#i love being complicated /lh
reinabeestudio · 8 months
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Ok how vague can I be with this 👑💭
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necrotic-nephilim · 27 days
I know you like Young Justice 98 so I have to ask what you think of my favorite problematic girl Greta Hayes.
Greta Hayes is my favorite bbygirl ever. i think her backstory is super interesting and i wish DC had done more with the whole Warder concept, exploring other Warders and what her relationship could've been with them. i just love the like. duality of her? the way she appears pretty shy and timid but has this really deep, explosive anger to her. she's a hot mess and i love her dearly, she can do no wrong in my eyes. the only moment i didn't like with her was when she and Steph fought, but i blame that more on the writers bc "two girls must have a crush on the cool main character and fight over him" just happens a lot in comics.
i lost my shit when Stargirl: Lost Children brought Greta back. i'm so happy she's back around and i think Lost Children was an interesting plot to explain the concept of all of these teenage heroes and sidekicks getting lost to comic book limbo. i wish Anita had also been in Lost Children but, i'm happy for the scraps of Greta we got bc if you'd asked me before if we would ever see her again, i would've said probably not. i hope the New Golden Age stuff does more with her and i'm delusional that we'll see her reunite with Young Justice, or at the very least Bart, since that's who she mentions being friends with in Lost Children.
i do ship her with Tim, i fear. i think her crush on him was really cute and how much faith she had in him. and him being the one who was able to talk out of working with Darkseid? just very cute vibes. i do also like GretaSteph, but GretaTim is rlly fun and i wish we had more content of it. whether it be an unrequited love situation where she has to watch him grow up while she's trapped as her age in this life/death limbo, or them actually trying to make it work. i crave to use her more in fanfic, i just haven't thought of stories to easily slot her into yet.
anyway, i love her, she's a doll, she should've been in Young Justice (2019), begging DC to do something with her now that she's officially back in the continuity. give her a mini or something pls DC my kingdom for content of my dumb angry ghost child.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
just noticed almost all the "ships" I like are actually just queerplatonic relationships in a trench coat
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minhosimthings · 2 months
Love Wins All - LHS
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Synopsis: In which Heeseung is your true home.
Pairings: bf!Heeseung × fem!reader
Warnings: reader has a panic attack, reader has complicated relationship with her parents, crying, the eldest daughter syndrome, swearing, HEE COMFORT LETS GAURRRR, fluff, mention of food, me being poetic as always
A/N: whadup y'all I am unfortunately alive so I'm BACK with this here Heeseung fluff because I love him and he is mine and I am going mental. This is for the Hyuck to my Mark, my beloved @jaeyunluvr
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There is a peculiar notion that exists in the human world that no one can love you more than your parents. The people who created you. The people who brought you into this universe, this magnificent galaxy of ours that we call home.
There is a notion that your parents are home.
But you learnt early on in life not to make homes in people. You learnt that people are like travelling rivers , like the flowing water in a forest stream, which brings about both peace and destruction, depending on how one's eyes view it. People would never allow you to make homes in them.
And no matter how hard you tried to make a home out of your mother and father, because you thought they were the only people you were compelled to live in, you failed. If people were asking to calm rivers, your parents were like the harsh nightly waves of an ocean, which brought out destruction as they hit the rocks of the shore over and over again and again, never ceasing to think about how the rocks are doing.
Nevertheless, you managed to find a home of your own. You were surprised you did, what with how much you didn't believe in homes and souls and all that bullshit you read repeatedly in books and saw on the screen.
But Heeseung was different, you thought to yourself. He was like a river you had made yourself a travelling home in, one which would be suited well to his serenely flowing water, which touched and kissed you like the skyline kissed the sea at dawn.
Heeseung was different, you knew that. He was that familiar pair of arms and that familiar, comforting scent that you always imagined you'd go home to as a child. He was the person who you had dreamed of as a teenager, someone who'd hang up your coat for you after a long day, someone who'd make you pancakes in the morning while you slumbered on, someone who'd talk with you deep into the starry nights about anything and everything, someone who'd kiss your forehead everyday before leaving for work, someone who'd love you and show you that your 17 year old perception of the concept of love was not wrong.
So there was no thinking about it when he was the first and only person you wanted to collapse into after a devastating, disastrous, draining day, filled with no calm waves and no love.
The sound of your keys jangling, as they were set down onto the key holder, bought a smile to Heeseung's face, as he was cooking up the last portions of pasta. It was Friday night, which meant that you and him were going to eat Heeseung's notorious pesto pasta, drink some wine and relax into the night's clutches. Saturdays meant going out, so Friday was set aside for peace.
Heeseung's left the noodles simmering in the water as he shut the lid and took off his apron before going to greet you. He was excited for pasta night today, since it had been a long week, filled with work on both your sides. Additionally, you had been staying over at your parents' house for some time, so that added to the lonely hours Heeseung spent in bed hugging your hoodies because he couldn't fall asleep without the scent of you lingering understand his nostrils.
Now, he was hot on his heels, ready to engulf you into the biggest hug ever and kiss you for eternity. Perhaps he was exaggerating, but the taste of your lips on his really was asking to ambrosia to him. If the Gods had their nectar, then he had his.
"Evening, princess." Heeseung chuckled, leaning against the kitchen door as he watched you slowly take your coat off and hang it up on the rack. Lifting your head up, your mouth stretched into a smile on seeing him.
"Seungie..." You cooed, walking over to him and immediately locking yourself into his arms. Heeseung's left arm went to your waist, the other going to support your head. You layed your head gently on his chest, your own arms tied 'round his slender figure.
The comforting scent of him, cherry cologne, basketball tees and pasta sauce, filled your senses as you took a deep breath in, closing your eyes. Perhaps it was from the pure exhaustion you were feeling, but the mere scent of him brought you back to where you've wanted to be for the entire week.
Heeseung was your home wasn't he?
You felt Heeseung smile as he loosened his tight grip on you, pulling back to look at you. His bambi eyes traced your features one by one, making you feel a bit shy, as if the love of your life wasn't doing what he always did. Heeseung's eyes wavered a little as they landed on your slightly bloodshot ones. Ever the observant man, he was, he chose not to question you about it, knowing you would tell him the reason sooner or later.
"I missed you." You beamed up at him, as a breathy chuckle left his plump, pink (perfectly kissable) lips, "Missed your pasta too." You nose wrinkled at the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, as you glanced towards the door.
"Only my pasta?" Heeseung's bottom lip jutted out to form an adorable pout, which you oh so missed, "Not my kisses?"
