#i just want something to go my way fir once this fucking year
respectthepetty · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Top 5 "it's cannon to me" couples.
Have a great Day💜
No. NO! NOOOOOO!!!!!! I will not pick between my beloveds! No. I can't! I won't! I shan't! No! I have too many and all of them are special to me. NO! But I will give you something because this is a good ask!
Top 5 "It's Canon to Me" Couples of 2023
and as usual, I will finesse my way into more!
Let me begin with the couples who cannot be considered for various reasons:
ToddBlack - Not Me
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The reason they are being excluded isn't because they weren't in 2023. No! The reason they cannot be included is because THEY ARE CANON! Not just to me, but in the show. They. Are. Canon. They love each other in their warped way. They have fucked and will continue to fuck. And even on this day of marriage equality in Thailand, they still wouldn't get married because Black doesn't believe in the institution of marriage since the government is too involved in it and it's a capitalist tool used to push a heteronormative agenda, and Todd has a team of lawyers there to make sure Black gets everything he wants from Todd including the right to pull the plug on him, which he won't do BECAUSE THEY CAN'T KILL THE OTHER!
Guang Yan x Yi Yong - Oh No! Here Comes Trouble!
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It's canon. Once again, it's not just canon to me. It's canon in the show and if people don't want to believe it, they can argue with the ghosts, but the ghosts also know it's canon because they witnessed these two fall in love with each other, so those negative people will still lose! When Yi Yong fell, Guang Yan ran to Yi Yong like his entire world was being destroyed right in front of him, and as a future doctor, he was losing his shit trying to keep Yi Yong alive. Then he stood in front of Yi Yong's mom, god, and ghost grandpa and stated directly into the microphone without any hesitation that Yi Yong was his heart and he needed him to come back to him. And if I ever get a second season, I know they'll still be sleeping in that bed, together. They. Are. Canon.
Peach x Home - Peaceful Property
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This show hasn't been released yet, and the word on the streets is that it won't be a BL, but . . . it's canon to me. It's Tay and New. They are always down to kiss a homie. The pilot trailer was color coded, and although color coded boys don't have to be in love, they ARE in love. Therefore, they are canon. I don't make the rules.
Now for the actual list:
#5 - Saifah x Name - Dangerous Romance
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They knew each other in high school, and when they met again as adults, there was chemistry. Name should've shot Saifah. Name should've been harsher to Saifah, yet he was granting leniency to Saifah. Then Saifah wanted Name out of the business. He wanted him to be safer and happier. Even though that didn't happen, Saifah still showed up in that jail to let Name know he would be waiting for him, no matter how long it took.
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They are canon.
#4 - Oab x Guy - Bake Me Please
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They were best friends. They started a business together with their other (bitchass) friend who Oab was in love with. They hired another baker to help their (bitchass) friend and Guy developed feelings for him. But . . . they actually loved each other! This isn't me being delusional either! When the dust settled, Guy and Oab sat down at a bar in the final episode, and Guy made it clear that not only was he far removed from his previous crush on someone else, but that he was there for Oab to help him get over his broken heart, in any way Oab needed him *wink*
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They are canon.
#3 - Hyun Jae x Simeon - Jun & Jun
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Simeon is an experienced idol. Hyun Jae was his manager, but Hyun Jae quit with no notice to go take care of the main character. The conversation when Simeon confronted Hyun Jae after he found out was thick with tension, and I do mean the physical kind. Simeon schemed his way into seeing the main character years later, but I truly believe it was a guise so he could see Hyun Jae because everything he did was to draw more attention from Hyun Jae. After that first encounter, they argued in cars, on rooftops, in dressing rooms, and standing on city streets, and I fully believed they fucked in all those places too!
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They are canon.
#2 - Dome and Khatha - Midnight Museum
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Dome is a god. Khatha is immortal. And they traveled through time and space to be together. The show labeled them as "brothers" but I don't know if it's because Gun and Tor could have chemistry with a broomstick, but THEY WERE IN LOVE! What convinces me even more is that Dome wasn't actually Khatha's "brother" Chan but looked like him. Khatha even confronted Chan AND KILLED HIM so he could be with Dome. Khatha made a decision to kill what we had been told was the most important part of him just so Dome could be safe. Then he ran through time to find Dome in the middle of a war with bullets flying and bombs dropping all so he could save him again just like he had the first time they met, and if I ever get that second season (MIDNIGHT MUSEUM 2 WHEN?!), GMMTV better let Gun kiss another man who isn't Off.
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They are canon.
#1 - Yui x Soichiro - I Cannot Reach You
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These two were just chilling in the background of every scene. TOGETHER! On a school trip? Together. At a festival? Together. Looking at books in the library? TOGETHER! Even though we never saw them kiss, their taiyaki kissed, so that's good enough for me! They were color coded (pink x green), which I think is one of the best color-coded pairs to ever exist, and Yui was giving advice to the main couple to get their shit together, probably because he was already in a loving and long-term relationship with his boyfriend!
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They. Are. Canon.
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saunne · 5 months
You know what babe? M gon ask u about yingheng now cause they 💯💯 need the spotlight as well and i WANT the world to know how crazy u are about them. Go fuck shit up dear spouse
*looks at inbox* *looks at ask* *looks at date*
WELL GUESS WHO FORGOR TO ANSWER. I did the XingRen one here but I guess ADHDon't then got in the way and since I open my inbox like, once every three month I just. Forgor. We're kinning Acheron in this house baby.
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So. Heart is big cause So Many Thoughts but I think indicating that it could have taken off like a rocket from the top right corner towards distant horizons was also a possibility.
So, YingHeng. YingHeng as "HCQ Era Furnace Master Yingxing" and "Dan Heng of the Astral Express" (and for once it's fixated dynamic). It is a rareship and even more, it is a crackship cause there is absolutely no way for them to ever fucking meet in canon.
Doesn't mean I won't try tho.
(Long babbling under the cut)
It doesn't make any sense because they do not belong to the same timeline at all (700 years apart more or less) and because the only way for them to meet (and do more than that) would actually break the space-time continuum OR involve some really strange and fucked up revival/reincarnation with the existing possibility of destroying/replacing Blade in the worst case scenario process.
BUT AEONS IT DOES COMPEL ME SO MUCH and you would know cause I shoved at least 4 WIPs about them right in your face lmao.
I like this ship because it compels me and scratches a itch in a way that classic RenHeng never really managed to do except for certain fics.
I will admit that I sometimes have troubles with the RenHeng ship and the way their dynamic can be/is portrayed despite loving the ship. RenHeng has a common past involving Yingxing and Dan Feng their past-self/incarnations (whether one agrees or not with the theory/system of thought that DH = DF for that matter) and their ship is based on acceptance/rejection/reflection around this common past, the idea of responsibility and above all an idea of healing of trauma (for BOTH OF THEM).
The main thing is that RenHeng often involves violence (canonical and/or added one) and more or less toxic relationship tropes that I don't always have the desire or energy to deal with, even if the writing of the fic is of exceptional quality (I have a lot of RenHeng fics like that in the waiting list fir when I'm in the mood for it tho) . Sometimes I just want something that's still as emotionally charged but a lot simpler and that's where YingHeng came in.
The biggest problem for YingHeng is to "bring" Yingxing back into the picture and there are several solutions for that :
time travel (him coming or Dan Heng going)
dimensional travel (Curios are very practical for this kind of stupid plot)
Yingxing's memory having survived in one way or another (in an object, in Dan Heng's memories inherited from Dan Feng, sealed outside or inside of Blade)
Alternate Universe (it's easier to make him appear in a modern AU settings than in sorta-canon HSR settings lmao)
I like the third option the best, because it allows me to be able to keep Blade in the picture if I want (whether to do a YingHengRen or just an opposition/comparison study between Yingxing and Blade) or not ( by "killing" Blade by retransforming him/rewinding him back to Yingxing).
My two mains thoughts paths about YingHeng are “longing for something you never had” and “mourning for something you never thought you would have to mourn”.
"Longing for something you never had" is mostly Dan Heng centered. I like to start from the idea that Dan Feng's surviving memories can be a curse because they blur the separation line between their respective identities, but that it can also be a blessing. I like the idea that fuzzy and imprecise surviving memories of XingYue's passionate love could have been one of Dan Heng's greatest comforts during his imprisonment in the Shackling Prison. I like the idea that Dan Heng fell in love with the idea of Yingxing or at least fell in love with the idea of Love and Being Loved because of these memories of Yingxing.
All of this while being intimately aware that they were never intended for him.
I like the idea of Dan Heng longing for something that doesn't belong to him. Of being unable to let go of this feeling of "wanting/desiring/missing" Yingxing's love he felt in Dan Feng's memories despite wanting to separate as much as possible from Dan Feng and the burden of his unintended inheritance. Which can lead to a feeling of shame/embarrassment due to being sorta "voyeuristic" and yet attracted to it. Or on the contrary, a sort of defiance with a "these memories have been imposed on me against my consent so I don't have to feel guilty about anything, let alone my feelings about them".
For Yingxing, it was the idea of how he would deal with grief that interested me. Firstly the mourning of his life/friends (and what they became) if it's a time/dimensional travel scenario. Secondly, if his memory is forced back into Blade's body or stuffed in a newly created body to "re-alive him", the mourning of his past death and having to continue / start living again (whether or not he is immortal after said resurrection). If Blade remains alive it adds yet another level of mourning/philosophical reflection on identity, on what makes someone unique and all the tropes around "what would you ask/would say to your past/future self if given the opportunity". I like the idea of exploring the grievance of the one who died/should have died first ending up mourning the one who should have lived/who was supposed to live.
I like the idea of how Yingxing and Blade might treat differently the whole "is Dan Heng = Dan Feng ?" and "does Dan Heng has to pay for Dan Feng's mistakes/errors/crimes ?". I like the idea of Yingxing being "excuse me I was married to/in love with Dan Feng and I can tell you that Dan Heng is definitely not him" compared to Jingliu and Blade's "Dan Heng is Dan Feng" motto. I like the idea of exploring the theme of the difference between Dan Heng and Dan Feng through Yingxing's eyes rather than Blade's.
I like the idea of Yingxing bringing emotional and identity stability to Dan Heng by falling in love with Dan Heng not for his similarities with Dan Feng but for his differences with him. Because Dan Feng was irreplaceable and nothing could take his place in Yingxing's heart, especially not what would appear as a poor copy of his former lover. I want Dan Heng to feel comfortable asking Yingxing about Dan Feng, because Yingxing never compared them as a before/after or past/present but always kept talking about Dan Feng as if he was Dan Heng's deceased brother or distant relative.
Also, I'm sorry but I find Yingxing more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes than Blade, even more when you put him in the Artisanship Commission uniform and next to short-haired no Vidyadhara features 4-Stars Dan Heng. Also, Yingxing should have wrinkles like crow feets and smile lines. And not completely white hair, but more like a salt and pepper hair with mostly grey/white hair but some surviving black hair.
I think they should hold hands and cuddle in the Archives Room while Dan Heng updates Yingxing on what happened while he was dead and asks him about crafting and Zhuming to add to the Express Database.
*gestures* I'm nowhere near the term "sanity" when it comes to them.
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Gday. I want to open your whole world to possibilities where the impossible is very real and the person you know now will be no longer just seeker but believer.. my name is Cindy Isabelle Schulter and I now go by The Sinn of His Erotic Pleasure...I have had many names and many roles in life..come on I dare Open your Mind and off the Hay Ride and watch how my insanity my trauma my embarrassing moments my loves in life have helped me to beat death and taxes ..To one creator and the jealous god who retarded ways of making us blind to the pain we feel because they cut your balls through men abd suck dry of our emotions our orgasms abd they die but live on through through powerful through false idealism and why not see how i do that "the other" will always be the death you. the older the person who spits spire and might at you the more powerful you will become..one day you are happy with yoirself then like deja Vu you meet the opposite one the Holy thsn thou too good true..the best eho fuvkover the saughter sonvnever knew you had..the nausea of rejection ..the jealoys father abd mother...don't hide behind the words of bsd manners avd lscknredpect remorse of the guilty ones.. i habe to start one day explainimg my own truth abd what thise who dreams of us and the heros in our lives had to show...i am woman all that want towards the end of middle years was great sex a chance explsin my side of the story a d redemption retribution plus the full karms of what was not just to me or my kids or the Voice of pain whobusevthe voice of reason iny life ...bury head snd stop reading now if you think that tsking msn manhood and suffer ainful sex or being blamed fir other avtions or someone you pive tyrninv aeay ftomabd rdgusing to see that the torturer the cock chopchop orthe woman who jides behind a mask flasehood will never punished like before..I once said I habe harmed or wsnted be involved witb that hortibke way i was taught ti learn to like well dont abd prepared to literally jump thtohh ethers abd strike with vemom she gave me...bare with..lets breathe lets release the binds og a bitch wjo dlrsmt respect snyone jot even herself and me i am in love but i am letting go simce horny fucked i want bitch to disolves and rewch heihht she with using ke as her foothold ..so i challenge tbode eho taught the worse things abd who became with myigtbfor all those in plight. You can dish it but .#......# can you take it without being a pus pus pum pum or the tits of yuk on a person who never gave you the authority nor approval you had my heart and my kids but now after your verysny attempts of murder torture extra I say hahaha I have nothing to be guilty about I have nothing to stone myself too I am allowed to think your scum disgusting and shut fuck but I also coward .so get your purid worming s lf off me tits miss bits....and show me what got as your basic original no humanitarian or human eating persona of professional Hollywood and whoa dude cops robbers batman and shebang..charmed temptation neglect regret and absolution if you didn't want their approval what exactly is your point... you say no..I say yes..you say tomato is yellow belly low...
anyway to all else hold who knows what come next but welcome to second blog on Tumblr I had another one called only-belief...there I had my role I. life somewhat robotic but I now have to say yo you I have to regret or be ashamed until.i get undressedsee what rot of you is in the reflections of eyes..I don't get to nurture with kinds and I guess goodness I have a person who I have major issues with but that ok I didn't chose it's not my bad miss ....hmmm
pum pum
I fell in love so many times twice with born children two men capture my adoring eye and those who hurt me I could find something nice to say even in a rain day
....I wonder when will wake and not be embarrassed by how someone makes me feel like a rotten jealousy old woman and man ..I always when I was what mum is problem with me..well now u have no choice but kudos for ferl so rotren eitb svts and his i wdnted due first for me i sudng care if the ehile blew up..inelove won't firesaje abd you will ve jist memory good day be bless
to all innocent's and those who enter my little Omniverse of dreams are made these and boats below with me and navy ..
loving life despite my inflicted disabilities I tend to find myself evolving a d want yo succeed I. areas I never thought I would ever want to enter..what they I can't do.i will butoy if reasonates abd you nothjbv me get it get it get it..upward dog..pray mantis tic tac toe...chest shot..shut shut shut little retard in a tutu a Broadway play a mascot and a sinking society of more than inhumane acts of ignorance or ommitance or well this far might as well shit the hostage abd myself the foot..
think about i want to be free of beautiful ugly woman who hurt our youngem a d start wars that Argentina can't cry for and Casablanca who say whatever the future will will be we won't see ..oh ah he ha he ho yet someone le says Cindy or Sinn Moi I can see ..more than you..I can rwsvg frk. my place miles even 3500 miles away and touch you in way you deserve my enemies my pet peeves of rapists tortures and those who give the world owes them more the Almighty does..I remember thing why happening to me..then a day so I thoughtwhynot I mean just the rot of the other and my not willing to fuel a fire of shit or. aca or asshole and cads and instead see both or every angle I can and I have listen you with your attitude I just well I won't but today the day I send out what ever fish to.me or anyone since tren till now to further is coming back more than just in threes oflr fds you will if you hit might succeed but the force of it will be a jolly lol on you that why I ask you can dish all you cuts burns and punchs and rape and tortured on me who doesn't really even gave you a home or advice which I could shut or got some to hsrm you fir whst did i could hsbe go more proactively yo couet abiut you guts but no i didn't
so please I going to do it
countdown 19.13 ..by19.25 pm on 31st July 2024 I literally throw all back at you and even though you are hiding in me I will be rid you when I able to see what is still hidden from me..but you s lf now have many options but one that you cling beside k
mine jolly jolly joy joy and gang of boags mors and spilt in-between privacy and evasion you have shock a nation and including
you dishes now it turns abd clings yo you every thing I see right threatening me
1, 2 ,3.33= postman sent parcel that wasn't for I didn't even open but now I wish I knew if he really love just even for one day before you fucked it over with your hatred your ugly bloody manners your putrid ony own ugliness when I think of and the men I use care about and my children I hope for till this day but now I am not broken but really say it's coming right for ...#......#
hold on hold on to those orgasms which I love giving me but now hurts for you you lying fucking bitch
I will forget the nor my beautiful now dead me wonderful kid you use
I will remember I am a bit person infected by a putrid other who thought I owed her when I regret to say I don't think so
so now return your favours your so call love for me your nightmarish wonders you give my children and the world will be my witness and I encourage myself to evolve but basically still ok not yet throwing towel but no sweetie I never will marry nor commit to anyone in fear thee hurtingied than have and yes even I was surprised that I am such a stupid bitch yet you always steal thunder my powers my academic achievement my flowering youthfulness yet here I not myself to be awaken to your unholy glory
so be brave those who ga more than the stupid selfish Cindy Schulter we ho is me me me me not you yut for fuck your our of luck lady or not
doiad you took that love from me for obviously he never cared about me but was allowing myself to make a point of you
so I bow I courtesy and I saw oh unholy I am not done with you...
karma is activated in your soul and I move on from you and watch even though even look my chest sc how when being fucked you steal the thunder the fum and give a rjt view if your pint of you but as said to get yourself yih had be me lol I don't think tkoughyou do.rit my to the ping I think.i won't even hate myself unless I remindedysekf or you say I a. like thee no no no
noti moioi I. evil now not good for I am goj g to enjoy despite you killjoy pum pum and uc you be your rwl self and nut takeaway what I have always had and naturaxbless nigyoyagsi you do itagsi. snddtg because face your fucki g esdtiny
well donedhyf gofguck htei now in my whole space of what I want and I patient just fucking fucking stupid murder selfish cunt who hurt my and br er ever looks herself honestly
so I ofcto been at I want and you can hurt me always by hurt children. or what not but at least bi cam say it's not my bad and I glad I was your victim for at least iwad that rude to anyone but hut mys kf
And yeah I hated myself but guess I despise and hope you not only get yourrevking but your karma and I bet only one who feels sorry and pickthe oyeve that shedoff you in shame your acts so please don't be fool IAm not your enemy you are mine
The father thevson and the holy Spirit
Pleaenore people many typos in here I call it the typoslut
.where someone or even your fear or lack of knowledge not necessarily interferseithyour abilitytoexpress yourself eordly on a screen rather than penned down until presentable and neaten
I will state this the first draft and I will update this withahringe or or a laugh
I wish I could literally forget certain but they determined to be presence in my life despite complaining earte utos isn't right mum
..bye for now have great time and I will reite better intro so
But with anything there is no set plan or plot just need to touch base with myself without the social rot I used to think I cpuld you care about and they hopefully stop harming everyone including me...but nah they further and sometimes literally throw at lowest act I see and feel
I wrote more but I was obviously not allowed according to Rotten personi made into by looking at her ridiculous head popping out of my cheek while the man I fell in love with fucked her so what lucky you I am stupid then but hopefully one day I willoce on well and you be satisfied a d I akreafykniwdtipid me can you leave now please says me Sinn
Kudosmym glad ilearnt not be like you at all says your ex daughter Cindy Isabelle Schulter
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nctstany · 1 year
Love Me Now
Pairing: Jaeyong (Jaehyun x Taeyong)
Plot: All Taeyong wants to do is finish his last two years of college in peace but since he’s the son of a famous CEO he must do something he never thought he would do even in his next life time, marry his ‘enemy’.
