#i know because this anime is making me cry far more than expected
spideyhexx · 2 days
have you considered singer billy also lives on a ranch best of both worlds
BUT i’ve had this thought brewing that you’re new in town and your car breaks down and literally the only person you know to call is billy :( and you’re stressed out probably crying because like. your car. broken. and he comes to try and fix it and lets you sit in his truck where it’s nice and warm
YES I imagine he still owns a ranch and all, he just also sings :(
new in town and you know Billy within a week of moving there. Not cause you even sought him out but because the people in town have mentioned him. How he’s the best guy to go to if you need something fixed. If one of your animals got loose, Billy’s the one to call.
And just on good faith, one of the old ladies that mentioned him, gives you his phone number, despite the fact you weren’t planning on reaching out to a total stranger any time soon.
Then you happen to run into him randomly. Maybe at a grocery store where you comment on his hat and once he says his name is Billy you kinda make a face that has him blushing and going, “heard about me already? By god, ‘ve got a reputation.”
And you tell him it’s not a bad one. He’s much more handsome than you expected but completely and utterly the gentleman he was described as.
then it’s only another week later that your car breaks down. You’re too far out from your home or the main center of town but what you do know is what you’ve heard about Billy. And you’ve met him at least, so it wouldn’t be weird to call him, right? You do it anyways and he barely hesitates to come help.
He’s there in under five minutes with his pickup. It’s night, and he can tell how stressed you are, so Billy’s first priority is making sure you’re okay. Part of him worries you got hurt somehow but once you say you’re physically fine, he gets you to sit in his car, shows you how his radio works in there so you can play music if you want.
He goes to try and fix your car in the meantime and you can’t help but snoop a little. His car isn’t completely clean but it’s him, even if you don’t know him well.
he’s got a half empty thing of cigarettes, a lighter, water bottle, some crumpled up pieces of paper that you don’t look into. Loose change, of course. He’s got a picture of his family, a small, wallet sized one. He may or may not have a condom or two in his glovebox which you try to forget about immediately.
There’s a blanket over the driver’s seat, looks like it was knitted by someone.
When he comes back, it almost spooks you.
he fixed whatever it was with your car and he sends you off on your way, saying awkwardly to let him know you got home safe while you tell him you owe him.
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suga-parade · 1 year
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scene redraw: lovely complex edition
[or: you know when koizumi confesses and otani is there like "😝 hehet, i have no idea what you're saying"]
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reggies-eyeliner · 4 months
i cannot stress to you enough. how much i love the way they write processing trauma. like yeah trauma is all silly and angst and whatever but it's a real thing like genuinely and it's exhausting to see shows just dismiss it over and over again but THIS SHOW I SWEAR IT'S JUST. EVERYTHING IS DONE SO SO WELL AND I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL LIKE
and not to mention that the animation SERIOUSLY DOES IT JUSTICE like the expressions are SO GOOD OH MY GOSH LIKE IT'S I'M THEY'RE YEAH THE EXPRESSIONS. ARE INCREDIBLE. that looks darius got in his eyes when he KNEW the password to brooklyn's phone and kenji didn't??? so good SO GOOD and just the way their eyes all shine before they start crying is actually done so well that if you listen carefully you can feel my heart breaking
also i love how like emotional processing is also written so much. all of them aren't afraid to cry and i feel like that's just. yeah it's beautiful. they cry soft they cry loud whatever it is they're comfortable enough to do so and if they're not they at least know they won't be judged for it ARE YOU KIDDING ME I'M GOING TO BITE A TABLE?????
the characters have flaws. i love that so much. the characters are not perfect but they're still likable and it's executed so well. darius' grief is PALPABLE and kenji's anger, albeit sometimes annoying, is so understandable that you can't actually be angry or annoyed with him because the story writing makes you understand. that's incredible. yasmina struggles with anxiety and ptsd and she gets frustrated and that is !! okay !! sammy ignores her emotions and struggles with toxic positivity but we understand *why* she talks to yasmina that way (because she's worried and scared and concerned for her girlfriend, but she's also just as worried of truly addressing what she's been through) so it's so hard to get mad at her. ben is THANJ GOODNESS not mischaracterized as a cinnamon roll and is actually a complex character with complex emotions and i can't get enough of it. he's like a pain he's so annoying sometimes but it's endearing because he reminds you of that one classmate from elementary that makes you go ohhh yeah no it's him that's fine
okay paragraph was getting long but I do have more to say about kenji. the relationships in this show are executed SO WELL and I'm beyond relieved that Kenji and Daniel's relationship was written INCREDIBLY WELL
like. okay first off the asian rep YEAHGHH IT EAS GOOD !!! WOOP WOOP YRAHAHDH HONK HONK the part about kenji saying he should get his violin after daniel was like telling his sob story was SO FUNNY OH MH GOSH
and just. kenji and daniel kon. im. like his dad was never perfect. far from it and yet kenji just he loves him so much and wants to make him proud and it makes me sick because the writing helps you UNDERSTAND why
daniel keeps giving kenji ultimatums and kenji standing up to him for once just. yeah. that was done incredibly well. and then not even ten minutes after daniel started to change and gave his son something without expecting anything in return other than his presence daniel gets eaten alive in front of him.
okay now this show holy moly i was NOT expecting daniel to just. get ripped apart but um YEAH THAT HAPPENED and the grief was written so well I cannot stress this enough. I loathe in movies and shows when they skim past traumatic deaths and just act like the grief is just non existent and this show does an incredible job at showing that it is VERY MUCH STILL THERE and it makes people out there who are struggling feel a little less crazy and that's so beautiful
i've been a benrius enthusiast since day one and honestly at this point i just hope everything goes well for them moving on. brooklyn's death and Darius coping with her grief was done SO SO WELL and honestly okay as much as i love sibling-type dinostar i think rewatching scenes with the lens that he was in love with her just makes it hurt so much and it's just. yeah. it's written well.
I will say that I think the story could have gone on without Darius confessing his love to Brooklyn, and the scene where Kenji asked Darius about the voicemails could have been used solely as a chance to highlight grief. another way the scene could have gone was if kenji sifted through the voicemails and just heard Darius's voice shatter in a way he's never quite heard it or listened to darius blame himself and that could have been a moment for kenji to realize that grief isn't something people should deal with alone, that *he* shouldn't deal with grief alone
regardless i really do think the idea that Darius was in love with Brooklyn was done really well. I don't know a better way for kenji to have figured out the truth, and for that I am grateful :D!! I hope the hardcore shippers don't get too mad though 😭
also I absolutely loved the lady with the whistle. she's cool. her character design is terrifying and the way she treats the dinosaurs reminds me a of a queen that is very fond of her workers like 😭 she's cool but also i would never want her within a 100 mile radius of me
the found family in this show is actually. yeah. it makes me cry because it's just done so well because it doesn't idealize perfect relationships. there are awkward moments, there are sad moments, characters still feel broken and alone despite having people who've actively said that they'd go to the moon and back for them. it's realistic and it's written beautifully
I think Darius might actually be the character with The Writing ever. his grief and his nostalgia, his awkwardness and fascination with learning and his kindness are all things that exist together and I am so so grateful for that. he's allowed to laugh and make jokes while feeling constant, looming guilt. he is fascinated with learning while also struggling to feel like he deserves to be happy, he enjoys learning about dinosaurs while also being terrified of them on the worst days. he feels guilty and feels like a bad person. but he's loved and he's cared for. can you tell he's my favorite now because
enamored with yasmina and sammy as always. they are just the girlfriends ever and i love so much how openly they communicate with each other. sammy apologizes when she makes mistakes, yasmina doesn't hold it against her. they're always at each other's sides and their love isn't conditional. i love them SO MUCH
okay sorry im making this about darius again but this guy actually is The character ever. I don't think I've ever felt so seen in a character and i just yeah the writers are incredible because all of the characters are written to feel relatable, and if not that, to feel real. it was just a huge comfort to me to know that okay im not crazy for feeling this way because of a character, who was written and animated by dozens and dozens of creators was allowed to be written this way, i'm not messed up in the head, im just processing emotions and it's okay that I need help for that
but yeah i. i love this show.
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r3starttt · 3 months
Dina x infected reader
- request
an: this came out shorter than expected. Forgive me bcs this is such a good idea :(
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It was a mistake, it all happened very fast.
You've decided to move from Jackson a few months ago, realizing if you went far enough there shouldn't be any risk, any fear.
Ever since you met Dina she would always tell you how much she dreamed of a small farm house. With animals everywhere, a cozy garden, you.
And when you found one you didn't even doubt on taking the chance or not, you simply went back to Jackson looking for her. You could never forget the way her eye lightened, the kiss she left on your lips that day, you didn't even need to speak she already knew where that was going.
Now she regrets it more than anything.
People did tell her and you this might not be the greatest idea. Not even because of infected but because of people. And god she wishes she wasn't that stubborn, even know she does.
Seeing your face unrecognizable at this point. Not a single hint of you in those groans of pain you let out everytime you see her. And yet she can't let you go.
You got bit about a week and a half ago.
She was way too focused shooting the infected on her side to even hear your gun falling on the floor. To hear your scream of both pain and fear. To notice the bite on your arm when she ran towards you and dragged you to a safer place.
You didn't even notice either. Too shocked on what just happened to even feel any pain.
Until you were out of the euphoric state, but it was too late for that.
"Dina, you need to go" the whole place was silent besides your steps cracking on the dry grass. Her backpack swinging at her every move.
She turned around, confused at the abruption of your words "What? Why?" Her eyes scanned around for any signs of danger.
Until she met your arm. There could never a worse sight for her to see. Not only because of the meaning of it but because of how it looked. The person she loved the most looking this hurt, it made her sick.
Out of her mouth simply came a sigh, a pant of shock and fear. Her eyes lost roaming from your eyes and back to the bite on your arm, she let out a string of 'no's, grabbing your wrist.
"I don't want you to see" your voice cracked. You were more worried about her being alone than your own fate.
"No, no- you're coming home" she tried pulling you with her but failed. Your feet still on the floor as you shocked your head.
Your lips were quivering, noticing the shaking in your hands. There was a few seconds of shared silence and looks, both wondering what to do.
She looked so afraid. "Turn around" her voice came out stern, yet you didn't hesitate, willing to do one last favor for her.
Your backpack fell to the ground. Later you heard her backpack hit the grass, but you didn’t look
You were prepared to feel the gun behind you. Not the feeling of a rope around your wrists, itchy and way too tight
"What're you doing?" You spoke feigning ignorance , hoping that for once in your life, you were wrong about her.
"You're coming home" your face turned around immediately, your hands trying to fight her grip. "No, no, let me- just go home"
Maybe it was the fact that you were feeling like being eaten alive, or the whole anxiety that you felt at the pure thought of hurting her, but you could barely fight her back.
"I'll make sure it doesn't hurt" you whispered. Simply looking at her, kneeling to wrap your legs with the same rope.
She wasn't even crying, but you knew she was dying to.
"Dina, babe please"
'Babe' it would be the last time you called her that.
"I love you" she cleaned her hands on her jeans, standing up in front of you. Leaving a kiss near your mouth. "Please..." You whispered.
"I don't wanna hurt you" she shocked her head, picking her backpack and readjusting it on her shoulders as she held your's. "I love you, please let me go baby. I don't wanna hurt you"
Yet here you are. Chains instead of rope, keeping you from moving a lot or running away. Your mouth sealed.
She didn't intend to keep you like this. She just wanted to bury you home, but she could make herself to do it.
She saw your body rot alive. She heard your pleads slowly becoming grunts and nonsense words.
