#i love making headcanons for this game there's so much room for interpretations
katyspersonal · 2 years
It is strange how I both really do NOT wish for Bloodborne anime to exist because it will probably ruin a lot of mystery and engagement based on fans struggling to interpret, with 'canon' unseen characters designs and worse - DIRECT ANSWERS *horrified woman's scream sound effect*
But also I really WISH for Bloodborne anime to exist because I want to see the favs to emote and do cool stuff in 2D. The internal struggle
#fandomry rambles#like lrb (like lrt but on tumblr) shows tho the best way is to make your own animations#or collab#what i am saying is that bloodborne anime is cool as a concept but it should never be a canonical product#maybe fandom's collaboration that is cool to watch but doesn't bind anyone to accept its headcanons and designs and theories#it is also why i respect titan comics writer so much - they outright said their ideas are not binding canon for anyone#even IF comics are licensed#i mean the history knows anime adaptations of games but like... even if they are rarely perfect ones?#ignoring some stuff not stated/shown in games that is in animes becomes sooooo awkward to ignore (speak from experience)#like imagine bb anime that gives canon designs for adeline or rom or caryll and like#from this point on there is an APPARENT rift between fans who use anime canon and who design their own stuff#i just love it better when everyone is in equal conditions as a fan if that makes sense? sorry it is hard to apply to this fandom fdhds#i just love Enough freedom of interpretation intact and without encouraging towards certain side#for example imagine if titan comics touched upon unseen characters rather than focus on seen + new original ones?#or if that cool fanmade manga centred around lady maria was canon?#bloodborne just leaves exactly as much room for imagination and thinking as NEEDED. it is perfect balance#you don't want more and you don't want less. just enough balance between canon and what you gotta come up with yourself
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onyourowndaisymae · 14 days
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𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒂 - 𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒚 𝒎𝒆 𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
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☆☆ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 & 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ☆☆
hi again :) i'm joining other lovely fanfic writers with @ficsforgaza to help raise money for the folks in need in palestine. i'm proud to be banding together with the community on tumblr to help palestinians during this horrible time.
to participate, make a donation to a vetted fundraiser found on @ficsforgaza's page (aka, don't send me any money lol) and send me a screenshot (with your personal information removed) along with what you'd like to request to my ask box. please do not "double dip" aka use the same donation for several writers-- this is a fundraiser, after all! here is what a request looks like:
hello! can i sponsor your [INSERT FIC] fic? i donated $5 to gaza, here is the screenshot! thank you! [insert screenshot]
my pricing will be as follows:
★ sponsor-a-WIP: $1/100 words ★ drabbles: $2-3/100 words (elaborated below) ★ no money to contribute, but you want to support the cause? that's okay. sign a vetted petition from the @ficsforgaza page and send proof, and i'll add a sentence to a WIP of your choosing.
if you have any questions, feel free to take a look here on @ficsforgaza's page or reach out to me. be patient, i will work on these fics when i can. thank you so much for helping me raise money for a good cause ;)
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☆☆ 𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫 ☆☆
★ pink pony club
on saturday nights, the lights at the fall dim as a performer takes stage. beauty, grace, taking the stage as music begins to trickle from the speakers for their performance. you're born naked, the rest is drag. how do the characters of obey me interact with this art form? are they a performer? an amateur? do they yearn for the spotlight or admire their own outfit from the shadows?
drag!au. bulleted fic/headcanons. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: one! sponsored word count: 0/500.
★ human!au x farming!au
a breeze travels through a small valley town. the spring is warm-- a perfect time for new beginnings. the moving truck pulls away from the small farm where you've been dropped off. this is your land now. to see it thrive, you must love and care for each inch. but first, you should probably introduce yourself to the local townspeople.
human!au and farming!au. heavily inspired by both harvest moon/stardew valley games and my mutual @misc-obeyme and their human!au. small paragraphs for each character. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
★ obey me characters with earrings
accessories are a wonderful addition to any outfit. if the characters of obey me had their ears pierced, what sorts of earrings would they wear?
bulleted headcanons/fic. themes of x reader. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
★ obey me demon brothers presenting you with a friendship bracelet in return
you presented the avatars of sin with a custom friendship bracelet to commemorate your growing bond. now, they're here to return the favor.
demon brothers x reader (platonic OR romantic, up to reader interpretation). revival of a long-dead series. bulleted fic. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
★ the fall's private rooms (nsfw warning)
being a human in the devildom has left you with a certain... interest in demonkind and other fantastical creatures. but you're far too embarrassed to explore this fascination with anyone you know. the solution? an anonymous station set up in one of the fall's private rooms allowing you to fuck someone without knowing who they are, no strings attached. this set-up grows a bit more complicated, though, when word travels through the grapevine about the dirty things you're doing. the door closes to the room you're tucked away in, indicating someone is here to indulge you... but is that a familiar voice you hear on the other side of the wall?
nsfw. minors dni. obey me characters x reader smut. gloryhole dynamic. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: one! sponsored word count: 0/5000.
★ oc spotlight: introductions
the rules of the exchange program are simple: the celestial realm and the human realm both send three of their residents to the the devildom to experience hell's culture for an entire year. among the usual residents of purgatory hall, two new faces are seen wandering about. one, a straight-laced, fledgling sorcerer trying her best to explore the depths of the devildom's history and gain a grasp on her budding powers. the other, an angel born hard-of-hearing and further deafened by the celestial war with a penchant for beautiful artistic creations.
canon-divergent!au. x reader. introduction of two original characters. character profiles. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
★ oc spotlight: vampire!au
vampirism is a strange affliction. it creates a recluse of the most social creature, driven from the sunlight and modern society into the shadows by bloodlust and misery. you are a human being who has recently become the source of blood for each of these two ancient vampires. how does your relationship with the evolve? do they grow to see you as more than a pet, or are you slaughtered for your insolence long before they remember your name?
vampire!au. ocs x reader (separate). full-length standalone fics. estimated length = unknown. characters completed: none. wc: 0. current sponsors: none.
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☆☆ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ☆☆
i'll be accepting drabble requests for the seven demon brothers and the dateables. drabbles are estimated to be ~500 words. they can be sfw/nsfw, tropes, fluff, etc. please specify what you'd like to see in this drabble, whether you only have a character in mind or a very specific scenario! (note: anon MUST be off for you to request nsfw, and you must be 18+).
since requests require a bit more work, i'll be pricing them at $2 per 100 words for sfw drabbles and $3 per 100 words for nsfw drabbles.
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do you want to support gaza and request fics for twisted wonderland? check out my other blog here
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xbruised-peachx · 10 months
could i get some soft gromsko hcs 🥺 sorry i keep seeing ones where hes a misogynist (untagged so it triggers me from a past relationship) and i much prefer your interpretation where he's caring but still confident
Aww 🫂🫂🫂 I'm sorry Anon, I'm actually in the same boat as you, my bad relationship ended exactly a year ago so yeah.
Everyone's allowed to have their own interpretation and all that fun stuff but I absolutely agree, I can't see him like that. Talking to my Polish friends about it, it's just not his generation and it's a very tired trope of "misogynistic, loud slavic man" they are not too happy seeing. For me, it's almost a bit of an American trope that is "loud and boisterous=asshole", which I dislike as he has multiple lines IN GAME that shows him as caring and you know... nice (ex. Czasami trzeba się poświęcić dla innych (sometimes you must sacrifice yourself for others), You're not dying yet!, Trzymać się (hold on) the surgeon is coming, I was proud to fight with you!, I am your wingman, etc). Not to mention you know... HE'S A MEDIC or at the very least "extensive medical training" as stated in his bio.
So yeah, I'll happily give you some nice, loud and proudly in love Gromsko headcanons, Anon💚
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Tags: fem!reader, pure tooth rotting fluff, alcohol mention for the last point
Gromsko always has his arm around you in public. He wants the world to know how lucky he is to have you. He still has some slight guilt in his head about showing PDA from getting glares from various babcias back home, but he can't help it when he sees you, beautiful eyes looking back at him with such adoration. He has to show it back somehow.
Often, he'll just settle for hand holding (before marriage? Scandalous) as you guys walk around. He'll watch you as you interact with employees, you asking for help as his thumb runs over your knuckles, running along the back of your hand. Even if you get nervous talking to employees, his touch reminds you he's right there if you need him, and that he's more than willing to help if needed.