"Nope." You giggled, popping your lips, eyes wandering down to his again, "Only your pasta."
Heeseung smiled gently as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. The gentleness of his touch made tears well up in your eyes, you had craved this love for a week now, as if you were Eve, starved of interest, and in her hunger, taking a bite of the apple to satisfy herself.
You snapped out of your stupor at the sound of Heeseung's honeyed voice, gently calling you. You felt the warm touch of his hand against your cheek, he gently cupped it and closely examined you with his eyes.
"Are you alright?" He asked, voice still soft as cotton, as if he would have broken you if he spoke any louder, "You don't look too good."
"I'm fine!" You responded, the words coming out a little more enthusiastic that you had intended them to, "I just need a shower." You laughed it off, but Heeseung knew (through what he called his boyfriend tingle) that you most certainly were not ok.
"Love, are you sur-"
"I'm fine, Heeseung." You firmly stated, putting your own hand on top of the one Heeseung had on your cheeks, gently pushing his off, "I'm gonna go take a shower." You smiled again at him before glancing towards the kitchen, "And you've got some pasta to make, mister, so get going."
Heeseung grinned before letting go of your waist, one last kiss was pressed to your forehead before he rushed off into the kitchen to put together a dinner fit for royalty.
The feeling of warm water hitting your skin, whilst you stood underneath the shower, brought about the waterworks. This feeling, this familiar feeling of showering in your own bathroom was ridiculous to bring tears to your eyes, but here you were. Soaking in despair, as memories of the week you had spent came rushing to your brain.
You enjoyed staying with your parents, you truly did. After all, they had been the ones to witness each one of your fails and each one of your successes, carefully shaping you, like a potter with his clay, to avoid the mistakes and focus solely on being the golden child. But they had failed to notice that even the golden child burns out sometimes, even the Icarus child loses her wings. That, combined with the never ending screams and shouts that envelope your childhood home, you weren't even sure sometimes whether your parents actually loved you or not.
Love, as you had believed it from ages six to ten, was the feeling of receiving ice cream, the feeling of someone running a brush through your hair, the feeling of rushing home from school and excitedly doing your homework, so that the teacher would give you a star the other day.
Love, from ages eleven to sixteen, was something that was fictional, something that was described so sweetly in the books that you thought 'of course it isn't real'. It was something to be bought and sold, something that couldn't actually exist between people, you blanked out at the fact that when you visited your friend's home, you found her parents talking merrily to each other, as if they actually knew one another.
Love to you, now, was a complex conundrum of ideas. It was full of paradoxes and oxymorons that you didn't want to spend hours decoding and deciphering.
For now, love had been the same cherry cologne, the same honey coated voice, and the same pair of doe eyes, staring lovingly into yours after a long day, whilst you lay with tangled limbs and slightly fuller hearts.
Stepping out the shower, with a warm towel wrapped around yourself, you stared at yourself in the vanity mirror, tracing your hands over your face, whilst your eyes did the same with themselves. Heeseung would definitely notice how bloodshot your eyes were, and you didn't want to put more of a burden on him than you thought you had already done.
Burden. That word again.
Always showing up when you least wanted it to. Of course you were a burden to your parents, why on earth would they even want you, now that you had a life of your own? Apart from the fact that you were the sole witness to the years of domestic bitterness, they had no idea who you truly were. And of course, you were a burden to the world, you had been taught that since the ripe age of eight. Who'd ever want a burden?
You quickly rubbed some of your face cream onto your skin, hoping it would make the tear marks disappear. As for the bloody eyes, well, there was always the soap in the eyes' excuse.
Your hands roughly blended the cream into your skin, you knew it was unhealthy, but at that point, all you wanted was a plate of pasta in front of you and a tall, pink haired man in your arms.
Heeseung stood in the kitchen, frozen like a deer in headlights, staring down at your phone. An unread message proudly showed itself against your bright Studio Ghibli wallpaper. Messages from your younger brother. He was about six years younger than you, and he still stayed at his parents, being a year away from college. That was what Heeseung knew, based off of what you'd told him. Messages from your brother were peculiar, because for one, he was busy with his work, and two, apart from sending each other dozens of reels on Instagram everyday, you and your brother never really talked much. It was that kind of sibling-love, Heeseung thought, the kind which stayed on, even after not conversing with actual words.
So these many messages from your brother was weird, especially considering the fact that the first one started with "Are you doing alright?"
Out of curiosity, Heeseung had checked the texts, and his mouth fell open at what was before his eyes. His mind couldn't comprehend what your brother had been taking about.
Dozens upon dozens of texts, all taking about something with the keywords, 'argument', 'parents' and some or the other thing to do with 'I miss you'. Heeseung's brain seemed to do some kind of a backflip, as he finally realised why your eyes were so bloodshot when you had arrived.
"Hee? Baby?" Heeseung snapped out of his stupor at the sound of your voice behind him. He was quick to put your phone down and pretend like he was checking on the pasta.
"Need anything baby?" He asked, eyes visibly softening as he looked at you. You smiled gently at him.
"Have you seen my phone?" You ask, peering around for it.
"Yeah uhm..." Heeseung hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone on the counter behind him, "Here you go."
Your fingers gently brushed against his as you took the phone from him, offering him a smile as you did. Heeseung turned back to his pasta, while your eyes gravitated to the multiple texts that lay scattered on the screen. Quietly sighing, you sat down on the chair, and resting your arms on the table, scrolled through your brother's texts.
You felt your jawline tighten more by the second as you read each and every sentence, the drastic moments of the horrible week you had suffered flashing in front of your eyes. The air around you seemed to still as you read your brother's last text. Perhaps you had read it wrong, you thought, but no manges how much you tried to convince yourself that your tear-filled eyes did not just read 'I miss you, when are you coming again?' wrong, you couldn't.
Your heart tore itself into bits and pieces as you re-read the texts again, torturing yourself by doing so. You had told yourself that you'd never go back to the argument filled house again, back to bad memories and nightmares. But there was that pang of guilty sleeping inside of you, 'They are your parents after all', 'They raised you, shouldn't you be more grateful for it?'.
The air around you stilled as you felt the muscles of your chest constrict, your veins tangled into one another, like dark, flimsy ribbons. You couldn't remember when the last time was that you felt like this. Perhaps it was in high school, when you had lost a quiz, solely because you had one less mark than the winner. Or perhaps it was when you had won the tennis match, on the grounds that the other player had been cheating. Whatever it was, you couldn't recall the last time the world came swirling down on you like a tornado and you felt like your lungs were filled with weeds.