But the look on your eyes, even to this day, looked like you still recognized her.
The way you didn't react aggressive at all when she hummed your favorite songs. Whenever you saw her.
She had convinced herself that you were still there.
Each time she had to see any infected she studied them unconsciously. Which only made her belive you were still there.
You didn't fight to scratch or bite or cried. You simply grunted, groaned at her. You moved whenever she was closer, trying to reach her but unable to, of course.
On her eyes you didn't look aggressive. On her eyes you were still that girl she fell in love with.
Even with rotten skin, dead eyes and messy her. You would always be her love.
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mitsua · 18 days
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Warnings: Mentions of getting envious of someone, self-depricating thoughts, low self-steem, depression, anxious rambling Genre: angst to reverse comfort Series: OM! SWD? MC'S . . . GN! Words count: 0.66k
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I'm sorry I say things like that
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'Get amazing grades', 'prepare the best food in the Devildom', 'gain followers', 'be popular', 'win every round in a videogame', 'be loved by everything and everyone'.
His sin couldn't let him rest for even a moment. Those common self-destructing comments his mind made of his own persona were driving him insane.
Why couldn't he be happy with what he already has? Leviathan has a big and caring—in their own way—family, his Henry 2.0, a gaming set up, an incredible skill at sewing and cosplaying, you, and that's to say among a thousands-things' list.
It's so painful to see your partner getting depressed by his own thoughts. His mind making up excuses of why he's and will never be enough for anyone or isn't deserving of what he has. While his sin just envies almost every other thing each living thing has.
He's been in his room for almost four days in a row. No one's heard about him nor has he attended to classes. It's been worrying you more than you'd like to.
So you decided to do something to get him to atleast come out to talk. Not really expecting it'd turn out a little bit more of a talk.
"I'm sorry I said you were just a fucking normie back then, I couldn't be anymore wrong. I-I want to be like you, I want everything you've got. It's- I- I envy you! I had been trying to convince myself to do not fall in it for you. Because I know everytime I envy someone I'd never see them again like I once did!"
He said between sobs, his eyes were like cascades and you hated it. Now more than ever because he just confessed he envies you.
You were the exact cause of his isolation.
Those rude and unecessary comments of himself were because of you.
'No, MC, it's no time to feel guilty, you have to do something to get him better and stop.'
MC, do you still love me after saying all that?
He got closer to you, grabbing you by your shoulders, desperate.
"Of cour-" you felt his grip tighten, his face getting closer without his usual nervousness. "How?!" This, even if it was the response he was craving for, shocked him. You said it unwavered, with a little freaked out face, yeah, but firm.
"That's the security I want. That's how I wanna say things, confident or just what the others want to hear straight to the point. I envy that ability."
His sin talked. Eyes glowing a sunset-like orange color. It's absorbing his whole self in exchange of a simple act of yours.
"I-Levi, you are also confident in many things you say or do, whenever you start rambling about a new series, videogames, anything you like, you don't let anyone trash talk about it! You defend each and everything you love to the hilt, I really love that of you, I love you and I know you can't control your sin, I understand you'll have those outbursts from time to time and I want you to know that, for anything you may need to talk about, I'm here for you."
Leviathan found himself speechless. The faucet in his eyes not yet closed kept them full of tears. His arms and legs trembled, but after several days, his tears were not from fear or sadness, but from a great feeling of love. His love for you.
Finally someone understood him completely.
"I-MC, thank you, you can't imagine how much I appreciate it! I-I'm sorry I say things like that".
"Shh, I'm here for you, my Lord of Shadows, now, you really need to eat actual food and get a full rest."
He laughed between choked sobs, his cries seemed now so far away he couldn't see nor remember why was he crying for this long, whatever—now he knew, he'd be for you too, his Henry.
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All rights reserved © 2024 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the pictures and tagged anime character.) ⌇ my navigation!
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i-yap · 4 months
Hi Lovely,
I don’t know if your requests are open but I thought I’d try my luck. My cat died today and I’m really upset, I was hoping you could do hurt/comfort hcs with Jason (and maybe platonic Damian as he’s the big animal lover)?
Thank you x
Hey im so sorry for your loss man. even the dog in my dp has now passed away and he was my baby and I get how painful it is. I still miss him everyday and refuse to have any account picture without him . Just really take the time to heal and don't let any idiot tell you that yourent supposed to feel sad about a pet passing because honestly I loved my pet more than my brother and I'm sure that cat was loved and lived a great life.
Also my requests are always open I love writing them
Jason Todd x reader x platonic damian- When your cat dies
comfort, angst
It was expected almost, they were just so old and the visits to the vet had become more frequent. It seemed like they was in pain, and that hurt you so much that you wondered if maybe it was for the best. But your heart didn't let you accept that, they were your baby and you cant just accept loosing them like that.
So there you sat , on the sofa, clutching Jason while you sobbed. He sat silently, holding you to him firmly. He had already texted Bruce / militia saying he wont be In that night or as longs as you needed.
Jason isnt the best at comforting words , but there are no words to be said. What jason is good at though is validating your feelings. Even though he has limited interactions with your cat, he could see how deeply you cared for it.
So when your tears start to dry and you pull away from his chest he gently rubs away the remaining tears. He picks you up and carries you to the kitchen counter. Sets a pot of boiling water to make your favorite noodles/ tea depending on when you last ate. He then walks to the freezer and holds an ice pack in his hands . After a couple second he places his cold hands on your poofy tear stained cheeks .
"Im sorry to have burdened you, you dont cry when you've been shot and here I am crying over some cat . You don't have to stay, you must think Im so weak" you say softly feelings the tears starting to well up from the gentle way jason's treating you.
" No No I will hear none of that. How dare you think you are weak. I admit I don't know how to comfort you ..i never really got attached to a lot of things. But I love this about you, the way you love so much and so unconditionally. And the way you hurt for someone ..that's the real show of love. If the roles were switched, would you think I'm a burden? no right? So why would you assume I would? i want to be here for you, whatever you need whenever you need."
" you are doing really well so far"
the doorbell rings and Jason goes to open it.
"Shut it todd, I'm here to see y/n."
"And why should I let you see her?"
"Because I know her cat died and I know you are incapable of comforting her since you have never felt an ounce of love for anything"
"I LOVE Y/N?? ALSO HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT- wait you hacked something didn't you?"
"Bruce informed me you would be staying in tonight andI have trackers placed on you and y/n and saw you driving to and from the vet , also Y/n hadn't logged into her work account. Even you would have been able to deduce that y/n needs me right now" says Damian matter of factly.
"dont be rude todd, let dami in" you say getting off the kitchen counter. You go over to shake dami's hand but he pulls you into a hug. You and todd exchange confused glances.
" I apologize for your loss y/n, if anything happened to my pets I would stab todd and then burn down a civilization" Dami's voice muffled from your clothes.
"because you probably had something to do with it, You are very affection hungry when it comes to y/n"
"WHA-" "I agree with dami" "WHa-is that a backpack Demon spawn?"
"Yes , i will be spending the night here watching some "feel-good movies as she says it with y/n, I cant leave her in the hands of a barbarian now can I"
"I WAS TAKING CARE OF HER JUST FINE" shouts jason mock angrily, after all he understands how Damian and Y/n share a bond when it comes to their pets.
"Be happy I didnt tell the rest of the bats todd" " thank god for that"
You pull Dami in and fall asleep cuddled between your two amazing and caring boys, knowing that your cat was loved and spent their last moments knowing there were people in this world who will cry once they leave.
I hope this was okay , there weren't A lot of headcanons ..
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I haven't played less of p, but can keep asking questions!
Do you have any propaganda for playing the game?
hi welcome to the lies of p propaganda
literally a mix of bloodborne and american mcgee's alice when it comes to aesthetic, vibes, themes and battle systems. if you liked either of them and are upset that bloodborne won't get a port and alice won't get a sequel this is a good alternative
the devs confirmed a sequel and a dlc btw. and they're indie so they shouldn't have many problems
INCREDIBLE soundtrack, and here's some examples of my favorites because i need to share quixotic, memory of beach, shattered memories, hall of fame and arche abbey everywhere
the boss fights are difficult, but most of them are very fair and easy to learn the patterns of. while some are clearly fodder... anyone who played a soulsborne game know that every now and then you have to deal with a curse-rotted greatwood or a witch of hemwick if it means you can have a pontiff sulyvan or a lady maria in return!! if you don't mind spoilers i highly recommend checking out the battles with the king of puppets or with champion victor
tackles themes of overcoming grief, different ways to deal with it, rebirth, what it means to be human, being your own person and honestly and lies, with the latter especially being the most prominent one and heavily implying that even if honesty is good, sometimes a lie is a much better option for everyone
INCREDIBLE visuals hello
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i need to talk about how good the monsters design is because body and mechanical horror fans rise UP
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you can actually mix-n-match every single weapons you can find around, not including very overpowered boss weapons, and you can have a cannon arm?? like yes it's far from being the fastest weapon but consider: i can either hit and dash or i can make the boss explode
Your Choices Matter you know when a game promises you that they don't. well they do they DOOO literally every single choice starting with your very first one matter HEAVILY in the end
i can't stress enough how good the characters are, they're all full of life and energy and Love. you get a puppet in love, a beautiful charismatic old woman, a spunky young mechanic, whatever the fuck venigni my dad venigni has going on, an actually pretty fun version of the cricket and even pinocchio, who like most soulsborne seems to have little to no personality, is way more human from the get-go, with a lot of characters noting that he's so easily annoyed by their bigger-than-life personality and dramatique
this game made me cry SO many times between the music the lore and the incredible writing and voice acting. it's weird to say i didn't expect that much from it, like when the first trailer arrived we all went haha bishounen pinocchio bloodborne game, but the various npcs and even some bosses feel so human that inevitably seeing them going through situation destroyed me fr fr
but seriously the small details fuck me up so bad. the fact that pinocchio starts by making heavy mechanical noises whenever he moves and occasionally twitches and makes no noise when he attacks and the more "good ending" choices you make the less mechanical noises he makes and the more he occasionally grunts whenever he's hit is so nice?? they literally change every single one of his animation if you aim for that ending and it's so!!!!! aaaa
and also you can play fashionsouls the clothes have no effect other than being fancy so you can literally wear whatever the fuck you want and i, personally, find it very fun. big fan of the workshop master clothes btw that was my main until i unlocked the white clothes
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i could go on but it would fall in spoilers territory fnasdmg point is. play lies of p
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daisynik7 · 1 year
A Bento for Kento
Chapter 4: The Truth Comes Out
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~3.8k
cw: it gets a tad suggestive at one point, but it’s still pretty tame :) 
Summary: Ren reveals the truth. You make some questionable Google searches. Nanami finally gets his ham and cheese sandwich.
Notes: This chapter's bento is inspired by the tasty looking ham and cheese sandwich from Episode 13 of the anime. This is for you, bakery girl, we love you! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next chapter(s). Thanks for all those that have read, reblogged, liked, and/or commented so far! I appreciate it so much.
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A Bento for Kento Masterlist
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It’s Monday, the start of a new week. You’re already awake when your alarm rings, staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom, remembering last Friday night’s festivities.
After you and your brother stuffed your faces at the street food fair, Ren finally told you everything.
He told you about his birth parents and how they were involved with some shady people called “Curse Users”. He shared his thoughts about the unusual circumstances of their deaths and that he determines that they were killed because they were trying to leave all that behind once he was born. He explained how he could see “curses”, which he mentioned was “like seeing ghosts, except they are way uglier and mostly stupid.”