You getting disrespected sets him off in a whole new way. Instantly, he'll step in front, asserting his height advantage he often has, looking down at them with contempt that they would even dare speak to you like that. "Want to repeat that?" His voice coming out as low and threatening, booming around the room. When they inevitably leave you both alone, his attention goes right back to you, gently cupping your face as you look up to him as he asks if you're okay. You smile and nod, telling him a soft thank you. You can practically see his heart melt as he looks back, eyes softening and a gentle smile on his face, taking your hand and continuing like nothing happened.
Though he learned some cooking from his grandma, he has fond memories of watching Robert Makłowicz with his mom during weekends, making the recipes for dinner. When he found out Makłowicz has a YouTube channel, the two of you went on a deep dive for hours, cuddling on the couch and him translating for you when he started laughing or just said something nice, and thought it'd be nice to share. He also showed a few older clips, particularly this one of him and a dog and now the two of you have the little inside joke going "EHEHEHEHE" at small, cute things.
He often cooks for you, even wanting to take care of you like that as well. He doesn't mind the help but he takes quite a bit of pride in his cooking. He loves when you come up behind and just hug him while he's at the stove. For him, that plus you smiling as you eat a meal from him is the greatest reward.
Every injury is an emergency to him, often taking huge precautions even for little things. The house is never out of band-aids or antibiotic ointment. Even stubbing your toe will have him running out of whatever room he's in, stopping what he's doing to make sure you're okay.
He is the best to have around during the time of the month. He'll make some good iron rich foods, but still get you whatever snacks you want. He may want to take care of you physically but he knows part of health is mental too, and that he can't force something on you when you are craving something else. He makes sure heating pads are ready along with a nice comfortable spot in bed. He isn't overbearing though, as he knows sometimes you just need space. He knows that when you need him, you'll let him know. Often you have fallen asleep, head in his lap with a heated stuffed animal hugged to your chest. He'll carry you to the much more comfortable bed with ease, watching you at peace with a smile on his own face as he'd go back, cleaning up any snack wrappers in the living room, turning off any electric heating pads that might have been left on. He may join you for a nap eventually, but he'll leave you at peace for now.
Being used to waking up for the military, he wakes up before you, and he really doesn't mind. The warm glow of the sun rising as your lips are parted, gently breathing. His arm around you, he can feel the gentle rise and fall, your heart beat calm against him. He could look at you like this for hours, going back in forth in his head questioning how he got so lucky but also not wanting to question it, instead to just enjoy this quiet morning. Birds chirping, he wants to get up and make some coffee for you but he doesn't want to leave you in this moment... not now or ever.
He loves animals... all of them. Often, if he sees a random animal in the street, he'll call out to it instinctively in Polish, often leaving a poor hedgehog stunned in the streets, unsure what to do about this giant heading towards them. He loves going to the shelter with you, seeing big dogs go from barking to wagging their tail, wanting to get out to play, and going to cat rooms to sit for a while, playing with all the cats, young and old. Old cats flock to him like no other and he always imitates their crispy meows. Seeing him hold a kitten that easy fits in his hands, curling up into a ball as he holds it against his broad chest, gently petting its head with two of his fingers... it warms your soul.
He is a very affectionate drunk. He'll be stumbling down the streets, goofy grin on his face as he hugged on you for balance. If any even breathes in your direction, positive or negative, he'll be calling out to them, "HEJ! To moja dziewczyna... GO!" (Hey, that's my girlfriend) You often end up apologizing to whoever it is, his slurred speech being the answer for why. When you get home he'll often just keep repeating how beautiful you are while snuggled in your chest for once. Looking up at you, you see that look of disbelief in his eyes, but quickly returning to just bliss as he remembers you belong to each other. Snoring like a bear buried deep, he knows absolute comfort knowing you'll be there for each other for the inevitable hangover the next morning.
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morskisir · 6 months
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Answer to this ask I had to post seperately because I reached the character limit or something.
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OHHHH Anon you are not ready. I think about this bastard so much and too deeply.
Before I get into it:
I love how you worded this question- gives a nice atmosphere.
Just to be clear this is all about RED Sniper. I apologise to any BLU Sniper enjoyers for I don't have thoughts about that guy.
I'm not the biggest fan of the comics for many reasons so don't mind me retconning a lot of that.
In the end these are all MY opinions and views of him- if you don't like them that's no problem. It's free real estate.
And FINALLY; my thoughts, under read more:
OKAY, let's start with what even got me to interpret him the way that I do; hell yeah baby, it's Meet the Sniper time.
I've seen MANY people often assume that Sniper is one of the most normal/chill people of the 2fort nine- but the impression I got is that he wants you to think he's normal so desperately despite everything else pointing to how fucking weird he actually is. Simply noticing the stuff he's saying makes it a lot more clear. The very beginning where he goes "Boom, headshot," making light of taking another person's life so swiftly. "Cause at the end of the day; as long as there's two people left on the planet- someone is gonna want someone dead," really positive light you see the world in, Sniper.
Of course you can take this as him being "realistic", and I do agree he's more of a realist than a pessimist or optimist, but "...have a plan to kill everyone you meet," is SO fucked up. Why is his first thought when meeting someone to know how to kill them? This to me is him not being able to properly connect to other people/understand them or actually SEE them as people. Not to mention his smile after delivering that shot in the timelapse of him sniping (AND after stabbing Spy). This cunt enjoys killing. He's not the type to slowly kill someone or torture them- but he is the type to feel satisfaction after planting a bullet in someone; give himself a pat on the back for it- or perhaps find humour in the kill.
The conclusion this brought me to is that he is an unreliable narrator in "Meet the Sniper". (Also the "..be polite," line. Yeah, sure, dude. Your voice lines are very polite.)
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS FUCKING TEETH? The way his teeth look and how much they're shown to the viewer by exaggerating his mouth movements feels like a "this guy is NOT normal" sign. No one in the game has teeth similar to him and his canines are HUGE. Like holy shit, he's an apex predator.
A comment @cheebuss (I know you wanna get tagged) saw once has been a running joke between us- it was basically "He indicates so he's normal," which is fucking hilarious, but I can genuinely refute that point. First of all we see him fucking speeding in the beginning of the video- to be fair we don't know what the speed limit on this road is, BUT:
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Cunt drives around with a broken side mirror. That's really unsafe, obviously. A good chunk of that mirror has gone to shit and he does not care to replace it (which feeds into my headcanon of him being stingy/not wanting to spend money because he lived on a farm and they did everything themselves). Speaking of his van; it gave me the impression he likes having everything he needs near him- he doesn't need a grand, expensive space to feel comfortable. (I headcanon that he's actually scared/unnerved by vast, empty spaces/buildings) ALSO I think he's messy and prefers the claustrophobia of his van. I like to believe his childhood room was much the same (to the detriment of his mother)- that's his safe space damn it!!!
And here I can transition into talking about his parents!!! : D Of course, not much was shown to us of Mr. & Mrs. Mundy, but we can still glean some stuff from the video- and partially- the comics.
His father very obviously disapproves of his job, calling him "a crazed gunman", and showing his morals do not align with Sniper's. Sniper calls for his mum during the phone call shown at the very end of the video- looking annoyed and somewhat distressed. It's clear to me that they've had this argument many times and Mrs. Mundy is the mediator in them. I think she disapproves of the job as much as her husband does, but is sick of hearing them argue to that extent. Regardless of this conflict, Sniper loves and cares for his parents- they are his world. He doesn't care for anyone else, most of the shit he does is for their sake and continuing to provide support so they can live a stable life at their farm as they get older. It's one of the nicest things about Sniper.
Although, I do think he struggled to get them to understand him properly. He is a quiet man who doesn't express a lot of his emotions. That will complicate things, especially if he doesn't talk about it- and he doesn't!!! : D
Despite this, I think they were the people he was closest to. Sniper, to me, is a guy who's never had friends and has been lonely as well as isolated his entire life. "Too weird to live, much too rare to die." And this is a VERY long time we're talking about; DECADES. Decades of minimum to no human connection. (Just to note; he is almost 50 to me. The comic writers fucked the timeline up and made him a 20 something year old. The Sin. Do not speak of it to me. It makes him less interesting/compelling I'm not kidding.) He is anxious in social settings, barely speaks up, and prefers to simply back away when he doesn't know how to deal with something. (SUPER DUPER AUTISM + SOCIAL ANXIETY!!!) Does he try to interact with his co-workers? Veeeeery little. He yearns for connection he convinces himself he doesn't need. He trusts no one. He's a mystery to them.