This feeling inside seizes you, holds you tight, and doesn't allow you to take a proper breath. And that's ok, you think. You don't need to breathe, not yet. But the feeling doesn't stop, and your body eventually screams for another breath. The thing is, though, you can't get any air in, so you panic once again. The cycle never ends. It keeps repeating until you're drowning in your sweat and anxiety
"Baby?" You faintly heard Heeseung's voice from afar, "Y/N, love, look at me." His voice was firmer this time, and you felt the soft touch of his fingers on your skin.
His gaze loomed over your blank expression, never before had he seen your eyes so devoid of any emotion. Heeseung takes in the painfully blank expression on your pale face, the way your chest is rising and falling in quick, shallow breaths that you couldn't quite seem to control, the way you were angled himself just slightly away from him, and suddenly his mind snaps back into place.
You're having a goddamn panic attack, one that you haven't had in a long time.
When he gets his fingers wrapped around your own, he can feel how cold they’ve gone, can feel the fine tremble of adrenaline working through them, and can’t quite choke down the noise of sympathy in his throat. He tugs on your hand.
“Baby, come on, breathe.” He said, slowly reaching out to you, “Love, look at me,” He said sternly, turning you around to face him. He immediately searched your eyes to get you to look at him.
As soon as your eyes landed on his— those beautiful pools of comforting chaos and shimmering stars that you wanted all to yourself—the lasso that was tied tightly around your exhausted brain, broke with an audible snap.
A loud, theatrical sob ripped through your chest as the dam at your eyes broke. Tears flowed down your skin rapidly, like raindrops in a thunderstorm. You probably looked pathetic at the moment, which caused you to double over in another trough of tears. You wanted this night to be perfect for Heeseung. So why couldn't you just be perfect?
Heeseung could sense your thoughts running wild in your mind. He tightly gripped you in between his arms as you sobbed. He blinks his own tears away, and bites his lip to stop himself from calling your parents every possible insult that existed in the English lexicon.
Heeseung hated seeing you cry. It was one of the few things that actually made him sad. Seeing how your beautiful eyes would fill up with tears, how your lip would tremble and how your entire body would shake like a life in the wind, much like it was doing now, he despised all of it.
"Shh love, it's alright." He hummed so softly that make you want to cry even more, "It's alright, I'm here. You're safe."
“I-I’m really sorry—…” you choke out between sobs, "—I'm sorry!"
But Heeseung only pulls you closer to him, his grip growing tighter, as if he wanted to squish all the despair out of you, "I'm here for you, princess."
You let your body go limp and rested your head on Heeseung's shoulder. His hand instinctively cradled your head and stroked your hair. You felt calm now, but weren't ready to move and Heeseung didn’t seem to be in any hurry for you to get up. However, he was in a hurry to get you to breathe properly.
“Love, come on now, look at me,” Heeseung said, cupping your cheeks and forcing you to open your eyes to look at him. “Come on, with me, yeah? Breathe.” He then took a slow, deep breath, and you mirrored his actions.
“And again,” he said, getting you to focus on slowing your breathing down. One of his hands held yours against his chest so that you could feel the pattern of his breaths. After several moments of slowing your breathing and getting you to breathe normally again, you finally sighed and looked up at Heeseung with tired eyes, muttering a small 'thank you' to him.
You stayed wrapped up in his arms for quite some time, stuck in the moment in quiet silence, the only sound being the sound of Heeseung's softly humming. His fingers drawing shapes on your back and his voice gently floating through the air slowed your world down to a still, a rare moment for you that you quiet enjoyed.
"Baby?" Heeseung cooed softly, "Would you like to go up to the bedroom?"
Exhausted from all the crying and unable to open your dry mouth, you mindlessly shook your head, only wanting to stay in his warm arms for longer.
"Then do you want to talk about what happened?" A soft smile settled on his lips, bringing your mind to ease and a little more saliva into your mouth. Sighing heavily, you spoke.
"I—my parents," you started rather lamely, the gravel in your voice was evident, "I can't deal with their taunts and scoldings everytime I go over to their house. That and the fact that they keep fighting all day." You sighed again, "I'm not saying 'don't fight' or anything–I get it they're grown adults, but fuck Hee, I can't deal with the fact that they don't even wait for my brother and I to leave the house before they're going at it on each other like bulls." You felt Heeseung's fingers slightly tighten, "And they keep fucking making me feel like I'm the least perfect person I'm this entire world when they, out of all people, know that I'm trying so hard."
"And I can't rid my brain of the fact that my brother has to suffer all that until he gets to college. And sometimes I feel like I've betrayed him by getting away from that stupid house." Your voice slightly cracked, the tears starting to form at your eyes again, "–and I feel so fucking selfish all the time for that. And then there's the fact that no matter how perfect I try to be for them, they just don't accept it!"
You breathed out a long held breath of air and melted into Heeseung's arms once more, your hand holding onto his shirt tightly, as if he's float away if you let him go. You felt guilty about his wet shirt, stained with all your dumb tears.
"Sorry about the shirt...." You mumbled, hiding your face, "And for everything else, I know I've ruined the night-"
"Oh princess." Heeseung softly cooed, a smile dancing on his lips, "You didn't ruin anything for me." His fingers went to your chin, grabbing your face and tilting it up to look at him. Your eyes met his and you relaxed at the true home you saw in his irises.
"I love you, you know that right?" He asked, to which you nodded. He let his grip on your chin fall down to rest on your waist again.
"Do you know why I love you so much?" He asked again, to which you meekly nodded a 'no'.
"It's because you're human." Heeseung said, making you snap your head up at him with a confused (or in Heeseung's terms, adorable) look.
"I don't love you only for the perfect version of yourself, or for your amazing cooking." You let out a tiny puff of a laugh at that, "I love you for all your flaws, all your fails and all of you. Baby, no one is ever gonna be perfect and if your parents can't understand that, then, pardon me for saying it, but fuck them."
You let out a raw laugh at his words, burying your head in his chest as you giggled, feeling the saliva come back to your mouth as he gave you a tight squeeze.
"You're the most perfect person in the world to me." He cooed gently, "No cap." A lopsided smirk decorated his face after his last words.
"Heeseung!" You laughed raucously at him, "What have Jake and Riki been teaching you?"
"It's the language of love mi amore." He smirked again, his eyes shining like nebulas.
"Can we have that pasta now?" You asked timidly, beaming up at Heeseung, who smiled his warmth back at you, "And watch Howl's Moving Castle?"
