#i know the wolfs supposed to be huge i know it was on the bed i didnt intend to make this a whole thing it just happened
pcktknife · 1 year
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The woodsman is not coming.
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 9 months
Practice On Me — Part Four — Azriel x Reader
Summary: It’s Solstice! Reader decides she should probably be honest with Azriel about some stuff. Things don’t quite go to plan.
Oof. Okay. This could be uncomfortable reading for some. There are some hints and depictions of domestic abuse and also of alcoholism, so if that’s something that might trigger you, please, please do not read this. The last thing I want is for my writing to be harmful to anybody. Read with caution. Take care and put yourself first. Lots of love.
Also, please don’t hate me for this 😭we know I’m a hoe for angst and it wouldn’t be one of my fics if there wasn’t some sprinkled in there lmao.
Word Count: 5k.
Warnings: Depiction of abusive behaviour. Heavy drinking. Some violence.
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On a brisk winter morning, when the sun hasn’t yet graced the sky, the last place you wish to be is at the Windhaven crèche, watching over a group of tired, grouchy younglings. Every second thought that passes through your mind is a longing one, lamenting on how desperately you wish to be back in your bed.
But alas, you owe your friend, Vegha, a favour, making you the sole minder of ten restless little girls, all annoyed that their brothers get to join their fathers for training, while they have to stay back and be…girls. A downfall, according to most Illyrian males.
You’re supposed to be watching over them for a couple of hours while Vegha runs an errand. And that time is going very, very slowly.
You’re in the middle of reading a storybook — and, yes, doing all the voices — when the door opens behind you. You feel a glimmer of hope that perhaps Vegha is back earlier than planned, but when you swivel on the child-sized chair you’ve perched yourself on, it’s Azriel who looms in the doorway.
And you…your heart does a silly little thing in your chest.
“Don’t let me interrupt.” He says. “I can wait.”
Your eyebrows flick up in amusement. “Come take a seat, then. It’s story time.”
His lips twitch, and he goes to reach for one of those infant chairs — which you’re not at all sure can handle all his muscle — but this sparks a flurry of complaints from the girls, who all insist that they want to sit with Azriel the most, and within seconds, he’s cross-legged on the floor with the children somehow managing to settle around him without bickering, and they’re all able to command his attention at once.
Happy mediums, and all that.
Your gaze lingers on him as he does all the right things; leaning his head down so he can appear less…huge, while listening with rapt attention to one of the girl’s chattering; steadying another one as they climb over him to get themselves seated; gently telling them all that they have to be quiet if they want to hear the rest of the story. That, of course, achieves immediate near silence.
And thus begins an entire performance of you continuing the tale, and the girls — and Azriel — responding in all the right places. They howl when they’re supposed to make the sound of a wolf, and roar when it’s a mountain cat, and you don’t miss that Azriel helps the tiniest of the girls to remember which animals make what sounds.
Most males in this gods-forsaken place are an intimidating presence to these children, frightening them into silence whenever they’re around, because girls are supposed to be seen and not heard. But Azriel is always gentle, always kind, and they adore him for it.
It’s a combination of all these things that force you to face a truth that’s been rapidly snowballing inside your mind and heart for the past four days — something has changed. Shifted. Has been shifting and changing for a while.
You laid awake for hours that night in the dormitory, listening to Azriel’s breathing as he slept deeply, happily sated from the pleasure you’d given him. Your mind had been too much of a war zone for you to drift off.
Nine years, you’ve called this male your closest friend. Ever since the very first day you’d met him, when a group of males had pushed you to the floor and kicked mud at you, and he’d jumped in and defended you for no other reason than that he’s good to the bone. Nine years, you’ve been by each other’s sides, and it’s been comfortable and familiar and just…right.
But now — now, you think you may have jeopardised that all by going along with Azriel’s request for help. Help with kissing. Touching. Experiencing.
You’ll always want to help him in any way that you can, of course. But you didn’t quite anticipate the predicament you now find yourself in. That you want all of those things and more, not just under the ruse of building your friend’s confidence. You want to explore more with him, feel more with him. You’ve been able to think about nothing else for days.
And it might make you a total wretch, but you want Kaeda to be a distant memory. The thought of Azriel taking what you’ve shown him, shared with him, and putting his all into somebody else…it sours your stomach. Makes you feel sick.
Makes your heart hurt.
And, well, you’re fucked, really.
It’s a kind of hurt that won’t go away on its own. It isn’t avoidable nor ignorable. And so your only option is to confront it, be honest about it. Whatever the outcome may be.
The story comes to an end, and the girls are calmed and sleepy enough that they look ready to curl up on the floor and doze off. Azriel peels himself away from the cluster of clingy children and stands up, strolling over to you.
“Well that was fun.” He comments quietly, taking the book from your hands. “Who knew I was so adept at doing animal impressions?”
“One of your many talents, I suppose.” You smile, drinking in the sight of him. He looks tired this morning. Tired, but beautiful. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
His expression sobers slightly, and he tells you, “We’re leaving this morning. For the training exercise.”
Immediately, your stomach churns. Being away from your friends sets you on edge. Windhaven is a lonely, lonely place to be without the love of Rhys, Cassian and Azriel to warm you. And not even Rhys’s mother is here to make it a little more bearable.
Az immediately recognises the bleakness that passes your face. He steps closer, his hand a gentle brush against yours. “I’ll be back for Solstice.” He reminds you yet again.
“I know.” You attempt to force an easy, breezing smile. “What’s the plan for Solstice, anyway?”
Normally, Rhysand’s mother would cook a meal in the cottage. You wouldn’t be able to attend, given that you’re always stuck at home with your father, but by the time he would pass out drunk, you’d sneak out and make it to the cottage just as the games were starting. Some of your happiest memories are of being curled up on one couch with Az, Rhys and his mother on the other, and Cassian stood in front of you, making a terrible attempt at playing charades.
But it’ll be different this year. With the High Lord keeping a tight leash on his pregnant mate in Velaris, there will be no meal, no charades. You, Azriel and Cassian would most certainly not be welcome at their intimate family celebration.
“Rhys will spend the day in Velaris.” Az tells you. “Cass and I will be getting drunk. There’s a celebration being held at the dormitories in the evening, so I suppose we’ll all end up there.”
You dip your chin. “I’ll come and find you there, then.”
His responding smile is a gentle one; one that says he sees right through you, right through to the panic that’s eating away at you, and he understands.
There’s no way he sees everything that you’re feeling, though. Perhaps that’s a good thing.
Your body goes slightly rigid as he dips down and presses a kiss to your forehead. His hand squeezes yours, and then he’s pulling away. “See you on Solstice.”
He bids a quiet goodbye to the dozing girls. It’s as he’s heading for the door that you find yourself stepping after him. “…Az?”
He turns, hand on the doorknob. “Yes?”
“There’s…something I need to talk to you about, when you get back. Something I need to tell you.”
Okay. Shit. You’re really doing this.
Azriel’s eyes rake over you, and then he smiles. “We’ll talk on Solstice.”
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Your head’s not all there today, as you stare out of the window of your father’s forge. Azriel and the others have been gone almost a week, and you’ve spent every one of those days thinking about how you’re going to tell him…whatever it is you’re going to tell him.
You’re not even certain, yourself.
Just that…that things are different. That you know, to begin with, that this was about him and Kaeda — but it’s shifted in your brain at an alarming rate, and now that you’ve shared something so…so meaningful, with him, you’re not sure you can go on acting as though it was all just a favour.
Yeah. That should do it.
And it’s a huge fucking risk, of course. There’s every chance he won’t return the sentiment, and then a giant wedge of unresolved feelings will exist between you.
But you need to — perhaps selfishly — confront this before things between him and Kaeda progress. In case there’s a slight chance that it’ll alter the path it’s heading down.
And you haven’t thought any further than that.
The snow has started again, and you watch the flurries sweep past the window and join the thick layer on the ground. You’ve become so accustomed to the noise of the forge that you hardly notice it anymore — not the constant clanking, nor the heat that the fires swathe the shop in. You used to beg your father to teach you his craft, to allow you to get stuck in and get your hands dirty, but he’s always stubbornly maintained that it’s a male’s job, and that he needs you for the bookkeeping. You’re surprised he trusts you with that.
You breathe a soft sigh, your thoughts once again flitting back to Az. To what he might be doing, thinking, feeling. Whether he misses you as much as you miss him.
But before those thoughts can take a hold of you and sink you deeper into your predicament, the door opens, the bell above it ringing and a gust of cold air momentarily biting you.
It’s rare for females to come to the forge. Very rare, indeed. Which is why, for a second or two, you just stare.
That — and because she’s incredibly beautiful.
Her eyes — the colour of emeralds — sweep the workshop, before landing on you, and she smiles. She has the telltale tanned skin of an Illyrian, but instead of the dark hair that’s so typical around here, hers is red — not orange, not auburn, but blood red. You’ve never seen a shade quite like it.
And if that’s not enough to completely bowl you over, your gaze rakes over her clothing, and you stop, stunned.
Females around here wear homespun dresses of simple brown shades. A few, like yourself, favour basic tunics and breeches. Clothing is just a necessity, not something you lend much thought to.
But this female wears Illyrian leathers. Never, in your life, have you seen females wear Illyrian leathers. It’s simply not a done thing.
But she looks resplendent in them.
They cling to supple curves and accentuate a figure that you don’t think you’d ever be able to achieve with any amount of training. And perhaps the most shocking thing of all — and the most enviable — is the presence of brilliant, beautiful wings at her back. Unclipped. Untouched. Unruined.
How your wings might have one day looked, had your father not destroyed them.
You’re not entirely convinced that an angel hasn’t just stepped into your father’s forge. Or perhaps this is the Mother that everyone worships. Part of you wants to worship her, too, and beg her to bestow upon you her blessings—
You snap yourself out of it before you can fall head-over-heels in love with her. She’s just a customer.
A very, very beautiful customer.
“Good day to you.” She says, approaching the counter. Her voice is like pure music.
You incline your head in greeting. “And to you. Is there something I can help you with?”
“I’m interested in having some gifts made for my father and brothers. For Solstice.”
Once again, you’re gawking.
Another thing that’s unheard of; females liking their family members enough to have gifts made for them.
You clear your throat, blinking out of your thoughts. “What…what kind of things were you looking for?”
“Personalised daggers.” She answers, and then she grins in a way that makes you want to tell her your life story, and leans closer. “A male can never have too many daggers, right?”
You breathe a laugh. It doesn’t sound natural. “Absolutely.”
“I’ll be needing three. One for my father, and one each for my two brothers. Can that be done in time for Solstice? I can pay extra…”
This female has beauty, leathers, wings, a relationship with her family members, money. She’s magnificent. A few exchanged words, and you’re awed by her.
Who is she? How have you never seen her before?
“It can be done.” You tell her with a flustered smile. “I’ll just need to sit with you and get some details of exactly what you want made, and then my father will get straight to it. I imagine they’ll be ready for collection by Solstice Eve.”
Her eyes light up in a way that reminds you of sunrise. “That’s perfect.”
There’s a second or two where you just…can’t help staring. Her beauty has knocked you speechless.
But once again, you snap yourself out of it and try to retain some semblance of professionalism.
“Can I take your name down?” You say, and clear your throat again. Gods, you hope you’re not blushing. “For the order.”
You grab a piece of parchment and a pen, hoping you’ll remember how the fuck to write.
“It’s Kaeda.” She says, and the pen nearly slips from your hand. “Kaeda Baralas.”
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Solstice morning sweeps in just as abruptly as the fresh onslaught of snow that once again batters the camp.
It’s going to be a rough one. You can feel it in your bones.
You dread it every year, but this year is made even worse by the constant stream of thoughts that have been plaguing you over the last week. About whether telling Az about your feelings is a good idea. Not just because of what it could do to your friendship, but because…
Because you can’t deny that since seeing Kaeda in the flesh, you’re doubting yourself more than ever.
Of course, you can see why Azriel would want her. And why he’d want to be good and experienced for her. And you…you’ve been facilitating that. You’re the practice dummy. Kaeda is the real thing.
At least the chaos of Solstice keeps you busy.
You wake early, and from the noise and foot traffic outside your bedroom window, you know Az’s unit has safely returned from their training exercise. Your relief is short-lived, replaced by the dread of your father hitting the bottle.
Every year is the same. You spend the day trying to focus on your preparation of the huge meal you’re expected to cook, while your father knocks back drink after drink and gradually gets rowdier. You tell yourself that the more he drinks, the better — he’ll fall asleep eventually, and you’ll be out of here.
But then the front door bursts open.
It’s four of your father’s friends who pile into your cramped home, singing at the tops of their voices and reeking of booze. You’re only just able to stop one of them knocking a pot of potatoes off the counter with a careless, wayward wing. They barely acknowledge you, filing through to the sitting room to greet your father. Their voices get louder, and an ache is building behind your eye.
Day bleeds into late afternoon. You try to ignore them, to focus on the task at hand. Cooking is usually enjoyable for you, but with an unwelcome party happening in the next room, you find yourself getting more and more stressed.
By the time your father bustles his way into the kitchen and begins sniffing around the food, you’re close to losing it.
“Isn’t it ready yet?” Your father rudely demands.
You stare out of the kitchen window, at the dwindling light of approaching evening, clenching your jaw. “It is. I’m waiting for your friends to leave.”
“They’ll be eating with us.”
You whirl on the spot. “We don’t have enough food for that.”
“I told you we’d have guests.”
No, he absolutely hadn’t. This is a power play. He does shit like this all the time. Backs you into corners.
“I bought food for two people.” You snap, unable to stop yourself. “Not six.”
Your father’s nostrils flare. You know that look on his face a little too well — the one where his cheeks redden and his eyes turn cold. It’s always, always made your stomach lurch.
He steps closer, and you press your back against the counter, trying your utmost not to look intimidated.
“You’d better rectify that, hadn’t you?” His tone is deceptively gentle. “Be a good girl and find a way to make the food go around six people. You wouldn’t want to ruin Solstice.”
It’s a veiled threat. One you’d be wise not to ignore.
So you stare at him and he stares at you. And when he eventually nods and leaves the room, you turn and try to work out how to make a meal for two a meal for six.
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The mountain of a male beside you jostles your chair so violently that you almost fall out of it.
His hand grabs a roast potato from your plate. He shoves it into his mouth, chews, and grins. “You weren’t going to eat that, were you?”
The entire meal has been like this.
Perhaps it’s your ice-thin temper that has you staring him right in the eye; a thing many Illyrian males consider a great disrespect from females. “Would it matter if I was?”
He swallows and swipes the lone, remaining potato you hadn’t planned to touch. “Not really, no.”
The dinner is usually the only part you enjoy of Solstice. A meal that you spend hours perfecting, of slow-cooked meat and roasted potatoes and a colourful array of different vegetables that are cooked to perfection. It’s the one part of the day where you can just sit and breathe, because even your father doesn’t usually have a bad word to say about the meal you’ve presented.
This one has been pure, unadulterated hell. 
To accommodate your unwanted guests, you’ve skimped on your own food, barely affording yourself a couple of mouthfuls. Wine and ale has been spilled across the table, and the conversation around it has only grown more and more uncomfortable — and vile — as the night has worn on. You want nothing more than to get out of here and find your friends, but your father and his cronies show no signs of slowing down. 
You sit, staring emptily at the plates, the little remaining morsels of the meal you spent all day cooking. You try to block out the laughter and jeering, the disgusting comments, the blatant disrespect, but it’s all getting to you, riling you up. You’re not sure how long you’ll last without snapping.
Your answer comes when your father looks at you. And he snaps his fucking fingers at the finished plates. 
“Clear this up, Y/N.” He says. 
You know your father. You know what he can be like, the damage he can do. Your ruined back is evidence enough. And you know the wisest and safest thing is for you to comply and rant about him to your friends later.
But you’re far beyond that point.
You meet his gaze, and your jaw ticks as you shoot back, “Why don’t you clear it up yourself?”
You regret it the second the room falls deathly silent. All the noise is gone in an instant. Every face is looking your way.
But it’s your father’s face you’re concerned with.  The expression that tells you you’ve made a grave, grave mistake. 
“What was that?” His voice is quiet. Too quiet.
You look away. Wish you could cram the words back down your throat. “Nothing.”
“It wasn’t nothing.” The male beside you sneers. “You speak to your father like that, girl? If you were my child, I’d string you up by the remains of those wings you never should have been born with.”
“I’d do a lot worse than that.” Another one remarks, a sickening laugh in his voice.
Throughout it all, your father is staring at you. Saying nothing.
“Did it hurt, anyway? Having them ripped off like that? I bet it did. I hope it did.”
Your final straw is when the pig at your side has the audacity to reach around and touch your back. You tense immediately, and you’re shooting up from your chair, knocking it over as you do.
“Don’t ever lay a finger on me again.” You will your voice to be stronger, firmer, but it won’t comply. You shake as you gather the plates up in your hand. “I’m cleaning this up.”
That’s met with a chorus of laughter, a pelting of comments. You tell yourself to block it out, block it the fuck out, balance as much as you reasonably can in your hands and book it into the kitchen. You dump the plates onto the counter and grip onto the sink basin, trying to draw in deep, slow breaths.
But then there are footsteps behind you. And the kitchen door closes. And you know that’s not good.
Your eyes shutter. You release one of those useless breaths before you dare to turn and face your father. 
And when you do, his face is…soft. Eyes filled with concern.
But you’re not stupid enough to buy it. 
You’re taut as a bowstring as he approaches you, stopping inches away. He drinks in the sight of you, tilting his head. You wait for him to tell you that you look just like your mother — a fact that only contributes to his vitriol. As if it’s your fault that she abandoned him, abandoned both of you. 
He thinks it is.
His hand touches your cheek, his thumb sweeping the skin there. You swallow, hoping he can’t feel the way you tremble beneath him. 
“What’s gotten into you, my girl?” He asks quietly. “What did I say about not ruining Solstice?”
You swallow. Lower your gaze. “I thought it would just be the two of us.”
“Do I not have the right to invite my friends into my home?”
“I’m just saying that a little bit of warning would have been appreciated. I didn’t spend hours cooking a meal just for your friends to come along and ruin it.”
“Your attitude has become insufferable. Perhaps it’s those three males you’ve been spreading your legs for. Giving you too much of an ego boost.”
You almost want to laugh in his face — laugh at his cluelessness. But your anger wins. Maybe you’re more like him than you ever thought.
“Or perhaps, father,” you snap, “it’s an accumulation of anger and desperation after twenty years of living with a repulsive, sanctimonious—”
He strikes you so hard that for a moment, you’re simply stunned as to why you’re suddenly on the floor. But the thwack of his hit rings in your ears, echoes through the kitchen. 
And then the metallic taste of blood is coating the inside of your mouth. It’s streaming down your chin, and you’re not even sure where it’s all coming from, only that it hurts and your eyes are stinging. 
Your father stares down at you. And in that moment, you realise that the eeriest thing of all is that he never glares at you. You think you’d prefer that.
He always stares with that emptiness. That icy vacancy. It makes his actions more unpredictable, more dangerous. 
He lunges down so suddenly that you flinch, yanking you up by the front of your shirt. Your legs don’t want to comply as he shoves you towards the door.
“Get the fuck out of my house.” He hisses at you, ripping the door open. “Go on. Fuck off, just like your mother did.”
And then he’s shoving you into the snow, a plume of it erupting around you. You hardly notice the cold. You’re too stunned.
Not stunned enough, though, to refrain from biting back at him. Just like a threatened animal would. 
“Fuck you.” You sneer, the words contorted by a mouthful of blood that you spit onto the snow. “Fuck you, father.”
The bastard laughs in your face. Just as he’s always laughed in your face. And then he kicks snow at you because he can and steps back into the house.
When the door shuts behind him, you push to your feet. You’re trembling all over. It might be the cold. It might be the shock.
There’s only one person you want to see right now. So you wrap your arms around yourself and head towards the dormitories.
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Halfway through trudging across the camp, your shoes sodden with snow, your lip still bleeding, the emotions begin to hit.
You resent them. You resent feeling anything at all towards the male who is your only blood relative in this hollow, hollow place. The one who took your wings. The one who has tried to keep a firm grasp on the control he has over your life.
But you do feel things. Hurt and rage and humiliation and — bizarrely — betrayal. As if some small slither of hope had followed you from childhood into adulthood — that your father would one day miraculously awaken as a different person. A family member worth holding onto.
He never would.
No, your true family has always been the small, loving group that crams themselves into a cottage across the camp; a place of warmth and welcoming.