But hey!!! Less distractions from his job!!! (Bad transition) This man is genuinely incredible at what he does- I keep replaying the part where he reloads his rifle. He was not kidding about being efficient (he also kills the entire BLU team in that video??). The lad's got incredible patience, aim, control, and overall understanding of what he's doing. There's something fucked up about him observing the people he's targetting like prey, but let's leave that for when I mention his previous job as a tracker (if I do). I imagine the only thing he excelled at in school (he did go there!! He can write!!!) is maths, as that is very much needed when you're a sniper.
BTW I think he barely passed school; he hated being there, had no interest in school work and his teachers kept pestering him about his social life. Leave him alone, he doesn't need that (he does).
Most of his focus went to his parents' farm where I think he mostly took care of the animals....or went out to hunt them; which is how he learned to shoot out of a rifle in the first place. (His dad taught him.) He's not exactly an animal guy but he's also not not an animal guy.
It's complicated.
ANYWAYS, I've talked enough about one single video. Let's mention his in game voice lines a bit!
There's a LOT of material there but here's the stuff I want to mention:
He talks to himself a lot. He isn't out there with the others- his job is to be perched up somewhere high and shoot from a distance so he doesn't get spotted. He makes so many jokes that only HE's going to find funny, except "You've got a forehead on ya like a coffee table," which is genuinely the funniest thing he's ever said. Boy voices his thoughts and tries to entertain himself when he's alone- I don't judge him for that. He has to sit there for hours in complete focus (he helps himself via a lot of coffee). I DO judge the things he says, however.
He's violent. (WHAT!?) There's plenty of examples but I would like to mention one adressed to his teammates. One of the "Jeers" commands is "Should've saved a bullet for some of you blokes!" which, hey, what the fuck? That's scary. He got so frustrated he threatened his own team with murder. (It's kinda funny) To me this shows he's bad at controlling his outbursts or that he never learned how to deal with them. (Autism moment!!!)
He literally growls.
There's this line addressed to Spy: "What goes around comes around, you snotty little nance." If you're not aware- "nance" is derogatory Australian slang for a prissy, effeminate gay man. I headcanon Sniper as a homosexual man so it tickles me that he's so insecure about this fact. It's sad, absolutely, but I find humour in this horrible man being a homophobic homosexual. Project your insecurities onto a guy who can read people extremely well, why don't you. He won't do anything about it, I promise :) (Lie)
I was doing my best to not mention SniperSpy but CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS LINES AIMED AT SPY AND HOW THEY'RE DIRECT RESPONSES TO THINGS SPY SAYS? (plus the highest number of revenge lines he has directed at someone is Spy)
-> = response to:
"Aww, did I get blood on your suit!?" -> "You got blood on my suit."
"I was never on your side either! Wanker!" -> "I never really was on your side."
"Ah, my God, you've been shot. Did you get a look at the handsome rogue who did it?" -> "I'll see you in hell, you handsome rogue."
There is so much more I could mention. I think whatever thing he has going on with Spy is super important to him, but I will hold back for your sake as I can talk about this for hours. You have no clue how many parallels there are, etc.
Anyways, he's in Expiration Date! A little bit! He doesn't say anything. <3 I'm proud of him!!! <3
He literally just stands around ominously in the shadows (and finds RED Spy being made fun of very amusing).
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(I just noticed he took his watch off and put it on his vest. This is an autism moment because I, too, hate having something on me that I don't usually have so I need to balance it out by removing something else; if I have it on me. Either way it's sensory suffering.) (Him being super attached to his hat and glasses is also an autism moment. He is no one without them.)
And then he has that one part in The Bread Fight(tm) where he gets confused by Pauling and Scout pushing the bomb.
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"Tails gets trolled" looking ass.
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I like watching him fall over.
After he falls here, he takes his kukri out which was... attached? situated? It was behind the strap of his arrow carrier. I think that's cool. I also think he wouldn't be doing that during matches because Spy is very much capable of stealing it/putting it away without Sniper noticing, even if it was literally on his back.
Also, I am a firm believer in "Sniper can only do one thing extremely well and has little to no interest in creative stuff," so I disagree with the idea of him being able to play a saxophone. You could say he was made to do that in school, but this guy is a smoker. I do not believe he can do that. You cannot convince me.
I think that's enough! This doesn't even go past the hypothetical tip of the iceberg, but it's a lot of words. This is the very basic stuff you have to know about how I see this cunt.
Thank you for letting me share some of my insanity.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Ragatha x mute s/o headcanons pls? I love her so much ToT she's so sweet
Ragatha x mute!reader
UEUEUEUE I wasnt expecting to get TADC requests but I am all for it! Perhaps I should make an official post to advertise requests being open, feed into this new interest of mine.. mweheheheh
Side note! I'm writing this on mobile, so there may be more typos and grammar mistakes than my recent stuff (which has been done on computer)
I simply
Do not wanna get out of bed, it's very cold in my house <\\3
That said I hope you enjoy! Possible OOC since I'm still studying characters and trying to figure out how I wish to write/interpret them!
+ some other hcs since the post felt too short with the simple base idea
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Right off the back with the main idea that helped push me to answer this now rather than later; ragatha would definitely learn sign language so she can understand you, if you find sign language to be easier/more convenient ! If not she always keeps a pen and paper on her in case you need it/forget your own notebook
Immediately welcomes you to the circus, similar to in the pilot she would show you around and explain the general way of things in the digital circus
Advocates for you when others (mostly Jax) speak over you (ignoring your signing, your writing, ect) or dont pay attention to you in a conversations
She doesnt try to force you to speak, nor does she pry for why you're mute
Generally very sweet and patient and stands up for you in group settings and makes you people pay attention to your input
No thoughts only you two cuddling in one of yalls rooms and you start pressing signs into her skin, communicating that you love her or that shes pretty or that you're enjoying being around her , stuff like that. I think that's sweet, like how some people trace a finger over someones freckles or moles during cuddles
Now onto more general hcs and ideas
I saw a ferris wheel at the digital carnival. You already know what I'm about to say: THE FERRIS WHEEL GETTING STUCK TROPE. Ragatha tries to keep the air nice and light while you guys wait for Caine to fix the issue. Afterall, she ain't afraid of anything but centipedes!
Speaking of, you're not afraid of centipedes, are you? Borrowing this from random things #7, where I mention an idea of the reader helping rid her room of the wretched things, that can be a surprisingly nice bonding moment with you two just talking and you letting her vent her frustrations
You two naturally gravitate to one another when Caine has everyone do a game or challenge or whatever he has planned for that day
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squidsquadlove · 3 months
question for you, but also just krakenblr in general: favorite aspects/headcanons of the goalie nesting trope? I've been Researching (reading a very wide variety of fic to see what the general interpretation is) and the conclusion I'm coming to is that it really varies 😂
HI I AM SORRY FOR THE DELAY it has not been a good few weeks for health and ability to think clearly BUT ABOUT GOALIE NESTING:
Honestly, I think most people thinking about and writing about goalie nesting are making it up as we go! The idea that goalies can go feral and require a Safe Place and maybe it's their net or maybe it's a bed is a really fun one for anyone who loves goalies, because there are a few things that are universal among goalies:
Pucks do not belong in the net.
The crease is MINE, GTFO NOW.
If I'm left out to dry I reserve the right to go after the defensemen with a knife.
Whatever went wrong, everyone is going to blame me.
After a good game, I deserve praise, headbonks, and hugs.
BUT ALSO there is such a huge amount of protectiveness toward goalies that, between that and the headbonks, it seems like they need extra special caretaking! (You'll hear a lot of Canadian hockey players saying that they've been told ever since they can remember that you never, ever, EVER let someone run your goalie, and I don't like much about the TBL, but that one time when someone ran at Vasilevskiy and all five skaters on the ice immediately dropped their gloves and tackled the other team did win my respect.)
There are a few headcanons for goalie nesting that seem to be fairly universal, such as goalies growling or chirping when they're feral, often needing their teams' jerseys, and skaters being a little bit terrified of them. That's about it as far as I can tell, and there's so much less goalie nesting fic than I'd like!
For the Kraken, I've enjoyed the notion that it was harder for them to start nesting because of being an expansion team, so it was hard for everyone to get used to each other. I also love the idea that since Joey Daccord comes from a family tradition of goaltending, he might have started nesting at 12, gathering up his stuffed animals and guarding them with a mini goalie stick in his room. (Aww!) And given what Grubauer does when someone takes too many liberties in his crease, I imagine he's a really territorial goalie. 😂 But I would love to hear more ideas about goalie nesting!
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icedragonlizard · 2 months
Mr. Gentleman Mouse Thief is in my mind at the moment, so allow me to talk about him for a little bit.
