#i love jay's lois so much.
karaspal · 3 months
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a super x a journalist ships, you will always be famous!
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maiden167 · 2 months
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I made my Super Family and friends on the Makowka II picrew! (Featuring my original DC characters, Ruby and Isabela)💗💗
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dnschmidt · 7 months
Clark Kent's Glasses Aren't Dumb
People love to make fun of Superman/Clark Kent for having a bad disguise. "Oh, he just puts on a pair of glasses? That's all? Everyone would know Clark is Supes! Lois must be an idiot!"
But no, that's not the case at all.
First of all, even if people did recognize that Clark Kent looks like Superman, that's about as far as it would go. People would think "Hey, that guy looks like Superman. Huh. Neat." And then they would go on with their day.
Superman is basically a god. Why would The God Of Punches pretend to be some random guy? There's absolutely nothing to indicate that he might have a secret identity. As far as anyone knows, he's Superman 24/7, and those blue pajamas are his only outfit.
Think about it. If you ordered a pizza, and the deliveryman looked like Tom Holland, would you think, "Oh, clearly Spider-Man movies don't pay as much as I thought, and Tom Holland was forced to get a side gig for Domino's"? No, you'd just think it was a weird coincidence, and that the pizza guy should totally start a Tom Holland impersonator business, or at least a Spidey-themed YouTube channel.
Secondly, let's say some Metropolis bad guys do figure it out. So what? Unless you're Lex Luthor or Doomsday, what the hell are you going to do?
Remember that scene in "The Dark Knight" where one of Bruce Wayne's employees figures out that Bruce is Bats and tries to blackmail him? Bruce's right hand man Lucius Fox implies that Bruce would just crush him financially or put on his bat onesie and beat him to death his with bare hands. The would-be blackmailer just gives up. Going up against Supes would be even dumber.
Let's say you're not fooled by Clark's glasses. You know who he is. Are you going to go mess with Supes just because he's wearing his nerd costume that day? He can still pick you up and hurl you into the sun.
Finally, the glasses aren't even the worst disguise in DC Comics. There are dozens of other characters who wear tiny little domino masks that do virtually nothing to conceal your identity. As Blake Lively pointed out in Green Lantern, people can still recognize you even when they can't see your cheekbones.
And then there's Jay Garrick. When he dresses up as the Flash, he doesn't even wear a mask. He just puts a hubcap on his head. Why not wear a lampshade? That would at least cover his face.
If you really want to hide your identity, wear a whole head mask like Spidey, or at least some KISS makeup.
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fae-morrigan · 3 months
hi! could you elaborate on the "jon beefs w batman" thing?? id love to read it, but i don't know much about comics so i wouldn't know where to look :(
So, the series that introduces this is largely Son Of Kal El. It's Jon's big 18 issue solo book, its super fun, there are gay people, there is dismantling a colonialist government. More specifically the Beef Inciting Incident begins issue 10, takes up most of issue 11.
So, Jon's dating Jay Nakamura. Cool guy, refugee from Gamorra (place that is colonized that theyre trying to fix), independent journalist known as The Truth. He works closely with this group named the Revolutionaries.
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Super cool, right? Jon's having a golden time.
Then, Lois pisses off Lex (long story but its equally hilarious), bad enough they're worried about the family's safety. So, Batman shows up to whisk them to the safe house.... but Jay's not allowed to come.
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Jon's pretty miffed about this, and then Batman decides to be Batman and drops THIS bombshell:
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We get his reasoning the next chapter: Jay's buddies, the Revolutionaries? Yeah, well, lets say they believe in DIRECT action. They've killed a lot of people (Pssst, you can read more about it in Suicide Squad: Bad Blood, which is one of my favorite books).
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Jon does not buy what Bruce is selling. He argues with Batman about it, DESPITE NOT KNOWING WHETHER OR NOT BATMAN IS WRONG, because the idea of BRUCE telling him who and who not to make out with is SO EXISTENTIALLY INFURIATING that he just. Straight up runs off.
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Now, this gets resolved pretty quickly. Pa tells Bruce to knock it off because he's not exactly better in love, in a great scene that is one of my favorites from the book. Jon talks to Nightwing, then talks to Jay, and Jay is like, "yeah. They are kind of violent extremists, but they were also the only people who helped me when I was fleeing systematic medical torture and ethnic cleansing, so." We don't really get Jon's thoughts on this, but he ACTIVELY works with them in the finale with the stipulation they don't kill anyone, so we can kind of assume that even if he's not down with them murdering people, he's DOWN down with their Liberation politics. Which is neat!
... But Jon holds a grudge against Batman. Big time. Like, seriously. We really see it up close in Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent, where he's just... Dude. This isn't even YOUR batman.
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^ Like, I think we all know he's referencing what happened with Jay here. Its VERY on the nose.
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Even Injustice!Bruce is like "Dude, I literally just met you".
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Like, seriously. Not even his Batman. Just batman-shaped. And he's catching CONSTANT strays from Jon. Its a whole thing. Before that moment, Jon and Bruce were actually quite chill: Jon even made him tea during the SOKE annual! Up until that point, Bruce was kind of just "damian's scary dad". Ever since That Exact Moment where Bruce was like, 'your boyfriend is a terrorist,' Jon has been like:
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zeynyukine3011 · 5 months
Opinions on jonjay…
This kinda long. And I ranted. A lot. About aged up Jon. Sorry 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠⁰͡⁠ ⁠Ĺ̯⁠ ⁠⁰͡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠ㄏ
Hmmm, when I fist learned about Jay's existence, I really didn't have an opinion about him as a character. I was just mostly angry to DC for aging up Jon out of nowhere.
Then I keep seeing people hating on Jay and I wondered if they are correct or just exaggerating. So, I read Superman: Son of Kal-El. And... it was a disappointment to say the least. Jon didn't feel like Jon. It didn't feel like the Jonathan Kent we know and love, who is very protective of his loved ones, who can get angry a lot, who is spiteful and not afraid of picking fights, who is as much the son of Lois Lane as he is the son of Clark Kent.
Writers just pushed him into the Superman title and it was very rushed and not climaxing.
(But I loved the part in the fist issue where Jon finds Damian by the sound of his heart and that just melted me.)
Then we got introduced Jay Nakamura who apparently goes to do same college as Jon?
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Ummm.... For the love of God, how the fuck Jon is going to college?????? He didn't even finish the elementary school. Was he supposed to have education in a fucking volcano????? Make it make sense.
And then there is a school shooting and he is busted in the first 5 minutes he arrived at the college. Then we never head from it ever again, so what was the point of it?????
