#i looked up why they killed him and it was just to make room for new characters
theosemma · 1 day
t.n headcanons
pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw content, rough language, degrading, abusive, addictions, death of family member, panic attacks
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— he has chestnut brown hair and grey/blue-ish eyes that always look like he hasn’t slept for days.
— he is an observator. at party’s he’s usually sitting or standing with a cup of firewhiskey in his hand while just watching people. many people who do notice his stares (not many) think theo is thinking about killing them because of how intimidating he looks.
— due to being isolated from people for so long, he wasn’t the best at communication. other people found that he was uninterested and mean, but in reality, he just didn’t know how to make friends.
— blaise zabini was his first friend ever. due to his outgoing personality, he wasn’t intimidated by theo’s looks so he just approached him and started chatting. theo was very distant at first but he also thought blaise was nice, and wanted to be his friend.
— he is so fucking cocky. yeah, he’s rich. but he is also super intelligent, and a star quidditch player of his team, ofcourse he’s gonna be cocky about it. he doesn’t do it in the kinda way that draco does it. what theo does, is try to make you tell him how smart or good he is at something. he loves the validation.
— due to his introverted personality, he hasn’t many close friends. mattheo riddle is besides mattheo, his closest friend. he has some other friends, including lorenzo, draco, pansy and daphne but he isn’t as trustworthy of them as he is with mattheo and blaise.
— when arrived at hogwarts, he was obviously placed into slytherin. but, like harry, he begged the sorting hat for that placement. while harry begged him not to put him in slytherin, theo did the opposite. he didn’t want to mess up, even though the sorting hat thought he was a much better fit for ravenclaw.
— he lost his mum when he was 9. she was the only thing he had ever loved about his life, with her being gone he didn’t know what to do with himself. whenever he could, he’d go into the library at their house and read for hours.
— his father is a deatheater and voldemort’s left hand. he was never home, but when he was, he would be agressive to theodore, always hitting him whenever he messed up. theo hid in the library when this would happen. his father would always say ‘theodore” instead of “theo” (the name his mum called him by) due to this, he grown a hatered to the name theodore and preffered theo way better.
— because of the lost of his mum and the hatred to his father, he can get outbursts of anger really quick. in that moment, if you say something somewhat insulting to him or his friends, believe me you will end up in the hospital wing…
— he has panic attacks at least once a week, he feels so fucking helpless when this happens. when he got you, you would always try to comfort him. but you and him knew both that the only person theo needed was his mom. when he’s sobbing in your arms he’d mumble, “i miss my mummy… please give me back my mummy.”
— he is embarassed of his smoking habits and the fact that he can’t stop. that’s why he only does it at night, somewhere where no one will judge him
— he writes poetry!! he hates communicating his feelings but he is really good at writing them down. he doesn’t share them with anyone. he also writes the best love letters <3
— if you’re his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and he would be angry, he would never ever hurt you. he would try to reason with you, of course, but he would never dare to touch you. if he was too upset he would leave the room and come back to apologize or to talk when he would be calm.
— with that being said, he would try to be the best boyfriend he could be. he would even try to stop smoking (which is hard) for you, knowing you hate the smell. he would buy you flowers and replace them with new ones before the old ones had even died, he’d take you with him to every stupid party his friends drag him too, knowing it wouldn’t be as dull with you by his side.
— he would be proud to call himself your boyfriend and shows you off whenever and wherever he could. he follows you around like a puppy because he just loves your company so much.
— he is very protective and somewhat possesive over you and would fight anyone who has an opinion about you or your relationship. in public, he has always his hands on you in an innocent way. on your back, holding your hand, your waist, your thigh if you guys were sitting down. he has to be touching you in some way all the time.
— his favourite nicknames for you would be, cara mia, bellisima, doll, or love.
— he loves to be in control in bed, but does like to see you on top once in a while. he’d be praising you while his hands would be behind his back, not helping you in the slightes. he would moan and tell you how good it feels but also tell you how he could fuck you way better. “is this really the fastest you can go, doll? yeah? oh, just think about how good it would feel if i was fucking you instead, hm?”
— he’d tease you to no end till you give in and let him fuck you. he would try to prove his point by being extra fast and hard while saying things like, “i always love when you take control, cara mia… but you have to admit, i am better.”
— he would beat anyone up that spits a word about you in an insulting way.
— yeah, he’s jealous, he hates to admit it, but he definetely is. but, if you would be talking with a guy at a party or something, he wouldn’t hurt him (not yet at least) he would just go up to the two of you and kiss you, before dragging you away, not even saying one word to the guy. once you were safely in your dorm, he would go down and send him into the hospital wing with a broken nose. he would try to avoid hurting anyone with you around.
— he’s not controling at all. you want to wear that short dress? do it. he can fight. you want to go out with your friends? of course you can. just text him to let him know you’re okay. he doesn’t care! he just wants you to be the happiest girl in the world and would never hid you away from it.
— he loves quick makeout. just in between classes, marking your neck up and going back like nothing had happen, making you feel lightheated as you try to concentrate on the class. once classes are done, he would finish what he had started in his dorm and will make you feel so fucking good.
— in bed, he loves degrading you in a praising way: “you’re the most beautiful girl in this world. can’t wait to fill you up with my cum.”
— he would definetely make you have more than one orgasms with his tongue and fingers before actually fucking you. he’d start slow but would pound harder, your moans driving him insane. he’d curse in italian, knowing you wouldn’t understand it anyways. “una bambola così carina. così bisognoso del mio cazzo…” (such a pretty doll. so needy for my cock…)
— regarding after care, i feel like he would use his tongue to clean you and kiss you all over your body. he would prepare a shower. he'd kiss you and help you shower. he would praise you and tell you how good you've been. after, you guys go into bed, you with theo's hoodie on and he with a book, cuddling.
thank you for reading, leave a comment for feedback <3
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sparklingblu · 1 day
Inferior Activities
Lia x M Reader
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"How's the salad?"
"Oh, it's great" you answer as you try not to grimace after swallowing the lettuce that taste no different from paper.
"I made few twists to the dressing, you know. A family secret" The bald man winks as he takes another bite of the potato that would have turned to coal if it have been roasted a minute more.
Studying the plates of green laid out all across the table, you make a firm decision never to become a vegan. At least not if your father in law is gonna be your chef. Lia has warned his cooking skills are terrible but you didn't expect it to be this awful. The only tolerable content of the table seems to be the so-called vegan meat and even that's starting to taste lesser and lesser like meat with each bite. No offense to all those animal loving vegans out there but they really are missing out a lot in their life. You wouldn't have lasted a day if you have to survive without meat.
Your eye flicker up to Lia, seated across, to see if she's on the same page with you on the matter. She lazily plops a broccoli into her mouth, her eyes betraying no signs of disappointment. The corner of her lips twitch in a thin smile as if to mock your suffering. She looks contented even.
In the end, you only have yourself to blame. When Lia suggestsled you visits her dad on the weekends, you agreed with a simple nod. Sure, it's your first time meeting her old man but what could go wrong? Right?
Except that everything does. As soon as you enter the house, the first thing the dude asked you was your opinion on wildlife conservation. At first you thought he was joking then you find out he's actually very serious about the matter. Weather talk would have been a good starter. Seriously, who starts a conversation like that?
Then after seeing the dishes he has prepared, you find out making conversation is the least of your worries. He's your father in law and you have respect for him and all but this dude is horrible at being a vegan. If he calls his mushroom soup which tastes more like mushroom-flavored dishwater 'a masterpiece', you might as well consider becoming a chef. Who knows? Maybe you will even get a couple michelin stars.
You are thinking of a way to escape this organic hell and the constant ear rape about how billions of animals are killed per year for human consumption when Lia finally comes to your aid.
"Dad, we are nearly done. Why don't you go make your signature smoothie? I haven't got the chance to taste it since I left for college" she suggests and the old man's eyes twinkle with maddening joy.
"Oh, of course! How could I forget that? It was your mother's favorite" his tone turns solemn at the mention of his late wife but you are too focused on the idea of finally getting some breathing room to care. "Two smoothies. Coming right up! You will absolutely love it" He winks at you again and leaves the table.
You drop your utensils and exhale in relief. "Finally. I was gonna turn into stone if I hear one more second of his animal talk"
Lia chuckles. "I get used to it after living with him for 18 years. He's actually a really sweeet guy. He just tries to focus on something else after my mom passed, I guess"
If the fact is supposed to make you feel sorry, it doesn't work. But you are not gonna tell her that. "How do you survive with this kind of food all these years?"
"It wasn't always that bad" Belle protests. "And sometimes he even cooks meat. But his skills get rusty with old age"
"Yep, I'm never becoming a vegan"
Lia pouts in annoyance. "Oh, come on. It's not that bad"
"Suits yourself"
"You just hate vegetables in general"
You roll your eyes in feigned annoyance. "Look, who's trying to follow her father's steps"
"Whatever" Lia finally gives up, pushing up her glasses from her nose. "I'm still hungry you know...."
"Maybe we can go to McDonald's or something later"
"No, daddy" Lia's voice turns low and sultry. "You know exactly what I want"
You look around in a panic to see if her dad has overheard your conversation. Thankfully, the guy's busy cutting carrots on the kitchen counter.
"Lia, I told you not to call me that in public. Especially not when your literal dad is right here" you warned, though you can't deny the fact that hearing her call you the name get your blood flowing backwards.
"Oh, come on, daddyyyyy" she pushes on, stressing the last word to make it sound even more fervorous. "I know you secretly love it"
"Look, babe. I love the name but this isn't the right place. Seriously, your dad's right there"
"So what?" Lia puts her elbows on the table, propping her chin in her palms. "Don't you enjoy a little risk?"
"Come on, babe. Not right now. I will make it up to you when you come back"
"But I want it now" Lia whines, the pout reforming on her lips. "Need to taste daddy's big cock. Need it shove down my throat"
"Lia...." you hiss, becoming aware of her tone, increasing by the second.
"Daddy pleaseee" she gives you those bambi eyes she knows you can't resist. "Let me suck your huge cock. I need you to fill up my mouth with your hot cum. I have been a good girl, haven't I? I deserve my reward" Lia runs her tongue along her top lips to punctuate her wish.
With the way her words get your asleep mamba waking up, you already know you are fighting a losing battle but you still need to be the one in charge here. "Alright, fine. But-"
"Oops. I drop my spoon" The metal hits the floor with a loud clang and Lia immediately dives down the table. It's an overused trope. You have seen it in hundreds of porn videos and you are no stranger to it. But you have never thought you would be in a similar situation and this time, the risk is very real. Her dad is not a paid actor who would pretend to be oblivious at the scene which would soon unfold.
"Is everything ok?" Lia's dad shouts from the kitchen counter, now washing.....are those eggplants?
"Yes, mister! We are gold!" You replies, hoping he would stay focused on his veggies.
You look down and find Lia already kneeled between your legs, a flicker of amusement in her eyes behind those glasses. Her lips curve into an impish smile. "Just stay still and let me do all the work, daddy" she whispers, her hands already working on your zipper. With one swift pull, she opens it up, revealing your red underwear underneath. "Oh, daddy's wearing my favorite colour today" Lia muses as she grabs your cock over the thin fabric, her thumb tracing slow circles. "Daddy, you are already so hard"
As much as you want to prolong this pornographic session, her dad is not going to be in the kitchen forever and you don't want to give him a heart attack. "Babe, enough teasing. Make it quick" you warn and her thumb rests on your head, pressing down on that sensitive spot she only knows. You let out a half-formed moan, not daring to be loud.
"You know the magic word, daddy. No need to be so formal" she presses again and you grit your teeth.
"Start sucking my cock, you slut" you calls her by her favorite nickname, which intsantly gets her engines revving.
"Yes, daddy" she release her grip, pulling down your underwear. Your rock hard cock springs out in a flash, hitting her spectacles. "Someone's eager" Lia chuckles, placing her brown locks behind her back, preparing for the main course. Her left hand close around your base, pumping it up and down in an agonizingly slow pace. She looks at your cock like it's something glorious, something she should be worshipping. But that's not so far from the truth. If this slut wants to choke on your cock, you are gonna permit it happily.
"Daddy, you are so big" Lia mutters dreamily, her free hand fondling your balls each at a time. The combination gets your mind cloudy, basking in the pleasure you nearly forget the whole point of this.
"I don't see you sucking my cock?" Lia stops her movements at your words and you nearly reget telling her to stop. But that doesn't last long because Lia instantly starts obliging to your command.
"Patience, daddy" With that, her rosy lips seal around your tip, taking you partly into the warmth of her mouth. Meanwhile, her hands grab your shaft, working in unison with each drag of her lips. The twist of her fingers along with her tongue that swirls around your slit gets you throwing your head back, letting out a graon. Then you quickly recompose not to expose yourself.
Lia doesn't seem to be bothered. Getting caught seems to be the last thing on your mind as she slurps on your head with fevorous vigour. Like it's the most delicous lollipop she has ever tasted. Her tongue gathers up any pre cum that leaks from your slit, taking it straight down to her stomach. She would takes anything your cock has to offer.
Every moment or so, you would check on her dad, making sure the guy's still busy brewing his organic potion which contents are starting to get weirder. But as long as he's busy, you don't care what he's putting into that blender. It's the best for him and you. You doubt the old man would be as merciful to you as he is to wildlife if he finds out his daughter is giving you head under his table.
But the task proves to be harder because Lia's dad would throw you ocassional glances and you have to put on this stupid grin everytime, which is not so easy with how Lia's sucking you off. Now she has taken half your cock into her mouth, her cheeks hollowed with unfathomable suction. Her hair sways with every bob of her head, forming silky waves of hazel. All the while, she keeps her eyes on you behind those circular frames, those pools of black seems to be asking if she's doing a good job.
"God, Lia....just like that" you grip the edge of the table to compensate for not being able to rejoice in the bliss of Lia's wet hole freely. Your head darting up and down as you keep watch on her father as well as enjoy the view between your legs.
Your shaft is now ringed with red as Lia leaves tarces of her lipstick mixed with her saliva while her lips glide smoothly along your cock, making it a red wet mess. Not like you mind. She can keeps messing it up all she wants.
Her tongue action doesn't waver either, licking up any available part but escpecially under your tip to tackle your weak spot each time she takes you in. To add icing on the cake, she has her left hand wrapped around your base to pump the lengths unattended by her mouth, not leaving out any throbbing vein.
You are helpless against her attack, the only action from your side to keeps grabbing the tablecloth into an unshapely tangle. And even that's starting to fail at holding back your moans.
A loud whirring sound fills up the place as Lia's dad starts brewing all those green stuffs in the blender. He gives you a thumbs up and you smile back, shammming excitement. The sound of the blender blades reminding you of the disguisting smoothie you will soon have to drink.
However, Lia takes advantage of the noise by taking your whole length down on her throat, the loud gagging sound lost in the echoes of spinning blades. You take the chance to make any audible sound that would let you express your euphoria. A moan. Then two. Then a couple more. It no longer seems to be ending as Lia devour your cock like a hungry animal, hitting the back of her throat each time she deeothroats.
Drops of saliva litters the ground. The evidences of Lia's godly work. Gags after gags escape her mouth in rhythm with your moans. However, escape won't be suitable here with the way your cock is blocking her airway. But that isn't a problem because she would choose your dick over oxygen.
The blender keeps whirring and Lia keeps choking on your cock. Her glasses now tilted at a strange angle from the force of her movement, the temple hanging on one ear only. Currently, her vision isn't as important as the taste of your dick on her tongue.
Lia finally pulls back, trails of saliva running from your tip to her lips. A waterfall of saliva staining her white shirt. Her tongue rolled out and her temples dripping with sweat.
"Daddy....am I...good?" she pants like a bitch in heat, all her lipsticks all gone.