The truth about his lessons with Nanami was revealed; apparently he’s being taught how to exorcise curses. And that this mentor of his is actually a super strong “grade 1 sorcerer”, and not a regular high school teacher. He even described Jujutsu High and how it’s supposedly the best institution for people like him. “I want to become a powerful Jujutsu sorcerer so I can help people and make the world a better place,” he said.
All you could do was listen with intrigue and astonishment. Plus a dozen other emotions you couldn’t really process in that moment.
As you lie in bed this morning, you think back at your childhood. Were there any signs of this back then? You remember an incident when you were walking home together. You took a different route that day and passed by a creepy, abandoned house. Ren stopped dead in his tracks, peering into the windows, as if he could see something. That must have been a curse, right? How about all those other times he would stare at people on the street? Maybe he was focused on the curses, rather than the people. He mentioned how some can linger around humans without them even knowing. You remember this vividly because it creeped you out.
Then, there were those nights after Ren moved in. It was expected that he would still be traumatized by his parents’ deaths. But you specifically remember hearing him cry about “the shadows” and “monsters” while Mom and Dad comforted him. This went on for weeks until one day, he announced at the dinner table, “I’m not scared anymore” with so much determination on his face. You were confused, but your parents just looked at him lovingly and ruffled his hair. No questions asked. You make a mental reminder to have a long talk with your parents once they’re back from vacation. Clearly they know more about this situation than you do.
You’re aware that your brother has some odd quirks, but it’s never bothered you. It still doesn’t. It’s what you love about him. He’s always been your weirdo booger. Sure, he has this morbid side to him, but above all, he is sweet and thoughtful. He marches to his own beat proudly. He’s a good, genuine person. Despite not being blood related, the unconditional love has been there from the start. Ever since your parents brought him home all those years ago, you wanted to look out for him, as a big sister should. Mom and Dad love him as a son, and you love him as a brother. Nothing about his past, present, or future will change that. 
The two of you spent the rest of the weekend together normally. You watched movies, baked cookies, and took a few walks to the park. Whenever Ren played videos games online with his friends, you searched the Internet for anything to help you better understand. Googling “what do I do if my brother sees ghosts” did not help. Neither did “how to kill a curse”. You made sure to delete your embarrassing browser history before Ren could see. 
All in all, nothing has changed. You just know the truth now.
Does it shatter your perception of the world and reality as you know it? Yes. Is it unsettling knowing curses are out there, floating around and wreaking havoc, invisible to the ordinary human’s eye? Definitely. But at least you know that Ren isn’t getting roped into some pyramid scheme, like you originally thought. And that he’s not joining a cult.
Well, you’re still not entirely convinced that it’s not a cult.
Most importantly, he’s learning how to stop curses and curse users. You can’t blame him for wanting to learn any of this, considering what happened to his birth parents.
You toss to your side and finally shut off the alarm that’s been blaring for the past five minutes, too lost in thought to pay attention to it. Before you get up to start breakfast and prepare the bentos, Ren’s words replay in your mind:
I want to become a powerful Jujutsu sorcerer so I can help people and make the world a better place. 
Even though most of what he admitted to you sounds like elements straight from a horror movie, knowing he wants to do good is something you can live with.
Nanami arrives to the office early on Monday. As he sits at his desk waiting for Ren’s arrival, he recalls Friday afternoon’s mission.
They were sent to a burned down apartment building nearby. Gojo reported that there was a small infestation of Fly Heads that could be easily dealt with, so it was safe for Ren to tag along. A stray appeared randomly as they explored the first floor. Nanami took this as a learning opportunity. He captured it in a small cage and had Ren observe it, all while explaining the different ways to eliminate it. This was also a way for Nanami to confirm that Ren can truly see curses, which he can.
Once they encountered the infestation on the top floor, Nanami had Ren hide in a safe position so that he could observe from a distance. He easily eliminated the curses using his blunt sword, all while explaining exactly what he was doing. Ren was staring at him in awe as he was feverishly taking notes.
They took the Fly Head back to the office as some kind of souvenir. Nanami could tell that Ren was reluctant to let it go, so he agreed that they could keep it, expression giddy as they locked it up in one of the desk drawers. 
Nanami chuckles to himself as he opens the drawer to check on the curse, still safely secured.
“Morning, mentor! Is our friend still here?” Ren drops his backpack and stands beside Nanami, observing their new pet.
“Hey there little guy!” Ren coos, wiggling his finger towards the pest. It produces a buzzing noise in response.
Nanami returns to his desk, allowing Ren a moment with his new “friend”. He remembers their conversation before their mission. Ren planned on telling his sister about Jujutsu Sorcery. He’s curious if it happened and how it went.
“How was your weekend?” Nanami asks.
Ren closes the drawer and sits at this usual spot. “Well, I told my sister. About everything.”
“And how did that go?”
“It went well. I said what I needed to say. It felt good to tell her the truth.”
Ren smiles before continuing. “You were right, I should have given her more credit. She freaked out way less than I thought she would. Her facial expressions were hilarious though. But other than that, she didn’t really ask me any questions. She just listened. We spent the weekend like we usually do. It felt normal.”
Nanami recalls the note from last week: Can’t wait to spend this weekend watching movies and baking cookies with you! He wishes he could have tasted those cookies.
“Glad it went well. It’s always nice to be honest,” Nanami says. He thinks about all the tiny notes in his briefcase. He feels a tad bit guilty, harboring this little secret of his, but not enough to reveal his own truth.
They start their lesson on cursed tools and weapons. Once it’s lunch, Nanami brews his tea and buys a Pocari Sweat from the vending machine, the usual cycle. Like clockwork, Hello Kitty is waiting for him on his desk as Ren prepares to bite into…
Is it really?
Nanami speed walks to his spot, tearing off the cover to the bento. Inside is a ham and cheese sandwich. It’s slightly smushed, but once he picks it up with his hands, it’s beautiful.
Already knowing the answer, Nanami asks, “What is this?”
Ren finishes chewing and replies, “Ham and cheese sandwich! It’s on some type of French bread. She’s always talking about the bread.” Ren shrugs. “She loves bread.”
Nanami gulps.
He loves bread.
She loves bread.
And she makes ham and cheese sandwiches.
There is hunger and butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
Before he can say or do anything embarrassing, he bites into it. This time, his eyes actually do roll to the back of his head. It’s amazing. The bread has the perfect texture: Chewy crust on the outside, soft crumb on the inside. There is a perfect proportion of ingredients, Nanami notices, as he inspects it thoroughly after his first taste. Creamy mayo and Dijon mustard skillfully spread on each slice. Fresh lettuce and tomatoes sliced thin. Generous layers of ham and cheese, which Nanami can tell are from a high-quality deli.
It's as good as the one he used to get from the bakery.
No. It’s better.
Nanami doesn’t speak, savoring each bite of this divine creation. He’s brought back to reality when he hears Ren’s voice. “It looks like you’re really enjoying it!”
He swallows before admitting, “I am enjoying this. I’m quite fond of ham and cheese sandwiches.” That’s an understatement, but he’s trying to remain calm in front of his student.
“My sister woke up early this morning to pick up all the ingredients. She went to the bakery, a deli, and this little farmer’s market nearby. How she managed to stuff this big sandwich in the bento, I’ll never understand. She’s some kind of cooking wizard or something.”
As Ren talks, Nanami continues to happily munch on his food. He agrees with Ren; she is a wizard for conjuring magic like this.
“Oh! Forgot to share today’s wisdom. ‘To my little superhero, let’s kick some Jujutsu ass today!’” Ren beams as he gazes at the note. “She really is the best.”
Nanami is too excited about the meal that he forgot about the note. He retrieves the cover and turns it over to inspect. When he reads it, his eyes widen with shock.
Thanks for looking after Ren these past few weeks. I hope you’ve been enjoying my bentos.  
P.S. Sorry about Hello Kitty ;)
That morning
After assembling what might be the best sandwich you’ve ever assembled, you take a few seconds to admire your work. Ren comes into the kitchen and stands next to you. “Did you really make that? That’s not from a sandwich shop?”
You flash a bright smile at him and brag, “It was all me! I made it! I bought all the ingredients this morning. I wanted this week’s lunch to be a little different.”
He puts an arm around your shoulders. “You’re the best, sis.”
You rest your head on him. “Thanks for being honest with me, booger.”
“Well, since we’re being honest, there’s one more thing I have to tell you.”
You groan. “Oh no, I don’t know how much more of this I can handle right now!”
“It’s not anything serious, I promise!” He points at the bentos. “I’ve actually been giving a bento to my mentor, Nanami. He never has any lunch with him, so I felt bad and wanted to share. And I think he likes me better because of it!”
You’re surprised at this news. Nanami, Ren’s mentor slash the handsome ex-stockbroker, has been eating your food this whole time? Not only that, but he’s probably witnessed some of the embarrassing messages you’ve written.
“Wait, do you give him the blue bento box?”
Ren grins. “No, he eats in the Hello Kitty one, hehe.”
You slap your palm to your forehead. “So I’ve been serving this man food in a Hello Kitty bento box the entire time?!”
“Yup!” Ren replies, giddy.
If you knew this guy was eating your cooking, you would have prepared a more elevated dish, not egg salad sandwiches or meatballs. You look at the sandwiches that you were proud of moments ago and frown.
Ren, sensing your internal crisis, reassures you, “He really likes it. He even said your egg salad sandwich was tasty. And trust me, that is not a common word in that guy’s vocabulary.” He attempts to place the covers on, pressing down to smush the sandwich in.
“Wait! Let me do my notes.”
Ren steps aside. “Oh yeah! Can’t forget that. It’s my favorite part.” He gives you a big smile. Your brother really is a sweetheart.
It doesn’t take you long to complete Ren’s. However, it does take time to think about the other. The one that Nanami probably reads. Should you pretend that it’s still for your brother? Or say something generic? Maybe a silly joke?
You contemplate for a minute before you decide what you want to write.
Nanami re-reads it again and again, not knowing how to react. There are several things that stick out to him. First, the use of his name. She knows his name. How? They haven’t been formally introduced to each other yet.
Second, she’s giving him thanks. Thanks for what? He’s just doing his job. He doesn’t need to be thanked. Does it make him feel good? Sure. Does he like it? Yeah. Does it give him butterflies seeing it in writing like this? Absolutely.
Third, she’s aware about him eating her food. Worst of all, she knows that he eats from the Hello Kitty bento box. He should have never trusted that damn feline.
Last, and certainly not least, that winky face. A winky face?! A. Winky. Face.
Is she flirting with him?
He buries his head in his hands. Why is he thinking about this? Why is he flustered? Riled up over nothing? She doesn’t even know that he exists.
No. She does know he exists.
All those times, pretending that those kind words were for him. This time, it actually is. He can’t let this opportunity go to waste.
Nanami glances over at Ren, who is distracted by his phone. Now is his chance.
He gets a small piece of paper and quickly scribbles a message. He sticks it into the empty bento and closes it with the cover, observing it for another good minute before plotting his next move. As nonchalantly as he could, he walks over to Ren and hands it to him, thanking him for another great lunch. 
He watches carefully as Hello Kitty disappears into the backpack, praying to the Sanrio gods that she fulfills this mission for him.
That night after dinner, Ren studies at the table as you get prepare to wash the dishes. “Hey Ren, can you hand me the bentos?”
“Sure.” He sets them on the counter beside you, then goes back to his seat.
Opening his first, you place it in the sink with the rest of the dirty plates. You start to do the same with the Hello Kitty container, but something catches your eye; a piece of paper with words written on it.
You almost call Ren to question him about it, but you stop as soon as you realize that your name is written at the top in unfamiliar handwriting. The rest of it reads:
I’ve licked every single one of your bentos clean. There’s no doubt that I’ve enjoyed your meals.
