#i know thats not hunger games fault
animentality · 2 years
Hunger games seems like an amazing book series that I will never read.
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(scared) What... what happens if Grian explains right off the bat when he's found out? (shaking)
in reference to the tags of this ask
So like. A really huge part of what Scar's plan entails in canon-- and yes, it's Scar doing this partially on purpose-- is the inherent kindness of the hermits. You bring a starving, dying man back into the fold, and you can absolutely bet that the VAST majority of hermits will at LEAST let him stay until he's healthier again. This is a deliberate move on Scar's part!!! The urgency of the situation (plus the familiarity) creates more of an incentive to let Grian in and then let him linger, which gives him a chance to grow his roots again and make up with the hermits. Scar wants him home again, permanently, and in this game its basically ALL about buying time.
So what happens when you take away that sense of "he's gonna die if we dont keep him here" urgency?? Well...
Well, in an au where Grian fessed up instantly abt the starving and making games when confronted, there's a lot more room to think about it. In some ways, hunger!Grian's canonical reaction to shut down and just let them furiously throw them out was a lot kinder and ultimately worked to his advantage-- nobody got any answers, so they started looking. People are more willing to talk to him if only to understand why. There's a clear element of "i was just doing this to survive and i feel fucking horrible about it" that is,,, pretty undeniable when you've got the person in question self-harming pretty severely about it. And yes, there's pity. Not always a bad thing, and in this case thats the element Scar is deliberately tugging on to make Grian's stay a bit more palatable until he can reintegrate himself
But when you have time to think about it, without that immediate evidence, without that sense of raw urgency sorta blanketing everything so people dont question as much-- what you get is a more measured, and ultimately more negative outlook. The hermits OF COURSE take the time to help Grian figure out how to feed without using people's emotions. They're kind like that. They do care. But theres now more time to think about this, more time to decide yeah, thats valid, sure, but he still used us and hurt a lot of us and also we didnt consent.
Essentially, what im getting at here is that in a hunger au variant where Grian fesses up immediately, the hermits do help him figure out a way to feed without relying on others... and then when thats all sorted out, a vote is called, and Grian is politely but firmly requested to leave. So he loses them anyway, and without the benefit of a mystery to help bring him back.
Thats not to say the vote wasnt awfully divided, there were plenty of people who were at the very least okay with him staying. But with more time and less distance to think things out, a lot of the folks who fall into the "wary but willing to hear him out" category in canon (i have a whole chart fiejfjdj) ended up moving to the "we dont want him here" side of things because they found themselves understandably uncomfortable with the situation and the harm caused by it to others. To their friends.
Basically, its enough of a majority vote to get Grian kicked anyway and without an opening to return. And in this au, i dont think he would return. The au as i have it outlined is that Grian ends up spending years alone on a singleplayer world, falling into his grief and into the rote cycle of surviving but not thriving, until Iskall (one of the people who wanted him to stay) meets him in a market hub and eagerly gets back in touch with him.
Its very much one of those aus that really SQUEEZES your heart, bc its about the loneliness, and the emptiness of losing your entire community, and knowing it is your fault. Its about what happens when you fully isolate because of guilt and forget what its like to be happy because you wont LET yourself be happy. And its about relearning what its like to be a person instead of personified misery. The recovery in that au is SO much harder, so much of a more difficult road (which is saying smth considering canon's is already super difficult), and takes a lot more time and effort on Grian's part. Its a good au, one im really sinking my teeth into and chattering about in dms, but my gods is it significantly worse in many ways to canon hunger au
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mtsainthelens · 10 months
saw the new hunger games
spoilers under cut
that was pretty bad. there were a lot of things wrong with it so i theoretically have a lot to complain about but it was such a dumb fucking movie im not as energized as id usually be to talk about it. ill be quick
this movie had all the elements it needed to succeed and totally fucked it. the goals:
-create a convincing and interesting backstory for President Snow
-show how the games were transformed into a spectacle 
these goals were made explicit both in the marketing and through diegetic speeches within the movie. the premise of the story is that a young Snow serves as a mentor to a singer from district 12. she is the “songbird” to his “snake”…. pretty natural evolution from there to see how snow can make her into a celebrity and give Panem a good show. that had to have been the pitch to get this movie through the board. it’s a shame the movie just… does not follow through with it LOL. like thats blatantly the direction it seems to be going in for the first part of the movie. but the spectacle aspect gets completely buried because the capitol - who INSTRUCTED snow to make it into a show - keeps snubbing him and keeping him from acting. the “press tour” that was such a big deal in all the original hunger games is like two days in universe and about five minutes on the screen. completely overshadowed. there’s no camp or glamour. snow is just not a stunt queen here and i think that’s a shame. 
ok, so if the movie doesnt really show how the hunger games became a spectacle, what does it show?
i really couldn’t tell you. the games themselves are uneventful. the tenth annual games are set in what’s basically a parking garage, LOL. it’s a very dismal and marvel-esque set. there’s a real sense in this movie that the capital is still finding its stride and that a lot of things aren’t working for it just yet. the failing drones and the awkwardness of the announcer (this version’s caesar flickman) are nice touches, i really enjoyed them. but i dont think “the capitol is still finding its footing” is a good enough excuse to justify how shitty this year’s game was. excruciatingly boring, like they have no concept of history or the standard that the previous movies set. we all remember the clockwork arena.
so it’s not about the games, so i guess it’s about snow and his tribute lucy? 
well that sucks! they’re horrible characters, my god.
lucy is the worst offender. i know rachel zegler was a victim of conservative harassment recently so i feel a little bad to be trashing her performance. i genuinely dont know if its the fault of her or the script, but whatever it is, the effect is awful. genuinely reads like a parody of a wattpad protagonist. we are given that she is a singer. there is no substance to her besides that. she’s corny. she feels out of place in this setting and not in any charming way, its just annoying and off putting. kind of a manic pixie dream girl to snow. i think its very misogynist honestly? dont write women this way, she’s barely human.
snow is easier to watch and a more likable personality in my eyes, but he’s no better written. whereas lucy has no internal world, the inner workings of snow’s mind fold in on themselves. the movie swears that his motives make sense, that they aren’t confused, but they very obviously are. his allegiances and morals change on a dime. they cant decide whether hes sympathetic or if he is a young president snow and he can seemingly only be one at a time. i honestly got whiplash watching it go down. in fairness, its not like the movie doesnt try to offer motivation for the switches. theyre just not very good or convincing and its not enough to make me forgive them.
so the movie failed at what it set out to do. what else did it fail at? what did it actually do well? i will leave the rest of this review to explain, as well as some changes that i would have made had i been in charge.
the bad:
-pacing was off. movie did not need to be that long, many shots went on longer than they had to.
-costuming was also pretty bad. some of the tributes were wearing shein and fake jewelry 
-lucy escapes the arena not only alive but UNINJURED? peeta and katniss didnt get that. she was surrounded by rebar and murder and snow walked away w more injuries than her. insane plot armor. really dumb.
-there was a human zoo in this movie. in general im really conflicted about this “aracial” Panem. i know its a difficult subject to breach and im not sure what the alternative would be, but there’s something really fucked up about seeing a human zoo, a black child being hung, many of the tributes being people of color, and all of this being brushed over as if their race doesnt really matter and theres no larger historical context in which this movie exists. also this movie is loosely set in the 50s/60s. likewise making the Gamemaster a black woman. im not sure how i feel about it but i think more care shouldve been devoted to the handling of race in this movie.
-there are a couple scenes where an old analog tv is playing and its really obvious they added the scan lines in post-production. looks stupid as fuck. you couldve just used an actual analog tv.
-the rabies scene. lmfao. also i dont think thats how rat poison works but i could be wrong.
-a lot of the action sequences are very dumb and dont make sense. they build suspense and dont do anything to overcome it gracefully. this is really obvious when snow is trying to get his handkerchief into the snake pit without being seen and so he just…. walks over and does it LOL. and doesnt get caught or have to sneak really cause of plot armor. the arena has a lot of kids wandering around or hiding in places where it makes no sense for them to be, they kinda just wander on screen when its time for their cue and only get killed as needed, because someone else got their cue. no gravity or substance.
-lucy and snow’s performances arent just bad, they come across as anachronistic within the retrofuturist 50s setting. as my friend said they have “tiktok face”. theyre too contemporary for my taste
-snow looks like a skinhead towards the end and i dont like it
-arena sucked
-the hanging tree scene was soooo stupid. so was the katniss namedrop. made me wish i was watching a better movie.
-the movie didnt deserve to go on long diegetic speeches about its own themes. i guess im glad, cause i wouldnt have known what the fuck it was trying to do otherwise, but nothing that happened in the story supported what they were saying. sloppy.
the good:
-lucy’s dress was very pretty
-huge credit to the set designers who worked on the control room and the capitol. i see the retro futurist aesthetic you were going for and i appreciate it. mostly a good job, im sure if they let you into the arena you would’ve gave us something better.
-hunter schafer really sold it. i loved her performance even with what little screentime she had. brought some much needed warmth and humanity to this empty ass movie. my favorite character, easily. release the schafer cut.