Genre: Light angst, fluff, angst, smut???, light smut??, language, sexual themes, family problems, *cough cough* daddy issues
The last month was spent in confusion on both ends. They acted normal during it but there was a question that hung in the air and repeated itself in their heads.
Can we be something?
Taeyong ignored the question and Jaehyun was too scared to answer it or even ask. So when they were alone during the last month they tried to act normal. Jaehyun tried having his heart not throb in pain. 
"Just sign here." Taeyong didn't hesitate taking the pen and signing his name quickly. Jaehyun sighed when it was his turn. 
“Cheers to being divorced.” Mr. Lee half smiled and cleared his throat, “It’s not final yet but you two don’t have to live together anymore.”
“Perfect! Guess we are done so I’ll be going.” Taeyong smiled proudly and got up to leave. Jaehyun just stared. 
“Wait.” Mr. Lee had that look that his son hates, “I had my people find Yuta, he will be charged and you two don’t have to worry anymore.”
Taeyong would be lying if he said that he didn't care. Just by that awful man's name alone made him shake. 
“Can I go now? Have to pack.” He didn't wait for an answer just walked out the door, leaving Jaehyun behind. They didn't drive here together like they would usually do. Taeyong insisted to his dad to let him use the car service for once. He made sure to be at the house before the other. He was already half way done with packing, since he started the night before and doesn't have much, when Jaehyun walked in.
“Can we talk?” Jaehyun huffed out as if he ran here. 
“Didn't we already?” Taeyong said coldly, he felt bad acting like this.
"Why are you doing this?" 
It was a question that Taeyong studied for all last night, something that Taeyong was prepared for.
"Because that was our agreement."
"Can we……start over?" 
"Okay." Taeyong laughed at the question and became serious again, "We will go back to when the last time we saw each other was graduation."
"Taeyong, please." Taeyong cut off his pleading and groaned, "Why? Why are you trying so hard?" 
Jaehyun huffed out a breath and grabbed Taeyong by the wrist, turning him towards him and came up closer, "Because I love you."
"I love you, Taeyong." 
"Don't say that." 
"I love you." 
Taeyong slapped him and Jaehyun kept his face down but continued, "I love you so much." 
"No you don't." 
"Why don't you believe me?" Taeyong breathed out heavily, "Because you were forced to! We were forced to!" 
"So you're saying if I kissed you right now then we wouldn't feel a thing? We wouldn't feel the same thing?" 
Taeyong didn't hesitate to provide a point and when he kissed the other, he felt the biggest spark. His body wanted to whine when he pulled away. 
It has been a week and a half since Taeyong left. Jaehyun has been counting the days as if he was waiting for his day out of prison. He doesn’t know what to do and he has felt that way ever since Taeyong moved back to his apartment.
He just wants to call him to make sure he’s okay and not suffering like himself. He can’t, too scared of the call ending and the grant no answer. Just the thought of it……I hate it. 
He keeps thinking that Taeyong is gonna walk through the door, changing his mind. That he'll tell Jaehyun how much he actually loves him and that he'll never leave again. 
That's just his imagination though. His stupid, crazy, fucking dumb imagination. 
Longing for Taeyong. 
Wanting to touch the other. 
Wanting to kiss him and not regret it. Kissing him felt like heaven. 
The only thing that he does now is drink, he can’t smoke since it reminds him of being on the balcony with Taeyong. So during the whole week he’s been going to the bar, the first time he saw Taeyong be himself. When he realized that he loves him. 
Maybe drinking won’t help me right now. 
“You’ve been a walking corpse for almost two weeks, at least do me a favor and go outside.” Johnny passed him another whiskey on ice and leaned against the bar. 
"I don't want to." Jaehyun downed it in one go and slid back towards him, "Coming here is enough." 
It’s not enough……it’s never enough…… Jaehyun needs to see him again, he needs him again. He sounds desperate at this point……he is at this point. 
“I guess you’re still in love.”
“I can’t do anything about it though, he doesn’t want me.”
Johnny pitted him, showing a side smile and sighing as the other drank himself away. 
“Maybe come here when he’s here just to see him.” Johnny said and Jaehyun’s face lit up but quickly it went away. “No………I can’t.”
“You should……I’ll call you whenever he’s here.”
“I would feel like a stalker if I did that.” That’s going too low. “I can’t, Johnny.” 
He couldn’t, he already told himself that. Taeyong wouldn’t want to see him let alone talk to him. Let’s go back to when the last time we saw each other was at graduation. 
It hurts but it’s what is best. It’s best for Taeyong that’s all what Jaehyun wants, for him to be okay. If Taeyong is okay then he is. 
“There’s a guy and his friends trying to get your attention from across the room.”
Jaehyun turned around with his drink still in his hands. Johnny was right. They are trying heavily to get his attention. Giggling loudly and smiling big, Jaehyun awkwardly smiled back while turning back around.
“Look if you can’t talk to the love of your life then talk to other people. Or suck it up and call Taeyong.” 
“I’ll take my chances.” Jaehyun was cold with his response and Johnny was firm, “Go ahead then.”
So he headed towards the group, combing his hair through his fingers. Something that Taeyong always made fun of him for. 
“So I finally got your attention?” The one sitting at the end of the table said tucking his shoulder length hair behind his ear. He has the same ear piercings as Taeyong. 
“I like your piercings.” Jaehyun smiled making the other giggle and whisper into his ear, “I like you~”
They talked and the other flirted but Jaehyun kept this unspoken distance. He’s cute? Looks put together and has a nice voice? But he isn’t my Taeyong………
Jaehyun almost choked on his own spit, it got the rest of the table’s attention and he felt his face heat up.  
“Excuse me, sorry.” He walked away still coughing almost puking but he held it in.
“That went well.” Johnny teased, seeing the whole thing. Jaehyun was able to finally breathe and when he did it was nothing but a pitiful sight. He sighed and gripped his glass, finishing it and sliding it towards Johnny for more.
“I need him.”
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 2 years
I dont think I'll actually be able to play hockey this year.
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anime-rambles · 3 years
Pairing: Alpha Bakugou x Alpha Kirishima x Omega Reader
Type: ABO Dynamic, Angst, blood, SFW
Word Count: 2900+
A/N: Seeing how everyone is loving “Welcome Home Omega” I decided to do another omegaverse fic this time with lots of angst. Thank you so much for all the kind words, reblogs, likes and follows. Was thinking of making a Part 2 for this? What do you think?
Summary: Omega y/n returns home to her alpha’s after being away in Europe, thinking she would be able to re-join her alphas and be happy. Only to discover they move on without her.
Link to Part 2 = https://anime-rambles.tumblr.com/post/657712192264814592/omega-stop-part-2
I collect my suitcase from baggage claim and make my way towards the arrivals gate. It has been an incredibly long 8 years since I’ve been back home in Japan. After graduating UA with all my friends, I decided I needed a new path, something exciting that didn’t include my alphas. Being away from my family and friends has been one of the most difficult things to go through and more importantly being away from my alphas. It was nice to be needed and not just because of my second gender.
After graduating UA, I joined Fatgum’s agency and from there I met Jackie one of fat’s previous partners on the drug squad. She needed a bright new hero that wanted to work outside of Japan and head off a special unit in charge of investigating quirk enhancing drugs. At first everyone was onboard and excited fir me but as time went on, it was becoming increasing hard to keep in contact with my busy alphas. So, one Christmas, two years into the job we all agreed to stop dating and put our relationship on hold, until I was finished with the special unit or until one of the alphas said enough, come home. I agreed happily, never thinking I would get the come home call, but here I am. I left Europe and returned home.
The doors of arrivals opened in front of me, I look around the barrier hoping to see either of my boys, Bakugou or Kirishima, but neither blonde nor red head could be seen. I walk the corner a small bit, thinking they might be hiding but nothing. I spot movement in the distant, a blur of pink rushing to my arms, knocking me off balance.
“YYYY/NNNN, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOUR HOME” Mina sobs into my ear. “Mina” I say back hugging her tightly. Out of everyone in UA Mina stayed in constant contact with my updating me on the group’s latest gossip and everyone hero’s ranking. “Come on, lets get you home” She speaks again, taking one of my bags and my hand in hers. I smile to her and gladly accept her hand. Mina is an omega like me, after UA her and Sero got together and currently have a beautiful house and a serval fluffy cats. Once we reach the car and start our journey. Mina tells me of everyone, what they are doing and what is planned for my coming home party tonight.
“Wait, slow down, where are you taking me first” I say, laughing at her excitement. With her hands on the car wheel. She says “Bakugou and Kirishima’s” I pause for a second. They must just be living together and not actually still together without, right? They wouldn’t betray me, would they? These thoughts are fully my head, maybe coming home wasn’t a good idea. I should have ignored the “come home” agreement. What if they just want to use me to have their kid and toss me aside.
“Y/N, please say something, you made me promise not to talk about the boys when were away and right now you’re kinda scaring me.” She presses.
“I’m… just thinking. So out with it tell me what has been going on, why are they living together.” I asked shifting in my seat to look at her and she drives down the straight road.
“Okay, so it started whe….”
Mina basically said what I thought she might after I left fully and didn’t come back like we agreed. Kirishima and Bakugou stopped for a while, they didn’t live together, socialise or anything but after Kirhisma was badly injured in a battle, they moved back in with each other and kept their relationship quiet, it’s been 6 years, that they been together while I have been alone.
“So that’s basically all of it y/n, I’m sorr…”
I cut her off, “Mina this is not for you to apologise for, you kept your promise to me and now I must face the music as they say in Europe.” We had arrived outside their house ages ago, but we ended up talking. I step out of the car and move to grab my bags. I look up to the house, it’s huge and white. Very modern and what’s looks to be very expensive. But what can you expect from the Number 1 and Number 5 heroes in Japan. Mina steps out and comes to my side of the car to hug me goodbye and to tell me the information for tonight. Just then the front door opens, Kirishima steps out with a huge grin on his face. He has changed a lot since I left. He is like a wall, thick with muscle and sporting a high red ponytail.
“There she is,” Kirishima says, holding out his arms as he makes his way down the path towards me. I drop my bags and run to him. I can be anger later, but right now I need this hug. “Here I am,” I say back to him, I took my face into his neck to breathe him in, he tries to do the same but it is unable as I have my marks and scent glands covered as Europe has different rules than us. I can sense the confusion and say I will explain later. Kirishima greats Mina and they discuss briefly about this evening's plans and Mina is off on her way, waving goodbye. With his arm around me, he guides me inside towards the kitchen. We each stand on opposite sides of the Island, not knowing what to say first.
“So, where’s Bakugou? I thought you would both be at the airport” I say frankly to him, showing my frustrations. “He had to work, but he should be back home soon,” Kirishima replies shuffling his feet. I stare at him, I want to voice my anger, I want him to know how much I hurt, I need to do this with Bakugou. “Okay” I reply looking at my bags, why did I come here, why did I think we could go back to normal. “He’ll probably be late like always though, why don’t show you to your room and you can get ready for this evening” He smiled at me, like he trying to form an olive branch between us. I nod and follow him out of the room and up the stairs. All around me are reminders, parties I could not attend, award shows I missed but right now I can’t dwell on that. My time in Europe was the best experience of my life and right now I want to go back. Kirishima leads me to a guest room and leaves me to get ready. I sigh, this is going to be difficult.
Doing the finishing touches to my hair, I smooth my dress down as I look in the mirror. I’m wearing a tight-fitting black dress, that is off the shoulders. I rub my hands down my neck, wishing I could have had the surgery to remove my mark guards yesterday before I came home. Just to show them, that I kept my promise to them. I hear noises downstairs, Bakugou had arrived home ages ago but did not even come to say hello, just went straight to the shower. Although I know what Mina told me was true, I needed proof if I was to enter an argument with Bakugou. I walk a small bit from my room trying to stay quiet, I turn a corner and see a wall of photo frames, most are from UA and some are from Dates we three had together. The difference, I was no longer in the photos, I was cut out. You could see my arm or a sliver of my hair and maybe an eye. I felt rejection, my inner omega whined. Why would they do this to me? I ripped the frame from the walls and marched downstairs. My heels clicked on the floor beneath me. I rounded the corner and enter the kitchen not bothering to wait for their conversation to finished. I throw the frames onto the countertop and look up at both of them making eye contact. If I wasn’t so mad and hurt, I would be shocked at how mature and sexy they both are right now. Kirishima's hair is half up, half down being supported with braids and he is in a maroon shirt opened slightly. Whereas Bakugou wears a white shirt and supports an undercut. My alphas have matured, I suppose I have as well.
Kirishima looks at the frames and stays quiet. Bakugou does not dare to break eye contact with me.
“So, let me get this straight. I leave home, to become great in something that is bigger than me. I leave my alphas with an agreement, that we all would hit pause, and eventually I would come back or get a called from either of you to come home. I follow the rules, and it seems to me what I got in thanks was to be cut from your lives.” I raise my voice, guesting to the pile in front of me.
“tck…” Bakugou replies and looks at Kirishima.
“Don’t tck me Bakugou, it seems to me that I’m not even wanted here anymore, so why was I called home, let me guess you need an omega to have your child and then I’m to disappear,” I respond. “No that’s not why we called you back” Kirishima speaks up, slightly walking towards to appear less hostile.
“Funny how you call us your alphas but yet, our marks, our bond is no longer on your neck,” Bakugou responds, pointing towards me. “They are not gone, they are covered by a skin slip, in Europe is safer to have them covered in case you are kidnapped and forced to bond with someone,” I say back to him. “Omega, please let us explain, I understand your hurt, but we want you still, your part of our family,” Kirishima replies placing a hand on my elbow. I jerk away from him.
“So, all this time, when I was away, suffering through my heats alone. Omega depression after omega depression. You two, were what? Together happily rutting away.”
“Yes, how do we know you never had it off with anyone else,” Bakugou said leaning on the Island in front of me. “Bakugou, don’t say that -” Kirishima scolded him. “- we don’t think that y/n”. I stand there shocked; I can sense he is hurt but right now I will not be his vent.
“ah, I see, I was away fucking my way through Europe apparently and my alphas decided that instead of coming to see me and to tell me. They went behind my back” I stare at Bakugou not daring to back down. “How do we know you weren’t, how do we know you didn’t get our marks removed?” Bakugou asked.
I scuffed and turned out of the kitchen, towards my bags that were left at the bottom of the stairs. Both Alphas stayed in the kitchen and spoke to each other. I opened my bags and reached into it to find a wrapped plastic bag. I walked back into the kitchen, hearing Bakugou raising his voice at Kirishima, “I can’t Kiri, you almost died.” Kirishima hushed Bakugou as I re-entered the kitchen. I threw the bag at Bakugou.
“Go on, open it -” I say with my hands on my hips. “- There’s your proof” I stand and watch it. Bakugou opens the bag and pulls out two jumpers, one of his and one of Kirishima’s. Their scent has well worn out but mine could be smelled. Years of being alone, years of depression, laid in their hands. Kirishima’s eye watered. “This proves nothing, maybe if you weren’t lying about our mark being gone, we wouldn’t have this problem,” Bakugou said, dropping the jumpers on the countertop. “What do you want me to do, perform surgery right now, you know once you never doubted me” I laugh under my breath.
“Yeah well once, you weren’t such a slut, betraying your alp-“Bakugou responded but Kirishima stepped in creating a barrier between us. Tears started to form in my eyes, my vision blurred. Fine, if Bakugou wants proof right now that I was loyal then fine, I’ll give it to him.
I look at my nails and smile to myself, I thank whatever god is listening that I have long pointed nails today. Kirishima is currently speaking to Bakugou, standing in front of me. I can no longer hear him. All I know is, those skin slips have to go now. I take a deep breath in and dig my nails into my neck around where the stitched used to be. I whimper, both can smell blood and turn to look at me. I rip the slip from my skin, blood starts to pour from my neck but nothing that would majorly hurt me. I reach for the other and dig my nails in. “Y/n stop, what are you doing” Kirishima reaches to stop me, but he’s too late I pulled the other off and make eye contact with Bakugou. “You wanted your proof, here you are Bakugou, take a whiff I have NEVER BETRAYED EITHER OF YOU” I scream, throwing the slips onto the counter and storm off.
“Omega come back now” Bakugou shouts after me, I can hear him chase me and reach for my arm. I pull it forward and turn to face him. Tear are leaving my eyes, ruining my makeup, my dress ruined from the blood. “What Katsuki, you believe me now? What do you want from me, why are you mad?” Bakugou stands in shock, unable to talk. “ANSWER ME NOW,” I scream again. Bakugou reaches forward grabbing my arms, tears forming in his. Kirishima was leaning on the door behind him.
“I CAME HOME WHEN EIJIROU WAS IN HOSPITAL” I shouted back, both alphas heads shot straight up and looked at me. “I was there, I broke me promise to stay away until I was asked by either of you to come home. But I saw the fight, I saw Eijirou get knockdown and didn’t get back up. I hopped on the nearest flight and came home. You need proof, ask Fatgum, Denki, Tamaki, Deku.. anyone who sat in that waiting room.” I said looking into Bakugou's eyes. Kirishima walked forward to join us. Bakugou went to speak. “No you let me speak, I was there. Kirishima opened his eyes and called me an angel and then you shot into the room in a panic and threw yourself on him. Bakugou you looked in my eyes and didn’t say a word, so I stepped back, you saw me there, you. Don’t blame this on me. Knowing how angry you would be, Deku came and got me, promising to watch over both of you.” I stopped to wipe the tears from my eyes.
“How dare you hold that over me Katsuki Bakugou,” I say to him, Kirishima reaches for my hand as if to pull us all back together. I step back, I need to breathe to get out. I walk about the front door, grabbing my handbag. “I’ll see you at the party, some welcome home this was,” I say not looking back and slam the front door.