"Anything for you, love." Heeseung pressed his lips to yours in a short sweet kiss, one which you'd never get tired of, even as a thousand suns set and a thousand moons rise up from the horizon, you'd never get tired of Heeseung and his gentle love.
"I love you." You broke off from the kiss to take a breath.
"I love you more, princess."
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aannonn · 6 months
I feel like looking a lil' more deep into this An Actual Short so lets goヾ(•ω•`)o
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Honestly- I like to think that this is like. A metaphor in a way. A metaphor- A representation of the complicated times that they face with worrying frequency, but that they still manage to get through it and have fun and be the silly teens they are like they always did. As if nothing can ever fully beat them to the ground and keep them there.
They will always get up, no matter how terribly desperately the entire universe wants them to stay down.
They've been through so much, and yet, they still manage to be so.. positive and stand their ground to the point where they can play a little song even in the middle of the sea, in the middle of a storm.
They keep being positive. Even after everything.
In my view... ;
The storm represents the pain and difficulties they all faced, being so strong and disorienting that it almost managed to shake them; To actually disorient them and their friendship. (Animation vs. Minecraft (first ever episode) , Lush Caves , Purple's double betrayal , AvA5 , King Orange , etc . . .)
The ship represents that, even after the many problems and difficulties they have gone through, and will continue to go through even so, they still manage to rise and hold on to a small thread of hope; The ship represents the thread of hope that they have been holding on to and have no intention of letting go, not now or ever.
And finally… The song.
The song represents their optimism, their confidence and most importantly.. Their bond.
The fact that they all took a little time for themselves, even in the middle of the ocean in the middle of a terribly strong storm, just to sing a little song together, really show how strong their bond actually is, and how hopeful and optimistic they all are.
Nothing can shake them for long, nothing can disorient them for long; As long as they have each other, as long as they hold on to this little ship, everything it's gonna be okay.
sigshwhs i love this actual short as you can tell loll /lh /pos this post is kinda messy because i just woke up from my nap a lil' while ago- so uh- sorry about that- (っ °Д °;)っ
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inquebrar · 8 months
Leo and Sunny's "disagreements" are something totally different that has never happened in this way between any of the eggs before, it's a completely new situation and could lead to some character developments in new arcs from now on. but from my point of view, this situation is quite real and unfortunate. i love Leo so much, the dialogue she had about being genderfluid with qFoolish on the first day of school is one of my favorite moments and even though i don't know Sunny very well i still like her a lot and i don't think they deserve to be treated the way they are being treated. it's unfair, and the point is that yes, Leo has every right to dislike another child and shouldn't be forced to be friends with anyone, that's part of life but that doesn't mean she can treat the other child badly. and here's the thing, Leo is also a child but she's almost a year old while Sunny is only two months old if i'm not mistaken, and this is when the way a child is raised comes in and shapes their personality and how they act.
Leo's parents have always spoiled her a lot and that's a fact, qFoolish loves his child a lot and even though he often scolds Leo when she's being very stubborn, it was never something that was really talked about with the intention of changing, everyone just accepted "Leo is like that" and only now is becoming clear how harmful this behavior can be to the other kids that Leo interacts with, she needs to know that it's not okay for him to act as he wants because "that's how she is, so it's okay" "that's her personality" it was like i said, he may still not like Sunny and choose to never be friends with them, that's ok! but she does not have the right to act how she wants based on how she feels, because through actions you affect the other person and there is consequences. and Sunny isn't even invading Leo's personal space or being mean, and when you realize the key to everything: the parents, everything becomes easier to understand why it's happening because i repeat, both Sunny and Leo are kids.
qTubbo recently ended up involving Sunny in his plan to make qFit and qPac break up, which directly affects qRamon (who is also just a child) and with that, it affected the beautiful siblings relationship that Sunny had with him. qTubbo and qFoolish are the only parents present (at the moment) who takes care of Sunny and Leo respectively, they are the adults so they have the responsibility of dealing with things that affect the children which makes everything more complicated when you remember that there's not a single person on that island that is mentally stable to be a parent... but still, this whole situation can lead to great character development, we can see how qFoolish will deal with noticing that Leo's actions are no longer just "being stubborn" and "acting selfishly for silly things" and qTubbo realizing that what he does affects Sunny too and she needs a lot of support instead of isolation. these are conflicts that drive a story and it's okay to disagree with characters' actions, it's part of following something that's entertaining, it's only interesting to analyze things when they are complex to understand and when there are different points of view.
that being said i want happy endings stop the angst it's enough already! /lh
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mari-lair · 4 months
How many times will you bring insanity (rare pairs/"crackships") into the world, opening my virgin eyes to a whole new universe (the brainrot) I was so readily unprepared for and drag me down into the depths of hell where I can make sense of those twisted visions too???/lh/pos
Seriously, I never knew I needed Teruaoikane in my life. I never knew how fun Natsukane could be. They both make so much sense when you share your thoughts. So much so that I can't stop thinking about them either. You have opened my eyes time and time again and by GOD I cannot close them. Please tell us more about your ideas op
iughyoiuguyfgtuft thank you! Spreading my madness is a passion of mine, I'm happy you appreciate it Anon.
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Here are some crumbs of terukaneaoi and natsukane!
terukaneaoi first:
When Teru says he wants to date the Aois, that's what he means, he has minimal experience with friendships and zero with romance, is all new and exciting and interesting. Aoikane on the other hand are very serious about romance, if they accept to date someone is because they expect a lifelong love, a marriage, which has always been more connected to politics than love to Teru. So when Teru accepts dating them, he is unaware he proposed/accepted their proposal.
Aoi can't do her hair well with her numb hand, and Teru is the one to always offer to help, usually giving her twin tails like he does with Tiara and other simple styles. Akane is the one Aoi goes to when she wants something fancy, cause he spends hours learning and perfecting complicated hairstyles for her.
Teru likes to call every hang-out a date, cause it gives him an excuse to dress up, and he rarely gets opportunities to use his nice yet very unprofessional clothes.
They are all weak to combo attacks. If Aoi and Teru want the same thing, Akane will cave in, if Akane and Teru want the same thing Aoi will cave in, and if Akane and Aoi want the same thing Teru will cave in.