-like i said, i thought the announcer’s performance was pretty good as well. i feel like jason schwartzman had a better understanding of the theme of “spectacle” within this movie than anyone else.
-i guess the lab was cool? the snakes definitely paled in comparison to other mutts in the series, but they were cool enough. i liked the scene where his classmate got poisoned.
-peter dinklage constantly sneaking hits of morphine was funny as fuck. 
if you asked me the one thing i would change to fix this movie, it would be any traces of the romance subplot. remove any traces of snow being a nice person. i would have preferred the mentor/tribute relationship to be shown as explicitly and inherently exploitative, because it is! you know damn well there was never any hope for them to be in a healthy relationship for as long as snow was loyal to the capitol. and the writers valued this relationship so much that to save it, they had snow rebel? president snow? the love story, the conflict that snow feels, its all so fucking trite and overblown. it didnt need to be there. just portray it straightforwardly, with snow being a charming person but never kind or counterculture enough to really risk lacy over the system. he should have been eviler and more clearly identifiable as his older self, because this version does not cut it. i hate a fake sympathetic bitch
-lacy shouldnt have won. doesnt that ruin the continuity established by the past books? just kill her in the arena. that had to have been in the drafts right? everything that happened after the arena was really convoluted and stupid and failing. lucy dies, wow so sad, i hate when girls die, but i sure did learn about show biz. that was my president snow impression, if you couldnt tell. that was from a better version of this movie.
-it wouldve been cool if instead of lucy being essentially a tiktoker, she had the personality of an early hollywood icon. kind of a judy garland figure. wouldve fit into the setting better and been more original as a concept.
ok end review! guess that wasnt very quick after all whoops.
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tu-es-gegg · 7 months
14, 20, 31 !
qsmp ask game
14. Thoughts on Cucurucho and The Federation?
i think on the onset is the Fed itself doesnt seem all that scary at least to unfamilar new viewers. i think at first it definitely had that scare horror factor with that famous chainsaw hallway and how many times people got kidnapped. i think as time went on as people started to learn more abt the inner workings of the federation (from getting to knwo the actual workers like fred and walter bob, to the QSMP official streams, seeing all the goofs and gaffs of it all) it started losing its horror edge and characters openly mock it too. cucurucho too, liek these characters already been through hell and back that cucurucho and the federation are just lesser evils compared to stuff like purgatory eye guys
and that part to me is the scarier or at least on equal to the horror vibes it had before because that means people have just gotten comfortable with an oppressive force. the Feds are well... the feds, they enforce the rule of perfection and stability, they only care about presenting a perfect image and they dont really care about what they have to do to obtain it, so long as the veil of perfection is presented that is all they desire. no matter how much damage to children or islanders is done, they must achieve perfection; for what purpose we don't know.
i think a lot of people sweep under the rug the horrific stuff the feds do because its only looking at the very human and feeling workers. but workers do not represent the feelings and actual desires of the higher ups, we've seen what higher ranking federation workers do to dissents that decide not to work along with their assigned roles with walter bob. and we can see that some even higher ranking workers like elena are affected adn sometimes dont even know some things because of their manipulations.
the feds work with obscuring truths, lies and gaslights (yes im using this word correctly, they actively try to make present faults on the islanders instead of taking accountability for themselves), make themselve the better person, they trap birds in cages and when teh birds beg for freedom, they show them a polluted city and say "are you sure?", the bird says they'll stay and so the feds cut their wings. its less scary in that abject of horror of "what the fuck are they?" and more scary in the sense they are cruel.
i do wish we had more human experimentation, liek we cant jsut have qq be the ONLY one thats jsut unfair.
20. Name an event you’d like to see in the future
in terms of culturall events lmao i dont have much, i kinda hoped they did lunar new year earlier, i love lunar new year (IT WAS SO PERFECT THIS YEAR TOO, YEAR OF THE DRAGON HELLO), id like them do some sort of german holiday, Oktoberfest is a great one
likelihood of them doing something liek a nod to ramadhan and aidilfitri is low, maybe one day idk, they should do a whole day of night market GOD I FUCKING LOVE NIGHT MARKET
in terms of lore events PLEASE I WANT ANOTHER FEDERATION BREAK IN, OR AT LEAST SOMETHING SIMILAR, i know that kinda stuff is so fuckin hectic esp when you have the collective half of the server, but like i love that kinda
or maybe some sort of minigames sports day with cash prizes where they jsut play server minigames made by the players, like someone can make spleef or hunger games, they just hire badboyhalo to make a find the button and everyone collectively kills him.
31. What lore/arc have you enjoyed the most?
QSLIME CODEFLIPPA ARC PLEASE I NEED THIS CONCLUDED, im already a qslime sucker, i liek his cahracter and how he's played, this idea was already been a concept for other qslime fans when it was discovered the codes could disguise as eggs jsut because of how perfect it is. I think out of most people, he was one of the most succeptible to being manipluted because out of all the islanders, he was one of teh most desperate. someone like quackity or maxo would sniff it out immediately, by virtue of them finally reaching their acceptance. qjaiden to some extent also had acceptance, though BARELY just a hair, though her likelihood of being targeted would be thwarted by cucurucho and the feds if they ever found that fake bobby, also roier would just insta kill code bobby if he stuck around. qslime however, shown oveer time and time again very publicly he would never get over flippa. AND BY GOD HE WASNT.
i also was like dying to find out mroe about the nature of the codes themselves, not jsut as killing egg machines, liek seen with etoiles they were only seen as fighters, battlers, entites only served to be one-note killers. so when codeflippa came around everyone was immedietely in for a wild fuckign ride, it got even wilder by the end of the 3rd flippa hangout stream (tubbhole stream i call it) with flippa remembering something federation related and seemingly spouting honest endearment to qslime and GOD godd QSLIME AND HIS BEING A BEING A FATHER;;; like he is so self sacrificial to point it even hurts people around him jsut for the sake of making sure is daugther is the best and recieves the best, like;;; gah its jsut a perfect arc as a testament to what qslime is down toa core, a guy trapped in a cycle of grief and drowning in it over adn over, too blinded in denial and begging on his knees to have someone good ofr once in his life. when people want to know what qslime is i jsut point them to this arc in general. its executed so well thanks to charlie slimecicle and also codeflippa's admin (they do god's work being so patient by how many times charlie straight up just lets her go free) my only wish is that PLEAE COME BACK CODEFLIPPA I MISS YOU.
AND ALSO QBBH DYING, i think bbh bloggers can word that section better than me but holy shit the arc of him dying which went on so fucking agonisingly long, the wait for a shoe to drop and when it finally does, GOD ITS A WRECK, he's so interconnected with EVERYONE on the island simply by jsut being their babysitter, yet his death is so quiet, the news pouring out slowly and surely, and the fact only select few people were actually concerned in his process of dying, its a strange reflection of a very reoccuring themse of hidden sides and secret lives that mainly is a product of how streamed mcrp works, mainly for this style that the QSMP has, qbad's death was so satisfying beacuse it was the ending of an agonising wait, of questions being answers and new ones popping up, i could go on other stuff i cant fit in also cellbit's little federation detective adventures, that whole reveal where he is confirmed to be a fed employee and can never truly escape from their grasp was so fuckign good, the consequence of by all accounts selling his soul to cucurucho and the federation comign back to bite him OHHhhhhhhhhh that whole saga is so fuckign good. also the egg lore and developments like god sunny's whole drama with leo and also tallulah, the perfect representation of things little girls go through in life, litterally roier rat sage what the fuck (i dont know why doied exists but like ratoier is fuckign funny), FITMC AND AMDAGIO OHHHH BOY, i willcatch him with my bare hands, finally the answer after finding out he knew he ahd a reason to come ot he island oughghghh philza ender king lore ive been enjoying too i will catch that man too, etoiles and code interactions is also real fujckign good.
