.
“That seemed like fun” you say to the group as they saunter towards the green room.
“One of the less painful ones recently,” Jolly responded.
“He didn’t want to let up with the relationship shit,” Ruffilo commented. You noticed the hint of annoyance on his voice, feeling a sense of guilt creep into the pit of your stomach.
“He’ll be happy with what he got,” Noah chimed in, guiding you into a new empty room of the venue.
You didn’t bring up anything else about the interview out of fear. Fear of adding unnecessary stress, of causing any more tension, and honestly you just didn’t want to be a problem.
You began to watch the flurry in front of you. It was like a well oiled machine the way they choreographed their warm ups. Taking turns for sound check, leaving for periods of time to set up gear, practising their instruments and vocals. This was second nature to them. That interview? Long gone from their worries, so you tried to do the same as best you could.
Noah was always in two places at once, looking like he was working on a thousand things, ticking them off from a mental checklist.
Checking, rechecking, and checking equipment a third time. He was meticulous. His eye for detail, from how the cables were taped down, the placement of the set lists, even observing the light show from various corners of the venue. Everything he did had a purpose, but the way he spoke wasn't demanding. Instead, his cool demeanour helped portray his vision, and the crew knew exactly how to translate that into their craft.
An hour has passed before you knew it, and the energy in the room shifted. More and more people started to filter through the rear of the venue, and soon enough what looked like the whole lineup for the evening's entertainment filled the greenroom.
You have been to plenty of shows before, seen many bands live, but this was a new experience for you. There was a strange sense of familiarity to it all as you walked onto the main floor, into a wide open space with the stage lit up, barred off only by a flimsy barricade.
It just looked so empty. The calm before the storm. The quiet echoes of voices started to grow louder as a small gathering of the crew entered into the room. You immediately felt out of place then, looking sheepishly to the floor and stepping in the opposite direction from where they were coming.
“Wait up!” A voice calls out, but you keep walking, thinking it was for someone else.
“Jeez, you walk quickly. Hang on Key Girl” you heard again, only then glancing over your shoulder. Miles half-jogged to you. “It’s good to see you again,” he said, then turned to look at the stage. “It’s pretty unreal, isn’t it”.
You admired the screens which rolled through different graphics, colours flooding onto the polished timber floors.
“I wanted to see it all from this point of view before everyone else came in,” you admit.
“So he’s got you watching from the side stage? Left or right?” Miles questioned. You didn’t exactly know what he was on about.
“I have no idea,” is your response, paired with a shaky, nervous laugh.
“He thinks his left side is his good side. If he says watch him from stage left, let me know” Miles comments with a wink.
Before you’re able to question him further on it, his name is called and he is gone, leaving you baffled.
“Doors open in 10!” Is loudly called from one end of the room, and immediately people are moving about. You see this as your sign to head back to the greenroom and prepare for the tsunami of people about to bust through those doors.
Lo and behold, the 10 minutes are up, and people are pouring into the once empty room. There is an excited chatter amongst everyone there as the place lights up from the beaming faces of the audience.
After straying from him for some time, Noah found you in a slight panic.
“Are you okay? Everything okay? Your injuries oka-“
“I’m okay. Good. Great even” you interject. Noah nods, your response not calming his jitters. It wasn’t you he was panicked about.
“What’s going on?” You ask, instinctively placing a hand to rest on his tattooed forearm. He was warm and you could feel his heartbeat pulsing quickly.
“Talk to me” you ordered, and Noah’s eyes met yours. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and lets out the air steadily.
“Remember the interview?” He asks, and it’s the first time since you were there that you thought of it. “I should have spoken to you first. I’m sorry. I didn’t think he would put it out so quickly. I shouldn’t have looked at the comments. I should have signed off.”
“What are you on about Noah?”
He looks sheepish then, avoiding your gaze and pulling your hand into his. He led you to a beaten up sofa in the corner of the greenroom. As you sat, the small crowd in there were murmuring, throwing quick glances in your direction.
Noah goes through something on his phone, bringing up links through different social apps, before offering it to you.
You take the phone, but instead of looking at the screen, you watch the way he buries his face in his hands. His long fingers tap anxiously as he leans forward onto his elbows.
“I’m sorry. I think I fucked up” he grumbles into his hands, barely audible. “Please don’t hate me.”
“Noah, you’re acting like you killed someone” you joke, but he doesn’t respond. So you look at the screen. You see a YouTube video loaded and a very familiar scene.
From what you saw mere hours ago, it was already uploaded into the digital world.
“I’m struggling to see what the issue is here” you bump your shoulder to his, and he finally sits upright. He takes the phone from his hand and swiftly fast forwards to the near end of the video, and passes it back.
The video played, the interview ended, and a new scene of Tim appeared on the phone. Perplexed, you turn the volume up.
“You heard it here first, Noah Sebastian is off the market” he said, speaking jovially to the camera. “Accompanied by his girlfriend this afternoon, Sebastian seems to be pretty confident that nothing will change, but I want to know what his fans think.”
What happened next made your heart drop - a photo of your side profile with a small smile on your face graced the phone screen. Noah groaned and put his face back into the palms of his hands as he leant back into the sofa.
The video continued to divulge information, from your name, hometown, even your age. Hearing it all spoken by this stranger online sounded alien, you needed to go back and watch it again.
You recognise the scene in the photo, the same room the interview took place in. You can just make out the back of a camera pointing in the opposite direction of you. Someone had sneakily taken your photograph while the interview was taking place. They were on to you before you even knew what was going on.
Watching it a third time, hearing your name clearly stated once again, made the severity of the situation clear. Your secret was out. People know your face now. Your friends and family didn’t even know this much yet. But most importantly, Noah’s girlfriend?
“I didn’t see them take that photo” Noah mumbles, still hiding behind his hands. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured. This fucker fucked that up. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you sorry that they got a bad angle of me?” You whisper, tugging at his arm in an attempt to release his face.
His arm drops and he looks at you quizzically.
“I don’t get it” he stares blankly, blinking as if to clear up your statement.
“I would have preferred to have better lighting” you joke, handing him back his phone. Everything inside you was panicking, screaming even to worry about this. But what was there to worry about?
People won’t like you for it, sure. But you’re not alone. Was it 100% true? You didn’t know, but that didn’t matter. What did matter was Noah and how he had got himself into a panicked state. He needed you to be calm, to help him be calm.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?”
The small gathering of people fell into a quiet, barely audible whisper. People sneakily peered in your direction, watching what unfolded between the two of you.
“Tim seems like an asshole, sure, but why would I be mad at you?”
“I just outed you to the world” Noah states matter-of-factly.
Failing to find the words, because although technically true, it wasn’t your fault, you offer him a shrug.
“And you’re not mad about it.” Noah concludes. The people in the room now being less obvious of their eavesdropping. You glance in their direction, and just like a cartoon they all scurry to appear busy. One even picked up a broom.
Your eyes are back to Noah’s looking significantly less panicked now. His state slowly became more himself.
“I’m more curious,” he admits.
“About what” he was quick with his answer.
You hesitate, but need answers.
“The girlfriend thing.”
He pauses, eyes darting between your pupils, waiting for you to look away. You don’t.
“Would you?”
“Would I what?” You press. A smile cracks on his face.
“You’re going to make me ask like we’re teenagers?”
“Damn right” you remark. His smile grows bigger.
“Would you be my girlfriend?”
“What did you mean earlier when you said ‘I should have signed off’?”
“What?” Noah stammers out. Clearly not the response he was waiting for.
“You said…,” you paused to clear your throat. “‘I shouldn’t have looked at the comments. I should have signed off.’” You look at him expectantly. His eyes widen and a light pink graces his cheeks. He begins to chew at his bottom lip and the panic starts to return.
“I… uh…” his hand raises and he rubs at the back of his neck as he looks at the wall opposite you. “Replied to some comments. Online.” He pulls a face that screams ‘I think I said something I shouldn't have’, but also one that seems smug and almost proud of himself.
“Youuuuuu didn’t.” you gasp. Knowing his history of snide comments online, things can get unhinged real quick. “What did you say?”
Noah stands and paces the room with his arms held behind his back. It looks like he is about to defend himself when people walk back into the room. The privacy of this conversation flew out the window.
Noah was taken by surprise by the sudden uprising of people in the room, standing still and watching more people walk briskly in his direction.
“Dude. Love that you’re sticking up for her. But come on.” Ruffilo states, emphasising his points with his hands. He meant no harm, but Noah was starting to get flustered.
“What else was I supposed to do?” Running his hands through his hair now, he checked the time on his phone. Folio came to his side, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Fuck ‘em. It’s hardly the worst thing you’ve ever tweeted.” Folio seemed unfazed by this whole thing.
The comments continued to be thrown around about how they are going to handle the situation. You used the distraction to check it out for yourself. Trying your best to filter through the comments about you, you sought the Bad Omens page and saw recent replies to some comments.
Noah was defending you, putting people in their place after throwing out allegations, making memes of the photograph they used of you, and blatantly spreading rumours.
Noah, being the cool ‘I don’t use social media’ guy he is, instantly jumped into it.
There were only a handful, but the casualness of how he owned the word ‘girlfriend’ made you blush a little.
‘At least I have a girlfriend’ was one.
‘This is why we can’t have nice things’ was another.
‘Let me know when someone can finally stand your bullshit’ was the last.
Each response was calling people out, and his sassy replies were finally putting people in their place.
You scrolled through the thread reacting to his comments. And by some miracle, people were getting it. Their attitude began to change, albeit small.
Subtly as you can, you put your phone away and walk over to Noah, whine seemed to be putting up his walls as he argued with his crew.
“Look, what’s done is done!” Jolly spoke diplomatically, trying and failing to speak over the rising tide of voices.
They all looked exasperated and lost, clearly having no idea what to do. You went to Noah’s side and loosely wrapped an arm around his back, hitching a grip onto his waste. He instinctively hung an arm around your shoulders which he rubbed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose.
“You guys are really worked up over this, huh” you comment. Seeing their expressions falter to confusion confirmed your point.
“You’re strangely calm for being the epicentre of the storm,” Ruffilo laughed. It was the first time he cracked a smile since he walked in the room.
You offer a shrug in response. “Took the pressure off of me announcing it to the world.”
And for the first time, they all seemed to agree.
Noah pulls you closer to him, wrapping both his arms around your shoulders, and buried his head into your hair. You can feel light kisses being peppered into your head.
“Thank you” he murmurs loud enough for only you to hear.
“Is there always this much drama before you play a show?” You ask, and they chuckle.
You had succeeded and their guards were coming down. It didn’t take long before everyone was acting like themselves once again.
You couldn’t help but notice how Noah didn’t leave your side. Whether or not you thought it was because he still thought your injuries were worse than they really were, or that with this newfound relationship that he didn’t want to leave your side; you weren’t complaining.
Whether it be hovering his palm on the small of your back to help guide you through the hallways, offering to buy you a drink, shifting his weight and adjusting his posture any time you started to fidget by his side. It was all those small, thoughtful gestures that really made you see what kind of person he was like.
He cared for the small things, the things that would most usually go unnoticed. The straw he got for your drink, when he held the door open for you walking into any room, even the sweet glance thrown your way when he was across the room and you were mid-conversation with Jolly just to make sure your leg wasn’t bouncing with nerves again.
It just felt right.
Before you knew it, the time had come for the main act to start. Opening bands had been and gone, and the headliner was up next. The crowd sounded amped up, a thrill running through the air like electricity. The band had choreographed this, and had begun their walk down the runway. Red and white lights were beaming and twirling around the stage, the screens cycling through a cacophony of images and digital artefacts.
Just as Noah was about to walk on stage, clutching his ski mask in one hand, he looked at you with admiration. He grasped the sides of your face in his big hands and planted a kiss tenderly to your lips. You learnt into it, lingering in the fleeting moment of his warmth, almost making you feel lightheaded and swoony. When he pulled back, all too soon, he had a new sparkle in his eye.
“Watch me from stage left tonight” he ordered. Pressing a kiss on your forehead, he slipped the mask on and jogged to the stage, throwing you a wink before he fell into character for the night's entertainment.
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faithshouseofchaos · 8 months
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Adventures of Cat!Max x reader (eventual werewolf!daniel) part 2️⃣
Tagged— @toasttt11 @moss-on-tmblr @norrisleclercf1 @reidsworld @80sloverry @personal-fic-archive @inkfablesandstories @giffywiffy3408 @hollie911 @sarahedwards16 @badassturtle13 @other ako5811 @tooprinceangel @omgsuperstarg @eugene-emt-roe @lollypop90907 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @harmonity-vibes @u5dthsduttd
The next morning up to a light weight warm sensation on your chest opening up your eyes you remember that the events from last night were real and not just a dream. The orange was staring down at you purring and blinking slowly kneading at your blanket.
“Ok baba i gotta get up”
“Meow meeooow”
The cat huffed and jumped down to the floor letting you get up out of bed and getting ready for the day.
You checked your local facebook page to see if anyone had been missing their cat and to your surprise no one was missing him. Sighing and closing out the app you called the local vet and asked if you could come in. The lady on the phone said it was fine.
You got out the cat carrier you had and put the cat inside of it.
“Don’t freak out on me now bubba okay it’s only for a couple hours I promise” you said to the cat who was meowing like crazy he definitely was not happy. Putting on your red bull hoodie the cat stopped meowing and stared at you.
“Why are you a red bull fan or something baba?” You joked smiling not knowing that your new cat was in fact Max Verstappen. Eventually you made it to the vet for Babas check up.
You waited in the waiting room until they called you back to see the vet.
“Okay miss.Y/l/n what do we have here?” The vet asked.
“I need my cat checked out just to be sure that everything is fine he showed up at my door last night”
“Alright first we’ll scan him for a Microchip and check for any ink marking that would identify the cat” the vet says opening up the cat carrier.