"Very. But you gotta finish what you start my little slut"
"Yes, daddy. Feed me your thick cum. I want it all"
"Then come and take it"
Lia dives back on your cock, immeditaely swallowing your whole length. You groans out at the burst of pleasure, her throat constricted around your shaft. Lia holds her position, her nose pressed to your pelvis for a few moment before pulling back, just to start fucking her throat on your cock again and again.
The sound of the blender stops and you hear the clink of glasses. Turning your head, you find Lia's dad pouring the green liquid into two glasses. It would only be a few minutes before he comes back.
Lia seems to realize to because her lips form an airtight seal around your head and her hands satrt pumping your shaft furiously. Using all your willpower to hold out from finishing earlier leaves no strength left to withstand Lia's final assault. Your cock starts throbbing and soon you are spilling your cum into her mouth. Some reaching her tongue, the other flowing straight down her throat. Lia's fingers keep twisting back and forth and you empty the last drops of your protein rich fluid into her welcoming hole.
You close your eyes, breathing hard. The relief is instant as much as the build up is agonizingly blissful. Lia releases your cock with a pop and lick up the remnants of cum on the tip. You are too lost in the euphporic finale you totally forget the perilous situation you are in. When you realize, it's too late.
Lia's dad is near the table, two glasses of the green smoothie in his hands. His face is a mixture of shock and distress as he stands rooted to the spot, his eyes fixed on her daughter's face a few centimeters away from your spent cock. His mouth opens but before he can speak, Lia chimes in.
"Thanks for the meal daddy. But I don't think I'm going to need the smoothie. I already have dessert"
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ashnnix · 11 hours
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Various JJk men x Male husband reader
Tw: gbang,double pen,buldge,cum inflation, darcyphilia, spanking,forced marriage, dubcon,bj,polysex,cockwarming,almost NTR. Aphrodisiac,squirting
As a husband of the famous Gojo who saved japan you always held your head high. Every man from jujutsu society is devastated to hear the news you're happily wed to the honoured one .But they always have a plan to have you in their arms, too. By having a gangbang with you and marry them after
Minors dni
fem align dni
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"Honey! I'm off to kill bunch of special grades, I might come home late!"
You hurriedly walked to your door to give your husband a good bye kiss. Being Satoru's husband is a blessing
"Leaving me without a kiss? How cruel" you jokingly said, you heard him laugh at your pun. Satoru pulled you from your waist a firm grip that almost made you whimper
"Kiss me" Without hesitation you pulled him by the neck, a quick kiss for him. You dont want to make him late you affectionately held his hands and also gave it a kiss
"Be safe okay? " Gojo gave you a warm smile, he also gave your hands a kiss his warm lips making you shiver
"You know how strong I am honey" Satoru patted your head and left your home. You didn't notice his dark smirk, eyes filled with lust. Gojo bit his lip in arousal
'Oh Y/N...'
After cleaning your home you took a break you sat on your sofa, taking a sip of the tea you made. You heard a knock from the door, you know it wasn't Satoru, it made you worried a little bit
You opened the door, your jaw dropped on the floor
It was all the men you rejected for Gojo
Looking at you with such lusted eyes looking down at you like you are their meal for the whole day
Frustrated you folded your arms glaring at the three Getou, Nanami and Choso
"When are you guys going to give up! Can't you see this ring I'm happily married!" You screamed at them while presenting your ring shining brightly
"Now now Y/N we just want to present you a gift for newly weds. We dont mean harm" Getou said smoothly with his charming smile he only use at you
Lies, its all lies and you can see it
Nanami cleared his throat avoiding eye contact
"We really meant no harm" Nanami blushed of how apron looks cute on you, he can't wait to fuck you already
"Congratulations Y/N" Choso gave you box with a cake inside, written ontop was 'Congratulations on marriage'
You felt slightly bad considering they went this far just to congratulate you. With a sigh you opened the door wider
"Fine fine, come in" you turned your back and walked to the living room you didn't hear how the three men breathed heavily, fighting the urge to pounce at you
The three sat on the couch while you take a seat on the solo sofa. You saw how Choso place the cake gently on the table, you crave something sweet today so you stand up to get a plate to eat the cake after taking off your apron
While you are rummaging to your plates the three men put a lot of aphrodisiac to the cake, enough to fuck you till morning
You grab a piece of cake, you look at the three men before taking a bite
"So how's life? Found someone yet?"
The three men clenched their hands, impatient. Their breath hitched when you finally took a bite of the cake
"We can't move on from you, Y/N"
Your body felt hot and heavy, you dropped the cake and the spoon on the floor
"Ah-ahh... wha-what is hngh! Happening?" Your confused why you suddenly felt too horny you and Satoru just had a morning sex
You tried to stand up with your wobbly legs, your cock wet from the precum its leaking. You pushed your thigh together hiding your erection but the friction from your clothes made you feel good
'nghh~ fe-feels good!more!more♡︎!" You drooled. You gasped when you realized your husband is not home. Your eyes locked in with the three males whos already taking off their clothes. Your body moves on its own, walking closer to them. Your knees went weak and fell on Nanamis chest. The smell of the mans cologne made you crazy and lose yourself
You rub your hard cock with his, Nanami groaned at the friction his dick is also getting hard
"Fuck, you feel so go-good" Nanami groaned also letting out a small whimper.Your bit your lip, Nanami's whimpering does something in your body
Getou and Choso stroke themselves at the scene letting Nanami have the first
"Go on, Kento, you can take him first"
Nanami wasted no time. He bends you over on the couch face down ass up he ripped off your shorts and boxer. His dick went harder when he saw your ass leak from being turned on
You still have your mind back, your mind is still not blank. So with your weak arms you tired to push Nanami away
"N-no you arent m-ngh!♡︎ husband, Ca-call Toru..." Your sentence was broke but they understand it well you saw Getou walked closer and crouch to give your forehead a kiss
"Satoru just buying something from the sex store for this sex we will use a lot of toys♡︎, he'll comeback later..." Choso also walked closer and pull your hair to make you look at him, you wince from the pain
'Toru...did what?'
"Right now, we, your husbands shall take care of your arousal" Your eyes almost rolled back how horny that sentence made you
You felt Nananami rubbing againts your ass, he opened the lube and squirted the liquid all over your ass making it look lewd
"Nooo...Nami haaa....st-sto- ahh!" You felt Nanami spank you leaving red hand prints on your ass
"You tell me that but your ass keeps rubbing on me" you sniffed in embarrassment .Your ass rubs on him not having enough patience
Without a warning Nanami dick plunge inside you, the hot burning sensation and the way it hit your prostate made you roll your eyes back and squirted your cum
"Oohh!!♡︎ cu-cumming!!" Your body arches as your dick continues to let out sperm. Nanami groaned and whimpered how your ass tightens around him. Getou giggled horny and hot at the scene infront of him
"You came just from inserting it? How cute Y/N" Your eyes let out tears as you lay limp on the couch, your drool soaking the sofa
"Ahh! Ahh! Haa! Ngh!"
Nanami thrust inside fast and rough, not forgiving you for rejecting him
Fwop Fwop
"Your so tight ngh!" You whimpered as you tighten up more, hearing Nanami whimper and let out sounds is making you horny
"Ohhh! Ahhh! Ah! ♡︎♡︎♡︎" your moans and whimper made Choso hot, he continued to stroke his dick. He clicked his tounge getting impatient. Choso pulled your head again his dick on your face
Getou continue to stroke his dick not stopping Choso, he understands how horny Choso already is
"Suck" Y/N hesitated and shook his head whining
"No~ do- ahh! Wanna...." Choso scoffed and slap your face hard, you didn't know why your dick twicthed
"Its not a request mmhm!" Choso grabs a hold of your hair, he pushed his dick on your mouth forcing you to deep throat him. You choked and your eyes rolled back. Tears brimming in the corner of your eyes
"Mmhm! Hmm! Ohmm!♡︎" The way Nanami thrust didn't help, it made you take Choso dick deep in your throat. Your hands went to stroke your dick ready to cum again. But Nanami pulled both of your hands taking him a lot more deeper
"Ohm! Hmm!" Your tongue continued to please Choso. Your eyes saw his face, flushed and horny. His whimpers can be heard all over the room
"Mgh...haa ahh your mouth feels good!" Choso groaned he thrust his hips the tip of his mouth hitting the deepest part of your mouth. Your jaw started to hurt already. You closed your eyes as tears flowed down your cheek. Your dick is now leaking precum staining the sofa again, your hands gripped Nanamis hands
Nanami smirked his glasses getting foggy from breathing hot air, his hips stuttered. Hes about to cum deep inside your ass, he can also feel your about to cum too. The way you shake, your ass twicthimg every thrust
Nanami leaned closer to your ear, with his deep voice whispering
"I'm gonna cum inside you" Your eyes widen, your body getting heated up
With one final thrust, both of you three simultaneously came. Your ass filled with Nanamis cum, your mouth choking on Chosos dick his semen also made you choke forcing you to swallow it all
"Mmhm! Ohmm! Mmngh!♡︎" you moaned,whimpered and cried. You kept cumming but your dick is still hard, you needed more...more!!♡︎♡︎
"Ahhh fuck you feel so good, so this is what that damn Gojo had to feel everyday" Nanami pulled his still hard dick watching a strand of cum connecting his tip to your rim
Choso also pulled out from your mouth watching you lay limp on the couch, your ass still up. Choso pulled back his hair already hot and sweaty from the sensation
"Your mouth feels good, I want- no need you everyday"
Your body layed limp shaking uncontrollably, your dick still hard, begging to cum again
Getou smirked of how fucked you looked, but not fucked enough. He will fuck you so hard till you can't speak, move passing out till morning
"Its my turn now darling"
You felt Getou big hands touch your waist, forcing you to lay on your back. He smirked darkly when he saw your dick twicth, hard and swollen stained with cum, your balls also twitching ready to let out bunch of your loads
His eyes moved to Getou catching his breath
"Choso lets double pen♡︎" Choso didn't hesitate he pulled you up from your armpits. Suprised you didn't fight back, he smirked how you just gave up
You felt two hot dick tip touch your rim rubbing it. With your last strength you tried to push Getou away touching his pecs
"Nooo- ahh p-please....Go-toru might see ahhh~ us!"
Choso and Getou suddenly went inside you without a warning, the grith of their cock forcing your ass to take their shape.You squealed loud body twitching from the pain and pleasure all at once. Both men shake and whimpered of how tight your ass felt. Both men groaned their dick touching each other inside you, hitting your deepest parts
"Ohhh! Shoo big! Im gonna cu-cumming!!" You came from the sensation the way they hit your deep parts sends electricity in your brain making you dumb on their dick
"Ooh! Big shoo good!! Ngh!~♡︎" the three men were shocked how hot and lewd your body reacts to double pen
The two men inside you only smirked darkly. They both simultaneously thrusted harshly inside hitting your prostate again and again without any breaks
Your eyes rolled back your pupils turned hearts. Your body arched your head resting on Choso shoulders. You saw his face eyes closed, focusing on pleasing his husband
"Sh-shit Y/N! You haa...ahhh..oh! Feel so good!" Getou moans are so much whinier than the two men
Nanami continued to watch the scene taking a break by drinking water
"Y-Y/N....mhm! Ohh!" Choso moans become much more needier the way his hips stuttered, his eyes almost rolled back of how tight your ass clenched around the both of them
Getou thrust was violent he cannot also forgive you for rejecting him. At your dumb fuck state you must realized now how these men are obsessed with you
Your hands touched the buldge in your stomach, whining of how deep they are inside you
Fwop fwop
The thrust becomes sloppy because of Nanamis' previous orgasm making your ass more wet
"Ahh! Haa! Ah! Choso~ Su!Suguru!" The two men suddenly came, moaning their name made them cum quick. You just had a strong effect on them
The feeling of being full to the brim, hot sweaty men all over you made you cum again. Your dick squirted all over, making a mess on your chest and stomach. Some got in Getou's cheek
Getou wiped it using his fingers, he put it inside his mouth, shaking on how sweet your cum taste
"Haa...n-no more..." But your dick didn't listen. it's still hot and hard
The two men stayed inside you, cockwarming them. Your body continues to be shaking, twicthing. Its your body who begs for more not you
You heard your front door open a familiar voice you heard
"Oh, Y/N! Im back! Look what I bought! Bunch of lube and vibrator!" The voice of Gojo made your heart drop, you saw him enter the living room. Your eyes filled with tears of how shocked he looked
"Toru....I'm sorry I'm such a bad husband..." You sniffled your tears, looking away from him ashamed of how you look. A whore who who just fucked his coworkers and friends
The two men inside you decideds to pull out, bunch of cum leaving your insides a small puddle of cum on the couch
You felt Gojo hands patted your head lovingly
"The others are on their way, Sukuna, Naoya, and Toji...so while we wait want another round?" Your eyes showed confusion. You want to stop, but your dick keeps getting hard . With hesitation, you nodded. After this, you want an explanation
☆part 2 wip☆
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reallyromealone · 22 hours
Can I request an smiley x reader omegaverse like omega reader is Mikey’s sibling. Like the first time that smiley sees him he instantly knows that’s his fated omega but he has to go through Mikey to try and court reader plz and thank you.
Title: lover
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Sano family, Toman, smiley
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: smiley x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, Omega male reader, protective Sano siblings, fluff, cute, soulmate
Mikey was always an overprotective brother, scaring off anyone who went near his siblings and (name) especially as the Omega was a cutie that grabbed everyone's attention much to his older brothers annoyances.
The Sano brothers always chased off suitors, keeping him away from gang shit but sometimes it was unavoidable.
"(Name), what are you doin' here?" Baji asked as (name) sat at the steps of the shrine doing his homework "Shinichiro doesn't need help at the shop and home was boring so Mikey dragged me here" (name) explained simply as mitsuya nodded "you never been to a meeting, have you?" He asked and (name) shook his head "nyope but Mikey would rather die than have be go out and about and Iza is busy with his own stuff so.... Here I am"
(Name) Met a few Toman higher ups, though (name) was usually helping shin or grandpa so this was one of his first times meeting a few people here.
(Name) Was curious as two motorcycles pulled up, a set of twins hopping off "so why the hell are we here?!" The pink haired one yelled out and (name) was entranced immediately, a small chirp leaving his lips and the smiling teen whipped his head around to see the Omega and a rumble left his throatbas the world halted for them, (name) feeling the need to get closer to the Alpha.
(Name) Snapped from his trance as Mikey looked ready to murder at the lovestruck look his brother was giving Smiley, he didn't want any fucker near his brother and definitely not one of the biggest Fuckboys in the gang. "(Name)! I will bring you home I swear to god!" Mikey barked and (name) rolled his eyes "oh please! I'm not doing anything!" He fired back and the blond groaned annoyed "just stop making eyes at my captain and smiley stop looking at him like that or I'll kick your ass!"
That did nothing, Everytime smiley shot the other a flirty glance, (name) smiled all flustered and that just egged the Alpha on further.
"I swear to fucking god!" And (name) went back to his homework.
"He is NEVER going to a meeting again!" Mikey said angrily as they got home, Izana glancing up as Emma and shinichiro made dinner "what happened?" The teen girl asked, tilting her head slightly and (name) pouted "I didn't do anything! Mikey is being dramatic!" (Name) Huffed as he sat beside Izana "Iza! Make Mikey stop being a drama queen"
Shinichiro looked at Draken who was leaning on the door frame "ken, what happened?"
"(Name) Met his dated pair" he said simply and the room was silent as Izana moved to sniff his brother "you don't smell like (scent)" the white haired man accused and they looked at him expectantly and (name) pouted as grandpa made a grunt "when do we get to meet em?" The old alpha asked and (name) huffed "after I get to meet him!"
"So you are trying to kill me!" Mikey cried and (name) rolled his eyes.
