#i just was like fish in the water in the place where people praised me for overthinking the topics
katyspersonal · 2 years
I know this is supposed to be a stressful thing, but hearing everyone talk about dying from finals makes me a bit nostalgic and even jealous? I just miss university times so goddamn much.
It was really good to spend half of the day listening to the teachers talk about stuff I found interesting, and have to discipline myself to read/write to certain deadlines. (And to have much more free time..) Adult life with full time job just isn't the same. Every day is like another and new information isn't flowing as much but self-studying is less fun without a teacher and the whole class interested in the same topic. I even miss homeworks that I was putting more effort into than any sane person would! Much older and much more experienced people regularly praising my effort and depth of my thought was a crucial validation resource to think of it :')
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redtsundere-writes · 3 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mma fighter!sukuna ryomen x femalecoach!reader
Part 8. Fight For Me.
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Spynosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Warnings: Cursed words. Unethical violence. Sexual harassment. I only read it once, lmao Word count: 2927 words. A/N: Another Saturday, another chapter. I picked up studying Japanese again, so far so good. Any advice is welcome :) Hope you guys like today's chapter. :) Btw I made a PLAYLIST
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That was the most uncomfortable morning of my life. I can’t get the idea that I fell asleep in Sukuna's bed like it was nothing out of my head. All I could do was to get dressed quickly to get back to my house before the morning training started. Luckily, I didn't see Sukuna on my way out, maybe he slept in the guest room… or so I thought. His penthouse was huge, there must have been an extra room for sure. Upon arriving at the gym, Sukuna just scolded me for being late as if nothing happened last night, so I acted accordingly. 
Cheers and praises flooded the arena as soon as Sukuna's anthem began booming over the speakers. Even though it was the last fight of the night, this was just starting. The sound mitigated with every step we took upon the intimidating octagon where Naoya was waiting for us after making his grand entrance. I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment, but I had to stay strong. This was not the time to act like a coward. 
The referee checked Sukuna's gloves and body for sandbags or anything out of place. During the inspection, Sukuna gave me a serious glare. He looked so calm for someone who was about to be locked in a cage to fight another beast his size. I had interrupted Naoya's lucky ritual and helped him perform his luck ritual successfully. He was sure he was going to win, but he couldn't let his guard down. 
Sukuna stepped onto the big stage and jogged around the perimeter so that everyone could admire his greatness. Naoya instead of watching him to analyze his opponent, was focused on me. His eyes were looking at me through the black fence, conveying a message I did not want to decipher. Sukuna had to beat him if I didn't want him to escape from the cage and lock me in his clutches. I gulped hard as soon as the referee approached them to give them the basic rules. It was time. I closed my eyes to pray to all the deities of the constellations, crossed my fingers and prayed that Sukuna's sign was lucky today. 
The bell rang and the first round began. People shouted in anticipation as the lion engaged the cheetah in a dangerous dance for dominance. As we had planned, Sukuna was taking his time with him. He was waiting for our common enemy to feel comfortable enough to approach him. Naoya took the bait as he slammed in on him with a pair of jabs, he was going right at his jaw to end the fight. “He looks different,” I thought as I watched him attack Sukuna without hesitation. He was desperate to win as fast as possible, even if that meant throwing away all his energy in the first round. 
Everything was being decided by boxing in the first two rounds, so far, we were going according to plan. Sukuna was like a fish in water, dodging every punch he landed and landing a couple of jabs that connected perfectly with his body, while Naoya struggled to take him down. There was a minute left in the third round when Naoya knocked Sukuna down with a spinning kick. The cheetah turned into a dangerous boa that attached itself to his body mercilessly. Its legs wrapped around his waist to put him in a neck lock. Sukuna tried to pull away from the cheetah's grip with hopeless punches and kicks, but Naoya wasn't about to let it go so easily. 
“Hold on, Sukuna!” I yelled in desperation amidst the howls of the fans. 
I looked at the clock hoping that the seconds would pass quickly, but it felt like an eternity. Sukuna was pushing away with difficulty the arm that chained his neck to keep from fainting. My eyes were on the verge of tears, the champion could not lose, not today. 
The bell rang, and the fighters walked away. I sighed in relief and rushed up to the octagon with Gojo and Yuuji to assist him in the break. Gojo put ice on his shoulder and Yuuji gave him water. 
“Change of plans. We must go to the floor,” I said. 
“What?” Sukuna asked me, taking off his mouth guard. 
“Naoya is desperate. He wants to win at any cost, it seems that this time he doesn't want to leave it to the judges. This is your chance to use his attacks against him,” I explained, but Sukuna didn't seem to be convinced. 
“I agree. He is fighting differently from before. Use your legs, they are longer than his,” Gojo intervened. With that, Sukuna nodded before the next round was announced by a beautiful ring girl. 
Naoya's eyes were on me as he prepared for the next round. I returned her gaze in kind, I wasn't going to let him bully me just because. The bell announced the fourth round and my eyes returned to Sukuna. After a back and forth of punches and low kicks, Naoya went straight at him. Naoya knocked him down, pushing him by the shoulders. Sukuna fell backwards with a loud thud. This time, time wasn't going to stop him. I had seen this attack before. 
“Push him with your legs!” I yelled so he could hear me as I ran around the perimeter of the octagon to get a better angle on the attack. 
Sukuna understood what I meant. With the inertia of Naoya's attack, Sukuna pushed him by the abdomen. I thought he would push him away, instead, he grabbed him by the arms and lifted him up to have him at his mercy for a couple of seconds in the air. I could see Naoya's eyes as he realized he had screwed up. Sukuna threw him to turn him like a helicopter propeller to put his leg between his arms and whip him against the floor. He caged him between his legs and kept pulling him by his limb to keep Naoya in a headlock. 
“Sukuna…” I mumbled in shock. 
Naoya was hitting him by the legs while trying to free his trapped arm. The referee was asking Naoya to get out of it quickly, or he was going to call the fight over. Time paused again as the scene unfolded before me. A king demonstrating his power to a rebellious knight. I no longer heard the people, nor my team, nor my thoughts. It was just my eyes taking in the facts, tasting those uncertain moments. 
Naoya was completely trapped, so the referee announced the end of the fight. I caught my breath and came back to my senses at the decision. Sukuna broke away from Naoya and slowly stood up to regain his posture. He looked at me through the fence and gave me a slight smirk. “Mothafucker did it,” I thought before a tear of happiness slipped down my cheek. We had won, I was free and the champion proved himself the best once again. 
I met up with the team to go up to the octagon to celebrate the victory. I moved through the crowd to give him a sweaty bear hug. I wanted to congratulate him, and thank him for giving his best as always, but I was so happy the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I could only cry of joy on his shoulder. 
“Stop crying like a bitch,” he whispered between chiding teeth as he wiped my face with the towel around his neck. 
“Can’t I be happy?!” I scolded him between sniffles. 
“You're humiliating me. I can't have a crybaby of a trainer,” he complained. 
“I'm not...!”
My eyes popped open as soon as Sukuna connected his lips with mine in a sweet kiss in front of everyone. My cheeks turned the color of his hair and my heart started beating like crazy from shock. It was not a passionate kiss as he usually kisses me in the secrecy of his ritual, it was a tender touch in the middle of an octagon full of fighters and cameras watching us. Our lips didn't last more than 5 seconds connected, but it felt like it lasted an eternity. 
The sharp sound of something metallic woke me up from the moment. Naoya had hit Sukuna in the head with his metal water bottle before anyone could stop him. The arena gasped in shock at the unsportsmanlike attitude. Team Zenin pulled him back before he could land another misplaced blow. Yuuji, Gojo and Nanami lashed out at him and his coach for not being able to control their athlete. 
“How dare you kiss what's mine?! Let’s get back together, y/n!” Naoya screamed in a tantrum as he tried to break free from the grip of his teammates. 
“Are you okay?” I asked Sukuna worriedly as I put some ice on his bump. 
“Yes, I feel better now,” he said with a proud smile as he watched Naoya in emotional agony. 
“Naoya Zenin will appear before the official UFC committee for lack of discipline and unsportsmanlike attitude tomorrow afternoon for his actions after tonight's fight, but there are already rumors that he will be suspended for more than 5 years from all events,” The commentator announced. 
Team Black howled with joy at the news. My heart had finally calmed down after drinking a nice beer and chatting for a while with Yuuji and Megumi at the same bar we came last time. My mind was finally resting at peace after Sukuna beat up Naoya and explained to Nanami that the kiss had only been to get Naoya off her nerves. “Relax, that kiss didn't mean anything, it was just part of the strategy,” I thought as I remembered how intense that unexpected contact felt. 
“Aren't you supposed to be with the Zenins? Aren't they family?” I asked Megumi curiously to distract my mind from the strong palpitations of my passionate heart. 
“More or less. My father was kicked out of the dojo as soon as he challenged my uncle Naobito and beat him. The family could not bear such a breach of family honor,” Megumi explained, not caring at all about the incident. “I never thought that Sukuna could lift Naoya with his body, it was really incredible. Did you teach him that move?” He asked me before taking a sip of her beer. 
I looked briefly at Sukuna who was chatting pleasantly with Nanami on the other side of the table. Quickly, he noticed that I was watching him. I turned around in time so that he wouldn't think I had been watching him for a long time and that we had only connected casual glances. “Why am I thinking like a lovesick teenager?”, I scolded myself.
“I didn't know he could do that either,” I agreed, to which Megumi looked at me strangely.
After a stressful day and a couple of drinks to counteract the body ailment. I said goodbye to everyone and set out to head home under the midnight stars. I smiled to myself as I replayed in my mind how Sukuna had cornered Naoya against the canvas. The sound of his bare back impacting hard played in my mind on loop. It had been a lousy day, but an incredible night I would never forget. 
“Where are you going?” someone asked behind me. I could recognize Sukuna's voice anywhere in the world. 
“Home, to rest,” I answered as I faced him fully. Why had he followed me? Whatever the reason, we were alone on the sidewalk, it was the right time to tell him how I felt. “You did amazing tonight, thank you very much.” 
“I just did my job, I didn't do it for you,” he said with that serious tone I knew so well by now, he purposely made it sound like he was annoyed. 
“I know you didn't do it for me, but I still want you to know that I owe you one,” I joked.
He didn't hesitate to approach me, I thought he would give me a hug or another kiss, so I just froze in place. Instead, he just handed me a silver key with a Team Black keychain on it. I inspected it carefully as I twirled it between my fingers. 
“You are going to live with me, starting tonight,” he announced as if it was nothing. 
“What?! Why?!” I was really confused.
“Naoya will probably be suspended from the UFC tomorrow and have to pay a stupidly expensive fine. Guess who he's going to blame for that,” I explained. 
“You?” I really didn't want to blame myself right now. 
“Do you really think he'd try to come near me after I beat him up on the ring? And I was fighting under the rules,” Sukuna smiled proud of himself for his performance in the fight. 
“Naoya promised me that...". 
“Naoya promised you that he would love you forever and not hurt you and look where you are. Just because you're innocent doesn't mean you're stupid,” Sukuna interrupted me and then turned his back to me. “You better be home by the time I get back,” he demanded before going back to the bar.
“Hey! Sukuna! What about my stuff?!” I shouted for him to stop, but he ignored me and walked into the bar without saying anything else. 
I stood still on the sidewalk while my fingers caressed the keychain. How could someone be so nice and scary at the same time? It was obvious that Sukuna wanted me to be safe, but the way he did it felt like he was doing me a favor instead of actually wanting to help me. “He wants to protect me,” I thought as I realized what he was doing. My heart skipped a beat even though he was no longer in my presence and my cheeks dyed pink just thinking about him. 
“Sukuna sure is a strange man…” I thought out loud as I went on my way to the penthouse. 
Even though I had entered his home before, I couldn't help but be surprised as I walked down the huge carpeted hallway. I arrived in the immense living room that shared the professional kitchen, the 12-person wooden dining room and the contemporary living room surrounded by huge windows that allowed me to see the entire city glowing in the dark night. What it's like to have all the money in the world. 
“I think I'll sleep in the guest room,” I said aloud to test the echo of my new home. “First I must find the guest room,” I planned as I looked at the maze I would be living in.
I avoided the entrance doors because I knew that one of them was Sukuna's room, so I had to go up to the second floor. When I got to the top, I could see through the large windows the indoor pool on the first floor, the bar with karaoke and the small zen garden that divided the rooms. “What songs will he like to sing,” I wondered curiously as I continued my search for my room. A little smile escaped my lips as I imagined Sukuna singing Single Ladies by Beyoncé.
I had finally found the guest room. It had a king-size bed with beige sheets, a small couch to watch TV, its own bathroom and a large empty closet. I dropped my backpack on the small white couch and headed for bed. Before I could throw myself out of exhaustion, I noticed a Victoria's Secret bag at the foot of the bed. My eyes widened as I realized the real reason Sukuna wanted me to come to his house. 
“That fucker is planning to fuck me tonight!” I exclaimed, offended. 
I couldn't believe it, I was really stupid for thinking that Sukuna wanted to protect me. I had escaped from the Zenin just to face a Ryomen. I am so naive for thinking he was different, but he was just another disgusting man who can't see women as equals. I really wanted him to be different. He only fucked me twice, and he already assumes he can do it whenever he wants. I wasn't going to let him. 
