#i love higugin so much
sickficideas · 1 year
guilty || higuchi/gin sickfic
ao3! please refer to here for tags and warnings :)
Her name, followed by a cough.
She turns, and sure enough, her brother is standing not far from the room she was about to enter, looking like he's on his way out.
"Can you do something for me?" he asks, eyes expectant. She raises a brow. He doesn't often ask her for favors, and especially not at work. "Convince Higuchi to go to the infirmary. Do not let her weasel out of it by saying anything about coming to the meeting with me."
Now, this surprises Gin. She recalls being in this exact situation before but with their roles swapped, and that's happened at least a handful of times. Her brother's health falters often, but Higuchi's doesn't. It's probably more likely that she's injured, but she can't be sure based on her brother's request alone.
Ryuunosuke seems to take her silence as acceptance of the task, and he gives her one last look or confirmation before he walks off. Gin wouldn't have objected to it, but she's slightly concerned about the fact that this means Higuchi likely didn't listen to Ryuunosuke's suggestion. And she always listens to him.
She sneaks inside, not expecting to see Higuchi in the main room. There's an office that she's usually in at the very back, blocked off by another door, likely doing her reports.
So, Gin is quick to peer inside.
"Miss Higuchi?" she whispers. She doesn't want to scare her, but she probably will anyway.
"You scared me," Higuchi gasps, a hand flying up to her chest as if it's to stop her heart from squeezing through her ribcage. She turns around to look at Gin.
Oh no, she looks terrible.
They hold eye contact for a bit longer than normal as Gin tries to take mental notes of what she sees. Higuchi's horribly flushed, particularly her cheeks. Her hair is in complete disarray. It's down, Gin's never seen it down before. Part of her bangs almost seem plastered to her forehead from the sweat that's starting to bead up at her hairline. She's really pale, too, which is making her dark circles a lot easier to see than normal, especially in this dim lights.
"Gin, do you…do you need something?" Higuchi stammers nervously. It's only at this point that Gin realizes she's staring.
"Ma'am, you don't look well," Gin says meekly as she steps further into the room. Surely, she's aware of that. She must not feel well either if she's looking like this on the outside.
Higuchi sheepishly drops her eye contact, and turns her head back to her desk. She must realize she doesn't look well outwardly, either. "I'm…I'm okay. I think, maybe…it was hot today, we were in the sun for a long time…"
Gin would have normally taken that as an excuse, but Ryuunosuke is far worse off in those types of situations, and even he looked completely fine to her just now.
In that case, Gin decides to figure out for herself if she's just hot or she has a fever. She can tell the difference between being overheated and having a fever, she regularly has to check her brother for the same thing. She takes a step to stand beside her chair and tucks a hand under her chin to turn her head just a bit. She lays a gentle hand against her cheek, and it's the kind of warmth she would expect from a fever.
Higuchi's eyes are very, very wide. Gin realizes a little too late that Higuchi probably isn't used to this. Since she has to do this with her brother all the time, and he never reacts, just quietly accepts. This probably isn't a normal thing to do for a person's superior.
"I'm - please forgive me," Gin says, slipping her hand back behind her back and bowing her head as she steps back. She feels her own face start to get red.
Higuchi lays a hand over the spot where Gin's was, just a second ago. Her eyes are still wide. Her cheeks suddenly look much more flushed than they should be. "It's…it's okay."
"I'll be right back," Gin says, deciding on a new mission. There's cooling patches somewhere in the cabinets that she keeps there for her brother. She's sure they would help Higuchi some, until Gin can convince her to go to the infirmary.
She takes a couple of them out of the box and sneaks back in, unfortunately, scaring Higuchi again with the knock. Gin forgets that she's stealthy and Higuchi is easily frightened, it's not a good combination.
As she's taking a cooling patch out of the packet, a recent memory of doing this for her brother gives her an idea.
"Miss Higuchi," Gin says quietly.
Higuchi's eyes peer up at her. She really looks exhausted, but she always listens to what she has to say. Gin feels guilty. She doesn't want to take her away from her work, but if even Ryuunosuke is concerned enough to illicit Gin's help, she needs to do something.
"I just wanted to mention…if you were ill, you work very closely with Akutagawa…"
Higuchi normally would have gotten what Gin was getting at pretty quickly, but she can still see the gears in her brain turning. She doesn't quite understand what she's implying, it seems.
"…Akutagawa has a very weak immune system…if you were to pass something to him…"
Of course, now, Higuchi looks absolutely horrified at the notion. With good reason, too. Only a few weeks ago, her brother was hospitalized for a case of the flu that he caught a Black Lizard grunt that entered their meeting room without permission. It took him quite a while to really recover.
"Oh my goodness, Gin, you're right, I…I'm being very irresponsible, I shouldn't…" she says, setting down her pen.
"It's okay, Miss Higuchi. I can accompany you to the infirmary, if you'd like," Gin says, but Higuchi doesn't seem very focused on that. She stands up from her desk, and holds a hand against the side of her head.
"What…what if I…what if I already passed something onto him?" she says, her voice shaking. Gin's a bit concerned with the look in her eyes as she looks over at Gin. Her other hand uses the chair for support to keep herself up. "Gin…he was so sick last time. I was…I was worried that he wouldn't…"
Gin watches her eyes roll backwards as she completely loses her balance, and she crumples to the floor with the chair.
Gin's reflexes are too fast, though. She catches her before her head can hit anything.
She's so warm. Gin can even feel the fever through her clothes. Gin needs to get her to the infirmary quickly.
"Miss Higuchi?" Gin starts quietly, trying to see if she's got any fight left in her at all, but her concern for Ryuunosuke seems to have sent her over the edge. Higuchi probably would have been much more upset with that idea had she known Ryuunosuke is her brother, but thankfully, she's in the dark about that. For now, anyway.
She scoops her up off of the ground and into her arms without any problem at all, and holds her close to her chest so she's secure.
The infirmary is only a few floors down, easily accessible by elevator, and Gin makes it there with Higuchi half-conscious in her arms without a hitch. She can feel her shift and groan, but she doesn't wake up, not completely.
The nurse Gin sees first is one of two that's allowed to treat Gin personally, one of two who she's known since joining the mafia at age thirteen. She looks happy to see her for a split second before she catches sight of the unconscious woman in her arms that Gin wastes no time in setting down on a cot tucked away in the corner. The second one appears not long after.
She's the only one inside, for now.
The second nurse starts, "Isn't she Akutagawa's -"
"Yes, but she's unconscious," Gin says very quietly, "I don't know who normally treats her. Please, just help her."
The nurses don't waste any time. Gin is, after all, a high level commander, and regardless of their ages and her connection with them, they obey her requests.