Rhysand and Cassian and Azriel. Rhysand’s mother, too. They are your family. They have always cared, since the moment you met them.
It’s for that reason that you persevere with your walk, even though you’re frozen to the bone. You think you might be crying. You’re not too sure anymore. Your friends will make it better. They always make it better.
The dormitories glow in the distance; a welcome sight, for once. You kick through the snow with desperation, and you’re definitely crying, definitely shaking all over, but the sounds of the celebrations coming from inside are a relief. Playful jeering and someone strumming a lute and off-kilter singing.
You push your way through the door. Inside is as crowded as you expect it to be, but you don’t even care. Anywhere is better than at home.
Your eyes — not really taking in much at all — scan the corridors, the common area, looking for any of your three closest friends. You see none of them, but a hand lands on your shoulder, and you turn to find Vegha there. Her eyes widen immediately at the state of you. You dread to think how bad you look.
“Y/N, what the fuck?” She blurts. “Why are you bleeding?”
“Fell over.” You know how stupid it sounds. “I…I need to find Azriel. Have you seen him?”
“Oh, I think he skulked off to his room a little while ago. Everyone knows he hates big parties like this—”
Perfect. You’ll hole up in his room together and block the rest of the world out. You’re already turning and pushing through people. You’ll apologise to Vegha for your rudeness later. Right now, you just need Azriel’s comfort, his love. The conversation you planned to have with him tonight is now a distant memory, an issue to confront later. You just…just want him. He always makes everything better.
You don’t notice the drink that gets spilled on you, or the disgruntled groups of people you have to shove through. None of that matters. Azriel is your family. He matters.
Finally, you make it to his room. The soft glow of faelights shine beneath the door — an indication he’s inside. You almost sob with relief as you grab the handle and burst in.
Two faces immediately look round at you.
Kaeda lies on top of him, hands either side of his head. Her lips are swollen and inches from his. Azriel is palming at her waist, holding her against him. They’re both fully clothed, but…but you get the sense they wouldn’t have been for much longer, had it not been for your interruption.
Azriel drinks in the sight of you, his chest heaving. He blinks. You…you’re rooted to the spot.
And you fucking wince as Kaeda sits up slightly. Az’s hands fall back to his sides.
The beautiful female eyes you, tilting her head. And you want to get out of there, to fucking run, but you can’t do anything but stand and blink as something shatters inside of you.
“The shop hand from the forge.” Kaeda states in surprise, as if it’s ludicrous to consider that you might sometimes venture outside of your father’s workshop. “What happened to your face?”
Azriel is finally springing into action, then, sitting up and scooting out from beneath Kaeda. “Y/N…”
You cannot bear the gentleness of his voice. It may just finish you off.
All of this might. Staying here a second longer might.
So you, for some reason, shake your head and back slowly out of the room. Azriel lurches up, but you’re grabbing hold of the door handle firmly.
“Sorry for interrupting.” Your voice is all wrong and fractured. You quickly shut the door before it can morph into a sob.
You think Azriel might call after you, but it’s probably wishful thinking. You don’t know. Don’t know anything. Don’t know what to do next.
So you simply walk away.
You suppose you’ve taught Azriel everything he needs to know.
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azriel tag list: @hanasakr @positivewitch @ruler-of-hades @brekkershadowsinger @nightscourtt @imperfect0angel @luna-1-3-5 @hyacinthoideshispanica @lucyysthings @lahoete @littlemoonash @blacksstarrynight @azriels-mate123 @ghostly-poetic @frieddesigninspiringquotesslime @a-frog-with-a-laptop @illyriansimp @morrie-rose @passingthroughfireandshadow @illyrian-dreamer @azrielsbabyg @96jnie @mich0731 @mulansaucey @truthtellerfanclub @acourtofbooksandmagic @insightsonmylife @basicbittywitty @curbside-cyanide @acourtofchaosandmess @123345566 @starrynights-frostbites @eos-princess @thesillyyogourt @ona-raising-07-l @acediahamartia @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @polli05927 @asdfjklbooks @azriel-luvr @amysangel @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @wildflowernightmere @audie-writes @aaronwarnerswifereal @starxqt @lulufairbank @laurzwrites @livelaughlovenestaarcheron @girlwith-thecinder-blockgarden @jjlevin @smitty-werbenjagermenjenson @spikertrash @kindagoldylocks @barbiezambie @kht1998 @soupghoul @nyctophiliawitch @gracie1234567891011 @gaymistakeboi @luvmxo @rinalouu @microwaveallthedemons @starlightshowdown
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blades-bundle · 1 year
How they are in the mornings
ft: Kafka, Blade, March 7th, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Seele, Bronya
- You'd think she's a morning person, considering her job and how she has to be awake a lot. - No. She hates mornings. - She's a HUGE cuddle bug, though. - Kafka will be holding you tight and trying to drag out the morning as long as she can. - She'd much rather spend the mornings in bed with you than heading out on another adventure because of Elios Script. - She also has either herself, Blade, or Silver Wolf make you both coffee when she's finally done holding you hostage pffft. - "Mmh... Good morning, baby..." - Her voice is soft and sweet, but also partially gravelly.
- He's very cuddly. Like. Look at that man and tell me that despite his personality he isn't a cuddle bug. - He is touch starved asf. (Maybe I'm projecting, who knows?) - Blade is the typa guy to actually be really affectionate when tired, even if he isn't typically. - When he's tired, he isn't worrying about what he's supposed to say or do. - He just.. does. - "Quit squirming... it's too early for this... Let me hold you closer..." - He definitely has a very hot morning voice. - Yeah, he knows it too.
March 7th
- She is very 50/50. - Either she's up at the sunrise, waking you up to make you both hot cocoa and watch it. - Or she's dead asleep with you well past noon. - It really depends on how tiring the trailblaze mission was. - She's cuddly when she's falling asleep, but this girl moves a shit ton when she's actually asleep. - Like. A lot. - Expect to be kicked lmfao. - She'll apologise a lot afterwards tho aksjgfkjdsg - "I'm so sorry! Here, let's cuddle and watch a movie to make up for it, mk?"
Dan Heng
- He sleeps like a fucking rock. - On his back, arms either by his sides or across his chest. - Well, unless you're laying on his chest. - Then his arms are around your waist. - ..Or well, unless he's having a nightmare. - He doesn't get them very often, but they're always awful. - Memories of his past always coming back to haunt him. - It's a big relief for him to wake up with you right next to him, trying to help. - It almost completely calms him immediately. - "It's.. okay, dear. I feel much better now that you're here..."
Jing Yuan
- He is a human teddy bear, and no I do not take criticism. - He's so warm and big and just grgrgrgr - His arms are so inviting and he's so gentle with you. - Jing Yuan is the type to run his fingers through your hair to help you sleep while humming some random tune. - He wakes up early in the mornings but always waits til you're awake to move. - Then he makes you both coffee and breakfast. - God his morning voice is so gravelly and deep. - He doesn't even seem to notice the difference unless you point it out. - "Mmh.. My voice? Well I suppose it is slightly lower, haha.."
- Smug bastard smh /affec - This fucker is the type to hold you super close on purpose. - He knows what you are. - Luocha makes the best tea in the mornings. - Gives you just the right amount of energy while both tasting good and helping you feel good. - His words, not mine. - He's quite gentle with you, however. - A hand running through your hair as he lays on his back, you spooning his side. - "Such a sweet thing.. Good morning, my dove..."
- She's a light sleeper, that's for sure. - A habit she's picked up from working with Wildfire. - That doesn't mean she doesn't know how to relax... - It just means she can't sleep well if you move in your sleep. - Not that she would say such to you, of course. - If she wakes up, she just watches you sleep before slipping off herself once more. - Seele finds it endearing, seeing you snuggle into a pillow and mumble under your breath. - She heard you say her name once in your sleep, and she wasn't able to look you in the eye for a bit. - She's just embarrassed pffft. - "Mmh.. Finally awake, sleepy head?"
- Miss Ma'am. Why do you have a perfect sleep schedule? - She wakes up and goes to bed at the same time every single day. - She always either makes breakfast for you both or has one of the workers at her estate do so. - Bronya will wake you up gently to have breakfast together and dance to the record player in the living room. - I see her as a hopeless romantic almost. (Maybe I'm projecting idc.) - She's got a soft and light morning voice, but it's still somewhat stern. - Mom friend alert pffft. - "Good morning, dear. Time to get up.. I made breakfast."
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silent-browser · 1 year
Reformatting this bitch like a head cannon!!!
Oh boy. I adding to the werewolf post cuz I wanna. Part 1
Quick recap. You have partner/boyfriend. Partner out of town. You try to surprise partner. Partner/wolf surprises you instead. Not that you know the huge wolf is him.
The next morning is arguably more confusing than the night before as you wake up to your "out of town" boyfriend in the bed with you, asleep and looking very self satisfied.
Asleep until you hit them with a pillow and start interrogating him on how the heck he got in and where the big fuck-you wolf disappeared to
Welp, the cat- or I suppose wolf is out of the bag and they had some explaining to do
They are at least glad that the wolf in them approves of their choice in partner.
They explain everything.
How they came to be like this (attacked on a mountain trail while hiking)
Why they have been hiding themselves away every full moon (transform in peace and to keep others safe)
That they are either asleep or just not at the proverbial wheel when they turn (it's all instinct and the long slumbering beast when they turn. Full moonlight wakes it up they suppose)
You honestly think they are lying at first
A joke surely
A humorous ruse to avoid you finding out that they have an illegal pet wolf
But the look on their face... That apologetic and scared look. The look they have every single time you find them following you around
The guilty look
You ask instead "Why didn't the wolf rip me to shreds? You said that you have to stay away from people when you turn to avoid hurting anyone. Why didn't it hurt me?"
They honestly don't know. Maybe something to do with their scent just naturally being on you and that told the wolf that you were not to be hurt
You both stay in bed for a while after, just talking about the experience and what it means for your future together
He's so scared you would leave him. That you would scream and run for the hills
He doesn't know what he would do without you normally but after that night, he felt different in some way
As if he would crumble if you said you didn't want him anymore
As if the wolf would overtake him completely if you said you were leaving for good
As if he would die without you
The thought and realization shook him to his core
Yes... He would die without you. You are his life line. His air. His sanity. If you left he might just crumble away and die. Leaving behind only a husk of a human being for the wolf to take over
You suddenly interrupt his dark spiral when you suddenly remember the entire reason you came last night
You hop out of bed and quickly grab the food you brought over and had an impromptu breakfast in bed party
"I would never leave you" you told them while holding their hand
And they melted
You joke about wishing you knew sooner and how late night dates will have to be more carefully planned out now but they just stared at your face with all of the love in the world radiating from them
Now that the aftermath is done...
They admit that they like being pet, even when they are themselves so a common thing for the both of you to do is movie night cuddles and head pats
You both cook meat more than before. It's to the point where the local butcher knows the both of you by name (sorry vegans but this is a werewolf fic so meat eating is gonna happen)
Because they are accepting the wolf in them a little easier they have become a little more territorial
Unknown people on their doorstep make them uneasy and they can often come off as cold and rude to delivery people when they stop by (Door to door missionaries get growled at)
You know better now and avoid their place the next time the full moon comes around. You are respecting their space. They have a quiet house to spend time in. Everything is fine right?
Wolfie is pissed
He wants his human in his nest again gosh darn it!
He made it all pretty and everything too
He spends his entire night trying to escape
Clawing at door ways and window frames
Ramming his body into doors
Howling as loud as he can go, hoping to attract you back to his den. Letting you know that he is here and ready to snuggle again
When boyfriend wakes back up his entire house is destroyed.
Picture frames knocked off walls, doors clawed to shit, three windows broken and some noise complaints from his neighbors in his messages
What the heck happened last night!?
Wolf has never done this before so why now!?
It only gets worse every full moon after
Until wolf finally gets out
Adrenaline and desperation runs his mind when he gets out
He has to find you. He has to
Continuation in the future???? Was this even a good continuation of the first post??? Big shrugs all around.
@samuelftm Here ya go hun. I hope you like it.
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cumikering · 4 months
Werewolf Keegan x reader 5
3.2k | fluff, suggestive You threatened Keegan with a good time (part 1) (part 6)
Guess who didn’t wipe off your lipstick smudge the rest of the evening. Keegan was into the whole claiming shenanigan more than he thought he did after all.
He smiled to himself as you hiked to the cabin in his jacket. ‘It’s warmer than yours,’ he said, and he was a few seconds away from offering you his beanie. How soon could he make you wear a shirt that said Keegan’s without it being weird?
As part of Raider’s handover process, he had started his training with Gabe. The K9, however, stayed with his handler that weekend because Keegan was taking you on an overnight trip. He figured the cabin was too small for the three of you. That, and he couldn’t find blindfold for dogs.
On the deck next to steaming cups of tea, you had wraps you packed that morning. You leaned onto his shoulder, looking over the city in the distance.
“I miss Raider,” you said longingly. “He’d keep me warm.”
How dare you think he couldn’t keep you warm. Was this a challenge? He pulled you closer. “Are you cold? We can go inside.”
You smiled. “In a bit. Want to watch the sunset with you.”
He moved you to sit between his thighs before putting his beanie on you, tugging it past your eyes. You giggled as you repositioned it.  He held your hands and stuffed them in the pockets of your (his) jacket, chin resting on your shoulder.
Against the textured pink backdrop, the sun inched towards the horizon. Keegan nuzzled your neck, his strong arms wrapping around you. The night fell as the golden flares fizzled out and he flicked on the LED lantern. He laid you down on the deck, his hand behind your head, kissing all over your face with his fingers lacing between yours.
“We need to get in! I don’t want the wolf to come by again.”
“Leave some PB sandwiches out as a peace offering,” he said, rubbing his nose against yours.
You laughed. “No, they’re mine and I’m not sharing with anyone.”
“Not even with me?”
“No, all mine.”
He let out a mock gasp. “I’ll have to eat them all when you’re sleeping.”
He got up to his feet before taking your hand to help you up, leading you into the cabin.
“This is the bed?!” you exclaimed, gesturing at the mattress, which was more of a glorified yoga mat, if he was honest.
“I thought I’d warned you.”
“Well, yes, but you didn’t tell me it was this small. How are we going to fit in there?”
We? He melted a little. “It’s yours. I’m taking the floor. There’s an extra blanket here somewhere.”
“You know I won’t let you do that, right? But… I can’t sleep pressed up to you without a shower either!”
Silly you, threatening him with a good time. “I don’t mind. Not at all.”
You got cleaned up and climbed into bed in his hoodie and your thickest sweats. With your back against the wall, you lay on his chest.
“You know, the first time you stayed at mine,” you began.
His heart skipped a beat. Oh shit, did you-
“I dreamt of my childhood dog, that he was next to me in bed.”
Oh, thank fuck. “What’s his name?”
Huh, so that’s what you said.
“He was a huge Newfoundland, fluffy jet black fur, like your hair.” You smiled. “Now you know why I like touching it so much.”
It was official. He wasn’t going to cut his hair ever again.
He slid your hand under his shirt. “You sure it wasn’t just me? I’m pretty hairy too.”
You laughed, pinching his stomach.
“Hey, peanut,” Keegan said, fingers twirling your hair.
“What did you just call me?”
“Peanut, like peanut butter.” My favourite fucking thing.
“At this point the P in your name should just be Peanut.”
He chuckled. “Would you still like me if I was a dog?”
“I think the question is supposed to be worm, not dog.”
“Yeah, but I’ve got no plans of becoming a worm. Dogs though, they chill and nap. It’s always a good time being a dog.”
“You’re making it sound like you do plan on becoming a dog.”
“Look at Raider. He’s always happy, isn’t he?”
“That’s true.”
“So? Would you still like me if I was a dog?”
“Yes, I will. Maybe even more.” You paused. “But don’t shed too much!”
He pressed a kiss against your temple. “I promise I’ll clean up after myself with an industrial-sized lint roller.”
He knew it was silly banter, but the words lulled that little part of his brain, that you’d like the other him anyway. He wanted to soak in it, fantasise that you were staying despite his demanding schedule and sullen silence, that maybe you liked him enough to make it work.
Would you, he wanted to ask. If you wanted to bear it with him, make you promise you’d never leave and be the end of all of this, give him what he never knew he wanted.
But that’s not how life worked, so he didn’t. Not now with his terrible secret anyway.
Comfortable silence filled the room. Your hand was still under his shirt, warm against his fuzzy stomach.
“I might go out for a walk later tonight, so don’t be worried if I’m gone, okay?”
“Don’t get lost.”
He chuckled. “No, you don’t get lost.”
Keegan held you close as your breathing eventually deepened. When he was sure you were asleep, he carefully removed his arm from under you before tucking you in, kissing you on your forehead.
Outside, the night was still with the crescent moon high in the cloudless sky. He stepped out onto the deck and took a deep breath of the fresh cold air before shifting behind the bushes.
With a content sigh, his wolf rolled on the ground, the dried leaves tickling his back making him pant. He jumped to his paws before running through the woods, revelling in the breeze in his fur. He’d missed this. It was nice to finally stretch his legs after so long.
And that better-than-peanut-butter scent filled him again. He stopped in his tracks and turned back towards the cabin. Uh oh, did he wake you?
Sure enough, you sat on the deck, arms wrapping around your legs as you gazed at the moon with a small smile. He sighed. Oh, you were so pretty. He could, and would, look at you all night. He’d love to come up to you, but you were scared of his wolf. As quietly as he could, he crawled behind the bushes. He could settle for the next best thing for his peanut.
As he pushed his snout against the leaves to peek between them, a twig crunched under him. Your head whipped to his direction, and he ducked and froze in place. Dog logic: if he couldn’t see you, you couldn’t see him either.
You leaned back again and began combing through your hair with your fingers. He held his breath, letting your scent breeze pass, but it wouldn’t, and it was his undoing. The leaves rustled as he sat up, panting behind the bushes, front paws padding in eagerness. Why did you have to make it so hard for him?
His tail swayed faster. With a whimper, he stuck his head out.
“Oh God, it’s you,” you gasped.
Yes, it’s me!! He hopped out, tail wagging.
“Okay,” you said breathlessly. You stood as slowly as you could. “I guess it’s my fault for going outside. Keegan said you’re friendly, but you’re huge and I’m still very much scared.”
His head tilted. Why did his name sound so good coming out of your mouth?
You backed towards the door. “Respectfully, I don’t mean to be rude at all, but on the off-chance you understand this, would you mind terribly if you keep your distance? Please?”
It was hard to register your words when your scent made his head spin. He crawled towards you, making himself as small as he could as his tail continued to fan behind him. When he got to you, he rubbed the top of his head against your stomach.
“Please don’t bite me,” you said under your breath.
I won’t! At your feet, he rolled onto his back, blocking the door. Give me belly rubs NOW! He waited, his paws folded in front of him, panting. When nothing happened, he lifted his head.
You stood there frozen. He whimpered, high-pitched and desperate. I promise I won’t bite! With a shaky breath, you tentatively reached for his belly. He boofed, tongue lolling.
You let out a nervous chuckle. “I suppose you’re pretty friendly after all.”
I told you! He huffed. Now keep going, please, miss.
You sat down, still scratching him. When you stopped, he lifted his head again. This time you had an amused smile on your face. He flipped over and licked the back of your hand before splaying over your lap.
“You have no idea how big you are, do you?” You laughed, scratching the back of his ears.
He sighed, tilting towards you. Yes, yes, right there. On the brink of falling asleep, his eyes fluttered. I CAN’T. You’d get a heart attack if he shifted back to his bare human form right there.
He straightened up, sitting on your lap as he stared you down with his bright yellow eyes, unblinking, face inches away from you.
You looked away. “C- Can you not do that, please? It’s rude to stare, and I feel you’re going to bite my face off.”
He whimpered, looking down at his paws. It was hard being a misunderstood wolf.
“Thank you.” You ran your fingers down the fur of his neck. “I know Keegan would be laughing if he sees me talking to you.”
His tail trashed again at his name.
“Do you know him?” You chuckled. “Keegan?”
His paws padded on your thighs.
“You do, huh?” You patted his head. “You’re such a sweet boy, very smart too.”
You called him a sweet boy! Could he sprain his tail from excitement? He was going to pass out.
A gust of wind rushed between you, fresh, smelling like dawn. He walked over to the edge of the deck, snout in the air. The rain was coming. Sure enough, the first drop fell.
“Oh, I hope he’s not too far away. I don’t want him to get sick.”