It wasn't till the following week that (name) saw smiley again, the two halting as (name) went to get groceries for dinner "it's you!" (Name) Was over the moon as the older kawata looked at him with a flirty grin "watch out now, Mikey might kick my ass" he teased and (name) huffed "he wouldn't dare" oh Mikey would but (name) in turn would throw shit at him.
Smiley walked with (name) around the store as they chatted, falling so easily into a routine as the Alpha kept his fated pair close as the Alpha paid for the other "you don't have to!" (Name) Looked guilt as smiley shrugged "not gonna let my mate pay for shit"
The two walked to the Sano house as shinichiro was reading a magazine on the engawa casually "OI! one foot apart you shits!" The eldest barked out and (name) pouted, the other two brothers poking their heads out and Mikey glared as Izana stared coldly at the elder twin "(name)! Didn't I say no dating till I'm dead!" Mikey grumbled out and (name) rolled his eyes "I'm older than you!" (Name) Fired back as the two squabbled leaving the eldest siblings to judge smiley "this house is traditional when it comes to courting, if you want to be with him it's not gonna be easy"
Shinichiro wanted his younger brother to date a nice alpha not.... Not smiley.
Anyone but smiley--- I'm almost anyone because he's seen the people his brothers hang out with.
Maybe like mitsuya, yeah mitsuya would treat him well.
And thus started the courting process, all dates had a a chaperone of one of the siblings, the two never getting to be alone (unless you count the times smiley snuck into (name)s bedroom so they could makeout) and the brothers judged any gift that smiley got (name) "looks cheap" they said but (name) was giddy at anything his mate to be got him.
(Name) Got him little trinkets and a cute bracelet set that the Omega seemed very proud of and Smiley wore the matching bracelets with pride.
"Where ya taking him"
"What are you gonna do?"
"Hope you booked a reservation for three"
Smiley was ready to throttle his close friend and his family but knew they were just worried about their pack Omega dating though thank fuck grandpa Sano was chill with him and actually seemed happy that (name) found his soulmate.
"These goofs are all planning on moving out, (name) is the only one who is interested in running the dojo" grandpa Sano said randomly while Smiley waited for him to finish getting ready "you're a good kid, I know what my boys do so I know you can hold your own" he continued and smiley for once wasn't so well... Smiley but instead Nahoya.
"So what do you want to do, after school?"
"My brother and I want to run our own ramen shop, we have a name for it and everything"
The old alpha hummed, seeming pleased with his response "hardworking young man, (name) is a strong young man, doesn't like to be tied to his omega status despite his brothers attempts... Let him do what makes him happy" the elder man asked him and nahoya nodded "if he wants something, I'll do whatever I can to provide it"
"Good, now (name)! Hurry up! You're making this young man wait forever!"
"I'm coming I'm coming!"
Grandpa Sano watched how much love was between them, he hoped he could get to live to see them get married.
Maybe even to see a few pups.
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tomscumdump · 2 days
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“HOWS THIS outfit baby?” I asked excitedly, placing my hands on my hips and doing a little spin. the little outfit I wore was a torn up black fitted tank top, with a matching micro black skirt. his eyes analyzed me from head to toe. he stood up, adjusting his pants as he walked over to me. “liebe, you know you look amazing and everything.” I rolled my eyes and walking back into the dressing room, he followed after shutting the door.
tom pushed his body up close to mine, snaking his hands around my waist to my exposed stomach. he planted soft kisses on my neck biting gently. he fidgeted with the waistband of the skirt I wore.
“no.” I chuckled softly as I pushed him off me, he groaned quietly and threw his hands to his sides. “baby cmon.. why not?” he said pouting, but I knew he was trying to hide that stupid smirk. I let out a sarcastic laugh as I turned to hit
“because I’m not having sex in a dressing room, idiot.”
I said laughing a little, he sat down clearly mad with me. I scoff and slid off the current shirt I had tried on, revealing the lacy bra I had on, the hem of the matching panties peaking out from the skirt as I bent over. he groaned and let out a scoff. “your killing me y/n.” I giggled and turned around.
he still had on his pissy expression and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. I walked over to him and gently grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look at me. “baby, we are in a public area. no.” I gave his cheek a quick kiss, he stood up and slammed me against the wall harshly. my eyes widened in shock “tom what the fu—“ he quickly cuts me off by smashing his lips against mine. I moaned quietly, I pushed his lips off mine and scoffed.
“tom, i would so love to fuck you right now. but you know people would hear us, I just can’t be quiet.” he planted harsh kisses on my neck, I let out a little whimper. “let me handle that then.” he said with a smirk, gliding his tongue against his lip ring. he slid off my skirt and my panties along with it. I tried to speak again, to take it slow and not to harsh. but he slapped his hand against my mouth, silencing me quickly. he ripped off his belt and jeans, then rammed his cock into my tight pussy.
my eyes rolled back and my back arched, he bit his lip in pleasure. “this tight pussy could make me cum on the spot.” he grunted, letting out a breathy laugh. I let out a muffled whine in response, he continued to pound me as he spat explicit sentences at me. my hands flew to his biceps for support, I couldn’t hold myself up at this point. he grabbed my thigh, placing it around his hip allowing him to dig deeper into me.
“tom- t-to ~ngh~ much!!” I cried, but he didn’t care. his veiny hand muffling my whimpers and moans. his free hand flew to my bundle of nerves, rubbing rapid circles my whines became more frequent as that knot began to form in my stomach.
“I’m g-gonna cum!!” I moaned out as my eyes fluttered due to the pleasure. he pulled me closer and grunted in my ear. “no your not slut, you cum when I say so.” I whined in response, nodding my head as I obeyed his every word. my legs shook here and there, his middle and ring finger still rubbing circles on my clit. his huge cock stretching me out completely. “if you make one fucking sound your not cumming.” I screwed my eyes shut and threw my head back, jesus christ I wanted to cum so fucking bad, but when tom said something he meant it. so I listened to him and shut my mouth, pursing my lips, knawing at my bottom lip, anything to keep those lewd noises from coming out.
“good fucking girl, keeping that pretty little mouth shut while I pound you. you like that? you like when I fuck you senseless slut?” I nodded my head, my eyes struggling to stay open as he stared directly in my eyes, his praising only getting me closer and closer.
his thrust getting sloppy, I could tell he was close. he grabbed my waist and flipped me around, pressing my body up against the mirror as he pounded me from the back, his hand snaking down back to my clit rubbing fast circles again. my eyes rolled right to the back of my head, feeling his tip ram right into that sweet spot I desired.
he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my head back forcing me to look into the mirror as he fucked me. “look at you, little whore taking my cock s’good hm?” every word he said to me put me under a spell. he could say anything he wanted to me and I’ll take it like the good girl I am for him.
I felt that familiar knot form in my stomach again, and I knew for a fact he was close too. the way his thrust got sloppier and sloppier told me everything I needed to know, I thrusted my ass back just to feel more of that pleasure I longed for. his groans and grunts becoming more frequent as well.
he threw his head back slightly, as his hand slid off my mouth I whined out. “gonna ~mhh~ cum..!” I said out of breath. my legs shaking, my eyes screwed shut and my back arched. “fuckkkkkk, cum baby cum.” he grunted as he grasped my waist harshly, slamming his dick into me.
our skin slapping together loudly one last time, as we both came together. “ohhhh shitttt…” tom dragged out, letting out a breathy laugh as his warm cum coated my walls. some dripping out of my used pussy “fuck!! oh fuck yess!!” I moaned out quite loudly. I didn’t care anymore, and neither did tom. he thrusted into me once more, riding out that high we both loved and enjoyed.
I let out a quiet whimper once more as he slipped out of me. feeling empty from his long veiny cock. he dug his middle and ring finger into my pussy, tasting our mixed juices. I stared at him with a tired smirk on my face as he stared back with that same stupid smirk.
he helped me put my clothes back on, and he put his on. “I changed my mind baby, I don’t need any of this.” I said in a tired tone as I threw the outfits I had matched together onto the bench. tom picked them back up and held them. “no, they look gorgeous on you baby.”
I looked up and smiled at him, and he smiled back. “also, I’d like to rip them off to pound you again.” he smirked, playing with his lip ring. knowing how much I loved it when he did that. I rolled my eyes and scoffed as we walked out the store, we knew some people heard. as we paid and left, one of the store clerks had gave us a weird look. we laughed it off as we made our way to the next store.
“.. so?” he looked into my eyes and quirked his eyebrow up, I already knew what he was asking. i sighed and gave him a weak grin I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. “cmon say it, I know you wanna.” he teased on, I groaned and hit him playfully. I chuckled in defeat.
“.. maybe quickies in public aren’t so bad.”
ahhh !! I really liked this idea, i got this idea bc I dreamed about it happening with me n tom hehe :333 also im literally so thankful for all the love yall give me on my post omgomg ?? yall freaks r amazing, love you guys 4eva 💋💋
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deadpool15 · 3 days
Unexpected Visitor
“Fuck I’m so tired, today drained me. I gotta stay off TikTok.” Laughing to myself I make my way through the kitchen, craving a little treat. Looking down I take notice of the kicking. “I’m so glad that didn’t hurt junior because, Mommy doesn’t need anymore pain right now. Especially, since we are supposed to be on the same team.” Rubbing my swollen stomach, is something that has brought me a sense of comfort these days. Hearing a set of knocks stops me from searching the fridge for the much needed snack I had placed in there before I went out. “Christine, who is at the door?”
Back at Kelly’s
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“Mike, did you see that shit? Reggie just killed 15 men. When we get back he can eat all the snacks he wants, shit I’ll buy him some of my favorite skittles. He just became my favorite son-in law.” Hearing nothing but praise around the room for Reggie goes on for a while. “Marcus, he is your only damm son-in law. Shit the hell up.” I listen to them bicker back and forth about this man named Reggie and his skills. Until I look at the computer screen for a moment and realize another location has been found. Meaning another set of armed men are coming. “Wait, that’s my house.” Mike speaks ups and looks around the room, hurriedly grabbing his phone to call his wife. Who isn’t picking up the phone at all.
Snatching someone’s phone off the table I hurry and dial the phone number I’ve remembered my heart, praying to whatever God out there that hadn’t given up on me. It rings for a minute and for the first time in my life I’m consumed by fear until I hear her voice. “Hello, who is this? Better not be one of those scams blowing my shit up right now. Not in the mood for all that.” It takes me a moment to speak up, haven’t heard her voice in so long I’m a bit star struck. “Girasol, baby are you there?” “Manny, my fucking god, baby. I mean I saw the news but I don’t think you’d call me.”
“Baby, it’s me but I need you to listen ok, where are you right now?” Hearing her walk for a moment, before responding. “Well, I was downstairs in the kitchen about to eat but now I’m upstairs I waddled up here, fast as fuck. Once, I realized you were the one to call.” She was taking so fast it was hard to keep a stone cold face, until I remembered the situation. “Baby, whose house are you in?” She sucks her teeth, “why, are you asking so many questions I’ve been having a girls day with Christine ever since Uncle Mike decided to go on the run with you.” At this point everyone notices my mood change. “You, have to listen to me very carefully,” I say putting the phone on speaker. “Go downstairs and get Christine and leave the house immediately okay. Do it now.” She starts arguing with me but I can hear her going downstairs.
Then, slowly the phone cuts out we all hear a scream and way too many voices to make out. Then, clearly hear in the background, “don’t hurt her she fucking pregnant.” We all look towards the phone when a man comes on asking Mike to deliver information as well as me. Looking around the room in complete silence, we all hear another scream. “Don’t hurt my baby, please. Don’t. MANNY….
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 days
JASON TODD | RED HOOD (batman:under the red hood | canon divergence?)
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“Co-opt #1 - Fire Escape Rendezvous 1/?” (Jason Todd x Fem!Reader)
| You’d thought the man you were talking to was just uninterested and biding his time. That is until one thoroughly fucked up Red Hood falls from the sky early one morning and becomes a more pressing issue.
| SFW, serious injury, drugged & mentally compromised, late night conversations, idealogical debate, canon typical violence, mentions & descriptions of death/killing, -panicked!reader
| pics via: Batman: Under The Red Hood tpb
| content apart of the co-opt series
| 2k+ words
Beg. NOTES: This first chapter is a lot of establishing the universe and background information, so yeah.
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‘I officially live in hell,’ you think idly over the crackle of the television and the almost imperceptible sound of your electric kettle boiling water.
One emergency evacuation of the mall, a slew of bomb threats, city wide shelter in place, and a mandated curfew had surely elevated the power struggle between Black Mask and the Red Hood to the top of the Gang War Hall of Fame.
If such a cursed thing existed, anyway.
“In recent news the fight seems to have traveled from the docks to the outskirts of the Narrows. Unfortunately there is still no sign of Batman and our eyes in the sky have once again lost the two battling criminals.”
Great. The man let you all take a collective breath a year after fucking off to who knows where just to restart the clock right after the final exhale. There was always a bomb - metaphorical or otherwise - about to go off in the city anyway, why not add another?
Your teeth worry at your lip. You haven’t heard anything yet, no gunshots or yelling - like Gotham herself was holding her breath in wait for the destruction they would wrought - so you’d been able to ignore the anchor trying to lodge itself in your gut, but now that you knew they were close?
Your teeth leave an indent in your bottom lip and running the top of your tongue over the bite mark only serves to make the area pulse more, not soothe it. You make a low sound, eyes rolling.
Honestly if you had done what you were supposed to last week you likely wouldn’t even be up to worry yourself to death currently. As it stands you’d had an assignment due roughly fifteen minutes ago, so from the second the telltale siren of the Gotham Emergency Network’s warning sounded from your phone you’d been hyped up.
Watching it buzz on the table beside your laptop had made your stomach drop. Like the split second where you start thinking up your funeral rites after missing a step on the stairs.
Even now, looking out at the wayward streaks of moonlight peaking through your curtains to splay onto your living room floor, your mind twits itself where it doesn’t belong.
Admittedly, a split second after the first buzz, right before your phone cried out that the city was once again on fire, you’d thought it was the guy you’d been seeing. Heavy emphasis on ‘been’.
Rising panic aside you’ve been throwing little looks at it for hours now. The colored bubble around your words hasn’t left your head; it meets you seared on the underside of your eyelids every time you blink.
Hey we haven’t talked in a hot minute and I was trying to call to tell you this btw but I'd like to break the whole arrangement we have now off. We don't want the same shit I guess.
You’d gotten nothing short of the ‘unseen’ marker under your message changing to ‘seen’ for your effort. So, now here you were worrying over ten hours later about a guy that couldn’t even be bothered to respond to you breaking up with him.
“Well that’s enough of that,” you sigh, turning off the tv and walking over to your kitchenette. Did you still have anything left over in your fridge that you liked? A pick me up sounded good, especially if you were planning on worrying yourself into an early grave all night.
It was uncouth honestly. At least Batman contained his messes. Hood had managed to knock crime down in The Alley by 60% the last time he was at large, you’ve seen the reports, but starting a city wide dick measuring contest with Black Mask was only dragging everybody through their shit. You couldn’t exactly say you endorsed his current plan of action.
Now to the fridge. The contents of which make you frown.
Swooping down a little more to catch a possible glimpse of anything other than the food stains clinging desperately to the floor of the bottommost fridge shelf, your eyes narrow. Your tongue clicks harshly in the quiet when you thump it against the back of your top teeth.
If you really let yourself think about it, the fact he hadn’t even bothered to answer grated like a snagged scab. Oh!
There was some leftover spam that’d been pushed back into a corner of the middle shelf — bad as it was for your mood you couldn’t help but pick at his lack of answer. Etching away at your thoughts on the man in tiny barely noticeable increments — you’d only missed the meat on your initial scan because of the box of leftover pancake mix shamelessly in front of it. You snatch up both items, shoving them into the bend of your non-searching arm.
Another click of your tongue; more picking.