“Oh he’s a pretty cat and big too.”
“Yeah he’s a big boy that’s for sure”
You watched as the vet scanned his body and checked him out, not finding any proof that he belonged to anybody.
“Alright Miss. Y/l/n we are going to give him the full work’s Microchipping, and shots now for the Microchip we’ll need a name for him. Do you have anything in mind?”
“Ah yes I was thinking Baloo but Baba for short”
“That’s cute we had a patient come in with a dog named Max Furstappen”
“That’s adorable”
“So here’s the website for the Microchip so later today log on with the identification tag number and put in your information down it’s really simple and now for the tough part giving him his shots”
“What kind of shots?”
“Well we have a 5 in 1 shot which is Fevac 5 is an inactivated vaccine that protects against Feline Enteritis, Feline Rhinotracheitis, Feline Calicivirus, Feline Chlamydia and Feline Leukemia plus the typical Rabies vaccine”
As soon as the vet brought out the needles Max immediately changed. He was not happy Max did not like getting shots.
“Oh baba please behave you were going so well” you coaxed the cat right as he jumped into your arms not moving becoming stiff.
“Alright just keep holding him I’m gonna stick real quick” when the vet stuck Max with the needle he dug his claws into your arms.
“Ow Bubba that hurts ” you said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Max didn’t mean it, he really didn't, he just hated getting shots even as a child he hated it. During the car ride home Max felt sick he knew it was the shots making him feel like crap. He wanted a life were he could get away so it was just something he had to deal with in the mean time.
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Somewhere only we know
Part 1
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Young Daryl Dixon x Reader (no apocalypse AU)
Read part 2 here
Synopsis- No outbreak and modern ish day AU (set in 2007-2010 era) Reader moves to the Georgia mountains, to live with her dad for her final year of school, as her mum is going travelling with her new husband. She meets a shy redneck boy with a tragic background, who immediately captures her heart.
Warnings - mentions of abuse, tragic upbringings, mentions of injury, feelings, friends to lovers, judgemental town people, readers dad is a sweetheart, reader has good relationships with both parents, but her mum is described as flakey and free spirited. My terrible writing as always (this is me practicing 🤣) slow burn, no outbreak, not cannon at all obviously, love confessions, reader sticking up for Daryl, both reader and Daryl being protective, smut in later chapters but not this one.
Let me know if I’ve forgotten anything
Word count - 3.8K
It was the start of fall, leaves were beginning to change and a cooler breeze was starting to hit the small town you were now going to call home. Green valley resided in the mountains of northern Georgia, population 680 people. It was where your Dad had bought a mountain cabin, just outside of town with a 100 acre orchard. He had purchased the property just over a year ago, in hopes of a slower life. He sold his Californian condo, and made the lengthy move to Georgia.
Your parents divorced when you were 12 years old, it had been a long and lengthy process, and they hadn’t left on the best of terms. Your mum took sole custody of you, but you stayed holidays and the summer period with your dad. Even so you had a great relationship with both your parents, growing up had been pretty uneventful, though your mum was somewhat of a free spirit. Now you were 18 years old, in your final year of high school and full of life. You’d inherited the free spirit of your mother, but the hard working mind of your dad.
Your mum had moved on with her life re marrying a lovely man called Ari, he was also very much a free spirit, and they’d planned a two year travelling trip together. This is what had lead you to leave your shared home in Arizona, and move in with your dad at his new mountain home. You had a good feeling about this move, maybe small town life would suit you? Would it be quieter life or an adventure? You didn’t know, but you were excited to find out.
Perched on the passenger seat of your dads Chevy truck, you drove through the valleys and mountains in comfortable silence. Taking in the sights, the gorgeous autumn colours and breathing in the fresh air. You wound down the window letting your arm fall out, pushing your fingers through the wind.
“It’s good to have you home kiddo” your dad admitted, “It’s going to be nice having you with me again” he continues, nodding contently to himself.
“Yeah” you smile, “I’ve missed this, the two of us hanging out”. He turns to give you a genuine smile, it must be lonely being in the mountain lodge by himself, you decide. Pulling up outside the cabin you gasp “wow” you exclaimed, it’s much bigger and prettier than the pictures he sent you showed. A beautiful stone wrap around porch and neat log exterior, there’s a few planted trees out the front, and gas lamps adorning the entry way. It looked like something out of a fairytale, and you were incredibly excited to see the inside. Taking your phone out, you quickly snap a few photos to send your mum.
Your dad smiled at your childlike wonder as you admired the cabin. “I’m glad you like it honey bee, let’s get you all settled in”. The inside was just as lovely, large brick fireplace and open planned living downstairs, three large bedrooms with en-suites and a study upstairs. Your dad showed you to your room, then gave you space to unpack and settle in. Once unpacked and showered you came down to your dad serving dinner, “I don’t know if your hungry, but I made your favourite, at least I hope it’s still your favourite?” Your dad asks with a small laugh.
“It most certainly is! Thanks dad”
“Good” he nods.
“Ummm God, this is amazing” you groan happily. Your dad huffed a laugh, “I forgot how good your cooking is! Mum’s terrible, we end up with burnt dinner or takeout most nights” you laughed.
“Well I’m glad to get a proper home cooked meal into you then!”
“Soo I spoke to your new head teacher and the school is giving you this next week off, to you know settle in. Then you start a week Monday, so I thought you could spend some time this next week, getting to know the town and the area. We can go for lunch tomorrow in town if ya like?” Your dad explained.
“Yeah that all sounds great dad” you agreed.
One whole week to settle in, yeah that sounds ok you thought. Gives me time to maybe get to know some people too, get to know the route to school. You ate in comfortable silence, before helping your dad clean up and get an early night, it had been a long day and you were exhausted.
The next morning you woke to birds chirping and leaves rustling. Golden rays were casted through your window causing a warm glow, floating dust particles visible in the streaks of light. A soft breeze was filtering in through the small crack you left open last night, hoping to remove some of the evenings humidity. You determined right then that waking up like this in nature was wonderful, no cars honking or children screaming like the busy neighbourhood you lived in back in Arizona, just peace.
You spent the morning folding your clothes into draws, setting up your laptop and organising your desk space. Before getting ready for lunch out with your dad, you decided faded jeans and a band tee would work, it was exciting to get out and see your new local town, but a little overwhelming too. It was a big change from your life before, and an adjustment period would definitely be needed. Nonetheless it was nice to be spending some quality time with your dad.
“You ready to go kiddo?” You dad calls up the stairs.
“Yeah! Now coming” you yell back, bounding down the stairs.
Driving to town didn’t take long, you watched out the passenger window paying attention to the area and the amenities. The lakes, mountains and colourful leaves were so picturesque.
The town centre was small but well equipped. From what you could tell there were a few restaurants, at least three coffee shops, a hardware shop, a post office, a supermarket, a couple of convenience stores and a surgery. Not including the school and garage on the outskirts.
Pulling up outside a small timber clad diner your dad parks and grins at you, “Your gonna love this place! They have the best pie and great views of the lake” he stated. “Awesome!” You reply hopping out the truck.
Walking inside you take in the place, there’s large windows placed all along the back of the diner, looking out directly onto the lake, there’s warm lighting and the whole place has a very cozy feel. An older woman about 60-65 years old you guessed came bouncing over. “Well hi Allan it’s good to see you, this must be your beautiful daughter I’ve heard so much about?!!” She gushed
“Hey Susie how are you? You’d be right, this here’s my daughter y/n” your dad replied to the bubbly woman.
“Hey it’s nice to meet you” you added
“Isn’t she a sweetheart Allen, you must be so proud, you know y/n your dad here hasn’t shut up about you coming for weeks now” she sang, playful glint in her eyes. You smiled kindly back at her, feeling relatively embarrassed by the attention. “Well you choose a seat hunni, and I’ll be right over to take your orders” she continued before walking off.
“She seems friendly” you stated. Your dad lets out a laugh at your uncomfortableness, “Yeah, small town honeybee. Everyone knows everyone here and they all talk, a lot” he emphasises. “Hmm” you sigh this was something you’ll need to get used too.
You chose a seat with a view by the large windows, and as if reading your mind he hummed “You’ll get used to it.
After lunch you both walked through the town, while your dad stopped at the convenience store to collect some necessities, you busied yourself looking through the aisles, choosing some snacks for yourself. You could hear your dad chattering to the woman on the cashier, everyone in this town really did know everybody. When you looked up your eyes met a pair of bright blue, belonging a boy around your age with scruffy light brown hair, worn clothes and a couple of cute moles adorning his face. You smile at him, he offers a small smile back before looking away bashfully. “Hi, I’m y/n” you offer, “Daryl” he mumbles back.
“It’s nice to meet you Daryl, do you live around here?” You ask.
“Yeah umm not too far, jus down by da creak” he replies. You offer another warm smile, “I’ve just moved here with my dad, maybe I’ll see you round?” You add. Daryl nods looking at his feet, he seems incredibly shy you think.
“Y/n, you done?” Your dad calls, you follow his voice to the checkout and hand him the two candy bars you’ve chosen. “Just these please” you confirm. You look back to the other end of the shop seeing Daryl chatting with another guy, probably in his late 20s.
“I wouldn’t talk to that boy if I were you” the lady on the cashier interrupts your thoughts. You take the time to read her name tag ‘Wendy’ “Hmm” you reply “why not? He seems nice enough, awfully shy” you continue.
“They are the Dixon’s the taller one is the older brother Merle, he’s always causing trouble, in and out of jail. Their dad is a drunk, and lord knows he hits those boys. The older ones left home now but comes back frequently. Daryl’s in school still so he still lives with his dad. It’s only a matter of time before he starts behaving the same way, I’m sure of it” she rants in whispered hush. You frown, you don’t like that. He’s done nothing wrong yet, but already branded by the town because of his family. But before you can say anything your dad pipes up “Well we best be going, lots to do before this one starts school”. “Well good luck sugar just pay mind to what I said, you seem like a sweet girl, and this town talks” the cashier lady implores. You give a tight lipped smile before leaving with your dad.
The walk back to the car is deadly silent and you are stewing your inner monologue ‘how dare she’ and ‘if she knows he’s hitting the boys, why hasn’t anything been done?’. Your dad turns to you reading you like a book, “Hey I get it, you don’t like injustice I know that” he interrupts your thoughts, looking up at him you sigh “It just doesn’t seem fair”. “I know baby girl, if you want to befriend that boy, you do it. I know we raised you to be kinder than that, and hey you could use a friend” he replies. You smile at him “Yeah maybe I’ll see him at school” you nod agreeing with your dad.
Three days pass in a blur, you sign up to the local surgery and check all your medical details have been passed over correctly. You find the local library and spend most of Monday getting lost in books, you try a local cafe and enjoy drinking your coffee while walking around one of the lakes. You even chat to a few locals, getting to know the town better. But your mind keeps reeling back to the boy with the blue eyes, Daryl Dixon, you’d never met someone so painstakingly shy before, and your a bit shy yourself hating being the centre of any attention.
Wednesday comes around and you need to pop by the school to get your class schedule, your dad takes you so he can get any needed information too. Stood in the principles office, going over everything you’ll need, your mind wonders off. While your dads chatting up a storm, your gaze wonders out of the window.
You spot him sitting under a tree with a sketch pad or writing book in his hands, it’s too far away to really make out. But he’s sat all alone, while all the other kids hang out in their favoured groups, Daryl just sits by himself quietly. This boy has really intrigued you, does he not have any friends to sit with? Are the kids in this school as cruel as the narrow minded adults who roam this town.
“Excuse me miss” you interrupt, “Could I please have a wonder round? Get my bearings before Monday?” You ask politely. “Yes of course you can dear” she replies handing you a piece of paper “Here’s a map, so you don’t get lost, take half an hour or so, there’s a lot I need to go through with your dad here anyways” you explains. You nod thanking her before exiting the room, one mission in mind, finding your way over to Daryl.
Navigating the schools corridors wasn’t too difficult, and you found yourself by the back doors which lead the the playing field fairly quickly. You spotted the large tree smiling to yourself when you found he was still sat underneath its shady branches, lost in whatever he was doing. You slowly approached trying to not startle him, when your figure casts a shadow he looks up squinting from the suns rays, slight frown between his brows. “Hey” you hesitated, worrying now that you had overstepped. But once he realised who you were he visibly relaxed, “Hey yer the gurl from da store Saturday rite?” He questions, his southern drawl thick ‘and adorable you find’ “Yeah that’s me, do you mind if I sit?” You ask, he gestures for you to go ahead, so you ungracefully plop down next to him. “What year are you in if you don’t mind me asking?” You request, smiling at him slightly hoping to put the shy boy at ease.
“I’m in ma final year, tho this is ma second time tryin’ I’m nineteen. You?” He replies, he’s nervously fiddling with a small twig on the floor, cheeks tinged pink. “I’m in my final year too, I’m eighteen. I’ve just moved here from Arizona. I was living with my mum, but she and her new husband wanted to go travelling, so umm I came here to live with my dad for a while” you explain.
“So wat ur ma just made you leave?” He questions small frown returning.
“Oh no no, not at all” you reply crossing your arms in motion with your reply. “No I decided to live with my dad again, I’ve missed him and it’s quieter here, I was ready for the change” you continue. Daryl gives you a Quick look before nodding at your statement.
“You startin' here soon den?” Daryl mused, “Yeah I start Monday” you reply with a smile, your eyes meeting his blue. Daryl looks forward then his brows pinching together, “Well I wudnt be seen wiv me if ya hopin’ to fit in wiv everyone here” Daryl sighs. “I don’t care what anyone here thinks, and you shouldn’t have to feel like that Daryl” you affirm. He turns to you worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, you can tell he’s not used to this, kindness, and it breaks your heart. He makes a small grunt, before fiddling with the twig again. “Anyways I like you Daryl, I’ll look forward to seeing you again Monday” you smile, before getting up to head back towards the school to find your dad.