I took the things out of the bag to throw it in the trash, but stopped when I saw that it wasn't lingerie, it was a full set of satin pajamas. White pajamas with pink stripes in my size. I covered my face with it from embarrassment. I had misjudged Sukuna, he sure bought me pajamas after I fell asleep naked in his bed the night before. I took off my clothes to put on the soft and comfortable pajamas, they fit me like a glove. I smiled like a fool when I saw myself in the mirror. 
“How cute…" I thought out loud before throwing myself on the bed comfortably. 
Quickly, I realized what I had said and stood still, staring at the white glitter ceiling. Did I just say Sukuna was cute? No, he couldn't be. He is a rude, selfish, impatient, serious, self-confident, independent, disciplined, strong, handsome, rich man... I couldn't fall in love with him. I was his trainer, his co-worker. I couldn't like him because he has an amazing body, takes care of me even if he doesn't want to admit it, and kisses me like no one else ever has, right? Right?! 
I was in trouble.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Yandere house velaryon/House of the dragon x Mermaid reader
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Yandere house velaryon/House of the dragon x Mermaid/siren reader
Requested by anon: Id be interested in seeing a yan!hotd with a mermaid reader, maybe Corlys found her on one of his journeys and brought her back?
Notes: F/c: Favorite color(or a color of your choosing)
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Corlys would be out just for a small adventure to get some air away from everything, he had other important duties to do but his escape was the sea.
He mostly stuck to a routine but that day he decided he would go a different way.
He got closer to a place his men called “Stone shore” the big stones that reached over just the top of the waves, some big ones you can stand on.
His team warned him not to go another way but he didn’t listen.
Soon no one couldn’t see anything as fog and mist surrounded them, and it got more difficult to avoid the rocks. What was weird is after a short time the men said they heard voices and they followed them. Corlys didn’t hear anything and tried to talk them out of it.
This place seemed cursed and he knew something was going on and if he waited he wouldn’t have a chance of surviving. So he jumped over then edge but on his way down he hit his head and passed out.
When corlys awoke he was cold and on a hard surfaces, the pain in his head throbbing harder. He slowly got up and when he realized where he was and looked around panic. A cave that looked beautiful, it was light up by some type of blue lights and crystals all around. And water surrounding him. But he saw no other lights or a exit.
He didn’t get here himself. He doesn’t remember getting here and he was placed on the only ground in the cave? It wasn’t just luck.
He saw something by him and his eyes raised, it was some type of fish and a fork next to it. Someone left this there for him. But who? Who was here and saved him, what the hell was going on.
Just then he heard moving far away and he tried to look but the place was covered up with a rock. “Hello? Who’s there?”
It was you.
You looked curiously at the person in front of you without a tail, he had legs and seemed to be human. Your people either killed them or saved them.
But that wasn’t the only thing, you had legs like him too sometimes. They called you cursed, a disappointment to their race and blamed it on your mother. She had a relationship with a man she was supposed to eat but never did.
Sirens: They used their voices to lure their pray to them and persuade them to do anything they wanted. But you couldn’t, no matter how many times you sang or spoke they just never did anything. So the rest took pity on you and gave you some limbs they could spare and that’s what you ate.
You were a outsider. You took pity as well on the man you found and took him to your cave, you thought about eating him but there was something telling you not to.
When he looked passed where your head popped up from behind the rock, his brain got cloudy and his heart filled up. For some reason it was like you were a treasure he was going to protect..
Protect. Protect. Protect. Protect.
“Come out little one.” He called for you and offered you a hand and you did as he said. You moved over to him by your tail and stayed at the edge looking at him curiously.
“Are you the one who saved me.” He asked and you nodded and a smile appeared on his face. “What are you?” You looked down and he followed seeing your tail. A beautiful f/c tail.
“Just amazing, I’ve heard about your kind from tails and story books. I know you had to be real.”
He was so happy he found you. Lets just say you both talked- Well he talked at you listened and nodded to him.
Sooo…Recap. He asked if he could leave and you said yes, he asked if you wanted to come with him. He promised you whatever you liked and would be treated with respected and like royalty. Praised for what you are…You took his offer.
Now you are at the shore at Driftmark. You had found a boat and kept it outside your cave. And you protected him from the other sirens until you guys got away.
He held you close as you stepped onto the land with him. “My wife is going to love you.” And he was right.
Some other people came over to you and you stuck behind corlys at all times. They held sharp swords and shiny clothing that looked threatening. And they kept looking at you strangely. It was because of your pointed ears.
When you reached the thrown room you were looking around at every because it looked different then anything you’ve ever seen. A woman ran to him and you stepped back looking at the two of them nervously.
“I found someone…Rhaenys, meet y/n.” She did and you saw her do the same thing corlys did but come over and reach for you. You did slowly when Corlys gave you the okay.
They both took the role of your parents and called themselves your father and mother. Saying that since they took you in it was right.
They gave you anything you wanted, shells, dresses and fishes and the finest jewels.
They said you had a sister and brother and you were always scared of meeting them. Because what if they hated you?
They taught you more words and how to speck almost every day. You also were taught how to write and read and you enjoy every minute of it.
Surprising your mothers dragon loved you and you hung out with her, when everything was to much but you stayed with her for a while. You patted her scales while telling her your troubles. She looked like she understood and nudged your hand closer to her.
Then when a letter came in your mother cried and your father was with tears as they called you. They said your sister had died and you comforted them with hugs and let them let their feelings out.
You even told corlys to let it all out…and he did. He over flooded with what he felt, grief and sadness, and his crying was harder then rhaenys. He was hard to calm down but you managed to..by telling him to calm down.
Rhaenys told you that she would sleep in your bed with you while you slept and that’s exactly what she did. She read you to sleep and held in her arms like she used to do to Laena.
The morning came and you got dressed for the funeral to met the Royals…the rest of your family. You had nieces to meet…and nephews, a brother and his wife and then your bother in law…So many people to meet.
You came back to the main hall to see new people standing there. Three small children with white hair, a man with a crown on his head with white hair, then a woman with brown hair.
“Dear one come here.” They turned to you when your mother called you. They all seemed so interested.
They wanted you near them in that moment…they felt like they could die without you.
You meet them slowly one by one, the king and queen, seemed to act just like your parents. Sometimes you could tell that annoyed them.
Aemond was too shy to say anything but you alway catched him looking at you, Aegon just asked you the question everyone wanted to know and was that if you had a tail, when you said yes he was excited.
Helaena was sweet and said she was always liked reading about your kind.
Then the others came others, rhaenrya and her children and then her husband that you heard so much about. Him being the “Brother” you were waiting to meet. And he didn’t care for you that much when he heard about to in their letters because they seemed to be all about you.
Like you were actually their child and to a small extent laenor was jealous about it, because you seemed to be the favorite. But he didn’t hate you but just seemed to put off the idea of you.
That was until he looked at you, hiding behind his father where he could only see you when he hugged his mother. His whole world flipped upside and for the first time that day he felt happy and warm. There was something about you.
You moved back so he could talk to his father but he didn’t let you go to far without him. “Hello dear sister.” He bend down on his knee and opened his arms to you, and your small smile made him obsessed.
“I’m sorry, I wish I got to meet her.” You whispered to him and he was happy you were so sweet.
While you had a moment with your family rhaenrya and her children watched along…like everyone else.
Rhaenrya came over to you first to introduce herself, she did and you bowed your head. She told you how beautiful you were and how happy she was to finally met you. Then she called over her two boys that looked sad but just as nervous to met you…But they had excitement.
Of course they said their apologies but managed to get a hug out of you because you could feel their grief…only it wasn’t for their aunt.
The last person you met was daemon who came a little late, with his daughters.
Lets just say daemon went straight to you even though no one really wanted him to but he was curious about you. A mermaid? It was so far stretched but the question was put to the side when he saw you.
He didn’t say much but smirk at you and glance as to..He kinda scared you.
The girls watched you in pure delight and wonder, you’re just as beautiful as the books say. If it wasn’t for the sadness they felt they would be jumping all around you and asking their questions. But when they looked at you that feeling slowly went away, just feeling warm.
You stood in between corlys and rhaenys, you felt so out of place. You didn’t know the woman who died, ‘Your sister’, but you did feel guilty about her death. You felt like you replaced her before she died but now everyone was watching you.
Your uncle, vaemond who treated you like royalty, said some speech about the Velaryons and he looked at different people while he said them. But you were surprised when daemon started laughing cause you to be confused and a little bit angry.
Doesn’t he have a bit of sympathy? A father and mother just lost their child, his children lost their mother, she was a aunt and sister but a human. What does gives him the right to laugh?
The glare you gave him doesn’t go unnoticed by your father and he pulls you into his arms to stop you from getting to angry.
After the funeral you mostly hide with your mother trying to get away from everyone. But that never seemed to work.
The whole funeral was just everyone trying to talk to you and have a excuse too, it was tiring. But when daemon tried you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t want to be near you, I’ve known you for less then a day and I know you’re a asshole.”
You expected him to yell at you but he just laughed. He laughed at your words and patted you on the back and walked away but saying a whisper.
“You’ll be near me one day, you’re family little one.”
And the the night took a unexpected twist.
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thefiery-phoenix · 3 months
You had some hero work to do and you had to take care of some villains. You got yourself injured pretty bad and you have no idea what's in store after you come home. Jump RIGHT in to see how your yanderes would react to you getting injured
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Bakugou: Blood poured from your lip and dribbled down your chin and you felt like you had broken a dew ribs. You pushed open the front door, almost ready to faint inside when you suddenly heard an angry voice thundering at you from the kitchen
''Y/N, where the HELL have you been?'' yelled Bakugou angrily. You didn't bother answering him at first since you kind of felt dizzy and you had to sit on the sofa to regain a bit of your consciousness, but you thought that a little nap wouldn't hurt either 
Katsuki looked how badly you were beat up, body littered in bruises, blood gushing from different parts of your body as you struggled to keep your eyes open, you looked like you were dead on your feet
His teeth grinded as he struggled to caress your cheek as tenderly as possible. Hot, fiery rage lit up the pit of his stomach, almost travelling to his hands before he stopped himself from exploding just next to your face
He was beyond PISSED, he was LIVID and FURIOUS at YOU for getting into this mess at the man who thought he could live after doing such a thing. And angry at himself for never trusting his gut and locking you away for good to keep you safe and protect you 
"I'll kill whoever did this to you! I swear, even if it takes me my life'' 
Becomes REALLY clingy to you after this incident and soon kidnaps you (no surprises there)
Shoto: He could only watch horrified and looking shell shocked, like a fish out of water as you stumbled in with a black eye and limped with an almost fractured leg
Went INSANE with worry as soon as he saw you in this state
After five minutes of him checking every inch of your body for more damage, he finally leaves and returns with a cup of steaming something
He looks like Satan spawn as he asks you, ''Who. did . THIS!?'' 
''No worries, the pros have already arrested him'' you replied calmly slightly wincing at the pain
This precious bby makes sure to massage you and makes you feel comfy and safe. He tries to make your pain go away 
"Okay. Fine. I'll let it go. But please be more careful next time."
That night, he glares at the ceiling, unable to sleep thinking about that no good scumbag who hurt the love of his life (aka YOU)
With his amount of money and fame, he quickly made a small visit to the place where the villain was detained. He bribed the people there and threatened them not to say anything as he murdered the villain who hurt you and threw his remains over a bridge into a gushing river. When he finally returned home, you didn't even stir once as he showered off the scumbag's touch and returned to his place in your arms with dripping hair
 "Shh, go back to sleep, YN." And you did, ever so safe with Todoroki at your side Because with him, nobody would dare to hurt you again
Deku: The second you walk through the door, Deku's at your side, ushering you into the bathroom. With a washcloth, he wipes the dirt from your face and neck, stopping every few seconds to stare at the finger-shaped bruises on the skin
"I should have been there, YN." His teeth grit in frustration and his hands ball up into fists. "I should have kept you safe." 
Starts mumbling how useless he is and how its all his fault for not protecting you and what a failure of a hero he is (aww... poor baby)
You assure him that it isn't HIS fault and tell him everything will be all right. "You're wrong, YN. I should have been there. It's my responsibility to keep you safe."
After he finishes treating your wounds, he makes your favorite food and he cuddles you to sleep, slowly stroking your hair as he whispers praises in your ear for being so brave, but part of him inclined him to kidnap you so you won't have to get hurt like this ever again
Soon, like Todoroki, he quickly got rid of that villain who hurt you so badly and started making preparations of your new lives together as he watched you sleep in bliss, humming peacefully.....
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thatlonelymonster · 1 year
Little fights
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Pairing: Lo'ak x male Metkayina reader x Aonung
Pronouns used: he/him
Words: 2k
Warnings: none
Request: “If your requests are open can I req some Aonung x male reader x Lo’ak? Any plot really, just some fluff would be nice”
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"(M/n)! (M/n), over here!" What was that? My thoughts were still cloudy when I was awakened from my nap on the beach. "Oh man, just leave him, can’t you see he's sleeping?" "(M/n), look!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My gaze wandered over the water until I could see two figures not far away from me, to whom I could assign the voices from just now. It took me a second to get on my feet. Then I stretched briefly and patted some sand off of my tweng.