That reminded him. He needed to secure his clothes behind the bushes before they got wet. He nuzzled your neck and licked your hand one last time before disappearing into the woods.
You stood on the deck with your hood drawn tight when Keegan rushed to the cabin with his lantern, rain splotches on his shirt.
“What are you doing out here?” He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, guiding you back in. “It’s cold out.”
“You went for a walk with no jacket on.”
“I don’t get cold, you do.”
“Well, then you should have stayed in bed and kept me warm.”
He smiled. “Sorry. I won’t leave again.”
You told him about your encounter with the wolf-dog before quickly falling asleep in his arms.
“Would love to see that handsome boy again. His fur is so soft, like your hair,” you’d mumbled.
It made his imaginary tail wag.
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When he left for his next mission days after, Keegan took his beanie and hoodie you wore that night. Sleeping on floors of differing textures didn’t feel so bad when he felt like you were there next to him (on the rare occasions he could tune out Ajax’s snoring). In the field, your handkerchief stayed in his pocket. On his phone, there was now a peanut emoji next to your name.
It was a luxury that he arrived back in the city during the day and finished his debrief before it got dark. With a racing heart, he waited outside your work to pick you up for dinner. It had been too long since he saw you last.
“Keegan!” You gave him a chaste kiss and wrapped your arms around him. “Thank you so much. I love, love it!”
He chuckled, his hands on your shoulders, looking you over. “What?”
“The flowers. They’re my favourite.” You held out the small bouquet, the smile on your face too sweet as your eyes twinkled.
He blinked. “Those aren’t from me.”
“Oh,” you said in a small voice as you took a step back.
He didn’t mean to break your heart, but bitterness pricked.
“There’s no sender, but you got back today and I thought-” You didn’t meet his eyes.
He pulled you to him, kissing your temple. “No, I’m sorry. I should have got you something.”
He didn’t know who those flowers were from, but he could fight. The dude would have to go to war with this jealous spec ops soldier before even dreaming of snatching you, because he sure as hell wasn’t about to let that happen.
He should be flattered you thought it was him when it could have been anyone. He had to step his game up the following weekend. You deserved it.
Time to find new date spots and get you more jackets.
But as luck would have it, that Friday afternoon the familiar heat crawled up his spine. He groaned. His rut was approaching and he knew it was only going to get worse for the next day or two.
I’m coming down with a fever. I don’t think I can meet you tonight, and I might have to cancel the reservation tomorrow. I’m sorry
Bare in bed, Keegan buried his face in one of his beanies you wore, his hips squirming in discomfort, skin damp with sweat. With you in mind, for hours, he did what he could to nurse the distress but as he’d expected, to no avail. It could have been worse really - at least this time his rut came while he was home. Still, he wanted to scream at the thought of the weekend without you.
Fuck this rut. He was supposed to be cuddling on your couch watching a movie, making you laugh with his lame commentary. He should be sleeping next to you, nuzzling your neck with your back pressed to his chest, but there he was instead, stuck at home with his body on fire.He just wanted you. Was that too much to ask for?
He groaned pitifully, not even registering the knock at the door until-
He stilled, thinking he was imagining your sweet voice, but you called out again.
“Peanut?” he said to himself. He sat up, swiping his boxers from the floor and stumbling to the door, eyelids heavy.
There you stood in your clothes from work, holding a bag of takeaway with a smile that immediately dropped when your eyes travelled down his flushed, shirtless body.
“Oh dear,” you muttered, looking away. “Am I interrupt- Are you with someone?”
Confused by the crack in your voice, he looked himself over. He wanted to die when he realised what you saw. Fuck. This. Rut.
He pulled you in by the wrist and slammed the door close before bolting into his bedroom. “Give me a second!”
Behind his door, he took deep breaths and willed the situation to go down (it didn’t, of course). But he did his best concealing it in his sweatpants and the baggiest hoodie he owned that felt like the sauna cranked to infinity.
When he emerged out, you were sitting at the table.
“Are you o-“
“I’m so sorry. I swear that happens whenever I get a fever.” He knelt beside you, gripping your hands.
You stared at him for a few seconds before letting out a chuckle. “You don’t look good.” You pushed the clumps of hair off his wet forehead.
His head thumped, skin scalding, but your scent swirling around him dulled the ache. Ever the sweet little thing, you surprised him with a visit, even brought him food to his den. Did you know you were playing a dangerous game?
His fingers grasped your chin as he leaned in. Thinking it was a peck, you pulled away after a beat but he pressed on, arm wrapping around your waist, making you giggle. You were intoxicating even that your shirt carried faint scents of others too. What a nuisance. You needed that off.
He led to his bed and pulled you on top of him, cupping your cheek.
“It’s your fault if I get sick too.” You smiled against his lips.
He knew you wouldn’t, but he couldn’t help wonder what would happen if you did magically catch the same illness, and if you’d be able to keep your hands off him, if he would be able to keep his off you if you couldn’t. His fingers dug into your waist at the thought.
“I think about kissing you a lot. Way too often,” he said breathlessly, eyes closed.
You pulled at the fabric stuck to his skin. “Do you want to get changed? You’re sweating so much.”
He pulled his hoodie off in a swift motion, not caring where he tossed it. “Miss you too much.” His eyes flickered close again. “Just… Stay. Need you here.”
You lay next to him with your head propped up, wiping his face and chest with the small towel on the nightstand. Your fingers went to his hair.
He let out a satisfied sigh.
“You love scratches, don’t you?”
“Love when you touch me,” he rasped.
Your fingers trailed down his neck and chest, dancing over the rise and fall of him, slowing the closer they travelled south. He could feel his own heartbeat as chills ran down his spine, his breath growing shorter. Eyes half-lidded, he tugged your fingers just a hair lower.
An invitation. A plea.
Keegan woke with your back to him, wrapped tight in the comforter you hogged all night. You’d changed into one of his shirts and sweats, your feet sticking out from the burrito you’d rolled yourself into. He got up to grab a pair of socks, and as he put them on you, he realised his head had stopped spinning. His fever was gone.
Last night, he recalled, with the blush over your face and the way your chest heaved, you couldn’t meet his gaze. Even through fluttering lids, he didn’t miss how your eyes raked over him, over and over, your lips parted. Your touch lingered the rest of the night until sleep took him: breathless, but floating with the glow in his chest.
He chuckled softly at the sight of you sleeping so peacefully, leaning in to kiss your temple, and he lingered over you. The morning had started spilling into the room, golden against your perfect face, your pretty lashes fanned over your cheeks. The lips he never got tired of kissing curled into the faintest smile. He sighed.
Keegan chose this path to make use of soul he was granted, for a purpose. He put his life on the line to fight, to protect what he loved. He never knew what it was until then.
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @astraluminaaa @dead-cipher @synnicall
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crow-aeris · 4 months
A Reverse-Robin Wingfic / To Brace Upon Benign Feathers
It starts kinda crack-ish, but then gets kinda emotional-y towards the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He jerked awake, blinking at the ceiling in confusion as his brain slowly registered where he was.
"Tim!" the voice came again, followed by a body slamming into his chest.
"Oomf!" Tim grunted as the air was violently knocked out of his chest. With a tight expression, he reached up and carded a hand through his brother's hair, "Morning, Dick."
"Hi!" the newest addition to the family chirped brightly, his sapphire eyes glowing as bright as a 200,000 lumens flashlight. Brighter than the sun, even. The blue reminds him of Kon and the alien's blue eyes that looked like a wolf-rayet star.
"What time is it?" Tim mumbled, wincing as the five-year-old crawled over him, digging his knee into Tim's kidney and accidentally stepping on his wing.
"It's time for you to get your a- butt in gear and move," Jason called from the door. “Damian’s making breakfast, so Duke asked us to come and wake you.”
Tim groaned, dropping his head back until it banged loudly against the headboard. Maybe if he hit his head hard enough, he could go back to sleep.
Dick cheered when he spotted Jason, the Ficher's Lovebird's bright red-yellow-green wings flaring out as he launched himself at the teen.
Jason grunted as Dick slammed into him but managed to keep his grip steady.
"Hurry up and get ready," Jason said. The cardinal shifted, folding his bright crimson wings against his back as Dick tucked his face into Jason's neck, "B said he's gonna take up to the zoo."
"Zoo! I wanna go to the zoo!" Dick's head shot up as he clutched Jason's shirt.
"I know, Dickie," Jason rolled his eyes fondly, "that's why we're going."
"Okay!" the fledgling chirped, "Tim!"
"Yes?" He lifted his head from the pillow with a slow and tired blink. What he'd give to have Kon here right now.
"Get! Up!" Dick demanded. Jason, the traitor, just laughed. "Or else I'll tell Dami to come get you!"
The falcon hummed, waiting until his brothers disappeared from the doorframe before flipping over and shoving his face back into the pillow.
Everything ached, his back especially, and it wasn't because of Kon, okay, Jason? Tim had been fighting Killer Croc last night, and that bastard got lucky and slammed Tim against a brick wall. His right arm was a huge-ass bruise, and he was not excited to get up.
Maybe if he pretended to be dead, Damian would leave him be...
Who is he kidding? If the harpy eagle was willing to drag a pit-crazed Tim from the brink of suicide, then he was more than willing to dunk Tim in the pits.
Just as he was about to doze off, there was a knock on the doorframe.
"What?" Tim -whined- groaned, not bothering to lift his head from the pillow.
"Hey, Ducky," an amused voice called.
He pouted, turning his head to glare balefully at Duke. The mourning dove smiles, lifting a brow in amusement. Traitor.
"Leave me alone, Duke," Tim grumbled, thankful that Alfred had all the pillows and sheets in Tim's room reinforced since the last time he had a Pit-episode... It had been a whole thing...
Duke raised another eyebrow, mimicking Alfred's patented Disappointed Stare™ quite successfully. Tim doesn't doubt that, at this point, Duke could get even Damian to bend to his will.
And just like Alfred's own stares, Tim, frustratingly, folded under pressure.
For fuck's sake- he was supposed to Wraith, the dead spirit of the Bat's second Shadow revived and out to hunt ne'er do wells as well as the Bats themselves- his goddamn reputation!
"What reputation, Tim?" Duke laughed before strolling over and yanking the covers off of him.
God, Tim hates it when he says things out loud. A side effect of being locked away by Ra's in an attempt to break his spirit or whatever.
He grumbled as Duke hauled him up and out of bed. Annoyingly, the Lazarus pits healed his shitty eyes, that one scar he got from following Shadow around, and the gash in his throat, but not his fucking height. Instead, Tim has to be stuck in this measly five-foot-seven-inch body, while Duke, Bruce, and Damian all got to be fucking six-foot-plus behemoths.
A shake snapped Tim out of his misery.
"Did you even hear what I said?" Duke asked incredulously.
"No," Tim huffed, "I was distracted and decided not to listen to your stupid voice saying stupid stuff."
"Says that one in air jail," Duke replied smugly. Shit, he's right. That fucker. "Tim, I can practically hear you cussing me out. Keep doing this, and I'll have Bruce and Damian hide your coffees and Red Bulls."
"And your monsters."
Tim gasped, "You wouldn't dare."
"Try me. Now go get ready. We leave in an hour, and you don't even have a shirt on, Tim."
"It's a fashion choice," he hissed, "you wouldn't understand because you're stupid!"
Duke sighed, plopping Tim onto the floor. He wasn't even surprised when the falcon went boneless, turning into a limp pile of loose limbs and angry hissing, "You're such a child, Ducky."
"This is because I'm gay, isn't it!" Tim demanded, snapping to his feet and flaring out his wings, "This is homophobia!"
"Of course, it is," Duke drily responded before he turned and made for the door, "I'll send Damian up in ten minutes. If you haven't gotten ready by then, I'm allowing him to dress you however he likes."
Duke closed the door gently, but he might as well have slammed it from how ruffled it left him.
Honestly, the gall! How has he, Wraith, Ra's desired heir to the fucking Damon's Fang, fallen so far from his formidable glory?
Nevertheless, Tim forced himself to get ready. He brushed his teeth and washed his face- even "Serial Killers" need clear skin, but was killing fifteen of Black Mask's and the Joker's most trusted really considered killing? Bruce was just overreacting!- and then threw on a short-sleeved shirt, hoodie over that, washed-out ripped jeans, and called it a day.
Tim groaned, desperately craving coffee, caffeine, or something to stave off the complete and utter exhaustion pooling in his head. This was terrible, horrible, and a vile thing to do.
"Timothy," Damian said from where he stood at the table, a plate held in the eagle's hands. He was wearing a bright pink apron covered with flour, and Jason was behind him, wearing a matching pink apron and holding a plate, too. "You finally decided to show your face and detach yourself from that hovel."
"If you want, I could always go back to my so-called Hovel," Tim tilted his head in a challenge.
"Tt," Damian scoffed before sliding a plate to Tim's spot, "Seeing as you have already decided to show your face, and Richard somehow tolerates you, it would be more efficient if you remain here."
Dick was already seated with a glass of strawberry milk, and his pancakes were half-finished and absolutely drowning in maple syrup. Bruce was directly across from Dick, and his pancakes were far more respectable with butter, syrup, bacon, and a cup of coffee. Duke was beside Dick, and he had a plate with fresh fruit, powdered sugar, and a glass of orange juice. Alfred sat at the head of the table with his English breakfast, tea, and a proud smile. Cass was next to Bruce with a bowl of fruit, orange juice, toast, and multiple slices of stolen bacon.
Hesitantly, Tim sat down at the end of the table as Jason rushed over to fill the empty chair between Tim and Duke. Damian, the bull-headed son of a bitch -that bitch being Bruce, because Tim would never call Talia a bitch- decided the best seat wasn't going to be next to Cass, but instead the seat directly in front of Tim. Not in front of Jason, but in front of Tim.
Instead of confronting his feelings like a well-adjusted member of society should, Tim decided the best course of action was to examine his plate of pancakes.
It had fudge drizzled over the top, dusted lightly with powdered sugar, and freshly diced strawberries were placed like a crown with their leaves carefully removed and tossed in a barely noticeable syrup. There was a small bowl of strawberry-lemon zest jam on the edge of Tim's plate, and he could tell that whoever positioned it was diligent. Not a single speck of powdered sugar got onto the outside of the tiny bowl...
Every part of this plate looked like it had been prepared in a five-star restaurant. What more was that this was exactly the same kind of pancakes Damian would make for him as an apology back when Tim was Shadow...
Suddenly, his eyes were beginning to sting, and Tim could feel Damian's stare carve holes into the top of his head. And then, Damian slid over a cup of steaming coffee, and just by looking at it, he knew Damian had made it the way Tim loved.
It was a declaration, an apology, and a promise all wrapped in a simple breakfast…
He took a deep breath and cut into his pancakes, forcing himself to hold back tears as his family chattered around him.
Even after everything that has happened, his flock still accepted him.
Even after everything, Tim was still loved.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 9 months
Estoy un poco nervioso por esta solicitud.
¿Qué tal un hombre lobo obsesivo yandere que se enamora de la enfermera en el típico pueblo pequeño donde todos se conocen a todos? Desafortunadamente para él, ella ya está casada.
Yandere! Werewolf x fem! Nurse! Married! Reader
Okay, so I only went with what google translate said, so do forgive me if there's a detail that's wrong in what you really meant. Sorry that it took long!
There's a lot of werewolf tropes and origins out there, but I'm going with what I grew up on, and that's the werewolf tropes of wattpad. Eugh HAHAHAHA
Yandere! Werewolf name: Lyall
TW: Blood, violence, forced marking
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In the village of Mooncreak, everyone knew everyone. Small, undisturbed...
Lyall, living in a compound overlooking the village, spent his nights and days looking down on it and wondering what it must feel like to be there. In his hands, a worn down book about mythological creatures was tightly clutched.
He was drawn to Mooncreak. He doesn't know why, but he yearns to be a part of the place, where people outside of his large family reside. He wanted to know the culture, the practices...
And possibly, explore the village where werewolves apparently once owned.
It's an absurd tale, that the Mooncreak village was once filled with a pack of werewolves. They weren't true, right?
Well, that's what Lyall thought.
Not until the night of his 16th birthday, in which he was brought by his family to the forest clearing.
He remembers the beautiful moon singing to his ears, whispering secrets of old times and his ancestry.
Then and there, his bones crunched, crushed, elongated, morphed.
It was a painful ordeal, feeling fur sprout all over his body as he howled to the moon, cursing it of making him what he is.
A monster.
His family silenced him, saying that the village people mustn't know of their bloodline. Even if they lived on the outskirts of the village and only the adults went inside the village, they cannot risk anything happening to them.
Lest they want an uproar on the whole Lycan world to happen.
So, Lyall had to keep it to himself, the painful realization that he will be alone in this endeavor.
Slowly, his family moved away from the outskirts and into a Lycan friendly civilization, where they can freely be werewolves all they want.
But Lyall wanted none of it. He actually liked the quiet streams and the soft breeze of Mooncreak. So, when he was given the chance to enter the civilization, he decided to enter Mooncreak.
By the time he was 23, he was allowed to move to the village. Then and there, a strong yet comforting floral smell entered his sinuses. It enveloped his whole body, cradling it gently and whispered sweetly to his heart.
Then and there, he knew he found his mate.
He calmed himself down and after putting his boxes to his house, he went to the village center and introduced himself. His eyes and nose searching for the mate he desired.
He saw you, beautiful, gentle, an aura of a healer around your wonderful form. Lyall swore that you looked like an angel to him.
He was about to approach you when he saw a man come up to your side and kiss your lips that was supposed to be only his.
He felt his wolf howl in pain,
and so does his heart.
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On a particularly bad stormy night, you woke up to the sounds of a banging of a door. Your husband stirred, yet didn't wake up.
Grabbing your phone, you turned on the flashlight and went down from your room and opened the door.
It's your new neighbor, Lyall, with a huge bite wound on his thigh.
"OH GOOD LORD!" You screamed, ushering the sopping wet and limping man to your office. "What happened to you?!"
Lyall seethed, limping towards the bed and sitting down. The pain throbbing up his hips and into his stomach.
"Uh, a wolf bit me while I was out hunting." He smoothly said, closing his eyes and biting back a shiver when he felt your soothing touch on his knee. Sparks were felt, and he was sure to melt if it wasn't for your inquisitive hum.
"Hunting in this weather?" You asked, filled with suspicion as you wore your gloves.
"Uh, yeah. There are certain animals that only comes out in rainy days. Like frogs." Lyall pressed his tongue on the roof of his mouth. Lying to you didn't feel good. He can feel his wolf inside stirring and complaining.
In reality, he was confronted by his family when they visited him. It was a mistake, telling them he found you already. They were adamant on moving him to the Lycan civilization after rejecting you to the moon.
But he doesn't want that.
He wants you.
So they had a little... Altercation.
And that ended with Lyall loosing an uncle, a sister, and a cousin.
Well, they were in the way of his love, so why should he care?
He didn't notice it, but the pull he feels to you made him irrational and cold hearted to people outside of both of you.
"Honey? Are you there?" The voice of your husband stopped you from disinfecting his wounds.
"Ah, yes! I'll be right there. Don't worry, love." You replied.
Lyall gritted his teeth, the veins in his neck popping.
Why were you calling another man "love" in front of him?
That's fucking cheating!
And that man... That man has laid his filthy hands on you, touching you, maybe even fucking you--
The thought is making Lyall sick to his stomach. He can't believe somebody dared taint you.
Maybe, that man forced you?
Yes! Maybe that's it!
Lyall will take you away from that man. He will save you and bring you to his strong and loving arms.
You could feel the foreboding coldness from him, so you looked up and froze. HIs face, looking at the door, was cold, yet filled with bloodlust. The veins were creeping up his neck and hands that gripped the bed, making it creak a bit. But one thing is for sure that doesn't seem human like.
It's his amber eyes glowing red.
Somehow, you knew that this night will be the last night you will see the day.
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"Did you hear what happened to the L/N household?"
"Yes. Poor H/N. Apparently, he's found torn in half in his home."
"How gruesome!"
"Truly! When the investigation happened, it was deduced that the claw marks and the way that H/N died was from a wolf!"
"But wasn't the 'wolf' really large? Like abnormally large?"
"Yes, larger than your average wolf, at least."
"... Do you think it's actually a werewolf?"
"SHH! Don't say this huh, but apparently, Y/N is a werewolf, and she killed her husband!"
"But weren't they loving? Maybe it's Lyall. He's also gone!"
"Or maybe it's the both of them. I mean, both of them are missing. You think they eloped?"
A large shadow from the trees retraced from it's hiding spot and trudged towards a direction. The dried blood on its coat casted an eerie image to whoever will see the wolf.