I walk down the path and reach for my phone, dialing Mina’s number. “Hey girly, I’m just about to leave for the pub,” Mina says down the phone. I start to cry and sit down on the curb. “Sero, wait a second” Mina whispers away from the phone. “Y/n, what’s happened, what’s going on,” She says again her voice has lowered. “Mina I need some help; I can’t see everyone looking like this,” I say back to her. I cry again, I can hear the door behind me open and I stand. I turn and see Kirishima, “Y/n wait please, come back in, we can sort this out,” he says, and I look over his shoulder. Bakugou is frozen in the same spot, staring at the floor. “I’m almost there, start walking to me,” Mina says and hangs up. I bend down and undo the straps of my heels, steeping out of them leaving them on the step. I start to run down the street, I need some quiet, I need to think.
“OMEGA STOP” Bakugou shouts behind me, but I can’t. I see Mina’s car and run towards it.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
My Father's daughter pt 3
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
Summary: Back at the Tower, Y/n has a talk with Pepper.
a/n: ohhh another part finished!! some new characters will be revealed next part and i’m so great full for @social-media-imagines-by-me fir helping me create them💕💕
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You were furious.
You stormed into your room and slammed the door, finding satisfaction in the loud bang it produced. You then ripped through your drawers and closet, pulling on some work out clothes and some gloves. You then marched out of the room, slamming the door again, startling Sam and Bucky who happened to be passing by.
"Geez kid, slam it a little harder I don't think it fell off the hinges yet." Sam jokes, but you were in no joking mood so you swirled around with fire in your eyes.
"You okay doll?" Bucky softly asks, pushing a frightened Sam to the side. You sigh, knowing it's not fair to take out your anger on them.
"Sorry Sam, it's just...my biological mom is here and wants me to move in with her."
"Oh..." Bucky says, not good with things like this, " Do you want me to like...kill her or..."
"NO" You laugh, " It's just I haven't seen her in nine years and she has the audacity to come up here like it's nothing?!"
Your anger returns, " She thinks that just because she pushed me out of her vagina"
The two men cringe at the words
"That she can just claim me? That's not how it works!" You shout, " And, she brought her fucking husband. The man she left us for! Who does that?!"
Bucky looks at Sam, mentally asking him what they should do. Sam just rolls his eyes and turns back to you.
"Come on kid, it looks like you wanna punch something."
and with that he lead you to the training room where Steve was training with Peter.
"Come on queens, you gotta stay on your feet" Steve k=jokes as he, again, trips Peter.
"Mr. Rogers, do you think we should take a break?" Peter pants.
You stride pass them, not bothering to say hi. They look at Sam and Bucky for an explanation and just get a shake of the head.
"Hey Y/n that's my punching" Steve started to say when he saw you throw a hard punch to the bag, "Nevermind..."
You ignore the group behind you, opting to pummel the poor punching bag in front of you.
Your mind flashes back to your mother and her words.
"A girl needs her mother"
"Oh petal I wanted to call"
*punch* *punch*
"Come to Gotham. Meet your siblings!"
You look down to see the punching bag flew off the hook and is spilling sand on the floor. You were confused, as you knew you weren't strong enough to do that, not even when you were angry.
"Wow, I guess Cap didn't secure that hook again."
You jump, not expecting someone to be there, as you heard Sam, Bucky, Steve, and Peter leave. You turn to see Pepper there looking at the bag in surprise. You sigh, stepping away from the mess and taking off your gloves. You make your way to the bench and take a swig of water.
"Did you need something Pep?" You ask, avoiding eye contact.
"Well, i was just wondering if my kid was okay. But given the fact that you punched that bag like it would restore your honor.."
You knew you shouldn't have showed her Avatar.
"I'm assuming your not." She finishes.
You give her a half smile, looking down at your hands.
"Y/n" She says, " Talk to me."
You finally speak, "Why now?"
Pepper frowns, understanding that small phrase, ' I don't know."
"She's not my mother." You state, " She...she might have been once but now?"
Pepper nods," I love you."
You smile, the words reassuring you, " I love you too Pep."
"Come on, your messing up your manicure." She says with a smile, standing and extending a hand towards you. You feel your demnor soften and your mood lighten. Pepper always managed to make you feel better.
"Yeah okay..thanks." You say, taking her hand and letting her pull you from the bench, " Are you hungry? Cause I am>"
"Y/n we just ate!"
"Like an hour ago"
Days went by and you hadn't heard a peep from Christine. It was like she went off to lick her wounds and just decided not to reach out again.
Which didn't bother you one bit.
But apparently the universe wanted to fuck with you because when you came home from a day out with Peter, there was your mother, Bruce Wayne, and all six million of her fucking kids sitting on the couch.
"What the fuck?" You say causing the attention to turn to you.
"Language" Peter says, You smile softly at him before then turning to glare at Tony.
"Don't look at me, it was your moth-uh Peppers idea." Tony stumbled, looking rather uncomfortable sharing a drink with the man that his...wife? girlfriend?... whatever she was left him for.
"Pep what?" You asking, softening your glare because you'd be damned if you disrespected her.
"I just think it'd be best if we clear the air and get everything out on the table." Pepper said in that tone she uses when she's dealing with difficult people or the press. You called it her CEO tone.
"Now, go take your bags upstairs and wash up. And I'll pretend that you aren't an hour late"
"It was Peter's idea..." You mumbled and walking to the stairs that lead to the bed rooms.
"It was not!" Peter shouts following you to the rooms to help with the bags.
Christine watched as her daughter walked out of the room, playfully arguing with Peter. It was as if she were a whole different person, carefree and playful. Totally different from when she was glaring and stiff when talking to her. It broke her heart hearing Tony refer to Pepper as her Mother rather than Christine. But what did she expect?
Damian scoffed catching her attention, "Mother I do not see why you've dragged us here, that girl didn't even acknowledge us."
"Damian, enough" Bruce said, not looking away from his awkward conversation with Tony.
"Gee if only I could do that with our kids." Tony mutters into his drink.
"Does Y/n argue often?" Bruce asks trying to engage in conversation.
Tony laughs before fondly speaking, " Sort of. She isn't the type to back down when she thinks something is right. There was this one time I caught her arguing with one of my business partners about his "condescending tone and misogynistic attitude"."
""And did she apologize after?"
"Hell no. She glared at me and told me apologizing just for his ego would be demeaning her experiences as a woman. Although to be fair he was an asshole."
Bruce chuckles, " She sounds like a well rounded young woman. How old was she then?"
"Ah about 10, it was funny seeing this little girl argue in a Justin Bieber shirt argue about the patriarchy with a full grown man."
Bruce and Tony shared a laugh, picturing the scene.
"You must be very proud of her." Bruce mentions after they quieted down. Tony let a small smile escape.
" I am. She's had a rough life, and I..." Tony trails off, " She means everything to me. Without her...I don't think I'd be the same person I am today."
And with that, Tony downed his drink and stood, " Want another?"
Bruce smiled and accepted, watching Tony leave. He can tell that the man was close to his daughter. A bond that formed due to a loss, they both grew from it and grew closer. He understood, thinking about his own children.
Pepper and Christine were having a somewhat similar conversation, although it was a little more tense.
"Virginia." Pepper said, cutting her off.
"Excuse me?"
"My name is Virginia. Pepper is a nickname my family calls me."
"Oh. Okay, Virginia, how long have you known Y/n and Tony?"
"Oh about nine or so years. I was promoted to assistant when I saw how much of a mess Tony was." Pepper said casually.
Dick and Jason tensed, overhearing the tense conversation between the two mothers. But before Dick could interrupt Jason sat him back down.
"I wanna see what happens."
Christine continued, " And when did you become a..more permanent around the house?"
"When I saw that Y/n the one taking care of Tony." Pepper said in a serious tone, "She was the one making sure he didn't choke on his vomit and eating cereal as his flings walked out the room. Then he got kidnapped...and y/n was alone. So I made sure she’d never be alone again.”
Christine heart sank. She knew about the whole kidnapping thing. Why she didn't step in, she doesn't know. It's just another thing she regrets to this day.
Before Pepper could continue, she heard two sets of footsteps and voices
"All I'm saying is, if he looks at me funny, I'm fighting him and that's that."
"Yeah maybe not the best impression on..." Peter cuts off when they reach the living room. Eyes again on the two of you.
"Let's get this over with." You muttered, saying bye to Peter and making way over to the couch to sit next to Pepper.
"Y/n!" Christine says happily, " I'm glad you're here. We brought you something!"
She pulls out a box and she carefully hands it over to you.
You look at it suspiciously before getting a nudge from Pepper.
"Thank you." You grit out. Earning a glare from Damian and Cassandra.
You open the box to see...cupcakes.
"They're the peanut butter strawberry cupcakes you used to like. Remember? I used to bring them when I came to see you." Christine says, trying to bring up good memories.
You frown and close the box, " I'm allergic to strawberries."
Pepper casts a glance towards you, "They look lovely, let me take them into the kitchen, I'll check on dinner."
And with that she takes the box and leaves into the kitchen. Leaving you and Tony alone.
"So...Stark" Damian started fixing his gaze on you.
"Yes, Wayne?" You said, matching his energy.
"What exactly is it you want from my mother?" He asks, earning a groan from his older brothers.
"Well, I'd appreciate it if she left me alone." You say with a straight face.
Christine frowns but before she says something Damian speaks up again.
"Tt, all this drama for the likes of you? It's honestly disappointing" He drawls, trying to get under your skin.
"Damian!" Christine scolded.
"Well, I apologize for not meeting your standards. I'd try harder if I cared what a toddler thought of me."
Jason let out a surprised chuckle while the rest of the family looked on in shock. Tony just rolled his eyes.
"I do not understand why Mother insists on rekindling her relationship with you. You obviously weren't worth the effort the first time around." He spits, causing the rest of the family to gasp.
You however, just laugh, " When you figure it out, let me know. It's probably the same reason she puts up with you."
Damian glares, about to start in again when Jason cuts him off " Shut up Demon. She got you man."
"I'm Jason, and anyone who can out that brat in check is good in my book." He says sending you a smirk.
You smile back, " I'm friends with Loki and Wade Wilson, I'm hardly affected by anything anymore." Your dad rolls his eyes again, he’s not exactly enthusiastic about your choice in friends.
You like this one. Probably the one you're gonna be able to stand in this family.
"Don't hog her Jason!" Dick shouts pushing him away before turning to smile at you, " Hi! I'm-"
"Dick Grayson. I know, you spilled your champagne on my dress a few years ago at a New Years gala." You say, still a little bitter about it.
"Oh. heh, right, sorry about that. Again." He says sheepishly.
You turn to Cassandra, " You're Cassandra. You and your friend cornered me in the bathroom."
Cassandra scowls and looks away.
Then you turned to Tim, " And you need to learn how to secure your fire walls better."
Tim looked at you confused, "Um excuse me?"
You smirked, " Just a suggestion. I assume you don't want people to know about your...bats in the attic?"
The whole family froze.
You knew? There was no way.
"Kid, are you hacking again?" Tony said exasperatedly, " You promised you'd stop after the last time."
"Hey it's not my fault Shuri didn't think about changing her password." You say defensively, “ and it’s not like you were complaining when you had me hack into SHEILDS databases”
“What was that!?” Pepper shouts from the kitchen.
“Heheh, nothing dear.” Tony shouts back then in a hushed voice scolds you, “ I gave you fifty bucks to keep that a secret.”
“I didn’t say what you had me retrieve.” You said smugly leaning back in your chair.
Bruce didn’t know how to feel.
On one hand, this teen that objectively hates his family, knows their biggest secret. She can singlehandedly destroy their family and expose them. And she has the means to.
But on the other, she’s a perfect fit for their family. She gets along with Jason, doesn’t let Damian get under her skin, and from the looks of it can definitely take care of herself. Only thing is, again, she hates his wife and by association, his family.
“I’m sorry, hacking? You know that’s illegal right?” Tim asks, still in shock that you got past his security systems.
You turn to him and in a bored tone replied , “Yeah? and?”
Tim stuttered for a bit before going quiet with a blush. It was adorable really.
You had to hold back a laugh, it was fun getting this stuffy family all riled up. Especially when you can see the disapproval in Christines face.
“Tony, you let our daughter participate in illegal activities??” Christine asks with a raised brow.
The table goes silent at the tone of her voice. Knowing that when she uses it someone is really in trouble.
But you roll your eyes because how are you supposed to know what that tone means?
“I let my daughter express herself in a ...healthy way. She knows her limits.” Tony replies cooly, taking a drink and looking back into the kitchen wondering where Pepper went.
”Obviously not. Tony she has no regard for the laws at all! You think i didn’t see the headlines last year?!”
Ah yes, last year you had a slight scandal where you may have punched a pap for trying to get a picture up your skirt but who wouldn’t?!
“ And you let her hang around criminals and terrorists?!”
You scoff, “ Oh please everyone in the Avengers was a criminal or terrorist at least once.”
“Not helping kid.” Tony says, “Christine, you and your family have no right to come into my home and judge my family. I’ve been civil. Hell maybe a little too much. Mainly because if I wasn’t, my wife—err Fiancée, would kill me.”
You snicker, earning a few glares.
“Look the point is, don’t tell me how to raise my daughter. Especially because I was doing it all alone.” Tony finishes with a sigh.
The table goes silent. You were getting tired of all the tense silences today.
“ Look.” You turn to Christine, “ I get that you probably feel guilty or something because you ditched me. And I appreciate that or whatever.”
You were not good at this.
“ But I don’t wanna live with you.”
Christine looks down sadly, “ Y/n I just...I just want to get to know you again. You’re my baby.”
Before you could answer you heard a crash come from the kitchen and smoke fill the rooms.
“ Pepper?!” You cough, “ Dad what’s happening?!”
“ I don’t know. Stay here” He says summoning his suit.
“FRIDAY?!” You shout, but not hearing the AI.
The Wayne’s all looked at each other in panic. They didn’t bring their suits, thinking it was just a dinner.
You turn to them and shout “ Come with me, and stay low!”
You start to lead them to the stair case, knowing that the rooms were relatively safe.
“Come on!” you yell when they don’t follow you.
Christine stands from her seat and makes to follow you before being stopped by Damian.
“Mother we cannot..”
“Damian, I’ve had about enough of you. Let’s go.” She says sternly and follows you. The rest of the family following behind as Bruce nudges Damian.
“ Come on son.”
“Father we don’t know where she’s leading us.” Damian says stubbornly.
“There’s nothing we can do right now.” he coughs.
The sounds of punching and the blasts come from the kitchen.
“Let’s go.”
They finally join the rest of the family. You have them crouched in the hallway.
“ This is James’ room. Dad had it modified just incase he was ever triggered into the Winter Solider again. No ones getting through this door when it’s locked.”
You usher them in.
“Come on Y/n” Christine says reaching a hand out to you.
You smirk, “ What? and miss all the action?”
You close the door and lock it before leaving. Laughing at their surprised faces.
The room is silent.
“ She’s awesome!” Jason says with a laugh.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hey Eve, I just tested positive fir Covid through my school's testing program and I was supposed to fly home on Sunday for winter break but now I'm stuck in quarantine. When you have time to breathe, could you write some hurt-comfort? Maybe between siblings? I'm really missing my older sister right now. ALSO, you're amazing. Have a good day.
Oh anon that's terrible! Big hugs coming your way, and I hope you can still have a decent holiday without going home <3 This ask was combined with prompts for Regulus sneaking out with Leo (mentioned here) and Regulus messing up, then worrying Sirius won't love him anymore. Oh, and AJ? You're killing it right now, and it sucks that program couldn't see it <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW alcohol and drunkenness (from bad drinking etiquette), young adults being young adults, throwing up, past pressuring someone into drinking, and mentioned sex (teasing and non explicit)
“This is so stupid,” Leo said gleefully as they stepped into the bar. The bouncer didn’t card them—the place certainly wasn’t nice enough for the owners to really give a shit, and it was close enough to the college that carding would lose them about half their patrons.
A slow smile built in Regulus’ chest before spreading over his face. “It’s so stupid,” he agreed, practically buzzing out of his skin already. He usually hated crowded places and loud noises, but the bar was pulsing with activity and the kind of freedom that came with getting absolutely blasted, the kind he had watched his teammates partake in and then wake up the next morning groggy and sticky.
Regulus didn’t want to get so drunk he started bashing on other guys’ girlfriends or picking on rookies. But once, just once in his goddamn sheltered life he wanted to get tipsy with his best friend before he left his adolescence. Just once.
“I didn’t even think you were gonna be able to sneak out,” Leo called over the noise of the crowd around his crooked grin, making a path toward the bar with his big-ass shoulders. “Cap’s got ears like a German Shepherd.”
Regulus shook his head and winced as they passed a bit too close to one of the speakers. “Nah, he and Loops were out cold.”
Leo squinted and leaned down. “What?”
“They were dead to the fuckin’ world!”
“They were fuckin’?”
“No!” Regulus laughed. “Asleep! I could hear him snoring all the way downstairs! Ew, don’t put those thoughts in my head!”
“I’m just saying—”
Leo grinned as Regulus gave him a hard shove toward the bar, narrowly dodging a tipsy young woman in a sparkly tube top as she slipped past him with a tray of drinks for her table. The excitement of the bar was getting less tolerable by the minute, if he was being honest with himself; it had been overwhelming in the best way at first, a blast of freedom straight to the face, but it was starting to grate on his senses.
He finally managed to break through the crowd and stumble to Leo’s side, where he was immediately handed a bottle of beer. “I don’t really drink, but this one’s good!” Leo explained with an earnest smile. “C’mon, let’s get a seat away from the speakers!”
I don’t either, Regulus almost said. Not much more than a beer or two at team gatherings so he didn’t get called a pussy. Definitely not more than his first night out, when some of the older guys cornered him for shots and then he slept for twelve hours straight before throwing his guts up and going right back to bed.
But it was Leo, and Regulus was dying to just get out after nineteen fucking years and see things before rolling up to college with zero experience. All the stories he’d heard had told him college was where everyone drank. If so many people talked about it, it couldn’t be wrong, right?
The first beer was good.
The second was better.
Some nice lady with bigger eyelashes than he’d ever seen bought him something pretty and blue with an ‘aren’t you just the sweetest thing, pumpkin, I hope you two have a good time!’ and a tap to his nose before vanishing back into the crowd. Regulus didn’t know how to feel about the pet name, though it felt nice to be paid attention to.
Things started getting fuzzy halfway through his…fourth? Fourth drink. He slowly registered Leo putting another glass of water in front of him and the unhappy grumbles of his stomach. His ears were ringing. He knew how ‘tipsy’ was supposed to feel, and that was not it.
“Reg, listen to me.” Fingers snapped in front of his face and he jumped, meeting Leo’s eyes. “We’re going home, okay?”
Regulus frowned. “But I’m having fun.”
“Yeah, no, we’re done.” More concern fell over his freckled face. “You drank that blue thing hella fast while I was gone.”
Gone. That’s right, Leo had popped off to the bathroom after his second beer and a second glass of water. “It tasted good,” Regulus mumbled, rolling the cool glass between his fingertips. The music was making his ears hurt really bad. “Hey, Leo?”
