#i know need to work on things but i just got over a tummy ache and felt dead
steifel · 3 days
More outsiders HCs except this time its mostly about the Curtis bros (it turned into mostly be about Sodapop)
Soda sucked his thumb until he was 12
Speaking of soda sucking his thumb when he was a toddler it was more like he would stick his whole hand in his mouth and let the drool drip all over his arm
He used to wake up at like 2 am crawl out of his bed and waddle over to Darrys room and just stair (hand fully in his mouth mind you) darry would wake up and be like "hay little man do you need something" Soda would just continue staring until Darry got uncomfortable then Soda just waddeld his way back to bed
When they were 4 and 6 Pony and Soda were truly a meness to society
They used to work together to get chocolate cake off of the top shelf of the fridge by Soda lifting Pony onto his shoulders
Together they could reach
They thought it was super funny until Darry got in trouble (because obviously the 4 and 6 year old cant reach the top of the fridge)
Pony started crying when Darry got in trouble and so the boys came clean
One time Sodapop got his head stuck in between the rails on the stairs (he was 15)
One time when he was 10 Pony found a bunch of Darrys playboys
He looked through all of them because he was so curious
Poor thing was confused he had no idea why people would like that kind of stuff
He took them to show Johnny who was also very confused
They told Dally and he just laughed at them
Steve and Soda met when they were both at the parks and Soda goes "i like ponys" and steve was like "i like cars" so they played ponys and cars. They have been best friends ever since
Darry is secretly terrified of when Pony starts dating because he really doesn't want to have *the talk*
Little does he know Pony has had said *talk* at least 7 times
Everyone in the gang has tried to put the fear of God in him about sex
Except Dally who is the most honest of the gang
When he was a kid all Darry ever wanted was to be a dad
Pony absolutely hates kids
Soda was the kid to eat all of his Halloween candy in one sitting and then complain that his tummy hurts
I feel like Soda had a tummy ache quite often as a child
From literal kindergarten to the time he dropped out somebody had to physically sit and watch Soda do his homework or it wouldn't get done
Mrs Curtis used to sit at the table with all 3 boys to watch them do their homework
And once their parents died Darry started to sit down with the two boys to make sure they got their work done
Now whenever he can Sodapop sits to watch Ponyboy do his homework because he truly believes that thats just how homework works
Darry is legitimately afraid of the dark
If there is a spider anywhere in the Curtis household you bet your ass Soda is on the counter screaming like a little girl
Ponyboy cries when his brothers kill bugs so Darry has to let them all outside
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new hyperfixation has dropped :]
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Part 9 of Charmed Slasher Simon
(CW: this is all basically noncon. Like, yeah they had a “deal” but it’s not like it was agreed on in good faith ya know? Stay safe while reading, please, and let me know if this warning needs to be more descriptive)
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You shake as Simon trails his fingers absently along your tummy, amused by the way it twitches, tickling and frightened in equal measures. So much he wants to do to you, but only so much you’ll be able to take for this first little triste.
Besides, though not long for this world, there’s only so much he wants that little worm to see of you.
“You ever spend so long fantasizing about something that when the moment finally comes, you’re just spoiled for options?” he muses aloud, pinching your nipples through your thin shirt. He can hear the high pitched noises trapped in the back of your throat, tsks at the denial.
“I’m usually a decisive man, you know that, sunshine. But all the things I want to do to you…”
You squirm when he pinches a bit harder, adding a little twist. He shuffles his knee between your thighs and pulls you back, making you grind against his thigh with every involuntary twitch and shudder.
“Could bruise this pretty ass for running out into the snow like that, reckless thing.” You jolt when he palms the plush fat of one cheek. “Or I could just torture your tight little hole. Leave that pretty pussy aching…”
You make a noise like a sob as his thumb rubs through the layers of your pants and underwear. You try to lean away but he’s got such a tight grip on your wrists that all it does is arch your back.
He inches his fingers over the crest of your hip again, dips back to your swollen clit and soaked cunt. Hell, you’re even wetter than before, a sticky line running down your thigh, fabric clinging to overheated skin. He groans against your throat, has to see it for himself.
You try to protest as he yanks your waistbands down to mid thigh, but he quiets you with those same two fingers stuff in your mouth, teeth scraping his knuckles. You nearly gag as he pets the back of your tongue, imagines how it’ll feel against the fat head of his cock.
In the firelight, you’re gleaming, something out of a fever dream. He leans you back farther and forces your legs wider with his own, lets the heat caress at the insides of your thighs, the creamy slick webbing between your lips.
“Fuck, maybe I should just play with this, huh?” He rasps. “Watched you do it so many times. You don’t know how to edge yourself properly, luv. Always let yourself give in too soon.”
You make a startled noise, huge, watery eyes finding his. He chuckles at the mortified question in them, teases his fingertips over your slit.
“Yeah, sunshine. I watched you fuck this pretty pussy, cryin’ ‘n pleadin’ for me,” he purrs in your ear. “Took everythin’ in me to let you have your fun, to keep from showin’ you how it’s done…”
He circles a finger over your clit, a barely-there brush that makes your pretty wet lashes flutter. Over and over, watches that flush bloom steadily over your face, down your neck. The haze glossing over your eyes.
“How about that, hm? We’ll start from the beginning and work our way through my list.”
He slips his fingers from your mouth, watches you lick unconsciously at the taste of him lingering on your lips.
“Y-you’re not gonna…?”
He tilts his head, narrows his eyes. Fills in the blanks and can’t help growling.
“Oh, you want me to hurt you, is that it?” he asks. “You want - no, you need an excuse to hate me. You’re hoping I tear you up so that you have an easy out for all these confusing feelings.”
You try to babble out a denial but the shock in your eyes is all the confirmation he needs. He tamps down his anger by dragging his teeth along your neck, working a dark mark into the skin.
You don’t know any better, he reminds himself. But you will.
“Don’t you worry, luv, there will be plenty of punishment for you,” he rumbles. “But you’re going to beg me for it.”
You open your mouth, maybe to deny it, but he pinches your sensitive little clit between two fingers and revels in the way you squeal.
He instantly soothes the ache with gentle circles, trailing kisses along your jaw. Tastes fresh salt on your skin.
“Best save your tears, precious,” he warns, smirking. “You’ll need them.”
He parts your lips with two fingers, leaving you open and exposed, groaning through his teeth at the sight of you. Wet and swollen, so needy for him. You try to buck away when he rubs a finger over your clit, firm strokes up and down.
“If you don’t stay still and take it like a good girl, I’ll tie you down and make you be a good girl.”
You duck your chin, eyes squeezed miserably shut as you try to lock down your body. It’s ridiculously endearing, how you wiggle and then catch yourself, breath hitching as you wait for him to lose patience. He hums whenever you start getting to squirmy, delights in the way you shiver and sink your teeth into your lip. Settle down only for him to change the tempo or the pattern and ruin all your self control.
He amuses himself drawing patterns all over your pulsing clit - circles and stars. Hearts that make your eyes roll back in your head. Zig zags from your weeping hole up to the very top of your slit.
It takes a while for you to truly approach your orgasm with the way he denies you a proper rhythm to build on. But he notices the moment you finally start to reach that peak, not even his reminder to hold still can keep you from twitching and rocking, helpless little jolts of your hips.
He coos. “So desperate to finish. Is it because you think I’ll be done with you once you do?”
You don’t answer, too busy trying to get more friction, more pressure. He lets you rush right up to the edge and then stops, skipping down to circle your hole. Luxuriates in the fresh flood of wetness coating your thighs. It yanks you back like a dog on a leash, your orgasm right there but just out of reach.
You don’t even seem to realize what’s happened for a second, mouth hanging open and a cute little furrow between your brow. When he chuckles, teasing up to that sensitive bundle of nerves again, it seems to click. You shoot him a dismayed look, the most precious hint of betrayal lurking in your glassy irises.
“N-no…” you nearly beg.
He smirks, nips at your puffy bottom lip. “You can say no if you like. Or even stop. We had a deal, though, didn’t we?”
You scream when he spanks your pussy. Not nearly as hard as he craves, but it sends pretty streamers of tears down your hot cheeks. Another, two fingers directly to your clit. You nearly crumple, only his hold on your wrists keeping you upright.
“My real name, sunshine, or I’ll give you a reason to say no,” he warns.
“S-Simon,” you whimper, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
He shushes you, petting apologetically at your throbbing core.
“I know, luv, I know. But you’ll never learn if I don’t teach you right.”
The tears don’t stop as he drags you right up to the edge again, bullying through the lingering sting of getting spanked with overwhelming pleasure. When he pulls back a second time, you start up the “no’s” again, voice shattered into pathetic little pieces.
“That’s alright,” he murmurs, “say whatever you need to get you through, I won’t be mad.”
He gets you so so close once again, cock twitching against your ass as it grinds back against him. But he lightens his touch, not stopping but not letting you fall, easing the pressure up and up and up until even the slightest graze would break you.
Instead, he pulls away entirely to squeeze at the plush of your thighs and hips, cooing over the way they shake for him.
“Simon,” you sob, tucking into his chest. He slows his touches, watching you try to curl into him, chest burning with something bloodier than love. “Simon, please. It hurts.”
He hums, sliding his hand back up to your pussy, massaging your labia. Careful not to touch your needy clit.
“It hurts, hm?” he croons, unable to keep the mean pleasure from his voice. “It wasn’t supposed to. Where does it hurt?”
You hiccup, sniffle. “M-my… my…”
“Tell me, sunshine, or I can’t make it better.”
You fold a bit, bounce, almost like a tantrum. So out of control on sensation and emotion that you can’t keep it together as you form the words.
“M-my pussy. It — I need…”
He hums again, fingers trailing down to your hole. Teases his finger at your entrance and feels it spasming around nothing.
“So empty,” he breathes. “Is that it, luv? Your little cunt is aching to be filled?”
You shudder on a cry but nod, face hidden against his neck. He lets you, far too endeared by your attempts to find comfort from the man torturing you in the first place.
“Hurts,” you repeat.
“Do you hate me yet?” he mocks.
You keen softly. “Y-yes.”
A tap to your clit again. If you weren’t so strung out you’d probably even find it pleasurable but right now it makes you writhe and beg him to stop.
“Dont lie,” he warns, voice low, “where are my good girl’s manners?”
“‘M sorry,” you whine.
“One more time now - do you hate me yet?”
Your words seem to get caught up in your throat so you shake your head. Hes tempted - so, so tempted - to make you admit it aloud. But he doesn’t want to be too mean, not yet.
“Good girl,” he whispers, “that’s my girl. You want me to make you feel better now?”
You sniffle again, lean back into him a bit more. “Please.”
“There we go,” he praises, “nice and polite. I’ll take care of you, luv.”
Your body is so ready that it’s nothing for him to slide a finger into you, slick already running down his palm.
“N-no no,” you mumble.
“No what? I’m making you feel better.”
“‘S not — need more. Please, please, Simon.”
It’s hearing his real name in your small, reedy voice that finally appeals to what little mercy he has. He fits two fingers into your cunt and curves them to rub your silky walls.
“Fuck, you’re tight, sunshine,” he groans through his teeth. “You’re gonna choke my cock.”
You squeal as he starts rocking his hand, fucking you at an easy pace, getting you accustomed to the new stimulation. Starts building up your orgasm again, piece by moaning piece, finding every spot that makes your back bow with pleasure.
“Please, please, lemme cum this time Simon, I’ll be good, I promise.”
He huffs in amusement, caressing his thumb over your crossed wrists.
“Oh baby, you don’t have a choice.”
He flattens his palm against your core and pumps his fingers faster, harder. The heel of his hand grinds against your clit with each twitch of his wrist. You get tighter and tighter, voice pitching up and up, until your entire body goes taut, walls clamping down almost painfully.
He strokes you through it, brutal and relentless until you’re screaming at him to stop. That it’s too much. He releases your wrists to wrap his hand around your throat, obsessed with how delicate it feels in his palm. Just the slightest squeeze of his fingers and your eyes roll back. The second orgasm gushes from your abused cunt, all over his wrist and your thighs, dripping puddles onto the carpet.