P.S. Hello Kitty has grown on me, so I don’t mind :)
You clutch the note against your chest, checking to make sure Ren is still distracted by his book, which he is. You study it again slowly, word for word, the gears in your brain spinning faster and faster. After processing what’s written, blood rushes into your cheeks, feeling flustered.
Especially at the word “licked”.
He licked them clean. Licked.
Every. Single. One.
Oh my.
You can’t help but picture it. Kento Nanami, handsome ex-stockbroker from whatever that company’s name is, licking every corner of that Hello Kitty bento box, licking his fingers clean, licking your –
“Hey sis, I’m going to my room!” Ren’s announcement startles you out of whatever ridiculous scenario you are imagining.
“Okay!” you respond, without turning around to face him. You can’t bear to even look at him right now. You listen as his footsteps fade into the background, then a door shuts in the distance. Sighing in relief, you glance at the note again, smiling. For someone who seems so serious, he sure is cheesy drawing a smiley at the end. You secure it in your pocket, shaking your head to remove any impure thoughts from your dirty mind.
Why are you getting so flustered by this? It means nothing. He’s responding to you to be polite, that’s all. There is no hidden meaning behind it. Stop letting whatever girlish fantasies you have run wild. You are better than this.
As you lie in bed that night, Nanami’s picture on your phone in one hand, his message in the other, you realize that maybe you’re not better than this after all.
Nanami went the rest of the day not thinking about the note.
They finished another successful lesson, said their goodbyes, and Nanami went home. The usual. He cooked himself a nice plate of carbonara with a side of garlic bread, all paired with glass of white wine, of course. He skimmed the paper while he digested his dinner. He showered, changed into a robe, watched the nightly news. Flossed, brushed, and changed into his pajamas. Same routine. 
The only difference is that now, he’s lying in bed unable to sleep because that’s the only thing he can focus on. It’s not even her note he’s freaking out about. It’s his. The one he sent to her in a red Hello Kitty bento box. Where he wrote “licked” on it. And drew a smiley. He covers his face with his palms and groans aloud. His embarrassment is catching up to him ten hours later, ten hours too late. If he knew how ridiculous he sounded, he would have never written it. 
He didn’t mean for it to sound so…suggestive. He was simply being honest. He actually does lick those bentos clean. He does it after each meal to collect every last morsel from that container. He has no shame in that. But he didn’t have to admit it to her, especially not to the woman who is giving him these feasts. She must think I’m some kind of pervert, he thinks. His cheeks feel hot as he grumbles again.
He’s reminded of the picture Ren showed him last week. Her holding those giant meatballs. That warm, inviting smile on her face. Those cute sushi pajamas. She’s probably a nice person. A good person. He hears it from Ren so often that he starts to believe it himself. He refuses to see her as anything other than wholesome and good.
What was her reaction to it? He imagines her finding it and smiling. Maybe she re-reads it a couple of times and giggles. She probably has a nice laugh. Someone with that smile must have a beautiful laugh.
You’re better than this, he tells himself. He shouldn’t let his imagination run wild. He is a grown man thinking about a woman in sushi pajamas. She is a normal woman who cooks amazing meals and has a gorgeous smile. It’s no big deal.
Yet here he is, in bed, getting excited. His entire body is heating up, he has to strip the blanket off to cool down.
Maybe he isn’t better than this.
Wednesday morning, after having two nights to think about it, you decide how you want to respond to Nanami.
You scribble your message, add a few hearts in there for good measure, and sign your name.
It’s all innocent fun. You’ll probably never meet each other in real life. What’s the harm in playing around?
Wednesday afternoon, Nanami sits at his desk, blushing profusely. He pays no attention to the delectable sandwich in front of him. His sole focus is on the note he is currently gawking at:
You had me flustered. I hope you enjoy today’s ham and cheese sandwich. I put extra love in there, just for you.
Three hearts drawn in a row. Then her name signed at the end.
As Ren inhales his lunch in the background, Nanami hunches over his desk, re-reading the words carefully. He even removes his glasses to get a closer look.
So, she doesn’t think I’m some sort of bento box licking pervert, he thinks. Good. That’s good.
She got flustered at his message. Flustered. And she put extra love in the sandwich, just for him. She was thinking of him when she made this sandwich. She thinks about him. This is for him. The note, the sandwich, her love.
Nanami blushes. This is getting ridiculous.
Kento Nanami does not blush. He does not exchange flirtatious comments with strangers, let alone his student’s older sister. He does not get butterflies in his stomach. He does not fall in love. This is all just a momentary lapse of judgment.
Kento Nanami is a grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerer. Kento Nanami is a professional. Kento Nanami is a serious adult.
Kento Nanami is alone. That’s the way it is. 
Ren’s summer lessons are almost over. And by the time he becomes a Jujutsu High student, he’ll move into the dorms on campus. There will be no reason to ever meet his sister in person. He’s sure of it.
What harm can a little playful flirtation be? This is a silly exchange they’re doing. Two adults having innocent fun. There’s nothing wrong with it. He’s allowed a moment of fun once in a while in this mundane life of his. Right?
He jots something down on a piece of paper and places it in the box. It’s certainly less embarrassing than the previous, he made sure of that. 
He sighs as he finally picks up his sandwich to eat. From his peripheral, he notices Ren looking at him, concerned.
You didn’t expect him to respond back. You were thinking it was going to be a one-and-done type of deal. You didn’t know this man, but you assumed that he is the type to not entertain this frivolous idea.
But here you are, standing in front of your kitchen sink, reading his latest reply: 
It was delicious, as usual. I wish you could make this for me every day.
No smiley faces this time, straight forward and to the point. For some odd reason, this tamer response still has you just as flustered as the infamous lick memo. 
After you wash and hand dry the containers, you retrieve a small sticky note to write your reply, tucking it in the box for Friday.
Friday afternoon, Nanami reads the words attached to his lunch:
That can be arranged ;) Happy Friday, Nanami.
Taglist: @liliorsstuff-blog @hughugh20 @lucyrocks86 @bloompompom @vampyra-needs-food @extrasugafree @deepcloudspyhairdo @invisible-mori @justnamuaf @syynnaaah @unknownspecies @goldencattto @maqqiekwon @batafuraikisu @pxppetmxster @jesstuff
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captain-is-king · 9 months
okay i didn’t want to annoy anyone with a stream of consciousness live-blogging of the episodes which CAME OUT TONIGHT!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!
so here are the notes i took while watching if anyone wants to scream with me please feel free to do so
EDIT: HOLY SHIT IM A FUCKING IDIOT CHRIS IS CHRIS RODRIGUEZ!!! I WASNT EXPECTING HIM THIS SOON IN THE SERIES AT ALL. oh god and percy being friends with him now makes the betrayal so much worse oh shit oh man.
episode one:
- blackjack was percy seeing through the mist oh my god
- oh my god they just trade sandwich toppings. that is so cute what the fuck
- grover psychanalyzing people. yes. good.
- mrs. dodds scene was underwhelming but that’s okay (edit: fight choreo is absolutely phenomenal the rest of the time)
- i am GASPING out loud at grover telling the headmaster
- obviously he’s doing it because it’s not safe for percy
- eddie! what a cameo lmao
- i like that sally appears to argue with gabe more but also i’m worried she isn’t going to fucking murder gabe. it’s important to me that she kills that guy.
- also upset that percy probably won’t say “i know gabe would like to offer everyone in this lovely city free appliances” at the end
- near the septic tanks interesting detail to include 👀
- percy judging so hard like “you’re telling me found jesus”
- oh interesting the mist is responsible for grover which honestly makes more sense than hiding it? like if the mist takes care of monsters why not satyrs
- boys? i’m actually 24 I LOVE HIM
- mythomagic as training is fun
- would’ve been cooler if he swore on the styx and there was thunder but that’s okay
- omg i didn’t even realize his rain jacket was actually red until now. SUCH a good detail
- good animation of the minotaur very good
- oh my god the fight was the same like i could SEE the words on the page as i was watching it
- i grinned like a FOOL through the whole credits they’re so beautiful oh my god
episode two reactions under the cut!!!! i loved episode one but i liked episode two EVEN MORE so i have a lot of things to say.
episode two:
- annabeth just watching percy sleep with her arms crossed. she would.
- YOU DROOL WHEN YOU SLEEP oh my god the way she says it is like. so calculating. i always pictured it like a flippant thing in the book but no she’s like. angry. like it’s a remark on his character and she will use this detail to take him down in battle and it’s perfect and funny
- oh my god he’s turning away so grover doesn’t see him crying. i feel like this is a detail in the book somewhere but now i can’t find it happening so maybe i’m just losing it
- ok so the big house is not what i ever pictured but it is gorgeous and i love this version of it
- the diet coke
- but did you?
- he’s starting with me
- excuse me your highness
- dad? yes peter. it’s percy. exactly
- the audacity of mr. d. i’m obsessed
- “why must you ruin everything”
- omg the owls
- oh the cabins are so cool
- like one thing i never was able to picture was how camp was laid out and i just am eating so well this is so fun to look at
- I KNOW WHAT YOURE GOING THROUGH he really does though doesn’t he FUCK now i’m emotionally
- holy shit juniper????
- LMAO okay definitely not juniper she looks much older
- council of cloven elders is so much spookier than i thought
- mmmmm grover figured it out interesting
- also apparently names don’t have power. i mean that is the stance in heroes of olympus they did not care about names. so i get it
- so like. this is kronos? looking like the grim reaper in percy’s dreams?
- ok honestly the lack of annabeth so far is very upsetting
- mmmm “glory” interesting, luke
- who is this spunky kid with the hair
- idk why but them just using lighters takes me out of it. but it made me laugh
- yesssss hephaestus kids my beloved
- spunky kid with the hair is chris. NOW WHO THE FUCK IS CHRIS
- holy shit this is so sad. percy alone in the woods burning his candy
- OH MY GOD FOR HIS MOM oh my god i’m not going to survive this episode
- “i think i’ve made some friends here”
- oh this is too much. it’s giving “good kid” energy from the musical
- YES angry percy. i always felt like the musical emphasized how like. angry and upset percy was at his dad. obviously it’s a huge plot point in the book but it feels like more apparent in the musical and i always LOVED that about the musical so of course i LOVE that it is being emphasized in the show as well
- if percy doesn’t cut off medusas head and mail it to olympus after this and trying so hard to get his dad’s attention it will be SUCH a letdown i have to say it i’m sorry
- good bathroom scene. GOOD bathroom scene.
- are you stalking me annabeth
- yes
- oh i’m so in love with her
- like we knew she’d be phneomenal. but we’d seen so little of her in promo stuff!!! and i HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG TO SEE MY GIRL!!!!! AND HERE SHE FUCKING IS!!!!!!
- also saying annabeth is the head of the athena cabin and seeing tiny little annabeth is SO. funny. like we all knew it was funny that a twelve year old was in charge but SEEING it makes it so painfully obvious
- “she’s my little sister”
- they call them forbidden kids that’s a little silly but that’s fine
- also i enjoy that they’re talking about thalia-luke-annabeth earlier
- BABY ANNABETH HIDING IN AN ALLEY. oh i hope we get to actually SEE this scene one day because i do love it so
- “can you ask her to knock it off.” obsessed.
- these waterfalls are SO. cool. the one thing the descriptions of camp were always missing. i love a waterfall
- the kid playing the war drums has me laughing out loud
- laughing OUT LOUD at percy. flossing and peeing and whistling
- oh my god a lizard. i would too.