Daryl watches after you as you leave, face as red as a tomato. He’s never had someone actively seek him out before, and he doesn’t really know how to take it. But he likes you too, you seem sincere and kind, there’s not many like that in this town. He smiles thinking that maybe he himself is looking forward to Monday too.
It was Friday morning and by now you were becoming a little stir crazy, your dad was great he really was, but he was aloof at times. You think he was trying to give you some space, maybe you were just so used to your erratic mother constantly talking your ear off, and her demonstrative personality. Therefore making your dad seem rather quiet and distant, he checked in to make sure you had what you needed though, and he always spent meal times with you.
This morning he was tending his orchard, getting it ready for the autumn harvest, you knew he had hired some helpers to help him sort things, he’d said this may take most of the day, so you needed to find a way to entertain yourself.
After sipping your morning coffee peacefully on the porch, watching the trees rustle in the breeze, you decide maybe a hike in the forest would do you the world of good. So you pack up a bag of necessities, grab your hiking boots, a map and set off.
As you walk through the forest trails, the sun casts through the trees causing halos of soft glowing light, dew drops hang off branches and it’s all breathtakingly beautiful. You pause for a moment breathing in the forest air, and listening to the sounds of nature, until you hear a soft sniffle. You quietly pad yourself in the direction of the sound, it was definitely a person softly crying ‘what if someone’s hurt or lost’ you think. So you hastily make your way over, coming to a small clearing, where there’s a beautiful tiny meadow tiny flowers and fluffy dandelions fill the space. But there sat in the middle is Daryl, he has his head in his knees and his arms are hugging his legs.
You slowly walk over towards him treading as lightly as possible to not startle him, but he hears you instantly, his head snapping up in your direction. “Wat do yer want” he snaps, you recoil slightly, however you can see he’s hurting so you swallow it down and continue your way over. “I heard you from back there, I was out on a walk” you reply hesitantly. Daryl nods wiping his eyes with the back of his hands ferociously, you can see he hates to be seen in such a vulnerable moment.
You plonk yourself down next to him “Want to talk about it?” You ask. He debates this for a moment, he hates being open and vulnerable, but he can’t remember the last time he had anyone to talk too, Merle was never emotionally available, hell he was barely ever physically available these days. So he swallows down his pride “Ma dad was out last nigh drinkin, came in about three this mornin’ I woke up from his bangin, tried ta help him ta bed. He didn’t take it too well” he sniffled, Daryl looks at you then and you can’t help the small gasp when you see his eye, which was clearly hidden by his mop of hair before. It was black n blue and very swollen.
“Oh my goodness Daryl! One second I have a iced water bottle in my bag” you swallowed, you search through your back pack pulling out the bottle and the spare vest top you carry, wrapping the bottle in the fabric you place it over his eye as gently as you can muster. He still flinches, like you were going to hurt him and your heart shatters. “Here it will help with the swelling and bruising” you offer, and he lets you help him then, carefully watching you as you hold the iced bottle over his bad eye. He’d never had anyone look after him like this before, never been nobody who cared enough to help him. He finds himself leaning into you then, and you have to hide your smile by biting your bottom lip. You notice then his lips bust too, dried blood around it “Here hold this in place, I have some alcohol wipes in here for those cuts” you affirm, letting go of the bottle and searching you bag once more. Finding your small first aid kit you pull out the wipes, ripping the packet before shuffling closer to him again. “This may sting a little sorry” you sympathised, he lets out a small hiss as you gently place it on his lip, dabbing the alcohol into the cut and cleaning off the blood, before doing the same to the cut on his eyebrow.
“There all done, just keep that ice on your eye for a bit ok” you advise. “Ok” he agrees. You spend the rest of the day with him, chatting about everything, even if it was you doing most of the talking. You find out that the meadow is halfway between both your homes, he tells you more about his dad and how nothings ever been done because people don’t care about rednecks like them, Merle got away, got involved in drug deals and fights, left Daryl to deal with their abusive father on his own.
Daryl tells you how he spends most of his time in the forest when he’s not at school, to get away from his dad, but that his father barely notices when he’s gone. He hadn’t gone into school today after his dad beat him, he just ran here. You decide then you’d do your upmost to help him, there was just something about this boy, he captured your attention that first day in the shop, but just a few days in and he’s already stolen part of your heart.
By then time you arrived home early that evening, you had a unmissable smile on your face, your dad notices straight away “You enjoy your hike honey bee? Thanks for the note I’d have worried otherwise” he comments. “Yeah it was nice, I spent the day with Daryl, bumped into him on the trail” you smile. “Ah I see, I’m glad you’ve made a friend” he answers “You hungry? Dinners almost ready” “Yeah starving!” You declare.
Laying in bed later that night you pull out your phone, you’d exchanged numbers with Daryl earlier and couldn’t wait to message.
‘Hey, fancy a walk around the south lake tomorrow?
‘Yah sure, thnks fer today, 10am ok?’
You grin instantly at his reply,
‘Yeah perfect, meet you there? Or I can pick you up?’
‘Nah I’ll meet ya there’
‘Ok see you tomorrow, goodnight Daryl’
‘Nite y/n’
You were really looking forward to tomorrow now.
96 notes · View notes
imaginaryf1shots · 9 months
My Girls (|V) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 5K
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: google translated french, dutch, cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
A/N: This is a secondary blog so I won't be able to respond but I'm adding you all, just send it in the ask me anything if I missed ou by mistake.
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Winter love
Finally it’s the end of the year break, a couple of months to have fun and let loose, I mean have fun before Covid hits, but no one knows about that yet. 
Lando was back in the UK and he kept asking Cecilia to get on the sim for them to race a little in the F1 2019 game. 
Lando(on call)
Come on Cece, why won’t you just get on for a little race?
Lando, I swear to god how many times do I have to tell you that I have a daughter who I haven’t spent-
Much time with her and like to spend some-
You’re an asshole 
They laughed as she shook her head at his antics, to her Lando felt like the little brother she never had.
Come on, she sleeps at what? 8?
half past seven
See, besides you need to keep up your hard work, just because you came 5th in the championship and won Rookie of the year doesn’t mean you can slack off.
Piss off Norris, we just finished last week
So while everyone is slacking you should be having fun with me, we haven’t done a race in a long time
Fine, I’ll text you when I put Nattie to bed
Cool, now let me talk to my niece, I miss her
I don’t understand you
You don't have to
Switching to facetime, Lando talked with Nattie for a while before she had to eat.
True to her words that night Cecilia put Nattie to bed, she read her a story and sang her a song, Nattie fell asleep hugging Cecilia and it took everything for her to leave her asleep and not just spend the night in her daughter’s bed.
She texted Lando that she’ll be ready in a couple minutes. Lando got excited and texted her that he’s ready. Turning on her PS5, she got ready and had discord open on her laptop next to her, it seemed like Lando forgot to tell her that they weren’t going to be the only ones, he had some of his friends and Alex as well, she didn’t really mind, she’s met Lando’s friends in the passing before when they came to the paddock. 
Everything was going great, they chose the track, who they’d be playing as, Cecilia of course chose herself. But you can’t have everything, not evening a nice game with your friends.
“Cecilia what the fuck?” Lando shouted down the microphone, his voice hurting her ear, her car stopped and wouldn’t move, making him crash into her, they lost their P3 and P2. as their friends laughed and passed them.
“I’m sorry, I don't know what’s going on!” She tried to make her car move but nothing she did made her car move. “I think my paddles are disconnected, I’ll try to reconnect them, you guys continue without me, I’ll join the next round.”
She tried everything she could, connecting and disconnecting, plugging in and out she even restarted her PS5, but nothing seemed to work.
“Something is wrong with my simulator, it’s not working.” Cecilia sounded stressed, she stood back looking at her setup. 
“You’re not backing out to spend time with your family are you?” Alex teased her, she knew he meant Nathalie but with Lando’s friends he was careful.
“No, I think I’m the only one awake, it’s not working, the game won’t turn on anymore, I’m getting stressed.” Cecilia said, and logged off not long after, there’s nothing more she can do at the moment.
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Apparently she had to get a new one, she had someone come take a look at it, and she had to order a new one, and who knew how long it’ll take for that to happen. When the pandemic hit, she knew there would be no way she'd get her sim for a long time, which was bad for her, not because she couldn't play with her friends, but because it’s something that kept her in a racing mood, and kept her skills sharp in the down season. So she found herself texting Charles to ask him if she could come by sometimes to get on the sim, but he was quarantining with Charlotte and they met with their separate families, which would make it harder for her, since she didn’t want to really get in contact with too many people, so she turned to Max, the only other driver she had in mind. Lewis was in the UK with his family and there wasn’t an abundance of Drivers she was close to who were in Monaco at the moment. 
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Setting up time with Max was easy since they were quarenting and there wasn't much anyone could do, with her mask on and a short drive later Cecilia made it to Max’s house, she’s never been there before. Walking in she didn't know what to expect, but he had set up his house pretty nicely. 
“Thank you so much Max.” Cecilia thanked Max after greeting him with a hug.
“Hey, I'm happy to help a rival out.” He poked at her, she knew at this point they were more friends than anything else, but still they’ve never really been alone before. So that made her a little nervous, seeing Max in his casual clothes and not his team kit made them distance themselves from their work. For her standing there, they were just two friends. 
“I think we’re past that.” She placed her clammy hands in the back pockets of her jeans awkwardly. 
“I agree, do you want something to drink?” Mask asked and led her through his penthouse and to the kitchen.
“It’s okay, thank you.”
“So what happened with your simulator?” Max asked and took out a tea box and waved it for Cecilia to see, she gave him a nod and he started the kittle.
“I have no idea, I was mid game with Lando and some other people, and suddenly mid race everything stopped working, I tried everything and nothing worked.” She explained leaning onto the island to watch him, he moved around with ease taking out tea cups and sitting the tea bags in. “Dad called someone in to check it out before lockdown and I just couldn't get it in before then.”
“That's weird.”
“It is what it is, I guess we get to hang out now because of it.” She said with a smile and a shrug, Max gave Cecilia her cup before they moved to the room had his simulator sat in, walking in she laughed when she saw two simulators, not one, admittedly one was more advanced with RedBull logo and the other looked like that once she had at home. “Colour me impressed, Mr. Verstappen.”
“Laugh all you want, but now we can race each other, one on one.” Max looked smug with himself. He had no shame, it came in handy now and he didn’t regret it, I mean he lives here all alone, yes he doesn’t stay home a lot but when he does it does get a little lonely. 
“I like the way you think.” Patting his back she walked up to the RedBull one and looked at it before she looked at him with a smile, he couldn't say no to her, he let her try it. Max sat everything up for Cecilia and him and they took turns choosing what circuits to play, both playing as themselves. “Is any of your family here in Monaco?”
“No, no, I just came back from the Netherlands when the lockdown started.” Max said and tried to pass the female driver, but she was blocking him very well.
“It must be lonely being here alone.” Cecilia said thinking about how lonely she’d be if she didn't have her family with her, she’d definitely lose her mind. 
“It’s alright.” Max didn’t mind it that much, he got used to it, besides he did call his family and check on them to see how things are over there.
“You should come over sometime, as long as you don’t come in contact with anyone, we have a child at home after all.” Cecilia spared him a look before she passed the chequered flag and won the race.
“It’s okay, but I do want to see Nathalie again.” 
“Believe me she does too, I don’t know what you two talked about when you found her but she’s been going on and on about you.” Max smiled and turned to look at Cecilia, she was already facing him, they were finished for the day. “And, if you need more convincing, We have a hell of a gym at home, I mean you’d meet my parents, but they’re chill.”
“I didn’t know you had a gym at home.” Max stood up and Cecilia followed suit, they naturally integrated to the sofa in the back of the room, she sat at one end facing him with her legs tucked under her and her back to the armrest. 
“We had everything installed after I gave birth, I needed to get in shape and with how small Nathalie was I couldn’t take her with me, and I didnt want to leave her, not even counting feeding her.” Cecilia said fondly, sometimes she feels like Nathalie is growing up too fast. “Sometimes I miss when she was that small, she was so cute.”
“Do you have some pictures?” Cecilia fished out her phone and went to the album on her phone labelled Nathalie 2017, she had her pictures all categorised with the year. Moving closer they both were sitting side by side as she showed him the photos explaining some of the stories behind them. They went so back in the album, there was a photo of Cecilia on the hospital bed with a newborn Nathalie sleeping on her, skin touching skin, Cecilia looked so tired and sweaty in the photos, to Max she looked so young. “You were 18, right?” 
“Yeah, I got pregnant at 17 but gave birth after my 18th.” His admiration for the girl just kept growing, he looked at her and noticed how close they were sitting, their thighs touching, he could smell the perfume she had sprayed. He moved his arm to push back her hair to be able to see her face when he stopped himself and cleared his throat.
“I can’t get over how much she looks like you.” Max said trying to distract himself, Cecilia looked up and their eyes met, they were still close she felt like she could see all the shades of blue with flickers of hazel in his eyes. 
“My mum says she’s my twin.” Her voice was soft, both their eyes flickered down to their lips, and just as the thought of how his lips would feel on hers passed her mind, she smiled and leaned back creating distance naturally without leaving any awkwardness between them. Soon after Cecilia left with the promise of coming back again later in the week. 
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The due kept meeting regularly, and Max started hoping her sim would never get delivered. When their meeting time arrived for the week, Cecilia came in with her mask, a backpack on her shoulder, a bag in one arm and her child in the other. The woman was always thankful for her F1 training. Once Nathalie saw the male driver her three year old legs carried her as fast as she could to the driver. Max leaned down and caught her, pulling her up in his arms and giving her a hug. 