She stands back to allow them space. Gin recognizes that she's done the task Ryuunosuke requested her to do, and she could leave at any time, but she can't bring herself to. Leaving Higuchi alone to wake up by herself doesn't feel fair.
"Good evening, sir," a male nurse says upon walking by, one Gin doesn't recognize. She simply nods at him to be polite. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
"Don't engage with the Black Lizard commander. He's already been helped," one of the nurses hisses at him, to which he flinches back.
"Oh, I'm - my apologies, sir," the nurse nods back.
"Go find some cleaning to do elsewhere," the other nurse orders as she's laying a cooling patch over Higuchi's forehead. The male nurse scurries off, and Gin lets go of her breath. She's always thankful for them keeping up the charade.
Higuchi seems to be awake enough to hold her eyes open now. She doesn't seem to see Gin, she's too far away from her leaned against the wall, but she must remember what happened before she blacked out.
She sounds so helpless, and almost sounds afraid. Gin panics. She isn't sure how much she remembers, if she remembers anything at all with that fever. She steps forward to kneel beside the cot and she takes her hand, gently, to try and reassure her. "You're just in the infirmary."
She has to say it very quietly to avoid any ears on them.
Her eyes are bleary and fevered, but she keeps them locked on Gin. Her grip is weak, but she squeezes back. "Did I…"
"You have a hundred and three degree fever, miss Higuchi. We would like to keep you here for a few hours to bring it down some. Overnight would be ideal," one of the nurses tells her more clearly than Gin could have. She grits her teeth. A hundred and three is high. No wonder she looks so rough.
"Over…overnight?" Higuchi asks, turning her head just a bit to meet eyes with the nurse.
"Yes, ma'am. It's eight in the evening, after all," the nurse says.
"It's…it's eight?" Higuchi repeats. She's trying to sit herself up, but one of the nurses aids Gin in gently guiding her back down. "I have to…there's a meeting with Akutagawa, and…my…"
"Please focus on resting, miss Higuchi. Your superior can handle any meeting on his own, I'm sure," the nurse assures her. "We need your health in good shape so you can continue to do your job well."
Gin watches her visibly relax at that suggestion. She's relating it to Ryuunosuke, of course, she can tell. She can't do her job for Ryuunosuke if she's unwell, so she needs to rest in order to feel better quickly to do just that, in her mind.
There's still something unsure in her expression though, as she's starting to lose her battle with sleep.
"Can you…can you do me a favor, Gin…?" she asks, her head slowly rolling to the side to meet her gaze 
"Of course, ma'am," Gin nods.
"I…I need to tell my sister I won't be home on time," she says quietly. "My phone…it's still on the desk, I think…"
Oh. Gin didn't know that Higuchi had a sister. 
"I can do that for you. I'll be back shortly," Gin says with a bow of her head, and Higuchi barely manages a thank you before her eyes shut.
Gin stands in a doorway for a moment, concerned by her condition. She thinks if she makes any kind of call to her sister herself, she'll worry her greatly. She seems to be pretty out of it in general, she might not be able to get her point across. Maybe Gin can do it for her.
She's back at their break room and headed towards the office in no time at all, and she's surprised to see Ryuunosuke sitting at the desk Higuchi was at earlier. Of course, now the lights are off and he's favoring a lamp.
Ryuunosuke doesn't turn his head. "I assume you succeeded."
Gin nods.
"You can speak. No one else is here," Ryuunosuke tells her. She appreciates the reassurance. She's always a little nervous about accidently outing herself, so she never speaks to her brother while they're working.
It looks to Gin like he's filling out the report Higuchi was working on, something she's greatly surprised by. Her brother hates this sort of thing. It frustrates him more than Gin can really understand, so it's interesting to her that he's doing it voluntarily on Higuchi's behalf.
"Did you know miss Higuchi has a sister?" Gin says quietly.
Ryuunosuke turns his head. "I didn't."
"So you're both hiding your sisters from each other," Gin half jokes, holding back a smile under her mask.
Ryuunosuke doesn't smile, but the sound he makes almost sounds like it would have been a laugh as he turns back around. Unfortunately, though, whatever that was seems to have set off his lungs, and he's thrown into a coughing fit that lasts a bit longer than normal.
Gin puts a hand on his back because that's all she can really do, even if it hurts her. It sounds so painful. They didn't used to sound this painful.
"I'll get you some water," Gin says as his coughs finally die down a bit, and she sneaks out of the room to grab in a glass. When she comes back, he's back to the report like nothing happened. She sets the glass on the desk..
"Thank you," he murmurs.
"Are you okay?" she asks. She always does.
"I'm fine," he answers. That's his answer every time, whether he is or not. He takes a few sips of the water.
"Are you sure?" Gin asks again.
"I'm sure," Ryuunosuke tells her. Usually, he's more honest the second time, but Gin will worry regardless. He hands Gin the cellphone that supposedly belongs to Higuchi, apparently looking for something to get her off of his case. "Do as your superior asked of you."
"Right," she says, taking the cellphone and turning it on, onto to be met with a lock screen. "Oh. I don't know her password."
Ryuunosuke sighs for a good five seconds. "It's zero one zero three."
Gin tries not to giggle. That's Ryuunosuke's birthday. Or at least, the one Gin gave him when they were kids. "First of March?"
"Yes. Make your phone call, Gin," Ryuunosuke insists, sounding exasperated.
"I'm surprised she even knows what it is," Gin says. She's glad she knows when it is. She's sure Ryuunosuke hates it.
Gin steps out of the office room as she's looking through Higuchi's contacts and eventually lands on one labeled sister, and she hits the call button without much thought.
She answers right away.
"Hello? Ichiyo?"
Oh, no. Gin forgot she's terrible at this kind of thing. Her stomach turns. She considers hanging up.
"I'm sorry, this is one of your sister's subordinates," she says quietly. Her hand shakes holding the phone, "she - she asked I inform you she won't be home tonight."
"Oh, god, is she okay?"
"Yes ma'am, she's just…under the weather. She's currently being treated," Gin says, trying to make sure she doesn't worry her any further with her choice of words. "I'm calling you on her behalf so she can rest."
"Okay, so she's not hurt. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you telling me." she says, sounding relieved by the explanation. "Which one are you?"
Gin blinks. "I'm sorry…?"
"Oh, I mean…which subordinate? Are you Gin?" she asks expectantly.
Is she still anxious, or is it butterflies? Are those feelings the same? Why does her sister know her name, and enough to know that she's Higuchi's subordinate? Does she talk about her?
"Yes - yes, ma'am," Gin stammers nervously.
"Ichiyo talks about you all the time. You sound like you'd be really pretty," her sister says, and Gin can feel her face getting hot. Higuchi talks about her all the time? Gin sounds like she'd be pretty? No one has ever called her pretty.