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Daroach isn't my most talked about Kirby character or anything, but I sincerely think that he's really cool beans.
Squeak Squad is... on the lower end of Kirby games for me, but at least it did introduce a very cool character in Daroach.
He's definitely my favorite out of the wave 2 dream friends.
I love that this guy just has an aura of coolness around him not commonly seen in most others in the cast. And I also love that even after redeeming himself, he's legit canonically still a thief LMAO.
Daroach's thievery antics make a lot of room for potential as to how he could interact with others in the cast, in my opinion.
I don't necessarily take Star Allies intro gags as either canon or gospel, but I'm well aware of the gag where Daroach steals Magolor's ship away from him. And I think that was utterly hilarious.
My interpretation of Daroach is that he's laidback, good-humored, and is capable of notable kindness as he has a soft spot for some people (most notably his squad, Kirby, and the rest of wave 2). But he also very much enjoys causing mischief via committing robberies.
He steals from most of the other dream friends, quite frankly. Although it's not particularly personal as he doesn't really have disdain for any of them. He just does it because it's fun and enriching for him. He's relatively indiscriminate in terms of who he robs, as there are only a few people that he truly won't steal from.
Those few people include Kirby (because he ain't gonna mess with Kirby), Adeleine, Ribbon (because he'd feel terrible to steal from them), and Meta Knight (he'd want you to believe the reason he doesn't steal from Meta Knight is because of how cool Meta is, but in reality it's because Meta Knight WOULD MAKE HIM REGRET IT).
Daroach is a trollish guy in my headcanons. He's good-humored, like I said. He cracks bad jokes and he might talk your ear off when he's hanging out with you. Part of the motivation of him stealing from certain people such as King Dedede is by virtue of liking to get a rise out of them.
My interp of Daroach being this good-humored is what allows him and Marx to be friends, as they both have that "enjoyment from getting reactions out of people" thing in common. They've definitely teamed up together in mischief before.
I've also blessed Dark Meta Knight by having him be buddies with Daroach.
I like to imagine Daroach's (and by extension, the entire squeak squad's) home being secretive. Like a hideout. It'd make sense because if people found out, their place would totally get raided in revenge for all the robbery attempts. My headcanon is that the squeak squad has their hideout located in a secret place in the Popstar country of Sand Canyon (an area introduced in Dreamland 3).
But yeah, that kinda sums it up here. I've got a lot more for Daroach that I could talk about but I'm gonna keep it brief (at least in comparison to a lot of my other posts LOL).
The guy is super cool and sly, and the stuff we have to work with for him can be very fun use in terms of how he could interact with other characters. Mischievous gentleman thief that's laidback and likes to have fun!
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BEN Drowned headcanons
Finally I’m getting around to posting my current standing BEN Drowned HCs! The ask I got a couple weeks ago definitely motivated me to finish this finally lmao.
Trigger warnings for: Mentions of death, manipulation, suicide, drowning, violence, and the general mature stuff you should expect from the adult side of the Creepypasta fandom. There are NO CENSORS BEYOND THIS POINT. Read at your own risk.
ageless/has kinda always existed since the internet has been publicly accessible
It/it’s pronouns, occasionally caught using they/them and even rarer he/him
Manipulative as fuck
Malewhore mansplain manipulate
Literally makes up a huge chunk of its personality idk what to tell you
Will doxx you
No seriously if you catch its attention you’re getting stalked
Stalks potential victims through the internet
Finds potential victims on forums and the “dark web”
Often goes after people who are heavily depressed and/or suicidal
Thinks it’s funny telling people to off themselves
Like fr its favorite hobby is basically being an average redditor
Probably the WORST mf to date out of all of my interpretations of Creepypasta characters
Gives zero shits about anyone besides itself
Seriously it does not care about you Y/N RUN!!!!!
Lies lies lies omg loves lying so much
Lies to get what it wants
Master “hacker”
If it’s stalking you say goodbye to any and all digital important things you have
Say goodbye to your laptop too
And switch
And iPhone
It’s all getting bricked by BEN if it finds it funny to do so
And it probably will
You like sleep? Too bad
Woe, nightmares be upon ye
Gaslighting KING. Deletes messages between you and people in your life on purpose
Has extensive knowledge of internet culture and video games
Knows every meme ever
Has created most of the “video game” Creepypastas as their own personal “proxies”
Sonic.exe, Smile.jpeg, The Princess, etc, anything inhabiting digital media that torments people, BEN is the one behind it all
Finds friendships useless but respects Slenderman enough to continue being a proxy for it
Got bored of tormenting the other pastas pretty fast, generally avoids them unless slender tasks it with giving specific info pulled from the web to the other pastas (news articles, police reports, locations, etc)
Out of all my HC characters BEN is probably the most serious/grimdark/gritty, I prommy not all my blorbos are as mature and serious as BEN
Takes on the form of a late teenage boy’s body, waterlogged pale skin, constantly glitching and dripping water. Speaks in at least five different voices/tones at once, including robotic AI voices
Only physically manifests to scare the fuck out of people
Stans Hatsune Miku
All these HCs are for BEN! Not Ben!!!!
Because after much deliberation I have decided that yeah I kinda do want some of the old BEN middle school me liked to fuck around with. So without further ado, here’s my Ben headcanons:
Created BEN as an AI program for when he can’t be at his computer
BEN is kinda like their “avatar” for the internet
He/they pronouns
Roughly about 20 years old, give or take a few years
Died in the mid 2000s
Sort of??? A ghost?? Like a fusion between a ghost and zombie
Like is obviously a corpse and can kinda go in and out of corporeal and non corporeal form
Has the skin tone of a freshly drowned corpse, but isn’t constantly dripping water
Eyes constantly leak and drip with blood tho. Tissues are scattered all around his room with his futile attempts to keep the blood tears at bay. Face has a “pinker” color compared to the rest of his body thanks to how many times they’ve wiped and smeared the blood around
Similar in behavior/personality as BEN but toned way the fuck down
Like. Still enjoys tormenting people but can (sort of) empathize
Still an asshole tho
And a pervert
And a stoner
And a gamer
He’s a discord Reddit mod irl. Scummy guy tbh
Not afraid of water, just afraid of water damage on their equipment
Lives in the mansion basement
Hasn’t seen sunlight since 2004
Introverted as fuck
Prefers to be physically manifested, leaves all the digital movement to the BEN AI but can enter technology if need be
Cheats in any and all video games you play against him in. Hacker aficionado
Y’all know those fits people used to wear in the 2010s of like, cargo shorts and legend of Zelda t shirts? Almost exclusively his fashion sense
Like yeah he does have the link getup but finds it pretty tedious to get into
Does enjoy scene fashion quite a bit tho
electronic stuff in general is his favorite shit ever
Him and the BEN AI never physically kill people, just manipulates them into offing themselves
He’s a weak motherfucker he physically cannot kill somebody
Emotionally tho he would mass murder if he could
The one thing him and Jeff can agree on
Bi, and aro. Kinda too horny and despondent to society to care for someone emotionally for more than twelve seconds
Could definitely stand to make a few friends though, and isn’t opposed to conversation if he ever leaves his gamer basement
Currently friends with EJ, Jane, Liu, Nina, and Helen
Has a tolerable relationship/mutual respect for Masky, Hoody, Jason, Puppeteer, and Slenderman
Doesn’t get along with/hates Jeff, LJ, and Clockwork
Sally sees him as an older brother figure. Unfortunately he’s a bad influence on the kid and also has no idea how to look after a child, he just kinda goes “fuck it we ball” anytime someone puts them in charge of Sally. Has taught her every swear and slur known to man. Thinks it’s hilarious to put her on the mic in gamer lobbies
“Hey dude check this out” proceeds to show you the nastiest shock video ever
Semi-fluent in Japanese despite being whiter than paper. Unsurprisingly a weeb
If he owns a body pillow he keeps it hidden with his life. They won’t be caught dead cuddling up to something like that at night
The mansion’s go to IT guy. Against his will but unfortunately if he wants to continue living in the mansion (or living in general) he has to take this role lest slenderman eviscerates him for defiance
Both him and the BEN AI have a major superiority complex, he thinks he’s way better than everyone else and is the cockiest bastard mf on the planet
Stans Hatsune Miku
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corawritesthings · 1 year
chishiya shuntaro headcanons
headcanons (and general ramblings) about our favorite blond boy being besties with reader. because i’m a simp except it’s pre-arisu and gang; reader is assumed to be at the beach. gender neutral reader!!
disclaimers: mild references to both seasons of alice in borderland. very brief reference to alcohol. not beta read or spellchecked because we die on this hill.
platonic OR romantic headcanons//
-first of all, i have to mention: i feel like lots of people interpret chishiya as this very stoic, emotionless person. and he is, to an extent. he’s certainly got an amazing poker face. but he’s also not a statue, do you get me? like he does have. expressions.