“Hello, Thalia.” He greets the three year old, stepping back to let her mother move in the house, he took the bag from her hand in a swift motion.
“Hello Max.” Nathalie said with a smile. “We made you cookies!”
“Oh did you?” Max asked her with a smile, he looked at cecilia and she pointed to the bag in his hand, it had tupperware in it, once her mum knew he was here alone, she gave Cecilia some home cooked food, and since she and Nattie made cookies, they decided to bring some. 
“Yes, mummy can eat those.” Cecilia shook her head, the cookies they made were okay for her diet, she did make a patch of normal cookies as well.
“I’m sure I’ll love them.” Sitting her down the girl looked around curiously, she started walking around, giving the adults time to greet each other. “Hey.”
“Hey, she’s a bit hyper and had some cookies when we weren’t looking after we gave her some.” Cecilia said and looked at her daughter, she was a mischievous little thing. “I think she talks to Charles too much, I always catch him encouraging her.”
Cecilia sat her bag on the sofa, and took the bag Max held and walked to his kitchen, her daughter and Max followed suit. It made her chuckle. “Mum made you some food, I hope it’s not too much, but she’s a family woman, always wanting to feed people, I think that’s why my brother is her favourite, since I can’t eat everything she makes.”
“It’s okay, thank her for me.”
“Or you can come by like I asked and thank her yourself.” 
“Grand-mère makes good food.” Nattie agreed looking up at the duo, Cecilia ruffled her hair thinking how cute her girl is. “Maman! Stop!” 
“Yes Cecilia don’t ruffle her hair.” Shaking her head she continued with getting out the tupperware and placing what needed to be placed in the fridge inside of it. 
“Mon ange, do you want to watch a movie?” The girl nodded her head and they moved to the sim room, Cecilia gave her daughter her Ipad where she chose to watch cars, ironically. An hour in Max and Cecilia played 8 tracks with 5 laps in each track, all this playing made them aware of the other’s techniques, it was different from real life, but still with similarities, Cecilia would sometimes push cars off track to try and make Max lose, and he may have cursed or gotten mad at other people but not her, he just shook his head and continued on. 
They had a late lunch break before Nattie made them play a game with her, the sugar she had in her system took a couple of hours before she crashed, Max slowly got her up from the floor where she fell asleep and carried her to the guest bedroom, after Cecilia tucked her in they moved once more to the living room, they sun had set and they had dim lights on. Max got a bottle of wine with a cheeky look on his face. He only saw Cecilia drink once and that was at her first win, never again, she would get out with them but never drink. 
“I drove here.” She whined, wanting a glass of wine.
“Then stay, Nattie is already sleeping.” Max offered and popped open the bottle.
“I don’t know.” She was unsure, she knows that her and Max have gotten closer and she knows where this friendship is heading, she talked to Charles about it once, and told her to trust her instinct and if she felt like it to go for it, but to her the thinking is different, once she became a mother her way of thinking about things changed 180 degrees, she’s not number one anymore it’s her girl. Even if you push that away, Max is amazing with Nattie that is true, but she can’t get him into that, she can’t be sure if he’ll want to be in Nattie’s life, to be a male figure and possibly a father figure. Besides they are colleagues, with jobs that are under the microscope, the moment the public finds out it will be a shit show, and if they ever broke up then what? How can she stare at him 10 months of the year knowing they had something at one point. Too many things could go wrong, and she’s not ready to put herself or her daughter’s hearts on the line.
“Don’t overthink it.” Max could tell that her mind ran with thoughts too fast for either of them to grasp it. He poured her a glass and held it out to her, reluctantly she took it and took a small sip. 
“You're a bad influence.” 
“Some would beg to differ.” He responded with his own glass, after a moment of silence, he gathered his courage and asked the question he wanted to ask the moment he found out about Nathalie. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah sure go ahead, this is good wine by the way.” Cecilia kept  her sips small, enjoying the taste.
“Is-is Thalia’s father around?” Cecilia stopped drinking, she just realised that she never talked with Max about it, Max kept his eyes on her, watching her every move waiting for a sign of discomfort. 
“He isn’t, he dipped the second I told him I was pregnant.” Cecilia sat with her legs tucked under her once again with her back to the armrest. Her elbow resting on the back of the sofa with her arm holding her head up at her temple, Max also had his back to the end of the sofa. “The fucker left me on my own in a country I know no one in and I only saw his face once since then.”
“What a fucking dickhead.” Max couldn’t understand how some men could just get a girl pregnant and dip, it takes two to tango, knowing that there’s a child out there that is half them and leave them be.
“You can say that again, anyways, he only showed up once with his lawyer, to sign away his rights and told me to keep him out of this, he did try to threaten me.” She laughed remembering the day, Max was confused why she was laughing. “My brother had him almost pissing himself, he’s rich, my ex, extremely so, but my family is richer and more influential so, with one threat to call his dad he had his tail tucked between his legs and left with no fuss.”
“Where does he live?” Max doesn’t know why he asked, maybe he wanted to see if he could find him and maybe just maybe while he’s crossing the road a little something could happen. 
“Last I heard in England, he’s British but he has family in Monaco, that’s how we met, he was older than me, thinking back now it was doomed from the start.” Cecilia leaned over and poured herself another glass, and offered to fill Max’s, he too needed another drink. “But you know what, I’d do it again just to have Nathalie, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me, she’s the reason I decided to race again.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was a teen when I got pregnant, and maybe yes I was 18 when I gave birth but I was still a teen at heart then too, you don’t just get older the instant your birthday hits, anyways I felt like a teen when I had her and I thought about quitting everything and just focus on us, but I couldn’t I didn’t want her to look back one day and see me give up when it got hard, I didn’t want her to think that having her ended my dream or that I didn’t work hard for it. No way, my mum is a housewife. Her dream was to have a family of her own, mine was to be an F1 driver.”
“Your dream was hard to achieve when you didn’t even have a child.” Max commented, all he wanted to do now is to pull her in for a long hug, to have her in his arms and protect her to help her like her ex should’ve, who’d let a woman like Cecilia slip through their fingers? A blind man in Max’s books.
“That’s true, and at times I thought that maybe I bit more than I can chew, I mean even now, with me coming fifth in the championship, Mclaren still has me on a yearly contract, and Lando got a three year contract.” Shrugging, it bothered her, Mclaren was applauded for being ‘feminists’ and accepting ‘diversity’ when they didn’t treat their drivers the same. 
“That’s not fair.” Max frowned, Cecilia just shrugged. “Well RedBull will always be happy to have you.”
“I don’t know about that, you may hate it but Mercedes is where I wish to be.” Cecilia was honest with him, she hoped to one day be part of Mercedes.
“Because of Toto?”
“Yeah, he’s married to Susie so there’s that, she’s been working for years on including more women in the sport, and he’s always had her back at that.” Cecilia explained.
“But you know he likes Lewis so much, he will place him above you when it comes to priority.” 
“Like Christain loves you, every team principal prefers one driver, but I feel like my luck there will be better, that’s why I’m going to prove to everyone that I deserve it next year.”
“I know you do.” Max found himself saying. “I’ve always believed in you.”
“Did you?” Cecilia whispered, Max nodded, her cheeks dusted pink. This is it. This is what Max wanted, he wanted to spend time with her talking, he wanted to talk to her before he fell asleep, to share their feelings and thoughts, talk about everything and anything, share things with each other they never did with anyone else. He wanted… he wants to feel less lonely when it’s late at night and he can’t fall asleep, he wants to have someone who he can speak to about everything, share his secrets with, he wants that.
“Yeah, I did, I do.” His tone matched hers, in the silence of the apartment and dim lights her light blue eyes met his darker ones in an enchanting fight, who’ll give up first, both drivers not used to giving up. Cecilia’s eyes ran down his nose to his lip and instinctively, ran her the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip witting it slightly, the tension in the room rose, Max swallowed and fought with himself to say something, change the subject, but evidently he was the loser between the two of them, he took a swing of his glass and finished it, before he leaned over and took hers placing them on the coffee table, Cecilia watched him with bated breath. Her eyes drew him in they were half closed, Max moved like a predator, a man on a mission, he inclined his face towards hers, it took her only a moment to feel his breath on her face before she pushed up and their lips met is a slow almost lazy kiss, their eyes closed as they lost themselves in the moment, her lips soft and already open, Maxed closed his lips around her bottom one, drawing her in, his nose nudged hers, and her arms moved to his hair holding him in place, afraid he’d pull back. Max’s arms moved to hold her waist and face, with the tip of his tongue he could taste the wine they just drank, deciding then that it tasted better coming from her lips.
It’s been years since Cecilia kissed someone, but she’s sure she’s never been kissed like this before. If kisses are supposed to make you feel like this, then she’s never been kissed before, the warmths of Max enveloped her and consumed her. Moving her head, she wanted more of him, wanted him to-
“Maman!” With a startled jump they pulled away from each other, Cecilia looked at Max like a deer caught in headlights, she didn’t say anything before she moved to see what her daughter wanted. She cursed herself for losing her resolve, for not sticking with her decisions, this just got messy. She hid away in the guest room with her daughter, thankfully she had her phone in her pocket and texted her mum that they’re spending the night. 
She isn’t ready to face Max in the morning.
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Next morning Cecilia wakes up and she raises her head and looks around for Nathalie but she’s nowhere to be found, slowly getting up, she doesn’t bother looking in the mirror, she slept in her jeans and shirt, yeah it wasn’t a comfortable sleep. Just as she places her hand on the knob to open the door, she remembers what happened last night. Fuck it felt so good, being this close to Max, her heart jumped and she felt all soft and tingly, she placed her forehead on the door and closes her head, reliving the moment once again. Shit, I need to focus. She bites her lip and contemplates what to do. She knows that the mature thing is to talk to Max about it and explain her feelings but she doesn’t really want to, she’s not ready to hear what he thinks.
Opening the door she hears Max talking and Nathalie laughing, following their voices she comes to the kitchen, Max was in a pair of shorts and a shirt. Watching them, Max had Nathalie mixing the eggs in a bowl that is too big, but it made it so she wouldn’t spill any of it, Nathalie was sitting on the counter, Max had one hand beside her, something she did so if Nathalie slipped she’d be able to stop her from falling.
“Like this?” Nathalie asked, looking up at the man for approval.
“Yeah, you’re doing amazing.” She wasn’t, but the answer made Nathalie very proud of herself. “What do you usually drink with breakfast?”
“Juice!” Nattie exclaimed, swinging her legs back and forth, Cecilia rolled her eyes.
“More like milk.” Cecilia interjects, she gives Nattie a look. “Don’t lie mon ange, when do you drink juice?”
“After lunch.” Nathalie answered with a pout, her shoulders dropped and she stopped mixing the eggs. 
“Why do we do that?” Cecilia asked her moving closer.
“Too much sugar is bad for you.” Nattie said the words she heard a million times before. Nattie can’t handle sugar well, if there’s no fresh juices they usually give her a small glass after she has lunch, which is her biggest meal of the day.  
“That’s right, my smart bébé.” Cecilia kisses the side of her head, and turns to look at Max, he had a smile on his face, it made Cecilia’s heart skip a beat, she looked away. “Good morning.”
“Morning, you sleep okay?” Max takes the eggs turns to the stove before he quickly finishes whisking them without Nathalie noticing, and pours it into the pan. 
“Yeah, as good as I could in jeans.” Max noticed her crumpled clothes, and her messy hair matching Nathalie’s, like mother like daughter. Cecilia combed through Nattie’s hair with her fingers taming her hair, the only thing different between them is that Nattie had curls while Cecilia’s straight/wavy.
“I can give you some clothes if you want.” Cecilia declines his offers, she planned to leave after breakfast anyway. 
“What can I help with?”  Cecilia asked.
“No momie we’re making you breakfast.” Nathalie said startling Cecilia who just raised her hands in surrender, Max laughed. Cecilia still stood by her daughter watching Max move around and give Nathalie things to do. 
They had breakfast in the kitchen, Cecilia finished eating first, she wasn’t always a fast eater but when you have a child you need to feed and also feed yourself it made her a fast eater. Max and Nattie were still eating so Cecilia took the moment to rinse the plates and place them in the dishwasher, cleaning up the kitchen.
“Mon ange get your things, we need to leave.” Cecilia called for her daughter once she finished eating, she was washing the pan Max used.
“Are we coming back soon momie?” walking to her mother with her begging look that she always used when she needed something, made Cecilia chuckle.
“Maybe.” with a pointed look the girl turned and left the kitchen with a permanent pout. She knows that Nathalie missed meeting people and just having fun with kids her age. Max is the only person she saw out of her parents and her, her brother was in Sweden, quarenting with his wife, kids and her family. 
Max silently leaned his back to the counter next to the sink, his eyes not leaving her. Cecilia tried to act like she didn’t notice, but how could she when he was standing so close, her mind flashed to the taste of his lips on hers.
“Are we going to talk about last night?” Max asked her and Cecilia didn’t answer, it isn’t very mature of her but once again she didn’t want to talk about it. “Cilia.”
“What do we need to talk about?” She decided playing dumb is the best thing to do, maybe she’s really dumb.
“Don’t do that.” Max turned off the tab and moved closer, he was serious, sighing Cecilia turned to look at him. “If you regret it, then say it, but I don’t think that you do.”
“It’s not that simple, Max and you know that.” Cecilia replied, her brows furrowed. 
“Then let’s make it simple, Cecilia, I like you, do you like me?” Cecilia’s eyes went wide, her cheeks went red, her mouth got dry and she stood there speechless. 
“It’s- max, I-I…” She stuttered feeling flustered and warm, a cocktail of emotions that she wanted to untangle, but if she does then so much would change and she doesn’t know if she's ready for that.
“I’m not asking you to marry me, do you like me? Yes or no?” Max asked once again, this time his tone is softer, full of doubt, maybe he misread the situation, maybe she was drunk(of two glasses of wine?), maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing.