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This thing happen and it would be a really good scene if he wasn't aged up, and he was trying to control his power while growing up. Like, imagine the potential.
As for Jon's relationship with Jay, it was rushed, it didn't have any chemistry, Jon felt OOC, it wasn't filled out before taking into the romantic part. Jay was obviously created just to be Jon's love interest. They knew each other for a short while and didn't have much friendship. I really don't like ships like that.
For me a good ship, starts with a good and long period of friendship (like Jon and Damian. It is one the reasons I love Jondami this much.). Jonjay doesn't have it.
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Jay's speech about how Jon doesn't need to worry about him because he can't get hurt, felt like Jon was only with him because he needn't worry about Jay. It is like an escape for Jon. Which isn't a good relationship dynamic 😬.
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And he apparently knows Damian's identity and by proximity Batman's identity. After Batman told Jon not to trust Jay, he somehow allowed this? Isnt it...like... a huge security issue?
(Then there that Lex's plan to wipe people's memories about Superman's identity and other heroes were protected from that. But what about Damian? He isn't a Titan, he isn't in the Justice League... So where was he when that happened? How does he still know their identity?)
So overall, I completely understand fandom's hate on Jay. I don't exactly hate him. But his existence is kinda annoying. And the ship Jonjay is kinda annoying. But other than that I really don't think much about him.
But I cannot find enough words to express my rage about Jon aging up.
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jonjaydami · 6 months
Hey do you have any hc’s on how the boys confessed to each other or what their first date would be like??
Oh yes I do! So it kinda is taking place currently in my fix it fan fiction for DC cause I think the way they ended the supersons comics is horrible. So I decided the best way to fix it was by making them poly.
So i definitely think that after Jonathan came back from space he and Damian grew apart to a point we're they hardly talked and saw each other and that had to do with a lot of different reasons.
When Jay came into the picture he sought to mend their relationship cause he knows they love each other and they are self destructive idiots. So he sets gets them together and when he realizes how good they are; just the two of them.
He actually tries to break it off with Jonathan but actually Jonathan refuses and they all *finally* have a sit down and talk about how they want thier relationship to work. They realize that not only have they been leading themselves up to this moment but they all have had a crush on each other for literal months but they were to scared to do anything.
This leads to some laughs and apologies to be passed around. Jay and Jonathan already live together but Damian literally spends all of his free time crammed into his boyfriends tiny apartment and promises to get them a house one day (that one day turns out to be a big apartment until they take over the family farm)
Also they do have one on one date nights were Jonathan and Damian go out or Jay and Damian but then they all three go out. Of course his brother judge him for having a harem and he gets teased a lot but the paparazzi is always trying to spin off a bunch of stuff about them being seen together and "Is Damian Wayne cheating on his boyfriend with his other boyfriend?" Headlines. But they could care less. Also they know Lois and Clark are clearing those nasty rumors with the help of Bruce.
But yeah I think they work well together. Plus the real reason I also decided to try and fix it was because Jay Nakamura gets so much hate as a character for no reason. Like I get we don't like him cause DC only shoved him in to dramatically make Jonathan come out as bi. Which I love representation it's about doing it well is what I'm worried about.
Jay is a good character but he was shoved in a bad situation. Plus I know he is a sassy little boy who puts Damian in his place and Jonathan is their golden retriever who can't say no. Damian is there little ace goblin and they love him.
Yes I still headcanon Damian as on the Ace spectrum. I hope this is what you were kinda looking for. If you want to read my fanfiction it's called "fixing ourselves" and it's under partypirate on ao3 <3
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Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 19/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Nineteen: Nuggies
Jason and Laney spent the next few weeks spending the night at each other's apartments. As Laney's next appointment neared, he seemed edgier than Jason was used to. The night before Lois was supposed to come, Jason tried to talk to him, sitting him down. "Lane," Jason whispered, "What's wrong?"
Laney lay his head on Jason's lap and flipped through tv channels. "Why would something be wrong?" Laney mumbled. Jason sighed. "What?"
"We know each other too well to—."
"Too well to what?" Laney snapped. "Because I have so much—. I—. Never fucking mind."
Laney got up and grabbed his jacket and keys. "Lane," Jason raised his voice, "Where are you going?"
"Out, I'll be back. Jay, don't get me wrong, but I really don't want to fight right now," Laney frowned as he slipped his shoes on. He left Jason alone in his apartment, and he drove to a bar. Laney ordered a drink, and he was greeted by a hand on his shoulder.
"Jon Lane?" the voice asked, and Laney tensed up. "Can we talk?"
Laney downed his drink before shaking his head. "Caleb, you have to stop following me," Laney mumbled, "And stop calling me Jon Lane... I gave you the benefit of the doubt the first few times, but this has got to stop."
"Just hear me out, Lane—."
"Vodka," Laney ordered as he downed his second drink, "What the hell do you want, Caleb? Why can't you just leave me alone? I've got a boyfriend now."
"I know, I saw... Lane, I just couldn't stay away. I know you're mad at me—." Laney knocked the bottom of his glass against the table.
"Three more... Caleb, I'm not mad at you. I'm disgusted by you. I despise you, and I want you to disappear or die or do something somewhere where I never have to see you again."
"Lane, don't you remember how much you used to love me? I miss the way you laugh, the way you touch your hair when you're nervous, I—. Don't you miss us," Mr. Forrester whispered as he placed his hand over Laney's.
"Don't touch me," Laney recoiled as he reached for his third drink. "Don't ever touch me. I don't miss you at all... And I'm telling you for the last time to leave me alone before I get the police involved." Mr. Forrester got up and turned to leave.
"Lane, are you sure that's what you want?" Mr. Forrester asked. Laney nodded.
"Just stay away," Laney mumbled as he went back to his drinks. His phone rang, and he let it go to voicemail. He was halfway through his sixth drink when he got another call. "Sup," Laney slurred.
"Lane, where are you?" Jason asked.
"Takin' care of somethin'," Laney answered as he struggled to pick up his next drink.
"Your mom's here—."
"No, she's not... No, 'cause I don't see her anywhere," Laney laughed and covered his mouth before whispering, "I don't see her."
"Jonathan Lane Kent, where the hell are you?" Lois asked.
"No, no, no, Mommy... I'm an adult," Laney shook his finger at the phone.
"Lane, don't you hang up on me!" Lois yelled. Laney chuckled as he hung up and he finished his drink.
The bartender shook his head. "You're cut off," she whispered as she gave him a glass of water.