Aoi has problems saying "I love you", it feels too heavy no matter how many times it's said to her, or how confident she is that her feelings are returned. She finds it easier to say "We love you"
Natsuhiko would be stuck in one-sided pining hell for a while and be completely caught off guard when Akane started getting attached. Akane won't even notice his behavior is changing, but Natsuhiko is VERY aware Akane's dismissive "shut up, get out of my sign" turn into him rolling his eyes but actually paying attention to everything he says, and making fun of pickup lines from months ago or teh way Akane doesn't react when Natsuhiko wraps an arm around his shoulder or act clingy either. Natsuhiko is very visibly delighted and emboldened by this.
Natsuhiko is okay with a lot of things frowned upon, like trespassing, flirting with many people at once, hurting people, drinking alcohool underage, and such. He tries to be a 'cool bad guy' to impress Akane but he just gets disgust for his efforts, which turns into worried lectures once they are closer and Akane start caring about his well being
Natsuhiko thinks they are dating way before they are actually dating.
Natsuhiko is very self-centered, his 'perfect' dates and romantic gestures involve things he personally likes and he rarely thinks about his date preferences, but he is not picky about affection, he loves being loved and spoiled above it all. So he'll be shocked when Akane want to go somewhere he knows Natsuhiko loves, absolutely smitten about it.
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styxfoxx · 10 days
i have a problem /lh
basically I love listening to music and making up fake scenarios to it, like many beings do. But when I imagine myself, I'm not me.
Let me explain. I picture myself, but I'm not what I look like irl. I am a literal drawing, an animation. Not a complicated one, just the outline. And a peculiar thing is that I always, always have no eyes. And the colour of the outline changes. Today, for example, it was #ff00ff. Sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's black, other times it's green. It changes, but The form, the lack of eyes and everything else is still the same.
And I kind of want to put a label on this because it's been going on for years without me knowing what it is. So if one of you could help me figure out what I am (other than every other label I have) it'd be much appreciated.
Edit: changed "bright pink" to "#ff00ff" as it's the precise colour.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 9 months
You don't have to respond to this one, but @ your last tags on the found family trope post, I can't say I haven't been curious if anything like that was ever the case. You've been so careful in painting everyone's relationship to be on trust and healthy reliance on one another in times of need, and Techno + Dream definitely have something more intimate and close going on (which I deeply appreciate btw- I couldn't bear it if someone tried to stick itwall!Dream as a brother to Techno, or put him in alongside Wilbur as a son figure to Phil :shudders:), so I'm VERY curious how detailed those thoughts have gotten at any point in time /lh /but genuine
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(talking about my semi-cursed tags on this post)
yes i can talk about this all day !! i think the dynamic that doomsday trio brings is fascinating, and i don't blame those who see it as a nuclear family dynamic because i think the comparison does work in some places, but it's more complicated than that. i touched on it (in vaguely poetic terms) in this post, but i can give more detail here.
c!philza is an old man and an experienced father, and his instinct as a guardian is strong. this is the closest we get to a nuclear family format in itwall; phil definitely calls on some of his skills as a father when he helps dream, but it's a bit more complex than that. phil recognizes that dream is an adult in human years and doesn't need to be babied (hell, he doesn't even baby Wilbur, his own son who's around the same age!). dream needs care, he needs a mentor, and he needs a better self-preservation instinct before he kills himself. i think their relationship is closer to ancient grecian mentorship than fatherhood/sonhood, the only difference is that the mentee is on death's door for a while and needs some extra attention. phil sees himself in dream, dream sees phil as someone he might like to be, and there's a level of mutual respect there.
i also think that techno and dream have a sense of brotherhood, but in the same way that two athletic teammates have a brotherhood. they have a long history of trust between them, with room for playfulness and teasing. there's a lack of touch aversion (which is HUGE for dream), and dream initiates more of their touches (as opposed to phil, where he tends to be more submissive) (i'm thinkin about ch 12 & ch 19).
and, of course, techno & phil have a complicated relationship of their own. i'm always annoyed by headcanons that techno is phil's son-- we see plenty of interactions where they mutually worry over each other and care for each other. the will is Not written like a boy talking to his father. these two are lifelong partners, and that letter is written to someone who techno knows will understand him and trusts to carry out the more sentimental, intangible tasks, like talking to niki and ranboo, with very little instruction.
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highly oversimplified but this is the idea. Techno and dream have similar relationships with phil but it's not really sonhood. all built on trust. they've proven to each other that they will keep each other safe.
and honestly.. none of those relationships would have to exclude sex or intimacy. equals/partners can have sex. comrades can have sex. mentors/mentees can have sex (i think people feel weird about this one, but again: think Ancient Grecian). i have Quite A Few scenes in my head about how their sexual relationships might work (especially in the early days when dream isn't feeling good...). i guess in light of everyone being more open about shipping i would consider writing them, i'd just keep them here instead of ao3.
i think both phil and techno consider dream to be heartstoppingly lovely. i think dream would love to be loved. i think phil&techno and techno&dream may have had some encounters Before the start of itwall, so it would just be a matter of tying it all together.
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Hey I dunno if you’ve gotten this before but. Do you have anything on autism and DID/OSDD? Specifically resources or accounts and such (since I’ve seen the positivity post)
I struggle with emotional dysregulation, big memory issues (huge chunks of childhood and adolescence missing, forgetting things constantly, dissociating emotions from memories, etc,) frequent daydreaming/spacing out/dissociation, that type of thing (and a bit more that’s a little too complicated to explain in an ask lol)
I’ve always kind of figured it was just part of me being autistic (I’m professionally diagnosed and definitely very autistic regardless lol), but I’ve recently gone down a bit of a rabbit hole relating to plurality and now I’m wondering if it could be a symptom of DID/OSDD instead/as well (I was originally looking at something else and stumbled into the tags somehow. The original thing that led me here was foxes. I think. And then I had a bit of a panic as I realized how some of the symptoms were VERY close to some of my experiences. Especially the memories.) but i also can’t tell if it’s just some sort of brain fog(???? Is that the correct term?) / alexithymia / Unknown Autism Trait 3 that nobody ever talks about and is difficult to find any sort of explanation or resources for. And my brain protested and had the equivalent of being on the verge of a sobbing meltdown or mental overload of some sort when I tried to think about stuff relevant to the topic so I don’t think it’s going to be of much help to me right now.
obviously not asking for diagnosis or to self diagnose at all (since. I understand you cant really do either of those /lh /nm) but I’m curious if any of you know of any resources relating to this specific type of stuff? I feel like I’d go insane trying to find any info on it. (And also I don’t think my brain would want to cooperate if I asked it to because it basically shuts down, gives me a headache, and turns to a pathetic wet sobbing cat whenever I try to think about the possibility so I doubt I’ll be identifying as anything anytime soon but. I want some stuff to think over at least.)