But fortunately, none of the villagers saw the wolf.
As it passed by the creak and into the cliff that oversaw the village, and into the newly revitalized compound which was abandoned not just long ago, the wolf's bone creaked, sounding a sickening crack as it transformed into a human.
Lyall entered his home and wore his outfit, smiling.
"Love, i'm home!" Lyall said, his eyes curving into crescents as he saw you on the couch.
You looked up at him, a forced smile on your lips as you trembled.
"W-welcome home, love." Tears threatened to fall from your eyes but you forced yourself to not cry. Your heart yearning for your dead husband whom Lyall killed that fateful night.
Lyall's eyes fell on your exposed neck and shoulder, where he forced a mark on your lovely skin in front of your torn and shredded husband, your tears falling on his body.
He grinned, approaching you and giving you a kiss which you almost recoiled at, but the damn mark and the mate's pull made the kiss almost comforting, joyful even.
Lyall chuckled and patted your head.
Sooner or later, you will realize that fighting your fate is a fight that you cannot win.
You will be his.
Heart and soul.
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Scott x sister!reader - done trying
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Teen Wolf imagine being Scott sister and having a complicated relationship with him and your mother and putting it into a song and singing your heart out at the talent show. - @cokcola4112💜
A/N: the song used is Running by NF
Sitting in your room, you were chewing the end of your pencil as you stared at the homework in front of you.
“Hey (Y/N), we’re ordering some food, do you want anything?”
Looking up at your mum, you shook your head.
“No thank you, I’m just going to get something later.”
“Are you sure? We haven’t eaten together in a while.”
You turned back to your homework.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Melissa sighed and nodded her head, leaning against the doorway as she crossed her arms as she gazed at you.
“How’s Uhm.. how’s school going?” She asked.
You shrugged a little bit.
“Okay I guess.”
She sighed softly and walked inside.
“Are you really not going to eat with us?”
“No. I’ve got school work to do so can you please go.”
“Alright. Alright.”
Melissa walked away and shook her head as she looked at Scott who was waiting for her to come back down, hopefully with you.
“I don’t get it, she’s always trying to do stuff with us.” Scott said.
“She said she was busy.”
Scott sighed and nodded.
You closed your bedroom door, and gave up on your homework, instead you sat on your bed and scrolled through your phone.
You had always had a complicated relationship with Scott and your mom, yes you were twins, but your mom always seemed to favour Scott.
Maybe it had something to do with whatever happened when you were younger, you didn’t know.
But after years and years of trying to put the effort in with them you gave up, and they couldn’t seem to notice what was going on.
You had tried.
You were tired of trying.
You left the house about an hour later, going to meet some of your friends for dinner and you came back, only to be stopped by Scott.
“Are you coming to the game tomorrow?” He asked.
“Hate lacrosse.”
“Oh.. I thought you liked it…” he mumbled.
“Well maybe if you paid attention you would’ve know.” You shrugged.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I’m going to bed.”
You wanted to move in with your dad, but because of school and his work, he knew he didn’t have the time to look after you.
And you hated it.
It’s why you signed up for the talent show, you didn’t want people to see you as Scott’s sister, you wanted them to see you for you.
And singing was a huge passion of yours, so as you stood behind the stage the night of the talent show you felt nervous.
Your name was called up and you walked out, standing in front of the microphone, you took a small breath, and waited for your cue to start.
And what you didn’t know was that your mom and brother found out about you taking part and had come to watch.
You took a small breath and began to play the guitar.
“I'm tired. Of holding on to you, it's time to let My pride Go and learn to love myself again, yeah.”
You paused.
“I don't wanna wait another day, I've waited long enough I'm ready I can see the sun, it's coming up. There's happiness on the horizon, I'm hopeful I can see the light, I've Hesitated all my life but I'm all done.”
Scott and Melissa shared a look. You were amazing.
“I'm done running from you. Spent my whole life in your shadow Scared of who I'd be if I, Yeah, Said goodbye and I didn't have you here.”
You took a breath.
“I wish you well but I can no longer stand aside And watch you sabotage the two of us. I love you to death, but I can't spend the rest of my Life in this darkness, I'm done. I'm done.”
Melissa and Scott grew more confused.
“Is this about us..?” Scott whispered.
“I don’t know..”
You carried on singing.
“I wish you the best, but I'm not interested In giving you more of my life, I've already given you too much. I don't wanna lose ya. I don't wanna keep ya. I know that you mean well but when I fail I don't need ya. Rubbing my face in it and treating me like I'm less than you, tell the truth You know I'd be better without ya. Been in your shoes, don't be a fool And try to convince me that I'm the Real issue, when you're the root to every problem I love you but not enough to allow you to continue to drown the both of us, you're Holding me back, you're pulling me down, you're making me hate myself, I Don't wanna leave, but that's what I need, I ain't got a choice, I can't just Let you deceive and make me believe that I don't deserve to be loved. I am not gonna stand aside And watch you attempt to rob and steal and sabotage What little faith I have left, yeah, haven't I scarificed enough for you? Hate seeing you cry, but I think it's time to let go and say our goodbyes. Yeah, I'm gonna miss you, but I am not gonna spend the rest of my life running From you.”
You paused.
“Spent my whole life in your shadow Scared of who I'd be if I Said goodbye and I didn't have you here. I wish you well but I can no longer stand aside And watch you sabotage the two of us. I love you to death, but I can't spent the rest of my Life in this darkness, I'm done. I'm done.”
Mellissa had tears running down her face, and Scott gripped her hand tightly in his.
Because they realised it was about them, they weren’t sure how but they just knew.
“I have to go..”
Scott rushed out after your mom, following her into the hallway he hugged her tightly, letting her cry into his shoulder.
He sniffled a little.
“We made her feel like that?” Melissa asked.
“I.. I don’t know how…” he whispered.
You had watched them rush out, and you left the stage, handing the guitar to someone else you stuff your hands into your pocket and left.
Wondering around the hallways you stopped when you wondered down their hallway and you paused.
Both of them stopped and looked at you.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart…”
You walked over and stopped next to you, moving aside as she reached for your hand.
“Don’t I love you both but I’m done…” you whispered.
“Give us a chance let us fix this!” Scott begged, “we can’t loose you.”
“Maybe you should give that song another listen.”
You walked away and they watched you leave.
“I’ve spent too long begging for your attention.” You mumbled.
With that, you left the school and got into your car, clenching your jaw as you fought the tears in your eyes.
Part of you wanted to run back inside and hug them, tell them it’s all forgive but you knew if you did that you knew nothing would change.
They had to learn their lesson, no matter how much it hurt the three of you.
You needed this.
And they needed to learn from this.
You had tried and you couldn’t do it anymore you just couldn’t.
And they didn’t know how to fix it, or if they even could change anything and make it better.
Scott held your guys’ mom as she sobbed into his arms, trying to figure out where she had gone wrong, and he was doing the same thing.
They wanted to fix this and now they weren’t sure if they could, or you would even let them.
Maybe it was too late now.
But they sure as hell were going to try, they were going to try anything
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Best Friend Pt.2🍂
Summary: Being best friends for years turned to y/n being left wondering if she did something wrong, why Seth left her alone after all their years of friendship
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The glowing yellow eyes stared back at me and I didn’t know what to do, it’s eyes were wide with what I hoped was shock and not hunger
It walked towards me until it was so close I’d be able to reach out and rub its fur, it sniffed me and it’s tail swayed behind, it was happy and I was glad I wasn’t going to be a chew toy tonight…hopefully
I slowly reached out and ran my hand through its fur and it allowed me as it laid itself down with me following quickly
“You’re a big boy aren’t you?!” I said as it laid its huge head in my lap, I’ve never seen a wolf this size here before but he was beautiful
I continued to run my hand all through his fur feeling comfort, it’s warmth reminded me of Seth and all the worries returned, tears brimmed against my eye line
“I miss him, I don’t think I did anything wrong…maybe he realized how much better bella was and got sick of being around me” I sighed as I laid my body over his trying to calm myself
“I know you don’t know what I’m saying,I know he’s not sick though, whenever he’d be under the weather before I’d always got over and help so why would this time be different, and it hurts the most today, you see…every Friday we have a movie night and we’ve never missed it once…ever, and now here I am alone with a wolf in the woods” I cried just missing my best friend
I heard the wolf whine under me, maybe the wolf could sense how I was feeling he was like my support wolf in a way I suppose, he was making me feel better, getting all these emotions of my chest
I started feeling tired and the next thing I know is I’m seeing the trees above me and the dark night sky swaying above me then I was drifting off again
I woke up in my bed confused, last time I checked I was in the forest and now I’m here
I walked down stairs to see dad and Bella eating some breakfast which was rare to see from Bella
“Hey do you know how I got to my room last night?” I asked as I poured myself a glass of water
“Ya Seth came to the door last night carrying you, he said he found you asleep in the woods, he brought you up to your bed and left” dad said as he sipped on his coffee
“Oh really? Weird” I said as I left to go change in my room before school
School was a drag and thankfully it was finally over, I decided to go back out to the woods and maybe I’d find that wolf again and he’d help me forget Seth
I knew he was lying, if he was sick why would he be out in the woods and be able to carry me home
I dropped my backpack off when I got home and headed straight through the woods to the cliffs only to find Seth and a bunch of other people like embry, Jacob, Sam and more
“So you weren’t sick” I stated and they all turned to me
“Y/n…I….just let me explain”
“Seth you left me, alone, you missed our Friday night, did I….did I do something wrong?” I asked
“No you did nothing wrong and I’m so sorry, it’s me…I couldn’t see you things have changed” he said walking up to me he looked like a sad puppy
“What do you mean things have changed? Did you meet someone? Is that the reason?” I said feeling my lips quiver
“Oh god no, it’s just…” he turned to look at Sam and he nodded but I was confused at the interaction
“I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to freak out okay?”
“Um okay”
He stepped back and took off his shirt then his shorts
“You remember all those stories I’ve told you, about the ancestors of our people?”
“Ya I do”
“Well they are true” he said then he shook and the next thing I see is the wolf from last night and everything made sense
I threw my arms around his neck and buried myself in his fur
“Seth why didn’t you tell me”
“He couldn’t, it wasn’t safe for him to being around others at the start, plus I told him he couldn’t see you and he can’t disobey” Sam said
“But why are you telling me all this”
“You’re his imprint”
Part 3?
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Baddest Bitch PT 2 - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Prompt: Because I finally decided to stop torturing people and make a part two after like however long its been since I posted the first one! It was only ever supposed to be a one shot but as I re-read it the other day I was inspired.
Warning: Smut, fluff, everything okay!? We’ve got some Peter Hale snark some Stiles Stilinski curiosity and a whole lot of the sexy and soft Derek Hale so please read ahead if you like all of the above.
A huge thank you to my original beta @lets-imagine-fanfics for editing not only the first part a few years ago, but for editing this part. Her help is honestly a god sent.
Previously on Baddest Bitch...
“But yes I would love to go on a date though I think it’s safe to say I’m pretty smitten with you don’t you think? I don’t exactly let anyone knock me up.” You chuckled before reaching over your shoulder and placing a kiss on his cheek.  
“Yes well ditto.” Derek grumbled shyly before you both finally let sleep take you.  
You slipped out of bed with a smile as you looked over at Derek who was still passed out after your brunch sexy time. You thought you would’ve been doubting yourself for allowing Derek to knot you, let alone even screw you without a condom, it was reckless and so irresponsible but instead you felt content like everything made sense.
You weren’t sure whether it was Derek or the fact that you might’ve made a child but you felt lighter than you had in years. However, you were still sticky so a shower was definitely on the cards. You began walking through the open space but you suddenly overheard the pack enter downstairs and you realised it was 7pm on Friday which meant pack night.
You ran back to Dereks bed and slapped him against the bare chest shocking him so much he actually growled at you until he realised it was you. You pulled on your earlobe telling him to listen and his eyes widened immediately, shooting out of bed as he began routing through his draws to grabs jeans and a henley before slipping into them.
You shook your head at his lack of underwear as you ran over to your separate room taking Derek’s sheet with you as you went. You grabbed a paired of black high waist leggings, a red crop top and a pair of thongs. You grabbed your feminine wipes and started wiping any dried cum off of you so it wouldn’t be as noticeable to the other wolves.
You put on the clothes and took a deep breathe, readying yourself incase there was questions. You were usually so confident but for some reason you were worried what the pack would think. God how were you going tell the pack if you did get pregnant? You shook your head and started down the stairs, knowing Derek had gone down already.
You spot the whole pack rumbling through take away containers and realised they must’ve picked food up on the way so you put on a big smile and grabbed a plate. Liam noticed you first and gave you a big smile in return, suddenly he started sniffing the air and you tried not to look guilty because there’s no way a puppy wouldn’t be able to figure out where the smell was coming from with the whole pack in the house, right?
“Why do you smell like sex?” Liam asked stopping the whole pack in their spots as every wolf sniffed of air their eyes widening, while Derek suddenly looked a little too proud and Scott started laughing.
“I told her and Derek to fuck it out… ‘guess they took my advice.” Scott smirked like he’d won a medal.
You shot him a glare before serving yourself food and walking to the dining table without a word. Lydia sat next to you with Stiles following, who sat on the other side and you almost ran then and there. The brainy couple…you were doomed and you knew it.
“So... Derek?” Lydia started and Stiles hummed in thought, thinking about the question he wanted to ask but there were so many he had on his mind he decided to leave the questioning to his girlfriend.
“Interesting development, if you ask me.” Stiles added casually instead, causing you to look at Derek for help but he just looked amused.
“Oh you think this is funny, sweetheart?” You asked Derek, your tone sickly sweet, wiping the smirk from his face.
“You know what I think, Derek here would be to happy answer all your questions. Right, Der?” You asked, feigned innocence dripping from your words.
“I’m taking her out tomorrow that’s all you guy need to know.” Derek grumbled before everyone exploded as you shot him a smirk that let him know you’d won.
The pack continued their questioning throughout dinner - even the sheriff had asked one, which had made you laugh because he had asked ‘where will Derek be taking you?’ and Derek went redder than tomato as he clearly hadn’t thought of that yet. You saved him from the unexpected question by saying you wouldn’t mind trying the new Italian place downtown and he sent you an affectionate smile that somehow made everyone stop questioning the pair of you.
You poured yourself and Melissa a glass of red wine before you made your way to the living room. You were about to sit down with you glass when it was taken straight out your hand by Derek who shot you a raised brow and you scoffed at him making Melissa laugh.
“You’re brave going between her and wine.” Chris snorted as Melissa nodded against his shoulder trying to contain her laugh.
Derek raised both brow daring you to argue with him but you just stared him down like the enemy. You looked at the glass weighing your chances at getting your hands on it and not spilling at least half, but you just sighed angrily.
“Get me a juice.” You snapped viciously and Derek nodded before walking back to the kitchen.
“What the fuck just happened…” Stiles muttered in confusion.
“Language, but yeah what my idiot son said.” The sheriff scolded but looked at you confused, with a raised brow.
“I think it’s best we come some aspects of our relationship a secret.” You answered respectfully making the sheriff nod in acceptance, but Stiles just gaped at you, his mind racing a mile a minute.
“Is it a kinky thing?” Stiles gasped, as if the revelation of Derek doing anything kinky was the most hilarious concept to him and you almost keeled over laughing.
“No, but that made my day.” You wheezed as you tried to calm your breathing through the laughter.
“Excuse you.” Derek growled as he came into the room with your juice.
“Shut up, wine stealer.” You snarled as you took your juice resentfully.
Derek rolled his eyes but sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders before pressing a gentle kiss to your temple making you instantly relaxed against him. Despite the pout on your face, you cuddled into him causing Lydia to chuckle at the sight from across the room.
You eventually drifted into your own thoughts as everyone chatted the night away. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point because the next thing knew you woke up to Derek carrying you upstairs. You stared up at him with a sleepy smile on your face and he looked down at you returning it with the brightest smile you’d seen all night.
He laid you on his bed and you raised a brow at him but didn’t move to get up as he stripped his top and jean leaving him naked but as he started to slide on a pair of boxers you let your pout show. He looked up innocently, like he didn’t know the effect he had on you, only to see your pout making him smirk.
“You can’t still want more, baby?” He chuckled as he remembered the second and third time you went after the first time.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.” You purred as you ripped your top off over your head letting him take in your lack of bra. You crooked your index finger in a come hither way and he was on you, his fingers finding the waistband of your leggings before pulling them down off your body leaving you in your dusky pink thong.
“You’re so beautiful.” Derek whispered against your lips and your eyes widened in shock. You had only ever really done one-night stands so you were never used to being called beautiful. Drunken men weren’t exactly there for the intimacy they were here for one thing only, your body.
“Did I say something wrong?” Derek asked softly and you looked up at him with a frown wondering why he was asking, but then you realised he must’ve sensed your change in mood.
“No. Not at all…no one’s ever called me beautiful in the bedroom just shocked me, Der, that’s all.” You answered softly and his frown was back as he pressed a kiss to your forehead before kissing down your temple to your cheek lovingly.
“Well you are…so beautiful.” Derek whispered into your ear sending a shiver straight down your spine as you clutched the bedding.
His lips left little kisses over every inch of skin from your cheek to your nipples, taking the left one in his mouth, sucking softly making you gently bite your lower lip as you watched him switch to your other nipple to pay it the same attention.
“Don’t get comfortable, baby. I’m about to show you how beautiful you are.” Derek whispered darkly; his voice full of filthy promises.
He wrapped your legs around his waist before picking you up using your ass to support you. He walked to the bathroom across the loft and you gave him a sceptic look but he just shot you a dirty smirk that made your heart race in anticipation.
He stopped in front of the bathroom mirror, signalling for you to get down so you jumped down and looked around the room with a shrug. He spun you around, pulling your bare back against his just as bare chest, one hand on you hip as the other grabbed your cheeks forcing you took look at him through the mirror.
“Watch close.” Derek whispered in your ear his wolf eyes flashing in dimly lit bathroom. You flushed under his gaze feeling a little embarrassed but you nodded gently letting him know you heard him.
Every nerve in your body felt like it was buzzing in anticipation, waiting for his next move but when his hand slowly slid from you cheeks to your throat your eyes flashed as you leaned into his touch. The hand on your hip suddenly tore your underwear straight off your body making you gasp in shock as Derek just gave you a sadistic smirk in return.
His hand slid between your legs, his finger immediately delving into your wet folds making you whimper against him, shamelessly grinding into his fingers. You felt Derek’s chest rumble in satisfaction against your back as teased you massaging your clit at an agonisingly slow pace.
“Look.” Derek growled as his eyes flashed in warning and you finally looked at yourself in the mirror.
Your face was flushed, glowing under the low lighting, your hair was half sticking to your face but the thing you noticed the most, was your expression. You looked so…beautiful…in pure trust and ecstasy in this moment with this man and you smiled at him.
“I only look like this because its you…because I trust you…even enough to take control of me in my most vulnerable position.” You whispered into the quiet room and his expression changed to something you’d never seen on him but you decided it was your favourite look.
“Make love to me.” You knew it wasn’t a question and that didn’t seem to bother Derek because he picked you up like a princess and took you back to his bed.
He laid you down on the bed carefully, pushing his lips onto yours passionately, as he brushed your hair out of your face affectionately while he took himself out of his boxer briefs. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of him as you went; He tasted like the whiskey he drank earlier, making you smile into the kiss.
He brushed his tip through your wet folds, making you moan against his lips as you clutched onto his biceps in a plea that you needed him, and he clearly heard it because he slowly pushed into you, earning one drawn-out desperate moan as you clung to him like a koala bear. Everything felt more intense, and maybe it was because you were sure this was the first person to ever make love to you, or perhaps it was just Derek. Still, you looked into his eyes as he took one of your hands, intertwining it with his while he started thrusting into you slowly but deeply.
He looked at you with the same look from earlier and you cupped the back of his neck as he nudged against your special spot with every deep thrust and you felt yourself building faster than normal but he nodded letting you know he was close too. Your eyes were blurred with pure pleasure as his hand came down to massage your clit.
“Ahh…Der, m’close.” You moaned softly as you hid your head in his neck, and he pulled back to look into your eyes once more.
His thrusts got a little harder as he got closer to his end, his fingers never stopped moving gently and you couldn’t hold it anymore, the coil in your stomach unravelling as you looked into Derek’s blue wolf eyes through your hooded lids. Your legs wouldn’t stop shaking as Derek came with you, emptying himself inside of you once again.