-(my personal favorite being the little grin he does in season 1 when he’s using the walkie-talkie to talk to kuina and she’s like “i would NOT want to be your enemy” and he’s just like “lolol yeah i get that a lot” like TELL ME that face was not adorable)
-he’s a little gossip girl. prove me wrong.
-like, if you two were at the beach at the same time, you cannot tell me that he wouldn’t be in the know about practically all the going-ons. through either his own observations or kuina.
-literally, you could be like: “oh my god, did you hear about [x, y, z]” and more than likely he’d just nod and smirk and be like “yep.” because of course he does.
-(i’m sorry. i’m SORRY. but did you SEE how he was literally dying to tell someone about that couple in the cells in season 2. POOR BABY IPPEI DID NOT ASK TO KNOW ABOUT THAT, CHISHIYA)
-if you were an executive, you two would be like literal children during the meetings. hatter is just going on and on and on, and you two would share glances every time he said something slightly out of pocket. “did-he-actually-just-say-that” type glances. raised eyebrows. the works.
-if he was bored and felt particularly silly one of these days he’d like. try to make you laugh in the most subtle ways. it always works tbh.
-he would share his headphones with you for sure if you asked. he might give you shit for it, do not get me wrong. but he would definitely give in.
-i’ve heard others say this before, but i’ll say it too because it’s very accurate: top love language. quality time. like i firmly one hundred percent believe with my full soul that if you guys are friends, he will just camp out in your room if he doesn’t feel like being alone.
-deadass, he wouldn’t even need to be speaking. he’ll just be there, reading, or tinkering with his latest project, etcetera.
-also! i don’t think he’s nearly as quiet as people make him out to be, either. like he’s not a chatterbox necessarily, and he could definitely have his moods where he’s not in the mood to talk; but at the same time, i feel like the majority of the time, he’d be down for a genuine conversation.
-amazing listener.
-will definitely remember the things you say. will DEFINITELY remember that one embarrassing thing you did when you drank too much that one time. will definitely tease you about it.
-he likes being right, tbh. if he knows how to read you (and chances are, he does), he’ll do that thing where he completely psychoanalyzes your emotions and what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking JUST so that you can be like. “what the actual fuck, chishiya.”
-keeps an eye out for you when you’re supposed to be returning from a game. definitely feels relieved when he sees that you’re okay and alive. probably won’t show it. (LOL)
purely romantic headcanons//
-if you two are dating, i think we’ve all collectively agreed he wouldn’t be SUPER affectionate with you in public. (HELP I ALMOST WROTE PUBLIX that would’ve been funny)
-however, i do think it could go one of two ways.
-one, he could go the route of wanting to keep your relationship private. this is very much possible, and it wouldn’t be because he’s ashamed or wants to hide it--it’s more so to protect the both of you.
-he wouldn’t want anyone to attempt to use you to get to him. you’d be a vulnerability, and he definitely would not want you to get hurt.
-or, route two: perhaps he deems it safe enough for you two to be in a relationship and have it not be a big deal. meaning, he wouldn’t be actively TELLING people, but he wouldn’t be hiding it, either.
-if it went this route, i think it would allow for more public affection. :)
-by this, i mean like. hand holding. quick little smooches on the cheek or forehead. him having an arm around your shoulders if you’re out by the bar or pool. etcetera. (i really don’t believe this would be so out of character!! it wouldn’t be like a crazily obvious amount of public affection. i just mean small little things.)
-he would definitely have just a teeny tiny bit of panic in that heart of his while waiting for you to come back from a game. expect cuddles on those nights. sorry i don’t make the rules.
-i do actually believe he’d be a bit more honest with you in a relationship. like, about the gears that are constantly moving in his mind. you’d get a bit more insight into how he works and how he’s so many steps ahead. you’ve got an intriguing boyfriend tbh can i have him
-there’s so much i could say about this man. please i beg send me requests for headcanons (or even one-shots or drabbles tbh i have brainrot)
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thegayestmferintown · 4 months
Please take your time!!
Can I have headcanons of the 7 princes + databables(Raphael, solomon, thirteen etc) reacting when MC expresses their filipino culture? (Like telling stories about the events, cooking their favorite sultural dish, etc)
Feel free to delete it, and please take your time!!
Hello! I am not Filipino myself, so I didn't go much into detail. Forgive me for that!
I sadly couldn't think of anything for the dateables (idk why, my mind just drew a blank)
The only dateable I could truly think of a scenario with was Barbatos, but for some reason I couldn't figure out how to write it.
This takes place in the original timeline
Warnings ;; None
Relationship ;; I wrote this in a romantic sense, but can be interpreted however!
Type ;; Headcanons
Lucifer is very much intrigued. He would love to learn more, but he would never outright ask you.
Lucifer is far too prideful to come out and say it, so you'd have to look at his body language.
The very slight twinkle in his eye when you explain, the small but noticable genuine smile that crosses his lips.
He very much enjoys your cooking, and will compliment you subtly.
He's particularly fond of the times you'll come into his private study and sit by the fireplace while you tell him all sorts of stories.
Oh, Mammon is all for it. He's asking you for recipes, stories, and recommending you sell both throughout the Devildom.
He's listening intently, and getting excited anytime you bring something about your culture up during conversation.
Although, if you bring it up, his face will immediately turn beet-red and he'll say something along the lines of:
"O-Of course it ain't i-interestin'! But I'm ya first man, ain't I? I g-gotta let my human yap ev'ry now 'nd again!'
He is so hopelessly in love with you, it's not even funny.
I actually cannot see Leviathan being too concerned with it at first. He'd probably be more concerned with watching anime with you, reading manga with you, or playing games with you to really care about your ethnicity.
He'd more than likely start to point out characters in separate animes or games that share the same ethnicity as you.
If you were to make different Filipino meals for him, he would be absolutely over the moon. If you bring him the food, make sure you bring tissues with you.
He'd listen to your stories, occasionally making references to TSL, Ruri-Chan, or others, if possible.
All in all, He wouldn't really care at first, but he would become more interested the more time passed.
Knowing Satan, he'd probably already know a lot. And he'd hold it over Lucifer's head that he knows more about your ethnicity than he does
Besides that, he's perfectly willing to listen to your stories, even if he knows them already.
He's particularly fond of your cooking, and he will tell you that. He might point out subtle things that he'd change, but he doesn't really care if you take his advice or not. After all, he's not a chef.
If he finds any sorts of books that have to do with your ethnicity, he'd bring them to you and let you read them, after he reads them first though.
He would also love to sit down and read them with you, or to you, if you asked.
Asmo just thinks it's so cute! Especially when you're cooking, or telling him stories.
He might watch himself around your food, given his public appearance, but that doesn't mean he dislikes it!
He's truly fond of your cooking, he is. He's just weary of other people's opinions.
He loves listening to your stories while he does your makeup, or his own.
Even during his 26-step skincare routine, he's probably having you come to his room so he can listen to your stories.
Marry him. On the spot. Beel absolutely loves Human-World food, and the fact that you're willing to make it for him? Oh, he's in love.
You may have to shove him out of the kitchen because otherwise, he'll eat all of the ingredients before you can even put them together.
If he manages to stay put and not eat any of the ingredients, he's watching you cook albeit while drooling.
He literally looks like an excited puppy when you give him the food.
He chows it down quickly, and asks you for more. Make a shitton, it'll go quickly.
Belphie probably couldn't care less about your culture. If his twin is happy, he's happy.
The only time he'd more than likely be interested, is if he just so happens to fall asleep to one of your stories.
He'd start to ask to you come back, and eventually he wouldn't be able to fall asleep without your stories.
Obviously, he would, but with some struggle. It's Belphie, the Avatar of Sloth we're talking about here.
He's probably pretty fond of your food, although he much prefers your stories.
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otakuworks · 1 year
NOTE: I'm currently in Lesson 68 & Lesson 46(Hard) so if there's an answer to most of these questions and theories in further lessons then please let me know in the comments.
WARNING: SPOILERS, loads of 'em
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Addressing the Elephant in the Room
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In Lesson 36-C, Solomon himself tells us that his immortality stemmed from tricking a grim reaper from collecting his soul by playing a game that he knows he can outwit them (thanks to the Ring of Wisdom). It's not because of the fruit Lilith died for. Additionally, the fruit was supposed to HEAL her lover from the incurable sickness, not make them immortal.
