#i know i bring up the rhea thing in every single post but i have to hammer it in every time
airlock · 2 years
I’m seeing FE Three Houses/Three Hopes politics discourse on my dash again (albeit at least of not as bad of a quality as usual) and with Rhea being the central theme of the moment, I felt compelled anew to unload from my head a shortish post that had been brewing in there for a while
just a bit of historical perspective wrt the Church of Seiros’s influence on Fódlan
so, the thing with the Church in this setting is that it’s a surprisingly historically accurate depiction of a medieval church, at the expense of a modern viewer’s ability to necessarily properly grok the politics at play (and also, iunno, working in tandem with a setting that isn’t always accurately medieval -- and that’s before you account for all the fantasy elements and subterranean nuke havers)
there are a lot of things that we’re used to with our modern understanding of what a government is and how it should work, that sometimes lead us to make incorrect assumptions when we’re looking at the realities that preceded our own. in this particular kerfuffle, I’d like to draw attention to the assumption that monopoly of power is the default state of a political unit.
now let’s explain what that means. see, in this day and age, almost everywhere you look, there is only one government. that government typically divides itself in order to prevent any one person, or any one group of people, from having full control of the machinery of power, and it’s also common for that government to federalize and delegate -- but at the end of the day, every act of power or violence is either sanctioned by the central power structure, or forbidden by it, however many intermediaries that goes through. in practice, I’d think that very few governments, if any, can truly claim to have absolute dominion over their territory (considering everything from “you can probably just conduct an illegal download right now if you want to, even though the government says you can’t” to “criminal organizations typically function as their own separate and subsersive corpus of power”), but nonetheless, the principle is so innate to us that considering how anything else would function is not a passive endeavor.
and that’s also a lot newer than you might think.
so if we look at, say, medieval europe, would we be looking at a different scenario? most definitely. although there would often eventually come to be a hypothetical chain of command, medieval nobility were constantly disputing power against each other. the king’s word might not be the final law if the local count can make it not so; and if there was conflict, you had to pick and choose who to obey, with some real fun stakes if you happened to choose the wrong one.
and most crucially for the reason why I bring this all up to begin with: and then there was the Catholic Church. again, nominally, a good Christian king was supposed to be subservient to the Church; in practice, though, it was more of a split. some actions were crimes in the eyes of the kingdom, and would bring you to trial before the king; some other actions were crimes in the eyes of God, and would bring you to trial before the Church. and it’s not as if law and punishment was the end of it all, too; your king may be the one who decides if he wants to build a bridge or a new fortification in your village, but if you want a record of the names of everyone who was born there, you’ll have to get in touch with whichever local priest has been handling the baptisms. which is to say, even administration didn’t come from a single corpus back in those days.
(incidentally, this is all also pretty useful to know if you want to actually understand the historical context that eventually gave us that crucial idea of “separation of church and state”. because when modern national states first began to form, they strived to take over the clergy’s political functions, but in order to accomplish that, the simplest way was to simply absorb the clergy into the government, instead of removing them from their political functions. it was only after this had been thorougly normalized that you’d eventually start to see the then-pretty-radical idea of doing away with this and permitting the state to absorb more political functions into itself in earnest.)
back to our blorbos, though -- does this all say anything in particular about how we judge Rhea’s moral character? well, ultimately, it’s up to you. on the one hand, just because it would have been normal at such a historical setting for authority to be divided between more than one corpus, it’s not as if that alone makes it good and well that the Church of Seiros had so much influence over Fódlan; after all, there are reasons, some of them even good ones, why we eventually settled on this different model of governance. on the other hand, though, you do have to keep in mind that it’s not as if the people who Rhea was ever disputing authority with were the True Representatives Of The People -- nobody voted for Ludwig von Aegir either, y’know? so really, make of it all what you will; just, hopefully, this diatribe may serve you well in terms of how you decide to orient that judgement.
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yanderefairyangel · 4 months
Ok, so rather then reblogging this post, I am reposting it entirely because... I saw something and I am tired of this nonsense
So I STILL see people debating and arguing on whether or not the Fell twins are Alear's sibling and I am tired of it so allow me.
According to the current data, Nel and Rafal aren't Alear's siblings because they come from a universe where they aren't Alear's sibling. Yeah, that's as simple as that.
It's echoed in Rafal's S support inferring that Alear isn't considered to be part of his Father bloodline.
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"I was surprised to find out that here, you are the same as me... of Father's... No. Of the Fell dragon's blood"
You don't need to be a big brain to deduce it but the "No" indicates that being of Fell dragon's blood is here supposed to be different from being of his father's blood.
If Alear was indeed related to Rafal through his father then Rafal would have simply said "I was surprised to find out that here, you are the same as me... of Father's blood" but he didn't, instead he used a categorical "No" that which you can tell from the tone and his animation is supposed to mean that "Alear having fell dragon blood" is a different statement then "Alear have the same blood as Rafal's father", mainly because of the "No" in between. That's basic semantics.
Moreover, Nel straight up stated that in the Fell Xenologue universe she and Rafal have different ancestor's then Alear and Veyle because of the Sombrons having different ancestor, so even if you try the "DNA" argument, you are basically incorrect.
And that's from what the game says.
If you still doubt it, if it still bugs you to the point you need to scream at people telling you it's just an option and that if it bothers you this much you aren't obligated to do it, then .... why don't you ask the writers ? You know ? IS ? They have a twitter official account, they have an official website and you can pretty much search for the staff, so go ask them directly to obtain confirmation.
If you don't care enough to do it, then I will conclude that you actually don't give a single damn and you are just trying to stir out drama by being a weirdo
Now can we please move on and never bring that up again ? I don't want my favorites blorbos to be perpetually involved in a discourse that pop up every time a la Rhea x Byleth and I am sure everyone is tired of it. And I already had to write several paragraph to explain to people that Zephia is NOT Veyle's mother, so really, I'd love to never ever again have to think about dragonic DNA because it just makes you ask the weirdest thing...
Like, for example, since they were able to have kids and that you need enough of the DNA of the same specie for that to happen, does this mean that in Shrek Dragons have some of donkey DNA or that donkeys have dragon DNA ?
So yeah, I reposted it entirely, even including the shrek comment. I also am obligated to point out that I am saying all of this independently of shipping, because while the shipping is very much optional, the fact that Alear is canonically not their sibling in the world Rafal and Nel comes from is very much canon. I just want this discourse to stop. I know I can't stop it. But still.
And again, I must reiterate what I said about not trying to meddle my own meta into this discourse so please.
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holdharmonysacred · 3 years
I want to read the Something Awful LP of FE3H but the fact that OP is doing Crimson Flower last combined with this one person in the thread having to constantly speak up in Azure Moon’s defense combined with several other weird comments about Edelgard and Rhea gives me super bad vibes. I’ve heard too many horror stories about hardcore edelgard stans, I won’t want to binge read the thread and get punched with extreme turbo ableism towards Dimitri or people being horrible about Rhea the literal genocide survivor.
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frozenartscapes · 4 years
AN: A continuation of this post. This...got away from me a little...
@patricia-von-arundel Look what you’ve done
The Emperor was a fool.
No chains. No cell. Just a regular room with regular windows and regular locks and regular guards. The most done were the cuffs - enchanted metal bands that tempered her magic, weakened it enough so that she couldn’t bring out the Immaculate One. They weren’t even that tight - with enough effort and perhaps some butter, she’d be free of them in no time.
Nothing held her back from ripping that stupid girl apart. Nothing was stopping her from destroying the grand palace and the entire city that seemed to worship that heretic instead of the goddess.
So why couldn’t she do it?
She had made a promise... But what good were words? The goddess knew Edelgard had lied more than enough times in her life. Rhea had, too. Her vow made in the dungeons could have been as much a lie as what she had told the people of Fodlan for generations. Part of her thought it had been.
But just when her rage became a little too great, just when she thought about going on her rampage, it was like the girl knew. And she’d show up to Rhea’s door herself, alone, with a tray of tea or perhaps a book she thought the Archbishop would like.
Kindness. And trust.
It was so stupid.
And yet...it worked.
With good behaviour came more freedom. At first, Rhea wasn’t permitted to leave her room. That was said loosely, however, as there wasn’t much stopping her if she had wanted to. But then she was allowed out on her balcony - she had a balcony of all things!
Then she could leave under the watch of a guard. A single guard. Her. Against one guard. She almost felt sorry for the poor bastard, should she ever decide to act. They wouldn’t stand a chance.
But soon enough she was free to wander the palace on her own. Nothing was stopping her from just...walking out the gates. Back to Garreg Mach. Back to the war and victory against the monster who imprisoned her.
She would stand in the grand entrance of the Imperial Palace and look at those doors. Sometimes they had been left open to allow a pleasant breeze into the stuffy halls, and she could see the gate in the distance. It would be so easy.
But every time, she’d turn around.
She wished she knew why. She still hated that miserable girl with all her heart.
But things were so complicated now.
For so long, she saw the world in stark black and white. Now she was seeing grey.
Edelgard had told her what had happened to her. Rhea understood now why the Emperor had been so...emotional in the dungeons when she found her prisoner. She knew the reason why Edelgard had the same scars they had given her. She, too, had once been nothing more than a test subject, an experiment, a living cadaver.
But that was not where their similarities stopped.
There had once been eleven children of House Hresvelg. Now there was one.
Despite how she felt about the sole survivor, even Rhea couldn’t deny how horrifically sad her story was. She knew how it felt, to be left behind after the bloodshed. To be left alone in the world, the ability to love destroyed, trust and faith shattered, angry at the world and determined to fix it.
She still didn’t agree with the Emperor. Part of her still loathed her. But she understood her, now. Mostly.
She didn’t understand how she could work with those monsters. To Rhea, they were the Agarthans. To Edelgard, they were Those Who Slither in the Dark. A ridiculous name, yet Rhea found it appropriate.
She didn’t understand until one day she heard something.
She was wandering the halls, to nowhere in particular. She was simply admiring the architecture, the art, the ambiance. Red and gold was the dominant colour scheme in the palace and it felt warm, compared to the cool, stone halls of Garreg Mach. She was nowhere near any important room - just somewhere in the expansive marble labyrinth - but she still heard the Emperor’s voice coming from within a nearby chamber. The door had been left open a crack, so she could hear the muffled voices inside.
The Emperor and...a man. She thought maybe his voice sounded familiar, but it was difficult to place. Her memories of him were hazy, distorted...
“How long do you plan on keeping this up, Edelgard,” he sighed, his voice taking on a dangerous edge as he growled her name. Even Rhea shivered from it.
“As long as I wish to,” Edelgard replied, her tone strong and defiant, “And I have no plans to stop in the near future.”
“Do you realize how greatly this is setting us back? The war could be won in a few weeks if you would just-”
“I have no intention of allowing your ‘research’ to continue. If you could call torture research.”
There were the sounds of a struggle. Edelgard gasped in a panic. Rhea couldn’t hold back her curiosity and dared a peek through the crack in the door.
The man was large, imposing. He was dressed in the fine clothes of a noble and had long, slick black hair. And he had the Emperor of Adrestia by her collar.
Suddenly, Rhea was aware of how small Edelgard truly was.
“What did I say about interrupting me?” he growled, his furious face inches from hers.
“I’m...not afraid of you...anymore!” Edelgard gasped as she struggled to fight free. She managed to get one leg up and kicked him forcefully in the gut, and he released her with a grunt. “You crossed the line, Thales. You assured me that your experiments ended with me. If there is one thing I can put an end to in this world, it’s-”
He struck her, hard. Enough to send her reeling. Enough for blood to start seeping out from a cut on her lip. She held her cheek, attempting to relieve the pain, cowering under his intimidating form. “You are naive, my little niece,” he sneered, “It seems the crown has gone to someone’s head. Here you are thinking yourself the Queen... When really you are nothing more than a Pawn.”
To her credit, Rhea thought, Edelgard stood her ground. Despite the shock on her face. Despite the tremble in her body. Despite the fear in her eyes. She wiped the blood from her lip and stood up, tall and proud, defiant in the face of his threat. “I won’t let you hurt her anymore,” she stated, her voice low.
Thales glared down at her for a few agonizing seconds. Rhea found herself holding her breath in anticipation.
But then a grin spread across his face, and a mirthless chuckle escaped his lips. “It’s amusing how you seem to think you stand in my way,” he told her, taking a step forward.
Edelgard took a step back.
“Remember your place, girl,” he continued, the smoothness in his voice disappearing to raw force, “Remember who made you! Without me, you’d just be a snivelling little princess, married off to some lesser noble to be nothing more than a broodmare. I gave you everything - you think you can stand before me now and deny me what I desire? After all that?”
“You gave me nothing!” Edelgard spat, “All you did was take from me!”
He lunged for her again, but this time she was ready. She dodged, then spun around. Dark magic crackled to life around her hand and she sent it flying toward him. In an explosion of purple smoke and shadowy fire, Thales was sent careening across the room, slamming into an old cabinet.
Edelgard stood in the centre of the room. Rhea has witnessed this woman tear through entire squadrons of some of the finest soldiers, all without a moment’s hesitation. She has killed and maimed, set the world alight with the fires of war, and has shown little remorse for it.
Now she was shaking like a leaf in the dead of winter.
Before she had a chance to collect herself, the air fizzled with the sound of electricity seconds before an explosion of light and energy sped toward the Emperor. Edelgard let out a pained cry as the lightning enveloped her, dropping to her knees and gasping for breath.
Thales was upon her in an instant. He had her by the throat this time, rather than the collar, a knee pressed forcefully into her chest to keep her pinned to the ground. Despite how she fought and struggled, she couldn’t get him off her. And fear was weakening her efforts.
“I suppose I should tell you why I wanted to speak with you,” Thales said, reaching into his cloak and pulling out a small syringe filled with glowing green liquid, “Despite your interference, we were able to get something useful out of that woman. I theorize it will enhance your minor Crest. Or it will kill you. Either way, we’re about to find out.”
He tugged at her collar, exposing enough of her neck to find an artery. Rhea’s eyes widened in panic as she watched him bring that syringe full of poison to the Emperor’s neck. Her desperate pleas falling on deaf ears brought tears to the Archbishop’s eyes.
She hated Edelgard. But not this much.
The door flew open with a loud bang, and Thales looked up at the furious Archbishop with bored annoyance.
“Let her go,” Rhea sneered, fists clenched tight. Her magic screamed at her. How she wished she could become the Immaculate One and eat this bastard but the damn cuffs on her wrists stopped her.
Her first real obstacle.
Thales snorted in derision. “I didn’t know beasts cared about little girls,” he commented.
“Let her go,” she repeated dangerously.
“And how do you plan to stop me? You are unarmed and weak. This one was more a threat than you.”
“I defeated Nemesis with nothing more than a dagger,” Rhea growled, “I can beat you with even less.”
Thales met her threat with a smug smirk. “And here I thought only humans had that weakness,” he mused. He chuckled. “That’s good to know.”
He plunged the needle into Edelgard’s neck before Rhea could react, and the liquid was gone before she could reach them. She managed to throw him off the Emperor, but the damage had been done.
Edelgard let out a noise Rhea thought the sombre, quiet girl wasn’t capable of making. A scream - raw, pained, like she was being burned from the inside out.
It caused her to pause, to turn her attention to the Emperor. It was enough hesitation for Thales to warp away.
“Edelgard!” Rhea cried, attempting a healing spell despite the cuffs dulling her magic. It was no use - even if her magic had been at full strength, there was little that could be done about this kind of affliction.
Suddenly, her hatred for the Emperor was forgotten. As the girl on the ground writhed in unimaginable pain, tears streaming from magic-corrupted eyes and clawing at her chest as if attempting to rip her own heart out, Rhea forgot she even was the Emperor.
Guards were at the door in moments, responding to the scream. The Emperor’s shadow pushed his way to the front, and furious olive eyes landed on the Archbishop gently cradling the Emperor in her arms.
Rhea suddenly realized what this must look like.
To everyone’s surprise, Hubert had actually been on her side.
At first, he was the only one. But he recognized Thales’ handiwork. Rhea grimly realized how often this sort of thing must have happened for him to do so.
It was by his word alone that she hadn’t been executed on the spot, or thrown back in the dungeons. He had even allowed her to be present now, for some reason. Watching over the Emperor struggling to breathe, unconscious and in pain.
She remembered Hubert from the Academy days. He had always been distrustful of her. She remembered how his eyes would always follow her, watching, waiting for her to reveal something he could use against her. She remembered thinking from early on that she’d have to be careful of Hubert.
But he had confessed that, before she fell into a fitful sleep, Edelgard had managed to tell him that she had been there. That she had tried to save her.
And Rhea didn’t know what to think. That Hubert, as skeptical as he always was, would believe the Emperor so quickly. That Edelgard, in so much agony, had sought to ensure she wouldn’t be blamed for this. That she, Rhea - the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros and declared enemy of Emperor Edelgard Von Hresvelg - was worried for the poor woman.
The world had been so much easier when it was just black and white.
She was alone with the Emperor now. It would be so easy to finish things. To end the war, to defeat her enemy, to win. But the fiery hatred she had once felt had been extinguished. And she was left with the smouldering remains, confused and conflicted and alone in the dark.
Edelgard let out a small moan and curled in on herself a little, hands still clutching her chest a little too tight. Without thinking, Rhea put a hand on her shoulder and conjured a small spell that would help with the pain.
A bitter grin stretched across her face. Edelgard was of House Hresvelg: the House dedicated to Seiros. Everywhere Rhea looked, she saw her Crest. Edelgard herself shared that Crest with her. The Hresvelg’s dedicated themselves to Seiros and asked her specifically for protection.
Rhea knew Edelgard wouldn’t beg a saint for help with anything. She also knew that the girl had likely lost her faith when she probably would have, but no one ever responded. Rhea didn’t want to imagine how many times this child and her siblings might have been calling for her aid based on promises the Church had told them, only for her to not even hear them. Let alone come to help them.
Well...now she finally had.
Another pitiful sound escaped the Emperor’s lips, and she shifted a little more. Unfocused lilac eyes slowly opened, and weakly searched the room. When they met Rhea’s, Edelgard smiled.
“Oh thank the goddess,” Rhea breathed, feeling relief wash over her.
“So... It didn’t kill me,” Edelgard uttered, wincing at the sound of her croaky voice.
“Whatever it was,” Rhea said grimly, “We don’t know what it did do...”
“We’ll find out eventually,” Edelgard assured her, “Right now... I need to...”
“Rest,” Rhea insisted, watching as the Emperor struggled to stay awake, “I’ll be here to make sure you’re safe.”
Edelgard shifted onto her side, and let out a heavy breath as her eyes drifted shut. That smile never left her lips. “Who’d have thought...” she murmured, “You of all people...”
Rhea let out a breathy chuckle. “Certainly not me,” she sighed.
“Rhea?” Edelgard was barely awake, now, and her voice was so small and sleepy she sounded more like a child asking for a bedtime story than a fearsome Emperor.