I think the main thing i like in lore is little things having big consequences, and the execution naturally blowing up, the thing i appreciate most is paying attention to all teh little memories and slights from before, and havign the comeuppance. some arcs i do appreciate, like bagi's search for her brother (the scene with her and cellbit mua chef kiss), litterally tazercraft getting arrested adn that whole saga, antoine daniel, whatevber the hell is ayrobot but i think what makes me not come back to those that often is mainly because... well i dont think theres a satisfying answer to them. not a conclusion or ending but more like, why did these happen? what sort of thing happens becausse of this? some arcs dont seem to lead into anywhere, and its not like filler episodes , its not jsut extra stuff to flesh out characters because they are actual stakes at hand with these arcs like there should be MORE consequences because of these things, stuff should be affected but instead are just little spice to these character and thus,, some jsut miss out on the depth they couldve had. its nto a diss to anyone, i jsut wish some arcs had more time to bake or be reworked to at least have a significant effect instead, they jsut kinda end up in my mid pile.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
you mentioned malenia being kinda like an sjw and I realized smth.. radahns like the opposite, a status quo warrior. he looks up to powerful ppl like godfrey, follows his warmongering ways, hold the stars for sellia and ended up obstructing ppls fate. we only know he wants power during the war. dont know if he wants to change the structure in any way. maybe thats why radahn attracts many dudebros who tend to be sqws that hate non conforming characters like malenia
,,,shit I didn't even realize that, though that's probably because I never gave much thought to Radahn (he just bores me, nothing against him. I like Morgott + Mohg and Miquella + Malenia bc they're cursed. Radahn's just a bro). Personally, I'm kind of hesitant to fully agree because the comparison I made to Malenia being a sjw was just to explain why gamerbros seem to hate her so much more than Radahn, as they're both technically noble demigods who did horrible things post-shattering, but from an outsider perspective I do think that it makes sense as to why people dislike them, even though in-game they're both pretty much the exact same person- that being a highly respected, highly competent warlord who were made into rot-ravaged nightmares on the whims of an Outer God. Lemme compare 'em for example
-Buff woman who whoops ass with sword, which is not what women are supposed to be like
-Fights for brother, which further inverses the usual storied gender roles of a prince fighting for his sister's defense
-The cause that her brother is invested in is challenging the status quo and offering acceptance to all of those shunned/harmed by society
-Brusque and confident in herself; does not have the gentle maternal air that other female fromsoft bosses have. She reminds me more of a rabid wolf than a woman, which I personally really enjoy but again challenges gender roles
-People seem to consider her the warmongering conquering force more often than not, which doesn't make sense because, like...they all are? That's kind of the unifying point of the demigods, their hunger for power and their inability to give up. Also the campaign to Caelid seems to have been an attempt to retrieve her brother instead of actually capture land, so there's that
-Big buff man who whoops ass with sword. Literally every dude's gender presentation goal, including mine. Can't fault the beef here
-Fights for his country and his men, which is again what is expected from him as a demigod prince
-Looks up to Godfrey, a brutal conquerer, and actively made attempts to gain more land. Again, this is typical of the demigods, but a lot of people who focus on Radahn's 'haha horseman' vibes seem to forget that he marched on Leyndell with the attempt to conquer it, unless they're arguing about whether or not
-Given that he's holding back the stars to prevent Ranni's fate from becoming A Thing, I think it's fair to say that he's trying to maintain the status quo. This is most likely because if Ranni's fate aligns, his chances of becoming Elden Lord become slim to none, but it's still an example of keeping up the status quo
See the contrast now? While in-game, Malenia and Radahn are just two sides of the same coin, there's one thing that lead to Malenia getting nonstop hate and butthurt ranting while Radahn was universally enjoyed, and it's that Malenia flips the norms while Radahn abides by them. Again, this isn't really something that applies in-game, since gender in the Lands Between seems to mean basically nothing, but it does explain why people react differently when they encounter them; because Radahn is the token character that you're SUPPOSED to root for, while Malenia challenges socially-prevalent ideals and thus generates a certain level of discomfort in the viewer, even if again, she and Radahn are character parallels.
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hunger games anon here and yes!!! so many connections and references it was so overwhelming when the dots connected. i loved lucy gray so much (and im a long time fan of rachel zegler (since she was a junior in hs making yt covers in her bedroom lol) so i am so excited to see her play lucy (and it feels like the PERFECT casting, even just reading the book she is who i pictured).
spoiler for the hanging scene as well but i thought there was absolutely nooo way snow would let it happen. but then again i also thought surely he wouldnt ever ACTUALLY record and send the audio off to the capitol, either. :/. and when he took advantage of the plinths and their money at the end???? ouchhhh.
and when sejanus cried out for his mom..... oh it basically killed me. i put my book down for a good 30 minutes and just processed it.
honestly tbosas might be my fave in the entire series (with catching fire being second). but arguably my favorite thing abt ballad is that we can see snows actual descent into evil, into the snow thats present in the main series.
the way it starts off with him as just a poor, scared kid trying to make his dead parents proud and him having to make sacrifices to get there, to the way he took such pride in his capitol and home without ever realizing it was the capitols fault he was poor and scared and without parents in the first place.
then the way it shifts to him realizing using people to get what he wants is the *only* way to get what he wants, and seeing him accept that, and seeing him use it to his advantage.... sickening.
maybe because its so realistic in the sense that i understand what his thought process was and it really shows that under correct circumstances, that type of thing could happen to anybody.
literally just bone chilling idk.
sorry for writing an actual essay in ur inbox, none of my friends are into thg so this is basically all the thoughts ive kept to myself abt this book for like a year LMAO
yess rachel is great casting!!! unsure about snow's casting bc i dont know the guy, but i'm sure he'll be great! i am very excited about hunter schafer as tigris!!!!
i actually meant the first hanging scene, the one the song is based on!! that connection was just, it overwhelmed me. but yes, i did not expect that for sejanus </3 snow taking advantage of his parents at the end really did sum up how far he had fallen. there was also a line about how he'd taken back the money he sent to tigris and the grandmama, which just summed it up for me. i'd honestly love just a whole book dedicated to tigris because her line about 'be kind coryo, try not to look down on people who had to choose between death and disgrace' hit really hard, and implied so much about her character. how did she go from his most beloved cousin, to helping the mockingjay? i would love that story.
also never ever apologise for an essay in my inbox, i love it!!!!
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Nickname: Anni or Annie
Fandom: Hunger Games! (please, tysm!)
Sexuality: Straight.....I think- (so male match ig)
Zodiac signs: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality type: Entp
Pronouns: She/her
So lets see here a little bit about my appearance.....I am very petite and I won't lie i'm about 5'3.....maybe 5'4 on a good day. I also have thick brown hair that goes down to lower mid back and if you are ever around me you'll hear me get frustrated with my hair and i'll say something like "I AM GOING TO CUT OFF ALL OF MY HAIR, I SWEAR!" but for now I am keeping it how it is lmao. I also have brown eyes and lots of freckles on my face, my freckles are one of my most liked features about myself lol. Lastly for my style.....I have none. I like Adidas so I'll wear Adidas jackets and sporty stuff and besides that I just wear normal t-shirts and what not lol. Although flannels....absolutely lovely. I love flannels and combat boots....
My personality can be a bit rocky at first. Sometimes I just won't like someone for no reason, I can't explain why but I just won't like them idk. But overall i'm an extrovert, I just dislike people sometimes lmao but nonetheless my social skills are fine and I make new friends ridiculously easy. I do have a resting bitch face though so it does make people nervous when first meeting me but I promise I am not that bad.
When you really get down to who I actually am I am a big asshole who just happens to be a big goofball as well. I am extremely sarcastic, almost to a fault and I will sometimes rag on people in a teasing way. I also do dumb stuff like climbing and falling out of trees, tripping over air, falling up the stairs, etc. Also being reckless doesn't help either. But I have a very strong "I don't care" attitude and I am very blunt and brash when I get angry or in general sometimes, I also struggle with emotions like I hate talking about feelings so I suck at that stuff. But seriously I cannot talk about my feelings like at all, i'll kinda hold it all in and being vulnerable or talking about emotions make me anxious and super uncomfortable. BUT besides that I am very bold and prideful but I can be very caring when I want to be around certain people and I'd do anything for my friends and people I'm close to.
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting. I also have lots of intrusive thoughts lol so sometimes i'll just be sitting there quietly and I'll just start laughing like a weirdo......i'm a big dork honestly. I also do that weird thing where i'm sitting down and I'll just be bouncing my leg....idk why I do it....I just do....and I also run my fingers through my hair a lot, thats why its always messy. Sometimes when i'm bored I space out and i'll chew on my lip or the side of gum...I need to stop I know but its hard to....
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 10 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 90's rock or any like grunge or alt, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lincoln Park, Pearl jam, Deftones but i'm pretty open to anything, I also have a soft spot for some good 80's rock too......I started taking martial arts so hehe that's kinda cool...I can do cool body locks and I know a lot of good pressure points to use against someone, I can also throw people ober my shoulder so that's cool
Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider....like seriously I will move to the moon if one touches me. I also tend to be more irritable around people lately so I dislike people right now......
(I apologize if this is super long...I can shorten it if you'd like-)
No need to shorten it and thanks 🫶
Also may I ask what type of material arts are you doing?