hey, we also are autistic and have dissociative identity disorder. unfortunately, there isn’t really too much research on the overlap between autism and complex dissociative disorder diagnoses at this time, that we know of, but we do think that autistic people may have a higher likelihood of dissociating and developing a cdd than neurotypical people.
we really love mike lloyd’s work at the ctad clinic, and he has an insightful video on the intersection of autism and dissociation here:
here is an open access paper by katherine e. reuben and ayden parish on dissociation as a symptom in autism - it’s an interesting read and wasn’t too difficult for us to parse:
also, here are a couple life experience pieces by folks with both did and autism:
our own autism has contributed to our trauma history in how we were treated, formed attachment, and understood the world as a child. for our own system, our autism and our did are inextricably linked. we are certain that many other autistic systems feel the same.
if exploring this possibility for yourself is causing you great distress, it may be for the best to put this off to the side for now until you have reached a point with more stability or a greater support system in your life. please don’t overwhelm or cause yourself harm by looking into this possibility on your own, if it is unhealthy for you.
if you are in therapy or have a mental health professional in your life who you trust, this would be an excellent thing to bring up to them. though hopefully these resources can help you get started learning about this topic if you have the spoons/ability to do so.
we are no medical expert or research professional, but we are happy to talk more about our personal experience of being both autistic and a did system if anyone would be interested. best of luck to you, anon, with figuring this out. we know how confusing and challenging it can be!
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ask-dare-my-bbieal-au · 4 months
hi hello! uhh new ask blog this is new i’m new to this help me hidjdjjskd
main: @churrothezanyrabbit (mostly active-ish there)
i have a discord, feel free to ask for it in messages!
for this blog, and especially due to me being new, asks won’t be answered right away at the beginning, and may take some time, so please be patient with me! (i’m begging for my autistic ass cuz i’ll get stressed out 😭🙏)
rules/dni’s for this blog!!
basic dni, y’know, the obvious
dni if you are ableist, homophobic/transphobic, pedophile/pedo supporter, incest-liker/incest supporter, and y’know just the basics just DON’T BE A FUCKING JERK, and no fetish shit ew/lh
don’t send nsfw asks (dirty jokes are fine, just don’t make them too explicit)
magic anons are allowed just don’t do weird shit like turning a kid into an adult just so you can like them (bc if you like a child character, example being suzy[aka playtime], you’re getting mcfucking BLOCKED YOU WEIRDO), otherwise typical normal (i use that term lightly) magic asks are fine
for the love of dr reflex don’t do any m!preg asks bc to me that counts as an nsfw ask and i will not do it
no fetish art i’m not doing that it’s a nono for me (doesn’t count as nsfw, like what you want as long as it isn’t illegal but don’t bring it to me please/lh)
things i WILL do!
draw (obv, possibly commissions but it depends)
post randomly bc i’m weird like that or im just bored
draw blood/gore/etc (but if it’s heavy i’ll prob censor it, bc ofc, people have triggers and i don’t want to disrespect them, tho if it’s light or whatever i’ll post it)
constantly give new headcanons to the characters (i’m autistic let me do my thing and you do yours without being a dick)
have sporadic on-and-off moments (as in i might not post for a hot while and then have this sudden spur of posting stuff quickly)
attempt to draw oc’s and such (as long as they’re not complicated)
draw other baldi’s OF COURSE :D (as long as they’re not problematic or too hard to draw 🥲🙏)
things i WON’T do!
draw nsfw (obv)
post uncensored heavy gore
have any minor (y’know, like kid) characters do anything normal wear anything even remotely sexual in any way shape or form
accept asks relating to any political stuff or anything in the irl world (this world is purely fictional, and this is partly comfort for me to escape reality, so please don’t 🫶)
ship oc x canon/draw it (sorry it is just weird to me a little bit, ofc i have no problem with it but i don’t want it on this blog, respectfully! however i’ll be willing to draw said oc :3 …if it isn’t complicated 🥲)
interact with problematic content/au’s/other stuff (and if there is any other stuff that is problematic please let me know asap cuz i don’t want to support problematic creators!)
reblogs are heavily appreciated!!
my version of baldi is shipped with my partner’s version of baldi, who is named harris. if you are interested in princibaldi, baldiflex, or princibaldiflex or whatever else you ship then, don’t come to this blog, please. if anything, i’ll be posting it on my main, which is up there! i like those 3 ships, ofc, but i won’t be doing them here./lh
i will not stand for negativity and hate towards this blog, and if you send me an ask directed with hate towards me and/or my versions of the characters anonymously, i will not be answering you. if you don’t like it, get out and block me or something because i’m not taking shit from nobody.
i use tone tags! (please use them back i’m begging)
finally, take the boye!!
the polymorph who is indeed only 4’11”….. (will give other info later)
Phineas King Baldimore!
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miralines · 1 year
Have you ever wondered what “vast and secret sin” Snow is atoning for based on the lyrics of Laid in Blood? I sure have, and, unfortunately, I have a theory. This is really half-headcanon, half-meta– a headcanon I have textual support for and which would be very canon-typical. I can’t say I think it’s definitely what the mechs intended when they wrote that line, but I also can’t say it’s definitely not.
So without further ado: Did you know that Snow and Rose aren’t the only pair of sisters in OUATIS? Scheherazade, mentioned in The Resistance Grows as “the silver-tongued propaganda minister,” has a younger sister. In One Thousand and One Nights, her sister, Dunyazad, helps Scheherazade with her plan to stop the king from killing his brides by telling stories. In the end, after the king’s change of heart and declaring of Scheherazade as his queen, Dunyazad marries the king’s younger brother.
Dunyazad is also included in OUATIS canon in the story One Thousand and Two, as part of Scheherazade’s backstory. Before she was Cole’s propaganda minister, she spoke against him. She was dangerous enough to be captured, tortured, and brought before the king, who offered her life and her sister’s in exchange for speaking for him instead. As she worked for him, she came to at least partially believe in his rule, but Dunyazad still opposed him. When she confided in Scheherazade a plan to take down the king, Scheherazade betrayed her and gave the order to have her “disappeared.”
I would propose that Scheherazade and Dunyazad may be acting as narrative parallels (though not necessarily narrative Echoes) to Snow and Rose, and thus that Snow, like Scheherazade betrayed her sister. There are two reasons I believe this could be the case– one, because it offers a potential explanation for Snow’s sin, and two, because Dunyazad’s fate in OUATIS diverges so significantly from her fate in One Thousand and One Nights. This could be simply because the mechs seem to be ideologically opposed to happy endings (/lh)�� but still.