There was no way he could just leave you on ‘read’. You broke up with him, that’s not just something you leave somebody on goddamn ‘read’ for.
Only a nanosecond’s worth of pain, of worry for what uncovering more could make come pouring out, before the rush started to fade and you couldn’t help but pull on the scab harder. Till you felt your brows furrow all over again.
What were you? Just a way to pass the time?
A dog's rapid fire barking sounds from outside and your head pops up, looking over the fridge door, head on a swivel and eyes wide. The way rabbits go; blood frozen and breath held.
A beat passes where you just listen. When no signs of further disturbance occur though your blood warms, your air puffs out of you, and you can move again.
If you ever saw Red Hood you’d kick him in the dick (except you really wouldn’t, you weren't crazy). You snap open the bottom drawer only for your lip to instantly curl, unfortunately not cause of the game of hide and seek your fridge was playing with you. Hood would deserve it though, and so would another man that was embarrassingly still on your mind tonight.
Peppers. How did you forget you had those? They join your arm stash with a few rough movements.
Maybe you shouldn’t even be surprised. Jason was great - a little testy, but who in this city wasn’t? He was definitely still the best person you’ve dated since high school, though only so far as he was paying attention to you.
The constant “work” calls he had to excuse himself for you’re half convinced were actually his main woman calling or some other jumbled theory. If there was one thing you could do it was reach, but it was more so just the real world applications of creativity in your opinion.
Point was Jason was - had been - nice to call yours for however brief a moment. Even now thinking about him had your body doing an odd combination of being close to legitimate tears over an eight month relationship and the nonstop tremble that tended to come with the hot sensation of shame crawling up your neck.
Was it embarrassing to be this hung up on a white boy you’d barely known for a year?
Kind of, yeah.
Eight goddamn months and you were so caught up on the man you couldn’t snatch the random ingredients out of your fridge without a slight tremor in your hands, and an incessant barrage of curses that weren’t gonna stop going through your mind anytime soon that was for sure. That fucking asshole.
It wasn’t even like you actually cared anyway, it was whatever. Jason was whatever.
With a heavy sigh you straighten from your crouch and move to drop everything on the counter.
Jason was cool enough half the kids in your complex flocked to guilt him into giving them some cash when he came over, and he’d play along like he himself was getting paid for it every single time. He volunteered all over the ‘rougher’ parts of Gotham, and he was from The Alley so he got the city - plus you were a sucker for that Bowery accent, what could you say? Sounds good right? Downright perfect? Yeah well, Jason also didn’t talk, but not in the way that meant he couldn’t hold a good conversation.
You grin a little, unaware of the action, while walking over to pull out a chopping board and knife to wash. You didn’t have much, but fritters didn’t sound half bad and would take thirty minutes tops for you to put to a pan.
Once, you’d both spent hours arguing how The Thing as an adaptation was actually better than Who Goes There? while he harped that you inherently couldn’t separate the adaptation from the book like that: “Everything genuinely interesting about the movie came from the book. The movie quite literally wouldn’t exist without it.”
The conversation had lasted long enough for you to fall asleep on him - a song and dance that quickly became habit for you two; by now your FaceTime has seen many a squished drooling face - but Jason never once revealed anything personal. Not truly.
Not ever.
There’s a harsh crash from below, and that damn dog bellowing again. You take a second to glare at your window before focusing back on the task at hand.
It was a hard thing to catch, the sidestepping, but you weren’t that clueless. Jason didn’t have a middle name - which is fine, that was normal - but that wasn't all. Jason also had an undisclosed job that was always interrupting your time together. Said undisclosed job that paid him so much he could opt to get a hotel rather than let you go to his place - godforbid - every time you didn’t want to meet up at your house for the fiftieth time. You got it when your relationship was new, but nearly a year in?
Both his parents were dead, but sometimes if you called him and it was early enough he’d say something offhanded and mean about his father like he was still alive.
And Jason was fine - he was always fine - but you’d asked him to ‘just trust you’ once and his eyes had gone hard before his entire expression went flat and the date had ended there, it didn’t matter that he hadn’t physically left. Afterwards he’d avoided you for nearly a week and only convinced you to stay once he finally came back around by offering to let you beat his ass if it’d make you feel better.
Even as flabbergasted by the offer as you’d been, it'd worked and you two were back to business as usual within the same hour - no violence needed.
Before that you’d honest to goodness been contemplating going to ask him for his forgiveness for whatever it was you’d apparently done wrong. You’d been so scared he’d leave you you’d been ready to apologize for a problem that wasn’t even communicated to you.
Something that was pretty sad now that you were thinking about it so you were gonna stop now.
Point is it was getting embarrassing, even for you. Contemplating stooping that low for someone who couldn’t be fucked to give you an actual explanation after ghosting you that first time, let alone one that couldn’t even put a name to what the two of you were, was a waste of your time.
You could do better than Jason fucking Peterson that was for damn sure.
A sigh rattles through your chest as you shake out your knife, water droplets falling all over you and the counter in the process. Which—
You turn your head to look at your kettle sitting pretty on the side table closest to the window - you only had so much counter space, okay?
Tea sounded nice right now. You squint at the kettle with a frown. You could’ve sworn you’d had that same thought a while ago. Sure enough when you look a little harder it’s already been filled with water. You were that deep in your head for real? Enough to miss the shrill peeping your kettle let loose to announce that your water was effectively boiled?
“Wow.” You look up, shoulders rising and dropping with more flourish than necessary. “I need a nap,” you grumble and push away from where you’ve got the least wilted peppers and your leftover meat diced.
The kettle clicks back on with a quiet beep, the batter that you completely disregarded the instructions for cause you didn’t have eggs or milk is mixed, and you’re in your third fold to incorporate all the food together when a sharp BANG reverberates somewhere below your flat.
It’s a painful sounding pang that makes you flinch; spoon clattering to the imitation granite with a wet plop. The noise sets off the stray dog worse than before and you’re dropping like a cracked brick flat to the floor, heart hammering in conjunction with the animal’s startled barks.
You're high enough up from wherever the loud noise came from that your window doesn’t so much as rattle, but close enough that the breath shakes out of you with no less resistance than if it were physically being squeezed from you, and your palms tremble against the peel and stick tile your landlord insists is authentic.
You couldn’t—
A gunshot rings out in the definitely too close distance and you flinch.
“Fuck,” you rush out.
The curse you gasp out is unintelligible even to your own ears as you shake against the floor. The bang feels like deadweight vibrating through your bones. Like a presence squeezing at your lungs. There were protocol’s for this, you knew it, but you were just—
The sound of metal rattling harsh and fast meets your ears and this time your window does shake. You look up in what feels like slow motion, dread burning a hole through your stomach. A thump and subsequent end to the rattling freezes you in your tracks.
No way that didn’t come from your fire escape.
You knew one day it’d be Gotham that facilitated your demise, but right after a breakup? That was cruel even by the city’s standards.
Just your damn luck too that whoever was out there skipped three other peoples perfectly presentable fire escapes for yours.
You worry at your lip, eyeing the window behind your sheer curtains for anything unusual. Nothing immediately jumps out to you, just what you can see of the night from the upper mouth of the alleyway you’re in front of and the very top of your guard railing. Your suspiciously un-obscured guard railing.
Without really thinking you pull yourself up to your hands and knees. Your knees ache uncomfortably from your fall and your arms are weak at the elbows, threatening to send you careening face first into the floor, but you crawl forward anyway.
See, you liked to think you were smart. It was one of those things that was nearly a prerequisite in Gotham, even if The Hill was becoming less outwardly dangerous as more of the rich guys looking for cheap real estate forced their ways in. Still, the changes were only recent and - most importantly - a thinly veiled façade.
Crime was still crime no matter how pretty the buildings it took place in or around were.
Regardless, you thought you were smart, but now here you are easing up to your window like a reckless idiot with a death wish. If you were any less shaken up maybe you’d be running out your door - false alarm be damned - or you’d be thinking about calling the police at the very least.
Even in your haze you snort quietly to yourself. As if. At best they’d show up too late, The Hill was so far from everything that police response was shit on a ‘good’ day, let alone when every cop was out falling over themselves in their search for Mask and Hood, so you know you wouldn’t’ve bothered even if your stomach wasn’t currently trying to turn itself inside out.
The floor is cool under your palms and you let out a shaky breath. Elbows aching and knees starting to chafe because of how slow you were moving. You shift to list yourself to the side - alleviate the pain hindering your common sense - only to have it knocked right back into you when you overbalance and fall into the back of your couch.
“Oof,” you huff, noise forced from your chest.
Hands fly up to cover over your mouth, your eyes widening.
The seconds spent sprawled out on the floor give you time to think, at the very least, as you try to catch your breath as silently as possible.
No one would be rescuing you. The police weren’t coming - not that you really wanted their help anyway, your parents had moved to Camden last year, and you’d never even seen Batman in person. If you kept being stupid you’d be well and truly fucked.
Christ, you were mental. What the hell did you think you were gonna do - confirm to whoever was out there that you were home and then fight them off the fire escape yourself?
Somewhere in the ether someone was probably revoking your black card all now.
Retracing your steps backwards while still keeping mum wasn’t the easiest feat with your horrible balance and shaky limbs but you’re managing just fine - even grabbing your phone along the way. That you almost forgot it in the first place you ignore for now, the door and your shoes right beside it are too close for you to jeopardize your goal—
Beep beep beep beep…!
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! It has officially been two years to the day since I posted my first fic on this blog!!!!!
Okaaaay, I am very nervous about finally posting this but it’s been nearly two years in the making so hopefully it’s not terrible. Could I have waited to write this until I was a better writer and all my personal thoughts were fully fleshed out? Sure, but there’s no time like the present and I can always rewrite this! This’ll hopefully be a long ride so I’m excited.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it!
Also, feedback would be lovely, but be nice please, goddamn. Was the first chapter unengaging considering Jason’s not in it? Was it in any way confusing or hard to follow the Reader-Insert’s thought process throughout, specifically during the back and forth where she’s thinking about Jason and about what she’ll cook and shit?
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cheenapri · 2 days
Yandere Illumi Analysis
AN: I wrote this on a whim so I didn't really proofread or check for plotholes lmao but enjoy anyway
Illumi didn’t think much of you the first time he saw you, it was as if you weren’t even there. Strangely enough, he’s caught several more sightings of you over the course of two months, each time he still didn’t think much of you. That was until he realized he didn’t really have any business in that area to begin with as his mission had already been completed and he’d already been paid. He seemed to unknowingly home you out from time to time, his slight glances turning into full-on stares as he watched you from the shadows. 
You had piqued his interest. After a few days of watching you, Illumi questioned himself. He was confused as to why he was focusing so much of his attention on someone so insignificant.
He thought that maybe you were a nen user using your powers on him and made plans to quickly dispose of you. Fortunately for you, he failed to do so. For the first time in his life, Illumi had hesitated to kill someone. A singular gold needle lay ready in his hand yet he was unable to bring himself to launch it at your skull. 
Multiple attempts were made, all with you being completely oblivious, before he discovered that you weren’t even a nen user and that he was hesitant on his own unconscious volition.
Illumi had an inner crisis before he would accept his ineffable feelings towards you. He saw something in you he couldn’t describe but knew he liked, and wanted to figure out what it was. 
He spent whatever free time he had just observing you — from afar, of course, he’s a little shy. Sometimes he would invite himself into your house to snoop through your things while you’re gone. If you have a loudmouth pet, he’ll be sure to temporarily subdue it. Killing it would be the more convenient option but it would alarm you to see your beloved pet lying in a pool of blood upon returning home. 
On the night he chooses to bring you to the estate for further inspection, he attempts to lure you using taxis. He may or may not have destroyed your car’s engine to force you to walk to work. When his attempts to lure you fail, he gets fed up with your constant defiance and police calls and opts to physically bring you back himself, there’s only so many times he can deal with the police without causing chaos. 
You look so beautiful when you sleep.
He’s unsure how to go about dealing with you once you’re locked away in the estate, he just throws your unconscious body on the bed and stares at you until you wake up. He keeps staring once you wake up too, only saying something when you start screaming and freaking out. His words aren’t very comforting, though.
He had to teach you manners since you’re being very rude. Once you’re quiet, he’ll proceed to not explain anything to you but rather stand over you and ask if you’re hungry. You say no and he leaves you alone and without food for a couple of days.
He’s a very busy man so expect him to be gone for days or even weeks at a time. This doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want, however, as Illumi has assigned a skilled butler to watch over you while he’s gone. They are his eyes and ears so make sure you don’t do anything foolish less they tattle on you. Though you have a somewhat neutral relationship with your assigned butler, you can’t bring yourself to fully trust or confide in them.
Though you hate it here, you’d prefer your time alone over your captor’s company as Illumi was awful to be around. Whether he was staring at you from across the room or correcting your behavior, it was all awful. All time spent “hanging out” with him consists of him sitting away from you, sometimes sitting closer depending on his mood, and silently staring. Sometimes an attempt at a conversation was made on your end as you wanted to know exactly what was going on and why he’d brought you here. You were asking too many questions about the same thing; it was pissing him off.
He rarely talks about himself if it isn’t assassin-related and you don’t like him enough to ask. He does have a habit of talking about the things he’s learned about you before bringing you to the estate rather unprompted. He has zero self awareness. You got him talking one time and had to figure out through context clues and your own ideas that he had a “romantic” interest in you. 
Illumi is not the talkative type but if he wants to hear your voice, he’ll start conversations. The conversations usually consist of him asking you really pointless questions and encouraging you to explain your answer in great detail no matter how dry it is. 
If you’re good while he’s gone, he may bring you back a gift. If you accept with enthusiasm, feigned or not, he’ll be internally delighted. If you decline the gift or refuse to open it, Illumi will take it as an act of defiance.
May the punishment fit the crime. Illumi will not hesitate to nip any unsavory behaviors right in the bud in the hopes of molding you faster. If you were to act out physically, expect a dislocated or broken limb. Kicking equals a broken leg, and punching equals a broken arm whereas pushing him away, no matter how gently, equals a dislocated wrist or two. Verbal crimes like talking about your past life or swearing at him are punishable by strangulation. Illumi will not tolerate such disrespect. He doesn’t let go after a few seconds either, his grip is tight until you pass out. The more severe it is, the less likely you are to become a repeat offender, right…? You definitely won’t be able to curse at him now or talk at all really. All other acts of defiance are punishable by whatever he sees fit.
He never comforts you after a punishment. It’s your fault anyway, you shouldn’t have tried to hit him or cursed at him. Honestly, what did you expect? He tends to forget the punishment had even occurred during his next visit with you and expects you to do the same.
Though your newer assigned butler has a healing ability, Illumi rarely allows its use. 
Illumi can sometimes be strangely passionate. Even through his sheer brutality and emptiness, there are times when you can sense the slightest sliver of humanity within him. Mainly on days when he’s particularly needy for your attention. 
He sometimes visits at odd hours of the night, waking you so he can talk about his day. He doesn’t know it, but he’s using you as an emotional outlet. You’re expected to listen to every single word that comes out of his mouth and engage with him. You feel a bit intimidated since he’s sitting so close to you on the edge of the bed. 
He doesn’t really touch you unless to punish you so you tend to flinch when he moves too fast. He doesn’t mind this at first.
Despite holding you captive for months now, Illumi still hadn’t figured out what about you was attractive to him. Eventually, he’d accept that he’d never figure it out and you’d always be a mystery. He begins seeing you as his spouse from this point forward.
Though he wanted to take the relationship slowly to ease you into your new life, you didn’t wish to accept your untold role as his spouse, causing everything to sit at a standstill. As more time passes, he becomes impatient for your cooperation. He doesn't directly say it but it’s made VERY clear that he demands your affections. He’s giving you more attention than usual, how else can he make it clearer?