“Yes, my child?” Rhea asked, softly, once more forgetting just who the woman in bed truly was.
“Thank you.”
A small smile tugged at the edges of the Archbishop’s lips. ‘Alright,’ she conceded, ‘Perhaps the Emperor isn’t that much of a fool...’
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msbluebell · 5 years
Golden Deer Route AU where, at the Gronder Field battle, instead of letting Dimitri run off to get himself killed they knock him out and drag him back to the monastery.
The thing to keep in mind for this AU would be that the Blue Lions are utterly, completely, totally, broken.
Both Black Eagles and Golden Deer have students that have severe psychological issues in them. But, for the most part, they have more students that have normal lives, or managed to get themselves back up before Byleth even entered their lives. 
This is not the case for the Blue Lion students. They’re all broken well before Byelth every stepped into the classroom and MAYBE one or two of them managed to put themselves back together before Byleth. Every single one of them faces a different type of trauma, aspect of grief, anxiety, or bad coping skill. Dimitri, while the most extreme example of the negative effects of untreated trauma, repression, bad coping, and mental instability, is far from the ONLY one. Annette and Ashe both have to receive a type of medication from the Church (I speculate that Annette has anxiety based on the mission description for her medication, and Ashe’s medication description and the fact the mission is just after Lenato’s death makes me think depression). With the destruction of the Church I believe that they also no longer have access to even that bit of medication.
Why do I keep focusing so much on medication? Because, for a lot of people, medication is essential to function properly. It’s not for EVERYONE, but there are a lot of people who genuinely need it. We never get a mention of medications again outside a Church setting, which given how secretive the Church is with technology and such, makes me believe that medications were a something the church exclusively dealt with. It is possible, granted, that academics have replicated the Church’s medications, but I doubt they freely distribute them like the Church seems too, which means many common people no longer have access to such resources. (But BBell, you guys say, this is a fantasy game and you’re reading too much into the medication thing. It’s probably just basic herbalist or aromatherapy.  To which I argue that this game had Fantasy Dragon God Nukes and RHEA, who knows how to replicate such technology and actively tried to stop it’s spread, would probably have an idea about medications so don’t @ me.)
The ultimate point is that the Blue Lions are broken people with bad coping habits, and probably aren’t even aware that they need help in the first place. They’re not exactly open about their issues with each other either. Dimitri puts on a mask for his deep-seated trauma and tries to hide his auditory and visual hallucinations the whole first half of the game, and with Felix’s (understandable) reaction to Dimitri’s breakdowns, I don’t even blame him.
I think the Blue Lions lose something essential if you don’t pick their house.
Now, theoretically, the Blue Lions should be a bit better off in Golden Deer Route than Black Eagles because they have Manuela, the school Nurse, as their teacher, but they somehow seem worse off than if they have Hanneman, the more impersonal professor. Manuela should be able to identify the deep seated issues they express and address them as needed. She’s a nurse, and observant, and a very personable teacher.
Then I realized SHE’S A NURSE.
She probably had them all on medications that they no longer have.
Byleth is far more interpersonal than the other teachers. They tackle the issues each student has by getting personally involved and trying to help them through what basically amounts to therapy. Manuela, a nurse, wouldn’t get as personally involved and would instead provide them with necessary medications and have them come to her if they so choose. While Hanneman, for all he seems hands off, does tackle issues bluntly and personally. He’s not as interpersonal as Byleth, but he doesn’t ignore it if it’s a problem and tries to give advice where it’s due. It’s not therapy, but he IS trying to help them figure out how to handle themselves better. 
So if Byleth chooses the Golden Deer House they Blue Lions are in the worst possible position they could be in. It’s not JUST Dimitri who is worse off, it’s ALL of them.
Now, with that speculated, let’s get to Gronder Field.
We all know what happens to Dimitri in Gronder Field if you play the Golden Deer Route (or at least you better if you’re reading my posts or else you’re going to be spoiled). He’s clearly a madman, no one can deny it, and it’s pretty tragic to witness because he seems so genuine and nice before the war. The Golden Deer students don’t actually have much of an idea HOW or WHY this happened. Yes, they would be aware that he was accused of killing his uncle, and was exiled, but they wouldn’t have an idea about the dept of the various betrayals thrown at him, or the delusions, and it’s really sad.
It would be hard to say what makes them knock him out and drag him back with them before he gets himself killed. Maybe Byleth does it because they recognize he’s mentally ill, maybe Claude doesn’t it because Dimitri is a good guy deep down and he knows he can help (that and keeping Dimitri alive serves him better than letting him die at the moment, idk), or, and this is my favorite, maybe Marianne asked them if there was anything they could do to help Dimitri, because he was a friend hers and she can’t stand the idea of watching him die (their support chain is so fucking precious and cute and just mutual Trauma support buddies and omg, I’m in hell thinking about them and their beautiful friendship. I ship them as platonic, but if I wasn’t so far in Dimileth hell I would totally have them in the running for possible romantic supports.). 
Either way, it ends up with them taking a lucky moment to knock Dimitri out and get him off the battlefield before he dies.
Getting him off the field is a bit harder than it should be. He’s a big guy, and made of solid muscle and heavy armor, and Gustav and the army is hardly going to sit by quietly while you basically kidnap the crown prince.
(But the thing that gets Dimitri off the field is the fact that Gustav LOVES Dimitri. He loves that boy like a son, like he’s his own. And he would NEVER admit it, but it’s true. And it’s true for Rodrigue too. And Dimitri is unconscious, and his face isn’t a scold for one, it’s the most peaceful he’s looked since they find him in the woods, and the sight of him like that nearly brings tears to both their eyes. They’re both failed fathers. Gustav failed Annette, and he failed Dimitri. And Rodrigue failed Glenn, and then Felix, and now Dimitri too. And they’re both realizing that Dimitri is so terribly broken and they don’t know how to fix him and it may be half their fault, and so when Byleth convinces them that this is what’s best for him, that they can HELP, that he can get better if they just let Claude give him the resources he needs to recover…well, they can’t say no. It’s the strongest Rodrigue has been in a long time, he thinks, finding the courage to agree despite knowing that Dimitri won’t be happy. And it’s also the closest he’s been to keeping his promise to Lambert).
So the Golden Deer get the unconscious Dimitri back to Garreg Mach, the army of Faerghus on their heels.
There’s a lot of debate about what to do from there, but since Claude is the highest authority there  (with Dimitri unconscious and not yet fit to rule) it all defers to him and his council. In the end it’s decided Dimitri is a danger to himself and others for now and has to be kept somewhere out of the way, but where he can be observed to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. (And, oh, isn’t that a gut punch to Gustav and Rodrigue).
So they set him up on the Arch-Bishop’s floor since no one is using it for now. That way he has plenty of space, a room, and can go onto the balcony if needed. It’s just until he recovers a bit, CLaude and Byleth promise, and we’ll let him down as soon as we’re sure he won’t hurt himself or others. Besides, they need to figure out what caused the madness in the first place.
It’s actually Manuela, Byleth, and Marianne that end up being the most valuable resources to Dimitri’s recover. Manuela and Byelth are both good at identifying the issue. Dimitri sees and hears the dead. This isn’t just a metaphor, he’s having active hallucinations brought upon by survivor’s guilt and isolation. The five years on the run would have only worsened this.
But it’s Marianne who understands the core issues outside that. She, like Dimitri, has severe survivor’s guilt, and wishes to die. She won’t kill herself, just like Dimitri won’t, but she prays for death. In a way, she speculates, Dimitri is also praying for death. For him, vengeance is either his reason to live, the reason for why HE had to live while everyone else died, or the road to take to reach the death he feels he deserves. He feels he’s undeserving of life, or kindness, but he’s still alive, so he has to do something to make up for that fact. She explains that to the others, and she understand because she feels that way too sometimes, and it’s critical in their approach to Dimitri. It’s something that will definitely take a lot of time, but I think that, with more than just Byleth trying to do something about it, then there can be progress that doesn’t necessarily NEED something as dramatic as an assassination attempt to snap him out of it (why we needed that assassination attempt in the game is worthy of it’s own meta, but the long and short of it is that the timing drastically needed it before they marched to Enbarr and Dimitri needed to realize FAST that his 1) his actions are awful 2) people DO still love and care about him even despite his actions 2) HE IS WORTHY OF LIFE)
The other Blue Lions are there too, most of them anyway. Ashe is a traitor, Felix claims, because he sided with the Empire after Lenato’s Death. But most of them are there, and far more broken than they were, and none of them are even surprised Dimitri has fallen so far because most of them aren’t much better. Sylvain always had an inner darkness in him, and while he’s not outright insane like Dimitri, he’s gets intense on the battlefield. Ingrid is barely holding herself together, dealing with the loss of everything and the war trauma, and Felix is left to realize that the only thing worse than being right about Dimitri was watching it happen to everyone around him too. Mercedes and Annette are there, too, and they’re better than everyone else, but still, it’s not GREAT.
But, I think, they CAN get better. Not fixed, but in a better place. After all, Dimitri even states in the Blue Lion Route that he’ll always live with his hallucinations. The thing, though, is that getting better requires active care, time, and effort (both from the patients and the people that need to help them) and Dimitri and the Blue Lions get all three at the end of this scenario.
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carrykerykeion · 5 years
A Hymn to Zeus
(I do worship the Theoi but I wrote this for a class so please don't take it too seriously. Continues under the Read More because I despise long posts.)
Preface (1-6)
Rich-tressed Muses, you daughters of Memory whose sweet voices fill the halls of Olympus with joy, and especially Calliope, who delights in leaders of men—sing of your father, the aegis-holder. Thundering Kronion, born and raised in secret, who overthrew his cruel father to become king of the heavens and celebrated by mortals. Leader of the Fates, you are praised in councils for your wise decision-making, for your knowledge of the future. We make oaths to you, knowing your blessed fairness will maintain justice. Cloud-gatherer, I sing of you.
Rhea hides Zeus (7-15)
Ouranos and Gaia begot many monstrous children, the titans. Two of these were splendid Rheia and cruel Kronos, the king of this unforgiving world. Gaia enfolded Kronos in her arms and told him of his fate, that he was to have a son named Zeus, who would overthrow his regime. Kronos knew of this, but his desire for Rheia was so great that he forced himself on her anyway. Six children she bore, warm Hestia, fertile Demeter, the lord of many guests, earth-shaking Poseidon, and finally, Zeus. Five children he swallowed before each baby could finish its first cry, but Rheia conspired with her parents to give birth to Zeus on Crete, for him to be raised by others. Instead, she wrapped a stone, and Kronos, blinded by greed for power, took not a second glance before swallowing it whole, reveling in the security of his reign. 
Zeus overthrows Kronos (16-24)
Young Zeus grew swiftly, until one day he was strong, raised on wild Cretan air. Gaia directed him back to the hall of Kronos, who did not recognize him as his son. Zeus told the titan that a lord’s strength lies in his loudness, and challenged him to a contest.§ Kronos, face red with anger, opened his wide mouth, and drew in breath to prepare to bellow. But not just air, but Zeus’ fist did he draw in, for the young god punched his uvula with the strength of an Olympic boxer.§ Kronos choked, heaved, and out tumbled the deceitful stone, Poseidon, the dread king of the underworld, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia, all children fully grown. In his weakness, wheezing on the ground, Zeus was able to easily knock the giant titan below the surface of the earth—but his body is so enormous that it left a lump, which we now call the Hill of Kronos.§
Zeus consolidates his power (25-56)
Next, he freed the titans and early gods who had been under Kronos’ oppressive power. Aphrodite, Eros, and others came to mix with the brothers and six children of Kronos. The titans were so overcome with gratitude that they gifted Zeus with thunder. Gaia, knowing the prophecy of her grandson, and having watched him grow, knew him to be a wise leader, and entrusted him with the power of lightning, which she had kept hidden all this time. 
But soon, the titans forgot themselves, and thought themselves greater and more worthy of rule than the gods. They were jealous of power, and began to compare Zeus with his hated father. Discontent bubbled into unrest, which burst into war. War raged between the titans and the gods for ten years until Zeus, with Gaia’s suggestions, formed a plan. 
Some years ago, Ouranos, irritated by three of his sons who were better men than he, entrapped Obriareos, Cottos, and Gyges beneath the earth, caged there for eternity. Mighty Zeus broke the earth, seized them, and dragged them up into the light of day, blinking and squinting like newborns. He brought them to the river Alpheius§ to wash themselves, and invited them to a great feast, giving them the nectar and ambrosia of the gods—and no man’s hunger was denied a fair portion. When their thirst and hunger had been put away, Zeus told them of the war and asked that they fight on their side. At first, they were indignant, for he would have them fight against their brothers. But Zeus had the sweetness of speech and strength of diplomacy, which his daughter, Calliope, gives to mortal kings in honor of her father’s capabilities. He reminded the titan brothers that although their father imprisoned them underground, he brought them into light, gave them back their dignity, and fed them of his own food. Obriareos, Cottos, and Gyges bowed their heads, shamed by this, and agreed to fight with them the next day.
The power of the mass of titans had before been equally matched with that of the few gods, but the next day, the balance shifted. With these huge titans on their side, it was just enough that Zeus was ready to bring out his secret weapons, which the titans themselves and Gaia had bestowed unto him. The roar of thunder drowned out their battle cries, heartening the deathless gods, but snatching the fighting spirit out of the titans. The lightning bolts he hurled in his fury struck down many-headed monstrosities, boiled the seas, sparked the forests into all-consuming flame, and speckled the earth with scorch-marks. 
The titans were forced down into Tartaros below, and on the surface, Zeus was made king. They placed on his head a crown of olive leaves and flowers.§ He portioned out the rights and privileges to the immortals, and the deities went forth to bring glory to the earth, repairing battle damages and improving where they saw fit. 
The Olympic games (57-64)
With his power consolidated, he held games to celebrate victory over his father, Kronos. It was a single-length race, from the Hill of Kronos to the river Alpheius.§ The runners were deathless ones, laughing with elation over their recent victory in war. Some Elean poets say they were Ares, Apollo, and Hermes, but better theologians know that Ares and Hermes were yet to be born, for Zeus had not yet married Hera.§ But nymphs of rivers and trees gathered at the hill with newly born Apollo, Aphrodite, Poseidon, and others. Zeus, ever the discerning judge, stood by the river to determine the winner. The nymphs were soon overtaken, and though it was a close match, fleet-footed Apollo’s toes first touched the riverbed. He was crowned with laurel leaves.§
Zeus Olympia (65-73)
Now, every four years, the games are repeated, held in his honor. To this day, the single length footrace is the most prestigious, for it is the game that the gods played. And the winner is crowned with laurel leaves.
At Olympia, we honor you with many games and sacrifices, loud-thundering Zeus. We swear oaths to you, Zeus Horkios, to keep your games free of corruption, favoring your glory over that of mortals. With your help, Zeus Apomyios, we give many sacrifices of animals. And countless statues are dedicated to you, though none more grand than the one in the temple, whose seated form towers above us all. To you owes all glory in counsels and wars.
With you I have begun, and now I will turn to another song.
§Aside from things marked by this symbol—which are made up—the information is all taken or elaborated from Hesiod’s “Theogony,” the Mikalson text, or historical documents we have read for class. I edited the runners because the timing bothered me. Why would he wait so long to have the race? This collection of runners is more palatable to me.
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aonorunic · 5 years
Prayers, Fire Emblem Ficlet
Summary:  When Sothis’ voice disappeared from Byleth’s head it was replaced by others. The one who truly concerned her was Marianne.
Notes: @pokemagines  is apparently just where I get all my prompt inspiration now. Inspired by this post.
Read on AO3.
When Sothis’ voice disappeared from Byleth’s head it was replaced by others. The first time she heard it she thought she was going insane. A constant stream of believers all praying for her to answer them flooded into her mind. She cried out, clutching at the sides of her head and sinking to her knees. They were tearing her mind apart, all begging for a wide arrange of things, but their voices ran together leaving her unable to make out anything specific in the cacophony. 
“Um, Professor? Are you all right?” 
Byleth focused on the voice. She needed to answer, but her voice was not working. It was being drowned out by the voices calling out to her. She dragged a deep breath into her lungs, somehow accomplishing the impossible task. It burned, and the pain gave her something else to focus on.
In. Out.
In and out. And once again.
By the time her door was opened, her non response causing even more concern, Byleth had regained enough of her composure that her face was not contorted with pain. The voices were still there, but no more than a dull buzz. 
“Um, I’m sorry, Professor, but I heard you call out.” Marianne peeked around the door, her eyes cast downward. 
“I’m all right, Marianne,” Byleth tried to reassure her, but her voice came out broken and weak.
It must have sounded worse than she thought, for Marianne’s head snapped up. Her eyes were wide with worry, and was not reassured by the sight of her rumpled Professor kneeling on the ground. “I-ah…” 
The girl clearly wanted to help, but was having trouble bringing herself to offer it.
“Would you like some tea?” Byleth winced as her voice continued to sound raspy. “I could use something calming right now, and I wouldn’t mind some company.”
“Oh.” Marianne hesitated for a moment before stepping fully into Byleth’s room. “All right.”
Byleth had never before focused so hard on making tea, but it allowed her to keep the voices at bay. And by the time she and Marianne were chatting and munching on small delicious cakes, Byleth could not hear them at all.
It was a matter of focus and willpower. It took her a few days to get the hang of it, in which her classes were noticeably shorter, and she was less accessible to her students. Byleth knew they were concerned, even Claude’s ever present fake smile failed when she dismissed them early the third day in a row. But she was not about to have a breakdown in front of them. That would only concern them even more, and she was not about to put that on them.
It took even longer for her to realize she could sort through the voices. When she allowed herself to focus on them she could pull a single thread from the ever changing tapestry of prayers. She could often hear familiar voices. Despite the guilty feeling of eavesdropping into their private lives, doing so allowed Byleth to keep her sanity when she could not fully block out the voices of the believers. Sometimes the scope of a puddle was much easier to take in than the expanse of the ocean.
Rhea wished to see her mother. Byleth started dropping off a bouquet of flowers at least once a week.
Ignatz was tormented as he asked for help being a good knight all while really wishing to paint. He did not know it, but those wishes slipped through in undertones. She would bring him pretty stones and flowers to make new pigments, offering encouragement whenever she caught sight of one of his paintings.
Mercedes was always praying for someone else besides herself. Mostly Byleth tried to join her when Mercedes was baking treats for her friends. Byleth did not actually do much to help, but Mercedes seemed to enjoy the company, and the rest of the Blue Lions always seemed to light up whenever they showed up to distribute their baked goods; even Felix who maintained his mantra of ‘I hate sweets.’
The less said about Claude’s almost blasphemous jokes and Sylvain absolutely over the line blasphemous flirtations the better.
And then there was Marianne. 
Marianne worried her most of all.
Please, Goddess, bring me to you. I do not wish to burden anyone anymore.