- just laying down. picking at a leaf
- i just noticed he actually has vans. skater!percy lives
- GUESS ILL LOSE DESERT PRIVILEGES good book line so glad it’s in here
- the fight choreo is SO. GOOD
- you were here the whole time and you didn’t help me? yes. what is wrong with you!!
- oh i love her SO. much. i love them both so fucking much
- one of my FAVORITE lines is “poseidon, earthshaker stormbringer. hail perseus jackson son of the sea god” and i’m so glad we got it
- i like jason mantzoukas because, like that post about gene wilder, you can really believe he’d let those kids die
- also one of my favorite scenes is annabeth being invisible in the big house the whole time percy is being offered a quest and chiron is like “someone already offered to go with you” and annabeth takes her hat off to reveal she has been there the whole time. and it’s always been so funny to me but i don’t mind that the humor of it was still maintained in the scene after capture the flag being altered a little bit. and we still got “not bad hero”
- oh shit are we not getting the oracle. i guess it makes sense. it’s a lot of time when someone can just tell percy they think it’s hades but like. actually. BETRAYED BY ONE WHO CALLS YOU A FRIEND!! FAIL TO SAVE WHAT MATTERS MOST!! ITS KIND OF IMPORTANT and the oracle is like a very important plot point later
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layuhsblog · 6 months
winwin x reader angst? :3
Hii thankyou for requesting, i hope you like it! Lemme know if you want a part 2.
The Surprise- Winwin X Reader
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions fire, no animal was hurt, a cat named Panko, reader is clumsy, winwin being a meanie.
also please dispose broken glass in a safe box or anything so that incase wild animals search through it they dont get hurt
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You were in the kitchen, making Sicheng's favourite food for dinner, humming to yourself. You were in a great mood today considering how it was Sicheng and your 1 year anniversary. He was coming over in an hour.
You hadn't wished him yet, hoping to surprise him.
Sicheng always took care of you well and the past year had been the best year of your life. You wanted to return the favour and make today special for him. Stirring the pot, you took some broth in a small spoon and blew on it to taste it. Everything had to be perfect today.
Half an hour later you were done preparing for dinner, you set the table. Lit up the scented candles you bought together and went to take a bath.
Just before you could take your robe off and step into the bath you heard a crash sound and you immediately ran towards it.
Your cat, Panko had knocked over the candle; setting fire to the tablecloth. The cutlery you put down were all on the floor, plates shattered everywhere.
You ran towards your cat, picking her up in your arms, first checking if she was hurt anywhere. The fire alarm was now beeping rapidly. Panicked you ran outside your apartment and took the emergency extinguisher to put the fire out.
Thankfully both your cat and your apartment was alright. You reacted quickly and put her inside your room and closed the door so she doesnt get hurt 'cus of the broken plates.
When you sat on the floor to pick up the big pieces of glass into an empty cardboard box and you finally broke down. The adrenaline rush subsiding. You didn't even realise your hand got a little burn in the whole process. You quickly calmed yourself down and reassured yourself that you were quick enough that nothing went wrong.
Just then Winwin came home tired from practice. He was in a fowl mood as he got scolded by Kun for being distracted while practicing. He was also upset because you did not remember your anniversary.
When you texted him to come home early, he had hopes. Maybe you'll surprise him or something. Even if you forgot he was expecting to atleast have a nice dinner with you and go to sleep but this was far from what expected.
The house smelt like smoke, broken plates on the floor, you kneeling beside it, eyes swollen like you had been crying
"Babe, w-what happened, why does the house smell like smoke?!" he ran towards you
"I went to take a bath and Panko knocked over the candle that was on the table. I should've been more careful. she's not h-"
Sicheng couldn't help it, in his poor defence he was tired. Before he could think about what he wanted to say, before he could check up on you or Panko, his mouth moved faster than he could help it,
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! How can you be so fucking irresponsible? You can't even remember our anniversary or take care of a fucking cat. What if she got hurt? Would you come crying to me for that too? I'm tired of cleaning up your messes ___. Can you even handle a relationship? You can't even look after yourself."
You couldn't believe the words coming out of him right now.
You stood up in anger,
"I didn't know you felt that way Sicheng. I'm sorry you've had to parent me this whole time. I'll set you free if its really that big of a problem. Happy fucking anniversary. I'll get Panko and the rest of my stuff in the morning, yknow considering how if I take her right now I "might end up not taking care of her properly." By the way, we're okay. Thanks for asking." You spat out. Taking your car keys and without sparing him a second glance, you left. You cannot let anyone disrespect you this way.
He heard the door shut behind him. It finally dawned upon him what he had done. Too ashamed to follow after you, he started cleaning up the room. When he went to the kitchen he saw the pot that had his favourite dish and a bunch of side dishes on the counter. There was a half written letter by the side in broken Chinese characters;
'I will always love you Sicheng, thankyou for everything you do for me. I wanted to pay you back with a surprise. I'm taking Mandarin and Wenzhounese lessons so you can speak comfortably with me. Happy anniver-'
He took a sharp breath after reading that letter as he realised how badly he messed up.
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rorywritesjunk · 10 months
For these foamy green hills are but saltwater desert
Richie, Mohji’s lion, isn’t doing so well. The crew end up at a small island with a dwindling population to seek help and Buggy meets Midori, the mayor who is far more stubborn and trusting with his crew than he can really comprehend.
Rating: PG-13, gonna have smut at some point later though. Warnings: Buggy being obnoxious, of course. I’d call this a fast paced slow burn. It takes the place over the course of the week and days are split into two chapters. There’s also some drama and other pirates. A/N: Full confession. I honestly wrote this because I have been watching the anime and Richie is one of the best characters. Do I know a lot about the anime? No. Is some of this chaotic and characters OOC? Of course! It’s a fanfic. Is it self indulgent? Hell yes. I had fun writing this and wanted to share it. Also, I wrote this more with anime!Buggy in mind since we don’t get to see Richie in the live action.
Title comes from the song “Dryad’s Promise” by Tricky Pixie. this gif is here just because this is Buggy's expression around Midori 90% of the time
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Chapter 4
Day 2 pt 2
Buggy returned in the mid-afternoon to find some members of his crew mending one of Midori’s fences. He stood and watched them for a moment, confused by what he was seeing. They were fixing something? It wasn’t normal, they were pirates, they destroyed things, not fixed things! He didn’t see her around so he headed to her house. It wasn’t hard to find her, she was in the kitchen with a big pitcher of iced lemonade. She perked up when he walked in.
“Can you grab that tray of cups?” She asked as she finished stirring the drink. “Some of your guys came to help me with my fence while you were gone, so I wanted to make sure they were thanked.”
Buggy didn’t budge, instead glaring down at her. She looked up from her task and pointed at the tray. “Please?”
“Why do you have them fixing your fence?!” He demanded, pounding his fist on her kitchen table. She jumped at that and the lemonade sloshed around in the pitcher. “We destroy villages, you know, we don’t fix fences for crying out loud!”
“Well… I didn’t ask them to help.” She told him calmly as she once again pointed at the tray for him to grab. “I had already started when they walked up and offered, said I was a nice person to let them stay on the island. They took over the job so I came in here to make them a drink. Now, can you grab the cups and follow me out there? I can’t grab both.”
He grumbled in frustration but did as he was asked, sulking as he followed her back out to the others. They cheered at having a cold drink, thanking Midori as well as thanking their Captain. Once Midori made sure they had their fill, she collected the empty cups and headed back to her kitchen with Buggy following close on her heels. She set the dishes down beside the sink and turned to face him. He had gotten closer than he meant to, only a foot from her, and he took a step back.
“Listen, Buggy, I can see you’re not used to being around someone who isn’t a part of your crew, but stop talking to me like that.” She said as she took a step towards him and jabbed him in the chest with her finger. “I know you’re a pirate, you have made that very clear, but there is more to you and your crew than just being pirates you know! You have very skilled men out there fixing my fence and they are doing a better job at it than I would have done! Now please stop talking to me like I’m up to no good, okay?”
She was breathing rather heavily after that, her finger still pressed against his chest as she stared up at him. Buggy grabbed her by her wrist, his touch far gentler than she was expecting. He pulled her closer and she stumbled, putting her other hand on his chest to keep from falling into him. She huffed in annoyance and pulled back from him while he smirked at her. She felt her cheeks burn, but she wasn’t sure if it was the feeling of being close to him, to actually touching him, or because his damn smirk was annoying her,
“Nice to see you get frustrated.” He chuckled as he let go of her wrist finally. “Thought you just were always happy go lucky, Mayor. Glad to see you have other emotions.”
She crossed her arms and glared at him. “I have a lot of emotions, Captain.”
“Yea?” He smirked. “Hopefully I can see the full range before the week is over then.”
The five children on the island adored Richie already. The lion allowed them to ride on his back, which stunned Buggy, because he thought only Mohji was allowed to do that. The pirate captain was standing outside, arms crossed as he watched the kids with a frown. Mohji was there to keep an eye on everything, but Richie was having fun. He really was just a big kitten when it came down to it, only being destructive and ferocious when the situation called for it. He was loving the attention.
“Stop frowning, the kids won’t want to come near you.” Midori said as she came up behind him, startling him, though he tried not to show it. She patted him on the shoulder. “Unless you want the kids to be scared of you, then keep frowning.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, jerking away from her touch. “You know that lion is dangerous, right? He could destroy your village with one command from Mohji.”
“Yea, I know.” Midori replied, voice just a bit tired sounding. “Because you’re pirates, and that’s all pirates do, destroy and plunder.” Buggy glanced at her and she smiled. “Good thing I don’t have much of a village here for you to destroy or any treasure to plunder.”
Buggy looked sulkily back at the lion. He was rolling in the grass now while one of the kids picked flowers, weaving it into a crown. Buggy was going to scream if that crown ended up on Richie, but instead the kid ran over to Midori, holding it up for her. She smiled and knelt down so the kid could crown her.
“Thank you, Oak! It’s beautiful.” She squealed excitedly as Oak made sure it sat on her head just right. Midori looked up at Buggy with a smile. “How does it look, Captain?”
“Um, it’s… fine.” He mumbled, not wanting to mention how the color of the flower petals complemented her eyes, or how the green stems looked lovely against her hair. “Good job, kid.”
Oak beamed. “We’re gonna make more for the feast! The whole crew can wear’em!”
“Oh, that’s lovely!” Midori beamed. “I can’t wait for that!”
The kid grinned widely and took off running. Midori bumped her shoulder against Buggy’s gently. “And when these kids say the whole crew, they mean the captain as well. I’ll make sure they use the biggest and best flowers for you.”
Buggy’s cheeks reddened and he reached up to flick one of the flowers of her crown. “What makes you think I’ll wear it?”
“Because even for a scary pirate, I don’t think you can deny five children begging you to wear a flower crown.” Midori chuckled. “It’s impossible.”
She was still wearing the crown as she made dinner. Buggy sat back and watched her as he sipped a beer. She was humming that song again, the one she didn’t know the lyrics to, and he listened, wanting to commit it to memory so he could hold it over her head should he ever learn the lyrics before she did. He made a face after he thought that. After this week he wouldn’t see her again. He didn’t need to remember anything about her, this place, anything.
He had been on the island two days and already it felt like a lifetime. Why did he agree to a week? It should have just been a few days. Richie was already better so why did they need to stay? He looked down at his drink and cleared his throat. 
“I think the crew and I will head out tomorrow.”
“Huh?” Midori stopped what she was doing and turned to look at him. “What was that?”