Does Higuchi think -
"Anyways, I'm sorry, I'm sure you're busy! Let me know if anything changes with her, and…I guess I'll wait to hear back tomorrow?" she asks, sounding unsure.
"Um, yes - yes, ma'am. I'll make sure of it," Gin says, even nodding despite the fact that it can't be seen.
"Okay. Thank you again, Gin. You guys be careful," she says, and Gin nervously repeats the sentiment before Higuchi's sister hangs up.
Ryuunosuke scares her, she gasps at the sight of him in the doorway. She's not sure how long he's been standing there. He's leaned against the frame with his arms crossed.
"I've never seen you so flustered," he says, looking vaguely surprised. "What did she say to you?"
"She, um…she just…" she mumbles. She doesn't think she wants to repeat any of that, especially not to her brother. "Actually, I should head back, so - so I can tell her."
Ryuunosuke's vague surprised expression remains. "Mhm."
"I think I'll stay with her for a while too," she says. She's still concerned about her being by herself. A hundred degree fever could muddle anyone's brain.
"I'll come join you when I'm finished here," he says.
"Actually, I don't - I don't think you should," Gin says as she slides Higuchi's phone into her pocket.
"And why is that?"
"She's…she's really worried already that she's already passed something onto you. Especially after what happened a few weeks ago," Gin tells him, and she can already tell by his sigh that he doesn't like that answer. "Being near the infirmary in general isn't a good idea for you."
Gin feels guilty. She knows her brother hates being treated like he's fragile, but he is. And sometimes she has to treat him that way. She half expects him to retaliate or argue, but he doesn't. For some reason, he's been much more passive the past few months. Like he doesn't have the grit left to argue.
"Fine," he mumbles.
Gin steps forward to hug him before he can walk away, gently, something neither of them do often at all, but for some reason she feels compelled to right now. He seems unsure whether he wants to reciprocate it at first, but he does. Gin is always concerned about her sickly brother, but Higuchi's worries have reflected onto her even more today.
"Go home and rest when you're done. Or stay here," Gin tells him quietly. There's a bedroom on the opposite side of the office here.
"I'll stay here," he says. "You need to rest as well. Don't stay up all night."
Gin thinks she might if it's to look after Higuchi, but she won't tell her brother.
Once she's back at the infirmary, both nurses out of the room, leaving Higuchi the only one occupying a cot in the corner of the room.
The lights are dim, only a lamp beside her cot is illuminating the room, and that's the only thing that's showing her Higuchi's distressed expression. Gin can't tell if she's asleep or not.
"Miss Higuchi?" Gin starts quietly, sitting at the very edge of the side of the cot.
Higuchi struggles to open her eyes, but once she does, they're locked on Gin and they're full of fear. She tries to sit herself up and a hand flies up to her mouth, and she chokes on her own breath for a moment before she vomits onto the bed sheets before Gin has any time to react. Gin is stunned for a few seconds.
She's hyperventilating. Gin realizes that she's caught her in the middle of some kind of anxiety attack. Gin doesn't think she's going to throw up again, she really thinks that that was purely from nerves.
"Miss Higuchi, can you breathe with me?" Gin says gently with a hand on her shoulder. Gin doesn't expect her to be shaking so much. Gin can hardly hold her hand still
"Gin," she stammers, her eyes wide and wild. She's not looking at her, "what if he dies because of me."
Gin's heart aches. Of course she's thinking about Ryuunosuke.
"Miss Higuchi," Gin starts gently, trying to enter Higuchi's tunneled vision. "Please don't worry so much…I just saw him, he's okay."
She feels so guilty. Tears start to slip from Higuchi's eyes, and she doesn't seem to be able to take in anything she's saying. Gin shouldn't have made her paranoid like that. Sure, it's a possibility, but she's misguided by her high fever.
The nurses appear, seeming to have caught wind of the situation. One of them is quick to take away the soiled blanket and replace it and the other exchanges a worried glance with Gin, but she thinks she can handle this.
She takes Higuchi's hand as gently as she can with both of her own, and that gets her attention. She's really crying now, hot tears streaming down her cheeks that surely aren't helping her feel any better, but she's looking at Gin, at least.
She takes in a deep breath, and holds it for a few seconds before letting go, and hopes that Higuchi will understand she's asking her to do the same. Higuchi's hand is shaking so much. Gin holds it tighter and repeats what she just did, and by the third time, Higuchi seems to have caught on.
"Just keep that going," Gin tells her with a gentle smile, keeping a good grip on her hand. Higuchi's eyes flood with tears again as soon as she says that, and she leans forward to hide her face in Gin's shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry," she murmurs, her voice shaking. She's not quite hyperventilating anymore, but she's clearly still not out of the woods.
"It's okay," Gin says. She's a little unsure what to do at first, but she thinks Higuchi is looking for comfort, and Gin is in no place to refuse to give it to her, so she holds her closer with a hand on the back of her head and around her shoulders. "I spoke to your sister, she knows your situation. And I asked Ryuunosuke to stay away from the infirmary for now."
"Oh, that's…that's good," she says quietly.
Gin realizes that she slipped up and used her brother's first name with someone who has no idea they're related, but Higuchi doesn't seem to notice, or at least, she doesn't comment on it. Gin will thank her fever for that.
Gin can feel her start to relax against her, even physically she's less tense, so she takes the opportunity to lie her back down onto the pillows, and she's already looking half asleep again. She can imagine that took a lot out of her with the fever she has.
"I think this fever was brought on by stress," one of the nurses whispers as Higuchi's eyes start to fall shut again. "She should be okay by tomorrow with some good rest."
Gin leans forward to fix Higuchi's bangs just enough so they're not sticking to her face as the nurse works to replace the cooling patch on her forehead.
"Did you hear that? You don't have to worry about passing anything to Akutagawa," Gin tells her quietly, but all she gets from her is a tiny groan.
"Such a selfless woman," the nurse sighs. "To be so concerned about someone else's health with the condition she's in…"
She's always been that way. It's admirable that she can keep that up with everything that goes on in the Port Mafia.
Higuchi's eyes flutter open just a bit, to meet Gin's gaze. "Gin…?"
"Yes?" she asks.
"Are you…are you leaving?" she mumbles.
"No, ma'am, I'm staying here with you," she assures her. Higuchi's hand lays itself over Gin's, her fevered gaze fixed on her.
"Please…lay with me," Higuchi murmurs, her eyes already losing her battle with consciousness. Gin isn't sure if she really wants her to do that, or if she's just her fevered brain. Her own cheeks start to feel hot at the idea, but who is she to refuse her?