One day while returning home from a mission, he noticed a couple on an outing. They looked so happy together. Illumi didn’t think much of it at the time but as days turned into weeks, his mind began replaying the scene over and over, replacing the couple with you and him. He concludes that you’re probably being spiteful because he isn’t spending enough time with you. If you wanted more attention from him, why didn’t you just ask?
So it’s been decided, he’ll take you with him on a mission so you can watch him kill people. You would be a liability, sure, but you’d see it as a sign that he loves you, right? His dad disagreed with the idea when Illumi brought it up to him, telling him that something like that would be too intense for someone like you. Queue Silva’s and Illumi’s first (?) father and son chat. Illumi was surprisingly receptive to Silva’s ideas and dropped his original plan.
Queue intensive date planning for a few months. Of course, he made sure not to let you hear anything about it as it’ll be a super special surprise that’s going to blow your mind and make you accept your place at his side.
He really showed just how much he knew about you, making sure nothing you wouldn’t enjoy found its way into his intricate plans. 
Of course, it couldn’t be a normal date out in public, what if someone tried to hurt you? He would kill them, yes, but the mood would’ve already been ruined at that point so he thought it best to rent out a few places and completely isolate you.
Now that preparations were complete, all that was left was to pick you up — Illumi was rather eager to get this date started.
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ennard-is-near · 3 days
(This whole thing is based off the theory that Michael is still alive in Security Breach, which is hilarious imo)
A FNaF game where you are the night guard in the Pizzaplex, and the antagonist is Michael Afton. He’s not trying to kill you or anything, you just have opposite goals (You like the animatronics and the Fazbear brand, he does not). He’s also trying to get you to quit or get fired.
Things are going wrong. Stuff is being stolen and vandalized. The animatronics are being tampered with, sometimes they’re vandalized too. Things never stay how you left them. You are starting to feel like someone has broken in, which is especially bad, because you’re a security guard. It’s your whole job to keep people out.
Your character will occasionally say how bad it smells in the room. Sometimes you remark that you’re being watched. There’s sometimes footsteps or scuffling noises in the background. If you look close enough in certain rooms, you can see the faint outline of a guy or two white dots in the darkness around the light from your flashlight. But you can’t find the source of whatever this is (he’s gotten too good at hiding).
Your character will become more aware that someone really is there throughout the game. You go from asking “Hello? Is someone here?” When something strange happens to saying “I know you did this!” To the darkness because you know he’s there. You can get more hostile towards him, if you’d like, calling him a twat or whatever. You could be nice to him, too. It doesn’t stop him, when you’re nice, because he seems to have some sort of goal (you couldn’t begin to guess what) but it’s not like he’s doing that much damage and he makes your job a little bit more fun.
You never see him, though. Other than the occasional glimpse of movement in the shadows or your flashlight’s glow reflecting off his eyes (that must be what it is, right?) he stays silent and hidden. That’s why you feel you can’t tell anyone, he’s clearly good at hiding and they wouldn’t find him. Plus, he’s annoying, but he doesn’t seem that harmful. (And maybe the darkness is just making you crazy. Maybe there really is nobody there)
But things are definitely going awry. For one, the animatronics are freaking out. They’re weird, almost hostile, towards you. The staffbots follow you around but don’t speak or offer you things, and it freaks you out a little (you can fight them, if you’d like, though it’s not really a fight and more just you beating them up. You could also try and incapacitate them or just try to ignore them). The Glamrocks are scary too, obviously. They chase you, grab you and jumpscare you. (One time though, it seems like one of them is actually going to kill you. It throws you to the floor and you cover your face with your hands. But instead of feeling the impact, there’s a strange noise. You open your eyes to see it incapacitated, and you can hear footsteps shuffling away. Huh.) Even Helpy begins demanding you quit, sometimes being friendly, “No amount of money is worth doing this job,” sometimes he’s meaner, “You’re going to quit or you’re going to die.” Whoever is in the shadows is definitely messing with them in some way.
One night, Helpy tells you, “Sorry, you are going to get fired.” And that night is horrible. Shit is breaking all the time, and the Glamrocks and Staffbots are all over the place, either destroyed or with completely ruined AI. You can’t stop it (maybe you should have been [nicer/meaner] to whoever is doing this) all you can do is try and undo as much damage as possible and tell whoever is there that you really need this job. He doesn’t listen.
When 6am rolls around, your boss arrives and you’re presented with a pink slip. He tells you that your behavior is unacceptable. You either made all this mess yourself or allowed someone else to do it and neglected your job. You’ve been nothing but unprofessional for the duration of your employment, anyway. The animatronics have clearly been tamped with by someone with some knowledge of how they work, not just some random vandal. You must have been messing with them for a while to learn how they worked and took it too far. And, adding insult to injury, tells you that you make every room you’re in smell like death. You don’t have anything to say to defend yourself, you definitely can’t blame a person hiding in the darkness who you didn’t report before and have never fully seen, so you just leave.
Bonus: Here’s an image I made last night at like 2am. It’s just one of the SB rooms but I make it darker and added the flashlight and some other things.
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Anyway, sorry this post got so long and turned sort of into fanfiction. I had fun writing it, though. I was just thinking about the fact that Michael might still be kicking in Security Breach (again, hilarious. Also why is he barefoot? Put shoes on, Jesus Christ) and was like “Well, what if you had to play against him?” Because Michael making the lives of night guards harder is very ironic, even if he has good intentions. And it spiraled and turned into this. If you made it this far, wow thanks for reading <3
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holylulusworld · 1 day
Gun for hire (4)
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Summary: You’re his next target. Nothing else. Right?
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x fem!Reader
Warnings: hiring a killer, Lloyd being Lloyd, sunshine reader, imlied character's death
Gun for hire (3)
Gun for hire masterlist
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Lloyd puts on a show for Tommie. He slowly stalks toward your ex-boyfriend, a smirk on his lips and a knife in his left hand.
Lloyd ordered his men to strip Tommie and to restrain his wrists and ankles to the chair he was sitting on. They left him his plain cotton slip to cover his modesty.
“What do we have here?” Lloyd flashes Tommie a smile. Your ex-boyfriend fights the ropes holding him to the chair. He pants heavily and murmurs behind the makeshift gag Lloyd’s men made out of Tommie’s socks. “A piece of shit ready for the slaughter.”
Tommie sniffles behind the gag. He screams, desperate to tell Lloyd he’ll pay him any sum if only he shelters his life.
“Sunshine, I don’t wanna hear it,” Lloyd sits on a chair opposite Tommie. He crosses one leg over the other and sighs. “I told you about my rules. Now it’s too late. I’m not much into redemption.”
“Boss, we didn’t find money. All he had with him is over there,” the one reaching Tommie first says. He hands a phone and keys to Lloyd. “Nothing else.”
“Good job,” Lloyd nods in approval. “Enjoy your week off. Now leave me alone with my new friend. I think we need to have a serious conversation with Tommie boy…”
The panic in Tommie rises when the man capturing him silently leaves the room. He doesn’t know why he believed having the man there would keep Lloyd from killing him.
“Ple-ase,” he screams behind the gag the moment Lloyd gets back up from his seat. He shakes his head and struggles against the ropes.
“Relax,” Lloyd pats his cheek. “We have all the time in the world…”
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Back and forth. You’re rocking back and forth. It’s all you can do. Somewhere in this large place Llyod Hansen, the man who came to end your life, is torturing your ex-boyfriend.
You should be happy, or gleeful. Tommie wanted to kill you and even hired two killers to get rid of you. For what – a house and a car. He wanted to take your life to make another woman happy.
Still, you don’t have it in you to wish pain or death on him. This isn’t you. All your life you tried to be a good person and help others. Even if Tommie tried to kill you, this is no reason for you to do the same to him.
Maybe, if the new woman in him didn’t influence him, he’d never do such a thing. Tommie wasn’t a bad person before he met her.
You shake your head. No. Tommie always was selfish in any way. You just didn’t want to see what was right in front of your eyes, believing you could change him for the better.
Sadly, he’s not a dog you can teach how to behave.
“What do I do?” You wring your hands. “What will he do to me after he’s done with Tommie?”
Sucking in a breath you hear the door to the bedroom Lloyd brought you to unlock. A petite woman in a maid outfit walks inside. She doesn’t look at you, nor does she say a word.
The woman places a tray with food and a bottle of water on the bed. She glances at you before turning to leave the room.
You’d love to talk to her but know better. Just like the men working for Lloyd, she wouldn’t answer your questions.
As much as you hate to admit it, you’re starving. It’s been hours since you ate your ordered food. Your stomach rumbles and you’ve got no other choice than to dig into the food.
“Ah, I see you’re enjoying the food,” Lloyd walks past the maid to enter the room. “Is it any good?” He questions while sitting next to you on the bed. “I took care of your little problem.”
Lloyd steals a green bean from your plate. He watches you still the fork, a smirk on his lips. “What now?” You feel an icy shiver run through your body. He kept his promise and killed Tommie. Not for you, of course. Lloyd killed the man not paying him for his service.
“Well,” he snatches another bean from your plate, “you paid me well to get rid of your ex-boyfriend.” Lloyd grins when you turn your head to look at him. “I got more money than he’d ever pay me.”
“What? I—no!” You shake your head. “I didn’t pay you a single buck!”
“Oh, yes,” he laughs when you look at him like a confused puppy. “Did you forget that you sold your house to pay me? I just received the money.”
You gape at Lloyd. This can’t be real. You’re sure you did not sell your house to pay him for murdering your ex-boyfriend.
“See,” he gets his phone out of his pocket to show you a transaction. “I received the transaction this morning. You’re officially my best customer this month.”
“What?” You feel like you are losing your sense of reality. Lloyd must be lying. If not, you lost your mind over the last few days.
He sighs exasperated. “Cupcake. Do you remember my rules?” Lloyd angrily asks. You nod hastily. “I do not kill people for free. You paid me to keep you safe and kill your ex-boyfriend. Which means, you gotta stay here for the time being until I find out if Tommie boy hired a more talentless hitman.”
Lloyd gets up from the bed. He looks you up and down before leaving the room. The lock clicks and you sit there in uncomfortable silence.
You didn’t pay him, but Lloyd made it look like you did. Why? Why would he do such a thing?
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Lloyd watches you pace the bedroom. Back and forth. Back and forth until your feet are hurting. You clutch your hands to your chest, and sigh.
“Boss, what about the woman? Do we get rid of her too?”
“She paid me well to protect her,” Lloyd dips his head to look at the man working for him. The man nods and swallows the words burning on his tongue. If he says something wrong, he’ll end up dead too. “She will stay here for the time being. That woman is officially under my protection.”
“Got it, boss. I’ll tell the others.”
“Do that,” Lloyd turns his attention back toward the monitors on the wall. He leans back to watch you sit on the bed. He waits until he’s alone to pump up the volume. “What do I do with you now, cupcake…”
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ladykailitha · 7 hours
Icarus Part 12
I've decided that since I have a fair amount of backlog on the three I've been doing WIP Wednesday for, that I'd post some of them to give me time to work on the rom-com AU more.
I recommend going back and re-reading part 11 at least before reading this one to be on the safe side.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
The Fallen boys need a break and Robin and Chrissy meet up with Nancy.
Things were going really well in the studio now that they had Bob Newby as their producer and their studio was closer to home so they could live their normal lives and still be in the studio recording.
It was the happiest the band had been in awhile. Which was why Steve should have seen it coming. The dark cloud on the horizon.
Shane was late.
That wasn’t to say that it was out of the ordinary or whatever, but it was now two hours late and Spence was pissed.
“When I get my hands on his scrawny neck,” he hissed. “I’m going to kill him.”
Simon rolled his eyes. “You’re just upset because it’s means you’ll be late for your date or whatever with Nadia. He’ll be here.”
“That’s not true and you know it, Asmodeus,” Spence bit out. “This is the third time this week and yeah, so what if I have a life outside of this, but that’s not why.”
Just then Shane stumbled in. He looked like absolute shit. His clothes were disheveled, his hair was a mess, and he wore dark sunglasses. Clutched to his chest was a large coffee.
“Fuck...” he mumbled as he shambled over to the sofa. He lowered himself gently onto the thing with a stream of curses. “Sorry I’m late, but my hookup last night turned off my alarm.”
He took a long sip of his coffee and rubbed his temple. He had finished most of the coffee when he realized that no one had said a word since he arrived.
The door opened and Bob and Robin entered the room looking more than a little cross.
Shane flashed them a smile. “Uh oh, it looks like I upset both mom and dad. So I was a little late. It happens.”
“But it shouldn’t be happening,” Spence said with a scowl. “This isn’t the first time. Hell, it’s not even the first time this week.”
Shane frowned, setting his coffee on the floor between his feet. He rubbed his temples as he struggled to think back. “That can’t be right, it’s only Monday, right?”
Everyone shared concerned glances.
“Astraeus,” Steve said slowly, “it’s Thursday.”
Bob crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You were late on Sunday, Monday and today, Astraeus.”
Shane stared up at them in open shock and disbelief. “There’s no way!” He pulled out his phone and looked at the date.
“What’s been going on, man?” Simon asked, concerned for the first time. He hadn’t realized how often it had been and was giving Spence shit for wanting to be with his girlfriend.
Shane shook his head. “I have money for the first time in my life. I mean proper money. My parents always had enough to make sure we got into the things we wanted; sports, drama, music, you name it, but there wasn’t a lot of money to go around after, you know? I had to pay for my college education myself and I just wanted to live a little. Spread the money around, even if I couldn’t tell them what I did for a living, they don’t really care.”
“I can see that,” Robin said. “I think we all breathing easier, regardless of our backgrounds because the money we’re getting has pretty much set us up for life if it all went to shit tomorrow, which I really wouldn’t recommend, by the way.”
Shane let out a huff of breath that wasn’t quite a laugh. “I really didn’t mean to go off like that, I’ll cut back to just the weekends. I promise.”
Robin and Bob shared a glance.
“That’s strike one, Astraeus,” Bob said, “I don’t take slackers lightly. You want me to continue to work for you guys, you’ve got to step it up.”
Shane nodded empathically. “Can we have a day off a week though? It doesn’t have to be on the weekend, but this seven days a week is really hard.”
Robin blinked at him a moment. “You guys have been coming every day?”
The band looked around at each and all gave a collective shrug.
She turned to Bob. “Is that your schedule?”
Bob’s jaw dropped and he shook his head. “I only do that if there’s a rush to get the album out, which I understood there wasn’t. I don’t how we got on working every day, but Astraeus is correct they need a day off.”
“What works best for everyone?”
The band worked out a better schedule that worked for everyone with it ending with Bob giving everyone the rest of the week off, giving them strict instructions to talk to him about those sort of things before it got to this point.
Robin clapped her hands once. “Right, now that we’ve got that settled, we’re still meeting up at Abbadon’s for dinner to discuss my meeting with Nancy. My meeting is at three and dinner is at six, so don’t be late.” She glared at Shane and he raised his hands in surrender.
“See you all then!”
Robin straightened her wig in her rearview mirror and added more lipstick. She wore special contacts that changed her bright blue eyes to a more common brown color. She was dressed in slim fitting white slacks with a bright pink silk blouse and a black leather aviator’s jacket. She hated wearing these clothes, they just weren’t her. At least she didn’t have to wear high heels to this thing. She would have broken an ankle for sure.
But she would sell her soul to the devil if it meant that Steve got to do what he loved. And it wasn’t as though she didn’t love her job either. But Eddie was right, she was on her last frayed nerve and that wouldn’t do her boys any good.
She slid out of her Maserati MC20 and walked up to the restaurant. The Corroded Coffin’s manager, Chrissy Cunningham was going to be there as a mediator.
Robin hadn’t told Steve this, but Chrissy knew who she was. Not the band, she didn’t know that, but she knew that Celeste Baptiste was Robin Buckley. It was just something Robin felt she needed to know before going in there with Nancy. That she personally had a stake in the game, even if it was just as Steve’s best friend.