He looked up at her and paused. She was drying her hands with her apron, the flower crown still sitting perfectly on her head as it did hours ago. She looked… wonderful. She had this pull towards her that made Buggy realize he wanted to stay those extra few days, even if it was just to annoy her and argue with her. She had a smile on her face as she turned her attention to him.
“I said…” Buggy took another sip. “Uh… the moon should be out tomorrow, and the stars. We should… go look at it. You have some nice viewing spots on this rock you call an island.”
Midori perked up and smiled brightly. “Yea? Do you know the constellations? I’ve struggled to remember which ones are which.” 
“Yea, yea, I know’em.” Buggy grumbled as he set his drink down. “We’ll do it tomorrow, just pack a snack for us.”
“I will!”
Buggy laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He egged her on again during dinner and she did the same to him, but it was hard to stay frustrated with her when she wore the flower crown. He saw her put it in her ice box after she cleaned up after dinner. He had finished his second beer before getting up to help her clean. She didn’t protest at all and he went to work washing dishes.
He held his hands up and looked at them. The same hands that maimed and killed people, even his own crew sometimes, washed dishes. Willingly! And he didn’t break a single one either. What was going on? He was a pirate, he needed to be out destroying villages with the Buggy Balls while the crew ransacked them. He needed to be collecting treasure, not taking her out to see the damn stars. 
But there was something simple about being on the island as well. The villagers knew they were all pirates, it was no secret, but they welcomed them in and fed them. The little bar in the village made more berry from the crew than they ever had before. And Richie was already thriving. Just a short time off the boat and he was back to his lively self. Buggy was ready to order the crew back on the ship by tomorrow, but he needed to spend a bit more time with Midori. He wanted to figure her out, rile her up some more before they left. 
And now he was going to venture out into the night with her to look at the damn stars tomorrow night. Why did he offer that? But she was so excited, and there was a weird fluttery feeling in his stomach when he saw her smile after he mentioned it. Maybe he was getting sick from all her cooking already. Maybe it was slow acting food poisoning. 
Or maybe…
He rolled onto his side and covered his face with his pillow as his cheeks burned. No, no. He just met her. She drove him crazy with her stubbornness and insistence that she wouldn’t ever leave the island. He had no feelings for her except annoyance. Sure, she was pretty, and he was starting to enjoy seeing her smile whenever he’d tell her a dumb joke or a funny story, but it wasn’t anything else. It couldn’t be anything else. No one fell in love that fast ever. It wasn’t possible. He wasn’t in love. He was incapable of it, he knew it.
He had to stop getting her to smile so much.
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TBB s3 ep4 Thoughts!!!
Oooohh starting off strong
Omega immediately wanting to go back because “it’s right”
Crosshair wanting to keep moving, not because he’s scared of going back but because he understands that he can’t help anyone if he’s dead
Ah there he is. The bitch. The Hemcock.
I wanna say Nala Sa deserves to be in prison but idk I’m starting to feel for her
Pretty sure she won’t survive the season though
is that,,,, a reference to yanno,,, shoes hanging from a power line?
hahahahahahah poncho stormtroopers
“You’re the one who wanted to bring… the hound.”
best duo this show has given us
If Hunter was the hesitant but willing dad, Crosshair is the exasperated older brother that was forced to bring his younger sister to the party he was invited to an now has to spent all night watching her
Ey not cool Omega. Someone was using that jacket to advertise their business
“See, isn’t this better?” “No.” “Ugh.”
“I could take out half of them before they even know what happened” 😳😳
Yeah, I believe you sir
Damn fuck how many more clone crushes will I have to be burdened with
Jesus Christ
“That went well” “Stow it”
Scottish Robot ahhahahahahaha
Say what you will about Crosshair, when that dude sat down across from Omega he was ready for a FIGHT
big ol’ softie <3
“You or your dad”
Glad Hunter wasn’t there to hear that
Or Crosshair for that matter
Both would’ve blown their cover
Tbh Crosshair makes a fair point about leaving while they can. The planet is filled with Empirials and they are running out of time
But he also hasn’t been part of a team in a while and maybe he’s forgotten some of what that entails too
Either way, loving how “selfless” and “selfish” are meeting in this ep
Crosshair giving Omega a boost to get over the wall I’m crying
“Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?” “Don’t push it.”
HE IS MY SOULMATE (based on sarcasm. I am vegetarian and I would free those animal friendos in a heartbeat)
The extra head shake and eye roll at that question too, he is already so done I can’t hahahahahahahah
“I hope your take-offs are better than your landings” “we’re about to find out”
Aaaaaaand that just reminded me that Tech was the one who taught her to fly
That fucking shriek when the stormtrooper got blasted by the engine hahahahahaha
Ohohoh altered batch theme after take off? Okayokayokay I see you👀
Jesus Christ, Crosshair trying to prepare Omega for the very real possibility that Hunter and Wrecker are dead?
Like I know it seems cruel and defeatist but it’s actually kind in a way
Managing expectations in order to save her from a worse fall out
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“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you”
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why did Hunter’s appearance suddenly piss me off
Like Wrecker had a cute line and Hunter had to walk up like
“Um, five actually”
Like idk it felt like he was taking over the moment (which makes sense because he’s her dad but still it just sounded awkward)
Omega just explained that she only got off that planet AND survived so far thanks to Crosshair and all they can do is look all bitchy butt-hurt
Like I expected this from Hunter but why isn’t Wrecker hugging him?
Bc they went looking for Cross before, I thought we were past the straight up hate?
Love how stoically Cross is taking it though
I have to admit, so far this is one of my all time favourites. The comedic timing, the very real story line, the confrontation of previously opposed characters? Wonderful. But the pièce de résistance? Crosshair’s character description rings true again. “Severe and unyielding” Tech had said. I’ve rambled about this a lot recently, but the boiled down version is that when Crosshair commits to something, he commits all the way. Like how he committed to the Empire so hard that he hunted down his brothers. Or when he finally decided the Empire was a bunch of shitbags and shot officer shitbag (I forget his name) in the face. He has now decided to commit to Omega, for whatever reason. And it shows. Because even when she tells him to go, he’s literally only a minute behind her. He lets her employ her own strategies despite his preference and experience. He’s ready to beat up Captain Dickhead (did they even give him a name?) for sitting down across from her. He tells her to get into the ship first while he lays down cover fire.
Crosshair’s next “severe and unyielding” decision is Omega’s safety. And I couldn’t be more excited to see where it goes!
AND I cannot believe how much I suddenly like his character. I was so disinterested in him for like s1 and maybe 90% of s2 but now I am more interested in what becomes of him than I am in what the deal is with Omega’s M-count.
I’m saying it now. These seasons hyper focuses are: Rex, Echo and Crosshair (in that order) (for now, we’ll see)
Thanks to everyone who sat through that, have a good day/night/whatever, friend!
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uraniumwriting · 1 month
Legacy of Odin
For the @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt "Great Expectations"
841 words. A little something for a new WIP idea I'm messing with for a class I'm starting this coming week. Halli Reed, daughter of a killed astronaut in a mission to connect with the galaxy, is not happy with being forced to go to a military preparatory school for a potential space war. At least it won't get worse from here, right?
“We’re talking about the fate of humanity as we know it, here.”
Halli Reed wasn’t exactly sure why she was listening to the blond-hair boy who stood like he was much bigger than he really was, but with her lovely mentor abandoning her in the school she didn’t know the layout of, she was stuck. He paced the empty, bare classroom with occasional glances at her and Thor, who listened intently.
“We are the legacy of the Odin Mission,” the boy said. “It is up to us to lead this force, to—”
“Who even are you?” Halli cut him off. “And what makes you think you know what I am and what I’m meant to do?”
“Halli, you’ve never heard of Crux Hathorne?” Thor asked, his eyes wide.
“No?” She leaned against a desk and absentmindedly braided the ends of her long, reddish hair.
“He’s the son of Dr. Hathorne, savior of the Odin Mission? An Olympian? Had the highest SPAT score in the nation his year?”
“You think I’ve paid any attention to anyone from the Odin Mission?” It was like Thor hadn’t even processed her last name.
“Who hasn’t?”
Halli shook her head and went to pull her headphones back on. “This is a waste of my time.”
“Wait,” Crux said. “You especially need to listen to this, Reed.”
“And why?” she asked. “Because last time I checked, the Odin Mission hasn’t given me anything but a dead dad and a childhood of cameras shoved in my face.”
Thor awkwardly took off his dark red jacket with the Odin Mission’s logo on it.
“There is so much more to the Odin Mission than you ever thought, Reed.” Crux slowly walked closer to her as if she was an animal about to strike. “The world needs us. Or else what happened to your father will all be in vain.”
“So you know what happened?” Despite her best efforts, Halli’s voice cracked.
He laughed hollowly. “Reed, they’ve said it for years. Your father sacrificed himself to save the crew from the inhabitants on Argo-B. He died a good death. But now it may all be lost if we don’t do something.”
“My mom never believed that excuse for one second, and neither do I.” Her face grew warm, and Halli knew she would cry soon if she didn’t leave. “I don’t need to do anything, just leave me alone.”
“It’s Halli to you.”
“Just listen to me.” Crux grabbed her by the shoulders, and though she struggled to get away, he was stronger than he looked.
Tears forming in her eyes, Halli stayed silent.
“We three are the only descendants of the Odin Mission to make it this far,” he said.  “The others have been targeted. Sabotaged. Even killed. There is a reason we’ve made it here, and a reason why people are trying to stop us.”
Halli looked to Thor for help, but his face had turned as emotionless as stone.
Crux continued. “I’m in Combat Flight, top of my specialty. Thor’s in Military Planning. And you know what you’re in, right?”
“I wanted to go into Astrobiology,” she mumbled.
“You’re in AE,” he said. “Advanced Espionage.”
“I wasn’t supposed to even know until class tomorrow.” Halli tried to shove him away again, but Crux’s grip only grew tighter.
If Thor hadn’t been in the room, Halli would’ve been sure she was about to be killed.
“Well, you know now. You have the most important job out of all of us. You’re going to change the course of history, Halli Reed.”
Advanced Espionage. The words alone made Halli’s head spin. Why did anyone think she would be proficient at something like that? She was just a kid who liked animals and music and doodling in her notebooks, not one of those heroes in the spy movies.
Crux smiled in a way that she would’ve considered friendly, if not for the news he just gave her. “Being in Advanced Espionage alone shows your potential. Remember, the officers don’t make mistakes, especially when it comes to specialty placement.”
“I’m going to bed.” Halli didn’t move, though. She couldn’t find the strength in her to do so.
“Rest up, Reed.” Crux finally let go of her and walked to the door as if nothing had just happened. “You’ve got to prepared to start doing the real work out there.”
Even after the door opened and slammed shut, Halli didn’t move.
“You know,” Thor said, “I still don’t want you topping me on the numbers, but you better not flunk out now. Everyone’s going to be disappointed in you if you do.”
“You’re not helping right now.” Halli choked back the inevitable tears. “And anyway, General, there’s not even anyone left to be disappointed in my failure to live up to my stupid potential.”
“Wait, but—”
Halli didn’t let him defend himself. Instead, she turned and stormed out of the room.
Expectations were stupid. At the end of the day, someone was going to be let down, anyway.
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meowbomb · 9 months
Moon was always Vanny’s puppet.
dramatic title aside. The hw2 endings adds some context to things that were confusing in security breach and ruin. Specifically the daycare attendant.
(Fair warning: this might be a whole lot of stretches and really scuffed but hear me out and help wanted 2 spoilers. This was made for fun. Long post ahead)
In ruin, Cassie’s description of the sun and moon plush state things like “I never slept better than I did in the daycare” and “I used to have so much fun in the daycare” which are a bit different than what we’re initially presented with in the night terrors message in security breach.