“I do, I like you, but it’s not simple.” Cecilia whispered and closed her eyes, Max moved closer.
“I know that you have to think about Thalia-” She cuts him off.
“I do, but it’s not just that, Max we work together, no not together, against each other.” Cecilia said, trying to prove her point, she thought about this a lot and she talked about it with Charles, and she has a feeling that both Charles and Max saw it like each other. 
“I thought about those things too, no let me finish, your jumping to the future, since the season is postponed we have time to figure things out, we’ll take it slow, we won’t say anything to anyone and just keep it to ourselves, it wouldn’t be fair to Nathalie if we got in a relationship and then broke up a while later, as for racing, we keep work separate. You’d be happy if I won right?” Cecilia nodded, not daring to say anything. “I would be happy for you too, and that’s all we need from each other on that point, it’s simpler than you think, we’ll just take one thing at a time, you don’t have to bring Thalia with you until you’re sure we’re going to stay together, or that I’m not just playing with you and leaving, because I’m not, I’m not like your ex.”
“I know you’re not.” Cecilia mumbled, yes she doesn't want to end up heartbroken, doesn’t want her daughter to be heartbroken, but she knows Max is different.
“Then give us a chance.” Max pleaded, his hands cupping her cheeks softly, their eyes met and Cecilia’s resolve crumpled.
“Okay, yeah, let’s do it.” Max kissed her forehead softly before he let her go. They finished in the kitchen together before she and Nattie left, with a longer hug than usual, Max closed the door behind them.
His house now empty, he looked around and there was no trace of the two, it made him feel lonely, since he spent the last 24 hours with them he now felt like he was on his own, something that didn’t bother him before. When you taste something sweater and go back to how things were, it makes it harder, but he had to give it time. Dating Cecilia will be bringing so many challenges but he wasn’t one to shy away from challenges, he knows what he wants and he works his ass off to get them.
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, Landonoriss and 1,597,999 others
ceciliahansson15 photodump, what is everyone been up to? I can confidently say that the art world is lucky I chose not to be an artis😎
anyway, i hope you're all staying safe ❤️❤️
view all 10,149 comments
username1 how can you look sooooo gooood 🧎‍♀️
username2 mother is mothering so hard right now
Landonoriss I've seen your 'art', it's shit
ceciliahannson15 how dare you 🫵👊 these are lies
georgerussell63 I'll have to agree with Lando on this
ceciliahansson15 how did you see my art @/georgerussell63
georgerussell63 uh... ask @/alex_albon
alex_albon mate, why? 😬
ceciliahansson15 how did YOU see it??!!! @/alex_albon
alex_albon well you see the thing is, it was @/charles_leclerc🏃🏃
charles_leclerc not cool mate
ceciliahansson15 charles....
charles_leclerc it was Lando 🤷
landonoriss I can explain
ceciliahansson15 BLOCKED all of you @/maxverstappen1 congratulations on being my new best friend
maxverstappen1 ...thanks i guess
maxverstappen1 do i need to know what happened?
georgerussell63 no
alex_albon no
charles_leclerc no
landonoriss I'll text you
ceciliahansson15 @/landonoriss 🔫🔫
Pierregasly suddenly I'm glad I havn't checked the groupchat
liked by ceciliahansson15, danielricciardo
username5 I'm living for this comment section 😂
username6 only cecilia can get half the grid in her comments section
username7 the power cecilia holds
it's 4:45 rn so if there's any mistakes tell me
@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif  . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr . @fangirl125reader , @christianpulisic10 . @belennasif
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addisonnie · 1 year
mine for the summer
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summary: a lifeguard and a camp counselor walk into a bar…..
an: HIIIIIIIII here is part 1 of maybe 3? not sure. anywaysssss, enjoy! im working on trying to make my fics shorter because i work myself to the bone making long ass fics, so this one is going to be a few short parts rather than one long one !
warnings: cursing, there’s a camper named ‘michelle’ who is mentioned a few times, my apologies if that’s your name! you’ve got a name twin i suppose. not proofread because i’m in my lazy era (as i always have been)
Wyoming is particularly hot today. Ellie has spent much of the morning wiping sweat from her brows and detaching children from her back — they seem to be extra clingy this year. For the past four years, Ellie has donned the same red athletic shorts and matching white top with the words “CAMP COUNSELOR” across the chest in jersey font. Here she stands for the fifth summer, in the middle of an open field with children clinging to her legs, giggling like madmen.
A few other counselors sprawl across the grass, all involved in something different: capture the flag, football, and general roughhousing. One particular counselor catches her eye, though. You’re standing on the lake’s shore, donning a red bikini top and a pair of shorts that match hers, only yours say “LIFEGUARD” across the globes of your ass. She doesn’t think she recognizes you. Your hair is tied back, sunglasses cover your eyes and your skin seems to sparkle and glow under the heat of the Wyoming sun. And then, you turn around.
Ellie just about drops the child she’s holding on her back. You’d missed camp last summer due to unforeseen circumstances, and in that one year, you’d surely grown into yourself. She couldn’t deny the blush that crept up the nape of her neck as you caught her eye and immediately began waving before breaking into a full sprint toward her.
“Ellie Williams! Is that you I see?” Your voice is as sweet as it always was, Ellie blushes harder.
She carefully places the camper down before meeting you halfway, “it is! Look at you, all grown up.”
You chuckle before dragging her into a tight squeeze, “you’re only six months older, yanno.”
Ellie’s grip loosens as she pulls back to smile at you, “I’ve got to take wins where I can get them.”
The hug goes on for a few more beats, you sway side to side and squeeze Ellie a bit tighter when she moves to pull away.
“So, Williams. How you been? Joel? Sarah?”
She smiles a little wider at the mention of her family, “good. We’ve been good. Sarah actually just got engaged, so the wedding is soon. You’re invited, by the way.”
Your jaw drops in shock and you lightly smack at Ellie’s bicep, “engaged! I didn’t even know the bitch was dating!”
“We have a lot to catch up on—“
Her words are cut short by a shrill scream of your name, “Get back to the lake! We’re playing chicken and you're my teammate!”
The shout was followed by you being dragged away by several young girls, straight back toward where you came from. You maintained eye contact with Ellie as you were dragged toward the shore and shouted back at her, “come find me later!”
Ellie smiled and nodded.
Ellie hated kids, that much she’d admit. However, if you asked her how she felt about her campers, don’t act surprised when a slight smile brushes across her face — only for a few seconds. Friday night at Camp Silver Lake called for a massive camp-wide bonfire, chock-full of s’mores, hotdogs, and some classic campfire songs.
Ellie is sitting on a log in front of the fire while she watches you over the burning embers, a couple of gangly kids are wrapped around you like a jungle gym; You giggle and attempt to shake off their sticky fingers.
“Ellie. I will give you five whole dollars if you play campfire song song from Spongebob. Five. Whole. Dollars.” One of Ellie’s campers stood at the front of a gaggle of children with her hands clasped together as if she was praying.
“Michelle. Mickey. My beloved Mickster, five dollars isn’t enough. Make it ten and do my laundry for a week.”
Michelle squints at Ellie and purses her lips, “ten bucks and I won’t tell miss lifeguard over there that you have a crush on her.���
Ellie splutters out a cough and looks up at Michelle with wide eyes, “I do not!”
“Oh, please. You’re so whipped for her she’s practically got your balls in her back pocket. Ten. Bucks. Oh—! Here she comes.”
Ellie scoffs’ “language!” eliciting an eye-roll and a a $10 bill slapped onto Ellie’s naked thigh before she happily skips away, winking at you and ignoring the confused look on your face.
“What’s Mickey so excited about? Someone fall out of that tree again? She thought it was reaaaal funny when I did the other day.” Ellie laughs and pats the open space next to her, “something about me playing the Spongebob campfire song. Really gets her going, I guess.”
Your eyes light up like a kid in a candy shop, “I fuckin’ love that song!”
The tips of your fingers squeeze at Ellie’s thigh and she blushes wildly, hoping she can blame the flush on the heat of the roaring fire nearby, “that would be so fun, you have to! Oh— also, will you hand me that cup? The red solo, it’s mine.”
Ellie smiles and pats the top of your hand with hers, “If you’re good I’ll dedicate it to you.”
She misses the way your cheeks burn red while she turns to grab your drink, “here you—hey! Chill out with throwing that ball by the fire! You’re gonna hit someone.”
A chorus of “sorry Ellie” rings out from the crowd of campers and she grunts, turning back to face you.
“Sorry about that, here’s your drink. Jungle juice?”
You laugh and nudge her with your shoulder, “I wish. Try fruit punch.”
She watches you sip from the cup and swallows harshly while you maintain eye contact over the rim. Her fingers itch and tingle, and before she knows it her pointer finger is tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. She wishes she could find a wildflower somewhere to place with it; All she sees is dirt and grass. Could she tuck a piece of grass behind your ear? Probably not.
Her thoughts are cut short by a yelp and a quick wet splash, leaving her forearm just slightly sticky. A football sits in your lap along with an empty solo cup, the contents appearing soaked into your white tank top.
“Oh, fuck. I told them to stop throwing that ball over here. C’mon, we can go get you cleaned up. Fuck, I’m sorry. Shit.” Ellie is cursing and mumbling like a madman as she grabs your waist and yanks you from the log you were sitting on.
“Geez—Ellie! It’s fruit punch! You’re acting like I got shot.” She huffs and squeezes your hip, “whatever. I’ll take you to my cabin, you can borrow a shirt and I’ll wash this one.”
You smirk to yourself as her pointer finger hooks into the belt loop of your shorts, Ellie dragging you behind her as she angrily marches to her cabin.
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3cremepie3 · 1 year
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Jade Leech x reader Smut/ fluff 18+
Synopsis- After taking a fall down the mountain Jade takes care of you! Quiet loving sex with the leech bro.
A/n- I just realized I didn’t write for him. So after weeks of writing and editing here he is. Also p.s this is long ash.
Warnings - mentions of injury, slight dark humor, saliva, multiple creampies, cursing, overall sloppy sex, sweat, strange dick shape
“Welcome Y/n.” Jade smiled down at you waiting underneath a large tree. “Hi, Jade.” You huffed out of breath from the long trail you had to walk to get here. “Don’t tell me you're tired already that wasn’t even a quarter of the way to our destination?”
“Nah that was nothing.” You lied trying to catch your breath. “While then let’s start walking,” you cheered!” You leaped over a large log and onto the walkway. Your boots squeaked as you walked through the numerous muddy paths.
“Thank god I found these at ramshackle,” you noted. “Yes to do these activities you have to have a sturdy pair of footwear,” Jade spoke. “I made that mistake my first time walking up here.” His voice was almost drowned out by a nearby stream so he spoke louder.
“I could barely stand while working at the Lounge the next day.” I know Azul probably didn’t let you have a break either,” you added. “You guessed right but luckily I didn’t have a shift the after so I was okay.” Just let me know if you need a break alright?”
“Right,” you nodded. Jade took note while you both walked even though you saw these same rocks and tree’s over and over. “How do you have so much to write down?” It’s the same scene over and over again.”
“Maybe I’ll find something new one day it’s always good to keep a new perspective on things.” Like, let’s use this rock.” He bent down and picked up a rock. At first, I thought it was a metamorphic rock that’s very common.” But looking closely I can see it’s a sandstone which is still common but still you get the point.”
“So it’s always good to keep an eye out?” Yes, try to find me something pretty we need better pictures.” Will do!” Now your eyes were scanning every surface. You thought of picking up a frog but it leaped away. Then you pointed to a bird but it flew away.
A bunch of mushrooms hung off a branch so you were gonna point those out but he said something that was living. “Ooo found something!” You went to grab the beautiful creature. “Stay just like that don’t move a muscle,” Jade demanded. You did as follows so he could snap a pic. It flew off of you going back to its business. “Come look Y/n.” Aww!” You gushed looking at the butterfly that landed on your nose.
“This is perfect for our club poster,” Jade chuckled. “Hell yeah it is I found you two pretty things,” you joked. “Yup you’ll attract more club members.” Am I that fine?” Yes, are you blind to others' attraction to you?”
“I must because I had not one clue I was the “It girl” or whatever you want to call me.” Do you think everyone just asked you to come to their club meetings with no motive?” You thought back to all the proposals people had given you over the months. You were even allowed to attend their events if you wanted to.
“I thought that they just wanted my company?” I’m a good friend once you get to know me,” you pleaded. “Well you never come so they wouldn’t know that.” Not true I’m here with you today,” you called into question. “Now I can brag to Floyd about this his mood is sure to sour.” I wasn’t ever gonna go to basketball with sweaty high schoolers that are gonna yell at me when I miss. That seems like an absolute nightmare.”
“Yeah they wouldn’t go easy on you,” he chuckled. But I’m glad you're here with me.” Yes even though you scare me sometimes well most of the time!” I still rather be in this club than anyone else’s.” Thanks for coming y/n. For a long time, I thought I would always be alone. But somehow I’ve gained a companion.”
“Yup for now on I’ll be the best partner you can ask for Jade.” Y/n there’s something else I’ve been wanting to ask you.” You paused your actions to look back at him. Before he could speak his expression seriously you got distracted by the rain. It started to fall suddenly and heavily like a blanket of snow. “Does it usually rain on this mountain?” Yes, that’s why I brought these.”
He handed you a yellow poncho. “Up ahead there should be a resting area we can wait there until the rain clears.” Okay, let’s get there fast my boots are getting soaked.” You dashed ahead of him not focused on your footing. “Wait it’s slippery up there L/n!” He tried his best to warn you but it was too late. You already slipped on the stone steps. “Fuck why did I wear high waters!” You cussed looking at the gash in your leg.