Chrissy loved the idea of even their manager having an alter ego and it made Robin feel better about her choice to be someone else.
Robin and Chrissy kissed each other’s cheeks in greeting and Robin sat down.
“She’s not here yet?” she asked, looking at her matching watch.
Chrissy shook her head. “She’s running a little behind. One of her clients blew up the internet last night and she’s been having to play hard ball to keep it from destroying their career.”
Robin leaned in close. “Ooh, do you know who it was?”
“That’s for me to know,” Nancy said from above them, “and for you to never find out.”
Robin looked up at her and was struck on how good she looked. It was almost unfair how good she looked.
She was wearing a grey plaid blazer with the sleeves rolled up over a white button shirt and a black pencil skirt. She wore grey boots and matching sunglasses, glasses she took off with a shake of her dark curls.
Robin gulped. Nancy had been intimidating enough in high school, but now she could stare down a raging bull and come away unscathed.
“Hello, ladies,” Nancy said with a smile. “I’m sorry I was late, but I think I managed a god damn miracle and could eat an entire salad bar.”
Nancy sat down and put her phone in her purse.
“Oh are you vegan?” Chrissy asked as the waiter came up with a pitcher of water. Nancy waved him off and ordered a rosé.
“Just vegetarian,” she said with a shake of her head. “I love cheese too much. Plus, I knew a militant vegan and they scare me.”
Robin laughed. “Couldn’t be me, I went full vegan last year and haven’t looked back.”
Nancy and Chrissy both winced, but for different reasons, Nancy for her comment about militant vegans and Chrissy, well...
“I picked this place because it has the best rib eye steak on the planet,” she said with a grimace. “That’s not going to bother either of you if I order that, right?”
Nancy and Robin shared a glance and then shook their heads.
“My best friend loves steak,” Robin said, “It’s his choice to eat it, I just a have a problem with the ethical consumption of meat and other animal products.”
“Most of my clients eat meat,” Nancy agreed. “I’m not about to piss them off because I don’t like the taste.”
Chrissy relaxed and let out a long sigh. “Great!”
She picked up her menu to hide her embarrassment. A few minutes later, their waiter came back and they placed their orders.
Nancy had ordered a pasta with roasted sun dried tomatoes and mushrooms and Robin ordered a simple salad with a vinaigrette.
As they waited for their food, Nancy got down to business. “So as I understand it, the band The Fallen is looking for an agent to help with the legal and PR aspect of their brand, correct?”
Robin nodded, twisting her napkin nervously. Normally as Celeste, she was cooler under pressure but Nancy scared her. Not because of anything she could do to her specifically, but because what she could do to her boys.
Chrissy reached out and laid her hand over Robin’s fidgeting ones. Robin let out a shuddered breath.
“Normally bands like theirs have teams and teams of people doing all the work,” Robin said, “but with the secrecy surrounding their identities the more people that know the easier it is for a leak.”
Nancy nodded. “It’s certainly not the usual thing. But I’ve got a few clients that are strict about their identities and it wouldn’t be a problem, but as I told Chrissy, I would have know everything about them so that I can do my upmost to protect them.”
“Did you sign the NDA?” Robin asked, straightening her spine. This was something she was good at. Protecting her boys and she would do it with the fierceness of a mother bear and her cubs.
Nancy picked up her briefcase and opened it up. She took out a folder and handed it to Robin. Robin looked it over and then nodded.
She stuck it in her purse and pulled out a hard portfolio and slid it across to Nancy. Chrissy squeezed her hand as Nancy read through the documents. Their food arrived in the interim and she set it aside. She steepled her hands and planted her elbows on the table.
“How much of this do you know?” she asked Chrissy.
“Only what I needed to which is who Celeste is,” she replied, “and that both her and Abbadon have a history with you that could be trouble for a lot of people, not just the band.”
Nancy nodded and took a bite of her food before saying anything else. Chrissy and Robin exchanged glances but started eating as well. More for something to do in the intervening silence than because they were actually interested in food at that moment.
After a few moments Nancy blotted her lips with her napkin and set it next to her plate. “This is not what I was expecting when I heard that you had concerns about my professionalism and in all honesty, this is easier to understand then a manager thinking they don’t need the help of an agent when they really do.”
Chrissy and Robin shared a glance.
“Is that something that’s common?” Chrissy asked. Corroded Coffin had already had Nancy as their agent when she became their manager five years ago. They had outgrown their former manager Murray Bauman and was looking for someone younger to manage them so they hired her.
Nancy nodded. “It is.” She turned to Robin. “You’re his best friend, right? The quirky band chick who was always working with him?”
Robin was impressed with her way of asking the question without revealing anything significant about their identity. She brought her finger up to her contact and moved it aside to show the blue underneath before sliding it back into place.
“I’m assuming I’m the last resort?” Nancy asked after taking another bite of food.
Robin and Chrissy shared another glance.
“Not in the way you mean,” Chrissy explained. “I gave her a list of agents that might be able to have them on as clients and we’ve met with a couple of them but decided even before they got to what’s in the folder that they weren’t suitable for their needs.”
“The double lives aspect, I suspect.”
“Both of them wanted to push them into revealing themselves,” Robin said, nodding. “Which was completely off the table.”
Nancy licked her bottom lip and her eyes narrowed. “Is that off the table indefinitely or will we circle back to that sometime in the future?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “There’s no way to predict if they’re going to change their mind five-six years down the line.”
“I’m going to be frank,” she said, “I do not have a problem repping them. Not even Abbadon. But I understand there will be some awkwardness on both sides at first. I will even apologize in person. Because the fact of the matter is, I did hurt him. I strung him along until something better came along and then didn’t even have the decency to break up with him before moving on. I was young and stupid and even worse, I’m not even with that guy anymore. Like with me and Abbadon, we wanted different things.”
“Apologize first,” Chrissy said with a wicked gleam in her eye, “then we’ll see about hiring you for The Fallen.”
Nancy reached out to shake Robin’s hand. “Deal?”
Robin nodded curtly. “Deal.”
They moved onto the more tedious aspects of what they wanted out of Nancy as they finished their meals.
But as Robin was heading back to her car she had a small satisfied smile on her face. Yes, this really was the best option for the band.
Because of canon-Chrissy's unhealthy relationship with food, I wanted her to go hard into eating all things that her mom most likely forbade her from eating growing up. Hence the steak and the wine. Nancy I figured would be at least vegetarian with personality (just the vibes I get from her *shrug*) and Robin would absolutely be vegan. Just not a militant one.
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imtryingbuck · 2 days
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 3,399
Warnings: angst. swearing. Dot. fluff. Bucky tells reader how he lost his arm. Cheating mentioned, miscarriage mentioned.
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When he woke up that morning he laid there watching Theo sleep peacefully, his fingers gingerly stroked up and down her back as she laid on his chest. The morning sun cut through the slit in the curtain landing on her bare arm in an orange purple hue. Those few minutes with him lying there with her in his arms, the whole house silent he had never felt more at peace.
Then he remembered the conversation the night before.
How any person could harm a child is lost on him. How any father let his own child be harmed in such ways that she told him makes him question humanity.
Bucky knew one thing though and that was he was going to make every single one of them pay.
Wanting to do something sweet for her he slid out of the bed carefully to not to wake her up he did his morning routine and headed downstairs going into the kitchen to make her breakfast in bed, coming to a stop when he walked past the living room where he saw someone sitting there.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you James"
"We have nothing to talk about, get out of my home"
"Why is your whore of a wife-"
"Call her that one more time I swear to God Dolores I will kill you" His voice low showing her that he was not messing around.
"Do you love her?"
"That's none of your business."
"Does she suck your cock as good as I did?"
"You were shit at it and we both know that"
"That's harsh. Do you know she's been passed around like some cheap whore?"
He blinked once, twice, thrice. What was she talking about? Did she know about what had happened to Theo?
"You didn't, did you?" Dot laughed at his facial expression.
"W-what are you talking about?"
"I got an envelope through my letter box and well let’s just say she's a filthy whore" Dot shrugged, leaning down to pull her bag on to her knees she pulled a large brown envelope out and placed it on the coffee table.
Looking up at Bucky she cocked her eyebrow up "It's all in there"
"Who sent it you?"
"I don't know, listen I know that she's asked her father to let you divorce her why don't you get him to and you can marry one of his other daughters then I can be your mistress"
How?.. what?..
"You seriously have no shame do you? I don't love you Dolores. I don't want you or any of Michael’s daughters other than Theo."
"You'll change your mind once you've read this" tapping the envelope. Though Theo had told him everything last night he couldn't help but be a little bit curious to what was inside, so before his brain could register what was happening his feet carried him over to the coffee table, snatching the brown envelope from under Dot's hand he sat down and opened it.
Inside contained photos of a naked Theo, in most of them she was looking away from the camera but sure enough in every one of them there were bruises and open cuts on her body. There was a list of all the names of the men that had raped her, his stomach churned when he read some of the names. Some of the names, he knew them.
So lost in what he was reading he had no idea that Theo was walking down the stairs, nor did he have any time to react to Dot climbing on his lap before she was kissing him. He was frozen in place only snapping out of it when he heard the door creak.
No, no, no, no, no.
Running after Theo his heart in his throat when he sees her taking her clothes out of her side of the wardrobe, the hollow organ sitting in his chest breaking when he sees a few tears slid down her cheeks.
"A-Angel it wasn't what it looked like" He stutters out truly meaning the words, he didn't even kiss Dolores back. He couldn’t not now he had a wife. He wouldn't do that to her.
"It is fine Mr James"
He swears he was going to have a heart attack as she calls him that. "No it's not, please stop and listen to me so I can explain"
It's like he isn't even in his own body but watching from the side lines, the rest of the conversation is lost on him and when he finally snaps back into reality he sees her leaving their room to go back to her old one. He had no idea how he could fix this with her especially not after she had trusted him enough to let him know about her past, not when he felt the scars that cover most of her body. Not when he touched them so easily, not flinching away from them or looking at them in disgust.
Not when he spoke those words when she was asleep.
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"Buck what's going on?" Steve questioned voice full of sleep.
Bucky had woken him up not knowing who to turn to. "Dolores"
"What's she done now?"
Bucky told him everything about what had happened minus telling him what was in the envelope or what Theo had told him the night before. It wasn't his place to say anything.
"Fucking hell. Is Theo okay?"
"Steve I just told you she left our room to go back to hers"
"Did you not try and explain it to her?"
"I did but she wouldn't listen. I don't-"
"What the fuck have you done James?" Wanda stands in the doorway, eyes full of pure hatred as she looks at her best friend.
"I'm not going to ask again."
"I-nothing I swear"
"So Theo didn't just see you kissing that whore? Are you seriously calling my friend a liar?"
"I didn't kiss her!" he shouted "And you seem to forget she's my fucking wife Wanda!"
Rolling her eyes she went to say something but closed her lips again, shaking her head she left as quickly as she came.
"I think she's mad" Steve says trying to lighten to mood earning him a warning look from Bucky.
Over the next week Bucky tried to get her to talk to him and all he received was 'It's okay Mr James' or a head shake. Wanda and Nat had kept their distance from him too, when Nat had found out she pulled a gun on Bucky. She lowered it when he didn't flinch or pull his out on her, she knew he was telling the truth about him not kissing Dolores back. Dolores kept coming back to the house even though Bucky told the guards to make sure she's not let in, which was making the brunette furious.
Bucky had sent Nat a text asking her to come down into the office, needing to talk to her and since both redheads had been upstairs with Theo it was his only way of getting Nat to talk to him. The other day he had gone up and knocked on Theo's bedroom door he was greeted by a still very angry Wanda, who wasn't believing him or Nat, she slammed the door in his face that hard he even flinched.
"What's up?" Nat asked as she strolled into the office.
"I-Is Theo okay? Is she eating? Sleeping?"
"Buck she's fine, me and Wanda are looking after her"
"It should be me"
Sighing, Nat sat down in the seat across from him. "Buck she did walk in on you and that thing kissing-"
"I didn't kiss her back Natasha! I swear-"
"I know and that's why I didn't shoot your dick off" she raised her eyebrow and smirked "You've just got to give her some time Bucky, it's one thing after another and she feels-" Nat quickly cuts herself off.
"Feels what?"
"Nothing, just give her some time"
"Feels what Natasha? Please, please tell me"
"She feels like she isn't worthy to be loved"
Bucky's face dropped, it was the exact expression that both her and Wanda had on their faces when Theo whispered it to them. "W-what?"
"She said it's okay and that she's accepted this life an-and-" shaking her head she knew it was wrong to be telling him the things Theo had whispered to them in secret, but she believed Bucky when he said he never kissed Dolores back.
"And? What?"
"I-I think you should talk to her Bucky, I've already said to much"
"Wanda won't let me"
"Grow up James. Like you keep saying she's your wife. Go!"
Jumping up out of his seat he ran to the door before turning around to jog back over to Nat and placing a kiss to her head which earned him a smack. Running up the stairs he stopped outside of Theo's bedroom door to catch him breath. Knocking beforehand he walked in the room.
"Get out James!" Wanda shouted.
"She's my wife Wanda, I need to talk to her."
"Wanda it's okay" Theo interrupted Wanda, who looked at Theo with a look as if to ask her if she was sure, she nodded and helped Wanda stand.
"Hurt her one more time James I won't hesitate to kill you" Theo shut the door behind her friend and turned to face Bucky, gulping and twiddling her fingers she waited for Bucky to say something.
"T-Theo I'm so sorry for what you saw but it wasn't what it looked like, Dolores kissed me as I was reading something she gave me b-but I swear Angel I didn't kiss her back!"
"It's okay-"
"No it isn't! Stop saying that it is, please. Please scream at me or-or hit me please just do anything other than say it's okay"
"I won't hit you" She frowned with a slight head shake "My father won't agree to a divorce unless you ask Mr James-"
"I don't want a divorce Theo"
"B-but the scars..."
"They don't bother me Angel, fuck I've got my own, look" pulling his shirt down enough so she could see the scars on his chest/shoulder "I have them too so who am I to judge?"
"Oh-l, I will continue being your wife and you can date that woman from the other day but you will h-have to sleep with one of my father's daughters so you can have an heir, I pro-"
"I promise I'll stay out of the way, jus-"
"Just please promise me that I won't get hurt by none of your men" This time she doesn't get cut off by him and when she finds the courage to look up to him her heart tugs when she sees the tears gathering in his eyes.
"You-um-you think I wou-no Angel, no to all of that! I only want you I don't want Dolores, I don't want any of the brats your father calls daughters, if I am lucky enough to have children you will be the mother. None of my our men will ever lay a hand on you, I will never let anyone hurt you again, I won't hurt you again. That I swear and promise you until my last breath"
Though she heard every word he spoke, took in every word he spoke she couldn't help but question "Why?"
And though he had his reasons, mainly because he didn't want to end up like his father, he couldn't stop the words from spilling out. It was so much easier when she was asleep on his chest, right next to his beating heart. "Because I love you"
He hated the way she flinched at those words.
"I know it's way too soon to be feeling these kind of feelings, believe me I do but I-I do Theo and that's the truth. I love you. You are worthy of it Angel, it isn't just me that loves you Wanda and Nat do too, even the guys do. Please let me show you, please don't think you're not worth love or affection because you are-"
A loud sob cuts him off. He doesn't wastes any time in moving closer to her and wrapping his arms around her trembling body. "I'm sorry" he whispers over and over into her hair.
"I-I-I'm not good eno-enough for you James or anyone"
"You're enough. Theo, you're enough"
What happens next shocks the both of them.
Theo leans on her tiptoes and places her lips to his.
Her first ever kiss.
Bucky knew he shouldn't do it because she's got tears streaming down her cheeks, she's confused, she's emotional but fuck she's kissing him. He can't stop himself from kissing her back.