“F-Fuck…” You whispered as you went lifeless against the bed, Derek resting on top of you but not putting his full weight on you, which you found endearing.
“Maybe I should get that diamond ring after all.” Derek chuckled and you let out a breathless laugh pulling him down for a kiss.
It had been about a month or so since you and Derek had started dating while making a baby… A weird concept, you were both aware, which is why no one from the pack is any the wiser. Obviously, you were well aware that you’d have to tell them soon, but for right now you guys didn’t want to deal with judgmental looks from your pack.
You were currently a week late but you couldn’t be sure if that was the stress of wanting to know or if it was, in fact, pregnancy so you bought tests… A lot of them. Derek looked at you like you were crazy when you dumped all 25 packets of different brands on his lap.
“I really don’t think this many is necessary.” Derek stated as you dipped one at a time into the cup of pee, specifically the morning pee you had been holding since you woke up at 7am this morning. The internet said it was better to take it with your first pee of the day something about HCG hormones or something... You didn’t understand most of it.
“And I really don’t think you should be judging me right now since I might be carrying your wolf spawn.” You sassed, making him roll his eyes but dutifully pass you another test to dip in the pee.
“Okay, now we wait!” You cheered happily as you lined the last one on rows and rows of toilet roll you had set out on the coffee table; you were aware it was gross but you planned on cleaning it afterwards, but you needed a large surface for the test, and the dining table didn’t seem like a good idea.
You sat there, your leg bouncing up and down as you watched the tests from the couch anxiously. Derek was pacing at the other side of the coffee table making you look at him with the deadliest glare, before you could tell him to sit down the loft door burst open and you stood up panicking.
You looked up to see Peter, who looked shocked by you and Derek staring at him like he was a trespasser. Your eyes widened as you pointed to Derek signalling for him to get rid of him, but Peter scrunched his face n distaste as he got closer.
“Why does it smell like someone marked there territory in here?” Peter gagged and your eyes widened.
“Don’t come any closer, Hale!” You screamed as you pointed at Derek’s uncle.
“Okay, did I walk in on some weird kinky thing?” Peter asked in distaste.
“Why does everyone think we’re always doing something kinky?!” You screeched, your arms flopping to your side in exasperation.
“Baby…” Derek tried by you immediately cut him off.
“Not now, Derek! I need to know why the pac-”
“Babe! Look!” He shouted, effectively shutting you up you looked at him with a glare before he pointed at the tests.
Every single one was positive. Holy shit, you were pregnant with Derek Hales baby. You looked at him with wide eyes when he stared at you as if trying to see how you felt about it. When your grin broke out, so did his, his arms immediately on your hips to lift you up happily, burying his head in your neck.
Suddenly you were very aware Peter was still stood there, as he hadn’t said anything you glanced over and found him staring directly at all the tests with wide eyes. You looked back at Derek in worry but he stayed silent like he was waiting for Peter to get his bearings.
“Congratulations, dear nephew… Talia would be proud.” Peter stated uncharacteristically gentle and you started sobbing shocking both men.
“Good luck with that. Bye.” Peter added with an arrogant smile on his face as he left Derek to deal with you.
“Peter’s not so bad! People should be nicer to him.” You sobbed making Derek snort humourlessly.
“Oh dear… Isn’t it a little early for the hormones to start?” Derek laughed and you just started sobbing more.
“Why am I crying?!” You cried into his chest, sniffling into his top, his scent instantly calming you.
“When do you want to tell the pack?” Derek asked softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“Tonight.” You sniffled as you pulled away to look at him. You could barely believe you were pregnant despite seeing the 25 tests with your own eyes. You were so happy, and Derek seemed even more excited, which made you proud that you could be the one to give him a family.
You were falling for Derek Hale, and for once, there wasn’t a reason to worry because you felt completely safe doing it.
When the pack all wandered in for the usual Friday pack night, you were in the kitchen making mocktails for the whole pack before making a few alcoholic ones for the adults that weren’t pregnant. The pack looked confused as they crowded around the dinner table with the take out bags.
You strolled over to the table as Derek and Peter carried the drink trays out behind you, looking unusually happy, and nobody dared speak like they were concerned for your mental stability. Malia glared at her father as if he was just as insane, while he helped you into your chair.
You made aimless chatter with Lydia, and the pack quickly relaxed so you started serving out the take away food that Scott had brought. You ate more than usual, making Stiles tease you, but you just stuck your tongue out at him causing him to scoff in disbelief.
After everyone had finished the food, the pack started to make their way to the couches and you gave Derek a nod as he stood in front of the pack with a small awkward smile. Everyone looked at him curiously but waited for him to speak, knowing it wasn’t Derek’s forte.
“We have some news, and I’d like everyone to remember mouth filters…” He stated as he directed his gaze to Stiles, who scoffed again, making everyone laugh.
“I’m pregnant.” You stated casually, and the pack just stared for what felt like forever, but then everyone went insane.
“Congratulations, Y/N. You’re gonna make a great mother.” Melissa stated, as she got up from her seat to hug you.
“You’re gonna be a great dad too, Derek. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.” She added and she pulled Derek into a hug much to his shock.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, a blush taking over his ears and cheeks as he pulled away from Melissa.
“Congrats, man. Honestly, if anyone deserves this it’s you.” Stiles said as he approached Derek and the wolf’s eyes widened in surprise before softening and bringing Stiles into a firm hug, clearly shocking the younger boy, but he laughed and gave into the wolfs hug before pulling away and looking at you.
“You are the only girlfriend he’s had that I actually like.” Stiles whispered playfully and you let out a laugh before bringing him into a hug.
“You’re gonna be great parents.” He added seriously making your smile soften.
“Thank you.” You replied honestly as you pulled away.
“For everything… Like Derek, I have no family left and you guys have given me that. Through everything we’ve been through, that fact has only gotten stronger and for that I will be eternally grateful. I know a lot of you didn’t trust me when I first showed up, but after fighting together and surviving together for so long we’re stronger than any blood related family out there. So, thank you for being my family and I can’t wait to add to it.” You expressed slowly, Melissa and Lydia were crying into their significant others shoulder as you raised your glass in cheers
Everyone raised theirs in return with happy and satisfied smiles on their faces and for once everything felt complete, like finally having a baby on the way made this family more real and suddenly you couldn’t wait until the little one arrived.
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savagewildnerness · 15 days
Slightly more complete thoughts on S2E3, No Pain…
Daniel’s list - he’s worried about his family… about their safety
Raglan James is so confusing.   I don't know what to make of it...He seemed so David Talbot-esque... so will David be mixed between Raglan and Daniel?  Or will he appear too?  And if he is a character drawn from other characters, will he have Raglan’s malice… because it certainly wasn’t evident in this episode…. In TTOTBT there is a clear aura of bad intent with Raglan and I didn’t feel that here
I thought the children of darkness set up was really effective.  Assad as Armand in this era was so great - jaded, depressed, hopeless.  In fact, I thought Assad was brilliant in the whole episode
Harlequin Lestat was so beautiful, and so elegant for an (Auguste!) clown!  But there as also a layer of triteness to the character and to Lestat’s view of acting it seemed that unnerved me.  Armand told it like Lestat was naturally charming, but acted only as he liked the attention. That’s NOT Lestat’s motivation.  And the comic nature of the character slightly undermined for me even Armand’s response to Lestat.  And I loved Armand’s covetous desirous looks to Lestat…. But you don’t need Lestat as a Harlequin displaying his bum, as if to Armand to make your point…. Though I enjoyed that at least they made it clear Lestat refused Armand (even if only at first from Armand’s telling…)
It’s the episode Lestat has so far been in the most, yet is also the first episode where no scene with him in made me cry... (Bad times in my life currently, admittedly)
I loved the use of French, but I found it frustrating how little of the French was subtitled. I want to know what people are saying!  I was not lucky enough to ever have been taught even a word of French in school so I have literally zero clue.  Like, *he whispers in French*... WHAT do they whisper?!  That is NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION FOR ME!!!!  Can anyone help with the French text that wasn’t translated at all?
Although the bit in the theatre, I suppose having Lestat perform in French as Harlequin, but the mind-conversation take place in English made that clear… but I want to know the French text too!
I feel very weird and sad about Lestat meeting Nicolas when he's already a vampire (I know this is only Armand's telling, but I feel this fact will surely remain, due to Joseph's Nicki not looking like he could be the same age as Lestat… I suppose it is possible Lestat could still meet Nicolas as a mortal, but I don’t see any way Lestat can meet Nicki back in his home town) - I can only see it hugely lessening Nicolas' impact... but I guess maybe they want that for TV..?  My expectations shift for TVL there though as I thought they’d go big with the Nicolas and Louis parallels to add to the poignancy of those two relationships.  Instead, the parallel that was made by Armand was that both Nicolas and Claudia were not built for immortality….?
To expand on that - The Witches Place… if Lestat and Nicolas didn’t know each other as children what happens with that SUCH IMPORTANT element… perhaps Lestat will have been married for a while in his hometown in the TV show or something and there’ll be another character to get some of Nicki’s story… but it takes poignancy away from Nicolas and away from Louis in my opinion.  It also takes poignancy away from the wolf killer red cape which Lestat is wearing.  But Nicki is Lestat's first true love, the first person he converses with who he feels understands him and Lestat is snatched away from their shared bed in their shared abode by Magnus.... if Lestat doesn't meet Nicolas till he is 34 and already a vampire, that is SO different… in many more ways than I have included here... 
But I liked Joseph as Nicki, and joy of joy, the snippets of violin playing were convincing enough for me.  I was really worried about it, but nothing bothered me, albeit they obviously were very brief.
The Lestat Armand told us was far from the Lestat I know in most respects though. Lestat suggesting killing mortals on stage?! Lestat being romantic with Armand at all?  Doing it in front of Nicki? Even Harlequin-Lestat... the behind-curtain slaughter and the non-Lelio-ness of it... It’s just overwhelming how un-Lestat the whole thing is, making it hard to know what to feel.  It’s not like I hated or was sad by anything much other than Nicki… and I liked Nicki and enjoyed how he and Lestat were together… it’s more the implications of that Nicolas may be relegated to way more of a minor character…. With the amount Nicolas means to me, that makes me so sad (Don’t get me wrong: Loustat is endgame… I am not AT ALL a Nickistat is better than Loustat because absolutely NOT - I love Nicki for himself and for his impact on the formation and formative and mortal years of Lestat’s life!)
It's just different, of course, but it’s so much to take in…
I would have enjoyed Lestat in the coven except that the first time I saw that promo image I thought Lestat was holding a leg of meat on a platter and that it's Jesus on the cross just makes it all inappropriately hilarious to me now.
I know Lestat was trying to hide from Armand how concerned he was about Nicki, but I felt underlying feelings in similar scenes in S1 and I didn’t feel even underlying concern to the degree I expected here… just because it is Armand’s telling?
Also, Armand - you did NOT want your coven destroyed!
It’s hard to watch Armand’s fanfic simply because it is SO different that at some point all the differences feel like you’d need to literally retell the entire show!?  I just didn’t feel much of *hidden real Lestat* from these scenes, the way I *could* often feel in Louis’ telling.  But then, I suppose Louis is not intentionally lying, so it makes sense we’d feel more of the real Lestat than from Armand, who *is* intentionally telling a somewhat false version…????
BUT Assad is so good.  And may I say at this point, I love how Assad, Jacob and Sam are all brilliant at conjuring convincing chemistry with each other.  NOW ALL KISS TOGETHER AND I SHALL FORGIVE THE BOOK DISCREPANCIES hahahaha… I jest!
I felt so sad and sorry for Claudia, little flea :(.  Seeking belonging, only to be so tragically disappointed.  The way she imagines herself in Santiago’s role, but instead has to act a child for eternity - how horrific.
I'm also so aware of how in the book, Claudia immediately senses the danger she is in from the coven and from Armand and here it is so very different.  I don't know what to make of it.  Louis also seems to be considering leaving Claudia already anyway too, so his role in what happens feels a lot different too…
The wet room… Is Lestat locked up in there somewhere now?  In a burial vault?  Down with the rats and dead bodies?  The fact that we’ve been shown the cellar seems to suggest Lestat could be there somewhere, but I don’t know with the book changes whether Armand will lock Lestat up in the way he does in the books?  I feel all a bit at sea and like I am an idiot to expect to see book plot or book motivations in a way…???
LOL when Daniel is just distracted and kinda disinterested in hearing about Loumand!
I did LOVE where they went with the Louis-Dreamstat - kill me again and show me you love me the only way you know how though, MMMMM!  And the reveal of what Louis did to the mortal.  I think this was my favourite part of the episode in fact??  
I wonder whether this could hint at anything to be revealed about S1E5 at all???
Tortured Jacob-Louis is fabulous in this episode
Did Armand *really* ever consider killing Louis??!?!?!
I felt a bit sad I’d seen so much of Harlequin Lestat and dreamStat in trailers… I think it took away some of the impact in the episode.
It’s NOT that I disliked the episode… I thought the acting was brilliant and I really felt for Claudia in particular… but I also felt weirdly ambivalent.  Aside from Claudia’s scenes and the Dreamstat Louis-violence scene, I wasn’t sure what I felt about a lot of it… weird… I felt kind of weird about it I would say….
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moodymisty · 9 months
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Author's note: Huge thankies to @commodoreprocrastinator (if you don't want to be tagged just say) for trading Russ ideas with me to help me finish this. A bit of an 'experiment' just setting a scene with him. Enjoy a drabble with the space viking king. I can't wait till I'm done writing warm-up fluff and I can inflict intense psychic damage on people.
Summary: You worry about meeting any of the other Primarchs, which Russ finds amusing.
Relationships: Leman Russ/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None other than typical 40kness, References to traditional courting style stuff like gift giving I guess
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The bed is massive; It's fit for a Primarch, and thus it swallows you accordingly. Almost everything around you does, the massive pelt that drapes over the bed as a blanket covers almost most your entire body, though not the entire bed.
On a planet like Fenris you would've needed it and then some to even attempt at staying warm, but here, you find yourself only laying it over the middle of your body.
"Out of all the things I've gifted you, this is the one you like most?"
Russ finds something perhaps akin to amusement in the fact that you behave so differently than the woman who call Fenris their home planet, as you lay on your side watching him enter the room.
"'Out of all of them, this was the most useful one."
You'd brought it all this way to Terra, rubbing your ankle against the back of your other calf underneath the pelt Russ had hunted and skinned himself. The beast must've been massive, if this was only it's midsection.
Your snide comment makes Russ laugh, a loud rumble in his bare chest as he dresses in more casual garb befitting of Terra and the Holy Palace.
"You best keep that attitude in check today. I don't think they'll be fond of your bite."
Russ' reminder serves little more than to strike a bolt of fear and nervousness in you that you'd hoped forgotten for the time being; Pursing your lips as you lean on your elbow.
Right; You're overdue to meet the fellow Primarchs that Russ calls brothers, now that he's taken you on as, what you supposed would be referred to as consort. Not hailing from Fenris, you aren't aware if they have any sort of specific title for what you are to Russ. And as far as you know, he is the only of the Primarchs to do this; Which makes you completely and utterly alone. Being on Terra in the palace also means speaking with one of them is an inevitability, more so than a possibility.
And to think- many of them don't harbor the same, what you wouldn't call easygoing, but wild nature Russ possesses. You remember the fear that had struck you like a bullet upon realizing his eyes were on you for the first time. Before the gifts, the courting, when you were only a speck on a map in comparison. You doubt whichever Primarch you'd be unfortunate enough to face would have the same neutral nature about baseline humans that Russ somewhat has. To think, many humans in the Imperium would never live to even see an astartes, let alone a primarch; And here you are.
A soft bark however thankfully gives you a jolt from your thoughts, looking over to see a massive hound standing at side of the bed. The Fenrisian wolf is still technically a puppy, but he's growing at a rate that's going to have him competing with you in height, if it keeps up. You rub the top of his snout and the complaints turn into a soft rumble in his throat.
Russ, having been raised beside packs of the massive beasts since childhood, had no issue with you keeping the wolf pup that had been your latest gift right beside the both of you.
Some others in the palace were, noticeably less so. Glorious golden halls were quite quickly filled with roaring deep voices and barks; A sign that the Space Wolves had arrived. You're used to the ruckus, the drunkenness and the smell of wet fur, but many are not.
"You don't suppose I could forgo crossing paths with any of them?" Russ crosses his arms and lets out a loud laugh, as the wolf puts one of his paws onto the bed.
"And you don't think I'd take that opportunity myself, if given the chance?" You roll your eyes, despite knowing that he's more than right. The pelt that drapes over his one shoulder shows off most of his arms, biceps flexing as he crosses his arms and jerks his head in the direction of the wolf staring at you both.
"Bring the wolf; It'll keep half of them away. They hate the stench." You were planning on doing so anyways, but it's good to know it might keep unwanted eyes off of you. At least a few.
Fully awake you decide to leave the bed, only to find yourself unable to simply throw your legs off to the side and stand. You throw the gifted pelt off of you and to the side, looking over to your primarch.
"Help me out of this massive bed; I'm swimming in it."
Russ smiles just enough to show teeth as he leans forward to grasp your right thigh. Your nightclothes bunch under his tight grip as he roughly pulls you closer to him and onto the edge of the bed. Just as he lets you you realize his face is close enough for you to quickly lean forward, giving him a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. You can still feel his rough beard against your skin and the wild strands of unbraided hair flowing over his shoulders.
"Little thief," He growls.
He watches you with raised brow as you ignore his teasing accusation and slide the rest of the way off the bed, until your bare feet finally touch the floor. Shortly thereafter he elects instead of give you a kiss proper; Large hand cupping your jaw as his lips fully meet yours. His left knee has to nearly meet the ground for him to do so, with the sheer difference in your heights.
"Now get ready; Before I lose my patience for this and throw you to the wolves while I get some ale."
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buckyscrystalqueen · 2 months
Winter Wolf: Part 14
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
Word Count: 3,523
A/N: Finally got the muse to finish this story! YAY!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13
“Who’s the cutest little princess in the whole wide world?” Bucky cooed from your bathroom as he gave Anastasia a bath, while you caught your notebook up on the last two years of your life. You smirked to yourself as your daughter giggled away and splashed in the water in her blow up bath tub in the shower. “You are! Yes, you are!”
“Thought I was the cutest in the world.” You called out, playfully as you leaned to the side the slightest bit to see your husband with your eyebrow cocked.
“Not anymore!” He cooed, teasingly with barely a glance over at you. “Ana wins that, hands down now. You didn’t age so well in the dinosaur years.”
“You’re rude!” You laughed as you chucked a pillow at him, easily hitting him in the side to which he completely overreacted to make Ana laugh harder.
“What was that?!” He asked her as he shook his head and pushed himself off where he had purposely fallen to his hip. “Did Mommy just hit me, go boom?! Oh, yes she did, and Daddy’s gunna remember that shit later tonight, too. Yes he will.”
“Are you receiving company?” Tony asked as he knocked gently on your open bedroom door. You froze the slightest bit and closed your notebook as you looked over at him in shock.
“Umm... yes? How am I supposed to answer that, Tony.”
“I know I ruined your birthday.” He started as he opened up his tablet and held it out to you. “And I also didn’t get you a wedding gift. But I figured I’d at least try to kill three birds with one stone with this as a way of apologizing for what I put you through, after everything you have done for the world.” You nodded and scooted across the bed to take the tablet as Bucky did his best to get his daughter out of the bath peacefully for bed so he could see what was going on. You looked at the screen and almost instantly felt the scalding heat you felt the day you watched your home burn to the ground.
“My plantation.” You whispered as you looked at the charred remains. “It’s still there?!”
“It’s technically a historical site.” Tony said as he glanced over at Bucky as he leaned on your door frame. “You owned the biggest plantation in Georgia during the Civil War. It was on the market for a while back in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s but then was taken off...”
“When I moved to London to go to school.” You said with a nod. “I was a doctor... my Lord.” You whispered with a shake of your head.
“Well the property went to the government some time in the 1920’s, and was deemed historical. So they maintained the property and the other houses and stables. But they never rebuilt the main house...”
“There’s an old willow tree a ways to the right of the house.” You said as you closed your eyes and tried to look past the last day you were there in your mind. “It was nearly as tall as the house and I could see if from my bedroom window. Is it still there?” You opened your eyes and looked over at Tony, who slowly shook his head and shrugged.
“I’m not sure. It took me a while to track this place down, because no one knew who the owner was after the war, and I haven’t been down to look yet. Figured you’d want to go first.” You nodded your head and looked back down at the photo as Bucky sat down on the bed beside you with Ana.