Finally, I started moving to make my way to the water. The spot where the low waves reached the beach was barely a few meters away. As the waves swept over my feet, I sighed contentedly. Feeling the coolness of the ocean on my body was one of my favorite feelings. But the quiet satisfaction did not last long when the same voice from earlier called my name again: "(M/n), look what I caught!" One of my boyfriends, Lo'ak, waved his hands excitedly in the air. His fingers were clasped around a short spear, on which a fish, a little larger than his head, was wriggling impaled. "Nice catch, love!" I closed the few steps between us and patted his shoulder with a grin. "Right?" He beamed from ear to ear. He had such a way about him, his joy was just contagious. "And Aonung made fun of me because of it!" I tried to contain myself from chuckling when I noticed the little pout that had now spread across his lips. It was clear to me that he was only looking for my confirmation with his actions. And since I knew what made him tick, I didn't want to deny him the little praise. So I just leaned over and gave him a small kiss that served its purpose and put the smile back on his pretty face. "Oh, don't hold it against him, he's just jealous because he hasn't caught anything yet." I quipped. Although I had said this quietly, a second later I heard some angry mumbling. Something about how this is not true and Lo'ak being like a baby who wouldn't even catch a tadpole.
I hadn't intended to have to start this all over again and I regretted saying anything at all. The relationship between Lo'ak and Aonung was, well, let's say more often still difficult. Before Lo'ak had joined our relationship, they had become friends to some extent, but not without constantly teasing each other. I had expected it to get better since the three of us were together, but now they were constantly arguing for my attention, which of them was better at what and more unnecessary quarrels on a toddler level. This rivalry, whether playful or not, sometimes really got on my nerves, as they were both very important to me. And I wasn't their mother to arbitrate such things all the time. Sometimes I wish that everything could just be a little more tension-free. I turned to Aonung, thinking about saying something, and couldn't decide whether to apologize to him for my comment or blame him for his. However, this decision was taken away from me when Lo'ak caught me off guard by placing his spear in the water and jumping into my arms, almost causing me to fall backwards in the process. By doing so, he was successful in drawing my attention back to him.
I put my hands around his back to hold him up. "Are you proud of me?" His gaze rested intensely on my face and he gave me an expression full of joyful anticipation. For now, I buried my face in the crook of his neck so he couldn't see my amused smile. It was mean, I knew that, but somehow Aonung wasn't entirely wrong with his words. Of course, since Lo'ak was one of the forest people, he had no practice in our hunt and had to start very small. And, of course, I didn't want to dissuade him from this progress by discouraging him. "Yes, soo proud!" I muttered, fueling his ego. Aonung snorted in exasperation. "Come on, can you even call this little thing a fish? Even a baby could catch something like that!", he said spitefully with his typical challenging grin. I had learned to just ignore his cheeky comments to Lo'ak, because when I scolded them for their little fights, both of them just ended up whining. "Oh, is that so, Aonung? You don't have to say anything, because unlike you, I actually caught something! And I'm not even from here!" He stuck his tongue out at the older boy. "Guys, please!" "He started it!", came from both of them at the same time.
As always, no one took the blame. In the end, I decided to let them discuss it when else because I couldn't bear their squabbling again. So, without further ado, I just went back towards the beach, literally running away from my problems for the moment. At least in part, because Lo'ak was still clinging to my neck and now wrapped his legs around my waist so as not to fall off due to my movement. "Hey, where are we going?" he asked, confused. "I don't know. I'll just separate you from each other until you behave appropriately for your age again." I also didn't care if Lo'ak was offended by my comment now. If he were, he would simply end up somewhere in the water. I was just fed up at the moment. However, to my surprise, he just relaxed in my arms and caressed the tattoos on my shoulders with his fingers. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't.
It wasn't until I arrived at the small cave somewhere near the beach, where we often came, that he let go of my neck and dropped on his own feet. Even though I loved carrying him around, I was glad that I didn't have to hold his weight anymore as it made walking kind of difficult. "Do we want to cook the fish for dinner?" he asked softly. The fish. "Well, did you bring it with you?" We both looked at each other in expressionless realization. "We forgot the fish." I sighed. "Then we'll just eat with the others later." He nodded. But I could see a hint of disappointment on his face. "You'll catch another one tomorrow!" He nodded again. Then he reached out to me and gave me the grasping hands movement. "Cuddle?" I asked him with my head tilted to the side. Instead of giving me an answer, he simply pulled me into a tight embrace. I didn't know why he was so needy for attention today, but of course I didn't mind. "Come on, let's make ourselves comfortable." I looked around the cave. It wasn't big, but it didn't have to be. When we first found it, we put a little effort into decorating it with leaves and laying out moss to sit on, built a small fire pit from a circle of stones and that was it. It wasn't my home, but I felt almost as at home here as I did in the village. Yet this was probably because I shared this place with my boyfriends and thus connected it with them.
I chose a large moss pillow to sit on and pulled Lo'ak by the hand towards me. As he wriggled around, trying to find a position that was comfortable for both of us, I watched him. In the end, he just rested his head on my chest and pulled his legs to him like a baby. My gaze wandered over his beautiful body. His skin tone, which had a darker shade of blue than mine, his strong but delicate hands with five beautifully long fingers, the patterns on his arms, chest, torso and legs, and actually all over his body, his thin forest tail, which probably made swimming much more difficult. He wasn't just special because he looked different from my people. He was also unique in his own way. "What is it?" I looked down and saw him staring at me with his big yellow orbs. It just looked indescribably adorable. "Nothing. You're just unbelievably beautiful." I gave him a warm smile. A dark purple blush crept onto his cheeks and he quickly hid them in his hands. "Don't just say something like that, skxawng!" His embarrassment made me laugh. "And you don't hide your cute face!" Carefully, I grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands away from his face. His pupils were slightly dilated and his face still had a soft shade of purple. This sight made my face heat up as well. Without taking my eyes off him, I intertwined my fingers with his.
"Wow, now you're even cuddling without me. Lo'ak jumped when we suddenly heard a voice in the entrance of the cave. I laughed at his startled expression. Then I turned to the figure that was now approaching. The beautiful figure of my other boyfriend. He gave us a hurt look. So sad and genuine-looking that it would have convinced me if I hadn't known him so well. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and he was holding something in his hands. Could that... "You brought the fish!" Lo'ak exclaimed happily. "Yes, but I'm not giving it to you since you're shutting me out like that." Lo'ak's happy expression turned into a guilty one. "Aonung, don't tease him like that!" He huffed. "Don't tease him like that!" he imitated me in a silly voice. "Why are you babying him all day?" I stared at him and he held my gaze. "Are you actually jealous?" I asked incredulously as I slowly saw through him. "No." It sounded more like a question than an answer. That would probably never change. Why did he always want to play tough and cool to hide the fact that he needed something? No matter if it was help or attention. He never asked for it and for years I noticed how he suffered in silence when he was struggling with something. This thought made me a little sad. Not only did he think he had to behave this way, he also acted like that in front of me as if I hadn't known him all his life. I had been his friend all these years, and not so long ago I become his boyfriend. "(M/n)?"
Yeah, maybe I had stared at him for too long. "Come here, darling." I opened one arm for him while holding Lo'ak's hand with the other. He still pretended to weigh whether or not to do it, but the next second, he put the spear with the fish on it down and got on his knees to crawl up to me and curl up next to Lo'ak in my arm. "We would never leave you out, you know that, right?" I asked him, gently stroking his head with my hand. He closed his eyes and kept silent. I sighed. "I love you so much. Both of you. Can't you imagine how hard it is for me to see you arguing all the time? I know you don't hate each other and I don't want to choose between the two of you. Moments like this are just too precious. Don't you prefer that to arguing?" They were both quiet, probably too proud to say anything. "I'm sorry I made fun of your hunting skills, Lo'ak." Aonung spoke under his breath. Lo'ak turned his gaze to him. "I'm sorry I stuck my tongue out at you and mocked you for not catching anything. I know you're a great hunter!" The words of the two almost melted my heart. "(M/n), are you crying?" "No!" Suddenly, they both laughed together. "You two are impossible!" I said, giggling and shaking my head. "I know, I know." Aonung snickered. We stayed like this for a few more minutes, then the older one shifted in my arms. "As much as I enjoy this, can we get up and make a fire now? It's getting dark and I'm really hungry!"
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I hope you liked it :)
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hisui555 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Pets 2
"How are they with pets ?" Vees and other Overlords edition
(Pets 1 (Hazbin Hotel crew) here)
(Pets 3 (Heaven's side) here)
Masterpost here.
Aaaand my titles are still as creative as a rusting cheese grater on sale. Anyway, let's jump to it.
The Vees !
Vox did have an (now archived) Instagram that's also now loosely canon, where he put pics of his cute pet hammerhead landshark Vark (that's probably not in the show the same as it was in the Instagram, but made it in with another form : might be the hammerhead bio-shark we see in the tank in ep 2 and why do I get the feeling we got robbed from something ?) and given his interactions with it, he clearly loves it with all his heart, calling it "baby" and posting what he brought for him (in a handbag), so it's safe to say that Vark is spoiled. One pic even shows it jumping on Velvette with Vox doing a fist-pump, another has an out-of-focus one with Vox being the one jumped on, so the critter can be safely described as rather enthusiastic (and giant. Hell fuck is it big). Which, based on this, gives a rather good idea of how he would interact with a pet : it's kind of a special, non common animal of specific interest (shark), that he will coddle and spoil to high heavens, basically a pseudo-kid. Expect tons of affection, letting it run around to its heart's content with a whole room (or more) dedicated to the beast, and a Never Could Do Any Wrong attitude that might be even worse that Lucifer's in the previous post. He will also train and teach it tricks, complete with lots of praise and treats, and given his management skills vet appointments are no problems (well, for him. Given the animal, very much not so for the vet), even cooing to the tyker that I know, you don't like it, but we'll have to go. I know, I know, I promise it's not for long. Touch it and you're dead, your reputation is dead, your whole family is dead up to the 10th ancestor, even your ashes are dead.
Alternatively, given how Vox is in the show now (still secretely hoping we see that side of him I admit, but I wouldn't place any bets on it), he has multiple shark-like creatures in a GIANT fish tank (at least two of them recognizable as sharks, I've counted four beasties that are seen on the opening of Stayed Gone), which look impressive and silently drift by. So while there's still the affinity for sharks, they look less goofy and more dangerous than Vark by some metric magnitudes and go quite well with his cunning CEO image, even emphazing it ("I think I have... just the one." Ep 2). So it paints a picture of power and silent intimidation, grinning like a shark and tempting to trade into the waters, smelling weakness like blood in the waves and drowning people under false hope : which is pretty much how he'd probably like his pets - hunting, powerful, highly unusual ones, that make him think of, well, himself and his empire. He'll keep them well-fed, cares for them, and likes to watch them swim around, maybe to calm his nerves after a Valentino tantrum or whenever Alastor so much as breathes wrong, more like status pets than coddling pets like his Instagram incarnation with Vark (again, shame*).
*While I do go awww, too bad, the producers, animators and whatnot had to work with an 8 episodes season. Characters also evolve (5 years between the pilot and the first episode), and things get dropped or picked up considering the needs of the show, and the intends behind the characters. The retired character Instagrams (and the pilot) paint the big lines, but smaller details are either contradictory or true-but-in-a-sideways-way compared to the final product, hence why "loosely canon". Vox with Vark would've been adorable, but he's probably not supposed to be that likable in that precise way, and it would've probably not brought the show itself much. I can only speculate why they dropped Vark's previous version (if he's indeed in the show at all), but don't take it as me faulting the show's creators and workers for it : my word is far from being gospel. Or else I'd make a really shitty deity.
Velvette would probably like a small, handholding pet that she can customize and that accords to her tastes, but also cute, photogenic and personable, so expect something like Hell's version of a chameleon, a pug or a Yorkshire (wait scratch that, I said "cute and photogenic"), or something that other people would find hideous but she'll make it work (nevermind, this fits) to show off how good her fashion skills are. She'll parade around with it, and if it has the same bitchy disdainous attitude as her, gladly welcomed bonus. She'll train it to obey only her (to Vox and Valentino's consternation and frustration), but also perfectly : every command is fulfilled within the snap of her fingers, but if the pet does outstandingly well, she won't hold back the treats. In private, she might be softer and more affable to it, praising and baby-talking it, but at the very least it'll have a luxurious corner to live in, and when she's away, her assistants are given the tasks of taking care of it (however not to a keep-an-activity-journal point unlike Pentious in the previous post). Unlike Angel, she might go for multiple pets at once (again, they're taken care of by a whole flock of staffs - good for testing interns and all that), and bank fashion lines and trends on them, associating with Vox to push out new product lines about animal care and fashion.
She'll also have pretend "dialogues" in public with one of them (switching favorites often following her moods - Velvette likes to have a wide choice fan of options) about how ugly or stupid she finds something and what's that you say Pookie ? Yes, absolutely, this dress looks like colored by sewer waters, ugh, good thing someone agrees with me. Think we should fire her ? to someone she particularly despises or deems unimportant enough and won't address directly because she'll estimate it beneath her, or sometimes to have an outlet of her own to vent. Rarely if ever goes to the vet unless one of the critters ate something it really shouldn't, since she's counting on her assistants to be skilled in healthcare, and they better be. Naming will be themed after what she likes, supported by tons of nicknames, and only her will know which one is named what because no one can keep up. Will be more annoyed than sad if one of them is hurt or died, but there will be a pang of sorrow for her favorite ones.