"Then why are you drinking—? Why you pour—? Fuck it," Laney mumbled as he gave her his card and drank his water. His phone rang again, and he took his card back before answering the phone. "Hey!"
"Laney, it's Dad," Clark whispered.
"I'm gonna go stand outside," Laney replied, "I won't drive... Hiiiii, Dad..." Laney stood outside in the cold air, and thunder cracked.
"Lane, I know how much you love thunderstorms. How nice would it be to watch with me, like old times?" Clark asked.
"Oooh! Okay! But how can you watch it with me? You're all the way in 'Tropolis," Laney mumbled. Laney got a video request, and he answered. "Hey, Dad."
"Nice little spot you're in. Where is that?" Clark asked. Thunder cracked a second time, and Laney saw a flash of light.
"Oooh! Dad, did you see? I'm at the Iceberg... It's a bar... I'm drunk," Laney chuckled before bursting into tears.
Clark softened and tutted. "Hey, what's the matter?" Clark asked.
"I need someone to come get me," Laney whimpered, "I'm scared." Clark nodded.
"I'll send someone for you. It's okay. Laney, take a deep breath and look at me. I'm gonna send someone, and they're gonna pick you up and take you straight home. Would I lie to you?" Clark asked. Laney shook his head and stumbled.
"Can they take me to nuggets first?" Laney asked as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Clark nodded. "Will you stay with me until they get here?"
"Of course. Hey, why'd you—?" Laney started to cry again. "What's wrong?" Clark asked.
"Mom's gonna yell at me," Laney sobbed.
"Laney, she's just worried about you. Mom loves you so much. I love you so much... Jonathan, look at me. It's okay," Clark reassured, "Do you trust me?"
"Uh-huh," Laney murmured. It started to rain, and Laney walked out into the parking lot.
"Laney, please don't stand out in the rain," Clark whispered. A car pulled up and rolled its window down.
"No! Go 'way. I told you," Laney cried, "Dad, did you send him?"
"Who?" Clark asked.
"Caleb, just go!" Laney hollered.
"Lane, who is Caleb?" Clark asked.
Laney turned to go back inside, and he sat at a table. "Caleb Forrest-. Mom coming to get me?" Laney asked.
"Laney, do not leave with anyone but Mom or Jason," Clark whispered, "Okay?"
"I'm not going-. I would not go anywhere with him. Nuh-uh," Laney mumbled as tears rolled down his cheeks. Laney sat on the phone with Clark for several more minutes until Jason came in looking for him. "J.P.! 'S raining!"
"Lane, thank God!" Jason exclaimed as he hugged Laney.
"Buh bye, Dad," Laney mumbled before hanging up and putting his arms around Jason. "Sorry I was so mean."
"It's okay. I'm just happy you're okay... What happened?" Jason asked. Laney dug in his pocket and gave Jason his keys.
"I don't need to drive. I'm drunk... Can you take me to get nuggets?" Laney asked. Jason helped him up and took him outside to his car. "Jasoooon! Can I have nuggets?" Laney walked around the car as the rain fell, and he stuck out his tongue to catch the droplets.
"Yes, you can have nuggets. Now get in the car. It's freezing out here," Jason whispered as he got in the driver's seat and reached over to buckle Laney's seatbelt. Jason drove Laney to a drive-thru and ordered him a coffee and chicken nuggets. "Laney, do you want sauce?"
"No... Gotta use a bathroom," Laney mumbled. Jason sighed and asked if the bathroom was open. Laney got out of the car and stumbled into the restaurant to use the bathroom, and he walked back to the car to eat his food. He sat still for a moment before screwing up his face. Jason smoothed Laney's hair down in the back while Laney ate. Laney took a few sips of his coffee to sober up a little.
"Lane, why'd you do this?" Jason asked softly.
"It's 'cause he won't leave me alone... I couldn't tell you because I was scared. He's showed up a bunch of times, and my mom and dad don' even know," Laney mumbled. Jason took one of Laney's chicken nuggets. "I just wanted to get out."
"Lane, baby, you can tell me anything," Jason whispered, "You haven't thrown up, have you?" Laney shook his head, and Jason took a sip of his coffee. "You and your mom are gonna stay the weekend with me. She dropped me off at the bar, but she's still pretty upset."
Laney started to cry. "Lane," Jason whispered. Jason parked Lane's car in the lot and helped Laney up to his apartment, and unlocked the door. "Okay, baby... Let's get your shoes off." Lois came out of the bathroom with her arms crossed. Laney chewed his lip.
Laney wiped his face with his sleeve. "Mama... I didn't mean—."
"Lane, I'm so-." Lois walked over and embraced Laney. "I'm still mad at you."
"Mom, I'm so sorry," Laney hugged her. Lois made a soft humming noise as she held him.
"Go to bed, okay? We'll talk tomorrow," Lois whispered, "I'll take the couch." Laney got up and followed Jason to bed. Laney plopped down on the bed, and Jason helped him out of his jeans and button-up before taking his own sweatshirt off to dry Laney's hair. Jason stripped down and climbed in bed with Laney.
"Jay, I'm sorry—."
"It's okay, baby. Go to bed, okay? I don't really understand what happened tonight, but I want you to go to bed before you get sick," Jason whispered as he rubbed Laney's back. "Go to bed." Laney nodded and let Jason put his CPAP on for him before he closed his eyes. Jason lay awake for a while, making sure Laney stayed asleep.
Laney got up after a few hours of sleep and threw up in Jason's bathroom. Lois sat up and locked eyes with Laney on his way back to Jason's room. "Stomach still sick?" Lois asked. Laney rubbed his arm.
"Mom, Forrester was there... I think I have a lot to explain to you in the morning," Laney whispered.
Lois ran a hand through her hair. "Okay... Okay, go to bed, and we'll talk in the morning. And Cricket, try not to do this again, okay? Jason was worried sick about you," Lois whispered. Laney went back to bed, and Jason put his arm over Laney.
"Jay... Jay, are you awake?" Laney asked. Jason nodded with his eyes closed. "I'm sorry about leaving earlier."
Jason kissed Laney's forehead. "I would kiss you, but you just threw up," Jason mumbled. He didn't open his eyes. "I just want to understand."
"I promise I'll explain it all tomorrow. Okay?" Laney whispered. Jason nodded.
"Do you feel better?" Jason asked. Laney didn't answer. "Please tell me you're not gonna throw up again."
"Why are you so calm?" Laney asked. Jason opened one eye.