“It had a huge wrap around porch.” You told him as you showed him the photo with a small smile as more memories flooded your mind. “John made us rocking chairs that sat right here so we could watch the sun set. Mine had a hole in the right arm from when I stabbed it with my knitting needle after a disagreement one night. And it had these big white columns in front that held up the roof and the small porch up there. Look, baby... this is where Mommy lived.” You said to Ana as you traded Bucky her for the tablet when she tried to get away from her dad.
“We can leave in the morning if you’d like.” Tony said as he pushed off the door frame. “Jet’s ready. Just let me know when you are, whenever you are.”
“Tony.” You called out before he could walk away as your daughter used you as a jungle gym. “Thank you.” He gave you a tight nod and a small smile before he turned and walked away, leaving you to catch up on your memories with your husband.
“So you owned a plantation?” Bucky said, because it was partially news to both of you.
“I inherited it when John passed.” You said with a nod as you wrangled your toddler into your lap. “It’s strange, until I saw that photo, all I could remember of that place was the day I was shot and left. But now, I’m seeing the giant wood burning stove in the kitchen, and the stone fireplace in the parlor. I can see the staircase that ran up the right side of the main hall, that led all the way to the back with this... oh, God it was the most hideous carpet in the world, but it belonged to John’s mother and he loved it.” You scoffed and shook your head as you got up to put Ana in her jammies. “I am not sorry to see that carpet burned down. I wonder if the fire went all the way down to the basement.” You said as you paused at Ana’s dresser and turned around with your brow furrowed. “There’s... there’s something in the basement... I can’t remember...”
“Well, do you want to go look tomorrow?” He asked, pulling you from your thoughts so you could get your daughter dressed. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing this ‘biggest plantation in Georgia’ that my wife owns.”
“It was a big plantation.” You agreed with a huff. “Pain in my rear to work and hotter than all get out most days.”
“Oh, and we’re turning Southern with it.” He laughed as he scooted up on the bed to relax in his spot. “You worked the fields?”
“I did.” You said with a slow nod as you picked up your clothed daughter and walked over to the bed so she could have her night time bottle before bed. “I was a woman before my time back then, and still a Yankee at heart you could say. When John and I married, I convinced him to free our slaves, and made sure they all worked for pay. He was very well off, he could afford it, and they all worked even harder if at all possible once the overseer was let go. But when the war happened, money got a little tight, and we lost quite a few hands to typhoid but the work still needed to be done. So yes, I worked my fields until the war was dropped on my doorstep one night.”
“You know, you get more and more impressive every single day.” He said as he set Tony’s tablet aside to lay down beside Ana so he could look at you. “I am so honored to get to call you my wife, doll.”
“Even though my memories come in snippets and I’m dinosaur old?” You teased as you picked up your notebook to update some past notes.
“Absolutely.” He laughed as he reached across the pillows to rub your back. “Makes you mysterious.”
“OK, we’ll go with that.” You laughed as you handed him the remote so he could put on the ‘Good Night Moon’ show Ana loved before bed while you wrote. You hummed and shook your head as you opened your notebook and clicked on the plantation memories page. “Mysterious, he says. Crazy I say.”
“Go write your notes!”
You were glad to see that the massive live oaks lining your driveway were still just as gorgeous as ever, but it absolutely disgusted you to see that your front lawn had been turned into a giant gravel parking lot. A deep growl rolled from your chest, and Steve gently reached over the front seat to grab your wrists, while Bucky put his hand on your knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“We can fix it, sweetheart.” Your husband said softly as Happy, Pepper’s assistant, parked his rental car beside the one Tony, Pepper, and their lawyers were in, since parking the jet on your property was apparently not an option. Your growl turned into grumbling as you got out of the car, but turned right back into a much deeper growl when you turned to see a six foot tall, chain link fence around your old home. But all noises simply stopped when you saw your willow tree.
“I’m gunna fucking kill someone.” You said as you ripped away from Bucky and Steve and stormed over to your tree, where a young couple was carving their initials amongst the decades of others, including your and John’s original carvings. “Back the fuck up!” You roared as you let your claws fly just as Steve wrapped his arm around your upper torso and yanked you back.
“Just back away from the tree.” He said quickly to the terrified kids with a shake of his head. “Go on.” The second they were clear, he set you down, and you retracted your claws to walk over and run your fingers over the destroyed wood.
“No...” You said with a shake of your head with tears in your eyes as you looked around until you found the faint, misshapen heart that was almost gone with age, and distorted letters carved by your late husband.
“We’ll see if we can fix it, baby.” Bucky said softly as he touched the small of your back. “Look, the older ones are already fading.” You nodded your head slowly and looked up at the higher names, that were a little less distorted than yours, but were fading as well.
“You must be Mr. Stark.” A peppy older woman in period clothes said as she headed over to the group. “My name is Abigail, I’ll be your guide of the Jackson Plantation...”
“I’m sorry, the what?!” You said as you whipped around to look at her with rage in your eyes, which made Tony step between the pair of you with a tight ‘all business’ smile.
“You’re gunna want to clear the property.” He said evenly with a nod. “Now. For everyone’s safety.”
“Oh! Oh, I’m afraid I can’t do that...” Abigail said as you stormed away from the group to look at a metal plaque on your side of the fence around your house.
“Oh, this is not good.” Bucky said with a shake of his head as you read the lies someone had made up about your house, before you simply ripped it off the post and easily crumbled it in a ball before Steve could get to you.
“Wait, you can’t do that!” Abigail shrieked as you ripped the fence open with more grumbling and headed up to your house with Steve, and Bucky right behind you.
“I’m warning you once more.” Tony said as he simply watched your guide’s horrified expression. “Clear the premises...”
“I’m calling the police!” She cried as she pulled her cell phone from the pocket of her dress.
“I am the fucking police here!” You roared from the front steps as you rounded and glared at her. “This is my fucking land! You are trespassing here!”
“This is property of the National Parks Services...” She tried with shaky hands, which made the Wolf rear her ugly head at the woman’s weakness as a sinister darkness filled your eyes.
“And that’s where you’re fucking wrong.” You said as you slowly walked back down the steps toward her. “This land belonged to my first husband, John William Scott, who was a confederate soldier that died in the war. The plantation, which was named Green Pebble Hill by his aunt, Cecelia Ann Scott MacDonald when she was a child because of the moss covered pebbles in the stream in the back fields by the way, was left to me, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) Scott, his sole heir because I’m not able to bear children due to my mutation. Find his will, I know he had one. It’s dated May 16th, 1864, the day before he left to join ranks before the war even started.
The house was burned down by Yankee soldiers in July of 1865, four days after I got a letter saying my husband was killed, not by looters in 1868 like your historically inaccurate sign claims. Burned down by men who were instructed to kill me when they found that I was helping both their soldiers and ones of the confederacy. I was shot in the left lung for helping wounded men, no matter what color their coat was, because that is what good people do. But thanks to my mutation, I can’t fucking die! My body just rejected the musket ball as they burned my home to cinders. Now, get these people off my fucking property immediately or you will learn all about the hell I’ve been through the past one hundred and twenty four years since I first learned how horrible people could be just for the fucking sake of it!” She nodded her head frantically as you turned on your heel to head back up to your house, grumbling under your breath. “Stevie, help me with this.” You said as you carefully walked up on the porch again. “There’s a safe in the basement. It has that letter... I think the will...”
“Babe, be careful.” Bucky said as you grabbed a long, charred, weather warn piece of wood that made up part of the wall of your first floor and lifted it up so that your best friend could see a similar piece of wood that was attached to it on the far side of the house.
“OK, I see it.” He said as he jumped down and ran to the other side as tourists began to flood toward the parking lot to leave.
“(Y/N), we can get a construction crew...” Pepper tried, but Bucky quickly looked back and shook his head at her.
“Just leave her. She’s being buried by new memories, and she’s battling the Wolf. No one can stop her right now.” 
“Get ahold of your boss.” Tony said as you and Steve chucked the wood away from the building. “I want contact information to whomever believes they own this land. We’ll be taking it back from them now.” Abigail nodded her head again and continued making phone calls as you and Steve made a path down to the basement that seemed relatively untouched thanks to it’s all stone frame.
“It’s...” You said as you jumped down into the basement after twenty minutes of clearing the rubble of your upper two floors and hesitated. You closed your eyes and tried to picture yourself putting the letter in the safe as Steve jumped down in front of you to help. You turned around in your spot and went through the motions of the memory, before your head shot up and to your left. “Over here. Under some flour sacks.”
“I need a light!” Steve called out as you took a step in that direction but stumbled the slightest bit over a small pile of stones. “Wait, (Y/N). We’re getting a light.”
“Here, Tony said just put it on.” Bucky said as he carefully leaned over the edge and dropped Tony’s Ironman helmet down to Steve. Your best friend held it out to you and you squeezed it on to your head before squinting at the bright screen that popped up in front of you.
“Man, what did I do with only lanterns down here?” You asked yourself as you awkwardly stepped over the stones, around whatever had started to grow in the dark space, and over to the sacks of flour that was your safe’s cover with the help of the night vision from Tony’s suit. Once they were thrown to the side, you picked up the three by three cast iron safe with a grunt, and carried it back over to Steve.
“Alright, hold on. Let me get out first.”
“How do I get this thing off... Oh.” You gasped as the mask opened and shrunk down to sit like a thick necklace. “That works.”
“You find it?” Bucky asked as Steve found solid ground and kneeled down to help. You passed it up to him and climbed out yourself as Tony, Pepper, and his lawyers talked to the cops that came to deal with the ‘disturbance’ with Abigail, her boss, and a pair of local representatives from the National Park Services.
“OK, wait just set it here.” You said as you pointed to the ground by the back steps as you kneeled down beside it. “Shit. When is his birthday? Or was it the day we met.”
“Don’t think of it that way.” Bucky said as he came around to the back of the house to see what was inside this little mystery box. “That’s not gunna help here like it doesn’t help you find your cell phone at home, remember? Walk through the last time you used it like you did in the basement. Picture yourself with the letter in your hand.” You nodded your head and closed your eyes as you held out your hand with the letter in it. “Down the stairs, to the left. You moved those bags and kneeled down. You reached out and turned the dial to...”
“Thirty-two.” You said as you opened your eyes and leaned forward. “Seventeen. Nine. His birthday backwards.” A smile spread across your face as the locked popped open, and the metal door creaked as you pulled it open. “Thank you baby. I never would have remembered that. See, the letter.” You said as you carefully pulled it out and unfolded the telegram. You looked over the slightly faded ink with a small sigh, before wiping off the top of the safe and setting it down. “Oh, look. His will. I didn’t know I had the original. Oh, look at this.” You laughed as you pulled out an old photograph of you on your wedding day. “I made that dress by hand. And this picture took forever to take. Cameras weren’t what they are back then.”
“God, you haven't change a bit.” Bucky said as he sat down beside you to look, as Steve crouched down on your other side.
“I aged like a fine wine.” You teased as you added the photo to the stack. “Oh, and this is John. Oh, sweetheart.” You sighed as you slowly shook your head with a fond smile. “Bless his heart, that man couldn’t grow a beard to save his life.”
“He’s... a lot older than I expected.” Bucky said as he took the photo from your hands, delicately.
“Ten years senior.” You said with a nod as Steve excused himself softly to let Tony know you had the original will. “That was normal back then. I married him when I had just turned seventeen so we were together... like seven years before he passed.”
“Wow.” He breathed as he handed you back the photo.
“What else do we have? Confederate bonds. What’s this? Oh, gold. Could have used that. Oh, my jewelry...” The pair of you sat for another twenty minutes or so, going through old memories and things you had kept safe when John left. You were ecstatic to find the deed to the property along with his father’s will and a couple other documents related to his family.
“OK, I have to say this is blowing my mind a little bit.” Bucky said as you pulled out a pistol wrapped in an old t-shirt to make sure there was nothing left underneath it. “Like... this is your stuff. Not your relatives, yours. You actually touched these documents before today.”
“Gives being older than dinosaurs a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?” You laughed as you started carefully putting everything back in the safe.
“And you own this land.” He said as he looked up at the massive, 2000 acre property in front of him.
“I do.” You said with a nod as you closed the door of the safe. “Legally and soon, officially.”
“Damn.” He said with a shake of his head. “Yea, we’re raising Anastasia here.”
“I’m absolutely OK with that, my love.” You said as you stood up and picked up the safe. “I just have to prove who I am to the US government after spending nearly one hundred years trying to avoid doing just that. That’s gunna be the real fun.”
Part 15
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lovebaela · 2 months
Chapter 3: Beginning of War
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Pairing: °❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・
CW: fem!oc, mostly fluff, and mentions of murder.꙳·❅°*˖
Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
(a/n) helloooo, sooo I recently decided to make a Wattpad account and I’ll also be posting the story on there hehe. So if you don’t like all of the cutesy symbols and the aesthetic on here, you can also read the story on Wattpad without all that stuff :) also I’m making minor changes to the previous chapters so uhhh don’t mind me lol
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One night, Rhaella and Lady Stark were with Bran, by his side. It's been a month since she woke up.
Now, they had to wait for Bran's turn to awaken.
He's not dead, I know it, she always told herself.
Rhaella read aloud a book about the history of Winterfell as Lady Stark was making a protective craft. She said that only a mother could make one.
Robb decided to stay to look after his mother. She never once left Bran's side. To the point where Rickon was following Robb around. Robb walked in complaining about it, until he noticed something wrong outside.
"Is there something wrong?" Rhaella asked.
"Both of you stay in here," he said. He quickly ran out of the chamber, leaving them confused. They both rose up from their chairs to look out the window. There was a lot of commotion going on out there. The door opened, making them turn around swiftly. A man they've never seen before.
"You're not supposed to be here," the man said.
"None of you are supposed to be here." They both looked at each other wondering what he meant.
He turned to Bran, "it's mercy for him, really." He drew out his dagger.
"NO!" They both yelled.
Lady Stark ran to the man, preventing him from getting any closer to her son as Rhaella jumped on the bed, throwing herself on Bran. She grabbed the blade, squeezing it so hard that her hands were bleeding.
Rhaella, not knowing what to do, could only think to herself. She didn't know what came over her to use herself as a shield. In truth, they haven't known each other for that long, but he was the closest thing to family, they all were. No, this won't be the day he dies. It can't be. I won't let him, even if it kills me! That led herself to ask the question, would he have done the same for me?
The man threw her off of him and made his way to the bed.
"No!" Rhaella shouted. "Leave us alone!"
Before the man could stab her, Bran's dire wolf bolted in the room, quickly biting at the man's hand. They watched in awe and horror as the wolf dug its teeth into his neck, killing him instantly.
"Thank you," Rhaella whispered to the wolf. He let out a little whine and laid down. At that moment, they knew Bran would be protected, especially now that Summer was huge.
The next day, Rhaella showed Lady Stark where they both fell. They entered inside and went to the top floor. There wasn't really anything in the room. Just a lot of moss, vines, and leaves growing in there. "I found something," Lady Stark said. She showed Rhaella a long strand of golden, blonde hair. Rhaella gasped, remembering the day the king arrived and the feast. The Queen. Her hair was that color. But why would she be in here? And who was she with? "We have to tell Robb," Rhaella said.
They called for a meeting with Robb, Theon, Maester Luwin, and Ser Rodrick in the godswood.
"Pushed?" Robb asked them. "Are you certain?"
"Bran never falls." Theon added.
"We found a strand of blonde hair in that tower," Lady Stark said. "Bran must of saw something he wasn't supposed to see."
"Which led him to get pushed." Luwin said, putting the pieces together.
"What should we do my lady?" Ser Rodrick asked.
"I'll ride to king's landing," she replied. "It had to have been the Lannisters. I must tell Ned."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" The maester asked her. She gave a nod.
"They think they can just hurt the people I love and get away with it?" Robb asked. "And then send an assassin? They will pay for this."
That made Rhaella blush. He loves me!
Lady Stark turned to Rhaella, "I need you to stay by Bran's side. To watch over him while I'm gone.
He's lucky to have a friend like you. I know this is scary, but I need you to stay strong for me." She gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Yes, my lady," Rhaella said determinedly. "I will."
After she left Winterfell with Ser Rodrick, Rhaella did exactly what she asked her to do. She never left Bran's side. She was very concerned for Bran's health. Since he was in a coma, he couldn't eat properly, only honey and water. His body was growing more frail by the day. Nearly becoming just bones and skin. Rhaella prayed every single day for Bran to wake up, hoping one day any gods out there would hear her.
After feeding Bran one night, Maester Luwin said there was a gift for Rhaella. It was a fancy looking chest.
"It says it's from Majester Illyrio from Pentos," he told her. "Also, Lord Stark sent the both of you gifts." He placed Bran's gift at the side of his bed.
From what she could tell, it looked like a sword wrapped up. Then he gave her gift, it was small and wrapped up. She unwrapped it and smiled. It was a doll.
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The doll was quite creepy, but she cherished the thoughtful gift anyway.
After Luwin left the room, she opened the chest.
She let out a small gasp, inspecting the gift. It was a dragon egg! Next to it was a letter, from Daenerys!
Dear Rhaella,
I hope you are doing well my sister. I'm afraid I have some news. I was married off in trade for a Dothraki army. His name is Khal Drogo, and he looks big and scary. We are about to leave with the Khalaasar. I didn't want to marry him, or anyone. I just want to go home. To finally see you! Sometimes when I get scared...I say that I am the blood of the dragon. Dragon's are fearless and brave which is what I should be. You are the only person in this world that brings me happiness. I hope you enjoy the gift I sent you.
Love, Daenerys.
Poor Daenerys, I guess we both have to be brave right now. More than ever.
"Look Bran, I have a dragon egg! Too bad Arya isn't here to see it." Rhaella told him. She liked talking to Bran while he slept. Deep down, it felt like he could hear her. "Bran, please wake up," she whispered, holding his motionless hand. "I need you."
A few tears fell from her eyes onto the furs of the bed. She hesitated at first, but then gave him a peck on the cheek before leaving. She reached for the door knob until she heard a groan. Startled, she turned back to the bed.
"Rhaella?" He asked weakly.
"Bran!" She shouted. She jumped onto the bed and gave him a big hug, "You're awake, finally awake!"
Rhaella told the others about the great news. She could tell Robb wanted to cry, but knowing him, he didn't, at least not in front of her. Rickon, of course, did.
"You shouldn't try walking," Maester Luwin told him. "At least, not yet. Your body is extremely weak and thin because of the coma. If you slept longer, you likely would have been dead."
"If Bran needs to go somewhere, what will he do?" Rhaella asked the Maester. "We will have Hodor carry him," he replied.
"I had a strange dream," Bran said, as he was eating some pigeon pie. "I was falling. Falling the whole time, without hitting the ground. There was a raven there too. It had three eyes. It told me 'fly or die.'"
"Don't think about it too much, it was only a dream child," Luwin said.
Rhaella wanted to tell them about her strange dream, but maybe the Maester was right. Perhaps it was only a dream.
— DAENERYS ೃ࿔*:・
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"I hit him," Daenerys said, panicking. "I hit the dragon."
Dany couldn't take Viserys' tantrums anymore. He hurt one of her handmaidens, Doreah, because she told him Dany wanted him to come to supper. He took it as a command. He tried to strike Dany down, but something woke inside of her and she fought back.
"Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon," Ser Jorah Mormont explained. He had met Dany during her wedding, where he swore his loyalty to House Targaryen. "Viserys is less than a shadow of a snake."
"He is still the true king," She reminded him.
"The Magister told the three of us that the common people were praying for his return."
"Three?" The man asked.
"Forgive me," she said. "It wasn't just me and my brother living with Illyrio, our cousin was there with us. My sister, Rhaella."
"I believe I never heard of her." Jorah admitted.
"She was good," Daenerys said with a smile. "A good, sweet, intelligent, and beautiful girl. She was the only thing that I cared about in this world." Her smile faded away, "and he sold her away from me."
"Where is she now?"
"In Winterfell, with the Starks. The people that betrayed my family."
"Forgive me Khalessi, but the Starks are an honorable house. Trust me when I say this, she is in good hands."
"I will get her back one day, I swear it." Daenerys said. "I pray everyday that she is okay, what do you pray for Ser Jorah?"
"So do I," she said. I hope she received her gift and the letter.
