#i know money is the only thing that motivates them
perfectsunlight · 9 hours
( 𝟯𝟯 ) ✏ us
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none
word count: 2k
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀: 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
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“did you tell minjeong yet?” 
you nodded your head at your sister’s question while you poked at your food with your fork. surprisingly, the conversation about the university’s accusations went well. jennie was upset, but not at you, which you thanked every god in the sky for.
“who do you think did it?” the older girl asked before taking a sip of her water. your shoulders sagged at the question. “talk to me, what are you thinking?” jennie added as she reached across the table and gently rested her hand on top of yours.
“well,” you sighed as you leaned back in your chair, gently giving your sister’s hand a squeeze. “logically speaking, minjeong is the only one who could have a motive. she hated me at first, and she’s being paid extra to tutor me now.” jennie’s arched brow told you she didn’t think the same way you did. “and you don’t think wonyoung wouldn’t have a motive for sabotage once she found out how much minjeong is making?”
you frowned, considering her words. “wonyoung? i mean, she doesn't seem like the type to do something like that.”
the idol immediately responded, but not in a tone of malice. “and you really think minjeong is?”
a small silence filled the space between you two as you felt yourself struggling to come to terms with the idea of wonyoung doing something so heinous. however, deep down you knew it wasn’t in your tutor’s character to do something like this to you.
jennie remained silent as she leaned back, her head tilted a bit to the side. “you do know minjeong has refused me to pay her for a few weeks now, right? even the last time you two hung out after tutoring, she refused to accept my payment.”
you blinked in surprise. for some reason, your stomach did a small flip at the revelation as well. “no, i didn’t know that.” you liked the thought of minjeong hanging out with you because she wanted to, and not just because she was being paid to.
your sister nodded slowly. “it doesn’t add up for her to be behind this if she’s not even taking the money she’s owed. but, you need to make your decision soon.”
you took a deep breath, absorbing this new information. “when will you sign a testimony off for me, unnie?”
“i will only sign off a testimony for you once you have figured out who did it,” jennie said, leaning forward again. “we need to figure out who reported you and why. the university wouldn’t take such accusations lightly without some sort of ‘evidence’.”
the mere thought of both minjeong or wonyoung being the ones behind such a scheme made your heart hurt. wonyoung had been acting weird lately, but minjeong was still there. but was it a cover up? was minjeong only doing this because she didn’t want to get caught?
deep down, you knew it was not in kim minjeong’s character to do such an atrocious thing.
“i’ll talk to minjeong tomorrow.”
the next day, you met up with minjeong after class. she was waiting for you by the library, her blonde hair catching the sunlight. she smiled when she saw you and you felt your heartbeat quicken, but her smile faltered when she noticed your serious expression.
“hey,” she greeted, her tone concerned. “is everything okay?”
you took a deep breath. “there’s something we need to talk about. it’s about the accusations the university made against me.”
the president motioned with her head for you to follow her. “let’s talk in the student council room.”
it was a quick 3 minute walk from your class to the student council room. it was a route you hadn’t taken since your breakup with jimin. inside, it smelled like its familiar scent of lavender. there were four desks, one for each of the council members. you could tell which was which due to the name plates on each of them.
“she still has these in here?” you chuckled as you picked up an empty can of butter caramel pringles on jimin’s desk. minjeong turned around after setting her bag down to look at you. “yeah, she always has them at her desk.” the blonde answered as she opened the mini fridge and took out two waters. she handed one to you before continuing to speak. “wait, you know jimin?” the president asked as she took a sip of her water. she knew jimin was popular, but only the council members knew about her stash of pringles at her desk. 
“oh yeah,” you answered with a small smile before twisting the cap off of your own bottle. “we used to date.”
minjeong immediately choked on her water, feeling her stomach churn and her face heat up. she continued coughing as she tried to regain her composure. “you…you and jimin dated?”
you nodded, your smile fading out of concern for the girl in front of you. “yeah, for a little while. are you okay?”
minjeong took a few deep breaths, finally calming down. “yeah, i’m fine.” she squeaked before clearing her throat. “i just had no idea. anyway,” she clapped her hands together awkwardly and stuck her hand at you. “what did you want to talk about?” 
your eyes traced over her features for a moment, taking in the shade of pink that adorned her cheeks for just a moment. something still felt off about her, but you decided to ignore it in favor of the urgency for this conversation.
“i was thinking about which one of you told the university those things. at first, i thought... well, considering our history, i wondered if you might have—”
“me?” minjeong interrupted, looking hurt. “you think i would do something like that?”
you shook your head quickly, feeling a pang of guilt for even suggesting it. you’d never seen such emotions grace minjeong’s features. “no, no, i don’t. it was just a thought, considering how things were between us at the beginning. but now, i don’t believe it for a second.”
the blonde’s expression softened, and she took a deep breath. “okay, good. i’m glad you don’t think that. i’d never do something like that to you.” she folded her arms against her chest and leaned back against the top of her desk. the mere thought of you thinking she’d dare do something like that made her heart break.
“i know,” you said, trying to offer a reassuring smile. “i guess i’m just trying to figure out who would. jennie and i talked about it, and she thinks it might be wonyoung.”
the president took a few beats of silence before answering. her eyes looked at yours, full of intelligence you could only dream of having. “but do you think it’s wonyoung?”
you slowly looked down at the floor before nodding. “unfortunately. what i wanted to talk to you about is something only you can help me with.”
minjeong took a step closer to you before hesitatingly placing a hand on your shoulder. your eyes met each other once again, and you could feel the sincerity behind her irises. “whatever it is, just know i’m here to help as much as i can.”
part of you knew asking this was out of line. you knew it was not right, especially given the current circumstance. but you felt horrible, and you thought maybe minjeong would be willing to help.
“is there any way you can help me convince the university to not expel her?” 
the president’s features contorted into a look of shock and almost hurt. after everything wonyoung had done, she refused to even offer the spiteful girl even an ounce of help.