Regardless, Gin finds herself taking off her coat, and lying down next to her on the cot. She's feeling tired herself, maybe this isn't a bad idea.
Higuchi's hand looks for something to hold onto, and Gin slips her hand into hers, and it's not long at all before she's relaxed and asleep once again.
How is she going to tell her brother she has a massive crush on his subordinate?
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malin-la · 5 months
Anhane and Higugin are so each other coded AND YOU’D THINK that I’d put the blondes and the black haired ones together but it’s actually the other way around in this essay I will
essay below btw
Higuchi and An are both easily excitable. They love with all of their hearts and souls. They are goal-oriented dreamers who spend all their time chasing after what they want. But under it all they are insecure. They have positions of knowledge and power but they feel as though they are slowly being overshadowed. They feel undeserving of what they have and they feel as though they will never reach what they don’t. They are so unbelievably supported by the people around them and it takes them a while to realize that. They inspire. They love cute accessories. They have adhd. They love their girlfriends very much.
Gin and Kohane are more introverted, but that is not to be taken as weakness. They are fiercely loyal to the ones they care about. They are ok with standing to the side if it means the ones they love get the spotlight. They are unseen powerhouses. They are quiet, but they are not gentle. They are focused and determined. They fought tooth and nail to get where they are and they will keep fighting to climb even higher. They will let others speak over them but they will never let others speak over the ones they care about. They love animals. They like to dress up in silly little outfits. They are autistic. They love their girlfriends very much.
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welivetodream · 8 months
I came into the BSD fandom this year and.....jeez it was a wild ride. I don't know if I came at the worst of times or the best of times. I used to find it hard to believe that so many ships can exist but now here I am, becoming a multi-shipper (props to Dazai being a man-whore)
I just realised the lack of female characters right now.....anyways (Also where are my Hetero ships? Love Atsushi and Lucy but other than that? Ranpo x Yosano is also cute but it's....not enough)
Ranpoe is not included because they are happy together and married (not tragic).
Kousano is not included because they don't interact much (at all? I don't remember)
Other rare pairs or more normal (?) ships are not included
These are the most popular pairs that I could think of that are also tragic.....all of them are tragic tbh (I included HiguGin cuz I wanted at least one ship that wasn't m/m)
I am a newbie so....I am not looking for any fights 😅, just the opinions on the bsd fandom.
(ps: Had a small mistake. It's Sigzai NOT Siglai, I guess it's autocorrected)
(pss: I forgot Hawmitch, which is the only straight tragic ship I could think of now! Srry!)
(psss: Odazai for me is in the tragic platonic pairs so I didn't add it! Although it's a ship that makes sense, I like it in the platonic way)
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maxwritesalot · 2 months
Ships And Ship Headcanons For The BSD High School AU Fanfic I’m Making🥳🙌
(I began writing this yesterday :0)
(This is really long lol! These also aren’t all the ships, I’m thinking about making headcanons of the other ships that’ll be in the fanfic! There will be angst/NSFW, but mostly SFW !)
These headcanons/soon-to-come-out fanfic will have PROSHIP/COMSHIP/DARKSHIPS, and some graphic/triggering topics that might make you or some uncomfortable, so, if you don’t like it, RESPECTFULLY LEAVE!
[ None of this art is mine/belongs to me, but I did edit/make the images for the ships you’re about to see! ]
‧₊˚ ⋅
Junichirō x Tachihara (TaniTachi)
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Best Friends ➜ Crush ➜ Dating
• They play guitar together!
• They take a bus to school and they always sit next to each other and listen to music with headphones!! 🎶🤍
• Junichirō enjoys taking walks, while Tachihara rides a skateboard:3. After school, they sometimes go to clothing stores, Junichirō walks while Tachihara rides his skateboard!
• Junichirō buys Tachihara bandaids with little cats and bears on them lol! Tachihara thinks it’s cute 🩹
• (a little nsfw) Tachihara and Junichirō skip class sometimes to make out behind the school😭. (They got caught once)
Akutagawa x Chuuya (AkuChuu)
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Friends ➜ Best Friends ➜ Crush ➜ Dating
. ‘⟡
• Akutagawa fell for Chuuya, and Chuuya fell for Akutagawa harder❤️‍🩹
• Chuuya likes to take Akutagawa in a field and they just shoot at trash cans lol! (Idea from my wonderful girlfriend @catmelonwriting ❤️)
• Akutagawa and Chuuya go behind the school to smoke. No reason much, just to be with each other. (They’re also the ones that caught Junichirō and Tachihara one time)
• Chuuya and Akutagawa always have lollipops and always swap them hehe!
• Akutagawa enjoys biting and kissing Chuuya’s neck. :3
• Akutagawa and Chuuya go on double dates with Junichirō and Tachihara!❤️🤍
(Bratty Sub Akutagawa and Hard Dom Brat Taming Chuuya🙏❤️)
Dazai x Atsushi (DazAtsu)
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Crush ➜ Friends ➜ Dating
__ 𓍢ִ໋🀦
• They met on Atsushi’s first day of school, but met again in the Library (when Atsushi began to have a crush on Dazai:3)
• They go to the Library together a lot!
• When they started dating, they went on dates to Café Uzumaki all the time hehe! (I love Café Uzumaki if you can’t tell)
• They write poems together!! (TOTALLY not a reference to me and my lovely girlfriend)
• Dazai buys Atsushi flowers and plushies, Atsushi buys Dazai bandages and coffee.
• (nsfw) Dazai and Atsushi don’t make out a lot, but if they do, they do in the school bathroom because why not hehe! Atsushi sucks Dazai off a LOT😭.
• Dazai gets A’s and B’s, and only gets one D. While Atsushi has B’s and C’s and only one A, so they help each other :3
Fyodor/Fedya x Nikolai/Kolya (Fyolai)
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One-sided friendship ➜ Crush ➜ ? Dating ¿
( kinda S/A warning ? )
, 𓆩♱𓆪
• Fyodor plays with Nikolai’s hair a lot! He always puts Nikolai’s hair in braids, ponytails, buns, etc.
• Nikolai sometimes holds Fyodors hand during class! Fyodor doesn’t like it, but Nikolai loves it!:3
• They both try to manipulate each other which rarely works.
• (Angst?) Nikolai has wanted to date Fyodor but Fyodor refused (internalized homophobia) . Nikolai kind of forced him into a relationship with him. Their relationship is very one-sided.
• Nikolai always gives Fyodor kisses (even without consent). 😣
• Nikolai sometimes forces himself onto Fyodor, which Fyodor of course doesn’t like at all. Sometimes Fyodor just goes along with it.