"Because you're okay... I mean, I was definitely pissed earlier, but I was so relieved you were okay that I didn't really care about being angry anymore," Jason whispered, "Lane, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you... And I can't be mad at you if you didn't do anything wrong. So, go to bed. Your mom and I will still be here in the morning."
Jason drifted back off to sleep, leaving Laney awake. Laney turned over on his side, watching Jason as he slept. Jason's warmth made Laney's eyes grow heavy, and it seemed as if the moment he closed his eyes, Laney woke up in a panic. Jason sat up on his feet and pulled Laney up into an embrace. "Jason," Laney whispered, having forgotten he was at Jason's apartment. Jason held him.
"You're at my apartment. You're with me," Jason whispered. Laney sat back after Jason let him go and covered his face.
"I can't remember how—. Did I do something? Did I say something?" Laney asked as he pulled his hair back. Jason shook his head.
"You said someone was bothering you, but no, you didn't do anything or say anything for me to be mad at," Jason whispered, "What did you think you did?"
Laney took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He shivered in the cold air of the bedroom, and Jason put his arm around Laney. "I don't remember leaving the bar... I don't—."
"Lane, I picked you up and took you to get chicken nuggets," Jason reassured, "You were on the phone with your dad, and then you were with me."
"But Forrester, where was—. Where did he go? Did Mom see him?" Laney asked.
"A car pulled off when we got there, but I didn't see who was driving. I think your mom saw, but I dunno. I just wanted to get you home," Jason whispered. Laney's alarm went off on his phone, and he turned it off. "Laney, you don't have to get dressed. I think your mom canceled your appointment."
Laney got out of bed. "Mom!" Laney called, and Jason slipped on his pajama pants as he scrambled to follow Laney out of the bedroom. "Mom!"
Lois sat up and pushed her hair back. "Laney, lower your voice—."
"Why did you cancel our appointment? I need to go today," Laney paced back and forth in Jason's living room.
"Laney, you were drunk last night. You're still drunk—."
"I'm not drunk. I'm stressed out! Mom, please undo it—."
Jason grabbed Laney by his shoulders. "Laney, look at me. I'm gonna make you breakfast, and then we'll call your dad, and the four of us can talk. Okay?" Jason suggested. Laney nodded, and Jason kissed Laney on the cheek.
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Little fic or headcannons of how much lian and roy are alike please and thank you
Oooooo imma do a fic! Someone mentioned this again and I’ve been thinking about it!
When possible, the parents of Omega Squad like to get together for a ‘normal day’ with their kids. Well, as normal as their lives got. They rotated who hosted and who provided what food. Their kids enjoyed spending time with their parents….likely because some of them acted like they weren’t grown ass adults with teenage children.
“Is Jade on her way?” Linda asks Roy, swatting her husband’s hand away from the cake.
Roy nods, grinning at her phone, “Yeah, she is. Li’s been antsy all day about it. Not that she’d let me see it.”
Dick fakes a gasp, “A Harper avoiding showing their feelings? Say it isn’t so, Wallace!”
“I’m afraid it’s true, Richard.” Wally says solemnly, “When will they ever understand that being ‘too cool to care’ just keeps them apart from those who love them?”
“Hey, Bianca?” Roy calls to the beautiful woman chatting with Lois and Selina, “If I kill them, do you have to report it? Are you obligated to revive them or….?”
She glances at Dick and Wally, then back at Roy, “I’d revive one of them. Let the kids pick which one.”
Laughter fills the room as the teenagers get back from their ‘mission’ to the store. Several speedsters, two half aliens, plus growing teens means they need all the food they can get.
“Oh dear.” Jai sighs, “I think they finally lost it. I thought we had at least another week for Dad.”
“Don’t be an ass, dude,” Jon snorts, kissing his mother’s cheek as he carries most the grocery bags. “If anyone gets dementia first, it’ll be Bruce—“
More laughs and a faux glare from the Bat himself. Roy sees his daughter staring at him, “Yes, Lian Alice?”
“Ugh, you and Mom had to go with Alice for my middle name.” She rolls her eyes. “I sound like a Bridgerton character.”
“It’s a very respectable name for a little demon.” Roy says cheerfully, kissing her temple, “You can air your grievances to your mom in twenty minutes.”
To anyone who didn’t know her, the eye roll she gives her father would be disrespectful. But every adult in the room knows how anxious the topic of her mother is. It’s a simple way for her father to answer the question gnawing at her without her having to ask. Of course, her friends and boyfriend would never dare let her worry on it….even if she ‘doesn’t care’.
“Hey, Roja, did you ever try on that shirt I made?” Milagro asks, leaning against her father’s side on the couch.
“Aw fuck, I forgot, I’ll go try it on now.” She bats her eyes at Jai, teasing, “Any chance you want to help me change?”
“Jai Bartholomew,” Roy doesn’t turn back from where he’s putting the groceries away, “Make one move up those stairs and Irey becomes an only child.”
“I was going to say no, Uncle Roy, promise!” Not a single person believes the speedster with that mischievous look on his face. A few minutes after Lian disappears to her room, Roy notices how Dick and Wally look at him.
“Oh, nothing. Just funny how you seem to forget where here shamelessness comes from. “If anyone else said that about his kid, Roy would kill them. But from Dick, he takes it as the teasing it is.
“Isn’t the point of parenthood making your kids better than you?”
Wally snorts at that, “Just yesterday you said ‘as long as she doesn’t do crack, murder is a cake walk.’”
“And I’ll die on that hill, thank you, Wallace.” Roy says, rolling his eyes. “Besides, I’m not shameless.”
“Right,” Dick nods, “Remind me how old Lian was when she said she knew you and Jaybird were together?”
“That depends, Uncle Dick,” Lian appears down the stairs, “How old I was when I told them? Or when I knew?”
The shirt she’d changed into is made of a sheer, deep red material. The sleeveless cut shows off her muscular back and arms. A black band of fabric hugs her breasts, a contrast against the exposed skin. Flip her long dark ponytail, Lian holds out her arms.
“I accept compliments but prefer cash.”
“Red really is your color,” Milagro says with a laugh, getting up to check the fit of the shirt. “Not too snug anywhere?”
“Not really, but if you want to check, my safe word is ‘French toast’.”
“Lian!” Roy meant to chide his daughter, but it came out as a laugh. How many times had he said the same thing to people in this room? Milagro does tug at the fabric, holding it at different lengths to see how they look. Several old scars poke out from the top, but most of them haven’t seen that burn in the center of her back before.
“What’s that, Chiquita?” Bianca asks, motioning at an old burn on her back.
“Hmm?” Lian looks over her shoulder, “Oh! Dad, isn’t that the brand from the human traffickers?”