“no. y/n,—” the blonde couldn’t believe what she was hearing. she even took a step back, her hand falling away from your shoulder. “you’re serious, aren’t you?” you nodded, your expression earnest. “i know what she did was wrong, but i don’t want her future ruined because of it. there has to be another way.”
minjeong sighed, turning away from you as she ran a hand through her hair. “y/n, she accused you of bribery and threats. those are very serious offenses, and you're at risk of expulsion. why would you want to protect her?”
“i’m not protecting her—”
“no, you are. that’s exactly what you’re doing. the university had even asked me to give my own opinion on wonyoung when the first reports came in. she’s not a good person, she’s not worth protecting.” the other girl explained firmly, emotional eyes full of seriousness. 
“but she just wanted to help me.” you replied as you followed the blonde. “she was just trying to do what was best for me.”
there was something about your tone that made the president’s ears start ringing. she couldn’t believe you right now. she spun around immediately to face you, her expression incredulous. “are you serious right now, y/n? ‘just trying to help’? by framing you for bribery and threatening behavior? how is that helping you in any universe?”
you felt your frustration boiling over. “maybe she just made a mistake, minjeong. they probably cornered her and she said that by accident. haven’t you ever made a mistake?”
minjeong’s once docile eyes flashed with irritation. “of course i have, but i’ve never tried to destroy someone’s future in the process! she wasn’t just making a mistake, she was being intentionally malicious. and you’re defending her?”
“i’m not defending her,” you snapped back, your voice rising with folded arms across your chest. “i just don’t want to see her life ruined over this. she’s young, she can still change.”
minjeong’s hands clenched into fists at her sides. “and what about your life, y/n? what about the fact that you could get expelled because of her lies? doesn’t that matter to you at all?”
“of course it matters!” you shouted, feeling tears of frustration prickling at the corners of your eyes. “but i can’t just stand by and let her be destroyed because of it. it’s not right.”
the other girl shook her head, her voice low and bitter. “you’re unbelievable. you’re so focused on saving someone else that you don’t even see the damage being done to you. to us.”
“to us?” you echoed, your voice faltering. what did minjeong mean? “what are you talking about?”
“i’m talking about the fact that you’re so willing to forgive and protect someone who hurt you, but you don’t even consider how it affects the people who actually care about you,” the president shot back. “how it affects me.”
you stared at her, the realization of what she was saying hitting you like a ton of bricks. “minjeong—”
“no, you don’t get it,” she interrupted, her voice trembling with frustration. “i’ve been here, by your side, through all of this. even when you hated me. and now you’re asking me to help the person who tried to ruin you? it’s like you don’t even care about what i think or how i feel.”
“that’s not true,” you responded desperately, heartbeat racing so fast you could feel it in your ears. “i do care about you.”
“then show it,” minjeong whispered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “show me that you care about yourself, about me. stop trying to save someone else at your own expense.”
the silence between you was deafening. you could feel the weight of minjeong’s words pressing down on you, the raw emotion in her voice cutting through the fog of your own confusion and guilt. you knew she was right, but you still felt so lost.
“i don’t know what to do,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “i just don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
minjeong took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering. “sometimes, y/n, people get hurt. and sometimes, the person you need to protect the most is yourself.”
with that, she turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, feeling more lost and conflicted than ever before.
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𝗧𝗔𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧: @silantryoo @forever-in-the-sky2 @rosiehrs @urfriendlylocalidiot @chaewonluvsme @zhivaxo @baebeefyburrito @jisooftme @winterlve @mina1vr @rgxjsss @uzumakioden @bexisbomb @tzuyuscloud @cwpiqwon @dream-chasers-things @demtions @sewiouslyz @jeindall777
@writingficsblog @ad0rechuu @lauxymy4 @awkwardtoafault @popstaryunjin @hibernatinghamster @tocupid @myothegreat @yerevies @alexxis10 @sighsam @ddeulgiheree @kikelikesmc @ddoxhan @justalittledissociation @jenaissantex @captivq @lea-pg @skisk1 @justme-idle @neuftaeng
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rainbowsky · 19 hours
Hi rainbowsky....
How r you. .
Hope your summer vacations are going on well!!
Since yesterday, there are lots of posts on Twitter that Dapeng has unfollowed Yibo on weibo and also that he has not spoken anything about Yibo during award ceremony...
What are your views on it..
Hi Shakurablossom, I'm OK, hope you are too.
I'd like to remind everyone that Twitter toxic BS belongs on Twitter, not here. I closed my anonymous inbox for this very reason.
This whole thing with Da Peng is completely unsubstantiated. There is no proof that they 'unfollowed' each other, or have any kind of beef with each other, but there is evidence to the contrary.
It is true that Da Peng did follow Yibo in January of 2022, but Yibo did not follow him back at that time. I know that, because I made a comprehensive list months later of all of the people he followed, and Da Peng was not among them.
Yibo does not currently follow him, but as far as I can tell he never did at any point.
As for whether Da Peng follows Yibo anymore, that, too, cannot be verified. He follows many hundreds of people, and on Weibo it's not possible to see all of the people he follows. When lists are long like that, Weibo limits how many accounts you can see at a time, and browsing through them all is difficult if not impossible.
Even if he did unfollow DD, that's certainly no proof of a rift.
There were reports and some video clips of DD waving to Da Peng at Weibo Movie Night, and of Da Peng enthusiastically applauding and cheering for DD when he won his award, which they wouldn't have been doing if they were mortal enemies.
Look, this kind of fandom 'enmity' narrative is not good for GG or DD, and hateful fan behavior toward colleagues will only make their careers more difficult and give them a bad reputation. Despite the massive size of China, the entertainment business is relatively small, and no one can afford to make enemies.
Not only that, but as I stated before back during the whole War of Faith controversy, fan behavior can backlash against the artist and cause them serious problems. Fans should remember the Clear and Bright campaign and behave accordingly, whether they agree with the intentions of the campaign or not. The rules are real, the consequences are real.