Both of these differing statements are true. But it’s just when they take place. I think Cassie’s time in the daycare was before the glitchtrap virus stuff started going on. If it wasn’t happening at the time, Moon wouldn’t be acting up. The night terrors message was written during the time where Moon was infected with the virus, that’s why he’s scaring children to the point of making them afraid of the dark.
His default code wasn’t a problem. He wasn’t created to be evil. Moon was good until the virus took a hold and he starts following Vanny’s orders.
While yes, the glamrocks probably follow what Vanny asks. Moon specifically is the helper.
Handunit in hw 2 talks about the endos like they are children. They are built with mimicking technology and are taught by behaviour cards so they understand what’s expected from them in situations.
In Security breach the warehouse has doors with lessons for the endos. But looking around the place, it’s clear that all of these lessons were failed.
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Why do they keep failing them? Because they believe the incorrect lesson is right.
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The endo warehouse has so many things with Moon or relating to daycare. If endos are influenced by cards and lessons, what’s to say they aren’t influenced by Moon? If Vanny placed everything relating to him there, it’s because the endos should follow his lead, not exactly like the glamrocks. The glamrocks have behaviours and personalities that makes them well..them. Example Roxy will follow Vanny’s orders but she still takes the time to cry alone or how Chica will still binge on food.
With Moon, it’s not like that. Yes, glimpses of personality makes itself known like the cackling and clear annoyance with cleaning up. He has fun along the way but will still try to get the job done. He’s always tracked down Gregory’s location despite the kid being far from daycare.
In ruin, there’s endos in daycare because to them, it’s similar to the warehouse. They recognise Moon and if Vanny isn’t there to control things anymore, her head puppet is next best thing.
In the “final” endo warehouse lesson, there’s painted rabbit ears and an outline that can be glitchtrap.
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Besides I think it’s very interesting the two notable characters who have beckoning animations at the player are glitchtrap and moon. They obviously aren’t the same person at all but it can be the virus in his code.
In hw2’s PQ4 ending Moon is the claw of the machine Vanny is playing. Vanny doesn’t get it herself, Moon is the one who gets it for her.
It’s almost like how Moon targets Freddy instead of Gregory. He has the perfect opportunity as Gregory is basically backed to a corner with Freddy being low on battery before this. He takes out Freddy for Vanessa to leave him immobile and without his head attached. Why go for Freddy? Because Freddy is Gregory’s only ally. Sure, Gregory could sneak but he’s alone and more vulnerable to the animatronics and Vanny getting him.
What does sun have to do with this?
Sun and Moon’s relationship early in the timeline is unknown. So we’ll have to go off on what the games give us.
I think Sun knows there’s something going on with Moon. It’s why he’s very insistent of lights being on. He doesn’t know if Moon will do something that will hurt someone or place them under risk of being decommissioned.
He can’t do anything to help himself or Moon because he’s stuck to daycare unlike Moon who has free access to leave. Thus their situation was always bound to get worse.
In arts and crafts: loft, Sun sits closely by a light under a fort. He insists you leave immediately after you’re done because he considers himself and Moon a threat to you and others. If the power in daycare is dwindling, he has no control over Moon coming out. Sun would rather stay abandoned and alone than risk it.
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Ruin is where their situation reaches its peak. There’s no lights and Sun is a prisoner in his body. He’s stuck in ar world. Both he and Moon have lost it due to prolonged isolation. He pleads to be rebooted because it’s his and Moon’s only way to be at peace again. If they’re rebooted into safe mode, it cuts off Vanny’s control of them.
Sun and Moon’s situation parallels the Vanessa and Vanny thing. Moon is Sun’s Vanny. Moon and Vanny play with their prey and have red glowing eyes. Vanessa doesn’t like dark basements and wanted to follow instructions like how Sun doesn’t want the lights off and strictly follows rules.
I’m not saying they’re a one by one comparison. Both things are different here and there but still there is small things there.
Jack o moon and Balloon world
Notably, balloon world and Jack o moon are kinda similar. In balloon world, you have to follow the purple glitched path to get the goodnight from the eclipse in that game. In the Foxy log ride, you have to go through the alternate ar world path of the ride where you find Jack o moon.
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It’s also interesting that in hw2 we play princess quest 4 but in security breach there’s messages of another person playing the games too. This person gets more and more fixated to where they’re begging to save the princess. Eventually their last message is in the loft next to balloon world.
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It also should be noted that other arcade machine with balloon world in security breach is in Vanny’s other hideout in the Burntrap ending.
Look, who knows I might be entirely wrong but there’s so many questions left. Why is the warehouse linked to Sun and Moon? Who is the person trying to save the princess? Who are we playing as? What’s even going on anymore?
I know using stuff from hw2 is debatable considering the first game but I do think some aspects of the ruined sections of hw2 happened in the timeline. I can’t wait to be proven so wrong.
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pretty-prince-lulu · 5 months
The Fortress of Tathtatèrith (Plungedlaboured)
Is it finished? Nope, but I've done enough with it that you'll be able to get where I'm trying to go with it, so... here.
I'll put a readmore right here because this'll have more pictures than I have still-thriving brain cells.
Do bear in mind I've not actually been playing very long, and this is maybe the.... eighth? fortress? that I've kept from going up in flames long enough to have Something Going On.
Out of the gate was picking an embark. I've been trying to build a fortress primarily out of glass for a while and kept cocking it up or embarking somewhere that made it a nightmare, so I scoured the map of the realm of Romxah for the exact right place to do it.
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Sand? Check. Nearby abandoned monasteries so we can acquire books? Check. Elves we can have that old sacred eternal Unsteady Peace with who come and count our leaves every spring like the wood narcs they are? Check. VOLCANO so I don't have to be at definite war with said elves while making the glass? Check-check-checkaroo. We're too far from the coast to actually have any of the ocean in our tile, which worked out to be vastly more unfortunate than I expected.
Starting out, I had it in mind that I wanted to make use of the transparency of the glass in the design itself, because that is Very Cool. I considered but ultimately omitted the inclusion of crystal glass into the main design because working with crystal glass makes me cry in real life. I planned to go with green glass as the majority material, with clear glass as the accent. I like the look of the result but clear glass is also, as it turns out, a wailing nightmare to keep in sustained production.
Approaching the main entryway is... this. (With current morale stats. And supplies. I cannot keep these people in meat I stg).
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Now, obviously, this is sort of cool, but not in any way finished. You'll be seeing that theme coming up a lot. I had planned to involve statues of the Founding Seven Dwarves in some way, but I'm still kind of batting around the actual execution because most ideas would provide goblins a means by which not to get jet-propelled into the Fanta. I like goblins landing in the Fanta.
The slits contain serrated green glass discs, ten apiece. This generally has the effect of turning enemies into a fine pink mist (see: the pieces of said mist still awaiting cleanup). The Draltha are on their way out with the Routed Roads squadron, a soldier team that I primarily send out to abandoned monasteries to cart off the books. I'm not sure I recommend them as war animals. They're long-lived but I also have to remember to graze them when they come back, and then unpasture them so they don't sadly sit there with the chicken leg icon above their heads making me feel all guilty.
Zooming out a little as we enter the doorway:
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These rooms are for The Great Citadels, my 'primary' soldier squadron. Each statue is of that dwarf (and their spouse if they have one at the time of stone-casting). The other sets are of each soldier's war animal, and the blank engraved spot will be for the second war animal I have not yet finished harvesting the alunite to immortalize in said stone. I know it's not important in the scheme of things, but I really like to track who owned what animal. It makes my heart happy. A couple of the giant war dingos have died of old age, which I didn't realize could start happening from age six or so and I'm very sad about it. I thought I read they got 15-20 years but I must have been mistaken.
They got dedicated and specific rooms because I hate, absolutely hate hate vomit hate, how they all get unassigned from their fucking bedrooms after being sent out. No joke, it makes me think twice about dispatching them, so this at least makes it clear to me who ought to be returning to which fucking space.
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Down this road, with its perpetually unfinished walls and floor, lies the barracks proper and the road to the foundry. What are those statues and slabs, you ask? Every time a forgotten beast or dangerous creature that involves a popup warning dies in our territory, I like to immortalize it. I just like that you can do that. I think of it as a running history of our land.
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To the right there is an access shaft to the mist generator, which is not working, and I am salty about it to the point of tears. This map has no wind. ZERO wind. I did not realize it was a possibility until I had already built all the fucking infrastructure so I'm working on... alternative means of power. But it stands now it's sort of just a Circle of Embarrassment.
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The foundry's main focal export is glass- obviously- with its quantum stockpile for random bits of metal coming out of melted down goblin shields. The draltha there are not war animals, but instead have a different very important job- to eat all the mushrooms that grow on the sand. It appears that we can't gather sand where the mushrooms grow, and this is the only situation in which the eternal Snack Hunger of my army of draltha is coming in actual handy. God knows these are a bugger to feed otherwise sometimes.
Given the sheer amount of stuff needing constant melting down I am seriously considering expanding this foundry. There's little space remaining to the south before I hit the edge of the map so I may add more workshops between here and the barracks. I am hesitating mostly on pain of them being on different elevations and me being terrified of fucking up the magma circuit expansion. I know me. I fuck things up. And this is a very hot thing to fuck up.
Heading down the hatch and to the north, we have the trading depot. This is one of the most unfinished parts of the whole place so far unfortunately.
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It will EVENTUALLY have detailed rings of glass flooring and perhaps dedicated tables and chairs and stockpiles, but right now it is the emergency draltha feeding tunnel featuring the Barrel Hoard and the accidentally wild-caught elk birds I'm trying to get some offspring out of so I can sheepishly return them to the wild and they can stop pecking our shoelaces in vengeance. I also have tentative plans for a statue-lined road instead of the paved path we currently have outside, which would be both 1) pretty and 2) an early detection system for the werebeasts knocking stuff over.
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To the south we have another mist generator. It doesn't work and has redundant gears and materials. We have not finished prettying it up for its eventual functionality. We call this the fail hole. We go in here to cry.
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Here we have the rooms of the Duchess, the mayor, the manager and the bookkeeper. Here, and in the hall, you see the first instances of what I was trying to do with the transparency. The glass floors show what's happening downstairs, and if I layer the patterns, starts doing really interesting things indeed- as well as creating an effect that is uniform, but at the same time varied and dynamic.
Further to the right:
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The prisons and the quarters of the captain of the guard, with our stockpile of cages and assorted animals being trained. The idea is that any visitors are almost guaranteed to pass through the guard's corridor, which makes it easier for me to forbid doors and lock them up until dear lady Sibrek Amudalåth Ebalfer (Sibrek Thunderbolts the Revered Beast) finishes... dealing with them. She's our captain of the guard, dungeon master and hammerer. Judge, jury, executioner. A sweetheart, really, despite that. You might spot her around- she's wearing a breastplate but no other armour. That's not an accident- this way I can actually see exactly where she is and identify her fast in the crowd. I really hate it when I forget to arrest people. This happens a lot. ADHD and all... so I have to give myself the best odds of managing to lock up the fuckers.
Onto the tavern!
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The Mechanical Cake was my first real major attempt at designing the multi-level glass details. The idea was that the 'cream' would get a slight spiralling effect with the furniture on the floor beneath, with the middle layer of clear-glass cream also having some shading because the construction finishes partway through it (this is RIGHT at the end of the map! I'm corner to corner here!). The spoke at top right connects... to things. Things that don't fucking work.