He loosens his hold slowly, work you over through it, feeling you squeeze and pulse with aftershocks.
When he glances at your pretty, flushed, and tear-stained face, your eyes are shut. Out cold.
He chuckles and gently lays you out closer to the fire, grabs a pillow from a nearby chair to set under your head. Lingers for a moment, rubbing over your back, massaging gently at your shoulders. Your wrists are already bruising.
Then a muffled noise calls his attention.
“Now the second half of the deal.”
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
missing you
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pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. smut. fluff. unprotected sex. mention of stretch marks. & just like the teeny tiniest bit of angst.
words: 2.2k
notes: this is me trying to decompress after an absolutely abysmal week. enjoy.
thank you in advance for reading and reblogging. feedback and comments are always welcome and so appreciated. 🩵
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Your back aches as you trudge into your room, passing your roommate sitting in the living room on your way inside without a word before hiding yourself away.
You toe off your shoes and throw your bag on the futon, then toss your phone on the bed.
Your room is dark, the only hint of light is the glow of your television you’d forgotten to turn off before leaving for work this morning.
You don’t bother with the light as you rid yourself of your jeans.
All you want in this moment… all you want is to be held.
Your body is worn and you are just so. damn. tired.
You get into bed and bury your face in the pillows as you feel your eyes start to well with the emotions you’ve been trying to brush off all week. It’s all catching up to you and you know you need the release, so instead of fighting off the tears you allow them to flow unbidden. You can’t pinpoint one exact thing that has you feeling so lousy and that feels even worse. But you know it’s really not that complicated. You’re just tired. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.
You have nothing else to give and you know no one has anything to offer right now.
So you’ll just lie here. For as long as you want to, for as long as you can. You’ll cry, you’ll watch some tv, you’ll sleep, and all the while you’ll be missing the one person who would be able to make you feel even the slightest bit better.
You let the tears flow, muffling your cries into your pillow as your thoughts float to him, your heart desperately longing for him.
You wish he was here. More than anything.
You were already exhausted and the crying only added to your tiredness. You were soon sleeping with your body pressed against the cool wall next to your bed, your body pillow in between as you fell swiftly into a deep sleep.
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There's a heavy weight around you as you murmur groggily and try to roll over, to no avail.
You blink your eyes open to the darkness that shrouds your room as you try to gain your bearings.
What the hell is going on?
It's not till you move your arm that you brush against the heavy weight keeping you in place.
You know it's him instantly. The warmth of his body hugging yours is all at once familiar and comforting.
You run your thumb soothingly up and down the part of his arm your hand rests on as you hum contentedly, your eyes shutting on their own.
You recognize his legs tangled with your as you both lay on your sides, your back to his firm chest.
There's a purr that sounds from Bucky's chest before he tightens his arm around you, keeping you close. "Hey, sweetheart," he whispers sleepily in your ear as he nuzzles into you.
You smile into the dark as you lean back into him. His large hand is splayed over your tummy and he lets his fingers drag back and forth over your softness, tickling you a bit as he does.
His fingers dance over some of your stretch marks as he continues his languid touching.
"You're here," you whisper back quietly with a small, sleepy smile, knowing he can hear you just fine. "I thought you said next week,"
"Got back early," he responds, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder. "Wanted to surprise you. Your roommate let me in. I don't think either of us were expecting you to be asleep at 8pm on a Friday," he laughs softly, though you can hear the hint of concern and care that laces his voice - you can feel it in his gentle touch and protective hold. You can feel his love in all of it, too. He'd only been gone a week, but it was still too long. You've missed this so much; you've missed him.
"Tired," you murmur, not wanting to get into the details of your week right now, or what the real reason you were dead to the world so early tonight was. You simply wanted to just be there with him. To feel him.
He presses his lips to your temple sweetly before mumbling a soft "okay," against your skin. Letting it go for now.
"Tomorrow," he adds just loud enough so he knows you hear him.
You reach your hand up and brush his face clumsily before your fingers find their way into his hair, threading through the long dark strands. He lets you lead his face closer to yours as he leans into you. He can see better than you can in the dark and easily finds your lips, knowing that's what you were wanting.
You wiggle up against him to meet him in the kiss and he can't help the soft moan that slips past his lips as your ass brushes against him.
You tug on his hair ever so gently, teasingly as he kisses you again, deeper this time. His hand is gripping your hip tighter now as you press yourself more firmly to him.
It's then you realize Bucky has been sleeping next to you in nothing but his boxers while you're in nothing but a thong and your bra.
"Missed you," you mutter against his lips. You let go of his hair and slip your hand back down while you turn back facing the wall once more. You adjust your position, your ass flush to his half hard cock that's growing in his boxers, before tilting your head back on his chest. "Need you," you whisper breathily.
Bucky already has one leg between yours, but he decides to move back to get his boxers completely off before he pulls your sky blue thong down your thick thighs. Both pairs of underwear are tossed to the floor as he gets back to you, snuggling up to you as he places kisses all over your shoulder, up your neck, to your cheek.
You sigh as you feel his erection against your ass and bend your top leg up while jutting your bottom leg back, opening yourself up for him.
Bucky grips his stiff cock in his flesh hand before guiding his tip to your slick entrance, already so wet for him.
You moan softly in tandem as he presses just into you, stilling as your walls throb around his thick, bulbous head. He grunts quietly, knowing you have to keep your voices down. He restrains himself and makes a mental note to take you back to his place first thing in the morning. Soon as he gets the copy of his key he's been waiting on, he's hoping you'll say yes when he asks you to move in and you'll never have to stifle those pretty little noises you always make for him ever again.
He slowly pushes into you, deeper, and deeper. He's taking his time as you squeeze him desperately, making sure you feel each and every inch of him inside of you.
When Bucky is seated fully in your tight pussy, he slowly, achingly slowly, slides right back out of you. Not fully though, as his tip stays nestled inside your warmth before he slides back in, rubbing and rutting against you perfectly and hitting that special spot just right, over and over again as he fucks you nice and slow and deep.
It's so nice.. it feels so. fucking. good. Tears spring to your eyes at the compounding feelings. Bucky is making you feel incredible, and you've missed him so much, and you just never want this to end.
When his cock is deep inside of you again, you touch back your hand to his hip as his pelvis is flush to your ass and urge him to move faster. He pulls out slightly before he fucks back into you harder, the soft slapping of his skin against yours is all that can be heard as you stifle your moans and whimpers with your hand over your mouth and he bites into his lip, breathing out through his nose with his labored breaths.
He slams into you more and more forcefully as his hand crawls down your stomach, down your pelvis and his fingers find your sensitive clit while his heavy balls slap against you with his every thrust, turning you on even more. He rubs at you gently, teasingly, at first before he circles your clit with perfect pressure as you gasp sharply, and your walls tighten around his cock even more.
Bucky is chasing your highs as he doesn't let up for a second. You know he's close by how desperate he's getting, and it only gets you closer. Faster, harder, more erratic as he loses his rhythm slightly..
Another slam of his hips and a guttural moan that slips past his defenses as he hits you just right has your whole body suddenly tensing and your toes curling as your legs shake from the white-hot pleasure that shoots through you in waves of cascading, overwhelming ecstasy. You don't make a sound as you're hardly breathing through the mind-blowing orgasm, made all the better as you feel Bucky still when he buries himself fully in your cunt and releases inside of you, his cum shooting along your walls and filling you up. You're dripping his seed as he thrusts a few more times, the wet squelching has you hot all over as he fucks it back into you.
"Fuck," he breathes, sounding surprised with himself. "You're gonna be leaking me for days, princess," he speaks hotly into your ear before he brushes his lips along your soft cheek. "And you took it so well." Another kiss. "You always take me so well," he says proudly with the corner of his lips up twitched in a smirk. Another kiss as his hand returns to your hip and he rubs you lovingly.
"You feel so good, I just wanna stay here," he punctuates with a soft thrust of his cock along your still sensitive walls.
You mewl quietly at the feeling and at the thought of him staying exactly where he is. He's right, it feels good. You'll never get over how amazing it is, how perfect it feels to be full of him. You love it.
"Then stay like this," you say, though it comes out like a plea as you pull his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers as you rest them on your tummy.
"Yeah?" he asks. "You wanna keep me warm? Missed me that much?" he teases playfully as he holds you close.
"I always miss you," you tell him. "Anytime you're away, I'm missing you. More than you could ever imagine."
Bucky feels like mush at your words, cuddling you tighter as a tension he'd been carrying since last week somehow eases at your reassurance. That you did miss him. That you do want him. That you do love him.
He feels like the luckiest man in the world to have your affection, and your heart. Every time he leaves you, he leaves a piece of himself with you. And he never feels quite whole until he's with you again. Especially like this. With you in his arms, your hand in his, in peace. Loving, blissful, peace.
"I'm always missing you right back," he whispers before kissing your head softly. "I love you."
"I love you. more than anything."
"More than everything," he responds as he feels your breathing changing with your sleepiness.
He smiles to himself, almost can't believe how easily you're about to fall asleep as his cock is still nestled snug along your velvety walls.
"Sleep, doll. I'll be right here in the morning. Pack some stuff and we can have the weekend to ourselves at my place, yeah?"
"Yeah," you smile sleepily. "That's perfect," you nearly slur, the words heavy on your tongue as you speak them. “‘M so glad you’re here, Buck.”
Bucky waits until he's sure you're asleep again to pull out of you, as carefully as he can manage.
As hot as the sight is, he doesn't want you to wake up in an uncomfortable sticky mess. He makes his way quietly to the bathroom where he relieves himself before cleaning up, then returns to you to clean you up, too.
He wipes away his spend and the cooling mess of your combined releases along your skin before placing soft kisses along your thighs, trailing his lips lightly over your plump cheeks, then along you hip before trialing them up your side, his fingers following suit as he sidles his body up behind you, returning his hold on you once more. Your bodies are flush as he keeps you close. He'll never get over how soft you are, how perfect you feel in his arms, beneath his touch.
You're everything he's ever wanted, everything he's ever dreamed of. And the fact that you return his feelings, that you love him, it means everything. You haven't even been together for a year yet, but as he gazes down at your beautiful sleeping form through the dark of the room, Bucky just knows it.
He's gonna spend the rest of his life loving you. If he's lucky enough, he'll get to spend all that time with you, too.
And he can’t wait.
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owliellder · 9 months
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circling back to this finally!
i'm so sorry i wasn't able to do this sooner. i was gonna write it out yesterday but i was busy surviving a tummy ache on top of a 60 hour work week.
i tried to make this super duper sweet for you. forgive me, my sweet anon 💔
ID! Leon x Pregnant! Reader
MDNI 18+
Pregnancy was more than difficult.
Day in and out you hoped your pregnancy would be easy like your friends' had been, but of course you can't always get what you want.
Dealing with everything you didn't want to happen was more than frustrating, and for the first seven months, Leon was constantly being pulled away from you to work.
However, that man was incredibly helpful when he was home, doting on you as if you'd break at the slightest breeze. The most amazing person you could ever ask for.
Swollen ankles, strong food cravings, intense mood swings, horrible morning sickness which is not limited to just the morning, and the overall struggle to perform basic tasks was hard to handle, physically and emotionally. Everything would be so much better if you just had more of Leon.
Closing in on the eight-month mark, he was finally able to take leave, those months of stressing his need to be at home with you ultimately paying off in the end.
From there, you were taken care of. Everything you asked for, you got. You wanted a large pizza at three in the morning? No problem. Need help getting your socks on in the morning? You don't even need to ask. Can you get a back massage? Is that even a question?
You were never afraid to ask Leon for anything, expect for one thing. The need for this specific thing had been growing throughout your pregnancy and you weren't really expecting it to, hoping it would simply come and go. That thing that you were dreading bringing up to him was sex.
Understandably, it was a hard topic to approach, seeing as the man would treat you like expensive china. And no matter how many times he told you, that nagging voice in the back of your head was constantly whispering negative insults about yourself; you're overweight, you're too needy, you complain too much, etc.
Thinking about asking would always lead to you crying and that freaked Leon out, immediately rushing to make sure you were okay. That really only made you cry more. He was so unbelievably sweet and kind, how could you think so low of him to say no to such a simple request like sex?