But I like to headcanon he got his immortality because of his own cooking💀
It doesn't make sense. I don't want to outwardly call out the people who believe this theory, but think about it. With the given information thus far, Solomon being Lilith's lover makes a whole bunch of plot holes.
People think he's Lilith's lover mainly for his immortality, which I already steer clear in the first one.
Had he been Lilith's lover, Asmodeus would've recognize him on the night he made a pact with him.
But no, Asmodeus claims he first met Solomon when he was in the Human Realm getting drunk and that was also the night he woke up learning he made a pact with Solomon without his knowledge.
Obey Me developers tend to follow most canon stuff in the Bible with a few differences to make their story (e.t. Lilith being Lucifer's sister instead of lover) and if they applied the cannon timeline in the Bible then Solomon should be around 1000 B.C which is a huge gap of time between the supposed 3,000-4000 B.C when the Celestial War occured.
How do I know this? Well, I'm only speculating.
In Lesson 11, Mammon claims to be around 5,000 yrs old and it seems to me that the brothers spent most of their life in the Devildom than the Celestial Realm. I think 1,000-2,000 yrs (i'm following Mammon's age in this because the brothers ages are not mentioned) in Celestial is a good time before the War broke out.
If Solomon is indeed Lilith's lover then the Brothers and Solomon would've had more tension brewing; Belphie will cuss him out in every second he has. Lucifer once said that Lilith's lover WAS A GOOD MAN. And we all know Lucifer thinks of Solomon anything but a good man, one of the minor reason was probably because Solomon tricked Asmodeus into forging a pact with him. Not a trait you'd see on a good man.
In conclusion, if Solomon is Lilith's lover, the brothers should've more familiarity toward Solomon. Not just some shady sorcerer who can massacre the whole demon race with his cooking.
I like to think Solomon met Lilith as a human reincarnate and he probably knew just by looking at her. I mean, he's the smartest of all humankind, he knew MCs name before they introduced themselves, that's saying something.
Or. . .
There was a love triangle going on between him and Lilith's lover.
In Lesson 36, Solomon vaguely mentions his failed love all the way back in his youth. Perhaps. . . it has something to do with Lilith? Lilith chose the other human over him. Le cries.
The love triangle was probably not a big deal at that time so it didn't reach Lucifer's ears.
Solomon also tells us he's not a big fan of romance, he was probably curiosity what love was all about at that time and felt the puppy love brewing with Lilith.
But as you can see in his GIF, there's a bittersweet smile in his face.
I interpret this as both of sweet that he's not suffering from loss as much as her closed ones but also bitter that even if he hasn't fell deeply for her he still lost a friend.
It's canon that he has over 70 demon pacts, including Asmodeus and Barbatos. Now Asmodeus forging a pact with Solomon isn't really that surprising for me regardless of what happened behind the scene.
What I personally want to know is the pact of Barbatos.
Around Lesson 50+ Barbatos revealed that Solomon managed to summon him even though he's on the brink of life and death because summoning a powerful demon such as himself can take a toll in a mortal's body. When MC asks why he would do such thing, Barbatos replied along the lines "He must be desiring something that death can't stop him from doing so."
What was it? What did Solomon want that he doesn't even consider death as an obstacle to achieve it? And mind you, Barbatos described it as if Solomon was DESPERATE.
Have you guys seen this old man being desperate to the point of dying? Imagine lesson 16, but with Solomon, and not dying. Yeah, I don't think so. This man far too smart for his own good. If summoning Barbatos is considered as his last resort then you know it's serious.
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Many people speculate Dia's mom is a human which is why he's so abnormally fond of the humans.
I mean, when do you hear the mom dying of child birth in these fantasy settings? Oh yeah, when their body couldn't handle supernatural fetus hence taking their life (e.t. Bella Swan)
If she was just another Demoness then there's no apparent reason why she shouldn't have survived childbirth unless there was unprecedented circumstances she couldn't avoid.
I'm completely sold to this theory. That's all there is to say.
I've never seen someone so enigmatic, serious, devoted like this mf right here then be scared of some rodents. I'd understand if it's spiders or roaches, but rats? Yeah, understandable. Solomon probably threatened Barbatos to forge a pact with him if he doesn't want to get the rats.
Moving on, it was explicitly mentioned that Barbatos was never a child, meaning he just popped out fully grown. Where? I don't know, maybe he was created by some Demon similar to the Angels being created by the Father? It is also said that Barbatos is so powerful that it even rivals the Demon King himself.
Where did this mf came from???
The MV
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Not only the brothers complete demotion from being Angels, Simeon was also demoted from being a Seraph, the Highest Ranking of Angels. It wasn't specified what he did to warrant him such punishment, but we'll probably get our answers soon.
If I were to speculate what he did based on his compassionate personality, he probably helped Lucifer and the brothers in some way that left them unscathed except Lilith.
In Season 3 Lessons, we got to know Simeon's in depth sentiment toward the brothers. He cares deeply for them and misses the time of Celestial realm where the brothers were still there.
The Angels were having the thoughts of eliminating the brothers and their treacherous sister, and they did except for the brothers.
And Simeon is probably behind the brother's safety.
Simeon is somehow similar to MC, kind and compassionate, even after learning Lilith's attempt to steal the fruit and the brother's rebellion, he probably had the thought of joining them.
But Simeon is also a righteous person who obey the rules and value himself, so he couldn't possibly join them. He lacks the courage to act to what he really wants. He's torn between his compassion and values.
The farthest thing he could've done was to discreetly aid them.
But somehow along the process, he wasn't discreet enough.
One of the hints given in the stream was 'Satan and his brothers' and many people jumped to theorize something about that. All of the theories have been remarkably on point, some of which I don't understand how they correlate to Satan.
As simple as the statement is, I think the game will be focusing on the development of Satan and His Brothers after the Fall.
But then again, when did OM became very simple?💀 I kinda understand why people would go crazy over this.
In my standpoint, they chose to categorize Satan as single than the rest because Satan was never an angel, he was born Demon the moment he made a noise for the first time.
It may sound cruel, but I'm only stating facts.
Satan is by far one of the most mysterious character in OM. All of the brothers already have back stories in the Celestial Realm but Satan is a demon born out Lucifer's hatred.
'Satan and His Brothers' probably will focus on the times when Satan is still learning about the world AND HIS BROTHERS.
Yes, he mentioned he has seen the world and his brothers through Lucifer's eyes but it's only in fragments.
Now he has his own sets of eyes to see the world and to learn more about his brothers.
— SOLOMON and the ATTIC.
This sounds so random and by far the most out of the plot hint, not gonna lie. I thought OM has totally lost it. When I first read this I thought of the Attic Club but with Lilith in it. Perhaps Solomon is acquainted with the twins and Lilith?
This brings me to my theory that maybe Solomon is in a love triangle with Lilith's and her lover.
I don't even know what I'm writing at this point. OM is driving me nuts! I just want to know when will it release.
edit on the same day ;
According to @simply-chaotic-richness in the comments, it's not actually Solomon and the Attic but rather 'Solomon under the same roof' which is more confusing if I may add.
Whose roof are we talking about here? Do the devs even mean this as literally or figuratively? Or maybe both?
I think I'll still stick to my understanding that maybe it has something to do with the brothers.
Maybe Solomon had to take care of Satan once and teach him what he knows, hence his intelligence, but only for a brief period of time, short enough to spark Satan's curiosity and indulge himself in the world of knowledge. I'd like to see that.
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We all know Barbatos can see through the past and future. He can also make portals through different locations, even opening a portal from a different timeline. He's strong, that much is obvious. Diavolo has to make a rule for Barbatos to never use his ability unless he deemed necessary.
With that, I think we can all theorize that Barbatos must have predicted the Fall and Diavolo thought it's a good idea to help Lucifer to pledge his loyalty to him.
Why? Diavolo was still in his prime back that day, he was still trying to manage Devildom after the absence of his father. He also has the strong desire to unite all three realms by all means, and to do that he has to gather more allies and build connection.
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Y'all probably didn't expect that, did you? Everyone's been talking about the details of the Trailer, but no one has ever been curious how Leviathan met Lotan.
In the main story, Lotan rarely appears, he only appears for comedic purpose which I think is quite funny and dumb. I've been trying to catch up in the Hard mode in hopes to get that fresh lore about Lotan, but there wasn't really anything useful, I don't think he ever appears in the Hard Levels.