Whenever she heard Marianne start to pray, Byleth would drop whatever she was doing, excusing herself from whatever meeting she was in, and headed to the cathedral. She would allow Marianne to finish her prayers, breaking the Professor’s heart with every word, before inviting her to tea. 
It became a daily ritual. Marianne would always say she was taking up too much of Byleth’s time, and Byleth would assure her that was not the case. In fact, her tea time with Marianne allowed Byleth a much needed break from the rest of her busy schedule. It did both of them good.
“Marianne, there is something I must admit to you,” Byleth said softly, about a month after their daily meetings had started. It was no longer fair to keep the truth from Marianne.
“Oh?” Marianne looked down, seeming to retreat back into her shell. Byleth repressed a sigh. The girl had been doing so well. “If you do not wish to continue our meetings, I will understand.”
“That is not it, Marianne.” Byleth reached out and placed a hand over Marianne’s, trying to comfort her. “I want you to know you are not a burden to anyone. You never have been.”
Byleth allowed the words to sink in, watching as Marianne’s eyes widened slightly. Goddess no, how does she know? Please, please, please…
Byleth squeezed Marianne’s hand, trying to reassure her. “Marianne, you remember how I got this?” She touched her free hand to her hair, allowing the mint green tresses to fall through her fingers.
“You received a revelation from the Goddess,” Marianne answered in her small voice, her eyes down cast again.
“I received the Goddess’ powers,” Byleth corrected. “Before that I had heard Sothis’ voice, but to escape from Solon’s trap Sothis gave me her powers. I started hearing the prayers people offered to her not long after.”
Byleth allowed Marianne to sit in silence as she processed Byleth’s confession. “So, this whole time you’ve been hearing me pray for...that?”
Byleth nodded, and Marianne’s eyes immediately welled with tears. “And you came.”
“I will always come, Marianne,” Byleth assured her. “I want you to know how cherished you are.”
Marianne shook her head, tears falling down her cheeks even as her lips tried to turn into an unpracticed smile. “I prayed for the Goddess to bring me to her, and instead the Goddess came to me. Professor, I…” She trailed off, unable to continue.
Thank you.
Byleth gave Marianne’s hand another reassuring squeeze, allowing her the time she needed to sort through her emotions. The girl continued to cry silently, hiccuping occasionally. Every now and then another thank you would slip into a prayer, and each time Byleth would clasp Marianne’s hand tighter, reassuring her that the Goddess’ vessel had indeed heard her.
“I think our tea has gotten cold,” Marianne finally said as she wiped away the last of her tears.
Byleth picked up her tea cup and nodded. “We’ll have to make some more.”
Once they returned to the gardens with a fresh pot, Byleth and Marianne continued their chat as if a huge revelation had not interrupted them, but there was something much more easy in the way Marianne spoke. 
Byleth knew it would take time for Marianne to accept what she said. The healing process was not always linear. But Marianne knew Byleth would be there, she knew now that if she ever needed her Professor all she had to do was pray and she would not be alone.
Just as Marianne was telling Byleth about some of the birds she fed by the stables, she paused mid sentence as a blush spread across the Professor’s face. “Um, is something wrong?”
Byleth closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “It’s fine. Just Sylvain.”
“Oh...oh!” Marianne’s own cheeks began to redden, and a moment later a giggle escaped her.
At least Sylvain’s flirtations were good for something, Byleth thought, smiling as Marianne continued to laugh. 
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mrslittletall · 4 years
Title: A Storm is coming (Chapter 20) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Chosen Undead/Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Rhea of Thorolund, Petrus of Thorolund, Unbreakable Patches Word Count: 5.603 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16603610/chapters/52754764 Previous chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/189592573874/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-19-fandom-dark
Summary: Ornstein and Tempest share a moment before they head out again. Ornstein, trying to avoid going to Blighttown, gets Tempest to do other stuff first.
(Author's note: I wanted to have this out far sooner, but with christmas in the way and after christmas me getting sick, I couldn't. Sorry for the wait. )
“Hey, Ornstein, how about some chicken broth for tonight's dinner? I let you even add something weird.”
That was the note that Tempest had written and put into the wooden box that was standing around in the cathedral. And right at this moment, Tempest squinted his eyes trying to decipher what Ornstein had written on it as reply.
“I am sure there isn't the word chicken in it...”, Tempest said, turning the slip of paper, thinking that maybe he tried to read it from the wrong direction, but still to no avail. There probably wasn't the word chicken in it, but Ornstein's handwriting could only be considered chicken scratch.
After ten minutes had passed and Tempest had simply maid out the word “No” in it, he gave up and went to find Ornstein.
He found the dragon slayer in a rather sun-drenched room that smelled marvellous. A quick look around unveiled the source of the smell and Tempest put both hands at his cheeks as he squeaked with delight: “A herbal garden!”
Ornstein, who had been in the midst of watering some thyme, turned around in surprise. “Oh, it's you, little Storm.”, he said and continued to water the plants if nothing ever happened.
“Why haven't you told me of this place? This is every cook's dream!”, Tempest shouted out and went to look at every single plant in the room. There was thyme, rosemary, dill, basil, oregano, garden cress and many more.
“Because all the herbs are already in the kitchen to use.”, Ornstein said, picking up some scissors to cut one of the plants into shape. “This garden...”, his voice suddenly grew somber, “...it has been his garden.”
Tempest could feel the pang of guilt in his stomach. He didn't need a name to know who Ornstein was referring to. That was something that he never would be able to undo. Besides...
… an idea formed in Tempest but he wanted the dragon slayer to be in the right mood for this. For now, he was more than eager to spend more time in this garden.
“May I help you taking care of it?”, he asked and made his best puppy eyes at Ornstein, who gave him a glance and simply murmured “Fine.”
After a good while of them working mostly in silence next to each other, only broken by Ornstein to tell Tempest how to handle the plants once in a while, the dragon slayer spoke again: “Little Storm, but you didn't come here to help me with the herbal garden, right? After all, this was your first time seeing it.”
“Oh, right!”, Tempest remembered why he had come finding Ornstein in the first place. He found the slip of paper in his pocket and showed it to Ornstein. “I couldn't read your handwriting.”, he confessed.
Ornstein gave the slip a paper a quick glance and then sighed deeply, muttering something under his breath. Then, he raised his voice and said: “I wrote: No thanks, but you could make me some meatballs with a sweet cream sauce.”
“Huh, that isn't something that I would put together, but at least it sounds edible...”, Tempest said. “Have you gotten tired of weird foods already?”
Ornstein blushed and snapped at Tempest: “That's n.. none of your business!”
“It's alright.”, Tempest grinned. “Can I take some fresh parsley for the meal? It will make it far better.”
Ornstein gave his permission and once Tempest had cut off enough parsley he went to cook the requested meal.
Their little break continued for two more days until Ornstein said that his leg was fully healed and they should move out again the next day. He even told Tempest that he now was allowed to cook the chicken broth, but only when he added every single herb of the herbal garden into it, simply because he wanted to know how it tasted like.
Even though Tempest's couldn't taste anymore and his sense of smell wasn't as refined as it once used to be, the overload of the herbs in the broth made his eyes water while cooking. He was halfway expecting Ornstein to spit out the soup before he remembered what the dragon slayer had eaten completely unironically the last few days.
As Ornstein spooned the soup he looked rather thoughtful and once he was finished he simply said: “Thought this would taste better.” and left, not asking for a second serving.
Tempest stayed, looking at the rest of the soup. He got curious himself. How it tasted like. But he knew when he tried to eat it, it would taste the same as paper for him. He was Undead and didn't need to eat anymore and therefore also couldn't taste anymore and he knew it. The only thing he could taste was the Estus Flask and drinking from it when not hurt felt wrong.
He stirred the soup with a spoon for a little while as he was lost in thoughts, hoping that Ornstein would eat the rest for breakfast. The only other people he could give the soup were the giant blacksmith and Dark Sun Gwyndolin and Tempest didn't want to unleash the All-Herb-Soup on them unprepared.
This evening and night Tempest stared at the notes he had taken once when Ornstein had told him about the lord souls and realized how useless they were. Sighing, he laid himself into bed and tried to get to sleep, a need that he didn't had anymore but could still act on if he tried.
The next day Tempest woke up and realized that he had overslept! He had really fallen asleep and apparently his body or mind or both had cherished the break and so Anor Londo had already got tinted into its eternal twilight, indicating that the next day had started.
Tempest hurried into the kitchen to see that Ornstein had eaten the rest of the soup. With a glance to the stove he noticed that it was cold and questioned how Ornstein had heated it up or if he had eaten it cold, but nonetheless, Ornstein probably was already waiting for him at the bonfire.
That was exactly where Tempest found the dragon slayer, who tapped his foot and scolded him: “You are late.”
“I am sorry!”, Tempest said. “I overslept.”
“Apparently.”, Ornstein said.
“So, for the next lord soul, we have to go back to Blighttown because that is where the way to Lost Izalith is... I think.”, Tempest said, unfolding some notes. What he couldn't see was how Ornstein screwed up his face on the mere mention of Blighttown.
“Weren't you talking about taking care of the black knights when we were in the tomb?”, he said.
Tempest looked from his notes to Ornstein, then to his notes again and then blurted out: “Really?! You mean we can do this?!”
“They once have been part of Lord Gwyn's army... as their captain, I owe their souls to bring them peace.”, Ornstein said. Of course Ornstein simply didn't want to get to Blighttown and any delay to visit this place was a good delay in his opinion. “So, where have you seen the black knights wandering around?”
“The first one was in the Undead burg.”, Tempest said. “And the second one was in the Undead Parish... I guess... the easiest way is from the sunlight altar bonfire... Oh!” Tempest's face lit up. “We should totally go to the sunlight altar!”
Before Ornstein could ask why or what had Tempest so excited, he felt how the little Undead took his hand and the familiar feeling of getting dragged through the fabric of space and time as well as the familiar nausea hit Ornstein.
As he opened his eyes again, nausea in his stomach settling down, it almost returned when he saw what Tempest had meant with sunlight altar when his eyes fell on the broken statue of... him.
Tempest hadn't noticed that Ornstein hadn't followed him and turned around, dodging a row of bolts that got shot at him from the hollows outside, stepping at the dragon slayer's side. “Ornstein, what's wrong?”, he asked.
“You see this?”, Ornstein pointed at the broken statue and Tempest nodded. “Notice anything about it?”
“Hm... let's see...”, Tempest approached the statue and observed it closely. At first he couldn't find anything conspicuous but then he noticed: “It's wearing your weapon! Ornstein, is that a statue of yourself? But... why is it here and broken...?”
“It isn't my statue.”, Ornstein said. “You have seen mine fully intact in Anor Londo. This one... is the statue of Lord Gwyn's firstborn.”
Tempest gasped as he stared at Ornstein and then let his gaze wander at the statue. “The legends...”, he said. “It isn't written anywhere but my mom once told me that he was banished for his crimes, but... nobody knew what it was anymore. Or his name...”
“Little Storm, this is a tale that has been forbidden to tell in Anor Londo and the entirety of Lordran for centuries, but... I think you deserve to learn the truth.”
Ornstein took a deep breath before he started to speak again: “The firstborn of Lord Gwyn, also known as the firstborn of the sun, was not only my master and I wasn't only his first knight, but we also had been in a relationship.”
Tempest needed a second but once he realized what Ornstein had said, he jumped up in surprise and screamed: “Wait, what, really?!”
“Yes, it is the truth.”, Ornstein continued. “We were not only slaying countless dragons together, we also spent countless nights together, but our relationship was secret from almost everybody, because Lord Gwyn wanted his son to marry an influential goddess.”
“Let me guess, this marriage never happened?”, Tempest said. He was sure if the Sunfirstborn would have married, his romance loving mother would have told him everything about this story.
“Yes. Because my master went traitor and sided himself with the dragons, our very mortal enemy. Back then... back then I barely could believe that it happened. He was banished and he broke my heart. Lord Gwyn smashed his statue and it was tossed into the human settlements... the first few days after his departure I spend a lot of time near it, doings things I am not proud about, like screaming at it, crying over it, kicking it, defiling it...”
“Defiling it?!”, Tempest chimed in.
“I said I was not proud of it.”, Ornstein growled. “Besides, I had been pretty drunk back then...”
He sighed and collected his thoughts: “Where where we? Ah yes. But now, after all these years, I have the feeling I understand him a little better. I... want to search for him once this is all over. And Gwyndolin gave me their permission.”
In Tempest's chest there was a sting. He knew it. He knew that Ornstein would never fall for him. With his latest partner out of his life, he was seeking comfort in an earlier partner he wished to make up with. He wasn't seeking comfort in the Undead that had been pushed on him.
Even though Tempest knew their feelings weren't mutual, it still hurt and so he didn't answer anything but simply stared at the ground, trying to hide tears that wanted to form at this realization.
After Ornstein had finished his story, the little Storm had grown uncharacteristically quiet and when Ornstein turned his head to look at him he felt a churn at his chest. He looked so... lost. Sad even. As if Ornstein had said something bad. And Ornstein couldn't help but feel pity for him. He...he didn't want for the cheerful little Storm to look like this.
Damn, he really had get attached.
“But... don't worry, I will stay at your side until your mission is over.”, Ornstein quickly said as if trying to take the heaviness of his words out of them. “Didn't you want to show me something here?”
Tempest looked up as Ornstein spoke. While he knew that Ornstein was out of his reach, he still was happy that the dragon slayer would spend time with him. Tempest made the decision that this would be enough. He raised his hands to wipe away some tears that had started to glisten in his eyes and then gave Ornstein his usual jolly grin, only that it wasn't reaching his eyes this time, something that Ornstein noticed.
“I brought you here, because...”, Tempest said and took Ornstein's hand, failing to drag him and Ornstein finally followed him with a sigh as he nearly fell over, “I wanted to see you in action.”, he concluded as Ornstein had to grab the little Storm and jumped away from the flaming breath of death that got unleashed by the drake, toasting everything on the bridge before landing on top of the roof of the sunlight altar.
“By the lords, little Storm, a little warning would have been nice!”, Ornstein said, glancing outside, wrinkling his nose as the stench of burned corpses hit his nose.
Which took him right back to the dragon war and Ornstein fell on his knees as he saw the pictures in his head, all the comrades that had died, hadn't been able to escape the dragon fire and then there had be him, he had survived, he didn't thought he would survive, he thought he would die, every single time but he had always survived... only him, why only him...
“Ornstein, what is wrong?”, Tempest said as he tried to get the dragon slayer on his feet and failed spectacularly. Then he remembered what Ornstein once had said to him. Why he was a bad cook. It was... because fire bothered him. It made him have bad reactions.
“...Ornstein, I am so sorry...”, Tempest said. “I shouldn't have you brought here... let's go back...” Tempest took Ornstein's hand again and tried to drag him to the bonfire but Ornstein raised his hand and gave Tempest a gesture to not interfere.
“It is about time that the dragon slayer is taking care of his duties again.”, he said, getting up, straightening himself and picking up his spear. “You stay back, little Storm.”
As Ornstein strode towards the door, the uneasy feeling in his chest hadn't left. But... he didn't exactly knew why, but he didn't want to see the little Storm like this. Pitying him.
He had killed the little Storm a few dozen times and he still had come back, over and over and over again and what was Ornstein doing? Cowering on the ground because of a mere drake? He had taken down foes that had been larger than hat.
No, the person who strode through the gate wasn't Ornstein, but the dragon slayer. He turned around, raised his spear with both hands and hissed: “Come at me, beast.”
The drake apparently wasn't interested in leaving its save place and breathed in. Ornstein, knowing what came, jumped straight into the air, landing right next to the resting place of the drake and wasted no time piercing its eye with his spear.
When the fire had died down and Tempest heard the drake shriek, he dared to leave the cover of the sunlight altar and gasped when he saw the drake flying off, or trying to, because Ornstein was riding on its back and prepared his spear.
Once it had fully been engulfed with lightning, Ornstein bore the spear deep into the drake's neck which shrieked again, in pain and fear before it tumbled down and landed on the bridge with a heavy thud, Ornstein elegantly jumping down from his back.
“That was.... AWESOME!”, Tempest cheered, jumping up and down. “You looked so elegant, Ornstein.”
“People didn't call me the dragon slayer for no reason.”, Ornstein said, holding his spear so that the shaft hit the ground and the blade showed upwards. “But I sure hope you don't have any drake surprises for me anymore.”
“At least not where I have been.”, Tempest said. “Ornstein, I want to apologize again. I didn't think this through...”
“Actually, I should have expected this.”, Ornstein said. “It just had been a good while since you told Gwyndolin your journey, so it slipped my mind that you left a drake alive. Anyway, it can't bother you or anyone else anymore.” He glanced at the hollows on the bridge. “Of course they will come back once the bonfire revived them.”
Tempest didn't listen anymore but instead was examining the drake corpse. After he had circled it a few times, he used his sword to cut through it, hot blood seeping out of the corpse.
“What are you doing?”, Ornstein said, taken aback. “It doesn't get any deader.”
“Oh no, I wanted to get some meat from it.”, Tempest grinned. “I never cooked drake. Most of them were extinct when I was born.” He looked over to Ornstein. “You probably played a part in it.”
“I did...”, Ornstein said, thinking back to their conversation earlier at the broken statue of his master. Back then he had called himself dragon slayer, but now, he had gotten aware that what they had done was pretty much genocide.
Ornstein shuddered at the thought. He asked himself if his master would ever forgive him as he watched the little Storm and was surprised when he felt a certain warmth in him at this action.
Once Tempest had cut out enough meat that he brought to his bottomless box at the bonfire, he walked to Ornstein who had leaned against the wall lost in his own thoughts.
“Actually, the first black knight I wanted to take care off is watching over this bridge from a tower that can be reached through the sunlight altar.”, he said, snapping Ornstein out of his thoughts. Right, they wanted to take care of the black knights. All to avoid going to Blighttown as long as possible. At least it was the reason for Ornstein.
“Right, then lead the way...”, Ornstein said, adjusting his helmet.
Tempest led him back through the sunlight altar and up a few stairs. Once they had climbed them, Tempest pressed himself against the wall, pointing at a black knight with a two handed sword (which they wielded with one hand) who had their back to them.
“Mostly offense, minimal defense.”, Ornstein whispered. “But this one gives you a good opportunity for a first strike. Try it. I come after you.”
Tempest nodded and snuck up behind the black knight, preparing his sword and stumbling right before he could stab it into their back, alarming the black knight who turned around and used their massive sword to make Tempest flying.
“Damn.”, Ornstein cursed as he heard the little Storm land with a thud and a yowl, indicating how much that must have hurt and countered the next sword strike with his own spear, feeling how he got pushed back by sheer force. “How about picking a fight with someone your size?”, he said mockingly, even though he was aware that the black knight's mind long had been gone.