We cannot know what is happening behind the scenes, nor how DD feels about any of it. Fans make all sorts of assumptions about these relationships, but that is all they are: assumptions.
None of the claims about War of Faith added up. They still don't. Everyone involved in that project stands to gain by DD being acknowledged and winning an award, just as much as any other actor.
Given his high profile, age and background, I'd argue it's even more so in their best interest for DD to win an award. The attention the production would receive in such a situation - and the opportunities it would lead to - would be significant. No one's so stupid, selfish or short-sighted to not see that. No one in that industry hates money that much.
Everyone involved in that project - everyone, including actors, producer, director, etc. - stands to gain by DD remaining connected to it in a positive way, by DD's fans continuing to support and champion the project, by a possible sequel happening, etc. The show had only just begun to get more opportunities to air, and potential for a sequel was genuine.
Everyone involved in that project stands to lose by DD being passed over, stands to lose by DD's fans freaking out and turning against it, stands to lose from all the negative press. There's no motive for production to suppress DD's opportunity to win an award for his role. Quite the contrary. It doesn't add up.
The information the production team provided about what happened was adequate to explain the situation. The statements DD and YBO made were emphatic and sincere. Yet, incredibly, there are people who believe he was lying under duress.
Similarly, there's no motive for DD to create a rift with Da Peng, and certainly not vice versa.
I wish people would put in more thorough care and reflection before cracking off with these conspiracy theories. They're so harmful, and such a waste of time. They poison the atmosphere of fandom and turn everything into a battle between fans and perceived enemies. They cause rifts within fandom as well, and turn friends against each other. It's not a good use of anyone's energy.
For years we've all talked here on Tumblr about how 'protective' behavior by fans is not helpful nor healthy, but somehow it's as though we have developed a case of collective amnesia and suddenly almost everyone is engaging in it as though we are living in a parallel universe where none of that past reflection had ever happened. As though when XFX are engaging in it, it's awful and deluded, but when turtles are, it's righteous and valiant. That sort of double-standard is disappointing and confusing, to say the very least.
This sort of "my fave is the victim of some terrible, outrageous Injustice and I need to go to war for them" narrative is what nearly got GG canceled. I know I'm not the only person who holds that in painful memory.
The whole War of Faith thing led to a lot of that same behavior, including people reporting the drama to the government, claiming that the director and producer do not represent proper communist values, because they put forth for an award an actor who played an enemy of communism.
Are we now at a place in fandom where we are going to start openly embracing the idea that only actors who play characters that align with certain ideologies should be worthy of acknowledgement for their efforts? Are we at a place in fandom now where we're going to try to use a repressive government as a tool against people who we perceive to be our enemies?
There is that old saying, "When you have a hammer in your hand, everything starts to look like a nail." How we look at things shapes our perception of them.
We should all know this by now. After all, we see solos constantly swearing up and down that GG and DD are mortal enemies, and claiming to have proof of it. We see how their heteronormativity and boyfriend fantasies color their ability to see or acknowledge any of the evidence to the contrary. They see things through their own lens, and they approach things in a way that helps guide their toxic behavior. Nothing - however rational or substantial - will ever convince them that GG and DD don't absolutely despise each other.
GG and DD could be filmed making out in the back of a car, could issue a joint statement saying they're friends, could come out and have a public wedding, and solos would think it was all an act they had no choice but to engage in. They'll always have some other explanation. They'll never change their minds in the face of evidence because their perspective doesn't come from the evidence, it comes from inside themselves.
In the same sense, if we want to see a conspiracy of abuse toward GG or DD, that's exactly what we'll see. If we want to believe that certain colleagues are their enemies, no one will be able to convince us otherwise.
I am here to say that there is another way of looking at things, and a completely different perspective. One that does not align with the DD victim narrative people have been pushing lately.
We have a choice about how we view and approach things, and as fans it is incumbent upon us to choose very wisely and carefully, particularly if that choice is going to lead to disruptive and potentially damaging fan behavior.
Regardless of our perspective, we should always behave in ways that support GG and DD and will not put them at risk or endanger them, their careers or their reputations.
We need to trust GG and DD to manage their own relationships and careers, and behave graciously and respectfully toward everyone they work with. It is impossible for us to know when we are creating rifts where there were none. It's impossible for us to know what opportunities are lost, what delicate situations are tipped over in a bad way, all because of fan behavior.
It's better to take the higher ground than to dig into ugly thoughts, feelings and behavior.
If GG or DD has a problem with someone, I trust them to deal with it themselves. They have platoons of high-priced top lawyers and managers looking out for their interests. They don't need fan disruption. It's not helpful, and will just draw more negative attention their way and make them look even more like traffic stars, which is the last thing need as they try to shed that image and be taken seriously as actors. It will only add more stress to situations, and another headache for them to navigate and deal with.
So I hope that we can all focus on GGDD and their projects, rather than on what we perceive their relationships with colleagues to be. It's totally unknowable, and frankly none of our business anyway.
In the absence of clear and comprehensive information, let's try to be charitable in our assumptions, and represent GG and DD as humbly and graciously as they represent themselves.