Your Hunger Games match is…
Gale Hawthrone
Tumblr media
(No hate on him here please)
Jokes about how short you are and how tall he is
(You ain’t short, trust me)
He is pretty introverted so people seeing him date an extrovert is a suprise
He doesn’t really care what others think, though
Gale at first thought he did something weong when he saw your resting face
Jokes like “you can be scary” or “remind me not to get on your bad side”
Laughs at you when tripping over an air or falling up the stairs plus falling down on trees
Helps you and makes sure you’re okay, though
Teases you about it later 100%
Gale isn’t that type of a person to talk about feelings in general
Jokes about the fact that your words sound very country and southern
Runs his own hand through your hair
Compliments your franckless on your face
There aren’t many places where to swim in District 12 so he’d try to find some river at least
Watches the rain with you
Gale isn’t a big fan of horror movies so he probably wouldn’t want to watch them with you
But he does like your music taste
Plays your favourite songs when you’re home alone
Says how cool it is that you know material arts
Maybe feel free to teach him some of it
Teases you about your arachnophobia
(Fear of spiders)
Sometimes like a kid he’d bring it up to you
Constant flirting
Most of the girls in the District are very jealous that you get to date the hottest boy that in the District is
(Sorry Peeta)
Random rambeling about leaving the District and about the future
Hunting with him may be hell ‘cause of his taunting and teasing about it (not in a bad way)
Gale can’t hunt himself so you can tease him about that
Ruffles your hair sometimes to annoy you or just for fun
He is a very protective boyfriend
Treats you like his best friend, but also like his whole world
Hopes you understand his actions and meanings behind them
Beats up Peacekeepers to just keep you safe
Gale is willing to die for you or get tortured
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katherinepiercesgf · 4 years
i saw some ppl say tbosas leaves a lot of questions, but it doesn’t. suzanne collins is a mastermind and wrote this story beautifully. (i have a lot more deep meaning & thoughts on tbosas let me know if you want them.)
lucy gray doesn’t die, & here’s why.
the whole setting and scene gives us little hints about the future, & collins LOVES foreshadowing.
when lucy & snow are in the lakehouse and she finally gives up on seeing the good in snow (if u look carefully she sees him for who he is from the get-go but she looks for the good in ppl and hangs onto it a typical narcissist-victim scenario that suzanne wrote beautifully by showing us how coryo literally tries to make everything he does just & someone else’s fault. never taking ownership & in his head thinking hes a good person for it. a narcissist.) she says “i have to go get some
katniss” & snows like “i thought it wasn’t ready” & she says “you’d be surprised what can happen in 2 weeks” thats when snow realizes she knows about sejanus bc his slip up in their conversation prior. anyways... when lucy is fleeing as we know she sings the hanging tree song. which she wrote “about billy” but was it just for billy? so the guy that was also going to escape w billy (his name has escaped my mind) said he knew about the ppl in the north, if he knew about them, he had somehow communicated w them or knew someone who had. as we saw in the arena katniss & rue used the mockingjays to symbolize that they were okay. i think lucy did the same. i think that the mockingjays were used for 13 to let them know someone was in the woods seeking freedom. not only did she use her song to confuse snow but to also let someone know she was out there.
here’s why.
when dr gaul tells snow that she’s erased the 10th hunger games and hes all “no one will remember lucy gray or her songs again”... there was one other recognizable name mentoring in the 10th games. a heavensbee boy. (and as we know in thg plutarch heavensbee helps the rebels) he would’ve remembered lucy & remembered the games. i think he was in contact w 13 bc as we know some of the capitol kids lived in the districts to help whatever their trade was that their family had money in. he must have heard of district 13 there. (by he i mean the heavensbee boy in the 10th annual games) so, therefore, lucy made it to 13 and shared her story. and her legacy lived on there.
thats why plutarch stresses that katniss HAS TO BE the mockingjay even when coin thinks she picked the wrong tribute.
she has to be because she is lucy’s mockingjay.
mockingjay’s do not repeat words like jabberjay’s, they repeat songs.
katniss & lucy are nothing alike in personality, but katniss repeats her songs.
katniss IS lucy gray’s mockingjay 60-some odd years later, that is absolute.
plutarch would stress so confidently that it had to be katniss because she is a girl from 12. just like lucy. & sings her songs. he chooses the propo’s to air. he chooses the clip of katniss singing the hanging tree AT THE SAME LAKE WHERE LUCY “WENT TO GO GET KATNISS” AND ESCAPED SNOW WITH SINGING THE HANGING TREE.
because he knows the story.
& he’d only know the story had his father or grandfather met lucy.
in 13.
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katewaliss · 4 years
! write with me or fight with me!
you either die by my sword or the most painful head canons imaginable! *merida vc* choose yer fate
just kidding!
 hey there gaymers, i am crissy! i am 22, live in pst, go by she/her pronouns and honestly would very much like a distraction from life -- preferably in the form of 1x1 and rp in general. i am currently doing online school plus trying/failing at adulting, being a crazy pink haired college student living on microwave dimsum with my crazy fluffy demon cat, but that still leaves me with a lot of time and what better way to spend that time then crying and dying, am i right, boys? 
so without further ado ( adieu? idk gusundheit ) here are a list of discomboblulated plot things that have been floating around in my head that i might be fun to do ( plot fragments, ideas, ocs, fcs i like, settings, genres etc )! i’d prefer a message if u liked any of these in the inbox or dm form, my tumblr ims are open and my discord user is mr. worldwide#2918 ( pitbull supremacy ) but if ur shy i will message u and be annoying! 
lastly: i prefer hcing in the dms to replies, however i will do replies/ask memes slowly, i don’t really like making blogs and prefer google docs/discord and i ask ( gently and respectfully ) that minors do not interact.
thank u and happy hunger games! xx
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COLLEGE TOTALLY SPIES -- i was really obsessed with this picture right here and i thought that the picture would be a good premise for a little four person group based on totally spies. i was thinking that these three college students/young adults some friends maybe not some enemies or just on completely different ends of the social agenda get bonded together when they accidentally end up roped in a top secret spy organization that is fronted by a record store. the details and flesh of the plot i think would be cute to figure out all together maybe in a google doc or a big discord so we can make the rp to perfect world building specifications. right now i have two spots open! 
my friend lexi over at comradc has taken the cool goth asian girl and is using lyrica okano
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i am playing the freckly backwards hat lesbian in the red polo named aj mccallis and i think im using diana silvers ( not sure might switch to tati rodriguez )
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we also have the cute blond girl w the dyed hair who is giving me kind of like sydney sweeney energies, blonde girl maybe like lalisa manoban/jinsoul,
and we have the rad black girl with the bandids who i would only accept black fcs for for such as diamond white, ryan destiny, salem mitchell, 
i’d prefer if this stayed kind of sapphic and female and enby friendly. we can def make make npcs and characters but i’d prefer if the characters looked like they do in the picture ( minus the white girls who can be racebent as long as there are vibes ) mostly bc i want the poc people to stay the correct poc! but yeah! if u like this message me specifically!!!!! seperately and hit me w a role ud like maybe an fc an idea anything < 3 im working on a google doc and discord sever
- i really want to play a himbo skater boy evan mock like its my dream i know nothing abt him other than he probably goes by something like mouth or juice or tris or dex or dante but !!!! he has buzzed hair he buzzes designs into, does stick n pokes, hates cops, will kiss anyone, likes to mosh at house shows, smokes a lot and sounds like crush from finding nemo, probably ur parents worst nightmare if im honest rodrick heffley energy -- adopt him for any plot
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- i also really am obsessed with simay barlas who is my mascot rn -- i want to play her in some sort of dark academia setting with like gossip girl blair waldorf energies lu from elite and have her be really mean and cold and pretentious and play the cello and probably have secrets and be uptight idk the name mallory is resonating hard w me ( we could even do a gossip girl the secret history type group if people liked that ) 
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-ok i also really really want to play streak aka silas montgomery who is like very like sidekick best friend to the golden boy main character, does a kick ass goat impression, class clown, relentlessly hits on like the most difficult person in school, does crazy things for laughs and attention, just wants to make people happy, only wears hawaiian shirts, finger guns, is going nowhere in life, his dad is probably the dean at whatever prestigious school also he is very very depressed and drinks often! love u! a I Feel Like Im The Worst So I Always Act Like Im The Best electra heart baby PINTEREST
also yes his hair is pink reg verse he did it on a dare but hp verse he did a potion wrong and it never came out
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SOMEONE DO A LADY HANNIBAL WILL GRAHAM RP KILLING EVE RP W ME! i made this will graham adjacent gal for a genderbent hannigram rp her name is bisexual disaster enida johnson and sometimes goes by needy or will bc her middle name is willamena! has basically all the will things wears flannels is a mess but has a bunch of cats instead of dogs in her woods log cabin and im using crystal reed bc it fits perfect in my head idk if u like her hmu hit me w a lady hannibal PINTEREST
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other stuff
ok i really want to do a princess and knight plot but with knight zendaya and princess anya taylor joy ???? ALKHALKSHALK LITERALLY HELLO literally modern or like dnd style i do not care but know i love dnd! we could make it like them goin on some skyrim quests like hi
speaking of dnd and skyrim if anyone wants to do like anything based in dnd stuff or skyrim stuff i am DOWN
jennifers body plot!!!! maybe set in college!!!!! sounds spicy i will do a f/f or m/m version leggo leggo 
UNTIL DAWN UNTIL DAWN!!!! i wanted to do a little like 6 person or mumu until dawn thing where everyone either makes new characters or characters based on the existing six! i made a girl adjacent josh character named riley PINTEREST who i love very much ( fc might change im thinking maybe medallion rahimi ) pls hmu if ur down
i looooooove breakfast at tiffanys!!!! like i really love breakfast at tiffanys we love a call girl broody author ship and i want to play a mishti rahman holly golightly type character so so bad 
pygmalion plot!!! basically like an author and the main character of their book comes to life and the book character is probably from a different period of time or realm so doesnt know how to do modern 2020 stuff like microwaves and the tv! and then maybe they get sucked into the characters book world thats written by the author and have to navigate that! enchanted! w the kdrama! energy!