While Ornstein fought against the sheer pressure of the black knight's great sword, Tempest had managed to bring his Estus to his lips and healed himself up, getting up and pierced his sword in length through the black knight's back, finding the joints in their armour. Like usual, the black knight didn't bleed but instead a black mass emerged from the wound before it fell over and disappeared with an unholy scream.
“They have been long gone.”, Ornstein said, as Tempest stood there, panting. “Whatever happened to them when they followed Lord Gwyn, it made them go hollow...”
“Can gods even go hollow?”, Tempest asked as he leaned down to pick up what the black knight had left.
“Not like you humans.”, Ornstein said. “So not because of the dark sign. But it is possible. Through trauma for example. It... didn't happen often. To see so many black knights like this is worrying...”
Of course Ornstein knew the cause of their trauma. It was because they had burned in the kiln. The fate that Tempest awaited too... he just didn't want to tell the little Storm the truth. If he knew, he might bail. But.. thinking about it, thinking that the little Storm would burn, made Ornstein's throat go dry and he himself had a hollow feeling in his chest.
“One.”, Tempest said. “There are two more. The next is in the Undead Burg, not far from here.”
“Lead the way, little Storm.”, Ornstein said, having been ripped out of his thoughts. He needed to stop thinking about this. This only was another mission to fulfil. After the little Storm had linked the flame, he was free to go. He should concentrate on this.
The way to the Undead Burg was uneventful, just a few hollows were in their way which Tempest managed to take down on his own without trouble. Once they had gone down a few stairs, Tempest pointed at the black knight at the far end of a narrow way, one with a sword and a shield.
“Remember your parry training?”, Ornstein said and Tempest nodded. “It works on them as well as on the silver knights.”
In fact, most of the black knights had once been silver knights until they had decided to take up the battle against the demons and picked up bigger weapons and an armour that was more resilient against heat.
Tempest tiptoed to the black knight but they seemed to hear extremely good, even for beings that weren't physical anymore and this one turned around and lifted their sword. Tempest reacted wonderful and parried the blow with his shield carrying on with a riposte.
“Good.”, Ornstein whispered, but as Tempest turned his head to give him a smile Ornstein noticed that the black knight had pulled themselves together and shouted: “Watch out!”
Tempest only had enough time to turn his head, raise his shield in a desperate attempt to catch the incoming blow, got staggered by the poor force and sliced open with the continued attack of the black knight.
“Shit.”, Ornstein growled, jumping in and piercing the black knight with his spear while Tempest was searching for his Estus and took a large sip to heal the inflicted wound.
“Thank you, Ornstein, that was close.”, Tempest said, scratching the ground with his foot in embarrassment.
“Black knights are more sturdy than silver knights. You should already know that.”, Ornstein scolded Tempest which only made his face blush even more.
Sighing, Ornstein ran a hand through his ponytail and asked: “So, where is the last one?”
“Oh, I saw them at the Dark Root Basin. Where the Hydra is.”, Tempest said. “Hm, maybe we can take care of the Hydra too when we are already there...”
“Good idea. It has gotten quite fat.”, Ornstein said, deliberately leaving out the fact that he was partially responsible for its large body by feeding it his leftovers more than once.
Tempest seemed to take into consideration that Ornstein was uncomfortable with teleportation and led him back to the Undead Parish. He had been diligent and opened up quite a few shortcuts so that they only had to fight a few hollows. And a leftover boar which Tempest helped taking down with his pyromancy.
As they had arrived at the church and Ornstein already took the turn that would lead them to the garden, Tempest gasped and ran forwards, shouting: “Rhea!”
In fact, the small cleric woman was sitting there, praying in front of the statue of whichever goddess had been worshipped here. Ornstein came closer to listen into the conversation of the two Undead.
“So you have made it out of the Tomb?”, Tempest asked.
The cleric gasped at the sudden visitor and started to speak: “Hello… I will never forget what you did. I am deeply indebted, for it was not within my power to save Vince or Nico. I cannot thank you enough.”
She sighed and stared back at the statue of the goddess before continuing: “I only wish there were some way I could help you, but I am inexperienced, and I only know the art of Miracles. If that could be of any help, speak to me again.“
All the while the woman spoke Tempest nodded along to her words and then took up the word himself: “It is good to see that you made it out of the tomb. I will certainly remember your offer.” He went quiet for a little while before asking: “So, why are you hanging around here and not at Fire Link Shrine?”
“The bonfire down there is so crowded...”, Rhea answered. “I prefer the solitude of this place. Here I can pray in peace. Vereor Nox.”
“Vereor Nox.”, Tempest reciprocated the prayer before turning around and walking straight to the elevators that would lead back to Firelink Shrine.
“The garden is there.”, Ornstein said, a tiny bit annoyed, pointing to the right, to the door outside.
“I just wanted to make a quick stop at Fire Link Shrine, please?”, Tempest worded it more as a question but ignored anything that Ornstein had to say by stepping on the elevator, making the dragon slayer hurry to follow him. “I want to strengthen my pyromancy flame and take a quick look around before we move on.”
“Fine.”, Ornstein said as the elevator rode down. At least that meant that he cold avoid Blighttown a little while longer.
Once they had arrived, Tempest spotted the cleric with the bowl cut, Petrus was his name, Ornstein thought and shouted: “Hey Petrus, did you know that Rhea is safe?”
After hearing this, Petrus turned his attention to Tempest and mumbled: “…Oh, it's you… …You rescued M'lady? Well, a pity that is, for it will amount to nothing. For the little madam is not worth her salt without her family name. Keh heh heh heh…“
As Tempest still frowned at his words, Ornstein casually walked next to him and put a hand on his shoulder, gently pushing him forwards. When they were out of earshot, he said: “See him showing his true colours now?”
“I... I guess...”, Tempest said, clearly unhappy with Petrus response and Ornstein's reaction.
“That girl isn't safe. He will take the first opportunity to kill her, rob her of everything she have and then let her to hollow out.”, Ornstein said. “But... the fate of the Undead aren't my business. It's your choice what to do, little Storm.”
Tempest grew quiet and glanced at Petrus and then back to Ornstein. “I... could give Rhea a warning.”
“She hardly looks like the type of person who can defend herself.”, Ornstein said, shrugging. Tempest had a far too good nature and was far too gullible for his own good.
In a sense, he even had made Ornstein break out of his shell even though the dragon slayer would never admit it.
Tempest's next stop was Laurentius the Pyromancer who he asked to strengthen his pyromancy flame. It must have been rather strong in the meantime, Ornstein could not only see how quite a few souls changed their owner but also how much more it glowed.
Once Tempest was done and said his goodbye to Laurentius, he stepped through the broken arch and stopped, staring at the spot where the sorcerer apprentice once had stood.
“Griggs is gone.”, he said.
“Didn't he want to catch up with his Master?”, Ornstein said. “He probably went to Anor Londo.”
“I guess...”, Tempest said and took a turn to reach the bonfire. Nobody was around it.
“Neither Siegmeyer nor Sieglinde are here...”, he said.
“I don't know Siegmeyer but I wouldn't worry that much about Sieglinde. Whoevers comes here and manages to survive while not being Undead would be fit to be a silver knight. Or more.”
“It's more Siegmeyer I worry about.”, Tempest said. “Whenever I found him he was in trouble, I already told you that.”
Tempest grew silent after this and ascended the few steps that led to Kingseeker Frampt. The primordial serpent was fast asleep and snored, in fact he snored so loud that it was heard through the whole shrine.
“Hm, I guess I let him sleep.”, Tempest said. “You can probably tell me more about the lord souls anyway.”
“...”, Ornstein somehow managed to make his speechlessness audible. He knew that Frampt was telling a lie. He knew that the Chosen Undead was told that he would replace Lord Gwyn and stop the curse of the Undead once and for all.
The only thing that was true about this was that he would replace Lord Gwyn. As sacrifice, not as king.
Ornstein felt the familiar hollow feeling in his chest. Was he hollowing out? He didn't thought it was his time already...
“Wait a minute...”, Tempest squinted a squatting person on the other end of the pool and then gasped, running over to them.
“Patches! Are you here to kick me down a ledge again?!”, he yelled.
“Oh, we meet again. How many of you are there?“, Patches asked casually.
„Just me and Ornstein.“, Tempest said.
„And you better don't pull anything with the little Storm because I won't refrain kicking you down the ledge of Fire Link Shrine.“, Ornstein commented.
„Oh relax, no more funny business out of me, my friends!“, Patches said in a placating manner. I'm done with looting. I'm a humble merchant now! And wondrous treasures, have I! At a special price for you.“
He put a few items in front of him. „There you are, have a nice look at them.“
„I will keep an eye on him just in case...“, Ornstein said to Tempest as the small Undead browsed the wares.
A short while later a few souls changed their owner and Tempest had a shiny new humanity in his hands. Ornstein heard him chat with Patches a little longer. Apparently the bald men had quite a few opinions about the other Undead around. Ornstein wasn't too interested in them, his goal was to get Tempest to the flame. But he listened attentively once Patches talked about Petrus and pretty much confirmed his doubts about the man.
As Tempest said his goodbyes and wanted to turn back into the direction of the bonfire, Ornstein stopped him.
“What is it?”, Tempest asked. “The garden was our next step, remember?”
“Remember the Asylum?”, Ornstein said.
Tempest eyes grew wide at this and he nodded excitedly.
“Then follow me.”, Ornstein stepped near one of the pillars and judged its height. Then, he put Tempest up (who complained about being manhandled for a second before he grew silent) and jumped up the pillar. He continued to jump from the pillar to the walls until he was at a broken tower where stairs led up, where he put Tempest down.
“Do you see the crow there?”, Ornstein pointed at the rather hard to overlook crow on the wall next to Frampt's pool.
“How could I overlook it? It is the very same that carried me here.”, Tempest said.
“You can trick it to carry you back to the Asylum by laying in its nest.”, Ornstein said.
“...How did anyone ever found that out?”, Tempest wondered and ascended the stairs. As he was halfway up, he stopped and stared at something on a roof.
“I think I see something shiny there.”, he pointed to it but before he could act and storm off, Ornstein had pulled him back.
“I get it.”, he said and jumped over to the roof without effort. After a little bit of searching he found a key that the sun had reflected light off, this must have been how the little Storm had spotted it in the first place.
He jumped back to Tempest and handed him the key. “Here you go, little Storm.”
“Thank you, Ornstein.”, Tempest said, eyeing the key. “I wonder where it fits?”
“To be honest, looks like a key from the Asylum.”, Ornstein pointed on the hard to make out letters which read A F2. “I am surprised we can still see them, with how rusted it is...”
“Well, let's just try the key once we are there.”, Tempest smiled, pocketing it.
Once they were at the nest Tempest stared at Ornstein with big eyes.
“The crow actually only carries one person at a time, so I show you what to do and you come after me.”, Ornstein sad and then curled into a ball in the nest, hearing Tempest chuckle. “Don't laugh.”, he hissed.
“Oh, it's just... I didn't think... that I would see you... do.. something that... ridiculous.”, Tempest brought out between snorts which quickly turned into a surprised “Woah!” when Ornstein felt how the crow picked him up and he got carried over.
Ten minutes later the little Storm got dropped off next to him, picking himself up.
“Huh.”, he said. “The last time I have been here there were less torch hollows.”
“Seems like we have to fight our way through to find your friend.”, Ornstein said, readying his spear. Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/190441575024/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-21-fandom-dark
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Kelly Olsen and Kara’s secret
Sooo i’ve been thinking about what the character of Kelly Olsen is going to bring to Supergirl. All we know so far is she’s James’ sister, has a large heart and joined the military in order to pay for medical school. Having recently been discharged, she is now finishing her training to become a psychiatrist. (from IMDb) 
So a lot of people are speculating that she will be Alex’s new love interest. I mean that does make a lot of sense, both soldiers/ex soldiers, both have large hearts, both have medical training and both will no doubt come into contact due to their connection to James. 
I have no issue with that scenario, it would be nice to see Alex with a girlfriend again. Having some actual representation rather that just the character saying she’s gay and that being the end of that. Plus Alex deserves to have some romance in her life again. I will say however, that i would have liked to have seen Alex have a girlfriend outside of any Super friends connection.  
One thing that is nagging at me though, is Alex will eventually get her memories back, and if she is in a relationship with Kelly will that lead to Kelly being the next in a ridiculous long line of random people who know who Kara is? If Kelly is a soldier, James’ sister and in a relationship with Alex she may have some suspicions about Kara and may put two and two together. Or James may take his season one attitude like with Lucy and ask Kara if he can reveal the Super sect to his sister. He was totally fine with wanting Lucy to know because well Lucy was sick of him running off to join Supergirl and was probably jealous. There was no question (that i remember) of it being considered dangerous for her to know. She was a soldier after all and Kara needed her help to save Alex and Jonn. Kelly is a soldier (ex soldier) and will probably have an inquiring mind. 
I swear to RAO if Kelly Olsen finds out that Kara is Supergirl before Lena does i will flip my wig! Kara’s excuse of it being to dangerous just doesn't cut it anymore since EVERYONE knows now! She’s even telling people she’s known for 5 minutes because she felt empathy with them. Before anymore flips out i LOVE Nia! But Kara was far to ready to give up her secret to her. Know who else she has felt empathy for and has known for years and is her ‘so called’ best friend and has proven to be a valuable member of the team, but only when she is needed? LENA! 
One other reason i have a feeling Kelly will find out if she becomes Alex’s girlfriend (post Alex getting her memory back) is because i realized every member of the Super friends and their significant others have at some point found out or been privy to Kara’s secret! All except Adam, but he doesn't really qualify as an ex since he and Kara only went on one date (kind of like Kara and James’ but ill just leave that there) and of course Lena, both as a friend and as James’ girlfriend.
1. Alex - Knows for obvious reasons
2. Maggie - Alex’s ex, found out because she guessed. Which Alex didn't try to deny. 
3. James - Knows because Clark told him and took the decision away from Kara. Then James became her love interest. 
4. Lucy - James asked if he could tell Lucy, due to relationship issues. Kara gave him permission if i remember right? But ended up telling her herself anyway because she needed her help and trust. 
5. Winn - Knows because Kara told him. 
6. Lyra - now im not sure about this one, we never really saw Lyra with Kara and we never saw a secret reveal. But Kara was at the alien bar a lot and she didnt even try to keep a low profile there, drinking alien alcohol with Mon El, no discretion. 
(im leaving Siobhan out because she and Winn werent together, just having casual sex) 
7. Mon El - he knew from the very beginning. Which i find odd tbh, Kara already took an instant dislike to him because he was a Daxamite. But she was fine with immediately telling him her secret human identity? What if he had turned out bad? Plus this was all pre- her getting together with him. She could have looked after and guided him without letting on who she was.
8. Jonn - Well Jonn knows for obvious reasons.
9. M’gann - Jonn’s significant other (sort of?) She just knew. probably because of Kara not being discreet at the bar and the fact that she is psychic. 
10.Clark knows because obviously
11. Lois Lane, Clarks other half knows because obviously. I wonder if he spoke to Kara before revealing that? Or he just introduced her as his alien cousin, like he did in Smallville with Lana. 
12. Imra - Mon El’s wife. Knows because Mon El told her in the future and history etc. 
13. Briany - knows because Mon El told him, the future etc. 
14. Nia, knows because Kara told her impulsively, and she will probably be Briany’s significant other soon. 
15. Barry - Well Barry did take of his mask first, but Kara met him at Supergirl and wasted zero time in letting him know her civilian identity, again like Mon El what if Barry had been dodgy? Kara has zero impulse control. 
16. Cat Grant - Well Cat figured it out it on her own. 
17. Every single hero and side kick in the multiverse! Oliver, Cisco, Sara etc. Really Kara? NO IMPULSE CONTROL! 
18. Did Sam ever learn Supergirl was Kara? I forget. 
19. Every single person at the DEO, Pam from HR. Oh but this randomly became like 6 people when it came time for a mind wipe. 
20. Eliza and Jeremiah because obviously 
So, did i miss anyone out? I could add the people outside of this circle that know/knew who know Kara is. 
1. Maxwell Lord - still sitting on that secret. Figured it out through the relatively easy task of putting a camera in Alex’s purse.
2. Lillian Luthor - figured it out on her own and because of Jeremiah. Is waiting for Lena to stop being so oblivious and realize it for herself so she will hate Kara. Is currently in prison and was left with this knowledge?? Really Kara? Really Jonn? I know you’re not a fan of mind wiping but here that would have been the thing to do. 
3. Rhea - figured it out on her own. Knew she was Kara Danvers friend of Lena Luthor etc. Deceased. 
4. Coville - figured it out on his own. Kept it a secret though. Deceased. 
5. Old Highschool guy that kidnapped Alex.
So in conclusion, Kara Danvers sucks at keeping a secret. The excuse ‘Lena could get hurt and it puts her in danger’ is null and void when literally EVERYONE Kara knows, their significant others and even her enemies know! If Kelly Olsen finds out, Kara may as well just come out to the public all Tony Stark style! 
Final note - maybe given the fact that Kelly is a Psychiatrist Kara may finally get the therapy she so desperately needs! 