Valentino, well, also had a loosely canon pet queef (those half chihuahua half horsefly thingies, which are two abominations put together to make a third one - kidding, Fizzarolli's are kinda endearing), named... Queef (worse than my title names, good job bud), and emphasis on had, since he shot the tyker dead because it annoyed him, according to his archived Instagram. A safe bet is that it didn't even lasted very long. Which... paints dead-on (...sorry) the picture of how Val would treat pets : it's like a fancy that strikes from time to time and goes away just as quick, the second he's bothered by the critter. He's atrocious with naming them (though Adam beats him for sure in terms of naming things), sometimes can't differenciate one from another because oh right, I killed Queefie last week, you're actually Queefrey (...look at what you've made me do, stupid moth), and doesn't really care in general. Vet ? What's that ? Seriously the only time he'll go to a vet it's to enrol them in his studio if he finds them sexy enough and uses the critter for it. To him, they're not animals, they're trending accessories : something that goes nicely with the fishnet stockings and mink coat for an evening or two, not longer - or a tool to pick up chicks and chucks. If it dies, either he's the reason for it, or he'll just be annoyed.
He might just give them away if feeling generous or in a good mood, mostly to Velvette or his employees (he was the one who gave Fat Nuggets to Angel canonically - which was when Hell probably got a sudden cold wave or something. My sarcasm is having a stroke today, damn, sorry. Often happens when I'm writing Valentino's section, wonder why...ah, shit.), but hates if it disobeys or doesn't do what he wants it to do. Given that he doesn't train them either and expects it to behave like he wants right off the bat, this happens often. The longest any pet has lasted by him ? I'd say a week, two tops.
The other Overlords !
I don't peg Zestial for a pet owner, but again, let's pretend. It'll probably be something silent and creepy, ancient and powerful just like him - I mean, can you see him pick up any sparkly eyed kitten ? Me neither. It would make for a hilarious image, though. But nope, he'll be more like Hagrid than Umbridge in that sense : the most horrifying the better. Given his motif of spiders, he'll have his own Aragog, or some giant chiropteric monster from the dawn of times, with its own gregorious Fancy Name The Nth, something that even Lucifer thought died out ages ago. It's more a mutually respectful companionship than anything else : there's no "owner", no "pet", it just happens to live in Zestial's basement (or wherever he hangs his spindly, spidery legs from) and hunt down nuisances for him, in exchange of the occasional chin scritches. Might also know how to play chess, because why the hell not. Zestial won't like it being hurt, but will let it lick its wounds on its own and wait for it to ask for help, and it'll show up to show support in a fight and some extra manpower if needed. It doesn't obey squat, just agrees with you from time to time. No vet is crazy enough to go near that beast.
Carmilla will probably not have a pet either (too bothersome), but her daughters just might, and she'll allow it (somehow). Strict rules, the animal can't go wherever it pleases, better be damn well potty trained, and girls, if you want a pet, I'm not the one taking care of it - and she will stand by this, unlike some Didn't Want The Damn Cat Parents who melt at the first purr (welcome to the club of cat lovers, I'm the self-proclaimed president, what can I do for you ?). However, she's not against the affection, enjoying some relaxing moments with the pet at her side. Also, just having it around sleeping while she does work is nice and stress-relieving enough. She appreciates whatever "help" it can provide (fetching stuff), and simply talks to it like she would to an everyday person, only repeating words to make it understand what it should or should not be doing. She doesn't like cruelty to animals, and will make very clear what she thinks of someone who does that, but otherwise won't blow a gasket (like Vox or Angel might do). Might favor guard pets to protect her loved ones.
Rosie would be more about some old fashioned and elegant pets like poodles or whatever frizz-furred (or hairless, or scaly, as long as its classy) critter this side of Hell has to offer. However, since Alastor doesn't like dogs, she'll either keep it at home, or simply have another pet altogether, but case in point, it's a home pet, not something to parade around the Emporium with. Having it on a leash in the streets, fan in hand (her, not the tyke), and taking a strut around while waving for her fellow citizens or stopping to chat with other pet-owners is really picturesque, and exactly what she'll do. She'll make sure it's well-behaved, and will just have to softly utter a single command for it to obey. The most questionable thing would be the... diet. One sure thing, that beastie is well-fed.
Part 3 will be Heaven's side. Hope you enjoyed !
Again, Masterpost here.
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coopigeoncoo · 11 months
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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Thank you for the tag, @andypantsx3! I am both delighted and horrified to have my work regarded in a positive fashion because apparently my emotions are just like reaching blindly into a bag of trail mix; you get what you get.
But as my homeboy Socrates said, 'The unexamined life is not worth living', so it's probably beneficial for me to slow down and do some reflection on my work as a writer and appreciate the journey of growth I've been on.
So, in no particular order, here are 5 stories I've written and why I'm proud of them.
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The Cardinal Rule (Hawks x Gender Neutral Reader)
A story where Hawks learns that while humans might be awed by his flying skills, the bird population is decidedly less impressed. --- "The birds are refusing to work until their demands are met," you explained, trying to subtly slide your body between Hawks and the birds who were quite literally calling for bloodshed. "Which are?" Hawks asked as he lifted the bottle of water to his mouth and took a long sip. "They, ah, want you held accountable for your numerous bird crimes." Hawks abruptly choked, water spurting from the corner of his lips as he attempted to swallow the remaining liquid as he sputtered helplessly. "My what?" He coughed, thumping solidly on his chest with a closed fist.
This one started with a late night passing thought: 'What if birds hated Hawks?' and it spiraled out of control for there. I entered into some sort of fugue state and wrote and edited the entire thing in like, three days (which is very likely a person record for me). But everything just clicked together so easily on this one- my scenes flowed well, my jokes seemed to set themselves up, and I honestly had an absolute blast writing this. This is likely the story I reread the most because I have so much fun coming back to it.
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2) An Itch to Scratch (Creature!Kirishima x AFAB Reader)
Kirishima Eijiro is everything you never thought you'd find when you packed up your car and moved to a dilapidated fishing town.  He was handsome, funny, and kind; the sort of man who took your breath away.   And that might actually be a bit of a problem. --- "Good girl ," Eijiro praised, his hands like a vice on your hips as he pulled away from your mouth with a satisfied grin.  You returned his smile with one of your own; the vibrant joy that had churned in your belly unfurled throughout your body, leaving you feeling breathless and lightheaded.   "Eiji," you gasped, eyes widening in panic as your lungs seemed to seize in your chest.  "I- can't breathe!"
I knew going in that if I was going to write a Mermay story I would want to write one that subverted expectations and common tropes. I removed the story from the typical tropical setting and plopped the Reader down into an dilapidated New England-ish fishing town, and threw in an additional surprise plot twist that I'm incredibly proud of.
I focused a lot on the world building here; on making the town and the people in it feel real and fleshed out. I really wanted to make the Reader feel connected to the situation they were dropped into and feel like I managed to do that successfully and even fell in love with the aging fishing town a bit myself.
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3) Hot Dish (Shigaraki x AFAB Reader)
Down on his luck and scrambling for survival, Shigaraki Tomura was just looking for a place to score a hot meal. Instead, he ended up scoring a hot date. --- "You want gravy?" You asked, waggling the ladle of onion sauce enticingly, some of it sloshing over the edge of the spoon and falling back into the pot with a wet squelch. Tomura glared at the chunky sauce disdainfully before closing his eyes and sighing. "Whatever." "Gravy it is!" You cheer, pouring the sauce over the meat patty before passing it to him. "There you go! A hunk of meat for my favorite hunk." --- A slow, domestic romance between a volunteer at a soup kitchen and the newly destitute leader of a notorious villain organization.
Hot Dish is most popular story by far, which was honestly very surprising for me! I didn't realize how big Shigaraki's fan base was heading in because I wrote this for a server gift exchange and hadn't really read too many LOV centric stories. But I really enjoyed the challenge of trying to craft a soft romance for such a difficult character and think I managed to write a believable scenario where Shigaraki would be receptive to romance.
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4) A Persistent Lack of Follow Through (Shouto x AFAB Reader)
Shouto had learned a lot from his Father; how to take a hit, how to pull himself back up, and how to hold a grudge. But one thing Endeavor could never teach his children was how to be a good partner. Shouto had to learn that particular skill the hard way. --- He had spent long, sleepless nights reflecting on the things you had told him; the reasons you left. Every moment of your acquaintance was turned over repeatedly in his head and examined until one devastating conclusion was reached: "I was a bad boyfriend," Shouto muttered dejectedly, idly picking at the label of the shochu bottle in the middle of the table. --- A story where Shouto loves, loses, and learns.
I'm very much a happy ending sort of person, so it was a real challenge crafting a story around the prompt of 'heartbreak'. Hearts, obviously, needed to get broken; but then I wanted to try and write a believable healing journey would look like for two people in a shattered relationship. It was equal parts satisfying and frustrating building the same relationship up twice, but ultimately I feel like the relationship I depicted is stronger because of that struggle.
It was also my first time writing Todoroki Family shenanigans, which is honestly now one of my all time favorite things to do.
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5) The 3-Cs of 3-A (eventual Bakugou x AFAB Reader)
This one links to Ao3 because I'm still in the process of crossposting it to Tumblr.
Mineta Minoru is a perverted misogynist whose antics should have had him expelled from UA long ago. But he wasn’t. And now it’s your job to fix him. May God have mercy on your soul. --- “Well then, I’ll leave myself in your capable hands,” Mineta purred before popping open the top two buttons on his shirt, sending you a coy look from under his lashes. “Mold me into the perfect hero, Pygmalion!  Make me your Galatea!” he screamed as he ripped open his shirt, buttons flying haphazardly through the air and pinging off the walls and floor.  You throw your arms up to cover your eyes, as though blinded by the pale skin of his belly.   “Why do you always have to make this weird?” you moan forlornly, already bending down to search along the floor for the missing buttons.  
Aaaah, my passion project. This was my first foray into writing MHA fiction and my only continual WIP. I'm constantly editing and working to improve this one because it's so important to me.
I noticed very early on that Mineta is a character that authors tend to ignore or replace entirely, so his character really appealed to me because I hadn't really ever seen it explored very thoroughly before. 3-Cs is, at it's core, a Mineta redemption story where I try to mold him into the character he could have been; but it's also a place where I get to explore a lot of my ideas about what it's like for an average person to live in a Hero-centric society.
My absolute favorite moments as a writer are when people comment on chapter 1 with messages like 'I really hate Mineta, let's see how this goes' and then 10 chapters later are posting comments like 'What have you done? I actually like this grape-flavored weirdo now.' I actually had someone mention last chapter that they now were interested in a Mineta x Reader story, so I'm putting some weird vibes out into the universe and proud of it!
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I think a lot of the people that I would tag have likely already been tagged, but just in case here are some no pressure tags! @confused-red-head @grxywxrrxnn @auraxins @pikatsum @lou-struck @stellamancer @namodawrites @sipsteainanxiety
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queerpumpkinnn · 2 years
For Halloween:
Merman!Finnick Odair meeting the reader but like dark merman who drags them down with them into the ocean or like keeps them in a sea cave with only an underwater entrance… idk if this is how to do requests but it’s an idea I’ve had for a few weeks
This is generally how people do requests, you're all good! I believe the term you're looking for might be siren. I am in love with this concept and I hope I did it justice. I made it so that he was the kind of merman that can transform because I really didn't want to write a fish penis. Hope you like it!
Kinktober 28th: Waterlogged
aka siren luring with Finnick Odair
0.6k words
Summary: The handsome siren you've had eyes for finally has you under his spell.
Pairing: Merman!Finnick Odair x gn!reader
Content warnings: Dubcon via magic, body parts are unspecified, swimming, Finnick is possessive, let me know if I missed anything
While reading, I recommend you listen to the altar is my hips - a Spotify playlist by me!
Your brain felt like it was floating around in the clouds, though in reality this was physically far from true. You were currently extremely far underwater, hidden in a cave, dangling your legs in the water from the ledge. Warm light flickered from the lamp in the corner, illuminating the walls in a dim orange glow. Finnick had no need of it, of course, his eyes were well adjusted to the darkness of the sea, but as yours were not he took the courtesy of bringing a few items down so that you would be comfortable upon your arrival.
Speaking of Finnick, you jumped a bit when you felt hands creep up from your ankles to your knees, resting there. Looking down you saw the charming smile of the charming man who had brought you down here in the first place. The water was rippling behind him and the soft figure of his tail waved up and down behind him, coming in and out of sight with a glint. His chin rested atop his hand, gazing up at you with eyes that would have pierced your soul if not for the impossibly loving look in them.
"You like it?"
You nodded, hand reaching to find his. "It's perfect."
Finnick's hands slid up and down your thighs a few times before resting them on either side of you, hoisting himself up so that his face was level with yours. "Isn't it? This way, I can have you all to myself."
With Finnick at this proximity, you really couldn't be blamed for kissing him like you did. He responded almost immediately, putting you in that warm, fuzzy place that seemed to consume you whenever you were around him. Everything you saw and felt was eerily soft, fluid almost. His aura was magnetic and he drew you in with his piercing gaze and smooth words. He was mesmerizing, tantalizing, enchanting. Your only hesitancy was in wondering why he chose you.