“…I want to go home.”
They waded back toward the door together, keeping their hands clasped tight without a care for whatever some stranger would think. Getting through the mass of people was hard enough when he was sober—drunk, it was almost impossible.
The night air hit him like the most beautiful brick to the face. Regulus took a deep breath, felt a sudden wash of cold sweat, then banged his shoulder on the wall and felt his stomach flip. “Jesus, Reg,” he heard Leo mutter as a broad hand steadied his back with each heave. “Have you—oh my god, have you ever had alcohol before?”
Regulus nodded. “Beer. Team drink-ups.” He paused to catch his breath. “Shots, once, and it fucking sucked.”
“I’m so sorry.” Leo sounded close to tears suddenly, and Regulus blindly reached back to pat him on the arm before doubling over again. “Shit, this was supposed to be fun, I’m so—I’m so sorry.”
“Not your f—” Regulus regretted not drinking more water before. Or eating something; someone had said that was supposed to help. Or even looking at alcohol. “Fault. Don’t need your help. I can take care of—merde—myself.”
The hand on his back eased some of its pressure and he heard voices behind him before Leo returned, shakier than before. “So the bouncer guy said the cabs that run in this area at night are kinda hard to get ahold of—”
Leo fell silent. “Yeah?”
“Leo, we need to call—”
“Absolutely not. I love you Reg, but I don’t want to get skinned alive.”
“I’ll take the fall for it,” Regulus mumbled, squeezing his hand even as his heart raced. “It’s fine. I’m the one that found this place, I’m the one that snuck out, I’m the one who’s drunk off his ass because some stupid blue thing tasted good. D’accord?”
“Reg, I don’t think you understand how hard he’ll kill me. My fucking ghost will be feeling it.”
Regulus shook his head and leaned back against the grimy wall, grimacing at the neon lights across the street. He already felt like death. There was nothing happy or buzzy about it. “It’s okay, we promised not to get mad if we called each other for some—hic—something like this. Safer than walking or waiting for a ride from a stranger.”
He was fiercely grateful that they had caught a cab there in the first place—there would be no sneaking temptation to risk driving to avoid getting in trouble. A point just behind his forehead throbbed as he heard Leo groan, then shuffle his phone out of his pocket.
A few beats of quiet passed. “Hey, Cap,” Leo began in a voice dripping with guilt. “Are you busy right now?”
The car was deathly quiet. Regulus tucked his hands under his thighs and tried not to hurl. Leo sat in the backseat like the world’s largest kicked puppy. Sirius remained silent and impassive in the driver’s seat.
“You feeling okay, Knutty?” he asked as they turned another corner and Regulus clenched his teeth.
“Peachy keen,” Leo said miserably.
“Please keep driving,” he mumbled.
“I’m not mad—”
“You’re disappointed,” Regulus finished for him with a bitter tang to his mouth.
Sirius glanced over at him. “No, actually. I’m not mad, period. I’m really glad you called. Was this a bit stupid? Yeah. Did I do literally the same thing at your age? Yeah.”
“Shut up, you’re 25,” Regulus snapped back. He didn’t know why he was so angry all of a sudden, or why his stomach was trembling uncontrollably. He was sick and tired and the bar had been a horror show on his senses. He was—
Embarrassed. Mortified, even. Worse than the time he walked out of his bedroom and ran face-first into Sirius as he got out of the shower after a morning skate. Everything was cloudy and itchy, and he wasn’t even drunk enough to be able to ignore it like he did The Shot Night.
Sirius pulled up to the curb of Leo’s apartment building and unlocked the doors, looking back through the rearview mirror. “Walk safe. Have water before going to bed.”
“Thanks,” Leo mumbled as he oozed out of the car and slunk up the sidewalk, typing in the building code before he vanished into the main building. Sirius waited at the curb until the last sign of him disappeared.
And then there were two, Regulus thought, leaning his temple on the cool window. The car rumbled in a familiar comfort beneath him as they pulled back out onto Main Street. “I fucked up.”
He ground the words between his back teeth before letting them out on a slow exhale. “I’m sorry.”
“For getting drunk?” Sirius said quizzically.
“For sneaking out. And getting drunk. And waking you up to come get me like a fucking kindergartener.”
Sirius drummed his fingers on the wheel. “First of all, if that’s your definition of ‘sneaking out’ then we need to have a talk about putting your keys somewhere they don’t echo off the stairs and not using the front door. Second, I was already awake.”
Regulus blinked at him. “Why didn’t you stop me from leaving?”
“Do I look like your babysitter?” Sirius snorted. “I heard Leo, figured you two were hanging out.”
“Why were you awake at—” Regulus squinted at the fuzzy numbers of the dashboard display. “—1:30 am?”
Sirius stopped at the light and turned to him in something like disbelief. “Reg. It’s a Friday night and I heard my baby brother leave the house that I live in with my boyfriend to go hang out with his best friend for an indefinite period of time. Use your head.”
Regulus blinked at him. “Can you repeat that a little slower?”
“I was getting some.”
“Oh, shit, okay, well.” Regulus curled his knees up tighter to his chest as his stomach started lurching again. “Good for you. Apology rescinded.”
“I’m really not mad.”
He huffed. “Yeah, I know.”
There was a nudge to his elbow and he peeked over one hunched shoulder. This light is the longest thing on Earth. “I’m not mad,” Sirius repeated. “I was worried, but I’m not angry with you.”
Regulus’ first instinct was to snark back, just to be a cranky little shit like usual.
He blinked again and winced as the motion made his head throb. He was tired. He felt so beyond guilty and embarrassed. He was sick and upset and still a little scared from ending up in an area he didn’t know, drunk off his ass with his best friend when neither of them were in a place to make good decisions. For the first time since he left his parents’ house, he felt entirely out of control. “I’m really sorry,” he mumbled again as the burn of tears pricked the backs of his eyes.
The light changed, but Sirius reached out to pat his knee while he drove. “It’s okay, Reg, deep breaths—”
“I didn’t mean to cause everyone all these problems—”
“You didn’t cause—”
“I just wanted to have fun—”
“Hey, shhh—”
“If you want to just drop me off at Knutty’s, I’ll come back over to yours tomorrow or Sunday or whenever and we don’t even have to talk about it—”
“Stop.” It took Regulus a moment to realize the car had come to a halt. He blearily looked out the window; they were parked on the curb, near some residential area Regulus didn’t recognize. Next to him, Sirius looked more than a little distressed.
Regulus swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Are you sure you’re not mad?”
“You’re not going anywhere unless you want to,” Sirius said in a firm voice, bypassing his question entirely. “I’m not ever going to make you leave my house. Ever. That’s your home, too. Am I worried that you didn’t keep track of your drinks, or have water, or eat before you went? Obviously. That was dumb. Don’t do it again. But I’m not mad at you and this doesn’t make me love you any less.”
“I feel like I’m going to throw up.”
His feeling was (unfortunately) correct, though there wasn’t much left to lose. Sirius rubbed his back and kept one hand on his arm to hold him upright, talking to him quietly even though Regulus wouldn’t be able to repeat a single thing he said.
“This is a nightmare,” he all but sobbed about three minutes in. “I don’t want to go to college anymore.”
The hand on his back stuttered. “What?”
“I don’t want to do this all the time.” He was well aware he was babbling, thank you very much, but between the dry heaves and the rebellion of every cell in his body Regulus couldn’t bring himself to care. “I never want to touch alcohol again and I don’t want to go to college because if I don’t drink I’m gonna be friendless and lonely all over again so I should go back to hockey because it’s the only thing I’ll ever be good at.”
A long stretch of silence passed as he coughed one more time and accepted the waterbottle pressed into his hand. “I think we skipped a few chapters,” Sirius said haltingly as he rinsed his mouth out. “Do you feel any better?”
Regulus sniffled, then rested his feverish forehead on Sirius’ arm and let him take his weight. “I want to go home.”
He felt Sirius’ heavy breath before he was being guided back to the passenger seat on jelly legs. “Hockey is not the only thing you’re good at, and college is not just about drinking.”
“How d’you know?”
“Because I talk to people who actually went to college instead of people whose parents went on fucked-up rants about the evils of higher education compared to sports scholarships.”
Sirius glanced at him in his periphery. “You’re a good person, Reg. You’ll make friends whether you drink or not. You’re an adult, so it’s your choice.”
“I really thought you were going to be angry,” he whispered.
“I am so, so happy right now.” Regulus turned to him with a mix of indignance and confusion, earning himself a laugh. “Non, I just mean I’m glad you called me. This could have gone a lot worse if you two tried to sneak around some more and got yourselves into trouble. I hope you don’t have to do it again, but I’m happy you did.”
Regulus narrowed his eyes, then relaxed with a sigh. “I have no idea why you’re so chill about this. I got drunk because of stupid mistakes and pulled you away from getting some on your night off.”
“The some was already got when you called, if that makes you feel better.”
“Oh, gross,” Regulus groaned, whacking him on the shoulder as Sirius snickered. “But really. Leo thought you were going to skin him.”
“Why? You fucked up all by yourself. Seems to me like he did pretty well, actually.”
“You must’ve struck the fear of god into him with the whole older brother vibe.”
“Huh. C’est bizarre.” They drove in silence for a few more blocks before Sirius looked over with half a smile. “I’m glad you have him, and I’m glad he has you.”
“Ouais. You’ve both been around too few people your own age. It’s not as fun being surrounded by older brothers all the time. Healthy development, and all that.”
“Somebody’s been watching documentaries again.”
“Somebody is trying to make sure they don’t make a terrible parent to their younger adult sibling so that the aforementioned sibling actually comes to visit for the holidays.” Sirius parked the car and made it all the way around to Regulus’ door before Regulus even got his seatbelt undone.
“Is it normal to want to sleep for eighty years?” he asked, allowing Sirius to take some of his weight as they walked up the path.
“When you’re this drunk, yes. I’ll leave the Advil out for you. You’re not going to bed until you’ve had some water, though.”
“Hangovers are worse when you’re dehydrated.”
“To be honest, I already feel hungover.”
Sirius let out a short, barking laugh and Regulus winced. “Desolée, I just think tomorrow morning is going to be a wonderful learning experience for you.”
Tired footsteps trudged down the stairs while Regulus sat on the kitchen counter and accepted the full water glass; Remus appeared in the doorway a moment later, wearing one of Sirius’ shirts and squinting in the kitchen light. “What are you—” He stopped when he saw Regulus and raised his eyebrows with a smile twitching at his lips. “Do you have alcohol poisoning?”
“Good, then I can laugh,” he said, the tiredness leaving his face in an instant. “You look like hell warmed over. Jeez. Did Leo do this?”
“Did it to myself.”
“Wow,” Remus said, turning to Sirius, who was poorly hiding his laughter behind a water glass of his own. “Alright, well, glad you got home safe. Did you at least have fun?”
Regulus tipped his head back and forth in an ‘eh’ motion and immediately regretted it. “Not really.”
Remus looked between them for a few more seconds in obvious amusement before kissing Sirius’ cheek and ruffling Regulus’ hair. “I think I’m gonna go back to bed now. Have fun, you two. Reg, remember to shower.”
“For sobriety?”
“No, because you don’t want your sheets to smell like sweat when you wake up feeling terrible.”
Sirius hummed. “I forgot about that one. Especially cause you have a high metabolism.”
I’m still too drunk for this. “Why does that matter?”
“Reg, I love you, but you smell like a walking mini bar right now. High metabolism means faster processing means you reek.”
“Okay, okay,” he grumbled, easing himself back down to the floor to finish off his water. The pleasant darkness of the rest of the house compared to the kitchen was a balm on his eyes as he wandered toward the staircase. “Bonne nuit.”
“Bonne nuit.”
Regulus paused at the top of the stairs. “Thanks again for coming to get me. That was…cool.”
Sirius’ smile was soft as he tilted his head. “Any time. Sweet dreams, Reg.”
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call-me-doll-face · 3 years
Bring Heaven To You
A/N: I apologize for any mistakes! I got ahead of myself with this one 🤣 this story is just everywhere... be warned.
Pairing: DBF Bucky x Reader
Summery: After being in a toxic relationship for over a year reader goes out to try to let loose, not expecting to see her dads best friend there. Years of unspoken feelings finally come to a head as they finally give in to temptation.
Warnings: angst, violence, spanking, poorly written smut, needy bucky, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy)
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I know I’m supposed to be a good girl.... Have been for most of my life.
There’s just something about him that makes me want to be bad...
Maybe right now that’s exactly what I need.
I haven’t seen my ex since we broke up
Probably because he didn’t want to grow up
Now I’m out and wearing something low-cut
‘Bout to get attention from a grown-up
I never expected to see him here, I swear. All that had been on my mind was getting over my no good ex and the toxic relationship I had subjected myself to for over a year. Never would I have thought that the one club I chose to step foot in would also house my father's best friend.
James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky to his friends. Mister ‘Why are you even entertaining that boy’, ‘Come on Doll, he’s a joke’. Mister ‘One word. One word, Doll, and I’ll ruin him.’
‘Cause you hold me like a woman
In a way I’ve never felt before
And it makes me wanna hold on
And it makes me wanna be all yours
However there he was, sitting across from the dancefloor on one of the lounge chairs, surrounded by beautiful women but with eyes on me. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t cause a rush of excitement to flow through my veins as his eyes follow every dip and sway of my body as I dance to the music.
It’s so loud in here that I can feel the vibrations through the floor, travelling through my heels and up my legs. It smells like sweat and alcohol and is packed, people bumping into me every couple seconds. It was almost overwhelming to a point and god did it feel so good.
Guys my age don’t know how to treat me
Don’t know how to treat me
Don’t know how to treat me
Guys my age don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
Guys my age don’t know how to keep me
Don’t know how to keep me
Don’t know how to keep me
Guys my age don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
There has always been a part of me that wanted Bucky. Anyone would, he is striking. His stormy blue eyes have always captivated me in a way nothing else ever has and that mouth of his is sinful, no matter what he’s talking about. 
More than once those strong arms have been around me, and although innocent my mind would instantly take me to a darker; much dirtier place. Those hands....
Soft yet firm fingers gently grab my chin and slowly lift my face from the safety of my arms. Bucky inhales sharply from his spot crouched in front of me on the floor. I watch as his strong jaw ticks slightly, blue eyes darkening and narrowing in anger, and those perfect lips that have smiled at me so often turn down into a snarl.
“I’ll fucking kill him.” He growls as he abruptly stands to his feet, turning on his heels and striding towards my bedroom door. My heart skips a beat at his words and my breath gets caught in my throat. 
“No, no, no. Bucky no!” Jumping up I run the few steps it takes to reach him before he can get all the way out. Grabbing ahold of his arm I cling to him and whimper as I tug. I’m not stupid, I know that if he wanted to go, he would. He is built like a brick house and can easily overpower me.... But Buck has never treated me like that.
Grunting he turns on me angrily. Chest heaving he backtracks and pushes into my space, chest almost pressing against mine as he stares down at me furiously. “And why the fuck shouldn’t I? hmmm? Tell me why.” He’s so angry I can hear the tremur in his voice. It makes me want to cower but I stand my ground.
“No! Don’t you fucking dare try to defend him!” That big hand once again grabs ahold of my face firmly before spinning me around to face my mirror, holding me back against my chest and forcing me to look at the damage. “Look at what the fuck he did to you. Look. It could have been worse. And you want to defend him?” An incredulous laugh escapes him.
I can’t even blame him for being mad. Levi had done a number on me this time... and there was no hiding it. He had come home in one of his tantrums again... this time because of something that had happened at his work. I had tried to stay out of his way. I’d cooked dinner, I’d cleaned, I’d went into the bedroom....
But he hadn’t been okay with that. He’d found me on our bed reading... started calling me names. Told me I was worthless and he didn’t know why he even kept me around. Said he had to teach me a lesson.... 
I had been drug by my hair from my bed. He’d beaten me... I’d begged and pleaded for him to stop. Even told him I’d do whatever he’d wanted; he didn’t care. Afterwards he’d left me there. Lip bloody and busted, Black eye with a blood vessel busted, gashes on my forehead and nose.
I didn’t know what else to do so I’d gone home and called Bucky.
Bucky hadn’t retaliated that night. He’d cleaned me up with gentle hands then held me against his chest as I cried. He had been there for me when I couldn’t turn to anyone else.
All he ever wanted was to go down
What we supposed to do when all his friends around? Yeah
Smoking weed, he’d never wanna leave the house
Got an empty cushion on that sofa now
I don’t know who I’m dancing with, all I know is as we move to the beat and those hands run over my body, I stare at the man across from me and imagine it’s him. 
Leaning forward he rests his elbows on his knees, jaw ticking and eyes narrowing in disapproval as a hand runs up my stomach and between my breasts to grip my neck. 
I know Bucky, and I know his tells. He’s getting agitated. I take pride in knowing my teasing is getting to the older man; Confidence flowing through me as I let my eyes drift closed and my head fall back onto the strangers shoulder. I’ve got him right where I want him.
Told him, “Good luck with the next one.”
Maybe she’ll be just as immature
Gotta thank him, he’s the reason
That I’ll find out what I’m looking for
The strangers hands disappear from my body before being replaced by a very familiar pair, pulling me back against a firm chest and molding me against his strong body. 
“Now Doll, What do you think you’re doing letting random men touch you? hmm?” Warm breath tickles my ear as he leans over my body, bending me slightly as he rocks his hips forward against my ass. 
“I was just waiting for a real man to take his place Buck.” My voice comes out breathless as a big hand grabs my arm and wraps it back around his neck before running his fingertips down the underside of it. My fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck as those fingertips move down to brush over the side of my breast and down further to grip my waist.
My skin erupts in tingles where he touches me, sending shivers of anticipation down my spine. He’s igniting something in me that I haven’t felt in a long time so effortlessly it almost scares me. A thick muscular thigh wedges it’s way between mine and he hisses between his teeth as my ass pushes back against his stiffening cock in approval. 
He moves me flawlessly to the beat, my body following his lead with ease. It feels good, RIGHT, having him against me. Feeling his heat seeping into my bones and engulfing me in him... Only he exists to me in this moment.
Spinning around in his arms I’m taken away by the beauty of him. Eyes hooded and darkened with lust, plump bottom lip pulled between perfect teeth, face slightly shiny from the hot club. Hands reach around me to firmly grip my ass and he pulls me impossibly closer, as if he can’t get enough of me either. 
“Buck...” I whimper needily, and even though I didn’t think he’d hear me over the loud music he does, and before I can blink he swoops down and captures my lips with his. 
The taste of whiskey bursts across my taste buds as his tongue pushes into my mouth and expertly slides against mine. The kiss is dominating yet soft, giving me the chance to pull away had I wanted to; We both know I didnt. Teeth bite into the pillowy cushion of my bottom lip before his tongue flicks out to ease the sting and diving back in for more. 