Every statue is also specifically OF something that is either important to the city or took place and is something we want to remember. Mostly this is in the form of animals- a few wild creatures that earned names through good deeds (or misdeeds, in the case of Omalurush the giant wren). The manera is the one who wrestled that forgotten beast. The draltha is simply a celebratory piece of the animal once we tamed a few, as is the dingo. The cat statue is a custom design entirely, made to celebrate Stâkud Wethandle, the only male cat we had on embark. He was not interested in helping us have kittens, so we had to buy another male a few years later when I actually realised.
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Down south is our kitchen which is SUPPOSED to be shaped like a gear and spoke and NOT like a penis. I feel the need to point out the meals on the fucking floor and the HUGE NUMBER OF BARRELS WE VERY MUCH HAVE. I don't know why they won't use the barrels. It's doing my head in. It doesn't matter how many I make, they just sit around being tube of empty failure. I'm convinced this is a rudeness directed at me specifically.
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The hospital over its water reservoir, the stone and gemstone workshop, and more dogs! Yay! The floors and walls are, as always, not yet finished. Other stuff IS finished. I swear. It's not all like this.
To the north of this stairwell:
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The woodworking, craftworking and tailoring suites. Tailoring in particular could do with more space (and I DID use up all that leather... why do they need new underpants so often?). I'll have to think about doing that in a way that doesn't throw off this whole... thing.
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The underground processing facility with our very important Farm Draltha. Another one of the most unpolished sections but it sure is one I spend a lot of time staring at trying to figure out why I'm out of booze again. Featuring the wildly akimbo disconnected wooden failures of machinery that doesn't work, and the little corner notification about how many forgotten beasts I'm ignoring with ALL my might.
Scrolling up is the paddock proper.
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This is also, at this point, pretty wildly off-brief because I keep having to expand it and don't have time to do that in a design-preserving way. I will eventually figure out a good form to contort this into so that it looks like it was intentional and not just sort of... built around trees and things.
Note the single giant elephant that I had zero plans for but absolutely HAD to buy because who WOULDN'T buy the one elephant.
We scroll up to reveal... a plain glass ceiling... and UNEXPECTED RUBE GOLDBERG IDIOTIC EVIL TOM AND JERRY BULLSHIT!
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I rebuilt the bridge from the retracting version to make it the kind that launches things upward instead. Usually, those things go straight into the lava, but occasionally they survive and make it onto my rooftop. Whereupon they activate my trap card, and the serrated spinning glass discs make their debut as belles of the ball and then it rains feet and happiness.
Here you see the guildhalls, zoomed out.
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All technically unfinished. I plan at least a few token workshops with desks and tables to emulate the demonstrations they so frequently hold in there. The displays in the back contain artifacts- specifically, exactly enough artifacts to make the room value sufficient to qualify as grand guildhalls. Zooming in, however, we'll find evidence of one of my more useless passion projects!
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Varying numbers! The water ripples and flows! It does, admittedly, lose something from a still image. The idea is to provide an interesting design-in-motion effect beneath these halls, mostly because I never know what to actually DO with guildhalls that isn't just... you know, production.
Some of the detail in those channels DOES get lost in the water flow. This is what it looks like dry.
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To the right of the halls is my secret shame.
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The top section of what was SUPPOSED to be a perpetual motion machine, and instead has poop everywhere and generates no power. There is an anterior section below that is much the same. I THINK I know what the problem is but it's going to take a lot of work to correct and I kind of want to explode in flames before doing that.
Going down again, we have the cistern to the water system, the first section of residential accommodation, and the first chapter of the pet cemetery.
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For some reason, I didn't realise until THIS fortress that you could bury pets, and that you were SUPPOSED to do that. Not kidding, I abandoned the last fortress once I realized I hadn't been doing it. Shit like this matters to me, so every residential floor going down will have a section cut out for the pets. I also include a slab and a statue of that pet, which so far is mostly of that pet being adopted, but in the case of the turkey it's 'that time the turkey fell over'. It made me laugh so I let it stay even though it throws off the design pattern.
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There's about 10 residental floors beneath all the other stuff and they all are designed off this same pattern. Eventually, they'll get flooring. I swear to god. I'm at year SIXTEEN and we still don't have all the floors. Fuck me.
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The barracks of the Routed Roads. Unfinished and looking decidedly spoonish. This is the last barracks I've built- which, yes, means I only have two military squadrons. It's been enough so far because I've been Bridge Discing All who Cross Me. I know damn well it won't suffice long term, but for now I'm enjoying spoon life with occasional desperate use of Dfhack.
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The All-Faiths Chapel (The Mauve Fold) with some pet graves and a dwarf funerary annex! I may have murdered someone in the unused cairn!
I vacillated between designing this temple as a butterfly, a clover or a filigree emblem so I sort of did all three at the same time. The stripes layered beneath the swirls are not just ornamental water this time, but that's for the next floor!
The two dead dwarves were vampires and kept drinking my fucking children. I DFhacked them back to life and I'm not ashamed. DON'T DRINK MY FUCKIN KIDS.
on the south side of this corridor:
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The outpost liason's quarters. Admittedly built in a bit of a hurry. I wasn't expecting the Royal Entourage yet. There's still some ore in there.
The Bronze Vault.
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Designed to resemble a heart, with tables running down the ventricle in an effort to create a sort of shadowed effect. I expected to need to build more bookshelves. Have you ever looked up how many books they hold? Holy shit. You could probably make do with one if you weren't a crazy person. As is most shelves do in fact contain just one book. Everyone leaves them on the fucking chairs. I guess our asses like to read.
Orbitting the lava and to the right:
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The king's quarters!
I was going for a sort of semi-transparency chessboard effect here (I just noticed that door I missed fUUUCK). The queen consort has her own tomb because she is also a baroness and required her own separate one, so I added it onto the design as best I could. Why do they need so many weapon and armor stands anyway? I never see anyone who asks for one using any of them....
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MORE pet graves, and this. A stem and leaves, with artifacts in the tips.
I know you don't need a temple to every individual member of your pantheon of gods, but honestly, it doesn't feel correct not to build it, does it? They're not used very often, and mostly just have Megadogs playing in them, but I still felt like they were important to build.
Starting at top left and going down:
The Earthen Chapel, where we worship the Diamond Rocks, a deity who appears as a female dwarf and holds domain over minerals. The Secretive Chapel, dedicated to Betan, appearing as a female dwarf and governing silence and dreams. I'd probably worship this one if I was a dwarf. The SANCTUARY OF OBLIVION. The edgelord chapel for Vesh the Fated, who takes the form of a skeletal male dwarf. His statue features Atir Releasechannel, an undead dwarf who worshipped him ardently about 1000 years ago (presumably for feeling a kinship?). I ought to comb the legends file and found out what happened to him. As an aside, this feels like a common name for a god of this sphere. My last fortress had Vesh the Fated Death. The Cathedral of Aquamarines, dedicated to Onget Canyonambers. The weird cube sculpture is apparently actually of Melbil Flankboulders being cursed to vampirism. Wonder if this one had anything to do with the pair I have in the graveyard. Onget presides over jewels and takes form of a male dwarf. The Helmed Abbey, worshipping Arban Healergates, a god shaped as a male dwarf and who is the god of fortresses. He's depicted engraving in his statue.
To the right side of the stem! The Silvery Sanctum, the as-yet-artifactless temple dedicated to Zim the Turquoise Spines, a female dwarf. The goddess of mountains. The Temple of Taxing (???) for Limar the Ivory Diamond. A male dwarf god, who governs… wealth. Ah. I see. A divine Ted Dibiase, only with presumably less 'going to jail for massive fraud on the needy', but presumably the same number of dollar signs on his championship belt. The Submerged Cathedral, appropriately dedicated to the goddess of water, Kogan (Not to be confused with Betan, even though I absolutely do). The Sanctuary of Playing, for Lun Dashedtop the Courageous Justice. The goddess of the sky and the wind, who takes the form of a female dw…
she's a giant bat. WHY ARE THEY ALL DWARVES BUT SHE'S A BAT and, uh, last one: The Cathedral of Avalanches for Uzol irongravel the Amethyst. Male dwarf god of metals.
and I will stop this here. enjoy the mental image of our eight perfectly normal dwarf gods, one skeletal god, and one who is a BAT for NO REASON
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
yugioh anon here again for another imagine :3 saw the post where it turns out they’re only nice to us cuz chaos accidentally got em on a metaphorical leash but i have already gotten attached so face the wrath of blade angst comfort <3
You’d been here for about a month or so, sitting down on a very fancy gothic sofa. It was a contrast to the dull interior, so it must’ve been Chaos attempting to get Nightmare to show his interests more. You only figured out it was Nightmare’s because in bright red ink on the side it reads, “LMAOO NIGHT STOP BEIN AN EMO”. You have a hunch that Blade wrote it. Speaking of, scanning the room he is nowhere to be found. It IS late night but he’s normally still bouncing around. Ace has a book held in his hands as he eagerly tells Ted about a suspenseful plot point that adds onto his earlier theory. Ted seems vaguely interested, but the popcorn is a good motivator to keep him there. Nightmare and Chaos are chatting back in the kitchen. Chaos had been testing out a new recipe and while Nightmare vehemently denies supporting anyone in anything, you can see a smile twist onto his face when Chaos explains how proud he is of his new creation.
… You aren’t sure if they’d notice you leaving. As a new member, nobody had really taken the chance to get to know you. Sure, they are civil and conversate with you but there isn’t a real connection. Chaos is a lovely fellow, but he can’t force everyone to ask about you or how you feel. Crying here would be humiliating. You get up, footsteps thunking less on the carpet than they would on the floor. It doesn’t matter if you’re friends or not, you’re here for a job! You’re not there to make buddies with everyone, it doesn’t mat-
A sound snaps you out of your spiral. Muffled sounds, broken and purposefully hushed. When you do fully hear them, they remind you of how you sounded when you broke your leg. It was violent crying and whimpering coming through that door. What was strange is that the sign had read “Blade”. Blade. He was funny sometimes, a bit of an ass to you but he was an ass to everyone it seemed. Watching anime with him was a fun way to kill time. Thinking about it, you’d not seen many of the other residents chat with him. Chaos, sure, but Ted frowned when he came by and Ace would get up and leave the room sometimes! Nightmare criticizes everyone because cultivating a garden of negativity is all he seems to do. He was like you. He was new even if he’d been there for so long. You knock on his door gently, hoping he’d even listen.
“Blade? Hello?” You whisper, calling out with concern.
No response comes. You expected as much.
“Blade, please? I know we don’t talk all that much but I’m willing to reach out. It.. I know how it feels to be left out, likely not as deeply as any of you but I still understand.” An irritated groan is all you get in response. Acknowledging you is an upgrade from ignoring, probably!
“You don’t have to let me in. I just want you to know you’re not gonna be alone. Not anymore, okay? I think that you’re a fun and silly person but that isn’t all you are. You’re far more than the goofy one in the group. You’re skilled in many things. Battle, listening to others when you want to, dealing with Nightmare’s irritating ‘suggestions’ on what we can do better. I’m willing to bet you’re a bright individual too. That you can get lonely like anyone else. That you’re a complex person who isn’t just one thing. I’m not leaving you behind, okay? Not just because we’re technically a team, but because I care.”
No response. You quietly sigh, but hearing a sniffle and another start of a whisper back shuts you up.
“Alright.. You’re sappy as hell, you know that? Still, I’m up to talk.” He’s reaching back and extending his worries. You smile. Perhaps you’ll both have a friend.
I swear I'm in love with your imagines! ><
You're always on point with the characters personality, and always super creative! I love this! ^^
Keep blessing me with masterpieces like this, and I'll personally draw something special for you! :D
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