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grimmoiresque · 5 years
on the magick of acorns
oofh, is this one late. ever since @aureliel​ asked, i have been meaning to come up with a post about the magic of acorns, what they symbolize, what they can be used for, and a small spell or charm using the beloved little tree-nuts at their very best. i’ll preface this by saying that i have gathered most of this information from third-party sources (listed at the bottom) and apologies for how tardy this is, but, without further ado, let’s talk about acorns~
what, in biological, physical science, are acorns?
i believe it is always important to know the natural, physical qualities of what you work with in witchcraft, perhaps even moreso than the metaphysical properties, because these things often influence the metaphysical qualities of the item, and they will have an instant effect on you, your environment, your body, and all other aspects of your craft whether or not you put intention towards them (for example, a crystal that melts in water or a plant that is toxic if ingested). so, what is an acorn? acorns, also known as oaknuts, are botanically a nut, “a hard, dry pod that surrounds the fruit and a single seed inside” [1]. there aren’t many recorded allergies to acorns, but just in case, you probably shouldn’t expose anyone allergic to tree nuts or oak pollen to them [1], and be aware that if consumed in excess, they can be toxic [2].
there are over 450 species of oak worldwide, and many animals consume the acorn as a source of nutrients in the fall; in fact, 25% of the diet of deers is made up of acorns [1]! humans, too, can eat unshelled acorns, and despite the possibility of allergies, it turns out that they’re really good for you. “some acorns are 18% fat, 6% protein and 68% carbohydrate, equivalent to modern corn and wheat. they are also great sources of vitamin a and c” [1]. unfortunately, oak trees produce acorns only every 2-3 years, and to keep them safe, acorns contain tannins, a chemical that makes them bitter and hard to digest if you eat them raw[1]. tannins can also give certain people headaches (this is, for example, why i can’t drink much redwine; guess there’s no acorns for me), but you can remove some of them by boiling or soaking your acorns in water until the water stops changing color [2].
in short, these guys are protective little nuggets and nutritionally-packed power houses!
what are the medicinal properties of acorns?
again, let me preface this by saying that i am not a botanist, nor do i have a degree in a biological science (only psychological) and that the information presented in this post should not be taken as medical guidance without first consulting your physician or at the very least reading the research on your own. so, besides the incredible amount of vitamins and minerals these little nuggets contain to keep the seedling oak they carry healthy, what else can acorns do?
skin care! according to staughton (2019), “the rich tannin water can be topically applied to the skin in order to soothe burns and rashes, speed up healing of cuts and wounds, and reduce inflammation or burns” [2].
improve digestion. like most nuts, acorns are rich in fiber, which, well, you know. [2]
alleviate symptoms of diabetes or prevent it. because of their fiber content and relatively complex carbohydrate makeup, acorns can also “regulate blood sugar levels in the body, thus preventing the dangerous spikes and plunges of glucose that can lead to diabetes or endanger those already suffering from it” [2].
protect heart health. “these nuts have five times more unsaturated fats as compared to saturated fats, which ideally improve your overall cholesterol balance and prevent obesity, atherosclerosis, and other dangerous conditions that threaten heart health” [2].
boost energy levels. like most densely packed seeds and nuts, acorns are meant to sustain their cargo for long periods of time, and they make great sources of long-lasting energy [2].
keep bones healthy. “these nuts have five times more unsaturated fats as compared to saturated fats, which ideally improve your overall cholesterol balance and prevent obesity, atherosclerosis, and other dangerous conditions that threaten heart health” [2].
improve metabolism. “regular consumption of acorns can help regulate a number of enzymatic processes in the body that are crucial for overall health” [2].
promote healing. the proteins that acorns carry “are very important for the creation of new tissues and cells, repair of damaged areas and rapid healing following an injury or illness” [2].   
what are the metaphysical properties of acorns?
acorns are sacred to many cultures, and the celtic and druidic wiccan faith, the oak tree is seen as a symbol of samhain and a symbol of the horned god cernunnos [3]. there are legends in wicca about the horned god’s dual personas, the oak king and the holly king, and how they do battle at midsummer and midwinter [4]. because acorns fall from only very old oaks, and can lay waiting for many years before they sprout into their own saplings, they are seen as symbols of patience, perseverance, and they carry energy that “aids in maintaining longevity…and preserves the illusion of youth” [3]. “between midsummer and throughout autumn, a dried acorn worn as an amulet around the neck brings a youthful glow, good luck, and protection” [4]. security, luck, and abundance are the key energies that acorns carry, from their hard shell and the rich nutrients inside [3, 4]. they are also said to attract fae if gathered on the night of a full moon.
oak trees are associated with yule, the dagda, the wild hunt, king arthur’s round table, wrens, black, white carnelian, moonstone, fire, sun, lightning, thunder, janus, dianus, cybele, rhea, pan, cernunnos, erato, hekate, zeus, jupter, thor, and bridhid [5]. they are seen as doors to the three worlds of the shaman [5].
what is an example of acorns in magick?
the sources i’ve used here each have some sample of using acorns in magick, whether it is for youthful appearances [3,4,5], amulets to attract the fae [4,5], wards[5], or even to make coffee [2]. however, i was asked specifically about abundance and luck, and what better way to showcase that than an abundance jar! abundance jars are great gifts to make around yuletide when oaks and acorns are out enforce and the battle between the oak and holly king looms forth, and my late mentor would often make them for the couples at yule to bring abundance and fertility into the home. unfortunately, i am unable to share her original spell for their creation at this time because my digital grimoire from her lies packed away from moving. however, all magick is personal, and so long as your intent is clear, your ingredients don’t matter. to make a simple abundance jar with acorns, here is what you need:
a jar! you can use a standard small mason jar, an old candle jar that’s been cleaned out, or any one of the crafting jars from a craft store.
acorns, the star of the show. grab a good handful.
some cinnamon sticks
frankincense essential oil
pine needles, juniper, or rosemary
pennies, the older the better for their copper content
if your jar is big enough, a pinecone that will fit in the jar
green and gold ribbon
a green candle (the darker the better)
any other ingredients or items that scream “abundance” to you (i might suggest citrine or jade)
a pen
start by lighting your candle, and gathering all your ingredients. if you have a deity or believe in them, call upon their aid or the aid of one in their pantheon who is fluent with finances or known for wealth and luck; this is optional, but as with the other ingredients, it can strengthen your craft. make sure that you have a clear picture of who you wish to gift the abundance to if it is someone other than yourself (you can literally use a picture), and write their names on the jar. because i practice with runes, i also like to inscribe runes on the jar with the names, and you can add sigils if you like; make the spell yours.
now that your jar is dedicated, fill it up! add in our acorns, pennies, pine/junpier/rosemary, a pinecone if you can manage it (another long-lasting and patient seed house), and any other ingredients you choose. take your cinnamon sticks and use your pen, or an anthame if you prefer, to write the words or runes that you would like to include in this spell: abundance, prosperity, gifts, whatever it is that you want to manifest from this jar. add in the cinnamon sticks, and close your eyes. envision the light of the candle you burn, the luck of your gods, and all the feelings you wish to manifest as coiling together in a golden thread that fills the empty spaces of the jar or nests inside the acorns.
if you prefer to work magick with words, repeat the following incantation, or whatever sings loudest to your soul:
steadfast oak and copper shine abundance thrive with luck divine so i will it, so mote it be
seal up your jar, add the frankincense to the melted candle, and carefully pour the wax over the seal. using the wax to seal the jar is optional, but it does make it look pretty in the end, and it allows you to carve in more runes or sigils. when the wax has dried, tie off the jar with your ribbon, and tada! a great spell to draw long-lasting abundance and luck that makes a sweet decoration and a beautiful gift.
[1] buchanan, a. (30 aug. 2014). 8 things you didn't know about acorns. [blog post]. retrieved from https://labbenchtoparkbench.wordpress.com/2014/08/30/7-things-you-didnt-know-about-acorns/
[2] staughton, j. (04 jan. 2019). 8 amazing benefits of acorns. retrieved from https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/seed-and-nut/acorns.html
[3] raine, a. (9 june 2014). herbs: the magickal acorn. [blog post]. retrieved from https://wytchymystique.com/2014/06/09/herbs-the-magickal-acorn/
[4] blue, l. (10 nov. 2018). acorns and magick. [blog post]. retrieved from https://aminoapps.com/c/pagans-witches/page/blog/acorns-and-magick/wj0b_va8fxu72dpzp15vxvl8vgrxpr6dnld
[5] oak. witchipedia. retrieved from http://www.witchipedia.com/herb:oak
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hyenafu · 6 years
How I Got the Idea for Slightly Damned
Alright, I wanted to be kind of a jerk when I answered “How did you get the idea to make Slightly Damned?”, and I was, but then that made me feel bad. So let me try a bit harder to answer the question.
I’ve always liked making stories and drawing. I made fan comics for the things I liked ever since I was 7 or 8. When I was older, I dabbled in writing Sailor Moon and Pokemon fanfiction. By the time I was in high school, I was getting bored of writing my Pokemon fanfic even though I was still interested in the franchise as a fan. The fanfic’s story became less about Pokemon and more about original fantasy ideas until I stopped writing it.
I took an animation class in high school, and my teacher encouraged us to try making something original. I remember him specifically telling us “you can make the best picture of Spider-man in the world, but Spider-man still won’t be yours.” He also assigned a group project in which we had to work with our friends to make a 10-page original comic. My friends made me come up with a story and I made the prototype for Slightly Damned based off and remixed from the scrapped original fantasy ideas from my Pokemon fanfic.
At the time this was happening, it was the early 2000s. Reading webcomics was one of my major sources of entertainment, and I had a number of friends who were all creating content and comics based on their original characters and worlds. I wanted to be like that, too! So a few months after the comic group project was done, I rewrote and refined the idea I had made and launched Slightly Damned as a regularly updated webcomic in 2004, the end of my junior year of high school. And I haven’t stopped updating it since.
Most of the story was planned at the beginning (Death’s identity, Rhea’s killer, Sakido’s fate, etc.), but since the comic updates slowly, and the world and I have changed, it’s also changed along the way, too. Sometimes characters end up more interesting than I had anticipated and I want to bring them back, and sometimes I let story threads drop because I’ve felt they were unnecessary. The whole process is a mix of setting up “anchor points” in the plot--definite points towards which the story moves-- and me being flexible making up new things on the fly depending on how I feel. I have an idea for an ending in mind, but Slightly Damned is such an ambitiously long project. Who knows if I’ll ever get there? I’ll try my best for as long as I can, though!
Anyway, my motivation for working on the comic for this long, and the inspiration that drives me, comes from just about everything I do. I grew up Catholic although now I consider myself agnostic. I like anime and video games. I end up watching a bunch of movies just because my friends like watching movies. I read books. I like studying languages like Japanese and ASL. I enjoy traveling around the world.
Sometimes inspiration can hit just because you encounter something you hate and you decide do to the exact opposite of it. It would take forever to describe the inspiration for every single idea, event, and character in Slightly Damned because it’s all woven together from a million pieces of inspiration. If anyone has any specific questions, I can answer that. Sometimes I remember where inspiration for something came from and talk about it during my Picarto art streams. But I can’t just sit here and write about everything that inspired me. It would take hours just to focus on Rhea alone!
And lastly, I gave a jerk answer before because I receive the “where did you get the idea” question every once in a while, and I hate how it’s worded. I didnt “get” a singular “idea” from which sprung this entire insane project that’s been with me these last 15 years. It’s too open ended a question. Are you talking about what kind of stories I like? The circumstances of my life that lead to my creation? What kind of impact I want Slightly Damned to have on the world when it’s finished? It’s overwhelming to think about an answer to such a lazily worded question!
But I hope this post clears some stuff up.
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“Aquaman” Movie Review
Aquaman is DC’s sixth and latest entry into their cinematic universe, and the first since the severely underwhelming box office results of Justice League made us all question whether or not this attempt at replicating Marvel Studios’ success was ever actually going to succeed post-Wonder Woman. This film finds Insidious and Conjuring director James Wan helming the story of Arthur Curry, the son of a lighthouse keeper from Amnesty Bay and the Queen of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. After the events of Justice League, as well as a submarine rescue in which he encounters the man who will become Black Manta, Arthur returns home to his father. It isn’t long, however, before Princess Mera finds him, and warns him of a coming threat: Arthur’s brother, King Orm, means to declare war on the surface world, and everyone in it. If he is to be stopped, Arthur must put off the grudge he has against his people (whom he has denied because they supposedly killed his mother), and become the hero he is meant to be.
If there were a single word to describe what I felt sitting in the theater watching Aquaman for the first time, I wouldn’t know what it would be. I’ll say ahead of time that Wonder Woman is absolutely still DC’s strongest film to date, but the sheer level of commitment this movie has to its mid-2000’s levels of cheese and pulp give it an affecting charm not too many superhero films find themselves openly sporting in the modern day. Many superhero films, especially when it comes to those put out by either Marvel Studios or Warner Bros, have a particular dispensation towards either hard-hitting emotional drama or outright action comedy, so to see something so bizarre as Aquaman’s singular commitment to its premise that sounds like something a 10-year-old playing with action figures would have written significant portions of is really something quite special to witness.
This is all thanks to the visionary direction of James Wan, a man so adept at building worlds and creating wholly unique atmospheres for actors to play in that he might as well have actually gone underwater to the kingdom of Atlantis just to get some primary location photography. Seriously, the underwater worlds in this thing are genuine stunners with easily the best bioluminescent environments and effects on screen since James Cameron’s Avatar (not that anyone’s really tried all that hard since anyhow). Traveling through the kingdoms of Atlantis, the Brine, etc, is wonderous and somewhat frustrating, but only because you’re taken through it so quickly you never stay long enough to drink in every bit of visual beauty this movie has to offer. But if you thought the visuals and central premise of an Atlantian superhero having to find a trident and fight a war against his brother underwater for the safety of the world is the most absurd thing in Aquaman, you are not prepared for the hurricane that’s about to hit.
About one third of the way through the second act, there are a number of montages that occur all within about ten minutes of each other and feature the only three songs in the entire movie whilst the rest of its runtime is filled with a mostly workable but never-quite-finds-its-footing score from Harry Gregson-Williams. These montages begin with a sort of half-committed Baywatch tribute that features a cover of Africa by Toto (sung by musical artist Rhea), which is mixed in with a rap by Mr. Worldwide himself (Pitbull). Not even half an hour later, the film sports another fantasy tribute by setting a Tangled­-esque scene between Arthur and Mera in a shoreside town near the same beach. It really is quite something to witness this movie simply take a break from itself in the middle of the second act just to play three music video montages in a row and then get right back to the action that brought the characters there.
Speaking of action, this is some of the most unique and kinetic the DC Extended Universe has ever had. Given the premise that most of the fighting in Aquaman is based around one-on-one trident warfare and hand-to-hand combat, what of the action isn’t grandiose superpower grandstanding has to be very up close and personal bow staff style fight choreography, and the way it plays out is a beautiful thing to see. It’s wonderfully edited during the up close and personal stuff, and some of the tracking shots during the larger battles between civilizations are truly some of the best in DC’s pantheon. I suppose if there were any negatives to the action sequences, it would likely be that most of them start the same way, with the characters getting quiet and then an explosion rocking them back to preparedness, which wouldn’t be a problem except that it occurs four or five times throughout the film, thus costing each subsequent surprise attack its effectiveness by making it too much of a habit.
But enough about the action and visually stimulating underwater worlds; how are the characters? A film can have all the spectacle in the world, but without proper character, it’s going to flounder. The characters in Aquaman? They’re…fine. Truth be told, anyone who wasn’t already on board with Jason Momoa’s bro culture rendition of the title character isn’t necessarily going to be won over by his mostly stilted but badass-in-action-scenes performance here, but they do tone down a lot of his more annoying quirks he was introduced with in Justice League, and that should count for something. Momoa is a physically dominant force as Arthur Curry, but whether it was some of the line he was given or because maybe he’s just not been with the right directors yet, his performance here really only reaches dynamic screen presence levels; there’s not a lot of room for nuance in his acting, and while that may be for the best given the kind of performer he is, it does hurt the film a bit overall.
Showing up again as well for round two is Amber Heard as Princess Mera, who more than fits the part as the woman trying to get the reluctant hero to do the hero’s arc because it’s important for him to know he can do it on his own (and she easily has the best costume design in the entire thing), but part of her arc has to do with her relationship to Arthur, and it gets a little confusing because this had supposedly already been covered in Justice League. She does really well for what she’s given to work with, but unfortunately Momoa just doesn’t give off a lot. Also here is veteran Wan-man Patrick Wilson, turning yet another leaf in the journey of acting circles around everyone even with a somewhat messy script to work with. As King Orm, he’s act once fiercely commanding and brilliantly emotive, but he never takes his performance so far as to overshadow Arthur’s main narrative. Willem Dafoe is in…something, but it’s not Aquaman. Seeing him show up as Valko is a real treat to watch, but largely because he’s such an interesting performer, it’s almost like he’s brought back his Norman Osbourne character to teach Jason Momoa how to swim. I’m sure the character probably matters more in the comics, but here, he just feels unnecessary, despite the joy just seeing Willem Dafoe on screen brings.
The unsung hero of this movie, though, at least in terms of performance, is unquestionably Nicole Kidman, who runs the emotional gambit from motherly chiding/affection to kick-ass warrior queen to awestruck-but-terrified literal fish-out-of-water in just her first fifteen minutes of screen time so smoothly and so expertly you’d think she might actually pull an Oscar nomination out of this. She really is having a great year performance-wise between this, Big Little Lies, Boy Erased, and the upcoming Destroyer, and it’s really been quite something to see her come back mid-50’s and show up everyone on any screen she shares by her sheer level of talents and commitment to character. In fact, her part in this movie might not just be the most compelling of the character turns, but also of the plot threads – it actually moved me, and cut right to the heart.
Some negatives about the film (besides what I’ve mentioned already) would include fairly subpar editing and lack of narrative focus; it’s not exactly bad most of the time right up until the second act where the music video montages come in and feel incredibly out of place in this already two and a half hour long movie (that you absolutely do feel the length of during the transition to act three), but it is somewhat off-putting, especially when certain scenes seem to either just start right in the middle of what was probably a longer take, or they’re just strangely placed as if they’re out of order and the editor just forgot about it. It kind of seems like part of the time, it doesn’t know what it wants to be about, and this is particularly felt during the scenes with Black Manta, who (while cool) doesn’t seem like he really was necessary to include this time around. The sound design also sometimes makes things difficult to hear since a lot of it takes place underwater, and while I certainly understand the need to communicate that, it might have been better left to the visuals to communicate, as the effects sometimes blurs certain lines and entire character monologues get lost. In addition, some of the visual effects (while there are a lot that are incredible to see) are actually pretty subpar, particularly wherein green screen is used to give location background to actors that are clearly acting against nothing during a beach training scene where most of the close up shots are straight on rather than from the side or done with two people in frame.
Still, despite its somewhat obvious flaws, Aquaman is the sort of rock and roll good-time superhero movie 10-year-old me would have eaten up. It’s cheesier than a white man’s casserole and pulpier than Tarantino’s back catalogue, but its sheer commitment to the dumb fun of it all really makes it a charming wave to ride. The visuals and costume design are all (mostly) immaculate, and the overlong runtime, while noticeable, doesn’t overshadow the film’s fair share of crowd-cheer moments so cool you wanna jump out of your seat. It may be quite bizarre even for DC, but their innate faith in James Wan’s filmmaking prowess and risk-taking shows they’re taking a few steps (or swims) in the right direction.
I’m giving “Aquaman” a 7.8/10
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
Here is a list of fics set after the books so we can live on even after the series ends (Note: due to the sheer amount of Post-Canon fics, this only includes completed fics and is an extremely long list)
light fires at night (to push back the void) by inthesea (M | 61,862 | 3/3)
The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew.
(Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle (E | 84,557 | 13/13)
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it’s uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it’s time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
right side of rock bottom by allyasavedtheday (M | 20,019 | 1/1)
Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
A little look into Neil and Andrew’s relationship after The King’s Men where they learn to touch, to talk and to trust.
The Name Game by minyrrds (G | 3,042 | 1/1)
What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys
something like home by nightswatch (T | 5,197 | 1/1)
Andrew keeps showing up at Neil’s apartment. But that’s what he gave him the key for, isn’t it?
lessons in trust by nightswatch (T | 3,609 | 1/1)
They don’t talk about what exactly they are, but Neil is more and more convinced that they’re on a good way to becoming something.
raze it to the ground by ilgaksu for badacts (T | 4,511 | 1/1)
It stops being about Neil entirely, and it starts being about this: Andrew is really, really fucking tired.
sugar, spice, and something nice by ephemeralsky (T | 6,258 | 1/1)
Andrew appears by his side seconds later, takes one look at the charred disaster, and says, “At least you did not burn the Tower down.”