He’s thorough with his exploration of my mouth... metal hand gripping the back of my neck to hold me in place as he takes, and takes, and takes...
I didn’t know what I thought kissing him would be like, but it certainly wasn’t this. I wanted more. Thankfully Bucky is on the same level as me because with a groan he pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. “I’m not going to fuck you in a club like some whore. I’m going to fuck you in a bed like the good girl you are. Only after you cum on my face first.” 
Guys my age don’t know how to treat me
Don’t know how to treat me
Don’t know how to treat me
Guys my age don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
Guys my age don’t know how to keep me
Don’t know how to keep me
Don’t know how to keep me
Guys my age don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
As soon as the door to his apartment is slammed shut he is on me. Gasping loudly in surprise I suddenly find myself bent forward over the black of his leather couch that we had watched tv with my dad multiple times before.
“I’ve thought about this so many times Doll. Just bending you over this fucking couch and making you cum until you couldn’t think straight. Make you see what you were missing out on with that asshat.” My thighs clench together at his words as I feel my arousal soak into my panties. A whimper escapes me as he runs his finger tips up the back of my thighs before pushing my black bodycon dress up my hips and over my ass. A deep groan is heard from behind me as my black lacy thong is reveal to him. “God, for such a good girl you’ve been so bad tonight. Not only letting random men touch you, but wearing this pretty little thing?”
Fisting his hand into my long brown hair he jerks me back up against his chest and nuzzles his nose into my cheek. “Tell me Doll, would you have let them fuck you?” God, all it seems like my body is capable of doing is whimpering as his hand grips my ass cheek and rubs it roughly.
“I...I don’t know.” I cry out at the sudden sting as his hand smacks down onto my ass. Tingles run through my body at the sensation, never in a million years did I think Bucky Barnes would SPANK me.
“Wrong answer Doll.” Grabbing ahold of my dress he swiftly pulls it over my head before bending me back over the couch. Leaning over my body he presses wet open mouthed kisses up the center of my spine. “I’m almost disappointed in you Cili. So thirsty....” Running his hand over the sensitive skin he smacks his hand down once again, pitching me forward slightly as I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut.
“I’m going to ruin you.” pushing my thong down my legs he kneels behind me and spreads my ass cheeks, opening me up for his hungry eyes. My cheeks burn as I feel his gaze on me and all the confidence I felt before hand diminishes.
“B-Bucky please...Please, I want you...” I don’t have to beg for very long. He hums softly before leaning forward and licking a strip all the way from my clit to my entrance. “Bucky!” I cry out as my body jerks forward and away from the sensation, causing him to smirk behind me. 
Gripping my hips tightly to hold me into place he dives in and eats me like a man starved. His skillful tongue pulls noises I never knew I could even make from my mouth. It doesn’t take long before I start to feel the knot in my belly start to tighten`as he sucks my clit into his warm mouth.
“Mmmm that’s it Doll, make a mess on my face. Come on pretty girl, cum for me.” His words urge me on as a thick finger enters and starts pumping into me, curling and hitting the most delicious spot. 
“Fuck, Bucky! I’m gonna cum!” I cry out as my hips push back against his face, seeking out the last little bit of friction I need to send me over that edge. 
“Give it to me.” Giving me exactly what I need he leans down and closes his lips around my clit, tongue lapping at it vigorously. With one more crook of his finger he sends me over with a loud cry of his name into the couch cushion. My body locks up with the sensation as his finger keeps pumping, prolonging my orgasm for as long as he can. 
Never have I had an orgasm that intense... An orgasm that leaves me a whimpering mess as Bucky gently removes his fingers and wipes my juices from his face and beard. 
“That’s my girl. Such a good girl.” He soothes as he gently scoops me into his strong arms and carries me down the hall and to his room. Laying my tired body on the bed he brushes a lock of hair out of my face and presses a tender kiss against my lips, one that although tired I instantly return. “I’m not done with you yet baby.” 
I watch as he steps away from me and pulls his shirt over his head, tossing it into a hamper in the corner on the room. I’d seen his body a thousand times, but now; here with him, it feels like the first time I’ve actually gotten to look. 
My eyes land on the scarring around his right shoulder where metal meets skin. I see the white scars littered over his body and his beautifully sculpted abs. When they move down to the deep V that dips down into his pants I can’t help but bite my lip at the sight. 
He hesitates at his belt buckle, blue eyes scrutinizing me as if he’s trying to find something. “Doll..... are you sure about this? There’s no going back if we do this.”
Despite what had just happened in the living room and what is about to happen in here, my heart swells at his words. Always so considerate of me and my feelings...
Smiling softly I climb off the bed and go to him, noticing how his eyes harden as if preparing himself for me to turn him down. Slowly reaching up I cup his cheek and let my thumb stroke it softly as I force him to meet my gaze. “There is no one else I’d rather be with. Even if I hadn’t seen you in that club tonight, there is no one else.” Those eyes search mine, as if not believing that I could honestly mean what I said. When all he finds is honesty he leans in and captures me in a kiss that holds so much passion, so much love it leaves me breathless. 
Working together we unbuckle his belt and shove his jeans and boxers down his thick thighs, finally freeing his hard cock. Looking down my mouth waters at the sight of it, slightly curved with a thick vein and an angry red tip. He’s perfect...
Letting out a grunt as my hand wraps around his member he gently pulls me off before cupping my ass and lifting me off my feet before once again laying me on the bed. 
“I know I said I was going to ruin you.... and I swear on everything I WILL ruin you... but Doll right now I just need ya.” My eyes widen as I stare up at the vulnerable look on his face and without even having to think about it I instantly nod.
Placing himself between my spread thighs he leans his forehead against mine before pressing soft kisses over my face. Breathing out his name I wrap my arms around his neck and grip his shoulders as I feel his tip at my entrance. Locking eyes with me he keeps the contact as he slowly pushes into me.
Moaning softly at the stretch I lean my head back against the pillows. He’s so big and I feel so full... I can feel every inch of him as he slowly eases into me before his hips are flush against mine and he grunts. 
“Fuck... Doll, you’re squeezin me so tight. So fucking perfect, taking me so well.” My body sings over his praise as he finally starts moving inside of me. Before long the slow push and pull becomes rushed and urgent. 
So I’m never going back
No, I’m never going back
My nails dig into his back as his thrusts push my body further up the bed with the force of them. The room is full of my whimpers and cries of his name and his grunts as his cock slams into me repeatedly. Our legs are tangled and his fingers lace with mine, pinning my arms above my head as he continues to kiss, lick, and bite every inch of skin he can reach. 
I feel completely surrounded by this man, all that exists is him, and it starts to make me wonder how there was ever anyone before him...
“You’re mine Doll... This body is mine. This pussy is mine.” His hips are harsher with his words but his kisses are sweeter. “Say it, Say your mine.” His words are almost desperate as he looks down at me pleadingly. How could I deny him? How could I disagree knowing that it would be a lie?
“I’ve always been yours Buck. Always.”
Guys my age don’t know how to treat me
Don’t know how to treat me
Don’t know how to treat me
Guys my age don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
Guys my age don’t know how to keep me
Don’t know how to keep me
Don’t know how to keep me
Guys my age don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
Groaning he releases one of my hands and reaches between our bodies, rolling his thumb over my little bundle of nerves as his hips start to stutter. He’s close, I can tell, and he’s quickly getting me there as well.
Capturing my lips one last time he tangles his tongue with mine, drinking me in, before burying himself inside me as deeply as he can. He cums with the most beautiful moan I’ve ever heard and with one last circle of his thumb he drags me over the edge with him, plummeting into the intense mind numbing pleasure only he has been able to give me.
My walls clamp down around him, milking him of every last drop as he releases inside of me, his cum painting my walls. 
His lips never part from mine, continuing the slow sensual kiss as we both wait for our highs to come down... Never in a million years would I complain, Loving the taste of him. The feel of him....
Even though he said he wasn’t going to ruin me like he had planned to tonight, little does he know that’s exactly what he had done. He had ruined me for any other men. He made me realize the one truth I had never spoken.
All there is, all there was, and all there ever will be..... Is James Buchanan Barnes.
So I’m never going back
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
No, I’m never going back
Don’t know how to touch me
Don’t know how to love me good
So I’m never going back
No, I’m never going back.
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thatgoblin · 3 years
RE Boys as Big Brother with Neurodivergent!Reader
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Over sensitive skin
"Come on, Y/N! We're going to be late!" Chris called down the hall. You were halfway under your bed searching for your shoes that you had wanted to wear that day. It was a luncheon with Chris at the B.S.A.A. and you had said you would go because free food and you would get to see Jill, your favorite B.S.A.A. agent. Even though it should have been Chris considering he was your brother, but still.
"I can't find my slip ons!" You called back, throwing everything under your bed out into the open.
"What?" He asked, coming into the room. "Y/N, what are you doing? I thought you said you were ready?"
"I was but it's too hot for my other shoes!" You said with a huff, looking up at him as you kept trying to find the shoes you wanted.
"What do you mean? Just put your socks and shoes on," Chris said.
"It's too hot for socks and shoes. My feet will get sweaty and swollen and I hate it when they do that," you said, whining slightly as you became more upset.
"Just wear your flip flops, they're right by the door," Chris said tersely, pointing to them.
"But I don't want anything between my toes! I just-Chris!" You cried, feeling yourself get irritable as you threw a shoe at your closet.
"Well, first of all, take a deep breath," he said, kneeling in the floor with you. He pushed your hair back from your face, making you look at him. "Which shoes are you looking for?"
"My black slip ons," you said softly.
"What do they look like?"
"They're black and look like regular tennis shoes, but slip on with no laces," you said.
"They're by the front door. I just saw them," he said with a soft snort.
Getting up, you walked with him to the front door to find those very shoes you had torn your room apart for to be sitting there where Chris said they were.
"Oh. . . Thanks," you said, giving him a sheepish smile as you slid the shoes on. "Okay, I'm ready."
"Alright," Chris said, shaking his head as he grabbed his keys and wallet, letting you two out and finally onto the lunch.
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Non-verbal food textures
"Hey, what are you feeling like tonight for dinner?" Carlos asked, looking in the fridge for anything edible.
You joined him, looking as well to find not a lot.
"Ramen?" He asked, closing the door to look at you. You shrug and make an 'eh' face. "Alright, pizza? I got some coupons to use up to get us a couple of medium sized ones."
Giving him a thumbs up, you moved to the living room to flop on the couch, pulling out your phone. Playing a game, you let him over the pizza, trusting him to get you what you wanted. Carlos knew you were a picky eater and it wasn't hard to find something you liked once he had figured out what you didn't like.
No cooked veggies because of texture, vinegar and salt makes you gag, lettuce can't be wilted or any color other than green, raw fish is the devil, and you hate anything too sweet because it makes your teeth feel fuzzy.
"Alright, we got two mediums pizzas on their way. One supreme and one with extra cheese and light sauce," he said with a grin as he flopped down next to you. "Sound good?"
Looking up, you smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.
"Good! Now, let's finish this Mariocart race. I've got to get my 1st place back from fucking Waluigi," he said, handing you a controller.
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'Special Interest'
"They just opened up the newest exhibit! They have a whole ass Anaconda, Leon!" You cried, grabbing your brother by the hand and dragging him through the rest of the zoo just to get to the Reptile House. "They even got a komodo dragon now! We've been on the waiting list for one of those for two years!"
"Whoa, Y/N!" Leon cried, nearly falling over at you pulling him to hard. "Let me catch up. I thought you wanted to see the whole zoo, not just the snakes and lizards."
"The Reptile House. There's more than just snakes and lizards there. They have turtles and terrapins and alligators and I heard they're trying to get a Nile crocodile too!"
Leon should have known that you'd want the reptiles first. The apartment you two shared was covered in them, especially your room. While the living room had a few knick knacks here and there and some professional artist drawings of reptiles, your room was covered in posters and figures and even a few model skeletons of the animals.
You were in college for herpetology and had loved the animals since you were little. Leon however, did not. If there was so much as a spider larger than a quarter you were the one to get it. The man could shoot zombies and giant monsters all day, but he drew the line at every day animals.
"Oh gosh," you said in awe as you stepped into the cool building. The anaconda was in the back, so you dragged Leon behind you to get to it. "Usually they don't move a lot in captivity, but I think it's getting hungry," you said as the pair of you stopped in front of a large, glass cage. Inside was a beautiful green snake that was bigger around than Chris Redfield's biceps. It was slithering around, sniffing the air with its tongue flicking out.
"She's so pretty," you said, grinning as you watched her closely.
"I'm going to have to get you a season pass, aren't I?" Leon asked, making a face as you stood close to the tank, admiring the creature as it just moved around being a snake and chilling out.
"Yup!" You said, looking back at him with a grin. "Hey, Leon-"
"No. No pets, especially a snake," he said, cutting you off.
"It was worth a try."
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ashdumpsterpile · 3 years
Ohmygod YES Susan Pevensie is awesome please talk to me about Susan i want to know everything you have to say
Literally THANK YOU for asking me this bc Susan Pevensie is a character I never get asked about and I have So Many Opinions.
I'm going to start by saying that Susan used to be my least favorite character in the series. This goes for the books and the movies. Some of it was for personal reasons--she reminds me of a couple of annoying ppl I know irl--but it was also bc I watched Prince Caspian which shoehorned her into a relationship with Caspian which I hated.
HOWEVER. I ended up rethinking this position after interacting with Susan fans and realizing that there are so many wonderful things to love about her!
(putting under the cut bc this got long)
Things Ash Loves About Susan Pevensie
Aight I'm not going to do a formal analysis yet on her, but instead rant about some of the unrelated things I adore about Susan Pevensie.
Susan the Archer
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Look we all love archery here. I don't have anything more to say.
Okay, I actually do have more to say. I love the fact that Susan is a complete badass with the bow. You get the general impression that she's one of the royals in charge of public relations, traditions, foreign policy, etc. and yet she's the most competent archer in the series. One of the few things I liked about the movies is how they didn't downplay this. They actually let her be a badass and show off her skills.
Also the part where she kicks Trumpkin's ass was awesome.
Susan the Gentle
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Susan being the most passive Pevensie was something I definitely underappreciated as a teenager. I think my non-ability to see past "I'm not like other girls" narrative and the combination of Susan being described as the most traditionally feminine woman in the Narnia series is what initially turned me off from her.
HOWEVER, now it's one of my favorite attributes! I love that Susan is a badass and the most beautiful woman in Narnia. She has hair down to her feet, every man and woman in the kingdom want to fuck her, and she's still a fucking badass who will not hesitate to kick your ass.
Susan the Sister
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Most of my thoughts of Susan as an older sister mostly stem from my own personal headcanons, but she is an awesome sister to her siblings. She's Peter's voice of reason, Edmund's sass partner, and Lucy's big sister.
Susan the Mom-Friend
She is a literal mother-figure for Corin.
"[...] the most beautiful lady he had ever seen rose from her place and threw her arms round him and kissed him, saying: "Oh Corin, Corin, how could you? And thou and I such close friends ever since thy mother died. [...]"
-The Horse and His Boy, 33-34
Most everything I have to say about this ventures into headcanon territory, but I love the idea of Susan basically adopting Corin after his mom dies. The way she trusts Cor--who she thinks is Corin in this chapter--is really sweet and I wish we could've seen more of that relationship.
Susan the Flawed
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Something I notice from the fandom is a lot of people who hate Susan tend to because of her flaws. On the other hand, most Susan stans like to wave away these flaws and blame C.S. Lewis for being misogynistic or Aslan for being a "cruel god" and ignore the fact that she is a deeply flawed person.
Susan gets something of a "reverse redemption arc" in The Chronicles of Narnia. This makes her not only a fascinating foil to Edmund--as both are analytical, logical people--but an interesting character by herself.
She starts out in TWW as very skeptical of Narnia and it's whole deal and also very condescending to Lucy throughout. She ultimately does admit that Lucy was right and does get on board with the whole prophecy at the same time Peter does, and ends the book being crowned "the Gentle Queen."
In The Horse and His Boy, she has a very interesting dynamic with Edmund and in even more interesting relationship with Rabadash. They don't even interact on-page with each other, but it's highly implied that she was interested in him when he was a guest in Narnia. His behavior obviously changed when she visited him in Tashbaan, but you have to wonder what their dynamic was like before for her to travel all the way to his home when relations between the countries were strained at best.
Prince Caspian is where the cracks start showing through. Susan has lived an entire life as an adult in Narnia, gets thrown back to England with her siblings, and is yet again in Narnia as a child. This book is what really emphasizes her one fatal flaw: convenience.
(Put a pin in that thought, I'll get back to it.)
Susan denies once again that Lucy saw something that the rest of them can't seen. She continues this narrative until every other sibling finally acknowledges Lucy in the right and only then does she apologize.
The last mention of Susan is in The Last Battle, where all of her flaws rise up against her in the worst way possible. I have a lot of controversial opinions on this that I'm going to address later, but I just want to say that Susan's reverse-redemption arc is something I actually like about her.
(There is also evidence that Susan does get a full redemption arc, just as Edmund and Eustace did, but C.S. Lewis was pretty much done with The Chronicles of Narnia at the point and instead encouraged fans to write their own version of how that went down.)
Okay, back to convenience being Susan's fatal flaw. So the one thing that comes up time and time again in the series is that Susan is very focused on material comforts. I believe it's implied that she's vain, and it's canonical that her own personal comfort spurs her to make decisions.
"[...] I really believed it was him — he, I mean — yesterday. When he warned us not to go down to the fir wood. And I really believed it was him tonight, when you woke us up. I mean, deep down inside. Or I could have, if I'd let myself. But I just wanted to get out of the woods and — and — oh, I don't know [...]"
Prince Caspian, 81
Prince Caspian has the strongest examples of Susan doing this, but certainly there's evidence elsewhere. There are a lot of fans who are distressed by this, claiming that Aslan and the others are too hard on her and shouldn't judge.
Honestly, I like that she's written with this flaw. Not only is it very relatable--(my own personal comfort and convenience is something I highly prioritize too)--but it humanizes a character who otherwise is ridiculously op and basically the Helen of Troy of the series. It may sound like I'm using this as an excuse to rant, but I really wouldn't have her any other way.
Susan As Portrayed by Anna Popplewell
Movie!Susan is a fucking delight.
She's sarcastic and badass and awesome and I could spend hours heaping praise on Anna's acting and her portrayal of Susan, but I can already tell that this post is going to be long so, I'll just stop here.
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(10/10 want to be stabbed by her tho.)
Personal Headcanons
Let's talk about my fanon thoughts. I have many.
Susan is Aro
There's canonical evidence for this! Susan is a character who is heavily pursued by suitors everywhere, and even lets herself be courted by many of them, but chooses not to settle down. Even when she gets back to England and is described as only having interest in parties and material things, boys aren't mentioned.