— RHAELLA ೃ࿔*:・
Rhaella and Bran listened to Old Nan tell her crazy stories. A lot of them were quite strange and boring most of the time. Bran stroked the fur of his dire wolf. He decided to name him Summer. Summer grew so big that soon they would be able to ride on his back. What Rhaella loved about Summer was his beautiful features. He had fire-like brown eyes and fur on his back.
Bran's eleventh name day came and went quickly, but the boy was too depressed to celebrate. He said he'd rather die than be crippled for life, which broke Rhaella's heart. Soon after her eleventh name day passed, but all she requested for was lemon cakes to eat while by Bran's bedside.
Both of them could hear the shouts and screams of Rickon playing with Shaggydog and Greywind outside. "I want to be out there," Bran mumbled. His eyes stung. She could see in his eyes he wanted to cry.
"Would you like to hear a story about a knight?" Old Nan asked as she sowed. "Ser Duncan the Tall perhaps?"
"I don't want to listen to that," Bran said, his voice petulant. The topic of knights seemed to bother him. Rhaella didn't blame his bitterness. The one thing he ever wanted was taken away from him. "Yeah, you already told Ser Duncan's stories many times," Rhaella sighed.
She loved the adventures of Dunc and Egg, but she heard the story so many times, she thought she would pull her hair out.
"It's the scary ones I like." Bran said lowly.
"Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods."
The children were deeply invested in the story. It was something Rhaella never heard about before, true or not, it intrigued her.
They continued to listen until Theon opened the door, making them snap out of the trance and jump.
"I don't wish to see anyone!" Bran said, coldly.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice," Theon said.
"Lord Tyrion wants to see you. Hodor!" The tall giant waltzed in the room, "Hodor?"
"Take Bran to the Great Hall," he commanded.
Hodor did as he said, picking Bran up and left the room. Theon and Rhaella followed behind.
"What does he want from Bran?" She asked the Greyjoy. "I'm not sure, he wanted to see you too."
Once we walked in, she could hear Lord Tyrion say, "so it's true . . ."
Hodor stood before Tyrion with Bran in his arms.
"Hello Bran," he said to the child. He turned his attention to Rhaella, "and hello to you too, Rhaella. Do either of you remember what happened?"
"They barely have any memory of what happened before the accident," Luwin answered for them as he sat at the main table with Robb. With Lord Stark gone, Robb had to take on the role as Lord of Winterfell.
"That's unfortunate," the Lannister said.
"Why are you here?" Robb asked.
"Would you be as kind to ask your charming companion to neil? I'm afraid my neck is starting to hurt," Tyrion asked Bran. He was different from his siblings. He was an "imp" Arya said. He was as tall as Rhaella, and can't grow anymore than that. Hodor obeyed Bran's request to neil.
"Do the both of you like to ride?" He asked them.
Both of the children answered yes. Bran added,
"well, I did like to." Luwin wasn't sure if Bran could ever walk again, but he said they still needed to give Bran more time to heal.
"Lucky for you, I have brought the finest horses for you and blueprints of a special saddle that can even let cripples ride," he told him. "I'm not a cripple." Bran said. "I'm not sure yet."
"Well in case you are, the saddle will still work perfectly for you." Tyrion gave Bran the blueprints of the saddle. It made Rhaella feel warm inside to see Bran's eyes light up as he looked at the paper.
"And for you," Tyrion said, turning to her. " have something else as well. I'm afraid it's not blueprints, but I assure you that you will love it."
Rhaella's eyes brightened up as Tyrion opened a small case. Inside of it was a beautiful golden ring with the Targaryen sigil on it. "I found this where we have the Targaryen artifacts kept. I thought you should have it," he explained. "It is believed to be one of the many jewelry that Daemon Targaryen gave his niece, Rhaenerya."
"Wow," Rhaella exclaimed. "Thank you . . ."
"Is this some kind of trick?" Robb asked, confused and defensive.
"I have a special place in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things," Tyrion replied, smiling at the children. They both gave a smile back.
"You have done them a kindness," Robb said.
"Winterfell is welcomed to you."
"No need for the false loyalties, Stark," Tyrion said. "For I will be leaving shortly."
Before he could ride off, Rhaella ran outside to the courtyard. He noticed her approaching him, "ah, it's you again. I had the both of your horses placed in the stables. May the gods bless the both of you."
"I . . .I thought your family hated me," Rhaella admitted. "You are a kind person, I thank you again."
Tyrion smiled, "I am not like my family, unlike them, I have a heart. Take this as advice, young girl. As someone who is not only Targaryen, but a foreigner as well, you will face hardships. Take what makes you different, and be proud of it. That way, no one can bring you down."
Rhaella nodded and watched as he rode off with his men. She went over to the stables to see the horses. Her horse had a beautiful white coat with wavy mane so light, it almost looks white instead of blonde. Bran's horse was a beautiful jet black color with black mane. They complimented each other beautifully, like the stars and the night sky.
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Bran spent the rest of the morning getting sigil lessons with Maester Luwin. Rhaella practiced her archery with Theon Greyjoy while she waited for the lessons to be over. Lord Tyrion’s gift lifted Bran’s spirits, but only ever so slightly. He was always a cheerful boy, a sweet Summer child. Now, he was as cold as winter.
Afterwards, Rhaella and Bran spent the afternoon sitting in the godswood under the weirwood tree. He laid on the ground, resting his head on Rhaella's thigh as she read the history book. "Arya would be furious if she found out we finished the Dance of the Dragons," Rhae chuckled.
"Maybe she should have stayed with us." Bran said, bitterly.
She continued to read, "when Rhaenerya's last alive son was crowned king, the small folk came up with many names. Aegon the Unlucky, Aegon the Unhappy, or Dragonbane. Grand Maester Munkun called him the Broken King."
"Aegon the Broken," Bran said. He sighed. "Bran the Broken."
Rhaella slammed the book shut. "You are not broken, Bran!"
"What do you call a boy who can barely walk properly anymore? Broken, that's what." He said coldly. "Now, I can't even be a knight at all! That's all I ever wanted . . ."
"Well, then," Rhaella said, standing back up. "I guess I'll just have to help you walk better again!"
"What do you mean?" He asked cocking his head.
"How about this, everyday, we come here and practice your walking," she said. "Maester Luwin did say you can walk, just not as much as you used to."
"You'd really help me?" He asked. She was shocked he would even ask that.
"Of course!" She said taking his hand to help him up. "Not only are you my betrothed, you are my dearest friend. All I could ever want is for you to be happy." She wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "I'd also like for my egg to hatch, so one day we can fly on dragon back and eat nothing but desserts!"
"I'm glad that we met." He smiled. She smiled back at the Stark boy, "so am I."
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Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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ritcchamadayo · 1 year
love your writing! Can I request a fight and makeup with Leona! I loooove me some angst
thank you sm for sending in a request! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) sorry for the late replies, uni has me in a chokehold-
but Leona hurt and comfort lesgooooooo
Always Around
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Leona Kingscholar x Reader ; You and Leona had a fight the night before, and Leona can't help but feel uneasy as he goes on with his day. Perhaps a talk with his junior could help him set his mind?
Jack watches the housewarden, lying outside in the fields. He isn't even sleeping or anything, but he could tell Leona was far from happy.
"Ha? What do you want, Jack?" Jack jumped back from the sudden sharpness in his tone, and cleared his throat. "Coach Vargas was just looking for you... Practice is going to start soon."
"Start without me. Now leave."
"But, senpai-"
Leona glares and growls at Jack, giving the poor wolfboy the best glare he had. "I said SCRAM."
Jack was confused- and a little intimidated, of course. Despite Leona's bad temperament, he was never *this* bad, was he? Jack sat down next to the lying beastman, watching as Leona curled himself up on the grass. Rather than the usual prideful lion he is, Leona looks miserable. His ears are held back, his tail tucked beneath him, almost as if he was... Sad?
"Did something happen, senpai?" Jack peered over to the man trying to desperately close his eyes. Jack could hear a light snarl come from the housewarden, but stood still. "Is this about the fight with (Y/n) you had last night?"
Leona face scrunches in sadness and anger, weakly swatting away Jack's face. "None of your damn business."
"How wouldn't it be, considering (Y/n)'s angry shouting could be heard from the first floor..." Jack sighed, lying down next to Leona. "Look, I don't know what you did. But you probably should apologize or something...? I'm not sure either since I've never had a partner before though. I thought you Savanna people are all er, 'treat your partner higher than you despite your or their gender' and all."
Leona frowns. Jack had a point in which he has been taught by the Royal family to always respect and put their partners first, regardless of gender. Falena did too, and he has a loving family with a (little annoying) son too, and Falena's wife never got angry at him apart from when Falena would slack off at times. Even so, she was never as angry as (Y/n) was at him. "So, what happened?"
"I was just being a blockhead, that's what." Leona answers, letting out a huge huff.
"Look, I already told you I don't want to talk about it!"
"I'm only talking about it now because I care for you!"
"Oh yeah? Well did I ask you to care for me?"
Leona groans, sitting up. "I said somethin' that I wasn't supposed to say. I got carried away." Leona still regretted that night. He regretted how you turned away from him, tears pricking your eyes as you walk towards his room's door. You wasted no time opening the door and slamming it on the way out, without giving Leona another glance.
"Then wouldn't it be better to apologize as soon as possible?"
Leona grit his teeth. "Fine, since you wouldn't get off my tail about it. Jack, you're in charge of the club for today."
The lion beastman leaped up and stood tall, walking away from the bewildered wolf. "W-what am I supposed to do...?"
You were lounging around in your room, still upset about the prior night. Leona's words struck you hard, and had you up all night thinking.
"...Was I being too forceful of him..?"
Sighing, you flop down on the bed. You knew it was a sensitive topic, after all. Anything that concerned the Kingscholar royal family brings a rather bitter taste for Leona, and yet you had to being yourself to care for him. Besides, dating a Prince does bring you a rather heavy weight. Your love for Leona was enough to not care about the little tidbits, focusing only on being together with Leona.
"Scuse me."
The door opened abruptly, with Leona entering the room. The man wasted no time locating you and your bed, pouncing towards it and hugging you. He lies down on the bed, snuggling against your warm body, nuzzling his face on your thighs while his arms wrap around your waist. "Leona..?"
He still acted all haughty and arrogant as usual, but you could see a tinge of guilt in his eyes and how his ears drooped unnaturally. His tail swayed slowly, while the beastman tightened his hold on you. It's like seeing a cat apologize to you- nuzzling his head into you softly.
Part of you wanted to scowl and push him away, but another part wanted to hug him and cuddle him. You settled with playing with his hair while he hugs you, rubbing his ears softly earning a purr from him.
"...For saying something I shouldn't have..."
You were shocked, of course. Never did you think that Leona Kingscholar could speak so softly, pleading for forgiveness, opening himself to you.
"No, Leona... I'm sorry for pushing. I don't know much about your live at the Savannah, but... I'll always be around for you." You hugged the male, burying your face in his soft locks. The two of you fell onto the bed, his limbs holding you in place while he buries his face into your chest. The two of you slowly fell into deep slumber, holding each other tight.
"No use crying over spilled milk, herbivore. Let's just forget about it for today."
"...Mm. Okay, love."
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vhygoxo · 1 year
Pale Moonlight
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After your grandfather Atera passes you decide to move in with your grandmother. Since this is your gap year after graduating, you get to decide what you want next, assuming this is a great opportunity. Moving to one of your home reserves you're ready to start your new life. When you finally come back after being distanced for so long secrets and mysteries of the reserve start to unravel.
Paul Lahote x Reader
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Chapter 6: Discovery
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Finally back with a new chapter! Which is probably surprising lol since I took a long break. But I do have more chapters in store. I want this story to be focused on not only being Paul's imprint, but also into the life of the reserve, the characters stories. But other than that enjoy! I know we're in a drought for Paul lahote content. I’ll also be uploading imagines and other Wolfpack content in the future 🫶
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1. Homecoming
2. Emissary’s
3. Connection
4. Prey
5. Awakening
6. Discovery
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As the next morning came I tried to stay in my bed for as long as I could. My eyes eventually fluttered open, my bones felt weary, throat dry and parched.
I wasn’t so sure I wanted to get out of my bed. Not after everything I experienced yesterday. Thinking of all I have to face it made me stuck to my bed.
It’s still hard for me to digest everything. How am I supposed to live knowing what’s truly out there? What type of life awaits me for me?
Vampires are real and one had attacked me. Until Paul Lahote, a man I barely know, was the one to rescue me. All in the form of this huge vicious grey wolf.
Learning about Paul’s true nature, including the others, about how they’re all ‘shifters’. It all made me feel crazy. I wasn’t sure how to react to their explanation. What made me feel crazy was that I somehow understood everything.
Living with my grandparents in the summer and visits in between I learned a lot. Many stories live in my head because of me simply listening to my grandfather.
He wasn’t the type to sit us kids down. Just a few times in the winter for story time if we were lucky. Other than that you’d have to catch him at the right moment.
He’d tell them randomly, while we drank tea, or went for a car drive, even just sitting quiet at home. It all depended on what mood my grandfather was in.
I always believed him even when his stories seemed ridiculous. Our people, indigenous people as a whole, we have certain ways.
Somethings that are even mysterious to us. Stories of folk tales and local creatures were common to hear and know about.
It’s a totally different experiencing said stories in real life. It was easier to think of them as just stories. But now I know that there is truth to such stories. It all made life feel surreal for me.
Eventually I crawled out of bed once the questions in my head started to eat me up. I needed answers, explanations, anything to help me understand. I knew there was only one person that could help me.
My grandmother was up and waiting for me downstairs. I could sense her as I got my self ready. The air was filled with tension and uneasiness.
“My girl” She exclaimed as I came down the stairs. I gave a weak smile before we headed to the couch. Sitting down beside her she squeezed my hand comforting me.
“How did you rest? Are you feeling okay?” My grandmother fussed over me as she brushed the hair away from my face. I smiled and cupped her hand softly.
“I rested well enough. How are you holding up?”
“Oh my girl… I couldn’t help but worry over you. I know you must be going through a lot right now… Thinking a lot… Here have something to eat first. Get your strength back”
With the food ready she and I ate our breakfast. I somehow felt at peace once we began to eat in silence. For this brief moment it felt as if nothing had changed. All I focused on was my grandmother and this moment. Bracing myself for what I know I have to face eventually.
Once we had finished and cleaned up we sat back onto the couch. My grandmother had stepped into her room. Before she came back out carrying a small cedar box.
“What is that?” I asked once she sat down with me. She smiled at me softly before she opened the box. It had initials and some florals carved into the box. Once opened there were small carved trinkets and pictures.
“Your grandfather made me this box. Originally it was meant for jewellery. When he’d go hunting he’d carve me pieces of jewellery made from antlers and bone. Necklaces, rings, earrings, all hand made by him. Little tokens of love and affection. He carved this box for me to keep everything in it. Over the years I kept our memories together in this box”
She skimmed through her stacks of pictures. Old pictures of her and my grandfather as a young couple. Their friends and events they attended. She pulled out a set of pictures for me to look at.
“This was around the time your grandfather shifted. He had just turned 17 before a stray vampire began to lurk around the reserve. It made him and his fellow pack members shift. All of them were only 16-18 at the time”
“Pack members?”
“…What exactly did Sam and his friends tell you?”
She paused to look at me after questioning me. I stopped looking at the pictures to focus. Trying to remember what I was told.
“Well… I know everyone besides Kim and Emily is a wolf. I—I mean shifter, that they take on their spiritual forms, which is the shape of the wolf… right?”
“Yes they’re called shifters. For you to understand I need to explain some things”
My grandmother looked at me eager to know my decision. I could see she was nervous as I was. But I trusted her to know that she’ll be honest and explain everything I don’t understand. I nodded my head in agreement before she started.
“Long ago Taha Aki and our ancestors were blessed with their nature from our relatives the wolves. Fierce spiritual warriors stronger than any force. As a means to protect and guide our tribe. Only certain men in the tribe are blessed with this gift. It’s a lifestyle few can walk”
She handed me a picture of a huge dark grey wolf. Almost as if his fur was black on the top. Looking at the handwriting on the photo inscribed was my grandfathers name.
“They had dealt with the colonizers easily enough. It’s why despite our small tribe we always kept our territory despite many enemy attempts to take it. When our people first came across the cold blooded vampires it changed everything. We had never come across such a threat. Whole villages would be slaughtered in a matter of a few hours at the hands of a few vampires. They looked human but quickly our shifters knew they were unnatural”
I felt my own blood run cold. Terrified at the thought of vampires. My throat felt as if it was slowly closing as I remembered Victoria. How fast she was and how close I was to death.
“When the first shifters killed them they ripped them to pieces. Our warriors decided to collect all the pieces to place together. To inspect and see the vampire up close. Everyone in the village had gathered to come take a look at the beast. It laid there stiff, it’s insides grey and solid, the skin reflected like gemstones. Everyone was amazed our warriors killed such a powerful creature. All until the limbs started to move, quickly the body squirmed to join back together, some pieces did and tried to fight back once more. Pale and cold because they’re undead, immortal, their bodies are made of stone”
I gasped shocked at what I was hearing. It made me think of how Victoria’s skin felt. Like cold sandpaper but solid and hard. There was no softness in her icy grip. Even when Paul bit down onto Victoria I could hear crumbling and cracking. I almost thought she was a porcelain doll with how awful the cracking sounded.
“Quickly the body was tossed and burnt in the fire. All until nothing but ash was left. Burning them is the only way to truly kill a vampire. Our shifters are the only force powerful enough to defeat them. This has been their duty for centuries. Our true protectors and guides of the Quileute tribe”
I sat quiet dumbfounded at what was being told to me. My grandmother just patiently waited and observed my reaction. My mouth was agape from shock and surprise. I wasn’t quite sure what to say but I knew I had questions
“Wow… I… I somehow understand… But I still have a few questions if that’s alright”
“I understand my girl. But you need to know what a heavy responsibility it is to be a shifter. It takes great discipline and dedication. It’s a delicate balance between spiritual and physical nature. If you aren’t balanced it can be volatile. It can be a difficult process harnessing their true nature. There are some aspects you can’t control”
“…Such as imprinting right?” I asked which made her whip her head at me taken aback. Even I sat up straight nervous. I could tell it caught her off guard as she coughed.
“Grandma … I don’t fully know what an imprint is. I didn’t get to fully ask either because I was too shocked and upset. I understand somewhat about how shifting works… All I know is this imprinting with Paul involves me. That’s what they told me from what I remember. I… I just don’t know how I fit into all this. I’m not a shifter or anything magical as far as I know. Or am I? Is this what you're struggling to tell me?”
“No no you’re not a shifter my girl” She said slightly giggling at me. At this point I had too many questions. But I really wanted to know what an imprint is. Since I know this connects me to Paul somehow. What role do I play in all of this? Grandma sighed before she recollected herself.
“Well… Even for me it’s difficult to explain. An imprint connection really depends on the people in the connection. You see when the colonizers came, they took almost everything from us, you know? Genocide, Residential schools, day school, all of it took a toll on our people. It was a struggle to even carry our traditions so most of our teachings about shifters, their nature, what we knew was lost. It’s been about 3 generations since your grandfathers time and since we last had shifters amongst us”
She explained as I sighed defeated. Slowly sinking into my seat. My grandmother rubbed my back in comfort. Before she started to explain once more.
“Over the years we’ve gathered what info we do know about shifters. Some of the teachings have been coming back. All we understand is it’s a lifelong bond. That only happens once a lifetime between a shifter and their imprint. It’s a strong spiritual bond that links two for life. Some even believe it lasts beyond life”
I sat silent for a moment to think. It made me rethink of Paul’s words before I left. His brief explanation to me of what an imprint is.
I remember the look on his face, a frown filled his face with eyes that were sad, one of the reasons I wanted to leave so quickly. I caused a lot of trouble for not only him but for everyone.
“... Y’know…That’s all Paul really said to me before I left… Now that I think about it. I didn’t really understand what he meant at the time. But he said that we— that I can choose what we mean? I’m guessing he meant this imprint connection”
She had grabbed my hand and held it close to her. I sat worried until she gave me a warm smile. There was a short pause before she sighed
“My girl… As much as I want to sit here and explain everything to you. I think it’s best you just talk to Paul”
I felt uncomfortable as soon as she suggested such. I didn’t quite know how to face Paul. I had hardly knew him before all of this. Now I’m suddenly inter-soul-twined with him? It didn’t help he was quite upset about all of this.
“Remember I’m an imprint myself. When your grandfather imprinted on me he made sure I understood right away. He just wouldn’t have it either way”
“You were also the one to say you and grandpa got married quickly. Is it because he imprinted on you that you guys got hitched?”