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miimo96 · 1 day
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 5
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I love how Wholesome this Clark is, at 1st it looked like he wasn't really into attending the contest, but as soon as he heard that it was going to be Donating money to the children's hospital, he immediately made up his mind, Showing us once again Why this Show is Amazing, Because they Know how to HANDLE Superman
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Aaaaahhh!! We're Finally being introduced to Kara, Omg She looks Soooo good I can't wait to see how they handle her and her relationship with Clark, maybe we might actually get see the "Sibling" Dynamic I talked about not to long ago ^^; (also is it me or does kara look kinda familiar, I don't know she just looks someone I've seen before I just can't put my finger on it, hmmmmm 🤔 eh it's probably nothing )
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Annnd just like that Love at 1st sight, in all seriousnes I really love Jimmy's character and how he's handled throughout this show, It's clear that he does feel Guilty for What happened last episode, after all He was the one who gave Lex the "motivation" to do what he is doing So I understand that he does feel responsible in someway, plus he did bring Clark to Expo in the 1st place which led to Superman being framed when the Villains attacked, but C'mon, you Didn't know that would happen or that Lex would be there, or that you guy's would have a TED TALK discussing the "Dangers" of Superman, You have No reason to feel guilty or have any obligation to Fix this because it wasn't your Fault, just sit down and talk to your boy and for crying out loud Omg 😫
Also Clark using his X-ray vision to immediately see who was running is extremely funny to me for some reason idk why lol 😅
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Ok 2 things, 1 Lois throughout this episode was really infuriating to me, Lois's ego was really shining here I mean she really feels that there's Nothing Specail about her, and that it would be completely unlikely for a guy like Superman to ever be interested in a person like her, because "who would ever be interested in the reporter right" even though they made entire episode last season focusing on the LOL/ League of Lois Lanes and how Lois lane is DESTINED to be with Superman in every reality, so it really Grinds my gears when she starts getting jealous when she sees Superman acting single around other contestants/girls, and wants act all salty and question if they're even "right" for each other and that maybe he should be with someone who is more Special than her when in reality that's exactly WHY he fell for you in the 1st place, because you are Different and because you Makes him feel Normal, also you're the 1 that Told him to "act" single in the 1st place like Wtf!? Also I find it hilarious that Clark immediately waves as they're talking about who could Superman's identity be, like it's LITERALLY right in front of them 😂
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Judging by this scene it feels like she's never been on Earth before whatsoever, from her being to foriegn to stuff like what Ice cream and hot dogs are, to earlier with her wanting to immediately square up with a Truck, It's pretty clear that THIS Is her 1st time being on earth, leaving the question Now to where has she been all this time, and who is her father? Because as far as I'm aware I thought only her and Kal were last 2 kryptonians that made it off Krypton, So who could her "father" be? Well there's only 1 option, but I'll save that for a later scene ;)
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So as I was watching this I kept wondering on who the heck the other contestants were, as far as my knowledge of comic books go it's Not really that good, since I mainly grew up with cartoons and only read a few comics from time to time and Superman was the 1 thing that I Never really kept up with all that time, So forgive me I don't really know who most of the people are on here other than Hank Hanshaw AKA Cyborg Superman, if y'all happen to know feel free to lemme know in the comments or just Ask me in the submissions Thx ^^;
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Also can Clark Not come up with a good excuse to change into Superman, I mean how hard is it to say "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back" also saying you're going somewhere and then immediately having Superman show up is completely Sus as hell, how has no one else figured out Who the heck he really is yet ?😅
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Ah the Jealous girlfriend face 🤣🤣 also the scene here with Hank talking about just how dangerous Superman is and how he is literally a weapon waiting to go off just shows how much Lex is affecting people and how he already has people thinking he's right; This is stuff that will Definitely be brought up in season 3, I can already see the "Earth is for Earthlings" Hashtags 😅also I don't know about you but to me there's definitely something suspicious about Silver from the way she's acting, idk but to me I'm thinking that maybe Silver may not be as sweet as we think she is, hmmmm 🧐
I love the callback from Last episode with her saying "everything" when Jimmy asks what she wanted to see, just like how he did when Clark asked him the same question, also between this and the Jimmy from the Supergirl TV show on CW, Jimmy really has a knack for pulling Strong powerful women, Nice ^_^
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I Really love how Devoted kara already is to Jimmy, the fact that she immediately was ready to go and completely DESTROY Whoever hurt Jimmy tells you just how much she Already cares about him just from being on this planet for like idk 3 hours maybe, bro really knows how to pull the Baddies, Ngl I ship them ^^
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She's LITERALLY the embodiment of this
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Bruh Kara is really talking crazy here, to me this Not how kryptonians Speak, as far as I'm aware kryptonians are usually intelligent chill people with only a few of them being like soldiers, they're Not effing Conquerors, tbh this Version of them sounds more like Sayains than anything, Damn they're really going in on the whole Anime theme this season huh, which leads me to my Next topic; I think I Know who Kara's father supposedly is, here me out but what if it's Freaking ZOD, think about it, what if before she left krypton Zod kidnapped her as a baby and raised her to make her Think that she was his own, hence why she has this mindset and Why she's talking like this; after all Besides Kal only Zod and her would be last 2 kryptonians, So it's possible he could've raised her and molded her into the warrior/ conquer she is today Similar to him, and if you still don't believe me, then take a Good look at what She says here Next
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I rest my effing Case ^^ also OMG WTF IT WAS HER THE ENTIRE F#%KING TIME!? 🤯
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Ok 3 things: 1 she beat the Absolute Shit out of him my god she showed No mercy even to her Own cousin Wow, 2 the Animation for this fight scene in this episode was Wild omg I loved every minute of it, They have Not missed a Beat this season when it's come down to the Animation whatsoever, and finally 3 Her design for this Suit looks Just effing incredible, Omfg I love the Red and black color scheme they got going on here and the Symbol, aside from Bulky ass Shoulder pads, everything just looks So effing CLEAN, Man I can't wait to see the Fanart from this Suit; Also it's clear that Brainiac is controlling her somehow judging by how she keeps hesitating and the way her eyes go completely blank after She receives her orders, So there may be hope for her Just yet, but in the end I know that even IF she turns good, Earth is going to be Completely against her and Superman by the end of this Season, So yeah...