The room goes quiet. The kids look intrigued at the new lore while the adults seem horrified. Roy glances at it. “Oh yeah. You were little bitty when it happened. I’m shocked they didn’t let you go when you called them pussies.”
“Excuse you, old man? I was a delightful child!” She scoffs, “Easily worth a few thousand.”
Were they really joking about this? Holy shit they were. Trust the Harper’s to come in with dark humor.
“Maybe nowadays, but then? You’d have settled for a sandwich and a nap.”
“Um,” Bianca blinks at the pair, “What happened?”
“Oh some jackasses kidnapped her. They were going to sell her to some creeps I’m sure, branded her to ‘keep track of merchandise’ blah blah blah.” Roy sips his soda.
It’s Lois who asks the next question, “And when you arrived?”
Oh that smile on his. Omega has seen it on Lian so many times. It’s not the Chesire cat grin she has during a fight. It’s an easy, almost laidback smile that could put anyone at ease….if the look in his eyes wasn’t murderous.
“When I left,” Roy says, ignoring the specifics of her question, “They were still breathing. I can’t say for sure if they were when my wife left.”
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Thoughts on House of Brainiac pt 1 in Action Comics #1064
We got a good balance of action and whimsy, I really enjoyed seeing Lois taking time for herself to just (attempt) to do mundane things for herself with adult friends on her one day off.
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I love that Kon and Kenan are regularly babysitting Otho and Osul. Also ngl it's funny that Kon doesn't even have a hero title here he's just 'clone of superman and lex luthor.
Kara is on a date?! 👀 I might have missed something but I do not recall her dating anyone so this is a fun little detail.
John and Lana as we know are now engaged and this was a fun way to remind the reader of that detail.
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Clark playing with the ocean here was just a cute scene and was beautifully done.
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The headband is a bit much...
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Naturally because this issue starts so blissfully mundane and domestic and happy we know shit is gonna hit the fan and shit hit that fan. But not before we were given a little crumb to chew on...
They were interrupted before it could be revealed but we can assume this is an anniversary of some kind- maybe their marriage, maybe the day they met, maybe the day Clark came back to life, something else. We don't know yet so we're left in the dark until that bit is revealed eventually.
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Brainiac attacks Metropolis with the Czarnian army he had from a bottle-city and in the midst of the chaos Clark reveals that he doesn't have as much experience with Brainiac as Kara does - so we are not dealing with pre-Crisis OR pre-Flashpoint crisis canon in this case. Which was to be expected. Brainiac's encounters with Krypton pre-destruction has been a poignant part of Kara and Krypton's canon for a while now and would have been unwise to erase in my opinion. Having Clark leaning on her for direction is a welcome change from when he was exceedingly familiar with Brainiac.
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As expected Brainiac is going straight after Luthor of whom they have had a long history together where Brainiac does in fact view him as the smartest human. Whether or not this is accurate is not really fairly quantifiable but Brainiac thinks he is, and that's what matters.
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"Those Lobos" Amazing how LEX is calling Czarnians LOBOS. The smartest man on the planet people.
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👀 We're gonna have to chew on this one.
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Well Lex got what he wanted, his daughter to call him Dad.
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Brainiac needs Lex's head for whatever he has planned and he took Lena and Mercy captive as a sort of bargaining chip to try to get Lex to comply, because this incarnation of Lex is not totally without feelings.
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Lobos. Not Czarnians. Lobos.
He better start calling all Kryptonians Kal Els or Supermans.
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While it is unlikely he had a direct hand in the attack this is likely something he started or helped to put in motion. And he confirms that he has an idea of what Brainiac is up to when he WARNS Clark to not allow Brainiac to obtain his family, or anyone WITH powers.
It is also interesting that he is referring to them as his family, not his 'brood' or 'kin'. Family.
Either way, Lex knows something more than what he is immediately revealing.
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Remember, they CANNOT be captured. It's imperati-
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.... Damnit.
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So the worst thing just happened and all of Clark's family and close friends and several metas within Metropolis were snagged immediately.
However, Jon and Jay have NOT been shown to be captured (yet). We do not see either of them in this issue so it will be interesting to see if Jon (or Jay) will have some sort of part to play in this arc.
I wonder if Jay's powers would even let him BE captured in the first place. It might be likely that Williamson couldn't factor that in so he elected to keep it out entirely.
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Huh. You know. THIS detail was originally Kieth Giffen's Czarnia when he made the back history of Lobo. Czarnia was such a utopia it didn't even have a police force because everyone simply... got along. Until Lobo was born and killed everyone. Now the Czarnian canon is quite different and for some reason every single member dresses exactly like Lobo which sigh while 'cool' makes the whole people feel one-dimensional and I do not LIKE it.
Just because I wear plunging neckline tops and yoga pants doesn't mean every human does as well. Heaven forbid if some alien species bases all of humanity based on my wardrobe. You're ALL wearing black and yellow.
Anyway, this "Lobo" is named General Chacal. And because he is named we're likely going to be dealing with him more.
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ngl they are all so cute in their pink fairy bottles. Anyway, they're being taken into SPACE.
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The last person to get nabbed is Lex who in an apparent show of self sacrifice prevents Clark from being taken. This could all be strategy but the comic is leading us to believe he does care for his daughter. So Brainiac wins this round.
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The closing pages leaves a lot of mysteries still as to WHAT Brainiac is doing.
Thus far we know the following;
1.) He is LONELY and he wants to remedy that but he can't be normal about it. 2.) Lex and him have history involving his wildly important plan to not be lonely. 3.) His plan involves Kryptonians, and metas, so we can safely assume he is using their genetics in some facet. 4.) He NEEDS Lex to complete this plan. 5.) He intends to share his knowledge, what this means and with who is unknown but it could be he is intending to share it with other versions of himself due to the last page. 6.) Speaking of the last page, it is interesting because we are seeing a mosaic of different versions of Brainiac from across time and realities. It is still very much unknown what his plan is, he could be intending to make some sort of beefed up Frankenstein's monster version of a companion "Brainiac Queen" - or he might be planning on beefing himself up and a new population of Coluans or both. We simply do not know. Other mysteries; 1.) Destruction of Braal. - Why? 2.) I know Williamson mentioned he read L.E.G.I.O.N. so he is not ignorant that Brainiac DOES IN FACT ALREADY HAVE FAMILY that he's tried to kill multiple times. I hope he brings in Vril Dox II because if there EVER were an appropriate time, it is now. I'm really excited and next week we get pt2 in Superman 2023 #13. This is a big build up and it is hard to say where the fuck we're going.