“I’ll clean up your wound soon.” For now, let me carry you.” Are you sure I’m pretty heavy,” you warned. “There’s nothing to worry about,” he shushed you. Afterward, you didn’t protest as he picked you up bridal style. Despite the added weight, his steps were stable and he didn’t slip. “I'm sorry Jade I didn’t mean to be dead weight.”
“We got our mission accomplished so I don’t mind.” Besides you’re not heavy.” He bounced you up and down in his arms. “Ah,” you screamed thinking you were gonna fall down the hill. “I forget how strong you and your brother are.” You could probably deadlift Jack.” He didn’t look anywhere near tired even after bringing you further to the rest stop.
Which you now saw was a supply shed. He dropped you on a recliner that was in the corner. “This is your idea of a rest stop?”
“Yes now Stay still,” he directed. He pulled a small first aid kit out of his backpack. “At least someone came prepared.” You laughed at yourself who only brought your outfit and a half-eaten granola bar. “I always get hurt while up here.” Especially when I was newer like you I scraped my legs a lot.” I know just the thing to treat your injuries.”
He pulled out a small bottle of alcohol. “This is going to sting .” He explained to you all while holding that same unreassuring smile. “Wait!” I’m scared.” Sorry I know I’m such a baby,” you frowned. “This has to happen Y/n I’ll be here to guide you through it.” Fine just do it,” you blurted.
He began to pour the alcohol on the scrape. You grabbed his hand out of instinct squeezing tight on the large and long fingers of his. “All done.” He patched you up thoroughly then leaned your leg on the chair. “I think we should stay here until morning.” My weather predictor says there’s gonna be a storm.”
The whole time he was talking you couldn’t focus since you just now realized you were holding his hand. “Such a gentleman,” you spoke aloud. “What was that,” he interrupted. “I didn’t think I said that so loud… but I did mean it.” Thanks for all your help Jade I would’ve probably had to camp in some tree stump if you weren’t here.”
“I’m not so good at taking care of myself. But your pretty caring I can see that in the way you treat Floyd.” Thank you that was nice of you Y/n and… “About that thing earlier Y/n that I was trying to tell you.” Oh yeah, you weren’t able to finish I’m sorry that I interrupted you.” No problem as long as your listening now.” He clasped his other hand over both of yours encasing them with warmth. “I didn’t need your help to take pictures for the club.” I brought you out here for another reason.”
Silence filled the shack and the only thing you could hear was the rain tap in the background. “You brought me in these secluded woods to eat me?” You joked thinking it was funny but other questions ran through your mind. What was he planning to do with you? Was Jade asking you out? Your mind couldn’t even process it correctly. You stayed frozen in shock for a minute before his lips on one of your knuckles brought you back to earth.
“I hope you can find it in you to answer me.” It doesn’t have to be soon I’ll wait however long it takes.” Wait you’re serious Jade this isn’t some rude prank or scheme you and Azul boiled up?” No, I would never go as far as I plan to go with you,” he admitted.
“Just how far do you plan to go?” You smirked catching his flirtatiousness. “If your comfortable I wanted to try third base?” But today I’ll only be servicing you, my sweetheart.” He leaned over on the corner of the chair to kiss you.
While doing so his hands trailed down lifting your legs to each side of the chair. He sat up then squeezed himself in between your legs. Now he was impossibly closer smothering you into a drool-sharing kiss. You could feel him smile against you as you begged for air against him. But his tongue held you in a tight lock.
Your hands clasped his hair and your legs locked around his back. For a moment you even forgot about your injury blinded by lust. Finally, you broke apart. Worn out from the heat of the moment your leg dropped remembering the pain it once beard.
Jade looked at you one last time for permission before sliding your pants off. If only you’d known you would’ve worn your cutest panties. But Jade didn’t seem to give a damn after kissing your clit through them. “I did bring you deep in the woods for this.” Somewhere far where I know no one will bother us.”You shivered at the straightforward action while he laughed finding you too sensitive for your good.
“Try to stay still,” he directed. Even after his direction, you were still squirming in his strong grasp as he liked up your panties. His fingers lightly followed the path he made. Your underwear was completely drenched in your essence by the time he pulled them to the side. If he didn’t have patience he would’ve torn them off but he much preferred to keep their ruin so he could use them later.
He spat a globe that rolled down to your fluttering hole. You watched his every move your body reacting to every movement of his in anticipation. He paused completely his fingers just a few centimeters from your clit. He wouldn’t be a leech if he wasn’t at least a bit malicious. The noises falling out of your mouth were embarrassing. Jade could tell how uneasy you felt as his other hand worked his way up your shirt.
Your bra soon fell on the chair. You gripped the sides for support so your hands wouldn’t tangle in his hair. You wanted nothing more than to slam his head down on your cunt. You could feel his heavy breathing as his sight focused on yours.
“Please I can’t wait any longer,” you groaned. If you didn’t have such a grip on the chair then you would’ve touched yourself by now. “You’re so impatient.” You just really want my tongue that bad huh?” Yes please, I need you.”
“Just wait a little longer.” He kissed the area around your hole. You waited for what felt like forever you were even more soaked than the ground outside by now. You couldn’t wait for another second his smooching was too stimulating. Your hands moved from the side of the chair and into his hair.
You would probably come to regret it later but for now, you needed the pleasure. He groaned his supply of air being cut off since you stuffed him in your fat cunt. “Ahh finally,” you whined. “You’ll come to regret this later once I start I won’t stop.”
He wasn’t lying he licked you in all the places you needed until you were creaming all over his tongue. The first time you felt good your orgasm was powerful. You tightened the grip on his hair. The second time felt odd to you. Never before had you been so sensitive after an orgasm.
Your clit which he rolled around meticulously was now throbbing. “This feels weird.” You mewled feeling a new sensation rocking through your body. “Just let it all out no need to hold back.” Your body began to spasm your back arched off the chair and your head fell back. You hadn’t realized what you’d done until you looked down at Jade's ruined face.
“Ah, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make a mess.” You tried your best to help him reaching for a shirt to dry him off. But his grip on your legs tightened. He forced them back open again and began to feast. Maybe it was the merman in him but he loved it when you squirted. So he was gonna make it happen again.
Only this time his fingers filled your hole pumping you while his thumb rubbed on your overworked clit. He moved them faster and faster until the familiar feeling came back to you. “So good! So good, so good,” you chanted. He was hitting a spot you never thought you could reach.
Your juices dripped down his fingers but he didn’t care continuing to pump in and out of you. “Wow, I can’t believe it’s possible to get this wet.” You're making a mess everywhere but it’s nothing I can’t lick up.” It took you until now to notice his tongue wasn’t normally shaped. You couldn’t tell since you’ve never gotten head before. It was long and pointy enough to make your toes curl as it filled you.
He switched in and out with his tongue and his fingers his pace was slow. But the preciseness of it all had your legs crushing his head in between your thighs. Another orgasm hit you and he achieved his goal of making you squirt again. “I don’t think I can cum anymore.” That’s an impossible statement Y/n of course you can still cum look at how you're taking my fingers.”
Despite your begging, he didn’t let up erasing orgasm after orgasm out of you. You lost count of how many times you came your mind turning to mush. The sounds of your lovesong intensified as did the thunder that almost shattered the window. But you knew you were safe in his grasp. Your body jolted with each vibration his tongue let out.
You bit your hand embarrassed by the sounds you were making. But he removed your hand from your mouth. If you had to hear his groans as he ate you out he wanted to hear your reactions too. “Let me hear how good I make you feel.” Or I’ll stop altogether,” he threatened.
“No please don’t stop,” you begged. If you could feel this good just from his fingers how would his dick feel? It was all you could think about. You became unaware of your surroundings letting the pleasure take over.“I need you to fuck me.” Please I’m begging you!” Anyone walking nearby could probably hear you scream these slutty statements but you couldn’t care. Not when he complied pulling away from you. His face was smeared with your juices and his hair was ruffled. He looked a mess but nowhere near as worse as you.
Your mascara was running down your face for quite a few years fell. Also, your lips were swollen to perfection to him they looked biteable. And your body was hot and flushed with sweat it added a glow like no other to your beautiful skin. However, at the moment you couldn’t find a reason to hate it. Maybe the moonlight and the rain consumed you. Or maybe it was the kiss he pulled you in. The aftertaste was strong this time since you could taste it yourself.
“I have something to share with you before we continue.” What’s that Jade,” you said hastily. “My dick is different than most people.” It’s one part of me that only half changed when I turned human. That’s why I didn’t want to just pull it out.”
“You’ve already excepted every imperfection of mine.” So, of course, I’ll accept yours baby.” His smile returned to his face. He was quick to pull his cock out his pre dribbled on your thigh.“Okay,” you huffed. You were hesitant he was large as you expected but way thicker than you could handle. His cock had ridges that you could feel as your fingers traced. As you felt it he began to get slimy.
“I can’t wait much longer Y/n are you ready?” I- I don’t know if I can handle this.” I made you lose enough now relax love.” He slipped his cock into you after a little resistance. Immediately you tensed the stretch knocking the air out of your lungs. But after a few of his sloppy strokes, you felt good. Your cunt which had previously been prepared was now slimy with his slick.
“How are you feeling Y/n?” He already knew the answer by your face. Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head. He was hitting so deep inside that you began to see white. It didn’t take long for you to cum. He was quick to follow. His cum flowed back in and out of you as he continued to fuck you threw his orgasm.
Your body collapsed to the side of the chair. He lifted your leg so he could still have access to you’re drowning cunt. His strokes were slow and his hips snapped forward once your cunt craved more. You were both still sensitive from your highs that occurred not even a couple of minutes ago; consequently, the round was short.
The base of his cock was covered in a ring of your cream. Things weren’t only looking sloppy but they sounded sloppy. The sound of wet smacking filled the walls. Your body was tired but somehow you were able to keep up with his thrust throwing your ass back on his toned body. You didn’t having speak since you were able to see every emotion he wanted to convey through his smile.
He littered your neck with kisses and you littered his body with scratches. You would have felt bad but he didn’t care. The pain was nothing to him all he could feel were you milking him dry. His dick throbbed inside you. You could feel each vain and ride budge as he came inside you once again.
“I can't stop now not ever,” he whispered. “Please stay with me and take it.” His hand moved your head which was rolling back to his. “Don’t pass out I know it feels good but you gotta stay with me.” He spoke while thrusting into you. Your body was overstimulated each time he moved you gushed at him.
This continued after you moved through many positions. it didn’t matter how outlandish they were as long as he could see your face. Your injuries weren’t considered they couldn’t matter right now. “It’s too dark to leave we would get stranded.” He decided but you could tell it was just an excuse to stay with you and keep making love.
Before you knew it the morning had swept over you both. You awoke both of you collapsed in the chair. You were cockwarming him so you removed yourself from the previous rounds of cum he loaded into you dripping out.
“So this wasn’t a dream,” you confirmed. “Well, I’m glad I slipped!”
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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“Y/n hurry up we’re gonna be late” bella called out to me
“Okay give me a second” I ran down the stairs pulling on my jacket and shoes and she went and got in the truck
The engine roared making me laugh to myself and the horrific sound
I jumped in and we were off, I always loved forks, I never wanted to leave but Bella didn’t want to live away from me, so I decided to visit dad at least twice a year, after bella stopped going I still went, I always felt like I lived in her shadow, she always got all the attention and I was just kinda….there
But hopefully now I can reconnect with some of the La push people again, when I’d visit with dad I’d hang around Leah, Seth and Jacob, sometimes the others but they made me nervous sometimes
Bella was the awkward one while I was the shy one, I liked being with people but I couldn’t seem to ever start the conversation out of fear of what might happen, it was silly but I couldn’t help it, hopefully being around those rowdy boys might help break me out of that
As we drove down to Jacobs house, the beautiful forest flashing past, I knew I was always meant to be here, for some reason I always had this pull and connection the La push, I’d come and sit on the beach or walk through the forest and just feel at peace
We pulled up to the little red house I loved to see, I jumped out and ran over to where Billy and Jacob were, this is the first time I’ve seen them since moving back
“Billy! Jacob! I missed you guys!” I said yelling in excitement as I finally reached them
“Y/n you’re here! It’s so good to see you” billy smiled as he motioned me into a hug, I bent down and he squeezed me tight, he was always like a second dad here
I pulled back and looked back over at Jake
“Woah what happened to your hair man?” I said as I ruffled his short hair
“It’s new, not my favorite but it needed the chop” he said but I somehow felt like he was lying
“Now come on the elders should be here soon” billy said as Jacob started pushing him to fire
“Wait what? Elders? Are we allowed to be here?” I asked nervous, not wanting to intrude
“Oh it’s fine, we invited you so you’re more than welcome” Jake said as we finally got to the fire
I felt relieved, Bella sat down next to Jacob but they was only enough room on the log for them so I didn’t know where to sit, I glanced around looking for a spot
Interrupted by Seth, he ran up to me pulling me into a hug
“Y/n! Why didn’t you call and say you’re here, me and Leah missed you, we were sad when you didn’t move back with Bella”
“Sorry I wanted to move back, I never wanted to move away in the first place but my mom needed help with somethings before I could come back, I missed you guys too though” I said as I moved over seeing Leah and giving her a hug, she didn’t seem like her old self but she did seem excited to see me
“Finally another girl around to talk to” she smiled
“I’m glad because the people in forks don’t seem to like to make friends”
“Well you’re always welcome at la push” Seth said, he was almost jumping out of his skin
I went back to looking for a seat when I saw an open spot neck to a guy I remember as Paul, I always remember when he’d be around I’d always get butterflies in my stomach but never really thought too much about it until now
The light from the fire was glowing on his skin, his smile was so nice, he has become so handsome, he was even more buff now
I took a deep breathe and walked over to him
“Hey do you mind if I sit here?” I asked before I sat down
He looked up at me but froze, there was this look in his eyes like he never wanted to look away, I was usually uncomfortable with this amount of eye contact but….I loved it, I sat next to him without breaking contact, I didn’t even care what was happening around us
“Paul you good?” I heard Sam call, breaking us both out of our trance
“Oh uh sorry” he said
“It’s okay, how’ve you been Paul? I haven’t seen you in so long?”