I like to think that in The Horse in His Boy Susan was interested in Rabadash at first because he was a brilliant conversationalist. Nothing she says about him implies romantic interest, before and after she realizes the truth of his intentions.
Susan and Edmund Were Best Friends
This might be my love for The Horse and His Boy showing itself, but I think Susan and Edmund were thrown into circumstances where they interacted the most with each other.
Edmund is the ruler in charge of politics. Susan is the ruler in charge of Cair Paravel's public image. I imagine they spent time as ambassadors to other countries and planning royal functions.
They're also the most level-headed and logical out of their siblings, so they probably found a lot in common.
Susan Fancast
I literally just said I loved Anna's potrayal of Susan's (and I love what they gave us of older Susan too in LWW!), but I read the books in 2008 and my parents didn't let me see the movies bc I was like...nine years old and they thought it would be too scary.
So I had to headcanon my own interpretations.
Queen Susan the Gentle:
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For some reason Merlin wasn't too scary for me to watch and I fell in love with Katie McGrath in like. Two episodes so. (On an unrelated note, I also fancast Bradley James as Peter at the time.)
Anyway, fanon Susan is basically Morgana Pendragon pre-evil arc. Sassy as hell, hot as fuck, and can kick your ass.
Unpopular Opinions
Yeah, feel free to skip this part if having controversial fandom opinions is a deal breaker for you.
The Problem With Susan Isn't Actually A Problem
I'm about to start so much discourse in the Narnia fandom, but C.S. Lewis's choices with her in The Last Battle weren't misogynistic. Bear in mind, I'm not saying that all of his writing choices in the series were A++ or excusing away certain racist/sexiest bits, but it's honestly baffling to me that people are so up in arms over Susan's exclusion in the final book.
So the part that everyone loses their shit over is as follows:
"My sister Susan," answered Peter shortly and gravely, "is no longer a friend of Narnia."
"Yes," said Eustace, "and whenever you've tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia, she says 'What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.'"
"Oh Susan!" said Jill, "she's interested in nothing now-a-days except nylons and lipstick and invitations. She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up."
"Grown-up, indeed," said the Lady Polly. "I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one's life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can."
The Last Battle, 83-84
There's a lot to unpack here and I first want to say that everyone's opinion on this part, no matter how different than mine, is valid. I'm going to be quoting some other ppl's opinions on here and by no means am I bashing them. I just want to address my feelings on the matter and the best way to do that is to cite the thoughts of ppl who have opposing ideas.
Here are some arguments on Tumblr I've heard regarding "The Problem of Susan":
"How about we talk about what might have happened if Narnia hadn't deserted Susan? [...] What if we didn't tell Susan she had to go grow up in her own world and then shame and punish her for doing just that? She was told to walk away and she went. She did not try to stay a child all her life, wishing for something she had been told she couldn't have again."
"Narnia is filled with metaphors (often not very subtle ones) that are supposed to teach us how to be, and the most glaring one for any young girl to absorb is that it's okay to be a girl like Lucy, unthreatening and cheerful and valiant and faithful, but to be a girl like Susan gets you punished - in fact, you aren't just punished, you're destroyed."
"why do we call it ‘the problem’ where’s the problem about a young woman dealing with her trauma and choosing her own path, actively making the choice to keep living and to stay and to carve a life out in England when her siblings couldn’t? what is the problem about susan forgetting to somehow cope with what she’s experienced? why is it ‘the problem of susan’ that she recontextualised her faith?"
And then there's JK Rowling who said this:
There comes a point where Susan, who was the older girl, is lost to Narnia because she becomes interested in lipstick. She's become irreligious basically because she found sex. I have a big problem with that.
It's weird how I'm still finding new ways to hate JKR in the year 2021. Again, there is absolutely zero implication that Susan had sex when she came back to England. ZERO. Did she actually read the books? IDK. If someone shares this opinion pls reply with actual canonical evidence.
Back on topic, I'm a firm believer of death of the author and interpreting art via your own experiences. Which is why I'm also going to share my own interpretation by saying y'all are wrong.
Susan Pevensie was not abandoned by Narnia. She was not barred from Narnia because she is traditionally feminine or because she "owned her sexuality" (another opinion I didn't have time to condense down for this post) or because she recontextualized her faith or even because she deserved to be punished.
I also fail to see how Susan recontexualized her faith, as the entire point of it all is that she has none. Bringing this back to Susan's fatal flaw (personal convenience/material comforts), her prioritizing herself over her own faith is the reason she is "no longer a friend of Narnia." Not...whatever fanon y'all are imposing on her character.
Susan is not being punished for liking lipstick and looking pretty. Susan's not even being punished. Y'all read Neil Gaiman's The Problem of Susan and forgot it wasn't canon.
There are many reasons Susan is not in Aslan's Country (one of them being that she's not actually dead yet), but the main one has to do with this:
"[...] But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 215-216
Yeah, okay that's why Susan is no longer a friend of Narnia. The implication when the Pevensies are told that they can no longer enter Narnia is that they are to find Aslan in other places. Susan doesn't do this, instead choosing to focus her life on material things. It isn't the lipstick, it's that she only wants the lipstick.
Susan Had Sex In The Books
Oh and not in the context y'all are thinking. (Again, there are no implications that Susan was barred from Narnia for having sex or that she had sex when she came back to England.)
So there's actual canonical evidence that Susan and Rabadash had a sexual relationship. Sort of.
"What think you? We have been in this city fully three weeks. Have you yet settled in your mind whether you will marry this dark-faced lover of yours, this Prince Rabadash, or no?"
-The Horse and His Boy, 35
Edmund calls Rabadash her lover. Not her suitor. I don't know if the word had a different meaning in 1954, but it feels like C.S. Lewis is saying that they're fucking. I'm not really happy with the idea of Susan sleeping with an abuser, but really proud of her for Getting Some as a woman born in a time period where having premarital sex was a big no-no.
This also invalidates the weird opinion going on that Susan was barred from Narnia because she had sex.
Suspian Is The Worst
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I haven't really talked about Movie!Susan much, but as long as we're talking unpopular opinions, it's worth noting that I hate Suspian. Some of it is the "Susan is Aro" headcanon screaming inside of me, but it's also the fact that it's written poorly, does nothing interesting for either character and generally comes across as awkward.
I feel like they were trying to make Prince Caspian sexy and relevant to teens. It came across as super heteronormative and unnecessary.
It also gets really really weird bc the next movie then gives Caspian and Edmund mad chemistry and we're all just like........ok.
Final Thoughts
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Susan may not be my favorite character in the series, but she's grown on me over the years. I have many issues with fanon interpretations of her--which definately fueled some of my disdain for her initally--and I don't identify as a Susan Apologist.
I do however adore Susan and have many headcanons for her not mentioned here. I love reading fanfic, writing fanfic and meta, and generally having conversations about her and would love to talk more about it.
I welcome criticism (CONSTRUCTIVE) and conversation on all of my opinions and observations. Please drop into my inbox. <3
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
sweet & dirty — im changkyun/i.m
request: as a request, which feels SO weird to do considering i don’t ever ask them but fir you i’ll make an exception 💗, how about a changkyun fic with a bit of corruption kink, biting, and kyun cumming in his pants? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
a/n: this is going to be soft n cheesy as fuck i do not apologize also i was gonna do the in the order i got them but i got inspired for this one 😔😔
word count: 1.2k
content: sub!changkyun, dom!gn!reader, corruption kink, biting, hickies, handjob, cumming in pants
summary: when you learn that your best friend—when you’re incidentally in love with— a virgin, there’s no harm in playing with him a little bit, right?
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his words echo in your head, practically haunting your for hours on end. it’s impossible to focus on any of your work at all because of him. he’s always been endlessly beautiful, even before he suddenly bulked up, but you had assumed that, if he looks that good, at some point he must have at least done something. the words keep echoing, bouncing around your head until it’s impossible to bear, ‘i’m a virgin.’
‘how? how is that possible?’ you wanted to ask him. he was gorgeous! he could have anyone he wanted just by flashing that charming smile. and now that you think about it, after all these years of being close friends with him, you’ve never seen him seriously date someone. he’s had flings, but they never lasted longer than two or so weeks.
so now it’s hours later, and you’re lying on your couch, with his voice still in your head, refusing to ever let you escape the thought of having him to yourself. it’s not your fault you’ve fallen for the beautiful and confusingly unavailable bachelor in the span of a few hours.
and then he texts you.
💜: do you wanna come over? i’ll order takeout and we’ll watch the lion king
and now you overthink it. the ironic thing is that there’s nothing out of the ordinary with his text. he always invites you over just to cry softly while eating lukewarm takeout, it’s basically your friendship staple, but now it feels strange. it’s not like you’ll say no, but now every little thing he does has your head spinning.
♥️: of course, just don’t expect me to cuddle you when mufasa dies
💜: but you absolutely will
yeah, you definitely will.
“you’ve seen this movie plenty of times, kyun, you knew this was coming,” you laugh incredulously at the way he seemed so spooked when scar did… whatever scar did. honestly, you weren’t really paying attention.
“at least i’m watching the movie, you’ve been spaced out this whole time,” he mutters with a teasing smirk, probably not even realizing just why you’re so out of it, “something on your mind you’d like to tell me about? you in love with me or something?”
and you know it’s just the way he teases, constantly making you second guess his intentions, and then pulling away at the last second before you finally crack.
because yeah, you kinda are in love with him.
“what if i was? what then?” you say, more in a way to match his tone, but it’s a serious question.
“then maybe…” he scoots closer to you, until your faces are barely inches apart, “maybe i’d let you love me.”
“your breath stinks,” you mutter awkwardly, and he scoffs.
“that cannot be what you’re thinking about right now?” he says incredulously, moving in just a bit closer, tilting his head, looking up at you with those beautiful eyes, and it feels impossible to not suffocate while he gazes at you like that, “do you love me?”
and, against all better judgment, you breathe out a simple, “yes,” and he doesn’t give you a chance to gauge his reaction, pushing you down to the floor and kissing you like you’re a fire and he’s freezing cold. he becomes somewhat handsy, but his movements make you realize just how innocent his touches are. he cups your cheek, holds your waist, and runs his fingers through your hair. it’s impossible to catch unless you’re paying attention, but there’s nervousness behind his movements.
so you pull him away for a moment, “kyun, do you… want to do this?”
all that fiery energy leaves him in an instant, and he fidgets as he nods, keeping his eyes away from you, “i can’t promise i’ll be good at… it, but as long as you want me, i want you.”
“alright, let me get on top,” you murmur, and he lets you flip him over, pulling him back in a kiss for just a second, but your lips soon drag down his jaw and then his neck.
“a-ah— oh! that feels weird…” he mumbles to more himself than you, but soon backtracks, “like a good weird! it feels good, but i just… it’s so…”
“overwhelming, maybe?” you smirk, “let’s see if this feels good too,” you bite down gently against his neck, and he cries out.
“ow!” he shouts, but he still holds you close, and after he contains himself, you start to kiss and suck on his the bite mark, sweetly apologizing for the pain you caused. he moans like he’s never felt anything this good before, and it’s an incredible feeling knowing he’ll only feel better and better from here.
“baby,” you purr, and that sound in and of itself is enough to make him so incredibly flustered, “do you want me to touch you?”
“y-yes, please,” he responds, suddenly so polite and sweet. you kiss the pretty hickey once last time before focusing your attention to the front of his pants, ghostly touching your fingers over the fabric, and rubbing the inside of his thighs over them as well. you move so you’re beside him, sitting while he leans against you for support as he starts to lose himself.
you want to keep teasing, but with the way he begs, you cave easily, adding more pressure and palming him over the pajama bottoms more firmly, “you’re so cute like this, kyunnie.”
“ah, it f-feels really— really good!” his hand reaches out to hold your free hand, squeezing it when it feels like too much for him, but he doesn’t want to stop. not at all, it’s just a lot at all once, “h-how am i already so close…?”
“oh? baby, you can cum, don’t worry too much about lasting a long time,” you reassure him, but he���s still so flushed and nervous.
“b-but i’m still wearing my—”
“don’t you like how dirty it is, baby? don’t you want to show me how dirty you are?” you ask, even though you know the answer, “can you cum in your pants for me, sweetie? that would make me really happy to see you all dirty and cute like that.”
“y-yeah,” he whispers, jerking suddenly when he problaby hits his high. he makes the most lewd expression you’ve ever seen, eyes unfocused and lips parted so prettily. he loses all composure as his moans loudly pierce the relative silence in the room as you can see a dark spot forming in front of his pants. he clings to you, gripping your hand tightly as he curls up beside you, still reeling from the high and a bit flustered about how dirty he felt, “d-did you want me to take care of you too?”
you shake your head, even though you are grateful for his willingness to return the favor, “no, it’s alright, kyunnie. i think this is a good place to stop. let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?”
“i— okay,” he buries his face in your lap, muttering softly, yet still loud enough for you to hear, “i really liked that.”
“good, because after that, we’re not gonna be friends anymore,” you mumble, tucking his dark hair behind his ear, smiling down at him while he looks so dazedly up at you, “you’re mine now.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @feelslikelove @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting @baa-nana @foenixs @sunflowerkeen @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies
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gyucore · 3 years
to reach a happy ending
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pairing: beomgyu x reader
tags: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
word count: 1.6k
warnings: beomgyu swears like once
017: "A fairytale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face."
023: "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
— requested by ⛅ anon! sorry this took so long to make. i hope you like it!! ♡
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"Ew, look at this." You hand the dusty old photo album to Beomgyu who's sprawled across the floor by your side.
"Wait—" He stops you, rolling away before letting out a sneeze so loud that it managed to echo off the dusty untouched walls of his old room. The poor guy couldn't help it, his room hadn't been cleaned since he moved out in the middle of high school, and his mom preferred to keep things as they were— dust and all. You wonder if it was simply an excuse to clean one less room.
Beomgyu did say he had dropped in yesterday without notice. You'd think he'd want to spend some quality time with his parents first, but he'd decided to invite you over after spending a single night under this roof. Having heard nothing but radio silence from your best friend in years, you were thrilled to get to see him again. And what better way to shed off the ever present awkwardness in the beginning than to go through old photo albums?
"Okay, show me." Beomgyu rolls back to your side, scooting in closer to rest his head on your lap.
You turn the photo album, pointing at one photo in particular of you and Beomgyu dressed as a knight and damsel in distress— Beomgyu playing the role of the latter. Contrary to the roles, you were pummeling Beomgyu to the ground as if having caught a thief, and Beomgyu was shoving his handkerchief to your face, blocking your eyesight. The context behind the photograph alludes you, but this might just be a case of seven-year-olds doing whatever they want whenever.
"The fuck you mean ew? I look great in that dress!" Frowning, Beomgyu grabs the album to stare longer at his past self's glory.
"Lying to yourself isn't good for you, Gyu." You jokingly disapprove. It was fun seeing his reactions right after.
"Oh, look at these."
Beomgyu points at a photo of you and him on stage, wearing the same costumes as before. You figured it was for a play back in first grade when you two had been classmates. The next series of photos included one of you holding out a sword towards a kid in a cheap dragon costume, one of Beomgyu holding back his tears after tripping over and ripping his dress, and ones of you rushing to Beomgyu and kissing away his tears.
"This takes me back." Beomgyu lights up with a smile, failing to notice the surprise on your face. "Remember when your mom made us believe that kissing any injuries we had would make it go away? I knew you wanted to help me back then but I couldn't stop crying and tell you were it hurt, so you started kissing all over my face hoping it'd go away."
You find yourself laughing at your past self's foolishness. "But did it work?" You ask in between laughs.
"Well," Beomgyu chuckles, getting up from his position on your lap. "I don't think it would've worked if another person had done it. But since it was you— Wait." He takes one last look at the album, letting slip a wheeze before placing it back in its box. "Mom wrote something right below the photo."
"What did she write?" You ask, holding out your hands for Beomgyu to grab.
"A fairy tale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face." Beomgyu tells you as he helps you up, trying his best to keep a straight face after delivering that line.
The two of you burst into laughter at his mother's words. You knew she'd been fond of fairy tales all her life but the caption was taking you out. Beomgyu was literally crying in the photo yet somehow this, to her, was a happy ending.
You eventually take notice of all the photos plastered around his room, some framed, and some simply stuck to the walls— memories of happier times. Most were of you and him, and in some, just you. He'd shown off the Polaroid camera his mother bought for him in seventh grade, proclaiming he'd only take photos of moments he'd want to keep in his memory forever. It never actually crossed your mind that a lot of them would be of you.
Beomgyu notices your wandering eyes and chuckles, placing an arm around your shoulder. The distance between you shrinks as he holds you closer. And at that moment, you take note of everything that's changed.
He'd gotten taller since the last time you saw him. Gone was the lanky boy you knew, evident in the way his muscles flexed with every small movement you wish you hadn't noticed. Beomgyu had grown his hair out; the thick, wavy locks tucked behind his ears, covering the back of his neck. The deepness of his voice had been a surprise when he greeted you at the door earlier, but you held back from pointing it out.
You feared that if you acknowledged all the changes, you'd be forced to face reality. That things weren't the same anymore, no matter how hard you tried. After all, Beomgyu wasn't the only one who changed. You had quite the few character development arcs yourself, and experiences which Beomgyu remained oblivious of. And somehow despite that, in his presence, you started to feel like your old self again.
Beomgyu's invitation had come as a surprise last night. You thought he'd forgotten about you, what with all the silence these past few years.
Life continued on as it should even without Beomgyu by your side, but you could argue that all the amazing experiences you've had on your own would've been better if he were there to experience it with you. And now here you were in his old room, pretending everything was the same as he'd left it.
You look up at your old friend, wanting to tell him what had been plaguing your thoughts the entire day but find yourself tongue tied when his dark eyes stare back into your own. And you wonder, how many times had it been that you'd stared into each other's eyes just like this? How many times had he pulled you close into his arms all those years? And just how many nights had you spent wondering if your feelings for him had grown into something more?
"I missed you." Beomgyu speaks first, his gaze never faltering.
Hearing his voice, you swear you could've melted right then and there. Part of you had wished he'd tell you those exact words, confirming that it hadn't been just you who'd been wanting to see him all these years.
"I missed you too."
Beomgyu could only smile at your response.
His arm leaves your shoulder— hands slowly finding their way to your own. His hold was gentle as he slowly guided you to face him.
"Don't laugh, but," Beomgyu starts. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Love at fir—"
The question throws you off.
"I heard you the first time!" You cut him off, wanting so bad to cover your face from the secondhand embarrassment. "I can't believe you just said that. What even happened to you in college?"
"Hey! At least hear me out before you make fun of me." Beomgyu bursts out laughing at your reaction, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands to help you calm down. "Judging from your reaction, I'm guessing your answer is a no. And I honestly felt the same too until a few hours back."
"Okay, you lost me there."