Neil sighs. Happy birthday, he thinks mockingly as he chucks the brownie into the garbage bin.
(or: Neil finds a new hobby and indulges his family with sweets, Andrew indulges Neil, and they both can’t stop staring at each other)
a love song for the cliffhanger boys by ilgaksu for clockworkmoon (T | 1,680 | 1/1)
Some days, you work with what you got. 
thorn in my skin by ephemeralsky (T | 5,861 | 1/1)
These days, both of them are able to sleep on the same bed without any weapons underneath their pillows and on their person, and Andrew is not sure what he wants to do with this knowledge. They have poured years into forging their armors, and now they are stripping them, piece by tattered piece.
(or: the five weapons Neil has at his disposal + the one weapon he wields without knowing it)
/Graphic Depictions Of Violence
next stop: nowhere by nightswatch (M | 8,117 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew have a week to themselves and decide to hit the road.
i’ll carry you home by broship_addict (E | 4,257 | 1/1)
“I thought we agreed that you were getting rid of it. Not coming back with two.”
“We agreed that I would take the cat to the shelter. I did.”
Or, Andrew and Neil and their cats, in seven parts.
above us only stars by nightswatch (T |  2,206 | 1/1)
Neil wants to say that he is fine. He wants to say that Nathaniel Wesninski doesn’t own a single part of him.
The Days That Followed by lipsstainedbloodred (E | 7,410 | 1/1)
Andrew’s hand moved up further to Neil’s ruined cheek and he held a hand over it briefly. “These are not ugly,” Andrew said, forcing Neil to look up and face himself directly in the mirror, “You will not be ashamed of these. You will not shy away from your reflection because of them. These are not ugly.”
or, the fic where Neil is self conscious of his scars and Andrew forces him not to be.
Hold It Together (Until You Can’t) by Joana789 (M | 5,560 | 1/1)
Andrew holds his gaze just for a second longer before turning away, and Neil breathes in, because even if Andrew Minyard, with his extraordinary memory, remembers the date — which is likely, Neil knows — he gives no sign of it.
Neil thinks that perhaps it is carved into his memory only.
Exactly a year after Baltimore, Neil doesn’t expect to feel like this.
Kisses on Scars by rememberednoah (G | 1,941 | 1/1)
In which Andrew decides to kiss all of Neil’s scars. In which Neil isn’t quite sure how to react and feel about this.
Josten Has A Neck Fetish by keihtkogane (T | 2,301 | 1/1)
An full length ficlet extension of my tumblr headcanon which ends with Andrew revealing Neil has a neck fetish on live television.
Written for the anon who asked: omfg can i pleASE get an extension of the last part of your andreil and subtle touches headcanon? the part where andrew’s like “josten has a fucking neck fetish”
Every Choice Leads To You by SpangleBangle (G | 2,809 | 1/1)
Andrew knew they had to get up at some point, if only for the bathroom, but was loathe to hurry the moment along. He would take every greedy minute of Neil snug in his bed, for as long as he could. It was the choice he’d made years before, and the one he made every day when he saw Neil’s ‘good morning’ smile. He had a feeling it was a choice he’d be making for many years to come. And while that thought should be terrifying, with Neil sweet and content in his arms, fear was far away.
All Hail the Underdogs by wildfrancium (T | 25,411 | 10/10)
Ten years after Neil Josten becomes Neil Josten, life is full of Exy and Andrew. And then they decide to try fostering a kid.
Late Night, Welcome Home by ThePackWantstheD (T | 1,160 | 1/1)
“I thought Andrew shredded those pants,” Kevin answered.
Neil’s lips quirked further up. “Wymack got me another pair.”
“What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?” Kevin asked. “You’re the problem child.”
Fighting Heavy Shoulders by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,718 | 1/1)
He would stick a knife in the throat of anyone who tried to make him admit it, but Andrew was actually a little concerned about Neil running this race. From what he can tell, this can go one of two ways. Option one: Neil would be reasonable and just survive the race. Run at a sensible pace, make it across the finish line alive, and keep his mouth shut the next time some asshole reporter starts harassing him. Option two: Neil, because he is Neil, would try way too hard to keep up with the people who actually put in a lot of time training for these things. He would pull a muscle or pass out on the course, and Andrew would have to drag his ass to the nearest hospital, which would really throw a wrench in Andrew’s weekend plans of doing absolutely nothing. Not even to mention the absolute hissy fit Kevin would throw if Neil were injured. If Andrew were a betting man, his money would go to option two.
Wymack follows through on his threats, and Andrew is a protective asshole in love.
built this house on memories by modernpatroclus (T | 4,138 | 3/3)
Prompt: OMG when i was reading ur last andreil fic i started thinking “okay but what if neil woke up and didNT REMEMBER ANDREW” CAN U MAKE THIS HAPPEN I WILL PAY U
Or: Neil gets amnesia and can’t remember anything past the night he was drugged in Columbia.
Something Borrowed by Pi (Rhea) (T | 7,266 | 1/1)
After graduation, Neil and Andrew go on a road trip to return particular items to Neil’s mother’s contacts.
Or: two times Neil visited the Henrietta, Virginia.
Perfect by SpangleBangle (G | 1,547 | 1/1)
Ten years on, and things are just perfect.
But Broken Pieces Make Beautiful Mosaics by lipsstainedbloodred (T | 1,926 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is a broken, damaged thing. Pieces of a tattered personality and a traumatized mind, scared and skittish with one foot always out the door. And on Nathaniel Wesninski’s birthday, he runs.
Pillow Talk by zayndehaan for ohwhatanight (M | 3,826 | 1/1)
Neil finds a new fear, and doesn’t know how to bring it up without sounding foolish.
(a.k.a. lots of snuggling and banter and feelings)
Take Another Drag by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,233 | 1/1)
Andrew knows exactly who Travis is. Travis William Patterson, 27 years old, 6’3” backliner from middle of nowhere, Texas, current starter for the Boston Hurricanes, #9. As a matter of fact, Andrew is looking at him right now. ESPN is showing Exy highlights from last weekend, and Neil’s team just happens to be up at this very moment.
The Neil on screen has just performed some ridiculous move that absolutely should not have ended with a goal but somehow did, and he is immediately met with high-fives from his teammates and an affectionate-looking hug from Travis. Andrew can most certainly be objective, and this exchange looks pretty platonic. But Andrew is also a man attracted to men, and he has to admit that Travis is good looking. Really good looking.
Neil seems to be spending a lot of time with his new friend, and Andrew is Not Jealous.
dreamed in red by Frostandcoal (M | 7,261 | 1/1)
Four times the nightmares don’t win, and one time they almost do. Post-canon.
Minyard-Josten: A Rivalry For The Ages by dustbottle (M | 4,203 | 1/1)
After four years of playing together at Palmetto State University, Neil and Andrew end up on different professional teams. Neil is the new striker for the Atlanta Hawks; Andrew is goalie for the Boston Rebels. This is the story of their so-called rivalry.
Three guesses as to who starts the rumours.
(Spoilers: It’s Neil.)
Inside the Outsider by ouroboros for finkpishnets (M | 2,215 | 1/1)
It is little things like that that make this okay. Small rules, steps to follow: Pants staying buttoned, Neil’s hands where he can see them, no words but “Yes or no.” And, now, door locked. Check.
(Andrew looks back on the first time he does more than kiss Neil)
uncurling lifelines by Frostandcoal (M | 3,202 | 1/1)
That Andrew likes Neil being vocal in bed – that’s a key, and Neil intends to use it. This is something that Neil can give Andrew, a thing Andrew likes, that doesn’t involve touching or crossing boundaries Andrew is not yet ready for Neil to cross.
Besides, if Neil is good at anything besides Exy, it’s running his mouth.
Or: Neil learns that Andrew “I’m An Instigator At Heart And So Are You” Minyard might just like hearing Neil express not only his consent, but his enthusiasm, when they’re in bed.
back and forth by broship_addict (T | 2,573 | 1/1)
Years later Andrew and Neil find themselves revisiting Palmetto. It’s a lot more fun than Andrew’s ready to admit.
Lost Boy by the_ocean_burned (M | 6,401 | 1/1)
A look through Andrew’s eyes during some of the major events in the series.
Since I did use scenes and quotes from the series, I’m going to put a disclaimer on this one: All copyright rights to the characters, dialogue, and canon events belong solely to Nora Sakavic. I don’t own any of it; please don’t sue me. I’m broke.
The Self I Am by dustbottle (E | 5,536 | 1/1)
Though Neil and Andrew have been on the same professional team for years, the Minyard-Josten rivalry is still going strong. No one has caught wind of the truth of their relationship – but maybe it’s time for that to change.
(Or: Neil and Andrew decide to come out. This is how it happens.)
late night by Frostandcoal (G | 2,355 | 1/1)
People think that Exy “saved” him, but they are wrong. Exy is not a savior – there are no saviors for people like Andrew.
In which Andrew Minyard decides to pay it forward thanks to an all-night bodega, terrible ice cream choices and a cashier who just happens to play collegiate Exy.
out of breath by Frostandcoal for tycutiovevo (G | 3,418 | 1/1)
For tycutiovevo, who wanted Andreil in cold!weather, no angst. I hope you like this, bb! <3! <3!
Neil wants to live his life like he plays Exy – he wants the freedom to take chances, he wants the thrill of last-second goals, he wants the exhilaration of pushing his body to its limits, wants the ache and burn of every single bruise and scrape. His body is marked by other people’s cruelty and other people’s choices made on his behalf – he wants to cover it with the marks of the life he chose for himself.
Neil doesn’t understand what a “blizzard” is, and thinks it’s a good idea to go running in one. Andrew is not impressed.
Delayed Reaction by run_for_me (T | 3,035 | 1/1)
It’s been so long since he’s felt anything but affection for Nicky that he’d almost forgotten there was time when he’d been viscerally and intensely afraid of him.
In which the events of Neil’s first visit to Eden’s Twilight are finally addressed a year later.
I Want to Hold Your Hand by conniptionns (T | 5,009 | 4/4)
If this was Allison and Renee it would be cute and fluffy and very Across the Universe for this song, but it’s Andrew and Neil so
until the end of the world by broship_addict (T | 2,731 | 1/1)
Twenty years, two cats, and a whole lot of sports-related injuries later, they’re still home.
light it up by broship_addict (T | 1,879 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is probably the only person in the world capable of getting Andrew into an ugly Christmas sweater.
missing you (is all i am) by dustbottle (T | 2,677 | 1/1)
After graduating college, Andrew starts his professional Exy career as goalie for the Boston Rebels. Meanwhile, Neil is in his fifth and final year at Palmetto State University. Being apart turns out to be harder than either of them expected, and adjusting is a struggle.
When Neil visits Andrew in Boston, things come to a head.
maybe just the touch of a hand by niallszayn (G | 1,822 | 1/1)
All the Foxes come to Nicky and Erik’s wedding. Bets are made, and no one ever understands Andrew and Neil’s relationship.
Careless by Poteto (G | 1,474 | 1/1)
Matt likes to think Neil is done saying things that will get himself killed. Andrew disagrees.
way i tend to be by Frostandcoal (G | 1,665 | 1/1)
For erinaceinae-lutrinae on tumblr, who gave me the following prompt:
“Someone on Neil’s pro-team decides his nickname should be junior, and Neil does not take it well.”
Blossom Under Kindness by dustbottle (E | 3,433 | 1/1)
After Neil’s first year as a professional Exy player, Andrew and Neil spend their summer together in Columbia. There are good days and bad days. Today is a good day.
take my breath away (you know i’m bound to choke) by essenceofheroism (Not Rated | 1,620 | 1/1)
or the one in which andrew dreams neil runs away.
We Can Be Soft by SpookyMiscreant (M | 20,229 | 13/13)
Andreil and their daily lives. Fun ensues as always. Some of my HCs and some HCs from Tumblr. This has no plot or timeline please forgive me.
of being happy by artemis_west (E | 4,774 | 1/1)
On his flight home, Neil could barely sit still. He kept going back to his phone and staring at the message on his screen, the last one he’d received from Andrew:
I’ll be there.
Sounds Like a Good Excuse for Coming Home by OrdinaryVegan
Andrew is stressed, and Neil is problematic. Long-distance can be rather inconvenient, especially when your not-boyfriend is a murder magnet.
Summer Showers by Previously8 (T | 1,852 | 1/1)
Includes, but is not limited to: lots of staring, one (1) mention of chia seeds, Neil Josten’s new phone, the colours blue, green, and orange, talk of walls, a visit to Home Depot, and "452%”.
Rated T for swearing.
billboard. by lolainslackss (T | 2,940 | 1/1)
“Even when I turn away I can’t unsee it,” Aaron continued, his back to the rest of them, “It’s disgusting.”
Neil follows Kevin’s advice and agrees to be part of an ad campaign for Exy shoes. This ends up with Neil’s face on an eight-hundred-foot-wide moving billboard, and he’s not at all sure what to make of it. Neither is everyone else. Especially when Andrew notices everything.
Right Here in the Light by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,398 | 1/1)
It takes all of his willpower not to physically react from shock when he finds Piper curled up tightly on Andrew’s chest, King tucked behind the bend in her knees. His surprise is two-fold. First, he can’t believe he slept through another person being added into their bed. And second, he can’t believe that Andrew is actually asleep in his current position. His arm is wrapped tightly around Piper’s shoulders, the entirety of her small upper body resting on his chest. Neil can do nothing but stare in awe at the pair of them. He thinks of how far they’ve all come, each of them with their own unique struggles, and his sentimentality nearly gets the better of him.
“Staring,” comes Andrew’s low voice, disguised by disuse. All these years, and Neil still doesn’t know how he does that. His eyes aren’t even open. Ridiculous.
A few members of the domestic Andreil household find themselves awake in the middle of the night. In other words, Andrew Minyard is the best father in the universe, and no one will convince me otherwise.
this calls for a toast by Frostandcoal (G | 1,872 | 1/1)
Three years ago, Andrew Minyard threatened to kill her if she ever spoke to him. She hasn’t, but only because she’s had nothing to say.
Until today.
It’s Katelyn’s wedding day, and she’s got a little something to clear up with her brand-new brother-in-law.
As the Fire Spread by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,022 | 1/1)
Neil’s weight beside him is now familiar and even a comfort, sometimes. But on the occasions when Andrew’s senses are on overdrive and the smallest movement feels like an avalanche, an earthquake, a fucking planetary realignment, Neil knows better than to take Andrew’s abandonment personally.
Neil’s hoodie is thrown over the back of his desk chair, so Andrew makes his way over to dig out the pack of cigarettes from the pocket. He thinks he could light it with just the fire on the edge of his tongue, but he grabs a lighter from the drawer just in case.
Neil wants to help. Andrew just wants to breathe without feeling like his lungs will go up in flames.
Weddings and Other Kinds of Vows bya_case_for_wonder (T | 12,328 | 1/1)
“Lord, Andrew, you’d think you hadn’t been dating the guy for half a decade!” Nicky said. “When is he going to ask you to marry him, of course!” Andrew had known it was coming, but it still felt like the world slowed down a little. The question hung in the air between them like an ugly spell, until Andrew shook himself enough to answer. “He’s not going to ask me.“
Nicky is finally getting married, the third Fox wedding in as many years. Andrew is just trying to get through it, Neil is just trying to have a good time, but with all this love in the air, their friends keep insisting on asking questions they are Not Ready For. They try to work through it together.
Time is Standing Still by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,441 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil have a daughter, and she is an actual ray of sunshine.
Leave Me on the Tracks by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,092 | 1/1)
If this had happened a few years ago, Andrew would have stood by and watched him leave. No argument, no attempted persuasion. Because that’s what people do. They leave, or they treat you badly enough that you leave first. People are never worth the trouble.
But not this time. The past decade with Neil has made Andrew come to terms with the fact that this means something. Andrew is rather shocked to find that he believes he himself should be enough to make Neil stay. That he is worthy of it. That he wants Neil to stay, and he will be damned if he lets him go without a fight. Andrew is asking. And if that won’t make Neil stay, nothing will.
In which Neil tries to protect Andrew, and Andrew tells him to get over his hero complex.
Patch Your Wounds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,290 | 1/1)
“Really, Neil,” Andrew drawls. He could have chosen to phrase it as a question, but Neil knows he isn’t surprised. It’s more of an acknowledgement of Neil’s apparent inability to remain injury-free. “You’ve been here for less than forty-five seconds, and you’re already bleeding on my carpet.”
In which Neil is a klutz, the cats are a nuisance, and Andrew is his own special brand of helpful.
I Want You To Know by kayxpc (G | 733 | 1/1)
one love, one house by freefall for cats-are-assholes (T | 2,592 | 1/1)
It’s the little things that make an apartment into a home, that make a sequence of moments into a life.
Or, five times Andrew hates that damn couch, and one time he thinks it isn’t so bad.
Missed This (Not as much as You) by kayxpc (E | 2,087 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew finally get a weekend off of their professional teams and pickup exactly where they left off.
Hidden by kayxpc (G | 2,000 | 1/1)
His Father’s Eyes by maeusetod (Not Rated | 3,012 | 1/1)
Sometimes Neil had thought about, when and under which circumstances he would hear the name Nathaniel again, but he had not expected it to happen like this.
Shut Up, Baby by aftgandreil (arituzz) (E | 693 | 1/1)
“Can you not call me Josten when we are about to have sex?” Neil protests, tugging the hem of his shirt up and over his head.
“What do you want me to call you, then? Asshole?” Andrew says with a smirk on his face, already taking his boxers off.
“Fuck, no. Just–” The advances they’ve made so far have been amazing, Neil thinks, engraving the sight of his naked lover in his head. He can’t help biting his lower lip at the vision in front of him. They’ve come this far, which is more than Neil could have ever hoped for. He guesses it won’t hurt to try for a tinsy little bit more. Locking his eyes with Andrew’s, he says, “Call me baby.”
restless by wesninski for lorcathegreat (G | 2,121 | 1/1)
It’s an expression of restlessness, the kind of bout of spontaneous recklessness at which Neil has always excelled. A new city with new teammates and a new apartment and new stress, and Neil turns to Andrew one summer night, the smell of cigarette smoke mingling with the perfume of Andrew’s flowers on the balcony because they haven’t picked the lock to the roof yet, and says, “let’s get out of here.”
Or: Andrew and Neil go on a road trip and bring the cats along. They should have just found a cat sitter.
if things went differently by yuhee (T | 1,810 | 1/1)
The day Neil Josten disappeared on the Foxes, he had died in a fire incident along with his father and his men. Or so they said. Because Andrew now sees the man in flesh and bones at a city in England after two years.
this place is a shelter by Joana789 (T | 1,786 | 1/1)
”Well,” Andrew says, and the answer feels raw on his tongue. ”Someone has to make sure you don’t run again.”
ask me no questions (and i might not cuss you out) by WingsOfWax (T | 2,77 | 1/1)
Neil’s and Andrew’s relationship becomes public - without their permission. It’s annoying because now they have to actually deal with it. Neil gets more than a little rude when someone asks the wrong kind of question.