You always refused to tell him why you were crying, brushing it off as hormones or maybe you just saw a video of the cutest kitten being rescued. You'd cried over similar things, so it was easy to excuse.
Though you'd been able to ignore the urge for quite some time, you couldn't ignore it forever.
The baby had you up at odd hours of the night to waddle into the bathroom, waking Leon in the process since the guy is the lightest sleeper ever. It never failed to make you cry, apologizing for waking him, to which he would just gently shush you while helping you to and from the toilet.
After one such bathroom trip, you couldn't fall back asleep, doing your best to ignore that feeling breaking away at your composure.
"Leon? Are you still awake?" You suddenly whispered, looking away from your phone to study him for any sort of movement.
"Mm.. mhm.." He breathed in through his nose as he rolled onto his side to face you, eyes squinting from the glow of your phone. "What's up baby?"
All you could do was stare, silently working up the courage to ask. Your need was too hard to ignore now, and that deep, sleepy voice of his wasn't helping. "I-... can I ask you for something?"
Leon nodded and slowly lifted himself up, resting his head in his hand as he propped himself up with his elbow. "You don't need to ask, just let me know what you need and I'll do it. Or get it."
"You have to promise me you won't laugh, okay?" You placed your phone down on your stomach, screen side down.
Leon pursed his lips, raising an eyebrow. "I promise."
"Is it-.." You paused, running one of your hands over the top of the other nervously. You didn't really think this far ahead, so forming the question was proving difficult. "Uh.. would it be weird if I asked for sex right now..?"
His soft laugh broke the silence and that only made you even more nervous. "You said you wouldn't laugh!"
"I know, I know! I'm sorry, I just think you're funny." Leon lifted himself up so he was now sitting up next to you, scooting closer in the process. "It's not weird to ask." His voice remained low and smooth, which did help calm your nerves. If only a little.
"Are you sure it's not weird? Cause I've been having urges for months and-" You were cut off by his hand suddenly grabbing yours, stopping you from fidgeting. "You've been having urges for months? And you didn't tell me?"
The question itself was definitely not meant to come off as mean, but regardless it was bringing you close to tears, bottom lip quivering as you tried to apologize once more.
"No- hey, hey c'mon.. I would never say no to you, sweetheart." He brought his hand up to stroke you cheek, wiping a stray tear away with his thumb.
"But-" You tried again only to be cut off again. "No buts. You're perfect, I love you, and I want you." He leaned over and kissed the tip of your nose before planting a tender kiss to your lips.
You gave Leon a weak smile before you let him take off your nightgown and lay you down, lifting up a bit so he could slip his pillow underneath you to cradle the small of your back. He triple checked that you were comfortable, running his hands along the swell of your belly.
Such tender touches, such sweet kisses. This man provided you with everything you could possibly want, how did you end up so lucky?
Your underwear hasn't fit you since month six and maternity underwear felt a little constricting, so you've been going without them for awhile. Leon definitely didn't mind that.
"Wanting sex for months and never asked..." He shook his head with another soft laugh, dragging his rough hands up your body to massage your swollen breasts which made you gasp. "I'll never be able to resist you."
He squeezed your breasts and pinched your nipples, letting out sounds akin to growls as he watched your milk-filled breasts leak at his ministrations. "Been wanting to play with these since you bought those pumps. Making me jealous of them."
His gravely voice was hitting all the right spots in your brain. "Leon.. please.." You whined, biting at your bottom lip in a poor attempt to hide your increased sensitivity.
"So pretty for me. Always so beautiful." He bent over you, careful of your stomach, to bring one of your nipples into his mouth. The vibration of his moan made you cry out, hands flying into his hair. He sucked and swirled his tongue around it, eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated.
Leon pulled off with a loud pop, swallowing with a sigh before moving over to your other nipple, repeating the process over. By the time he was done taking his fill of your milk, you were a crying, drooling mess. You gave up hiding your pitiful noises as soon as you started trying.
"Tastes so good.." Leon groaned, giving both of your nipples one last harsh suck before kissing his way down your stomach to your dripping pussy.
For a brief moment you were embarrassed at the fact that you hadn't shaved, you hadn't been able to since your stomach masked the view that you needed. Yet, he said nothing but the sweetest things as he stroked through your folds with his finger, bringing it into his mouth before quickly descending between your legs.
He groaned into your cunt, lapping at your entrance and clit like it was the last thing he'd ever do. You were soaked, he couldn't just pass up getting a good taste of you.
"Fuck! Leon- ah~!" You moaned as he sucked on your clit, making sure he paid extra attention to it. He sat back on his legs with a content sigh, giving your pussy a few extra rubs with his fingers before sinking the entirety of his middle finger into you. Before you knew it, he was stretching you with two. "Couldn't fuck you without giving this neglected pussy a little extra attention.."
He was so skillful with his fingers, stretching you out like it was an art, but you were desperate to have him deep in you, aching to your core. "N-no more-.. gah.. I need more.. please Leon..."
"Yeah? You need more?" Leon cooed, thrusting his fingers in you a few more times before slowly pulling them out. "Need my cock deep in that cunt?" Feeling him grind his dick against your slick folds was torture. He knew just how badly you needed it and he *still* decided to tease you.
"Yes! Please! God, please.." Your moan fell to a whimper as he carefully pushed the tip of his dick into you, pausing for a moment to rub the tops of your thighs as they trembled with your orgasm. "Poor thing, just feels that good huh?"
One of Leon's hands on your face brought you to open your eyes again. You didn't even realize you started crying until he wiped them from your temple. You could only nod, leaning your head against his hand as he sunk deeper into you.
Once he was flush against you, you both let out a sigh, sitting still so he could caress your body. His hands felt so good against your hot skin, eyes falling back closed as he massaged your breasts for a minute.
It wasn't long before he started to thrust into you, his slow place quickly frustrating you. "Faster, Leon- ngh~.. I-.. I'm not gonna break I promise!" You whined, panting in between words.
"You're perfect." Leon wasn't going to pass up a request like that, immediately beginning to pound your sloppy cunt once his hands settled on the barely visible divots from your hips. "Feel so good around me, baby~..."
You were incredibly sensitive from already having came once and his brutal pace was bringing you close to another. He knew just what angle to hit at and just what to say to get you right back to that edge.
You felt amazing with Leon taking care of you like this. Even as your body changed, he still made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.
"That's it, ohhh, there ya go baby~.. Fuck that's hot.." Leon grunted as you came again, your walls clamping around him. He leaned back a bit to watch his cock disappear into your cunt as he neared his own high. "Gonna cum baby, shit, I'm gonna cum-" He spilled his seed deep inside you with a long, drawn out moan, gripping onto you tightly as his thrusts slowed to a stop.
After catching his breath, he let out an airy laugh, bending over to kiss right above your belly button before pulling out of you.
"I promised I would take care of you, didn't I?" He whispered against your skin, and you nodded with a small hum. "Right. So the next time you want me to fuck you, please don't be afraid to jump my bones."
You couldn't help but let out a laugh of your own, placing your arm over your eyes. If you knew pregnancy sex would be this good, you would've asked him ages ago.
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idfciluvsmut · 3 months
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Hey everyone, I’ve got many ideas and wanted to see how thing go for me. Not exactly sure how to add cool font or anything fancy so forgive me. Thinking on Nerdy Migueeel MWAHHH.
Nerdy Roomate Miguel. Who stares only at his feet instead of anything else when he asks you out with flowers from the shop a couple blocks far from campus.Along with stickers from a show he noticed you like as you watch it on repeat every chance you get, Learning a couple lines from how much he’s heard it.
Nerdy Roomate Miguel who gets beyond flustered when you accept and pull him down to kiss his cheek. Confessing you always found his shy nature cute despite him being so tall. And how you find it funny he works out just to hide his figure under vests and strictly color-coded outfits.
Nerdy Roommate Miguel who apologizes over and over again for getting hard at accidentally seeing your legs while you were shaving and he was brushing his teeth
And resulting in you later on in the day deciding seeing him be in charge instead of shy was your new goal.
Nerdy roommate Miguel who follows everything you say during your shared first time. You hadn’t been intimate or anything. Considering your love life has been as dead as 8-track for years. So you couldn’t help back from entering in a silk gown you bought to help your skin, and straddling Miguel until he’s a puppy man.
; “Y/N?! What are you doing-“ You ran your hands through his hair and perplexed his face with soft kisses. Miguel Calmed down and lowered his eyes lidded, His glasses sipping to his nose as you smiled gently and kissed him softly. Placing his hands on your hips, but due to his size a little more than just his fingerpads touched your rear. And he pulled back.
“A-are you sure princesa..? No quiero hacerte daño linda..”
You smiled at his care and looped your arms around his neck and nodded.
“yes Migs, I promise I’ll tell you if i dont like anything.”
Not much convincing was needed after you started to grind and he hesitantly brought his hands back to your hips, the same place that later ended his faint yet noticeable marks of his finger from his strong grip.
Nerdy Roomate Miguel! Who tells you over and over how you’ve cured wounds he didnt know ached. Kissing every part of you during soft and gentle sex.
Nerdy Roomate Miguel who came so hard just from bottoming out at the feel of your tight cunt around him. (Protection)Telling you how warm and moist your pussy feels and panting heavily as he finally starts to move. Missionary, Doggy and eating you out with;
“Like this?” “Is this okay..?” And muffled. “ Mmfgood..”
Nerdy Roommate Miguel who groans and Placed his mouth on your neck when you try to shift further from him as you wake up. He learned you quite like marks last night. You’re covered from your neck to thighs. Marks on your neck, Shoulders, breast, thighs and Especially your Tummy. Wrapping his arms tighter around your soft waist. Massaging the soft skin as he nuzzles into the hollow of your shoulder.
Bonus!!, he broke his glasses from when they fell off him during intimacy and the gown you wore lays in shattered, Ripped piece of light green satin scattered around the floor.
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sturniololoco · 5 months
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Injury, pain, etc.
Summary: SLS/N gets hurt and has to use crutches. She can't do much so her brothers are always there to help her.
Getting out of the car with a cast that comes all the way up to your knee is not an easy task.
That's why Chris just decided to pick me up and carry me into the house, up the stairs, and to the couch. Matt and Nick were close behind with my crutches.
Matt walked over and rested my crutches on the back of the couch for easy access. He leaned down and kissed me on the top of the head.
"You need anything, baby?" He asked me. I shook my head no as he walked into the kitchen. Nick came in with the pain medicine that we picked up on the way home from the ER.
"I think we need to get some food in your tummy before you take this, so you don't get sick." He told me. I nodded and leaned my head back on the couch. Now that I was sitting, I could notice the pain a lot more clearly now.
Chris came into the room and sat next to me. I immediately snuggled into his side. He rubbed my side, bringing me closer to him.
"It hurts Chris," I mumbled, the throbbing in my leg becoming steadily worse by the second.
"I know sweetheart," He replies. But in perfect timing, Nick walks in with a quesadilla, my pill on the side. Matt turns the TV on and we all sit together as I eat my quesadilla.
The throbbing has become almost unbearable by now, and that pill did nothing to help. I feel the tears start to leak from my eyes and an ache grows in the back of my throat. I sniffle, trying to stop myself from crying, but Chris notices. He rubs my upper leg, soothingly, easing my pain.
I must have fallen asleep in the couch, because the next thing I know, I’m being hoisted into someone’s arms. I look up to see Mat carrying me up the stairs to my bed.
“Shh, it’s okay. I got you sweet girl.” He says. I rest my head back on his chest, eye lids feeling heavy.
Matt pulls back my covers and gently lays me down, coving me up.
“Will you stay with me?” I asked, my voice groggy from sleep.
“Of course baby.” He says laying down next to me.
He pulls my head to his chest and my body follows, wrapping my arms around his torso. He mumbles soft words into my ears as I fall back asleep, surrounded by his warmth.
The next day, I woke up to the smell of bacon, but no Matt. I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and stood up.
I fell to the ground in pain almost immediately after putting that much weight on my leg. I hisses in pain, also hitting my butt on the hard floor.