In the time leading up to the Wedding Day Slaughter, Rose was the commander of a prison complex, which housed Cinders after King Cole took over her planet. Rose and Cinders fell in love, and broke Cinders out of prison with the help of a “godmother in white,” with the assurance that if they were married by midnight, the law would protect them. Of course, this didn’t go as planned, and thus we have the events of the album. But consider this passage from Midnight: “She hears a gunshot outside, followed by screams. They can’t be coming for her, they can’t, it’s too soon. But why else would they be here?”
So I would like you to consider: Snow, who despite both of their growing responsibilities is still close to her sister. Snow, who talks to her regularly, who has heard all about Cinders, who is invited to the wedding. Snow, who knows what marrying a prisoner will do to her sister’s career, not to mention the complicated political fights it will start and stoke. Who is above all at this point in her life, a peacemaker. So she tells someone, perhaps her parents, intending simply to delay them. Perhaps to find a less damaging, fraught way for them to be together. She doesn’t mean anything to happen.
But it makes it to the king, and the king wants Rose for reasons none of them know yet. So his troops storm the wedding, and Snow flees, knowing it’s her fault they knew where Rose would be.
This would be in line with other places in canon where well-intentioned actions lead to horrific consequences– I’m thinking particularly of Cyberian Demons, when Nastya’s plan to allow, as far as she knows, peaceful dissidents into the palace leads to herself and her entire family being slaughtered. Simply by the patterns of storytelling the mechs tend to use, I find this theory plausible.
Like I said, I can’t in good conscience fully call this meta. It’s too fueled by headcanon and conjecture, and maybe the connection to Scheherazade is a stretch (I probably wouldn’t have even included it if it wasn’t what made me think of all this), but I do find it the most likely explanation of anything I’ve thought of so far. If the line in Laid in Blood was simply referring to Snow’s war crimes as the leader of the rebellion, I don’t think it would call it a secret sin. The phrasing, to me, hints at something much larger and more personal. When she outright states that “We’re brutal and cruel as we battle his rule/ for we learned from the tyrant’s tutelage,” she admits to the rebellion’s crimes under her hand. In my view, the line must refer to something else, and this lines up in my opinion.
Besides, isn’t it fun for angst purposes?
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desultory-novice · 3 days
personally i've been totally obsessed with man on the internet's morpho knight! the femme-leaning voice is so cool (and scratches the silly fangirl corner of my brain)! and the lyrics go so hard >_< usually i'm not one for videogames songs with lyrics but some of this vocalizing gives me literal chills
Oh yes! Sooo true! That one is extremely good as well!!
Fanon or no (though I like femme Morpho >w<) I completely love the choice to go with a female vocalist for Morpho, and Emily Go went SO HARD on that song! A total brain-scratch! (Plus we in this corner love a good mythology bonus, fufufu~)
The only reason I didn't list it with the others is simply because...I have a complicated relationship with Morpho Knight as a character?
Not a bad one! I just feel like as a fandom, folks have moved kinda fast with them?? I get it though! They're super cool and their appearance in Star Allies and then AGAIN in Forgotten Land were "throw your controller and scream" moments! It's not like we have significantly less info about them than we do any other Kirby character people have built up a lot of lore and HC around!
I just feel so many have rebuilt their entire Kirby cosmologies and mythologies around Morpho Knight, when we really do know SO little about them? XD (With the corollary that I feel strongly we WILL find out more. Kumazaki even teased more in that interview about RtDL, so I guess because he’s “in the middle of cooking something, I’m waiting to let him “cook”) As for Morpho being in everything, this last part is meant entirely playfully, but...take the Kirby OC Tournament cast. How many OCs include Morpho Knight somewhere in their backstory?/lh
Considering we're liable to see them again (assuming Chaos Elfilis didn't do any permanent damage) I personally prefer to hold off on making any definite statements or strong HCs of my own about Morpho Knight. And while the song's lyrics did the same, leaning toward the vague and verifiable, I still have a slight preference for the songs that told a complete narrative or are for characters who are otherwise "complete" in the game they debuted in.
....That said, what they pulled off was total FIRE though!! (Fufu... Get it? Cause Morpho's...?)
Anyway, this month has been such a feast of songs I found myself imagining what a version of "Prayer Song to God" or "Hyness Unhooded" or "The Star-Conquering Traveler" would sound like!
(Not that anyone from either song team is reading MY silly little blog, but I would love to see a version of The Star-Conquering Traveler that gives a short lyrical "part" to all the Dream Friends, similar to how that one official (?) recap video they made shows Kirby fighting together with the different Waves for the different phases!)
Dess just try writing your own lyrics if you feel this strongly about this stuff
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marshberri · 8 months
marshie dont do this to me i dont know if my heart can handle sanslo. /lh
anyway do you think starlo falls in love and he's terrified because he can't handle losing everything to a human Again
frankly i'll probably make their relationship in this AU bromantic? temporary allies that accidentally get close, could be interpreted from borderline romance to full on romance. whatever tbh
for sans, it's complicated, he's aware that everything can be reset and it wouldn't matter anyway. still, he can't help but enjoy the other's presence and get attached in one way or another.
while starlo, he is not aware of the resets, BUT he IS terrified of being attached to another person.
this goes both for sans and frisk:
with sans, he's afraid of getting attached to someone, because he's lost everything already, and he can't let this happen again.
with frisk, he doesn't want to trust and get attached to another human, not after being betrayed by one.
fear of trust!! attachment issues!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!
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emotboyswag · 8 months
Not to sound like I think I'm better than them bcs this post is /lh but...
I love reddit but some trans ppl asking questions on trans subreddits especially about being nonbinary or whether they have dysphoria or its ""valid"" do not understand the nuances ans intricacies of gender and are still thinking of gender on a cis societal spectrum and idk how to help them w their question !! Because first u have to acknowledge that gender is much more complicated than man, woman or agender!
Like I saw someone post "someone told me I'm not a binary trans guy bcs I don't have bottom dysphoria, am I not a binary trans guy" like what! And someone else posted "what's the difference between a nonbinary trans man and a binary trans man" I do not know how to explain the nuances of gender to u, u just have to Know.
And I feel bad and never answer ppls questions even if I do know the answer and no one else is answering (unless its a q abt hormones) because there is not a straight forward answer and sometimes the answer is that the cis idea of gender is not fact and we donr have to subscribe to that.