"Call me Marcus; he’s strong and noble.” by AroPeterWam (E | 6,899 | 1/1)
“Which one is Sir Fat Cat McCatterson? And why does he have a long name? I like the name King Fluffkins, but isn’t that too many noble titles for the cats?” Marcus, slowly coming out of his shell reached under the coffee table for one of the cats. – In which Neil and Andrew come across a boy who might not be like any of their stray cats.
wake your ghost by Frostandcoal (G | 2,741 | 1/1)
“Kevin’s been obsessed with Riko Moriyama his entire life. It’s going to take more than a bullet to stop that.”
The amount of mental energy Kevin has wasted on Riko is like a faucet, and Andrew has yet to see any definitive proof that Kevin’s ready to turn off the pipes.
In which Kevin has Complicated Feelings ™, Neil does not approve, and Andrew does not care. And Andreil!Banter, for it is like crack unto me, and I love them :|
Close & Closer by kayxpc (E | 1,290 | 1/1)
Andrew & Neil map another safe place out in their relationship
You & Me by kayxpc (E | 782 | 1/1)
A bottom Andrew fic because the fandom is in need of more and I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Here With You by kayxpc (G | 295 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil sleep together after being apart for far too long
an acceptable surprise by kayxpc (G | 1,181 | 1/1)
permanent key//permanent home by kayxpc (T | 1,025 | 1/1)
Andrew visits Neil
She Was Found by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,591 | 1/1)
"We’ve been over this and over this. We have looked at it from every possible angle. We agreed on this, that this is what we both want. You agreed to get over your daddy issues, and I agreed to actively ignore every parenting example I’ve ever had. Right?”
Neil nods his head once with a little too much force to be convincing. “Right.”
“Okay,” Andrew says, not really sure if it was loud enough for Neil to hear. He tightens his hand on Neil’s neck, pulling him closer until their foreheads are touching. Neil’s hand has made it up to hang off of his bicep, gripping like it’s the only thing keeping him on the ground. Andrew fights to keep his voice as even as possible. “Neil. You have to tell me that you’re in this all the way. This is permanent. Once we sign those papers, she is ours. Forever. I refuse to send her away. I will not be like them,” he says, fiercely. “Do you want this?”
AKA Piper: The Prequel
Sundays by celestia (G | 887 | 1/1)
A lazy sunday
something just like this by kayxpc (G | 566 | 1/1)
happy holidays from the foxes by artemis_westfor OneSweetMelody (G | 5,446 | 1/1)
This is my gift exchange for Jules, who wanted Fox family bonding during the holiday/post-grad! A fic set in the future after the books, when all the Foxes have their kids. They have a yearly reunion during the holidays! Soft andreil living their happy life, Andrew healing and having a better relationship with Aaron and Nicky, everyone is happy and sappy. Merry Christmas!
Always by merlypops for badtemperblue (G | 583 | 1/1)
“Am I annoying you?” “You always do,” Andrew said, cradling Neil’s cheek gently before he shoved his face away again. “Always, Josten.” Neil’s heart squeezed in his chest with something that felt dangerously like happiness. He was glad that name was still alive. He was glad he was still around to hear it. He was glad Andrew wasn’t gone.
Neil and Andrew on a plane. Fluff ensues.
smile, smile, smile by mikeymomoo (G | 744 | 1/1)
andrew is getting groceries and a fan spots him. he fucks with him.
All We Ever Knew by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,317 | 1/1)
Robin comes to Neil for life advice, and he is surprisingly helpful. 
Phone Calls by celestia (G | 3,339 | 1/1)
It’s Andrew’s birthday. Even though he and Neil don’t celebrate birthdays, Andrew always gets three phone calls on his birthday.
tell me pretty lies by kayxpc (G | 754 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil apartment shop after Andrew graduates.
out & proud by kayxpc (G | 1,417 | 1/1)
Same sex marriage is finally legalized in Germany and the foxes come to support Nicky and Erik! Lots of love and happiness in this fic, angst who?
Eventually by writerforlife (T | 850 | 1/1)
Eventually, Andrew Minyard found his version of happiness.
Weddings in Germany by kayxpc (G | 978 | 1/1)
all the foxes visit Germany for Nicky and Eriks wedding! :) pure andreil fluff ahead
New Places by Q_Jem_Bee (M | 937 | 1/1)
That was the greatest thing about this, about them.
They had all the time in the world.
[Podfic] right side of rock bottom byfrecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (M | 20 | 1/1)
Author’s summary: Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
Permanence by justapipe-dream (ginita105) (T | 702 | 1/1)
Neil wasn’t the reason for Andrew’s newfound stability, but he had been the eye opener. Neil had taught him that not all humans wanted to break the glass walls he built around himself, some had the decency to find the door and knock.
For the Vagabonds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,301 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew versus the Maserati and the mountains.
Out by Q_Jem_Bee, shewhoisntnamed44 (G | 4,378 | 1/1)
Chris was lucky enough to have a co-worker who Neil Josten owed a favour to – and was about to launch her journalism career through the roof.
Beg and Borrow and Steal by OrdinaryVegan (T | 3,349 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil are dragged into a school dance by their certified Sassmaster and Ray of Sunshine daughter.
pull me back by thetinyconstellation for lethargicawe (T | 2,032 | 1/1)
Neil has a bad day and his boyfriends do what they can to help. Well, if he lets them.
Children of the Universe by aceaaronminyard (necklace) (Not Rated | 1,630 | 1/1)
in which aaron and andrew figure their shit out with only a minimal amount of bruises
“If Aaron is being honest, Andrew looks like a spawn of Death herself; dark and weathered and just as lethal. Aaron smiles cruelly at the glare Andrew fixes him, and for the first time in months, feels galaxies explode in his lungs and make a home under his fingernails.”
mel i mató by R_Gunns (T | 1,934 | 1/1)
Being away from Andrew was harder than Neil had anticipated. Missing him was loud, thinking about him was like a cacophony of sounds, a discordant mess of sensory memories that Neil couldn’t make sense of.
(Neil’s final year at Palmetto is over, and he’ll be moving in with Andrew soon. In the meantime, he pines.)
home (is whenever i’m with you) by nightquills for apear55 (G | 2,067 | 1/1)
It’s been weeks since he saw Andrew last, and Neil can’t wait to finally see him in person, have him near, hear his voice without the tinny echo of a phone call between them.
Neverland is home to lost boys like me byjustapipe-dream (ginita105) (G | 627 | 1/1)
‘Oh, how lucky you are,’ it said, ‘Two lost boys found their Neverland in each other.’
proper punishment for an angel by artemis_west (E | 5,912 | 1/1)
Neil’s mouth gets him in trouble. What else is new?
In which… by Nikotheamazingspoonklepto (Not Rated | 22,238 | 1/1)
…the Foxes get the love they deserve. ~ This fic is a story of growth, character development, and happiness, where Neil loves his Fox family in varying degrees, ranging from platonic to romantic or sexually. Beginning at the start of Neil’s Sophomore year at PSU, he is becoming more confident, self-assured, and a happy person, supported by his original Fox family and learning how to be a leader toward the six Freshman that arrived at PSU.
Ice Cream by kayxpc (E | 944 | 1/1)
Nora’s tweets have inspired andreil smut. It’s what they deserve.
[Podfic] The Name Game by frecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (G | 18 | 1\1)
Author’s summary: What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys.
Independence Day by imagined_melody (G | 1,054 | 1/1)
Neil Josten graduates from Palmetto State University on May 12—five years to the day after he arrived.
In which a life transition falls on an important date, and Neil deals with the prospect of his life changing again.
To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it bywesninskids (Not Rated | 2,203 | 1/1)
Some nights, Kevin Day jerks awake with the weight of his past. These nights, Neil’s there to pull him back to the present.
Sunday Mornings by cleopatras (T | 1,178 | 1/1)
how Neil and Andrew spend a Sunday morning in their home in San Clemente
three keys by lovelyloss (T | 516 | 1/1)
andrew thinks about the three keys neil and him share. [my descriptions are bad whoops]
Another Lonely Christmas by SpookyMiscreant (G | 1,112 | 1/1)
This is a gift for ten-paces-fire for the aftg winter exchange! Kevin is stuck playing Exy overseas instead of in Columbia with his family for christmas.
this is it by morticianists (T | 207 | 1/1)
the future isn’t as bleak as it used to be.
Neil is forbidden to have a relationship with Andrew by his new contract by Vinjana (G | 586 | 1/1)
Neil, who joined Andrew’s team, doesn’t read his contracts…
a haze of fleeting moments by luna_lovegood (G | 2,666 | 1/1)
Renee looked at her as she sat up on the couch and undid her braid, eyes bright and lips stained red. “Alright,” Renee agreed. “That sounds like fun. Do you have any nail polish?”
“Chanel or Essie?” Allison shot back and smirked.
(Or, five moments Renee spent with people she cared about.)
“Why did you name it Burrito?’ by AroPeterWam (Not Rated | 6,828 | 1/1)
“So, is this language barrier ever going to end?” It was Dan who spoke, seemingly entertained by them as she rubbed her temples. – Marcus meets the Foxes and other issues his dads help him through.
You Found Me by howmanyshipscanashippership ( T | 1,539 | 1/1 )
Andrew wakes up a few days after the Foxes win the championships from a nightmare. He wants to look to Neil for comfort and wonders when that became a thing. He falls back asleep and remembers various scenes from when Andrew first met Neil and then things some more about that. Andrew never says to Neil "I love you" but it is heavily implied.... so cannon compliant.
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Flight Discourse.
Arcane: Total Tumblr rejects: whether this means "soft autistic spacegay uwu", an #aesthete who types in size one right centered pale pink cursive, "HAHA SPACE IS SO COOL (neil degrasse tyson quote)", or one of those people who roleplays their DDLG my little pony OC sex scene on your unrelated post depends on which one you talk to. All, unfortunately, are completely disorganized and borderline ADHD because they can't get a single thing together... except the Celestial Council, ahahahahahahaha
Earth: Now about 5% Facebook grandmas, 85% people piggybacking off their recent Dom success, and 10% people who were there all along for some reason who still believe they are the ""underdogs"" and are better than former champions Ice/Lightning/Plague/Light used to be because they have 5% Facebook grandmas and about 100 people in the whole flight. Can get their flight together for Dom but not for festivals, which are consistently below-average.
Fire: While Earth has their 5% Facebook grandmas, Fire consists of approximately 100% Facebook soccer moms-- the ones who post Minion memes. Or wine memes. Literally the most whitebread flight in existence, between their forgettable userbase, forgettable lore (dragons...that breathe FIRE), zero attempts to capitalize on their Dominance potential unlike fellow small flights Earth and recently Water, and absolutely horrendous ""meme"" Flambebes. I'm sorry, it's terrible. It's Flight Rising minions. Face it.
Ice: Catty rich bitches and accent/G1 whales. The kind of people who have an entire boring lair of color-coordinated gem-gened G1 Wildclaws with expensive accents and the exact same silk/flowerfall outfit. The kind of people who snipe G1 auctions after they've been sold. The kind of people who would secretly take you off G.A.S.P. so they have a shot at a new release. The kind of people who try and buy Kickstarter items with real FR cash on the black market. The kind of people who use the black market. Unfortunately, all the money in the world can't buy a win against Water, who at that point had not won a non-fest conquest in about two years.
Light: Sort of a horrible combination of Earth and Ice: not as good as Dom as Earth, not quite so many whales as Ice, but with an ego big enough for both of them and then some. Despite hosting a large contingent of horrible people, will defend all of them unilaterally because.... they don't like being criticized, and after all all Light members are sweet and innocent rays of sunshine!! Only Light is allowed to criticize people, considering their moaning on both DR and AR-- most users of both are Light. Most of the Dom vultures have flocked off after their humiliating loss to Earth, which is some small consolation, but it only goes to show the kind of people who are left. Interesting but underutilized lore and a wholly boring aesthetic means that if you don't like what Dom there is left or gossiping about other Flights there isn't much for you.
Lightning: They attempt to portray themselves as the "lore flight", but it's all so one-dimensional and repetitive (and a wholesale Portal ripoff) that they really have nothing going for them whatsoever. Eyes? Boring yet still somehow obnoxious on any non-matching dragon. Aesthetic? It's sand. Dominance? Hahahahahaha. That's literally all I can think of, which if you look at every other flight in this post is not a good thing. At least be memorably terrible, not boring terrible.
Nature: Nature is the nice flight. The caring flight. The succulents-and-kitty-cats flight. Sorry, wrong post. They're actually backstabbing cliquey adolescents who try and put up a cutesy front to bring in new members, which fails anyways because they are second-least-attractive after Earth. "These dragons are nice and like plants. But actually THEY HAVE A DARK SIDE OOOOOH" but so does every single other flight except like whitebread Fire so ???? who gives a damn. When they aren't R or those people who vehemently hate R and write essays about all the things that are wrong with R, they are the people who post dashboard-long screeds on animal abuse because someone posted a joke about bear racing and maybe some rich people will capture bears and ride on their backs I guess, which in my book is about on par with Rhea/anti-Rheas. Also the bunny mod is in here.
Plague: Used to be THE dom tryhards, but after their wholly embarrassing and pitiful fall from grace is now about 50% edgelords and 50% the whiniest losers on the face of the planet. Edgelords - You know the drill. Whether it's just dumb "teehee my dragons like BLOOD and drink BLOOD from BABIES" edgelording or straight up like borderline-alert-the-authorities-incest-rape-sex slavery-regular slavery-abuse-whatever-edgelording, Plague has it. Crybabies - You know them. It almost seems like they joined Plague to be personally victimized by every move the admins make, and in fact they did. Non-Plague venue? No gory accents? Shared lore with Nature? God forbid, zombies? These are all personal attacks on Plague and are signs that the admins literally wish they and their families were all dead.
Shadow: Shadow is entirely Plague edgelords except if they were all age 7 and this was their first time on Teh Interwebz XD. Actually, if their first time on Teh Interwebz XD was reading horribly bad creepypasta at their slumber party, and this was their second time. Their lore either attempts to be scary but fails miserably (creepypasta XD) or attempts to be funny and also fails miserably, because Shadow Isn't Funny. It isn't. Ever. Of course it isn't, because all of its members are literal children or timetravelers from 2007, when things such as cookies and drooling and le dark side might have been still novel and sort of cute. It is no longer 2007, and/or most people are no longer children. Also, that introduction post that people use to recruit is stupid and I hate it. Terrible eyes also.
Water: Water still manages to slip under the radar hatewise, so I don't have a good unifying theme for this one. Give me a year when they are probably the new Dom flight and I'll have something. Instead, have a collection of things: Their April Fools "jokes" peaked two years ago and have been going from semifunny to baffling. People who say Tidepappy make me want to rip out my tongue through my sinuses. Their forums are about as fast as a dead sloth. The "oooh water is so mysterious" is so constant that they are actually not at all mysterious and are actually just annoying. Horrid eyes. No Foddart this Wavecrest. Has like two or three mods when other flights have zero mods despite being like 10x bigger. Anyone remember that illiterate edgelord who was in Water who basically told someone to kill themself iirc???? ...Give me a year.
Wind: Wind is exactly the same as Shadow, but replace the creepypasta kiddos with an equal mixture of weeaboos and DeviantArt kiddos and the cookies with their stupid meme dog. Their eyes are better. Otherwise, go read Shadow.
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your-dietician · 3 years
South Jersey Times boys tennis postseason honors, 2021
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/tennis/south-jersey-times-boys-tennis-postseason-honors-2021/
South Jersey Times boys tennis postseason honors, 2021
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During his remarkable tennis career at Clearview, Martin Lacsamana often found ways to stand apart from the crowd with his play on the court.
But his most treasured memories came from just being one of the guys.
Cheering on teammates, joking with coaches, trekking back and forth to Williamstown or some other rival with the rest of the Pioneers — those are the times he savored the most, even more than his 69 career wins and three Gloucester County Tournament titles.
“I play competitively so I don’t really play with a team, which is why I always looked forward to high school tennis,” said Lacsamana, the South Jersey Times Player of the Year for 2021. “I loved the team camaraderie. If you ask me my favorite moments, it would have to be every single time I was with my teammates. I was blessed to have really funny teammates and ones that matched my energy. Practices were always fun, bus rides to games and back were awesome. Those are probably the best moments, just hanging out with people I care about and playing tennis.”
Kevin Hanrahan, a longtime teacher at Clearview and an assistant for the girls tennis team, became the head coach for the boys team this season. He had always heard about Lacsamana’s talent but never had him in class, so he had never seen him play or even met him before this year.
He quickly came to realize that Lacsamana is the total package: honors student, class president, outstanding player and devoted teammate.
“He’s a great student in the classroom, obviously — he’s going to Cal-Berkeley — he’s a great athlete and nobody outworks him,” Hanrahan said. “But what I didn’t learn until the end of the year is that this season was all about the team aspect of things. Even at the end of the year when he was going to states, he didn’t necessarily care about it. He had done the individual thing with all his USTA stuff, but he was telling me that he really enjoyed going to sectionals and playing with the team. He was always cheering on his teammates, even in the middle of his match. He’s a real, real special athlete.”
That’s not to say he didn’t still shine as an individual. In April, playing at a tournament that he always enjoyed, Lacsamana became just the fourth person to win three Gloucester County crowns when he defeated teammate Kyle Deacon in the final. Had the pandemic not wiped out his junior season, he almost certainly would have become only the second player with four titles.
Later in the season at the South Jersey Interscholastic Championships, Lacsamana reached the quarterfinals for the first time before losing to Lenape sophomore Milan Karajovic, who he graciously called a terrific young player.
Finally, Lacsamana capped his career by notching his first win in the state singles tournament, a 3-6, 7-6 (7-6), 10-6 marathon over Jacob Rha of Whippany Park.
“That was important to me,” he said. “It is more satisfying to win like that although my body didn’t feel like it in the moment.”
Lacsamana, who went undefeated in team matches and finished his senior season with a 25-2 overall record, is not exactly sure about the next step in his tennis career. He has thought about trying to walk on at the University of California-Berkeley, but since he’ll be majoring in electrical engineering and computer science, his workload might not leave time for athletics.
“I definitely want to have a good balance at Berkeley,” he said. “I asked all the alumni and they said balance is the No. 1 thing you want to have. Academics comes first, so if it doesn’t intervene with academics then I’ll try to play, but if it does then I have to pick academics any day of the week.”
But tennis has always been an important part of his life, a passion passed on from his father, Nathaniel, and he doesn’t plan on retiring even if he can’t play at Cal.
“My dad is still playing and he’s killing it on the court, so I don’t see why I won’t keep playing,” he said. “I’m competitive so I won’t let my kid beat me at tennis. I have beaten my dad though. We go back and forth but I’ll never admit to him that he’s better.”