I heard foot steps rushing up the stairs, then my door was swung open.
Chris rushed to me, crouching and asking if I’m ok.
“you gotta be careful sweet girl.” He said, scooping me up and bringing me down the stairs. instead of sitting me on the couch like the night before, he sat me down in my chair at the kitchen table, pushing me in. Nick then comes by with some French toast and bacon.
We all sit together and eat our breakfast, talking about what we're going to do today.
"We need to go get groceries," Nick said.
So that's what we did.
We pulled into Target, and Chris helped me out of the back seat and helped get me started with my crutches. My brothers and walked into the store, slowly due to my hobbling. Nick grabbed a cart and went ahead with Matt. However, Chris pulled me back.
"I have an idea," He said, motioning to the shopping cart he just pulled off the rack. He lifted me, for what felt kike the twentieth time today, and laid me in the shopping cart.
Nick and Matt giggled at us when we caught up with them.
"Okay, what shape pasta does everybody want?" Nick asked, getting to work.
after about an hour and a half of Chris pushing me up and down the isles, it was time to check out and go home.
I fell asleep, snuggled into Nick's side, happy that my brothers were able to make a bad situation so enjoyable.
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heich0e · 1 year
There's an arm tight around your waist when you wake. It's heavy and familiar. It pulls you a little closer as your return to consciousness becomes known.
"G'morning," you mumble, rubbing at your eyes with the point of your knuckle. You blink, once and then twice, as the waking world comes back into focus and takes the shape of a new day.
Levi's voice is always so raspy in the morning. So low and rough. You shiver a little at the sound, but hide it in a stretch–your movement stunted by the hold he has you in, pulled to his bare chest.
"What did you dream about?" you ask him sleepily, rolling over so you're facing his way. He lets you move freely, but keeps his arm over you, and you prop your chin in your hand once you're laying on your tummy. You watch him as he watches you.
"Dunno," he says indifferently. "You know I don't ever really remember stuff like that."
You scrunch up your nose, having expected the answer but being no less disappointed by it.
"What did you dream about?" he turns your question back to you.
"Got a boob job."
Levi's eyes widen in surprise and his lip curls in distaste.
"Why the hell would you dream about that?" he grunts derisively, almost sulking.
"Who knows," you shrug as much as you can given your position. "You loved 'em though."
Levi takes your face in his hand and squishes your cheeks together until your lips purse. His expression is surprisingly severe as he looks you in the eyes. "Don't even joke about that. I like them exactly as they are."
He leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead, your lips still puckered thanks to his grip. He lets your face go after a moment, and then pushes himself up to slip out of bed, shuffling off towards the bathroom down the hall.
You lay back in Levi's bed for a moment, flopping down with your face pressed in the pillows. They smell like him: like his soap, and his beloved laundry detergent whose brand he's so loyal to he buys it in bulk and keeps stacked at the back of his closet.
Down the hall, you hear the tap running as he washes his face, just like he does first thing every morning. The next thing you hear is the medicine cabinet open as he retrieves his blue toothbrush, kept in a little storage holder next to the yellow toothbrush he'd bought for you a few weeks ago to replace the pink one he'd bought you before that.
You lay there, peacefully listening to the motions of his morning routine step-by-step, until eventually he comes shuffling out again in his slippers and heads towards the little kitchen on the other side of his bachelor apartment.
Next is the kettle, filled with enough water for him to have tea and you to have coffee, then onto the electric base to boil.
"Get up, lazy."
You smile into his pillow as he calls to you.
"Don't wanna," you say, rolling over onto your back so he can hear you clearly.
"You have work," he reminds you, though he really doesn't need to–you're as aware of the fact as he is. You groan defeatedly, pushing yourself upright.
Levi looks over at you from the kitchen where he's preparing two mugs–one with looseleaf tea in a steeper, the other with a single-cup percolator resting overtop, waiting to be filled. He watches as you stretch your arms up over your head, the hem of the long-sleeved shirt he'd loaned to you the night before lifting from the motion. Your muscles ache a little, not in an unpleasant way, and you're still a little stiff from sleep.
You roll yourself out of bed and into the kitchen after him.
"What are you gonna have for breakfast?" he asks, the kettle shutting off automatically as it comes to temperature. Levi has one of those kettles where you can choose the automatic shut off temperature because–in his own words–he'd rather drink nothing than drink badly made tea.
"I want that pie from last night," you say, reaching for the door of the refridgerator to retrieve the very pastry you speak of. The two of you had stopped at a diner for dinner after a long day, and you'd lost your motivation to eat dessert but brought a slice of apple pie home with you for later. Levi stops you with a strong arm hooked around your waist.
"You can't eat pie for breakfast."
You pout. "Why not?"
Levi huffs indignantly through his nose, like it pains him to even dignify your question with an answer.
"You need to eat something with some nutritional value to start the day."
"There's fruit in it!" you argue uselessly.
You fight weakly against his hold, reaching out towards the appliance he works to keep you from. "But I want pie."
Levi finally lets you go with a long, world-weary sigh, knowing that his water is going cold.
"I bought you jam," he grumbles, pouring the kettle delicately over the mug waiting for him at the counter. "If you insist on starting the day with sugar at least have it on some toast."
You open the door to the refridgerator and sure enough on the door beside his usual condiments there's a little bottle of jam waiting for you. The same brand you always keep in your own fridge for yourself. You smile, plucking it out, eying the takeout container with your apple pie a little wistfully before letting the door swing shut behind you.
You creep up next to Levi at the counter, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he pours the hot water over the coffee filter waiting over your favourite mug.
"Thanks for the jam," you murmur into the soft, warm skin of his cheek.
"Yeah, yeah," he says dismissively, nudging the loaf of multigrain bread in front of him towards you with his free hand. It's the really seedy, healthy kind your mom is always telling you to buy because it's high in plant sterols and good for your heart. You expected nothing less. "Just make your toast."
You know he wouldn't have stopped you even if you ate the pie.
You know he still would have made you your coffee and driven you to work and kissed you goodbye when he told you to have a nice day.
The same as always. Never changing. Because he likes you exactly as you are.
But you just laugh and do as you're told, and make his life a little bit easier–if only just for once.
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sacredcyber · 11 months
I Think I Like When It Rains
A soft smutty SilverV oneshot, 3k words. A/n: fem V from a corpo background, nsfw.
The long trek towards her northside apartment was unusually silent and painfully dull. Normally Johnny's comments would be firing at a rapid pace. When can they start looking for Alt? Let him take control just for an evening, take a smoke break. Instead she found herself walking through night city alone, in the rain, shooting off random questions hoping it’d rouse him from whatever recess of her mind he’d hidden himself in. Nothing. No answers at all, not even a huff of frustration.
‘It’s fine.’ She thinks to herself. ‘It’ll be like that when he’s gone.’ And that thought brings out a burn in her throat. Something pained and sharp has burrowed itself in her chest and made itself home. V stops short at the corner about a block away, she leans against a light post and sighs.
‘You’re being weird again.’
It’s her voice but it’s not. The sudden realization dawns on her that Johnny could read her thoughts. It makes her feel exposed. She quickly runs the block home in the downpour, the rain soaking through her too big tank top and leather pants.
After fidgeting with the broken card reader, V stumbles inside her small apartment. The pink neon lighting and blue beaded curtains make it feel so homey, so lived in. She remembered the day she bought it, Johnny berated her about her lack of taste. V wanted to tell him about her luxury condo she had to give up when she got sacked, but a sudden wave of shame had washed over her and she simply answered with a small hum in agreement. Arasaka seems like a lifetime ago. Another life, another person, another V. Her Watson home was too painful to stay in after Jackie died, the memories of the both of them shooting the shit, Misty coming by after her shift with tacos and yakitori were all things of the past. The northside apartment had become like a sanctuary, she could be at peace here in this small shoebox of a room.
Just her, Nibbles and her tapeworm.
As she crosses the threshold, a friendly meow greets her. Nibbles jumps off the arcade cabinet and rolls on her back exposing her equally bald tummy. V chuckles and closes the door behind her, as she bends down to bless the feline with a generous scratch behind her ears, she can hear the familiar sound of Johnny’s static reappearing.
He groans and makes his way over towards the armory. V pretends not to notice him, not to be excited he’s left whatever shell he was in earlier. Instead she fishes out a pack of cat food for nibbles and walks over towards a small porcelain bowl.
Johnny immediately moves away and heads over to the bed, she watches him out of the corner of her eye. He’s a bit tense, wound up. As if he could sense her questioning gaze he simply lights up a cigarette. “I’m tired.”
“You’re tired?” V asks incredulously. Johnny’s static form stutters a bit as he shifts himself onto her small bed. “Well actually you’re tired. I’m just feeling it too.” He mumbles. V makes a face, this fucking guy. “I thought engrams don’t need to sleep?” She stands and walks over towards him, his legs planted firmly on the linoleum floor. A heavy sigh escapes his lips. “You really gonna fight me over this? Fuck V...” The bite he normally has in his voice is mostly gone, Johnny sounds exhausted, miserable. She sighs, the day's events hadn’t been easy on them, the sudden rainstorm plus the non working fast travel pods around the city only added to her frustration. If only her car wasn’t in the shop, she could have just driven home.
Nope, it was just her trudging through the rain. Now she’s home, dripping wet and muscles aching. V sighs, there’s no fight in her, hell she’s not even hungry. All she wants is a hot shower and sleep. “You can sleep with me tonight.” She mumbles. Johnny looks up as V begins to turn away, “ I know you don’t need to but…”
“But what?” He asks, ready to tease her. “Someone’s eager to get me into bed.” He observes her as she slips her boots off.
“You seem…I don’t know…off? Quiet maybe.” She says before disappearing into the bathroom. Johnny scoffs, before he knows it he’s in the bathroom ready to argue.
“As if I-“ he begins before he stops himself. V stands topless in front of the shower, her wet samurai top already on the ground, her hands on her pants zipper. She raises an eyebrow. “What? Never seen tits before?” She turns around and begins to remove her pants, Johnny knows he should fuck off right now, give her some kind of privacy. But something’s compelling him to stay, see what happens, V doesn’t seem to mind it.
“Wasn’t expecting to see yours.” He chuckles. “Didn’t know my little corpo rat was an exhibitionist is all.” V turns the shower on trying not to focus on the “my little corpo rat” comment, he notices the way her breasts jiggle a bit, they’re bigger than he’s used to, Johnnys always had a penchant for petite women, V’s musculature had been a bit of a turn off for him, recently he’s been rethinking that.
She turns to face him and something in Johnny’s chest tightens. She’s bare, with nothing but his tags on. Something about that does it for him, maybe it’s her lack of aggression or just how intimate it feels. “Not gonna take those off too?” He lifts his cybernetic hand and places his fingertip onto the tag, V can feel slight pressure there. She cocks her head a bit, “I’ve never taken them off.” She says following his wandering hand as it travels from the tags to her navel. She can feel him and she doesn’t know how or why, but she doesn’t want to think about it. She doesn’t want to ruin it.
V makes a motion with her hand, “You coming in?” Johnny is a bit stunned, he’s not used to V being so nonchalant about contact. Normally she’s very cagey about him being near her. He doesn’t blame her, especially since their meeting was terrible. He’s conflicted, but the need for touch is overwhelming. “You want me to?” He asks, hesitation sprinkles his words. V nods. ‘Yes’ she thinks and so he follows.
V stands under the hot shower, the steam feels so comforting, like a warm blanket hugging her. As she stretches she can feel her back bump into something solid. As she reaches back Johnny catches her hand, his ganic hand gently caresses hers. She hesitates but turns to face him, he’s there naked as the day he was born, only with the addition of that familiar blue static. She studies him, he’s definitely handsome, not that she wanted to admit that but something about his little grin tells her he already knows that. Her eyes wander from his dark brown eyes to his sloped nose down to his happy trail, she lifts her head to face him, not wanting to focus on the obvious.
“You look like you got questions.” He murmurs. V looks for her shampoo. “Can you feel the water?” He nods. “Yeah, feels nice, I guess it feels nice to you.” He moves to stand under the shower head, it merely goes through him but V supposes it adds to the experience.