Higuchi x Gin (HiguGin)
( teacher x student )
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teacher/student ➜ Crush ➜ Dating (slightly toxic)
( warning pedophilia, slight S/A )
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• Gin is the student, and Higuchi is the teacher💚
• At first, Higuchi had a crush on Akutagawa but he rejected her. Gin, being Akutagawa’s sister, of course looking like him; Higuchi went after her instead.
• Gin, like Akutagawa, refused. But Higuchi continued to pester Gin anyway.
• (Angst?) Higuchi would S/A/do sexual advances on Gin until Gin finally gave in.
• Gin actually fell in love with Higuchi a little after they began dating.
• They try on lipstick together and kiss each otherrrrnnn!!!:3
• Higuchi sometimes asks Gin to stay after class so they can kiss, hug, etc. Higuchi always says it’s about Gins behavior so no one suspects anything.
John x Lovecraft (SteinCraft)
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Best Friends ➜ Dating
࿆ ⟢
• They love drawing on each other’s papers!
• John’s really good at doing hairstyles, so he always does Lovecraft’s hair because Lovecraft doesn’t know how to do it much since he has so much hair!
• They hug a lot in every class they have together :3
• During lunch they always go under the school stairs to eat there! (Like most couples do irl except to have sex which they rarely have😭)
• They are known as the “perfect couple” ❗️💜
• John and Lovecraft like to eat fruits together, especially grapes!!!!!!!! :3
Shibusawa x Atsushi (ShibuAtsu)
( teacher x student )
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teacher/student ➜ Obsession ➜ Dating (toxic)
(I love toxic/abusive ShibuAtsu💕)
( warning pedophilia, grooming, S/A )
⠀. ,   ꗃ
• Shibusawa is the teacher, and Atsushi is the student!💕
• Atsushi is the “teachers pet”:3
• Shibusawa nicknames Atsushi “angel”. (Dead Apple ref lol)
• (Angst?) Like Gin and Higuchi, Shibusawa makes Atsushi stay after class. The first time he did, Shibusawa groomed him and S/A’d him. Atsushi was confused and didn’t understand why it happened.
• They started dating after Shibusawa forced Atsushi to because he threatened to drop his grade to an F!:(
• Shibusawa and Atsushi don’t go on dates, they just stay in Shibusawas classroom :P
Wow! Thanks so much for reading this! This took 13 hours in total 😭 ! I really hope you like it❗️
Also, I’m so sorry if I don’t post for a while again! I’m dealing with a very serious problem going on in a few days, so, my dearest apologies!
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28 + oscargide, 18 + lemon futon, mango + 14, higugin + 38
You're gonna force my hand into talking about Oscar Wilde BSD on this blog do you realize that. My god.
28: A kiss in parting
"So soon, really?" Oscar asks, leaning against the frame of the door. There's still paint drying on his hands, still droplets of sunlight peaking in through the curtains, and they hadn't even remembered to take off their shoes. "It's wartime, Oscar," Andre says, checking the buttons on his coat. "I'll always be gone soon." "Hm." Oscar slides over, eyes darting outside. "Well, tell your men I said hello, and I wish you all luck." Andre smiles with that easy confidence, laughing as he says, "We don't need that sort of luck. They have me." "As confident as always, aren't you?" And he knows both of their eyes dart around their surroundings, know both of them check the rather empty office. No one's nearby, of course, these halls are long since hollow. And yet still, Oscar waits for Andre's crimson eyes to hover on his lips just long enough, before he leans in and grants him a kiss. "I'll see you," he murmurs, pulling away. "My friend." It's really not the right word for them, not anymore. Not after all they've been through. But still, Andre's response is, "Until next time, my friend."
18: A kiss in laughter
"Kajii-" Katai's voice cracks as he speaks- "really? You're going to interrupt my work for this?" "Of course I am!' he answers confidently, flopping against him so hard he squeaks. "Come on, I know how much you love these things, and you really could use the break!" "It- just- this is ridiculous!" "Well yes, I am, thank you very much." And the usual groan or shoving away doesn't come- instead, Katai's shoulders shake, and he starts to laugh. Whatever Kajii planned to say next dies as Katai laughs, loudly, the grin on his face wide. It must be only a moment, really, that he's laughing, but Kajii feels like it lasts so long and even his giggles are such a rare, golden sound, and- And now he's laughing, too, and it's while both of them are laughing that he can't help but grab Katai and kiss him.
14: A kiss on the stomach
"What are you doing?" Ango asks, suspicion leaking into his voice as he looks down at Mushitaro, who's cuddled up to him. "Oh, I'm sorry I can't admire my lovely boyfriend," Mushitaro says with a scoff, eyes darting to where Ango's shirt has fallen up. "I didn't know you had moles there." "I have moles everywhere." A roll of his eyes, and he turns back to his book. "It's not that special." A hum, and an almost audible smirk as Mushitaro responds, "Oh, really?" "Wh-" And then Ango nearly jumps out of his skin when he feels the soft kiss on his stomach- glaring down- "Hey-" Mushitaro just continues to kiss the speckling of moles, and Ango feels his face getting warmer and wrmer, before Mushitaro starts moving up and it's too much and he smacks him with the book. "OW- RUDE-" "If you're going to kiss me-" Ango splutters out- "at least do it where I'm not ticklish. Please."
38: A kiss while one party is being carried
"You're really strong," Higuchi blurts out, and she decides she's going to blame that on the blood loss if anyone asks about it later, even if her side doesn't feel as bad as it looks. Gin only nods, continuing to walk forward, holding Higuchi in her arms. "Like, do I even weigh anything to you?" she's still talking, apparently, huh. Why is she still talking? Gin raises a brow, as if questioning this herself. "N-nevermind me," Higuchi splutters, looking away. "It's just- me being injured. The blood loss is making my brain weird. And thinking about your muscles, like holy shit, where do you work out-?" Gin shifts her hold, and Higuchi lets out a yelp. "Sorry, yep, I'll stop talking now just don't drop m-" And then Gin slides her mask down, and places a kiss on Higuchi's forehead. "Just relax, Higuchi,' she says, sliding her mask back on. "I've got you." Higuchi is pretty sure her brain explodes.