His eager movements had you holding onto his shoulders, exhilarated. Finnick seemed to engulf you, hovering over you. Somewhere along the line his tail had disappeared and replaced itself with defined, muscular legs that slid against yours as he crawled into a secure position above you.
"You're gorgeous, you know that?" The question brought a blush to your cheeks- though his hand stroking your hip, dangerously close to where you so desperately needed him could have also contributed.
"Finnick..." You breathed, barely able to form a coherent thought.
"Right here, sweet."
"I need you."
Before the words had even left your mouth, Finnick's hand snaked over the top of your thigh before finding purchase between your legs, slow movements drawing breathy moans from your lips; the sounds were music to Finnick's ears. Your mind felt empty, and yet it was overwhelmed by the feeling of Finnick's mouth on you, roaming your skin and claiming you with soft pricking of skin from his teeth.
"Keep making those pretty noises for me. Just like that, perfect. Just for me, too. All mine." His voice pushed you further and further to the edge, whispering sweet nothings and praises into your ear. "Mine, mine, mine..."
As the waves of pleasure became more intense and your high came barreling closer, you only had one thought:
Finnick was going to be the death of you.
Finnick Odair Masterlist
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
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honeybubblegumpink · 1 year
Dungeons and dragons honor among thieves
**✿❀ 𝕩𝕖𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕣 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ❀✿** [𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝟙]
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Note : this is my first post on this account I have another one but can't seem to log in. I hope you like this story. English is not my first language so sorry for any mistake and this is not proof read
Xenk yendar was just reading a book when he heard a commotion outside of the village . He stepped outside of his house and hear a beautiful womans voice singing a lullaby. Everyone left what they where doing and got closer to the person who was singing . the hooded women walk along the road to a water fountain as the villagers followed her like they where strapped in a spell by her voice.
Xenk has bad feeling about the woman who just came to this village and walk closer to see what's going on
" what a beautiful voice " a villager said
" and the most beautiful song I ever heard " an another said
Everyone praised and clapped for her as she took off her hood revealing a beautiful young woman. She smiled towards the crowd and thank them as they put gold coins in the bag she put on the ground
After the women was done performing she collected all of the gold coins she reserved from the villager .
"That was a wonderful performance " xenk said putting 3 gold coins toward her bag
The women look at thim and smiled " thank you " she closed her bag full of coins and secures it tightly and puts it in her small bag.
" what brings you here to this village ? " xenk ask the women.
" oh I'm just a traveler. I like exploring new places and meeting new people. And what brings you here sir paladin ? " the woman knew that he is xenk yendar the paladin
Xenk chuckles and replies " please call me xenk. "
" okay xenk , what brings you here? " the Woman asked sitting besides the water fountain. She lightly taps the stone besides her to signal xenk to sit besides her. He does so and zit next to her
"im staying here for a while since the bridge is unstable . I can't let the people cross the river it that bridge and get hurt " xenk said looking at the bridge . Then turns to her and asked
" what's your name miss ? "
" call me y/n " she answered . Xenk stood up and turn towards y/n
" it was nice to meet you miss y/n . I would like to talk to more but it seems like someone needs my help. I bid you a good day " xenk then walks away and disappear into the crowd.
After a moment of sitting y/n put her hood back on " this isn't going as planned. I have to get rid of himself some how " her eyes turned sharp as she looking at the path that xenk was walking.
"This is going to be fun" she chuckled
[Y/n's pov]
It's the middle of the night and I was sitting on my bed writing a plan on how to get rid of xenk yendar. It's going to be difficult because he's way to strong for me. I scratch my head in frustration and ripped a page from my notebook.
" this won't do I have to have a better plan then this..." I bite my fingers nails to ease my frustration but it doesn't help much .
"It's getting late ,I should get some sleep " I put my notebook down next to a desk . I pulled the blacket up to my neck and try to get some rest. Just a few seconds later my eyes shot open
" that's it ! "I kick the blacket and grabbed my note book and began to write down my plan
"This will surely do "
"Good morning , miss y/n would you like today's special? " the woman behind the counter said pouring a glass of water for me
" so long if it isn't fish, then yes please ! " I said with a big smile after fishing my big meal I head out and grabbed my books and a basket full of fruit until I saw xenk helping a kid with his scraped knee . I walked over to him and kneeled besides him setting my book on the gound and hand xenk my handkerchief.
" here use this it will stop the bleeding " xenks smiled grabbed it and tied it around the boy knee.
" be careful next time okay buddy ? " I hand him a apple.
" okay miss and thank you " he took it from my hand and ran off again and waving
" he's going to fall if he doesn't look where he's going " I said to xenks
" he's not going to after that lesson " xenks stood up as I did the same . reached inside his pocket he pulls out his a few coins and places it in my hand
" here have this in exchange for the handkerchief and the apple " I looked at him in surprised that he would give me money for such a small thing . I gave him back his coins
" I don't need it, it's just a handkerchief and a apple" I said
" but it's your handkerchief and-"
" I said it's fine . I just got it for free " I cut him off
" if you want to repay me you can start by carrying my books to my inn " I said said handing him my bag of books.
" of course , let me also carry that for you" xenk said
" No it's fine " I started to walk back to my inn as he followed.
" I see you like to read miss y/n " I turn to face him and said yes. I tell him how I love to read romance myth, mystery, adventure and historic legends . He listened closely to what I say and he even shared some book he read this past week .
"There we are . thanks for your help xenks" I said as he give me back my books
" it isn't anything at all miss y/n " he said
" I'll see you around then-" I was cut off my someone yelling and coming towards me or xenk
" sir xenks ! " a man yells
" sir xenk please help me ! " he said again catching his breath
" what's the matter ?" Xenk said putting a hand on his shoulder
" my child fell in a trap ! and there are wild wolf surrounding him! My men tried to fight the wolf but it nothing seems to work. Please help me ! " the man begged .
" lead me there quickly! " xenk said the man quickly run toward the woods
" I'll come with you " I said putting my stuff at the table and runs towards him
"Miss y/n I need you to stay here. It's to dangerous " xenk said stopping me and proceed to go with the man
I stayed silent for a while until I chuckle to myself. My eyes turned golden in color , my nails sharp and some scale from around my face
" let's begin shall we ? "
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ !
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kiitsunekuro · 2 years
Hardly Human
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Touya x Cisfem Selkie!Reader for the ‘Meet me Where the Sky Touches the Sea’ collab.
Warnings; degradation (slut etc), praise, fingering, unprotected sex, maybe slight coercion but not really, maybe a little angst but mostly smut, bit of plot.
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“Why did I have to be born on this god forsaken island?” Dabi mused to himself, glancing out over the black waters of the ocean from the rooftop of an abandoned building. The waves shimmered as they caught the light of the moon and the bright neon lights of Tokyo. He hated the water, he didn’t even like fish, and living in a place like Japan… Maybe that was one reason for his unusually lean physique. That and the fact that villainy didn’t usually pay well, and thievery only gets you so far.
He had only come here in fact at the request of Shigaraki, to await a delivery from a boat at the docks. They were due around 2am, but in this line of work, it could be any time at all. He exhaled heavily through his nostrils, resting his head in his palm. Straining to keep his eyes open, he caught sight of something thrashing in the water. The sound just barely drew his attention, heavily lidded eyes sliding to watch what he expected to be a school of fish or a drunk that had fallen off the dock.
What he saw in fact, was neither. He pressed his palms into his eyes, rubbing roughly to clear the sleep from them, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him in his half asleep stupor. Because what he saw was a girl, caught in fishing nets- but not a girl at all. Your skin had a silken sheen to it, and thin translucent webbing between fingers. That alone might not have been odd, after all there were thousands of people with quirks that made their appearance less than human and more animalistic. But what he saw around you, that you had attempted to slide away from yourself was the skin of a seal. He had heard stories and rumors of selkies here and there, but didn’t pay any mind to them. He leaned his body over the railing on the roof, eyes straining to get a better look at you. Even from this distance he could make out your wails and shrieks as you struggled against the nets.
Curiosity got the best of him as he lowered himself over the roof to the balcony below and deftly made his way toward you. He stalked slowly along the dock, hands shoved in his pockets and squatted down behind you, head cocked to the side.
He watched you continue to struggle until your trashing brought you face to face with him, your breath caught in your throat and eyes shot open wide with fear. Another shriek left you as you tried and failed to swim away, only to become more helplessly entangled in the nets, adding to the panic building in your chest. Claustrophobic and now panicked. Your entire life you’d heard stories about men stealing the seal skins of other selkie women and dooming them to a life on land, and worse tales still of them harming them simply for what they were. Your heart hammered in your chest as the nets only grew tighter and it was all you could do to keep yourself afloat, clinging to the splintering wood of the dock. You turned your eyes up toward the man who sat, watching you wordlessly without moving.
“Please, don’t hurt me.” You managed to choke out as tears burned in your eyes.
He lifted one eyebrow in mild surprise.
“You speak?”
Nodding, you attempted to quiet your thundering heart and slow your breathing. You had watched people from the relative safety of the docks before, but the appearance of this one was strange. Scarred and burnt skin hung onto healthy flesh with staples and stitches, and his calm curiosity elicited no fear.
“Huh,” He studied you, but made no move to help free you. Your arms were now pressed to your sides tightly, the taught ropes burning as they dug into your skin and you hissed with pain. “Selkie, right?” he asked, sliding his legs over the edge of the dock to look at you more closely and you could smell the acrid tinge of cigarette smoke on his clothing. “Haven’t been this close to the ocean in years.” He mused, thinking briefly about his blue flames and how long it would take to turn ocean water into steam, not that he would, at least not near you, anyway.
“Are you going to help me or not?” you muttered, trying not to make your situation any worse than it already was. He heaved a dramatic sigh, looking upward toward the nearly full moon and carded his fingers through white hair, nearly glowing in the light.
‘What is this guy's deal?’ you felt anger beginning to burn in your chest as he toyed with you, narrowing your eyes in irritation. “If you're not going to help me, you can at least-“ your words are cut off by a flash of blue flame as the ropes turn to ash and the surrounding water hisses into the night air. You yelp in surprise and tumble backward slightly with a splash and he rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t burn ya.” Checking over yourself you see that he’s right and you’re able to pull the nets away from you, balling them up as best you can and shoving them onto the dock next to his seated frame. You watch him carefully, slowly moving back and away from him. “What’s your name?”
You hesitate. “Why?”
He shrugs, “Saved your life, didn’t I? I don’t get to know who you are?”
You mull it over a moment before telling him quietly. “Do I get to know yours? To thank you?” you pull yourself halfway out of the water next the him. He reaches out to you and his fingers trace the lines on your skin where the nets had buried themselves and broken skin here and there. You instinctually pull away but he doesn’t react, hand still outstretched as his eyes move from your arm to meet your gaze. He realizes now that your body is naked, gentle curves of shining wet skin illuminated under the pale moonlight, but you don’t seem to be shy about it.
“Y’can call me Touya.”
“Well then, Touya, thank you.” One side of his lips curl into the slightest hint of a smile.
“Welcome.” You study his face and your lips part as you begin to say something, but your gaze focuses on a shape behind him in the water- a boat, rapidly approaching. “I gotta go.” Hurriedly you slip under the water and before your body disappears beneath the depths, Touya can see as your body changes to become more like an aquatic mammal, and he watches you turn back toward him and wave goodbye. He returns the favor and sighs as you disappear beneath the black waters. His shoulders slump forward and he doesnt turn to meet the man on the boat with the delivery, just raises one hand to show that he’s heard.
For as little as Touya cared for the ocean, he seemed to find himself there more and more often-whenever he had the time to spare. Gazing out over the vast expanse of water, perhaps hoping for a glimpse of you again. You hadn’t left his mind, and he felt himself captivated by you as though you were a siren instead of a selkie. Or maybe he just wanted to prove to himself that you hadn’t been a dream or a hallucination, something he’d made up in his sleep deprived mind.
Days pass in a haze and he keeps track of them by the phases of the moon, and it isn’t until it's full again that he sees you.
You’re by the same dock, this time happily free of nets. Dragging yourself up onto the wood, you shake some moisture from your hair. Glancing around nervously, you pull yourself to your shaky feet and dart toward the crags of some rocks where he watches you search for something.
He approaches behind you slowly and silently.
“Back again?” his voice startles you as you jump, yelping and turning on your heels with your hands balled into fists, eyes narrowed in anger, but when you see that it’s Touya, smirking at you softly, you relax a little.
“God, stop sneaking up on me.” You grit your teeth and resume your searching. Touya snorts a little, but can’t help from looking at your bare ass as you bent over.
“It’s Touya, remember?” He taps a finger against his temple, “not ‘God’.” You rolls your eyes but gasp in delight as you exclaim,
“Found it!” Pulling out a slightly tattered dress and slipping it onto your frame. “Why are you here again? Do you make a habit of spending every night here?” Your attention returns to Touya.
“Oh, you just missed me then, huh?” You tease him, poking his chest lightly.
“Maybe. Or maybe I figured you owed me for savin’ your life.” He shrugs, his air of nonchalance almost infuriating. You balk a little, taking a step away from him.