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Wow it looks like we Gotten yet another New superpower for this man, Ngl, I'm not a fan at all, the last one we got from him was his Bio electric aura which at 1st I wasn't a fan of but once I thought about It some more and did a bit more research on it, It really started to grow on me, Since it's how he's able to Defy the impossible, THIS however I am just Not feeling it, this does make any sense for him to have and Never even once in my life have I ever seen this man Shoot effing energy from his Mouth, like what is even the Point of this power and what is it used for like Bruh, Sry but this is Definitely ain't for me, and is Not going to grow on me anytime soon ^^;
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No Please Not the Injustice FINISHER, Omg DON'T DO HIM LIKE THAT!! 😱😱😱
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Wow this episode was just Balls to the Walls insane, between this and the Reveal that Brainiac was the one She was referring to as "father" i have No idea what else to expect from this series, and this is Just making me completely unsure about what's gonna happen next in this show, Omg this Series is so good, Can't wait for the next one #SupermanSaturdays
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stilljuststardust · 7 hours
You aren't persisting
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I know you know how to persist
・゚✧To start, a disclaimer.
This is a tough love post
If you see yourself in this post I do NOT want you to feel ashamed or discouraged.Shame is unproductive. Shame does not help you grow, self forgiveness and a willingness to change DOES.
because you are currently persisting in the 3D.
Tell me if this sounds familiar,
You wake up every morning and a pit settles in your stomach because you "don't have it yet".
Despite the fact that you haven't left your bed and the only evidence you have to that claim is you woke up and immediately assumed your desire hadn't manifested.
You assumed your desired face hasn't manifested despite not having looked in the mirror.
You assumed you don't have the money to buy that super cute thing you saw despite not checking your bank account.
You assumed your SP hates you despite the fact you haven't spoken to them.
You SWEAR up and down you haven't been checking the 3D but if that's the case how do you know it hasn't manifested?
You, right now, are operating under the assumption that it isn't working. Then when the 3D proves it to you, because it's job is to provide evidence of your assumptions, you throw a fit.
You seek out advice, methods, motivation, because you assume that you don't have it/can't manifest it.
firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
-oxford dictionary
I say this with love, a lot of you only persist when it's easy. Persistence MEANS you continue in the face of difficulty.
Assumption is knowing that regardless of what you're shown you already have your desire.
If your assumption ends when the 3D says otherwise, it is not an assumption.
If your persistence ends when you face obstacles, it is not persistence.
If you stop persisting when the 3D shows you what you don't want, by definition, you are not persisting.
If you stop persisting when you feel discouraged, by definition, you are not persisting.
If you want it, view the world as if you already have it, no matter what happens.
Think as if you have it, even in the face of difficulty.
An assumption, even though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.
I know you want answers, but there's nothing more to tell you. There is only the law. If you are looking for the key or "secret " to manifestation you are misguided. There isn't one. There is only the law.
Do you know why Abdullah slammed the door in Nevilles face? Do you know WHY all there was to say was "you are already in Barbados"?
Because that's IT. YOU HAVE IT. That is all. Bloggers are trying to help but at some point you will have nothing to learn, because there is no more advice to give.
You keep getting the same advice because you keep making the same mistake.
There is nothing more to know. There is only the law.
Just keep fucking going.
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aerilune · 7 months
THEY CANCELLED SHADOW AND BONE!!!!! I AM FUCKING FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll never get the six of crows plot which what everyone was most excited to see!!!!! They were going to make so much money literally what the fuck is wrong with those execs???? We could have got our crow content, they could have made millions like?!?!? (I know that's all they care about) I would kill to see that wonderful cast performing the ice court heist I would sell my soul to finally see the crows all together my disappointment is immeasurable I'm sobbing
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irradiatedrosegarden · 3 months
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sometimes you just gotta lick the homies
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skunkes · 1 month
i played that ni/tw games a couple yrs ago and could not relate/didn't really care or retain anything from it at all but lately that one thing about wondering if you're just another failure in a long line of failures. is. an
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tenok · 15 days
The point (one of them) is that both Aziraphale and Crowley actually think they the smartest one in any given situation. And since I relate to Aziraphale much more today I get fixated on his brand of superiority. He starts his journey with rebellion from pretty tame "I don't get why they makes this desisions and it's look horrible on surface evel but I'm sure that they get best ineterests of everyone involved in their hearts and it's probably me the one that didn't get some oblivious detail" to "oh okay I'm sure it's some kind of misundestanding and we can all talk it out as adults because we there work on same goals" to frustrated "they won't ever listen to me and I will get in trouble for arguing and it will be better for everyone if I will make my desisions in secret and go behind their backs because I just can't let THEM make desisions that will destroy everything". It's not straightforward, I'm 30 and still circulate sometimes between "what if it's me the one that wrong aout everything" and "god HOW people can be THAT stupid", but I remember going throught this stages first as good and obedient kid with really stupid parents making stupid desisions and later with school, govermnet, activist spaces etc.
And the problem is, I was the smartest person in the room enough time to develop issues, and Aziraphale lives like his for 6000 years at least. I can only imagine how many times he thought "if only Starmaker listen to me and didn't Fall", "if only God listened to me and didn't make an Apocalypse happen", "if only Heavens listened to me and didn't did this or that that thing", "if only Crowley listen to me and understand in what kind of danger we can get", "if only that human listened to me and haven't dig the body", etc etc. It's awful, to be the one who always gets to say "I told you so", especially when there's such awful consequenses you can't even feel satisfaction, and you will be the one to clen this mess up (and Aziraphae will clean, or better try to prevent). Now, it's of course leads to issues. BIG issues.