any sort of the secret history murder society until dawn ahs horror type setting i am on a kick rn 
i still really want a deaf sailor and siren plot bc that is so spicy or even like anything involving sirens like maybe one thats like vegetarian and doesnt like to eat humans so it ariel rescues one and keeps it safe!! or like only men are susceptible to the sirens song but aha! i am a woman! Romance!
anything in the realm of percy jackson i love mythology lets go i kind of want a echo narcisuss plot and i want it to hurt me so bad 
i will do harry potter stuff but only if its completely removed from the current canon like years in the future no existing families also maybe beauxbatons salem and drumstrang plots bc thats what matters
iiiiiiiii really like anime so i will do anything kakegurui, soul eater, ohshc
i kind of like grew up on the hunger games so i will gladly take any hunger games plots like young effie and haymitch is spicy or like a career tribute and one of the weaker poorer distracts enemies to lovers leggo
i have a kind of oc that had their parents die in a factory gas leak that was the governments fault and it turned them into a vigilante assasin that is slowly picking off bootlicker government people one by one pretending to be one of them until bam! gets attached to the rich asshole son or daughter of the head hauncho or one of the higher ups ... drama
rich little celebrity fussy wussy being held captive by the mafia and the tired stoic mafia guard but they fall in love 
i kind of like any plot that involves one person that is really loud or angry or dramatic or whiny and the other one is kind of sweet and gentle or does not talk much idk make brain happy 
speaking of!
no nonsense law student studying abroad in a european country and an artist there falls in love w them and is all romantic and gush and is like ur my muse!!! and they are like Go awAy and they explore the city together and themelseves its nice!
i want to be an avan jogia super villain idk why i need to but i do 
not to be a disney adult bc i am not but anastasia princesses dont kiss kitchen boys 
rival cheer captians? best friends brother? pop princess celebrity singer and like antiestablishment really angry rockstar in a publicity relationship? broody detective and sunshiney diner person that works at the diner they eat at everyday?
idk i will think of more hmu these can all be made f/f or m/m if they arent 
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akaashis-bitch · 4 years
Angsty Sugawara Headcanons
Hey y'all, I'm feeling sad so let's do some angsty headcanons for the best boy, Suga.
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Suga has depression. But its not the kind of depression where he can't get out of bed, or doesn't have motivation to do anything.
Its the kind of depression that constantly sits in your brain and tells you everything thats wrong about you, or points out all the bad things around you.
Its the kind where no matter how many times a person says, "I love you," There's always that nagging thought in the back of your head that says, "No...they don't. I dont deserve love."
But no one really knows about his depression, except for his parents, siblings, and maybe Daichi and Asahi.
And the only reason those two found out was because they found Suga crying in the club room after practice one day, when he thought everyone had left.
They tried to calm him down, not understanding what was wrong, but soon Suga tells them and it makes them pause a little.
Suga always hides his negative emotions from everybody, including his closest friends. Because he knows if they see him sad or upset, they're be sad too. And Suga hates seeing his friends upset.
Suga has a complicated relationship with food. Sometimes he can go an entire day without eating anything and he won't even notice his hunger.
He skips out on breakfast a lot of the time, not because he's running late or anything, but usually when he tries to eat in the morning, it makes him more nauseous than not.
The only times he ever eats a full, good meal, is when he goes out to eat after games with the team. Or when Ukai nags him too.
Suga's parents fight a lot. Not because they don't love one another or anything like that, they judt don't get along like they did when they were younger.
And Suga sort of blames himself for that, even though it isn't his fault.
He tries to protect his younger brother from their fights and arguments by taking him out for a walk or playing video games with him to distract him.
Because Suga is sort of the mom/therapy friend, he doesn't have anyone to turn to about his problems. And he never has.
So, when Daichi tries to get him to open up about them, Suga feels like he'll be a burden or annoy him with his issues.
I have a lot more headcanons (fluffy, angsty, smutty, you name it) for Suga and even other characters. So let me know if you guys want more!
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hi ! i just read all of the hunger au tag and #($+$(()33-(# . Hm . God awful . I am a worse person because of it /j . I have a lot of thoughts !!
First off , i find the conversion of biology and software fascinating , specially in the concepts of first worlds ! Like , you mentioned how players are more often spawned rather than born , and i personally interpret their first worlds as a sort of prenatal stage . think abt it , they're still connected to the universal code , still relying on it to learn and advance , and after they shed it and are finally "born" as themselves , able to access the rest of the world .
also , lots of body horror in this au . like , code , right ? i keep imagining the universal code as sort of veins , tendrils freshly born players are still teetered with , the connections grian has to put effort into severing as fleshy tendrils twisting and clinging unto players . much wet !
speaking of which , listeners , dude . i think genuinely they r much more scarier than watchers because they're not noticeable , their effects r not threatening , they don't stick to you n eat your insides , they get into your system and /change/ you , fuse into you , how many people have been affected by it ? even worse when you take into account they connect with other infected , n worse when they work towards Goals . girl what goals could the listeners want ????? I'm terrified .
And grian finally !!!!!! For al this time I've been looking at grian as having an eating disorder , cause , well , he does . It's so interesting , he ticks almost all the boxes . The guilt , the hiding it through clothing , the fact he's thinking of food all the time , damn . I'm also eternally fixated on the image of , like , the existential horror on it . he was created by sucking himself dried of code , he broke out of his own skin . something something caterpillars completely melt themselves in their cocoon before emerging as butterflies something something .
anyhow , such fun !!! I'm definitely gonna draw a lot for this , you're a great writer fr grrrr -🔆
Im really glad you've picked up on these concepts and themes i've carefully folded into this au, because it means they're coming across really clearly!!! :D thats how i know im doing my job as a writer, so im very pleased because all of these things you've mentioned (except maybe the Greater Code as tendrils) have been baked into the au with great deliberation
Spawned Players and their first worlds are absolutely very prenatal in nature-- i described to a friend a few months ago that a spawned Player's relationship to their first server, and the universe at large, is like an "umbilical cord" that they eventually detach from as they grow older :] how fast they go through that process depends ofc on the individual Player, but that was the general idea behind that concept!!
There's definitely a TON of body horror in this au WKDNWJDJSJ thats one of the first things i remember cw-ing for when explaining this au for the first time. Actual historical record right here LMFAO:
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I personally tend to see the Greater Code as this sorta like. Fabric of binary, that forms the base for what everything in this universe is made of. Within it are echoes of recycled information, code that comes together to form the impressions of old meaning-- you could almost think of them as ghosts. No longer conscious, but emulating fragments of what they once were. Also, any and all body horror imagery is the full fault of my cousin, whom i consider the ultimate Horror Guy in my life, as well as his favorite video game, Dead Space, which has. so much meat in it, gods bless<3
Listeners are absolutely more scary than Watchers imo; i was sorta thinking of cordyceps as well as the mycorrhizae when i was coming up with them!!! There's something utterly terrifying about being so subtly changed and just not knowing why. You can see and hear Watchers; their presence is palpable even if you dont know what they are. But a Listener? They're quiet. Symbiotic but deeply, utterly invasive. Definitely more frightening on an existential level than a Watcher, which i find suitable for something modeled after fungi.
As for Grian, he 100% has an eating disorder. My portrayal of that in the au is very deliberate, even though its not directly stated. So im glad you picked up on that!!! And if you do draw anything for this for the love of gods send it here or tag me in the post i will DIE i love fanart and i am guaranteed to scream about it for a million years AUGH
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
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Hunger Games Characters I picture in Disney  Characters. 
Katniss  I Put her with Merida ( Brave) Belle ( BATB)  Meg ( Hurcules) Elsa (Frozen). 
Why Merida. Well shes good with the bow and arrow ( I actually haven’t seen Brave fully so I don’t know much about her). 
Belle. Both are strong willed women Willing to do anything for family.  Both have no choice but to stay where they are “captured” both are like if I have a will to live through this I’m not gonna go down without a fight. Both have 2 men after their hearts, Both know how to survive on their own if needed.   She learned to fall in love with a beast. 
Meg.  This is more the love side  for Katniss. The Song I wont say I’m in love is basically Katniss’s theme song. Like she wont admit it she loves Peeta but girl we all know.. 
Elsa. In a way Katniss did shut out Prim to protect her. She didn’t want to hurt her sister strong willed to protect her sister at all cost.  Plus I know Cinna is to credit for this but her mockingjay outfit *Chefs kiss* plus they wear their hair the same. 
Peeta.  Hercules  Kristoff ( Frozen) Kovu ( Lion King 2)  The Beast (BATB)
Hercules he’s strong. But he literally gave up everything for love. Which is so Peeta. 
Kristoff. Okay this one both  have such a charm that attracts everyone. Tho both have obessions and flaws So they are a bit of fixer uppers.  But both are somewhat accpecting to the fact  I will wait until you make your choice. Both have kind and sweet hearts.  Both are kultzy but pull it off like a champ.  ( And Katniss didn’t fall in love with a man she just met. They knew each other since the age of 5) But Never truely met until the games. 