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chainsawcorazon · 1 year
when you take into consideration the fact that gamorra, a political narrative that’s borrowed from ANOTHER set of books that only recently merged into the dc universe, it’s like... what did you expect jay nakamura’s story to be about? sure, FINE, you don’t wanna see a story about superman saving a boat full of refugees, and maybe you just don’t care for this twink in a green mask that is clearly recruiting jon for some shady shit. and that’s fine! you can hate jay for being a pink-haired twink with shady underpinnings. totes fine. i still think hal’s a green fascist even after seventy years of character development, BUT THAT’S OK. we each have our no-no’s.
but then i see ppl talk about jon as if he’d an uwu bby boy who was so unjustly seduced by some pink-haired asian twink, and i think.... please tell me more.
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pls tell me how the most powerful heir on the planet, the son of superman the god himself, was so uwu bby boy seduced, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out DECEIVED by some broke asian twink refugee with a podcast. actually, don’t. i’ve read enough twitter threads, reddit forums, and random commentary on youtube. i may be a fool for doing so, but i live for the drama, so i will read some more laterz.
like fine if u think jon did indeed get played, but i have to ask.... and what about it? even IF jon got played in the end, no one’s holding a gun to his head telling him NOT to fuck that damn gamorran. he’s fully consenting to smashing that twink, and by all the kissies, im thinking they are both very much enjoying their mutual shenanigans.
.... so why don’t folks like jon with jay? like really. be forreal.
and while reading LOSH, i finally got it! i thought about how, narratively, it makes PERFECT SENSE why jon and lor zod get married in the future, ESPECIALLY if the earth does get destroyed. if the earth is gone, then so are all of jon’s roots and ties to his human side. it would really only make sense for him to marry a zod, give half his dna to zod’s scientists, let them slap it together with lor zod’s, and thus produce children that could continue to help repopulate new krypton. plus, we know jonno’s stronker than his pops! a zod plus an el with those pesky human genes that makes him stronger? i know in my heart dru zod himself drafted the marriage proposal and took it to clark while he was just tryna have dinner with his wife and son. unfortunately, bc of this decision, mon el now exists. le sigh.
AND IT’S DURING THIS SHIT ASS LOSH RUN THAT I REALIZED... well of course jon/lor zod makes sense in the narrative. jon’s a plot device. he’s the most powerful fucker in the world, arguably. not yet fully realized, hella pretty, falls in love easily. it makes perfect sense that he’d give into an el/zod union if would make peace. and really, nobody really cares about bendis’ LOSH implications, bc it is such a stanky run, but it’s there. and apparently it’s ok bc it makes sense, bc hey, the zods are SUPPOSED to be evil, so why WOULND’T they try to rope jon into marrying their son so that they can be the universe’s power couple? it’s par the course for the zod famileh.
so why does it make people sooooooooo uncomfortable that jon is dating, in the current timeline, someone who is arguably just as politically inclined? what is it about some asian twink with a podcast that THREATENS fandumb’s delicate sensibilities, and i realized..... it’s cuz he’s literally not lois.
snake eating it’s own tail, jay is not lois!!!
by FUNCTION, he is lois, and is arguably, jon’s central and most important love interest. but jay is NOT lois. he is not even lois adjacent. he is a revolutionary. he’s a refugee. he’s asian. he has pink hair, and apparently that makes him effeminate. he sometimes dresses up like a ninja, but it’s the pink mop that makes him look like a girl lmao.
and, oh yeah. the haterz in-universe think he’s a terrorist. lex framed him as one. in-universe reddit and 4chan DEFINITELY thinks he’s a terrorist.  batman thinks he might be one too. his friends, aerie and wink, certainly were at one point.
so what happens when the son of superman the god, someone who’s supposed to do better and BE better even when the options are all garbage, starts dating a guy who is being touted a terrorist by a billionaire, a foreign government, AND people on reddit?
well, that’s just too woke now, innit? this is woke. this is what happens when kids learn CRT. they end up falling in love with terrorists. superman can’t love a terrorist!! siegel and shuster rolling in their graves.
except anyone Who Can Read and DID read KNOWS that, that’s not true, and the fact that lex, bendix, and the people in-universe FRAME the revolutionaries as terrorists is literally a meditation on how OUR world frames the question of the revolution, youth-led revolts, and anything not being shielded with rose-tinted glasses. it’s literally a common theme in fiction these days. it’s a common theme in LIFE.
and it’s FASCINATING to see how a thematic element in a comic book that’s geared towards 12-22 yr olds garnered such OUTRAGE, when that thematic element is played on like every other tv show and i think.... oh people are CRAZY crazy now. and not just crazy, they hate being uncomfortable, and dont like that jonno’s not in a traditionally white hetero romance that’s solely dressed in black in white in terms of morality and politics, like lois and clark are. and no, im not referring to the new anime where lois is racebent, this is not a factor in this convo. historically, and up until recently, the question of lois and clark has been and still is a deeply americentric approach at truth and justice, aka the american way. lois is the star reporter, the uncoverer of truths and part of the reason why justice gets served, but she does it the AMERICAN way, the way white people always have and always will find palatable. and that’s fine! these comics have a history. they have a pedigree, and ppl love them for a reason.
but jay doesn’t fit into that mold. he’s not even pretty to look at, in terms of conventional handsomeness, and that seems to be by design!
cuz it’s not just jay being brain smart that makes folks uncomfortable, but that he holds a Frame of Reference that even jon doesn’t really understand. his mom might be a military brat and his dad a refugee’s who’s DEEPLY assimilated into the land he was able to find refuge in, but jay is decidedly NOT assimilating. lord knows how many cops, armymen, and green lanterns we got running around, but jay’s not a lantern, and he’s certainly not US military. he’s the son of an ousted politician from an asian nation most ppl dont really care about. he’s got pedigree that’s decidedly NOT americentric. he’s NOT invested in truth and justice done the american way. he literally does everything unamerican, including seducing superman’s son, to make ends meet and make his revolution happen, and man oh man, that shit makes the intellectually conservative fandumb so damn UNCOMFORTABLE!!! his broke ass was able to bamboozle jon kent AND dick grayson! he went to take down a dictator the rest of the world saw as a hero! and superman joined him! and dick grayson funded the campaign!
superman fell in love with a terrorist. that’s what pisses people off 😂😂😂
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karaspal · 3 months
here is a reading guide for post-age up jon, including the good parts only so you guys could appreciate him more.