Similar to Cerberus, only one person can command and tame him; Lucifer. This also applies to Lotan whose master is Leviathan.
With the new hints given to us, it's safe to say we'll be getting closure on the things we want to know regarding Lotan.
I just want to say that maybe after the Fall, Levi must have ended up near bodies of water and met Lotan along the way.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄; there you have it. i'm only expressing my humble thoughts so if you think it clashes with your theory then i have no qualms to anyone who wants to state their own theories. i really love having these type of talks, all i ask is for everyone to be humble in the comments. I'll be glad to entertain anyone.
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doylldonmagar · 1 year
thoughts on lloyd almost drowning in season 5. these are a mix of headcanons and fic ideas and details. if you make a fic involving them, plz let me know, I would love to read them! I might add more later, but if you have ideas, plz add!
obviously, the almost dying lends itself to Lloyd Almost Dies fics but additional fic ideas:
What do the ninja do bc Lloyd's in a coma
Lloyd's trauma from almost drowning and being possessed
Lloyd's depression after almost dying and also being possessed
Lloyd is scared of the dark (which can be a oneshot of his anxiety with details about leaving a light on or having nightmares, or it can be lloyd moves into Kai's room in the middle of the night, or a fic abt him dealing with his fear, or the ninja trying to be supportive and not knowing what to do)
Lloyd is scared of storms (similar to above)
Lloyd is scared of all water so he drinks tea and avoids showers as much as possible (disaster)
And possible details:
Lloyd has a nightlight or leaves a lamp on all the time
Lloyd plays games or reads or smth literally until he falls asleep every night so that he doesn't think about any of it, and because he knows he'll have nightmares, and speaking of which,
Nightmares every night
He moved to other bedrooms in the middle of the night, usually kai's but sometimes Cole's
Scared of storms, doesn't want to be alone during storms
Has seemingly random silent periods where he won't speak to anyone. Interpret this as you will
As things get worse, he becomes more nocturnal. Spends days sleeping and nights reading, gaming, training, or baking breakfast for the next morning. This is a manifestation of his fear of the dark, he gets too anxious to sleep in the dark.
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kaydeefalls · 1 year
🔥 choose violence ask game
1) What's the character everyone gets wrong? or
2) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Heyyy let's go. I'm going to sorta split the difference between these two questions and kvetch about a popular character fanon that just completely baffles me re: Nicky from TOG.
What on earth is up with the incredibly common interpretation of Nicky as quiet/awkward/shy/socially inept? What movie did y'all watch? He's incredibly emotionally perceptive and forthright, he does his best to put Nile at ease in an inherently awkward situation when she first meets the group, he easily engages with other characters. Sure, Joe is the one who delivers the van speech, but I got curious and counted once, and Nicky legitimately has more lines in the movie than Joe - he's not at all reticent to speak up! I see people pointing to his "inability to read the room" in his dialogue with Merrick and Kozak, but like - they are the villains in this story, he is deliberately trying to unsettle them, that is a conscious choice he is making and not just bumbling into saying something awkward!
Look, he's also a thousand years old at this point, I believe all the immortals have grown and changed over their lifetimes, so it doesn't bother me as much when reading Crusades-era fic. Nicky in particular had to go through some serious personal reflection and growth in order to get from there to here, so I'll totally buy that he was a rather different person in his early days, significantly less self-assured etc. But goddamn if I can sit through another modern AU with fumbling, socially tone deaf Nicky, it just bears NO resemblance to the character I love or his relationship with Joe, and it drives me up a wall.
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justcallme-ange · 10 months
What are some DSMP character or worldbuilding headcanons you have that you've never seen anywhere else? Pls talk about them.
Oooh, this is a tough one. So first thing’s first, I am very very new to Minecraft. Like I literally just got into playing beginning of this year. So a lot of my knowledge is either from watching Techno and Dream or fandom. So a lot of my headcanons are mishmashes of ones I've seen before. However these are just a few of the stuff floating around in my head that I haven't really seen elsewhere - sorry if this is long ^^
Worldbuilding wise…
Something I headcanon that I haven’t really seen before is that there’s like a master world - like a domain where all things originate. And player worlds/SMPs are offshoots/branches/copies of this world. So everything is interconnected, and how each world is functionally the same, but may have variations.
Another world building thing I see touched on but not really elaborated is that while there is a difference between player and mob, it's less god vs animal - and more like humans vs elves (at least for the humanoid looking mobs). Like they're not mindless (cept for zombies), and that these mobs have their own civilizations and customs outside of what players can see. In this case the mobs are like humans with short lifespans and only a little magical power - while players are the elves with longer lifespans that can be extended through magical means. This I guess is my justification for hybrids and and explanation on Admins being demigods?
DSMP character wise…
I only really play around with like... 3 characters so-
I headcanon that Techno while being pretty good about keeping a level head is prone to anxiety (pretty sure that's canon) so when he beds down for the night he tends to sleep with something heavy on top of him. (Might have been a habit kept from war - where he would sleep with a shield on top of him.) So he finds comfort in having a weighted blanket (or Dream) on top while he sleeps. Phil resting his wings on his shoulders to calm him is an elaboration on this idea.
Oh speaking of sleeping - I've seen a lot of takes on why Dream doesn't sleep or that he's a loner because "mysterious figure" and all that (and my angst brain couldn't resist). My headcanon is that he's the complete opposite. Dream's the dude who loves having roommates (Even if he tells Techno otherwise). Like he loves having people around (it's why he's fighting so hard for server unity) and that the reason he doesn't sleep is more so the fact he can't, at least not good sleep. He's used to sleeping in a place with lots of people - his friends mostly - and the silence gets to him. The community house is proof enough of that. So instead of sitting in a dark room doing nothing waiting for the sun to rise - he does... other stuff. Prison makes this even worse - because he's completely isolated, where as before he could ask Punz, or Bad to keep him company.
So not a new take- but elaborating on an already established headcanon, Philza being the Angel of Death having sway on Death. And I mean more so - he's able to lightly tweak the strings of fate. Untangle little things in a person's future. He's unable to stop their fate, but depending on how much he favors/likes/loves the person he can kind of... tug it in a new direction if the person is willing. He's not allowed to completely change things - that's ultimately a consequence of a person's series of choices, but in a game of 50/50 he can slightly tip the odds in their favor.
That's all that I could think of so far - but if anyone wants to add to here with their own heacanons feel free! I love reading people interpretations of stuff - and other world building things in general.
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im so sorry for being downright annoying but im confined to my apartment since it's 40 degrees where i live and i have nothing to do :((
could you pls do like a headcannon post for your interpretations of the 141? like you said, soap plays drums, ghost prefers solitude to being mean and aggressive, gaz doesnt get caught doing the kind of shit soap gets caught for, etc. i just find your hc so damn interesting and good. AND believable!!
here's some flowers for your kindness!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Ok! I want to make clear first that these are just my own interpretations/headcanons, for what I'm writing (although I'll try not to mention Riot much), so if someone feels I'm going off-canon, or I don't write them as they should be (whatever that means) just... meh
Ok, so... Gaz, Price, Soap, Ghost and Nikolai because certain someoneeee asked and I can't deny them anything (and he's going to appear in my fic anyway)
Under the cut because it's going to be long. Edited to add after I finished: God it's horribly long
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He gives me elder brother vibes, as in, responsible, overachiever, trying to do the right thing, being the one making way so his younger sibling(s) have it easier
He is nice and respectful to everyone, specially his elders and/or superior officers, but finds it difficult to tolerate shit or incompetence. Still, he is diplomatic enough to hide it (mostly), and will make a good officer in the future, in both Price and Ghost's opinion
He loves cooking and baking, and thrives learning other culture's cuisine. Doesn't mind spicy food, and absolutely gets a laugh out of sneaking some spice in what he cooks to make his friends sweat
Both him and Soap became fast friends. Not only they're close in age, they're both nerds (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons...) and gamers, and play together fighting games like King of Fighters in an old playstation that Price allowed them to have in the common room.
Friends as they are, they absolutely cheat and piss each other off while playing, to the point of swearing to not ever talk to the other again.
They also absolutely prank each other. Salt in their coffee, googly eyes glued to their bedside lamp (Soap had the fright of his life), toothpaste inside the pockets...
He once covered Soap's side of the office in post-its. Took almost the whole night, but Gaz is a dedicated individual
Everyone thinks he is the serious and responsible, but he is just too good to be caught doing shit. But seriously, the worst ideas come from him
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(aaah look at my baby)
PRANKSTER. In capitals.