1) It's really hard to stop being plotting and maciavellian and communicate things properly when you expect that person will at best argue with you, at worst punish you and double down on their stupid desisons and you will clean this mess up. It also really hard to stop trying to control everything because you already accepted that everything is your responsibility and everyone else would just make things worse. (as someone that relates to Aziraphale I think he did so much progress there, the levels or trust he shows Crowley are amazing for two beings that probably last time heard of psychotherapy when Freud was alive. but such trust is fragile thing, one misstep and you back on your "it will be better if I do everything alone" bullshit. I'm not saying it's good. I'm also not saying that it's bad. it's just how things work)
2) It makes you overstep other people authonomy, because, again, it would be better for everyone if they did what you think best for them. It works funny wih Aziraphale because yes he's all for free choices for humanity!! NOW GO AND DO SMART CHOICES DAMN YOU!!! WHY YOU DON'T PICK THE THING THAT WOULD BE SMART TO PICK I HATE YOU ALL. That's where me and Aziraphale difer a little because at least I somewhat good at stepping into other people shoes and understand why they do what they do. But angel there is autistic (or bad at this specific thing for other reasons), so I think when people he consider reasonable doesn't agree with him for their own reasons he ge's really baffled, like, there arE correct opinion and it's mine, WHY are you being difficult?? to spite me?? And I'm sure that half of the reason why Aziraphale's so comfortable with Crowley is that he perfectly happy to let him buly or manipulate him into doing things Aziraphale picks as right. Usually Crowley know where pick his battles and how to play long game to make Aziraphale agree for really important stuff he wants from him, but otherwise? Sure he will complain how he hates Hamlet but they will watch Hamlet, and Aziraphale will be very pleased with himself. (and than there goes final fifteen and we back at "but WHY won't ypu agree with thing I pick or us IT'S GOOD AND RESONABLE THING" and we should be happy that consent is something that imporant for our angel ok? he would be angry with Crowley for picking wrong but he won't make him do what he doesn't want. they respect each other like that.)
3) It makes you really really tired and tense. You control everything, unfortunately the longer you do it the more things starts really depedend on you, you can't let go, you don't know anyone that can share this burden with you because first they should prove that they won't blow his up and for this you should share at least something with them, but what is they would blow it up? Better be safe than sorry. And look when it's my problems it's credit cards and doctor appointmens and with Aziraphale we talk about people dying. Crowley dying. Now, as I said, he actually shows Crowley so. much. trust. for someone with such issues. Because Crowley was there for 6000 years, and he proved himself capable enough times. But still there's areas where let go and not worry would be impossible for Aziraphale, Crowley's safety being one of such things (you see, you can risk with your life when you deal with your problems because whatever you will clean shit up if needed, but if someone close to you hurt themself?? it's YOUR problem too but it will be SO MUCH HARDER to clean. I think when Aziraphale points to Crowley that hell would be harder on him than he can expect heavens to punish him, it's partially because he believes it's true and partially because he knows how to minimize harm when heavens angry with him but HOW can he do this for Crowley??). Anyway. Lol. The more I think about it the more I sure that Crowley without Aziraphale would be a miserable angry dick, and Aziraphale wihout Crowley would be dead, because it was the one person that kept him one tiny slip away from total burn out.
So yeah there's a lot of posts about how angry heartbroken etc Crowley will be with Aziraphale (I don't agree but that's for other post), less posts about how sad and heartbroken will be Aziraphale, but I hope to see Azyraphale being angry too (it they will be angry with each other at all). Not only for not picking him or leaving or making everything messy and emotional and wasting their first kiss at their fight etc, but also because Aziraphale was trusting him! Trusting that he get another resonable adult in team with him! Someone who he can trust to make resonable desisions and see his ideas as clever and him as capable and being willing to go to the end of the world with him with mild complaints and than!! When he did trust him to understand!! He was like everyone else!! Unresonable and emotional and angry with him and why he asked him at all he should've do it secretly and alone as always and it would've be as usual and it wouldn't hurt but it was Crowley that taught him to trust and to ask him for help!! Breaking his perfectly fine coping mechanisms!! It's all his faut if you think about it huh?? (but of course he's already forgiven. but also Aziraphale would do what he needs to do alone this time, as one and only capable adult in the world.)
Anyway it's not a meta it's just some late night thoughts. And it's in no way whole analizis there's so much more problems inside this angel. It's just something in particular that resonated with me today. Also it's not in any way critisizm of him, mind you, because a) he does really the smartest person in the room most of the time and b) I LOVE how fucked up in the head he is!!! I think he needs to become even more fucked up actually!!! and Crowley should love him for that and I will cheer for him from sidelines!!!
#good omens#Aziraphale#does it counts as meta if it's half projection but also you're the smartest person in the room and always correct hmm?#I'm always afraid to talk about how trauma made aziraphale not only the most suffered being in world but also a huge insufferable bitch#because no one gets him like me no one wants to love him for that!! aside of Crowley#I'm like 'can't relate to religious trauma but remember being super fucking tired at like 8 yo because parents beat me hard enough to leave#bruises for weeks and I was angry with them because of course they didn't remembered that I'll have a medical exam at school next week and#now I need to be a resonable one and invent a cover up good enough so there won't be Questions'#and don't get me started on money thing#*sigh* if only Aziraphale was also good at getting people. but I guess Goddess desided he'll be too powerful#also *for me* it'll be beautiful if Aziraphale would be angry with Crowley for leaving and not with himself for asking at all#I want them have a long talk about motives and why Aziraphale thought it'll be good idea and why Crowley said no and how they could prevent#this in the future....but the worst lesson Aziraphale can learn there is 'actually I should never again trust him with big desisions and#I should never again ask him for things that's Big and Important for me'#so yeah that's where Crowley will need to repair things.#tdh I'm glad that final fifteen blow up and Crowley was the one being angry and explaining nothing and running away#because I love Aziraphale but I'm almost sure that even with Crowley being calm and resonable there he would've make same choise#because situation was attuned to his weak spots just too good. I can't imagine scenario where he's not leaving#but it'll be much harder for me to see if Crowey was resonable one lol. not like fandom doesn't pretend that he isn't but you know. not by#my standarts. (now in perfect world they would talk to each other calmly compromise and make backup plans together. but they're still#learning so it's fiiine they'll get there. I hope to see them communicate flawlessly while bullshitting heavens and hell in season 3)
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mattzerella-sticks · 9 months
The idea of 'The Sovereign' and this storyline in Wonder Woman by Tom King reminds me of Hydra Captain America and the Secret Empire by Nick Spencer.