Pulling away from one another slightly out of breath Bucky rested his forehead against hers, smiling at her when she looks up at him.
"Wa-was tha-that okay?" Theo asked shyly.
"It was perfect Angel"
"It wa-was my first kiss" she admitted a light blush coating her cheeks.
"Really? Baby it was perfect"
Theo goes to open her mouth closing it quickly at the noise from outside her door.
"Shut up! I'm trying to list-ow Nat my head!" Sam hissed a muffled cry after a bang on the door startles Theo.
"You shut up. Did she just say a first kiss? Holy shit did they just kiss?" That was Nat's voice.
"Both of you shut up!" This time it was Steve's voice being heard.
"Do you think they're kissing again? Oh god what if they're having sex and we're just listening like creeps!" Wanda's voice turned to panic when she thought that the couple in the room could be doing something that she really did not want to be listening in on.
Shaking his head Bucky had to force himself not to laugh, leaning to whisper into Theo's ear "I bet they're leaning against the door, should I open it so they fall in?"
"No, they might hurt themselves" She whispered back trying really hard not to laugh.
"I bet they're kissing" At hearing Sam's failed attempt to whisper slip through the door Theo looked at Bucky and nodded, giving him the go ahead to open the door. Giving her a gentle kiss on her lips, and another, and another before finally sneaking over towards the door. Hand slowly going to the door handle he looked at Theo and winked.
Sam was the first one to fall in, Nat landing on top of him, Steve on top of her and Wanda landing on the blonde.
"Ow fuck! Nat get off you're fucking heavy! Ow ow stop hitting me!"
"Steve's on me you dickhead!"
"Wanda's on me so I can't move-ow shit what is it with you women hitting people?"
"You've just basically called me fat Steven!"
"Are you guys finished? Me and Theo would like to get past you"
"Help us up then please!" Sam begged.
"Why were you listening to us anyway?" Bucky asked completely ignoring Sam making grabby hands to him.
"Who-what-we-never" Steve stuttered out trying to get Wanda off of him gently not wanting to tear the stitches open.
"Who-what-we-never" Bucky mocked. "We heard you"
"No you didn't, you're just imagining things Bucky" Sam says "I've accepted my fate by the way guys not that any of you care"
"What are you talking about?"
"Well Natasha none of you are getting up off me so l lay here on the ground being squashed to death by my so called family"
Everyone apart from Theo rolls their eyes at Sam's dramatics, Theo tries to move forward to help Wanda off Steve when Bucky's hand stops her. "Leave them, come here."
"But they need help"
"Nope, they'll figure it out soon" picking Theo up he smiles when she squeals, Bucky walks them over to the door and quite literally steps over the four bodies of his friends on the floor.
"Oh that's so fucking cold man"
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Taking Theo into the living room he placed her gently onto the couch, there was a small bar sitting at the back of the room Bucky made his way over to it pouring a drink for himself he asked Theo if she wanted one she shook her head, no.
They sat in comforting silence before Theo broke it.
"James... can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"W-what happened to your arm?" She knew he had a metal arm, at first it startled her not expecting it but now finding it pretty and unique.
Taking his glass, he knocks the rest of his drink back. "My father, piece of shit as you've already probably picked up on. My ma was pregnant with her third kid but miscarried when she was around four or five months." The memory of his mother stumbling down the stairs bottom half covered in blood, her hands shaking and tears rolling down her face. Martha running around ordering the other maids to grab things or to take him and Rebecca upstairs, makes his heart beat a little faster.
Clearing his throat "My ma had found out my father had a mistress. I'm not a doctor but I think that's what caused my ma to lose the baby. Anyway ma needed sometime away as she was really struggling, she went to my aunt's house in Louisiana for three weeks. My father brought his mistress into the home, he actually picked her up after we dropped ma off at the airport" chuckling, he loosened his tie "Three weeks of having to hear obvious fake moans and me looking after Becks because my father gave all the maids three weeks off so they wouldn't tell my ma." Getting up he walks over to the bar he pours himself another drink. Sitting back down he continues.
"The day came for when my ma was coming home, we was on our way to get her from the airport and the prick and his whore was arguing, if I remember correctly it was because she wanted him to leave my mother but he kept saying he wouldn't do it, she grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it towards her, he managed to get the car stable but then she did it again. It was pouring down so the roads were slippery" Taking a deep breath in "Then the car rolled off down the road and went straight down a ditch. I put my arm out in front of Rebecca, my arm got pinned. They both got out, and were actually more bothered about getting their story straight than trying to get a twelve and eight year old out of the car. You know Tony Stark? Well he was in the car behind us, he was the one who rang for help. I begged the fire fighters to get Becks out first but th-they didn't... I woke up in the hospital six days later and my arm was gone"
"James… I’m so sorry"
"Don't apologies Angel, please. It is what it is"
"D-did you ever tell your mother what happened?"
"Yeah, when I woke up I told her straight away. Broke her heart even more. They separated for about two years and for some reason she got back with him, I was so pissed at her but then I found out it wasn't because she loves him but for the money"
"That's... I-"
"I know ah, but yeah Tony was working on prosthetics and a few months later he met up with my ma and next thing I know I'm being fitted with this" he turns his arm around to show her "I had to get it upgraded a few times"
"It's pretty"
"Pretty? You really think so?"
"Yes, is it heavy?"
"At first it was but I'm used to it now so"
"C-can I touch it?"
"Of course"
"Do-do you feel anything?"
"I do, not very often though" Bucky sat there watching Theo's finger slowly move up and down on his arm, it felt like she was trickling a feather up and down the metal prosthetic.
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Later that night Bucky had Theo back in his their bed, after sharing a few more kisses and shy blushes from Theo, they let sleep over take them.
Bucky slept peacefully for the first time in just over a week now that he had his Angel in his arms.
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doe-eyed-fool · 3 days
Prey | Chapter Eight
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Alastor x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Murder, Strangling, Mentions Of Torture
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It was another one of those sleepless nights for Alastor, which he found to be a reoccurrence as of late. And it was starting to wear on him, effecting much more than his sleep. He was becoming stressed, easily agitated, and worst of all, lacking in motivation.
All early warning signs to what could be the end of his radio show. Just one of the few things that kept him going, that kept what little sanity he had left.
He sighed as he removed his overcoat and tossed it aside, before making his way to the back of the house. He stepped outside and rounded his way to the side of the home, and stopped just before the cellar before him.
There was only one way Alastor rid himself of his stress, and it was down there.
Alastor reached for the key in his pocket and unlocked the latch on the cellar before opening it and walking down. He closed it back, and locked it before continuing down the steps. He made his way through the narrow hall, that all too familiar scent filling his nose.
He made a mental note to do something about that at some point.
Towards the end of the hall, was where he would store his liquors and wines, all stored neatly on shelves built in on the walls to his sides.
He stopped once he reached a large wine cabinet in front of him, just as tall, if not a little taller than himself. Alastor placed both hands on the side of the cabinet and pushed it to the left, until it was fully against the wall. Behind that cabinet, was a door. Wooden, and the color of dark and dusty maroon. The doorhandle was black, and creaked slightly when it was turned.
Alastor stepped inside after unlocking the door. It was pitch black inside the room beyond that door. But not for long.
Alastor took five strides into the room before reaching up, and pulling down at the string hanging down. Suddenly the room was filled with a harsh light, though Alastor had grown use to it by now.
But not the man chained from the ceiling, he flinched as the light hit his eyes. A pitiful groan escape him as he slowly opened his eyes once again. Upon seeing Alastor, he began to scream. Though, his cries would not reach anyone's ears, especially not with that tape around his mouth.
He looked terrible. Multiple bruises and still open wounds littered his body, infected by days of neglect. Alastor took his time with this man. Hate was such a strong emotion for Alastor, he's never truly hated anyone.
Well, aside from his father. Oh how he hated that man...
And the one before him was no better. Alastor hated him. And finally, he had him right where he wanted him.
"Evening, my good man." Alastor spoke, his words seemed friendly, but his tone indicated otherwise. And despite Alastor's smile, he could not be more irritated. A sigh of frustration leaves him as he speaks. "You're causing quite the uproar. Though, I have no idea why anyone would be concerned for the likes of you." He spat.
"Do you treat every woman who works for you like that, or is Y/n special?" Alastor asks, his tone low and cold. "You make me sick. And the only reason you still draw breath, is so I can hopefully relieve myself of the frustration and anger I feel. However..."
Alastor grabs the man by his throat, his nails digging into his flesh as he was jerked towards Alastor. "My rage only grows stronger with every passing day."
Alastor didn't let up when the man groaned and whimpered in pain, as his airways were slowly cutting off.
"And it seems I'm never satisfied with what I do anymore. I've killed plenty before you, and at the start, it was absolutely thrilling. It was thrilling with the first, then the person after, and next, and so on. But..."
Something about Alastor's eyes changed. From once frustrated and angry, now to seemingly desperate.
"It's not enough. I could break you, rip more agonizing screams from your throat, continue this little game within an inch of your life before you finally croak and yet...it brings me no satisfaction." Alastor lets go of his throat.
"It's just...not enough..."
Alastor brought a hand to his face, his mind was so filled with noise that it was starting to give him a headache. He yearned for something, anything to quiet down the noise. He thought he once found it when he started these killings.
But as a recent, the noise had only been growing louder and louder. A light buzz would turn into a ear piercing crackling static in an instant. He didn't know how much more he could take...
Alastor peered at the man through his fingers. A new wave of anger washed over him as he yelled.
"Do not look at me like that!"
The tied up man flinched at the sudden outburst.
"As if you have any right to judge me!" Once again Alastor's hands were at his throat. "Not when you get off on harassing vulnerable young women! Taking advantage of them! All because you are to disgusting and undesirable to get a woman of your own!" His grip tightened, the man tried to thrash away from Alastor, but to no avail.
"Just how long have you been doing that to Y/n!? How many times have you put your filthy hands on her!?" Alastor's hands were shaking from how roughly he was strangling the man.
"Had you scared her into silence!? I bet you have, otherwise I would have done this the very day she had the misfortune of meeting you!"
The gurgle and sharp cracking noise would not reach Alastor's ears as he continued his assault. Alastor didn't know just how long he had his constrictive grasp on that man's throat, until the buzzing noise had finally subsided. He looked at the man silently for a moment, his hands slowly moved away.
Alastor sighed heavily upon realizing the man was long dead. Normally, whenever Alastor had finished his...activities, he'd properly dispose of the body. But right now, all he wanted was a drink strong enough to knock him out.
He shut the lights off before walking out of the room, and shutting the door behind him. He moved the liquor cabinet back into place then grabbing a bottle of the strongest whisky he had.
Alastor then made his way back inside the home, shutting the door behind him before sliding down to the floor. He opened the bottle and took a large swig of the whisky.
Looks like it would truly be one of those sleepless nights yet again.
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You were quick to notice Alastor's sudden change in behavior. Sure, he presented himself as fine in front of others. As if he didn't have a care in the world. But you knew better. You could tell there was something wrong, and you couldn't stand by and let him suffer through whatever it was.
You didn't have anything better important to do today, your next show wasn't until later tonight. So, you decided to pay a visit to Alastor at his studio to bring him lunch. You had only been there a few times, as you were always too busy to pay more visits. But some folks remembered you from the times you use to visit, before you got your job at the diner. 
You adjust the small basket you held in your arm as you stepped through the doors, right away you were met with a familiar face.
"Heya Y/n!" Greeted a young woman around your age. She stood from her desk to approach you. Her jet black hair was tied back into a neat bun, her emerald green eyes met your own. Her cheeks dimpled as she smiled.
"I haven't seen you ages! Where have you been?" There was a slight country drawl in her voice as she spoke. 
Her name was Jenny Martins. Her older brother, Joe Martins, worked for the studio for quite a while. In fact, her brother was the one who helped Alastor get a job here.
"Working." You chuckle. "But I should have a lot more free time since I got a new job."
"Oh?" Jenny raises an eyebrow.
"You know Mimzy? I sing at her lounge now." You tell her. "Really?" Jenny eyes widen. "I heard rumors of a fresh face down at that lounge, apparently a lot of people like her. That was you?"
You nod with a proud smile. "Sure is." Jenny smiles. "Well. I'm happy for you pumpkin. You here to see Al?" She asks.
"I am." you decide to keep the reason for your visit to yourself. Alastor was very particular about his reputation and image. His smile gave the impression of a unbothered man, a man in control.
If others knew that image was cracking, well, Alastor would not be very pleased. 
"I haven't the slightest clue why you two haven't dated." Jenny says in a hushed tone. "You two are as close as close can get."
Another thing you kept private. You and Alastor both agreed to keep your relationship a secret. For now at least.
You only shrugged. "We're just friends, Jenny. Nothing more. May I go up?" Jenny nods. "Yep, you can go on ahead. But you got twenty minutes before he has to broadcast again." You thank her before heading up the stairs.
As you made it up to the second level, you were met with Jenny's brother, Joe. "Well, I'll be! Y/n, you finally decide to pay us a visit!" He spoke with the same country accent as his sister. You give him a polite smile. "Sure did. Is Alastor in?"
"Of course, you're here for him." Joe playfully rolls his eyes. "Yes, you go ahead on in. But first, I'd like to know where your pretty face has been."
You chuckle lightly. "Got a job singing at Mimzy's lounge. I really love it, it's a dream come true." You explain. "Is that right?" Joe raises an eyebrow. "Makes sense. Heard some of the boys yapping about a fine young canary down at that ol' lounge. Must be you, hm? It makes too much sense." Joe smirks.
Ah Joe. If it was one thing you didn't miss, it was moments like this. You've always suspected Joe had a bit of a crush on you. But telling from the looks you'd catch from him at times, it was no innocent crush.
"My, is that what they said?" You ask, slightly embarrassed. Joe hums. "Looks like I'm going to have to join them at your next show." Said Joe. You only nod, still a little flustered.
"Alright." Joe laughs. "I won't keep you much longer. Go on in." He nods in the direction of Alastor's recording room. You say your goodbyes before walking away. An exhale left you as soon as you were far enough.
Seems like Joe hasn't changed a bit, the dog. You then put on your best convincing smile before entering the room.
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(I forgot to add the tags >.< sorry guys)
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simplydannie · 3 days
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Requested, inspired by, and written for @sillypanda3!!
Desperation begins to grow inside Velvet… What they’re doing is not enough. She needs more Troll. One night it overtakes her, leading her to take a little more than she can handle…Leaving Floyd helpless to watch.
The twins strike their final pose.
The audience cheered and roared, chanting their names. Veneer smiled looking at the crowd and hearing his name. He turned to eye his sister… that’s when the smile vanished. She was smiling, but there was something about her smile that was menacing… terrifying. He could see a hint of a pink glow in her eyes…
“THANK YOU MOUNT RAGEOUS!!” She screamed into the mic. The lights shut off leaving the twins in darkness up on the stage. Once out of view of the fans, Velvet frowned.
“Could we have been any more worse!!” She cried as she exited followed by her brother.
“Sis, relax. We did fine. They obviously loved it!” He assured her.
“You don’t know anything!!! That was WAY below perfect. We need perfect Veneer!” She yelled as she made her way into the dressing room. Velvet went straight towards the diamond where the little Troll lay… he began looking more and more exhausted.
“What the hell is going on?? Why aren’t we perfect!” She screamed looking at Floyd.
“Because it’s not really you doing all that. It’s just what my essence is making you do. If you do it on your own, coming from you, then it’ll be perfect.” Floyd told her. A hint of guilt crossed Veneers face as he saw the state Floyd was in… what they were doing to him… they were killing him…
“Velvet, maybe for the next one, we should practice??” Veneer suggested.