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superman (2018) #7 - 10 this is the story that started it all. jon goes on a space journey with his grandpa and comes back seven years older with enough trauma to last him for the rest of his life and more.
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superman #29, action comics #1029, superman #30 - 32 during his time in the future, jon discovers his father might not have much time left in the present. worried about his dad, jon tries to warn him and prevent the inevitable. this story is cute and shows clark's love for his son and how proud he is of the man jon has become.
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action comics #1030 - 1035 follows up the pervious story. clark and jon find refugees who escaped warworld. while clark is ready to help 100%, jon thinks it's a trap to lure his father and is vocal about his suspicions. this story lets jon have flaws, and they make complete sense for his character. while he isn't the main main character, it's a great read to help you understand his character.
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superman: son of kal-el #1 - 6, annual 2021, #7 - 8, nightwing (2016) #89, superman: soke #9 - 18, action comics #1050 after clark leaves for warworld to help the people there, jon is left in charge as the main superman on earth. with his dad gone, his identity being public and the weight of the world on his shoulders, jon tries to figure out the kind of hero he wants to be. this series also introduces jay nakamura, a journalist and a freedom fighter jon falls in love with. the final three issues is jon's reunion with his dad.
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dark crisis #1 - 7 with the whole justice leauge dead, jon tires his best to keep the world spinning and the people in it hopeful. he goes around, trying to form a new justice league. this story shows how jon truly is his father's son and that he deserves the title "superman", as well as his strengths, and his undying spirit.
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action comics #1051 - 1056 clark comes back from warworld with twins, whom he and lois later adopt. jon struggles seeing his parents raise the kids in a way they couldn't raise him because of the time they lost. still though, jon tries his best to be there for his new siblings.
this is jon's main timeline since he came back from his space trip. those are the required stories. bellow, i'll list some comics that aren't necessary to understand him, but are nonetheless good.
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future state: superman of metropolis #1 - 2 this is a future state story that isn't canon. jon bottles the city of metropolis in hopes of saving it. the story follows the consequences of his choice.
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dark crisis: worlds without a justice league - superman #1 do you wonder what would've happened had jon grown up with his folks? do you wonder what he would've been like had he not spent his formative years in a volcano prison? well, this is a story for you. this is clark's perfect world, and in a perfect world, he gets to see his boy grow into a man.
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nightwing (2016) #101 - 104 (back up story) nightwing investigates a mystery in the circus and calls jon for help. the story is a cute team-up between the two.
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action comics #1059 - "a heart in metropolis" (back up story) jon and jay struggle to find time to spend together, with life getting in the way. finally, the boys find the time to go on a date.
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superman & robin special #1 cute jon and damian team-up. if you like the super sons, this is a story for you. it shows that their friendship can still work, even with jon being older now.
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lazarus planet: assult on krypton #1 - “electric” during the lazarus planet event, a common criminal gets powers and decides to join jon in helping people. their dynamic is fun: a righteous hero and a flirty villain. even though i don't particularly ship them, i still enjoyed their interaction.
this is it, guys. this is the list. happy reading! :)
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ultfreakme · 7 months
Clark "I got you" Kent and Lois "You got me, but who will got you?" Lane
and their reflection
John "I got everyone" Kent and Jay "You got everyone and I got you" Nakamura
Sorry, but I had to throw that in. Like, this parallel with Clois makes me smile all day.They're just to perfect. No judgment.
Oh, by the way, I read your post a long time ago about how John gave Jay some important ring. It was made of a very rare material, as you put it. Could you tell me a little more about this? Otherwise I’m not quite I realized what kind of ring this is, or more precisely, why it is so important (or maybe I just need to re-read the comic, I don’t know)
Have a nice day! 🌹💕
That's the parallel that made me start shipping JayJon. I love it so much. Lois's question is of awe and wonder at Clark's abilities, they don't know each other yet. With Jay & Jon, it's the exact opposite, Jay is seeing Jon at his worst, weakest and is saying "I don't care if you're Superman, you can rest and be vulnerable." Like the way they are on such opposite ends as situations ;_;
And the ring!! At the end of SOKE Jon gives Jay a ring right? It's the Legion of Super-heroes(LOSH) flight ring. It's made of Nth Metal, which is a pretty rare material and given only to Legion members, very exclusive in the 21st century and only three non-legionnaires have it; Booster Gold, Clark, and Jon (afaik). Jon got one because he was a member of LOSH for a brief time.
There are two options:
Jay's supersuit is from the future, made by the legionnaires presumably, and so they put in the ring along with the costume
Jon gave Jay his own ring. Both are wild because the first implies that Jon was meant to meet Jay, the legionnaires knew this and made him a costume. If they knew a 1000 years into the future, Jay was probably a very very big part of Jon's life (Nia got gauntlets from the legionnaires, given to her by her great-great-great granddaughter). The second implies that Jon's saying a fuck you to legionnaire rules and giving a very powerful and kinda personal gift to Jay(a ring???? COME ON, Jay even jokes about it lol).
Thanks for the ask Anon~~ this was really fun and my JayJon love just crushed me like a wave.
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This is not part two of the Little Mermaid AU which I keep forgetting to finish and post BUT it is another Jonjay AU.
You know what I think would be so fucking funny? One of those 'oh shit I got reincarnated as the villain of this fantasy nobility romance novel' AUs.
Jay is absolutely losing his mind over finding out that no really Jon's just Like That as a person. Seriously has no ulterior motives he's just that sweet and that much of a simp. Jay wakes up engaged to the beautiful magical prince and he's like 'FUCK I gotta break this engagement. RIP the entire week I got to spend calling the hottest man I've ever met my fiance.'
Except he makes the mistake of answering when Jon asks him why. Jay, when he does this, is nervous because he's hoping this works because he doesn't want to die. Jon interprets it as self deprecation. Jay says 'I couldn't possibly live with myself if I forced you to marry someone you can't love.' Jon hears 'my shitty situation re having Henry fucking Bendix as a stepfather has left me with such shit self esteem I believe I'm unlovable and you've fed that assumption this whole time'.
Jon, absolutely devastated at the thought of this earnestly kind, witty, clever man believing himself unlovable, replaces his current number one priority (prepare for father to abdicate the throne) with doing everything in his power to show Jay that he loves him. Jay is having gay panics and some truly spectacular internal meltdowns because he was all prepared to trust no one and only look out for himself but Jon just keeps being sweet and pretty and nice to him and so genuinely set on showering Jay in warmth and adoration and affection. He doesn't know what to DO with it. Jon just- won't stop smiling at him with his stupid soft lips and his stupid warm eyes and his stupid kind face! Jay's poor little gay heart was not built to withstand this! If Jon punctuates one more soft sincere compliment with an equally soft kiss to his hand Jay will go into cardiac arrest and die on the spot!