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zestylemonsz · 7 months
My opinion on bsd ships so you know me better ig
(I ship many things btw)
Soukoku - My love, my life, my happiness. You will catch me reading fics of this ship
Shin Soukoku - It's nice, but it's a bit slow burn. If that makes sense? I love the art though
Ranpoe - Adorable. I look at the art and cry tears of happiness. I want them to be happy together
Dazatsu - I'm not against you for shipping it, but I don't ship it myself. I prefer these two to be platonic, rather than romantic
Kunizai - Amazing. Beautiful. I love it. You will catch me looking at everything I can find of these two
Odazai - Eh. I don't ship it, and it's not something I want to see. Platonic is fine, but romantic is not something I'd like to look at
Fyolai - Delicious. Perfect. I love it, and I ship it. I don't look at this ship as much as others, but I still look at stuff from it
Fyozai - Sure, why not? I ship it, but I rarely look at stuff from it
Fukumori - Mixed emotions. I don't know. It's like a cake that's so unbearable to look at, but tastes fine
Dazaku - No. Platonic is eh. Romantic is no. I don't look at this ship, and don't plan on it
Souheki - I ship it. I barely look at anything to do with this ship, but it is nice. I'm not a hater
Odango - Yes. I will inhale this ship if given the opportunity to
Nikozai - Why? I don't ship it, but it's okay, I guess
Suegiku - I'd ship it if I saw more stuff of them. I barely interact with this ship, but I'm not against it in any form
Mushipoe - No thanks. I don't hate it, but I don't like it that much
Ranpoguri - Also a no. Again, I don't hate it. It's just not for me
Steincraft - I have practically never interacted with this ship. I don't hate it, and am willing to look at it more
Chuuaku - Not for me. I see them as friends, not as romantic interests. Platonic is fine, and I'd prefer it over romantic
Chuuran - This is fine. I barely see it, but I don't hate it
Kuniran - I don't hate it, but I don't ship it personally
Kunikatai - This is lovely. I will eat this ship if I can. I want to see more of this ship, even if I barely interact with it
Doppoe - Why? Ship it if you want, but I just don't see it. This is not for me
Dazango - No. I don't like it. Platonic is eh, romantic is a no for me
Sigzai - It's alright. I know Sigma doesn't have a canon age, even though he was made from the book three years ago. I see the art, it's cute, but I prefer platonic over romantic
(give me more slash ships if there is any I missed)
Kousano - This is nice. This is pretty. I like it, I ship it, I barely interact with it
Higugin - Nice. I don't hate this ship. I think it's a good ship
Montcott - I prefer platonic. It is fine with me either way, though
Harunaomi - Why? I don't see it, really. I'd love them to interact more. I think this is better as platonic
(give me more femslash, this was all I could find)
Tachigin - Nice. Enemies? Rivals? I don't know, but it's cute
Ranposano - No thanks. I don't see it. They have more of a sibling bond to me. I'd prefer platonic
Atsulucy - Yes. I ship it, and I love it. It's very cute
Kyoukenji - Only platonic. Strictly platonic. It's cute, and I want them to farm together
Akuhigu - It's okay. It's not for me, but I don't hate it
(give me more het ships if you want)
Any ships containing incest is automatically a no. Any ship with minor x adult is a no. Any ship with minor x minor is fine when platonic, not romantic/sexual
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littencloud9 · 3 months
gin and/or atsushi for the ask game?
atsushi answered here!
Sexuality Headcanon: sorry i keep whacking characters with the bi beam but thats what happens when im bi too
Gender Headcanon: are they transfem? transmasc? nb? genderfluid? genderqueer? Yes.
A ship: tachigin you are so dear to my heart
A BROTP: gin and kyouka would be SUCH a good duo but asagiri knew theyd be too powerful so theyre not allowed to interact
A NOTP: the thing with gin not being a popular character is that they have like two ships i know of. tachigin and higugin are both amazing so i have no answer to this skrfjskjf
A random headcanon: they are an amazing artist (runs in the aku family hehe) and loves to draw animals
General Opinion: GIN!!! i think they have so much wasted potential and i am just so curious. why do they hide their gender? their rs with akutagwa? how was it training under verlaine? how did they rise the ranks all the way til being w black lizard commander? their story is so freaking cool i NEED to know more
send me characters!
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frankenjoly · 4 months
i can’t remember which ones you already did for the ship ask game so i’m just gonna send a small assortment and sorry if you get repeats skdjskd how about suegiku, mushiranpoe, tachihigugin, and steincraft?
aw dw in general, and also i've gotten none of these already
suegiku: ship it
What made you ship it?
first their interactions (i love that kinda dynamic, i don't think it's a surprise at that point). then there came the "at least for 5 minutes" moment and i was hooked. like, putting the thing you value the most aside for your partner, if that's not caring i dunno what is.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
tetcho knowing jono more than anyone, including their fucking captain has me so unwell... mostly when we had seen him like "tone it down you're scaring the civilians" then BOOM. and when jono is, in general, the most perceptive out of the two (i mean, basically super senses, but y'know). for all the bickering and silly moments they do sure trust and value each other a lot and *screms* i need them to reunite. i know it's gonna happen, but pls, i need to see it.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
it's not strictly about the ship but... idk, i don't like takes of tetcho being super dumb to the point of forgetting key things in a relationship/about jono?
mushiranpoe: ship it
What made you ship it?
ofc it was the perfect crime arc (i say, as if all 3 had interacted in any other arc). like, ranpo was the one mainly interacting with mushi directly but,,, the book,,, and i already liked ranpoe, so it was "what if the 3 of them smooched".
What are your favorite things about the ship?
both ranpo and poe know the whole story with yokomizo, which is very tasty in "making mushi come out of his shell and heal" ways (besides, the fact they're a detective and a writer mhmmmmm).
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
nothing i think? only that it's so underrated.
tachihigugin: ship it
What made you ship it?
i like tachigin and i like higugin, so the possibility of me considering an ot3 was there and it happened.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
they all have their stuff (i say, as if everyone in bsd didn't), and they all know what's like to be in the mafia so... with time and working stuff out, there's room for very cute stuff and a pretty chill relationship.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i like it, but mostly default to "gin has two hands"/i don't really ship tachi and higuchi separatedly.
steincraft: ship it
What made you ship it?
i know we don't see the full guild together much, but them being paired up through all the arc, with all the room that gives for them to bond.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
dunno, the idea of steinbeck being totally unphased/actually into the eldritch stuff when knowing what lovecraft is it's very tasty. not surprisingly, when he grows vines from his veins, but you get me.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i'm not super big on it (like with bramcraft, for example), but i like it. so none, really.
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For the ask game....favorite ships? Fandom you constantly have in mind but don't have much to say about? Least favorite bsd character (if you're comfy with answering this)?