Her face had flushed red it was the first time I’ve ever seen her get flustered. I felt I should’ve bitten my tongue to stop myself. But it was too late the words were spoken.
“I’m sorry! But I’m just worried. I still don’t fully understand what any of this imprint business has to do with me and Paul. Does this mean I have to get hitched with Paul right away? Like you and grandpa? Except I have to with some stranger I don’t know?—“
“—This is why I’m suggesting you talk to Paul. Imprint connections vary for me and your grandfather it was different. Yes we got married but it was because we loved and eventually understood one another. Not just because of this imprint connection. Y’know we have other imprints on the rez here. They’re great examples of how different imprints can be”
I only knew Sam and Emily were imprints so far. But them too are basically married, already engaged, despite being in their early 20’s. All I knew from Kim was they’ve been together for awhile. Leah didn’t really like Sam from what I understood.
“Like Sam and Emily? But they’re engaged as well”
“Yes but there are others. Quill has his own imprint also you know”
Hearing the words come out of my grandmothers mouth shocked me. This whole time I’ve been home Quill hadn’t bothered to bring up his imprint? Much less let me meet her?
“What? Quill?”
“Yes Quill has his own imprint. I bring it up because his relationship to her is different from that of Sam and Emily, and also me and your grandfathers. Claire young is her name, and she’s only 4, she’s the niece of your friend Emily” Hearing so surprised me and I could feel it express on my face. My grandmother scolded me as I felt myself cringe. I couldn’t help it since it shocked me to know this about Quill.
“They aren’t together y\n but they are imprints. Quill has since taken her in almost as his own daughter. With the approval of her parents of course. They know about all of this also. It was understood that the two needed to be together and Quill decided he would become whatever Claire needed. He’ll become a friend, a brother, a father, whatever Claire needs. For now he serves her as a older brother\father figure”
“… And you said before this is something sacred right?”
“Yes my girl and no one gets to choose their imprint. In the old days we understood imprinting and it’s nature to be more connected to the wolves. Rather than our human nature. It’s why our people never fully questioned it. Wolves bond for life it’s just in their nature. When our ancestors were blessed with the gift of shifting we understood imprinting was one of the gifts that came with it. Instead of questioning we adapted, it’s why it’s important for the imprints, to define the connection between them. Otherwise your connection can falter and be fatal”
“Wait—fatal?” Before she could answer me someone had knocked on the door just then. Interrupting and startling the two of us. Both of us were heavily into our conversation we hardly realized someone was here.
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I got up and walked to the door quickly. Opening the door there stood Quill. A solemn look to his face. I was surprised to see him standing here. Usually he texts or calls me to make sure I’m home.
“Hey Y\N”
“Is that Quill?” Our grandmother asked me, I stood aside to let him in, stepping in he greeted her. She rose from where she sat and came over to us. I wasn’t quite sure how to react to Quill’s sudden appearance.
“I’m glad you stopped by so soon Quill to check on y/n. Me and y\n were just finished visiting. I’m sure you and her have a lot to talk about. So I’ll leave you two as I’ll be heading over to Sue Clearwater’s… I need to thank her for helping you last night”
“Oh— Grandma I’ll come with you I want to thank her too” I said trying to grab my shoes to leave. She shook her head and held my hands. Stopping me from grabbing them.
“My girl it’s okay you stay here and visit with Quill. Let your cousin explain what I can’t. You need all the help you can get”
She assured me, eventually she made her exit, leaving me and Quill alone. Honestly I felt as if my grandma was glad for Quill to step in somehow. After settling in our spots at the porch table outside Quill began to speak.
“Well jeez… I don’t really know where to start… First of all how are you?”
“Me?…I’m not even sure… I feel I’m stuck in shock if we're being honest” This comment earned me a smile from Quill. Who was busy examining my neck and throat area carefully. I opened up my shirt collar to fully show him. I was still feeling tender and sore but there wasn't much redness anymore.
“Sorry I just have to see… When I seen you not moving on Emily's bed I was panicked…I'm just really sorry this happened to you—”
“Quill look I know you're feeling a bit guilty about all of this but it isn't your fault. I’m not severely damaged or anything. I'm fine infact I'm grateful to be alive. How many people can say they were attacked by a vampire and lived?” I attempted to comfort Quill who I could tell was feeling bad. He sighed and shifted in his seat.
“I’m really glad to hear that. Yeah… You’re right I don’t see much scars that’ll be left on you… So that’s good. Honestly… But look y/n… I'm sure you have a lot of questions… Right? About all of this and how you fit into it. I'm here not only to check on you but also uhh… In better terms inform you. So any questions you wanted answered I can help you with”
“Yes really all of us know how it is when you first learn about all… of this. It's confusing and hard. Doesn't make it easier on you since you were attacked” I nodded silently in agreement. Feeling assured by having Quill here to support me. As I sat I thought of what questions I wanted to ask.
“I just wanted to be the first to tell you of how much support you can rely on. In truth I’m so glad you finally know about this. It was a struggle for me not to say anything to you. But I want you to know you can depend on me for anything”
“Really? You were going to tell me before I was attacked?”
“Yes of course and all of us here who know about it. We just wanted to ease you into this life but shit happened so fast. But good thing is you finally know. We all support each other here and now you’re one of us. You’ll learn who all knows eventually” Quill said earnestly which even I could feel he was being honest. It was a true comfort to hear that from him.
“Thanks Quill. I appreciate it truly, y’know at first of course this was all scary, but since I woke up I somehow feel better about all of this. The more I listen and understand anyway”
“Really? I’m glad to hear that. Of course I don’t want you to be shy to ask anything. But I don’t wanna push your limits and overwhelm you y’know? Do you think you can handle it all?” He sat awaiting for my answer. I nodded and took a deep breath in as an attempt to calm my nerves.
“So shoot your shot and I'll do my best to answer”
“Okay… Can we talk about when you first shifted?” Quill sat for a moment thinking back. He opened his mouth to speak but paused once more. I could tell he was nervous about all this also.
“Ok well… I shifted a bit after grandpa died, sometime after Jake and Embry, it was crazy y\n. I was younger back then. I thought I was going through some crazy growth spurt. I was constantly angry or on edge. It wasn’t until Sam approached me along with the boys. Once they told me about everything…I just… I just tried to survive. Y’know? Its been crazy to adjust to. But all in all it isn’t hard to maintain. It’s definitely a different lifestyle I thought I’d live”
“Yeah that I can understand. But can I ask what about your imprint? Grandma was telling me about some little girl named Claire? What’s that all about”
“You heard about Claire?” Quill asked as he started to sweat. I could tell he was becoming more nervous. I nodded yes and awaited for an answer.
“You understand how imprints work right? I—I’m sure grandma told you by now”
“She did and I somewhat understand. Not as fully as I’d like to since everyone keeps telling me I define it? I don’t know to be honest. I’m just curious on what you and Claire’s connection is like. If you don’t mind me asking”
“Well… All I can say that part is true, about defining it, me and Claire for example. I don’t know if you know but she’s only four. For her… She views me as an older brother. And that I will be since it’s what she decided. That’s something I’m fine with, with our bond it’s sacred, and I’m blessed to be chosen as her sworn protecter. And in a way she’s also my own protector” After hearing Quill’s words it made me feel reassured somehow. Realizing despite this divine connection both can still have a decision on the matter. Maybe Paul really was my own sworn protector. It could even be that I’m Paul’s protector. Who fully knows?
“… How do you feel about being Paul's imprint?” Quill asked me and I felt my stomach rise. Not that I was feeling scared but I felt more nervous than anything. I wasn’t even sure what to say to Quill. Although I liked and respected him I don’t know who he is fully.
“I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. I hardly know Paul and suddenly we're… we're… I don't even know yet…” We sat in silence for a moment before Quill patted my back again. Although I was struggling it was a comfort to know I have Quill with me.
“There's a lot you still need to learn about. But you don't have to figure out all of it today. Just take your time we all figured you'll be resting for the next couple of days”
“By we do you mean Paul, Sam, and the others?”
“Yeah… We're all pretty close… Soon you will be too” Quill said assuring me. Talking with him was making me remember how I was back at Emily’s house. Since I was so stressed I reacted pretty harshly to them all. I felt betrayed somehow and scorned. After the smoke cleared I feel I shouldn’t have behaved that way. I wasn’t sure how to face any of them again.
Paul crossed my mind as well, I wished to know what he feels about all of this, how he views this connection. Remembering how he saved me from a worser fate. If we are truly bonded then how do we move forward?
“Quill… From what I remember you guys are mindlinked right? Or is it interlinked?” I asked him and he smiled. “You can call it a mind link yes” he sort of laughed before correcting me.
“Well.. either way… can I ask something?”
“Do you know how Paul feels about this?” This made Quill straighten his posture, feeling he was nervous again, he sat quiet for a moment. Almost as if he was deep in thought. I wondered how their mindlink was for them to experience.
“I know a little a bit about the mind link. You guys can understand each other in the pack… right? Or maybe you can explain it to me”
“Well… Yeah… it's hard to explain. I don't know what Paul thinks exactly including the others. But I can feel everyone’s emotion in the moment if that makes sense. If I tap in now I’ll know what he’s feeling but not what he’s thinking of or seeing specifically. An example is I can sense he’s angry but I won’t know what’s making him angry unless I ask. —Not saying he is angry right now! I’m just saying as an example. Just to be clear ok?"
“Oh? Oh okay…”
“The only one who can send ‘messages’ at any moment is the alpha. Our leader who is currently Sam. He can send and cross the boundaries in our mind at any given point. It’s like a huge group chat when we're wolves though. We can hear every thought from each other wether we like it or not. This is to help coordinate us but most of the time we’re all pissing each other off"
“Really?… That's actually really cool” I said smiling at him. Quill finally relaxed after explaining everything. Looking relieved and proud of how I was handling everything. Quill paused for a moment before scratching his head. Closing his eyes to breath in and out. He was deep in thought before he sat up to speak.
“From what I can pick up and understand is Paul feels… Worried”
“Worried? About what?” I asked and somehow this made Quill laugh. Confused I raised a brow at him. He shifted in his seat realizing his behavior.
“More like what aren’t we worried about. Look y/n we're dealing with the vampires, Victoria, the cullen family, Bella and Jacob their whole mess, shit just straight up surviving. Next is your sudden attack—”
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise. As if all the nerves in my body were being alerted. Looking around I didn’t realize Quill stopped mid sentence. He too could sense someone coming. Suddenly a truck revved in the approach.
It was a huge black truck, I hadn’t seen it before, even if I did I wouldn’t recognize who owned it. It wasn’t long before they parked. Out from the drivers door stood Paul his self.
Looking at my phone I realized I had missed a 2 texts from him. One asking if I was up, and another that he was on his way, I hadn’t checked my phone all morning. Paul looked so big, he was almost taller than his truck, seeing him come closer I felt my heart race. I didn't think he would show up so soon.
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I called out surprised as he walked up to the two of us. I couldn’t help but take note of his build and size. Quill got up and grabbed his hand, in turn Paul pulled him for a hug, they did briefly before they both patted each others back with strength.
“Well I appreciate it Quill. Truly. Don't be afraid to drop by more” I said as Quill came over to hug me next. He agreed before pulling away to make his exit. Suddenly my eyes met Paul's as he walked over to sit down in Quills spot.
“It was great seeing you y\n but I gotta go. I just wanted to stop in and check on you before this guy did. While I was on my break anyway” Quill said as Paul smiled at him.
“You were lucky to not be on morning shift you shitass” Paul replied. At this point I hardly seen him smile. It made him look more kind I noticed.
“Ill message you guys later” Quill said as he slightly smirked at me. I felt my face flush warm, across my nose and under my eyes, I didn't even want to face Paul in fear he'll see my face like this.
His eyes were dark and fierce. I wasn't scared but more nervous, I felt super aware of myself, and how I looked. I didn't expect to see him so soon. I wasn’t sure how to face him after everything.
We watched Quill run to the treeline. Quickly shifting into his wolf form. I gasped and paused to watch him. Amazed at such a sight although it was quick. Disappearing fast into the tree line.
“It's good to see you. How are you feeling?”
“Me?… I’ve been better… it’s good to see you too… What brings you by?” I asked finally sitting down back into my chair. Hoping I didn't come off as too nervous. He smirked and kept his stare into me.
“Well you of course. How did you sleep?” He asked looking at me more than curious. Saying such words as if it were matter of fact. Being around Paul in a setting like this, with his questions, it all made me blush.
“I uh… I slept okay after I had my meds… I didn't really get to thank you or any of you guys properly for the help you gave me” I said which made him shake his head no.
“There's no need for that. We're all just glad you're safe… And—” he had paused before closing his mouth. Looking like he was afraid to utter another word. I furrowed my brows waiting for him to finish.
“… Unchanged… Look it's just… We were worried you might've…”
“Unchanged?… You mean turn into a Vampire? Like Victoria?”
I finished his words since he was apprehensive. Paul looked a bit shocked I said so before him. But he nodded and agreed with me. I felt my heart rate steadily rising. Thankful myself I wasn’t changed.
Paul's eyes trailed down to my neck. Except his stare was intense, eyes lingering, along the collar of my shirt. I felt I was under a microscope.
His eyes wondered everywhere for a moment. But somehow I didn’t mind. It reminded me of how Quill behaved just earlier. I looked at him as I spread the collar of my shirt slightly. I wasn’t sure why I was so willing to show him my wounds. Maybe because I knew he needed reassurance.
Finally I realized I was sitting with my neck and chest flushed open. Almost as if he noticed how it was making me feel he pulled back and adjusted his self. His stare softened as I fixed my shirt.
“Sorry… I just want to make sure you’re not too hurt…” he said explaining his self. Eyes peering downwards staring at his hands. I smiled at his somewhat meek behaviour.
“It's okay that's how Quill was too. But I'm fine now, really, there isn’t much wounds or scars thankfully. The meds help with what pain I have… And also…” I trailed on nervously. I wasn’t sure how to bring up the imprint situation with him. I wasn’t quite sure how sensitive this was to him.
But Paul held onto every word I was saying. He awaited for me to continue on. Looking at my lips while I talked.
“Uh… I had a talk with him and my grandmother. About everything so far…” I said as he leaned in closer. Raising his eyebrows I could tell he was earnest in what I had to say.
“It was… Hard when this first happened to me. But somehow I feel more at ease.. Especially with what I know now… I feel sorry for how I reacted last night… it wasn’t right of me”
Again Paul shook his head, this time he made sure to face me, I looked up back at him. My hearts pounding so loud now I wonder if he can hear it. I also wonder how sensitive their senses are since they’re wolves.
“Don't be sorry for anything. If anything it should be me apologizing. I really am sorry y\n. I wasn't fast enough to be there for you in time. I should’ve just came straight to your place instead of you walking to meet me. Hell I should’ve just picked you up as planned”
“Paul wait—”
“You were never supposed to be in involved in something like this. Ever. If I wasn’t so slow in meeting you this wouldn’t have happened at all—”
“If I was even a second late to get to you—”
I felt my hand reach across to him. Instead of holding his hand I touched the arm of his chair. Like an instinct I felt I had to stop him from speaking anymore.
“But you weren’t a second late. You were able to save me before anything happened. There’s no use worrying over something that didn’t happen. I’m here alive and unchanged shouldn’t that matter?”
With how silent Paul became I wondered if I said something wrong. Or maybe he was the type of guy who didn’t like people interrupting him. Either way I felt as if I did something to him.
Paul looked surprised at my words as he looked at me. His gaze softened and he took a deep breath. I could see his huge shoulders relax as he nodded in agreement. His brows were still furrowed.
“No… You’re right… I am really glad you are here safe and sound… It does matter” A soft grin spread across his face. I wasn’t with him long but already I wondered why was I ever scared of a man like this. If he wanted to hurt me he would’ve just let Victoria have me. Why waste his time?
“So… You talked to Quill and your grandma? What did they have to say”
“Well… They tried helping me understand how shifting works and everything attached… including um…” I paused feeling my stomach doing flips trying to say imprinting. But with Paul here so close to me. Staring at me intently holding on to my every word. I felt so nervous to even bring it up.
It wasn’t just some connection, this is serious, imprinting is a literal soul connection. As much as I liked Paul I didn’t quite know him yet. And this is a serious soul tie that somehow links us. Paul laughed slightly as my face flushed red.
“You’re feeling better right? I know you’re still learning things. Especially about imprinting”he said not even shy to admit it. As if he was looking for a rise in me he paused. I scoffed at him which earned me another handsome smile from him.
“We don't have to figure out everything right now y\n. I know this is a lot for you so I don't want to push anything on to you”
“Actually I want to talk about this whole imprinting thing. If you're alright with that. The more that’s explained I feel better” I asked Paul to ensure he was ready. To which he nodded his head agreeing with me.
“That's fine. So, what do you want to know?” Paul asked me curious. I braced myself mentally for what I was about to bring up.
“It's just… I don't understand what makes our imprint connection” This had made him stunned from what I could tell. He leaned back in his chair thinking hard. Paul’s overall energy is intense, even though he’s nice, I can’t help but feel intimidated.
“Everyone else has their own… definition. Quill and Claire they're basically siblings… Emily and Sam are going to be married… What about us?” The more I spoke the more I felt my face flush warm. I felt as if I was poking a sleeping bear to wake. Or in this case a wolf. I didn't know Paul enough to know how'd he react.
“Well… I don't expect you to remember but back at Emily's. I had told you that we both decide what our connection is. This imprint bond connects us mind and body. But we have to define it. For now let's just decide to be friends” Paul said with a sincere smile. I felt myself relax at ease knowing his thoughts.
“Friends?” I questioned him also a bit surprised by his suggestion. Paul had sat up straight in his chair hearing me say this.
“Or I could just serve as your protector. Nothing more. Guard you and your home for the time being. You're probably feeling uneasy about Victoria and all the other leeches lurking around—”
“I wouldn't mind being friends with you Paul” I corrected him. Of course I wanted to be friends. I just didn't want to force anything onto him. Friends is a great start to try and navigate this connection.
His handsome face smiled at me once more. And I could feel my heart beat quicken whilst looking at him. It was crazy to think how this imprint bond strongly influenced me.
“Alright friends it is then. But I'll still be serving as your protector anyway”
“My protector huh? How generous”
“It really isn’t. It’s the least I can do after everything you went through. This is what my role is as your imprint” I could sense Paul was serious especially with his tone of voice. All I could do was nod my head in agreement. Soon Paul stood up from where he sat.
“You’re feeling better right? How do you feel about us going to Emily’s?” He asked me as he looked down at me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see everyone. I hesitated to answer to which I think he could sense my unease.
“I think it’d be good for you to talk to all of them. They’ve been worried about you also. And I’m sure they can help you adjust to all of… this” Paul suggested to which I gave a weak smile. I shrugged my shoulders before I stood up to join him. I was going to have to face all of them eventually.
“Sure… I mean it’s just…” I felt hesitant about going back to Emily’s. To which I tried to explain myself to Paul. Who had turned to face me. His huge figure made it feel as if he was looming right over me.
“Don't worry we'll just go for a bit. If you feel uncomfortable or it's too much ill drive you back home. OK?” Paul said trying to assure me. I nodded as we walked to his parked truck. He had followed me to my side of the truck. Opening the door for me to get in I was surprised by his manners. Instead of questioning I just got in.
I couldn't help but like him a little more after such a gesture. As he walked around back to the driver's seat I adjusted my hair. Worrying about my appearance. Getting in the truck he smirked before starting the engine. Pulling into reverse and exiting the approach. He handed me the aux cord to which I refused.
“You don't wanna play music? I have bluetooth if you don't wanna use the aux”
“It's alright, you can put something on, it's your truck” I said as he shrugged his shoulders. Using Bluetooth he connected his phone to the stereo. A familiar song came on that surprised me.
“Is this /favoritebandsname l playing right now?” I asked curiously as his smile widened. His dark eyes still on the road.
“You like them too?’
Paul asked to which I nodded my head profusely. It made me happy to at least have similar music taste. From how Paul is I assumed he'd be my opposite. He had turned the knob for the volume up, the music blaring out the truck, I started to feel better. Definitely more relaxed and calm than this morning.
The two of us drove down the road, windows slightly open, as music filled the air. As I tried to mentally prepare myself to face everyone back at Emily's. Although It was a comfort to know that Paul would be by my side through this. I braced myself for what has yet to come.
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End of chapter 6 what y’all think? To stay updated on new chapters follow me and turn on notifications 🤍
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