Kovu. Hes the sexiest damn thing. In Disney characters I freaking swear  He has a way with his words. Charming.  Loyal tho. He is willing to go against his families ( whos kinda a bunch of ya know bad guys) for Love and whats right. So Peeta. 
The Beast. This is Peeta in Hijacked Form ( Some parts). Besides the totally Hitting on Belle part. We all know deep down the love he had for Katniss never left. He never stopped loving her.  Not based on how good she looked but who she is.  Plus A Kiss broke the spell.  Also he had a bit of charm in his hijacking but so much anger and Katniss was the only one who could truely break him outta it.  Also I was hoping that He would of said so you came to look at the beast have you. 
Finnick  King Triton ( Little Mermaid)  Maui ( Moana) Flynn Rider ( Tangled) Aladdin. 
Kin g Triton. Well for that  Trident comes in handy.  ( The king is kinda a jerk why are most fathers in disney movies total jerks I’ll never know) But I hope that Finnicks son at least knows what a fork is compaired to a freaking trident ( and doesn’t use it as a hair brush) man that was stupid. Both are basically the big shot of  where they live.  Both  love water live  near or in water... ( What they hell do they eat under the sea ?) 
Maui. Okay Finnick is a bit of a show off a little.  Not his fault hes so damn good looking.  Both have that sarcasm that makes you laugh but your like oh my god please stop. Both have there  if Finnick had a song It would be your welcome. But still so much we never know about them both.  
Flynn Rider.  Okay  well both just have the certain personality that is strangely Alike.  Both know how to fight if needed. Both  are like well the ladies are okay but not intrested until they find the one..  Both have their charm.  ( Plus I love Flynn rider). 
Aladdin. We know that Finnick has a huge part of him he never opened up. Before when he spilled what the real price to winning is. That was not everything. There is a part that  Beetee said If you knew Finnick it’s amazing he’s still with us at all. So hes been though it.  
Johanna  Bo Peep ( Toy Story 4)  Mulan  and Mulans Grand mother ( Mulan) Tiana (Princess and the Frog) 
Bo Peep. From the first toy story to the 4th one Bo peep has changed a lot. ( Kinda like Johanna from  after her games to who we met in Catching fire) Tho a lot of them is still there that hasn’t changed. But their will to fight. and that they dont take BS as an answer.  That they  both may look weak but inside them so much more then that. ( I was shocked to see Bo Peep kinda like Johanna in toy story 4). Not scared of a little fight and blood.  Frankly I’d be worried that they both would try to kill someone in their sleep.
Mulan. I love in movies where the weakest person goes to the strongest like that. Totally Johanna.  And they are the girl worth fighting for I see more of her in Johanna then Katniss because  Johanna went from faking being weak to deadly like that. Where as katniss she didn’t hide it at all really. Plus if this wasn’t a disney movie i would of love to say what Mulan would of said  when they found out shes a girl really.  But both are bad ass females. Who really had no choice to go into this ( Mulan had to save her father Johanna got picked to be in the games) 
Mulans Grandmother ( I didn’t realize I did this) But I Johanna’s humor she says what she wants and no damage. They don’t ruin the moment they make the moment 100 times better. 
Tiana. She was totally fine not finding love ( But its disney she did) I really like her will to not give up no matter how many changes are thrown at you.  and  tolerting her best friend but I freaking love Charlotte She is the one who knows what to say in a moment where no one else would understand basically the girl talk that Katniss hates but we all have it in us. 
Prim  Repunzel ( Tangled) Baymax ( Big Hero 6)  Anna ( Frozen) 
Lets Ignore the fact that I brought up 2 of these lovers before to other characters 
Repunzel  The healing part Prim has it is in her born with it.  and she has a nack of many talents. And In a way is locked up in District 12 ( But Protected by her sister) 
Baymax He is the cutest thing out there. Caring knowing when you need a hand ( Like katniss)    a healer  ( I might of went out to look for the healer of disney).  Not much of a fighter ( But I swear if you did what  Hiro did if you did that to prim oh my god the fight in her but the healing will always be apart of her) 
Anna. Okay I basically but Anna here because she is Elsa’s sister. Simlar hair styles but.. Both are willing to do anything for each other.  Prim had a knack to see if the fence was on to see if Katniss was gonna be late coming back from hunting. Both are gental who wont hurt a fly (Unless your almost husband is a total jerk)   
Effie Charlotte ( Princess and the Frog) Dory (Finding Nemo )  Yzma ( The emperors  New Groove) 
Charlotte. Oh my god If this isn’t effie I have no clue what is. She  does stuff to get a better district. But then Truely cares about her district 12 tributes 74th Games. She would almost do anything in her power to make them on time and for her victors.  
Dory Okay Effie is a bit clueless in her own little world.  Telling them about the pearls lol and whitty. Effie doesn’t have short term memory loss she has I’ve been living in the capitol and this is what I know. 
Yzma This is the effie we dont wanna see Frankly I am happy we didn’t see this side of her. It’s the one who gets really pissed off I’m sure it would be something else tho to see. 
Cinna.  Fairy God mother (Cinderella) Genie ( Aladdin)  Nick ( Zootopia) 
Fairy God mother. Cinnas out fits are like  bibbidi bobbidi boo I make an awesome outfit for you. Also He takes good care of Katniss.(  Like sent from up above) On her side beyond his end.  A bit of a rebel but over all a really good guy 
Genie. Cinna is like the Genie without 3 wishes.  But he is there and supports Katniss fully.  And just  helps her out when se needs it.  and Is a friend in Katniss. Basically the one  she trusts first and fully, 
Nick  Okay this is an odd one But he  rebeled from his bad guy character to help Judy ( Police officer) with a crime.  Cinna helped out katniss and pretty much a rebel to go beyond to help her. To show shes the symbol of this war... To show that she  should go a head fight for it all its worth. Plus I got your back making your costumes not only good looking but you wont have to worry about death yet your costumes prevent that. 
Haymitch.  Mushu ( Mulan) Lumiere ( BATB)  Crush (Finding Nemo) 
Mushu He is that reality check that Katniss and Peeta needed but also will do almost anything to protect them ( Even lying for there own good)  But also oh my lordy funny. 
Lumiere. It’s his carefree side where Katniss shot an apple at the gamemakers and just like oh well. That happened... Plus not playing by the capitol rules and  He is just like a good mentor to Katniss and Peeta hell the best. He really wants them to try to win this thing.  
Crush. Okay that turtle was the most stoned turtle I’ve met. To this day. And as for Disney Characters this might not be the most drunk but It’s one i can Find. 
Gale Robin Hood  Hans ( Frozen) Gaston ( BATB) 
Robin hood Umm he shoots I think he hunts thats about it
 Hans  Not only did he confuse Anna for a love  But we see his true colours too. I mean they were not even friends first but still. Like so Gale. 
Gaston.  He’s a hunter after his girl Katniss ( But shes already taken) Really wanted her once she was gone  also is strangly after Katniss and only katniss ( when shes around) when he has plenty of takers. 
Okay I realized this is very long. So these are the last picture. 
Snow.  Evil Witch ( Snow white) Scar ( Lion King) 
Evil  both are totally okay with murder and poison. At least she only poisoned Snow white enough to put her in a coma. 
Scar. If you read the newest  Hunger Games book ya know.  What snow did to a certain someone...  And like wont take the blame but he will tho at the same time 
Coin  Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)  Mother Gothal ( Tangled) 
Maleficent I am deeply scared of her just saying and Coin as well
Mother Gothal. Totally Coin.  They both dont want there golden Flower to leave protection  if it was really up to Coin she would never let Katniss go. But she had little control over her Frankly Katniss never trusted her at all.   But like Mother Gothal we all knew she was bad going in but   Coin first time Reading I said I bet you will be bad lol. 
Annie Hei hei (Moana) Jane ( Tarzan) 
Hei Hei ( Sorry Annie ) But kinda crazy.  Kinda out of it...  
Jane I have no idea why but I see this crazy girl from 4 Jane. Just going a bit crazy at everything like Jane 
Wiress Clogsworth ( BATB) Okay simple very smart  but Kinda out there and  has a thing for clocks 
Mags (Grandma from Moana) A little crazy but alright. I mean better then alright down right awesome. 
Beetee Wall’e I have actually  never seen this movie but I am like hell robot  Beetee.
Careers Bruce and the other sharks (Finding Nemo)  Scary yet the biggest idiots on the planet. Sure they get the best of best  as districts go but damn who doesn’t know how to climb a tree or knowlage to idk chop it down burn it down.. 
The Claw 
Not Sure who this is ( Monters inc) I just thought Plutarch at Katniss’s propo attemps lol.
Caesar Flickerman  Kuzco ( Emperors new groove)  If this isn’t him I have no idea what is. Total Kuzco vibes the but also somewhat caring but most of the interviews is how he does.  Its beauty and its grace its Caesers face. But He does try to help out to the best of his ability. 
Boggs Mattias. Frozen 2  Basically he actually cares for Katniss doesn’t want to see harm done to her. A  rebel against his leader. ( I think he would of honestly be proud of Katniss for Killing Coin). But Only hopes for the best. 