Hmm… I’ll be honest, I’m pretty open to ships but I don’t actually actively ship an awful lot. Half the time I’m just “oh that’s kinda cute” or “oh I can see that”. I find most of the time I’m just really invested in the dynamic and whether they kiss or not is kind of irrelevant to me? I also love a good strong platonic bond too. But then every once in awhile I get so completely invested I actually surprise myself. Anyways, are you asking me about bsd specifically or any ships? I’m assuming bsd, so that’s mainly Dazai and Chuuya, Ranpo and Poe, and Higuchi and Gin. Soukoku has me in a chokehold which is so weird. I think the last time I shipped something this hard was middle school… it’s near canon in my brain that Dazai was crushing on Chuuya, which I find weirdly endearing because it’s such a stupid cliché teenager thing for a character who sees himself as fundamentally different from most human beings. Get rom-com troped idiot. However, I’m weirdly picky about the dynamics… I think I’ve just found more skk stuff I vibe with by virtue of it being more popular? I’m really picky about Higugin but I think that’s because I just have very specific headcanons for Gin… And I like Atsushi and Akutagawa, and Atsushi and Lucy too but I waver between platonic and romantic all the time on those… Oda and Dazai also exist in this weird grey zone where I do not want it to be romantic but I also strongly vibe with a crush on Dazai’s end to the point where it’s kind of semi-canon in my mind - no matter the form it takes, this is my favourite dynamic in the entire series and nothing makes my heart clench more than these two. They 100% love each other to bits but it’s not a romantic dynamic to me. Do you feel me? I also think Fukuzawa, Mori and Fukuchi are really funny in a messed up way in any combination, but I wouldn’t necessarily consider that actually shipping them? Tecchou and Jouno are also incredibly funny to me but in a vastly different way - but again, I’m fine with platonic or romantic. I like that there’s a consensus that Yosano and Kouyou would be fascinating… but honestly I prefer it platonic. Same with Kunikida and Dazai - I love them so much as a partnership and their bond is so important to me but I prefer it platonic. Oh! And of course I enjoy Rimbaud and Verlaine as doomed almost-lovers. See, this is tricky because this all sounds very basic but I actually enjoy a lot of different dynamics… I’m just really indifferent as to whether or not they are romantic.
You know, when answering about my favourite shows before, I realized I completely forgot to mention Lucifer and Good Omens… I love those shows a lot but I find I don’t have a lot to say about them I suppose? I also love Great Ace Attorney but I find it hard to write meta on it for some reason… even though I love it a lot. I adore Undertale and Deltarune but I have little desire to engage with the fandom. :/ Persona 2 and Hatoful Boyfriend I don’t talk about a lot because I feel those are very niche in a way? I don’t know if a lot of people know those games… but if someone enabled me… I could… I could talk about them… 👀
And I know this is a bit lame anon but I don’t know that I have a least favourite. I find them all really fascinating to explore and while it’s natural to hate Mori or Fukuchi for what they’ve done I’m actually pretty invested in them? The only character I can think of is maybe N. Dude sucks and I’d absolutely take a steel chair to his head on sight. But even then, that’s least favourite from a like/dislike perspective. He’s still interesting as a character. I will say that I think Louisa and Mark were a bit disappointing to me though, and I would’ve loved more to their characters, as right now I think they’re kind of bland for who their inspirations were? I guess they just don’t interest me as much, but that just makes me love them more because if the author won’t make them interesting then I sure as hell will in my brain.
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Ango, Higuchi, Gin, Akutagawa, and Tachihara for the character asks (if you don't feel like doing so many then just pick whichever ones you want to do most)
Sexuality hc: Aroace maybe Gender hc: none Ship: Him x some fucking sleep. Nothing else. BROTP: The Buraiha trio, and him and his bodyguards Random headcanon: Listens to music in foreign languages so he doesn't have to think about the words, nor get distracted by them. General Opinion: Before Kajii, I used to be obsessed with Ango. Still appreciate him as a character.
Sexuality hc: Bisexual Gender hc: none Ship: Higugin is cute. There's others but I can't remember. BROTP: Her and Tachihara Random headcanon: She loves watching the cherry blossoms. Takes lot of pictures of them. General Opinion: Fucking love her so much you do not understand. Probably my second fave rn.
Sexuality hc: Panromantic Gender hc: Genderfluid Ship: Higugin is cute, I also like Tachigin BROTP: The Black Lizard Random headcanon: Listens to rock/metal. General Opinion: *holds gently*
Not gonna do Akutagawa
Sexuality hc: I dunno. Probably bisexual. Gender hc: none Ship: Tachigin, I'm also open to Tanitachi. BROTP: The Black Lizard and Higuchi Random headcanon: Also listens to rock/metal. Makes playlists for the armory. Likes to go to flower gardens (since one of his likes is a flower :D). General Opinion: Listen, I either want to adopt him as my son or have him as a younger brother. Anyways I want to call him kiddo and ruffle his hair.
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sickficideas · 3 months
do you have any sick headcanons for Gin? 🥺
anon you sent this a month ago on Gin's birthday i don't know if you did it on purpose but I love you for asking about my best girl...i absolutely do!!!
- she's generally much healthier than her brother and takes much better care of herself but she still has some health issues and bad habits from living in the slums for so long and so young
- she's the type to not at all recognize when she has a fever. she will go all day and then fall asleep face first on her mattress before she even considers she might be sick
- she sleeps soooo much when she's not feeling well. this is usually how Ryuunosuke realizes she's sick because Gin will normally fall asleep after he does and wake up before him. he never sees her sleeping lol
- Higuchi moms the crap out of her when she's sick too ))): Gin is much more receptive to help than her brother lol...still very hesitant but will take medicine and rest when certain people, namely Higuchi, ask her to because she's worried and she makes sure she knows that 💔💔
- her stomach is very sensitive to certain foods but she can't say no to most people that offer her food or go out to eat with her so she ends up just silently suffering the consequences with unbearable nausea poor thing💔💔💔
- i think she was probably forced into poison training when she was younger since shes a trained assassin and she really struggles with feeling severely ill (like high fever, throwing up) because of the association with that borderline torture...when she is very sick like this Ryuunosuke will stay home with her and take care of her 🥺🥺 he won't let her be alone
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malin-la · 5 months
How about higugin or staticmoth for the ship questions?
I love getting anons so much
Anyways bold of you to assume I’m not gonna do both
1. What made you ship it?
At first it was that one scene in the bathroom where Gin holds up a knife to Higuchi’s neck and the tension was so palpable I knew they were gay for each other. Then it was thinking about their individual dynamics and how they would potentially act around each other.
2. What are your favourite things about the ship?
A lot of my opinions on this ship are not fully supported in canon, but I like to think that they are each other’s safe havens within the mafia. Of course they might have small arguments like any other relationship but they will always come back to each other faster than they left.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
A lot of people see Higuchi as the talker and Gin as the listener, but I actually see it the other way around. Gin loves to talk about things she cares about and Higuchi would listen to her talk for hours if she could.
1. What made you ship it?
I saw them making out in the last episode and I was mad at myself for not having even thought of it before. I’ve been around since the pilot but somehow I missed all hints of staticmoth floating around until the show aired.