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
...is always love
summary: what it’s like to bake in the kitchen with your loving partner.
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pairings (separate): tartaglia, ayaka, yun jin, and sucrose x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader and characters mentioned are in an established relationship, and reader is not traveler
word count: 1,217 words (4 mins~)
genre: Modern AU, romance, fluff/domestic fluff
format: headcanons
warnings: mentions of alcohol used in recipe (childe), swearing, brief mentions of fire/burning home down, suggestive if you squint (childe, yun jin), skinship (childe, yun jin)
a/n: hgggg,,, domestic life,,, thoughts of baking with my luv make brain go brrr 💖 also, ignore any and all childe kissery in this post by the author /lh (part one can be found here)
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childe likes to cook and bake
growing up, childe always lent a helping hand around the kitchen while his siblings were outside playing
and, truth be told, he feels most at home there
so when you come home and see childe in a lovely apron, calmly whisking ingredients together into a thick batter, you’re floored
how could your boyfriend looked so hot cute??? and act so nonchalant about it??? mother fucKER WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS 🤬
and when he looks up to you??? 
he literally breaks out into a smile, eyes crinkling up at the very edges 
he’s all smiling and warm inside because he’s just so happy to be with his favourite person🥰
ugh, he’s precious sometimes
if you ever want to join in, childe is all for it!
most of the deserts you’re making are for his younger siblings though! be warned!!
and childe does become a little more... distracted while baking with you
while you’re in the kitchen, he wants to be touching you at all times
leaning his head onto your shoulder, hugging your waist with one hand, and hugging you from behind are his top 3, for sure
given the chance, he will pepper kisses into your neck as you mix and measure ingredients
if you happen to mess up because of his actions, childe will mumble an insincere apology
if you are really serious about baking though, childe will be very helpful!
he has a few tricks up his sleeve and knows the perfect way to bake (and cook) something he’s familiar with
if it’s a new recipe though? he’ll still bring the same confidence as before!
“alright, so add one teaspoon of vanilla... hm. babe, how about we swap out the vanilla for some rum? what?! it tastes so much better— arg, fine, fine, i relent! i suppose getting my younger siblings drunk on cookies isn’t a very good idea...”
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ayaka likes decorating the deserts you’ve made!
but otherwise, she does not like baking!!
she gets really frustrated with the recipes, as most of the ones she uses are worded strangely or too complicated 
she would read the recipe, follow the instructions, measure everything EXACTLY to the grain
....except... she’d still mess up along the way
but hey!! you still get cookies in the end!! they just don’t taste/feel like expected!
so, she sticks with decoration
and a small section of ayaka’s kitchen is just reserved for that, actually!
she only ever uses it whenever you bake though
and she loves, loves, loves watching you bake
ayaka will happily stand in the kitchen with you, simply enjoying your presence😌
and, no matter your experience with baking, she’ll love to call you some sweet related nicknames (sweetie, honey, and rarely honey-buns)
it’s a very calming experience for her!
even if you get distracted and almost burnt down the kitchen!! she’s never been more calm in her life, don’t worry!
but when it’s time to decorate? ayaka completely switches places with you
she's now become the master in the kitchen while you stand back, amazed
and whatever she decorates always turns out so pretty, definitely earning a place in your camera-roll
your cookies are... unique!! compared to ayaka’s at least
but ayaka loves them with every bit of her being!! 
she just can’t help but chuckle a lil when you put them side by side
“oh, don’t be so hard on yourself! your cookies look... charming! no, i’m not lying, darling, please trust me. hm... if you want i could let you know a few tips and tricks for decorating— er, only if you want to though, sweetie!”
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yun jin doesn't bake often... but she would with you!
mostly because it’s an excuse to touch you, due to the small kitchen space
but she won’t let you know that, of course😉
although, you have a sneaking suspicion yun jin enjoys leaning her head on your shoulder more than the actual baking...
oh, and besides trying to be close to you, yun jin does try to dance with you too!
while your pastries are baking, she’ll gladly take your hands and twirl you around
it doesn’t matter if yun jin makes up a dance on the spot or if each careful step and twirl are apart of some ancient dance— she makes the moment special
she’ll still smile and laugh with you as she spins you around and around
and you won’t notice this, of course, but yun jin doesn’t let go of you until the dance is over
truthfully, she never really wants the dances to end but... the pastries cannot be burned☹️
and when you do need yun jin’s help, she’s more than willing!
she practically dances on her own whenever she fetches ingredients and tools around the kitchen
and if yun jin ever needs to move past you, she’ll gently grab you by the waist and move you over
her touch is feather-light and without any pressure, and you barely notice it until you’ve been moved
it’s still a flustering experience for you! (it’s yun jin, c’mon)
but yun jin is oblivious to any effect this has on you!! 
until she catches a hint of enjoyment from you, whether that be a smile or flustered expression
and she will (unknowingly) tease you about it, by the way
“oh! excuse me, my love, but the whisk is just behind you. pardon me— okay, here you go, love. er... my love, what’s with that smile on your face? d...do you like me picking you up, my dearest? wha— no, love, it’s a genuine question—”
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sucrose is a great baker!
she has the cutest cooking tools and appliances!!! 
all of which she uses very often, by the way
and she applies the same seriousness she uses with her lab experiments with baking
also, sucrose really wants to impress you with her baking skills👉👈
so she starts giving you her “samples” and eagerly asks for your opinion on them
slowly, but surely, sucrose will find out your preferences😈
sure, she could ask you what you like
but where’s the fun in that, right?
oh, by the way, if you’re ever right next to sucrose you can catch a whiff of vanilla from her
please tell sucrose she smells nice, she’ll melt
also, please let sucrose talk about baking!!
you’ll be blessed with a very excited sucrose who is babbling on and on about how her work and baking aren’t so different
and she has stars in her eyes and she’s smiling and she’s getting louder and she’s so cute and—
but if she notices that you’re staring at her, sucrose will clam up
she may have mistaken your look of adoration for boredom...
sucrose’s really worried you might grow bored of her
or worse! you might think she’s really annoying and just want her to shut up
but sucrose is delighted when you encourage her to go on!
she will happily talk as you both wait on the pastries to bake, gradually regaining that confidence
“and really, the only difference between my lab work and baking is the amount of mistakes i can make. no, seriously! with recipes that have been used for years, i know what product i’ll get at the end of my experiment. but, when i follow mister albedo’s notes—”
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@x-zho  @definitelynotahutaosimp​ @cxlrosii​​
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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