Cato Prince Eric ( Little mermaid)  No offence but  holy crap hes an idiot lol  ( Eric I mean).  Cato is smart but clueless.  If he beileved that 2 could win. ( I honestly have no idea why I chose him for Cato) 
Katniss’s Mother ( Iduna) Frozen ( Anna and Elsas mother). Yeah  Mrs Everdeen did leave her daughters to fend for themselfs but bits of her came back to life every day.  and if she had a choice she would of died with her husband but she is the strongest damn person because she could of  died if she wanted to but she stayed for her daughters sakes. I would like to think Iduna would of done the same if she had that chance.
Game Makers  (More monster inc dudes_ This is their faces when Katniss blew up the arena)
Madge Moana. Okay I will admit stange but Madge is pretty bad ass like Moana tho she doesn’t leave she is very family is everything quiet. But not a sas for a village leaders daughter Moana isn’t bad at all. I could see her being the Madge we don’t get to see. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say? That would never happen, but for the sake of this question I’d certainly be surprised and caught off guard to say the very least for a lot of reasons. I would just be like wtf?? Do you play video games? Sometimes.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? Yeah.
Is your house more than two stories tall? Nope.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you? >> I've never been in a physically abusive relationship, thankfully. <<<
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!) Nothing.
What color is your hairbrush/comb? It’s rose gold.
What snacks do you have available in your household atm? Chips and dip, crackers, cookies...
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive? No.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? I don’t think so.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female? I don't remember.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you? None.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? I had a mini Kit Kat yesterday if that counts.
Do you play any games on Facebook? Nope.
What would you like to get a degree in? I have a degree in psych.
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? I don’t even go to bed until the early morning hours.
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game? >> I mean, that obviously depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time. <<< Exactly. I enjoy all those things.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater? Both.
What genre of films do you like the best? I’ve listed this a few times recently and don’t feel like doing so now.
How many bank accounts do you have? Just one.
Have you ever had the flu? Yeah.
What is your goal for the next few months? Get through each day and try to improve some health stuff.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life? My sleep schedule is completely messed up.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience. Yes. It’s a very unpleasant experience.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex. Funny and smart.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it? :/
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? I don’t want to share what, but there’s definitely something I would change for her.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? No.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you? Yeah. I’m a big scardy cat and went through the whole thing having my friend push me through while I mostly kept my eyes closed lmaooo. I kept anticipating things or someone jumping out at me.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see? No.
Which is worse: dusting or mopping? I would say dusting. Did you pull a senior prank? No.
Did you graduate? Yes.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? No.
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t remember.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? Nope, hence the glasses.
Is fashion one of your interests? >> It is, I think fashion is intensely interesting and fun.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone? It’s hard to imagine that happening for me, honestly.
Do you care what people think? Yes, but not as much as I used to. 
Is acting something you enjoy? No.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained? My leg when I was a kid.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours? No.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? No.
Whose house, other than yours and your families’, are you most comfortable at? I’m most comfortable at my own house.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? No.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Nope.
Did you ever watch the show Full House? Yeah.
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry? No.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture? No.
What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on? I’ve never been on a hike.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo? No.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? My ex.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes? Nope.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it? I’m currently wearing an Hey Arnold shirt with Arnold and Helga plucking a flower on it and it has “I hate him” repeated a few times and then at the bottom it says, “I love him.” 
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. Any reptile or insect.
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller? Taller. Most people are taller than me anyway.
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Yes.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people? No.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? That my family was here.
What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? Hmm.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? The Fault in Our Stars is one that really, really got to me when I first saw it. I bawled. 
What’s your favorite restaurant? I don’t have a particular favorite.
Is there a dessert you don’t like? Not a pie fan.
Favorite album? Hybrid Theory and Meteora.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? I got into Twilight and The Hunger Games that way. I ended up becoming really into both, though.
Underwater or outer space? Both terrify me.
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Kittens or puppies? Puppies
Bird watching or whale watching? Bird. I have an irrational fear of whales.
What was your best subject in school? English.
What was your worst subject in school? Math.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? Uhhh.
Who is your fashion icon? I don’t have one. 
Diamonds or pearls? Both are nice.
What color dress did you wear to prom? It was white with gold flecks.
What’s your favorite plot-twist? Thats a broad question. There’s been a lot of plot twists in various movies, books, TV shows, and life itself, ha, that really got me.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? No.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? A few days ago. Had a full on panic attack, too, which was fun.
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? Ew, NO. I find that so disgusting.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call? No.
Who are you closest to? My mom and brother.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No.
Are you currently sad about anything? Sad is just part of me.
Have you had any form of exercise today? I haven’t even gotten out of bed, yet, but I can assure you no exercising will be going on today.
Can you handle blood? Nooo.
Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. I didn’t try to apply for a job either though, so.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No.
Are you currently searching for a job? No.
Does eating breakfast make you sick? >> Nah. There was a short period of time when it did, back in the day, but now eating shortly after waking is almost a necessity for me. <<< Same, actually. The past few months I’ve gotten into the regular routine of having breakfast. 
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
oh my god im sorry but i HATE reading analysis discourse so fuckgin much. its so annoying and unnecessary and cruel bc per usual ableists just Scream over everyone and manipulate the view by focusing on the wrong points. disrespect towards this issue is never gonna work and yall would get that if you actually listened to the way the (usually nd) people felt about it and why, but ur too busy mocking them so you look good for consuming the Proper Medias tm. i mean you literally have to know this isnt productive, yall keep going bc you get a kick out of laughing at ‘unintelligent’ people.
‘uu ur teachers didnt oppress u by making u read to kill a mockingbird instead of the hunger games” ok listen 1. media you dont personally care abt can still definitely hold depthful value and be analyzed. oh my god lmao. the people who prefer ~that kind~ of media arent stupid and dont prefer easy thinking, its your own fault for Not looking into it yourself and just assuming its worthless, literally judging a book by its cover. LITERALLY avoiding the analysis skills you claim to have by assuming anything you read in highschool = smart, valuable and anything mainstream = stupid and useless. most books inherently contain symbolism and morals, a lot of these people CAN understand it, theyre just criticizing the inaccessibility of the writing that was forced on them academically. the people analyzing those medias instead of your favs are still taking in lessons even if they prefer to do it in a different format, i mean for instance THG is literally about fucking classism and racism and war you dumb hypocritical tunnel vision bitch, young adult media usually has a Lot of real world parallels in it that very much pertains to how teens see the world, thats the literal POINT, just cuz ur too elitist and dont respect children enough doesnt mean some books are ‘too stupid’ to analyze with any real social value, and 2. A BOOK NOT BEING EXCITING... OR EASY TO UNDERSTAND... IS LITERALLY SMTH VALID TO CRITICIZE IN MANY CASES, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GIVING IT TO CHILDREN.... if a kid says “this is boring/too long/uses words that i dont know, so i cant make any sense of it” that doesnt always mean theyre lazy or w/e, if its not a book made for kids (bc kids can understand mature themes but that doesnt. mean you can just throw all the other skills they arent experienced with yet at them, they still need writing tailored to them), Thats your first problem, but sometimes ur book is just fucking boring all together. a book can have as much symbolism as it wants, if its not there to open the mind and provide necessary depth, but to feel self important and make you feel self important for getting it, thats not a good book. and with books i do respect now like TKAM i remember outright saying, “i literally cannot read this and dont get it at all” at like 10 yrs old, and my teachers didnt do shit to explain it or help me or give me any skills at all, they were just like. :) keep trying!! according to your scores we know you can do it!!! so, i did not keep trying, i gave up, and i guarantee if it had been a few years later it would have been easier. if i had been given the opportunity to read stories with similar morals that were made for my age range that i WANTED to read, i guarantee i wouldve gotten so much more out of that. but i was literally DISALLOWED, bro if i grabbed a book that actually interested me, i was told i couldnt check it out at ALL unless it was in the ‘range’ i was assigned, which was college level since i was in 4th grade. so if you think i shouldve kept reading, im being unironic rn, you need to go get a degree, become a teacher, and if a kid or teen says to you what i said, sit them down and TEACH THEM without shame, and fight for better regulations of what reading levels can be pushed on what age groups. if lit analysis is this important to you, FUCKING TEACH IT PROPERLY, that is literally the ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the problem you have, NOT SHAMING the people who were ALREADY FAILED BY THE SYSTEM.