#wonder woman#i didn't want to discuss this but the sovereign really makes me angry in just how lazy he is as a character#and this whole idea of a 'secret king' running America#reeks the same as 'what if Captain America was a Hydra agent all along'#not only does the conspiracy that's been created upend a lot of what's already been established in WW lore#but this is also just a lazy kind of character creation that just takes everything Diana is and makes it opposite#the Sovereign or is he a Bizarro Wonder Woman?#like Superman and Lex aren't wholly opposites their goals are the same it's their motivation that's different#Lex 'helps' because he wants to look good and get praise and money he does good for selfish reasons#meanwhile Superman does good because it's the right thing to do#the sovereign looks and feels shallow#it's trying hard to be edgy but it's cringe i mean 'lasso of lies'?#it feels like it's gonna be revealed that there wasn't ever going to be a history where the sovereign and his ilk ruled America#but someone gave this man the lasso of lies and he created his new reality off the old one LIKE when Cap was rewritten to be Hydra#and we know he gets locked up so what is the actual stakes in this story we know he gets defeated#so what makes this story important?#like wonder woman earth one did this whole arc better and the main villain being max lord aka ares made more sense#the first 6 or so issues should have been on working towards unraveling amazonian influence and power in America because a group of men#see them as a threat to American superiority if this is the direction you want to go in#snapping your fingers and fastfowarding for a first issue is not the in media res you think it is#im ranting but ww has been one of mh fav series the past few years and now#for the first time in a long time#i have to not read it because this whole storyline sucks#dc comics#i can't wait for whoever comes next to undo what's happening now because if there's one consistent thing about WW is she will be reinvented
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Just todoroki dark choco and zuko
I never got far with My Hero, I was only at like the beginning of the Overhaul arc, so I can only judge Endeavor based on everything up till then (I heard he might have improved somewhat later on?), but again, it’s just Dark Choco being like “are you two okay??”. Especially since like, these two are teenagers while he is an adult
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mrfutureboy · 2 years
#original entry#im going to vent about art stuff#so feel free to skip this#so im frustrated bc drawing has been so hard for me this past year and if yall couldnt tell im not really making any art definitely not post#ing it. im aware its one of those things thatll only get worse the less i do it bc PRACTICE IS IMPORTANT#but my life this past year has been all over the place and so i havent had time and really no motivation#however i have a few commissions from december i still havent finished#and i feel HORRIBLE that its taken me so long#but some of these pieces. one in particular i have to pretty much redraw every time i come back to it bc its just giving me so many problems#(this isnt the fault of the commissioner lemme just go ahead and say that now)#i WANT to work on it and i work on it for hours but theres no progress bc ive just erased and redrawn things that whole time but something#STILL always looks off and it makes me so frustrated and i want to cry#and so im frustrated but i feel so guilty bc its been such a long time and so often when i do come back to it i just wanna give up and refun#d them. bc it isnt enjoyable anymore#it isnt enjoyable and given how much time ive already spent struggling its really not worth the money. especially bc my comms were half pric#e when i got all these comms (which is WHY i got all these comms)#so i feel like i devalued my self a little and i definitely spread myself way too thin bc i got like 6 commissions in one night or smth like#that. but i feel so guilty giving up!! this persons been WAITING for this!!!#idk yall i didnt want to cry so i stopped working on it but im SO frustrated and dont know what to do
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 months
I know people are scrambling to make a new NaNoWriMo, but does everything always have to be a gacha game? I don't want to fight monsters or take care of virtual pets & pay $4.99 a month to not get nerfed. I don't want the writing to take a backseat to the game. I don't even want there to be a game at all. I want it to be accessible. I want to write something & have the reward system be connected to the writing itself, like badges, coupons for writing-related things, or even just bragging rights in the form of a certificate. I don't want The Game That Is Definitely Not a Gacha, I want to write.
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voids-ideas · 4 months
Ok I am going to do this simply because the first thing I will put here I NEED to do it and I have 0 motivation to do it even though it is EXTREMELY important
In fact, I think that's the reason why I don't want to do it... anyway
If this gets to 30 notes, I do that thing ✅️
50 notes, I call to ask if my doctor's appointment has been scheduled (I've been avoiding it for two weeks now) ✅️
100 notes, I go wash my shoes that have long needed washing and are just sitting there, existing, waiting for me to deign to wash them. ✅️
200 notes, I finish organizing my room (I organized it halfway and then left a bunch of things that still don't have a defined place) ✅️
500 notes, I use the things I have to bleach and color my hair. The only thing that has stopped me is the fear of doing it wrong or being too lazy to maintain it. ✅️
1k notes, I stop doing things that I know will trigger my chronic pain with the pure intention of confirming that the pain was indeed real (don't do this. 0 recommended) ✅️
5k notes, I try some new food without fear of wasting money by buying something I most likely won't like (my autism hates new foods) ✅️
10k notes, I wear my bi flag earrings in front of someone I wouldn't usually wear them with. I trust that they possibly wouldn't have a problem with me being bi, but I would never get up the courage to tell them anything ✔️ (I haven't, but that person was in my room next to where the earrings are. They were 0% hidden) ✅️
20k notes, wtf I have absolutely no idea. If it comes to this, ehhh... Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing here. Do I promise to be honest in therapy and stop telling them that everything is perfect even though nothing has ever been perfect? Yeah, that probably works. Please don't go this far, I don't know how to do this. Maybe I should... but... it would be awful to learn it
April 2024: I stop procrastinating editing this post with the things I've already done. I WANT THE HAIR SO MUCH BUT IT'S SO DIFFICULT
May 2024: Red hair, red hair, red hair. I'M CROWLEY, RED HAIR!!!!!
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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inbarfink · 1 year
One common Undertale misconception that really frustrates me is when Sans is portrayed with a strong innate sense for RESETs and alternative timelines. Like, that he remembers the RESET timelines better than the other characters who only have occasional feelings of deja vu or even that he can sense when a timeline is RESET.