“What do you want?”
“Spend the night with me.” He states simply, eyes boring down on you, mirroring the ocean behind him.
“W- what?” You blink, struggling to process his request.
“Spend the night with me.” he repeats, stepping closer to you as you press your back against the rocks. He rests the back of his hand against your cheek, head tilting slightly as his gaze rakes over you, searching your expression.
You swallow thickly and worry your bottom lip between your teeth. You’d never actually spent time with a human before, and this one seemed interesting… If there were ever a time…
“Alright…” your voice laced with reluctance. “What did you want to do…? I don’t go into the city.” You add quickly, an edge to your voice and he holds his hands up in front of him.
“Not a problem for me, I’m not the most welcome there, either.” His eyes light up as a hint of a smile pulls the corners of his lips. He begins to saunter down the beach, back to you, obviously expecting you to follow him. Your bare feet pad softly on the wet sand as you scurry to catch up.
“What do you mean? About not being welcome there?” You inquire, glancing up at him.
He pauses, considering for a moment.
“Long story. Not like I wanna be there anyway,” he scoffs “all the fuckin’ pretentious heroes out there and shitty people.” You hum softly and struggle to understand his world, so different from your own. In the ocean, there were no heroes or villains. No monsters or men. Just the ever callous indifference of the sea and her creatures. Good and bad weren’t something you thought about very often.
“Why’d you come back? Really?”
“Thought you were interesting. Not every day y’meet a selkie.”
You wring your hands together nervously, eyes downcast, watching your feet as they move silently across the sand. You study his hands, and their lack of webbing. The way the staples glint in the cold light of the moon, where the harsh edge of scarred skin met new. You take one in your hands and turn his palm over, pressing your own against it in curiosity.
Touya stops in his tracks, breath caught in his throat as he watches you intently, heat rising in his cheeks at the sweet innocence of curiosity. You didn’t seem scared of him, or disgusted. To you, he was just any other person, and it caused his chest to ache. His fingers wrap around your hand and you raise your other to his cheek, taking in all of his features with deft movements, tracing the high points of his face. You touch his lips softly, and push yourself up on your toes slightly.
“Your eyes remind me of home.” Something about the softness of your voice makes him want to pull you into him, to hold you, to ruin you.
Without thinking, he presses his lips against yours, pulling your body hard against his and wrapping his arm around your waist. You barely have time to react before his tongue slips between your lips to taste you and the salt of the ocean on your skin.
“T-Touya wait…’ you mumble against his lips and he pulls away, eyes hazy with want.
“There might be a place we can go…?” You tilt your head, clinging to his shirt as he nods.
You lead him further down the shoreline, til you reach a small alcove hidden away, sparse grass growing in patches.
“I sometimes come here when I…” you trail off, stopping yourself. “When I come up here.” His face twists into an unreadable expression, though he doesn’t pry. He lifts you against him, and you hook shaky legs around his waist as he lowers himself to his knees, trailing hot kisses down your neck, pulling skin between his teeth and laving his tongue across the forming bruises. A soft whimper escapes your lips as he roughly palms your breast, pressing you down against the soft ground, arms caging you.
“Ever done something like this before?” He asks between nips at your skin, breath fanning against your ear as you shudder against him.
“Not with a human,” you answer honestly. He scoffs, roughly parting your thighs and pressing his hips against yours, where you feel his bulge beneath his jeans, hard and long and threatening the seams.
“I’m hardly human anymore, darlin’.” He undoes the button of his pants and sighs at the release. His hands ghost over your frame, lightly pushing the hem of your dress up as he helps it over your head.
He lowers himself, pressing kisses down the center of your chest, groaning at the way your tits sit exposed in the night air and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking and dragging teeth against the stiffening nub. His other hand reaches to devote attention to the neglected breast, rolling the pebbling mound between his fingers.
Your breath was growing needy and desperate as you rolled your hips up into his thigh, desperate for some release as you feel slick begin to coat your bare sex. His other hand reaches between the apex of your thighs, ring finger running along your slit and he groans, releasing your nipple with a wet pop.
“Oh you’re so wet for me.” You cry out as his finger dips between your folds, sliding in and out of you and curling against that spongy spot, watching as your face contorts when he finds the right angle. Every inch of his skin is burning against yours, both from his quirk and the fervor of lust.
“Oh there she is…” he coos as a string of moans begins to leave you, fingers grasping for him, tangling in his hair.
“T-Touya… feels so good…”
“I know, baby.” he grunts as he picks up the pace, pressing his palm against your clit and marveling at how you come undone beneath him, back arching and muscles spasming around his fingers as he slides another digit into your heat. A high pitched whine rips through you as he bites your neck roughly, growling against your skin,
“Gonna cum f’me already?” His voice is mean and low, “What a little slut,” The string of curses and moans leaving you are debaucherous and filthy as your vision whites out and your fingers dig roughly into his skin, his fingers helping carry you through your release as you struggle to catch your breath.
You barely have time to regain your senses before his boxers are pulled away and he’s lining himself up at your soaking entrance, pressing his length against your slit to gather your slick against his thick cock, each rut of his hips catching your sensitive nub causing you to shake with overstimulation.
“Think you can take me, baby?” he smirks as you gape at his size, eyes still blown with lust as you whimper. You feel the tip of his cock and screw your eyes shut at the burning of the stretch, breathing heavily as he begins thrusting shallowly into you to give you time to adjust. The sensation is strange and painful and feels good at the same time as he buries himself in you, the hair at the base of his cock brushing against your clit.
“Mmmm, good fuckin girl, suckin’ in my fuckin’ cock in, takin me so well...” his breath is uneven as he struggles to hold himself back from fucking into you. “Y’so fuckin tight, shit…” He pulls his hips back before roughly thrusting himself back into you and you keen loudly, back lifting up off the ground as he bullies your g-spot, reveling in the way your taught muscle grips him as he sets an abusive pace, fucking your breath from your lungs and hot palm wraps itself around your throat cutting off your air supply completely.
Your eyes water as you feel him pressing cruelly against your cervix, dumb with nothing but thoughts of Touya and how incredible he was making you feel, how you could live in this moment for eternity. Right as your lungs begin to burn he frees your neck and presses his hand behind your knee, pulling it up over his shoulder as he leans forward, pressing his weight against you as he fucks every inch of himself into you.
“Feel so fuckin good,” he groans, eyes raking over you like hot coals, “tight fuckin cunt, so fuckin’ wet and messy f’me,” the string of filth leaving his mouth made your stomach tighten and twist as a burning pressure began to build in your core.
“God, I can feel you chokin my fuckin’ cock, you gonna come again, you filthy fuckin’ slut?” He growls against your ear as he bites down against the shell of it, breath hard and ragged with the exertion of his movements as he fucks you earnestly.
He reaches a shaking hand between the two of you to rub messy circles against your clit,
“Come for me,” he snarls as you feel a white hot coil snap within you and you press your hips up in time with his hungrily, moaning and crying as all you can manage to say is a combination of ‘please, Touya, fuck,’ You feel the movement of his hips becoming erratic and frantic as he nears his own release, fucking you stupid.
He pulls his cock out of you just in time for hot ropes of cum to coat your stomach up to the curve of your breasts. He groans lowly, rolling onto his back as he struggles to catch his breath, chest rising and falling, staples pulling at his skin.
You roll onto your side and press a hand to his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart. One eye opens to look up at you, a lopsided smile playing at the edges of his lips.
“Looks like I’m gonna have to keep you.”
You stiffen and jerk away from him, before he laughs, shaking his head. “I ain’t gonna do that, I don’t got time for pets.” His smile fades as his eyes focus on the sky above him. “Hope I get to see y’again,” he murmurs, barely audible, “before I do somethin’ stupid.” You narrow your eyes quizzically.
“I can only come up when the moon is full.” He nods his understanding.
“Figured it would be somethin’ like that. I hope I’m around next time.” He pulls you against his chest and you wonder what he means, and faintly, you do hope you’ll get to see him again.
Comments & reboots are greatly appreciated & are very encouraging 💕
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godhasheardtruthfully · 8 months
Purge This Story 16166: A Horror Short by Sam-Amina Matthew-John Bailey
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Purge This Story 16166h Rabi Al Thani 1445 / October '23
The following may be a prophecy of Sam-Amina Matthew-John Bailey. Little remains of information concerning her life (which we believe played out in this place sometime around 1444h) save that she was held to be a seer amongst her people & dedicated this (her transfixative work)”—to Ember. Whom I live to see as a mighty king among my people!”. 
This text is delivered as an appendage of songs of Sam-Amina with this warning:
“BEWARE: creative license in play & truthfully we ourselves face evil inclinations. Still. Never doubt when you have lived to see stranger days.” 
Purge This Story 16166h. Psalm1
Annabelle lived 13 years on Earth before becoming impregnated with a whole new world. 
Purge This Story 16166h. Poem 3
“Woe, whoah! Oh woe… That I had died before (I had met this moment.)” 
Four months on as she dips her honey tanned mitts into high tide waters she’ll remember to say
“Praise God I lived to see this momentous day”. 
Annabelle is naked save for clay of the Earth she smears on her body and the remnants of her thick silken cloak which shimmers green in the sun. She is captivated by her baby’s reflection in the pond water. 
Purge This Story 16166. A dirge. 
“Jesus joy of Mans desiring” she plays.
Annabelle’s a gifted cellist who doesn’t see herself as first chair, much less a violinist. Annabelle lacks the charisma she perceives of the violists while reveling in their recklessness.
Besides, Annabelle greatly prefers her private repertoire. The unplayable (sans scorn from others if they could hear). Oh well. Anything is preferable to Annabelle over the piercing pitch that punctuates her skull when the yielding heard of E stringers tune their machines. 
Simmering in the clef with the bassists Annabelle is no choir singer. An ever on Earth orphaned woman. So long as Annabelle remembers her birth parents are no more. The tales she hears shift. Sometimes a boating accident becomes being eaten by a fish. Life goes on. 
She grows up in The Church. On her worst days she screams 
“I swear to God these people! (Are consuming me, as if I myself were the fattest among the cattle calfs being buttered up for a burnt offering or the wafers served beside wine.) 
This was a life lived in vanity. Horsehairs dragged across suspended metals. The soft/steel meeting is lubricated by imported jade rosin. 
Purge This Story 16166. An Admonition (& forgiveness!) 
Young Annabelle is foolish & fears January as if it possesses the might of God Himself. She is correct, however, in her calculation that the death making angels of Allah themselves are roosting upon her threshold. 
All her virgin life on Earth Annabelle never uttered, or even comprehended, her peoples dominant tongue. Most language utterly escaped her. Her every thought of talking vanished.  Sincere attempts to meet the most pleading, violent, or romantic of advances that this woman ‘aught speak given sanity or reason dissolved upon her most strident attempts at application. Precisely like a dream wherein one finds themselves holding on to the memory of screaming in a universe that physically commands its silence. A cruel muscle memory? 
With quiet comes forgetting. Sometimes Annabelle likes this. 
It is no man that inseminates her. No baby which Annabelle begets.   
Purge This Story 16166 Never Speak of This
He Dog arrived about as soon as Annabelle is granted memory. The Smoking Man she perceives in the closet calls out to her with names worse than the like of herself. Words others pick up. 
This causes her to seek otherworldly refuge. She wonders at first if it is not Satan living in the vent just above the top bunk of the twin bed at the first place where she lived on 16th Court - With the last nearest thing to a family she experienced before being brought to this place.
         “No” she succumbs to telling herself. 
“This is He Dog”.
He Dog is minute but menacing. Rich curls of brown fur with red yellow marbled eyes. Two feet and half one inch upright. 
He Dog speaks an ancient dialect Annabelle alone comprehends well and appears to understand the whispers of her heart. 
Annabelle is immediately trained never to mention He Dog by the reactions of those around her when she shares her experiences. 
“It is okay.” She lies to herself. “He Dog understands me”. In this Annabelle is not entirely wrong. 
Purge This Story 16166 So much for my (/boundaries). 
Ballad, The town of Annabelle’s birth, Is built on a peninsula. The boundary between her people and God knows what exists in the beyond is bordered up by a thicket of trees, reeds, marshy waters and marked by a blood stained rock left by the ancestors of the towns inhabitants. Songs & epics passed through the ages of her people all warning against even nearing the shrub gates into the damp woods of the lost.
Annabelle misinterprets He Dogs ability to quietly listen to her as signs she’s found a beneficent friend. All he’s done yet is listen quietly and murmur to her in a dialect so foreign it’s one of the few things she recognizes. 
She takes him on a walk, one of the many rituals he enforces coercively at the face of maintaining his friendship with Annabelle. This may as well be protection to Annabelle. Under duress Annabelle begins to believe she must do this. 
Purge This Story 16166 Busted
Annabelle doesn’t recognize the urgency of her hunger until pale moonlight is hours past being all that’s left of the sun. Moon beams gently punctuate the pitch black canopy of trees above her. It isn’t her sight Annabelle is following, rather He Dog, who appears to have caught scent of something himself. 
Leaves are all that’s slick under her bare calloused feet. If rough skin sheathes the musician from the hot friction of metal cords on their fingertips what are twigs to Annabelles feet? Cuts to her skin when a Psalm is composed of more than just notes inked on paper? 