And they're still engaged and Jay isn't even mad about it anymore but the clock is ticking on the protagonist's arrival and then Jon won't think he loves him, anymore, and all the thoughtful gifts and genuine compliments and hand kisses will stop and Jay will just have to continue living afterwards and-
The protagonist arrives right on cue at the biggest ball of the season. Jay is incredibly confused when Jon... doesn't even notice she's there? Like, hello, perfect fairytale prince, there is a perfect fairytale princess right over there and you are just... too focused on convincing me to dance with you to notice???
(Jay can feel some part of himself absolutely preening at the thought that Jon is that captivated by him.)
Jay continues to regard Jon's increasing obliviousness to the mere fact that the protagonist exists with confusion and a hint of smug satisfaction. Jon continues to be obsessed with devoted to his fiance. The wedding is beautiful. Jay realizes in the nick of fucking time that he can get out of running a country (terrible, Jon would have to focus on rulership instead of kissing Jay) by manipulating Clark into letting Lois run the kingdom for him while they wait for Kon to be dragged home by the ankles so they can crown him king. Jay feels bad for doing this to him, but his desire not to be put in charge of the nation outweighs his guilt at dumping it in Kon's lap instead. He's got Tim on his council of advisors, it'll be fine.
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 10 months
God.. thinking about your "a better world" au and I’m going crazy omg this shit ROCKS. I can’t help but wonder how everyone else outside of the justice lords reacts to Wally‘s sudden "return". ESPECIALLY from any remaining flashfam members.
Like the public has absolutely no context whatsoever. would they think he‘s one of the weird androids that was shown in Arkham? Would they get clued in on how he‘s being held against his will?
This au has so much potential I love it !!
OOOUGH....u actually reminded me of that au. thinking thoughs. so hard. Im actually not sure the state of the DCAU flashfam fhwiefhew. i think we've seen jay in the comics? I guess im going to say hes retired and not keen in joining in on 'hero' society (until the opportunity comes that bodes well for resistance) considering there doesnt seem to be ANY other heroes in the justice lords universe. im going to go with the kinder version of events and say they were forced into inactivity and those with powers had their 'suspended' (repressed) for...however long the lords deem it necessary.
as for barry....I dont know tbh. he was probably flash at one point but imma go on a limb and say he isnt anymore, maybe something happened to his powers? Once Wally came into his own, maybe they fully transferred over or something like that, wacky speedforce shit ig. As for bart im going to say he hasn't shown up let.
Barry and Iris are for sure married and happily so. It probably hits the entire family horribly when Wally's killed and even worse when the justice lords well---become the justice lords. Linda too, technically she doesnt show up until later, past these episodes but I Love Her so im saying she met Wally earlier and after he. yk. she integrated herself into the family. shes friends with Hartley bc I Love Hartley too.
But yeah, they close off, form rank after all that business. Fun thing to chew on is one of the lords trying to visit and being completely shut out.
BUT TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION! yeah, no one has context. like, at all. To them, he just re-appears and the lords refuse to answer any questions. even to their wally's family. See, Our Wally's kept under lock and key, leashed. He can't go anywhere on his own. Doesnt mean when hes forced on missions he doesnt try his HARDEST to actually help people. to everyone, it appears as if the flash isnt the most in line with his 'colleagues'.
As for the 'retired' heroes, his showing back up ignites a revival, especially once wally PUBLICLY refuses to abide the lords. this includes people like black canary, green arrow, cap. marvel, even lois, and yes, the flashfam. they will end up Very Aware that the flash Doesnt Want To Be There.
frofhwoif....thank u for kick starting my brainrot for this au again.
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So, what's the appeal of Jon currently? He had this ''anime/manga shounen character'' vibe when he was a kid. After he was aged up, he was slowly moving towards the becoming the new Superman, first for 5G, after that for Future State and Infinity Frontier. But considering recent developments in DC, all of those plans became redunant. Do they even know what to do with him?
He's bisexual, that's his appeal now. It's all he has and all he will have going forward. With the Gunn reboot on the way which is going to reboot Clark, a new cartoon out now focused on Clark, and one more season of a TV show that focuses on Clark and an OC son who has powers instead of Jon's CW counterpart, the spotlight has completely shifted back to Clark as the center of the Superman franchise. DC blatantly does not know what to do with Jon in the wake of 5G imploding. Handing him over to Taylor was their last ditch effort to push him, since much as I dislike his writing Taylor is one of their biggest writers.
Fixing him would require dumping Jay and giving Jon a bunch of new love interests for starters. New boyfriends and girlfriends to liven up his romantic life and let him not be tied down to one love interest like his dad is to his mom. Finding a career field he's passionate about that has a different work dynamic from the Daily Planet. Putting more Lois in his personality by letting him talk shit and insult his foes (in my mind Jon is a Spider-Man type trash talker who can't stop making fun of his villains while he fights as a result of that Lois Lane DNA). Creating new villains for him to fight.
None of that is likely to happen, he'll remain a hecking cute and valid bisexual who gets trotted out for Pride Specials so he can kiss his non-problematic boyfriend and celebrate his drama free love life. Apollo is a more interesting LGBT "Superman" at this point. I've washed my hands of Jon unless there's a new team taking him over that really excites me, I'd rather invest my energy into hoping Kenan and Kon get more attention. Maybe when Tom King gets his inevitable run on Superman or Action he can make something of Jon, his Dark Crisis tie-in was one of the few bright spots for the character.
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bucketspammer4life · 10 months
Gabby Jay x Doc Louis headcanons, because why not give Mac a SECOND transmasc homosexual Frenchman guncle?
hes starting a new uncle collection beside his italian uncle collection, love it
They call each other the dumbest pet names ever, gabby calls doc lois his angel while doc calls him his sweetheart, anytime Mac witnesses that he rolls his eyes and does a dramatic little sigh
They both have a sweet tooth so they sometimes go get dessert together and bring Mac along, he enjoys the desserts but not the kissing
Doc and gabby love matching outfits, they sometimes swap clothes
They like taking pictures together, think of those elderly couple pics you sometimes see
Both of them are huge oversleepers to theyre usually late to stuff, they'll both rush to events together
They have a song dedicated to their first dance (You can pick the song yourself, i dont have a song in mind) and dance to it together when it comes on
They like travelling together and going to places on their bucket list
Their families get along really well!! They got along pretty much instantly
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