“Good just the usual here, glad you’re here” he smiled and the butterflies erupted again
“I’m glad I’m here too, you cut your hair too” I frowned as I brushed my fingers through his hair, gently tracing down to his cheek, noticing how he leaned into my touch
Billy went on to tell the history of the tribe, it was so interesting, I looked at Paul again noticing his he sat closer to me, seeing how all the boys were so entranced by the story, sure it was an amazing story but for these boys to be so entertained made me think that this story might be real
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Bonus Track #2
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Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (18+)
AN: Did I say two parts? I meant three lol. (It got too long, I’m sorry.) 
Word Count: 4,300 Tags/Warnings: Angst, supernatural shenanigans, death…
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Bonus Track #2: One Last Hunt
“Okay, try not to panic,” Sam said. Dean had him on the phone while he sped through town in the Impala. 
“I’m coming now, but I won’t get there for a few hours,” Sam said. “My flight leaves in 20 minutes.”
“Thanks, man, but I can’t afford to wait,” Dean said. “She fucking disappeared. I don’t see her anywhere…I’m gonna have to start at her job. That’s where she first took off from.”
“How did she seem this morning?”
“Fine, I guess. I left before she woke up,” Dean said. He still felt guilty about the fact that he didn’t bother waking you up to say goodbye. 
“Okay, yeah, start at the museum,” Sam said. “Let me know what you find, and I’d loop in Bobby. Probably Jack too.”
“Bobby’s meeting me there…but we don’t need to bring in Jack yet.”
“Dean, he’s her dad—”
“This isn’t his thing. It’s ours,” Dean said firmly. “If it’s a demon, I’m gonna find her and exorcize that son of a bitch.”
Sure enough, Bobby met Dean at the museum where you worked. The old man was worried, Dean could tell, even if he wouldn’t say it. But he knew the drill: now they had a job to do.
“I’ll go in first, flash my badge,” Dean said. “Meet me in the library.”
“Roger that,” Bobby agreed. 
Dean had a decent rapport with your boss, Jerry. When he explained that you were actually missing, Jerry was concerned for your wellbeing instead of irate that you’d taken a very valuable book from the museum. 
It gave Dean a theory to lie about on the fly: that you’d been mugged and taken hostage, presumably by someone who might’ve wanted to steal the ancient text. 
“How ancient are we talking exactly?” Dean asked.
Jerry gave him a look. “Ancient Egypt.”
He showed you the inventory log on the new shipment you were supposed to compile into the system. The title missing from the rest was called The Eye of Ra. 
“All right. Thanks, Jerry,” Dean said. “Anything else you can tell me about this book?”
“It’s a recording of the great deeds of the Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses,” Jerry explained. “It was said to be touched by Ra himself.”
Touched by Ra, Dean mused. Ain’t that just fucking swell. 
Whatever happened to you, Dean knew it was because you touched that book.
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For the next few hours, Dean and Bobby worked together on deeper research in the library. Now that they had a starting point, Bobby was able to find some intel. 
“The Eye of Ra was actually a nickname,” he said, earning Dean’s attention. “For Sekhmet, their goddess of war.”
Dean’s brows furrowed at that. “Why’s it never the goddess of peace and fucking tranquility?”
“Among other things, she was the daughter of Ra,” Bobby said, raising a wry brow. “And she was known as the bringer of plagues and death…and sometimes healing. Go figure.”
Fucking hell, Dean thought sourly. This was getting worse by the minute. 
“Okay, what does this have to do with the book?” he asked. Though he had some idea.
“Well, she ain’t been alive in a millennium. But she had a husband. The god Ptah, a craftsman,” Bobby said. “According to this, when he was eventually killed, she sealed her soul away until she could find a way to rescue him from the underworld…I’ve gotta think she sealed it in that book.”
Dean sighed, rubbing the now aching spot between his brows. An ancient Egyptian goddess was most likely possessing his fiancé. 
And it was much worse than it sounded on paper.
“Okay, which means she’ll be looking for a way to bring back her husband,” he said. “So how do we find her?” 
Just then, the police radio buckled to Dean’s belt sounded off. When he listened closely, his eyes grew wide. It was a report of five murders committed at a nearby gas station. 
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Dean pulled up to the local 7-Eleven. Bobby was on the way, but he’d been caught up in traffic while Dean was allowed to use his police siren to his advantage. 
He then used his badge clearance to get behind the yellow tape and over to Jack, who was still on duty. 
Dean stepped inside the gas station and surveyed the brutal scene: the nice old man who owned the place, plus four patrons were lying dead. 
Their skin was covered with boils.
Jack wore a disconcerted frown along with his crossed arms in his police jacket. 
“It’s almost…biblical,” he remarked. 
Dean knew just how right he was. Jack seemed to know that too when he glanced over.
“Is this your kind of thing?” he asked. 
Dean nodded. “I might know what’s going on here. Let’s check the security footage…but no one else can see it but you and me.”
Jack nodded, leading Dean to the back of the store. Jack was shocked by what he found in the footage. Dean watched grimly, but not surprised as you came into the frame. You tilted your head at the owner, who seemed to ask you something. 
You raised a hand, and with a flare of magic, everyone in the station was cowering and screaming as a plague of boils covered their bodies, and eventually ended their lives. 
“Christ,” Jack gasped. “What the hell—”
“It’s not her,” Dean told him. “She’s being possessed. I’ll handle this, Jack. Just make sure this footage gets buried, along with whatever prints she might’ve left behind.”
Jack barely had time to agree. As if that kind of thing was so easy. He called after Dean as he took off out of the station. 
Dean didn’t see Bobby yet when he got outside, but he didn’t have time to wait. 
However, he did spot someone familiar hanging out in front of the department store across the street. Dean jogged across and raised a hand to flag down Jessie Deluca. 
The kid was gnawing on what looked like a melting Butterfinger. He groaned in annoyance when he saw Dean coming.
“Not you again,” he muttered.
“Yeah, me again,” Dean said. “You been standing out here long?”
“Look, grandpa. I’m just chillin’ here,” the kid sassed. It sparked Dean’s irritation, as well as his impatience.
“I don’t give two shits if you’re contemplating the great Butterfinger Heist of 2008, all right?” Dean pointed back to the gas station. “You see that?”
Jessie’s expression faded from some of its assholeness, becoming more solemn. “Yeah, I heard someone died or something.”
“That’s right,” Dean nodded. “Did you see anyone walk out of the station?”
“No,” Jessie said. But Dean could tell it was a reflex, not the truth. 
“Listen, Jessie. I need your help,” he said, more earnestly. “I’m trying to find someone. So if you know anything, I need you to tell me right now. Please.” 
Dean stared down in the kid’s brown eyes. Eventually, Jessie relented. 
“When I came out of the store here, I saw some business lady walk out. I think, after it had all just gone down,” Jessie confessed. “She looked fine.”
Dean sighed and nodded. “Okay. What’d she look like?”
“Uh…black skirt. Great legs,” Jessie said, his lips curving a little. Dean raised a brow. 
“Anything else?” he asked wryly. 
“White blouse, heels…actually, she kinda looked familiar,” Jessie added as he thought harder about it. 
“Good. Now tell me what direction she went in,” Dean said. Jessie nodded and pointed him down the street. 
“I think she went down there. I saw her turn the corner.”
“Where? What street?” 
“Dude, I don’t know!”
“Then show me,” Dean insisted. He grabbed Jessie by the shoulder and guided him forward. The kid looked annoyed, but he begrudgingly agreed to lead him down the street. The two of them walked brusquely, with Jessie trying to match Dean’s longer strides. 
Dean glanced over at his companion, who was still working on his Butterfinger. 
“When’s the last time you ate something that wasn’t covered in chocolate?” he asked. Jessie didn’t look at him when he shrugged. His winter jacket hung off his skinny shoulders, making him look ten rather than thirteen. Dean’s heart twinged.
“Listen, next time you’re itching to knock over a department store for KitKats, come by the station,” Dean said. “Find me or my partner Jody Mills. Or even my boss, Jack. We’ll get you a burger or something.”
Jessie briefly looked up at him, but all too soon, his gaze returned to the ground. 
“What do you care?” he said. 
“Maybe I know something about having to fend for yourself,” said Dean. “Sometimes going hungry, not knowing when somebody’s gonna come back for you.”
Jessie’s jaw clenched. He didn’t answer, but Dean hoped he’d gotten through to him.
Jessie led him around the corner at the street he thought he saw you turn down. He and Dean didn’t have to walk too much farther before he found you through the window of a bakery, of all things. 
“What the hell?” Dean muttered.
He pulled Jessie to the wall by the window for safety, but both of them snuck a peek inside. 
You were once again wielding magic to spread a plague of boils across an entire room of screaming, agonized patrons just trying to get their donuts and cream pies. 
Jessie started to utter a cry of alarm, but Dean quickly covered the kid’s mouth with his hand and pulled him back to his side. Dean waited, stock still, until the screaming inside the bakery subsided.
He looked down at Jessie and raised a finger to his lips. Though he was scared, Jessie nodded. Dean led him around the corner into an alley beside the bakery.  
“What…the fuck was that?” Jessie hissed. 
“Keep your voice down,” Dean warned. 
Then suddenly, it donned on the kid as he looked up at Dean. “Oh, shit. That’s your freakin’ girlfriend.”
Dean let out a sharp sigh. “It’s not her…exactly.”
He knew Jessie didn’t understand. Dean sighed again and grasped Jessie’s shoulders. 
“Look, you’re right to be scared. There’s something evil in there…that’s why I’ve gotta save her,” he said. “Now you, you’re gonna run. And don’t look back until you’re home, got it?”
After a moment, Jessie nodded shakily. Dean nodded back, patting him firmly on his shoulders. 
“Good man,” he said. “Okay, scram.”
Jessie seemed reluctant, like he felt some type of way about leaving Dean behind. But at Dean’s encouraging look, Jessie took off running. Dean hoped he headed straight home.
Then, rolling his shoulders, Dean braced himself. He drew his gun, which was filled with silver bullets. He didn’t think it would work on an Egyptian goddess, nor did he want to pull a gun on you. But for the threat of it alone, he would have to draw it with the safety on. 
He entered the bakery, where you were perusing the selections with a dispassionate look. All around you was death. 
But you perked up when Dean entered, eyeing him curiously in recognition. 
“Feelin’ a snack?” he asked. 
“I have been asleep for a very long time,” you replied, holding up a pastry. “What is this confection?”
“Cherry Danish,” Dean supplied. “You’re Sekhmet, right?” 
Your lips twitched. “You know of me?”
“I do now,” he said, carefully stepping further into the bakery with his gun pointed down, avoiding stepping on the bodies. He noticed the book you left closed on the counter. The goddess saw him noticing. Her gaze cut to him in amusement.
“Why’d you kill these people?” Dean asked. “Didn’t bow down at the right angle?”
“Among all of my brothers and sisters, I alone was favored by my father,” she said, “because my job was to balance the world, between life and the afterlife.”
Sekhmet brushed her fingers against a glass case, and with a small spark of magic, the glass cracked into thousands of fractals, but didn’t shatter. 
“And I did exceedingly well at this,” she said. “Though I see that my work has been undone. This world is rife with imbalance.”
“Mass genocide. Nice,” Dean quipped. “But that’s not all you want, is it?”
Sekhmet’s head tilted at him with reluctant interest. 
“I heard you’re looking for your husband, who went an offed himself,” he added. 
The goddess’s lips pursed and she slapped a hand on the glass counter, making it shatter. Dean turned and shielded his eyes with his arm. By the time he recovered, Sekhmet was coming around the counter. He took a few cautious steps in the opposite direction.
“My husband was unjustly slain by the very people who once worshipped us in droves,” she said, her tone exacting and harsh. Her eyes, however, were heavy with fury and pain. 
“He was an artist. A creator in purest form…his talents were wasted on this abomination of a world,” she said, with disgust at her surroundings. But as soon as her anger came, it diffused into exasperation. 
She picked up a glazed donut and took a bite, crossing her arms. She hummed in delight, making Dean’s brows raise. 
“Well, I can help you find him,” Dean said. It was a bluff, to be sure, but it still earned Sekhmet’s attention.
“Can you?” she asked in amusement. She didn’t believe him. Yet. But she drew closer to Dean, tilting her head just so. All the while, Dean inched towards the far end of the counter where The Eye of Ra had fallen to the ground. 
“And after, you let my girl go,” he said.
“You know of a way to reach the Underworld?” Sekhmet’s gaze roamed over him in disdain. “Unlikely.”
“Well, I’d call it a gate to Hell. But same difference, right?” Dean quipped.
The second he tried to reach down for the book, however, Sekhmet pinned him in place with a vibrant amber coil of magic. Dean grunted as she forced him to the ground, onto his knees between the bodies of a young man and woman, likely a couple. 
The goddess stopped in front of him, looking down at his face with interest. 
“Dean Winchester, as you are called. I understand why you continue to display such reckless judgment, all but throwing your very life at my feet,” she said. Her lips curved knowingly. “I hold your lover, correct?”
She harshly grabbed his cheek in her hand, and Dean glared in response. She seemed to ponder something as she considered him.
“Soon to be your wife,” she realized.
And Dean had a feeling she was in your head, sorting through your thoughts and memories like any demon would. He didn’t know what was worse: the thought of you being awake in there, unable to fight this bitch’s hold, or if Sekhmet had completely taken over your body and shut you away. 
“Just let her go,” Dean said, almost pleading. “You can have me. I won’t even fight you.”