She grabs the coconut shampoo and begins to work up a lather. Her back is towards him, “Where did you go?” She asked. Johnny notices a slight hitch in her voice, he watches as she scrubs her scalp. He steps in and replaces her hands with his, lightly massaging the product into her hair. “Can’t exactly go anywhere…” he avoids the question. V steps under the shower head, her back pressed against Johnny's chest. He watches as the shampoo runs over her breasts down her toned stomach. His hands move from her scalp to the sides of her waist, before he grabs her and presses her firmly against him, his mouth pressed against her ear.
V presses harder against him, he feels so real, so solid against her skin. The only difference is the lingering fuzziness he gives off, maybe it’s the static. “You…didn’t answer my question.” She manages to mumble out, Johnny simply hums “I’m here now.” His metal hand traces down from her collarbone in between her breasts. V wants to prod him, demand he tell her why he left her alone with her thoughts but his touches are so reverent, so gentle.
“I was angry.”
She turns to face him, Johnny’s brown eyes scan her face, he looks vulnerable, soft, uncomfortable. She grabs his ganic hand and presses her face against it, his thumb strokes her cheek. “Did I do something?” He simply shakes his head, everything pisses Johnny off to some extent. The shitty weather, his PTSD, the way Fuckin’ Takemura and River give her those looks when she’s not paying attention. V used to piss him off too, her selflessness, the way she’d always get involved in shit that didn’t concern her, her kindness. Her ability to just give parts of herself to anyone in need.
Now he’s before her, a starved man seeking it out for himself. He hesitates and leans down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. V slowly allows herself to be soft, to be open for him. Love isn’t something you come across in Night City, it’s something you buy for an hour or two. But this isn’t that, this is something else, something that’s needed by both of them.
His kisses are rough, they’re desperate for dominance, to lay a claim on her. She can feel how needy he is, the way his hands press into her bruised back, how his fingers find those sore spots and rub into them. V lets out small pained cries, as she opens her mouth Johnny simply probes deeper. He wants all her sounds and cries, all of them. The good and the bad.
“V…” he whispers, her bitten lips skimming over his down to his neck, she bites into him like forbidden fruit and such as original sin she knows she’s crossed over into temptation. That pained thing that burrowed into her earlier is now growing between her ribs and it flutters so gently she can barely breathe.
How strange.
Johnny grabs V’s face and pulls it to meet his gaze. He wants to see her, needs to see her face when he’s worshiping her. Her eyes are hazed over, glazed in want and desperate for release. He plants more swollen kisses on her lips. “Let’s go to bed.” He whispers hungrily. V turns off the shower and grabs a towel. “Let’s go to bed?” She begins to towel herself off. Johnny simply grins and reappears sitting on the bed, he can see her though the beaded curtains and even though he’s mapped out her curves and scars with his fingers it’s still exciting to see only bits of her behind the blue plastic beads. Like a private show meant only for him, something no one else can have.
Because how could they? No one knows her like he does, no one ever could.
V emerges from the bathroom, her hips sway a bit as she closes in on Johnny’s personal space. “Sit on the bed.” He whispers in that whiskey’d tone. She does as instructed and immediately he appears on the floor in front of her, kneeling. Johnny’s not used to being subservient, but it feels so natural with V, so easy. Like he doesn’t have to be that “rowdy asshole rockerboy” everyone wanted. He’s simply Johnny, touch starved, pent up, needy Johnny.
He slowly trails his fingers over V’s thighs, it makes her shiver under his touch. “Know how frustrating it is watching you play nice with a pig and a corpo dog?” His tone is dangerous with a veneer of playfulness. V raises herself up on her elbows, she watches as Johnny kneads her inner thighs.
“Has Johnny Silverhand always been the jealous type?”
He chuckles, “Possessive might be the better word.” He spreads her legs out further and places a wet kiss on her clit. Her hips buck into his face a bit. “Fuck…” she gasps out. Johnny chuckles “Not yet, I wanna have some fun first.”
His ganic fingers circle her entrance, she’s already wet and dewy but he’s never been one to half ass eating someone out. He doesn’t want to rush anything. “Thinkin’ real hard down there, silverhand?” V’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts. Her half lidded stare and the way she runs her fingers through his tangled hair makes him feel alive again.
“I need you to ride my face.” Before V can protest or tease, Johnny’s already teleported under her. He’s taken the liberty to spread her legs as she precariously balances over his face. She holds on to the wall in front of her. “I-I’ve never done thi-“ Johnny licks a swipe over her clit and she shudders.
“Just relax.” He says as plants a tender kiss on her entrance. “Don’t think, just do.” He presses her wet cunt onto his lips as he moves her hips in rhythm. V holds onto the wall in front of her trying to set a pace for herself, worried she might hurt him.
‘You won’t, trust me. Ride my fuckin face like a cowgirl.’
Before she can even ask what the hell that means, his tongue makes its way inside her. “Oh fuck yes…” she moans as her hips move against him, her clit brushing up against his nose and moustache. Johnny holds her down even tighter against his face, sucking and tongue fucking his way through his host. He wants to make her see stars, to become so undone by his mouth alone that even after death, she’s ruined by him.
“Johnny…john- I’m gonna…” her hips swivel in that familiar way, her pussy tightens around his tongue, she’s looking for it, searching for release. He removes his tongue and replaces it with his fingers relentlessly pounding into her. “Come on V just let it go baby…” he holds her hips and presses his lips onto her stomach as she fucks herself above him. “Goddamn…fuck yes yessss…” she sighs as her climax washes over her.
V wobbles a bit as her legs give out on her. Thankfully Johnny teleports and reappears to help steady herself. She’s on the precipice of sleep, yet it doesn’t stop her from trying to crawl into his lap. He laughs a bit “what are you doin’?” V presses up against him, his cock nestled between her puffy lips.
“I wanna sleep on you like this.” She moves her hips and positions his cock at her entrance. Johnny watches as V slides herself on his thick cock, his girth makes it sting so deliciously. Johnny grins and lays back in bed with V content and filled on his chest. He spreads her legs out over him and slowly fucks into her. He throbs with each stroke.
“This how you want me inside you every night?” He asks, his lips hovering over her ear as he caresses her sore lower back with his metal hand. “Get home from running around this city? Fixing everyone’s fuckin’ problems…” He whispers in her ear as he continues to slowly pump himself inside her. Agonizingly slow.
“That’s what you want right? You want someone to take care of you too.” He grips her hips and plunges himself deep into her core. V calls out for him, begging him to go faster but he relents. “Nah, I wanna savor this, wanna make sure it only fits me from now on.” He bites her harshly and with intent. Savoring the wet sounds they share between them.
“How do you think people would feel? Knowin’ Night City’s golden girl is getting dicked down by the dirty old man living in her head?” He punctuates his question with another harsh thrust. V mewls against him and sobs “t-they wouldn’t….get it!” His pace begins to pick up as he holds her down and fucks into her used hole.
“That’s right, they wouldn’t…but we get it, right baby?” His forehead touches hers as he continues to fuck into her.
“Yeah? Because we belong to each other. From the day I met you, you’ve been mine, all fuckin’ mine…” he grips her throat with his metal hand and keeps a brutal pace. It’s a strange feeling, the agony and ecstasy of relishing in unhinged coitus, of bearing your ugliness out on the same table you fuck your lover on. It’s liberating because he knows what she’s thinking. There’s no guessing games, he doesn’t feel any fear, no hesitation, just complete and utter synchronicity.
Johnny knows he’s needs it and fuck if V also needs this as well. So he fucks her hard into completion, into submission, into a promise. A silent accord, for as long as they have each other. To have and to hold, to fuck and to kill, however the hell people pledge themselves to each other in this day and age. His very soul belongs to her.
The silence between them is comforting, only the sounds of rain drizzling outside and nibbles playing with the beaded curtains next to the minibar. V slides over to lay on his ganic arm, his heartbeat, his warmth, feels real. She shuts her eyes tight and holds onto him for dear life, as if he’d disappear if she let him go.
A whisper floats through her mind, “I’m not going anywhere.” He promises. He can feel her smile and press herself closer to him, less out of fear and more out of need. He lays and watches the ceiling fade from view, letting sleep take him for the first time in over 50 years.
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miupow · 5 months
NSFW, MDNI! sub!beomgyu, femdom!reader, puppy play, pup!beomie, mommy kink, extreme degradation, name calling (dog, mutt, pup), pillow humping, cumplay/cum eating, orgasm control, breeding kink, oral (f. rec).. this is genuinely so filthy and i'm obsessed with it.
written by @tigerhoshi25, sent to me in my inbox! all credits go to her <3 thank you so much for this delicious meal annie...
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a teary eyed beomgyu sat in between your legs on the floor. his hands were resting on your plush thighs as you sit on the couch and glare at him. his lips pressed into a pout and his collar was perfectly tight around his neck. he wishes he could go back a few moments ago when he was eating you out like a starved man but no. dumb mutt couldn’t control his dick and he came over over his thighs and the cushion of the couch while eating you out. you laugh and make him feel humiliated, “dumb dog come just from eating some pussy? now look at you getting hard again just from me speaking down on you.”
his breathing is erratic, his eyes are pleading silently for you to ease up on him-- even though he loves the way you treat him- he leans and rests his chin on your thigh to look up at you with puppy eyes. you push him back and were about to scold him for touching without asking when an idea crossed your mind. “wanna cum again?” you switch up your tone from plain out malicious to sweet and tender but beomgyu heard ‘cum again’ and didn’t register the sudden change or the fact that you’re offering another orgasm.
he nods his head and you don’t respond since '‘good boys use their words." he finally speaks up with a shaky voice, “please, please can i cum?”
you pat his head a scratch behind his ears to give him a false sense of safety. “how do you wanna cum, pup?” you ask calmly and his ears perk up at the mere thought of you maybe letting him cum the way he wants. “i-inside, wanna give you your own pups.”
you chuckle evilly, “dumb dog wants to breed like it’s instinct?” you grin before continuing, “stupid dog, you wasted your cum on your thighs.” you glance to the creamy release on his thighs. “there’s not enough to fill me up.” you say with fake sympathy and beomgyu cries even louder. poor thing believes you even though you both know he cums buckets.
“please, please, please.” he whimpers and presses his face against your soft tummy, he just glares at it like it’ll make his situation better.
“you can cum…under my conditions.” you push his head away and he looks at you with a glimmer of hope in his glossy orbs.
“anything, ill do anything,” he breathes out. poor thing.
“i want you to humo the couch, like a stupid dog in heat.” your voice was far too sweet for such vulgar words.
beomgyu shakes his head, “nuh uh, wanna cum in you,” he starts tearing up.
“sorry pup, i already told you there’s not enough,” you lie again. beomgyu shuffles his body closer to the couch and whines once the sensitive tip rubs against the rough fabric.
“i dont wanna, mommy please~” here come the water works.
“no, pup. you cum on the couch or not at all,” you scratch his ears and scalp gently which makes him feel the need to obey. he lets a a pathetic whimper escape the back of his throat before he starts pushes his hips towards the couch and back again, dragging his weeping and aching cock across the cushion. every thrust against the couch makes him cry more. it hurts so good, so bad all at once. the friction burns on the underside and the head of his cock while the rest of begging to be touched. he even looks pathetic, tears streaming from his eyes to his neck, his bottom lips trapped in between his teeth and his nails dig into the couch cushion.
his hips speed up and little and he starts to beg again now that he’s close, “please, mommy im doing it, please let me cum inside.” if he got what he wanted he would stick it in and cum the second he met your warm walls.
“no, mutt. i want to you make a mess on the couch,” you pull out your phone to record him. he cries out but doesn’t stop his hips.