“He Dog No! Please!”
The blood soaked stone is rendered dimly visible by daybreak. He Dog is arrested by the border stone. Narcissus mugging himself in the pond water couldn’t be more hellishly captivated as He Dog & that boundary rock. There’s something so transfixing about the forbidden, the vain, the deadly. Annabelle must now learn why that is for herself. 
Fatigue escapes to amazement as soon as Annabelle sees, truly realizes what she is perceiving from before her mahogany eyes, the engraved markings which drink up an inheritance of spilt blood. Even dried up viscous remnants of life don’t cover this up: They make the shape of the sounds she hears. Annabelle is beginning to comprehend literacy. 
Docile no more. He Dog reveals all the ravenous might he’s been biding. “YOU MUST DO THIS ANNABELLE” he gruff’s while biting at her hands. “You are going to do this Annabelle. Listen to me. LISTEN TO ME” he bites at her feet. He Dog is growling.
Purge This Story 1666: Re: Genesis. 
It was fast all too much for Annabelle whose tears of grief overcome her ’til her head rest a’slumber on the stone. 
Annabelle dreams of a deliverance. She sees faces gathering around her. Beautiful perfumed ones with gold sashes & Biblically bright pupils. They are different from the people around town, though many townsfolk are there as well. This company is welcoming of her and feeding her grapes, juicy pomegranate seeds, honey buttered slabs of bread. 
They take her home. To the one she remembers. 
Daybreak anew. And her physical condition is worse for 24 hours of ware. He Dog is grumbling.
“Bell… You know you’re going to do as I command you”. 
She understands perfectly what is written on the rock. She’s spent hours cautiously mesmerized by its recitation. It’s lost meaning to her whether or not He Dog comprehends what lays ahead of her if… 
“Annabelle! Annabelle.”
A new voice. Beautifully carried by the damp morning air. She hears a princess, 
“Annabelle I am here with you”
She hears a Queen. 
Annabelle lifts her loosely braided crown of yellow hairs from the rock, now damp with her spit, snot, and tears along with the ever stubborn blood. She is realizing this voice progenies from her shadow. What is left of her after the sun cuts her body with its ancient starlight.
It takes seven minutes for light to travel at its namesake speed from the surface of the sun to the face of the Earth. It takes thousands of years for the same light to travel from the core of the Sun to its launching surface. Layers of fusion and convection in viscous plasma temper starlight for such a moment. 
It takes Annabelle like no time at all to at least try to seize that God cursed stone once she comprehends her shadows news:
“Do not be scared any longer. I am here. I am telling you to do this.”
The rock is heavy, sunken and grown over into the crust of the Earth. Annabelle appears weak, vulnerable. But she screams. A guttural primal force gathering howl and she picks up that rock.
Annabelle bares it. She thrusts it behind her from across her breasts. Annabelles lungs expand with mossy oxygen. She hurls herself into the unfathomable. Annabelles eyes are beaming in the face of what is ruinous.
Purge This Story 16166 Four Months Later 
Annabelle is amazed at how well her stitches are healing. How soft He is.
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lochselfships · 10 months
water and bug with matt? :0
SWANNNEEEE MY GOOD PAL!! you know Exactly what's on my brain all the time i see., thank u thank u thank u tha
[Water]: What does a beach day with your f/o look like? Do you go swimming or check out the boardwalk?
Matt is essentially Just Like Me™ on a beach day... we're both too pale, so the re-application of suncream every goddamn half an hour is mandatory. Which is... helpful... because I usually forget... but he refuses to let either of us get burnt to a crisp lol.
We also both love collecting little beach trinkets!! Shells and cool rocks and little creatures and stuff :D If there's not at least ONE bag full of cool stuff we found that we have to heave back home then we've failed. Obviously. (/light-hearted)
“hey! this one's shiny! do you think it's a crystal?”
“that's just a flint stone, gorgeous.”
“ah... i see... and this one too?”
If there's tide pools we might waste our time purely around there, but if not then we'll wade in the sea! And that's a LOT of fun because Matt's a complete baby about it and is very scared to go under the water. Usually I have to do it first (to show him it's fine) and then hold his hand if he wants to do the same. It's very adorable tbh nfndnfns <3
Also!! Food is a big part a the beach trip! If he hasn't prepared various snacks (he has) (they will all likely melt because he Does Not think these things through) then we'll be getting fish and chips and whatever sweet treat is nearby to sustain us! He usually tries being all romantic by feeding me himself but it's. Goofy. And silly. And neither of us can take it seriously.....
The ride home is always sleepy cause we've totally exhausted ourselves, lots of cuddling!! I lov him 💜
[Bug]: How do you comfort one another when you get scared? Is there any teasing involved?
Depends a lot on the mood and what got us scared in the first place!
Horror doesn't much effect us because we're so used to horror movie nights with the boys, BUT exhilarating things like rollercoasters have both of us shaky beyond belief.
“are you scared at all?” (← scared as hell)
“no. not at all. no way.” (← LIAR.)
“c-cool! cause... neither am I. haha.”
“yeah. haha. cool.”
*silently grabs eachothers hands as the ride starts moving*
Usually if one of us is frightened the other is too, but in particular situations it Can be a time for lots of comfort!!!
→ If Matt gets spooked and I'm around to help, I hold him close and make sure he's okay- even if it's something silly, I'll hold back any giggles to make sure he gets the proper treatment. either taking his mind off of it by distracting him with talk of his latest fixation, or if it's unavoidable simply holding tight onto his arm to let him know he's not alone. lots of kisses and praise afterwards as reward for him being so brave!!! smooch those tears away <3
→ If I get scared by something while Matt's okay it's immediate Panic™. Heightened nerves around medical stuff or a day where my agoraphobia kicks in hard? He absolutely wants to play knight in shining armour and hold my hand the entire time; holding me super close to him so that I'm basically wrapped up in his arms, constant verbal reassurance that it's going to be alright, and even if I get over my frightened state Matt will Not let go. Protective mode is kicked into overdrive. Which is impressive considering he's already pretty protective of the people he loves lolol
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I’m horny
Mermaid Levi x Human Hange smut
Warning: ass play, sex is kinda pushed on to Levi?, that’s all I can think of
It was almost mating season. Levi hasn’t had a mate and never planned on having one. As he just deals with the frustration. He knows people find him weird for it but it can’t be his fault if he doesn’t find any other mermaids and or mermen attractive. Though what he doesn’t know is that there have been humans studying him from afar. Multiple men and women. All studying the mermaids and mermen. Expect for one man who was very fond of Levi and how he acted towards his own kind. Fond on how cleaned himself more often than the others. Though very fond on how long he could keep up without a mate.
POV: Levi
‘I don’t get why these people my own kind want mates so bad?’ I think ‘Furlan has had a mate but Isabel is freaking out that she hasn’t found one yet. Why? What’s so important? It’s only a little frustration. It’s not that hard to just deal with it.’
“LEVI!” Isabel cries swimming into the cave “What do u want now?” I say annoyed “I can’t find a mate! Do they think I’m ugly or icky or or” “Shut up about it” I say even more annoyed “Just try to find one next season if it so important” “Ugh! Levi ur no help!” Isabel says now annoyed “How am I supposed to help exactly?” “I don’t know! Just help!” ‘Annoying as hell” I think. “Well cry about it all u want I’m going to go get food near the shallower parts”. Isabel only got excited hearing that “oooo can I come!?!” “No.” I said swimming out of the cave.
POV: Hange
‘It’s around feeding time for the merman where is he?’ I think. I jump up as soon as a see a ripple in the water. ‘There he is!!” I think getting excited. ‘Gosh he’s so perfect and handsome and everything. I just wanna hold him! Or uh maybe some other things’ I think getting blushy at the thought. ‘I wonder if he would like it? Praise me for making him feel good? Would he get all blushy? Would he moan? Do mermen moan? Is it weird to want something in that way when it’s not human? Well he is half human so it shouldn’t be that wrong’.
I watch as the moonlight hits him perfectly and makes him look like a god as he strategically hunts fish and tears them apart to eat. ‘I wonder if he good with his mouth in other ways…’ I think ‘Is that even possible? Geez I’m just getting myself confused!’ I say rubbing my forehead. I feel myself getting hard ‘oh my god.. really? I shouldn’t be getting these thoughts in the first place.. it’s wrong! I think so at least. I mean can if really be that wrong? At least he’s half human and not a full blown fish! That would be wrong’. I feel myself getting even more frustrated ‘maybe I could get closer and maybe make myself to feel better’ I think walking slowly closer.
I sit down behind a huge rock just enough it hides me and I get a AMAZING view ‘I’m so close to him and so hard I think my dick is gonna explode…’ I think rubbing myself through my pants “gotta get these off” I mumble to myself, unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants. I rub myself through my underwear and sigh as I slowly take off my underwear. Slap! My hard dick slaps my stomach when the underwear is finally off. I take my dick in my right hand and slowly squeeze the tip. “Oh shhitt” I say a bit to loud and startle the merman. ‘Oh shit’ I think ‘please don’t run away’.
POV: Levi
My ears twitch and I jump when I hear a weird sound. As I turn around to see what it was I see legs behind a rock. ‘Naked legs?’ I think ‘What human is naked around here? At night nonetheless’. Watching my back I go back to ripping apart my fourth fish weary ‘It sounded like a moan..could they be in pain? Hurt? But it didn’t sound like a in pain moan it sounded like a…’ I think trailing off to weird thoughts ‘Gross! I shouldn’t be thinking like that especially to a gross human!’ I think as I feel my face grow hot. ‘But what if they are hurt? What if they are dying right now?’ I shake my head ‘Why the hell should I care! Why? I’ve seen so many mermaids, mermen, humans, and more die! Why should I care about them?’ I turn around and look back ‘I’ll just go check..’ I think swimming over to the land side.
I inspect the legs from the edge of the water. ‘They seem to be moving? But not breathing moving..’ I slowly crawl on the land it hurts my tail but I could care less the pain isn’t enough to hurt me awfully. I finally get close to the person but instead of my jumping out at them they jump out at me! I shriek in surprise as they jump out and pin me down. I move around to try and get back to the water but they’re to strong. I try to flap my tail against them to try and try to free myself it doesn’t work. ‘What the hell!’ I think I look up at them slightly scared they are going eat me. “Shhhhhh” they say “I won’t hurt you! In fact I love you! I love everything about you I want to be friends with you! Best friends” they say with a huge blush on their face.
“What?..” I start to say but I feel something against me something soft but hard at the same time? I look down and realize what that is. ‘They’re naked!?! What the hell…’ I stop thinking when they push my head up by my chin “My names Hange Zoe. What’s urs?” I stammer with my answer ‘Should I tell them? They seem to be a total freak a four eyed freak!’ I get myself together and put a straight face on.
“The names Levi….now let me go will ya?!” I say starting to get really annoyed. “Oh my!” Hange says “Be nicer will you? I just wanna do some things with you..for science of course! Unless you’d want it to be something else?” I think about what the said “What the hell do u mean by that?” Hange starts touching my tail around my slits and I feel my face get heated. I start getting excited I’ve never felt this excited before. I feel like I want everything and everyone. I want this random person to pleasure me. ‘What the hell am I thinking!?! But I also want it so bad…’ I blush and my mind goes blank with pleasure as they start rubbing my slit where my dick is.
POV: Hange
I asks if he wants to do this. He practically screamed yes. So I did what was only right for him and starting fingering his anal slit. He moans like a bitch in heat I note as I somehow get soooo much harder. ‘I need him’ I think “right now”. I take my dick in my hands and put us in a 69 position. He takes my dick in his mouth so easily and starts bobbing his head. I take my fingers out of his ass and start eating him out. ‘I hope his dick will pop out soon…I could cum just thinking about it. Wanna see it sooo bad’ I think bucking my hips.
POV: Levi
‘My dick is starting to come out. It feels so good. Everything feels so good. Their dick tastes amazing’ I think in a haze of pleasure ‘Wanna mate them. Wanna knot them.’
POV: Hange
I feel his dick starting to come out so I suck and lick faster. In hopes it will come out soon. Once it does I’ll cum. Then I’ll make him come harder than he ever thought he could. I moan at the idea.
Pop! His dick comes out of his slit hard as ever! I fling my head back and cum. Hard.
POV: Levi
He cums in my mouth. It tastes divine, a mix of salty and sweet! As he slowly pulls out of my mouth I gasp for air and cough. “Wow” I say. Then I realize how hard I am and look down to see Hange positioning it in front of their ass? ‘What are they doing’ I think then the sink down on my dick. “Holy shhitt!” I moan and buck my hips hard over and I’ve again in their ass. I hear as they start moaning. ‘They also moan like a bitch in heat.’ I think. I feel my knot starting to grow and I moan louder and buck even harder and faster.
Soon I cum lots of it. Hange slowly trys to get off of my dick but can’t because of my knot. I laugh at them for their idiocy. “Don’t laugh at me!” They say blushing of embarrassment. “Cmon work with me back to the water will ya? The least you can do..” I say. “Alright fine!” Hange says as we slowly shift our way down to the water. When we make it I slowly start to fall asleep. “Thanks four eyes” I say as I shut my eyes. “Well your welcome” Hange says with small attitude as we both slowly start to fall asleep in the pool of the water.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Out of Time Chapter One Hundred and Twenty -nine
Jamie, Claire, and Juliaellen are the last to arrive. They arrive a week after Danny and his group. They are gathered at the harbor.