“Such self-sacrifice,” she said. “The only noble act humans are capable of.”
Before she could decide whether to kill him, or keep him for further amusement, the front door of the bakery swung open.
Bobby came in first, followed closely by Sam and Eileen. 
Bobby was holding a damn crossbow, which he aimed and shot off at Sekhmet. It was a warning shot, just grazing her shoulder. But it burned her with a sting of flesh that made her hiss in pain. She glared up at Bobby, and after grabbing the book before Sam could, she disappeared in a whirlwind of magic.
The coil holding Dean in place shattered, allowing Dean to catch his break and get to his feet, with Sam’s help. Dean had to admit, it was good to see his brother. 
“You okay?” Sam asked. Dean reached over and pat the other man’s shoulder. 
“I’m good,” he said, though with a sigh that belied his weariness. “Hey, Eileen. Thanks for making it to the party.”
The pretty brunette offered him a sympathetic smile, rubbing his arm. “We came as soon as we could.”  
Dean nodded and turned to Bobby, who still held his crossbow. He wasn’t happy about the old man shooting at you, but he recognized that it had saved his life.
“Why’d that thing hurt her?” he asked. 
“The arrow’s dipped in a potent mix of salt from the Dead Sea…and Egyptian wine, among other things,” Bobby replied. 
Dean frowned in confusion. “Why the fuck?”
“According to the lore, Sekhmet could be subdued with alcohol,” Sam explained. 
“Great, we’ll just get her drunk and all our problems will be solved,” Dean quipped dryly. He grabbed the radio from his belt. His gaze returned to the dead bodies on the floor with dismay. 
“I’ve gotta call this in. Bobby, get the security tapes.”
After Dean finished calling in the deaths to his precinct, he shared a disheartened look with Sam, who grasped his shoulder in support.
“We’re gonna find her, all right?”
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They regrouped at Bobby’s house once Jack took over at the bakery. Now the three men and Eileen were congregated in the living room, trying to decide on their next move. 
“You told her about the Hell gate?!” Sam said incredulously. 
“Damn it, Dean!” Bobby slapped the coffee table in exasperation. 
“All right, lay off! I was improvising under fucking duress,” Dean snapped. “At least we know where she’ll probably go next, assuming she finds out where the gate is.”
“She’s a goddess, Dean. One of the oldest and most powerful in ancient history. I’m sure she can figure it out,” Sam said, rubbing at his tired eyes.
And, as Dean remembered, Sekhmet was rooting around in your head. She’d find the gate for sure.
Eileen looked between the brothers, clearly worried. Sam had told her about what you, him, and Dean had gone through to close that damn gate to Hell last year. 
“So how do we stop her?” Dean asked. Without hurting you, was implicit. Bobby heaved a sigh.
“We gotta burn that damn book,” Bobby said. “But we’ll need to be smart about it.”
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So that was how the four of them ended up driving to southern Wyoming. They stopped along the crossroads by the train tracks, and ventured in on foot into the very clearing where their final battle against Yellow Eyes took place.
Dean thought he’d be able to put his past behind him, but the universe clearly liked to kick him in the balls.
Evidence of this came when he saw you standing at Samuel Colt’s gravestone. Or rather, the goddess Sekhmet. 
She was expending large forces of magic to try and open up the gate to Hell. The book that bound her soul lied on top of a nearby headstone.
Dean gestured for Sam, Eileen, and Bobby to hang back and fan out, while he stalked forward. He’d changed out of his police uniform in favor of his familiar jeans, shirt, and a red plaid shirt, hoping that at least would help you focus on him, wherever you were deep inside your mind. 
But he called out to Sekhmet from a (relatively) safe distance away. 
“Are you stupid or something?” he mocked. 
Sekhmet paused in her magic wielding. She craned her head over her shoulder at him in annoyance, with amber rings illuminating her eyes. 
“There’s only one thing that can open up that gate, and I’ve got it right here,” said Dean. 
He pulled out the Colt from behind his back. 
Sekhmet’s gaze narrowed on the gun, then at Dean with a slow smirk.
“Why, by the gods, should I trust your foolishness?” she asked. 
“Because we’re about to make a trade,” Dean said. “The gun for my girl. You let her go, or you’ll never see your husband again. In this world, or the next.”
Dean pointed the gun at her and cocked the safety back. She didn’t have to know the barrel was empty. 
“You cannot harm me, even if there was ammunition in that weapon,” Sekhmet replied knowingly. 
She turned to him and reached out with a magic-fueled hand, but before she could grab Dean, Sam shot his own gun. 
It deployed a net of rope that twined around her frame and held her in place. It was soaked with the same concoction Bobby shot her with in the bakery, and it made her fume with outrage.
It didn’t completely weaken her though. Her hands were still free to fling Sam and Bobby away from her with magic. 
She then turned to grip Eileen, who was nearly able to steal the book. And the goddess sent Eileen across the clearing, breaking a headstone as she fell. 
Sam had been trying to pick himself up from the ground, but he gripped at his chest, feeling his soulmate’s pain. He scrambled over to her prone form on the ground and checked the cut along her hairline. 
“Eileen,” Sam called, pressing his hand to her cheek. He had one eye on her, and another on his brother. 
Because meanwhile, Sekhmet had broken free of the ropes holding her captive with a cry of fury. 
Just in time to grab Dean by the throat when he tried to surprise her from behind. She forced him down to his knees and smirked in satisfaction as Dean struggled against her hold.
He called your name, trying to reach you through the goddess’s hold on your mind.
“She is gone from this world,” Sekhmet taunted. “This is but a vessel for my eternal soul.”
“I don’t fucking believe that,” Dean choked. “If she was gone, I’d know it. Deep in my bones I’d know it.”
Her mouth twitched, but she seemed to enjoy the idea of slowly choking him to death. Or maybe, something was holding her back. Dean could only hope it was you, trying to break through. 
He looked into your eyes and tried to find you through the cold disdain of a goddess.
“Whatever happens, I’m not letting go,” he gritted out. He held tight to your wrist, on the hand wrapped around his throat. 
“I love you, you know that?” he said. “From the start…you closed the door in my face when I tried to kiss you. Teased me. Never took my shit. But you never left me either. No matter how hard it fucking got, you kept my feet on the ground. You never called it quits…‘cause we never say goodbye. Right, baby?”
Slowly, slowly, Sekhmet’s hard exterior faded. The amber rings of magic receded from your eyes, and the woman he loved was there again, softening your face into shock and horror. 
You released your grip on Dean. He stumbled to the ground as he coughed and gasped for precious oxygen. 
He straightened enough to grab your hand. You reached out for him instinctively. 
“Dean,” you said with shaking effort.
“I’ve gotcha, sweetheart,” he said. He turned back to see his brother helping Eileen to her feet. “Sam, the damn book!” 
Sam snapped to attention and quickly looked for The Eye of Ra. It had been knocked over from the headstone onto the ground. He grabbed it and fished out a lighter from his pocket.
Dean’s attention turned back to you when you squeezed his hands.
“I can’t hold her for long,” you said tremulously. Your whole body was shaking. “She’s so damn strong…”
“It’s okay, we’re gonna fix this,” Dean said, brushing your hair back from your face. 
You closed your eyes and gasped. But when you opened them once again, they were hard, and glowing with magic. 
Sekhmet tossed Sam away from the headstone. 
Dean tried to hold her back, but she backhanded him hard. Sekhmet followed where he fell. She reached out and gripped him by the neck again, this time choking him with a vengeance. 
But then she gasped, as if in pain. She turned her head and found Sam with the book in one hand, and a lit match in the other. As the book started to burn, Sekhmet weakened. 
Dean caught her before your body could hit the ground. 
Sekhmet released a shaking breath; she gazed into the dimming sky, painted in its golden, amber hues, and knew that her soul was dying. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks. 
Dean almost felt sorry for her. Or maybe it was the sight of your pained, weeping face that tugged at his heartstrings.
“You’ll just have to join your husband this time,” he said.
Sekhmet’s lips trembled, but she nodded. “This world was never made for us…but we shall soon be together for all eternity.”
She looked up at him with a rueful smile. 
“You understand,” she said. “A soul bond can never be destroyed.”
And with that, the haze of magic drained from your eyes as your body went limp. 
Dean’s brows furrowed with worry as he called your name. Behind him, Sam helped Eileen draw near with a limping Bobby. All three watched with worry at Dean’s side…until your eyes opened, revealing their natural hue. 
You took in a tremulous breath. “Dean.”
His eyes burned with emotion, but he closed them as he held you tight. All he could do was press his lips against your forehead in relief. 
You clung to him right back, for as long as you needed to. 
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AN: Fun fact — According to Egyptian mythology, the only thing that could stop the goddess Sekhmet from ending humanity with bloodshed was by getting her drunk on beer, which had been dyed red to simulate blood (which she also liked to drink, apparently). 
Egyptians (the survivors) would drink beer mixed with pomegranate juice and get drunk to celebrate not being killed dead. (Woo!)
Anyway, let me know if you enjoyed Part 2! All the fluff is coming in the finale of Part 3, very soon…
Next Time:
Dean brings you home. The two of you figure out how to move on from here...
Keep Reading: Bonus Track #3
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sailorblossoms · 5 months
Yet another Jealous Simon post
Saw this scene again here and it just hit me that this is lost in the hilarious irony of Simon saying “nobody is seducing a vampire” while Baz is Right There like “am I a joke to you?” but CO is already telling you that Simon answering “who am I jealous over, Baz or Agatha?” with “both, I guess” is bullshit right here too (it’s the easiest answer to avoid processing).
I mean… I was logging on here saying “Simon’s romantic jealousy is only about Baz” (and sexual, or however the fuck you want to name it) because he doesn’t give a fuck about Agatha having male attention or having had a boyfriend while he was mistakenly telling himself “he wanted her” (he didn’t want her, he wanted to be like her, he’s finding her aspirational in the memory he uses as an example when he’s tellingly like 12, when he should have plenty to draw from during their time dating or before if he actually wanted her – he has nothing!) (and we only learn shit like that in her own POV, or when Baz calls Dev), Simon snatching Baz’s handkerchief from her and keeping it to himself, “nobody knows Baz better than me” (he’s even seeing Agatha as competition), essentially making a jealous scene to Baz (can’t listen to what Baz is trying to say because he can’t get past “did you have to hold her hands??”) etc. But I can’t believe I missed this shit.
In the scene is question, Penny and Baz are talking about “seducing” Nicodemus (I’m pretty sure Baz is just being a little shit here). It’s Penny’s idea, and Simon’s response is basically “none of my female friends are seducing a vampire” (he, however, is perfectly allowed to seduce one) because note that Penny is presented as an option first, and Simon’s reaction is “no.” Immediately. Then Penny singles out Agatha, saying she was thinking about her seducing a Vampire… and Simon’s reaction? Fucking nothing. He’s completely focused on telling Agatha they’re not doing anything illegal instead. And after that, he says The Line. Simon has a much stronger reaction to Penny. Penny singles out Agatha, but Simon’s reaction singles out Penny… which firmly establishes this line as platonic concern over the girls, rather than jealousy because Agatha might be seducing someone. Agatha and Penny are grouped together here, put on the same level (and, as usual, Penny comes first… note that whenever Simon brings up important people in his life, Penny is always leading his list, even when he’s like “oh well I’m dating Agatha, shouldn’t I put her higher in my list?) (when it’s a general “important people” in his life, he mentions her second – he mentions her dad too, the mage is third iirc – when it’s Agatha The Girlfriend? She’s dead last) (tellingly, Baz is talked about constantly before either list is brought up). With Agatha, the only time Simon has a reaction to her being around a vampire is when it’s Baz. When he doesn’t feel like he can “trust her” to be around Baz. Even when he’s not explicit about this or it might deceivingly look like it’s the other way around, Simon establishes her as competition through his actions and behavior, and only ever cares if the “target” is Baz.
With Simon’s closest friends, he draws the line at “seducing” a vampire. With Baz? He draws the line at talking to them. When he’s kissing him, one of the things he’s thinking is “I’m not ever letting him go, I like him under my hands, not off plotting and talking to vampires.” Baz should be kissing Simon, not doing objectionable things such as “plotting” and “talking to vampires”…. I’m repeating this shit right here for emphasis because italics aren’t enough.
And if it needs to be more obvious… enter Lamb in the next book. Simon, who already had a problem with Baz talking to other vampires, goes along with this because they think it’s the only way to get information to rescue our good pal Agatha… he’s not even fucking contemplating seducing, and then All That happens. Then Simon has to hear Baz doing more than talking (he’s flirting!! And having milkshakes! And practically DATING the vampire!!!). He immediately reacts to Baz saying “maybe he wants privacy” with “fuck that, we’re all going” even while talking about other things and eating (only Baz gets more attention than food, which Simon puts no.1 in his list of favorite things when going to Warford, even before Penny) (with Agatha the reaction is the opposite: he’s focusing on the discussion). We know what happens later (Simon attempts murder) (screaming “I’m his boyfriend” at Lamb as his introduction… classic “he’s taken, so back off bitch” move).
Then in awtwb, he’s strongly opposed to sending Baz “alone on a mission.” Las Vegas has him traumatized. He puts “you’re not going alone because it could be dangerous” on the same level as “I’m not listening to you have another date.” Except “I’m not listening to my boyfriend talk to other men (who might be interested in him and might try to make a move while I’m here, unable to do shit about it)” is perhaps the most distressing thought, because in Vegas, Simon trusted Baz to keep himself safe, but after Vegas, he can’t trust Baz in the latter situation because he has no vibe-check. Important things are at play, and rather than focusing on that (like he focuses on “we’re not doing anything illegal”) he’s focusing on “no way in hell I’m letting my boyfriend go there by himself when he might end up on another date without even realizing while I listen. Fuck no, not again. I’m not strong enough.”
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