"Shut up. What I'm saying is," Beomgyu squeezes your hands, leaning in closer. "I'm sorry I haven't been in touch the last few years. I had a lot of trouble adjusting, and it took a while for me to really get the hang of living alone. I wanted to talk to you as soon as I got there but then I thought that maybe it would've been better for you if I left you to live your own life for a while too."
"Beomgyu.." You squeeze his hands back, sensing the sincerity in his eyes.
Beomgyu shakes his head. "I know this sounds silly and all, but I didn't want you to feel the emptiness I felt when I left. I wanted you to go and make experiences of your own without me."
You frown, refraining to speak until he's done.
"But then I couldn't stop thinking about you. Everywhere I went, I'd think of you and how the place would've been better if we got to hang out there together. Every time I had fun or ate something that tasted good, I wanted you to share the experience with me."
Beomgyu sighs. "Honestly, I thought I could make it through my visit home without seeing you but I passed by your house on my way home yesterday and I just.. I couldn't hold back. And when I saw you for the first time in years at the front of my doorstep.. I knew I had to tell you."
Half of you knew what to expect, and the other half doubted the reality of the situation. But all the doubts instantly melt away as soon as Beomgyu closed the distance between you, pressing your foreheads together.
Face flushed, you stare at him in awe and notice he had his eyes closed shut. "Cute." You thought.
He whispers in a voice so quiet you could barely hear.
"I like you."
You couldn't hold it in any longer, the rush of emotions crashing into you like raging waves against a cliff. The next moment, you find yourself inching closer and closer, face heating up even more as you press your lips against his as a reply.
Beomgyu's eyes widen, body freezing in place. He hadn't exactly expected you to respond so soon, especially not like this. And he couldn't be happier.
You feel Beomgyu returning the kiss, his hands going up to cup your face— his hold gentle. The two of you wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment for as long as life permits, because for once, you could finally see the path to your happily ever after slowly unraveling.
This was just the beginning.
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imaginesga1ore · 3 years
Loves Harsh Reality
Summary: Life is a bitch.
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Reader, Avengers x Reader (all platonic)
Warnings: swearing, mention of past/current abuse
Prompt: “You want what everyone wants. You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and maybe even a little danger.”
Word Count: 1780
Do not copy, translate, or post any of my stories anywhere you write stories, whether that’s here, Wattpad, or Ao3.
Life never treated you well. Not even when you were just an innocent child, trying to navigate your way in this terrible world. You were forced into a cold and unloving organization that was run by people who don’t really give a shit that you were only 2 when they stole you. They never treated you like a human, more like a laboratory experiment, which kind of went haywire. When you were brought in, the sleaze running this entire operation stripped you of everything you had so far, which was only a name you had just barely begun to learn, and they assigned you a number, much like a court case; experiment 973. And that’s what you went by for the next 23 years of your life.
The day you were rescued from that deranged and psychotic place was...hectic to say the least. It began like any other day while you were their little pet; get woken up at the ass crack of you don’t know when, test out your powers until you physically passed out and then get ungracefully woken again only to be forced to use your powers. This continues for hours on end before these assholes make you go fight actual people in hopes that you aren’t lacking in physical strength. You fight until bodies start piling up and when your sadistic handlers are satisfied with your progress, as if you haven’t they haven’t been training you to take down monsters bigger than Goliath himself. But something wasn’t right and you could feel it in the enclosed space of your cell.
While you normally had a rough awakening by someone poking, prodding, and eventually yanking you out of bed, nobody was there. In fact, there wasn’t even a peep from the cells neighboring yours. That was until you heard multiple gunshots and multiple bodies slumping against the floor. See, the thing about HYDRA is that they’ve trained you for this exact moment but every single ounce of training they’ve ingrained in your body and mind left the building completely as you hunkered down against the wall furthest from the thick, metal door barricading you from the outside world.
Suddenly, the door you were just measly standing behind came crashing down, dust from the unwashed floor rising. After the dust settled, you looked up to see the poster boy of HYDRA himself, the Winter Soldier. “Steve, I’ve got a live one here. Female, looks to be in her mid-20s,” he whispered into his ear piece. He slowly moved closer, putting his weapon away as he noticed your frail body shaking from fear. “У тебя все нормально? Я ведь не бил тебя дверью?*” Shaking your head, the soldier stopped in front of you, kneeling next to you. “Меня зовут Баки. Что у тебя?” Shrugging your shoulders, you made an attempt to look over at him. “That’s ok. How long have you been here?”
“двадцать три года*,” you said, a bit of hesitation in your voice, finding it hard to speak after decades of being punished if you spoke out of turn. As you finished speaking, you heard another voice, one which you assumed belonged to this Steve person.
“Хорошо. Стив дал мне добро, чтобы мы могли убираться отсюда,” Bucky said, standing back up on his feet. But you weren’t too sure about this. Along with your training, your handlers had pushed on you the notion that the Avengers, and anyone associated with them, were out to harm you, always, and that’s why you needed to be able to defend yourself.
“Ты ведь не сделаешь мне больно, верно? О-или убить меня,” you asked, clear hesitation towards the soldier who was about to grant you freedom from this hellhole.
Bucky looked at you with sympathy drawn over his features. Shaking his head, he gently grabbed your hands, a shiver traveling up your spine at the coolness from the vibranium arm. “Конечно, нет. Я вы��ащу тебя отсюда.”
It had been a few months since the Avengers had rescued you from HYDRA and you were beyond grateful that Bucky had stumbled upon you that day. But the fear that HYDRA had instilled in you about being near the Avengers was still running rampant in your system. Whenever someone knocked on your door, or came up behind you, your fight or flight instincts kicked in like that of an animal in the wild. You thought it’d be better by now, considering you have been going to therapy since coming to the compound. But today, all your frustrations came to a head.
You probably should’ve been in bed considering it was 4 in the morning but you needed to burn off some steam. What you failed to realize was that a certain super soldier was sitting in one of the boxes above the training center, watching your every move. But, him being a super soldier meant that he could pick up on more than you realized. Bucky had noticed that blood dripping onto the floor, which came from your terribly wrapped hands.
He knew you were on edge, but not like you were when he first got you out. By the time that you realized Bucky was in your presence, it was a bit too late. You felt a hand on your shoulder; two seconds later you had the body attached to the arm on the floor, your other arm extending towards their throat, keeping them pinned to the floor.
Once the haze cleared, you could tell who it was that you had down on the ground. “Buck? Oh my god.” Quickly pushing yourself off of him, you started pacing the gym floor. “Fucking shit. I am so sorry Bucky. I-I didn’t mean to do it. Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” You kept rambling and pacing until Bucky stopped you, stepping in front of you to stop you from wearing a hole in the floor.
“I am fine, кукла. Are you ok? Your hands are bleeding.” Looking down, you saw the streaks of red coming out from under the tape on your hands. “Let’s go get you fixed up, ok?” Nodding, you followed Bucky out of the gym and towards the medical center. “So, what’s got you going at 4 in the morning anyway?”
“I couldn’t sleep. No matter what I tried. I even tried that tea Wanda suggested. By the way, don’t drink it. It tastes like dirt.” Bucky chuckled as you sat on a gurney, grabbing supplies from the cabinets. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t we wait for, you know, a doctor, or an actual medical professional to come in and do this,” you immediately questioned him.
“Do you seriously doubt my suturing skills? I did serve in World War II, so I’m pretty confident that I know my way around a needle and thread,” he said, carefully unraveling the useless tape from around your knuckles, taking a look at the damage. “Yeah, this’ll probably take a little bit, but don’t you worry, Dr. Barnes is always here to help.” Bucky smiled at you, calming your nerves the tiniest bit.
After prepping and numbing you properly, Bucky began stitching your open wounds shut. “So, do you wanna talk about why you couldn’t fall asleep? Talking might help, at least it usually does for me,” Bucky asked, not taking his eyes off his work in progress.
“I, uh, I keep having nightmares. They went away for a bit, when I could actually sleep for the night, but for some reason, they’ve come back,” you admitted quietly, almost like it was a dirty little secret.
“Well, you’ve only been here a few months so I wouldn’t expect your nightmares to just instantly go away. It took me a few years to actually get a good night's sleep with them waking me or anybody else up. So I know exactly how you feel,” he said, finishing up before wrapping your hands in sterile dressings. “And you are all set. Now, no excessive force, which includes going to the gym at 4 in the morning and working out like you are about to fight the Hulk.” You laughed lightly, shoulders loosening up.
“Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, you just stitched up my hands cause I got too into my own brain after I almost choked you when you could’ve just dropped me here and gone back to bed.” Tears filled your eyes once more, a thickening feeling surrounding your concerns.
Bucky sighed, gingerly sitting next to you on the gurney. “When I found you at the base, I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy ride for you. Or for anyone here really. Adding another member to the team can sometimes jostle things around. And I knew for a fact that you would feel like an outcast amongst some of the biggest heroes the world has ever seen...so far,” he said as you laid your head against his arm, wiping away the tears that had made their way down your face. “And I thought maybe, just maybe, if we became friends or even just acquaintances, that you wouldn’t feel so alone here. Cause I know exactly how that feels. And ever since coming here, I can see what I looked like when I was found; lost, felt like I didn’t deserve anything good or even deserving of love. But even though you hide it with a sort of tough exterior and you’re used to being trapped away, I can tell you something about yourself that you probably don’t even know,” Bucky said in a matter-of-fact voice.
“Oh yeah? What would that be,” you asked, quite curious as to what he may have found out.
“You want what everyone wants. You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and maybe even a little danger. Cause that’s exactly how I feel right now.” At some point, of which you weren’t sure, Bucky had hooked his fingers under your chin, turning your face up to meet his. Your eyes finally met his, capturing the look of a pure and innocent love in his icy stare. He slowly leaned down, but stopping right before your lips collided. “Is this ok?” Quickly nodding, Bucky pressed his lips to your own, cupping your face as your injured hands made their way to his sides.
Pulling back, Bucky rested his forehead against yours. “Never thought that this is how we would have our first kiss, doll,” he said, making you laugh which in turn caused him to chuckle. “But, I’m not at all opposed to it.”
“I’m glad. Now let’s get out of here. I’m tired.”
1. У тебя все нормально? Я ведь не бил тебя дверью - Are you ok? I didn’t hit you with the door, did I?
2. Меня зовут Баки. Что у тебя? - My name is Bucky. What’s yours?
3. Это хорошо. Как давно ты здесь? - That’s ok. How long have you been here?
4. двадцать три года - 23 years.
5. Хорошо. Стив дал мне добро, чтобы мы могли убираться отсюда. - Ok. Steve gave me the go ahead so we can get out of here.
6. Ты ведь не сделаешь мне больно, верно? О-или убить меня? - You aren’t going to hurt me right? O-or kill me?
7. Конечно, нет. Я вытащу тебя отсюда. - Of course not. I’m going to get you out of here.
8. Кукла - Doll
If you see this on another blog, @multifandomwhre , that is my first blog where I submitted it to @sweeterthanthis “Quote Me” challenge. 
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lostonehero · 3 years
Becoming less human
It was a week after the near end of the world by two men who had good intentions but no common sense. The teams Aqua and Magma merged and started on trying to help without the use of extreme measures. Both teams thankfully were pardoned and nobody died, but the orbs the orbs were absorbed into both leaders flesh, and as far as anyone knows nothing came of it except the two leaders getting together.
Maxie gave a frustrated sigh as he tried to put his shoe on again, for some reason it felt too small. He was 35 he was well past growing stuck at 5ft 5in for the rest of his life. He never complained though his height never defined him, and he could beat Archie in a fist fight no problem, growing up in a orphanage where everyone hated would make someone tough. Granted Archie would never admit to loosing, well it wasn't like anyone would belive Maxie either to the world he was a weak skinny nerd. He wore the long sleeves and stocking to cover up scars from past abuse he didn't want to show the world.
"Leader Maxie? I mean Maxie." Tabitha stutters out.
Maxie sighs "Archie isn't in here Tabitha." He heard a sigh of relief as his former admin walked in. "And I told you you didn't have to stay, you can get a better job and not be stuck with the crazy man who almost ended the world." He cursed under his breath again and tossed his shoes to the side.
"Le- Maxie I want to help with your new vision, and even if it involves Aqua what you have drawn out is pretty amazing sir...." he trails off as he watches Maxie. "Sir are you alright."
Maxie sighs. "I think I must of hurt my feet and they are swollen my shoes seem too tight." His feet look perfectly fine except for his nails that look like they are turning black.
"Oh I see do you want me to call for a doctor?"
"No Tabitha I'm fine I'll just steal Archie's shoes he left here." Maxie sighs seeing Tabitha scowl at the former Aqua leader. "I don't need you judging my love life Tabitha."
Tabitha huffs. "You can do better sir."
"Tabitha I appreciate the sentiment but I'm pretty hated right now."
"W-well you are still liked."
"I know you have feelings for Matt, and besides I'm 10 years older then you and Courtney so my answer would still be no."
Tabitha tries to hide his red face, Maxie knew him too well at this point. "R-Right sir uh today is your day off I came to remind you no work."
Maxie curses under his breath Tabitha knew him well as well. "Right very well then I think I'll visit Archie."
Tabitha sighs but didn't argue he knew Maxie wouldn't overwork himself around that pirate.
"If you keep staring at your hands I will smack the back of your head Archie." Shelly huffed
Archie was in casual clothes and nit his wet suit today. He felt naked without it on, but fir some reason his gloves couldn't go all the way down, and it seemed as if the webbing on his fingers had gotten deeper and his nails longer. He kept thinking back to the blue orb absorbing into his skin filing his blood with ice and the legendary beast staring at him seemingly to say "you survived you'll be rewarded" he really didn't know why that was in his head. He even asked Maxie about it and he said the same thing when in regards to his encounter.
"Archibald you're boyfriend is here." Shelly sneered rolling her eyes.
Archie sighs and gives a look to Shelly and she just raises her hands and left. Archie knew Shelly hated Maxie, and he knew Shelly didn't approve but he made him happy.
"Archie? Are you alright." Maxie asks as he plops down into a chair wearing longs sleeves and pants.
Archie frowns he knew the real reason why Maxie covered up and hell it had been only a short time but he wish he could see more of him more often then the bedroom. He shook his head. "I don't know I couldn't put on my gloves today."
Maxie leans back. "Funny I couldn't put on my shoes today I had to wear yours, well the pair you forgot to get when Courtney chased you put of my bedroom."
Archie grimaced at the memory but looked confused. "Maxie I'm like three sizes bigger then you how have you not tripped?"
"They fit perfectly." Macie says calmly but his shaking hands gave him away. "Is this the reward." He whispered fear lacing his tone.
Archie has never seen Maxie truly scared, sure he had startled him but the man was ready to punch him in the face rather then run away. His nerves were starting to eat away at his confidence. "I-i don't know Max. Are we taking there place?"
Maxie shivers. "I never wanted that, I don't think I could stand to loose you now." He frowns. "Could I stay with you tonight...." he trails off.
Archie nods frowning, Maxie never asked he always just stayed and was so dominate in his ways. He decided he didn't like seeing Maxie scared. "Have you gone back to..." he didn't finish his sentence when Maxie looked him in the eye.
"Yes once, it was for closure to make sure they were gone...." he stopped seemingly recalling something. "I heard something though."
"Uh I think you've been blessed by the gods your body will change to accept it.... I thought I was just hearing things." He looked down biting his lip.
Archie sighs and looks at Maxie. "I don't want to talk about this anymore..."
"Neither do I." Maxie gets up and offers Archie his hand. "Shall we get some ice cream and try to forget with bad movies."
Archie smiled softly nodding getting up. "Aye that sounds great."
.....3 months later.....
Maxie tried to wrestle Archie's shoes onto his feet but he had little to no luck, it's been months and he was comfortable wearing them this was like being a teenager in a growthspurt all over. "Fuck this!" he threw the shoes across the room and finally noticed his pants were short that doused his frustration with fear.
Archie rushed in right out of the shower his towel haphazardly around his waist. "Maxie are you alright."
Maxie in a quiet voice. "My pants are too short and slightly tight."
Archie furrows his brow and actually looks down and to his astonishment Maxie was right. "I know you've gained weight Maxie, but uh you gained height."
Maxie sighs. "I thought it was I eating more I gained weight, and I didn't mind that but.... but " he stops and takes a deep breath. "Archie we never did stop did we?"
"My legs aren't fusing if that's what your asking." Archie tried to joke but he was starting to get scared too.
Maxie sat down on the bed. "I need to get new clothes." He sighs laying down. "We probably should tell Steven."
Archie frowns and moves to lay down next to him. "Maybe we should start with our former admins, or current ones they really never stopped doing their jobs."
"I don't know which one would be worse." Maxie chuckles covering his face. "Tabithia and Courtney will be the worse mother hens."
"You think that's bad Matt once carried me to bed when I had the sniffles." Archie gives a small laugh.
"When did our lives get so messed up? Wait don't answer that I know why." Maxie huffs looking at Archie.
Archie couldn't hold it in and started to laugh.
Maxie threw a pillow at him.
..... 6 months later......
Archie frowns looking at the large blanket Matt bought for him and Maxie. "Is this really necessary? Maxie only grew 6inches."
"Bro you need to think long term, you're changing too." Matt puffs out his chest. "Even if you become another kyoger I want to make sure you're warm."
Archie sighs scratching his beard. "I don't think that's what I'm becoming Matt, but uh thanks." Matt was like his brother, he was just a tad over protective.
Matt shakes his head. "No matter what happens Archie I will be by your side no matter what."
Archie smiles softly. "Thanks Matt, but uh I think we are good on blankets, Maxie is like a furnace..."
"Does he have a fever, I know I was rude and mean when you started dating but he really loves you can I help?" Matt rattles off
Archie chuckles. "No Bro like how my body temperature lowered Maxie's went up."
"Ohhh ok so you guys cancel each other out just like them. Maybe they are dating too."
Archie covers his face with his hands trying to get that image put of his head as Matt rattles on about the many plans he has to help.
.....4 months later.....
"This is insulting at this point." Archie huffs laying on his stomach.
Maxie matching Archie's position. "I didn't want a tail either but here we are. It's not even fully formed yet and it's so sensitive." He sighs. "I honestly thought you would be upset because I'm taller then you now."
"Not gonna lie Max that kinds of turns me on." Archie chuckles hearing Maxie scoff.
"We aren't even entirely human anymore and you are thinking about bedroom activities." He tries and fails to look offended. "I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind Archie but I want to wait till we are done changing."
"Agreed, so how are your feet doing I know they were killing you." Archie hums trying to keep conversation to distract from the pain.
Maxie looks away. "Scales and bone spur on my heel...they feel a lot better but I'm worried I might hurt you while we sleep."
Archie has wide eyes. "Matching your claws."
Maxie looks back raising his brow. "Seriously Archie? What about your neck?"
"Gills got matching ones on my waist as well, I don't need my wetsuit anymore." He smiles.
Maxie smiles "swimming with Bruce is in your future right." He grimaced as a soft crack is heard. "F-fun with your p-pokemon."