Younger brother vibes. Like, with three elder sisters. I hc that he has a quite big age gap with his sisters and, although they love each other, they were almost teens when he was a wee boy
Loyal to the bone, will get a bullet for you. Will give you shit if you get it instead covering for him
Friendly with everyone, his love language is touch, patting your back or shoulder, or if it's with a close one, a plain old bear hug. If you're certain someone who he sees as another sister, the bear hug involves swaying and lifting you up
Can't be subtle to safe his life. Can't lie either. You'll know when he's lying because he'll grin so wide that you'll see all his teeth
Learned to play the drums in his teens as a way to channel his energy. In boot camp organized a music group with other privates, Riot included, as a way of bonding and letting out steam. He likes about anything music related, but rock, pop and folk music specially
Looks awesome in a kilt and learned to play the bagpipes when he was a wee lad, but hasn't played one in years
He is way more intelligent that he himself gives credit, and can calculate in seconds the apropriate amount of explosives needed to just demolish what he wants and not a single brick more
That said, he's obsessed with blowing things up. Only things! But if they happen to have ASSHOLES inside, so be it
He is a family man, and tries to speak with his ma as often as he can, but his ma is tiring, man... Always asking when he's getting off the military, when he's settling down, when he's growing out his hair... That mohawk, my son... that's why you're single
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Flirt. Like, for fun. Just because. It works either way, because if you feel flattered, he already has you reeled in. If you get angry, he knows how to push your buttons and persuade you in the correct direction. Correct for him, of course.
He can get anything you want/need. It's his specialty after all. What was that, zólotse? You need [insert whatever you imagine]?. Don't you worry, sólnyshko. You'll have it. What does he want in exchange? Only your smile
Of course, if down the line he happens to need something of you, just a little tiny thing, not really important... you'd be a dear and help him out, right?
He not only is a fixer, but he is a trader. He trades anything, information, documents, intel, weapons, vehicles, favours. He doesn't need notebooks, he has it all in his head. All the debts, paid or unpaid, all the people that owe him something, all the people he owes something, people he can convince to 'help' other people so he can kill two birds with one stone, etc etc
He has that ability that can't be learned, of being able to sway anyone his way just with his words. One look at you and he knows what he needs to say to get you on his side, or to make his bidding. Do you need praise? Threats? A pitiful plea? He sure can act the way you need him to, even if you don't know that you need it
If you are friends though, his help comes with no strings attached. Well, maybe a tiny one. Or two. But completely easy things to do. Promise
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(that's like my favourite gif of Price, he's so damn hot)
He seemingly has endless patience, but only with his subordinates. He has no patience nor tolerance for idiots in the higher ranks, and has no problem speaking up against them
Everyone knows/thinks Gaz is his favourite, but in reality all of the core 141 is his favourite, he chose them after all. He trusts each and any of them with his life, and would die for them without second guesses
He knew Ghost before he was Ghost, and seeing what he became destroys him. He was the one to recommend Simon Riley for the Special team that went after Manuel Roba, so he feels responsible of everything. Simon knows and has assured him many times that he shouldn't feel bad, he couldn't have known.
If he shares a cigar it's because shit's about to go down and there's no way out or against all odds you got out and needs to be celebrated. No in between, you won't get a whiff of them ever unless he's smoking them. Except if you're Simon, he's the only one with whom he shares, and it's not unusual for them to go for drinks alone or just share a drink and a cigar in Price's office from time to time. Sometimes they don't even speak.
Acts way older than he is, he's always been an old soul. That said, the shit he has to go through every day keeping those muppets in line makes him feel like he's three hundred at least
But if someone dares to raise their voice at HIS muppets, that someone better prepare for hell to rain upon them. No one gives shit to his kids except him
He smells bullshit when he's faced with it. Nobody knows how, but he knows.
Protective, obsessive, bossy and gruff, but loyal to his last drop of blood
That's why he's 'dad' to his kids, even if they don't call him that. But all of them go to him when they have doubts, Gaz and Soap even go to him to ask for advice about this or that, or how to...? Even Simon does ask him things from time to time, and it's not unusual for them to just drop by his office for no real reason, just needing dad
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Stern, taciturn, solitary, stoic. Seemingly cold, but he is only guarded. He finds it difficult to trust, even before Roba, due to his childhood.
Stiff upper lip: displays fortitude and stoicism in the face of adversity, or exercises great self-restraint in the expression of emotion
He can be aggressive and mean, it's part of the job, but he takes it with an attitude more like 'Does this need to be done? It needs to be done', and Simon mentally checks out and Ghost takes the wheel, that way he can preserve his sanity and try not to feel like the ones who made him like this... both his father and Roba
He is slow to trust, but if you manage to get through his walls, his loyalty is unwavering. For example, he'd follow Price to hell, only asking 'when are we leaving' if his Captain would ask him to.
He has a soft spot for Gaz and Soap although he doesn't show it, physically or verbally, but with little things. His love language for others, if he even knows what that is or even remembers what it was, is acts of service. Little things like buying them snacks when they run out and haven't had time to go to the store, or taking over their watch turn when he sees them nodding off.
The love language you would have to use with him would have to be maybe quality time at first, even without touching, just spending time together. Having a smoke at midnight behind the mess hall, doing paperwork together in his office or yours, watching films together in the common room. After things progress, it'll evolve into a mix of physical touch (he's so touch starved it's not even funny, and once the dam is broken you won't get rid of him easily) and words of affirmation, but mostly touch.
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jovenshires · 7 months
Hey so remember that band au
Do you have any brainrot scraps I could eat
i dont have anything like Publishable but yeah absolutely i got some scraps!! here is the tag for anyone seeing this and is like. What is she Talking about LNDFNFNLK
here is a quick social media edit for the chosen that i ended up not using in the overall edit
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i dont think i've revealed who explicitly is in what band yet so have a fun lil guessing game as i give you a sneak peak at ftc's tracklist ! (easy mode xoxo)
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and as a bonus some random headcanons under the cut bc why not:
courtney and spencer are long-time childhood friends, and they've been making music together since they were like. 7 and 11 respectively. spencer met shayne and damien in college and they've been in a band ever since!!
if you walk into any of the dressing rooms of every member of the chosen, they are listening to such different music to get ready it would actually make your heads spin. out of their botb fellow contestants, damien is most likely to listen to conventry (bc he's literally never been wrong), courtney is bumping kolivition, spencer is playing some classic smosh, and shayne is listening to ftc!!
i have in my brain what all of the songs are like. About ya know. so for example damien did the backing vocals for augustus and i have this idea in my brain that like. augustus IS this universe's manifestation of the character augustus. so like i think all of the chosen has a hand in writing the songs and damien co-wrote this one and it's just like. about a lonely lost kid who's awkward and doesn't fit in. like obviously it's a much less joking interpretation and more of a serious one but anyway it's still about him. is this making sense? i have No idea anymore!
courtney has also done some co-/backing vocals, and is the most likely to be featured on a track! she's featured on nuclear rain, and she also does a fun lil harmony for 'shoot dood.' shayne is the only one that has not sung and their fans keep begging but he REFUSES
'down bad' is their first like... love song? although it's technically just about how embarrassing being vulnerable and being in love are. smth smth the overwhelming ordeal of loving someone.
anyway it also opens with a snippet of a voicemail from kiana to spencer (probably from like years ago not about anything relevant) telling him to 'get up girl'. kiana is Not here for the fame, in fact she would rather no one knew who she was but unfortunately life be like this. after the ep drops the media goes fucking Nuts with rumors of whether or not they're dating.
they have fans who love the whole band but the amount of damien girls is of course insane. the other three mock him relentlessly for it. there is an entire instagram dedicated to updates about his hair.
lisa has put spencer on twitter timeout several times especially from the band's twitter bc he is Terrible for publicity. the order of worst to best for tweeting are: spencer, shayne, courtney, and damien
courtney takes selfies at EVERY live show they do; they have a collage of them as their phone background!!
as soon as courtney hears jackie is gonna be one of the judges for botb. hyperventilating. she loses her god damn mind. THE jacklyn uweh? famous recording artist? that's her shower sing-along playlist. lisa has explicitly banned them from any fangirling until the battle is Over
"up & coming" is like a netflix reality show about small bands really trying to make it, and they were featured after kiana got in contact with the showrunner. it basically followed them as they made their third ep and interviewed them and people they know. it's very much a 'before they were famous moment.'
damien bet shayne $20 that he wouldn't stare into the camera in every single shot. shayne committed to the bit. no one said anything and they kept every single shot in and NO ONE knows why.
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