“mommy, no,” he sobs. he feels like a dog doing tricks to impress his owner… and it just brings him closer to spilling all over the cushions. he keeps going and even pushes his dick in between to couch cushions for more painful friction. his pink head keeps poking out with every thrust forward, still leaking with precum that barely aids in the pain of the fabric.
just a few more thrusts and beomgyu presses his hips flush against the couch, his tip starts spewing cum across the top of the cushion and even the back of the couch, it seeps down in between the two cushions that he’s currently sandwiched in. you, without missing a beat, tell him, “now lick it up.” Beomgyu looks up at you and sees your smirk, your phone still recording the shameful act. he knows if he doesn’t he’ll get in more trouble so the poor pup pulls his dick out and leans down to starting licking up his own cum. he whines at the salty sticky substance that he has to lick up but your words help him.
“such a good boy, cleaning up your mess.”
“good pup, looks so pretty with tears and your mess on your face.”
beomgyu can’t finish it all, he gives up and waits for you to punish him. “what are you doing, mutt?” you glare. “c-can’t mommy, I can’t finish it,” he pouts. it makes sense, you don’t even think you could since the brainless pup cums so much but you have to punish him anyways. “bad boy, you made a mess so you have to clean it up,” your tone drops and beomgyu’s heartbeat quickens. he just shakes his head, “can’t mommy…im’sorry.”
that almost makes you want to forgive him and let him fuck you but you instead grip a handful of his hair, while the other hand is still holding your phone that’s recording, you pull his hair tight to look at you. “stupid mutt, you’re a stupid dog that just wants to cum and can’t clean himself up,” you sneer and he cries out. you push his head down, pressing his tear stained cheek into the creamy mess on the couch. “dumb fucking dog.”
im going fucking feral. im going to turn into a werewolf and start howling at the moon or some shit.
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Hey i hope your doing well! I was wondering if you can do a oneshot of just ghost taking care of their partner while they're on their period. Kinda like a comforting type thing. Idk i just need some type of comfort at the moment and i would appreciate this so much 💜 thank you
Hello! This request came at the perfect time because i just started my period so, thank you for requesting! The thought of having Ghost as your boyfriend to help you through the aches and pains of it all sounds so nice😭 so, i hope you enjoy the little oneshot i threw together. I also hope that it provides you some comfort, and i hope that you're doing ok <3
Heating Pad
Oneshot- Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
wc: 1062
warnings: none really unless you count periods as one lmao; there's like one mention of blood; otherwise just cuddles and kisses from your big boyfie Ghost
summary: It’s that time of the month again. The time when you’re bloated, bleeding, in pain, and a bit sad. Luckily for you, your boyfriend makes sure you’re looked after during this emotional time.
Simon secretly loves how much you need him when you’re on your period. He loves the feeling of being helpful and wanted for something, and one could argue that you’re the neediest during this time. But who can blame you? You’re cramping, bloated, in pain, and overall, just not having a good time.
The first time you got your period when you guys initially started dating, he wasn’t quite sure how to provide for you, or comfort you, in the best way. Did you want to be left alone? He couldn’t imagine you wanted to be around people during this time, but he was wrong. You rarely wanted him to leave your side.
He may or may not have researched the menstrual cycle and learned how your hormones dip and rise throughout. He understands when your energy levels are at their highest and lowest, when you’re most fertile, anything you name it, and he knows it.
He started tracking your cycle, so now he knows which day is your potential ovulation day, and when your period begins and ends. He’s very conscious of the ups and downs you go through throughout your cycle, never one to judge you for having good and bad days. He understands after all, he has good and bad days too.
He quickly came to the realization that you love cuddles and naps when your cramps are raging. You have a heating pad that is never turned off during this time, and can always be found placed on your lower belly. One of your favorite things to wear while bundled up in bed with your heating pad is one of Simon’s large black t-shirts; the lingering smell of him comforts you.
He’s a heating pad himself of sorts, his large frame and body is just always warm, so you love to cuddle with him either on the couch or bed, soaking up all his warmth. Your favorite positions to lay with him are either little spoon, or tucked under his arm with your leg thrown over is waist.
If he’s spooning you from behind, he will stretch an arm out for you so you can rest your head on his bicep. He wraps an arm around your middle and pulls you into him, leaving kisses behind your ear. He will also massage your lower tummy, trying to assuage any cramps or discomfort you may feel. His large hand working wonders. Though his hands are usually calloused and a bit rough, they are always so gentle in handling you, taking extra care and caution when touching you. He knows you’re not made of glass, but you seem so vulnerable during this time and he finds himself being extra protective of you.  
If you’re cuddling in your other favorite position, Simon will wrap a secure arm around your shoulders, pulling you as close to him as possible. His other hand will either be holding your leg that’s thrown across his waist or, rubbing your head; something that always makes you sleepy.
You’re typically more tired during the days in which you’re bleeding, so often times your cuddle sessions with Simon end up with you falling asleep. In these cases, Simon just continues to hold you, and sometimes he'll find himself trailing his fingers along the plush areas of your stomach, and tenderly massages you, continuing to provide you with sweet caresses as you sleep in his arms.
If you were lounging on the couch and Simon found that you fell asleep, he would gently wake you up so you could wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He’ll carry you to the bed and tuck you in, and place a kiss on your cheek before leaving you to peacefully sleep.
Along with offering you consolation with his touches, Simon also does little acts of service to make your time more bearable.
When you wake up in the morning, you’ll usually find him making your favorite breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee is already waiting for you on the counter. In these instances, you always greet him by wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and give him a warm, long hug. He immediately turns around to properly hug you, swaying you back and forth. You sigh into his chest, tightening your arms around his waist, hands gripping the material of his shirt. He leaves a kiss atop your head before breaking away and leans down to kiss your sweet lips.
If one morning you woke up and there was an unfortunate dark red stain on the sheets, Simon would just coo in your ear and rub your head letting you know that it’s alright. He ushers you to the shower to so he can throw the dirty sheets in the washer and put a clean set on the bed.
When he notices that you’re avoiding his eye, he reassures you that it’s ok and nothing to be embarrassed about.
“A little blood doesn’t scare me, sweetheart. Now go get in the shower and I’ll take care of it.” He leans down and gives your nose a kiss before he gets to cleaning.
When you get out of the shower, you feel much cleaner and more refreshed. You notice that your towel is warm, and conclude that Simon must have thrown it in the dryer to warm it up for you. You change into a fresh set of pajamas, and your find that your socks are warm too.
Like most women, the week of your period generally comes with heightened emotions. You feel overly sensitive and sad, crying at the silliest of things. Sometimes Simon will come home and find you laying on the couch sniffling while you watch tv. He of course comes over to you and makes you sit up so he can pull you into a tight hug, gently rubbing your back before asking you what’s wrong. No matter how big or small of a thing you may be crying about, Simon never laughs at you or makes your feel invalidated. He always accompanies your tears with forehead kisses and warm hugs.   
Simon never fails to provide you with a blanket of protection and warmth as you bear the aches your period brings. He’s extra attentive towards you, making you feel comfortable and safe, which eases the pain of it all.
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ghulehunknown · 8 months
Papa Headcanons - Sick Days 🤧
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Rated PG!
These are my headcanons of how the Papas act while sick vs reacting to you being sick.
Thank you BugbiteWrites on AO3 for the idea!
When he’s sick:
Ignores his symptoms for as long as possible until he can no longer deny them
Downplays his symptoms even when you act very concerned for his well-being
Insists you stay away so you don’t get sick too
Worries about his plants while he’s too sick to care for them
When you’re sick:
Babies/dotes on you
Insists you go to bed immediately even if it’s just the sniffles
Makes you tea with the herbs and things from his garden
Keeps asking if you’ve taken your medicine
When he’s sick:
Pretends he isn’t sick but knows when to admit defeat
Looks very grumpy, clearly annoyed he couldn’t just avoid the germs
Worries about the state of the Ministry while he’s unable to work, but trusts you and the ghouls will keep things running
Doesn’t ask for much except he really wants blue Gatorade
When you’re sick:
Insists you stop working and go to the doctor
Immediately sends a ghoul to get medical supplies for whatever your ailment is once you get a verdict from the doctor
Is still very busy but makes time to check on you
It was his idea to bring you a humidifier and you think it’s helping
Hand feeds you chicken noodle soup
When he’s sick:
When he starts feeling the symptoms he over exaggerates them
Acts like he’s dying when he’s just got a little cold
Asks “Is that you, <name>?” and coughs weakly everytime you enter the room
Very sad he can’t have sex while he’s out of commission
Says “If I’m getting sick then so are you!” before kissing you and giggling. He just wants to lay in bed with you while he feels bad 🥹
When you’re sick:
Very dramatic, acts as if you may die if he doesn’t help you
Probably would give you an entire bottle of cold medicine because he thinks more will get you better faster
Likely does more harm than good when “helping you” but he’s trying, he’s just a little dumb
Keen on the idea of “playing doctor” with you but he has no clue what he’s doing, he’s just horny (“I must undress you immediately! And…put you into something more comfy…”)
If you’re sick first and do end up getting him sick too he acts annoyed, and reminds you every 5 minutes that you’ve sentenced him to death
When he’s sick:
He is NOT brave, in fact he cries a little if his tummy hurts
Feels guilty for taking time away from work
You catch him scribbling away at his desk before whisking him back off to bed
“But…but how will the Ministry run if I am not there?” (It’ll be just fine, Copia…)
Wants you and only you to take care of him
Keeps asking for cheese (even though that’s probably what gave him a stomach ache)
When you’re sick:
Takes you to urgent care even when you insist it’s just allergies
Attempts to make you soup but burns it. (You don’t care because your sense of smell and taste is gone)
Checks on you frequently and keeps taking your temperature
Has alarms on his phone each time period you’re supposed to take more medicine and feeds them to you himself
When he’s sick:
He denies, denies, denies he is unwell
Finally he succumbs and lays down, exhausted and claims he “doesn’t know what’s going on”
Once he actually lays down he admits he might be sick and acts like a baby
Gets a little more grumpy than usual because he doesn’t know how to communicate his needs while he’s feeling bad
When you’re sick:
Doesn’t want whatever you’ve got so he calls the medical ghoul to come check on you
Buys you a “get well soon” balloon from the store
Keeps asking if you feel better yet
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luveline · 2 years
steve with a reader who is touch starved but scared to ask for affection 😫😫
for you ♡ fem!reader | 1k words
One of the lesser known effects of touch starvation is touch aversion. You want to be touched so badly that when it finally happens you don't know how to respond, and so you move away from it. 
This creates a loop. Steve tries to offer you affection. You squirm out of his reach. Steve assumes you don't want affection, and doesn't try to give it to you again. 
Now the idea of asking for it, for touch, for anything, terrifies you. Something as simple as a hand in your hand becomes as monopolising and unquantifiable as thirst in the desert; it's all you can think about, and it's impossible to say aloud. 
"Hello? Earth to Y/N?" 
You wince and look up from the tray of chocolates in your lap. 
Steve can tell something's wrong with you because he's Steve – what he lacks in natural perception he makes up for in dedication. Which is a fancy way to say he's been studying you carefully over the last few days, trying to figure out what's wrong. 
He's ruled out a lot of options by now, you think. He'd brought you a fancy water bottle with stickers on the side to make sure you're staying hydrated, a grazing plate of fancy cheeses and crackers to boost morale and keep you fed, a pair of pajamas he'd seen that 'just screamed you, babe,' and now, tonight, chocolates and a flower he'd plucked from the bush outside your neighbours house. 
"Sugar," you say. "Sorry, here." You pass him the chocolates and your fingers touch. It burns. 
Steve accepts them with a frown. "Are you listening to me?" 
You'd kind of been hoping he'd asked for the chocolates. "No. Sorry." 
He tuts. "I said, do you want to go somewhere?" 
You blink a few times and tilt your head, perplexed. "What for?" 
"I don't know. Anything. We can go to the grocery store or- fucking catch a movie. Just something." 
His stressed tone has you frowning in turn, worried that you're boring him. 
You resolve to be a better conversationalist and clear your throat, "If you want to go, let's go somewhere." 
"But do you want to?" 
You frown some more. "Not if you don't." 
"That's a non-answer." 
You take one of the nicer chocolates from his lap and chew it rather than have to explain yourself. Nausea brews along with breathlessness. You're not breathing right and you have to pause eating to suck in a breath through your nose. 
"I'm just asking…" he begins to explain tentatively, "because getting out of the house can be good for you." 