“Anyone get sea sick?” This produces a nervous laughter. Jamie knows it is a question he should have asked sooner. Secrecy to protect the vulnerable hadn’t allowed it.
“I have never been on a boat.” Asha offers.
“Nor me.” Adds Charlie.
“Well, I have meds to help in the case anyone needs them.”
“This is brilliant Jamie. Out in the middle of the Atlantic is a grand place to hide.” Jenny says. She holds a struggling Maggie in her arms. The lass wishes to, “see the water.” and isn’t taking no for an answer.
“Come here munchkin.” Jamie takes his niece, “we shall see the water. We are going to take a long boat ride.”
“Fishies! Fishies!”
“Aye, plenty of them.”
They have gathered the food stuff they can, a lot of fruit and vegetables, as Jamie doesn’t wish to treat rickets, but fish will be the main protein.
“We found the perfect boat.” Murtagh leads the group a way down the harbor. He stops in front of a huge yacht. “Figure we should travel in style. All the electric is solar powered so cooking and such shouldn’t be a problem. We can remove the radio and the chance of being traced. The petrol storage is massive, will want to fill it up.”
“Grand job Murtagh!” Jamie praises. “Your right. It is perfect.”
They get busy, nervous about being in one place to long. Petrol is gathered, the food and other supplies are loaded, finally the people are. Bunks are assigned, with keeping families together the priority.
“Oh boy.” Asha’s dark skin turns a bit grey as the yacht rocks.
“You alright, Asha?” Danny comes up behind her. She jumps, to focused on not being sick to hear him coming.
“No not really. We aren’t even moving yet!” occurs to her. Murtagh and Simon, both who have driven boats, are working on getting them going.
“No. Shall I fetch Jamie or take you down below?”
“No but thank you. Will you just stay with me a moment?”
“Of course.” He steps up beside her.
Charlie, doing better with the waves, watches from behind a pole. She doesn’t like it, them talking together, the two outsiders. An eye will be kept on them, especially Asha.
A week later, they are far away from land. The yacht rests, bobbing about as her passengers spend the days fishing off her sides, running after children ( Alex, to everyone’s  surprise, is toddling about, as long as he has an object or person to hold on to), treating sea sickness and pregnancy, and planning.
“Come here to mama, Juliaellen.” The lass toddles over and grabs her knee. Maggie is sing songing a song she made up about the ocean. The lads are working on their lessons under the supervision of Charlie. The adults are gathered to discuss the Bonnet issue.
“Going after him is the best idea.” Murtagh rubs the back of his daughter, trying to rise wind.
“Exactly, we can’t keep running. We need to go on the offense.” Danny sits by Jenny, who is nursing Daniel.
“Alex no!” Mary’s strong exclamation has Murtagh raising and grabbing the young lad, who was crawling away from the group.
“You must stay by us, aye?”
“Aye daddy.”
All conversation stills. Even Maggie stops singing. “That’s new.” Jamie says as a wave rocks them. The briny smell of the ocean can’t hide the more nose twisting smell of a nappy.
“Aye.” His chest is puffed up with pride. “He just started that yesterday.”
“Not mama,” Mary reaches for her daughter, “let me take her so daddy can change his nappy.”
Murtagh pulls a face but willingly goes about the task. They are using cloth nappies. It is easier than running about trying to find the others, especially now. They line across the bow, making an extra sail.
“Right, where were we? Offensive . We must stop just responding.” Claire adjusts on the deck chair. At six months, she is uncomfortable in her body. Poor Heather is even worse at term. Jamie is carefully watching her.
“I agree but let’s get these babies born before doing anything else. I mean, we need to plan anyway. We don’t even know where he is.”
“I do, or did. He may have moved.” Asha answers Jamie’s challenge. She is doing slightly better with her sea sickness.
All turn to her, Jenny moving her blowing hair out of her face as she lifts Daniel up to burp him. Simon runs his wife’s back as she shifts uncomfortably.
“Aye?” Murtagh returning to the group after seeing to Alex, questions.
“It is a long sail. Cheyenne Mountain in America.”
“Where they made War Games?” Heather inquiries.
“What?” Charlie and her charges turn to them. “What is that?”
“You are so young. A movie from the 80’s,” Claire answers, “But yes. It is a bunker with the capacity to survive a nuclear hit, or so they say. It would be a good place to hide away.”
“Yeah, him and all the big wig elites went there. I don’t know that they still are.”
“That would be near impossible to penetrate.” Claire muses rubbing her pregnant belly.
“We may not have to. I have been thinking. There may be another way.” Murtagh says.
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x-heartofthecards-x · 2 years
It’s really sweet that you’d teach me.
Has he ever heard those words before? Has he ever been told that what he’s doing is nice? If so, it would’ve had to have been so rarely and offhandedly that he’s not bothered to file it away anywhere. This one, though, he will end remember for a while.
The promise to try and refrain from burning the place down gets a snicker - and reminds him to check the fire extinguisher under the sink later. It’s been… some time.
Seto flattens his meatball and presses his thumb into the center just enough to leave an indent. He remembers reading about it somewhere - to keep the thing from ballooning, he thinks. He sets it on the empty sheet pan and then repeats the process for a second burger patty. The rest, he’ll set aside for later.
Another laugh. The warning is more for his companion than it is for his cat. She’s smart enough to know that Seto won’t feed her anything but kibble or wet food, but he’s certain that she’ll sniff out Yugi as a bleeding heart.
He pops open the fish grill and sets the burgers down before setting a timer and closing it back up. Then he steps over to the sink to wash his hands again, and looks at his… date… with a little confusion.
“Really?” He isn’t able to stop himself from asking. “King of Games, owner of the best shop in town, and a sense of loyalty strong enough that you’ve risked your life multiple times - and nobody’s interested?”
In the past, Seto has called Yugi a loser more times than he can count, has degraded his friends and his dreams so often he’d be hard-pressed to name all of the occasions he’s done it. And now here he is, on the opposite side of the arena - praising him. The words feel foreign coming out of his mouth, but they’re not untrue. He wouldn’t have invited the man over if he hadn’t actually found him special. Yes, he understands why people would be interested in the Pharaoh. No, he doesn’t get why those same people wouldn’t fall head over heels for Yugi Mutou.
Kindness, consideration, a smart sense of humor, and with an intellect and eye for strategy that rivals - perhaps even surpasses at some points - the greatest minds of this age. All qualities that the executive finds attractive. He’s also quite nice to look at.
When his hands are dry once more, he crosses his arms, eyebrow cocked.
“I’ll gladly be the first.”
Yugi gave a small chuckle, one hand lifting to sheepishly rub at the back of his neck. It was really nice to have compliments dished out to him, especially from someone who had been as hyper-critical of him as Seto Kaiba had always been. But it was hard to not be dismissive of those compliments.
After all, Atem had been the King of Games. It was only attached to his name because he was the body. His game shop was treading water at best. Most months it only just barely got enough to keep the lights on. His sense of loyalty and self-sacrificing nature he could take, but it often came across as just clingy and foolhardy.
But he definitely didn't want to have a personal pity party on his first date ever. No one liked a downer.
Instead he gave the other a soft smile and said, "Yeah, ah. No one has been interested yet. I mean, either that or I have just been super fucking oblivious about it."
He dropped his hand, shoving both in his pockets as he rocked back on his heels and added with a shrug, "Which I suppose is possible. Unless it involves card games, I am out of my depth a bit where life is concerned."
It was a very watered down version of his internal dialogue, but the sentiments were much kinder and a much more flattering way to respond to the incredibly handsome man that was looking down at him with that wry look that had his stomach somersaulting.
With a little chuckle he added, "I'm still a bit surprised that you are interested. Pleasantly surprised. Thrilled, actually. But definitely didn't see that coming."
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learningnewways · 2 years
Day One
Well, one day down, 75 more to go, but who’s counting?!
After an okay first nights sleep, other than the crying, the lady who runs the organisation, M, took me to the local market to buy some food. The thing with coming to places like The Gambia, is that you can’t really take photos of the realities of life, because it’s super awkward and not really appropriate to take photos. Also, the wifi is shocking, so it’s very hard to upload any photos to the blog... So just picture people everywhere, flies everywhere, rubbish everywhere, fish everywhere... It was pretty hectic. There is so much rubbish everywhere here, it’s hard to imagine that people live like this.
I got some basic food from the market and finally got some toilet paper from a small supermarket type place, which was good. I have some local money now but still no local SIM card. I forgot to say... I woke up the first morning and there was no power. So no fan, no wifi, no running water, nothing. Who needs a shower or to flush the toilet anyway, right? This power outage lasted most of the day. Apparently it’s normal here... So I’ll have to figure out what to eat since the fridge goes off so often and has mould everywhere inside it... Not ideal for a gal who loves to cook in large portions and eat leftovers! 
I spent part of the day with M’s family who were lovely enough to let me into their home to eat with them and talk about life in The Gambia. They all said it’s very hot, so if it’s hot for them, you can only imagine how hot I’m feeling! I managed to get the wifi working for a minute and discovered lots of encouraging messages from friends and family back home. It’s so nice to know people care and are praying for me. So to everyone back home and to those reading this blog, thank you! I don’t know who you all are, but I so appreciate your support and prayers. I need them!
Unfortunately, I also got news that one of my best friends back home had been in a serious life or death kind of situation, where a search and rescue team had to come get them and their friend after hours of waiting anxiously. Praise God they are safe and doing well, but the thought of them being trapped and the possibility of either of them losing their lives really freaked me out. So then came another hour or so of deep sobbing, as you can imagine!
After I recomposed myself, M and I went for a walk around the neighbourhood. which I could absolutely get lost in! So many little shacks and shops and people. We went to the local beach where they go fishing, and of course, there was piles and piles of rubbish. Hard to imagine Tahunanui or New Brighton with piles of rubbish like that. M and I sat on the rocks and watched the waves, and for the first time since arriving, I felt okay. I love the beach and when I knew God was asking me to go to The Gambia, I was so pleased to know there was a beach nearby!
M shared a bit of her life story with me and man she is one strong woman. She talked a lot and of course I won’t write about it here, but there were a few things that stuck out. She said, “money is not important, time is most important”. Of course money is needed for life and ministry, but time is more important. Spending time with people, connecting, building relationships, listening to their stories... That’s what life is about. I think that’s why I miss home so much and didn't want to leave, because I already know and have known for years that relationships and spending time with people is what’s most important. That’s why it’s so hard to leave those I love, even if it’s only for a short amount of time in the long run.
She also talked about her life and how she felt like she kept getting dealt a bad hand and that while she learns through it and it always teaches her and makes her stronger, she can also get angry at God. That it often feels like everything goes bad all at once and that it’s too much to handle. I couldn’t agree more! Sometimes life seems so great, that I’m looking around waiting for something to go wrong. Other times I feel like I’m drowning and being attacked from every angle. I feel like that right now, like that’s what this next few months is going to be. Great...
Before bed I had a bit of wifi, so I tried to call my friend who’d been in the accident, but the call kept dropping out every 10 seconds, so that wasn’t going to work! It’s hard to be so far away when things like that happen to people you love. And it’s not the first time something really scary has happened to my friends and family since I’ve been away. It’s awful, I hate it. I just want to snap my fingers and be home, giving them all the biggest hugs.
As I lay in bed trying to sleep, the thunder and lightning came, another one of my biggest fears, whoop-de-freaking-do! And this isn’t New Zealand style, this is tropical thunder and lightning, where it is louder than you could ever imagine. I put my headphones on and cranked the music so loud, but somehow I could still hear it. So yeah, last night I did not get a good sleep, but instead had the first of many anxious nights ahead I’m sure...
Today I start the hands on work here for Samaritana, so here’s hoping I can find my feet a little and remember the real reason I’m here, which is to serve. This trip is not about me, it’s about helping and giving to those around me. I’m not quite sure how to balance the realities of my fear and terror and heartache at being here, while also being humbled knowing I’ve been called here by the God of the universe for a purpose beyond myself. Hard to get your head around that!
I was listening to Into Faith I Go by Pat Barrett last night as I tried to drown out the thunder, very relevant lyrics for me right now I feel. One lyric in particular says, "I'm facing all my fears" and yuuuuuuuuup, I sure am!
“I've never been good at change
If I'm honest, it's always scared me
But I can't deny this stirring deep inside me
Now I know it's time to stop resisting
'Cause I'm not getting any younger
Fear is a such a sad way to live a life
So face to the wind, I'm jumping out, I'm walking in
Every single thing You want to show me
To the ups and downs, the highs and lows
The taking in, the letting go
To tears and laughter, the great unknown
To the open journey, into faith, I go
Nobody said this would be easy
Anyone who did never went through anything painful
But faith is not some fragile thing that shatters when we walk through something hard
So, we walk on whatever may come
Running like a child in an open field
Stepping off the edge, I'm facing all my fears
If this is what it feels like to be born again
I'll be born again
So when I feel like giving up
When I feel like throwing it all away
I look back over my shoulder
And I can see Your goodness every single step that I have taken
And it beats like a drum
And it rings like a bell
And it sings like a choir
And it's leading me on my way
Oh, You lead me on my way”
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