“Are you serious bro? Why practice when it’s being handed to us on a silver platter? We just need more Troll! This one isn’t working anymore.” A desperation sounded in her voice. Everyday she grew scarier and scarier, like she had become addicted to this. Veneer glanced at Floyd, he could see the concern on his face… Velvet was slowly loosing it.
The door opened to their dressing room. A woman Rageon with loose navy blue hair, and lighter blue skin walked in… Lapis, their agent… she was under direct orders from Mistress… their manager. She walked in with her heels clicking, her glasses reflected the interior light.
“She’s not happy.” Lapis said.
Velvet scowled, “I knew it!”
“Is the Trolls effects working or not?”
Veneer stepped in, “I mean obviously. We’re still able to absorb the essence… Our fans are still obsessed with us.”
“Somehow the fans aren’t working either for her. She wants more. We have a few ideas. But you better deliver.” Lapis warned before heading out.
Velvet pounded her fists on the desk, “If we can’t deliver Veneer! They’re going to send us straight back down there! And you know it doesn’t go well for Rageons like us! They’ll make a laughing stock of us back in Under Rageous!”
“I don’t know what more we can do! We’re doing everything they’re telling us.”
“It’s not enough! We need more Troll!”
That night back at their mansion, Velvet couldn’t sleep. She tossed, she turned…. She just could not get out of her mind that the performance today was a disaster. How off key did she sound? Was it her or her brother? She turned to her left…that side of the bed was empty. Normally Veneer would come in like he did when they were kids and ask if he could sleep over. But tonight he didn’t, he knew she was angry, and when she was angry, it was best to leave her alone.
“We can’t go back.” She told herself. Out of the many, they were the only ones to make it and be picked for this; this life of fame. There had to be something special about them that they were chosen… and Velvet didn’t want to loose that. She had to stay up on top, she just had to!
Throwing the blankets off of her, she tiptoed her way out of her room and straight to where they kept Floyd.
The little Troll was curled into a ball, sound asleep. He didn’t hear Velvet when she walked in. Gently she picked up the diamond. Velvet looked at Floyd as he slept soundly. Memories began filling her mind of the days that used to be… when they found Floyd, when he took care of them in the under-city. He became a father figure when they needed one the most. While Under Rageous saw their kind of Rageon as bad luck, he saw past it… he saw the lost kids they were in the dreaded under-city…
Her heart numbed… she couldn’t do this, she couldn’t keep hurting him. Velvet began to lower the diamond back into place, but then something else came to her mind… What if they failed and were sent back? Her and her brother only survived because of pure luck. What if their luck would run out? What if she lost her brother….the only precious thing she had in this damn place…They had a debt to owe, they had to do this, she had to…
Floyd stirred inside the diamond. He opened his tiny eyes to look up Velvet, “Vels? What are you doing here?” As he looked upon her he saw the glowing pink desperation in her eyes, “Vels?”
“I’m sorry Floyd. But we have to be perfect…. I have to be perfect. I need more Troll!!!” Taking the diamond she spritzed herself one too many times. Floyd grunted as the life drained from his body, a pain scoffing through. Velvet felt the high surge through her veins, she felt the euphoria…. She felt the power… and it felt good.
“THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!” She exclaimed, “But it’s not enough!”
Floyd tried to catch his breath as his body began to turn clear, “Velvet. Stop please.” Again she took the diamond to spray herself, absorbing Floyd’s essence. Again she felt the euphoria and energy surge through her veins, a glow coming to her body…. But something was different, because this time, it felt like it was too much. Velvet let the diamond drop to the floor with a thud as she clenched her chest..
“What the hell…” she exclaimed. Floyd stared at her wide eyed.
Velvet fell to her knees, still clutching her chest, the glow still in her body and eyes…. She collapsed.
“VELVET!!!” Floyd cried as he saw her body tremble on the floor. Her eyes still glowing nearly rolled at the back of her head, her body shaking uncontrollably. “VELVET! Oh my god! VENEER! VENEER!!! “ he cried out, tears beginning to sting his eyes as he helplessly watched Velvet practically overdose on his essence. How was this possible? Was it because of their ability?… or because of his essence?
“VELVET COME ON PLEASE HEAR MY VOICE!!” Floyd banged and banged on the diamond. But it was useless. Velvets body still shook on the ground, she began to foam at the mouth…
Veneer was sound asleep. He hugged the fish plush his sister made him years ago, a little after Sparkles died. He was seventeen now, but he didn’t care, it brought him comfort. It was peaceful that night… but something kept urging him to get up. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room… something was off, something didn’t feel right. Veneer tried putting that feeling in the back of his mind as he closed his eyes…
But the feeling came again..
“Uugghhh.” He groaned as he sat up. Veneer needed to make sure, so he went to his sister’s room. When he got there he saw her bed was empty.
He shrugged, “Maybe she went to the bathroom.” Veneer yawned and was headed to bed when that feeling came again…. A feeling that something wasn’t right….That’s when he heard the noise.
Veneer took off running towards the noise… he could hear he was getting closer…
Veneer barged into the door to see Floyd desperately banging on the diamond hoping it would break. He turned to see his sister lying motionless on the floor.
“VELS?” He ran to her side and scooped her into his arms. She was foaming at the mouth, her eyes half way closed. “VELS!!” He screamed shaking her body.
Veneer placed his ear by her chest…. He could still hear her heart, he could feel she was breathing, but just ever so slightly.
“WHAT HAPPENED?” He looked at Floyd, “WHAT HAPPENED!”
“She came… she used the diamond… took more of my essence….” Floyd could hardly speak, hardly to think… he nearly saw her die, “Veneer she took too much… She took too much.” Tears swelled in his eyes…. She over did it.
“Vels?” Veneer cried holding his sister close. She was stable now, her breathing steadied, her heartbeat felt back to normal, but she still didn’t stir… she still didn’t move. “We have to stop Vels,” He cried, “I don’t want to loose you like this….please.”
Floyd rolled his diamond near the twins… he couldn’t hug them, he couldn’t comfort them… instead he leaned the diamond in between both of them… hoping they could feel warmth… he couldn’t loose them either.
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hold - @bartylusmicrofic - words: 967 [mature: discussions of sex and under-age sex, some references to gender dysphoria]
[follow-up to 'teach', (y)earn universe | because @rayjkss said 'second part' and then this was on my brain all day]
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Barty demands. He drops himself onto the bed opposite Regulus and stares with such intensity that Regulus is forced to look up from the book he’s reading. ‘We need to give it a name. I don’t know what to call it.’
‘Deimos,’ Regulus says. ‘I’ve always liked that name. And in my family, we name things after stars. Granted, it’s one of the moons of Mars, but Narcissa is a flower name, so I think we can bend the rules.’
‘No, I meant your dick.’ Barty says this so bluntly, angrily, that Regulus feels his heart leap into his throat and suddenly he wants to shrink and die on the spot. ‘Evan told me about it.’
Regulus frowns. Because surely Barty isn’t stupid. Evan can’t be that stupid either. So, Regulus doesn’t know what’s happening anymore. Barty seems to be on a different wavelength than he is, which isn’t unusual since Barty is normally on a different wavelength than most people.
Only, Regulus can normally keep up with him. Now, however, Regulus’s world is dust.
Regulus closes the book in his lap with a snap and tries not to close his eyes as well, because Barty looks so angry and frustrated that Regulus wouldn’t be surprised if he started crying. ‘Barty,’ he says in a low voice. ‘I don’t have a dick. I thought you’d realised that from all the times we’ve, well, been naked together.’
Barty flops down onto the bed dramatically, groaning. ‘This is why we need to give it a name,’ he says to the roof. ‘And you’re not calling it Deimos. Because, I fully respect your right to name your own body, but calling it Deimos while we’re in bed will make it feel like there’s three of us.’ And then quieter, sounding almost sad, he says, ‘I didn’t realise it wasn’t good for you. I’m sorry, I thought it was good for you too.’
‘Barty,’ Regulus sighs. ‘Respectfully. I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.’
Barty sits up, eyes wide. ‘Sex. I’m talking about sex. According to Evan, you’ve never had an orgasm and I’m doing it all wrong, and I didn’t know! I’m sorry, there aren’t books in the library on “how to have sex” or “how to make sure sex is good” and I just don’t know where to find that sort of information, because it’s not like my parents keep sex guides in the house. I guess I could rob an adult book store, but I just didn’t think I’d need to because I didn’t think I’d need an instruction manual to do this properly!’ 
‘I didn’t realise I needed to draw you a map,’ Regulus says, flushing. 'And you didn't do it all wrong. It felt just fine.' It comes out flat, curt, which makes Barty even more upset. But Regulus just really doesn’t want to be having this conversation right now. 
Right now, Regulus wants to know how he can kill Evan without hurting Evan. And maybe only temporarily. Because he’d been pretty damned clear when talking to Evan that the conversation and the contents of it were to remain entirely between the two of them. Forever away from Barty’s ears.
‘I don’t need a map,’ Barty mutters. ‘I just…need to know of its existence.’
Regulus sighs, shuffles back so he’s leaning against his pillows, knees pulled to his chest. He thinks, perhaps, he can set the bed curtains on fire, run away in all the chaos, because he doesn’t want to be having this conversation right now.
The thing is, Regulus has never been uncomfortable about his body around Barty or Evan, not in the way he feels uncomfortable around others. The way he avoids using the Quidditch Change Rooms because he doesn’t like the eyes of others on him, people wondering why he's different.
Regulus trusts Evan and Barty implicitly and has historically been very open with them. Comfortable dressing and undressing around them. Laying in bed together, cuddling, curled up in their little ball of comfort, when there’s been limbs and body parts everywhere. 
But things with Barty are different now. When Barty touches him in a way that isn’t the normal way friends touch each other. Makes Regulus feel in ways friends don’t normally make each other feel. Regulus just doesn’t know how to deal with it, with the topic of his body when he willingly gives Barty access to it. He wants Barty to just know, the way Barty generally just knows everything. 
And Regulus is aware that this is unfair of him, to lay those kind of expectations on Barty. Even Barty can’t just know everything.
Barty shuffles over, wraps an arm around Regulus and curls against him so he’s in Regulus’s arms. He looks up at Regulus, all doe-eyed in what he probably thinks is a ‘seductive’ sort of way, and says with a small smile, ‘Evan says we need to “communicate more”. Apparently communication is important.’ 
‘I hate talking.’
‘Sure, but you love me. And,’ Barty grins, ‘I want to make sure it feels good for you.’
‘It felt fine.’
Barty rolls his eyes and nudges Regulus in his side. ‘It shouldn’t just feel fine. It should feel incredible. Like, the best thing you’ve ever felt. I want to make you feel good too.’
Regulus sighs and slides down so he’s laying on his side, face buried against Barty. The thing is, it’d genuinely felt good. Nice. Sure, he'd been aware that it'd felt nicer for Barty than it had for him. But Regulus hadn’t seen a problem with that, even when Evan had called it a ‘problem’. Because apparently Regulus is not allowed to have, what Evan had called, ‘subpar sex’. 
Regulus nods into Barty’s chest, hoping desperately that Barty intuitively knows (the way Barty naturally seems to know most things) what he means. Regulus will try—he will—to work through this.
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kerubimcrepin · 8 hours
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 1 (episode 20, The Tree of Life)
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I like to think he was looking for any sign of Armand being a sussy baka, or, alternatively, Armand being actually worried about the things he's been told.
Sadly, Joris finds neither.
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I like to think that Joris and Amalia&Eva have a good pre-established relationship for the following reason: it's shown to be good enough for him to get onto the balcony and for them to be immediately happy about it, instead of going "what the hell are you doing here?" or "were you spying on us? (he was. even if it is for the good of the world.)"
Maybe that's another reason Armand hates him — besides Joris insisting on the instructions that were given to him and not bowing down to Armand's ~power~ — Joris may be a yet another person who likes his sister more.
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Btw Joris is doing batshit insane tower climbing again, just like in the Ush comic.
Never change, king.
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Get ready for my deep, deep, insightful commentary into what the fact that Joris believes that no issue is insolvable implies within the context of his "has seen countless human deaths" life:
I think I hauve covid.
Do you think one of the solutions that he has for issues is to wait it out and watch, as the walls of the prison that are "circumstances of life", start to decay?
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Translation from politespeak: "I am going to cause a political incident with your cringe brother to help you tell your father about Nox's plans."
I love how ready he is to beat people up. And to cause a political incident.
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Joris after getting down from the balcony railing, now suddenly very much below everyone in the room, in a matter of fact voice: After I slam the tree stump on the floor to create a loud sound, — and probably damage said floor, sorry, — you are going to scream that the iop returned. I will keep hitting random things until they run in. When the guards do run in, I beat them to unconsciousness with my magic wand. You can also hit them if you want, — yes, yes, you can use the candelabra, or any other metal object in the room, — but do not hit them on the head without me! It's very easy to accidentally kill a person, when you're not used to beating them to unconscious on a relatively regular basis.
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Bugs when you lift a rock.
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God knows, Joris is extremely aware of how bad the thing he just did is, and how much trouble he'll be in afterwards. God also knows that Joris probably doesn't give a shit.
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The little slam... The commanding voice... He's everything.
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When Joris is this polite, he is either angry as fuck and can't do anything about it, or angry as fuck and about to beat you to death.
This little "I insist" is so uncalled-for. He's just mocking them at this point, considering what he is about to do.
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Something I really noticed this time around, is that Joris really likes kicking things. He kicked Pinpin, he kicked these guys... This is a trait he gets from Kerubim, sure, but he takes kickmaxxing to another level by, very cockily, doing half this battle with his hands behind his back on a simple whim.
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He is the same exact type of an insane, prideful asshole as Kerubim. It maddens me when people think he's actually humble and normal just because of his introversion and more low-key facade.
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He may not scream "I'm smarter and better and stronger than every loser in this room" outwardly like his father, but exudes the same exact noxious aura nonetheless.
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You know why I also think Joris thinks of Amalia and Eva well?
He put this little show on, — fighting two simple guards with pirouettes, hands behind his back, and a little touch of magic, — just for them. We know what he actually fights like when he means it. And it has none of this insanity.
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You see, he points out his ability to fight off an army of simple, normal people, all alone. And on one hand it's just reassuring Eva and Amalia that they have nothing to fear...
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...and on the other hand, it makes me think he likes it when random teenagers think he's cool and awesome.
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Even though this blog is crepinjurgen-focused, I want to say that this is one of my favorite wakfu episodes. This scene always makes me tear up.
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Anyway do you think Joris just carries with him ropes to tie enemies with whenever he goes — or did he take a rope from somewhere within the castle? How often does this happen? Does he do this as a torture method too? Does he—- [I am removed by the secret police by being way too insane today]
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Still using vous, despite hating his ass.
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[guy who made a blog that's 33% dedicated to talking about doomed siblings] Yeah it's so sad that even Tot doesn't understand Clephee's potential, and how insane her relationship with Eva is. Imagine loving your sibling, but they never feel good enough, and they keep leaving you. They turn everything into competition, never celebrate your wins because they feel like their losses. Imagine speaking so little — being so distant, that when you have a happy dream of that sibling, it's them as a child, way back before. And imagine that this sibling wants to turn you into a fur coat— [I am electrocuted]FHDSJHDFJKsdhfsdhfERR-
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There are so many people unconscious and Joris is actually freaking the fuck out, which makes me think that, for the past 10-20 minutes in-universe, he and Armand have been doing the Joris whack-a-mole thing.
Like, Joris is actually alarmed/bewildered by the fact that Armand will literally not listen to a single fucking word and just keeps mindlessly punching the floor.
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Is he insane? Is he for real?
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At this point, he's worried for the guy's health. This has been happening for a while. He sounds scared.
Like Armand keeps hurting himself in his attempts to beat Joris up and it's scaring Joris shitless because it's actually starting to get a little bit weird and off-putting.
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Yet he turns around so nonchalantly.
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