"I leave the house every day?" you say, shoulders climbing as if awaiting a scolding. Something about his voice is strange, this agitated quality that roughens his every word. He sounds like he's about to burst. 
"I know you do." 
You raise your eyebrows and reach for another chocolate. Steve wraps his fingers around your wrist and your eyes flash to his, relaxing ever so slightly until you remember yourself and pull away. 
"That!" he shouts suddenly. 
You jump, hands in your lap. "What?" 
"That look! You look like you were finally happy for once and then you remembered and got all sad again." 
More nausea. You push your hand into your tummy until it aches, afraid to say the wrong thing. "I am happy, Steve." 
"I don't think you are. You look- You look really sad, sometimes. And not just sad. You look desperate." 
"At first I thought you needed to pee, and then I thought you needed a hug, but you didn't want either, and none of my tactics are working and I'm-" the pitch of his voice rises high, his distress evident, "I'm worried about you. I'm really worried. It's making me insane." 
"You've always been-" you wilt under his unamused stare, "insane." You cough and look down at your hands, flexing your fingers. 
Steve sighs raggedly. "Sorry. I'm not mad at you." 
"No, I know." 
You both eat one of the chocolates to avoid having to talk. 
"You don't need to worry," you say eventually, chancing a glance at him. 
He meets your gaze, pouting. "You realise that's like- that's like telling everyone on the Titanic not to worry about the iceberg." 
"I'm fine." 
"You're depressed." 
You wince. "That's a big word, Steve. And it's not true, I'm fine. I- I have been a little down, lately," you admit, anything to make him feel better. 
"Yeah?" he asks seriously. 
"But it's not your fault, and you don't have to fix it. You've done enough. You do enough." 
Steve moves so he's sitting closer to you than before, until his thigh is pressed flat to yours. You try your hardest to endure it – you want it, you want it bad, you just don't deserve it. It's like a hot bath after hypothermia. 
You look up into his face, very close. Unimpressed. 
"You gotta let me fix it." 
"There's nothing-" 
"Don't give me that crap." 
You chew the inside of your lip and stare at his jawline, thinking. The feeling of his thigh on yours has changed from a scorching heat to a normal warmth. It's comforting. 
"Whatever it is, I can help," he promises. 
You take a few shallow breaths and try not to wuss out, letting your side lean into his chest. You push one hand behind his back and the other lays at his side, arms wrapped around him in a haphazard, too-tight hug. Steve doesn't balk to his credit, only moves the chocolates from his lap and pulls you closer, a protective wall of his arms behind your head. 
"What's wrong, huh?" he asks softly. 
"Just-" You swallow against the burning lump in your throat. "Just needed a hug." 
His cheek warms the top of your head, his hand chases down the length of your back. 
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" 
"It's hard to explain." 
He rubs a rough line, up and down and up again. It's overwhelming, and somehow he calms you down at the same time. "I got time." 
You laugh weakly into his chest and hang on for dear life, though something tells you he's not going anywhere. 
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kaizestar · 6 months
thinking about simon riley being a giant of a man
18+, mdni. f!reader. body worship, edging, usage of pet names (angel). mention of oral sex (f!recieving), implicit oral sex (m!receiving). mild possessiveness. relationship w reader is undefined but implied to be fwb/situationship.
pt 2 is here (toxic!fwb simon x f!reader; f!reader x johnny)
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why in god’s name is he so big? not even sexually, though. he’s just a hulking mass of muscle (and fat. this man does NOT stop eating, im telling you). his arms and hands are just built different.
he’s got that sun-kissed skin, bronze and tanned from years working under the beating sun, and hard muscle of his arm makes the blue of his veins that much more prominent. whenever you’re lucky enough to catch him with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, you can’t help but stare. his hands are rough and calloused from years of hard work, and his fingers are thick. so fucking thick. like what the fuck. stop it.
he’d definitely turn foreplay into the whole thing, having you cum around his fingers and maybe occasionally his knuckles, grazing them against your clit and smiling subtly as your walls flutter.
he’s got a nice jaw, too. it’s probably been broken a few times—alongside his nose—but that only accentuates the hard lines of his face after it heals. when he’s pissed, he fucking clenches it so tightly you think he’s about to commit homicide, and his pretty brown eyes darken and glower at the perpetrator.
he’s into body worship, too, but he’s not gonna ask you. he can’t. so instead, he nuzzles you into his chest and nips at your neck every time he’s seeking some attention, hoping that’s enough to tell you what he wants.
if that doesn’t work, though—or if your attention is elsewhere—he’ll snatch it back as quickly as humanely possible, because don’t you know that you’re his? he’s always been so good for you. you ought to pay him back somehow.
he’d probably fuck you stupid after that.
sometimes you like to tease him, and simon fucking hates that. he knows you’re not oblivious to the way his breath quickens whenever your fingers graze his chest, or when his muscles ripple under your every touch. so why the fuck won’t you just touch him already? really touch him.
his poor cock is aching for some attention, so if you aren’t going to give it to him, he’ll just have to take it himself.
he’d flip you over within an instant, pinning you down under him, sprawled out over the sheets as he rutted into you in short, shallow thrusts. his eyes would be more focused on your face, his thumb and index finger wrapped tightly around your wrist as he guided your hands down his chest, his voice a low rumble of pleasure as he teased you.
“this is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he taunted as he edged you, tearing pitiful whimpers from your throat. he chuckled in faint amusement before groaning under his breath, brown eyes rolling back in ecstasy as he managed to hit that sweet spot inside of you. “so fuckin’ pretty. jus’ for me, yeah?”
it’s when you start to kiss his scars does he absolutely loses it. even though you were lying exhausted beneath him, you were still putting in the effort to give him an apology for not giving him enough attention earlier? aw, how sweet of you.
he’d pull out last second and his cum would pool onto your tummy, thick white ropes spurting from the weeping tip of his cock. he was still hard, but if you wanted to stop, he would, and he’d help carry you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up and might eat you out on the sink while he’s at it
otherwise, he’s happy to continue for the night. you still haven’t given his cock the proper attention it needs, after all, and that fucked out, blissful look in your eyes as you work your way up and down his cock is always enough to get him hard again.
“fuck, you’re such a smart girl, aren’t you? always knowin’ exactly what i like. keep doin’ it jus’ like that, angel.” he watches as you swallowed his cum, face painted a beautiful white that he wouldn’t mind seeing on you again, and fucking groans.
“shit, i’m gonna wanna keep you.”
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honestly just the best boy. i didn’t rlly know how to give trigger warnings in the top, but i think they cover most of what’s happening here :) lmk ur thoughts on this piece !!
banner is made by @/benkeibear.
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joelsmochi · 1 year
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Joel Miller — You Poor Thing
i saw his fingers in this gif and diED so enjoy this
**gif not mine
Part 2 to There You Go [can be read as a standalone, p1 is not crucial to this!]
a/n: this is dirtyyy bc i love you smut sluts & i want to feed into ur dirty desires hehehe. also there’s more spacing than normal between paragraphs bc i’m not editing on my computer, so i hope it’s not an issue!! ok i’ll let you read now ♡ enjoy :)
warnings: smut (minors dni), rough + light fingering, fluffy!joel, squirting (sorry guys it's just so fun to write about hehe), dirty talk, praise, slight (?) degradation, overstimulation, male ejaculation, cursing duh, multiple orgasms, narrator slightly objectifying herself :)))) lots of pet names & quite a bit of “good girls”
wc: 3k
My eyes flutter open when I feel fingers tracing the side of my face and though my first instinct is to move away from the body beneath me I smell the familiar scent of Joel and calm down. I look up at him and watch a smile spread across his face.
“Mornin’, pretty girl,” he gruffly says while still tracing my skin. “How’d you sleep?”
I plant a soft kiss on his clothed shoulder and sit up a little bit. His eyes are wider than usual and his normally flat cheekbones are poking high and bright, a sheer layer of red coating them.
“I slept fine. Why didn’t you wake me up for second watch, asshole?” I poke his arm and reach behind his head to take a drink of his water.
“Well, I shook you a couple of times, but you just pushed my face away and held me tighter,” he laughs.
“Mmm, you didn’t shake me hard enough then because I wake up easy as a lemon squeeze.”
“No, I didn’t try that hard to wake you up… You looked like you could use the sleep the way I wore you out yesterday,” he teases with a smug grin, his eyes still wide like he is in awe of me.
“Fuck off,” I chuckle. “Your ass woulda been wore out had you not been so damn stubborn, not letting me do any of the work.”
“Don’t act like it upset you… Being cared for.”
“It didn’t upset me… Just means I have to outdo you now.”
Joel lets out a belly laugh and I sit up completely. I stare at his salt and pepper beard while his eyes trail down to my blue tank top, and he looks up at me as if to ask permission but without waiting for an answer his hand rests on my ribcage and his thumb flattens over my perky nipple. I sharply inhale and my lips part wide enough to let his cock in if he wanted, Lord knows I do.
“This okay?” He asks softly.
I only nod, afraid that if I speak my voice will crack from how tense my body is getting.
“Yeah?” He whispers, kissing my shoulder before moving from the side of me to sit up behind me. “Come sit between my legs, baby.” I listen to his instructions and press my back to his chest, earning a kiss on my cheek from his supple lips. “You know… You really shouldn’t sleep half naked…“
“Because of danger?” I sarcastically tease.
“That too… But if I were to wake you up last night it wouldn’t have been for watch.” His hands roam around my chest and stomach roughly and his cock begins pressing against the small of my back. I try to reach for it but his grip remains firm on me as he whispers, “Let me take care of you again, baby girl.”
I choose not to argue out of being mentally drained from how much sleep I got. I figure I’d need the mental stamina later on.
“Can you take your panties off for me?” Joel coos against the lining of my ear, softly nibbling on it as I obey him. “Mmkay, now spread your legs for me. Good girl.”
He loops his legs through my open ones to ensure I can’t close them and his feverish hand spreads across the peak of my tummy, inching towards my throbbing vulva which is definitely soaking the blanket beneath us. He sucks hard on the curve of my neck making me ache to turn around and ride him then and there, but his “good girl” keeps replaying in my head and I’d do anything to hear him say it again. Even if it means depriving myself of pleasure for just a little longer.
“Soft or hard?” He asks gently, almost as if he were afraid his words would break me.
I hum and throw my head back to his broad shoulder. “Why not both?” I flirt.
His eyelashes tickle my jaw from his blinking and he skips his hand past my clit to curl over inside of me. I cry out his name instantaneously, feeling his smooth fingertips press against my swollen g-spot every few seconds. With my nails digging into his hairy thighs and my legs squeezing around his calves, I look at him. I don’t know what I’m looking for but when I find his eyes narrow and lustful I can’t resist turning my head and slipping my tongue into his wet mouth.
His thick digits slip out of me to spread my soaked lips; he drags the buds of his fingers up and down the inside of my folds, shoving his tongue deeper into my mouth and drinking every moan I let out. His fingers spread to either side of my clit giving me goosebumps and his other hand snakes its way to fondle one of my breasts over my top. I lean my back into his hard cock to give him some tension release and he pulls his head up from mine to watch me as he begins his work.
He watches my eyebrows furrow when he starts to rub little circles over my swollen clit. He watches my eyes squeeze shut and open wide. He watches my throat swallow at how good he’s making me feel. He watches my heaving body fight the grip he has on mine.
He watches me like I’m his favorite movie.
He couldn’t have been rubbing my clit any longer than five minutes when my knees tighten against his legs when my climax swims through my stomach and swallows me whole. Neither of us had words, I just paw at his arms and trust his body to hold all of my weight. His breaths pour over my neck and he chooses to be gentle and slowly ease up on me so that I can have a full orgasm without the overstimulation.
Joel takes a few moments while I catch my breath to rub his calloused palms around my thighs and belly, sharing a few more kisses with me.
I open my eyes softly to smile as I give him a butterfly kiss which he took as an invitation to shove his fingers inside of me again; I focus on how it feels to have his fingers reach as far as the angle would let him, noting how it stung a bit being stretched out by just two of his fingers but feels so sweet at the same time. I let out a high-pitched moan when he rubs tiny circles on my g-spot, occasionally pushing it up.