As for Lacsamana’s place in Clearview tennis history, there is no question he left his mark.
“In the 20 years that I’ve been at Clearview, he’s the best to come through,” Hanrahan said.
The humble Lacsamana would surely appreciate those words from his coach. But he hasn’t given much thought at all to whether he’s the best player in school history.
“Legacy is a tough thing to live up to,” he said. “Legacy or not, I just know that I gave everything I had to the program. It wasn’t just tennis season for me, it was the whole year. I loved Clearview, I loved being a Pioneer and I loved being part of the program. I gave everything I had and put my best foot forward. … It was definitely a memorable time.”
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First singles Mike Parker helped lead Kingsway to its third straight Gloucester County Tournament team title.Al Amrhein | For NJ Advance Media
When it comes to the Tri-County Conference Royal Division and the Gloucester County Tournament, one school has established itself as the team to beat in recent seasons.
But all signs were pointing to the end of Kingsway’s reign this spring.
With a completely new starting lineup from two years ago and only one player with any varsity experience, the Dragons’ streak of three straight division titles and two consecutive county crowns appeared to be in major jeopardy.
The roster may have looked a lot different, however, but the end results turned out to be the same old, same old.
Kingsway extended its streaks in the Royal Division and Gloucester County, and now the Dragons are the South Jersey Times Team of the Year for the second season in a row as well.
“I know every year our team is going to be competitive and we’re always going to push the envelope and push our guys to get better,” Kingsway coach Drew Laverty said. “But when you only have one guy with varsity experience coming back, you just don’t know how those new guys are going to compete against other competition and how they’re going to react to match play situations and crucial moments, all those things that you can only gain with match experience. Luckily we had some seniors playing varsity, which I think made a difference. They did a great job and I’m super proud of the team this year.”
Kingsway showed right from the opening match of the season that it should not be overlooked. The Dragons earned a 3-2 win over Royal Division rival Clearview — featuring standouts Martin Lacsamana and Kyle Deacon at first and second singles, respectively — to set the tone early.
“It’s funny, I try to tell my AD not to schedule Clearview first because in recent years it’s been us and them for the division,” Laverty said. “It’s tough to have the division on the line in the first match of the year when you don’t know how your team is going to play and react. They had two outstanding singles players but luckily we were able to work out the other three spots and get those done.”
Clearview did win the rematch later in the season, but that was Kingsway’s only division loss and its first to a Royal opponent in five years. The Dragons went 13-3 overall and 7-1 in the division, ending their season with a 3-2 loss to Lenape in the South Jersey, Group 4 quarterfinals.
Despite a hip injury early in the season to third singles Chris Spicer, Kingsway never skipped a beat. Junior Nick Tanzola moved up from second doubles to take Spicer’s spot, and following senior Mike Parker at No. 1 and junior Kyle Kirwin at No. 2, he gave the Dragons a strong singles lineup.
Senior David Glanfield and junior Gavin Springer played first doubles and went undefeated during team matches while claiming the county title. Sophomores Jack Arena and Andrew Altmann, junior Nikit Chhita and senior Rohan Nambiar all contributed at second doubles.
“For a lot of teams it would have destroyed them to lose that (third singles) spot and really change up the lineup,” Laverty said. “It changed us but it didn’t hurt us in too many ways. We’ve always predicated our team on being balanced all the way through in singles and doubles and we’re going to continue to create teams like that going forward.”
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Millville coach Tom DeCou, talking with Andrew Crain during a match this season, led the Thunderbolts to a 20-4 record.Al Amrhein | For NJ Advance Media
In some seasons, the Coach of the Year is an easy choice, with one person standing out and demanding to be recognized. Other seasons, like this one, there are plenty of worthy candidates and picking just one almost seems unfair.
From George Rhea guiding Penns Grove its first winning season in decades and a share of the Tri-County Diamond title to Bill Kennedy helping Cumberland improve by eight wins and go undefeated in the Tri-County Liberty, area coaches stepped up in a huge way this spring. Our nod goes to Millville’s Tom DeCou, who was expecting a .500 record at best from his inexperienced group but ended up leading the Thunderbolts to their best season of his 17-year tenure.
Despite bringing back only two starters — juniors Jacob Lewis and Andrew Crain, who went from second doubles as freshmen to first and second singles, respectively — Millville finished with an impressive 20-4 overall record and won the the Cape-Atlantic League American Conference with a 15-1 mark.
“The most wins I’ve had as the Millville coach was 15, and we’ve done that a couple of times,” DeCou said. “I told the kids when we got to 14 they had a chance to tie the record for me as a coach. We still had six matches left and they ended up smashing it. That was one of the goals when we got to 14 and it was fun to see them do it. Then we won the conference and everything ended up coming together for a great year.”
The conference championship was Millville’s first in more than two decades. A key 3-2 victory over old nemesis St. Augustine late in the season helped clinch the outright title.
“The first time we played them we were at their place and I’ll tell you, it was one of the toughest losses of my career,” DeCou said. “We lost 3-2 and there were like three 3-setters. They had lost to (Egg Harbor Township) so we knew we had a chance to beat them and we lost. Then they came to Millville and we had to beat them to have a chance of winning it outright, and we did 3-2. The kids came up big.”
The victory over The Prep was satisfying considering DeCou’s last win over the Hermits came under different circumstances back in 2018.
“Long story short, they came to Millville, I think it was on a prom weekend and they didn’t have a couple of their top players,” he said. “They had a couple of JV kids and I think they took us lightly and we kind of surprised them. But this year we beat them with their full lineup so it felt good. That’s always a big deal.”
While even DeCou was surprised by Millville’s success this season with so many new faces in the lineup, all seven starters will be back so the bar has been raised for 2022. In addition to Lewis and Crain, junior No. 3 Nicolas Meehan had a solid season at singles. Sophomore Russell Corson and freshman Matthew Sooy had a terrific run at first doubles and sophomores Shawn McCarthy and Parker Swift played well at second doubles.
The key will be all of those players hitting the court in the offseason to continue their progress.
“I’m going to make sure of that,” DeCou said. “I have a tennis camp and we’re going to work out this summer. … Hopefully we’ll get as many of them out there as possible.”
Kyle Deacon, Clearview, Sr.
Martin Lacsamana, Clearview, Sr.
Justin McCullen, West Deptford, Sr.
Liam Quick, Sr. and Perry Stanger, So., Cumberland
David Glanfield, Sr. and Gavin Springer, Jr., Kingsway
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 10/19 NXT 10/21 NXT UK 10/22 Smackdown 10/23 Hell in a Cell 10/25
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I’m here to give Alexa credit once more for making me give a shit about the Fiend. I do like his entrance, especially without a live crowd.
What a visual... them standing together hand in hand.
I love that they kept the monitors set on the graphics for this segment. No offense to the audience, but seeing them would’ve ruined this.
Amazing transition from Fiend and Alexa to the next segment/match. Major points.
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Still a vicious elimination to Lacey by Natalya.
I intend to take this title match as seriously as wwe has - not within a football field of giving a shit. I know how this entire angle ends anyway (preemptive welcome back, Queen) but let’s watch it through. See how this face turn worked out for Lana.
Asuka really is insanely fast, I’ll give her that.
Great rollup attempt by Lana (shades of Nattie/Alexa), great counter by Asuka into the Asuka Lock, and great job to Lana for grabbing the ropes. Points.
I’m sure this is all rehearsed, but Lana obviously puts in the work. Do I think she’ll ever be a singles champion? Absolutely not, but at least she isn’t complacent.
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Is it the tables? Is that what led to Lana turning face?
This was good for Asuka. This was good booking. She didn’t look like a chump giving Lana offense, and she looked both strong and smart post-match. Solid.
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By that logic, ShaNia owns NXT’s division as well. Just saying.
Really wish they’d nix the “Mandy” intro.
Stop I never wanna hear Peyton’s theme again, plz.
So they really never did explain why Peyton and Lacey became a thing? Mk. They seem like genuine friends, it’s just too bad they aren’t a compelling tag team in the ring. Would much rather watch Sexy Muscle Friends, ngl.
Hi I like Riott Squad and have no problems with them theoretically being in this match, but why the fuck are they still here lmao. Go to SD.
This better get longer than 10 mins, there are way too many women here for y’all to rob them of time.
It’s nice to see more women give a shit about tag team wrestling/becoming a cohesive unit.
Lacey just cuz you can do a moonsault off the apron, doesn’t mean you should. That was dicey. Fine, but dicey. There’s a reason Charlotte goes up to the top turnbuckle when she does it to the outside (not that I’m suggesting that incredibly high risk spot but I’m js)
Wish Lacey wasn’t so wooden. Wish she was more trusting and flexible like Charlotte.
I’d bet anything Mandy and Dana actually could suplex Nia. Let them try.
Good break up by Shayna. Protect Dana and Mandy’s finisher. Also that was a WICKED knee strike by Mandy.
Everyone’s gonna get a move in now huh. Le sigh.
NICE interrupt again by Shayna, girl with the good timing.
Fair ending. How long was that? 5 mins to the second lmao. Mk, wwe. Mk.
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Welp Alexa is officially on Firefly funhouse. Good. Now we get to blur some lines and have a bit more fun with her character.
Highlight: Asuka looking like a dominant champ without squashing Lana
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Rhea Ripley #1 in nxt, these are the facts. She’s literally gone through them all. Throw her up to the MR, lesgo.
Watching her handle Charlotte and Piper is so impressive. Beast.
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“Gone against Bianca Belair and Shayna Baszler,” so got squashed by Bianca and Shayna lmao. Hey, everyone’s got a role I guess. I remember when Alexa was enhancement talent that did a 450 splash and blew glitter all over the stage.
I don’t understand how Ember was wiped out after doing a mere roll off the ropes. It seems like a work since Jessi didn’t react and continued on as if she scored some offense (she didn’t) but that was a nasty landing on Ember’s lower back. Weird.
One count off an uppercut bahahaha
“You done messed up now,” Ember exclaims, after flipping off a fucking snapmare. I liked her better when she had no personality and just wrestled amazingly.
Is Ember a heel now? She’s acting like a heel. Why is she doing submissions? Why is she talking so much trash? Why is she so arrogant? Not a fan.
A springboard back elbow drop? Intriguing, Jessi. Intriguing. Points.
Jessi was too quick for Ember’s (now slow) setup into her codebreaker out of the corner. I’m gonna watch Charlotte vs Ember from 2019 after this, Ember was a lot quicker and cleaner - also cuz I miss Charlotte.
Yeahhh Ember used Jessi’s hair to pull her head back so she could do a crossface. She’s either a garbage babyface, or a heel.
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Welp Dakota just turned babyface. Jeeze she be looking fine too. 10 points.
Dakota should be mad. She bumps like a motherfucker for every person she faces, and she made Ember’s botchy moves look amazing. Sucks she had such a stinker against Io, but there’s no way Ember should be rated higher than Dakota rn.
Interesting to note that Dakota came out on her own, as opposed to bringing - or even sending - Raquel.
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Why does Xia have to win? Is there a kf contract that’s riding on her victory? Why is a random ass match against Kacy the biggest match of her career lol
Also this interviewer is gorgeous. Eyebrows on fleek, beautiful eyes and flawless hair.
*The Garganos prepare to Spin the Wheel* No.
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Love Kacy’s speed. Always a joy to watch in the midcard.
Oh holy shit Kacy won, I did not see that coming. Where we going with this Xia stuff?
Xia gonna single handedly wreck both Kacy and Kayden?
WHY IS RAQUEL OUT HERE? What the fuck did Kacy and Kayden do to Raquel lmaooo
Commentator said Raquel sees Rhea Ripley in everyone she looks at. I say that’s the weakest explanation ever. Y’all just trying to find any reason to give her screen time, and this ain’t it.
“She’s sending a message to Ripley,” RHEA DON’T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THESE BITCHES. Also she’s like 3x the size of all of them lmao what?
“And next week? At Halloween? Havoc?” Girl stay backstage with your promos.
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I don’t know wtf the wheel is, but I absolutely loved that segment with Io.
She’s such a special attraction to me. I miss her when she’s not on, and she’s so under saturated that I never get tired of seeing her. 
Highlight: Segment with Io
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Man I really like Nina’s theme song.
After seeing last week’s fucking wrist lock marathon, this aggression is such a breath of fresh air. Not really much of a match, as it a brawl... but that’s perfectly fine lol.
Ahh Nina’s a runner? Interesting, I wouldn’t have guessed that.
Not a fan of Amale’s boots with her gear. Pressing stuff, I know.
Lol thought Nina was about to do a dis-arm-her. Man, I miss Becky.
Nina is a bit awkward with her transitions, I’m noticing.
Beautiful landing of the back body drop by Nina. Practically a swan dive.
Amale did such a lackadaisical pin attempt, and then could barely muster the strength to kick out of one. Ma’am isn’t the worst, but with as green as she is, she should be limited to 3 min sprints.
Seems to be a popular complaint I have with UK, they get gassed insanely easy. wwe needs to build a pc over there or something.
Final Act is a really weak finisher, but considering the speed, I will give points for the way Nina holds her opponent’s neck forward. We like to see performers protecting their partners from getting whiplash.
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Love Nina’s voice. Love her whole shtick tbh.
She wants Piper? *sigh* okay. Should’ve just done a tournament to determine KLR’s next opponent, but whatever.
Highlight: Nina’s backstage interview
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lmfao Bianca’s reaction to being slapped. Ahhhh she’s funny.
Jeeze fucking tossed Zelina across the ring.
oof that speed by Bianca after flipping out of the hurricanrana. Whew.
Bianca straight threw Zelina into the air just to punch her in the throat lmao.
So this match was literally just “watch [Bianca] shine now” aye rep those lyrics, girl.
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Confession: sometimes I fangirl over Bayley’s demeanor. She got BDE and you know what? Good for her, good for her.
Points for the chair, Bayley.
“[Sasha is] an ungrateful brat” you know... kind of accurate.
Tbf Bayley, Sasha’s name kind of is bigger than your title, cuz she’s kept herself as an A+ superstar for like 4 years without holding gold. That deserves respect and recognition. That’s a woman keeping solely her name relevant without even being champion. Now in all fairness, I think all 4 of the horsewomen are up to that standing now, but let’s give credit where it’s due.
Sasha deserves to be champion in a meta sense, this is a fact, but man her character is so unlikeable. Like Bayley is a coward and an absolute tool but she still comes off as more genuine. A face turn for Bayley will be so easy. Not asking y’all to rush it wwe, but I’m just saying.
“Just give me the title back and we’ll talk about it,” Bayley says, as if she won’t grab that shit and bolt out of the arena.
Oh that was such a good set up to the spot with Bayley caught upright in the chair. I saw that screenshot months ago, but watching it be set up makes it so much better.
Ma’am I feel like being physically forced and coerced into signing a contract automatically makes it null and void, but hey this is your universe, what do I know.
Vicious - Bayley falling over with a fucking chair wrapped around her neck. Whew what a bump.
“Go help her Cole” LMFAO legit the last person in the company that would come to Bayley’s aid. Good line, Corey. That was a great promo and segment. Mega points.
Highlight: Go home segment for Bayley & Sasha
Hell in a Cell:
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Kind of a weak video package for this feud, ngl. They didn’t bother with the Raw women’s championship, didn’t bother with 2019, Raw 2016/2017, nxt... Closest we got were a couple 2 second clips/screenshots.
By definition, this feud has to be one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory. It had the potential to blow Becky/Charlotte out of the water, and didn’t even enter the same stratosphere. Shame. This is a perfectly fine feud in a vacuum... until you remember it’s fucking Sasha and Bayley. Okay I’ll stop beating a dead horse. 
If Sasha were a real babyface, she’d drop that awful Snoop remix.
Sasha looks amazing. Love the contrast of Sasha wearing white and Bayley wearing black. Gonna miss Bayley’s old gear though.
Love Bayley spray painting 1-0 on the chair, since we all obsessed over Sasha’s shitty record ahead of this match lmao.
This feud just never picked up that mountain of tension Becky and Charlotte had at Evolution I’M SORRY.
Why can’t everyone do a headscissors takedown as fast as Sasha can.
Such an innovative way of utilizing a table and the cell to deliver a meteora. POINTS FOR SASHA *applause*
So I like the concept of Sasha rolling under the table and pushing it up into Bayley, but the landing of the table near Sasha’s head made me uneasy. I like the concept of Sasha rotating her body on the apron before jumping straight into a meteora against the cell, but the way she landed against the LED was awkward. The ideas are there though.
Cool watching Sasha jump from the apron to scale the cell, then back to the apron, then jumping over Bayley onto the floor. She’s like a rabbit. I’m underselling this tbh, like 95% of the women in the company can’t do the things Sasha can do.
OOF at Bayley being dropkicked into the steps. What a landing.
At this point, I don’t even want to see a women’s hiac match unless Sasha’s in it, or at the very least has a hand in producing it. Ugh she’d be an amazing match producer, whew.
Ugly landing through the kendo stick onto the steps by Sasha. That’s a spot that would’ve received an audible gasp from a live crowd.
OOF a sunset flip powerbomb into the fucking cell. oof. rip Bayley.
OOF a sunset flip into the fucking chair. oof. rip Sasha.
Positive on Bayley’s botched kendo stick/tape spot: lends credence to how inexperienced Bayley is with handling weapons in kf, and Bayley did a great job vocally improvising - probably earned herself points backstage. A negative: what a disaster of a spot lmfao. Should’ve had it already created and ready to go beneath the ring, or used a broomstick/crutch for the spot instead. Having people handle tape mid match is stupid. Wasn’t Bayley’s fault, but the crowd would’ve shit all over that lesbireal.
If you’re a specified Sasha fan, you’ll probably deem this the greatest match of Sasha’s career, cuz my god did she look amazing in it (and she actually won) but if you’re not, I’ll tell you, they did not do a good job making Bayley shine at the end of her historic reign imo.
Sasha bout to have a breakdown. Good acting.
This match lacks cohesion. Very spotty, but most of the spots are fucking incredible, so it gets a pass.
I like the ladder on the chairs.
Sasha jumping off the set up ladder to do a meteora in the corner was nice. Sasha using a fucking Bayley to Belly onto the ladder was beautiful.
Sasha looking like she wants to cry. Man she’s amazing.
BEAUTIFUL counter out of the Bayley to Belly by Sasha; dropped Bayley into the chair to set up her Bank Statement inside the chair.
Mega points for that single chair being the center of their entire feud, as the rivalry began and ended with that chair. Bravo there.
That’s it, Bayley’s reign is finally over. This match’s review was hella long, but deservedly so. Extremely happy for Sasha. Took her 4 years on the MR giving people banger after banger before wwe trusted her with a legitimate title reign, but we’ve finally made it.
Highlight(s): Both sunset flips by Bayley & Sasha against the chair & cell, respectively
*hiac blew everything else out of the water by default thanks to Bayley vs Sasha, but both Raw & SD were very enjoyable to me this week as well.
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