the problem is not ‘idiots think symbolism is stupid’ the problem has ALWAYS been ‘the education system is flawed and how and when children are taught certain skills is so corrupted and damaging, the children growing up with it cannot Help but struggle later in life, and your issue should be with the system”. like can i be real. learn how to Emotionally ~analyze~ posts from sad kids with mental illnesses saying smth as basic as “i wish i wasnt forced to read mature books as a child without any themes pertaining to me at all bc it hurt my already fragile motivations for learning :/” without your ass getting defensive over the classics. bitches stan ‘the door is red to symbolize anger’ but think thg is just a stupid dystopia love triangle book................ ur not even that smart like yall are just elitist like LITERALLY just elitist if you mock the values ppl see in other books and claim theyre too stupid to understand ~real books~. a fucking mickey mouse cartoon could hold the exact same moral lesson as a 1200 page novel written by a college professor of 30 years, like the Exact Same Conclusions CAN be drawn no matter how many words and analogies and metaphors are thrown on top!! for many those fancy details make it more enriching but its literally possible to get the same concepts from “EASIER” material, that is not Lesser it is ACCESSIBLE and it should be ENCOURAGED all the same. yall are gatekeeping and its stupid, if you actually want ppl to analyze media then you’d applaud how they analyze their passions even when you dont share it, not shame them for struggling with understanding other stories. this rly boils down to either ‘i hate ppls preferences and wanna make them feel stupid’ OR the ever so lovely ‘i hate whiny disabled ppl and kids who were pressured to the point of burnout, and wanna make them feel stupid’. its fucking exhausting. idc how you guys feel, you talk to hear yourselves talk and its all just talk and nothing helpful, your disrespect doesnt work bc its an echo of the root problem. for gods sake shut up already lmao
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tclesnmirrors-moved · 4 years
Belphie | Headcanon 004
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While we don’t see much of it right now, Belphegor once held a lot of love and respect for Lucifer. It’s displayed that out of  all of the brothers he was the most vocal about it as well.  Before he had begun to grow bitter with his thoughts, there  once was a time that Bel only saw Lucifer as someone he could trust with anything. This is shown in the Devilgram for Belphie’s card Hatred. The brothers are playing a  game of Who Am I? Beel had ended up as Lucifer and  when it came to Belphie’s turn his hint was obvious, but  also a bittersweet memory. 
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Belphie right off the bat describes Lucifer as someone who he trusts and reiterates that he is the smartest out of all of them. It shows that he was, to him at least, someone he could rely  on when things get hard. Now where I think things went wrong  was probably the start of RAD in Devildom, since that seems to be what eats away most of Lucifer’s time. Despite this Bel  was confident in his relationship with his eldest brother, but  when the whole exchange student program came up, it gave Belphegor no time to really get comfortable with the idea of being around the very species he blamed for his little sisters death. From what we’ve seen Bel does not talk about his over all trauma of watching Lilith die. It was probably a situation he blamed himself as the cause, since it all started with his  interest in the human race despite being told by Lucifer a  number of times to not see them. He needed someone to tell him that it wasn’t his fault. He needed Lucifer, his brother he  loved, trusted, and respected more then anyone to tell him  that it wasn’t his fault. 
Another thing thats important to note is that when it was Lucifer’s turn to guess who he was ( he got Belphie ), he looked to Bel for his hint, in which he responds with a resounding--
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After being locked up we know very well what Belphie’s mind set was, but one thing important to note is that despite his  anger towards Lucifer he still held some level of concern.  Because to Belphegor, his eldest brother was not acting like himself. He was not acting like his Prideful brother who didn’t allow anyone to boss him around, which is evident if you  consider the fact he rebelled against the Celestial realm after finding out Lilith would be killed. So for him to see Lucifer bow his head to Diavolo? It was a whiplash. Plus it’s important to note that from what we’ve seen, if a demon holds back their nature for too long there’s some kind of a repercussion. Ex.  When Beel is doesn’t satisfy his hunger, he starts to go on a rampage, eating anything in his wake and in his demon form. So if Bel was thinking Lucifer was holding back his pride by working under Diavolo and bowing to him ( though it’s from gratitude of  what he did for Lilith ), he does have a right to be concerned. From Belphie’s view, Lucifer is throwing away his pride by going along  with whatever Diavolo cooks up. In this case the Exchange  program
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Then when the MC is introduced to the story and has their  run in with Belphegor, we see in the devilgram them talking  to each other. This ends up with Bel getting lost in thought  about the past, he’s brought back to realty suddenly. It’s  here the question rises, does he hate Lucifer? But when  you take a closer look, it seems more like Belphie is trying to convince himself that he hates him. If he did, then it  would be easier for him mentally, but he doesn’t. Not  truly. Belphegor might resent Lucifer, but going as far as actually and genuinely hating him would be pushing it  too far. 
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It is also easier for him to push the whole blame  onto his brother when he had grown aware that he might be the one in the wrong with his actions against humans. But also comes to the realization Lucifer leaves him alone in the attic after getting an argument about how much  the elder had changed. Bel’s biggest fear is to move on  he thinks he has to forget Lilith. 
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Finally it comes down to the Mc asking Bel, do you truly hate Lucifer? he gives them an uncertain ‘of course...’, but doesn’t elaborate more on it. If Belphie truly hated Lucifer he would be more then willing to be open about it, especially since he is  very much blunt about his opinion about anything else. The  only thing this could mean is that he doesn’t believe it himself.  But even if Belphie doesn’t hate Lucifer, he truly believes that  his brother hates him and that because of his actions there’s  no way for them to go back to how they once were. 
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In summary, Belphegor doesn’t hate Lucifer and he probably never could truly. Lucifer to him was someone he trusted with all his heart and loved him. He was hurt by his brothers actions and is resentful, but he stills show that he cares by his concern about how much his brother has changed from how he used to be. Right now things are hard between them and even though Bel believes thing cannot go back to how they used to be, if they sit down and talk he could turn back at least to a less bitter version of himself. Belphegor as said  by his brothers is the type to push others away even though he was the one who would get lonely the most. In this moment all he really wants is Lucifers attention and he feels like the only way to really  get it is to act up like the rest of his brothers. By nature Belphie is  the quietest among the 7 of his siblings and this is partially due to  his own Sin of Sloth. All in all he just wants Lucifer to love him back.
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saveyoua-seat · 4 years
I was tagged by the amazing @allisonaergents thank you SO MUCH for tagging me!!! This is so cool!!! 
Pick 10 of your otps from different fandoms without reading the questions and then answer them. Then tag 10 other people to do the same.
(in no particular order)
Echo - RNM
Literati - Gilmore Girls
Kolvina - The Originals
Bonenzo - TVD
Merluca - Greys Anatomy
Brio - Good Girls
Tremmett - Station 19
Handon - Legacies
Darvey - Suits
Brunol - Merlí
Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I dont really remember it, but i do remember that I was already freaking out when Beth draped her necklace over the doorknob. So it was before that. I just looked it up and the necklace thing happened on 1x03???? Wow so i shipped them since the very beginning. 
Have you ever read a fic about 2?
No, i always wanted to but I dont know if I can handle it lol 
Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile pic/tumblr?
Not that i remember, but when TVD was airing I was super obsessed with them so Im not sure. 
If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
Well, we had 5 episodes with them and they broke up twice already so based on that id get pissed and hope they get back together again. But if they had broken up for good id probably do what i always do: move on. Alexa, play thank you next.
Why is 1 so important?
BECAUSE IT IS A TRUE LOVE STORY! Max has loved Liz for 10 fucking years even though she was gone and like checked on her father and waited on her every day. He saw her for the first time in 10 years and resurrected her risking everything. He also wrote her a beautiful letter before they even kiss. And he joined the biology club because she was in it even tho he hated science. Also, he died to bring her sister back. But the thing that really gets me is that theres no unnecessary drama, they love each other and care for each other and dont play any games. I just love it. 
Which one has the strongest bond?
Echo & Kolvina, i think. Handon does have a strong bond too but Landon legit said that there was nothing for him to remember when in fact he had forgotten about Hope so 
How many times have you read/watched 10′s fandom?
A LOT. Like, for real, I lost count. Although, the fandom really ruined Bruno for me. And to think he was my fave.... 
Which ship has lasted the longest?
Together? Kolvina. But overall Literati. Cause they loved each other from season 2 to the Revival. 
How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
None, cause they never got together lol 
If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive: 2 or 8?
Handon, cause they have, you know, powers. 
Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
Yes, because Emmett has a girlfriend (i know, i know) and an abusive father. 
Is 4 still together?
No, he died. *crying* 
Is 10 canon?
Well.... It will be. We know theyre gonna get married at the end but for now they only hooked up a few times. 
If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Kolvina, for sure. Davina is A FUCKING WITCH QUEEN and Kol is a bloody vampire. Hope would try but Landon would die (ha!) even though hes a phoenix and wasnt supposed to; Enzo is dead; Max would get himself killed in order to protect Liz; and the others are only humans. 
Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?
Im gonna say Cristina cause she legit sent McWidow to Meredith even though she loves DeLuca. Ive never liked Cristina and then she wants to ruin my ship? Now i hate her even more. And Delucas mental illness also sabotages them but thats not his fault. 
Do you spend hours a day going through 3′s tumblr tag?
YEEEEES!!!! But there arent many things about them anymore. Tbf it never had but now that the shows over theres like nothing. 
 If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?
Handon. I also ship Hosie and Landon&Josie (Losie? Jandon?) so Id be fine. 
Tagging: @bi-lullaby @imrollingmyeyes @imaginetonprincecharmant @pancakepapi58 @thisgameissonintendo and everyone who wants to do it! Feel free to tag me!!
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