His free arm wraps itself above my chest and squeezes me in closer to his big frame before asking, “That feel good?”
“Mm-hmm,” is all my body would let me say.
He pulls his fingers out, lands a firm smack on my clit, and then inserts his fingers inside of me again. My eyes screw shut at the mix of pain and pleasure and my chest heaves from my deep gasps. He grunts and starts to finger me so fast I could barely process when his fingers were actually moving. I watch him drill in and out of my sore pussy, grimacing at how overwhelmingly hard he’s fucking me with his perfect hands.
“You like that?” He whispers against the back of my head. “You’re such a good girl. You get so wet for me. You want daddy a’take care a’you? Hmm?” My thighs tremble at his filthy words, more so at his repetition of good girl. I dig my nails into his skin, waiting for ecstasy to engulf me again. “My pretty girl giving all of her sweet cum to me? That’s my girl.” There’s something about the way he talks to me that sounds…different. He speaks with certainty, but his tone is still asking for permission from my body.
The cocky son of a bitch knows the effect he has on me and could use my obedience to only please himself, but instead, he just gives me that sappy little look with his heavy eyes like he doesn’t suspect a thing about the way I feel for him.
He likes to pay attention to me and every muscle I move, hoping to read me like a book. Somehow he can tell that my leg is locking up from another orgasm rising as opposed to being uncomfortable. That’s what I love about Joel: how even on his darkest days he still managed to find enough light for me. He never forgets about me, and how to tend to my needs, and I’m noticing the same applies especially during sex.
“J—oh, fuck… Joel,” I stutter.
“What is it, doll? Talk to me.”
“I’m gonn—oh! I’m gonna cum f—for you.”
Joel nods against my damp head, somehow keeping the speed of his arm up. “Show me how pretty that cum is,” he grunts. “Fuck. You take it so good, sweetheart.”
While squeezing his thighs my back painfully arches off of him and I am just waiting, craving that final rub that sends me to the calmest parts of my mind.
Suddenly all of the tension that mounted inside of me explodes. I cry out his name as if it was my dying breath and his fingers keep reaching into me for more of my juices. He slides his digits as far up as they could go before curling them against my sweet spot, trying to gain as much depth as my body would allow.
“I can’t! I c-an’t, Jo—Joel!” I beg. My arms and legs fight him, but he remains as still as a mountain against me. “Please, Joel, I can’t take anymore!” The passion and pleasure turn into just aching, but he doesn’t give up despite my pleas. I close my eyes just when he speaks up again.
“Just a little longer, it’ll feel good again, I promise.” He pecks my cheek and rubs my chest to calm my breath. “I know you got it in you, doll, just need you to relax.”
“It’s too much,” I breathe out tiredly. The pain inside of me subsides, but from where his fingers are curving there is this wave of shocks rising to the surface of my clit. Pressure increases in my pelvis as his pace slows but his force strengthens. I wipe some of the sweat off of my forehead and slightly adjust my body against his; I wonder how he knows exactly what to do and how to do it. I couldn’t even begin to know how to make myself feel this on edge to where the pain was worth it, but Joel did it effortlessly. He knows the inside of me better than myself and knows how to make me crave the pain because with him I know it’ll always be worth it.
“I want you to cum for me again, baby,” he desperately begs while taking his other hand to rub large circles on my clit, “give me that pretty pussy. I need you to cum for me again. Don’t hold back. Just give it all to me, mmm, fuck, give it all. To. Me.”
I fold, caving my body to him and shuddering at the love taps he gives inside of me. His movements send shivers up my spine and then back down like a seesaw.
I hear my pussy squelch around his thick fingers and a gush of water makes my eyes pop open to see what it was, but I felt it before I saw it; his pads looping around my clit paired with his fingers inside of me had built up so much more than just cum.
Once he sees me squirting himself he lays all four of his fingers flat and taut, rubbing side to side over the bud to get my stream to splash everywhere — and I mean everywhere. I managed enough squirt to cover both of our legs and the blanket beneath us. I can’t even feel his fingers anymore as my body slowly numbs itself, but my orgasm wouldn’t stop which made me sink further into the bed and I ended up squirting all over my chest and face. I flinch and close my eyes, repeatedly smacking his arm to tell him I tap out once tears leave my eyes from the overwhelming state my body is currently in. I scream at an embarrassingly high volume but he doesn’t seem to mind. No, he loves it.
He laughs loudly and removes his fingers from inside of me, but not the ones on top of me. His rubbing slows down as does my gushing, but a little bit still comes out in short intervals. My hair is glued to my forehead and cheeks and my eyelids are stuck halfway down my pupils.
After a few more seconds he completely lets my core breathe, using his stocky hands to carefully push my hair from my face so that he could admire his work. I take a few seconds to breathe and twist my face to look up at him, and my goodness does he look happy to see me like this. He beams down at me before placing a smooch on my upper lip.
“You did so good, baby doll.”
“You got me all wet,” I pout wiping my lips dry.
Nodding shamelessly his hand finds its way back to my clit. “Lemme get one more outta you, just look at me, baby girl, mmkay?”
I suck on my bottom lip nervously and wrap my arm around his neck. “Mhm, anything you say,” I hum. To be honest I’m too tired to argue with him, and I love how he has his way with me. “I’ll do anything for you, Joel.”
He presses his fingers to my swollen clit, dragging them down to my opening and slowly pushing inside of me. He rigs his fingers to explore the forgotten parts of me craving to memorize every ridge along my walls. I gasp when his middle fingers reach past my sweet spot, clenching tight enough around him to hear more of my cum squish out of me.
“Such a pretty girl,” he moans, gasping with me when he slides against a curve inside of me.
His bushy eyebrows pinch together tightly at the sight of me curling up in his arms. I manage to move one of my outstretched legs back to the center of his legs, opting to hold it up by my head for comfort. He continues exploring my peaks and valleys, calling me all sorts of pretty names.
“Your fingers feel so good,” I coo, maintaining eye contact with him.
He tilts his head up in admiration and rewards me by touching me where I needed him the most. “You look so pretty when you cum, mnh,” he grunts. I feel his cock pressing against my back again, throbbing hard against his zipper. “I love feeling you squeeze around my fingers, you do so well for me, you love it don’t you?”
I give him a desperate nod, pushing myself harder against his warm strain. “I fucking love the way you fuck me, Joel.”
“I love the way you take care of me.”
He watches my needy body spasm for him, practically drooling over me. “You came all over yourself just for me?” I nod at his question. “Look at you… All wet and soaked for me,” he says before pausing to remove his fingers and squeeze my cheeks in his cum-covered hand. “You crying from how hard I made you cum?” He says like he was pretending to feel bad for me. “Awe you crying for me? …You poor thing.”
The way he shook my head a little when he said that—you poor thing—I can’t even compare this feeling to anything in this entire fucking world. My chest rises and falls harder than ever at his borderline degradation, and again I obnoxiously whine at his fingers entering me again. With another climax rising, his raspy voice whispering in my ear, and his throbbing cock aching beneath me, I couldn’t help but let the feeling consume me again.
“Mnh-mnh, look at me, baby,” he tells me; I open my eyes back up and watch the muscles in his face relax and then tense up again. “Look at me when you cum. I need you to cum for me again.”
I hiss when his pace quickens, leaving me feeling so stuffed with his fingers I couldn’t even make a single noise from how good it feels. I feel my orgasm finally explode and he does me a favor by continuing to talk.
His wet lips press to my cum-soaked face and he whimpers again my skin. “You poor little thing. You’re so fucking helpless right now, look at’cha.” His lips form an ‘o’ when a moan finally escapes my mouth. “You look so pretty… Cumming ‘round my fingers like that. Mm, I feel you cumming, princess, just give it all to me. Give it all to me.”
My walls push against his fingers as my discharge pours out of me. I feel so lightheaded from all the orgasms he’s given me back to back and my vision is hazy. I feel him smile against me, moaning when he spread my slit open before rubbing a few gentle circles on my clit.
I hear him whisper a few curse words as though he were troubled, so I peer my eyes open and look at him. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just…”
I feel his cock throb harder than before against my back and I smile once I realize what happened.
“You came in your pants?!” I tease, laughing boastfully.
“Yeah, well you pissed on yourself,” he mumbles begrudgingly.
“Only a little.”
He watches me blow some dripping liquid off of my face, smirking as it continues dripping down my chin. “Mhm.” He gives me a sweet kiss and helps me stand up. I stretch my legs out and let him peel off my shirt before handing me a rag to wipe myself clean. “You look beautiful today.”
I scoff. “You’re just saying that.”
“No… I’m not.” He gives me one of his shirts and lays me back down, kneeling in front of my tired face.
I snicker and giggle like a child. “Can’t believe I made you cum without even touching you.”
“Shut up.”
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
🖤 headcanon - pwyc bucky loooves making reader flustered and embarrassed by purposefully doing things he knows gets her going (lifting her up, flexing his muscles, caging her into small spots beneath him) but then acts innocent and asks her what’s wrong while she fidgets and squeezes her thighs, obviously worked up…
you're absolutely, 110% correct lol. i got so giddy reading this, just imagining it.
Tumblr media
You're in the small break room of the shop, waiting for Bucky to finish the tune up on your car that he swore it needed.
He said he was almost finished but asked if you could grab him a drink from the fridge. You obliged, thirsty yourself, and went to grab you both something. You greeted Thor as he sat at the table eating his lunch. Hiding your amusement at how tiny the table looked before him. Nat followed you in and sat to join him, but you weren't paying much attention to their conversation as you walked a bit further into the kitchenette area.
You're bent over, grabbing a can of soda from the bottom drawer of the fridge when you sense someone behind you.
Standing, you turn to see who it is and accidentally end up blocking yourself in - the corner of the counter behind you, and the wall of mass that is Bucky before you, leaves you with no space as he looks down at you, taking a step forward and forcing you further into the corner of the counter as you take one back.
Your eyes are fixed on him, your breath stalling in your throat as you watch him encroach upon you even more.
You can get much further from him, your body right up against the counter now, only your head tilting back as his tilts down ever so slightly to you, his hands planted on the counter, his bulking, strong arms on either side of you.
You can smell his cologne mingling with the scent of the motor oil that stains his shirt, his hair mussed and a bit of sweat beading on his forehead as he blocks you from getting space away from him... not that you plan on trying.
His blue eyes are gleaming with mischief as he holds eye contact with you.
Your breathing is a bit more labored as you find yourself waiting for him to pounce... Wanting him to, despite your lack of privacy. But the others' presence isn't something you're really registering - and they aren't paying much attention to what's going on behind them, anyway.
Bucky lifts a hand, slowly, and you close your eyes for a second as you anticipate his touch across your skin.
Then, you hear the cupboard behind you open, and your eyes do the same.
Bucky has a brow raised at you as he grabs a cup, taking the can from your hand in his other before he steps back,
"You alright there, sweetheart?" he asks, faux innocence lacing his voice, but the playfulness you catch in his eyes gives him away completely.
You straighten up and, quietly as you can, clear your throat.
"I'm fine," you answer. Though you can feel your sudden desire clenching in your tummy and slickening between your legs already, damn him. He doesn't need to know that, though.
As if he can't tell already.
You continue, discreetly squeezing your thighs as you move in an attempt to ease the growing ache, "Why wouldn't I be?"
He laughs under his breath, more to himself than, cracking the can open and pouring half into the cup for you as you watch, "You just look... a little flustered," he says, glancing over at you briefly before turning back to you fully.
He grabs the can and takes a drink, his eyes drinking you in in their own right.
"Car's almost done. Give me five minutes," he says as he backs away, heading for the door, "then you can go for a ride," he smirks, his innuendo not lost on you.
You inhale sharply before you swallow hard. You straighten again and press your lips together as you look off to the side, not wanting him to see the effect he so easily has on you.
"Mhm," you hum quietly, turning your back to him and crossing your legs as best you can while standing, fingers playing mindlessly on the counter as you wait for him to leave, missing the crooked grin that spreads across his face as his eyes rake over you one last time before he goes to finish up your car.
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