And that’s, like, almost the opposite of the actual text of the game. While pretty much every main character can have slightly-different dialogue in a Not-True-RESET, especially if the Player had previously befriended them, based on the idea that they have lingering memories/feelings from before the RESET - 
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Sans has no real dialogue changes based on this conceit. All of his changes are based around noticing Frisk has different reactions based on their memories of the precious timelines. 
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Other characters do also make observations like that about Frisk, like Mettaton and Toriel. But Sans is distinctive because this is the only way his comments change between RESETs and there are a lot of them from him.
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Because that is what really frustrates me about this misconception. People mention it as one more thing that makes Sans cool - but the actual truth is far more badass. Sans is one of the people in the Underground who remembers RESETs the least. I think memory-resistance to RESETs is probably tied to Determination. Flowey, the second-most Determined person in the Underground after Frisk, can remember everything perfectly.
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Everyone else has some vague feelings and deja vus. And Sans, he’s the least motivated person in the Underground - both in the sense he’s lazy and in the sense he’s fucking depressed.
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That probably means he has very little Determination. Thus, he doesn’t remember anything that happens between RESETs.
And yet, he is still the character most aware of them. Because he has the technological know-how to read and analyze timelines.
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And because he has the observation and analytical skill to notice a RESET from other people’s reactions and behavior. Whatever it’s Papyrus thinking he recognizes someone or Frisk’s behavior implying that they know something they shouldn’t have. Sans main RESET-related skill is just being able to identify these moments and come to the correct conclusion about them. And with that he manages to be the most aware character in the entire Underground.
Like, the one point where it might seem like Sans remembers something from a previous Timeline is the Fake Spare scene during his boss battle. 
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But it’s all pretend. Unlike the previous lines from other characters that I mentioned, this dialogue plays even if the Murder Route is the first time the player touched the game. Sans isn’t remembering anything in this scene. But he makes an educated guess that the Immoral Time God probably tried using their powers for good at first, so they were likely ‘friends’ in a previous timeline. And in most cases, his guess is right on the money - tricking many players into thinking this is another case of the game actually reacting to their past actions.
And as always, Sans can only tell if his lil’ trick worked or not based on the expression of the Player Character.
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Arguably, Sans even uses his lack of Determination and cross-RESET memory to his advantage in his boss battle. After all, the whole point of this fight isn’t to kill the Player - Sans understands this is impossible. This is a war of attrition, trying to get the Player so frustrated and annoyed with the unfair fight that they just ragequit or RESET the Timeline. And this war of the Player’s patience versus Sans’ stamina and will is infinitely easier for him when he doesn’t actually perceive all the Player’s previous attempts against him.
Like, for the Player this might be the billion time they go up against him, they’re aware of some of his patterns and tricks now but they’re probably also frustrated and angry and exhausted. Meanwhile, from Sans’ POV, this is still the first time this is happening. He knows it’s not from the Player’s behavior and Frisk’s expression - but he doesn’t feel it like the Player does. 
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He doesn’t feel the frustration and repetition of the endless stalemate. So he’s always as fresh as a daisy no matter how rugged the Player is getting.
And that’s part of why Sans is so cool in the first place, like, in general. He’s technically the weakest person in the Underground, lacking in every standard evaluation of power in the setting - no ATK, no DEF, no HP, no DETERMINATION. But he’s darn clever enough to overcome these weaknesses and even use them in ways that make them into strengths, enough to be one of the most dangerous and most aware guys in this whole setting.
Sans can’t remember anything, and that makes him awesome.
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ladyshinga · 1 year
“lol you realize Barbie is only a marketing movie, right? it’s just SELLING STUFF, you know that right? capitalism? lol?”
You’re too late.
Like, you’re not wrong, but you are wildly late on this one.
No one is under the impression that this movie isn’t marketing a toy line.
But that toy line? Has been on this earth longer than you’ve been. Barbie is old. Barbie is everywhere. We’ve all seen a commercial if not owned at least one Barbie doll in our lifetimes (or a knock-off you get emotionally attached to even if the weird mean girl down the street keeps making fun of it) (fuck you Christie that doll was a hero)
Advertising is everywhere. I can’t turn the TV on without ads, even on streaming services that used to brag how ad-free they were. I can’t browse social media without ads. I can’t see a movie or a show without products being “subtly” shown off.
We’re haunted by ads at every goddamn turn, we can’t even talk to an old friend from high school without them trying to sell us something.
If you think you’re making some radical grand statement by pointing out that Barbie is a toy line made by a big company that wants to sell more things... bud. We know that.
We know.
Greta Gerwig seems like she had a lot of fun with this movie, the actors had a lot of fun, the set design is fun.
No one is looking forward to Barbie because we think it’s some kind of beautiful radical anti-capitalist message just WAITING to break the world of its delusions of consumerism. God, could you imagine?
We’re looking forward to a bunch of actors dressed in pink having a lot of fun. We know the movie will make people want Barbie stuff, maybe they’ll go out and buy it, maybe they’re too broke because the world is expensive right now and we’ve got bills. But if “this movie will advertise things to you” was a dealbreaker we’d never see anything.
Because Barbie isn’t unique in this. A LOT of modern movies just want you to buy things, or admire/join the American military, etc etc. Money runs things here. Even capitalism stans know it runs everything (though they’re generally okay with it). Ads are our lives even when we use ad blockers and do our best to ignore the ones we see.
We’re seeing Barbie because it looks silly and fun, not because we’re putting it up on a pedestal expecting it to change the world. And we’re kidding and being silly when we DO act like that. Because goddammit, IT’S BARBIE. We’re acting like we acted when we played with dolls as kids, we’re PLAYING, we’re having fun. When I was a kid I absolutely pretended my Barbies could save the world and were magical and powerful. Didn’t mean she actually was.
These are toys. And we like to play. That doesn’t erase the capitalist motivations of Mattel, but it doesn’t have to mean we “support” their evils. We want to play, we want to enjoy play, even when we’re trapped in a capitalist hellscape where like 80% of our day to day fun is sold to us
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