Archie held onto Maxie's hand. "Its ok you don't need to be tough around me I love you."
Maxie held on tightly to Archie's hand. "I love you too." It was the first time they exchanged those words.
....1 month later....
Archie was chasing down Maxie with a bucket of soapy water. "Maxie I swear to arceus that you need to stop you're shedding let me help."
"Fuck off Archie, and leave that fucking hell brush in the trash." Maxie growls a red glowed from his eyes.
"Maxie it's just a brush stop being a baby." Archie tries to tackle him but misses. "I swear I will call Courtney and Tabitha."
"You wouldn't dare." Maxie hisses.
"I would you human lizard just get in the medicated bath." Archie crosses his arms.
Maxie grumbles and walks back to the large bath with bubbles and a medical oder he hated. He got in crossing his arms. "Only because I don't want them to see me naked again."
Archie sighs and begins to scrub softly at Maxie's scales helping them shed. "Look I don't like this either but I refuse to be covered in your shed again. I don't care if we are still changing you will take a bath when you shed."
Maxie scowls. "You don't have to baby me Archie. You know why I don't like baths."
Archie pauses. "I know Max, but you'll feel better we both know that. I'm sorry but I don't want the shower spray to hurt you like last time when you first shed."
Maxie looks away and nods. "I know I know, could you.... maybe uh come in with me?"
Archie chuckles and plops into the bath with Maxie splashing him.
Maxie spits out the soapy water at Archie. "You know what I changed my mind get out."
Archie laughs harder. "Love you too Maxie."
......1 year later....
Maxie was sitting at his desk Archie was late to their meeting, Tabitha and Courtney were both waiting along with Shelly and Matt. It was an uncomfortable silence. Maxie tapped his claw against the wood not realizing he was creating a small hole. "He's the one who called the damn meeting why is he running late."
Tabitha sighs knowing Maxie's temper was high by the smell of burning coming from his tail that slapped the floor in annoyance. "Maxie he probably forgot something."
"We share a home Tabitha he seemed perfectly put together." Maxie glares at Matt who looked guilty.
Matt Maxie knew was awful at keeping secrets and a glare from Maxie was enough to set him off. "ARCHIE IS GOING TO PROPOSE." Matt yells breaking all tension. "I promised I wouldn't tell but I just can't. He is late because the ring is taking longer to make then he realized." He covers his face in shame.
Shelly curses. "Fucking hell Matt he told us in confidence."
"I know I know but Maxie looks so upset." Matt whimpers
Shelly groans and leans back.
Courtney was laughing softly a rare sound.
Tabitha gave a look to Matt saying you're on the couch tonight.
Maxie slams his hands on the table startling everyone. "That fucking bastard" he gets up quickly. "I already bought a fucking ring."
The four stared at Maxie connecting the dots and everyone realized that maybe that their collective bosses were both actually so deeply in love they had the same idea.
At that moment Archie walked in hearing Maxie yell. "You bought a ring?"
"Of course I did you dumb pirate I love you." Maxie huffs. "I was waiting for the full moon because you like the moon's reflection on the water."
Archie looks like he was about to cry. "Maxie I love you so much woukd you marry me?"
Maxie threw his own black box at Archie. "Make an educated guess you college graduate."
Archie burst out laughing and runs to tackle Maxie into a hug. "Damn right Maxie I will marry you."
"And I will marry you Archie." Maxie smiles
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Pan Chengwei. Made for Riot Games.)
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(Shit meme by yours truly.)
Yes I hate Irelia so much I’m genuinely making an Aphelios build before her.
But I really don’t get the “Aphelios too confusing 200 years” memes. Don’t get me wrong his kit’s weird and certainly overtuned but it doesn’t take that long to figure out what his guns do. Calibrum has long range and fires a skill shot, Severum has lifesteal and attacks fast, Gravitum slows and roots, Infernum attacks in a cone for AoE damage, and Crescendum attacks very fast and creates a turret.
Just because I understand this does it mean I can play Aphelios? Fuck no. Did I learn all this from Legends of Runeterra by playing Labs with Aphelios? Yeah kinda. But all I’m saying is that if my stupid support-main ass can do midway decently as Aphelios on free-to-play rotation I really think the hype around him is overblown.
That’s enough hot takes from me. He’s the point where I list 5 goals for this build instead of 3 and make 200 years jokes.
Calibrum - We’ll need a long-ranged weapon to harass our foes and pick them off when they try to run.
Severum - If enemies get too close or we get too low we’ll need a way to keep ourselves alive in a 1v1.
Gravitum - We’ll need to control our foes to always stay in an advantageous position.
Infernum - AoE damage is always useful to deal with crowds.
Crescendum - To take down the toughest of foes we’ll need to unleash all our firepower and even get our weapons to fir themselves.
Basically we need literally everything, all packed within 20 levels of D&D and 200 years of game design.
Aphelios is a human... but ellipsis means that another race makes more sense. Aphelios has his sister advising him wherever he goes in life, so to play two spirits in one a Kalashtar is a good choice! Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Charisma increases by 1. Alune’s Dual Mind grants you Advantage on Wisdom saving throws, and her Mental Discipline lets you resist Psychic damage. Alune also keeps you Severed from Dreams, meaning that you’re immune to spells that require you to dream (like the Dream spell) but not spells that require you to sleep (like Sleep.)
Aphelios doesn’t talk (unless you want him to) but Alune can make a Mind Link to speak telepathically with others! You can speak telepathically to any creature you can see that’s within a number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level. You don’t need to share a language with them, but they must be able to understand at least one language. You can also use your action to give that creature the ability to speak telepathically with you for 1 hour or until you end this effect as an action. To use this ability, the creature must be able to see you and must be within this trait’s range. You can only give this ability to only one person at a time however, as it ends when you give it to someone else. Oh and speaking of languages you know Common, Quori (which no one is going to have outside of Eberron lol), and one other language of your choice: Celestial probably makes the most sense but you can pick whatever you fancy.
15; CHARISMA - You’re a kpop pretty boy, because Aphelios has more guns than body types in League of Legends.
14; WISDOM - I mean you get advantage in Wisdom saves anyways: may as well make the skill good too?
13; DEXTERITY - You are a marksman but we aren’t really using DEX for combat. So in other words: something something Medium Armor.
12; CONSTITUTION - You are one of the squishiest ADCs in the game but you do have enough sustain to keep yourself alive.
10; INTELLIGENCE - You were trained spiritually, as opposed to academically. That being said Religion is an Intelligence skill for some reason.
8; STRENGTH - I mean look at Aphelios’ arms; kid’s a freaking twink.
Aphelios fights for him and his sister’s faith in the Lunari... bit unorthodox, but you’re certainly quite the devoted Acolyte. As an acolyte you get proficiency in Religion but I’d replace your proficiency in Insight with Medicine, which you’re probably used to after drinking so much poison. You also learn two languages that you won’t use because Aphelios is mute. (But yeah pick whatever you think will be useful and if you want to feel free to swap your languages for tools or something. A Herbalism Kit or Poisoner’s Kit actually works rather well given your favorite drink to keep close to your sister.)
Alune may be in the Shelter of the Faithful but you can return to the temple from time to time for solace. You and your adventuring companions can expect free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established location of Lunari faith (you have to provide any material components for spells though.) The Lunari will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle in the temples.
If you’re near your sister’s shrine you can ask the chosen Lunari priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple and your sister.
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(Artwork by SixMoreVodka Studios. Made for Legends of Runeterra by Riot Games.)
Starting off as a Sorcerer for proficiency in CON saving throws lol, but also for proficiency in Arcana and the Insight skill we skipped from our background. But Sorcerers get to choose their subclass at level 1 and to get closer to the Aspects grab a touch of the Divine Soul. As a Weapon of the Faithful you are Favored by the Gods, letting you add 2d4 to a missed attack roll or saving throw once per Short or Long Rest for a touch of Alune’s guidance. I’m going to mention now that a death saving throw is technically a saving throw, and I mention it because your AC is 11 and your health is 7. Level 1 ADCs, am I right?
Anyways: Divine Souls get Divine Magic for one extra spell from the Cleric spell list: technically you’re supposed to take one of the ones they suggest to you but I’d recommend Guiding Bolt for Calibrum’s Q: a long ranged shot that lets you shoot the target more easily afterwards.
And of course being able to cast spells implies that you have Spellcasting! You can learn four cantrips from the Sorcerer or Cleric list which means you can grab Guidance for a bit more of your sister’s help. You can also grab Word of Radiance to attack everyone near you with Severum’s Q, Acid Splash for some AoE damage from Infernum (should it be doing fire damage? Yeah probably), and Light to see with your dumb Kalashtar eyes. You can also learn two leveled spells like Sanctuary to protect yourself or your allies as long as they act peacefully, and Ice Knife for a more ranged AoE blast from Infernum.
If you want you can grab Mage Armor or something because your AC and HP are kinda uhhhhhhhhhh... trash?
Hopefully you didn’t die as a level 1 Aphelios with 7 HP and 11 AC; we didn’t even get 200 years of damage yet! Warlocks get to choose their subclass at level 1 as well which means you can shape yourself as the Fiend the Solari see you as. Dark One’s Blessing grants you temporary hitpoints equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Warlock level whenever you slay a foe for Severum’s lifesteal and passive shield.
You also get Pact Magic, which is like regular Spellcasting but your spell slots are funny! You can learn two cantrips from the Warlock list like Eldritch Blast to blast while you eldritch, and Chill Touch for some Grievous Wounds. You can also learn two Warlock spells like Burning Hands from the Fiendlock list to blast your foes with Infernum, and Hex to mark your foe for death under the moon.
Second level Warlocks get access to Eldritch Invocations like Agonizing Blast to agonize your blasts, and Lance of Lethargy to slow your foes with Gravitum. You can also learn another Warlock spell like Unseen Servant for some extra sisterly help. I mean, you’re probably going to replace these all next level anyways.
Third level Warlocks can choose their Pact Boon and truthfully? Just about any of them work. Pact of the Blade would be the most “in-character” but your Strength and Dexterity are both kind of bad and you don’t need to use weapons. Pact of the Chain will let you personify Alune on your person and get a shitty version of Crescendum’s turret but Aphelios doesn’t have a pet. Pact of the Tome lets you get Aspect of the Moon which is funny in its own right and more cantrips are universally useful. And hell: even Pact of the Talisman is useful for your sister to lend her aid to someone else in the party. Basically this is an elaborate way for me to say that your Pact Boon doesn’t matter much for this build, as we won’t be using any of the abilities or invocations from your Pact Boon much. So pick what you think will be useful and fun and make your own Aphelios!
With that being said: you can also learn second level Warlock spells now! Shadow Blade will serve as Crescendum’s blade that you can throw at the enemy, but it is based on your DEX which is kind of... bad? Well at least you can replace Unseen Servant with Misty Step, because a summoner’s Flash is more useful than your sister’s unseen help.
Man isn’t it fun to wait until level 5 to not die when the enemy support breathes on you? That uneven Dexterity score was done so you could grab the Moderately Armored feat for +1 to your Dexterity and proficiency in Medium Armor and Shields. Grab both to get hit less, basically!
You can also learn another spell like Hold Person for Gravitum’s root. And another cantrip like Minor Illusion for your sister to summon some props that you can hide behind.
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuestling. Made for Riot Games.)
Hey that Medium Armor doesn’t really fit your outfit: how about the Mask of Many Faces invocation to put on some skins?
Third level spells are also useful! Vampiric Touch will let you heal in close range by damaging your foes with Severum.
6th level Fiend Warlocks get more guidance from Alune. The Solari may call it the Dark One’s Own Luck but all it lets you do is add a d10 to an ability check or saving throw once per Short or Long Rest. I mean hey: if you want a load of saving throw insurance this plus Favored by the Gods basically means you’re adding +10 to a saving throw!
You can also learn another spell but the only ones I’d want have very expensive components. Basically I want a Tasha’s summoning spell for Crescendum’s turret, but you’re going to be replacing it with...
4th level Warlocks can learn Summon Aberration which is a little more than just a turret! You can choose between a Beholderkin turret, Slaad tank, or Star Spawned Aspect! I’m not going to go too deep into this spell as you can read up on it for yourself but the point is you’ve got some backup now!
Alternatively if you want I think your sis could use some friends: Banishment will send them up to the temple where they’ll have to sit around and chat peacefully with Alune. Or if they’re not from the plane you’re in they’ll just be sent home.
Oh and you can also get another Eldritch Invocation like Eldritch Spear to keep your range with Calibrum.
8th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement: you should probably increase your Charisma for more damage and accuracy with your weapons.
Speaking of weapons Dimension Door will let you head back to fountain to buy more weapons, or get out of danger and in range to use your weapons.
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(Artwork by SixMoreVodka Studios. Made for Legends of Runeterra by Riot Games.)
We’ve gotten all of out basic auto attacks: now I want some of Aphelios’ finer abilities. Second level Sorcerers get a Font of Magic for Sorcery Points which currently do nothing other than let you get more spell slots. You can melt down your Warlock slots however to get more Sorcery points, which will be useful later.
And of course you can learn more spells, but we’re going to wait for...
Third level Sorcerers can finally learn Metamagic to empower their spells! You can take Quickened Spell for some Attack Speed, or Seeking Spell for some armor penetration to deal with higher AC enemies.
You can also learn second level spells like Icingdeath’s Frost (UA soon to be in Fizban’s hopefully) to blast foes with Infernum then Gravitum, or Dragon’s Breath to blast Infernum all throughout the fight.
Would be good to cap off that Charisma, so go ahead and do so with your ASI.
You can also learn another spell like Spiritual Weapon for a turret you can move around a bit, and a new cantrip like Mage Hand for your sister’s help reaching the top shelf.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
5th level Sorcerers can get some Magical Guidance from their sister to reroll ability checks, because she’s been reading up on Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
You can also learn a new spell like Fireball... I mean I really shouldn’t need to justify this. It’s Fireball. Blast them with Moonlight Vigil for a burst of Infernum’s fire!
6th level Divine Soul Sorcerers can use their Sorcery Points for Empowered Healing... wait you have healing? Well whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls dice to heal from a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll any number of those dice once, as long as you’re not incapacitated. This technically doesn’t work with Vampiric Touch (since that spell does damage and then heals you based on how much damage it deals) but if your support heals you or a nearby ally there’s no reason not to give them an extra pick-me-up!
You can also learn another spell but I’m going to hop back to second level real quick for Mirror Image. It perhaps doesn’t fit as well (which is why I didn’t take it until now) but it’s very good to keep yourself alive, and as a squishy Lunari boy it’ll be very helpful to make it harder for the enemy to hit you.
7th level Sorcerers can learn 4th level spells like Guardian of Faith for a turret that actually stands still! It shoots at anyone who comes close, and when it runs out of ammo it disappears. But what’s cool about this spell is that it lasts for 8 hours, which is plenty of time to rest through the night while your sister watches over you.
8th level Sorcerers get another Ability Score Improvement or Feat: seeing as you’re mostly casting War Caster would be a good pickup to keep your Concentration with your bad Constitution and also hit those who come too close with magic. Or you could just get better Constitution maybe since it’s a bit late for War Caster tbh...
You can also learn another spell like Death Ward, for a Guardian Angel that you’re probably going to need seeing as you still have less than a hundred health.
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(Artwork by Francis Tneh and West Studios. Made for Riot Games.)
9th level Sorcerers can learn 5th level spells like Teleportation Circle to recall back to base or to your sister’s temple. If you know the sequence of sigils to go back to a teleportation circle you can use this spell to link yourself back to it. You can also create a new circle over the course of a year. (And by spending a lot of gold.)
Basically this is my way of saying that we got all we wanted after level 16 tbh and I’m kinda just going through the motions of grabbing your last few levels.
10th level Sorcerers get their third Metamagic option! Hurrah! By this point you have enough spells that force saving throws that Heightened Spell is a good option to make it a lot harder for your opponents to resist 200 years of magic!
You can also learn another 5th level spell like Hold Monster for Gravitum’s root against a ganking Fiddlesticks. And another cantrip: I somehow didn’t take Prestidigitation until now, so grab it for all sorts of basic Lunari magic.
11th level Sorcerers can learn a 6th level spell! This is going to be your final, highest level spell; your ultimate ability! And I’d consider an ultimate from a fed Aphelios to be a Circle of Death. It’s a huge AoE that does a lot of damage: a simple nuke for a simple ADC that isn’t remotely confusing.
12th level Sorcerers get one last Ability Score Improvement or Feat... I’m going to be honest: this doesn’t fit Aphelios but you likely have around 100 HP. Do yourself a favor and grab the Tough feat for 40 extra health.
For every phase, a weapon - Wow who would’ve guessed building for versatility makes you versatile? You have a huge variety of spells for just about any occasion: AoEs to deal with crowds, single-target spells to take down big foes, crowd control to keep enemies in place, summons to keep enemies targeting them instead of your allies, and of course more than enough damage to shake a stick at.
In your hand; from my heart - Sorcery points also give you plenty of flexibility, notably in your ability to greatly increase damage output thanks to Quickened Spell on Eldritch Blasts and Seeking Spell to reroll missed Eldritch Blasts. But being able to turn your Warlock slots into ammo for your more useful guns is extremely useful and allows you to better adapt to various situations.
I am with you... shining above - Medium armor goes quite a long way! A Breastplate and Shield gives you a solid 18 AC, and if you’re willing to have Stealth Disadvantage upgrading to Half Plate gives you a respectable 19 AC!
You make yourself a weapon, so you do not have to feel - Skill proficiencies are reserved for those who don’t spend 200 years on damage. You have two skills from your background and two from your class and none of them are particularly great. Sure your Insight and Medicine skills are fine enough but you’re going to be beaten in Arcana by a Wizard and Religion by a Cleric also a Wizard, because Religion is an Intelligence skill for some reason.
Your life upon the altar, brother... - Even with the Tough feat your health is extremely poor. d6 hit die hurt and anyone with Power Word Kill can easily execute you. While I did give you good Wisdom for roleplay’s sake you could (and probably should) opt for Constitution instead.
An omen in your grasp - Your low health is kind of a problem when a lot of your spells force you into close range. There are ways to use spells like Burning Hands, Dragon’s Breath, Shadow Blade, and Vampiric Touch without getting too close (those methods being the Distant Spell Metamagic which we didn’t take; you could totally replace Seeking Spell if you wanted though) but Severum and Infernum are balanced around their low range. There’s no reason you can’t throw balance out the window to take spells that will likely be more useful.
But you are a weapon, sworn to carry your faith and show the world the light in the darkness. Your task is to slay those that deny the right of your people before they even know you are there... Sure confusing them as to what you are even doing is also effective, and I guess it doesn’t matter if your abilities make sense if they’re all dead. They’ll have 200 years to figure out how you killed them: I’m sure that’s plenty of time to read your ability descriptions.
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(Artwork by @NAOMM29 on Twitter.)
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