2. What are your favourite things about the ship?
I think they’re both absolutely ridiculous in their own rights and it makes their dynamic so damn funny. On one hand Valentino is always going batshit insane over Angel (and his other workers I assume), and Vox is not having any of it. On the other hand, Vox is obsessed with Alastor and Valentino is just like “yeah that his thing, you got a problem with it?”
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not an unpopular opinion but they definitely rehearsed that dip thing where Val swings Vox between his legs
Ty for the ask :)
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lesbianyosano · 1 year
2nd round of shipping bingo here! Ranpoe, higuchi/gin (?) suegiku odango
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ranpoe: i don’t think about them too much tbh but the perfect crime arc is one of my favorites and they’re so cute in it :(( i like to think yosano makes fun of taboo for dating a white guy
higugin: i love higuchi so much it’s unreal, she’s my cringe fail babyboy she’s so stupid and i love her to death, i wish we knew a little more abt gin outside of her relationship with akutagawa bc i think her and higuchi have sm potential but rn it’s basically just headcanons (although there’s that one omake when they hang out outside of work and idc that was a date to me)
suegiku: they’re so fucking stupid together it’s very entertaining, i also think they’re the only people who don’t realize they’re together
odango: oh god,, when i was watching dark era for the first time i didn’t realize those were like flashbacks/light novel and i was very confused the entire time and the only coherent thought i had was that they were in love, divorced but never married, i choose to make them alive and happy in every au i come up with just bc i can
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sskk-ao3feed · 7 months
Quirks vs Abilities
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CvsofWt by ilovekousano Heyyyy so um I quit my first story cuz I got rlly bad writers block and I'm already writing a story in my english class cuz teachers hate honors students but ima just use that story cuz it's pretty similar to the first one! Yosano Kana, Yosano Kira ( that's right! twins! but IDENTICAL ), Nakahara Ayaka, Gogol Alexa ( Lexi ) and Logan Callahgan ( cuz i love wild fire by Hannah Grace so much, I took Russ' last name ) are sent on a mission outside of Yokohama to infiltrate UA and gather info on the HPSC before they declare war in 3 years!!!! FYI Logan is actually in the guild! Kana and Logan are childhood rivals cuz I said so. But anywayyyyyssss how will the 4 girls + Logan complete this extremely risky mission where if anyone finds out, they'll get executed!? Words: 716, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Higuchi Ichiyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Fukuzawa Yukichi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Mori Ougai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Hirotsu Ryuurou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tanizaki Junichirou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tanizaki Naomi Relationships: Ozaki Kouyou/Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Original Female Characters/Original Male Characters, Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fukuzawa Yukichi/Mori Ougai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Dectective Agency Ensemble & Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs) & Original Character(s), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs) & Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Tachihara Michizou/Tanizaki Junichirou (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), lida is a little shit, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, Twins, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Being an Idiot, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is a Bad Teacher, mha x bsd crossover, kousano is my fav ship, thats right, soukoku isnt my number 1, its actually number 5, suck on it, i like higugin more than soukoku, Light Angst, Fluff, gay people, Elise is a little shit, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, i mainly write abt kousano, cuz lesbian couples 4 life read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CvsofWt
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malecacidd · 2 years
you can try but you'll be unable to rip TachiGin from my cold. dead. hands.
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miammey · 2 years
(Some) BSD Ships and How they Carry Each Other (Literally)
(Contains MANGA SPOILERS (characters, mostly)
⁃ Chuuya has no problems picking Dazai up, Dazai’s pretty scrawny
⁃ Speaking of Dazai’s scrawny ass, he could probably do it but would be struggling
⁃ Chuuya might think that he was faking it to make fun of his weight but no, Dazai’s just struggling
Shin Soukoku
⁃ Atsushi can pick up Akutagawa no problem (he’s probably done it before in canon, I just don’t remember exactly), even without his tiger Ability
⁃ Akutagawa can pick him up with Rashomon, but not without
⁃ Don’t even ask Ranpo to do any physical labor
⁃ I feel like he’s tried to pick up Poe at least once (ended in failure, Poe’s feet didn’t even leave the ground)
⁃ Poe isn’t exactly physically strong, either, but he might be able to carry Ranpo for long enough to move him, like from a desk to a bed or something
⁃ Yosano lugs around massive weapons like it’s nothing, picking up Kouyou would be a piece of cake
⁃ Kouyou can probably pick up Yosano, tho, again, not for a long time
⁃ Not much to say, they’re both strong mafia girls, I think they can pick each other up pretty easily
⁃ Gin probably more-so than Higuchi, I just have a feeling, tho Higuchi does carry heavier weapons (guns are typically heavier than knives)
⁃ Tachihara can pick up Tanizaki pretty easily, being a soldier and all
⁃ Tanizaki probably could, again for a moment. Most his his strength comes from adrenaline rushes (when he feels more murder-y than usual), so casually he probably can’t
⁃ Gogol’s stronger than he looks, I and Fyodor’s pretty thin. He would be able to probably pick Fyodor up and twirl him around
⁃ I have a feeling involuntary dancing happens from time to time with these two
⁃ Fyodor can’t, he’s tried but he just can’t
⁃ These two are super-soldiers, they could probably carry ten times the other’s body weight, maybe more. Picking each other up is nothing
⁃ Jouno would drop Tecchou on his ass tho, it’s happened at least once
⁃ Lucy can lift Louisa with little problem, idk, I just feel like she would be physically strong
⁃ Louisa isn’t a fighter in any way, I just don’t think she could
⁃ Lucy would find her trying to be adorable tho
⁃ Lovecraft could easily pick up Steinbeck, though I imagine him more so picking him up from the back of the shirt and putting him on his shoulder rather than actually holding him like a person
⁃ Steinbeck is physically strong, he’s a farm boy after all, but Lovecraft isn’t human, he probably weighs more than one
⁃ (In Lovecraft’s wiki is says his weight is “adjustable”. I’m gonna say that’s referring to his massive squid god form compared to his regular form. I’m sorry, there’s no hope in lifting that thing up)
⁃ Oda could carry Ango no problem, not even a question
⁃ Ango isn’t a fighter, he can handle a gun but I also think a pretty strong gust of wind could knock him off balance (/j)
⁃ He might be able to lift someone smaller than him, but no one his size or larger, so not Oda
(Edit, adding Fukumori because I forgot about them like a fucking idiot and had a few people call me out, I’m sorry)
⁃ Fukuzawa definitely didn’t lose his strength with his age
⁃ He’s definitely just picked up Mori and thrown him over his shoulder, mostly when they were younger (Old Soukoku, gotta love them)
⁃ Mori would probably say that he can lift Fukuzawa, but then completely fail as Fukuzawa just stands there
(Might do a part 2 with different ships? Maybe??)
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